Silk Road forums

Discussion => Newbie discussion => Topic started by: whatever29 on May 06, 2013, 01:25 am

Title: sent bitcoins to instead of .org
Post by: whatever29 on May 06, 2013, 01:25 am
Using coinapult, after a bitinstant money gram I accidentally sent my bitcoins to instead of

I realize I am retarded.

Now there is no email addresses for, there's only

But my bitcoins are gone. I've emailed coinapult and am awaiting a response.

Basically am I fucked or will I get my bitcoins back since a doesn't exist?

Title: Re: sent bitcoins to instead of .org
Post by: colorblack on May 06, 2013, 01:42 am absolutely exists. It's a domain. Check for yourself.

Since there's no BTC wallet associated with the you had Coinpault send it to, they will notice that in their system and resolve the issue. BTC can not be sent to something that doesn't exist. You know? I'm not sure how Coinpault is setup internally, but I'm positive they have a system in place for coins being sent to an email address that has no BTC wallet tied to it.

Chill out, Coinpault will most likely fix your issue.
Title: Re: sent bitcoins to instead of .org
Post by: shulginsindex on May 06, 2013, 01:43 am
Title: Re: sent bitcoins to instead of .org
Post by: whatever29 on May 06, 2013, 01:58 am
okay thankyou color black, as you can see this is my first post and im relatively new to this. Just freakin out a bit lol, hopefully will resolve. If not, I'm going to be much more careful next time and store it in an e-wallet instead. I thought that you could store bitcoins in emails but is that not correct? Going to have to set up a wallet.
Title: Re: sent bitcoins to instead of .org
Post by: whatever29 on May 06, 2013, 02:01 am
also, i sent out an email to the address and I got that message that said "delivery status notification (failure)" that it is an unknown address and is undeliverable so obviously even if does exist, the email i specifically sent it to doesn't. Hoping they resolve this sooner than later

thanks again
Title: Re: sent bitcoins to instead of .org
Post by: nuclearDelta on May 06, 2013, 03:04 am
Hopefully contacting support will help you.
Title: Re: sent bitcoins to instead of .org
Post by: whatever29 on May 06, 2013, 06:19 am
Took my sweet ass time trying to learn everything before touching anything and after all that I make this retardedly miniscule mistake. Also realize how retarded my responses to colorblack are.

Sadly haven't gotten a response back from coinapult yet

Don't know how good support is over there but I did read that after 30 days if the coins aren't claimed then I'll receive an email to get them back.

Worst comes to worst in 30 days I'll have them. As volatile as bitcoins are, a skyrocket the next month would be most pleasing.

Title: Re: sent bitcoins to instead of .org
Post by: Jack N Hoff on May 06, 2013, 06:27 am
Did you put a real sent from address in coinapult?  The coins will get sent to that after 30 days.
Title: Re: sent bitcoins to instead of .org
Post by: whatever29 on May 06, 2013, 06:40 am
Yeah, luckily I did.

Oh, and "I became insane after long intervals of horrible sanity" - edgar allen poe