Quote from: Oneiros Distribution on September 27, 2013, 09:40 amQuote from: colorblack on September 27, 2013, 04:59 amAh, good point there. I think accusing them of having planned a long con from the beginning is probably unfair (or atleast inaccurate). BUT, the fact that they apparently did hit the road with whatever funds were left in the accounts despite saying they were going to allow users to widthdraw their funds.. does lend itself towards the owner(s) being less then honest. At the very least it must have always been in the back of their mind "If we take on Silk Road, then awesome. If we fail, then fuck it.. the BTC/LTC in the wallets are ours for the taking". Can't ever imagine DPR and his administration EVER stooping to that level. Lord knows he's had (and continues to have) every opportunity, every single day, to close up shop and run off into the sunset with probably millions in the wallets. But he hasn't, and it seems like he really believes in this place and what he's created, therefore, even if Silk Road were to ever announce an orderly closing.. I can't imagine any scenario where DPR takes what isn't is.They've already failed their promise of keeping the site up for a week, and unless it comes back soon with the withdrawal option returned they will forever be known as scammers regardless of what they intended. The only person involved in all of this from what I've seen which seems to come off clean is Cicero who's been mostly moderating the Atlantis Forums.It would have been interesting if they had decided to release their Source Code in full similar to how The Pirate Bay did a long time ago, unfortunately it seems they won't and they also won't say a word why they did what they did.+1. Whether it was a premeditated scam or a scam that was born from low revenue.. that's irrelevant to me. The end result is the same. They took off with people money. No sympathy here from me (and I'm assuming many others). They had "it in them" the whole time to runoff with the money. Different from the long-con, but perhaps my choice of words were poor. "Predisposed scammers" would me more appropriate.The bittersweet component to this entire debacle is that IF another black market such as SR or Atlantis does pop up, people will NEVER trust it. Not after seeing how Atlantis went down. This shores of Silk Road's "stock price" if you will, which of course is good for DPR and the admins and even us community here. But like DPR said, competition is healthy and more black markets are a sign of a thriving free-market mindset. The irony is, nobody will ever "experiment" with another Atlantis like market again.