Odd enough, you are NOT required to have medication/pills labeled by the TSA. Yes, you read that right. Source, TSA website. *CLEARNET WARNING* http://www.tsa.gov/traveler-information/what-expect-if-passenger-needs-medicationAnd the TSA Travel Blog *CLEARNET WARNING* http://blog.tsa.gov/2011/08/traveling-with-medication.htmlSo no, you can take your pills with you. Put them in your percocet bottle. Or put them in vitamins. Who knows. TSA is the Trave SAFETY Administration. As long as your not posing a safety risk to the airport/airline/passengers/.. they do not care what "medications" you bring and how. Other drugs, OTH such as coke and weed and heroin and other things that dogs can sniff out. Thats a crapshoot. Most dogs in airports are for bombs, not drugs.Although, who knows.