I knew it didn't tackle the levamisole issue.. but I had thought that acetone washing actually DOES remove any possible amphetamines. Oh well. But you're saying that overall it is a MUCH better experience doing this 'washed' coke then the regular coke?And when you say "cleaner" high.. you mean.. less of that jittery/paranoid-android cokemonster stuff? I remember years ago when I had a good connect the coke we would get was soft, pleasantly numbing.. made me just FEEL GOOD and awesome about life and my surroundings. Yes I'd get talkative and chatty, but in a good way. And I wouldn't be paranoid out of my mind and blowing my noise every few minutes and generally feeling like my sinuses/brain have been raped by space aliens. THAT clean high? Again after so long? Woohoo!