Although this is kinda off topic.. but back in college once I was at a buddies place and we were all drinking. Now his older brother (few years older then us) was a cop. A rookie/newbie cop, but he was always chill and had gone to highschool with us. So we were all getting shitfaced, and there was some blow going out discreetly. To my surprise, the friends brother (reminder: was absolutely a cop) actually took a bump infront of me. He was fucking drunk as shit and just did it. I'm not sure if it was a lapse in judgement or if he routinely partied like that, but I thought that was cool. Odd, but cool. Dunno if he stayed a cop or what.. but I had always thought that even though cops will sometimes take peoples drugs and resell to friends/family, I had never heard of a cop casually USING. Especially coke.I always thought they get piss tested all the time and even 1 strike they're fucked.