How annoying. So, I go to a BOA to make a Bitfloor deposit. You know the drill - Bitfloor gives you a precise deposit amount/account #, and you must deposit exact amount AS CASH and then your bitcoins are in your wallet in 20 minutes. I make a deposit slip and instruct the teller to widthraw X amount form my account, and deposit X amount exactly into this deposit slip as cash. Do not transfer, just widthdraw and deposit. Easy enough? She starts making a transfer and says "can you press accept for the transfer". So I say no, I do NOT want an electronic transfer. I want to take out, then deposit into another account. She starts arguing saying it's the same thing what's the difference. (First of all, it's not the same thing, and even it is, I do not want my account connected to the deposit. Thats the whole point of an anonymous cash deposit!!). She keeps arguing saying it's the same thing. Finally I convince her it's NOT what I want and to please just do as I instruct. Christ!!Then she starts getting chatty and saying "do you know these people?" "are you sureeee?" "What is this like internet gambling or something?" "is this some internet pyrarmid scam?". I was getting highly annoyed. What fucking business is it of yours bitch?! I can deposit cash into any account.. I don't have to explain anything to YOU.Basically she was just being a nosy, fat, chatty bitch. Anyone else ever deal with such nonsense with bank tellers?