Quote from: 1n50mn14c on July 16, 2013, 12:00 amThere are several Hidden Wikis out there. What is the address of the Hidden Wiki that you think is leading you to a fake SR? Also, what is the address of the fake SR? Without these details your story won't help anyone...Quote from: Kw13on18 on July 16, 2013, 12:24 amkpvz7ki2v5agwt35.onion.to/wiki/this is address to wiki I found the link onI can't get onto page right now for some reason its saying bad gateway so once I get through I'll get the link for sr asstI just noticed you're using the onion.to proxy to access Silk Road. Please do not use the onion.to proxy - it is not the same thing as using Tor at all because whoever runs the onion.to proxy has access to your IP address, which can compromise your security. You should never be browsing using onion.to. In fact, I would suggest that you download Tor Browser Bundle, Tails, or Liberte, and that after you do that, you create new accounts here.