Silk Road forums
Support => Customer support => Topic started by: apple man on August 07, 2013, 07:34 pm
admin look into this: http://silkroadvb5piz3r.onion/silkroad/user/32842c5427
on his homepage it says:
"Some orders that were marked as dispatched will be cancelled" and then "NB: Cancelling those sucked. So sorry, both to my repeat and new clients. "
we are all told vendors delete our information, how that possible when you marked the goods in transit. I am scared as fuck as i got kids and a wife staying with me. someone please help me to stop worrying and tell me i am wrong. his feedback is also looking fake as fuck as i am still waiting for my btc/item but no response.
on the seller guide on wiki it says:
"You and you alone will have your client's shipping address. This information must be destroyed as soon as it is used to label their package. When you click "confirm shipment," the address will be deleted forever and irretrievable. "
and then
"-Under no circumstance should you save a copy of your client's address."
Admin save us please, someone get back to me
As my private message said to you as well, it just looks like they marked packages they actually didn't ship as "shipped." By doing so that erases your address from the vendors page. Therefore, they are now canceling multiple orders that were marked as shipped but never actually did since they do not have your address any longer.
This method can't stop a vendor from copying the address to their computer once an order is received. But I see no evidence that this happened from the vendors message.