Silk Road forums

Discussion => Newbie discussion => Topic started by: Goose on July 29, 2013, 06:10 pm

Title: kingcopkilla: CON ARTIST THIEF
Post by: Goose on July 29, 2013, 06:10 pm
Hi all I just wanted to post a warning to any new buyers or buyers that are thinking of ordering from kingcopkilla.  This vendor is a scammer, cheat, con artist or whatever else one might call it.  I have been a buyer on the road for quite a while so I know a good vendor from a bad one.  And trust me KCK is a bad one.  I needed some BTC fast and was stupid enough not to check his feedback.  In the last week or so he has stolen from quite a few customers.  I don't understand why his feedback is in the 90's or why this type of behavior is tolerated.  I gave KCK a 150$ MP which he cashed almost immediately.  I spoke with KCK before the order because I needed the coins by a certain time.  His exact words were "You have my word I will get you the coins by sunday".  That night (this past friday) I made the order.  It is now monday and I am stuck with no money and no coins.  I have sent him many messages which he has not responded to.  Some of the other customers he stole from lost allot more money than I but I feel I need to let everyone know about this con artist!  KCK made me feel comfortable then he took advantage of me.  If anyone else has been robbed by this son of a bitch leave a comment! Be heard! Behavior like this should not be tolerated on the Road but sadly it is.  I think that SR staff should crack down on lowlifes like kingcopkilla.  Like I said, KCK has done this to many buyers.  Whether they made an order, FE'd and then never got anything or, like me, gave him money for BTC and got nothing.  If you don't believe me check for yourself.  Look at the feedback.  Don't let his 93% feedback fool you this vendor is nothing but a thief.  It looks like he owes allot of people allot of money and is stealing from customers to pay off his debt.  I just hope that SR staff might see this and do something to help everyone kingcopkilla has stolen from.  THIS NEEDS TO END! Spread the word!  Thief's like kingcopkilla are not welcome and they need to be stopped! Thank you for reading.
Title: Re: kingcopkilla: CON ARTIST THIEF
Post by: superman901 on July 29, 2013, 06:33 pm
thanks for info
Title: Re: kingcopkilla: CON ARTIST THIEF
Post by: ninjagaiden27 on July 29, 2013, 06:36 pm
Yeah, thanks for the info.  I think these guys make fake accounts and send buys to themselves so they can up their ratings.  Shady and dishonorable.  They're ruining such a great thing.
Sorry about your loss dude.
Title: Re: kingcopkilla: CON ARTIST THIEF
Post by: hayzeus on July 29, 2013, 06:39 pm
I had no idea you could buy BTC on the Silk Road.  Am I missing something here?
Title: Re: kingcopkilla: CON ARTIST THIEF
Post by: Rastaman Vibration on July 29, 2013, 07:24 pm
I had no idea you could buy BTC on the Silk Road.  Am I missing something here?

Go to the Money section on the market site
Title: Re: kingcopkilla: CON ARTIST THIEF
Post by: abercrombiekidjf on July 29, 2013, 07:35 pm
damn it looks like he is beginning to scam alot of ppl, hopefully the Mods step in to check his account,....dont forget to go on SR and report that bastard
Title: Re: kingcopkilla: CON ARTIST THIEF
Post by: cirrus on July 29, 2013, 10:03 pm
I passed this guy's account up to the admin last week or the week before, but the guy seems to be around still so I've just reported him again...
Title: Re: kingcopkilla: CON ARTIST THIEF
Post by: Goose on July 29, 2013, 10:26 pm
I passed this guy's account up to the admin last week or the week before, but the guy seems to be around still so I've just reported him again...
Wow thank you thats awesome! I didnt think anyone would hear me in the newbie section! Thank you! It seems like he is just ignoring the problems because he has not logged on in like 3 days.  Like if he just doesnt look at it for a while he wont owe so many people money
Title: Re: kingcopkilla: CON ARTIST THIEF
Post by: Goose on July 29, 2013, 10:30 pm
I had no idea you could buy BTC on the Silk Road.  Am I missing something here?
Dude if I was you I would just stay away from that section.  I had to learn the hard way that that area of the road is very shady.  There are some very professional and trustworthy vendors there like JumboMonkeyBiscut but I am just done with that whole area of SR.  I just did my first trade on and it was flawless.  It look maybe 10 minutes for me to get my coins and I didnt have to pay that much of a service fee!
Title: Re: kingcopkilla: CON ARTIST THIEF
Post by: abercrombiekidjf on July 29, 2013, 10:45 pm
I passed this guy's account up to the admin last week or the week before, but the guy seems to be around still so I've just reported him again...
Wow thank you thats awesome! I didnt think anyone would hear me in the newbie section! Thank you! It seems like he is just ignoring the problems because he has not logged on in like 3 days.  Like if he just doesnt look at it for a while he wont owe so many people money

the Mods are pretty good at seeing that on the forums over the last week or so everytime i see a scam vendor or scam forum threads, cirrus is always in there making sure the info gets to the admins., hopefully you dont get burned and the situation is rectified
Title: Re: kingcopkilla: CON ARTIST THIEF
Post by: clarencegibbons on July 29, 2013, 11:25 pm
You werent put off at all by the username?
Title: Re: kingcopkilla: CON ARTIST THIEF
Post by: greencheebz on July 30, 2013, 12:13 am
Title: Re: kingcopkilla: CON ARTIST THIEF
Post by: DevilDawg on July 30, 2013, 01:53 am
He got me also, he keeps saying he has the alotted time to send the coin and sure is taking it.  I still have 8 days in transit left and yes he has cashed my card already.
Title: Re: kingcopkilla: CON ARTIST THIEF
Post by: drugsrbettafree on July 30, 2013, 02:12 am
thnx for the heads up!
Title: Re: kingcopkilla: CON ARTIST THIEF
Post by: abercrombiekidjf on July 30, 2013, 02:25 am
damn im sorry to hear all of that....the longer he has the card cashed the worse it is for you....because he is moving funds around so you do not have the chance to freeze his accts for all you know he could have sold those MPs or reloadits whatever method you used....USE localbitcoin for your BTC...the road is too damn risky and i have been scammed for 2K just this month alone.....the only vendors on the road that have never screwed me for coin is BTCking and JumboMonkeyBiscuit, have had multiple transactions without and issue, but i would suggest you check out localbitcoins.....because they have an escrow system in place and it rids out the scammers....the vendors are all verified and what not so its way more legit and i always feel more comfortable using it, and the turnaround rates are usually a way faster you can find guys on there that get you your funds in 10 mins.....just and idea for ppl getting scammed on the road trying to get coin
Title: Re: kingcopkilla: CON ARTIST THIEF
Post by: Goose on July 30, 2013, 11:33 am
damn im sorry to hear all of that....the longer he has the card cashed the worse it is for you....because he is moving funds around so you do not have the chance to freeze his accts for all you know he could have sold those MPs or reloadits whatever method you used....USE localbitcoin for your BTC...the road is too damn risky and i have been scammed for 2K just this month alone.....the only vendors on the road that have never screwed me for coin is BTCking and JumboMonkeyBiscuit, have had multiple transactions without and issue, but i would suggest you check out localbitcoins.....because they have an escrow system in place and it rids out the scammers....the vendors are all verified and what not so its way more legit and i always feel more comfortable using it, and the turnaround rates are usually a way faster you can find guys on there that get you your funds in 10 mins.....just and idea for ppl getting scammed on the road trying to get coin
This!!  I just used localbitcoins yesterday and it was painless and extremely fast!  And it looks like they deleted KCK's account.  I clicked on his name to go to his home page to see if he had logged in yet and it just brought be back to the same page I started on.  JUSTICE HAS PREVAILED!!! Im glad he wont be able to take any more peoples money.  But now Im just afraid that I will never get my money back and the same goes for all his other victims.  :(  I too have used JumboMonkeyBiscuit and BTCking (before he had a 400$ minimum) with no issues.  Those two are both very reliable.  Again, Thank you admins!  Its good to know that even the little people on the road have a voice!
Title: Re: kingcopkilla: CON ARTIST THIEF
Post by: Jason Bourne on July 30, 2013, 11:44 am
I passed this guy's account up to the admin last week or the week before, but the guy seems to be around still so I've just reported him again...

You kind of made OPs point..

What exactly does it take for a vendor to be banned. I've been wondering a long time. Don't get me wrong, I'm not into serving the same old "SR doesn't do shit", I want to know upon what criterion SR staff takes that decision.

Peace out
Title: Re: kingcopkilla: CON ARTIST THIEF
Post by: cirrus on July 30, 2013, 09:23 pm
I passed this guy's account up to the admin last week or the week before, but the guy seems to be around still so I've just reported him again...

You kind of made OPs point..

What exactly does it take for a vendor to be banned. I've been wondering a long time. Don't get me wrong, I'm not into serving the same old "SR doesn't do shit", I want to know upon what criterion SR staff takes that decision.

Peace out

The vendor has been banned.  Evidence of scamming or rule breaking is required before a vendor can be banned, and sometimes that investigation takes longer than would be ideal.
Title: Re: kingcopkilla: CON ARTIST THIEF
Post by: SenorNice on July 30, 2013, 10:06 pm
BASTARD! making people doubt good vendors motherfucker