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Messages - Cirrus

Pages: 1 ... 12 13 [14]
Customer Support / Re: Vendor name on main site is in lowercase
« on: November 07, 2013, 05:51:50 am »
Send a message to DPR providing your current username and the exact way you want your name modified and he'll fix it.

Not sure why this was MOVED to the Ross Ulbricht Case and Theories forum.... this has absolutely nothing to do with Ross or his case and/or theories. It has everything to do with the "cold storage" wallet that is speculated to be held by DPR from commissions for SR sales, NOT the $80m wallet that was seized by the FBI.  Requesting this to be moved back to GENERAL forum. C'mon mods....

So the thread "36,000 BTC ($7m) xferred from DPR's wallet 10/21 - "We are all still watching"" has nothing to do with Ross Ulbricht, who was DPR, who had full control over all the bitcoin wallets and SR accounts, or any theories, because it has, "everything to do with the "cold storage" wallet that is *speculated* to be held by DPR from commissions for SR sales."

Got it.  Request to move back denied. 

Rumor Mill / Re: inigo's return?
« on: October 23, 2013, 02:18:05 am »
I think Coachella is a fed.

No, just a fucked up meth head.

Silk Road Discussion / Re: What is the old SRF address ?.
« on: October 23, 2013, 01:30:37 am »

But remember it might be under FBI control.  Use extra caution if you visit there. 

Rumor Mill / Re: inigo's return?
« on: October 23, 2013, 01:22:21 am »
What would be wonderful would be if we could possibly get a word from Master Libertas or the good Captain in this thread either confirming or denying that they are still attempting to vet this individual.

Not that I feel we are owed an update in any way but it would be nice to receive one even though I realize no details can be shared with the public.

I know other members from the existing staff is still in the process of vetting this individual but I will go out on *my own* limb and say that I do think this is our beloved Inigo.  And for the record I had the pleasure of deleting multiple InfiniteSources's accounts in the final days of the forums after it was decided by management that he had violated SR rules. 

It happened a lot on the old forum.  It's nothing significant or anything you need to worry about.

Rumor Mill / Re: Letter in Mail from CaliforniaDreams
« on: October 16, 2013, 12:41:21 am »
Very odd... DO NOT TRUST THESE!!!  Vendors were NOT supposed to be keeping or storing addresses.  Anyone of them were violating the rules in place. 

Silk Road Discussion / Re: New DPR
« on: October 11, 2013, 02:20:35 am »
I, for one am very hesitant to trust this new forum or this new DPR.  It's a new PGP key that DPR is using right? It would be nice to see some other mods verifying this.  I for now am unconvinced of anything and seems like a good time to lay very very low.

The person who is DPR on this forum is the DPR.  This is the real thing and the new market will be up soon.  My forum profile is still active on the old market if you want to verify that I am the original Cirrus.

As Libertas said, we rise again :)

Philosophy, Economics and Justice / Re: Ross Ulbright Book Club
« on: October 11, 2013, 01:42:42 am »
My bad, I just remembered that... I thought you just misspelled/misused it like them :)

Off Topic / Re: Hello Fam!!
« on: October 10, 2013, 03:07:00 am »
Am i in the right place?   

is this for real?

Peace & hugs  :)



You're in the right place :) Welcome back!

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