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Messages - Cirrus

Pages: 1 ... 6 7 [8] 9 10 ... 14
Off Topic / Re: cry for help
« on: December 03, 2013, 07:51:31 am »
No, but threads are constantly moved to there appropriate sub-forums.  Any thread in particular you are looking for?

Off Topic / Re: The Official Shenanigans Declaration Thread
« on: December 03, 2013, 07:26:49 am »
I have instructed users to message either you or Synergy and post their declaration of shenanigans in this thread. Shit's gonna happen guise.

This is a bunch of blarney that wont be tolerated. 

Off Topic / Re: The Official Shenanigans Declaration Thread
« on: December 03, 2013, 06:52:24 am »
Nothing to see here folks, nothing to see... move along.

Seriously. Move along. 


Customer Support / Re: Having problems posting pics
« on: December 03, 2013, 06:50:25 am »
Still having problems?  Have you tried a different image?

Customer Support / Re: How do i deposit money to make a purchase?
« on: December 03, 2013, 06:46:14 am »
Transfer bitcoins to your deposit bitcoin address that is attached to your account. 

Silk Road Discussion / Re: SR Conspiracy?
« on: December 03, 2013, 05:10:12 am »
BMR has been up for a long time... sheep was up well before old SR went down.  Don't forget there was also Atlantis that went down on their own and before that Farmer's Market was taken down by the feds to. 

No conspiracies... just a matter of bad timing for some, clumsy mistakes for others, scams, good luck, bad luck and some with good security and great leadership like we have here :D :D

Silk Road Discussion / Re: Old SR Forum vs This one?
« on: December 03, 2013, 05:02:04 am »
We suggest it's not wise to be hanging out there. Some of us old moderators still have some authoritative access over the moderator functions but that is it.  Consider the servers under the control of the U.S. government and being constantly watched.  We're not sure how long the old servers were paid for or how long the site will remain up.  I'm honestly shocked the site is still up.  I would avoid it or at least take extra precautions if you are to visit it. 

We've been migrating over important threads and information from the wiki pages as much as possible. Everything you need should be here now.  ;)

Off Topic / Re: Need some bitcoins..
« on: December 02, 2013, 07:13:43 pm »
Sorry for your hard times, but yeah, this thread doesn't belong on the main forum and we don't want posts like these cluttering the site. 

DoctorClu is right.  Give it at least 12 hours before contacting customer support on the market.  It should post long before that though. 

Off Topic / Re: Hello from italy
« on: December 02, 2013, 07:07:12 pm »
Yes, new vendor registrations are halted for at least the week.  We will update the community when they become available again. 

Thanks and welcome!

Silk Road Discussion / Re: Sheep-Vendors get denied for verification?
« on: December 02, 2013, 05:24:36 pm »
Yes, you will have to message DPR about upgrading your vendor account, but upgrading accounts on the market is apparently postponed for the next week.  Please give DPR some time to get to your request, his primary concern is the safety of the entire community and making sure the site is functional. 

Silk Road Discussion / Re: Sheep-Vendors get denied for verification?
« on: December 02, 2013, 02:31:44 pm »
SR Verification Closed.

Verifying BMR vendors with 100+ Transactions for 3 days only. ending 12/04/2013 12:00UTC


i dont understand, i was an original SR vendor with way more than 100 transactions over there, but on BMR i never really listed much because all the volume was from SR, and BMR was rather slow loading pages. does this mean i wont get verified? i only had like 20 transactions on BMR. and i had around a hundred in the month i was on sheep since the fall of SR, but since that site is down what am i to do to get verified? you can find my PGP key in the PGP thread on the old SR forums.

please advise


It looks like you are already a vendor.  Is this still an issue?

Got it taken care of. 

I'm SO glad to see you here!  ;D
Are you still offering Rosetta Stone and Windows 7?

Please keep in mind any orders out of escrow and/or conducted by someone without a vendor account is prohibited.  This can result in members accounts being banned.  Thanks

Off Topic / Re: I am in BIG trouble!
« on: December 02, 2013, 02:45:47 am »
Please beg elsewhere, these forums are not for this purpose.

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