This is a great idea if the price is right.. Right now, Im hoarding my bitcoins because the value is skyrocketing.. its gone up over 2 bucks per coin in the last month or so (almost 3 dollars a coin now) . Gold, however, has dropped in price by about 15 percent over the past year, it peaked at 1900 and is now hovering around 1591 an ounce.But im sure it will go up.. But, the bitcoin is VERY volitlile as anyone with any experience knows. But, it has been pretty steady in the last 6 months or so and seems to be going more main stream. Especially with the new technology that will be released soon (being able to put bitcons on your own visa card, etc). So, it will depend on what you charge.. If you can get spot any time and its easy and you can do it anonymously (no taxes, ect. I think you said you live in a kangaroo state, so that tells me that there is very little regulation) then I would charge what you can normally get.. But, if you only get 80 percent of spot or you have to jump thru a lot of hoops to get spot, then to me, it would be worth selling it for 90-80 percent of spot. it all depends on how easy it is for you to get spot.. also, you have to figure your costs in shipping, costs for converting coin (again, i wold hoard that stuff like it were gold (pun intended)) It all depends on your bottom line.. But, I think you will have a market here.. I have sent you some ideas via pm. but it all comes down to what you are going to charge for the gold/diamonds....