Just to make it clear.. I only will refund the money that you paid me for the service if the daily picks dont do at least 50 percent... What and where you place the bets, is up to you.. I will give this service for discount til it gets going. At this moment, 10 offerings will be available for 10 bucks (plus sr fees) If you pay for the service and you bet on 2 teams and if god forbid they lose, i dont guarantee that money back. the only money i guarantee back is the service fee for the picks..Right now, I iisted it for 10 bucks a day and if 50 percent aren't winners, you dont pay the 10 bucks.. it will stay in escrow until the end of the day. the money that you actually are betting is a whole different subject. if you win, you keep all the winnings and the same thing if they lose.. thats why its best to keep it to a lower bet until you get comfortable with it.. like i did..