The mixture will be done in a wet environment. Meaning it should be evenly spread. Still, if your an iv user and know that you will be using the whole thing in about 3 days or so, you can always make up a solution where you can properly measure it out. with snorting, its a little more forgiving, they do make a 1.6mg actiq sucker and snorting is all i do, so, the iv'ers are the ones that have to be very careful. I will do my best to make it as even as possible. I believe the wet mixture method will do just fine. Still, the end user needs to take a lot of precautions, like only do a small percentage of their normal dose, so they can get used to it. smoking is probably the safest way of taking it. Just toke away until you get the desired effects, then stop.. Trust me, safety is my number one issue. thats why a milligram scale is a must and cutting it with 990mg of lactose is a must. 10mg of pure fentanyl is so TINY its unbelievable... If you don't know what your doing, please dont order it... (or arent willing to take safety precautions) As for the price: We are taking a lot of precautions to make sure its spread evenly, that takes a lot of time and effort. So, we figured that 150 is a fair price. when you break it down its between 15 dollars and 8 dollars a dose.. thats pretty cheap...