Now, if opana wasn't available, then your prices wouldn't be too far off, but with opana (much more bang for your buck) why pay the extra money? I know a lot of people have no clue on what opana is, but trust me, 3 to 4 times the strength of oxycontin and its cheaper. Im not dissing you at all, in fact, im sure you will get a lot of buyers, but if people were educated, they would see that really isnt a great deal. now, if you were charging 30 bucks for an 80 or even 40-50, then you might have something.. but 70 bucks isn't a good deal. You should get an opana and try one for your self. get one from pharmville (just so there isnt any bias) and do the pepsi challenge. then you will see what im talking about.. Good luck , I truly do wish you the best and hope you sell a ton. in fact, if the price was right, I would be a customer...