I was told at a very early age that I didn't have hardly any enamel at all. Plus,I would only brush my teeth a couple times a day and floss just a few times a week. i tried daily, but hated it. So, Im sure its a lot of factors. but for him to come out and say "its all those drugs that you are doing have cause it" yet he knows that I only take prescribed medication. And that doctors would know if that was a concern. When I told him that the only thing that I've heard of is meth mouth is mainly because they just dont care about their teeth, he scoffed at that. and basically shut his ears. I sent him a long email asking him to find me any credible evidence that that taking pain meds causes your teeth to fall out. I could hear his wife in the background telling him to shut up. but people are so one tracked minded. He thinks that I have this huge drug problem (little does he know that I only take a small percentage of what i take and get rid of the rest) It just pisses me off. Im sure hes sitting back thinking, 'well, you shouldn't have done all those drugs' What the fuck? I have only took what the damned doctors prescribe.... I guess he knows more thant they do, fucking idiot...