It was actually a pm to you mseller, but in a nutshell, it would be an insurance pool. I realize that SR will only give 50 percent back to the vendor or buyer. So, there are a lot of factors that would be needed. The pool administrator would have to have access to the insured transactions. But, a buyer could purchase it and a vendor could purchase it. It would pay up to 50 percent of the transaction on the insured side. So, Lets say something got nabbed at customs and the buyer purchased insurance and the buyer would only give 50 percent of a refund or SR said 50 percent was ok, then if they purchased insurance that would cover the remainder that wasn't given. The biggest factor to over come is scammers abusing the system. That may be enough right there to go no further. But, I do see it as a possibility on certain types of transactions and only insured on certain types (verifiable) incidents. Maybe It should start out as that type of insurance only. Then move forward from there. If insurance is purchased, the claimant would have to provide proof of non-delivery,etc(love letter). This is the main reason I don't purchase/vend to other countries, even though the vast majority of deliveries make it, i dont want to be held responsible for the few that don't.. this would take a lot of thinking, a lot of work, etc. so much so, that I don't know if its worth it.. But, it would be a good idea. I would pay a 10 percent (or whatever) premium to give me peace of mind that if it doesn't make it that I won't lose all or half my money. I don't think an insurance type program would work for every instance, just because there are so many people would take advantage of it. But, if it were to start out small, maximum dollar amount per claim and started out with overseas/customs incidents, it just may work...Im pretty sure that 90 percent of all packages make it through customs, (more likely closer to 95 or higher)...