If you taper/jump with lopedermine, you will most likely need than just a few.. You can buy bottles of that stuff for like 10 bucks. For a pack of 20 costs 6 or 7 bucks or more at a grocery store. the bottles at Amazon are huge. Also keep in mind you usage. If you are taking 200mg of oxy a day you are going to need more than 5mg of lopedermine. The last time I had to do that, I took 20 lopedermine pills and waited, then took 5 more every couple hours til the WD's were held at bay. I considered lope a life saver... Then I combined it with clonodine. I wold say that going from about 300mg of oxy a day to zero only with lope and clondidine (and a few benzos) made my life 90 percent better. I didn't have teary eyes, yawning, didn't shit for a week and slept just fine... I have heard many stories of the same. Its just kind of scary to take so many lopedermine pills,lol. Lope was first a scheduled narcotic. It just doesn't cross the blood brain barrier very well. (actually, almost not at all) so, it doesn't give you that euprhoric feeling. It actually made me tired, too..It should be in every opiate lovers war chest... I tried kratom a few times. this when it was first available years ago. I ordered a couple times but I didn't fine it useful. Others swear by it. I just didn't find it helpful. Just like you will hear people say that lope. doesn't work for them, but kratom does. The first rule of opiates is that everyone eventually learns, "Ya gotta pay to play"......