I just wanted to say a few things.. Granted, buyers are risking a lot purchasing but remember, sellers are risking a lot too. I just wanted to remind everyone that sellers should have the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason (without feeling guilty).. I have decided that If I don't feel 100 percent right about a sale, Im not going to do it. So, if your sale gets canceled, don't take it personal, it that I just didn't feel right about something. I trust my gut 100 percent. I may not give you all the reasons but if I cancel, you probably already have a feeling on the reason, lol... I'm not going to get into specifics, but always be consistent. Don't be pushy/demanding. Basically, just use common sense and you should be fine. If you have any questions or concerns about an order, just pm me and Ill tell you the specifics that you want to know, etc. Thanks...