Opana is oxymorphone. Opana 20mg ER has whats called TimerX in it to help avoid abuse. If snorted, it almost totally bypasses the timerx system. This is why Endo just got approved for the tamper resistant formula for opana Er. you will see these hit the pharmacies in about 4-6 months. They will probably be like the oxycontin op's. Go over to opiophile and look an synacks method of bypassing the timerx for shooting. The main difference in the 20mg and the 40mg is that they are about the same size but the 20mg has a lot more fillers. But its fairly easy to bypass the timerX system if you want to shoot. If you like dilaudid, you will love oxymorphone. oxymorphone has much more legs and more euphoric. Plus, a 20mg or a 40mg Er will be much more than a D8 in equivalency, i mean much more.. IF you snort them, all you have to do is use a closehamp and grind it down, its very easy. then snort away. If you add water, it will gel up, hence check out the way to defeat it on opiophile... But to answer your question, YES you can fix them. It just takes a little bit of work... The approximate equivalency is 8mg of diliaudid is equal to 5.33mg of oxymorphone IV. so theoretically speaking a 20mg of opana is equivalent to about 32mg of dilaudid. So, you get more bang for your buck with opana....