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Messages - chronicpain

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Mine is chronicpain.. LOL had to get that one in,.///

I wont have shitload either, thats why I am doing it this way. I may list them but put on there that they wont be sent out for about 10 days.. I know we are supposed to send out within 4 but hey, if I tell what the situation is, there shouldnt be any confusion..

I think a DCN is good enough. Buyers need to remember to put a valid address and name on the shipping part.

I won't be held liable for a buyer who "gets close" to his address or puts a name that doesn't live there. If a buyer does that, and it doesnt arrive, then thats the buyers fault and takes full responsibility...

I will be getting both in a little over a week or so. If you are interested, please send me a message over in the market. My user profile, etc is in my signature below. I will be offering in and out of escrow, if you are new or have bad marks, then you have to finalize early.

I will have different packages, but I guarantee that they will be the best prices on Sr. Please dont post here on how much i will be charging, there are a lot of factors involved. please send me a pm in the market and I will be able to answer most questions.

thanks--Also,  these are brand name on both the opana ER and the opana IR, they do have a generic IR out, but the opana brand name IR's are pink. Very easy to crush and do whatever you want..

I dont expect anyone to pay anything now. I just want to get everything in order so I can get them out quickly and orderly..

I would bet that 99 percent of the buyers think that its easy for vendors. just throw in the product in an envelope and collect cash.. It aint that easy.. Granted, its a lot safer than F2F, but its 1k times more work. more overhead, etc. Plus most buyers think we are like ebay or amazon and expect full refunds if someone steals the mail, etc. while I have replaced most (only happened twice out of all the packages ive sent) but I think that the buyer should accept the same risks as the vendor..

I have been thinking about not selling here anymore because of the pain in the ass issues. It takes a lot of time to properly put a package together, and cost. then you have to keep all orders straight. then you have to go to 10 different post offices that can be 50 miles away. To keep my costs down and headaches, im going to go to the post office 3 times a week. that way I dont have to keep running. If I did enough to go once a day, I would. but I dont think it would kill someone to wait an extra day.

So, if your a buyer, always plan in advance. if your stash is going to run out in 4 days, id be ordering 2 days ago, lol... Always think about 10 days ahead. always have money sitting in a mt. gox or trade hill account so you can buy bitoins and make a purchase within a couple hours..

Product requests / Re: Norcos 10/325 - Were are the deals?
« on: December 05, 2011, 01:11 am »
I might be vending norcos (10mg 35apap) my cost will be around the 6 dollar mark each (depends on how how you purchase them) no onzees, minimum of 10. plus a few dollars for DCN, so, it will be right around the 6 dollar mark. if its bulk then it may be closer to 5 a piece.. So, Pray that my deal comes thru..

Off topic / Re: cam whores for bitcoins
« on: December 04, 2011, 07:48 pm »
Let me ask my wife if she will. Wait, she wont even show them to me for free....

Off topic / Re: Faking prescriptions?
« on: December 04, 2011, 07:10 pm »
Usually people get away with this once or twice, but they eventually get caught. When/if you get away with it your first time, it will be easier to do the second. I dont know of one person who has been able to do this and not eventually get caught...

Off topic / Re: One reason why prices are so hgih on Silk Road
« on: December 04, 2011, 07:06 pm »
Also, some opiates are expensive if you dont have insurance. For example. Opana ER 40's are close to 20 bucks a piece. opana 10 IRs are around 10 bucks a piece. So, that is cost, then you add shipping, risk, scammers, etc. the only med that I see that is way over priced is the 32 dollar roxie.. those can cost up to 5 bucks a piece a pharmacy but most of the time a cheaper.

So, it depends on the item, etc. If there isn't profit to be made then its not going to be sold. Also, if you don't like the prices then go somewhere else and buy it. its obvious that the vendors that are charging high prices are getting what they are asking.. Ill be offering opana 10 irs soon. they have to be expensive, I have no choice, or I cant sell them. I would rather eat them than give them away or  make very little...

This will only help people going outside of escrow... I wish that they would announce increases.. Also, at that rate, I think that they should pay the mods.. lol.  (Im kind of kidding)

Damn! They deleted that link about an hour ago...

Ive noticed the same thing. Im sure its because of the different traffic. only a few thousand are registered here while there are well over 100k registered at the market. so, its all about the traffic... (I think)

It only hurts the buyer by not encrypting. It doesn't effect the vendor one bit. I sometimes remind them to get pgp in the future, but, I wont turn down an order just because its not encrypted.

Silk Road discussion / Re: how do you get your pub key to your vendor?
« on: December 02, 2011, 05:46 pm »
I have had many put their address encrypted with my key and then underneath it put their key... also, they have pm'd me the same way...

Security / Re: PGP whole disk encryption
« on: December 02, 2011, 12:09 am »
you  are right, but there are so many features that you can do with pgp whole disk encryption that you cant do with trucrypt. Im dealing with a mac, so, if I were dealing with windows, truecrypt has all the bells and whitles for that but not mac. In order to encrypt your HD on a mac with trucrypt you have to copy all the data on to another drive, reformat and then put truecrypt on then put all the info back. with pgp wde, you can encrypt it without doing that. it seems that it would make my life easier. Had i known all this before starting I would have done it different, but since i didnt I want to do it the easiest and safest way possible.

but, ill probably just stick with truecrypt..

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