« on: March 31, 2012, 06:06 pm »
I just wanted to say something about the differences of opiates, etc. There are some people that love hydrododone yet hate oxycodone and vice-versa.. All people don't react the same to all opiates. I know some people that will nod like crazy off 5mg of insulfated oxymorphone with a fairly high tolerance to opiates. Yet, others can take 80mg and just barely feel it..
Opiates are VERY subjective from person to person. Just like coke or mJ. I have noticed that some H dealers are getting out of the market because they are tired of the shit that their buyers are giving them. Some are just plain ripping them off, or some are saying that it doesn't work, or some other scam. While others might be telling the truth, it just plain doesn't work well for them.. This is not the vendors fault. Now, if everyone was saying their shit it bad, thats another story. but to get one bad story here and there tends me to believe that its either the tolerance of he person or that person is pulling a fast one..
For some reason, opiate buyers are on the upswing of conning their vendors. I have noticed the same trend. Its getting to the point where I dont want to vend any more.. So, I may close all vending except to those that i trust. I have had people say that they thought opana or even oxycodone didn't do it for them. or they claim that it didn't show up or half the pills are missing. At first, this happened maybe once every two months, no big deal, but for some reason , its happening all the time. I mean more than usual, not really all the time..
What im trying to say is that all opiates dont react the same with all people, thats why they make different opiates. (one of the reasons, anyways) some work better than others. Opiates, just like all meds are subjective.
My daughter gets adderall every month, she used to get brand name, it worked great, now she gets generic and she says its like taking a placebo. but, we looked it up and it says its adderall. So, what can we do? Not a damn thing, except go for another generic.
We need to remember that opiates are subjective, what might work for me might not work for you. Like Fentanyl. Its not my favorite.. I need up to 4mg just to feel it, part of its my metabolism and the other is my tolerance. So, when I see people say that a drug didnt work for them, i take it with a grain of salt.
If a certain drug doesnt work for you, i suggest trying a different brand or from a differnent vendor. Granted, there are scammers out there too, which is happening more and more.. I have seen a couple of H dealers give up on the USA market and even a xanax dealer give up in the usa too because of these issues.
If we arent careful, you will see a lot of opiate and benzo dealers give up on the usa market totally or go dark and just vend to their loyal customers. So, i suggest if you get something you dont like, let the vendor know, so if they get more complaints, they can fix the problem. but if we arent careful, we might lose a lot of good vendors...so, if you get a bunk supply and they arent sammers, im sure most vendors will do a resend or work something out. but if it happens again, i suggest that you dont buy from that vendor again.
many people think that 5mg of "put your opiate here" will effect the same for everyone. This is not the case.. So remember that when you get your next opiate or benzo. maybe your tolerance is huge, even though you may think its not. take into consideration of the vendors rep, etc. if we get too many un happy vendors, its only going to hurt the buyers in the long run... Im not saying dont say anything to the vendor if you have an issue, but let them know, try to work something out, but also remember that it could be on your end too. tolerence issue, and other things... Just some food for thought...