i'll be goin to the cemetery tomorrow mary...something some of you don't know, i put a flower for my wife from 6 of you, silly huh?
i think about my little family here all of the time. Things have been so much different lately, just one last time i would love nothing more than to touch her cheeks and kiss her softly...i know that's not gonna happen...but i can dream huh?
I Love you All 

CC! This means so much to me!! Without her I might not have been able to find out the shining person you are and have become!
That is something that shouldn't have to be experienced by anyone, but to know a person like you is still bounding around makes me know I can get through anything.
It can't be easy but I hope there are still plenty of things in your life that bring you happiness. I know things are a bit crazy with change right now but !please! don't let that fear get in the way of saying hey to us now and then. You helped plant the beautiful garden that is this thread. You did the hard part! The only thing left here is to enjoy and find the reminders you need.
Love you guy
Thank you Boxy **Huge Hugs**

I don't think Time heals all Wounds, however i'm pretty sure it does help soften Grief....somethin like that

LOL Not to sure if i just made sense

Things are crazy and seem to be getting crazier week by week..
The only thing left here is to enjoy and find the reminders you need.
Thank you Boxy, I Love you too

Love & Hugs
