Off Topic / Re: Favorite Quote Thread
« on: December 07, 2013, 09:46:51 am »
You have nice Nostrils
You have nice Nostrils



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Quote“Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying.”― Arthur C. ClarkeQuote“If you love a flower, don’t pick it up.― Osho
Because if you pick it up it dies and it ceases to be what you love.
So if you love a flower, let it be.
Love is not about possession.
Love is about appreciation.”
My question is ; When I deposited my BTC they were worth Around $2500,
now probably $16 -$1700 - Will they hedge us against our losses IF we ever eventually are allowed to access our accounts?
(My Answer)-BTC's are now around $626.00 If you haven't made a purchase..No...you're coins do lose Value..you should know this...
I did get a response from admin today telling me there is no pgp key associated with my zimbabwejim account, but somewhat unsurprisingly, jack shit about the 3 accounts in total I cannot access. Even though 1 of them does have a pgp key associated with it which I provided and signed my message with.
(My Answer)- If your Original Account has no PGP Public Key associated with it then how is that our fault?
Is this joint for real? Why the hell would all these people waste their friggin time messaging support who are often rude, condescending, and generally give me the 'You're not gonna get ur money back cunt, would you just fuck off already' attitude, whilst answering none of my actual questions.
(My Answer)- I'm Not Admin..Nor have i Ever been Rude, Condenscending or otherwise Neglecting towards you.
Oh fuck, that's it, this joint must be run by .......................... FUCKING POLITICIANS!
(My Answer)- (Rolls Eyes)
Think about it, they claim to be fighting for the greater good, but when you ask them a straight question, they dance around it and give you a generic statement that actually answers jack shit. They ignore such tough questions as 'Since my account has been logged onto only once, how could I possibly know the top bitcoin address in the list of 5, the amount, date, time and address it was funded from, as well as the pin number, if it wasn't I who created it?
(My Answer)- I'll pass this link up to Admin.
Or my favourite: If they only way to reset your password is by having a pgp key, WHY IS THERE NOT A BIG ASS FUCKING WARNING , or infact, even anything at all mentioned about it when you first create your account?
(My Answer)- Please Understand.. one must READ the Sticky Threads to understand what needs to be done.
Man, those there are some fucking hard questions, they surely gotta be up there with - ' Do other life forms exist in the universe' and ' Mommy, why were you screaming Fuck my Ass to Daddy last night?'