OK an update. The customer who gave me a 1/5 has sincerely apologised as he didnt know you couldn't update the feedback so i am happy now and so is he as i am still givng him his money back. This is what i mean, just some customer interaction so we are both happy. If a customer is not happy with the product i can only apologise and they are fully entitled to that opinion as i am all for free speech and honesty!:) My point is i just want to help the customer so hold on the feedback as it can screw up the vendors. I also had a not so great review and yet again the cutomer honestly did not realsie you cant edit feedback and apologised again. he is now also happy as the issue of weight slightly under is easily resolved when i send some extra So please for me and other vendors sakes hold on feedback, even if you FE wait till you have the prodcut. This helps all future customers and vendors in the future Believe me the majority of vendors want to please their customers as much as possible Times are hard for everyone at the moment for everyone on SR so mplease lets communicate more