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Messages - CaptainWhiteBeard

Pages: 1 ... 240 241 [242]
Off Topic / Re: What new drug should I try?
« on: November 25, 2013, 12:41:18 pm »
So I want to be more outgoing and social. I kick it with the same friends everyday smoking weed and playing xbox 360. I need to start going out and partying. I need a drug that will get me hyped up and talkative and happy, but not twakked out. Heres my background drug info so yall know where im at.

Cannabis: 5 years. Heavy Chronic user like non stop.

Prescription: I've done since about 13. Never used heavily at all except for weeklong binges on xanax

Psychedelics: Dabbled with 2C's, LSD, ive taken shrooms but not tripped (took 1 or 2 gs)

Party drugs: ecstacy, heavy user for months consecutively. (like everyday for a month or 2 in highschool. stupid i know)

That's my drug history. Some drugs I'd be interested in would be coke, K, DMT (probably not a party drug), Promethazine syrup w/ Codeine, and that's probably all i've thought of. Although im open minded.

I need something to break my reclusive personality. The fact that I smoke weed every damn day like theres not tomorrow probably adds to the reclusiveness. The psychedelics might too. I'm an introvert either way. I just want something fun and hypy. Not something that will have me completely twakked though.


Ecstasy every day for like a month or 2. Wow that is some heavy useage my friend. That must of been a hell of a comedown!


Drug Safety / Re: be careful unknown vendor selling methylone as pure MDMA
« on: November 24, 2013, 07:42:43 pm »
I believe you have to take news reports as a pinch of salt as they don't normally tell the whole story. They usually demonize drugs

I remember the famous Leah Betts story in the U.K. She died of a 'ecstasy' overdose and her dad went on a nationwide campaign about the evils of the drug. He forgot to mention however that she drank about 7 litres of water in less than 90 minutes  (12 pints)  resulting in water intoxication and hyponatremia, which in turn led to serious swelling of the brain, irreparably damaging it.


Silk Road Discussion / Re: So who's running this taco stand?? ;)
« on: November 18, 2013, 08:47:47 pm »
OK so i have had some bizarre kind of brain burp. How do you upvote/downvote comments.


You get karma powers once you hit 50 posts.

Thank you kind sir


I don't get a thank you too? :'( It's because my boxes aren't blue isn't it!

Not all all Sir , it was the first response i saw. Thank you for your input


I was only being silly ;D happy to have helped

No problem my dear fellow i enjoy some banter every now and then :)


Drug Safety / Re: be careful unknown vendor selling methylone as pure MDMA
« on: November 18, 2013, 08:42:26 pm »
Hi Captain,

Thanks for your reply. Yes you are correct - in theory in could be methylone I don't dispute that. However theories are not fact and in theory it could be actually be MDMA or any number of other research chemicals such as 5 MAPB. We will not know for sure what the substance is until the toxicology report identifies this substance.

Hi maxpain88,

Exactly, you have hit the nail on the head. My point is that the media do not know for sure the substance either and it is misleading when they dump every death in the XTC category


Drug Safety / Re: be careful unknown vendor selling methylone as pure MDMA
« on: November 18, 2013, 08:04:33 pm »
tbh, if an overdose of salt, vitamin A or even water can kill you, then an overdose of anything can. its just about figuring out your limits really.

Hi Nick

You make a fair point - however I think that lad could have died from MDMA just as easy as methylone or any number of research chemicals.  He took 500mg of a substance that caused his death but you can't then jump to the conclusion that this substance must be methylone. Is there any toxicology reports from the autopsy that confirm that he did indeed die from a methylone overdose or is this post just pure speculation? That is my point.

I do not think they have toxicology reports, the media likes to brand drug overdoses as simply 'xtc' which in itself can be various unknown substances that mimic MDMA in particular. There may not be a significant amount of MDMA in these pills this gentleman took. So in theory it could be Methylone.

Recent deaths at the 'Warehouse' events in Manchester U.K which i believe were at least 2 deaths, were put down to 'xtc'


Silk Road Discussion / Re: So who's running this taco stand?? ;)
« on: November 18, 2013, 07:55:20 pm »
OK so i have had some bizarre kind of brain burp. How do you upvote/downvote comments.


You get karma powers once you hit 50 posts.

Thank you kind sir


I don't get a thank you too? :'( It's because my boxes aren't blue isn't it!

Not all all Sir , it was the first response i saw. Thank you for your input


Rumor Mill / Re: Whats with the MDMA shortage??
« on: November 18, 2013, 07:51:47 pm »
I conclude people are still setting up on the SR so there should be plenty available soon.
As for out here in the streets, i have seen no difference
I will be selling MDMA myself soon so keep a watchful eye.


Silk Road Discussion / Re: So who's running this taco stand?? ;)
« on: November 18, 2013, 07:46:04 pm »
OK so i have had some bizarre kind of brain burp. How do you upvote/downvote comments.


You get karma powers once you hit 50 posts.

Thank you kind sir


Security / Re: bitcoins GBP
« on: November 18, 2013, 07:30:09 pm »
Hi can anyone give me any advice what the best site is in buying bitcoins using a uk debit card

many thanks


Localbitcoins my dear friend. They are excellent. Almost instant coins with online banking.

Silk Road Discussion / Re: So who's running this taco stand?? ;)
« on: November 18, 2013, 07:26:32 pm »
OK so i have had some bizarre kind of brain burp. How do you upvote/downvote comments.


Silk Road Discussion / Re: Downtime
« on: November 18, 2013, 06:58:29 pm »
We will be having some downtime this evening for both the forum and market which should be approximately 1 hour long. During this time please remain patient as we are working as fast as we can to bring it back up again.

Thank you for the notification

Silk Road Discussion / Re: Dear DPR / Sr staff
« on: November 17, 2013, 09:05:49 pm »
DPR is dead. Long live DPR


Silk Road Discussion / Re: We Have Takeoff
« on: November 17, 2013, 08:50:14 pm »
I am happy to announce the escrow and bitcoin system is now active on the market after days of hard work and sleepless nights for our team who I'm proud to say have put in almost a supernatural collective amount of man hours for the past few weeks. We know we are not there yet, we have much work to do but I think this is the milestone we've all been waiting for and it signifies the next step of progress.

We have made some changes to the usual system to ensure all goes smoothly and not cause error which I will highlight below.

Feedback is temporarily disabled

To prevent vendors creating fake purchases and feedback early on to race ahead of the competition unfairly, we have temporarily disabled the feedback on site which will remain in place for a day or so to ensure everyone is on a level playing field. Users who make purchases and finalize their orders will be able to place feedback on these orders in a few days time regardless of when you finalize so don't hesitate to do so if you want to still leave the vendor some feedback.

Temporary Manual Support

We have added a manual dispute resolution process for now. Early on it is important to distinguish between bugs, attempted scams and genuine errors so when we are more confident everything is in working order we will deploy the resolution center.


Vendors feel this issue is a big one and we agree, but not one which is urgent. We are re-evaluating the structure of products on offer and will be consider how best to go about creating the tree, but for now we will keep a stripped down version of the categories until we have decided what our next one will be to minimize how many times vendors need to keep going into their product listings and edit them.

Auto-finalize is suspended

We will enable auto-finalize tomorrow. To limit the room for bugs to occur and as there is definitely not going to be auto-finalize problems on the first day, we will not be enabling this immediately although the countdown for product orders will still begin (and be enforced when it is implemented). We will be creating a feature to allow vendors to set their own auto-finalize options too as this was a common theme on the roundtable.

Advanced Tumbling Options Are Disabled

The bitcoin tumbler/mixer is not yet enabled. We have a basic system already in place which like the former Silk Road only obfuscate which deposit/withdrawal belonged to which account, it did not however hide the basic in/out flow of them to prevent knowing it was even related to Silk Road. We will roll the full system out shortly but even then you should always take precautions such as using's shared send option or bitcoinfog as we have provided 5 addresses to work with for now and will soon add the option to generate more.

Finalizing Early

Vendors are not permitted to request users Finalize Early until they have completed 30 transactions. Any vendor asking to do so are liable to receive a warning or loss of vendor privileges. The escrow system is there to prevent scams - use it.

Feature Requests & Common Complaints

We have reviewed the feature requests section and also looked over common complaints and will be fixing them in the coming days. Please do not post repeated topics if it has already been said as we have much on our to-do list and will get around to them depending on their priority and bug fixes will always come first before updates. This includes domestic/country filtering, price filtering, showing Ship To/From on the main product listings etc.

I hope you all enjoy the new market release and as usual report anything unusual you might uncover!


Will search domestically be added soon?


Silk Road Discussion / Re: Philippines Donation Fund
« on: November 17, 2013, 08:32:45 pm »
Hash: SHA1

Silk Road Philippines Donation Fund Address: 1Ni9m1ffciS8r4PpCoix4EmdXdhkE2WsRe

I am sure by now you are all aware of the recent tragedy in the Philippines which has lead to millions suddenly losing their homes and security, but worst of all is the thousands who have lost their lives in it and the family around them who must now rebuild their lives even after such a great loss.

Here at Silk Road we are all very fortunate, we have enough money to feed ourselves, house ourselves and stay comfortable, although even in times of poverty in the western world this does not compare to the situation which has now devastated everybody in the Philippines after the storm. I am hoping as a collective group, Silk Road can help raise money for those in need and so I have decided to setup a donation fund for those in need in the Philippines.

All money in the above address will not be touched by any of Silk Road staff for their own purpose and 100% of the proceeds will go towards those who need it most. To ensure this I have made the bitcoin address one central pot which we will use to collect donations and thanks to the way the blockchain works, everyone will be able to see that I have transferred the money to the right places. Exactly where it will go and how I get it to them for now will remain a secret but it will be revealed nearer the time to ensure the receiving organization does not reject it simply because it is tied to us and I hope even if they are made aware that they will process it for us recognizing that it has a greater cause rather than send it back.

If you would like to donate directly to the Red Cross efforts in the Philippines using traditional payment types , you can also use the link below:

Before sending bitcoins, I would recommend you also properly mix them or use's shared send feature so the above address does not become an intelligence gathering pot for law enforcement.

I personally will be donating and hiding my own contributions amongst your own for my own protection and I hope we can all spare even just a few cents for our brothers and sisters abroad in their hour of need.

Dread Pirate Roberts



The heart-wrenching images of the Philippines devastated by Typhoon Haiyan make us immediately want to help out in every way we can.

Hundreds of people have been buried in mass graves, and the death toll is reportedly at  3,631 people, though estimates of the true death toll say it could be higher.

The money we can make from our donations can help change lives.
I am personally donating.


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