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Messages - CaptainWhiteBeard

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Leave your reviews and feedback for my products here. SR1 buyers feel free to share your experiences of my products.

Hello kind sir. I have not tried MDA before. Would i be able to tell the difference between it and MDMA. If so what are the differences.


I take about 1/3rd the amount...I personally think it's best when mixed with MDMA...they kind of fill in where the other lacks. MDA acts more on dopamine than serotonin(which is still does). It's a much longer lasting roll and I think a little more tactile. It's not so introspective and lovey, even though it still is...I suggest trying it.

Excellent thank you.


Leave your reviews and feedback for my products here. SR1 buyers feel free to share your experiences of my products.

Hello kind sir. I have not tried MDA before. Would i be able to tell the difference between it and MDMA. If so what are the differences.


I do long for domestic only very badly but it will arrive when it does, complaining wont make it quicker, they're doing a excellent job. Until yourself have put down as much time and devotion as the people behind SR are currently doing you dont really got much to say...

Couldn't agree more. Thing have been moving exceptionally if you actually think about it. Just over a month ago it felt like the world was crumbling around us and now we are on top again.

Good stuff lads.

This. Its great to have a SilkRoad so fast again at all. I think some people should be more thankful.


Off Topic / "Deep Web: The Untold Story of Bitcoin and Silk Road."
« on: November 25, 2013, 10:38:41 pm »
Alex Winter of Bill & Ted fame is directing a new movie called "Deep Web: The Untold Story of Bitcoin and Silk Road."

He just did an Ask Me Anything over on Reddit. Have a look its quite interesting.


Off Topic / Re: The Smoking Room
« on: November 25, 2013, 10:26:40 pm »
I am not a coke head but i do like to indulge sir. ( its also a cheeky American Psycho film reference )

I will just finish this fine cigar and finish my pint. its an early night for me dear chap but i will be passing by again shortly. What a fine establishment


Off Topic / Re: The Smoking Room
« on: November 25, 2013, 10:01:14 pm »
Come on in, relax, and help yourself to a cigar and a glass of something strong.

This is The Smoking Room.

This thread is for anybody. But in particular, it is for gentlemen who wish to participate in pompous discourse, witty banter and hearty laughter.

There are a few rules of course (cue the groans... but there always are):

1. It's OK to get drunk, but please try to remain coherent

2. You don't have to be of a British disposition, but it helps

3. If it's sunny, we sit in Alfred's idyllic garden

4. If you're visiting for the first time, bring a bottle of something and a box of cigars to help us make sure there's always something for all

That's all, gentlemen. Enjoy the conversation!

You don't have a good bathroom to do coke in.


Silk Road Discussion / Re: NOTICE: Withdrawals Disabled Temporarily
« on: November 25, 2013, 09:49:12 pm »
Purchases and withdrawals are now enabled again. Thank you for your patience on the matter.

Excellent work Sir.


Off Topic / Re: What new drug should I try?
« on: November 25, 2013, 08:37:51 pm »
Yes i would its a good social drug


Off Topic / Re: What new drug should I try?
« on: November 25, 2013, 08:05:48 pm »
So I want to be more outgoing and social. I kick it with the same friends everyday smoking weed and playing xbox 360. I need to start going out and partying. I need a drug that will get me hyped up and talkative and happy, but not twakked out. Heres my background drug info so yall know where im at.

Cannabis: 5 years. Heavy Chronic user like non stop.

Prescription: I've done since about 13. Never used heavily at all except for weeklong binges on xanax

Psychedelics: Dabbled with 2C's, LSD, ive taken shrooms but not tripped (took 1 or 2 gs)

Party drugs: ecstacy, heavy user for months consecutively. (like everyday for a month or 2 in highschool. stupid i know)

That's my drug history. Some drugs I'd be interested in would be coke, K, DMT (probably not a party drug), Promethazine syrup w/ Codeine, and that's probably all i've thought of. Although im open minded.

I need something to break my reclusive personality. The fact that I smoke weed every damn day like theres not tomorrow probably adds to the reclusiveness. The psychedelics might too. I'm an introvert either way. I just want something fun and hypy. Not something that will have me completely twakked though.


Ecstasy every day for like a month or 2. Wow that is some heavy useage my friend. That must of been a hell of a comedown!


Yessir. I was very stupid at the time aha I didn't really care If it killed me. But it was pretty awesome I won't lie. The comedown has been terrible I got terribly depressed to the point of suicidal for the couple of months after quitting but it slowly got better after major doob smokage. Now it's just a lingering shittiness feeling everynow and then but nothing a bowl wont fix

I can imagine! Yes time is healer and weed definitely helps!

Subcats would take about all of 15 minutes to code, whats going on???

It's not about coding, it's just a matter of inputting them all - I will have this completed and the subcategories up and running in the next couple of days.


Great to hear. Keep up the good work


Considering sheep is #1 darkweb site at the moment (sorry but BMR is a load of shit and there isnt enough listings on here yet to make it #1) i cant see them shutting shop up and legging it with everyone's money!

This just goes to show how nervous the community is due to recent events, this is expected of course with SR going down and BFP taking everyones money + the Atlantis situation.

Everything should be back to normal soon i assume


While we're at it, why not explain the real reason why Sheep is the Numero Uno site!!

They are not better than BMR or have more credibility than BMR. 
Backcopy who runs BMR made a "mistake",  he prematurely freaked out and announced BMR was going to close shop and within 24 hours retracted that statement.  That's all it take for vendors to lose confidence in a deep web marketplace!!

Not letting vendors access to their bitcoins is also a Cardinal Sin that is sure to have some repercussions for Sheep.

Although BMR is now the longest running market ( that i know of). It was regarding as been full of scamming vendors, this i believe and the shutdown of SR1, is why SHEEP is currently at the fore front. I do believe SR2 will slowly take the mantel. This does not in anyway imply sheep is a dodgy site.
I like the fact there is so much competition now.
First world problems


These are all rumours, but i think the constant criticism of what seems like a site that is doing well in sales, may probally cause the sites owner/s to think - ''well screw it, if theres no trust and S.R2 is gaining momentum im off with the BTC.''

I remember everytime SR 1 went down, the forums were filled up with nonesense like ''well hes finely run off with our money and so on''
Be careful what you say people because with any anonymous marketplace there's always a risk.




Off Topic / Re: What new drug should I try?
« on: November 25, 2013, 02:51:07 pm »
Google 'machine elves'.

'Machine elves (also known as fractal elves, self-transforming machine elves) is a term coined by the late ethnobotanist, writer and philosopher Terence McKenna to describe the apparent entities (described as "elves") that have been reported by users of dimethyltryptamine'

Interesting. Never tried DMT. I may do, but i have done a lot of acid in the past year or so. My brain needs a rest


Rumor Mill / Re: Fake vendor: PlutoPete (EXTREME CAUTION ADVISED.)
« on: November 25, 2013, 12:45:43 pm »
My apologies. I must been misleaded, feel free to lock/delete the thread.
I'm the real me :)
Please do some research before slinging accusations around, the details of my arrest are well documented.
NOBODY has been busted as a result of buying from me, and my Devon Maids will be back on sale as soon as i can get my property back from the police :)

Yes i saw the coverage and i was briefly an early vendor on SR ( with a different name). Purchased the heat activated packaging. Excellent vendor, friendly and helpful. Great to see you back Pluto. Rare that a vendor on SR doesn't have to be anonymous anymore


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