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Messages - CaptainWhiteBeard

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Drug Safety / Re: Cocaine Wash
« on: November 28, 2013, 08:29:57 am »

I will probably be ordering some coke from Cocaleiro for NYE and I was thinking of doing a wash this time around to get a coke as clean as possible. However I have some incertitudes as to what or which washes would be best and how effective they would be. I was thinking maybe an acetone + Ethanol wash?

Maybe someone could enlighten me? :)

Go on the clearnet. Google - Le junk's purification method. Simple and well known


Who is using this stuff? Who knows what these things are? And are they good??

I dont know but research chemicals can be big business because they are legal at first because they are a loophole. They change the molecule structure ever so slightly of illegal drugs which then makes them legal.


Security / Re: The next big thing after Bitcoins
« on: November 28, 2013, 08:24:59 am »
Hello lovely SkF-Members, i want to ask you what in your opinion is the next big thing in the Internetmarket, whats the next big moneymaker. Everyone is invited to spread there opinions all over the thread.
You're welcome

(My english isnt that good, but i hope you can understand me)

I would say Litecoin. But i predict a future of alt coins.
The future money


Silk Road Discussion / Re: serious lack of customers on the site??
« on: November 28, 2013, 08:21:55 am »
and if your MDA is as good as you say,

Not as I say, as my 500+ customers say...... I just fucking hate popping up and saying to the world, "Hey law enforcement! Look at me! I'm selling highly illegal drugs publicly! Come get me!", but not reap the reward that type of risk demands. I want to get rid of my wares now and come back in a few months when the market has matured more. I just don't like the exposure without the accompanied reward.

I know plenty who will snap up your deals here and in europe. What amount do you ship to europe out of interest mate?


Off Topic / Re: SR2- Another flash in the pan.
« on: November 28, 2013, 08:20:01 am »
I too like many here was very excited about how Sr came back. After an initial period of frantic vendor verifications and registrations. Our leaders have gone AWAL.

I am so so sad to announce that these people have all gone on holiday and expect this place to return' automatically' to the glory of its predecessor.

DPR, Sarge, Libertas and more- you have let us all down. You don't even have 30 mins spare to give us sub categories and domestic searches.

The FBI  seem, to some degree, won this one.


Keep up to date dude they are working very hard.


Silk Road Discussion / Re: Market Site Features
« on: November 28, 2013, 08:16:52 am »
Imho Feedback needs some work.

300 characters is kinda tough (small)... and it rips away line breaks making it into one big string.

Just thought I'd say something... I know there are more important things to be working on etc.

Oh its up already?! Brilliant. now just need my vendor account


Silk Road Discussion / Re: Market Site Features
« on: November 28, 2013, 08:16:14 am »
Can't wait for feedback. Sales will rocket then.


Off Topic / Re: Making Money Online?
« on: November 28, 2013, 08:14:44 am »
Buy BTC and keep = profit. In the last month doing that you could of made $800

It may be harder for him to buy BTC now 'cos he's broke but Litecoin went up from $9.50 to $31 in the last day!! I really think the alt coins would be a good bet. Buy some litecoins now and watch them rise. Also watch Peercoin, seems to be the 3d in line and at about $1 at the moment. If you buy 100 and it goes up to $10 per coin, that's $1000 right there! Can happen literally overnight so get your bets in!

Ah yes good point. I may buy some litecoin nxt wk to be honest. But you can still buy some BTC in multiple of 8 so could just buy a little bit. Yeah theres about 100 other alt coins worth chucking a few quid into them anyway.


Off Topic / Re: I am drunk and snorting cocaine right now.
« on: November 28, 2013, 08:11:14 am »
My favourite pastime.


Mine fucking too.

Right now, I've decided that it's not one or the other. My favorite drug is cocaethylene
which is better than either independently.

Yes i agree. Maybe we can somehow extract Cocaethylene  and sell it? ha


Silk Road Discussion / Re: New Vendor Registrations Temporarily Closed
« on: November 28, 2013, 08:09:52 am »
And there I was wanting too start a deep business selling my girlfriends soiled undergarments. WHO'S WITH ME?!?   ::)

In all seriousness there is a market for this!


Off Topic / Re: The Fuck You Thread!! Tell a person to fuck off
« on: November 28, 2013, 08:07:42 am »
Overdraft fee's, fees for sending money and basically paying them to hold your money. This is why BTC is so valuable to me, be your own banker!


Security / Re: Really? $800 a bitcoin?
« on: November 28, 2013, 08:05:23 am »
I have high suspicions price will also hit ~1000 USD by the end of the month...  good luck everyone ;)

5000 $ USD/BTC in 2014 watch...LTC is skyrocketing too...I am bullish on both currencies. LTC went from 4$ to 32$ in a week and the  market cap has tripled. Paradigm shift.

Make some money with litecoins and ride the pump but make sure you don't forget to dump or you'll be left holding the bag like a chump. ;)

Perhaps LTC is to silver as BTC is to gold?

I do like the analogy and we could reach a point like that in the future or even better but we are nowhere near there yet.  Silver and gold are both recognized currencies that are accepted all over the world.  You still can't buy anything from a business with litecoins.

I will take this a step further and explain more....  Litecoins were uner $2 USD and shot up to $42 USD.  Now what caused this?  Does litecoin have a new prominent big payment processor like BitPay?  No...  Has there been any LTC ETF style investment trusts?  No...  Is merchant adoption spreading like wildfire?  No...  Does litecoin have a blockchain style info web wallet and api service to help developers develop things for LTC?  No...  The simple fact is nothing to do with litecoins has changed at all except of course what people are paying for them.  Like I said, this is due to major manipulation, ignorance, speculation and I almost forgot... bitcoin....  There has been some massive pumping going on in the litecoin community...  Now lots of fresh blood coming and pouring money into LTC building up for the manipulators to dump their coins at high value which will crash it hard and cause panic selling.  Of course it is also piggybacking on bitcoins success because all of the noobies in the litecoin game thing that has something to do with litecoins when it in fact does not.  Just because BTC is worth a lot of accepted worldwide and becoming more accepted by the day does not mean litecoin ever will.  That said, it may one day but at this current time it has not even started.

TL;DR - This is a huge litecoin bubble. 

How long will it go on?  Well...  How long will it continue to get pumped and rookies falling for it and pumping more money into it?  That is how long this bubble will go on.  Just don't get left holding the bag after the crash.

There is certainly money to be made and i will believe it will go up long term like BTC


Plus you can always hire people to do the dirty work for you. you can hire shippers who dont know who you are to mail out the drugs for you, people to cash out bitcoins for you and other stuff. If you're smart, you never have to go near any drugs ever and you can make allot of money, really fast

Some good points here


Off Topic / Re: The Smoking Room
« on: November 28, 2013, 07:52:30 am »
because I saw few hours ago someone walking butt naked

Yeah that would of been me apologies i had a rough day. Just popping in for a nice whisky and cigar now to start the day right. Is there anyone kicking about today?


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