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Messages - CaptainWhiteBeard

Pages: 1 ... 210 211 [212] 213 214 ... 242
Off Topic / Re: The Green Camel Night Club
« on: December 02, 2013, 10:33:28 am »
I hope your business goes strong, my Friend  :)

Mind if i have another Drink before i retire?

I keep saying i am going to sleep, but i have a crazy headache and can't get to sleep :(  so another Drink is in order and i'd like to buy you one as well  :)

Peace & Hugs to ya  8)



Thank you for your kind words! :)

Why certainly here is your drink!

I definitely need to get some bar staff or something, i need to pop up to my office and continue counting my BTC ;)

Off Topic / Re: The Green Camel Night Club
« on: December 02, 2013, 10:31:26 am »
Morning Gentlemen

Morning Sir would you like a drink? Nice to have you here

Drug Safety / Re: Magic Mushrooms: safe?
« on: December 02, 2013, 10:29:18 am »
I tryed shrooms once this year.
It was the most amazing thing in my whole life.
But I noticed that I have changed since then. I feel better how I am now but the shrooms definitely changed something in my head.
I guess it is good to try shrooms but I would never use them to often!

Shrooms definitely opened up my mind and made me a better person

Off Topic / Re: The Green Camel Night Club
« on: December 02, 2013, 10:13:09 am »
Right now the Silence is Golden, my Friend  :)  well yes, i'll take a jaeger and Dr. Pepper  ;)

mary might agree to that if she isn't already busy  :)

She's Good People  :)

Hugs to ya   8)



Here's your drink, good choice!

Well we will see how business goes. I could do with a bouncer or 2 i reckon for next weekend. Maybe John The Baptist, he's quite scary haha!

Silk Road Discussion / Re: An update on the situation
« on: December 02, 2013, 10:04:23 am »
Backcopy is not a pussy at all
He can't manage such a traffic that's all
Since 2 weeks Bmr is very very slow
So I can't imagine how it will be in a week if every sheep user and vendor try to migrate there
The shutdown process is crystal clear

Obviously as a vendor it's a shame to loose in the same time 2 of the biggest and efficient merket place

Let's hope SR2 will be operational ASAP

Backopy is definitely not a pussy! BMR is still going after what? 2 years? He faces a lot of diversity yet he keeps on going! Credit where its due

Off Topic / Re: The Green Camel Night Club
« on: December 02, 2013, 10:02:32 am »
Woop Woop  :)

Ah hello Sir!

My first customer, would you like a drink? Sorry about the lack of music and well pretty much everything. Ive literally just opened this establishment up! Not bad going for a Monday morning tho hey!

Im eyeing up Mary as a cocktail  waitress but i don't think she will agree to it!

Anyway great to have you here!

Off Topic / The Green Camel Night Club
« on: December 02, 2013, 09:40:50 am »
Open 24/7, Free Entry!

I the proprietor Captain White Beard hope you enjoy your visit. The finest club on Silk Road where you can party as long as you want, the greatest music, girls and chatter!

If its too much and you need to relax a bit , why not pop next door to The Smoking Room.

Chuck you BTC to one side as you enter , take your drugs and have a good ole time!

* Please wear smart shoes, trolls allowwed if you behave and don't ogle the women, that's my job ;) *

Off Topic / Re: What is your favourite Pot Noodle
« on: December 02, 2013, 09:34:49 am »
I could murder a pot noodle for breakfast.. but is that wrong? Unless they make full English flavour of course!

Off Topic / Re: Official Morning Coffee Thread
« on: December 02, 2013, 09:33:36 am »
Glugging now as we speak, ow my friggin head!!

Drug Safety / Re: Magic Mushrooms: safe?
« on: December 02, 2013, 09:32:08 am »
I have has so many good experiences with shrooms, truffles aswell. Tripping my balls of walking around Amsterdam as well past the red light girls with tits growing out of their faces, mental!

Silk Road Discussion / Re: serious lack of customers on the site??
« on: December 02, 2013, 09:29:05 am »
^^^ I don't want to hijack the thread but yes MDA mixed with MDMA is better then either taken separately.

God i can't wait until you send bigger amounts over the atlantic!!

Quite frankly, I don't give a shit if he's dead or not.  He's never getting out of prison.  He knows that.  It sucks, but it's the truth.  Unless enough people have the balls to end drug prohibition...

Silk Road lives on.

I commend this fellow on creating a truly remarkable thing.

Contary to popular belief many people find living in jail preferable to death. There is a thriving social scene.

Your sex life would probably go downhill a bit, though.

Not butt sex!

Off Topic / Re: MDA > MDMA
« on: December 02, 2013, 09:24:02 am »
I do not have much personal experience with MDA but I always try to pass info/harm reduction info  on to others so here it is!

It seems as though a lot of people do disagree and think that MDA has a very hard hangover.... I'm sure some of you know who nick sand is? Aye?

Nick Sand
First we talked to Nick Sand, a well known chemist who produced MDA in the late 1960s. He said he initially synthesized MDA in the search for a less-controlled LSD replacement. His working group was looking for a long-acting compound (approximately the same duration as LSD) and found MDA completely unsuitable because they came down abruptly at around 4 hours. Some in the group ended up taking three successive doses in order to maintain effects for 10-12 hours. Nick reported that redosing in this way led to "the worst hangovers [they] ever had" which lasted several days. Because of this, the group quickly abandoned MDA.9

And I don't know who L is, but I trust erowid's quotes :

L's Comparison
"The total experience is 8 hours, but the "trip" is 4-5 hours like X. The after-effects are like being way-laid: definitely washing around in the afterswell of a full experience of an amphetaminehallucinogen. We call MDA ‘industrial electronic mushrooms' and compare the post-peak to riding the diesel-electric locomotive all the way home. Your feet & teeth vibrate for some time after you step off a huge machine like that: tingling and numb. There's no finer intoxicant, but you need careful and considerable support or the body load can turn you into a vegetable for the latter half of the experience and the day after."9

Oh you are talking about hangovers from taking massive consecutive doses?! Well fuck I would expect so! When I talk drug talk I assume everyone is talking about responsible drug use not reckless drug users. So does MDA give you a hangover when you take a shitload consecutively back to back? Well I guess so, but I'm proud to say I have no clue.... as most shouldn't.

Moderation is key.. simples

I think I2P can sit alongside marketplaces personaly

Silk Road Discussion / Re: New Vendor Registrations Temporarily Closed
« on: December 02, 2013, 09:21:24 am »
It's been about a week. I'm just curious if it's going to be pushed back even farther due to this sheep bullshit.

Also anyone have any ideas of when the feedback system will be working correctly?

Its a week on wednesday. I hope its not pushed back or the bond increased. Im itching to go! lol

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