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Messages - CaptainWhiteBeard

Pages: 1 ... 174 175 [176] 177 178 ... 242
Off Topic / Re: The Smoking Room
« on: December 11, 2013, 02:02:26 pm »
Good afternoon everyone.  I am just in from the cold cold day outside and need something to warm me up!  Now the question; brandy or beer?  ;)


Off Topic / Re: Dear Santa...I want ____ for Christmas this year.
« on: December 11, 2013, 01:36:13 pm »
Same as above ;)

I want to go to your silkroad xmas party :(

Your invited mate its entry for everyone on the 22nd! Hero members, newbs, trolls, admins, even coachella and hopefully Bob ;)

Off Topic / Re: Dear Santa...I want ____ for Christmas this year.
« on: December 11, 2013, 01:32:54 pm »
Actually minus the bacon

Off Topic / Re: Dear Santa...I want ____ for Christmas this year.
« on: December 11, 2013, 01:32:25 pm »
Same as above ;)

OMG looks like you have the faith that I can no longer afford to keep. May it serve you well.

I don't think your ready to be a vendor then. I am in the same boat remember mate

Allow me to rephrase...I'm truly supposed to be grateful for a site that excludes me?  Again, kick us while we're down!

OMG it looks like i have to spell it out for you -  Be grateful for the site and that you are going to have the opportunity to be a vendor, it is a privilege.   It will be worth the wait.
There do you get it?

« on: December 11, 2013, 01:10:27 pm »
Love how the forums are quite because everyone is on the site!

How can you call us ungrateful vendors when we've never been given the opportunity.  You may as well kick a homeless person on your way to work and tell him he's an ungrateful home owner.

I will rephrase it - a heck of ungrateful soon to be vendors. It is a privilege to have this site

makes sense to me to lower the bond a little and let more vendors in. the site would profit more and plus from the added rediculous fees they charge vendors on top of that. might as well sell legit on ebay using paypal. less risk too

and now with the site down more that it's up, new vendors will be allowed to sell just in time for SR to be down for the xmas break break!

why not let new vendors in now and let the staff work on the upgrades once that's taken care of. the site's uptime is spotty as it is

200 seems to be a fair bond. I hope it does NOT go up,  as 500 was only worth it with the volume of business one could do on the old SR.  This site will get there, but as it is I hope bond does not go above 200.  What do you think would be fair IhnZ?

IhnZ:  This is NOT ebay or Amazon and you are acting like it is.  This is a PRIVILEGE.  To have a huge staff would mean too much risk and too many people "in the know".  With a DDOS attack going on, they are working on KEEPING THE SITE UP and fighting off the attackers.  I would be VERY GRATEFUL to get my vendor account before Xmas break, just to know I will be ready to sell for the new year! =)

If you do not like how the site is run, or do not trust it than do not use it! Or wait until is more developed before joining.  I do not think your complaints are justified, this is not the city bus service, there is no obligation to do anything and the fact that the OPS are even taking their time and risk to provide this service is something we NEED TO BE THANKFUL OF!

Agreed, a heck of ungrateful vendors.

Silk Road Discussion / Re: Under attack *UPDATE*
« on: December 11, 2013, 10:56:37 am »
Up and down, Up and down. Reminds me of that girl in the red light district...

Silk Road Discussion / Re: Under attack *UPDATE*
« on: December 11, 2013, 10:18:27 am »
Wayyyy I get my crimbo swag now. I'm gunna be smacked up watching the queens speech


Off Topic / Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
« on: December 11, 2013, 10:17:15 am »
Good morning everyone. How are the christmas party planning coming along?

@ all the people asking for spare coin: Im not even going to bother helping out if you dont even read the OP...

Morning deathowl how are you!?

Yes unfortunately no one seems to read the original O.P around here :)

I am good! Cant say I had a nice long sleep but the show must go on :D

How are you this wonderful morning?

Downing copious amounts of coffee to feel normal as usual! :)

Have fun on the toilet in the next hour :D

I will!

Nice hat! hmm i really need an avatar? What safe ways do you know off to upload my avatar mate?

Thank you! I think it suits me! :D

Sure, use the unsupervised, not looked after by anyone except an old lady who barely knows how to turn it on, private pc at your local library :D

Watch them her get raid, fun times.

I do recommend an avatar, not that you need it.

edit: Im off to get my pre christmas haircut! I want to look good for the party! See you later!

Haha brilliant!

Silk Road Discussion / Re: Under attack *UPDATE*
« on: December 11, 2013, 09:58:14 am »
Woo hoo!

Off Topic / Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
« on: December 11, 2013, 09:57:22 am »
Good morning everyone. How are the christmas party planning coming along?

@ all the people asking for spare coin: Im not even going to bother helping out if you dont even read the OP...

Morning deathowl how are you!?

Yes unfortunately no one seems to read the original O.P around here :)

I am good! Cant say I had a nice long sleep but the show must go on :D

How are you this wonderful morning?

Downing copious amounts of coffee to feel normal as usual! :)

Have fun on the toilet in the next hour :D

I will!

Nice hat! hmm i really need an avatar? What safe ways do you know off to upload my avatar mate?

Off Topic / Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
« on: December 11, 2013, 09:46:58 am »
Good morning everyone. How are the christmas party planning coming along?

@ all the people asking for spare coin: Im not even going to bother helping out if you dont even read the OP...

Morning deathowl how are you!?

Yes unfortunately no one seems to read the original O.P around here :)

I am good! Cant say I had a nice long sleep but the show must go on :D

How are you this wonderful morning?

Downing copious amounts of coffee to feel normal as usual! :)

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