What is the average fee for approval? Is there any expected date to open up again??
We don't know yet
You were not part of the SR1 clique nor will you be allowed to join the SR2 one now.
Dont feel bad though, SR2 is already being left in the dust by modern marketplaces that are coming online as we speak, best just move on from this tired old site.
Cya then Loki, im happy with this site.
You wouldn't be if administration stole over $30,000 USD from you. Going on a week with no response from DPR on the matter either.
Looks like DPR is not capable of being one man in a scenario that requires 100 men. You cant bear the mountain on your shoulders and expect to stay up. I've lost all faith in the people that are supposed to be the moral hero's in this community.
How did administration steal 30,000 usd from you?