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Messages - CaptainWhiteBeard

Pages: 1 ... 170 171 [172] 173 174 ... 242
Lol I wish I had that kinda of access my man. Truth is a lot of people could use a diarrhea medicine like that, that also makes you feel good like for example John the baptist we all know he's full of shit. Maybe it would chill him out:)

* shots fired *

Off Topic / Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
« on: December 11, 2013, 07:59:57 pm »
Grab ahold of my foot when i fly over you @ CaptainWhiteBeard  :)

Yay! :)

I don't know what it was exactly but one time I went to the doctor extreme diarrhea they made me wait and wait to do lab work and finally I walked out with a script for a medicine I've never heard of to stop the shitting. Went to the pharmacy shocked to find this stop poop medicine was a controlled substance.

Shit worked awesome stopped the poop and felt like a benzo made you groggy in at  pleasant way. Anyone know what that shit is??

Don't know but find out and sell it on the road ;)

Off Topic / Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
« on: December 11, 2013, 07:49:57 pm »
Aww can't i come!

Silk Road Discussion / Re: Anyone else been getting an unusual # of PM's?
« on: December 11, 2013, 07:29:49 pm »
I just need to get out more

Silk Road Discussion / Re: Under attack *UPDATE*
« on: December 11, 2013, 07:27:50 pm »
Hello everyone,

Any one know if they are defiantly closing for 22nd - 28th and if so what time zine are they adhering too? Thought they might compensate us two days for the downtime recently. Oh well be nice to have the break i must admit :)

Kindest Regards

Compensate us? They don't owe us anything. We all owe them everything for facilitating this shit, cause this shit's crazy.
And they wanted to take that weeklong break so that they could actually take a break. I'm assuming that they've been working hard now on all these issues, during these downtimes and will need that break more than ever.

Well said mate!

Silk Road Discussion / Re: Vendor Review: MoodyMayhem 11/10 Fucking LEGIT!
« on: December 11, 2013, 07:26:20 pm »
Good review mate. You need to post in the rumor mill section though :)

 :o opps... Can any mods move it for me pleeeeaaasssseeee :)

They should move it soon mate :)

Silk Road Discussion / Re: Anyone else been getting an unusual # of PM's?
« on: December 11, 2013, 07:11:35 pm »
one guy said he was a journo from germany i just said no comment lol

Got that one as well lol.  No reply.  I think that's the one that got me thinking WTF!?

Aww i feel like i am missing out now :(

Silk Road Discussion / Re: Anyone else been getting an unusual # of PM's?
« on: December 11, 2013, 07:10:49 pm »
I'll trade you inbox's for the day SHB ;)

Seriously though we do have an influx of green newbies, just answering questions on general matters is helping the community, we all had to start off somewhere right?


Chemcat will need all the help he gets! :)

Silk Road Discussion / Re: Vendor Review: MoodyMayhem 11/10 Fucking LEGIT!
« on: December 11, 2013, 07:08:55 pm »
Good review mate. You need to post in the rumor mill section though :)

Silk Road Discussion / Re: Anyone else been getting an unusual # of PM's?
« on: December 11, 2013, 07:07:58 pm »
I have been getting a load too. Just stuff like how can i post on the forums, when can i become a vendor e.t.c
I just give out as much helpful as advice i can. But don't give out personal information

Got the exact same one yesterday.  "How do I post?"  I mean it seems innocent enough but again it's almost too innocent like really you don't know how to post?  How the hell did you manage to get tor loaded and get here if you don't know how to post? 

Then this other guy is asking me about VPNs.  It's like I want to help out but I'm not trying to tell this guy which VPN I use.  I dunno I guess I'm just being me and getting freaked over nothing.

Yeah wouldn't worry about it

Off Topic / Re: Dear Santa...I want ____ for Christmas this year.
« on: December 11, 2013, 07:05:20 pm »
I want Santa for Christmas! He can fill my stocking any day of the year!

I want to meet a hot new lady and empty my sack on her face! ;)

Silk Road Discussion / Re: Anyone else been getting an unusual # of PM's?
« on: December 11, 2013, 07:04:16 pm »
I have been getting a load too. Just stuff like how can i post on the forums, when can i become a vendor e.t.c
I just give out as much helpful as advice i can. But don't give out personal information

What is the average fee for approval? Is there any expected date to open up again??

We don't know yet

You were not part of the SR1 clique nor will you be allowed to join the SR2 one now.

Dont feel bad though, SR2 is already being left in the dust by modern marketplaces that are coming online as we speak, best just move on from this tired old site.

Cya then Loki, im happy with this site.

You wouldn't be if administration stole over $30,000 USD from you. Going on a week with no response from DPR on the matter either.

Looks like DPR is not capable of being one man in a scenario that requires 100 men. You cant bear the mountain on your shoulders and expect to stay up. I've lost all faith in the people that are supposed to be the moral hero's in this community.

How did administration steal 30,000 usd from you?

Rumor Mill / Re: OFFICIAL SilkRoad 2.0 Cocaine Thread
« on: December 11, 2013, 06:58:45 pm »
10 Toes is stuck in Newbie land and has requested this be posted in here:

I cant post in the rumor mill so Im starting this thread here for those seeking my services.

For those who werent foolish enough to get scammed by a 10toes imposter I can be easily identified as the real 10toes by a date stamped kilo and the same pgp from the previous SR to verify authenticity.


If you are previous customer of mine feel free to send me a message here or on the tormark. I have applied for vendor status on SR 2.0 but have yet to receive a response.



Tell him his coke kept me up until 5am and gave me a blood nose

I hope he stays in newbie land

His coke gave me a bloody nose too.

It was after 2 or 3 regular sized lines

Well that doesnt sound right then!

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