It appears it has been TM after all. Vendors and buyers are going to need to choose which side to take. Vendors and buyers who choose to fund attacks on SR by selling and buying on TM should not be tolerated on SR. I choose SR. They are not trying to tear the community apart like TM is.
DrMDA, do you really need to create a thread every time you lose your nerve and revert to the other side?
Have faith and stick to SR
this was your thread and comment last nite -
If you want to save SR you better fix quick and not close for Xmas
« on: Yesterday at 08:49:42 pm »
SR1 would be down for a couple days at a time at most, not weeks. We are on almost 1 week now. This is ridiculous. Then IF you do get the site up you are going to immediately close for a week? What exactly is the site good for then? TM (who I was crucifying a week ago) dealt with these same attacks and got them under control in about 24 hours. Are they more competent? Even if TM are scammers (which more and more I'm thinking is not the case) why are they more competent? You need to fend off this attack TODAY and not close for xmas if you don't want to spend 4 months trying to bring people back after the holidays (because their patience will finally have been lost and moved on to a site that may or may not be a scam).