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Messages - CaptainWhiteBeard

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Silk Road Discussion / Re: Buyers are you still here?
« on: February 20, 2014, 09:58:46 pm »
Buyers are slowly coming back. People are just cautious after losing a lot of coins. Only move coin into your SR wallet when purchasing.

Deposits are fast as well, you can deposit coin and order in half an hour . A customer just did this ordering from me. If you are cautious you can't lose coin as its not stuck in escrow.

Looking forward to the multi - sig escrow aswel. :)

Silk Road Discussion / Re: Has anyone seen Hiniguel?
« on: February 20, 2014, 09:53:03 pm »
What about his thread re x, y and z being stuck to the hacked bitcoins or something like that? I can't find it.

I dont know it got locked.

Newbie Discussion / Re: CaptainWhiteBeard=LE
« on: February 20, 2014, 09:44:44 pm »
Bet your beard is full of powder! ;)

It is, let me shake it for you and you can make a cheeky line ;)

* shakes beard *

Rumor Mill / Re: ****** CaptainWhiteBeard Review thread ******
« on: February 20, 2014, 09:43:37 pm »
Did order 6g of his special offer to Europe. Already paid.

Finger crossed!

Posting tomorrow mate :)

95 just seem that nobody sees them after they are gone of the last page and lends to the first person they find after listing they can loan. I have been trying for almost 2 weeks for 0.003btc. Sorry again!

Nope the established members do look back, hence why you have been warned and i know you have posted before. It is against the rules to post more than once and no one will loan to people who continously ask.

Newbie Discussion / Re: CaptainWhiteBeard=LE
« on: February 20, 2014, 09:37:25 pm »
Hi mate - that's ok, was just curious - will likely order a g from you at some point after I get through SCs.

No worries :)

Newbie Discussion / Re: CaptainWhiteBeard=LE
« on: February 20, 2014, 09:31:43 pm »
Does CWB give samples of his cola?

I am trying to find the best supplier for the price, including meercat, shine and spanish chems (sadly the spanish guy is a foreigner lol).

Saw some mixed reviews for CWBs gears but he is local; also need to try cornettos and sybiosis's gears too.

Im not doing samples at the moment sorry mate.

will anybody float 0.003btc until next friday, not tomorrow the next Friday? can send back 0.005

You only need to ask once mate. Multiple posters will be ignored.

Watchout your getting it in my beard, just shampooed and conditioned it aswel!

Silk Road Discussion / Re: Still doubting Defcon?
« on: February 20, 2014, 07:40:58 pm »
sr only for me now capatin

pm i need a chat!


Just sent you a message mate :)

Silk Road Discussion / Re: Still doubting Defcon?
« on: February 20, 2014, 06:51:31 pm »
Now thats the pick up i needed, not just the captain.

Thankfull my mate cwb is out of trouble

i think this has done the trick for me!


Keep the faith bro, SR forever.

Nothing wrong in trying other markets aswel though. Im on Tor Bazaar and should be on Agora soon :)

Silk Road Discussion / Re: Has anyone seen Hiniguel?
« on: February 20, 2014, 06:36:51 pm »
He hasn't been on for 7 days and has no listings. Bummer, his stuff was really good.

Need to find another vendor for decent stuff now. Hini was great the last couple of times I dealt with him

He was on the forum this morning. Having a break form vending.

Hey to all my beautiful peeple, smoke em if ya got em, its gonna be a long haul on the back of this camel. Well, we have all learned, you don't hafta go very far to get your humps. or should I say, humped?

Hah, PPanth, I'm glad you made it through the holidays, I was very worried about you.

Smitty, don't hold all that grief and helplessness in, you can find a healthy way to express it, that would honor her memory.

Miss Mary, you are my special Mary, and not tinfoil hat short bus speshul, but I would let you have the last warm chocolate chip cookie special.

Capt, I want a beard snuggle, and for you to keep selling drugs and making people's lives just that much better, if only while they're high.

Pillfire, thank you very much for your warmth, your sensibility, and how you continue to do what you do, pleasant, professional, cordial, and not eating brains with a nice chianti.

I know I have left a few out, its not that you aren't significant, you are, but I am a blonde, and the clowns eat me if I sleep when its dark, so no nom nom on the waffler...I get a bit peculiar, without enough sleep, and I can tell its been a bit.

I adore you people, and I am glad that all of your genetic donors had the strange confluence of events that permitted you to be, the same time I am permitted to be, so that we are all in the pool of whelbing together...

snerks up her sleeve at the thought of a SR naked pool party, cuz you know there are no clothes at the pool of whelbing. No shelfish either.

* Beard snuggle*

For you and everyone on this thread :)

Newbie Discussion / Re: CaptainWhiteBeard=LE
« on: February 20, 2014, 05:22:03 pm »
Am I the only one who doesn't know what the joke behind Tin Foil is? What does that even mean? lol  ;D
I see nobody has answered this.
Its from the movie "signs", Joaquim Phoenis makes a hat out of tin foil because he thinks the aliens can read his mind. Seems in the last year or so everyone has started using this phrase to refer to conspiracy theorists.
Holy crap! I knew what it meant (and I'd seen the movie) but I never made that connection. Was that seriously the first time it was popularized? I could have sworn that was a trope before the movie.

It's far, far older than that. Tin foil hats were used to block mind-reading/control in Julian Huxley's The Tissue-Culture King, published in 1927.

So your saying they are effective ;)

Silk Road Discussion / Re: Still doubting Defcon?
« on: February 20, 2014, 04:56:06 pm »
Good to hear Captain!

Good you kept on the ship and lets hope we sail a true path this time away from the scammers!

Your 3 for 2 deal looks great, wish I had enough as it would be a great sociable coke and having tried it I know you could pay twice as much for twice as little bang for the buck.

Wish you well.

Good to see you sticking around here.

Thanks for you kind words :)

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