Silk Road forums

Discussion => Silk Road discussion => Topic started by: AnonymousAddict on December 14, 2012, 10:15 pm

Title: Just some info for newbies to make it easy..
Post by: AnonymousAddict on December 14, 2012, 10:15 pm
Guys i just wanted to let those of you who are new and dont know, you can go into your account settings and change the view of currency to regular USD price or wherever your from instead of it showing bitcoin prices..I just thought id share that cause i think its better that way..And then to find out the ecaxct amount of bitcoin youll need to go to        It shows daily ,hourly the price of bitcoins jumping and lowering and u can type in and find out what u need to know very very simple and it helped me alot when i first started, Just wanted to help out guys.. I love SR and just about everybody here are very good Honest helpful people, and id like for us to keep that good helpful vide going like it useually always is.. Hope this helps some people...If it does by chance how about leave a responce im actually curious to know if youg uys were aware you could change the currency reflection ..THNKS!! HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!

Title: Re: Just some info for newbies to make it easy..
Post by: oneiroi on December 15, 2012, 07:59 am
I didn't know about this. Simple and pure. I love it. Thanks mate.

Happy Holidays!
Title: Re: Just some info for newbies to make it easy..
Post by: SantaClause1 on December 26, 2012, 01:37 am
I didn't see where to do that in my account settings, but it's most likely because I am adjusting the settings from profile / account settings in the forums. Is this the correct spot. Thanks
Title: Re: Just some info for newbies to make it easy..
Post by: fuckingACE on December 26, 2012, 01:40 am
I didn't see where to do that in my account settings, but it's most likely because I am adjusting the settings from profile / account settings in the forums. Is this the correct spot. Thanks
Hi, no you want to do it on your SR account.

Title: Re: Just some info for newbies to make it easy..
Post by: fuckingACE on December 26, 2012, 01:43 am
plus 1 karma for ********  Saves me the arduous task of logging into MTGOX every time to work out the rates


Edit: Sorry ace I cant let you post clearnet url's, nothing personal.

Title: Re: Just some info for newbies to make it easy..
Post by: nomad bloodbath on December 26, 2012, 01:58 am
AnonymousAddict: Normally i don't allow clearnet url's on the forum but this one timne I'll make an exception.TRy not to do it too much, PM clearnet urls if you must, I understand it's the point of the thread but, The line has to be draw somewhere.
I drew it and left the url...fair right?

Title: Re: Just some info for newbies to make it easy..
Post by: SantaClause1 on December 26, 2012, 02:16 am
Title: Re: Just some info for newbies to make it easy..
Post by: OnePotMama on December 26, 2012, 02:44 am
PGP and viewing things in USD when shopping has made my silkroad experience easy as pie. Two of the most valuable small differences I could make!
Title: Re: Just some info for newbies to make it easy..
Post by: TheCommonMan on December 26, 2012, 05:46 am
Thanks for the simple tips Anon... Trying to figure this bitcoin thing out has been a headache. Could you PM me a good bitcoin vendor to use to keep from getting scammed? I have still not made my first purchase yet. Also, what is PGP and how do I encrypt thing and keep my info safe.

Sorry for the n00b questions, just gotta start somewhere and you seem willing to help.

thanks a ton,
Title: Re: Just some info for newbies to make it easy..
Post by: Stonedstupor on December 26, 2012, 06:00 am
Hit up CaptainMal on SR or forums. He's got you covered 100%
Title: Re: Just some info for newbies to make it easy..
Post by: Pax on December 26, 2012, 06:20 am
yeah thanks man I wish someone would have made a post like this when I was newbie it took me like 6 months to stumble upoun how to do this on my own.
Title: Re: Just some info for newbies to make it easy..
Post by: gambino on December 26, 2012, 11:13 am
thanks, man.
Title: Re: Just some info for newbies to make it easy..
Post by: XTCandLSDHappyME on December 26, 2012, 11:58 am
Thanks that was helpful but u can only change to dollers not GBP. Still better than bitcoins though