Silk Road forums

Discussion => Off topic => Topic started by: thecrackhead on November 02, 2012, 11:20 am

Title: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thecrackhead on November 02, 2012, 11:20 am
Hello ladies, gents, aliens, feds and pope.

I've seen that some people have spare coins and a good heart. By creating this topic I hope the "Short of 0.XX BTC" topics will stop.

I would like to create some rules for this topic just to keep it simple:

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer.

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) **When requesting, post your SR name** so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

Try not to send BTC to people that registered 2 minutes before posting because they might be scammers.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
dr gonzo
Mike Hunt
White Out

The shit list:
Autobondon *
King Karma ++++
snipeemflo ++++

*^*do not lend to these people*^*

Thank You b0m  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ballzinator on November 03, 2012, 05:38 pm
+1, I'd be willing to give some spare coin.
Also this thread should be stickied.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: AdmiralSpanky on November 03, 2012, 06:05 pm
This is like a Take-A-BitCoin / Leave-A-BitCoin tray like at a convenience store, yeah? I like the idea of a centralized thread for this. Good thinking!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BlarghRawr on November 03, 2012, 10:59 pm
I'm actually out of coins right now, unless my loans get paid off. I'm hoping that happens soon.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: elsucio on November 04, 2012, 02:08 am
I'm actually coming up a bit short (0.20) for buying an item -.- and just waiting for the bitcoin price to drop. If anyone could spare some change it'd help a lot that way I can get it out of the way already. Thanks :)

Silkroad: elsucio
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thecrackhead on November 04, 2012, 10:22 pm
I've just sent the 0.03 I had, hopefully someone is willing to send the rest...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: nomad bloodbath on November 07, 2012, 10:38 am
I'm actually coming up a bit short (0.20) for buying an item -.- and just waiting for the bitcoin price to drop. If anyone could spare some change it'd help a lot that way I can get it out of the way already. Thanks :)

Silkroad: elsucio

Are you damaged in the skull area?
I sell brand new skulls if you need one.
Post 1: " I'll take the maximum amount of  btc allowed."

Seriously, you guys know how many btcs I have...o.o4 BTC you don't see me making threads asking to pay for shipping on a listing i've been wanting.

Buck up starchaser you are buying drugs not food.

nomad bloodbath
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Purple_Hue000 on November 08, 2012, 03:36 am
I'm looking for an extra coin to complete my order please
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ballzinator on November 21, 2012, 06:16 pm
Mods, stickying this thread would drastically reduce the number of new "Help, I'm two and half cents short" threads.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ADAM on November 21, 2012, 06:23 pm
Was going to start my own thread but just saw this one  ;D If anyone has .07 BTC I would greatly appreciate it! I will pass on some extra BTC on the next transaction I do

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: pholscolloid89 on November 21, 2012, 06:26 pm
I'm 0.01BTC short of a 25c purchase. If there's any excess i'll put it back into this thread. Good idea btw I always have pesky small amounts doing nothing
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ballzinator on November 21, 2012, 06:41 pm
I'm 0.01BTC short of a 25c purchase. If there's any excess i'll put it back into this thread. Good idea btw I always have pesky small amounts doing nothing
PM me :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Stray Cat on November 23, 2012, 02:35 pm
This is like a Take-A-BitCoin / Leave-A-BitCoin tray like at a convenience store, yeah? I like the idea of a centralized thread for this. Good thinking!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: shitwassocash on November 23, 2012, 04:00 pm
Wish more people used this instead of creating new threads. I'd like to donate, but I won't do so for new users. Just the audacity of someone to ask for a handout on their first post turns me off.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ballzinator on November 23, 2012, 04:39 pm
Wish more people used this instead of creating new threads. I'd like to donate, but I won't do so for new users. Just the audacity of someone to ask for a handout on their first post turns me off.
You can counteract this annoying behavior by directing all OPs of BTC help request threads to this thread like I do. Also, a mod should sticky this thread.
And yeah, I never give anyone BTC unless they have contributed in a positive to the community (useful info, good opinions in discussions etc.).
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: libertyseller on November 23, 2012, 06:28 pm
Asking for a handout, voting, thinking they deserve

Seriously though, I cannot and will not GIVE anything away- I will however, as a trusted vendor make occasional offers of SALE of btc to others.

NO stinking xfr fees, none of that bullshit- and generally for about 1-2% under current market-

THIS benefits ME as a vendor and YOU as a customer- after all...why spend extra money on xfrs and percentages when we dont have too?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Slicksuit on November 23, 2012, 11:50 pm
When I have spare coins I will happily donate to active forum members.

-Slicksuit  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: James Hardens Beard on November 24, 2012, 03:21 am
Hey guys, I've got .03 spare in my account if anybody needs it :D

Hoping the good karma will come back this way if I'm ever short a little bit.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: talawtam on November 24, 2012, 08:46 am
I have ฿0.01 sitting in my account. If your short on an order just shoot me a pm with your address. peace
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thecrackhead on November 24, 2012, 02:18 pm
could send it to you but i need the address, guessing BTC addresses might take a while...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: 420chan on November 24, 2012, 05:18 pm
(1DDFjtKRvqPsWKk5QmWuDL9M8zBiunLf6i) id take any amount of bitcoins im pretty broke and like trying different things on the silk road
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: libertyseller on November 25, 2012, 03:37 am
I tell you what if it will help me sell my product faster by advertising this...

I have some btc in my seller acct- I will give .15 btc each to the next 4 people who contact me ON SR through my seller acct.

Just a simple hi, and add me as a favorite, and I wouldnt mind a little publicity.

I am logging off in 5 minutes, and will be back on tomorrow 12-15 hours from now, the first 4 people will receive .15 btc apiece. I will get back on here and name the winners (make sure I have your forum name please!)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dirtybiscuitzz718 on November 25, 2012, 06:48 am
@ TheCrackHead, +1 for this thread dude. good shit
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: shitwassocash on November 27, 2012, 03:40 am
Any established forum ppls in need for an urgent buy?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dirtybiscuitzz718 on November 27, 2012, 03:52 am
I have some change to lend if any one may need=0)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: rampant88 on November 27, 2012, 06:06 pm
If there is anyone out there that is feeling extra nice today I would appreciate it so much if you can lend me .2BTC for about one to two days until my MP is redeemed it is just taking BTC Buddy awhile to redeem MP's right now but when he does you will get your .2BTC back. I just kind of need the .2 BTC today. My SR username is the same  - rampant88-     Thanks a bunch to anyone who will help!!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: feedGABA on November 27, 2012, 07:59 pm
If there is anyone out there that is feeling extra nice today I would appreciate it so much if you can lend me .2BTC for about one to two days until my MP is redeemed it is just taking BTC Buddy awhile to redeem MP's right now but when he does you will get your .2BTC back. I just kind of need the .2 BTC today. My SR username is the same  - rampant88-     Thanks a bunch to anyone who will help!!!

Gotcha! :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: pin0y13 on November 27, 2012, 09:54 pm
If anyone can lend me .14 BTC as im short that much from a purchase. (Messed up calculating how much I needed to pay). I'll pay you back as soon as I can. You can send to my Bitcoin address: 1FbRXj58PnfW1t9QXJAf5DAdzSKXBuUZUX  or to my SR account which is pin0y13. Thank you very much if you're able to do this :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: crazyburnout on November 27, 2012, 10:03 pm
would any kind hearted person be willing to loan me 0.2 bitcoins? i can pay it back when i load money on here in a week or promise to pay it forward. thanks in advance. it can be sent to

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: aSadPanda on November 27, 2012, 10:13 pm
would any kind hearted person be willing to loan me 0.2 bitcoins? i can pay it back when i load money on here in a week or promise to pay it forward. thanks in advance. it can be sent to


GOTCHA Payment Sent  ;) Hopefully good Karma would come my way  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thecrackhead on November 27, 2012, 10:27 pm
0.17 if anyone needs.

would any kind hearted person be willing to loan me 0.2 bitcoins? i can pay it back when i load money on here in a week or promise to pay it forward. thanks in advance. it can be sent to


GOTCHA Payment Sent  ;) Hopefully good Karma would come my way  ;D
+1, see? karma's not a bitch!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: slysamuel0109 on November 27, 2012, 10:33 pm
Really wish I would've seen this thread before I made my last purchase. I hate having to throw in 20 extra bucks just cause I'm short .02 BTC's. Very glad to see honest people doing good for others in need on this forum. Long live SR!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: aSadPanda on November 27, 2012, 10:36 pm
0.17 if anyone needs.

would any kind hearted person be willing to loan me 0.2 bitcoins? i can pay it back when i load money on here in a week or promise to pay it forward. thanks in advance. it can be sent to


GOTCHA Payment Sent  ;) Hopefully good Karma would come my way  ;D
+1, see? karma's not a bitch!

Danke Schön  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thecrackhead on November 27, 2012, 10:56 pm
Bitte Schön
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jmatts on November 27, 2012, 11:11 pm
I just got scammed on my MP and lost $300+ and now I am a half BTC short on an order I specially had made up. Is ther anyone who can do a half coin loan for 4-7days or when I get the BTC I can justb pay it forward to someone on here that needs it then. If it is the BTC you want back I can give up to 1 BTC for the .5BTC, but if .75BTC would be ok than I would rather do that after getting ripped $300+ I am strapped for cash. Please help Silk Road godoKarma will def. come your way from me and plenty of others I'm sure. Thank You in advance understanding and kind person who can help me out in my time of need after my getting scammed loss.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jmatts on November 27, 2012, 11:12 pm
By the way mr Silk Road username is the same, ------------     jmatts    --------------, Thanks again
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ballzinator on November 27, 2012, 11:17 pm
Bitte Schön
Verbundsteinpflaster ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: crazyburnout on November 27, 2012, 11:43 pm
thank you very much sad panda. greatly appreciated
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jmatts on November 27, 2012, 11:48 pm
I just got scammed on my MP and lost $300+ and now I am a half BTC short on an order I specially had made up. Is there anyone who can do a half coin loan for 4-7days or when I get the BTC I can just pay it forward to someone on here that needs it then. If it is the BTC you want back I can give up to 1BTC for the .5BTC, but if .75BTC would be OK than I would rather do that after getting ripped $300+ I am strapped for cash. Please help  good Karma will def. come your way from me and plenty of others I'm sure. Thank You in advance for the understanding and kind person who can help me out in my time of need after my getting scammed loss.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dirtybiscuitzz718 on November 27, 2012, 11:59 pm
I feel like this would be something helpful to post in here LOL
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: godness420 on November 28, 2012, 12:08 am
Hi. is there any good people that can loan me 0.01 btc? its only 0.01, it is what i need to make my order :)

adress: 1N3PTUkHS3bEzpFkThQaSM6JEXrMKbUeTu

Thanks you all :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: shitwassocash on November 28, 2012, 12:11 am
By the way mr Silk Road username is the same, ------------     jmatts    --------------, Thanks again

Look at this guy's posts before you donate.

Godness, sendin' you .01 right now :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: godness420 on November 28, 2012, 12:15 am
By the way mr Silk Road username is the same, ------------     jmatts    --------------, Thanks again

Look at this guy's posts before you donate.

Godness, sendin' you .01 right now :)

thanks !  I will be the first customer of a new seller, lets see how this goes :). Again, thanks  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jmatts on November 28, 2012, 12:18 am
I just got scammed on my MP and lost $300+ and now I am a half BTC short on an order I specially had made up. Is there anyone who can do a half coin loan for 4-7days or when I get the BTC I can just pay it forward to someone on here that needs it then. If it is the BTC you want back I can give up to 1BTC for the .5BTC, but if .75BTC would be OK than I would rather do that after getting ripped $300+ I am strapped for cash. Please help  good Karma will def. come your way from me and plenty of others I'm sure. Thank You in advance for the understanding and kind person who can help me out in my time of need after my getting scammed loss.

I wasn't the one who needed .01BTC, I needed a .5BTC load because I got scammed $375. and am now short
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jmatts on November 28, 2012, 01:55 am
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Lane on November 28, 2012, 02:02 am
This begging thing should not be encouraged Most of us work very hard to earn the money we use on bitcoins. If yo have a drug habit that you cant support then it is time to take a break.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ballzinator on November 28, 2012, 02:17 am
This begging thing should not be encouraged Most of us work very hard to earn the money we use on bitcoins. If yo have a drug habit that you cant support then it is time to take a break.
We sure as hell ain't gonna stop it so who gives a fuck as long as it's contained within this thread?!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jmatts on November 28, 2012, 02:36 am
it isn't drug habit I can't afford I got scammed for $375 on a MP tom get BTC, You Fuck Face, LAME, you have no idea what you are running your blow-job giver about!!!!, LAME Lane
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: crazyburnout on November 28, 2012, 02:58 am
This begging thing should not be encouraged Most of us work very hard to earn the money we use on bitcoins. If yo have a drug habit that you cant support then it is time to take a break.

 i dont see asking for 0.2 coins or whatever as begging. it makes no sense to go to a bank and do the whole btcoin exchange process for 1 lousy dollar. you always have a small amount of coin left over after any purchase because a smart person buys a little more coin than they actually need so why not let someone have it if you dont need it? as long as you send it full circle then it is just helping someone out which i strongly encourage.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: crazyburnout on November 28, 2012, 03:00 am
it isn't drug habit I can't afford I got scammed for $375 on a MP tom get BTC, You Fuck Face, LAME, you have no idea what you are running your blow-job giver about!!!!, LAME Lane

 hey man i recommend you use like or something. a cash deposit and everything is taken care of for you. coins just sent to your address. its cheaper than using coin vendors on here and a lot less risky
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: aSadPanda on November 28, 2012, 03:12 am
it isn't drug habit I can't afford I got scammed for $375 on a MP tom get BTC, You Fuck Face, LAME, you have no idea what you are running your blow-job giver about!!!!, LAME Lane

 hey man i recommend you use like or something. a cash deposit and everything is taken care of for you. coins just sent to your address. its cheaper than using coin vendors on here and a lot less risky

He's begging..I actually thought about sendin some his way , then he bombarded my inbox with excuses why he doesn't have enough coin. First he asked for .5btc then asked for 5btc and said he would pay me back 7.5btc...ummmm Sorry but I don't like free-loaders. Look at all his other post...they're all pretty much the same, begging for coin.  Anywho, I have .2 BTC more to donate, PM me. :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: diplomatcb on November 28, 2012, 03:45 am
Hey guys i need .07 bitcoins. If any one could help me out. I'll keep it going next time if i see someone needing a hand on sr i'm the same user diplomatcb. Any help is appreciated. thanks :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: nbeaupre on November 28, 2012, 05:23 am
I am in des. need of .2 if you can float it my way.You can use the same username. I will def. pay back or forward what you can spare to me. I need .25BTC but .2 like you said you have i fine too. THANK YOU  SO MUCH
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: James Hardens Beard on November 28, 2012, 05:26 am
Ughh, a tiny bit short of what I need. Anyone here willing to help me out send me a quick PM? Willing to pay you back in a day or two.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Nonameonpackage. on November 28, 2012, 05:47 am
Hey second time I've needed to come on the forum , and its to ask for btc this time :(
I need 0.13 ASAP , anyone willing to help will get repaid to the same address as soon as I reload my coin, probably about a week or so.
Any amount is appreciated guys, thanks.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: aSadPanda on November 28, 2012, 06:40 am
Ughh, a tiny bit short of what I need. Anyone here willing to help me out send me a quick PM? Willing to pay you back in a day or two.

Done.  :D

I am in des. need of .2 if you can float it my way.You can use the same username. I will def. pay back or forward what you can spare to me. I need .25BTC but .2 like you said you have i fine too. THANK YOU  SO MUCH

and Done.  :D

I'm 21+ days in transit for 3 bulk MDMA orders  ;) hopefully karma IRL comes my way!!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: James Hardens Beard on November 28, 2012, 06:52 am
Here's hoping you get your packages very soon panda! I really appreciate it man, the kind act won't go unnoticed :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thecrackhead on November 28, 2012, 09:14 am
can you do a half btc more and i will give you 1.5btc total. please send to same username you sent to before!!!
The point of this topic is not to ask everyone for money in order for you to place an order without having any BTC!
Fuck off and don't come back! You like drugs? Sort your shit out and learn that you need to work to get what you want!

Please everyone don't give him any money he's a scumbag!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: feedGABA on November 28, 2012, 11:13 am
Quote:He's begging..I actually thought about sendin some his way , then he bombarded my inbox with excuses why he doesn't have enough coin. First he asked for .5btc then asked for 5btc and said he would pay me back 7.5btc...ummmm Sorry but I don't like free-loaders. Look at all his other post...they're all pretty much the same, begging for coin.  Anywho, I have .2 BTC more to
donate, PM me. :D 
Quote end

Jep, same here. Only it was user rampant88. Sent him the 0.2 that he asked for then he msgd me he actually needed 0.5 so I gave him my last 0.2 I had in there but still he msgd me about needing more. He was being polite and everything and I don't care about those coins.
It's just so sad that even in this little thread, wich was made for helping each other, people come here to scam others.
Shame on you!!!!!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BlarghRawr on November 28, 2012, 11:25 am
I could always take donations that would go to furthering my loan-service. Or, as an aside, I could always take more borrowers. I accept anyone with... a fairly high transaction amount(USD-value, $500+). I aim to please. :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: awesome1126 on November 28, 2012, 03:16 pm
I need 2 BTC, can anyone or a group of friends help me out? Willing to pay back. Same name on the SR market.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dirtybiscuitzz718 on November 28, 2012, 04:39 pm
Yea bad move jmatt. I got the first msg from him asking for some help,before checking out all his bs spamming begging for coins, whining about the money he was scammed for. Dude most all of us have gotten took at least once.  I sent what I could, I just feel my donation could have went to some one more deservving. Poor judgement on my part I suppose.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ballzinator on November 28, 2012, 05:10 pm
Proposal for two new rules:
5.) Keep all communication in this thread. Ignore people who beg via PM.
6.) Post SR name AND BTC address. Not everyone has all of their BTC in their SR wallets.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: awesome1126 on November 28, 2012, 05:16 pm
Good call, I still need 2 BTC, can anyone spot me? Will pay back by Friday.


same name on the SR market.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: budlover on November 28, 2012, 06:31 pm
MY name is Budlover. I am .23BTC short on an order of cali bud and it is the smallest listing avaible. I would really like to place this order today, I have been on SR for 9+ months and have never had this problem that is why I created the same username on the forums and this is my first post. I should never have this problem again at least not for .75% of a year! LOL!!! Can someone who know what it is like to be short once out of a million times please help me out. I cwouldn't be able to thank you enough.  Same username on SR as the forums and my SR BTC address is       14pgXvmrzk8wUUFUj5S1WotPh7HGqmucdt                         Just in case you don't have the BTC in your SR account but have it in another BTC wallet you will need the SR BTC address instead of the username. Thanks to all SR
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: budlover on November 28, 2012, 06:40 pm
If you can send as much as 1 BTC I will pay you back also
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: James Hardens Beard on November 28, 2012, 07:06 pm
Hey asadpanda, just made a small deposit (should be through in the next couple of hours), is your SR username the same on the site as it is here? If not lemme know where to send it :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: NeedHeroin on November 28, 2012, 07:28 pm
1DTCXZVXiokB4a1SQsWG64uWKELxKZdVtA for NeedHeroin

Am I the only one with same SR name and forum name?
Not expecting any one to actually give away coins but what harm could it do?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: budlover on November 28, 2012, 09:21 pm
Captain Mal, who the hell is:  jmatt?      How am I someone who I don't even know who it is . I will look up the name under the forums. But Captain don't be saying lies because you just assumed that cuz my forums page was started today that I MUST be some jmatt. What is this person a scammer? Get ur facts straight next time before commenting Captain Mal. How would you like it if I was like you must be "blah,blah" a scammer on SR. Treat people the way you want to be treated which you would want the benifit of the doubt  and to not be accused with no proof whatsoever just a hunch. Come on Captain Mal you're susposed to be a SR or Hero Member not a Newbie!!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: shitwassocash on November 28, 2012, 09:33 pm
MY name is Budlover. I am .23BTC short on an order of cali bud and it is the smallest listing avaible. I would really like to place this order today, I have been on SR for 9+ months and have never had this problem that is why I created the same username on the forums and this is my first post. I should never have this problem again at least not for .75% of a year! LOL!!! Can someone who know what it is like to be short once out of a million times please help me out. I cwouldn't be able to thank you enough.  Same username on SR as the forums and my SR BTC address is       14pgXvmrzk8wUUFUj5S1WotPh7HGqmucdt                         Just in case you don't have the BTC in your SR account but have it in another BTC wallet you will need the SR BTC address instead of the username. Thanks to all SR

You sound a lot like "jmatts" ...

LMAO Exactly what I thought as soon as I saw this. It's uncanny.

Where's libertyseller and his program to identify scammers/douchebag kids?  :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ballzinator on November 28, 2012, 09:34 pm
Captain Mal, who the hell is:  jmatt?      How am I someone who I don't even know who it is . I will look up the name under the forums. But Captain don't be saying lies because you just assumed that cuz my forums page was started today that I MUST be some jmatt. What is this person a scammer? Get ur facts straight next time before commenting Captain Mal. How would you like it if I was like you must be "blah,blah" a scammer on SR. Treat people the way you want to be treated which you would want the benifit of the doubt  and to not be accused with no proof whatsoever just a hunch. Come on Captain Mal you're susposed to be a SR or Hero Member not a Newbie!!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: feedGABA on November 28, 2012, 09:44 pm
Proposal for two new rules:
5.) Keep all communication in this thread. Ignore people who beg via PM.
6.) Post SR name AND BTC address. Not everyone has all of their BTC in their SR wallets.

Thumbs up for the new rules, thanks Ballz!
I spent all my leftover coins yesterday so STOP FLOODING
MY MAILBOX!!! Any btc requests via pm I will ignore.

Thank you.
 Next time I have some spare coins, I'll be back to help you guys out again.

Have a great day:)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: budlover on November 28, 2012, 10:34 pm
help me freegabba. I need .01BTc to .3
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: shitwassocash on November 28, 2012, 11:11 pm
so, just received this PM from "budlover":

Quote from: budlover
cna you help me with .1bTC sense you were slandering my name claiming I'm some scammer. Please send the BTC to me for the rude slander. NO hard feelings bro.

trying to get money from me because i "slandered" him by calling him "jmatts" ... lol.

I got a PM too. This asshole is undermining what this thread is about.

lol did a mod edit his last post, or did he really admit he's jmat?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thecrackhead on November 28, 2012, 11:46 pm
OP updated, rules changed. Please beware that scumbags will keep posting here, begging and making up all kind of lame ass stories!

This topic will become sticky in the next 24 hours so it will get more attention which means more scumbags.

Keep in mind that there are people out there that are actually short on BTC and people trying to add up BTC from begging to set an order.

True, I would also like free drugs but the fact that I have a pair of balls keeps me away from becoming a lame-ass motherfucker.

Take care guys!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: shitwassocash on November 29, 2012, 12:05 am
just got some PMs from another new member. ivgotu41, zero posts, registered earlier this month though so who knows.

new members who need btc because they got scammed are just popping up EVERYWHERE :D

Sorry to have picked you out of so many online but I see your a full member and I need a bit of help as a newbie what my problem is yesterday I sent ukash and my Sr wallet no, to a so called vendor he's been a vendor for over a year and had 100% on his stats so I sent him these things and I've received nothing now he's going on about correct blockchain crapp but our agreement was ukash no, and my Sr wallet no, and I get the btc so do you reckon he's F, me or is he being truthfull about this blockchain thing cos I've never herd of it nor did he mention it at any stage he said ukash no, and Sr wallet no, please help me out if you don't mind thanks,  Ren.

I wrote back and asked who the vendor was

His or her name is.  COLLAPSES. he or she only sells viagra and buys n sell bitcoins which he's F. me on I gave the bastard £200. GBP. And have had nothing but excuses and silence I want this bastard lit up and everyone who backs him in the forum from other accounts has got to be him too so has he fucked me or what please get back to me with just that answer so I know what to do please thanks I'm gonna add you to my buddy list please advise me though and tell me what I should do please cheers,  Ren.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: aSadPanda on November 29, 2012, 12:08 am
Captain if youm want to appoligize I will accept but don't run ur mouth about what u have no clue about.

LULZZ I haven't laughed this hard since I was a little girl!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: nbeaupre on November 29, 2012, 12:48 am
you are a little girl.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: NeedHeroin on November 29, 2012, 01:37 am

I need 2.5btc to get my order :(. Will send 250mg of AM-2201 to any one that supplies. (That's if it arrives!)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: shmitty102 on November 29, 2012, 02:08 am
Trying to order a birthday present for a friend of mine who's never rolled before - just want to send her a little pill, but i'm .4 btc short and it's not worth going through the trouble to get more coin/it won't reach her in time if I do.

Can someone help a girl out? .4 btc to make me and my best friend very happy!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Dante Williams on November 29, 2012, 03:56 am
im a pretty new user to SR with only 3 transactions and just stumbled upon this thread. First of all what kind of person begs for money on a drug dealing site's forum? seems to be a fruitless effort, but apparently from reading the thread multiple people would be willing to donate some money to a needy person. Why would you give away any bitcoins even such a small amount. what can they buy with a quarter bitcoin? im not trying to piss people off i just wana hear what people think about this.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Dante Williams on November 29, 2012, 04:08 am
im a pretty new user to SR with only 3 transactions and just stumbled upon this thread. First of all what kind of person begs for money on a drug dealing site's forum? seems to be a fruitless effort, but apparently from reading the thread multiple people would be willing to donate some money to a needy person. Why would you give away any bitcoins even such a small amount. what can they buy with a quarter bitcoin? im not trying to piss people off i just wana hear what people think about this.

Imagine your order is 23.68 BTC and you have 23.65 BTC.

Ohh haha that happened to me on my first transaction thanks for clearing it up makes sense now
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: collapses on November 29, 2012, 10:14 am
In case anyone stumbles on this thread, I am collapses, and I have never dealt with the person in the quote on this page.  This issue is being dealt with elsewhere on the site and I would appreciate it if any customers could please do your research as I am/have been a very reliable vendor.  If you have a comment to make, please do not make it here and instead address it in the several other threads on the topic.  Thank you.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ballzinator on November 29, 2012, 10:56 am
In case anyone stumbles on this thread, I am collapses, and I have never dealt with the person in the quote on this page.  This issue is being dealt with elsewhere on the site and I would appreciate it if any customers could please do your research as I am/have been a very reliable vendor.  If you have a comment to make, please do not make it here and instead address it in the several other threads on the topic.  Thank you.
Relax, no one was taking that cunt seriously anyway ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: aSadPanda on November 29, 2012, 04:52 pm
you are a little girl.

How are you going to talk shit after me giving you some coin? Is it cuz I refused to give you more to feed your heroin addiction? The more you asked the more you're chances went down! I don't even want you to pay me back you can keep the .27 BTC or whatever it is. Fucking junkie pan handling on the forums, get a fucking life and a J.O.B.  :o
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mito on November 29, 2012, 04:58 pm

if a kind soul would like to donate 1 BTC, then thanks!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: crazyburnout on November 29, 2012, 05:52 pm
wow i was about to toss out a little bit of coin to a couple people who pm'd me but im totally glad i looked in this thread first, fuck those guys. hey aSadPanda i believe it was you who loaned me the 0.2 the other day. im just waiting for coins to arrive in my account and i can give it back to you if you like. and i just sent some good karma your way. thanks again
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: aSadPanda on November 29, 2012, 06:34 pm
wow i was about to toss out a little bit of coin to a couple people who pm'd me but im totally glad i looked in this thread first, fuck those guys. hey aSadPanda i believe it was you who loaned me the 0.2 the other day. im just waiting for coins to arrive in my account and i can give it back to you if you like. and i just sent some good karma your way. thanks again

Sweet  :D Thanks bud!! Just send whenever you can, no rush.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: shitwassocash on November 29, 2012, 07:40 pm
you are a little girl.

How are you going to talk shit after me giving you some coin? Is it cuz I refused to give you more to feed your heroin addiction? The more you asked the more you're chances went down! I don't even want you to pay me back you can keep the .27 BTC or whatever it is. Fucking junkie pan handling on the forums, get a fucking life and a J.O.B.  :o

This asshole has the nerve to say something like that after you lend him money?

Aw, this thread in its beginning really lifted my view of people in general, but with all these dumbasses taking advantage and acting like idiots, my faith in humanity is dropping again. :(

I wish I didn't have to search someone's username to make sure they're not a scammer before I lend money.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: aSadPanda on November 29, 2012, 09:06 pm
you are a little girl.

How are you going to talk shit after me giving you some coin? Is it cuz I refused to give you more to feed your heroin addiction? The more you asked the more you're chances went down! I don't even want you to pay me back you can keep the .27 BTC or whatever it is. Fucking junkie pan handling on the forums, get a fucking life and a J.O.B.  :o

This asshole has the nerve to say something like that after you lend him money?

Aw, this thread in its beginning really lifted my view of people in general, but with all these dumbasses taking advantage and acting like idiots, my faith in humanity is dropping again. :(

I wish I didn't have to search someone's username to make sure they're not a scammer before I lend money.

After I gave him BTC he sent my SR username 4 messages asking for more BTC. I said I didn't have any more and he was like "just send me anything you got PLEAASSEE" pffftttt!!! I wish I would have looked at his previous post before I sent him BTC. All of his post say the same thing, how short he is on BTC and he promises to pay back double or whatever.  Also see his post in HEROIN threads. He's clearly a junkie, loser, who probably in his mid 20's and still lives with his parents. There should be another rule for this thread : user has to have at least 50 post to ask for a loan. or something like that..just to prevent these losers to make new accounts and having nice people like us just give away our hard earned money.

Here's hoping you get your packages very soon panda! I really appreciate it man, the kind act won't go unnoticed :)

And one of my packages arrived today !!! ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: James Hardens Beard on November 29, 2012, 11:21 pm
Haha, yay! I tried to send some extra good vibes in your direction  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: crazyburnout on November 30, 2012, 12:30 am
wow i was about to toss out a little bit of coin to a couple people who pm'd me but im totally glad i looked in this thread first, fuck those guys. hey aSadPanda i believe it was you who loaned me the 0.2 the other day. im just waiting for coins to arrive in my account and i can give it back to you if you like. and i just sent some good karma your way. thanks again

Sweet  :D Thanks bud!! Just send whenever you can, no rush.

sent :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: milkman1 on November 30, 2012, 08:33 am
hi silk road I'm .17 BTC short on some MDMA. Is there anybody who can help?  Silk Road is the greatest website, period!!!! everyone is so nice on here too!!!

BTC address:     1PKgSiAkQxA94pkSAZSu8UZAwuC1pznArq
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thecrackhead on November 30, 2012, 09:02 am
Maybe a rule should be implemented here to prevent people with 1 post coming in and begging for coins .... because I've gotten way too many PMs from them and they all have the exact same writing style, leading me to believe a large number of these "users" are actually a single individual just out to scam people for free drug money.
I did update the rules but they don't read it...Only JR Members can ask for BTC...

You're too kind anyways Captain...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Edawg420 on November 30, 2012, 09:59 am
I also wanna spread some good vibes out there, if there is anybody out there with good karma and a good forum presence, and you find yourself needing some extra coin up to 5$ i gotcha...i don't want anything in return other than for you to pay it forward...

Peace and Love
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: misfitt on November 30, 2012, 04:58 pm
hey yall im needin .18BTC to coplete my weed order. What do yall think?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lufc1992uk on November 30, 2012, 05:14 pm
in need of 0.3 coins, would really appreciate it, username is lufc1992uk.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sccc on November 30, 2012, 05:30 pm
I'm 0.1 BTC short to make purchase. I'd much appreciate if someone could spare:


Thank you!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ballzinator on November 30, 2012, 07:44 pm
hey yall im needin .18BTC to coplete my weed order. What do yall think?
in need of 0.3 coins, would really appreciate it, username is lufc1992uk.
I'm 0.1 BTC short to make purchase. I'd much appreciate if someone could spare:


Thank you!
Please follow rule #6 ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: crazyburnout on November 30, 2012, 08:05 pm
in need of 0.3 coins, would really appreciate it, username is lufc1992uk.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thecrackhead on November 30, 2012, 08:58 pm
in need of 0.3 coins, would really appreciate it, username is lufc1992uk.

+1 see? karma works  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: crazyburnout on November 30, 2012, 09:38 pm
thanks crackhead, i can use all the good karma i can get
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: deadkndys420 on November 30, 2012, 09:55 pm
I am in need of .1 btc if someone would be kind enough to give me it that would be wonderful.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: wsg on November 30, 2012, 10:23 pm
I am in need of .1 btc if someone would be kind enough to give me it that would be wonderful.

Name: Deadman420
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: deadkndys420 on November 30, 2012, 10:56 pm
Thanks man!!!!!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: milkman1 on December 01, 2012, 06:17 am
hi silk road I'm .17 BTC short on some MDMA. Is there anybody who can help?  Silk Road is the greatest website, period!!!! everyone is so nice on here too!!!

BTC address: 14Kpo5NVEdrVSvw5Xt5NMW2HKvQ2yzT3gw
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BlarghRawr on December 01, 2012, 06:22 am
hi silk road I'm .17 BTC short on some MDMA. Is there anybody who can help?  Silk Road is the greatest website, period!!!! everyone is so nice on here too!!!

BTC address: 14Kpo5NVEdrVSvw5Xt5NMW2HKvQ2yzT3gw
If your negative karma is equal to or higher than your post-count, no one is going to give you anything.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: feedGABA on December 01, 2012, 10:08 am
Errm....could I be an exeption to the newbie rule? Since I've
already helped people out with coins and I'm planning on doing so whenever I have some spare btc. I don't need any at the moment, but it was sure nice to know where to turn to in case of emergency;)

Just take a look at my KARMA:-)

I'd really apprechiate it!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ballzinator on December 01, 2012, 10:37 am
Errm....could I be an exeption to the newbie rule? Since I've
already helped people out with coins and I'm planning on doing so whenever I have some spare btc. I don't need any at the moment, but it was sure nice to know where to turn to in case of emergency;)

Just take a look at my KARMA:-)

I'd really apprechiate it!
Yes, you have been a pleasant community member so far so I'd help you out :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: shitwassocash on December 01, 2012, 10:41 am
Aw, I don't know about judging based on karma. I don't usually put much weight on someone's karma. People can give negative karma just because they don't agree with you on a topic, or out of spite or jealousy. And people can rack up undeserved positive karma on karma giveaway threads. It doesn't always reflect how helpful or nice of a member you've been.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MC Haberdasher on December 01, 2012, 10:44 am
Aw, I don't know about judging based on karma. I don't usually put much weight on someone's karma. People can give negative karma just because they don't agree with you on a topic, or out of spite or jealousy. And people can rack up undeserved positive karma on karma giveaway threads. It doesn't always reflect how helpful or nice of a member you've been.

Isn't that the truth.  Some folks here are sensitive, and don't get my sense of humor sometimes.  That's not my fault.

Anyways, I have exactly .10 in my SR wallet..  If anyone needs it, or could use it..  Lemme know here in this thread.  I'll be logged on for another 4 mins or so.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: libertyseller on December 01, 2012, 05:11 pm
I sent out almost a full coin in small adds-

Just a heads up, I wont send more then once to each person sorry- and I will not send more then .15 per -

Guys, make your own btc, I do :)  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: shitwassocash on December 01, 2012, 09:12 pm
Yeah, I got what he meant. I'm just saying I'm not a fan of using karma as a determining factor in any sense. I guess it's likely though that most decent people won't have more negative karma than posts. But I was thinking of like, someone with 30 or so posts who got a shitload of negative karma over a thread where he had an unpopular opinion.

We don't seem to abide by the rules too strictly anyway, which I really like. If we see someone who technically shouldn't be asking but our experience tells us they're cool, we use our common sense.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: SandSnake on December 01, 2012, 09:49 pm
Hey gang, I'm exactly .35 btc short for an order. If anyone cares to help out I would be really appreciative. Always happy to pay it forward.


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: crazyburnout on December 01, 2012, 10:26 pm
dude i wont even give anything to a new account on here. this rampant guy is just pushy as fuck i just dont trust anybody whose forum account doesnt have at least 50 posts. i understand being new and i totally understand being slightly slightly short on coin. it makes no sense to go to all the trouble of getting coins just for a buck or 2 and if i get a good vibe off them i would totally be willing to give out a little coin to a brand new member but i dont care who you are or how long you have been a member here but the second you start getting pushy or start sending me a butt load of PM's to keep begging then im not giving up a damn thing. the thread is here for a reason. if someone has little cash to spare then they will come here and give it to someone in need. ill admit i made a new thread to ask to borrow a small amount of coin but thats only because i didnt realize this thread was here (BTW THANKS TO BALLZINATOR FOR SHOWING ME THE THREAD) but now that i know it is i check it regularly to see if there is anyone i can help out a bit,  as do most people do who have the coin to spare ( AND AGAIN A SPECIAL THANKS TO ASADPANDA FOR BEING COOL AND HELPING ME OUT +1)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: crazyburnout on December 01, 2012, 11:00 pm
Aw, I don't know about judging based on karma. I don't usually put much weight on someone's karma. People can give negative karma just because they don't agree with you on a topic, or out of spite or jealousy. And people can rack up undeserved positive karma on karma giveaway threads. It doesn't always reflect how helpful or nice of a member you've been.

nah, he said "If your negative karma is equal to or higher than your post-count, no one is going to give you anything." ... so if someone has a lot of posts but some negative karma, that's not an issue.  if, on the other hand, they have 5 posts and -10 karma, there's a good chance the negative karma is deserved!

i dont put much stock in karma. it seems like my negative karma goes up by 1 from time to and im not even sure which post is earning it for me lol. i try to feel out the vibe. the way i see it if someone loans you a coin and says not to worry about paying them back   then you are under a moral obligation to return the favor from time to time.. its called being a decent person. just because we all do drugs doesn't mean we cant be good to each other
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: crazyburnout on December 01, 2012, 11:22 pm
Hey gang, I'm exactly .35 btc short for an order. If anyone cares to help out I would be really appreciative. Always happy to pay it forward.



Need your SR name. all my coins are in my SR wallet
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: aSadPanda on December 01, 2012, 11:34 pm
dude i wont even give anything to a new account on here. this rampant guy is just pushy as fuck i just dont trust anybody whose forum account doesnt have at least 50 posts. i understand being new and i totally understand being slightly slightly short on coin. it makes no sense to go to all the trouble of getting coins just for a buck or 2 and if i get a good vibe off them i would totally be willing to give out a little coin to a brand new member but i dont care who you are or how long you have been a member here but the second you start getting pushy or start sending me a butt load of PM's to keep begging then im not giving up a damn thing. the thread is here for a reason. if someone has little cash to spare then they will come here and give it to someone in need. ill admit i made a new thread to ask to borrow a small amount of coin but thats only because i didnt realize this thread was here (BTW THANKS TO BALLZINATOR FOR SHOWING ME THE THREAD) but now that i know it is i check it regularly to see if there is anyone i can help out a bit,  as do most people do who have the coin to spare ( AND AGAIN A SPECIAL THANKS TO ASADPANDA FOR BEING COOL AND HELPING ME OUT +1)

no worries!! thank you for paying me back so quick :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: SandSnake on December 01, 2012, 11:39 pm
Hey gang, I'm exactly .35 btc short for an order. If anyone cares to help out I would be really appreciative. Always happy to pay it forward.



Need your SR name. all my coins are in my SR wallet

SR name is Oberyn. Thank you kindly  :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thecrackhead on December 01, 2012, 11:48 pm
i got .15 what jr member is short on a order? Read the fucking rules, I'm kind and I respect you, you respect me simple as that!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: crazyburnout on December 01, 2012, 11:56 pm
Hey gang, I'm exactly .35 btc short for an order. If anyone cares to help out I would be really appreciative. Always happy to pay it forward.



Need your SR name. all my coins are in my SR wallet

SR name is Oberyn. Thank you kindly  :D

Ha wow im a dumbass. you totally put your name up there i just completely overlooked it somehow. anyway the road is being a bitch for me to log on but as soon as i get on there i will send you the 0.35
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: SandSnake on December 02, 2012, 12:00 am
Hey gang, I'm exactly .35 btc short for an order. If anyone cares to help out I would be really appreciative. Always happy to pay it forward.



Need your SR name. all my coins are in my SR wallet

SR name is Oberyn. Thank you kindly  :D

Ha wow im a dumbass. you totally put your name up there i just completely overlooked it somehow. anyway the road is being a bitch for me to log on but as soon as i get on there i will send you the 0.35

No rush. Thanks again, and good luck with those goddamn bats!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: crazyburnout on December 02, 2012, 12:54 am
Hey gang, I'm exactly .35 btc short for an order. If anyone cares to help out I would be really appreciative. Always happy to pay it forward.



Need your SR name. all my coins are in my SR wallet

SR name is Oberyn. Thank you kindly  :D

Ha wow im a dumbass. you totally put your name up there i just completely overlooked it somehow. anyway the road is being a bitch for me to log on but as soon as i get on there i will send you the 0.35

No rush. Thanks again, and good luck with those goddamn bats!

haha thanks, i got my fly swatter. i just sent you the 0.35 what ever drug you are getting just take a hit/dose for me
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: EzzeeK on December 02, 2012, 01:04 am
Hey everyone,  I hate asking this, but can anyone loan me 0.6 btc or $6.  I will pay you back by the end of this next week with interest.  My name is the same on the marketplace if you decide to help me out.  I feel pathetic for asking since it's my stupidity for not depositing more.  Thanks.  :/
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BlarghRawr on December 02, 2012, 01:26 am
Hey everyone,  I hate asking this, but can anyone loan me 0.6 btc or $6.  I will pay you back by the end of this next week with interest.  My name is the same on the marketplace if you decide to help me out.  I feel pathetic for asking since it's my stupidity for not depositing more.  Thanks.  :/
I've given EzzeeK loans before and he paid them back in the time-line he told me. Only reason he even has to ask now is because I can't cover him.

Point is, my money was safe being loaned to him so I think whoever loans to him will get paid back.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: aSadPanda on December 02, 2012, 02:06 am
Hey everyone,  I hate asking this, but can anyone loan me 0.6 btc or $6.  I will pay you back by the end of this next week with interest.  My name is the same on the marketplace if you decide to help me out.  I feel pathetic for asking since it's my stupidity for not depositing more.  Thanks.  :/
I've given EzzeeK loans before and he paid them back in the time-line he told me. Only reason he even has to ask now is because I can't cover him.

Point is, my money was safe being loaned to him so I think whoever loans to him will get paid back.

DONE ;) last time I spared some BTC I had one MDMA pack arrived the next crossing my fingers and toes for my other packs to come Mon/Tuesday  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: EzzeeK on December 02, 2012, 02:18 am
Thank you very much aSadPanda.  I sent you a PM to your SR market account.  I hope your MDMA arrives on time and over weight.  Thanks again. :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: aSadPanda on December 02, 2012, 03:45 am
Thank you very much aSadPanda.  I sent you a PM to your SR market account.  I hope your MDMA arrives on time and over weight.  Thanks again. :)

Just checked the tracking and my 2nd pack arrived at my local PO lol Anyone else need some btc? hahaha
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: itswonderful on December 02, 2012, 09:49 am
Hey beautiful people

Looking for a loan of .10 btc. Seller cancelled an order and the refund came back short. More then happy to pay back the loan during my next amount of btc that comes in.

PM me if you can assist.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: feedGABA on December 02, 2012, 04:40 pm
Errm....could I be an exeption to the newbie rule? Since I've
already helped people out with coins and I'm planning on doing so whenever I have some spare btc. I don't need any at the moment, but it was sure nice to know where to turn to in case of emergency;)

Just take a look at my KARMA:-)

I'd really apprechiate it!

Thanks! This makes me wanna do the happy dance again ;D
Yes, you have been a pleasant community member so far so I'd help you out :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dirtybiscuitzz718 on December 02, 2012, 08:31 pm
Hey guys, any one want to donate .05 btc? Thats like .55 cents or some thing. Fell just short of an order.

Same user name on SR. 1AkLFSmYPMXm3CL1AYf1RJq9dcxS8GXkui
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: shitwassocash on December 02, 2012, 08:38 pm
Hey guys, any one want to donate .05 btc? Thats like .55 cents or some thing. Fell just short of an order.

Same user name on SR. 1AkLFSmYPMXm3CL1AYf1RJq9dcxS8GXkui

I gotchuuuu. Sending now.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dirtybiscuitzz718 on December 02, 2012, 08:41 pm
Hey guys, any one want to donate .05 btc? Thats like .55 cents or some thing. Fell just short of an order.

Same user name on SR. 1AkLFSmYPMXm3CL1AYf1RJq9dcxS8GXkui

I gotchuuuu. Sending now.

awesome, thank you! +1 =0)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Punchhulkindamouf on December 03, 2012, 02:55 am
I am also, sadly short .06 btc on an order. Anybody out there that might be able to help?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Punchhulkindamouf on December 03, 2012, 03:16 am
Sorry... I guess I am too new to the forums or at least not active enough. I will try to work it out with the vendor. Thanks anyway.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: slysamuel0109 on December 03, 2012, 03:18 am
Not quite sure how to become a Jr. Member but I have a tiny amount of leftover BTC's that I would gladly donate to the needy. I know how it is to put in all your $$ and be short .03 BTC for your over anticipated order. So long as they pay it forward and I can return here when that dreadful moment comes for me.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: nick88 on December 03, 2012, 03:59 am
hey I know what you mean to be such a short amount but can't find it anywhere.I am shot.05BTC and I oray you can help me out even if the .03BTC is all you have. I have the same name on SR or message if you need my sr wallet. You don't know how much this is appreciated. Iwill def, pay it forward, hopefully to you in the future for helping me out with the.05Bitcoin. THANKS SO SO SO much. I can order now instead of1 to2 to3 to 4 days till I got the .05BTC.  You're the best man. Hope positive KARMA comes your way all the time
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: shitwassocash on December 03, 2012, 04:12 am
Sorry, it's not that myself or others look down on people who aren't active yet or anything like that, it's just that it's really easy for someone to make a couple dozen forum accounts, let em sit for awhile and use them to ask for loans and donations all over the place (we've actually seen that recently)

So I'm not willing to donate to those with lower post count unless they've been a decent presence (meaning, not half their posts have been asking for donations coughcoughcough)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: SpaceCrabs on December 03, 2012, 07:36 am
Errrrr I hate to ask, but i really wanna try some cid, and I'm like .10 short.

heres my address in case anybody wants to help my cause :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: libertyseller on December 03, 2012, 09:37 pm
Okay yall, I gave out 2.15 btc in small units - no more freebies from me for now :)

Maybe next it stands gotta take care of business.

Hope it helped, but I will not respond to messages about btc anymore ;) not freebies at least-
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lionessdigress on December 05, 2012, 04:15 am
if anyone can help me by donating .02 bit, i would really appreciate it! my username is lionessdigress and my sr address is 1MVpnfmDjFXaFHRRjyKcZKyZZZ42qBjcsW. thank you!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: killerglass on December 05, 2012, 04:37 am
I gotcha covered, lioness.....
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: skulldrag on December 05, 2012, 05:40 am
I had .02 left, its not gonna do me much good, is one of the people in here that actually participates, has a good place for them, lemme know, its only a couple cents... but hey
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: OnePotMama on December 06, 2012, 02:34 am
If anyone has around .08-.1 BTC available for donation, it would be very appreciated. Username is the same on SR and address is (16DGqnPSP8XQckJasXEHyKy6ZrVBJFgt9U). My order was refunded due to shipping issues from one vendor and I'd like to try another vendor but am short around a dollar for shipping. And I will continue to pay it forward if I have leftovers. Thanks 8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tak3napart on December 06, 2012, 02:37 am
Hey everybody, not new to this site but new to the forums. Trying to order some mdma off oldamsterdam but am 0.45 btc short. If anyone is willing to help I will gladly pay you back in a week or so. Thanks

Address is 12j2nvsb9g1rMnRAVRj594mGGSkTNVYmKf   
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: skulldrag on December 06, 2012, 04:21 am
onepotmama, I tried to send the .02 I had to help, its telling me insuffcient funds, I have no idea why... maybe because I have something in escrow?? anyway, other than that I wont have anything until next friday :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: aSadPanda on December 06, 2012, 06:58 am
If anyone has around .08-.1 BTC available for donation, it would be very appreciated. Username is the same on SR and address is (16DGqnPSP8XQckJasXEHyKy6ZrVBJFgt9U). My order was refunded due to shipping issues from one vendor and I'd like to try another vendor but am short around a dollar for shipping. And I will continue to pay it forward if I have leftovers. Thanks 8)

Done  :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meanovo on December 06, 2012, 11:22 am
Hey, i am 0.17 btc short for an order (postage)
Anyone that can spare me what i need.

My Silkroad name is Zaerdna and my deposit to my Sr wallet:
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: OnePotMama on December 06, 2012, 03:30 pm
onepotmama, I tried to send the .02 I had to help, its telling me insuffcient funds, I have no idea why... maybe because I have something in escrow?? anyway, other than that I wont have anything until next friday :(

If anyone has around .08-.1 BTC available for donation, it would be very appreciated. Username is the same on SR and address is (16DGqnPSP8XQckJasXEHyKy6ZrVBJFgt9U). My order was refunded due to shipping issues from one vendor and I'd like to try another vendor but am short around a dollar for shipping. And I will continue to pay it forward if I have leftovers. Thanks 8)

Done  :D

Wow! I... wow. I really didn't know if it would work, but the road surely has some wonderful travelers on it! Waking up and coming on SR to this surprise has truly made my day.Thank you for your generosity. The moment I get Karma ability, a +1 to you both!

Good vibes all around 8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tak3napart on December 06, 2012, 06:33 pm
Hey everybody, not new to this site but new to the forums. Trying to order some mdma off oldamsterdam but am 0.45 btc short. If anyone is willing to help I will gladly pay you back in a week or so. Thanks

Address is 12j2nvsb9g1rMnRAVRj594mGGSkTNVYmKf
So someone lent me .09 but I still need 0.36
If anyone could loan me that I'd gladly pay you back double next week :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lnr on December 06, 2012, 07:28 pm
New user here, to SR and the Forums.

I'm .03 away from my first ever dmt order. Please help me breakthrough! I will give back soon as I get it, I just don't want to lose the order.

**removed bit-address**

Promise to remove post one received.

Many thanks,

**EDIT** Thank you wsg!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: libertyseller on December 06, 2012, 11:47 pm
MY name is Budlover. I am .23BTC short on an order of cali bud and it is the smallest listing avaible. I would really like to place this order today, I have been on SR for 9+ months and have never had this problem that is why I created the same username on the forums and this is my first post. I should never have this problem again at least not for .75% of a year! LOL!!! Can someone who know what it is like to be short once out of a million times please help me out. I cwouldn't be able to thank you enough.  Same username on SR as the forums and my SR BTC address is       14pgXvmrzk8wUUFUj5S1WotPh7HGqmucdt                         Just in case you don't have the BTC in your SR account but have it in another BTC wallet you will need the SR BTC address instead of the username. Thanks to all SR

You sound a lot like "jmatts" ...

LMAO Exactly what I thought as soon as I saw this. It's uncanny.

Where's libertyseller and his program to identify scammers/douchebag kids?  :-*

He has been added to the pool ...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: wheelwrightkalman on December 07, 2012, 05:15 am
Hey, i am 0.17 btc short for an order (postage)
Anyone that can spare me what i need.

My Silkroad name is Zaerdna and my deposit to my Sr wallet:

Sent your way :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: yokes101 on December 07, 2012, 12:08 pm
I really hate to ask but i'm short 0.55 BTC on an order. I think that some thing like 4 euro.
The BTC price keeps going up, I started a cash in the mail transaction 3 days ago with extra cash in there in case the price raises and still short!

Anyway if anyone could help me out I would really appreciate it! My SR name is yokes101
Address is: 1EYxt8AGKT6mFRaLKUZ1QNvSN7oyMq1Bm2

Much love!  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ballzinator on December 07, 2012, 12:50 pm
I really hate to ask but i'm short 0.55 BTC on an order. I think that some thing like 4 euro.
The BTC price keeps going up, I started a cash in the mail transaction 3 days ago with extra cash in there in case the price raises and still short!

Anyway if anyone could help me out I would really appreciate it! My SR name is yokes101
Address is: 1EYxt8AGKT6mFRaLKUZ1QNvSN7oyMq1Bm2

Much love!  :)
Sending the coins right now. You can pay them back to my SR account (same username) whenever you have them :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: yokes101 on December 07, 2012, 06:38 pm
I really hate to ask but i'm short 0.55 BTC on an order. I think that some thing like 4 euro.
The BTC price keeps going up, I started a cash in the mail transaction 3 days ago with extra cash in there in case the price raises and still short!

Anyway if anyone could help me out I would really appreciate it! My SR name is yokes101
Address is: 1EYxt8AGKT6mFRaLKUZ1QNvSN7oyMq1Bm2

Much love!  :)
Sending the coins right now. You can pay them back to my SR account (same username) whenever you have them :)

Got em, Ballzinator your a hero! I can't say for sure when I can get them back to you but it shouldn't be more then two weeks.  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: godness420 on December 08, 2012, 08:41 pm
Hi SR: For the 2nd time, i need a little bit of money.. the first time i needed 0.01 btc, and now to buy some MDMA i need 0.02 btc's.. i would love if someone could help me out

My name on SR is godness420, the same as here and my adress is:

thank you if someone help me out :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: monrovia on December 08, 2012, 11:51 pm
I'm short .16 BTC. If anyone can help me I will definitely get you back soon or I can send you a suboxone strip if (I'm even allowed to offer to do that) if you want to donate like .50 BTC.

My SR username is the same as my forum name and my wallet address is.....


Thanks in advance if anyone comes through...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: wheelwrightkalman on December 09, 2012, 02:21 am
Hi SR: For the 2nd time, i need a little bit of money.. the first time i needed 0.01 btc, and now to buy some MDMA i need 0.02 btc's.. i would love if someone could help me out

My name on SR is godness420, the same as here and my adress is:

thank you if someone help me out :)

Sent your way :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: wheelwrightkalman on December 09, 2012, 02:25 am
I'm short .16 BTC. If anyone can help me I will definitely get you back soon or I can send you a suboxone strip if (I'm even allowed to offer to do that) if you want to donate like .50 BTC.

My SR username is the same as my forum name and my wallet address is.....


Thanks in advance if anyone comes through...

Sent .16 BTC your way too :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: monrovia on December 09, 2012, 02:39 am
I'm short .16 BTC. If anyone can help me I will definitely get you back soon or I can send you a suboxone strip if (I'm even allowed to offer to do that) if you want to donate like .50 BTC.

My SR username is the same as my forum name and my wallet address is.....


Thanks in advance if anyone comes through...

Sent .16 BTC your way too :)

Thanks man! I saved you to my buddy list and in a week or 2 tops I'll get you back + interest!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: godness420 on December 09, 2012, 03:31 am
Hi SR: For the 2nd time, i need a little bit of money.. the first time i needed 0.01 btc, and now to buy some MDMA i need 0.02 btc's.. i would love if someone could help me out

My name on SR is godness420, the same as here and my adress is:

thank you if someone help me out :)

Sent your way :)

thank you, really :) They already arrived :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Boulder on December 09, 2012, 06:38 am
I've fell 1 BTC short on an order :( My  SR name is Boulder32

I'd be ecstatic if you could help out!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: slysamuel0109 on December 09, 2012, 02:34 pm
So I'm still a newbie but I'm not a mooch. I hate to do this but I'm really wanting to test the waters with my first International order and my first LSD order by trying Janis' LSD. I'm only .15 BTC short of getting her 1 hit of LSD. Could some please help me out?


Thanks anyway!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Edawg420 on December 09, 2012, 07:19 pm
@ slysamuel0109, I gotcha brah, yer the first person i actually had a chance to give some BTC's too....people here are so nice... you got dcent enough stats IMO...50 posts and +2 karma... i just sent the BTC's your way.  GL bra!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: stripetheory710 on December 09, 2012, 11:33 pm
     I'm embarrassed to post this fatal noob technique by not having a larger amount of coins then the order total.  :-[ I'm short 0.1 Bitcoin. If anybody could loan me, I would be more than happy to pay back with interest by the end of this week.
     My SR ID is : (removed)
     Address: (removed, some kind soul loaned to a greater cause)

Thanks guys!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: HelloThereSir on December 10, 2012, 12:45 am
Good evening friends. My friend directed me to this thread in the hopes of acquiring .5 bitcoins to complete a transaction. I understand this is very newbie of me to request. If that is not happening, could someone guide me through Microloans? I would greatly appreciate the help.

In the event that you can help, here is my wallet address: 16DxxDZnnMzX6NpVguX2RTsZvjjoD9mk7P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BlarghRawr on December 10, 2012, 02:34 am
Good evening friends. My friend directed me to this thread in the hopes of acquiring .5 bitcoins to complete a transaction. I understand this is very newbie of me to request. If that is not happening, could someone guide me through Microloans? I would greatly appreciate the help.

In the event that you can help, here is my wallet address: 16DxxDZnnMzX6NpVguX2RTsZvjjoD9mk7P
So, this guy gets a half-vouch in that I think he is medium to low-risk on paying back, if someone gives him a loan. In addition, I'm willing to go halfsies if no one wants to send him the whole 0.5 coins. I can't cover that on my own at the moment, and if no one is willing to take my vouch by itself, I would be willing to send him 0.25 if someone else does the same.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MrMeltsta666 on December 10, 2012, 05:41 am
Hi all i have been a lurker on silk for a couple months now. Attempted my first purchase today and managed to buy myself 17.65 BTC to later realize i didn't click "go" in my cart to include the postage fee! Great, So now I'm short 0.11 BTC and unable to deposit more at a bank until tomorrow. If anyone could please please help me i would be forever grateful! I'd even be willing to send them back more than they sent me once i can make it to a bank for next transaction. A response would be greatly appreciated.

Kind regards,

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: slysamuel0109 on December 10, 2012, 07:55 pm
@ slysamuel0109, I gotcha brah, yer the first person i actually had a chance to give some BTC's too....people here are so nice... you got dcent enough stats IMO...50 posts and +2 karma... i just sent the BTC's your way.  GL bra!

We need more kick ass people like you in this world and all the others cool people on SR. Thank you kind sir/mam. I love SR.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: davidkelly on December 11, 2012, 12:01 am
Hi all i have been a lurker on silk for a couple months now. Attempted my first purchase today and managed to buy myself 17.65 BTC to later realize i didn't click "go" in my cart to include the postage fee! Great, So now I'm short 0.11 BTC and unable to deposit more at a bank until tomorrow. If anyone could please please help me i would be forever grateful! I'd even be willing to send them back more than they sent me once i can make it to a bank for next transaction. A response would be greatly appreciated.

Kind regards,


Post your bitcoin address and I will send it to you if you still need it :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: eworkjr on December 11, 2012, 12:29 am
Hey can anyone spare .2 btc? i have to pay damn shipping
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: davidkelly on December 11, 2012, 01:51 am
Hey can anyone spare .2 btc? i have to pay damn shipping

sent :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on December 11, 2012, 06:45 am
All you donors/ lenders out there absolutely kick ass!!
The SR community, for the most part, just may redeem my outlook of humanity!!

Don't give ME any coin cuz I PROMISE I'm gonna spend it on drugs!!  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Edawg420 on December 11, 2012, 07:49 am
@ murderface2012, i was wondering how you had so little posts but such high karma, and i figured it out... you are a funny mother fucker =P

and if we send you coin that's exactly what we hope you do with it =P

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: deadkndys420 on December 11, 2012, 10:29 pm
Can anyone spare .3?

A vendor canceled my order for some reason and as a result I am short .3 that I originally  had before the transaction  and would like to buy the same product from another vendor.



Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: davidkelly on December 11, 2012, 10:41 pm
Can anyone spare .3?

A vendor canceled my order for some reason and as a result I am short .3 that I originally  had before the transaction  and would like to buy the same product from another vendor.


Name: Deadman420


Sent to your wallet address :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lizardgalaxy on December 11, 2012, 11:52 pm
Can anyone spare .4? I'm short on a part of the shipping.  Please!

Name is Lizardgalaxy
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: deadkndys420 on December 12, 2012, 02:56 am
Can anyone spare .3?

A vendor canceled my order for some reason and as a result I am short .3 that I originally  had before the transaction  and would like to buy the same product from another vendor.


Name: Deadman420


Sent to your wallet address :)

Your a lifesaver man thanks!!!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Slicksuit on December 12, 2012, 11:12 pm
.35 BTC short because I mis-calculated!

Nightmare to get BTC in the UK, at the moment.

Whoever sends it to me, message me and I will send you .5 grams of MDMA when this batch arrives.


Thank you,
- Slicksuit
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: littlemisslovey on December 13, 2012, 12:40 am
Hello everyone  ;) So I am new to this & think this is a great idea. I'm not asking for bitcoins, just some of your knowledge please. What is the currency exchange from USD to bitcoins? Also how do you know that you are actually going to get what you order and not just lose your money? I know you can't be guaranteed every time just as is true for real life but I am kind of skeptical and believe this is actually to good to be true. Also I have created a post called opinions & Help about an idea I have if you are an experienced tor user and have some time to educate me it would be greatly appreciated.
Hope every one is having an great night & to those of you out there willing to donate you have a good heart  :) 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: EntityCreature on December 13, 2012, 01:15 am

I am truly sorry for being so petty, however tonight is a beautiful night somewhere in Scandinavia ::), and I am honestly missing 0.32 BTC for an order with Natural Alchemist Chemdog super duper weed! This is a long shot, however I do insist on you leaving your address so I can pay you back and then some! To whoever is out there on the road, I hope you are smoking the finest of the rarest tonight!

I know this exceeds the begging limit however I am more than willing to pay for the kindness and convenience! This is an awesome community. Ballzinator redirected me to here, creds.



Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sillybilly2 on December 13, 2012, 01:45 am

I am truly sorry for being so petty, however tonight is a beautiful night somewhere in Scandinavia ::), and I am honestly missing 0.32 BTC for an order with Natural Alchemist Chemdog super duper weed! This is a long shot, however I do insist on you leaving your address so I can pay you back and then some! To whoever is out there on the road, I hope you are smoking the finest of the rarest tonight!

I know this exceeds the begging limit however I am more than willing to pay for the kindness and convenience! This is an awesome community. Ballzinator redirected me to here, creds.



sent to your wallet...I had it laying around so don't pay me back, pay it forward ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thecrackhead on December 13, 2012, 09:39 am
Rules updated again, everyone can request BTC as people don't give a shit about the rules anyways.

At the end of the day we're a community and we're supposed to help each other.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Edawg420 on December 13, 2012, 07:31 pm
Yeah IMHO just use common sense... If some dude with 1 post asks you for money....i would think some of their lasts posts is what i always do....if they a moocher... well no BTC for YOU!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: abby25 on December 14, 2012, 03:23 am
Hi everyone,

I messed up with my bitcoins doing it for the first time and ended up about 0.8 under my first order, which was ok as i just ordered a bit less, but now i have 3.30btc in my account and there's something i want (Budworx 1g MDMA @ 3.33btc with delivery) which means i'm 0.03btc short! Kinda sucks :(

I posted in the main rumour mill forum first then someone was kind enough to point me over here.

If anyone can help me out i'll be sure to either return the favour, or pass it on in the future.

Many thanks. :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: SmackMyBitchUp on December 14, 2012, 03:44 am

Hey dude, if you can wait until my bitcoin transfer is completed in a few hours, after i make my purchases and if i have done my maths right, i will be left with 0.03btc

It's all yours if you can wait. I'll update here when i'm ready, but i don't know how to send someone else bitcoins, so i'll need some advice on how to go about it.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: kolom0nster on December 14, 2012, 03:49 am
Abby what's your SR name or btc address?  I can kick some your way.  Pm me if still in need.  Got a small amount left over and no purchases for a while
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: abby25 on December 14, 2012, 04:01 am

Hey dude, if you can wait until my bitcoin transfer is completed in a few hours, after i make my purchases and if i have done my maths right, i will be left with 0.03btc

It's all yours if you can wait. I'll update here when i'm ready, but i don't know how to send someone else bitcoins, so i'll need some advice on how to go about it.


Thanks dude!

There's someone below who says he can help out so i'll try him first just in case you need yours when they clear. I'll let you know i have the 0.03 as i don't want two people having to give me their coins!

Thank you so much for the offer! Legend :)

btw btc address is 1L73kUgxKFj5y7bWTowGMNyc6UNEqTkZEb

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: abby25 on December 14, 2012, 04:04 am
Abby what's your SR name or btc address?  I can kick some your way.  Pm me if still in need.  Got a small amount left over and no purchases for a while

Thanks so much friend.

My bitcoin address is 1L73kUgxKFj5y7bWTowGMNyc6UNEqTkZEb

I'm sure the buzz will be even better when we chat about how nice people were on here to help us get it :)

 ;D ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: kolom0nster on December 14, 2012, 04:30 am
Sent .12 btc hope that helps out
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: technopium on December 14, 2012, 05:13 am
Spread the LOVE!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: abby25 on December 14, 2012, 05:32 am
Sent .12 btc hope that helps out

Thanks so much, i'll use the other 0.09 to help some other people out on here :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: abby25 on December 14, 2012, 05:36 am
Wanted to check and see if this works as I am .22BTC short of an order.  Please help a brother out and I will perform a Seance and communicate with the spirits to make SURE that you have a HEALTHY and PROSPEROUS life.  ANd be free of STD's of course ;)

Thanks if you can and I WILL get you back in 1-2 weeks.

My SR Address:  13VFd68ga74ejwEfSgxczBRmfXM7aW8NBz
MY SR Username: technopimp

I'll have 0.09 left after kolomonsters 0.12 clears into my account you can have if that helps.

If you do want it props to kolomonster for helping us both out. Let me know :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mettiez on December 14, 2012, 06:39 am
Hi everyone, I am short 13 cents, which should be about.01 bc.  my user name is Mettiez if anyone can help me out that would be suuuuuuper awesome!!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: technopium on December 14, 2012, 06:40 am
Wanted to check and see if this works as I am .22BTC short of an order.  Please help a brother out and I will perform a Seance and communicate with the spirits to make SURE that you have a HEALTHY and PROSPEROUS life.  ANd be free of STD's of course ;)

Thanks if you can and I WILL get you back in 1-2 weeks.

My SR Address:  13VFd68ga74ejwEfSgxczBRmfXM7aW8NBz
MY SR Username: technopimp

I'll have 0.09 left after kolomonsters 0.12 clears into my account you can have if that helps.

If you do want it props to kolomonster for helping us both out. Let me know :)

Thanks abby, but I am all good.  I think someone posted asking for a few cents right above me though if you still have.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on December 14, 2012, 06:55 am
hello my lovely droogies..
well, it's my turn now..
I will be forever grateful if someone can spare .05btc
I'm that close to some of Imports yayo!!

I thank you in advance!!

(address below)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: abby25 on December 14, 2012, 08:14 am
hello my lovely droogies..
well, it's my turn now..
I will be forever grateful if someone can spare .05btc
I'm that close to some of Imports yayo!!

I thank you in advance!!

(address below)

Sent you 0.05 murderface. Don't forget to pay it forward! :)

"A friend in need's a friend indeed, a friend with weed is better"

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: godness420 on December 14, 2012, 12:32 pm
Hey people. Dont know why, every time that i put some BTC in my account some cents are gone from my account.. i put the total, and in the end, always missing some cents.. one time 0.01.. other time 0.02.. and this time, 0.07 :(..

 I miss  0.07btc to buy some MDMA.. i would love if someone could hook me up with the 0.07 btc..

My name on SR is godness420, like here, and my adress is:

thank you all :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mettiez on December 14, 2012, 04:52 pm
I sent .15 to the account murderface2012 hope that is right - that string of numbers and letters on the bottom there said 'user does not exist'

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: nickthepick on December 14, 2012, 08:15 pm
I am 0.05 bitcoins from purchasing blue dream cannabis. I'll be forever grateful for a donation. Ty in advance

SR name: Jacob421
BC address: 1FqQgQ4793t4Zj9LEPsQCUBwpVzCY5zWEt
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: abby25 on December 14, 2012, 09:51 pm
I am 0.05 bitcoins from purchasing blue dream cannabis. I'll be forever grateful for a donation. Ty in advance

SR name: Jacob421
BC address: 1FqQgQ4793t4Zj9LEPsQCUBwpVzCY5zWEt

Sent you my last 0.04, hopefully someone can help you out with the 0.01.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Purple_Hue000 on December 14, 2012, 10:41 pm
wondering if anyone can spot me for 0.50 btc, Please

SR Name:neohippie2050


Thank you in advance.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Theophilus Jones on December 14, 2012, 11:04 pm
This is a great idea! Nice to see all the requests in one topic. Basically, i'm short 50 CENTS(Not half a bitcoin) on an order. It's a great sale, and i'd really like to order it now so I could hopefully receive it for next week. I'm not asking for much, and I could pay you back up to a bitcoin when next time I deposit cash into my account

My SR username is Theophilus Jones
Bitcoin address:1Fz8HiXHfdmUK8tQKNmgFAZ25iem9A3Gws

Once again, thank you to anyone who can help.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: AAAARRRRRRGGGGG on December 15, 2012, 12:50 am
hey folks, i'm 0.14 BTC short of a purchase.  any help would be greatly appreciated.

bc address is 19xzfpHYMEy3mMSz6UXhuX33K6ihqdJHan

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: deadkndys420 on December 15, 2012, 02:12 am
This is a great idea! Nice to see all the requests in one topic. Basically, i'm short 50 CENTS(Not half a bitcoin) on an order. It's a great sale, and i'd really like to order it now so I could hopefully receive it for next week. I'm not asking for much, and I could pay you back up to a bitcoin when next time I deposit cash into my account

My SR username is Theophilus Jones
Bitcoin address:1Fz8HiXHfdmUK8tQKNmgFAZ25iem9A3Gws

Once again, thank you to anyone who can help.


hey folks, i'm 0.14 BTC short of a purchase.  any help would be greatly appreciated.

bc address is 19xzfpHYMEy3mMSz6UXhuX33K6ihqdJHan

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Theophilus Jones on December 15, 2012, 03:16 am
Thank you so much man. I really appreciate it.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Edawg420 on December 15, 2012, 03:55 am
@ Purple_Hue000, dude stop fucking begging for BTC... every day you are in here begging for BTC...nobody is dumb enough to give a guy who literally sends bulk PM's to borrow money... do you seriously think we are stupid enough to donate to someone who sends the same message to 15 people?

People like you fucking suck the good and kindness right out of people...your a drag on ANY society...


EDIT: Well i read you past 57 posts and i only see 1 post in this thread...but i would delete my old begging posts also... i know you have sent me 3 PM's now requesting Money, one of which you sent to 10 people...

How many other people is this guy begging from??  I'm just curious if he sends a PM to everybody or just the people who donated so you have a better chance at finding a generous person?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jackson29 on December 15, 2012, 05:38 am
Hey folks! I am .04 BTC short for a 17 BTC purchase  :-\

I'd really appreciate any help. My SR username is jacksontwentynine.

Wallet: 1LRBMJmacHvgVuMeHjWshNuTAZK3BSwbPU
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: nickthepick on December 15, 2012, 08:06 am
Anyone have 0.20 bitcoins to spare? I guess I miscomprehended how much BC I needed /: Can anyone help me out? Much thanks!

SR username: Jacob421
BCaddress: 1FqQgQ4793t4Zj9LEPsQCUBwpVzCY5zWEt
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: manlyman on December 15, 2012, 08:34 am

Not gonna lie, I wanna get high.
I don't have any BTC at the moment in my new account. Been a member of these boards for well over a year, but haven't had a computer to post from.

I'm kinda miserable this holiday season

SR Username: NoDadNotThaBelt
BC Address: 1EXKxhPqqCkocszB1sDzDb2E9SWnJejKe1

Won't beg in this thread again, since I can't promise paying anybody back at the moment. Merry christmas!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: joywind on December 15, 2012, 08:36 am
whats so great about this thread.......?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ballzinator on December 15, 2012, 11:40 am
whats so great about this thread.......?
Why are you here?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: abby25 on December 15, 2012, 01:53 pm
Can i just suggest that people actually say thankyou on here when they have been given bitcoins by a stranger? The amount is irrelevant, but to keep this going we really need to make it worthwhile for the altruistic, kind people to come back on here in the future, and saying 'thank you' isn't really a lot to ask.

Manners don't cost anything people, but bitcoins do. ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ballzinator on December 15, 2012, 02:02 pm
Can i just suggest that people actually say thankyou on here when they have been given bitcoins by a stranger? The amount is irrelevant, but to keep this going we really need to make it worthwhile for the altruistic, kind people to come back on here in the future, and saying 'thank you' isn't really a lot to ask.

Manners don't cost anything people, but bitcoins do. ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: AAAARRRRRRGGGGG on December 15, 2012, 07:00 pm
hey folks, i'm 0.14 BTC short of a purchase.  any help would be greatly appreciated.

bc address is 19xzfpHYMEy3mMSz6UXhuX33K6ihqdJHan


u da man!  will hit you back with a little extra next time i deposit coins.  thanks for the help.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: James Hardens Beard on December 15, 2012, 07:27 pm
edit: got it
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jnemonic on December 15, 2012, 08:37 pm
Hey James i will throw you 0.4 which is all i have sitting in my SR account right now.

Anyone else able to add the extra 0.3btc's?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: James Hardens Beard on December 15, 2012, 08:46 pm
Thanks man, appreciate it  8)
If anyone can send me the other 0.3 i'll pay you back shortly 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jnemonic on December 15, 2012, 08:52 pm
I've been trying to send you those coins since i replied, and SR just aint loading.
It was already up, but clicked 'account' and she's struggling to load...wont be long bro. ;)

Still cant connect....pages just arent loading.... :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jnemonic on December 15, 2012, 09:07 pm
James, whats your SR user?

Just sent James 0.03 btc's...can anyone help him with the rest?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: abby25 on December 15, 2012, 11:28 pm
I have 0.14 left in my account after a refund today. Let me know if you're short.

Not really interested in chipping in for someone to get 0.5 or 0.7 bitcoins together because you're a bit skint....that's like £5 and i don't think that's really the point, but if you're 0.05 or so short of an order just let me know.... i know how frustrating that can be, that's why i'm here, because someone helped me out when i was 0.03 short so i'm passing it forward. :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on December 15, 2012, 11:32 pm
I leave for a few...
and two kick ass straight up people give me and my yayo habit my needed coin!!
i'm talkin bout you @abby25 and

even more the reason to pay it forward!!
long live SR!!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: slysamuel0109 on December 16, 2012, 11:30 pm
I'm .06 BTC's short of placing my first international order. I was going to try some of Janis' LSD awhile back but I don't know what happened to her. Scam I guess. I recently suffered my first loss over a scam to WeirdScience. Stupid me. Oh well. Anyway. Looking to recover from my loss and I want to try schizofreen's 1g of MDMA and I'm just curious if anyone out there has the Christmas spirit to graciously donate me the coins. Thanks anyway! Have a safe holiday season everyone!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ballzinator on December 16, 2012, 11:37 pm
I'm .06 BTC's short of placing my first international order. I was going to try some of Janis' LSD awhile back but I don't know what happened to her. Scam I guess. I recently suffered my first loss over a scam to WeirdScience. Stupid me. Oh well. Anyway. Looking to recover from my loss and I want to try schizofreen's 1g of MDMA and I'm just curious if anyone out there has the Christmas spirit to graciously donate me the coins. Thanks anyway! Have a safe holiday season everyone!
What's your SR name/BTC address?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: slysamuel0109 on December 16, 2012, 11:40 pm

Thanks Ballzinator!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thatoneguy2865 on December 16, 2012, 11:49 pm
I'll take some spare BTC if someones got them.
I'd like at least like .1 or .2 I'm a few short of some thc edibles.
Me and my friend are doing a big secret santa thing and 90% of my friends are big stoners so I figured whoever I get will get some cool edible from here.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ballzinator on December 16, 2012, 11:49 pm

Thanks Ballzinator!
No problem :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: divinechemicals on December 16, 2012, 11:58 pm
I hate to do this, this is my first time doing the math wrong when buying BTC. I'm currently $2.50 short of an order, which is about 0.2 BTC. I'd really appreciate if someone could loan me that. I'll happily repay you a whole BTC next time I make a deposit!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ballzinator on December 17, 2012, 12:04 am
I hate to do this, this is my first time doing the math wrong when buying BTC. I'm currently $2.50 short of an order, which is about 0.2 BTC. I'd really appreciate if someone could loan me that. I'll happily repay you a whole BTC next time I make a deposit!
What's your SR name/BTC address?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: divinechemicals on December 17, 2012, 12:10 am

Here's my SR address: 1BMNJz92nbjYK1fEuhLNDDa2CBw2pyw1oW

Really appreciate it Ballzinator, I'll be true to my word.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lesseroftwoweevils on December 17, 2012, 01:30 am
+1 and a 1000% return on your investment to anyone who can spot me .01 BTC! I fell just short for an order, unfortunately. :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lesseroftwoweevils on December 17, 2012, 01:41 am
i can spot you that .01 btc.  no need to repay me though.  :)  is your name on SR the same as here?

Haha, thanks man! Yeah, my name's the same.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dirtybiscuitzz718 on December 17, 2012, 02:39 am
ugh.  so, i just had an order placed from our dear friend "jmatts" who begged and pleaded and threatened in this thread and in PMs.  sure enough - does the same shit over on SR and is now saying Sugar Mama stole from him or something.



just a warning.

Haa, he got me the pric, for like $1 or something, LOL id like to throw him a nice cyberslap! LOL

 PS. I have like $.50 cents to offer any legit buyer a few cents short8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: adhesive on December 17, 2012, 02:45 am
Hi guys,

I'm new here, I figured I should research and learn how to get BTC, how purchasing works on here, the rules (read the buyer's guide cover to cover :D) etc. before I actually signed up, because I was ultra paranoid before, but now that i've done a few hours of research on the forums i'm actually quite stoked to place my first order.

Only problem is that even with all my preparation I still seem to fail miserably at math :(
I've ended up falling short 0.24 BTC for the order I want to place and kinda bummed about about my own stupidity :/.

I don't suppose any kind souls could loan me the 0.24 BTC so I can make this purchase?  I'm excited and want to make this order lol, esp. after going through having to learn GPG (which actually now that i've taught myself about it, it's pretty damned simple to use).

I will pay you back as soon as possible, I just wanna get this order placed tonight so it goes out tomorrow.

You can send it to this address: 15euKhyyYk2k39yy5sY14AQVLqyri1h6Lj

or you can send it to me on SR, it's the same username as I use here (adhesive).  I would be extremely grateful for any help anyone can offer as this is my first experience on SR :).

Thanks guys
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: feelingswell on December 17, 2012, 03:32 am
Hey guys,

I did JUST create this account, which I know is not good particularly for this thread, however I will still ask.  I was sent here from elsewhere to ask for the 1 dollar I need to make my transactions possible.  Bitinstant shorted me 4 dollars (even though fees were paid), and it being Sunday, they won't fix this till tomorrow.  So I was hoping someone would send me a dollar.  It would be greatly appreciated! 

Username: feelingswell


Thanks Guys!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: aSadPanda on December 17, 2012, 06:59 am
Hey guys,

I did JUST create this account, which I know is not good particularly for this thread, however I will still ask.  I was sent here from elsewhere to ask for the 1 dollar I need to make my transactions possible.  Bitinstant shorted me 4 dollars (even though fees were paid), and it being Sunday, they won't fix this till tomorrow.  So I was hoping someone would send me a dollar.  It would be greatly appreciated! 

Username: feelingswell


Thanks Guys!

Please read the thread rules on page 1. I'm sorry bud but nobody will help you out with just 1 post on the forums.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: feelingswell on December 17, 2012, 07:34 am
I read them but figured I would even though I have no history of posting here.  I guess I'm SOL for now :(

Thanks for your generosity anyhow guys.  This thread is way cool.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: slysamuel0109 on December 17, 2012, 08:46 am

 PS. I have like $.50 cents to offer any legit buyer a few cents short8)

Me too! .56 cents to be exact. I know it's not much to offer ATM but if anyone is in need let me know.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: abby25 on December 17, 2012, 12:46 pm
Hi guys,

I'm new here, I figured I should research and learn how to get BTC, how purchasing works on here, the rules (read the buyer's guide cover to cover :D) etc. before I actually signed up, because I was ultra paranoid before, but now that i've done a few hours of research on the forums i'm actually quite stoked to place my first order.

Only problem is that even with all my preparation I still seem to fail miserably at math :(
I've ended up falling short 0.24 BTC for the order I want to place and kinda bummed about about my own stupidity :/.

I don't suppose any kind souls could loan me the 0.24 BTC so I can make this purchase?  I'm excited and want to make this order lol, esp. after going through having to learn GPG (which actually now that i've taught myself about it, it's pretty damned simple to use).

I will pay you back as soon as possible, I just wanna get this order placed tonight so it goes out tomorrow.

You can send it to this address: 15euKhyyYk2k39yy5sY14AQVLqyri1h6Lj

or you can send it to me on SR, it's the same username as I use here (adhesive).  I would be extremely grateful for any help anyone can offer as this is my first experience on SR :).

Thanks guys


I've sent you my last 0.14, i hope someone else can help you out with the 0.10.

Don't forget to pay it forward to someone else in need when you have some change in the future. :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: adhesive on December 17, 2012, 01:03 pm
Hi guys,

I'm new here, I figured I should research and learn how to get BTC, how purchasing works on here, the rules (read the buyer's guide cover to cover :D) etc. before I actually signed up, because I was ultra paranoid before, but now that i've done a few hours of research on the forums i'm actually quite stoked to place my first order.

Only problem is that even with all my preparation I still seem to fail miserably at math :(
I've ended up falling short 0.24 BTC for the order I want to place and kinda bummed about about my own stupidity :/.

I don't suppose any kind souls could loan me the 0.24 BTC so I can make this purchase?  I'm excited and want to make this order lol, esp. after going through having to learn GPG (which actually now that i've taught myself about it, it's pretty damned simple to use).

I will pay you back as soon as possible, I just wanna get this order placed tonight so it goes out tomorrow.

You can send it to this address: 15euKhyyYk2k39yy5sY14AQVLqyri1h6Lj

or you can send it to me on SR, it's the same username as I use here (adhesive).  I would be extremely grateful for any help anyone can offer as this is my first experience on SR :).

Thanks guys


I've sent you my last 0.14, i hope someone else can help you out with the 0.10.

Don't forget to pay it forward to someone else in need when you have some change in the future. :)

Thank you so much abby, you don't know what it means to me and feels like to see the generosity of a complete stranger.  I will definitely pay you back as soon as possible, just send me a PM with an address or your SR username.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: abby25 on December 17, 2012, 01:23 pm
Hi guys,

I'm new here, I figured I should research and learn how to get BTC, how purchasing works on here, the rules (read the buyer's guide cover to cover :D) etc. before I actually signed up, because I was ultra paranoid before, but now that i've done a few hours of research on the forums i'm actually quite stoked to place my first order.

Only problem is that even with all my preparation I still seem to fail miserably at math :(
I've ended up falling short 0.24 BTC for the order I want to place and kinda bummed about about my own stupidity :/.

I don't suppose any kind souls could loan me the 0.24 BTC so I can make this purchase?  I'm excited and want to make this order lol, esp. after going through having to learn GPG (which actually now that i've taught myself about it, it's pretty damned simple to use).

I will pay you back as soon as possible, I just wanna get this order placed tonight so it goes out tomorrow.

You can send it to this address: 15euKhyyYk2k39yy5sY14AQVLqyri1h6Lj

or you can send it to me on SR, it's the same username as I use here (adhesive).  I would be extremely grateful for any help anyone can offer as this is my first experience on SR :).

Thanks guys


I've sent you my last 0.14, i hope someone else can help you out with the 0.10.

Don't forget to pay it forward to someone else in need when you have some change in the future. :)

Thank you so much abby, you don't know what it means to me and feels like to see the generosity of a complete stranger.  I will definitely pay you back as soon as possible, just send me a PM with an address or your SR username.

Nooo problemo!

Don't worry about paying it back, just help someone else out on here if you have some change in the future.

Can anyone else help adhesive out with the last 0.1?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DenoyerGeppert on December 17, 2012, 01:26 pm
Hey guys

Wondering is anyone has a spare 1.2btc? Wont be able to get to the bank for a few days and a seller just raised his price a little bit.

Will pay back before the end of the week.

PM me if you can help me out.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: whysoserious88 on December 18, 2012, 03:35 am
HI, Im stuck in a situation I have 20.02, and I need 20.22, so I am short .2btc :)

Is anyone able to cover this for me? I will get you back FOR SURE next time I get btcs.


Go Packers
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: kitkat82 on December 18, 2012, 04:08 am
If anyone has it and doesn't mind parting with it, I could really use .2  or .3 BTC.  I know it's not a tiny amount with the current rate, so even a few pennies are appreciated.  Looking to buy either MDMA or LSD.  But I keep coming up a little short when it comes to the shopping cart.

Sorta off topic:
I want to try and get some insight into my negative thinking.  So after reading advice in the various depression themed threads it seems that LSD does a good job, some say mushrooms.  Some other people suggested MDMA?  :-\  (confused face). Any advice as to what is best to take to get an "awakening" of sorts? 

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Chubs on December 18, 2012, 04:13 am
I can spare .3, message me at Chubby501 on SR.


Chubzzzz  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Chubs on December 18, 2012, 04:15 am
I don't like tryptamines for depression, however that is just me.... I normally would never suggest an RC but if you haven't tried 2-ct-2 it's probably the best chem I've ever consumed.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: kitkat82 on December 18, 2012, 04:30 am
I don't like tryptamines for depression, however that is just me.... I normally would never suggest an RC but if you haven't tried 2-ct-2 it's probably the best chem I've ever consumed.


I don't know anything about it, but will look it up online.  What did people do before wikipedia?   ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: whysoserious88 on December 18, 2012, 04:31 am
Thanks Chubz I messaged ya, good fella you are.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: joywind on December 18, 2012, 04:44 am
I see everyone ignored my question.
I asked what is so great about this thread.
Why does it have so many views?
And so few people giving money to those that request it via PM?
Seems like a total waste of time.
And those who use this thread are lazy and need to get a job.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: kitkat82 on December 18, 2012, 05:01 am

You would probably enjoy the Fox News Forum more than the SR forum.  Take your anger somewhere else.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: whysoserious88 on December 18, 2012, 05:05 am
I think Chubz is Afk for the night, If anyone else is out there and willing to cover me .2 btc I would be grateful and pay back as soon and my btc clears. Just looking to get my meds. Ty all.

Address:  1BZ7p2DFfBe7HerwXQ6gMgDBeWc5WZ2NmH
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: joywind on December 18, 2012, 05:08 am

You would probably enjoy the Fox News Forum more than the SR forum.  Take your anger somewhere else.
The reason I'm angry is not because of anything wrong with me, but because there are too many people on this forum who belittle me for no reason. I don't mean everyone, but there are a lot of people on this forum who are nothing but lazy pricks who like to bully others that they disagree with.  What's a matter, did the police not beat you into submission enough when you were a kid so you became a delinquent and got into psychedelic drugs and they ate away your mind? Or were you just born retarded?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: kitkat82 on December 18, 2012, 05:12 am

You would probably enjoy the Fox News Forum more than the SR forum.  Take your anger somewhere else.
The reason I'm angry is not because of anything wrong with me, but because there are too many people on this forum who belittle me for no reason. I don't mean everyone, but there are a lot of people on this forum who are nothing but lazy pricks who like to bully others that they disagree with.  What's a matter, did the police not beat you into submission enough when you were a kid so you became a delinquent and got into psychedelic drugs and they ate away your mind? Or were you just born retarded?

Jesus Christ.  Please seek professional help.  You could not be more wrong about me, but that is an entirely different topic that pales in significance compared to your paranoia and delusions.

People are out to get you?  Maybe the problem is you come across like a total asshole.  If you keep having the same problem in life, blaming other people is pretty stupid.  The only common denominator is you my dear.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: joywind on December 18, 2012, 05:19 am
Jesus Christ.  Please seek professional help.  You could not be more wrong about me, but that is an entirely different topic that pales in significance compared to your paranoia and delusions.

People are out to get you?  Maybe the problem is you come across like a total asshole.  If you keep having the same problem in life, blaming other people is pretty stupid.  The only common denominator is you my dear.
First off, I am not your "dear". Unless you are female or homosexual, you have no right to patronize me like that for no reason just because you disagree with my opinions. Second, it's very easy for someone who is not the victim to say "you're the common denominator" when you yourself are ignorant of the position I am in and have never walked a day in my shoes. More than likely you are a female, since you refer to me as "dear", in which case your life has probably been handed to you on a silver platter, like all women I know, who have never had a day of hardship in their lives. And last, you're an idiot because you fear what you can't control, and you know you can't control me, and that's why you try to silence me and people like me. Again, I am not saying that EVERYONE on this forum does this, only a minority, and you are one of that minority.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: kitkat82 on December 18, 2012, 05:34 am
Jesus Christ.  Please seek professional help.  You could not be more wrong about me, but that is an entirely different topic that pales in significance compared to your paranoia and delusions.

People are out to get you?  Maybe the problem is you come across like a total asshole.  If you keep having the same problem in life, blaming other people is pretty stupid.  The only common denominator is you my dear.
First off, I am not your "dear". Unless you are female or homosexual, you have no right to patronize me like that for no reason just because you disagree with my opinions. Second, it's very easy for someone who is not the victim to say "you're the common denominator" when you yourself are ignorant of the position I am in and have never walked a day in my shoes. More than likely you are a female, since you refer to me as "dear", in which case your life has probably been handed to you on a silver platter, like all women I know, who have never had a day of hardship in their lives. And last, you're an idiot because you fear what you can't control, and you know you can't control me, and that's why you try to silence me and people like me. Again, I am not saying that EVERYONE on this forum does this, only a minority, and you are one of that minority.

You really have a LOT of anger.

Seriously, you hate way too many people (lazy people, homosexuals, people who have an "easy life", women, probably also government assistance, blah blah).

 Seriously, everyone has their own struggles.  Quit trying to "win".  You never will win the "hardest life" award, or the "hardest worker" award.  Someone always has it worse than you do.  Quit comparing.  I could give you a gold star and a cookie for being angry and having way too high of an opinion of yourself.  You are not any more special than anyone else here on this forum. 

Also, quit reading threads that make you angry.  Obviously you enjoy the self righteous indignation you get when you read things like this.  I guess you enjoy arguments, whatever.  I get bored too.  But you need to tone it down.  You are coming across like someone about to go completely nuts and go on a murdering spree.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Chubs on December 18, 2012, 05:57 am
Sent out the BTC to those who needed it.

Party on,

Da Chubz
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: whysoserious88 on December 18, 2012, 06:11 am
Sent out the BTC to those who needed it.

Party on,

Da Chubz

TY Chub, Still ISO  .17 Btc will payback when lets me deposit more  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Chubs on December 18, 2012, 06:13 am
Sent out the BTC to those who needed it.

Party on,

Da Chubz

TY Chub, Still ISO  .17 Btc will payback when lets me deposit more  :)

Already send the .17 ;)

Party on!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: whysoserious88 on December 18, 2012, 06:15 am
ty buddy
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Chubs on December 18, 2012, 06:18 am
Had some real bad events unfold for me on here (losing all my money to a scammer) someone is taking a shot in me, so I'm distributing my coin to those who I feel deserve a couple points on an order...

What goes around comes around ;)

Tacos & Beer,

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: nitpi950 on December 18, 2012, 06:20 am
joywind is a troll. And even if joywind is not a troll, the proper response is the same: to ignore.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: HeeHaw on December 18, 2012, 09:09 am
Great job Chubs! That's a good way to make lots of friends
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ballzinator on December 18, 2012, 12:32 pm
I don't like tryptamines for depression, however that is just me.... I normally would never suggest an RC but if you haven't tried 2-ct-2 it's probably the best chem I've ever consumed.

2Cs are not RCs anymore, just like MDMA isn't an RC anymore.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sppa on December 18, 2012, 05:01 pm
Hi all
I've 0.11 available for a worthy cause. Pm me
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: XTCexpressFAN on December 18, 2012, 06:30 pm
hi there i have  0 BC at SR :/  can some one  just give a littel 0,01 bc? wanna have my first bitcoin :)

love you all
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: wat on December 18, 2012, 07:48 pm
Forgot my prev acct. password, used fake email, so had to make a new account.

Is there any way sending a little bit of btc could backfire somehow? If not, I'll gladly give the guy above me a .10.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: American Standard on December 18, 2012, 09:40 pm
I'm starting a new vendor account, and I'll take any spare bitcents you're willing to give.

I'll have relatively cheap prices on MDMA, LSD, and sometimes 2C-B.

Either my username on SR, or the btc address:  1FropfvDUwwsQP5mkdq4gA8CMEG1bN72sf
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: kitkat82 on December 19, 2012, 01:53 am
Forgot my prev acct. password, used fake email, so had to make a new account.

Is there any way sending a little bit of btc could backfire somehow? If not, I'll gladly give the guy above me a .10.

It is safe. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: wat on December 19, 2012, 01:58 am
hi there i have  0 BC at SR :/  can some one  just give a littel 0,01 bc? wanna have my first bitcoin :)

love you all

Tossed you a .10.

Take care of it for me :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: wat on December 19, 2012, 02:00 am
I'm starting a new vendor account, and I'll take any spare bitcents you're willing to give.

I'll have relatively cheap prices on MDMA, LSD, and sometimes 2C-B.

Either my username on SR, or the btc address:  1FropfvDUwwsQP5mkdq4gA8CMEG1bN72sf

A .10 for you aswell... o_o
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MasterMindThc on December 19, 2012, 07:43 am
Anyone would like to let me exit the matrix? >=0.01 would be ideal for a start as I will use it at satoshidice.


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: SpaceCrabs on December 19, 2012, 10:31 am

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: 20247245 on December 19, 2012, 03:28 pm
anyone got 0.5 to spare for shipping? You will have my undying love and gratitude, plus i wont have to work sober...

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Frostshox on December 19, 2012, 09:09 pm
hey guys! i am 0.34 BTC short of my purchase for my oz of weed. -_- If anyone is feeling generous today could you spot me? if you leave me a message or somethin sayin you left me some i will pay you back double next time i make a transaction. pleaseeee its for christmass :)

SR: Frostshox
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Draz1337 on December 20, 2012, 12:59 am
Hey guys, I'm new and still trying to get some bitcoins through conventional means but as i need to 'prove' security things to all the sites i have found it's becoming very tiresome, so looks like an eBay job til i can find away into them, but any donations in the meantime would be appreciated. I can't wait to try whats on offer!


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sinister93 on December 20, 2012, 01:03 am
I'm a dollar short of ordering 3 grams of MDMA for a Christmas party next week =\ anyone willing to donate .1 bitcoins to me for good karma?

SR Username sinister1993

Much appreciated!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: niemtel on December 20, 2012, 05:38 am
need like .3 BTC, would be much obliged.

BTC addy: 1EHoCypb1JDwFMW23phCypuYNkbC1KgyTd

SR name: niemtel

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: skulldrag on December 20, 2012, 05:58 am
Niemtel, Sinister and Fros, I sent you each some, sorry it was not much, but I tried to help a few get closer. It was all I had left.

Enjoy, I hope someone else throws in the rest to help out.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: niemtel on December 20, 2012, 06:09 am
Niemtel, Sinister and Fros, I sent you each some, sorry it was not much, but I tried to help a few get closer. It was all I had left.

Enjoy, I hope someone else throws in the rest to help out.

Had just enough TY. I'll keep an eye out on this thread next time I get some BTC, Ill bring a lil extra over.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: skulldrag on December 20, 2012, 06:19 am
Outstanding...glad to even be a little help.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Yurnero on December 20, 2012, 06:29 am
got .25 sitting in my account that wont ever be used. who wants it?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: slysamuel0109 on December 20, 2012, 06:35 am
got .25 sitting in my account that wont ever be used. who wants it?

Free money is the best money!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Yurnero on December 20, 2012, 06:47 am
if u want it post or pm me your sr name
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: davidkelly on December 20, 2012, 09:14 am
I tried to do the math the best I could buying bitcions todaY but im bad at math so now I'm short 0.07 coins on a $200 dollar order =/ lol

If anyone would be so kind as to help me out I would forever grateful :

Thank you wat!!

(ps. I''m bad at math because of all the drugs I do!!!! lol I'm kidding its actually because I had a shitty math teacher in school ;P

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: wat on December 20, 2012, 09:17 am
^ Haha that's just unlucks... sent you the rest :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: davidkelly on December 20, 2012, 09:30 am
^ Haha that's just unlucks... sent you the rest :)

Sweet dude you're awesome!! Thanks :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: microboilie on December 20, 2012, 02:47 pm
anyone need 0.15btc? I know it's not a lot but it's what I have left over from my christmas orders, might help someone out.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: kitkat82 on December 20, 2012, 07:14 pm
anyone need 0.15btc? I know it's not a lot but it's what I have left over from my christmas orders, might help someone out.

I do!  I just got some coins and I am only $1.50 short of making my purchase! I would be very appreciative!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Moon Fried on December 22, 2012, 06:35 pm
Hey guys, I need about .35btc to complete an order sample. It's .90btc in total.

Can anyone please hook me up?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: saitekman12345 on December 22, 2012, 10:08 pm
Anyone can spare 0.29 Bitcoins?
Trying to grab a sample while my bitcoin vendor is away!
Please pm me or sent to : 1CQhjuG4JLaZdkVchXEE7TULwcyWpZuMgB
Username: Saitekman12345

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tweaker421 on December 22, 2012, 11:19 pm
Hi, I'm not new here but I have just started up a username on the forums but have been on here and SR for 10 months and I have finally come across a time when I could use a helping hand. I happen to be .27 exactly on my reg. weekly order for a quarter of high grade weed. I will be paying this forward and already have before this a couple times that is why I am hoping it will happen to me like I made it happen to others. I guess I am hoping good karma will come now from doing that in the past for people like me who came up short a tiny bit and there BTC vendor usually won't take under a 100 dollar deposit, which for .27btc is to say the least a bit pointless. Anyway SR if someone could pay it forward, I know I have no post cuz I just joined the forums so I could leave a post, you don't need anyting to come on here and see who is is need cuz they usually leave there SR name or BTC address. MY sr name is    tweaker420   or the BTC address you can send to is    1KV7ngWHhCJGCTUdsANmXUfevJm84kmnmi                     Come on SR community I'm counting on my karma helping me
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: SphericalXanadu on December 23, 2012, 02:11 am
Hey! I've really only made a couple transactions on the silk road and just found out about these forums. I would buy more if I had the coin.
I really need just 0.41 coins to wrap up an order!
So look into your hearts! haha
My SR username is : sphericalxanadu

Thank you for your time!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: SphericalXanadu on December 23, 2012, 02:57 am
or anything, really.
in the long run your love and support is helpful in any way it comes. :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: aSadPanda on December 23, 2012, 03:10 am
I never thought I would be doing this since I always get extra coin just in case..but here it I purchased a bunch of coin from blue sky yesterday since they are on vacay till the 26th, even tho my vendor wasn't going to have his listings up until Monday..and I had$80 extra worth of coin for my purchase..well in 24hrs the value off coin had dropped .25 cents and I've lost almost $60! Now my vendor messaged me saying he will have listings up by noon tomorrow and he only has limited supply..I'm afraid I won't have enough coin if the value decreases even I never ask for coin..I'm always  the one who'S sparing on this thread!!.but I promise if anyone can help me out with 1-2 coin I will pay you back double by tues or wed the latest

Sr username snickereed1899

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dirtybiscuitzz718 on December 23, 2012, 04:39 am
I cant believe this thread hasn't been stickyd yet...

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ballzinator on December 23, 2012, 11:19 am
I cant believe this thread hasn't been stickyd yet...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on December 23, 2012, 03:48 pm
sent you some coin bro.. hope it helps!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: nbeaupre on December 23, 2012, 04:58 pm
.02 bitcents i'm short on an order from schizo because bitcoins dropped in price sense yesterday. Any help will be appreciated.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: microboilie on December 23, 2012, 10:23 pm
has anyone got 0.03 btc spare? I would be very grateful so I can make an order to be shipped tomorrow before christmas day

username is the same on the main site

thanks  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: microboilie on December 23, 2012, 11:35 pm
need just 0.01 btc now, argh this is annoying  :( if anyone can help it will be MUCH appreciated, cheers.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on December 24, 2012, 12:34 am
coins sent microboilie!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: psytrip on December 24, 2012, 09:05 am
Hello there,

I am .37 BTC short to purchase an item on SR... Would appreciate any help possible..

SR name : psytrip
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: betaraybob on December 24, 2012, 07:36 pm
been awhile since i asked to borrow btc. i need .3 and i really didnt want to have to go put $5 into a bank account.  will pay back by next monday. thanks for whoever can help.

same username on SR.

edit: thank you both so much. like i said, hit me up down the road when i can return the favor. ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: aSadPanda on December 24, 2012, 09:40 pm
been awhile since i asked to borrow btc. i need .3 and i really didnt want to have to go put $5 into a bank account.  will pay back by next monday. thanks for whoever can help.

same username on SR.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on December 24, 2012, 09:45 pm
been awhile since i asked to borrow btc. i need .3 and i really didnt want to have to go put $5 into a bank account.  will pay back by next monday. thanks for whoever can help.

same username on SR.

got ya some also!!
right on @aSadPanda!! now he's got a lil xtra  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: nbeaupre on December 24, 2012, 10:43 pm
still .01btc short on an order of Partyflocks from schizofreen, any help appreciated
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: maple1 on December 25, 2012, 12:05 am
Need .11 btc. will pay back next week to anyone who is willing to help thanks

sr name:faray1234

btc address :1HK6z13JpNPVzF2TBQuVz56sp6xUNPwaMk   
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: nomad bloodbath on December 25, 2012, 05:43 pm
Everyone feel free to drop me any amount of bitcent to help me acquire my weekly medication while I spend my days educating the community and proactively helping it grow healthy. :)
nomad bloodbath is my silk road usernane.

Believe me I'm more than appreciative and every donation gives you a get out of jail free card that you can call on me form a favor no questions asked.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BlarghRawr on December 26, 2012, 05:33 am
If anyone is still in the Christmas spirit, I would gladly accept .34 bitcoins for my 1st order with supercanna as I'm a bit short..  :'(
1/2oz of Blue Magoo

Everyone should check out their listings on bud. Looks like some high quality product if you ask me.


Thanks anyway!
Merry Christmas  8)
PM me your SR-name and I'd gladly do that for you/him. SC is fucking awesome, this I already know, so helping you buy from him? Will be awesome, yes it will. All I really ask is to be repaid when you get more coins. :)

Edit: Sly responded and, good news everyone! He can afford his Merry Supercannamas, now. :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: slysamuel0109 on December 26, 2012, 05:58 am
Thanks again, BlarghRawr for lending me a hand.
Your kind gesture will not be forgotten.

Merry Christmas!  :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: supercanna on December 26, 2012, 06:07 am
thanks for the plug Rawr
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: californiadude on December 27, 2012, 03:49 am
Hey guys,
I'm <.01 bitcoins short from an order. The order is .87, and I have .87 in my account, but it says I am short nonetheless. Could anyone help a bit?
Username: manthisisawesome


Edit: Thanks BlarghRawr :) I'll send back what is left, thanks.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BlarghRawr on December 27, 2012, 04:09 am
Hey guys,
I'm <.01 bitcoins short from an order. The order is .87, and I have .87 in my account, but it says I am short nonetheless. Could anyone help a bit?
Username: manthisisawesome


Edit: And I ask for no repayment, since it's just a bitcent.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: californiadude on December 27, 2012, 04:27 am
Hey guys,
I'm <.01 bitcoins short from an order. The order is .87, and I have .87 in my account, but it says I am short nonetheless. Could anyone help a bit?
Username: manthisisawesome


Edit: And I ask for no repayment, since it's just a bitcent.

I edited my post, but I figured it would be more appropriate to just post anew.

Thank you very much :) That's kind of you. I sent back .007 of it after making the purchase, before reading your comment though, but I figure you contribute anyways, so...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BlarghRawr on December 27, 2012, 05:17 am
So i dont know if i am short or it's a gltich but it says i have enough but when i check out it wasy chose a postage options....i chose the postage options and there is nothing listed...i hit go...opdate cart...then it tills me to log out....i am wondering if a couple BTC's would fix the bug...i'll gladly play anybody back:

My sr's name is : EDawg420
Rebooting tor and your browser would help, actually. :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: TrashBox on December 27, 2012, 06:07 am
I have .06 to spare if that doesn't work EDawg420. Otherwise, they're up for grabs :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: wavelength on December 27, 2012, 07:26 am
hey guys.. :-[ im short about 4 dollars for a listing i had made for me. (damn btc fees....) if anyone could throw some change my way i would greatly appreciate and return the favor at a later time. thank you
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BlarghRawr on December 27, 2012, 07:55 am
hey guys.. :-[ im short about 4 dollars for a listing i had made for me. (damn btc fees....) if anyone could throw some change my way i would greatly appreciate and return the favor at a later time. thank you
I'll get you, but I will want it paid back as soon as you can. :) PM me your SR-user name.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: joywind on December 27, 2012, 08:03 am
I'm not giving anyone any of my coins, lol. Get a job. Don't bring your laziness to Silkroad. People who bag others for money belong on the street, not on the internet.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BlarghRawr on December 27, 2012, 08:14 am
I'm not giving anyone any of my coins, lol. Get a job. Don't bring your laziness to Silkroad. People who bag others for money belong on the street, not on the internet.
Well hey, you are a douche. The purpose of this thread isn't begging for money, it is helping folks out who find themselves not holding enough to make their purchase. These folks aren't beggars... well, most of them aren't.

But hey... fuck you! :D ... I'm flipping off my monitor to go along with saying that, just so you know.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: netipots on December 27, 2012, 09:52 am
yeah dont be a douche . we are a community of people on a underwebs society. We reflect SR in general and should always be supportive of one another it helps everyone out in the long run.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Apple on December 28, 2012, 04:17 am
I need .50 btc's to get me closer to the shrooms I WANT. Someone help me :(

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BlarghRawr on December 28, 2012, 04:19 am
I need .50 btc's to get me closer to the shrooms I WANT. Someone help me :(

I'll get you if you'll pay me back. Just PM me your SR-name and I'll send it over.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Edawg420 on December 28, 2012, 08:15 am
Anybody who helped me out i TY!  If i can ever be an assistance with someone with good forum presence i am here to help!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: whocared5150 on December 28, 2012, 01:07 pm
i am very new here and i ran into this thread.. i am not some bum lookin to have my first purchase paid by someone else in case something goes wrong
but if anyone has like 4-5 coins to spare i have an email/login to a paypal account that has a 500usd credit on it and ill just give you the login info
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: microboilie on December 28, 2012, 02:02 pm
got 0.19 btc left over from this weeks orders if anyone needs it.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: wavelength on December 28, 2012, 05:23 pm
who cared, you can get into a decent amount of trouble for buying btc on paypal. aside from that 4-5 btc is a lot to ask for a none-sr transaction. just wait and find a way to put your coins on here is the best advice i could give. if you need a miniscule amount to complete an order, this is the place to find help. but as far as buying btc, there are plenty of people on the road who could help
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: rmsher on December 29, 2012, 02:55 am
got 0.19 btc left over from this weeks orders if anyone needs it.

could you or someone hook me up? im .80 cents short -_-
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BlarghRawr on December 29, 2012, 03:29 am
I need .50 btc's to get me closer to the shrooms I WANT. Someone help me :(

I'll get you if you'll pay me back. Just PM me your SR-name and I'll send it over.
I retract this offer. Anyone who doesn't pay attention to the thread they're begging in deserves nothing.

You can see above when I made my offer. This is when Apple was last active:     December 28, 2012, 10:36 PM

To me, this looks like Apple was just hoping someone would throw him some coins without checking or anything. Blargh disapproves!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: rmsher on December 29, 2012, 03:38 am
i need a dollar worth of bitcoins! please help a first timer out!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: fxgnuc on December 29, 2012, 09:58 am
hello usually wouldnt do this..but short of a large order by only .1 btc it would be appreciated if someone could lend and i repay back
my sr name is same as here
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Barbie on December 29, 2012, 10:11 am
Seems like after I make a transaction, I also have those pesky small amounts doing nothing.
But wouldn't you think these phishing trolls could ask for these hand outs?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mentalmots2 on December 29, 2012, 09:46 pm
Anyone willing to lend me 0.34 BTC for an order? My SR username is the same as my forum name. I'll pay back 1 BTC a week from now  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Barbie on December 29, 2012, 10:13 pm
Putting funds in this week, so will keep some of you in mind. 8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: godness420 on December 30, 2012, 03:22 am
Hello there,

I am .02 BTC short to purchase an item on SR... Would appreciate any help if  possible.. :)

SR name : godness420
Adress: 15rfb64TQLZkF7UhnN5dtPnSUSTc8Xs75b

Thank you !
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bigfanofthemdrugs on December 30, 2012, 06:10 am
Done mate. :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: The dope stone on December 30, 2012, 02:35 pm
@ mentalmots2: btc sent :)

Thedopestopiate is my SR handle.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: godness420 on December 30, 2012, 02:47 pm
Done mate. :)

Thank you, really appreciate :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: PintoX on December 30, 2012, 03:07 pm
Short of ฿0.05  for a purchase (as described here: http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=98018.msg692074)

If anyone could help with these ฿0.05 i will me more than happy to payback or pay it forward !

my address:

or username same as forum name...

Thanks and happy NY!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: wavelength on December 30, 2012, 04:47 pm
I'm actually out of coins right now, unless my loans get paid off. I'm hoping that happens soon.

this makes me feel bad ! as soon as i can put more btc on here you will get more than you gave me NO DOUBT. but i dont put btc on here more often than maybe 2 times a month at the most.... will do my best to make it right asap friend.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: PrincessHIGH on December 30, 2012, 06:16 pm
Short of ฿0.05  for a purchase (as described here: http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=98018.msg692074)

If anyone could help with these ฿0.05 i will me more than happy to payback or pay it forward !

my address:

or username same as forum name...

Thanks and happy NY!
Sorted! Sent you 0.06 just in case enjoy your MXE. I have 0.05 to spare if any regular and genuine forum member needs it, give me a shout and I'll send it on it's way. Happy new year everyone :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: PintoX on December 30, 2012, 06:57 pm
Short of ฿0.05  for a purchase (as described here: http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=98018.msg692074)

If anyone could help with these ฿0.05 i will me more than happy to payback or pay it forward !

my address:

or username same as forum name...

Thanks and happy NY!
Sorted! Sent you 0.06 just in case enjoy your MXE. I have 0.05 to spare if any regular and genuine forum member needs it, give me a shout and I'll send it on it's way. Happy new year everyone :)

Thanks PrincessHIGH !! this is highly appreciated , hope there will be blessing in this purchase and will arrive with no problem and make me a nice tripping !
Order placed and left with 0.01 , who do you want me to donate it too?  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: PrincessHIGH on December 30, 2012, 07:05 pm
Thanks PrincessHIGH !! this is highly appreciated , hope there will be blessing in this purchase and will arrive with no problem and make me a nice tripping !
Order placed and left with 0.01 , who do you want me to donate it too?  :)
You're welcome happy tripping, feel free donate it to whoever you fancy, I'm sure someone out there is a bitcent short on an order will really appreciate it  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: PintoX on December 30, 2012, 07:16 pm
Thanks again i will do that, will keep an eye here and donate it

Love this place, always making me happy :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: x3mnightmare on December 30, 2012, 09:20 pm
Hi there i;m short 0.04btc hope someone can help me out

will return the favor

my adres

big thnx
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: NotMe123 on December 30, 2012, 11:57 pm
top idea this thread. ill be keeping an eye on it
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: kitkat82 on December 31, 2012, 03:46 am
Hi there i;m short 0.04btc hope someone can help me out

will return the favor

my adres

big thnx

I have exactly  .04 leftover that  I can send you...let me know if it goes through
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: kitkat82 on December 31, 2012, 03:52 am
Ok, it let me send .03, but not the last cent.  Hopefully someone else can get you the .01.   I have it but it keeps telling me I have insufficient funds to send the .01!  Odd.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BlarghRawr on December 31, 2012, 03:53 am
Ok, it let me send .03, but not the last cent.  Hopefully someone else can get you the .01.   I have it but it keeps telling me I have insufficient funds to send the .01!  Odd.
You have a partial bitcent. Enough for the system to say 0.01, not enough to send 0.01
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: kitkat82 on December 31, 2012, 03:55 am
Ok, it let me send .03, but not the last cent.  Hopefully someone else can get you the .01.   I have it but it keeps telling me I have insufficient funds to send the .01!  Odd.
You have a partial bitcent. Enough for the system to say 0.01, not enough to send 0.01

Aha, I figured it must be something like that.  I don't have the eloquence to state it as well as you did.  Thanks!  Well....03 sent to the poster asking for .04.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bbbaac on December 31, 2012, 03:55 am
i have .03btc i can send someone if they need it. just send me a message
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: TheDevilsSon13 on December 31, 2012, 04:16 am
My account name is TheDevilsSon13 address is 1AXLdVW6RLLsvCq5VPkZMAscRxQMtcP8GD  please help me out im a bit coin away from making a purchase! would be appreciated :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BlarghRawr on December 31, 2012, 04:17 am
My account name is TheDevilsSon13 address is 1AXLdVW6RLLsvCq5VPkZMAscRxQMtcP8GD  please help me out im a bit coin away from making a purchase! would be appreciated :)
No. Too new and asking too much.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BlarghRawr on December 31, 2012, 05:15 am
I know how much of a long shot this is, but here goes. I would really love to get an order in by a vendors deadline tomorrow, but I get my paycheck after the deadline. I want to order it by the deadline so I can possibly get the order delivered by my day off. If anyone is feeling way more generous and trusting than anyone on an anonymous forum should, I would be forever grateful and indebted  if someone would let me borrow 6.09 BTC for less than 24 hours. I would pay back with a generous amount of interest tomorrow night when I'm off work.

I hope I'm not completely out of line with my request. I'm not expecting to get any takers, I just figure that if I didn't ask, my chance of getting lucky would be absolutely zero.

EDIT: I know it's weird that I get paid on Mondays, I promise I'm not a scammer. If it means anything, heres my stats, not that I couldn't have faked them though....

Total transactions: 13
Total spent: ฿29.67
Refund rate: 0%
Auto-finalize rate: 0%
Member for: 2 months
I'll consider helping you out. Grab this listing: http://silkroadvb5piz3r.onion/silkroad/item/5b204c23bc

I want to see the total USD-value, not the total bitcoins spent, before I decide for sure. Bitcoins are always accurate but if you spent most of that when they were only worth $3, it is a lot different usd-value from when they are worth $13.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: monrovia on December 31, 2012, 05:26 am
I'm a dumbass and didn't see the .50 BTC limit. Oops, post deleted...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: zipstyle on December 31, 2012, 05:52 am
Hello all, putting in a request for 2 BTC.


If anyone is feeling giving during this holiday season OR
knows of a quick way to buy some coin via PayPal or Dwolla on here, please let me know.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Psychemist on December 31, 2012, 10:47 am
Hey if anyone can spare some coin i would very much appreciate it. I have enough for my order, but not enough for shipping. Also if you send me coins please message me and let me know who you are so i can return the favor later when my account is flush with coins again. Thank you my fellow silkroadies!

My deposit address:
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bishop77 on January 01, 2013, 01:34 am
Hey everyone,

I'm trying to complete my 2nd and 3rd orders on SR and I'm short .03 BTC. My total is 84.01, and I've got 83.98 :(
I slightly misjudged the fees, it appears. I know I'm new, but it would be greatly appreciated if someone could spot me .03BTC. Would really help me out, and I'd hope if someone helps me they share who they are so that I can help in the future if the situation is reversed.

My username on sr is the same as it is here: bishop77
my btc address is: 1CyTGU8a8f89SFUzKtjKLK1kbriTzYZsnu

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Apple on January 01, 2013, 01:54 am
Hi guys, I am wanting to experience a trip like no other. I've never taken any sort of psychedelic and hope to soon, but I don't have the BTCs to make it happen. Now, I'm here asking for your help. I would appreciate any amount of btcs you may have sitting in your account ;)

My account address is 1H7PeozqGS3UnMX2uNpbQLEym3WdHPNVDL
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BlarghRawr on January 01, 2013, 03:15 am
Hi guys, I am wanting to experience a trip like no other. I've never taken any sort of psychedelic and hope to soon, but I don't have the BTCs to make it happen. Now, I'm here asking for your help. I would appreciate any amount of btcs you may have sitting in your account ;)

My account address is 1H7PeozqGS3UnMX2uNpbQLEym3WdHPNVDL
You asked, I offered, you never responded to my offer. This makes the second time you've posted in this thread. I offered the first time and you didn't give enough of a shit to actually check back or read anything.

I say no, and I encourage everyone else to say the same. This isn't a begging thread and you look like a beggar, not the take-a-penny/leave-a-penny sort.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Apple on January 01, 2013, 04:26 am
Hi guys, I am wanting to experience a trip like no other. I've never taken any sort of psychedelic and hope to soon, but I don't have the BTCs to make it happen. Now, I'm here asking for your help. I would appreciate any amount of btcs you may have sitting in your account ;)

My account address is 1H7PeozqGS3UnMX2uNpbQLEym3WdHPNVDL
You asked, I offered, you never responded to my offer. This makes the second time you've posted in this thread. I offered the first time and you didn't give enough of a shit to actually check back or read anything.

I say no, and I encourage everyone else to say the same. This isn't a begging thread and you look like a beggar, not the take-a-penny/leave-a-penny sort.

Relax dude, the reason why I didn't check the thread was because I wasn't expecting an offer, that's all. I never meant to offend anyone.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Theophilus on January 01, 2013, 05:54 am
Hello all, putting in a request for 2 BTC.


If anyone is feeling giving during this holiday season OR
knows of a quick way to buy some coin via PayPal or Dwolla on here, please let me know.

Zipstyle, check your account.

Happy New Year!

(I had a quieter than usual one myself)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on January 01, 2013, 07:26 am
Hello all, putting in a request for 2 BTC.


If anyone is feeling giving during this holiday season OR
knows of a quick way to buy some coin via PayPal or Dwolla on here, please let me know.

Zipstyle, check your account.

Happy New Year!

(I had a quieter than usual one myself)


wow!! Theo, you fuckin rock!! it's good to know people like you exist on this planet!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Theophilus on January 01, 2013, 07:46 am
Hello all, putting in a request for 2 BTC.


If anyone is feeling giving during this holiday season OR
knows of a quick way to buy some coin via PayPal or Dwolla on here, please let me know.

Zipstyle, check your account.

Happy New Year!

(I had a quieter than usual one myself)


wow!! Theo, you fuckin rock!! it's good to know people like you exist on this planet!!

Comes around, goes around.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: zipstyle on January 01, 2013, 06:26 pm
Hello all, putting in a request for 2 BTC.


If anyone is feeling giving during this holiday season OR
knows of a quick way to buy some coin via PayPal or Dwolla on here, please let me know.

Zipstyle, check your account.

Happy New Year!

(I had a quieter than usual one myself)


+1 And thank you, theo! I hope you had a great (albeit low-key) new years!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Bakura on January 01, 2013, 07:19 pm
EDIT: Just bought 'em, thanks anyway
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Edawg420 on January 01, 2013, 07:25 pm
Hi guys, I am wanting to experience a trip like no other. I've never taken any sort of psychedelic and hope to soon, but I don't have the BTCs to make it happen. Now, I'm here asking for your help. I would appreciate any amount of btcs you may have sitting in your account ;)

My account address is 1H7PeozqGS3UnMX2uNpbQLEym3WdHPNVDL
You asked, I offered, you never responded to my offer. This makes the second time you've posted in this thread. I offered the first time and you didn't give enough of a shit to actually check back or read anything.

I say no, and I encourage everyone else to say the same. This isn't a begging thread and you look like a beggar, not the take-a-penny/leave-a-penny sort.

preach on brotha!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: eworkjr on January 02, 2013, 03:06 am
Hey guys, I'm a little short on btc to buy some p. cubensis. I was looking to buy a half o with the spare coin from a previous large purchase but it looks like im .44 bitcoins off. can any one help me out? i would pay you back probably by 1/4 or 1/5 when i get some money. hopefully someones in a giving spirit after a fun new years night :) My name on SR is also eworkjr. I'd like to just have the coins sent to my account directly instead of having to deal with a separate wallet. happy new years!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: PrincessHIGH on January 02, 2013, 04:05 am
Hey guys, I'm a little short on btc to buy some p. cubensis. I was looking to buy a half o with the spare coin from a previous large purchase but it looks like im .44 bitcoins off. can any one help me out? i would pay you back probably by 1/4 or 1/5 when i get some money. hopefully someones in a giving spirit after a fun new years night :) My name on SR is also eworkjr. I'd like to just have the coins sent to my account directly instead of having to deal with a separate wallet. happy new years!
Sorted :) Happy tripping and have a very happy new year!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bbbaac on January 02, 2013, 04:09 am
looking for loan of 2.5 btc i can pay back on friday with .5btc interest. if your kind enough to give to me and dont want to loan that is fine and greatly appreciated. looking to buy some LSD hits for a party this weekend and wouldnt be able to have them by friday since i get paid on friday.


thanks, any help is awesome. "what comes around goes around"
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: betaraybob on January 03, 2013, 12:55 am
much love and appreciation to any who can spot me around 25 cents.  i think thats like .05 or so BTC.  got the same username on SR. thanks peoples
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BlarghRawr on January 03, 2013, 12:59 am
much love and appreciation to any who can spot me around 25 cents.  i think thats like .05 or so BTC.  got the same username on SR. thanks peoples
I'll get you. Also, it's actually 0.02 :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: betaraybob on January 03, 2013, 01:03 am
thanks so much dude :) remember to hit me up down the line if you need something.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: 20247245 on January 03, 2013, 11:25 am
If someone could spare a singular bitcoin, id be entirely greatful.. the usual places i buy from arent working for some reason and its annoying the hell out of me!!

If anyone does feel generous :


Id love you for ever and ever
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Brezner on January 03, 2013, 04:12 pm
If anyone is willing to spare 0.46 BTC I would forever be in your debt.  Got shortchanged from an exchange transaction and now short on a purchase.  Thanks so much
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BenJesuit on January 03, 2013, 06:13 pm
As luck would have it, I need a measly .03BTC. 3/100th of a bitcoin.

Sometimes in life, you just have to laugh at things. I mean, IRL, I could find 3 pennies in my couch or on the floor of my car. But in cyberspace, it would cost $5+ to send myself .03BTC.

So, if anyone is willing, I would appreciate it very much.

SR Username: BenJesuit

Thank you in advance and +Karma to the kind soul (unless they wish to remain anonymous). 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: saitekman12345 on January 03, 2013, 07:15 pm
As luck would have it, I need a measly .03BTC. 3/100th of a bitcoin.

Sometimes in life, you just have to laugh at things. I mean, IRL, I could find 3 pennies in my couch or on the floor of my car. But in cyberspace, it would cost $5+ to send myself .03BTC.

So, if anyone is willing, I would appreciate it very much.

SR Username: BenJesuit

Thank you in advance and +Karma to the kind soul (unless they wish to remain anonymous).

In return, karma would be nice.

Happy Late New Years :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BenJesuit on January 03, 2013, 07:23 pm
Boom! +karma given.

Thank you very much! :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BenJesuit on January 03, 2013, 07:41 pm
Turns out the order was unhedged so I only needed .02BTC

So I sent you back .01BTC

Thanks again saitekman12345

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: saitekman12345 on January 03, 2013, 07:44 pm
Yeah no problem dude.
Hope you have a good one!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: AnonymousAddict on January 04, 2013, 03:23 am
This is not really a request, just how irretating it is how u have just enuff for something and then SR has to take their percent which fucks allot of us up, Iv got a awesome deal and  im hoping it last til tomorrow and ill i need FFS is 0.5 i think thats what it said, i have my account settung set on Reflect as $ amount so im nor sure how much BTC that is.. Anyway. this thread is awesome i wis i would have known about it early this month when i had almost 14 bucks left and went and typed in SR dicussion' leftover coin if u need help i got you' I just felt back cause so many msg me..

Keep up the good work what out our positive in the universe it always seems to come back.. Cause and Effect. I think thats the right term
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: slysamuel0109 on January 04, 2013, 05:00 am
This is not really a request, just how irretating it is how u have just enuff for something and then SR has to take their percent which fucks allot of us up, Iv got a awesome deal and  im hoping it last til tomorrow and ill i need FFS is 0.5 i think thats what it said, i have my account settung set on Reflect as $ amount so im nor sure how much BTC that is.. Anyway. this thread is awesome i wis i would have known about it early this month when i had almost 14 bucks left and went and typed in SR dicussion' leftover coin if u need help i got you' I just felt back cause so many msg me..

Keep up the good work what out our positive in the universe it always seems to come back.. Cause and Effect. I think thats the right term

I got .07 I can toss your way..
What's your BTC address?
Or is your name the same on SR?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: AnonymousAddict on January 04, 2013, 05:19 am
Im trying to get enuff up for shipping on getyourfix valium powder..I thought hes post meant free shipping..its 0.6 but then 2it sr it comes to  0.60.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: slysamuel0109 on January 04, 2013, 04:06 pm
Im trying to get enuff up for shipping on getyourfix valium powder..I thought hes post meant free shipping..its 0.6 but then 2it sr it comes to  0.60.

Gotcha. Sorry bout the wait.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: microboilie on January 04, 2013, 07:12 pm
got 0.15 btc spare if anyone needs it, pm and give me your username on main site if different to the forum.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meowmeowmix on January 04, 2013, 11:14 pm
I am .21 BTC off from an order and have no cash for at least a week to buy more bitcoin with. If anyone can help please send anything (even 0.001 BTC as that's something ) to   1KFjL3X3UNpBUmGgFrZe8yvuxYrzSonSCc  . Thank you very much for your time.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: zipstyle on January 04, 2013, 11:28 pm
I am .21 BTC off from an order and have no cash for at least a week to buy more bitcoin with. If anyone can help please send anything (even 0.001 BTC as that's something ) to   1KFjL3X3UNpBUmGgFrZe8yvuxYrzSonSCc  . Thank you very much for your time.

.08 BTC sent your way. I hope you have the same username on SR, cuz that's where the coins were sent.  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meowmeowmix on January 05, 2013, 12:14 am
Thank you so much :) People like you give me faith in humanity
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: wsg on January 05, 2013, 02:29 am
Made a post someone sent coin . Thanks  not sure of who but send me a pm
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MrBing2012 on January 05, 2013, 06:50 am
Hey guys I'm short 0.24 bitcoins for an order and can't buy any coins atm.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Buying hash oil for my new TI nail and dome :)

Thanks all and Happy New Years.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BlarghRawr on January 05, 2013, 06:54 am
Hey guys I'm short 0.24 bitcoins for an order and can't buy any coins atm.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks all and Happy New Years.
I'll get you. :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MrBing2012 on January 05, 2013, 07:13 am
Hey guys I'm short 0.24 bitcoins for an order and can't buy any coins atm.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks all and Happy New Years.
I'll get you. :)

Thanks man I really appreciate it.
Hope you all have an awesome year.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meowmeowmix on January 05, 2013, 08:00 am
Even though zipstyle sent me .08 btc when I was .2 btc off I am still .11 short even after all my attempts at getting freebitcoins from those online websites. If anybody could help and send me anything at all it will be so appreciated and I'll get you back later. my name on silk road is the same as this one ( meowmeowmix ) and if you want to directly into my wallet it is, 1KFjL3X3UNpBUmGgFrZe8yvuxYrzSonSCc . Thank you all and have a nice day :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BlarghRawr on January 05, 2013, 10:27 am
Even though zipstyle sent me .08 btc when I was .2 btc off I am still .11 short even after all my attempts at getting freebitcoins from those online websites. If anybody could help and send me anything at all it will be so appreciated and I'll get you back later. my name on silk road is the same as this one ( meowmeowmix ) and if you want to directly into my wallet it is, 1KFjL3X3UNpBUmGgFrZe8yvuxYrzSonSCc . Thank you all and have a nice day :)
I just ask that you repay me. :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sppa on January 05, 2013, 04:14 pm
Hi peeps
Thought I would never ask but... I'm 0.44 short of an order. Which is a lot to ask for I know.
I've donated coins to others, I hope someone can return the love, just this once. Any help would be greatly appreciated and put you on my  xmass card list. Oh and of course I would repay the favor.

sppa 17GCd2ScgrfsmJtQWbiVYLcGLQZ3Zw39CA
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: longshankspony37 on January 05, 2013, 09:24 pm
What a great idea. The more i read from serious silk roaders the more i am proud to be a part  of this community. Next time i got a bit of shrapnel in my wallet i will definatly contribute.


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on January 05, 2013, 11:19 pm
i see a lot of unfilled requests!!
unfortunately i have to add to it..
i'm .71 short on my third order (i'll get it down eventually), and i promise to repay double when my next wire goes through on the 9th or 10th!!
i can give you my second born as collateral.. j/k, you can have my first though!!  ;)     
i thank the  awesome generous soul in advance!!

same name or addy below... then shoot me a pm so i can get you back without searching on here!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meowmeowmix on January 05, 2013, 11:27 pm
Even though zipstyle sent me .08 btc when I was .2 btc off I am still .11 short even after all my attempts at getting freebitcoins from those online websites. If anybody could help and send me anything at all it will be so appreciated and I'll get you back later. my name on silk road is the same as this one ( meowmeowmix ) and if you want to directly into my wallet it is, 1KFjL3X3UNpBUmGgFrZe8yvuxYrzSonSCc . Thank you all and have a nice day :)
I just ask that you repay me. :)

If you were the kind soul who gave me even more bitcoins than I even needed than for sure I will pay you back !! Also many thanks to everyone again who sent me BTC! Had more than enough when I woke up this morning :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BlarghRawr on January 06, 2013, 01:06 am
i see a lot of unfilled requests!!
unfortunately i have to add to it..
i'm .71 short on my third order (i'll get it down eventually), and i promise to repay double when my next wire goes through on the 9th or 10th!!
i can give you my second born as collateral.. j/k, you can have my first though!!  ;)     
i thank the  awesome generous soul in advance!!

same name or addy below... then shoot me a pm so i can get you back without searching on here!!
Covered, just pay me back as soon as you can. :)

Even though zipstyle sent me .08 btc when I was .2 btc off I am still .11 short even after all my attempts at getting freebitcoins from those online websites. If anybody could help and send me anything at all it will be so appreciated and I'll get you back later. my name on silk road is the same as this one ( meowmeowmix ) and if you want to directly into my wallet it is, 1KFjL3X3UNpBUmGgFrZe8yvuxYrzSonSCc . Thank you all and have a nice day :)
I just ask that you repay me. :)

If you were the kind soul who gave me even more bitcoins than I even needed than for sure I will pay you back !! Also many thanks to everyone again who sent me BTC! Had more than enough when I woke up this morning :)
I think I am.

"send to    meowmeowmix    ฿-0.12    ฿<balanced redacted>    January 5, 2013, 10:26 am UTC"

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on January 06, 2013, 03:11 am
Covered, just pay me back as soon as you can. :)

you're an awesome person!!
i will definitely pay u back, double like i promised!!
thanx again!!  ;D ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: longshankspony37 on January 06, 2013, 03:46 pm
Hes a legend round these parts, some people believe he was born in cyberspace the result of two web spiders  converging at the internode, others say hes is the internet jesus the one and only son of the almighty dread pirate . whilst others say hes just a nice guy with a decent internet connection, tis' for you to decide

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: LeetPwner on January 06, 2013, 09:53 pm
I was very excited to make my second decent by on this site, putting me around a few hundred dollars total.

But unfortunately my friend backed out and was not able to front me a little bit of money ):

I'm short 1.54, which I feel like is quite a bit to ask for. And I can't try to negotiate with a seller because of my few purchases hah.

If anyone would be able to help me out, I'll definitely have enough to pay you back in a few days (with a tiny tip of course  ;) )

Username is the same on SR.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: LeetPwner on January 06, 2013, 09:55 pm
Oh god I mean 1.55**

Even worse :(

Edit: If you message me I'll tell you my very nifty game plan of getting a great return on said items, so I'll most likely give you 3bc's as soon as I get it. I just feel bad looking at other people's posts for .05 and I'm asking for a whopping 1.55. Guess we all need to dream big though.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: steamboat77 on January 06, 2013, 10:08 pm
hey, can anybody help a comrade with .05 btc? It's a huge ordeal to deposit for me and I'm not sure when I'll be able to again. It would really make my day so I can pick some stuff up sooner rather than much much later.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: longshankspony37 on January 06, 2013, 11:23 pm
Argh the listing says free delivery but on checkout delivery isn't free. vendor says the listing is from when he was a new vendor and cant waive it.

i find myself 0.11 short of a gramme of herb to see me to pay day(fri).

will pay back and chip in on fri.

my s/r username is the same as here.

in advance many thanks. and if you decide you cant help out many thanks for considering it
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Direct2You on January 07, 2013, 03:41 am
nbeaupre got me today. With the same bullshit story. "PLEASE MAN!!!!!!! I NEED .12BTC TO ORDER. I SWEAR I'LL ORDER FROM YOU RIGHT NOW! PLEEEASSSEEE MANNN!" What a tool. Can we block this guy as a collective? Is there a "Bum Clause" on SR?    ???
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: slysamuel0109 on January 07, 2013, 03:47 am
Argh the listing says free delivery but on checkout delivery isn't free. vendor says the listing is from when he was a new vendor and cant waive it.

i find myself 0.11 short of a gramme of herb to see me to pay day(fri).

will pay back and chip in on fri.

my s/r username is the same as here.

in advance many thanks. and if you decide you cant help out many thanks for considering it

I sent .09 your way.
Hope it helps to feed the cause.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BlarghRawr on January 07, 2013, 04:06 am
nbeaupre got me today. With the same bullshit story. "PLEASE MAN!!!!!!! I NEED .12BTC TO ORDER. I SWEAR I'LL ORDER FROM YOU RIGHT NOW! PLEEEASSSEEE MANNN!" What a tool. Can we block this guy as a collective? Is there a "Bum Clause" on SR?    ???
No, but we can expose him.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: longshankspony37 on January 07, 2013, 02:01 pm
Thankyou kind sir, i ordered myself a gramme of black hash this morning, will be here tommorow and ill dedicate my first smoke to you, please pm me your s/r username so i can pay you back friday.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: slysamuel0109 on January 07, 2013, 03:12 pm
Thankyou kind sir, i ordered myself a gramme of black hash this morning, will be here tommorow and ill dedicate my first smoke to you, please pm me your s/r username so i can pay you back friday.
No need.

Just pay it forward when you get some extra coin.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: 20247245 on January 07, 2013, 06:10 pm
So I stupidly made a miscalculation whilst ordering for a friend - while i managed to place my friends order succesfuly, it left 0.5 short for my order!

So if anyone is feeling a wee bit generous, then :

I'll pay it forward :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: steamboat77 on January 07, 2013, 10:00 pm
I don't know who it was, but someone hooked me up. Thank you for your generosity. I will pay it forward as soon as I can.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MrBing2012 on January 08, 2013, 02:55 am
I don't know who it was, but someone hooked me up. Thank you for your generosity. I will pay it forward as soon as I can.

Yeah no problem, what goes around comes around, hope you got what you wanted :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: eskimoplea7 on January 08, 2013, 03:27 am
sucky sucky 4BTC
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BlarghRawr on January 08, 2013, 03:29 am
sucky sucky 4BTC
Is this a request or what?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: wavelength on January 08, 2013, 03:35 am
sucky sucky 4BTC
Is this a request or what?
idk but if i was going to suck a dick for some bitcoin it wouldnt be for any less than 10 btc!
i aint cheap  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: PrincessHIGH on January 08, 2013, 03:48 am
I lent eworkjr .50 six days ago he 'promised' to pay me back, I originally posted I had 0.05 to spare but went out of my way to get this for him (he sent me a pm), ever since I sent him the cents over he's been ignoring my pm's, I didn't even receive so much a thank-you back, which I think is very rude! I am not too bothered about .50 but based on the principle, his 'promise', and giving him plenty of time to respond I thought I would post this here as a warning. thecrackhead I think it might be a good idea to add a list of dishonest members and honest members who are safe to lend to. I love the motive of this thread and the idea of helping one another out, but it's people like eworkjr who unfortunately who let down the good intentions of this thread :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on January 08, 2013, 04:03 am
I lent eworkjr .50 six days ago he 'promised' to pay me back, I originally posted I had 0.05 to spare but went out of my way to get this for him (he sent me a pm), ever since I sent him the cents over he's been ignoring my pm's, I didn't even receive so much a thank-you back, which I think is very rude! I am not too bothered about .50 but based on the principle, his 'promise', and giving him plenty of time to respond I thought I would post this here as a warning. thecrackhead I think it might be a good idea to add a list of dishonest members and honest members who are safe to lend to. I love the motive of this thread and the idea of helping one another out, but it's people like eworkjr who unfortunately who let down the good intentions of this thread :(

that actually, sincerely pisses me the fuck off!! i hope it's just a fluke, and he eventually gets you back PH!! it truly saddens me.. it seems that always, in every aspect of the real world  and apparently here on SR also), there's always 1 asshole that fucks something up for everyone else!!
for the sake of this thread, and my sanity.. eworkjr, get your shit together!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: PrincessHIGH on January 08, 2013, 04:26 am
that actually, sincerely pisses me the fuck off!! i hope it's just a fluke, and he eventually gets you back PH!! it truly saddens me.. it seems that always, in every aspect of the real world  and apparently here on SR also), there's always 1 asshole that fucks something up for everyone else!!
for the sake of this thread, and my sanity.. eworkjr, get your shit together!!
I hope so too, to be fair on him I have given him more than a chance this was the last resort, he's been logging in since, almost everyday I believe and responding to threads, it's just .50 bitcents I can live with that, what I don't like is the idea I've given them to a dishonest member who couldn't be bothered to pm me back a thank-you when he received, when I could have sent them to an honest member who would have genuinely appreciated it. Don't be sad murderface2012 it's not worth it, the only thing I can do is send out a warning to everyone who visits this thread so he can't do it again to someone else, if I've stopped him from being dishonest to another member that makes me happy. It also won't stop me helping out another member in need, but I will be a little more cautious next time, there's plenty of great people here, we shouldn't let a couple of bad apples spoil this threads motives, but if something like this happens the member should be named for the benefit of all the genuine people who contribute to this thread :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lssb2132 on January 08, 2013, 11:53 am
Got up to .5 to spare after first order, hope all goes well and I get my lucy :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ballzinator on January 08, 2013, 12:21 pm
I lent eworkjr .50 six days ago he 'promised' to pay me back, I originally posted I had 0.05 to spare but went out of my way to get this for him (he sent me a pm), ever since I sent him the cents over he's been ignoring my pm's, I didn't even receive so much a thank-you back, which I think is very rude! I am not too bothered about .50 but based on the principle, his 'promise', and giving him plenty of time to respond I thought I would post this here as a warning. thecrackhead I think it might be a good idea to add a list of dishonest members and honest members who are safe to lend to. I love the motive of this thread and the idea of helping one another out, but it's people like eworkjr who unfortunately who let down the good intentions of this thread :(
What a dick! Let's all harass him via PM until he posts an apology for his rudeness and pays back his debt!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: PrincessHIGH on January 08, 2013, 01:32 pm
What a dick! Let's all harass him via PM until he posts an apology for his rudeness and pays back his debt!
Thank-you, you're a lovely person Ballzinator, I have an infection at the moment and I'm feeling quite shitty, but your words have made me feel a little better. If we manage to get eworkjr to aplogise and pay back his debt, the .50 will belong to this thread, meaning when it's with me I'll lend it out to any genuine members who need it then when it's paid back to me I'll lend it out again in a never ending cycle. It's a nice thought how many people who are short of a few bitcents I could help this way, I'd call it the endless journey of the .50 bitcents :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: 20247245 on January 08, 2013, 02:10 pm
Ive gathered ive got to show some love to get some love.

Ive got just under a coin to spare .97  Will send for love (karma) or paying it forward
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: aSadPanda on January 08, 2013, 11:34 pm
I'm just barely short on an order for shipping..anyone care to help me out? anything could help I'm good for it and will pay back with interest by thursday/friday the latest.

SR username snickereed1899

thanks in advance for any help..promise I will send some love your way. Pe@ce
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lssb2132 on January 09, 2013, 01:37 am
AsSadPanda, how much did you need?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: aSadPanda on January 09, 2013, 01:59 am
AsSadPanda, how much did you need?

I'm short 1.05 BTC ..I know that's too much to ask for so whatever you can do I would kindly appreciate and I can pay you back double by Thursday.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on January 09, 2013, 02:37 am
I'm short 1.05 BTC ..I know that's too much to ask for so whatever you can do I would kindly appreciate and I can pay you back double by Thursday.

dude, i've got coin transferring from bitcoin fog right now.. but it takes 6 hrs!!
if you still need it by then, i got you!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lssb2132 on January 09, 2013, 02:40 am
AsSadPanda, how much did you need?

I'm short 1.05 BTC ..I know that's too much to ask for so whatever you can do I would kindly appreciate and I can pay you back double by Thursday.
Sorry I can't help you out with the whole btc, but sent you .45 good luck
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: aSadPanda on January 09, 2013, 02:49 am
AsSadPanda, how much did you need?

I'm short 1.05 BTC ..I know that's too much to ask for so whatever you can do I would kindly appreciate and I can pay you back double by Thursday.
Sorry I can't help you out with the whole btc, but sent you .45 good luck

Thank you bro! Really appreciate it! +1 for you bud!

I'm short 1.05 BTC ..I know that's too much to ask for so whatever you can do I would kindly appreciate and I can pay you back double by Thursday.

dude, i've got coin transferring from bitcoin fog right now.. but it takes 6 hrs!!
if you still need it by then, i got you!!

I'll let you know I'm only .32 away.. Thanks a bunch for your guys' help!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BlarghRawr on January 09, 2013, 03:03 am
AsSadPanda, how much did you need?

I'm short 1.05 BTC ..I know that's too much to ask for so whatever you can do I would kindly appreciate and I can pay you back double by Thursday.
Sorry I can't help you out with the whole btc, but sent you .45 good luck

Thank you bro! Really appreciate it! +1 for you bud!

I'm short 1.05 BTC ..I know that's too much to ask for so whatever you can do I would kindly appreciate and I can pay you back double by Thursday.

dude, i've got coin transferring from bitcoin fog right now.. but it takes 6 hrs!!
if you still need it by then, i got you!!

I'll let you know I'm only .32 away.. Thanks a bunch for your guys' help!
I'll cover that 0.32 :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: aSadPanda on January 09, 2013, 03:07 am
AsSadPanda, how much did you need?

I'm short 1.05 BTC ..I know that's too much to ask for so whatever you can do I would kindly appreciate and I can pay you back double by Thursday.
Sorry I can't help you out with the whole btc, but sent you .45 good luck

Thank you bro! Really appreciate it! +1 for you bud!

I'm short 1.05 BTC ..I know that's too much to ask for so whatever you can do I would kindly appreciate and I can pay you back double by Thursday.

dude, i've got coin transferring from bitcoin fog right now.. but it takes 6 hrs!!
if you still need it by then, i got you!!

I'll let you know I'm only .32 away.. Thanks a bunch for your guys' help!
I'll cover that 0.32 :)

That would be awesome! Thank you so much man! Really appreciate it +1 to you! You guys really rock ;D ;D ;D

SR username is snickereed1899
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BlarghRawr on January 09, 2013, 03:10 am
AsSadPanda, how much did you need?

I'm short 1.05 BTC ..I know that's too much to ask for so whatever you can do I would kindly appreciate and I can pay you back double by Thursday.
Sorry I can't help you out with the whole btc, but sent you .45 good luck

Thank you bro! Really appreciate it! +1 for you bud!

I'm short 1.05 BTC ..I know that's too much to ask for so whatever you can do I would kindly appreciate and I can pay you back double by Thursday.

dude, i've got coin transferring from bitcoin fog right now.. but it takes 6 hrs!!
if you still need it by then, i got you!!

I'll let you know I'm only .32 away.. Thanks a bunch for your guys' help!
I'll cover that 0.32 :)

That would be awesome! Thank you so much man! Really appreciate it +1 to you! You guys really rock ;D ;D ;D

SR username is snickereed1899
It's not aSadPanda? Because that's where I just sent 0.33 and it would suck if I just lost that. :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: aSadPanda on January 09, 2013, 05:01 am
AsSadPanda, how much did you need?

I'm short 1.05 BTC ..I know that's too much to ask for so whatever you can do I would kindly appreciate and I can pay you back double by Thursday.
Sorry I can't help you out with the whole btc, but sent you .45 good luck

Thank you bro! Really appreciate it! +1 for you bud!

I'm short 1.05 BTC ..I know that's too much to ask for so whatever you can do I would kindly appreciate and I can pay you back double by Thursday.

dude, i've got coin transferring from bitcoin fog right now.. but it takes 6 hrs!!
if you still need it by then, i got you!!

I'll let you know I'm only .32 away.. Thanks a bunch for your guys' help!
I'll cover that 0.32 :)

That would be awesome! Thank you so much man! Really appreciate it +1 to you! You guys really rock ;D ;D ;D

SR username is snickereed1899
It's not aSadPanda? Because that's where I just sent 0.33 and it would suck if I just lost that. :(

Yea man, that's my account too I created it when I was going to buy a vendors account a while back...I was wondering " did he send it?" ahah cuz I didn't see it in my buyers acct .. I was able to make my purchase anyways with the prices of BTC going up I barely had $.08 left over from my order . lOl I just sent you back the .33 and I''ll give you some more on thursday!  :D Thanks everybody for your help!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thrasher on January 09, 2013, 06:55 am
Does anyone have .45 BTC to spare to help me complete an order? SR Username is rubecube.  I feel like a hobo but I'm agonizingly short and my exchange won't process before the weekend.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: monrovia on January 09, 2013, 02:57 pm
Does anyone have .45 BTC to spare to help me complete an order? SR Username is rubecube.  I feel like a hobo but I'm agonizingly short and my exchange won't process before the weekend.

Still need that?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thrasher on January 09, 2013, 04:29 pm
Yeah, that'd be awesome if you could. Thanks.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: zwizzle on January 09, 2013, 04:53 pm
Hey fellow roadies,

Waiting on some funds to clear for a transaction with BST for some BTC and am .65 BTC short at the moment for a sale that could be ending any minute...... 

Would really appreciate if someone could loan me a little coin in the meantime to make sure I don't miss out!  I can send you a little extra and my SR stats if needed, pm for verification

Thanks all!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: monrovia on January 09, 2013, 05:50 pm
Yeah, that'd be awesome if you could. Thanks.

K, check your account!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: monrovia on January 09, 2013, 05:56 pm
Hey fellow roadies,

Waiting on some funds to clear for a transaction with BST for some BTC and am .65 BTC short at the moment for a sale that could be ending any minute...... 

Would really appreciate if someone could loan me a little coin in the meantime to make sure I don't miss out!  I can send you a little extra and my SR stats if needed, pm for verification

Wallet: 1Fb6sFPXjYmWBi76imQXmjFtwUsNqJhA4U

Thanks all!

Sorry I couldn't give you the total amount you needed, but thrasher asked before you did. I still had .20 BTC left though, so I donated it to your cause. Check your wallet!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thrasher on January 09, 2013, 06:09 pm
Hey fellow roadies,

Waiting on some funds to clear for a transaction with BST for some BTC and am .65 BTC short at the moment for a sale that could be ending any minute...... 

Would really appreciate if someone could loan me a little coin in the meantime to make sure I don't miss out!  I can send you a little extra and my SR stats if needed, pm for verification

Wallet: 1Fb6sFPXjYmWBi76imQXmjFtwUsNqJhA4U

Thanks all!

Sorry I couldn't give you the total amount you needed, but thrasher asked before you did. I still had .20 BTC left though, so I donated it to your cause. Check your wallet!

Awesome. Really appreciate it. Will pay it forward.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: misteryuck on January 09, 2013, 06:16 pm
.4 headed to you.

wasnt doing me any good at the moment.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: zwizzle on January 09, 2013, 11:18 pm
Hey fellow roadies,

Waiting on some funds to clear for a transaction with BST for some BTC and am .65 BTC short at the moment for a sale that could be ending any minute...... 

Would really appreciate if someone could loan me a little coin in the meantime to make sure I don't miss out!  I can send you a little extra and my SR stats if needed, pm for verification

Wallet: 1Fb6sFPXjYmWBi76imQXmjFtwUsNqJhA4U

Thanks all!

Sorry I couldn't give you the total amount you needed, but thrasher asked before you did. I still had .20 BTC left though, so I donated it to your cause. Check your wallet!

really appreciate this, almost there on BTC for this sale.  I feel like a bum being short but really wanting to still make this happen,....  still ~ .5 BTC short.

If anyone can help I am more than willing to repay the favor tomorrow plus some interest when the BST desk is open.

.4 headed to you.

wasnt doing me any good at the moment.

Hey mistery,

Was this headed to my way or to thrasher?  Regardless, this thread just shows the quality here, paying it forward where you can.   

Can anyone help with .5 BTC?  Paid back tomorrow with a little interest if someone can help  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BlarghRawr on January 09, 2013, 11:25 pm
Hey fellow roadies,

Waiting on some funds to clear for a transaction with BST for some BTC and am .65 BTC short at the moment for a sale that could be ending any minute...... 

Would really appreciate if someone could loan me a little coin in the meantime to make sure I don't miss out!  I can send you a little extra and my SR stats if needed, pm for verification

Wallet: 1Fb6sFPXjYmWBi76imQXmjFtwUsNqJhA4U

Thanks all!

Sorry I couldn't give you the total amount you needed, but thrasher asked before you did. I still had .20 BTC left though, so I donated it to your cause. Check your wallet!

really appreciate this, almost there on BTC for this sale.  I feel like a bum being short but really wanting to still make this happen,....  still ~ .5 BTC short.

If anyone can help I am more than willing to repay the favor tomorrow plus some interest when the BST desk is open.

.4 headed to you.

wasnt doing me any good at the moment.

Hey mistery,

Was this headed to my way or to thrasher?  Regardless, this thread just shows the quality here, paying it forward where you can.   

Can anyone help with .5 BTC?  Paid back tomorrow with a little interest if someone can help  :)
Does it go to zwizzle on SR? I can let you borrow that amount, since you'll pay it back. :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: zwizzle on January 09, 2013, 11:49 pm
Hey fellow roadies,

Waiting on some funds to clear for a transaction with BST for some BTC and am .65 BTC short at the moment for a sale that could be ending any minute...... 

Would really appreciate if someone could loan me a little coin in the meantime to make sure I don't miss out!  I can send you a little extra and my SR stats if needed, pm for verification

Thanks all!

Sorry I couldn't give you the total amount you needed, but thrasher asked before you did. I still had .20 BTC left though, so I donated it to your cause. Check your wallet!

really appreciate this, almost there on BTC for this sale.  I feel like a bum being short but really wanting to still make this happen,....  still ~ .5 BTC short.

If anyone can help I am more than willing to repay the favor tomorrow plus some interest when the BST desk is open.

.4 headed to you.

wasnt doing me any good at the moment.

Hey mistery,

Was this headed to my way or to thrasher?  Regardless, this thread just shows the quality here, paying it forward where you can.   

Can anyone help with .5 BTC?  Paid back tomorrow with a little interest if someone can help  :)
Does it go to zwizzle on SR? I can let you borrow that amount, since you'll pay it back. :)

Sent you a PM with SR info, thanks so much again everyone, a truly great community here
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thrasher on January 10, 2013, 12:12 am
.4 headed to you.

wasnt doing me any good at the moment.
Thanks. The guy befor you had already sent me enoug, so I didn't end up using yours. Can I send it back to you?  What is your SR username?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sl0wturtle on January 10, 2013, 02:23 am
I am short .22 btc for shipping on a product, if anybody could help me out that would be greatly appreciated!!

I know I dont have a lot of posts or anything, but I can try to help repay the favor next time I put money in my account.

my SR user name is the same as my forum name.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on January 10, 2013, 03:07 am

coins sent brother!! can't thank you enough!!

@ eworkjr

i payback my debts homie, how about u??
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: PrincessHIGH on January 10, 2013, 08:34 am

coins sent brother!! can't thank you enough!!

@ eworkjr

i payback my debts homie, how about u??
He's started to woke up to find 0.19 from him, he's apologised for taking so long, he's getting another transfer arranged next week and will sort the balance then, thank-you to all who supported me, I'll keep everyone posted :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: 2marijuanaman on January 10, 2013, 06:53 pm
I'm about half a bitcoin short on shipping. If anyone is feeling generous I promise to do my best to pay you back when I can. My username is CannibalC

Thanks for your time.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ohlawd1234 on January 11, 2013, 02:56 am
I'm 0.44 bitcoins short on shipping for my first order of 5-MeO-MiPT. I bought from a certain vendor and they appear to be flaking out on me, so I want to spring for someguy's sample pack. I can pay it back as soon as Bitinstant is working again, or whenever my current order gets out of the resolution center, whichever comes first. Thanks in advance to anyone who's generous enough to let me try this awesome product for the first time =D
SR username: ohlawd1234
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: nomad bloodbath on January 11, 2013, 04:13 am
Guys dont give btc address' as where to send btcs....easy scam to use same account with new address' every other forum username.
Just some advice you guys run this like you want, I see some of you are doing it right while others are taking advantage of it.
Better this thread than every 3 threads.:)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: abby25 on January 11, 2013, 07:33 am
I'm so annoyed!

I've tried to order a sample for 0.59btc, with 0.09btc shipping. Now forgive me if i'm being an idiot but that's 0.68 right? Which is EXACTLY what i have left in my account.....but when i get to the shopping cart it ads it up as 0.69btc???!!!

I have a screenshot of this if anyone can tell me how to upload it on tor if they're interested. It's totally random!

Anyway, i have given bitcoins on this thread before if you want to check my posts, so hopefully someone can help me out with 0.01btc to get past this weird SR glitch!

Thanks in advance.

btc address - 1L73kUgxKFj5y7bWTowGMNyc6UNEqTkZEb
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: zipstyle on January 11, 2013, 08:09 am
.01 coins sent :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: abby25 on January 11, 2013, 08:17 am
.01 coins sent :)

Thanks man, i'll be sure to pay it forward or just let me know if you want it back in the future
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: microboilie on January 11, 2013, 06:05 pm
has anyone got 0.25btc to lend me? I will give you 0.50 btc back on monday.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thrasher on January 11, 2013, 07:57 pm
What is your SR username?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: microboilie on January 11, 2013, 08:33 pm
hi thrasher, I'm sorted now man, borrowed it from a friend of mine,

thanks anyway
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Undekka on January 11, 2013, 08:58 pm
You got me over a barrel and you know it, you hear me guy!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: zwizzle on January 11, 2013, 09:32 pm
@BlarghRawr - Sent you the .5 BTC back with a little extra due to inflation, really appreciate it!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: nuyt on January 12, 2013, 12:24 am
Evening guys. Any chance someone could spot me the .44 btc I'm short on an order? Weather has been shit and I've been procrastinating reupping on btc, but I'll pick some up in a few days and hit you back. Thanks in advance if anybody can spare it.

nuyt - 1LjhomZrRqfamBR4nrfDZJRHfu54BrwtEv
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Undekka on January 12, 2013, 12:28 am
Evening guys. Any chance someone could spot me the .44 btc I'm short on an order? Weather has been shit and I've been procrastinating reupping on btc, but I'll pick some up in a few days and hit you back. Thanks in advance if anybody can spare it.

nuyt - 1LjhomZrRqfamBR4nrfDZJRHfu54BrwtEv

you are covered my friend
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: nuyt on January 12, 2013, 12:56 am

you are covered my friend

Wow man that was fast! Thanks so much! Will get you back in a day or two.  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: LickTheSun on January 12, 2013, 03:14 am
Wish more people used this instead of creating new threads. I'd like to donate, but I won't do so for new users. Just the audacity of someone to ask for a handout on their first post turns me off.

To be fair people are probably embarrassed about asking for tiny amounts of money on their regular account. Including me.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: chickens1 on January 12, 2013, 03:29 am
Wish more people used this instead of creating new threads. I'd like to donate, but I won't do so for new users. Just the audacity of someone to ask for a handout on their first post turns me off.
Well I only lurk and forget my screen name each time I need to post.

If anyone has .60 they could loan me I'll  return it after the weekend, thanks.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: LickTheSun on January 12, 2013, 03:38 am
I'm so annoyed!

I've tried to order a sample for 0.59btc, with 0.09btc shipping. Now forgive me if i'm being an idiot but that's 0.68 right? Which is EXACTLY what i have left in my account.....but when i get to the shopping cart it ads it up as 0.69btc???!!!
btc address - 1L73kUgxKFj5y7bWTowGMNyc6UNEqTkZEb

I believe the bitcoin amount in your wallet is rounded up as bitcoin amounts can have many digits after the decimal point but on here it's displayed with only two digits after the decimal point. I myself have run in to the problem during my early days.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Undekka on January 12, 2013, 03:46 am
Wish more people used this instead of creating new threads. I'd like to donate, but I won't do so for new users. Just the audacity of someone to ask for a handout on their first post turns me off.
Well I only lurk and forget my screen name each time I need to post.

If anyone has .60 they could loan me I'll  return it after the weekend, thanks.


I got you covered
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: chickens1 on January 12, 2013, 03:58 am
Wish more people used this instead of creating new threads. I'd like to donate, but I won't do so for new users. Just the audacity of someone to ask for a handout on their first post turns me off.
Well I only lurk and forget my screen name each time I need to post.

If anyone has .60 they could loan me I'll  return it after the weekend, thanks.


I got you covered
Thanks man really cool. I'm sure it'll pop up soon, got an adress i can return too?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Undekka on January 12, 2013, 04:29 am
Check your private messages. move your cursor over 'My Messages' and click 'Read My Messages'
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: monrovia on January 12, 2013, 06:00 am
If only I wasn't so generous, I wouldn't be short on BTC. I gave away a little over a half a bitcoin in increments to various people a few days ago in this thread, and I'm hoping some people will pay what they got forward. I'm desperately in need of .12 BTC to get some bud that I really really need. My stash is almost gone. If anyone can help ASAP, I'll pay you back within a week or so. The only other time I borrowed from someone, I actually paid them back, so you can count on that. Thanks in advance!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: abby25 on January 12, 2013, 07:26 am
If only I wasn't so generous, I wouldn't be short on BTC. I gave away a little over a half a bitcoin in increments to various people a few days ago in this thread, and I'm hoping some people will pay what they got forward. I'm desperately in need of .12 BTC to get some bud that I really really need. My stash is almost gone. If anyone can help ASAP, I'll pay you back within a week or so. The only other time I borrowed from someone, I actually paid them back, so you can count on that. Thanks in advance!

Btc address dude?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: monrovia on January 12, 2013, 07:34 am
If only I wasn't so generous, I wouldn't be short on BTC. I gave away a little over a half a bitcoin in increments to various people a few days ago in this thread, and I'm hoping some people will pay what they got forward. I'm desperately in need of .12 BTC to get some bud that I really really need. My stash is almost gone. If anyone can help ASAP, I'll pay you back within a week or so. The only other time I borrowed from someone, I actually paid them back, so you can count on that. Thanks in advance!

Btc address dude?

My profile name is the same on sr. Sorry, should have said that. but it's 1CvAMgAEB1QBncwuryTDZ5WZd24QJFDqbP  if you want to use the address.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: abby25 on January 12, 2013, 07:43 am
If only I wasn't so generous, I wouldn't be short on BTC. I gave away a little over a half a bitcoin in increments to various people a few days ago in this thread, and I'm hoping some people will pay what they got forward. I'm desperately in need of .12 BTC to get some bud that I really really need. My stash is almost gone. If anyone can help ASAP, I'll pay you back within a week or so. The only other time I borrowed from someone, I actually paid them back, so you can count on that. Thanks in advance!

Btc address dude?

My profile name is the same on sr. Sorry, should have said that. but it's 1CvAMgAEB1QBncwuryTDZ5WZd24QJFDqbP  if you want to use the address.

Didn't send you the .12, just in-case SR shafted you like it did me yesterday and adds things up wrong and you're out of pocket by i sent you 0.13 instead.

You go get your bud my friend. :) x
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: monrovia on January 12, 2013, 07:57 am
You sure you sent it to the right address?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: abby25 on January 12, 2013, 08:07 am
You sure you sent it to the right address?

Maybe a slightly more polite tone next time mate.

Yeh, go spend it. Cheers.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: monrovia on January 12, 2013, 08:13 am
You sure you sent it to the right address?

Maybe a slightly more polite tone next time mate.

Yeh, go spend it. Cheers.

I'm sorry if I came off as impolite, that wasn't what I meant for at all. I'm just worried you might have copied it wrong because I still don't have it in my account...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: abby25 on January 12, 2013, 08:17 am
You sure you sent it to the right address?

Maybe a slightly more polite tone next time mate.

Yeh, go spend it. Cheers.

I'm sorry if I came off as impolite, that wasn't what I meant for at all. I'm just worried you might have copied it wrong because I still don't have it in my account...

No worries, SR has it's own btc tumblers so it my take up to 2-3 hours to show, or it may be there in 10 mins....very rarely instantaneous,

Anyway, enjoy the bud
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: slysamuel0109 on January 12, 2013, 08:28 am
You sure you sent it to the right address?

Maybe a slightly more polite tone next time mate.

Yeh, go spend it. Cheers.

I'm sorry if I came off as impolite, that wasn't what I meant for at all. I'm just worried you might have copied it wrong because I still don't have it in my account...

No worries, SR has it's own btc tumblers so it my take up to 2-3 hours to show, or it may be there in 10 mins....very rarely instantaneous,

Anyway, enjoy the bud

+1 for paying it forward!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thrasher on January 12, 2013, 08:37 am
You sure you sent it to the right address?

Maybe a slightly more polite tone next time mate.

Yeh, go spend it. Cheers.

I'm sorry if I came off as impolite, that wasn't what I meant for at all. I'm just worried you might have copied it wrong because I still don't have it in my account...

Hey, man, I'll send you back the coins you sent me.  Just wanted to make sure of your SR username first.  To the other dude who sent me coins, let me know your username and I'll hit you back as well.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: monrovia on January 12, 2013, 08:38 am
You sure you sent it to the right address?

Maybe a slightly more polite tone next time mate.

Yeh, go spend it. Cheers.

I'm sorry if I came off as impolite, that wasn't what I meant for at all. I'm just worried you might have copied it wrong because I still don't have it in my account...

No worries, SR has it's own btc tumblers so it my take up to 2-3 hours to show, or it may be there in 10 mins....very rarely instantaneous,

Anyway, enjoy the bud

Ok, I'm sorry, I was under the impression that user to user transfews WERE instantanious.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: abby25 on January 12, 2013, 08:43 am
right, in a random act of selfishness i just decided to spend 0.34 on some porn, so i'm left with 0.02. PM me if you need it :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BlarghRawr on January 12, 2013, 09:01 am
You sure you sent it to the right address?

Maybe a slightly more polite tone next time mate.

Yeh, go spend it. Cheers.

I'm sorry if I came off as impolite, that wasn't what I meant for at all. I'm just worried you might have copied it wrong because I still don't have it in my account...

No worries, SR has it's own btc tumblers so it my take up to 2-3 hours to show, or it may be there in 10 mins....very rarely instantaneous,

Anyway, enjoy the bud

Ok, I'm sorry, I was under the impression that user to user transfews WERE instantanious.
They are. Transfers to bitcoin addresses aren't user-transfers.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: slysamuel0109 on January 12, 2013, 09:11 am
I have .03 to offer someone in need. It's not much but it's free!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Mamma on January 12, 2013, 12:29 pm
The sense of community and generosity on this thread is awesome.

I stumbled across it today as I am 0.8btc short for today. I am willing to repay, with interest if need be, but cannot commit to a date (though it should be within a week).

If anyone can help out it would be greatly appreciated and I won't forget any favours.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: monrovia on January 12, 2013, 02:17 pm
Hey, man, I'll send you back the coins you sent me.  Just wanted to make sure of your SR username first.  To the other dude who sent me coins, let me know your username and I'll hit you back as well.

Cool, I haven't checked my account yet, so you might have sent them, but my user name is the same, "monrovia"
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: nomad bloodbath on January 12, 2013, 02:42 pm
I'm in need of .32 btc for an opna purchase, if anyone feels generous to help out.
I swore i'd never post in this thread but i need those opanas nexrt week for pain relief.

nomad bloodbath on sr marketplace username
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: PrincessHIGH on January 12, 2013, 03:37 pm
I'm in need of .32 btc for an opna purchase, if anyone feels generous to help out.
I swore i'd never post in this thread but i need those opanas nexrt week for pain relief.

nomad bloodbath on sr marketplace username
Going to sort you now nomad, you're due for another token of my gratitude for all the hard work you do :)
Edit: Done! Sent you .33 to ensure your order goes through.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Mamma on January 12, 2013, 05:52 pm
The sense of community and generosity on this thread is awesome.

I stumbled across it today as I am 0.8btc short for today. I am willing to repay, with interest if need be, but cannot commit to a date (though it should be within a week).

If anyone can help out it would be greatly appreciated and I won't forget any favours.


No help for a relative newb?

momia is my road name.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ch0sen on January 12, 2013, 11:29 pm

I placed my orders and didn't get exactly what I wanted because I was short a few bit cents.  However I do have .30 BTC remaining and
am offering it here. 

If anyone is short, please PM me and I can help with the little bit I have.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ch0sen on January 13, 2013, 04:22 am
Mamma, I will send you .08 btc to your SR name.

Let me know if you get it.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Mamma on January 13, 2013, 09:13 am
Mamma, I will send you .08 btc to your SR name.

Let me know if you get it.


Got it. Thank you very much.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: monrovia on January 13, 2013, 06:19 pm
Hey, man, I'll send you back the coins you sent me.  Just wanted to make sure of your SR username first.  To the other dude who sent me coins, let me know your username and I'll hit you back as well.

And +1 for getting ME when I needed it. If you're ever short let me know and I'll help if I can.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: talawtam on January 13, 2013, 11:12 pm
Hello guys and gals. Would anyone be kind enough to lend me 0.12 coins till next week please? thanks 1MGs1FPECT4bQaE11wwb6xrugpEmsEXuwc
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: AgentLee on January 13, 2013, 11:18 pm
I'm woefully short of 0.09 BTC having failed to calculate postage when buying my coins.

If anyone is willing to help out a poor sap incapable of basic arithmetic I will certainly repay you when I can next get more BTC.

Thanks in advance.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mtndew1 on January 14, 2013, 01:54 am
Hello fellow travelers,

I deposited $400 today for an order only to find out I am .50 cents short, and instead of waiting for the bitcoin to fluctuateI figured id see if anyone could spare me the .50

Thanks for your consideration!

Username: mmckev3
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on January 14, 2013, 02:24 am
Hello fellow travelers,

I deposited $400 today for an order only to find out I am .50 cents short, and instead of waiting for the bitcoin to fluctuateI figured id see if anyone could spare me the .50

Thanks for your consideration!

Username: mmckev3

your first post is to ask for money!?!  ??? ???
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mtndew1 on January 14, 2013, 02:37 am
Hello fellow travelers,

I deposited $400 today for an order only to find out I am .50 cents short, and instead of waiting for the bitcoin to fluctuateI figured id see if anyone could spare me the .50

Thanks for your consideration!

Username: mmckev3

your first post is to ask for money!?!  ??? ???

Yes havent really explored the forums until today, although im just asking so I dont see what your problem is  :) , no one is forced to give me anything  ;)
But I dont think this thread is for discussions so thats all ill say!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: monrovia on January 14, 2013, 02:41 am
If someone could help me out with .50 BTC I'll get them back plus interest in about a week... Same thing goes for abby25 who let me borrow like .20 not too long ago, I just have to get all my purchases in order. Thanks in advance. My SR name is the same as my forum name.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MeccaLand on January 14, 2013, 02:50 am
I'm in need of 0.30 bitcoins. I got chosen to sample weed, I need it for shipping. Will pay pack soon, with interest if you want. Name ur percent. Thanks
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on January 14, 2013, 02:54 am
so I dont see what your problem is

no problems homie.. just good luck borrowing with those stats!!  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MeccaLand on January 14, 2013, 02:58 am
I'm in need of 0.30 bitcoins. I got chosen to sample weed, I need it for shipping. Will pay pack soon, with interest if you want. Name ur percent. Thanks

Oh yeah, SR name =  rihannasMan1
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ch0sen on January 14, 2013, 03:04 am

Got your PM.

I am gonna send you the .09.  If you do remember I will probably need it next week sometime for
my next order.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ch0sen on January 14, 2013, 03:40 am

I sent .13 coins.  If you can get that back sometime next week or whatever that would be great.  I will be ordering again next week.

Anyways, I hope it helps.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lesseroftwoweevils on January 14, 2013, 03:53 am
I'll pitch in .2 to you as well MeccaLand, just pay me back whenever you can.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: rosannebar on January 14, 2013, 04:05 am
I would auction off my best friend position for a whole day for 1btc.    It's hard asking for anything, it's even harder for someone to give to strangers.   This thread is great, and anyone that does help should feel good.   I have yet to put a single btc in my sr because of the broke and have no money thing.  I was sort of kidding about the friend for a day thing, but, I will be donating in the future.   Mark my words :)       But if anyone does change my btc's to even .000000000001   I will appreciate it and pay it forward.     Thanks and cakes, and all that other stuffs.       sr: rosannebar

Also I am new, I have that new car smell even.   So please no need to hate on my only a handful of posts things.    We all have to start somewhere.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: rosannebar on January 14, 2013, 04:11 am
Oh wait,   do you need this thing 16PTSXaHobTAWGM5ZXnF6yy4i2Eh3zssmi ?       It is in my empty sr wallet.              If you would like to contribute to my, life is not fair fund.   
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: j18904 on January 14, 2013, 04:43 am
I really dont wanna do this but I was  ripped off a while back back a user named hardhustle and  my money is really low im trying to get it back up i am currently 1 bitcoin short  from getting something that i could invest in  would anyone be able to help me out my Sr name is  j18904 and my btc wallet address is 1FLKQVkpfYkwrJZ7AJR6PKUhwyGnbYErPy    if you message me with a  return address i will happily return it as soon as possible
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MeccaLand on January 14, 2013, 04:57 am

I sent .13 coins.  If you can get that back sometime next week or whatever that would be great.  I will be ordering again next week.

Anyways, I hope it helps.


Wow, thanks dude. I'll pay it back asap.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MeccaLand on January 14, 2013, 05:00 am
I'll pitch in .2 to you as well MeccaLand, just pay me back whenever you can.

Damn thanks dawg. Expect to be paid back in about 2 weeks. Let me know if sooner. Thanks again man.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ch0sen on January 14, 2013, 12:23 pm
Forgot to say, my name on SR is chosen.  Like here but no 0 for the o.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: CrazyBart on January 14, 2013, 02:32 pm
hey gang
im 2 dollars short on an order if anybody could help out
my SR name is the same as my name here.   Crazybart

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: JForce on January 14, 2013, 03:14 pm
0.05 short from an order, would be very grateful if anyone could come to my rescue! Will pay back as soon as I can

My names the same on the road :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: AgentLee on January 14, 2013, 03:19 pm

Got your PM.

I am gonna send you the .09.  If you do remember I will probably need it next week sometime for
my next order.


ch0sen has come to my rescue. I am very grateful and will repay asap. If anyone else reads my post, please don't send me any more BTC.

Thank you very much ch0sen.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: slysamuel0109 on January 14, 2013, 04:55 pm
0.05 short from an order, would be very grateful if anyone could come to my rescue! Will pay back as soon as I can

My names the same on the road :)

Sent. .02 your way.
All I got. Hope it helps.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: JForce on January 14, 2013, 05:19 pm
0.05 short from an order, would be very grateful if anyone could come to my rescue! Will pay back as soon as I can

My names the same on the road :)

Sent. .02 your way.
All I got. Hope it helps.

Thanks man, really appreciate it! I've made a note of your name and will send back ASAP.

Only need .03 now!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: slysamuel0109 on January 14, 2013, 06:38 pm
0.05 short from an order, would be very grateful if anyone could come to my rescue! Will pay back as soon as I can

My names the same on the road :)

Sent. .02 your way.
All I got. Hope it helps.

Thanks man, really appreciate it! I've made a note of your name and will send back ASAP.

Only need .03 now!

No need. Just pay it forward when you get some extra coin.
Wish I could've been of better service.
Hope you still get what you want!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Shadowknight890 on January 14, 2013, 07:29 pm
I don't have much, but I can help anyone in need :]
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: PrincessHIGH on January 14, 2013, 09:06 pm
0.05 short from an order, would be very grateful if anyone could come to my rescue! Will pay back as soon as I can

My names the same on the road :)

Sent. .02 your way.
All I got. Hope it helps.

Thanks man, really appreciate it! I've made a note of your name and will send back ASAP.

Only need .03 now!
I'll send the 0.03 JForce happy ordering :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ralph123 on January 14, 2013, 11:52 pm
can anybody help me out with a .2?  pay back in 5 days or less

ralph2341542 on SR


Thanks to anyone who can afford it I'll be gone for a few hours now
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: aSadPanda on January 15, 2013, 12:08 am
AsSadPanda, how much did you need?

I'm short 1.05 BTC ..I know that's too much to ask for so whatever you can do I would kindly appreciate and I can pay you back double by Thursday.
Sorry I can't help you out with the whole btc, but sent you .45 good luck

Thanks for your loan! Just sent you the coin w/interest .90 BTC :-)

AsSadPanda, how much did you need?

I'm short 1.05 BTC ..I know that's too much to ask for so whatever you can do I would kindly appreciate and I can pay you back double by Thursday.
Sorry I can't help you out with the whole btc, but sent you .45 good luck

Thank you bro! Really appreciate it! +1 for you bud!

I'm short 1.05 BTC ..I know that's too much to ask for so whatever you can do I would kindly appreciate and I can pay you back double by Thursday.

dude, i've got coin transferring from bitcoin fog right now.. but it takes 6 hrs!!
if you still need it by then, i got you!!

I'll let you know I'm only .32 away.. Thanks a bunch for your guys' help!
I'll cover that 0.32 :)

Thank you for sendin me that .32 -- Although I didn't need it I'm a man of my word. I sent you the .32 right away and just sent you another .32 BTC just seconds ago. :-)

hey gang
im 2 dollars short on an order if anybody could help out
my SR name is the same as my name here.   Crazybart


You still need that? I have about .78 BTC to spare atm.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lssb2132 on January 15, 2013, 02:09 am
AsSadPanda, how much did you need?

I'm short 1.05 BTC ..I know that's too much to ask for so whatever you can do I would kindly appreciate and I can pay you back double by Thursday.
Sorry I can't help you out with the whole btc, but sent you .45 good luck

Thanks for your loan! Just sent you the coin w/interest .90 BTC :-)

AsSadPanda, how much did you need?

I'm short 1.05 BTC ..I know that's too much to ask for so whatever you can do I would kindly appreciate and I can pay you back double by Thursday.
Sorry I can't help you out with the whole btc, but sent you .45 good luck

Thank you bro! Really appreciate it! +1 for you bud!

I'm short 1.05 BTC ..I know that's too much to ask for so whatever you can do I would kindly appreciate and I can pay you back double by Thursday.

dude, i've got coin transferring from bitcoin fog right now.. but it takes 6 hrs!!
if you still need it by then, i got you!!

I'll let you know I'm only .32 away.. Thanks a bunch for your guys' help!
I'll cover that 0.32 :)

Thank you for sendin me that .32 -- Although I didn't need it I'm a man of my word. I sent you the .32 right away and just sent you another .32 BTC just seconds ago. :-)

You still need that? I have about .78 BTC to spare atm.
Thanks for getting me back Panda, got .93btc that I can help anyone with for now!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: darthvaderstar on January 15, 2013, 04:22 am
can anyone spare .66 btc? it's much appreciated!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: saitekman12345 on January 15, 2013, 05:10 am
can anyone spare .66 btc? same name on sr if anyone is willing. it's much appreciated!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: darthvaderstar on January 15, 2013, 05:35 am
can anyone spare .66 btc? same name on sr if anyone is willing. it's much appreciated!

thanks alot saite.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ralph123 on January 15, 2013, 06:59 am
Thanks to MeccaLand I am only needing a .06. Thanks Mecca I'll get you back soon
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lssb2132 on January 15, 2013, 07:11 am
Thanks to MeccaLand I am only needing a .06. Thanks Mecca I'll get you back soon
Sent to ya bud.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: rosannebar on January 15, 2013, 07:21 am
I posted in here on a whim recently.   And ended up with a bad karma from it.   Whoever I offended I apologize.   Since signing up to sr and this forum I spend hours literally reading things and making out wish lists on sr.    I plan on getting some coins as soon as I can,  I have been out of work for a while and without food stamps I would starve probably lol....   that's sad but probably true.   So whoever bad karma'd me for asking for charity or a loan,   honestly honestly I didn't expect anyone would and wasn't really expecting it.   Like I said in my post,  someday soon I will be paying things forward in here.     So humbly I withdraw my request, and hope to be a *hero* someday or even a *gasp* moderator!     If your going to do something might as well go big right lol?

I realize this is kinda pointless and kinda rambled on, but having only been a member a week or so, and the first thing I get is a negative karma made me feel like a fool lol.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on January 15, 2013, 08:03 am
I posted in here on a whim recently.   And ended up with a bad karma from it.   Whoever I offended I apologize.   Since signing up to sr and this forum I spend hours literally reading things and making out wish lists on sr.    I plan on getting some coins as soon as I can,  I have been out of work for a while and without food stamps I would starve probably lol....   that's sad but probably true.   So whoever bad karma'd me for asking for charity or a loan,   honestly honestly I didn't expect anyone would and wasn't really expecting it.   Like I said in my post,  someday soon I will be paying things forward in here.     So humbly I withdraw my request, and hope to be a *hero* someday or even a *gasp* moderator!     If your going to do something might as well go big right lol?

I realize this is kinda pointless and kinda rambled on, but having only been a member a week or so, and the first thing I get is a negative karma made me feel like a fool lol.

+1 rosannebar
just like in RL.. some people are just jerks!!  :P
it'll get better!!  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: talawtam on January 15, 2013, 08:51 am
would anyone be kind enough to lend me 0.08btc please? i will pay back in 5 days time! thanks
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lssb2132 on January 15, 2013, 08:59 am
would anyone be kind enough to lend me 0.08btc please? i will pay back in 5 days time! thanks
I'll help ya out, SR name same as forum name?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: GerOne on January 15, 2013, 11:41 am
Dear users of SR,

Do not, under any circumstances, DO NOT use the website VirWoX for BTC exchange! I've had a friend who told me to try it and I ended up with around 1 of what should have been a lot more!!! (3 BTC)  I'M SO PISSED RIGHT NOW! Since in my country it's almost impossible to get BTC fast, I decided to try this... and here I go... I am short from my order... (with around 1,6 BTC) Now I don't want to ask anyone to help me out but if you by some miracle do I would be greatful... I've lost a shitload of money now and I can't even order the stuff I wanted... Well, at least I learnt the hard way not to deal with VirWoX ever again. Learn from my mistake!  >:(  >:(

ger1 on SR if somebody decides to be my hero... I'll get back to you if I get the chance to get more coin... :( )
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Shadowknight890 on January 15, 2013, 07:46 pm
would anyone be kind enough to lend me 0.08btc please? i will pay back in 5 days time! thanks

You still need the coins? I already helped out one member, wouldn't mind helping out again xD
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: saitekman12345 on January 15, 2013, 09:30 pm
I have 10 free bitcoins up for grabs.
Preferably for some karma I guess.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: PrincessHIGH on January 15, 2013, 09:58 pm
I have 10 free bitcoins up for grabs.
Preferably for some karma I guess.
That's very generous of you saitekman1234, if that's the case I'd recommend you invest in one of nomad bloodbath's listings http://silkroadvb5piz3r.onion/silkroad/user/f6b29a3812 where would we be without him? :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: slysamuel0109 on January 16, 2013, 12:06 am
I have 10 free bitcoins up for grabs.
Preferably for some karma I guess.

+1 for generosity and bribery.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lssb2132 on January 16, 2013, 12:08 am
I have 10 free bitcoins up for grabs.
Preferably for some karma I guess.
Wow crazy generous, I'd +1 you just for that if I could.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: PintoX on January 16, 2013, 12:09 am
I have 10 free bitcoins up for grabs.
Preferably for some karma I guess.

Buy me something to help me sleep? :)  and also you got +1 Karma
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: motek on January 16, 2013, 02:06 am
spare bitcoins?  I wish!   shit, I haven't even got spare karma! lol ;D   (otherwise I would be extremely bribable! :o)

ps..Hey it looks like the new captchas have fucked off the virwex bot monster 8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Stonedstupor on January 16, 2013, 02:35 am
hey guys.. so i need a small loan for an order i'm about to place.. i put in the money thinking it be enough but lo and behold im short 19 bucks for a $1800. please anyone? i'll send you coins back as soon as i get more in.

i think 19$ equals to like 1.3 btc or something like that. but i'll pay back plus 100%!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BlarghRawr on January 16, 2013, 02:47 am
hey guys.. so i need a small loan for an order i'm about to place.. i put in the money thinking it be enough but lo and behold im short 19 bucks for a $1800. please anyone? i'll send you coins back as soon as i get more in.

i think 19$ equals to like 1.3 btc or something like that. but i'll pay back plus 100%!
I can spot you 0.8 coins. Does it go to Stonedstupor on SR?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lssb2132 on January 16, 2013, 02:51 am
hey guys.. so i need a small loan for an order i'm about to place.. i put in the money thinking it be enough but lo and behold im short 19 bucks for a $1800. please anyone? i'll send you coins back as soon as i get more in.

i think 19$ equals to like 1.3 btc or something like that. but i'll pay back plus 100%!
I can spot you 0.8 coins. Does it go to Stonedstupor on SR?
I can lend you the other .5/.6, same question as above though.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Stonedstupor on January 16, 2013, 02:52 am
hey guys.. so i need a small loan for an order i'm about to place.. i put in the money thinking it be enough but lo and behold im short 19 bucks for a $1800. please anyone? i'll send you coins back as soon as i get more in.

i think 19$ equals to like 1.3 btc or something like that. but i'll pay back plus 100%!
I can spot you 0.8 coins. Does it go to Stonedstupor on SR?

Yes sir. And whatever you send me i'll send double. so if you send me 20 i'll pay back 40. just cuz your helping me out :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BlarghRawr on January 16, 2013, 02:53 am
hey guys.. so i need a small loan for an order i'm about to place.. i put in the money thinking it be enough but lo and behold im short 19 bucks for a $1800. please anyone? i'll send you coins back as soon as i get more in.

i think 19$ equals to like 1.3 btc or something like that. but i'll pay back plus 100%!
I can spot you 0.8 coins. Does it go to Stonedstupor on SR?

Yes sir. And whatever you send me i'll send double. so if you send me 20 i'll pay back 40. just cuz your helping me out :)
If I could had that much I would have sent it. Enjoy your purchase. :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Stonedstupor on January 16, 2013, 03:00 am
thanks so much man.. i've never been short for a purchase i feel bad.. i got you back though i wont forget. $7 short now.. haha

Edit: +1 to you kind sir
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lssb2132 on January 16, 2013, 03:02 am
thanks so much man.. i've never been short for a purchase i feel bad.. i got you back though i wont forget. $7 short now.. haha
Sent you .6, enjoy your goods
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Stonedstupor on January 16, 2013, 03:04 am
doh sorry for saying i was $7 short, didn't notice you posted! jesus christ yall are amazing. badass community. i'll be back in this thread when someone needs my spare coins :) thanks so much yall
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Shadowknight890 on January 16, 2013, 03:13 am
Hey guys.. This might be a lot but I'm short 2.9 btc for my order :/ if anyone can help out, I'd appreciate it a lot and I would pay you back asap. I know it's a lot but you have my word that you'll get your btc back.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: birdstheword on January 16, 2013, 03:39 am
I'm short by almost $3 USD or .21 Btc. If someone could help a bird out I'd appreciate it and pay you back ASAP.

EDIT: SR name is the same btw.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dillybarz on January 16, 2013, 07:10 am
   I'm down to the point of asking for donations. This is pathetic, i'm sorry guys. I'm putting together an 8 ball order and im less than (1) BTC from buying and vendor isn't budinging. EVEN IF you cant give a full bit coin and donation help :P :)
Please im really trying to get anything from .1-.5 and i'll back back double donated.
I will of course give anyone who gives a donation, a donation back either in BTC or in product (Heroin #4)

Much appreciated ya'll,

Woops: This is my address to donate too :P, sorry stoned. 16N1qRTdCfUdEmpSWwWAuzoYdE7ZtPhTSg  <----------m RIGHT THERE

Later :peacesign: 8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lssb2132 on January 16, 2013, 07:21 am
I'm short by almost $3 USD or .21 Btc. If someone could help a bird out I'd appreciate it and pay you back ASAP.

EDIT: SR name is the same btw.
Got ya covered.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: AnonymousAddict on January 16, 2013, 10:24 am
OK guys i need 100 BTC.... I NEED one of you very wealthy guys to donate it, i wanna buy a bunch of heroin and some of every drug and just take them all at once


          this is a joke
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on January 16, 2013, 03:47 pm
OK guys i need 100 BTC.... I NEED one of you very wealthy guys to donate it, i wanna buy a bunch of heroin and some of every drug and just take them all at once


          this is a joke

what AA said!!
but without the no joke part.. and i could use around 101!! ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: birdstheword on January 16, 2013, 04:17 pm
I'm short by almost $3 USD or .21 Btc. If someone could help a bird out I'd appreciate it and pay you back ASAP.

EDIT: SR name is the same btw.
Got ya covered.

Thanks a lot, buddy. I'll hit you back as soon as I make my next Btc purchase.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Fireleaf on January 16, 2013, 04:25 pm
Hi. I am trying to complete and order but I'm 0.05Bitcoins short. Could anyone spot me? I would appreciate it.
SR Name: NightBreeze
Address: 12ipaomaihfQpUgga7mZ4yB5FiUs2WCfHF
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: g01d3n on January 16, 2013, 04:32 pm
I don't need coins, but let me be the one to thank everyone for helping others in need. You are all very good people :}
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: x3mnightmare on January 16, 2013, 07:35 pm
NightBreeze i have send you 0.03 so you need 0.02 more sorry didnt had more good luck
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lass on January 16, 2013, 08:39 pm
hi NightBreeze i sent you the other 0.02 so hopefully you set now :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: kitkat82 on January 17, 2013, 01:34 am
I could use .5 BTC, but any contributions are welcome!  I am short an order and would like to be able to place it tonight so I don't have to wait till monday.  : )
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lesseroftwoweevils on January 17, 2013, 02:22 am
I got you kitkat, .5 coming right up!

Edit: Is your SR account the same as it is here (for the record, mine is)?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: kitkat82 on January 17, 2013, 03:39 am
I got you kitkat, .5 coming right up!

Edit: Is your SR account the same as it is here (for the record, mine is)?

It is, thanks a million!  :)  :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: TK1991 on January 17, 2013, 05:46 am
Hello everybody, I really hate to ask, but I put in some coin today without looking at shipping costs... and I'm just 0.4 BTC under  :(

If anyone has some coin floating around and feels extra giving they should let me know..  :P Thanks!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ErgoProxy on January 17, 2013, 06:38 am
Hello, TK! I would be glad to send you the needed BTC... how do we do it, get names here or?

I will check back later, the lady is about to kill me!  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: TK1991 on January 17, 2013, 07:12 am
You can just send it to this same username (TK1991) on the mainsite, thanks a ton :)
<3 <3 <3

Edit: I think either the network is really slow or I was accidentally forgotten :( either or, I fear I have missed the boat and will have to wait till monday anyway  :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Edawg420 on January 17, 2013, 06:26 pm
Ugh.... so the day has come that i am actually short by $1.44 i will gladly pay somone back .2 later if they can shoot me i think  .1btcs is what i need...i dont wanna buy BTC's for 10 xanax lol...

SR account name is:

same as here....lemme know if someone can help so i can remove this disgusting plea...


trippylizard is the man..TY sir i gotcha soon as i re up on BTCs
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thisworld on January 18, 2013, 12:39 am
Wow, 1.5 years and I've never had to ask for coins.. :/  Here goes, I had enough, but purchased the quit smoking movie so I'm 0.52 btc short. :(  I'd be seriously indebted to anyone who could help me out.  Username is the same on the SR.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ErgoProxy on January 18, 2013, 12:49 am
I felt like such a d-bag coming here, looking for this exact thread lol. Anyway, I am going to be short with a customers order by 1 BTC.
*throws on a pathetic begging face* Could anyone help a white boy out?  I will , for sure, come back and donate when I am able to!

If some awesome person is feeling generous, I'd be very grateful. :)

SR Name : internetpersona

BTC Address: 1CcyHkzQFPjSzNNYrEjQPVa5XDbZ5nenP3

Wtf, I really do feel stupid asking. No offense to anyone, of course! =P

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: slysamuel0109 on January 18, 2013, 01:01 am
Wow, 1.5 years and I've never had to ask for coins.. :/  Here goes, I had enough, but purchased the quit smoking movie so I'm 0.52 btc short. :(  I'd be seriously indebted to anyone who could help me out.  Username is the same on the SR.


.46 sent.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ErgoProxy on January 18, 2013, 01:12 am
Hey people, turns out I am all set after all. Strange.

Anyway, I will keep my eye on this for anyone who needs a spare coin.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thisworld on January 18, 2013, 02:17 am
Wow, 1.5 years and I've never had to ask for coins.. :/  Here goes, I had enough, but purchased the quit smoking movie so I'm 0.52 btc short. :(  I'd be seriously indebted to anyone who could help me out.  Username is the same on the SR.


.46 sent.


Umm, I hate to say this, but it's been more than an hour, and I haven't received them.. :/  was really hoping to make this purchase.  I've verified with blockchain that they haven't been transferred..

with the current btc inflation I'm now only short .47 btc.  Ironic it's so close to the offer. anybody feeling especially generous? I'll pay it back to the community as soon as i have more coins!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: zipstyle on January 18, 2013, 02:35 am
Wow, 1.5 years and I've never had to ask for coins.. :/  Here goes, I had enough, but purchased the quit smoking movie so I'm 0.52 btc short. :(  I'd be seriously indebted to anyone who could help me out.  Username is the same on the SR.


.46 sent.


Umm, I hate to say this, but it's been more than an hour, and I haven't received them.. :/  was really hoping to make this purchase.  I've verified with blockchain that they haven't been transferred..

with the current btc inflation I'm now only short .47 btc.  Ironic it's so close to the offer. anybody feeling especially generous? I'll pay it back to the community as soon as i have more coins!

Will you be able to pay me back?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thisworld on January 18, 2013, 02:39 am
Yes, but I'm not gonna lie, it won't be immediately. i can within a week for sure. :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: zipstyle on January 18, 2013, 02:45 am
Ok buddy, I'll trust you since other people have trusted me :)
.47 btc sent. I hope you quit smoking sir!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thisworld on January 18, 2013, 02:57 am
You Sir, are a saint and a scholar!  I will pay you back as soon as I can get the money in! :) God Bless!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: zipstyle on January 18, 2013, 03:24 am
You Sir, are a saint and a scholar!  I will pay you back as soon as I can get the money in! :) God Bless!

Godspeed! Best wishes sir.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Stonedstupor on January 18, 2013, 05:16 am
can send .02 for +1 :)
all i got til i reup on coins.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: koooloap27 on January 18, 2013, 08:19 am
*extremely selfish bump*

sorry guys... i just really want to make this order tonight, so it will be shipped out in the morning...

i only need .16 btc....

name on the road is "chittytits"

and my btc adress- 1M5guoxmaD5BMMppogi1tjPcnLF8n7bdr

please someone help a brother out!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: wavelength on January 18, 2013, 08:24 am
*extremely selfish bump*

sorry guys... i just really want to make this order tonight, so it will be shipped out in the morning...

i only need .16 btc....

name on the road is "chittytits"

and my btc adress- 1M5guoxmaD5BMMppogi1tjPcnLF8n7bdr

please someone help a brother out!

im good now everyone! thanks peeps!!!

i will use whatever extra there is to pay it forward to the next guy that needs coins on here!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: koooloap27 on January 18, 2013, 08:30 am
*extremely selfish bump*

sorry guys... i just really want to make this order tonight, so it will be shipped out in the morning...

i only need .16 btc....

name on the road is "chittytits"

and my btc adress- 1M5guoxmaD5BMMppogi1tjPcnLF8n7bdr

please someone help a brother out!

im good now everyone! thanks peeps!!!

i will use whatever extra there is to pay it forward to the next guy that needs coins on here!
Yeah fees suck. We've all been in that position! Enjoy and yes definitely spread it on to help the next person!  ;D
Have fun!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Razorspyne on January 18, 2013, 08:40 am
You can just send it to this same username (TK1991) on the mainsite, thanks a ton :)
<3 <3 <3

Edit: I think either the network is really slow or I was accidentally forgotten :( either or, I fear I have missed the boat and will have to wait till monday anyway  :P

Lol, my timing is impeccable..... I always find a way to log in literally 5 minutes after people log out. Anyway...... please find enc.  ฿ ↔ ฿ acc./ trans. ç ≥ $8US: (0.58 ฿). Also, enc. PM confirmation ..... but ▒ ► acc./ expected to exceed few hrs; be patient lol. ;)

Piece out. Drive safely. Eat plenty.

[Edit. Lol, not sure above clear...... ▒ better explained: D Crap! I don't think it worked. :( ‚Y neither did this B Jesus! I tied so hard to make it clear lol. :'( ]

I tried to do a heart b/c when I first saw this → <3 <3 <3 thought they were bums for some reason, so tried to make better, doesn't matter, nothing I did worked :'(

[2nd Edit. 13/01/20]

You Sir, are a saint and a scholar!  I will pay you back as soon as I can get the money in! :) God Bless!

Lol, have a look at the polite writing then look at the avatar of the well-dressed gent...... was I the only one to mistakenly think he was the real Willy Wonka? (+K for making me lol)

Crap! I don't think it worked. :( ‚Y neither did this B Jesus! I tied so hard to make it clear lol. :'( ]

I tried to do a heart b/c when I first saw this → <3 <3 <3 thought they were bums for some reason, so tried to make better, doesn't matter, nothing I did worked :'(

Hahahahaha bums or hearts either or :P Thanks again Raz

pmsl TK1991.... ::) I probably have an overactive imagination.... ::) (They really do look like bums as well as hearts lol!) :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thelorax on January 18, 2013, 05:11 pm
i need 5 dollars.. idk how much btc it is

maybe around .4 or some shit.. idk i normally dont ask anyone for shit but i really need
to get my order in today..

i really will come back to this thread and donate whenever i can if i get some help.. im a man of my word lol

so if anyone can help me send coins to


thanks if anyone helps!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: wavelength on January 18, 2013, 05:22 pm
i need 5 dollars.. idk how much btc it is

maybe around .4 or some shit.. idk i normally dont ask anyone for shit but i really need
to get my order in today..

i really will come back to this thread and donate whenever i can if i get some help.. im a man of my word lol

so if anyone can help me send coins to


thanks if anyone helps!!

ill send you what i have left brother. youll still need about a dollar 50 after i do that though.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: TK1991 on January 18, 2013, 06:25 pm
Crap! I don't think it worked. :( ‚Y neither did this B Jesus! I tied so hard to make it clear lol. :'( ]

I tried to do a heart b/c when I first saw this → <3 <3 <3 thought they were bums for some reason, so tried to make better, doesn't matter, nothing I did worked :'(

Hahahahaha bums or hearts either or :P Thanks again Raz
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thelorax on January 18, 2013, 06:35 pm
i need 5 dollars.. idk how much btc it is

maybe around .4 or some shit.. idk i normally dont ask anyone for shit but i really need
to get my order in today..

i really will come back to this thread and donate whenever i can if i get some help.. im a man of my word lol

so if anyone can help me send coins to


thanks if anyone helps!!

ill send you what i have left brother. youll still need about a dollar 50 after i do that though.

thanks bro yeah idk if u sent it or bitcoins is fluctuating either way i still need about 2 dollars
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: wavelength on January 18, 2013, 06:38 pm
i need 5 dollars.. idk how much btc it is

maybe around .4 or some shit.. idk i normally dont ask anyone for shit but i really need
to get my order in today..

i really will come back to this thread and donate whenever i can if i get some help.. im a man of my word lol

so if anyone can help me send coins to


thanks if anyone helps!!

ill send you what i have left brother. youll still need about a dollar 50 after i do that though.

thanks bro yeah idk if u sent it or bitcoins is fluctuating either way i still need about 2 dollars
yeah i sent it, if you check your account history it should tell you every time youve spent/received coins.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: spacyschiz on January 18, 2013, 06:50 pm
First person to reply to me in this thread gets .15 BTC. Need to PM/post your BTC address so I can send it. Also, if you can pay me back or give me forum karma, that would be pretty cool too.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thelorax on January 18, 2013, 07:27 pm
First person to reply to me in this thread gets .15 BTC. Need to PM/post your BTC address so I can send it. Also, if you can pay me back or give me forum karma, that would be pretty cool too.



need 10 dollars someone hellp
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: spacyschiz on January 18, 2013, 07:29 pm
BTC sent. Enjoy.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: wavelength on January 18, 2013, 07:32 pm
First person to reply to me in this thread gets .15 BTC. Need to PM/post your BTC address so I can send it. Also, if you can pay me back or give me forum karma, that would be pretty cool too.



need 10 dollars someone hellp
now you need ten dollars? you needed 5 earlier and i gave you 3 of that...

something isnt right here.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thelorax on January 18, 2013, 07:39 pm
First person to reply to me in this thread gets .15 BTC. Need to PM/post your BTC address so I can send it. Also, if you can pay me back or give me forum karma, that would be pretty cool too.



need 10 dollars someone hellp
now you need ten dollars? you needed 5 earlier and i gave you 3 of that...

something isnt right here.

lol seems like it huh.. no i really do .. ill post figures
i was waiting for money to come in from bitinstnat and it was a coupledollars off what i thought was coming..

i am not the kind of guy to come on here like i said im in desperate need of this order going out today

2,298.36 is what i need

 $2,291.09 what i have now that kind sir up there just sent me some money

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: wavelength on January 18, 2013, 07:43 pm
First person to reply to me in this thread gets .15 BTC. Need to PM/post your BTC address so I can send it. Also, if you can pay me back or give me forum karma, that would be pretty cool too.



need 10 dollars someone hellp
now you need ten dollars? you needed 5 earlier and i gave you 3 of that...

something isnt right here.

lol seems like it huh.. no i really do .. ill post figures
i was waiting for money to come in from bitinstnat and it was a coupledollars off what i thought was coming..

i am not the kind of guy to come on here like i said im in desperate need of this order going out today

2,298.36 is what i need

 $2,291.09 what i have now that kind sir up there just sent me some money

lol GOD DAMN what are you buying?!? xD
ps i trust you, but it did seem sketch -_-
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: drobro11 on January 18, 2013, 08:36 pm

Hoping to show good faith in cause I ever need a bit ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thelorax on January 18, 2013, 08:41 pm

Hoping to show good faith in cause I ever need a bit ;)

i needs that homie karma will be giving too


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: drobro11 on January 18, 2013, 08:55 pm

Hoping to show good faith in cause I ever need a bit ;)

i needs that homie karma will be giving too


enjoy :)
no karma necessary
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Razorspyne on January 20, 2013, 04:50 am

Hoping to show good faith in cause I ever need a bit ;)

i needs that homie karma will be giving too


enjoy :)
no karma necessary

Here you go. (+K)  ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Dankbank1 on January 21, 2013, 12:16 am
I literally in all seriousness need 5 cents to order 3 butter scotch lolipops from angelina. Can someone send me .02 btc or something to 1Gi8B1593FgzuyGbnCZKpwFCkyPfQEXWEB  bless
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thelorax on January 21, 2013, 12:20 am
I literally in all seriousness need 5 cents to order 3 butter scotch lolipops from angelina. Can someone send me .02 btc or something to 1Gi8B1593FgzuyGbnCZKpwFCkyPfQEXWEB  bless


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thelorax on January 21, 2013, 12:27 am
I literally in all seriousness need 5 cents to order 3 butter scotch lolipops from angelina. Can someone send me .02 btc or something to 1Gi8B1593FgzuyGbnCZKpwFCkyPfQEXWEB  bless

i sent .03 where the fuck is my karma
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ralph123 on January 21, 2013, 02:50 am
Just wanted to reply in this thread and give a big thank you to lssb2132, MeccaLand, and Iconoclastic for their generosity with loaning me some spare change. I got you guys paid back and don't hesitate to ask me if you need some and I'll at least throw down what I can spare.

This is a great thread
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Dankbank1 on January 21, 2013, 01:47 pm
There's your "fucking" karma sir thank for kindly if you ever need hmu if i got it ill loan it
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: theman22 on January 21, 2013, 08:28 pm
hello spare coins thread who wants to be a generous person and help a brother out with 0.7btc and i will return the favor with a full definitely not going to be making a habit of this jus need to make an order asap   
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: theman22 on January 21, 2013, 11:28 pm
no longer matters  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Pillows on January 21, 2013, 11:58 pm
Could any of you awesome people lend me .15 btc? :D I would love you forever, and hit you back with a .3 the next time I buy coins in a few days. I'm so close it hurts lol. Thanks!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: realXimpact on January 22, 2013, 12:20 am
Hi guys, this is the first time I've had to ask for this, but thankfully it is NOT urgent. Just trying to place another order to stock up on bud from the legendary JackBlue. :]

I'm currently .13 btc short and was hoping someone could do a micro-loan to be paid back double within 1-2 weeks. I would prefer SR direct coin transfer, but I can receive it via wallet as well. I'd just rather avoid waiting for the confirmations. :] If anyone can help, please reply here or PM me!
Oh, and I'd be more than happy to dish out a ton of karma to whoever could help me out. :D
Edit2: Well, bitcoins value is still on the rise, and I'm down to only needing .09 btc, now! Hopefully they'll keep going up and I won't even have to keep begging!
Edit3: Holy crap, BTC is still spiking upwards, I now only need .05, from the .13 I originally needed. I'm actually getting pretty hopeful about not needing this. But if anyone could help out I'd still appreciate it! :]
Edit4: Wow, I am in shock. Now just .02 btc away. Here's hoping the upswing lasts just a little bit longer!
Edit5: So my account literally says $149.99 right now. $150.00 to make the order. I could not be any closer to placing this order, lol.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Pillows on January 22, 2013, 12:33 am
Actually I only need .06  >:(
Someone hook me up please? I'll still get ya back .3  ???
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: longissimus on January 22, 2013, 03:48 am

If you PM me I'll give you if you still need
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ErgoProxy on January 22, 2013, 04:04 am
Damn, here it is!  Please excuse the thread I started, looking for this thread...

Would anyone be willing to lend a fella $2 worth of BTC? :)   I hate coming up short. Forgot to consider the ups/downs of the BTC market, and such.

SR :   internetpersona

BTC Address = 1CcyHkzQFPjSzNNYrEjQPVa5XDbZ5nenP3

Thank you VERY much for anyone willing. (:
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: viceroy on January 22, 2013, 06:21 am
ErgoProxy or realXimpact one of you still needing?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ErgoProxy on January 22, 2013, 06:29 am
Yes sir/ma'am! lol Just sent you a PM. -.o
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: viceroy on January 22, 2013, 06:36 am
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ErgoProxy on January 22, 2013, 06:38 am

:O Hey thank you!  Very kind of you!

I will be back when I re-up on my coin to take care of someone. :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DivineMomentsofTruth on January 22, 2013, 07:13 am
I have never done this before but could someone please loan me .5 btc.  I will pay you back tomorrow and gladly with interest, I am a fool and tried to cut it too close, I know better and usually get 20 or so extra usd than I need but thought I had it right on the nose this time  :o

I will be eternally grateful!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thelorax on January 22, 2013, 07:32 am
I have never done this before but could someone please loan me .5 btc.  I will pay you back tomorrow and gladly with interest, I am a fool and tried to cut it too close, I know better and usually get 20 or so extra usd than I need but thought I had it right on the nose this time  :o

I will be eternally grateful!

gimme karma and ill do it lol jk ill do it anyways cuz im a boss
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thelorax on January 22, 2013, 07:33 am
I have never done this before but could someone please loan me .5 btc.  I will pay you back tomorrow and gladly with interest, I am a fool and tried to cut it too close, I know better and usually get 20 or so extra usd than I need but thought I had it right on the nose this time  :o

I will be eternally grateful!

wait whats ur address? or is that ur SR name too?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DivineMomentsofTruth on January 22, 2013, 07:47 am
I have never done this before but could someone please loan me .5 btc.  I will pay you back tomorrow and gladly with interest, I am a fool and tried to cut it too close, I know better and usually get 20 or so extra usd than I need but thought I had it right on the nose this time  :o

I will be eternally grateful!

wait whats ur address? or is that ur SR name too?

Karma given Lorax, and PM sent with SR user name...Can't thank you enough playa
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DivineMomentsofTruth on January 22, 2013, 08:01 am
Nevermind Lorax, got it already from a friend...I appreciate the offer though  ;)

Your welcome for the karma 8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: realXimpact on January 22, 2013, 08:15 am
Hey guys!! The market came through for me, about 5 minutes before I had to drive through some crazy whiteout blizzardness while really baked. JackBlue was even willing to work something out with me in the morning if it came down to it, which was great to hear. I can't imagine having 100s or 1,000s of coins in an account, seeing the wallet jump up 20 or 30 cents at a time was intense, LOL.

Thanks to the guys that made offers while I was out, I'll drop some karma to your domes anyway! Y'all are doing some good here. Hopefully I won't have to come beg here anytime soon. :]
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tkblank1 on January 23, 2013, 05:33 am
Hi, I'm trying to buy something, but when I transferred coin to Silk Road, I must have lost a few bucks in the transaction. So here I am in need of a single dollar and was wondering if anyone could help. I can definitely pay it back once my bank transfer clears by the end of this week. My SR info is 1G56C8Gcon1KneNJK61GTfVfsHeNgtBJtH under the username tkblank1.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: kobebryant0824 on January 23, 2013, 05:44 am
Hey Silk Road Fam

I always thought to myself I never will need coins, well today is the day considering I did some math calulation wrong with the incredibly insane bit coin rates at the moment and I am short a very small amount.

I need about 0.02 only and I kinda need it immediately ( sorry to sound like an idiot and rush) but my dead line is soon.

Hope someone responds quickly, I'll be refreshing. Thanks
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: kobebryant0824 on January 23, 2013, 06:47 am
No one can send me 0.02 coins brothers?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Stonedstupor on January 23, 2013, 08:05 am
Sent, no matter how much everyone disliked how you asked for it. hope your sr name is same as forum name
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: kobebryant0824 on January 23, 2013, 08:09 am
Sent, no matter how much everyone disliked how you asked for it. hope your sr name is same as forum name

Thanks a ton!!

I got like -6 Karma just posting asking for 0.02 but when I post great reviews to help others out on what vendor their dealing with I get jack ZIP. Amazing huh?

Thanks brother
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Stonedstupor on January 23, 2013, 08:12 am
dont take karma too serious, it doesnt mean nothing. people will -1 just for fun. dont worry bout it.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: kobebryant0824 on January 23, 2013, 08:16 am
dont take karma too serious, it doesnt mean nothing. people will -1 just for fun. dont worry bout it.

I'll be sure to repay you whenever I have some coins left over in the future. Thanks
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: awesome1126 on January 23, 2013, 06:20 pm
Damn, came up 1 BTC short to cover shipping for an order. Anyone help me out? SR username is the same as here.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ralph123 on January 23, 2013, 06:52 pm
Can anyone afford a .8 loan to get back a bit coin with in 5 days?


ralph2341542  on silk road

Thanks brothers and sisters
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lssb2132 on January 24, 2013, 06:51 am
Just saying thanks to Birdstheword, he got me back with interest trustworthy for sure! Also Ralph I could lend ya .2 if its of any help?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: masteroffrets on January 24, 2013, 07:00 am
Could anybody give me .02 btc? good things will come back your way i assure you  :) . my name on sr is the same? thats all you should need to send them correct?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thisworld on January 24, 2013, 07:04 am
Ok buddy, I'll trust you since other people have trusted me :)
.47 btc sent. I hope you quit smoking sir!

Sorry it took so long man, Here's .5 back. :) That's 6.38% interest over 5 days AND the price of btc rose notably. 

Thanks again SO much!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: masteroffrets on January 24, 2013, 07:15 am
NVM folks price just dropped by like .08 so i am all set now!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: kobebryant0824 on January 24, 2013, 08:55 am
Hey SR fam I absolutely did my math following $ instead of bitcoins and I am a complete idiot for doing so. Good Thing StonerStupor was kind enough to send me .02 in bit coins

I need exactly 0.13 and I will pay you back as soon as a few days. I am always on here and I always have extra change after making a purchase on my oxycodone purchases. Can someone please send me this amount as soon as possible. I will be refreshing this page every 5-10.

Thank you very much

I already owe you stonerstupor and sorry for my mistake about 0.02, I will definately give you more than that when I do my next purchase leftover which should be very soon this week.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: kobebryant0824 on January 24, 2013, 09:09 am
SR name is kobebryant0824 - same as this username

Thanks brothers! Still waiting patiently, trying to place this order asap.

Thanks again!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: kobebryant0824 on January 24, 2013, 09:54 am
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lssb2132 on January 24, 2013, 10:06 am
SR name is kobebryant0824 - same as this username

Thanks brothers! Still waiting patiently, trying to place this order asap.

Thanks again!!
Got ya covered buddy
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: kobebryant0824 on January 24, 2013, 10:09 am
SR name is kobebryant0824 - same as this username

Thanks brothers! Still waiting patiently, trying to place this order asap.

Thanks again!!
Got ya covered buddy

Thank you so much, I owe you. Usually I have tons of leftover from my oxycodone purchases so I will definately get it back to you and some. I'll be sure to message you as well to inform you.

- To stoner dude I still owe you 0.02 and i'll definately get that to you as well

Thanks brothers !!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lssb2132 on January 24, 2013, 10:18 am


Thank you so much, I owe you. Usually I have tons of leftover from my oxycodone purchases so I will definately get it back to you and some. I'll be sure to message you as well to inform you.

- To stoner dude I still owe you 0.02 and i'll definately get that to you as well

Thanks brothers !!
No worries, enjoy your order!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: kobebryant0824 on January 24, 2013, 10:21 am

Thank you so much, I owe you. Usually I have tons of leftover from my oxycodone purchases so I will definately get it back to you and some. I'll be sure to message you as well to inform you.

- To stoner dude I still owe you 0.02 and i'll definately get that to you as well

Thanks brothers !!
No worries, enjoy your order!

Thanks again man, I definately won't forget. I'll message you for your SR name when I have some avalible and get you back your coins. I really appreciate it. You make this forum thrive! Very helpful brother!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sqlinjection on January 24, 2013, 02:00 pm
Removed: deposited the money myself, thanks anyway guys.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: saitekman12345 on January 24, 2013, 03:45 pm
I have 2 bitcoins for free.
Pm me for it. First 2 ppl get a bitcoin.
Give me karma before you pm me.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DivineMomentsofTruth on January 24, 2013, 08:42 pm
I'm .51btc short of an order.....can anyone help a brother out? +1 karma coming your way plus I'd give you 1btc in return

PM for my SR name if you can.  Thanks to all you kind souls
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: rosannebar on January 24, 2013, 11:05 pm
The way bitcoins are jumping around today,  I shorted myself one dollar.     Could anyone help me out?     Would appreciate it and can pay back on my next reup.             

Again thanks, just need $1       SR name is the same      rosannebar   
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: AnonymousAddict on January 25, 2013, 03:37 am
Does someone by chance have 60cents?? lol i know soo low kinda sucks beween that and a order
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: KandyKidd on January 25, 2013, 04:10 am
I can help u out I got .08 btc..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: slysamuel0109 on January 25, 2013, 04:14 am
Back again..

In need of .17 BTC if anybody's got some spare coin lying around.

Trying to get a partyflock from Schizo..

Many thanks
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Stonedstupor on January 25, 2013, 04:18 am
i got you samuel. sent.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: slysamuel0109 on January 25, 2013, 04:23 am
i got you samuel. sent.

many thanks,
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: slysamuel0109 on January 25, 2013, 04:54 am

Now I'm just 2 cents short.
Hoping the market favors in my way,
but any help will be appreciated.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Stonedstupor on January 25, 2013, 05:13 am
sent another .01 you should be good
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: nottheunderscore on January 25, 2013, 07:02 pm
anyone have 0.02 BTC to share?  I'm .02 away from being able to purchase right now.  It's my own fault for not calculating all the little commisions and transaction fees, but in my defense the BTC went down again.  I was hoping BTC would go up in value just a little so that I could go ahead and make this purchase before this Vendor runs out of this item.  +1 for anyone who can spare .01 or .02btc to me
SR name: theunderscore
Total transactions: 24
Total spent: ฿110.26
Refund rate: 0%
Auto-finalize rate: 0%
Member for: 7 months

In unrelated's a list of fun things to do while tripping, compiled by myself off of my own experiences and the suggestions of other Road Members  http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=80623.90

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Revolutionista on January 25, 2013, 08:07 pm
anyone have 0.02 BTC to share?  I'm .02 away from being able to purchase right now.  It's my own fault for not calculating all the little commisions and transaction fees, but in my defense the BTC went down again.  I was hoping BTC would go up in value just a little so that I could go ahead and make this purchase before this Vendor runs out of this item.  +1 for anyone who can spare .01 or .02btc to me
SR name: theunderscore
Total transactions: 24
Total spent: ฿110.26
Refund rate: 0%
Auto-finalize rate: 0%
Member for: 7 months

In unrelated's a list of fun things to do while tripping, compiled by myself off of my own experiences and the suggestions of other Road Members  http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=80623.90

Sent0.05 just incase
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: energyimport on January 26, 2013, 01:22 am
Hey there!

I'm like a dollar short on an order I want to place tonight. Anyone willing to lend me a 1 to 1.50 dollars? I can pay it back next week once I re up.


My SR name is the same energyimport.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: slysamuel0109 on January 26, 2013, 01:31 am
hey guys,never had to do this but being an idiot i bought enough bitcoin for my ounce only to go buy and realize im 2.03 btc many know im trusted reviewer,trusted buyer,. will pay back 3 btc or morr if needed. thank you
username same on rd or

god bless

I have like .03 I can send.

What's your SR name?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: nottheunderscore on January 26, 2013, 07:08 am
anyone have 0.02 BTC to share?  I'm .02 away from being able to purchase right now.  It's my own fault for not calculating all the little commisions and transaction fees, but in my defense the BTC went down again.  I was hoping BTC would go up in value just a little so that I could go ahead and make this purchase before this Vendor runs out of this item.  +1 for anyone who can spare .01 or .02btc to me
SR name: theunderscore
Total transactions: 24
Total spent: ฿110.26
Refund rate: 0%
Auto-finalize rate: 0%
Member for: 7 months

In unrelated's a list of fun things to do while tripping, compiled by myself off of my own experiences and the suggestions of other Road Members  http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=80623.90

Sent0.05 just incase

Thank you so much Revolutionista!  +1 for you!  I can't wait until it shows up in my SR account.  Idk if it takes a little time for it to clear or something but as soon as its in there I will be placing that order.  Thank you again.  I really appreciate the generosity of a stranger and as soon as I re-up on bitcoins I will PM you and pay it forward. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: that1guy on January 26, 2013, 08:01 am
I know this is a long shot.. miscalculated the fees when I bought coin and am .4 btc short.. If anyone would be willing to help I can get you back in a few days.. If not, thats cool I understand this is a lil more than spare change for most.. Figured it was worth a try though..

forgot to add: 1FP8pUXpgbTM2piupcMUrL9L9BRK2pQv2k

Thank you to anyone who can help.. please pm me if you are the one who can help, SO I know who to get back to in a few days.. Thanks again..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: AgentLee on January 26, 2013, 03:14 pm
I know this is a long shot.. miscalculated the fees when I bought coin and am .4 btc short.. If anyone would be willing to help I can get you back in a few days.. If not, thats cool I understand this is a lil more than spare change for most.. Figured it was worth a try though..

forgot to add: 1FP8pUXpgbTM2piupcMUrL9L9BRK2pQv2k

Thank you to anyone who can help.. please pm me if you are the one who can help, SO I know who to get back to in a few days.. Thanks again..

I'll send you that 0.4 right away. PM'd you.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Thizzed410 on January 26, 2013, 07:51 pm
What's up everybody.  I'm .05 coin short on an order I just placed.  Wrong math somewhere but if anyone can let me borrow I will get them back asap.  Please pm me, Thanks!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: nottheunderscore on January 26, 2013, 09:53 pm
+1 for Revolutionista!  Thank you so much man!  You're an awesome guy! 

Sent0.05 just incase
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ErgoProxy on January 27, 2013, 01:02 am
What's up everybody.  I'm .05 coin short on an order I just placed.  Wrong math somewhere but if anyone can let me borrow I will get them back asap.  Please pm me, Thanks!

Did you get your coin yet? Let me know so I can send, or not send...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Inspectah Deck on January 27, 2013, 01:48 am
I facing a major obstacle in my life right now, and I cant cope with my life. If you read the thread I made you will understand what I am going thru. I am not begging for coins just simple asking for a favor. If you are kind enough to help me out please PM me.  My SR username is gardiale003   1LcnWPaYpig19fPXWfy4oDiiC5B9ak2nU7

My thread: dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=112001.0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ErgoProxy on January 27, 2013, 02:11 am
.7 4 btc short of ounce,pay back 1 btc,monday after 12pm easstern
my sr username is- jfots8620 (same ss forum)thx

god bless

Sending now...

Edit: Sent , hope it helps!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ErgoProxy on January 27, 2013, 02:13 am
I facing a major obstacle in my life right now, and I cant cope with my life. If you read the thread I made you will understand what I am going thru. I am not begging for coins just simple asking for a favor. If you are kind enough to help me out please PM me.

My thread: dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=112001.0

I can send .5 , could send more but it's all I have after I send another person coin.

Looks like I have a whole $1.00 worth after sending to others, if it would be of any use to anyone. Just hit me up.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: pigpenandbrent on January 27, 2013, 05:54 am
hey guys,first time on forums and road and newhere near underground drug scene. take it for what its worth. im 28 my name is jason.some of my long story and hopfully,recovery

thx guys,
and please dont ask is this real. im not psycho,im not man at wits end trying wutever might get me through the day a little easier

anything is appreciated.. for good cause
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: pigpenandbrent on January 27, 2013, 07:00 am
hey guys, really anything would help. at the end of my road and wss lucky enough to find this road when i still had a little time left. first time mmj user ,broke from hospital fees and prescriptions. anything you could spare would be greatly appreciated.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: scout on January 27, 2013, 07:03 am
Please be cautious, guys.  This "pigpenandbrent" user sounds a LOT like past scammers "perky" "lifesajoke" etc.  (oh, and another alias was the dude claiming he had some kind of cancer -- but scammed people.)

The spelling, the grammar, the puncuation, the post format ... it's all VERY similar.  I apologize if I'm mistaken, but it sounds a LOT like the same scammer. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ErgoProxy on January 27, 2013, 02:31 pm
+1 good looking out, scout. =P ive noticed, looking around, a lot of people (or the same?) seem to be working the same idea. Kinda regret mentioning anything about hooking anyone up. -.- got nailed with PMs. some, same exact messages, different users.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Blerbadoo on January 27, 2013, 07:36 pm
Well prices finally fluctuated in my favor, nm!

I'll be back for some pay it forward action in the future still
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: HeeHaw on January 27, 2013, 09:08 pm
Hey guys I would really appreciate it if somebody could afford to loan me some pocket change. I am trying to raise a bit coin so I can order. My payday is a few days off but I will repay it with interest if anyone can.

My SR name is GearShifter

update: Now only need a .6 thanks in advance for any kind soul who can afford it

Blerbadoo someone came up to you and started talking to you about your ass crack?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Inspectah Deck on January 28, 2013, 03:25 am
Hello SR and just would like to know if anyone could donate any amount of bitcoin to my account. I am really going thru a hard time right now with school and dealing with my mother and brother recently dieing. Here is a link to my thread  dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=112001.0
My username is gardiale003 and my address is 1LcnWPaYpig19fPXWfy4oDiiC5B9ak2nU7

Thank you and God Bless!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Stonedstupor on January 28, 2013, 05:13 am
Hello SR and just would like to know if anyone could donate any amount of bitcoin to my account. I am really going thru a hard time right now with school and dealing with my mother and brother recently dieing. Here is a link to my thread  dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=112001.0
My username is gardiale003 and my address is 1LcnWPaYpig19fPXWfy4oDiiC5B9ak2nU7

Thank you and God Bless!

I don't get why you would come here of all places to ask for support involving these things. Hard time with school? Study more, not spend more time on Silk Road. A relative died? We all got our own problems. Were all anonymous we dont know each other never will.

Damn guys, my girlfriend broke up with me and my dog got hit by a train. I'm really sad. Send me some bitcoins so my girlfriend will wanna fuck again and, if you all send enough coins, my dog can come back to life. God bless!

So fuckin stupid.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: 20247245 on January 28, 2013, 03:55 pm
I don't get why you would come here of all places to ask for support involving these things. Hard time with school? Study more, not spend more time on Silk Road. A relative died? We all got our own problems. Were all anonymous we dont know each other never will.

Damn guys, my girlfriend broke up with me and my dog got hit by a train. I'm really sad. Send me some bitcoins so my girlfriend will wanna fuck again and, if you all send enough coins, my dog can come back to life. God bless!

So fuckin stupid.

I wanna give you karma so bad for this, but i cant, so im sending a hug your way, and lighting a bowl in your honor.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: scout on January 28, 2013, 07:53 pm
I don't get why you would come here of all places to ask for support involving these things. Hard time with school? Study more, not spend more time on Silk Road. A relative died? We all got our own problems. Were all anonymous we dont know each other never will.

Damn guys, my girlfriend broke up with me and my dog got hit by a train. I'm really sad. Send me some bitcoins so my girlfriend will wanna fuck again and, if you all send enough coins, my dog can come back to life. God bless!

So fuckin stupid.

I wanna give you karma so bad for this, but i cant, so im sending a hug your way, and lighting a bowl in your honor.


I'll give him +1 for you.  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: curiositymatrix on January 29, 2013, 03:13 am
I don't get why you would come here of all places to ask for support involving these things. Hard time with school? Study more, not spend more time on Silk Road. A relative died? We all got our own problems. Were all anonymous we dont know each other never will.

Damn guys, my girlfriend broke up with me and my dog got hit by a train. I'm really sad. Send me some bitcoins so my girlfriend will wanna fuck again and, if you all send enough coins, my dog can come back to life. God bless!

So fuckin stupid.

I wanna give you karma so bad for this, but i cant, so im sending a hug your way, and lighting a bowl in your honor.


I'll give him +1 for you.  :)

and one because I agree / celebrate my recently granted karma-giving abilities.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: pigpenandbrent on January 29, 2013, 03:56 am
hey community,finally got few btc on here,if you dont no nething bput me,im new to rd,undergoing chemotherapy and want to see if marijuana really will give somewhat of appetite back. im bout 2.5 btc short of gettin my first bag of indica dominasnt marijuana. if neone could help me ,it be so appreciatedi dont know where else to turn but i know friendliness in this community.
please dont bash me either,i dont how many of u ever underwent chemo treatments but leaves you very depressed and emotional

anything would help guyz,god bless

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: hunter2 on January 29, 2013, 05:55 am
i'm $1.20 (or maybe .02 btc? depending on the rate) short for an order of dmt and would appreciate any spare coins thrown my way :)

username is the same as my forum name

much appreciation to everyone that has made this thread a thing
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: scout on January 29, 2013, 05:58 am
hey community,finally got few btc on here,if you dont no nething bput me,im new to rd,undergoing chemotherapy and want to see if marijuana really will give somewhat of appetite back. im bout 2.5 btc short of gettin my first bag of indica dominasnt marijuana. if neone could help me ,it be so appreciatedi dont know where else to turn but i know friendliness in this community.
please dont bash me either,i dont how many of u ever underwent chemo treatments but leaves you very depressed and emotional

anything would help guyz,god bless


Scammer warning.  Also, no, you haven't received any donations:

Probably because people are smart enough not to buy your story.  Pretty damn pathetic of you to lie about cancer - AGAIN.  Get a new story, bro.

In the other thread, you said you didn't even have $22 to spend on weed here.

GO THE FUCK AWAY.  You should also realize that karma is a bitch ... especially to douche bags who lie about having cancer in order to scam a community.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Shadowknight890 on January 29, 2013, 08:38 am
hey community,finally got few btc on here,if you dont no nething bput me,im new to rd,undergoing chemotherapy and want to see if marijuana really will give somewhat of appetite back. im bout 2.5 btc short of gettin my first bag of indica dominasnt marijuana. if neone could help me ,it be so appreciatedi dont know where else to turn but i know friendliness in this community.
please dont bash me either,i dont how many of u ever underwent chemo treatments but leaves you very depressed and emotional

anything would help guyz,god bless


Wow, this is beyond low. Kinda hope you actually do get Cancer now LOL.. jk maybe.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lssb2132 on January 29, 2013, 10:04 am
i hope ur telling truth cause as cancer patient,it be very hard to swallow if ur not,neway i sent u over what i could.prolly was mistake but i just cant see someone being ablw to lie about that.. but i been wrong before and ill be there again
That's very kind of you, unfortunately I think what Scout said is true. Still, you deserve karma or something...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: scout on January 29, 2013, 09:21 pm
i hope ur telling truth cause as cancer patient,it be very hard to swallow if ur not,neway i sent u over what i could.prolly was mistake but i just cant see someone being ablw to lie about that.. but i been wrong before and ill be there again

That's thoughtful of you.  Unfortunately, the scammer is just playing on people's sympathy.  He has made several accounts to scam people in this way.  He has even tried the "cancer" story before as well and ended up bragging about how gullible and dumb people were for falling for it.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Revolutionista on January 29, 2013, 10:45 pm
Been lent coins before so here goes.
Have upto 0.18 btc to donate if someone has a Genuine need.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sbmafia on January 29, 2013, 10:58 pm
Lol...such a dumb thread
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: monrovia on January 30, 2013, 12:50 am
I had 2 purchases to make, the first of which was the more important one. But now, I am .26 BTC short of getting to try DMT for the first time. If someone could help me out, I will repay you most likely within a few days, as I'm going to need to reup my weed stash, so I can send a few extra coins to my account when that time comes. My SR name is the same as my forum name.

I have repaid both people who have lent me coins, so I can promise it will come back your way. I just really need a positive psychedelic experience in my life right now...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ramrugger on January 30, 2013, 01:06 am
what I've got is on the way, monrovia. just got some dmt myself, want someone else to get to as well.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: monrovia on January 30, 2013, 01:20 am
what I've got is on the way, monrovia. just got some dmt myself, want someone else to get to as well.

Thanks a million man. It will be coming back your way as soon as I can get it there! +1 for generosity!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jfots8620 on January 30, 2013, 02:46 am
any one spare .63 btc? dont get pd till friday and would love to get these goodies ordered tonite so i dont have to wait till monday or tuesday to get high. i refuse to buy drugs on the street,think u guys know why.trusted buyer and respected reviewer.will be back in ur acct ,latest saturday.
username is same on rd: jfots8620
ty and godbless

and guys beware, helped out this pigpen fool,only to be msg back day later asking for more coin and when i said i was broke,he called me every name in book and asked how im so dumb to send him a btc cause btw i dont have cancer.. those were exact words.. and now im going to be very cautious.. forgot theres lot of addicts on here and they will do or say nething to get another hit..Stay away from PIGPENANDBRENT
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on January 30, 2013, 03:08 am
any one spare .63 btc? dont get pd till friday and would love to get these goodies ordered tonite so i dont have to wait till monday or tuesday to get high. i refuse to buy drugs on the street,think u guys know why.trusted buyer and respected reviewer.will be back in ur acct ,latest saturday.
username is same on rd: jfots8620
ty and godbless

and guys beware, helped out this pigpen fool,only to be msg back day later asking for more coin and when i said i was broke,he called me every name in book and asked how im so dumb to send him a btc cause btw i dont have cancer.. those were exact words.. and now im going to be very cautious.. forgot theres lot of addicts on here and they will do or say nething to get another hit..Stay away from PIGPENANDBRENT

coins sent bro!! pay me back whenever.. no rush.. my coins aren't showing up for another 7-9 days
enjoy those goodies!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: scout on January 30, 2013, 04:40 am
and guys beware, helped out this pigpen fool,only to be msg back day later asking for more coin and when i said i was broke,he called me every name in book and asked how im so dumb to send him a btc cause btw i dont have cancer.. those were exact words.. and now im going to be very cautious.. forgot theres lot of addicts on here and they will do or say nething to get another hit..Stay away from PIGPENANDBRENT

yep, that's what I tried to warn everyone about.  this guy has been coming here with new aliases and new bullshit stories all the time pulling shit like this.  his writing style and behavior are transparent.

guys, don't give your hard-earned (or even not-so-hard-earned!) money to scammers!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: terrapin on January 30, 2013, 05:24 am
hey guys,really hate to do this but im in process of making first buy on rd,very nervous,excited and all that fun stuff. unfortunately i am .57 btc short on purchase,didnt account for shipping. if neone could lend me it,be so appreciated.  will pay back w.e u request in reason of course
.my sr username is : fennario

thank you guys,
still cant believe this real lol,amazing
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Blerbadoo on January 30, 2013, 05:32 am
hey guys,really hate to do this but im in process of making first buy on rd,very nervous,excited and all that fun stuff. unfortunately i am .57 btc short on purchase,didnt account for shipping. if neone could lend me it,be so appreciated.  will pay back w.e u request in reason of course
.my sr username is : fennario

thank you guys,
still cant believe this real lol,amazing

Terrapin/Fennario, I got you covered. My request is that you pay it forward when you get more coins and help some other people out who are short of change.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: terrapin on January 30, 2013, 05:35 am
most definitely, i thank u so much,anticipation of this order is driving me nuts
peace and love
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: zipstyle on January 30, 2013, 03:56 pm
Hello All,

Today is my birthday and I am .3 BTC away from what I need for my order. My username is the same in SR as here.
I have donated coins on multiple occasions to this thread and am an active member of the community, you may check my profile :)

Thanks in advance!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: 20247245 on January 30, 2013, 06:46 pm
sadly i seem to be  0.53 short for an order.. If anyone could oblige, i shall take your name down, and promise to payforward/back when i get more coinage!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Revolutionista on January 31, 2013, 11:07 am
Hello All,

Today is my birthday and I am .3 BTC away from what I need for my order. My username is the same in SR as here.
I have donated coins on multiple occasions to this thread and am an active member of the community, you may check my profile :)

Thanks in advance!

Iv gt 0.18 btc ill send it straight away hopefully someone can nake up the rest
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: zipstyle on January 31, 2013, 01:51 pm
Thank you
Hello All,

Today is my birthday and I am .3 BTC away from what I need for my order. My username is the same in SR as here.
I have donated coins on multiple occasions to this thread and am an active member of the community, you may check my profile :)

Thanks in advance!

Iv gt 0.18 btc ill send it straight away hopefully someone can nake up the rest

Thank you! .12 BTC to go :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jacklinks on January 31, 2013, 05:33 pm
If anyone has .24 BTC to spare I would greatly appreciate it so that I can place an order. My SR username is jacklinks88
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Moon Fried on January 31, 2013, 05:58 pm
Need .1btc to order a zip of bud, please help out, I'll pay back if requested.

My username is the same on SR.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: saitekman12345 on January 31, 2013, 07:05 pm
Lol I am in the EXACT same situation of Moon Fried. I need .1 BTC to order a zip of bud.
I have given over 12 bitcoins to this thread! Help me out pals! I can payback soon too.
Username: Saitekman12345
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sbmafia on January 31, 2013, 08:10 pm
I need coins.. All the time...Help ?

BTW im female ;-)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: monrovia on January 31, 2013, 08:38 pm
Need .1btc to order a zip of bud, please help out, I'll pay back if requested.

My username is the same on SR.

Got you Moon Fried
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: monrovia on January 31, 2013, 08:40 pm
Lol I am in the EXACT same situation of Moon Fried. I need .1 BTC to order a zip of bud.
I have given over 12 bitcoins to this thread! Help me out pals! I can payback soon too.
Username: Saitekman12345

Got you saitekman12345

EDIT: Shit, sorry, I didn't notice you said your username was the same, so I sent it to the address. The transaction will take a few minutes longer, but I assure you they're on the way!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: monrovia on January 31, 2013, 08:42 pm
I need coins.. All the time...Help ?

BTW im female ;-)

How much do you need? I helped out a few who were in line before you, so I might not be able to give it all, but maybe I can help??
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Blerbadoo on January 31, 2013, 09:01 pm
I need coins.. All the time...Help ?

BTW im female ;-)

How much do you need? I helped out a few who were in line before you, so I might not be able to give it all, but maybe I can help??

Think ya should've read sbmafia with a sarcastic tone.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: saitekman12345 on January 31, 2013, 09:22 pm
Lol I am in the EXACT same situation of Moon Fried. I need .1 BTC to order a zip of bud.
I have given over 12 bitcoins to this thread! Help me out pals! I can payback soon too.
Username: Saitekman12345

Got you saitekman12345

EDIT: Shit, sorry, I didn't notice you said your username was the same, so I sent it to the address. The transaction will take a few minutes longer, but I assure you they're on the way!
Thanks a lot man, appreciate it so much.
It's generous people like you on the Road that makes our experience so pleasant!
What other forum has members giving away free dollars to other members? None but the Road!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: monrovia on January 31, 2013, 09:30 pm
I need coins.. All the time...Help ?

BTW im female ;-)

How much do you need? I helped out a few who were in line before you, so I might not be able to give it all, but maybe I can help??

Think ya should've read sbmafia with a sarcastic tone.

Ahh, I see. I guess my 'generosity' tunnel vision kept me from figuring that out. I'm in this thread every once in a while playing the beggar role, so I thought I would play the lender this time so I'm justified the NEXT time I come back here begging.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Moon Fried on January 31, 2013, 10:20 pm
Thanks for that 1btc! I just need .07btc left, if anyone could hook me up I'd appreciate it.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BenJesuit on February 01, 2013, 03:14 am
Hello my fellow roadies.

A vendor has given me a sweet deal but unfortunately I find myself  0.12 BTC short. If anyone can spot me the 0.12 BTC I would be greatly appreciative and will give you +karma for you good natured generosity.

You can do it via Silk Road's Account tab as "Send bitcoins to another member:" The transfer is instant

My SR account name is BenJesuit. So make sure you capitalize the B and the J of my name.

Thank you very much in advance. I don't want to miss out on this great deal from a great vendor.

Edit: almost forgot, you can also send it to my SR BTC address :1LYwoCPLuNpvrQf7PpmjzaewTtFfBGjAgM
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thelorax on February 01, 2013, 04:51 am
Hello my fellow roadies.

A vendor has given me a sweet deal but unfortunately I find myself  0.12 BTC short. If anyone can spot me the 0.12 BTC I would be greatly appreciative and will give you +karma for you good natured generosity.

You can do it via Silk Road's Account tab as "Send bitcoins to another member:" The transfer is instant

My SR account name is BenJesuit. So make sure you capitalize the B and the J of my name.

Thank you very much in advance. I don't want to miss out on this great deal from a great vendor.

Edit: almost forgot, you can also send it to my SR BTC address :1LYwoCPLuNpvrQf7PpmjzaewTtFfBGjAgM

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BenJesuit on February 01, 2013, 06:24 am
+karma for you brother! Thank you very, very much.
 I look forward to the day I can come through for you as you did for me.

You're one of those that make this community great. :)

Man, thanks again.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thelorax on February 01, 2013, 08:04 am
+karma for you brother! Thank you very, very much.
 I look forward to the day I can come through for you as you did for me.

You're one of those that make this community great. :)

Man, thanks again.


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on February 02, 2013, 01:01 am
hey guys,  .30 btc short yet again lol,i swear i forgot how to do math. neway making bitinstant deposit later this evening so money will be back in ur acct by early morning .thx guys!!
free marijuana samples for trusted reviewers also,
pm for details

don't forget about me homie!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: 2marijuanaman on February 02, 2013, 01:34 am
I seriously can't believe nobody wants a vyvanse for 3 bucks
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ErgoProxy on February 02, 2013, 01:48 am
I have a whole ฿0.15  remaining in my account, if any fellow Roadies need the loot.

And please, whoever keeps sending me messages using different names, I know you're the same person. -.- Serious;y, it's annoying. Your changing of names is insulting.

Annnnywhooo, let me know if someone needs 3 extra bucks.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: TK1991 on February 02, 2013, 02:42 am
This is the second time I've had to come into this forum asking for coins and it's honestly kind of embarrassing :(
I was recently in a car accident and haven't been able to go into work. Any help would really be appreciated.. I'm an entire 12 dollars off of my meds but anything helps <3 <3 <3 <3
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Shadowknight890 on February 02, 2013, 04:03 am
Hey guys, I was a little late for ErgoProxy's nice gesture lol I'm short .23 if anyone can help me out :x

SR is the same name I have here on the forums. I'll pay you back asap.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ErgoProxy on February 02, 2013, 04:06 am
Hey guys, I was a little late for ErgoProxy's nice gesture lol I'm short .23 if anyone can help me out :x

SR is the same name I have here on the forums. I'll pay you back asap.

Welp, person I meant to send to isnt around, and I have to take off. Dont want to leave without helping someone out!  a whole $3.00 coming your way, my friend!

Edit: Er... would only let me send    ฿0.13. But its all yours. Good luck!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Shadowknight890 on February 02, 2013, 04:11 am
Hey guys, I was a little late for ErgoProxy's nice gesture lol I'm short .23 if anyone can help me out :x

SR is the same name I have here on the forums. I'll pay you back asap.

Welp, person I meant to send to isnt around, and I have to take off. Dont want to leave without helping someone out!  a whole $3.00 coming your way, my friend!

Woohoo! Thanks, man. That leaves me with I think .8 or so? I'll go check lol

Edit: Er... would only let me send    ฿0.13. But its all yours. Good luck!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: TK1991 on February 02, 2013, 04:54 am's honestly kind of embarrassing :( I'm an entire 12 dollars off of my meds but anything helps <3

If it helps at all I can pay the person back in a few weeks? <3 :(

..or in nudies.. anyone?
= P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: 2marijuanaman on February 02, 2013, 05:47 am
I have a whole ฿0.15  remaining in my account, if any fellow Roadies need the loot.

And please, whoever keeps sending me messages using different names, I know you're the same person. -.- Serious;y, it's annoying. Your changing of names is insulting.

Annnnywhooo, let me know if someone needs 3 extra bucks.
You seem to be referring to me and I find that really strange, that definitely wasn't me dude. I do appreciate the offer though and regret missing it. (Not sure if anybodies noticed, but I've been logged in all day) Is their a particular reason you thought it was me...?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ErgoProxy on February 02, 2013, 06:42 am
I have a whole ฿0.15  remaining in my account, if any fellow Roadies need the loot.

And please, whoever keeps sending me messages using different names, I know you're the same person. -.- Serious;y, it's annoying. Your changing of names is insulting.

Annnnywhooo, let me know if someone needs 3 extra bucks.
You seem to be referring to me and I find that really strange, that definitely wasn't me dude. I do appreciate the offer though and regret missing it. (Not sure if anybodies noticed, but I've been logged in all day) Is their a particular reason you thought it was me...?

I do? How so? Sorry if you took it that way. I mentioned no names, or even hinted at anyone in particular.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mojorizen on February 02, 2013, 08:32 am

Freaking fees to deposit BTC left me 0.13 BTC short for an order. BTC be bouncing around like a mofo. I don't know if I should ask the vendor to spot me the shortage or if I can ask someone to pass along 0.13 BTC to help me out. Either way I feel like a loser being short by so little. I don't want to ask the vendor though. he'll think I'm trifling.

If anyone can help me out that would be great help and good lookin' out. Otherwise I'll  have to wait another 2 weeks when I get paid again of bust open the coin jar and see if I can get $20 worth of change to deposit into moneygram. Was just hoping to get some bud re upped for the week.

If anyone wants to do me a solid, my SR account address is: 16bxZ2vArgEABc5jZPSNiaYYVTX2mCVxJS
I don't know if it's allowed to do so little using user to user transfer but if it is, my SR name is MojoRizen kinda like on the forum.Just bigger letters.

Just 0.13 BTC stands in the way of me and xtacy. What a thing to be so close yet be so far away, right?  Feels like I'm panhandling. "brother can you spare a dime?" LOL.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Stonedstupor on February 02, 2013, 09:38 pm
first you said you needed bud, then x. which one is it??
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: burneraccountone on February 02, 2013, 09:43 pm
first you said you needed bud, then x. which one is it??
LOL, good eye! ...........zzzzzzzzzzz ::) truh la la la la
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BenJesuit on February 02, 2013, 10:10 pm
Could have been a combo order of both bud and E? But judging from the way "xtacy" is misspelled, probably meant he would be missing out on the ecstasy that certain sativas bring when smoked. My guess anyway.

Most people refer to MDMA as XTC, E or molly. Not as "xtacy." At least I've never seen it that way.

If I had some left over change I'd throw him some. But I have to wait until Monday before I can fund my account. Keeping fingers crossed there won't be any bitinstant issues.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Marlon Brando on February 02, 2013, 10:46 pm
Panhandling Internet style.


Seems like the drug user thing to do.

I'm always short for my next order, but that is why I wait and save.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: 2marijuanaman on February 02, 2013, 11:15 pm
Oh sorry ergo I had a brain fart apparently. Just saying you guys the offer is still there. Should have gone to bitinstant today lol
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sbmafia on February 02, 2013, 11:20 pm
*I find this thread so funny. 99% of people on SR arnt going to give ANYONE bitcoins because they rarely have enough for themselves. Constantly you hear about people doing a review for meth, than posting on this thread saying "I have cancer and need some bitcoins for medical Mary J.. Its all lies guys... sorry

My 2 cents
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mojorizen on February 03, 2013, 12:22 am
LOL. You cynics. Someone actually came through for me.

And Ben got the idea right. Except it was Indica and not Sativa I was looking to buy to give me a few nights of chilled out ecstasy.

I'm all good now. My order went out today by PriorityMail and I should get it Mon or Tues. And all thanks to good looking out by a righteous bro.

Thanks bro - you know who you are. if you ever get caught short, come look me up. If I got, then you get. No questions asked.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on February 03, 2013, 12:24 am
*I find this thread so funny. 99% of people on SR arnt going to give ANYONE bitcoins because they rarely have enough for themselves. Constantly you hear about people doing a review for meth, than posting on this thread saying "I have cancer and need some bitcoins for medical Mary J.. Its all lies guys... sorry

My 2 cents

i can see how you think this way.. but your statement isn't entirely true.. i've personally reached out a few times in need and had generous replies in minutes!! and visa versa, i've lent/ gave to quite a few and am only waiting for one dude to pay me back!! and everytime i've lent, they've paid me back more than i lent!! so i'd say more like 50%  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BlarghRawr on February 03, 2013, 01:11 am
*I find this thread so funny. 99% of people on SR arnt going to give ANYONE bitcoins because they rarely have enough for themselves. Constantly you hear about people doing a review for meth, than posting on this thread saying "I have cancer and need some bitcoins for medical Mary J.. Its all lies guys... sorry

My 2 cents

i can see how you think this way.. but your statement isn't entirely true.. i've personally reached out a few times in need and had generous replies in minutes!! and visa versa, i've lent/ gave to quite a few and am only waiting for one dude to pay me back!! and everytime i've lent, they've paid me back more than i lent!! so i'd say more like 50%  ;)
You've also paid back more then you've borrowed. It's positive-gain. :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on February 03, 2013, 01:15 am
*I find this thread so funny. 99% of people on SR arnt going to give ANYONE bitcoins because they rarely have enough for themselves. Constantly you hear about people doing a review for meth, than posting on this thread saying "I have cancer and need some bitcoins for medical Mary J.. Its all lies guys... sorry

My 2 cents

i can see how you think this way.. but your statement isn't entirely true.. i've personally reached out a few times in need and had generous replies in minutes!! and visa versa, i've lent/ gave to quite a few and am only waiting for one dude to pay me back!! and everytime i've lent, they've paid me back more than i lent!! so i'd say more like 50%  ;)
You've also paid back more then you've borrowed. It's positive-gain. :)

what up BlarghRawr?? hope all is good brother!!
i'm a man of my word, what can i say!?!  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ralph123 on February 03, 2013, 06:31 am
needing a .5 if anyone has it to spare. Paid back with in 5 days.

ralph2341542 on sr
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: burneraccountone on February 03, 2013, 07:35 am
*I find this thread so funny. 99% of people on SR arnt going to give ANYONE bitcoins because they rarely have enough for themselves. Constantly you hear about people doing a review for meth, than posting on this thread saying "I have cancer and need some bitcoins for medical Mary J.. Its all lies guys... sorry

My 2 cents

If it's so funny why are you on it? .Of course there are scammers on this thread. But we know who they are, least some of em. I don't understand how it is possible to be "short". That has never happened to me ever. But for those who legitimately are, 1 bitcoin is stuff all.

My 2 cents
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: burneraccountone on February 03, 2013, 07:49 am
Another thing too, not that i'm saying there's anything wrong it, there aer a lot of different types that come to this thread. Some say wht they need it, but a lot don't even bother, god knows what they are thinking at the time. I mean, there's a huge difference in a request like this:

I was recently in a car accident and haven't been able to go into work. Any help would really be appreciated.. I'm an entire 12 dollars off of my meds but anything helps <3 <3 <3 <3

to a request like this:

Need .10 bitcoins, I'm lookin' to get some high quality porn. If anyone is interested in helping me out: 16YWWUpLQQdGRX7Hq4J8St3p1zrpDxMzc8

Not looking to start a flame war here in case of misunderstanding, and if it starts you migtht regret that anyway, but is it possible to have a little more info, say why short in first place? Because of the two above requests, I know who's more likley to get it. Had to point it out as a lot of people just say "gimme". Dont say "gimme", say "gimme" but tell us why, and we'll see what we can do.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on February 03, 2013, 07:33 pm
i agree with what you're saying burner, about people trying a little harder explaining themselves.. but whose to say which of the two scenarios you presented were actually legit.. probably the porn dude!! who knows?!? but we're buying drugs for fucksake!!

and having been 'short' on multiple occasions.. let me explain one so you can understand how it's possible  ;) (i hope i'm not sounding rude!!)
i wire coins once a week, a set amount.. this takes anywhere from 7-9 days.. (a long time i know!!)
i do my shopping mid wire, assuming a slight fluctuation of btc value..
btc value shifts, not in buyer's favor..
now i'm 'short'..

hope this explains us panhandlers  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: burneraccountone on February 03, 2013, 08:43 pm
No Murder, you're not "rude" at all. Hell no. If you go through TK1991's posts you will find she referenced this a long time ago, so it seems unlikely she's scamming as she would have had to wait ages after dropping that in order to return here and remind us of the fact she had an accident. Possible, but most liars do not use this way of doing things. I dont mind if its for porn, drugs or garden gnomes, it's just that most people say why they're short. I hope that he/she doesn't think I was picking on them, not at all. Just, when you ask for a loan u usually say why.

The BTC has not fluctuated so much, and so fast, for a while. I can understand this, sure, no problem. I myself have never done it. I always am well over by a country mile just to be safe, way more BTC than needed. But thats me. Yeah, when I say way more, I dont mean i leave thousands of dollars in BTCs in my bitcoin wallet, just way more than I need because fluctuation is a prick.

Anyway I think Ive seen your posts on this thread before murder, you paid someone back as I recall, so obviously u got nothing to worry about. It's just annoying when someone come here -- saying in general, not a specific person -- and post "4 BTC sucky sucky sucky" Nah Im serious, that was the quote pretty much, it was a while back, early Jan I think. If that explains where im coming from. :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: terrapin on February 04, 2013, 01:35 am
hey guys, hate to do this but i am literally $3.45 short of completing my order for my first hits of lsd from tesselated. could anyone help? will pay forward.. or pay back extra!! just really wanna try username is- fennario and btc address is below. thx guys!!


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: TK1991 on February 04, 2013, 02:06 am
Bitfog is where my change always goes, btc fluctuations are pretty small but when they take like 30 bucks off to process the transaction is how I end up 12 bucks short :(

Thanks for the defense burner, although I don't really deserve it. Been bumming more than I rightfully should lately.  :-[

If it makes anyone feel any better I always share all my recreational drugs with everybody! :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: terrapin on February 04, 2013, 02:30 am
$3.40 short on first lsd order,so like .20 btc short
will pay forward to next buyer in same situation or will pay 5.00 back tuesday
sr username: fennario or
thx and god bless
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Stonedstupor on February 04, 2013, 03:30 am
$3.40 short on first lsd order,so like .20 btc short
will pay forward to next buyer in same situation or will pay 5.00 back tuesday
sr username: fennario or
thx and god bless

man you were just short for a different order 4 days ago. wtf you dont know how to do math? dont realize there are fees involved? whats the deal
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on February 04, 2013, 03:32 am
i'm sorry to hear about your recent accident TK1991!! (now that i know it was sincere)
i truly hope everything works out for you!!

i would spare some change, but i'm still waiting to be paid back from *********..
i hope he doesn't prove sbmafia right!!  :-X
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: 20247245 on February 04, 2013, 12:39 pm

So i have an order which is costing me 1.45 , but i only have 1.42, could anyone spare like 0.03 btc or something please? if the maths is incorrect i apologise!!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: HeatFireFlame on February 04, 2013, 03:20 pm
Hey all , Trying to spend my loose change leftover from an order on a vendors free sample he is offering me, It costs 0.33 and i have 0.25 - if anyone can help me out with the 0.08 I would appreciate it, Il repay you guaranteed and +1 you.

sounds fucking dumb asking this but i thought id give it a go seeing as there are some members who believe in community,  You never know one day you might need a lend of something and Il be the guy you can message.

Appreciated all. Take care
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on February 04, 2013, 04:24 pm
I don't like asking, but I don't think anyone does.  Wouldn't be doing so if it wasn't such an annoying amount. :-\

.02 short.  I will pay you back .04 the next time I am able to load up, or will at least pay it forward here.


Thanks SR community!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: 20247245 on February 04, 2013, 05:23 pm
I dont know who, but SOMEONE SENT ME COIN

I loves ya, stepforth so that ye may claim your reward! (soon)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trippylizard on February 04, 2013, 05:23 pm
Just loaded up on bitcoins, so I'm here to share the love!

20247245, HeatFireFlame, BoxofShapes, you all got some spare change. Pass it on when you can~ ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: 20247245 on February 04, 2013, 05:53 pm
Just loaded up on bitcoins, so I'm here to share the love!

20247245, HeatFireFlame, BoxofShapes, you all got some spare change. Pass it on when you can~ ;D

I LOVEE YOU SO HARD...hahah., no but seriously, much appreciated dude...You're going in my good karma books (also my weekend is sorted) !
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on February 04, 2013, 06:11 pm
Just loaded up on bitcoins, so I'm here to share the love!

20247245, HeatFireFlame, BoxofShapes, you all got some spare change. Pass it on when you can~ ;D

Your love is infectious and will be spread!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: HeatFireFlame on February 05, 2013, 08:13 am
Thank you trippy lizard, Thanks for it, l remember you, Favour owed and +1
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Sero Tonin on February 05, 2013, 08:53 am
vendor helped me out :) you know who you are..thanks!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Fallkniven on February 05, 2013, 09:34 am
This is the first time i have had the need to ask for spare change from people.

I feel like an ass but it really wasn't my fault. I placed an order with TheEmporium, they asked me to FE, i said No, then their vendor account disappears with my money still in escrow.

So after waiting 3 days for the cancel button to appear, I then cancelled the order, but didnt get as much back as i put in (sr comm?)

I should have gotten like $230 back but only got $222.83 - the new order i want to place is $223.51

If a kind soul would be honorable enough to help me out with the difference of $0.68, i will kindly repay TwoFold.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lesseroftwoweevils on February 05, 2013, 11:47 am
 I've lost out on .7 bitcoins giving to two (seemingly) trustworthy people on this thread. One of them hasn't logged in since I sent the bitcoins to him almost a month ago, so I'm assuming that's a lost cause. I hope the other pulls through for me, I'd really like to make an order soon and I'm short funds.

Seriously though guys, if you can't pay the person back within two or three weeks, don't ask for the money. This isn't a charity, it's a place to help out others just short on funds for an order.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: HeatFireFlame on February 05, 2013, 12:12 pm
I've lost out on .7 bitcoins giving to two (seemingly) trustworthy people on this thread. One of them hasn't logged in since I sent the bitcoins to him almost a month ago, so I'm assuming that's a lost cause. I hope the other pulls through for me, I'd really like to make an order soon and I'm short funds.

Seriously though guys, if you can't pay the person back within two or three weeks, don't ask for the money. This isn't a charity, it's a place to help out others just short on funds for an order.

I Agree, It's just plain disrespectful ,If someone lends you money when you need it most, and then when they need it you act like an asshole and dont log in etc, You are a fucking low life that's as bad as a scammer, We should start a thread with names of users who ask for money and never pay it back. Stuff like this annoys me , when they post asking for the money they act like they are a fucking legend on Sr that it's obvious it'l get paid back because of this and that, But it's all bull to get free coins. Fuck that. they are going to ruin it for everyone here who it does a favourfor.
I was recently short and a kind user Trippylizard tapped me, Il remember that and if he ever needs money he can just mail me. it's good to have a community that knows each other and if somebody's short being able to ask for a lend of half a BTC is much easier than doing a bank transfer and laundering it all over again .

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lesseroftwoweevils on February 05, 2013, 12:42 pm
I've lost out on .7 bitcoins giving to two (seemingly) trustworthy people on this thread. One of them hasn't logged in since I sent the bitcoins to him almost a month ago, so I'm assuming that's a lost cause. I hope the other pulls through for me, I'd really like to make an order soon and I'm short funds.

Seriously though guys, if you can't pay the person back within two or three weeks, don't ask for the money. This isn't a charity, it's a place to help out others just short on funds for an order.

I Agree, It's just plain disrespectful ,If someone lends you money when you need it most, and then when they need it you act like an asshole and dont log in etc, You are a fucking low life that's as bad as a scammer, We should start a thread with names of users who ask for money and never pay it back. Stuff like this annoys me , when they post asking for the money they act like they are a fucking legend on Sr that it's obvious it'l get paid back because of this and that, But it's all bull to get free coins. Fuck that. they are going to ruin it for everyone here who it does a favourfor.
I was recently short and a kind user Trippylizard tapped me, Il remember that and if he ever needs money he can just mail me. it's good to have a community that knows each other and if somebody's short being able to ask for a lend of half a BTC is much easier than doing a bank transfer and laundering it all over again .

Exactly. I'd also like to point out that the loans here are INTEREST FREE, meaning the people giving them out here have absolutely no financial incentive for taking part. We do it to help out the community and nothing more. Try that at your local "Cash for Loans" shop and see what happens.

I can't speak for one of the people I loaned to yet (who has at least responded to my messages), but the other guy had positive karma and over 200 posts here. Suffice to say, it's not just the newbies who are scamming people.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Razorspyne on February 05, 2013, 01:34 pm
I've lost out on .7 bitcoins giving to two (seemingly) trustworthy people on this thread. One of them hasn't logged in since I sent the bitcoins to him almost a month ago, so I'm assuming that's a lost cause. I hope the other pulls through for me, I'd really like to make an order soon and I'm short funds.

Seriously though guys, if you can't pay the person back within two or three weeks, don't ask for the money. This isn't a charity, it's a place to help out others just short on funds for an order.

If that happened to me (the first person) I'd put their name up so they can't do  it to others. As for the second person, it's possible they'll come through so GL with that. Some people are legitimately short or can't get to a suitable bank right away, and then there are the obvious scammers like eworkjr who just PM people constantly for BTC loans he never pays back, and free samples he probably re-sells on the street. He never buys anything here. If you deal with someone like that after my thread on him then I guess you deserve to get scammed. [Edit. Lol, have to make clear wasn't talking about lesseroftwoevils, just talking in general. Just in case confusion. Vendors, do a bit of research before handing out. SR members on Coins Thread, same as. That cannabis fellow seems to keep eye on who's who on this thread, so should other people. Do a bit of RESEARCH. Even just the most recent page of a profile is usually enough.]

Just take note of the good ones and the freeloaders and try and remember that for future reference. For those that borrow and can't pay back straight away, a tip is just say that up front, even if initially hard to do. If someone can't pay back until the next month, you kind of need to know even if it is totally understandable and not a big deal anyway. Unless they close their acc./ that is. GL with it though.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lesseroftwoweevils on February 05, 2013, 04:20 pm
Thanks to longshankspony37 for generously offering to give me the .7 coin I lost out on (which I had to decline). People like you are the reason I keep coming back to the forums!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lesseroftwoweevils on February 05, 2013, 04:27 pm
Some people are legitimately short or can't get to a suitable bank right away, and then there are the obvious scammers like eworkjr who just PM people constantly for BTC loans he never pays back, and free samples he probably re-sells on the street. He never buys anything here. If you deal with someone like that after my thread on him then I guess you deserve to get scammed.

eworkjr's pretty much the definition of a free loader, all he does is spam the "product offers" section looking for freebies and contributes nothing to any other board here. Wouldn't surprise if he scammed people out of bitcoins here and bought nothing with his own money. Seriously, fuck that guy.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lesseroftwoweevils on February 05, 2013, 04:34 pm
Haha, I had to share after I found this post by eworkjr:

" on: January 10, 2013, 12:15 am »
hey i have like 15 transactions and about 170$ spent. could i possibly get a sample for feedback?"

Wow, a whole $170 spent with an average of of $11.33 an order?! Obviously this guy's a big time buyer worthy of vendor samples! What a piece of shit, I can't believe vendors are dumb enough to send him anything.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on February 05, 2013, 05:54 pm
Some people are legitimately short or can't get to a suitable bank right away, and then there are the obvious scammers like eworkjr who just PM people constantly for BTC loans he never pays back, and free samples he probably re-sells on the street. He never buys anything here. If you deal with someone like that after my thread on him then I guess you deserve to get scammed.

eworkjr's pretty much the definition of a free loader, all he does is spam the "product offers" section looking for freebies and contributes nothing to any other board here. Wouldn't surprise if he scammed people out of bitcoins here and bought nothing with his own money. Seriously, fuck that guy.

damned son's of bitches!!
it's almost like we need to get in touch with the crackhead (isn't he the OP?) and get him to edit the OP and start a *Avoid these Scammers section* i dunno.. it just pisses me off to no end when generosity is taken advantage of!!

who were the two homie?? call them out!! was one of them eworkjr??
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lesseroftwoweevils on February 05, 2013, 06:13 pm
Some people are legitimately short or can't get to a suitable bank right away, and then there are the obvious scammers like eworkjr who just PM people constantly for BTC loans he never pays back, and free samples he probably re-sells on the street. He never buys anything here. If you deal with someone like that after my thread on him then I guess you deserve to get scammed.

eworkjr's pretty much the definition of a free loader, all he does is spam the "product offers" section looking for freebies and contributes nothing to any other board here. Wouldn't surprise if he scammed people out of bitcoins here and bought nothing with his own money. Seriously, fuck that guy.

damned son's of bitches!!
it's almost like we need to get in touch with the crackhead (isn't he the OP?) and get him to edit the OP and start a *Avoid these Scammers section* i dunno.. it just pisses me off to no end when generosity is taken advantage of!!

who were the two homie?? call them out!! was one of them eworkjr??

eworkjr wasn't one of them, but after doing a search on this thread, he appears to have scammed a few members here. I'm not going to call out anyone yet, mainly because it seems really out of character for one of them to pull this on me, so I still have hope.

As for getting in touch with thecrackhead... yeah, I don't know about that. The guy just started a thread (http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=117016.0) asking for a 7 BITCOIN ($150!) loan, which seems totally inappropriate to me, no matter what his supposed stance in this community is. I'll admit that I've had my disagreements with the guy in the past, but no one here warrants that kind of dough. What a fucking pathetic post...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: saitekman12345 on February 05, 2013, 07:11 pm
I'm short .17 bitcoins for an order.
Can someone lend me .2 & I'll give you .5 next week, you have my word.
I've given over 12 bitcoins to this thread and I'm constantly checking up on this thread!
Username: Saitekman12345
Address: 12D7uuQE2Cqbyt2PSwW7DMRR1USHTyz95e
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lesseroftwoweevils on February 05, 2013, 08:01 pm
I'm short .17 bitcoins for an order.
Can someone lend me .2 & I'll give you .5 next week, you have my word.
I've given over 12 bitcoins to this thread and I'm constantly checking up on this thread!
Username: Saitekman12345
Address: 12D7uuQE2Cqbyt2PSwW7DMRR1USHTyz95e

I got you man, don't worry about paying me extra, just give me the .2 and I'll consider us all squared away.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lesseroftwoweevils on February 06, 2013, 12:26 am
I'm short .17 bitcoins for an order.
Can someone lend me .2 & I'll give you .5 next week, you have my word.
I've given over 12 bitcoins to this thread and I'm constantly checking up on this thread!
Username: Saitekman12345
Address: 12D7uuQE2Cqbyt2PSwW7DMRR1USHTyz95e

Hmm, I'm not sure if that went through or not. Could you verify if you received the coins or not saitekman?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lesseroftwoweevils on February 06, 2013, 12:31 am
Okay, I just verified that .2 were sent to you, Saitekman12345.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ch0sen on February 06, 2013, 02:30 am
Hey all,

About a month ago I loaned out some coins to folks here, in total about .80 btc.  I only ever saw back about .10 of it.  Now I am not here to complain.  I don't really mind losing the coin.  I am not gonna go chase people down and ask for my money back.  I pay my debts every time. 

What happened today was I got on SR and found what I was looking for, figured out what I needed, and went and got my bitcoins.  By the time all the transfers were done I went to make the purchase and the listing was gone.  How's that for luck?  Anyways, there is another vendor who has the same thing but the price is .30 btc more than the original vendor I was trying to buy from.

If anyone here could see it in their hearts to loan me .30 btc til Friday, I would be most grateful.  I will pay back Friday when I get a paycheck for sure.  The original vendor usually has what I want so I didn't think this would happen.

Anyways, good luck and thanks for your consideration.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lssb2132 on February 06, 2013, 04:22 am
Hey all,

About a month ago I loaned out some coins to folks here, in total about .80 btc.  I only ever saw back about .10 of it.  Now I am not here to complain.  I don't really mind losing the coin.  I am not gonna go chase people down and ask for my money back.  I pay my debts every time. 

What happened today was I got on SR and found what I was looking for, figured out what I needed, and went and got my bitcoins.  By the time all the transfers were done I went to make the purchase and the listing was gone.  How's that for luck?  Anyways, there is another vendor who has the same thing but the price is .30 btc more than the original vendor I was trying to buy from.

If anyone here could see it in their hearts to loan me .30 btc til Friday, I would be most grateful.  I will pay back Friday when I get a paycheck for sure.  The original vendor usually has what I want so I didn't think this would happen.

Anyways, good luck and thanks for your consideration.
Hey Ch0sen happy to help you out, is SR username the same as forum?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Stonedstupor on February 06, 2013, 06:35 am
dude who are you lssb2132? all i see you doing is lending coins to people. good shit. +1 to you good sir
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lssb2132 on February 06, 2013, 06:51 am
dude who are you lssb2132? all i see you doing is lending coins to people. good shit. +1 to you good sir
Haha thanks man, I am a road traveler helping out others when I can ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ch0sen on February 06, 2013, 11:57 am
Hey all,

About a month ago I loaned out some coins to folks here, in total about .80 btc.  I only ever saw back about .10 of it.  Now I am not here to complain.  I don't really mind losing the coin.  I am not gonna go chase people down and ask for my money back.  I pay my debts every time. 

What happened today was I got on SR and found what I was looking for, figured out what I needed, and went and got my bitcoins.  By the time all the transfers were done I went to make the purchase and the listing was gone.  How's that for luck?  Anyways, there is another vendor who has the same thing but the price is .30 btc more than the original vendor I was trying to buy from.

If anyone here could see it in their hearts to loan me .30 btc til Friday, I would be most grateful.  I will pay back Friday when I get a paycheck for sure.  The original vendor usually has what I want so I didn't think this would happen.

Anyways, good luck and thanks for your consideration.
Hey Ch0sen happy to help you out, is SR username the same as forum?

Hi.  My SR username is chosen.  The same but slightly different.  Thanks a million...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lssb2132 on February 06, 2013, 03:03 pm
Ok Ch0sen, sent  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ch0sen on February 06, 2013, 07:19 pm
Isbb2132,  Whst is your username on SR?  So I can send back...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lssb2132 on February 07, 2013, 04:15 am
Isbb2132,  Whst is your username on SR?  So I can send back...
Exact same as forum name, also for future reference if you look at your account history you can see who you have sent money to/who has sent you money :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: masteroffrets on February 07, 2013, 08:51 am
So im tryna buy some bho.. Never taken a dab before and my last day of court ordered drug testing is tuesday. Tryna cop some and take my first dab ever after a 4 month tolerance break. Im .03 short could someone please help me out! same name on sr ill pay you back .1 as soon as i get more btc in my account prob this weekend. thanks guys
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: that1kid on February 07, 2013, 09:54 am
if someone can give me 1.5 btc id appreciate it i can pay them back in a week it's just i use coinbase and it takes a while, lemme know
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ch0sen on February 07, 2013, 12:19 pm
Isbb2132,  Whst is your username on SR?  So I can send back...
Exact same as forum name, also for future reference if you look at your account history you can see who you have sent money to/who has sent you money :)

I didn't know that.  I will check that out.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ch0sen on February 07, 2013, 03:57 pm
Issb2132, I just sent your .30 back.  Thank you so much for the help.  I really do appreciate it.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: gman00 on February 07, 2013, 04:32 pm
hate to ask but could maybe some one help me out with 0.20 coins as im a little short on my order , i have never asked before, i will pay back as soon as i get some more coins , would be within a week or 2 , my name is the same gman00 would really appreciate it alot ;) gman00
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: gman00 on February 07, 2013, 05:39 pm
hate to ask but could maybe some one help me out with 0.20 coins as im a little short on my order , i have never asked before, i will pay back as soon as i get some more coins , would be within a week or 2 , my name is the same gman00 would really appreciate it alot ;) gman00
doesnt matter about this as the vendor was good enough to give me a little discount , thanks anyways ;) gman00
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: IcE94 on February 07, 2013, 06:58 pm
So i hate to be here begging but im .43 short on my order .  I put in coins yesterday and must have miscalculated or something on bitinstant any help at all would be soo greatly appreciated and i will pay you back as soon as i get more coins.  my sr account is the same name as on here
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Razorspyne on February 07, 2013, 07:25 pm

Lol, didn't see that. I was kind of taking a break for a week but had to check my PMs so now I'm back.

lesseroftwoweevils, pretty decent not to call out second person just yet and to give benefit of doubt, they might be held up a bit.

murderface2012, props dude. I like your spyne. You got something to say, I notice you damn well say so lol. >:D I got something to say too, and that is........ wtf is going on with BTC rate? ??? Why so high? Come down you greedy bastard! I will edit this post when I get my symbols back. My up and down arrows are gone, but I will get them back. As for thecrackhead, he doesn't post a lot. Hard to get on to. But I wouldn't advise him to rename this whole thread to "List of scammers" b/c then we will be on it. Do you want that? ??? pmsl
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Thizzed410 on February 08, 2013, 12:40 am
Someone loaned me coin last week and I forgot who it was, PM me so I can pay you back.  It was a very small amount but I got you like I said.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: #slothrop on February 08, 2013, 02:46 am
I'm trying to buy something that's 1.61 BTC after shipping with the 1.61 BTC that are in my wallet, yet it says I have insufficient funds. So I need, what less than .01? Anyway it's not a huge deal but here's my account number if anyone feels generous and wants a +1 karma or two. 1bBWkduUFeWPo61TL6ihdugzUbq1uXHji
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Fallkniven on February 08, 2013, 02:52 am
I'm trying to buy something that's 1.61 BTC after shipping with the 1.61 BTC that are in my wallet, yet it says I have insufficient funds. So I need, what less than .01? Anyway it's not a huge deal but here's my account number if anyone feels generous and wants a +1 karma or two. 1bBWkduUFeWPo61TL6ihdugzUbq1uXHji

0.04 btc are on their way to your address

dont bother paying me back dude, give it to someone else who needs it later
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: #slothrop on February 08, 2013, 02:57 am
I'm trying to buy something that's 1.61 BTC after shipping with the 1.61 BTC that are in my wallet, yet it says I have insufficient funds. So I need, what less than .01? Anyway it's not a huge deal but here's my account number if anyone feels generous and wants a +1 karma or two. 1bBWkduUFeWPo61TL6ihdugzUbq1uXHji

0.04 btc are on their way to your address

dont bother paying me back dude, give it to someone else who needs it later
I love all of you fucking people.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: alahverdian on February 08, 2013, 03:07 am
So, I am short .27 BTC for my order... is there anyone who can spare a piece?
here's some tits:
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: android465764E on February 08, 2013, 03:07 am
Due to a monumental postage cost misunderstanding on my part, I'm short by ฿0.31 on my order.  . very embarrassing.

pweeze can someone help?

I'd be very grateful, and I won't forget, I'll reciprocate at a later date!  PM me your SR wallet number and I'll pay you back next Thursday, I'm a man of my word. 

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: alahverdian on February 08, 2013, 03:13 am
So, I am short .27 BTC for my order... is there anyone who can spare a piece?
here's some tits:

i should say, my SR name is the same as my name here: alahverdian
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: blackfedora on February 08, 2013, 06:48 pm
Hate having to beg but oh well I'm .25 short for shipping I would love someone to please loan to me :( please and thank you Sr name -BlackFedora
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ErgoProxy on February 08, 2013, 07:15 pm
Hate having to beg but oh well I'm .25 short for shipping I would love someone to please loan to me :( please and thank you Sr name -BlackFedora

Let me know if you got the coin. And you are NOT begging man, its what we're here for. Just help someone else out when you can.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thelorax on February 08, 2013, 08:05 pm
i need .2 hellllpp

will pay back promise


message me after u send if anyone can so i know who to pay back
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ErgoProxy on February 08, 2013, 09:16 pm
i need .2 hellllpp

will pay back promise


message me after u send if anyone can so i know who to pay back

If I have any left after sending to someone else, and you still need it, its yours my friend. PLEASE update if you did get it already. We need to keep this fair for those who also need something. ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: android465764E on February 08, 2013, 11:48 pm
No-one wanna help me out? :-/

Not after a hand-out, just a short term loan.

See above: Reply #788
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Veta on February 09, 2013, 08:35 am
Hi all!

So... I'm really new to the whole bitcoin scheme thing. I just recently gifted someone in paypal through bitcoinary but I haven;t gotten any result. It was only for 1 BTC. Maybe he just haven't been having the chance to get on.

I'm really getting anxious just from waiting, and I want to get started on buying something from the SR (This one video on quitting smoking got my eye, it seems to be highly effective and I do have a few very close people who wants to quit but can't and it has been impacting their and mine lives) soon as possible.

I really hate to ask from you people, but could I get a bitcoin? Just one will do. >.< I'm sorry.

I can't make promises I'll pay it back, but I can definitely promise that if the deal goes through eventually or I get even more bitcoins, the first thing I'll do is pay back.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ErgoProxy on February 09, 2013, 04:41 pm
BlackFedora - Sent your coin just now.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Audio on February 09, 2013, 05:57 pm
In despite need of 1.3 BTC for order, my GF is having birthday soon and i need to get her some gift so gotta invest and i am 1.2btc short, it would really help me please PM me with details! Need it ASAP!
My stats are:
Total transactions: 25
Total spent: ฿60.47
Refund rate: 1.5%
Auto-finalize rate: 0%
Member for: 1 year

Would really help me!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: viceroy on February 10, 2013, 02:33 am
Short the amount of 0.1BTC to complete a transaction. Microscopic math error on my part

any help appreciated: 19oM48Vyc4xjyhzVJBbRccXMhydPvaeKgL

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lesseroftwoweevils on February 10, 2013, 05:43 am
I think there should be a maximum bitcoin  amount here, ESPECIALLY for new-ish members that aren't very active on the forums.  0.5 bitcoins is probably a good amount.

No offense Veta, but if you can't even figure out how to buy bitcoins, you're really not ready to start ordering here. And quite frankly, as a brand new user with a small post count and NO order history, you have no business asking people for $24. The same goes for you Audio, even if you are a long-time member. If you're not even within $35 of an order amount, then you shouldn't be buying it.

Viceroy, I'd REALLY like to help you out, but I unfortunately need every coin I have for an upcoming order. Hope someone helps you out though!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Stonedstupor on February 10, 2013, 06:02 am
+1 to you lesser, well said.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on February 10, 2013, 08:31 am
i also agree!!
and i for one, am keeping an all seeing eye on this thread, and keeping track like thoth on the certain individuals that either refuse or 'forget' to pay people back when asked to do so upon initial loan, or they themselves 'promised'..

we're all buying drugs here!! so every dollar turned to bitcoin is an epic fucking milestone!! if you have no intention of paying someone back.. don't mess about and not respond to pm's or when you do, it's 'i'm getting my coins soon'.. just tell me buddha's truth!! i need my fix too you know!! (geez, someone's venting!!)

true story:
i'm a generous person.. gullible as all hell too.. i can't help it!! so, this one time when me and my homies were doing our thing downtown one night, this beaten down homeless dude kinda rudely asked for some change.. so i gave him some, expecting nothing.. he looked too tired for a thank you.. but what did i get?? a pfffft... like, 'this is all you're gonna give me'.. a proverbial switch clicked, and the next thing i knew my homies were preventing me from ending his life!! visions of red passed and bla bla bla..
the leason i learned: never give ANY of my hard earned cash to ANYONE EVER!!

but this is SR.. it's different!! when i needed and reached out, i was quickly answered!! so i gave.. and gave.. and reached out.. and gave.. and when i asked for a return payment, it was given.. but as of recently, by a certain individual, it hasn't!! i won't yet call him out.. cuz he's still gonna pay me back.. ISN'T HE!?! and i promise this won't ruin it for the honest ones out there.. if i got it, i'll try to help!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Audio on February 10, 2013, 10:06 am
I think there should be a maximum bitcoin  amount here, ESPECIALLY for new-ish members that aren't very active on the forums.  0.5 bitcoins is probably a good amount.

No offense Veta, but if you can't even figure out how to buy bitcoins, you're really not ready to start ordering here. And quite frankly, as a brand new user with a small post count and NO order history, you have no business asking people for $24. The same goes for you Audio, even if you are a long-time member. If you're not even within $35 of an order amount, then you shouldn't be buying it.

Viceroy, I'd REALLY like to help you out, but I unfortunately need every coin I have for an upcoming order. Hope someone helps you out though!
Well i agree with you at all it's my fault but i am trying to get it fixed with best way for me this isn't my first nor last order, i will pay it back. I am feeling bad for asking for money but it would help me...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: viceroy on February 10, 2013, 10:24 am
I think there should be a maximum bitcoin  amount here, ESPECIALLY for new-ish members that aren't very active on the forums.  0.5 bitcoins is probably a good amount.

No offense Veta, but if you can't even figure out how to buy bitcoins, you're really not ready to start ordering here. And quite frankly, as a brand new user with a small post count and NO order history, you have no business asking people for $24. The same goes for you Audio, even if you are a long-time member. If you're not even within $35 of an order amount, then you shouldn't be buying it.

Viceroy, I'd REALLY like to help you out, but I unfortunately need every coin I have for an upcoming order. Hope someone helps you out though!
Thank you and no worries mate, and well said advice. +1 if I could

and i for one, am keeping an all seeing eye on this thread, and keeping track like thoth on the certain individuals that either refuse or 'forget' to pay people back when asked to do so upon initial loan, or they themselves 'promised'..
I also agree and did the same thing as you. I lent someone coin a few pages back and then revisited the thread to see user 'ErgoProxy' had paid it forward like I asked him and he then helped someone out. Now that is the thread working like it should. Endpoint: bravo to ErgoProxy for paying it forward.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on February 10, 2013, 05:42 pm
+1 viceroy

and a big woop woop to ErgoProxy for making this more of an honest endeavor!!

much love!!
long live SR!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Veta on February 10, 2013, 10:50 pm
I think there should be a maximum bitcoin  amount here, ESPECIALLY for new-ish members that aren't very active on the forums.  0.5 bitcoins is probably a good amount.

No offense Veta, but if you can't even figure out how to buy bitcoins, you're really not ready to start ordering here. And quite frankly, as a brand new user with a small post count and NO order history, you have no business asking people for $24. The same goes for you Audio, even if you are a long-time member. If you're not even within $35 of an order amount, then you shouldn't be buying it.

Viceroy, I'd REALLY like to help you out, but I unfortunately need every coin I have for an upcoming order. Hope someone helps you out though!

Well  worded, +1 for that.

I know I don't have any business asking for money, and honestly I'm not expecting anything. I can't make promises I don't know I can do good on, but I can and will promise to give back (or give to others) the same amount I'm lent if I do get coins.

Still, I'm not expecting anything. It'll just be a nice surprise. Like the title of this thread, I'm only asking if anyone has spares. The product itself is 0.77 bitcoin, although it was a bit higher a few days ago.

I'm still waiting on that guy from bitcoinary. He may deliver, but he may take his time. >.<
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: XXXotica on February 10, 2013, 11:23 pm
This is a nice thread, bump to keep up with it.  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Trappy on February 11, 2013, 02:33 am
This account was created in 2011. I'm old.

Give me your spare chaaaaange! @  1BR7FBAJWqEQtyhuFwDVbYaKkYCKmHzoBK

I've got two BTC coming in, and I'd like another gram of molly. I have a dollar in btc on me. Up to a half coin would be plenty!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sorasgaze on February 11, 2013, 04:49 am
Ugh, pissed off with trying to post this and losing what I've typed every single fucking time.
Anyways, in need of 1 btc, calculated funds wrong on my part, here are my stats -
Total transactions: 28
Total spent: ฿30.63
Refund rate: 2.52%
Auto-finalize rate: 5.94%
Member for: 6 months
(finalize and refund rate destroyed by dodgy pick-and-choose vendors who sometimes come through)

BTC address - 13EDiF4QkqBJZrcn5qRDfAtpyJhUBiyprL

Please reply to this or send me a message after sending so it's obvious I got only what I needed, very much appreciated and will surely help out anyone the next time I fund up my wallet. Thanks guys. <3
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Chaosforpeace on February 11, 2013, 05:00 am
I was a member of the road since the very beginning. I have made many large purchases on the road. My life fell apart and my computer with all my passwords was destroyed. I just made this as my new account. I am buying a small sheet of 25i nbome and dmt because I am now on parole and I will be drug tested. They don't test for nbome or dmt. I calculated how many coins I needed like I always have and got ready to purchase. I made a mistake and now I am off on my purchase .03 BTC. It would be a great act of human kindness if someone could help me out. My address is:


Thanks in advance
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Stonedstupor on February 11, 2013, 05:32 am
how do you feel comfortable being on parole and getting btc and getting drugs sent to you in the mail? especially since it looks like you've been in trouble for it before since you said your computer got destroyed and now your on parole.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Chaosforpeace on February 11, 2013, 05:46 am
I'm having them shipped to my friend. I'm not worried at all.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Stonedstupor on February 11, 2013, 05:51 am
good shit i guess. wish i could help you out, dont have but .20 at the moment
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Chaosforpeace on February 11, 2013, 06:07 am
I don't need .20btc only need .03btc
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: norseman17 on February 11, 2013, 07:36 am
Can someone please loan me 0.4  BTC my order was supposed to be 220.00 but they did not incude the fees from SR so I am literally 75 cents short.  the final price is 228.90 and I had 228.25 thinking that would be more than enough to cover.. guessed wrong.  I will pay you doubkle within 48 hours Please sent .4 bitcoins to norseman17 I will be greatful and you'll have some more good karma. 

I really don't like asking for money but this deal is only for tonight and I really don't want to have to pass it up over 75 cents.

Thank you to anyone who can help a fellow traveler on the road out, we gotta look out for each other in times of need!

 -   norseman17

Update: Taken care of by the generosity of PrincessHIGH! thanks Princess!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Audio on February 11, 2013, 03:40 pm
In despite need of 1.3 BTC for order, my GF is having birthday soon and i need to get her some gift so gotta invest and i am 1.2btc short, it would really help me please PM me with details! Need it ASAP!
My stats are:
Total transactions: 25
Total spent: ฿60.47
Refund rate: 1.5%
Auto-finalize rate: 0%
Member for: 1 year

Would really help me!

For bump...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: SRtester on February 12, 2013, 02:46 am
Never thought I'd have to post here, but I'm 0.27 BTC short of an order. I will repay 150% or more the next time I coin up. I'll only give my SR name via PM, but my BTC address is below. Thanks!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Diz on February 12, 2013, 05:34 am
Just .05 short for a first time MDA experience. I'd be willing to buy something small for someone or at least give them enough coin to get a nice psych when I re-up on coins next week. My username on SR is Diz just like on the forums. Bitcoin address is below:
Thanks in advance to whoever helps me out.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MrBing2012 on February 12, 2013, 06:27 am
Just .05 short for a first time MDA experience. I'd be willing to buy something small for someone or at least give them enough coin to get a nice psych when I re-up on coins next week. My username on SR is Diz just like on the forums. Bitcoin address is below:
Thanks in advance to whoever helps me out.

Never thought I'd have to post here, but I'm 0.27 BTC short of an order. I will repay 150% or more the next time I coin up. I'll only give my SR name via PM, but my BTC address is below. Thanks!


Just sent you guys the coins. Have fun with your first MDA experience, should be awesome. I actually just tried MDMA for the first time and it was amazing so I'm sure MDA will be a blast.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Stonedstupor on February 12, 2013, 07:28 am
I don't need .20btc only need .03btc

i meant only had .20 cents
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Veta on February 12, 2013, 07:49 am

I need 0.74 for an order, myself. I have a bitcoin coming up soon, but I don't want to pass up an offer in case it goes away.
When I get my coins, I'll pay back, either to the person who sent the money or if he/she rejects, others in need of coins.


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: yokes101 on February 12, 2013, 12:27 pm
I'm short 0.02 on an order, If someone can sort me out I would really appreciate it. :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: SRtester on February 12, 2013, 06:54 pm
Just .05 short for a first time MDA experience. I'd be willing to buy something small for someone or at least give them enough coin to get a nice psych when I re-up on coins next week. My username on SR is Diz just like on the forums. Bitcoin address is below:
Thanks in advance to whoever helps me out.

Never thought I'd have to post here, but I'm 0.27 BTC short of an order. I will repay 150% or more the next time I coin up. I'll only give my SR name via PM, but my BTC address is below. Thanks!


Just sent you guys the coins. Have fun with your first MDA experience, should be awesome. I actually just tried MDMA for the first time and it was amazing so I'm sure MDA will be a blast.

+1, you are amazing, sir. I'm going to send you a PM.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: slysamuel0109 on February 12, 2013, 08:07 pm
I'm short 0.02 on an order, If someone can sort me out I would really appreciate it. :)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sorasgaze on February 12, 2013, 09:32 pm
Ugh, pissed off with trying to post this and losing what I've typed every single fucking time.
Anyways, in need of 1 btc, calculated funds wrong on my part, here are my stats -
Total transactions: 28
Total spent: ฿30.63
Refund rate: 2.52%
Auto-finalize rate: 5.94%
Member for: 6 months
(finalize and refund rate destroyed by dodgy pick-and-choose vendors who sometimes come through)

BTC address - 13EDiF4QkqBJZrcn5qRDfAtpyJhUBiyprL

Please reply to this or send me a message after sending so it's obvious I got only what I needed, very much appreciated and will surely help out anyone the next time I fund up my wallet. Thanks guys. <3

Self-bumping, still unable to get coins until the weekend most likely, I know 1 btc may seem like a lot, meaning to be asking for in this thread, but I promise to pay whoever back when I can, if they need it back. Thanks again.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: hashman17 on February 13, 2013, 12:27 am
hey guys, i would really appreciate it if someone could link me .09 of a Bitcoin! im interested in some 2ci so i can mix it with some mdma and share it with some friends :) thanks yo! my wallet is 1Jw17hbqpVUWKDMuCoV75zExdDWi7xcwPX
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lssb2132 on February 13, 2013, 04:13 am
I've got some change I can lend out, the only thing is I need to be payed back before sunday as I will be placing an order sunday/monday and won't have enough if I don't get it back(seems extremely stingy I know but if I can help anyone out let me know)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: IcE94 on February 13, 2013, 04:23 am
my last post on here didnt work out but i thought id try again.

Anyone wanna hook a brotha up with .09 BTC so i can verify reich's MXE would be greatly appreciated and repayed within a week or so!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sbmafia on February 13, 2013, 07:59 am
give me money...

im a sexy girl with big tits
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Mike Hunt on February 13, 2013, 08:48 am
I'm a big dude with a 12 inch cock and it's 3 inches thick. Need .05 badly. Will provide a pic of said cock to anyone who can afford to be generous

and of course I'd pay you back with in 5 days

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: yokes101 on February 13, 2013, 12:15 pm
I'm short 0.02 on an order, If someone can sort me out I would really appreciate it. :)



Your a gentle man, I will be thinking of you when i'm tripping! :L
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Lonelystranger on February 13, 2013, 04:15 pm
I'm a big dude with a 12 inch cock and it's 3 inches thick. Need .05 badly. Will provide a pic of said cock to anyone who can afford to be generous

and of course I'd pay you back with in 5 days


please attach a sign saying 'i fuck sheep and think of danjii'

sent you 0.06
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: azinuamid on February 13, 2013, 07:34 pm
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The website is back online :D thanks anyway ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello there! I am in deep shit :( ..I am in need of 0.05-0.1 BTC....i need to pay for my first DMT order...but my exchange website crashed..and I cannot buy any btc for a few days :( I would repay them in MAX 10 days...Thanks a lot!

P.S. If you need help with anything that has to do with html, php, jquery, photoshop, dreamweaver..anything..I would be happy to help for the loan :( Thank you all! You are great guys!

Edit: my wallet is 1FPcANje7ySBXjpAygzJmVvCHs8FjftQQP


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The website is back online :D thanks anyway ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: SRtester on February 13, 2013, 07:54 pm
hey guys, i would really appreciate it if someone could link me .09 of a Bitcoin! im interested in some 2ci so i can mix it with some mdma and share it with some friends :) thanks yo! my wallet is 1Jw17hbqpVUWKDMuCoV75zExdDWi7xcwPX

Sent you .08, it's my leftovers from my last order. Hopefully someone else can kick you the .01
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: squirtygerty on February 13, 2013, 10:41 pm
I need 0.07 BTC, just got enough money and the vendor increased his prices.

My username is: squirty      and BTC address is :   16JYpnjpo1o8RJppiwaFfwa1m4Q71L2ja9

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: PrincessHIGH on February 13, 2013, 11:43 pm
I need 0.07 BTC, just got enough money and the vendor increased his prices.

My username is: squirty      and BTC address is :   16JYpnjpo1o8RJppiwaFfwa1m4Q71L2ja9

I've taken care of your 0.07 squirtygerty, enjoy your purchase :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: hashman17 on February 14, 2013, 08:26 am
hey guys, i would really appreciate it if someone could link me .09 of a Bitcoin! im interested in some 2ci so i can mix it with some mdma and share it with some friends :) thanks yo! my wallet is 1Jw17hbqpVUWKDMuCoV75zExdDWi7xcwPX

Sent you .08, it's my leftovers from my last order. Hopefully someone else can kick you the .01
no need my good man! thanks so much! ill pay it forward and share my good tidings :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lesseroftwoweevils on February 14, 2013, 08:28 am
Well shit... I'm short .2 bitcoins short on an order. If anyone can help me out, I'll send them .3 bitcoins their way when my next deposit clears (on Feb. 20th, or next Wednesday). BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE! I'll even write you a personal haiku on this board as a token of my gratitude!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jshizzle23 on February 14, 2013, 08:39 am
Well shit... I'm short .2 bitcoins short on an order. If anyone can help me out, I'll send them .3 bitcoins their way when my next deposit clears (on Feb. 20th, or next Wednesday). BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE! I'll even write you a personal haiku on this board as a token of my gratitude!

I got .04 you can have - what's your name on SR?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lesseroftwoweevils on February 14, 2013, 08:44 am
Well shit... I'm short .2 bitcoins short on an order. If anyone can help me out, I'll send them .3 bitcoins their way when my next deposit clears (on Feb. 20th, or next Wednesday). BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE! I'll even write you a personal haiku on this board as a token of my gratitude!

I got .04 you can have - what's your name on SR?

Hey thanks mate, it's the same there as it is here: lesseroftwoweevils. Hope you like 5-7-5 syllable schemes! +1
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jshizzle23 on February 14, 2013, 08:53 am
Should be there!!  Best of luck on the rest, I'm sure you'll get it - just might take some time...

Thanks for the +1 as well... =)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jshizzle23 on February 14, 2013, 07:33 pm
Well shit... I'm short .2 bitcoins short on an order. If anyone can help me out, I'll send them .3 bitcoins their way when my next deposit clears (on Feb. 20th, or next Wednesday). BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE! I'll even write you a personal haiku on this board as a token of my gratitude!

I figured I'd wake up to my haiku - boooo!!! lol
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Inspectah Deck on February 14, 2013, 10:06 pm
I am just .28 BTC short on my first order on shrooms. I forgot about the shipping fee so I didnt add enough coin. I use coinbase so it takes 7 days for my coin to be transfered.
I will pay back .30 BTC.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ramrugger on February 15, 2013, 12:25 am
hi guys, I'm usually here to donate but I'm in need of a little coin (0.4 btc) to help out a new vendor. my check doesn't drop until next week, and I would definitely hit you back when I get btc back in my account if requested. thanks in advance for any help!

my name is the same over on the Road.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lesseroftwoweevils on February 15, 2013, 01:50 am
Well shit... I'm short .2 bitcoins short on an order. If anyone can help me out, I'll send them .3 bitcoins their way when my next deposit clears (on Feb. 20th, or next Wednesday). BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE! I'll even write you a personal haiku on this board as a token of my gratitude!

I figured I'd wake up to my haiku - boooo!!! lol

Next week it will come
Patience, fellow traveler
Haikus are my life

I'm still .15 short, so I would greatly appreciate anyone's help here. I've dropped over a bitcoin on this thread helping out people in their time of need, and I'll be doing the same next Wednesday. Pay it forward brothers!  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jshizzle23 on February 15, 2013, 05:14 am
Well shit... I'm short .2 bitcoins short on an order. If anyone can help me out, I'll send them .3 bitcoins their way when my next deposit clears (on Feb. 20th, or next Wednesday). BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE! I'll even write you a personal haiku on this board as a token of my gratitude!

I figured I'd wake up to my haiku - boooo!!! lol

Next week it will come
Patience, fellow traveler
Haikus are my life

I'm still .15 short, so I would greatly appreciate anyone's help here. I've dropped over a bitcoin on this thread helping out people in their time of need, and I'll be doing the same next Wednesday. Pay it forward brothers!  8)

Awesome!!  well worth it, wish i had more to give you!!

C'mon folks, hook a brother up!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on February 15, 2013, 08:13 am
okay.. so.. murder has had enough!!

any one spare .63 btc? dont get pd till friday and would love to get these goodies ordered tonite so i dont have to wait till monday or tuesday to get high. i refuse to buy drugs on the street,think u guys know why.trusted buyer and respected reviewer.will be back in ur acct ,latest saturday.
username is same on rd: jfots8620
ty and godbless

and guys beware, helped out this pigpen fool,only to be msg back day later asking for more coin and when i said i was broke,he called me every name in book and asked how im so dumb to send him a btc cause btw i dont have cancer.. those were exact words.. and now im going to be very cautious.. forgot theres lot of addicts on here and they will do or say nething to get another hit..Stay away from PIGPENANDBRENT

coins sent bro!! pay me back whenever.. no rush.. my coins aren't showing up for another 7-9 days
enjoy those goodies!!

-'i sent him a message i didn't save'-
but it was something like 'at some point i will need you to pay me back'

« Sent to: murderface2012 on: January 29, 2013, 07:10 pm »

most deff bro, man of my word unlike many on here,putting whole paycheck on friday so latest u get back is saturday and will give u .75 back.
thx and god bless

hey guys,  .30 btc short yet again lol,i swear i forgot how to do math. neway making bitinstant deposit later this evening so money will be back in ur acct by early morning .thx guys!!
free marijuana samples for trusted reviewers also,
pm for details

don't forget about me homie!!

« Sent to: murderface2012 on: February 04, 2013, 11:35 am »

hey there bud, sorry bout the wait. might been craziest last few days of my life.. making bitinstant deposit sometime today,most likely. will shoot u over .70 as soon as my 30 btc hit. apologize again for delay and thank u again for the help

« Sent to: jfots8620 on: February 09, 2013, 01:16 pm »

what up homie??
haven't heard from you in a while..

« Sent to: jfots8620 on: February 11, 2013, 06:33 pm »

"most deff bro, man of my word unlike many on here,putting whole paycheck on friday so latest u get back is saturday and will give u .75 back.
thx and god bless"

i surely hope i'm not being avoided!!

dude!! i gave you ample time to either pay me back like i asked (yea, i'm a druggie.. i need my fix too!!), in which you agreed to..
or to grow a pair and tell me to fuck off!! so now i'm doing it this way!! :P
and you'll be seeing a lot more of your name popping up!!  ;)

yea, i know very well that i got what i deserved.. but i gave cuz i know what it's like to need and not have!! i bet no one here would've ever suspected that i'm fucking homeless!! you heard me!! (don't ask cuz i'm not going there) and i stand by my word that it won't stop me from helping another.. but my generosity now has added extra filters!!

so for everyone else..

**avoid 'lending' anything to this mooch**
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: PrincessHIGH on February 15, 2013, 11:44 am
okay.. so.. murder has had enough!!
murderface2012 I'm so sorry to hear this has happened to you, you've given more than enough time for jfots8620 to pay back a small loan of .63, it's not the coin it's the principle! You're more than within your right to let everyone know if someone is trying to mooch off the official spare coins thread and your genorisity. Thank-you for looking out for our community by making us aware of this. I sincerely hope he jfots8620 pays back your loan soon, all the best, and have a great weekend ahead :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Razorspyne on February 15, 2013, 01:12 pm
okay.. so.. murder has had enough!!

............murderface2012! I didn't know u were lending him/her money or I would have warned you about them. They are a serial offender, like that eworkjr. I must keep up with this stuff dude. (Oh yeah, I saw what you wrote on the +K thread after I posted and left, dude, appreciate it. What can I say, I have a good memory, but TY!)

I notice a couple on this thread are pretty on the ball with this stuff, but you shouldn't have to go get a review from them when you want to lend money. This guy's name has come up more than once as someone who doesn't pay debts back, I am not in habit of checking the scammer list but I should I guess.

Crap, has it got to the stage we actually have to do a Search on everyone we lend money to? Hope he turns around. (Lol, did u notice a vendor gave eworkjr a sample? Oooops! The guy's blacklisted, perhaps they should have run a Search on him before sending. Oh well. Not my problem, I guess!)

In future, unless you're doing it straight away, pop me a PM murderface2012, I may have heard of them, or if not I can do a Search if needed. Try and stay cool murderface! What goes around comes around, or something. :-\

Piece out. Drive safely. Eat plenty.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: TK1991 on February 15, 2013, 06:39 pm
I sometimes check back to see how things are doing in here, it's starting to get a little scary.

I feel bad enough for loaning 0.8 (Razorspyne is a saint, he get's all my karma) and am infinitely grateful. I wish some people would show these people the respect they deserve!

+K to Princess, Raz, murderface, lesseroftwoweevils <3 <3 <3

P.S I can do haikus.. but not like you ^^^
I can however paint pictures! :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: monrovia on February 15, 2013, 07:22 pm
hi guys, I'm usually here to donate but I'm in need of a little coin (0.4 btc) to help out a new vendor. my check doesn't drop until next week, and I would definitely hit you back when I get btc back in my account if requested. thanks in advance for any help!

my name is the same over on the Road.

Still need that? I have a few extra coins I was hoping to make a profit on from buying early, but I'll lend you the .4 and if they go up significantly you can still just give me whatever its worth now(around 12 bucks I think.) You got me last time so I'm just trying to return the favor...

EDIT: +1 to you murderface, nice people finish last, unfortunately.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: percoperfection on February 15, 2013, 08:20 pm
Hi, I'm hoping that someone will be kind and help me out. I'm 0.01 BTC short for a transaction and would be very grateful is someone could shoot me a little bit of cash so I can make my purchase. I am hoping that I could get a little bit more than that in case there is a fluctuation in prices that would cause me to be even more short than I am right now; however, I would be happy with absolutely anything.


Edit: My SR username is percoperfection and my current wallet address on SR is 1GhAAbV7EFx4KQfCDyfdzu3xG5uhncpuA2 if that is needed.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Moon Fried on February 15, 2013, 08:42 pm
Can anyone spare .15btc? I'm negative .15btc and trying to order a free sample, but can't. I'm negative because of the whole situation last night. I placed two orders I shouldn't have and lost out on four bucks because of it, and possibly this free sample.

My username on SR is Moon Fried, the BTC will be returned.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on February 15, 2013, 08:43 pm

i love you guys!!  seriously!!
us REAL roadies have to stick together!!
and we CAN make this an honest venture.. i'm optimistic!!

much love!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: PrincessHIGH on February 15, 2013, 09:03 pm

i love you guys!!  seriously!!
us REAL roadies have to stick together!!
and we CAN make this an honest venture.. i'm optimistic!!

much love!!
We will murderface2012, it's a tough world out there, however we can stick together and make it work, let's keep the optimism up :)
Can anyone spare .15btc? I'm negative .15btc and trying to order a free sample, but can't. I'm negative because of the whole situation last night. I placed two orders I shouldn't have and lost out on four bucks because of it, and possibly this free sample.

My username on SR is Moon Fried, the BTC will be returned.
I've got your back Moon Fried, sending you .16 to be on the safe side, happy sample ordering :)
Edit: Sent, happy 1000th post (you're only one away!), enjoy!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Moon Fried on February 15, 2013, 09:22 pm

i love you guys!!  seriously!!
us REAL roadies have to stick together!!
and we CAN make this an honest venture.. i'm optimistic!!

much love!!
We will murderface2012, it's a tough world out there, however we can stick together and make it work, let's keep the optimism up :)
Can anyone spare .15btc? I'm negative .15btc and trying to order a free sample, but can't. I'm negative because of the whole situation last night. I placed two orders I shouldn't have and lost out on four bucks because of it, and possibly this free sample.

My username on SR is Moon Fried, the BTC will be returned.
I've got your back Moon Fried, sending you .16 to be on the safe side, happy sample ordering :)
Edit: Sent, happy 1000th post (you're only one away!), enjoy!

+1, thanks, I appreciate it!

Sample ordered. :)

1000 posts? Not bad, haha. 8)

Edit: Forgot to mention that I'll get you back once I make my next deposit. ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: PrincessHIGH on February 15, 2013, 09:33 pm
+1, thanks, I appreciate it!

Sample ordered. :)

1000 posts? Not bad, haha. 8)

Edit: Forgot to mention that I'll get you back once I make my next deposit. ;)
My pleasure, always happy to help out an established member if I can +1 returned, enjoy the rest of your weekend :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sorasgaze on February 15, 2013, 09:44 pm
Hey guys, the other day I asked for 1 BTC because I wanted to make an order before my MoneyPak transaction was complete, but I no longer need the 1 BTC because I finally have the coin, however, I had no idea the BTC rate went up so much, is there any way someone can lend me .5 btc? I just funded so I can't repay immediately, but I promise I'll help you out the next time I fund my account. I was making an order for something and was intending on getting half a gram of Methylone, but didn't realize about the rate. I'd greatly appreciate it if someone generous could help me out. I hate to ask, but it's a pain to be short as some of you know.. Sorry again.
Here's my address: 13EDiF4QkqBJZrcn5qRDfAtpyJhUBiyprL
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: fartsinthewind on February 15, 2013, 11:33 pm
Needing .13 BTC here, trying to finalize an order for five MiMM Armani Exchanges. I've lent a few bucks here and there, hoping somebody would return the favor. Thanks for reading!!

address  176FTbaja8YwWuF3Fyg9qava7G7hDm9Jz9
or SR user Knightwatch23

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: davidkelly on February 15, 2013, 11:45 pm
Needing .13 BTC here, trying to finalize an order for five MiMM Armani Exchanges. I've lent a few bucks here and there, hoping somebody would return the favor. Thanks for reading!!

address  176FTbaja8YwWuF3Fyg9qava7G7hDm9Jz9
or SR user Knightwatch23


I just finished my orders this month, and it turns out I have exactly ฿0.13 left in spare coin, and your post is the first one I read on the forum after making my orders....its got to be a sign lol ;p just sent it to your SR name a min ago :)

no need to repay me, just pay it forward when you got spare coin and someones in need :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: fartsinthewind on February 15, 2013, 11:58 pm
Thanks my good man! Just noticed them. Good to know a little good karma comes around every once in a while!

+1, pm sent
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: fartsinthewind on February 16, 2013, 12:40 am
Fack! Got the dudes transfer from above and my wallet matches exactly what my Shopping Cart total says, and it says I  have insufficient funds???

Anybody ever had this? 

I need .01 from somebody, please!

I just received in a bulk order of M1/Methylone yesterday and the first person to get to this i'll offer to ship out a small 1g Sample!!

address 176FTbaja8YwWuF3Fyg9qava7G7hDm9Jz9
SR User Knightwatch23

Thank you! Send me a pm on the site or here (check the site more regularly) for your reward!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: directx11 on February 16, 2013, 01:12 am
Fack! Got the dudes transfer from above and my wallet matches exactly what my Shopping Cart total says, and it says I  have insufficient funds???

Anybody ever had this? 

I need .01 from somebody, please!

I just received in a bulk order of M1/Methylone yesterday and the first person to get to this i'll offer to ship out a small 1g Sample!!

address 176FTbaja8YwWuF3Fyg9qava7G7hDm9Jz9
SR User Knightwatch23

Thank you! Send me a pm on the site or here (check the site more regularly) for your reward!!

Sent that, you can keep the gram.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: fartsinthewind on February 16, 2013, 01:18 am
Fack! Got the dudes transfer from above and my wallet matches exactly what my Shopping Cart total says, and it says I  have insufficient funds???

Anybody ever had this? 

I need .01 from somebody, please!

I just received in a bulk order of M1/Methylone yesterday and the first person to get to this i'll offer to ship out a small 1g Sample!!

address 176FTbaja8YwWuF3Fyg9qava7G7hDm9Jz9
SR User Knightwatch23

Thank you! Send me a pm on the site or here (check the site more regularly) for your reward!!

Sent that, you can keep the gram.

Thanks, my good man.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Inspectah Deck on February 16, 2013, 03:03 am
Hello everyone! I am still short on .26 BTC. If anyone could please help me out I will pay you back!. As I said in my earlier post I used coinbase so it takes 7 days for the coin to transfer into my account.
Please help a fellow brethren out!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sorasgaze on February 16, 2013, 04:35 am
Seriously though, please guise. :-(
Username is same...only bitching because I need to make this order by tomorrow.
I've helped others out in the past, would be so grateful.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Razorspyne on February 16, 2013, 12:37 pm
I sometimes check back to see how things are doing in here, it's starting to get a little scary.

I feel bad enough for loaning 0.8 (Razorspyne is a saint, he get's all my karma) and am infinitely grateful. I wish some people would show these people the respect they deserve!

+K to Princess, Raz, murderface, lesseroftwoweevils <3 <3 <3

P.S I can do haikus.. but not like you ^^^
I can however paint pictures! :P

Awwwwwwww…… TK bunny! :) Thanks TK, I’m not sure I deserved that compliment, but thanks…..! As for the .8 loan, I’m sure they will take your accident into acc./ and give you time. Yeah this guy is a loser TK, I’m sorry idiots like this exist in the first place, and are then allowed to get a licence. What a dick. He has caused such a shit-storm of problems for not having a brain. I can tell you I have never crashed into someone drunk and never will (touch wood). If I ever found this guy he wouln’t have [edit.] b/c these people are [edit.]. I’m not sure who’s bright idea it was to create this baby in first palce but they may have been not thinking very clearly at the time. What a disgrace. I know that seems harsh but I see what he’s done to you so I don’t like him very much at all. Babies are born throughout the world on a daily basis. Is it too much to ask they be handed a brain before they are discharged from the hospital?  ???

TY for compliments (and +K!), :) certainly more CR than I deserve I think though, lol! Also TY PrincessHIGH and murderface2012, you guys give me way too much CR and support lol! So right phucking back at all 3 of you! Drug hugs, motherfuqers….!! Lol. 8)

I feel like a dick saying keep your chin up b/c I said that before and it didn’t make your chin go up at all. And whoever this ‘mean’ person/s is IRL tell them to piss off. Stuff them. Take care! Or as least as much as u are able to.

Piece out. Drive safely. Eat plenty.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: anothergirl on February 16, 2013, 02:37 pm
Hi all,

I've traveled to the US to go on a small domestic-shipped drug binge and I just noticed I had almost enough BTC to buy one other drug I have never tried but no timely way to get my account funded from here. If anyone can spare 0.24 to help me out I can promise to come back and rebalance the karma next time I order a sheet of acid from home and inevitably have leftover bitcoins.

Thanks and love,

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: saranottegan on February 16, 2013, 09:49 pm
Can anyone lend me .05? I'll pay you back and give you +1 karma.  SR name is saranottegan


Still in need...was hoping maybe the price would drop a little, but it hasn't. If someone can spare .05 btcs, I'll pay you back double this coming Thursday and give you karma!

Thanks so much!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: saranottegan on February 17, 2013, 01:50 am
Can anyone lend me .05? I'll pay you back and give you +1 karma.  SR name is saranottegan

Still in need...was hoping maybe the price would drop a little, but it hasn't. If someone can spare .05 btcs, I'll pay you back double this coming Thursday and give you karma!

Thanks so much!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: saranottegan on February 17, 2013, 02:59 am
Can anyone lend me .05? I'll pay you back and give you +1 karma.  SR name is saranottegan

Still in need...was hoping maybe the price would drop a little, but it hasn't. If someone can spare .05 btcs, I'll pay you back double this coming Thursday and give you karma!

Thanks so much!


I'll update this once I I've gotten the bitcents.

Thank you!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on February 17, 2013, 05:56 am
hello hello my lovely droogies!!
it's the lovely murderface once again, but this time i'm in need of .7 btc!! grrrrrrrrrrr
if anyone is willing to be so awesome, i can guarantee a whole 1 btc will be returned to you within no time!!
pretty please!!  :P

same name on SR
and just shoot me a PM so i can get that coin back to you faster!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mcgrizzle on February 17, 2013, 06:21 am
I'm trying to go to EDC! please donate to 195P3AeRLWLWsp1VsqFT6S6Khs3AkpYveC or send coins to mcgrizzle on SR
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: TK1991 on February 17, 2013, 08:42 am
I'm trying to go to EDC! please donate to 195P3AeRLWLWsp1VsqFT6S6Khs3AkpYveC or send coins to mcgrizzle on SR


Sad on so many levels.... Oowww my souuuulll...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sleepyeyes2k2 on February 17, 2013, 08:55 am
I just discovered this thread, and how cool it is to see the generosity of others.

I'm not asking for anything.  My SR account's .62 in the hole after the glitch, but it's my own fault.  When I get some spare coinage, I'll be paying some of it forward here.

Much love!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lssb2132 on February 17, 2013, 09:32 am
hello hello my lovely droogies!!
it's the lovely murderface once again, but this time i'm in need of .7 btc!! grrrrrrrrrrr
if anyone is willing to be so awesome, i can guarantee a whole 1 btc will be returned to you within no time!!
pretty please!!  :P

same name on SR
and just shoot me a PM so i can get that coin back to you faster!!
Sent to you ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thelorax on February 17, 2013, 06:49 pm
I just discovered this thread, and how cool it is to see the generosity of others.

I'm not asking for anything.  My SR account's .62 in the hole after the glitch, but it's my own fault.  When I get some spare coinage, I'll be paying some of it forward here.

Much love!

why is it in the hole ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Martian313 on February 17, 2013, 10:41 pm
hey guys, just looking for a .4 BC favor.  I'll def. pay it forward if someones willing to help me out.  It's Martian313 on SR.  Thanks :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: W3atherPattern on February 17, 2013, 10:46 pm
hello hello my lovely droogies!!
it's the lovely murderface once again, but this time i'm in need of .7 btc!! grrrrrrrrrrr
if anyone is willing to be so awesome, i can guarantee a whole 1 btc will be returned to you within no time!!
pretty please!!  :P

same name on SR
and just shoot me a PM so i can get that coin back to you faster!!
I got u

edit:  I see already been hooked up, so Martian313, i got u
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Martian313 on February 17, 2013, 11:39 pm
weather, u da man !  if u ever need a return favor don't hesitate to PM me - i usually have a bitcoin or two around after big purchases
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Moon Fried on February 18, 2013, 01:50 am
.27btc short, could anyone hook me up? I'll get you back.

@princessHIGH I haven't done a cash deposit yet, just canceled an order and making a new one. I'll have that soon!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: TK1991 on February 18, 2013, 03:19 am
I only need 0.01 for an order, is anyone feeling super generous tonight? :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on February 18, 2013, 03:20 am
hello hello my lovely droogies!!
it's the lovely murderface once again, but this time i'm in need of .7 btc!! grrrrrrrrrrr
if anyone is willing to be so awesome, i can guarantee a whole 1 btc will be returned to you within no time!!
pretty please!!  :P

same name on SR
and just shoot me a PM so i can get that coin back to you faster!!
Sent to you ;)

awesome!! i can't thank you enough!!
and just as promised, you now have 1 btc headed your way!!

hello hello my lovely droogies!!
it's the lovely murderface once again, but this time i'm in need of .7 btc!! grrrrrrrrrrr
if anyone is willing to be so awesome, i can guarantee a whole 1 btc will be returned to you within no time!!
pretty please!!  :P

same name on SR
and just shoot me a PM so i can get that coin back to you faster!!
I got u

edit:  I see already been hooked up, so Martian313, i got u

+1 W3atherPattern
good looking out!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on February 18, 2013, 03:27 am
I only need 0.01 for an order, is anyone feeling super generous tonight? :P

i got ya TK!!
sent ya a lil extra too!!   :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on February 18, 2013, 03:55 am
.27btc short, could anyone hook me up? I'll get you back.

@princessHIGH I haven't done a cash deposit yet, just canceled an order and making a new one. I'll have that soon!

and like magic.. coin appears in your account!!  :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Moon Fried on February 18, 2013, 04:09 am
.27btc short, could anyone hook me up? I'll get you back.

@princessHIGH I haven't done a cash deposit yet, just canceled an order and making a new one. I'll have that soon!

and like magic.. coin appears in your account!!  :P

+1, you rock bro.

I'll get you back as well as princessHIGH when I make my next deposit.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lookinurmind on February 18, 2013, 04:25 am
I'm trying very hard to get a zippy of some bud if anyone could hook me up with 0.04 short after shipping damn it! that would be amazing!
I will be paying that shit forward or back or.we is best
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: greatgreatgrandpa on February 18, 2013, 04:38 am
Lookinurmind, what is your sn on sr?  i got your coin
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lookinurmind on February 18, 2013, 04:51 am
Lookinurmind, what is your sn on sr?  i got your coin
It's the same username lookinurmind. Thanks greatgreatgrandpa!  :D

edit: looks like I don't need it now. thanks though!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: greatgreatgrandpa on February 18, 2013, 04:58 am
Pay it Forward, we got to make this a better community with every action :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lookinurmind on February 18, 2013, 05:32 am
 thanks even if I ended up not needed it. saved me some stress either way. will do!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Audio on February 18, 2013, 08:03 am
Still in need of 1.2 BTC to cover my order will pay 1.5 if needed, please PM me!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: chil on February 18, 2013, 12:21 pm
Hey fellow members, now it's that cringing time where I need to ask the kindest among you  to lend me 3 dollars (don't know how much it makes in BTC). I'll give back 5 dollars. Please Pm !
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Phant on February 18, 2013, 11:42 pm
If anyone can help me out I am 0.17 away from my order I have been waiting to make for a month. Since btc went down since I was last logged in I didn't get a chance to oder, and am out of $$ right now. Anyone that helps me out I will be forever thankful.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: LolIWin on February 18, 2013, 11:48 pm
Short $0.53 on an order!!:( Help me?!

SR Name- LolIWin

Address- 1NokuVUwQCZq1xcPpXkndCkFiGT1quPbee

Thank you so much!!:)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: slysamuel0109 on February 19, 2013, 06:52 am
Hey fellow members, now it's that cringing time where I need to ask the kindest among you  to lend me 3 dollars (don't know how much it makes in BTC). I'll give back 5 dollars. Please Pm !

Chil I got you.

What's your SR name?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: GlocksInMySocks on February 19, 2013, 07:02 am

Everyone I'm $4.76 short on a order. If anyone can help me out. I can pay it back next week with interested.

my SR Name is JayMan1234 Been a member for almost a never had any issues.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mindmatter on February 19, 2013, 11:05 am
I can lend you the coins glocksinmysocks. 0.2 sent your way, that should cover it.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: eph0yze on February 19, 2013, 11:53 am
I've been on SR for over a year (forums 8 months) and never had a situation like this:

account ฿2.23
Total: ฿2.23
You have insufficient funds in your account

This is crazy :D Also, first time posting in this thread, so: If I might ask you politely lend me ฿0.02 (just in case exchange rate goes down within next few hours).

edit: Ok nvm, it's 2.22 now, I got this! ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Audio on February 19, 2013, 06:04 pm
Well...i am in need of 0.98 bitcoins really hurry, virwox won't let me exchange less than 1 btc and i am 2000SLL short for full BTC T_T. Also can help with 2000sll if you have got virwox.
Please woulde really help me...
Total is ฿1.96 and i've got 0.99...Will repay upon virwox will reply on my email and manually convert it-should be max 48h i think adress is 1BkNFjCPpx5nZ12k14j9R31bL45vgtndFS
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: alex1943 on February 19, 2013, 06:39 pm
Why is it not fixed yet?!

I'm short $0.032 on an order and/or 0.27 btc (better product). Anyone?

SR: up1943
Address: 15vFhSxVxQkY4B8dgKtcbvee9TJLARnTHA

Thx guys! I think this topic should be fixed.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Audio on February 19, 2013, 07:37 pm
Well...i am in need of 0.98 bitcoins really hurry, virwox won't let me exchange less than 1 btc and i am 2000SLL short for full BTC T_T. Also can help with 2000sll if you have got virwox.
Please woulde really help me...
Total is ฿1.96 and i've got 0.99...Will repay upon virwox will reply on my email and manually convert it-should be max 48h i think adress is 1BkNFjCPpx5nZ12k14j9R31bL45vgtndFS
Cool, reply from virwox:


we are working on fractional trading of BTC, but it will take at least 1 more week.




VirWoX Support
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: alex1943 on February 20, 2013, 01:13 am
Still in need of 0.032!

Can't anyone help me?  :'(
It would be my first purchase on SR, but now I'll wait until next week (or maybe two) because of 0.032 btc haha

SR: up1943
Address: 15vFhSxVxQkY4B8dgKtcbvee9TJLARnTHA
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Inspectah Deck on February 20, 2013, 01:26 am
I am .28 short of a sample of some shrooms. I havent tried them and I really would like to try them. I am using and it is taking forever to transfer the coin. I will pay back .40 if .28 is sent.   

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Inspectah Deck on February 20, 2013, 01:43 am
I am .28 short of a sample of some shrooms. I havent tried them and I really would like to try them. I am using and it is taking forever to transfer the coin. I will pay back .40 if .28 is sent.   
EDIT: price for sample is now .25 , I will payback .50 if i get this.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ramrugger on February 20, 2013, 02:24 am
still in need of 0.23btc to help a new vendor and help me get a sample. I've lent before, and could really use the help. will be glad to pay it back when my next paycheck comes.

name is same on SR. thank you!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: KandyKidd on February 20, 2013, 03:02 am
help me out with .23btc plz, I've helped a member out on this thread too. It's for the same sample as ramruggers. Thanks in advance!

Here's my addy, name is same on sr.


Will pay back of course

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: pinky2011 on February 20, 2013, 03:58 am

So I'll spare you the time of reading some long story or completely fabricated BS. The bottom line is I'm in a tough spot and I need a btc. (technically a lil less than one). I am trying to get irishdan's listing for 12 xanax bars. I currently have .79 left over and need 1.74 on the dot. Please please please could anyone help a troubled man out? I'll take .95 btc, I'll take .1 btc, hell i'll take .05. Anything you have leftover would help tremendously!!!

Many thanks,

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: curiositymatrix on February 20, 2013, 04:49 am
alex1943: Done, sent .30
Ramrugger and Kandykidd: .23 each!
Inspectah Deck: .28 if I can send it to your SR username.

Others: Sorry, only so much coin.

Normally I'd say pay it forward, but this time, I'd like to ask for it back when you can. Don't forgot those who help you!

Sidenote: I could never hand out $30 on the street so easily. Guess SR brings out the best in me.

EDIT: Dammit alex, I sent .27 to SR username alex1943. Any chance you control that account? I sent .30 to up1943 upon realizing my mistake.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: KandyKidd on February 20, 2013, 05:59 am
thanks curiositymatrix I sho will pay u back asap
hope ur not in any sort of rush thou
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: GlocksInMySocks on February 20, 2013, 12:29 pm
I screwed up. I'm still short .24BTC which should bout $4.45

if anyone can help me that would be greatly appreciated

my SR Name is JAYMAN1234

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lesseroftwoweevils on February 20, 2013, 01:17 pm
I screwed up. I'm still short .24BTC which should bout $4.45

if anyone can help me that would be greatly appreciated

my SR Name is JAYMAN1234


.24 bitcoins is actually about $7 going by today's prices, but I'd be still willing to help you if you can:

1. Pay me back within two to three weeks 

2. Explain why you haven't posted anything here (except for posts asking for money) since June. It doesn't appear like you're an active member here, so why should anyone take the risk in giving you bitcoins?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: GlocksInMySocks on February 20, 2013, 01:59 pm
I screwed up. I'm still short .24BTC which should bout $4.45

if anyone can help me that would be greatly appreciated

my SR Name is JAYMAN1234


.24 bitcoins is actually about $7 going by today's prices, but I'd be still willing to help you if you can:

1. Pay me back within two to three weeks 

2. Explain why you haven't posted anything here (except for posts asking for money) since June. It doesn't appear like you're an active member here, so why should anyone take the risk in giving you bitcoins?

Sorry about the .24bitcoins $7 , I just need  $4.89

1. payback in 2 weeks is fine,

2. I just don't post here that often. for small orders it's too expensive to convert moneypak for anything less than $100
I don't post here much but I have been a SR member for a while below are my stats.

Thanks if you have any other questions feel free to ask

Recent purchasing statistics

Total transactions: 21
Total spent: $520.07
Refund rate: 0%
Auto-finalize rate: 7.57%
Member for: 10 months
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: curiositymatrix on February 20, 2013, 02:13 pm
thanks curiositymatrix I sho will pay u back asap
hope ur not in any sort of rush thou

Well that fills with me confidence :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Audio on February 20, 2013, 03:05 pm
Well...i am in need of 0.98 bitcoins really hurry, virwox won't let me exchange less than 1 btc and i am 2000SLL short for full BTC T_T. Also can help with 2000sll if you have got virwox.
Please woulde really help me...
Total is ฿1.96 and i've got 0.99...Will repay upon virwox will reply on my email and manually convert it-should be max 48h i think adress is 1BkNFjCPpx5nZ12k14j9R31bL45vgtndFS
Cool, reply from virwox:


we are working on fractional trading of BTC, but it will take at least 1 more week.




VirWoX Support
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: StickAFinger on February 20, 2013, 03:29 pm
I am in dire need of 1.5 bit coins

i am obviously going to send back the coin within two weeks however.

would be MUCH appreciated :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ralph123 on February 20, 2013, 08:29 pm
I'm a big dude with a 12 inch cock and it's 3 inches thick. Need .05 badly. Will provide a pic of said cock to anyone who can afford to be generous

and of course I'd pay you back with in 5 days


please attach a sign saying 'i fuck sheep and think of danjii'

sent you 0.06

+1 and what is danjii?

I'm getting that pic ready for you but can you pm me an address or sr username to send back the .o6? I tried sending it to the Bitcoin address it came from but it was not from sr and so it did not send. I like your sig and when you see my cock you'll squirt your pants full

also if enough people will pitch in a .01 or so I'll post the pic here for all to see with the sign and all so you know it is me. I can promise you people that like big cocks with a fat purple head will dream about it for months after seeing it

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: alex1943 on February 20, 2013, 11:37 pm
alex1943: Done, sent .30
Ramrugger and Kandykidd: .23 each!
Inspectah Deck: .28 if I can send it to your SR username.

Others: Sorry, only so much coin.

Normally I'd say pay it forward, but this time, I'd like to ask for it back when you can. Don't forgot those who help you!

Sidenote: I could never hand out $30 on the street so easily. Guess SR brings out the best in me.

EDIT: Dammit alex, I sent .27 to SR username alex1943. Any chance you control that account? I sent .30 to up1943 upon realizing my mistake.

Holy shit! Sorry! It (alex1943) was scammed ):
but I'll send 0.30 to you now, I already have it! (hope someday I have enough to send another 0.3 to you man!)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: KandyKidd on February 20, 2013, 11:45 pm
I need .17btc, I'll pay ya back, thanks  :)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ramrugger on February 20, 2013, 11:57 pm
alex1943: Done, sent .30
Ramrugger and Kandykidd: .23 each!
Inspectah Deck: .28 if I can send it to your SR username.

Others: Sorry, only so much coin.

Normally I'd say pay it forward, but this time, I'd like to ask for it back when you can. Don't forgot those who help you!

Sidenote: I could never hand out $30 on the street so easily. Guess SR brings out the best in me.

EDIT: Dammit alex, I sent .27 to SR username alex1943. Any chance you control that account? I sent .30 to up1943 upon realizing my mistake.

whoa, thank you so much CM!! you're a class act helping that many of us out, and it really comes at a time of less rather than more. I'll be passing on the gesture here on the Road as soon as I'm able!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sleepyeyes2k2 on February 21, 2013, 01:36 am
I need .17btc, I'll pay ya back, thanks  :)

I gotcha, KandyKidd.

Whenever you can get me back:
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: curiositymatrix on February 21, 2013, 01:54 am
I need .17btc, I'll pay ya back, thanks  :)


I kind of see this thread as a, "I'm a few coins short on an order I'm mostly paying for" thing, not a "I'll buy samples with other people's generosity" thread. Sorry If I'm missing something here, but what brings you back so soon? I picked to send to you because you looked like a member in good standing.

alex1943: Done, sent .30
Ramrugger and Kandykidd: .23 each!
Inspectah Deck: .28 if I can send it to your SR username.

Others: Sorry, only so much coin.

Normally I'd say pay it forward, but this time, I'd like to ask for it back when you can. Don't forgot those who help you!

Sidenote: I could never hand out $30 on the street so easily. Guess SR brings out the best in me.

EDIT: Dammit alex, I sent .27 to SR username alex1943. Any chance you control that account? I sent .30 to up1943 upon realizing my mistake.

whoa, thank you so much CM!! you're a class act helping that many of us out, and it really comes at a time of less rather than more. I'll be passing on the gesture here on the Road as soon as I'm able!

My pleasure! I've lurked often enough and wanted to help 1 or 2 people out, but never had the right kind of "extra" coin. I find myself in a fortunate time, so I'll do what I can to share it :)

alex1943: Done, sent .30
Ramrugger and Kandykidd: .23 each!
Inspectah Deck: .28 if I can send it to your SR username.

Others: Sorry, only so much coin.

Normally I'd say pay it forward, but this time, I'd like to ask for it back when you can. Don't forgot those who help you!

Sidenote: I could never hand out $30 on the street so easily. Guess SR brings out the best in me.

EDIT: Dammit alex, I sent .27 to SR username alex1943. Any chance you control that account? I sent .30 to up1943 upon realizing my mistake.

Holy shit! Sorry! It (alex1943) was scammed ):
but I'll send 0.30 to you now, I already have it! (hope someday I have enough to send another 0.3 to you man!)

Sorry to hear it - and don't worry about it; it was my mistake. I appreciate your reciprocating it to me :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: KandyKidd on February 21, 2013, 02:42 am
I need .17btc, I'll pay ya back, thanks  :)

I gotcha, KandyKidd.

Whenever you can get me back:

Thanks yo, I'll pay u back double

I need .17btc, I'll pay ya back, thanks  :)


I kind of see this thread as a, "I'm a few coins short on an order I'm mostly paying for" thing, not a "I'll buy samples with other people's generosity" thread. Sorry If I'm missing something here, but what brings you back so soon? I picked to send to you because you looked like a member in good standing.

I am a good member buddy, I'll pay back double and also forward on this thread :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: curiositymatrix on February 21, 2013, 03:10 am
I need .17btc, I'll pay ya back, thanks  :)

I gotcha, KandyKidd.

Whenever you can get me back:

Thanks yo, I'll pay u back double

I need .17btc, I'll pay ya back, thanks  :)


I kind of see this thread as a, "I'm a few coins short on an order I'm mostly paying for" thing, not a "I'll buy samples with other people's generosity" thread. Sorry If I'm missing something here, but what brings you back so soon? I picked to send to you because you looked like a member in good standing.

I am a good member buddy, I'll pay back double and also forward on this thread :)

Right on man - Didn't mean to cast aspersions. Just raising my eyebrows significantly. They have settled
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sleepyeyes2k2 on February 21, 2013, 06:56 am
so just my like i borrow .33 BTC's for an order iw as shot....and i still come up 20 cents short....WOW say i'd pay you back but can someone please bum me 20 cents???
Sr Name : edawg420

Gotcha for B0.20. 

SR name: sleepyeyes2k2
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Barbie on February 21, 2013, 08:58 am
I have 0.26  left over from my last order if anyone needs it?
Message me.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Edawg420 on February 21, 2013, 01:52 pm
I just anted to say thanks to XxWINxX94x23 and sleepyeyes2k2 for helping a brother out in need.  If you guys even need some extra coin, hit me up!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: curiositymatrix on February 22, 2013, 03:12 am
A vendor just increased price more than I thought they might, and I find myself short on an item I am obligated to get someone :(

Can the kind souls of SR help me out? Need 1.25 total - I'll pay back or pay forward as soon as I'm able.

Edit: Update on quantity: Only need 1.11 now
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on February 22, 2013, 04:33 am
first off..
a big thank you to all the honest lenders/ borrowers on here!!
you know who you are!!  8)

and i wasn't joking when i said i watch this thread like the all seeing eye, and keep track like thoth!! so the boogie man IS watching!!  ???

i almost can't visit this thread when i have coin  :-X
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sleepyeyes2k2 on February 22, 2013, 09:20 am
Well, it seems I let my coin go a little early.

If anyone can spot me 0.25, I'll get you back this time next week (when I'm sure the value will have increased by several percentage points).



Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: HEATFan on February 22, 2013, 12:30 pm
Well, it seems I let my coin go a little early.

If anyone can spot me 0.25, I'll get you back this time next week (when I'm sure the value will have increased by several percentage points).




I got you bro, but I don't see an option to send them to a bitcoin address from SR, just to an SR username. Wanna share that with me?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: greatgreatgrandpa on February 22, 2013, 03:45 pm
I have a need for .42 btc at the moment and can't deposit to buy more before the end of work. I will pay back .5 btc tonight by 9pm at the latest, trying to get an express order in. Have given before, will give a gain

SR> gratefulgrandma
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: HEATFan on February 22, 2013, 04:08 pm
I have a need for .42 btc at the moment and can't deposit to buy more before the end of work. I will pay back .5 btc tonight by 9pm at the latest, trying to get an express order in. Have given before, will give a gain

SR> gratefulgrandma

Got ya
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: greatgreatgrandpa on February 22, 2013, 05:38 pm
Heat Fan, thank you kindly, the favor will be repaid this evening.

i love this community.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: HEATFan on February 22, 2013, 06:04 pm
Heat Fan, thank you kindly, the favor will be repaid this evening.

i love this community.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: HEATFan on February 22, 2013, 06:07 pm
Well, it seems I let my coin go a little early.

If anyone can spot me 0.25, I'll get you back this time next week (when I'm sure the value will have increased by several percentage points).




I got you bro, but I don't see an option to send them to a bitcoin address from SR, just to an SR username. Wanna share that with me?

Hey, I found your username from an earlier post btw. Just sent.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: brianbertz on February 22, 2013, 07:05 pm
hey guys im in need of .18 btc cuz im a little short on a gram of mdma i was going to order. if anybody can help me out i can repay the favor when you are in need.  username brianbertz. thanks in advance guys!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sleepyeyes2k2 on February 22, 2013, 07:57 pm
I got you bro, but I don't see an option to send them to a bitcoin address from SR, just to an SR username. Wanna share that with me?

SR username sleepyeyes2k2

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: brianbertz on February 23, 2013, 08:00 am
can somebody please help me out? still in need of .18 btc.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Audio on February 23, 2013, 09:08 am
Hey guys! I am still in need of 0.52 btc please anyone! I'll repay it in 1 week. I need that order to be shipped on monday. If anyone would be that nice then adress is 1GVqMcQ8u7TDx4UsZVWp2zcwACA2j8bSMT
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: yokes101 on February 23, 2013, 04:41 pm
I'm in need of .04 BTC. SR username is also hee57. Address: 1Fj84RZ5bmxWSXVz7CwHtjYA7hS72UVi9y

First thing I plan to do when I get more coins in a week is to come back here and give away more than I need now.


can somebody please help me out? still in need of .18 btc.

Sent and sent!  8)

Have fun.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sleepyeyes2k2 on February 23, 2013, 11:47 pm
Hey, I found your username from an earlier post btw. Just sent.

Gotcha back, bro.  Thanks much.

Hey guys! I am still in need of 0.52 btc please anyone! I'll repay it in 1 week. I need that order to be shipped on monday.

Done and done.  1KvL5H4wbZxMqbv6VpMYXK3nm49VTbv65o when you can get me back.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: brianbertz on February 24, 2013, 01:31 am
I'm in need of .04 BTC. SR username is also hee57. Address: 1Fj84RZ5bmxWSXVz7CwHtjYA7hS72UVi9y

First thing I plan to do when I get more coins in a week is to come back here and give away more than I need now.


can somebody please help me out? still in need of .18 btc.

Sent and sent!  8)

Have fun.

thanks bro. let me know if ur ever short on coin for an order...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: davebowman on February 24, 2013, 06:06 am
Hello! I am .49 bitcoins short of placing an important order and I would really appreciate any assistance that anyone would be willing to give, even if its only just .1 bitcoin. I could pay you back at a later date, of course!
I would really appreciate it any help. If so, send it to grummanhull on the silkroad.
Thanks anyways.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sleepyeyes2k2 on February 24, 2013, 06:37 am
would really appreciate it any help. If so, send it to grummanhull on the silkroad.

Sent you .30 just now.  I know you're 0.19 short, and maybe someone else can pitch in.  Hope it helps.

SR name: sleepyeyes2k2
TorChat: qsy3fzzvw6ug6wbi
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Audio on February 24, 2013, 08:34 am
Hey, I found your username from an earlier post btw. Just sent.

Gotcha back, bro.  Thanks much.

Hey guys! I am still in need of 0.52 btc please anyone! I'll repay it in 1 week. I need that order to be shipped on monday.

Done and done.  1KvL5H4wbZxMqbv6VpMYXK3nm49VTbv65o when you can get me back.


Started to give up already, can't even explain how nice morning u made for me! :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sleepyeyes2k2 on February 24, 2013, 08:49 am
Started to give up already, can't even explain how nice morning u made for me! :)

Glad I could help.  I love this thread, because it feels good to help others, and then there's the time when you're strapped and someone pays you back in the nick of time. +1
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: saranottegan on February 24, 2013, 02:14 pm
Hey all,

I've been waiting since yesterday for btccquick to send me the bitcents I need to complete out an order. Can someone help me out until they come through? I just need 0.25 bitcents. I will repay you 0.50bitcents as soon as it appears in my account tonight or tomorrow.

Thank you so much.

SR name is saranottegan
address is 113JhdVpyx1UwfXeWWR4iMEtog5YfwHTXp
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: HEATFan on February 24, 2013, 02:42 pm
Hey all,

I've been waiting since yesterday for btccquick to send me the bitcents I need to complete out an order. Can someone help me out until they come through? I just need 0.25 bitcents. I will repay you 0.50bitcents as soon as it appears in my account tonight or tomorrow.

Thank you so much.

SR name is saranottegan
address is 113JhdVpyx1UwfXeWWR4iMEtog5YfwHTXp

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: saranottegan on February 24, 2013, 02:52 pm
Thanks from another Heat fan! Do you have .01 more btcent you can send? For some reason, the .25 wasn't quite enough
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: saranottegan on February 24, 2013, 02:56 pm
Also, gave you some Karma!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: HEATFan on February 24, 2013, 03:37 pm
Thanks from another Heat fan! Do you have .01 more btcent you can send? For some reason, the .25 wasn't quite enough

Gave you 2 cents  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: kingdong4 on February 24, 2013, 08:19 pm
Hey there, I'm 0.3 btc short of making an order. I know it's a lot to ask for but i would greatly appreciate it.
My SR account has the same name as my forum account: kingdong4
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sorasgaze on February 24, 2013, 11:37 pm
Can anyone send me 0.35 coin? Short of an order of mephedrone, really need to start getting a right idea of pricing and rates.
SR name is the same, thanks, if you need the coin back just let me know and I'll get it to you when I refill my account next.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sleepyeyes2k2 on February 25, 2013, 09:25 am
Hey guys, me again.

Can anyone spot me .50 BTC until Friday?  will repay ASAP.


TorChat: qsy3fzzvw6ug6wbi
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jshizzle23 on February 25, 2013, 09:40 am
Hey guys, me again.

Can anyone spot me .50 BTC until Friday?  will repay ASAP.


TorChat: qsy3fzzvw6ug6wbi

Do you need exactly .50??  I have like .47xxxx in my bitfloor acct I could send you?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sleepyeyes2k2 on February 25, 2013, 09:43 am
That'd be perfect.  THANK YOU!!!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jshizzle23 on February 25, 2013, 09:47 am
On its way via bitfloor - may take a little bit (going directly to that wallet address)

PS - I'm interested in torchat - do I need an IRC client or what??
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sleepyeyes2k2 on February 25, 2013, 10:27 am
Thanks so much again.  I'll get you back ASAP. 

You can get TorChat here:
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tedrux on February 25, 2013, 10:34 am
My plee is simple. I want to buy cyanide from SR. Can any one help?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mindmatter on February 26, 2013, 06:25 am
Would anyone be able to lend me .2 coins. I'll be able to return it when glocksinmysocks pays me back (hopefully soon).
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: HEATFan on February 26, 2013, 03:43 pm
Hey guys,

If I loaned you money this week I'd appreciate if you could pay back ASAP. I am trying to make a big purchase this week and would prefer not to buy anymore coins than I need to as its almost at $32/coin right now. Thanks guys!

By the way, if you're unsure, saranottegan you owe me .27 and GratefulGrandma owes .35. Thank you.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MC Haberdasher on February 26, 2013, 05:32 pm
Literally 50 cents short on an order for the shipping costs. (Not .5 btc, 50 cents USD)

Any help would be appreciated, SR name is: haberdasher

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: HEATFan on February 26, 2013, 05:51 pm
Literally 50 cents short on an order for the shipping costs. (Not .5 btc, 50 cents USD)

Any help would be appreciated, SR name is: haberdasher


Sent. Don't worry about paying this one back, just 50 cents. There's some people on here which owe me over $20 though  :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MC Haberdasher on February 26, 2013, 05:55 pm
Literally 50 cents short on an order for the shipping costs. (Not .5 btc, 50 cents USD)

Any help would be appreciated, SR name is: haberdasher


Sent. Don't worry about paying this one back, just 50 cents. There's some people on here which owe me over $20 though  :-\

Thanks, dog...  It's a bitch when you are short on such a tiny amount.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: chil on February 26, 2013, 07:35 pm
I'm not sure if that's considered "spare", but if anyone could lend me 1 BTC, it would be the nicest thing. I'll give back 1.2 BTC, my word. Please PM.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Fallkniven on February 27, 2013, 11:07 am
hey generous people

i would really like to buy a 1/4 of God Bud from mimm, i have $80 left after my main orders from other vendors, but mimms order is $90 with international shipping (check it)

please help me out with $10 (0.32 bitcoins) and i will happily repay $15 (0.5 bitcoins) within 2 weeks.

sr wallet:     1Pu5LPScmQouGFh7pC3Jok52KYqFRmuH9N
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trippylizard on February 27, 2013, 12:02 pm
hey generous people

i would really like to buy a 1/4 of God Bud from mimm, i have $80 left after my main orders from other vendors, but mimms order is $90 with international shipping (check it)

please help me out with $10 (0.32 bitcoins) and i will happily repay $15 (0.5 bitcoins) within 2 weeks.

sr wallet:     1Pu5LPScmQouGFh7pC3Jok52KYqFRmuH9N

Sent you 0.35 case exchange rates change slightly.

My sr addy is the same (trippylizard) for when you pay me back ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Fallkniven on February 27, 2013, 12:31 pm
thank you very much trippylizard, your generosity wont be forgotten :)

expect half a coin within two weeks (likely less)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lssb2132 on February 27, 2013, 02:51 pm
Darn, lent out $20 to a user I won't name and it appears they are not going to pay me back(Got messages from a few people saying I should call them out to prevent others getting burned, and this person has been active since the multiple messages I've sent and has just not replied so yeah fuck it, Blackfedora) :( Short $4 shipping for an order, if anyone could be so kind I would be very appreciative!  I've given/lent out a few times in this thread =/ username is same as forum name lssb2132 (that's an L not an i)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: wavelength on February 27, 2013, 07:37 pm
hay guize. ive made a terrible habbit of coming here. usually for a tiny amount of change for a sample because i impulsively spend my btc as much as possible till its gone -__-

but that is the case now as well. i think i have like 9 pennies in my account (lol) and i need 25 more pennies in there to get this sample of ayahuasca.(34 cents i think)

if anyone wants to help this brother take a spiritual journey through space and time, it will be greatly appreciated.

(sr user name is "chittytits".   ;D )

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Mike Hunt on February 27, 2013, 08:41 pm
Can anyone afford to loan me .08? It's for an order I am short on. It will be paid back with in 5 days

and I'll promote the vendor of your choice in my threads

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: percoperfection on February 27, 2013, 09:38 pm
Can anyone afford to loan me .08? It's for an order I am short on. It will be paid back with in 5 days

and I'll promote the vendor of your choice in my threads


Hey, I can't get your the full BTC$0.08; however, I do have BTC$0.07 laying around. I'm going to shoot it over to you and hope that you can find that extra penny.

EDIT: Ugh, the system isn't letting me send the 0.07, so I'm only able to get 0.06 over to you. Hope it still helps.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thisworld on February 27, 2013, 09:58 pm
hay guize. ive made a terrible habbit of coming here. usually for a tiny amount of change for a sample because i impulsively spend my btc as much as possible till its gone -__-

but that is the case now as well. i think i have like 9 pennies in my account (lol) and i need 25 more pennies in there to get this sample of ayahuasca.(34 cents i think)

if anyone wants to help this brother take a spiritual journey through space and time, it will be greatly appreciated.

(sr user name is "chittytits".   ;D )


Hey man, I'm sending you the coin.  I don't agree with your signature, however I've seen your posts numerous times and I can really appreciate a lot of your posting.  I hope you have a good trip. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ZenAndTheArt on February 27, 2013, 11:09 pm
Hi peeps, never asked before but helped others. If anyone would kindly help me with ฿0.39 or anything to get me there I will pay back double.
Much love if anyone can help. Username: zenandtheart  Bitcoin Wallet: 1JjyLbQM1wYsfn7BiqKDvSTRksMnCwb34e

Long live the Road! :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: wavelength on February 28, 2013, 12:09 am
hay guize. ive made a terrible habbit of coming here. usually for a tiny amount of change for a sample because i impulsively spend my btc as much as possible till its gone -__-

but that is the case now as well. i think i have like 9 pennies in my account (lol) and i need 25 more pennies in there to get this sample of ayahuasca.(34 cents i think)

if anyone wants to help this brother take a spiritual journey through space and time, it will be greatly appreciated.

(sr user name is "chittytits".   ;D )


Hey man, I'm sending you the coin.  I don't agree with your signature, however I've seen your posts numerous times and I can really appreciate a lot of your posting.  I hope you have a good trip.
thanks a ton for the coin man

what i mean by that is that we are all just basically a thought that is constantly treeing out into other thoughts. its what creates our mental process. its "who we are" in a sense, but you know, everything is subjective in this reality. what is true to me might not be true to you because we have different ideas of what "truth" is.

lol i feel like you wouldnt have done it, but did you give me a negative karma? xD
 i just got one recently for no reason O_o
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dirtybiscuitzz718 on February 28, 2013, 12:29 am
Hi peeps, never asked before but helped others. If anyone would kindly help me with ฿0.39 or anything to get me there I will pay back double.
Much love if anyone can help. Username: zenandtheart  Bitcoin Wallet: 1JjyLbQM1wYsfn7BiqKDvSTRksMnCwb34e

Long live the Road! :D

PM sent dude.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mindmatter on February 28, 2013, 02:33 am
Still looking for a loan if anyone can help.
Glocksinmysocks isn't responding and hasn't paid me back, and I need at least 0.2, up to 0.6.
I'll be able to repay tomorrow as I'm going in to add some more coins either way
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: KandyKidd on February 28, 2013, 06:24 am

I feel a bit :-[ to ask for more coins before paying back, but I've been offered another sample :)
I'll pay you back, as I'm a honest member and have a few members who can prove my creditability.
I've told the other members, I'll pay them back in a month, and it be a month before I pay you back.

SR name: KandyKidd
SR wallet: 1JKXaL9zjzsLuzv4LFx3fuCXwi6Kah8vVw

I'm still in need of .17 btc
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sleepyeyes2k2 on February 28, 2013, 10:30 am
I'll pay you back, as I'm a honest member and have a few members who can prove my creditability

Don't you owe me some coin?  Hahah...  Um, I should be getting paid today, which means a BTC order is forthcoming.  If you're still in need in a few hours, I'll have your back.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: chil on February 28, 2013, 12:36 pm
Would a kind soul lend me 0.09 btc (3 dollars) ? I'll pay back 4 dollars next week. PM please  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: android465764E on February 28, 2013, 03:15 pm
Hi all, 

Could some kind soul possibly donate me ฿0.04  please?

Fucked up on calculating my postage.

SR MARKET NAME: android4657643
WALLET: 1FBs4R2aT7wE9zLEtguuQ2mAW87BJzFTf8
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ZenAndTheArt on February 28, 2013, 04:57 pm
Hi peeps, never asked before but helped others. If anyone would kindly help me with ฿0.39 or anything to get me there I will pay back double.
Much love if anyone can help. Username: zenandtheart  Bitcoin Wallet: 1JjyLbQM1wYsfn7BiqKDvSTRksMnCwb34e

Long live the Road! :D

PM sent dude.

Thanks DB! You've don't know how much you've helped me. :D
I've sent you a PM about paying you back, just let me know your details.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Mike Hunt on February 28, 2013, 07:02 pm
Hi all, 

Could some kind soul possibly donate me ฿0.04  please?

Fucked up on calculating my postage.

SR MARKET NAME: android4657643
WALLET: 1FBs4R2aT7wE9zLEtguuQ2mAW87BJzFTf8

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: android465764E on February 28, 2013, 07:15 pm
Hi all, 

Could some kind soul possibly donate me ฿0.04  please?

Fucked up on calculating my postage.

SR MARKET NAME: android4657643
WALLET: 1FBs4R2aT7wE9zLEtguuQ2mAW87BJzFTf8


Nice one! Cheers fella! Appreciate it. (⌒_⌒)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Mike Hunt on February 28, 2013, 07:28 pm
Would a kind soul lend me 0.09 btc (3 dollars) ? I'll pay back 4 dollars next week. PM please  :)


your welcome android465764E no pay back necessary but maybe pay it forward someday when somebody needs a  small amount?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thisworld on February 28, 2013, 07:31 pm
hay guize. ive made a terrible habbit of coming here. usually for a tiny amount of change for a sample because i impulsively spend my btc as much as possible till its gone -__-

but that is the case now as well. i think i have like 9 pennies in my account (lol) and i need 25 more pennies in there to get this sample of ayahuasca.(34 cents i think)

if anyone wants to help this brother take a spiritual journey through space and time, it will be greatly appreciated.

(sr user name is "chittytits".   ;D )


Hey man, I'm sending you the coin.  I don't agree with your signature, however I've seen your posts numerous times and I can really appreciate a lot of your posting.  I hope you have a good trip.
thanks a ton for the coin man

what i mean by that is that we are all just basically a thought that is constantly treeing out into other thoughts. its what creates our mental process. its "who we are" in a sense, but you know, everything is subjective in this reality. what is true to me might not be true to you because we have different ideas of what "truth" is.

lol i feel like you wouldnt have done it, but did you give me a negative karma? xD
 i just got one recently for no reason O_o

I still disagree with you, but I definitely didn't.  In fact, just because you asked and to prove otherwise, I'm giving you a +1 from 76 to 77. :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: KandyKidd on February 28, 2013, 07:38 pm
I'll pay you back, as I'm a honest member and have a few members who can prove my creditability

Don't you owe me some coin?  Hahah...  Um, I should be getting paid today, which means a BTC order is forthcoming.  If you're still in need in a few hours, I'll have your back.


lol yes and yes, I'm still in need of coins. I got your back sleepy
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: KandyKidd on March 01, 2013, 07:01 am
+1 Karma for .04 BTC sent to jshizzle23

Thanks ~~jshizzle23~~

lol wtf?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MC Haberdasher on March 01, 2013, 09:20 pm

Need 70 cents to place a large order with supersun.  The earliest I'll be able to hit anyone back in Monday afternoon.  Any help would be appreciated.  I fucking hate being this short on a fuckin awesome order!!!!!!!

SR name is haberdasher
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lesseroftwoweevils on March 01, 2013, 09:39 pm
I got you Haberdasher, don't worry about paying me back.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MC Haberdasher on March 01, 2013, 09:43 pm
I got you Haberdasher, don't worry about paying me back.

You just made my weekend, and you are the fucking man!!!!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: garlow2000 on March 02, 2013, 12:05 am
Hello ,was looking for 0.29 btc but have got it from a friend. Thanks for all those that considered it tho!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sleepyeyes2k2 on March 02, 2013, 03:57 am

Hello folks, just as I've repaid everyone I owe, and have called in none of the debts owed me (I trust you guys), I need your help.  About 1BTC might end up gaining me about $500.  I can pay you back double TOMORROW. 

Here's the addy.  You are my savior.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mindmatter on March 02, 2013, 04:03 am

Everyone I'm $4.76 short on a order. If anyone can help me out. I can pay it back next week with interested.

my SR Name is JayMan1234 Been a member for almost a never had any issues.


Watch out for this guy.
He says he's never had any issues but I loaned him coins for the first time and it appears to be all but gone.
Going on to 2 weeks and he hasn't replied to a single message of mine either on the forum or the main site.

Ended up making me short .2 BTC for an opportunist order I would have been able to take advantage of if I didn't lend the money.
To others new and lending out your spare coins I'd say be careful. I thought this guy would have some decency, but he was pessimistically predictable, and I'm the one left out of pocket.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: HEATFan on March 02, 2013, 04:03 am

Hello folks, just as I've repaid everyone I owe, and have called in none of the debts owed me (I trust you guys), I need your help.  About 1BTC might end up gaining me about $500.  I can pay you back double TOMORROW. 

Here's the addy.  You are my savior.


Sent. Trusting you again  :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: TK1991 on March 02, 2013, 04:16 am
Hey there everyone, I'm sad to say I'm short 0.02 BTC short for my order :(

I just started a new job, anyone that knows my crap knows that's just awesome! The thing is, I'm running low on meds and my first check isn't till NEXT monday :(

I can definitely pay you back or send lots of hugs or something! Hugs would be immediate, you'd have to wait about 9 days for the 0.02 :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: HEATFan on March 02, 2013, 04:17 am
Hey there everyone, I'm sad to say I'm short 0.02 BTC short for my order :(

I just started a new job, anyone that knows my crap knows that's just awesome! The thing is, I'm running low on meds and my first check isn't till NEXT monday :(

I can definitely pay you back or send lots of hugs or something! Hugs would be immediate, you'd have to wait about 9 days for the 0.02 :P

Can I have your SR username please? And do you need .02 exactly or do you want me to send a little extra in-case?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: TK1991 on March 02, 2013, 04:23 am
My username on SR is TK1991

..and only if you wanna :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: HEATFan on March 02, 2013, 04:27 am
My username on SR is TK1991

..and only if you wanna :P

Stay medicated my friend. Enjoy the love
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sleepyeyes2k2 on March 02, 2013, 05:58 am
Okay, I know I'm wearing out my generosity factor here, but here I sit, begging for another half BTC.  HeatFan, if you can spare it, I will more than make it worth your while tomorrow.  That goes for anyone.  Whatever you send me I'll double it, up to 4BTC.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: HEATFan on March 02, 2013, 06:04 am
Okay, I know I'm wearing out my generosity factor here, but here I sit, begging for another half BTC.  HeatFan, if you can spare it, I will more than make it worth your while tomorrow.  That goes for anyone.  Whatever you send me I'll double it, up to 4BTC.


Sorry bro! That was basically my last leftover coin. Hope someone can help you out! Looking forward to the pay out  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sleepyeyes2k2 on March 02, 2013, 06:08 am
Sorry bro! That was basically my last leftover coin. Hope someone can help you out! Looking forward to the pay out  :)

No worries, mate.  Y'know, it's never about not having the money, it's about not having the COIN!  I'll get you back tomorrow.  As for anyone else, loan me one, get 2.  Loan me 2, get 4.  Tomorrow (watch fucking bitfloor go down).  No, really.  In, like, 13 hours.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: HEATFan on March 02, 2013, 06:18 am
Sorry bro! That was basically my last leftover coin. Hope someone can help you out! Looking forward to the pay out  :)

No worries, mate.  Y'know, it's never about not having the money, it's about not having the COIN!  I'll get you back tomorrow.  As for anyone else, loan me one, get 2.  Loan me 2, get 4.  Tomorrow (watch fucking bitfloor go down).  No, really.  In, like, 13 hours.


Can I ask what you are doing and perhaps how I can get involved? Maybe you can drop me a PM. I have access to lots of coins for the right opportunities.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jshizzle23 on March 02, 2013, 06:21 am
Sorry bro! That was basically my last leftover coin. Hope someone can help you out! Looking forward to the pay out  :)

No worries, mate.  Y'know, it's never about not having the money, it's about not having the COIN!  I'll get you back tomorrow.  As for anyone else, loan me one, get 2.  Loan me 2, get 4.  Tomorrow (watch fucking bitfloor go down).  No, really.  In, like, 13 hours.


Sent you what I could... hope you get what you need...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sleepyeyes2k2 on March 02, 2013, 06:28 am
Still short about a buck twenty-eight, but thanks for the generosity nonetheless.  You'll get it back tomorrow, bro.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jshizzle23 on March 02, 2013, 06:30 am
Still short about a buck twenty-eight, but thanks for the generosity nonetheless.  You'll get it back tomorrow, bro.

Don't worry about paying me back, I'd prefer you pay it forward...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sleepyeyes2k2 on March 02, 2013, 06:35 am
You got it.  And, usually I try to give more than receive from the peeps in this forum, but tonight was (is!) kind of crisis-level.  Time-sensitive, not life-or-death (lately, you never know around here!).  Anyway. my spot on 6th avenue with my hat in my hand is still warm, if anyone, you know... (but do let me know who you are, because I am dead serious.  Loan me $33 and you will be repaid $66).
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jones21 on March 02, 2013, 06:41 am
since i'm using one of your quotes in my signature, I'm going to pay some royalty fee.
sent to
good luck
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sleepyeyes2k2 on March 02, 2013, 06:52 am
since i'm using one of your quotes in my signature, I'm going to pay some royalty fee

Freaked out at first because I thought the address wasn't mine, but whew...  you don't owe me any royalties!  I need to take my own advice here. 

Jones, you pushed me over the edge of what I needed.  HEATfan, jshizzle, and jones, if your SR names are different than what they are on here, or if you want me to send to an addy, PM me (You too, jshizzle.  I'm paying it in BOTH idrections this time).  You guys rock the Road.

TorChat:  qsy3fzzvw6ug6wbi
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: HEATFan on March 02, 2013, 07:00 am
since i'm using one of your quotes in my signature, I'm going to pay some royalty fee

Freaked out at first because I thought the address wasn't mine, but whew...  you don't owe me any royalties!  I need to take my own advice here. 

Jones, you pushed me over the edge of what I needed.  HEATfan, jshizzle, and jones, if your SR names are different than what they are on here, or if you want me to send to an addy, PM me (You too, jshizzle.  I'm paying it in BOTH idrections this time).  You guys rock the Road.

TorChat:  qsy3fzzvw6ug6wbi

Hey sleepy,

my SR username is in my profile. 


Hope all works out for you!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: kingdong4 on March 03, 2013, 06:39 pm
Well I really fucked up and got a slightly less than I was expecting into my SR wallet so I'm $3.83 short on an order of acid.

If someone could please spot me around 0.12 btc I would be seriously grateful and will pay you back with interest before my next order.

Much love to you all!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: W3atherPattern on March 04, 2013, 12:15 am
Well I really fucked up and got a slightly less than I was expecting into my SR wallet so I'm $3.83 short on an order of acid.

If someone could please spot me around 0.12 btc I would be seriously grateful and will pay you back with interest before my next order.

Much love to you all!

I got you
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: PrettyinGreen on March 04, 2013, 10:05 pm
Nevermind, roadies.  I worked it out.   :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: brianbertz on March 06, 2013, 12:17 am
Thanks a ton brianbertz, if you can remove my SR info now that'd be helpful too (paranoid mofo over here)

no problem man. just know you were helped out by a packers fan lol
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: maybejustonce on March 06, 2013, 02:17 am
Thanks a ton brianbertz, if you can remove my SR info now that'd be helpful too (paranoid mofo over here)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mrxempire on March 06, 2013, 02:41 am
hey guys i'm short 3 bucks for an order i'd like to make. my account name is hammond69 and my bitcoin address is 148maVpzgLsqiFz8g226zLREVZVYgWDPJY     I will return the favor by giving you 6 dollars in two weeks to a month later whenever I put BTC in my account again. Just let me know who it is that will be donating so I know who to return the favor to
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on March 06, 2013, 03:26 am
hey guys i'm short 3 bucks for an order i'd like to make. my account name is hammond69 and my bitcoin address is 148maVpzgLsqiFz8g226zLREVZVYgWDPJY     I will return the favor by giving you 6 dollars in two weeks to a month later whenever I put BTC in my account again. Just let me know who it is that will be donating so I know who to return the favor to

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: brianbertz on March 06, 2013, 06:02 am
hey guys i'm short 3 bucks for an order i'd like to make. my account name is hammond69 and my bitcoin address is 148maVpzgLsqiFz8g226zLREVZVYgWDPJY     I will return the favor by giving you 6 dollars in two weeks to a month later whenever I put BTC in my account again. Just let me know who it is that will be donating so I know who to return the favor to


you beat me to it lol
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: monstermash34 on March 06, 2013, 06:21 pm
Hey all,

I'm 0.07 BTC short (~$3) on an order... can someone please help me out, or a portion thereof? My BTC address is 1ALAjq4Z1uriqAUYiKeuktmiCDXYE53vtA

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dirtybiscuitzz718 on March 06, 2013, 07:10 pm
Hey guys, So it happens im short some coin for something that needs to be ordered this evening, in hopes it will get here by mon. I need about 1/2 a btc, thats roughly 22 bucks. Any one that can help my SR name is the same as here, I will repay they loan before the weekend. thanks in advance.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on March 06, 2013, 07:18 pm
@monstermash34 & @dirtybiscuitzz718

This box just sent you some shapes! 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dirtybiscuitzz718 on March 07, 2013, 01:48 am
Hey guys, just a heads up...Box O' Shapes took care of me on that loan.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: monstermash34 on March 07, 2013, 04:52 am
Hey guys, just a heads up...Box O' Shapes took care of me on that loan.

Same here... Shapes is a real positive dude
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lssb2132 on March 07, 2013, 04:38 pm
Eh back with a few spare bucks, don't be offended if I don't choose you(up to my judgement after being ripped)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jacklinks on March 08, 2013, 08:26 pm
Need .16 coins to complete my order... I will pay back at the beginning of next week. SR Username: jacklinks88

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: monstermash34 on March 08, 2013, 08:56 pm
Need .16 coins to complete my order... I will pay back at the beginning of next week. SR Username: jacklinks88

I have 0.07 coins I can donate to you brother. They're on the way!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jacklinks on March 08, 2013, 10:17 pm
Thank you sir! +KARMA to you,  much appreciated, does anyone have the other .09?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Purple_Hue000 on March 12, 2013, 07:37 pm
Hello, Could someone please spot me 0.6 btc please. I need to cover shipping charges. I'll even repay at the end of the week if you'd like.

my sr username is: HatchbackThunder

btc address:
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Stonedstupor on March 12, 2013, 10:30 pm
Thank you sir! +KARMA to you,  much appreciated, does anyone have the other .09?

I got you, sent.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sitamaja1 on March 12, 2013, 10:43 pm
I hate to beg, but I guess there's nothing wrong with asking.

Due to the very recent drop of bitcoin's price, I'm lacking 0,41 bitcoins and was wondering if anyone could help me out?

My name on SR is: "sitamaja", same as on the forums, but without the "1" in the end.

I just hope that they won't drop more in the time I'm trying to get these cents. :S

All the very best to you all!


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: pajag88 on March 12, 2013, 10:52 pm
Hey there I come with a question. Is anyone able to lend me about .4 - 0.5 bitcoin pls ??I've been waiting to order some of Tess tabs but all of the sudden I'm short funds now, I'm guessing due to the bt value drop ;( ;( I will for sure return the favor ASAP If anybody would be willing to help a brother out ( I will for sure pay the funds back ) here is my bitcoin address : 14PGewUPbkHNndiyA4fmUNuhyCafMJGeyK
Thank you in advance
Peace and Love
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: pajag88 on March 12, 2013, 11:57 pm
Hey there once again,

I'm in a shitty spot, I'm missing 0.5 bt to my long awaited purchase
Adding bitcoin ended up fucking me over cuz the amount I deposited in USD wasn't equally credited to my account 

I really hate to be doing this but PLEASE someone help :p

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: kola_nutz on March 13, 2013, 04:11 am
Hey all,  I'm short approx .30 btc for an order tonight and would really appreciate if someone could spot me the coin. 

If anyone is kind enough to help me out, I'll gladly pay you back .50 btc by Saturday.

My SR username is crazyfingers99 & my wallet @ is 1NHoEXjwqhNVy8nssg5XHwAT73kusUsHGP

Thanks so much!   :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: energyimport on March 13, 2013, 06:12 am
Well I am 2 post well one now after this from hitting 100 and being able to give out Karma I feel like its time for me to give back to a community that has given me so much.

So who will be the luck SR Member that will get some spare coins from me? even though when I was in need no one responded........well only time will tell!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jacklinks on March 13, 2013, 08:10 am
Well I need .7 coins for a much needed order, I will pay whoever donates to me back .8 as soon as SR fixes a situation in which 30 coins never reached my account which put me in this position in the 1st place as well as +Karma of course. My SR name is jacklinks88
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: White 0ut on March 13, 2013, 08:14 am
Well I am 2 post well one now after this from hitting 100 and being able to give out Karma I feel like its time for me to give back to a community that has given me so much.

So who will be the luck SR Member that will get some spare coins from me? even though when I was in need no one responded........well only time will tell!

Congrats on your 100th post coming up very soon. Sorry no one heard your previous call!

I need $5.90 for a sample order of some coke! If someone wants to lend me the BTC then I will post up the link to his other sample listings. It's 250mg so a decent amount imo. US domestic as well. Thanks in advance all! Just send it to the address in my signature! Make sure to let me know who you are so I can be sure and return the favor!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Grizzly421 on March 13, 2013, 01:13 pm
I could really use 0.02 btc if anyone could help me out. It would be much appreciated
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: energyimport on March 13, 2013, 06:02 pm
Well I am 2 post well one now after this from hitting 100 and being able to give out Karma I feel like its time for me to give back to a community that has given me so much.

So who will be the luck SR Member that will get some spare coins from me? even though when I was in need no one responded........well only time will tell!

Congrats on your 100th post coming up very soon. Sorry no one heard your previous call!

I need $5.90 for a sample order of some coke! If someone wants to lend me the BTC then I will post up the link to his other sample listings. It's 250mg so a decent amount imo. US domestic as well. Thanks in advance all! Just send it to the address in my signature! Make sure to let me know who you are so I can be sure and return the favor!

As soon as I can get loged onto SR THE 6 BUCKS shall be yours! cant deprive  a man of is cocaine now can we.......... may be a second cuz Im having loading issues on the site though
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: energyimport on March 13, 2013, 08:48 pm
Well I am 2 post well one now after this from hitting 100 and being able to give out Karma I feel like its time for me to give back to a community that has given me so much.

So who will be the luck SR Member that will get some spare coins from me? even though when I was in need no one responded........well only time will tell!

Congrats on your 100th post coming up very soon. Sorry no one heard your previous call!

I need $5.90 for a sample order of some coke! If someone wants to lend me the BTC then I will post up the link to his other sample listings. It's 250mg so a decent amount imo. US domestic as well. Thanks in advance all! Just send it to the address in my signature! Make sure to let me know who you are so I can be sure and return the favor!

Coins Sent I think it was just over 6USD (im bad with conversion) Feel free to pay me back at some point in the future but there is no obligation to do so.

Take care and enjoy, Also tell me how that cola goes I'm looking for some one domestic (US) with good prices.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: yokes101 on March 13, 2013, 10:17 pm
I could really use 0.02 btc if anyone could help me out. It would be much appreciated

Is Grizzly421 your silk road username? Let me know and i'll send it over. :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: yokes101 on March 13, 2013, 11:18 pm
need 0.01btc for order if anyone can spare it? Will repay 0.02 asap within 2 days.

Sr Name     j1782g


No need to repay me, Just have my back if im short on coin. :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: robotrippin on March 14, 2013, 12:38 am
I could really use 0.02 btc if anyone could help me out. It would be much appreciated

Do you still need this?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Mr. Fluffles Schrodinger on March 14, 2013, 02:29 am
I'm short .05 bitcoins for postage on my order of DMT. Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks!

SR name: dandan321

Sure, NP.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: kola_nutz on March 14, 2013, 02:31 am
I'm short .05 bitcoins for postage on my order of DMT. Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks!

SR name: dandan321

Lemme know if you still need .05btc and I can hook you up.   Someone was nice enuf to help me out today when I was short of coins and I have a lil change left from the transaction.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Mr. Fluffles Schrodinger on March 14, 2013, 02:52 am

Lemme know if you still need .05btc and I can hook you up.   Someone was nice enuf to help me out today when I was short of coins and I have a lil change left from the transaction.
2 slow :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: kola_nutz on March 14, 2013, 03:16 am

Lemme know if you still need .05btc and I can hook you up.   Someone was nice enuf to help me out today when I was short of coins and I have a lil change left from the transaction.
2 slow :P

Apparently so!  It's not everyday you got people lined up to give away money to total strangers...  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Mr. Fluffles Schrodinger on March 14, 2013, 03:37 am

Lemme know if you still need .05btc and I can hook you up.   Someone was nice enuf to help me out today when I was short of coins and I have a lil change left from the transaction.
2 slow :P

Apparently so!  It's not everyday you got people lined up to give away money to total strangers...  :)

Ikr? Gotta love this community, sometimes.  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dipset on March 14, 2013, 05:47 am
Never thought I would have to ask but I came up about a dollar short on an order... Anyone feeling generous and wanna hook a brother up. I would repay the favor soon, or promise to pay it forward. Thanks to anyone who helps. End begging.

Current SR Wallet Address; 1Lc8Z3MdaL8inVbQJYDQr7mRS4d5wda3MC
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: The Drugstore Cowboy on March 14, 2013, 06:03 am
Love this community and its people and everyone runs into a short BTC issue eventually so I'm sending a buck twenty over now brother. It's not coming from an SR account so it may take up to an hour to appear.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: The Drugstore Cowboy on March 14, 2013, 06:07 am
Lol okay, the wallet was being a tard so you can expect 2.40 now.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Purple_Hue000 on March 14, 2013, 08:11 am
could someone please spot me on 0.6 bitcoins? I'd really appreciate it. thanks.

sr username:
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: motek on March 14, 2013, 08:24 am
Never thought I would have to ask but I came up about a dollar short on an order... Anyone feeling generous and wanna hook a brother up. I would repay the favor soon, or promise to pay it forward. Thanks to anyone who helps. End begging.

Current SR Wallet Address; 1Lc8Z3MdaL8inVbQJYDQr7mRS4d5wda3MC

still need help/  If so, I need your SR user name  ;)

Lemme know  :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: kola_nutz on March 14, 2013, 07:59 pm
Ahhhh im 3 dollars short! If someone would be awesome enough to help me today I promise you on Tuesday I will give you money back plus an extra dollar, so 4 bucks on Tuesday for 3 bucks today? Thanks guys!! Pm me if you'd like. :)


Hey dude I was short a couple bucks yesterday and someone lent me some so I could place my order. I've got a couple bucks left so I'll sent you .07btc now.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: robotrippin on March 15, 2013, 12:31 am
Could someone please help me out? I need .12 BTC FAST! I can pay back double within 24 hours. I just don't want to miss out. PM me for my SR name if you can help. Thank you.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Purple_Hue000 on March 15, 2013, 12:52 am
Hey, could someone please spare me 0.2 bitcoins at least? Thanks.

SR Name:
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jnemonic on March 15, 2013, 11:46 am
Hey, could someone please spare me 0.2 bitcoins at least? Thanks.

SR Name:

Done. Only because i like the name HatchBack Thunder, i love hatchbacks. 8)
Send back anytime if you want... ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: White 0ut on March 15, 2013, 08:15 pm
I am literally 10cents short. Can someone shoot me over .01? Thanks in advance.
Address in sig.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jnemonic on March 15, 2013, 11:42 pm
There you go White Out. ;)

Think i gave you a whole 40c. :o :P :P

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: White 0ut on March 16, 2013, 01:31 am
There you go White Out. ;)

Think i gave you a whole 40c. :o :P :P

Thanks buddy, "preciate it.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: hitch22 on March 16, 2013, 03:18 am
The past couple days have been very difficult for us to get BTC, anc we finally got the BTC we need and now we're literally .03BTC for from placing our order. We have been members of SR and the forums for over a year and have never had to as such a favor, but have helped others so hopefully someone can give us a hand. Sorry to bother you all and thank you for any help.

SR name: jacoblesley
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: wraithe on March 16, 2013, 05:57 am
The past couple days have been very difficult for us to get BTC, anc we finally got the BTC we need and now we're literally .03BTC for from placing our order. We have been members of SR and the forums for over a year and have never had to as such a favor, but have helped others so hopefully someone can give us a hand. Sorry to bother you all and thank you for any help.

SR name: jacoblesley

ok Dan sent you .06btc and .05 to jacob

that means I have +0.11 btc karma lol
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: motek on March 16, 2013, 07:55 am

  I'm pretty new here, but I'm so impressed with this community ... I've given EVERY person who has helped an/other members out with +1 just for being cool  8)

I tried to help dipset but there was no answer for a SR nym   :P

 What do you all think?
                                         how long  after someone has requested help, before deciding they dont need it any longer?   An hour, a day?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: robotrippin on March 16, 2013, 05:25 pm
I know it wasn't long before someone PM'd me offering to help me out with what I needed. At the same time I had found another way to get the coin so I politely declined. It really is nice to know that if you need a bit of help there is someone here willing to do so.  Shit happens and people don't account for this or that and end up just short.  Not to mention acquiring BTC can be a real pain in the ass sometimes.  Thanks to everyone who's ever helped or tried to help someone out. I've learned my lesson and will always keep an extra half coin or so in my SR account. I also will keep regular check on this thread and help out when I'm able too. Thanks again everyone :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Purple_Hue000 on March 16, 2013, 06:53 pm
Hey, could someone please spare me 0.2 bitcoins at least? Thanks.

SR Name:

Done. Only because i like the name HatchBack Thunder, i love hatchbacks. 8)
Send back anytime if you want... ;)

Thank you so much.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on March 17, 2013, 01:57 am
never thought i'd end up on this side but anyone care to lend/donate 0.02btc?? i will be your best mate :D
12CxZy5MutqCqPRhbdiZd6KEtfmrJiqE7F or pm me for sr name please thank you :-[
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: wtfisgoingon on March 17, 2013, 01:59 am
never thought i'd end up on this side but anyone care to lend/donate 0.02btc?? i will be your best mate :D
12CxZy5MutqCqPRhbdiZd6KEtfmrJiqE7F or pm me for sr name please thank you :-[

Done :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jmoney113 on March 17, 2013, 02:04 am
I don't usually ask for handouts, but I did get ahead of myself last night and used my rainy day BTC. Can anyone spot me .21 BTC until next Saturday? A little short for a very worthwhile listing. Thanks guys.

And wtfisgoingon, your avatar is epic.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on March 17, 2013, 03:01 am
never thought i'd end up on this side but anyone care to lend/donate 0.02btc?? i will be your best mate :D
12CxZy5MutqCqPRhbdiZd6KEtfmrJiqE7F or pm me for sr name please thank you :-[

Done :)

legend!! thanks so much i got it now +k :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: poppy on March 17, 2013, 04:08 am
Hey, I'm like .2 bitcoins short on a payment i want to get done soon, and I'd actually totally repay whoever can donate .2btc to me asap so i can get this transaction done!

It would really help out, and if you give me your btc address, I promise to send them back as soon as I get more coins! It's just late and tomorrow is sunday so banks are closed :(


thanks :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Chaosforpeace on March 17, 2013, 04:22 am
Whoever needs .04 BTC. I'm here to help.
Message me
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jmoney113 on March 17, 2013, 05:12 am
Last call for anyone to loan me .21 BTC. I promise to have the coins in your account by Saturday.

Main site username is also jmoney113. I would be more than grateful to anyone, and will gladly return the favor anytime in the future.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: microboilie on March 17, 2013, 12:51 pm
can anyone be kind enough to lend me 0.03 btc so I can make an order, will give you 0.10 btc back within 48 hours, just want to get the order shipped monday morning , username is microboilie on the main site too

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: 1mIcedout on March 17, 2013, 12:56 pm

sent you the coins bro..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: samcrow on March 17, 2013, 01:23 pm

I just placed my order for the holidays and now i see that i am 0.13 short for shipping.... :-\

I helped out others before :) if anyone has a good day and want to give me a blessing please send 0.13 to 1MeAefyJu3ddA6UDYma9HpQeyVzcaDAEYW

Bless you! :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: KandyKidd on March 18, 2013, 02:24 am
can someone spot me .6btc($28.47)? I'm short on ez tests order. I'll pay you back within 3 weeks

ps - I won $5 from Mike Hunt(haven't received it yet), and as a token of my appreciation it's yours :)

edit: my buddy, sleepyeyes2k2 got me covered. Thanks, this community rocks, I made a lot of friends :)

and curiousitymatrix, I haven't forgotten about you, I hope we're still cool.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: hopskiptrip on March 18, 2013, 09:14 am
I am in need of 0.25 btc I will repay asap Thank you in advance
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ErgoProxy on March 18, 2013, 10:27 am

I just placed my order for the holidays and now i see that i am 0.13 short for shipping.... :-\

I helped out others before :) if anyone has a good day and want to give me a blessing please send 0.13 to 1MeAefyJu3ddA6UDYma9HpQeyVzcaDAEYW

Bless you! :)

I am sending now, not sure if you were sent anything... ?

Edit: Sam, what is your SR name? 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: JakkTheKipper on March 18, 2013, 02:21 pm
Can anyone spare 0.02 Btc for an order? The fluctuations caught me right out.

Bitcoin addy - 188nKC3b7JqtpwXWUaphbgFgUSpHo3hfAt

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thegardener on March 18, 2013, 06:14 pm
Hello! I am a SR newb and just discovered that after all my work to get bitcoins, I am .06 short of my product. Does anyone have any spare? Karma will bless you and at the very least I will pay it forward.

My sr name is momo123123
and an address is 14hezCehjaUUDVdk9jgfVfXPnr2okQXwCo
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: android465764E on March 19, 2013, 12:01 am
Could some kind soul help me out with ฿0.01? 

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on March 19, 2013, 01:01 am
Could some kind soul help me out with ฿0.01? 


box sent you a shape!

(sry guys would help out the previous but it's all I got)

Edit: guess all the coins didn't tumble yet or something? 

@thegardener & @jakkthekipper

box has shapes for you too!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on March 19, 2013, 02:28 am
 :) Also!  :)


Thanks for paying the box back!  Your word is shaped like gold!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thegardener on March 19, 2013, 03:50 am
Whoever donated the .06, thanks! Feel free to tell me who you are so I can pay it back.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: android465764E on March 19, 2013, 07:46 am
Could some kind soul help me out with ฿0.01? 


box sent you a shape!

(sry guys would help out the previous but it's all I got)

Edit: guess all the coins didn't tumble yet or something? 

@thegardener & @jakkthekipper

box has shapes for you too!

Cheers fella. ★★★★★
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dirtybiscuitzz718 on March 19, 2013, 07:50 am
:) Also!  :)


Thanks for paying the box back!  Your word is shaped like gold!

Thank you for your generosity Shapestar 8) 

On another note, to any one who has some change gathering dust, Ive just done my math incorrectly, yet again =/  If some one would be so kind as to throw $2 my way. it'd be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: icm on March 19, 2013, 09:14 pm
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dirtybiscuitzz718 on March 19, 2013, 11:28 pm
thanks to who ever gave me that 2 buks, i can return it now 8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Portnoy on March 20, 2013, 03:10 am
Ugh anyone think they can lend me .3BTC payback within tommorrow or the day after that. Thanks a bunch bro.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: saitekman12345 on March 20, 2013, 05:31 am
Ugh anyone think they can lend me .3BTC payback within tommorrow or the day after that. Thanks a bunch bro.

I got you.
Just give me good karma!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: saitekman12345 on March 20, 2013, 05:33 am
Damn it lol, cant believe it happened to me - MATH failure :( So I am 0.07btc short for an order, if anyone could help me out I would greatly appreciate it. I will be in a position to pay back the btc's on the 2nd of April or just after.

SR username: icecoolmadness
BTC address: 1XG5S3vpBXAbofoCLJKZ5rFMbrgi4RiAo

Thanks in advance :)
no problem. Just hmu with that karma.
no need to pay it back
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Portnoy on March 20, 2013, 05:38 am
Ugh anyone think they can lend me .3BTC payback within tommorrow or the day after that. Thanks a bunch bro.

I got you.
Just give me good karma!

Ah holy shit man thanks, also don't I need like 100+ post to give any karma?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: saitekman12345 on March 20, 2013, 05:44 am

Oh shoot yeah forgot about that. Lol just remember to give back to the community!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jmoney113 on March 20, 2013, 08:28 am
So I could still use that .21 btc, I really hate resorting to begging, but I just can't get any BTC in until this Friday. I will return the favor and then some.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: percoperfection on March 20, 2013, 11:30 am
Can anyone please spare 0.4 BTC? I promise that I will pay you back the next time I make a deposit. My SR ID is percoperfection and my address is 1CBMqDuvSm9XGuLu3PvEXYugyrbgSyjE6A

I would really appreciate any help and will pay you back in a few days when I make another deposit.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Cynosure on March 20, 2013, 12:08 pm
I've got .03 to spare if anyone finds themselves short of a buck and some change.  Please don't take it just to take it!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: icm on March 20, 2013, 04:21 pm
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Repus6 on March 21, 2013, 12:16 am
Wondering if anyone could help me out. I need to place an order but I'm 0.6 bitcoin short  :'( I can repay by the weekend and it would be GREATLY appreciated!

SR User Name: voidsleep

Thanks so much!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on March 21, 2013, 12:21 am
Code: [Select]

**** Passes-----Out****

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MrJesusChrist on March 21, 2013, 07:26 am
So I have exactly .01 btc in my account, and I need to purchase a .01 btc item...only problem is it says I have insufficient funds? I guess there is a transaction fee on SR? If so, can someone lend me that exact amount, I can repay in a week. If no one knows the exact amount .01 would work as well, I can pay that back in a week as well. I had .05 left over from my last transaction, and I decided to gamble .04 of it in Seals with Clubs...bad move on my part..  :'(

SR Username: MrJesusChrist
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on March 21, 2013, 12:57 pm
So I have exactly .01 btc in my account, and I need to purchase a .01 btc item...only problem is it says I have insufficient funds? I guess there is a transaction fee on SR? If so, can someone lend me that exact amount, I can repay in a week. If no one knows the exact amount .01 would work as well, I can pay that back in a week as well. I had .05 left over from my last transaction, and I decided to gamble .04 of it in Seals with Clubs...bad move on my part..  :'(

SR Username: MrJesusChrist

Box sent you .01 shapes!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MrJesusChrist on March 21, 2013, 05:08 pm
So I have exactly .01 btc in my account, and I need to purchase a .01 btc item...only problem is it says I have insufficient funds? I guess there is a transaction fee on SR? If so, can someone lend me that exact amount, I can repay in a week. If no one knows the exact amount .01 would work as well, I can pay that back in a week as well. I had .05 left over from my last transaction, and I decided to gamble .04 of it in Seals with Clubs...bad move on my part..  :'(

SR Username: MrJesusChrist

Box sent you .01 shapes!

Thank you so much! I was so pissed at myself for gambling away what I needed, but this made my day! :)  Would you like me to pay you back?

edit: Just gained the ability to give out karma (or whatever the +/- system is called), so +1 for you buddy!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on March 21, 2013, 07:03 pm
Would you like me to pay you back?

Naw.  I was going to consider it tithing.  It's not enough for me to care.  I was just looking for karma.  (And I am not talking about the numbers under my box, but that's nice too!)

Hey everyone. I'm still 0.6 BTC short on  large order that I need to place by the weekend. I could really use the help. I have given on here before and am hoping that someone is generous enough to help me out when I am in need. I'll be able to pay back 0.8 BTC by the weekend when I get paid but I need to get this order in by tomorrow the latest. Any help is appreciated! Thank you so much!!

SR Name: voidsleep

Box has shapes for you! On this case you better pay back the box or the box will imprison you in karmic hell!  There is plenty of room in here....
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: godness420 on March 21, 2013, 07:10 pm
Hey everyone. Short on 0.02 BTC to get some MDMA...

Already looking for someone to buy BTC on the Europe, but i need the 0.02 quick :\

Can someone spare me out please?

+Karma for the person that helps me, has a little instantly payment :)

User name on SR: godness420

Thank you :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Repus6 on March 21, 2013, 07:13 pm
Would you like me to pay you back?

Naw.  I was going to consider it tithing.  It's not enough for me to care.  I was just looking for karma.  (And I am not talking about the numbers under my box, but that's nice too!)

Hey everyone. I'm still 0.6 BTC short on  large order that I need to place by the weekend. I could really use the help. I have given on here before and am hoping that someone is generous enough to help me out when I am in need. I'll be able to pay back 0.8 BTC by the weekend when I get paid but I need to get this order in by tomorrow the latest. Any help is appreciated! Thank you so much!!

SR Name: voidsleep

Box has shapes for you! On this case you better pay back the box or the box will imprison you in karmic hell!  There is plenty of room in here....

Thank you soooo much Box!! I will give you 0.8 when I get my paycheck! You are a lifesaver!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MrJesusChrist on March 21, 2013, 09:30 pm
Would you like me to pay you back?

Naw.  I was going to consider it tithing.  It's not enough for me to care.  I was just looking for karma.  (And I am not talking about the numbers under my box, but that's nice too!)

For sure, I appreciate it very much! Good vibes and karma are being sent your way brotha
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Oddworld on March 22, 2013, 10:59 pm
Hey has anyone got .08 they can lend me, I can pay back on Monday. Would really appreciate it so I can get my order in before I go away.

Forgot to add my SR name is: Oddworld

Please & Thanks  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on March 22, 2013, 11:44 pm
So I have exactly .01 btc in my account, and I need to purchase a .01 btc item...only problem is it says I have insufficient funds? I guess there is a transaction fee on SR? If so, can someone lend me that exact amount, I can repay in a week. If no one knows the exact amount .01 would work as well, I can pay that back in a week as well. I had .05 left over from my last transaction, and I decided to gamble .04 of it in Seals with Clubs...bad move on my part..  :'(

SR Username: MrJesusChrist

Box sent you .01 shapes!

It's things like this that give me hope in humanity. An anonymous person gives another anonymous person some of their hard earned money. Why? Just because it's a nice thing to do. Anytime you need some extra BTC's to buy an icecream cone you just let me know BoxOfShapes and I'll be glad to transfer them to you.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on March 22, 2013, 11:53 pm
heck i could use 12 BTC's   ;D

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on March 23, 2013, 12:05 am
heck i could use 12 BTC's   ;D

That's one expensive icecream cone!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Oddworld on March 23, 2013, 01:26 am
heck i could use 12 BTC's   ;D

Heh couldn't we all?

Anyone got a spare 0.09 kinda desperate to place order tonight, will repay next week soon as I am paid.

SR- Oddworld

Thanks in advance

Sorry changed it to 0.09 for transaction free I read about
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on March 23, 2013, 02:38 am
Thanks DanDan!  It means a lot! 

If you wanna help me, find some greek gods ice cream!  I miss it soooooooobaaaaaadzzzz.

Wish I could help out more, but I'm at my giving limit for now. :( gl guys.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on March 23, 2013, 06:19 am
hello hello my lovelies!!

which one of you awesome roadies can spare. 08btc??
funny, if the coin i 'lent' out over the last few months were paid back, i'd have about 2!! such is life!!

pm me if you'd like it paid back!!
thank you thank you!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: HEATFan on March 23, 2013, 06:23 am
hello hello my lovelies!!

which one of you awesome roadies can spare. 08btc??
funny, if the coin i 'lent' out over the last few months were paid back, i'd have about 2!! such is life!!

pm me if you'd like it paid back!!
thank you thank you!!

I agree! Too many people still owe me coins that said they'd pay them back. Such is life is right. I didn't get in a position where I had to rely on getting back what I lent. I kinda consider this thread a gamble! Some people pay you back, other you only get karma for (the in real life type)!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: White 0ut on March 23, 2013, 07:25 am
IF anyone wants to take a huge leap of faith and send me .98 BTC I will send you at least 20 usd more by tomorrow night.

I believe in karma and I promise on my life I will pay you back plus extra for trusting me and this act will not be forgotten many good thing will come your way.

Thanks to anyone who decides to do this and to all who even consider.  It's good to have faith in one another it brings our community together and makes us stronger.


Fuck I wish I had a BTC in my account right now, or any money for that fact. I just made an order and forgot I owed someone in here .50cents lmao! Can't even pay them back...

But, If I had it I would send it DMT... 20$ cash for a 1 day loan? Hell yes! bump!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DivineMomentsofTruth on March 23, 2013, 07:30 am
IF anyone wants to take a huge leap of faith and send me .98 BTC I will send you at least 20 usd more by tomorrow night.

I believe in karma and I promise on my life I will pay you back plus extra for trusting me and this act will not be forgotten many good thing will come your way.

Thanks to anyone who decides to do this and to all who even consider.  It's good to have faith in one another it brings our community together and makes us stronger.


Fuck I wish I had a BTC in my account right now, or any money for that fact. I just made an order and forgot I owed someone in here .50cents lmao! Can't even pay them back...

But, If I had it I would send it DMT... 20$ cash for a 1 day loan? Hell yes! bump!

I appreciate the gesture, BTC have flucuated so much in the past hour i think I need 1.04btc now....oh well I don't think it's going to happen anyways. I knew it was a long shot but i figured not harm in trying.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: White 0ut on March 23, 2013, 07:34 am
IF anyone wants to take a huge leap of faith and send me .98 BTC I will send you at least 20 usd more by tomorrow night.

I believe in karma and I promise on my life I will pay you back plus extra for trusting me and this act will not be forgotten many good thing will come your way.

Thanks to anyone who decides to do this and to all who even consider.  It's good to have faith in one another it brings our community together and makes us stronger.


Fuck I wish I had a BTC in my account right now, or any money for that fact. I just made an order and forgot I owed someone in here .50cents lmao! Can't even pay them back...

But, If I had it I would send it DMT... 20$ cash for a 1 day loan? Hell yes! bump!

I appreciate the gesture, BTC have flucuated so much in the past hour i think I need 1.04btc now....oh well I don't think it's going to happen anyways. I knew it was a long shot but i figured not harm in trying.

Nah, not hurting anything at all asking, that's what the thread is for! Doubtful you will get it as well but there are quite a bit of wealthy folks roaming the road, maybe they will pop there heads in on our spare coin alley!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Oddworld on March 23, 2013, 09:30 am
Nooo BTC crashed while I was asleep!Please can anyone lend me 0.12, would really like to do my order today otherwise not going to come in time.

Please & thanks  :)

SR - Oddworld

Will repay next week
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: TheGoodDoctor420 on March 23, 2013, 12:19 pm
Anyone who can offer 0.4 BTC? I have to make an order that will pay my rent. Nobody likes eviction in the cold. I refuse to offer to repay it, because I feel everything should be paid forward, which I will do in full, and double it.

Peace and Love,

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on March 23, 2013, 01:03 pm
how're ya gonna pay it forward?  if it's not too much of an inconvenience..

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on March 23, 2013, 01:50 pm
I had BTC's in my account for 3 days, gained $200, then spent everything I had yesterday, now BTC's are crashing. I unloaded just in time. I feel like it's this thread that helped me time that so well. I have karma coming out the ass right now!

May all your packages arrive safe and may everyone enjoy a nice bowl of icecream.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on March 23, 2013, 02:04 pm
Congrats!!  @   BoxofShapes





P.S. ,
i could still use 12 BTC's  :P


*pokes ya in the belly with my finger then runs away** 


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on March 23, 2013, 02:48 pm
Yea... gl with that ChemCat  :P

Although your picture almost convinced me it was a good idea.....
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on March 23, 2013, 02:52 pm
Just Kiddin ya :P

off my 10 friends which i order for so their wives dont find out i make 1.2 BTC's per order...


so all in all :) 

i make Good "Coin"  LOL




Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dandan321 on March 23, 2013, 05:38 pm
Can any lovely entity spare a fella .10 BTC? That would be intergalactically awesome!  :P

SR username : dandan321
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: godness420 on March 23, 2013, 06:16 pm
Bitcoins are falling down, and in some hours, i stayed without enought money to make a order :|

yesterday i bought coins to make a order, and since yesterday i've lost 15$ :\

Now i'm missing 0.02 BTC to make a order :\
Can someone help me please?

Sr name: godness420

Thank you :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lssb2132 on March 23, 2013, 06:32 pm
I'd be really grateful if anyone would be able to spare me .098
my sr username is the same as forum name, cheers ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Arcturian on March 23, 2013, 07:01 pm
Godness, consider it done :-)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: azam on March 23, 2013, 09:45 pm
in need of 0.01 btc, if anyone could spare that, that'd be great! thanks
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Arcturian on March 24, 2013, 02:17 am
Azam, is your SR username the same as forum? Will be done when you reply :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on March 24, 2013, 02:32 am
hello hello!!
so, the .07 i needed turned into. 1  >:( damn u forbes magazine!!

it'd be super cool if the people i 'lent' to, actually paid me back!! but i will take anything i can get!!
awesome people of SR.. i WILL pay you back!! and so far, i've paid back more than i lent!! just pm me so i know who to payback..
thank you thank you!!

SR name is the same
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tabbenoit on March 24, 2013, 02:39 am
All good, thanks ChemCat!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on March 24, 2013, 02:48 am
Oh cool didn't know there was a thread for this, same story here:  btc drop killed my plan, need like $2 to complete transaction.  Can someone spare 0.04 btc?  Same name on SR tabbenoit   

Payback $5? if that's fair or you tell me.  Can have probably withing 24 hrs.

PM me and we'll work something out @ tabbenoit
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: godness420 on March 24, 2013, 03:10 am
Godness, consider it done :-)

thank you so mutch. :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on March 24, 2013, 03:36 am
All good, thanks ChemCat!


Ya bet it's all good my Friend!!  for Real...dont worry about payin me back....For You....  Pay it forward....if you see someone that you can help...Please Do!!
if ya dont...then Bad Karma to You!!



Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: android465764E on March 24, 2013, 05:46 pm
Can anyone spare ฿0.01 please? 

Bollocked up my postage cost.   :/
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: 1mIcedout on March 24, 2013, 05:54 pm
Can anyone spare ฿0.01 please? 

Bollocked up my postage cost.   :/

Is your SR account in same name as this ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: android465764E on March 24, 2013, 06:02 pm
Can anyone spare ฿0.01 please? 

Bollocked up my postage cost.   :/

Is your SR account in same name as this ?

No, slightly different... android4657643
my wallet..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: 1mIcedout on March 24, 2013, 06:17 pm
Can anyone spare ฿0.01 please? 

Bollocked up my postage cost.   :/

Is your SR account in same name as this ?

No, slightly different... android4657643
my wallet..

Sent your coins man..

Have a good one..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: android465764E on March 24, 2013, 06:27 pm
Can anyone spare ฿0.01 please? 

Bollocked up my postage cost.   :/

Is your SR account in same name as this ?

No, slightly different... android4657643
my wallet..

Sent your coins man..

Have a good one..

Cheers matey. +1

Life-saver. ♬♪♩
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: awesome1126 on March 24, 2013, 06:33 pm
Can anyone spare me .3 BTC? I can pay back double later this week. I'm short on shipping costs for a very important large order :( The value fell while I was away for 1 day :(

my SR username is the same as here.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: danknasty on March 25, 2013, 01:47 am
Hey guys. Can anyone spare .01 bitcoins? I'd be truly grateful.

SR Name: danknasty

wallet: 1SffDwCMSU7bQV8LRnhk3cJk943gw6Wi8

Edit: Forgot to say I'll definitely pay you back. Even though its only like 50 cents right now, who knows? Could be worth hundreds one day.

No longer in need. Thanks guys.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: saranottegan on March 25, 2013, 07:58 am
 ;D  A pill I've always wanted to try has just been located on the SR! There are only a few more available and isn't working. Can someone lend me .12 bitcents, so I can go ahead and place the order before they run out? I'll put ..15btc back in your account sometime mid-week.

SR name is also saranottegan

Thank you!!!! :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ODB on March 25, 2013, 12:49 pm
I hate to do this but someone canceled my order with  no explanation and now im  0.05BC  Short : (

Im a long time buyer with great stats. and am willing to throw half a coin back  within 24 hours to whoever can donate, i am hoping to make this purchase before it all gets sold out..

Please PM me your username or coin Address if you are able to help me out.

Addy:  1FvGfbBWvjBwXsSwawMVEXBuCkpVMsxd7X

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: imghost9 on March 26, 2013, 01:21 am
Hmmm.... Can somebody lend me somewhere around 1,950 Bc? Will pay you back sometime In the following 463 years. REAL INQUIRIES ONLY?!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Catgoesmeow on March 26, 2013, 01:46 pm
In desperate need of .03 BTC to finish my shipping cost.
Please help and I can help you in the near future.
Your help gets my lifetime friendship.
Name on forums is the same as on the road.

Much <3 to you
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on March 26, 2013, 01:50 pm
@ Catgoesmeow

Sent...  don't worry about contacting me to repay  :)

hope it Helps!



Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Catgoesmeow on March 26, 2013, 01:59 pm
@ Catgoesmeow

Sent...  don't worry about contacting me to repay  :)

hope it Helps!




Bless you ChemCat. This is a true example that people do still have a heart in this world.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: microboilie on March 26, 2013, 04:02 pm
anyone got 0.04 btc to lend me, will give 0.1 btc back on thurs/fri, just so I can get an order out in time for easter. thanks. same username on main site. cheers.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Fours222 on March 26, 2013, 07:40 pm
I need .16 to finish my shipping, fucked up my count for some reason!



SR Username: 4Runner4ever

I will send you a 10 second video of my wife naked doing jumping jacks!!

PM me with you address if you send.

Appreciate it!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: KageBunshin on March 27, 2013, 12:21 am
anyone got 0.04 btc to lend me, will give 0.1 btc back on thurs/fri, just so I can get an order out in time for easter. thanks. same username on main site. cheers.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on March 27, 2013, 12:27 am
anyone got 0.04 btc to lend me, will give 0.1 btc back on thurs/fri, just so I can get an order out in time for easter. thanks. same username on main site. cheers.







Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dirtybiscuitzz718 on March 27, 2013, 03:28 pm
Ok guys, id hate to have to do this, and i waited a few weeks before deciding to make this public, but ZenAndTheArt seems to have stiffed me on $15 bucks.

 He seems very sincere, and assured me that he was good for it, but now its been over a week since i heard back from him. I only hope all is well for him, but until he contacts me, im going to have to go ahead and make the announcement NOT to loan ZenAndTheArt any btc. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: phooook on March 27, 2013, 04:19 pm
Hey guys, I've been here for quiet some time and helped some few Silkroaders out with spare coins. Now I am 0.01 BTC short of an order I want to make. It is killing me :(

Could anyone help me out? Just 0.01 BTC will make me a happy person :) My SR name is the same: phooook

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on March 27, 2013, 07:46 pm
Ok guys, id hate to have to do this, and i waited a few weeks before deciding to make this public, but ZenAndTheArt seems to have stiffed me on $15 bucks.

 He seems very sincere, and assured me that he was good for it, but now its been over a week since i heard back from him. I only hope all is well for him, but until he contacts me, im going to have to go ahead and make the announcement NOT to loan ZenAndTheArt any btc.

preach it brother!! you're helping the community, so thanks for sharing that tid bit!! i've got 2 more names for you lovely people.. and same story.. if either of them pm me and explain wtf, i'll remove this post..

so, in addition to ZenAndTheArt, DON'T lend to Moon Fried or Jfots8620.. i gave them plenty of time, in addition to the 'loan'.. so yea, AVOID!! POS!!  >:(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: slysamuel0109 on March 27, 2013, 08:13 pm
Hey guys, I've been here for quiet some time and helped some few Silkroaders out with spare coins. Now I am 0.01 BTC short of an order I want to make. It is killing me :(

Could anyone help me out? Just 0.01 BTC will make me a happy person :) My SR name is the same: phooook


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: whowhatwhere on March 27, 2013, 09:52 pm
Well friends, I never wanted to have to post here yet here I am.. long story short, a friend is moving out of town and I've been ordering $600+ worth of product for them before they go since they won't have a hookup where they're headed to.  One product in particular cost much more than expected because when I went to order from one of my usual 2 vendors, they were both out or on vacation; thus, I had to use another vendor but they had no listing higher than 1g and I needed to order 11g.  They never responded back about making a custom listing so I bit the bullet and placed the order, assuming it would be processed and shipped quickly like it had been in the past.  It wasn't and it's still sitting there after a few days, my messages in the last 36 hours remain unread as well.  As luck would have it, the day after I placed my order with this vendor is when BOTH OF MY REGULAR VENDORS put their listings back up which would have saved roughly $70-80.  My friend originally gave me enough to cover the orders in addition to $10 for each item as leeway (considering BTC fluctuation, etc) but as it sits right now, I am $2.10 short on the last order I am placing for them.  By my calculations, this is around ~.0249 but it keeps rising so I come to you, my friends and fellow forum members to ask for .03BTC to make sure I can cover this last order and not come up a small fraction short again.  I will pay it back but I cannot promise it'll be in the next week or so.. my method of BTC transfer takes about a week but I pay hardly anything to do it so I'm being completely upfront so as not to deceive whoever might help me out into thinking they will get paid back immediately.  I promise it will be paid back in full (probably with at least .01 interest, if not more) but I cannot give a definite amount of days it would take, although it'd be no more than two weeks at the absolute most.  If no one can help, I completely understand but I thought I'd give it a shot.  We have a wonderful community here and I wouldn't want to hang out anywhere else!!

If you can help, my SR username is: whowhatwhere (same as my forum name)
or here is my BTC address for my SR wallet: 1HLcXiMu39oMkb5ZKgrAruLjMgqMz4vz5V

Regardless of whether someone helps me out or not, thank you all in advance for making this place what it is!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: phooook on March 27, 2013, 10:13 pm

Thanks! I already ordered :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: robotrippin on March 27, 2013, 10:18 pm
Well friends, I never wanted to have to post here yet here I am.. long story short, a friend is moving out of town and I've been ordering $600+ worth of product for them before they go since they won't have a hookup where they're headed to.  One product in particular cost much more than expected because when I went to order from one of my usual 2 vendors, they were both out or on vacation; thus, I had to use another vendor but they had no listing higher than 1g and I needed to order 11g.  They never responded back about making a custom listing so I bit the bullet and placed the order, assuming it would be processed and shipped quickly like it had been in the past.  It wasn't and it's still sitting there after a few days, my messages in the last 36 hours remain unread as well.  As luck would have it, the day after I placed my order with this vendor is when BOTH OF MY REGULAR VENDORS put their listings back up which would have saved roughly $70-80.  My friend originally gave me enough to cover the orders in addition to $10 for each item as leeway (considering BTC fluctuation, etc) but as it sits right now, I am $2.10 short on the last order I am placing for them.  By my calculations, this is around ~.0249 but it keeps rising so I come to you, my friends and fellow forum members to ask for .03BTC to make sure I can cover this last order and not come up a small fraction short again.  I will pay it back but I cannot promise it'll be in the next week or so.. my method of BTC transfer takes about a week but I pay hardly anything to do it so I'm being completely upfront so as not to deceive whoever might help me out into thinking they will get paid back immediately.  I promise it will be paid back in full (probably with at least .01 interest, if not more) but I cannot give a definite amount of days it would take, although it'd be no more than two weeks at the absolute most.  If no one can help, I completely understand but I thought I'd give it a shot.  We have a wonderful community here and I wouldn't want to hang out anywhere else!!

If you can help, my SR username is: whowhatwhere (same as my forum name)
or here is my BTC address for my SR wallet: 1HLcXiMu39oMkb5ZKgrAruLjMgqMz4vz5V

Regardless of whether someone helps me out or not, thank you all in advance for making this place what it is!

I got you ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: whowhatwhere on March 27, 2013, 10:32 pm
Well friends, I never wanted to have to post here yet here I am.. long story short, a friend is moving out of town and I've been ordering $600+ worth of product for them before they go since they won't have a hookup where they're headed to.  One product in particular cost much more than expected because when I went to order from one of my usual 2 vendors, they were both out or on vacation; thus, I had to use another vendor but they had no listing higher than 1g and I needed to order 11g.  They never responded back about making a custom listing so I bit the bullet and placed the order, assuming it would be processed and shipped quickly like it had been in the past.  It wasn't and it's still sitting there after a few days, my messages in the last 36 hours remain unread as well.  As luck would have it, the day after I placed my order with this vendor is when BOTH OF MY REGULAR VENDORS put their listings back up which would have saved roughly $70-80.  My friend originally gave me enough to cover the orders in addition to $10 for each item as leeway (considering BTC fluctuation, etc) but as it sits right now, I am $2.10 short on the last order I am placing for them.  By my calculations, this is around ~.0249 but it keeps rising so I come to you, my friends and fellow forum members to ask for .03BTC to make sure I can cover this last order and not come up a small fraction short again.  I will pay it back but I cannot promise it'll be in the next week or so.. my method of BTC transfer takes about a week but I pay hardly anything to do it so I'm being completely upfront so as not to deceive whoever might help me out into thinking they will get paid back immediately.  I promise it will be paid back in full (probably with at least .01 interest, if not more) but I cannot give a definite amount of days it would take, although it'd be no more than two weeks at the absolute most.  If no one can help, I completely understand but I thought I'd give it a shot.  We have a wonderful community here and I wouldn't want to hang out anywhere else!!

If you can help, my SR username is: whowhatwhere (same as my forum name)
or here is my BTC address for my SR wallet: 1HLcXiMu39oMkb5ZKgrAruLjMgqMz4vz5V

Regardless of whether someone helps me out or not, thank you all in advance for making this place what it is!

I got you ;)

Excuse my language, but you are fuckin' amazing my friend!!  Before I read this post, I reloaded the SR site and did a double-take when I saw the amount in my wallet rise enough to make my purchase.  I'm adding you to my buddy list and you have my word that I'll repay it as soon as I am able to.  I've seen you around the forums and you seem like a cool person, not to mention your name reminds me of when I used to extract DXM from Robotussin with lemon juice, Naptha fluid, etc. and get a nice robotrip  ;) I greatly appreciate it and so will my friend who is leaving town soon.. I hate not being able to keep my word and do what I plan to do (even if things are outside my control) but I won't forget this.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: robotrippin on March 28, 2013, 12:18 am
Haha, it's all good bro, glad I could help.  Funny you know exactly where the name comes from. I knew I wasn't the only one. A sort of homage to my younger days of experimentation. I had some crazy ass times with that shit. Unbelievable the shit we'll do to get high ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: eworkjr on March 28, 2013, 12:22 am
Hey guys I'm exactly $1.04 short on an order. Can anyone help out? I need like .05btc lol. my name is eworkjr on sr. Thanks
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: robotrippin on March 28, 2013, 12:25 am
Should be there any minute eworkjr :) 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: whowhatwhere on March 28, 2013, 12:28 am
Well friends, I never wanted to have to post here yet here I am.. long story short, a friend is moving out of town and I've been ordering $600+ worth of product for them before they go since they won't have a hookup where they're headed to.  One product in particular cost much more than expected because when I went to order from one of my usual 2 vendors, they were both out or on vacation; thus, I had to use another vendor but they had no listing higher than 1g and I needed to order 11g.  They never responded back about making a custom listing so I bit the bullet and placed the order, assuming it would be processed and shipped quickly like it had been in the past.  It wasn't and it's still sitting there after a few days, my messages in the last 36 hours remain unread as well.  As luck would have it, the day after I placed my order with this vendor is when BOTH OF MY REGULAR VENDORS put their listings back up which would have saved roughly $70-80.  My friend originally gave me enough to cover the orders in addition to $10 for each item as leeway (considering BTC fluctuation, etc) but as it sits right now, I am $2.10 short on the last order I am placing for them.  By my calculations, this is around ~.0249 but it keeps rising so I come to you, my friends and fellow forum members to ask for .03BTC to make sure I can cover this last order and not come up a small fraction short again.  I will pay it back but I cannot promise it'll be in the next week or so.. my method of BTC transfer takes about a week but I pay hardly anything to do it so I'm being completely upfront so as not to deceive whoever might help me out into thinking they will get paid back immediately.  I promise it will be paid back in full (probably with at least .01 interest, if not more) but I cannot give a definite amount of days it would take, although it'd be no more than two weeks at the absolute most.  If no one can help, I completely understand but I thought I'd give it a shot.  We have a wonderful community here and I wouldn't want to hang out anywhere else!!

If you can help, my SR username is: whowhatwhere (same as my forum name)
or here is my BTC address for my SR wallet: 1HLcXiMu39oMkb5ZKgrAruLjMgqMz4vz5V

Regardless of whether someone helps me out or not, thank you all in advance for making this place what it is!

I got you ;)

Excuse my language, but you are fuckin' amazing my friend!!  Before I read this post, I reloaded the SR site and did a double-take when I saw the amount in my wallet rise enough to make my purchase.  I'm adding you to my buddy list and you have my word that I'll repay it as soon as I am able to.  I've seen you around the forums and you seem like a cool person, not to mention your name reminds me of when I used to extract DXM from Robotussin with lemon juice, Naptha fluid, etc. and get a nice robotrip  ;) I greatly appreciate it and so will my friend who is leaving town soon.. I hate not being able to keep my word and do what I plan to do (even if things are outside my control) but I won't forget this.
To update, I placed the order and sent you back what was left in my wallet so expect to see that anytime.. I'll hit you back with the remainder as well as some interest as soon as I get funds transferred over to my wallet for my next round of orders.  Thanks again for helping me out!

As far as the name, DXM trips were one of my favorites back in the day  ;D the first time I downed a bottle of that nasty liquid was my sophomore year of high school.. it was at lunch and I couldn't see straight for a couple hours, walking down the hallway leaning against the wall and whatnot.  After a lot more research I perfected an extraction method to get the amount of DXM down to an ounce or so which made it much easier to stomach and have fun with.. the high school chicks I kicked it with loved it!  I remember one rumor going around high school where people were saying I was making ecstasy in my bathtub hahaha.. eventually I graduated to research chemical wholesalers and got 100g for somewhere around $30-40!!  I don't think I could ever down a bottle of max. strength cough syrup ever again, if I didn't have pure DXM available it'd be those little red triple C pills we all know about ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on March 28, 2013, 12:29 am
please tell me that you people are not buying drugs!!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: birdstheword on March 28, 2013, 12:29 am
Hey guys I'm exactly $1.04 short on an order. Can anyone help out? I need like .05btc lol. my name is eworkjr on sr. Thanks

Daddy's got you.  ;D

EDIT: Okay, maybe daddy doesn't have you lol. It says I have 1.54 USD left in my account and .02 BTC available, yet when I try to send those .02 BTC it says insufficient funds. Sorry, buddy. Hopefully somebody else can come through and help you out.

I see somebody did come through. You're awesome, robotrippin.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: robotrippin on March 28, 2013, 12:33 am
Thanks, you don't have to owe me anything. I'm in a good mood today and want to pay some forward :)

I remember drinking that shit for the first time, the buzz was insane. Just like you I soon couldn't stand the taste and learned how to refine it a bit with the help of a few friends. To this day I still refuse to drink cough syrup, I can't stomach it at all. The tiniest bit makes me sick :P

Enjoy your order :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: eworkjr on March 28, 2013, 12:37 am
+1 for all that helped. I'll keep you in my prayers :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: birdstheword on March 28, 2013, 12:43 am
Holy balls, I got some karma. You have made my day, sir. Gracias!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: loniax on March 28, 2013, 01:59 am
Im trying to finish off the last 30 in my wallet but Im .08 short of shipping anyone help a nigga out?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jshizzle23 on March 28, 2013, 05:11 am
Im trying to finish off the last 30 in my wallet but Im .08 short of shipping anyone help a nigga out?

What's your SR username?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on March 28, 2013, 06:16 am
hello my lovely lovelies!!
i am still .05btc away!! please please!!
just let me know if you want it paid back or forward.. pm me if needed..
help a brother out.. same name on SR
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: loniax on March 28, 2013, 07:05 am
Im trying to finish off the last 30 in my wallet but Im .08 short of shipping anyone help a nigga out?

What's your SR username?

loniax, thank you
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: slysamuel0109 on March 28, 2013, 07:55 am
hello my lovely lovelies!!
i am still .05btc away!! please please!!
just let me know if you want it paid back or forward.. pm me if needed..
help a brother out.. same name on SR

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: autobondon on March 28, 2013, 08:52 am
hey guy im askin for about .25btc total
i just want to make a very small order and make sure
things go smoothly before i go drop half my paycheck on bitcoins
anything little thing is appreciated please

SR username- autobondon

wallet-  18MbuU8nPMRjKECFvkgfSLy4B42Cbdiqo6
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: 4tron on March 28, 2013, 10:50 am
Fellow Roadies,

It's been a bad season. I got some of my sacred weed at last. Feels good to be home :)

The Quality is :))

Not enough to share with you :(

Pisser for both of us and The Road.

However.......I'm so happy right now............................................................................never mind.

I have 3 coins to lend to fellow Roaders in 0.25's
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: HEATFan on March 28, 2013, 11:13 am
Fellow Roadies,

It's been a bad season. I got some of my sacred weed at last. Feels good to be home :)

The Quality is :))

Not enough to share with you :(

Pisser for both of us and The Road.

However.......I'm so happy right now............................................................................never mind.

I have 3 coins to lend to fellow Roaders in 0.25's

Why so happy? 3 coins? That's quite generous. Hopefully people pay you back :)

+1 for being kind
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: 4tron on March 28, 2013, 11:39 am
I'm so happy because I only like the best Pure Sativa Spliff. If it's Indica, it still needs to be unique and special.

I guess I'm not a very good dealer  due to supply problems.

I only sell the best. Cheap too. I think it should be cheaper than smokes. Within reason.

I would rather be branded "flash in the pan".........."he's run out again".................whatever

The people who have purchased my product know.

This seasons crop was either burnt by bushfires or flooded.

So, at last I have a tiny bit of quality, quality spliff. I am happy.

The Coins in my account are there from last lesser if I can't deal I can still help SR in a tiny way.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: 4tron on March 28, 2013, 01:01 pm
2.75 left
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on March 28, 2013, 01:08 pm
hello my lovely lovelies!!
i am still .05btc away!! please please!!
just let me know if you want it paid back or forward.. pm me if needed..
help a brother out.. same name on SR


you rock homie!!
thank you thank you!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Passthebong on March 28, 2013, 01:11 pm
4tron was extremely generous and lent .25 to me, gonna +karma you when I get to 100 posts man and I'll get you back on Sunday. Thanks so much again!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on March 28, 2013, 01:13 pm
i could use 12 bitcoins  :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: 4tron on March 28, 2013, 01:14 pm
Enjoy dude.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: 4tron on March 28, 2013, 01:21 pm
i could use 12 bitcoins  :P

Sorry, offer was in 0.25's each. If I had it in my account In this frame of mind I would certainly do it. Would 3 Coins help?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on March 28, 2013, 01:33 pm
oh my  :)

Thanks for that offer but i was just kiddin around with that 12 BTC's needed statement  :P

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: 4tron on March 28, 2013, 01:52 pm
oh my  :)

Thanks for that offer but i was just kiddin around with that 12 BTC's needed statement  :P

U know what's funny is almost nobody wants it. I'm going to give it to Nomad BB if nobody wants it before I go to bed. 2.75
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: 4tron on March 28, 2013, 02:48 pm
2.25 left
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: 4tron on March 28, 2013, 03:22 pm
2.0 left (thanks for the neg carma, go figure)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: autobondon on March 28, 2013, 04:27 pm
2.0 left (thanks for the neg carma, go figure)

hello there could ya spare me .25? its exactly what im lookin for
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: autobondon on March 28, 2013, 04:35 pm
2.0 left (thanks for the neg carma, go figure)

hello there could ya spare me .25? its exactly what im lookin for

actually all i need is .23 so i can make my first purchase

username is autobondon
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: autobondon on March 28, 2013, 04:59 pm
damnit! he appears to have gone offline now  :'(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: colorblack on March 28, 2013, 08:10 pm
Ok this is really embarrasing. I'm 8 fucking CENTS short on my order. 8 cents. I don't know whether thats funny or thats sad.
Can someone send me 8-10 cents? I'll pay back a dollar in the morning when I can get to the bank.
My SR username is "colorblack"

Will appreciate it. Please PM once you have done it with ur SR name so I know who to pay back.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on March 28, 2013, 10:06 pm
Ok this is really embarrasing. I'm 8 fucking CENTS short on my order. 8 cents. I don't know whether thats funny or thats sad.
Can someone send me 8-10 cents? I'll pay back a dollar in the morning when I can get to the bank.
My SR username is "colorblack"

Will appreciate it. Please PM once you have done it with ur SR name so I know who to pay back.
sent. anybody with a little extra coin please feel free to be awesome :) 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: johnnybravo5 on March 29, 2013, 01:19 am
Hello.  I promise to pay you back or pay it forward whenever I put more funds in my account next week if you can help me out.  I am looking to buy some LSD for me and my friend and get it expressed shipped for Saturday so that we can enjoy it!

I am short 0.15 btc for that order.
My SR name is the same as my forum name: johnnybravo5
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jmoney113 on March 29, 2013, 03:34 am
Guys I'm .03 short on an order, can anyone spare? I'll pay you back same time next week.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: prevalent on March 29, 2013, 06:15 am
I'm currently .03 BTC short, and am looking to buy some clean LSD. Anyone out there that can help me out?

I'll give you a rimjob!!!

Just message me if you are able to.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: 4tron on March 29, 2013, 07:18 am
Hey Dudes,

Thats it for is empty.....sorry I can't help all of you :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Knomo on March 29, 2013, 12:32 pm
Thanks 4tron for lending me 0.25, you have got it back :) Also +1
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dothedamnthing on March 29, 2013, 04:27 pm
Edit: Nevermind
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: pajag88 on March 29, 2013, 04:32 pm
Hey guys :/

Bitcoin value dropping :( came up short 0.16 bitcoin for my LSD purchase

If anybody could help, he/she will get the coin back ASAP and a +1 + my appreciation and gratitude through the enlightenment I achieve :p

Please help if you can the same name on SR ( pajag88 )

coin address 14PGewUPbkHNndiyA4fmUNuhyCafMJGeyK

Thank you !
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on March 29, 2013, 07:23 pm
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: loniax on March 29, 2013, 08:32 pm
When I last posted I was mistaken for cents I ment to say i was .08 btc to make my order I m trying to finish off the last 30 something in my wallet.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: HEATFan on March 29, 2013, 10:50 pm
Hey guys :/

Bitcoin value dropping :( came up short 0.16 bitcoin for my LSD purchase

If anybody could help, he/she will get the coin back ASAP and a +1 + my appreciation and gratitude through the enlightenment I achieve :p

Please help if you can the same name on SR ( pajag88 )

coin address 14PGewUPbkHNndiyA4fmUNuhyCafMJGeyK

Thank you !

Sent you .2 just in case BTC value dropped even more since your post. Please pay it back when you can <3
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sleepyeyes2k2 on March 29, 2013, 10:55 pm
Saving up to become a vendor of (I don't think I'm allowed to say).... any donations will be helpful!!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on March 30, 2013, 02:41 am
Wondering if anyone could help me out. I need to place an order but I'm 0.6 bitcoin short  :'( I can repay by the weekend and it would be GREATLY appreciated!

Box thanks you greatly for filling the box back up with shapes! 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on March 30, 2013, 02:48 am
Saving up to become a vendor of (I don't think I'm allowed to say).... any donations will be helpful!!

Threw a shape in the hat
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Repus6 on March 30, 2013, 03:06 am
Thanks again Box! +1  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: pajag88 on March 30, 2013, 03:56 am
Hey guys :/

Bitcoin value dropping :( came up short 0.16 bitcoin for my LSD purchase

If anybody could help, he/she will get the coin back ASAP and a +1 + my appreciation and gratitude through the enlightenment I achieve :p

Please help if you can the same name on SR ( pajag88 )

coin address 14PGewUPbkHNndiyA4fmUNuhyCafMJGeyK

Thank you !

Sent you .2 just in case BTC value dropped even more since your post. Please pay it back when you can <3

much love my friend !!!!

thank you so much, you just made my weekend !

obviously I'll pay back ASAP and obviously + 1 :D :D :D

** Hey guys !

Just wondering if anybody could shed some light on how long such transfer could take

because I'm still unfortunately waiting for the upper mentioned funds :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: beastpiss77 on March 30, 2013, 04:18 am
Hey guys... I'm trying to spend my last 0.22 on some little things, and I'm short 0.04 for shipping. Can anyone help? Will pay back or forward when I get the chance, whatever you prefer!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: HEATFan on March 30, 2013, 04:45 am
Hey guys :/

Bitcoin value dropping :( came up short 0.16 bitcoin for my LSD purchase

If anybody could help, he/she will get the coin back ASAP and a +1 + my appreciation and gratitude through the enlightenment I achieve :p

Please help if you can the same name on SR ( pajag88 )

coin address 14PGewUPbkHNndiyA4fmUNuhyCafMJGeyK

Thank you !

Sent you .2 just in case BTC value dropped even more since your post. Please pay it back when you can <3

much love my friend !!!!

thank you so much, you just made my weekend !

obviously I'll pay back ASAP and obviously + 1 :D :D :D

** Hey guys !

Just wondering if anybody could shed some light on how long such transfer could take

because I'm still unfortunately waiting for the upper mentioned funds :(

I have a feeling I did it incorrectly by trying to send the funds to the bitcoin address by using the "withdraw bitcoins" feature on SR. I think I may have just sent .2 coins off to nowhere? lol

I will re-send to your SR account directly from mine.

If anyone can shed some light on where I may have sent that other .2BTC and if its retrievable please let me know. Thanks.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: saranottegan on March 30, 2013, 02:10 pm
The price on what I've been waiting to buy just went up .02 btc right before my instacoin bitcoins loaded into my SR wallet. Can anyone loan me .02 btc>]\]Thank you! :)

SR is saranottegan
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: pajag88 on March 30, 2013, 02:24 pm
Hey guys :/

Bitcoin value dropping :( came up short 0.16 bitcoin for my LSD purchase

If anybody could help, he/she will get the coin back ASAP and a +1 + my appreciation and gratitude through the enlightenment I achieve :p

Please help if you can the same name on SR ( pajag88 )

coin address 14PGewUPbkHNndiyA4fmUNuhyCafMJGeyK

Thank you !

Sent you .2 just in case BTC value dropped even more since your post. Please pay it back when you can <3

much love my friend !!!!

thank you so much, you just made my weekend !

obviously I'll pay back ASAP and obviously + 1 :D :D :D

** Hey guys !

Just wondering if anybody could shed some light on how long such transfer could take

because I'm still unfortunately waiting for the upper mentioned funds :(

I have a feeling I did it incorrectly by trying to send the funds to the bitcoin address by using the "withdraw bitcoins" feature on SR. I think I may have just sent .2 coins off to nowhere? lol

I will re-send to your SR account directly from mine.

If anyone can shed some light on where I may have sent that other .2BTC and if its retrievable please let me know. Thanks.

received <3

thank you soooo much brother !!!

order placed and funds will be coming back at you ASAP !

made me so happy I can trip soon :D

much love to all and have a great day, once again thank you HEATFan !!! :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Daft Phader on March 30, 2013, 06:58 pm
would anyone feel like helping a fellow SR' er  out?...I'm .03 short on  a order of enlightenment..I'd be happy to return the favor asap .. and be eternally grateful......thanks for any help!!!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Purple_Hue000 on March 30, 2013, 06:59 pm
I came up short, could someone please help me out on 0.3 btc to finish an order please?

SR username:

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: saranottegan on March 30, 2013, 11:08 pm
The price on what I've been waiting to buy just went up .02 btc right before my instacoin bitcoins loaded into my SR wallet. Can anyone loan me .02 btc>]\]Thank you! :)

SR is saranottegan

still need the .02 if anyone's willing to lend it.
SRL saranottegan
btc walllet: 113JhdVpyx1UwfXeWWR4iMEtog5YfwHTXp
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sofish89 on March 31, 2013, 12:31 am
Can someone explain to me how this works?!
I think we need another decimal place.
I have .50 bitcoins for a .50 bitcoin order but when I try to check out it says I have insufficient funds.
so I converted everything to dollars and apparently I have $45.41 and the total of .50 bitcoins is $45.49..
So I'm 8 cents short, Whats that, like one 50th of a .01 BTC ?
Is it even possible to transfer less than a .01 BTC?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sorasgaze on March 31, 2013, 01:34 am
*sigh* In need of ANY donations, got scammed, more info in this thread if you have the time... http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=140350.0

The spare coins thread hasn't been any help in the past but maybe eventually someone will pass by and be able to help me out... Thanks SR.

Address: 13EDiF4QkqBJZrcn5qRDfAtpyJhUBiyprL
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: autobondon on March 31, 2013, 01:58 am
*sigh* In need of ANY donations, got scammed, more info in this thread if you have the time... http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=140350.0

The spare coins thread hasn't been any help in the past but maybe eventually someone will pass by and be able to help me out... Thanks SR.

Address: 13EDiF4QkqBJZrcn5qRDfAtpyJhUBiyprL

wish i could help
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sorasgaze on March 31, 2013, 02:01 am
*sigh* In need of ANY donations, got scammed, more info in this thread if you have the time... http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=140350.0

The spare coins thread hasn't been any help in the past but maybe eventually someone will pass by and be able to help me out... Thanks SR.

Address: 13EDiF4QkqBJZrcn5qRDfAtpyJhUBiyprL

wish i could help

It's alright, thanks anyways!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: beastpiss77 on March 31, 2013, 02:22 am
Ahhhhhhh, put some more coins in my account, but I'm now 0.02 BTC short for shipping. Can anyone spare a couple pennies?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: autobondon on March 31, 2013, 02:24 am
Ahhhhhhh, put some more coins in my account, but I'm now 0.02 BTC short for shipping. Can anyone spare a couple pennies?

i wanna help you all but im broke :'( :'(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: beastpiss77 on March 31, 2013, 02:39 am
It feels totally wrong to be basically panhandling on here, but it's so frustrating to be short by such a teeny tiny amount! Dammit!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: beastpiss77 on March 31, 2013, 05:33 am
Nevermind, I ended up ordering something else that cost a wee bit less. Impatient!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on March 31, 2013, 11:49 am
i could use 12 BTC's   :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: slysamuel0109 on March 31, 2013, 02:26 pm
i could use 12 BTC's   :)

You and me both, brotha!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: #slothrop on March 31, 2013, 05:29 pm
I've got .01 more than I need for the product, but damn if shipping costs always seem to slip my mind. I could sure use .1 BTC right now. 15sPi3ToA95HH9P8BxELX9o14cyb8kLhRb is my address. I will disclose the truth about life, the universe and everything as revealed to me by God him/her-self to the first person to help me out.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: #slothrop on March 31, 2013, 06:43 pm
Got it! Now it's time to pay the generosity forward.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on March 31, 2013, 06:46 pm
@ #slothrop

Good Job!!

Always pay forward...lend when ya can...when ya cant...fuck 'em...take care of you...
i see you doing for others...Kudos!

my friend...Karma comes back to one form or another....i've given cash out for you!!

Love & Peace,

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dirtybiscuitzz718 on March 31, 2013, 07:15 pm
Hello brothers, and sisters alike.

 Just wanted to put it out there that im seriously strapped for cash for the next week or two, and would really like to place a very small order for some bubble hash.

 If any one would be able and willing to shoot $30 bucks my way, it would mean the world to me. I dont NEED to get this order in, but would really like to. So if some one is feeling generous, itd be great, if not I can understand.

 I will of coarse repay the loan as soon as my cunt boss hits me off with my past due checks, in the next 2 weeks. Much love to every one.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sorasgaze on March 31, 2013, 07:58 pm
Hello brothers, and sisters alike.

 Just wanted to put it out there that im seriously strapped for cash for the next week or two, and would really like to place a very small order for some bubble hash.

 If any one would be able and willing to shoot $30 bucks my way, it would mean the world to me. I dont NEED to get this order in, but would really like to. So if some one is feeling generous, itd be great, if not I can understand.

 I will of coarse repay the loan as soon as my cunt boss hits me off with my past due checks, in the next 2 weeks. Much love to every one.

I don't think anyone will loan over 5 cents (from what I've seen) lol would help you out if i didn't get fucked over.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dirtybiscuitzz718 on March 31, 2013, 08:25 pm
Hello brothers, and sisters alike.

 Just wanted to put it out there that im seriously strapped for cash for the next week or two, and would really like to place a very small order for some bubble hash.

 If any one would be able and willing to shoot $30 bucks my way, it would mean the world to me. I dont NEED to get this order in, but would really like to. So if some one is feeling generous, itd be great, if not I can understand.

 I will of coarse repay the loan as soon as my cunt boss hits me off with my past due checks, in the next 2 weeks. Much love to every one.

I don't think anyone will loan over 5 cents (from what I've seen) lol would help you out if i didn't get fucked over.

LOL nah dude, thats not true man. I got a $25 dollar loan from my man BoxOfShapes, and paid him back promptly.

I also 'loaned' $15 bucks to ZenAndTheArt..and got sodomized LOL.

If you did the favor, I of coarse would not burn you on $30 dollars dude. Dont feel in any way obligated though. Ive been a reputable and contributing member for a while, no need for me to start scamming kind people for lunch money lol. Much love dude.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sorasgaze on March 31, 2013, 08:34 pm
Hello brothers, and sisters alike.

 Just wanted to put it out there that im seriously strapped for cash for the next week or two, and would really like to place a very small order for some bubble hash.

 If any one would be able and willing to shoot $30 bucks my way, it would mean the world to me. I dont NEED to get this order in, but would really like to. So if some one is feeling generous, itd be great, if not I can understand.

 I will of coarse repay the loan as soon as my cunt boss hits me off with my past due checks, in the next 2 weeks. Much love to every one.

I don't think anyone will loan over 5 cents (from what I've seen) lol would help you out if i didn't get fucked over.

LOL nah dude, thats not true man. I got a $25 dollar loan from my man BoxOfShapes, and paid him back promptly.

I also 'loaned' $15 bucks to ZenAndTheArt..and got sodomized LOL.

If you did the favor, I of coarse would not burn you on $30 dollars dude. Dont feel in any way obligated though. Ive been a reputable and contributing member for a while, no need for me to start scamming kind people for lunch money lol. Much love dude.

That's good. :) Hope someone helps you out with your loan, would gladly help you if I was planning on getting any money before like next month. SR is getting bad with scammers.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dirtybiscuitzz718 on March 31, 2013, 08:42 pm
Hello brothers, and sisters alike.

 Just wanted to put it out there that im seriously strapped for cash for the next week or two, and would really like to place a very small order for some bubble hash.

 If any one would be able and willing to shoot $30 bucks my way, it would mean the world to me. I dont NEED to get this order in, but would really like to. So if some one is feeling generous, itd be great, if not I can understand.

 I will of coarse repay the loan as soon as my cunt boss hits me off with my past due checks, in the next 2 weeks. Much love to every one.

I don't think anyone will loan over 5 cents (from what I've seen) lol would help you out if i didn't get fucked over.

LOL nah dude, thats not true man. I got a $25 dollar loan from my man BoxOfShapes, and paid him back promptly.

I also 'loaned' $15 bucks to ZenAndTheArt..and got sodomized LOL.

If you did the favor, I of coarse would not burn you on $30 dollars dude. Dont feel in any way obligated though. Ive been a reputable and contributing member for a while, no need for me to start scamming kind people for lunch money lol. Much love dude.

That's good. :) Hope someone helps you out with your loan, would gladly help you if I was planning on getting any money before like next month. SR is getting bad with scammers.

Yea man, thanks. NEVER FE, no matter what, and only trust reputable forum members, or those you have developed a repour with.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on March 31, 2013, 09:20 pm

LOL nah dude, thats not true man. I got a $25 dollar loan from my man BoxOfShapes, and paid him back promptly.

If you did the favor, I of coarse would not burn you on $30 dollars dude. Dont feel in any way obligated though. Ive been a reputable and contributing member for a while, no need for me to start scamming kind people for lunch money lol. Much love dude.

I got you again dirty!  I know you are good for it.  pm me the wallet/name, and bitcoin amount instead of $$$.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dirtybiscuitzz718 on March 31, 2013, 09:24 pm

LOL nah dude, thats not true man. I got a $25 dollar loan from my man BoxOfShapes, and paid him back promptly.

If you did the favor, I of coarse would not burn you on $30 dollars dude. Dont feel in any way obligated though. Ive been a reputable and contributing member for a while, no need for me to start scamming kind people for lunch money lol. Much love dude.

I got you again dirty!  I know you are good for it.  pm me the wallet/name, and bitcoin amount instead of $$$.

Wow, thank you again dude. You are a rare breed my friend =) You can send it through SR. Its .353 btc. As before, ill get you back asap.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on March 31, 2013, 10:00 pm
You are a rare breed my friend =)

Too many shapes to live!  Too boxy to die!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mollyfan on March 31, 2013, 10:05 pm
i have .89 BTC left...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dirtybiscuitzz718 on March 31, 2013, 10:08 pm
You are a rare breed my friend =)

Too many shapes to live!  Too boxy to die!

hehe, good one. Thanks again for the generosity shapes! I havnt been able to log in to SR all day, but as soon as its a B line to the GirlScoutCookies bubble hash!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sleepyeyes2k2 on March 31, 2013, 10:24 pm
i have .89 BTC left...

If you loan it to me, I'll repay 1.15 in either the current rate, or the then-current rate, whichever is higher.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: autobondon on March 31, 2013, 10:31 pm
in need of .43btc so i can just get a larger order and save money

dont need it all from 1 person obviously

SR username is autobondon

if you help me out inbox me so i know who to pay back and how much
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mollyfan on March 31, 2013, 10:33 pm
i have .89 BTC left...

If you loan it to me, I'll repay 1.15 in either the current rate, or the then-current rate, whichever is higher.


when were you planning on paying it back? im ready to send it to you once you can tell me that
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sleepyeyes2k2 on March 31, 2013, 11:18 pm
when were you planning on paying it back? im ready to send it to you once you can tell me that

The way things are going, I can safely say within 2 weeks.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mollyfan on March 31, 2013, 11:24 pm
ok, sent! i hope this goes well!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sleepyeyes2k2 on March 31, 2013, 11:31 pm
Many, many, many thanks!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mollyfan on March 31, 2013, 11:32 pm
ur welcome!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: HashForYou on April 01, 2013, 12:35 am
Can someone please help me out with 0.08 coins, I need it to buy some hash, thanks.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: teqno on April 01, 2013, 01:24 am
I have this sudden thought of Menace II Society. " I got this cheese burger" +1 to the creator of this thread though, guess everyone needs a hand once in a while to get their fix..

Oh crap I lied...Forgot I purchased something earlier and I actually only have 0.02 coins.. :( I can give those to you... Hashforyou.. sorry.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mollyfan on April 01, 2013, 01:32 am
maybe he needs to reup?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: autobondon on April 01, 2013, 01:38 am
still looking for .33btc please, gettin lsd 8)

sr username is autobondon

will pay back in the next 2 weeks
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: HashForYou on April 01, 2013, 02:02 am
0.08 and I will give you a gram hash in a couple of days?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jnemonic on April 01, 2013, 02:17 am
Would anyone have a spare $1.50?

Hoping the members i sent coins to a couple of weeks ago will return the favor or anyone else... ::)

Will return with interest. ;)

Thanks for any help. :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on April 01, 2013, 02:32 am
@jnemonic @HashforYou

Shapes for you guys!


.1 threw your way. 

out for now guys.  may the rest find its way. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jnemonic on April 01, 2013, 02:47 am
@jnemonic @HashforYou

Shapes for you guys!


.1 threw your way. 

out for now guys.  may the rest find its way. 

Thank you so much BOS! +1. I have you marked within my encrypted device and will send you the coins back this week.
Many many thanks, thank you. :) ;) ;D 8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: autobondon on April 01, 2013, 03:26 am
thanks man you rock
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: HashForYou on April 01, 2013, 03:37 am
thanks man
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: autobondon on April 01, 2013, 05:07 am
still lookin for .23btc please!!

anything helps!!

and will be paid back in the next 2 weeks

i fucking love you guys
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: autobondon on April 01, 2013, 06:42 pm
still lookin for .23btc please!!

anything helps!!

and will be paid back in the next 2 weeks

i fucking love you guys

still looking for this please

SR username is autobondon
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: autobondon on April 01, 2013, 07:12 pm
still lookin for .23btc please!!

anything helps!!

and will be paid back in the next 2 weeks

i fucking love you guys

alright well im headed to class for the next 4 hours

please help me out while im off so i get a big suprise when i get home

ill blow you a virtual kiss

and pay you back ofcourse

still looking for this please

SR username is autobondon
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on April 01, 2013, 09:12 pm
 im $10 short will someone please loan me 0.1  :-[?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bamoida2 on April 01, 2013, 10:37 pm
Hey,  I would need 0.1 bitcoins right now, I'd pay 0.12 back in maximum of 2 days, I mine myself and have another 0.05 on another address, but as i said i need it rather urgent

Total transactions: 33
Total spent: $1135.9
Refund rate: 1.81%
Auto-finalize rate: 0%
Member for: 6 months

same username on SR as on forum, if there is anything i can do to prove my legitimacy tell me! If you check my posts you see that i wrote 2 or 3 detailed reviews.

i would be extremely grateful!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Hiding on April 02, 2013, 12:04 am
I have .09btc bamoida. You could pay me back .10 instead of 20% but I don't know if .09 will cover your expense.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Purple_Hue000 on April 02, 2013, 04:54 pm
Help, could someone please help me out with 0.3 bitcoins please? I'll pay you back It's urgent

SR username:
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ripplingwalls on April 03, 2013, 03:43 am
i need .30 btc, im short by 20 bucks so this should cover it. ill send back to whoever lent me the btc, the btc i have left after ive made my purchase. then in 2 weeks ill fund you the amount i borrowed with an extra 10 bucks. any and all help is really appreciated man, if you are kind and understanding enough to donate, donate to this wallet: 1BdosYxH3pZqs25ynnB94617JV2jMKe41v

thank you so much,
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ipuff93 on April 03, 2013, 01:39 pm
Hello SR brothers and sisters

I have severe stomach problems and the only med that gives me relief is weed.  I am not going to lie I also love to get high but it really does make my gut feel better than anything else.  I am .04 short of scoring an 1/8 and would really appericate any help I could get.  I promise to pay it forward as soon as I can.  Please send to 194wRsyruxD9Zxf9c5fomirDk9trSJwctj and thank you.   :)  :)  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cuba on April 03, 2013, 06:31 pm
Hey all, I am a trusted member of this community. I have spent over 15k btc and been on the site over a year and some. I am currently short .1btc for an order that is important. will pay back .2 by friday. PM me if u can help me with this and i will give you my username to send to.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: wavelength on April 03, 2013, 09:00 pm
hey guys..

i need 50 cents -_-
ill get you back later!

my sr name is chittytits.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: robotrippin on April 03, 2013, 09:49 pm
hey guys..

i need 50 cents -_-
ill get you back later!

my sr name is chittytits.


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: wavelength on April 03, 2013, 10:06 pm
hey guys..

i need 50 cents -_-
ill get you back later!

my sr name is chittytits.


woot thanks.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: skeezoo8586 on April 04, 2013, 03:24 am
hey i'm in the same boat. i'm short just $1.50
i WILL remember you!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: skeezoo8586 on April 04, 2013, 03:28 am
and my SR and forum name = same, btw
thank you!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: skeezoo8586 on April 04, 2013, 03:45 am
nevermind i think i will turn in for the night and save what i have for later
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: autobondon on April 04, 2013, 06:44 am
hey i need .04 to finish an order can i get a little help?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: autobondon on April 04, 2013, 07:34 am
sr username is autobondon
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: 4tron on April 04, 2013, 07:57 am
Hey auto PM me. I'll be on for a little while :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: donatto on April 04, 2013, 12:45 pm
Got some to help, anyone short?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lufc1992uk on April 04, 2013, 02:37 pm
I am short 0.1, i'd like it in the next 20 mins so my order can be shipped today, i will ship a sample of the product to you if you help me out! cheers
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: 34trimethoxy on April 04, 2013, 06:17 pm

If anyone can please spare me about .61 coins I would much appreciate it. I always pay it forward, and I will of course pay you back in a timely fashion.

Please shoot me a PM if you can help! I'll be sure to be checking this thread and help whoever I can when I get some more coins in the next couple weeks

Peace and Love,

3,4 :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Purple_Hue000 on April 04, 2013, 07:03 pm
Could someone please help me with 0.4 bitcoins? Pretty please! I really wanted to get in an order today. I'll even pay you back if you'd like.

SR username:
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: donatto on April 04, 2013, 09:30 pm
only 0.10 to help
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Purple_Hue000 on April 04, 2013, 11:09 pm
only 0.10 to help

That's fine. Thanks. I owe you one.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Sonitchka on April 05, 2013, 04:24 am
EDIT: Nevermind, folks, bitcoin market fluctuation in my favor resolved the situation on its own.  Thanks, anyway, everyone!


I've been on the forums and the road for about 1 year now (though admittedly I haven't been very chatty).  For the first time in 14 transactions, I stupidly undershot the exchange fees.  Now I'm about .016 BTC short for an order I'd wanted to place tonight.  If someone could spot me, I'd be extremely appreciative.  The next time I buy BTC for an order I will pay it back or pay it forward, whichever you'd prefer.

SR Name: YegobTer
Addy: 1FwJqdoqZQC16seY3y8hJ1pet3ctMNy8vZ

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: autobondon on April 05, 2013, 08:54 am
soooo the order i placed got canceled by the seller so now im .08 short on a different item, can i get some help please? always pay it forword
SR username is autobondon
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: StraightThuggin on April 05, 2013, 11:31 am
Hey SR brothers and sisters can anyone spare $6 (0.04 Bitcoin).

Will be much appreciated, will return the favor when I load up again!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: autobondon on April 05, 2013, 04:41 pm
Hey SR brothers and sisters can anyone spare $6 (0.04 Bitcoin).

Will be much appreciated, will return the favor when I load up again!


still lookin for this pls
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Banjo Lips on April 05, 2013, 05:15 pm
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bowlsfortheboys on April 05, 2013, 06:19 pm
I've been planning on buying a 20 sheet of LSD off the silk for a couple weeks now. I go through the process or moneygram and mtgox and my wallet and all that bullshit, and with random transfer fees the total came out to .918 BTC. My order total, including shipping, is .92 BTC.
Can any, ANY, kind soul here with .002 BTC spare me that much? Kinda stuck in this shitty situation here lol, it would be much appreciated.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: autobondon on April 05, 2013, 06:45 pm
soooo the order i placed got canceled by the seller so now im .08 short on a different item, can i get some help please? always pay it forword
SR username is autobondon
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: 34trimethoxy on April 05, 2013, 07:03 pm
I've been planning on buying a 20 sheet of LSD off the silk for a couple weeks now. I go through the process or moneygram and mtgox and my wallet and all that bullshit, and with random transfer fees the total came out to .918 BTC. My order total, including shipping, is .92 BTC.
Can any, ANY, kind soul here with .002 BTC spare me that much? Kinda stuck in this shitty situation here lol, it would be much appreciated.

20 Sheets?!

Shoot me a PM and I will help you out.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: aussiepp on April 06, 2013, 05:06 am
I'm not short BTC's for an order but hell, if anyone wants to throw some uneven BTC's my way I wont decline them hah.


Thanks ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: curiositymatrix on April 06, 2013, 05:18 am
I'm .07 btc short and would appreciate the bit-nickel so i can place an order
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sorasgaze on April 06, 2013, 05:42 am
Can anyone spare 0.06 btc? Had enough but the seller took down the cheapest listing available for methylone and I'm short by 7 dollars or so. Would appreciate it, thanks!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ph3n0m on April 06, 2013, 08:16 am
Help!! Can anybody spare .15 BTC. I'm a bit short. Thanks! My SR Name is the same as here: ph3n0m.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sorasgaze on April 06, 2013, 08:34 am
Can anyone spare 0.06 btc? Had enough but the seller took down the cheapest listing available for methylone and I'm short by 7 dollars or so. Would appreciate it, thanks!


Bump/update. In need of 0.08 BTC,  (miscalculated) for anyone feeling generous. I'm trying to order this methylone by tomorrow. I can pay this back by Monday if necessary, thanks again.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: motek on April 06, 2013, 12:16 pm
hi guys just wondering if there's a kind soul out there who could front me 0.03Btc  (about $6)  as it's saturday night and there's no way I'll get this order through before monday night if not  :P

I'm happy to pay it back, it just wont be until the middle of the week, OR i can 'pay it forward' and keep the goodwill flowing  8)

Cheers ..... SR nym   " mystical2 "

thanx everyone, even if you only thought "I'd like to but I dont have the coin :()

Naturally + karma will be included
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jnemonic on April 06, 2013, 12:37 pm
I got your back mate. ;)

Coins sent. ;D

Hope your having a great weekend Motek... ;)  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: alahverdian on April 06, 2013, 12:57 pm
Hey guys,
I feel bad having to ask, but I am only .03 BTC away from being able to place an order I have lined up.
If somebody could spot me, that would be amazing. Also, I would take note of who helped me out and get them back as soon as I get some more coin next week.  .03 ... and I'll send ya back .05 next week.
Thank You so much.
This would really be a big help, im just barely under with shipping.

SRname: alahverdian OR BTC addy: 16m8UV63AodXNqUQWjktm5DnhskDvkBQrR

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: 34trimethoxy on April 06, 2013, 01:35 pm
Hey - I have a .02 I can help you out with. Shoot me a message if you need help.

It's the season of helping our brothers out.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: saranottegan on April 06, 2013, 07:19 pm
Help! I somehow underestimated and need .04btc to order today so the vendor will ship it out today. can anyone spare .04btc? I can pay you back on Monday when my next btc transfer comes through.

silk road sn is saranottegan
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on April 07, 2013, 05:19 am
 :-[ still $10 short will somebody please loan me 0.07 btc or approx $9.50? be happy to pay you back $15
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mollyfan on April 07, 2013, 06:34 am
:-[ still $10 short will somebody please loan me 0.07 btc or approx $9.50? be happy to pay you back $15

when will you pay me back if i do?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on April 07, 2013, 06:49 am
:-[ still $10 short will somebody please loan me 0.07 btc or approx $9.50? be happy to pay you back $15

when will you pay me back if i do?
aloha mollyfan, fast as possible but i'd say within 2-3 days :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on April 07, 2013, 09:33 am
guessing hes offline.. :P is there anybody else willing to give me a $10 loan? please
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: klm2233 on April 07, 2013, 09:40 am
tryin to help, you got a pm :D

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Hiding on April 07, 2013, 04:04 pm
Did you get that loan RS7?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: klm2233 on April 07, 2013, 08:35 pm
yes, he did.

one love
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on April 07, 2013, 08:41 pm
Did you get that loan RS7?
yep! thanks to klm2233 <3. but hey, thanks mang, for asking :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: oNLiN3fR3aK on April 07, 2013, 11:43 pm
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sharonneedles on April 08, 2013, 10:19 am
I'm looking to order oil here for medical reasons... Been waiting all weekend for the banks to open and I must wait further 48hrs for verification and processing. If anyone can spare a coin my username is Sharonneedles12

Thanks in advance, greatly appreciated
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Dankbank1 on April 08, 2013, 12:21 pm
Hai guys if anyone has 4 bucks they can shoot me pm me if you do so cuz ill generously repay you on my next load up and karma the shit out of you my wallet is 1H6CBG1byrKbmfCwTLMKR8mDZRh3cE582z
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sharonneedles on April 08, 2013, 02:04 pm
I'm looking to order oil here for medical reasons... Been waiting all weekend for the banks to open and I must wait further 48hrs for verification and processing. If anyone can spare a coin my username is Sharonneedles12

Thanks in advance, greatly appreciated

I'm looking to buy cannabis oil for medical purposes,
My wallet is 149DbaJmgPWp6mFN3skVNfuJg3dPripB7K

Thank you
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: oNLiN3fR3aK on April 08, 2013, 07:31 pm
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: godness420 on April 09, 2013, 10:11 am
Hey all

I'm short 0.01 to another order :(

can anyone get me 0.01 btc please?

This raising up of the btc value fucks my deposits :\

Sr name: godness420

Thank you :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: motek on April 09, 2013, 10:20 am
"This raising up of the btc value fucks my deposits :\"

Yeah I know that feeling ... so your  0.01btc is waiting for you

enjoy friend
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: godness420 on April 09, 2013, 10:27 am
"This raising up of the btc value fucks my deposits :\"

Yeah I know that feeling ... so your  0.01btc is waiting for you

enjoy friend

some days ago, i deposited some coins in here to buy some G's.. so, i added the order to the cart, and i had money to buy it.. i insert the pin, click continue, and sudently, i was missing like 0.01$ to buy the order... *panic attack* 5 minutes passed, and i was missing 0.05$.. lol , i couldn't make the order that i want, i had to make a order smaller :\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: oNLiN3fR3aK on April 09, 2013, 10:33 am
everything looks like that I don ´t deserve any support nor help, disappointing of course,
but no problem, as I can´t change it. Thanks anyway, and all the best, of course.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: motek on April 09, 2013, 10:40 am
hey sorry godness, that's a bummer!  It's happened to me a couple of times ...lucky the last time I was able to get to the bank in  time !

Is that 50bit cents or just 50 cent's short, coz I've got like another $2 to spare =0.01btc?

And Onlinefreeak, firts the other day you asked for 0.14 btcc which is over $20 ...yet how many folks have you helped out?

And than when it hit 0.04btc I didn't have enough to help so dont take it personally!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: klm2233 on April 09, 2013, 11:31 am
but onlinefreak, i sent you a message ;-)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sharonneedles on April 09, 2013, 02:02 pm
Looking for .2 to buy some cannabis oil to help with a gastro problem...

If you can help please send anything you can to 149DbaJmgPWp6mFN3skVNfuJg3dPripB7K

Thanks for reading.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: curiositymatrix on April 09, 2013, 02:25 pm
Could someone spot me .02btc? (~$4)?

Same SR name as on forum, I'd pay it back, or forward to someone else in this thread, per your request.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on April 09, 2013, 02:43 pm
i could use 6 bitcoins   :P

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: HEATFan on April 09, 2013, 03:04 pm
i could use 6 bitcoins   :P

Last week you needed 12.

Maybe next week you'll only need 3.

And by then end of the year you'll need 1/3.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Nod4Less on April 09, 2013, 03:45 pm
I could use .04 - pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease!!  Send to jshizzle23 - will pay back later today/tomorrow (waiting for some people to finalize)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: HEATFan on April 09, 2013, 03:50 pm
I could use .04 - pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease!!  Send to jshizzle23 - will pay back later today/tomorrow (waiting for some people to finalize)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Nod4Less on April 09, 2013, 03:55 pm
I could use .04 - pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease!!  Send to jshizzle23 - will pay back later today/tomorrow (waiting for some people to finalize)


Word.  Thanks sir!  Very fast!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on April 09, 2013, 04:36 pm
Could someone spot me .02btc? (~$4)?

Same SR name as on forum, I'd pay it back, or forward to someone else in this thread, per your request.

This box has some shapes for you!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Mike Hunt on April 09, 2013, 04:43 pm
Hello brothers can anyone loan me the .04 I need for shipping cost?


I can pay it back with in 5 days plus I'll give you the link where I found this half gram sample of OG kush for just the shipping cost
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: motek on April 09, 2013, 04:44 pm
Looking for .2 to buy some cannabis oil to help with a gastro problem...

That's a bummer shaz  :(  Medical schemdical  :o  We ALL have 'medical problems' we treat with  our DOCs  ;D

  May I ask why you think it fine to ask for about $30 from a stranger...with NO comments about paying it back?

Can you possibly why you think this thread IS a 'charity' of some sort?

Coz it AINT!   It's for members to help other members AND EITHER "pay them back OR if they say it's cool. 'pay it forward'

You said 3 days ago you were "just waiting for the bank to open" so you could get more Btcs  ???

Sadly there are too many people who post here, get the coins they want, and say NADA, not even to apologise for being a bit late returning the funds  :o

You KNOW who you are, and like the kids who cry "wolfcoins"  you wont be either believed OR helped 'next time' so you may as well no bother!

Ans seriously  @sharoneedles .... a fifth of a Btc which is well over $30 USD!!!    What's your game?  :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sharonneedles on April 09, 2013, 04:59 pm
Looking for .2 to buy some cannabis oil to help with a gastro problem...

That's a bummer shaz  :(  Medical schemdical  :o  We ALL have 'medical problems' we treat with  our DOCs  ;D

  May I ask why you think it fine to ask for about $30 from a stranger...with NO comments about paying it back?

Can you possibly why you think this thread IS a 'charity' of some sort?

Coz it AINT!   It's for members to help other members AND EITHER "pay them back OR if they say it's cool. 'pay it forward'

You said 3 days ago you were "just waiting for the bank to open" so you could get more Btcs  ???

Sadly there are too many people who post here, get the coins they want, and say NADA, not even to apologise for being a bit late returning the funds  :o

You KNOW who you are, and like the kids who cry "wolfcoins"  you wont be either believed OR helped 'next time' so you may as well no bother!

Ans seriously  @sharoneedles .... a fifth of a Btc which is well over $30 USD!!!    What's your game?  :-\

Yeah I'm currently outside my country of residence and finding it extremely difficult to get hold of btcs. Today for instance I bought ukash vouchers and when I tried to redeem them they were frozen because of being "suspicious" I didn't use TOR of course so it must have been the dealership or something to do with the service... And so I've been resolving that issue all day with no avail.

These are just my problems and not the problems of others and I accept that, I don't like the fact that I have to post here to beg for some coins. I hope that I'll be in a position soon where I can come here and give back in monetary form, I've certainly been trying to give back by becoming active within the community. And you're right about asking for too much, I asked for the price of what bitcoin were a few days ago. I require .04 for anyone interested in helping. If not then thanks anyway. Have a good one, Sharon :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: curiositymatrix on April 09, 2013, 04:59 pm
I'm no serial beggar to this thread, and to date have contributed more coins than I've asked - (in the 60's of this thread's page history, and then some far older)

So, 2 bit-cents, anyone? I offer back the same, or the assurance I'll contribute to this thread when I find myself a little over :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on April 09, 2013, 05:23 pm
I'm no serial beggar to this thread, and to date have contributed more coins than I've asked - (in the 60's of this thread's page history, and then some far older)

So, 2 bit-cents, anyone? I offer back the same, or the assurance I'll contribute to this thread when I find myself a little over :)

If you are still asking after I helped out, then yea.   :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: curiositymatrix on April 09, 2013, 05:33 pm
I'm no serial beggar to this thread, and to date have contributed more coins than I've asked - (in the 60's of this thread's page history, and then some far older)

So, 2 bit-cents, anyone? I offer back the same, or the assurance I'll contribute to this thread when I find myself a little over :)

If you are still asking after I helped out, then yea.   :P

My bad! somehow completely missed your post, despite it being exactly after mine.
I'm taken care of thanks to the box of shapes :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on April 09, 2013, 06:37 pm
i could use 6 bitcoins   :P

Last week you needed 12.

Maybe next week you'll only need 3.

And by then end of the year you'll need 1/3.

well that's my plan  LMAO!!   ::)



Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on April 09, 2013, 06:39 pm
i could use 5 BTC's  :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Nod4Less on April 09, 2013, 07:17 pm
I could use .04 - pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease!!  Send to jshizzle23 - will pay back later today/tomorrow (waiting for some people to finalize)


Got you back!  Thanks sir!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: HEATFan on April 09, 2013, 07:43 pm
I could use .04 - pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease!!  Send to jshizzle23 - will pay back later today/tomorrow (waiting for some people to finalize)


Got you back!  Thanks sir!!

No problem. You give some, you get some :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on April 09, 2013, 08:04 pm
i could use 5 BTC's  :P
What if I gave you a wallet with .1, but you could only open it in 5 years.  By that time Btc will be worth 10k and you would have the amount you were looking for.   :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kingoftheroundtable on April 09, 2013, 08:25 pm
bump for this awesome thread I've got abt. 02 coins left to donate!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: donatto on April 09, 2013, 08:34 pm
No more left to give, sorry fellas, gotta wait next coins batch
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on April 09, 2013, 08:44 pm
@ BoxofShapes

I would Gratefully take that  :)

and i would keep it ..left untouched for the full 5 years...

then i would open that wallet and smile or cry  :)

either way..that would be fun  :P



Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on April 09, 2013, 08:50 pm
This is so funny to me, I'm going to try and figure out a way to do this. 

If nothing else I'll make you swear on top of my 90 degree angles you won't open the box until.   :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on April 09, 2013, 10:04 pm
LOL  ok i'm ganme if you are  :)



Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on April 09, 2013, 10:55 pm
you all do know that i'm just kidding around when i say "i could use 12..6...9..5...bitcoins"  dont ya'll?





Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: HEATFan on April 10, 2013, 12:58 am
you all do know that i'm just kidding around when i say "i could use 12..6...9..5...bitcoins"  dont ya'll?






WTF? You're kidding? Then send me back the 12 BTC I sent... and the 6BTC.... and the 5BTC....
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on April 10, 2013, 01:03 am
WTF? You're kidding? Then send me back the 12 BTC I sent... and the 6BTC.... and the 5BTC....

Done :)

sent to SR screen name H33TF4n




Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Nod4Less on April 10, 2013, 01:08 am
I ended up short on an order of mda and would really appreciate it if someone can send me 0.025 btc. It's such a hassle to deposit a small amount of money so I will repay you on my next order. Thx

If you guys are gonna ask for spare coin, which I (and we) are happy to help you out with in the spirit of SR -- please for the LOVE OF GOD give us an SR screen name or a bitcoin address.... lol

Thanks!  (done in my best Chris Farley voice)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: eworkjr on April 10, 2013, 01:10 am
Earlier I sent 220 from blockchain and only 210 has shown up. I think I didn't factor the miners fee. Is there anyone that could give or lend me .1? Or can any one spare a few .0X amounts I can pay back if you need it. Was looking to place an order with FarmGuy this night.

 My name on sr is eworkjr. thank you to anyone who can help
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tommytucka on April 10, 2013, 01:53 am
So I just made a deposit for an order. THought I overestimated it, but turns out after fees, etc. I'm 3 cents short. I'd really appreciate it if someone, or multiple people could help me out with a cent or 3. I'll try and make it up to you sometime in the future

SR username is xanatrix
btc address is 14348op8fK4W6W4nX1J9yZUGokJrRYECik

Cheers my fellow silk roaders
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: nightsmoke on April 10, 2013, 03:23 am
Only need about 12 cent for a order, if anyone can spare 0.01 I would appreciate it

SR user: NightSmoke
btc addy: 16k5qzUACFfSRecqycfZnpoqDPp6w8kaiB

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on April 10, 2013, 03:45 am
Only need about 12 cent for a order, if anyone can spare 0.01 I would appreciate it

SR user: NightSmoke
btc addy: 16k5qzUACFfSRecqycfZnpoqDPp6w8kaiB


So I just made a deposit for an order. THought I overestimated it, but turns out after fees, etc. I'm 3 cents short. I'd really appreciate it if someone, or multiple people could help me out with a cent or 3. I'll try and make it up to you sometime in the future

SR username is xanatrix
btc address is 14348op8fK4W6W4nX1J9yZUGokJrRYECik

Cheers my fellow silk roaders

sent to both of you. no idea what 3 cents is in bitcoins so i made an educated guess... shout back if you're still short.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Nod4Less on April 10, 2013, 03:55 am
I think SR can handle BTC beyond .01 (which at $200/btc is $2) - so .12cents would be .006 (@ $200/btc)?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: nightsmoke on April 10, 2013, 03:58 am
sent to both of you. no idea what 3 cents is in bitcoins so i made an educated guess... shout back if you're still short.

Thanks a lot ron, just placed my order.

I got 0.00948 btc if any1 needs, I'm not sure the minimum amount of btc you can send, but hopefully I can help someone else in need, or if u want ron post your btc address and I'll send to you

thanks again
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tommytucka on April 10, 2013, 04:06 am
Only need about 12 cent for a order, if anyone can spare 0.01 I would appreciate it

SR user: NightSmoke
btc addy: 16k5qzUACFfSRecqycfZnpoqDPp6w8kaiB


So I just made a deposit for an order. THought I overestimated it, but turns out after fees, etc. I'm 3 cents short. I'd really appreciate it if someone, or multiple people could help me out with a cent or 3. I'll try and make it up to you sometime in the future

SR username is xanatrix
btc address is 14348op8fK4W6W4nX1J9yZUGokJrRYECik

Cheers my fellow silk roaders

sent to both of you. no idea what 3 cents is in bitcoins so i made an educated guess... shout back if you're still short.

I should have been clearer, I was .03btc short. Whatever you sent was worth .01, so thanks for that! anything helps. Much appreciated man. just 2 bitcents to go now...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: nbomber on April 10, 2013, 04:38 am
Only need about 12 cent for a order, if anyone can spare 0.01 I would appreciate it

SR user: NightSmoke
btc addy: 16k5qzUACFfSRecqycfZnpoqDPp6w8kaiB


So I just made a deposit for an order. THought I overestimated it, but turns out after fees, etc. I'm 3 cents short. I'd really appreciate it if someone, or multiple people could help me out with a cent or 3. I'll try and make it up to you sometime in the future

SR username is xanatrix
btc address is 14348op8fK4W6W4nX1J9yZUGokJrRYECik

Cheers my fellow silk roaders

sent to both of you. no idea what 3 cents is in bitcoins so i made an educated guess... shout back if you're still short.

I should have been clearer, I was .03btc short. Whatever you sent was worth .01, so thanks for that! anything helps. Much appreciated man. just 2 bitcents to go now...
I can spot you the last .02BTC
Pay it back, pay it forward, either one works. If you're gonna pay it back, my SR username is the same as my forum username.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lamplamp on April 10, 2013, 05:39 am
Am 0.05 btc short on an order, if someone can help me out I will pay back 0.07 by Friday.

SR name is lampshadezz

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: SinningSaint on April 10, 2013, 05:52 am
I'm .067 BTC short for my order... which I was a little hesitant to post about on this thread since that's a good $15 or so. Not really spare change for anybody. Worth a shot though?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Nod4Less on April 10, 2013, 07:15 am
Am 0.05 btc short on an order, if someone can help me out I will pay back 0.07 by Friday.

SR name is lampshadezz


Gotcha!  I got you and sinningsaint confused - so I sent you .067 accidentally.  Thanks for putting your SR name and wallet address - makes it a lot easier to send you the looty...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lamplamp on April 10, 2013, 07:51 am
Am 0.05 btc short on an order, if someone can help me out I will pay back 0.07 by Friday.

SR name is lampshadezz


Gotcha!  I got you and sinningsaint confused - so I sent you .067 accidentally.  Thanks for putting your SR name and wallet address - makes it a lot easier to send you the looty...

Thanks! Much appreciated. I'll get back at you asap with 0.08.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: SinningSaint on April 10, 2013, 07:55 am
My bad Nod4Less, thanks for replying to my thread btw  8)
username: Princess Prospero
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: uberdope on April 10, 2013, 03:11 pm
Can i ask for a little donation please?

The thing is. I´m currently unemployed and somewhat poor. You would think i would ask to get an order done but i stopped doing drugs and smoking some weeks ago as i do not feel right. More kinda like ill and smoking i will never start again because i want to reach a certain age as i have still things to do in this life. Any financial help would be much appreciated.

SR Username: MADT

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: TheDude413 on April 10, 2013, 03:54 pm
I generally stay self-sufficient on SR and if I'm ever short on coin just add more myself, but today I find myself .02 short after a vendor raised pricing while I was getting ready to order.  I usually deposit enough to take this into account but I undershot a little bit and I'm hoping to avoid the hassle and delay of making a second deposit if possible.  Should anyone here be kind enough to send me .02 I will make sure to pay them back in the next few days.  My SR name is the same as on the forums, I would really appreciate a helping hand! 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: HEATFan on April 10, 2013, 04:14 pm
I generally stay self-sufficient on SR and if I'm ever short on coin just add more myself, but today I find myself .02 short after a vendor raised pricing while I was getting ready to order.  I usually deposit enough to take this into account but I undershot a little bit and I'm hoping to avoid the hassle and delay of making a second deposit if possible.  Should anyone here be kind enough to send me .02 I will make sure to pay them back in the next few days.  My SR name is the same as on the forums, I would really appreciate a helping hand! 

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: TheDude413 on April 10, 2013, 04:18 pm
Many thanks HEATfan!  I really appreciate the fast help and I will make sure to hit you back!  +1 karma as well.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: HEATFan on April 10, 2013, 04:20 pm
Many thanks HEATfan!  I really appreciate the fast help and I will make sure to hit you back!  +1 karma as well.

No problem. For your sake I hope BTC is not at $1000 when you get ready to repay ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: TheDude413 on April 10, 2013, 04:34 pm
haha right!?  I keep waiting for the bubble to burst but it just keeps growing and growing...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: oNLiN3fR3aK on April 10, 2013, 05:17 pm
Can i ask for a little donation please?

The thing is. I´m currently unemployed and somewhat poor. You would think i would ask to get an order done but i stopped doing drugs and smoking some weeks ago as i do not feel right. More kinda like ill and smoking i will never start again because i want to reach a certain age as i have still things to do in this life. Any financial help would be much appreciated.

SR Username: MADT


lol - please check this out, click on his user-name, and afterwards on his posting-history so far....  ;D LOL  ;D LOL  ;D
Please make sure to pay attention to everything! he has to say....  ;D

_edit: but anyway - he already received 29.67133 BTC when checkin´
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: uyjulian on April 10, 2013, 10:04 pm
Can I ask for a little donation?

SR username: julialy


Thanks :-)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: TheHubble on April 10, 2013, 11:44 pm
So I was doing some simple math to find out how much I needed to buy some goods. The price for the product was 0.23 + 0.02 (shipping). Now I may have been stoned for most of my math classes in high school, but that does not equal 0.26

But apparently it does (I'm guessing the cause was the numbers past the hundredths place that SR pricing doesn't show). Next time I'll just do it all on the checkout cart so I know for sure how much I need but right now I am 0.00233077 BTC short and would really appreciate a donation.

Thanks a million

Username: NativeArtifact
Bit Address: 19T1HsehrXn23iv2jjGAQYcpCQJpTrER8F

Edit: Now it cost 0.27  :'( am now 0.01233077 short from purchasing can someone plz help me out I will pay you back asap
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: TheDude413 on April 11, 2013, 02:04 am
So I was doing some simple math to find out how much I needed to buy some goods. The price for the product was 0.23 + 0.02 (shipping). Now I may have been stoned for most of my math classes in high school, but that does not equal 0.26

But apparently it does (I'm guessing the cause was the numbers past the hundredths place that SR pricing doesn't show). Next time I'll just do it all on the checkout cart so I know for sure how much I need but right now I am 0.00233077 BTC short and would really appreciate a donation.

Thanks a million

Username: NativeArtifact
Bit Address: 19T1HsehrXn23iv2jjGAQYcpCQJpTrER8F

Edit: Now it cost 0.27  :'( am now 0.01233077 short from purchasing can someone plz help me out I will pay you back asap

It does look like funny math, but I think the discrepancy is due to the inability of the cart/check-out algorithm to calculate beyond the 2nd decimal place so instead it rounds the 3rd decimal up or down to zero.  I notice it working in my favor more often than against, but it rarely becomes an issue - in the rare times it does cause a problem, we're lucky to have a place like this to find temporary assistance.  Heatman was crucial in helping get my order in earlier today, and I have .015 leftover in my account thanks to his timely generosity.  I just sent it to you, hope everything else with your order goes smoothly.

Hman I'll make sure to hit you back when I re-deposit and can repay you all at once.  Unfortunately the ironically timing (considering my comment this morning) of the Bitcoin plummet is going to delay my next planned purchase as I don't risk losing any more of my recreation budget to unpredictable currency fluctuations. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: motek on April 11, 2013, 03:10 am
I think this thread is very cool...but sadly many folks who "promise to pay it back in a few day" ....DO NOT!

As a result, many of the members who used to be VERY helpful AND generous, No longer came here to  offer help :'(

It's NOT the money !! .... it IS the 'principle'  ....  IF you SAY you're gonna do it ... DO IT  or  just make a quick post/pm to let your benefactor know they have NOT been 'forgotten'

Many a fine friendship has been made through the TRUST people have and demonstrate upon The road  8)

I'll gladly, as would many,  help out the folks who DO this .... and I've learned for a small price ... who's lost their help from motek  and many other good members :P

n.b.  It's interesting to see who posts here now, most are folks with <100 posts and haven't been members for very long! 
Although I understand with the crazy Btc movements while learning the "ropes of the Road" can/is daunting to a noob ... it certainly was for motek!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on April 11, 2013, 03:21 am
Well Said  :)

i been giving off and on for a bit...some through here some through PM's
i'm big on the karma IRL :)

i Like Your Words  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on April 11, 2013, 03:38 am
I totally agree.  When you see the thread operating like it's meant to be, its a work of art to me!  I've had some great pm's with people, I might not have crossed paths with otherwise. 

It's great to just know there are people (not all :P) out there you will never meet in person, or ever will, that can be trusted on blind faith to do what's decent.

I need reminders sometimes....

@CC I haven't forgotten about makin pandora's box!  I know your kidding but I'm not!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on April 11, 2013, 03:45 am
No, i am very serious...hmmm...could we set it up...something like this..maybe for a newbie gift box...LOL  i dont kbow how to do it...but i will donate...1/2 bitcoin for this....i dont want this for myslef..lets do something big for others...put yur luminum cap on and gimme some input  :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on April 11, 2013, 03:47 am
Pandoras Box 4 Newbies!!!

oh we can do this  LOL
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RoxorsMyBoxors on April 11, 2013, 03:50 am
Wow, this is quite the place we have going here :).  It is nice to still see some people who care about others enough to lend out their two cents, with or without expecting a return.  I would be more than happy to offer my services up to anyone needing some spare change :).  I have noticed the general generosity amongst the vendors, I would hope that the consumers would be able to show some appreciation as well.  With this being said; I am not a miner, and most certainly am not rich, but if you're short, give me a holler :).  Hey, I truly do believe in karma.  Maybe if we all held similar values... things would be different?  Either way, I'm not on all day, every day, but you can find me on here enough :p.  Send a pm, or message on the road.  The name's the same.
Hope everyone is doing well through this little "hiccup" bitcoin is experiencing.  I can imagine we could all use a little spare change right now :/. Keep ur heads up and ur minds open.

Wanted to give a shoutout to TheBudFather (You're the shit man), All Drugs Uk (also, another kickass vendor), and NW Nugz (I will be tasting your deliciousness soon :D ).
Oh, and of course, DPR (look up the word BOSS, that's him/her :) )

Well, sweet dreams everyone!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on April 11, 2013, 03:53 am
LOL   :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Nod4Less on April 11, 2013, 03:53 am
I think this thread is very cool...but sadly many folks who "promise to pay it back in a few day" ....DO NOT!

As a result, many of the members who used to be VERY helpful AND generous, No longer came here to  offer help :'(

It's NOT the money !! .... it IS the 'principle'  ....  IF you SAY you're gonna do it ... DO IT  or  just make a quick post/pm to let your benefactor know they have NOT been 'forgotten'

Many a fine friendship has been made through the TRUST people have and demonstrate upon The road  8)

I'll gladly, as would many,  help out the folks who DO this .... and I've learned for a small price ... who's lost their help from motek  and many other good members :P

n.b.  It's interesting to see who posts here now, most are folks with <100 posts and haven't been members for very long! 
Although I understand with the crazy Btc movements while learning the "ropes of the Road" can/is daunting to a noob ... it certainly was for motek!

I can't disagree with what you say - but I think if anyone comes in with the expectation that you're going to be paid back, you're setting yourself up for fail.  I just tell people to pay it forward every time, that way if they do pay it back, it's a nice little surprise and I usually can pay it forward myself too -- becomes a win-win.

Thanks to everyone who does donate/loan to others - you represent the awesomeness that is the Silk Road.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on April 11, 2013, 03:58 am
Never asked to be paid back..   LOL   No Need  :)

 BoxofShapes   PM me and lets discuss a plan for this please  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on April 11, 2013, 04:22 am
No, i am very serious...hmmm...could we set it up...something like this..maybe for a newbie gift box...LOL  i dont kbow how to do it...but i will donate...1/2 bitcoin for this....i dont want this for myslef..lets do something big for others...put yur luminum cap on and gimme some input  :P

HA.  well.... it did kinda start out as a joke, and it was going to be specifically to you, but the box can be altered!  The main idea I had was a small investment into a box and bury it for a while.  (I said 5 years? no less than 1 and even then I wouldn't feel like its time.)  Take out the box and unleash the giants in due time when btc are taller than they are now!  Maybe make that wallet give out spare change?

Really stress the "small investment" part.  .5 is crazy face!  Was thinking 1 coin max too, but we can see where this goes. 

I don't have shapes to give right now, but would love to throw a block in when I can.

This box needz sleep! 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on April 11, 2013, 04:24 am
Never asked to be paid back..   LOL   No Need  :)

 BoxofShapes   PM me and lets discuss a plan for this please  :)

NOO!!!!! SLEEEEEP now gb
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: TheHubble on April 11, 2013, 04:38 am
So I was doing some simple math to find out how much I needed to buy some goods. The price for the product was 0.23 + 0.02 (shipping). Now I may have been stoned for most of my math classes in high school, but that does not equal 0.26

But apparently it does (I'm guessing the cause was the numbers past the hundredths place that SR pricing doesn't show). Next time I'll just do it all on the checkout cart so I know for sure how much I need but right now I am 0.00233077 BTC short and would really appreciate a donation.

Thanks a million

Username: NativeArtifact
Bit Address: 19T1HsehrXn23iv2jjGAQYcpCQJpTrER8F

Edit: Now it cost 0.27  :'( am now 0.01233077 short from purchasing can someone plz help me out I will pay you back asap

It does look like funny math, but I think the discrepancy is due to the inability of the cart/check-out algorithm to calculate beyond the 2nd decimal place so instead it rounds the 3rd decimal up or down to zero.  I notice it working in my favor more often than against, but it rarely becomes an issue - in the rare times it does cause a problem, we're lucky to have a place like this to find temporary assistance.  Heatman was crucial in helping get my order in earlier today, and I have .015 leftover in my account thanks to his timely generosity.  I just sent it to you, hope everything else with your order goes smoothly.

Hman I'll make sure to hit you back when I re-deposit and can repay you all at once.  Unfortunately the ironically timing (considering my comment this morning) of the Bitcoin plummet is going to delay my next planned purchase as I don't risk losing any more of my recreation budget to unpredictable currency fluctuations. 

Thanks a lot dude! Unfortunately, it is now at 0.28 btc -.- got to be kidding me..

Edit: If anybody could send me exactly 0.00733077 so that I can get to that 0.28 btc for my order that would be really appreciated.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: SinningSaint on April 11, 2013, 05:34 am
Edit: If anybody could send me exactly 0.00733077 so that I can get to that 0.28 btc for my order that would be really appreciated.

Sent! :)
After the bitcoin value decrease today, I'm way too far from my needed funds to even try lol
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: TheHubble on April 11, 2013, 05:38 am
Edit: If anybody could send me exactly 0.00733077 so that I can get to that 0.28 btc for my order that would be really appreciated.

Sent! :)
After the bitcoin value decrease today, I'm way too far from my needed funds to even try lol

Much gratitude my friend! I hope you ground score a 100 dollar bill soon ^^
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: motek on April 11, 2013, 07:16 am
I can't disagree with what you say - but I think if anyone comes in with the expectation that you're going to be paid back, you're setting yourself up for fail. 

Yeah man I agree ... look at my sig  ;)
I just tell people to pay it forward every time, that way if they do pay it back, it's a nice little surprise and I usually can pay it forward myself too -- becomes a win-win.

Yeah I'm good if they do that too, BUT, I speak of those who you only see 'asking' 10x for every 'offer' they (might ::)) make!    Like I said, it aint the dough, it's d fuckin PRINCIPLE!!!

This started out as a place where folks could ask for 'help' due to unforseen fluctuations of price of product/value of Btcs or the myriad of  other silly reasons we  get 'stuck a few coins short" .... and as the Shapely Box says, and I couldn't agree More!
When you see the thread operating like it's meant to be, its a work of art to me!  I've had some great pm's with people, I might not have crossed paths with otherwise.

It's great to just know there are people (not all :P) out there you will never meet in person, or ever will, that can be trusted on blind faith to do what's decent.

And now Btc prices have become so high 0.1 btc is around $2 .... which sometimes is nothing ....  BUT  "how many people are ONLY $2-4 short?"

And sadly, SO can ANY of us .... the point being that IF the person I gave coin to doesn't "pay it on" ... well, they CAN pay it back to me ... possibly with the thought that, by DOING SO they might save me the 'need' to come onto this thread and beg a few bits of coin :o 

Fortunately I've had some fine members help me out, and they have ALL been recompensed as promised  :D ... ans usually a bit more ... coz I appreciate folks like that ... PLUS they too now have a new 'supporter' who will help out if possible

It's funny/sad that a dude asking for 0.04 btc the other day, who got no response, got pissed off,  BUT, as I mentioned, I ONLY had 0.03 to spare, which is 'why' I helped the other person...there was  NO thing personal about it at all

But it's much like building a solid relationship with your vendors .... you treat them well, be polire and pay on time, they respond to pm's, be polite AND supply what they 
say they will, when they say they will .... AND EVERYONE'S HAPPY  ;D 8) Damn Fine  IMO

P.S  I wouldn't have written this IF i didn't want to see it's return to 'better  daze'  :D
  I hope folks realize the true value of the 'respect and trust'  and the "opportunity" we have to share the love with each other, here in these forums and on The Road  :D

+1's to all you contributors  who 'help as they can' with either/both, coin or comment  8) 8) 8)   I LIKE your styles ... thank you all for caring  8)

motek  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: fanfuckingtastic on April 11, 2013, 07:27 am
Hey, If anyone can spare .03BTC my girlfriend and I will be forever in your debt, even after I pay you back :) please and thank yous

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Hiding on April 11, 2013, 07:29 am
Fanfuckingtastic...what is your Sr username?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: fanfuckingtastic on April 11, 2013, 07:33 am
Sent you a pm. You are a life-saver if you are sending me coin.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: fanfuckingtastic on April 11, 2013, 07:37 am
You're the best, my friend. I will gladly repay you once I get btc.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Hiding on April 11, 2013, 07:37 am
FanFuckingTastic, I sent you over .04, to mildly protect fluctuation.

Pay back whenever and enjoy.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: fanfuckingtastic on April 11, 2013, 07:39 am
I had already thought about that and i added the .003 to the need .027, thank you though. You are the greatest human on the face of this earth and my girlfriend will love you for helping me get her a new Fake ID :D.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: motek on April 11, 2013, 08:52 am
hey fanfuckingtastic  welcome to the road ... just please be cool and not tell anyone where the ID  ;) came from ...

loose lips sink ships = people talk about you (jealous :-\)  and only you suffer in the end ... after  all the SR IS fanfuckingtastic ... so do what you can to help keep it that way  8)

All the best bro and dont forget ya new mate  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: calicojak on April 11, 2013, 08:56 am
Hey guys I was wondering if anyone would be able to graciously loan me 5 bucks? I would most likely be able to pay it back by Tuesday. Thanks so much in advance....My SR name is the same.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: motek on April 11, 2013, 09:35 am
  I've got ya back jack  ;)  (calicojack that is ;D) 
I hope that sorts you out mate  :)

And please help me restore my faith in this threads value ok bro  :D 8)

 By that I mean, please DO keep your word and pay it back, so I can help someone else another time ... sadly I'm still waiting on a few "promise I'll pay you back your loan  + extra  in 3-4 days ...thanks again brother"  type people to DO what they say, please :D
 (and give this karma whore more karma whooore! :o)  ;D

P.S  and not  trying to make anyone feel guilty  ::) but those coins to calico have now made my account zero for the first time  :o so sorry I cant help anyone else .... peace love and happy dreams
motek  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: pkizenko98 on April 11, 2013, 10:43 am
First time coming across this thread.  It's a very nice idea.  I love when people show love and share.  Keep spreading the love!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: zerocrush on April 11, 2013, 10:48 am
i have .59 btc in my mtgox account that i cant withdraw because my account is not verified and that was my last eighty dollars spent... i tried to get verified and im 18720 in the que  :o can anyone spare any coin? id be so damn appreciative...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: betaraybob on April 11, 2013, 02:17 pm
hey everyone, was hoping to get some help this morning. i am short .01 btc right now and that might even change in the next few minutes to nothing but for right now, i need it. anyone willing to help would earn my eternal gratitude. cheers, bob.      SR name is same as my forum.  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kingoftheroundtable on April 11, 2013, 03:39 pm
Thanks to the huge drop in value I am now 5 bucks short on an order I planned to place this morning if anyone could help me out and donate the btc as soon as I get my paycheck I will payback double the loan. If anyone could help I'd appreciate it so much Sr username is roundtableknight. Thank you in advance!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: calicojak on April 11, 2013, 04:16 pm
  I've got ya back jack  ;)  (calicojack that is ;D) 
I hope that sorts you out mate  :)

And please help me restore my faith in this threads value ok bro  :D 8)

 By that I mean, please DO keep your word and pay it back, so I can help someone else another time ... sadly I'm still waiting on a few "promise I'll pay you back your loan  + extra  in 3-4 days ...thanks again brother"  type people to DO what they say, please :D
 (and give this karma whore more karma whooore! :o)  ;D

P.S  and not  trying to make anyone feel guilty  ::) but those coins to calico have now made my account zero for the first time  :o so sorry I cant help anyone else .... peace love and happy dreams
motek  :)
I woke up this morning and took a look at my account and couldn't help but smile because of of how great this community is!

Thank you motek! +1 and no doubt I will pay you back my friend. ;)

Seriously man, this place is unlike any other,in more ways then one! 8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on April 11, 2013, 04:16 pm
Ahhh! I want to buy some cookies but I'm $2 short with this crash. If anyone could help me out I'll give you $10 in a week when I reup with some more BTC's. SR username is the same. Thank you!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on April 11, 2013, 04:33 pm

Sent you the shape of .01 each.  All I got  :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on April 11, 2013, 04:37 pm

Sent you the shape of .01 each.  All I got  :P

BoxofShapes you're the fucking man. I got you with $10 in a week. Count on it.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on April 11, 2013, 04:48 pm

np guy! You're the ice cream man!


Beautiful rant!  Thanks for throwing some life in this place!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kingoftheroundtable on April 11, 2013, 04:55 pm
Thank you box I appreciate it
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: fanfuckingtastic on April 11, 2013, 05:48 pm
hey fanfuckingtastic  welcome to the road ... just please be cool and not tell anyone where the ID  ;) came from ...

loose lips sink ships = people talk about you (jealous :-\)  and only you suffer in the end ... after  all the SR IS fanfuckingtastic ... so do what you can to help keep it that way  8)

All the best bro and dont forget ya new mate  ;)

You can count on me not to let it slip. I wasn't planning on it in the first place..

your'e a fanfuckingtastic person motek, this thread is epic beyond belief. I will kindly be paying back my debtor when I get more.

Take care
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: HEATFan on April 11, 2013, 08:53 pm
Hey guys,

I've never posted here asking for money before but I have given money out many times - in fact, many people still owe me from this thread, but that's neither here nor there. I figure its finally time I try to use this wonderful resource as well.

I was hoping to get an order placed before nightfall today and I'm .85BTC short at the moment. That a lot, I know. I'm definitely good for it, in fact, I'll probably have it back to you as soon as tonight (16 hours from now).

If you could please send it to my SR username (MiamiHeat1990) or the tip address in my signature that would be awesome. Thank for the consideration!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kingoftheroundtable on April 11, 2013, 08:59 pm
Thanks again box of shapes but thanks to the steady decline of bitcoin value I now have less than I had when you donated me the. 01 :( I need to buy a listing quick but I'm back to being five bucks short again :( if anyone could help I'd appreciate it and I will pay them back double the amount and asap and I still plan on paying box of shapes back two dollars for the one he gave me! Thanks again
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: motek on April 12, 2013, 12:54 am
thanx Boxman the moral support is much appreciated .... just maybe we'll get this thread back on track!

And thanx for the reply's the thought that counts! (and the bitcoins that pay for some of those thoughts! lol)

Take care all you wonderful people who care enough to help others ... and to all the people who DO pay it back .... you're all champions of  'the cause'

C'mon all you unique SR members ... lets MAKE the trust and caring THE NORM!

nuch love  motek
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: that1guy on April 12, 2013, 02:23 am
wow.. what a drop in btc... leaving me .2 short on an order if anyone wants to help an old fool out.. send coin directly to mhaven.. can post wallet addy if need be.. thanks in advance!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: SinningSaint on April 12, 2013, 07:40 am
I wish I would have just bought some BTCs when I was only .067 short a few days ago. I'm now .22 short.
Tips on ways I can safely buy online with paypal? (used ebay once, way too overpriced)

+ Donations? lol

-- Edit : Bought .25 BTCs on ebay, yet again I am 0.05 short of my order....
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thegalactica420 on April 12, 2013, 09:27 am
edit nevermind
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: autobondon on April 12, 2013, 06:49 pm
heyyyy i realllly need .22btc real quick and i will pay back .25 on monday

only reason im asking here is bitcopia is down and its currently my only way of getting btc right now

sr username is autobondon
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: HEATFan on April 13, 2013, 01:50 am
Hey guys im a little short on shipping.. Does any one have 3 or 4 bucks to spare for a few days??   Also to the guy above, Have u  ever tried using bitinstant? Maybe its not availabe in your country i dunno, just trying to help..

My SR user Name is


Thanks if anyone can help.. Iv been here a long time and always look out for the ones who dont mind lending a hand..thanks..msg me and let me know who u are if someone can help me..thank u guys

Sent ya what was left in my account.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Purple_Hue000 on April 13, 2013, 01:54 am
hey could someone please help me out with at least 0.03 btc to cover shipping please? I'd really appreciate it thanks!

my sr username
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thegalactica420 on April 13, 2013, 04:48 am
Okay lets try this again, is there anyway someone could lone me .032 btc? its just about $3 usd and i will absolutely pay it back as soon as possible, if btc start going back up it should be just a few days. i really hope in the future i will have enough to help out people for their first purchases on the beautiful site we all know and love.
the user name is   battlestar420
Thanks everyone :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mollyfan on April 13, 2013, 05:33 am
i have .89 BTC left...

If you loan it to me, I'll repay 1.15 in either the current rate, or the then-current rate, whichever is higher.


So I loaned someone money thinking I could help out others on this forum... Then he logs off and doesn't log back in... Oh well
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: motek on April 13, 2013, 07:17 am
If you loan it to me, I'll repay 1.15 in either the current rate, or the then-current rate, whichever is higher.

Hmmm That's a fair wack of Btc AND 2 weeks is just a bit too long without ANY kind of pm or something  :-\

 Have you clicked on his user name to see when he last logged in?
 If it hadn't been since then, he MIGHT be having some 'serious' problems and just cant for the moment (I always give folks the 'benefit of the doubt, coz crazy unexpected shit does happen!  BUT  "only once!"))

As for yourself,  'molly fan' , firstly all I have to give today is +1 karma ... which is gladly yours, and I say 'thanks for coming back'  and letting 'us' the good guys, know about members like this  8)
coz I'll at least 'try and restore' your good faith when I get a chance ...dont you hesitate to post here and ask  .... you'd be surprised at the empathy and sympathy MANY of 'us' have for you ....  and we'll help when we can  ;)

AND ... if you come back and let us know IF he's logged in since then AND still failed you .... well, not ONLY has he fucked himself .... I'm one of your 'new friends' who WILL HELP YOU if/when I get the chance, If/when you ever need it.

 And I reckon there's a few others out there like me  ;)

LET US EXPOSE THESE FUCKERS so they no longer find this thread ANY use for them, while the 'rest of us' who DO as we Promise .... will look after each other if/when we can  8)

P.S  Can you believe  "Godness 420" who I gave some coin to, (about $5 but still, she said she was fucked without it!)
 after I asked her why she didn't "return it" as she 'appeared in the Karma thread earlier today" she tried to put it ALL "back on me"

and THEN, she 'asked'  ME  "why I didn't I pm HER  FIRST  to ask this question!   I told her I 'believed that was HER RESPONSIBILITY!" and that I shouldn't HAVE TO "chase up promises"  >:( :(

  And SO then said,  she had "accidentally deleted"  BOTH her posts AND the  account listing which was from me!"      Yeah Right!        And I'm Ron Paul/DDW :o

  And then, when I said I had  checked her posts, and asked her "why she ONLY ASKS FOR  Btcs  and yet, HAS NEVER HAS GIVEN ANY? EVER?"
  she said she didn't BOTHER checking this thread 'very often' as she doesn't 'need to' ....

                                                                                 "hey to whomever loaned me the Btc last week, I've lost your details, so could you get back to me via pm and we'll sort it out?"   

But NO, not a peep until she 'appeared' on the +KARMA thread with a "Heeeey everyone +1 to ALL of you, have a Great day" which is where/when I poked her, and asked these questions!

  :(  Mofo's who intentionally "say one thing AND DO another" should be PUBLICLY EXPOSED for THEIR SELFISHNESS AND GREED!!!

Thanx again Mollyfan for "joining the A+ team" of  members who  GENUINELY Care ... as I reckon you do .... and if  I could I would get my BF to "extract" your Btc' from that slacker IF  Sleepeyes was available ..... He LOVES fucking cunt's do the guys he rides with  ::)

 Hope it sorts out and i dont have to read these stories of members blataly lying and ripping off other members/vendors ..... you're ALL VERY LUCKY this place aint RL  >:(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on April 13, 2013, 09:39 am
List of Users who have lent coins -


If I forgot anyone please add to list so we know who the true og's are. Thank you!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: HEATFan on April 13, 2013, 09:51 am
i have .89 BTC left...

If you loan it to me, I'll repay 1.15 in either the current rate, or the then-current rate, whichever is higher.


So I loaned someone money thinking I could help out others on this forum... Then he logs off and doesn't log back in... Oh well

Hi MollyFan,

I'm sorry to hear about that :(

Give it some time my friend, I have lent the very same person, sleepyeyes, over 1BTC in the past and he has indeed returned it to me. So if his past is any promise of his future I think you will be okay. Hang tight :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: motek on April 13, 2013, 10:31 am
 And a +1 dan the ice man! ;o)   And an Icecream cool post bro, cheers!

And yeah I'll keep the narky posts where they belong ....  I just find karma whoring for cash/Btc here,  a bit.....bit, selfcentered  imo!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: SinningSaint on April 13, 2013, 10:41 am
List of Users who have lent coins -


If I forgot anyone please add to list so we know who the true og's are. Thank you!
I've lent coins...But it was a really small amount so I don't think I deserve to make the list haha.

But, to those users, you guys are the best! Thanks for helping make this thread the way it is.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: phoboss on April 13, 2013, 10:54 am
Hi there all my SR friends and foes I need 2, full btc from someone if you've got it in your heart to give me the 2, btc I'll pay you back double when hell freezes over ok so my name on SR is the same on here cos I've nothing to hide so 2, btc till hell freezes over then you get double back now who would give you a better deal than this plus I might even let you into a secret about pigs flying too cheers my friends and foes hope not to hear from you soon
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on April 13, 2013, 11:20 am
List of Users who have lent coins -

SinningSaint    ++++
Jmnemonic     ++++

If I forgot anyone please add to list so we know who the true og's are. Thank you!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: motek on April 13, 2013, 12:18 pm
Hey dan maybe you could go back through some posts and see who hasn't paid as well?!

You can add Jmnemonic as a givertoo...lovely guy yourself!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thecrackhead on April 13, 2013, 01:34 pm
Hey guys, I'm short 0.036 on shipping. Could anyone spare the coins? Thank you in advance, good to see that people are actually using the topic I've started.

Take care guys.

crackthehead is my username on the road.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on April 13, 2013, 01:52 pm
Crackhead - I don't mean to sound mean when I say this, but weren't you going to kill yourself like a month ago? I read your other thread, what happened?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on April 13, 2013, 02:07 pm
@ crackthehead

Check yur account  :)



Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on April 13, 2013, 02:09 pm
and Welcome back CH  :P



Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thecrackhead on April 13, 2013, 02:23 pm
Thank you, good to be back. A frend told me that you're going to die anyway so why bother do it yourself.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on April 13, 2013, 02:31 pm
i know that feeling....

sent ya 0.03600000 Hope it helps  :)

oh, i might need to borrow 15 BTC's  :P

Peace @ crackthehead


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on April 13, 2013, 02:35 pm
Thank you, good to be back. A frend told me that you're going to die anyway so why bother do it yourself.

Well I'm glad your still with us and glad that you're still on the forums buddy. Good to see you around!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mayhem15 on April 13, 2013, 03:06 pm
Good morning everybody. I was just browsing over this thread and I was amazed by the generosity in this community.

Not here to borrow any coins, just here to say that I have been moved by a community which has no true face, yet is able to trust in random people when there is no guarantee of return. +1 to all the good people here when I can.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: motek on April 13, 2013, 03:10 pm
thanks, come and join us if you can ever afford it!  And welcome,a +1 for your thoughts mayhem :o)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on April 13, 2013, 03:18 pm

Wonderful to have you back man.  This thread is something magical!  Glad you can see your thread work as intended!


Nice to have ya!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mayhem15 on April 13, 2013, 03:19 pm
Thanks for that,  plan to as soon as prices go down which I highly doubt will be  anytime soon. Much love.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: motek on April 13, 2013, 03:25 pm
Box of Shapes ...... I like your style  8) 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on April 13, 2013, 03:36 pm

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on April 13, 2013, 04:22 pm
 ???  :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Hiding on April 13, 2013, 04:28 pm
Long before I found this thread, or rather, before it existed, I had extraordinary luck loaning to people who were just in the forum making threads, asking.

At that time, bitcoins were $5-10 but what is most incredible, every single person who I loaned to, paid me back. I recently loaned to someone in this thread and we'll see if the 100% stays or goes.

And to those of you fuck heads who don't pay back more than $5 loans, fuck you.

Almost any of us can afford a $5 hit, hell some of us took 50%/$100+ hit with btc fluctuation. However, if you intentionally borrow $20-80 and don't repay it, I hope karma finds a way to drop your wallet/purse somewhere.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: yokes101 on April 13, 2013, 04:41 pm
I'm short on an order by 0.08
If someone is can spare that it would be much appreciated!  ;D

SR User name: Yokes101

Much Love!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sorasgaze on April 13, 2013, 06:34 pm
Can anyone spare 0.07 btc? Will return the generosity in the future. :)

SR name is the same as here, sorasgaze. Thanks!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DaFrizzle on April 13, 2013, 06:45 pm
Hello to those reading this and considering the kind act of sharing with those of us in need :).

I'm trying to place an order but miscalculated(>_<), and im currently short just 0.03 BTCs.

If anyone is able and willing to send me 0.03 or 0.04 BTCs it would be greatly appreciated.

My username is: DaFrizzle
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on April 13, 2013, 07:17 pm
Hello to those reading this and considering the kind act of sharing with those of us in need :).

I'm trying to place an order but miscalculated(>_<), and im currently short just 0.03 BTCs.

If anyone is able and willing to send me 0.03 or 0.04 BTCs it would be greatly appreciated.

My username is: DaFrizzle
what is your account address? :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DaFrizzle on April 13, 2013, 07:24 pm

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on April 13, 2013, 07:34 pm
sent :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DaFrizzle on April 13, 2013, 07:45 pm
sent :)

Thank you very much!

RS sent me some coins! /vouch for his(or her) amazingness :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on April 13, 2013, 08:03 pm

If at all possible im short 2 bucks, iv got 13 an some change and i thought that was enough for shipping but the guy only offer priority and i had no idea it coast 15+ for it now.

So if any one has 2 bucks to spare for a little while i would be greatly thankful and will pay it back soon as i re up. I have my account settings to show $ amounts not BTC so i m not sure how much 2 bucks is in btc.

If u can help out any one my name is

Anonymousman on SR thanks very much
sent :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sorasgaze on April 13, 2013, 08:36 pm
Can anyone spare 0.07 btc? Will return the generosity in the future. :)

SR name is the same as here, sorasgaze. Thanks!

Self-bumping, this thread has never worked for me but I don't really feel like going out to deposit 7 dollars so I'll keep trying. Anyone? I'll pay you back Friday if necessary.
SR Address: 13EDiF4QkqBJZrcn5qRDfAtpyJhUBiyprL / sorasgaze
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on April 13, 2013, 08:39 pm
Can anyone spare 0.07 btc? Will return the generosity in the future. :)

SR name is the same as here, sorasgaze. Thanks!

Self-bumping, this thread has never worked for me but I don't really feel like going out to deposit 7 dollars so I'll keep trying. Anyone? I'll pay you back Friday if necessary.
SR Address: 13EDiF4QkqBJZrcn5qRDfAtpyJhUBiyprL / sorasgaze

check yur account i sent wut i could  :)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: kyotosong on April 13, 2013, 10:28 pm
hey y'all, i know it might be a bit much to ask... but i'm lacking .30btc (market dip hit me baaaad) on my purchase and i can't buy anymore btc until the 25th. if there's anyone out there willing to help a gal out, it would be greatly appreciated! would be paid back on the 25th with a little interest. anything helps, so, just let me know! SR name: kyotosong
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Nod4Less on April 14, 2013, 01:35 am
hey y'all, i know it might be a bit much to ask... but i'm lacking .30btc (market dip hit me baaaad) on my purchase and i can't buy anymore btc until the 25th. if there's anyone out there willing to help a gal out, it would be greatly appreciated! would be paid back on the 25th with a little interest. anything helps, so, just let me know! SR name: kyotosong

$30??!!  Wish I had it to give!

Speaking of - it may be time to adjust the OP to something less than 1BTC as the 'limit' - that was probably put there when BTC''s value was somewhere between $5-$15 - not $100 - that's a little presumptuous to think you can ask for $100, because it says it's ok on the OP.

Just my 1.873718844812271e-4 BTC (aka two cents - lol)...

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: AnonymousAddict on April 14, 2013, 02:13 am
Anyone got 3 bucks to spare? will repay back 5 next week if needed, short on order cuse of these damn coins up and down...

Months ago i was getting them for 5 and 12 bucks..i bought 200 worth for 5 and when they jumped to 12 when i bought them so low i thought i hit pay day, so i kept 100 off in another account and ended up with a 1000 buks a while back...

Now its lke the coins dont know which way is up or down...anyway a littl e help..would be greatfull..

SR name Anonymousman
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sorasgaze on April 14, 2013, 02:26 am
Can anyone spare 0.07 btc? Will return the generosity in the future. :)

SR name is the same as here, sorasgaze. Thanks!

Self-bumping, this thread has never worked for me but I don't really feel like going out to deposit 7 dollars so I'll keep trying. Anyone? I'll pay you back Friday if necessary.
SR Address: 13EDiF4QkqBJZrcn5qRDfAtpyJhUBiyprL / sorasgaze

check yur account i sent wut i could  :)



Thanks, I don't see anything yet though, does it take a while to receive?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on April 14, 2013, 02:36 am
Thanks, I don't see anything yet though, does it take a while to receive? should have arrived to your account within minutes...

i just sent More BTC's to your Screen-Name...

both times it has said "Payment Sent"  never had any problem before ???



Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on April 14, 2013, 02:37 am
I agree. $30 isn't the amount of spare change I would find in my couch.  I've been this short on quite a few transactions and just decided to deal with it on my own.  If I had that much of a gap on what I had my eye on then it's just not meant to be.  It turned out for the better each time.

$2?  God, that's way too annoying to have to go through the whole process of getting more coins.  I would so hope someone would help me out because everyone knows how much of a pain it is.  Also, very few people aren't going to actively hate you if you don't give them their ass pennies back.  It's nicer on my brain to leave with that feeling. 

I admit I've done some bigger loans I should have never considered.  I was a little star eyed with the thread when I eventually asked and was helped.  However, most were people I felt had established themselves pretty well, and were worth giving a chance.  (yes everyone put their shapes back in the box!  You people are amazing!!!!  I also feel very lucky!)

Anyway, just trying to say the things that make common sense to me, so no one leaves this place pissed because variable X didn't happen.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on April 14, 2013, 02:41 am
Anyone got 3 bucks to spare?

SR name Anonymousman

Have some shapes!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on April 14, 2013, 02:43 am
B.O.S.  :)

not too sure they were able to see wut i sent earlier..LOL
sent some  more to them just now ..which was a larger ampount ..that they should...see...  LOL storage for the wallet?  heck i have no clue how we would roll with this.. LOL 




Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on April 14, 2013, 02:53 am
CC! Your generosity astounds me.

I'll be up for a while.  I'm 1/2 working right now, but almost done.  I'll put the time for research in a min.  I'm sure there is a simple solution to this.

Something just to encrypt the wallet address and the pw.  I know I can't memorize one of those.   :P

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sorasgaze on April 14, 2013, 03:33 am
Thanks, I don't see anything yet though, does it take a while to receive? should have arrived to your account within minutes...

i just sent More BTC's to your Screen-Name...

both times it has said "Payment Sent"  never had any problem before ???




That's pretty weird, logged out and logged back in to see if that'd work but it still says I have the same amount I had in the first place ( ฿0.00152787 ) Oh well, thank you though for your generosity. :)
I'll keep waiting, if it doesn't show up then oh well,
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: kyotosong on April 14, 2013, 03:35 am
hey y'all, i know it might be a bit much to ask... but i'm lacking .30btc (market dip hit me baaaad) on my purchase and i can't buy anymore btc until the 25th. if there's anyone out there willing to help a gal out, it would be greatly appreciated! would be paid back on the 25th with a little interest. anything helps, so, just let me know! SR name: kyotosong

$30??!!  Wish I had it to give!

Speaking of - it may be time to adjust the OP to something less than 1BTC as the 'limit' - that was probably put there when BTC''s value was somewhere between $5-$15 - not $100 - that's a little presumptuous to think you can ask for $100, because it says it's ok on the OP.

Just my 1.873718844812271e-4 BTC (aka two cents - lol)...


just thought i'd ask. i had no ill intentions what so ever... and every intention on paying back with a quite a bit of interest (diligently deserved for being so damn generous). i could always purchase something else for cheaper, but i'll be honest, i don't want to. i really am very sorry if my request offended anyone.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on April 14, 2013, 03:54 am
I wasn't pointing fingers.  I certainly wasn't saying you were not worth lending money to.  I just hate to see people get discouraged when they can't get what they need or a good hearted person get ripped off.  (sleepyeyes  :( ) 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: kyotosong on April 14, 2013, 04:07 am
I wasn't pointing fingers.  I certainly wasn't saying you were not worth lending money to.  I just hate to see people get discouraged when they can't get what they need or a good hearted person get ripped off.  (sleepyeyes  :( )

i could give you my sob story of why i could be a little discouraged, but it's not your problem. it never hurts to put yourself out there, though... which is why i asked. karma principle, i guess. but then again, who am i? no one here knows me, so, i completely understand where anyone who read my post was taken aback. it was more of a small loan request and not a 'spare change' post. i know there was no finger pointing, but i just wanted to make it know that there was really no ill intention. sometimes people lack the filter from the brain to the mouth, or in my case, the keyboard.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on April 14, 2013, 04:09 am
That's pretty weird, logged out and logged back in to see if that'd work but it still says I have the same amount I had in the first place ( ฿0.00152787 ) Oh well, thank you though for your generosity. :)
I'll keep waiting, if it doesn't show up then oh well,
first i sent ---> 0.00009726
then i sent --> 0.00126279

might not be enough for ya to see in your account...sorry's all i have at the moment.



Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sorasgaze on April 14, 2013, 04:16 am
That's pretty weird, logged out and logged back in to see if that'd work but it still says I have the same amount I had in the first place ( ฿0.00152787 ) Oh well, thank you though for your generosity. :)
I'll keep waiting, if it doesn't show up then oh well,
first i sent ---> 0.00009726
then i sent --> 0.00126279

might not be enough for ya to see in your account...sorry's all i have at the moment.




Nope, I have the option that shows the BTC in USD, I would've noticed it, then I changed the view option back to btc and it was still the same amount I had in the first place, it's not your fault, I'm sure you sent it, I wasn't saying you didn't send anything. :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on April 14, 2013, 04:20 am
hang tight....workin on moving some clue why ya dont see it though...twice been sent...i'll send one more your screen name right?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on April 14, 2013, 04:21 am
Click account-->account history.  You can see everything that entered or left the wallet in the recent history.  Don't go by whats at the top next to your account cause that changes like the tides.

You can also check the address in
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on April 14, 2013, 04:27 am
that is odd...i see both transactions on my end ...but they say 0.00  ???
i'm gonna send you 0.11111111  LOL
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sbmafia on April 14, 2013, 04:50 am
I have 90 cents if someone REALLY needs it lol
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on April 14, 2013, 04:55 am
sorasgaze i sent 0.11111111 to you....sorry ya'll am tapped out at the moment.
stay tuned for episodes of "the courtship of eddies father" & "Leave It To Beaver"




Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sorasgaze on April 14, 2013, 05:01 am
that is odd...i see both transactions on my end ...but they say 0.00  ???
i'm gonna send you 0.11111111  LOL

I got $11 that just showed up, thanks man! I only needed like 0.07, would you like me to return the leftovers to you?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on April 14, 2013, 05:03 am
if you can..that would be nice   :)  or just give it back when ya can  :)  ya know or see who sent right?

just send back to that person  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sorasgaze on April 14, 2013, 05:12 am
I'll do so tomorrow morning, waiting on a friend to reply about shipping to his address. Thanks. :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on April 14, 2013, 05:14 am
Yur Very Welcome  :)

Enjoy  & Be Safe



Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sbmafia on April 14, 2013, 05:22 am

Yes is has!

 :P :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: kyotosong on April 14, 2013, 05:24 am
i am no longer a friend in need. they know who they are, and i thank them!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: motek on April 14, 2013, 07:19 am
Y'all getting +1 from me .... It's beautiful to see this thread up and running again

Great work...ALL of you (well, almost ALL of you!)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: zipstyle on April 14, 2013, 08:41 am
Hello everyone, just stopping by to ask for $5, .0549450 BTC

Same name on the marketplace as here. Thank you in advance!
I will be getting some coins in next week so I will be sure to pay ya back :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on April 14, 2013, 09:08 am
 :( $14 short, anybody willing to loan me 0.14 btc for the weekend?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: yokes101 on April 14, 2013, 12:47 pm
I'm short on an order by 0.08
If someone is can spare that it would be much appreciated!  ;D

SR User name: Yokes101

Much Love!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: zipstyle on April 14, 2013, 04:33 pm
Hey, just wanted to post back to say that another kind and generous soul lent me the coins I needed.

Thanks anyways! :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: slash on April 14, 2013, 06:43 pm
hi everyone

I was about to buy a bit of weed  at this very moment and Im 0.005 short of bitcoin
if anyone can help me out I d more than happy
as we say "what goes around comes around"
my pseudo on silk is federer69


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: slash on April 14, 2013, 07:16 pm
bumping this one


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Nod4Less on April 14, 2013, 10:17 pm
hi everyone

I was about to buy a bit of weed  at this very moment and Im 0.005 short of bitcoin
if anyone can help me out I d more than happy
as we say "what goes around comes around"
my pseudo on silk is federer69


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: slash on April 14, 2013, 10:45 pm
hi everyone

I was about to buy a bit of weed  at this very moment and Im 0.005 short of bitcoin
if anyone can help me out I d more than happy
as we say "what goes around comes around"
my pseudo on silk is federer69



thank you so much dude

you r a top man

I dont know if you believe in any religion
but your place is definitely going to be HEAVEN

I wont forget your name!!


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: incognito22 on April 14, 2013, 11:10 pm
I need $3 to get some mystical LSD

I'm not expecting anything but if someone(s) wants to spare me $3

my Sr username is also incognito22
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on April 14, 2013, 11:34 pm
incognito22  check yur account...
pay back when you can...we're tryin to do something good for all here...if ya dont pay will go on the list...period
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: incognito22 on April 14, 2013, 11:36 pm
incognito22  check yur account...
pay back when you can...we're tryin to do something good for all here...if ya dont pay will go on the list...period
shit man whyd you send me $11???

i only needed $3!

i will pay you back for sure AsAP.  thank you so much.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: incognito22 on April 14, 2013, 11:41 pm
I guess by giving me $11 I will be able to pay you back through bitcoin inflation in the upcoming days which will most likely happen.  Correct?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Joey Terrifying on April 14, 2013, 11:45 pm
hey guys,

i'm looking for a LOAN of .07 BTC so I can buy a half gram of DMT from RogerPete.  I am a long time deemster, but can't get the materials to extract my own.  I would have had enough money, but BitInstant held my money hostage for a week and then ripped me off for $100 bucks.  some of the coin i received was allotted for other things, but now i'm getting really nervous that i might not have any DMT for the summer.  mainly because the company that hosts my private mailbox is going out of business on May 1st and i'm scrambling to find another receiving address.  I still got 2 weeks tho which should be plenty for a domestic order.

.07-.10 BTC loaned to me would be VERY much appreciated.

been here since november 2011, and this is my first time begging.  I have given money to other beggars in the past.  hoping someone might take a chance on me.

thanks for reading this far!!

BTC address:  17JUv1d5VbFfVXNKN1DNbbHc1cvwu8CabK
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on April 15, 2013, 12:15 am
incognito22  check yur account...
pay back when you can...we're tryin to do something good for all here...if ya dont pay will go on the list...period
shit man whyd you send me $11???

i only needed $3!

i will pay you back for sure AsAP.  thank you so much.

"Cuz The Gods Told Me Too.

That is All.

When You Pay Back, Please...if you a little for the next needy person  :)



Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Joey Terrifying on April 15, 2013, 01:57 am
disregard my plea,

i think i got it under control
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on April 15, 2013, 02:07 am
still $14 short, anybody willing to loan me till monday?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on April 15, 2013, 02:35 am
still $14 short, anybody willing to loan me till monday?

send to who?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: motek on April 15, 2013, 02:56 am
look bro/sis...lets git one thing straight...i sent you bitcoins...i'll tell ya this one time...
ya borrowed $11.00   please pay back $13.00  or $14.00

Absofuckinlutely I couldn't agree more!  8)

This place is "called" the "Spare coin thread"  but in reality it's more a way to go about developing relationships with other people here, and share the love ... not get raped!

It's ALL about the 'principle'  and being able to "trust a complete stranger" to the point they no longer are 'strangers' coz you've BOTH shared the love and looked after those who helped you ;)

Good stuff chemcat  .... I've already +1 ya and they wont let me again yet .... or I would :P

Nice one bro, take it easy  8)


P.s. FYI   You send the coins to the persons SR nym NOT their wallet ... and sometimes if it says "no such username" or somesuch, it's often becoz there's a 'space' before you entered the nym ...that little gap caused me much mindfuck trying to send someone some coins

PPS  Godness420 shouldn'y be on the list ... she HAS actually said in  her posts elsewhere she has NEVER GIVEN ANYONE any coin in this thread .... and even IF it's only  $2 ...that's $2 I can't give to someone else who might "need it" just like  he/she/it did  ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on April 15, 2013, 02:58 am
still $14 short, anybody willing to loan me till monday?

send to who?

RS7FI8ZRkm or 114SZoLdTYUvzRqJbLnRrrJhetdkvPNiaW :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on April 15, 2013, 03:04 am
still $14 short, anybody willing to loan me till monday?

send to who?

RS7FI8ZRkm or 114SZoLdTYUvzRqJbLnRrrJhetdkvPNiaW :-*

SENT!!  :P

maybe more was sent...send back to who sent to you...remember..this is karma...

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on April 15, 2013, 03:09 am
where is my box of shapes??

i need ya my broke as of now...fuckers keepm takin coins and not giving..for fucks sake people...give a little to the compassion fund!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on April 15, 2013, 03:21 am
still $14 short, anybody willing to loan me till monday?

send to who?

RS7FI8ZRkm or 114SZoLdTYUvzRqJbLnRrrJhetdkvPNiaW :-*

SENT!!  :P

maybe more was sent...send back to who sent to you...remember..this is karma...

:) thank you very much brother chemcat,  I'll have you repaid tomorrow sometime. :-* till then be easy, an again thank you.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: iwouldlikethat on April 15, 2013, 04:23 am
where is my box of shapes??

i need ya my broke as of now...fuckers keepm takin coins and not giving..for fucks sake people...give a little to the compassion fund!!
does that mean you need someone to loan you some coins? i only have .1 right now, but if you can pay me back (tomorrow or the day after since i hope on buying something) i could send you that? i think it's cool you're helping out a lot of people here.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Hiding on April 15, 2013, 04:31 am
No iwouldlikethat, that wasn't Cat's intention at all.

If you plan on buying something this week, get your goods and maybe if you have some change leftover from that deal, donate to Chem Cat's CoinShare Fund, or come into this thread and offer it up.

Alternately, just hold onto it for your next purchase.

I have $3.80 right now but I'm planning on holding it until Friday for a friend who is getting on to order soon. He may need it. If not, I may bring it in here or drop it off at the Chem Cat Newbies-In-Need Foundation.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: iwouldlikethat on April 15, 2013, 04:37 am
No iwouldlikethat, that wasn't Cat's intention at all.

If you plan on buying something this week, get your goods and maybe if you have some change leftover from that deal, donate to Chem Cat's CoinShare Fund, or come into this thread and offer it up.

Alternately, just hold onto it for your next purchase.

I have $3.80 right now but I'm planning on holding it until Friday for a friend who is getting on to order soon. He may need it. If not, I may bring it in here or drop it off at the Chem Cat Newbies-In-Need Foundation.
oh okay. I just saw he was lending out a lot so I thought I'd offer.
thanks for letting me know, I think I might do that if I have some left over.

That's a good idea.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ghettohmbrglr on April 15, 2013, 06:22 am
i hating asking for this but i do need a little help  :-[  i thought about placing an order before i went to work today but decided i would rather be on time and didn't want to mess with GPG and all that.. anyways i was able to afford my item before i went to work and now with the slight drop in BTC value I am two dollars short. If some generous individual were to send me $3-4 it would be appreciated greatly, not only by myself. i would absolutely pay the person back should they ask but please understand I only buy coins once every 2-3 weeks it is a hassle, long drive and no transportation of my own.. so it isn't likely i could pay you back for another couple weeks.. hope that's cool.

sr username ghettohmbrglr
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on April 15, 2013, 06:34 am
sr username ghettohmbrglr

This Box haz sum shapes 4 u
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ghettohmbrglr on April 15, 2013, 06:49 am
Order placed! thanks Box you're a bro.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on April 15, 2013, 06:58 am
I'm not a bro!  A box is a shape!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on April 15, 2013, 07:34 am
My Sibling B.O.S.  :)

GM  My Sibling!!


now that yur here...i'll take leave and get some sleep  :P



Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on April 15, 2013, 07:42 am
B.O.S. , Thank You/
Everyone, if you can //please donate so that myself and BoxOfShapes can keep helping you all :)

Much Love,

ChemCat & BoxOfShapes  :)

B.O.S. , we got our first donation of .50 bitcoins.. 

gave over that away though  LOL

pm me please, i'd like to speak with you about this  :)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: motek on April 15, 2013, 10:31 am
i hating asking for this but i do need a little help  :-[  i thought about placing an order before i went to work today but decided i would rather be on time and didn't want to mess with GPG and all that.. anyways i was able to afford my item before i went to work and now with the slight drop in BTC value I am two dollars short. If some generous individual were to send me $3-4 it would be appreciated greatly, not only by myself. i would absolutely pay the person back should they ask but please understand I only buy coins once every 2-3 weeks it is a hassle, long drive and no transportation of my own.. so it isn't likely i could pay you back for another couple weeks.. hope that's cool.

sr username ghettohmbrglr

Now, In my opinion, this is a perfect example of a good noob request for help.

The person sounds honest, isn't asking for much i.e  less than 5 dollars (which he got, and if he sticks to his words and comes back in a few weeks, BUT ALSO he's in a place/space where he can't 'give it back' for 2-3 weeks and honestly said so ... which might lessenn his chances with some peeps  :-\  In fact, for 'the av erage buyer, more than 2 weeks to return coin without giving a 'reason' (preferably funny/sad/realistic, worthy of even being considered of 'interst'  ;D0 at least, is poor BitcoinSharingThread etiquette,

 tHIS DUDE,  he's my kind of guy,  "If  he  doesn't  'forget' and kept his word, and then  if  there's a 'next time he needs some help, folks can have a look at his track record and say 'yeah' he's they kind of dude who keeps the 'principles' of  PLUR of this this place alive ... and that's fuckin cool in my opinion  8)... ;D ... and his chance of gettiing help goes up

SHARE the LOVE   EveryOne ....please just dont come here to 'take ,or you'll be taking the chance of possibly incurring  'The Wrath of the Motek'  a truly terrifying monster that eats 'greedy btc predators'  :o  She's best avoided ... I've heard she also has like minded f(r)iends  :o

Now Go Forth and SHARE, 'tis a beautiful thing, for it IS 'greater to give' ;D 8)   but imo it's equally FU to say you will and dont  >:(  so just keep your words as honest as possible and the love will come your way ;)

And GO HARD boxmon and chemcat, I very much like the idea of what you're trying to do, not sure 'how' it's gonna work, but hey, I like your style 8) Plus ones when the chance recomes :)

m m m motek ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on April 15, 2013, 10:45 am

Thank You & We Like You Too  :)

If ya have a few hundreths oif a coin...please feel free to Donate to The Cause  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kingoftheroundtable on April 15, 2013, 05:45 pm
Hey all back to thid thread after donating a few coin i am now just 12 dollars shirt of getting an order from a new vendor with some great prices if anyome could help i would appreciate it so much and will pay back 20 on thursday. Thanks in advance
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on April 15, 2013, 06:15 pm
You ask a lot purple_hue.  Maybe it's time to figure something out for yourself, cause no one has this problem as much as this. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: saitekman12345 on April 16, 2013, 12:36 am
If someone can send 0.0006 BTC to 18VhhciE75uDymfgJAV7QqZoKb4M2XjiCz
that would very awesome! 0.0006 = $0.04 USD, !!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on April 16, 2013, 12:42 am
thanks for the loan chemcat, repaid you :)

If someone can send 0.0006 BTC to 18VhhciE75uDymfgJAV7QqZoKb4M2XjiCz
that would very awesome! 0.0006 = $0.04 USD, !!

gotta withdraw at least 0.001 to an address.. anyway sent :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: saitekman12345 on April 16, 2013, 12:48 am
thanks for the loan chemcat, repaid you :)

If someone can send 0.0006 BTC to 18VhhciE75uDymfgJAV7QqZoKb4M2XjiCz
that would very awesome! 0.0006 = $0.04 USD, !!

gotta withdraw at least 0.001 to an address.. anyway sent :)
Thanks alot man!
May karma be on your side for years!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on April 16, 2013, 12:53 am
@BoxOfShapes Don't think I forgot about you! I'll have some coins in a few days and get you back with those shapes, buddy.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: weed4me6969 on April 16, 2013, 12:57 am
Hey everyone, let me just start by saying that i am a loyal SR member, and need help from another loyal member.  I had 1.25btc in my account.... i then had sent $300 to a SR vendor to get the right amount of coins so i could get 2 oz for 420....well, he only sent 3 bitcoins when the price per btc was $92, and let me remind you that i paid all the fees!!! but like i said i am now $30 short and am just devastated....I really need to place the order today to ensure delivery by friday! 

If anyone does choose to donate to my account, pm me, it will not go unnoticed or unpaid...I know there are people out there like me and i AM a man of my word!!!

here is my adress:   1J2wRCDamgSkW32KpxVgdhGYbHRH9qDyeE

my SR name is weed4me6969

please pm me if you send anything as i would like to maintain relationships with decent people.  I also have decent plugs on 30's and adderalls...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on April 16, 2013, 01:15 am

No worries!  Not really enough to put a dent in the box.  Throw the shapes back in when ya can, and the box will hope to find a good use for them!


Awesome work space cowboy!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: athent on April 16, 2013, 05:42 am
Sent you what should cover it I hope.

I got you :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on April 16, 2013, 06:05 am
You are amazing athent!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Mike Hunt on April 16, 2013, 07:37 am
I am short a .01

Can anyone afford it and get double back with in 5 days?


Thanks guys
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: White 0ut on April 16, 2013, 08:40 am
$0.70cents  from a fellow SR'er would really help right about now  ;D

Thanks in advance & let me know who to thank!

Address in sig...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on April 16, 2013, 10:48 am
List of Users who have lent coins -

Athent            ++++   

If I forgot anyone please add to list so we know who the true og's are. Thank you!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Nod4Less on April 16, 2013, 11:02 am
I am short a .01

Can anyone afford it and get double back with in 5 days?


Thanks guys

Done and done...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: SinningSaint on April 16, 2013, 12:34 pm
$0.70cents  from a fellow SR'er would really help right about now  ;D

Thanks in advance & let me know who to thank!

Address in sig...
Sent .011 BTC. Hope that's enough :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thecrackhead on April 16, 2013, 06:01 pm
I'm short 0.08 on shipping guys, not going to refill for £4. Could anyone please spare the shipping cost? You know I'll pay it forward...

crackthehead on the road.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: athent on April 16, 2013, 06:13 pm
@thecrackhead - sent :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thecrackhead on April 16, 2013, 07:47 pm
@thecrackhead - sent :)
Thanks man, +1
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: that1guy on April 16, 2013, 11:11 pm
This may be asking too much and no worries if it is.. Am short .13BTC  Will wait a few days and hope for a market fluctuation if need be but if someone is willing to give, I am willing to receive.. Thank you in advance, hope to pay it forward..  addy: 19GPhMFeHi61izus7wykFNPLiZibnZZBkt
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thegalactica420 on April 17, 2013, 01:13 am
Hi everyone, im currently dealing with a vendor refusing to cancel my order and i dont believe he ever even shipped it ill go to the resolution center once available but i just had an amazing offer for the same product from a legit vendor but i need .12 btc or about $8 usd. im going to be getting more coins on Thursday assuming bitinstant has things figured out otherwise ill find some where else but it would be beyond amazing if someone could lone me this right now so i dont miss out. I plan to put aside about $30 to repay boxes of shapes who already graciously loaned me some btc this week and to pay back any other loans i get in the near future. i will happily pay back 10+ on this $8 loan if at all possible. the username is battlestar420. thank you all so much, long live the road!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: JakkTheKipper on April 17, 2013, 01:56 am
Hi everyone, im currently dealing with a vendor refusing to cancel my order and i dont believe he ever even shipped it ill go to the resolution center once available but i just had an amazing offer for the same product from a legit vendor but i need .12 btc or about $8 usd. im going to be getting more coins on Thursday assuming bitinstant has things figured out otherwise ill find some where else but it would be beyond amazing if someone could lone me this right now so i dont miss out. I plan to put aside about $30 to repay boxes of shapes who already graciously loaned me some btc this week and to pay back any other loans i get in the near future. i will happily pay back 10+ on this $8 loan if at all possible. the username is battlestar420. thank you all so much, long live the road!

I don't have the full amount spare but I'll send over my last 0.05. Hopefully someone else can kick in the rest :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: athent on April 17, 2013, 02:07 am
@thegalactica420 I'll spot you the rest of the .12! Sending now
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thegalactica420 on April 17, 2013, 04:32 am
Hi everyone, im currently dealing with a vendor refusing to cancel my order and i dont believe he ever even shipped it ill go to the resolution center once available but i just had an amazing offer for the same product from a legit vendor but i need .12 btc or about $8 usd. im going to be getting more coins on Thursday assuming bitinstant has things figured out otherwise ill find some where else but it would be beyond amazing if someone could lone me this right now so i dont miss out. I plan to put aside about $30 to repay boxes of shapes who already graciously loaned me some btc this week and to pay back any other loans i get in the near future. i will happily pay back 10+ on this $8 loan if at all possible. the username is battlestar420. thank you all so much, long live the road!

I don't have the full amount spare but I'll send over my last 0.05. Hopefully someone else can kick in the rest :)

@thegalactica420 I'll spot you the rest of the .12! Sending now

you guys are amazing!!!! im still just blown away with the road, i love how everyone always helps everyone else out. i should be able to pay you guys back on friday im going to do a deposit on thursday and you know how sometimes it can take a little while to get them into your account. your both going to get karama everyday from me when i hit 100 posts! thanks again you guys made my day :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: theman22 on April 17, 2013, 12:39 pm
could anyone spot me .02?

ill return the favor on next top up
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: theman22 on April 17, 2013, 01:08 pm
could anyone spot me .02?

ill return the favor on next top up

never mind its all good  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Diz on April 17, 2013, 03:15 pm
.05 short on an order due to this beautiful thing we call the USD/bitcoin exchange rate. Any help would be great. My username on SR is Diz or a donation to 1L9CLZWaHssgUemnTFwM4TJtcKjFjTbPXz would also be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: JakkTheKipper on April 17, 2013, 04:03 pm
Hi everyone, im currently dealing with a vendor refusing to cancel my order and i dont believe he ever even shipped it ill go to the resolution center once available but i just had an amazing offer for the same product from a legit vendor but i need .12 btc or about $8 usd. im going to be getting more coins on Thursday assuming bitinstant has things figured out otherwise ill find some where else but it would be beyond amazing if someone could lone me this right now so i dont miss out. I plan to put aside about $30 to repay boxes of shapes who already graciously loaned me some btc this week and to pay back any other loans i get in the near future. i will happily pay back 10+ on this $8 loan if at all possible. the username is battlestar420. thank you all so much, long live the road!

I don't have the full amount spare but I'll send over my last 0.05. Hopefully someone else can kick in the rest :)

@thegalactica420 I'll spot you the rest of the .12! Sending now

you guys are amazing!!!! im still just blown away with the road, i love how everyone always helps everyone else out. i should be able to pay you guys back on friday im going to do a deposit on thursday and you know how sometimes it can take a little while to get them into your account. your both going to get karama everyday from me when i hit 100 posts! thanks again you guys made my day :)

Don't worry about paying it back, it's fine :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: acidsoldier on April 17, 2013, 07:11 pm
Hi bros,

I have amazing oportunity to try good product and I need only 0,1 btc to do this... I will return it as soon as my national transferer will work ! :) Hope that someone helps me -> it's my wallet here 13DEoSWmXxgHbJmfWRcGU27T2PYTK557Jx  I'm quite reputable user so hope that it wouldn't be problem ! Much love,

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: athent on April 17, 2013, 09:02 pm

Just sent 0.1 to your address. Enjoy your product :))
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on April 17, 2013, 09:16 pm
.05 short on an order due to this beautiful thing we call the USD/bitcoin exchange rate. Any help would be great. My username on SR is Diz or a donation to 1L9CLZWaHssgUemnTFwM4TJtcKjFjTbPXz would also be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on April 17, 2013, 09:21 pm

List of Users who have lent coins -

JakkTheKipper ++++               

If I forgot anyone please add to list so we know who the true og's are. Thank you!

A grand amount of thanks 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on April 17, 2013, 09:39 pm
List of Users who have lent coins -

JakkTheKipper ++++               
klm2233 is OG, lent me some coin :).
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on April 17, 2013, 10:21 pm
List of Users who have lent coins -

JakkTheKipper ++++
klm2233  ++++

OG Update!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on April 17, 2013, 10:27 pm
hiya Box  :)

ok here is an update...
we recieved 0.5 bitcoin donation a while ago...i've since donated that plus...

am tapped out right now..will be back on it maybe next week  :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on April 17, 2013, 10:35 pm
Pretty amazing someone did that!  Even better you fulfilled its intention!

This box is pretty low on shapes.  Been really great to see others step up, before the box got folded up for recycling!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: yokes101 on April 17, 2013, 11:13 pm
I'm in need of 0.003 bitcoin if anyone can spare it?
User name yokes101

Much Love!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Repus6 on April 18, 2013, 12:33 am
I'm in need of 0.003 bitcoin if anyone can spare it?
User name yokes101

Much Love!

Still in need?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: iwouldlikethat on April 18, 2013, 12:49 am
I feel kind of bad asking, since this is one of my first posts, but could anyone loan me .03?

I'd pay it back on or before monday most likely.

If anyone feels really generous, I realize it's sort of a lot, this is my address:


thank you

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Repus6 on April 18, 2013, 12:58 am
I feel kind of bad asking, since this is one of my first posts, but could anyone loan me .03?

I'd pay it back on or before monday most likely.

If anyone feels really generous, I realize it's sort of a lot, this is my address:


thank you

Is you SR name the same as here?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: iwouldlikethat on April 18, 2013, 01:01 am
I feel kind of bad asking, since this is one of my first posts, but could anyone loan me .03?

I'd pay it back on or before monday most likely.

If anyone feels really generous, I realize it's sort of a lot, this is my address:


thank you

Is you SR name the same as here?
yes, it is. is that a bad idea to do?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Repus6 on April 18, 2013, 01:03 am
I dunno. Mine is different but a lot of people keep their's the same. Sent the 0.03 to you  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: iwouldlikethat on April 18, 2013, 01:07 am
I dunno. Mine is different but a lot of people keep their's the same. Sent the 0.03 to you  ;D
thanks so much. could you send me a private message here on the forums so that I remember your username and can let you know when I have the bitcoins to pay you back? thanks
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Repus6 on April 18, 2013, 01:12 am
Don't even worry about it! It didn't amount to much. Just pay the favor forward to someone else when you can!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: iwouldlikethat on April 18, 2013, 01:45 am
Don't even worry about it! It didn't amount to much. Just pay the favor forward to someone else when you can!
hey whoa thanks, that's really nice of you. I'll do that!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: AbsintheKitten on April 18, 2013, 03:39 am
SO.. I'm a DUMBASS and did not check the weighted value on Mt. GOX before transferring funds.. I ended up taking a pretty nasty hit of around $60 I know its my own fault.. I just don't have money like that to loose :( This was for an order for a human in the real world..  I'm hoping that with the bit coin on the rise a bit this evening that I can get it up to the amount needed..

 So.. maybe if any one has even tiny amounts to spare.. I hate asking.. But it would help.. I'm now 0.22 btc short as I was able to make another deposit but with fees and the bitcoin in flux.. Yeah.. :(

P.L.U.R.  >^..^<

Same user name AbsintheKitten
wallet 1Db3vzkmFsX26MgL8BrNbCCEs68DW9Yi6g

I WILL pay it forward or back! Your choice...OR when my seller account is set up soon.. add you to the samples list.. :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Repus6 on April 18, 2013, 07:24 am
SO.. I'm a DUMBASS and did not check the weighted value on Mt. GOX before transferring funds.. I ended up taking a pretty nasty hit of around $60 I know its my own fault.. I just don't have money like that to loose :( This was for an order for a human in the real world..  I'm hoping that with the bit coin on the rise a bit this evening that I can get it up to the amount needed..

 So.. maybe if any one has even tiny amounts to spare.. I hate asking.. But it would help.. I'm now 0.22 btc short as I was able to make another deposit but with fees and the bitcoin in flux.. Yeah.. :(

P.L.U.R.  >^..^<

Same user name AbsintheKitten
wallet 1Db3vzkmFsX26MgL8BrNbCCEs68DW9Yi6g

I WILL pay it forward or back! Your choice...OR when my seller account is set up soon.. add you to the samples list.. :D

I'm running low but I'm going to send 0.1 over. I hope it helps!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: AbsintheKitten on April 18, 2013, 07:39 am
OMG, I LOVE YOU Repus5!! I can't + 1 again for 72 hours I hit you this after noon.. DAMN it!   :D  (kittie drools on Repus5)

I so cant wait to see you win that contest BTW!! Everyone else be sure to look up the thread for Nob for his art work.. Repus5 here did a great job!! Get your votes in!

So with the lovely help here from Repus5 I'm nearly there ( and have almost gotten my ass saved.. ) Only 012 btc short.. Come on BTC gain some ground! PLEASE >^..^<
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Repus6 on April 18, 2013, 07:44 am
OMG, I LOVE YOU Repus5!! I can't + 1 again for 72 hours I hit you this after noon.. DAMN it!   :D

I so cant wait to see you win that contest BTW!! Everyone else be sure to look up the thread for Nob for his art work.. Repus5 here did a great job!! Get your votes in!

Lol! I just hope I was able to help you out! Just pay it forward if you can! <3
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: AbsintheKitten on April 18, 2013, 07:50 am
Will DO!! What comes around goes around!! with INTERESTS!  :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: yokes101 on April 18, 2013, 10:35 am
I'm in need of 0.003 bitcoin if anyone can spare it?
User name yokes101

Much Love!

Still in need?

Yep!  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Repus6 on April 18, 2013, 10:38 am
Done kiddo!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: yokes101 on April 18, 2013, 10:43 am
Done kiddo!

Thanks bro!!  ;D +1
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: aussiepp on April 18, 2013, 11:00 am
Ahh I just realized I'm 5c short of my order  :(

Can anyone help me out?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: FramedAgain2222 on April 18, 2013, 05:12 pm
Looks like it's my turn.  I've donated in the past before, immediately before this topic was opened but looks like I'm the one in need this time.

I need .009

Thank you in advance!

SR - DonkeyKong8254
Wallet - 1EjxZzeRp3wR3kHBWvMZ8HGU6QzuyjRuPQ
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: yokes101 on April 18, 2013, 05:21 pm
I can't believe I'm short on an order again!!
I need 0.012 bitcoin for some trips, If you can help me out I will think of you when I'm high.  ;)

Also I will be sure to set aside some extra coin on my next order to repay the generosity of this amazing community!

User name: Yokes101

Much Love!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Fours222 on April 18, 2013, 05:56 pm
Can't believe im short shipping for my order for this weekend! UGHH And now Bitfloor is down.

Anyways im short .11 bitcoins.

Now anyone wanna help the Best Ass Winner and 2nd Place Best Tits  :-* winner out? with .11 Bitcoins? I would be willing to send you the pictures.

Pm Me Please
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: athent on April 18, 2013, 06:27 pm
@yokes101 just sent you .012

@Fours222 Just sent you a pm :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: yokes101 on April 18, 2013, 06:30 pm
@yokes101 just sent you .012

@Fours222 Just sent you a pm :)

Got it! Thanks bro, I will think of you when I'm tripping! +1
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on April 18, 2013, 06:44 pm
I need .009

Thank you in advance!
Have some shapes!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on April 18, 2013, 06:48 pm
List of Users who have lent coins -

Repus6 ++++
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Fours222 on April 18, 2013, 06:52 pm
@yokes101 just sent you .012

@Fours222 Just sent you a pm :)


Still if anyone wants my award winning tits and ass pics Since I offered at .11 BTC I'd do it for that for the next 4 hours only!! I want to get some GHB for my sexy hubby for tha weekend
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: CradleofMILF on April 18, 2013, 07:04 pm
So I spent allorning figuring out how to work bit instant and mtgox only to be .28 btc short of what I need to pay for the.purchase I wanted. If anyone is feeling very generous I can pay you back late tomorrow afternoon.


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: FramedAgain2222 on April 18, 2013, 07:29 pm

Have some shapes!

Beautiful!  Thank you!  I'm sitting at .0003 now but next time I have some coinage I'll return the favours.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: autobondon on April 18, 2013, 10:41 pm
List of Users who have lent coins -

Repus6 ++++

also got afew .1s to give out
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jnemonic on April 19, 2013, 06:39 am
Hi everyone, i just went to place an order, and BTC's dropped a bit, and i ended up being $2.16 short.

Could anyone possibly help me out, and i will return twice the amount early next week. ;)

Hope your all well and have a great weekend. :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: autobondon on April 19, 2013, 06:50 am
whats your sr username?

and whats that like .02 or .03?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jnemonic on April 19, 2013, 06:55 am
whats your sr username?

and whats that like .02 or .03?

Hi AutoBondon, same name.

Its exactly 0.02 btc.

Price of btc is all over the place today, my order is unhedged, so its currently changing.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: autobondon on April 19, 2013, 07:12 am
whats your sr username?

and whats that like .02 or .03?

Hi AutoBondon, same name.

Its exactly 0.02 btc.

Price of btc is all over the place today, my order is unhedged, so its currently changing.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jnemonic on April 19, 2013, 07:21 am
Thank you so much AB. I have you marked and will return your coins early next week. ;)

Awesome thanks again.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: saranottegan on April 19, 2013, 10:36 am
whats the deal with some vendors priority sometimes normal price and up to 15 at times??

Its messing me up and pissing me off.

Im not right arounf 5 bucks short so if anyone can spare it id be greatful and will get it back soon as i can..

SR name Anonymousman                 If no one can give the whole 5 whatever close id be greatful
I've only got .023, but I sent it your way. :)  Happy Friday!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Diz on April 19, 2013, 01:56 pm
Paid back BoxofShapes. Many thanks for the help earlier in the week. More contributions to keep this going will come soon.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: KintaroBC on April 19, 2013, 03:02 pm
I'm short 0.16

Silkroad: KintaroBC
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on April 19, 2013, 04:51 pm
Man this really started my day right. 

Thanks for putting your shapes back in the box Diz!

Thank you as well for doing what ya can Autobondon & Saranottegan!

List of Users who have lent coins -

4tron ++++
Autobondon ++++
Saranottegan ++++

How could I forget 4tron?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: limitlesshorizon420 on April 19, 2013, 06:06 pm
I need $$$ for crack!!!

I'm just kidding, I don't need anything. 

Actually that's not true either.

Can someone please explain to me how I can send coins to another SR users acct. to show some love?(I can't figure it out it always says invalid address)

As soon as BitInstant gets off their arses, I'll have a few coins to spare.  It's nice to see the community being a family.(An anonymous family, how ironic.)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on April 19, 2013, 07:16 pm
Can someone please explain to me how I can send coins to another SR users acct. to show some love?(I can't figure it out it always says invalid address)
You can either send it to their name within SR, or a wallet address that they provide.

The first step is clicking on your account tab.

If sending to a name, I always cut and paste, as there are some crazy names.  You want to put it in the second line that says, "send coins to another member."  Make sure when you copy it there aren't spaces before or after the name as this will give you an error.

If it's a wallet address, then it goes in the first line, that says, "withdraw bitcoins".  The same goes here for spaces.

If that still doesn't work then something is wrong with transfers?  I don't know what advice to give after that. 

Also, you can check to see what you have given and received by going to account-->account history.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: robotrippin on April 19, 2013, 09:03 pm
AA, did you get what you need?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: AnonymousAddict on April 19, 2013, 09:11 pm
AA, did you get what you need?

Robo not all im still short 3 bucks..I wont lie it will be next week before i can add somcoins so i dont wanna mislead you..If u could help id be greatful

SR NAME Anononymousman
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Oddworld on April 19, 2013, 09:43 pm
If anyone could lend me 0.09 btc I would really appreciate it, I will pay back the next time I get coins (about 1 month).


& my SR name is Oddworld

P.S Happy early 420!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: kyotosong on April 19, 2013, 10:48 pm
If anyone could lend me 0.09 btc I would really appreciate it, I will pay back the next time I get coins (about 1 month).


& my SR name is Oddworld

P.S Happy early 420!
AA, did you get what you need?

Robo not all im still short 3 bucks..I wont lie it will be next week before i can add somcoins so i dont wanna mislead you..If u could help id be greatful

SR NAME Anononymousman

i got AA and Oddworld, just pay back when you can :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on April 19, 2013, 10:51 pm
If anyone could lend me 0.09 btc I would really appreciate it, I will pay back the next time I get coins (about 1 month).


& my SR name is Oddworld

P.S Happy early 420!
AA, did you get what you need?

Robo not all im still short 3 bucks..I wont lie it will be next week before i can add somcoins so i dont wanna mislead you..If u could help id be greatful

SR NAME Anononymousman

i got AA and Oddworld, just pay back when you can :)
beat me to it ;D :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: robotrippin on April 19, 2013, 11:11 pm
Wow, I didn't think it would be that quick. I walked away for a bit and someone beat me to it. Man I love this place ;D

And AA, looks like you got some friends ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: motek on April 20, 2013, 04:05 am
   Dayum!!!   here I come after a buch of orders have been made and are 'in transit'  so i know how much I now have 'left over' to share

And TSR's down for 'maintenance"  as it's been explained by DPR himself in a 'signed PGP message'   which IS  on the forum ...I only read it 15 miins ago....but I forget where it is...sorry

Much love All  keep up the sharing and caring and we'll all be dooing our little bit to  help heal the planet of its "greed"  which is like a 'sickness' that grows slowly but can be healed also

people CAN 'change their MIND'   IF   'they WANT to''s that simple ...

If you come on this thread and want some help, take it gracefully and with thanks, AND THEN come back and return the 'loan' JUST LIKE  "CalicoJack" 8) 8) 8) 
 Thanx heaaps jack wasnt much but I feel I've got a new Road mate...and that's really cool 8)  thanks again for the pm's too when things went weird 8)

 or  you can pass the love on  :D  JUST LIKE     "susannotegan"  or whatever her ungrateful nym is  DID NOT... she and 'her girlfriend'  are just being leeches in a thread like this ... best avoided IOP"  >:(   not even a pm

 which at least 'godness 420'  :) Did ... 8)

Just thought you would all want to know to 'fill the list and that  ;D 8)

cheers all

  m m m motek  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: AnonymousAddict on April 20, 2013, 06:41 am
thanks to all you good ppl who are willing to always help one another..

We are a great and shinning example of how a decent drug community can be run.. NO VIOLENCE OR NON OF THAT CRAP, some robberys , really low life scammers but i just love seeing all you willing to help and all you who do help each other..

To bad the freaking site went down!!!! I fell asleep before i made my small purchase, i just hope its still there when the damn thing comes back...

Im thinking of using BMR more, iv been checking it out and the prices are allot better, i love SR but it does seem BMR has better deals going on...

LOVE YOU GUYYS!!! Keep helping and showling the love..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Oddworld on April 20, 2013, 11:48 am
Thanks kyotosong, will payback next time I get coins :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: SirBaxter on April 20, 2013, 01:19 pm
I'm .04 short after buying fee's, I can't count. Hate being a beggar but I will repay btc amount to address('s) I received from in about a week when I re up.


Edit for address, blockchain still seems to be down.

I got this covered, enjoy  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mayhem15 on April 20, 2013, 03:18 pm
Hey all, this is embarrassing to ask but can anyone help out with 0.01 btc?   I feel like a bum asking for a dollar and some change but the price raised on my while I slept last night and I am a dollar short.

I will repay when I load up with a some coins but am having a hard time finding somewhere to purchase coins, I need to try bitinstant.... Any who thanks!!! SR name: Mayhem15
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: yokes101 on April 20, 2013, 04:50 pm
Hey all, this is embarrassing to ask but can anyone help out with 0.01 btc?   I feel like a bum asking for a dollar and some change but the price raised on my while I slept last night and I am a dollar short.

I will repay when I load up with a some coins but am having a hard time finding somewhere to purchase coins, I need to try bitinstant.... Any who thanks!!! SR name: Mayhem15

Sent, Have fun bro!  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dr gonzo on April 20, 2013, 05:14 pm
Hello fellow SR's. Hate to ask but I'm literally $1 short of placing an order, not sure how that converts to BTC, but I would be eternally grateful and pay you back of course if some one was willing to help. My SR user name is ob1kinobi. Thank you in advance to any kindhearted souls out there. :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on April 20, 2013, 09:15 pm
Hello fellow SR's. Hate to ask but I'm literally $1 short of placing an order, not sure how that converts to BTC, but I would be eternally grateful and pay you back of course if some one was willing to help. My SR user name is ob1kinobi. Thank you in advance to any kindhearted souls out there. :D
sent :), enjoy. an instead jus pay it forward.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BOGAN BOB on April 20, 2013, 11:13 pm
Oh im dieing for a beer, anyone feel like shouting a bloke a beer? $3.70 for a scooner of VB down the pub...

My VB donation addy is down below 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: zerostate976 on April 20, 2013, 11:19 pm
i am .03 short for some acid :(  If anyone can help I would really appreciate it


Thanks You all, happy 4:20 :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: motek on April 20, 2013, 11:57 pm
hey zerostate your SR nym is easier to send coins to ... can you post that?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on April 21, 2013, 12:12 am
I actually have about $1.16 worth of coins left in my account if anyone needs a small loan which then can just pay forward. It's not alot but it's all I have until I get some more coins. And first thing I do when I get my coins is put some shapes back in the box. Probably a few extra shapes since it's taking a little longer than expected. Let me know if anyone needs some help.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Fours222 on April 21, 2013, 12:46 am
I need $5 :ashamed: to get some of Trash Box's bitchin hash thats on sale for $10 but shipping is like $10ish, I have $16.00 and that would work as a good gift for my SO.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: motek on April 21, 2013, 12:54 am
PLEASE folks ...dont just 'assume' we know who you are on TSR ...givus a name ffs!

Cheers motek
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Fours222 on April 21, 2013, 01:48 am
I need $5 :ashamed: to get some of Trash Box's bitchin hash thats on sale for $10 but shipping is like $10ish, I have $16.00 and that would work as a good gift for my SO.

Oops my wallet is:

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: motek on April 21, 2013, 01:59 am
there ya go 'zerostate'  0.03btc have just been sent

Enjoy ... and let us know IF you have ANY probs


m m m motek

PS  and  'Fours222'  bro (and EVERYONE!)     I/we  NEED a 'nym' it gets 'sent'   user to user, NOT 'wallet to wallet"

sorry to be a fussy PITA !
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: LesbianRobot on April 21, 2013, 04:32 am
Alms...Alms...for the poor? Can anyone spare a bit of change please? Any and all is super appreciated. Thank you in advance! Cheers!

My SR screenie is...LesbianRobot

I bet no one could have guessed that... 8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: motek on April 21, 2013, 04:47 am
It doesn't "work like that"  LR

How about you Go READ some of the thread heh?  And you will begin to 'see' (hopefully)  how 'it' 'does 'work'!!

Now....."Go for it....!"
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mayhem15 on April 21, 2013, 04:56 am
Sent, Have fun bro!  :)

Thanks You man!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on April 21, 2013, 04:56 am
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: LesbianRobot on April 21, 2013, 05:00 am
.04 short :P

Thanks to anyone in advance.

SR Screen is: LesbianRobot

Love you motek   ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on April 21, 2013, 05:12 am
pats yur head  ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: LesbianRobot on April 21, 2013, 05:48 am
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dothedamnthing on April 21, 2013, 06:11 am
Could some kind soul please spare $2.55 (~.021 btc) for me? I would greatly appreciate it and be happy to pay it back or forward.

Thanks in advance to anybody that can help. :D

SR name: dothedamnthing
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ForeverJung on April 21, 2013, 06:27 am
So glad to be able to help out, dtdt! :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dothedamnthing on April 21, 2013, 06:48 am
Damn FJ, you are the (wo)man! Thank you so much. I'll send you back what I have left over and then get you the rest when I reload with some more BTC. :D

Everybody needs to go check out ForeverJung when they return; they are top notch in every way. Everyone has had nothing but good things to say about them and I have personally seen that they go above and beyond and truly care about their customers. I can't recommend them highly enough.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ForeverJung on April 21, 2013, 06:54 am
Thanks! Man... though it doesn't especially matter. ;)

Trying to get things straight with the backlog of free samples owed to folks who initially expressed interest, then I'll have the listings back up. :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: loniax on April 21, 2013, 10:43 am
Im about 80-90 cents short of ordering some gummies, can someone please lend me 80 cents I will send back .01 btc after I cant get a payout from the pool. My SR name is loniax same as on here.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on April 21, 2013, 05:18 pm
Im about 80-90 cents short of ordering some gummies, can someone please lend me 80 cents I will send back .01 btc after I cant get a payout from the pool. My SR name is loniax same as on here.
sent :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: rosannebar on April 21, 2013, 05:53 pm
Need 2 dollars,  I will pay whoever back the next time I get coin's.   Probably a week, maybe less.     Thanks in advance :)

can just direct to rosannebar on the road or 1MP48aKDhs64SFygDrTA6FauVzt8hC8rXH
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: loniax on April 21, 2013, 06:43 pm
Thank you Im at .007-8 btc Ill have it to you in a bit
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: turningjapanese on April 21, 2013, 07:02 pm
G'day! I'm looking for a whopping 1.7btc donation- short that much to buy 5g of the finest #4 on SR (SAW!) whoever is feeling giving could receive 2 btc in return or a proportionate piece of the goods!

Thank You  : D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on April 21, 2013, 07:41 pm
Need 2 dollars,  I will pay whoever back the next time I get coin's.   Probably a week, maybe less.     Thanks in advance :)

can just direct to rosannebar on the road or 1MP48aKDhs64SFygDrTA6FauVzt8hC8rXH
sent :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lufc1992uk on April 21, 2013, 09:09 pm
I am short 0.02 bitcoin, was literally waiting on my bitcoins to appear in my SR and the price of the product has changed!! would appreciate it lots and pay you back next deposit
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on April 21, 2013, 09:25 pm
SR username ?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: FramedAgain2222 on April 21, 2013, 09:37 pm
Have some shapes!

Shapes returned plus a tiny bit.  Appreciate it.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lufc1992uk on April 21, 2013, 09:58 pm
SR username ?


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on April 21, 2013, 09:59 pm
ok hold for a sec please and i got ya  :)


sent to lufc1992uk  :)



Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lufc1992uk on April 21, 2013, 10:06 pm
ok hold for a sec please and i got ya  :)

thanks a lot man, really appreciate it, will return the 0.02 to you next deposit! :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: amazing777 on April 21, 2013, 11:08 pm
Hey  can anyone  loan me 0.40bitcoin please? i will pay them back next week i have all positve 22 transactions and  spent about 50 bitcoins and 0 auto finalize 0 refund.,

username is amazing777 if anyone wants to check my buying  stats

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: amazing777 on April 21, 2013, 11:12 pm
just would like  to add ill pay back 0.60 for 0.40 to anyone who might help,  i sent money to instawallet without  realizing it had been closed down.

username is amazing777 check my stats will return the favour next week with profit.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: motek on April 22, 2013, 02:09 am
amazing I've got you for that 0.04Btcs bro  ...  enjoy!

I'm leaving it in your hands to DO the "right thing" bro

m m m motek
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: rosannebar on April 22, 2013, 02:28 am
Need 2 dollars,  I will pay whoever back the next time I get coin's.   Probably a week, maybe less.     Thanks in advance :)

can just direct to rosannebar on the road or 1MP48aKDhs64SFygDrTA6FauVzt8hC8rXH
sent :)

When coins dropped I didn't have enough even with the 2 you forwarded to me,  I appreciate it,  have 2 left over can give it back right now or I can pay it forward to someone else that needs it.   
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: calicojak on April 22, 2013, 03:03 am
I would greatly appreciate and repay anyone who can loan me a couple bucks. Im about $2 short.
Thank you in advance!

I hate coming back in here to ask but the coins aren't moving up anymore it seems, atleast for the time being, and I would love to get this order in so it ships tomorrow and I can have my medicine(cannabis) 8)

Thank you guys!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: rosannebar on April 22, 2013, 03:07 am
I got yu calicojak, same sr name?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: calicojak on April 22, 2013, 03:17 am
I got yu calicojak, same sr name?
Man you're awesome!
I'll pay you back asap and if you are ever low and I have it its yours!

SR name is the same; calicojak
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: rosannebar on April 22, 2013, 03:41 am
Sent calicojak.   
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: motek on April 22, 2013, 03:45 am
and we KNOW calicojack's always good for it ...Go Jack!  lol

Hi jack x

m m m motek
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: motek on April 22, 2013, 03:47 am
And "Nice one" for doing that  roseanne +1 to you babe
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: calicojak on April 22, 2013, 03:49 am
@rosannebar Thank you very much!

@motek  What's up mi amigo!! Loving this community more and more every single day!

Something special. :)

+1's to both my friends :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: rosannebar on April 22, 2013, 03:50 am
Thank you lol someone sent it to me earlier ( i think, but with coins dipping a little I ended up not needing it)  just paying it forward, I still owe the original guy his 2 dollars.

And thanks for the good karma,   lots of people like to give me bad karma for some reason,  will be nice when it goes to the positive side.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: motek on April 22, 2013, 04:18 am
lots of people like to give me bad karma for some reason

It's the nym sweetheart,  IMO she was a fat cow too :o ;D

THB IDK why you chose it  ???

Anyhoo, you Take it easy babe, and I'll give you +1's when I'm 'allowed'   :)

m m m m
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: calicojak on April 22, 2013, 04:23 am
And I'll also be looking out to +1 you rosannebar every chance I get! Can't wait to get you over the negative! :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: motek on April 22, 2013, 04:45 am
Heeyy Jack  yeah man it's SO cool eh bro?!  Beautiful!

Good to see you here bro, take it easy mate

m m m motek
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: amazing777 on April 22, 2013, 05:06 am
hey thanks motek was after 0.40 but  you sent 0.04  thanks anyway bro i can send you back if  you like i cant really buy anything.

cheers for the thought though how do  i give + karma????
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: rosannebar on April 22, 2013, 05:23 am
So the fool I am gave away my last coins, and literally within a few hours I have need of ten bucks for shipping.

So once again after getting 2 dollars, giving 2 dollars, I need to ask someone with a little patience and a kind heart to spot me $11 dollars.

(i know shipping is just 10 however, with the way luck goes coins will take a penny plunge and I will be a even bigger fool)

11 dollars anyone?  Will pay it back as soon as possible.     Sr= rosannebar or 1MP48aKDhs64SFygDrTA6FauVzt8hC8rXH

Thanks in advance.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thegalactica420 on April 22, 2013, 05:51 am
Hey good people, the listing i was waiting for just came back up and with the current rate im .022 short for shipping, its just over $2. Im trying to find a reliable alternative to bitinstant but so far i have come up short so in all honesty idk when i will be able to pay it back but i will not order anything until i have paid the people who have loaned me back. The sr name is battlestar420 thanks in advance!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: motek on April 22, 2013, 06:28 am

  Hey  battlestar420   I got ya bro  ;D

Just let us know IF you cant pay it back or pass it forward if it gets to like 3 weeks down the track, just shoot me a pm or post about it here  ;) :D 8)

dont be like   "saranottegan" who 'took $10' and NEVER PAID IT BACK and STILL COMES LOOKING FOR MORE FREE COINS!!! :o :o :o

That's ok, just let us know, and you will find this thread a very 'handy' place to be able to come, and if you dont keep your 'word' you will get 'outed'

There are some really cool, lovely, caring, sharing people in this thread, and IT HAS  "restored" many a members 'faith in humanity'   which (IMO)  IS a fuckin coool thing to Do  8)

Keep up the Great Work everyone!   You know motek,,ANYONE who SHARES IN ANY WAY   even if they're just friendly words...gets + karma from this kitty  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: motek on April 22, 2013, 06:34 am
hey thanks motek was after 0.40 but  you sent 0.04  thanks anyway bro i can send you back if  you like i cant really buy anything.

lol yeah NO worries bro, send it back or give it to another worthy soul, with 'our' compliments  ;D 8)

Bro, you DO realize 0.4Btc  IS like $40 ... :-\ yeah?  That's usually about 2-4x more than you are likely to get here amigo  :( .... just sayin  ;)

Regards ALL you kind people ... and FUCK OFF to ALL the  SELFISH AND GREEDY  :(  most likely HATERS  >:(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: motek on April 22, 2013, 06:37 am can give "karma"  after 100 posts ...and no more captchas either!  wooooo!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thegalactica420 on April 22, 2013, 06:47 am

  Hey  battlestar420   I got ya bro  ;D

Just let us know IF you cant pay it back or pass it forward if it gets to like 3 weeks down the track, just shoot me a pm or post about it here  ;) :D 8)

dont be like   "saranottegan" who 'took $10' and NEVER PAID IT BACK and STILL COMES LOOKING FOR MORE FREE COINS!!! :o :o :o

That's ok, just let us know, and you will find this thread a very 'handy' place to be able to come, and if you dont keep your 'word' you will get 'outed'

There are some really cool, lovely, caring, sharing people in this thread, and IT HAS  "restored" many a members 'faith in humanity'   which (IMO)  IS a fuckin coool thing to Do  8)

Keep up the Great Work everyone!   You know motek,,ANYONE who SHARES IN ANY WAY   even if they're just friendly words...gets + karma from this kitty  ;)
Thanks man i appreciate it! I will def let you know, it shouldn't be to long i just need to figure out if bitfloor will work or not. I should also be getting a refund from a order i was scammed on and worst comes to worse ill use that to pay back. i still owe boxesofshapes some btc too, dont think i forgot about you boxes!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: motek on April 22, 2013, 06:53 am

  Hey  battlestar matey, thanx for that, and a BIG thanx for not forgetting "boxfshapes" who has helped LOTS of folks  8)

Nice one Bro for keeping us informed,  hope you have a great weekend/party whatever ;D  8)

love all

m m m motek  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thegalactica420 on April 22, 2013, 07:11 am

  Hey  battlestar matey, thanx for that, and a BIG thanx for not forgetting "boxfshapes" who has helped LOTS of folks  8)

Nice one Bro for keeping us informed,  hope you have a great weekend/party whatever ;D  8)

love all

m m m motek  ;)
For real man you and boxes are OG's, most generous people iv known in a long time. I hope i can make a decent donation to boxes so he doesn't run out of shapes anytime soon!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mayhem15 on April 22, 2013, 07:14 am
Hey yokes101 I still haven't forgotten about your help!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on April 22, 2013, 07:29 am

hello hello my lovely droogies!!

it's that time again.. i'm the definition of a broke joke!! but have initiated a bitcoin transfer, which takes about 7 to 9 days..
but, i need to feed the addiction.. .09btc i know is a lot.. but it's what i'm lacking.. do the research, i've paid back ALL my lenders, WITH interest.. lend, wait n pray.. but i will not let you down!! payback definite!!
please!! and thank you thank you!!

same name on SR
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: rosannebar on April 22, 2013, 08:00 am
Last plea for the evening.    Still need that 11 dollar spot.    Will pay it back as soon as possible.   Going to bed, goodnight fellow travelers.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: motek on April 22, 2013, 09:26 am
gotcha  covered there  murderface 2012 and roseannbarr  ;D

Pleasse don't 'forget us' when you're rich (and famous! lol)  :) 8)

And for you, rosie, what can motek DO?    How much IS  $11 in tonights Btc?   Idk   ( just found out how much SR 'deducted for sending you each  "0.10 btcs" which is just over is $13 guys)

I guess it's around 0.1Btcs which is maxxing me out .... and dayum, you have gone offline for the night!?  ??? (yeah motek's 'said' that too!  ::)  lol)

Oh bugger it!  :o  OK here's the deal  ;) .... just sent you  "rosannebar" 0.10 btc   :D
(about $12 as far as I can work out with Btcs about 4125 here right 'now'!)
  (ugh! I wish you could be some other name  :o ;D ... BUT so far you have been kind  8)  ... so dont forget  motek also, hey rosie?  :D

  Have fun everybody!!

  And enjoy, be happy,
 and dont ever 'forget'  to "share the love"  IF you 'have it, and can give it away ...and someone else "needs it" ...

IF everybody DID 'operate like this"
It would be a PRETTY FUCKIN COOL PLANET TO LIVE ON .... fuck all this warming stuff .... It's the PEOPLE WHO NEED TO CHILL OUT!   

 And just "stop fucking with the Planet"  :D 8)  .... and the Mighty Old Girl will be just fine  8)

NOW .... "to improve the world we live in"  .....  WE  GOTTA  STOP   THINKING  about   ONLY   OURSELVES!  :)

here IS one of the few places you can be "taken on your word"  8) here your nym's  'credibility'  can help you   .....  with   COMPLETE STRANGERS!! 
And you can BOTH come out of it 'feeling better'  as calicojack would tell you ...GO calico bro! ;)

   IN fact the person who's 'into making lists'  if they could make a list of ALL the kind folks who HAVE HELPED
               as well as another list of ALL THE NASTY FOLKS WHO HAVE ONLY TAKEN ! :( >:(

 Then it  could get posted,   on,   say,   every 5th  page,  somewhere as close to the top of the page as possible   :-\

And then folks can just refer to any "page 0 or 5" to see who lately been "playing" the "SHARE THE SPARE BTC"  and "who's  Is or Not sufficiently  TRUSTworthy" to loan some coins to 8)

Not the leeches who just come here to TRY AND TAKE AS MUCH AS THEY CAN GET ..... don't worry, motek wont 'forget you' IF you just 'happen to forget motek's $10 odd bucks!

Like "saranottegan"  who STILL OWES $11  :(  ...  it's now $12 with (some kind/type of) 'interest'   :o  OR  she, and the other  LEECHES  can  just   GTFO  >:(

Cheers all ... m m m motek  :D

P.S .and murder and rosie, let us know 'what's the go' when you can return the loans  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: headache on April 22, 2013, 10:44 am
Can anyone lend me .25 btc? Waited to long to spend my coins and the price changed fucking pain in the ass.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: motek on April 22, 2013, 11:19 am
you are asking for WAAAAY TOO MUCH bro a noob that's kinda disrespectful dude!

Would you go and ask your friends/mom/ people out in the street for $25 bro?  Seriously I'm really curious?

Maybe you made 'a mistake' but I dont 'think so'  esp as you're a noob with SFA posts, who CLEARLY,,  "HASN'T READ ANY OTHER PAGE OF THIS THREAD!!!"

And yet he "jumps Right On In"  and   WANTS A QUARTER OF A COIN!!!  FFS!

Not ONE WORD ABOUT PAYING IT BACK . . . OR 'FORWARD'   NO 'OFFER TO REPAY' AT ALL!!!   Decide for yourselves folks but motek IS SICK OF THESE NOOBS who haven't even read ANY other parts of this thread, LEECHES who just WANT YOUR MONEY...Fuck "giving it back"

well  fuck you selfish arseholes GTFO
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: garlow2000 on April 22, 2013, 11:52 am
Hi , not new to the road or forums but I have a Minor problem... See I want to order 100 tyler tabs for roughly $79 usd the issue is I am 0.005 BTC short AKA like 0.70 usd. I will 100% pay this back ( or forward) even with extra if you wish so.

I thank any who consider!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: motek on April 22, 2013, 11:56 am
what's your SR name it the same?  We need your NAME NOT your numbers (wallet etc) welcome bro and good luck
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on April 22, 2013, 12:33 pm
(Hugs) @ motek  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on April 22, 2013, 12:58 pm
Yay! only one more day until I get my shapes! I only wish they had an icecream section on SR :/
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: rosannebar on April 22, 2013, 03:33 pm
motek you are a saint.  Woke to find 12 smackers in my wallet.   I will pay it forward back or sideways when I get a chance.

many many many thanks you's, and good karma

(for the record, the 11 i asked for is a stretch and I realize that)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: blackfedora on April 22, 2013, 03:41 pm
Hey guys, can anyone spare 15 bucks on shipping? the bitcoin prices have been so crazy lately and it messed me up?
it would be greatly appriciated and will deff +1
my addy:  1JShkh1JJxrMfBZDBtKKLqhoPiPTNyeZf6
-thanks who ever can help out
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Obnubilate on April 22, 2013, 04:49 pm
Am short 0.30 btc on a 140$ purchase.

It's for a good cause.

My forum account is same as sr account.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: amazing777 on April 22, 2013, 05:31 pm
Motek  i sent 0.09 back so a little  profit for you

cheers for  the thought thought bro appreciate it. I gotta to wait to buy my drugs i guess :(

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: garlow2000 on April 22, 2013, 05:59 pm
So last night i was short on an order , came here for 70 cents and was met with an offer to lend!
 Very nice an I think the username was Motec , I foolishly posted without my sr username so i couldn't receive the btc but it must have been fate! For the moment i logged out of forums my internet dies :(   

I will remember this kind opportunity and i shall pay it forward someday!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Purple_Hue000 on April 22, 2013, 06:34 pm
I'm came up short on an order. I'm not asking for much but can someone please spot me a penny ($0.01) I really don't want to make a small deposit for a small amount of bitcoins so I'd really appreciate it thanks.

SR Username:
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: rosannebar on April 22, 2013, 06:47 pm
I'm came up short on an order. I'm not asking for much but can someone please spot me a penny ($0.01) I really don't want to make a small deposit for a small amount of bitcoins so I'd really appreciate it thanks.

SR Username:

sent you 2 pennies just to be safe
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Purple_Hue000 on April 22, 2013, 07:03 pm
I'm came up short on an order. I'm not asking for much but can someone please spot me a penny ($0.01) I really don't want to make a small deposit for a small amount of bitcoins so I'd really appreciate it thanks.

SR Username:

sent you 2 pennies just to be safe

Thank you so much. Bless you. Have a great day.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: talawtam on April 22, 2013, 07:37 pm
Hello. i was wondering if anyone would be kind enough to lend a good member 0.001BTC please? thanks.

SR username = talawtam
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: rosannebar on April 22, 2013, 08:58 pm
Hello. i was wondering if anyone would be kind enough to lend a good member 0.001BTC please? thanks.

SR username = talawtam

sent and sent and sent.   :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: talawtam on April 22, 2013, 09:04 pm
thank you so much!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MrJesusChrist on April 22, 2013, 11:52 pm
Went to CVS today and they told me their moneygram wasn't working, so I couldn't get the btc I need to complete my order. Could anyone lend 35 dollars worth of btc. I can pay back tomorrow if moneygram works (which it should, this was the first time they told me moneygram wasn't working)! I'll even send whoever helps me out a bit extra btc as well! I'm going out of town Friday afternoon, so I need this package in the mail tomorrow, this is why I come here asking for a loan instead of just waiting until tomorrow to buy the btc and make the purchase. SR name same as my forum name.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on April 23, 2013, 12:54 am
Man.  Hoped everyone had as good of a 420 as I did.  Certainly one of the better nights for me in a while!  Love LOVE seeing the help being spread around in here!

Have some shapes!

Shapes returned plus a tiny bit.  Appreciate it.

Thanks for putting the shapes back in the box!

List of Users who have lent coins -

ForeverJung ++++
kyotosong ++++
rosannebar ++++
RS7FI8ZRkm ++++
yokes101 ++++                   

Went to CVS today and they told me their moneygram wasn't working, so I couldn't get the btc I need to complete my order. Could anyone lend 35 dollars worth of btc. I can pay back tomorrow if moneygram works (which it should, this was the first time they told me moneygram wasn't working)! I'll even send whoever helps me out a bit extra btc as well! I'm going out of town Friday afternoon, so I need this package in the mail tomorrow, this is why I come here asking for a loan instead of just waiting until tomorrow to buy the btc and make the purchase. SR name same as my forum name.

This is way more than what is meant to be asked in the thread, but I know you to be a good soul.  Have some shapes!  Please put the shapes back you can.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MrJesusChrist on April 23, 2013, 01:03 am
This is way more than what is meant to be asked in the thread, but I know you to be a good soul.  Have some shapes!  Please put the shapes back you can.

I knew this was steep, but it really is my last hope for the night! I will without a doubt put those shapes back as soon as possible. Thanks brother, I very much appreciate it :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: misteryuck on April 23, 2013, 04:42 am
hello everyone

been around since november ish, consider myself a pretty active member of this little community - i've given out my spare 5-7-i think once about ten bucks was the most - just because it wasn't doing me any good sitting there and I figured there was a chance i'd end up here myself one here I am. Asking for a couple spare dollars if anyones got em, 2 or 3 or even 5 would be amazing. I'm just shy of what I need to make an order that would be no problem if any of the THREE different vendors I usually go with were around. What with the recent bitcoin volatility and a sudden lack of the thing I'm looking for and the people I usually deal with to get it - i've found myself in a nice little jam. If any of you fellow travelers can make it happen for me, I would be endlessly grateful and even more appreciative. Truly. And it WILL be paid back with interest. I shit you not.

tentative thanks in advance

  fingers crossed
                -username is MisterYuck

<3 <3 <3
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on April 23, 2013, 04:59 am
hello everyone
just shy

I shit you not.

<3 <3 <3

This box has some shapes for that.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: headache on April 23, 2013, 06:46 am
you are asking for WAAAAY TOO MUCH bro a noob that's kinda disrespectful dude!

Would you go and ask your friends/mom/ people out in the street for $25 bro?  Seriously I'm really curious?

Maybe you made 'a mistake' but I dont 'think so'  esp as you're a noob with SFA posts, who CLEARLY,,  "HASN'T READ ANY OTHER PAGE OF THIS THREAD!!!"

And yet he "jumps Right On In"  and   WANTS A QUARTER OF A COIN!!!  FFS!

Not ONE WORD ABOUT PAYING IT BACK . . . OR 'FORWARD'   NO 'OFFER TO REPAY' AT ALL!!!   Decide for yourselves folks but motek IS SICK OF THESE NOOBS who haven't even read ANY other parts of this thread, LEECHES who just WANT YOUR MONEY...Fuck "giving it back"

well  fuck you selfish arseholes GTFO

Yes actually I would ask randoms for $25 probably won't get it but that is not the point atm.
I was waiting for A reply before saying anything about paying back so why don't you wait before jumping down someones throat. I know I am A noob and I did read the OP and first couple of pages before posting but thought fuck it might as well ask. Guess that didn't work aye
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: White 0ut on April 23, 2013, 07:10 am
Any reputable members need some extra coin? I am feeling generous!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: pkizenko98 on April 23, 2013, 07:16 am
Any reputable members need some extra coin? I am feeling generous!

I don't know how reputable you consider me, lol, but I could use some, looking to put an order in, even selling a few items in my store cheap to make it up.  If you don't I understand, If you do, Thanks immensely

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: White 0ut on April 23, 2013, 07:45 am
Any reputable members need some extra coin? I am feeling generous!

I don't know how reputable you consider me, lol, but I could use some, looking to put an order in, even selling a few items in my store cheap to make it up.  If you don't I understand, If you do, Thanks immensely


PM'ing now!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: motek on April 23, 2013, 11:47 am
Ahh BOS you make me laugh!  Niice!

And mr yuck ... sorry bro but could you be a bit more specific...asking 'everyone' for 'a couple of bucks' ... is a bit . .. slack, or something

motek's tired

have a great night all ... and Hi rosy! ; )
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on April 23, 2013, 12:36 pm
@BoxofShapes I just put some shapes back in the box. Thanks again for the micro-loan. You're a life saver.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bbbaac on April 23, 2013, 02:34 pm
hey everybody.. looking for a loan of .88 btc for atleast a week. i will replace it with 1 btc. or .88 and ship you a speed pill, or xanax if you are in canada. let me know. looking to put an order in today total 36.88 btc i have 36
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on April 23, 2013, 03:48 pm
Thanks for putting the shapes back DD!  Hope it helped get a phat scoop of some goodness.

@motek  Keep makin me laugh and I'll try to do the same  :P  Thanks for putting some regulation in this mess.  I hate having jagged edges. 

Speaking of which......

@ Purple_Hue000  First off you annoy me because I see you in this thread (and others, even thought this is the only place for it) begging for change CONSTANTLY, with nothing to contribute back.  Now I wake up with a PM from you asking me for even more ass pennies.  FUCK OFF.  Aim that shitty little gun of yours in the opposite direction and stop being a drag on the good graces of the community here.  I'm going to make a shit list soon and put you at the top.  Thanks. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: motek on April 24, 2013, 12:05 am
Hi BOS . . . and . .  YEAH  You TELL em!!!   :o  ;D

  You KNOW   "we've 'got your back"  . .   so keep up the great work bro  ;D 8)

Cheers from motek x
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MrJesusChrist on April 24, 2013, 03:54 am

Thanks again, you're a life saver! The shapes are back in the box  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: 4tron on April 24, 2013, 09:32 am
Hey Guys,

Popular thread :)

Last time I was here we were on page 80 something......guess I've got some reading to do!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on April 24, 2013, 03:36 pm
Thanks for putting the shapes back in the box MrJebus!  Knew you were one of the good ones!

@4tron Nice to see ya back!  Your work is appreciated!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: weed4me6969 on April 24, 2013, 09:33 pm
Box Of Shapes:   I just want you to know i have not forgotten, and as soon as i can get the f$#% on SR, i will send you the change you helped me out  with!!! 

Was greatly appreciated, and will keep in touch!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: calicojak on April 24, 2013, 09:50 pm
What's up motek! ;D
How's the day flowing?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on April 24, 2013, 10:29 pm

No worries man!  Thanks for being an example of what you do when you can't get to the person you owe!  Just a friendly post/PM!  It goes very far with me!


I literally just posted about what bad manners it is to PM someone for shapes.  It's written in the OP.  Now I have one from you asking for more.  I haven't been hanging around this thread for that long but I have only witnessed you ask and not give.  I even gave you $5 before and never saw it again or even a thanks.  I really didn't care until I got a message from you asking me for even more.  I could be wrong and would like to be proven otherwise.  Right now I'm pretty pissed.


Another thanks for offsetting this mood!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: AnonymousAddict on April 24, 2013, 10:56 pm
I miss read what u said about PM..

And I never knew u sent me 5 bucks? When was this? iv only been active back since this month, and the way coins have been acting has been fucking me up..its cool bro. but please do tell me that date u gave me 5 bucks, and u will get it on the 1st..  I just dont remember u loaning me, not saying u didnt and THANK U IF U DID. but i was unaware.. And Iv paid a few of my lenders back..i only asked 2 times i think for minor amounts. ATM til i get my Tax's i dont have to give unless its a matter of cents, i use to always give when i was first on here, i didnt know about this thread at one time and at one time and just went and posted in Discussion or rumor mill, HEY I GOT XTRA COINS IF U NEED HOLLA FAST ONLY SO MANY LEFT OVER..Iv  always been a good part of this community, iv been here a year man.. I just never started chating til like mid last year..

anyway thanks if u did and sorry if i did not notice u sent me 5, im going back through the threads now..

P.S. hold off on what i Pm u about til i find out if i owe u, so i can pay u back first, id rather payback before a borrow..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mezzomixtor on April 24, 2013, 11:01 pm
Just found this thread, really great idea  :)

I installed Electrum today and would like to test it a little bit! Could someone send me a small amount onto my wallet? I would instantly (as soon as it is onto my wallet) send it back  :) Would be really awesome!

My address: 1GFfCEjH1zfxmdBEh26ZRdv61kPQsrENM8

Thanks in advance!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: AnonymousAddict on April 24, 2013, 11:09 pm
ATTENTION ladies and Gentleman members of the SR community..

If you are in need of more than just a few spare coins like more than 10 i guess like someone i noticed asked for 40 bucks i think? or 25? There is a Vendor on here that does WAAAY more than Microloans..

He will loan depending on your Stats iv known up to 500 bucks..  He also even has a website so where u go and register your SR name and amount u need, Now u get charged 2% to 4% a day until u pay, Now no of course there is nothing from keeping ppl from just not paying but that seperates that decent from the not decent lenders.. I just thought i would let you know.. When i found out about him i refferd a bunch of people and he just threw me 50 bucks for the customers he got.. And hes site and im not sure if he is still on the road but hes site is still up..  If u have 50 transactions and have spent a few grand u can get a 100 to 300 i think(NOT SURE) and the higher the money u spent the better the stats the more line of credit u can get...

I just thought i would mention this to those needing Large amounts and not just left over spare un needed coins...   His SR name was (BADBOY)  I will post his page soon as i can find it..

Update!!! CLEAR SITE WARNING>>>  depending on your SR stats..get large loans
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: AnonymousAddict on April 24, 2013, 11:13 pm
Just found this thread, really great idea  :)

I installed Electrum today and would like to test it a little bit! Could someone send me a small amount onto my wallet? I would instantly (as soon as it is onto my wallet) send it back  :) Would be really awesome!

My address: 1GFfCEjH1zfxmdBEh26ZRdv61kPQsrENM8

Thanks in advance!

MezzoMixer i would send u 2 bucks iv got on Blackmarket reloaded but it wont let me cause they charge a fee to withdrawl the money, so they take my money to take it off the site, so does SR but not like BMR..

If the road comes up i have a 1$ i can try to send, but whats your username to send to...  I havent got much into depth about this newelectrum thing yet
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mezzomixtor on April 24, 2013, 11:18 pm
Thanks for the reply AnonymousAddict!

I dont have a username et Electrum! I only have this walletaddress, why would you need a username (or did you mean SR username? beause i dont need them on SR)

(sry, im totally new to this!)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: AnonymousAddict on April 24, 2013, 11:38 pm
Thanks for the reply AnonymousAddict!

I dont have a username et Electrum! I only have this walletaddress, why would you need a username (or did you mean SR username? beause i dont need them on SR)

(sry, im totally new to this!)

Your New to SR as well?? If u were to need coins per say sent from a member to u for help on silkroad they would not need your SR account # just your SR username..

Now the other electrum i dont know about yet...can you please PRIV Message me the details and site address, i need to look into that...thnx
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dopeboyz on April 25, 2013, 04:42 am
If someone would kindly lend me ~$33.00 usd? I never thought i'd have to utilize this, but i'm eager to get this order in and came up short somehow. I'd be happy to pay you back, plus an additional few bucks for lending me the btc.

SR Username: dopeboyz

Thanks again!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tangojuliet on April 25, 2013, 07:24 am
trying to order some bud from sativasally but i'm .04 btc short including shipping. any help would be much appreciated!


please and thank you!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sharonneedles on April 25, 2013, 08:41 am
I don't like to ask. I'm ordering bud to Ireland because we have nothing of good quality. I have btc coming to the account but it will take 48 hours. I'm short .051 for the order and I will pay you back asap.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: White 0ut on April 25, 2013, 09:01 am
trying to order some bud from sativasally but i'm .04 btc short including shipping. any help would be much appreciated!


please and thank you!!

Your Welcome :D

I don't like to ask. I'm ordering bud to Ireland because we have nothing of good quality. I have btc coming to the account but it will take 48 hours. I'm short .051 for the order and I will pay you back asap.


What's your BTC address?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on April 25, 2013, 12:19 pm
List of Users who have lent coins -

White Out   ++++
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on April 25, 2013, 12:22 pm
I miss read what u said about PM..

And I never knew u sent me 5 bucks? When was this? iv only been active back since this month, and the way coins have been acting has been fucking me up..its cool bro. but please do tell me that date u gave me 5 bucks, and u will get it on the 1st..  I just dont remember u loaning me, not saying u didnt and THANK U IF U DID. but i was unaware.. And Iv paid a few of my lenders back..i only asked 2 times i think for minor amounts. ATM til i get my Tax's i dont have to give unless its a matter of cents, i use to always give when i was first on here, i didnt know about this thread at one time and at one time and just went and posted in Discussion or rumor mill, HEY I GOT XTRA COINS IF U NEED HOLLA FAST ONLY SO MANY LEFT OVER..Iv  always been a good part of this community, iv been here a year man.. I just never started chating til like mid last year..

anyway thanks if u did and sorry if i did not notice u sent me 5, im going back through the threads now..

P.S. hold off on what i Pm u about til i find out if i owe u, so i can pay u back first, id rather payback before a borrow..

On top of SR page click on Account. Then on the right side under where it says "Account Links" there is a section called Account History. Click on that and it will show you who sent you coins, how much, and when they were sent.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: White 0ut on April 25, 2013, 12:28 pm
List of Users who have lent coins -

White Out   ++++

I like those 4 extra +'s makes me feel all warm inside, wait thats just the molly kickin' in! XD
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dopeboyz on April 25, 2013, 01:32 pm
In desperate need of .15 btc to cover shipping costs that I really didn't expect to be this much. I promise to pay you back and ill even pay you .20 btc for the help.

Really appreciate any help I can get, my SR account is dopeboyz
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: AnonymousAddict on April 25, 2013, 02:42 pm
I miss read what u said about PM..

And I never knew u sent me 5 bucks? When was this? iv only been active back since this month, and the way coins have been acting has been fucking me up..its cool bro. but please do tell me that date u gave me 5 bucks, and u will get it on the 1st..  I just dont remember u loaning me, not saying u didnt and THANK U IF U DID. but i was unaware.. And Iv paid a few of my lenders back..i only asked 2 times i think for minor amounts. ATM til i get my Tax's i dont have to give unless its a matter of cents, i use to always give when i was first on here, i didnt know about this thread at one time and at one time and just went and posted in Discussion or rumor mill, HEY I GOT XTRA COINS IF U NEED HOLLA FAST ONLY SO MANY LEFT OVER..Iv  always been a good part of this community, iv been here a year man.. I just never started chating til like mid last year..

anyway thanks if u did and sorry if i did not notice u sent me 5, im going back through the threads now..

P.S. hold off on what i Pm u about til i find out if i owe u, so i can pay u back first, id rather payback before a borrow..

On top of SR page click on Account. Then on the right side under where it says "Account Links" there is a section called Account History. Click on that and it will show you who sent you coins, how much, and when they were sent.
thnx ice cream man, im aware of that ,but i wonder if Box's name is the same on SR?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on April 25, 2013, 02:52 pm
I miss read what u said about PM..

And I never knew u sent me 5 bucks? When was this? iv only been active back since this month, and the way coins have been acting has been fucking me up..its cool bro. but please do tell me that date u gave me 5 bucks, and u will get it on the 1st..  I just dont remember u loaning me, not saying u didnt and THANK U IF U DID. but i was unaware.. And Iv paid a few of my lenders back..i only asked 2 times i think for minor amounts. ATM til i get my Tax's i dont have to give unless its a matter of cents, i use to always give when i was first on here, i didnt know about this thread at one time and at one time and just went and posted in Discussion or rumor mill, HEY I GOT XTRA COINS IF U NEED HOLLA FAST ONLY SO MANY LEFT OVER..Iv  always been a good part of this community, iv been here a year man.. I just never started chating til like mid last year..

anyway thanks if u did and sorry if i did not notice u sent me 5, im going back through the threads now..

P.S. hold off on what i Pm u about til i find out if i owe u, so i can pay u back first, id rather payback before a borrow..

On top of SR page click on Account. Then on the right side under where it says "Account Links" there is a section called Account History. Click on that and it will show you who sent you coins, how much, and when they were sent.
thnx ice cream man, im aware of that ,but i wonder if Box's name is the same on SR?


Yup it's the same on SR. And under notes instead of saying Transaction # blah blah blah it will just say BoxofShapes
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: AnonymousAddict on April 25, 2013, 02:53 pm


I apologize i just checked my account History and i do see where u sent me some $, I didnt realize it had come from you i never saw u mention it in the threads.. THANK YOU FOR THAT MAN! I AM GREATFUL , i just didnt know it was u a ways back that did it,,  Squares will go back in the box 1st before any other mini loan. Just give me a little time.. The 1st i will be adding BTC so squares back in then man... Sorry for the mix up
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: danknasty on April 25, 2013, 03:24 pm
Short on shipping for a lucy order, need about $2.50 in bitcoins if anyone can help me out in my journey I'll pay back double and many good vibes will be sent your way.


or my username on the Road is the same as it is here.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Fours222 on April 25, 2013, 03:28 pm
Short on shipping for some Kif. bout .05 BTC. Willing to show my award winning ass :) (Won SR Ass Contest) or my almost award winning tits. (2nd in Tits)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on April 25, 2013, 04:35 pm
Short on shipping for a lucy order, need about $2.50 in bitcoins if anyone can help me out in my journey I'll pay back double and many good vibes will be sent your way.


or my username on the Road is the same as it is here.


Short on shipping for some Kif. bout .05 BTC. Willing to show my award winning ass :) (Won SR Ass Contest) or my almost award winning tits. (2nd in Tits)



What is your SR username?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Fours222 on April 25, 2013, 05:48 pm
Short on shipping for a lucy order, need about $2.50 in bitcoins if anyone can help me out in my journey I'll pay back double and many good vibes will be sent your way.


or my username on the Road is the same as it is here.


Short on shipping for some Kif. bout .05 BTC. Willing to show my award winning ass :) (Won SR Ass Contest) or my almost award winning tits. (2nd in Tits)



What is your SR username?

It is 4Runner4ever
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on April 25, 2013, 06:08 pm
Short on shipping for a lucy order, need about $2.50 in bitcoins if anyone can help me out in my journey I'll pay back double and many good vibes will be sent your way.


or my username on the Road is the same as it is here.


Short on shipping for some Kif. bout .05 BTC. Willing to show my award winning ass :) (Won SR Ass Contest) or my almost award winning tits. (2nd in Tits)



What is your SR username?

It is 4Runner4ever

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: android465764E on April 25, 2013, 09:12 pm
Can anyone spare ฿0.01?  Damned rates changed right when I was placing an order. Grrrr...

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sweetone on April 25, 2013, 09:44 pm
hi friends !

im so sorry and im feeling like a little dirty rat.
first my father has gone (rip my best friend), now my sweety (my partner) leave me and  now my exchange (a german one) closed and i have no possibility to pay my flat.

short said, im having big troubles atm. no family, no partner and no money.

if u have 0.001 btc or whatever too much, please send it to me. i cannot say if u get it back ever but this is my last hope.

im feeling so poor and helpless .... please forgive me but this community is the only thing i got atm :(

maybe some of u are so kind and spend a bit >>> 18d3EswF91eYgo1abQQ5HMzfaHQqNhK8Dt

thanks in advance, and please let msgs like 'just get a job' .... u dont wanna know why.

best regards and god bless you all

sincerly urs sweetone
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Gusman17 on April 25, 2013, 10:15 pm
I just saw this thread after making my own grovel thread. I need .03 to make and order, as I couldn't order yesterday due to the site being down. I will repay + interest next week. I would love to place this order before the price of coin falls any more ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: motek on April 26, 2013, 02:45 am
Gusman .... SR user name bro??? . . . read a little of the thread first will ya please!?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Gusman17 on April 26, 2013, 03:19 am
Gusman .... SR user name bro??? . . . read a little of the thread first will ya please!?

same name as here...price of coin keeps going down so now i'm .06 short
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tangojuliet on April 26, 2013, 04:10 am
trying to order some bud from sativasally but i'm .04 btc short including shipping. any help would be much appreciated!


please and thank you!!

Your Welcome :D

I don't like to ask. I'm ordering bud to Ireland because we have nothing of good quality. I have btc coming to the account but it will take 48 hours. I'm short .051 for the order and I will pay you back asap.


What's your BTC address?

thanks sir!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on April 26, 2013, 04:17 am
Gusman .... SR user name bro??? . . . read a little of the thread first will ya please!?

same name as here...price of coin keeps going down so now i'm .06 short
gusman did you get coin from motek? :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: 1455992 on April 26, 2013, 06:21 am
I know this is probably way to much to be considered "spare change" but i miscalculated and i can't order the H i want as I'm short .1 bitcoin. :( Every little bit counts though, my SR name is the same as here. Thanks so much in advance to any kind souls.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: motek on April 26, 2013, 09:17 am

1455992  has been a member of these forums for 7 DAYS :o
 Yet,ALL this bitchin IS being done by a dude who has been a member here for just on ONE WEEK!! ::)

Talk about "experience!"   and than  this, when answering a "should I use PGP and why  :-\
  a "should I use PGP and why? with an answer to a VIP question, like the one below  :o

"I honestly dont find pgp that important. i order personal uses worth. they would not waste the effort on me." !!!
   Oh wise and experience one ::)

Just becoz . . . this "poor little kid" is stressing coz things "aren't going HIS WAY!"   ::)
" the 3 stamps I ordered are 2 days late!"   :o  quick,  someone tell DPR ! :o 

Aaaaarrrgh! Members like this piss me off No end!

 AND THEN he goes POSTING the SAME "copy and pasted" COMMENTS  about this vendor (deezeltime) in at least FIVE (5) SEPARATE THREADS!!
Trying to create FUD about THIS well known AND respected VENDOR in MANY various NOOB  threads,  (which was ALL he could post in at the time ::) >:()

and now this
"Customer support / Re: What to do about vendor? Please give insight. -DEEZLETIME-"
« on: Today at 05:47 am »
If you're interested in an update, deezle got back and messaged me and basically told me i should've known he'd take care of me. Love this guy. He said it happens from time to time, and he's going to do a full reship for me. 5/5 vendor in my eyes.
"Customer support / Re: What to do about vendor? Please give insight. -DEEZLETIME-"
« on: Today at 05:47 am »
If you're interested in an update, deezle got back and messaged me and basically told me i should've known he'd take care of me. Love this guy. He said it happens from time to time, and he's going to do a full reship for me. 5/5 vendor in my eyes.

AND YET ....  HE HAS NOT CHANGED/REMOVED ANY OF HIS BITCHY "ANTI-DEEZE  POSTS .... ALL FIVE of them in different topics!  Which say exactly the 'same thing, word for word  >:(   

BUt here's a bit o arse lickin ::)
Oh but "thanks Same Same. English is not my first language"


Uughhh!  I REALLY HATE THES TYPE OF MEMBERS  who dont give a FUCK about ANYONE ELSE .....and pollute TSR forums with BULLSHIT .... and leave it there

I think I'll let deeze know about this ...shit, it ONLY TAKES a pm

AND NOW . .  He has the "audacity" to come here begging coins . . and it's pretty clear he hasn't checked out "how the Spare Btc Thread "works" just like TOO many of this "new influx of noobs"  who have these selfish attitudes and unrealistic "ecpectations"

FFS kid, grow up amd DO some fuckin READING/spend some time LEARNING instead of just being a Bitch about it :(

Mighty MAD Mad  motek!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on April 26, 2013, 11:18 am
+1 to motek!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Carnaval on April 26, 2013, 04:20 pm
Hey, could someone help me ?
I need 0,03 BTC to buy some LSD tabs (just the money to ship it). Can someone borrow me? We don't have exchanges where I live and it's difficult to find someone how sells just this little amount... =/
I can pay back next week.
Can someone help me?
My nick in SR is the same of here.
Please please please. D=
Thank you very much !!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on April 26, 2013, 06:09 pm
fuck me :'(, seriously just saved up 2 coins to make my first 'big' order, only to have the vendor tell me he will not ship to the US, after previously agreeing he would :-\

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on April 26, 2013, 09:00 pm
Hey, sorry I was away for a bit after that last post.  This box had to unfold!

@AnonymousAddict / Thanks for your words man.  It means a lot.  Just a little confused and was already ticked that purplehue pmed me right before you did.  I hope this is understandable.  No worries from me now! 

Yes this box is the same name as in SR.

@DD / thanks for tending the list!  It has your name after all!

@White Out / Thanks for being on the list!

@Motek / Holy Socks you are insane!  FFS don't change!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on April 26, 2013, 09:30 pm

buy some LSD tabs (just the ship). Can someone exchanges where I live ... =/

I can pay back help?

Please please please. D=

Thank you very much !!!

Shapes sent!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: monstermash34 on April 27, 2013, 01:18 am
Ah, I miscalculated and seem to be 0.05 BTC short for an order. Can someone help a brother out?

Much appreciated.  :D

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on April 27, 2013, 01:22 am
Ah, I seem to be 0.05 BTC. Someone a brother?

Much -mash

I can spare some shapes for that.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: monstermash34 on April 27, 2013, 01:26 am
shapes, you are a truly genuine dude
sending so many positive vibes your way

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: m4rc0 on April 27, 2013, 02:22 am
damn i thought this would never happen to me but im short .03 BTC . if anyone would help me out that would be greatly appretiated. Will return the fav. 143mMgmjb52J3SL6jnANVGdwjLcHkErVhP
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on April 27, 2013, 02:41 am
damn i thought never. if one out that would be great. Ill return. 143mMgmjb52J3SL6jnANVGdwjLcHkErVhP

Shapes from this box!

Out for now!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: AnonymousAddict on April 27, 2013, 02:47 am
Guys I just sent 2 bucks to the wrong vendor for my shipping str8t to his account and it was the wrong fucking vendor, I made a order with Deezletime and acidently sent the 2 bucks to desiel therapy.. Fuk This guy takes forever to even respond to a msg,

Can someone send 2 bucks til i get it back from the guy, iv already sent him a msg telling him it was the wrong person..

Soon as its back it will come back to the loaner..If possible

SR name anonymousman

BTW no problem Box, just mixed up,sorry again bro..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on April 27, 2013, 02:53 am

hello hello my lovely droogies!!

it's that time again.. i'm the definition of a broke joke!! but have initiated a bitcoin transfer, which takes about 7 to 9 days..
but, i need to feed the addiction.. .09btc i know is a lot.. but it's what i'm lacking.. do the research, i've paid back ALL my lenders, WITH interest.. lend, wait n pray.. but i will not let you down!! payback definite!!
please!! and thank you thank you!!

same name on SR

gotcha  covered there  murderface 2012

BAM!! paid back.. and some!!  ;)
i say what i mean, and i mean what i say!!

can't say the same for:
moon fried

**they do not 'pay you back'**
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on April 27, 2013, 02:54 am
Guys I just sent 2 bucks to the wrong vendor for my shipping str8t to his account and it was the wrong fucking vendor, I made a order with Deezletime and acidently sent the 2 bucks to desiel therapy.. Fuk This guy takes forever to even respond to a msg,

Can someone send 2 bucks til i get it back from the guy, iv already sent him a msg telling him it was the wrong person..

Soon as its back it will come back to the loaner..If possible

SR name anonymousman

BTW no problem Box, just mixed up,sorry again bro..
what is that like 0.02?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on April 27, 2013, 02:59 am
sent you 0.02 AA :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on April 27, 2013, 03:03 am

hello hello my lovely droogies!!

it's that time again.. i'm the definition of a broke joke!! but have initiated a bitcoin transfer, which takes about 7 to 9 days..
but, i need to feed the addiction.. .09btc i know is a lot.. but it's what i'm lacking.. do the research, i've paid back ALL my lenders, WITH interest.. lend, wait n pray.. but i will not let you down!! payback definite!!
please!! and thank you thank you!!

same name on SR

gotcha  covered there  murderface 2012

BAM!! paid back.. and some!!  ;)
i say what i mean, and i mean what i say!!

can't say the same for:
moon fried

**they do not 'pay you back'**
the same way there is a list for people that have lent coin, there should also be a list of people that have not repayed their debts :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on April 27, 2013, 03:14 am
The shit list:

moon fried
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on April 27, 2013, 03:19 am
It's a lot to keep up with so let me know if someone took off and they should be added.  Or just shows up asking for coins all the time without giving back.

Dislike being a nag on this stuff, but if it helps keep the shapes for the people that deserve it, I'm all for it.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: AnonymousAddict on April 27, 2013, 03:27 am
sent you 0.02 AA :)

Thnx Man, I will send it back soon as dieseltherapy sends it back to me, I just noticed it 10min ago, and i could not believe it..

Thnx man,, Soon as the guy sends back i got you back, Iv got a list of the 3 ppl i now of

and 1 other but i forget her name right off... Not more than 8 bucks all together,, Guys some of you may be newer than me, but iv been here a long time and always taken care of my issues, Some times i have to let you know right off and i ALWAYS DO, it could be a little bit, but i pay back.. Thnx to those 3 who lent me.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on April 27, 2013, 03:34 am
The shit list:

moon fried

**do not 'lend to these people**

homie.. this is not nagging!! you are making our sanctuary a better place through awareness!!
let's, you and i.. keep up on this list, and repost it regularly!! you down??
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on April 27, 2013, 04:01 am
@AA Thanks man!  And yea haven't been hanging around too long.  Would be easy to miss out on the whole story. 

Either way, I'm just happy I can throw some positivity around this place!

.....while you were typing.....

@murdermyface Sure man!  I'm down.  I just wanna see this thread roll out like it's meant to be!  Would be awesome to have some back up on this.  Was kind of the reason I didn't start it in the first place.  Also, (again) don't like talking bad so the push is welcome.  If the support is there, I'll do it!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: hashman17 on April 27, 2013, 04:09 am
Okay so I was about to make a purchase today because I had just enough to buy, which would leave me with 0.0049B BUT! I had to go to work, since then the price of the item I want went up by 0.02 :(. If someone could send 0.02 to 1Jw17hbqpVUWKDMuCoV75zExdDWi7xcwPX it will be much appreciated!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: AnonymousAddict on April 27, 2013, 04:43 am
@AA Thanks man!  And yea haven't been hanging around too long.  Would be easy to miss out on the whole story. 

Either way, I'm just happy I can throw some positivity around this place!

.....while you were typing.....

@murdermyface Sure man!  I'm down.  I just wanna see this thread roll out like it's meant to be!  Would be awesome to have some back up on this.  Was kind of the reason I didn't start it in the first place.  Also, (again) don't like talking bad so the push is welcome.  If the support is there, I'll do it!

Yea Box iv never seen a member dedicated to the spare coins thread like you are, thats very righteous of you and all who are willing to lend a coin, or some of a coin.LOL.. Before i even realized when i first started messing in the threads i use to just post on Rumor mill, and Discussion i had a little change if in need.. 

The Karma really does come back around , when i was active non stop for mnths on the forums I lucked up and Won 2 diffrent contests,
1. was for 10 xanax bars i ended up getting
2.I came in 2nd place it was a delta11 raffle, and i won 8ball of coke, and he/she took so long to get it to me, ended up getting Half of weed and almost 4grams of blow..WHIch I obly enterd for the hell of it, So ended up giving everything away..

Point being What goes around comes around.. Everybody who helps another its always good to help another when your in a position too. There have been times when iv been loaned 15 bucks, at one time, and then other times i was able to lend 10 all the way up to 20.

So i gotta give Karma To Box for being a dedicated member of this forum and as well as the member who sent me the 2bucks and any and all other who have helped me or another in the past +1 to you guys, i can only actually give karma to a few but you guys understand the gesture.. lol

Keep up the community and love, and this is a shinning example of how a good drug community  can run , and im sure certain critics hate to know there is soo much positive here..

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: m4rc0 on April 27, 2013, 05:16 am
@AA Thanks man!  And yea haven't been hanging around too long.  Would be easy to miss out on the whole story. 

Either way, I'm just happy I can throw some positivity around this place!

.....while you were typing.....

@murdermyface Sure man!  I'm down.  I just wanna see this thread roll out like it's meant to be!  Would be awesome to have some back up on this.  Was kind of the reason I didn't start it in the first place.  Also, (again) don't like talking bad so the push is welcome.  If the support is there, I'll do it!

Thanks Mate. Greatly Appreciated!!! I am returning some shapes to this person below

Okay so I was about to make a purchase today because I had just enough to buy, which would leave me with 0.0049B BUT! I had to go to work, since then the price of the item I want went up by 0.02 :(. If someone could send 0.02 to 1Jw17hbqpVUWKDMuCoV75zExdDWi7xcwPX it will be much appreciated!

I am sending .016 your way. I hope that takes a dent out
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ranchlands on April 27, 2013, 05:50 am
i hate to ask this but i am about 35 cents short on my order i wanted to place i will repay anyone who can help me out it would be much appreciated will at least double or triple. send to 1JuFogsA6dn9xE5KU3iyyYvDYRRgTZJ3Rk   
if u can help thx very much pm me so i know who to repay
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on April 27, 2013, 06:01 am
i hate to ask this but i am about 35 cents short on my order i wanted to place i will repay anyone who can help me out it would be much appreciated will at least double or triple. send to 1JuFogsA6dn9xE5KU3iyyYvDYRRgTZJ3Rk   
if u can help thx very much pm me so i know who to repay

is your sr name the same as forum??
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: hashman17 on April 27, 2013, 06:04 am
0.919! Thank you so much m4rc0 :) If someone could send that last 0.001, I'll be set!


Never mind! Price dropped by .01 :) Thanks again marco you made this possible. I will be sure to pay it forward when i buy some more coins.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ranchlands on April 27, 2013, 06:12 am
i hate to ask this but i am about 35 cents short on my order i wanted to place i will repay anyone who can help me out it would be much appreciated will at least double or triple. send to 1JuFogsA6dn9xE5KU3iyyYvDYRRgTZJ3Rk   
if u can help thx very much pm me so i know who to repay

is your sr name the same as forum??
 yes it is
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ranchlands on April 27, 2013, 06:22 am
i hate to ask this but i am about 35 cents short on my order i wanted to place i will repay anyone who can help me out it would be much appreciated will at least double or triple. send to 1JuFogsA6dn9xE5KU3iyyYvDYRRgTZJ3Rk   
if u can help thx very much pm me so i know who to repay

is your sr name the same as forum??
 yes it is
thz to whoever sent that but i dunno what happned the price raised on my item in that time and am still 31 cents short for some reason :-\ i feel bad askin still need a bit of help apperntly. much love all
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on April 27, 2013, 06:33 am
i hate to ask this but i am about 35 cents short on my order i wanted to place i will repay anyone who can help me out it would be much appreciated will at least double or triple. send to 1JuFogsA6dn9xE5KU3iyyYvDYRRgTZJ3Rk   
if u can help thx very much pm me so i know who to repay

is your sr name the same as forum??
 yes it is
thz to whoever sent that but i dunno what happned the price raised on my item in that time and am still 31 cents short for some reason :-\ i feel bad askin still need a bit of help apperntly. much love all

wasn't me i just did now though lmao sent 10x more than i meant too. decimal points are confusing. i'm not even high :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ranchlands on April 27, 2013, 06:33 am
thx SO much for the help jus lemme know who to repay :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on April 27, 2013, 06:37 am
lol no worries sent you a pm
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: AnonymousAddict on April 27, 2013, 01:08 pm
Box im adding a Little Squares to the back in the Box. Not the full amount, But its a little. You were the first the loaned me so im giving you something back..

Thnx man..

To the other few i Owe, I got you on the 1st , and im also waiting to see if the vendor i sent the wrong money str8t to his account is gonna send it back, if he does before the first, Your on my list and know who you are..

Thanks guys
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Tellemetree on April 27, 2013, 01:14 pm
I have a lazy 0.02 btc left over that I would like to add to the box.

There may come a time when I'm short some ridiculous amount and I think this is a great idea and reinforces how awesome a community SR is for me.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on April 27, 2013, 01:25 pm
List of Users who have lent coins -

White Out

And we also now have to unfortunately have the shitlist since there are people who take advantage of other people's good will.

The shit list:

moon fried

**do not 'lend to these people**

And of course all you have to do to get off the shitlist is to be an honest person and repay the debt you origninally said you would.  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: motek on April 27, 2013, 01:30 pm
Hi Box Of Shapes and GREAT stuff mate ....Thank you SO much for getting the List of those ungrateful people together ...I reckon AA and Murder said everything I was going to and more! 8)  And DanDan, Hi bro and keep up the Great work with keeping al 393 flavors's just Ssooo  8) 8) 8) lol
thanks mate BIGTIME  8) ;D

I love the way the "real people" who come to this thread in need, AND DO the 'right thing' paying back the loan, not only does "everyone feels good" ...they  aalso have  just  become a  "new member" of our club here, by default,,  and by using those Fabulous Reference Lists,  of BOTH  the Good Guys,  AND the Bad guys,

It can really help a LOT,  when 'new' members who want to help just want to do a " check" on that member, (as 'we' used to do, NOW we have...The Lists! ) just to see how "for real" they are/were ......and  Now, via these lists, we are just sharing  our collective exp to any noobs who would like to help, and dont kknow who to trust....and we All like our "first time: to be gentle kind and good  :D  Shame things rarely work out that way these daze, except in place like TSR forums and threadstopics like this one  ;) 8)

We sincerely believe, that   "you get what you give, you just don't get it where you gave it" = "what goes around comes around' = "today you, tomorrow me"

Take good care all you lovely people, you make motek happy  ;D 8)

much love  :-*

m m m m motek  ;)                                                                                       Ohh .....and FFS !   

PLEASE tell us your SR nym NOT your Wallets # numba!          OK!???
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Tellemetree on April 27, 2013, 01:39 pm
@Danthaman @Motek

Anywhere in particular you might like my fodder coin change? Is there a "literal" box address? Or just wait for a request to step forward?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: AnonymousAddict on April 27, 2013, 02:23 pm
@Danthaman @Motek

Anywhere in particular you might like my fodder coin change? Is there a "literal" box address? Or just wait for a request to step forward?


Box is the spare coin man of this thread at the time, he would be the guy to throw some coins to, unless another member is in need. You see..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: AnonymousAddict on April 27, 2013, 02:25 pm
Hi Box Of Shapes and GREAT stuff mate ....Thank you SO much for getting the List of those ungrateful people together ...I reckon AA and Murder said everything I was going to and more! 8)  And DanDan, Hi bro and keep up the Great work with keeping al 393 flavors's just Ssooo  8) 8) 8) lol
thanks mate BIGTIME  8) ;D

I love the way the "real people" who come to this thread in need, AND DO the 'right thing' paying back the loan, not only does "everyone feels good" ...they  aalso have  just  become a  "new member" of our club here, by default,,  and by using those Fabulous Reference Lists,  of BOTH  the Good Guys,  AND the Bad guys,

It can really help a LOT,  when 'new' members who want to help just want to do a " check" on that member, (as 'we' used to do, NOW we have...The Lists! ) just to see how "for real" they are/were ......and  Now, via these lists, we are just sharing  our collective exp to any noobs who would like to help, and dont kknow who to trust....and we All like our "first time: to be gentle kind and good  :D  Shame things rarely work out that way these daze, except in place like TSR forums and threadstopics like this one  ;) 8)

We sincerely believe, that   "you get what you give, you just don't get it where you gave it" = "what goes around comes around' = "today you, tomorrow me"

Take good care all you lovely people, you make motek happy  ;D 8)

much love  :-*

m m m m motek  ;)                                                                                       Ohh .....and FFS !   

PLEASE tell us your SR nym NOT your Wallets # numba!          OK!???

Motek LMAO at the '31 flavors comment' Nice one..LOL
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on April 27, 2013, 02:31 pm
@Danthaman @Motek

Anywhere in particular you might like my fodder coin change? Is there a "literal" box address? Or just wait for a request to step forward?


Yeah usually just wait until someone posts in need of coins. A small amount of course. And then just send it directly to their SR username. It's much easier that way than to send it to a wallet address. So if they ask for some spare change and only leave their wallet address just reply and ask for their username. To send someone coins directly to their account just click on "ACCOUNT" on the top of SR page, then on the bottom it says "send bitcoins to another member" you'll want to use that. And also glad to see you want to join our spare coins community! Always good to have some more cool generous people join.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Tellemetree on April 27, 2013, 02:34 pm
@Danthaman @Motek

Anywhere in particular you might like my fodder coin change? Is there a "literal" box address? Or just wait for a request to step forward?


Yeah usually just wait until someone posts in need of coins. A small amount of course. And then just send it directly to their SR username. It's much easier that way than to send it to a wallet address. So if they ask for some spare change and only leave their wallet address just reply and ask for their username. To send someone coins directly to their account just click on "ACCOUNT" on the top of SR page, then on the bottom it says "send bitcoins to another member" you'll want to use that. And also glad to see you want to join our spare coins community! Always good to have some more cool generous people join.

NP, sounds like a good idea, since minimum transactions and obscure commissions etc leave many people with a little left/ surplus.

Can't believe the scammers would even hit here.

Bit sad.

Happy to contribute to next request anyway. Just PM me :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Carnaval on April 27, 2013, 02:50 pm
I have payed BoxofShapes 0.03 BTC back.
Thank you very much for your help ! :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on April 27, 2013, 03:16 pm
List of Users who have lent coins -

White Out

And we also now have to unfortunately have the shitlist since there are people who take advantage of other people's good will.

The shit list:

moon fried

**do not 'lend to these people**

And of course all you have to do to get off the shitlist is to be an honest person and repay the debt you origninally said you would.  ;)

lists!! i love lists!!
great job 31 flavors!!
over my period on the road i've 'lent' out about 3btc, and have been paid back around 1btc!!
i now find it difficult to hand out!!
we need to compose an 'honest people that pay you back' list.. lol, but seriously!!

much love!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on April 27, 2013, 03:54 pm
List of Users who have lent coins -

White Out

And we also now have to unfortunately have the shitlist since there are people who take advantage of other people's good will.

The shit list:

moon fried
DaFrizzle ++++
ob1kinobi ++++

**do not 'lend to these people**

And of course all you have to do to get off the shitlist is to be an honest person and repay the debt you origninally said you would.  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on April 27, 2013, 03:55 pm
@Danthaman @Motek

Anywhere in particular you might like my fodder coin change? Is there a "literal" box address? Or just wait for a request to step forward?


They may be referring to this box.  If ya like what I do around here then by all means throw some shapes in this box.  I will certainly find a use for them, other than myself.  SR name the same.  BoxofShapes.  I can honestly say that ChemCat DanDan, along with a few others, are great people as well and will do the same thing should you throw it their way.

However, I don't really advertize "Throw the Shapes my way!" because it's so much more fun if you can help out on your own.  It's a way I have discovered you can make some good bonds with others.  It might help you get to know someone where you wouldn't have otherwise.  I've certainly had some awesome pm's with people as a result.

Either way!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on April 27, 2013, 04:00 pm
I have payed BoxofShapes 0.03 BTC back.
Thank you very much for your help ! :)

Thanks for putting the shapes back!

@AA thanks for the small bit back man!

and RS7FI8ZRkm does some good work as well!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thecrackhead on April 27, 2013, 08:10 pm
0.02? anyone? thanks

crackthehead on the road cheers.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on April 27, 2013, 08:45 pm
0.02? anyone? thanks

crackthehead on the road cheers.
sent :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thecrackhead on April 27, 2013, 08:54 pm
0.02? anyone? thanks

crackthehead on the road cheers.
sent :)

Thanks man, +1.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: LesbianRobot on April 27, 2013, 11:45 pm
Anyone have .03? I am short for postage :(

SR - LesbianRobot

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: motek on April 28, 2013, 01:16 am
All yours crackhead .... enjoy!   And please dont forget to share the love with all the nice people here (like yourself)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: LesbianRobot on April 28, 2013, 01:21 am
Thanks Moty! You rock!  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: motek on April 28, 2013, 01:29 am
there ya go robot

And crackhead I didn't realise you'd been looked after ... so we sent you 0.02btcs .....

payback asap when you can friends


m m m motek
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thecrackhead on April 28, 2013, 01:43 am
Got your 0.02 man, cheers but no need as I placed my order already. So if anyone needs 0.02 just ask.

Unless of course, motek wants them back.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: pablo84 on April 28, 2013, 10:05 pm
Short .01 can anyone sort me out? I would be eternally grateful and will pay back next time I load some coins. Username is same as forum name. pablo84
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on April 29, 2013, 08:24 pm
List of Users who have lent coins -

DanDanTheIceCreamMan ++++
White Out

And we also now have to unfortunately have the shitlist since there are people who take advantage of other people's good will.

The shit list:

moon fried
Fours222 ++++

**do not 'lend to these people**

And of course all you have to do to get off the shitlist is to be an honest person and repay the debt you originally said you would.  ;)

Fours222 is a leech. Always asking for handouts but never willing to give any... sigh. It's a shame the shit list is growing larger everyday.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Chaosforpeace on April 29, 2013, 11:53 pm
This is a little more then a regular request. All of my coins are stuck in the road and while it is down I can't withdraw what I need to make a purchase elsewhere.
I have a deal with someone etc....

I need exactly 0.35 BTC and I will be able to pay it back the second the road comes back up. I personally have no doubt that it will.

PM me

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on April 30, 2013, 12:16 am
This is a little more then a regular request. All of my coins are stuck in the road and while it is down I can't withdraw what I need to make a purchase elsewhere.
I have a deal with someone etc....

I need exactly 0.35 BTC and I will be able to pay it back the second the road comes back up. I personally have no doubt that it will.

PM me

wish I were able to help you out brother, except my coins are currently in SR :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Chaosforpeace on April 30, 2013, 12:25 am
This is a little more then a regular request. All of my coins are stuck in the road and while it is down I can't withdraw what I need to make a purchase elsewhere.
I have a deal with someone etc....

I need exactly 0.35 BTC and I will be able to pay it back the second the road comes back up. I personally have no doubt that it will.

PM me

wish I were able to help you out brother, except my coins are currently in SR :(
We are in the same boat my friend.
Thanks anyway tho.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on April 30, 2013, 01:00 am
It's a shame the shit list is growing larger everyday.

I think we will see the giver list be longer than the takers.  I'm perfectly ok with it if that remains constant! 

Also sorry I didn't throw ya on the awesomeness list DD! I just kind of assumed you were on there anyway.   :P

Sux my shapes are locked up in the box currently.  :(  Too few shapes to make a back up wallet for now, but maybe down the road...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on April 30, 2013, 05:31 am

i swear that 'shit list' needs to be quoted on every page!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: motek on April 30, 2013, 04:10 pm
I think we will see the giver list be longer than the takers.  I'm perfectly ok with it if that remains constant! 

We agree whole heartedly ..... nice one dan  8)   Sorry to hear about the shapes, Box  :(   

I guess we're ALL in the same boat, on the Road!  ;D

i swear that 'shit list' needs to be quoted on every page!!

Hey Murder me mate, howz things?  Keeping up the Kill count bro?  :o
  We just Hope you are happy and having fun bro  ;)

We 'thought' that maybe "The List" could be put it on every fifth page, or as close too as possible to one,
 (e.g.Page 134-5-6 ..139-40-41...144-45 and so on) so folks know where to 'find it'  :-\

  MUCH Love for ALL the Sharers  ;D 8)  as for the "takers" ..... FUCK EM!   >:(
GTFO and dont come back till you've "changed the WAY YOU THINK!    >:(
 Hopefully, you/they,  will learn 'why' it's worth caring and sharing)  rather than being a selfish turd >:(
  Some of these young uns are gonna have a pretty sore ass, when Karma comes back to bite theirs!  ;D

m m m m motek
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on April 30, 2013, 09:52 pm

We 'thought' that maybe "The List" could be put it on every fifth page, or as close too as possible to one,
 (e.g.Page 134-5-6 ..139-40-41...144-45 and so on) so folks know where to 'find it'  :-\

This was my thought.  I didn't wanna spam the list every single time it needs an update.  Every 3-5 pages sounds perfect. 

Another idea was to make a new thread just for the list and just post the link to the topic every now and then.  That way if the list gets mega long it won't be a problem.  I also wanna make sure anyone can still update the list, as long as there is a general consensus. (which there is!)

Anyway, this DoS stuff kind of has me concerned.  Wishing this finds an end, so I can continue to replace nouns with the word box or shape. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thecrackhead on April 30, 2013, 11:25 pm
I could quote this "shit list" you have developed in the first post. Just get the list up to date and post it here so I can quote it.

Cheers for trying to make this a better place.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on May 01, 2013, 12:23 am
List of Users who have lent coins -

DanDanTheIceCreamMan ++++
White Out

The shit list:

moon fried
Fours222 ++++

**do not 'lend to these people**

Thanks crackhead!  Let me know if I can do anything else to help you. 

So awesome everyone is coming together for this. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Chaosforpeace on May 01, 2013, 01:49 am
This is a little more then a regular request. All of my coins are stuck in the road and while it is down I can't withdraw what I need to make a purchase elsewhere.
I have a deal with someone etc....

I need exactly 0.35 BTC and I will be able to pay it back the second the road comes back up. I personally have no doubt that it will.

PM me

Anyone? Please?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on May 01, 2013, 03:36 am
This is a little more then a regular request. All of my coins are stuck in the road and while it is down I can't withdraw what I need to make a purchase elsewhere.
I have a deal with someone etc....

I need exactly 0.35 BTC and I will be able to pay it back the second the road comes back up. I personally have no doubt that it will.

PM me

Anyone? Please?


the road is back up homie!! just really slow.. but it's up!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: motek on May 01, 2013, 03:42 am
Dayum!... I'm pedalling as fast as I can but I cant get the bugger to show!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 01, 2013, 06:11 am
damn, dose anybody got $16 they could loan me? l will pay whomever back within 4 days.

Dayum!... I'm pedalling as fast as I can but I cant get the bugger to show!
try reconnecting to tor, worked for me. :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 01, 2013, 07:27 am
I'm now just $10 short, well actually about $9.50. would anybody please help me out with a loan?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sweetone on May 01, 2013, 09:17 am
solved ... but nobody from here helped out  >:(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 01, 2013, 12:11 pm
nobody? :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: motek on May 01, 2013, 01:57 pm
sorry bro but I think most of us cant access TSR....bummer!

Otherwise you'd get help from motek ;o)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on May 01, 2013, 02:39 pm
nobody? :-\

Box was asleep.   :-\  Also just tried to get in with no success.  Sorry man.  Would throw some shapes your way if I could.  You have given PLENTY yourself.  Have to head out for now.  So maybe a bit later. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 01, 2013, 03:49 pm
I have loaned BTC's in the past and also borrowed BTC's in the past. Each time with reputable people and haven't had any problem getting them back or giving them back.

People on here that know me would back this up.....

I'm not on the list  :'(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Purple_Hue000 on May 01, 2013, 06:11 pm
hey, I really hate to bother but I'm not asking for much. Could someone please help me with 2 cents please? I just barely got the chance to get onto SR with all the attacks going on, I just come on here to complete an order and leave so others can get on but I'm down two cents. I'll even repay you as soon as I get coins in, I just really need the two cents Thanks!

SR username:
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 01, 2013, 07:00 pm
2 cents is how much in BTC? let me know and I may be able to help you  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 01, 2013, 07:01 pm
hey, I really hate to bother but I'm not asking for much. Could someone please help me with 2 cents please? I just barely got the chance to get onto SR with all the attacks going on, I just come on here to complete an order and leave so others can get on but I'm down two cents. I'll even repay you as soon as I get coins in, I just really need the two cents Thanks!

SR username:
sent :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 01, 2013, 07:12 pm
hey, I really hate to bother but I'm not asking for much. Could someone please help me with 2 cents please? I just barely got the chance to get onto SR with all the attacks going on, I just come on here to complete an order and leave so others can get on but I'm down two cents. I'll even repay you as soon as I get coins in, I just really need the two cents Thanks!

SR username:
sent :)

As you can see from my last post I was gonna help this dude out - you beat me to it!

Good man though for helping him +1 rep from me  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 01, 2013, 07:37 pm
sorry bro but I think most of us cant access TSR....bummer!

Otherwise you'd get help from motek ;o)
nobody? :-\

Box was asleep.   :-\  Also just tried to get in with no success.  Sorry man.  Would throw some shapes your way if I could.  You have given PLENTY yourself.  Have to head out for now.  So maybe a bit later. 
:P thanks guys, was starting to feel unloved ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 01, 2013, 07:47 pm
RS7 - How much you need bro?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on May 01, 2013, 07:59 pm
hey, I really hate to bother but I'm not asking for much. Could someone please help me with 2 cents please? I just barely got the chance to get onto SR with all the attacks going on, I just come on here to complete an order and leave so others can get on but I'm down two cents. I'll even repay you as soon as I get coins in, I just really need the two cents Thanks!

SR username:
sent :)

As you can see from my last post I was gonna help this dude out - you beat me to it!

Good man though for helping him +1 rep from me  8)

haha seems the shitlist is working effectively ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 01, 2013, 08:02 pm
RS7 - How much you need bro?
hey, thank you ;) but, I've actually decided to jus wait. was wanting to have this vendor throw in a hit of liquid acid with the original order.. save on shipping while getting to test it out..
but my order has been marked in-transit, so, all is good :) thank you brothers!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 01, 2013, 08:07 pm
hey, I really hate to bother but I'm not asking for much. Could someone please help me with 2 cents please? I just barely got the chance to get onto SR with all the attacks going on, I just come on here to complete an order and leave so others can get on but I'm down two cents. I'll even repay you as soon as I get coins in, I just really need the two cents Thanks!

SR username:
sent :)

As you can see from my last post I was gonna help this dude out - you beat me to it!

Good man though for helping him +1 rep from me  8)

haha seems the shitlist is working effectively ::)
:P haven't finished my first cup of coffee :/ but yeah thanks for reminding me  :-*, not worried anyway was just like 5 cents I sent.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 01, 2013, 08:09 pm
RS7 - How much you need bro?
hey, thank you ;) but, I've actually decided to jus wait. was wanting to have this vendor throw in a hit of liquid acid with the original order.. save on shipping while getting to test it out..
but my order has been marked in-transit, so, all is good :) thank you brothers!


Ok bro no problem - hit me up if you change your mind...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 01, 2013, 08:21 pm
RS7 - How much you need bro?
hey, thank you ;) but, I've actually decided to jus wait. was wanting to have this vendor throw in a hit of liquid acid with the original order.. save on shipping while getting to test it out..
but my order has been marked in-transit, so, all is good :) thank you brothers!


Ok bro no problem - hit me up if you change your mind...
:-* thanks

also, a quick way to calculate BTC >< USD
####Clear net warning!#### - simple an easy :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MC Haberdasher on May 01, 2013, 09:16 pm
Hey folks..  I'm short .19 btc on an order I am trying to place.

Name on SR is haberdasher.  I can pay back the loan friday night EST, I'm kinda in a jam here.

Any help would be awesome.

Thanks guys,

MC Haberdasher
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on May 01, 2013, 09:42 pm
Hey folks..  I'm I am trying to place.

Name on SR is I'm kinda in a jam here.

Any would be.

Box has some shapes for ya.  Do me the favor and replace the shapes when you said you would!  I will have some plans by then.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 01, 2013, 09:51 pm
+1 for Box - dudes throwing them shapes  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on May 01, 2013, 10:05 pm
Hey thanks Japan!  I'll make sure you are on the list next time it comes around.  As mentioned, it's kind of a new idea so it's not as old as the thread. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on May 01, 2013, 10:24 pm

####Clear net warning!#### - simple an easy :)

Oh god this is going to help me.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: AnonymousAddict on May 01, 2013, 10:58 pm
Box throwing the rest of my left over coins back in the box, Its will be i think between that small amount the other day and today right about what u loaned me, Maybe not right at, But i'll be adding more coins in a day or 2 i just wanna make sure were stable here..

Rs7 I know i owe u a few as well

Motek u also,  I was trying to send u your loan the other day by the time u told me i was right about the PM, SR was down,  Iv owed box for a few days longer, hope your cool with that..

Unless 1 of the 3 are in need of a few bucks more than the other? Let me know, cause Im having issues Timing out now..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: danb15 on May 01, 2013, 11:03 pm
SR has actually been the most addictive and interesting thing i seen haha but this thread is just over the top are yous vendors or just rich ass people handing out loans to people you dont know
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on May 01, 2013, 11:22 pm
No worries AA.  Your words put me at ease last time.  I think we are all getting our feet back currently.  Hope it stays this way.....


You would be surprised how broke this box actually is.  I just have a few shapes set aside to throw around, that won't make or break me.  The majority of people have been very good about putting the shapes back.  (some don't ask for it back if it's a small amount.  I usually do just cause I'm broke ass and so I can help the next person.)  I've like seriously lent the same fractions of the same coin to like 20-30 different people.  I'm a little stunned!

Edit: And no I've never met a soul.  All the more reason it's amazing. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: danb15 on May 01, 2013, 11:33 pm
Good to see people giving them back.. this is an amazing/fucked up place but i love it man haha i think this is the best thing invented since condoms honestly i told a friend about this site and he thinks i am full of shit haha i need to show him this place soon
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: HEATFan on May 01, 2013, 11:48 pm
Good to see people giving them back.. this is an amazing/fucked up place but i love it man haha i think this is the best thing invented since condoms honestly i told a friend about this site and he thinks i am full of shit haha i need to show him this place soon

This guy... lol...

Box throwing the rest of my left over coins back in the box, Its will be i think between that small amount the other day and today right about what u loaned me, Maybe not right at, But i'll be adding more coins in a day or 2 i just wanna make sure were stable here..

Rs7 I know i owe u a few as well

Motek u also,  I was trying to send u your loan the other day by the time u told me i was right about the PM, SR was down,  Iv owed box for a few days longer, hope your cool with that..

Unless 1 of the 3 are in need of a few bucks more than the other? Let me know, cause Im having issues Timing out now..

Don't forget about me! :p

Sent ya .1BTC a couple weeks back. Just a reminder ;)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 01, 2013, 11:53 pm
SR has actually been the most addictive and interesting thing i seen haha but this thread is just over the top are yous vendors or just rich ass people handing out loans to people you dont know
I am by no means poor, but I do still need to work to support living an fund my recreational time. I am just one whom likes to help others, where I can. I also like to put faith in people, even though I may not know them :). some people pay you back some ignore you.. but in the end its all good.. learn, live, love?

although I do wish more people were on the helping side then the taking side ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: danb15 on May 01, 2013, 11:56 pm
SR has actually been the most addictive and interesting thing i seen haha but this thread is just over the top are yous vendors or just rich ass people handing out loans to people you dont know
I am by no means poor, but I do still need to work to support living an fund my recreational time. I am just one whom likes to help others, where I can. I also like to put faith in people, even though I may not know them :). some people pay you back some ignore you.. but in the end its all good.. learn, live, love?

although I do wish more people were on the helping side then the taking side ::)

Ye i get what you mean but i would say 50% or less pay back right?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jnemonic on May 01, 2013, 11:59 pm
Just letting you know i have not forgotten about you! Coins will be replaced today.

Thank you so much for last time, and you BOS(BoxOfShapes) ;)

Both of you are burned into my memory banks. :) 8) :P

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MC Haberdasher on May 02, 2013, 12:03 am
Quote from: MC Haberdasher on Today at 09:16 pm

    Hey folks..  I'm I am trying to place.

    Name on SR is I'm kinda in a jam here.

    Any would be.

Box has some shapes for ya.  Do me the favor and replace the shapes when you said you would!  I will have some plans by then.

Absolutely.  99.9 percent of the time, I re-stock coins friday afternoons and will refund you as soon as I am able to.  I will have some 1/100th's of coin to lend as well this weekend.

Hint:  If your girl is gonna help flip a zee of weed for ya for 230 bucks, and you need the money.   Light a fire under her size 16 ass!!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on May 02, 2013, 01:17 am
Ye i get what you mean but i would say 50% or less pay back right?

Na its much better than that.  At the same time, I'm kind of selective about who I throw a chuck of shapes to.  It's usually people who I have seen around the forums for a while, and I "perceive" as a decent person.  If it's tiny shapes, I don't keep up with it so can't really give a decent %.  Makes it more fun to get an unexpected PM from someone saying "shapes returned!"

I also like to put faith in people, even though I may not know them :). some people pay you back some ignore you.. but in the end its all good.. learn, live, love?

Yea.  I like having reminders there are people all over this sphere shaped box that will do the right thing.  Hard to find sometimes in RL.  Who better to trust then people on drugs?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on May 02, 2013, 01:36 am
List of Users who have lent coins -

White Out

The shit list:

moon fried

**do not 'lend to these people**
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: danb15 on May 02, 2013, 01:55 am
Ye i get what you mean but i would say 50% or less pay back right?

Na its much better than that.  At the same time, I'm kind of selective about who I throw a chuck of shapes to.  It's usually people who I have seen around the forums for a while, and I "perceive" as a decent person.  If it's tiny shapes, I don't keep up with it so can't really give a decent %.  Makes it more fun to get an unexpected PM from someone saying "shapes returned!"

Cool bro keep up the good work watch out for them romanian pick pokets on here :) chat soon
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 02, 2013, 03:36 am
okey :P, lets try this again.. would somebody please loan me 0.14 btc or roughly $16 till next week tuesday? would like to buy a 0.001g scale just a tad sort
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: touchthesky on May 02, 2013, 03:36 am
UPDATE: Friend has transferred 0.6 BTC so I am now only short of 0.4 BTC

looking for 1 BTC. would be much obliged if anyone had

If you can provide a smaller amount that would be a great help and I'll simply update this thread till I have the total 1 BTC. I appreciate any and all help.

I WILL be returning BTC and favours. This is a loan and I will return it by mid next week

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 02, 2013, 03:41 am
looking for 1 BTC. would be much obliged if anyone had

??? you realize that is asking for like $120+ right?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: touchthesky on May 02, 2013, 04:13 am
you realize that asking for like $120+ right?
what I don't realise is why you're so interested? Maybe 10 people will give .10 BTC each which is approx $12 each. I just said I would be much obliged if I could get a hold of 1 BTC, whoever has it in their capacity will give it and obviously I'd repay them accordingly. Also did you give me negative karma just for that post?.....
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 02, 2013, 04:39 am
you realize that asking for like $120+ right?
what I don't realise is why you're so interested? Maybe 10 people will give .10 BTC each which is approx $12 each. I just said I would be much obliged if I could get a hold of 1 BTC, whoever has it in their capacity will give it and obviously I'd repay them accordingly. Also did you give me negative karma just for that post?.....
:P I'm actually not interested at all, was jus making sure you knew what you were asking for. anyway best of luck. an no I haven't given you any +/- karma.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 02, 2013, 04:44 am
okey :P, lets try this again.. would somebody please loan me 0.14 btc or roughly $16 till next week tuesday? would like to buy a 0.001g scale just a tad sort
also, still looking for a short term micro-loan of about $16 or 0.14 btc if anyone can help me out, would be very awesome :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on May 02, 2013, 04:47 am
ugh anyone else noticing an increase in newbies spamming to 50 to ask for ridiculous amounts of money? this is more a place for people who have bitcoins but are a bit short, not just straight up paying for your entire order. maybe it's just because i have a bit spare so i check the posts these days...

if you want a loan and have poor credit history why not head to the interest is only 4214% apr
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: coolkid321 on May 02, 2013, 04:57 am
Could someone loan me 0.02 BTC? I'll repay and +1 you. my bitcoin addy is 15qv7GV6Hn9MkPf4ZwP8BSyiGSzD9yNjb2   but you can send it on SR quicker SR name coolkid321
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: touchthesky on May 02, 2013, 04:59 am
ugh anyone else noticing an increase in newbies spamming to 50 to ask for ridiculous amounts of money?

I'm sure you could just check out my post history and you'll see I didn't have THAT much of spam. Its the rules of not being able to post outside without 50 posts that has all these threads coming up in the first place. Whats your point? That I'm a shill account looking for 1 BTC for a rinse and repeat? You could probably see when I registered, the posts I've done, there's 2 links in my sig you could check out. Perhaps that would clear things up about me being an actual person here for the long term not just some coachella420 type noob.

I made a reference to giving money and things out in another post of mine. If you're not doing it, read along. Don't need your comments (I believe the rules of the thread state so) if you are helping (even with smaller increments) then please say how much youve xferred and ill update my initial post accordingly. someone with 20 odd BTC isn't going to mind giving 1 for a short term loan so like I said again, whoever has whatever capacity will give if he feels the need. Everyone else can follow the rules
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: HEATFan on May 02, 2013, 05:02 am
ugh anyone else noticing an increase in newbies spamming to 50 to ask for ridiculous amounts of money? this is more a place for people who have bitcoins but are a bit short, not just straight up paying for your entire order. maybe it's just because i have a bit spare so i check the posts these days...

if you want a loan and have poor credit history why not head to the interest is only 4214% apr

My hero member 4 life speaking some truth here. I simply ignore the posts which are asking for ridiculous amounts, making no offer to pay back, or are accounts which have no real post history other than spam and btc requests.

But thank you so much for pointing me to that website. I can finally get my loan now.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: HEATFan on May 02, 2013, 05:05 am
isn't going to mind giving 1 for a short term loan

You mentioned no where in your original post that you planned to repay, FYI.

looking for 1 BTC. would be much obliged if anyone had

If you can provide a smaller amount that would be a great help and I'll simply update this thread till I have the total 1 BTC. I appreciate any and all help

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jnemonic on May 02, 2013, 05:13 am
AutoBondon-Just sent you some coins, but i want to add the interest i promised soon.

Thanks again, it really saved my arse last week. ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: touchthesky on May 02, 2013, 05:20 am
You mentioned no where in your original post that you planned to repay, FYI.

Updated accordingly. Thanks. I mentioned in my second post that I intend to repay favours. Updated OP anyway
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 02, 2013, 05:29 am
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 02, 2013, 05:36 am
okey :P, lets try this again.. would somebody please loan me 0.14 btc or roughly $16 till next week tuesday? would like to buy a 0.001g scale just a tad sort

Is your username the same on here as SR and I'll throw it over now?

Be quick though, as I'm off to work soon and wont be back for 5 hours, only doing half day today  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 02, 2013, 05:41 am
okey :P, lets try this again.. would somebody please loan me 0.14 btc or roughly $16 till next week tuesday? would like to buy a 0.001g scale just a tad sort

Is your username the same on here as SR and I'll throw it over now?

Be quick though, as I'm off to work soon and wont be back for 5 hours, only doing half day today  :)
:) hey japan, funny I just had sent you a PM. thanks very much. anyway yes my forum name is the same for the road. ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 02, 2013, 05:49 am
I'll do it right now bro - It'll have to be in 2 transactions. As I can only send 0.09 right this second. However coin is coming to me in about 20 minutes and then I'll put 0.05 in to total 0.14........if that makes sense!

EDIT: 1st transaction sent over, hold tight for the rest  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 02, 2013, 05:54 am
I'll do it right now bro - It'll have to be in 2 transactions. As I can only send 0.09 right this second. However coin is coming to me in about 20 minutes and then I'll put 0.05 in to total 0.14........if that makes sense!
thank you brother! I will have them back to you on tuesday :-* :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 02, 2013, 05:59 am
Yeah that's cool - just chuck em back on Tuesday  8)

I'm also same name here and the road..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: touchthesky on May 02, 2013, 06:01 am
UPDATE: I've had my friend transfer 0.6 BTC and now am only 0.4BTC short. OP updated

address agian is 1NxJJtt83uumnDYc94f5zSetZbXzFjNbtb
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 02, 2013, 06:05 am
UPDATE: I've had my friend transfer 0.6 BTC and now am only 0.4BTC short. OP updated

address agian is 1NxJJtt83uumnDYc94f5zSetZbXzFjNbtb

Would help, but that's quite a bit you're after and I've not seen you around the forums and your post count is quite low.

Sorry - but this time round I can't help you. Stick around and It'll be a different story  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 02, 2013, 06:50 am
RS7FI8ZRkm sent you the total of 0.14 over now bro  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: x3mnightmare on May 02, 2013, 07:26 am
Hi all,

I'm 0.06 short can anyone help me out will return the favor and have done before


same name on the road

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on May 02, 2013, 08:35 am
Hi all,

I'm 0.06 short can anyone help me out will return the favor and have done before


same name on the road


Shapes two u box of nightmares.  Place the nightmares back when you can please.

stop askin when I'm not around.  It's hard for me to help when I don't know about it.

thanks for the back up dood
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: x3mnightmare on May 02, 2013, 08:45 am
thank you sir order placed

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Purple_Hue000 on May 02, 2013, 10:04 am
Hey, sorry to bug. It's been hectic just trying to access SR these past few days to make an order. Could someone please help I'm short 0.03 on an order please?


SR Username:
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: motek on May 02, 2013, 10:48 am

        Heyyy  everybody!1  GREAT NEWS ;D    SARANOTTEGEN HAS REPAID HER DEBT IN FULL  8) 8)   (with EXTRA)

she sent me a pm and  all  ...after atalk, she's a cool grrrl   :)   just having a bumpy time ....we can relate ::)

GO Sara, hope it's ALL good sweety...and Dan, or whoever's 'in control' of The List,   can we please remove   " saranottegan " Please :)    She's worth it, and got our backing ;)

thanx and hello

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 02, 2013, 12:06 pm
Hi all,

I'm 0.06 short can anyone help me out will return the favor and have done before


same name on the road


Shapes two u box of nightmares.  Place the nightmares back when you can please.

stop askin when I'm not around.  It's hard for me to help when I don't know about it.

thanks for the back up dood

No worries Box I got your back bro... I did say I would help him last night but he didn't need it then. I said to hit me up if he changes his mind - A man of my word like I am did when he was in need this morning  ;)

Also I dunno why I'm not on the 'good' list  :'( - I've helped numerous people out over the past 9 months or so.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on May 02, 2013, 12:09 pm
Hey, sorry to bug. It's been hectic just trying to access SR these past few days to make an order. Could someone please help I'm short 0.03 on an order please?


SR Username:

lol no, I don't think anyone will help you out. Read the list.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Japan1980 ++++
White Out

The shit list:

moon fried

**do not 'lend to these people**

Oh and saranottegan is off 2nd list  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 02, 2013, 12:12 pm
@ Dan

I don't see my name on the list, Jeeeez whats a brother gotta do to get the love   ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on May 02, 2013, 12:13 pm
Hey, sorry to bug. It's been hectic just trying to access SR these past few days to make an order. Could someone please help I'm short 0.03 on an order please?


SR Username:

You still need it? Hit me up and I might be able to help a brother out  8)

Hey Japan1980, two things. 1) I added you to list. I'm not on all the time so it's hard to get everysingle person on the list. You can always just add yourself. I am in no way "in charge" of the list. It's the community's list. and 2) DO NOT loan anything to purplehue000
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 02, 2013, 12:23 pm
Hey, sorry to bug. It's been hectic just trying to access SR these past few days to make an order. Could someone please help I'm short 0.03 on an order please?


SR Username:

You still need it? Hit me up and I might be able to help a brother out  8)

Hey Japan1980, two things. 1) I added you to list. I'm not on all the time so it's hard to get everysingle person on the list. You can always just add yourself. I am in no way "in charge" of the list. It's the community's list. and 2) DO NOT loan anything to purplehue000

Sheeeit I must be going blind! Respect Dan for adding me, and double that for the advice with purplehue.

P.S. ANY NEWBIE READING THIS THREAD DON'T PM ME ASKING FOR LOANS - YOU HAVE MORE CHANCE OF    GETTING A BLOW JOB FROM ME, AND THAT STANDS AT 0%...... had 4 pm's from people with 2 or 3 posts asking for loans between $2 upto $100!!!  I might be kind to well known people but I'm far from fucking stupid  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: motek on May 02, 2013, 12:27 pm
 hey AA hi mate and yeah No worries...I guessed it was due to SR being down :( but hey!  I can check to see if you have given thrm back :o

Na really AA, as you know, this thread is ALL anouth 'the thought that counts'  and as long as you  do your best to get it sorted, , or make nice notes like with  your,  to us it makes us all feel part of  this diversse anaonymous army of friends, who can at first choose to loan someone they dont know a little coin to help them out, AND then they return the, money, and it makes you feel good to know there ARE COOL FRIENDLY KIND HELPFUL HUMANS that are "good for it"   and this is the thread to do that!! ;D

I laughed at how danb thousand we were all rich and crazy  :o lmao  8)   But really this thread ONLY WORKS BECOZ WE ALL PUT IN A LITTLE   and that's what make's it so much! 

As boxman or Dan said, they 'recycled the shapes at least 30 times  8)  and that can only happen IF  evreyone keeps their word

It started to make it  great comeback since the BOS is back  ;D    SO good on ya everyome who shares we're on your side and will help you if I can, and established members get first look in  ;)   coz we were the huys to take a  chance OR just be kind  :)

Love you all

m m m motek  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 02, 2013, 12:48 pm
Well said motek, I concur...

m m m m m m m m m motek  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: asshole on May 02, 2013, 02:36 pm
Broke fuckers begging like a bunch of bums. You all are like the bum begging outside of the liquor stores. Get a fucking job so you can pay for your own drugs like the rest of us.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: skeezoo8586 on May 02, 2013, 03:57 pm
can somebody spare .001btc? my order after shipping is exacty 1.01btc and I have ฿1.00995465
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 02, 2013, 05:06 pm
Hey, sorry to bug. It's been hectic just trying to access SR these past few days to make an order. Could someone please help I'm short 0.03 on an order please?


SR Username:

lol no, I don't think anyone will help you out. Read the list.


hey, I really hate to bother but I'm not asking for much. Could someone please help me with 2 cents please? I just barely got the chance to get onto SR with all the attacks going on, I just come on here to complete an order and leave so others can get on but I'm down two cents. I'll even repay you as soon as I get coins in, I just really need the two cents Thanks!

SR username:
sent :)

As you can see from my last post I was gonna help this dude out - you beat me to it!

Good man though for helping him +1 rep from me  8)

haha seems the shitlist is working effectively ::)
:P haven't finished my first cup of coffee :/ but yeah thanks for reminding me  :-*, not worried anyway was just like 5 cents I sent.
::) o well.

@Japan thank you very much sir!

@BoxofShapes stop going offline when I'm in need of a little help :P ::) :-*

@motek 1+ well said.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 02, 2013, 05:12 pm
can somebody spare .001btc? my order after shipping is exacty 1.01btc and I have ฿1.00995465
sent :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: AnonymousAddict on May 02, 2013, 05:41 pm
MOTEK sent you a little back on what u lent me, i keep trying to send it all but, it keeps telling me "Invalid amount" Im copy and pasting whats available in my acct, anyway Something has been sent back,

jUST want you to know i am a stand up guy like i said, and will get u the rest soon as i reload.

RS7 your next too buddy havent forgot u..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 02, 2013, 05:46 pm
MOTEK sent you a little back on what u lent me, i keep trying to send it all but, it keeps telling me "Invalid amount" Im copy and pasting whats available in my acct, anyway Something has been sent back,

jUST want you to know i am a stand up guy like i said, and will get u the rest soon as i reload.

RS7 your next too buddy havent forgot u..
no rush brother, whenever is fine :) although thanks for the heads up.

also, when you c&p from your total account balance make sure to delete the spaces..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: herpderp25 on May 02, 2013, 05:50 pm
Hi guys,

You don't see me in this thread much, mostly because I usually have enough. I don't want to sound like a beggar, but I am literally .02 BTC short of completing a transaction. I calculated it very closely when I deposited bitcoins, but the devaluation and fluctuations combined with certain vendors who don't employ a hedged pricepoint has me desperately close to making this order. If anyone has .02 BTC to spare (SR name is buba1990) I would be more than willing to return the favor when I get more BTC, pay it forward when I have spare left over if you want me to do that, or however you want me to, i'll get you back for the .02. Thank you in advance if anyone has some to spare, would be much appreciated. And again the SR name is buba1990
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on May 02, 2013, 05:51 pm

lol man.  Funny stuff about purplehue.  It's why I threw him on there.  Not more than 24 hours before the doosh asked again?  Did he even pay you back the first time?  Don't encourage the fucker!  He's just an endless hunger of a black hole of "gimmy".

So awesome people are lovin the list.


Yea.  Sorry you experienced this.  You just wanna help out a few people that deserve it, and then you get a flood with messages from people that think they can take advantage of you.  Don't be afraid to post their names if it was insulting enough.

IF YOU CAN'T POST IN THE OPEN IN THIS THREAD WITH YOUR NEEDS, then you do not deserve to be helped out.  People should have no shame in asking within the thread if you haven't done anything wrong.  It's just RUDE, to PM.  Be aware of this.  Whether you are sending or receiving a message.

Second list has been ordered like the 1st, so it can be read easier.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Japan1980 ++++
White Out

The shit list:

moon fried

**do not 'lend to these people**
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on May 02, 2013, 05:54 pm
Hi guys,

You don't see me in this thread much, mostly because I usually have enough. I don't want to sound like a beggar, but I am literally .02 BTC short of completing a transaction. I calculated it very closely when I deposited bitcoins, but the devaluation and fluctuations combined with certain vendors who don't employ a hedged pricepoint has me desperately close to making this order. If anyone has .02 BTC to spare (SR name is buba1990) I would be more than willing to return the favor when I get more BTC, pay it forward when I have spare left over if you want me to do that, or however you want me to, i'll get you back for the .02. Thank you in advance if anyone has some to spare, would be much appreciated. And again the SR name is buba1990

I can spare some shapes for that.  Please put the shapes back in the box when you can!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: herpderp25 on May 02, 2013, 05:56 pm
Hi guys,

You don't see me in this thread much, mostly because I usually have enough. I don't want to sound like a beggar, but I am literally .02 BTC short of completing a transaction. I calculated it very closely when I deposited bitcoins, but the devaluation and fluctuations combined with certain vendors who don't employ a hedged pricepoint has me desperately close to making this order. If anyone has .02 BTC to spare (SR name is buba1990) I would be more than willing to return the favor when I get more BTC, pay it forward when I have spare left over if you want me to do that, or however you want me to, i'll get you back for the .02. Thank you in advance if anyone has some to spare, would be much appreciated. And again the SR name is buba1990

Thanks Box! Would you rather I pay it forward to somebody else when I can or personally pay you back? Your call. Thank you either way.

I can spare some shapes for that.  Please put the shapes back in the box when you can!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 02, 2013, 06:03 pm
@BoxofShapes  :P of course he never payed me back, nor even thanked me ::)

still have a few more people I could add to the shit list, but I'm giving them time to redeem themselves.. how long would you say? is 2 weeks too long?

also, good point about being able to ask publicly, if someone has shame in asking for help, then you probably shouldn't be reading this thread.

@herpderp25 I literary have under a dollar in my account .81(ish) cents but if it helps I'd be glad to chip it your way :)
Edit: shapes got your back nevermind :P but I still got 80 some cents if anybody is short some pennies..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: herpderp25 on May 02, 2013, 06:07 pm
RS7-- No need mate, I got the .02 from Box-- which I owe a thank you to! I also have .01 BTC remaining in my account, so if anybody is as desperate as I was, they can have it. Thanks again guys. I'll be back soon to give back.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: herpderp25 on May 02, 2013, 06:15 pm
account ฿0.000054

Yup.. on that ballin' status lol. Just sent my last .01 to SpeedCrunch, who helped me out with a micro-loan like this time last week. Better late than never even if its just .01. Still a real life dollar!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on May 02, 2013, 06:17 pm

Throw it back at me when ya can man.  I know it's small but I don't have much to begin with.  Just trying to keep the cycle going for the beautiful people of this thread.

The shape of my name on sr is the same.  BoxofShapes.


I don't have a good answer for that.  The point I get pissed is when they are straight up ignoring your pm's.  I'm fine with it if they are way over the date they gave me, so long as they send me an update.  (Like AA)  However, the list could be used as "motivation" for someone who otherwise would have none.  My advice is to use common sense to find the balance?  IDK.  I dislike judging people, but I don't like getting fucked over either.  Certainly don't let people walk over you when you were just trying to be nice in the first place.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Repus6 on May 02, 2013, 06:35 pm
I've got a few things in limbo right now. I may be able to help some people out later on once I know what's going on with my stuff. Just wanted to give a heads up.  ;) I'll keep an eye on this thread.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: herpderp25 on May 02, 2013, 06:39 pm
Yeah no problem man. In fact, next time I re-up on some BTC, i'll make sure to send some your way and spread it to some others who need some last-minute funding. Pay it forward :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on May 02, 2013, 06:43 pm
Yeah no problem man. In fact, next time I re-up on some BTC, i'll make sure to send some your way and spread it to some others who need some last-minute funding. Pay it forward :)

Welcome to the thread man!  Glad you're catching on!

Nice to have ya back!  I just realized where your picture came from the other day.  Good timing!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: herpderp25 on May 02, 2013, 06:50 pm
My pleasure, and thanks again for the .02 sir! Also thank you for the positive karma. I have -4 mainly because I spoke bad of some vendors' products that were truly horrendous, and got slammed to -4 by their cronies. Oh well. Off to class now, i'll see you around the thread, take care man.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Repus6 on May 02, 2013, 06:53 pm
Nice to have ya back!  I just realized where your picture came from the other day.  Good timing!

Thanks Shapes! I <3 Gunther and Ice King! I'm waiting on a refund because my product never arrived. It really wasn't anyone's fault but my coins are still tied up  :(. Anyway, I hope all is well! I'll be back once everything on my Road is straightened out. Lol
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 02, 2013, 07:52 pm
I have a few bits and pieces to help out anyone that is in desperate need - I might not be on much tonight, but I'll be on first thing tomorrow morning (UK time)

@RS7FI8ZRkm - no problem bro, glad I could help.

@Box - Yeah the idiots PM'ing thinking I'm a soft touch and asking for upto $100 are nobodies, they can fucking do one. If they can't post here and ask for help then fuck em.

It's all about keeping people ticking over when in need - It's NOT about trying it on thinking i'll throw my coins around like I'm some dumbass that can be scammed. What goes round comes round, and a little help can mean a lot for some people at certain times.

I deleted the PM's otherwise certainly 2 of them would be named and shamed and added to the 'shit list'  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 02, 2013, 07:53 pm
Double post - ignore!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sl0wturtle on May 03, 2013, 03:42 am
im transferring bitcoins to my account now, and since the price is dropping, i will not have enough bitcoin

ive been asking on #bitcoin-otc for people to sell me .1 bitcoin to cover the cost but nobody wants paypal from a guy with low rating

if somebody could kindly help me out with like .02 or .03 that would be greatly appreciated

my sr user is same as forum


holy fuck. I'm short like a $1.50. This is some bullshit. I will definitely repay somebody back if they could hook it up. I'll send you more back. I just can't buy coins tonight, it's past midnight here.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MuddbuttJenkins on May 03, 2013, 06:06 am
This is a great idea guys. Im all for it :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: saranottegan on May 03, 2013, 07:02 am

        Heyyy  everybody!1  GREAT NEWS ;D    SARANOTTEGAN HAS REPAID HER DEBT IN FULL  8) 8)   (with EXTRA)

she sent me a pm and  all  ...after atalk, she's a cool grrrl   :)   just having a bumpy time ....we can relate ::)

GO Sara, hope it's ALL good sweety...and Dan, or whoever's 'in control' of The List,   can we please remove   " saranottegan " Please :)    She's worth it, and got our backing ;)

thanx and hello


Thanks motek, 'm sorry for such the delay again..but he and I went over all that. I hope to be back more to lend than to borrow from now!

ALSO ANYONE, if I owe you any coin and, of course you can prove it ;)  can you PM me?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on May 03, 2013, 07:28 am

what up my droogies??
.06 anyone?? please please!!
paid back EVERY loan to date!!

thank you thank you!!
same name on SR..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Mcrad on May 03, 2013, 07:32 am
Help me start my vendor page:)

any spare bitcoins would help!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 03, 2013, 09:57 am

what up my droogies??
.06 anyone?? please please!!
paid back EVERY loan to date!!

thank you thank you!!
same name on SR..

Went on a spending spree last night and only got .05 - but sent it your way just now.

I'm just waiting for a re-up of coins, should be in a few hours,so could add the .01 then if no-one else has jumped in by then. I'll be out most of the day though working.

I hope the 0.05 helps in some way  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on May 03, 2013, 01:19 pm

what up my droogies??
.06 anyone?? please please!!
paid back EVERY loan to date!!

thank you thank you!!
same name on SR..

Went on a spending spree last night and only got .05 - but sent it your way just now.

I'm just waiting for a re-up of coins, should be in a few hours,so could add the .01 then if no-one else has jumped in by then. I'll be out most of the day though working.

I hope the 0.05 helps in some way  8)

hell yes it helps!!  ;)
thank you homie!! you rock!!
will pay you back for sure!!

only .002btc short now!! frustrating!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: yokes101 on May 03, 2013, 01:22 pm
Anyone have 0.042 coin to spare? I short on an order to try out those new mortal kombats.

BTC Address: 1561QHP4omooGdCkoBYgvZ5A2Kszhrnq8h

Thanks in advance.  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 03, 2013, 01:44 pm

what up my droogies??
.06 anyone?? please please!!
paid back EVERY loan to date!!

thank you thank you!!
same name on SR..

Went on a spending spree last night and only got .05 - but sent it your way just now.

I'm just waiting for a re-up of coins, should be in a few hours,so could add the .01 then if no-one else has jumped in by then. I'll be out most of the day though working.

I hope the 0.05 helps in some way  8)

hell yes it helps!!  ;)
thank you homie!! you rock!!
will pay you back for sure!!

only .002btc short now!! frustrating!!

Still waiting on my coins but I'll chuck the remainder of my wallet into yours - It's only 0.00116478. `not too far off what you need, sorry I haven't got the .002, but every little counts  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 03, 2013, 07:01 pm
Someone put you on the 'shit list' so sorry pal!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on May 03, 2013, 11:42 pm
SR has been so unreliable and shaky lately that I can barely get an order done. I'm not asking for much but can someone please, please help me with 0.03? I've paid every loan back as soon as I get coin in.  Everytime I get on SR it goes down and the forums seem the be the only place that's stable right now. Hopefully everything get's back running smooth in the next few days.
            Thank you,

SR Username:

You are not welcome in this thread. Please leave and stop asking people for money. If you look through the history of this thread and figure out who you owe BTC's to and repay them than you are welcome again. Until then, read the list and GTFO!

List of Users who have lent coins -

Japan1980 ++++
White Out

The shit list:

moon fried

**do not 'lend to these people**

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on May 04, 2013, 12:24 am
Jesus this guy has no remorse or guilt.  This is exactly the reason why it made it necessary to have a list. 

Thanks for moding guys.  ;D Yay for collective efforts!


        Heyyy  everybody!1  GREAT NEWS ;D    SARANOTTEGAN HAS REPAID HER DEBT IN FULL  8) 8)   (with EXTRA)

she sent me a pm and  all  ...after atalk, she's a cool grrrl   :)   just having a bumpy time ....we can relate ::)

GO Sara, hope it's ALL good sweety...and Dan, or whoever's 'in control' of The List,   can we please remove   " saranottegan " Please :)    She's worth it, and got our backing ;)

thanx and hello


Thanks motek, 'm sorry for such the delay again..but he and I went over all that. I hope to be back more to lend than to borrow from now!

ALSO ANYONE, if I owe you any coin and, of course you can prove it ;)  can you PM me?


This is fucking awesome.


Shapes are locked in the box  :-X Sorry guys.  I'll try later.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: motek on May 04, 2013, 04:29 am
yeah eh?   mad my heart smile that grrrl!

now  where's roseannbarr   gone?   
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: AnonymousAddict on May 04, 2013, 06:59 am

Throw it back at me when ya can man.  I know it's small but I don't have much to begin with.  Just trying to keep the cycle going for the beautiful people of this thread.

The shape of my name on sr is the same.  BoxofShapes.


I don't have a good answer for that.  The point I get pissed is when they are straight up ignoring your pm's.  I'm fine with it if they are way over the date they gave me, so long as they send me an update.  (Like AA)  However, the list could be used as "motivation" for someone who otherwise would have none.  My advice is to use common sense to find the balance?  IDK.  I dislike judging people, but I don't like getting fucked over either.  Certainly don't let people walk over you when you were just trying to be nice in the first place.

Thanks for the kind words Box.. Still owe u a few bucks, and IM SOO PISSED ATM, I ALWAYS USE BITINSTANT , ALWAYS!!! well with the shaky new of them for my first time i dropped 100  buck money pak with a BTC vendor 1st time doing this, did not want to, cause of fee and not to mention claims it can take a few days(NOT COOL) But the reputation was there and i had my small debts here and then i wanted to get a nice little deal a Vendor and I came up with, NOW Just as i fucking figured, SR IS acting up!!! I told myslf wait 1 week make sure things seem to be running smooth, a few days could be to fool us, let everyone LOAD UPA SNF THEN BOOM, done again.. Seems i was right..

Motek i did send u over a 1 and some change, i had 2.85 or something but when i would try to put in whole amount it kept repeating invalid balance or amount, so i just went with what i could had a 1.05 left last i ssaw it was at 94 cents.. SMH...... This is why i hate even borroing micro loans, even though all us on here know who to trust and who not, it sucks knowing u owe a good guy u never met, but cant pay him now cause 1. NEW BTC BUYING TACTIC   2..SR IS FUKKKED AGAIN! errrrr...

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 04, 2013, 08:02 am
AA - I've been trying to get in with no luck, then BOOM I'm in right now as I type...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on May 04, 2013, 08:01 pm
You rock AA.  A real example of the people I want hanging around this place!  I think this is a nightmare for everyone.  I still don't have access.  You got a trick I don't know about japan?

I need to make an order but I don't know if it's a good idea.  I didn't make a deposit anyway like I wanted on friday cause of this crap.  I don't know what to doooo!

Trying to get a hold of my "go to's" but idk to what end.....
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Mcrad on May 04, 2013, 08:29 pm
You rock AA.  A real example of the people I want hanging around this place!  I think this is a nightmare for everyone.  I still don't have access.  You got a trick I don't know about japan?

I need to make an order but I don't know if it's a good idea.  I didn't make a deposit anyway like I wanted on friday cause of this crap.  I don't know what to doooo!

Trying to get a hold of my "go to's" but idk to what end.....

i was on a little bit ago. keep trying you'll get in.

DPR rules<3
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on May 04, 2013, 11:12 pm
Just wanted everyone to know that danknasty has put some shapes back in my box(that sounds dirty). He's a real stand up guy.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on May 04, 2013, 11:24 pm
Haha I just noticed Purple_Hue000 deleted his money-grubbing comment. I don't know maybe I'm being a hater, but that guy just really irks me. He doesn't have money to buy his drugs but he has money to go to a 3 day festival. This was from another thread today.

I'm attending a three day festival. I'm bringing for myself 250mg of MDMA (125mg in each cap) and 1mg of 25b-NBOMe. 

Has anyone ever combined any of the NBOMe's with MDMA?  Is it worth it?  Or should I take my MDMA and 25B on different days?

This I guess would be a RC Candyflip.  Napalm Flipping lol

I'm usually a pretty easy going person.... but fuck that guy. A leech and a liar. A terrible combination.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Purple_Hue000 on May 05, 2013, 12:58 am
Haha I just noticed Purple_Hue000 deleted his money-grubbing comment. I don't know maybe I'm being a hater, but that guy just really irks me. He doesn't have money to buy his drugs but he has money to go to a 3 day festival. This was from another thread today.

I'm attending a three day festival. I'm bringing for myself 250mg of MDMA (125mg in each cap) and 1mg of 25b-NBOMe. 

Has anyone ever combined any of the NBOMe's with MDMA?  Is it worth it?  Or should I take my MDMA and 25B on different days?

This I guess would be a RC Candyflip.  Napalm Flipping lol

I'm usually a pretty easy going person.... but fuck that guy. A leech and a liar. A terrible combination.

you wanna spot me 0.01 bitcoin please?


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 05, 2013, 01:12 am
You rock AA.  A real example of the people I want hanging around this place!  I think this is a nightmare for everyone.  I still don't have access.  You got a trick I don't know about japan?

I need to make an order but I don't know if it's a good idea.  I didn't make a deposit anyway like I wanted on friday cause of this crap.  I don't know what to doooo!

Trying to get a hold of my "go to's" but idk to what end.....

"you got a trick I don't know about Japan?"

What you mean Box? Maybe I'm reading into that wrong but I'm a stand up guy - not asked for shit on this thread, but helped numerous people out. Maybe I'm being paranoid and read that wrong, if so apologies my man!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on May 05, 2013, 01:37 am
You rock AA.  A real example of the people I want hanging around this place!  I think this is a nightmare for everyone.  I still don't have access.  You got a trick I don't know about japan?

I need to make an order but I don't know if it's a good idea.  I didn't make a deposit anyway like I wanted on friday cause of this crap.  I don't know what to doooo!

Trying to get a hold of my "go to's" but idk to what end.....

"you got a trick I don't know about Japan?"

What you mean Box? Maybe I'm reading into that wrong but I'm a stand up guy - not asked for shit on this thread, but helped numerous people out. Maybe I'm being paranoid and read that wrong, if so apologies my man!

Yes I believe you read into that wrong. I think he was talking about you being able to get on the site when no one else could.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tedrux on May 05, 2013, 02:26 am
I would like 1.5 btc for cyanide from emerald.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: motek on May 05, 2013, 02:57 am
Motek i did send u over a 1 and some change, i had 2.85 or something but when i would try to put in whole amount it kept repeating invalid balance or amount, so i just went with what i could had a 1.05 left last i ssaw it was at 94 cents.. SMH...... This is why i hate even borroing micro loans, even though all us on here know who to trust and who not, it sucks knowing u owe a good guy u never met, but cant pay him now cause 1. NEW BTC BUYING TACTIC   2..SR IS FUKKKED AGAIN! errrrr...

Hey bro no probs, I got the  .01 and I  feel for your frustrations  :P

But I've just got back on TSR  an hour or so ago, and it is "flying" as in fast!  Pages are loading in <2 secs for me! 8)

Go forth all,  and enjoy the "New Road"  a place to share .... and just dont respond to trolls, let em 'figure it out' fuck it's NOT that hard! lol  ;D

Take care all you good guys, and Japan1980  we KNOW you are a "good guy"  and thanx for your help 8)

love ya,  motek
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 05, 2013, 05:24 am
I've re-read what the man like Box said again - and I clearly read it wrong the first time!!

My apologies to you Mr Box  8)

@ m m m motek thanks bro.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: motek on May 05, 2013, 05:37 am
No worries matey ...happens to the best of us ;o)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: motek on May 05, 2013, 05:41 am
it's a shame you feel that way @Tedrux....wanna tell us what's up?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 05, 2013, 09:16 am
I would like 1.5 btc for cyanide from emerald.

Sheeeeit - No chance!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on May 05, 2013, 12:50 pm
For once, I really hope this is a troll.
I would like 1.5 btc for cyanide from emerald.

God, least everyone knows now this is a troll

you wanna spot me 0.01 bitcoin please?




lol stop trollin me!

... and Japan1980  we KNOW you are a "good guy"  and thanx for your help 8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bamoida2 on May 05, 2013, 01:25 pm
could anyone lend me 0.01 btc please?

SR username: bamoida2

will pay back in a few hours, tomorrow at worst, just want my order to be processed today ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on May 05, 2013, 01:40 pm
could anyone lend me 0.01 btc please?

SR username: bamoida2

will pay back in a few hours, tomorrow at worst, just want my order to be processed today ;)

Yay!  Box has access to shapes!  .01 shapes to u.  Hit me back when you can.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bamoida2 on May 05, 2013, 01:46 pm
awesome, just placed my order

thanks a lot for your beautiful shapes!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on May 05, 2013, 02:07 pm
awesome, just placed my order

thanks a lot for your beautiful shapes!

Also someone sent me some shapes back but I don't know who?  My account history page is a nightmare to look at. It's a little daunting to keep up with.  Thanks person, whoever you are?  Please let me know?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Fours222 on May 05, 2013, 03:22 pm
Got mine and got ~$2 to help let me know anyone short a few....


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 05, 2013, 03:32 pm


lol stop trollin me!

... and Japan1980  we KNOW you are a "good guy"  and thanx for your help 8)

Haha - Sorry Box, I was a little worse for wear last night. Hence my reading being a bit off key  8)

We're the good guys, and you fucking know it  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: weed4me6969 on May 05, 2013, 04:30 pm
Whats up BoxofShapes, how you doin man!!!  I wanna say again that i greatly appreciated the loan you gave me, and i was more than happy to pay you back my friend!!  :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on May 05, 2013, 06:51 pm

felt like reposting this.. keep up the stellar work DanDan!!

List of Users who have lent coins -

Japan1980 ++++
White Out

The shit list:

moon fried

**do not 'lend to these people**

thank you again homie!!
because of your generosity, cola is on it's way to my drizop!!
i'm still 7-9 days out on coin, but you'll be my next transaction.. and i always 'thank' my lendors homie!!
much love!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 05, 2013, 08:40 pm
Yo Murderface - no worries bro. Enjoy the cola  8)

Also good idea to post the list up again, name and shame the 'shit list' - as they keep creeping back on trying their luck!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 05, 2013, 08:58 pm
hey japan :)
transferring funds to SR now.. will be returning those coins+, when they clear. :-* thanks again brother.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 05, 2013, 09:31 pm
Yo RS7 - Nice one bro, If I can help you out again just hit me up  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 05, 2013, 10:07 pm
 :) check TSR japan, you have some new shinny coins back in your wallet!

also, anyone else short on skrilla, I've got a few spare coins here if anyone needs! ;)

Edit: had spare coins.. :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: TheGrayHat on May 06, 2013, 01:09 am
Just wondering if someone could spare 0.01 BC. I'm less than $1 away from being able to make a very large order. If anyone could help me out, I would be extremely thankful!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: HEATFan on May 06, 2013, 01:30 am
Just wondering if someone could spare 0.01 BC. I'm less than $1 away from being able to make a very large order. If anyone could help me out, I would be extremely thankful!

SR username? Never like to assume its the same as your forum name.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on May 06, 2013, 01:31 am
Just wondering if someone could spare 0.01 BC. I'm less than $1 away from being able to make a very large order. If anyone could help me out, I would be extremely thankful!

same username on market??
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: TheGrayHat on May 06, 2013, 01:38 am
Just wondering if someone could spare 0.01 BC. I'm less than $1 away from being able to make a very large order. If anyone could help me out, I would be extremely thankful!

SR username? Never like to assume its the same as your forum name.

My apologies! Yes, it is the same name on the market.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: HEATFan on May 06, 2013, 01:42 am
Just wondering if someone could spare 0.01 BC. I'm less than $1 away from being able to make a very large order. If anyone could help me out, I would be extremely thankful!

SR username? Never like to assume its the same as your forum name.
Just wondering if someone could spare 0.01 BC. I'm less than $1 away from being able to make a very large order. If anyone could help me out, I would be extremely thankful!

same username on market??

We are meant for each other. Hero members 4 life. I got this one babe. Enjoy GreyHat, pay it forward.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: TheGrayHat on May 06, 2013, 01:45 am
Just wondering if someone could spare 0.01 BC. I'm less than $1 away from being able to make a very large order. If anyone could help me out, I would be extremely thankful!

SR username? Never like to assume its the same as your forum name.
Just wondering if someone could spare 0.01 BC. I'm less than $1 away from being able to make a very large order. If anyone could help me out, I would be extremely thankful!

same username on market??

We are meant for each other. Hero members 4 life. I got this one babe. Enjoy GreyHat, pay it forward.

Thanks a ton! I greatly appreciate it!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dirtybiscuitzz718 on May 06, 2013, 01:50 am
Any one spare a buck? Literally, $1 USD. Thanks in advance.

Same nym on SR.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: HEATFan on May 06, 2013, 01:53 am
Any one spare a buck? Literally, $1 USD. Thanks in advance.

Same nym on SR.

Sent .01BTC.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dirtybiscuitzz718 on May 06, 2013, 02:04 am
Thank you brother. I just tried to hit u off with a +k, but i got you the other day 8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: errlBreezy on May 06, 2013, 03:17 am
Wondering if a member of our fine community can help a brother out with a $1.50; forgot about the transaction fees i had to pay for and ended up shorting myself. Any help is greatly appreciated!

SR name same as user name
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Repus6 on May 06, 2013, 03:38 am
Hey everyone. I'm like $5 short on an order (I suck at BTC conversion). I have the money tied up in Resolution right now. I can pay back in a few days once that is all settled. I need to place this order now though because I just realized that I'm very low on my Xanax that I use to control my seizure disorder. If anyone could help, I'd greatly appreciate it as well as pay back the loan.

Also, once this Resolution nonsense is taken care of and I get my refund, I'll be back to do some more lending! Thanks in advance.

SR User Name: voidsleep
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: nbomber on May 06, 2013, 04:27 am
Hey everyone. I'm like $5 short on an order (I suck at BTC conversion). I have the money tied up in Resolution right now. I can pay back in a few days once that is all settled. I need to place this order now though because I just realized that I'm very low on my Xanax that I use to control my seizure disorder. If anyone could help, I'd greatly appreciate it as well as pay back the loan.

Also, once this Resolution nonsense is taken care of and I get my refund, I'll be back to do some more lending! Thanks in advance.

SR User Name: voidsleep

I don't have the full amount, but I can contribute the extra 0.01 BTC I've got left over in my account. Sending it your way! Oh, and don't worry about paying me back; just pay it forward when you can!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on May 06, 2013, 04:35 am
Hey everyone. I'm like $5 short on an order (I suck at BTC conversion). I have the money tied up in Resolution right now. I can pay back in a few days once that is all settled. I need to place this order now though because I just realized that I'm very low on my Xanax that I use to control my seizure disorder. If anyone could help, I'd greatly appreciate it as well as pay back the loan.

Also, once this Resolution nonsense is taken care of and I get my refund, I'll be back to do some more lending! Thanks in advance.

SR User Name: voidsleep

Shapes for the rest!
Wondering if a member of our fine community can help a brother out with a $1.50; forgot about the transaction fees i had to pay for and ended up shorting myself. Any help is greatly appreciated!

SR name same as user name
Got a bit for this as well. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on May 06, 2013, 04:57 am
Hey everyone. I'm like $5 short on an order (I suck at BTC conversion). I have the money tied up in Resolution right now. I can pay back in a few days once that is all settled. I need to place this order now though because I just realized that I'm very low on my Xanax that I use to control my seizure disorder. If anyone could help, I'd greatly appreciate it as well as pay back the loan.

Also, once this Resolution nonsense is taken care of and I get my refund, I'll be back to do some more lending! Thanks in advance.

SR User Name: voidsleep

I don't have the full amount, but I can contribute the extra 0.01 BTC I've got left over in my account. Sending it your way! Oh, and don't worry about paying me back; just pay it forward when you can!

sent another 0.05 should be enough :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: errlBreezy on May 06, 2013, 05:07 am
BoxoShapes you are a godsend my friend, thank you good sir.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 06, 2013, 07:35 am
Good work lads  8)

Here for any help if needed, and trusted.

Remember to always add your SR name, like GreyHat said I don't like to assume it's the same...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Rhinosaurus on May 06, 2013, 08:17 am
Hey everyone, i just want to say what a great job DPR and the team have done keeping this ship afloat, it must have been a living nightmare the last week or so but still the ball keeps rolling, so hats off to everyone that did their part.
Now for the part i thought i'd never have to do, but yet here i am, i am literally 0.05btc short of making a purchase with a super cool well trusted vendor for some dank fruity buds, could any of you guys donate it to my wallet -(1CdYqaRYTNooZ1Rjwrk3MXbvWwvGgGh5Kk)- if you have it laying about :) i'd really appreciate it and you would make an anarchist stoner happy :)
 complete respect to the whole silkroad movement!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bamoida2 on May 06, 2013, 08:18 am
returning freshly mined shapes to the Box

thanks again friend
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 06, 2013, 08:34 am
Hey everyone, i just want to say what a great job DPR and the team have done keeping this ship afloat, it must have been a living nightmare the last week or so but still the ball keeps rolling, so hats off to everyone that did their part.
Now for the part i thought i'd never have to do, but yet here i am, i am literally 0.05btc short of making a purchase with a super cool well trusted vendor for some dank fruity buds, could any of you guys donate it to my wallet -(1CdYqaRYTNooZ1Rjwrk3MXbvWwvGgGh5Kk)- if you have it laying about :) i'd really appreciate it and you would make an anarchist stoner happy :)
 complete respect to the whole silkroad movement!

Hi can you out bro - but it's quicker if you do it as a quick instant transfer from your username on SR - is it the same as your forum name?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 06, 2013, 08:37 am
RE-post to show the list

List of Users who have lent coins -

Japan1980 ++++
White Out

The shit list:

moon fried

**do not 'lend to these people**

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Rhinosaurus on May 06, 2013, 08:51 am
Ah okay wicked, yeah it is the same as on here, cheers man :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: HEATFan on May 06, 2013, 08:53 am
Lol I'm gonna have to re-work that list one day and capitalize the first 4 letters in my name. Just irks me for some reason :p
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 06, 2013, 08:55 am
Ah okay wicked, yeah it is the same as on here, cheers man :)

Sent - enjoy bro  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 06, 2013, 08:58 am
Lol I'm gonna have to re-work that list one day and capitalize the first 4 letters in my name. Just irks me for some reason :p

Haha yeah do it HEAT..

Also not quite sure why I have ++++ next to my name - kinda looks good though  8)

EDIT: HEAT - done it for ya bro on the latest list, I Can't update the OP though, but if someone can It would be good to have my name on it , as it's missing  :'(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Rhinosaurus on May 06, 2013, 09:11 am
Cheers Japan! i will pay it forward when i reload.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Repus6 on May 06, 2013, 01:09 pm
I love you guys! Thanks so much nbomber, Box and Ron! I just woke up and saw the love! Looks like once I make my purchase, I'll have some left over. Do any of you want some of the cash back or should I just come back here and pay it forward?

Btw, my other money is STILL tied up in Resolution. Bah!!

Anyway, thank you guys so much! Let me know what you want me to do as I have more than enough to place my order now.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MuddbuttJenkins on May 06, 2013, 04:13 pm
Hey guys. So I am trying to purchase an item from SR and it looks like I am about .026 BTC short....If anybody out there had a couple to spare, it would be greatly appreciated. My SR username is the same as my SRF username.

Thanks!!!!! :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Repus6 on May 06, 2013, 04:28 pm
Hey guys. So I am trying to purchase an item from SR and it looks like I am about .026 BTC short....If anybody out there had a couple to spare, it would be greatly appreciated. My SR username is the same as my SRF username.

Thanks!!!!! :)

Sending it your way now! Some Roadies helped me out last night. So, I'll pass it on  :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MuddbuttJenkins on May 06, 2013, 04:38 pm
Repus, I cant thank you enough friend. Just placed my order thanks to you :) Your kind acts will not be soon forgotten. Cheers bro!!!!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Repus6 on May 06, 2013, 05:06 pm
Repus, I cant thank you enough friend. Just placed my order thanks to you :) Your kind acts will not be soon forgotten. Cheers bro!!!!!

No prob! Happy to help! Just pay it forward when you can!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Fours222 on May 06, 2013, 07:50 pm
Looking for .119 as I am scared I will miss RosesGarden offer of a free 1.2 Preroll with a new $24.99 order

Awaiting my coins to hit from bitistant

Anyone wanna help a sista out and send .119? I will repay .12 when my coins are deposited.

Just don't want to miss out

SR Username: 4Runner4ever

Thanks again! xoxoxo
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 06, 2013, 08:11 pm
Looking for .119 as I am scared I will miss RosesGarden offer of a free 1.2 Preroll with a new $24.99 order

Awaiting my coins to hit from bitistant

Anyone wanna help a sista out and send .119? I will repay .12 when my coins are deposited.

Just don't want to miss out

SR Username: 4Runner4ever

Thanks again! xoxoxo

You're on the 'Shit List' so a great big fat NO  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Mcrad on May 06, 2013, 10:56 pm
Looking for .119 as I am scared I will miss RosesGarden offer of a free 1.2 Preroll with a new $24.99 order

Awaiting my coins to hit from bitistant

Anyone wanna help a sista out and send .119? I will repay .12 when my coins are deposited.

Just don't want to miss out

SR Username: 4Runner4ever

Thanks again! xoxoxo

You're on the 'Shit List' so a great big fat NO  ;D

i like your style:)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: redfunguy on May 06, 2013, 11:29 pm
I am .12 short of an order I really want to make tonight.  I could wait it out and see if btc goes up but it could go down and then I'd be in an even worse place.  Could someone front me .12 and I will pay you back double the USD value in about 2 weeks when I buy more coins?  Thanks!!!!!  Oh yeah and +1 karma to the generous new friend as well.   ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: HEATFan on May 06, 2013, 11:50 pm
I am .12 short of an order I really want to make tonight.  I could wait it out and see if btc goes up but it could go down and then I'd be in an even worse place.  Could someone front me .12 and I will pay you back double the USD value in about 2 weeks when I buy more coins?  Thanks!!!!!  Oh yeah and +1 karma to the generous new friend as well.   ;D

Hey there,

I'd be willing to help you out but I don't have the amount you need. Only about .11 left over in my account right now. I see you've been here for a while and you are active on the forums so I trust you'll repay. I'm not looking for the extra profit, just the initial amount I loaned is fine. Also, is your SR username the same as your forum name? The transfer is faster if done directly to your SR username. Cheers.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on May 07, 2013, 12:00 am

Just throw the shapes forward this time!  Thanks you


The ++++ are for the person that was added the most recently.  DanDan kinda did that and I just followed step.  I like it!


Thanks for putting the shapes back!


I can get the other .01 soon as I know what's up.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: redfunguy on May 07, 2013, 12:24 am
My name is the exact same on SR as the forums.  I actually need .11 but added the .01 to adjust for possible loss by the time someone replied.  Could you send over the .11 and I'll rush and make the purchase?  I will get you back at least what you front me.  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: redfunguy on May 07, 2013, 12:26 am
Just checked again and I do need .12

Might have to have you both help out.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on May 07, 2013, 12:30 am
Shapes Sent!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: redfunguy on May 07, 2013, 12:32 am
Thanks Shapes!  +1 to you!  Now I just need the .11
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: redfunguy on May 07, 2013, 01:43 am
HEATfan must be logged off, never received the .11.  Now bitcoin has fallen more and I need .13, this is going the wrong direction!  Lol, oh well, I might just have to wait it out and hope tomorrow my coins go up in value instead of down.  Offer still on the table to pay back double USD value if someone can help me out.  Thanks again to shapes.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: HEATFan on May 07, 2013, 01:52 am
HEATfan must be logged off, never received the .11.  Now bitcoin has fallen more and I need .13, this is going the wrong direction!  Lol, oh well, I might just have to wait it out and hope tomorrow my coins go up in value instead of down.  Offer still on the table to pay back double USD value if someone can help me out.  Thanks again to shapes.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: redfunguy on May 07, 2013, 02:17 am
Thanks!!!  +1 to you.  Damn price is now .3 off.  Bitcoins are going down and I need them to go up.  I feel like if I just keep monitoring tonight they will bounce up enough for what I need.  It's not a large purchase but it isn't small either so we are talking about a few dollars difference between what I have and what I need.  I think I should be good.  I'm going to get HEATFan and BoxofShapes back in a couple weeks for helping me out and then I am going to help someone else out to pay it forward.  Great community here.  Sometimes it's hard to get your real life buddies to loan you $5!  Lol.  Love SR.  Lots of people just like me.    :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Fours222 on May 07, 2013, 04:19 am
Looking for .119 as I am scared I will miss RosesGarden offer of a free 1.2 Preroll with a new $24.99 order

Awaiting my coins to hit from bitistant

Anyone wanna help a sista out and send .119? I will repay .12 when my coins are deposited.

Just don't want to miss out

SR Username: 4Runner4ever

Thanks again! xoxoxo

You're on the 'Shit List' so a great big fat NO  ;D

Oh shit for what? What happened? Anyways my bitinstant went through. I got about .03 left if anyone is in need... Hope to get off that shit list for whatever happened.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: HEATFan on May 07, 2013, 04:26 am
Looking for .119 as I am scared I will miss RosesGarden offer of a free 1.2 Preroll with a new $24.99 order

Awaiting my coins to hit from bitistant

Anyone wanna help a sista out and send .119? I will repay .12 when my coins are deposited.

Just don't want to miss out

SR Username: 4Runner4ever

Thanks again! xoxoxo

You're on the 'Shit List' so a great big fat NO  ;D

Oh shit for what? What happened? Anyways my bitinstant went through. I got about .03 left if anyone is in need... Hope to get off that shit list for whatever happened.

Someone is pissed at you for not paying them back. I suggest going through this thread or your account history on SR to see when and who loaned you money previously and return it to them. If they come back and confirm you've repaid the loan you will be removed from the list.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Fa11Up on May 07, 2013, 06:53 am
Uhh... Looking for any bitcoin donation.. Trying to get my wallet and my balls together to make my first order on SR lol. Anything is welcome, my username is the same.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 07, 2013, 07:03 am
Uhh... Looking for any bitcoin donation.. Trying to get my wallet and my balls together to make my first order on SR lol. Anything is welcome, my username is the same.

To be honest pal - you're not exactly selling yourself well. So you basically want us all to chip in so you can buy something from SR? Why don't you just go down the same route as every other person did for their first purchase and buy some bitcoins?

This thread is mainly for people to lend a hand to others if they are slightly down on the amount they need. For example if you purchase some coins and the product you want has gone up slightly and you need a hand someone may help - but to buy you your first order is a big ask my friend.

Just man up and go for it dude - just don't finalize early is my advice.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: motek on May 07, 2013, 09:24 am
amazing777  needs to go on the "shit list"  .... and roseannbarr  has another week or so!

Hi Japan1980,  just wanted to tell you that your help  getting noobs up to speed IS greatly appreciated bro +1 (it's all we got to give! lol)

Take care and sweet dreams all

m m motek
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: TheStealthyRacoon on May 07, 2013, 11:32 am
Hi everyone.

Never been on this thread before but I HAVE given out probably ten squid in total to others who needed it at the time.

I just need £1.50 for an order of over £200. Thats right, one fidy (which of course in those days was called a coinroy, in grampa simpson style)

0.03BTC brothers, anyone so kind I will be back to repay a little over, im long time member, have no interest in nicking two squid  :-*

Idk what im to do otherwise, I need to order ASAP!
My username is below, if your kind enough to dig deep make sure to quote me on this thread so I know who to return to and of course thank  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 07, 2013, 02:11 pm
Hi everyone.

Never been on this thread before but I HAVE given out probably ten squid in total to others who needed it at the time.

I just need £1.50 for an order of over £200. Thats right, one fidy (which of course in those days was called a coinroy, in grampa simpson style)

0.03BTC brothers, anyone so kind I will be back to repay a little over, im long time member, have no interest in nicking two squid  :-*

Idk what im to do otherwise, I need to order ASAP!
My username is below, if your kind enough to dig deep make sure to quote me on this thread so I know who to return to and of course thank  :)


Call it a deal bro - sending it over right now  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 07, 2013, 04:40 pm
Hi everyone.

Never been on this thread before but I HAVE given out probably ten squid in total to others who needed it at the time.

I just need £1.50 for an order of over £200. Thats right, one fidy (which of course in those days was called a coinroy, in grampa simpson style)

0.03BTC brothers, anyone so kind I will be back to repay a little over, im long time member, have no interest in nicking two squid  :-*

Idk what im to do otherwise, I need to order ASAP!
My username is below, if your kind enough to dig deep make sure to quote me on this thread so I know who to return to and of course thank  :)


Call it a deal bro - sending it over right now  8)
nice one, plus own you some +k,  still have to wait ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 07, 2013, 04:54 pm
Looking for .119 as I am scared I will miss RosesGarden offer of a free 1.2 Preroll with a new $24.99 order

Awaiting my coins to hit from bitistant

Anyone wanna help a sista out and send .119? I will repay .12 when my coins are deposited.

Just don't want to miss out

SR Username: 4Runner4ever

Thanks again! xoxoxo

You're on the 'Shit List' so a great big fat NO  ;D

Oh shit for what? What happened? Anyways my bitinstant went through. I got about .03 left if anyone is in need... Hope to get off that shit list for whatever happened.

Someone is pissed at you for not paying them back. I suggest going through this thread or your account history on SR to see when and who loaned you money previously and return it to them. If they come back and confirm you've repaid the loan you will be removed from the list.
pretty sure its a few people in his case :o
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: TheStealthyRacoon on May 07, 2013, 04:59 pm
Call it a deal bro - sending it over right now  8)
I saw a post of yours above Jap and somehow knew it would be you to do the good deed  ;)

Unfortunately a sudden drop in BTC value made me short yet again! So had to lower my order quantity, but thats life y'all.

So now I have some btc change and have sent twice back to you jap for being a dude, thanks again. I like this thread, think ill keep an eye on it  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 07, 2013, 05:03 pm
Call it a deal bro - sending it over right now  8)
I saw a post of yours above Jap and somehow knew it would be you to do the good deed  ;)

Unfortunately a sudden drop in BTC value made me short yet again! So had to lower my order quantity, but thats life y'all.

So now I have some btc change and have sent twice back to you jap for being a dude, thanks again. I like this thread, think ill keep an eye on it  :)

That's kind of you my friend. If you ever need help in the future just hit me up and I'll do my utmost to help.

@ RS7 managed to +1 you bro, also Mr Racoon have some Karma, as you're a great welcome addition to this thread.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 07, 2013, 05:25 pm

So now I have some btc change and have sent twice back to you jap for being a dude, thanks again. I like this thread, think ill keep an eye on it  :)

The twice you sent me back will only get sent on to people that need a helping hand - so in reality you've done this thread some good without even knowing it  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on May 07, 2013, 05:42 pm
List of Users who have lent coins -

nbomber ++++
TheStealthyRacoon ++++
White Out

The shit list:

amazing777 ++++
colorblack ++++
HatchbackThunder ++++
moon fried

**do not 'lend to these people**
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on May 07, 2013, 05:49 pm
Man this thread has so much more life in it. 

You people rock this box with it's blocks out.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 07, 2013, 06:03 pm
Man this thread has so much more life in it. 

You people rock this box with it's blocks out.

also can you add these ungrateful folk to the shat list? :-\ thanks
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on May 07, 2013, 06:22 pm
Updated, but I didn't add rosannebar cause motek said they had another week?  I'll take motek for his word unless I am missing something else from somewhere else? 

Thanks RS7.  (and so many others to mention!  You're on the awesome list as a way of saying thank you!)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 07, 2013, 06:46 pm
Man this thread has so much more life in it. 

You people rock this box with it's blocks out.

+1 Box

The thread, keeps the dream alive for those in need. I feel good being involved in the good deeds this thread offers.

This threads better than the RSPCA  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on May 07, 2013, 07:29 pm
This threads better than the RSPCA  8)

Ha.  Least when you donate here, you see first hand (well sort of) on how you made a difference.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 07, 2013, 07:32 pm
BoxofShapes  (Hugs)


havent spoke to ya in a while and wanted to say Hi  :)



Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on May 07, 2013, 07:36 pm
I wondered when my cat of chemicals would be back!

Is it true if you give a cat LSD it doesn't work, because they're like that anyway?  I've never tested this out.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 07, 2013, 08:00 pm
Now that's an interesting question  (Looks Puzzled)

Welp....only one thing to do now 


i'm gonna have to Dose tonight  :P

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 07, 2013, 09:37 pm
Updated, but I didn't add rosannebar cause motek said they had another week?  I'll take motek for his word unless I am missing something else from somewhere else? 

Thanks RS7.  (and so many others to mention!  You're on the awesome list as a way of saying thank you!)
I'm pretty sure that was me an you that had that talk, not motek :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: kluptidal on May 07, 2013, 09:53 pm
Hey all, I'm just jumping on board here on the Road, purchased coins yesterday totaling enough for a first order but by the time the coins entered the SR account, the value dropped enough to where I'm short.

Question first: is it a good idea right now to wait for the value of BTC to rise in order to make a purchase, or would it be a good idea to ask for immediate help funds so the value doesn't drop even more?

If it would be wise to receive help now, and you are able to assist, that would be amazing and I'll be sure to return the favor directly or to pay it forward!

Thanks. Not sure if there's any additional info I need to provide to allow this to happen.

Oh, right. Short by 0.17 BTC right now. Dang, the value dropped during that delay a lot... :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 07, 2013, 09:59 pm
Hey all, I'm just jumping on board here on the Road, purchased coins yesterday totaling enough for a first order but by the time the coins entered the SR account, the value dropped enough to where I'm short.

Question first: is it a good idea right now to wait for the value of BTC to rise in order to make a purchase, or would it be a good idea to ask for immediate help funds so the value doesn't drop even more?

If it would be wise to receive help now, and you are able to assist, that would be amazing and I'll be sure to return the favor directly or to pay it forward!

Thanks. Not sure if there's any additional info I need to provide to allow this to happen.
first, welcome :) second, how much are you short? third? hard to say.. value rises an falls, dont think anyone can truly predict it.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: kluptidal on May 07, 2013, 10:03 pm
first, welcome :) second, how much are you short? third? hard to say.. value rises an falls, dont think anyone can truly predict it.
Thanks. :) I edited the first post right as you replied - short 0.17. Yeah, I'm trying to gauge value stats but it really isn't reliable to make a guess. Well, seeing as I've spent all the money I currently had on this "investment" expecting to be able to make immediate use of it, I'm in the hands of generosity now. So, if anyone can provide a quick hook up, I'll be sure to return the kindness.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: pajag88 on May 07, 2013, 10:11 pm
bitcoin is just a bitch !!!!!!!

purchased enough yesterday, today value already dropped ;(

I'm pretty chocked haha but that's the game we play :p

Was planning on making an LSD purchase so if anybody

would be kind enough to either donate or lend 0.06 bitcoin that would be great !!!!

thank you up front my address 14PGewUPbkHNndiyA4fmUNuhyCafMJGeyK

or pajag88 on sr

and somebody gave me -1 for the bitcoin is a bitch comment :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 07, 2013, 10:11 pm
first, welcome :) second, how much are you short? third? hard to say.. value rises an falls, dont think anyone can truly predict it.
Thanks. :) I edited the first post right as you replied - short 0.17. Yeah, I'm trying to gauge value stats but it really isn't reliable to make a guess. Well, seeing as I've spent all the money I currently had on this "investment" expecting to be able to make immediate use of it, I'm in the hands of generosity now. So, if anyone can provide a quick hook up, I'll be sure to return the kindness.
:( I have about $3.71 I can pass your way, hopefully another kind soul can help.. is your SR name kluptidal?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: kluptidal on May 07, 2013, 10:21 pm
first, welcome :) second, how much are you short? third? hard to say.. value rises an falls, dont think anyone can truly predict it.
Thanks. :) I edited the first post right as you replied - short 0.17. Yeah, I'm trying to gauge value stats but it really isn't reliable to make a guess. Well, seeing as I've spent all the money I currently had on this "investment" expecting to be able to make immediate use of it, I'm in the hands of generosity now. So, if anyone can provide a quick hook up, I'll be sure to return the kindness.
:( I have about $3.71 I can pass your way, hopefully another kind soul can help.. is your SR name kluptidal?
Yessir! I will remember your generosity for all time. :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 07, 2013, 10:31 pm
first, welcome :) second, how much are you short? third? hard to say.. value rises an falls, dont think anyone can truly predict it.
Thanks. :) I edited the first post right as you replied - short 0.17. Yeah, I'm trying to gauge value stats but it really isn't reliable to make a guess. Well, seeing as I've spent all the money I currently had on this "investment" expecting to be able to make immediate use of it, I'm in the hands of generosity now. So, if anyone can provide a quick hook up, I'll be sure to return the kindness.
:( I have about $3.71 I can pass your way, hopefully another kind soul can help.. is your SR name kluptidal?
Yessir! I will remember your generosity for all time. :D
sent :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ohlawd1234 on May 07, 2013, 10:33 pm
I think I'm as close as you can possibly be to having something without actually having it. My total order comes to 0.28 bitcoins and my account has 0.27997 bitcoins. So if there's anyone out there who feels like sending a victim of price dips 0.0003 bitcoins, I would be incredibly appreciative.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ohlawd1234 on May 07, 2013, 10:48 pm
To whoever sent the coins, THANK YOU SO MUCH. Your donation of ten cents saved me incredible amounts of trouble.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 07, 2013, 10:49 pm
 ohlawd1234 ..wut's yur SR screen name?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: redfunguy on May 07, 2013, 10:52 pm
I sent you .001 ohlawd1234, you should be good now.  I would purchase quick because the price is dropping.  I got kicked in the dick.  I bought $850 and needed $10 more for my purchase and now I have $780 less than 24 hours later.  Kill me someone.  Not really, but fuck.  I'll just have to wait it out now, and I have all my spare money tied up in this.  Oh well.  I still owe some of you fractions of coins, I will get back to you, give me a day or two to see if the price jumps up. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on May 08, 2013, 12:04 am
List of Users who have lent coins -

White Out

The shit list:

moon fried

**do not 'lend to these people**

The Ice Cream Man is back......

Also just chatted with Fours222, she will probably be taken off of list soon. She's a good person, just has a bad memory.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 08, 2013, 12:08 am
Hugs comin Right At'cha DanDan  :)



Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Sekt0r on May 08, 2013, 12:42 am
Hi all, due to the recent issue with receiving coins I'm short 0.01 btc. I'll pay back on my next order if any one has spare.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 08, 2013, 12:59 am
hiya Sekt0r  :)

wut's yur SR screen name?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Sekt0r on May 08, 2013, 01:03 am
Same as forum - Sekt0r

Thanks, it's appreciated, the way I buy bitcoins has a $20 minimum on orders, so it's a pain when these things happen.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 08, 2013, 01:10 am
ok Sek  :)  just make sure to send it back to the person that sent it to ya  ;)
Sending Now  ....




Sent  :)

Enjoy  :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Sekt0r on May 08, 2013, 01:25 am
Received, thanks again for this awesome service ;D I'll be sure to repay within the week.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: HEATFan on May 08, 2013, 01:27 am
bitcoin is just a bitch !!!!!!!

purchased enough yesterday, today value already dropped ;(

I'm pretty chocked haha but that's the game we play :p

Was planning on making an LSD purchase so if anybody

would be kind enough to either donate or lend 0.06 bitcoin that would be great !!!!

thank you up front my address 14PGewUPbkHNndiyA4fmUNuhyCafMJGeyK

or pajag88 on sr

and somebody gave me -1 for the bitcoin is a bitch comment :(

Hey Pajag,

You still owe me .1BTC from more than a month ago. Please return your debts before creating news ones. I'm sure you may have forgotten since you haven't been here for a while, so just a friendly reminder. Thanks.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 08, 2013, 01:31 am
ok Sek  :)



Enjoy  :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Mundet on May 08, 2013, 01:55 am
can someone help me. with all the time it took for my btc to transfer. my total amount went down. i need  $.75 to complete this order. I will pay whoever hel[ps me out back and be generous. Thanks someone help
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Fa11Up on May 08, 2013, 02:03 am
Uhh... Looking for any bitcoin donation.. Trying to get my wallet and my balls together to make my first order on SR lol. Anything is welcome, my username is the same.

To be honest pal - you're not exactly selling yourself well. So you basically want us all to chip in so you can buy something from SR? Why don't you just go down the same route as every other person did for their first purchase and buy some bitcoins?

This thread is mainly for people to lend a hand to others if they are slightly down on the amount they need. For example if you purchase some coins and the product you want has gone up slightly and you need a hand someone may help - but to buy you your first order is a big ask my friend.

Just man up and go for it dude - just don't finalize early is my advice.

Nowhere did I say I want everyone to chip in to make my purchase. I clearly said "looking for any bitcoin donation". I have been acquiring my own bitcoin as well. But yes, thank you for the advice about FE, I have been doing a lot of reading on the board about the DO's and DON'T when it comes to SR.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: pajag88 on May 08, 2013, 02:10 am
bitcoin is just a bitch !!!!!!!

purchased enough yesterday, today value already dropped ;(

I'm pretty chocked haha but that's the game we play :p

Was planning on making an LSD purchase so if anybody

would be kind enough to either donate or lend 0.06 bitcoin that would be great !!!!

thank you up front my address 14PGewUPbkHNndiyA4fmUNuhyCafMJGeyK

or pajag88 on sr

and somebody gave me -1 for the bitcoin is a bitch comment :(

Hey Pajag,

You still owe me .1BTC from more than a month ago. Please return your debts before creating news ones. I'm sure you may have forgotten since you haven't been here for a while, so just a friendly reminder. Thanks.

shit that's right,

the only way I see this being resolved is to do the right thing

organize more funds and buy more coin will do that tomorrow

and will return your funds :)

I apologize
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Fours222 on May 08, 2013, 02:33 am
can someone help me. with all the time it took for my btc to transfer. my total amount went down. i need  $.75 to complete this order. I will pay whoever hel[ps me out back and be generous. Thanks someone help

Whats ur sr username?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 08, 2013, 05:19 am
first, welcome :) second, how much are you short? third? hard to say.. value rises an falls, dont think anyone can truly predict it.
Thanks. :) I edited the first post right as you replied - short 0.17. Yeah, I'm trying to gauge value stats but it really isn't reliable to make a guess. Well, seeing as I've spent all the money I currently had on this "investment" expecting to be able to make immediate use of it, I'm in the hands of generosity now. So, if anyone can provide a quick hook up, I'll be sure to return the kindness.
:( I have about $3.71 I can pass your way, hopefully another kind soul can help.. is your SR name kluptidal?
Yessir! I will remember your generosity for all time. :D
sent :)
pretty sure this brother is still short coin..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: HEATFan on May 08, 2013, 05:49 am
bitcoin is just a bitch !!!!!!!

purchased enough yesterday, today value already dropped ;(

I'm pretty chocked haha but that's the game we play :p

Was planning on making an LSD purchase so if anybody

would be kind enough to either donate or lend 0.06 bitcoin that would be great !!!!

thank you up front my address 14PGewUPbkHNndiyA4fmUNuhyCafMJGeyK

or pajag88 on sr

and somebody gave me -1 for the bitcoin is a bitch comment :(

Hey Pajag,

You still owe me .1BTC from more than a month ago. Please return your debts before creating news ones. I'm sure you may have forgotten since you haven't been here for a while, so just a friendly reminder. Thanks.

shit that's right,

the only way I see this being resolved is to do the right thing

organize more funds and buy more coin will do that tomorrow

and will return your funds :)

I apologize

Thanks :)
Sorry for being an asshole, not trying to ruin your trip or anything, promise.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: skrillyskrill on May 08, 2013, 06:07 am
anybody want to spare $20 or go 50/50 on a coupon listing? i only have $30 and the listing is $50. you could send me the coin and your email and I'll foward the collection to you.

PM me email address and send coin to


and just to show you I am active on here and not trying to scam :

Total transactions: 21
Total spent: $2756.95
Refund rate: 0.97%
Auto-finalize rate: 0%
Member for: 9 months
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: zerocrush on May 08, 2013, 06:38 am
im only 0.1 bitcoin away from my re-up. i need to make rent and do not want to run back up to make another moneygram for 0.1. thank you to anyone who is willing to help! im trying to order A.S.A.P.


address is there

Total transactions: 8
Total spent: $250.49
Refund rate: 0%
Auto-finalize rate: 0%
Member for: 2 months

sr information is there and name is zerocrush
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 08, 2013, 07:14 am
im only 0.1 bitcoin away from my re-up. i need to make rent and do not want to run back up to make another moneygram for 0.1. thank you to anyone who is willing to help! im trying to order A.S.A.P.


address is there

Total transactions: 8
Total spent: $250.49
Refund rate: 0%
Auto-finalize rate: 0%
Member for: 2 months

sr information is there and name is zerocrush
wish could help you bro :( but my sr wallet is officially pufin out lint
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: zerocrush on May 08, 2013, 07:22 am
thanks anyways man, my information is still up there for anyone who can help. please and thank you and i will return on next order.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on May 08, 2013, 12:06 pm
List of Users who have lent coins -

White Out

The shit list:

moon fried

**do not 'lend to these people**

Why are there so many new people using Japan's avatar of Bob Marley?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Repus6 on May 08, 2013, 01:22 pm
thanks anyways man, my information is still up there for anyone who can help. please and thank you and i will return on next order.

Still need help? I can chip in the $5 I have. That's all I have right now though.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lonerism on May 08, 2013, 03:27 pm
Can anyone spare 0.02 BTC?

Would make my weekend :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mrlavish on May 08, 2013, 04:23 pm
thanks anyways man, my information is still up there for anyone who can help. please and thank you and i will return on next order.

I sent .1, straight to your SR name so you should have it already.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mrlavish on May 08, 2013, 04:27 pm
Can anyone spare 0.02 BTC?

Would make my weekend :)

.02 sent to your BTC address, hope it helps.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: zerocrush on May 08, 2013, 04:32 pm
thanks anyways man, my information is still up there for anyone who can help. please and thank you and i will return on next order.

I sent .1, straight to your SR name so you should have it already.

thank you so much! i will pay back as soon as i order again!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: zerocrush on May 08, 2013, 04:34 pm
thanks anyways man, my information is still up there for anyone who can help. please and thank you and i will return on next order.

Still need help? I can chip in the $5 I have. That's all I have right now though.

thank you anyways!  mrlavish has just sent me the 0.1 i needed. i appreciate the effort!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mrlavish on May 08, 2013, 04:41 pm
thanks anyways man, my information is still up there for anyone who can help. please and thank you and i will return on next order.

I sent .1, straight to your SR name so you should have it already.

thank you so much! i will pay back as soon as i order again!

No problem.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 08, 2013, 04:43 pm
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on May 08, 2013, 05:25 pm
List of Users who have lent coins -

mrlavish ++++
White Out

The shit list:

moon fried
rosannebar ++++

**do not 'lend to these people**

Hey guys.  I'm taking Dr Gonzo/ob1kinobi off the second list. 

He sent me a PM to discuss why he was on here.  All I can tell is he asked for $1 and received it from RS7.  Even if he hasn't paid it back/forward (yet), this isn't enough to care about imo.  The real violation of the thread would be if he came back and started asking for more, creating other debts, which I haven't seen. 

If I am wrong, by all means correct me.

@Dr Gonzo
I still believe this isn't enough to be thrown on the crap list, but do what you can to make sure there aren't any sore feelings anyway.  A simple PM/post goes a long way around here.

Let me know if it's a different picture then described.  If you are in need, I'll burden the $1 until Dr can do something about it.  In the meantime, rosannebar has been added.  After looking into it, this should have been paid back already.

Edit:   ;D mrlavish  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 08, 2013, 05:29 pm
Roger that  :)

i have one that hasnt paid yet   LOL

the others have paid forward and RS has paid back (Hugs RS)  :)

along with a donation of almost 1/2 a bitcoin last month everything is A-OK

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on May 08, 2013, 05:50 pm
Ha yea.  I'm still a little stunned the majority will do the right thing.  I would have burnt out a while ago if this wasn't the case.  Also would have lost interest if I was the only one dispensing shapes!  So many have come together to make this a really great thread.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: therealzeticus on May 08, 2013, 05:55 pm
so due to my own error and of course SR holding funds i wasnt ble to get my coins for the correct value i put in the funds about 200  dollars extra that is gone i need .1 btc to order will some one help  ill repay nexttime i order.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Fours222 on May 08, 2013, 05:57 pm
Ha yea.  I'm still a little stunned the majority will do the right thing.  I would have burnt out a while ago if this wasn't the case.  Also would have lost interest if I was the only one dispensing shapes!  So many have come together to make this a really great thread.

+1 for Box of Shapes Great person. I hope you get hit by the Karma train head on and win the lottery :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: therealzeticus on May 08, 2013, 06:12 pm
now i only need half that!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: HeeHaw on May 08, 2013, 06:14 pm
If anyone can afford to loan me .05 then I would be mighty grateful and pay back a .1 with in 8 days.

Please send to this address:


Thanks guys It's been a while since I been here so I am un aware of all the negativity I been reading about but rest assured that it will be paid back with interest. I've loaned out bit cents a few times and made donations here and there. Isn't the bit coin value on the rise so if I paid back a .1 it would be more then double back if there are any kind souls out there who can afford it. Thank you for reading my bit begging cents
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 08, 2013, 06:28 pm
If anyone can afford to loan me .05 then I would be mighty grateful and pay back a .1 with in 8 days.

Please send to this address:


Thanks guys It's been a while since I been here so I am un aware of all the negativity I been reading about but rest assured that it will be paid back with interest. I've loaned out bit cents a few times and made donations here and there. Isn't the bit coin value on the rise so if I paid back a .1 it would be more then double back if there are any kind souls out there who can afford it. Thank you for reading my bit begging cents

I can sort this for you bro  8)

What's your SR name? As then it's an instant transfer and no need for the wait for wallets to be sorted out.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: therealzeticus on May 08, 2013, 06:49 pm
therealzeticus thank you so much
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dr gonzo on May 08, 2013, 06:55 pm
List of Users who have lent coins -

mrlavish ++++
White Out

The shit list:

moon fried
rosannebar ++++

**do not 'lend to these people**

Hey guys.  I'm taking Dr Gonzo/ob1kinobi off the second list. 

He sent me a PM to discuss why he was on here.  All I can tell is he asked for $1 and received it from RS7.  Even if he hasn't paid it back/forward (yet), this isn't enough to care about imo.  The real violation of the thread would be if he came back and started asking for more, creating other debts, which I haven't seen. 

If I am wrong, by all means correct me.

@Dr Gonzo
I still believe this isn't enough to be thrown on the crap list, but do what you can to make sure there aren't any sore feelings anyway.  A simple PM/post goes a long way around here.

Let me know if it's a different picture then described.  If you are in need, I'll burden the $1 until Dr can do something about it.  In the meantime, rosannebar has been added.  After looking into it, this should have been paid back already.

Edit:   ;D mrlavish  ;D

Thank you BOS. Anyway, I must say I was taken back when I saw my name on the list. I've been a part of this community for awhile and I have much love for SR and these forums. I've tried to be a positive contributor and help whenever possible. A quick glance at my post history will confirm this.
I will have some spare coin tonight and will come back and show some love.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 08, 2013, 07:04 pm
Let me know if it's a different picture then described.  If you are in need, I'll burden the $1 until Dr can do something about it.  In the meantime, rosannebar has been added.  After looking into it, this should have been paid back already.
:) I don't pay attention to the amounts, I just go by if I see that person helping other people, or being re-payed.. I see  it more as principle, I don't care about the dollars.. although they do add up. :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 08, 2013, 07:11 pm
it more as principle

Exactly +1 (if I could!)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: HeeHaw on May 08, 2013, 07:16 pm
Hey guys thanks anyway but my man JumboMonkeyBiscuits was watching out for me and he'll get that .1 paid back to him.

If anyone is needing bitcoins anonymous as it gets then check him out:


He is quickly taking over the bitcoin market here at SR. His feedback has people saying they got their coin in less then 20 minute. It's an instant transfer with some of the ways he accepts the payment. He has different ways to pay him for instant bit coin. He's a stand up dude and one of the most honest vendors I ever dealt with.

Just in case you all are thinking I am just saying this because he covered my bit cent loan I got to say this: "Well yea duh wilbur" but that does not mean that I am wrong. This is a great vendor and goes the extra mile to ensure his clients are happy. He's been here barely a month and has over 145 transactions with 100% positive feedback.

Whenever he has bud listed then jump on it because it's always top notch medical grade killer OGKush or Sour Diesel. It's always the best of the best with product quality and stealth shipments.

Thanks JmB you are the bees knees in my book
Stand apart from the crowd take another look
With a second chance from all around
Give the king a healthy crown
A desire of Learning, Burning, Earning
Take a whif the butter is churning
With the multitude of people labeled as sheeple
The Phoenix flies high above the steeple
Taking the road by storm for you and for me
JumboMonkeyBiscuit for short JmB

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on May 08, 2013, 07:23 pm
therealzeticus thank you so much

Shapes sent!  Please send back when you can.

Let me know if it's a different picture then described.  If you are in need, I'll burden the $1 until Dr can do something about it.  In the meantime, rosannebar has been added.  After looking into it, this should have been paid back already.
:) I don't pay attention to the amounts, I just go by if I see that person helping other people, or being re-payed.. I see  it more as principle, I don't care about the dollars.. although they do add up. :P

This is a very valid point.  Despite it being a crapy .01 its besides the matter.  I'll stay out of it next time then until it gets resolved properly if it has nothing to do with me.  I've just seen him around the forums as a decent person and wasn't doing crap like PurpleHue.  Anyway, we have his attention....
Thank you BOS. Anyway, I must say I was taken back when I saw my name on the list. I've been a part of this community for awhile and I have much love for SR and these forums. I've tried to be a positive contributor and help whenever possible. A quick glance at my post history will confirm this.
I will have some spare coin tonight and will come back and show some love. us you mean it Dr!  I can't stop you from going back on next time!  I did what I could.

Edit: Hmm and if this is the case I have a few to add as well.  :( I'll figure it out later. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dr gonzo on May 08, 2013, 10:48 pm
Checking in...looks like all is well. See you maniacs tomorrow.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 08, 2013, 10:52 pm
Checking in...looks like all is well. See you maniacs tomorrow.

Just doing the same Doc - if anyone's stuck I'll be about for a couple of hous to man the fort
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 08, 2013, 11:13 pm
@ japan1980


well hi and it's nice to meet ya  (Hugs)





Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 08, 2013, 11:19 pm
@ japan1980


well hi and it's nice to meet ya  (Hugs)






hi chemcat- we've met before - still hugs thoug:D

Just gave you a +1 as I won't you to hit the 100 mark my friend,,
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 08, 2013, 11:38 pm
i just gave you one too  LOL


oh i aint worried aboot the karma things  LOL  people have asked me about that and i always tell those that inquire..not too worried about the long as people can do their research and look at my past posts..
which i am sure i was fucked up a time or three  LOL  however..for the most part...past poasts speak for thjemselves  ;)

anyhoo...i'll be off and on tonight getting funds together to make some orders  :)

i'll be back hopefully next week and lend some more coin to needy peeps   ;)



Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: skrillyskrill on May 08, 2013, 11:50 pm
nobody wants to go 50/50 on a coupon listing or spare $20? would have it returned to you saturday with a tip :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 08, 2013, 11:57 pm
wut's yur SR screen name..for sake of ease..and wuts that in bitcoins?

15 minutes i'll be leaving.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: skrillyskrill on May 09, 2013, 12:05 am
haha thanks its h1msa  and its 0.2 btc i believe :)

wut's yur SR screen name..for sake of ease..and wuts that in bitcoins?

15 minutes i'll be leaving.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 09, 2013, 12:14 am
Sent  :)

i'll expect you'll be sending back to the sender.....on saturday ya said... please  :)

Enjoy  :)

ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: skrillyskrill on May 09, 2013, 12:25 am
Sent  :)

i'll expect you'll be sending back to the sender.....on saturday ya said... please  :)

Enjoy  :)

ChemCat  O0

That was fast! The world need more people like you ChemCat :) Saturday no problem. ChemCat is your username right?

Or would you prefer coupons?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 09, 2013, 12:32 am
no..username not ChemCat..LOL  ya seen who sent it right ?

To see who sent you the BTC..Click at the top of your SR screen "Account>Account History"  Therein you will find who has sent you Coins. 


dont mean to be a butthead..but to insure that we're able to keep this sure to post in here when ya pay back borrowed amount  :)

Thanks, Hugs & Peace,



Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 09, 2013, 12:38 am
the sender just sent ya a msg on SR @ skrill  :)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ThisSHITScrazyman on May 09, 2013, 05:09 am
I need $2.00 USD for an order tonight will have more coins on tmrw or the next day and will gladly pay you back I just need to need to place this order tonight that would be so appreciated.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 09, 2013, 05:21 am
I need $2.00 USD for an order tonight will have more coins on tmrw or the next day and will gladly pay you back I just need to need to place this order tonight that would be so appreciated.


What's your user name on SR - it is by far quicker to do an instant transfer. And can you also calculate that to BTC's and I got you on this bro
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ThisSHITScrazyman on May 09, 2013, 05:30 am
I need $2.00 USD for an order tonight will have more coins on tmrw or the next day and will gladly pay you back I just need to need to place this order tonight that would be so appreciated.


What's your user name on SR - it is by far quicker to do an instant transfer. And can you also calculate that to BTC's and I got you on this bro

Dicksonchick6969 is my use I rname LOL and that in bitcoins would be about .022 I think Idk my math is a lil messed cause i am just way tired right now
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 09, 2013, 05:44 am
Well I'll send 0.03 jus in case you got the math wrong - sending right now bro 8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 09, 2013, 05:48 am
Sent  8)

Also could you drop me a quick PM - as that is my way of knowing who I've loaned coins to. Thanx
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 09, 2013, 05:54 am
Sent  :)

i'll expect you'll be sending back to the sender.....on saturday ya said... please  :)

Enjoy  :)

ChemCat  O0

That was fast! The world need more people like you ChemCat :) Saturday no problem. ChemCat is your username right?

Or would you prefer coupons?

There are plenty of people like chemcat on this thread dude - just take a look over the last 5 or so pages. We're a good bunch but if people try it on and don't repay, they get put on the 'shit list' - therefore no further help from us good guys!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 09, 2013, 06:01 am
Just a re-up of the lists  8)

List of Users who have lent coins -

mrlavish ++++
White Out

The shit list:

moon fried
rosannebar ++++

**do not 'lend to these people**

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on May 09, 2013, 06:11 am

keep up the good work Japan!!

i haven't forgotten about you  homie!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 09, 2013, 06:19 am

keep up the good work Japan!!

i haven't forgotten about you  homie!!

Yeah man no worries, just stay safe bro
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: nottheunderscore on May 09, 2013, 08:22 am
Damn BTC volatility!!!  I am now .05 btc short for a Transaction!  Might anyone be able to lend a hand?  I promise I can pay you back within 2 weeks for sure. 
-One Love

Here's a thread I started that is a list of Trippy things to watch while Tripping.  enjoy!!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: londonpride2 on May 09, 2013, 10:51 am
Just wanted to say this is a lovely thread with some lovely people and just goes to show what a fantastic place SR is! Its made my day it really has.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: android465764E on May 09, 2013, 01:37 pm
Damn BTC volatility!!!  I am now .05 btc short for a Transaction!  Might anyone be able to lend a hand?  I promise I can pay you back within 2 weeks for sure. 
-One Love

Here's a thread I started that is a list of Trippy things to watch while Tripping.  enjoy!!!

Sent. ★ ♪♬♩
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: fartsinthewind on May 09, 2013, 02:38 pm
Just a re-up of the lists  8)

List of Users who have lent coins -

mrlavish ++++
White Out

The shit list:

moon fried
rosannebar ++++

**do not 'lend to these people**

I've received and sent a couple times, ten bucks here and there. up to  just want to throw that out there. Glad you're maintaining this list. If you want to search the list and add me that's cool, if not, no biggie. I made out well on the huge bubble burst a few weeks ago, so I'm here if you need a little helping hand here or there. Stay safe everyone!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: smoketree17 on May 09, 2013, 04:42 pm
Can someone please help me out :( I'm short about $4, so about .04 btc, any help would be GREATLY appreciated. I WILL return the favor.

my btc address is 1NWziuP9dDSEpH3ii6VHayLGqqXE2onJi
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: canada420 on May 09, 2013, 04:50 pm
I'm going to make a purchase in 5 hours (when I get my coins) and I'll be .01 short, could anybody loan me .01?

please send here if you can:

no rush..  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dr gonzo on May 09, 2013, 04:54 pm
I love this thread and the people in it. I got a few spare dollars if someones in a bind.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dr gonzo on May 09, 2013, 04:55 pm
I'm going to make a purchase in 5 hours (when I get my coins) and I'll be .01 short, could anybody loan me .01?

please send here if you can:

no rush..  ;)

I got you.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: smoketree17 on May 09, 2013, 04:57 pm
I'll need to make a purchase in 2 hours so any help will be appreciated, im currently 4$ short, ANY help is GREATLY appreciated!
btc address is 1NWziuP9dDSEpH3ii6VHayLGqqXE2onJi
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: canada420 on May 09, 2013, 04:59 pm
I'm going to make a purchase in 5 hours (when I get my coins) and I'll be .01 short, could anybody loan me .01?

please send here if you can:

no rush..  ;)

I got you.
thank you so much :)

I will return the favor soon
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 09, 2013, 05:03 pm
I love this thread and the people in it. I got a few spare dollars if someones in a bind.
I'm going to make a purchase in 5 hours (when I get my coins) and I'll be .01 short, could anybody loan me .01?

please send here if you can:

no rush..  ;)

I got you.
:D :-* :P ;)
thanks dr
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dr gonzo on May 09, 2013, 05:04 pm
I'm going to make a purchase in 5 hours (when I get my coins) and I'll be .01 short, could anybody loan me .01?

please send here if you can:

no rush..  ;)

I got you.
thank you so much :)

I will return the favor soon

You are welcome sir. Just come back and pay it forward whenever you can. Keep the love flowing.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dr gonzo on May 09, 2013, 05:07 pm
I'll need to make a purchase in 2 hours so any help will be appreciated, im currently 4$ short, ANY help is GREATLY appreciated!
btc address is 1NWziuP9dDSEpH3ii6VHayLGqqXE2onJi

I got $2 left, it's all yours.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 09, 2013, 05:08 pm
RS & dr gonzo  :)

+1 to ya'll  (Hugs)




Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: smoketree17 on May 09, 2013, 05:10 pm
I'll need to make a purchase in 2 hours so any help will be appreciated, im currently 4$ short, ANY help is GREATLY appreciated!
btc address is 1NWziuP9dDSEpH3ii6VHayLGqqXE2onJi

I got $2 left, it's all yours.

Thank you!! I'll just be another $2 short, you'll be hearing from me on my next purchase :) Thanks again
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dr gonzo on May 09, 2013, 05:11 pm
RS & dr gonzo  :)

+1 to ya'll  (Hugs)





Right back at you Chem.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dr gonzo on May 09, 2013, 05:15 pm
I love this thread and the people in it. I got a few spare dollars if someones in a bind.
I'm going to make a purchase in 5 hours (when I get my coins) and I'll be .01 short, could anybody loan me .01?

please send here if you can:

no rush..  ;)

I got you.
:D :-* :P ;)
thanks dr

My pleasure RS. People like you and the other regulars in this thread are what SR is really all about.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 09, 2013, 05:16 pm
RS & dr gonzo  :)

+1 to ya'll  (Hugs)




I'd 1+ you, except I already have in the past 72 hours  :P although (hugs) are always available.. :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 09, 2013, 05:24 pm
I love this thread and the people in it. I got a few spare dollars if someones in a bind.
I'm going to make a purchase in 5 hours (when I get my coins) and I'll be .01 short, could anybody loan me .01?

please send here if you can:

no rush..  ;)

I got you.
:D :-* :P ;)
thanks dr

My pleasure RS. People like you and the other regulars in this thread are what SR is really all about.
people like yourself also ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: titsmcgee123 on May 09, 2013, 05:26 pm
I realize this is probably a lot more than anyone is willing to give but if anyone could spare a brother 0.39BTC I'd be willing to make it worth your while by paying back .75 to 1 BTC next friday(may 17) when I get paid
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on May 09, 2013, 05:55 pm
I'd 1+ you, except I already have in the past 72 hours  :P although (hugs) are always available.. :D

I'll help out with that.  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: smoketree17 on May 09, 2013, 05:57 pm
Only have an hour left before I have to order and I'm still short ~$4, absolutely any help is greatly appreciated and will be re-payed. Thank you!
btc address is 1NWziuP9dDSEpH3ii6VHayLGqqXE2onJi
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on May 09, 2013, 06:58 pm
Didn't know this official thread was out here until someone posted on my own thread asking for some spare coin until i get paid.
Much love to all who contribute
This page alone shows the world who we are and most of all what we certainly are not!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 09, 2013, 08:03 pm

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mrlavish on May 09, 2013, 08:38 pm
Only have an hour left before I have to order and I'm still short ~$4, absolutely any help is greatly appreciated and will be re-payed. Thank you!
btc address is 1NWziuP9dDSEpH3ii6VHayLGqqXE2onJi

All I have left in my SR Wallet is .038, which should be around $4, it's on it's way to you. Enjoy!!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 09, 2013, 08:45 pm
I realize this is probably a lot more than anyone is willing to give but if anyone could spare a brother 0.39BTC I'd be willing to make it worth your while by paying back .75 to 1 BTC next friday(may 17) when I get paid
SR username is mainmanralph

If it's not enough let me know and I'll cover the rest bro....
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: yizzle42 on May 09, 2013, 08:59 pm
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thecrackhead on May 09, 2013, 10:15 pm
Op updated with the list.

Ill update it as many times as i can, big shout to dan, japan and all the people that make this topic work.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: redfunguy on May 09, 2013, 10:51 pm
Just sent you .12 HEATFan to pay you back with a tad interest
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: redfunguy on May 09, 2013, 10:55 pm
BoxofShapes just sent you .02 to pay you back double.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: HEATFan on May 09, 2013, 11:51 pm
Just sent you .12 HEATFan to pay you back with a tad interest

Thank you sir! Hope you got what you needed :)

Pajag88 has also paid me back. Today is a good day. I have money to spare again if someone needs help.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on May 10, 2013, 12:04 am

Thank you for putting your shapes back!!!  You guys all really know what this thread is about!

A special note of thanks to you sir!  What a great person this guy is.  Hope to see ya in the thread again soon!

Thanks for being a part of this man!  Makes it all the more fun

Also, I finally went through my account history to see if I had any loose corners.  Only two people, for now, out of all the people I've lent to hasn't got back to me?  That's madness!  Great work people! 

Please put MisterYuck & HashForYou on the crap list next time it comes around?

For now I have to keep my shapes in the box because I have some big orders coming up.  Don't wanna be caught short.  Thanks for all those whom have stepped up to help the thread.  Hope you guys are finding it as rewarding as I do!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: titsmcgee123 on May 10, 2013, 12:19 am
Just sent you .12 HEATFan to pay you back with a tad interest

Thank you sir! Hope you got what you needed :)

Pajag88 has also paid me back. Today is a good day. I have money to spare again if someone needs help.
any chance you could spare me (mainmanralph) 0.53? i know its a lot but i really wanna try usashroomz galindoi, like i said before i will be able to pay back .75 to 1.00 BTC next week depending on how my check turns out.. If you can't I understand
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: smoketree17 on May 10, 2013, 12:21 am
Only have an hour left before I have to order and I'm still short ~$4, absolutely any help is greatly appreciated and will be re-payed. Thank you!
btc address is 1NWziuP9dDSEpH3ii6VHayLGqqXE2onJi

All I have left in my SR Wallet is .038, which should be around $4, it's on it's way to you. Enjoy!!
Wow dude, your a life saver! Send me a pm on the main site so I know where to send some btc when I get more! My username is smoketree17 if it wasn't obvious lol
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on May 10, 2013, 12:37 am

List of Users who have lent coins -

android465764E ++++
dr gonzo ++++
White Out

The shit list:

HashForYou ++++
moon fried
MisterYuck ++++

**do not 'lend to these people**
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: danb15 on May 10, 2013, 04:49 am
Anyone in need of spare coins i will gladly help out new to this shit haha but this is what i have left in my account 02047815 and dont need it so would like to pass it on
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: danb15 on May 10, 2013, 05:00 am
Anyone in need of spare coins i will gladly help out new to this shit haha but this is what i have left in my account ฿0.02047815  and dont need it so would like to pass it on
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 10, 2013, 05:02 am
danb  :)

Welcome  (Hugs)

be sure to speak with BoxofShapes  and introduce yourself to the others as they stumble in  LOL  :P

keep checking back here 'cuz ya might have someone soon  :)

what you have done is admirable  (Hugs)

Dont Ever forget how it feels..the Goodwill in your heart when you send without expectations  :)



Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: danb15 on May 10, 2013, 05:11 am
danb  :)

Welcome  (Hugs)

be sure to speak with BoxofShapes  and introduce yourself to the others as they stumble in  LOL  :P

keep checking back here 'cuz ya might have someone soon  :)

what you have done is admirable  (Hugs)

Dont Ever forget how it feels..the Goodwill in your heart when you send without expectations  :)




Thanks for the warm welcome ChemCat :)

No point in sitting in my account when someone else on here is freaking out about being short a point or two and not wanting to stress getting more btc just to get the order out its nice to be nice as they say

 Thanks again for the warm welcome bro much appreciated getting nutting but -karma on these forums for leaving reviews on a product haha but i think its my own fault for bragging about how much i made from the purchase hehe anyways peace and love ChemCat  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on May 10, 2013, 05:27 am
Oh we've met before!

Your a good onion in this quiche if I must say!  I tried to balance you out your karma with our last conversation.   :-\  Looks like I got to do it again!

Just wait for someone to ask.  If ya don't feel like waiting, throw it to ChemCat.  I'm sure CC will find where it belongs.  Up to you! 

Just plain awesome thing you're doin!  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: danb15 on May 10, 2013, 05:42 am
Oh we've met before!

Your a good onion in this quiche if I must say!  I tried to balance you out your karma with our last conversation.   :-\  Looks like I got to do it again!

Just wait for someone to ask.  If ya don't feel like waiting, throw it to ChemCat.  I'm sure CC will find where it belongs.  Up to you! 

Just plain awesome thing you're doin!  ;D

Ye man i remember chatting on this with you before :) Thanks for the help with the karma i need to stop bragging about profits hehe

Im not sure how to +1 yet or -1 yet but when i find out man your getting a +1 from me :)

Look im new to this but look at the message i have gotten you gotta laugh haha

(I'm .018 short on an order for my medicine. I need to get it soon, so I'm hoping you could help me out.

 Let me know man. I'd really appreciate it).

I will not give my coins to any newbies or anyone on the shit list i will check before i send i just want to follow the rules
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MC Haberdasher on May 10, 2013, 06:05 am
Oh we've met before!

Your a good onion in this quiche if I must say!  I tried to balance you out your karma with our last conversation.   :-\  Looks like I got to do it again!

Just wait for someone to ask.  If ya don't feel like waiting, throw it to ChemCat.  I'm sure CC will find where it belongs.  Up to you! 

Just plain awesome thing you're doin!  ;D

I got you in the next 24 hours, dog.  Thanks for the lend.  +1 to you
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 10, 2013, 06:06 am
@ danb  :P

hey man do the deals through this thread until ya get a client base...but always remember where ya come from ;)  ya know? And dont worry 'bout that neg Karma  ;)   we can all view yur past posts unless ya delete them  LOL  :P  Welcome my Friend!! This thread is a God sent Blessing for those that use it.
Box of Shapes  (Hugs)  3 or 4 months i'll be doing a vendor account  :)

i'll start small with eighth's and sell Bitcoins for maybe 0.06 % above market value...  :P

We'll see wut Happens  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 10, 2013, 06:10 am
And here comes McHaber  Dashin in!!  :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: danb15 on May 10, 2013, 06:22 am
Ye i will just send it to respected members of the forums thanks again everyone for the +1 karma you got one from me ChemCat
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 10, 2013, 06:34 am
**Does a long...complicated  handshake with danb15**

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mrlavish on May 10, 2013, 06:43 am
Only have an hour left before I have to order and I'm still short ~$4, absolutely any help is greatly appreciated and will be re-payed. Thank you!
btc address is 1NWziuP9dDSEpH3ii6VHayLGqqXE2onJi

All I have left in my SR Wallet is .038, which should be around $4, it's on it's way to you. Enjoy!!
Wow dude, your a life saver! Send me a pm on the main site so I know where to send some btc when I get more! My username is smoketree17 if it wasn't obvious lol

PM sent to you SmokeTree.

How about this, no need to pay me back, but you have to pay it forward to another in need member. Remember do right by this thread. Never know maybe one day Ill ))))))))))))))))))SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS                                                                                                 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++.

HAHAHAHA, and that there my friends after the "Ill" is what happens from doing the nod juice while typing.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 10, 2013, 06:48 am


Nod out in Peace my Friend :)

Just remember....we'll Always be here when ya wake up and wanna talk or eat   :P

Peace, Love & Hugs,

ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: HEATFan on May 10, 2013, 11:26 am
Guys please don't PM me with solicitations for spare coins. I will not respond to those. Post in this thread, it serves as a public ledger and also makes you put in the groundwork before people will consider your requests. I'm not going to loan coins to people who literally just registered an account to PM me for them... that's just ridiculous.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on May 10, 2013, 12:00 pm
hey all.could someone lend me 0.14btc.sorry to ask but someone said they would the other day and have been let down.I need to get my order in today as weekend is too late.I get some coin next week and will sort you out road name is eddyboy666
thankyou very much.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on May 10, 2013, 12:48 pm
I got you in the next 24 hours, dog.  Thanks for the lend.  +1 to you
Thanks man!  Knew you wouldn't let me down.

3 or 4 months i'll be doing a vendor account  :)
Ha Really?  If anyone would be a kick ass vendor, it would be you!  I'll be a customer for sure!

Ye i will just send it to respected members of the forums thanks again everyone for the +1 karma you got one from me ChemCat
  Good stuff!  I'll make sure you go on the awesome list next time round!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on May 10, 2013, 12:52 pm
Guys please don't PM me with solicitations for spare coins. I will not respond to those. Post in this thread, it serves as a public ledger and also makes you put in the groundwork before people will consider your requests. I'm not going to loan coins to people who literally just registered an account to PM me for them... that's just ridiculous.

Ha I've gotten a few of those as well. Very annoying. I think we should put a disclaimer below the lists in an effort to stop the annoying spam. What are everyones' thoughts on this?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on May 10, 2013, 01:07 pm
Guys please don't PM me with solicitations for spare coins. I will not respond to those. Post in this thread, it serves as a public ledger and also makes you put in the groundwork before people will consider your requests. I'm not going to loan coins to people who literally just registered an account to PM me for them... that's just ridiculous.

Ha I've gotten a few of those as well. Very annoying. I think we should put a disclaimer below the lists in an effort to stop the annoying spam. What are everyones' thoughts on this?

It's in the OP.  I really think it's people that already know it's bad practice and trying to find someone that doesn't.  I believe this because I've received like 10 messages like last week, and none now, after I told them off.  Meanwhile, you guys are getting PMed like crazy, cause they know it won't work on me.

Our group of givers have been well educated about this, so that's good.  I think that's the best thing we can do.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: kobebryant0824 on May 10, 2013, 02:49 pm
Can someone please spare me 60 cents please?

MY SR NAME is the same as here


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on May 10, 2013, 03:45 pm
Can someone please spare me 60 cents please?

MY SR NAME is the same as here



I gotcha bro. No need to pay it back just in the future if you see someone who needs a dollar help them out.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: kobebryant0824 on May 10, 2013, 03:53 pm
Thanks a ton DAN!

I really appreciate the help! I will gladly help others when in need!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ktrustb on May 10, 2013, 03:58 pm
Anyone here willing to lend me ฿0.03btc?

I have ฿0.38447404 in my Silk Road account apparently. I want to order some hash for the weekend that comes to exactly ฿0.38, and the postage is ฿0.03, making my order total ฿0.41. I've been sat here for hours hoping that the Mt. Gox weighted average will increase just enough to let me afford the postage, but it's not looking like my lucky day. :'(

My Silk Road username is exactly the same as my forum user name. I'll gladly pay back the amount as soon as I top up on coins (should be within 5 days - just waiting for a cheque to clear.)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: kobebryant0824 on May 10, 2013, 04:00 pm

I somehow have 61 cents left in my account after my order...IDK how the hell that happened, but if you want I'd gladly repay you back right now lol

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on May 10, 2013, 04:08 pm

I somehow have 61 cents left in my account after my order...IDK how the hell that happened, but if you want I'd gladly repay you back right now lol


Yeah I think the lowest amount you can send is 0.01 BTC's which comes out to like $1.16 or something which is probably why you have the little bit extra left over. Just keep it and when you see someone in need of a little bit like you were, just help em out  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on May 10, 2013, 04:13 pm
Anyone here willing to lend me ฿0.03btc?

I have ฿0.38447404 in my Silk Road account apparently. I want to order some hash for the weekend that comes to exactly ฿0.38, and the postage is ฿0.03, making my order total ฿0.41. I've been sat here for hours hoping that the Mt. Gox weighted average will increase just enough to let me afford the postage, but it's not looking like my lucky day. :'(

My Silk Road username is exactly the same as my forum user name. I'll gladly pay back the amount as soon as I top up on coins (should be within 5 days - just waiting for a cheque to clear.)

I don't have 0.03 all I have is 0.02 so it's all yours. You can get me back whenever your check clears, no rush  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ktrustb on May 10, 2013, 04:36 pm
Thanks for your generosity. I'm unbelievably close now! I have ฿0.40447404 in my account, so according to my calculations I need ฿0.00552596 and I'm good to order.

Just checked on my bank account too and paying you back within the 5 days should be no problem. What address/user name should I send the payment to? I assume the one in your signature, but I prefer to check just in case.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 10, 2013, 05:44 pm
@ ktrustb  :)

i sent ya the 0.00552596 that ya said you were short  :)

just send it back to trichome on the road when ya get a chance  :)



ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thecrackhead on May 10, 2013, 05:44 pm
Hey guys, I'm short 3 dollars on a $300 order my product is selling, could anyone spare the change? Cheers

crackthehead is my username on the road.

can return with interest if needed....
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 10, 2013, 05:49 pm
Guys please don't PM me with solicitations for spare coins. I will not respond to those. Post in this thread, it serves as a public ledger and also makes you put in the groundwork before people will consider your requests. I'm not going to loan coins to people who literally just registered an account to PM me for them... that's just ridiculous.

Ha I've gotten a few of those as well. Very annoying. I think we should put a disclaimer below the lists in an effort to stop the annoying spam. What are everyones' thoughts on this?

It's in the OP.  I really think it's people that already know it's bad practice and trying to find someone that doesn't.  I believe this because I've received like 10 messages like last week, and none now, after I told them off.  Meanwhile, you guys are getting PMed like crazy, cause they know it won't work on me.

Our group of givers have been well educated about this, so that's good.  I think that's the best thing we can do.
people must think Im crazy or something ;D nobody messages me.

Hey guys, I'm short 3 dollars on a $300 order my product is selling, could anyone spare the change? Cheers

crackthehead is my username on the road.

can return with interest if needed....
:-\ I'd gladly help you, if I could.. but unfortunately I still haven't funded my account for the past week.. sorry tch
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 10, 2013, 06:03 pm
@crackthehead (Hugs)


i just sent ya like 3.50  :P

just send it back to the one that sent it to ya  :)


ChemCat O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: danb15 on May 10, 2013, 06:08 pm
Hey guys, I'm short 3 dollars on a $300 order my product is selling, could anyone spare the change? Cheers

crackthehead is my username on the road.

can return with interest if needed....

ChemCat got there first i sent $2.36 just sent it to ChemCat buddy and he will give it to someone else in need sorry was just acting up on me man
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: danb15 on May 10, 2013, 06:12 pm
@crackthehead (Hugs)


i just sent ya like 3.50  :P

just send it back to the one that sent it to ya  :)


ChemCat O0

Goodman ChemCat :)

I sent him coins after you was trying as soon as i seen his request but my account was acting up so he will pass them on to you and you can do something with them :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 10, 2013, 06:23 pm
Right on danb  :)

i'll send them out to needy peeps  (Hugs)


ChemCat O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Cynosure on May 10, 2013, 06:25 pm
I could use a spare 53 cents if anyone can help me out.  I will surely repay you towards the end of next week when I make my next purchase.  BitInstant really screwed me around with their 16% charges for cash-to-coin services.  Bastards.

I've donated .1 to a handful of members from this thread.

Many thanks,


SR- Cynosure
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: danb15 on May 10, 2013, 06:29 pm
Right on danb  :)

i'll send them out to needy peeps  (Hugs)


ChemCat O0

When i get more coins ill be back to help out people and sorry if people were looking when i offered earlier i was bolloxed and went to bed for a while

Anyways happy Friday people  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on May 10, 2013, 06:30 pm
**repost cos times running out**

hey all.could someone lend me 0.14btc.sorry to ask but someone said they would the other day and have been let down.I need to get my order in today as weekend is too late.I get some coin next week and will sort you out road name is eddyboy666
thankyou very much.


any amounts put in will be paid back asap just leave your name/s so I can get back to you.cheers darktime aka eddyboy666
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 10, 2013, 06:34 pm
**repost cos times running out**

hey all.could someone lend me 0.14btc.sorry to ask but someone said they would the other day and have been let down.I need to get my order in today as weekend is too late.I get some coin next week and will sort you out road name is eddyboy666
thankyou very much.


any amounts put in will be paid back asap just leave your name/s so I can get back to you.cheers darktime aka eddyboy666

hold a sec please...i'm going to check my account and if i have it i'll send ya the 0.14


just send it back to trichome  (Hugs)


ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 10, 2013, 06:37 pm
Sent  :)

next week huh?

okie dokie   (Hugs)



ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on May 10, 2013, 07:10 pm
Chemcat-major respect!! top lad/girl

is your tip jar the same address or do you want it in the name you mentioned?

i'd +1 ya if i could too bro

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 10, 2013, 07:25 pm

go ahead and send back to trichome...they sent it top ya  (Hugs)


ChemCat  O0

i'm off for now  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on May 10, 2013, 08:24 pm

go ahead and send back to trichome...they sent it top ya  (Hugs)


ChemCat  O0

i'm off for now  :)

Ahhh I think I know who trichome is  ;) call on me if ya need anything dude,I got ya  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: abby25 on May 10, 2013, 08:36 pm
What a wonderful thread this is!

I used to come on here all the time, there's a part of me that wishes i hadn't as back then i must've given away what now equates to about $80 worth of btc, haha, but what the hell, it's only money!

There is something fantastic about truly altruistic acts....helping someone you are unlikely to ever meet, at a time when they need help, for no other reason than you hold onto the hope that someone will do the same for you one day.

Luvly jubbly! :D

Anyway, the reason i posted on here is that a) i always like to read about people being awesome, and b) i saw this video today on Facebook that reminded me of this thread. I've managed to find it on Youtube so here it is -

Also, why aren't i on the list of greatness? Haha just kidding, it's been ages since i posted/gave away on here. But keep up the good work guys, it's a reminder that the world is full of good people!

Peace :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on May 10, 2013, 09:03 pm

List of Users who have lent coins -

abby25 ++++
dr gonzo
White Out

The shit list:

moon fried

**do not 'lend to these people**

I really don't feel like going all the way back in this thread to see if you lent coins but I'll take your word for it abby25. You seem like a pretty trustworthy anonymous person, though.  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bamoida2 on May 10, 2013, 09:05 pm
to all the people who lend coins here: thank you, what you guys do is amazing, you helped not only me a lot, but so many users, because of you I got my package today instead of receiving it on Monday and having nothing but an entire weekend of pure boredom, and damn I'm feeling good!

It is really amazing that even in one of the most anonymous places of the internet, people can be so generous, lend coins at their own risk just to help someone out, and even tho it wouldn't be hard to scam, with the exception of some individuals, most people are honest and give their debt back and express their gratitude.

This is why i love SR,i would like to give special thanks to BoxofShapes for helping me out within minutes, you really saved my weekend!

I would lend coins as well, but atm the only money i can afford is the coins I mine myself, so never really have any extras laying around.
Tho show my appreciation and endless gratitude, i gave +1 to everyone who lended coins or showed their own gratitude from page 130 (hope I didn't miss anyone, i have over 50 tabs open from holding CTRL and pressing the karma button)

<3 u guys, having a great time just because of you!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: 00Oo0o0oOo0Oo0oO on May 10, 2013, 09:12 pm
I don't know if anyone will care about my sad little tale, but I guess it's worth a shot.  I am new to the road, and the reason that I found SR to begin with is because I had some really hard exams coming up in school and I wanted that extra little boost to finish off the semester.  So I did my research and I finally got some coins in my account, (which I paid waaaay too much for) and I found what I thought was a trusted vendor. 

Well even after all of the research I did before hand.. I somehow still got suckered into finalizing early.. because the vendor required it for people without a purchase history.  Of course I now realize that nobody is allowed to require FE. 

So to make a long story short, I ended up spending a good amount of coin on something that isn't coming, and I spent the rest on some stupid lotto's that I think ended up being scams as well haha.   Exams are over, I did extremely well without the help of anything, but I have nothing to celebrate with!!!   

I know it's my fault that this happened, but I sure would be glad to accept any spare coins so that I can actually buy something that I know is going to come!!  Once I am able to buy more coins... probably early next month, I will be back on here to help out.

My SR name is asdfasdfffewg

Thanks for taking the time to read!  Everyone be safe and careful out there!!  Now it's time for me to go browse the "trusted vendors" threads so I can be prepared for next time.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: abby25 on May 10, 2013, 09:14 pm

List of Users who have lent coins -

abby25 ++++
dr gonzo
White Out

The shit list:

moon fried

**do not 'lend to these people**

I really don't feel like going all the way back in this thread to see if you lent coins but I'll take your word for it abby25. You seem like a pretty trustworthy anonymous person, though.  ;D

awwwww thanks for the trust, makes me feel all warm and fuzzy! (or maybe that;s the drugs :P) Haha

Just in case you were in any doubt i managed to drag this out of the's nice to re-read old posts sometimes!

Thanks, and nice to see my name in the Premier League list! ;)

Hi guys,

I'm new here, I figured I should research and learn how to get BTC, how purchasing works on here, the rules (read the buyer's guide cover to cover :D) etc. before I actually signed up, because I was ultra paranoid before, but now that i've done a few hours of research on the forums i'm actually quite stoked to place my first order.

Only problem is that even with all my preparation I still seem to fail miserably at math :(
I've ended up falling short 0.24 BTC for the order I want to place and kinda bummed about about my own stupidity :/.

I don't suppose any kind souls could loan me the 0.24 BTC so I can make this purchase?  I'm excited and want to make this order lol, esp. after going through having to learn GPG (which actually now that i've taught myself about it, it's pretty damned simple to use).

I will pay you back as soon as possible, I just wanna get this order placed tonight so it goes out tomorrow.

You can send it to this address: 15euKhyyYk2k39yy5sY14AQVLqyri1h6Lj

or you can send it to me on SR, it's the same username as I use here (adhesive).  I would be extremely grateful for any help anyone can offer as this is my first experience on SR :).

Thanks guys


I've sent you my last 0.14, i hope someone else can help you out with the 0.10.

Don't forget to pay it forward to someone else in need when you have some change in the future. :)

Thank you so much abby, you don't know what it means to me and feels like to see the generosity of a complete stranger.  I will definitely pay you back as soon as possible, just send me a PM with an address or your SR username.

Nooo problemo!

Don't worry about paying it back, just help someone else out on here if you have some change in the future.

Can anyone else help adhesive out with the last 0.1?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on May 10, 2013, 09:21 pm
I don't know if anyone will care about my sad little tale, but I guess it's worth a shot.  I am new to the road, and the reason that I found SR to begin with is because I had some really hard exams coming up in school and I wanted that extra little boost to finish off the semester.  So I did my research and I finally got some coins in my account, (which I paid waaaay too much for) and I found what I thought was a trusted vendor. 

Well even after all of the research I did before hand.. I somehow still got suckered into finalizing early.. because the vendor required it for people without a purchase history.  Of course I now realize that nobody is allowed to require FE. 

So to make a long story short, I ended up spending a good amount of coin on something that isn't coming, and I spent the rest on some stupid lotto's that I think ended up being scams as well haha.   Exams are over, I did extremely well without the help of anything, but I have nothing to celebrate with!!!   

I know it's my fault that this happened, but I sure would be glad to accept any spare coins so that I can actually buy something that I know is going to come!!  Once I am able to buy more coins... probably early next month, I will be back on here to help out.

My SR name is asdfasdfffewg

Thanks for taking the time to read!  Everyone be safe and careful out there!!  Now it's time for me to go browse the "trusted vendors" threads so I can be prepared for next time.

This thread is for people who need a dollar or two to help cover shipping charges or if BTC weighted average fell and are a few cents short on an order. This isn't for asking people to basically buy your drugs for you. I think you are asking for too much here and I would suggest you use mtgox for your BTC purchases in the future. They are very reliable and that is the exchange used most by users here on SR. And of course you see why everyone is always screaming to never FE. Lesson learned though I hope. Enjoy your summer and enjoy your drugs.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: 00Oo0o0oOo0Oo0oO on May 10, 2013, 09:26 pm
I don't know if anyone will care about my sad little tale, but I guess it's worth a shot.  I am new to the road, and the reason that I found SR to begin with is because I had some really hard exams coming up in school and I wanted that extra little boost to finish off the semester.  So I did my research and I finally got some coins in my account, (which I paid waaaay too much for) and I found what I thought was a trusted vendor. 

Well even after all of the research I did before hand.. I somehow still got suckered into finalizing early.. because the vendor required it for people without a purchase history.  Of course I now realize that nobody is allowed to require FE. 

So to make a long story short, I ended up spending a good amount of coin on something that isn't coming, and I spent the rest on some stupid lotto's that I think ended up being scams as well haha.   Exams are over, I did extremely well without the help of anything, but I have nothing to celebrate with!!!   

I know it's my fault that this happened, but I sure would be glad to accept any spare coins so that I can actually buy something that I know is going to come!!  Once I am able to buy more coins... probably early next month, I will be back on here to help out.

My SR name is asdfasdfffewg

Thanks for taking the time to read!  Everyone be safe and careful out there!!  Now it's time for me to go browse the "trusted vendors" threads so I can be prepared for next time.

This thread is for people who need a dollar or two to help cover shipping charges or if BTC weighted average fell and are a few cents short on an order. This isn't for asking people to basically buy your drugs for you. I think you are asking for too much here and I would suggest you use mtgox for your BTC purchases in the future. They are very reliable and that is the exchange used most by users here on SR. And of course you see why everyone is always screaming to never FE. Lesson learned though I hope. Enjoy your summer and enjoy your drugs.

Sorry if it was not appropriate!  I don't expect a dime, but I like what's going on here and I just thought id share.  No matter what, I will be back early next month to help ppl out who are in need.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: abby25 on May 10, 2013, 09:27 pm
I don't know if anyone will care about my sad little tale, but I guess it's worth a shot.  I am new to the road, and the reason that I found SR to begin with is because I had some really hard exams coming up in school and I wanted that extra little boost to finish off the semester.  So I did my research and I finally got some coins in my account, (which I paid waaaay too much for) and I found what I thought was a trusted vendor. 

Well even after all of the research I did before hand.. I somehow still got suckered into finalizing early.. because the vendor required it for people without a purchase history.  Of course I now realize that nobody is allowed to require FE. 

So to make a long story short, I ended up spending a good amount of coin on something that isn't coming, and I spent the rest on some stupid lotto's that I think ended up being scams as well haha.   Exams are over, I did extremely well without the help of anything, but I have nothing to celebrate with!!!   

I know it's my fault that this happened, but I sure would be glad to accept any spare coins so that I can actually buy something that I know is going to come!!  Once I am able to buy more coins... probably early next month, I will be back on here to help out.

My SR name is asdfasdfffewg

Thanks for taking the time to read!  Everyone be safe and careful out there!!  Now it's time for me to go browse the "trusted vendors" threads so I can be prepared for next time.

This thread is for people who need a dollar or two to help cover shipping charges or if BTC weighted average fell and are a few cents short on an order. This isn't for asking people to basically buy your drugs for you. I think you are asking for too much here and I would suggest you use mtgox for your BTC purchases in the future. They are very reliable and that is the exchange used most by users here on SR. And of course you see why everyone is always screaming to never FE. Lesson learned though I hope. Enjoy your summer and enjoy your drugs.

I agree, it's a shame you got scammed, but there's no way people are just going to pay for your drugs. I've looked through your posts and you seem like a nice guy, so if i can help by offering you advice on vendors who you can trust, just PM me and i'd be happy to point you in the right direction if i can.

Total shame your first experience was a bad one, but keep the faith! :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: HEATFan on May 10, 2013, 09:33 pm
Thank you for sharing that video Abby. Put a smile on my face. Cheers.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: 00Oo0o0oOo0Oo0oO on May 10, 2013, 09:35 pm
Thanks abby! I sent you a PM.  I'm sure there are plenty of trusted people on the road, so I am not giving up yet.  Sorry about the sob story!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dopeboyz on May 10, 2013, 10:44 pm
Hello fellow Silkroader's!

I've been a member here on the road for quite some time and i'm trying to make a purchase but I came up .05 BTC ($3 USD) short. Is there anyone that can lend me .05 BTC, I promise to reimburse you!!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: saranottegan on May 10, 2013, 11:04 pm
Hello fellow Silkroader's!

I've been a member here on the road for quite some time and i'm trying to make a purchase but I came up .05 BTC ($3 USD) short. Is there anyone that can lend me .05 BTC, I promise to reimburse you!!


I've got you. What's your SR name?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dopeboyz on May 10, 2013, 11:12 pm
dopeboyz - thank you SO much!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: saranottegan on May 10, 2013, 11:16 pm
dopeboyz - thank you SO much!

You're welcome. Have a great weekend. :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: abby25 on May 11, 2013, 12:38 am
dopeboyz - thank you SO much!

You're welcome. Have a great weekend. :)

I'll +1 because dopeboys can't yet :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Oddworld on May 11, 2013, 12:56 am
If anyone could lend me 0.09 btc I would really appreciate it, I will pay back the next time I get coins (about 1 month).


& my SR name is Oddworld

P.S Happy early 420!
AA, did you get what you need?

Robo not all im still short 3 bucks..I wont lie it will be next week before i can add somcoins so i dont wanna mislead you..If u could help id be greatful

SR NAME Anononymousman

i got AA and Oddworld, just pay back when you can :)

sent the btc back, sorry it took so long!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on May 11, 2013, 01:04 am
List of Users who have lent coins -

abby25 ++++
danb15 ++++
dr gonzo
saranottegan ++++
White Out

The shit list:

moon fried

**do not 'lend to these people**
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: kyotosong on May 11, 2013, 01:09 am
If anyone could lend me 0.09 btc I would really appreciate it, I will pay back the next time I get coins (about 1 month).


& my SR name is Oddworld

P.S Happy early 420!
AA, did you get what you need?

Robo not all im still short 3 bucks..I wont lie it will be next week before i can add somcoins so i dont wanna mislead you..If u could help id be greatful

SR NAME Anononymousman

i got AA and Oddworld, just pay back when you can :)

sent the btc back, sorry it took so long!

no worries, Oddworld. your original post said it might be a month, so, i wasn't in a hurry. thanks for getting me back!

p.s. i know this is off topic, but is your s/n a reference to the very awesome Oddworld game series?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on May 11, 2013, 01:21 am
@mc haberdasher

Thank you for returning the shapes to the box!  I also appreciate the little extra cause it's going to be a tight month.  I'll consider it a micro loan from you.


I know the exact feeling!  So cool such a small gesture can make a big difference.  At least for the weekend.  :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: skrillyskrill on May 11, 2013, 02:33 am
no..username not ChemCat..LOL  ya seen who sent it right ?

To see who sent you the BTC..Click at the top of your SR screen "Account>Account History"  Therein you will find who has sent you Coins. 


dont mean to be a butthead..but to insure that we're able to keep this sure to post in here when ya pay back borrowed amount  :)

Thanks, Hugs & Peace,




Hey ChemCat just wanted to let you know I paid back that loan to the loaner, earlier than I said I would, amnd gave a lil extra. Also want to make sure you got the tip i tossed in your tip jar ;) Thanks again. This thread is awesome , you people are awesome, and i will now periodically swing by to see if I can help anyone out too!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: saranottegan on May 11, 2013, 02:37 am
dopeboyz - thank you SO much!

You're welcome. Have a great weekend. :)

I'll +1 because dopeboys can't yet :)

Thanks! and a +1 to you for being you!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on May 11, 2013, 02:40 am
Hey ChemCat just wanted to let you know I paid back that loan to the loaner, earlier than I said I would, amnd gave a lil extra. Also want to make sure you got the tip i tossed in your tip jar ;) Thanks again. This thread is awesome , you people are awesome, and i will now periodically swing by to see if I can help anyone out too!

Awesome stuff man.  Good to hear you've been inspired to keep the shapes moving!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Sekt0r on May 11, 2013, 03:53 am
I've paid back my small debt as well, just emptied the little change I had left, wasn't much though. I'll be back to contribute further in the future. Thank you.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Lazortron on May 11, 2013, 04:12 am
Short .1 unfortunately! Of course I will pay it back as this feeling of being short is no fun so I will help out someone like me in the future.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: nottheunderscore on May 11, 2013, 06:30 am
Quote from: nottheunderscore on May 09, 2013, 08:22 am

    Damn BTC volatility!!!  I am now .05 btc short for a Transaction!  Might anyone be able to lend a hand?  I promise I can pay you back within 2 weeks for sure.
    -One Love

    Here's a thread I started that is a list of Trippy things to watch while Tripping.  enjoy!!!

Sent. ★ ♪♬♩
« Last Edit: May 09, 2013, 02:48 pm by android465764E »
Thank you so much to Android465764e!!!  He or She really helped me in a bind and I will be repaying him as soon as human possible.  Love this Thread! 8) 8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: motek on May 11, 2013, 09:03 am
Heeey saranottegan  Great to see you here. sharing the love!  You GO grrrl!  Howz things, you good?

@ Lazatron....Bro..we NEED yout SR  NYM ... it's set up that way, too hard to do wallet to wallet

Hey BOS, maybe you could add this info to The Lists ...couldn't hurt?!

ood to see the thread rolling along as it should!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on May 11, 2013, 11:57 am
You guys are the best  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jda6130 on May 11, 2013, 12:19 pm
I just asked this in the aussie thread, but i just noticed this thread ;)

If anyone is so kind i need to borrow .04 btc which  I can return Monday (aussie time) so 2 days away =]

You still need Gus? I just happen to have that exact amount left over in my account. If so, provide your SR name and I'll transfer directly to you.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BiblicalBlazer on May 11, 2013, 12:23 pm
Hey all, basically short .1 btc for shipping on an order as my vendor recently upped his prices...unfortunate timing. Anyway if anyone could lend me that or part of I will pay back double on Tuesday.
SR name is biblicalblazer, cheers guys
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jda6130 on May 11, 2013, 12:30 pm
Well BB, since Gus doesn't need it, I have .0466 that you're welcome to have if still needed. Not doing me any good for a week or so when I'll probably make my next purchase. Just let me know and it's yours!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BiblicalBlazer on May 11, 2013, 12:45 pm
I do still need it and it would be greatly appreciated too. I'll get you back .0932 on Tuesday too. Still need another .055 or so if anyone else wants to loan me.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jda6130 on May 11, 2013, 12:47 pm
I do still need it and it would be greatly appreciated too. I'll get you back .0932 on Tuesday too. Still need another .055 or so if anyone else wants to loan me.

Sent! Enjoy!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 11, 2013, 01:42 pm
@ skrillyskrill & Sekt0r


Got it  (Hugs)

Thank You and come again  :)


ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: android465764E on May 11, 2013, 03:32 pm
Can anyone spare ฿0.04? I'm a little short on postage. :/

SR username: android4657643
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 11, 2013, 03:57 pm
Can anyone spare ฿0.04? I'm a little short on postage. :/

SR username: android4657643

Done :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: android465764E on May 11, 2013, 04:01 pm
Can anyone spare ฿0.04? I'm a little short on postage. :/

SR username: android4657643

Done :)

Lifesaver. Thanks very much. :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 11, 2013, 04:08 pm
No Problem - throw it back when you can :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: android465764E on May 11, 2013, 04:51 pm
No Problem - throw it back when you can :)

Will do. ★
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Lazortron on May 11, 2013, 05:09 pm
All is good, got some BTC today. Next time I will know to post my SR instead of the bitcoin address
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on May 11, 2013, 05:51 pm
Hey BOS, maybe you could add this info to The Lists ...couldn't hurt?!

You know?  Your right.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on May 11, 2013, 06:00 pm
****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) When requesting, post your SR name so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse. 
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS.  >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.
List of Users who have lent coins -

dr gonzo
jda6130 ++++
White Out
The shit list:

moon fried

**do not 'lend to these people**
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on May 11, 2013, 06:06 pm
Took the OP rules and kind of revised them.  I hope everyone agrees with the changes, and if not, let me know of any revisions they may deem appropriate.

Also!  Removed HashForYou from the shit list because he has fixed the situation!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 11, 2013, 06:08 pm

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: whowhatwhere on May 11, 2013, 09:28 pm
I see you guys are still being awesome in this thread, it's been a long time since I was last here but I come asking for a small favor.. this is only my second time using this thread and I hate to ask but I am ~$3 short on an order that I was hoping to place today, I have BTC coming in on Thursday and that is when I'll be able to repay and it'll definitely be more than I was lent, although I can't say exactly how much until I finish my orders for the week but hopefully at least 1.5x/2x what I was lent.  My SR username is whowhatwhere (same as here) and I guarantee you'll have your loan back by Friday.  Thanks to whoever can help me out but if no one can, I appreciate the time spent reading my request anyway!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: whowhatwhere on May 11, 2013, 09:33 pm
I see you guys are still being awesome in this thread, it's been a long time since I was last here but I come asking for a small favor.. this is only my second time using this thread and I hate to ask but I am ~$3 short on an order that I was hoping to place today, I have BTC coming in on Thursday and that is when I'll be able to repay and it'll definitely be more than I was lent, although I can't say exactly how much until I finish my orders for the week but hopefully at least 1.5x/2x what I was lent.  My SR username is whowhatwhere (same as here) and I guarantee you'll have your loan back by Friday.  Thanks to whoever can help me out but if no one can, I appreciate the time spent reading my request anyway!
It looks like that comes out to .025BTC approx. but if we could round it to .03 so that there are no issues, I promise to repay it with interest.  Thanks again!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 11, 2013, 09:35 pm
I see you guys are still being awesome in this thread, it's been a long time since I was last here but I come asking for a small favor.. this is only my second time using this thread and I hate to ask but I am ~$3 short on an order that I was hoping to place today, I have BTC coming in on Thursday and that is when I'll be able to repay and it'll definitely be more than I was lent, although I can't say exactly how much until I finish my orders for the week but hopefully at least 1.5x/2x what I was lent.  My SR username is whowhatwhere (same as here) and I guarantee you'll have your loan back by Friday.  Thanks to whoever can help me out but if no one can, I appreciate the time spent reading my request anyway!
It looks like that comes out to .025BTC approx. but if we could round it to .03 so that there are no issues, I promise to repay it with interest.  Thanks again!

I got this one - sending it over now bro :)

EDIT: Done - enjoy 8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: kluptidal on May 11, 2013, 09:40 pm
first, welcome :) second, how much are you short? third? hard to say.. value rises an falls, dont think anyone can truly predict it.
Thanks. :) I edited the first post right as you replied - short 0.17. Yeah, I'm trying to gauge value stats but it really isn't reliable to make a guess. Well, seeing as I've spent all the money I currently had on this "investment" expecting to be able to make immediate use of it, I'm in the hands of generosity now. So, if anyone can provide a quick hook up, I'll be sure to return the kindness.
:( I have about $3.71 I can pass your way, hopefully another kind soul can help.. is your SR name kluptidal?
Yessir! I will remember your generosity for all time. :D
sent :)
Hey, I actually realized I was asking for too much and waited until I could add more money myself. ;) Everything's paid for now, I'll return your loan asap! Thanks again!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: whowhatwhere on May 11, 2013, 09:44 pm
I see you guys are still being awesome in this thread, it's been a long time since I was last here but I come asking for a small favor.. this is only my second time using this thread and I hate to ask but I am ~$3 short on an order that I was hoping to place today, I have BTC coming in on Thursday and that is when I'll be able to repay and it'll definitely be more than I was lent, although I can't say exactly how much until I finish my orders for the week but hopefully at least 1.5x/2x what I was lent.  My SR username is whowhatwhere (same as here) and I guarantee you'll have your loan back by Friday.  Thanks to whoever can help me out but if no one can, I appreciate the time spent reading my request anyway!
It looks like that comes out to .025BTC approx. but if we could round it to .03 so that there are no issues, I promise to repay it with interest.  Thanks again!

I got this one - sending it over now bro :)

EDIT: Done - enjoy 8)

You're a gentleman, scholar, and a fine judge of whiskey!  Expect your money by Thursday but no later than Friday!  I'll message you in here when it is sent and thanks for helping me out  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 11, 2013, 09:46 pm
I see you guys are still being awesome in this thread, it's been a long time since I was last here but I come asking for a small favor.. this is only my second time using this thread and I hate to ask but I am ~$3 short on an order that I was hoping to place today, I have BTC coming in on Thursday and that is when I'll be able to repay and it'll definitely be more than I was lent, although I can't say exactly how much until I finish my orders for the week but hopefully at least 1.5x/2x what I was lent.  My SR username is whowhatwhere (same as here) and I guarantee you'll have your loan back by Friday.  Thanks to whoever can help me out but if no one can, I appreciate the time spent reading my request anyway!
It looks like that comes out to .025BTC approx. but if we could round it to .03 so that there are no issues, I promise to repay it with interest.  Thanks again!

I got this one - sending it over now bro :)

EDIT: Done - enjoy 8)

You're a gentleman, scholar, and a fine judge of whiskey!  Expect your money by Thursday but no later than Friday!  I'll message you in here when it is sent and thanks for helping me out  ;D

No problem man - when you get round to paying me back just PM me as pages can fly by on this thread and I may miss it!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 11, 2013, 09:49 pm
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 11, 2013, 10:16 pm
first, welcome :) second, how much are you short? third? hard to say.. value rises an falls, dont think anyone can truly predict it.
Thanks. :) I edited the first post right as you replied - short 0.17. Yeah, I'm trying to gauge value stats but it really isn't reliable to make a guess. Well, seeing as I've spent all the money I currently had on this "investment" expecting to be able to make immediate use of it, I'm in the hands of generosity now. So, if anyone can provide a quick hook up, I'll be sure to return the kindness.
:( I have about $3.71 I can pass your way, hopefully another kind soul can help.. is your SR name kluptidal?
Yessir! I will remember your generosity for all time. :D
sent :)
Hey, I actually realized I was asking for too much and waited until I could add more money myself. ;) Everything's paid for now, I'll return your loan asap! Thanks again!
right on, glad to hear it worked out. :) also thanks for returning my coins :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jundullahi on May 12, 2013, 12:31 am
I appreciate the offer. But I dont take charity. May you be reward for you generosity.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BiblicalBlazer on May 12, 2013, 12:58 am
Still need .055 if anyone can loan me, get double back on Tuesday.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Oddworld on May 12, 2013, 01:36 am
Still need .055 if anyone can loan me, get double back on Tuesday.

whats your SR name?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on May 12, 2013, 01:41 am
Still need .055 if anyone can loan me, get double back on Tuesday.
This box has sent you some shapes! 

Celebrating my 4th pip over my box!  Don't worry about throwing the shapes back!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 12, 2013, 01:50 am
Still need .055 if anyone can loan me, get double back on Tuesday.
This box has sent you some shapes! 

Celebrating my 4th pip over my box!  Don't worry about throwing the shapes back!

^^^^  This...

is why i love this BoxofShapes  :)


Peace & Hugs,

ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BiblicalBlazer on May 12, 2013, 02:11 am
Wow I don't know what to say, thanks very much will be coming back here on Tues and paying it forward. <3
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: juswannaschmoke on May 12, 2013, 02:41 am
This is a great thread....kind of like socialism by choice. Cant wait to have my name listed as a used who has lent coins!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: motek on May 12, 2013, 04:30 am
Yeah it is a great thread!  Although the last few times I've been here to help out ... everyone's sorted! That's so cool

Thanx BOS and everyone who has helped to make things a little 'clearer' for those new to the thread, nice one!

And Japanman ... what can I say, but, 'Go Hard bro!'  and  thanx  to every who plays this game....

what does motek get from this?   A buzz knowing there still are people who care for random people ... and online people are at their Most Random!

love ya all

m m m motek
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 12, 2013, 06:34 am
And Japanman ... what can I say, but, 'Go Hard bro!'  and  thanx  to every who plays this game....

Haha :) Nice one m m m  motek

Morning to all - Any help needed for trusted, honest buyers that are slightly short to make an order? I'm your man.

Doing the early shift :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 12, 2013, 06:46 am
 :) got few dollars spare for anybody short..

morning japan
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 12, 2013, 06:53 am
Morning RS7 - hope you're well bro :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 12, 2013, 08:05 am
Good Morning and Happy Mothersday to Everyone  :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 12, 2013, 08:11 am
hello, hello  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 12, 2013, 11:51 am
RS7  (Hugs)



ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on May 12, 2013, 02:00 pm
Hey Chemcat :) I just sent the 0.14 to the name trichome like you said bro.

cheers for that,it really helped me out though I didnt manage to get my order in for the weekend :( oh well,heres looking forward to tuesdays post ;D

peace and love,Darktime. 8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 12, 2013, 02:09 pm
heya darktime  (Hugs)

Thanks and have a safe mothers day  :)


ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: android465764E on May 12, 2013, 02:37 pm
No Problem - throw it back when you can :)

Thanks again. ♬
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on May 12, 2013, 02:41 pm
****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) When requesting, post your SR name so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse. 
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS.  >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.
List of Users who have lent coins -

dr gonzo
White Out
The shit list:

moon fried

**do not 'lend to these people**
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on May 12, 2013, 02:45 pm
Ha morning spare shapes crew!  Soooo nice to have a few more people hanging around now. 

Japan/Space Cowboy/ChemCat/Motek/DanDan....  Please thank your mother for me (or equivalent there of) cause they helped make you the awesome people you are today!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 12, 2013, 02:56 pm
As well as YOU   (Hugs)

my BoxofShapes Friend  :)

oh...hang tight my friend...if i can figure out all this stuff i'll have an offer for you  :)

wont be much to start....we'll work on the details as i get ready to become a vendor..i just want to do this right and be able to get you and one more person on far as the forums side. :)

it's all crazy jumbled in my mind but i k bow wut i'm talkin about LOL



Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on May 12, 2013, 03:33 pm
heya darktime  (Hugs)

Thanks and have a safe mothers day  :)


ChemCat  O0

We have mothers day here in March but thx anyway.
oh yeah,now that I can do,have a +1 for the loan and being such a cool chemcat 8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 12, 2013, 03:43 pm


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on May 12, 2013, 04:56 pm
@ChemCat I'm thinking I might get a vendors account soon, too. Mostly just because that would be the easiest way of getting BTC's for myself. I have a local guy that gets very good to amazing bud. I would just sell a few ounces of it at a time and that way whenever I want some of any other drug I have my BTC's waiting for me in SR. I would have to read up on the latest stealth packaging techniques and everything but I think I'll have a pretty good customer service record  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 12, 2013, 05:13 pm
me too Dan :)

gonna stay small like a half elbow or 3/4's of an elbow  LOL

then i'll List some nbome as well..then i want to look into selling the Coins i make back to SR clients ..

just not to sure which way to go about it....i see most of the BTC vendors charge around 12-15% markup  :o

i'll have to do my homework to make this work right for me  :)

ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: King Karma on May 12, 2013, 07:31 pm
Can anyone help me with .22 BTC

I've been a member for over a year (lost old forum account), making my first order in a while, but I'm .22 BTC short and it will take me a week to buy bitcoins again.

My silkroad name is snipeemflo

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on May 12, 2013, 10:55 pm
Man.  It would be such a gift to be able to work with someone as amazing as yourself CC.  (not that I don't already?) I've tried to get my friends to help out with some of the small projects I have underway, (completely unrelated to SR) but they just don't get it.  Arrrrrgh....I could go on, but I'm sure everyone has been there. 

Anyway, whatever you have in mind, I'll do what's good and decent.  I am honor bound by the figments of my imagination.   No one has to believe they exist.  They just have to believe that I believe they exist!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 13, 2013, 12:21 am
just sent ya a msg @ BoxofShapes

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Cynosure on May 13, 2013, 12:44 am
My request got skipped, but luckily the price of BTC went up enough for me to pay for my order.

I'll be back next week to spread some good vibes!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on May 13, 2013, 04:20 am
My request got skipped, but luckily the price of BTC went up enough for me to pay for my order.

I'll be back next week to spread some good vibes!

Damn sorry man.  I missed that one.  Surprised everyone else missed that too.  It was an extremely reasonable request.

<3 anyway
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on May 13, 2013, 05:13 am


coin sent homie!!
thank you again!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: that1guy on May 13, 2013, 02:58 pm
Got .02 that I would like to put in to the lending pot if someone can give me an addy to send it too.. Wish I had more but thats all thats left over for this week.. Wont be on for long but will be back later today if I dont get an addy before I get off..

Love this thread and a majority of this community!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 13, 2013, 03:09 pm
Got .02 that I would like to put in to the lending pot if someone can give me an addy to send it too.. Wish I had more but thats all thats left over for this week.. Wont be on for long but will be back later today if I dont get an addy before I get off..

Love this thread and a majority of this community!!

hiya @ that1guy
here is a list of those which have been able to lend coins to others, so, you can send your coins to anyone on this list if you desire. Just be sure to msg them beforehand..letting them know why yur sending them the coins   :)

List of Users who have lent coins -

dr gonzo
White Out

Hope this has helped  :)




Also Be Sure to Read This :
The shit list:

moon fried

**do not 'lend to these people**


ChemCat  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 13, 2013, 04:01 pm


coin sent homie!!
thank you again!!

No Problem bro - Hit me up if you need help in the future  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on May 13, 2013, 04:14 pm
Got .02 that I would like to put in to the lending pot if someone can give me an addy to send it too.. Wish I had more but thats all thats left over for this week.. Wont be on for long but will be back later today if I dont get an addy before I get off..

Love this thread and a majority of this community!!

Good stuff guy!  Your donation would be fully used like it's meant to be if you sent it to ChemCat or Japan.  Plenty of others but they are the ones last active.

Thanks for paying us a visit!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dr gonzo on May 13, 2013, 04:18 pm
" I gotta little change in my pocket, going janga langa lang!"

Just checking in gang, hoping you all had in incredible drug filled weekend. Gotta a couple dollars to spare.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: that1guy on May 13, 2013, 06:00 pm
Sent to ChemCat.. Forgot the miners fee so it came out to like .019 but Im sure someone could use it.. I just dont spend enough time on here to check for people posting here so wanted to lend it to someone that could put it to use or that could get a little back for giving already!!

Enjoi the day..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 13, 2013, 06:17 pm
Heeyy that1guy  :)

okie dokie, we'll make sure your donation is sent out :)

Thanks & Peace,

ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 13, 2013, 06:36 pm
Sent to ChemCat.. Forgot the miners fee so it came out to like .019 but Im sure someone could use it.. I just dont spend enough time on here to check for people posting here so wanted to lend it to someone that could put it to use or that could get a little back for giving already!!

Enjoi the day..
:) right on brother.

well, I'm off for the day.. time to clock some dollars.. ;) I'll be back later my droogies..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lufc1992uk on May 13, 2013, 06:41 pm
need 0.04 bitcoin, will return the favor as soon as I topup my wallet (next week)

My SR username is: lufc1992uk

thanks silk road community!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 13, 2013, 06:52 pm
hang tight @ lufc  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 13, 2013, 06:56 pm

0.04000000 is now in your account  :)

When ya get ready to send the coins back into the jar..just send them to the Tip Jar ;) addy in my Sig.




ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on May 13, 2013, 07:56 pm

0.04000000 is now in your account  :)

When ya get ready to send the coins back into the jar..just send them to the Tip Jar ;) addy in my Sig.




ChemCat  O0

>:( Grrrrr Chemcat!!!! Give me a chance to give something back ;) your so quick on that trigger,thank fuck it isnt a gun!

I suppose I just cant compare to that cool chemcat 8)

Peace and love,Darktime 8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BlueSkiesFromPain on May 13, 2013, 07:59 pm
Hey guys. I fucking hate myself for coming up short on an order.

I need 50 american cents which 0.0042 bitcoins.

I'd just refill but I spent all of my money on orders.I can't afford to buy the minimum amount of btc from my broker for at least a month. Can a friendly soul help me?

My SR nick is Washcloth
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 13, 2013, 08:01 pm
LOL   :P

sawwy  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on May 13, 2013, 08:19 pm
Hey guys. I fucking hate myself for coming up short on an order.

I need 50 american cents which 0.0042 bitcoins.

I'd just refill but I spent all of my money on orders.I can't afford to buy the minimum amount of btc from my broker for at least a month. Can a friendly soul help me?

My SR nick is Washcloth

yey ;D

got ya bro.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on May 13, 2013, 08:23 pm
Hey guys. I fucking hate myself for coming up short on an order.

I need 50 american cents which 0.0042 bitcoins.

I'd just refill but I spent all of my money on orders.I can't afford to buy the minimum amount of btc from my broker for at least a month. Can a friendly soul help me?

My SR nick is Washcloth

yey ;D

got ya bro.


Peace and love,Darktime 8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BlueSkiesFromPain on May 13, 2013, 08:28 pm

Peace and love,Darktime 8)
You're a god among men! I swear, I'll pay you back 10x the money next month!

Thanks bro!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lufc1992uk on May 13, 2013, 08:32 pm

0.04000000 is now in your account  :)

When ya get ready to send the coins back into the jar..just send them to the Tip Jar ;) addy in my Sig.




ChemCat  O0

i still owe you some coin brother! next week gotta repay an SR gent!

cheers again sir!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: paxpax on May 13, 2013, 08:42 pm
Wish I saw this before I just made a sep post.. Damn :) I'll ask here as well. I've mis calculated shipping on my mdma 2c-b combo order and am short .07 BTC. Would any kind souls be able to assist. I don't want to tie my sr name to my forum name but the donation should go to 1LTMoeZdYRN8nhf64h5Jg78j5VsQEcEN63   

Thanks Much
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ozymandias2013 on May 13, 2013, 08:50 pm
This is my first time helping a brother (or sister) out. I'm still waiting on coins to land but I just sent over the spare change I currently have. You may still be a bit short. I sent over 0.06754 BTC.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ozymandias2013 on May 13, 2013, 08:58 pm
Wish I saw this before I just made a sep post.. Damn :) I'll ask here as well. I've mis calculated shipping on my mdma 2c-b combo order and am short .07 BTC. Would any kind souls be able to assist. I don't want to tie my sr name to my forum name but the donation should go to 1LTMoeZdYRN8nhf64h5Jg78j5VsQEcEN63   

Thanks Much

Ok done. Again, you may still be a tad short. I should've had you PM me your SR user name so the transfer could've been instant. I sent it to the address you provided, but you'll likely have to wait for them to arrive.

In any case, when you are able to pay back, please just come back to this thread and help out someone who needs it. Thanks.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 13, 2013, 09:08 pm
Good to see the usual suspects holding fort - good work lads :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on May 13, 2013, 09:15 pm

Peace and love,Darktime 8)
You're a god among men! I swear, I'll pay you back 10x the money next month!

Thanks bro!

No worries my freind but when you can,just pass the love on to another soul in need of a deed.

Peace and love,Darktime 8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BlueSkiesFromPain on May 13, 2013, 09:42 pm
Darktime just sent me another 0.01 due to SR rounding my order upwards. He's a solid brother!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: paxpax on May 13, 2013, 09:53 pm
Wish I saw this before I just made a sep post.. Damn :) I'll ask here as well. I've mis calculated shipping on my mdma 2c-b combo order and am short .07 BTC. Would any kind souls be able to assist. I don't want to tie my sr name to my forum name but the donation should go to 1LTMoeZdYRN8nhf64h5Jg78j5VsQEcEN63   

Thanks Much

Ok done. Again, you may still be a tad short. I should've had you PM me your SR user name so the transfer could've been instant. I sent it to the address you provided, but you'll likely have to wait for them to arrive.

In any case, when you are able to pay back, please just come back to this thread and help out someone who needs it. Thanks.


Thanks you so much  ;D - It hasn't shown up yet but I am sure it will. I will absolutely repay your generosity here.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ozymandias2013 on May 13, 2013, 10:12 pm
Sure thing man. I hope you don't have to wait too long for them!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on May 13, 2013, 10:26 pm
****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) When requesting, post your SR name so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse. 
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.
List of Users who have lent coins -

Darktime ++++
dr gonzo
ozymandias2013 ++++
that1guy ++++
White Out
The shit list:

moon fried

**do not lend to these people**
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on May 13, 2013, 10:39 pm
Nice to see that the lenders list is 3-1 over the shit list ;D

Peace and love,Darktime 8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: titsmcgee123 on May 13, 2013, 11:35 pm
okay guys, I got a refund from my last order so I am only 0.06 BTC short for shipping on LSD, if anyone would be willing to loan that to my SR account ( mainmanralph ) I would appreciate it greatly and I will be able pay you back this weekend
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: King Karma on May 14, 2013, 12:03 am
I'm .04250 BTC short an order, can someone help me out

SR Name: snipeemflo
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Geehoff on May 14, 2013, 01:43 am
Hey guys, I'm 0.0423 BTC short on a $100 order, trying to cover the shipping.  Anyone willing to spare a few?

Thanks! :)

SR: Alt742p77
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jda6130 on May 14, 2013, 03:32 am
Anyone still in need of some spare change? I see the last few requests were some hours ago. I'm here for about an hour if anyone is a little short.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: titsmcgee123 on May 14, 2013, 03:36 am
Anyone still in need of some spare change? I see the last few requests were some hours ago. I'm here for about an hour if anyone is a little short.
if you could give me that 0.06 BTC I would be forever grateful, and i got you this weekend in return for this, i get paid friday
EDIT: the SR username is mainmanralph
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jda6130 on May 14, 2013, 03:40 am
Anyone still in need of some spare change? I see the last few requests were some hours ago. I'm here for about an hour if anyone is a little short.
if you could give me that 0.06 BTC I would be forever grateful, and i got you this weekend in return this, i get paid friday
EDIT: the SR username is mainmanralph

.06 transferred to "mainmanralph". Enjoy!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: titsmcgee123 on May 14, 2013, 03:57 am
Anyone still in need of some spare change? I see the last few requests were some hours ago. I'm here for about an hour if anyone is a little short.
if you could give me that 0.06 BTC I would be forever grateful, and i got you this weekend in return this, i get paid friday
EDIT: the SR username is mainmanralph

.06 transferred to "mainmanralph". Enjoy!

you are the fucking man jda, PM me friday to remind me, thank you so much dude!!!!!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 14, 2013, 07:08 am
The JAPANman is here for the early shift if anyone is short - be quick though as work looms in half hour :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jnemonic on May 14, 2013, 07:37 am
AUTOBONDON-"Just letting you know i havent forgotten about you, and i'll be returning the interest i promised tomorrow!"
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on May 14, 2013, 11:07 am
****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) When requesting, post your SR name so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse. 
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.
List of Users who have lent coins -

Darktime ++++
dr gonzo
ozymandias2013 ++++
that1guy ++++
White Out
The shit list:

moon fried

**do not lend to these people**
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: NateRiver on May 14, 2013, 11:08 am
If anyone would be willing to lend me .015 BTC, that would be wonderful.  I cannot guarantee a return time, as I can only buy a minimum of $20 worth of BTC at a time but it will be within 1 week or so.  I can return .03 BTC to whoever is able and willing.  Thanks (I hope)

Edit: My username is MatchesMalone.  Notify me if you have sent them so I know who to thank and pay back. :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 14, 2013, 12:21 pm
If anyone would be willing to lend me .015 BTC, that would be wonderful.  I cannot guarantee a return time, as I can only buy a minimum of $20 worth of BTC at a time but it will be within 1 week or so.  I can return .03 BTC to whoever is able and willing.  Thanks (I hope)

Edit: My username is MatchesMalone.  Notify me if you have sent them so I know who to thank and pay back. :)

Done - no problems bro
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dr gonzo on May 14, 2013, 01:04 pm
If anyone would be willing to lend me .015 BTC, that would be wonderful.  I cannot guarantee a return time, as I can only buy a minimum of $20 worth of BTC at a time but it will be within 1 week or so.  I can return .03 BTC to whoever is able and willing.  Thanks (I hope)

Edit: My username is MatchesMalone.  Notify me if you have sent them so I know who to thank and pay back. :)

Done - no problems bro

You are one cool motherfucker Japan.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 14, 2013, 01:23 pm
If anyone would be willing to lend me .015 BTC, that would be wonderful.  I cannot guarantee a return time, as I can only buy a minimum of $20 worth of BTC at a time but it will be within 1 week or so.  I can return .03 BTC to whoever is able and willing.  Thanks (I hope)

Edit: My username is MatchesMalone.  Notify me if you have sent them so I know who to thank and pay back. :)

Done - no problems bro

You are one cool motherfucker Japan.

Yo Doc - What goes round comes round my friend.

I'm yet to need a loan, but I know if I ever do, people will probably help me out.

Plus I do what I do for the love of SR - People need a hand, I'll offer them a hand. They don't pay back that's their loss not mine......
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dr gonzo on May 14, 2013, 01:30 pm
If anyone would be willing to lend me .015 BTC, that would be wonderful.  I cannot guarantee a return time, as I can only buy a minimum of $20 worth of BTC at a time but it will be within 1 week or so.  I can return .03 BTC to whoever is able and willing.  Thanks (I hope)

Edit: My username is MatchesMalone.  Notify me if you have sent them so I know who to thank and pay back. :)
You are nothing short of am inspiration friend. If you ever need anything, please don't hesitate to ask.

Done - no problems bro

You are one cool motherfucker Japan.

Yo Doc - What goes round comes round my friend.

I'm yet to need a loan, but I know if I ever do, people will probably help me out.

Plus I do what I do for the love of SR - People need a hand, I'll offer them a hand. They don't pay back that's their loss not mine......

You are nothing short of an inspiration my friend. If you ever need anything, please don't hesitate to ask.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: NateRiver on May 14, 2013, 02:30 pm
If anyone would be willing to lend me .015 BTC, that would be wonderful.  I cannot guarantee a return time, as I can only buy a minimum of $20 worth of BTC at a time but it will be within 1 week or so.  I can return .03 BTC to whoever is able and willing.  Thanks (I hope)

Edit: My username is MatchesMalone.  Notify me if you have sent them so I know who to thank and pay back. :)

Done - no problems bro

Greatly appreciated, I'll get back to you ASAP.  Thanks so much!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper Jenson on May 14, 2013, 02:39 pm
Hello all my fellow SR users. I am short 0.02 BTC at the moment. If someone has it to spare I can pay back around two weeks and make it 0.03 for your trouble. If not I definately understand.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 14, 2013, 03:11 pm
Hello all my fellow SR users. I am short 0.02 BTC at the moment. If someone has it to spare I can pay back around two weeks and make it 0.03 for your trouble. If not I definately understand.


What's your SR username bro? I got this :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper Jenson on May 14, 2013, 03:27 pm


What's your SR username bro? I got this :D

Cool, thanks for the help. Name on SR is Jasper5Jenson.

Will get u back in a week or two.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 14, 2013, 03:29 pm
Jasper Coins sent bro - enjoy, payback when you next re-up :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 14, 2013, 05:31 pm
 :) good morning
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 14, 2013, 05:32 pm
:) good morning

Good evening RS7 :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bbbaac on May 14, 2013, 06:49 pm
hey this is bbbaac im looking for a small loan of .03 btc. this is a small small amount and i would send back .05 so you get a little more then you started with. im a vendor on SR my name is the same.. bbbaac. just let me know if you are going to send it, thanks. i can send you back the .05 btc within a week no problem. thanks
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 14, 2013, 07:17 pm
hey this is bbbaac im looking for a small loan of .03 btc. this is a small small amount and i would send back .05 so you get a little more then you started with. im a vendor on SR my name is the same.. bbbaac. just let me know if you are going to send it, thanks. i can send you back the .05 btc within a week no problem. thanks
sent, enjoy 8). return when you're able..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bbbaac on May 14, 2013, 07:41 pm
thanks! do you go by the same name on SR ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 14, 2013, 07:47 pm
@ bbbaac

just log onto SR  click "Account"  then click "Account History" Therein you will find who's sent you coins
as well as your Account Transaction History.<~~~~(This does not Show Your Purchases.)



Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 14, 2013, 07:52 pm
thanks! do you go by the same name on SR ?
yeah, same name.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 14, 2013, 08:44 pm
can you help me figure out posting on spare coins thread,  i dont see how to post a msg or reply on the thread, i went to help but it didnt really help me, i understand sending a message personally but not replying to a thread, i need about 0.3  bitcoins, maybe you can help me with that i can repay you in a couple days with a few extra, i am about $2-4 short, so probably even just 0.2 would work, but figure 0.3 would be better just to be safe that i have enough,  if you are not able to lend me bitcoins, can you let me know how i can post
thank you

my username on SR also is : jeweljk


Ya cant post in the Spare Coin Thread untilo you reach 50 posts :(

Sorry. However, if ya dont mind me posting this in the Spare Coin Thread....sort of as our agreement...
then i would see about getting you those coins  :) 
Anyhow, let me know ...


ChemCat  O0
ohh.. thank you for responding so quickly to me, yes if you are able to help me out and post for me...who ever is able to lend me $3-5, like i mentioned to you, i am about 0.2  short, would repay the person who helps me within a few days within the week i would repay you, i think 0.2 would cover it,  thank you to whom ever can help, my username is jeweljk
thanks !

Ok (Hugs)


i'll post this in the Spare Coins Thread for ya and send you 0.03000000

just send it back to ChemCat or the BTC addy in my Sig  :)




Sent  :)

Enjoy  :P


ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 14, 2013, 08:51 pm
 :) (hugs) ChemCat, nice! that was kind of you.. :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 14, 2013, 08:56 pm
***Blushes then Faints***

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: King Karma on May 14, 2013, 09:42 pm
Can someone borrow me .05 BTC

I will give you about 1.1 LTC in a day when my mining pool cashes out.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 14, 2013, 09:56 pm
This is the last Re-Post that i am doing.   :)  Peace  8)

i am reposting this because i have no coins to lend at this time.

awesome thank you, i did get the money you sent, but I miscalculated, forgot shipping, and bitcoins went down a few bucks  already since i purchased it a few hours ago, hopefully it goes up and solves my problem, and can pay u back faster,

 but I am still waiting for my funds from mt.gox to go through, should be in a couple of hours, I know i am rushing everything but i just want to make sure i get my order in tonite for what i wanted to get, so it gets shipped out tomorrow,

The total of what i wanted was $132.35 or 1.14 bitcoins now, used to be 1.12 but changed quickly, and bought $134 worth of bitcoins, which gave me 1.1 bitcoins, i didnt think they would take out as much for commission mt.gox,  so i was able to send 1.1 bitcoins total. I think it will give me around $124, then i have the $3.50 you gave me already, so i feel bad for asking but if you can send $10-15 more worth of bitcoins, and im sure that will cover it. whatever i dont use i will send right back to you, and repay you the rest back and some within 5 days,

im sorry for the inconvenience to you, but i do appreciate it a lot, and has also taught me to lend bitcoins out as well too in the future because of your generosity ...i need to get my postings up more, and i know if i dont pay back it does go on the thread and i would get blacklisted,

Not sure if your a vendor also, but if you check my stats on SR you will see i have always finalized with every order, 99% of time have left 5's,  with 30-40 orders, probably more.. i dont like looking at how much i spend on here :( haha.. but you will see i have perfect stats and that i am not trying to get quick cash,
Thank you in advanced, and if you are unable to send another $10-15 i would understand, i would rather keep it simple to just owing you money and not several people.. let me know what you can do, thanks !!!!!

Hey You  :)
ok, i'll post this for you in the Spare Coin Thread if you wish me to ..on one condition  :)

Get your post count up to 50 Please (Hugs)  :)

You can be there within an Hour  :)

ok ...i'll wait for your response.


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: skrillyskrill on May 14, 2013, 10:47 pm
Can someone borrow me .05 BTC

I will give you about 1.1 LTC in a day when my mining pool cashes out.

i got .03 if it helps....let me know
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: HEATFan on May 14, 2013, 10:49 pm
Can someone borrow me .05 BTC

I will give you about 1.1 LTC in a day when my mining pool cashes out.

Should I send it to the same as your forum name? I would love to have some LTC :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jeweljk on May 14, 2013, 11:03 pm
thank you chem, but didnt need the extra, the 1st you sent was enough....will send you $ in the next few days !!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 14, 2013, 11:05 pm
@ jeweljk


Welcome  & Thank You  :)

(Newbie Hugs)  :P



Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: skrillyskrill on May 14, 2013, 11:28 pm
Can someone borrow me .05 BTC

I will give you about 1.1 LTC in a day when my mining pool cashes out.

i got .03 if it helps....let me know

got your PM. .03 sent. i'll be looking into LTC now :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: laplace on May 15, 2013, 01:26 am
Hi - Could someone do me a huge favor? I'm short .015 BTC for postage for an order I want to make. I'll return the coin on May 23 (pay day). Thanks very much for your help. Same user name on SR. Laplace
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on May 15, 2013, 01:26 am
I got .01 btc to lend if anyone needs it. My buying technique is quite strange tbh, I put in $$ and decide later what I buy based on what I can buy & how the market treats me. So far I have always benefited from btc fluctuations, so I thought I would share my technique here.
If the btc price is dropping, you can buy at a price below the weighted average usually. This tends to give me enough time to filter the coins and get them to SR and just about keep the same value even if it continues to drop.
I do not buy bitcoins if they are too much above the weighted average, and if they are rising I look at mtgox's graph and if there was a spike in trading the previous day at a lower rate, I wait until after that time so that is not in the system and the higher prices hold more weight.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ozymandias2013 on May 15, 2013, 01:52 am
Hi - Could someone do me a huge favor? I'm short .015 BTC for postage for an order I want to make. I'll return the coin on May 23 (pay day). Thanks very much for your help. Same user name on SR. Laplace


Done. .015 BTC in your account. When payday comes around, please come back to this thread to help someone out who needs the coin.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: laplace on May 15, 2013, 01:55 am

Done. .015 BTC in your account. When payday comes around, please come back to this thread to help someone out who needs the coin.

Hey thanks very much. It's a pain being just a little short when you want to order. I'll return the favor in this thread next week. Thanks again. Laplace
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: vnu1 on May 15, 2013, 01:56 am
Need .84 cents USD anyone care to help?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: syme on May 15, 2013, 02:42 am
I'm short .03 BTC, if anyone can help? I should be able to pay it back by next Monday, waiting on money to come through. My name's the same on SR. Thanks! :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ozymandias2013 on May 15, 2013, 02:52 am
I'm short .03 BTC, if anyone can help? I should be able to pay it back by next Monday, waiting on money to come through. My name's the same on SR. Thanks! :)

Done! When you are able, please come back to this thread and help out the next person who needs it. Thanks!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on May 15, 2013, 06:38 am

.07btc from any gracious entity will be more than appreciated!! I'll do a happy dance in your honor!!
coin will be paid back in less than 9 days.. and I'm so gangsta, i'm gonna let others vouch for my generous paybacks!!

thank you thank you thank you!!
same name on SR
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 15, 2013, 06:42 am
Yo Murder mi Bredda - I got you on .065 would have the lot but that's me empty for about an hour or so - if no-one helps you with the rest by then I got ya back bro.

Sending now  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 15, 2013, 06:45 am
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ozymandias2013 on May 15, 2013, 06:47 am
Yo Murder mi Bredda - I got you on .065 would have the lot but that's me empty for about an hour or so - if no-one helps you with the rest by then I got ya back bro.

Sending now  8)


I got you on the rest.

Just sent it.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 15, 2013, 06:49 am
Yo Murder mi Bredda - I got you on .065 would have the lot but that's me empty for about an hour or so - if no-one helps you with the rest by then I got ya back bro.

Sending now  8)


I got you on the rest.

Just sent it.


Good team work Ozy...

+1 for you bro :D

+1 for Murder too for being so Gangsta  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jnemonic on May 15, 2013, 10:00 am
AUTOBONDON-Just sent you the interest i promised you. 0.02btc. $3. ;)

Thanks again. Like i said, you really helped me that day, deposited coins when btc was falling, so i was that little bit short.

Legend. 8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mrmilleripresume on May 15, 2013, 12:28 pm
What a great idea. The spare coins thread!

I'll tell you what I'll do as anexperiment.  I've got .05 BTC (moneybags! lol) sitting in my account right now that's just spare change. I'll make microloans with that until it's gone. If everyone pays me back with  reasonable interest, say 25%,  then next time around, I'll have more to loan. If, however, I loan out my .05 BTC and nobody pays me back, then I will no longer have spare btc to loan at all.

Let's see how long it lasts. lol
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on May 15, 2013, 01:37 pm
Need .84 cents USD anyone care to help?

whats that in BTC brother?I have a few cents left over
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on May 15, 2013, 01:49 pm

you rock Japan and ozy!!
you will NOT be forgotten!!
and i always give an extra 'thanks'..  :)

peace homies!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lonerism on May 15, 2013, 01:59 pm
In desperate need of 0.07105 BTC.

Thought I bought enough but must have been charged a bit for service.

Am good for a loan - mrlavish can vouch for me.

Will pay back with interest!
Name is runbabyrun to check out my stats..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mrmilleripresume on May 15, 2013, 02:09 pm
In desperate need of 0.007972 BTC.

Thought I bought enough but must have been charged a bit for service.

Am good for a loan - mrlavish can vouch for me.

Will pay back with interest!


Woops! Looks like you had to re figure the amount that you need.  I could do the 0.007 but the 0.7 is more than I have to loan. I could do half if that will help.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lonerism on May 15, 2013, 02:16 pm
In desperate need of 0.007972 BTC.

Thought I bought enough but must have been charged a bit for service.

Am good for a loan - mrlavish can vouch for me.

Will pay back with interest!


I can swing that. Where should I send it?
Sorry, I got the amount wrong, actually need 0.07105.
But you can still contribute I'll take down your details and repay next week. Hoping vendor will chip in rest.


send to runbabyrun
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mrmilleripresume on May 15, 2013, 02:29 pm
OK I sent you .035525, but it shows up as .04 on my account history so I assume it's rounded up. When you're ready to pay it back, you can do it at  13UEUAb6NTipUiPtnBqtiAwwJ5y6w65bBN or send it to mrmiller on The Road.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lonerism on May 15, 2013, 02:34 pm
Thank you Mr Miller!
I will pay you back ASAP.

Exactly $3 US short if anyone else is keen, although I may be pushing my luck!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Moon Fried on May 15, 2013, 05:28 pm
Hey guys, I need $0.35 for a tab of LSD from OrderOfThePhoenix. At the moment I believe it's slightly above .0030332 btc worth.

My username on SR is the same as my forum name.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: talawtam on May 15, 2013, 06:08 pm
is there anyone kind enough to spare 0.01 btc please? just short on a small order. thanks

username: talawtam
add: 1NFrngdH8CGV4VjmzisMwrBCS4wgGRsLPU
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dr gonzo on May 15, 2013, 06:09 pm
Hey guys, I need $0.35 for a tab of LSD from OrderOfThePhoenix. At the moment I believe it's slightly above .0030332 btc worth.

My username on SR is the same as my forum name.
I got you.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on May 15, 2013, 06:24 pm
.27btc short, could anyone hook me up? I'll get you back.

@princessHIGH I haven't done a cash deposit yet, just canceled an order and making a new one. I'll have that soon!

and like magic.. coin appears in your account!!  :P

+1, you rock bro.

I'll get you back as well as princessHIGH when I make my next deposit.

moon fried moon fried!!
I've still yet to receive my 'payback'!!
i forgive, but i never forget!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: HEATFan on May 15, 2013, 06:37 pm
.27BTC loan that hasn't been paid for 3 months is deserving of the shit list IMO.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 15, 2013, 07:05 pm
.27BTC loan that hasn't been paid for 3 months is deserving of the shit list IMO.

100% - otherwise what's the point of the shit list? 3 fucking months - Sheeeeit
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Mcrad on May 15, 2013, 07:08 pm
.27BTC loan that hasn't been paid for 3 months is deserving of the shit list IMO.

100% - otherwise what's the point of the shit list? 3 fucking months - Sheeeeit

yeah agreed. three months is way to long for a loan!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on May 15, 2013, 08:23 pm
.27BTC loan that hasn't been paid for 3 months is deserving of the shit list IMO.

100% - otherwise what's the point of the shit list? 3 fucking months - Sheeeeit

yeah agreed. three months is way to long for a loan!

but the dude still got coin  ???
check the shit list people!!

and i still want my .27 damnit!! regardless of inflation/ deflation!!
messing with my money is like messing with my emotions!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 15, 2013, 08:28 pm

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) When requesting, post your SR name so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse. 
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.
List of Users who have lent coins -

Darktime ++++
dr gonzo
ozymandias2013 ++++
that1guy ++++
White Out
The shit list:

moon fried

**do not lend to these people**

Unless someone let ya off the hook...moonfried...yur not welcome until ya get right with your lender.


ChemCat  O0


read these lists people...they are here for a reason.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mrmilleripresume on May 15, 2013, 08:36 pm

Awesome! The guy I lent a little bit to today is not on the shit list! Hooray!  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mrlavish on May 15, 2013, 09:00 pm
Thank you Mr Miller!
I will pay you back ASAP.

Exactly $3 US short if anyone else is keen, although I may be pushing my luck!

Lonerism is good to go, as a matter of fact he is the only person who has paid me back since last week, and for that reason I'll lone him for coin again today.

.039 coming your way runbabyrun!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mrlavish on May 15, 2013, 09:54 pm
.27BTC loan that hasn't been paid for 3 months is deserving of the shit list IMO.

you don't ask strangers to borrow money from them and then not pay it back or at least pay it forward before asking again.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 15, 2013, 10:03 pm
put them on the shit list...just make sure to talk to BoxofShapes before ya do...always try to work things out...



Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Newbie83 on May 15, 2013, 10:52 pm
omg... i didn't know this thread, because i'm not very active in this forum. i'm active at sr and.... here we go (as always, i know): a reliable buyer.
i opened a thread a few hours before. here it is:

atm 0.42 btc are missing. i could pay it by paypal as i've said in the thread. or i'd give your money back within the next days.
i read the last pages of this thread and saw that here are a lot of scammers. so i have nearly no hope for this. but i wanna try it at least.
you can't imagine how much i'd love you if you help me in my situation... :/


edit: just saw that my thread is locked. so there is no other possibility than lending...
but i'm wondering why the same mod who moved my thread closes it a few hours later?! why not closed immediately?

edit 2: thanks for my 1. bad karma point! :/ i just didn't know that it's not allowed and wrote this in the topic. apologized for this case, too.

edit 3: to the post under mine: i read the rules of THIS thread. don't know why everybody seems to be hyperventilating...

edit 48538: just forget my matter. don't need your help. this sucks too much.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on May 15, 2013, 11:00 pm
****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) When requesting, post your SR name so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse. 
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.
List of Users who have lent coins -

dr gonzo
mrmilleripresume ++++
ozymandias2013 ++++
White Out
The shit list:

moon fried

**do not lend to these people**
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on May 15, 2013, 11:13 pm
put them on the shit list...just make sure to talk to BoxofShapes before ya do...always try to work things out...

I wanna restate, I am not in charge of the list.  Everyone is.  Anyone can modify the list and you need no ones permission (like wiki in a sense). This is part of the reason I removed mine and DanDan's names from it being quoted so it is less exclusive to us.  (hope you don't mind DanDan) The hope is there are enough people to watch over the thread to call out foul play if somethings wrong or goes against the consensus. 

DanDan and I are simply the ones that post it the most.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: android465764E on May 15, 2013, 11:28 pm
is there anyone kind enough to spare 0.01 btc please? just short on a small order. thanks

username: talawtam
add: 1NFrngdH8CGV4VjmzisMwrBCS4wgGRsLPU

Done. ★

Don't pay it back, just come back here and help someone else out next time you have spare.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on May 15, 2013, 11:33 pm
edit 3: to the post under mine: i read the rules of THIS thread. don't know why everybody seems to be hyperventilating...
lol.  I was just updating the list and responding to ChemCat.  I didn't even see your post until I clicked "post" and it said "while you were typing...."

And yea. You are setting yourself up for disappointment asking ~$50 from a person we have never seen before, promising to payback with a reversible method, in a place loaded with scammers.  Put yourself in a lenders shoes man.  My god.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Newbie83 on May 15, 2013, 11:48 pm
sry, but this looked to me like you wanted to tell me that i broke a rule.
yes, maybe my request is naive facing all the scammers. but i had a little hope. you would have done the same if you knew my situation...
as said: forget it.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jase00 on May 16, 2013, 08:33 am
never thought I'd have to ask  :-[ but can I borrow 0.07btc from someone please ?
I'll give you back 0.1btc within 24 hours.

my SR name is jase00
Let me know your SR name to send back to if you can help

thanks :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: talawtam on May 16, 2013, 08:37 am
is there anyone kind enough to spare 0.01 btc please? just short on a small order. thanks

username: talawtam
add: 1NFrngdH8CGV4VjmzisMwrBCS4wgGRsLPU

Done. ★

Don't pay it back, just come back here and help someone else out next time you have spare.

Thank you android!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MangoSeason on May 16, 2013, 08:39 am
Would anyone be a legend and lend me 0.05btc? Just sort postage on an order.

Can pay back double very soon just waiting on a refund..

Wallet address: 19zyuKixNtLYTnBraje3Roi2FDaeW4xQAR
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on May 16, 2013, 08:40 am
never thought I'd have to ask  :-[ but can I borrow 0.07btc from someone please ?
I'll give you back 0.1btc within 24 hours.

my SR name is jase00
Let me know your SR name to send back to if you can help

thanks :)

I got you on .01 btc, pay back whenever you can :) SR name is the same. ytabletrash
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jase00 on May 16, 2013, 08:44 am
thanks heaps :)

Just need 0.02 now due to price rise (or drop?) !
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 16, 2013, 08:46 am
omg... i didn't know this thread, because i'm not very active in this forum. i'm active at sr and.... here we go (as always, i know): a reliable buyer.
i opened a thread a few hours before. here it is:

atm 0.42 btc are missing. i could pay it by paypal as i've said in the thread. or i'd give your money back within the next days.
i read the last pages of this thread and saw that here are a lot of scammers. so i have nearly no hope for this. but i wanna try it at least.
you can't imagine how much i'd love you if you help me in my situation... :/


edit: just saw that my thread is locked. so there is no other possibility than lending...
but i'm wondering why the same mod who moved my thread closes it a few hours later?! why not closed immediately?

edit 2: thanks for my 1. bad karma point! :/ i just didn't know that it's not allowed and wrote this in the topic. apologized for this case, too.

edit 3: to the post under mine: i read the rules of THIS thread. don't know why everybody seems to be hyperventilating...

edit 48538: just forget my matter. don't need your help. this sucks too much.


okie dokie...we'"ll forget it  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MangoSeason on May 16, 2013, 10:05 am
Would anyone be a legend and lend me 0.05btc? Just sort postage on an order.

Can pay back double very soon just waiting on a refund..

Wallet address: 19zyuKixNtLYTnBraje3Roi2FDaeW4xQAR

All sorted cheers people!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jundullahi on May 16, 2013, 10:18 am
Can somebody lend my 0.02 for postage

username: amxhd
bitcoin account number 1HUH7i2k2UCyA2K4RS3wZUqFpcFe93Voi1
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 16, 2013, 10:29 am
Can somebody lend my 0.02 for postage

username: amxhd
bitcoin account number 1HUH7i2k2UCyA2K4RS3wZUqFpcFe93Voi1<~~~~~(Nope..SR ScreenName)  :)


Slaps you in the forehead (Rolls  Eyes)
hang tight...  :)   SR screen name?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jundullahi on May 16, 2013, 10:33 am
Can somebody lend my 0.02 for postage

username: amxhd
bitcoin account number 1HUH7i2k2UCyA2K4RS3wZUqFpcFe93Voi1<~~~~~(Nope..SR ScreenName)  :)


Slaps you in the forehead (Rolls  Eyes)
hang tight...  :)   SR screen name?


is my buyer account name. I dont not have account name with my Forum name.
Is that is not part of the rules no problem.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 16, 2013, 10:34 am
Can somebody lend my 0.02 for postage

username: amxhd
bitcoin account number 1HUH7i2k2UCyA2K4RS3wZUqFpcFe93Voi1

It is now in your account.

Pay back as soon as you can Please.




Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jundullahi on May 16, 2013, 11:14 am
I will asap.
So its ChemCat and the account number in your sig? Right?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 16, 2013, 11:21 am
Either one  :)



Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jundullahi on May 16, 2013, 11:22 am
Thank man

You get it back ASAP.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on May 16, 2013, 01:53 pm
put them on the shit list...just make sure to talk to BoxofShapes before ya do...always try to work things out...

I wanna restate, I am not in charge of the list.  Everyone is.  Anyone can modify the list and you need no ones permission (like wiki in a sense). This is part of the reason I removed mine and DanDan's names from it being quoted so it is less exclusive to us.  (hope you don't mind DanDan) The hope is there are enough people to watch over the thread to call out foul play if somethings wrong or goes against the consensus. 

DanDan and I are simply the ones that post it the most.

@BoxofShapes No I don't mind at all that you redid it. I like it better like that it's more compact. It seems like not everyone is taking full advantage of it. For example....

@drgonzo Sorry to say buddy but I don't think you're ever getting that loan back.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on May 16, 2013, 01:58 pm
****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) When requesting, post your SR name so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse. 
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.
List of Users who have lent coins -

dr gonzo
mrmilleripresume ++++
ozymandias2013 ++++
White Out
The shit list:

moon fried

**do not lend to these people**
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on May 16, 2013, 02:00 pm
Oh and ktrustb payed back his loan with interest  ;D He's a real swell guy.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dr gonzo on May 16, 2013, 04:42 pm
.27BTC loan that hasn't been paid for 3 months is deserving of the shit list IMO.

100% - otherwise what's the point of the shit list? 3 fucking months - Sheeeeit

yeah agreed. three months is way to long for a loan!

but the dude still got coin  ???
check the shit list people!!

and i still want my .27 damnit!! regardless of inflation/ deflation!!
messing with my money is like messing with my emotions!!

My bad Murder, I should've checked the shit list, it's you guy's are all so awesome that everyday I come here to offer help, before I get a chance, someone has already helped out, so when I saw someone in need, I leaped at the opportunity to help. I will do my due diligence and check the shit list. Love and respect to you all. ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 16, 2013, 05:47 pm
Just a nudge to a few people that I've lent to recently - only a small nudge, no major rush  8)

Also - If anyone is in desperate need I have a little to help you out ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Moon Fried on May 16, 2013, 05:58 pm
All good, how much do I owe? I remember owing princesshigh and murderface, I just don't recall the USD amount. Because no, I will not pay $30 for what was a dollar or two when I was sent it. There was never a firm agreement that I had to pay, although I did say I would, but I never got to it and eventually took off from SR. Not because of the two miniscule loans, just because I lost interest.

dr gonzo Iwill reimburse you as well.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: White 0ut on May 16, 2013, 06:37 pm
I need about $20 USD for my QP order if anyone minds helping BTC address is


Thanks ahead of time!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on May 16, 2013, 06:38 pm
All good, how much do I owe? I remember owing princesshigh and murderface, I just don't recall the USD amount. Because no, I will not pay $30 for what was a dollar or two when I was sent it. There was never a firm agreement that I had to pay, although I did say I would, but I never got to it and eventually took off from SR. Not because of the two miniscule loans, just because I lost interest.

dr gonzo Iwill reimburse you as well.

Yay! ;D I hope you are a man/woman(never know on the forums) of your word and as soon as you pay back what was lent you will be taken off the shit list. ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on May 16, 2013, 06:48 pm
guy on page 156 asking for 0.47 btc!!!!
Its called the "spare change" thread,not the "" thread ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 16, 2013, 07:46 pm
Just a nudge to a few people that I've lent to recently - only a small nudge, no major rush  8)

Also - If anyone is in desperate need I have a little to help you out ;)
are you short a little coin japan? I'll gladly send some your way..?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: pakchoi23 on May 16, 2013, 07:49 pm
I need about $20 USD for my QP order if anyone minds helping BTC address is


Thanks ahead of time!

You still needing this WhiteOut? I have about $5 if anyone else wants to chip in...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 16, 2013, 08:00 pm
I need about $20 USD for my QP order if anyone minds helping BTC address is


Thanks ahead of time!

You still needing this WhiteOut? I have about $5 if anyone else wants to chip in...
I can also chip another $5-10 :) but gotta transfer to SR first..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 16, 2013, 08:10 pm
Just a nudge to a few people that I've lent to recently - only a small nudge, no major rush  8)

Also - If anyone is in desperate need I have a little to help you out ;)
are you short a little coin japan? I'll gladly send some your way..?

Nah I'm good bro - I forget how much I lent you, but there's no rush though I think it was around $15.....

Like I say - whenever your flush bro :D

I was more getting at the people who pop on and ask then get the loan and disappear....I got their names logged though;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: White 0ut on May 16, 2013, 08:20 pm
I need about $20 USD for my QP order if anyone minds helping BTC address is


Thanks ahead of time!

You still needing this WhiteOut? I have about $5 if anyone else wants to chip in...
I need about $20 USD for my QP order if anyone minds helping BTC address is


Thanks ahead of time!

You still needing this WhiteOut? I have about $5 if anyone else wants to chip in...
I can also chip another $5-10 :) but gotta transfer to SR first..

Hey boys, talked to the vendor, custom listing!

No need now, but thanks boys! I appreciate it!

True colors shown!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Moon Fried on May 16, 2013, 08:36 pm
All good, how much do I owe? I remember owing princesshigh and murderface, I just don't recall the USD amount. Because no, I will not pay $30 for what was a dollar or two when I was sent it. There was never a firm agreement that I had to pay, although I did say I would, but I never got to it and eventually took off from SR. Not because of the two miniscule loans, just because I lost interest.

dr gonzo Iwill reimburse you as well.

Yay! ;D I hope you are a man/woman(never know on the forums) of your word and as soon as you pay back what was lent you will be taken off the shit list. ;)

I try my very best to keep my word, I just never guarantee a time. :P

dr gonzo, thank you for lending me that. Unfortunately the amount you lent was so low that SR doesn't say how much you sent because it goes further than .00. I asked for 35 USA cents, so I'm going to send you approximately 51 USA cents [0.515 worth of btc].

As for princesshigh and murderface, I'm not exactly sure what to do. What was BTC worth back in Feb 18 2013?

Edit: Wiki says $22 in Feb. 22*.27btc (murderface) = $5.94 / 22*.16 princesshigh = $3.52

I have exactly $5 now, so I'll send that to murderface and pay off the $0.94 and princesshigh's $3.52 from my next deposit, which should be pretty damn soon.

Muderface what's your username on SR?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 16, 2013, 08:54 pm
Just a nudge to a few people that I've lent to recently - only a small nudge, no major rush  8)

Also - If anyone is in desperate need I have a little to help you out ;)
are you short a little coin japan? I'll gladly send some your way..?

Nah I'm good bro - I forget how much I lent you, but there's no rush though I think it was around $15.....

Like I say - whenever your flush bro :D

I was more getting at the people who pop on and ask then get the loan and disappear....I got their names logged though;)
??? It was $15 correct, but I've already returned the coin (0.17 BTC) like  (1 ½ weeks) ago..  ::)

action    notes    amount   balance   date
send to    Japan1980    ฿-0.17    ฿0.13    May 5, 2013, 9:56 pm UTC
sent from    Japan1980    ฿0.05    ฿0.14    May 2, 2013, 6:48 am UTC
sent from    Japan1980    ฿0.09    ฿0.53    May 2, 2013, 5:54 am UTC
check you're account history and messages bro... :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: android465764E on May 16, 2013, 09:04 pm
Can anyone please spare ฿0.09?

Will pay back in one week (23rd). 

SR username:  android4657643
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 16, 2013, 09:17 pm
Just a nudge to a few people that I've lent to recently - only a small nudge, no major rush  8)

Also - If anyone is in desperate need I have a little to help you out ;)
are you short a little coin japan? I'll gladly send some your way..?

Nah I'm good bro - I forget how much I lent you, but there's no rush though I think it was around $15.....

Like I say - whenever your flush bro :D

I was more getting at the people who pop on and ask then get the loan and disappear....I got their names logged though;)
??? It was $15 correct, but I've already returned the coin (0.17 BTC) like  (1 ½ weeks) ago..  ::)

action    notes    amount   balance   date
send to    Japan1980    ฿-0.17    ฿0.13    May 5, 2013, 9:56 pm UTC
sent from    Japan1980    ฿0.05    ฿0.14    May 2, 2013, 6:48 am UTC
sent from    Japan1980    ฿0.09    ฿0.53    May 2, 2013, 5:54 am UTC
check you're account history and messages bro... :P

Holy shit bro sorry man - I know you paid me back, dunno what I was typing. Moment of madness, just on the tail end of a DMT breakthrough at the time. Sorry  8)

If you need anything at any point hit me up bro :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 16, 2013, 09:21 pm
Can anyone please spare ฿0.09?

Will pay back in one week (23rd). 

SR username:  android4657643

Got you for .06 - that's all I got till I re-up in the morning bro  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: android465764E on May 16, 2013, 09:24 pm
Can anyone please spare ฿0.09?

Will pay back in one week (23rd). 

SR username:  android4657643

Got you for .06 - that's all I got till I re-up in the morning bro  8)

Thanks matey, appreciate it. ★ :)
I'll return it in one week.

Can anyone else spare the remaining ฿0.03?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 16, 2013, 09:27 pm
Can anyone please spare ฿0.09?

Will pay back in one week (23rd). 

SR username:  android4657643

Got you for .06 - that's all I got till I re-up in the morning bro  8)

Thanks matey, appreciate it. ★ :)

No problem bro - Sure someone will sort you the .03, If not I got ya first thing tomorrow :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 16, 2013, 09:30 pm
Just a nudge to a few people that I've lent to recently - only a small nudge, no major rush  8)

Also - If anyone is in desperate need I have a little to help you out ;)
are you short a little coin japan? I'll gladly send some your way..?

Nah I'm good bro - I forget how much I lent you, but there's no rush though I think it was around $15.....

Like I say - whenever your flush bro :D

I was more getting at the people who pop on and ask then get the loan and disappear....I got their names logged though;)
??? It was $15 correct, but I've already returned the coin (0.17 BTC) like  (1 ½ weeks) ago..  ::)

action    notes    amount   balance   date
send to    Japan1980    ฿-0.17    ฿0.13    May 5, 2013, 9:56 pm UTC
sent from    Japan1980    ฿0.05    ฿0.14    May 2, 2013, 6:48 am UTC
sent from    Japan1980    ฿0.09    ฿0.53    May 2, 2013, 5:54 am UTC
check you're account history and messages bro... :P

Holy shit bro sorry man - I know you paid me back, dunno what I was typing. Moment of madness, just on the tail end of a DMT breakthrough at the time. Sorry!!

If you need anything at any point hit me up bro :D
;D it's all good brother.. an did you order more :D? lol.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 16, 2013, 09:36 pm
@RS7 - I got 2.5grams of crystal DMT of different types right in front of me, yellow, white, tan  8)

But gonna leave it a few days as tolerance builds rapid....But fuck since I had my first breakthrough the other day, it's fucking insane stuff   :o

But I'll binge this 2.5grams over the next month and then leave it for a good few months - don't wanna ruin the intensity and originality of the it..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 16, 2013, 09:40 pm
Can anyone please spare ฿0.09?

Will pay back in one week (23rd). 

SR username:  android4657643

Got you for .06 - that's all I got till I re-up in the morning bro  8)

Thanks matey, appreciate it. ★ :)

No problem bro - Sure someone will sort you the .03, If not I got ya first thing tomorrow :D

Thought I'd bump this to this page as android is good for the returns, top fella
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BYSD on May 16, 2013, 09:55 pm
Can anyone please spare ฿0.09?

Will pay back in one week (23rd). 

SR username:  android4657643

Got you for .06 - that's all I got till I re-up in the morning bro  8)

Thanks matey, appreciate it. ★ :)

No problem bro - Sure someone will sort you the .03, If not I got ya first thing tomorrow :D

Thought I'd bump this to this page as android is good for the returns, top fella

i can send over .04 if you're still in need?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: android465764E on May 16, 2013, 10:00 pm
Can anyone please spare ฿0.09?

Will pay back in one week (23rd). 

SR username:  android4657643

Got you for .06 - that's all I got till I re-up in the morning bro  8)

Thanks matey, appreciate it. ★ :)

No problem bro - Sure someone will sort you the .03, If not I got ya first thing tomorrow :D

Thought I'd bump this to this page as android is good for the returns, top fella

i can send over .04 if you're still in need?

Yes please mate. :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BYSD on May 16, 2013, 10:09 pm
Yes please mate. :)

SR decided to kick me out just as sent it  ::)
got back on though, should be winging its way towards you
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: android465764E on May 16, 2013, 10:11 pm
Yes please mate. :)

SR decided to kick me out just as sent it  ::)
got back on though, should be winging its way towards you

Thanks mate. Much appreciated. ☆

Will get it back to you in one week. (23rd)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BYSD on May 16, 2013, 10:25 pm
Yes please mate. :)

SR decided to kick me out just as sent it  ::)
got back on though, should be winging its way towards you

Thanks mate. Much appreciated. ☆

Will get it back to you in one week. (23rd)

spend it wisely  :D ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jase00 on May 16, 2013, 10:29 pm
just sent you back 0.02

thanks again :)

never thought I'd have to ask  :-[ but can I borrow 0.07btc from someone please ?
I'll give you back 0.1btc within 24 hours.

my SR name is jase00
Let me know your SR name to send back to if you can help

thanks :)

I got you on .01 btc, pay back whenever you can :) SR name is the same. ytabletrash
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 16, 2013, 10:51 pm
@RS7 - I got 2.5grams of crystal DMT of different types right in front of me, yellow, white, tan  8)

But gonna leave it a few days as tolerance builds rapid....But fuck since I had my first breakthrough the other day, it's fucking insane stuff   :o

But I'll binge this 2.5grams over the next month and then leave it for a good few months - don't wanna ruin the intensity and originality of the it..
;) it's funny because that $15 you lent was to get my first DMT experience, an I only assume you tried ordering it after reading my DMT thread.. :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on May 16, 2013, 11:08 pm
just sent you back 0.02

thanks again :)

never thought I'd have to ask  :-[ but can I borrow 0.07btc from someone please ?
I'll give you back 0.1btc within 24 hours.

my SR name is jase00
Let me know your SR name to send back to if you can help

thanks :)

I got you on .01 btc, pay back whenever you can :) SR name is the same. ytabletrash

Got it all, thanks for the interest. Anyone need .02 lent to them?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on May 17, 2013, 12:11 am
All good, how much do I owe? I remember owing princesshigh and murderface, I just don't recall the USD amount. Because no, I will not pay $30 for what was a dollar or two when I was sent it. There was never a firm agreement that I had to pay, although I did say I would, but I never got to it and eventually took off from SR. Not because of the two miniscule loans, just because I lost interest.

dr gonzo Iwill reimburse you as well.

Yay! ;D I hope you are a man/woman(never know on the forums) of your word and as soon as you pay back what was lent you will be taken off the shit list. ;)

I try my very best to keep my word, I just never guarantee a time. :P

dr gonzo, thank you for lending me that. Unfortunately the amount you lent was so low that SR doesn't say how much you sent because it goes further than .00. I asked for 35 USA cents, so I'm going to send you approximately 51 USA cents [0.515 worth of btc].

As for princesshigh and murderface, I'm not exactly sure what to do. What was BTC worth back in Feb 18 2013?

Edit: Wiki says $22 in Feb. 22*.27btc (murderface) = $5.94 / 22*.16 princesshigh = $3.52

I have exactly $5 now, so I'll send that to murderface and pay off the $0.94 and princesshigh's $3.52 from my next deposit, which should be pretty damn soon.

Muderface what's your username on SR?

the same..
thank you for making this right!!
I'll keep all y'all updated..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Moon Fried on May 17, 2013, 12:25 am
All good, how much do I owe? I remember owing princesshigh and murderface, I just don't recall the USD amount. Because no, I will not pay $30 for what was a dollar or two when I was sent it. There was never a firm agreement that I had to pay, although I did say I would, but I never got to it and eventually took off from SR. Not because of the two miniscule loans, just because I lost interest.

dr gonzo Iwill reimburse you as well.

Yay! ;D I hope you are a man/woman(never know on the forums) of your word and as soon as you pay back what was lent you will be taken off the shit list. ;)

I try my very best to keep my word, I just never guarantee a time. :P

dr gonzo, thank you for lending me that. Unfortunately the amount you lent was so low that SR doesn't say how much you sent because it goes further than .00. I asked for 35 USA cents, so I'm going to send you approximately 51 USA cents [0.515 worth of btc].

As for princesshigh and murderface, I'm not exactly sure what to do. What was BTC worth back in Feb 18 2013?

Edit: Wiki says $22 in Feb. 22*.27btc (murderface) = $5.94 / 22*.16 princesshigh = $3.52

I have exactly $5 now, so I'll send that to murderface and pay off the $0.94 and princesshigh's $3.52 from my next deposit, which should be pretty damn soon.

Muderface what's your username on SR?

the same..
thank you for making this right!!
I'll keep all y'all updated..

Sent you $5.04, $0.90 to go.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on May 17, 2013, 01:28 am


you have my permission to remove moon fried from the shit list!!
coin received!!

thank you again moon fried!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on May 17, 2013, 01:42 am


payback sent homie!!
thank you again!!


you're next bro!!
i never forget!!
aaaand thank you again!!

i truly get high with a little help from my friends  :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ozymandias2013 on May 17, 2013, 01:49 am


payback sent homie!!
thank you again!!


you're next bro!!
i never forget!!
aaaand thank you again!!

i truly get high with a little help from my friends  :P

Murda--thanks man... Always down to help a brother out whenever I'm online. Just so you know, though, you sent me .02BTC, when I only sent you 0.01 BTC. I know it's just a difference of $1 or so, but just wanted to point that out and make sure you meant to return more than I sent. Just trying to keep the numbers straight :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dr gonzo on May 17, 2013, 01:49 am
All good, how much do I owe? I remember owing princesshigh and murderface, I just don't recall the USD amount. Because no, I will not pay $30 for what was a dollar or two when I was sent it. There was never a firm agreement that I had to pay, although I did say I would, but I never got to it and eventually took off from SR. Not because of the two miniscule loans, just because I lost interest.

dr gonzo Iwill reimburse you as well.

I wasn't sweating it brother, none the less, bravo. :D

Yay! ;D I hope you are a man/woman(never know on the forums) of your word and as soon as you pay back what was lent you will be taken off the shit list. ;)

I try my very best to keep my word, I just never guarantee a time. :P

dr gonzo, thank you for lending me that. Unfortunately the amount you lent was so low that SR doesn't say how much you sent because it goes further than .00. I asked for 35 USA cents, so I'm going to send you approximately 51 USA cents [0.515 worth of btc].

As for princesshigh and murderface, I'm not exactly sure what to do. What was BTC worth back in Feb 18 2013?

Edit: Wiki says $22 in Feb. 22*.27btc (murderface) = $5.94 / 22*.16 princesshigh = $3.52

I have exactly $5 now, so I'll send that to murderface and pay off the $0.94 and princesshigh's $3.52 from my next deposit, which should be pretty damn soon.

Muderface what's your username on SR?
I wasn't sweating it brother, none the less, bravo. :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on May 17, 2013, 03:05 am


payback sent homie!!
thank you again!!


you're next bro!!
i never forget!!
aaaand thank you again!!

i truly get high with a little help from my friends  :P

Murda--thanks man... Always down to help a brother out whenever I'm online. Just so you know, though, you sent me .02BTC, when I only sent you 0.01 BTC. I know it's just a difference of $1 or so, but just wanted to point that out and make sure you meant to return more than I sent. Just trying to keep the numbers straight :)

yes my friend!!
i payback EVERY loan with a 'thank you'!!
thank you for being so honest!!


i sent you what was left in my wallet.. but this by no means clears my debt, and i want you to know that i'm aware of this!!  ;)

much love me droogies!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on May 17, 2013, 03:21 am
****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) When requesting, post your SR name so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse. 
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.
List of Users who have lent coins -

dr gonzo
mrmilleripresume ++++
ozymandias2013 ++++
White Out
The shit list:


**do not lend to these people**

i updated the shit list..
i.e. removed moon fried
thank you again moon!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on May 17, 2013, 03:49 am
Yay!  Someone besides DanDan or I is posting the list!  Thanks murda

If you don't mind add these to the list of givers?


Remove the old ++++ and add them to the new ones?

I am in no way too proud to ask.
And too proud to read the rules..... This kind of post is not welcome.  Thanks
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Theory on May 17, 2013, 03:55 am
Well I am heart broken due to mis calculations i am short on my first purchase for silk road.

I have 1.11928756 bitcoins and need 1.15 for my order can anyone spare a newb .04 bitcoins
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on May 17, 2013, 04:19 am
Well I am heart broken due to mis calculations i am short on my first purchase for silk road.

I have 1.11928756 bitcoins and need 1.15 for my order can anyone spare a newb .04 bitcoins

SR name? I see BTC are rising and I only got .02 btc but that might be all you need if you wait a bit :) I often wait for btc to peak before buying.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 17, 2013, 04:29 am
****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) When requesting, post your SR name so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.
List of Users who have lent coins -

BYSD ++++
dr gonzo
White Out
ytabletrash ++++
pakchoi23 ++++               
The shit list:


**do not lend to these people**
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on May 17, 2013, 04:33 am
Thanks for adding me to the list. What do the 4 +'s mean?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Theory on May 17, 2013, 04:36 am
Well I am heart broken due to mis calculations i am short on my first purchase for silk road.

I have 1.11928756 bitcoins and need 1.15 for my order can anyone spare a newb .04 bitcoins

SR name? I see BTC are rising and I only got .02 btc but that might be all you need if you wait a bit :) I often wait for btc to peak before buying.

Thanks for the offer but the vendor was kind enough to give me a discount on my order. If anyone plans to buy MDMA in the us hit up clearance he is amazing has made my first purchase a breeze. And is super reponsive and easy to get a hold of.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 17, 2013, 04:40 am
Thanks for adding me to the list. What do the 4 +'s mean?
you're welcome! and the 4 +'s are to show additions to the list ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on May 17, 2013, 04:46 am
Well I am heart broken due to mis calculations i am short on my first purchase for silk road.

I have 1.11928756 bitcoins and need 1.15 for my order can anyone spare a newb .04 bitcoins

SR name? I see BTC are rising and I only got .02 btc but that might be all you need if you wait a bit :) I often wait for btc to peak before buying.

Thanks for the offer but the vendor was kind enough to give me a discount on my order. If anyone plans to buy MDMA in the us hit up clearance he is amazing has made my first purchase a breeze. And is super reponsive and easy to get a hold of.
Nice, it is always nice to find vendors who are willing to go above what is needed of them to help you out. I've been testing out a few vendors of MDMA myself and have found one I think I will stick with for a while now.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: nacho on May 17, 2013, 05:19 am
Good seeing you here AAfive.  Hopefully someone comes through for us.

My SR name is nacho and  I'm short .13 or around $14 on my order.  I have a BST order for more coins for tuesday.  And i'll give whoever lends me this $20 on tuesday.     Thanks if anyone is willing to help.  If not I understand. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: nitpi950 on May 17, 2013, 05:23 am
Good seeing you here AAfive.  Hopefully someone comes through for us.

My SR name is nacho and  I'm short .13 or around $14 on my order.  I have a BST order for more coins for tuesday.  And i'll give whoever lends me this $20 on tuesday.     Thanks if anyone is willing to help.  If not I understand.
Sounds like a good deal - done
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: nacho on May 17, 2013, 05:32 am
Holy shit!  You're awesome!  BST usually shoots me an email by 11 am.  I'll deposit my money at 12 pm.  Have coins by 12:15 pm.  And have you paid back plus some by 12:30 pm tuesday May 21!  Thanks once again!  I really appreciate it.  And i'll be sure to help someone else tuesday as well!  FAITH IN HUMANITY RESTORED!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: nitpi950 on May 17, 2013, 06:03 am
Haha now all you have to do is not fuck up mine
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 17, 2013, 06:08 am
****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) When requesting, post your SR name so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.
List of Users who have lent coins -

dr gonzo
Mike Hunt ++++
nitpi950 ++++
White Out

The shit list:

**do not lend to these people**
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Mike Hunt on May 17, 2013, 06:10 am
Well I'll add my name because I've lent coin with out being re paid. I've also borrowed coin here and always paid it back
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: nacho on May 17, 2013, 06:11 am
Haha now all you have to do is not fuck up mine

Your faith in humanity is safe in my hands sir.  I shall not let you down.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 17, 2013, 06:12 am
Well I'll add my name because I've lent coin with out being re paid. I've also borrowed coin here and always paid it back
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on May 17, 2013, 06:18 am
you beat me to it RS7!!
good looking out homie!!
i've lent.. but do NOT want to be on the list!!

yo Mike,
feel free to edit and repost brother!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 17, 2013, 06:37 am
@RS7 - I got 2.5grams of crystal DMT of different types right in front of me, yellow, white, tan  8)

But gonna leave it a few days as tolerance builds rapid....But fuck since I had my first breakthrough the other day, it's fucking insane stuff   :o

But I'll binge this 2.5grams over the next month and then leave it for a good few months - don't wanna ruin the intensity and originality of the it..
;) it's funny because that $15 you lent was to get my first DMT experience, an I only assume you tried ordering it after reading my DMT thread.. :)

Haha funny how things work out bro - that's exactly what happened 8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Chaosforpeace on May 17, 2013, 07:03 am
I am posting this in a few threads that I see chaosforpeace posted in. I figured this thread would be above others for this.

I am a friend of Choasforpeace and am trying to raise money for him.
Please donate to help chaosforpeace pay for a lawyer. The police confiscated all of his cash as evidence, he cannot even pay bail. He is stuck in holding until his court date. Any amount helps. I will be checking his accounts regularly.
Every penny counts,
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Chaosforpeace on May 17, 2013, 07:37 am
He is a good man who posts here often. Hence the high post count you see. He was taken within the last couple of weeks.
He has no one. Every one of his friends and family fucked him good. He is lucky that I am in the picture or there would be no one trying to help him out of this. I'm not sure if saying what his bail is would be exposing to much about his identity.
This is no scam. Anyone who knows him or has spoken to him, knows how honest he is. To be honest I don't believe anyone will be donating to help him, but I am trying everything.

Thanks to anyone who helps.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 17, 2013, 07:38 am
I am posting this in a few threads that I see chaosforpeace posted in. I figured this thread would be above others for this.

I am a friend of Choasforpeace and am trying to raise money for him.
Please donate to help chaosforpeace pay for a lawyer. The police confiscated all of his cash as evidence, he cannot even pay bail. He is stuck in holding until his court date. Any amount helps. I will be checking his accounts regularly.
Every penny counts,

Who the fuck is ChaosSpace for starters?

Secondly - how much is his bail and doesn't he have friends or family in real life?

Finally, sounds like a scam to me? (sorry if wrong) - Also for all we fucking know you could be LE trying to get info on his account.....NAH 4 ME.

I certainly won't be donating as for one I don't fucking know the guy and never even seen him on the forums.

BUT - if it was for mi breddas, like Box, RS7, m m m motek, Darktime, Android, Dandan etc. Them boyz be bailed by now  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 17, 2013, 07:48 am
He is a good man who posts here often. Hence the high post count you see. He was taken within the last couple of weeks.
He has no one. Every one of his friends and family fucked him good. He is lucky that I am in the picture or there would be no one trying to help him out of this. I'm not sure if saying what his bail is would be exposing to much about his identity.
This is no scam. Anyone who knows him or has spoken to him, knows how honest he is. To be honest I don't believe anyone will be donating to help him, but I am trying everything.

Thanks to anyone who helps.
pretty sure I haven't seen Cfp lend/spare to anybody :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Chaosforpeace on May 17, 2013, 08:11 am
He is a good man who posts here often. Hence the high post count you see. He was taken within the last couple of weeks.
He has no one. Every one of his friends and family fucked him good. He is lucky that I am in the picture or there would be no one trying to help him out of this. I'm not sure if saying what his bail is would be exposing to much about his identity.
This is no scam. Anyone who knows him or has spoken to him, knows how honest he is. To be honest I don't believe anyone will be donating to help him, but I am trying everything.

Thanks to anyone who helps.


Scout please delete these posts saying scam

Also in Chaosforpeace's inbox I can see messages thanking him for giving bitcoins from a few members.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 17, 2013, 09:12 am
He is a good man who posts here often. Hence the high post count you see. He was taken within the last couple of weeks.
He has no one. Every one of his friends and family fucked him good. He is lucky that I am in the picture or there would be no one trying to help him out of this. I'm not sure if saying what his bail is would be exposing to much about his identity.
This is no scam. Anyone who knows him or has spoken to him, knows how honest he is. To be honest I don't believe anyone will be donating to help him, but I am trying everything.

Thanks to anyone who helps.


Scout please delete these posts saying scam

Also in Chaosforpeace's inbox I can see messages thanking him for giving bitcoins from a few members.

Who are these members then?

I have 10 parking tickets and 16 speeding tickets to pay can everyone donate so I don't go to jail again please? (joking!) 8)

Asking SR members for help for things not related to SR shouldn't be done - we're not the Church of Fucking England. We're simply anonymous people who enjoy getting mashed.....and we lend to others so they can get mashed too :D

We're just mashers - now just fuck off with ya blatant scam - even if it's not a scam, it's not SR related so fuck anyway.

Sorry I'm not usually rude so I'll rephrase - Please Fuck Off.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: motek on May 17, 2013, 09:16 am
Hi everyone ....sooo cool to see this thread cruising along and people like (I think it's)  nitpi09 or something sharing the love and 'faith in humanity' ... coz that's really what this thead IS ALL about, trying to help JUST BECOZ WE CAN, and hoping the people we help out, WILL join the party and return the favor!

Hiya Japanman, good to see you rockin the thread bro! 

And  btw, Chaos is a good member from about the place, in fact I think motek lent him some coins ??? (hey motek deserves a few +'s too! lol)  but I agree with you bro about this not being a thread to 'try and raise bail'!  seriously wtf?

In fact it's just strange enough to be genuine, if Chaos had been busted and their SO 'finds' their SR account ....hmmm...hang on, it's already sounding wrong already, this person IS saying that they are on CFP's did they get his details to log in, did CFP ask them to do this and gave them the data to login?  hmmm IDK  Not enough information....Chaos IS for real, but who the fuck IS THIS person???  That's what we'd like to know!

We havent been here since last weekend so maybe we might see these other places this "Chaos impersonator beggar" might have explained the situation further .... pretty weird IMO

And AGAIN no one to give coins to!  Actually that's pretty cool, it suggests a LOT of 'help/love' being shared and it's FUCKIN COOL, keep it up kids, we love you ALL muchly!!

m m m motek

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 17, 2013, 09:22 am
Yessss m m m motek hope you're well bro.

Tings are ticking along nicely  8)

I'll +1 you (if It'll let me, fucking 72hr rule)

EDIT: It let me  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jase00 on May 17, 2013, 09:47 am
Just sent you 0.06 (all I had left sorry)
My SR name is Jase00 when your ready to pay back.. no rush :)

hope that helps.

If a kind soul could lend me 0.19btc until next week, I would be oh so grateful. =~~19$

I miscalculated and the ups and downs of btc market have let me down a bit.

Will pay back asap.

SR username 8dfgh65


With BTC rising I now need 0.12btc(~~14$). Will pay back at the end of next week.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Newbie83 on May 17, 2013, 09:54 am
maybe this is the right place NOW... ;/
i need only 0,02 btc. i pay it back at the beginning of next month and i swear that i'll buy some coins only to help some people in this thread when somebody helps me at this moment...
a lot of somes... ^^ but you people surely recognize that i'm not a native english speaker.

actually only 0,01 btc..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: volvol on May 17, 2013, 10:16 am
Just sent you 0.06 (all I had left sorry)
My SR name is Jase00 when your ready to pay back.. no rush :)

hope that helps.

Thank you very much.

Still in need of 0.05.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: motek on May 17, 2013, 10:36 am
With BTC rising I now need 0.12btc"

Dude, you originally asked for 0.6 ...  Btc didn't DOUBLE in value, so that's a pretty lame excuse, sorry dude this thread is about being honest n stuff

Jase00 I hope you get your coin back,   when someone makes such a bad lie ... IDK!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Newbie83 on May 17, 2013, 11:41 am
don't need it anymore! needed value is reached.
you don't see me for the last time. i'll be back, but next time not for asking...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on May 17, 2013, 12:06 pm
I am posting this in a few threads that I see chaosforpeace posted in. I figured this thread would be above others for this.

I am a friend of Choasforpeace and am trying to raise money for him.
Please donate to help chaosforpeace pay for a lawyer. The police confiscated all of his cash as evidence, he cannot even pay bail. He is stuck in holding until his court date. Any amount helps. I will be checking his accounts regularly.
Every penny counts,

What did he get arrested for/charged with if you don't mind me asking? I've seen Chaos on the forums for a while now and it's a real shame to see something like this happen to him. If it did that is, these are very strange circumstances.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: F600 on May 17, 2013, 12:25 pm
Hey fellas with BTC on the up swing im a bit short of my order total... (.07 BTC short) if anyone has it I will certainly pay them back next week just let me know who you are on SR. Thanks so much in advance for any help you may be able to throw this way. Long live SR!!

wallet : 1CaWkpNrBwzh86EzCZVFHuHU6hivt856Wf
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on May 17, 2013, 12:29 pm
Hey fellas with BTC on the up swing im a bit short of my order total... (.07 BTC short) if anyone has it I will certainly pay them back next week just let me know who you are on SR. Thanks so much in advance for any help you may be able to throw this way. Long live SR!!

wallet : 1CaWkpNrBwzh86EzCZVFHuHU6hivt856Wf

Please read my next post thoroughly F600  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on May 17, 2013, 12:30 pm
****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) When requesting, post your SR name so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.
List of Users who have lent coins -

dr gonzo
Mike Hunt ++++
nitpi950 ++++
White Out

The shit list:

**do not lend to these people**
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on May 17, 2013, 12:34 pm
With BTC rising I now need 0.12btc"

Dude, you originally asked for 0.6 ...  Btc didn't DOUBLE in value, so that's a pretty lame excuse, sorry dude this thread is about being honest n stuff

Jase00 I hope you get your coin back,   when someone makes such a bad lie ... IDK!

motek..I think you got this backward  a little.the guy asked for  .19 in the 1st place but with btc rising he now only needs  0.12.....yeah? or have i got it backward?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: motek on May 17, 2013, 12:41 pm
oops ya right darktime, kind of....I forgot the zero! duh! 

 Originally he wanted 0.06 and now he want 0.12 coz Btc prices went up!!  Fark, maybe if it was last month I could almost believe it...but not now...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: F600 on May 17, 2013, 12:44 pm
Hey fellas with BTC on the up swing im a bit short of my order total... (.07 BTC short) if anyone has it I will certainly pay them back next week just let me know who you are on SR. Thanks so much in advance for any help you may be able to throw this way. Long live SR!!

wallet : 1CaWkpNrBwzh86EzCZVFHuHU6hivt856Wf

Please read my next post thoroughly F600  ;D

Thanks Dan  ;).. Looks like I forgot to add my screen name.. Its 'fusion600' if anyone has .07 BTC to lend karma will shine down on you!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on May 17, 2013, 12:49 pm
anyway i have the excact amount of 0.0023 btc in my account but if anyone is short of just a few pennies,your welcome to it.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mrmilleripresume on May 17, 2013, 12:52 pm
Hey fellas with BTC on the up swing im a bit short of my order total... (.07 BTC short) if anyone has it I will certainly pay them back next week just let me know who you are on SR. Thanks so much in advance for any help you may be able to throw this way. Long live SR!!

wallet : 1CaWkpNrBwzh86EzCZVFHuHU6hivt856Wf

Please read my next post thoroughly F600  ;D

Thanks Dan  ;).. Looks like I forgot to add my screen name.. Its 'fusion600' if anyone has .07 BTC to lend karma will shine down on you!

I believe I have something like .02 left in my microloan fund if that will help you.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: wraithe on May 17, 2013, 01:31 pm
He is a good man who posts here often. Hence the high post count you see. He was taken within the last couple of weeks.
He has no one. Every one of his friends and family fucked him good. He is lucky that I am in the picture or there would be no one trying to help him out of this. I'm not sure if saying what his bail is would be exposing to much about his identity.
This is no scam. Anyone who knows him or has spoken to him, knows how honest he is. To be honest I don't believe anyone will be donating to help him, but I am trying everything.

Thanks to anyone who helps.


Scout please delete these posts saying scam

Also in Chaosforpeace's inbox I can see messages thanking him for giving bitcoins from a few members.

Well I would like to point out I personally believe this is a SCAM and here is why that is.

Here is a post from Chaos on 5/15
"Re: Help a trusted hero member of the Silk Road beat his charges and go free
« Reply #11 on: Today at 08:09 am »


Quote from: onezero32 on Today at 07:19 am

    While it's great you're trying to help your friend, and I hope he get's the help he needs to fight the injustices he's facing. That kid seriously needs to take this as a wake up call that he's not cut out for this kind of thing. After all the dramas he's supposedly gone through over the last few months it's time he finds a new hobby.

Well that is just it. He is a kid who hasn't learned from his mistakes. He kept telling me that this time there was no way for him to get caught. He told myself and one other person. Unfortunately for him that one other person had a run in with the law and rolled on chaosforpeace for everything. I believe he can get out of the serious charges if he just had a good lawyer. In my opinion they are missing allot of proof. As it is they are trying to stick him with a mandatory minimum of 20 years, probably more."


now look at a post from 4/15

"Silk Road discussion / Re: Someone ordered 25 kilos from China 21 days ago
« on: April 18, 2013, 02:21 pm »
Dr. Gonzo is one of the most trusted members of the road. If this was fake than Dr. Gonzo would have been charged an SR fee for buying his own item. At 70,000$ Dr. Gonzo paid SR 1,050$ in fee's.
Most likely this is just a buyer who purchased from the Docter multiple times so he trusts him. It would show allot on how trustworthy the Docter is because if someone else was in the same position with 70,000$, well would you do the same and ship the product or keep it?



The same ODD misspelling of a word a month before he was arrested

make your own conclusions
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on May 17, 2013, 01:53 pm
Quote from: motek on Today at 12:41 pm

    oops ya right darktime, kind of....I forgot the zero! duh!

     Originally he wanted 0.06 and now he want 0.12 coz Btc prices went up!!  Fark, maybe if it was last month I could almost believe it...but not now...

wtf when did I ask for 0.06??
Quote from: volvol on Today at 09:35 am

    Quote from: volvol on May 16, 2013, 09:32 pm

        Quote from: volvol on May 16, 2013, 11:53 am

            If a kind soul could lend me 0.19btc until next week, I would be oh so grateful. =~~19$

            I miscalculated and the ups and downs of btc market have let me down a bit.

            Will pay back asap.

            SR username 8dfgh65


    With BTC rising I now need 0.12btc(~~14$). Will pay back at the end of next week.

e- now in need of 0.04(~~6$)

volvol-I did point this out earlier in the thread
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on May 17, 2013, 01:54 pm

make your own conclusions

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on May 17, 2013, 02:33 pm
Hey fellas with BTC on the up swing im a bit short of my order total... (.07 BTC short) if anyone has it I will certainly pay them back next week just let me know who you are on SR. Thanks so much in advance for any help you may be able to throw this way. Long live SR!!

wallet : 1CaWkpNrBwzh86EzCZVFHuHU6hivt856Wf

Please read my next post thoroughly F600  ;D

Thanks Dan  ;).. Looks like I forgot to add my screen name.. Its 'fusion600' if anyone has .07 BTC to lend karma will shine down on you!

I believe I have something like .02 left in my microloan fund if that will help you.

I also have 0.02 that I can send your way. I would give you the rest but that's all I have left in my account right now. pay back whenever you get the chance. No rush :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on May 17, 2013, 02:46 pm
@wraithe  :( That is unfortunate but it surely seems as though that is the same person with the strange spelling of "allot". Unless there is a whole town where the school systems try to stupify their children and teach the kids to spell it like "allot". It's actually two separate words "a lot". But either way, seems like the same person. That's saddening  :'(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 17, 2013, 03:34 pm
Threads spun out a bit - Who's short of coin then? 8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: energyimport on May 17, 2013, 04:43 pm
Hey guys, I was in a rush to make an order and normally I get a little extra to cover any currency value changes but Im pretty sure I did my math wrong :(

I have lent out coins when I had extra and I always tend to pay things forward I need llike .25 coin I know that like 30 USD  and is considered a lot to some people but I would really appreciate it and be willing to pay back when I make my next purchase. My SR name is Energyimport

Thank you and Much appreciated

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Repus6 on May 17, 2013, 04:52 pm
Hey everyone,
I screwed up when I was getting my coins this morning and I'm now 0.07BTC short on my order. I can pay the loan back by 5/25 or I can pay it forward then. Either way. My SR name is voidsleep. Thanks!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 17, 2013, 04:56 pm
Hey everyone,
I screwed up when I was getting my coins this morning and I'm now 0.07BTC short on my order. I can pay the loan back by 5/25 or I can pay it forward then. Either way. My SR name is voidsleep. Thanks!

Done 8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Repus6 on May 17, 2013, 04:59 pm
Thanks Japan!  ;D Would you like me to pay back or forward?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 17, 2013, 05:04 pm
Thanks Japan!  ;D Would you like me to pay back or forward?

Your choice my friend, may as well pay it back as I'm bound to put it someone's way again.....

If not just chuck a dollar/pound in a homeless guy's hat for me 8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 17, 2013, 05:07 pm
Yo Volv - wa gwaan with the quoting?

You need 0.02?

Confused me bro
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: volvol on May 17, 2013, 05:10 pm
Yo Volv - wa gwaan with the quoting?

You need 0.02?

Confused me bro

Sorry about the quotes fuck up.

Yes I need 0.02btc.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 17, 2013, 05:12 pm
Yo Volv - wa gwaan with the quoting?

You need 0.02?

Confused me bro

Sorry about the quotes fuck up.

Yes I need 0.02btc.

Done 8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 17, 2013, 05:22 pm
Don't thank me, thank my mother ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: i3lazd on May 17, 2013, 05:29 pm
help a brother out.

will help you guys out after I re up

let me know quote this message if you need less than 0.1 bitcoins.


Extra bitcoins send to:

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 17, 2013, 06:21 pm
This is a great idea if people are a wee bit short and stuck for a few £££  :) use it but don,t abuse it  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: F600 on May 17, 2013, 06:27 pm
Hey guys.. Asked earlier but it looks like the BTC has gained a lil value. I needed .07 earlier now it only likes like I need .05 to complete my order.. I will surely pay you back within one weeks time. SR name is fusion600 if you can donate that would be awesome... Please help a bro out.. The favor will be returned to someone in the future. Karma is REAL!

Edit: If you do decide to pass on a few bucks to me please message me and let me know so I can pay ya back.  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 17, 2013, 06:36 pm
Hey guys.. Asked earlier but it looks like the BTC has gained a lil value. I needed .07 earlier now it only likes like I need .05 to complete my order.. I will surely pay you back within one weeks time. SR name is fusion600 if you can donate that would be awesome... Please help a bro out.. The favor will be returned to someone in the future. Karma is REAL!

Edit: If you do decide to pass on a few bucks to me please message me and let me know so I can pay ya back.  ;)

I can help you with the last I have left in my wallet which is ฿0.0406673 - I'm out then till my re-up in the morning. But I'll throw it your way now bro  8)

EDIT: Done 8) and hopefully some kind fellow will come along and give the miniscule amount needed to make it uptp the 0.05 for you.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Pubb on May 17, 2013, 06:51 pm
Could a kind soul donate .02 BTC, I'm just short on an order because of shipping cost. I have never asked before, so i don't abuse this system. Thank you and good karma for you!

SR name:   Publius
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: F600 on May 17, 2013, 06:53 pm
Hey guys.. Asked earlier but it looks like the BTC has gained a lil value. I needed .07 earlier now it only likes like I need .05 to complete my order.. I will surely pay you back within one weeks time. SR name is fusion600 if you can donate that would be awesome... Please help a bro out.. The favor will be returned to someone in the future. Karma is REAL!

Edit: If you do decide to pass on a few bucks to me please message me and let me know so I can pay ya back.  ;)

I can help you with the last I have left in my wallet which is ฿0.0406673 - I'm out then till my re-up in the morning. But I'll throw it your way now bro  8)

EDIT: Done 8) and hopefully some kind fellow will come along and give the miniscule amount needed to make it uptp the 0.05 for you.

Thanks so much, Japan!!! Im all good now.... Time to sit back and relax. This is such an awesome place.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 17, 2013, 06:55 pm
This is a great idea if people are a wee bit short and stuck for a few £££  :) use it but don,t abuse it  ;D

It sure is Mary666. This thread works if you work it. Start lending, or borrowing and repaying and you'll always know you've got a backup plan if you fall short.

I'm uncertain how many times I've lent coins out (quite a few!!!) but not had to borrow as of yet, but because I play the game straight, I know I could come here if I was stuck.

Plus the enjoyment of helping someone that's a tiny bit short for shipping etc. and knowing you helped them get their order shipped that day is rewarding. It's good to be kind, but whatever you do don't end up on the 'shit list' otherwise Japanman will get all Karate kid on ya ass  ;)

I'll post the list up now to name and shame the 'shitters'  :P


****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) When requesting, post your SR name so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.
List of Users who have lent coins -

dr gonzo
Mike Hunt ++++
nitpi950 ++++
White Out

The shit list:

**do not lend to these people**
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mrmilleripresume on May 17, 2013, 07:12 pm
Hey guys.. Asked earlier but it looks like the BTC has gained a lil value. I needed .07 earlier now it only likes like I need .05 to complete my order.. I will surely pay you back within one weeks time. SR name is fusion600 if you can donate that would be awesome... Please help a bro out.. The favor will be returned to someone in the future. Karma is REAL!

Edit: If you do decide to pass on a few bucks to me please message me and let me know so I can pay ya back.  ;)

I can help you with the last I have left in my wallet which is ฿0.0406673 - I'm out then till my re-up in the morning. But I'll throw it your way now bro  8)

EDIT: Done 8) and hopefully some kind fellow will come along and give the miniscule amount needed to make it uptp the 0.05 for you.

I went ahead and shot you .01 BTC F600. Hope you got what you need. If you already had it or didn't need the .01, just shoot it back to mrmiller.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on May 17, 2013, 07:16 pm
I could do with a loan of .28 until the 29th but thats just being rude/cheeky I think bit like the guy who asked for 0.48 earlier :o!!

japan,I tried to give you another +1 but this tight-ass machine wont let me so I'm sending you some telepathic love right now ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 17, 2013, 07:24 pm
I could do with a loan of .28 until the 29th but thats just being rude/cheeky I think bit like the guy who asked for 0.48 earlier :o!!

japan,I tried to give you another +1 but this tight-ass machine wont let me so I'm sending you some telepathic love right now ;D

Hello bro...

Believe it or not, with you if I had .28 right now I'd send it. but as you can see I emptied my load on F600  :o

I say that as I know 100% you'd give it back - very few people I'd lend that amount too, but there are a few of you out there and I reckon most of you know who you are, that I would do it for   8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: F600 on May 17, 2013, 07:37 pm
Hey guys.. Asked earlier but it looks like the BTC has gained a lil value. I needed .07 earlier now it only likes like I need .05 to complete my order.. I will surely pay you back within one weeks time. SR name is fusion600 if you can donate that would be awesome... Please help a bro out.. The favor will be returned to someone in the future. Karma is REAL!

Edit: If you do decide to pass on a few bucks to me please message me and let me know so I can pay ya back.  ;)

I can help you with the last I have left in my wallet which is ฿0.0406673 - I'm out then till my re-up in the morning. But I'll throw it your way now bro  8)

EDIT: Done 8) and hopefully some kind fellow will come along and give the miniscule amount needed to make it uptp the 0.05 for you.

I went ahead and shot you .01 BTC F600. Hope you got what you need. If you already had it or didn't need the .01, just shoot it back to mrmiller.

Haha I got it... Thanks so much but I just sent it back to ya  ;). I was already over the top. Its the though that counts so thanks again, mate!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 17, 2013, 07:47 pm
good morning :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 17, 2013, 08:02 pm
Thanks for the list Japan 1980 and i have 0.04 if u need it Darktime  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on May 17, 2013, 08:19 pm
Thanks for the solidarity brothers but like i said,was only kidding because I saw some guy asking for 0.46-the cheek of it!
 and as also stated earlier i have exactly .0023 in my account if anyone needs a few pennies.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on May 17, 2013, 08:42 pm
good morning :P

WHAT!! Its goonight where I am bro which leads me to think of kangaroos and didgeridoos,rolf harris(the pedo) and steve irvin are all things that might be found in the place you are m8

Good morning anyhow cobber!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on May 17, 2013, 09:49 pm
WHAT!! Its goonight where I am bro which leads me to think of kangaroos and didgeridoos,rolf harris(the pedo) and steve irvin are all things that might be found in the place you are m8

Good morning anyhow cobber!

Probably won't be finding Steve Irwin.

not above ground anyway,sadly.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Moon Fried on May 17, 2013, 10:21 pm
I know I just got off the shit list recently, so please bear with me.

I'm .061btc away from ordering 5g of ketamine from K Queen. Can anyone help me out? I would just deposit it, but $20 minimum for cash deposit.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 18, 2013, 04:18 am
 :-\ please anybody, I'm .15 btc short on a 1.19 btc order.. looking for a micro-loan till monday~tuesday, will pay back .2+ btc.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bamoida2 on May 18, 2013, 04:46 am
:-\ please anybody, I'm .15 btc short on a 1.19 btc order.. looking for a micro-loan till monday~tuesday, will pay back .2 btc.


thanks ahead of time.. :-*


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 18, 2013, 04:53 am
:-\ please anybody, I'm .15 btc short on a 1.19 btc order.. looking for a micro-loan till monday~tuesday, will pay back .2 btc.


thanks ahead of time.. :-*


:) thank you brother. amazing response timing too :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Moon Fried on May 18, 2013, 04:57 am
I know I just got off the shit list recently, so please bear with me.

I'm .061btc away from ordering 5g of ketamine from K Queen. Can anyone help me out? I would just deposit it, but $20 minimum for cash deposit.

Oh and just a reminder, even if you can help partially I'd HIGHLY appreciate it. I'll 100% pay back too.

My username is Moon Fried on SR.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 18, 2013, 04:59 am

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) When requesting, post your SR name so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.
List of Users who have lent coins -

bamoida2 ++++
dr gonzo
Mike Hunt
White Out

The shit list:

**do not lend to these people**
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jase00 on May 18, 2013, 05:44 am
feel free to add me to lenders list :-)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 18, 2013, 05:45 am
****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) When requesting, post your SR name so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.
List of Users who have lent coins -

dr gonzo
Mike Hunt
White Out

The shit list:

**do not lend to these people**
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: fernieburnie123 on May 18, 2013, 06:08 am
been trying to find this thread for hours!
I dropped the ball badly today and am (oddly enough) 3 bucks to the cent short for my order, or a little less than .03 btc

I can pay whoever back (with interest) at the very minimum a week from today, friday the 25th. thats my next payday.

Thanks for reading and for this thread. Would love to give back when i get my cake right.

my sr name is the same.

edit: did someone give?? I'm only about $1.78 short now!! thanks if so!!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jase00 on May 18, 2013, 06:28 am
if you go to "account" -> "account history" it will tell you who sent you some monies
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: teqno on May 18, 2013, 10:22 am
been trying to find this thread for hours!
I dropped the ball badly today and am (oddly enough) 3 bucks to the cent short for my order, or a little less than .03 btc

I can pay whoever back (with interest) at the very minimum a week from today, friday the 25th. thats my next payday.

Thanks for reading and for this thread. Would love to give back when i get my cake right.

my sr name is the same.

edit: did someone give?? I'm only about $1.78 short now!! thanks if so!!!

Still looking for what you are short of? I think it's 0.0144 BTC...

Let me know if you do. I'll be happy to help.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on May 18, 2013, 02:40 pm
been trying to find this thread for hours!
I dropped the ball badly today and am (oddly enough) 3 bucks to the cent short for my order, or a little less than .03 btc

I can pay whoever back (with interest) at the very minimum a week from today, friday the 25th. thats my next payday.

Thanks for reading and for this thread. Would love to give back when i get my cake right.

my sr name is the same.

edit: did someone give?? I'm only about $1.78 short now!! thanks if so!!!

sent you .02 a bit ago after seeing your thread. pay back whenever you can :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: i3lazd on May 18, 2013, 03:21 pm
got 0.008 bitcoins if someone needs around 0.55$USD

also need few bitcoins to make an order will pay back
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 18, 2013, 03:39 pm
got 0.008 bitcoins if someone needs around 0.55$USD

also need few bitcoins to make an order will pay back

That's confusing!!

You're offering a loan but at the same time wanting a loan of a few bitcoins????? A few bitcoins is a lot of money. I suggest you re-phrase that in terminology that makes sense of what you need.

I noticed you pop up on this thread a few times making odd requests - you need to be more concise my friend.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ghettohmbrglr on May 18, 2013, 04:01 pm
would it go against any of the rules to set up an "official" thread similar to this for people to trade moneypaks/giftcards in change for bitcoins? trades like this seem to becoming more and more common and to have an official thread could benefit people greatly by having a community regulated list of verified buyers/sellers of BTC.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: aj414i on May 18, 2013, 04:07 pm
been trying to find this thread for hours!
I dropped the ball badly today and am (oddly enough) 3 bucks to the cent short for my order, or a little less than .03 btc

I can pay whoever back (with interest) at the very minimum a week from today, friday the 25th. thats my next payday.

Thanks for reading and for this thread. Would love to give back when i get my cake right.

my sr name is the same.

edit: did someone give?? I'm only about $1.78 short now!! thanks if so!!!

sent you about 1.80$
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on May 18, 2013, 04:22 pm
would it go against any of the rules to set up an "official" thread similar to this for people to trade moneypaks/giftcards in change for bitcoins? trades like this seem to becoming more and more common and to have an official thread could benefit people greatly by having a community regulated list of verified buyers/sellers of BTC.
The more I look into money pak trading, the less inclined I am to do it. It seems that either there are large fees around 10-20% or they are scams. I would rather have my fee's a lot lower and have my money trail disconnected a different way.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on May 18, 2013, 04:29 pm
would it go against any of the rules to set up an "official" thread similar to this for people to trade moneypaks/giftcards in change for bitcoins? trades like this seem to becoming more and more common and to have an official thread could benefit people greatly by having a community regulated list of verified buyers/sellers of BTC.

First, it would be against ALL rules in even making the thread. Meaning you can not buy and sell btc on the forums and you must have a vendor account to even offer things like that in the forums. So when people "trade" btc for money packs the legit vendors and buyers in the forum call that.... selling btc for money packs.

And it is not becoming more and more common! It is becoming more and more obsolete!!! And hopefully new members will read post like mine and realize they should NEVER -ever -ever -"TRADE" meaning  buy anything from the forums EVER. I am not saying you are a scammer...but I will say anyone who tries to trade or sell or says they will do an exchange and they do not have a vendor account in great standing is a scammer.PERIOD!

And there already is a verified list that is community regulated of BTC vendors...It is called Silk Road!! Search BTC on there and you will find them. As not one person that says they can do it on the forums without a vendors account legit. There has also been threads in these forums trying to keep track of SR vendors that buy and sell btc...though I have no clue if it is still accurate or updated
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Moon Fried on May 18, 2013, 04:48 pm
I only need $3.81 now due to the exchange rate. 8)

Anyone? I'll pay back within a week. My username is Moon Fried on SR.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on May 18, 2013, 04:49 pm
would it go against any of the rules to set up an "official" thread similar to this for people to trade moneypaks/giftcards in change for bitcoins? trades like this seem to becoming more and more common and to have an official thread could benefit people greatly by having a community regulated list of verified buyers/sellers of BTC.

Regardless of if it is against SR policies to trade goods for BTC's on the forums(it probably is I just don't feel like checking) that is not what this thread is about. This thread is about helping out people in need by lending them a few cents or dollars for a few days. I have a feeling people trading moneypaks or giftcards will try and make some kind of profit off of it as well. It's only human nature I guess. This thread isn't about making money, it's about helping people in a time of need for no other reason than because you're a good person. So please keep this thread on track and no more moneypak or giftcard ideas in here anymore please  ;D Thank you
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on May 18, 2013, 04:54 pm
Moon fried it is sent... :)

Make sure and PM me when you pay it back so I can give you credit for paying me back. Hope u get your package soon! And enjoy it!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Moon Fried on May 18, 2013, 05:35 pm
Moon fried it is sent... :)

Make sure and PM me when you pay it back so I can give you credit for paying me back. Hope u get your package soon! And enjoy it!!

Still need .03 btc tho, not sure how much you sent me because it's below .00 on SR. :o
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on May 18, 2013, 06:15 pm
go to "account" on the top of your page...then on the right hand side go to "account history" and you can see what I sent you...

This is the message you posted!

I only need $3.81 now due to the exchange rate. 8)

Anyone? I'll pay back within a week. My username is Moon Fried on SR.

And that is .003 coins....and now you are saying you need .03 coins???? That is about $ that what you are saying now?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: moonsafari on May 18, 2013, 06:30 pm
RxKing I'm afraid you're mistaken... If 0.003 BTC were $3 then 1 BTC would be about $1000... :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on May 18, 2013, 07:16 pm
RxKing I'm afraid you're mistaken... If 0.003 BTC were $3 then 1 BTC would be about $1000... :)


I sent him .03 as that is what he asked for...when I made this post because he said---

Still need .03 btc tho, not sure how much you sent me because it's below .00 on SR.

That threw me off  since he said it was still below .00 and that would be impossible since I sent him .03. So I like an idiot didn't really think and I though I must have sent .003 and now he is asking for .03 that is 10x what he said he thanks for pointing my mistake out!

You would think the guy that was asking for money would be the one in here responding since it has been over 1.5 hours. You also think that someone that is short .03 and says his account is still at .00 would have some money in his account if he is making a purchase ???

So I chose a hero member with great Karma as the first person I loan to in this thread and this is the communication I get...Fantastic!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: moonsafari on May 18, 2013, 07:54 pm
When he said "it's below .00" I think he meant surely you must have sent something below .00 because the digits haven't changed.

Anyway, not defending him, he should indeed be the one addressing this. You are pretty cool for doing this and I have no doubt about it you will see your loaned amount back. :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 18, 2013, 07:58 pm
... This thread isn't about making money, it's about helping people in a time of need for no other reason than because you're a good person. So please keep this thread on track and no more moneypak or giftcard ideas in here anymore please  ;D Thank you
;)! absolutely, well said DanDan.

RxKing I'm afraid you're mistaken... If 0.003 BTC were $3 then 1 BTC would be about $1000... :)


I sent him .03 as that is what he asked for...when I made this post because he said---

Still need .03 btc tho, not sure how much you sent me because it's below .00 on SR.

That threw me off  since he said it was still below .00 and that would be impossible since I sent him .03. So I like an idiot didn't really think and I though I must have sent .003 and now he is asking for .03 that is 10x what he said he thanks for pointing my mistake out!

You would think the guy that was asking for money would be the one in here responding since it has been over 1.5 hours. You also think that someone that is short .03 and says his account is still at .00 would have some money in his account if he is making a purchase ???

So I chose a hero member with great Karma as the first person I loan to in this thread and this is the communication I get...Fantastic!!
now I'm confused ??? .03 = $3.71  (.003 = $.37)  :P

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: moonsafari on May 18, 2013, 09:09 pm
Forgive this question unrelated to the topic but why do people explicitly state when a link is on clearnet?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on May 18, 2013, 09:21 pm
would it go against any of the rules to set up an "official" thread similar to this for people to trade moneypaks/giftcards in change for bitcoins? trades like this seem to becoming more and more common and to have an official thread could benefit people greatly by having a community regulated list of verified buyers/sellers of BTC.

Regardless of if it is against SR policies to trade goods for BTC's on the forums(it probably is I just don't feel like checking) that is not what this thread is about. This thread is about helping out people in need by lending them a few cents or dollars for a few days. I have a feeling people trading moneypaks or giftcards will try and make some kind of profit off of it as well. It's only human nature I guess. This thread isn't about making money, it's about helping people in a time of need for no other reason than because you're a good person. So please keep this thread on track and no more moneypak or giftcard ideas in here anymore please  ;D Thank you

Here Here!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on May 18, 2013, 09:22 pm

He asked for .03...and I sent him that...he then came back and said he needs .04 because he has below .00. I then said something to the affect "are you asking for $40.00  at .004 because I sent you the .003 you asked for"

Then moonsafari put a post correcting me that I must mean .03 because .003 means I gave his 3 cents. So I said you are 100% correct and that I wish Moon Fired would be the one in here talking to me since I just sent him .03 and it is amazing that I decide to give my first loan here in this great thread to a Hero member with good Karma and this happens to me...where in fact he says he has less then .00 and he needs .04 now but that would be impossible since I sent him .03... and he as you can see has not been back for hours :) And I was a little perplexed because he said be was short like 4 bucks for an order....and I do not know what her is ordering...but if if he is saying he has less then .00 in his account..that can not mean the order was that big...can it and I am just not seeing it?

Either way I think this thread is a GREAT idea for you and is ran rally well. I am happy to loan people money that are honest and are short a little bit. I of curse want no interest and will treat this just like Kava :) So the BofRx is OPEN!
Lets see how many honest people are in here :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Wokker on May 18, 2013, 11:29 pm
Hello, I was directed to this thread after unwittingly making one of my own.

I'm sorry I'm being one of "those guys", but I unfortunately didn't account for the price fluctuation of BTC, and am now a $1.33 short of my order.  If it wasn't such a pain in the ass for me to deposit some more money, I'd do it myself.  I'm not positive what that amount in BTC is, sorry.

If anyone is willing to help me out here, and save me a headache, I would really appreciate it.  My SR account name is also Wokker.

Thanks a ton.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jda6130 on May 18, 2013, 11:37 pm
Hello, I was directed to this thread after unwittingly making one of my own.

I'm sorry I'm being one of "those guys", but I unfortunately didn't account for the price fluctuation of BTC, and am now a $1.33 short of my order.  If it wasn't such a pain in the ass for me to deposit some more money, I'd do it myself.  I'm not positive what that amount in BTC is, sorry.

If anyone is willing to help me out here, and save me a headache, I would really appreciate it.

Thanks a ton.

Hey Wokker! What's your SR username so I can transfer straight to your account. Also, how many BTC you need? I can round it to .02 to make it easy and to make sure you're covered.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jda6130 on May 18, 2013, 11:39 pm
Oh, I see you did list your SR name...transferring now!

Edited to add: .02 BTC transferred to Wokker. Just toss it back when you can. Enjoy!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Wokker on May 18, 2013, 11:47 pm
Oh, I see you did list your SR name...transferring now!

Edited to add: .02 BTC transferred to Wokker. Just toss it back when you can. Enjoy!

Hell yeah man! Thanks a ton!  I will pay you back as soon as I can brother, thanks!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on May 19, 2013, 01:13 am
Forgive this question unrelated to the topic but why do people explicitly state when a link is on clearnet?

I recently answered this in another thread so I'll copy and paste it for you.

The answer to everyone's question as to why people are so anal about the clearnet warnings is this:

It is to make sure you access any clearweb site using TOR and not on your normal browser. Let's say LE put up a site and put on link on these forums to go to it. You access that site without TOR and with your normal browser the owner of that site now has the IP addresses of all the people who visited it. If the only link they post is in these forums than every single person who visits that site did so because they were on the SR forums which would warrant further investigation. Basically it's to tell people to only access those sites over The Onion Relay. Hope that helped.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on May 19, 2013, 02:13 am
been trying to find this thread for hours!
I dropped the ball badly today and am (oddly enough) 3 bucks to the cent short for my order, or a little less than .03 btc

I can pay whoever back (with interest) at the very minimum a week from today, friday the 25th. thats my next payday.

Thanks for reading and for this thread. Would love to give back when i get my cake right.

my sr name is the same.

edit: did someone give?? I'm only about $1.78 short now!! thanks if so!!!

sent you .02 a bit ago after seeing your thread. pay back whenever you can :)

He has now paid me back :) This .02 btc has been bumping around to so many people, glad to see such a trust able community. Any one else need a mini loan?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: touchthesky on May 19, 2013, 02:21 am
Could a kind soul donate .02 BTC, I'm just short on an order because of shipping cost. I have never asked before, so i don't abuse this system. Thank you and good karma for you!

SR name:   Publius

Sending some your way now buddy. Hit me back with some when you got it.

Hey guys.. Asked earlier but it looks like the BTC has gained a lil value. I needed .07 earlier now it only likes like I need .05 to complete my order.. I will surely pay you back within one weeks time. SR name is fusion600 if you can donate that would be awesome... Please help a bro out.. The favor will be returned to someone in the future. Karma is REAL!

Edit: If you do decide to pass on a few bucks to me please message me and let me know so I can pay ya back.  ;)

Hey bro are you still in need of 0.07 ? sent some your way anyway, hit me back when you can

anyone else needing some coins let me know. I had to go back a few pages to find the older requests
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on May 19, 2013, 03:30 am

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) When requesting, post your SR name so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.
List of Users who have lent coins -

bamoida2 ++++
dr gonzo
Mike Hunt
White Out

The shit list:

**do not lend to these people**
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 19, 2013, 03:47 am
yo um murderface

don'ts ams forgets Jase00++++
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 19, 2013, 07:47 am
yo um murderface

don'ts ams forgets Jase00++++

I added him a couple of days back bro
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 19, 2013, 07:52 am
BTW - the shit list may increase within the next week or so :o

Sent a few PM's and nudges over the last few days and yet to have a reply....

Not that I'm in need of the coin - It's all about the PRINCIPLE of the thread  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 19, 2013, 08:30 am
yo um murderface

don'ts ams forgets Jase00++++

I added him a couple of days back bro
:P yes but murderface had left him off ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 19, 2013, 08:31 am
also, good morning japan :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: motek on May 19, 2013, 08:32 am
"Sent a few PM's and nudges over the last few days and yet to have a reply....

Not that I'm in need of the coin - It's all about the PRINCIPLE of the thread  8)"

Exactly!  Go Hard Japanman!!!   It's great to see this thread rocking along

thanks to all you kind people ... motek is Karma city for you!  Anyone who gives a loan gets +k from me!

 Jmon, dan and some others get it whenever we can ;)  damn fine job being done here!

keep it up everyone, and just maybe one day, with such good karma,  ALL DRUGS WILL BE FREEEEEEE!!!!

p.s Good evening y'all! :o)

m m m  motek x
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 19, 2013, 08:42 am
"Sent a few PM's and nudges over the last few days and yet to have a reply....

Not that I'm in need of the coin - It's all about the PRINCIPLE of the thread  8)"

Exactly!  Go Hard Japanman!!!   It's great to see this thread rocking along

thanks to all you kind people ... motek is Karma city for you!  Anyone who gives a loan gets +k from me!

 Jmon, dan and some others get it whenever we can ;)  damn fine job being done here!

keep it up everyone, and just maybe one day, with such good karma,  ALL DRUGS WILL BE FREEEEEEE!!!!

p.s Good evening y'all! :o)

m m m  motek x
:-* good evening indeed.. actually ready to sleep soon. still got few spare dollars here if anybody wants to put them to use..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on May 19, 2013, 08:48 am
BTW - the shit list may increase within the next week or so :o

Sent a few PM's and nudges over the last few days and yet to have a reply....

Not that I'm in need of the coin - It's all about the PRINCIPLE of the thread  8)

i hope I'm  not one of the nudged..  :P
but you've not been forgotten and are still on track for my last installment in 3-5 days (i hope)
thanks again!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: touchthesky on May 19, 2013, 08:49 am
evening to all. Got a fair few BTC floating around here as well. Surprised to see not many people coming on here and asking. Well if there is a need I'm sure we'll all jump and help the poor soul :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 19, 2013, 09:02 am
BTW - the shit list may increase within the next week or so :o

Sent a few PM's and nudges over the last few days and yet to have a reply....

Not that I'm in need of the coin - It's all about the PRINCIPLE of the thread  8)

i hope I'm  not one of the nudged..  :P
but you've not been forgotten and are still on track for my last installment in 3-5 days (i hope)
thanks again!!

Murder you don't need to be nudged bro - you should know that 8)

You're always good for the return.

Plus there are certain other's I don't nudge - they'll know who they are.

It's just the new guys popping on getting help and vanishing, I'll give them a couple more weeks then they're getting shitted on  :o
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 19, 2013, 09:09 am
also, good morning japan :)

Haha you finally got it  ;)

Good evening to you - I believe  8)

What a wonderful thread of people across the globe coming together as one...

BTW - I aint Japanese, never even fucking been there  :-X
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on May 19, 2013, 10:39 am
morning all :D,evening rs7 ;D
What a fine day it is today!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 19, 2013, 10:56 am
Good morning Darktime,  ;) i think ur a bit mental (in a good way) lol  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on May 19, 2013, 12:12 pm
Good morning Darktime,  ;) i think ur a bit mental (in a good way) lol  ;D

well thank fk someone else thinks so! Ive been thinking im nuts for years now
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dittoa12b3c on May 19, 2013, 01:00 pm
Hey all, could anybody please help me out with 0.1 btc until I deposit some more next week? Just fell short of placing my order now :( Will pay back double for the help. I'll post my stats so no one thinks I'm going to rip them off!

If anyone can help PM me so I have a record of who you are as well so when I get my coins again I can pay back asap. User dittoa12b3c on SR.

Please send to: 1GHTspSNB1xuwbYuYJqPJyFU4ZJ93FUnit


Total transactions: 6
Total spent: ฿7.58
Refund rate: 0%
Auto-finalize rate: 0%
Member for: 3 months
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: pakchoi23 on May 19, 2013, 01:52 pm
Hey all, could anybody please help me out with 0.1 btc until I deposit some more next week? Just fell short of placing my order now :( Will pay back double for the help. I'll post my stats so no one thinks I'm going to rip them off!

If anyone can help PM me so I have a record of who you are as well so when I get my coins again I can pay back asap. User dittoa12b3c on SR.

Please send to: 1GHTspSNB1xuwbYuYJqPJyFU4ZJ93FUnit


Total transactions: 6
Total spent: ฿7.58
Refund rate: 0%
Auto-finalize rate: 0%
Member for: 3 months

Got you bro. Let me know if you receive ok please :)

Spreading that good karma about :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on May 19, 2013, 02:22 pm

Got you bro. Let me know if you receive ok please :)

Spreading that good karma about :)

Dat good karma vibe. Good morning all!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 19, 2013, 04:03 pm
hey ya'll (Hugs)

Goot Moanin  :P

geez there is alot more to this vendor stuff than i thawt

still researching cashing out bitcoins (Slaps Forehead)




Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: aj414i on May 19, 2013, 04:35 pm
been trying to find this thread for hours!
I dropped the ball badly today and am (oddly enough) 3 bucks to the cent short for my order, or a little less than .03 btc

I can pay whoever back (with interest) at the very minimum a week from today, friday the 25th. thats my next payday.

Thanks for reading and for this thread. Would love to give back when i get my cake right.

my sr name is the same.

edit: did someone give?? I'm only about $1.78 short now!! thanks if so!!!

sent you .02 a bit ago after seeing your thread. pay back whenever you can :)

He has now paid me back :) This .02 btc has been bumping around to so many people, glad to see such a trust able community. Any one else need a mini loan?

i also sent Fernie .02 not sure if he was still in need but he has returned .02 already  8)

this seems like a good way to help out fellow travelers when in need :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BYSD on May 19, 2013, 04:39 pm
hey ya'll (Hugs)

Goot Moanin  :P

geez there is alot more to this vendor stuff than i thawt

still researching cashing out bitcoins (Slaps Forehead)





mm, i always wondered about that, can't be so easy.
even less so for SR admin, imagine the volume! :o
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on May 19, 2013, 04:44 pm
BTC price dropping again, probably going to see someone needing space change soon. (my prediction) :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Moon Fried on May 19, 2013, 06:47 pm

He asked for .03...and I sent him that...he then came back and said he needs .04 because he has below .00. I then said something to the affect "are you asking for $40.00  at .004 because I sent you the .003 you asked for"

Then moonsafari put a post correcting me that I must mean .03 because .003 means I gave his 3 cents. So I said you are 100% correct and that I wish Moon Fired would be the one in here talking to me since I just sent him .03 and it is amazing that I decide to give my first loan here in this great thread to a Hero member with good Karma and this happens to me...where in fact he says he has less then .00 and he needs .04 now but that would be impossible since I sent him .03... and he as you can see has not been back for hours :) And I was a little perplexed because he said be was short like 4 bucks for an order....and I do not know what her is ordering...but if if he is saying he has less then .00 in his account..that can not mean the order was that big...can it and I am just not seeing it?

Either way I think this thread is a GREAT idea for you and is ran rally well. I am happy to loan people money that are honest and are short a little bit. I of curse want no interest and will treat this just like Kava :) So the BofRx is OPEN!
Lets see how many honest people are in here :)

Dude you're fucking fried, I'm not even going to read your post. :P

I needed about .03btc, you sent something below .00btc, and if you go to account history you will see that it doesn't go past those two digits. You must have sent .003. I said I needed about $3.50-$4 USD. At the time of your loan that's worth $0.36.

It's all good though because a personal friend of mine has taken care of me.

I really do appreciate it though, apologies for the poor communication. I got kind of fucked up last night. I'll send it to you ASAP, hopefully today! 8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: HeatFireFlame on May 19, 2013, 07:04 pm
Hi everybody, Just went to pay for shipping and was shocked to see that it was 0.08 , Not that that is a bad thing But i only have 0.0781, Now im not sure about the math, But if anybody can lend me the 0.0019 I THINK it is i would be very appreciative.

here's the address      19Z3GWSBWyBNzN45Y2YA7eVti2BWyYHcNP

Cheers whoever my hero of the day is  ;) Just be sure to drop me a reply or PM so i know who you are and can return the favor in your time of need.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Moon Fried on May 19, 2013, 07:09 pm

He asked for .03...and I sent him that...he then came back and said he needs .04 because he has below .00. I then said something to the affect "are you asking for $40.00  at .004 because I sent you the .003 you asked for"

Then moonsafari put a post correcting me that I must mean .03 because .003 means I gave his 3 cents. So I said you are 100% correct and that I wish Moon Fired would be the one in here talking to me since I just sent him .03 and it is amazing that I decide to give my first loan here in this great thread to a Hero member with good Karma and this happens to me...where in fact he says he has less then .00 and he needs .04 now but that would be impossible since I sent him .03... and he as you can see has not been back for hours :) And I was a little perplexed because he said be was short like 4 bucks for an order....and I do not know what her is ordering...but if if he is saying he has less then .00 in his account..that can not mean the order was that big...can it and I am just not seeing it?

Either way I think this thread is a GREAT idea for you and is ran rally well. I am happy to loan people money that are honest and are short a little bit. I of curse want no interest and will treat this just like Kava :) So the BofRx is OPEN!
Lets see how many honest people are in here :)

Dude you're fucking fried, I'm not even going to read your post. :P

I needed about .03btc, you sent something below .00btc, and if you go to account history you will see that it doesn't go past those two digits. You must have sent .003. I said I needed about $3.50-$4 USD. At the time of your loan that's worth $0.36.

It's all good though because a personal friend of mine has taken care of me.

I really do appreciate it though, apologies for the poor communication. I got kind of fucked up last night. I'll send it to you ASAP, hopefully today! 8)

Never mind later, I was able to pay you back just now. Sent you about $0.80 USD (.006+)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 19, 2013, 07:44 pm
Hi everybody, Just went to pay for shipping and was shocked to see that it was 0.08 , Not that that is a bad thing But i only have 0.0781, Now im not sure about the math, But if anybody can lend me the 0.0019 I THINK it is i would be very appreciative.

here's the address      19Z3GWSBWyBNzN45Y2YA7eVti2BWyYHcNP

Cheers whoever my hero of the day is  ;) Just be sure to drop me a reply or PM so i know who you are and can return the favor in your time of need.
whats your username on SR?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on May 19, 2013, 08:35 pm
RS7,I could get this one ive only 0.0023 in my account atm

HeatFireFlame obviously doesnt want it then as he hasnt posted his SR name :S
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on May 19, 2013, 09:39 pm
****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) When requesting, post your SR name so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.
List of Users who have lent coins -

dr gonzo
Mike Hunt
White Out

The shit list:

**do not lend to these people**
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 19, 2013, 09:49 pm
@ Dan
Sent ya a PM  ;)

let me know if you know something i dont  LOL

need to do what we spoke of in the pm, anonymously....

if you have any insight i would be evermore grateful  (Hugs)

ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: blackfedora on May 19, 2013, 10:21 pm
Anybody think they can do me a loan? im in pretty dire need of some bitcoins, will definatlly payback within the week, PM me if you could help out
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: autobondon on May 19, 2013, 10:26 pm
hello guys, im looking for .02 btc to finish an order please and thank you, and can pay you back in afew days when my dwolla transfer finishes going through,

sr username is autobondon

im also on the list of givers :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 19, 2013, 10:29 pm
How much u needing blackfedora  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jda6130 on May 19, 2013, 10:32 pm
hello guys, im looking for .02 btc to finish an order please and thank you, and can pay you back in afew days when my dwolla transfer finishes going through,

sr username is autobondon

im also on the list of givers :)

Gotcha Auto. .02 transferred to "autobondon". Just toss back when you can. Enjoy!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 19, 2013, 10:33 pm
put your wallet up i,ll send you it autobondon   :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: moonsafari on May 19, 2013, 10:35 pm
Forgive this question unrelated to the topic but why do people explicitly state when a link is on clearnet?

I recently answered this in another thread so I'll copy and paste it for you.

The answer to everyone's question as to why people are so anal about the clearnet warnings is this:

It is to make sure you access any clearweb site using TOR and not on your normal browser. Let's say LE put up a site and put on link on these forums to go to it. You access that site without TOR and with your normal browser the owner of that site now has the IP addresses of all the people who visited it. If the only link they post is in these forums than every single person who visits that site did so because they were on the SR forums which would warrant further investigation. Basically it's to tell people to only access those sites over The Onion Relay. Hope that helped.
I see, thanks a lot! :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 19, 2013, 10:35 pm
I just transferred it too autobondon, no probs tho  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DivineMomentsofTruth on May 19, 2013, 10:47 pm
Hey guys, I'm less than 2$ usd short for making an order and if anyone can help me I can pay you back tomorrow when I deposit more btc into my account.

Any help would be awesome, pm me on here if you are able to help.


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dittoa12b3c on May 19, 2013, 10:48 pm
Hey all, could anybody please help me out with 0.1 btc until I deposit some more next week? Just fell short of placing my order now :( Will pay back double for the help. I'll post my stats so no one thinks I'm going to rip them off!

If anyone can help PM me so I have a record of who you are as well so when I get my coins again I can pay back asap. User dittoa12b3c on SR.

Please send to: 1GHTspSNB1xuwbYuYJqPJyFU4ZJ93FUnit


Total transactions: 6
Total spent: ฿7.58
Refund rate: 0%
Auto-finalize rate: 0%
Member for: 3 months

Got you bro. Let me know if you receive ok please :)

Spreading that good karma about :)

Thanks brother, youre a legend. Have PM'd ya already with what the go is for pay back :) Cheers.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: touchthesky on May 19, 2013, 11:06 pm
Hey guys, I'm less than 2$ usd short for making an order and if anyone can help me I can pay you back tomorrow when I deposit more btc into my account.

Any help would be awesome, pm me on here if you are able to help.



I got you

what's your SR username?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: autobondon on May 20, 2013, 12:41 am
hey thanks guys i was actually wrong and needed .04 so that was perfect! ill get you back later this week thanks!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: boneeater on May 20, 2013, 02:45 am
I feel pretty stupid but with the fee's from my wallet to SR im probably gonna be like .005 short lol, I know im new but would anyone be willing to help out a scrub? Much <3 for the people who do this kind of thing even if your not interested in my case :D

- iatethebones SR name
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on May 20, 2013, 03:27 am
I feel pretty stupid but with the fee's from my wallet to SR im probably gonna be like .005 short lol, I know im new but would anyone be willing to help out a scrub? Much <3 for the people who do this kind of thing even if your not interested in my case :D

- iatethebones SR name

Gave you .01. Pay me back when you can :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: boneeater on May 20, 2013, 03:34 am
cancel that, i ended up perfectly on the dot :D, i'll send you back asap unless that was what you sent me then it might be a cpl days before I can make a deposit with bitinstant, such a pain in the ass to get btc sometimes. send me a pm with your username for SR so i dont forget if you dont mind.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: boneeater on May 20, 2013, 03:46 am
ok that was yours, i'll get you back this week when I hit up  bitinstant :), only have .0085 right now lol so thanks again!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 20, 2013, 05:48 am
Really nice to see this thread ticking along nicely without us 'usual suspects'  8)

I'll try an update the list later if no-one beats me to it as I think we have a few new lenders to add.

Good work guys/gals.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Countdown2013 on May 20, 2013, 06:19 am
Really great thread . By the look of it most loans get repaid , some with interest an that really is an amazing thing considering how anonymous this place is .

Perfect example to how a libertarian market can function well an its a credit to bitcoin itself which is naturally debt free but still facilitates peer to peer lending. 

This place is alive and flourishing , an I await the future!!!

Also If anyone is in need of a loan we at Countdown2013 are there to help out!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: motek on May 20, 2013, 06:37 am
"Really nice to see this thread ticking along nicely without us 'usual suspects'  8)"

Sure is!   And again, everyone is being looked after, damn fine!  Even tho I came to help, it's NBD at all I can't!

Hey does anyone know what happened to the OP?

We are the start  of a change of style everyone!  Good, Great stuff!

peace love and sweet dreams all

m m m motek

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: HeatFireFlame on May 20, 2013, 08:09 am
Hey all posted a couple days ago, didnt get much, Just gunna post again (letting you know incase anyone thinks im spamming it)

Hi everybody, Just went to pay for shipping and was shocked to see that it was 0.08 , Not that that is a bad thing But i only have 0.0781, Now im not sure about the math, But if anybody can lend me the 0.0019 I THINK it is i would be very appreciative.

here's the address      19Z3GWSBWyBNzN45Y2YA7eVti2BWyYHcNP

Cheers whoever my hero of the day is  ;) Just be sure to drop me a reply or PM so i know who you are and can return the favor in your time of need.  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Wepromisetwenty on May 20, 2013, 08:10 am
Whats your SR username mate?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: HeatFireFlame on May 20, 2013, 08:34 am
Whats your SR username mate?

mine?Same as on here mate
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Countdown2013 on May 20, 2013, 08:55 am
Message from Jagfug.
*Asking for between $75-120 Usd
I have received a loan before and paid it back 2 weeks later, and all was good.
I'll be able to pay on June 3rd - Well 4th since you're NZ time.
Please let me know if there's anything you can do.  This isn't for recreational purposes (though I do those too), this is for my Adderall (Amphetamine) and without it, I'm a miserable SOB to be around. Any help would be appreciated. - Thanks Jagfug*
I have changed the message slightly as to remove the smaller details. I am quite happy to loan out this amount at next to no interest as he seams like a legit member of the forum, is of course at 100% my risk but figured I would post it on the spare change thread just to keep things out in the open.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jagfug on May 20, 2013, 09:05 am
Message from Jagfug.
*Asking for between $75-120 Usd
I have received a loan before and paid it back 2 weeks later, and all was good.
I'll be able to pay on June 3rd - Well 4th since you're NZ time.
Please let me know if there's anything you can do.  This isn't for recreational purposes (though I do those too), this is for my Adderall (Amphetamine) and without it, I'm a miserable SOB to be around. Any help would be appreciated. - Thanks Jagfug*
I have changed the message slightly as to remove the smaller details. I am quite happy to loan out this amount at next to no interest as he seams like a legit member of the forum, is of course at 100% my risk but figured I would post it on the spare change thread just to keep things out in the open.
Countdown2013 Solid Guy - I swear before you all, that I promise to pay back this loan by June 4th 2013 (the latest) with a minimum  .01 interest.
- jagfug 05/20/1013 5:05am EDT (USA time)
[edited spelling error]
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Wepromisetwenty on May 20, 2013, 09:11 am
Whats your SR username mate?

mine?Same as on here mate

Okay cool, I have that 0.0019 spare if you still need it?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: worm11 on May 20, 2013, 09:32 am
Hello  i have come up 0.00600000 short for my order can anyone help.

SR user name is   ********

+K and i will repay the amount next time i get coins.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: volvol on May 20, 2013, 10:36 am
Hello  i have come up 0.00600000 short for my order can anyone help.

SR user name is   lazykent

+K and i will repay the amount next time i get coins.


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: worm11 on May 20, 2013, 11:14 am
Thank you volvol

+K and a pm sent.

thanks again.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 20, 2013, 12:12 pm
+1 Volvol for returning the loan I gave you.

Thanks bro  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on May 20, 2013, 12:29 pm
Message from Jagfug.
*Asking for between $75-120 Usd
I have received a loan before and paid it back 2 weeks later, and all was good.
I'll be able to pay on June 3rd - Well 4th since you're NZ time.
Please let me know if there's anything you can do.  This isn't for recreational purposes (though I do those too), this is for my Adderall (Amphetamine) and without it, I'm a miserable SOB to be around. Any help would be appreciated. - Thanks Jagfug*
I have changed the message slightly as to remove the smaller details. I am quite happy to loan out this amount at next to no interest as he seams like a legit member of the forum, is of course at 100% my risk but figured I would post it on the spare change thread just to keep things out in the open.
Countdown2013 Solid Guy - I swear before you all, that I promise to pay back this loan by June 4th 2013 (the latest) with a minimum  .01 interest.
- jagfug 05/20/1013 5:05am EDT (USA time)
[edited spelling error]

jagfug that is WAAAAAY too much to be asking for in here. Please read rules. If anyone loans you that much than god bless(if he exists). I personally wouldn't.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on May 20, 2013, 12:31 pm
****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) When requesting, post your SR name so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.
List of Users who have lent coins -

dr gonzo
Mike Hunt
White Out

The shit list:

**do not lend to these people**
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jase00 on May 20, 2013, 12:46 pm
received it back thanks :)

Just sent you 0.06 (all I had left sorry)
My SR name is Jase00 when your ready to pay back.. no rush :)

hope that helps.

If a kind soul could lend me 0.19btc until next week, I would be oh so grateful. =~~19$

I miscalculated and the ups and downs of btc market have let me down a bit.

Will pay back asap.

SR username 8dfgh65


With BTC rising I now need 0.12btc(~~14$). Will pay back at the end of next week.
Yo Volv - wa gwaan with the quoting?

You need 0.02?

Confused me bro

Sorry about the quotes fuck up.

Yes I need 0.02btc.

Done 8)

sent back.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on May 20, 2013, 01:23 pm
Message from Jagfug.
*Asking for between $75-120 Usd
I have received a loan before and paid it back 2 weeks later, and all was good.
I'll be able to pay on June 3rd - Well 4th since you're NZ time.
Please let me know if there's anything you can do.  This isn't for recreational purposes (though I do those too), this is for my Adderall (Amphetamine) and without it, I'm a miserable SOB to be around. Any help would be appreciated. - Thanks Jagfug*
I have changed the message slightly as to remove the smaller details. I am quite happy to loan out this amount at next to no interest as he seams like a legit member of the forum, is of course at 100% my risk but figured I would post it on the spare change thread just to keep things out in the open.
Countdown2013 Solid Guy - I swear before you all, that I promise to pay back this loan by June 4th 2013 (the latest) with a minimum  .01 interest.
- jagfug 05/20/1013 5:05am EDT (USA time)
[edited spelling error]

jagfug that is WAAAAAY too much to be asking for in here. Please read rules. If anyone loans you that much than god bless(if he exists). I personally wouldn't.

Also..wasnt this a pm to countdown??
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: i3lazd on May 20, 2013, 01:37 pm
anyone need 0.03 bitcoins pm me will lend out also +1 thank me
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on May 20, 2013, 02:10 pm
Message from Jagfug.
*Asking for between $75-120 Usd
I have received a loan before and paid it back 2 weeks later, and all was good.
I'll be able to pay on June 3rd - Well 4th since you're NZ time.
Please let me know if there's anything you can do.  This isn't for recreational purposes (though I do those too), this is for my Adderall (Amphetamine) and without it, I'm a miserable SOB to be around. Any help would be appreciated. - Thanks Jagfug*
I have changed the message slightly as to remove the smaller details. I am quite happy to loan out this amount at next to no interest as he seams like a legit member of the forum, is of course at 100% my risk but figured I would post it on the spare change thread just to keep things out in the open.
Countdown2013 Solid Guy - I swear before you all, that I promise to pay back this loan by June 4th 2013 (the latest) with a minimum  .01 interest.
- jagfug 05/20/1013 5:05am EDT (USA time)
[edited spelling error]

jagfug that is WAAAAAY too much to be asking for in here. Please read rules. If anyone loans you that much than god bless(if he exists). I personally wouldn't.

Also..wasnt this a pm to countdown??

Yes it was, that's why I said please read rules ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dr gonzo on May 20, 2013, 02:17 pm
Hello gang, hey I'm sort .02 on an order, any help would be greatly appreciated. :D

SR username: ob1kinobi
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on May 20, 2013, 02:44 pm
sorry guys ive only got .0023 in my account and am going offline till about 7.your welcome to it then if needed.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jda6130 on May 20, 2013, 02:57 pm
Hello gang, hey I'm sort .02 on an order, any help would be greatly appreciated. :D

SR username: ob1kinobi

I gotcha Dr! .02 transferred to "ob1kinobi". Enjoy!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dr gonzo on May 20, 2013, 03:03 pm
Hello gang, hey I'm sort .02 on an order, any help would be greatly appreciated. :D

SR username: ob1kinobi

I gotcha Dr! .02 transferred to "ob1kinobi". Enjoy!

Much obliged jd! Thank you much for your kindness and I will get you back around Friday when I make another deposit. +1 to you. ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 20, 2013, 03:36 pm
Message from Jagfug.
*Asking for between $75-120 Usd
I have received a loan before and paid it back 2 weeks later, and all was good.
I'll be able to pay on June 3rd - Well 4th since you're NZ time.
Please let me know if there's anything you can do.  This isn't for recreational purposes (though I do those too), this is for my Adderall (Amphetamine) and without it, I'm a miserable SOB to be around. Any help would be appreciated. - Thanks Jagfug*
I have changed the message slightly as to remove the smaller details. I am quite happy to loan out this amount at next to no interest as he seams like a legit member of the forum, is of course at 100% my risk but figured I would post it on the spare change thread just to keep things out in the open.
Countdown2013 Solid Guy - I swear before you all, that I promise to pay back this loan by June 4th 2013 (the latest) with a minimum  .01 interest.
- jagfug 05/20/1013 5:05am EDT (USA time)
[edited spelling error]

Countdowndown - please don't tell me you lent that amount to an unknown member of this thread, through a PM? And the .01 interest part is a complete pisstake, what's that about $1 interest on $120 loan?? FFS.

I would personally loan a very selective few members on this thread that amount (and not expect or want interest) - but certainly not someone who shot me PM - stinks of SCAM, and rules not abided by as DAN pointed out.

Maybe a new rule should be added to instantly add people to the 'shit list' for rule breaking??
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 20, 2013, 03:47 pm
Blackfedora pm,d me after i asked on here how much he wanted for 1btc I don,t have that but No No No too much was talking a couple of £££ not £80!!  :o
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 20, 2013, 04:09 pm
i could use 12 bitcoins :)

will pay back in 2 weeks  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 20, 2013, 04:16 pm
Exactly Chemcat I,ll have some too lol  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 20, 2013, 04:32 pm


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: White 0ut on May 20, 2013, 05:28 pm
Hi all, never borrowed any significant amount worth noting from anyone before...

Short about $16 on some OG crumble BHO!

Can pay back...

Can someone help a brotha' out!?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on May 20, 2013, 05:37 pm
Hi all, never borrowed any significant amount worth noting from anyone before...

Short about $16 on some OG crumble BHO!

Can pay back...

Can someone help a brotha' out!?

I got .01 I'd be willing to throw at you for now. :P SR name?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: White 0ut on May 20, 2013, 05:46 pm
Hi all, never borrowed any significant amount worth noting from anyone before...

Short about $16 on some OG crumble BHO!

Can pay back...

Can someone help a brotha' out!?

I got .01 I'd be willing to throw at you for now. :P SR name?


Thanks mate!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on May 20, 2013, 05:51 pm
Thanks mate!

Threw you .02, the other guy paid back his loan :) pay back when you can.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Repus6 on May 20, 2013, 06:34 pm
Hey Japan1980!
I had a sample order fall through. So, I had like 4 bucks in my account. I paid back 0.03 BTC of the loan from last week. I'll get the other 0.04 to you this Saturday. Thanks so much again!!  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jda6130 on May 20, 2013, 07:57 pm
Hi all, never borrowed any significant amount worth noting from anyone before...

Short about $16 on some OG crumble BHO!

Can pay back...

Can someone help a brotha' out!?


WhiteOut, you still in need? If so, I can toss you some coin. How much btc does that come out to? .13/.14?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 20, 2013, 08:14 pm
@ jda6130
just checked and $16.00 dollars USD = 0.1304 i last checked...this could have changed in a couple minutes  LOL



Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 20, 2013, 08:27 pm
ChemCat your soooo cool i,m liking your wee fro  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 20, 2013, 08:38 pm

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: touchthesky on May 20, 2013, 09:07 pm
Morning Guys,

F600 has promptly returned his 0.07 loan and sent me a nice PM :)

Thanks so much F600! Hope it helped out.

waiting to sweep up some more damsels in distress.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sorasgaze on May 20, 2013, 09:18 pm
Hey generous people, I'm short 0.06 BTC on an order of methylone for a party friday and planned on making an order today? Can anyone help me out? I can repay you. :)

SR Wallet: 13EDiF4QkqBJZrcn5qRDfAtpyJhUBiyprL / SR username: sorasgaze

Thank you!

I also have a small 60 cents in my Atlantis wallet if anyone needs it, lol, can't transfer to SR since there's a minimum of 0.01 btc if it's not Atlantis to Atlantis transfers so if anyone is that short of an order on there, I will be glad to send it, lol...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: touchthesky on May 20, 2013, 09:32 pm
.06 coming your way sora

pay it when you can. enjoy
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sorasgaze on May 20, 2013, 09:35 pm
.06 coming your way sora

pay it when you can. enjoy

Thanks man! Got it! I will PM you the next time I fund my account to ask for your deposit address. :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Countdown2013 on May 20, 2013, 09:57 pm
It may have been a request via PM but we put everything out in the open an its only 1btc .

Could get scammed or I could get my money paid back + extra , I have always been against idle money an even if it means risking it never coming back since this whole place is anonymous after all . Trust is one of the reasons this place flourishes..

I've already received some negative karma since lending out the 1 btc (could be unrelated) but in two weeks time IL give an update on whether I got scammed or received some interest back even if small.

Peace out!

An will be lending out smaller amounts via this thread only until I receive my 1 btc back then I will consider larger loans again :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 20, 2013, 10:59 pm
Hey Japan1980!
I had a sample order fall through. So, I had like 4 bucks in my account. I paid back 0.03 BTC of the loan from last week. I'll get the other 0.04 to you this Saturday. Thanks so much again!!  ;D

Yeah bro that's absolutely fine - thanks for letting me know 8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 21, 2013, 12:52 am
It may have been a request via PM but we put everything out in the open an its only 1btc .

Could get scammed or I could get my money paid back + extra , I have always been against idle money an even if it means risking it never coming back since this whole place is anonymous after all . Trust is one of the reasons this place flourishes..

I've already received some negative karma since lending out the 1 btc (could be unrelated) but in two weeks time IL give an update on whether I got scammed or received some interest back even if small.

Peace out!

An will be lending out smaller amounts via this thread only until I receive my 1 btc back then I will consider larger loans again :)

Read the Rules  :)

There are 2 people here that i would lend 1 bitcoin or more to...lets keep this as micro loans..i'm sure we'd all agree that in order for this to continue to work we need to ride with the established rules for this thread.

However..if ya have it like that and dont wut ya do  (Hugs)

By the way..i could use 12 bitcoins  ;)

will pay back in two weeks :P


ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: touchthesky on May 21, 2013, 01:25 am
It may have been a request via PM but we put everything out in the open an its only 1btc .

Could get scammed or I could get my money paid back + extra , I have always been against idle money an even if it means risking it never coming back since this whole place is anonymous after all . Trust is one of the reasons this place flourishes..

I've already received some negative karma since lending out the 1 btc (could be unrelated) but in two weeks time IL give an update on whether I got scammed or received some interest back even if small.

Peace out!

An will be lending out smaller amounts via this thread only until I receive my 1 btc back then I will consider larger loans again :)

Read the Rules  :)

There are 2 people here that i would lend 1 bitcoin or more to...lets keep this as micro loans..i'm sure we'd all agree that in order for this to continue to work we need to ride with the established rules for this thread.

However..if ya have it like that and dont wut ya do  (Hugs)

By the way..i could use 12 bitcoins  ;)

will pay back in two weeks :P


ChemCat  O0

The question much would you pay back ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on May 21, 2013, 02:01 am
Morning Guys,

F600 has promptly returned his 0.07 loan and sent me a nice PM :)

Thanks so much F600! Hope it helped out.

waiting to sweep up some more damsels in distress.

He still hasn't returned my 0.02 however ;)

Hey fellas with BTC on the up swing im a bit short of my order total... (.07 BTC short) if anyone has it I will certainly pay them back next week just let me know who you are on SR. Thanks so much in advance for any help you may be able to throw this way. Long live SR!!

wallet : 1CaWkpNrBwzh86EzCZVFHuHU6hivt856Wf

Please read my next post thoroughly F600  ;D

Thanks Dan  ;).. Looks like I forgot to add my screen name.. Its 'fusion600' if anyone has .07 BTC to lend karma will shine down on you!

I believe I have something like .02 left in my microloan fund if that will help you.

I also have 0.02 that I can send your way. I would give you the rest but that's all I have left in my account right now. pay back whenever you get the chance. No rush :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Daystocome on May 21, 2013, 02:21 am
Hey guys well I'm short  .09 for shipping on my order, I'll pay it back when I buy some more coins but I won't be getting any till Friday so that is when I can do so. My sr username is the same as my forum name, thanks guys.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 21, 2013, 04:29 am
The question much would you pay back ;)

Honestly..i would feel comfortable in sending back 13 bitcoins for a lend of 12 bitcoins for 14 days.

Like i said....i could use 12 bitcoins  :P Business people...i would like to have one other person to witness this if it takes place.
Of course..maybe two Trusted people (scout and libertas?) from this Thread? should be sought before we partake in this transaction, because i wont do this outside of this Thread.

Just sayin  :P


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: touchthesky on May 21, 2013, 04:36 am
The question much would you pay back ;)

Honestly..i would feel comfortable in sending back 13 bitcoins for a lend of 12 bitcoins for 14 days.

Like i said....i could use 12 bitcoins  :P Business people...i would like to have one other person to witness this if it takes place.
Of course..maybe two Trusted people from this Thread should be sought before we partake in this transaction, because i wont do this outside of this Thread.

Just sayin  :P



But with that coin, I could order about 100g of molly, get half of that delivered and sold within the 14 days and make way more profit :p. If you want to discuss this opportunity on a partnership level (12 BTC is a bit of investment), I'd love to talk to you on TorChat. If we decide to go ahead with it, happy for any amount of trusted members to be a witness to said transaction

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 21, 2013, 05:12 am
The question much would you pay back ;)

Honestly..i would feel comfortable in sending back 13 bitcoins for a lend of 12 bitcoins for 14 days.

Like i said....i could use 12 bitcoins  :P Business people...i would like to have one other person to witness this if it takes place.
Of course..maybe two Trusted people from this Thread should be sought before we partake in this transaction, because i wont do this outside of this Thread.

Just sayin  :P



But with that coin, I could order about 100g of molly, get half of that delivered and sold within the 14 days and make way more profit :p. If you want to discuss this opportunity on a partnership level (12 BTC is a bit of investment), I'd love to talk to you on TorChat. If we decide to go ahead with it, happy for any amount of trusted members to be a witness to said transaction



Nope...Everything gets disussed here in this thread.

If you're serious...on a loan of 12 bitcoins..i will pay back in two weeks..that is 14 days...

Payback total of 13 bitcoins.
I'm not concerned about your Molly :P

This is Business.  :)

If you're interested in these terms...then let me know  :)

Once again...All Transactions to and from me will be executed through this thread  :)

That lose or draw.....the SR community will see that we do business properly.


ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 21, 2013, 05:13 am
:-\ please anybody, I'm .15 btc short on a 1.19 btc order.. looking for a micro-loan till monday~tuesday, will pay back .2 btc.


thanks ahead of time.. :-*


sent you back ฿0.23
thanks again. :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 21, 2013, 05:21 am
**Grabs RS and humps thier leg!!**



Wuzzup RS??


Have i told you Lately that i Love You  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jagfug on May 21, 2013, 05:24 am
Message from Jagfug.
*Asking for between $75-120 Usd
I have received a loan before and paid it back 2 weeks later, and all was good.
I'll be able to pay on June 3rd - Well 4th since you're NZ time.
Please let me know if there's anything you can do.  This isn't for recreational purposes (though I do those too), this is for my Adderall (Amphetamine) and without it, I'm a miserable SOB to be around. Any help would be appreciated. - Thanks Jagfug*
I have changed the message slightly as to remove the smaller details. I am quite happy to loan out this amount at next to no interest as he seams like a legit member of the forum, is of course at 100% my risk but figured I would post it on the spare change thread just to keep things out in the open.
Countdown2013 Solid Guy - I swear before you all, that I promise to pay back this loan by June 4th 2013 (the latest) with a minimum  .01 interest.
- jagfug 05/20/1013 5:05am EDT (USA time)
[edited spelling error]

jagfug that is WAAAAAY too much to be asking for in here. Please read rules. If anyone loans you that much than god bless(if he exists). I personally wouldn't.

Also..wasnt this a pm to countdown??

Yes it was, that's why I said please read rules ;D

I have now read the rules, and promise to adhere to them in the future. I appreciate your candor in pointing that out, and not "beating me up" over it.  :)

My apologies to Dan + the rest of this thread. You're correct, I hadn't read the rules prior to that, I since have. I've only taken a bitcoin loan once before, but it was through a SR vendor, who re-directs to another site, which is still up and running. - When I saw "bitcoin loans" I assumed it was for a similar if not the same thing. - I would hope with my amount of time on SR, and overall positive contributions to forums in general, you'd be just a tad more trustworthy of me. Though on the other hand I've seen Vendors with over a year and 99% rating, go scam in a matter of weeks, so at the same time I can't blame you.

I didn't come this far only to ruin my good standing over $100. I will more than make up for it. You can all hold me to that.

Again, sorry for not reading the rules 1st, and yes I'm new to this thread, but certainly not to forums. If it wasn't for the fact that without a certain medication I become "Mr Hyde", and God help my friends and family when I get to that point, I wouldn't even have come here.

Also I used PM because I really find the whole idea of sharing ones SR account name, a bit of an unnecessary security breach.

I've read many times that you should not make your forums screen name the same as your SR account name. Not that it's a rule, just that it's a bad idea. We all know LE of all sorts monitor these forums, so why make their job any easier? Same goes with listing your BTC wallet address.

That's just my opinion, I may be over-paranoid, but I'd rather be safe than incarcerated.

Once again, forgive me my misstep. I'll be more 'attentive' next time, and remember to read the rules of any thread that I'm not a regular on.



Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 21, 2013, 05:32 am
**Grabs RS and humps thier leg!!**



Wuzzup RS??


Have i told you Lately that i Love You  :)

somebody's feelin frisky :P  :-* ::)
nm just chillen.. whats good with you chemcat
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 21, 2013, 05:33 am
@ Jag

You my online friend.....are nice  :)

Please keep everything within this thread......
Please...if i am out of line....let me know....

Jag.....Hugs to ya  :)


ChemCat   O0

Jag i am seriously thinkin about loaning you 1.5 bitcoins  (Scratches Head)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: HEATFan on May 21, 2013, 05:35 am
That lose or draw.....the SR community will see that we do business properly.

Hmm... I'm not really sure if the "lose" part of the scenario shows the community we do business properly  :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 21, 2013, 05:35 am




Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 21, 2013, 05:43 am
That lose or draw.....the SR community will see that we do business properly.

Hmm... I'm not really sure if the "lose" part of the scenario shows the community we do business properly  :P

Hmmm...well...i guess yur partially right...if everyone adheres to the rules of this thread   :o

All in All  ....  i dont want to "Lose" However...i Love to help My Community as Much as i Can

If i Borrow..I Repay.
**Disclaimer<<~~Spelling?? LOL  **

In My Eyes..Our Community ...Runs Well on the Priciples of Comerce<~~Spelling? that DPR himself has bestowed upon us.

Lest we say we are not blessed??


i'm gonna go to sleep now  :)

Peace @ Everyone

ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 21, 2013, 05:47 am
nighty night chemyycat :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 21, 2013, 05:48 am
This Thread Alone Shows People that we as an unregulated internet population can come together under our own legalistic system and succeed.


if i am wrong..please let me know...i am open to all inputs  :)


ChemCat O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 21, 2013, 05:50 am
****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) When requesting, post your SR name so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.
List of Users who have lent coins -

dr gonzo
Mike Hunt
White Out

The shit list:

**do not lend to these people**
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 21, 2013, 05:51 am
**Humps RS's Leg**

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: HEATFan on May 21, 2013, 06:08 am
What are you plans for the 12BTC? I'm curious :p

Maybe I want to get in on it?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: HEATFan on May 21, 2013, 06:12 am
This Thread Alone Shows People that we as an unregulated internet population can come together under our own legalistic system and succeed.


if i am wrong..please let me know...i am open to all inputs  :)


ChemCat O0

No offense but I think you are wrong. If you were right, there wouldn't be a shit list. This thread only proves there are more good than bad but unfortunately its impossible to tell one apart from the other. We have even had people who would have been on the givers list end up on the shit list in an attempt to scam. I'm not saying you would, but I'm saying it happens.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jagfug on May 21, 2013, 06:28 am
@ Jag

You my online friend.....are nice  :)

Please keep everything within this thread......
Please...if i am out of line....let me know....

Jag.....Hugs to ya  :)


ChemCat   O0

Jag i am seriously thinkin about loaning you 1.5 bitcoins  (Scratches Head)

Thanks for making me feel welcome ChemCat :)

I know we've been on other threads together before. Can't for the life of me remember, but it was always a positive experience.

Please! Don't even joke about another loan! It's hard enough to keep the shame of having to borrow out of my head! :o

Picture a cartoon over my head, of a nun with a ruler in hand, tapping it on her palm. (I'm a recovering Catholic  :P)

Thanks for the good vibes.


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 21, 2013, 06:41 am
@ Jag

You my online friend.....are nice  :)

Please keep everything within this thread......
Please...if i am out of line....let me know....

Jag.....Hugs to ya  :)


ChemCat   O0

Jag i am seriously thinkin about loaning you 1.5 bitcoins  (Scratches Head)

Thanks for making me feel welcome ChemCat :)

I know we've been on other threads together before. Can't for the life of me remember, but it was always a positive experience.

Please! Don't even joke about another loan! It's hard enough to keep the shame of having to borrow out of my head! :o

Picture a cartoon over my head, of a nun with a ruler in hand, tapping it on her palm. (I'm a recovering Catholic  :P)

Thanks for the good vibes.



Jag..ya goofball i love ya   :)
This Thread Alone Shows People that we as an unregulated internet population can come together under our own legalistic system and succeed.


if i am wrong..please let me know...i am open to all inputs  :)


ChemCat O0

No offense but I think you are wrong. If you were right, there wouldn't be a shit list. This thread only proves there are more good than bad but unfortunately its impossible to tell one apart from the other. We have even had people who would have been on the givers list end up on the shit list in an attempt to scam. I'm not saying you would, but I'm saying it happens.

oh i know...the shit list is there for a reason...we all should know that..yur right...we cannot tell good from   bad...however...our trust...takes us to another level...hmmm....i'll put it out there like this...if anyone thinks for one minute that they cannont trust me...(Spelling)  then by all means...dont borrow from me....TRUST

this is what crackthehead would want us to do...i'm open for Rebutle<~~Spelling?



Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 21, 2013, 06:54 am

Spread   It

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 21, 2013, 07:18 am
chemyy I think you may have a double post.. or am I just seeing doubles tonight... :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DJ Not Nice on May 21, 2013, 09:27 am
I'd be grateful if someone could lend me .05 BTC for a transaction, as of right now I'm short 5 USD :c

I'll pay back within a week.

name: purchaser
Total transactions: 4
Total spent: $1096.08
Refund rate: 0%
Auto-finalize rate: 0%
Member for: 2 months
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jacklinks on May 21, 2013, 09:48 am
In need of .22 btc SR username is jacklinks88

I will pay back with a little interest by this Friday
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: SinningSaint on May 21, 2013, 09:58 am
1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) When requesting, post your SR name so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.
I think #8 should most definitely be a prerequisite.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bamoida2 on May 21, 2013, 10:24 am
:-\ please anybody, I'm .15 btc short on a 1.19 btc order.. looking for a micro-loan till monday~tuesday, will pay back .2 btc.


thanks ahead of time.. :-*


sent you back ฿0.23
thanks again. :)

wow, thanks for being so fast + generous
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: i3lazd on May 21, 2013, 10:39 am
anyone need bitcoins?

I need 0.09 bitcoins.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 21, 2013, 10:52 am
Hi does anyone have a loan of 0.01 i,m short for an order, waiting on a loan payback of 0.02 will pay as soon as i,m paid back  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 21, 2013, 10:54 am
If anyone has a 0.01 loan my SR name same as screen name pm me please so i know who you are thanks  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: i3lazd on May 21, 2013, 10:56 am
Hi does anyone have a loan of 0.01 i,m short for an order, waiting on a loan payback of 0.02 will pay as soon as i,m paid back  :)

ya I can do this bro
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 21, 2013, 10:59 am
Thankyou I3AZD  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 21, 2013, 11:01 am
Sorry i3lazd  :-[
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 21, 2013, 11:52 am
Not got any coin i3ladz did u send it??  :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on May 21, 2013, 12:06 pm
Picture a cartoon over my head, of a nun with a ruler in hand, tapping it on her palm. (I'm a recovering Catholic  :P)
A recovering Catholic.... that's funny ;D
1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) When requesting, post your SR name so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.
I think #8 should most definitely be a prerequisite.
Some people are lactose and tolerant :( so unfortunately people can't be FORCED to eat some delicious icecream.
Also I used PM because I really find the whole idea of sharing ones SR account name, a bit of an unnecessary security breach.

I've read many times that you should not make your forums screen name the same as your SR account name. Not that it's a rule, just that it's a bad idea. We all know LE of all sorts monitor these forums, so why make their job any easier? Same goes with listing your BTC wallet address.

That's just my opinion, I may be over-paranoid, but I'd rather be safe than incarcerated.
I can see why people don't want their forum name and SR account linked in anyway. But for me personally I don't really think it matters much. As long as you are careful not to reveal ANY sensitive info(and yes that includes if you are getting a package delivered to you and it hasn't come yet) ie "I live on westcoast and it's been 4 days already with no package". And as long as you are smart about always using tor the only way LE could get anything on you is if you were the one who gave it to to them via the foums. So I don't think it's too much of a big deal as long as your not a complete moron.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 21, 2013, 12:08 pm
Does anyone have a 0.01 loan for my order  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: volvol on May 21, 2013, 01:01 pm
Does anyone have a 0.01 loan for my order  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 21, 2013, 01:51 pm
Thanks Volvol +1 my friend  8) I,ll send u back at 6pm your name the same on SR? :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: motek on May 21, 2013, 02:10 pm
I have to say I'm  inclined to agree with this comment from  Jagfug .... hmmm is there a way we 'could' swing this...for the paranoid at heart (me!) lol!

Also I used PM because I really find the whole idea of sharing ones SR account name, a bit of an unnecessary security breach.

I've read many times that you should not make your forums screen name the same as your SR account name. Not that it's a rule, just that it's a bad idea. We all know LE of all sorts monitor these forums, so why make their job any easier? Same goes with listing your BTC wallet address.

That's just my opinion, I may be over-paranoid, but I'd rather be safe than incarcerated. "

Otherwise I love you all for playing this threads game, it's sooo cool

mighty mad money monster motek
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on May 21, 2013, 02:16 pm
I have to say I'm  inclined to agree with this comment from  Jagfug .... hmmm is there a way we 'could' swing this...for the paranoid at heart (me!) lol!

Also I used PM because I really find the whole idea of sharing ones SR account name, a bit of an unnecessary security breach.

I've read many times that you should not make your forums screen name the same as your SR account name. Not that it's a rule, just that it's a bad idea. We all know LE of all sorts monitor these forums, so why make their job any easier? Same goes with listing your BTC wallet address.

That's just my opinion, I may be over-paranoid, but I'd rather be safe than incarcerated. "

Otherwise I love you all for playing this threads game, it's sooo cool

mighty mad money monster motek

I was just giving my personal opinion but to each their own. I can definitely understand why you wouldn't want them linked. I guess we could keep the records public in this thread but instead of writing SR username wait until someone says they will loan you the BTC, then you send them your SR username in a PM. Then that transaction gets put back on the thread so we know who sent who what. But no SR usernames would ever be visible on the actual thread. Any thoughts on that idea?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 21, 2013, 02:19 pm
m m m Motek  :)


ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jase00 on May 21, 2013, 02:30 pm
*edit* N/M

at 3 confirms now.. it's hooning along nicely.. I'll just wait :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 21, 2013, 04:16 pm
@Volvol- sent back the 0.01 huge thanks pal  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 21, 2013, 06:03 pm
Hi does anyone have a loan of 0.01 i,m short for an order, waiting on a loan payback of 0.02 will pay as soon as i,m paid back  :)
sent :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 21, 2013, 06:04 pm
lol, i was still on page 261 :P return my dollar when you can mary666 ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 21, 2013, 07:03 pm
Thanks RS7FI8ZRkm i,ve sent it back  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DJ Not Nice on May 21, 2013, 07:06 pm
I'd be grateful if someone could lend me .05 BTC for a transaction, as of right now I'm short 5 USD :c

I'll pay back within a week.

name: [redacted]
Total transactions: 4
Total spent: $1096.08
Refund rate: 0%
Auto-finalize rate: 0%
Member for: 2 months
Bump, still in need of .05 BTC D: It's time sensitive!

I'm putting in an order for 500 USD with BST for Friday, will be able to pay back then!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Malignancy on May 21, 2013, 07:07 pm
Short .005.  Will pay back around the 12th and love you forever.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 21, 2013, 07:08 pm
::) thank you.
lol, also good morning everyone..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 21, 2013, 07:12 pm
I'd be grateful if someone could lend me .05 BTC for a transaction, as of right now I'm short 5 USD :c

I'll pay back within a week.

name: purchaser
Total transactions: 4
Total spent: $1096.08
Refund rate: 0%
Auto-finalize rate: 0%
Member for: 2 months
Bump, still in need of .05 BTC D: It's time sensitive!

I'm putting in an order for 500 USD with BST for Friday, will be able to pay back then!
sent :), enjoy. payback when you can.

Short .01.  Will pay back around the 12th and love you forever.
whats your SR name?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jagfug on May 21, 2013, 07:18 pm
I can see why people don't want their forum name and SR account linked in anyway. But for me personally I don't really think it matters much. As long as you are careful not to reveal ANY sensitive info(and yes that includes if you are getting a package delivered to you and it hasn't come yet) ie "I live on westcoast and it's been 4 days already with no package". And as long as you are smart about always using tor the only way LE could get anything on you is if you were the one who gave it to to them via the foums. So I don't think it's too much of a big deal as long as your not a complete moron.
While I may be in denial about being a 'complete' moron, I have had moronic episodes,(growing pains) on forums. Stimulant medications tend to make you overconfident, and feel 'oh so clever' that you don't realize you practically listed your Google Earth coordinates in your last post. - That's an exaggeration of course but suffice it to say, I've had a lot of patient elders pm me urging me to [edit] my post for various things of that nature. Also myself and a few others who realize we may have shared just a little too much, have come up with alter egos, even trying them out in the forums to see if they can detect writing styles, habits, patterns, etc.  - Yes we get "that paranoid".

Don't worry I won't kill off jagfug before June 4th, but the fact remains. Jagfug must die! :'(

PS Thanks for the support Motek - Don't I know you from somewhere?  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Malignancy on May 21, 2013, 07:20 pm
I'd be grateful if someone could lend me .05 BTC for a transaction, as of right now I'm short 5 USD :c

I'll pay back within a week.

name: purchaser
Total transactions: 4
Total spent: $1096.08
Refund rate: 0%
Auto-finalize rate: 0%
Member for: 2 months
Bump, still in need of .05 BTC D: It's time sensitive!

I'm putting in an order for 500 USD with BST for Friday, will be able to pay back then!
sent :), enjoy. payback when you can.

Short .01.  Will pay back around the 12th and love you forever.
whats your SR name?

Same as here.  Malignancy.  Thanks so much!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 21, 2013, 07:25 pm
sent malignacy :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 21, 2013, 07:29 pm
****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) When requesting, post your SR name so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.
List of Users who have lent coins -

dr gonzo
Mike Hunt
White Out

The shit list:

**do not lend to these people**
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DJ Not Nice on May 21, 2013, 07:29 pm
I'd be grateful if someone could lend me .05 BTC for a transaction, as of right now I'm short 5 USD :c

I'll pay back within a week.

name: [redacted]
Total transactions: 4
Total spent: $1096.08
Refund rate: 0%
Auto-finalize rate: 0%
Member for: 2 months
Bump, still in need of .05 BTC D: It's time sensitive!

I'm putting in an order for 500 USD with BST for Friday, will be able to pay back then!
sent :), enjoy. payback when you can.

Thank you so much <3
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: herpderp25 on May 21, 2013, 08:34 pm
Hi there,

Can anyone please be so kind and lend me .03? I am that much short for a transaction I am about to make. If you can, it would be highly appreciated and paid back the next time I re-up on BTC. If you can help me out, my SR name is buba1990.

Again, my SR name is buba1990

Thank you very much!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: herpderp25 on May 21, 2013, 08:40 pm
Also want to note that I have lent before from BoxofShapes and paid him back within a week and even more than he lent me. I have also lent minor amounts here and there, but nothing to brag about. Also, here are my SR stats in case anyone wishes to see it for credibility.

Total transactions: 106
Total spent: ฿439.18
Refund rate: 0.9%
Auto-finalize rate: 0%
Member for: 10 months
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: syme on May 21, 2013, 08:42 pm
Hi there,

Can anyone please be so kind and lend me .03? I am that much short for a transaction I am about to make. If you can, it would be highly appreciated and paid back the next time I re-up on BTC. If you can help me out, my SR name is buba1990.

Again, my SR name is buba1990

Thank you very much!

Just sent you .03, get me back whenever you can mate.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: herpderp25 on May 21, 2013, 08:47 pm
Awesome, thanks man, much appreciated. And for sure, will get you back ASAP.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: fractalglobal on May 21, 2013, 10:59 pm
Looking for a $5(0.04-0.05) btc loan, will probably pay back within 24 hours.  Please PM for SR username.(I keep it private for specific reasons, sorry!)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bamoida2 on May 21, 2013, 11:21 pm
Looking for a $5(0.04-0.05) btc loan, will probably pay back within 24 hours.  Please PM for SR username.(I keep it private for specific reasons, sorry!)

got you, pmed
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bamoida2 on May 21, 2013, 11:43 pm
Looking for a $5(0.04-0.05) btc loan, will probably pay back within 24 hours.  Please PM for SR username.(I keep it private for specific reasons, sorry!)

got you, pmed

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: nacho on May 22, 2013, 02:12 am
Good seeing you here AAfive.  Hopefully someone comes through for us.

My SR name is nacho and  I'm short .13 or around $14 on my order.  I have a BST order for more coins for tuesday.  And i'll give whoever lends me this $20 on tuesday.     Thanks if anyone is willing to help.  If not I understand.
Sounds like a good deal - done

This beautiful person helped me out 4 days ago.  Today I sent him .17 as promised.  FAITH IN HUMANITY ... AWESOME!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Daystocome on May 22, 2013, 03:40 am
Hey guys well I'm short  .09 for shipping on my order, I'll pay it back when I buy some more coins but I won't be getting any till Friday so that is when I can do so. My sr username is the same as my forum name, thanks guys.
Bumping my request, can pay back on friday and would be great if I could get my order out and possibly receive before weekend.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: nacho on May 22, 2013, 03:54 am
Hey guys well I'm short  .09 for shipping on my order, I'll pay it back when I buy some more coins but I won't be getting any till Friday so that is when I can do so. My sr username is the same as my forum name, thanks guys.
Bumping my request, can pay back on friday and would be great if I could get my order out and possibly receive before weekend.

Gotcha chief.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: nitpi950 on May 22, 2013, 08:47 am
Good seeing you here AAfive.  Hopefully someone comes through for us.

My SR name is nacho and  I'm short .13 or around $14 on my order.  I have a BST order for more coins for tuesday.  And i'll give whoever lends me this $20 on tuesday.     Thanks if anyone is willing to help.  If not I understand.
Sounds like a good deal - done
Just dropped in to note that nacho got me my money back exactly as promised.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 22, 2013, 02:09 pm

jundullahi has replaced the 0.02 coins they borrowed  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 22, 2013, 02:41 pm
Good day all  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 22, 2013, 03:54 pm
Goot Moanin mary666  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 22, 2013, 05:14 pm
Awww ChemCat I missed you  :( lol
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 22, 2013, 05:36 pm

Where did i go ???


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 22, 2013, 05:44 pm
Lol had a good day ChemCat? Someone should do a Hi How,s you thread  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 22, 2013, 05:48 pm
Yeppers it's been a lovely day so far  :)
Gonna take the postman to dinner tomorrow  LOL

How's yur day been?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 22, 2013, 06:05 pm
Good morning/bad afternoon i had a fight with the hoover, the hooverlost, i need a new hoover lol  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 22, 2013, 06:18 pm
the belt broke on mine a little over a week ago  LOL

i was fortunate that a neighbor had an extra belt cuz she has the same vaccum  LMAO

I Hope yur evening goes better  (Hugs)

ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 22, 2013, 06:39 pm
Thanks ChemCat have a good night  8) (hugs)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 22, 2013, 07:07 pm
Evening All  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 22, 2013, 07:15 pm
Hi Japan1980 how are you  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on May 22, 2013, 07:37 pm
Hey everyone, sorry to hear about your vacuum cleaner problems. Maybe someone should start a How's your vacuum cleaner thread. Mine however seems to be running just fine.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 22, 2013, 08:04 pm
I leave y'all for one night an an this is what happens?!? this talk of vacuums is madness..
good morning everyone :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: EzzeeK on May 22, 2013, 08:52 pm
Does anyone have $3 I can borrow?  I will pay you back with interest next time I get coins which is the beginning of every week.  Here are my stats if it helps.  Thanks you.  Also, my SR name is a EzzeeK.

Total transactions: 170
Total spent: $4496.94
Refund rate: 0%
Auto-finalize rate: 0%
Member for: 1 year
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 22, 2013, 09:04 pm
Does anyone have $3 I can borrow?  I will pay you back with interest next time I get coins which is the beginning of every week.  Here are my stats if it helps.  Thanks you.  Also, my SR name is a EzzeeK.

Total transactions: 170
Total spent: $4496.94
Refund rate: 0%
Auto-finalize rate: 0%
Member for: 1 year
sent ฿0.03 :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: EzzeeK on May 22, 2013, 09:17 pm
Thank you so much.  I will PM you when I get the coins.  Thanks again.  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 22, 2013, 09:18 pm
can anyone loan 0.02 for a couple of days  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 22, 2013, 09:26 pm
can anyone loan 0.02 for a couple of days  :)

Of course, username?  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 22, 2013, 09:30 pm
My username is the same as here. Many thanks Japan 1980  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 22, 2013, 09:31 pm
can anyone loan 0.02 for a couple of days  :)
sent ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 22, 2013, 09:32 pm
I sent it too - keep up RS7  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 22, 2013, 09:32 pm
yoo japan :)

I sent it too - keep up RS7  8)
lol :D

edit2: 1+ now you're at 100 :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 22, 2013, 09:35 pm
Evening good  8)

Mary send RS7's back, and keep mine or pass it forward  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 22, 2013, 09:36 pm
Thanks guys very kind, so who wants their coin back just now?  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 22, 2013, 09:38 pm
Thanks guys very kind, so who wants their coin back just now?  ;D

Keep mine, I don't even want it back. Send RS7 his back  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 22, 2013, 09:40 pm
yoo japan :)

I sent it too - keep up RS7  8)
lol :D

edit2: 1+ now you're at 100 :P

+100 WOOP WOOP  :o
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 22, 2013, 09:46 pm
I,ve sent RS7,s coin back thanks  ;D Thankyou Japan1980 very kind of you i,ll pay it forward thanks again  ;D (hugs)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 22, 2013, 09:48 pm
Evening good  8)

Mary send RS7's back, and keep mine or pass it forward  ;)
:) yeah, I'm good :P

except still waiting on an order to arrive.. its been like 17 days so far. an the vendor hasn't responded in RC.
I requested a shipping extension by 10 days.. says admins going to resolve in 2 days? :P first time using the RC.. so no idea what the hell is going on lol :D

how about yourself, hows your evening going?

I,ve sent RS7,s coin back thanks  ;D Thankyou Japan1980 very kind of you i,ll pay it forward thanks again  ;D (hugs)
:P :-* ::) ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 22, 2013, 09:55 pm
Evening good  8)

Mary send RS7's back, and keep mine or pass it forward  ;)
:) yeah, I'm good :P

except still waiting on an order to arrive.. its been like 17 days so far. an the vendor hasn't responded in RC.
I requested a shipping extension by 10 days.. says admins going to resolve in 2 days? :P first time using the RC.. so no idea what the hell is going on lol :D

how about yourself, hows your evening going?

I,ve sent RS7,s coin back thanks  ;D Thankyou Japan1980 very kind of you i,ll pay it forward thanks again  ;D (hugs)
:P :-* ::) ;)

My evening's is going well - had a little trip to see the elves earlier, which was very interesting. They wanted me to go with them, then I came back.....gutted as I wanted to go.

I have a Dyson hoover called Henry - which is a bonus.

So yeah not too shabby my friend.

The RC is new to me, never had to use it. I wouldn't know what to do - guess I've just been lucky so far.

@ Mary no problem mate, anytime  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 22, 2013, 09:56 pm
I,d +1 you both but can,t you,s are so cool i must have +1 you already, 72 hrs  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 22, 2013, 10:01 pm
                                                     :) :) :) Greetings! :) :) :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) When requesting, post your SR name so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.
List of Users who have lent coins -

dr gonzo
Mike Hunt
White Out

The shit list:

**do not lend to these people**
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 22, 2013, 10:32 pm
hey japan, would you be down to loan me .4 for the week? till monday~tuesday :-[ I know that's a lot to ask for, I just really want to get some acid an don't wanna wait till next week to order it. an of course I'd pay back with +coin 8).. but if that's too much to ask for, I'd completely understand bro :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 22, 2013, 10:42 pm
hey japan, would you be down to loan me .4 for the week? till monday~tuesday :-[ I know that's a lot to ask for, I just really want to get some acid an don't wanna wait till next week to order it. an of course I'd pay back with +coin 8).. but if that's too much to ask for, I'd completely understand bro :)

You know full well if I had it I would - All I have is 0.03 until I re-up probably Friday. If I re-up and you need it then that's no problem at all. Wish I could could help but simply no coins in wallet.

Sorry bro 8)

Anyway it's getting late - gotta work early. Have a good day, and hit me me up over the next couple of days and I should be able to sort you out no problems...


Peace out thread  8)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 22, 2013, 11:08 pm
hey japan, would you be down to loan me .4 for the week? till monday~tuesday :-[ I know that's a lot to ask for, I just really want to get some acid an don't wanna wait till next week to order it. an of course I'd pay back with +coin 8).. but if that's too much to ask for, I'd completely understand bro :)

You know full well if I had it I would - All I have is 0.03 until I re-up probably Friday. If I re-up and you need it then that's no problem at all. Wish I could could help but simply no coins in wallet.

Sorry bro 8)

Anyway it's getting late - gotta work early. Have a good day, and hit me me up over the next couple of days and I should be able to sort you out no problems...


Peace out thread  8)

:P thanks, I know you do what you can, also I appreciate what you said on my behalf <3 :-*
take care, sleep well bro :)

for anybody else willing to give a loan of ฿.4, will be honored with the title 'Elite loan agent ' :P
no but seriously I will be grateful, an generous with reimbursement. :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: nacho on May 22, 2013, 11:20 pm
I lent Daystocome some coins so you can put me on the list if you'd like. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 23, 2013, 12:10 am
                                                     :) :) :) Greetings! :) :) :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) When requesting, post your SR name so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.
List of Users who have lent coins -

dr gonzo
Mike Hunt
nacho ++++
White Out

The shit list:

**do not lend to these people**
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: juswannaschmoke on May 23, 2013, 01:22 am
Hey RS7FI8ZRkm,
 If it will help, I have .2 left in my wallet. Is your username  RS7FI8ZRkm
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: calicojak on May 23, 2013, 01:43 am
hey japan, would you be down to loan me .4 for the week? till monday~tuesday :-[ I know that's a lot to ask for, I just really want to get some acid an don't wanna wait till next week to order it. an of course I'd pay back with +coin 8).. but if that's too much to ask for, I'd completely understand bro :)

You know full well if I had it I would - All I have is 0.03 until I re-up probably Friday. If I re-up and you need it then that's no problem at all. Wish I could could help but simply no coins in wallet.

Sorry bro 8)

Anyway it's getting late - gotta work early. Have a good day, and hit me me up over the next couple of days and I should be able to sort you out no problems...


Peace out thread  8)

:P thanks, I know you do what you can, also I appreciate what you said on my behalf <3 :-*
take care, sleep well bro :)

for anybody else willing to give a loan of ฿.4, will be honored with the title 'Elite loan agent ' :P
no but seriously I will be grateful, an generous with reimbursement. :)
I got you covered friend, what's your sr name?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 23, 2013, 01:44 am
Hey RS7FI8ZRkm,
 If it will help, I have .2 left in my wallet. Whats your address
hey juswannaschmoke, yes! it would be very helpful, thank you kind soul :).
I will have you payed back monday~tuesday. :-*


anybody else willing to chip in, I'd very much appreciate it :) looking for another micro-loan of ฿.2 till monday~tuesday

thanks. :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 23, 2013, 01:48 am
hey japan, would you be down to loan me .4 for the week? till monday~tuesday :-[ I know that's a lot to ask for, I just really want to get some acid an don't wanna wait till next week to order it. an of course I'd pay back with +coin 8).. but if that's too much to ask for, I'd completely understand bro :)

You know full well if I had it I would - All I have is 0.03 until I re-up probably Friday. If I re-up and you need it then that's no problem at all. Wish I could could help but simply no coins in wallet.

Sorry bro 8)

Anyway it's getting late - gotta work early. Have a good day, and hit me me up over the next couple of days and I should be able to sort you out no problems...


Peace out thread  8)

:P thanks, I know you do what you can, also I appreciate what you said on my behalf <3 :-*
take care, sleep well bro :)

for anybody else willing to give a loan of ฿.4, will be honored with the title 'Elite loan agent ' :P
no but seriously I will be grateful, an generous with reimbursement. :)
I got you covered friend, what's your sr name?
:D thank you also brother, another kind soul! however I may only need .2 if juswannaschmoke's still here.. :P
my SR name is the same: RS7FI8ZRkm

and again, thank you.  :) :-* ;) :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: juswannaschmoke on May 23, 2013, 01:51 am
Hey RS7FI8ZRkm,

Sent .2 glad I can help  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: calicojak on May 23, 2013, 01:52 am
hey japan, would you be down to loan me .4 for the week? till monday~tuesday :-[ I know that's a lot to ask for, I just really want to get some acid an don't wanna wait till next week to order it. an of course I'd pay back with +coin 8).. but if that's too much to ask for, I'd completely understand bro :)

You know full well if I had it I would - All I have is 0.03 until I re-up probably Friday. If I re-up and you need it then that's no problem at all. Wish I could could help but simply no coins in wallet.

Sorry bro 8)

Anyway it's getting late - gotta work early. Have a good day, and hit me me up over the next couple of days and I should be able to sort you out no problems...


Peace out thread  8)

:P thanks, I know you do what you can, also I appreciate what you said on my behalf <3 :-*
take care, sleep well bro :)

for anybody else willing to give a loan of ฿.4, will be honored with the title 'Elite loan agent ' :P
no but seriously I will be grateful, an generous with reimbursement. :)
I got you covered friend, what's your sr name?
:D thank you brother, however I may only need .2 if juswannaschmoke's still here.. :P
my SR name is the same: RS7FI8ZRkm

and again, thank you.  :) :-* ;)
.2 sent, enjoy that acid! ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 23, 2013, 01:57 am
Hey RS7FI8ZRkm,

Sent .2 glad I can help  ;D

hey japan, would you be down to loan me .4 for the week? till monday~tuesday :-[ I know that's a lot to ask for, I just really want to get some acid an don't wanna wait till next week to order it. an of course I'd pay back with +coin 8).. but if that's too much to ask for, I'd completely understand bro :)

You know full well if I had it I would - All I have is 0.03 until I re-up probably Friday. If I re-up and you need it then that's no problem at all. Wish I could could help but simply no coins in wallet.

Sorry bro 8)

Anyway it's getting late - gotta work early. Have a good day, and hit me me up over the next couple of days and I should be able to sort you out no problems...


Peace out thread  8)

:P thanks, I know you do what you can, also I appreciate what you said on my behalf <3 :-*
take care, sleep well bro :)

for anybody else willing to give a loan of ฿.4, will be honored with the title 'Elite loan agent ' :P
no but seriously I will be grateful, an generous with reimbursement. :)
I got you covered friend, what's your sr name?
:D thank you brother, however I may only need .2 if juswannaschmoke's still here.. :P
my SR name is the same: RS7FI8ZRkm

and again, thank you.  :) :-* ;)
.2 sent, enjoy that acid! ;D
;D thank you greatly! lovely droogies :) shall have you repayed promptly as possible, along with some extra coin :P :-* :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: calicojak on May 23, 2013, 02:13 am
Anytime, glad to help! :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: EzzeeK on May 23, 2013, 02:45 am
Does anyone have $3 I can borrow?  I will pay you back with interest next time I get coins which is the beginning of every week.  Here are my stats if it helps.  Thanks you.  Also, my SR name is a EzzeeK.

Total transactions: 170
Total spent: $4496.94
Refund rate: 0%
Auto-finalize rate: 0%
Member for: 1 year
sent ฿0.03 :)

I just sent you 0.03.  Thank you again.  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 23, 2013, 03:48 am
Does anyone have $3 I can borrow?  I will pay you back with interest next time I get coins which is the beginning of every week.  Here are my stats if it helps.  Thanks you.  Also, my SR name is a EzzeeK.

Total transactions: 170
Total spent: $4496.94
Refund rate: 0%
Auto-finalize rate: 0%
Member for: 1 year
sent ฿0.03 :)

I just sent you 0.03.  Thank you again.  :)
thanks, that was quick :P. thought you said next week lol? ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 23, 2013, 03:54 am
                                                     :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) When requesting, post your SR name so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.
List of Users who have lent coins -

calicojak ++++
Countdown2013 ++++
dr gonzo
juswannaschmoke ++++
mary666 ++++
Mike Hunt
White Out

The shit list:

**do not lend to these people**
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: EzzeeK on May 23, 2013, 04:01 am
One of my old orders got canceled.  So I had to get the debt of my mind. :)  Thanks
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Countdown2013 on May 23, 2013, 08:01 am
I know its no biggie but could I be added to the 'lenders' list :D

Pretty confidant I will be paid back come the due date but I shall update on the forums anyways.

Best of wishes
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: android465764E on May 23, 2013, 08:13 am
@ Japan1980 - ฿0.06 returned.

@ BYSD - ฿0.04 returned.

Thanks again chaps, much appreciated.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 23, 2013, 08:32 am
One of my old orders got canceled.  So I had to get the debt of my mind. :)  Thanks
:) (hugs)

I know its no biggie but could I be added to the 'lenders' list :D

Pretty confidant I will be paid back come the due date but I shall update on the forums anyways.

Best of wishes
:o sorry dunno how I missed you.

@ Japan1980 - ฿0.06 returned.

@ BYSD - ฿0.04 returned.

Thanks again chaps, much appreciated.
:) very nice! +1
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: White 0ut on May 23, 2013, 08:41 am
literally short $2 on a bho order...


NinjaHands1 is my sr username...

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 23, 2013, 08:47 am
literally short $2 on a bho order...


NinjaHands1 is my sr username...

฿0.02 sent :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: White 0ut on May 23, 2013, 08:52 am
literally short $2 on a bho order...


NinjaHands1 is my sr username...

฿0.02 sent :)

Gratzi! Ill get it back to you before too long!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on May 23, 2013, 10:35 am
literally short $2 on a bho order...


NinjaHands1 is my sr username...

฿0.02 sent :)

Gratzi! Ill get it back to you before too long!
You got mad lucky with the btc rise. Glad you could finally get the order out.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 23, 2013, 11:33 am
Put me on the lenders list if u want i,ve loaned to Autobondon  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: android465764E on May 23, 2013, 11:41 am
Anyone in need? Got ฿0.02 I can spare.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dr gonzo on May 23, 2013, 01:13 pm
Hello gang, hey I'm sort .02 on an order, any help would be greatly appreciated. :D

SR username: ob1kinobi

I gotcha Dr! .02 transferred to "ob1kinobi". Enjoy!
.02 right back at you friend. TY again!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 23, 2013, 05:11 pm
Android and F600 both paid their debts back to me today = STAND UP GUYS.

Both are an asset to the thread, as are many, many others.  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 23, 2013, 05:19 pm
Put me on the lenders list if u want i,ve loaned to Autobondon  ;D

Hello gang, hey I'm sort .02 on an order, any help would be greatly appreciated. :D

SR username: ob1kinobi

I gotcha Dr! .02 transferred to "ob1kinobi". Enjoy!
.02 right back at you friend. TY again!

Android and F600 both paid their debts back to me today = STAND UP GUYS.

Both are an asset to the thread, as are many, many others.  8)
sweet! always nice.. also highfive j-man (hugs) got that loan lastnight :P an CID has been ordered :) ::) ;D

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 23, 2013, 05:53 pm
Put me on the lenders list if u want i,ve loaned to Autobondon  ;D

Hello gang, hey I'm sort .02 on an order, any help would be greatly appreciated. :D

SR username: ob1kinobi

I gotcha Dr! .02 transferred to "ob1kinobi". Enjoy!
.02 right back at you friend. TY again!

Android and F600 both paid their debts back to me today = STAND UP GUYS.

Both are an asset to the thread, as are many, many others.  8)
sweet! always nice.. also highfive j-man (hugs) got that loan lastnight :P an CID has been ordered :) ::) ;D

RS7 - I wouldn't have done that if I didn't know 100% you would pay back - TRUST. So no need for thanks bro

Never had to do this before so understand if no one will help  :'(

Any chance of a 0.19 loan off someone till Tuesday (at the latest)? Due to unforeseen circumstances I'm stuck till then - That's very, very rare I get stuck.

No bother if no one can help - I'll just cry into my pipe and hope I get high...

Same username, but don't worry if you can't  8)

PM me if you can, so I don't forget - not that I would anyway!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 23, 2013, 06:11 pm
Put me on the lenders list if u want i,ve loaned to Autobondon  ;D

Hello gang, hey I'm sort .02 on an order, any help would be greatly appreciated. :D

SR username: ob1kinobi

I gotcha Dr! .02 transferred to "ob1kinobi". Enjoy!
.02 right back at you friend. TY again!

Android and F600 both paid their debts back to me today = STAND UP GUYS.

Both are an asset to the thread, as are many, many others.  8)
sweet! always nice.. also highfive j-man (hugs) got that loan lastnight :P an CID has been ordered :) ::) ;D

RS7 - I wouldn't have done that if I didn't know 100% you would pay back - TRUST. So no need for thanks bro
:P luv you too


Never had to do this before so understand if no one will help  :'(

Any chance of a 0.19 loan off someone till Tuesday (at the latest)? Due to unforeseen circumstances I'm stuck till then - That's very, very rare I get stuck.

No bother if no one can help - I'll just cry into my pipe and hope I get high...

Same username, but don't worry if you can't  8)

PM me if you can, so I don't forget - not that I would anyway!
here bro, I have .08 left, I'll pass it your way.. :)

sent :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Intraterrestrial on May 23, 2013, 06:26 pm
Anyone in need? Got ฿0.02 I can spare.

Am in need of ฿0.01 if the above,or anybody else could help?

happy to pay double back when I get my next bitcoin in approx 8 days (end of month)

many thanks in advance
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bamoida2 on May 23, 2013, 06:38 pm

Any chance of a 0.19 loan off someone till Tuesday (at the latest)? Due to unforeseen circumstances I'm stuck till then - That's very, very rare I get stuck.

No bother if no one can help - I'll just cry into my pipe and hope I get high...

Same username, but don't worry if you can't  8)

PM me if you can, so I don't forget - not that I would anyway!

ill send you the other 0.11

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bamoida2 on May 23, 2013, 06:46 pm
Anyone in need? Got ฿0.02 I can spare.

Am in need of ฿0.01 if the above,or anybody else could help?

happy to pay double back when I get my next bitcoin in approx 8 days (end of month)

many thanks in advance

same username as forum?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 23, 2013, 06:56 pm
:P (hugs) bamoida2 +1 (if I could)

brothers an sisters unite! ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Wepromisetwenty on May 23, 2013, 07:08 pm
I've ended up with a stray 0.02 in my account if anyones in need tonight 8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 23, 2013, 07:14 pm
:P (hugs) bamoida2 +1 (if I could)

brothers an sisters unite! ;D

You 2 are both stars - as soon as i get mine, it'll be yours before you can blink  8)

Appreciate it greatly both of you.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Intraterrestrial on May 23, 2013, 10:06 pm
Anyone in need? Got ฿0.02 I can spare.

Am in need of ฿0.01 if the above,or anybody else could help?

happy to pay double back when I get my next bitcoin in approx 8 days (end of month)

many thanks in advance

same username as forum?

Turns out I don't need it now anyway but thanks for the offer x
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: brusselsprout on May 24, 2013, 01:10 am
Any chance one of you beautiful folk has a spare ฿0.02 please? I can either return it over the weekend or pay it forward in this thread. SR username is the same. Thanks!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on May 24, 2013, 01:52 am
Any chance one of you beautiful folk has a spare ฿0.02 please? I can either return it over the weekend or pay it forward in this thread. SR username is the same. Thanks!

Sent!  Please repay it over the weekend like you say..just message me on main site so I know....and don't worry I will pay it forward :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: motek on May 24, 2013, 02:04 am
sheesh! every time I come here there's no one "wanting"  our 0.016 Btc's!  dayum!   So we do the next best thing and give +1k's to anyone we see who is/has helped other members

Yayyy Spare coins!!!

GO team!!

m m m motek x
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: brusselsprout on May 24, 2013, 02:28 am
Any chance one of you beautiful folk has a spare ฿0.02 please? I can either return it over the weekend or pay it forward in this thread. SR username is the same. Thanks!

Sent!  Please repay it over the weekend like you say..just message me on main site so I know....and don't worry I will pay it forward :)
Much appreciated, managed to place my order before logging off for the night thanks to you. I'll pop it back over the weekend and also do my best to help someone else out in a similar vein.

Oh and I promise to do my sums better next time! ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on May 24, 2013, 02:30 am
'i mean what i say, and i say what i mean'

2nd payment sent homie!!
first + second = happy Japan??  ;)
thanks again!! couldn't of gotten high without your help!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: noirbert on May 24, 2013, 04:22 am
I am in desperate need of .04 bitcoins, or roughly 5 dollars to complete my order.  Anyone willing to help out or able to point me in the right direction as far as what I could do ?

I would appreciate it, and will pay you back.

I really don't want to miss out on this listing. 

*Beastpiss77 - It appears you've deleted your post and recounted your offer, thanks anyways though.

I guess perhaps I could wait and see if the bitcoin market will fluctuate in my favor by tomorrow morning.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: leeland2121 on May 24, 2013, 10:30 am
I need .02 coins and I will pay you back, instantly with paypal or eventually with bitcoins.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bamoida2 on May 24, 2013, 01:12 pm
Looking for a $5(0.04-0.05) btc loan, will probably pay back within 24 hours.  Please PM for SR username.(I keep it private for specific reasons, sorry!)

got you, pmed


got repaid : )
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BYSD on May 24, 2013, 01:39 pm
Android paid back in full on the date as promised..
i'm sure he will enjoy a big warm hug of positive karma
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: abby25 on May 24, 2013, 02:05 pm
Here's some good karma....someone I don't know just messaged me wishing me a happy birthday after I mentioned it on a thread!

This has to be the nicest thread in what in my opinion is the nicest forum I've ever been on.

Good people. :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: abby25 on May 24, 2013, 02:07 pm
In science it often happens that scientists say, 'that's a really good argument; my position is mistaken,' and then they actually change their minds and you never hear that old view from them again. I cannot recall the last time something like that happened in politics or religion.

Very true. +1

By the way if someone on the trusted list needs to borrow some coins I have 0.12 I can throw your way. :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 24, 2013, 03:01 pm
'i mean what i say, and i say what i mean'

2nd payment sent homie!!
first + second = happy Japan??  ;)
thanks again!! couldn't of gotten high without your help!!

Murderface - you're on my 100% reliability list. Never ever go back on your word and are an absolute credit to this thread.

Anytime I can help you bro, you know I will  8)

Peace brother,

ALSO - Android is on that list (got my payment back) - also RS7, Darktime, F600 and a few others you know who they are, are on it too.

I had to ask for my first ever loan the other day, and felt nervous  :o

But respect to RS7 and Bamodia2 they got my back - BTW, I can pay one of you back right now. So if either of you are in more need than the other just hola. P.S. I will pay back with interest. Although I NEVER expect interest off anyone I loan too.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 24, 2013, 03:09 pm
Android paid back in full on the date as promised..
i'm sure he will enjoy a big warm hug of positive karma

He ALWAYS does - an asset the thread.

BTW - I have 3 names to add to the 'shit list', can't remember off hand but will update it when I get chance. People need to use the shit list more as it is there for protection of the lendors. If they don't pay back on time and ignore 2 messages - that in my opinion is shitworthey. Perhaps if they haven't been on line since messages were sent they deserve a second chance, but when they've been on line and ignored the list needs to be used. PROTECT THE FAITHFUL  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 24, 2013, 03:12 pm
GO team!!

Exactly m m m motek, for this thread to blossom it need's team work.

BTW - you know you're on my list brother, and BOX  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 24, 2013, 03:37 pm
'i mean what i say, and i say what i mean'

2nd payment sent homie!!
first + second = happy Japan??  ;)
thanks again!! couldn't of gotten high without your help!!

Murderface - you're on my 100% reliability list. Never ever go back on your word and are an absolute credit to this thread.

Anytime I can help you bro, you know I will  8)

Peace brother,

ALSO - Android is on that list (got my payment back) - also RS7, Darktime, F600 and a few others you know who they are, are on it too.

I had to ask for my first ever loan the other day, and felt nervous  :o

But respect to RS7 and Bamodia2 they got my back - BTW, I can pay one of you back right now. So if either of you are in more need than the other just hola. P.S. I will pay back with interest. Although I NEVER expect interest off anyone I loan too.

Actaully just realised I'll have to pay RS7 first other bamodia wont get any interest (as I don't have the coins) - hope that's ok. barmodia you'll get yours within a few days - you have my word.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jda6130 on May 24, 2013, 03:38 pm
Hello gang, hey I'm sort .02 on an order, any help would be greatly appreciated. :D

SR username: ob1kinobi

I gotcha Dr! .02 transferred to "ob1kinobi". Enjoy!
.02 right back at you friend. TY again!

Sorry for my late response....was traveling! I can verify that DR tossed it back very quickly. Thanks Again!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 24, 2013, 03:42 pm
I just want to say....for what it's worth..I Love You People  (Hugs)

ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BYSD on May 24, 2013, 04:01 pm
Here's some good karma....someone I don't know just messaged me wishing me a happy birthday after I mentioned it on a thread!

This has to be the nicest thread in what in my opinion is the nicest forum I've ever been on.

Good people. :)

happy birthday brother :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BYSD on May 24, 2013, 04:06 pm
I just want to say....for what it's worth..I Love You People  (Hugs)

ChemCat  O0

right back at you.. and to everyone else!
I've got love oozing out of me (not literally)
once i hit that hundred post positive karma will be flying about like there is no tomorrow,
luckily there is a tomorrow and it'll the weekend :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 24, 2013, 04:30 pm
Just calculated I have given 73 loans and have a return rate of 94(ish)%.

Personally speaking, for an anonymous forum based around drugs that is an incredible statistic.

The people that stick to their word and pay back deserve massive credit, and make this thread the best on the road.

Who would have thought a simple but risky loan thread could turn into such a great community.


And knowing that I've helped 73 people/times in order to get their order in on time is hugely satisfying on my part  8)

"Proud to be part of it"
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 24, 2013, 06:36 pm
good evening everone  ;D i,ll get your coin back to J-man i,m still waiting on return from Autobondon  ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 24, 2013, 06:39 pm
half wasted already lol missed the Y in everyone and You before J-man  ::) :o :o
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Fours222 on May 24, 2013, 06:57 pm
I got an extra $1 if anyone needs it :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on May 24, 2013, 11:21 pm
Just handed out some K's to peeps that deserve it and also because I've only got .0023 spare,which aint gonna help anyone,lets be fair!

Japan mon amis,sadly you will have to wait at least another day before I can K you again :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: HEATFan on May 24, 2013, 11:48 pm
Just calculated I have given 73 loans and have a return rate of 94(ish)%.

Personally speaking, for an anonymous forum based around drugs that is an incredible statistic.

The people that stick to their word and pay back deserve massive credit, and make this thread the best on the road.

Who would have thought a simple but risky loan thread could turn into such a great community.


And knowing that I've helped 73 people/times in order to get their order in on time is hugely satisfying on my part  8)

"Proud to be part of it"

First of all, that's awesome. 73 is my favorite number, so that's cool too. I don't know how you do it, but well done.

Somehow I don't pick the right people to lend to. All my loans take months to get paid back or the people disappear entirely, lol.

It's not a huge deal because whatever I loan out I never really expect to get back but its discouraging to continue giving unless this is your form of charity. Anyways, kudos to you for your kindness!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on May 25, 2013, 12:02 am
GO team!!

BTW - you know you're on my list brother, and BOX  8)

Thanks a lot man!  Sorry I have been out of the game.  RL has me held down tight right now.  I gotta say.  Thank you to you, and everyone that has stepped up to get involved with this thing.  It's massively different then when I first started.  Was pulling for a while to set an example and now my god!  Look at this thing!

Anyway, just saying I'm not far off.  I'll be back soon to show some love.


Just calculated I have given 73 loans and have a return rate of 94(ish)%.

First of all, that's awesome. 73 is my favorite number, so that's cool too. I don't know how you do it, but well done.

I didn't keep up with the .01 loans but all the shapes that I gave out that I requested back, only one person has made no attempt at putting the shapes back at this time.


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 25, 2013, 12:12 am
Yo BOX - we miss you bro.

Don't worry though things are all under control  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 25, 2013, 12:16 am
Hugs @ ya Boxy  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 25, 2013, 12:23 am
Firstly - those that come on here and say there's been a delay etc etc... no worries at all, when you have it is fine by me  8)

Secondly - If people aren't paying back and vanishing they NEED to go on the 'shit list' for the protection of others...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 25, 2013, 02:22 am
thank you japan for the 0.1 back. :)

Hey RS7FI8ZRkm,

Sent .2 glad I can help  ;D

hey japan, would you be down to loan me .4 for the week? till monday~tuesday :-[ I know that's a lot to ask for, I just really want to get some acid an don't wanna wait till next week to order it. an of course I'd pay back with +coin 8).. but if that's too much to ask for, I'd completely understand bro :)

You know full well if I had it I would - All I have is 0.03 until I re-up probably Friday. If I re-up and you need it then that's no problem at all. Wish I could could help but simply no coins in wallet.

Sorry bro 8)

Anyway it's getting late - gotta work early. Have a good day, and hit me me up over the next couple of days and I should be able to sort you out no problems...


Peace out thread  8)

:P thanks, I know you do what you can, also I appreciate what you said on my behalf <3 :-*
take care, sleep well bro :)

for anybody else willing to give a loan of ฿.4, will be honored with the title 'Elite loan agent ' :P
no but seriously I will be grateful, an generous with reimbursement. :)
I got you covered friend, what's your sr name?
:D thank you brother, however I may only need .2 if juswannaschmoke's still here.. :P
my SR name is the same: RS7FI8ZRkm

and again, thank you.  :) :-* ;)
.2 sent, enjoy that acid! ;D
;D thank you greatly! lovely droogies :) shall have you repayed promptly as possible, along with some extra coin :P :-* :-* :-* :-*
was able to fund some cash today so,
sent juswannaschmoke ฿0.24  :)
sent calicojak ฿0.24  :)
again, thank you. :D

hi BoS, hi chemyy, hi japan :P :-* ;) :) (group hugs)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 25, 2013, 02:29 am
                                                     :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) When requesting, post your SR name so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.
List of Users who have lent coins -

dr gonzo
Mike Hunt
White Out

The shit list:

**do not lend to these people**
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: nacho on May 25, 2013, 02:45 am
Hey guys well I'm short  .09 for shipping on my order, I'll pay it back when I buy some more coins but I won't be getting any till Friday so that is when I can do so. My sr username is the same as my forum name, thanks guys.
Bumping my request, can pay back on friday and would be great if I could get my order out and possibly receive before weekend.

Friday has come and gone and I haven't seen or heard from daystocome.  I'm kind of worried since he didn't even say thank you...  faith in humanity evaporating...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mrlavish on May 25, 2013, 03:28 am
Zerocrush just paid me back the .1 I lent him. So he is free and clear and good to go.!!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on May 25, 2013, 03:39 am
Just calculated I have given 73 loans and have a return rate of 94(ish)%.

Personally speaking, for an anonymous forum based around drugs that is an incredible statistic.

The people that stick to their word and pay back deserve massive credit, and make this thread the best on the road.

Who would have thought a simple but risky loan thread could turn into such a great community.


And knowing that I've helped 73 people/times in order to get their order in on time is hugely satisfying on my part  8)

"Proud to be part of it"

props japan!!
and those are some interesting statistics!!

i swear, if i could, i'd share a fatty blunt, a honker line, and a handful of pills with all you beautiful people!!
SR is a sanctuary, and we need to keep it this way!!
and having actually honest, genuine people here is imperative!!
we keep this place alive!! so big hugs and much love to all!!
long live SR!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: calicojak on May 25, 2013, 04:09 am
Thank you RS7FI8ZRkm for the quick repay and throwing in some extra coin! :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: i3lazd on May 25, 2013, 04:17 pm
if anyone needs 0.001 bitcoins I got that.

let me know
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 25, 2013, 06:25 pm
Hey guys well I'm short  .09 for shipping on my order, I'll pay it back when I buy some more coins but I won't be getting any till Friday so that is when I can do so. My sr username is the same as my forum name, thanks guys.
Bumping my request, can pay back on friday and would be great if I could get my order out and possibly receive before weekend.

Friday has come and gone and I haven't seen or heard from daystocome.  I'm kind of worried since he didn't even say thank you...  faith in humanity evaporating...
:( that sucks, have you tried messaging him yet? maybe he has forgotten :P. I've had people "forget" about me :( (*cough* *cough*) AA lol

Zerocrush just paid me back the .1 I lent him. So he is free and clear and good to go.!!!
:) good to hear.

Thank you RS7FI8ZRkm for the quick repay and throwing in some extra coin! :)
:) you're welcome, thanks for lending me it. :P

good morning/evening everybody.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 25, 2013, 06:28 pm
anybody else had trouble connecting to the forums in the past 2 days? :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Repus6 on May 26, 2013, 12:41 am
Hey Japan!

I just sent you another 0.02. How much more do I have left? I thought I got enough coin but I didn't.  :-[ I think I still owe a bit more.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 26, 2013, 08:36 pm
couldn't connect at all last night :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bamoida2 on May 26, 2013, 08:37 pm
oh the forums are back, yay!

hi guys! how are you?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 26, 2013, 08:38 pm
:) hi bamoida
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 26, 2013, 08:51 pm
 :) Hi RS7  :) Hi J-Man paid Japan his 0.02 back thanks man  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 26, 2013, 08:54 pm
hey mary,  :-* :-* kisses. ;D how has everybody's weekend been?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 26, 2013, 08:56 pm
Hi ChemCat (hugs)  ;) Not been able to connect since friday  :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 26, 2013, 09:01 pm
Evening all - hope you're all well  8)

Thanks Mary  :D

@Repus - it's all good you're 0.01 short, but that's fine bro - don't worry about the 0.01.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 26, 2013, 09:05 pm
:) whats goood japan~da~man
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 26, 2013, 09:08 pm
:) whats goood japan~man


Been to a BBQ, just got back and gonna have a DMT blast off shortly 8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 26, 2013, 09:08 pm
Thanks J-Man  :-[ (hugs)  :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 26, 2013, 09:09 pm
:D very nice, enjoy the ride! ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 26, 2013, 09:13 pm
Thanks J-Man  :-[ (hugs)  :-*

No problem, anytime  8)

@RS7 - I'll say Hi to the smurfs from you  :o

Weird as the last 3 breakthroughs have all been me with about 4-6 smurfs, going on some mad mission....fucking mad ass shit that DMT.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 26, 2013, 09:14 pm
[off-topic] ::)
hey, japan do you know what the main difference between yellow an white DMT is? other then the N-oxide part.. like the difference between the highs?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: oNLiN3fR3aK on May 26, 2013, 09:15 pm
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 26, 2013, 09:17 pm
hey mary,  :-* :-* kisses. ;D how has everybody's weekend been?

Hi Rs7  :-* :-* you good?  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 26, 2013, 09:18 pm
[off-topic] ::)
hey, japan do you know what the main difference between yellow an white DMT is? other then the N-oxide part.. like the difference between the highs?

To be honest I'm not sure - I can breakthrough on either, but the white stuff I seem to remember more about what happened and it seems more intense. But chemically I have no idea mate...

I prefer the white DMT, that's all I really know!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: redfunguy on May 26, 2013, 09:25 pm
I'm in need of .055 for my first opium purchase   :D  I have received on this thread before and paid back more than I was loaned.  I'll probably have more coins shortly after sugar mama comes back and will repay whoever loans me the coin.  Thanks in advance!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 26, 2013, 09:32 pm
hey mary,  :-* :-* kisses. ;D how has everybody's weekend been?

Hi Rs7  :-* :-* you good?  8)
yes, I am good :) thanks for asking.

[off-topic] ::)
hey, japan do you know what the main difference between yellow an white DMT is? other then the N-oxide part.. like the difference between the highs?

To be honest I'm not sure - I can breakthrough on either, but the white stuff I seem to remember more about what happened and it seems more intense. But chemically I have no idea mate...

I prefer the white DMT, that's all I really know!
haha, sounds legit. yeah I had white also, was truly amazing/beautiful ;D. except when I went back for more, the vendor was only listing yellow and a mix of half yellow half white :P

I'm in need of .055 for my first opium purchase   :D  I have received on this thread before and paid back more than I was loaned.  I'll probably have more coins shortly after sugar mama comes back and will repay whoever loans me the coin.  Thanks in advance!
whats your SRN? :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bamoida2 on May 26, 2013, 09:34 pm
I'm in need of .055 for my first opium purchase   :D  I have received on this thread before and paid back more than I was loaned.  I'll probably have more coins shortly after sugar mama comes back and will repay whoever loans me the coin.  Thanks in advance!

i got this

edit: damnit someonewas faster!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 26, 2013, 09:39 pm
I'm in need of .055 for my first opium purchase   :D  I have received on this thread before and paid back more than I was loaned.  I'll probably have more coins shortly after sugar mama comes back and will repay whoever loans me the coin.  Thanks in advance!

i got this

edit: damnit someonewas faster!
lol, not yet.. still waiting for his SRN :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 26, 2013, 09:40 pm
BTW- Bamodida I'll have your coins back soon, I said Tuesday but It'll probably be tomorrow - expect some interest as that's how I roll  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bamoida2 on May 26, 2013, 09:48 pm
BTW- Bamodida I'll have your coins back soon, I said Tuesday but It'll probably be tomorrow - expect some interest as that's how I roll  8)

awesome :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: redfunguy on May 26, 2013, 09:59 pm
my SR name is the same as my forums name.  Thanks!  Please post a note of who sent the coins so I know who to pay back.  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 26, 2013, 10:13 pm
sent ฿0.055, enjoy bro :) return when you're able.

as for anyone else I have $0.78 left if anybody needs it, you know what to do :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: redfunguy on May 26, 2013, 10:32 pm
Thanks RS!!!!!  Just placed the order.   :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: twosevenboy on May 26, 2013, 11:51 pm
I was about to place an order, but ended up being 0.011 BTC short  :(. I'll pay back anyone that can send it to me, probably by the end of the day. My SR name is the same as my forum name.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: monrovia on May 27, 2013, 12:57 am
If anyone can spare about.02 BTC, I would be eternally grateful. I just wanna order a little bit of bud to hold me over until my next check comes in a little less than 2 weeks when I can get the gooood stuff. I have a reputation for both lending and paying back those who lend to me, just in case that information would sway you to let me borrow BTC.

EDIT: SR username is the same as my forum name
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: juswannaschmoke on May 27, 2013, 01:10 am
thank you japan for the 0.1 back. :)

Hey RS7FI8ZRkm,

Sent .2 glad I can help  ;D

hey japan, would you be down to loan me .4 for the week? till monday~tuesday :-[ I know that's a lot to ask for, I just really want to get some acid an don't wanna wait till next week to order it. an of course I'd pay back with +coin 8).. but if that's too much to ask for, I'd completely understand bro :)

You know full well if I had it I would - All I have is 0.03 until I re-up probably Friday. If I re-up and you need it then that's no problem at all. Wish I could could help but simply no coins in wallet.

Sorry bro 8)

Anyway it's getting late - gotta work early. Have a good day, and hit me me up over the next couple of days and I should be able to sort you out no problems...


Peace out thread  8)

:P thanks, I know you do what you can, also I appreciate what you said on my behalf <3 :-*
take care, sleep well bro :)

for anybody else willing to give a loan of ฿.4, will be honored with the title 'Elite loan agent ' :P
no but seriously I will be grateful, an generous with reimbursement. :)
I got you covered friend, what's your sr name?
:D thank you brother, however I may only need .2 if juswannaschmoke's still here.. :P
my SR name is the same: RS7FI8ZRkm

and again, thank you.  :) :-* ;)
.2 sent, enjoy that acid! ;D
;D thank you greatly! lovely droogies :) shall have you repayed promptly as possible, along with some extra coin :P :-* :-* :-* :-*
was able to fund some cash today so,
sent juswannaschmoke ฿0.24  :)
sent calicojak ฿0.24  :)
again, thank you. :D

hi BoS, hi chemyy, hi japan :P :-* ;) :) (group hugs)

Sorry for the late reply, I wasn't able to get onto the forum. This community is the shit, RS7 payed me back and extra coin in less than 36hrs.  I can imagine ever seeing my money back from some of my bestfriends/brothers lol. . I'm really happy with the SR community especially the forums.          Much Love
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 27, 2013, 07:18 am
sorry for what :P? anyways you're welcome bro. glad to have made you smile ;)
ps if you're ever short on an order please, do ask, I'll be happy to try assist.

:P hows everybody else feelin?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: AtlanticExchange on May 27, 2013, 08:25 am
I've got $1.40 if anyone needs it!  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: angel555 on May 27, 2013, 09:37 am
If its still going i'll take it!

im $1 short of an order, if anyone could donate me such a large sum :)

SR name : angel555
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: monrovia on May 27, 2013, 10:59 am
still .02 short on a bud order, I'll pay back with a small amount of interest whoever could help me out. SR name is the same as my forum name.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on May 27, 2013, 12:21 pm
hey guys :D its been a few days eh!

was wondering if anyone could do me .04 until tomorrow or maybe wednesday(depends on payday)

SR is eddyboy666



thanks anyway
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: juswannaschmoke on May 27, 2013, 03:12 pm
still .02 short on a bud order, I'll pay back with a small amount of interest whoever could help me out. SR name is the same as my forum name.

Done Buddy   ;) ,
Have fun schmokin' that bud and when you get to it start to DAB  ;D ;D Its the best way to partake  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: theanonprincessnikki on May 27, 2013, 03:26 pm
Just noticed this thread and I am not here for a pity party but if you'd like read my story of my recent mishap how I got swindled of my bday cash  , anyways It'd really make me happy to get enough to at least buy one LSD stamp :'l if so please feel free to message me so I can not only thank you but maybe have a little chat ^.^?

this is a picture of my pwetty pwease face :> - http://[REDACTED] :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: monrovia on May 27, 2013, 04:12 pm
still .02 short on a bud order, I'll pay back with a small amount of interest whoever could help me out. SR name is the same as my forum name.

Done Buddy   ;) ,
Have fun schmokin' that bud and when you get to it start to DAB  ;D ;D Its the best way to partake  ;D

You are a lifesaver. You really have no idea how much stress you are going to relieve for me over the next week by helping me out. I'll  get you back ASAP.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: HEATFan on May 27, 2013, 04:15 pm
Just noticed this thread and I am not here for a pity party but if you'd like read my story of my recent mishap how I got swindled of my bday cash  , anyways It'd really make me happy to get enough to at least buy one LSD stamp :'l if so please feel free to message me so I can not only thank you but maybe have a little chat ^.^?

this is a picture of my pwetty pwease face :> - XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

If that is really a pic of you its probably not a good idea to post that here. This is an illegal drug board. Posting your picture is like asking to get caught.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: theanonprincessnikki on May 27, 2013, 04:23 pm
Just noticed this thread and I am not here for a pity party but if you'd like read my story of my recent mishap how I got swindled of my bday cash  , anyways It'd really make me happy to get enough to at least buy one LSD stamp :'l if so please feel free to message me so I can not only thank you but maybe have a little chat ^.^?

this is a picture of my pwetty pwease face :> - XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

If that is really a pic of you its probably not a good idea to post that here. This is an illegal drug board. Posting your picture is like asking to get caught.

Thanks for the concern as the previous ones I've gotten I appreciate it to the fullest :>, but any road shopping I'll be doing will be with my main laptop, this laptop is one of those mini crappy ones that I'm sure one quick smash to the floor and a few kicks will ruin lol. Plus I play it safe random usernames/pass everything is random..The only thing they can trace these pictures to are to my FB ;) .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BYSD on May 27, 2013, 04:26 pm
Just noticed this thread and I am not here for a pity party but if you'd like read my story of my recent mishap how I got swindled of my bday cash  , anyways It'd really make me happy to get enough to at least buy one LSD stamp :'l if so please feel free to message me so I can not only thank you but maybe have a little chat ^.^?

this is a picture of my pwetty pwease face :> - http://[REDACTED] :D

I sincerely hope this is not a real picture of your 'pwetty pwease face'  ???
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 27, 2013, 04:30 pm
Just noticed this thread and I am not here for a pity party but if you'd like read my story of my recent mishap how I got swindled of my bday cash  , anyways It'd really make me happy to get enough to at least buy one LSD stamp :'l if so please feel free to message me so I can not only thank you but maybe have a little chat ^.^?

this is a picture of my pwetty pwease face :> - XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

If that is really a pic of you its probably not a good idea to post that here. This is an illegal drug board. Posting your picture is like asking to get caught.

Thanks for the concern as the previous ones I've gotten I appreciate it to the fullest :>, but any road shopping I'll be doing will be with my main laptop, this laptop is one of those mini crappy ones that I'm sure one quick smash to the floor and a few kicks will ruin lol. Plus I play it safe random usernames/pass everything is random..The only thing they can trace these pictures to are to my FB ;) .
even if you smashed the computer, the hard drive more likely could still be analyzed :P, also do you think if LE had a picture of you from here, an you are caught with substance they'd slap your wrists..? common wise up :-\ 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BYSD on May 27, 2013, 04:36 pm
Just noticed this thread and I am not here for a pity party but if you'd like read my story of my recent mishap how I got swindled of my bday cash  , anyways It'd really make me happy to get enough to at least buy one LSD stamp :'l if so please feel free to message me so I can not only thank you but maybe have a little chat ^.^?

this is a picture of my pwetty pwease face :> - XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

If that is really a pic of you its probably not a good idea to post that here. This is an illegal drug board. Posting your picture is like asking to get caught.

Thanks for the concern as the previous ones I've gotten I appreciate it to the fullest :>, but any road shopping I'll be doing will be with my main laptop, this laptop is one of those mini crappy ones that I'm sure one quick smash to the floor and a few kicks will ruin lol. Plus I play it safe random usernames/pass everything is random..The only thing they can trace these pictures to are to my FB ;) .
:o i don't... even.....
um. what? get that picture off here now.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on May 27, 2013, 04:46 pm
lol you guys! he/she said the only thing linking them to these pics is facebook not their face so it seem like it's not actually them but some random camwhore they stalk online or something. he's trying to be a silly girl now stop trying to kill his scam! send btc!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: theanonprincessnikki on May 27, 2013, 04:47 pm
Just noticed this thread and I am not here for a pity party but if you'd like read my story of my recent mishap how I got swindled of my bday cash  , anyways It'd really make me happy to get enough to at least buy one LSD stamp :'l if so please feel free to message me so I can not only thank you but maybe have a little chat ^.^?

this is a picture of my pwetty pwease face :> - XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

If that is really a pic of you its probably not a good idea to post that here. This is an illegal drug board. Posting your picture is like asking to get caught.

Thanks for the concern as the previous ones I've gotten I appreciate it to the fullest :>, but any road shopping I'll be doing will be with my main laptop, this laptop is one of those mini crappy ones that I'm sure one quick smash to the floor and a few kicks will ruin lol. Plus I play it safe random usernames/pass everything is random..The only thing they can trace these pictures to are to my FB ;) .
even if you smashed the computer, the hard drive more likely could still be analyzed :P, also do you think if LE had a picture of you from here, an you are caught with substance they'd slap your wrists..? common wise up :-\

You guys seem smart right? So have you ever considered the fact that I may just be a guy using some random girls pictures :>? I'm pretty sure that's been done a million times so If for some reason that you guys exaggerate that I would get caught and traced I can just say I had no idea my pictures were being used...IF that was the case. I'm new to this community and I'm just getting a bunch of random - negs for only the apparent reason that I've decided to share a little with ya'll and show a pic or two. Jeez I'm sorry I'm not like most super fat anon girls that don't like to show off. Yes I admit I think I'm pretty and I have no shame in taking a picture and posting it. Believe me I'm playing it smart plus it's not like any of my priv. road shopping will have kilos or 100x anything, just small personal amounts and it will in no way be connected to this IP or just anything that has to do with this crappy little mini laptop. I thank you for the concerns though it just goes to show you can't post a picture maybe I should do something silly and wear a MASK yeah my next picture will be me with a silly ass mask on :) happy?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 27, 2013, 05:03 pm
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: theanonprincessnikki on May 27, 2013, 05:06 pm
You guys seem smart right? So have you ever considered the fact that I may just be a guy using some random girls pictures :>? I'm pretty sure that's been done a million times so If for some reason that you guys exaggerate that I would get caught and traced I can just say I had no idea my pictures were being used...IF that was the case. I'm new to this community and I'm just getting a bunch of random - negs for only the apparent reason that I've decided to share a little with ya'll and show a pic or two. Jeez I'm sorry I'm not like most super fat anon girls that don't like to show off. Yes I admit I think I'm pretty and I have no shame in taking a picture and posting it. Believe me I'm playing it smart plus it's not like any of my priv. road shopping will have kilos or 100x anything, just small personal amounts and it will in no way be connected to this IP or just anything that has to do with this crappy little mini laptop. I thank you for the concerns though it just goes to show you can't post a picture maybe I should do something silly and wear a MASK yeah my next picture will be me with a silly ass mask on :) happy?

Regardless of who you are / what you're doing, do NOT post links that may identify yourself or identify someone that you are pretending to be.

Posts edited for security reasons.

Fine with me Lib, I just want to use this website prior to any purchase on SR as by looking at vendor reviews and stuff like that. Everyone else can keep giving me random -negs I don't mind but I understand the picture thing bye.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bamoida2 on May 27, 2013, 05:07 pm
wouldn't bang
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 27, 2013, 05:08 pm
Just noticed this thread and I am not here for a pity party but if you'd like read my story of my recent mishap how I got swindled of my bday cash  , anyways It'd really make me happy to get enough to at least buy one LSD stamp :'l if so please feel free to message me so I can not only thank you but maybe have a little chat ^.^?

this is a picture of my pwetty pwease face :> - XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

If that is really a pic of you its probably not a good idea to post that here. This is an illegal drug board. Posting your picture is like asking to get caught.

Thanks for the concern as the previous ones I've gotten I appreciate it to the fullest :>, but any road shopping I'll be doing will be with my main laptop, this laptop is one of those mini crappy ones that I'm sure one quick smash to the floor and a few kicks will ruin lol. Plus I play it safe random usernames/pass everything is random..The only thing they can trace these pictures to are to my FB ;) .
even if you smashed the computer, the hard drive more likely could still be analyzed :P, also do you think if LE had a picture of you from here, an you are caught with substance they'd slap your wrists..? common wise up :-\

You guys seem smart right? So have you ever considered the fact that I may just be a guy using some random girls pictures :>? I'm pretty sure that's been done a million times so If for some reason that you guys exaggerate that I would get caught and traced I can just say I had no idea my pictures were being used...IF that was the case. I'm new to this community and I'm just getting a bunch of random - negs for only the apparent reason that I've decided to share a little with ya'll and show a pic or two. Jeez I'm sorry I'm not like most super fat anon girls that don't like to show off. Yes I admit I think I'm pretty and I have no shame in taking a picture and posting it. Believe me I'm playing it smart plus it's not like any of my priv. road shopping will have kilos or 100x anything, just small personal amounts and it will in no way be connected to this IP or just anything that has to do with this crappy little mini laptop. I thank you for the concerns though it just goes to show you can't post a picture maybe I should do something silly and wear a MASK yeah my next picture will be me with a silly ass mask on :) happy?
Yes, I am sure we've all considered it can be a picture of another person. but that would imply you've lied to us, which IMO isn't a good way to start you're stay here. the fact you said it'd be possible link the photos to a FB account is more then a concern. if you have the slightest incline of LE tactics you'd be more conscious about doing things like this. also do you realize if you uploaded that picture from clearnet getting you're IP wouldn't be very much work to LE.

asfar as being pretty an wanting to share :) the gesture is nice, but the act is foolish. you never know what can/will happen, it is always smart to be prepared for the worst. an mitigate against any possible threat, if not LE then someone asshole trying to extort you, something along those lines.

however, welcome to the community :).
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 27, 2013, 05:08 pm
@anonprincessnikki.....Your a little muppet clearly! I,m an SR girl and i,m not fat i,m just not stupid either, unlike yourself, no one,s on here to look at you anyway, get a fuckin life, muppet  >:(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 27, 2013, 05:11 pm
Hi RS7 hope your good  ;D Hi to J-Man not seen him on yet  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 27, 2013, 05:12 pm
 :) thanks libertas

hi chemmy :), hi bamoida :) hi mary :)
hello everybody else :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BYSD on May 27, 2013, 05:14 pm
today has been too long for this to be happening   :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 27, 2013, 05:14 pm
heyya marry :) japan~da~man was on lastnight
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 27, 2013, 05:15 pm
RS, mary, bamoida, BYSD  :)

Hugs to ya'll  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BYSD on May 27, 2013, 05:16 pm
Heyup Chemcat, RS7, everyone else  :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 27, 2013, 05:21 pm
Hey ChemCat how,s you  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 27, 2013, 05:23 pm
doin ok so far  LOL  back is killin me cuz i cut a ton of firewood yesterday  LMAO

am to old for that shit anymore  :'(

jeepers  .....  i'll be freaking 80 yrs. old soon  :'(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: theanonprincessnikki on May 27, 2013, 05:32 pm
@anonprincessnikki.....Your a little muppet clearly! I,m an SR girl and i,m not fat i,m just not stupid either, unlike yourself, no one,s on here to look at you anyway, get a fuckin life, muppet  >:(
..I was referring to creepy fat anon girls but either way that comment was really immature of me so if it offended you or anyone I apologize. I have already taken off any picture of me I had including my avatar so no need for all those little flames. Anyways have a good day everyone :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: juswannaschmoke on May 27, 2013, 05:41 pm
still .02 short on a bud order, I'll pay back with a small amount of interest whoever could help me out. SR name is the same as my forum name.

Done Buddy   ;) ,
Have fun schmokin' that bud and when you get to it start to DAB  ;D ;D Its the best way to partake  ;D

You are a lifesaver. You really have no idea how much stress you are going to relieve for me over the next week by helping me out. I'll  get you back ASAP.

No problem buddy, I'm loving this lending thread,  enjoy the meds and seriously look into dabbing its changed my life. I still vape flowers in the Volcano but oil on the TI nail  is da BOMBDIGGITY   ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: nacho on May 27, 2013, 05:51 pm
Daystocome said he would pay me back Friday. It's Monday.  He hasn't read or responded to any messages.  So hopefully he is ok. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 27, 2013, 05:52 pm
@Anonprincessnikki...Cheers hun i appreciate the apology +1 I acted like a muppet myself by calling you one, sorry  :-[
Think Autobondon needs to go on the shitlist, not paid back me or jda6130 and not answering messages  >:( not nice  :o
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: twosevenboy on May 27, 2013, 05:54 pm
EDIT: Got it, thanks :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: theanonprincessnikki on May 27, 2013, 05:57 pm
@Anonprincessnikki...Cheers hun i appreciate the apology +1 I acted like a muppet myself by calling you one, sorry  :-[
Think Autobondon needs to go on the shitlist, not paid back me or jda6130 and not answering messages  >:( not nice  :o
No worries, heh :>  and indeed who ever needs to pay you back should do so asap! and it is very scum bag of them not to!! >:/
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 27, 2013, 06:03 pm
                                                     :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) When requesting, post your SR name so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.
List of Users who have lent coins -

Autobondon ----
dr gonzo
Mike Hunt
White Out

The shit list:
Autobondon ----

**do not lend to these people**
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 27, 2013, 06:05 pm
@Anonprincessnikki...Cheers hun i appreciate the apology +1 I acted like a muppet myself by calling you one, sorry  :-[
Think Autobondon needs to go on the shitlist, not paid back me or jda6130 and not answering messages  >:( not nice  :o
both those members are on the lenders list, so that's strange. but hopefully they'll be back to settle up with you mary :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: theanonprincessnikki on May 27, 2013, 06:09 pm
So if anyone can lend a gal just a little till I have enough for at least one stamp I would greatly appreciate it and pay you back as soon as I can! Either way I just wanna say these forums besides some little back fire I got for pictures heh(no worries), have really nice people. It's funny on a forum dedicated to an underground market you can find the nicest people.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 27, 2013, 06:15 pm
I know RS7  :o Autobondon said then i seen him on the list, strange but i,ve not seen him on here since  :-\
sorry princess i,ve only got 0.001 or would help you out  :-[
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 27, 2013, 06:16 pm
Just popping on to say HIGH 8)

Hope you're all well.

I won't be on tonight as I'm off to a forest party in the middle of nowhere - it's gonna get messy.

Have a good night everyone. Catch up tomorrow....

J-Man  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 27, 2013, 06:18 pm
High Japan, sounds like fun, wish I was there  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 27, 2013, 06:21 pm
Just popping on to say HIGH 8)

Hope you're all well.

I won't be on tonight as I'm off to a forest party in the middle of nowhere - it's gonna get messy.

Have a good night everyone. Catch up tomorrow....

J-Man  8)
have fun bro, wear some warm clothing :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 27, 2013, 06:23 pm
Cheers guys/gals - I won't be getting cold that's for sure  8)

How much is princess after? If she/him is quick I may be able to help...I mean very quick.

SR username too?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 27, 2013, 06:28 pm
Sorry too late Princess - backpack on shoulder (full of drugs) and the forest trek has started.

Speak to you all later,

J-Man  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 27, 2013, 06:29 pm
Cheers guys/gals - I won't be getting cold that's for sure  8)

How much is princess after? If she/him is quick I may be able to help...I mean very quick.

SR username too?
she/he hasn't given an amount.. just said she/he wanted a stamp of acid, also you may want to go few pages before lending her/him coin :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 27, 2013, 06:31 pm
Sorry too late Princess - backpack on shoulder (full of drugs) and the forest trek has started.

Speak to you all later,

J-Man  8)
;D later bro, have fun.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: theanonprincessnikki on May 27, 2013, 07:06 pm
I know RS7  :o Autobondon said then i seen him on the list, strange but i,ve not seen him on here since  :-\
sorry princess i,ve only got 0.001 or would help you out  :-[

It's all good :)!  either way I never put my SR name haha

SR: Randomanongall
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 27, 2013, 07:09 pm
I know RS7  :o Autobondon said then i seen him on the list, strange but i,ve not seen him on here since  :-\
sorry princess i,ve only got 0.001 or would help you out  :-[
possibly because the forum outage? :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 27, 2013, 07:20 pm
Maybe RS7  :-\ I msg on SR 3 days ago and it was read but no response, he asked for 0.02 for a couple of days and then took it off myself and the other member i mentioned, that was a week ago, time will tell but not responding  >:(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 27, 2013, 07:29 pm
oh, I see. well when its sorted they'll be removed.. ;)

however if they don't. when/if my coin is returned with interest, I'll pass some your way :) help make you whole.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 27, 2013, 07:33 pm
also, my droogies I'm off for awhile :-* :-* peace.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 27, 2013, 07:44 pm
Thats very kind RS7  ;D :-* but no need,I just think if you borrow it you should pay it back  8) just to be clear jda6130 loaned autobondon too, i didn,t mean they hadn,t paid lol  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bamoida2 on May 27, 2013, 09:43 pm
hi RS, Japan, ChemCat, mary  and everybody else <3, glad that there is awesome people like you in the tor net ; )
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: beastpiss77 on May 27, 2013, 09:54 pm
Anybody have 0.03 BTC to spare?

beastpiss on SR

+1 and many thanks to any generous druggies.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 27, 2013, 09:54 pm
Hi Bamoida2  :) it,s quiet tonight lol  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cxz on May 27, 2013, 10:04 pm
I'm short 0.04 BTC for a purchase, can anyone help me? Username on SR: cxz

New here, want to purchase GoldenLotus' Original S.R. Exclusive Coupon Collection.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 27, 2013, 10:05 pm
Thats very kind RS7  ;D :-* but no need,I just think if you borrow it you should pay it back  8) just to be clear jda6130 loaned autobondon too, i didn,t mean they hadn,t paid lol  ;)
wait.. did you mean add both jda6130 an autobondon or just autobondon :o

lol, hi bamoida, hello again mary :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 27, 2013, 10:31 pm
Hi again RS don,t add jda6130 they loaned the same amout to autobondon, I msg and not been paid back either  :( Sorry for any confusion  :-[
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BYSD on May 27, 2013, 10:38 pm
Anybody have 0.03 BTC to spare?

beastpiss on SR

+1 and many thanks to any generous druggies.
Still in need?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: masongate on May 27, 2013, 10:58 pm
Fell 0.05 short of the purchase i wanted to make and would grant my eternal gratitude to any of my fellow philanthropic outlaws willing to lend a hand. Same sr username, thanks in advance!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BYSD on May 27, 2013, 11:01 pm
0.05 short of the purchase i wanted to make and would appreciate any help from my fellow philanthropic outlaws

Whats your SR username?
reckon you'll pay back?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: masongate on May 27, 2013, 11:08 pm
0.05 short of the purchase i wanted to make and would appreciate any help from my fellow philanthropic outlaws

Whats your SR username?
reckon you'll pay back?
edited it in(masongate), be happy to on my next purchase! I've got the money in hand and I make frequent purchases for resale, just fell a bit short due to a miscalculation this time.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: juswannaschmoke on May 27, 2013, 11:09 pm
Trying to buy some of Lucy's wax and bargain smoke and I ended up being 0.022 Btc short because of shipping. If anyone could help me out it would be greatly appreciated, and ill make sure to send it back your way. Ill even dedicate the first rip out of the bong to you haha  :D

SR NAME: twosevenboy

Ill pay you back within 48 hours + interest.

Still in need?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BYSD on May 27, 2013, 11:13 pm
0.05 short of the purchase i wanted to make and would appreciate any help from my fellow philanthropic outlaws

Whats your SR username?
reckon you'll pay back?
edited it in(masongate), be happy to on my next purchase! I've got the money in hand and I make frequent purchases, just fell a bit short due to a miscalculation this time.
no worries, it should be with you know. spend wisely  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: masongate on May 27, 2013, 11:19 pm

no worries, it should be with you know. spend wisely  ;)
Thanks, saves me the hassle of waiting to hear back from the vendor. I'll be sure to pay you back with interest ASAP.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BYSD on May 27, 2013, 11:22 pm
karma's in your hand buddy  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: juswannaschmoke on May 27, 2013, 11:47 pm
Trying to buy some of Lucy's wax and bargain smoke and I ended up being 0.022 Btc short because of shipping. If anyone could help me out it would be greatly appreciated, and ill make sure to send it back your way. Ill even dedicate the first rip out of the bong to you haha  :D

SR NAME: twosevenboy

Ill pay you back within 48 hours + interest.

Done Bro, let me know how the wax is

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 27, 2013, 11:55 pm
60 cents (฿0.004406) short on an order :( could anybody lend me for few days, till I add more?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BYSD on May 28, 2013, 12:04 am
60 cents (฿0.004406) short on an order :( could anybody lend me for few days, till I add more?

consider yourself sorted when SR lets me login...  ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BYSD on May 28, 2013, 12:07 am
60 cents (฿0.004406) short on an order :( could anybody lend me for few days, till I add more?

should be with you now brother :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cxz on May 28, 2013, 12:31 am
I know I'm fairly new to the forum, as you can see by my post count, but if anyone could send me 0.04 BTC, I'd very much appreciate it.

SR username: cxz
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Moon Fried on May 28, 2013, 12:34 am
I'm short .005 btc, could anyone PLEASE send it to Moon Fried

I'll pay it back, double if necessary.

I'm ordering 10g of molly.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: HEATFan on May 28, 2013, 12:37 am
I'm short .005 btc, could anyone PLEASE send it to Moon Fried

I'll pay it back, double if necessary.

I'm ordering 10g of molly.

Sent .01
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Moon Fried on May 28, 2013, 12:38 am
I'm short .005 btc, could anyone PLEASE send it to Moon Fried

I'll pay it back, double if necessary.

I'm ordering 10g of molly.


Was just about to leave my house and hope for it later, but then you arrived to my rescue. Thanks so much! ;D

I'll pay back when I get my next deposit (within a couple days).
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BYSD on May 28, 2013, 12:41 am
60 cents (฿0.004406) short on an order :( could anybody lend me for few days, till I add more?

'dyou get it?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: beastpiss77 on May 28, 2013, 12:50 am
Anybody have 0.03 BTC to spare?

beastpiss on SR

+1 and many thanks to any generous druggies.
Still in need?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BYSD on May 28, 2013, 12:56 am
Anybody have 0.03 BTC to spare?

beastpiss on SR

+1 and many thanks to any generous druggies.
Still in need?

sorry someone came in and claimed it before you,
i only have .015 if thats any use?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: titsmcgee123 on May 28, 2013, 12:57 am
ill take the 0.15 if he doesn't need it lol
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BYSD on May 28, 2013, 12:59 am
ill take the 0.15 if he doesn't need it lol
reckon you'll pay back?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 28, 2013, 01:04 am
60 cents (฿0.004406) short on an order :( could anybody lend me for few days, till I add more?

should be with you now brother :)
60 cents (฿0.004406) short on an order :( could anybody lend me for few days, till I add more?

'dyou get it?
:) thank you, an sorry was going out to check the mail.. its memorial day though so fuck :P
have you payed back soon shouldn't be any later then Friday more likely before that though. :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BYSD on May 28, 2013, 01:07 am
ill take the 0.15 if he doesn't need it lol
reckon you'll pay back?
Im waiting for my money to be accepted by dwolla (it says friday at 5PM CST) so then.. I will be able to at least give you back 0.02
EDIT: SR name: michaelmotorcycle
should be with you.. enjoy..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 28, 2013, 01:09 am
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: nacho on May 28, 2013, 01:14 am
Add daystocome to the shit list.  He logs onto the forums but wont reply to any messages.  Looks like he just posted to get 100 posts then posted in this thread.   Straight up scammer.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 28, 2013, 01:22 am
Add daystocome to the shit list.  He logs onto the forums but wont reply to any messages.  Looks like he just posted to get 100 posts then posted in this thread.   Straight up scammer.
:( how much did he get you for?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BYSD on May 28, 2013, 01:22 am
:) man..
for these guys its  :D surely?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: nacho on May 28, 2013, 01:48 am
Add daystocome to the shit list.  He logs onto the forums but wont reply to any messages.  Looks like he just posted to get 100 posts then posted in this thread.   Straight up scammer.
:( how much did he get you for?

Just .09 BTC... Its not the money that bothers me the most.  THE FUCKER DIDN'T EVEN SAY THANK YOU OR ANYTHING!!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BYSD on May 28, 2013, 01:50 am
Add daystocome to the shit list.  He logs onto the forums but wont reply to any messages.  Looks like he just posted to get 100 posts then posted in this thread.   Straight up scammer.
:( how much did he get you for?

Just .09 BTC... Its not the money that bothers me the most.  THE FUCKER DIDN'T EVEN SAY THANK YOU OR ANYTHING!!!
grimmer man  :-[
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: alahverdian on May 28, 2013, 01:52 am
I need 0.005BTC, will be able to pay back 0.01BTC Friday afternoon.. SR username: micahelmotorcycle

well... if that username existed, i would....

i have a lil coin i can spare if anyone is in desperate need for some change. just PM me on the forums.
same name as here: alahverdian
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: titsmcgee123 on May 28, 2013, 01:54 am
michaelmotorcycle is the name, that was a typo!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: alahverdian on May 28, 2013, 02:02 am
michaelmotorcycle is the name, that was a typo!

i gotcha babe, don't worry about gettin' me back
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: titsmcgee123 on May 28, 2013, 02:04 am
michaelmotorcycle is the name, that was a typo!

i gotcha babe, don't worry about gettin' me back
no way, im obligated to, well ill just help someone else instead +1, its people like you that make these forums so great!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: alahverdian on May 28, 2013, 02:09 am
no way, im obligated to, well ill just help someone else instead +1, its people like you that make these forums so great!

we must all follow in the footsteps of Haley Joel Osment and "Pay It Forward"
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 28, 2013, 02:28 am
Add daystocome to the shit list.  He logs onto the forums but wont reply to any messages.  Looks like he just posted to get 100 posts then posted in this thread.   Straight up scammer.
:( how much did he get you for?

Just .09 BTC... Its not the money that bothers me the most.  THE FUCKER DIDN'T EVEN SAY THANK YOU OR ANYTHING!!!
grimmer man  :-[
indeed :( that's pretty lame.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: alahverdian on May 28, 2013, 03:11 am
alrighty. im goin to bed. but ill still have some coin to spare tomorrow (and likely the next day).
so PM here, or on the forums (same username), and i will take care of you tomorrow night.
god bless.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cxz on May 28, 2013, 03:27 am
Thanks so much!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 28, 2013, 03:49 am
BYSD  :)

well looky here  :P

problem solved my friend....snatch the pic from me when ya can,
i'll keep wearing it until you msg me, telling me that you have it    :)


ChemCat  O0

i sent you a link to your working pic :)

check yur msg's  :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: twosevenboy on May 28, 2013, 04:19 am
Trying to buy some of Lucy's wax and bargain smoke and I ended up being 0.022 Btc short because of shipping. If anyone could help me out it would be greatly appreciated, and ill make sure to send it back your way. Ill even dedicate the first rip out of the bong to you haha  :D

SR NAME: twosevenboy

Ill pay you back within 48 hours + interest.

Done Bro, let me know how the wax is


Thanks man. I get to break in my new rig with that wax so I'm sure it's going to be killer. Where do you want me to send the coins I borrowed?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on May 28, 2013, 04:26 am
Just wanted to give a shout out to brusselsprout. He borrowed .03 so he could place his order and get it shipped out Friday so he will have it Tuesday after a long weekend. Nothing worse then waiting for drugs you ordered. Well there is worse of course (like going to make a purchase and being .03 coins short!) ... but waiting for a package sucks..But then the feeling you get when you receive what you ordered is unbelievable... its a combo of "I can't believe you can order drugs off the internet and it actually works! and I can't believe I got another package with no problem...I LOVE SR!'s just a great feeling.

 Before I found this awesome thread with positive energy I was about 0-30 on getting paid back. I never lent btc  thinking I was getting it back but all of them said they would pay me back...none ever did so I quit giving btc away...BUT I did realize that   there were legitimate needs for btc out there and this thread does a great job of hooking the needy up with someone that has a coin to spare.. In this thread I believe 99% are in need and are honest users. I have made 2 loans and both paid back the day they said they would. That is a great feeling. It is not about the is about helping someone that needs it...and then them repaying you so that you can do it over again. And for me...getting paid back feels just as good as getting a package. I just love how positive this thread is and how positive all the members in here are. It is a great idea and is a well run thread. Kudos to those of you that keep it up to date.

So THANK YOU brusselsprout for keeping your word and making me feel great about helping someone out.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 28, 2013, 04:52 am
Just wanted to give a shout out to brusselsprout. He borrowed .03 so he could place his order and get it shipped out Friday so he will have it Tuesday after a long weekend. Nothing worse then waiting for drugs you ordered. Well there is worse of course (like going to make a purchase and being .03 coins short!) ... but waiting for a package sucks..But then the feeling you get when you receive what you ordered is unbelievable... its a combo of "I can't believe you can order drugs off the internet and it actually works! and I can't believe I got another package with no problem...I LOVE SR!'s just a great feeling.

 Before I found this awesome thread with positive energy I was about 0-30 on getting paid back. I never lent btc  thinking I was getting it back but all of them said they would pay me back...none ever did so I quit giving btc away...BUT I did realize that   there were legitimate needs for btc out there and this thread does a great job of hooking the needy up with someone that has a coin to spare.. In this thread I believe 99% are in need and are honest users. I have made 2 loans and both paid back the day they said they would. That is a great feeling. It is not about the is about helping someone that needs it...and then them repaying you so that you can do it over again. And for me...getting paid back feels just as good as getting a package. I just love how positive this thread is and how positive all the members in here are. It is a great idea and is a well run thread. Kudos to those of you that keep it up to date.

So THANK YOU brusselsprout for keeping your word and making me feel great about helping someone out.
:) dem feels!

it is a nice feeling being able to put trust in strangers, an then being proven it was worth it.. unique little family we have here an its great to be apart of it :D

also big shout out to Atlantic Exchange, he saw I was looking for 60 cent loan an sent me $1.30 with a simple feel free to fan an browse goodies :D
messaged him letting him know I've already placed the my order because brother BYSD loaned me :).. asked if he wanted it back or shall I pass it forward in this thread.. so from Atlantic Exchange, through me I have $1.37 for anybody short..

much love droogies :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on May 28, 2013, 05:07 am
                                                     :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) When requesting, post your SR name so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.
List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange ++++
Autobondon ----
dr gonzo
Mike Hunt
White Out

The shit list:
Autobondon ----
daystocome ++++

**do not lend to these people**
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 28, 2013, 05:11 am
good morning BoxofShapes  (Hugs)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on May 28, 2013, 05:26 am
Just wanted to give a shout out to brusselsprout. He borrowed .03 so he could place his order and get it shipped out Friday so he will have it Tuesday after a long weekend. Nothing worse then waiting for drugs you ordered. Well there is worse of course (like going to make a purchase and being .03 coins short!) ... but waiting for a package sucks..But then the feeling you get when you receive what you ordered is unbelievable... its a combo of "I can't believe you can order drugs off the internet and it actually works! and I can't believe I got another package with no problem...I LOVE SR!'s just a great feeling.

 Before I found this awesome thread with positive energy I was about 0-30 on getting paid back. I never lent btc  thinking I was getting it back but all of them said they would pay me back...none ever did so I quit giving btc away...BUT I did realize that   there were legitimate needs for btc out there and this thread does a great job of hooking the needy up with someone that has a coin to spare.. In this thread I believe 99% are in need and are honest users. I have made 2 loans and both paid back the day they said they would. That is a great feeling. It is not about the is about helping someone that needs it...and then them repaying you so that you can do it over again. And for me...getting paid back feels just as good as getting a package. I just love how positive this thread is and how positive all the members in here are. It is a great idea and is a well run thread. Kudos to those of you that keep it up to date.

So THANK YOU brusselsprout for keeping your word and making me feel great about helping someone out.

Man. I love hearing things like this.  Keep doing your best to keep this place a beautiful spot in this insane forum.  Rock this box out your majesty!

confused about the whole autobondon thing, but I had a small problem with him (which was solved) in the past so I just left it.  Haven't posted the list in a while so I took the chance if ya don't mind =P

good morning

ARHAHHHAARGG! Is that what time it is???!? I'm not sleeping already??!!  Or am I dreaming now??! 

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 28, 2013, 05:30 am
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 28, 2013, 06:31 am
good times bros 8).

@BoS; mary666 said she an jda6130 both loaned him, but he hasn't been on or posted in sometime apparently.. :-\

(*gets excited*) :P kisses chemmy!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 28, 2013, 06:33 am
**Blushes and Faints**


hiya RS  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 28, 2013, 06:51 am
hiya, making some BHO atm so back an fourth between computer / working area :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jj47 on May 28, 2013, 07:09 am
Sooo I hate askin people for things,especially if it's not a personal friend but I'm like ฿.04 short on an order (shipping) I won't have any fresh coin for 2 weeks but I'd certainly pay back whoever helps me get my shit for next weekend shipped out in time :-)

Oh ya my SR name is same as my forum name
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: JewBrown on May 28, 2013, 10:02 am
Hi all,
I have been offered a sample of weed for 0.01 BTC and I have nothing in my account.

Would be great if someone could lend me it, I will pay you back with in a matter of hours.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BYSD on May 28, 2013, 10:03 am
BYSD  :)

well looky here  :P

problem solved my friend....snatch the pic from me when ya can,
i'll keep wearing it until you msg me, telling me that you have it    :)


ChemCat  O0

i sent you a link to your working pic :)

check yur msg's  :P
Morning Chemcat!
thanks so much for sorting that out for me brother!
i wanna do something to reciprocate, all I can think about right now is putting a tip in your tip jar but that seems abit mundane, let me know if there is anything more interesting you need.. otherwise a tip it is  ;)

oh and I fell asleep last night  :-[ sorry

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BYSD on May 28, 2013, 10:13 am
Hi all,
I have been offered a sample of weed for 0.01 BTC and I have nothing in my account.

Would be great if someone could lend me it, I will pay you back with in a matter of hours.

whats your SRU?

Sooo I hate askin people for things,especially if it's not a personal friend but I'm like ฿.04 short on an order (shipping) I won't have any fresh coin for 2 weeks but I'd certainly pay back whoever helps me get my shit for next weekend shipped out in time :-)

Oh ya my SR name is same as my forum name
sorry I've only got .01, sure someone will help you out shortly though  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: JewBrown on May 28, 2013, 10:20 am
Hi all,
I have been offered a sample of weed for 0.01 BTC and I have nothing in my account.

Would be great if someone could lend me it, I will pay you back with in a matter of hours.

whats your SRU?

Sooo I hate askin people for things,especially if it's not a personal friend but I'm like ฿.04 short on an order (shipping) I won't have any fresh coin for 2 weeks but I'd certainly pay back whoever helps me get my shit for next weekend shipped out in time :-)

Oh ya my SR name is same as my forum name
sorry I've only got .01, sure someone will help you out shortly though  :)

My silkroad username is also JewBrown  :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BYSD on May 28, 2013, 10:35 am
sent :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: JewBrown on May 28, 2013, 10:40 am
sent :)

Thankyou! Will be able to pay you back sooner than expected, give it an hour or two.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: isthereanyneed on May 28, 2013, 10:45 am
Hey peeps, looking for 0.5btc till Friday and I will pay double back, hate asking really just dont want btc to drop any more and loose out on my order.
PM for my sr name, dont really like putting it up if I can avoid it, the last time I had some dooche PM me all the time asking random stuff, like how do you stash pills in the woods lol.

Thanks sr.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: JewBrown on May 28, 2013, 10:52 am
Hey peeps, looking for 0.5btc till Friday and I will pay double back, hate asking really just dont want btc to drop any more and loose out on my order.
PM for my sr name, dont really like putting it up if I can avoid it, the last time I had some dooche PM me all the time asking random stuff, like how do you stash pills in the woods lol.

Thanks sr.

I will be able to lend you that message me on SR JewBrown
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: alahverdian on May 28, 2013, 11:16 am
Sooo I hate askin people for things,especially if it's not a personal friend but I'm like ฿.04 short on an order (shipping) I won't have any fresh coin for 2 weeks but I'd certainly pay back whoever helps me get my shit for next weekend shipped out in time :-)

Oh ya my SR name is same as my forum name

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: alahverdian on May 28, 2013, 11:19 am
Hey peeps, looking for 0.5btc till Friday and I will pay double back, hate asking really just dont want btc to drop any more and loose out on my order.
PM for my sr name, dont really like putting it up if I can avoid it, the last time I had some dooche PM me all the time asking random stuff, like how do you stash pills in the woods lol.

Thanks sr.

PM sent
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on May 28, 2013, 11:22 am
I love that JewBrown jumped on giving a guy .5 btc to get back that double. Though this thread is not about loaning btc to make a profit..he offered it and you jumped on it. I love that! Shyloc ;)

Even better because a couple post before you were borrowing funds!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: JewBrown on May 28, 2013, 11:22 am
whoever keeps negging me...

I am most displeased  :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: JewBrown on May 28, 2013, 11:24 am
I love that JEWBrown jumped on giving a guy .5 btc to get back that double. Though this thread is not about loaning btc to make a profit..he offered it and you jumped on it. I love that! Shyloc ;)

As long as I get my 0.5 back i'm not really arsed
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on May 28, 2013, 11:28 am
I love that JEWBrown jumped on giving a guy .5 btc to get back that double. Though this thread is not about loaning btc to make a profit..he offered it and you jumped on it. I love that! Shyloc ;)

As long as I get my 0.5 back i'm not really arsed

I was not saying it in a negative way at all!!!! I just love your name and that you jumped on giving a guy .5 for getting double back! Nothing wrong with it at all and it is generous of you! I just hope you get it back too. I do think his for not giving his SR name is total bullshit and he should HAVE to give his name up if he is in here asking for a loan. But that is between you and him. And I think people are ne=ging you because of your name...I have noticed names like that get the -Karma for no reason. :-[
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: JewBrown on May 28, 2013, 11:30 am
I love that JEWBrown jumped on giving a guy .5 btc to get back that double. Though this thread is not about loaning btc to make a profit..he offered it and you jumped on it. I love that! Shyloc ;)

As long as I get my 0.5 back i'm not really arsed

I was not saying it in a negative way at all!!!! I just love your name and that you jumped on giving a guy .5 for getting double back! Nothing wrong with it at all and it is generous of you! I just hope you get it back too. I do think his for not giving his SR name is total bullshit and he should HAVE to give his name up if he is in here asking for a loan. But that is between you and him. And I think people are ne=ging you because of your name...I have noticed names like that get the -Karma for no reason. :-[

I'm not even Jewish, I just have a massive nose.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: isthereanyneed on May 28, 2013, 11:34 am
Cheers Jew just got them through, plus 1 for you buddy.

Thanks alah I got sorted, the offer is greatly appreciated though.

What a good lot we have on sr these days, makes me proud :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on May 28, 2013, 12:09 pm
 @JewBrown--LOL LOL and your a good guy for hooking him up with .5 after you yourself needed help too. Awesome!

@isthereanyneed-- awesome! And you are totally right in what you said. I know you are going to do the right thing and payback exactly when you said you will. This thread and the people are in it.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 28, 2013, 02:31 pm
Afternoon ALL  8)

My forest trek was amazing - cave men still exist.

Nice to see things ticking over nicely.

bamoida2 paid back your 0.11 loan with a nice little bit of interest! Thanks again for that.

J-Man  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 28, 2013, 02:46 pm
Afternoon ALL  8)

Goot Moanin J-man :)

My forest trek was amazing - cave men still exist.

am glad ya made it back home to us :)
i would have thawt you were gonna bring us a bunch of creepy crawly bugs back for us to eat  :P

Peace & Hugs,

ChemCat      O0

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 28, 2013, 03:05 pm
Hugs Chem  8)

I feel like I've got fucking bugs crawling all over me - one of the nastiest comedowns ever, mind you we did take pretty much ever substance known to man!

Even 200mg of diazepam, 6mg Xanax, and 8mg of K-pins - haven't put me to sleep......rocking like a mother fucker here.

All good though, it'll pass and I'll be ready to rock and roll again  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: JakkTheKipper on May 28, 2013, 03:09 pm
Hiya guys, I'm back again. I'm 0.08 coins short of an order. I know I've only given out about 0.07 so I'll be in the red again X-o

SR Username - ArgentineCosmo


P.S. - When I meant in the red, I mean I'm asking for more than I've given away. I have actually paid back every loan to me (BoxOfShapes knows, haha!)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 28, 2013, 03:10 pm
Right On!!

just stay hydrated and maybe take some b-12  :)  while yur Rocking On!!  ;)

Peace & Hugs,

ChemCat O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bamoida2 on May 28, 2013, 03:11 pm
muchas gracias senor Japan! 0.13 recieved
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 28, 2013, 03:13 pm
Hi all, glad you had a good time Japan, sounds like my kind of trek  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 28, 2013, 03:26 pm
Hi all, glad you had a good time Japan, sounds like my kind of trek  8)

It was amazing - at times extremely intense.

Like having a roasted pig with a whole family of cavemen after a massive DMT hit midway through dropping 2 trips and god knows how much MDMA...and pretty much all of the 2C's out there....

But a trek to remember that's for sure. 10 of us went, and let's just say we're never be the same again!! Not even sure if we all made it back yet  :o

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 28, 2013, 03:32 pm
Hi all, glad you had a good time Japan, sounds like my kind of trek  8)

It was amazing - at times extremely intense.

Like having a roasted pig with a whole family of cavemen after a massive DMT hit midway through dropping 2 trips and god knows how much MDMA...and pretty much all of the 2C's out there....

FuuuucK!.....Are you still nutted the now lol  ;D I want to come next time  :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on May 28, 2013, 03:34 pm
jack the ripper....did you get your loan yet?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: JakkTheKipper on May 28, 2013, 03:37 pm
Not yet. I've just refreshed and no sign of it.

P.S - For the record I wasn't presuming I was sent the loan, just that it isn't there :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on May 28, 2013, 03:45 pm
I was asking in did anyone give it to you yet...not saying I sent it!

But I will do it...when are you going to be paying it back? And you need .08 correct?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: JakkTheKipper on May 28, 2013, 03:53 pm
I can get it back on the 7th of June at the absolute latest but it's possible it could be sooner if a vendor on takes pity on me and agrees to a tiny amount of coins but I've already tried that. Also, yes, the amount needed is 0.08.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 28, 2013, 03:57 pm
Hi all, glad you had a good time Japan, sounds like my kind of trek  8)

It was amazing - at times extremely intense.

Like having a roasted pig with a whole family of cavemen after a massive DMT hit midway through dropping 2 trips and god knows how much MDMA...and pretty much all of the 2C's out there....

FuuuucK!.....Are you still nutted the now lol  ;D I want to come next time  :P

To be honest Mary I have no fucking idea whats going on - all I know is I've ate enough Benzo's to drop an elephant today, and I'm still going strong.

If this wasn't an anonymous site you'd be more than welcome to come next time  8)

I took today off work as holiday - looks like I'll be throwing a sickie tomorrow, as I wont be the real J-man till at least Thursday  :o

Good times,
J-Man  8)

To be honest the only real reason I logged on was to pay bamodia2 back as I promised today I would.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on May 28, 2013, 03:59 pm
I can get it back on the 7th of June at the absolute latest but it's possible it could be sooner if a vendor on takes pity on me and agrees to a tiny amount of coins but I've already tried that. Also, yes, the amount needed is 0.08.

Ok it is sent...please confirm you have got it...You have until the 7th...If it earlier fine..just make sure to send me a message on SR telling me you have sent it back to me so that I know, enjoy your purchase!!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: JakkTheKipper on May 28, 2013, 04:17 pm
Thanks a lot, it's much appreciated. Just landed now and I actually have 0.01 left over so I'll send that back over now. That's 12.50% down anyway.

Thanks again. +1
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 28, 2013, 04:32 pm
;D glad you're home safely japan~da~man

good morning everybody, dem fucking rooster are crowing :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 28, 2013, 04:57 pm
Lol Japan, wish i had benzos mmm   :P Hi RS hope your good  8) :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on May 28, 2013, 05:06 pm
Thanks a lot, it's much appreciated. Just landed now and I actually have 0.01 left over so I'll send that back over now. That's 12.50% down anyway.

Thanks again. +1

 Ha very funny! When you put it like 12.50 % down....that is a lot of money! Any lender would LOVE to have there borrower pay back 12.50% on the first day...let alone the first 5 min. I am glad I was able to help and that you will be enjoying your goodies soon! +1  back at you for humor. Enjoy your week.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Intraterrestrial on May 28, 2013, 08:02 pm
top idea for a thread given the occasional difficulty in acquiring btc rapidly

am sure I will be using this to both lend and borrow the odd small amount

loving the brotherhood here
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: talawtam on May 28, 2013, 08:53 pm
I feel like i am pushing my luck here a little as this isnt exactly a small amount (at least for me) but is there anyone kind enough to lend me 0.19 please? i will happily pay back at an agreed date. Thanks.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 28, 2013, 10:19 pm
Lol Japan, wish i had benzos mmm   :P Hi RS hope your good  8) :-*
heyya mary :-* :P

doing great! just got some mail ;D

how are you, an other droogies feeling today.. is it just me or has it been Murphy's law today
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 28, 2013, 10:30 pm
Hey RS have you had one of those days  :-* (hugs) you got mail, not all bad lol i,ll get mine tomorrow  ;D I,ve no coin to loan, sorry, i spent it all on drugs  ;D ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: titsmcgee123 on May 29, 2013, 02:46 am
I am 0.04BTC short on my biggest order ever (QP of SAshroomz powder) if anyone is kind enough to loan me it, I would be forever in debt to you: SR username: mainmanralph
ask BYSD if you are uncertain about me paying back!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jda6130 on May 29, 2013, 02:59 am
I am 0.04BTC short on my biggest order ever (QP of SAshroomz powder) if anyone is kind enough to loan me it, I would be forever in debt to you: SR username: mainmanralph
ask BYSD if you are uncertain about me paying back!

Hey Tits, I'm still awaiting payment of the loan I made to you on May 14th in the amount of .06BTC. The amount is not an issue, but the integrity of the thread.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: titsmcgee123 on May 29, 2013, 03:07 am
I am 0.04BTC short on my biggest order ever (QP of SAshroomz powder) if anyone is kind enough to loan me it, I would be forever in debt to you: SR username: mainmanralph
ask BYSD if you are uncertain about me paying back!

Hey Tits, I'm still awaiting payment of the loan I made to you on May 14th in the amount of .06BTC. The amount is not an issue, but the integrity of the thread.
oh shit, dude i am sorry.. well let me see what I can do once I get the coins officially in my account.. on blockchain it says i have two conformations, but nothing is in my SR wallet
I may not place that order if I dont have the funds + enough to pay you back.. is your SR username the same as on here?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jda6130 on May 29, 2013, 03:10 am
I am 0.04BTC short on my biggest order ever (QP of SAshroomz powder) if anyone is kind enough to loan me it, I would be forever in debt to you: SR username: mainmanralph
ask BYSD if you are uncertain about me paying back!

Hey Tits, I'm still awaiting payment of the loan I made to you on May 14th in the amount of .06BTC. The amount is not an issue, but the integrity of the thread.
oh shit, dude i am sorry.. well let me see what I can do once I get the coins officially in my account.. on blockchain it says i have two conformations, but nothing is in my SR wallet
I may not place that order if I dont have the funds + enough to pay you back.. is your SR username the same as on here?

Yes it is. No worries and Thanks!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: titsmcgee123 on May 29, 2013, 03:13 am
I am 0.04BTC short on my biggest order ever (QP of SAshroomz powder) if anyone is kind enough to loan me it, I would be forever in debt to you: SR username: mainmanralph
ask BYSD if you are uncertain about me paying back!

Hey Tits, I'm still awaiting payment of the loan I made to you on May 14th in the amount of .06BTC. The amount is not an issue, but the integrity of the thread.
oh shit, dude i am sorry.. well let me see what I can do once I get the coins officially in my account.. on blockchain it says i have two conformations, but nothing is in my SR wallet
I may not place that order if I dont have the funds + enough to pay you back.. is your SR username the same as on here?

Yes it is. No worries and Thanks!
Honestly I feel like shit man i just forgot, like I said you can ask BYSD and I repaid him.. anyway, once it I get the funds Ill send you a message and the funds on the road... thank you again and Im sorry :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 29, 2013, 04:13 am
Hey RS have you had one of those days  :-* (hugs) you got mail, not all bad lol i,ll get mine tomorrow  ;D I,ve no coin to loan, sorry, i spent it all on drugs  ;D ;D
yeah, just a long busy day.. with some annoying hassle but someone awesome smoked me out with 2 joints 20min~ ago, now just did a dab bongie with bluedream bud an the concentrate I was making last night.. so all is forgotten :) an good.
how are you tonight~?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: calicojak on May 29, 2013, 06:48 am
Hi guys I know this is a lot to ask but if anyone could spare .21 until early next week or possibly sooner I would be forever grateful and pay back with a little extra. Again I know that's a lot but I will pay back. :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 29, 2013, 07:38 am
hey calicojak :) I'll be happy to.. but first I need to deposit an transfer, which I can do tomorrow..

for anybody else calicojak's loaned me .2 recently :) hes a good guy.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 29, 2013, 07:40 am
@jda6130 autobondon hasn't payed you back right jda?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: calicojak on May 29, 2013, 07:43 am
hey calicojak :) I'll be happy to.. but first I need to deposit an transfer, which I can do tomorrow..

for anybody else calicojak's loaned me .2 recently :) hes a good guy.
Thank you so very much! The only reason I don't have the coin I need is because I loaned .21 to kandykidd the same day I loaned .2 to you. Again thank you, you're awesome +1!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 29, 2013, 07:46 am
no worries brother :D

hmm, wait did kandykid ever post in the thread :o? don't remember seeing that :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 29, 2013, 07:48 am
                                                     :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) When requesting, post your SR name so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.
List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange ++++
Autobondon *
dr gonzo
Mike Hunt
White Out

The shit list:
Autobondon * ++++
daystocome ++++

**do not lend to these people**
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: calicojak on May 29, 2013, 07:56 am
no worries brother :D

hmm, wait did kandykid ever post in the thread :o? don't remember seeing that :P
No he pm'd me and asked. I have faith in him though, we talk through pm's every now and then and I felt like helping him out.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: calicojak on May 29, 2013, 07:58 am
And looks like I just broke #7 :-[
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: AtlanticExchange on May 29, 2013, 08:02 am
Just wanted to give a shout out to brusselsprout. He borrowed .03 so he could place his order and get it shipped out Friday so he will have it Tuesday after a long weekend. Nothing worse then waiting for drugs you ordered. Well there is worse of course (like going to make a purchase and being .03 coins short!) ... but waiting for a package sucks..But then the feeling you get when you receive what you ordered is unbelievable... its a combo of "I can't believe you can order drugs off the internet and it actually works! and I can't believe I got another package with no problem...I LOVE SR!'s just a great feeling.

 Before I found this awesome thread with positive energy I was about 0-30 on getting paid back. I never lent btc  thinking I was getting it back but all of them said they would pay me back...none ever did so I quit giving btc away...BUT I did realize that   there were legitimate needs for btc out there and this thread does a great job of hooking the needy up with someone that has a coin to spare.. In this thread I believe 99% are in need and are honest users. I have made 2 loans and both paid back the day they said they would. That is a great feeling. It is not about the is about helping someone that needs it...and then them repaying you so that you can do it over again. And for me...getting paid back feels just as good as getting a package. I just love how positive this thread is and how positive all the members in here are. It is a great idea and is a well run thread. Kudos to those of you that keep it up to date.

So THANK YOU brusselsprout for keeping your word and making me feel great about helping someone out.
:) dem feels!

it is a nice feeling being able to put trust in strangers, an then being proven it was worth it.. unique little family we have here an its great to be apart of it :D

also big shout out to Atlantic Exchange, he saw I was looking for 60 cent loan an sent me $1.30 with a simple feel free to fan an browse goodies :D
messaged him letting him know I've already placed the my order because brother BYSD loaned me :).. asked if he wanted it back or shall I pass it forward in this thread.. so from Atlantic Exchange, through me I have $1.37 for anybody short..

much love droogies :P

Thanks for the shout out! Good luck!  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 29, 2013, 08:10 am
no worries brother :D

hmm, wait did kandykid ever post in the thread :o? don't remember seeing that :P
No he pm'd me and asked. I have faith in him though, we talk through pm's every now and then and I felt like helping him out.
And looks like I just broke #7 :-[
lol, yeah.. but hopefully he'll be awesome an return your coin :)..

@AtlanticExchange :P lol, still have this $1.30 nobodies claimed it yet :P although it may end up going in calico's pot ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: calicojak on May 29, 2013, 08:13 am
I hope so I have faith in him. :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: motek on May 29, 2013, 11:34 am
hey jack howz it going bro?  Good to see this place is working for you, we too agree you are a good bloke!  Take it easy matey, ya mate m m m motel ;)

And that's a really cool list RS nicely formatted and easy to read and undestand ... nice one, thanks!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on May 29, 2013, 12:13 pm
I hope so I have faith in him. :)
Sent a little under .04 to ya :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: juswannaschmoke on May 29, 2013, 02:14 pm
Trying to buy some of Lucy's wax and bargain smoke and I ended up being 0.022 Btc short because of shipping. If anyone could help me out it would be greatly appreciated, and ill make sure to send it back your way. Ill even dedicate the first rip out of the bong to you haha  :D

SR NAME: twosevenboy

Ill pay you back within 48 hours + interest.

Done Bro, let me know how the wax is


Thanks man. I get to break in my new rig with that wax so I'm sure it's going to be killer. Where do you want me to send the coins I borrowed?

Thanks for paying me back so promptly  ;)
Enjoy the wax and rig   :D
Dab On   ;D

Hugs for the wonderful peeps who keep this forum hot, you know who you are  ;D RS7, ChemCat, Mary, J-Man, Boxes of Shapes,  ;D etc ( I know I missed some of you,  :-\ sorry)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: i3lazd on May 29, 2013, 02:21 pm
I got 1$USD if anyone needs it quote my post right here.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: turningjapanese on May 29, 2013, 02:52 pm
I got 1$USD if anyone needs it quote my post right here.


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 29, 2013, 03:08 pm
Yo turningjapanese - there's only room for one J-man round these parts  8)

Only kidding welcome bro  8)

Hope everyone is good, and just popping by to say HIGH....
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mrlavish on May 29, 2013, 03:26 pm
I got 1$USD if anyone needs it quote my post right here.



A little confused here, you need over $40 and your gonna take the $1 he has? Why not ask for a .35 BTC loan and offer to pay back with a little extra?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on May 29, 2013, 04:02 pm



you could buy 0.4btc from someone on bitbargain?
0.35 is a hell of a loan for this thread
If I had it and one of my bro's on here needed it I would but not to some random just asking.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: turningjapanese on May 29, 2013, 04:17 pm
Looking for exactly .31 btc. Thanks you Lads and Ladettes!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: turningjapanese on May 29, 2013, 04:23 pm
lol my brain just woke up- it seemed like a simple equation! OK new Deal ^.^ I would send half a btc in return by the end of the week.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 29, 2013, 04:42 pm
 i'll be about for another 30 minutes or so if you need that.


Must recend my offer @turningjapanese.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 29, 2013, 05:06 pm
Hi everyone  ;D hope your all good  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 29, 2013, 05:11 pm
hiya m6  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 29, 2013, 05:16 pm
hi ChemCat

I'd actually just like to ask if you could post a request up for me for those spare BTC. I'm still a noob ass and would prefer to do this than spam another useless thread. I am after .03 and if you don't mind posting a quote of my message on the board I will gladly give you the credit publicly for lending me the coins and in return I'll send you 0.1BTC by Monday at the latest. If you accept, just let me know first here and I'll type something nice you can re-post in the board. Thanks coooLcat

peace in & out

My Response :)

okie dokie :)

i'll go ahead and get you those coins before i have to roll out  :)
ya said you recon sending back to the cause by monday at the latest?

posting this now :)

oh what's your
SR screen name?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 29, 2013, 05:18 pm
Hi ChemCat (hugs)  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 29, 2013, 05:19 pm
Huggles right back atcha  **Blushes**


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 29, 2013, 05:30 pm
Where,s everyone tonight  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: calicojak on May 29, 2013, 05:33 pm
hey jack howz it going bro?  Good to see this place is working for you, we too agree you are a good bloke!  Take it easy matey, ya mate m m m motel ;)

And that's a really cool list RS nicely formatted and easy to read and undestand ... nice one, thanks!

m m m mmm motek! ;D
Thank's! I think you guys are awesomer lol! How goes it?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 29, 2013, 05:34 pm
haha schweeetttttt thanks you kindly dear sir. champ i'll have em to ya before the weekend fo sure. and by return to the cause..? I return em to you or just keep an eye out for the next in need? More than happy to after being shown such generosity. Been a fuckd up week with that InfiniteShitbucket, so it's good to know there still a good side to this darkweb community. anyways champ don't want to keep you up any longer. THANKS YOU TO SR LAND! it's been a pleasure

SR Username: (**EDITED-OUT**)
Request $: 0.03BTC
Amount Due ($): 0.1BTC - 06/03

Your coins have been sent  :)

Enjoy :)

and yeppers...just send back to my tip jar or to my name on SR  :)


ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 29, 2013, 05:36 pm
they always come rollin in as i have to leave, mary666   :'(



Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: calicojak on May 29, 2013, 05:37 pm
I hope so I have faith in him. :)
Sent a little under .04 to ya :)
That's very awesome of you, so appreciated! I will repay you in a few days mate! :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 29, 2013, 05:47 pm
ohh fuckkkkk so sorry dude i actually need 0.05 >< could i get another .02 or even 0.016. I'm sooo sorry

BTC: 0.016
REPAY: 0.1
My Response  :P

yeppers, i gotcha :)  gimme just a couple minutes and you'll be all set (Hugs)


ChemCat  O0



Sent (Hugs & Enjoy)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 29, 2013, 05:51 pm
Do you do loans ChemCat  :-\ I son,t need one, just askin  8) lol
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 29, 2013, 06:01 pm
To a few people to an extent :)

as long as the repay time isnt to much of a stretch.


ChemCat  O0


Gotta go...i just put a techumse 15 horsepower gas engine on my ho-v-round  :P

gonna go to the mall parking lot and see how she does  :)

Peace & Hugs

ChemCat  O0

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: calicojak on May 29, 2013, 06:10 pm
^^^SWEET! ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mrlavish on May 29, 2013, 06:23 pm
Hey everyone,

Thread's a little slow on the request today. Not a bad thing, but if anyone needs a little help, I got a bit to spare.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jda6130 on May 29, 2013, 07:20 pm
@jda6130 autobondon hasn't payed you back right jda?

No he hasn't.  :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 29, 2013, 07:29 pm
hello guys, im looking for .02 btc to finish an order please and thank you, and can pay you back in afew days when my dwolla transfer finishes going through,

sr username is autobondon

im also on the list of givers :)
Got 0.02 off me and jda and not paid back either of us  >:( Obviously its not a lot of money, its the principal of the thread man  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on May 29, 2013, 08:19 pm
hey guys

Can anyone lend me 0.12 for a week.totally miscalculated what i needed earlier when buying coin :(

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: La Blue Girl on May 29, 2013, 08:39 pm
after all my orders are placed I have a tiny bit left over.. if someone needs a bit to finish their order let me know.. It's not much but I know how it is to be off by just a tiny bit..  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mrlavish on May 29, 2013, 08:55 pm
hey guys

Can anyone lend me 0.12 for a week.totally miscalculated what i needed earlier when buying coin :(


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 29, 2013, 09:01 pm
I,d +1 you MrLavish but bloody 72hr rule  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mrlavish on May 29, 2013, 09:03 pm
I,d +1 you MrLavish but bloody 72hr rule  ;D

Same here, for the give me birthday dope thread!! ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on May 29, 2013, 09:12 pm
hey guys

Can anyone lend me 0.12 for a week.totally miscalculated what i needed earlier when buying coin :(



+1 for MrLavish. Thank you very much!
will send back next week as promised ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 29, 2013, 09:14 pm
Lol  ;)  imagine putting up a thread asking for 1.80 coin, fuckin hard neck  ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on May 29, 2013, 09:22 pm
Lol  ;)  imagine putting up a thread asking for 1.80 coin, fuckin hard neck  ::)

????who had the minerals to ask for that amount????
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mrlavish on May 29, 2013, 09:26 pm
It's under off topic, should be at the top. So member asked for $200+ for his birthday, so he could make it extra special.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 29, 2013, 09:32 pm
Lol MrLavish, I want an extra special birthday  :P lmao  ;D ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on May 29, 2013, 09:35 pm
It's under off topic, should be at the top. So member asked for $200+ for his birthday, so he could make it extra special.

But a blowjob from a Ho only costs $10???   ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 29, 2013, 09:46 pm
welp  ..   :o the electric ho-v-round ...that i put that gasoline engine on...didnt work very well  :'(

now my back is toast and i have to pay for damages to 4 cars that got smashed by the rogue out of control
(Now) gas powered ho-v-round (falls ova)

but that motherfucker was fast  LOL  the rent-uh-cawp-with-speed-gun  clocked me at 24.2 mph  LOL 

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 29, 2013, 09:52 pm
Oh ChemCat  :o your nuts!!! lmao picturing it  ;D ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 29, 2013, 09:57 pm
my long grey hair was flowing @ 24.2 mph as the throttle got stuck wide opened i hystericly laughed and yelled
"sumodee Hep meh!!  oh Lawd !!   WEEEEEEEEEE..Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...."



Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 29, 2013, 10:07 pm
Honestly, LMAO completely even tho i don,t know what a ho-v-round is but i,m kinda picturing you on some kind of lawnmower vehicle  ;D ;D What is it?? lol
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 29, 2013, 10:14 pm
the electric chairs for old people like me  LOL  shit fire i'm 77 yrs old  :P

i took the electric motor off of mine ..fabricated an etended frame for the gasoline powered engine..and away i went   LMAO

the police wouldnt even let me drive it home after the paramedics left  LOL

it's nuts  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Repus6 on May 29, 2013, 10:17 pm
I know you told me not to worry about the 0.01 BTC but I had a little bit left in my account so I just sent it to you. I don't want to owe you or anyone else money. I may have to come back and borrow again sometime and I don't want to end up on the Shit List  ;D I can't wait until my finances get in better shape so I can actually do some loaning also! Have a great night!

I hope everyone is doing good today!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 29, 2013, 10:19 pm
+1 ChemCat I,m not sure whether to beleive you or not, 77yr, seriously,   ??? You should be +1,d by everyone then  ;D I fuckin love it, you are nuts, good nuts tho  ;D I think i love you  :-[
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 29, 2013, 10:21 pm
What,s your drug of choice, if you don,t mind me asking ChemCat, I,m 99% weed lol  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 29, 2013, 10:28 pm
@ repus  +1 to ya (Hugs)  :)

@ mary + 1 to ya as well (Huggles)  :)

mine is a story of an old couple that grew up together...spent our entire lives together....
grew old together and we knew one of us would go....up until several years ago i always thought i wouldbe the one to go first. my wife passed recently of cancer. the doctors gave her no more than 1 year and she made it more than 3 at our ages we both agreed that we have lived an awesome life together. the morning i held her hand and told her goodbye, well i cried..alot..she just said she loved me and i watched her stop breathing a couple hours later. in many things in life ...ym wife was my childhood friend..among other i carry on a request she made of me before she passed....i cry alot and act a goofball alot and i would be lying if i said i was happy all of the time   ::)

now at my age...i'll just go balls to the wall and have wife would have wanted me to be this way as i carry on what she requested of me....

Hugs to Everyone



ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 29, 2013, 10:31 pm
mine are weed and nbome's  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 29, 2013, 10:41 pm
Your wife was a lucky woman to have you ChemCat, good men are hard to find  ;D I really enjoyed reading that just wished it was longer, it was so sweet and lovely and slightly upsetting (fuck cancer) but i,m glad your enjoying life you crazy/cool pensioner  8) massive hugs to you, i wish you lived where i live   ;D ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Croskin on May 29, 2013, 10:49 pm
Hello all,
If anyone could spare about .16 btc that would be great! I'm short for the shipping on a transaction (also doesn't help that my last order is taking so long to arrive)...  I'm willing to pay back the specific person within a reasonable amount of time (specifically a week or so) or just recirculate when i have extra btc from transactions to get back in the good graces of the community. My Sr name is Croskin


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Croskin on May 29, 2013, 10:56 pm
I also realized that i look like shit for this being my first post after 50 but meh :/ Haven't been on sr long and i'm even newer on the forums but i guess i have been looking/interested in it for about a year... sorry for the sketchiness either way... I have a whopping 1 good transaction finished and 2 others are in progress! Thanks again even if not assisting
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Repus6 on May 29, 2013, 11:10 pm
@ repus  +1 to ya (Hugs)  :)

@ mary + 1 to ya as well (Huggles)  :)

mine is a story of an old couple that grew up together...spent our entire lives together....
grew old together and we knew one of us would go....up until several years ago i always thought i wouldbe the one to go first. my wife passed recently of cancer. the doctors gave her no more than 1 year and she made it more than 3 at our ages we both agreed that we have lived an awesome life together. the morning i held her hand and told her goodbye, well i cried..alot..she just said she loved me and i watched her stop breathing a couple hours later. in many things in life ...ym wife was my childhood friend..among other i carry on a request she made of me before she passed....i cry alot and act a goofball alot and i would be lying if i said i was happy all of the time   ::)

now at my age...i'll just go balls to the wall and have wife would have wanted me to be this way as i carry on what she requested of me....

Hugs to Everyone



ChemCat  O0

::hugs:: and +1 back at you! That story brought tears to my eyes! Sounds like the kind of love my husband and I share!  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 29, 2013, 11:16 pm
@Reapus6 ChemCat,s soooo sweet, i felt the same when i read it  :'(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 29, 2013, 11:22 pm
Missed Japan today  :( seriously cool guy  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 29, 2013, 11:25 pm
Awww....shucks  :-* 


you young ladies are gonna make me blush and wet myself too much  LOL  :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 29, 2013, 11:30 pm
 :-[ I offically love you ChemCat!! Lol
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 29, 2013, 11:34 pm
**Pats yur head**


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 29, 2013, 11:37 pm
Well its 12.37 am here so i,ll see you tomorrow hopefully Goodnight all  ;) :-* :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 29, 2013, 11:38 pm
Sleep well  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Repus6 on May 29, 2013, 11:45 pm
I gotta get some sleep too and get my kids to bed and walk my dogs. Evenings are tough here! Lol Night ChemCat and Mary!! Get some rest you two!  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 29, 2013, 11:51 pm
Sleep well  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: skrillyskrill on May 30, 2013, 12:04 am
just to give everyone an update: loaned King Karma .03btc on a deal to pay me back 1LTC.

He never repaid or answered messages i sent (2).

looks like he spammed to get to 50 posts and then hit up the spare coins thread a few times.
dont think its worth adding to the shit list, im sure he has a new name already
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: canada420 on May 30, 2013, 01:56 am
anybody willing to loan me .04 btc so I can get a sample from Mercury31?

I'll payback .06 btc real soon.. probably 2-3 days
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mrlavish on May 30, 2013, 03:11 am
anybody willing to loan me .04 btc so I can get a sample from Mercury31?

I'll payback .06 btc real soon.. probably 2-3 days

Tell me you SR name and I'll send it to you. By the way I know the guy in your avatar is from Generation Kill, but I know him as Ziggy from The Wire.. Both Awesome shows
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: canada420 on May 30, 2013, 03:15 am
anybody willing to loan me .04 btc so I can get a sample from Mercury31?

I'll payback .06 btc real soon.. probably 2-3 days

Tell me you SR name and I'll send it to you. By the way I know the guy in your avatar is from Generation Kill, but I know him as Ziggy from The Wire.. Both Awesome shows
hey thanks a lot, very much appreciated.. and I heard The Wire is great, I'm going to watch it right when I finish up Breaking Bad

my SR name is canada420, thanks again
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mrlavish on May 30, 2013, 03:17 am
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: canada420 on May 30, 2013, 03:18 am
thank you so much :)

I was worried I might miss the samples.. not anymore! thank you!!  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mrlavish on May 30, 2013, 03:32 am
thank you so much :)

I was worried I might miss the samples.. not anymore! thank you!!  ;D

No problem.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: b0m on May 30, 2013, 04:23 am
Aloha. I thought i would ask. Pls dont feed me minus karma. Im short 0.11 btc, if there is anybody willing to lean it to me i will give back 0.14 within 2 weeks! ive already lent 0.7 from a vendor once and gave back 0.1 :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 30, 2013, 06:27 am
Missed Japan today  :( seriously cool guy  8)

HIGH Mary, and ALL  8)

I spent the day under the duvet, as I was shot to bits after 'The Trek'.... but woke this morning put my cape on and J-Man is back  8)

Got a business meeting to go to this morning, but be back for some lending later.

Hope all you are well, and it's good to see the thread flowing nicely, I'm gonna put the latest rules and list up as there seems to be some new people on here and I don't want them getting fucked over by the 'shitters'

J-Man  8)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) When requesting, post your SR name so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.
List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange ++++
Autobondon *
dr gonzo
Mike Hunt
White Out

The shit list:
Autobondon * ++++
daystocome ++++

**do not lend to these people**
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: AverageDude84 on May 30, 2013, 07:40 am
Could anyone please lend me 0.006 BTC please? (argh! lol). Will pay it back soon as, or pass along if that is what you would prefer.

SR Name: ***Edited for security, transaction complete!

Total transactions: 13
Total spent: ฿4.15
Refund rate: 0%
Auto-finalize rate: 0%
Member for: 27 days

Thank you very much!

*Edit, will be able to pay it back at latest next Tuesday. Maybe before.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: oNLiN3fR3aK on May 30, 2013, 07:45 am
let the idiology of SR grow and spread it,
really nice brotherhood here around, just wanna mention, Respect... :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mrlavish on May 30, 2013, 10:24 am
Could anyone please lend me 0.006 BTC please? (argh! lol). Will pay it back soon as, or pass along if that is what you would prefer.

SR Name: AverageJoe86UK

Total transactions: 13
Total spent: ฿4.15
Refund rate: 0%
Auto-finalize rate: 0%
Member for: 27 days

Thank you very much!

*Edit, will be able to pay it back at latest next Tuesday. Maybe before.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: oNLiN3fR3aK on May 30, 2013, 11:03 am
ive already lent 0.7 from a vendor once and gave back 0.1 :)
so it was definitely a good deal for YOU  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: barbequehax on May 30, 2013, 12:25 pm
I wonder if someone would lend me .02 BTC for about one to two weeks (which is the point when I buy new BTC). If yes, please drop me a PM so not multiple persons send it.
Thanks in advance!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: AverageDude84 on May 30, 2013, 02:04 pm
Thank you very much Mr Lavish, will repay ASAP :)

Could anyone please lend me 0.006 BTC please? (argh! lol). Will pay it back soon as, or pass along if that is what you would prefer.

SR Name: AverageJoe86UK

Total transactions: 13
Total spent: ฿4.15
Refund rate: 0%
Auto-finalize rate: 0%
Member for: 27 days

Thank you very much!

*Edit, will be able to pay it back at latest next Tuesday. Maybe before.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: canada420 on May 30, 2013, 02:10 pm
thank you so much :)

I was worried I might miss the samples.. not anymore! thank you!!  ;D

No problem.
hey mrlavish whats your SR name? I can payback the coins now :)

EDIT: oh never mind, I forgot I could check my account history for your name! sending right now
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 30, 2013, 02:15 pm
hiya canada  :)

if you click "Account" on SR then click "Account History"  you will see who has sent the coins as well as who you've sent coins to and deposits which were made to your Bitcoin Address.
However...if you're unsure...then wait until mrlavish responds to you....also might would be good to send him a msg here as well  :)

Hope this helps ya :)


ChemCat O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: canada420 on May 30, 2013, 02:18 pm
hiya canada  :)

if you click "Account" on SR then click "Account History"  you will see who has sent the coins as well as who you've sent coins to and deposits which were made to your Bitcoin Address.
However...if you're unsure...then wait until mrlavish responds to you....also might would be good to send him a msg here as well  :)

Hope this helps ya :)


ChemCat O0
hehehe thank you  ;D I realized this as I clicked the Post button
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: barbequehax on May 30, 2013, 02:21 pm
Thanks b0m for helping me out!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mrlavish on May 30, 2013, 02:22 pm
thank you so much :)

I was worried I might miss the samples.. not anymore! thank you!!  ;D

No problem.
hey mrlavish whats your SR name? I can payback the coins now :)

EDIT: oh never mind, I forgot I could check my account history for your name! sending right now

Thanks Canada!! Yeah my SR name is very similar to my Forum name so I'm sure you will figure it out. A big +1 for you and the uber quick repay.

Well Canada I can't give you another +1, since we are still in the 72 hour window, but I do appreciate it, and Chemcat you get one for helping out with good info!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: b0m on May 30, 2013, 02:23 pm
I wonder if someone would lend me .02 BTC for about one to two weeks (which is the point when I buy new BTC). If yes, please drop me a PM so not multiple persons send it.
Thanks in advance!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: saranottegan on May 30, 2013, 02:26 pm
Good morning everyone :)

Could someone lend me .05btc so I can get my order in this a.m. I will have the coinage back to you by the end of the day today, guaranteed. SR name is also saranottegan

Thank you in advance and everyone - have a great day!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mrlavish on May 30, 2013, 02:34 pm
Good morning everyone :)

Could someone lend me .05btc so I can get my order in this a.m. I will have the coinage back to you by the end of the day today, guaranteed. SR name is also saranottegan

Thank you in advance and everyone - have a great day!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: canada420 on May 30, 2013, 02:51 pm
thank you so much :)

I was worried I might miss the samples.. not anymore! thank you!!  ;D

No problem.
hey mrlavish whats your SR name? I can payback the coins now :)

EDIT: oh never mind, I forgot I could check my account history for your name! sending right now

Thanks Canada!! Yeah my SR name is very similar to my Forum name so I'm sure you will figure it out. A big +1 for you and the uber quick repay.

Well Canada I can't give you another +1, since we are still in the 72 hour window, but I do appreciate it, and Chemcat you get one for helping out with good info!!
no problem, thank you very much as well :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: saranottegan on May 30, 2013, 02:58 pm
Good morning everyone :)

Could someone lend me .05btc so I can get my order in this a.m. I will have the coinage back to you by the end of the day today, guaranteed. SR name is also saranottegan

Thank you in advance and everyone - have a great day!


Thank you, Mr. Lavish! I'll have it back to you by the end of the day!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 30, 2013, 03:16 pm
Great people on here today i,m going to +1 who i can lol  ;D
Hi Chemcay if your still here  :-* :-* (hugs) what you getting yourself in trouble with today  ::) been back to the mall lol don,t get arrested, and were you ok or did you get hurt hunny  :-\
Hi to Japan, RS, Repus6 and everyone else  ;D ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: pzvTVzD6OL on May 30, 2013, 03:40 pm
Hi everyone,

I am based in France, and I am ฿0.04 short to pay postage on an order. The two french websites I used to get my Bitcoins are down ( and, both owned by the same company), and won't be back before some time...
If someone is willing to give me the .04, I really can't promise when I will pay them back as the websites doesn't have a date stating when they will be re-opened...
So I would be really grateful if someone is kind enough to lend me .04btc, but if someone is willing to, be aware that I can't promise to get the coin back to you soon, as it may take a month before I can get new Bitcoins...

Anyway, I will look back at this thread in the future, as I generally don't know what to do of my ฿0.xx left after my orders. Guess I should have keep them from my last order, instead of buying lottery tickets...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 30, 2013, 03:52 pm
PZV- sorry i only have 0.005 but if  stay on or come back in an hour they,ll be a few people on that will have coin i,m sure  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 30, 2013, 04:20 pm
well hiya mary  (Hugs)


yeppers i hoit meh back yesterday with my crazy gas powered ho-v-round


No silly antics for me today  :-\

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mrlavish on May 30, 2013, 04:45 pm
Yeah ChemCat take it easy today, you seemed to have quite the adventurous yesterday! ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 30, 2013, 04:50 pm

i did  LOL

over $1100.00 in paint damages to other vehicles...  :(

my back is messed up  :(

and i wanna do it all again LOL  :P

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Repus6 on May 30, 2013, 05:05 pm
Hey Mary, ChemCat, Japan and everyone else! ::hugs to all::

Figured I'd stop by and say hello to everyone while I wait for my mail to show up  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 30, 2013, 05:11 pm
Heloos & Hugs to Everyone  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on May 30, 2013, 05:25 pm
Hi all  ;D

Chemcat,what have you been up to my old friend?Are you getting done for these damages you've caused to peeps vehicles?

Just wanted to throw some more love out to MrLavish for helping me out yesterday :D What a nice guy!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 30, 2013, 05:41 pm
yeah i have to pay for the paint repairs  LOL

i was wrong for altering the electric chair  LOL  that gas powered engines on it is fun as all get out though  :P

i can no longer take the chair into stores ...cuz it's now gas powered  LOL

but i can drive it up and down the street when i get the throttle fixed  LOL

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: SisnebucEbycolisp on May 30, 2013, 06:01 pm
I have no need for coins but I just wanted to say that everyone in here is Awesome! Faith in humanity restored!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 30, 2013, 06:11 pm
Quote from: ChemCat
ok :)  i sent you 0.03000000 bitcoins :)

i am going to post all of this in the spare coins thread for you..for our records  ;)

Just pay it back to my username on SR :)


Peace & Hugs,

ChemCat O0

Quote from: ChemCat
ok..with your permission i will do this for you.
1) i will repost this in the spare coin thread for you.
2) i will lend you the 0.06 that you need, i will need you SR screen name.

if that's ok with you ...then it's a go and you will have the coins in a couple minutes  :)

Quote from: Norma
Have ฿2.848, need ฿2.85 (as long as rate doesn't change drastically).. Basically, when I was calculating how much I would need, I forgot about the ฿0.06 delivery charge..
I could probably just buy what I'm missing, but it's such a pain.. do people even sell such small amounts?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 30, 2013, 06:19 pm
Hi ChemCat  :-* (hugs) hi RS  :-* :-* Hi Japan  8) Hi Repus  ;D Hi everyone else  ;D ;D ;D
Crazy ChemCat lol you ok from ur adventure tho? You caused quite a bit of damage then you nutter ha ha  ;D I hope your ok for paying for the damage, was your v-motor insured lol if you need any help i would be glad to donate some coin for you to help out  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 30, 2013, 06:22 pm
ChemCat why is the person not asking for the loan on the thread, norma i think??  :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 30, 2013, 06:23 pm
hiya mary  :)

yeppers am ok just sore  LOL   ;D

i have a guy at a paint shop that will take care of the damages :)
no insurance here  LOL
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 30, 2013, 06:28 pm
hiya mary  :)

yeppers am ok just sore  LOL   ;D

i have a guy at a paint shop that will take care of the damages :)
no insurance here  LOL
Good  :D I wouldn,t have wanted to see you stuck with that bill lol ;D Are you having a good day, I,ve had a xanax and now smoking lovely super lemon haze, feel nice and chilled  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on May 30, 2013, 06:33 pm

Quote from: Norma
Have ฿2.848, need ฿2.85 (as long as rate doesn't change drastically).. Basically, when I was calculating how much I would need, I forgot about the ฿0.06 delivery charge..
I could probably just buy what I'm missing, but it's such a pain.. do people even sell such small amounts?

in this case norma only needs to lend 0.002
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 30, 2013, 06:34 pm
yeppers  :)  just smoked some Berry Royale


Nom Nom Nom   ;D

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 30, 2013, 06:40 pm
Do you live alone now Chemcat, lol i mean not in a old peoples place? So are you nice and stoned just now  :P What time is it where you are  :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 30, 2013, 06:49 pm
my son and daughter drop in from time to time. no i dont do old peoples homes..LOL i'll die in my chair :)

yeppers am thoroughly Stoned  8)

it's very late where i am  :P

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 30, 2013, 06:59 pm
I thought you in the US for some reason lol so i thought it be earlier where you are  :o Lovely stoney nights  ;D ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 30, 2013, 07:07 pm
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 30, 2013, 07:13 pm
I added you on buddylist ChemCat cause i have no buddies lol  :-[ You must have been up later than me last night then  :o what time is it where you are its 8.13pm here  :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: hailsatan123123 on May 30, 2013, 07:24 pm
wow guys ! such an honest community ... i'm short on  0.021 to get myself some lsd blotters ~! if you ever short on small amount and i have some pm me an ide be happy to help  :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 30, 2013, 07:29 pm
oh it's a little after noon and it's dark in my basement  :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 30, 2013, 07:30 pm
wow guys ! such an honest community ... i'm short on  0.021 to get myself some lsd blotters ~! if you ever short on small amount and i have some pm me an ide be happy to help  :D
If you have spare coin you come on and offer it on this thread like your doing asking for it people shouldn,t need to pm you if you can come on asking for coin surely you can pop back when you have spare to see if anyone on here like yourself looking for a small bit of help. Its like your saying once you,ve got the coin you,ll not be back on here (till you need more) but if someone remembers you they can pm, thats not how it works pal  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 30, 2013, 07:32 pm
ChemCat your nuts lol you said not long ago it was very late where you were, now its noon lol  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 30, 2013, 07:37 pm
hey calicojak :) I'll be happy to.. but first I need to deposit an transfer, which I can do tomorrow..

for anybody else calicojak's loaned me .2 recently :) hes a good guy.
Thank you so very much! The only reason I don't have the coin I need is because I loaned .21 to kandykidd the same day I loaned .2 to you. Again thank you, you're awesome +1!
hey bro, sorry lastnight ended up having a party with friends.. just started the transfer..

however, DJ Not Nice has kindly repaid me .09 from his .05 loan, thank you :) ;) :-*. also finally DaFrizzle has payed me back after like 2 months.. so he can be removed from the shit list I guess.. ::)

so I've sent .12, an have I'll have the other .08 for you soon :-[

@chemcat you sir are a God :P also my new hero! really sad story though :( made me tear up.. dem feels.

@japan :D glad to see you're okay

@mary hiya :)

@repus Oi!

@darktime good morning to the night time ;)

@BoS where ever you at sup :D, ready for your present yet?

@evrbody else, howdy :)

EDIT: sent the other .09  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 30, 2013, 07:41 pm
also, karma for all the droogies!! :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: pablo84 on May 30, 2013, 07:43 pm
hey wondering can anyone load me .02 coins. I can repay early next wee. Username is pablo84 on the forum.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 30, 2013, 07:44 pm
****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) When requesting, post your SR name so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange ++++
Autobondon *
dr gonzo
Mike Hunt
White Out

The shit list:
Autobondon * ++++
daystocome ++++

**do not lend to these people**
dafrizzle has been removed from shitlist as they have paid RS in full

i didnt see DJ on there  :o

and Hugs to ya RS  :)

@ mary, well yest after noon is late to me :P  go figure  LOL  at 77 yrs old i get sleepy sometimes  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 30, 2013, 07:49 pm
Hi RS  ;D how are you pal  8)
Maybe there should be something on the shitlist saying the guy didn,t repay for 2 month then or late payers or something, just i wouldn,t want to loan coin to someone who took that long to pay back  :( just my thoughts lol
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: calicojak on May 30, 2013, 08:51 pm
also, karma for all the droogies!! :)
Thank you! You are AWESOME! ;D

I will repay you very soon! Should be early this week. :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on May 30, 2013, 09:09 pm
Hi all  ;D

Sorry to be a pain but I've been selected to give a review of some MDMA but am short 0.02 for post ::)

If anyone could oblige I'd be most appreciative,and pay them back of coarse!

oh yeah, SR name is eddyboy666
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mrlavish on May 30, 2013, 09:12 pm
Hi all  ;D

Sorry to be a pain but I've been selected to give a review of some MDMA but am short 0.02 for post ::)

If anyone could oblige I'd be most appreciative,and pay them back of coarse!

SR name the same? If so I got you covered. Let me know.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on May 30, 2013, 09:18 pm
sorry,I just amended my post.I always forget that I have a different name ::)

Its eddyboy666

thats 2ce in 2 days MrLavish.Your a true gent.much love. ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mrlavish on May 30, 2013, 09:26 pm
sorry,I just amended my post.I always forget that I have a different name ::)

Its eddyboy666

thats 2ce in 2 days MrLavish.Your a true gent.much love. ;D

You Got Coin.

No problem man, I got a little extra right now, and I'm happy to help out. Please don't forget though you owe .14 now.

I mention this, cause to be honest I'll forget.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: acidsoldier on May 30, 2013, 09:49 pm

my domestic change it's turn off :C < liliontransfer > so can't change my money but I need immediately 0,12 btc, I know it's much about 12$ but it's gonna blew my mind on party next week.. Hope that could help me I will give +1 karma and return as soon as possible...

13DEoSWmXxgHbJmfWRcGU27T2PYTK557Jx it's my wallet, much love bros.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on May 30, 2013, 09:52 pm
I never forget the people that help me out my friend! Never burn your bridges because you never know when you might have to cross back over them!

I have both borrowed coin and payed back and also lent out coin using this thread-still waiting to be paid back now I look at my account history..Hmmm.I might have to give out a small nudge in their direction.

If it isnt,I suggest your name is added to the list of good people that have lent to people in need.

I would +1 you but did so yesterday so sending some respect your way,for now,instead ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 30, 2013, 09:56 pm
8) Darktime 

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 30, 2013, 09:58 pm
Hi guys i,ve changed my profile pis, i was Kurt Cobain before but i don,t care about the anon on here so i just put my real pic up  ;D as you can see i,m a bit skinny at the moment and my skins terribly dry but i hope you guys will love me anyway  ;D I,m still cool  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 30, 2013, 10:00 pm
Awww   ;D

**Hugs you**

mary we'll have to git ewe sum grits and boneless beef ribs  with sum mashded taters  :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: pzvTVzD6OL on May 30, 2013, 10:02 pm
Hi everyone,

I am based in France, and I am ฿0.04 short to pay postage on an order. The two french websites I used to get my Bitcoins are down ( and, both owned by the same company), and won't be back before some time...
If someone is willing to give me the .04, I really can't promise when I will pay them back as the websites doesn't have a date stating when they will be re-opened...
So I would be really grateful if someone is kind enough to lend me .04btc, but if someone is willing to, be aware that I can't promise to get the coin back to you soon, as it may take a month before I can get new Bitcoins...

Anyway, I will look back at this thread in the future, as I generally don't know what to do of my ฿0.xx left after my orders. Guess I should have keep them from my last order, instead of buying lottery tickets...
Bumping my request at it's already 3 pages back.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on May 30, 2013, 10:06 pm
Hi everyone,

I am based in France, and I am ฿0.04 short to pay postage on an order. The two french websites I used to get my Bitcoins are down ( and, both owned by the same company), and won't be back before some time...
If someone is willing to give me the .04, I really can't promise when I will pay them back as the websites doesn't have a date stating when they will be re-opened...
So I would be really grateful if someone is kind enough to lend me .04btc, but if someone is willing to, be aware that I can't promise to get the coin back to you soon, as it may take a month before I can get new Bitcoins...

Anyway, I will look back at this thread in the future, as I generally don't know what to do of my ฿0.xx left after my orders. Guess I should have keep them from my last order, instead of buying lottery tickets...
Bumping my request at it's already 3 pages back.

Try bitbargain..they are fast and reliable
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on May 30, 2013, 10:23 pm
+1 to the coolchemcat for being an antisocial motorized chair maniac  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 30, 2013, 10:26 pm
Hi everyone,

I am based in France, and I am ฿0.04 short to pay postage on an order. The two french websites I used to get my Bitcoins are down ( and, both owned by the same company), and won't be back before some time...
If someone is willing to give me the .04, I really can't promise when I will pay them back as the websites doesn't have a date stating when they will be re-opened...
So I would be really grateful if someone is kind enough to lend me .04btc, but if someone is willing to, be aware that I can't promise to get the coin back to you soon, as it may take a month before I can get new Bitcoins...

Anyway, I will look back at this thread in the future, as I generally don't know what to do of my ฿0.xx left after my orders. Guess I should have keep them from my last order, instead of buying lottery tickets...
Bumping my request at it's already 3 pages back.
I,m not really sure about this one as i,ve not seen a french person asking for coin, i,m assuming this is the 1st time you,ve been on this thread then? It doesnt really sound the best when your saying it may take a month to get coins, sorry i,m not buying this, maybe like you say if you,d thought to come on and loan coin but it clearly didn,t interest you untill you needed coin! I,m not being horrible, just my honest opinion  :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 30, 2013, 10:35 pm
ChemCat Its not that i wouldn,t mind a feed up but i,m clueless to what i,m going to do with that hair  ;D lol
Darktime your a madman which isn,t a bad thing  :D I loved your post, i can,t mind what thread it was in but you said something along the lines of: "i don,t have a problem mate, i just get my c__k out and the girls are jumping over eachother fighting for it"  :P fuckin classic i was LMAO i think it was the 1st +1 i gave  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: acidsoldier on May 30, 2013, 10:37 pm
Without off top bros, please !:) I'm just curious when smbdy will help me because want to try mercury31 3x free pills ! HELP ME PLXX :*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 30, 2013, 10:41 pm
well mary i have to say   ;D

beaqr grease will do wonders for the unruly hair  :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: pzvTVzD6OL on May 30, 2013, 10:42 pm
Hum... yes you have seen me earlier today, you even replied to the exact message I have just quoted ;)

Also yeah, I know this doesn't look like a good plan, and that's why I directly state that it may take long for me to get back at a generous guy/girl if he/she is willing to help me.
I  wrote it to keep people informed that I am not a sure deal, so people that don't want to take the risk just don't take it :)

Also yes, I discovered this thread a few days ago so I never had the occasion yet to come and participate. I am only 8 months old on SR, and I started to read the forums only one or two weeks ago.

But I totally understand I may sound fishy, and don't encourage anyone giving something to me, I just though "hey why not, it's worth the try", without really having high hopes about it ;)
Guess I'll just wait for my websites to re-open before placing a new order ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 30, 2013, 10:44 pm
Acidsoldier its not like your asking for money cause your short on an order! What your basically asking if someone will give you a loan so you can do a sample order. I too would love a few of the samples up but i,ll just have to wait till i,ve got money, i wouldn,t ask someone on here to loan me coin so i could order a sample but i guess it would be ok if you were offering some extra coin back to whoever gets it, it always helps and sounds better mate  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 30, 2013, 10:45 pm
I'd help you two but at the moment  am tapped out :(

Sorry  (Hugs)


ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: acidsoldier on May 30, 2013, 10:49 pm
I thought it's as clear as crystal that If I could I help my bros as far I can ;) Just want to make everything clear I do not ask for free coins bro, I'm here for a while and I know the apparent rights of SR... Much love
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 30, 2013, 10:51 pm
I,m tapped out to ChemCat got 0.005 in mine if anyone want that but i,d rather put it in crazy cats tip jar lol i,ve not been paid back coin for 9 days was apperently getting paid back in 2 days so i can say goodbye to thet  :'( but hey, he was on the lenders list  ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: whowhatwhere on May 31, 2013, 01:24 am
Hello everyone!  I just wanted to update to say after some issues I had since I couldn't transfer money from Dwolla>Mt. Gox, I found a better BTC option and I paid back Japan1980 today 150% of what he lent me.  We've been in communication about this since a few weeks back when he lent the BTC to me but I wanted to let everyone on this thread know as well.  He is a stand up guy and I certainly appreciate his help when I needed it!  I'll be sure to do the same in the future when I have some excess funds to lend  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 31, 2013, 01:48 am
Hi RS  ;D how are you pal  8)
Maybe there should be something on the shitlist saying the guy didn,t repay for 2 month then or late payers or something, just i wouldn,t want to loan coin to someone who took that long to pay back  :( just my thoughts lol
I'm good.. was only home for a second with my earlier post.. but yeah. I talked to him, he said it was a misunderstanding of actually repaying me :P.. and said he had help other people short on coin.. so its all good.

@acidsoldier I'll see what I have an let you know if i can help.

@whowhatwhere nice work brother :) +1
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 31, 2013, 02:09 am
Okay  :o

Thank You for Sharing that with Us (Hugs)



ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 31, 2013, 02:10 am
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 31, 2013, 02:15 am
:) hiya chemmy, how you doing?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 31, 2013, 02:17 am
High as hell feel like i'm rollin through palmdale  :P

then i was Floored with this stuff above us LOL

Hiya  & How are ya RS?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BYSD on May 31, 2013, 02:18 am
did that just happen?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 31, 2013, 02:20 am

Child pornography - and that includes child pornography stories - are expressly forbidden here under Silk Road rules.


^ This +1 in 72 Hours @ Libertas (Hugs)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 31, 2013, 02:22 am
lol ;D, not bad.. ready to hit my bong :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 31, 2013, 02:22 am
Bahaha!!   ;D

That...Just Happened  :)

A Good Quick Moderator  :)

Just My Opinion  8)


ChemCat  O0

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 31, 2013, 02:24 am
I'll dedicated this one to you bro ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BYSD on May 31, 2013, 02:26 am
Bahaha!!   ;D

That...Just Happened  :)

A Good Quick Moderator  :)

Just My Opinion  8)


ChemCat  O0
heyup catty. .
what's the haps
.. check out this fancy new picture to my left  ;) ;D

edit: i think my typings taken a hit
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 31, 2013, 02:29 am
Hiya BYSD Hugs to ya  :)

i cant look at yur pic too long it makes me start twitching if i stare too long  LOL  :P

looks alot better animated huh?  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: asshole on May 31, 2013, 02:30 am
Libertas is overstepping the boundaries of a moderator and editing posts that are not breaking any written rules. This is a forum of drug dealers and drug addicts which is illegal. Child porn is legal in some countries. Havnig sex with a child is legal in some countries too. Children need sex too.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 31, 2013, 02:31 am
heya BYSD ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 31, 2013, 02:32 am
Libertas is overstepping the boundaries of a moderator and editing posts that are not breaking any written rules. This is a forum of drug dealers and drug addicts which is illegal. Child porn is legal in some countries. Havnig sex with a child is legal in some countries too. Children need sex too.
GTFO this thread..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BYSD on May 31, 2013, 02:34 am
yeah man it's looking fiiiine.. ;D

who is this guy?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 31, 2013, 02:40 am
no clue who this person is...

i'd kill his screen name from the servers though  LOL
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 31, 2013, 02:41 am
                                                     :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) When requesting, post your SR name so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
dr gonzo
Mike Hunt
White Out

The shit list:
Autobondon *

*^*do not lend to these people*^*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 31, 2013, 02:47 am
Can we permenantly add this asshole character to that list  ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 31, 2013, 02:52 am
lol, the banished members list..?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BYSD on May 31, 2013, 02:53 am
lol, the banished members list..?
Can we permenantly add this asshole character to that list  ::)
ha i second that!

JEEZ man, i didnn't realise what the time was, i should be getting some Z's ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 31, 2013, 02:53 am
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: asshole on May 31, 2013, 03:11 am

I love you!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: goochihuh on May 31, 2013, 03:18 am
Just wanted to say what a terrific thread. Goes to show in SR there are a lot more honest users then dishonest. Also the people who lend coins what do they get in return in the future? Kudos to current lenders.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 31, 2013, 03:20 am
Just wanted to say what a terrific thread. Goes to show in SR there are a lot more honest users then dishonest. Also the people who lend coins what do they get in return in the future? Kudos to current lenders.
:) 1+ to you sir
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: pzvTVzD6OL on May 31, 2013, 03:27 am
Just wanted to say what a terrific thread. Goes to show in SR there are a lot more honest users then dishonest. Also the people who lend coins what do they get in return in the future? Kudos to current lenders.

To my understanding, the people who lend coins simply get their coins back in the future. Or they can ask the ones they lend it to to pass then coins when they are in position to.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: goochihuh on May 31, 2013, 03:31 am
Cheers for the positive karma! Really good idea , a lot of scammers out there and charity cases but there are good people who are genuinely need a hand at times and it is good they have a decent sized amount of users ready to help out. I think perhaps a user should have easy past 100 decent posts before even being considered for a loan but again it comes down to a user willing to lend if they want that or not. Totally individual based I suppose but you often see people taking advantage of generosity in RL and in cyber space. Scamming vendors who have good reps asking to FE then running off with 5 figure sums just show it is hard to really trust anyone these days.

Hell I trusted my ex partner then next thing you know she is giving my best mate a BJ but said it wasn't a big deal because she didn't make him climax and expected me to over look it. Crazy.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 31, 2013, 04:07 am
Just wanted to say what a terrific thread. Goes to show in SR there are a lot more honest users then dishonest. Also the people who lend coins what do they get in return in the future? Kudos to current lenders.

To my understanding, the people who lend coins simply get their coins back in the future. Or they can ask the ones they lend it to to pass then coins when they are in position to.
depends.. but recently its been mostly loans so paying the leader back.. :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 31, 2013, 04:08 am
Just wanted to say what a terrific thread. Goes to show in SR there are a lot more honest users then dishonest. Also the people who lend coins what do they get in return in the future? Kudos to current lenders.

To my understanding, the people who lend coins simply get their coins back in the future. Or they can ask the ones they lend it to to pass then coins when they are in position to.
its a scary world we live in :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 31, 2013, 04:10 am
                                                     :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) When requesting, post your SR name so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
dr gonzo
Mike Hunt
White Out

The shit list:
Autobondon *

*^*do not lend to these people*^*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: asshole on May 31, 2013, 04:15 am
The heavy handed bishop struck it down! It has been stricken down! >:(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 31, 2013, 07:34 am
Props to whowhatwhere for paying their debt back  8)

Morning all and HIGH.

Sorry not been on much been busy working, business is BOOMING at the moment - bringing in the dollar big time....

But you're all in my thoughts and glad the thread is ticking over nicely.

J-Man  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 31, 2013, 08:21 am
Libertas is overstepping the boundaries of a moderator and editing posts that are not breaking any written rules. This is a forum of drug dealers and drug addicts which is illegal. Child porn is legal in some countries. Havnig sex with a child is legal in some countries too. Children need sex too.
GTFO this thread..
WHAT THE FUCK!!! Whats been going on here then, i think the post has bee removed. Whats the pedo cunt been saying! "children need sex too" Honestly Where,s my fuckin torture gear, this cunt needs a labotomy!!!  >:(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 31, 2013, 08:21 am
Goot Moanin J-Man  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bodnostrokulum on May 31, 2013, 08:24 am
fuck them pedos, i will kill one someday  :o >:( :-X

Hello guys

im 0.07 short

please help

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: goochihuh on May 31, 2013, 08:24 am
Libertas is overstepping the boundaries of a moderator and editing posts that are not breaking any written rules. This is a forum of drug dealers and drug addicts which is illegal. Child porn is legal in some countries. Havnig sex with a child is legal in some countries too. Children need sex too.
GTFO this thread..
WHAT THE FUCK!!! Whats been going on here then, i think the post has bee removed. Whats the pedo cunt been saying! "children need sex too" Honestly Where,s my fuckin torture gear, this cunt needs a labotomy!!!  >:(

In another thread he stated he said it to get a response and didn't mean it. That really shows how foolish and pathetic he will go on a internet forum. He also said that living in the early 1900's would be better as sex for more prevalent ,people experimented more and children sex was on a more acceptable level.

Again I believe he is joking but it isn't remotely funny it is just completely silly.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 31, 2013, 08:51 am
Mornin mary  (Hugs)


guys/gals just put asshole on your "ignore" list if need be. i'm inclined to believe this goober will be ready to go again once they wake up  ::)

Peace & Hugs,

ChemCat O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on May 31, 2013, 11:51 am
morning all ;D

I just got this from a said it was posted to motek and a few others:


    Posts: 0
    Karma: +0/-0
    [thank] [discourage]
        View Profile
        Personal Message (Online)

★{10 bitcoin-$850}{ } [ANONYMOUS}]send within 10 minutes.accept paypal{1 bitcoin-$109}{2 bitcoin-$196}{5 bitcoin-$466} ★{ }{15 bitcoin-$1175}{20 bitcoin-$1499}{30 bitcoin=$1999}{50bitcoin + 1bitcoin=$2999}{ htt
« Sent to: motek, Darktime, MisterMcfeely, blackace, jexilon75 on: Today at 11:39 am »
« You have forwarded or responded to this message. »

    Reply to All

★{10 bitcoin-$850}{ } [ANONYMOUS}]send within 10 minutes.accept paypal {1 bitcoin-$109} {2 bitcoin-$196} {5 bitcoin-$466} ★{ } {15 bitcoin-$1175} {20 bitcoin-$1499} {30 bitcoin=$1999} {50bitcoin + 1bitcoin=$2999}{ }★ ★{ } ★{ } ★{ }
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: acidsoldier on May 31, 2013, 12:22 pm
Hi RS  ;D how are you pal  8)
Maybe there should be something on the shitlist saying the guy didn,t repay for 2 month then or late payers or something, just i wouldn,t want to loan coin to someone who took that long to pay back  :( just my thoughts lol
I'm good.. was only home for a second with my earlier post.. but yeah. I talked to him, he said it was a misunderstanding of actually repaying me :P.. and said he had help other people short on coin.. so its all good.

@acidsoldier I'll see what I have an let you know if i can help.

@whowhatwhere nice work brother :) +1

Thank u :) Waitin' for some news and +1 just for good attitude :) Much love bros
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: pzvTVzD6OL on May 31, 2013, 12:36 pm
Hi everyone,

I am based in France, and I am ฿0.04 short to pay postage on an order. The two french websites I used to get my Bitcoins are down ( and, both owned by the same company), and won't be back before some time...
If someone is willing to give me the .04, I really can't promise when I will pay them back as the websites doesn't have a date stating when they will be re-opened...
So I would be really grateful if someone is kind enough to lend me .04btc, but if someone is willing to, be aware that I can't promise to get the coin back to you soon, as it may take a month before I can get new Bitcoins...

Anyway, I will look back at this thread in the future, as I generally don't know what to do of my ฿0.xx left after my orders. Guess I should have keep them from my last order, instead of buying lottery tickets...

Last bump of my request. More information here :

Also SR name : pzvTVzD6OL
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on May 31, 2013, 12:53 pm
Hi everyone,

I am based in France, and I am ฿0.04 short to pay postage on an order. The two french websites I used to get my Bitcoins are down ( and, both owned by the same company), and won't be back before some time...
If someone is willing to give me the .04, I really can't promise when I will pay them back as the websites doesn't have a date stating when they will be re-opened...
So I would be really grateful if someone is kind enough to lend me .04btc, but if someone is willing to, be aware that I can't promise to get the coin back to you soon, as it may take a month before I can get new Bitcoins...

Anyway, I will look back at this thread in the future, as I generally don't know what to do of my ฿0.xx left after my orders. Guess I should have keep them from my last order, instead of buying lottery tickets...

Last bump of my request. More information here :

Also SR name : pzvTVzD6OL

Did you try bitbargain like I told you? or even
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: pzvTVzD6OL on May 31, 2013, 02:58 pm
Did you try bitbargain like I told you? or even

Yeah, I looked at bitbargain, and it doesn't suit me. With the websites I'm used to, I simply have to make a SEPA bank transfer without having anything else to provide. I don't want to give my phone number or to get my identity checked, and I don't use any of the service they propose to make a payment. So I'd rather not order now and wait a month to use something I am used to than to have to learn another way of getting bitcoins that probably won't please me as much as what I already know, and that I will only use once.

And bitbargain is targeting people from the UK, which I am not, whereas bitcoin-central or instawire are based in France.

Also nothing near me at localbitcoin, or too high minimum quantity for what I need.

Thanks for the tips anyway ;)

Also even if I don't get anything from this thread this time, which I totally understand, I'll come back here after my next order to help someone out, just to prove that I am legit, as I know from only my few posts here I may sound fishy :)

Have a nice day everyone.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 31, 2013, 03:44 pm

ok it's been taken care of Thank You Ron Swanson (Hugs)  Sent you back $25.71
ChemCat O0

Ok this is a first  LOL

i am in need of 0.17 Bitcoins which is $21.95 at the current market value. I'll pay back $23.00 next week or sooner.


Peace & Hugs,

ChemCat  O0

Changed "need if" to "need of"  :P
i forgot to let ya'll know that i need this for an order of 400 nbome tabs for an awesome  profit  :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on May 31, 2013, 04:00 pm
 pzvTVzD6OL sorry i couldt be more helpful

Chemcat,if I had anything I would give it to you but am on my ass this week and had to have 2 loans myself.Im sure one of the brothers will be able to sort you out. :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 31, 2013, 04:04 pm
i hope this can help you  :)




ChemCat  O0

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 31, 2013, 04:07 pm
hiya Darktime  (Hugs)
No Worries my Electronic Friend!  :)

i also hope someone can do this ...cuz if so i'll repay $25.00   

we'll see what happens  LOL 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on May 31, 2013, 04:27 pm
hiya Darktime  (Hugs)
No Worries my Electronic Friend!  :)

i also hope someone can do this ...cuz if so i'll repay $25.00   

we'll see what happens  LOL

people shouldn't have to offer interest  to lure peeps into giving you a loan.Its about helping someone out when in need and repaying that kindness not about making money.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 31, 2013, 04:35 pm
that's just how i like to pay back  :)

Good Faith and Rewards Plan :)

i'm not trying to lure anyone  LOL  i can remove my request  :-\

i might have took what ya said wrong  LOL  :P



i'll pay back $30.00 now for the $21.95 (.17 btc's)    :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on May 31, 2013, 04:44 pm
I wasnt suggesting that you were trying to lure peeps in,its just that i see a lot of peeps saying they will pay back more than loaned,which is fair nuff.I just think there are peeps out there that wait for people to say they will pay back more and loan to them and not bother loaning to peeps who say that they will just pay back what they lent.
I dunno,It might just be me.Ive met a lot of shadey peeps in my time and find it hard to have faith in good human kindness.
this thread has gone a long ways to changing my mind though.Its nice to know that there are genuine peeps still around.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: maybejustonce on May 31, 2013, 04:45 pm
Yea...first time doing this.

In need of .03 BTC. I'm literally $2 short of buying some shrooms, and if someone just wants to contribute that'd be fantastic.

If a repay is requested, that will be taken care of in a week. Coinbase takes a week to process...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Repus6 on May 31, 2013, 04:47 pm
I wish I could help, Chem Cat! I only have 12 cents in my account though  :o
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 31, 2013, 04:51 pm
oh i know what ya mean (Hugs)

i never ask for extra when lending..however i always like to give back more than i recieved  :)

Creates a good track record i guess  LOL

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Asal88 on May 31, 2013, 04:55 pm
*EDIT: This post can be ignored, just had enough coin by the skin of my teeth  ;D*

This is rather embarassing  :-\

I messed up one of my calculations and so I am 0.02btc short of my order.
I won't be sure if it is quite that much until my coins come through as I am at the mercy of bitcoinfogs random fee (so I might be a bit less short).

I will pay any donator back as soon as I can (should be within a week).

My address is [REMOVED]


EDIT: Even 0.01 might be enough as it looks like the price is stable
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: maybejustonce on May 31, 2013, 04:55 pm
oh i know what ya mean (Hugs)

i never ask for extra when lending..however i always like to give back more than i recieved  :)

Creates a good track record i guess  LOL

haha dude your post count is 1337
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on May 31, 2013, 04:57 pm
oh i know what ya mean (Hugs)

i never ask for extra when lending..however i always like to give back more than i recieved  :)

Creates a good track record i guess  LOL

I agree.Its good to give! some people just take take take.I don't know how they live with themselves ?If everyone was give give give,The world would be a fantastic place to live  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 31, 2013, 04:57 pm
no worries @ repus  LOL
this would be my first time borrowing from within this thread   :D

i'll leave my request up for the day and if i have no takers i'll remove it tonight :)

Really i feel silly asking for this here  LOL

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 31, 2013, 05:01 pm
1337  ;)

LOL  i didnt know anyone still spoke 1337 5p34ch  LOLhell i dont know it  ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Tellemetree on May 31, 2013, 05:33 pm
@Phenol. I can help you on this if you still need the 3 bitcents?

Let me know and I'll send immediately

Cheers - Tel
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on May 31, 2013, 05:45 pm
Ok this is a first  LOL

i am in need of 0.17 Bitcoins which is $21.95 at the current market value. I'll pay back $23.00 next week or sooner.

If anyone can do this please send
to SR screen Name : trichome


Peace & Hugs,

ChemCat  O0

Changed "need if" to "need of"  :P
i forgot to let ya'll know that i need this for an order of 400 nbome tabs for an awesome  profit  :P

Chem if my coins come through as expected I've got you on this one - hopefully expecting some within a couple of hours.

Seems to be a delay for some reason as by now I usually have them stocked up, but watch this space bro  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on May 31, 2013, 05:50 pm
Ok this is a first  LOL

i am in need of 0.17 Bitcoins which is $21.95 at the current market value. I'll pay back $23.00 next week or sooner.

If anyone can do this please send
to SR screen Name : trichome


Peace & Hugs,

ChemCat  O0

Changed "need if" to "need of"  :P
i forgot to let ya'll know that i need this for an order of 400 nbome tabs for an awesome  profit  :P

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 31, 2013, 06:00 pm
Ok this is a first  LOL

i am in need of 0.17 Bitcoins which is $21.95 at the current market value. I'll pay back $23.00 next week or sooner.

If anyone can do this please send
to SR screen Name : trichome


Peace & Hugs,

ChemCat  O0

Changed "need if" to "need of"  :P
i forgot to let ya'll know that i need this for an order of 400 nbome tabs for an awesome  profit  :P


Ron (Hugs)  Thank you & Sent back with interest  ;)

Thanks & Peace,
ChemCat O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 31, 2013, 06:26 pm
Hi everyone esp. ChemCat  :-*, Japan  :-* and RS7  :-* How you all doing tonight/today?

ANWAY enlighting me please, WTF,s been going on with this pedo person, what did he put up?? Sounds like i missed all the goings on I mean who wouldn,t want to have a go at a beast  >:(
Did you get the coin ok ChemCat  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 31, 2013, 06:31 pm
hiya mary  (Hugs)


no clue what happened to that guy (slaps forehead)

yeppers got the coins and already paid back  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper Jenson on May 31, 2013, 06:35 pm
@Japan1980, finally getting more btc, will pay you back today. Thanks for the loan!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 31, 2013, 06:39 pm
ChemCat (hugs) I was asking what happened with the whole thing, what did the guy say cause i can,t find it now , what did he say about kids, was he looking for kids??  :ohttp://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/Smileys/default/shocked.gif
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 31, 2013, 06:42 pm
oh..LOL  he was just goin on about some kid grabbin  a weewee.
 ::)  normal dumb shit.

his post was removed  :)

if it had been up to me i would have akilled that nickname from the forums  LOL but even so they can always make another pro and come back talkin shit again  ::)

Peace & Hugs to ya mary666  :)

ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Tellemetree on May 31, 2013, 06:48 pm
Ok, Tel is going to just ask a stupid question, rather than read and find out like I should.

I have a few leftover bitcents and would be happy to add them to help someone out, cos god knows I have been in the opposite situation and adding $10 worth of btc just cos you didn't allow x commission or y fee is fucking annoying.

What is the "official" tip jar I contribute to? Or do I just wait til someone posts and needs it?

Happy to just add but unsure which jar is THE jar.

Let me know and I'll add my little but to help tha community out. :P

Cheers - Tel
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 31, 2013, 06:52 pm
FUCK ChemCat  :o I think he was a pedo or why would someone say that!! Its not funny("kids need sex too" WTF)  he needs to remember that some people on here have been abused as kids, including myself and if it happened to him it wouldn,t be funny then, i,m raging man lol hope he gets raped  :D C**T
What cappers you up to today sweetie, How,s your aches and pains now  :( (kisses n hugs for them)  :-* :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 31, 2013, 06:53 pm
Greetings @ Tellemetree  :)

you can either
A) give to one of the main lending members
and they will get the coins to someone needy.


B) you can check back periodicly and see if you may be of some assitance to someone :)

Your Choice :)

Peace & Hugs,

ChemCat O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Tellemetree on May 31, 2013, 07:05 pm
Greetings @ Tellemetree  :)

you can either
A) give to one of the main lending members
and they will get the coins to someone needy.


B) you can check back periodicly and see if you may be of some assitance to someone :)

Your Choice :)

Peace & Hugs,

ChemCat O0

Used your jar if thats ok Chemcat, its not much but it'll help get someone to where they need to be maybes.


Cheers - Tel
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 31, 2013, 07:05 pm
Quote from: mary666
FUCK ChemCat  :o I think he was a pedo or why would someone say that!! Its not funny("kids need sex too" WTF)  he needs to remember that some people on here have been abused as kids, including myself and if it happened to him it wouldn,t be funny then, i,m raging man lol hope he gets raped  :D C**T
What cappers you up to today sweetie, How,s your aches and pains now  :( (kisses n hugs for them)  :-* :-*

Well, i dont know what goes through those peoples late wife and I took foster kids in and some of the stories they told at times was heart breaking.
oh my back is killin me  LOL prolly gonna have to go to the chiropractor next week if it dont clear up LOL

just recieved my "Green" parcel. then ordered 250 tabs of nbome gonna go grocery shoppin in an hour or so  LOL
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 31, 2013, 07:07 pm
ok, so 5 hits of acid is just too much at once :P

good morning y'all
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 31, 2013, 07:11 pm
Quote from: Tellemetree
Quote from: ChemCat
Greetings @ Tellemetree  :)

you can either
A) give to one of the main lending members
and they will get the coins to someone needy.


B) you can check back periodicly and see if you may be of some assitance to someone :)

Your Choice :)

Peace & Hugs,

ChemCat O0

Used your jar if thats ok Chemcat, its not much but it'll help get someone to where they need to be maybes.


Cheers - Tel

Thank You (Hugs)
i'll make sure what ya sent gets into some needy hands  :)

Peace & Hugs,

ChemCat O0


i would have ate 8 of them  :P

how many nbome's have ya done at once?  i did 6 at once then 3 more an hour later...i might have done more through out the night   ::)

but i was trippin balls ima tell ya  LOL the visuals at those higher doses are freaking crazy..i wouldnt recomend for any new comer to nbome's to try that at home though LOL

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: maybejustonce on May 31, 2013, 07:12 pm
@Phenol. I can help you on this if you still need the 3 bitcents?

Let me know and I'll send immediately

Cheers - Tel

If he doesn't reply, I'm in the same boat man :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 31, 2013, 07:16 pm
lol, I was tripping way to hard to be alone.. ;D was a pretty heavy trip.. nothing bad happened but it wasn't the most comfortable trip either....

most nbome was 1 + ¼. of the 1.1 mg tabs ::) 8 sounds terrifying ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 31, 2013, 07:25 pm
Quote from: maybejustonce
Quote from: Tellemetree
@Phenol. I can help you on this if you still need the 3 bitcents?

Let me know and I'll send immediately

Cheers - Tel

If he doesn't reply, I'm in the same boat man :)

maybejustonce  how much ya need?  :)

@ RS  it was surreal at times  i really had no clue of reality  LOL

i love to push the envelope  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Tellemetree on May 31, 2013, 07:26 pm
@maybejustonce - Lol, just sent it on to Chemcat, he will need to send on now to you unfortunately.

Hey, Chemcat, when I withdraw coins to your jar, does any SR commission etc etc apply?

It seems a fair chunk came out more than I expected, may be the btc value adjusting at the same time is all.

Just curious for future reference. I don't mind as long as it ended up in your jar as was intended and isn't just gone in fees.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 31, 2013, 07:29 pm
i think transfers from addy to addy takes the %

i'm not too sure but i also think that SR Screen Name to SR Screen Name  has No % taken out.

i could be wrong though  LOL

No Worries :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 31, 2013, 07:29 pm
lol yeah, I can relate ::)
I'm still slow this morning from lastnight.. but I've also got some coin to lend for anybody short..

dose anybody remember how much acidsolider was looking for?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 31, 2013, 07:31 pm
i think transfers from addy to addy takes the %

i'm not too sure but i also think that SR Screen Name to SR Screen Name  has No % taken out.

i could be wrong though  LOL

No Worries :)
account to account doesn't cost (pretty sure)
withdrawing didn't seem to subtract :o but depositing dose.   
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 31, 2013, 07:31 pm
not right off the top of my head  LOL

most of my best trips have been alone  LOL  cuz i take to much and dont like to be around real people  LOL
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 31, 2013, 07:34 pm
yeah, I not saying i wanted to be around people just saying for my own good.. I was too high :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 31, 2013, 07:38 pm
what happened to  maybejustonce ?

i gotta go in a few minutes  :o
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 31, 2013, 07:39 pm
how much did he/she need?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 31, 2013, 07:42 pm
I,ll miss u ChemCat  :( was getting coin would give you the cash in anout 1and a half hour if you still need hun  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 31, 2013, 07:46 pm
aww...mary  (Hugs)

Thanks :)

all my shoppin is done for the day though i got the coins i needed to place the last order and will reup on another grand worth of BTC's tonight or tomorrow  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 31, 2013, 07:50 pm
:) hiya mary
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 31, 2013, 07:56 pm
Holy shit ChemCat  :o :o wish i had your wallet lol, I,m waiting on a dodgy loan so if it goes through, which it says it will i,ll be mad shopping ha ha  8)
I thought you meant you were away food shopping  :P (i,m a dougnut) thats why i said i,ll miss you LMAO  ;D ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Tellemetree on May 31, 2013, 08:05 pm
Yeah, maybe the btc adjustment, idfk.

Took 0.07 commission, which is peanuts but when your only sending 0.1 to begin with.....

Anyway live and learn, just wasn't 100% chemcat was chemcat on the road was all.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 31, 2013, 08:09 pm
yep :)
ChemCat is on the road as well. i just dont do anything from my future vending account except send a few coins.


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 31, 2013, 08:11 pm
 ;D nah mary i have to grocery shop this evening  LOL  i'm just waiting on the crumb snatchers to pick up their goods  LOL
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 31, 2013, 08:12 pm
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 31, 2013, 08:15 pm
yes sir  :o

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 31, 2013, 08:17 pm
We have an Awesome Family goin on here!!

 :-*  and Hugs to you All  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 31, 2013, 08:22 pm
Fuck guys my dodgy loan from wonga went thro, there muppets i just put in bank details in an empty old account, said i worked somewhere and Ka-Boom the cash is in my bank (you can,t get jailed for this in my country, just letters lol)! Love it  ;D ;D
RS... I love you too  :-* :-* but seriously your gonna have to share ChemCat lol he,s mine too   :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 31, 2013, 08:44 pm
yes sir  :o

luv you :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 31, 2013, 08:45 pm
Fuck guys my dodgy loan from wonga went thro, there muppets i just put in bank details in an empty old account, said i worked somewhere and Ka-Boom the cash is in my bank (you can,t get jailed for this in my country, just letters lol)! Love it  ;D ;D
RS... I love you too  :-* :-* but seriously your gonna have to share ChemCat lol he,s mine too   :P
we can share :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: pzvTVzD6OL on May 31, 2013, 08:48 pm
I was the french guy asking for .04, since nobody seems ready to lend me some, I'll quit watching this thread for now.

Thanks for this thread anyway, that's really a nice thing for the community, and I'll be glad to come back and help others once I can get coins again :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 31, 2013, 08:51 pm
I was the french guy asking for .04, since nobody seems ready to lend me some, I'll quit watching this thread for now.

Thanks for this thread anyway, that's really a nice thing for the community, and I'll be glad to come back and help others once I can get coins again :)
I'll give you a .04 loan.. :p
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 31, 2013, 08:52 pm
pzvTVzD6OL you'll have your 0.04 :)

What is your SR Screen Name?

i wont do the addy to addy :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 31, 2013, 08:53 pm
I was the french guy asking for .04, since nobody seems ready to lend me some, I'll quit watching this thread for now.

Thanks for this thread anyway, that's really a nice thing for the community, and I'll be glad to come back and help others once I can get coins again :)
I'll give you a .04 loan.. :p
0.04 sent :)
also pm'd cause you're not here ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 31, 2013, 08:55 pm

you were quick RS  :P

i was tryin to find their screen name in a post of theirs  LOL

be right back some crumb snatchers comin up my mountain  to get their goods  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 31, 2013, 08:59 pm
you can always try searching SR for their username.. also I saw him post his SRR before ;D anyway I gotta run for a minute too.. be back in a while, peace my droogs :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: phenol on May 31, 2013, 08:59 pm
Hey everyone I'm needing some help. If anyone could lend me .1 BTC I would greatly appreciate it and will repay as soon as I can. My sr handle is yungboo. Thanks in advance for the help
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 31, 2013, 09:04 pm

No Hurry but how soon ya reckon?

and you need 0.10000000 ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: maybejustonce on May 31, 2013, 09:09 pm
Quote from: maybejustonce
Quote from: Tellemetree
@Phenol. I can help you on this if you still need the 3 bitcents?

Let me know and I'll send immediately

Cheers - Tel

If he doesn't reply, I'm in the same boat man :)

maybejustonce  how much ya need?  :)

@ RS  it was surreal at times  i really had no clue of reality  LOL

i love to push the envelope  ;)

haha .03 BTC. I'll send out .05 BTC back to you about a week later, cuz that's how long processing takes :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 31, 2013, 09:09 pm
yungboo you now have 0.10000000 bitcoins / $12.74



Peace & Hugs,

ChemCat O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: phenol on May 31, 2013, 09:11 pm
A week or less possibly and yes .1 just to be sure I have enough by the time the rest of my coins get to SR.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 31, 2013, 09:12 pm
maybejustonce, what is your SR Screen Name?

Your Coins will appear momentarily :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: phenol on May 31, 2013, 09:13 pm
Thank you ChemCat. I appreciate it very much
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: maybejustonce on May 31, 2013, 09:14 pm
maybejustonce, what is your SR Screen Name?

Your Coins will appear momentarily :)


heh thanks bud.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 31, 2013, 09:14 pm
You're Very Welcome :)

when yur able..just send back to trichome or ChemCat :)

Peace & Hugs,

ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 31, 2013, 09:17 pm
maybejustonce, your coins should be there now  :)


When yur able just send back to ChemCat or trichome on the Road :)

Peace & Hugs,

ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: maybejustonce on May 31, 2013, 09:18 pm
maybejustonce, your coins should be there now  :)


When yur able just send back to ChemCat or trichome on the Road :)

Peace & Hugs,

ChemCat  O0

Thanks so much man, cheers!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 31, 2013, 09:26 pm
Yur Very Welcome  :)

Peace & Hugs,

ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 31, 2013, 09:41 pm
ChemChat (hug) i want to do an order for weed from US or Canada someone who has good stealth, do you know any great vendors that do international? much love  :-* :-*
 Hi RS babe, quite funny i,m waiting on the coin going into my wallet now i,ve been away doing bank transfers etc  ;D If you know any great (as in nice strong bud)  can you recommened  :D will reward you both  ;D ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 31, 2013, 09:44 pm
BTW I had -11 karma last night come on today and i have -19? I,ve not done nothing wrong  :'( :'( lol Karma Trolls
OH and my coins in guys so hepl! vendors?  ;D Thanks  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 31, 2013, 09:52 pm
@chemmy :) nice!

@mary I've been eyeballing this
/item/83e9137158  since its appeared ;D except no international shipping :(

also my karma took a beating too lastnight :P owell
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 31, 2013, 09:54 pm
also mary check out muskabuzz :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 31, 2013, 10:06 pm
Thanks RS i,ll have a look at the now, i take it you smoke and know your weed  :-\ lol have u ordered form us or Canada  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 31, 2013, 10:07 pm
Sorry mary  :)

i was busy with customers ;) shipping on weed?

Not too sure but i'll do some research for ya.




are the vendors i use for weed.


Hope This Helped ya  :)


ChemCat O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 31, 2013, 10:10 pm
oh btw BYSD sent you back .02 :) thanks again.. sorry  for a minute I forgot about you :-[
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: pzvTVzD6OL on May 31, 2013, 10:23 pm
Thanks a lot for the loan RS7FI8ZRkm, I PM'd you on the main website about it  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 31, 2013, 10:33 pm
No probs ChemCat  :D i ordered from xxxotica just a half , read good things, her stuff seems to get here but the 0.56 for shipping was expensive so couldn,t afford the ounce  :'( :'( Ha Ha that would,ve been a 1st anyway  :-[ but thanks I did look at lucy mcgee but she doesn,t do international, great prices too  :'( Just my luck, honestly  ::) Do you sell weed on here or do you mean from your house? lol
Also thanks RS i had a look at muskabuzz dut he was too expensive for what i had left so i,ve spare coin if anyone needs  ;D ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 31, 2013, 10:34 pm
All's Well that Ends Well :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 31, 2013, 10:46 pm
Yeah I love it  8) i,m pissed off tho i thought it was thursday and i,d get small domestic bit for sat but just realised its friday  :'( :'(  Oh well. Anyway if u need a small loan .....  ;D that goes for RS7 also  ;D ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on May 31, 2013, 10:54 pm
(a box busts in through the rooftop getting the drop on some masked men up to no good.)

ARRAGH!  Box is back!  (for a bit ::))

Got a small amount of headway over the dip I hit, so I can help out a lil for now!  Can't give it my full attention, but if it's timed right I'm willing to help out with some shapes!  I've missed being able to participate!

I've said it before but it's worth saying again.  Thank you everyone for coming together to keep this thread awesome.  It means a lot to see people want to help out around here.  It's become a real source of positivity for me!  I can't express this more finely!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 31, 2013, 10:59 pm
ChemCat, it was Whitshark i ordered from not xxxotica, they were a bit expesive lol  8) what you doing this weekend, is it nice weather where you are?  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 31, 2013, 10:59 pm
Thanks a lot for the loan RS7FI8ZRkm, I PM'd you on the main website about it  :)
np :) you're welcome

@BoS :) hey man, been a while.. you ready for your present yet bro? ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 31, 2013, 11:01 pm
Yeah I love it  8) i,m pissed off tho i thought it was thursday and i,d get small domestic bit for sat but just realised its friday  :'( :'(  Oh well. Anyway if u need a small loan .....  ;D that goes for RS7 also  ;D ;D
have you tried concentrates yet? BHO, Co2 extraction also known as 'dabs'? :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 31, 2013, 11:04 pm
I havent RS what are dabs lol who has it?  ;D I know doctornoname has concentrate but i,ve not tried it, its quite expensive  ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 31, 2013, 11:06 pm
BTW whare,s Japan tonight  ::) trekkin, lol? :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on May 31, 2013, 11:11 pm
Hah.  I can't believe your serious about this.

My mentality is certainly more together lately.  A few things have been becoming easier, but mainly I've been reminded how important daylight is!

Also, as chance has it I met someone really special recently.  They expressed they wanted to share the experience you mentioned, with me without me bring it up?! I guess it really has become something that needs to happen.

Either way, I'm pretty motivated to find a way to do this. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 31, 2013, 11:14 pm
Hugs @ ya Boxy!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 31, 2013, 11:15 pm
I havent RS what are dabs lol who has it?  ;D I know doctornoname has concentrate but i,ve not tried it, its quite expensive  ::)
one tiny little dab of oil will have you very stoned ;D so it'll last you longer then you expect.. :P
how much can you spend ::)? I'll loan little coin if you need..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 31, 2013, 11:17 pm
Right on!!

lets get her started right!  :)

i'll lend ya some coins as well just let me know how much :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on May 31, 2013, 11:20 pm

I love for a split second I made you and RS have the exact same amount of + karma.  I'll try to make you shoot for having 150/75, cause I remember you having 100/50.  It' would only be appropriate!

Was kind of hoping for +66/-6 myself but I kind of passed it up.  I'm pretty happy with 69 though....
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 31, 2013, 11:21 pm
Who do you buy from RS so i can have a look at their page and stuff preferably UK best prices, quility etc cheers babe  :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 31, 2013, 11:22 pm
Hah.  I can't believe your serious about this.

My mentality is certainly more together lately.  A few things have been becoming easier, but mainly I've been reminded how important daylight is!

Also, as chance has it I met someone really special recently.  They expressed they wanted to share the experience you mentioned, with me without me bring it up?! I guess it really has become something that needs to happen.

Either way, I'm pretty motivated to find a way to do this. 
http://silkroadvb5piz3r.onion/silkroad/item/aff58a0c36 I'll send coin right now, if you're serious :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 31, 2013, 11:22 pm
Box last night i went to sleep with -65 now i have -75   ;D

the karma bandits r at it again  Bahahaha!! ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 31, 2013, 11:25 pm
lemme know if ya'll need me to chip in :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 31, 2013, 11:26 pm
Who do you buy from RS so i can have a look at their page and stuff preferably UK best prices, quility etc cheers babe  :-*
every concentrate looks to be listed from the US love :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 31, 2013, 11:26 pm
I thought it was just me with the karma lol  :-[ :-[ I don,t give a shit how much neg karma you guys have cause i already know your good people and i,ll go with that rathar than a -1 under your name lol  ;D :-* (hugs)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on May 31, 2013, 11:27 pm
Yea I just read about that.  This is very amusing to me in some way. 

Maybe they can even me out then, cause I'll admit, I'm pretty lopsided.   :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 31, 2013, 11:29 pm
Are there any doing international, doctornoname usually as it, is it just called concentrate and is wax just the same, sorry for the questions but i,ve only smoked hash and bud and edibles (well i,ve not smoked the edibles  ;D) Thanks  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 31, 2013, 11:30 pm
I'll say it again  :)

We have an Awesome Electronic Family Right Here!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 31, 2013, 11:31 pm
Your such a sweetie honey  :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 31, 2013, 11:33 pm
hash is hash, concentrate is concentrate one water drop size dab will have you toasty for a good 4-5 hrs :)

Wax is a form of concentrate yes, typically is BHO that has been purged :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on May 31, 2013, 11:34 pm
I hope so I have faith in him. :)
Sent a little under .04 to ya :)
That's very awesome of you, so appreciated! I will repay you in a few days mate! :)
Received .04 back. :) I love the trust here.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 31, 2013, 11:35 pm
What do you do with it RS, can u take a quick look at Budwox UK tell me if thats the stuff lol, sorry about this and if you can,t no probs, thanks hun  ;) :-*http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/Smileys/default/kiss.gif
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 31, 2013, 11:37 pm
@BoS incoming ฿0.14, 8) :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 31, 2013, 11:41 pm
What do you do with it RS, can u take a quick look at Budwox UK tell me if thats the stuff lol, sorry about this and if you can,t no probs, thanks hun  ;) :-*http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/Smileys/default/kiss.gif
http://silkroadvb5piz3r.onion/silkroad/item/779e2e8da1 yes, thats it :) that good shit too, crumble is what you want, not such a sticky mess :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on May 31, 2013, 11:41 pm
Also, just a side note. I love the convo's in here. I often find myself with not much to add to it though so I find myself just being the weirdo reading other's convo's. Oh well :S. BTW I tried dabs the other day on my friends rig. omg. Got me a bit overly high, couldnt do anything for 1 hr other than watch king of the hill. A super smooth hit too. One day I might just move from flower to just dabs.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 31, 2013, 11:42 pm
What do you do with it RS, can u take a quick look at Budwox UK tell me if thats the stuff lol, sorry about this and if you can,t no probs, thanks hun  ;) :-*http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/Smileys/default/kiss.gif
http://silkroadvb5piz3r.onion/silkroad/item/779e2e8da1 yes, thats it :) that good shit too, crumble is what you want, not such a sticky mess :P
guess you pay the extra cause I imagine he imported it ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 31, 2013, 11:43 pm
Well ytabletrash, just jump on in there and chime away when you feel like it  :)


ChemCat O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 31, 2013, 11:45 pm
Also, just a side note. I love the convo's in here. I often find myself with not much to add to it though so I find myself just being the weirdo reading other's convo's. Oh well :S. BTW I tried dabs the other day on my friends rig. omg. Got me a bit overly high, couldnt do anything for 1 hr other than watch king of the hill. A super smooth hit too. One day I might just move from flower to just dabs.
people are starting to :P.. I know people whom primarily have completely switched to only smoking oils.. lol watch it's gonna take over. soon the Co2 extraction will get big ::) I hope 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 31, 2013, 11:46 pm
lemme know if ya'll need me to chip in :)
if you wanna go ⅓ or ½ would be dope :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 31, 2013, 11:47 pm
Lol So can u smoke in a spliff or bong??  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on May 31, 2013, 11:49 pm
Will do, I remember when you helped me with learning PGP keys way back. Seems so easy now :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 31, 2013, 11:50 pm
trichome sent her 0.0444444  :)

if ya need more just lemme know 'cuz ima mo den hapee to hep :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on May 31, 2013, 11:50 pm
Lol So can u smoke in a spliff or bong??  ;D
both.. joints take little extra effort though :P gotta get it going then burns good.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 31, 2013, 11:52 pm
OMG! @ ytabletrash   :o

i remember that  :)

i am happy to see you're still here and safe no doubt  (Hugs)


ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 31, 2013, 11:54 pm
mmmmm......1977 4th of july fair under the arch in st. louis missouri :)

we had the hot knife and nose hits from some nepali hash  mixed with some opium 

Nom Nom Nom :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 31, 2013, 11:55 pm
God I,d need instuctions lol   :-[so do you burn the concentrate doen to an oil then put it in a joint? ha ha sorry if this sounds stupid?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on May 31, 2013, 11:57 pm
there is no stupid question young lady  :)

now sit right here and let RS tell ya about how he became the prince of bel-aire  :P

seriously  you'll love this stuff  :)

and if ya'll need some more coin i gotcha's   ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on May 31, 2013, 11:59 pm
Chemcat did you just send me coin??  :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 01, 2013, 12:04 am
Yes :)
i think it was around  0.0444444  or something   :)

wasnt much but if ya need more i am more than happy to help ya out  :)

keep it and loan it to someone else when ya can :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 01, 2013, 12:09 am
No honey i couldn,t do that  :-[ I,ll send it back to you I,ve not got enough coin to order concentrate just now, really want to try it now too  >:( lol but when i,ve got enough i,ll get some maybe if i look at more vendors i,ll find some i have enough to buy  ;D I,ve got 0.44 i think so i,ll be able to buy more coin on monday tuesday when the pay goes in  ;) But thankyou so so much its so nice of you i,m overwhelmed by your generousity darling  :-* :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 01, 2013, 12:11 am
i  insist.

Keep it :)

Enjoy, it wasnt much but if it helps, then that's what counts  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 01, 2013, 12:11 am
I,ve sent you 0.05 back sweetie couldn,t be arsed with the 4,s i,m too stoned lol  :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: howsthetricks on June 01, 2013, 12:12 am
Looking for a pretty small amount, like .001BTC or so, literally that short on an order :( Any love from a fellow cid head?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 01, 2013, 12:12 am
sent it back while you were posting lol  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 01, 2013, 12:13 am
@ howsthetricks

SR Screen Name Please :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 01, 2013, 12:13 am
is sr name the same  ;D ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: howsthetricks on June 01, 2013, 12:14 am
Yep Yep!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 01, 2013, 12:14 am
Chemy lol you got this one  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 01, 2013, 12:15 am
ok thanks then i'll get it to someone else :P

who did ya send it to?  LOL

yeah i have ChemCat and trichome  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 01, 2013, 12:16 am
ok howsthetricks your SR Screen Name is howsthetricks right?


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 01, 2013, 12:17 am
I sent it to trichome i checked your posts and came to the clever conclusion lol ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: howsthetricks on June 01, 2013, 12:17 am
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 01, 2013, 12:20 am
ok howsthetricks :)  i sent you 0.01000000   Enjoy buddy  (Hugs)


ChemCat O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: howsthetricks on June 01, 2013, 12:21 am
Cool thanks so much! How long do you think it will take to transfer?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 01, 2013, 12:23 am
LOL  i just seen thaT MARY  :)  oops  :P

you should now have the coins @ howsthetricks :)

no need to pay me back either :)

if you stumble across someone in need please pay forward and help at least one other person as you yourself were helped  :)

Peace & Hugs,

ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 01, 2013, 12:24 am
God i get carried away on here lol, its 1.23am here so goodnight all  ;) , im up early for my dogs, cat, kid in the morning, god i,m gonna be tired  ::) Goodnight ChemCat, have a good day haha  :-* :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 01, 2013, 12:25 am
@ mary666

Sleep well my little Friend  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 01, 2013, 12:27 am
I will sweetie, you too when it comes lol night night (hugs)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on June 01, 2013, 12:28 am
Nothing wrong with getting carried away, unless it is against your will of course. Then it is an abduction.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: howsthetricks on June 01, 2013, 12:32 am
Thanks so much, I've got 0.0047BTC if anybody needs help!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 01, 2013, 12:40 am
@ howsthetricks  :)

Just pop in from time to time :)
ya might find someone that needs a little help from a friend :)

@ ytabletrash  :P

i could tell you a story about about a personal experience (while sober)
in the rockys i think it was 1968 that's a long story thpough :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on June 01, 2013, 12:43 am
highlow all ;D
only just got back in forums.looks like it was my end though seeing as you all been having fun ???
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 01, 2013, 12:46 am
@BoS incoming ฿0.14, 8) :-*

Damn man!  Now I have to do this.  Checking on pricing right now.  If you are still around can you give me pointers?  There are different kinds!

You are owed a personal trip report for sure!

I might have to ask for a small loan for once, as this was a bit unexpected. 

Nothing wrong with getting carried away, unless it is against your will of course. Then it is an abduction.

Hahah.  Good stuff...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 01, 2013, 12:50 am
@ Box :)

How much ya need my Friend?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 01, 2013, 12:51 am
**Does a long complicated handshake with Darktime**

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on June 01, 2013, 01:10 am
**Does a long complicated handshake with Darktime**


Ha! Reminds me of a sketch by either Python or maybe 2ronnies but it defo involved J.Cleese ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 01, 2013, 01:12 am
LOL   ;D

no clue where i heard that but it stuck  LOL

are ya good bro/sis?  need some coin?

Peace & Hugs,

ChemCat O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on June 01, 2013, 01:15 am
Box last night i went to sleep with -65 now i have -75   ;D

the karma bandits r at it again  Bahahaha!! ;D

Razorspyne has been moaning bout that.saying it was a mod who was pissed with him.Its been happening to loads of people though,just neggers,filthy neggers,thats all.

Im fine tyvm,just tired.time for bed says zebbidy...boing! ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 01, 2013, 01:18 am
Okay  :)

Sleep Well my Friend (Hugs)


ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on June 01, 2013, 01:22 am
Cheers CC

nite all

See what tomorrow brings ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 01, 2013, 01:32 am
Idk yet CC.  I don't have much research on this stuff, and I got to figure it out right.  I'll have a better attention span tomorrow. 

You're one of the best people I know!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 01, 2013, 01:41 am

Only here am i this nice, my Friend  (Hugs)

let me know what ya need and i'll see what i have :)

or i can send you coins now  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 01, 2013, 01:44 am
i can send you 0.28130261  @ current value of $36.26 right now if you need it :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Tellemetree on June 01, 2013, 02:06 am
Thanks for your help with that Chemcat.

I saw the guy I was going to help out came back about an hour after I logged off, lol.

Appreciate it.

Cheers - Tel
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 01, 2013, 02:11 am
Thanks for your help with that Chemcat.

I saw the guy I was going to help out came back about an hour after I logged off, lol.

Appreciate it.

Cheers - Tel


**ClearNet Warning**

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Tellemetree on June 01, 2013, 02:31 am
Thanks for your help with that Chemcat.

I saw the guy I was going to help out came back about an hour after I logged off, lol.

Appreciate it.

Cheers - Tel



**ClearNet Warning**

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 01, 2013, 02:34 am

They say they'll be here by morning ....when you see them halfway down that hill...Fire at will...

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: acidsoldier on June 01, 2013, 03:18 am

my domestic change it's turn off :C < liliontransfer > so can't change my money but I need immediately 0,12 btc, I know it's much about 12$ but it's gonna blew my mind on party next week.. Hope that could help me I will give +1 karma and return as soon as possible...

13DEoSWmXxgHbJmfWRcGU27T2PYTK557Jx it's my wallet, much love bros.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 01, 2013, 03:29 am
@ acidsoldier

ya said 0.12 ?


what's yur SR screen name?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 01, 2013, 03:39 am
yungboo, Just sent the coins back to the cause  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 01, 2013, 03:55 am
interwebs died :( and took a nap.. whats up fams
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 01, 2013, 04:01 am

my domestic change it's turn off :C < liliontransfer > so can't change my money but I need immediately 0,12 btc, I know it's much about 12$ but it's gonna blew my mind on party next week.. Hope that could help me I will give +1 karma and return as soon as possible...

13DEoSWmXxgHbJmfWRcGU27T2PYTK557Jx it's my wallet, much love bros.

acidsoldier .03 sent :P sorry all i had left
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 01, 2013, 04:02 am
Just relaxin  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 01, 2013, 04:04 am
@BoS incoming ฿0.14, 8) :-*

Damn man!  Now I have to do this.  Checking on pricing right now.  If you are still around can you give me pointers?  There are different kinds!

You are owed a personal trip report for sure!

I might have to ask for a small loan for once, as this was a bit unexpected. 

Nothing wrong with getting carried away, unless it is against your will of course. Then it is an abduction.

Hahah.  Good stuff...
did you check out drshrooms vendor page?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 01, 2013, 04:05 am
lol, you gave out like 5-7 loans? today ;D your a hero chemmy :P :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 01, 2013, 04:08 am
i have no clue  LOL

ima lil fuckered up  :P

how much more would ya be needing right now bro/sis?
i gotcha covered if ya get me before i nod out  LOL
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 01, 2013, 04:13 am
i get my vendor account and i'll send you and mary and BoxofShapes 5 free Nbome Tabs  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 01, 2013, 04:14 am
i have no clue  LOL

ima lil fuckered up  :P

how much more would ya be needing right now bro/sis?
i gotcha covered if ya get me before i nod out  LOL
;D your awesome man.. (hugs) :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 01, 2013, 04:15 am
brb, bud run.. :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 01, 2013, 04:20 am
brb, bud run.. :)

Right On!!

Be Safe Friend!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ozzietrader on June 01, 2013, 04:21 am
Hi I would SINCERELY appreciate it if anyone could lend me 0.5 Bitcoins (or 0.4 minimum). I am not mega wealthy or anything, but I give my word to pay back in full plus 0.25 Bitcoins interest on the 17th of June.

I am ordering some exceptional value drugs on Monday, but I don't have any scales. Due to family commitments I can't buy the drugs and scales, but if I buy the drugs I won't be able to use them for two weeks!

My reputation is very important to me, I have given all vendors 5/5 feedback that I have so far dealt with. Here are my stats (I am not mega big time or anything):

Total transactions: 7
Total spent: ฿2.99
Refund rate: 0%
Auto-finalize rate: 0%
Member for: 6 months

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 01, 2013, 04:33 am
Just checkin in again CC.  Finally finished looking around and come to find two listings I might go with.

I have just enough to cover either one it though my box will be empty again for a while!  Ah well.  Least I got my train going again and will be back sooner than later.  I'll send ya the report anyway, if you want  ???

Only here am i this nice, my Friend  (Hugs)

I know the feeling

did you check out drshrooms vendor page?
Yea.  Was one of the ones I was looking at.  Gammagoblin, the other one, is having a sale on changa for a week as well.  Was thinking changa might be a better fit for me, or at least a better introduction.  The person I will be sharing this experience with is kinda just as crazy.  Have you had experience with that or just the freebase stuff?  Next cycle it will be much easier to pick up the other if I wish now that I know a bit more of what I'm dealing with.

i get my vendor account and i'll send you and mary and BoxofShapes 5 free Nbome Tabs  :)
  God I have more of these then I ever need.  I've done one, and it was just physical pain.  I did have a great time, but I don't need to do that ever again.  The gesture makes me more than delighted though!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: HEATFan on June 01, 2013, 04:42 am
Hi guys,

I was hoping one of you could help me out. I lost a shape recently.... it looks like this <3

Have you seen it anywhere.... I feel lost without it.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 01, 2013, 04:52 am
Hi guys,

I was hoping one of you could help me out. I lost a shape recently.... it looks like this <3

Have you seen it anywhere.... I feel lost without it.
plenty of these <3 <3 <3 shapes to go around :) hiya heatfan
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 01, 2013, 04:55 am
Hi guys,

I was hoping one of you could help me out. I lost a shape recently.... it looks like this <3

Have you seen it anywhere.... I feel lost without it.
Man!  I don't know what to say!  Once you drop those things on the floor they shatter everywhere!  It's hard to put them back together!

Was a hard decision to come to but decided it was better to replace it, instead of trying to put the old one back together. 

Can I make you a cake? I can shape it like a <3. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 01, 2013, 04:57 am
Just checkin in again CC.  Finally finished looking around and come to find two listings I might go with.

I have just enough to cover either one it though my box will be empty again for a while!  Ah well.  Least I got my train going again and will be back sooner than later.  I'll send ya the report anyway, if you want  ???

Only here am i this nice, my Friend  (Hugs)

I know the feeling

did you check out drshrooms vendor page?
Yea.  Was one of the ones I was looking at.  Gammagoblin, the other one, is having a sale on changa for a week as well.  Was thinking changa might be a better fit for me, or at least a better introduction.  The person I will be sharing this experience with is kinda just as crazy.  Have you had experience with that or just the freebase stuff?  Next cycle it will be much easier to pick up the other if I wish now that I know a bit more of what I'm dealing with.

i get my vendor account and i'll send you and mary and BoxofShapes 5 free Nbome Tabs  :)
  God I have more of these then I ever need.  I've done one, and it was just physical pain.  I did have a great time, but I don't need to do that ever again.  The gesture makes me more than delighted though!

only have done the freebase ::) its pretty simple if you already smoke weed.. you can sandwich it between a hit in a pipe an smoke it like you're smoking hash.. if you rather go with changa thats cool too :P cause it'll be great either way!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 01, 2013, 04:58 am
brb, bud run.. :)

Right On!!

Be Safe Friend!

;D thanks.. an always!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 01, 2013, 05:00 am

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 01, 2013, 05:01 am

my domestic change it's turn off :C < liliontransfer > so can't change my money but I need immediately 0,12 btc, I know it's much about 12$ but it's gonna blew my mind on party next week.. Hope that could help me I will give +1 karma and return as soon as possible...

13DEoSWmXxgHbJmfWRcGU27T2PYTK557Jx it's my wallet, much love bros.

acidsoldier .03 sent :P sorry all i had left
chemmy did you help acid soilder also or he still short?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 01, 2013, 05:05 am
actually i havent  ???

they never told me their SR screen name .... nor was i told how much more they needed ???
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 01, 2013, 05:06 am
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 01, 2013, 05:08 am

LOL  just tryin to find new smileys  :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 01, 2013, 05:11 am
=@ ^_^ =] =3 C= =D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 01, 2013, 05:17 am


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 01, 2013, 05:19 am
You can always go with the kirby?

<('.'<) (>'.')>

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 01, 2013, 05:20 am
:o how tha
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 01, 2013, 05:23 am
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 01, 2013, 05:26 am
(╯°□°)--︻╦╤─ - - -Rat-Uh-Tat

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 01, 2013, 05:27 am
and this folks.. is the monster that will be singing sweet songs to me before I sleep. 

This box has been folded up for now.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 01, 2013, 05:29 am
and this folks.. is the monster that will be singing sweet songs to me before I sleep. 

This box has been folded up for now.
gnight bro :) sleepwell
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 01, 2013, 05:31 am
Quote from: BoxofShapes
Quote from: ChemCat
and this folks.. is the monster that will be singing sweet songs to me before I sleep. 

This box has been folded up for now.

Sleep Well boxy!!  (Hugs)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 01, 2013, 06:41 am
whats the best way to convert cash > btc? :P any advice or ideas?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: calicojak on June 01, 2013, 07:12 am
whats the best way to convert cash > btc? :P any advice or ideas?
Hey what's up? Can you tell me your address so I can repay you? Thanks! :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 01, 2013, 07:19 am
address or username :P?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 01, 2013, 07:21 am


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: calicojak on June 01, 2013, 07:23 am
I hope so I have faith in him. :)
Sent a little under .04 to ya :)
Repaid.Thanks again! :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ozzietrader on June 01, 2013, 07:27 am
Doh, wasn't expecting help so not disappointed! :) But if anyone changes mind 0.4 to 0.5 BTC to ozzietrader, you will get 0.25 interest on the 17th. I can't offer better for now cause that's all I can budget for :) As I said my reputation is important, I will do exactly as I say. Off road for now.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: calicojak on June 01, 2013, 07:30 am


Thanks, repaying now...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: calicojak on June 01, 2013, 07:36 am


Repaid :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on June 01, 2013, 07:41 am
Doh, wasn't expecting help so not disappointed! :) But if anyone changes mind 0.4 to 0.5 BTC to ozzietrader, you will get 0.25 interest on the 17th. I can't offer better for now cause that's all I can budget for :) As I said my reputation is important, I will do exactly as I say. Off road for now.

 I believe you are not getting help because you are asking for too much money and not for a specific amount saying .4 to .5. This thread is to help people out that are a few dollars short trying to place an order. And so they come here and get it. But you are asking for $65 ...and you bring up your reputation but you do not have one! You have been a member here for about 2 weeks.

How are your buyer stats? How many orders have you made, how long you been a member for and how much have you spent?
And what are you buying and how much EXACTLY are you short?

If your stats are good I will loan you the btc and I do not want any interest.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 01, 2013, 07:46 am
Just checkin in again CC.  Finally finished looking around and come to find two listings I might go with.

I have just enough to cover either one it though my box will be empty again for a while!  Ah well.  Least I got my train going again and will be back sooner than later.  I'll send ya the report anyway, if you want  ???

Only here am i this nice, my Friend  (Hugs)

I know the feeling

did you check out drshrooms vendor page?
Yea.  Was one of the ones I was looking at.  Gammagoblin, the other one, is having a sale on changa for a week as well.  Was thinking changa might be a better fit for me, or at least a better introduction.  The person I will be sharing this experience with is kinda just as crazy.  Have you had experience with that or just the freebase stuff?  Next cycle it will be much easier to pick up the other if I wish now that I know a bit more of what I'm dealing with.

i get my vendor account and i'll send you and mary and BoxofShapes 5 free Nbome Tabs  :)
  God I have more of these then I ever need.  I've done one, and it was just physical pain.  I did have a great time, but I don't need to do that ever again.  The gesture makes me more than delighted though!

only have done the freebase ::) its pretty simple if you already smoke weed.. you can sandwich it between a hit in a pipe an smoke it like you're smoking hash.. if you rather go with changa thats cool too :P cause it'll be great either way!

I use drshrooms for my DMT and it's fucking quality - but I'm not to keen on the sandwich approach. Make 'The Machine' - easy to use and for me it's by far the best way of vaporizing it. But yeh drshrooms is the man to go to for DMT, his delivery speeds are rapid too. I believe it's around 5 days to US I get it in 2 days from UK, sent from Italy with very good stealth.

Also I would suggest go with freebase rather than Changa - so much stronger from my experience. I've tried the white and yellow - he does a mix of the both which is my favorite  8). He's cheap as well and free delivery, top class vendor. 

EDIT: A guide to make a DMT machine, it's fucking easy to be honest  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on June 01, 2013, 09:54 am
Thanks for your help with that Chemcat.

I saw the guy I was going to help out came back about an hour after I logged off, lol.

Appreciate it.

Cheers - Tel



**ClearNet Warning**

Dude, I absolutely love justice. Last week I was tripping hard on some L and a hardstyle mix of this came on and I started dancing like a mad man. I wish I could tell you who did the remix, or even know for myself. That was an awesome night though, traded a couple candies :} all da PLUR.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 01, 2013, 10:14 am
Good morning peeps  8) I,m knack,d today, was meant to be doing a hair re-style at 11am but fuck that! (finger) lol. You were up early for a Sat Japan, you working  :(
Chemy  :-* thanks for the wee word about the trips. I,m going to take a DOB from technohippy tomorrow but i thought it was LSD i,ve not tripped for about 15 year, do any of you experianced druggies know what these are like?  :-[ :-[ I would like to know b 4 i take it, i,ll still take anyway lol  ;D Thanks for any advice guys  ;)
I,m def still want this concentrate stuff, is that the same as oil then, just when heated, i,m not sure and wouldn,t want to waste it. I,m a few coin short for whats on offer but i,ll keep looking then ask you guys in the know what you think  8) 8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: JewBrown on June 01, 2013, 10:28 am
cheers isthereanyneed paid me back yesterday  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on June 01, 2013, 10:34 am
Good morning peeps  8) I,m knack,d today, was meant to be doing a hair re-style at 11am but fuck that! (finger) lol. You were up early for a Sat Japan, you working  :(
Chemy  :-* thanks for the wee word about the trips. I,m going to take a DOB from technohippy tomorrow but i thought it was LSD i,ve not tripped for about 15 year, do any of you experianced druggies know what these are like?  :-[ :-[ I would like to know b 4 i take it, i,ll still take anyway lol  ;D Thanks for any advice guys  ;)
I,m def still want this concentrate stuff, is that the same as oil then, just when heated, i,m not sure and wouldn,t want to waste it. I,m a few coin short for whats on offer but i,ll keep looking then ask you guys in the know what you think  8) 8)
The dab I did with my friends was a wax concentrate. The way they showed me was they had a metal bowl on their rig and heated that until it was red hot. Then you take a nail/thin metal stick and dip a little in the wax and press it to the metal and inhale. It was a surprisingly smooth hit for how hot the metal was and got me thoroughly fucked. Another rig they had that I saw had a stone plate with a sort of fume hood over it and you heated the stone part up. They had like a mini torch to heat up either rig. I had like 2 mini droplets of wax and it got me baked. I was surprised how little it took. I'm new to dabbing but so far I love it and thought I would pass on my experience with it.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 01, 2013, 11:28 am
Thanks ytabletrash  ;) ;) it sounds a bit complicated :-\  i thought it would be possible to maybe put in a spliff or bong it? Don,t want to buy it and waste it cuase i don,t know what i,m doing  :-[ :-[ Thanks for the advise i shall keep this in mind hun  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on June 01, 2013, 11:47 am
Thanks ytabletrash  ;) ;) it sounds a bit complicated :-\  i thought it would be possible to maybe put in a spliff or bong it? Don,t want to buy it and waste it cuase i don,t know what i,m doing  :-[ :-[ Thanks for the advise i shall keep this in mind hun  ;)

put it on top of some bud in a bong or pipe, use hot knives or drop it on a shisha coal and inhale through a tube. british yeah, that's how we do it...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: saranottegan on June 01, 2013, 01:56 pm
Good morning everyone :)

Could someone lend me .05btc so I can get my order in this a.m. I will have the coinage back to you by the end of the day today, guaranteed. SR name is also saranottegan

Thank you in advance and everyone - have a great day!


I just wanted to make sure that you received the repayment. Thanks again!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 01, 2013, 02:33 pm
I use drshrooms for my DMT and it's fucking quality - but I'm not to keen on the sandwich approach. Make 'The Machine' - easy to use and for me it's by far the best way of vaporizing it. But yeh drshrooms is the man to go to for DMT, his delivery speeds are rapid too. I believe it's around 5 days to US I get it in 2 days from UK, sent from Italy with very good stealth.

Also I would suggest go with freebase rather than Changa - so much stronger from my experience. I've tried the white and yellow - he does a mix of the both which is my favorite  8). He's cheap as well and free delivery, top class vendor. 

EDIT: A guide to make a DMT machine, it's fucking easy to be honest  8)

Hah.  His vendor page says not to use the "sandwich" method or the "machine".  Kind of why I backed off.  I don't have the cash for an $80 pipe I'll use once or twice right now.  I'll take your word if you say you didn't have a problem making a machine and it worked fine for his stuff.  Didn't make my order yet cause of some pgp problems.  Saw the "mix" you had mentioned.  Looks like that's what I'm going with.  Thanks for your say Japan!

Thanks ytabletrash  ;) ;) it sounds a bit complicated :-\  i thought it would be possible to maybe put in a spliff or bong it? Don,t want to buy it and waste it cuase i don,t know what i,m doing  :-[ :-[ Thanks for the advise i shall keep this in mind hun  ;)

put it on top of some bud in a bong or pipe, use hot knives or drop it on a shisha coal and inhale through a tube. british yeah, that's how we do it...
I haven't done "knife hits" in a long damn time but I can say it surprised me how effective it was, with very little waste.  (don't ask me what we were smoking but I think it was like what you are mentioning) Two butter knifes stuck in a heating element in a stove till they are hot.  Put a drop on one knife when it's hot and sandwich it with the other. Have the top half of a 2 litter soda bottle hovering over it to inhale.  (helps to have two people for this, but i've done it with one.)  Never considered a charcoal though.  I like the metal bowl and nail idea too.  Just tossing out my idea of the top 1/2 of a soda bottle.  It works if you are going this route and it isn't as hard as it sounds.

If your stats are good I will loan you the btc and I do not want any interest.

Goddamn king! Your messages astound me!  I believed you before, but you really are a person that just wants to help out some decent folks.   Wishing your borrowers will understand what an awesome person you are and have no problems paying you back. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 01, 2013, 02:39 pm
Yo Box - I have no idea why he suggests not to use 'the machine'??

It's well known for being the best method by far for using DMT - bit strange he doesn't recommend it. But I guarantee if you make one and use it correctly, you'll be off to cyber space   8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 01, 2013, 02:50 pm
Sounds like a plan!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 01, 2013, 03:14 pm
                                                     :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) When requesting, post your SR name so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
dr gonzo
Mike Hunt
RxKing            ++++
White Out

The shit list:
Autobondon *

*^*do not lend to these people*^*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: oNLiN3fR3aK on June 01, 2013, 03:21 pm
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on June 01, 2013, 04:10 pm
Goddamn king! Your messages astound me!  I believed you before, but you really are a person that just wants to help out some decent folks.   Wishing your borrowers will understand what an awesome person you are and have no problems paying you back.

Haha..nothing I say should astound and I have had private talks and you understand that the "king" persona needs to "leave the "king" at the door" so to speak in this thread. I am just another member that is just like everyone else in here and wants to help a member that is short a few bucks get an order by loaning them the btc so they can do just that! I really respect this thread and everyone it in. The only difference for me (and I am sure there are others in here in my spot) is that I can afford to lend/give coin in here maybe more then others. So #5 really does not apply to me.. So if someone is legit and needs more then a few dollars I have no problem giving it to them and it won't affect me at all. BUT I also want to respect rule #5 and I do not want to put someone else in a spot that would break them. Meaning I loan them to big of an amount and then they can not pay it back. That would be my fault and not the borrower As every single person in here knows...when you really want a drug you will do almost anything. And that includes asking for more then you can handle. And even though your intentions are good...the fact is you can not  pay back what you are trying to borrow as you will never be ahead that much. I deal with it IRL all the time. The stories I get for loans are incredible. And I know they can not pay me back...and sometimes I give it to them..knowing they cant pay me back and therefore they will "go away" so it is a "cheap" way to get rid of  someone. If I really care about them..I will just give it to them so they do not feel the pressure and they will not be forced to lie to me when the time comes they have to repay.

But that is IRL. In here..I never want to put someone in that position. As I want them to feel good about themselves and I want them to get what they need and be able to pay it back. I do not want to force them to have to lie. The beauty of this thing you have it makes people want to be honest. And I always say...your as honest as you can afford to be. I didn't wake up one day with money. I had to hustle for it. I was a broke dick at one point. And I borrowed money..and I did not pay some people back. And I learned my lesson. And I can look back at those that helped me and were my friends..and those that set me up to fail. It is why I would never ask for "juice" though I totally understand why other people would take it. And I have no problem with what others do. It is there business. But for me...I just can not do it. I know they are desperate and they need the help..but in this forum it is so not that serious. It is supposed to be for people that are really just short...not for people that are short the whole order!!LOL... And I actually had a guy PM me that was in this thread and he said----

"I do not want to lie....I am short the whole amount! I am an addict and I need my drugs but I have ruined all my credit IRL and I owe my drug dealers. I have lied to all of them..and my wife. But the fact is this is the last place. And my vendor on here will not front me or give me credit. I must pay him. I need to by heroin. And I just made my last score and I am high right now IRL. I will be out of the drug in 2 if I place an order now..I will get it over nite and I will have it in 2 it is to late to get it out today. I need $300. Of course I could by less but then I will just be out sooner..and I know this will run out too...but it will at least get me through the weekend.  And by that time I will find something to sell to pay back one of my drug dealers and start all over again. So is my life. It sucks...and I have a 4 yo daughter. Some father I am. The only good thing is I have a job and so does my wife. So I have not fucked my life away yet. I just need to quit. Will you help m?.

So that was not the best message to read..and though I know these people exist...on SR...for the most part..everyone has money...and even those that don't are not on the streets per you need a computer to access. So luckily I do  not see those kind of people often..but when I kills me..So anyways...this thread is great because people are not that desperate...people WANT to pay you back ..and the overall tone of this thread is a positive one where there is no bullshit and no egos.We are all just trying to help each other..and I can tell you that the best messages I receive in here are the 3 I have got that start out saying" I sent you back the coin Rx...thank you so order will be here tomorrow thanks to you! Have a great day" I LOVE those and I feel great when reading them.Also with these forums having so much negativity in them and total bullshit(and I KNOW I am in the middle of it) is great to come in here and read the love! And it is good to be part of a true community..because even though all of us are in the forums...I really feel like this is a sub forum. And even though "out there" some of us disagree with what or how others say here...we are all equal. Though some of us might have a couple more coins then the other guy to give. ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: talawtam on June 01, 2013, 04:11 pm
A couple of members have very kindly lent me some coin recently. Instead of paying them back they suggested I lend coin when i have some. I have 0.080691    sat in my account and there's not much i can buy with it! If you are short of an order please let me know your SR username and i'll send it over. Peace
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 01, 2013, 04:25 pm
Hi everyone  :D Happy weekend  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: oNLiN3fR3aK on June 01, 2013, 04:28 pm
just karma´d @ RxKing,+1 - what a massive statement!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 01, 2013, 05:28 pm
Haha..nothing I say should astound and I have had private talks and you understand that the "king" persona needs to "leave the "king" at the door" so to speak in this thread.
Hah.  I kno.  It's just a name.  I'll be honest tho.  My picture looks nothing like me.

Gotta choose some kinda representation.  :P

Our correspondences have been my favorites, and very unique. 
he only difference for me (and I am sure there are others in here in my spot) is that I can afford to lend/give coin in here maybe more then others. So #5 really does not apply to me.. So if someone is legit and needs more then a few dollars I have no problem giving it to them and it won't affect me at all. BUT I also want to respect rule #5 and I do not want to put someone else in a spot that would break them. Meaning I loan them to big of an amount and then they can not pay it back. That would be my fault and not the borrower.
I wrote #5 more for the lenders sake.  I know (as I am one of them currently.) that >.25 bitcoins is a lot of money to some people.  Hurts when I see a good person missing their part they need cause they were just trying to do something good in the first place.  Either way, you are still following it!  If it's not going to break you, it's all you!
And I borrowed money..and I did not pay some people back. And I learned my lesson.
I'll admit.  Part of the reason I'm here is a guilty conscious...
So that was not the best message to read..and though I know these people exist...on SR...for the most part..everyone has money...and even those that don't are not on the streets per you need a computer to access. So luckily I do  not see those kind of people often..but when I kills me..So anyways...this thread is great because people are not that desperate...people WANT to pay you back ..and the overall tone of this thread is a positive one where there is no bullshit and no egos.We are all just trying to help each other..and I can tell you that the best messages I receive in here are the 3 I have got that start out saying" I sent you back the coin Rx...thank you so order will be here tomorrow thanks to you! Have a great day" I LOVE those and I feel great when reading them.Also with these forums having so much negativity in them and total bullshit(and I KNOW I am in the middle of it) is great to come in here and read the love! And it is good to be part of a true community..because even though all of us are in the forums...I really feel like this is a sub forum. And even though "out there" some of us disagree with what or how others say here...we are all equal. Though some of us might have a couple more coins then the other guy to give. ;)
I can't really describe it better than that.  This thread is just special.  It takes more than a few good people out there for something like this to even exist.  As it turns out there are.  If there were too many with the wrong attitude, it just wouldn't be possible.  I mean, no one really has to do anything, but they do cause they know the good it causes!  Because of the service we use, we all know what it's like to get something awesome in the mail.  Even better, you can come here and help someone out for the same feeling.  It's a throw back, in my mind, to tribal societies, where we had to rely on each other.  Love, that this idea never really disappears.

Anyway, I'm just giving you big props cause you're a rare bird.  It's like hearing so many stories of UFO's and then finally getting to see one.  Your mind would get blown when you find out they actually exist!

Gotta get my day started.  Box out for now.  I'll be sure to talk to you soon.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 01, 2013, 05:41 pm


Repaid :)
:-* :) thank you sir.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 01, 2013, 05:45 pm
good morning everyone :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 01, 2013, 05:47 pm
+1 RSKing your clearly an amazing person  and +1 BoxofShapes you also my friend  :D :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 01, 2013, 05:50 pm

my domestic change it's turn off :C < liliontransfer > so can't change my money but I need immediately 0,12 btc, I know it's much about 12$ but it's gonna blew my mind on party next week.. Hope that could help me I will give +1 karma and return as soon as possible...

13DEoSWmXxgHbJmfWRcGU27T2PYTK557Jx it's my wallet, much love bros.

acidsoldier .03 sent :P sorry all i had left
chemmy did you help acid soilder also or he still short?
sending the other .09 :)

sent :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 01, 2013, 05:58 pm
Hi RS how are you, are you having a good weekend  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 01, 2013, 06:01 pm
+1 RSKing your clearly an amazing person  and +1 BoxofShapes you also my friend  :D :-*
maybe I missed something here.. but what did rxking do exactly? :P

Hi RS how are you, are you having a good weekend  ;D
hiya love, not bad.. just waking up.. bout to start some coffee here in minute ;D
hope you're having a good day/weekend :) :-* ::) ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 01, 2013, 06:02 pm
hi ya'll (Hugs)


LOL   today i am torn between ordering another half pound of trees or 1000 tabs of nbome  :o
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 01, 2013, 06:16 pm
hi ya'll (Hugs)


LOL   today i am torn between ordering another half pound of trees or 1000 tabs of nbome  :o
heya chemmy :) :-* hugs
I'd say go with the trees :P but that's just me.. you really like those nbomes huh :)?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on June 01, 2013, 06:17 pm
hi ya'll (Hugs)


LOL   today i am torn between ordering another half pound of trees or 1000 tabs of nbome  :o

Great "problem" to have! save the trees!! Go for the nbome! is my 2 cents!

maybe I missed something here.. but what did rxking do exactly? :P

I wrote a whole post with out calling someone stupid,dumb as shit, A liar, a scammer, a total fucking idiot, your as dumb as a girl and your like my dogs smell like shit.  8) I also just +1 you and if you give me your SR name I will send you .25 coin for you to give away today.  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 01, 2013, 06:20 pm
btw, no one answered my question :-[, whats a good way to turn cash > btc.. been readying about the moneypak's but I dont hear the best things about bitinstant.. any advise? :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 01, 2013, 06:22 pm
the n-bombs are the quickest and most money as far as making the most for little investment  :P

the trees...well those clients are pretty much slower  LOL like they buy every couple weeks like clockwork  LOL

my clientele is small....however they are enough to support me  :P

i'm just gonna get the trees tonight and monday i guess i'll go ahead and order the 1000 nbome tabs :)

the area i live ...well...crazy college kids ...ya know?  LOL


ChemCat O0

oh RS....i didnt get with acidguy cuz he never told me his SR screen name :o  i wont do the Addy to Addy :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 01, 2013, 06:25 pm
hi ya'll (Hugs)


LOL   today i am torn between ordering another half pound of trees or 1000 tabs of nbome  :o

Great "problem" to have! save the trees!! Go for the nbome! is my 2 cents!

maybe I missed something here.. but what did rxking do exactly? :P

I wrote a whole post with out calling someone stupid,dumb as shit, A liar, a scammer, a total fucking idiot, your as dumb as a girl and your like my dogs smell like shit.  8) I also just +1 you and if you give me your SR name I will send you .25 coin for you to give away today.  ;)
maybe cause I haven't had my coffee yet, but I dunno how to respond to this :o was that insult or a complement ??? lol, I feel stupid now :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 01, 2013, 06:29 pm
@ RS
i get alot of flak for this everytime i say anything about bitinstant  LOL

today i just did 2 successful transactions of 500 apiece ...each one came to 503.95
seriously i use my real info and have never had a problem at all...period....

i have always pushed two $500.00 transactions through at least 2 times per week, sometimes more.

this is what i do.

i go to bitinstant and place an order for $500.00  i then copy the info that i need to use on the Red phone.

then i make another $500.00 order....each order made to go to different CVS/Wal-Marts.

i then go to the first place and complete the transaction...i do the same for the second place.

i go get a shake then go home and i have my coins after usually an hour...however i have had to wait i think 4 or 6 hours before though ???
i see alot of people have troubles with BitInstant. Buying bitcoins isnt i can prove that i use the coins to gamble...all in all i feel safe using my real info to purchase bitcoins  :)

i hope this helps ya RS  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 01, 2013, 06:29 pm
the n-bombs are the quickest and most money as far as making the most for little investment  :P

the trees...well those clients are pretty much slower  LOL like they buy every couple weeks like clockwork  LOL

my clientele is small....however they are enough to support me  :P

i'm just gonna get the trees tonight and monday i guess i'll go ahead and order the 1000 nbome tabs :)

the area i live ...well...crazy college kids ...ya know?  LOL


ChemCat O0

oh RS....i didnt get with acidguy cuz he never told me his SR screen name :o  i wont do the Addy to Addy :P
:) dont worry about it bro :)
also, his name was the same for the forum.. you can check by searching the main site.. if the name pops more likely that's them :) plus I saw him post his SN earlier.. ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 01, 2013, 06:33 pm
@ RS
i get alot of flak for this everytime i say anything about bitinstant  LOL

today i just did 2 successful transactions of 500 apiece ...each one came to 503.95
seriously i use my real info and have never had a problem at all...period....

i have always pushed two $500.00 transactions through at least 2 times per week, sometimes more.

this is what i do.

i go to bitinstant and place an order for $500.00  i then copy the info that i need to use on the Red phone.

then i make another $500.00 order....each order made to go to different CVS/Wal-Marts.

i then go to the first place and complete the transaction...i do the same for the second place.

i go get a shake then go home and i have my coins after usually an hour...however i have had to wait i think 4 or 6 hours before though ???
i see alot of people have troubles with BitInstant. Buying bitcoins isnt i can prove that i use the coins to gamble...all in all i feel safe using my real info to purchase bitcoins  :)

i hope this helps ya RS  :)
bitinstant has been reliable for you then :)? cause I think that's what I might do ::) I have few bills I want to deposit, just tired of using my current route.. :(
thanks for the response ^_^
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: redfunguy on June 01, 2013, 06:36 pm
That's cool of you RxKing, I was thinking of ordering some of you codeine syrup in the next month or two and now after seeing your participation on the spare coin thread I am definitely going to make an order.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on June 01, 2013, 06:36 pm
hi ya'll (Hugs)


LOL   today i am torn between ordering another half pound of trees or 1000 tabs of nbome  :o

Great "problem" to have! save the trees!! Go for the nbome! is my 2 cents!

maybe I missed something here.. but what did rxking do exactly? :P

I wrote a whole post with out calling someone stupid,dumb as shit, A liar, a scammer, a total fucking idiot, your as dumb as a girl and your like my dogs smell like shit.  8) I also just +1 you and if you give me your SR name I will send you .25 coin for you to give away today.  ;)
maybe cause I haven't had my coffee yet, but I dunno how to respond to this :o was that insult or a complement ??? lol, I feel stupid now :(

Its because you have not had your coffee yet...I PROMISE!!!!! You put the "tongue" face after you asked "what did Rx do" So I assumed you were just being sarcastic in a funny good way....and so I answered you with total sarcasim and the post I made is all the things I normally do in my post on the forums...I so with all the love got today I assumed you knew what I said...and I assumed you knew that I really do say at least 1 of those things in most my threads..but I would never inhere...and I would NEVER even talk shit in this is SO NOT THE PLACE!!

So please do not feel stupid and if it was anything from me it was a compliment and not meant at all to be an insult...I totally was being sarcastic and all because you put the tongue smiley face after your comment...and that means you were being totally sarcastic in saying "what did rx  do?.... do you understand now???

And I was being totally sincere in saying give me your address and I will send you coin to give away today!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 01, 2013, 06:37 pm
see that is the thing...2 times i had tried the fake info shit...and i have complete documents to back up my  fake identity  LOL

but those 2 times i was asked for ID....i said fuck it and started to use my real info after that and since then i have NEVER had a problem. Never....

Like i said..i see alot of people complain about BI  and i dont understand  LOL

once again this is my personal experience with BI....they have always been smooth and comfortably flawless for me  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on June 01, 2013, 06:43 pm
That's cool of you RxKing, I was thinking of ordering some of you codeine syrup in the next month or two and now after seeing your participation on the spare coin thread I am definitely going to make an order.

Thanks RED! But I must say you should want to buy from me because of the feedback my customers have left me...and not because I actually do the right thing and help people out in here! (All vendors should btw)

But I am totally ok with this flipping the switch and getting you to buy from me!! But there is a problem...I think you have me confused with another I do sell syrup...but have not had it available for the last 9 months!! I only get 5 pints a month...and I have sold the same pints to the same 3 guys...or the last 9 months...and the rare times they do not take them...and by rare I mean I have sold maybe 5 bottles out of the 45 to other customers...and if I had 50 a month.... I could sell out! So I have never publicly offered syrup to anyone in the last 9 months..though I did do a first come first served bottle about 4 months ago.

So I am sorry I can not help you  :-[
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 01, 2013, 06:44 pm
I,m good RS Thanks  ;) and RxKing wasn,t being insulting i don,t think he,s like that at all, seems like a great guy  ;D
Hi Chemcat honey (massive hug)  :-* How are you today  ;D ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 01, 2013, 06:47 pm
Hiya mary  :)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 01, 2013, 06:48 pm
hi ya'll (Hugs)


LOL   today i am torn between ordering another half pound of trees or 1000 tabs of nbome  :o

Great "problem" to have! save the trees!! Go for the nbome! is my 2 cents!

maybe I missed something here.. but what did rxking do exactly? :P

I wrote a whole post with out calling someone stupid,dumb as shit, A liar, a scammer, a total fucking idiot, your as dumb as a girl and your like my dogs smell like shit.  8) I also just +1 you and if you give me your SR name I will send you .25 coin for you to give away today.  ;)
maybe cause I haven't had my coffee yet, but I dunno how to respond to this :o was that insult or a complement ??? lol, I feel stupid now :(

Its because you have not had your coffee yet...I PROMISE!!!!! You put the "tongue" face after you asked "what did Rx do" So I assumed you were just being sarcastic in a funny good way....and so I answered you with total sarcasim and the post I made is all the things I normally do in my post on the forums...I so with all the love got today I assumed you knew what I said...and I assumed you knew that I really do say at least 1 of those things in most my threads..but I would never inhere...and I would NEVER even talk shit in this is SO NOT THE PLACE!!

So please do not feel stupid and if it was anything from me it was a compliment and not meant at all to be an insult...I totally was being sarcastic and all because you put the tongue smiley face after your comment...and that means you were being totally sarcastic in saying "what did rx  do?.... do you understand now???

And I was being totally sincere in saying give me your address and I will send you coin to give away today!
:) yeah, was a TL;DR moment, I was just being lazy an asking ::) but that makes sense, sorry for the confusion xD btw, I still dunno what you did :S. but thanks for clearing that up :).. if you want me to give money way for you, I can do that :).


see that is the thing...2 times i had tried the fake info shit...and i have complete documents to back up my  fake identity  LOL

but those 2 times i was asked for ID....i said fuck it and started to use my real info after that and since then i have NEVER had a problem. Never....

Like i said..i see alot of people complain about BI  and i dont understand  LOL

once again this is my personal experience with BI....they have always been smooth and comfortably flawless for me  :)
I'll probably use real info aswell :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 01, 2013, 06:52 pm
I wish i had your problem ChemCat lol ::) get some bush  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 01, 2013, 06:54 pm
@ mary  ;D  that made me LOL  (Hugs)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 01, 2013, 06:55 pm
I wish i had your problem ChemCat lol ::) get some bush  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 01, 2013, 06:59 pm
my hand works great and when i put a furry glove on it feels like a big bush :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 01, 2013, 07:05 pm
(Back for a sec again before I'm really gone)
+1 RSKing your clearly an amazing person  and +1 BoxofShapes you also my friend  :D :-*
Hey mary!  Good day to you.  Your presence is welcome here for sure!

maybe I missed something here.. but what did rxking do exactly? :P
Just be a crazy fuck like the rest of us as far as I can tell.

Also... I've never had a problem with BI.  Even with fake information.  Never had my ID asked for, but maybe it's just where I live, or the amounts I'm buying.  I just got good at remembering my fake info like the phone #.  Make sure you go straight through BI and not through Mt.Gox, cause they sneak an additional fee in there.  Last time I even did a straight deposit to my SR wallet.

.......I've got nothin for that last comment.   ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 01, 2013, 07:07 pm
I love your thread BTW Chem, your in my sr family always  :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 01, 2013, 07:08 pm
i always go straight to SR account....ya'll have never seen me have a problem with BI...actually check out my past posts  LOL  you will see alot of people upset with the fact that my transactions go quite smoothly  LOL

Go Figure  ::)

Peace & Hugs to ya'll,

ChemCat O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: whowhatwhere on June 01, 2013, 07:13 pm
Well hello again friends, here I am short .01 on an order because I tipped my favorite vendor and paid back my last loan with about 50% interest (which wasn't as much as I would've liked to give Japan1980 for being so awesome but that's all I had at the time).  I come to you, hat in hand, to ask if any of you generous souls could spot me .011 just to make sure I don't have to come back and ask for .001 if I'm the tiniest bit short again.  In addition to my undying love and gratitude, you'll be repaid with interest no later than 2 weeks from now but likely as soon as next Friday.  Thank you for considering my request, you guys are the best!

edit: my SR username is the same as here- whowhatwhere  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on June 01, 2013, 07:15 pm
"You got BI to work? I hate you cause you did that and it didnt work for me!"

Do they even logic?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 01, 2013, 07:16 pm
whowhatwhere, what's yur SR screen name?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 01, 2013, 07:16 pm
whowhatwhere is your sr name the same  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 01, 2013, 07:17 pm
ytable....huh?  LOL
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: whowhatwhere on June 01, 2013, 07:18 pm
whowhatwhere, what's yur SR screen name?
The same as here, whowhatwhere  :)
I realized I didn't state this info when I posted so I edited it to reflect in my original post.. I'm at work right now so I'm not all here  :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on June 01, 2013, 07:18 pm
LOL @RS7FI8ZRkm!!!

Look at your post again...and see how when you asked "what did Rxking do? and then you put :P after it....that means you are being sarcastic..and you know what I did...and in this case...because I "did" nothing!! but write a post about how I feel about this place...and a few guys commented...that when you said what did Rxking...and you put the tongue..I totally assumed you read it..and you were teasing me...about "doing" something...and so because I have a rep out here as talking shit and letting people have it...and again I assumed you knew all this...I wrote a sarcastic post about my self...saying what I did...was not say blah blah blah...and for me...all of that would seem impossible...though again I was just being sarcastic!

But the BEST PART is you really didn't read it and you have no clue at all...and you actually took my post as me mocking you! And I so was not...but it go's to show you how a simple thing such as a smiley face...can not only mess everything up....but since we can not "talk" it shows you how much we all pay attention to the littlest things(or at least I do!)...and I for one...think that this is a major reason why people in these forums get upset(misunderstanding)...they read the same thing as the next guy...but it comes off totally different to them...and they do not take the time to ask the person what they meant. One of the problems I have is that I write long post....but I do so because I want to be totally understood. And that is the only way I know how..and I am a totally shitty writer and I wish I could do what others do. But I simply do not have a talent for writing.

It also shows you how I  pay attention to the faces and I read into them...fuck for all I one else thinks that face(the tongue) means what I assumed it means????(sarcasm)  But this also shows the beauty of this thread....because unlike out there...because the vibe is so positive in can actually state how you feel...and no one is talking shit...if this same things was said out there....there would be 5 post saying " fuck you Rxking.quit trying to be a kiss make a ton of bug fucking deal you give away get it back too you asshole! so don't act like you a good guy!" And then I can not help i would write a 7 paragraph rebuttal where at the end I tell him to kill himself as his mom when to her grave hating her son and wishing she made the John use a condom. (and yes I have said that)

But this is  now!! And now in here you have .25 spread the please do so..and I hope you totally understand what I was saying...and I am sorry to everyone else that I caused this shit...all because of a tongue!!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 01, 2013, 07:18 pm
whowhatwhere...sent  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on June 01, 2013, 07:19 pm
ytable....huh?  LOL
yup, exactly
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 01, 2013, 07:21 pm
sent the 0.01 whowhatwhere then the 0.001 cause i,m daft lol  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: whowhatwhere on June 01, 2013, 07:21 pm
"You got BI to work? I hate you cause you did that and it didnt work for me!"

Do they even logic?

Hahaha!  Do you think they even lift, bro?

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 01, 2013, 07:22 pm
whowhatwhere, what's yur SR screen name?
The same as here, whowhatwhere  :)
I realized I didn't state this info when I posted so I edited it to reflect in my original post.. I'm at work right now so I'm not all here  :P

Sent!  :)

i sent you 0.01110000 just to be sure you have enough  :)

Enjoy!  (Hugs)

ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 01, 2013, 07:24 pm
Quote from: ytabletrash
"You got BI to work? I hate you cause you did that and it didnt work for me!"

Do they even logic?

Quote from: whowhatwhere
Hahaha!  Do you think they even lift, bro?

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

LOL  i have no clue what ya said  :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on June 01, 2013, 07:25 pm
I wish i had your problem ChemCat lol ::) get some bush  ;D

hey all :D

wish I could get some bush :( been ona bad roll for about 6 months now.Might give that glove thing a go ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 01, 2013, 07:26 pm
I,ve sent it to whowhatwhere ChemCat lol we,ll let RS donate since he,s been sent 0.25 from RxKing, very kind  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 01, 2013, 07:26 pm
well i am thoroughly cornfuseled  LOL
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: whowhatwhere on June 01, 2013, 07:31 pm
whowhatwhere, what's yur SR screen name?
The same as here, whowhatwhere  :)
I realized I didn't state this info when I posted so I edited it to reflect in my original post.. I'm at work right now so I'm not all here  :P

Sent!  :)

i sent you 0.01110000 just to be sure you have enough  :)

Enjoy!  (Hugs)

ChemCat  O0
sent the 0.01 whowhatwhere then the 0.001 cause i,m daft lol  ;D

Aww you guys, you both came to help me out and I appreciate it!  Since mary sent first, I'll send you yours back ChemCat but I greatly appreciate it and the effort to make sure I had enough.. I'll be tipping you once I get BTC in my wallet again and mary, I will pay you back ASAP like I stated in my post  ;D you fellow SRers are the best!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 01, 2013, 07:31 pm
I wish i had your problem ChemCat lol ::) get some bush  ;Dhttp://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/Smileys/default/wink.gif

hey all :D

wish I could get some bush :( been ona bad roll for about 6 months now.Might give that glove thing a go ;)
Right guys i,m confused about the bush LMAO i was talking about bush as in bud/smoke i,m guessing you guys are talking about the other bush  :-[ soo amusing, oh and poor darktime, wish i could help ha ha  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: whowhatwhere on June 01, 2013, 07:36 pm
Quote from: ytabletrash
"You got BI to work? I hate you cause you did that and it didnt work for me!"

Do they even logic?

Quote from: whowhatwhere
Hahaha!  Do you think they even lift, bro?

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

LOL  i have no clue what ya said  :P

Clearnet link:

One of the proper responses: Yes, of course. Many people have been really far and decided to use even go several times and used even stop on occasion as well. The thing to remember if you really want to do look more like then you must look more like the do you want and especially if the do you more want has decided to use even more go then you are presently doing look more like.  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on June 01, 2013, 07:39 pm
@RS7FI8ZRkm you get the coin I sent you?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: oNLiN3fR3aK on June 01, 2013, 07:43 pm
But this is  now!! And now in here you have .25 spread the please do so.
spread the love, feel the vibez - and live the original and real ideology of our lovely road  ;) äähhmm  sorry, I meant.....  :P

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on June 01, 2013, 07:45 pm
I wish i had your problem ChemCat lol ::) get some bush  ;Dhttp://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/Smileys/default/wink.gif

hey all :D

wish I could get some bush :( been ona bad roll for about 6 months now.Might give that glove thing a go ;)
Right guys i,m confused about the bush LMAO i was talking about bush as in bud/smoke i,m guessing you guys are talking about the other bush  :-[ soo amusing, oh and poor darktime, wish i could help ha ha  ;)

Not half as much as I wish you could mary!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 01, 2013, 07:53 pm
Darktime....I,d have you screaming for your mummy  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on June 01, 2013, 08:25 pm
Darktime....I,d have you screaming for your mummy  ;)

about time! a woman that knows how I want it!  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on June 01, 2013, 08:36 pm
Quote from: ytabletrash
"You got BI to work? I hate you cause you did that and it didnt work for me!"

Do they even logic?

Quote from: whowhatwhere
Hahaha!  Do you think they even lift, bro?

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

LOL  i have no clue what ya said  :P

Clearnet link:

One of the proper responses: Yes, of course. Many people have been really far and decided to use even go several times and used even stop on occasion as well. The thing to remember if you really want to do look more like then you must look more like the do you want and especially if the do you more want has decided to use even more go then you are presently doing look more like.  ;)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 01, 2013, 08:45 pm
stop it Darktime  ;) your getting me all hot and bothered  :-[
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 01, 2013, 10:05 pm
has anyone here bought from ogbryan ?

if so....was the wait too long? how about the weight?  was the bud dry or just right?   


am considering making a purchase with this ogbryan and was wondering if anyone in here has done bizz with him.

Thanks & Peace,

ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 01, 2013, 10:26 pm
Where have you been ChemCat  :-\ I,ve missed you  :( its quiet tonight, its just me that doesn,t have a life lol  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 01, 2013, 10:29 pm
just checking a couple vendors out  :)

gonna line up another so i can bounce between a couple  LOL

silly huh  :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 01, 2013, 10:35 pm
Not at all i order from different vendors all the time i like to try different peoples stuff  :) Don,t get me wrong i,ve ordered more than once when i like their stuff  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 01, 2013, 10:38 pm
I did my US order with Whiteshark, have you had weed from her ChemCat? Hope it doesn,t take too long to get here  :-\ at least i,ll have enough money to get coin for a gram domestic on Monday that will keep me going for a couple of days  ;D ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 01, 2013, 10:43 pm
havent used them  :)

in the past 6 months i think i may have used 6 vendors. one just for nbome's and out of the other 5 i've only continued to use 3 LOL out of those 3 in the past 4.5 months or so i've only used 2  LOL

just shoppin around to ensure that i will have No Down time  :)

Peace & Hugs @ ya mary  :)

Chemcat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 01, 2013, 10:44 pm
lemme know if ya need some coins  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 01, 2013, 10:49 pm
 ;D Cheers ChemCat (hugs)  I,ll be ok till i get coin on Mon, I,ve got local weed to get me through  8) lol I just hope my US gets here ok i,ve not done international before but she has good comments from UK buyers  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 01, 2013, 10:52 pm
ok well just know in yur heart....that if you need us we're here for ya  (Hugs)

ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 01, 2013, 10:53 pm
Oh and i got my dob trips, taking tomorrow afternoon  :P not had before and not took LSD trips for about 15yr so should be interesting  ;D I better stay off here lol  :-X
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 01, 2013, 10:55 pm
in my case when i'm trippin (i trip alone)
i always seem to end up here  LOL

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 01, 2013, 11:00 pm
Oh wouldn,t trip on my own, i,d freak myself out with my mad thoughts and no one to talk to.... i,d be on here too  ;) So if i,m on tomorrow night you know i,ll be trippin lol  :-[ I,d love to trip with you honey  ;D i know it be so much fun  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Immortally on June 01, 2013, 11:06 pm
Hello Community 0.08 bitcoin too short for a purchase can anyone help me? it would be very appreciated.. :-[

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 01, 2013, 11:08 pm
just be safe buddy  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 01, 2013, 11:09 pm
sorry immortally i only had little and gave it out earlier, i,m sure some great person will send tho  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Immortally on June 01, 2013, 11:16 pm
 thanks Mary for noticing maybe bitcoin goes up then I do not need to borrow
not my favorite activity ;) have a nice sunday..regards
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 01, 2013, 11:22 pm
Hello Community 0.08 bitcoin too short for a purchase can anyone help me? it would be very appreciated.. :-[


hiya buddy  :)
when do ya need it?  i'm waiting right now for a vendors listings to go up. but after i make the order
(dont know what time that will be) if i have the amount ya need...then yur more than welcomed to it  :)

Also...what's yur SR Screen Name?  I won't send Addy to Addy.


ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 01, 2013, 11:37 pm
 :-* Goodnight ChemCat enjoy the rest of  your day/night i,m off to bed  ;) (hugs)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 01, 2013, 11:38 pm
ok mary (Hugs)


Be safe and Sleep well my little friend  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 01, 2013, 11:40 pm
 ;) you too honey  :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on June 01, 2013, 11:48 pm
Immortally ...what is your buyer name on SR...not your btc address. And if no one has done it yet..I will do it for you.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on June 01, 2013, 11:52 pm
just +1'd y'all cos your all spesh!!

nite ++
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Immortally on June 02, 2013, 12:22 am
wow what a kindness here :-*  my Sr name is  Artadmirer

thank you very very much!!!! don,t know what to say..much love
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on June 02, 2013, 12:39 am
ok Boss...coin is sent when can you pay it back? and when you do make sure and message me on SR so I know..

See ya!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Immortally on June 02, 2013, 12:59 am
Asap next week is that ok for you??? I,ll let you know on Sr no problem,thanks in advance goodnight and have a nice sunday ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on June 02, 2013, 01:03 am
Asap next week is that ok for you??? I,ll let you know on Sr no problem,thanks in advance goodnight and have a nice sunday ;)

My man, I do not care if you said Feb 16 long as on that day you did what you said! Next week is fine! Just make sure and message me to tell me you paid me back. You enjoy your weekend..I am only upset you didn't do this at you could have got a package out today instead of having to wait until Monday.

See ya!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Immortally on June 02, 2013, 01:15 am
haha serious 2014 omg knows how much worth is bitcoin at that time,maby it doesn,t exist anymore :) No i just hate to borrow and forgot to say there,s no hurry until sunday evening to place a order and i wasn,t planned to order till i heard good news about a vendor,s product,so and discovered i had 0.08 too short..better place right away the order because you never what tomorrow brings:-) and i don,t want to come here for another 0.01 ct haha..see ya   :-* o and how long will it take to transfer bitcoin from member to member??
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on June 02, 2013, 02:50 am
haha serious 2014 omg knows how much worth is bitcoin at that time,maby it doesn,t exist anymore :) No i just hate to borrow and forgot to say there,s no hurry until sunday evening to place a order and i wasn,t planned to order till i heard good news about a vendor,s product,so and discovered i had 0.08 too short..better place right away the order because you never what tomorrow brings:-) and i don,t want to come here for another 0.01 ct haha..see ya   :-* o and how long will it take to transfer bitcoin from member to member??

The transfer is instant! You should have had it for an hour ??? ??? ???

And I agree to place it now..that way you will not be short! And you can be excited as you know your orde  ris already placed and there is no worries!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on June 02, 2013, 03:13 am
confirm you have it please...I show it was sent. :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: EezyE on June 02, 2013, 05:54 am
Hey yall! Moved all my coins over and I'm $1.00 short for my order =( Can anyone help a brotha out and I'll get you back in a week or so?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 02, 2013, 06:31 am
LOL @RS7FI8ZRkm!!!

Look at your post again...and see how when you asked "what did Rxking do? and then you put :P after it....that means you are being sarcastic..and you know what I did...and in this case...because I "did" nothing!! but write a post about how I feel about this place...and a few guys commented...that when you said what did Rxking...and you put the tongue..I totally assumed you read it..and you were teasing me...about "doing" something...and so because I have a rep out here as talking shit and letting people have it...and again I assumed you knew all this...I wrote a sarcastic post about my self...saying what I did...was not say blah blah blah...and for me...all of that would seem impossible...though again I was just being sarcastic!

But the BEST PART is you really didn't read it and you have no clue at all...and you actually took my post as me mocking you! And I so was not...but it go's to show you how a simple thing such as a smiley face...can not only mess everything up....but since we can not "talk" it shows you how much we all pay attention to the littlest things(or at least I do!)...and I for one...think that this is a major reason why people in these forums get upset(misunderstanding)...they read the same thing as the next guy...but it comes off totally different to them...and they do not take the time to ask the person what they meant. One of the problems I have is that I write long post....but I do so because I want to be totally understood. And that is the only way I know how..and I am a totally shitty writer and I wish I could do what others do. But I simply do not have a talent for writing.

It also shows you how I  pay attention to the faces and I read into them...fuck for all I one else thinks that face(the tongue) means what I assumed it means????(sarcasm)  But this also shows the beauty of this thread....because unlike out there...because the vibe is so positive in can actually state how you feel...and no one is talking shit...if this same things was said out there....there would be 5 post saying " fuck you Rxking.quit trying to be a kiss make a ton of bug fucking deal you give away get it back too you asshole! so don't act like you a good guy!" And then I can not help i would write a 7 paragraph rebuttal where at the end I tell him to kill himself as his mom when to her grave hating her son and wishing she made the John use a condom. (and yes I have said that)

But this is  now!! And now in here you have .25 spread the please do so..and I hope you totally understand what I was saying...and I am sorry to everyone else that I caused this shit...all because of a tongue!!!
;D lol, I use the tongue face as being silly or yea sarcastic.. but more as a saying something in a playful tone :) I wasn't trying to be dick or anything, just woke up an was like hmm? long post + thank you's = wat? :P
like I said was a TL;DR moments.. however you seem like a cool dude :).. however you do enjoy writing long posts :P.. but its cool, better to be understood then not. just sorry I can be a lazy reader sometimes though ::). but yo thanks for taking the time to be clear an explain it for slow people like me :)

also thank you very much for this .25 :) (anybody short, great time to ask :D)

@RS7FI8ZRkm you get the coin I sent you?
yes, I did. sorry for the late response.. something unexpected popped up, I was forced to leave on short notice.. :-[  and I apologize for that..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 02, 2013, 06:33 am
:) hello everybody! :-* long fucking day in town X_X ready for a fat one..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on June 02, 2013, 06:52 am
:) hello everybody! :-* long fucking day in town X_X ready for a fat one..

All good. Glad you got the .25...though with you leaving it totally defewated the I thought you would be on for the day or at ;east an hour and you would hook people up...instead you left ofor 12 hours...and now it is there are no legit people looking for orders...

So you can send me back the coin.....I will try it again with you some other time.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 02, 2013, 07:02 am
:) hello everybody! :-* long fucking day in town X_X ready for a fat one..

All good. Glad you got the .25...though with you leaving it totally defewated the I thought you would be on for the day or at ;east an hour and you would hook people up...instead you left ofor 12 hours...and now it is there are no legit people looking for orders...

So you can send me back the coin.....I will try it again with you some other time.
:-\ now I feel like an asshole.. sending it back.. sorry :(

Edit: lest nobody needed a loan while I was gone ::)
sent you back 0.26 :P ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: calicojak on June 02, 2013, 07:14 am
Don't won't to be back so soon but a I'm only .01 short :-[
If anyone can help out I'll be sure you get it back. Thanks :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 02, 2013, 07:18 am
Don't won't to be back so soon but a I'm only .01 short :-[
If anyone can help out I'll be sure you get it back. Thanks :)
::) sent
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 02, 2013, 07:20 am
fuck, so I bought a moneypak today, but no where on BI do i see anything about using it :o
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: oNLiN3fR3aK on June 02, 2013, 07:21 am
Have a nice sunday everyone!  :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: calicojak on June 02, 2013, 07:22 am
Don't won't to be back so soon but a I'm only .01 short :-[
If anyone can help out I'll be sure you get it back. Thanks :)
::) sent
sorry :(

And thank you for coming to my rescue once again, you are my hero!  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 02, 2013, 07:25 am
Don't won't to be back so soon but a I'm only .01 short :-[
If anyone can help out I'll be sure you get it back. Thanks :)
::) sent
sorry :(

And thank you for coming to my rescue once again, you are my hero!  ;)
:) no worries bro, I love helping..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 02, 2013, 07:26 am
anybody else short I have a around $14.20 left to share :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: 2marijuanaman on June 02, 2013, 07:32 am
anybody else short I have a around $14.20 left to share :D
May I have 90 cents sent to CannibalC? It would be really helpful man.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: calicojak on June 02, 2013, 07:36 am
Don't won't to be back so soon but a I'm only .01 short :-[
If anyone can help out I'll be sure you get it back. Thanks :)
::) sent
sorry :(

And thank you for coming to my rescue once again, you are my hero!  ;)
:) no worries bro, I love helping..
+1 thanks again! :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: oNLiN3fR3aK on June 02, 2013, 07:47 am
anybody else short I have a around $14.20 left to share :D
could you please help me out/lend 0.09 as I´m actually short on a planned order... :(
would be really great and much appreciated. will be able to pay it back asap.
thanks in advance  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Immortally on June 02, 2013, 08:01 am
confirm you have it please...I show it was sent. :)

Hello goodmorning :-) European time

Oeps i forgot you,re in another time zone:-)I waited about 1 hour and it wasn,t there so i went to zzzzland needed my beauty sleep :P
Yes this morning i wake up and saw the btc is there,again thank you +karma + you hear from me on Sr next week..
have a pleasant sunday.. :-* (ps I saw you,re a vendor ,would be nice that each vendor would be so helpful :-)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on June 02, 2013, 08:17 am
confirm you have it please...I show it was sent. :)

Hello goodmorning :)  European time

Oeps i forgot you,re in another time zone:-)I waited about 1 hour and it wasn't there so i went to zzzzland needed my beauty sleep :P
Yes this morning i wake up and saw the btc is there,again thank you +karma + you hear from me on Sr next week..
have a pleasant sunday.. :-* (ps I saw you,re a vendor ,would be nice that each vendor would be so helpful :)

Thanks ..Just assumed you were in the states...and thanks for the reply! I have had the worst luck on giving people coin the  last 2 days...I have loaned 5 people money...and 4 out of the 5 have left when I gave them money for different reasons...but not one has come back within 3 hours...and not one was dishonest...but if you were in my shoes you would think all 4 were.  I am lad you got it...and I am happy to help!

Have a good Sunday and thank you for the +karma---back at you

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 02, 2013, 08:22 am
anybody else short I have a around $14.20 left to share :D
May I have 90 cents sent to CannibalC? It would be really helpful man.
sent :) ฿0.007

anybody else short I have a around $14.20 left to share :D
could you please help me out/lend 0.09 as I´m actually short on a planned order... :(
would be really great and much appreciated. will be able to pay it back asap.
thanks in advance  ;)
when do you think you'll be able to payback?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 02, 2013, 08:24 am
@RxKing you saw I've sent your coin back, yea?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: oNLiN3fR3aK on June 02, 2013, 08:28 am
@RS7FI8ZRkm: within the next 10 days I think, due to deposit- and transfer-times of the bank and the exchange-service.
SR-name is the same as here  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on June 02, 2013, 08:37 am
@RxKing you saw I've sent your coin back, yea?

NO I did wrong with my vendor account...and I am waiting for DPR to finnish looking into it..he just started on it 20 min ago..I actually sent you a message before...that said I did not want it back..if you plan on being here tomorrow...I would like to send it back to you so  YOU can  loan it I feel you have good Karma and everyone likes you and you can help a lot of people.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on June 02, 2013, 08:39 am
@RxKing you saw I've sent your coin back, yea?

Also you and oNLiN3fR3aK REALLY confuse all your numbers and letters puts me into a tail spin!!! I have to work on it when you are both in here at the same time. I am an idiot when it comes to names...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 02, 2013, 08:41 am
@RxKing you saw I've sent your coin back, yea?

NO I did wrong with my vendor account...and I am waiting for DPR to finnish looking into it..he just started on it 20 min ago..I actually sent you a message before...that said I did not want it back..if you plan on being here tomorrow...I would like to send it back to you so  YOU can  loan it I feel you have good Karma and everyone likes you and you can help a lot of people.
:o, just saw your message an responded. ;) also sorry to hear you are experiencing troubles with your account. :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 02, 2013, 08:48 am
@RS7FI8ZRkm: within the next 10 days I think, due to deposit- and transfer-times of the bank and the exchange-service.
SR-name is the same as here  ;)
0.09 sent :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 02, 2013, 08:51 am
@RxKing you saw I've sent your coin back, yea?

Also you and oNLiN3fR3aK REALLY confuse all your numbers and letters puts me into a tail spin!!! I have to work on it when you are both in here at the same time. I am an idiot when it comes to names...
:P you can jus call me space cowboy
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 02, 2013, 08:56 am
so, what the fuck do I do with this moneypak thing :P :(?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: oNLiN3fR3aK on June 02, 2013, 08:58 am
0.09 sent :)
received. really much appreciated, thx a lot  :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on June 02, 2013, 11:20 am
so, what the fuck do I do with this moneypak thing :P :(?

Are you being serious??? The tongue out is really throwing me I totally take that as you are being sarcastic...and I think the rest of the forum does too. I am sorry but I even forgot the way you mean it!

But if you need help with what to do with a money pack... i will explain....

Also I just read your message...that was a great message...and you are clearly a class guy. I am glad you and I are now friends...and it is just a fact...the regular posters in this thread...are HANDS DOWN. the best people in here as a group. Every single person I have met..has sent me a very nice message and made me feel very welcome. And I really appreciate it. As I enjoy you guys and what all of you do!

Even the people that come in here and need a few bucks are great! And I love seeing that people that loan also borrow...A true fucking community!!! FUCKING AWESOME!!!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 02, 2013, 11:47 am
Good morning guys  :) Going to take a dob trip this afternoon, its been years since i took a trip LMAO should be interesting  8) Hope your all having a nice relaxing Sunday  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 02, 2013, 12:02 pm
mornin mary  :)

RS why do ya have a moneypak?  ???
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 02, 2013, 12:06 pm
Hi Chemcat  ;D how are you, how,s the back?  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 02, 2013, 12:08 pm
the back is pretty much toast right now  LOL

how are ya?  now dont go rollin around in the lawn  :)  the neighbors might call the bobbies  :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 02, 2013, 12:16 pm
 :) lol you never know better not get carried away  ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 02, 2013, 12:18 pm

just be safe and enjoy  (Hugs)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ballzinator on June 02, 2013, 12:20 pm
Can someone loan me 0.6 BTC? Will try to pay back 0.65 BTC within a week. SR username is the same.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 02, 2013, 12:23 pm
sorry Ballzy  :)

i wont have anymore coins till tuesday ???

someone should be along shortly that can assist you :)


ChemCat  O0

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on June 02, 2013, 02:05 pm
Hello Balllz!! Have you got it yet???
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ballzinator on June 02, 2013, 02:21 pm
Hello Balllz!! Have you got it yet???
Nope :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on June 02, 2013, 02:30 pm
I just sent it to you SIR! Just make sure when you pay me back...that you let me know..


Also coin is 124 on SR and it will be going use NOW..and I think that is a this is the reason you need the coin in the first place!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on June 02, 2013, 02:35 pm
Can someone loan me 0.6 BTC? Will try to pay back 0.65 BTC within a week. SR username is the same.

Also I do not accept please just pay me back the 0.6

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on June 02, 2013, 02:43 pm
afternoon all ;D
ive just woke up *yawn* what a lazy so and so i am but that is what sundays are for arnt they?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ballzinator on June 02, 2013, 02:58 pm
Can someone loan me 0.6 BTC? Will try to pay back 0.65 BTC within a week. SR username is the same.

Also I do not accept please just pay me back the 0.6

Thank you so much man, I'll pay you back ASAP! :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on June 02, 2013, 03:09 pm
Anytime!! Have a great week...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ballzinator on June 02, 2013, 03:15 pm
Anytime!! Have a great week...
I will, thanks to you! ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 02, 2013, 05:08 pm
helloooo  :D me and my man took our dob trips about 1.30 hr ago, nothing happening  :-\ how long would you wait to take another? lol sorry to ask in here but i trust the people more in here  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: robbyb123 on June 02, 2013, 05:38 pm
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Swedhead on June 02, 2013, 07:27 pm
I was just about to put in my order for a qp of penis envy from happyshroomer. I had pretty much exactly the right amount of coins but then I refreshed my shopping cart and it bumped up .01. Can anyone help me out? All I need is .009 and my name is the same as on the road. Thanks :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tabbenoit on June 02, 2013, 08:24 pm
I was just about to put in my order for a qp of penis envy from happyshroomer. I had pretty much exactly the right amount of coins but then I refreshed my shopping cart and it bumped up .01. Can anyone help me out? All I need is .009 and my name is the same as on the road. Thanks :)

Done     Enjoy
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Swedhead on June 02, 2013, 08:49 pm
Fuck. Just as I thought, it went up another .01 right as I saw that you helped tabbenoit. Can anyone help me out with another .01? If not I will just send you the the .009 back. Really appreciate you helping me out either way. Thanks you very much!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 02, 2013, 08:58 pm
Do you still need 0.01 Swedhead  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Swedhead on June 02, 2013, 09:03 pm
Do you still need 0.01 Swedhead  :)
Yeah, I actually do! I would appreciate it a lot Mary. I'm sitting here stoned refreshing the page every 10 seconds to see if anyone can help me out because I know it's going to keep bumping up a little bit.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 02, 2013, 09:07 pm
i,ve sent it hun, SwedHead on sr  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: danceandsing on June 02, 2013, 09:19 pm
Hey friends!!

With the slight drop in coin I am short 0.05....Can anyone help. Please !!


User: danceandsing
BTC address: 12w2hzadbziP7iqpQZtA9iSYj5eBX9Z73v
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: danceandsing on June 02, 2013, 09:20 pm
Hey friends!!

With the slight drop in coin I am short 0.05....Can anyone help. Please !!


User: danceandsing
BTC address: 12w2hzadbziP7iqpQZtA9iSYj5eBX9Z73v
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Swedhead on June 02, 2013, 09:24 pm
Thanks Mary! I managed to place my order :) Oh shoot, I didn't think the capitals really mattered. Well once again, I appreciate it tabbenoit and mary666! I'm more than likely not going to buy coins for a good few weeks to cut down on fees and buy bulk but if either one of you want me to pay you back just let me know. I will put a reminder for myself in my signature so I don't forget. This is why I love this place :D Well there's the drugs to ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 02, 2013, 09:24 pm
Swedhead, did you get the coin  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 02, 2013, 09:27 pm
Yeah Swedhead i would like my coin back asap and if someone else needs help it will go to them cheers  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 02, 2013, 09:36 pm
so, what the fuck do I do with this moneypak thing :P :(?

Are you being serious??? The tongue out is really throwing me I totally take that as you are being sarcastic...and I think the rest of the forum does too. I am sorry but I even forgot the way you mean it!

But if you need help with what to do with a money pack... i will explain....

Also I just read your message...that was a great message...and you are clearly a class guy. I am glad you and I are now friends...and it is just a fact...the regular posters in this thread...are HANDS DOWN. the best people in here as a group. Every single person I have met..has sent me a very nice message and made me feel very welcome. And I really appreciate it. As I enjoy you guys and what all of you do!

Even the people that come in here and need a few bucks are great! And I love seeing that people that loan also borrow...A true fucking community!!! FUCKING AWESOME!!!!
yeah, I am being serious.. I thought using this thing would be simple :(
:) (hugs) to all the internet friends :D :-* ;)

mornin mary  :)

RS why do ya have a moneypak?  ???
cause I thought that was what I was suppose to get from walmart :-[ :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 02, 2013, 09:37 pm
good morning marry :P :-* :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 02, 2013, 09:39 pm
wow i am confused now...correct me if i am wrong here bro  LOL

you wanted or said you were gonna do BitInstant?

ya wanted to use moneygram   :-\

i might be taking this all out of context though  LOL

what was your mission that led you to now have a moneypak that ya dont know what to do with?
if ya dont mind me askin  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 02, 2013, 09:40 pm
Good evening RS lol :P :-* ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 02, 2013, 09:43 pm
so, what the fuck do I do with this moneypak thing :P :(?

Are you being serious??? The tongue out is really throwing me I totally take that as you are being sarcastic...and I think the rest of the forum does too. I am sorry but I even forgot the way you mean it!

But if you need help with what to do with a money pack... i will explain....

Also I just read your message...that was a great message...and you are clearly a class guy. I am glad you and I are now friends...and it is just a fact...the regular posters in this thread...are HANDS DOWN. the best people in here as a group. Every single person I have met..has sent me a very nice message and made me feel very welcome. And I really appreciate it. As I enjoy you guys and what all of you do!

Even the people that come in here and need a few bucks are great! And I love seeing that people that loan also borrow...A true fucking community!!! FUCKING AWESOME!!!!
yeah, I am being serious.. I thought using this thing would be simple :(
:) (hugs) to all the internet friends :D :-* ;)

mornin mary  :)

RS why do ya have a moneypak?  ???
cause I thought that was what I was suppose to get from walmart :-[ :-\
stupid fucking card seems impossible to use.. can't even load my pp account without them wanting picture ID, proof of SS card, and proof of address >__< also they said if you request a refund.. expect 8 - 11 business days X_x what the fuck did I get myself into :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 02, 2013, 09:46 pm
jumbomonkeybisquit   <~~~(Spelling?)

i believe he sells BTC's for moneypaks and vanilla reload cards.....dont hold me to that but i think i heard that somewhere.   ;)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 02, 2013, 09:47 pm
wow i am confused now...correct me if i am wrong here bro  LOL

you wanted or said you were gonna do BitInstant?

ya wanted to use moneygram   :-\

i might be taking this all out of context though  LOL

what was your mission that led you to now have a moneypak that ya dont know what to do with?
if ya dont mind me askin  :)
fuck :(
yeh I wanted to try BI, except I was assuming the method to do that was with a dot green card (moneypak) but yeah, that isn't the case.. after getting home an punching in the info.. realized you payed in store for the transfer.. :-[
so, wat do I do with this moneypak :P?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 02, 2013, 09:49 pm
Hey guys thanks anyway but my man JumboMonkeyBiscuits was watching out for me and he'll get that .1 paid back to him.

If anyone is needing bitcoins anonymous as it gets then check him out:


He is quickly taking over the bitcoin market here at SR. His feedback has people saying they got their coin in less then 20 minute. It's an instant transfer with some of the ways he accepts the payment. He has different ways to pay him for instant bit coin. He's a stand up dude and one of the most honest vendors I ever dealt with.

Just in case you all are thinking I am just saying this because he covered my bit cent loan I got to say this: "Well yea duh wilbur" but that does not mean that I am wrong. This is a great vendor and goes the extra mile to ensure his clients are happy. He's been here barely a month and has over 145 transactions with 100% positive feedback.

Whenever he has bud listed then jump on it because it's always top notch medical grade killer OGKush or Sour Diesel. It's always the best of the best with product quality and stealth shipments.

Thanks JmB you are the bees knees in my book
Stand apart from the crowd take another look
With a second chance from all around
Give the king a healthy crown
A desire of Learning, Burning, Earning
Take a whif the butter is churning
With the multitude of people labeled as sheeple
The Phoenix flies high above the steeple
Taking the road by storm for you and for me
JumboMonkeyBiscuit for short JmB


might be worth a look  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 02, 2013, 09:51 pm
if i was a vendor i would sell you some bitcoins for it  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 02, 2013, 09:51 pm
Evening ALL  8)

I can't believe I'm in need of as little as 0.012 - I'm short on postage and can't get coin till Tuesday..

Anyone care to help me out? 

J-Man  8)

SR name same as forum name.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 02, 2013, 09:52 pm
Hey guys thanks anyway but my man JumboMonkeyBiscuits was watching out for me and he'll get that .1 paid back to him.

If anyone is needing bitcoins anonymous as it gets then check him out:


He is quickly taking over the bitcoin market here at SR. His feedback has people saying they got their coin in less then 20 minute. It's an instant transfer with some of the ways he accepts the payment. He has different ways to pay him for instant bit coin. He's a stand up dude and one of the most honest vendors I ever dealt with.

Just in case you all are thinking I am just saying this because he covered my bit cent loan I got to say this: "Well yea duh wilbur" but that does not mean that I am wrong. This is a great vendor and goes the extra mile to ensure his clients are happy. He's been here barely a month and has over 145 transactions with 100% positive feedback.

Whenever he has bud listed then jump on it because it's always top notch medical grade killer OGKush or Sour Diesel. It's always the best of the best with product quality and stealth shipments.

Thanks JmB you are the bees knees in my book
Stand apart from the crowd take another look
With a second chance from all around
Give the king a healthy crown
A desire of Learning, Burning, Earning
Take a whif the butter is churning
With the multitude of people labeled as sheeple
The Phoenix flies high above the steeple
Taking the road by storm for you and for me
JumboMonkeyBiscuit for short JmB


might be worth a look  :)
we will only be processing moneypaks in increments of $500 or $1000
  :-\ dammit..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 02, 2013, 09:54 pm
Evening ALL  8)

I can't believe I'm in need of as little as 0.012 - I'm short on postage and can't get coin till Tuesday..

Anyone care to help me out? 

J-Man  8)

SR name same as forum name.
sent bro :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 02, 2013, 09:54 pm
j-man :)

Hugs  :)
i'm still waiting on one vendor to list. if i can get everything ordered sometime tonight i could help ya. how soon do ya need it?
oh heck Hold Tight please ima send it now and just make a smaller order  :)

Hold Please :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 02, 2013, 09:56 pm
Evening ALL  8)

I can't believe I'm in need of as little as 0.012 - I'm short on postage and can't get coin till Tuesday..

Anyone care to help me out? 

J-Man  8)

SR name same as forum name.
sent bro :)
:( split my bong sending that coin lol..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 02, 2013, 09:57 pm
Sent  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 02, 2013, 09:58 pm
Evening ALL  8)

I can't believe I'm in need of as little as 0.012 - I'm short on postage and can't get coin till Tuesday..

Anyone care to help me out? 

J-Man  8)

SR name same as forum name.
sent bro :)
:( split my bong sending that coin lol..

Doh!!   :o
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 02, 2013, 10:00 pm
Hi Japan  ;) missed you on here, you been having fun lad  :-* :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 02, 2013, 10:07 pm
I see you both sent it!

I'll send yours back Chem as I think RS7 got in there first, but thanks to the both of you. +1 to you both if it'll let me!

HIGH Mary - been really busy working, my empire is taking off big time. Having loads of fun too though of course....J-Man always works hard and plays harder  8)

Hope you and all the Kool mother fuckers on this thread are good...

RS7 I'll return the coin by Tuesday at the latest bro  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 02, 2013, 10:07 pm
Hey guys thanks anyway but my man JumboMonkeyBiscuits was watching out for me and he'll get that .1 paid back to him.

If anyone is needing bitcoins anonymous as it gets then check him out:


He is quickly taking over the bitcoin market here at SR. His feedback has people saying they got their coin in less then 20 minute. It's an instant transfer with some of the ways he accepts the payment. He has different ways to pay him for instant bit coin. He's a stand up dude and one of the most honest vendors I ever dealt with.

Just in case you all are thinking I am just saying this because he covered my bit cent loan I got to say this: "Well yea duh wilbur" but that does not mean that I am wrong. This is a great vendor and goes the extra mile to ensure his clients are happy. He's been here barely a month and has over 145 transactions with 100% positive feedback.

Whenever he has bud listed then jump on it because it's always top notch medical grade killer OGKush or Sour Diesel. It's always the best of the best with product quality and stealth shipments.

Thanks JmB you are the bees knees in my book
Stand apart from the crowd take another look
With a second chance from all around
Give the king a healthy crown
A desire of Learning, Burning, Earning
Take a whif the butter is churning
With the multitude of people labeled as sheeple
The Phoenix flies high above the steeple
Taking the road by storm for you and for me
JumboMonkeyBiscuit for short JmB


might be worth a look  :)
we will only be processing moneypaks in increments of $500 or $1000
  :-\ dammit..
messaged him asking if he'd please once do me a favor an process my wimpy $225 card :)..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 02, 2013, 10:10 pm
I see you both sent it!

I'll send yours back Chem as I think RS7 got in there first, but thanks to the both of you. +1 to you both if it'll let me!

HIGH Mary - been really busy working, my empire is taking off big time. Having loads of fun too though of course....J-Man always works hard and plays harder  8)

Hope you and all the Kool mother fuckers on this thread are good...

RS7 I'll return the coin by Tuesday at the latest bro  8)
dont worry about it bro :).. marrychristmas
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 02, 2013, 10:11 pm
messaged him asking if he'd please once do me a favor an process my wimpy $225 card :)..

Awesome!!  :)

if he needs to you know he can come in here and ask about your forum presence :)

We gotcha RS  (Hugs)


ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 02, 2013, 10:25 pm
messaged him asking if he'd please once do me a favor an process my wimpy $225 card :)..

Awesome!!  :)

if he needs to you know he can come in here and ask about your forum presence :)

We gotcha RS  (Hugs)


ChemCat  O0
lol, I feel so stupid for buying this thing :-\ wish I had known, or read better.. lesson for everybody here, don't ever assume. (if you already didn't know better :P)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 02, 2013, 10:27 pm
I see you both sent it!

I'll send yours back Chem as I think RS7 got in there first, but thanks to the both of you. +1 to you both if it'll let me!

HIGH Mary - been really busy working, my empire is taking off big time. Having loads of fun too though of course....J-Man always works hard and plays harder  8)

Hope you and all the Kool mother fuckers on this thread are good...

RS7 I'll return the coin by Tuesday at the latest bro  8)
dont worry about it bro :).. marrychristmas

But I feel guilty for fucking your bong up for the sake of £1!!

Let's just say next time you just slightly fall short, I'll owe you a freebie bro  8)

I would have waited till Tuesday, but if I got my order in by midnight tonight it'll get it posted at 9am tomorrow morning which means I'll have the drooogs by Tuesday morning  ;D

@Chem - you should have got yours back by now, but thanks all the same bro, it's the thought that counts  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 02, 2013, 10:30 pm
right now that 225.00 is 1.864 BTC's

i wish i had my vendors account i really would take it off your hjands and give you the coins for that moneypak

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 02, 2013, 10:32 pm
@ J-Man

yeppers got it back and Thank You  :)

Anytime  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 02, 2013, 10:37 pm
hmm, back of the moneypak says "No refunds at stores" but the receipt states otherwise.. wondering if I can take this back to walmart lol.. ::)

I see you both sent it!

I'll send yours back Chem as I think RS7 got in there first, but thanks to the both of you. +1 to you both if it'll let me!

HIGH Mary - been really busy working, my empire is taking off big time. Having loads of fun too though of course....J-Man always works hard and plays harder  8)

Hope you and all the Kool mother fuckers on this thread are good...

RS7 I'll return the coin by Tuesday at the latest bro  8)
dont worry about it bro :).. marrychristmas

But I feel guilty for fucking your bong up for the sake of £1!!

Let's just say next time you just slightly fall short, I'll owe you a freebie bro  8)

I would have waited till Tuesday, but if I got my order in by midnight tonight it'll get it posted at 9am tomorrow morning which means I'll have the drooogs by Tuesday morning  ;D

@Chem - you should have got yours back by now, but thanks all the same bro, it's the thought that counts  8)
just split some water.. the bongs fine :D, solid pyrex glass ^_^, as it was coming down it hit this glass mason jar with my nugs.. chipped the mason jar.. left no mark on the bong ;D

right now that 225.00 is 1.864 BTC's

i wish i had my vendors account i really would take it off your hjands and give you the coins for that moneypak

:( wish so too..
whats really annoying about it, for a last resort I should be able to add this to my paypal.. but nooo you need to verify yourself.. 6hrs later pp would have all my personal info.. no thanks :/
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 02, 2013, 10:41 pm
interesting...i use them to place cash on a card to pay bills...pre-paid name attatched to it.
some gaming sites accept moneypaks.....shoot ima look into that cuz i have no clue what else to use the moneypaks for 

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 02, 2013, 10:44 pm



Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 02, 2013, 10:50 pm
thanks chemmy, but o_0 wait.. hmm now how do I turn this into a pre-paid / credit-card..?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 02, 2013, 10:57 pm
This moneypak thing sounds like a complete headfuck RS wish i could help but no idea wtf it is  :-[
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 02, 2013, 11:02 pm
Mary I think it's an American ting - I have no fucking idea what they're on about either  :o
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 02, 2013, 11:05 pm

as long as you have the proper documents just set everything up in a different name. i guess i should have been a little more clear...  LOL  when i get these prepaid cards.....i load them at the place of purchase. No Name attatched.
now looking at this site i can see that some form of identification is required :o

Proper documents...if ya have them...come in handy for things such as this  LOL seriously what i need to research more before i become a vendor....because, i do have the proper false idents....i'm just not having good gut feelings about cashing out like this though...
Seriously...if i were you and didnt need the money to speak....i would go gamble it on some website that accepts moneypaks   :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: danceandsing on June 02, 2013, 11:05 pm
Hey friends!!

With the slight drop in coin I am short 0.05....Can anyone help. Please !!


User: danceandsing
BTC address: 12w2hzadbziP7iqpQZtA9iSYj5eBX9Z73v

Sorry for the double post but I will repay double when I get more coin in tomorrow :) please?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 02, 2013, 11:07 pm
 :o i just do a quick bank transfer  8) i don,t give a shit what shows up tbh i,m a mad gambler ha ha  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 02, 2013, 11:11 pm

Quote from: danceandsing
Hey friends!!

With the slight drop in coin I am short 0.05....Can anyone help. Please !!


User: danceandsing
BTC address: 12w2hzadbziP7iqpQZtA9iSYj5eBX9Z73v
Quote from: danceandsing
Sorry for the double post but I will repay double when I get more coin in tomorrow :) please?

Sent  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 02, 2013, 11:21 pm
JumboMonkeyBiscuit replied :)! says he'll help me.. *wishmeluck*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 02, 2013, 11:26 pm
fingers x for you RS we don,t have moneypak in UK i thought getting coin in US would be easier than here  :o
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: heavyreader on June 02, 2013, 11:32 pm
hey there, anyone got .04 btc they could send me over???  i'm short on postage cuz of the damn btc drop sigh.. it would be so appreciated though!!  my username on SR is the same as on here   :)

+1 all around in this thread!  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 02, 2013, 11:35 pm
fingers x for you RS we don,t have moneypak in UK i thought getting coin in US would be easier than here  :o
was cash.. didn't feel like depositing. :P has been a royal pain in the arse so far. usually its easier
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 02, 2013, 11:35 pm
i hear that it's getting harder to aquire bitcoins, mary.


have ya ever had goat cheese?  i love thyis stuff  LOL

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 02, 2013, 11:37 pm
i hear that it's getting harder to aquire bitcoins, mary.


have ya ever had goat cheese?  i love thyis stuff  LOL

eww goat cheese is nasty :o <3 ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 02, 2013, 11:39 pm
i hear that it's getting harder to aquire bitcoins, mary.


have ya ever had goat cheese?  i love thyis stuff  LOL

LOL  ;D Crazycat mmm nice creamy goats cheese, lovely on pizza  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 02, 2013, 11:42 pm
and Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat!  on sesame crackers  LOL

Hugs to you All   :)

Peace & Hugs,

ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 02, 2013, 11:42 pm
we have, i just do a quick bank transfer with the cheapest seller as long as feedback is above 98% really quick  8) do you guys have that? ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tabbenoit on June 02, 2013, 11:44 pm
Thanks Mary! I managed to place my order :) Oh shoot, I didn't think the capitals really mattered. Well once again, I appreciate it tabbenoit and mary666! I'm more than likely not going to buy coins for a good few weeks to cut down on fees and buy bulk but if either one of you want me to pay you back just let me know. I will put a reminder for myself in my signature so I don't forget. This is why I love this place :D Well there's the drugs to ;D

No need brother, enjoy your package when it comes
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 02, 2013, 11:46 pm
yes ma'am we have localbitcoins as well :)

i've never used them ???  makes me nervous  LOL

<_<      >_>

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 02, 2013, 11:47 pm
we have, i just do a quick bank transfer with the cheapest seller as long as feedback is above 98% really quick  8) do you guys have that? ;)
no one is in my local area :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 02, 2013, 11:51 pm
I don,t do the cash for coin thing i,d have to go about 30mile lol the bank transfer with local sellers is great  ;) Why does it make you nervous Chem  :o are you not also a mad gambler, those sites eat my coins ha ha  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 02, 2013, 11:52 pm
Quote from: RS7FI8ZRkm
no one is in my local area :(

same here  ???  i'd have to drive almost 300 miles one way  :o
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 02, 2013, 11:55 pm
yeah mary LOL those gambling sites get alot of bitcoins from me as well  LOL
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 02, 2013, 11:57 pm
+1 Chem, RS n Japan  ;) you guys are the best  8) RS and Chem you guys should try the bank transfer on localbitcoins it,s only the persons name that shows up on your account and the cash amount sent to them  ;) Like i said i spend mine on gambling sites, nasty habit  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 03, 2013, 12:05 am
gave y'all +K earlier ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 03, 2013, 12:07 am

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 03, 2013, 12:08 am
                                                     :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) When requesting, post your SR name so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
dr gonzo
Mike Hunt
RxKing          ++++
White Out

The shit list:
Autobondon *

*^*do not lend to these people*^*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 03, 2013, 12:10 am
we're tied on +karma chemmy :P <3
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: coolkid321 on June 03, 2013, 12:11 am
Would someone care to donate or loan me 0.01 coins. I will try to pay back with interest if need be.

Name on sr is coolkid321 or btc addy is 15qv7GV6Hn9MkPf4ZwP8BSyiGSzD9yNjb2

Prefer sent to my account if that's do able.

Please help.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 03, 2013, 12:14 am
How the fuck has Chemcat got -75 karma? thats fucked up BTW  >:( Not that i,d judge anyone on karma i,d rather make up my own mind about people  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 03, 2013, 12:28 am
Would someone care to donate or loan me 0.01 coins. I will try to pay back with interest if need be.

Name on sr is coolkid321 or btc addy is 15qv7GV6Hn9MkPf4ZwP8BSyiGSzD9yNjb2

Prefer sent to my account if that's do able.

Please help.
available: ฿0.0015294 :( else i would..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 03, 2013, 12:29 am
How the fuck has Chemcat got -75 karma? thats fucked up BTW  >:( Not that i,d judge anyone on karma i,d rather make up my own mind about people  ;)
da karma trolls ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on June 03, 2013, 12:36 am
Would someone care to donate or loan me 0.01 coins. I will try to pay back with interest if need be.

Name on sr is coolkid321 or btc addy is 15qv7GV6Hn9MkPf4ZwP8BSyiGSzD9yNjb2

Prefer sent to my account if that's do able.

Please help.
Sent :D Just pay back when you get it. SR name is the same.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 03, 2013, 12:39 am
was going to send coolkid but i see ytabletrash has got you +1 ytt  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 03, 2013, 12:47 am
mary  :o  hunny have you tried the bear grease for your hair?

heh heh  :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 03, 2013, 12:51 am
He He Chemcat  ;D its a bit dry, these slimming pills working a treat  8) or do you think i,ve took too much  :-\  lmao  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: devolve on June 03, 2013, 12:52 am
Ahhhhh I'm postage away from my order with JC!!!


Karma Gods be with the one that is nice enough to help me out!!

devolve0 is my SR
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: danceandsing on June 03, 2013, 02:22 am
Udername: trichome took care of me!!

without any notification or anything else. total surprise. wow. there really are GOOD people out there. +5 karma for you if I could do it.

Thank You!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 03, 2013, 02:26 am
:)  just send back to trichome  :)

they said "You're Welcome"

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on June 03, 2013, 02:29 am
Ahhhhh I'm postage away from my order with JC!!!


Karma Gods be with the one that is nice enough to help me out!!

devolve0 is my SR

And sent. Repay when you can.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: danceandsing on June 03, 2013, 02:36 am
:)  just send back to trichome  :)

they said "You're Welcome"


amazing. simply amazing. kind kind people here! wow :) only on SR folks
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: calicojak on June 03, 2013, 03:09 am
Well guys I made a huge mistake it seems in loaning kandykidd .21 bitcoin on the 23rd. It was a dumb ass mistake on my part because it was not through the spare coin thread. Now I noticed he/she has not been back on the forums since the 23rd :-\
To top it all of Im about to go into withdrawls. :'(
The moral of the story is don't trust anyone even if you have been communicating through pm's for months. And don't loan outside of the spare coin thread.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 03, 2013, 03:22 am
Well guys I made a huge mistake it seems in loaning kandykidd .21 bitcoin on the 23rd. It was a dumb ass mistake on my part because it was not through the spare coin thread. Now I noticed he/she has not been back on the forums since the 23rd :-\
To top it all of Im about to go into withdrawls. :'(
The moral of the story is don't trust anyone even if you have been communicating through pm's for months. And don't loan outside of the spare coin thread.
:-\ shitty man, you want a loan? I know you're good for it..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: devolve on June 03, 2013, 03:39 am

Ahhhhh I'm postage away from my order with JC!!!


Karma Gods be with the one that is nice enough to help me out!!

devolve0 is my SR

And sent. Repay when you can.


I thought btc took an up turn, but I came back here just to double check.

Many thanks brother, and I'll make sure to get you back in the future.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 03, 2013, 04:01 am
quite tonight/today hows my lovely droogies doing? :-* love y'all
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 03, 2013, 04:04 am
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!GAME OF THRONES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:o :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Tellemetree on June 03, 2013, 04:29 am
Morning all!

Just having a great day and anted to share some random love.

So plus karma to you all even though its not the idea of this thread :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 03, 2013, 04:32 am
Morning all!

Just having a great day and anted to share some random love.

So plus karma to you all even though its not the idea of this thread :P
(kisses) tellemetree :-* karma right back with you brother :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Tellemetree on June 03, 2013, 04:32 am
                                                     :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) When requesting, post your SR name so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
dr gonzo
Mike Hunt
RxKing          ++++
White Out

The shit list:
Autobondon *

*^*do not lend to these people*^*

Awww, didn't make the list even though I gave coins :(

Chemcat shall verify. Not that it matters, but I want the karna implied by being on "the list"

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 03, 2013, 04:34 am
anybody is allowed to post the list  :D no need to quote brother.. thank you for reposting it though:-* :-* :-*

feel free to add yourself :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Tellemetree on June 03, 2013, 04:39 am
                                      :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) When requesting, post your SR name so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
dr gonzo
Mike Hunt
RxKing          ++++
White Out

The shit list:
Autobondon *

*^*do not lend to these people*^*'

AND more importantly RS7FI8ZRkm is full of awesomeness. Never forget that.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 03, 2013, 04:44 am
:D love you too brother! but so many more are* equal an greater in awesomeness here on in the OT family! you'll know who you are  ;) :P :-* :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 03, 2013, 04:47 am
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 03, 2013, 04:49 am
:-* chemmy!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 03, 2013, 04:50 am
love you brother ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 03, 2013, 04:50 am
goodnight ya'll :)

bluedream is putting me to sleep  :P

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 03, 2013, 04:51 am
Love ya too (Hugs)

Sleep well when ya get there  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 03, 2013, 04:52 am
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!GAME OF THRONES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:o :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
I never liked musical chairs.  I swear the teacher didn't want to give me a chance.

bluedream is putting me to sleep  :P

I'ma go have an orange dream now...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 03, 2013, 04:52 am
goodnight ya'll :)

bluedream is putting me to sleep  :P

sweet bluedreams brother :) that shits greeaat*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 03, 2013, 04:53 am
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!GAME OF THRONES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:o :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
I never liked musical chairs.  I swear the teacher didn't want to give me a chance.

bluedream is putting me to sleep  :P

I'ma go have an orange dream now...

lol, its a show ::)

lol again
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 03, 2013, 05:01 am
@boxy you make your order yet ::)?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 03, 2013, 05:11 am
yup! Drshrooms is going to take care of me!  Thanks a lot man.  You gave me pretty much the amount I needed with my left over.  Was planning on using that to dispense justice in here, but I guess I'll have to wait until next time.  IOU a trip report for sure.

And yea I know it's a show  :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Tellemetree on June 03, 2013, 05:48 am
Night all!

Sweet dreams and remember the chemicals that flood your brain during REM sleep are the same as the one brought about by special K

(SO I am told)

So, err, enjoy your natural K hole.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 03, 2013, 06:13 am
:)  just send back to trichome  :)

they said "You're Welcome"


amazing. simply amazing. kind kind people here! wow :) only on SR folks

This threads full of amazing people - It's like a sub forum from the chaos out there in the main forum.

But the amazing thing is that 99% of things go to plan on the thread. A loaning site for anonymous drugtakers!! HA who would have though it actually fucking works = words can't describe how good that feels to be part of.

I've got more chance of getting a £10 loan back off at least a dozen of the regulars on here than I would from most of my real life mates! They'll just keep coming up with excuses, excuses, and more excuses!!

Anyway morning. HIGH to all,

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 03, 2013, 06:16 am
yup! Drshrooms is going to take care of me!  Thanks a lot man.  You gave me pretty much the amount I needed with my left over.  Was planning on using that to dispense justice in here, but I guess I'll have to wait until next time.  IOU a trip report for sure.

And yea I know it's a show  :P

Drshrooms is the man - quality product, excellent stealth. Looks kinda like a love letter!

I receive 1000's of them a day so it was really stealthy in my case  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: coolkid321 on June 03, 2013, 06:20 am
Would someone care to donate or loan me 0.01 coins. I will try to pay back with interest if need be.

Name on sr is coolkid321 or btc addy is 15qv7GV6Hn9MkPf4ZwP8BSyiGSzD9yNjb2

Prefer sent to my account if that's do able.

Please help.
Sent :D Just pay back when you get it. SR name is the same.

paid back 0.02
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: calicojak on June 03, 2013, 06:30 am
Well guys I made a huge mistake it seems in loaning kandykidd .21 bitcoin on the 23rd. It was a dumb ass mistake on my part because it was not through the spare coin thread. Now I noticed he/she has not been back on the forums since the 23rd :-\
To top it all of Im about to go into withdrawls. :'(
The moral of the story is don't trust anyone even if you have been communicating through pm's for months. And don't loan outside of the spare coin thread.
:-\ shitty man, you want a loan? I know you're good for it..
Unfortunately I wouldn't be able to pay it back until the 13th/next week. And I would be in need of .22 which is a lot to be asking for again.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 03, 2013, 06:49 am
heya japan :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 03, 2013, 06:54 am
Well guys I made a huge mistake it seems in loaning kandykidd .21 bitcoin on the 23rd. It was a dumb ass mistake on my part because it was not through the spare coin thread. Now I noticed he/she has not been back on the forums since the 23rd :-\
To top it all of Im about to go into withdrawls. :'(
The moral of the story is don't trust anyone even if you have been communicating through pm's for months. And don't loan outside of the spare coin thread.
:-\ shitty man, you want a loan? I know you're good for it..
Unfortunately I wouldn't be able to pay it back until the 13th/next week. And I would be in need of .22 which is a lot to be asking for again.
waiting for the moneypak thing to clear.. once it dose an I make my order an get you helped out..

anybody else willing loan this fine brother in the mean time I vouch for him, hes loaned me .2 before, I've lent him .2 before :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: calicojak on June 03, 2013, 07:02 am
Thank you for being you RS. You really are a kind soul.
Im not feeling very social right now, depressed really. Im dreading going to sleep and waking up in a more depressed state and feeling like I've been hit by a bus.
Im a newb to the whole withdrawl thing and god does it suck!  :-\
There's really no words I can come up with to describe how great people like yourself and others on this thread. To help a complete stranger out and to trust them, it makes me feel good even when feeling depressed and sad. If that makes since.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 03, 2013, 07:21 am
Thank you for being you RS. You really are a kind soul.
Im not feeling very social right now, depressed really. Im dreading going to sleep and waking up in a more depressed state and feeling like I've been hit by a bus.
Im a newb to the whole withdrawl thing and god does it suck!  :-\
There's really no words I can come up with to describe how great people like yourself and others on this thread. To help a complete stranger out and to trust them, it makes me feel good even when feeling depressed and sad. If that makes since.
;) I try brother, but I am sorry you're feelin shitty bro.. :( never fun.. I wish I could remedy this for you right now.. but I made the mistake of trying a moneypak.. :P fuck was has that been a pain so far.. thanks chemcat for pointing me towards JumboMonkeyBiscuit he should be processing it..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: calicojak on June 03, 2013, 07:50 am
Thank you for being you RS. You really are a kind soul.
Im not feeling very social right now, depressed really. Im dreading going to sleep and waking up in a more depressed state and feeling like I've been hit by a bus.
Im a newb to the whole withdrawl thing and god does it suck!  :-\
There's really no words I can come up with to describe how great people like yourself and others on this thread. To help a complete stranger out and to trust them, it makes me feel good even when feeling depressed and sad. If that makes since.
;) I try brother, but I am sorry you're feelin shitty bro.. :( never fun.. I wish I could remedy this for you right now.. but I made the mistake of trying a moneypak.. :P fuck was has that been a pain so far.. thanks chemcat for pointing me towards JumboMonkeyBiscuit he should be processing it..
Thank you RS :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 03, 2013, 08:27 am
calico, how much and what's yur SR screen name :)

i just woke up to get my prune juice and will be back to sleep shortly  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 03, 2013, 08:38 am
Well guys I made a huge mistake it seems in loaning kandykidd .21 bitcoin on the 23rd. It was a dumb ass mistake on my part because it was not through the spare coin thread. Now I noticed he/she has not been back on the forums since the 23rd :-\
To top it all of Im about to go into withdrawls. :'(
The moral of the story is don't trust anyone even if you have been communicating through pm's for months. And don't loan outside of the spare coin thread.
:-\ shitty man, you want a loan? I know you're good for it..
Unfortunately I wouldn't be able to pay it back until the 13th/next week. And I would be in need of .22 which is a lot to be asking for again.
waiting for the moneypak thing to clear.. once it dose an I make my order an get you helped out..

anybody else willing loan this fine brother in the mean time I vouch for him, hes loaned me .2 before, I've lent him .2 before :)
and his SR is calicojak :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 03, 2013, 08:41 am
0.22000000 bitcoins should now be in your account. sent to calicojak



Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 03, 2013, 08:48 am
0.22000000 bitcoins should now be in your account. sent to calicojak



:D gnight chemmy :-* enjoy your juice :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 03, 2013, 08:50 am
                                      :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) When requesting, post your SR name so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
dr gonzo
Mike Hunt
RxKing          ++++
Tellemetree ++++
White Out

The shit list:
Autobondon *
kandykidd ++++

*^*do not lend to these people*^*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BYSD on June 03, 2013, 09:31 am
oh btw BYSD sent you back .02 :) thanks again.. sorry  for a minute I forgot about you :-[

thanks buddy..
couldn't get to the computer for a couple of days  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Swedhead on June 03, 2013, 09:36 am

No need brother, enjoy your package when it comes

Really generous of you! I will be sure to leave a review of HappyShroomer in case anyone was keeping an eye out on him and will try to pay it forward! I wish I could give karma, mary and you deserve it  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Swedhead on June 03, 2013, 09:38 am
Yeah Swedhead i would like my coin back asap and if someone else needs help it will go to them cheers  ;)
I will buy some more bitcoins sooner rather than later then! I'll send you a message when I send it :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BYSD on June 03, 2013, 10:29 am
hullo guys and gals,
would anybody be able to lend me 0.02?
will be able to pay back sometime this week  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BYSD on June 03, 2013, 11:55 am
hullo guys and gals,
would anybody be able to lend me 0.02?
will be able to pay back sometime this week  :)

not after this anymore
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 03, 2013, 12:42 pm
BYSD, what's yur SR screen name :)

i'll send ya the 0.02  coins  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 03, 2013, 12:49 pm
Yeah Swedhead i would like my coin back asap and if someone else needs help it will go to them cheers  ;)
I will buy some more bitcoins sooner rather than later then! I'll send you a message when I send it :)
No probs pal  ;) you don,t have to pay back to me but please come on and help someone else  ;) Thanks
Hi everyone  8) my trip was shit lol still feel strange, think will stick to LSD trips these dob things are a letdown for me  :o had 2 hours sleep and a bit spacey  ::)
Chemcat  :-* RS  :-* Japan  :-* feel the love  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 03, 2013, 12:52 pm
Greetings mary  :)

am gonna hit the shower then head into town to run some errands  :)

if BYSD needs that please let them know to pm me and i'll send to them :)

or if anyone can take care of BYSD till i get back i'll pay ya myself  ;)

Peace & Hugs,

ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BYSD on June 03, 2013, 01:36 pm
Greetings mary  :)

am gonna hit the shower then head into town to run some errands  :)

if BYSD needs that please let them know to pm me and i'll send to them :)

or if anyone can take care of BYSD till i get back i'll pay ya myself  ;)

Peace & Hugs,

ChemCat  O0

thanks chemmy, i'm alright now, but thanks!  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 03, 2013, 01:40 pm
are ya sure?  i have it for you if ya need it  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BenJesuit on June 03, 2013, 02:08 pm
Can anyone spare .02 BTC? Trying to get a sample before they run out and I'm literally short .02 BTC.

If yes, cool... SR user name BenJesuit. Can send direct to there using "send BTC to another member."

If no, that's cool too.

Thank in advanced, either way.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 03, 2013, 02:14 pm
Quote from: BenJesuit
Can anyone spare .02 BTC? Trying to get a sample before they run out and I'm literally short .02 BTC.

If yes, cool... SR user name BenJesuit. Can send direct to there using "send BTC to another member."

If no, that's cool too.

Thank in advanced, either way.


hello Ben  :)

when ya reckon yua can put the coins back?

and yur SR Screen name is BenJesuit   <~~~ correct?



ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 03, 2013, 02:17 pm
Ben, i've sent the 0.02000000 btc's to your account. Send back to the person that sent it to you on SR



ChemCat O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BenJesuit on June 03, 2013, 02:18 pm
Thanks bro! I can get you back by week's end or pay it forward. Whichever you prefer.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 03, 2013, 02:20 pm
Please send back to trichome so we can continue on with our crusade here  ;)

Thanks & Hugs,

ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BYSD on June 03, 2013, 02:23 pm
are ya sure?  i have it for you if ya need it  :)
you sure wanna send some coins flying through inter-space dontcha - aha  ;D
but nah, i'm good thanks! how're you doing okay? nice say out
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 03, 2013, 02:30 pm
cant really move  LOL  took a shower..was gonna go into town...but my back is locked up  LOL

am hangin over the edge of the bed typing this  :(  being old really sucks  LOL

hopefully i'll be able to move in 30 min or so ???

other than that i am doing swell  :)

how 'bout you B?  howzyou doin?

and today is grand!  a little overcast, but warm with a consistant wind blowing   :) 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 03, 2013, 02:33 pm
i dont know if ya like cheese,   BYSD

but if ya do..try some fresh goat cheese (garlic & herb)
this stuff is great on sesame crackers  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BenJesuit on June 03, 2013, 02:34 pm
Thanks again CHemcat. Check your account - sent coin back. Turns out I didn't need it after all. Vendor made a listing to fit what I was short by.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 03, 2013, 02:38 pm
ok Ben (Hugs)
c'mon back if we can ever assist you in  the future!


Peace & Hugs to ya Ben,

ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: onionologist on June 03, 2013, 02:40 pm
This thread kicks ass...

I have never had to borrow any coin, but it's nice to know there is help out there if need be!

Much respect to you all.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 03, 2013, 02:43 pm
To You as well onion  (Hugs)



ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BYSD on June 03, 2013, 03:22 pm
i dont know if ya like cheese,   BYSD

but if ya do..try some fresh goat cheese (garlic & herb)
this stuff is great on sesame crackers  :)

oh my goodness, i can't get enough cheese.. (or sesame crackers.. or sesame rice cakes for that matter.. i think i'm just hungry)
i went to a food & drink festival a while back and got the best cheese ever, this one had garlic in it as well.. i think it was called green thunder or something, defo worth a try!  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on June 03, 2013, 04:31 pm

Ahhhhh I'm postage away from my order with JC!!!


Karma Gods be with the one that is nice enough to help me out!!

devolve0 is my SR

And sent. Repay when you can.


I thought btc took an up turn, but I came back here just to double check.

Many thanks brother, and I'll make sure to get you back in the future.

No problem, pay when you can.
Would someone care to donate or loan me 0.01 coins. I will try to pay back with interest if need be.

Name on sr is coolkid321 or btc addy is 15qv7GV6Hn9MkPf4ZwP8BSyiGSzD9yNjb2

Prefer sent to my account if that's do able.

Please help.
Sent :D Just pay back when you get it. SR name is the same.

paid back 0.02
You're welcome :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 03, 2013, 04:33 pm
good evening all  8)
How,s your back Chemcat?  :o (hugs)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 03, 2013, 04:36 pm
the backs still being a pain  LOL

you're up late? 

how's yur day been?


ChemCat O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 03, 2013, 05:05 pm
Scotland  8) its 6pm here lol had a spacey day, hoof,d it earlier for a bit weed n took the dogs out  :) I hope your back.s better soon  :-* get some pain med in you  ;) (hugs)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 03, 2013, 05:11 pm

my mothers side was of scottish descent  :)

my fathers side was of native american descent   :)

Hugs to ya mary & have a relaxing evening  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 03, 2013, 05:15 pm
Interesting mix Chemcat  8) have a good day/evening too i,ll be popping on and off  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 03, 2013, 06:09 pm
:) morning y'all, good day so far?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 03, 2013, 06:11 pm
Hi RS  ;D hope your good today  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 03, 2013, 06:12 pm
JumboMonkeyBiscuit processed my mistake ::) only cost me $39 :P ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Tellemetree on June 03, 2013, 06:13 pm
Morning peeps, tried so so hard to sleep but just not working for me  :'(

I'm also sick of 3 digit captcha's on the road that you KNOW won't work, so why bother....

How's is everyperson and everybody?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 03, 2013, 06:15 pm
:) morning tellemetree & mary :-*, yea with the 3 number captchas I just refresh till I get a normal one.. sorry you're having trouble sleeping.. have you smoked some green lately?

doing fine, just fine :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 03, 2013, 06:20 pm
 /_  ___   \
/@ \/@  \   \
\__/\___/   /
 /     /\\\\\
|     |\\\\\\
 \      \\\\\\\

yeppers just refresh until ya see a good captcha  ;)

I'm happy that JMB was able to help ya RS  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 03, 2013, 06:21 pm
anybody got the .01 till thursday?


Much obliged to anybody who can afford to be generous
whats your SR username brother?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Tellemetree on June 03, 2013, 06:21 pm
:) morning tellemetree & mary :-*, yea with the 3 number captchas I just refresh till I get a normal one..

doing fine, just fine :)

All good then. I hate that "3am and work in 4 hours feeling" and then the more you think "I need to sleep, work soon" the less likely it becomes.

Insomnia blows and I ran outta xanax a few days back, so don't even have a a chemical solution.

On the bright side, least I work from home tomoz.

How was the weekend guys? Anything exciting/ interesting?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on June 03, 2013, 06:22 pm
Just found out my drug test is in 2 weeks instead of today and I spent this past 2 weekends sober for no reason. Gah
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 03, 2013, 06:24 pm
 /_  ___   \
/@ \/@  \   \
\__/\___/   /
 /     /\\\\\
|     |\\\\\\
 \      \\\\\\\

yeppers just refresh until ya see a good captcha  ;)

I'm happy that JMB was able to help ya RS  :)
;D hey, thank you for helping me yesterday with all that... was much fun ::)

you broke the spaces >__< :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 03, 2013, 06:26 pm
  :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) When requesting, post your SR name so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know. <~~ :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.
9) Some of us Do Not send to the BitCoin Addy. Please include Your Silk Road Screen Name :)

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
dr gonzo
Mike Hunt
RxKing          ++++
Tellemetree ++++
White Out

The shit list:
Autobondon *
kandykidd ++++

*^*do not lend to these people*^*

@ RS  You're Very Welcome my Friend (Hugs)

If at any time you need assistance and i am able to help you i will.


Peace & Love,

ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 03, 2013, 06:29 pm
ytable  LOL  :P

now ya have to wait another 2 weeks  :P

i had to go through that back in '76  LOL  it sucked i know  :(  if ya need anything after your "Test" be sure to let us know  :)


ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 03, 2013, 06:43 pm
Just found out my drug test is in 2 weeks instead of today and I spent this past 2 weekends sober for no reason. Gah
X_x !@#*7$ $&*%
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 03, 2013, 06:44 pm
anybody got the .01 till thursday?


Much obliged to anybody who can afford to be generous
whats your SR username brother?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 03, 2013, 06:48 pm
^^  **Shrugs**  ^^
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 03, 2013, 06:50 pm
If i ever get told that i have a year or less to live i will be contacting mary...RS...Box...Dan....just to name a few of ya'll :)

if i ever get this info i'll come smoke and trip with you all    :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 03, 2013, 06:59 pm
Also...i've been following the Bitcoin market for a week or so now....seriously...when you can..if you whehn they are low...that window doesnt seem to be open for very long..then they go up again...i just have alot of time to do this...
if you do too...and you can get your coins ordered and paid for within an can also gain from this.

Just sayin :)

Peace & Hugs,

ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Tellemetree on June 03, 2013, 07:00 pm
If i ever get told that i have a year or less to live i will be contacting mary...RS...Box...Dan....just to name a few of ya'll :)

if i ever get this info i'll come smoke and trip with you all    :)

Live large like in the 60's and CC can be the Timothy Leary and we will be all the psychonauts drawn to his mansion and mind expansion sessions.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on June 03, 2013, 07:03 pm
ytable  LOL  :P

now ya have to wait another 2 weeks  :P

i had to go through that back in '76  LOL  it sucked i know  :(  if ya need anything after your "Test" be sure to let us know  :)


ChemCat  O0
Yeah, but once I get this job it will be a start to a good career. Already got my contingent offer after passing their written test. Still waiting on my 25g mdma order from Europe. Would have been 19 days if it came today. Longest order time ever. Wondering at what point I should call it gone. :S I want to place an order but unsure if my drop is compromised.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 03, 2013, 07:04 pm
Chem, your ace  :-* fuck dying but if you ever wanted to come visit me you,d be more than welcome, not many people i,d say that too lol  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 03, 2013, 07:09 pm
If i ever get told that i have a year or less to live i will be contacting mary...RS...Box...Dan....just to name a few of ya'll :)

if i ever get this info i'll come smoke and trip with you all    :)
;D I'd be there brother, sparking a fatty for ya :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 03, 2013, 07:14 pm
it could happen mary, i'm old.
my clients for weed are around 40-50 a couple my age.
my clients for nbome's are mostly college students that a couple friends of my sons  sell to for me.
with the n-bombs...that's a little tricky for me...i tell my sales people to always tell their customers what they are getting..
i had to let a few people go because they were not honest in telling thwir customers what nbome's were.
they led their customers to believe that they were getting "Acid"  i may be simple minde3d for an old fart but all in all...failure is not an option at this point in my life. that's why i make a couple dollars safely....thats why i dont have time for people that just want to make money.....i surround myself with honest people..if they can't be then i go my own way  :)

just good business for me i suppose at my age it really dont matter though huh?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 03, 2013, 07:35 pm
Of couse it matters Chem, don,t want assholes hanging around lol ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 03, 2013, 07:39 pm
**EDIT For Calicojak**

First i just want to say, this is added to the Loan to calicojak of .22 BTC's (Just For Our Records Calico)

I just sent you another 0.03350100(Total Loan=0.253501) in regards to this :

    Thank you so much chem! I will send them back asap, should be middle of next week. Im actually still $4 short, if you have it to spare I'll make sure when I pay you back next week you'll get it all back with interest. If not, no worries I so appreciate you.    1 hour    read

Please don't be upset that i posted this. :)

it just helps track of everything  :)
Just Send Back to trichome or My name, ChemCat on SR  :)

Peace, Love & Hugs,

ChemCat O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 03, 2013, 07:41 pm
brb :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 03, 2013, 07:45 pm
hb  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: b0m on June 03, 2013, 07:49 pm
can somebody pls send me 0.03? i will get it back to you asap. at least start of next week but probably this week. maybe even tomorrow or the day after. pls shoot me a message for me to give u my sr name.

pls pls pls <3 u dont have to be worry of getting it back from me!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 03, 2013, 07:55 pm
mary i have to say that i have found that Moscato wine goes quite well with this goat cheese  :)

b0m , how mjuch and what is your SR screen name?

when do you recon you can send it back?



ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 03, 2013, 07:57 pm
Sorry :(  but we can do this right here through this room, if ya dont mind  :)

Not through PM's Please  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: b0m on June 03, 2013, 07:58 pm
i can send it back by the end of next week at least! but probably even tomorrow or the day after! my sr name is in your pm box. thanks chem i <3 u
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 03, 2013, 08:02 pm
You have to try the goats cheese on your fav pizza Chem, its gorgeous  ;) I,m not a wine drinker only champagne lol i,m jokin i don,t really drink i can,t do the hangover nowadays, too old  ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 03, 2013, 08:03 pm
@ b0m 



gimme a couple minutes and you will have your 0.03 bitcoins with a little extra just in case :)

When you can..Please send back to trichome or My Silk Road screen name.



Peace & Hugs,

ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: b0m on June 03, 2013, 08:05 pm
i will contact u via PM in the forum and ask where to send it to. thanks again u r my hero today <3
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 03, 2013, 08:06 pm


Enjoy b0m!!


Peace & Hugs,


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 03, 2013, 08:10 pm
Insomnia blows and I ran outta xanax a few days back, so don't even have a a chemical solution.
I've been getting pretty fond of some melatonin + a small shot of GHB.  xanax just makes me crazy and if I want to sleep without it it gets to be hard not to.

Also...i've been following the Bitcoin market for a week or so now....seriously...when you can..if you whehn they are low...that window doesnt seem to be open for very long..then they go up again...
I've been watching the price chart just to torture myself.  I so get the feeling now is a good time.  Wish my foundation wasn't flatlined right now or I would be investing.  2-4 months and I think I will have things rolling again like it was. 
just good business for me i suppose at my age it really dont matter though huh?

Man.  I would hope this is a good business practice at any age.  I've certainly gained more customers by being straight up, even if it means talking them out of it, especially when talking about nbombs.  I know I've taken business away from some dealers around me.  Been told, "I'm just tired of dealing with people like that."  Makes me wish I knew me now, back then when I needed good drugs and none of the fuckery.

Anyway.  Makes me return to the statement you're freakin awesome CC!

Good lord.  Thanks for introducing me to Wise Blood.  I had no clue.  So rare someone hits something I would like in that thread.  Soundtrack for the rest of the day for sure.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 03, 2013, 08:11 pm
I,ve sent you 0.03 Chemy cause ya always givin oot coin lol happy days  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Repus6 on June 03, 2013, 08:13 pm
Stopped in to say hello to everyone! I'm bored and trying to think of some ways to make money so I can place an order. We should have a loan shark thread on the forums! Lol Anyway, I hope everyone is having a great night!! Love you guys!  :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 03, 2013, 08:17 pm
Repus6...i read your post in Chemcats family thread, i,m a mum too if u ever want to pm me feel free  ;) AND why is Chemcats family thread locked?  :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 03, 2013, 08:18 pm
lol its unlocked now?  :-[
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 03, 2013, 08:20 pm


Hugs @ ya mary  LOL

ya should have kept them 'cuz you know ima JUST GIVE'EM AWAY!!   LOL

@ BoS

man i have been researching this cashing out and i find flaws in every way...seriously..i see one way to do this on a small basis anonymously. if ya pm me i'll fill ya in ..just wont be tonight boxy :( i've only gotten out of bed 3 times today  :(  frwaking spinal injuries are nothing to scoff at  :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: b0m on June 03, 2013, 08:22 pm
thanks buddy, but u know what? the vendor said i dont have to pay shipping so i can order right away!!!! hehe u gotta love the road! i will now send ur btc back. thanks again man!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Repus6 on June 03, 2013, 08:23 pm
Lol- Weird! I don't know what happened! I'll definitely pm you sometime. Its nice to talk to people sometimes especially if they have or are raising kids.  :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 03, 2013, 08:27 pm
Stopped in to say hello to everyone! I'm bored and trying to think of some ways to make money so I can place an order. We should have a loan shark thread on the forums! Lol Anyway, I hope everyone is having a great night!! Love you guys!  :-*
I don't mean to speak for him but RxKing might be worth throwing a message, if its a larger amount.  I can totally vouch for you any day of the week that you will do the right thing.


PM is being typed and sending very soonish!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 03, 2013, 08:28 pm
@repus6..I have an 11 yr old son, x box nut lol  ;D Hope you and your family are good  :D
No probs ChemCat, if i,m coin short one day i might need a loan too and i know you,d be there  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 03, 2013, 08:31 pm
Quote from: Repus6
Lol- Weird! I don't know what happened! I'll definitely pm you sometime. Its nice to talk to people sometimes especially if they have or are raising kids.  :D

It's Very Nice to be able to talk to someone with No Expectations thrown upon us...right?


My wife and myself didnt have our children until i was in my early 50's and she was in her mid 40's

so...sometimes i joke around with my kids like i have alzheimers and yell at them calling them old fuckers that smoke My Weed!!


Repus, if i can...i would say to you...Love Your Children like this is Your Last day on earth!
As they grow older ..rwson with them..always telling them're speaking as adults now...
(if at that time)
i could say so much more that has worked for family in our lifespan...


but i wont  :)

Much Love,

ChemCat O0

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: b0m on June 03, 2013, 08:32 pm
sent back chem. pls confirm :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 03, 2013, 08:37 pm
sent from    (b0m) <~~~Identity hidden!    ฿0.03



Thank ya b0m!

You know where we are if you ever need us  :)

Peace & Hugs,


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Repus6 on June 03, 2013, 08:43 pm
I'll give it a shot Shapes! Thank you so much!

Mary, I have 3 kids. Ages 9, 8 and 4 and GOOD GOD! What a handful!!

My husband and I started having kids young. We're only 28 now but I guess we knew it was right. I love the kids and him more than anything and try to do everything I can for them.

I think that's the best advice you can give ChemCat! It's funny you pretend to have Alzheimers. We are constantly playing pranks on our kids too. The one day we picked up the two older kids from the bus stop with Nerf guns and had a shoot out in the middle of the street!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 03, 2013, 08:47 pm
back :) :-* whats up lovely lovey droogies
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 03, 2013, 08:49 pm
wow repus6 that,ll keep you busy then  ;) i,m an old mum (38yr) lol my kids the best thing i ever did with my time here on earth  ;D amazing Chemcat, any reason you waited or just happen that way  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 03, 2013, 08:50 pm
HaHa!!  That is awesome @ Repus!!

My Wife and I..our Children...  Bless them   :)
my wife and myself were always the weird parents  LOL
but ya know what?

our children give almost 1/4 of their earnings away to wife and i have instilled upon/in them that if you give....whatever higher power that you have.....will help you in times of need.

i know i am rambling....sorry....


ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 03, 2013, 08:56 pm
Remember....Your Future Rests in the Hands of Our Children.

Life will treat Us well if we Live by the Rule of Karma

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 03, 2013, 08:58 pm
So your kids are like you then Chem  ;) i bet your kids didn,t think you,s were weird cause they knew how lucky they were to have you both  :-* you can adopt me Chem, i never had a dad  :o not that i feel i missed anything, my mum is amazing  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 03, 2013, 08:59 pm
back :) :-* whats up lovely lovey droogies
Wise blood is some really good stuff.  Thanks for showing this to me!

our children give almost 1/4 of their earnings away to wife and i have instilled upon/in them that if you give....whatever higher power that you have.....will help you in times of need.
Insane ramblings of truth!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bamoida2 on June 03, 2013, 09:01 pm
hello guys n gals!

anyone in need of coin?

---off topic---
Often wondering how I would deal with (mine, but also their)drug use if i ever have kids, even tho I'm doing like every drug there is casually I kind of would have a bad feeling if my kids would do anything like me, it's kind of hypocritical but then again i know too many people who tried to be a casual user and ended up with a huge addiction problem...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on June 03, 2013, 09:01 pm
Remember....Your Future Rests in the Hands of Our Children.

Life will treat Us well if we Live by the Rule of Karma


^^^Quote of the day  ;D

Heya all btw! hope you are all good.
im nodding so sorry if you get a post with like ssssssssssssjhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhsioooooooooooo or similar lol
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 03, 2013, 09:02 pm
back :) :-* whats up lovely lovey droogies
Wise blood is some really good stuff.  Thanks for showing this to me!

our children give almost 1/4 of their earnings away to wife and i have instilled upon/in them that if you give....whatever higher power that you have.....will help you in times of need.
Insane ramblings of truth!
:P you're welcome :D
songs I like from them:
Penthouse Suites
Darlin' You're Sweet
Loud Mouths

how you doing boxy?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 03, 2013, 09:11 pm
@ Darktime

I Love ya Son!  be Safe and Nod when ya have to  :)

We'll be here!!

Peace and Positive Energy to You,

ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 03, 2013, 09:15 pm
Found a playlist on youtube, and have been getting thoroughly introduced!  Reminds me of Subtle.  (hmm...another post!)

Decent.  Trying to make the most out of my day of little to no obligation.  Also, trying to get ready for tomorrow for something I really don't wanna do. :P Damn you long term goals!

It's all good  8)

Maybe not as good as Darktime.   :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 03, 2013, 09:16 pm
Copper wire was invented by 2 scotsmen fighting over a penny! lol (billy connolly)  ;D :P ::)
Your all amazeballs on here  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: b0m on June 03, 2013, 09:25 pm
+1 to everyone. Much <3
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 03, 2013, 09:26 pm
Quote from: mary666
Copper wire was invented by 2 scotsmen fighting over a penny! lol (billy connolly)  ;D :P ::)
Your all amazeballs on here  ;)
Quote from: BoxofShapes
Found a playlist on youtube, and have been getting thoroughly introduced!  Reminds me of Subtle.  (hmm...another post!)

Decent.  Trying to make the most out of my day of little to no obligation.  Also, trying to get ready for tomorrow for something I really don't wanna do. :P Damn you long term goals!

It's all good  8)

Maybe not as good as Darktime.   :P

LOL  i would so share a cottage wioth you fawkers!! 




Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 03, 2013, 09:30 pm
:P :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 03, 2013, 09:32 pm
****Picture If You Will..We Present You With....................Utopia****

 :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) When requesting, post your SR name so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know. <~~ :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.
9) Some of us Do Not send to the BitCoin Addy. Please include Your Silk Road Screen Name :)

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
b0m ++++
dr gonzo
Mike Hunt
RxKing          ++++
Tellemetree ++++
White Out

The shit list:
Autobondon *
kandykidd ++++

*^*do not lend to these people*^*

b0m Recently Added!
**End Edit**

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 03, 2013, 09:35 pm
I Changed a few things. Hope you all don't mind  :)

Peace & Hugs,


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 03, 2013, 09:37 pm
Hah!  Is there a box of residence out there that can contain your awesomeness CC?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 03, 2013, 09:40 pm

I believe that is .....


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: b0m on June 03, 2013, 09:41 pm
the list must be updated :P i lent someone 0.02 a few pages back! :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 03, 2013, 09:46 pm
the list must be updated :P i lent someone 0.02 a few pages back! :D


Check Again @ b0m :P

**List Has Been Edited**

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 03, 2013, 09:48 pm
                                      :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) When requesting, post your SR name so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
b0m  ++++
dr gonzo
Mike Hunt
RxKing          ++++
syme        ++++
Tellemetree ++++
White Out

The shit list:
Autobondon *
kandykidd ++++

*^*do not lend to these people*^*

:) :) :) :) sorry b0m :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: b0m on June 03, 2013, 10:08 pm
Hehe, thanks <3
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 03, 2013, 10:11 pm
good night droogies  :-* :-* :P sweet dreams (hugs)  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 03, 2013, 10:20 pm
:-* gnight mary sweetdreams
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 03, 2013, 10:25 pm
droogs; Mates or pales. Used in the novel/film A Clockwork Orange
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: syme on June 04, 2013, 12:26 am
Just want to pop back in and say that herpderp25 sent me back my .03btc and .02 on top, a class act :)

I know it may be a bit silly, but it makes my heart swell a little bit to see the goodwill on this thread.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 04, 2013, 03:32 am
I was just about to put in my order for a qp of penis envy from happyshroomer. I had pretty much exactly the right amount of coins but then I refreshed my shopping cart and it bumped up .01. Can anyone help me out? All I need is .009 and my name is the same as on the road. Thanks :)

wow a quarter pound of penis , boggles the mind the things one can procure on the road  , lol !

Same boat here though , 0.011 short of postage , for the cheapest domestic sleepers I can find and I really need good nights sleep .

My forum name is Ochem101 , formerly digitalis_orgasmica ( forgot  lastpass mater p.w  .)

heres my forum profile and site buying stats - feel free to verify them by all means .

taz7 Jr. Member

    73 (0.137 per day)
Personal Text:
    The war is over
   Date Registered:
    December 18, 2011, 06:06 pm                   
Local Time:
    June 04, 2013, 03:23 am
Last Active:
    Today at 03:22 am

 Total transactions: 40
Total spent: $1556.99
Refund rate: 0%
Auto-finalize rate: 2.5%
Member for: 8 months

I should be coined up later this week , if anyone could help it would be greatly appreciated .

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: skrillyskrill on June 04, 2013, 03:40 am
I was just about to put in my order for a qp of penis envy from happyshroomer. I had pretty much exactly the right amount of coins but then I refreshed my shopping cart and it bumped up .01. Can anyone help me out? All I need is .009 and my name is the same as on the road. Thanks :)

wow a quarter pound of penis , boggles the mind the things one can procure on the road  , lol !

Same boat here though , 0.011 short of postage , for the cheapest domestic sleepers I can find and I really need good nights sleep .

My forum name is Ochem101 , formerly digitalis_orgasmica ( forgot  lastpass mater p.w  .)

heres my forum profile and site buying stats - feel free to verify them by all means .

taz7 Jr. Member

    73 (0.137 per day)
Personal Text:
    The war is over
   Date Registered:
    December 18, 2011, 06:06 pm                   
Local Time:
    June 04, 2013, 03:23 am
Last Active:
    Today at 03:22 am

 Total transactions: 40
Total spent: $1556.99
Refund rate: 0%
Auto-finalize rate: 2.5%
Member for: 8 months

I should be coined up later this week , if anyone could help it would be greatly appreciated .

still need that?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 04, 2013, 03:47 am
                                 :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) When requesting, post your SR name so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
b0m  ++++
dr gonzo
Mike Hunt
RxKing          ++++
skrillyskrill ++++
syme        ++++
Tellemetree ++++
White Out

The shit list:
Autobondon *
kandykidd ++++

*^*do not lend to these people*^*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 04, 2013, 04:03 am
wow a quarter pound of penis , boggles the mind the things one can procure on the road  , lol !

Same boat here though , 0.011 short of postage , for the cheapest domestic sleepers I can find and I really need good nights sleep .

My forum name is Ochem101 , formerly digitalis_orgasmica ( forgot  lastpass mater p.w  .)

heres my forum profile and site buying stats - feel free to verify them by all means .

taz7 Jr. Member

    73 (0.137 per day)
Personal Text:
    The war is over
   Date Registered:
    December 18, 2011, 06:06 pm                   
Local Time:
    June 04, 2013, 03:23 am
Last Active:
    Today at 03:22 am

 Total transactions: 40
Total spent: $1556.99
Refund rate: 0%
Auto-finalize rate: 2.5%
Member for: 8 months

I should be coined up later this week , if anyone could help it would be greatly appreciated .

still need that?

  I do if you can can spare it , I give my word I'll have it back asap . thanks mate , I'm ochem101 , can't access my old account .  :)

Edit _ I misspelled my FORMER user name  ( can't access it ) it was Digitali_Orgasmica, not digitalis_orgasmica - bloody a.d.h.d !
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 04, 2013, 04:15 am

.01 is the last of this boxes shapes.  I really hope it's enough even though its .001 off  :(

puts you closer at least!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 04, 2013, 04:16 am
Quote from: taz7
wow a quarter pound of penis , boggles the mind the things one can procure on the road  , lol !

Same boat here though , 0.011 short of postage , for the cheapest domestic sleepers I can find and I really need good nights sleep .

My forum name is Ochem101 , formerly digitalis_orgasmica ( forgot  lastpass mater p.w  .)

heres my forum profile and site buying stats - feel free to verify them by all means .

taz7 Jr. Member

    73 (0.137 per day)
Personal Text:
    The war is over
   Date Registered:
    December 18, 2011, 06:06 pm                   
Local Time:
    June 04, 2013, 03:23 am
Last Active:
    Today at 03:22 am

 Total transactions: 40
Total spent: $1556.99
Refund rate: 0%
Auto-finalize rate: 2.5%
Member for: 8 months

I should be coined up later this week , if anyone could help it would be greatly appreciated .

Quote from: skrillyskrill
still need that?

Quote from: taz7
  I do if you can can spare it , I give my word I'll have it back asap . thanks mate , I'm ochem101 , can't access my old account .  :)

Hey  :)

have a seat right here  ~~~~> X

so  wut's yur name?  do ya like black licorice?
i can't wait to go do some fishin  :)

Someone should assist you shortly  :)

i'll leave you with this :

When I find myself in times of trouble, Mother Mary comes to me
Speaking words of wisdom, let it be
And in my hour of darkness she is standing right in front of me
Speaking words of wisdom, let it be
Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be
Whisper words of wisdom, let it be

And when the broken hearted people living in the world agree
There will be an answer, let it be
For though they may be parted, there is still a chance that they will see
There will be an answer, let it be
Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be
There will be an answer, let it be
Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be
Whisper words of wisdom, let it be
Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be
Whisper words of wisdom, let it be

And when the night is cloudy there is still a light that shines on me
Shine until tomorrow, let it be
I wake up to the sound of music, Mother Mary comes to me
Speaking words of wisdom, let it be
Let it be, let it be, let it be, yeah, let it be
There will be an answer, let it be
Let it be, let it be, let it be, yeah, let it be
Whisper words of wisdom, let it be   :)


Makes me weep like a guitar  :|
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 04, 2013, 04:18 am
Ah damn.  shoulda read the rest.  sorry skrill
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 04, 2013, 04:21 am
BoS  (Hugs)


how are ya ? 

if my back would quit spasming i would be able to sleep  LOL

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: skrillyskrill on June 04, 2013, 04:23 am
sent payment already, if i was too late no worries send it back ;)


whoops my brain doesnt like decimals....i sent .001,if BoS didnt send that and you still need .01 let me know
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 04, 2013, 04:31 am
Thank  you so much , I received it just now -  your a star skrill - much appreciated and you made my week !  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: skrillyskrill on June 04, 2013, 04:34 am
Thank  you so much , I received it just now -  your a star skrill - much appreciated and you made my week !  :)

 no prob, love to help. nice profile pic btw, seeing him spin soon......cant wait. got some of super's green?'s that'll make it even better :-D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 04, 2013, 04:40 am
Man I have a special sympathy for back pain.  That's some not fun stuff.

Can't really say good or bad.  Just kind of meditating but not really sleeping. :P  It's a limbo of emotions of sorts?  God that's a confusing answer. 

I'd give you a hug if your back wasn't all spazo...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: skrillyskrill on June 04, 2013, 04:44 am
Man I have a special sympathy for back pain.  That's some not fun stuff.

Can't really say good or bad.  Just kind of meditating but not really sleeping. :P  It's a limbo of emotions of sorts?  God that's a confusing answer. 

I'd give you a hug if your back wasn't all spazo...

Threw my back out 3 weeks ago...was out of work for 4 days and going to chiropractor all the time (luckily paid for by my work) so I know all about back pain.hope ya feel better. luckily my private doctor is nice and I get 60norco and 30soma a month for $20.speaking of the devil....its almost my bedtime....time to medicate :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 04, 2013, 04:46 am
supers green ?

Enlighten me - I'm in he market for some stinkage this week , I was going to go with muskabuzz , been dying to try there fleetwood o.g .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: skrillyskrill on June 04, 2013, 04:51 am
supers green ?

Enlighten me - I'm in he market for some stinkage this week , I was going to go with muskabuzz , been dying to try there fleetwood o.g .

not stinkage, roll-faceage. lolz. supertrips green ?'s. not tryin to advertise here....but they are bomb and cheap.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 04, 2013, 04:52 am
sleep tight skrilly  (Hugs)


BoS i can't sleep either  LOL 
Glad to see you the way  :)

you're right back pain's nuts cuz one minute i can be walking and the next i could be doubled over  ???
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 04, 2013, 05:00 am

not stinkage, roll-faceage. lolz. supertrips green ?'s. not tryin to advertise here....but they are bomb and cheap.

I'll check em out , sleep well dude - and thanks again .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: skrillyskrill on June 04, 2013, 05:03 am
supers green ?

Enlighten me - I'm in he market for some stinkage this week , I was going to go with muskabuzz , been dying to try there fleetwood o.g .

not stinkage, roll-faceage. lolz. supertrips green ?'s. not tryin to advertise here....but they are bomb and cheap.

I'll check em out , sleep well dude - and thanks again .

nite peeps. made it thru another it friday yet? :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 04, 2013, 05:06 am
**Clearnet Warning**


*Clearnet Warning**

Listen & Enjoy!






Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 04, 2013, 05:20 am
BoS  :)

For you my Friend  :)



I Love You BoS  (Hugs)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 04, 2013, 05:20 am

.01 is the last of this boxes shapes.  I really hope it's enough even though its .001 off  :(

puts you closer at least!

Sorry box  I didn't see your post at first - but noted it now - thanks box - it shall not be forgotten .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 04, 2013, 05:30 am
BoS  :)

For you my Friend  :)


Hehe.  Be well please!

Sorry box  I didn't see your post at first - but noted it now - thanks box - it shall not be forgotten .
No worries man.  Enjoy what you get!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 04, 2013, 05:32 am
Listen Closely 





if i can tell you all our addictions..we/ i seem to miss things....

take care of the ones you Love, because when they are gone.  your heart will hurt so bad and you will feel lost.

oh fuck i am rambling :(
I Love You All  (Hugs)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 04, 2013, 06:09 am

Close your Eyes and Listen  :)

Smile and quietly sing along  :)

Makes you feel good huh?


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 04, 2013, 06:13 am
It's one of my favorites by them!  Every silver lining.....

I'm always at a loss to say things like this.  I really really hope you get by for now.  I'm pretty attached to your company.  You stick with me whenever I leave the boxes of forums. 

Sweet dreams for one more night please. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 04, 2013, 06:15 am
I Love You BoS

Sleep well when you get there  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: keldog09 on June 04, 2013, 06:16 am
Anyone have a spare dollar?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 04, 2013, 06:17 am
God I listened to journey so damn much before the internet spoiled me.  Started me out on so much today. 

Keep on riding that midnight train to anywhere
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 04, 2013, 06:18 am
i'll leave you with this  :)



Tonight i am a 77 year old goofball  wishing life was over but knowing i must carry on for the time being.

Hugs to You BoS

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 04, 2013, 06:21 am
Crying is not a good way to fall asleep!!!!  ararraaaaahhhg!

It will be over when it needs to be.  Right now it needs to be a 77 year old goofball
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 04, 2013, 06:26 am
BoS  .. it's life my friend  :)

Listen,,,[clearnet] youtube/watch?v=2lLmYLw0WRI

Everything will be ok :)

I Love You  BoS  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 04, 2013, 06:27 am
Lately i cry myself to sleep smiling  :)

You all make my Life easier  :)




for some reason i am on this kick [clearnet] [clearnet]

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 04, 2013, 06:44 am
I hope it will be ok.  There wouldn't be anything more devastating to me then be missing someone I truly cared about.  I could only wish to feel this intensely.  You're a beautiful person.  It just doesn't make sense for things have to be like this.

I hope there is enough love around still for you to keep ya prowling around a bit longer, and cat nap a bit easier.  It can't compare but it's here.

Much <3
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 04, 2013, 06:49 am
My Friend!!

Listen Listen  :)




Yeppers  :)  Everything is going to be Okay!  :)

If You're ever Down and need an Ear  :)  i am here my Friend  :)

Love  :)

Tonight, i Reminisce  ;)

Take it for what it's worth :)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 04, 2013, 06:51 am
Who don't Like Mambo #5 
Heh Heh  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 04, 2013, 06:56 am

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 04, 2013, 07:00 am
God now I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

Now I gotta change the tempo....

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 04, 2013, 07:00 am
Carry On Son

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 04, 2013, 07:05 am
It's more than I can handle though...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 04, 2013, 07:08 am
I know I can't give up till i drink from the silver cup.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 04, 2013, 07:10 am
Look Deep Inside   :)

We're Never given anything which we cannot handle. 


Listen  :)





This man was Genious!!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 04, 2013, 07:18 am
Never hurts to have help

Also, I'm really sorry but the sleeping aids I took are getting really hard to fight.  I'd keep ya company but my head is going to hit the keyboard.

Love ya CC.  I wanna talk soon!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: anonypunk on June 04, 2013, 08:52 am
Morons - what has happened to this site? posting links to normal internet here is fucking stupid. God damned idiots
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: HEATFan on June 04, 2013, 11:20 am
                                 :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) When requesting, post your SR name so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
dr gonzo
Mike Hunt
White Out

The shit list:
Autobondon *
King Karma ++++
snipeemflo ++++

*^*do not lend to these people*^*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 04, 2013, 11:54 am
Morons - what has happened to this site? posting links to normal internet here is fucking stupid. God damned idiots
:o This is the best thread on here punk, yeah we chat but we hang around to loan coin  ;) it,s you thats the idiot  ::)
Been catching up on the last few pages :) love you guys  :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Repus6 on June 04, 2013, 02:44 pm
Good morning everyone! I hope you all are feeling better than I do today!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bamoida2 on June 04, 2013, 03:02 pm
Hello everyone <3, it's an awesome day today feeling great! (i don't even know why ;p)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: alahverdian on June 04, 2013, 03:34 pm
just sprinkled some love to some of y'all's tip jars.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: i3lazd on June 04, 2013, 03:53 pm
anyone need 1$USD in bitcoins just ask I got it left over.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Repus6 on June 04, 2013, 04:06 pm
just sprinkled some love to some of y'all's tip jars.

So sweet!! Thank you! +1  ;D You doing that random act of kindness made my day!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 04, 2013, 04:20 pm
Hi Repus  :) Hi Chemcat ;D Hi RS and Japan and everyone else  ;D how is everyone  8) Its been a beautiful day
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Repus6 on June 04, 2013, 04:45 pm
Hey Mary!! I feel awful today. I hope something comes in the mail but I doubt it will. I just got back from taking my two older kids on a bike ride to try and get my mind off having cramps and being dope sick  :'( It didn't work. I have to see what I can order to make me feel better with the $18 I have. Lol

You seem like you're in a fantastic mood today, Mary! I hope that's the case <3
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Intraterrestrial on June 04, 2013, 05:01 pm
fantastic thread - reflects the true vibe and spirit of SR imho

have 0.02 btc spare after placing orders if anyone is truly in need
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Repus6 on June 04, 2013, 05:12 pm
fantastic thread - reflects the true vibe and spirit of SR imho

have 0.02 btc spare after placing orders if anyone is truly in need

I'm taking donations or loans so I don't have to be sick anymore but I'm not truly in need. Lol

SR name is voidsleep    If anyone feels like being kind  ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 04, 2013, 05:25 pm
Sorry Repus  :-[ was having a great mellow day sitting in the garden and my staffie dog attacked my husky X GS dog, honestly i,m shaking, half with fright and half with anger, could cry  :'(
Whats your DOC if u don,t mind me asking  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Intraterrestrial on June 04, 2013, 05:26 pm
fantastic thread - reflects the true vibe and spirit of SR imho

have 0.02 btc spare after placing orders if anyone is truly in need

I'm taking donations or loans so I don't have to be sick anymore but I'm not truly in need. Lol

SR name is voidsleep    If anyone feels like being kind  ::)

It's no joke being sick. Due to that and your honesty have sent you 0.01. It's not much but hope it helps.

It's a loan though, am unfortunately in no position to provide gifts my friend.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Repus6 on June 04, 2013, 05:45 pm
Omg Mary! I'm so sorry to hear that!! I hope everything is ok now. Try to calm down. Maybe smoke or take a bar? I do Opiates and Benzos. I'm really bad off today because I'm dope sick, on my period AND I quit smoking cigarettes a few days ago. So, I'm in a hell of a mood. I keep eating Klonopins to try to keep me from completely freaking out. Lol

Intraterrestrial, you are a saint and I can pay it back to you this coming weekend. I'm not sure what day exactly it will be because I have a tenant who's rent is due this weekend but once he pays me, I'll pay you. Thank you so much  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Repus6 on June 04, 2013, 05:56 pm
Just noticed there was another donation to my dope sick fund. Thank you to whoever did that. I'll return your funds on the weekend if you like also.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 04, 2013, 06:04 pm
@Repus.. I used to take vallium, just a couple a day, made me feel better but had to nip it in the bud before i knew it 2 yr had passed an i,d done nothing, better now just weed  ;) I,ve calmed down a bit  8) hope you get something soon and feel better  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Repus6 on June 04, 2013, 06:13 pm
Benzos will do that Mary. Unless I'm sick, I only take them at night to help me sleep. I also use them to control a seizure disorder I have. Even when I take my seizure pills every day like I'm supposed to, I still have the occasional episode. The good thing is, I can feel them coming on. So, if I pop a Benzo once I get that feeling, it will usually stop the seizure. Anyway, I'm glad you've calmed down! I hope you don't have any more incidents today!  :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 04, 2013, 06:20 pm
WOW!! Some very kind person just deposited 0.20 into my account  :o Please say who you are, it just went in? will give out on here to the needy  ;) if anyone needs let me know here  ;) Thank you again   ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Repus6 on June 04, 2013, 06:27 pm
@ Mary- If no one is in need, I'm a few bucks short on shipping at this point. I've been keeping my fingers crossed that the BTC value will rise but it isn't going up enough Lol.

If someone else needs it, send it their way though!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 04, 2013, 06:32 pm
Sorry Repus i should have thought of you  :-[ is your SR name the same and just tell me what you need sent hun  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Repus6 on June 04, 2013, 06:35 pm
Thank you so much, love! My screen name is voidsleep and I think $6 will do it. I'm terrible at converting to BTC  :-[
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 04, 2013, 06:39 pm
I,ve sent 0.10 hun, let me know if it,s not enough  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Repus6 on June 04, 2013, 06:41 pm
Thank you so much Mary! It's perfect!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 04, 2013, 06:50 pm
Your welcome Repus  ;) please pay back or forward when u can, the people on here are the best people on SR  :-* :-* :-* much love  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Repus6 on June 04, 2013, 06:53 pm
I hate this. I fucked up somewhere along the line and am $3 short. I'm embarrassed to even ask  :-[ I will pay back and forward once I get paid.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 04, 2013, 06:54 pm
I,m missing my Chemcat tonight  :( lol
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Repus6 on June 04, 2013, 06:58 pm
Thank you so much sweetie! I'll will get it back to you as soon as I can!

Where is ChemCat? I hope he is alright.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 04, 2013, 06:59 pm
I,ve sent you 0.05 Repus  ;) I,m in UK so i,m not sure of $ price, is that enough? Thanks again to the kind person who put the 0.20 in my account  ;D your amazing  :-* :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 04, 2013, 07:00 pm
Maybe the sore back  :( I hope he,s ok  :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Repus6 on June 04, 2013, 07:02 pm
Perfect. I placed my order and I'll be running to the mailbox every day until it comes. Lol What time is it over there? I'm in the SE US. 3pm here.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 04, 2013, 07:06 pm
Its 8.06pm here (scotland)  8) i hope you feel better soon hun and i hope Chemcat is just busy  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Repus6 on June 04, 2013, 07:10 pm
I hope he is just busy as well! Thank you so much again!  :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 04, 2013, 07:26 pm
God I hope it's all good.  I was up so late with the guy.  I took some sleep stuff before I started talking and couldn't fight it anymore.  I feel bad  :-[

Best wishes to you guys.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 04, 2013, 07:28 pm
Just clarifying what I owe folks , is h1msa Skrilly ? Pretty sure it is .

action   notes   amount   balance   date
purchase    transaction #18931f0de0    ฿-0.11    ฿0.00    June 4, 2013, 4:56 am UTC
sent from    h1msa    ฿0.00    ฿0.11    June 4, 2013, 4:24 am UTC
sent from    BoxofShapes    ฿0.01    ฿0.11    June 4, 2013, 4:15 am UTC

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 04, 2013, 07:36 pm
I,m sure he,s ok BOS  :D You guys were up late, didn,t sound like Chem got much sleep, maybe in land of nod  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Stonedstupor on June 04, 2013, 07:47 pm
hey guys its been a while since i've had to ask for spare change, but i'm short .05 btc for an order, if anyone could help out.

i've helped others in this thread, and if you really feel like it you can go through and find where i paid back whoever loaned me something.

Thanks in advance! SR name is same
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 04, 2013, 07:52 pm

Na you don't owe me the shapes back.  Just enjoy your order.  Really cool of you to keep up with it though.


Just hope the guy is getting some sleep.  Take care of yourselves


Totally out of shapes man.  Hope someone will come by to help out!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 04, 2013, 07:58 pm
0.05 sent Stonedstupor pay back when you can thanks  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on June 04, 2013, 08:02 pm
hey guys its been a while since i've had to ask for spare change, but i'm short .05 btc for an order, if anyone could help out.

i've helped others in this thread, and if you really feel like it you can go through and find where i paid back whoever loaned me something.

Thanks in advance! SR name is same
Sent .02 as thats all I got atm. Hope it helps! Pay back whenever you get the coin  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 04, 2013, 08:08 pm
Did you get the coin ok Stonedstupor  ;) Please pay back when u can thanks  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on June 04, 2013, 08:10 pm
0.05 sent Stonedstupor pay back when you can thanks  ;)
looks like you beat me to it :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on June 04, 2013, 08:11 pm
Nothing wrong with a buffer loan I guess
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Stonedstupor on June 04, 2013, 08:12 pm
+1 to the both of you, thanks so much :) mary666 i got you back i promise. ytabletrash, i can send you your .02 back after coins confirm. make sure i got it :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 04, 2013, 08:15 pm
Thanks Stonedstupor  ;)
+1 Ytabletrash  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 04, 2013, 08:16 pm
@ytabletrash... bloody 72hr rule, i,ll get cha next time  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Stonedstupor on June 04, 2013, 08:38 pm
ytabletrash, sr name same as forum?

Edit: got you your .02 back.

Mary666, sent you .02 now i owe you .03 :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on June 04, 2013, 09:15 pm
ytabletrash, sr name same as forum?

Edit: got you your .02 back.

Mary666, sent you .02 now i owe you .03 :)
got it loud n clear.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 04, 2013, 09:55 pm
ytabletrash, sr name same as forum?

Edit: got you your .02 back.

Mary666, sent you .02 now i owe you .03 :)
got it pal thanks  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: anonypunk on June 04, 2013, 10:04 pm
Morons - what has happened to this site? posting links to normal internet here is fucking stupid. God damned idiots
:o This is the best thread on here punk, yeah we chat but we hang around to loan coin  ;) it,s you thats the idiot  ::)
Been catching up on the last few pages :) love you guys  :-*

I'm the idiot?

The more this site has full links to clearnet sites posted in the forums the more the results will show up in google in searches am I correct?  Thus decreasing the overall level of anonymity we all cherish so much. Please correct me if I am wrong but if you do please provide a link and please don't make it a full link - remove the 'https:' and the dot com.

To further prove that I am not the jerk you assume I am... I am donating to the tip jar all that I can currently afford since I am hoping to make a purchase soon and will have some left over. Not entirely b/c of what you just said but because it has been offered to me before and I never asked for it... just mentioned I was short once.


Edit: I'll just send them to mary666 - is that your sr name?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 04, 2013, 10:12 pm
morning everyone
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 04, 2013, 10:16 pm
 ;) very kind of you  ;) i just think if you,d bothered to read this thread back a bit you,d know Chemcat lost his wife recently  :( thats who the songs were for and with the amount SR,s been on news and net its not exactly a secret anyway  ;) plus Chemcats not been on since, i hope not cause of your comment anonpunk  :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 04, 2013, 10:21 pm
I am sure chemmy is fine, mary :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 04, 2013, 10:24 pm
Hi RS  ;) yeah prob busy or sleeping  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: anonypunk on June 04, 2013, 10:28 pm
Great now I feel worse. =( Sorry Chemcat. I really apologize but I don't have time to read all the comments. I know this site isn't a secret but we should be aware of these things don't you think? It basically makes it easier for more and more people to experience problems. And as one who tries to be as positive as possible (despite my username here and any associations you might have with what punk is)  I don't need any more problems IRL. I'd buy a g for everyone here if I had enough money but I don't. I don't even have enough to get myself what I'd really like and it looks like all the H vendors who I like are out.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on June 04, 2013, 10:30 pm
IMO, the more people there are on the road makes individuals safer. If some idiots discover SR and fk up, they only screw themselves for the most part. I'm not however saying that I am going to tell all my clients to use SR.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 04, 2013, 10:46 pm
I know it's a bad idea to post links.  I'm well aware.

Was just trying to keep someone company.  It wasn't a normal circumstance and something I do often. It's not even the right thread for it.  (more like this----> http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=29461.0) I was assuming the risks cause it's someone pretty special.

I do appreciate the warning though, as people need to hear it.

Edit: I know CC knows this too and how to handle himself.  Anyway.... it's all good.   Thanks for the concern.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 04, 2013, 10:50 pm
hiya mary, hey boxy :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 04, 2013, 10:53 pm
! :) !whyatable mary333x2 RSseven  ! :) !
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 04, 2013, 11:04 pm
Absolutely  :)

and in my case hindsight is always 20 / 20  LOL

I appologize for setting the links out there  :(

i should have known better....Thanks you for brining that to my attention  (Hugs)

and mary i'm ok  (Hugs)
just ran errands today, got a haircut and sat at the local pub for a bit  ;)

Boxy :)

Hugs  :)

i really feel like a stooge LOL

anonypunk  :)  keep an eye us 'cuz  we make mistakes  ;)

Peace & Hugs,

ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 04, 2013, 11:06 pm
sitting at the local college pub is quite profitable  LOL

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: anonypunk on June 04, 2013, 11:14 pm
Well since there is so much positive energy around here I might join in conversation more often. =)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 04, 2013, 11:18 pm
@ anony  (Hugs)

Well please do 'cuz we just sit here and shoot the bull for the most part  :)

aside from lending a helping coin to our brothers and sisters of the Road we just cut up and carry on in here  :)

By the Way


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 04, 2013, 11:30 pm
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 04, 2013, 11:33 pm
Well since there is so much positive energy around here I might join in conversation more often. =)
Somehow we figured out everyone is on drugs on this place.  Don't ask us how.

Easy for people to go crazy out there, so it doesn't hurt to have chill room right around the corner!

Nice to see ya CC!  Sorry I bailed!  :( It was like fighting off a manatee that wanted to lay on top of me, I was so tired.

Sounds like it was a good day though
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 04, 2013, 11:33 pm

Na you don't owe me the shapes back.  Just enjoy your order.  Really cool of you to keep up with it though

That's relay nice of you box , but I'll have to pay you back if only for my own piece of mind  !

Have a wicked day / night all  8)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 04, 2013, 11:37 pm
LOL  i used to feed manatee's heads of lettuce  LOL

for some reason i really believe / know there is more unexpectational (real word?)  Friendship here within this Room.


I can say for me....ya'll hold my heart and have a special place in there as well  :)

Peace & Hugs,

ChemCat  O0

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 04, 2013, 11:39 pm
Whats up RS?  :-\
 ;) Hey Chemcat  :-* :-* :-* Glad you,ve had a good day darling  8)
Everyone here is great!!!  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: skrillyskrill on June 04, 2013, 11:46 pm
Just clarifying what I owe folks , is h1msa Skrilly ? Pretty sure it is .

action   notes   amount   balance   date
purchase    transaction #18931f0de0    ฿-0.11    ฿0.00    June 4, 2013, 4:56 am UTC
sent from    h1msa    ฿0.00    ฿0.11    June 4, 2013, 4:24 am UTC
sent from    BoxofShapes    ฿0.01    ฿0.11    June 4, 2013, 4:15 am UTC

Yepp thaaaaats meeeeee!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 04, 2013, 11:48 pm
That's relay nice of you box , but I'll have to pay you back if only for my own piece of mind  !

Have a wicked day / night all  8)

Heh.  I know how it is.  You still have to enjoy what you ordered.

LOL  i used to feed manatee's heads of lettuce  LOL

Did you ever have to fight one?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 04, 2013, 11:55 pm
Never had to Fight a manatee!  :o


Hiya RS hiya mary  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 04, 2013, 11:58 pm
Hiya Chemcat  :D is your back better?  ;)
Are you ok RS  :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 05, 2013, 12:00 am
no, actually had to get a shot today....then i went to the pub and sat around had a pint and a sammich and met some clients there :)

it was a very good day i'd say  (Hugs)

are your dogs ok mary?  i seen where they got into a scrap 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 05, 2013, 12:02 am

Oh, I could hide 'neath the wings
Of the bluebird as she sings.
The six o'clock alarm would never ring.
But six rings and I rise,
Wipe the sleep out of my eyes.
My shavin' razor's cold and it stings.

Cheer up, Sleepy Jean.
Oh, what can it mean.
To a daydream believer
And a homecoming queen.

You once thought of me
As a white knight on a steed.
Now you know how happy I can be.
Oh, and our good times starts and end
Without dollar one to spend.
But how much, baby, do we really need.

Cheer up, Sleepy Jean.
Oh, what can it mean.
To a daydream believer
And a homecoming queen.
Cheer up, Sleepy Jean.
Oh, what can it mean.
To a daydream believer
And a homecoming queen.

[Instrumental interlude]

Cheer up, Sleepy Jean.
Oh, what can it mean.
To a daydream believer
And a homecoming queen.
[Repeat and fade]
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 05, 2013, 12:04 am
Skirilly , I checked out supertrips green ? listings , they do  seem classy - I'm gonna have to try some of them for sure - also what's the score with your profile pic , I've seen a few cats with that pic  - who is that - it's intriguing me .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 05, 2013, 12:08 am
Yeah Chem, thanks for asking  ;) my poor big baby  :( he,s ok tho but i can,t even look at the other one,   >:( that,s the 2nd time!!
Love your songs  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 05, 2013, 12:09 am
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: skrillyskrill on June 05, 2013, 12:14 am
Skirilly , I checked out supertrips green ? listings , they do  seem classy - I'm gonna have to try some of them for sure - also what's the score with your profile pic , I've seen a few cats with that pic  - who is that - it's intriguing me .

the green ones are delicious but sometimes supertrips can take forever to get them to ya(prolly the busiest guy on the road)  REALLY interested in Afterhours' bentley......$2 a pill holy shit thats cheap.

as for my pic, idk just picked it from the list. was thinking about making one but i heard theres a file or something in it if you load it from your computer that can be traced down or some shit.....and you have to go in and edit the coding. im surprised i figured out pgp for christ sakes.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 05, 2013, 12:15 am
Goodnight all  ;)
Hugs Chemcat  :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 05, 2013, 12:18 am
night mary  :)


@ skrilly

yeah the meta data on the pics..  :o

geez now i'll have to check mine  LOL
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on June 05, 2013, 01:15 am
You can scrub meta data pretty easily though. Copy image and paste in paint. Voila no meta data. At least I am pretty sure. Correct me if I am wrong.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on June 05, 2013, 01:18 am
I think the real worry is exposing your IP address since you are uploading.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 05, 2013, 01:19 am
yeah or "right click pic, click properties...then under one of the tabs you will see something about "removing information / data" click where it says to make copy with data removed" and i think yur good to go...i'll know in a few if i get an answer from someone  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Repus6 on June 05, 2013, 01:37 am
Happy to see you're ok ChemCat!  ;D HUGS!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 05, 2013, 01:39 am

right back atcha Repus!!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Chip Douglas on June 05, 2013, 03:28 am
Skirilly , I checked out supertrips green ? listings , they do  seem classy - I'm gonna have to try some of them for sure - also what's the score with your profile pic , I've seen a few cats with that pic  - who is that - it's intriguing me .

the green ones are delicious but sometimes supertrips can take forever to get them to ya(prolly the busiest guy on the road)  REALLY interested in Afterhours' bentley......$2 a pill holy shit thats cheap.

as for my pic, idk just picked it from the list. was thinking about making one but i heard theres a file or something in it if you load it from your computer that can be traced down or some shit.....and you have to go in and edit the coding. im surprised i figured out pgp for christ sakes.

FYI - That's Freddie Mercury. He was the lead singer for the band Queen. "Oh Mama Mia, Mama Mia, Mama Mia let me go!"  ;)
Tragically we lost him to AIDS in 1991. He was 45.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: motek on June 05, 2013, 03:43 am
hey guys could anyone help me out with $8 dollars?  (not Btc)  I'll be able to pay it back within the week

I'd rather not put my SR username out here but if you pm me I'll let you know it


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 05, 2013, 03:47 am
right now $8.00 would be 0.06579 BTC's

motek  :)  send me your SR screen name and i'll send you 0.06585  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 05, 2013, 04:10 am


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Countdown2013 on June 05, 2013, 04:39 am
Just over 2 weeks ago I lent a stranger called Jagfug 1 BTC for adderall , I received a lot of negative karma and negative comments from this action.

Today I was repaid just over 1.2 btc and faith is restored in humanity!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: SinningSaint on June 05, 2013, 04:57 am
Just over 2 weeks ago I lent a stranger called Jagfug 1 BTC for adderall , I received a lot of negative karma and negative comments from this action.

Today I was repaid just over 1.2 btc and faith is restored in humanity!
That is a big amount to lend out. But nobody should criticize you for trusting another honest member  :) Good vibes
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bamoida2 on June 05, 2013, 05:16 am
Just over 2 weeks ago I lent a stranger called Jagfug 1 BTC for adderall , I received a lot of negative karma and negative comments from this action.

Today I was repaid just over 1.2 btc and faith is restored in humanity!

good to hear!

anyone in need before i finally go to sleep?
got like 0.2 to lend, maybe a bit more, I'm not exactly sure what/if i should order yet ;p
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: enpiping on June 05, 2013, 05:58 am
Just made an order and I probably won't be making any more/topping up my account for a little bit, so if anyone needs a small amount I've got .04 BTC kicking around and don't mind helping someone out if they're short. :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: motek on June 05, 2013, 07:15 am
Damn chemcat I missed your post!  I've been having a very disjointed day running about like a blue arse fly! :o
 TF it's finished noww and I can have a shower and a choof, liisten to some good music and chill

Thanks anyway but it's been sorted, +1 anyhoo bro as we both know it's the thought that counts!

Have you seen DPR's most recent thread about "dont get too overconfident" .... well worth everyone having a read.

I came to this thread when I first came here 3 months ago, and it was/IS the coolest part of  this forum just becoz random people are putting their trust in other randoms AND being returned the love, sometimes even with interet! Beautiful! :)

In many  ways TSR is still a baby, but it's OUR BABY and it is what 'we' make of it.  I'd LOVE to see the Road and it's worthy vendors live long fruitful lives! :)

We really need to look after each other if we want this place to survive.
 Dont forget, "we DO have active enemies" i.e. L.E. we REALLY DONT need to fight and troll amongst ourselves

This place is probably the most "intelligent" forum I've come across with only a few trolls and fools, the many of the rest make intelligent, interesting posts.which we enjoy

I may not agree with everyone but hey I/we are FAR from your enemy, if anything we are all part of this amazing family of cryptoanarchists, as Pine so beautifully calls us PGP users lol! ;)

 keep of the lovin and sharing my friends are those of you that do

Next time CC ;)

much love

 m m m motek x
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Tellemetree on June 05, 2013, 09:28 am
Damn chemcat I missed your post!  I've been having a very disjointed day running about like a blue arse fly! :o
 TF it's finished noww and I can have a shower and a choof, liisten to some good music and chill

Thanks anyway but it's been sorted, +1 anyhoo bro as we both know it's the thought that counts!

Have you seen DPR's most recent thread about "dont get too overconfident" .... well worth everyone having a read.

I came to this thread when I first came here 3 months ago, and it was/IS the coolest part of  this forum just becoz random people are putting their trust in other randoms AND being returned the love, sometimes even with interet! Beautiful! :)

In many  ways TSR is still a baby, but it's OUR BABY and it is what 'we' make of it.  I'd LOVE to see the Road and it's worthy vendors live long fruitful lives! :)

We really need to look after each other if we want this place to survive.
 Dont forget, "we DO have active enemies" i.e. L.E. we REALLY DONT need to fight and troll amongst ourselves

This place is probably the most "intelligent" forum I've come across with only a few trolls and fools, the many of the rest make intelligent, interesting posts.which we enjoy

I may not agree with everyone but hey I/we are FAR from your enemy, if anything we are all part of this amazing family of cryptoanarchists, as Pine so beautifully calls us PGP users lol! ;)

 keep of the lovin and sharing my friends are those of you that do

Next time CC ;)

much love

 m m m motek x

Evening m m m motek. Your post inspired me to tell my little story

I screwed up my commish on my btc transfer today and ended up 0.04 short on my purchase.

Was upset and thought about posting here and I'm sure any one of you lovely people would have helped me out without a second thought.

Instead, I took it as a sign to go down a different route for the weekend and order something "different". Different to the point that the weekend is going to be entirely more interesting as a result.

I get the feeling I might actually be glad I was a few bitcents short and changed my planned purchase as a result cos now what would have been a great but typical weekend is going to be a once-in-a-blue-moon journey to psychotropic outer space instead!


All the same, you guys would have helped me out in a heartbeat and for that your all awesome. Plus karma wherever I could going back a page or two.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jagfug on June 05, 2013, 10:13 am
Really great thread . By the look of it most loans get repaid , some with interest an that really is an amazing thing considering how anonymous this place is .

Perfect example to how a libertarian market can function well an its a credit to bitcoin itself which is naturally debt free but still facilitates peer to peer lending. 

This place is alive and flourishing , an I await the future!!!

Also If anyone is in need of a loan we at Countdown2013 are there to help out!
Just over 2 weeks ago I lent a stranger called Jagfug 1 BTC for adderall , I received a lot of negative karma and negative comments from this action.

Today I was repaid just over 1.2 btc and faith is restored in humanity!
That is a big amount to lend out. But nobody should criticize you for trusting another honest member  :) Good vibes
I was happy to prove the nervous nellies wrong :D . I'd clicked on here in desperation and that post was the latest. So, I pm'd Countdown2013, and inquired about his offer. (I now know that is frowned upon on this thread-I hadn't read the rules- Yet!).
What did I know? 14 months + rounding 90 transactions, I thought I knew enough to be able to pm whomever I want. - So I was corrected. This particular thread has it's own rules outside regular SR/SMF rules, and I can respect that.

As for the overall experience? I think everyone involved learned a thing or two. @SinningSaint - Why should'nt people criticize? After all, we're all Libertarians who should hold Free Speech in the highest regard! The protection of free speech isn't the idea that everyone exchange pleasantries and talk in phony political correct speak. (Nothing nauseates me more!!)

Speak your mind, but be prepared to hear others speak theirs. Something the radicals on the left in my country don't seem to understand. We will all be heard!

Thank you to Countdown2013 for putting your trust in me. He's the real winner here! (also $30 richer! ;)) Not bad!


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: AverageDude84 on June 05, 2013, 10:51 am
Could anyone please lend me 0.006 BTC please? (argh! lol). Will pay it back soon as, or pass along if that is what you would prefer.

SR Name: AverageJoe86UK

Total transactions: 13
Total spent: ฿4.15
Refund rate: 0%
Auto-finalize rate: 0%
Member for: 27 days

Thank you very much!

*Edit, will be able to pay it back at latest next Tuesday. Maybe before.


The repayment is a day late sorry - but will be with you within the hour (just going through confirmations), thank you again!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 05, 2013, 10:51 am
Goodmorning  8) Hope everyone,s good today  ;D
Great Jagfug and Countdown  ;) +1 to all i could  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on June 05, 2013, 11:38 am
hi all ;D another glorious day!!

could anyone spare me 0.2 until i get some coin?

you know I pay back

sr eddyboy666

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on June 05, 2013, 01:29 pm
+1 to jagfug and countdown for the loan and repayment.the largest ive seen here!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on June 05, 2013, 02:11 pm
Where is everyone today???
typical that no ones around when I need a loan ::)
are you all sleeping?

I +1'd everyone on this thread earlier and i looked back at mine and someone negged me lol.Hows that for karma! ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 05, 2013, 03:31 pm
Hi Darktime  ;) you still need 0.02, is it darktime on SR  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 05, 2013, 03:34 pm
Sorry Darktime i re-read lol :-[ 0.02 sent  ;)
Hi everyone  8) Hope y,all good today  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 05, 2013, 03:37 pm
i'll be in and out all day  :(

eddyboy666 i sent ya 0.21111111 BTC's to cover costs  :P

Send back when ya can please  :)


ChemCat  o0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 05, 2013, 03:41 pm
Hi Chemcat  :-* (big hugs) how are you today? I sent Darktime lol don,t know if i,ve made a mistake or you (i sent 0.02)?  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 05, 2013, 03:42 pm
It was me  :-[ i went back to see SR name too  :-[ lol
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on June 05, 2013, 05:04 pm
Thanks and hugs to both Mary and CC,loves ya both.

I'm having trouble connecting to the site now.bloody typical!So as soon as I know if I need or don't need the extra sent I'll let you know.

CC,I added a little comment to your family thread-Didnt know bout your recent loss :( Life's a real shit sometimes.feel for ya bro :'(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 05, 2013, 05:34 pm
Hiya mary  :)

Hiya Darktime  :)

sorry i'm just in and out  :P

gotta make the bill money before i can come play again  heh heh  :)

Peace & Hugs to Ya'll  :)

ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 05, 2013, 05:58 pm
Hi Chemcat  ;) (hugs) in and out myself lol  8) Hi to RS, Japan, Repus6 and everyone else  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on June 05, 2013, 06:30 pm
hi mary
its a good job you did send that 0.02,the guy told me that I'd need only 0.2 but when it came down to it,it was 0.24 so with CC's little extra I had just under what he wanted and was able to talk him into doing me a free post so I had 0.014 left which I've sent back to you so just need to send you 0.006 now to even us up and CC 0.21 something
Thank you both again.much love :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 05, 2013, 06:31 pm
Yur Very Welcome  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 05, 2013, 06:38 pm
Glad you needed it Darktime  ;) Thanks
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: energyimport on June 05, 2013, 07:01 pm
Hey everyone!

So I goofed on my math and I need .12 in bitcoin to make an order today. Can some one please help me out I would really really appreciate it! And I would have no prob paying back on the next time I get coins.

Name of SR is energyimport

Thank you!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: enpiping on June 05, 2013, 09:49 pm
Hey everyone!

So I goofed on my math and I need .12 in bitcoin to make an order today. Can some one please help me out I would really really appreciate it! And I would have no prob paying back on the next time I get coins.

Name of SR is energyimport

Thank you!
Would if I could--only have .04BTC to spare.  Good luck though! :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 05, 2013, 10:36 pm
Hi  ;) Is no one here tonight  :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thecrackhead on June 05, 2013, 11:14 pm
Ordered 1 OZ, didn't make it and I got 50% refund. Can't afford The same order so I'll go for 20g only. Problem is, I am short .22...Could anyone help bad luck Brian here? I'm getting paid on 20, that's when I can return the coins.

crackthehead is my name on the road.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 05, 2013, 11:38 pm
sent 0.045 thecrackhead  ;) sorry its all i had, hope someone will help with the rest  :) aand +1 for this thread, its great  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Thizzed410 on June 06, 2013, 12:14 am
Ordered 1 OZ, didn't make it and I got 50% refund. Can't afford The same order so I'll go for 20g only. Problem is, I am short .22...Could anyone help bad luck Brian here? I'm getting paid on 20, that's when I can return the coins.

crackthehead is my name on the road.

How much more ya need?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: fractalglobal on June 06, 2013, 12:15 am
Hi, looking for 0.1btc, will pay back within 24hrs.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Repus6 on June 06, 2013, 12:16 am
Hey friends!! It seems like everyone is busy like I am today! My husband and I started working doing webcam shows and selling our "intimate" videos and photos. Ha! The economy sucks. Anyway, I gotta go shower and make myself look decent.

I wanted to stop in and say hi though! Mary, ChemCat, Japan and everyone else, I hope you all are having a wonderful night! I'm expecting a letter in the mail tomorrow so I cannot wait for the mail.

Love and hugs to all!

I should be around tomorrow more during the day. <3 <3 <3
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 06, 2013, 01:23 am
hiya faithful droogs :)..

I am ฿0.14 short, trying to place my orders before the weekend :-\.. would anybody willing to loan me till monday~tuesday :-[? happily pay whoever back with interest :)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: enpiping on June 06, 2013, 01:27 am
hiya faithful droogs :)..

I am ฿0.14 short, trying to place my orders before the weekend :-\.. would anybody willing to loan me till monday~tuesday :-[? happily pay whoever back with interest :)


Sent  you ฿0.04 (all I had), so you only need ฿0.1 now.
(also appreciate the clockwork orange reference. :))
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 06, 2013, 01:35 am
hiya faithful droogs :)..

I am ฿0.14 short, trying to place my orders before the weekend :-\.. would anybody willing to loan me till monday~tuesday :-[? happily pay whoever back with interest :)


Sent  you ฿0.04 (all I had), so you only need ฿0.1 now.
(also appreciate the clockwork orange reference. :))
:) thank you brother!.. very much appreciated. I'll have you repaid soon as possible. also +1 :)

for any other fellow brother same follows :), still searching for a ฿0.1 micro-loan till monday~tuesday..

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on June 06, 2013, 01:38 am
hiya faithful droogs :)..

I am ฿0.14 short, trying to place my orders before the weekend :-\.. would anybody willing to loan me till monday~tuesday :-[? happily pay whoever back with interest :)


Sent  you ฿0.04 (all I had), so you only need ฿0.1 now.
(also appreciate the clockwork orange reference. :))
:) thank you brother!.. very much appreciated. I'll have you repaid soon as possible :)

for any other fellow brother same follows :), still searching for a ฿0.1 micro-loan till monday~tuesday..


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: fractalglobal on June 06, 2013, 01:39 am
oops, forgot to mention my SR name in above post:

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 06, 2013, 01:42 am
hiya faithful droogs :)..

I am ฿0.14 short, trying to place my orders before the weekend :-\.. would anybody willing to loan me till monday~tuesday :-[? happily pay whoever back with interest :)


Sent  you ฿0.04 (all I had), so you only need ฿0.1 now.
(also appreciate the clockwork orange reference. :))
:) thank you brother!.. very much appreciated. I'll have you repaid soon as possible :)

for any other fellow brother same follows :), still searching for a ฿0.1 micro-loan till monday~tuesday..


:) :-* thank you both ron & enpiping! have you both repaid soon as possible. :D! <3
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on June 06, 2013, 01:43 am
oops, forgot to mention my SR name in above post:

Making an order tomorrow. Would have today if it wasnt for a certain $1000/day limit. >_> Anyways, please have it back tomorrow :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: syme on June 06, 2013, 01:51 am
Hi, looking for 0.1btc, will pay back within 24hrs.


I have .06 if it's any help?

Edit: Heh, beaten to the punch it seems :) Well, if anyone else is in need, lemme know :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 06, 2013, 02:38 am
hiya faithful droogs :)..

I am ฿0.14 short, trying to place my orders before the weekend :-\.. would anybody willing to loan me till monday~tuesday :-[? happily pay whoever back with interest :)


Sent  you ฿0.04 (all I had), so you only need ฿0.1 now.
(also appreciate the clockwork orange reference. :))
:) thank you brother!.. very much appreciated. I'll have you repaid soon as possible :)

for any other fellow brother same follows :), still searching for a ฿0.1 micro-loan till monday~tuesday..


:) :-* thank you both ron & enpiping! have you both repaid soon as possible. :D! <3
>_< dammit.

okay, bare with me. I was trying to place two different orders, an I accidentally ended up ordering 2 of the same thing.. :P while that isn't much of a problem.. it dose however unfortunately leave me without enough coin to place my second order :-/

however, I've asked the vendor to cancel the order, so I may reorder the proper amount.. to have this sorted. except if he/she either processes without checking their messages, or simply ignores the request. I'm left waiting on placing my next order.. :(

so,.. :-[ please may I ask for another loan of ฿0.19? :-\.
if the vendor cancels the order, I will simply pay whomever back right away. but if he/she doesn't cancel, I'll repay ฿.2+, no later then next week friday. :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: syme on June 06, 2013, 02:47 am
>_< dammit.

okay, bare with me. I was trying to place two different orders, an I accidentally ended up ordering 2 of the same thing.. :P while that isn't much of a problem.. it dose however unfortunately leave me without enough coin to place my second order :-/

however, I've asked the vendor to cancel the order, so I may reorder the proper amount.. to have this sorted. except if he/she either processes without checking their messages, or simply ignores the request. I'm left waiting on placing my next order.. :(

so,.. :-[ please may I ask for another loan of ฿0.19? :-\.
if the vendor cancels the order, I will simply pay whomever back right away. but if he/she doesn't cancel, I'll repay ฿.2+, no later then next week friday. :)


I sent you that .06 I had, hopefully someone else can lend a hand. Best of luck getting it all sorted out :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: fractalglobal on June 06, 2013, 02:55 am
Hi, looking for 0.1btc, will pay back within 24hrs.


I have .06 if it's any help?

Edit: Heh, beaten to the punch it seems :) Well, if anyone else is in need, lemme know :)

Seems I misinterpretted the amount required.  Still in need of 0.06(funnily enough)

As before, will repay everyone within 24 hours.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 06, 2013, 03:22 am
>_< dammit.

okay, bare with me. I was trying to place two different orders, an I accidentally ended up ordering 2 of the same thing.. :P while that isn't much of a problem.. it dose however unfortunately leave me without enough coin to place my second order :-/

however, I've asked the vendor to cancel the order, so I may reorder the proper amount.. to have this sorted. except if he/she either processes without checking their messages, or simply ignores the request. I'm left waiting on placing my next order.. :(

so,.. :-[ please may I ask for another loan of ฿0.19? :-\.
if the vendor cancels the order, I will simply pay whomever back right away. but if he/she doesn't cancel, I'll repay ฿.2+, no later then next week friday. :)


I sent you that .06 I had, hopefully someone else can lend a hand. Best of luck getting it all sorted out :)
thank you :). still need ฿0.14 more though if anybody can help
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: syme on June 06, 2013, 03:26 am
Hi, looking for 0.1btc, will pay back within 24hrs.


I have .06 if it's any help?

Edit: Heh, beaten to the punch it seems :) Well, if anyone else is in need, lemme know :)

Seems I misinterpretted the amount required.  Still in need of 0.06(funnily enough)

As before, will repay everyone within 24 hours.
Ah darn, just a little too late. :( Sorry man, best of luck :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on June 06, 2013, 04:00 am

]thank you :). still need ฿0.14 more though if anybody can help

Ok I sent .14 when will you pay it back?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ducksfan0114 on June 06, 2013, 04:08 am
Hey all Ive come here asking for a but of help, I have an order placed with a vendor went to add coin at walmart from bitinstant to BTC wallet since the new MT GOX verification BS. I used Bitcoin QT wallet which is working fine but i put 150 on now have 23 dollars less some how.. I looked at bitcoin qc FAQ it stated up to 10 percent but thats more than 10%..

fact of the matter is im short 20.23 for my order, I know that ALOT to be short but any coin would be much obliged and WILL pay it forward or pay it back. I hate asking but hey I reckon thats why this thread is here.


   is my BTC address if anyone can help out. id even be willing to share if you didnt mind unvacced bags and pretty much no stealth on my end lol.. obviously that would be a bad idea but thanks again for stopping by my post..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 06, 2013, 04:11 am

]thank you :). still need ฿0.14 more though if anybody can help

Ok I sent .14 when will you pay it back?
:) thank you RxKing, if the vendor responds an cancels my order, I will repay you tonight/tomorrow but if he doesn't, quickly as I can, but no later then next week friday.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on June 06, 2013, 04:14 am

]thank you :). still need ฿0.14 more though if anybody can help

Ok I sent .14 when will you pay it back?
:) thank you RxKing, if the vendor responds an cancels my order, I will repay you tonight/tomorrow but if he doesn't, quickly as I can, but no later then next week friday.

NO worries!! I don't care when you pay it back at all...I only care you pay it back when you say you will. So by next Friday is fine. Just make sure you message me on SR when you di pay it back so I know.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: loniax on June 06, 2013, 04:30 am
Can I barrow .05 bitcoin, Im short for something Ill pay you back ASAP.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on June 06, 2013, 04:40 am
Can I barrow .05 bitcoin, Im short for something Ill pay you back ASAP.

 I am not sure if you were asking me or the thread. BUT I would suggest you tell us all what you need it for and on what day can pay it the way you wrote your message was like you and I had talked for a long time and you just needed a quick loan. Read the Op so you can follow the rules.

I don't think you will have a problem getting your loan if you do :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on June 06, 2013, 04:58 am
Hey all Ive come here asking for a but of help, I have an order placed with a vendor went to add coin at walmart from bitinstant to BTC wallet since the new MT GOX verification BS. I used Bitcoin QT wallet which is working fine but i put 150 on now have 23 dollars less some how.. I looked at bitcoin qc FAQ it stated up to 10 percent but thats more than 10%..

fact of the matter is im short 20.23 for my order, I know that ALOT to be short but any coin would be much obliged and WILL pay it forward or pay it back. I hate asking but hey I reckon thats why this thread is here.


   is my BTC address if anyone can help out. id even be willing to share if you didnt mind unvacced bags and pretty much no stealth on my end lol.. obviously that would be a bad idea but thanks again for stopping by my post..

I only send money to SR accounts. So I would need your SR name. And the date you will pay it back and how much you need in btc. Your message was very confusing. can you try being more clear.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Hunter Guy on June 06, 2013, 05:23 am
Hey, I don't want to sound like a mooch but I'm literally like $1.55 off and was wondering if anyone could help me out?  I'll pay you back $3.10 at the beginning of next week since I'm broke until then.  So yeah, if that's possible it'd mean a lot to me.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on June 06, 2013, 05:27 am
Hey, I don't want to sound like a mooch but I'm literally like $1.55 off and was wondering if anyone could help me out?  I'll pay you back $3.10 at the beginning of next week since I'm broke until then.  So yeah, if that's possible it'd mean a lot to me.

Please ask for btc amounts. Also always give your SR account name so if someone wants to help you they can.

I will help you. Just send you your SR name. Also I do not take juice. So you just pay me back what you borrow. Also give me the date you will pay

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: brianbertz on June 06, 2013, 05:29 am
just wondering if someone could loan me .03 btc im 3 bucks short for an order. can repay the favor as i always do. thanks!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: brianbertz on June 06, 2013, 05:30 am
username on the road is brianbertz... same as forums. peace!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on June 06, 2013, 05:32 am
username on the road is brianbertz... same as forums. peace!

I sent it ..what day will you payback?

Thank you
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Hunter Guy on June 06, 2013, 05:35 am
Hey, I don't want to sound like a mooch but I'm literally like $1.55 off and was wondering if anyone could help me out?  I'll pay you back $3.10 at the beginning of next week since I'm broke until then.  So yeah, if that's possible it'd mean a lot to me.

Please ask for btc amounts. Also always give your SR account name so if someone wants to help you they can.

I will help you. Just send you your SR name. Also I do not take juice. So you just pay me back what you borrow. Also give me the date you will pay


What I have:  ฿0.20722623   what I need to get to: Total: ฿0.22
Will pay back: June 10th (Monday)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on June 06, 2013, 05:46 am
ok I sent you .02 that will take you over the amount you need. And your payback date is perfect. Just make sure to send me a message on SR when you pay it back so I know and I will +1 you.

Have a good week and enjoy!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Hunter Guy on June 06, 2013, 05:50 am
ok I sent you .02 that will take you over the amount you need. And your payback date is perfect. Just make sure to send me a message on SR when you pay it back so I know and I will +1 you.

Have a good week and enjoy!

Thank you for the help, you too!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ducksfan0114 on June 06, 2013, 06:01 am
Hey all Ive come here asking for a but of help, I have an order placed with a vendor went to add coin at walmart from bitinstant to BTC wallet since the new MT GOX verification BS. I used Bitcoin QT wallet which is working fine but i put 150 on now have 23 dollars less some how.. I looked at bitcoin qc FAQ it stated up to 10 percent but thats more than 10%..

fact of the matter is im short 20.23 for my order, I know that ALOT to be short but any coin would be much obliged and WILL pay it forward or pay it back. I hate asking but hey I reckon thats why this thread is here.


   is my BTC address if anyone can help out. id even be willing to share if you didnt mind unvacced bags and pretty much no stealth on my end lol.. obviously that would be a bad idea but thanks again for stopping by my post..

I only send money to SR accounts. So I would need your SR name. And the date you will pay it back and how much you need in btc. Your message was very confusing. can you try being more clear.


This is my sr name RXking that was my  sr bitcoin address. I'm sorry I didn't mean to confuse anyone. I can pay it back by no later than Wednesday 12pm est. You are one helluva good guy it seems around here. If you need buying stats I can provide that also.
Thanks again and sorry for any typos.. using android and have large thumbs lol.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: brianbertz on June 06, 2013, 06:03 am
username on the road is brianbertz... same as forums. peace!

I sent it ..what day will you payback?

Thank you

 thanks bro. not 100% on the exact day but no later than next friday. got some bud curing thats almost done so when i get rid of it im putting in a big order on here and will pay you back bro.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on June 06, 2013, 06:27 am
Hey all Ive come here asking for a but of help, I have an order placed with a vendor went to add coin at walmart from bitinstant to BTC wallet since the new MT GOX verification BS. I used Bitcoin QT wallet which is working fine but i put 150 on now have 23 dollars less some how.. I looked at bitcoin qc FAQ it stated up to 10 percent but thats more than 10%..

fact of the matter is im short 20.23 for my order, I know that ALOT to be short but any coin would be much obliged and WILL pay it forward or pay it back. I hate asking but hey I reckon thats why this thread is here.


   is my BTC address if anyone can help out. id even be willing to share if you didnt mind unvacced bags and pretty much no stealth on my end lol.. obviously that would be a bad idea but thanks again for stopping by my post..

I only send money to SR accounts. So I would need your SR name. And the date you will pay it back and how much you need in btc. Your message was very confusing. can you try being more clear.


This is my sr name RXking that was my  sr bitcoin address. I'm sorry I didn't mean to confuse anyone. I can pay it back by no later than Wednesday 12pm est. You are one helluva good guy it seems around here. If you need buying stats I can provide that also.
Thanks again and sorry for any typos.. using android and have large thumbs lol.
I am surprised this is so confusing....I need you SR user mine is are giving me a btc address for your account!!! for the second time ;)  So what is your name and I will loan you the coin... and your payback next week is fine.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on June 06, 2013, 06:29 am
username on the road is brianbertz... same as forums. peace!

I sent it ..what day will you payback?
Thank you

 thanks bro. not 100% on the exact day but no later than next friday. got some bud curing thats almost done so when i get rid of it im putting in a big order on here and will pay you back bro.

By next Friday is fine...Just make sure you send me a message on Silk Road so I know you paid me back..and I can +1 you


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 06, 2013, 08:00 am
Ordered 1 OZ, didn't make it and I got 50% refund. Can't afford The same order so I'll go for 20g only. Problem is, I am short .22...Could anyone help bad luck Brian here? I'm getting paid on 20, that's when I can return the coins.

crackthehead is my name on the road.
I know i didn,t send full amount but sent my last, a thankx and confirming you got it would be nice  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on June 06, 2013, 08:01 am
Where did you go ducksfan???
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 06, 2013, 08:04 am
@Rxking... You,ve been busy last night  ;) Hope your good  ;)
Hi everyone  ;)
@Repus6..I hope your joking about the webcam  :o lol
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on June 06, 2013, 08:38 am
I am GREAT mary666! Hope you are too :D

You mean "busy" by in here?? If so then yes. Still surprised how many people do not give there SR names and give btc addresses. Don't they realize we send it straight to there SR accounts from are SR accounts 99.9% of the time? Its frustrating,but no biggie. Although two people came in here asking for a loan and when I said that's fine just give me your SR name ..they never returned. I also had 3 people PM for a loan, I told them that I would do it...just post a message in the thread so there is a record of it..and out of the 3......0 came into the thread. I cant even give away money!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 06, 2013, 10:43 am
I know Rx, i,m quite shocked at them PM,ing you then not coming on  ::) You,d think a wee thanks would come from everyone?  :o though most people do i don,t like having to write "can you confirm you got it", just a quick wee post sayin thanks so we know lol  ;)
I,m good,  8) another nice day i hope, i can do work in the garden  8)
Where,s my Chemcat  ::) You been to the pub again hun lol  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ducksfan0114 on June 06, 2013, 10:51 am
Hey all Ive come here asking for a but of help, I have an order placed with a vendor went to add coin at walmart from bitinstant to BTC wallet since the new MT GOX verification BS. I used Bitcoin QT wallet which is working fine but i put 150 on now have 23 dollars less some how.. I looked at bitcoin qc FAQ it stated up to 10 percent but thats more than 10%..

fact of the matter is im short 20.23 for my order, I know that ALOT to be short but any coin would be much obliged and WILL pay it forward or pay it back. I hate asking but hey I reckon thats why this thread is here.


   is my BTC address if anyone can help out. id even be willing to share if you didnt mind unvacced bags and pretty much no stealth on my end lol.. obviously that would be a bad idea but thanks again for stopping by my post..

I only send money to SR accounts. So I would need your SR name. And the date you will pay it back and how much you need in btc. Your message was very confusing. can you try being more clear.


This is my sr name RXking that was my  sr bitcoin address. I'm sorry I didn't mean to confuse anyone. I can pay it back by no later than Wednesday 12pm est. You are one helluva good guy it seems around here. If you need buying stats I can provide that also.
Thanks again and sorry for any typos.. using android and have large thumbs lol.
I am surprised this is so confusing....I need you SR user mine is are giving me a btc address for your account!!! for the second time ;)  So what is your name and I will loan you the coin... and your payback next week is fine.

Sr user name is ducksfan0114
Sorry once again I confused u
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: nottheunderscore on June 06, 2013, 11:50 am

Thank you again for loaning me the 0.05 btc.  I neeeded it bad and you came through!! I just hit you back with the bits you loaned me. 
Love this thread!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ducksfan0114 on June 06, 2013, 12:17 pm
Where did you go ducksfan???
Sorry fell asleep had to beoup for work at 6..
Was exhausted couldn't keep me eye lids open anymore.. thanks for being a stand up guy RX SR name again is ducksfan0114.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: icm on June 06, 2013, 12:25 pm
Could I borrow 0.03btc from someone? Pm me please to discuss repayment options and for my sr name/address. Thanks :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: barbequehax on June 06, 2013, 12:38 pm
Could I borrow 0.03btc from someone? Pm me please to discuss repayment options and for my sr name/address. Thanks :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: icm on June 06, 2013, 12:42 pm
Thank you, pm'ed :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ducksfan0114 on June 06, 2013, 02:07 pm
I am GREAT mary666! Hope you are too :D

You mean "busy" by in here?? If so then yes. Still surprised how many people do not give there SR names and give btc addresses. Don't they realize we send it straight to there SR accounts from are SR accounts 99.9% of the time? Its frustrating,but no biggie. Although two people came in here asking for a loan and when I said that's fine just give me your SR name ..they never returned. I also had 3 people PM for a loan, I told them that I would do it...just post a message in the thread so there is a record of it..and out of the 3......0 came into the thread. I cant even give away money!

RX I am sorry ive been pulling doubles all week and had to be up at 6, i figured id run home on lunch and let you know I am still here.
I assumed you knew the BTC address i posted was for my sr account. Thats what i get for sleepy thinking and "assuming". As for the loan am still in need of it if you are still willing to help me until Wednesday no later than 12pm.

Thanks again for having patients and being a good dude.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thecrackhead on June 06, 2013, 02:10 pm
Hi guys, mary send me 0.04 but I still need 0.18 would anyone be able to loan me the ammount? I will return even with interest. Ty
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: used90210 on June 06, 2013, 02:44 pm
Would anyone be willing to give me a .6 or .7 loan. I will pay .8 next time i reup. Bitinstant seems to be having delays again and i have 2btc on the way. They said it should be resolved shortly but i dont want to miss my vendors summer sale. I will pay back immediately.  Check my stats, ive got 0 bad orders and a member for 9 months. Please help!!!

Pm me here or my SR account travise1987

Thank you all
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on June 06, 2013, 02:52 pm
Artadmirer paid back his .08 loan!!

Great guy! +1
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on June 06, 2013, 03:22 pm
If anyone is in need. Please post a message now with your SR name, amount. needed , and date you will payback.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Croskin on June 06, 2013, 03:36 pm
have about .02 leftover... if anyone wants it pm me on sr with payback date/whatever else.  I don't really expect it back considering how small of an amount it is but please have a legitimate btc deficiency for an order
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on June 06, 2013, 03:43 pm

RX I am sorry ive been pulling doubles all week and had to be up at 6, i figured id run home on lunch and let you know I am still here.
I assumed you knew the BTC address i posted was for my sr account. Thats what i get for sleepy thinking and "assuming". As for the loan am still in need of it if you are still willing to help me until Wednesday no later than 12pm.

Thanks again for having patients and being a good dude.

The problem is you are giving me a btc address that I do not need. Ir would I use it. I only send coins to names. So what is your name on SR for the third time ;) since you have not made that clear. Ho much do you need and when can you pay it back. I do not mind helping you and I understand you had to go...but you just vanished for 4 hours...if you had to could have taken 45 seconds to post I will be gone for 6 hours going to work or something...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 06, 2013, 03:58 pm
Hey Ya'll 


Goot Moanin!


Just wanted to Give a Friendly Reminder to those that i have loaned Bitcoins to.


Just a 'lil Nudge :)

I have some pretty good sized loans out right now with some of you, so please re-pay as soon as you can so we can keep this going for other members  :)

Peace & Hugs,

ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: b0m on June 06, 2013, 03:59 pm
bbqhax paid back his loan. +1 to you :) (damn still those 72 hours... :D)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 06, 2013, 04:05 pm
  :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) **When requesting, post your SR name** so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
dr gonzo
Mike Hunt
White Out

The shit list:
Autobondon *
King Karma ++++
snipeemflo ++++

*^*do not lend to these people*^*

Thank You b0m  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thecrackhead on June 06, 2013, 04:53 pm
OP updated with the new list.

0.18 BTC

Cheers buddy.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on June 06, 2013, 05:05 pm
RS7Fl8ZRkm paid me .26 back.  :)

Right when he said he would.

Thank You and +1
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on June 06, 2013, 05:07 pm
OP updated with the new list.

0.18 BTC

Cheers buddy.

So your name on SR is crack the head and not the crack head????
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 06, 2013, 05:09 pm
@King  :)

you got it :)

his SR screen name is crackthehead
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 06, 2013, 05:13 pm
Hey Ya'll 


Goot Moanin!


Just wanted to Give a Friendly Reminder to those that i have loaned Bitcoins to.


Just a 'lil Nudge :)

I have some pretty good sized loans out right now with some of you, so please re-pay as soon as you can so we can keep this going for other members  :)

Peace & Hugs,

ChemCat  O0
Me too  ;) cheers Hi Chemcat, sorry i missed you earlier  :( Hope everyone,s good  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thecrackhead on June 06, 2013, 05:13 pm
crackthehead  in one word thanks
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on June 06, 2013, 05:17 pm
Good Morning Chem cat!!! Hope you are FANTASTIC!!!!  Love this thread!!!!!! +1 to you....

Also thanks for the heads up on crackthehead. I had to edit my message as I put the same name twice. As soon as I was done editing...and the page refreshed I saw your message telling me "you got it" lol...thanks as I put the same name twice( I said so your name is crack the head not crackthehead) like a THANK YOU for helping me as I now was able to send it to him. Poor guy...he messages me 2 times and had to make this post and I still almost sent it to the wrong name.

But all is GREAT in this thread... as usual with all this positive energy and coins are sent. Please confirm crackthehead. And make sure you message me(on SR) when you pay me back so I know. Enjoy your package and the rest of June  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ducksfan0114 on June 06, 2013, 05:18 pm
Hello there Silkroaders Im here to repost my thread due to using my mobile phone and lack of sleep from work and ofcourse good advice from a veteran Lender/Helper.


I am 20.23 US DOLLARS short on my most recent order I had some confusion with a new Bitcoin wallet and fees.I usually use MTGOX but due to the recent verification process i decided on alternate methods.

My silkRoad user name is DUCKSFAN0114 just the same as my forum ID. I can pay this loan back no later wednesday 12 noon EST.

RXKING thank you for all your help in the forums!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 06, 2013, 05:20 pm
20.23 bitcoins short?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 06, 2013, 05:22 pm
Hiya mary  ;)

Huggles :)

wow this week i have been busy  LOL

YAAAY!!  :)

hope to be back in here by saturday :)

then i'll take my monthly week long vacation :P

Peace & Hugs to You All  :)

ChemCat O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ducksfan0114 on June 06, 2013, 05:32 pm
20.23 bitcoins short?


WOW lol that would be alot sorry i fixed it. But no 20.23 usd short APPROX 0.17 bitcoins
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 06, 2013, 05:37 pm
20.23 bitcoins short?


WOW lol that would be alot sorry i fixed it. But no 20.23 usd short
LMAO  ::) yeah i myself am 18 btc short lol mega order!! If Only... ;)
Glad your keeping busy Chem,  8) The weathers nice here for out n about, i hope its nice where you are  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 06, 2013, 05:38 pm

Right now....$20.23 USD to Bitcoins would be ฿0.1686


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 06, 2013, 05:40 pm
The weather where i am is always gloomy  :P

sometimes we get snow in the middle of the summer  :o

crazy weather where i am ???
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on June 06, 2013, 05:44 pm
20.23 bitcoins short?


WOW lol that would be alot sorry i fixed it. But no 20.23 usd short

What you need to do is go to checkout...and see the exact amount of BTC's you are short. Not dollar amounts. Also as Sr only uses BTC  amounts and check out....I do not even know why you are telling us the dollar amount. Also all of us only use btc in here because that is what we send. Thats why there is already confusion as to if you were asking for 20.23 btc. As that would be one hell of an order!!

Of course any of us can do the math and figure out the btc...but I am a little concerned why you are giving us dollar amounts and not btc. If you can clear that up ...I have no problem loaning you the money. Also when will you pay back?

And your welcome for the help ???

 ;D rx
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ducksfan0114 on June 06, 2013, 05:50 pm
20.23 bitcoins short?


WOW lol that would be alot sorry i fixed it. But no 20.23 usd short

I am still pretty new to the whole Bitcoin thing and have never had to ask for any coin nor do i dabble with it outside of the road. Ontop of that i have my sr to view in USD not BTC so its easier on my simple mind.
I can pay back no later than 12pm Wednesday

What you need to do is go to checkout...and see the exact amount of BTC's you are short. Not dollar amounts. Also as Sr only uses BTC  amounts and check out....I do not even know why you are telling us the dollar amount. Also all of us only use btc in here because that is what we send. Thats why there is already confusion as to if you were asking for 20.23 btc. As that would be one hell of an order!!

Of course any of us can do the math and figure out the btc...but I am a little concerned why you are giving us dollar amounts and not btc. If you can clear that up ...I have no problem loaning you the money. Also when will you pay back?

And your welcome for the help ???

 ;D rx

I am still pretty new to the whole Bitcoin thing and have never had to ask for any coin nor do i dabble with it outside of the road. Ontop of that i have my sr to view in USD not BTC so its easier on my simple mind.
I can pay back no later than 12pm Wednesday

ChemCat is correct  ฿0.1686 is what im short.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on June 06, 2013, 05:56 pm
WOW lol that would be alot sorry i fixed it. But no 20.23 usd short APPROX 0.17 bitcoins

I sent you .17 to DUCKSFAN0114.

Please confirm you received  it and give me the date you will be repaying me. And sorry it took so long to get you the funds you needed and for the confusion. +1 for being patient!!!

Have fun with your goods and enjoy the summer!!! This thread is pretty awesome!

 ;D Rx
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ducksfan0114 on June 06, 2013, 06:06 pm
WOW lol that would be alot sorry i fixed it. But no 20.23 usd short APPROX 0.17 bitcoins

I sent you .17 to DUCKSFAN0114.

Please confirm you received  it and give me the date you will be repaying me. And sorry it took so long to get you the funds you needed and for the confusion. +1 for being patient!!!

Have fun with your goods and enjoy the summer!!! This thread is pretty awesome!

 ;D Rx

No whats awesome is you helping me out. i did get the loan thank you. i will pay u before wednesday at noon est.
thanks again and +1 for being such a big big help. june 12th by noon.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 06, 2013, 06:18 pm
hi y'all, hope everybody's having good day so far.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 06, 2013, 06:24 pm
Hi RS  ;D Hope your good hun  :-* :-* :P wish i had coin  :( lol will get more on Monday  :D
Hi RxKing  ;D at least people on tonight when i am, was quiet last night  :( browsed the road  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 06, 2013, 06:30 pm
hiya, wasn't feeling very social last night, an the morning prior :(, sorry for leaving ya hanging mary.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: anon1980 on June 06, 2013, 06:32 pm
Hi Everyone,

I am .06 bitcoin (about $7 USD) short from being able to place an order. If anyone can help me out, I will greatly appreciate it!

My wallet address is 1LokAD6AD3NCPRujmWP9X9YaPfpsGMVpQa.

Thank You  :-* :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 06, 2013, 06:35 pm
hiya, wasn't feeling very social last night, an the morning prior :(, sorry for leaving ya hanging mary.
Are you ok now RS  :-\ myself and i think Repus6 were asking what was wrong after your  :'( face?? Hope you are feeling better anyway  :-* :-* :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 06, 2013, 06:35 pm
Hi Everyone,

I am .06 bitcoin (about $7 USD) short from being able to place an order. If anyone can help me out, I will greatly appreciate it!

My wallet address is 1LokAD6AD3NCPRujmWP9X9YaPfpsGMVpQa.

Thank You  :-* :-* :-* :-*
do you plan in returning the coin? if so around when? also most people will only transfer to a username, so you might wanna post that also, :). read the rules posted about every 5 pages.. it'll help
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 06, 2013, 06:43 pm
hiya, wasn't feeling very social last night, an the morning prior :(, sorry for leaving ya hanging mary.
Are you ok now RS  :-\ myself and i think Repus6 were asking what was wrong after your  :'( face?? Hope you are feeling better anyway  :-* :-* :P
yea, I am good now, thanks :). have been feeling little depressed for the past day an a half.. but it's now  sorted..

also, been dealing with a massive MDMA hangover.. so  I've been little cranky towards people whom deserve better, an I normally wouldn't :-\. which is never great.

anyways.. live, learn, love.. :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: anon1980 on June 06, 2013, 06:45 pm
Hi Everyone,

I am .06 bitcoin (about $7 USD) short from being able to place an order. If anyone can help me out, I will greatly appreciate it!

My wallet address is 1LokAD6AD3NCPRujmWP9X9YaPfpsGMVpQa.

Thank You  :-* :-* :-* :-*
do you plan in returning the coin? if so around when? also most people will only transfer to a username, so you might wanna post that also, :). read the rules posted about every 5 pages.. it'll help

I'm sorry about that, didn't read the rules. I'm willing to repay the loan next Friday (6/14). I don't really want to post my username for security reasons (trying to keep forum and SR username seperate). Anyways, thanks if anyone can help. If not, hopefully Bitcoin will appreciate a point or two and I'll be able to place the order  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on June 06, 2013, 06:49 pm
No whats awesome is you helping me out. i did get the loan thank you. i will pay u before wednesday at noon est.
thanks again and +1 for being such a big big help. june 12th by noon.

Thanks for the nice words. That's what this thread is all about. Helping someone because you can! That's it. It is not about me... it is about US. In here we are all the same. Just a bunch of dicks looking for drugs.(yea I know there is some pussy in here too. we have a few confirmed females(one mod) And we all know it sucks when your short. It also sucks when you do not have enough btc for your order ;) So when one of us has a little bit more then the other.. you help them out. Because that could be you one day. That's what a community does. It is like the old days growing up when you asked your neighbor for a 1/4 cup sugar or an egg because you were making brownies and you were out and it was faster and easier to just run next door. And they always had it and you always got it. And sooner or later your door would ring with the same request! So in this thread we bring back the 70's and the 80's and we help our neighbor. And hopefully one day soon are on the giving end, helping someone out..because YOU remember that time you were a bit short and someone stood up and helped you out. You will then see that your parents never did lie. It is better to give then receive.(except when it comes to blowjobs)

So you are WELCOME! Enjoy it. And when you get to 100 post...then leave me a +1 as your first +karma. because you can't do it now. And when I said +1 to you...I did it so you would be 1/1  :D

See you WED...before noon!!!!!! lol

 ;D Rx
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 06, 2013, 06:50 pm
RS7Fl8ZRkm paid me .26 back.  :)

Right when he said he would.

Thank You and +1
:) you're welcome, but more like thank you! ;)

also still owe you the .14, shall have you repaid quickly as I can. :-*, also thanks again.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 06, 2013, 06:53 pm
off to work my faithful droogs, bbl :)

love y'all.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 06, 2013, 07:47 pm
Hey RS did everything go well with jumbomonkeybisquit?

zipzap is having issues at the moment, so just wondering how things went with you and JMB and the moneypak card...

Peace & Hugs,

ChemCat  O0


Sorry, until zipzap fixes it's issues and the loans i have out right now get paid back, i won't be able to loan anymore.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: phoboss on June 06, 2013, 08:03 pm
Hi all I'm only 8.00.btc short of an order if you borrow me the 8,btc I'll give you back 9,btc as soon as I get my inheritance money through so say by 2050 if that's ok so if you could borrow me the 8,btc I'll be eternally grateful and even PM you once in a while untill my money comes through in 2050 ok cheers all phoboss.

So who's first then come on it's only 8,btc people help a fellow SR junkie out pleeeeeaaaase I mean 2050 ain't that far away is it, ha ha ha ha ha
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 06, 2013, 08:21 pm
Quote from: phoboss
Hi all I'm only 8.00.btc short of an order if you borrow me the 8,btc I'll give you back 9,btc as soon as I get my inheritance money through so say by 2050 if that's ok so if you could borrow me the 8,btc I'll be eternally grateful and even PM you once in a while untill my money comes through in 2050 ok cheers all phoboss.

So who's first then come on it's only 8,btc people help a fellow SR junkie out pleeeeeaaaase I mean 2050 ain't that far away is it, ha ha ha ha ha


 :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) **When requesting, post your SR name** so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
dr gonzo
Mike Hunt
White Out

The shit list:
Autobondon *
King Karma ++++
phoboss  <~~~~~~~~~~~ :o  Until 2050  ;)  Bahahaha!!   :)
snipeemflo ++++

*^*do not lend to these people*^*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: anon1980 on June 06, 2013, 08:28 pm
.10 short to make a purchase. Will repay loan by Wed Jun 12 14:00 EST. Anyone that can help me out, much appreciated  :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on June 06, 2013, 08:34 pm
Hey RS....sorry to here you were depressed and such >:(  but I am really happy to hear you are doing better...And no worries on the loan..when you have it I know u will take care of me. Make sure I am your last priority.  ;D As I am all good! And if you need more...just ask :)

As USUAL very nice words! Made me smile ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 06, 2013, 08:52 pm
 ;D Chemcat
 ;D RS7
 ;D RxKing
 ;D Repus6
 ;D Japan1980
I love you all,  :-* :-* :-* I love this place  :-* :-* :-*
 ::) you can,t let the odd arsehole put you off lol  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 06, 2013, 09:02 pm
We Love ya too mary   :-*

Heh Heh  i been on this internet of ours for too long to be bothered by nonesense  :P

How're those dogs of yurs doin today?


Well you be safe mary and dont stumble when you cross the stream  LOL  :P

Peace & Hugs,

Dad  **Grins**

ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 06, 2013, 09:11 pm
LMAO I,m in my 30,s (late  :-[) and thats the 1st time i,ve ever had a msg of any kind signed Dad and i couldn,t be happier that it,s you  :-* :-* ;D
The dogs are good, thanks, tho i,m still not really talking to the little growler  ::)
I,m on here way too much too, don,t smoke so much tho, ahh the benefits, ha ha  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 06, 2013, 09:57 pm
Hey RS did everything go well with jumbomonkeybisquit?

zipzap is having issues at the moment, so just wondering how things went with you and JMB and the moneypak card...

Peace & Hugs,

ChemCat  O0


Sorry, until zipzap fixes it's issues and the loans i have out right now get paid back, i won't be able to loan anymore.

yeah, went smooth. went faster then I expected.. however costs 4.95 for the card an JMB takes 15% the amount processed :P..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 06, 2013, 10:09 pm
Hey RS....sorry to here you were depressed and such >:(  but I am really happy to hear you are doing better...And no worries on the loan..when you have it I know u will take care of me. Make sure I am your last priority.  ;D As I am all good! And if you need more...just ask :)

As USUAL very nice words! Made me smile ;D
doing better, cause that is what drugs are for ;)..  but thanks for your support brother.. shall have you an the others repaid within the promised time frame :).

only came home for a minute.. to check on few things heading back out in a minute..

;D Chemcat
 ;D RS7
 ;D RxKing
 ;D Repus6
 ;D Japan1980
I love you all,  :-* :-* :-* I love this place  :-* :-* :-*
 ::) you can,t let the odd arsehole put you off lol  ;)
love ya too :-*

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: used90210 on June 06, 2013, 10:23 pm
Would anyone be willing to give me a .6 or .7 loan. I will pay .8 next time i reup. Bitinstant seems to be having delays again and i have 2btc on the way. They said it should be resolved shortly but i dont want to miss my vendors summer sale. I will pay back immediately.  Check my stats, ive got 0 bad orders and a member for 9 months. Please help!!!

Pm me here or my SR account travise1987

Thank you all

Chemcat? RXking? Can anyone help? Im even willing to pay back .9 if you can loan me .7 for now. Still waiting on my bitinstant deposit. My vendors summer sale is ending tomorrow i think!!!!!

Check my avcount on SR travise1987. Member for 9 mnths 4% refund 0% auto finalize

i hope some good soul can help me
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on June 06, 2013, 11:01 pm
Would anyone be willing to give me a .6 or .7 loan. I will pay .8 next time i reup. Bitinstant seems to be having delays again and i have 2btc on the way. They said it should be resolved shortly but i dont want to miss my vendors summer sale. I will pay back immediately.  Check my stats, ive got 0 bad orders and a member for 9 months. Please help!!!

Pm me here or my SR account travise1987

Thank you all

Chemcat? RXking? Can anyone help? Im even willing to pay back .9 if you can loan me .7 for now. Still waiting on my bitinstant deposit. My vendors summer sale is ending tomorrow i think!!!!!

Check my avcount on SR travise1987. Member for 9 mnths 4% refund 0% auto finalize

i hope some good soul can help me

I didn't see your post asking until now. You are asking for $60+! And this thread really is not for that amount.

I have no problems with that amount...BUT you say you have been here 9 months...and I am not calling you a liar at all but this is a good example of being a good neighbor...and with your 60 post count and your +1 to -2 is not a good neighbor IMO. Meaning you are in here asking for money now but you have not contributed to anything in your last 9 mo.. And you are saying you want in on a u are not are just greedy in wanting MORE then you have funds for(and we are ALL guilty of that!!) So it is not like you "need" is high. it is more of a "want".

Again, I am not trying to say you are bad or anything like that. I am just calling a Also you make it sound like you can pay it back  immediately(your words)...and if that is the case....then you do not "need" want you already missed today's cutoff for I am sure you will still be able to get your deal tomorrow and then you will have your coins by !!!  SO the good news is... I just made you realize you  do not need a loan!! And you will actually be able to show us all what a good neighbor you are because tomorrow after you make your can come in here and loan out your change as there will be others that need just that....change. As you will have  left over "change" for sure. And that way you can build your post count ,trust and your Karma!! So we will see you in here tomorrow and a lot more in the future...because after 9 months now realize there is a reason to come into the forums...and this thread is the main one!

And with your stats...WE NEED YOU!!!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 06, 2013, 11:01 pm
Quote from: ChemCat
zipzap is having issues at the moment, so just wondering how things went with you and JMB and the moneypak card...

Peace & Hugs,

ChemCat  O0


Sorry, until zipzap fixes it's issues and the loans i have out right now get paid back, i won't be able to loan anymore.

Quote from: used90210
Chemcat? RXking? Can anyone help? Im even willing to pay back .9 if you can loan me .7 for now. Still waiting on my bitinstant deposit. My vendors summer sale is ending tomorrow i think!!!!!

Check my avcount on SR travise1987. Member for 9 mnths 4% refund 0% auto finalize

i hope some good soul can help me


Once again, sorry friend :( until i get the coins which i now, have out on loan to others, i can no longer lend.

keep checking back because we have some brothers and sister that would be willing to lend to you i am sure  :)

Peace & Hugs,

ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 06, 2013, 11:13 pm
@ RxKing


You are Among the Gods!!

Thank you for what you do for the community ...


You've shown Great generosity within this thread alone :)

Once Again,

Thank You .... For what you Do!


Peace & Hugs,

ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 06, 2013, 11:17 pm
Would anyone be willing to give me a .6 or .7 loan. I will pay .8 next time i reup. Bitinstant seems to be having delays again and i have 2btc on the way. They said it should be resolved shortly but i dont want to miss my vendors summer sale. I will pay back immediately.  Check my stats, ive got 0 bad orders and a member for 9 months. Please help!!!

Pm me here or my SR account travise1987

Thank you all

Chemcat? RXking? Can anyone help? Im even willing to pay back .9 if you can loan me .7 for now. Still waiting on my bitinstant deposit. My vendors summer sale is ending tomorrow i think!!!!!

Check my avcount on SR travise1987. Member for 9 mnths 4% refund 0% auto finalize

i hope some good soul can help me

I didn't see your post asking until now. You are asking for $60+! And this thread really is not for that amount.

I have no problems with that amount...BUT you say you have been here 9 months...and I am not calling you a liar at all but this is a good example of being a good neighbor...and with your 60 post count and your 1 to -2 os not a good neighbor IMO. Meaning you are in here asking for money but you have not contributed to anything. And you are saying you want in on a u are not are just greedy in wanting MORE then you have funds for.

Again I am not trying to say you are bad or anything like that. I am just calling a chicken...chicken. Also you make it sound like you can pay it back  immediately...and if that is the case....then you do not needs you already missed today's cutoff for I am sire you will still be able to get your deal tomorrow and you will have your coins by then!!!  SO the good news is I just made you realize you in fact do not need a loan!! And you will actually  be able to show us all what a good neighbor you are because tomorrow after you make your can come in here and give. As you will have change left over for sure. And that way you can build your post count and your Karma!! So we will see you in here tomorrow and a lot more in the future...because after 9 months now realize there is a reason to come into the threads.

And with your stats...WE NEED YOU!!!!

I'll Stand by the descision of RxKing..Period.

Also for what it's worth, here are my buyer stats:
Total transactions: 29
Total spent: ฿235.72
Refund rate: 0%
Auto-finalize rate: 0%
Member for: 6 months
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 06, 2013, 11:26 pm
Wow Chem,  :o was it 29 massive orders or was btc low when u started lol  :-* :-* :P

Goodnight "Dad"  :-* (hugs)

Goodnight RS  :-* (hugs)

Goodnight Rx  :-* (hugs)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 06, 2013, 11:29 pm
Quote from: RxKing
I didn't see your post asking until now. You are asking for $60+! And this thread really is not for that amount.

I have no problems with that amount...BUT you say you have been here 9 months...and I am not calling you a liar at all but this is a good example of being a good neighbor...and with your 60 post count and your 1 to -2 os not a good neighbor IMO. Meaning you are in here asking for money but you have not contributed to anything. And you are saying you want in on a u are not are just greedy in wanting MORE then you have funds for.

Again I am not trying to say you are bad or anything like that. I am just calling a chicken...chicken. Also you make it sound like you can pay it back  immediately...and if that is the case....then you do not needs you already missed today's cutoff for I am sire you will still be able to get your deal tomorrow and you will have your coins by then!!!  SO the good news is I just made you realize you in fact do not need a loan!! And you will actually  be able to show us all what a good neighbor you are because tomorrow after you make your can come in here and give. As you will have change left over for sure. And that way you can build your post count and your Karma!! So we will see you in here tomorrow and a lot more in the future...because after 9 months now realize there is a reason to come into the threads.

And with your stats...WE NEED YOU!!!!

^This....people is family being Honest!

This is why.....RxKing...that you have my Respect at this time  :)

No punches pulled right there  :)

Within this Thread there is Love, Brotherhood & Sisterhood, the common feeling of Helping Others!

We're Family! wether ya'll want to believe it or not....We're Family..Period   :)

Love & Hugs,


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 06, 2013, 11:34 pm

Hugs to ya mary!!

My wife and myself started this journey, and it has grown...more so since she has been gone.
Things with me will be sort of invite only...and you...mary...are one i have chosen  :)

i'll tell ya more as i get closer to bringing a dream to reality  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 06, 2013, 11:49 pm
In fact, RS, if you wouldnt mind, can you please explain to mary what i have drafted out to you, please.


mary, RS, just a few more people which i will name in due time....will be the the inner circle of Bitcoin on Silk Road!!


Stay Tuned for Further Information!

Peace & Hugs,

ChemCat O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 07, 2013, 12:01 am
Quote from: mary666
Wow Chem,  :o was it 29 massive orders or was btc low when u started lol  :-* :-* :P

Goodnight "Dad"  :-* (hugs)

Goodnight RS  :-* (hugs)

Goodnight Rx  :-* (hugs)

 Oh mary,  LOL  in reality i've only spent around 19,700

ima small fry  :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 07, 2013, 12:02 am
don't mind at all, but in PM or publicly ;)?

(hugs) how are you today/night?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 07, 2013, 12:08 am
don't mind at all, but in PM or publicly ;)?

(hugs) how are you today/night?


Please explain to her through PM .....Please.

Like i said, i'll only be doing this for a few of you.  No Exceptions...Period.

RS, I trust you and the others will be More than Happy  :)

Stay Tuned, My Friends!!

You Won't be disappointed!


Love & Hugs,


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 07, 2013, 12:35 am
I feel bad for letting the team down and not been here to lend.

Been so busy with work, it's blastoff time 8)

HIGH to you all, much love.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 07, 2013, 12:39 am
@ RS
Read yur msg's  :P

@ Japan

You, Sir....

Are #3 


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 07, 2013, 12:46 am
Number 3??

3 is actually my lucky number - so that's good shit  8)

I miss having a good loaning spell and the banter, love and commitment from this thread. Met some gems of people on this 'sub forum'  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 07, 2013, 12:50 am
Quote from: Japan1980
Number 3??

3 is actually my lucky number - so that's good shit  8)

I miss having a good loaning spell and the banter, love and commitment from this thread. Met some gems of people on this 'sub forum'  8)


Well yes Rodeo Joe!!


**Hugs You**

you were the 3'rd person that i had in mind to invite into the circle  :)  seriously...the number that you all have entered my mind is irellevant...


Talk to RS  he'll clue you in  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: JakkTheKipper on June 07, 2013, 02:05 am
Sorry to interrupt the love-in but RxKing, if you're around, I just transferred some coins onto Silkroad so you should have the money back within hours. Thanks for the lend again mate!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on June 07, 2013, 02:08 am
Should have known that lending the day before I make an order would be silly. Need the exact amount I lent out >_>
Any one got .1 I can borrow? Thanks a bunch will repay when I can(whether I get my loan back or next time I re-up). The name is the same.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 07, 2013, 02:15 am
ytabletrash,going against what i said.....if i had it would be yours  :)

Unfortuately, .. i don't have it like that till some heavey hitter/borrowers, pay me back.


If i had would have it  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 07, 2013, 02:21 am
I guess i'm talkin to myself tonight  LOL   ;D

Good Night ya'll  :)

mary...please speak to RS....  :)

you two are key figures in getting this complete  :)



Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 07, 2013, 02:24 am
I feel bad for letting the team down and not been here to lend.

Been so busy with work, it's blastoff time 8)

HIGH to you all, much love.

hey jman :)
@chemmy, sorry been on google :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on June 07, 2013, 02:29 am
Thanks ChemCat. I'd say its the thought that counts but thoughts dont help much when buying things :P
Jokes aside, thanks for the gesture. :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 07, 2013, 02:38 am
Well, I've got to run to keep from hiding
And I'm bound to keep on riding
And I've got one more silver dollar
But I'm not gonna let them catch me, no
Not gonna let 'em catch the Midnight Rider

And I don't own the clothes I'm wearing
And the road goes on forever
And I've got one more silver dollar
But I'm not gonna let them catch me, no
Not gonna let 'em catch the Midnight Rider

And I've gone by the point of caring
Some old bed I'll soon be sharing
And I've got one more silver dollar

Repeat three times and Fade
But I'm not gonna let 'em catch me, no
Not gonna let them catch the Midnight Rider
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: JakkTheKipper on June 07, 2013, 02:41 am
I can slide you .10 if you like Ytabletrash. What's your SR username?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on June 07, 2013, 02:45 am
I can slide you .10 if you like Ytabletrash. What's your SR username?
SR name is ytabletrash. Will repay you when I re-up or when I get repaid for loans given out. Which ever comes 1st :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: JakkTheKipper on June 07, 2013, 02:47 am
No problem, I'll send it over now.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: JakkTheKipper on June 07, 2013, 02:49 am
Done. Enjoy your order :-)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on June 07, 2013, 02:54 am
No problem, I'll send it over now.
Got it, thanks a bunch :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on June 07, 2013, 03:20 am
Had .02 extra, sending it back to the name that it came from. Owe ya .08 now. ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Immortally on June 07, 2013, 04:02 am
Artadmirer paid back his .08 loan!!

Great guy! +1

Thank you for confirming this,but i,m a woman hehe :P
and i like your statement:[It is like the old days growing up when you asked your neighbor for a 1/4 cup sugar or an egg because you were making brownies and you were out and it was faster and easier to just run next door. And they always had it and you always got it. And sooner or later your door would ring with the same request! So in this thread we bring back the 70's and the 80's and we help our neighbor.]

Nostalgy i miss the eightees :'( music,mentality of people in those days,but can,t remember about the brownies haha because i,m not from the U.S.
anyway wish all the kind/sincerely  ppl in here a happy weekend. :-*
ps I,m not a rich woman but if i,ve some little spare coins left,i,ll try to do something back,because i love the `80:-)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: skrillyskrill on June 07, 2013, 05:07 am
I got some change to lend if anyone needs, pm me (as i do not check this thread hourly) and we can meet here in the tread and do the loan. probly gonna pass out in an hour,  but ill check before i go to work tomorrow morning. ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on June 07, 2013, 05:50 am
Paid ya back Jakk. Also Fractal has paid me back so all is good in the neighborhood. :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on June 07, 2013, 06:11 am
Artadmirer paid back his .08 loan!!

Great guy! +1

Thank you for confirming this,but i,m a woman hehe :P
and i like your statement:[It is like the old days growing up when you asked your neighbor for a 1/4 cup sugar or an egg because you were making brownies and you were out and it was faster and easier to just run next door. And they always had it and you always got it. And sooner or later your door would ring with the same request! So in this thread we bring back the 70's and the 80's and we help our neighbor.]

Nostalgy i miss the eightees :'( music,mentality of people in those days,but can,t remember about the brownies haha because i,m not from the U.S.
anyway wish all the kind/sincerely  ppl in here a happy weekend. :-*
ps I,m not a rich woman but if i,ve some little spare coins left,i,ll try to do something back,because i love the `80:-)

I apology Ms.  ;D

THANKS AGAIN! now I can +1 you because I didn't know your forum name.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 07, 2013, 08:01 am
Quote from: mary666
Wow Chem,  :o was it 29 massive orders or was btc low when u started lol  :-* :-* :P

Goodnight "Dad"  :-* (hugs)

Goodnight RS  :-* (hugs)

Goodnight Rx  :-* (hugs)

 Oh mary,  LOL  in reality i've only spent around 19,700

ima small fry  :P
Holy Shit Chem  :o small fry my ass lol  ;) I,m small fry, just wee bits o weed ha ha, hope my order comes this morning  :-\ I,ve got 1 spliff left if not i,ll have to hoof it, but whose got what  ::)lol Sorry  :-[ Good morning everyone  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 07, 2013, 08:25 am
LOL   (Huggles)

well goot moanin, mary  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 07, 2013, 10:32 am
Got my order from Whiteshark, lovely, 1 j has me all mellow, we just don,t get this in the UK lol  ;D ;D ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: JakkTheKipper on June 07, 2013, 10:59 am
Paid ya back Jakk. Also Fractal has paid me back so all is good in the neighborhood. :)

Holy crap that was quick. Nice one :-)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 07, 2013, 05:19 pm
Good evening all  ;D Hope y,all well  :-* :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: kingdisko23 on June 07, 2013, 05:26 pm
can anyone help a brutha out with 0.02 coins? Been caught out by the price fluctuation - send to diskoking23 on SR

Thanks peeps! - Will be paid back too!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 07, 2013, 05:26 pm
:) hiya mary, how's your night been love?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 07, 2013, 05:29 pm
looking for .05 btc. thanks in advance for the generosity.

can anyone help a brutha out with 0.02 coins? Been caught out by the price fluctuation - send to diskoking23 on SR

Thanks peeps! - Will be paid back too!

sorry :( few individuals that had accounts with 50~100 posts still haven't payed me back :-\.. gonna take a break on loaning accounts below 150 posts till people actually repay me ::) :P :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: kingdisko23 on June 07, 2013, 05:32 pm
Am actually a hero member.. Been on the road for 18 months bro!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 07, 2013, 05:41 pm
                                                 :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) **When requesting, post your SR name** so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
dr gonzo
Mike Hunt
White Out

The shit list:
Autobondon *
King Karma ++++
snipeemflo ++++

*^*do not lend to these people*^*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: anonypunk on June 07, 2013, 05:45 pm
Hey mary666 I wasn't sure if you the couple cents I sent the other day. I know it was only 0.02 btc and def. no big deal but didn't know if I had sent to the wrong person.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 07, 2013, 05:48 pm
Am actually a hero member.. Been on the road for 18 months bro!
post count makes you a hero member ;). not time spent idling..

RxKing put it very nicely, so I'll just quote him :) (hope you don't mind Rx)

...and I am not calling you a liar at all but this is a good example of being a good neighbor...and with your 60 post count and your +1 to -2 is not a good neighbor IMO. Meaning you are in here asking for money now but you have not contributed to anything in your last 9 mo.. And you are saying you want in on a u are not are just greedy in wanting MORE then you have funds for(and we are ALL guilty of that!!) So it is not like you "need" is high. it is more of a "want".

Again, I am not trying to say you are bad or anything like that. I am just calling a Also you make it sound like you can pay it back  immediately(your words)...and if that is the case....then you do not "need" want you already missed today's cutoff for I am sure you will still be able to get your deal tomorrow and then you will have your coins by !!!  SO the good news is... I just made you realize you  do not need a loan!! And you will actually be able to show us all what a good neighbor you are because tomorrow after you make your can come in here and loan out your change as there will be others that need just that....change. As you will have  left over "change" for sure. And that way you can build your post count ,trust and your Karma!! So we will see you in here tomorrow and a lot more in the future...because after 9 months now realize there is a reason to come into the forums...and this thread is the main one!

And with your stats...WE NEED YOU!!!!
some of that doesn't imply to you.. but I think you'll get what I am trying to express.. ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: kingdisko23 on June 07, 2013, 06:01 pm
I've not been idling mate.. And for the record I was a high posting hero member with a good standing on the forum.. Maybe you saw me posting with some of the other hard heads in Chat Shit? Had a password moment with my forum account (diskoking23) and had to start from scratch.. (Done my nut in!)

But thanks anyway! Rx's philanthropic rant made me laugh at least!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 07, 2013, 06:01 pm
Hi RS I,m ok ,felt a bit ill today  :-[ lol How are you doing my friend  ;D Hope your good  ;)
I,m the same, waiting on coin back from a few people so got nothing to loan till i get some back  ;)

 8) anonypunk...thanks hun, i just checked and got it on the 4th, 0.02 loaned it out on last loan 0.05 to thecrackhead so thanks hun +1  :-* :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 07, 2013, 06:08 pm
my vendor allowed me to cancel, an reorder proper amounts :)

 Member: | Lent:| Repaid;
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #
| enpiping | 0.04 | 0.05  #
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #
| dw89     | 0.10 | 0.11  #
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #
    Time lent: 1 day. :)

thank you again, my lovely droogies.


Pending loans, I need to pay :):
syme: 0.06
RxKing: 0.14
have you taken care over the weekend or monday, I have .19 as of now, but wanna pay y'all back with little extra ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: anonypunk on June 07, 2013, 06:11 pm
Awesome. Now I have a question for everyone. Who are you guys using to get btc? I used zipzap > bitinstant . my accounts > SR the last 2 times - are they still okay? Also now I do not "need" this but I would love to get a sample of this fellow Ravers MDMA for me a my g/f otherwise I can wait and buy a gram but it's a great deal and I'm pretty sure I qualify for the sample. I am exactly 0.03 btc short at this moment, Like I said though I don't "need" it. I "want" it. So no huge deal. It's def not like being dope sick - been there too many times so I hope I don't ever have t experience it again. =) PLUR
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 07, 2013, 06:13 pm
The Eagle has landed!  Give me a few days to get the right scenario and I will throw you that report!  Also, 5htp?  I get a dip pretty bad after that stuff and I'm amazed how well this stuff off sets this. 

Paid me back!  Awesome!  Thanks for bein a stand up person!

Special thank you to this guy.  He knows what schemes are in his head.  Would stop and help change a tire for this guy any day.

We miss ya man.  Stop by anytime to say hey even if it's not for a lend!

God I love reading your messages.  I can't conjure up the words to be that expressive to save my life.

Smoke 2 in the morning, and then 2 more, before you smoke 2 more.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 07, 2013, 06:17 pm
I've not been idling mate.. And for the record I was a high posting hero member with a good standing on the forum.. Maybe you saw me posting with some of the other hard heads in Chat Shit? Had a password moment with my forum account (diskoking23) and had to start from scratch.. (Done my nut in!)

But thanks anyway! Rx's philanthropic rant made me laugh at least!
:o shit! that defiantly sucks.  didn't know your situation.. but, my feelings are the same.. to many low post count members vanish after loaning them :(.. if I were sitting on stacks of coins I'd be more then happy to help you brother, however sorry but, I've got loans I'm paying back ATM.. otherwise I'd be down to help you..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 07, 2013, 06:19 pm
Awesome. Now I have a question for everyone. Who are you guys using to get btc? I used zipzap > bitinstant . my accounts > SR the last 2 times - are they still okay? Also now I do not "need" this but I would love to get a sample of this fellow Ravers MDMA for me a my g/f otherwise I can wait and buy a gram but it's a great deal and I'm pretty sure I qualify for the sample. I am exactly 0.03 btc short at this moment, Like I said though I don't "need" it. I "want" it. So no huge deal. It's def not like being dope sick - been there too many times so I hope I don't ever have t experience it again. =) PLUR
can anyone help a brutha out with 0.02 coins? Been caught out by the price fluctuation - send to diskoking23 on SR

Thanks peeps! - Will be paid back too!
Box is sending some shapes to you guys.  Please place the shapes back in the box when you can!  Thank you!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Thizzed410 on June 07, 2013, 06:22 pm
Awesome. Now I have a question for everyone. Who are you guys using to get btc? I used zipzap > bitinstant . my accounts > SR the last 2 times - are they still okay? Also now I do not "need" this but I would love to get a sample of this fellow Ravers MDMA for me a my g/f otherwise I can wait and buy a gram but it's a great deal and I'm pretty sure I qualify for the sample. I am exactly 0.03 btc short at this moment, Like I said though I don't "need" it. I "want" it. So no huge deal. It's def not like being dope sick - been there too many times so I hope I don't ever have t experience it again. =) PLUR

What is your name on SR?  I will send you .03
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 07, 2013, 06:24 pm
The Eagle has landed!  Give me a few days to get the right scenario and I will throw you that report!  Also, 5htp?  I get a dip pretty bad after that stuff and I'm amazed how well this stuff off sets this. 
;D great news! I just got excited for you :) lol! also hearing your report shall be fun ^__^.. have you prepared a smoking device yet ;)?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: anonypunk on June 07, 2013, 06:25 pm
Awesome. Now I have a question for everyone. Who are you guys using to get btc? I used zipzap > bitinstant . my accounts > SR the last 2 times - are they still okay? Also now I do not "need" this but I would love to get a sample of this fellow Ravers MDMA for me a my g/f otherwise I can wait and buy a gram but it's a great deal and I'm pretty sure I qualify for the sample. I am exactly 0.03 btc short at this moment, Like I said though I don't "need" it. I "want" it. So no huge deal. It's def not like being dope sick - been there too many times so I hope I don't ever have t experience it again. =) PLUR
can anyone help a brutha out with 0.02 coins? Been caught out by the price fluctuation - send to diskoking23 on SR

Thanks peeps! - Will be paid back too!
Box is sending some shapes to you guys.  Please place the shapes back in the box when you can!  Thank you!

Thanks I will be looking for those shapes and I wil replace them asap. =) I love the way you put that btw. made me smile.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 07, 2013, 06:26 pm
tried to +k you BoS but stupid 72 hr rule :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 07, 2013, 06:29 pm
The Eagle has landed!  Give me a few days to get the right scenario and I will throw you that report!  Also, 5htp?  I get a dip pretty bad after that stuff and I'm amazed how well this stuff off sets this. 

Paid me back!  Awesome!  Thanks for bein a stand up person!

Special thank you to this guy.  He knows what schemes are in his head.  Would stop and help change a tire for this guy any day.

We miss ya man.  Stop by anytime to say hey even if it's not for a lend!

God I love reading your messages.  I can't conjure up the words to be that expressive to save my life.

Smoke 2 in the morning, and then 2 more, before you smoke 2 more.
Lol  ;D I feel like you know me so well BOS  ;) Hope your good, you beeen throwing some shapes  8)
ps u missed Chemcat  ::) but he knows how we all feel about him anyway  :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: anonypunk on June 07, 2013, 06:33 pm
Awesome. Now I have a question for everyone. Who are you guys using to get btc? I used zipzap > bitinstant . my accounts > SR the last 2 times - are they still okay? Also now I do not "need" this but I would love to get a sample of this fellow Ravers MDMA for me a my g/f otherwise I can wait and buy a gram but it's a great deal and I'm pretty sure I qualify for the sample. I am exactly 0.03 btc short at this moment, Like I said though I don't "need" it. I "want" it. So no huge deal. It's def not like being dope sick - been there too many times so I hope I don't ever have t experience it again. =) PLUR

What is your name on SR?  I will send you .03

It's the same which is pretty dumb on part now that I've been thinking about it. I've got other security measure in check though. Boxofshapes just lent some my way but thanks!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: kingdisko23 on June 07, 2013, 06:34 pm
Thanks Box... Will be sent back as soon as account replenished!

Thanks man! If my karma button was working it would be coming your way... Mental karma and good vibes instead bro!

Thanks again!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: anonypunk on June 07, 2013, 06:36 pm
=1 KARMA to BoxofShapes and Thizzed 410 for being very kind. I think I might just start an account only for loaning now. Money is nothing to me for the most part. I don't have much of it but it is nothing more than a tool to get what I cannot get otherwise. Too bad we don't live in a more barter friendly society right?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 07, 2013, 06:38 pm
Hi - new here! but could anyone spare me 0.27 for about 2hrs!!

It's on it's way to my wallet but gonna be a couple of hours but got a custom order set up for me and I'm slightly short.

If not no worries but would be greatly appreciated if someone could  8)

J-Man  8)

SR name same as here
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 07, 2013, 06:41 pm
check your PM's BoS :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 07, 2013, 06:41 pm
Sorry man.  Didn't mean to step on any toes.  I'm out of shapes again so maybe the next person  :P

Na I got a few days of stuff to do anyway, but will make one soon.  I keep hitting that "you can't repeat that action" all the time with you guys too.

I did, but no disrespect to his character.  The man needs no introduction!  He knows he's made of awesomesauce.

Heh.  Thanks man.  The name came before I knew about anything on this place, but it just kinda fits perfectly for the thread.  Fun stuff!

Sounds good!  Enjoy whatever box of shapes you get in your mail!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Thizzed410 on June 07, 2013, 06:41 pm
Hi - new here! but could anyone spare me 0.27 for about 2hrs!!

It's on it's way to my wallet but gonna be a couple of hours but got a custom order set up for me and I'm slightly short.

If not no worries but would be greatly appreciated if someone could  8)

J-Man  8)

SR name same as here

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 07, 2013, 06:43 pm
Hi - new here! but could anyone spare me 0.27 for about 2hrs!!

It's on it's way to my wallet but gonna be a couple of hours but got a custom order set up for me and I'm slightly short.

If not no worries but would be greatly appreciated if someone could  8)

J-Man  8)

SR name same as here
hiya j-man :D could spot you .19 for the moment if it helps ::)

edit: never mind :P, +1 Thizzed410
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 07, 2013, 06:48 pm
                                                 :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) **When requesting, post your SR name** so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
dr gonzo
Mike Hunt
Thizzed410  ++++
White Out

The shit list:
Autobondon *
King Karma ++++
snipeemflo ++++
x3mnightmare ++++

*^*do not lend to these people*^*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 07, 2013, 06:48 pm
Hi Japan  ;) glad you dropped by  :-* was going to sort you with my order money for monday cause i know your 100% but i see your taken care of  8) How are you apart from busy  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 07, 2013, 06:51 pm
how you been though japan ;D? you've been busy, I can tell.. ;) happy to see you back ^__^

@BoS I made my first machine the other night, still haven't tried using it ::).. I know how it goes :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 07, 2013, 06:52 pm
Hi - new here! but could anyone spare me 0.27 for about 2hrs!!

It's on it's way to my wallet but gonna be a couple of hours but got a custom order set up for me and I'm slightly short.

If not no worries but would be greatly appreciated if someone could  8)

J-Man  8)

SR name same as here


Thanks bro - and I was thinking it would be one of the usual suspects, get in there my bro  8)

Won't be log till return, but props to you sir  ;D

@RS7 cheers bro but been sorted  8)

What's this number 3 that Chen said I was? He said you'd fill me in  :o
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on June 07, 2013, 06:53 pm
Hi - new here! but could anyone spare me 0.27 for about 2hrs!!

It's on it's way to my wallet but gonna be a couple of hours but got a custom order set up for me and I'm slightly short.

If not no worries but would be greatly appreciated if someone could  8)

J-Man  8)

SR name same as here

I wonder what that could be for Hmmmm ;)

Evening all BTW.hope everyone is good ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 07, 2013, 06:55 pm
Hi - new here! but could anyone spare me 0.27 for about 2hrs!!

It's on it's way to my wallet but gonna be a couple of hours but got a custom order set up for me and I'm slightly short.

If not no worries but would be greatly appreciated if someone could  8)

J-Man  8)

SR name same as here


Thanks bro - and I was thinking it would be one of the usual suspects, get in there my bro  8)

Won't be log till return, but props to you sir  ;D

@RS7 cheers bro but been sorted  8)

What's this number 3 that Chen said I was? He said you'd fill me in  :o
:o damn, I forgot to PM you last night.. incoming message
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 07, 2013, 07:01 pm
Can you put x3mnightmare on the shit list?  :-\

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 07, 2013, 07:04 pm
Hi Darktime  ;) I made your karma uneven in a good way lol how are you  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 07, 2013, 07:09 pm
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 07, 2013, 07:11 pm
ofc BoS:), added x3mnightmare to the shatter list :-\

(*waves excitedly*) heya darktime, you're making it hard for me to find my lighters ::).. :P how are you feelin today darkyT?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 07, 2013, 07:15 pm
Awww Chemcat should be here  :( he was on last night too  ::)

High J-man, you partying this weekend, what about you RS  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 07, 2013, 07:18 pm
Awww Chemcat should be here  :( he was on last night too  ::)

High J-man, you partying this weekend, what about you RS  ;)
waited for a friend all day yesterday, thought we'd go on a acid trip. but he either forgot, or had other plans.. guess I have another 5 tabs to myself :P ::) :o
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 07, 2013, 07:20 pm
Awww Chemcat should be here  :( he was on last night too  ::)

High J-man, you partying this weekend, what about you RS  ;)
waited for a friend all day yesterday, thought we'd go on a acid trip but he either forgot, or had other plans.. guess I have another 5 tabs to myself :P
Well thats pretty sh*t  ??? I,ll trip with you lol  :P :P ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on June 07, 2013, 07:28 pm
thx mary :D I gave to all I could just before i posted.
im getting smashed so dont look like im gonna be posting for a a lot of opiates in....weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee here we go!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 07, 2013, 07:30 pm
lol :D anytime mary, we'll bring chemmy along too ;D. but, hmm I wonder if DMT builds up tolerance against acid :o?

cause pretty much all psychedelics have cross tolerances, right ???
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 07, 2013, 07:31 pm
(*waves excitedly*) heya darktime, you're making it hard for me to find my lighters ::).. :P how are you feelin today darkyT?
im getting smashed so dont look like im gonna be posting for a a lot of opiates in....weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee here we go!
:D have fun! besafe..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 07, 2013, 07:46 pm
Lol Darktime  ::)
I don,t really know what DMT is RS  :-[ I,m an old fart now lol ;) What does it do?  :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: JohnDelay on June 07, 2013, 07:49 pm
Posting here cause I could seriously use a coin! I am also looking to trade a Chinese Designer Drug supplier (Methylone $1600kg) with great reviews for literally two coins.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 07, 2013, 07:52 pm
So how much do you want to borrow JohnDelay, 2btc??  :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 07, 2013, 07:55 pm
This my 100 th post so you lovely people have some good karma heading your way  !

On even better note I just read the support f.a.q and was overjoyed to find out that I can regain access to my old account with funds in - and that my balance will have shot up with the rise in the btc price , woo hoo !

What was $24 should be $ 100 or more by now - nice .

Anyway I gave support so much distinguishing information  that I'm almost certain to regain my beloved Digitali_orgasmica  account that I registered way back in 2011 .

I'll be back with something for the tip jar soon , and to give box and skinny back the few bucks they kindly lent me the other day .

Have a good Friday guys n gals =)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: JohnDelay on June 07, 2013, 07:56 pm
Yes or trade for a very lucrative lab contact which I've posted in product offers which would be the preferred method. I'm going to eventually make a listing offering lab connects that RC vendors typically use so that people can access products at a fair price.

Example 10G of 99.2% Methylone sells for $100 from these connects yet on SR the price is, well, yknow....

10G of 25i-NBOMe at $200, 2C-X / $300, you get the picture.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 07, 2013, 07:59 pm
Well done Taz  ;) I can,t give you karma, bloody rule lol, enjoy your coin its nice when something like that happens  ;) you have a vendor account then??  :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: JohnDelay on June 07, 2013, 08:01 pm
Not at the moment but I've been a long time RC vendor through e-mail and tons of forums which have come and gone. I will be buying into vending here in a few weeks.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 07, 2013, 08:02 pm
                                                 :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) **When requesting, post your SR name** so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
dr gonzo
Mike Hunt
Thizzed410  ++++
White Out

The shit list:
Autobondon *
King Karma ++++
snipeemflo ++++
x3mnightmare ++++

*^*do not lend to these people*^*
Thanks RS  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 07, 2013, 08:05 pm
Lol Darktime  ::)
I don,t really know what DMT is RS  :-[ I,m an old fart now lol ;) What does it do?  :-\
O__O, its known as the spirit molecule, gave me the single of the most amazing experience I've ever had :P

it's naturally found in plants, animals an humans :).. when you dream its naturally released.. also when you die its said large amounts of DMT release.. (responsible for religious experiences in many near death moments ;))

anyway, its very intense short lived psychedelic, that causes a complete breakthrough of reality 'which you are blasted off into space' :D with amazing fractal patterns, colors, shapes, objects.. everything turns beautifully memorizing.. an many deep religious realizations can be made.. but as said its a very short trip 10 - 15 minutes that feel like a good 5 minutes.. also tolerance builds instantaneously meaning, you'll just waste it if you try again to soon after :P...

got japan to try it ^_^, soon BoS too!

I'll post up my DMT thread here for you mary, after I find it :)

edit: http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=156928.0 - DMT is fucking... :)
read through it if you want I explain it little more in a later post in that thread..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: JohnDelay on June 07, 2013, 08:07 pm
Well my SR name is the same as my forum name and can certainly pay back in two weeks time. Furthermore hoping I manage to trade my vending contacts for enough BTC to become a vendor here and start to provide Adderall XR 20mgs at $4-5USD per alongside many other products.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 07, 2013, 08:13 pm
Sounds good RS  :P are you a vendor or buyer?  :-\ I might have to try this, can it be taken in a capsule then lol ::)

@johndelay...I think you,d have a hard time getting a 2btc loan  ::) I think your other idea may be against rules, i could be wrong  :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: JohnDelay on June 07, 2013, 08:18 pm
If my second idea is against the rules I'll gladly stop posting about it. Though If a very reputable user on the board wants the connect I'd gladly give them the e-mail and reviews before receiving anything.

Just trying to get started without having to wait two weeks to fund my account is all :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 07, 2013, 08:24 pm
Sounds good RS  :P are you a vendor or buyer?  :-\ I might have to try this, can it be taken in a capsule then lol ::)

@johndelay...I think you,d have a hard time getting a 2btc loan  ::) I think your other idea may be against rules, i could be wrong  :-\
only a buyer.. but I've seen many UK vendors.. one whom I just made a purchase.. ;)
my preferred dude is in italy though..

anyway, it cannot be taken orally, when in freebase form.. it will be inactive, although there is a way to ingest it DMT, it has a slower come up with a different trip, ((said to be more profound) less intense visuals though))...  freebase has to be smoked either packed between buds, or out of a device dubbed 'The machine' which is basically a bottle with a hole on the bottom an a metal brillo pad cut in to a plug shoved into the mouth of the bottle neck..

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 07, 2013, 08:24 pm
Good luck anyway johndelay  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: JohnDelay on June 07, 2013, 08:26 pm
Thanks for the wishes!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 07, 2013, 08:28 pm
Sounds good RS  :P are you a vendor or buyer?  :-\ I might have to try this, can it be taken in a capsule then lol ::)

@johndelay...I think you,d have a hard time getting a 2btc loan  ::) I think your other idea may be against rules, i could be wrong  :-\
only a buyer.. but my I've seen many UK vendors.. one whom I just made a purchase.. ;)
my preferred dude is in italy though..

anyway, it cannot be taken orally, when in freebase form.. it will inactive, although there is a way to ingest it, but its a slower come up with a different trip, ((said to be more profound) less intense visuals though))...  freebase has to be smoked either packed between buds, or out of a device dubbed 'The machine' which is basically a bottle with a hole on the bottom an a metal brillo pad cut in to a plug shoved into the mouth of the bottle neck..

Oh i can smoke it  8) are you in the UK too  :-\ I thought you were US, don,t really know why, ah yes, the money pak  :P :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 07, 2013, 08:39 pm
yeah. I live in part of the evil, bankster run monopoly known as the US of A :P

and yes you SMOKE IT!! :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: kingdisko23 on June 07, 2013, 08:44 pm
Box... Just waiting on mixing and your coins will be returned very soon! Thanks for your help!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 07, 2013, 08:46 pm
i've spent all day researching about scotland and it's very limited as to what you can do there ???
i mean i found a way to load a pre-paid credit card ..i just dont feel comfortable with that way though  :o

i'll keep doin some research mary and see if i can come up with a better option.

Peace & hugs,

ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 07, 2013, 08:48 pm

High J-man, you partying this weekend  ;)

Do BEARS shit in the w00ds? 8)

@  RS7 thanks for the PM- INTRIGUING , but far too stoned to process it, wll look again in rnotning
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 07, 2013, 08:51 pm
Fuck sake just went ti order my custom and it's risen - I need .08 if anyone can spare it til the morning?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 07, 2013, 08:53 pm
i've spent all day researching about scotland and it's very limited as to what you can do there ???
i mean i found a way to load a pre-paid credit card ..i just dont feel comfortable with that way though  :o

i'll keep doin some research mary and see if i can come up with a better option.

Peace & hugs,

ChemCat  O0

Yo Chem I'm south coast where the big tings a gwan  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 07, 2013, 08:54 pm
i've spent all day researching about scotland and it's very limited as to what you can do there ???
i mean i found a way to load a pre-paid credit card ..i just dont feel comfortable with that way though  :o

i'll keep doin some research mary and see if i can come up with a better option.

Peace & hugs,

ChemCat  O0
sending you a pm of what mary said :)

@japan ;D no need to disrupt your good vibes bro-man
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 07, 2013, 08:56 pm
Hi - new here! but could anyone spare me 0.27 for about 2hrs!!

It's on it's way to my wallet but gonna be a couple of hours but got a custom order set up for me and I'm slightly short.

If not no worries but would be greatly appreciated if someone could  8)

J-Man  8)

SR name same as here

I wonder what that could be for Hmmmm ;)

Evening all BTW.hope everyone is good ;D

Haha Dark you know my custom!! Can't wait for it  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 07, 2013, 09:03 pm
also chemmy, as requested I've PM'd: mary, BoS an japan.

letting them know whats up :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 07, 2013, 09:06 pm
Yo RS as it's just me and you (you sexy beast) you couldn't chuck 0.075 my way till the morning - my fucking order rose in price <grrrrr.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: kingdisko23 on June 07, 2013, 09:07 pm
Box!! Coins returned! Thanks dude!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 07, 2013, 09:07 pm
Sent J-man  ;) ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 07, 2013, 09:11 pm
Thanks "dad" i,m looking at cards too but the one,s in my pm to RS are all i can find here  :-[ I,m left out lol :-[ Its not like i,m spending 100.s  ;) I,d rather a friend made money off any amount tho  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 07, 2013, 09:18 pm
"I,ll take you down the only road i,ve ever been down" The Verve, Bitter Sweet Symphony...... Yeah the Silk Road  ;) :P :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 07, 2013, 09:25 pm
Yo RS as it's just me and you (you sexy beast) you couldn't chuck 0.075 my way till the morning - my fucking order rose in price <grrrrr.
:) ofc, except think mary has taken care of you :P
was sending out PM's sorry for the late response..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Apple on June 07, 2013, 09:27 pm
Is anyone willing to lend me $10 worth of bitcoins? I am currently short on funds and I will pay you back in 3 days, or 4 days max.I have perfect stats and I don't want to ruin my reputation on here, so trust me you will get your money back :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 07, 2013, 09:29 pm
Bitcoin price has lowered again, its up n down  :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 07, 2013, 09:34 pm
Box!! Coins returned! Thanks dude!
Thanks for putting the shapes back in the box!

Is anyone willing to lend me $10 worth of bitcoins? I am currently short on funds and I will pay you back in 3 days, or 4 days max.I have perfect stats and I don't want to ruin my reputation on here, so trust me you will get your money back :)
I only have $8 left in shapes.  Maybe someone has the other $2?

Edit:  need your sr name dude. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Apple on June 07, 2013, 09:47 pm
Thanks bro!

SR name: mountaineerwv
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 07, 2013, 09:54 pm
Thanks bro!

SR name: mountaineerwv
  This box sent you some shapes.  Please place the shapes back in the box when you can!  Hope someone has the rest for ya.

Let us know how much is left?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 07, 2013, 10:07 pm
Did you get the coin ok Japan  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Apple on June 07, 2013, 10:12 pm
I'm short $1. I'll msg the vendor to see if he can compromise. Thanks again, I'll pay you back asap
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 07, 2013, 10:16 pm
I,ve sent you 0.01apple, is that enough??  :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 07, 2013, 10:17 pm
my vendor allowed me to cancel, an reorder proper amounts :)

 Member: | Lent:| Repaid;
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #
| enpiping | 0.04 | 0.05  #
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #
| dw89     | 0.10 | 0.11  #
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #
    Time lent: 1 day. :)

thank you again, my lovely droogies.


Pending loans, I need to pay :):
syme: 0.06
RxKing: 0.14
have you taken care over the weekend or monday, I have .19 as of now, but wanna pay y'all back with little extra ;)

           - Repaying -
 Member: | Lent:| Repaid;
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #
|  syme   | 0.06  | 0.07   #
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #
    Time lent: 1 day. :)

thank you again.


Pending loans, I need to pay :):
RxKing: 0.14
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Apple on June 07, 2013, 10:19 pm
Yes! Thanks Mary. I'll pay you back too
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 07, 2013, 10:27 pm
Thanks Apple  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 07, 2013, 10:38 pm
Thanks "dad" i,m looking at cards too but the one,s in my pm to RS are all i can find here  :-[ I,m left out lol :-[ Its not like i,m spending 100.s  ;) I,d rather a friend made money off any amount tho  ;)

What is it your looking to do Mary ?

I'm pretty good at sourcing and finding ways to get things done , plus I have people up your way and used to live there , so if it can be done I should be able to tell you / find out .

just point me in the direction of the original question  and I'll see what I can find out / do .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 07, 2013, 10:58 pm
Hi Taz nice to see you  ;) i,m looking for a pre pay money card i can use to buy bitcoin from a US vendor, any help appreciated  ;D :P :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on June 07, 2013, 11:19 pm
Welp. Looks like no more loans for tonight due to SR being down.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 07, 2013, 11:25 pm
Welp. Looks like no more loans for tonight due to SR being down.
Were you "shopping" ytabletrash  ;) Its quiet tonite  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: weed4me6969 on June 07, 2013, 11:38 pm
Whats up guys!!   ;D

How is everyone today!   its too damn bad SR is down...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 07, 2013, 11:40 pm
Hi weed4me i,m good, tired now  ;) How are you today/tonight lol  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 07, 2013, 11:44 pm
Ah hah - how fast do you need it , me and my best friend have a lot of experience with cards in general - so I imagine your criteria would be anonymity , cost and getting it to you safely and anonymously .

How fast do you  need it , I'm always sourcing and using these things and  it just so happens our vendor account should be going live later next week ( got a few k coming this week I can't wait to get my mits on )  with our main focus on btc , prepaids , and financial services for uk customers .

I can do one of 3 things for you -  source you a uk provider that doesn't require id ( there were some last time i bought one ).

Explain the safest way  to use a smurf to go buy one from on the high street ( time consuming if you want to do it right )

And my personal favorite - if you can wait to we go live and review our service - provide you one at cost price , in escrow on our beloved silk  road loaded with the amount of your choice ( within reason ) we only a few k to start up and have to remain liquid at providing low rate uk  btc exchanges witch will be the main focus of our account )

If none of these options work for you , I'll have a harder think - thees are just off the top my head so to speak .

I trust you have done your homework on this guy , I.M.E people who want to be paid non btC on the road   are A breaking s.r rules and b - to be watched like hawks and researched thoroughly .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: AnonymousAddict on June 07, 2013, 11:55 pm
Hey I just wanted to come on here and let the few members know, who i may not of already spokn to,

To the ones i owe a few bucks, I HAVE NOT forgot that i owe u at all, Iv for 2 weeks been trying to get my funds to my SR account and its been some issue with dwolla or however its spelt, and the site.comapny/person i used is working to get them here,

so i apologize for the few guys i got a few bucks from and have yet to get it back to you. I only missed a few..

Just wanted you guys to know that, and not think im actually gonnna ruin my respected reputation on the sr forums over a total of around 15 bucks.. Again i do apologize to those of you, and i will throw a few bucks xtra to each one of u that helped me and i didnt pay u back on time..

Thanx for understanding.. AA-
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 07, 2013, 11:55 pm
it's not a pre-paid card she needs   ;D

and it would be me that you would be scrutinizing   ;D

i'll explain to you :)

when my vendor page gets up and running, i will only have a few customers, possibly through invite at first in order to keep my shop small :)
now, aside from selling a couple items, i would like to give back to a few within Our Community by selling some bitcoins at a Very Small % markup.  pretty much i am seeing this as a small hurdle  LOL

Anyhoo that's a little bit of something i'll be working on  :)

Peace and Hugs to ya taz7


ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 07, 2013, 11:56 pm
If you could tell me a provider that would be great Taz7  ;) The guy is 100% great, he,s sticking by the rules tho, its a vendor account selling btc this way and he,s a great guy but thanks for the concern, its not like i spend 100,s lol not that i,d want to lose any money  ::)
So what you going to be selling, there,s a few UK vendors starting up, i,m doing a couple of samples for them,they just got their accounts too, just weed i think  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 08, 2013, 12:00 am
I trust you have done your homework on this guy , I.M.E people who want to be paid non btC on the road   are A breaking s.r rules and b - to be watched like hawks and researched thoroughly .


well i couldnt rightly sell bitcoins for bitcoins could i   ::)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 08, 2013, 12:00 am
Hi "Dad"  ;) Sorry  :-[ what is it i need i can,t find much on the web connected to things in US and UK apart from international bank transfers lol  :-\ (hugs)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 08, 2013, 12:03 am
I trust you have done your homework on this guy , I.M.E people who want to be paid non btC on the road   are A breaking s.r rules and b - to be watched like hawks and researched thoroughly .


well i couldnt rightly sell bitcoins for bitcoins could i   ::)

LMAO  ;D You,d make a profit with 6% added  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 08, 2013, 12:05 am
We'll work out a way for you to take part in the savoings as well mary  (hugs)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 08, 2013, 12:08 am
I know if you can do it you will Chem  ;) :P :-* Were you "shopping" when SR went down  ::) I was browsing ha ha  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: AnonymousAddict on June 08, 2013, 12:10 am
dOES anyone know/or ever used

I met Bad boy 97 back last year, and he is/was a vendor here, depending on your stats u could get nice size loans..

I got a 100 $ others up to 500.. The site was just coming out of beta at that time, but iv checked it out since, as well as tried to get in touch with one of the sites owner, and it seems its just not in use any more..

There is another site u can get Loaned large amounts of coins a friend sent me the link, but it seems to ask for WAAY to much info..

upload photo id
show a bill with address
how much do u make a month etc shit like that.. But if by chance any of u want the sites URL let me know and I'll post it..

What was soo great about lendmecoin is, u would just go to the vendor on sr, he would check your stats and tell u how much u could get, and how long til it needed to be payed back. the % wasnt even bad..

1.5 to 2% i think was the most...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 08, 2013, 12:17 am
Sounds interesting anonymousaddict  8)
Goodnight Chemcat (hugs)  :-* its 1.17am, i,m away to nod   ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 08, 2013, 12:23 am
Ok sure you can just go with a legit uk provider - pros and cons below , that would be cheapest and unless you don;t trust the person your sending it ( witch you obviously do ) to I see no reason not to do it this way .

Some of these legit providers aren't to keen on people on the tor network btw , we use a dedicated uk ip vpn paid for in btc when we want total anonymity - you can do this with a 1 day trial for about $ 1 -5 - I'll point you in the right direction  , but consider just using the clearnet if you don't need the full anonymity - it's not like your buying anything that can be traced back to you .

 ll just get the , latest update from my bestie abut the current lowest rate  one , If he's asleep , I'll find the guys I last used successfully - there all legit company's - we do our homework on them even so - but that means they must comply with the law and want scans of id , you can use what ever id you feel safest wit be it yours , a smurfs or a friends '

When we want that fully annon we have to use i.d  we have " procured " , not to anyone's detriment I might add , we pay for our i.d .

Out of interest what rate are you paying on your btc exhange , and how fast do the get the coins to you - you do realize bitstamp ( well legit ) can get you them within 36 odd hours for next to nothing !

The only gap we see in the market is getting people there btc within 20 mins 24/7 , taking shifts in turn between me and my friend , at 10 % .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 08, 2013, 12:32 am
I forgot to ask how fast do you need it , the high street seems like an option given that you trust this guy 100 % and I know for a fact there available in Scotland even if your remote you can get on at your local post office for peanuts .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: enpiping on June 08, 2013, 01:08 am
Confirming that RS7FI8ZRkm did indeed pay me back +.01 BTC; thanks dude!
Now I've got .05 BTC to lend out if anyone's hurting.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 08, 2013, 01:09 am
Sorry chemcat I didn't realize It was you .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: acidicmonkey on June 08, 2013, 01:20 am
Hello fellow SR members, I have been a longtime member of the silk road and a forum lurker... I have always had a big heart and helped out many people with small increments of BTC. I thought well if I have an extra little bit to spare, why not help someone that is in need.  I am that person today.  I am only in need of a very small amount, .03 btc. I usually help others out without expecting anything in return, but I am willing to pay back .06 which is double what I am asking for. I have GREAT trust in our community and our support for eachoter. I will be able to pay this back within 2 weeks.  I am just short on my current order. I am kicking myself for not thinking about shipping on the item that I am purchasing from Albionessentialols....
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 08, 2013, 01:23 am
dOES anyone know/or ever used

I met Bad boy 97 back last year, and he is/was a vendor here, depending on your stats u could get nice size loans..

I got a 100 $ others up to 500.. The site was just coming out of beta at that time, but iv checked it out since, as well as tried to get in touch with one of the sites owner, and it seems its just not in use any more..

There is another site u can get Loaned large amounts of coins a friend sent me the link, but it seems to ask for WAAY to much info..

upload photo id
show a bill with address
how much do u make a month etc shit like that.. But if by chance any of u want the sites URL let me know and I'll post it..

What was soo great about lendmecoin is, u would just go to the vendor on sr, he would check your stats and tell u how much u could get, and how long til it needed to be payed back. the % wasnt even bad..

1.5 to 2% i think was the most...

Thats's  bloody interesting , kind of like a few others I have seen   but looks way better for non business ventures - go ahead and drop the link for the one with the id requiring one  if you would be so kind anon , I'm looking to try  bit coin angels they fund new btc start up company's , venture capital style - and want everything but a d.n.a sample - but seeing as I only have a few k coming for my  to start my vendor account - we would need them to start  an onion exchange ( witch I 'm thinking of )if were to stay liquid and not freeze up .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 08, 2013, 01:32 am
hey no worries  :)

Hugs  :)

your 10% is awesome :)

like i said i just want to be able to get bitcoins to a few people .....the percentage i charge for this will be significantly lower than 10% though...that's why i want to keep my shop small  :)   very small  :)

just to be able to keep the coins within the community will be nice  :)

Peace & Hugs to ya taz7  :)

ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 08, 2013, 01:33 am
hugs chemmy :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: acidicmonkey on June 08, 2013, 01:35 am
Hello Chemcat is there any way you could possibly lend me .06 to finish a purchase, I will be able to pay you back .1 in about a week and half.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 08, 2013, 01:37 am
                                                 :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) **When requesting, post your SR name** so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
dr gonzo
Mike Hunt
White Out

The shit list:
Autobondon *
King Karma

*^*do not lend to these people*^*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 08, 2013, 01:38 am
hiya acidmonkey  :)

i wish i could  ??? i have a few big loans out at the moment, so i'm pretty much tapped for the time being  :(

Sorry that i couldnt help ya out at this time  (Hugs)

ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: acidicmonkey on June 08, 2013, 01:40 am
No problem Chemcat I understand. I never lent any large amount, just small little bits with no expectation of payback, this is a great thread for those really clutch members to help others out.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 08, 2013, 01:43 am
Huggles right back atcha RS  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 08, 2013, 01:46 am
hey no worries  :)

Hugs  :)

your 10% is awesome :)

like i said i just want to be able to get bitcoins to a few people .....the percentage i charge for this will be significantly lower than 10% though...that's why i want to keep my shop small  :)   very small  :)

just to be able to keep the coins within the community will be nice  :)

Peace & Hugs to ya taz7  :)

ChemCat  O0

Yeah that's bloody good of you chemy - hell I most likely be a customer at some point if I'm allowed .

Ours would be different  niche and less altruistic ! - More of a " shit I want my coins in guaranteed in under 20  mins and don't have a prepay to hand " knda  thing - really just aimed at uk peeps during working ours that have a bank round the corner - my shift at night would be not doing much but admin tasks .

We sure  won't  be in competition as even if our introductory rate may be a bit lower then 10 - it won't be significantly lower .

Good stuff - hugz back at ya chem  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 08, 2013, 01:52 am
So you should be  good with the Post office Marry .

It would be ya cheapest / fastest bet and seeing as it's Chemy your sending it to no need to beat around any other bush looking for full anonymity .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: acidicmonkey on June 08, 2013, 02:40 am
Yes my sr username is the same.  Unfortunately while SR was down the price went up by .03 so now the total is .06 that I am in need of.  I will obviously pay you back very quickly.  I just dont want to ride out this volatile stage, and end up on the down and out.  Anyone willing to help out with .06 I will pay back .1 within a week and half.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 08, 2013, 04:11 am
Sent J-man  ;) ;)

Thanks Mary you're a star  8)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: used90210 on June 08, 2013, 05:12 am
Hey guys i just realized when i asked for a loan earlier i asked for .7 but i meant i needed .07

... .0 7 !!! Yes im short on an order i want to make from deezletime. Just .07 short and i can get the upgrade with the tracking number. Can anyone help me out? I make purchases every week or every other week. I will pay you back then.

My username on SR is travise1987. Thank you guys so much.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: skrillyskrill on June 08, 2013, 06:29 am
Hey guys i just realized when i asked for a loan earlier i asked for .7 but i meant i needed .07

... .0 7 !!! Yes im short on an order i want to make from deezletime. Just .07 short and i can get the upgrade with the tracking number. Can anyone help me out? I make purchases every week or every other week. I will pay you back then.

My username on SR is travise1987. Thank you guys so much.

I would used90210, but last time i loaned to someone who "spammed to get to 50" to use this thread i got a run for my money. build up your post count and karma in a different way and we can talk ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: skrillyskrill on June 08, 2013, 06:38 am
taz7, you gonna get some of those green pills? going to the clubs tomorrow night with some....cant wait. havent rolled in lke 2 months 0_o
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 08, 2013, 07:06 am
Sounds good RS  :P are you a vendor or buyer?  :-\ I might have to try this, can it be taken in a capsule then lol ::)

@johndelay...I think you,d have a hard time getting a 2btc loan  ::) I think your other idea may be against rules, i could be wrong  :-\
only a buyer.. but I've seen many UK vendors.. one whom I just made a purchase.. ;)
my preferred dude is in italy though..

anyway, it cannot be taken orally, when in freebase form.. it will be inactive, although there is a way to ingest it DMT, it has a slower come up with a different trip, ((said to be more profound) less intense visuals though))...  freebase has to be smoked either packed between buds, or out of a device dubbed 'The machine' which is basically a bottle with a hole on the bottom an a metal brillo pad cut in to a plug shoved into the mouth of the bottle neck..


Saw this last night and was meant to comment. DMT is wasted if smoked, it HAS to be vaped. The reason it works ok in a 'sandwich' is because it melts to the weed and then kinda vapes. But using the sandwich method is a big waste. The machine is at least 3 times better and so easy to use once you get the hang of it. Simply place the DMT on the mesh, heat the neck of the bottle so it melts into the mesh then hold the machine so the mesh is pointing towards the ground and put a direct flame to it. It vapes through being meted into the mesh. If you put a direct flame to DMT it won't do anything for you. For example you can't just have a pipe of DMT as it will just burn - it HAS to be vapourised.

I'm fairly new to DMT but recently got through a about 3 grams in total, and mastered the technique to breakthrough. The machine is your best bet by a country mile, using it with the sandwich approach is a waste, although you still get a hit.

The machine has made me have dinner with cave men, I've also been inside a gameboy as a tetris peice, I've had a picnic with an elf...amongst other fucking mad ass shit. The beauty of it is it's short lasting, with NO comedown whatsoever  8)

I've never broke through by using the sandwich method - just had strong nice visuals.

If you can't be arsed to make a machine there is a UK vendor that sells preloaded machines for a very good price - I think it's 0.2(ish) for the machine and 50mg preloaded. He's called dmtnexus

RS - seems like we use the same vendor from Italy  8)

Some instructions I've copied and pasted here:

Smoking instructions:

It's called smoking but it's actually vaporising. The difference lies in temperature. At the right temperature, the DMT turns into vapour and you inhale the vapour. Which gives you the effects. On the other hand, if temperature is too high (for example, if the DMT gets touched by a flame), the DMT burns and you end up inhaling smoke. Which doesn't give you any effects.

Also, inhaling more vapor than you can actually hold in is counterproductive as it makes you exhale too fast. Provided you didn't burn it, all the 'smoke' that goes up in the air is actually DMT. 15 seconds should be enough time for your lungs to absorb all the DMT (depends on the size of the hit, though), although some people prefer to take a second hit without exhaling the first one to be sure.

(Remove the screw cap if present.) Point the neck of the pipe downwards and heat the DMT with a flame from below but don't let the flame actually touch the DMT. Inhale slowly from the other side, taking care not to inhale more than you can actually hold in. Hold it in for at least 15 seconds, exhale if you have to (preferably not) and take another hit. If you did it properly, only 2 hits are needed to 'break through'.

Loading instructions:

(Remove the screw cap if present.) Put a blank A4 sheet on the table and put the pipe on it with the neck up and place the required amount of DMT on the copper mesh and melt the DMT by heating with a flame from above or by heating the neck of the bottle. If it doesn't melt, touch it very briefly with the flame a couple of times. It doesn't necessarily need to be melted completely into the copper mesh: you only need to transform it from crystals or powder to sticky goo.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 08, 2013, 07:13 am
Here's a link to a preloaded machine from a vendor who sends internationally (worldwide free delivery too)  - This is where I got mine and it's fucking awesome.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 08, 2013, 09:53 am
Hello everyone  ;) Its a hot hot hot day!! ;D :P :-*
Whowhatwhere paid back 0.03 on a 0.011 loan, thanks man, still waiting on a few others  :P
Thanks Japan and RS for the DMT advise and info, burning it sounds the most complicated (or not burning it) lol  :D I defo want a wee try  ;)
Thanks Taz for all your help and info, I wish you luck pal  ;)
Thanks Chem  ;) i know you,ll be looking into this  :P :-* :-*
Hope evryone,s having a good weekend  ;) roll it up  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 08, 2013, 10:19 am
Fuck sake just went ti order my custom and it's risen - I need .08 if anyone can spare it til the morning?
You are paying back today hun?  :-[ lol I need for my order on Monday  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 08, 2013, 01:06 pm
can't sleep.. :-[ hows everybody?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 08, 2013, 01:34 pm
Hi RS whats up hun, why can,t you sleep  :-\ I,m sitting in the sun smokin  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 08, 2013, 01:45 pm
dunno, feel asleep supper early an woke supper early :P my sleep cycle is borked.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 08, 2013, 03:02 pm
hey mary check this :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 08, 2013, 03:16 pm
Just takes me to the forum RS ?? :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 08, 2013, 03:20 pm
@japan :P lol, ahah.. sounds like you've had some interesting trips..
I've made a machine kinda scared to try it though.. but I guess I gotta do it sooner or later :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 08, 2013, 03:22 pm
Just takes me to the forum RS ?? :-\
check on SR silly goose :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bamoida2 on June 08, 2013, 03:25 pm
hello, anyone here could lend me 0.02 real quick?
SRN: bamoida2

will pay back tomorrow or Monday when I mined them, short because I gave 0.34btc to a friend for this order
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 08, 2013, 03:28 pm
hello, anyone here could lend me 0.02 real quick?
SRN: bamoida2

will pay back tomorrow or Monday when I mined them, short because I gave 0.34btc to a friend for this order
sent :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bamoida2 on June 08, 2013, 03:29 pm
hello, anyone here could lend me 0.02 real quick?
SRN: bamoida2

will pay back tomorrow or Monday when I mined them, short because I gave 0.34btc to a friend for this order
sent :)

awesome! that was fast! =)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 08, 2013, 03:35 pm
:D how you doing bamoida?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 08, 2013, 03:45 pm
@RS... thanks hun i,ll have a look later  ;) to baked in the sun ust now, in both ways ha ha  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 08, 2013, 03:56 pm
@RS... thanks hun i,ll have a look later  ;) to baked in the sun ust now, in both ways ha ha  8)
:) sounds good, the sun is just starting to show light here :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 08, 2013, 04:00 pm
Is it US your in RS, if u don,t mind saying lol  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: whowhatwhere on June 08, 2013, 04:04 pm
Hello everyone  ;) Its a hot hot hot day!! ;D :P :-*
Whowhatwhere paid back 0.03 on a 0.011 loan, thanks man, still waiting on a few others  :P
Thanks Japan and RS for the DMT advise and info, burning it sounds the most complicated (or not burning it) lol  :D I defo want a wee try  ;)
Thanks Taz for all your help and info, I wish you luck pal  ;)
Thanks Chem  ;) i know you,ll be looking into this  :P :-* :-*
Hope evryone,s having a good weekend  ;) roll it up  8)
No problem, thanks for the loan  ;D I didn't have much time on SR last night otherwise I would've messaged you to let you know I paid you back but it turns out you noticed anyway  ;) I hope that was enough to make it worth your while!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 08, 2013, 04:05 pm
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 08, 2013, 04:10 pm
Lol RS
Your welcome whowhatwhere, it would have been fine to just pay back the 0.011  ;) thanks tho  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 08, 2013, 04:13 pm
rhinosaurus - IS going to be added to the shit list when I get chance  8)

Fucking come in for a bit out the sun - Fucking boiling, got the bouncy castle and shit out today  8)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 08, 2013, 04:20 pm
rhinosaurus - IS going to be added to the shit list when I get chance  8)
I'll add him when we hit page 415  :-\ suck's how much did he burn you for?
Fucking come in for a bit out the sun - Fucking boiling, got the bouncy castle and shit out today  8)
:P its raining, I'm staying in thank'ya

(hugs) japan, mary :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 08, 2013, 04:22 pm
hey japan you been on Vatican's vendor page :)? hes got some great looking prices...

placed an order from him, I'll let you know how it is :D..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: calicojak on June 08, 2013, 04:24 pm
Just wanted to come in and say hello and I'll have a couple of you guys paid back this week, you know who you are. ;)

Thanks guys! :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 08, 2013, 04:25 pm
hiya calico :P how you been..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: calicojak on June 08, 2013, 04:36 pm
hiya calico :P how you been..
Great! How its going your way my friend? :)
Had THE CRAZIEST time yesterday trying MXE for the first time lol. WOW is all I can say lol! I wrote a live trip report while I was on it and I posted it in FiberOptic's review thread.. Seriously nutz lol! :o :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bamoida2 on June 08, 2013, 04:45 pm
:D how you doing bamoida?

I'm great, thanks, finally warm + sunny again here ; )

how about you
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 08, 2013, 04:50 pm
hiya calico :P how you been..
Great! How its going your way my friend? :)
Had THE CRAZIEST time yesterday trying MXE for the first time lol. WOW is all I can say lol! I wrote a live trip report while I was on it and I posted it in FiberOptic's review thread.. Seriously nutz lol! :o :P
not bad :P dunno what I am doing today.. but I want to order some of ECF's liquid cid!! :D

I've thought about trying kata few time's but I am little scared of it :P.. but read your report.. sounds like an interesting high 8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 08, 2013, 04:51 pm
:D how you doing bamoida?

I'm great, thanks, finally warm + sunny again here ; )

how about you
:P not bad, still raining here :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 08, 2013, 05:13 pm
**Outstanding & Recent Loans**
     ***from trichome***
send to:    
amxhd - ฿-0.02    May 16, 2013, 10:33 am UTC

maybejustonce - ฿-0.03  May 31, 2013, 9:16 pm UTC

danceandsing - ฿-0.05  June 2, 2013, 11:09 pm UTC

calicojak - ฿-0.22  June 3, 2013, 8:41 am UTC

calicojak - ฿-0.03  June 3, 2013, 7:33 pm UTC

voidsleep - ฿-0.03 June 4, 2013, 5:18 pm UTC

eddyboy666 - ฿-0.21 June 5, 2013, 3:37 pm UTC


***From ChemCat***
Send to:
lufc1992uk - ฿-0.04 May 13, 2013, 6:54 pm UTC

p4tr1ckb4t3m4n - ฿-0.03 May 29, 2013, 5:30 pm UTC
p4tr1ckb4t3m4n - ฿-0.02 May 29, 2013, 5:48 pm UTC
Come on People :)  we're generous enough without having to ask for the loans to be paid.

i'll be able to continue to loan as soon as a majority of these loans get paid back  :)

Peace & Hugs to ya'll  :)

Dad...ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: calicojak on June 08, 2013, 05:17 pm
hiya calico :P how you been..
Great! How its going your way my friend? :)
Had THE CRAZIEST time yesterday trying MXE for the first time lol. WOW is all I can say lol! I wrote a live trip report while I was on it and I posted it in FiberOptic's review thread.. Seriously nutz lol! :o :P
not bad :P dunno what I am doing today.. but I want to order some of ECF's liquid cid!! :D

I've thought about trying kata few time's but I am little scared of it :P.. but read your report.. sounds like an interesting high 8)
Ah yes ECFs liquid cid is on my list of things to buy soon! I've gotten weed from him (very, very good) so I trust him and his shipping methods.

And yes indeed that was a crazy different experience lol.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 08, 2013, 05:18 pm
                                                 :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) **When requesting, post your SR name** so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
dr gonzo
Mike Hunt
White Out

The shit list:
Autobondon *
King Karma
rhinosaurus ++++

*^*do not lend to these people*^*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 08, 2013, 05:19 pm
:-* (hugs) chem, top of the morning ta'ya
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 08, 2013, 05:21 pm
Hugs right back atcha RS  :)

Well Hiya calico  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: calicojak on June 08, 2013, 05:25 pm
How's your day going Chem?  :)
I should have you paid back right on schedule.  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 08, 2013, 05:27 pm
Hi Chem  ;) Hi RS  ;) Hope you,s are good today its been a beautiful day here (Scotland..are you shocked, we are lol)  8)

C,MON PEOPLE Get your loans to Chem repaid, this guy is more than generous with everyone!! I myself are also waiting on loans from a few people and won,t be loaning any coin (unless it,s to RS, Chemcat or Japan) untill my loans are repaid!

We need to keep this community going and if people don,t repay loans it,ll just put everyone off from loaning any coin and we,ll use this thread to loan coin to the people who repay only!!  ;)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 08, 2013, 05:27 pm
chemmy you've tried DMT before?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 08, 2013, 05:28 pm
Right on calico  (Hugs)

i just wanted to calrify my post above  :)

that wasnt meant to be derogatory by any means to anyone  :)

My days been hectic ???  had to change the goats from one side of my yard to the nother so they can eat all the grass  LOL

i change them around once per month and they do a grand job!  :P

Peace & Hugs to ya'll  :)

ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 08, 2013, 05:30 pm
Quote from: RS7FI8ZRkm
chemmy you've tried DMT before?

not yet  :)

i've ingested hawaiian baby woodrose seeds   LOL  ALOT of them that was a spiritual awakening in itself  LOL

hiya and huggles mary  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 08, 2013, 05:32 pm
:-\ sad, the shit list is growing quite rapidly.. seems like

but people are also reporting problems with gox an bitinstant.. but still should check in with a PM an or on the thread.. :-\ sent out few reminders myself not more then 2 nights ago.. still few unread >_<
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 08, 2013, 05:32 pm
but i would think ..with a car battery and a small soapstone? and a rheostatic switch and a car lighter one could fabricate a smoking device?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 08, 2013, 05:33 pm
Quote from: RS7FI8ZRkm
chemmy you've tried DMT before?

not yet  :)

i've ingested hawaiian baby woodrose seeds   LOL  ALOT of them that was a spiritual awakening in itself  LOL

hiya and huggles mary  :)
:o we need to get you some..!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 08, 2013, 05:33 pm
but i would think ..with a car battery and a small soapstone? and a rheostatic switch and a car lighter one could fabricate a smoking device?
;D dunno why but reading that made me laugh.. anyway you mean for smoking DMT?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 08, 2013, 05:35 pm
Quote from: RS7FI8ZRkm
:-\ sad, the shit list is growing quite rapidly.. seems like

but people are also reporting problems with gox an bitinstant.. but still should check in with a PM an or on the thread.. :-\ sent out few reminders myself not more then 2 nights ago.. still few unread >_<

as far as i can tell, it's zipzap having the issues as far as bitinstant goes ???

LOL  i actually called them and they said they estimate everything to be up and running by tuesday at the latest.

we'll see i suppose  ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 08, 2013, 05:36 pm
Mind me too RS lol ;) I,m going too look at that vendor later, is that the one that sells the machine too, Japan was saying there,s one  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 08, 2013, 05:37 pm
yeah for smoking dmt  :P

i mean from what i hear...ya dont wanna burn it up right?
so an e-cig would work?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 08, 2013, 05:39 pm
This is funny  ;D were all interested in the DMT  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 08, 2013, 05:45 pm
apparently, yeah burning = bad.

dunno what the "best" device is but I guess the whole idea behind the machine is cause when you're holding the bottle upside down, lighting the DMT and it begins liquidizing, it runs down towards the flame, through the wire mesh but as it reaches the flame it begins to vaporize, pretty effectively.. I've heard of heating devices.. but its tricky because it'll "run away" from the heat source.. (also why the mesh is good, it catches the unused dmt back as it "runs".. :P

@mary did you read the dmt thread I posted yesterday ;D?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: calicojak on June 08, 2013, 05:49 pm
Quote from: RS7FI8ZRkm
:-\ sad, the shit list is growing quite rapidly.. seems like

but people are also reporting problems with gox an bitinstant.. but still should check in with a PM an or on the thread.. :-\ sent out few reminders myself not more then 2 nights ago.. still few unread >_<

as far as i can tell, it's zipzap having the issues as far as bitinstant goes ???

LOL  i actually called them and they said they estimate everything to be up and running by tuesday at the latest.

we'll see i suppose  ::)
Ugh lets hope they have it together by Tuesday, thats the day I plan on getting my coins. :o
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 08, 2013, 05:50 pm
Yeah RS  ;) Japan said don,t smoke it in a spliff its not worth it but the machine looks good i,ll need to have a look again when i,m not so baked lol  ;) ;) Thanks hun  :P :P :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 08, 2013, 05:53 pm

well i suppose if one could use the "adjustable switch" rheostatic switch to adjust the current /  amps to the car cig lighter...i think having a small wok shaped soapstone ? or you said a stone right?  granite? if the dmt would be running up then back down ...same effect i would think  would just be a matter of how high you would set the "adjustable switch" to...ya  know?  the adjustable switch could be one from a wall..a dimmer switch so to speak...

interesting  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 08, 2013, 05:56 pm
we'll have to make and sell these things  LOL  can you see me shipping a car battery  Bahaha!!  ::)

Jus Kiddin  :P

Just Kiddin  heh heh  :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 08, 2013, 06:02 pm
                                                 Outstanding loans:

  If anyone can pay back now or asap i,d appreciate it  ;) Thanks
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 08, 2013, 06:32 pm
taz7, you gonna get some of those green pills? going to the clubs tomorrow night with some....cant wait. havent rolled in lke 2 months 0_o

I hope you don't mind a long answer - the short one is yes - soon =)

There on my shopping list Skrilly , it's been a while for me too - mdma is one of the substances I hold most dear but I haven't been In the right place emotionally for a while now - it stirs up so many happy memories and can make me feel very fragile - witch is fine when I've got the right people around me - but I'm sad to say I've been in a lonely place for a few years .

All that's set to change this year though hopefully and even if it doesn't I'm going to force myself to go one of my favorite events with or without my friends - hell when I was 16 ,  I went to my first rave on my own ( back when the pills were pure as the driven snow here ) and had some amazing times that way .

 I've your been too focused  on getting where I want to be in life and convinced myself that as much as i love rolling - it would be so much sweeter when I felt more secure financially and emotionally - but even though I'm not quite there yet - I'm fed up falling asleep on a Friday wondering what an amazing time was being had by the peeps at my favorite clubs and if the girl of my dreams was there .

I'm looking forward to them though - have yourself a wicked time on them and be sure to tell us how good it was =)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 08, 2013, 06:37 pm
:) (hugs) taz
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 08, 2013, 06:41 pm
You just having a chilled day RS  8) (hugs)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 08, 2013, 06:44 pm
@ RS
someone will be comin in to ask you a question or two about JMB ..getting the bitcoins through JumboMonkeyBisquit
i sent them to you since ya used JMB  :)

@ mary  :)
these damn goats i have are crazy  lil fawkers!!  LOL  but they eat the lawn and it always looks so fertilized  LOL


ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 08, 2013, 06:45 pm
You just having a chilled day RS  8) (hugs)
(hugs) :) ya so far been chill.. this is about when I usually wake ::).. so I've been just lurking the road an forums :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 08, 2013, 06:48 pm
@ RS
someone will be comin in to ask you a question or two about JMB ..getting the bitcoins through JumboMonkeyBisquit
i sent them to you since ya used JMB  :)

@ mary  :)
these damn goats i have are crazy  lil fawkers!!  LOL  but they eat the lawn and it always looks so fertilized  LOL


ChemCat  O0
:o, why not ask JMB he's got fast response timing.. however I'll be happy to answer any question I can.. :)

baaahaahaaaa!! damn goats :P..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 08, 2013, 06:49 pm
Ha Ha Chem loved that about the goats, was saying to my man, he said he must live somewhere nice, i said sounds like it  8) Would love to live slighly rural so i could have loads of animals, they,re my passion in life, my charity cases, all of them evrywhere in the world  :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 08, 2013, 06:52 pm
Ahh Horses Chem, I love horses if i had the money i,d have one  :D used to ride a lot not so much now  ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on June 08, 2013, 07:04 pm
May as well state my 2 outstanding loans too :P These are SR names so maybe not the same as forum names
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 08, 2013, 07:15 pm
Quote from: space cowboy
@mary did you read the dmt thread I posted yesterday ;D?
reposting cause I assume you missed this :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 08, 2013, 07:16 pm
i mentioned to said person about JMB  :)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 08, 2013, 07:18 pm
chemmy, u changed your avatar didn't you :)?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 08, 2013, 07:21 pm
yeah i had to take a break from all this research  LOL

oh and mary, i'm working on something, hopefully it will be beneficial to you  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 08, 2013, 07:23 pm
btw, mary said she has prepaid MC there,  so what we talked about may work :).
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 08, 2013, 07:24 pm
Yeah RS  ;) Japan said don,t smoke it in a spliff its not worth it but the machine looks good i,ll need to have a look again when i,m not so baked lol  ;) ;) Thanks hun  :P :P :-*
Rs I did get it hun  ;) this was my response lol  ;) my man can make a vaporizer with a soldering iron, it has a temp regulator so if you know what the temp should be?? lol  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 08, 2013, 07:25 pm
Yeah RS  ;) Japan said don,t smoke it in a spliff its not worth it but the machine looks good i,ll need to have a look again when i,m not so baked lol  ;) ;) Thanks hun  :P :P :-*
Rs I did get it hun  ;) this was my response lol  ;) my man can make a vaporizer with a soldering iron, it has a temp regulator so if you know what the temp should be?? lol  ;)
shiz.. lol my bad. :P also a lighter sounds easier honestly
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 08, 2013, 07:26 pm
Chem you are truely a sweetheart  :P I like your new avatar  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 08, 2013, 07:28 pm
Lol RS thats what i said!! but MEN  ::) always think they know better eh lol  ;)

 Funny no one on asking for coin, they must know none of us have as we,re all waiting on loans back  ::) ;) ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 08, 2013, 07:29 pm
here chem :) take a break with this item/bd0b2ca4c0 :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 08, 2013, 07:30 pm
Lol RS thats what i said!! but MEN  ::) always think they know better eh lol  ;)

 Funny no one on asking for coin, they must know none of us have as we,re all waiting on loans back  ::) ;) ;)
everybody's just 'reviewing' ::) the products they've purchased prior to the weekend.. ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 08, 2013, 07:32 pm
O_o breaking my 666 post count
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: talawtam on June 08, 2013, 07:40 pm
Would anyone be kind enough to a lend me 0.03 please? just short due to increase in delivery charge :( will pay back in 4 days. thanks

sr name: talawtam
address: 19eZ9puQf81FkGXBUYVTywuqYaP6Zv8sx7
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 08, 2013, 07:47 pm
O_o breaking my 666 post count
Thats my number  8)

I ordered from that link you gave me, the DMT just 100g, so how much does one take on one,s 1st go ha ha, i do need to know tho and is this coming from you n J-mans connection lol  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 08, 2013, 07:53 pm

how do ya'll do it if it only last for a little time?

i mean i love to trip /  roll to the extreme  LOL

shit at my age i take 2 or 3 nbome's to start then an hour or 2 later i do another 2 or 3 @ 1000 ug's  and let me tell you all  :)  i trip like a mofo!  :) but i cant be around people  LOL

i've tried to roll / trip around people outside of dead shows back in the 80's and just cant do it 'cuz i do so much and get so fawked up  LOL

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 08, 2013, 07:56 pm
O_o breaking my 666 post count
Thats my number  8)

I ordered from that link you gave me, the DMT just 100g, so how much does one take on one,s 1st go ha ha, i do need to know tho and is this coming from you n J-mans connection lol  ;)
::) you mean 100 MG hun :P lol


how do ya'll do it if it only last for a little time?

i mean i love to trip /  roll to the extreme  LOL

shit at my age i take 2 or 3 nbome's to start then an hour or 2 later i do another 2 or 3 @ 1000 ug's  and let me tell you all  :)  i trip like a mofo!  :) but i cant be around people  LOL

i've tried to roll / trip around people outside of dead shows back in the 80's and just cant do it 'cuz i do so much and get so fawked up  LOL

trust me, its like the most epic dream state possible.. its not in anyway like L or 25's
its pure imagination land ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 08, 2013, 07:57 pm
like you aren't in reality, after breaking through its just *BOOM*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 08, 2013, 07:57 pm
You guys seen the "I need 0.1 btc thread  ::) i,m fed up of people getting just over 50 posts and asking for loans straight in the thread  >:( Yeah good luck with that eh  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 08, 2013, 07:58 pm
So I don't have much time to write but I thought I would ask.  Does anyone know of any supplements that can help you remember a dmt trip?  I thought I saw it somewhere before on this forum but I can't find it now.  Can't seem to find anything on erowid either.

I've read some things about training yourself with lucid dreaming and doing your best to snap out of it when the ego returns but I thought I saw other tricks about this. 

Maybe I should dose first and then I'll know a bit more on how to handle it, but I was just throwing it out there.  Thanks guys!  A grand amount of emotions!

Got my stuff through Japan & RSeven's connect just fine!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 08, 2013, 07:59 pm
O_o breaking my 666 post count
Thats my number  8)

I ordered from that link you gave me, the DMT just 100g, so how much does one take on one,s 1st go ha ha, i do need to know tho and is this coming from you n J-mans connection lol  ;)
::) you mean 100 MG hun :P lol
50 mg, or half that is enough to break through. also, did you order from DrShrooms? or Vatican :P?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 08, 2013, 08:00 pm
LMAO RS 100g  :-[ i,d be away with that lol so how much of that would i vap, all of it at once or half??  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 08, 2013, 08:04 pm
So I don't have much time to write but I thought I would ask.  Does anyone know of any supplements that can help you remember a dmt trip?  I thought I saw it somewhere before on this forum but I can't find it now.  Can't seem to find anything on erowid either.

I've read some things about training yourself with lucid dreaming and doing your best to snap out of it when the ego returns but I thought I saw other tricks about this. 

Maybe I should dose first and then I'll know a bit more on how to handle it, but I was just throwing it out there.  Thanks guys!  A grand amount of emotions!

Got my stuff through Japan & RSeven's connect just fine!
I read someone else post, try recording you're self, an once you become actively conscious again start explaining what you saw or experienced  :P

LMAO RS 100g  :-[ i,d be away with that lol so how much of that would i vap, all of it at once or half??  ;)
half is all you'll need.. probably wont even finished the whole amount before blasting off.. after you hold it in you'll feel everything to get fuzzy them *BOOM* blast off :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 08, 2013, 08:06 pm
as long as my hand dont put the Furry glove on and switch on the pr0n i'll be ok?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 08, 2013, 08:07 pm
as long as my hand dont put the Furry glove on and switch on the pr0n i'll be ok?

I don't see this as a bad thing.  Heh. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 08, 2013, 08:08 pm
@BoS no matter what happens you'll have a great ride ;D but meditation can be very helpful if you are trying "control the trip", along with creating the right atmosphere, either being outside or a dimly lit room with some good tunes playing :)

I dunno what the best atmosphere would be, but create some where you'll be comfortable :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 08, 2013, 08:12 pm
@BoS no matter what happens you'll have a great ride ;D but meditation can be very helpful if you are trying "control the trip", along with creating the right atmosphere, either being outside or a dimly lit room with some good tunes playing :)

I dunno what the best atmosphere would be, but create some where you'll be comfortable :)

+1 if i can  :P

Very well said  :)

a calm relaxing atmosphere is where it's at...and knowing that you're about to trancend reality into unreality
always helps me  :)

i take so much to trip so extreme that i sometimes think i am or see myself as being in another country at times  LOL 

vaya con dios, hijo  :)


ChemCat  O0 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 08, 2013, 08:16 pm
before i die...i wish to have saved some money for a trip :)

aside from what i leave my son and daughter..i want to spend the rest on RS ..  Box..mary  and a couple others

if this all works out i will have us meet in a central place and roll together and spend 2 weeks doin wut we do :)

i know i know..pipe dreams huh?  in my mind..i can make this a reality ..i truely believe i can make this happen before i move on to the other side  :)

Peace & Hugs from me to you All  :)

ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 08, 2013, 08:19 pm
@BoS no matter what happens you'll have a great ride ;D but meditation can be very helpful if you are trying "control the trip", along with creating the right atmosphere, either being outside or a dimly lit room with some good tunes playing :)

I dunno what the best atmosphere would be, but create some where you'll be comfortable :)
I'm very lucky to live in a place that has these things that can be easily accessed! My pad or nature!  It's actually kind of funny, when I actually convince someone to come over.  They are always really amazed at how chill my place is, for what I have, and keeps coming up in conversation.

But yea.  I think it's about that time to bring out the external frame and go on a hike.  Someone just gave me a high tech hammock for some past due stuff.  Should try it out....
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 08, 2013, 08:25 pm
;D <3 chemmy very sweet words, but lets hope that's not for looooooooong time, but watch us, we'll get a funraiser going for the meet an greet :P ;D ::) ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 08, 2013, 08:26 pm
@BoS no matter what happens you'll have a great ride ;D but meditation can be very helpful if you are trying "control the trip", along with creating the right atmosphere, either being outside or a dimly lit room with some good tunes playing :)

I dunno what the best atmosphere would be, but create some where you'll be comfortable :)
I'm very lucky to live in a place that has these things that can be easily accessed! My pad or nature!  It's actually kind of funny, when I actually convince someone to come over.  They are always really amazed at how chill my place is, for what I have, and keeps coming up in conversation.

But yea.  I think it's about that time to bring out the external frame and go on a hike.  Someone just gave me a high tech hammock for some past due stuff.  Should try it out....
a hammock sounds like an excellent place :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 08, 2013, 08:32 pm
before i die...i wish to have saved some money for a trip :)

aside from what i leave my son and daughter..i want to spend the rest on RS ..  Box..mary  and a couple others

if this all works out i will have us meet in a central place and roll together and spend 2 weeks doin wut we do :)

i know i know..pipe dreams huh?  in my mind..i can make this a reality ..i truely believe i can make this happen before i move on to the other side  :)

Peace & Hugs from me to you All  :)

ChemCat  O0
This really would be a wish come true!  Even if it's a pipe dream, it means more than whats possible to me!  I pull a lot of strength from you guys! 

God I'd write more but I gotta head out.  Take care each and individually everyone.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 08, 2013, 08:48 pm
take care BoS

Love ya!!

ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 08, 2013, 08:52 pm
:) (hugs) taz

Thanks RS  :) hugs right back  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: talawtam on June 08, 2013, 09:01 pm
i don't really want to post again but my previous post got lost in all the chit-chat  ;)

Would anyone be kind enough to a lend me 0.03 please? just short due to increase in delivery charge :( will pay back in 4 days. thanks

sr name: talawtam
address: 19eZ9puQf81FkGXBUYVTywuqYaP6Zv8sx7
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 08, 2013, 09:15 pm
sent to    talawtam    ฿-0.03     June 8, 2013, 9:13 pm UTC



Quote from: talawtam
will pay back in 4 days. thanks

sr name: talawtam
address: 19eZ9puQf81FkGXBUYVTywuqYaP6Zv8sx7

Peace & Hugs,

ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: talawtam on June 08, 2013, 09:18 pm
you're a gem! thank you! will be back in 4 days. cheers
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 08, 2013, 09:19 pm
before i die...i wish to have saved some money for a trip :)

aside from what i leave my son and daughter..i want to spend the rest on RS ..  Box..mary  and a couple others

if this all works out i will have us meet in a central place and roll together and spend 2 weeks doin wut we do :)

i know i know..pipe dreams huh?  in my mind..i can make this a reality ..i truely believe i can make this happen before i move on to the other side  :)

peace and love to y,all
Chem ("Dad") lol I hope your here for a least another 20 year hun, Might outlive me  ::) ha ha I love you man you are the coolest guy, nicest guy ever  :-* :-* (huge hugs) :-*

Sorry i,ve no coin to lend till i get some back 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 08, 2013, 09:28 pm
oh i expect i'll live at least another 20 years  :P

Hopefully  :)

and i love ya too Daughter  (Hugs)

i'll let ya  know what i am able to work out for ya as far as the bitcoins  :)

it'll definately be less than you pay now, however i still have some kinks to work out.

stay tuned!!


Dad  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 08, 2013, 09:35 pm
Your a diamond dad  :-* Can i just say tho i saw your owe list on the thread some from May, please Chem don,t lend out anymore coin till you get some of your loans paid back your due quite a few bucks there, if these people don,t pay you back i and many others will be disgusted  :( Your a gererous man and in no way am i trying to tell you what to do with your money, i just don,t want to see you hurt  :'( I know you have the sense to not lend more than you can afford to lose, goes for anybody lending coin i guess  ::) anyway i hope your paid back what your owed i don,t want to see you let down hun  ;D ;D (hugs)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: acidicmonkey on June 08, 2013, 09:42 pm
oh i expect i'll live at least another 20 years  :P

Hopefully  :)

and i love ya too Daughter  (Hugs)

i'll let ya  know what i am able to work out for ya as far as the bitcoins  :)

it'll definately be less than you pay now, however i still have some kinks to work out.

stay tuned!!


Dad  O0

I would like to give you the rest of my coin chem. Its not much, im just paying it forward.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 08, 2013, 09:47 pm
O_o breaking my 666 post count
Thats my number  8)

I ordered from that link you gave me, the DMT just 100g, so how much does one take on one,s 1st go ha ha, i do need to know tho and is this coming from you n J-mans connection lol  ;)
::) you mean 100 MG hun :P lol
50 mg, or half that is enough to break through. also, did you order from DrShrooms? or Vatican :P?
Hi RS  :D Sorry i missed this  :-[ it was vatican, he just msg me to say thanks for the order so i asked him if he meant monday buy that?  :-\ Anyway told him in the msg that it was you who recommended him, hopefully he might give you a wee bonus next time lol  :P :P Thanks hun  :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 08, 2013, 09:48 pm
they'll be sent back out to someone in need, acidicmonkey  :)

On behalf of myself and the person to recieve your generosity, We Thank You (Hugs)


ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 08, 2013, 09:50 pm
oh i expect i'll live at least another 20 years  :P

Hopefully  :)

and i love ya too Daughter  (Hugs)

i'll let ya  know what i am able to work out for ya as far as the bitcoins  :)

it'll definately be less than you pay now, however i still have some kinks to work out.

stay tuned!!


Dad  O0

I would like to give you the rest of my coin chem. Its not much, im just paying it forward.
+1 Acidicmonkey  ;) very nice of you send to SR name ChemCat on SR hopefully you,ll visit this thread often whether to loan or borrow  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 08, 2013, 09:52 pm
i went to a chicken restaraunt (kentucky fried chicken) today and ordered the same thing i order all the time,
the 2 piece combo i got done with it i noticed there were no bones left  :o




Wut Now?

heh heh   :P

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 08, 2013, 09:55 pm
LMAO Chem  ;D ;D ;D I have also sent 0.03 to Chemcat lol  8) lets send Chem money everyone!!  :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 08, 2013, 09:57 pm
I,m watching a docu about The Eagles (the band lol) "Desperado" love it, it makes me cry everytime  ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 08, 2013, 09:58 pm
mary  LOL  you little pixie  :P

it's there if ya need it  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 08, 2013, 10:06 pm
Chem if i ever get a windfall you,ll get a lot more than a few bucks, fingers crossed for the lottery lol  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 08, 2013, 10:13 pm
Sorry J-Man  :-[ Forgot to say earlier Japan paid back the 0.08 this morning as promised  ;) not that i doubted himat all. 100% stand up guy  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: AnonymousAddict on June 08, 2013, 10:15 pm
dOES anyone know/or ever used

I met Bad boy 97 back last year, and he is/was a vendor here, depending on your stats u could get nice size loans..

I got a 100 $ others up to 500.. The site was just coming out of beta at that time, but iv checked it out since, as well as tried to get in touch with one of the sites owner, and it seems its just not in use any more..

There is another site u can get Loaned large amounts of coins a friend sent me the link, but it seems to ask for WAAY to much info..

upload photo id
show a bill with address
how much do u make a month etc shit like that.. But if by chance any of u want the sites URL let me know and I'll post it..

What was soo great about lendmecoin is, u would just go to the vendor on sr, he would check your stats and tell u how much u could get, and how long til it needed to be payed back. the % wasnt even bad..

1.5 to 2% i think was the most...

Thats's  bloody interesting , kind of like a few others I have seen   but looks way better for non business ventures - go ahead and drop the link for the one with the id requiring one  if you would be so kind anon , I'm looking to try  bit coin angels they fund new btc start up company's , venture capital style - and want everything but a d.n.a sample - but seeing as I only have a few k coming for my  to start my vendor account - we would need them to start  an onion exchange ( witch I 'm thinking of )if were to stay liquid and not freeze up .

TAZ I'll post tht link for the other btc lender soon as i find it in my massive amount of msgs.. Sorry for late reply..

Any luck with Lendmecoin? seems like its no longer working, or there is issues with it...

but i kinda got the feeling the great DPR had something to do with the site, i dont know if u noticed his Initials there?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 08, 2013, 10:31 pm
Woo - hoo - I just got back it to my old account - I left $20 odd bucks in there that has grown to $ 141.40 - sweet .

Boxy ya shapes will be on there way in a minute ( I insist )  , Skinny - cant remember what you sent me - I'll look through this thread as I posted a record of my transactions for that night - a few days ago .

Marry - any luck on  getting any of your outstanding loans paid back to you ? If your a bit short for something maybe I can help ?

This wasn't  as much as the $ I'm waiting on ,  so I'm afraid I can only help regulars of this thread if there short right now ( Tazy luvs ya ) .

Oh and Anon , no rush for the link - I've been doing some research on btc peer lending today and  I may already have it - so don't bother yourself with it  - thanks though  ;)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 08, 2013, 10:44 pm
Taz went to +1 you pal but bloody 72hr rule lol anyway thats great bet your happy  ;D I,m ok i,ll get coin on Monday and be able to do my order but i really appreciate the offer, very nice  :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 08, 2013, 10:50 pm
LMAO Chem  ;D ;D ;D I have also sent 0.03 to Chemcat lol  8) lets send Chem money everyone!!  :-* :-* :-*

I'll match that - unless you need more for something you have your eye on ?  same name on s.r - or shall I use the tip jar ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 08, 2013, 10:54 pm
Thanks taz its ChemCat on SR  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 08, 2013, 10:54 pm
taz7 i'll add you to my small list of people to send 5 tabs of nbome to as soon as i get some things sorted and get my vendor account up and running  :)

Stay  Tuned!!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 08, 2013, 10:58 pm
LOL  looks like alot of you within this room will be feeling happy happy happy when i get my vendors account up and running  :)

and mary..  :)

what i am working on for you specifically will be crazy awesome for you :)

once everything is worked out i'll let ya know  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 08, 2013, 11:00 pm
Nice - I've been dying to try that stuff - never have yet .

0.03 sent - You sure you don't need a bit more ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 08, 2013, 11:10 pm
Quote from: taz7
Nice - I've been dying to try that stuff - never have yet .

0.03 sent - You sure you don't need a bit more ?

oh my goodness!!
Absolutely not...LOL  i didnt need what ya sent :)

Since you've decided to Donate to the Cause that We have Going here Within this Thread,

i can pay Your Donation Forward to other Members or Send it Back to You :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 08, 2013, 11:12 pm


Yes it is True!!  i will be sending some of you that want to participate....5  yes count them 5 free tabs of Nbome :)

However that will be a few more months down the road .. as i have some kinks to work out in order to make this
successful and
Pleasurable for us All  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 08, 2013, 11:20 pm
BTW I did send it just before I noticed your kind offer of the NBome !

Sit on it until , someone you have good faith in needs it , I'm happy as long as some spam to 50 noob doesn't run off with it !

To save me logging in and out and back in again - boxy is boxofshapes on s.r - right ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 08, 2013, 11:24 pm
@s far as BoxofShapes SR screen name  ???

No Clue  :o

I'll make sure Your Donation gets sent to someone....a Silk Road Brother or Sister of Ours :)

Thanks & Hugs to ya taz!!


Uncle Chemmy  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 08, 2013, 11:27 pm
Good stuff , love n  hugs right back =)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 08, 2013, 11:32 pm
@s far as BoxofShapes SR screen name  ???

No Clue  :o

I'll make sure Your Donation gets sent to someone....a Silk Road Brother or Sister of Ours :)

Thanks & Hugs to ya taz!!


Uncle Chemmy  :)
Dad, a cousin i didn,t know about lol  :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on June 08, 2013, 11:35 pm
BTW I did send it just before I noticed your kind offer of the NBome !

Sit on it until , someone you have good faith in needs it , I'm happy as long as some spam to 50 noob doesn't run off with it !

To save me logging in and out and back in again - boxy is boxofshapes on s.r - right ?
Hey, I once spammed to 50!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 08, 2013, 11:36 pm
Our Family runs Deep, Young Lady  :)

After All....the Silk Road is Ancient...with travelers of Many!!

Never Forget....You are a Part of Something BIG!




Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 08, 2013, 11:42 pm
I know Chem  ;) this right here is something special and its great to be part of it especially with people like you here and the many others (you know who you are, and the one,s i don,t know yet) who are part of this amazing family  :)

ytabletrash LOL  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 08, 2013, 11:44 pm

Hey, I once spammed to 50!

Ah , but was your very  next step to come and ask for a loan ?  ;)

No offense meant to you my good sir / madman  , I just don't like to see that shit list grow !
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 08, 2013, 11:45 pm
Well its almost 1am again so goodnight everyone, enjoy the rest of the night  :-* :-* :-*

Goodnight Dad sweet dreams when it comes  :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 08, 2013, 11:45 pm
Remember what i said in the PM mary  :)  also, any important info from now on i will do through can PM me your Public Key if you like  :)

Better Safe...than Sorry!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: acidicmonkey on June 08, 2013, 11:48 pm
My sr username is acidicmonkey as well just putting it out there to keep things consistent
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 08, 2013, 11:49 pm
mary delete the PM's from me and sent to me by you  :)

Better Safe than Sorry hunny  :)

Also PM me your tormail addy or msg it to me @

Changes are going on right now...let's just be safe in our communications  :)

Huggles to ya mary :)

Dad  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 08, 2013, 11:52 pm
Ok I,m off to bed but TBH Chem i,ll have to learn PGP  :-[ I know little about computers at all and can,t get my heed round it lol any help apprecited  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: enpiping on June 08, 2013, 11:57 pm
My sr username is acidicmonkey as well just putting it out there to keep things consistent
As per PM request that I asked to be done through here, I've lent  acidicmonkey .03 BTC. :)
Just sent! (send to    acidicmonkey    ฿-0.03       June 8, 2013, 11:57 pm UTC)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 09, 2013, 12:00 am
mary!!   :o

Take yurself to the "Newbie PGP Club"

in the newbie section  ;)

Follow the link in my Sig. .....Please tell me that you know PGP   >:(

If not...Please....Go NOW and Learn PGP!

Love ya,

ChemCat O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: acidicmonkey on June 09, 2013, 01:08 am
My sr username is acidicmonkey as well just putting it out there to keep things consistent
As per PM request that I asked to be done through here, I've lent  acidicmonkey .03 BTC. :)
Just sent! (send to    acidicmonkey    ฿-0.03       June 8, 2013, 11:57 pm UTC)

I have received the ฿.03 from enpiping!!!! This thread is the best I will always come back to give and take!!!!

The way I operate is buy as many btc as I can and then spend it all on the wonderful products on the road. Whatever extra btc I have after those big purchases I will lend to those in need as I have been in need before!!! Hopefully next week I will have those extra for people in need just look for me giving responses to anyone in need.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 09, 2013, 01:25 am
@ acidicmonkey

Be True to Your Word!


Within this least for me i say this...We Live by Karma!

Those of Us here, Give & Recieve :)
Some of us Give More...Some of Us Give Less....

So You See....Karma....wether people believe or Real  :)

I could show you a list of people that have asked for a loan...and have paid back....93% of those that paid back....

have said "Thank You"  Remarkable huh?  :)
I Guess all in all, we dont expect Everyone to pay back or even offer to pay forward...However...our Trust in You All
as people in need...we do expect to be at least msg'd... back when you say...or at least msg us  :)

Much Love from Me to You All,

ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 09, 2013, 01:30 am
:D hey everybody, back from a DMT blast off :) let a friend experience it for the first time, holy shit was that so worth watching.. seeing somebody's have the fattest smile saying HOLY FUCKING AMAZING SOMETHING SOMETHING ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 09, 2013, 01:31 am
fuck, well I just got some bad news
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 09, 2013, 01:34 am
bad   news?  wut's    wrong?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 09, 2013, 01:37 am
pm'd :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 09, 2013, 01:38 am
by the way...if you can..please encrypt all pm's to me...if ya'll dont mind...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 09, 2013, 01:42 am
now you tell me :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 09, 2013, 01:45 am
i did  :o

PM  :P

any other info that may be sensitive please direct to me through PGP

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 09, 2013, 02:47 am
Responded...My Offer Stands  :)

With all due respect...Look son...when you;ve been around as long as i will know in your heart...\
ya cant take it with ya  :)

if things go right for'll have it if i have it..period...


all ya gotta do is ask, my friend :)

Love & Peace to You,

ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 09, 2013, 02:52 am
sent from    DigitaliOrgasmica    ฿0.03    June 8, 2013, 10:57 pm UTC




Glad to have ya back!!

Love & Hugs from Me to You!!

ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 09, 2013, 02:53 am

To save me logging in and out and back in again - boxy is boxofshapes on s.r - right ?
pm sent!

fuck, well I just got some bad news
Damn it.  I swear shit happens in waves.  Me too kinda.  Nothing life altering but still really frustrating.  Hope everything is ok RS.

any other info that may be sensitive please direct to me through PGP


Where is your key cc?

Also.... how the crap does this make sense?
sent from       ฿0.00    ฿0.01    June 9, 2013, 2:15 am UTC
sent from        ฿0.00    ฿0.00    June 9, 2013, 2:06 am UTC
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 09, 2013, 02:56 am
@ BoS

:P  UGH!!  here it is  :P

Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (MingW32)


**Pokes you in the eye with a fishes tail BoS!!!**
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 09, 2013, 03:03 am
***For The Record***

I just want to remind you Friends within this thread...those of you that have contacted me through the SR forums msg system and have used
PGP....   Kudos to you Few!!


Remember...let us not get lax in our travels along the Silk Road!!

This is a Blessing to Us...Let Us NOT Forget That!!

Peace & Love,

ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 09, 2013, 03:14 am
@ BoS 

i got that msg and dont worry!!


if ya need me i'm here:)


Us It  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 09, 2013, 03:16 am
For a person who throws micro loans around, it doesn't help to have the memory of a goldfish.  :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 09, 2013, 03:18 am
box - that was me  aka digtiali_orgasmica , aka Ochem101 , I know it's  short of the shapes you sent me - but I'll sort the rest out asap - I'll have more coin early next week -  I just had to get my essentials for my missions next week A.D.H.D meds , xannax and weed ordered .

The amounts in usd were only 47 cents and 30 cents - but I figured seeing as you didn't seem fussed -  no need  for me to smoke shity weed or go with dodgy vendors - to get you the exact amount back tonight .

I didn't get to skrilly  yet and wasn't sure exactly what he sent me as anything less then 0.00 dosent show you what was sent .

I chucked some in the kitty though - and rest assured will do so again soon .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 09, 2013, 03:18 am

**Slaqps you with a piece of brisit? (spelling)


Oh..BoS   ;)

Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (MingW32)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 09, 2013, 03:20 am
taz ..  ???

why didnt ya tell me?  :(

Thank You though  :)

Your Donation will go to another Needy Brother or Sister  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 09, 2013, 03:21 am


is taz7 on the lenders list yet?

Should be  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 09, 2013, 03:25 am
box - that was me  aka digtiali_orgasmica , aka Ochem101 , I know it's  short of the shapes you sent me - but I'll sort the rest out asap - I'll have more coin early next week -  I just had to get my essentials for my missions next week A.D.H.D meds , xannax and weed ordered .

The amounts in usd were only 47 cents and 30 cents - but I figured seeing as you didn't seem fussed -  no need  for me to smoke dirt weed or go with dodgy vendors - to get you the exact amount back tonight .

I didn't get to skrilly  yet and wasn't sure exactly what he sent me as anything less then 0.00 dosent show you what was sent .

I chucked some in the kitty though - and rest assured will do so again soon .
  Oh i was just more confused at how .00+.00=.01  I do understand how, but it made my brain twitch.  Thanks though! 

And LOL at that last sentence.  I could go for some kitty chucking.....

....still though.  I rarely say this but I could go for a drink after this day.  Be well for now all. 




is taz7 on the lenders list yet?

Should be  :)
Updating list before I bolt!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: pinky2011 on June 09, 2013, 03:27 am
Hello fellow travelers,

I have run into a situation. I recently purchased some acid and wanted to grab some mdma to couple it with for EDC. I am throwing myself at your feet. Begging. Please help this raver out! I have .54795 coin exactly in my wallet. I would like to get something that costs .58 with shipping added. Would anyone be so kind as to toss me an extra .04? When I am rolling my tits off at edc getting my face melted by the 10000" subs I will send good vibes your way and you will get vibe-high.

Thanks so much if you can help.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 09, 2013, 03:29 am
                                                 :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) **When requesting, post your SR name** so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
dr gonzo
Mike Hunt
Taz7 ++++       
White Out

The shit list:
Autobondon *
King Karma
rhinosaurus ++++

*^*do not lend to these people*^*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 09, 2013, 03:30 am
Night boxy , have a nice wind down =)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on June 09, 2013, 03:32 am
Big props to all the lenders, and to those who paid back!!
You keep this thread alive!!

Plus, i might be hittin y'all up in a few  ;)

Wow!! That shit list GREW!! Damned people!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 09, 2013, 03:38 am
@ murderface2012

Don't end up on that shit list!!



Oh, by the Way....


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 09, 2013, 03:43 am
taz ..  ???

why didnt ya tell me?  :(

Thank You though  :)

Your Donation will go to another Needy Brother or Sister  :)

I told you earlier ya nutta  ;)

But I guess you didn't know I was digitalis_orgasmica  ;)

love n hugs chemy  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 09, 2013, 03:45 am

I should slap ya now!!  LOOL

Just kiddin

when everything works out for just got yourself  6 Nbome tabs!!  for FREE!!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 09, 2013, 03:47 am
nutta...LOL change yur speach up  :)

i could profile you and oh ya know  :)

Be Safe!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 09, 2013, 03:53 am
I'm already 100 % sure  , but  want to be 110 % sure you know I used the word nutta as a term of endearment .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 09, 2013, 03:57 am


Much Love my Friend!!

we'll survive!!


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 09, 2013, 03:58 am
Good stuff =)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 09, 2013, 03:59 am
no, No, Nooooo... i am very clear on the fact that we're on the same page  :)

We a Family..Remain on the same Page....


i didnt mean to insinuate otherwise  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 09, 2013, 04:04 am

you, are very interesting   :)

hmmm...if ya dont mind me asking...what led...or brought you our home....our Thread...


for me? personally i am here to give others that may have not...seriously i am here to repent for my sins ..commited within a lifetime of happiness and depression....


if ya dont mind me askin  :)

it's late and i am high and tired but cant sleep  :)

Tell me about yourself  :)

not yourself....but your Electronic to speak...


ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 09, 2013, 04:12 am
How  long ya got chem ?

It's a fucking long story , It will have to be disseminated bit by bit .

But as for what brought me to this thread , you did , and thoose of your ilk ( ok I wouldn't have found if I hadn't needed a micro loan the other day , because the title of this thread really doesn't lead one to believe t to be frequented by some of the purest of heart ) - I'm naturally drawn to people with no hang ups with regard to spreading love and not judging .

I'm going to split this is to bits so ya got something to be going on with .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 09, 2013, 04:22 am
To continue I've been all over the world  - spent years in the u.s - and really miss it - and just get wicked vibes from you lot in this thread , and right now ( I guess always ) need to be around people like you to remind me that there are many people like you - and I've been starved of good people of late .

I'm not sure if you caught the post I made earlier in response to skrilly asking if I was getting any pills to  go clubbing this weekend - but a fraction of my current status was in there .

To be be frank with ya Chem , I'm pretty lonely right now - and after spending just a little time here , it just feels right - like it's the best place for me .

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 09, 2013, 04:28 am
Understood!! we all know or should know....

gets us farther in personal experience...honesty hurts well being...

however...i tend to go throuhg with it and go with Honesty  :)

Welcome to Our Family taz    :)

For what it's worth....


ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 09, 2013, 04:34 am
Without wanting to to sound " whatever " some folk don't deserve me , I'm a gem , and need to be with other gems - or I just shut myself away and get mad at the world - witch is obviously no good for anyone .

As to why I rarely write a short post ( hence my 3 paragraph response to skrillys question of if I was getting any pills in and my diatribe on how Mary might acquire her pre pay ) , well I was diagnosed with aspergers and a.d.h.d last year - people always said I was different - and even though I find it really easy to make friends - I expect a lot from them - because I can't help but give a lot .

Now I can count my irl friends with only a thumb and index finger , witch I really should rest for a bit , as I'm prone r.s.i from all the typing and mouse clicking  ( not to mention hand love - opps I mentioned it ) .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 09, 2013, 04:39 am
Welcome to Our Family taz    :)

For what it's worth....

IT'S WORTH MORE THEN YOU WILL EVER KNOW CHEM , i HAVE TEARS IN MY EYES  - scuse the caps - but I cant retype that again ( I already did once )
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 09, 2013, 04:42 am
taz ???

heh heh  :(

I looked shamed  LOL

ya moght wanna look here ~~~> http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=70862.135

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 09, 2013, 04:45 am
Godamit I hope those bastards don't attack this forum again , I've been on many forums ( the ones in my sig - thats what all that's about  ) .

All proper underground ones but , but I never found a thread were I felt as at home as  do right now - and I'm not on anything drug wise right now   (  well I had some codeine earlier and 1 mg of etizolam , but that's not what I call drugs  )  .

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 09, 2013, 04:48 am
Dude , whats all that about ?

How dare they speak to you like that
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 09, 2013, 04:50 am
Indoor all the way as far as the poll goes though - is it worth me reading that thread , or were they just trolling you .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 09, 2013, 04:54 am
nah HumboltsFinest page  :)

they can troll all they want to..HF  is and has always been TopNotch in my book...however...maybe some goober has pissed him off...LOL  who knows...


jist glad i havent pissed HF off  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 09, 2013, 05:06 am
Ever tried Muskabuzz , I'm dying to try there fleetwood o.g  , Marry probably hasn't said because they don't ship to the u.s and It was a p.m thing  between me and her - but I get nearly all my weed from a private site in canada that's waaay  better then anything I have ever had off the road and there prices are sooo much cheaper .
Muskabuzz seems to have the best  kush ( I don't fuck with much else strain wise ) and they do guaranteed to the u.k for not much more then I pay - witch reminds me I must tell her about that .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 09, 2013, 05:08 am
sorry...taz  i love ya new family  :)

watch the will see people speak nonsense..
find me in the forums and you will find someone else speaking nonsense  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 09, 2013, 05:15 am
Damn straight they can take a number !

Taz will have far fewer words for them then he has for you though Chem !

 I'm glad I found you guys , I have a feeling both you and I  have , to paraphrase some quote I recently saw " forgotten more then most will ever know " .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 09, 2013, 05:18 am



i still respect you...climb your way out of this pit...if you will...


    Hero Member
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(No subject)
« Sent to: ChemCat on: Today at 12:55 pm »


i dont like u i think ur a fuckign faggot that posts to much

delete ur comment on fucking HF page idiot it takes up half the page u think that shits cute?

u must be some fucking lone fat faggot sitting in ur grannys basement.. go kill yourself u fucking neckbeard.. DIE FAGGOT
  (・ω・   )  )
  `u-u  '-  u'

B  E  Z                                           * T H E  L 0 R V X *

Never have  we spoke that you've came at me like this.....

I Give You.....

To the Public of the Silk Road!

Good Night :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 09, 2013, 05:26 am
That fuckers wrong in the head - and not in a good way - sociopath for sure .

I think you can rest easy you haven't pissed h.f off , but you knew that already right ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 09, 2013, 05:30 am
Ehhhh...we're all people :)

ya know?


thelorax might just be having a bad night  :)

for what it's worth.... whom ever you are    ::) will be......

in mt prayers  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 09, 2013, 05:37 am
I'm   still here   :)

  I think that we shouldnt  critisize people like we do...
thelorax ....

i take this time to applogize to thelorax  ...if you all find me wrong in what i have   said...then i accept that as the Rule!

ChemCat   :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 09, 2013, 05:41 am

Re: Humboldtsfinest Official
« Reply #136 on: Today at 05:39 am »


where'd loraxs post go?

He let his true colors show and realized his mistake , plus he couldn't be bothered to take a number , to wait in line and get told to fuck himself with a rusty chainsaw =)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 09, 2013, 05:51 am
Night chemy , sweet dreamz - I've been having amazing dreamz recently coz I have no weed atm - perhaps I'll you about em tomorrow - if you've been good that is !

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 09, 2013, 06:23 am
taz?  do ya need a loan right now?

at this time i would be more than happy to help you out!!

Let me know before i pass out @ taz  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on June 09, 2013, 06:36 am
@Chemmy, saw you got your vendor account. Got to be your 1st fan. :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: motek on June 09, 2013, 12:12 pm
Wow I've lost $30 in Btc devaluation today!   So I'm back in the market for (if it doesny drop more!) about $10!  I cant reup till next weds so I'll pay you back by the end of the week

Please pm me for my SR username ;)  Thanks tp whoever is kind enough to help

m m m motek x :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 09, 2013, 12:15 pm
Hi everybody  ;D Hope your all good today  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bamoida2 on June 09, 2013, 12:27 pm
hello, anyone here could lend me 0.02 real quick?
SRN: bamoida2

will pay back tomorrow or Monday when I mined them, short because I gave 0.34btc to a friend for this order
sent :)

awesome! that was fast! =)

returned, thanks again

haha, now for the first time since I started my SR account exactly 0 balance on it ;P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 09, 2013, 01:18 pm
Afternoon all  8)

Hope you're all well. I'm good but working from home!

I'm now a fan 0f the best vendor on SR - chmecat  8) 8)

Hope my postmen is obverloaded tomorrow with all sorts of weird and wonderful orders  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 09, 2013, 02:57 pm
a couple more days and i'll list some NBOME tabs @ Japan :)

You, Box, Mary and RS have some free tabs coming!!  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 09, 2013, 03:47 pm
mary..japan..RS...and Box  please get ahold of me :)  i would like to send to you 4....some nbome tabs

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 09, 2013, 03:57 pm
Chem my mans getting me tails? to put on a pendrive, is this ok hun, I,m clueless  :-[ Not that i,m saying i,m stupid, i managed to download tor, get on the road and buy bitcoin within an hour lol  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on June 09, 2013, 04:01 pm
hia all.hope yor all well this fine afternoon.

CC,like the new spinning avatar thing :D oh I also took the liberty of becoming a fan on your page even though i wasn't invited.
Japan my man,left you a pm-read asap
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 09, 2013, 04:01 pm
Chem my mans getting me tails? to put on a pendrive, is this ok hun, I,m clueless  :-[ Not that i,m saying i,m stupid, i managed to download tor, get on the road and buy bitcoin within an hour lol  ;)

absolutely  :)

msg astor and tell them i sent you...


astor is one of the best people that i can think of to direct you towards  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 09, 2013, 04:05 pm
Hi Darktime  ;) HIGH Japan  ;) Hi RS and Hi everyone else, hope your all great  ;) Chem read your PM lol  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 09, 2013, 04:14 pm


Darktime you are invited  :)

i have to lay down cuz my old body isnt working to well at the moment..but you are one of the invited  :)  when i get up i'll list something for you all    :)

ya'll just need to pay SR fees and shipping costs  :)

i gotta lay down  :(

i Love you All



ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on June 09, 2013, 04:22 pm
take care bro
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 09, 2013, 04:26 pm
I,ve got a tormail Chem so pm me and got tails, is this ok??  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 09, 2013, 04:31 pm
tails is awesome  :)

follow the link in my Sig.

you can learn
PGP  :)

i have faith in you mary  :)

mary i really have to lay down, my old body just dont want to work today  :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 09, 2013, 04:42 pm
Sorry darling, :-[ go and lie down my man is going to teach me PGP but got the tails  :-* :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 09, 2013, 04:48 pm

PGP club mary  :)

go there..tell them i sent you...and learn  :)

i have the lappy next to me mary  :)

i'm here if you need me  :)

if i dont answer you...i may have fallen asleep :|
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on June 09, 2013, 05:54 pm
Good Morning where I am at :).... Good afternoon to most of where you are at :D ....Good evening to the rest!

Just curious, do any of you wake up and feel like it was just January, 5 or 6 weeks ago? BUT it is actually closer to 2014 then the start of 13! Just that time is flying this year?

Also I feel like on SR, it is like double dog years. Or maybe 10 to 1. I feel like I have been here forever...way more then the 14 months. In fact when I got to my first year...I felt as if I had  been here 10 years..and when I say 14 months..that really sounds to me like I have barely been here I was just wondering if any of you have experienced the 10 to one or 5 to 1 on the SR thing. Because maybe being a vendor makes it different for me.

I know I found this thread maybe only 3 weeks ago, and it is hands down the best thread I have found. I have read some great post in other threads before and have had good conversations/debates on subjects. But I have never felt better then I do in here. And obviously the helping out part is a huge contributor to how this thread makes me fee. BUT for me another big thing and probably the best thing for the kindness everyone has towards others. Just the pure positive energy that is in this thread.

I lurk in here and just read. And every post there is something good. Everyone treats everyone well and I also have had nothing but nice comments to me in here. I think what I  love is the haters are left at the door here. Just seems to be no jealousy in here. Of course there is and of course people still get bothered by something people(me) say or how they perceive you based on reading what you have said..Everyone has just made me feel very much a part of this community and the affect of someone just coming in here and giving a shout out to you...and saying something nice and when leaving they say good bye to everyone. No one seems to be at odds with anyone. IT'S FUCKING GREAT!!(Sorry about the cursing Mary666)

I now always come to this thread first...spend about 15 min reading the last couple pages..then try and someone I can help, do so and move on for the  day. Knowing that over the next 8+ hours I will get more and more involved in the thread. And then the magic hapends... I give a couple loans, get the the nice thank yous and + karma, get the hello's, get the paybacks. It is just great!

 So to everyone in here THANK YOU for making this place awesome. And making me feel good about myself in here and just putting a smile on my face when I read someone is getting helped out and someone is thanking them.

I LOVE THIS PLACE if you can't tell. ;D

And a special shout out to Japan1980.....I know you are across the pond from me so I have never been able to vend to you. Put I used(can someone give me the proper word right there please "used")to see you in the benzo reviews and you always gave an honest nice review.(and it seems you ordered from every vendor that shipped to UK and you were alway's getting Benzos and really knew your shit...always a great read!) And I see you in here being a great neighbor and an example of how everyone should treat other members. Of course there are others like yourself..but I have  never "met" you or told you how special a member you are and that the community is lucky to have a member like yourself. I have not "met" you Japan, but I would like to tell you that I have been an admirer of yours and love how you handle yourself and I just wanted you to know that you are truly appreciated and thanks for making the road a special place. YOUR the MAN.


Much love and respect

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 09, 2013, 06:19 pm
 ;D I,d ust like to say thanks to RxKing, you may only have found this thread 3 weeks ago but you have proved yourself to be a kind, generous person, you came here and gave a lot of coin and asked for nothing but whats expected (to pay back when they say they will). I,m glad as i,m sure other regulars are that you found us here not just for your generousity but because your a great guy  8) The best people on SR are on this thread IMO and i always come here 1st also, say hi to all, and always pop back every 5-10 mins cause its where i like to spend my time on here. So thanks for your kind words to everyone, your an amazing person so you fit in here perfectly.  ;) :-* :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 09, 2013, 06:23 pm
taking a break from cleaning for a minute, how are tout's lovely lovey droogs today?

hiya @:

..<3 eve body..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 09, 2013, 06:31 pm
RS You Sexy Beast  :P :P pop back soon mind  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on June 09, 2013, 06:47 pm
What up RS+1 for cleaning house!!! Hope you had a great weekend!! Nothing better then a clean house...well let me be more specific...NOTHING better then Clean sheets on the best with clean pillow cases of course..and the bed made with "tight sheets".. I love a nice shower then getting into bed in clean sheets!

Then of course getting them dirty later on. ;) 

and thanks marry +1 to you too
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on June 09, 2013, 06:49 pm
And good day Chemcat!!! +1 for being the best pussy on here!! 8)

And what up box!  +1 for you too ...for of course.... Best box!.... in this thread or any other thread!

Enjoy your Sunday.RxKing

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 09, 2013, 07:33 pm
I feel so fu**in sad  :'( why do people say they,ll do something than lie to avoid what they promised and fuck you over  :'(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 09, 2013, 08:33 pm
@Rx having a clean house is always very nice, except the reason I am cleaning it, isn't :-\.

also I have your .14 I'll send back to you. it may be a while, but when I get more coins I'll give you extra, as promised..

@mary :) back for another smoke break.. how are you doing, whats wrong? were you talking about the people you've loaned?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 09, 2013, 08:48 pm
is it possible to report a vendor for being too awesome :P?

p.s congrats to chem :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 09, 2013, 09:12 pm
Quote from: RxKing
And good day Chemcat!!! +1 for being the best pussy on here!! 8)

RxKin i have no clue what ya meant there  LOL  :)

RS PM me your Public Key Please  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 09, 2013, 09:14 pm
::) lol, knew I'd screw up somewhere.. sent.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bamoida2 on June 09, 2013, 09:25 pm
hi everybody!

@RS did you see that i paid back?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 09, 2013, 09:31 pm
mary..japan..RS...and Box  please get ahold of me :)  i would like to send to you 4....some nbome tabs


I really do appreciate this.  I really do.  I have to turn it down though.  The bad severely outweighs the good for me with these things.  Tried once, and never again.  (still glad I gave it a shot!)  The majority of my needs the road can provide are met at this time.  (assuming my latest package comes?)  Just send me some good vibes CC!  It's better than any drug I could find in this place!  Became a fan as well!

taking a break from cleaning for a minute, how are tout's lovely lovey droogs today?
..<3 eve body..

Happy seventh day to you RSeven!  Good day to be cleaning out the house of the holy. (edit after reading: damn well I hope you can still change the feel, after whatever happened, still.)

Just curious, do any of you wake up and feel like it was just January, 5 or 6 weeks ago? BUT it is actually closer to 2014 then the start of 13! Just that time is flying this year?

Also I feel like on SR, it is like double dog years. Or maybe 10 to 1. I feel like I have been here forever...way more then the 14 months. In fact when I got to my first year...I felt as if I had  been here 10 years..and when I say 14 months..that really sounds to me like I have barely been here I was just wondering if any of you have experienced the 10 to one or 5 to 1 on the SR thing.

Man this is so accurate to my perception.  Like, to the letter.  I've worked so hard many projects in the past few months, and feel like I've got nothing done, even though I've done plenty.  Not specifically pertaining to sr but still applying to SR?  A lot has happened in between my first interaction with this place, and me typing this out now.  Now I look and see it hasn't even been a year?!? 

Good Sunday to you good sir.

I feel so fu**in sad  :'( why do people say they,ll do something than lie to avoid what they promised and fuck you over  :'(

The road to hell is paved with good intentions? 
Hope you're well mary!  Thank you for the kind message!  Let us know if we can help!

Damn straight they can take a number !

Taz will have far fewer words for them then he has for you though Chem !

 I'm glad I found you guys , I have a feeling both you and I  have , to paraphrase some quote I recently saw " forgotten more then most will ever know " .

You're just awesome guy.  Can you do us a favor and say hey to us whenever ya want?  I hope ya can find rest here. 

Hope my postmen is obverloaded tomorrow with all sorts of weird and wonderful orders  8)

You and me both dude.   ;)

@Chemmy, saw you got your vendor account. Got to be your 1st fan. :P

IT SHOULDA BEEN MEEEEE.  No I kid.  Hope you are well man!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 09, 2013, 09:31 pm
hi everybody!

@RS did you see that i paid back?
:) yes! thank you. you've always been good for it.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 09, 2013, 09:38 pm
oh i cant move  :(  Boxy!!  :)

Hugs to ya man  :)

eehhhh....if i could move i'd hug ya  LOL

frickin back is locked up  :(  this is nuts   :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 09, 2013, 09:45 pm
That's nuts CC.  Hope there is some kind of relief for ya out there. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 09, 2013, 09:47 pm
heya BoS :) how you?

check this out,
blasted off with a friend, his first time. :D man was it amazing, not only the again amazing hallucinations ^_^, but watching my buddy experience it, an his reaction.  made me love DMT 1000x more ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 09, 2013, 09:51 pm
take some magnesium an eat sum bananas :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 09, 2013, 09:54 pm
Thanks BOS  ;)
Hope your smokin for your pain too hun, get some good painkillers down you  ;) :-* :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 09, 2013, 09:57 pm
heya BoS :) how you?

check this out,
blasted off with a friend, his first time. :D man was it amazing, not only the again amazing hallucinations ^_^, but watching my buddy experience it, an his reaction.  made me love DMT 1000x more ;)

It's always a good feeling to be the person to introduce someone to a fave drug the right way. 

Meant to give it a spin this weekend but was busy.  Making my friend (who's tried it) come over mid week to help introduce it to me!  Sorry to keep ya waiting on that report!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 09, 2013, 09:57 pm
so, DMT is a good product to sell?

if ya'll don't mind me ya'lls opinion what is the top 3 sellers / product that is easy to ship and sells quick..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 09, 2013, 09:58 pm
boxy we Love you  :)

(Electronic Hugs to You)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 09, 2013, 10:00 pm
and yeah i have some pain killers ..i jjust dont like to take them....i wish my wife were here  :(

laying in my bed disabled like this sucks and she used to sit with me..oh fer fucks sake  i gotta stop thinking  :(

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 09, 2013, 10:08 pm
so, DMT is a good product to sell?

if ya'll don't mind me ya'lls opinion what is the top 3 sellers / product that is easy to ship and sells quick..
I've never considered selling it.  Not sure about selling on sr either, but I could prolly unload it reasonably easy around here cause it would be unheard of.

I only really know the molly market and only a small chunk of that.  I don't know if you wanna mess with it, but I'll send ya a pm anyway.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 09, 2013, 10:09 pm
Your wife,s always with you Chem  ;) wish i could help  :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 09, 2013, 10:11 pm
Can anyone help.... I,ve ust bought some coin cause price is low the now, do you think it will have risen by tomorrow or do u think i should just order now??  :-\  Any advise appreciated  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 09, 2013, 10:20 pm
if you can wait....wait until around 1 pm eastern time  :)

if you buy low now....the price of bitcoins will have gone up by then...i know it sounds silly..but this is how i make a majority of my money...i could be wrong...coins could go up tomorrow.....i am just basing my opinion / figures on the market...

if ya just need a fix...get it now then..  :)

mary....what would you say sells best?

if ya dont mind me askin...i just want to do this right and make some cash so we can do our meet and trip before i go  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 09, 2013, 10:27 pm
RS, Box, mary three...i wish to get my vendors account up and running...i'm gonna put this out there....

i may be here another 20 years  :)

on the off chance that i am not able to carry on...i would like you three to take over my account.....

if that time ever comes i will msg mary ...i'll give her the password....i'm working on something that if you three work together will be good...very good for you all  :)

Right now though, i'll do my best to build this Empire for you three  :)



Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 09, 2013, 10:31 pm
Thanks "Dad" I was thinking that myself and i can wait a couple of days so thats great, i just hope they don,t keep dropping lol  ;)
I,d say weeds a good seller esp. if the price is right, if i had £700 i,d buy a QP from Whiteshark and i could make about £200 plus a smoke for myself  ;) But def. MDMA, Cocaine, Heroin and meph although i wouldn,t touch any of these myself, i,m esp anti heroin, it fu**s people,s lives, but certainly the rest. I also think US benzo,s like xanax (which i tried recently and loved lol) valliun, oxy there very overpriced on SR esp vallium which i could shift quick here but not at SR prices esp UK vendors prices. The DMT seems to be getting more popular too  ;)
Hope this helps darling  :-* :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 09, 2013, 10:45 pm
RS, Box, mary three...i wish to get my vendors account up and running...i'm gonna put this out there....

i may be here another 20 years  :)

on the off chance that i am not able to carry on...i would like you three to take over my account.....

if that time ever comes i will msg mary ...i'll give her the password....i'm working on something that if you three work together will be good...very good for you all  :)

Right now though, i'll do my best to build this Empire for you three  :)



:-* :-* :-* You melt my heart and put a lump in my throat man  :o The only thing i want from you Chem is for you to be here for another 20 year minimum  ;D :-* :-*
Build your wee empire because you,ll do good for people with any money you make, I honestly can,t think of enough words to describe how i feel abouy you, you are in my heart forever  :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 09, 2013, 10:53 pm
i may be here another 20 years  :)

Please keep telling us this CC!  There are things out there you know I still need to learn from you!  You've taught me so much as it is!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: iCaNsee on June 09, 2013, 11:03 pm
I tried following what was occuring on this page on the thread.  I failed.

phr33 bee tee see?  plEEAASEEE?

lol i'm tryna sound like the average poster in this thread
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 09, 2013, 11:05 pm
I tried following what was occuring on this page on the thread.  I failed.

phr33 bee tee see?  plEEAASEEE?

lol i'm tryna sound like the average poster in this thread
WTF does this mean??  :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 09, 2013, 11:06 pm
I tried following what was occuring on this page on the thread.  I failed.

phr33 bee tee see?  plEEAASEEE?

lol i'm tryna sound like the average poster in this thread

Man where do I begin?  As long as it put a smirk on your face, despite all the confusion, I think you came across the point.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: iCaNsee on June 09, 2013, 11:11 pm
First posts on the forums in what seems like a decade.. I wish I had the time to be active on these forums. Lots of amazing, interesting, and like-minded people.  It kind of saddens me to wake up every day and communicate with the average american.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 09, 2013, 11:18 pm
Lol iCANsee.. I,m UK you should try communicating with the average here lol  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 09, 2013, 11:19 pm
It just occured to me  ::) not one person has been on and asked for a loan tonight, in fact most of the day  :o
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: iCaNsee on June 09, 2013, 11:26 pm
well..... I do need needles... I have some H coming in tomorrow and want to try shooting.. My nose is broken so thats a no go...  But i'll probly just go to CVS.

thanks for the offer though! ha! :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 09, 2013, 11:32 pm
iCaNsee please if you,ve not shot up H don,t, just my opinion, i smoked it when i was younger and shot and there,s no difference, still gouchy hit. Plus the hepC, along with everything else. esp addiction. There,s loads of junkies where i live and their in some mess with gear  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: iCaNsee on June 09, 2013, 11:39 pm
I appreciate the concern, but I'm already an addict.  It's the mental aspect really...
The needles I'll use only once a piece, and they will be brandy new :)

no STDs here

Also I hate smoking tar, tastes like shit and makes me nauseous 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 09, 2013, 11:39 pm


Do  ya need aa Loan?

Sorry, i'm out of it right now because of pain....a ya need a Loan?

If so..How Much?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 09, 2013, 11:42 pm
Chem please read pm now!  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 09, 2013, 11:43 pm
I,m going to bed "dad" goodnight hun  :-* :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 09, 2013, 11:43 pm

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 09, 2013, 11:50 pm
Night hunny  :)

Hugs to you and your man  :)


Dad   :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ducksfan0114 on June 09, 2013, 11:56 pm
RXKing i really enjoyed reading your reply, Been reading alot of stuff i missed in this forum you all seem to be a pretty close group and all very decent "normal" human beings. Chem I added you on the road, i know im not someone who has been around long but I would possibly try your product if you had something that looks interesting to me. If im allowed that is. :-)
RxKing Im assuming "RxKing" on the road is you? added you too if so, I will see you on wednesday RX Havent placed my order yet Vendor remade custom order for me then bitcoin fell to shite. Im sure it will go back up enough by the AM.. Been watching it very close all day waiting for it to bring me up 4 more dollars so i can place my order.. Im just happy it went back from low 90s that killed me..
Anyways I hope you all are having a great evening Im off to watch mtgox ticker some more and Spare coin thread backlogs.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 10, 2013, 12:05 am
Quote from: ducksfan0
RXKing i really enjoyed reading your reply, Been reading alot of stuff i missed in this forum you all seem to be a pretty close group and all very decent "normal" human beings. Chem I added you on the road, i know im not someone who has been around long but I would possibly try your product if you had something that looks interesting to me. If im allowed that is. :-)
RxKing Im assuming "RxKing" on the road is you? added you too if so, I will see you on wednesday RX Havent placed my order yet Vendor remade custom order for me then bitcoin fell to shite. Im sure it will go back up enough by the AM.. Been watching it very close all day waiting for it to bring me up 4 more dollars so i can place my order.. Im just happy it went back from low 90s that killed me..
Anyways I hope you all are having a great evening Im off to watch mtgox ticker some more and Spare coin thread backlogs.

Hiya duckfan  :)

hiw mjuch do ya need?

when do you reckon you can pay back?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: iCaNsee on June 10, 2013, 12:18 am
Chem your making me laugh! ::)

stop it!

wait.. keep going!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 10, 2013, 12:24 am
Quote from: iCaNsee
Chem your making me laugh! ::)

stop it!

wait.. keep going!

Okay  :)


i tnhis moment am out of my mind with this tie i have no clue what ya mean  ???



i'm gonna lay back down  :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: iCaNsee on June 10, 2013, 12:26 am
Pain from what?  I HATE pain.. i have a bad back... grr
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 10, 2013, 12:31 am
Fractured L 4 vert....crushed disc between L4 and L5 vert  :(

with two pins back is fubar  :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: iCaNsee on June 10, 2013, 12:37 am
fuck.. might I ask how that happened?

I hope you recover nicely :) :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 10, 2013, 12:51 am
Jumpin ou oif a plane  :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: iCaNsee on June 10, 2013, 12:51 am
atleast it wasnt something lame
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 10, 2013, 12:54 am
LOL wasnt lame  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ducksfan0114 on June 10, 2013, 01:01 am
Quote from: ducksfan0
RXKing i really enjoyed reading your reply, Been reading alot of stuff i missed in this forum you all seem to be a pretty close group and all very decent "normal" human beings. Chem I added you on the road, i know im not someone who has been around long but I would possibly try your product if you had something that looks interesting to me. If im allowed that is. :-)
RxKing Im assuming "RxKing" on the road is you? added you too if so, I will see you on wednesday RX Havent placed my order yet Vendor remade custom order for me then bitcoin fell to shite. Im sure it will go back up enough by the AM.. Been watching it very close all day waiting for it to bring me up 4 more dollars so i can place my order.. Im just happy it went back from low 90s that killed me..
Anyways I hope you all are having a great evening Im off to watch mtgox ticker some more and Spare coin thread backlogs.

Hiya duckfan  :)

hiw mjuch do ya need?

when do you reckon you can pay back?

ohh im 0.0452 BTC short 4.50$ USD this bitcoin drop Fking bs!
Fried day evening i can pay you back.(friday) lol.. anyways would be a grrreat help sir.
ducksfan0114 is my SR name
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: iCaNsee on June 10, 2013, 01:17 am
chem i added you to my buddy list. :P ???
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: 2marijuanaman on June 10, 2013, 01:26 am
If anyone would send me 91 cents, I'd be very grateful. My username on sr is CannibalC
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 10, 2013, 01:29 am
Quote from: 2marijuanaman
If anyone would send me 91 cents, I'd be very grateful. My username on sr is CannibalC

at this time....91 cents is 0.009082

you're outtuh Luck   :(

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: iCaNsee on June 10, 2013, 01:39 am
Quote from: 2marijuanaman
If anyone would send me 91 cents, I'd be very grateful. My username on sr is CannibalC

at this time....91 cents is 0.009082

you're outtuh Luck   :(

Ya i just checked my wallet to see if i could help you out marijuanaman.  I have .000485 btc :(

The thing I don't understand is, well ok I understand it.. The individuals I've dealt with over the course of my SR career (consumer) have always spotted me when I was short funds.  I've paid like 5-20$ less than the listing was priced at multiple times.  cool
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 10, 2013, 02:15 am
well my listing   r up...flor what they r worth at this time...

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 10, 2013, 02:31 am
well my listing   r up...flor what they r worth at this time...


It's in the cannabis section!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 10, 2013, 02:43 am
yeah? well i'll work on that!  :P

 now my vision is nuts......i cant see straightr...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 10, 2013, 02:55 am
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 10, 2013, 03:02 am

gonna lay down for a bit...

check my page again  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: enpiping on June 10, 2013, 03:05 am
If anyone would send me 91 cents, I'd be very grateful. My username on sr is CannibalC
I'd be willing to lend .01 BTC if that works for you!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 10, 2013, 03:11 am

gonna lay down for a bit...

check my page again  :)

Rest up CC.  Also... I don't see a change?  Doesn't matter.  Rest!

If anyone would send me 91 cents, I'd be very grateful. My username on sr is CannibalC
I'd be willing to lend .01 BTC if that works for you!
+1! I don't have a .01 to spare.  Thanks for stepping in!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: enpiping on June 10, 2013, 03:17 am
All sent!
send to    CannibalC    ฿-0.01 June 10, 2013, 3:16 am UTC
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ducksfan0114 on June 10, 2013, 03:23 am
gahh this bitcoin decline is killing me!! im negative 5 dollars now for an order.. i hope when i wake up its double in coin price!! gnight all will stop by tomorrow
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: scout on June 10, 2013, 03:34 am
hi, chemcat!  :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 10, 2013, 03:41 am
scout   ;D

Oh laying on my bed...cant move  :(

seriously cant move...

scout how are you? 


believe me ....  i try to move but the pain shooting up my back is crazy bad  :(

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: motek on June 10, 2013, 04:22 am
Hiya Chemcat and sorry to hear about your back.  We too have a fucked back, L5-S1 and L3-L4 which cause us all sorts of grief, which NO amount of morphine will help, inly unconsciousness stops the pain!

We have found that sometimes the really sharp nasty pains are caused by inflammation and the BEST drug we have ever used for this is an NSAID called 'ketoprofen' aka  Orudis brandname

And we were gifted a bike almost 2 years ago which we could hardly ride at first, but we certainly couldn't walk, due to the pain, so we tried the bike.  It was hard but we pushed it little by little each day and went from being able to ride a few hundred meters to several kms today!  It has improved our 'core muscle' strength significantly and now we have very little pain.

It's still "just there" and sometimes the wrong move can intiate instant hell, but now we know if we like down for a few minutes to let everything relax, and then stand and move carefully, chances are it will be gone!  We have also found sitting up very straight tp alleviate these symptoms as well (e.g. on the bus, train,car)

If you would like any further ideas matey feeel free to pm us, we'd be happy to help a fellow sufferer! :)

oh, btw this Btc price drop has killed me, I've 'lost' $30 in the past 2 days! and today is a bank holiday here so I cant reup!  and I'd love to get and order off, so if anyone could possibly loan me $15 i will return it ny the end of the week! 

PM for my SR username thanks, I'd prefer to keep motek's outspoken ways seperate if you understand! :o

thanks all, it's great to see this thread still going strong!

much love m m m m motek :) x
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 10, 2013, 08:18 am
m m m motek  :)

PM me your SR screen name and i'll lend ya that 15 dollars  :)

yeah the back is fubar  :(

PM me your SR screen name and i'll send ya the dollars ya need  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bamoida2 on June 10, 2013, 10:49 am
i hate to ask but can anyone lend me 0.07?

ill pay back asap (takes me like 4-5 days to mine on average)

SRN: bamoida2

can try to pay back 0.08 if mining doesn't fuck around, but can't really afford to actually purchase new BTC atm
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 10, 2013, 11:27 am
oh dagnabbit.. i jjust placed an order bam  :(

if ya would have caught me earlier i could have lent you the 0.07 coins 

Total transactions: 30
Total spent: ฿236.7
Refund rate: 0%
Auto-finalize rate: 0%
Member for: 6 months
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bamoida2 on June 10, 2013, 11:32 am
hehe, thanks anyway  ; )
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 10, 2013, 11:39 am
hang tight Bam  :)

sending you the coins now  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 10, 2013, 11:43 am
bam,  Sent!!  :)

Please pay back as soon as you can  :)

i sent to you...  0.0711111 bitcoins   :)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bamoida2 on June 10, 2013, 11:45 am
bam,  Sent!!  :)

Please pay back as soon as you can  :)

i sent to you...  0.0711111 bitcoins   :)



awesome, thank you a lot =), i will return your coins ASAP!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 10, 2013, 11:47 am
sent to    bamoida2    ฿-0.07 June 10, 2013, 11:42 am UTC
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on June 10, 2013, 12:50 pm
Hi all
Please lets not get into a "my backs badder than your back" cos not long ago I had a bout of T.B. and when admitted to hospital they found out I had osteomyelitis of the spine :o gave me a week to live :o but I'm still here!! Fuck you death!!

anyways was wondering if a kind gent or lady could spare 0.07 till better times

its eddyboy666 btw
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: SmashBros on June 10, 2013, 12:56 pm
Hey guys I am .03 short $35.1 my name account name is crackattack12 i should be able to pay back within the next week at most
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: SmashBros on June 10, 2013, 12:58 pm
Hey guys I am .03 short $35.1 my name account name is crackattack12 i should be able to pay back within the next week at most
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 10, 2013, 01:07 pm
Hi all
Please lets not get into a "my backs badder than your back" cos not long ago I had a bout of T.B. and when admitted to hospital they found out I had osteomyelitis of the spine :o gave me a week to live :o but I'm still here!! Fuck you death!!

anyways was wondering if a kind gent or lady could spare 0.07 till better times

its eddyboy666 btw

I can vouch for a guaranteed pay back from Darktime - I can lend it to him, nut not until my coins arrive later. But if someone has it now he's 100% reliable - to the point of if he lets you down I'll pay the debt back myself.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on June 10, 2013, 01:13 pm
Thank you my friend Japan 8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 10, 2013, 02:06 pm
Hi Darktime  ;) did i loan you coin the eddyboy rings a bell and did you pay me back, sorry just so i can put on here that you paid, sorry i don,t know how to check  :-[
Hi everyone  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 10, 2013, 02:17 pm
Mary - if you go into your account then account history it will give you a list of every transaction you've ever made, or every transaction you've given out.

Anyway HIGH Mary hope you're well *HUGS*  8)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 10, 2013, 02:37 pm
can anyone loan me 0.8 i know its a lot but i,ll have back to you in an hour at most prob half an hour i hate to ask but i,m going to miss my order, the girls keeping up for me and i,ve got 10 mins!!  ;) SR name same  :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 10, 2013, 02:39 pm
Hi all
Please lets not get into a "my backs badder than your back" cos not long ago I had a bout of T.B. and when admitted to hospital they found out I had osteomyelitis of the spine :o gave me a week to live :o but I'm still here!! Fuck you death!!

anyways was wondering if a kind gent or lady could spare 0.07 till better times

its eddyboy666 btw

I can vouch for a guaranteed pay back from Darktime - I can lend it to him, nut not until my coins arrive later. But if someone has it now he's 100% reliable - to the point of if he lets you down I'll pay the debt back myself.

No need now guys.

Sent you 0.07 DT  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 10, 2013, 02:43 pm
I,ve got my coin through, was panicking lol so don,t need now  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper Jenson on June 10, 2013, 02:44 pm
Hello there, I am waiting on my BTC to clear my SR acct and wonder if anyone could lend 0.08 until later today. Should have it back within 8 hours and will pay back 0.09.

The item I'm ordering is limited quantity and I'm worries it will be gone by the time I get my BTC.

I have paid back my previous loan here a while back but understand if there are no takers. Thanks!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 10, 2013, 02:45 pm
Hello there, I am waiting on my BTC to clear my SR acct and wonder if anyone could lend 0.08 until later today. Should have it back within 8 hours and will pay back 0.09.

The item I'm ordering is limited quantity and I'm worries it will be gone by the time I get my BTC.

I have paid back my previous loan here a while back but understand if there are no takers. Thanks!

Sounds like a deal  ;)

Plus I've lent to you before and you paid back.

Send it over now bro  8)

Jasper - double checking your SR name, is it Jasper5Jenson?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper Jenson on June 10, 2013, 02:51 pm
Hey Japan, SR name is Jasper5Jenson. Will pay back asap. Thanks again!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 10, 2013, 02:53 pm
Hey Japan, SR name is Jasper5Jenson. Will pay back asap. Thanks again!

Sent - now get that fucking order in quick time  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on June 10, 2013, 02:55 pm
Hi Darktime  ;) did i loan you coin the eddyboy rings a bell and did you pay me back, sorry just so i can put on here that you paid, sorry i don,t know how to check  :-[
Hi everyone  8)

yes you did mary and I paid you back half on the day so just half to go ;)
people I also owe:

Mr Lavish

Just a note to your good selves and me that I haven't forgot and will pay back ASAP
Thankyou all for your generosity.It will be rewarded in many ways.

Japan-sent you pm 8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 10, 2013, 04:44 pm
Its kool Darktime jsut pay it forward if you want  :-* I can see my wallet transactions now lol Thanks Japan  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Mike Hunt on June 10, 2013, 05:09 pm
oh man I wish I had saved back .003 btc. Can anyone afford to loan it?


Thanks in advance to any kind soul that can spare it. Trying to get in on the 25c samples. I'll pay it back double. I have loaned btc in here before
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: anonypunk on June 10, 2013, 05:20 pm
Hey BoxofShapes!

Wanted you to know that I haven't forgot about your loan the other day. I should be able to get coin today (fingers crossed). What sucks is this is never the problem of having money its the trouble we have to go through to get BTC. Anyway. Wanted you (and others here) that I havent forgotten your kindness. Later you guys!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 10, 2013, 05:26 pm
heya BoS :) how you?

check this out,
blasted off with a friend, his first time. :D man was it amazing, not only the again amazing hallucinations ^_^, but watching my buddy experience it, an his reaction.  made me love DMT 1000x more ;)

Did you get a full breakthrough RS ?

I can't wait for my first dmt trip .

I hope that bad news you mentioned the other day didn't come too close you trip .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 10, 2013, 05:34 pm
Damn this thread moves fast I wish , my internet connection moved as fast at this time of night !

Did you get my Marry , That guy Lorax twat is something else , best to let him get on with it on his own I reckon .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bamoida2 on June 10, 2013, 05:35 pm
hi, just wanted to say that all of you are awesome =)  +1
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 10, 2013, 05:40 pm
Hi everyone  8)
Taz i just pm,d you back hun, yeah Lorax the ass lol an thats being polite  ;)
Can anyone loan me 0.1 till tomorrow, i,m still waiting on my loans to be paid back! My SR name the same, thanks would be so greatful and will pay back 0.11 back  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 10, 2013, 05:45 pm
+1 btw Taz  ;) I,m waiting on a DMT order, never tried before either  :P :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Intraterrestrial on June 10, 2013, 05:47 pm
Hi everyone  8)
Taz i just pm,d you back hun, yeah Lorax the ass lol an thats being polite  ;)
Can anyone loan me 0.1 till tomorrow, i,m still waiting on my loans to be paid back! My SR name the same, thanks would be so greatful and will pay back 0.11 back  ;)

Have sent you the 0.1 you need Mary
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 10, 2013, 05:48 pm
I would Marry but I'm cleaned out until I win my resolution with cashmachine  tomorrow .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 10, 2013, 05:51 pm
+1 Intraterrestrial  ;) Thank you so much, i can do my order now  8)
Taz thanks hun its the thought that counts  :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 10, 2013, 05:59 pm
Oh I have plenty of thought's , shame you can't pay with the buggers =)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 10, 2013, 06:04 pm
Taz i,ve got some DMT coming, i,ve not taken before either  ::) lol Have you ordered any to try? ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 10, 2013, 06:08 pm
Check your pm taz  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Intraterrestrial on June 10, 2013, 06:12 pm
^^^^^ DMT - dynamite motherfuckin's a great drug
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 10, 2013, 06:15 pm
No I have on my list , waiting for the right time - not the kinda thing to fuck with in the wrong environment for sure .

Replied to ya p.m marry , can you set my mind at rest and check my reply - cheers .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: kingdisko23 on June 10, 2013, 06:17 pm
Hi guys,

Can someone lend me 0.05 coins for an hour or so? - SR name diskoking23

Will be paid back promptly!

Thanks peeps!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 10, 2013, 06:18 pm
I've done a lot of research on d.m.t when I get chance later I'll forward you a few links - you may have read them already - but knowledge is power , so I'll forward them all the same .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 10, 2013, 06:22 pm
morning y'all :), probably not going to be on much today, but had to stop by an say howdy do ;) :-* :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: kingdisko23 on June 10, 2013, 06:24 pm
Wanted to take advantage of an offer... Keeping my account low incase the bubble pops again...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 10, 2013, 06:26 pm
Wanted to take advantage of an offer... Keeping my account low incase the bubble pops again...
??? huh?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 10, 2013, 06:27 pm
morning y'all :), probably not going to be on much today, but had to stop by an say howdy do ;) :-* :P

Hey rs , how was your dmt trip ?

did you get a full breakthrough ?

I was hoping that bad news you mentioned did not come to close to the trip - you all good ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: kingdisko23 on June 10, 2013, 06:28 pm
Asking for a loan RS7FI8ZRkm!!

Was saying my accounts a little low after the little yo-yo the bitcoins been doing!

I've funds coming across... But I may miss my order! :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: kingdisko23 on June 10, 2013, 06:30 pm
I think I may miss it, there's 2 left.. If there is a generous soul than can help.. I may make it!

0.05 will be paid back in a couple of hours max!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 10, 2013, 06:31 pm
Sorry , I'm cleaned out right now king .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 10, 2013, 06:34 pm
morning y'all :), probably not going to be on much today, but had to stop by an say howdy do ;) :-* :P
Hey RSeven!  Hope all is doin well!
I've done a lot of research on d.m.t when I get chance later I'll forward you a few links - you may have read them already - but knowledge is power , so I'll forward them all the same .
Mind throwing me a little of that power?

Wanted to take advantage of an offer... Keeping my account low incase the bubble pops again...
Wish I could help you guys.  So broke right now  :( Next time I'll be able to work it out.

How are things mary?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 10, 2013, 06:36 pm
No probs boxy I'll p.m you when I p.m   Marry later , when my connection speeds up a bit - it's like being on a 14 kb modem right now !
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: kingdisko23 on June 10, 2013, 06:37 pm

thanks guys... It may tumble in time! Fingers crossed!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 10, 2013, 06:38 pm
Taz i,ve pm,d you lol  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 10, 2013, 06:39 pm
morning y'all :), probably not going to be on much today, but had to stop by an say howdy do ;) :-* :P

Hey rs , how was your dmt trip ?

did you get a full breakthrough ?

I was hoping that bad news you mentioned did not come to close to the trip - you all good ?
DMT trip was amazing as always. had nothing todo with my bad news ;)..

the day before yesterday I had full breakthrough. yesterday I did a little one, without breaking through.
but was still getting mad visuals, actually was quite nice to just sit there watch everything morphing into cartoony looking, an bright neon colors. the hairs on my legs started dancing with grind like shapes/patterns very interesting to watch ;D. an outside the trees in the wind were fucking trippy! :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 10, 2013, 06:41 pm
Hi RS hun  ;)
Hi BOS, I,m good thanks  8) how are you today  ;)
Sorry i,m cleaned out till i get loans back  :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: hetsigtok on June 10, 2013, 06:43 pm
Anyone wanna loan me 0.005BTC (around 50 cent)? I can pay back tomorrow or the day after that. Have an order on 1 BTC that Ive asked to cancel but probably wont be able to get that today. So if anyone would like to loan me that amount send me a pm.

Would greatly appreciate it  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 10, 2013, 06:44 pm
I think I may miss it, there's 2 left.. If there is a generous soul than can help.. I may make it!

0.05 will be paid back in a couple of hours max!
my piggy bank is outta coins for the moment :( also I am no longer willing to loan users with post count lower then 150. :-\ sorry to many unrepaid loans.

morning y'all :), probably not going to be on much today, but had to stop by an say howdy do ;) :-* :P
Hey RSeven!  Hope all is doin well!
I've done a lot of research on d.m.t when I get chance later I'll forward you a few links - you may have read them already - but knowledge is power , so I'll forward them all the same .
Mind throwing me a little of that power?

Wanted to take advantage of an offer... Keeping my account low incase the bubble pops again...
Wish I could help you guys.  So broke right now  :( Next time I'll be able to work it out.

How are things mary?
doing well, for the moment :). hope you're having a great day my brother.

Hi RS hun  ;)
Hi BOS, I,m good thanks  8) how are you today  ;)
Sorry i,m cleaned out till i get loans back  :(
hiya :) :-* :P top of the mornin ta ya!

looks like we're all broke right now :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 10, 2013, 06:44 pm
Good stuff R.S  , glad to hear the news had nothing to do with / coincide with ya trip - It crossed my mind a few times !
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 10, 2013, 06:49 pm
Marry I'm just looking for that " we are family "  you mentioned , witch sub forum is it in - a search threw up a ton of results .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 10, 2013, 06:51 pm
Anyone wanna loan me 0.005BTC (around 50 cent)? I can pay back tomorrow or the day after that. Have an order on 1 BTC that Ive asked to cancel but probably wont be able to get that today. So if anyone would like to loan me that amount send me a pm.

Would greatly appreciate it  ;D
Is your SR name the same  ;) please read the rules and i wouldn,t need to ask  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 10, 2013, 06:57 pm
Good stuff R.S  , glad to hear the news had nothing to do with / coincide with ya trip - It crossed my mind a few times !
lol, no but my buddy had the worst trip of his life yesterday with DMT, kinda worried me a little bit.

actually made him considering quitting everything :o, an were talking about a dude that will do any drug, just to try it. ::)

so, now I think its very import to stress having the right state of mind, along with a good atmosphere. DO NOT SETTLE! if you aren't ready for it, wait.

I tried to tell him get ready for it, take few minutes to clear his mind.. but, he just went for it, took fat slow hit, held it in.

right as he to exhaled an started taking a second hit, my front door opens like somebodies coming inside, an so I got up an walked out of the room quickly, to see what was going on, meanwhile my friend has a hellish trip, that he described as being in hell. he said he'd have rather died then experienced that o_O.. so I am retracting some of my love for DMT.. its a powerful substance, an should be treated with respect! do not challenge DMT, it'll probably kick you ass. :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 10, 2013, 07:01 pm
Marry I'm just looking for that " we are family "  you mentioned , witch sub forum is it in - a search threw up a ton of results .
here ya go :)
http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=166727.0 - **Off Topic** You Know We Are A Family
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: kingdisko23 on June 10, 2013, 07:02 pm
Missed it... :( - Don't worry about the loan!

Thanks again!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 10, 2013, 07:06 pm
                                                 :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) **When requesting, post your SR name** so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
dr gonzo
Mike Hunt
Taz7 ++++       
White Out

The shit list:
Autobondon *
King Karma
rhinosaurus ++++

*^*do not lend to these people*^*

:P remember, everybody can post this list! just press quote, an delete the start an end [ quote ] tags
try lets try land it once every 5 pages people :) :-* :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 10, 2013, 07:07 pm
Sorry kingdisko i missed it before that  :(
Taz i said off topic lol  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 10, 2013, 07:10 pm
Good stuff R.S  , glad to hear the news had nothing to do with / coincide with ya trip - It crossed my mind a few times !
lol, no but my buddy had the worst trip of his life yesterday with DMT, kinda worried me a little bit.

actually made him considering quitting everything :o, an were talking about a dude that will do any drug, just to try it. ::)

so, now I think its very import to stress having the right state of mind, along with a good atmosphere. DO NOT SETTLE! if you aren't ready for it, wait.

I tried to tell him get ready for it, take few minutes to clear his mind.. but, he just went for it, took fat slow hit, held it in.

right as he to exhaled an started taking a second hit, my front door opens like somebodies coming inside, an so I got up an walked out of the room quickly, to see what was going on, meanwhile my friend has a hellish trip, that he described as being in hell. he said he'd have rather died then experienced that o_O.. so I am retracting some of my love for DMT.. its a powerful substance, an should be treated with respect! do not challenge DMT, it'll probably kick you ass. :)
OMFG I,m scared to try it now  :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 10, 2013, 07:11 pm
Good stuff R.S  , glad to hear the news had nothing to do with / coincide with ya trip - It crossed my mind a few times !
lol, no but my buddy had the worst trip of his life yesterday with DMT, kinda worried me a little bit.

actually made him considering quitting everything :o, an were talking about a dude that will do any drug, just to try it. ::)

so, now I think its very import to stress having the right state of mind, along with a good atmosphere. DO NOT SETTLE! if you aren't ready for it, wait.

I tried to tell him get ready for it, take few minutes to clear his mind.. but, he just went for it, took fat slow hit, held it in.

right as he to exhaled an started taking a second hit, my front door opens like somebodies coming inside, an so I got up an walked out of the room quickly, to see what was going on, meanwhile my friend has a hellish trip, that he described as being in hell. he said he'd have rather died then experienced that o_O.. so I am retracting some of my love for DMT.. its a powerful substance, an should be treated with respect! do not challenge DMT, it'll probably kick you ass. :)

TOTALLY , I have spent many ,many hours reading up on d.m.t , and still haven't got the right environment set up yet  - not something to fuck around with for sure .

Have you read " the spirit molecule " I was going to watch the documentary on it later too when my connection licks into gear  , I'm pm'ing Marry and boxy with a few links  good reading links  on it later - it's a fascinating substance that I can't wait to try when the times right .

Hope your friends working things out , I gather a bad trip can really throw up some difficult questions , to say the least .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bamoida2 on June 10, 2013, 07:13 pm
damn all that talk about DMT in this thread makes me want to try it again so bad, the first time i didn't get a breakthrough, because we burned too much of it, would it go decent with a meth pipe?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 10, 2013, 07:14 pm
:P don't be scared. but, be in chill environment, possibly start with only one toke not two ;) an I promise you'll enjoy it.

his mistake was challenging it, he wanted to see how much he could control it.. he learned the hard way, that you don't :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 10, 2013, 07:15 pm
damn all that talk about DMT in this thread makes me want to try it again so bad, the first time i didn't get a breakthrough, because we burned too much of it, would it go decent with a meth pipe?
making a machine is actually really simple ;) an it works 1000x better then a meth style pipe can.

when you properly understand what's happening with when you're trying to smoke it.. the machine makes perfect sense ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 10, 2013, 07:19 pm
:P don't be scared. but, be in chill environment, possibly start with only one toke not two ;) an I promise you'll enjoy it. his mistake was challenging it, he wanted to see how much he could control it.. he learned the hard way, that you don't :P

Ah I see big mistake by all accounts , trying to have power over it or the experience is big no , no !
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 10, 2013, 07:23 pm
Good stuff R.S  , glad to hear the news had nothing to do with / coincide with ya trip - It crossed my mind a few times !
lol, no but my buddy had the worst trip of his life yesterday with DMT, kinda worried me a little bit.

actually made him considering quitting everything :o, an were talking about a dude that will do any drug, just to try it. ::)

so, now I think its very import to stress having the right state of mind, along with a good atmosphere. DO NOT SETTLE! if you aren't ready for it, wait.

I tried to tell him get ready for it, take few minutes to clear his mind.. but, he just went for it, took fat slow hit, held it in.

right as he to exhaled an started taking a second hit, my front door opens like somebodies coming inside, an so I got up an walked out of the room quickly, to see what was going on, meanwhile my friend has a hellish trip, that he described as being in hell. he said he'd have rather died then experienced that o_O.. so I am retracting some of my love for DMT.. its a powerful substance, an should be treated with respect! do not challenge DMT, it'll probably kick you ass. :)

TOTALLY , I have spent many ,many hours reading up on d.m.t , and still haven't got the right environment set up yet  - not something to fuck around with for sure .

Have you read " the spirit molecule " I was going to watch the documentary on it later too when my connection licks into gear  , I'm pm'ing Marry and boxy with a few links  good reading links  on it later - it's a fascinating substance that I can't wait to try when the times right .

Hope your friends working things out , I gather a bad trip can really throw up some difficult questions , to say the least .
;) safe to say he had a life changing moment, perhaps not as intended.. however he isn't scared to try it again, he now understands, an says he'll only do a small amount, till hes comfortable again, he really liked it the first time we did it, but this last time wasn't so much fun for him. :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 10, 2013, 07:24 pm
@taz you saw I posted the we are family thread ye?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 10, 2013, 07:25 pm
My method was going to be in waterless bong , samwitched between two thick layers of ash - then gently  fill the chamber and clear it in one go - for a breakthrough - you wouldn't want to do that if your not looking to breakthrough , I gather .

Haven't read anything on building a machine yet .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 10, 2013, 07:31 pm
I have it open in a new tab , me and Chemy had a long chat the other night , and I told Chemy a fragment of my story - we hadn't discussed him yet and then that asshole made that personal attack on chemy - at the time I didn't realize just how personal attack it was .

I was angry before I knew much about Chemy's background , now I'm just seething about it - it's taking a bit of self restraint not to get to worked up about it - but I realize no good wuld come of doing that .

I'm going to read it properly in a bit - only read the first few posts yet .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 10, 2013, 07:38 pm
My method was going to be in waterless bong , samwitched between two thick layers of ash - then gently  fill the chamber and clear it in one go - for a breakthrough - you wouldn't want to do that if your not looking to breakthrough , I gather .

Haven't read anything on building a machine yet .
if you plan for the sandwich method, I'd recommend using actual materiel, the idea is when the free base it begins to absorb into the bud an sorta starts vaping.. but A LOT is wasted :(

the machine can be made entirely with items at home.

I used a small flask sized bottle of Jameson whiskey, a screw driver (flat and philips) could be substituted by anything long sharp an an end to beat on.

some thing to hammer the screw driver with, I used what ever i could fined.. think was small rock er something :P

held the bottle up side down, an with the flat head screwdriver started tapping it on the bottom of the bottle gently till I chipped away small amounts of glass, creating a small indented spot, then with the philips, placed the tip into the indent, while applying some pressure, rotated my hand back an fourth slowly drilling the driver deeper through the bottle, be careful  about the glass powder, shit can be no fun on the hands..

take your time an do it slowly, till you have nice little hole, sure there are other ways to do this, but this how I did it ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 10, 2013, 07:41 pm
I have it open in a new tab , me and Chemy had a long chat the other night , and I told Chemy a fragment of my story - we hadn't discussed him yet and then that asshole made that personal attack on chemy - at the time I didn't realize just how personal attack it was .

I was angry before I knew much about Chemy's background , now I'm just seething about it - it's taking a bit of self restraint not to get to worked up about it - but I realize no good wuld come of doing that .

I'm going to read it properly in a bit - only read the first few posts yet .
I read through parts of that, but couldn't make sense of it.. I couldn't tell why he was pissed at chemmy for being* chemmy? :P like what dose he want? this is a community.. we are who we are.. fuck anyone trying to change that :).
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 10, 2013, 07:44 pm
heres the full documentary on DMT spirit molecule for those who haven't seen it  - CLEARNET LINK -  I messed up , rs modified it for me below 1
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 10, 2013, 07:45 pm
dat link :o
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 10, 2013, 07:47 pm

:) :P :-* ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 10, 2013, 07:48 pm
He had no real reason I could tell - he claimed it was because some feedback chemy left on humboltsfinest's page - apparently it was too long !

Can you believe that , the guys seriously fucked up and p.m'ed me wishing cancer upon me ect ect , he removed his post so he didn't get banned .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 10, 2013, 07:49 pm
Thanks - I missed that
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 10, 2013, 07:52 pm
Did you have a lump in yer throat reading the family thread Taz  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 10, 2013, 07:53 pm
He had no real reason I could tell - he claimed it was because some feedback chemy left on humboltsfinest's page - apparently it was too long !

Can you believe that , the guys seriously fucked up and p.m'ed me wishing cancer upon me ect ect , he removed his post so he didn't get banned .
its funny, the things people will do for attention :P I'd say just ignore him, honestly the fact he's getting pissed at chemcat for??? makes it obvious he's not part of this family. an therefor should go sodomize himself with a flaming pitch fork ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 10, 2013, 07:55 pm
I am having to process it in bits - that thread included - I had tears in my eyes when Chemy welcomed me to the family the other night - now I'm just gobsmacked .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 10, 2013, 07:58 pm
Damn RS.  Thanks for sharing that.  I'm glad I didn't rush it this weekend if that's the case. 

I've been exercising as much as it makes sense too in the past few days, to clear out all my fog.  One of the few things that really levels me out.  Been treating it like I'm training for the Olympics cept it's more like a foot race to Olympus.  Getting prepared as best as I can!

Feel decent about my small set list so far.

I read through parts of that, but couldn't make sense of it.. I couldn't tell why he was pissed at chemmy for be chemmy? :P like what dose he want? this is a community.. we are who we are.. fuck anyone trying to change that :).

If it were another forum, I would more likely be baited by all the trolls.  Here, I can be like, "Oh yea!  We're all on drugs".  There's always going to be haters.  :( I kinda laugh each time I see DPR have negative karma.  If it weren't for him, you wouldn't be giving him +/- in the first place. 

Meh.  Either way, thanks for hangin out with CC, taz, when that happened.  The guy doesn't deserve shit like this. 

Hope you have found a good place to chill here!  Yer a good guy to know!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 10, 2013, 08:03 pm
Thanks box , it means a lot to me to be welcomed to the fold .

I wouldn't have reacted as angrily as I did to the guy , but it really got to me , I soon  checked myself when I realized it's not what Chemy would want though , but I had to say something !
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 10, 2013, 08:04 pm
He had no real reason I could tell - he claimed it was because some feedback chemy left on humboltsfinest's page - apparently it was too long !

Can you believe that , the guys seriously fucked up and p.m'ed me wishing cancer upon me ect ect , he removed his post so he didn't get banned .
its funny, the things people will do for attention :P I'd say just ignore him, honestly the fact he's getting pissed at chemcat for??? makes it obvious he's not part of this family. an therefor should go sodomize himself with a flaming pitch fork ;)
I,m glad i,m not the only one who was angry at this!! Yeah there,s trolls but lorax went way past the mark  >:( Like i told Lorax "you don,t think people have Chemcat,s back" he,s clearly disturbed  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 10, 2013, 08:07 pm
Damn RS.  Thanks for sharing that.  I'm glad I didn't rush it this weekend if that's the case. 

I've been exercising as much as it makes sense too in the past few days, to clear out all my fog.  One of the few things that really levels me out.  Been treating it like I'm training for the Olympics cept it's more like a foot race to Olympus.  Getting prepared as best as I can!

Feel decent about my small set list so far.

I read through parts of that, but couldn't make sense of it.. I couldn't tell why he was pissed at chemmy for be chemmy? :P like what dose he want? this is a community.. we are who we are.. fuck anyone trying to change that :).

If it were another forum, I would more likely be baited by all the trolls.  Here, I can be like, "Oh yea!  We're all on drugs".  There's always going to be haters.  :( I kinda laugh each time I see DPR have negative karma.  If it weren't for him, you wouldn't be giving him +/- in the first place. 

Meh.  Either way, thanks for hangin out with CC, taz, when that happened.  The guy doesn't deserve shit like this. 

Hope you have found a good place to chill here!  Yer a good guy to know!
;) it's important to respect an understand DMT, I wasn't trying to scare anybody.. just wanted to share, it is very powerful substance which must be used when appropriate. if you feel you aren't ready.. by all means, give it time :) do it when you are ready ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 10, 2013, 08:07 pm
BTW , I haven't read through yesterdays chit- chat , I trust Chem didn't let it get to him to much - I did not realize how personal that was - or I would have stuck around for longer and checked in yesterday .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 10, 2013, 08:11 pm
Chem still luvs him, he said  :o :o That in itself tells you what a guy Chem is, amazes me man  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 10, 2013, 08:14 pm
got to spend time chatting with some of my fav droogs this morning :), however it's time for me to go :(

I may be back soon, but I kinda doubt it. more likely I'll be on later in the evening, or back tomorrow..

until next time, besafe, love y'all :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 10, 2013, 08:17 pm
Marry , Boxy - did you see the link I posted ( and r.s kindly fixed ) to that documentry  - very interesting and the book is amazing - I'll include a link to the book too when I p.m you later .

Marry - Yeah I was there when Chem posted that , it's why I just left it and tried to put it out of my mind .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 10, 2013, 08:18 pm
Bye R.S have a good day - luv back=)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Alighier on June 10, 2013, 08:21 pm

Running low on rigs and have absolutely no coins in my account.

In total I need .12, it's free domestic shipping.  I can pay you back next week without a doubt.

SR Username- Alighier

Coin address in the signature.

Thank you ^.^
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 10, 2013, 08:39 pm
I mean, the guy does everything to throw positivity around here.  Have someone tell you what you are trying the hardest to do, is shit, and see how ya feel.

I know very well it's not for everyone, but there was a better way to do it.

But I suck at dogfights like this.  Just trying to do the opposite!

;) it's important to respect an understand DMT, I wasn't trying to scare anybody.. just wanted to share, it is very powerful substance which must be used when appropriate. if you feel you aren't ready.. by all means, give it time :) do it when you are ready ;)
  Yay for patience!  And I'm not scared still.  Just glad I didn't underestimate what's at hand.

Marry , Boxy - did you see the link I posted ( and r.s kindly fixed ) to that documentry  - very interesting and the book is amazing - I'll include a link to the book too when I p.m you later .

Marry - Yeah I was there when Chem posted that , it's why I just left it and tried to put it out of my mind .

I was told by my friend (the one who will be joining me mid week to try this out) not to watch this cause it would piss me off somehow.  He knows me very well so I trust him on this.  Maybe after I give it a run?  Hope that doesn't offend.


Running low on rigs and have absolutely no coins in my account.

In total I need .12, it's free domestic shipping.  I can pay you back next week without a doubt.

SR Username- Alighier

Coin address in the signature.

Thank you ^.^

Seems people are pretty strapped right now.   :( hope someone can help
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 10, 2013, 08:40 pm
Bye RS bet i missed you  :-* I was watching a gypsy programme lol  :D Do you watch the Gypsy programmes Taz? what do u think lol  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 10, 2013, 09:02 pm
I used to hang around with a lot of new age travelers and know a few gypsies , crazy life some of them live - but don't we all .

I luv  B.f.g.w   .

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 10, 2013, 09:09 pm
I just spent 20 minutes replying to your p.m Marry , I'm going to have to find mine and Chemy's chat the other night ( in this thread early sunday morn ) .

I could spend all night  telling people a  wee bit about me - I run deep !

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 10, 2013, 09:14 pm
 :( My ear hurts lol i,ve got my mans headphones in, mine broke, and i have a peircing in my ear, its pressing on it lol help  :( :P :P :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: enpiping on June 10, 2013, 09:18 pm
Just to jump in--I have .01 BTC left in my SR wallet to lend out if anyone runs up short.  With BTC prices as low as they are right now, I doubt .01 would make much of a difference, but I figured I'd let everyone reading the thread know. :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 10, 2013, 09:24 pm
Good stuff R.S  , glad to hear the news had nothing to do with / coincide with ya trip - It crossed my mind a few times !
lol, no but my buddy had the worst trip of his life yesterday with DMT, kinda worried me a little bit.

actually made him considering quitting everything :o, an were talking about a dude that will do any drug, just to try it. ::)

so, now I think its very import to stress having the right state of mind, along with a good atmosphere. DO NOT SETTLE! if you aren't ready for it, wait.

I tried to tell him get ready for it, take few minutes to clear his mind.. but, he just went for it, took fat slow hit, held it in.

right as he to exhaled an started taking a second hit, my front door opens like somebodies coming inside, an so I got up an walked out of the room quickly, to see what was going on, meanwhile my friend has a hellish trip, that he described as being in hell. he said he'd have rather died then experienced that o_O.. so I am retracting some of my love for DMT.. its a powerful substance, an should be treated with respect! do not challenge DMT, it'll probably kick you ass. :)

TOTALLY , I have spent many ,many hours reading up on d.m.t , and still haven't got the right environment set up yet  - not something to fuck around with for sure .

Have you read " the spirit molecule " I was going to watch the documentary on it later too when my connection licks into gear  , I'm pm'ing Marry and boxy with a few links  good reading links  on it later - it's a fascinating substance that I can't wait to try when the times right .

Hope your friends working things out , I gather a bad trip can really throw up some difficult questions , to say the least .
;) safe to say he had a life changing moment, perhaps not as intended.. however he isn't scared to try it again, he now understands, an says he'll only do a small amount, till hes comfortable again, he really liked it the first time we did it, but this last time wasn't so much fun for him. :(

Talking of bad DMT trips - for what it's worth I've never ever had one.

I've taken DMT when pissed off, angry, happy, on bad ass comedowns, in motorway laybys, in forests - I never even think about trying to set the right environment or anything. I think by doing that your mind just starts wondering 'I hope I'm ready etc etc' - My advice is just load the machine and blast your head to pieces.

Start thinking 'am I feeling ready' just says to me you're already doubting yourself. I recommend not even thinking about anything, just vape the fucker  8)

And all this bong, sandwich bollox - don't waste your time. Use a machine, or a similar vaporizer - I hear the lightbulb works well. But the machine is number one for DMT without doubt.

I wont be doing anymore for a good few months, tolerance builds quick. I've got through about 3 grams in a pretty short period - but fuck me I've been to some amazing places. The last 250mg or so It was impossible for me to breakthrough due to tolerance, getting great visuals and still loving it, but the breakthroughs were finished.

I'll be back in a few months to see the elves and cavemen and all kinds of other things - but for now it's a lay off period.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 10, 2013, 09:26 pm
enpiping  ;) i went to +1 you but bloody rule lol  ;)

Taz i think it starts on page 283 on this thread? Anyway i just read them *lump in throat* am gonna pm ya hun  :-* :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 10, 2013, 09:30 pm
HIGH Japan  ;) i,ve ordered DMT and now i,m kinda scared to try it after reading that  :-\  do you think i should smoke some so i don,t breakthrough 1st to see what i think or just go for it, you seem to know a lot about this, Thanks bud  :-* :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 10, 2013, 09:31 pm
I just spent 20 minutes replying to your p.m Marry , I'm going to have to find mine and Chemy's chat the other night ( in this thread early sunday morn ) .

I could spend all night  telling people a  wee bit about me - I run deep !

Yea I read it! Ya got my interest for sure.  My favorite line was "forgotten more stuff then people remember".  The statement itself blows my mind.

heh thanks dood.

Haha.  You're crazy dude.  I guess if you can pull it off then by all means!  Once I try it though I'll know more what I'm dealing with.  Hope you get the most out of your chill out period.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 10, 2013, 09:42 pm
:( My ear hurts lol i,ve got my mans headphones in, mine broke, and i have a peircing in my ear, its pressing on it lol help  :( :P :P :-*

Please be carefull , try turning it down and you will find , that your ears will adjust after a while - ears are really delicate

P.M  with a few good dmt links sent to Marry and Boxy - the documentry  is wicked
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper Jenson on June 10, 2013, 09:46 pm
@Japan1980: just repaid the loan from earlier today, 0.09 btc sent to your account. Thanks and +1! I finally got to 100 posts today too.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 10, 2013, 09:48 pm
HIGH Japan  ;) i,ve ordered DMT and now i,m kinda scared to try it after reading that  :-\  do you think i should smoke some so i don,t breakthrough 1st to see what i think or just go for it, you seem to know a lot about this, Thanks bud  :-* :-*

Mary why be scared to try it? Embrace it - it's a fucking amazing drug. The first time I tried it I broke through, and afterwards was like fuck me that was amazing. Sometimes it's nice not to breakthrough, just so you can enjoy the crazy visuals - I love looking at grass and trees. When I don't breakthrough grass looks like bright green sharp solid weird stuff, tree's look spikey and weird. Looking at your skin is good as well it just has bright patterns of spirals and shit all over it.

For me it just depends on whether I want a full on out of body experience to how much I take, usually I do want to breakthrough because trust me it is unbelievable, but other times I'm happy to not breakthrough and just admire nature in it's weirdest form.

Don't be scared though - for one it is very short lasting, and you don't get any comedown from it. So you could go from being completely straight to having a picnic with elves and back to being completely straight all in the space of 15-30 mins.

I say go for it - you'll love it. I gave someone their first ever blast a couple of days ago and since then they've been constantly on at me to get them more!!

But to answer your question about whether to break through or not - it's hard to know, because you either suddenly breakthrough or you just don't. Hard to explain, but you don't really get the option of opting out of a breakthrough as it happens before you know it. 

@ BOX - People call me crazy all the time.....'good crazy though'  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 10, 2013, 09:49 pm
@Japan1980: just repaid the loan from earlier today, 0.09 btc sent to your account. Thanks and +1! I finally got to 100 posts today too.

Cheers JJ - anytime time bro  8)

+1 back at ya
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 10, 2013, 09:50 pm
Yea I read it! Ya got my interest for sure.  My favorite line was "forgotten more stuff then people remember".  The statement itself blows my mind.


Yep , you know it's strange I knew very little about Chemy when I wrote that , but I just knew it was apt for both he and I .

Do you know roughly what number page our chat was on ?

I really look forward to talking to him more , and getting to know Chem better - he's a diamond .

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 10, 2013, 09:53 pm
:( My ear hurts lol i,ve got my mans headphones in, mine broke, and i have a peircing in my ear, its pressing on it lol help  :( :P :P :-*

Please be carefull , try turning it down and you will find , that your ears will adjust after a while - ears are really delicate

P.M  with a few good dmt links sent to Marry and Boxy - the documentry  is wicked
LOL Taz i meant an earing in my ear when i said peircing i never even thought lol  :D

Japan i,m gonna take your advise and go for it  ;) my mans gonna make a vap  ;) Thanks bud
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 10, 2013, 09:55 pm
Classic , Taz get's mixed up once again !
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 10, 2013, 09:56 pm
LOL  i have no clue what the hell i am doing  LOL


been up all night doing some research and hope that this listing is correct  LOL

Love ya'll  :)

ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 10, 2013, 09:59 pm
Chemy ,  so good to hear / read  / see you man !

Big love =)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 10, 2013, 10:01 pm
Chem  - he's a diamond .


Chem's a LEGEND  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 10, 2013, 10:01 pm
Much Love right back atcha  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 10, 2013, 10:02 pm

Around 285 nutta


Looks better!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 10, 2013, 10:06 pm
Thanks for letting me pour a fraction of my soul out to you the other night !

Hope you quickly  forgot that silly insult that guy made , I'm sorry If I  got a bit angry at him , I think he must been hurt by someone to come out with that kind of rubbish .

hehe - thanks Box -  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 10, 2013, 10:07 pm
Hi Chem hun  ;D clearly we,ve all missed you tonight  :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 10, 2013, 10:14 pm
Nice visual on that listing , looks good .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 10, 2013, 10:18 pm

Huggles to ya mary  :)

yeah taz i already forgot it all  :P


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 10, 2013, 10:21 pm
Of course you did , I kinda knew that !
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 10, 2013, 10:24 pm
I PM,d ya Taz  ;)
How you doing Dad, is the back still as bad  :( )hugs)  :-* :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 10, 2013, 10:27 pm
nah the back is feelin pretty good today  :)

how's yur ear?   

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 10, 2013, 10:32 pm
Better thanks i,ve changed headphones lol inner ear peircings, annoying with music  ;D Glad your feeling good hun  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 10, 2013, 10:53 pm

I was told by my friend (the one who will be joining me mid week to try this out) not to watch this cause it would piss me off somehow.  He knows me very well so I trust him on this.  Maybe after I give it a run?  Hope that doesn't offend.

You know he might be right I suppose box , I have done so much reading on dmt that it kind of pales into the background and wouldn't be so prominent in my mind

I do recommend the book though - just depends how you want to go at It guess .

And not too  forget I haven't actually done DMT   ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 10, 2013, 10:54 pm
I,m smoking this spliff then i,m off to bed folks  ;) enjoy the rest of your night  8)

Goodnigh Chem  :-* Goodnight Taz  :-* (hugs)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 10, 2013, 11:00 pm
Night Marry , sleep tight =)  hugs
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 10, 2013, 11:09 pm
Sleep good mary  :)


ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Alighier on June 10, 2013, 11:12 pm

Running low on rigs and have absolutely no coins in my account.

In total I need .12, it's free domestic shipping.  I can pay you back next week without a doubt.

SR Username- Alighier

Coin address in the signature.

Thank you ^.^

Seems people are pretty strapped right now.   :( hope someone can help

Thanks for the thought, Boxxy ^.^
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 10, 2013, 11:30 pm
Man I hope if Marry dreams ( doubtfull after that spliff ) that they are better then mine were last night .

Glad I have kush landing tomorrow , my pattern  when I don't smoke  for a week is like this -  no dreams -  weird dreams - really GOOD dreams ( met a lovely lady in one the other night ) Then NIGHTMARES .

I'll be glad to see the back of dreams for a while - tonight should be last of them for the foreseeable future , guess the trick is to start smoking just before the nightmares kick in if possible ( takes mental note ) .


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: skyline on June 10, 2013, 11:35 pm
Unfortunatelly i'm 0.03 btc's to short (it's the shipping)

Is someone able to help me out with this ? It seems i have no luck with the btc rate in the next hours :(

My SR Username is skyline

Thanks in advance guys, i promise i'll don't forget this thread and as far as i can i'll try to make someone else's day...

Kind regards to the SR Community,

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 10, 2013, 11:58 pm
Not to pry taz, but you trying to amplify the dreams, or be rid of them?  Or just observing the cycle of them occurring?

I've done a lot of reading about this stuff!

I've been digging on ghb lately cause it's mentioned it's one of the few drugs that does not interfere with any sleep cycle, including rem, which I believe after trying it.

I know a handful of other really dumb tricks that help a lot too with this stuff.

GL man.  Everyone is pretty tapped out of shapes right now.  It comes and goes in waves for sure.   :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: skyline on June 11, 2013, 12:06 am
Actually it's "only" 0.024 btc...

Comon guys don't let me down...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: skrillyskrill on June 11, 2013, 12:22 am
dam bit-instant is not taking cash deposit until they launch their new site (anyday) , anybody wanna lend me .26 btc? :) wanna get some of AH's bentleys before he sells out he 10x listing. i know its a lil much, but I'd get ya back as soon as the site is taking cash again. And i'll give ya lots of karma ;) SR name h1msa
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: enpiping on June 11, 2013, 12:30 am
Actually it's "only" 0.024 btc...

Comon guys don't let me down...
Hey bud, I can lend you .01; should be easier to track down another small amount from someone after that.  If you end up not needing just ship it back.  Good luck! :)

EDIT: All sent: send to    skyline    ฿-0.01     June 11, 2013, 12:33 am UTC
Also waiting on repayment from CannibalC ( ฿-0.01) and acidicmonkey (฿-0.03). (posting as a bit of a reminder to myself.)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: skyline on June 11, 2013, 12:50 am
Actually it's "only" 0.024 btc...

Comon guys don't let me down...
Hey bud, I can lend you .01; should be easier to track down another small amount from someone after that.  If you end up not needing just ship it back.  Good luck! :)

EDIT: All sent: send to    skyline    ฿-0.01     June 11, 2013, 12:33 am UTC
Also waiting on repayment from CannibalC ( ฿-0.01) and acidicmonkey (฿-0.03). (posting as a bit of a reminder to myself.)

Thanks mate for the half helpout ;) I'll remember it, believe me...

i really appreaciate it

Thanks to enpiping i only need 0.014 left...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 11, 2013, 01:56 am
hello hello hello.. well, how are touts loveable droogs? :)

:P nighty night mary :-*

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 11, 2013, 01:57 am ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 11, 2013, 02:01 am
Actually it's "only" 0.024 btc...

Comon guys don't let me down...
Hey bud, I can lend you .01; should be easier to track down another small amount from someone after that.  If you end up not needing just ship it back.  Good luck! :)

EDIT: All sent: send to    skyline    ฿-0.01     June 11, 2013, 12:33 am UTC
Also waiting on repayment from CannibalC ( ฿-0.01) and acidicmonkey (฿-0.03). (posting as a bit of a reminder to myself.)

Thanks mate for the half helpout ;) I'll remember it, believe me...

i really appreaciate it

Thanks to enpiping i only need 0.014 left...
0.005 sent :P sorry, its all I had brother.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 11, 2013, 02:05 am
                                                 :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) **When requesting, post your SR name** so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
dr gonzo
Mike Hunt
White Out

The shit list:
Autobondon *
King Karma

*^*do not lend to these people*^*

:P remember, everybody can post this list! just press quote, an delete the start an end [ quote ] tags
try lets try land it once every 5 pages people :) :-* :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: skyline on June 11, 2013, 02:06 am
If someone lend me the needed 0.014 btc's i promise to triple the amount in a few days... (of course enpiping is in the game as well...

And all i can say is, i'm a honest guy who needs this small amount of course as written above  i will make it right...

I think this is a good offer...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 11, 2013, 02:08 am
@skyline I sent ya 0.005 ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Vape_Headie on June 11, 2013, 02:19 am
 :-\ I know I'm still a bit new here, but I do have a couple of purchases (VapeHeadie, no underscore) under my belt. Is there anybody out there willing to toss me ฿.01? I am processing another transfer from btcQuick and will be happy to pay back double when my next transfer goes through (tonight, most likely). I was trying to go a different route since bitinstant is down and fucked up my math. I know, always send extra. Thanks in advance.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 11, 2013, 02:21 am
Actually I just checked and i had .007 shapes.  threw em your way.  surely someone has .002 out there?

cool track!
Also!  Put enpiping on the thanks list!

Sorry man just gave the last of what I had away.  Spare shape thread has had a small recession =(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: skyline on June 11, 2013, 02:21 am
0.005 sent :P sorry, its all I had brother.

Muchias gracias my friend ;) You'll receive 0.015 in a few days...

Long story short, it seems it really comes to the end... Slowly, but it comes ;)

I need now the last 0.009 btc's and i still stay to my promise to 3x the amount when i give it back in a few days...

My SR Username: skyline
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 11, 2013, 02:27 am
Quote from: BoS
Spare shape thread has had a small recession =(
lol, indeed.. may end up depositing something just for y'all.. :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 11, 2013, 02:28 am
Quote from: skyline
Quote from: RS7FI8ZRkm
0.005 sent :P sorry, its all I had brother.

Muchias gracias my friend ;) You'll receive 0.015 in a few days...

Long story short, it seems it really comes to the end... Slowly, but it comes ;)

I need now the last 0.009 btc's and i still stay to my promise to 3x the amount when i give it back in a few days...

My SR Username: skyline


0.009 btc's sent!


Enjoy  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 11, 2013, 02:29 am
Man no one read my post   :(

Edit: well RS saw   ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 11, 2013, 02:32 am
:) (hugs) @ chem
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 11, 2013, 02:34 am
Huggles at ya boxy  :)

Hiya RS  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 11, 2013, 02:35 am
How's the spinal cord today?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 11, 2013, 02:36 am
do you read through the history chem :P?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: soudrugs on June 11, 2013, 02:36 am
I'll send it in a second vape.

Edit: sent, sr name is the same as here.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 11, 2013, 02:41 am
feelin much better BoS  :)

Thanks for askin (Hugs)

do i read about history?

not recently  LOL

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: skyline on June 11, 2013, 02:46 am
Actually I just checked and i had .007 shapes.  threw em your way.  surely someone has .002 out there?

Thats awesome... thanks ;) Will send you a pm in a few days... You're guys are simply amazing...

I need the last 0.002

surely someone has .002 out there?

@Chemcat i Love you for the 0.009 ;) come back to you in a few days... (actually i needed only 0.002 at the end)

All of you guys helped me out will get their coins 3x back as promised... Simply great to have such a community

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: soudrugs on June 11, 2013, 02:47 am
Just wanted to say I'm glad I found this thread, I tend to find ways to give things away in every community I get involved in, glad I can do the same here.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 11, 2013, 02:53 am
                                                 :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) **When requesting, post your SR name** so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
dr gonzo
enpiping ++++
Mike Hunt
soudrugs ++++
White Out

The shit list:
Autobondon *
King Karma

*^*do not lend to these people*^*

:P remember, everybody can post this list! just press quote, an delete the start an end [ quote ] tags
try lets try land it once every 5 pages people :) :-* :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 11, 2013, 02:54 am
feelin much better BoS  :)

Thanks for askin (Hugs)

do i read about history?

not recently  LOL
::) mean through the threads history :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 11, 2013, 02:57 am
oh  LOL
yeah for the most part i sometimes skim through the threads pages  :)

did i miss somethin?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 11, 2013, 03:00 am
lol, I dunno :P, I was just curious :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Vape_Headie on June 11, 2013, 03:10 am
I'll send it in a second vape.

Edit: sent, sr name is the same as here.

Thanks, man. Got it and I'm good now. This community really is amazing. I only wish the world could know about this thread. Imagine how shocked they would be to see a bunch of unwashed druggies loaning each other money (AND paying each other back)!

Edit: Speaking of payback, I'm about to do that right now :) Damn Blockchain is running FAST right now.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 11, 2013, 03:11 am
Imagine how shocked they would be to see a bunch of unwashed druggies loaning each other money (AND paying each other back)!
excuse me, but I wash myself :P ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: skyline on June 11, 2013, 03:14 am


0.009 btc's sent!


Enjoy  :)

I've just sent you 0.00716214 btc's back ;) (it was my whole ballance ;) in the end i don't needed this much...

Thanks again for your help...

And at least again thank you for your help aswell (BoxofShapes, RS7FI8ZRkm, enpiping)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: soudrugs on June 11, 2013, 03:41 am
That was really quick, glad you got sorted vape :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: enpiping on June 11, 2013, 05:03 am


0.009 btc's sent!


Enjoy  :)

I've just sent you 0.00716214 btc's back ;) (it was my whole ballance ;) in the end i don't needed this much...

Thanks again for your help...

And at least again thank you for your help aswell (BoxofShapes, RS7FI8ZRkm, enpiping)
Glad it went through and you got it sorted out. :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: colorblack on June 11, 2013, 06:05 am
I notice I'm on the "shit list" in this thread.. and I'm baffled as to why. If someone can explain, PM me please, and I'll certainly take care of it right away. (Granted it's legitimate). Thank ya.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 11, 2013, 06:23 am
I notice I'm on the "shit list" in this thread.. and I'm baffled as to why. If someone can explain, PM me please, and I'll certainly take care of it right away. (Granted it's legitimate). Thank ya.
I sent you some coin some time ago, you never thanked me.
I messaged you like a month after asking for like 50 cents, cause I was short on shipping you said you'd send it but I never got anything :-\

this has been like 2 1/2 months already.. i cant even find the pm or trans

really its not the amount, its the principle if you wanna make it right you should help another brother in this thread sometime. :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: colorblack on June 11, 2013, 06:43 am
Hey, yes I do recall I was a few cents short on an order once and the vendors cutoff time was approaching.. I think BTC prices were violently fluctuating.
And I think from what I remember I assumed BTC prices went back up because suddenly I was over 2 bucks. I absolutely remember that.

I'm sorry, that's totally my fault. Really it must have been a misunderstanding.. I've been called a lot of things but definetly not a jew over 50 cents  :P

My apologies again. I'm sending you double, a whopping $1 right now.

And I will also help someone else out tomorrow (will monitor this thread). Sorry about that, dude!!

Is "RS7FI8ZRkm" your username on the main site?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: enpiping on June 11, 2013, 07:53 am
definetly not a jew over 50 cents  :P
That's not a very nice way of putting it; actually, it's racist...
My apologies again. I'm sending you double, a whopping $1 right now.
And that sounds violently sarcastic...
You're not helping yourself much here.  I believe that you want to set things right, but it seems to me like you're not being very considerate about it. :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: colorblack on June 11, 2013, 08:06 am
Um.. no it's not racist. It's actually a harmless joke. If you're Jewish and you got offended by that.. I don't apologize, but I wish you a better sense of humor. I have friends who are Jewish who I would say that too who would laugh.

Secondly, calling my offer to send $1 "violently sarcastic" is retarded. Oops.. does "retarded" offend you do? It is actually SELF DEPRECATING humor. I'm actually poking fun at myself for being so negligent as to overlooking paying back a .50 cent loan, and then onto offering to "double" it, even though it's just $1. I'm making fun of myself. So if I'm being "violently sarcastic", it's to myself, nigga. Oh shit.. you're not offended by "nigga" are you?  :-\

Lighten the fuck up people!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: enpiping on June 11, 2013, 08:13 am
Lighten the fuck up people!
Harmless jokes can still be offensive and it's less about the quantity and more about the mentality, I'm sure.  I figure if you asked for you a loan, you should recall enough to make it even. :)
Not trying to start anything, but you seem needlessly passive aggressive about your status as someone who disregarded your loan. Fair enough, but don't be rude about it.  Take care.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 11, 2013, 08:19 am
J-Man will have no arguing in this thread thanks.

Either take it elsewhere or PM each other - this thread is a community about helping.

Kindest Regards,
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: enpiping on June 11, 2013, 08:24 am
J-Man will have no arguing in this thread thanks.

Either take it elsewhere or PM each other - this thread is a community about helping.

Kindest Regards,
I agree. I'll make this my last post regarding the situation. :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 11, 2013, 08:28 am
J-Man will have no arguing in this thread thanks.

Either take it elsewhere or PM each other - this thread is a community about helping.

Kindest Regards,
I agree. I'll make this my last post regarding the situation. :)

+1 thanks
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: colorblack on June 11, 2013, 08:31 am
J-Man will have no arguing in this thread thanks.

Either take it elsewhere or PM each other - this thread is a community about helping.

Kindest Regards,

J-Man couldn't agree with you more. I posted because I wanted to rectify the situation and offer my apologies over those 50 cents. I made some self deprecating jokes and must have been taken as offensive. Rest assured my only goal is to payback the guy who kind enough to loan me the money, with interest!

I was only responding to someone who was nitpicking my post. Sorry though.

RS7FI8ZRkm - I have sent you $1.15 :) And again, I'm so sorry dude! Was unintentional.

I will also come in this thread tomorrow and hook someone up who is short!

J-man, can I have my name off the "Shitlist" once  RS7FI8ZRkm confirms he received my payment (and only if he agrees!)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: enpiping on June 11, 2013, 08:39 am
colorblack, I'd give you +1 if I could, too.  Take care. :)
edit: turns out I can give +1, so I did.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: colorblack on June 11, 2013, 08:49 am
+1d you too brother. All's well that ends well!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 11, 2013, 10:41 am
J-Man will have no arguing in this thread thanks.

Either take it elsewhere or PM each other - this thread is a community about helping.

Kindest Regards,

J-man, can I have my name off the "Shitlist" once  RS7FI8ZRkm confirms he received my payment (and only if he agrees!)

This isn't my thread Bro, I just have a lot of passion for it  8)

I don't know the cirumstances - but RS7 is a very decent guy, so I wouldn't worry - just chill mon  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on June 11, 2013, 11:21 am
hey all
mary,japan.chemcat,box and rs and all others who sail in these choppy threads ;D

gonna try to +1 everyone who comes on this thread today seeing as I have no coin to give. :-[
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 11, 2013, 02:15 pm
J-Man will have no arguing in this thread thanks.

Either take it elsewhere or PM each other - this thread is a community about helping.

Kindest Regards,
High Japan  :-* You are the man my friend, the peacekeeper  ;)

Hi Darktime, RS, my Chem, Box and everyone else  ;) :-* Hope everyone,s good today, luv ya,s  :P :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 11, 2013, 02:38 pm
Hi everyone  8)
Taz i just pm,d you back hun, yeah Lorax the ass lol an thats being polite  ;)
Can anyone loan me 0.1 till tomorrow, i,m still waiting on my loans to be paid back! My SR name the same, thanks would be so greatful and will pay back 0.11 back  ;)

Have sent you the 0.1 you need Mary
0.11 sent back  ;) Thanks again hun  :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 11, 2013, 02:51 pm
Good Mornin mary  :)

Has anyone seen the New Look of BitInstant Website?

Pretty snazzy  ;)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 11, 2013, 03:25 pm
Hi Chem  ;D how are you today? Hope your good Dad  8)  I don,t use bitinstant, never looked at it  :-[ hmm going to nose  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 11, 2013, 03:29 pm
Hellooooo  Daughter  (Hugs)


Am good and hope that you and yours are doing well today  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Intraterrestrial on June 11, 2013, 03:35 pm
Hi everyone  8)
Taz i just pm,d you back hun, yeah Lorax the ass lol an thats being polite  ;)
Can anyone loan me 0.1 till tomorrow, i,m still waiting on my loans to be paid back! My SR name the same, thanks would be so greatful and will pay back 0.11 back  ;)

Have sent you the 0.1 you need Mary
0.11 sent back  ;) Thanks again hun  :-*

No worries, glad to help and thanks for prompt repayment
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 11, 2013, 03:39 pm
we,re good Chem, i,m just sitting here with a nice wee puff  ;) Looked at bitinstant, they don,t do UK but they do Kazakstan?? LOL  :P ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 11, 2013, 03:46 pm
LOL  that is nuts!!  :o

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 11, 2013, 03:56 pm
Chem will you be selling weed when you get going on yer page (the best vendor on SR obviously)  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 11, 2013, 04:06 pm
Not to pry taz, but you trying to amplify the dreams, or be rid of them?  Or just observing the cycle of them occurring?

I've done a lot of reading about this stuff!

I've been digging on ghb lately cause it's mentioned it's one of the few drugs that does not interfere with any sleep cycle, including rem, which I believe after trying it.

I know a handful of other really dumb tricks that help a lot too with this stuff.

Cool , I'll have to talk you about dreams sometime , I only ever get them when I'm not smoking weed  - I think that's seems to common with a  lot of every day smokers .

I would like to be able to amplify and control them , but usually I'm kind of at there mercy and they can get pretty intense - after a week I'm usually glad to see the back of em !

If had more control over them I would like to explore them further for sure .

@ everyone - happy Tuesday  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 11, 2013, 04:07 pm
i can for you mary  :)
small amounts from 1 gram up to 3.5 grams of Great Green


i'll be doing some more "research" / "Homework" before i actually list anything....had a trial listing and it all seems to look good  so far  :)

Just have a few things to work out  before i feel totally comfortable:)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 11, 2013, 04:09 pm
Hugs @ ya taz  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 11, 2013, 04:20 pm
Great Chem  ;D I,m only a small buyer anyway lol i,m so glad  :-*

Hi Taz, i,m an everyday smoker (I take with me if i go abroad!) I never dream nowadays, well very rarely but if i do they,re good dreams usually, prob more early morning if i do  :P Hope your good today hun  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 11, 2013, 04:41 pm
I'm good thanks , my 1 st gram of kush for over a week just landed , and I'm about to sample a wee taster in my bong =)

Hugs Chem , hugs all =)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 11, 2013, 04:47 pm
I,m baked got 3 orders today and had to test them all ha ha i,m away to shave my man,s head the now, just as well i don,t need to scissor cut it  ::) lol
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 11, 2013, 05:12 pm
                                                 :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) **When requesting, post your SR name** so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
dr gonzo
enpiping ++++
Intraterrestrial  ++++
Mike Hunt
soudrugs ++++
White Out

The shit list:
Autobondon *
King Karma

*^*do not lend to these people*^*

:P remember, everybody can post this list! just press quote, an delete the start an end [ quote ] tags
try lets try land it once every 5 pages people :) :-* :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 11, 2013, 05:19 pm
Thanks a lot for dealing with this!  Soon as RSeven says it's cool I'll take ya off the list.  I stepped on his toes before about this, and I'm not doing it again.  Hope that's ok!  I'm sure it will be fine.

Sorry we missed ya man.  Done!

Thanks for keeping the shit out of the thread!  You know what's it all about!

I'll write you a PM soon about the things I've learned about dreaming.  Only fair since you took the time to give me your collective info about dmt.

Edit v2:
I keep trying to level ya out man.  Heh.  Sometimes I can't keep up
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 11, 2013, 06:16 pm
I,m back haircut done  ;) Hi Box, how are you  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 11, 2013, 06:22 pm
@colorblack I am glad you decided to rectify the situation :), makes me happy knowing it wasn't intentional.
as stated I really don't care about the money :P its more about keeping everybody honest, an upholding the honor system we have going here..

you shall happily be removed from the shit list :).

and, about your racist jewish comment,  sure it's commonly used, sure I may even use it.. but this thread isn't the place. just gives bad taste.. love thy brother :P, we are family here, and we shouldn't fight amongst are self's ;)!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 11, 2013, 06:23 pm
good morning lovely droogs :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 11, 2013, 06:26 pm
Hi RS how are you buddy  ;) Seems everyone,s gone or they,re not speaking to me  :-[ lol
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 11, 2013, 06:29 pm
I'm alright.  Must say today is as good as any other right?  Might as well start today.  Might as well remind myself in a thread I care about.  (1/60)  Hope things are well!  How does the breeze across the dome feel?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on June 11, 2013, 06:31 pm
Hi all ;D

Box...Thanks for trying.Ive got a serial negger targeting me.its -17 one day -6 another.They come in lumps not 1s and 2s so I know its a negger with multiple accounts.Ive got an idea who it is as well because Ive gone out of my way to piss someone off but they started it (that sounds soooo childish)and that's when I started getting hit.It seems to have calmed a little now but I'm not holding my breath.there will probably be another 14 odd negs on there tomorrow ::) lucid dream,you need to recognize that you are dreaming in the 1st place so while your awake,every now and again ask yourself "is this really happening? is this real life?is this normal?" after a while you will ask this of yourself in a dream and the answer will be 'no'! so then you can try to alter your dream to whatever you wish.try not to get excited when you realize you are dreaming or you will wake up.
I like to fly,like superman in mine and of coarse more seedy activities ;) ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 11, 2013, 06:33 pm
Hi RS how are you buddy  ;) Seems everyone,s gone or they,re not speaking to me  :-[ lol
:D great actually, got an unexpected delivery.. an now I be smoking on the Co2 extract! :D :D :D

how you doing love?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 11, 2013, 06:36 pm
hiya darktime <(*.*)>
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 11, 2013, 06:38 pm
thanks boxy for editing the list :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 11, 2013, 06:38 pm
Its been breezy today box, had some great weather recently too, oh well  ;)

I,m good RS, stoned  ::) feel a bit lonely today  :-[

Darktime, f**k the neg troll we,ll get yer karma up pal and we know your cool anyway  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 11, 2013, 06:42 pm
(hugs) for mary :-[, I was feeling down few days ago, if you remember. but you had helped cheer me up :)..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 11, 2013, 06:49 pm
Thanks RS *lump in throat*  :-* hugs right back at ya  :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 11, 2013, 08:07 pm
ughhh...been on the phone with zipzap reps....and email with bitinstant  :o

seems that somewhere along the line they have misplaced $500.00 of mine  :o
(Slaps Forehead)

This is the First time i've had problems with BitInstant and thney assure me that it is due to increased volume from thejm being down over the weekend....we'll  see  (Rolls Eyes)

Huggles to ya'll  :)

ChemCat  O0

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on June 11, 2013, 08:16 pm
Thx mary xxxx

@CC Oh fk no!!! hope they sort that out real soon!

hi RS m8
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 11, 2013, 08:19 pm
OMG Chem  :o how they misplace $500?? Hope its sorted soon for ya, what a pain in the ass  ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Friend on June 11, 2013, 08:22 pm
Can anyone lend me like a dollar in coin?? Im barely short and need it
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 11, 2013, 08:23 pm
yeah it's a pain in the bootocks  LOL

we'll get it sorted out..hopefully tonight  ???

the transactions from zipzap to BI went through...however....i might have screwed up myself by doing the two orders of $500.00 without making one of them $498.00  ???

but they (zipzap) seemed to be ok on the phone and i have gotten crazy good timed responses from BI as well in emails as what i need more of at this moment  LOL

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 11, 2013, 08:37 pm
O_o 500 clams?!?! fuck man, hope that gets sorted :-\, otherwise hiya chemmy :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 11, 2013, 08:38 pm
Can anyone lend me like a dollar in coin?? Im barely short and need it
What happened to Hello..Please..Thanks?? manners my friend  :o
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 11, 2013, 08:38 pm
Can anyone lend me like a dollar in coin?? Im barely short and need it
surely, :) is your name the same on SR?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 11, 2013, 08:39 pm
Can anyone lend me like a dollar in coin?? Im barely short and need it
What happened to Hello..Please..Thanks?? manners my friend  :o
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 11, 2013, 08:42 pm
Lol RS  :P

Anyone still due me coin can you pay me asap as i have nothing  :( lol and to the person i pm,d about the loan your due me  (you know who you are) please don,t ignore me i can see you,ve been online!!  ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on June 11, 2013, 09:07 pm
So... bitinstant is saying "unable to verify identity" every time I try to use it as a guest and does nothing when I try to register. Even with real information....
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on June 11, 2013, 09:11 pm
Lol RS  :P

Anyone still due me coin can you pay me asap as i have nothing  :( lol and to the person i pm,d about the loan your due me  (you know who you are) please don,t ignore me i can see you,ve been online!!  ::)

^thats just rude...and stupid cos you know when youve read a pm it shows you have

CC-patience is time and Ive wasted nuff of mine already.500 golly is bezoomny!!!Bring Ultra-violence on those responsible ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 11, 2013, 09:12 pm far as i can orders went through...but they lost one  :o

LOL zipzap proccessed both but BitInstant has lost one  LOL

i have Faith though  :)

sometimes I just have to remember....i'm not / we're not the only ones using BI  LOL
LOL  it sucks i know  :)  'cuz if i dont get those coins tonight i'll have to wait another week :(

oh well ...  hopefully they get everything taken care of for us all  :)

Hugs @ You All  :)

ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 11, 2013, 09:14 pm
8) hugs back @ ya chemmy
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on June 11, 2013, 09:18 pm
I posted all those Clockwork phrases to put a smile on chemcats face and he just passes them by,without a second glance ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 11, 2013, 09:20 pm
welly welly well, what can you expect? :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 11, 2013, 09:21 pm
hiya Darktime  :)

does a long complicated handshake with you :P

sorry, just been bouncin back and forth...still talkking  to BitInstant...zipzap has proven my cash has been sent to and recieved by BitInstant  :)

time will tell  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 11, 2013, 09:23 pm
hiya Darktime  :)

does a long complicated handshake with you :P

sorry, just been bouncin back and forth...still talkking  to BitInstant...zipzap has proven my cash has been sent to and recieved by BitInstant  :)

time will tell  :)
sounds like progress :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on June 11, 2013, 09:32 pm

My appy polly loggy brattys ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 11, 2013, 09:39 pm
Can anyone lend me like a dollar in coin?? Im barely short and need it
surely, :) is your name the same on SR?
still in need? ???
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on June 11, 2013, 09:52 pm
Can anyone lend me like a dollar in coin?? Im barely short and need it
surely, :) is your name the same on SR?
still in need? ???

Mary scared him away ;D ScareyMary :o :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: SammyTheBull on June 11, 2013, 10:04 pm
Hello everyone,
I hate to ask being new but I am very desperate. Here is my situation.

I have an emergency order that I need to put through. However, I am dumb and got my BTC through Virwox not realizing there is a 48 hour waiting period.

I am very desperate and I know it is a long shot but if anyone could loan me the $80 I can pay back $125 in two days when my coins come through. Someone please help.

My name on the road is the same as it is here. Sammythebull
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 11, 2013, 10:09 pm
Can anyone lend me like a dollar in coin?? Im barely short and need it
surely, :) is your name the same on SR?
still in need? ???

Mary scared him away ;D ScareyMary :o :-* :-* :-*

sorry  :'(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 11, 2013, 10:13 pm

**Pats ya on the head**

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 11, 2013, 10:35 pm
So... bitinstant is saying "unable to verify identity" every time I try to use it as a guest and does nothing when I try to register. Even with real information....

I just read they were doing a lot of work.  It's not just you or ChemCat.

Sorry to hear that.  I swear buying BTC makes me more scared than getting an actual package.  A back cracking hug for you anyways.   :P

My buddy says today is the day!  Thank you for giving us this opportunity!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on June 11, 2013, 10:36 pm
Hello everyone,
I hate to ask being new but I am very desperate. Here is my situation.

I have an emergency order that I need to put through. However, I am dumb and got my BTC through Virwox not realizing there is a 48 hour waiting period.

I am very desperate and I know it is a long shot but if anyone could loan me the $80 I can pay back $125 in two days when my coins come through. Someone please help.

My name on the road is the same as it is here. Sammythebull

I wouldn't hold ya breath my friend!
1)its late
2)its spare coin thread not

I hope someone will lend you it and I hope you pay it back but as Ive just said.well good luck anyway.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 11, 2013, 10:39 pm
Hello everyone,
I hate to ask being new but I am very desperate. Here is my situation.

I have an emergency order that I need to put through. However, I am dumb and got my BTC through Virwox not realizing there is a 48 hour waiting period.

I am very desperate and I know it is a long shot but if anyone could loan me the $80 I can pay back $125 in two days when my coins come through. Someone please help.

My name on the road is the same as it is here. Sammythebull

I wouldn't hold ya breath my friend!
1)its late
2)its spare coin thread not

I hope someone will lend you it and I hope you pay it back but as Ive just said.well good luck anyway.
LMAO Darktime i love it anyway watch you might scare him away ha ha  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 11, 2013, 10:41 pm
So... bitinstant is saying "unable to verify identity" every time I try to use it as a guest and does nothing when I try to register. Even with real information....

I just read they were doing a lot of work.  It's not just you or ChemCat.

Sorry to hear that.  I swear buying BTC makes me more scared than getting an actual package.  A back cracking hug for you anyways.   :P

My buddy says today is the day!  Thank you for giving us this opportunity!
:D excited for you, enjoy the ride!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 11, 2013, 10:44 pm
 ;D I brought your family thread back to the 1st page where it belongs Chemcat  ;D ;) :P :-* :-*

RS..sweetie... :-* :P :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on June 11, 2013, 10:44 pm
 ;) well im off ta beddy byes        Z
see yas all tomorrow            ++
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 11, 2013, 10:46 pm
hugs mary :)

nighty night darktime :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 11, 2013, 10:47 pm
Quote from: BoxofShapes
Quote from: ytabletrash
So... bitinstant is saying "unable to verify identity" every time I try to use it as a guest and does nothing when I try to register. Even with real information....

I just read they were doing a lot of work.  It's not just you or ChemCat.

Sorry to hear that.  I swear buying BTC makes me more scared than getting an actual package.  A back cracking hug for you anyways.   :P

My buddy says today is the day!  Thank you for giving us this opportunity!

hiya Box  :)
yeah my nerves get shot out everytime i have to re-up on coins  LOL

i just knew it was a matter of time before i had something loike this happen  ???


It'll get worked out through Polite emails, i seriously see that if one were to be polite..overly polite with them..
well...seems to get Results    :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 11, 2013, 10:49 pm
Goodnight Darktime (hugs) sweet dreams  :-* :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 11, 2013, 11:04 pm
sneaks into Darktimes room and sprays Darktime with 2 cans of Silly String  LOL

Night Darktime  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 11, 2013, 11:21 pm
we,re good Chem, i,m just sitting here with a nice wee puff  ;) Looked at bitinstant, they don,t do UK but they do Kazakstan?? LOL  :P ;)

I use bitstamp ,cheap , fast if you use sepa transfer from your bank , just over 24 hours when when we use them last week .

Khasackstan eh ?

Verrry niice , wawawwewah !
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 11, 2013, 11:22 pm

Life on the Silk Road  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 11, 2013, 11:24 pm
What about Taz? bank tranfer and recieve coins takes 5 mins  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 11, 2013, 11:33 pm
;D I brought your family thread back to the 1st page where it belongs Chemcat  ;D ;) :P :-* :-*

RS..sweetie... :-* :P :-*

I was thinking it might be nice for us all to hang out there  every now and again - a bit less hectic .

I see you have a fair few fans for new vendor Chemy , I'm 2 of them   ;) - I like the idea of invite only vending - less stress for sure .

Trust you all had a pleasant night , I've been trying to fix a sodding laptop  ::)

Hugs for all - grab em while there hot  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: SammyTheBull on June 11, 2013, 11:36 pm
Hello everyone,
I hate to ask being new but I am very desperate. Here is my situation.

I have an emergency order that I need to put through. However, I am dumb and got my BTC through Virwox not realizing there is a 48 hour waiting period.

I am very desperate and I know it is a long shot but if anyone could loan me the $80 I can pay back $125 in two days when my coins come through. Someone please help.

My name on the road is the same as it is here. Sammythebull

I wouldn't hold ya breath my friend!
1)its late
2)its spare coin thread not

I hope someone will lend you it and I hope you pay it back but as Ive just said.well good luck anyway.

A simple no would have sufficed. It isn't late where I am and I was hoping that someone would be kind enough to help me. There isn't a loan thread on here that I've found. So, I thought maybe someone would help me here.

I've heard this is such a great community to be a part of but my experience so far has sucked. I need the loan for 48 hours and am willing to pay back with plenty of interest. It is exceptionally important.

I wouldn't have gone through Virwox had I known about the 48 hour wait period.

I really wish some kind soul could help me but it doesn't look like it will happen on this thread.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 11, 2013, 11:38 pm
What about Taz? bank tranfer and recieve coins takes 5 mins  ;)

Yep if you get good price in your area , the ones round here are ridiculous prices usually .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 11, 2013, 11:41 pm
You mean take you laptop and make the transfer in a public place ?  A

A lot of people use cash - both works though .

I've never done it my self to pricey here .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 11, 2013, 11:48 pm
Hello everyone,
I hate to ask being new but I am very desperate. Here is my situation.

I have an emergency order that I need to put through. However, I am dumb and got my BTC through Virwox not realizing there is a 48 hour waiting period.

I am very desperate and I know it is a long shot but if anyone could loan me the $80 I can pay back $125 in two days when my coins come through. Someone please help.

My name on the road is the same as it is here. Sammythebull

I wouldn't hold ya breath my friend!
1)its late
2)its spare coin thread not

I hope someone will lend you it and I hope you pay it back but as Ive just said.well good luck anyway.

A simple no would have sufficed. It isn't late where I am and I was hoping that someone would be kind enough to help me. There isn't a loan thread on here that I've found. So, I thought maybe someone would help me here.

I've heard this is such a great community to be a part of but my experience so far has sucked. I need the loan for 48 hours and am willing to pay back with plenty of interest. It is exceptionally important.

I wouldn't have gone through Virwox had I known about the 48 hour wait period.

I really wish some kind soul could help me but it doesn't look like it will happen on this thread.
Maybe you should have read the rules 1st!! This is a great thread, you,ve asked for coin as soon as you got enough posts to come here! Sounds like a badly thought out scam, got the $80 bye  ;)
OMG  :o
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 11, 2013, 11:53 pm
80 bucks - you should  google peer btc loans , this is for pocket change right here .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 11, 2013, 11:54 pm
Goodnight "Dad" , Taz and RS  :-* (hugs) and everyone else  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 11, 2013, 11:58 pm
Sleep tight Marry =) hugs
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 12, 2013, 12:03 am
Sammy I would take the offer  that was made to u earlier .

Author Topic: Someone please help me  (Read 13 times)

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Someone please help me
« on: Today at 10:11 pm »


I need to place an order ASAP but made the mistake of going through Virwox not knowing the 48 hour waiting period. What I need is a loan for $80 and I will pay back $125 in two days when my Virwox transaction comes through.

I would even be willing to pay $150 in two days because I am that desperate. I will do anything to get this loan.

SR name is the same as it is here.
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Re: Someone please help me
« Reply #1 on: Today at 10:27 pm »


 I can set up a loan listing for you on SR.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: brianbertz on June 12, 2013, 12:13 am
hi i am trying to make an order quick for some bud before it sells out and im 5 bucks short because sr price for bitcoin is 2 dollars less than mt gox. i can pay back by tomorrow morning i just need to make this order before supply runs out. also cant remember who sent me coin last time but pm me and i can pay you back also. thanks.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: SammyTheBull on June 12, 2013, 12:20 am
I already did google it. I don't have collateral and I work a cash paying job.

Taz- I did take the offer but nothing has happened yetBitcoin loans
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: brianbertz on June 12, 2013, 12:38 am
username is same on sr as it is on forums. thanks!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 12, 2013, 12:48 am
night mary :-*

heya taz :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: brianbertz on June 12, 2013, 12:53 am
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 12, 2013, 01:00 am
only have a $1 :P but I'll pass it your way if it helps :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: calicojak on June 12, 2013, 01:08 am
What's up all my friends! I will have my debts paid by or on Thursday. Thanks guys!
Anybody use bitinstant cash-bitcoin address yet? Heard they had a couple issues since the re-launch..If that fails me tomorrow then I'll try blue sky traders. Has anyone used them before?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: brianbertz on June 12, 2013, 01:12 am
i appreciate it man hopefully i can get enough to make the order before it sells out. im gonna be pissed at sr staff if i dont get it lol.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: brianbertz on June 12, 2013, 01:14 am
What's up all my friends! I will have my debts paid by or on Thursday. Thanks guys!
Anybody use bitinstant cash-bitcoin address yet? Heard they had a couple issues since the re-launch..If that fails me tomorrow then I'll try blue sky traders. Has anyone used them before?

thats how i just got my bitcoins. took 90 mins from moneygram payment to my address on sr.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: calicojak on June 12, 2013, 01:16 am
What's up all my friends! I will have my debts paid by or on Thursday. Thanks guys!
Anybody use bitinstant cash-bitcoin address yet? Heard they had a couple issues since the re-launch..If that fails me tomorrow then I'll try blue sky traders. Has anyone used them before?

thats how i just got my bitcoins. took 90 mins from moneygram payment to my address on sr.
bitinstant or bst ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: brianbertz on June 12, 2013, 01:27 am
bitinstant.... trying to make another order now so i can get the coin i need. for a bit bitinstant was saying there was trouble with one of their patners when i tried making an order. its all good now
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: calicojak on June 12, 2013, 01:30 am
bitinstant.... trying to make another order now so i can get the coin i need. for a bit bitinstant was saying there was trouble with one of their 8) patners when i tried making an order. its all good now
Cool, that's just what I wanted to hear!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: brianbertz on June 12, 2013, 01:32 am
if it says that error message click dismiss and keep clicking place order until it lets you do it.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: calicojak on June 12, 2013, 01:38 am
if it says that error message click dismiss and keep clicking place order until it lets you do it.
+1 man, thanks for the great info!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 12, 2013, 01:54 am
hi i am trying to make an order quick for some bud before it sells out and im 5 bucks short because sr price for bitcoin is 2 dollars less than mt gox. i can pay back by tomorrow morning i just need to make this order before supply runs out. also cant remember who sent me coin last time but pm me and i can pay you back also. thanks.
only have a $1 :P but I'll pass it your way if it helps :)
i appreciate it man hopefully i can get enough to make the order before it sells out. im gonna be pissed at sr staff if i dont get it lol.
sent ya 0.01 brianbertz :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: brianbertz on June 12, 2013, 04:42 am
hi i am trying to make an order quick for some bud before it sells out and im 5 bucks short because sr price for bitcoin is 2 dollars less than mt gox. i can pay back by tomorrow morning i just need to make this order before supply runs out. also cant remember who sent me coin last time but pm me and i can pay you back also. thanks.
only have a $1 :P but I'll pass it your way if it helps :)
i appreciate it man hopefully i can get enough to make the order before it sells out. im gonna be pissed at sr staff if i dont get it lol.
sent ya 0.01 brianbertz :)

thanks man. i just had to put more coin in my account so ill hit you back up with the coin you borrowed me.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: 2cnme2 on June 12, 2013, 05:10 am
Sorry guys...  I didn't realize that would be so uncouth.  My bad. :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 12, 2013, 05:14 am
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 12, 2013, 10:58 am
Posting in this AWESOME thread of greatness, as I just got ripped off by a douche named Duck Commander for $650...  If anyone wants to throw me some spare coin my SR name is the same (2CnMe2).. Obviously not thinking anyone will donate anywhere near that, but every penny helps, and I will certainly appreciate it!  I will be sure to return the karma once I'm back on my feet.. :/

PS.  PLEASE DONT USE DUCK COMMANDER FOR ANYTHING AS HE HAS NOW RIPPED OFF 3 PEOPLE THAT I KNOW OF!?  (For somewhere near $2000)...  Oh and did I mention the day he ripped me off (June 8th) is my birthday?!  Oh yeah, he ripped me off for $650 on my bday!  He's really the scum of the Earth....  :(
WTF,s happening to this thread, please read the rules!! do you think your the only one who,s been ripped off on SR other people don,t ask for donations in the spare coin thread when they have. I,m sorry you got ripped off but its not the charity thread. If you,d bothered to read the rules would have saved you wasting time writing that!
Man i,m getting pissed off with the mooching in here asking for loads of bucks,  :(

Goodmorning everyone  ;) hope your all feeling better than me lol  ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ducksfan0114 on June 12, 2013, 11:16 am
Paid back 5 of the 20 dollar loan to RXKING.
Sorry Rx got called in to work I can't make noon deadline will pay the rest back this evening or tomorrow . I have absolutely no time.. UNLESS the rain gOds come because I sure as hell won't be roofing in the rain.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ballzinator on June 12, 2013, 11:45 am
RxKing, I sent you a PM yesterday because I finally have the 0.6 BTC I owe you. You didn't answer yet, maybe you're busy, maybe you missed it. I post this just to be sure because I know you read this thread.
So where do I send the coins? SR account? BTC address?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 12, 2013, 12:02 pm

Goodmorning everyone  ;) hope your all feeling better than me lol  ::)

What's up Marry doll , you feeling icky ?  :(

Btw , be careful if you end up using localbitcions , stay in escrow for bank transfers on there - scams a gwan there ye nah  ;)
Hope u feel better soon .

 I have 0.26 spare if you need a loan , still  w8ing on a paybacks ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: abby25 on June 12, 2013, 02:19 pm
Hi guys,

I need 0.003 if anyone can spare it, i'm just short of the 1.2 needed for 5g of MDMA from FrankMatthews -

escrow (usd)    escrow (btc)    available
$0.00            ฿0.00            ฿1.19877101

Damn BTC dropped over the last week so i have less than i needed!

Thanks, and if you want it back let me know in my inbox, otherwise i'll pass it on on here.


SR Name - Abby25

SR Address - 1L73kUgxKFj5y7bWTowGMNyc6UNEqTkZEb
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Vape_Headie on June 12, 2013, 02:49 pm
RxKing, I sent you a PM yesterday because I finally have the 0.6 BTC I owe you. You didn't answer yet, maybe you're busy, maybe you missed it. I post this just to be sure because I know you read this thread.
So where do I send the coins? SR account? BTC address?

You should be able to send it straight back to the username he sent it from. Go to your account history page and it will show you what actual SR username he sent you the coin from if it is different from the forum. If you send it there, I don't see how that should go wrong. Cheers.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Vape_Headie on June 12, 2013, 03:08 pm
Sent you the coin you needed and a PM (forgot that part of the rules, doh) I'll repost the rules after this. As I said in PM, no need for repayment as it's chump change. Just pay it forward. Hope this helped!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Vape_Headie on June 12, 2013, 03:10 pm
                                                 :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) **When requesting, post your SR name** so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
dr gonzo
enpiping ++++
Intraterrestrial  ++++
Mike Hunt
soudrugs ++++
White Out

The shit list:
Autobondon *
King Karma

*^*do not lend to these people*^*

:P remember, everybody can post this list! just press quote, an delete the start an end [ quote ] tags
try lets try land it once every 5 pages people :) :-* :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 12, 2013, 03:20 pm
+1 Vape for your good advise on both posts  ;) How ya doing  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: abby25 on June 12, 2013, 03:28 pm
Sent you the coin you needed and a PM (forgot that part of the rules, doh) I'll repost the rules after this. As I said in PM, no need for repayment as it's chump change. Just pay it forward. Hope this helped!

Thanks man, much appreciated. +1 :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Alastor on June 12, 2013, 03:31 pm
interesting thred. bump.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: chong1679 on June 12, 2013, 03:34 pm
Hey guys, I am .05 short on an order of herb. Will be able to repay Friday night when I get more bitcoins on payday. My name on SR is the same. This thread really gives me hope in humanity I must say! Thanks in advance!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 12, 2013, 03:35 pm

Goodmorning everyone  ;) hope your all feeling better than me lol  ::)

What's up Marry doll , you feeling icky ?  :(

Btw , be careful if you end up using localbitcions , stay in escrow for bank transfers on there - scams a gwan there ye nah  ;)
Hope u feel better soon .

 I have 0.26 spare if you need a loan , still  w8ing on a paybacks ?
I,m ok pal thanks  ;) still waiting on payback  :( I,m ok for a loan but i appreciate the offer soooo much, your a sweetheart hun  :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 12, 2013, 03:37 pm
Sorrychong i,m empty got 0.002 in my account lol hope someone helps  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 12, 2013, 03:56 pm
What a cool way to start the day.  Good stuff vape!

Thanks for keeping up with things duck and Ballzinator!

Be well taz!

Good day to you mary!

Writing one more sentence so I can end it in an exclamation mark!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: TheLionOfEvil on June 12, 2013, 04:10 pm
Hey guys i'm .24 btc away from putting in an order. I know its a lot to ask for, i highly appreciate the help. I can pay who ever helps out on monday. SR name is the same just add 666 at the end of my name.


Thanks to anyone who helps.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Alighier on June 12, 2013, 04:16 pm
Hey guys i'm .24 btc away from putting in an order. I know its a lot to ask for, i highly appreciate the help. I can pay who ever helps out on monday. SR name is the same minus 666 at the end of my name.


Thanks to anyone who helps.

You don't have a 666 at the end of our name...

Something smells fishy here O.o
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: TheLionOfEvil on June 12, 2013, 04:22 pm
Oops fixed it so its more clear. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 12, 2013, 04:35 pm
Can someone borrow me 4, btc just untill I get my inheritance in 2050 please I'll pay you back double if you can wait that long no doubt btc will cost alot more in 2050 cheers hope someone replies quick cos I've just got to get this order in before the shuttle flies off cheers, phoboss.

Sure , just email me notarized copy's of your recently demised relatives death certificate and will , along with the number of the Law firm handling the matter and I'll see what I can do  ;)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 12, 2013, 04:52 pm
RxKing, I sent you a PM yesterday because I finally have the 0.6 BTC I owe you. You didn't answer yet, maybe you're busy, maybe you missed it. I post this just to be sure because I know you read this thread.
So where do I send the coins? SR account? BTC address?
RxKing is his name on SR, you can send it to him there ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 12, 2013, 04:53 pm
good morning y'all :) how is everybody?

:-* :P ::) :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Friend on June 12, 2013, 04:58 pm
Hey can anyone lend me a dollar in coin i will pay u back as soon as friday comes around pretty please.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 12, 2013, 05:01 pm
@friend, we (I) tried to help you yesterday! ::)
you never responded to me :P.. so I'll try again

is your username the same on SR?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 12, 2013, 05:03 pm
Can anyone lend me like a dollar in coin?? Im barely short and need it
surely, :) is your name the same on SR?
still in need? ???
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Friend on June 12, 2013, 05:06 pm
^^ Lol i never saw your reply but actually i dont need it anymore after checking my cart again it seems like coin price jumped so i had just enough now thanks for the kind gesture though +1 to you.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 12, 2013, 05:07 pm
^^ Lol i never saw your reply but actually i dont need it anymore after checking my cart again it seems like coin price jumped so i had just enough now thanks for the kind gesture though +1 to you.
:) glad you were able to make your order.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 12, 2013, 05:15 pm
yep btc is on the rise again , nice and steadily , good stuff .

Morning RS =)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 12, 2013, 05:18 pm
:D hiya taz!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 12, 2013, 05:37 pm
:-\ guess we can add oNLiN3fR3aK to the shit list :( he still hasn't repaid my 0.09, an has ignored my checkin message..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 12, 2013, 05:38 pm
Hi RS  :-* Hi Taz  :-* Hope your both good  ;) Where,s Chemcat  :( lol prob busy with his account  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 12, 2013, 05:39 pm
IOU a report sir.   :P

That was a fuck load of information.  Give me some time. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 12, 2013, 05:42 pm
IOU a report sir.   :P

That was a fuck load of information.  Give me some time.
;D, had fun?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 12, 2013, 05:43 pm
Hi RS  :-* Hi Taz  :-* Hope your both good  ;) Where,s Chemcat  :( lol prob busy with his account  ;)
:-* hiya luv, doing better today :)? haven't seen chem yet, hes usually around little bit later I think.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 12, 2013, 05:48 pm
People who owe me coin: Repus6 0.15
                                          Stonedstupor 0.03
                                          Crackthehead 0.05
                                          MountaineerWV 0.01

Would appreciate getting these loans paid back asap  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 12, 2013, 05:48 pm
IOU a report sir.   :P

That was a fuck load of information.  Give me some time.
;D, had fun?


Yea dude fun stuff!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 12, 2013, 05:50 pm
Hi RS  :-* Hi Taz  :-* Hope your both good  ;) Where,s Chemcat  :( lol prob busy with his account  ;)
:-* hiya luv, doing better today :)? haven't seen chem yet, hes usually around little bit later I think.
Yeah hun i,m cool  8) waiting on my DMT from vatican lol  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 12, 2013, 05:59 pm
IOU a report sir.   :P

That was a fuck load of information.  Give me some time.
;D, had fun?


Yea dude fun stuff!


HIGH all  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 12, 2013, 06:01 pm
evening japan :), how you brother?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 12, 2013, 06:03 pm
Hi RS  :-* Hi Taz  :-* Hope your both good  ;) Where,s Chemcat  :( lol prob busy with his account  ;)
:-* hiya luv, doing better today :)? haven't seen chem yet, hes usually around little bit later I think.
Yeah hun i,m cool  8) waiting on my DMT from vatican lol  ;)

Do your research on how to smoke it.  I kinda screwed it up, but it worked in the end.  Certainly made me realize this is the most critical part in the whole thing!  Way easy to waste it. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 12, 2013, 06:06 pm
evening japan :), how you brother?

I'm good thanks bro - just chillin tonight with a few zoots  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 12, 2013, 06:08 pm
Hi RS  :-* Hi Taz  :-* Hope your both good  ;) Where,s Chemcat  :( lol prob busy with his account  ;)
:-* hiya luv, doing better today :)? haven't seen chem yet, hes usually around little bit later I think.
Yeah hun i,m cool  8) waiting on my DMT from vatican lol  ;)

Do your research on how to smoke it.  I kinda screwed it up, but it worked in the end.  Certainly made me realize this is the most critical part in the whole thing!  Way easy to waste it.

Exactly - far too many people waste it by vaping it wrong.

Once you've got the technique nailed you'll never forget - bit like riding a bike.

Riding a bike on DMT is a bit mental though  :o
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 12, 2013, 06:15 pm
hey japan you ever check out vatican? his prices are :o

edit: shit he no longer has it listed ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 12, 2013, 06:17 pm
Hi RS  :-* Hi Taz  :-* Hope your both good  ;) Where,s Chemcat  :( lol prob busy with his account  ;)
:-* hiya luv, doing better today :)? haven't seen chem yet, hes usually around little bit later I think.
Yeah hun i,m cool  8) waiting on my DMT from vatican lol  ;)

Do your research on how to smoke it.  I kinda screwed it up, but it worked in the end.  Certainly made me realize this is the most critical part in the whole thing!  Way easy to waste it.
Hi Japan  ;)
Thanks box, Japan and RS have supplied plenty info so i think i,ll be good, hopefully  ::) looking forward to it  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 12, 2013, 06:18 pm
have you started building a machine yet? :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 12, 2013, 06:20 pm
hey japan you ever check out vatican? his prices are :o

edit: shit he no longer has it listed ::)
:o I thought 1 of you guys mentioned him thats why i bought from him  :-\ is his good stuff, and was his price expensive?   ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 12, 2013, 06:21 pm
hey japan you ever check out vatican? his prices are :o

edit: shit he no longer has it listed ::)

Nah mate - I'm having a few months off anyway. You wanna see my machine, absolutely fucking coated in DMT residue - I could easily smash it open, build another machine and probably half half a gram on my hands!!

I won't though - I'm on a DMT vacation  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 12, 2013, 06:23 pm
hey japan you ever check out vatican? his prices are :o

edit: shit he no longer has it listed ::)
:o I thought 1 of you guys mentioned him thats why i bought from him  :-\ is his good stuff, and was his price expensive?   ;)

Drshrooms all the way for me  8)

Only had his and dmtnexus's but drshrooms is the man  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: curiositymatrix on June 12, 2013, 06:25 pm
Hello! I find myself asking for the teeniest of loans - .02btc would let me send through an order. As you know, I've lent people coin in this thread before (a couple with no return...) and have been prompt in my repayments. This time, I may ask 1-2 weeks before I repay it, but I assure you I won't string you along and never get it back to you.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 12, 2013, 06:26 pm
hey japan you ever check out vatican? his prices are :o

edit: shit he no longer has it listed ::)
:o I thought 1 of you guys mentioned him thats why i bought from him  :-\ is his good stuff, and was his price expensive?   ;)
I mentioned him, cause he's UK based and had amazing pricing :), I also placed an order, but have not yet tested his batch..
me an japan and previously bought from dkshrooms, I thought we already had this conversation once :P lol
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 12, 2013, 06:27 pm
Hello! I find myself asking for the teeniest of loans - .02btc would let me send through an order. As you know, I've lent people coin in this thread before (a couple with no return...) and have been prompt in my repayments. This time, I may ask 1-2 weeks before I repay it, but I assure you I won't string you along and never get it back to you.

Sr username?

I gottcha bro  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: curiositymatrix on June 12, 2013, 06:29 pm
Same as forum! Many, many thanks!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 12, 2013, 06:37 pm
Same as forum! Many, many thanks!

Sent  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 12, 2013, 06:40 pm
hey japan you ever check out vatican? his prices are :o

edit: shit he no longer has it listed ::)
:o I thought 1 of you guys mentioned him thats why i bought from him  :-\ is his good stuff, and was his price expensive?   ;)
I mentioned him, cause he's UK based and had amazing pricing :), I also placed an order, but have not yet tested his batch..
me an japan and previously bought from a Italy source, I thought we already had this conversation once :P lol
I thought he was the Italy one "Vatican"lol  :-[
I need to ask  :-[ do i put the DMT on the steel wool at the neck of the bottle and heat the neck of the bottle? I read the link you sent about the machine, no probs making one just wasn,t sure about the heating (i know not to light the DMT)  ;) Thanks hun and sorry my memorys terrible  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: curiositymatrix on June 12, 2013, 06:41 pm
Same as forum! Many, many thanks!

Sent  8)

Received, and order made! Thank you. I was .12 cents short (USD). So I'll return 1 of those bitcents now, and the other when I next transact :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 12, 2013, 06:45 pm
hey ya'll  :)

just got home and still havent recieved the coins from BI  :(

went to hang a bird feeder this morning as the sun was peepin out  :)

but i fell off the darn ladder  :(

so all in all i suppose i'll just lurk for awhile

Hugs to You All  :)

ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: phoboss on June 12, 2013, 07:01 pm
Can someone borrow me 4, btc just untill I get my inheritance in 2050 please I'll pay you back double if you can wait that long no doubt btc will cost alot more in 2050 cheers hope someone replies quick cos I've just got to get this order in before the shuttle flies off cheers, phoboss.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 12, 2013, 07:12 pm
hey japan you ever check out vatican? his prices are :o

edit: shit he no longer has it listed ::)
:o I thought 1 of you guys mentioned him thats why i bought from him  :-\ is his good stuff, and was his price expensive?   ;)
I mentioned him, cause he's UK based and had amazing pricing :), I also placed an order, but have not yet tested his batch..
me an japan and previously bought from a Italy source, I thought we already had this conversation once :P lol
I thought he was the Italy one "Vatican"lol  :-[
I need to ask  :-[ do i put the DMT on the steel wool at the neck of the bottle and heat the neck of the bottle? I read the link you sent about the machine, no probs making one just wasn,t sure about the heating (i know not to light the DMT)  ;) Thanks hun and sorry my memorys terrible  ;D
needs a hole on the bottom too ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DigitalDong on June 12, 2013, 07:15 pm
hey guys needing 1.50 usd worth of btc to finish my order to pay for my shipping..
didnt realize the shipping was gonna cost so much
username at SR is DigitalDong
thanks guys and thank you rs7
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 12, 2013, 07:17 pm
hey ya'll  :)

just got home and still havent recieved the coins from BI  :(

went to hang a bird feeder this morning as the sun was peepin out  :)

but i fell off the darn ladder  :(

so all in all i suppose i'll just lurk for awhile

Hugs to You All  :)

ChemCat  O0
:( dang, hope you didn't screw your back up even worse :o. also, hope BI sorts you soon :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 12, 2013, 07:20 pm
hey japan you ever check out vatican? his prices are :o

edit: shit he no longer has it listed ::)
:o I thought 1 of you guys mentioned him thats why i bought from him  :-\ is his good stuff, and was his price expensive?   ;)
I mentioned him, cause he's UK based and had amazing pricing :), I also placed an order, but have not yet tested his batch..
me an japan and previously bought from a Italy source, I thought we already had this conversation once :P lol
I thought he was the Italy one "Vatican"lol  :-[
I need to ask  :-[ do i put the DMT on the steel wool at the neck of the bottle and heat the neck of the bottle? I read the link you sent about the machine, no probs making one just wasn,t sure about the heating (i know not to light the DMT)  ;) Thanks hun and sorry my memorys terrible  ;D

Yeah put the DMT on top and slowly heat the neck of the bottle until it melts into the steel wool - once you can't see it. Just suck from the other end while lighting the steel wool - simples  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: soudrugs on June 12, 2013, 07:21 pm
I'll get it to you in a second here digitaldong, any idea when you might be able to get me back?

EDIT: .02 sent, hope that gets you squared away :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 12, 2013, 07:21 pm
hey guys needing 1.50 usd worth of btc to finish my order to pay for my shipping..
didnt realize the shipping was gonna cost so much
username at SR is DigitalDong
thanks guys and thank you rs7
:) welcome, sending you what I can, 0.01144 ($1.24) hope it helps
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 12, 2013, 07:22 pm
So i,m spot on with how to heat it tho RS?  ;)

 :-* :-* :-* Hi Chem hun hope your ok (sends love and hugs) be careful  ;) missed you  :-* :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 12, 2013, 07:22 pm
I Truely believe BI will sort it all out  :)

and yeah (slaps forehead)

the fall didnt help my back problems any :(

pinched a nerve when i landed and couldnt move  LOL

i was blessed because my neighbor came over to get the mower and seen me layin there  LOL

he said are ya alright?  i said well yeah i just lay here like this every mornin as the sun comes up  (Rolls eyes)

my neighbor then went to the garage and got the mower and when he was riding back he stopped and asked if i was serious  :o

it's been a nutty day  LOL

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 12, 2013, 07:25 pm
Thanks J-Man thanks RS i know what i,m doing exactly now, didn,t want to f**k up i,ve got my machine done then just need the DMT now  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: soudrugs on June 12, 2013, 07:26 pm
That's too bad Chemcat but your neighbors reaction cracked me up.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 12, 2013, 07:26 pm
hiya mary  :)

Huggles right back atcha  :)

how did the haircut ya gave to yur guy turn out?

and RS will ya pm me how to make one of those bottles? 
still sorting out the account  :)

Will kepp ya'll posted  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 12, 2013, 07:28 pm
Oh Chem honestly i,ve got tears rolling down my face with laughing at the neighbour story, glad he came over tho  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 12, 2013, 07:29 pm
So i,m spot on with how to heat it tho RS?  ;)

 :-* :-* :-* Hi Chem hun hope your ok (sends love and hugs) be careful  ;) missed you  :-* :-*
I put the lighter right up to it to melt it into the steel or copper wool ;) then when you hit it you point the neck of the bottle down an put the light directly to the steel briefly an as it starts vaporizing you'll see, an so often re-torch? :P japans probably better to explain ::) he's got more experience with it also :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 12, 2013, 07:32 pm
RS link he sent me Chem  :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 12, 2013, 07:32 pm
I Truely believe BI will sort it all out  :)

and yeah (slaps forehead)

the fall didnt help my back problems any :(

pinched a nerve when i landed and couldnt move  LOL

i was blessed because my neighbor came over to get the mower and seen me layin there  LOL

he said are ya alright?  i said well yeah i just lay here like this every mornin as the sun comes up  (Rolls eyes)

my neighbor then went to the garage and got the mower and when he was riding back he stopped and asked if i was serious  :o

it's been a nutty day  LOL
:-* kiss it to make it feel better :P you gotta be more careful :(
lol, glad your state farm neighbor was there :P

hiya mary  :)

Huggles right back atcha  :)

how did the haircut ya gave to yur guy turn out?

and RS will ya pm me how to make one of those bottles? 
still sorting out the account  :)

Will kepp ya'll posted  :)
ofc :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 12, 2013, 07:34 pm
hey guys needing 1.50 usd worth of btc to finish my order to pay for my shipping..
didnt realize the shipping was gonna cost so much
username at SR is DigitalDong
thanks guys and thank you rs7
:) welcome, sending you what I can, 0.01144 ($1.24) hope it helps
DigitalDong still needs $0.26 if anybody wants to lend ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: soudrugs on June 12, 2013, 07:37 pm
I got him RS
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 12, 2013, 07:37 pm
So i,m spot on with how to heat it tho RS?  ;)

 :-* :-* :-* Hi Chem hun hope your ok (sends love and hugs) be careful  ;) missed you  :-* :-*
I put the lighter right up to it to melt it into the steel or copper wool ;) then when you hit it you point the neck of the bottle down an put the light directly to the steel briefly an as it starts vaporizing you'll see, an so often re-torch? :P japans probably better to explain ::) he's got more experience with it also :D
Thanks hun  ;) I,ve got the link saved you sent was just want to check i was understanding it correctly, thanks for the links and advise  :-* :-*

His head is shaved Chem lol i,ll get round to mine eventually, its down to the bottom of my back, gonna get about 8 inch off it, i,m a hippy lol  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ballzinator on June 12, 2013, 07:38 pm
RxKing, I sent you a PM yesterday because I finally have the 0.6 BTC I owe you. You didn't answer yet, maybe you're busy, maybe you missed it. I post this just to be sure because I know you read this thread.
So where do I send the coins? SR account? BTC address?

You should be able to send it straight back to the username he sent it from. Go to your account history page and it will show you what actual SR username he sent you the coin from if it is different from the forum. If you send it there, I don't see how that should go wrong. Cheers.
Thanks dude, wasn't aware of the account history thing :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 12, 2013, 07:39 pm
RS i put your link on this page for Chem for the machine  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 12, 2013, 07:42 pm
I got him RS
:) very nice.

So i,m spot on with how to heat it tho RS?  ;)

 :-* :-* :-* Hi Chem hun hope your ok (sends love and hugs) be careful  ;) missed you  :-* :-*
I put the lighter right up to it to melt it into the steel or copper wool ;) then when you hit it you point the neck of the bottle down an put the light directly to the steel briefly an as it starts vaporizing you'll see, an so often re-torch? :P japans probably better to explain ::) he's got more experience with it also :D
Thanks hun  ;) I,ve got the link saved you sent was just want to check i was understanding it correctly, thanks for the links and advise  :-* :-*
:) you're welcome :-*, but still I'd say do a little searching around read up on techniques, there are people with a lot more knowledge, in this subject then myself ::)

RS i put your link on this page for Chem for the machine  ;)
:) I saw that
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 12, 2013, 07:43 pm
ya got him soudrugs?  :)

Hugs to ya  :)

i'd lend some but i have crazy amounts tied up at the moment, well crazy to me just hanging in bitcoin limbo  LOL


gonna crawl into the hot tub and smoke a J  :)

well, not really a real hot tub, i made a hot tub for my wife...made it from a cattle water tank and heated it with the cattle tank heater  ;)

then put some fittings on and hooked up a used pool filter pump that i got for free  :)

and there we have the hillbilly hot tub   ;)

ugh....gonna go soak :)

you all hold a very special place in my heart  :)

Box, i do believe you were the first person i talked to in this thread?  could be wrong  LOL


ChemCat  O0

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 12, 2013, 07:46 pm
                                                 :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) **When requesting, post your SR name** so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
dr gonzo
Mike Hunt
White Out

The shit list:
Autobondon *
King Karma
oNLiN3fR3aK ++++

*^*do not lend to these people*^*

:P remember, everybody can post this list! just press quote, an delete the start [ quote ] & end [ /quote ]  tags
try lets try land it once every 5 pages people :) :-* :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 12, 2013, 07:52 pm
hey ya'll  :)

just got home and still havent recieved the coins from BI  :(

went to hang a bird feeder this morning as the sun was peepin out  :)

but i fell off the darn ladder  :(

so all in all i suppose i'll just lurk for awhile

Hugs to You All  :)

ChemCat  O0

Hey chem - you be careful now young man , what with your back and all - I bet the weathers nicer wherever you are then it is here in rainsville , you would never guess it was summer here today .
Bitstamp , bitstamp ,bitstamp - bitinstant haven't been very consistent for some time from what I here .

I'd be interested to know how long it takes them to process Kazakhstani orders , they may send them strapped to the back of a yak .

Happy lurking , hope ya back  stops a   hurtin .

Big hugs  8) :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: blueberry34 on June 12, 2013, 07:53 pm
hello friends, i'm .09btc short of getting a nice big bag of molly from jesus

any help would be much appreciated, so many shows coming up that i need to stock up for!!! :D

sr name is also blueberry34, will have coins...shortly after i get this package  :P

much love people,

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on June 12, 2013, 07:57 pm
Hi all :D Chemcat,Japan,Box,RS and Mary..hi to taz too,hello m8,dont think we have met.hi Ballzinater.

Strangest thing happened this morning.I woke up covered in Silly string :o :o :o Like...WTF?? ;)

Hope everyone's good today ;D

Im just gonna get some kit in me so wont be replying for a page or two ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 12, 2013, 08:02 pm
enjoy the soak an smoke @ chem :)

@blueberry sorry but I'm strapped, also your low post count frightens me :o

@darktime ;D heya bro, lmao.. hope all is good :).
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 12, 2013, 08:03 pm
Quote from: taz7
Hey chem - you be careful now young man , what with your back and all - I bet the weathers nicer wherever you are then it is here in rainsville , you would never guess it was summer here today .
Bitstamp , bitstamp ,bitstamp - bitinstant haven't been very consistent for some time from what I here .

I'd be interested to know how long it takes them to process Kazakhstani orders , they may send them strapped to the back of a yak .

Happy lurking , hope ya back  stops a   hurtin .

Big hugs  8) :)

sort of overcast here as well ;)

i've used BI since i've been here with no problems until now  LOL
i'm sure they'll take care of it as soon as they are able to :)

Quote from: Darktime
Hi all :D Chemcat,Japan,Box,RS and Mary..hi to taz too,hello m8,dont think we have met.hi Ballzinater.

Strangest thing happened this morning.I woke up covered in Silly string :o :o :o Like...WTF?? ;)

Hope everyone's good today ;D

Im just gonna get some kit in me so wont be replying for a page or two ;)



get right but be safe  :)


ChemCat O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 12, 2013, 08:03 pm
Hi all :D Chemcat,Japan,Box,RS and Mary..hi to taz too,hello m8,dont think we have met.hi Ballzinater.

Strangest thing happened this morning.I woke up covered in Silly string :o :o :o Like...WTF?? ;)

Hope everyone's good today ;D

Im just gonna get some kit in me so wont be replying for a page or two ;)
Hi Darktime  ;) how are you today? So Chem got you then lmao  ;D
Wish i was in Chem,s hillbilly hot tub, smokin a fat one with all you great guys  ;D Chem were coming ha ha  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: soudrugs on June 12, 2013, 08:05 pm
I'll get you blueberry, heading out of town for a couple weeks so it's not like the coin in my account is doing anything right now anyway :)

EDIT: sent, hope it gets you squared away
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: blueberry34 on June 12, 2013, 08:13 pm
enjoy the soak an smoke @ chem :)

@blueberry sorry but I'm strapped, also your low post count frightens me :o

@darktime ;D heya bro, lmao.. hope all is good :).

no worries. i've been around for a while, just haven't really been too active on the forums, which i'm working on. should really use these more often, both useful and entertaining

hopefully another kind ol' chap can help me out  :P

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DigitalDong on June 12, 2013, 08:22 pm
soudrugs i can get you back asap i got more than enough ;)
ill get you back next week rs7 if thats ok?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: blueberry34 on June 12, 2013, 08:25 pm
I'll get you blueberry, heading out of town for a couple weeks so it's not like the coin in my account is doing anything right now anyway :)

EDIT: sent, hope it gets you squared away

thank you!

just placed my order  8)

let's get things ROLLING! 

i'll be sure to return the favor,

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 12, 2013, 08:25 pm
next week is fine :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DigitalDong on June 12, 2013, 08:27 pm
i might have to comeback here more often and chat with you guys and help other folks as well..
its nice to see a thread where there isnt constant bashing /trolling etc.. 
its the utopian roaders society club :P

so you guys are talking about smoking dmt like smoking crack rock?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: soudrugs on June 12, 2013, 08:29 pm
Next week sounds good, I'll be out of town anyway.

Also, pretty sure that's just how DMT is smoked, only tried it once though so I dunno.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: soudrugs on June 12, 2013, 08:31 pm
As an aside, how the hell do you give people karma? I feel stupid for not being able to figure it out.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 12, 2013, 08:32 pm
i might have to comeback here more often and chat with you guys and help other folks as well..
its nice to see a thread where there isnt constant bashing /trolling etc.. 
its the utopian roaders society club :P

so you guys are talking about smoking dmt like smoking crack rock?
we have are own little off-topic family here :P, also DMT isn't crack :o. have you tried DMT?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 12, 2013, 08:34 pm
Next week sounds good, I'll be out of town anyway.

Also, pretty sure that's just how DMT is smoked, only tried it once though so I dunno.
:P lol, he was trying to return coin to you ;)

As an aside, how the hell do you give people karma? I feel stupid for not being able to figure it out.
:) when you hit 100 posts you'll be able to give karma :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: blueberry34 on June 12, 2013, 08:39 pm
As an aside, how the hell do you give people karma? I feel stupid for not being able to figure it out.
if i'm not mistaken you have the ability to give +/- k after you reach 100 posts
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 12, 2013, 08:39 pm
OMG RS people think we,re crackheads gone wild lol  ;D didn,t think you could really smoke DMT in a crackpipe but wtf do i know  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 12, 2013, 08:41 pm

so you guys are talking about smoking dmt like smoking crack rock?

Yeah essentially the machine we're talking about is identical to a traditional crack pipe - the only difference is the way you use the pipe. Crack you smoke - DMT you vape.

When I used to live in the Caribbean the machine was exactly the same as everyone used to smoke crack with. So yeah same type of pipe - just different method (slightly). Although not that different as you'd always flame the crack first so it didn't fall of the steel wool.

The machine is a pipe of many uses  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: 2cnme2 on June 12, 2013, 08:45 pm
Sorry guys...  I didn't realize that what I posted would be considered so uncouth..  I thought the thread was just generally about helping each other out, but I should've read the rules.  My bad. :(

I removed my previous post(s).  Have a good one!

PS.  If anybody wants to learn more about chemistry (specific questions are preferred) or have an H-NMR/MS/LC-MS/HPLC or whatever else interpeted, I would love to contribute what I can to the community, since I can't contribute coin atm... :/
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on June 12, 2013, 08:52 pm
I bet CC wishes you were in his hot tub too Mary ;)

Ive smoked crack in a glass pipe,straight tube without a bowl,using that steel stuff from a pan scourer.Its very efficient.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DigitalDong on June 12, 2013, 09:01 pm
i never tried nn- dmt just the darker sister slut  5 meo..... there was nothing fun about her
i knew you could smoke dmt like meth in glass or foil but wasnt sure if you could put it on wool pads and smoke.. not putting dmt down but its same ROA ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 12, 2013, 09:09 pm
I bet CC wishes you were in his hot tub too Mary ;)
You not fancy coming in and joining us hun, to smoke a fat one i mean btw  ;) cheeky lol
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 12, 2013, 09:49 pm
I may go for a cid trip today :) :P ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on June 12, 2013, 09:58 pm
I'd love to be in a massive hot-tub now with others getting drugged fact,I'd like to do that for the rest of time ;D

I don't know how you guys/girls can do psycs anymore..Fkd up my brain with those years ago.I wouldn't mind a light trip at a festival but not just anytime like I used to.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: enpiping on June 12, 2013, 10:06 pm
I don't know how you guys/girls can do psycs anymore..Fkd up my brain with those years ago.I wouldn't mind a light trip at a festival but not just anytime like I used to.
I try not to overdo it; psychedelics are probably my least used drug, but I do really like them.  I love acid, but it's a bit impractical for me because I'm pretty busy; the high is just too long for me to do it as much as I'd like.

Side question since I'm new to this: how long do you wait before you figure someone isn't going to get you back after you've lent them some coins (when you haven't decided on a date)?  I don't really mind if it takes a while, but since there's a "shit list," I was wondering what the consensus is. :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DigitalDong on June 12, 2013, 10:08 pm
any reccomends for vendor rs7?
ill prollu do a 25cnbome and mdma/mda mix later on this week what you guys think? about doses and times? maybe 500 mics nbom and 100mg mdma 50 - 75 mgs mda?
ofr you donors out there this is what your contribution helped bring to me :D
ill do a writeup here if u guys want
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 12, 2013, 10:23 pm
I'd love to be in a massive hot-tub now with others getting drugged fact,I'd like to do that for the rest of time ;D

I don't know how you guys/girls can do psycs anymore..Fkd up my brain with those years ago.I wouldn't mind a light trip at a festival but not just anytime like I used to.
Lol are you same age as Chem  :P bet your only in yer 30,s, tops  ;D :-*

Sounds good RS  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 12, 2013, 10:28 pm
I don't know how you guys/girls can do psycs anymore..Fkd up my brain with those years ago.I wouldn't mind a light trip at a festival but not just anytime like I used to.
Side question since I'm new to this: how long do you wait before you figure someone isn't going to get you back after you've lent them some coins (when you haven't decided on a date)?  I don't really mind if it takes a while, but since there's a "shit list," I was wondering what the consensus is. :)
if the person states the time frame, but dose not remain in contact. I figure they should be added to the shit list. however if they rectify the situation, they should be removed :).
if nobody set a date, an you haven't heard from them, whenever you feel like sending them a PM to check in.
and they ignore you, I say its appropriate.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 12, 2013, 10:30 pm
any reccomends for vendor rs7?
ill prollu do a 25cnbome and mdma/mda mix later on this week what you guys think? about doses and times? maybe 500 mics nbom and 100mg mdma 50 - 75 mgs mda?
ofr you donors out there this is what your contribution helped bring to me :D
ill do a writeup here if u guys want
US domestic or non domestic?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 12, 2013, 10:31 pm
I'd love to be in a massive hot-tub now with others getting drugged fact,I'd like to do that for the rest of time ;D

I don't know how you guys/girls can do psycs anymore..Fkd up my brain with those years ago.I wouldn't mind a light trip at a festival but not just anytime like I used to.
Lol are you same age as Chem  :P bet your only in yer 30,s, tops  ;D :-*

Sounds good RS  ;)
white on white, :) I'm excited ^__^
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: enpiping on June 12, 2013, 10:36 pm
I don't know how you guys/girls can do psycs anymore..Fkd up my brain with those years ago.I wouldn't mind a light trip at a festival but not just anytime like I used to.
Side question since I'm new to this: how long do you wait before you figure someone isn't going to get you back after you've lent them some coins (when you haven't decided on a date)?  I don't really mind if it takes a while, but since there's a "shit list," I was wondering what the consensus is. :)
if the person states the time frame, but dose not remain in contact. I figure they should be added to the shit list. however if they rectify the situation, they should be removed :).
if nobody set a date, an you haven't heard from them, whenever you feel like sending them a PM to check in.
and they ignore you, I say its appropriate.
That sounds reasonable to me; I'll probably wait until mid next week before contacting.  Thanks. +1
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 12, 2013, 11:13 pm
Goodnight all (hugs)  :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 12, 2013, 11:14 pm
:) night mary, sweet dreams
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 12, 2013, 11:44 pm
I don't know how you guys/girls can do psycs anymore..Fkd up my brain with those years ago.I wouldn't mind a light trip at a festival but not just anytime like I used to.

I learned last night when I did dmt that the hallucinations/mindset/unreal realities, were kind of there to begin with.  If you aren't this kind of person then its not for you.  Maybe I need some years on me to get to that point, but I can certainly say I'm not a youngin anymore.  CC seems to have no problem to get a lil crazy still.   :P

I don't know.  There is plenty on SR that I couldn't see myself doing. 

i was blessed because my neighbor came over to get the mower and seen me layin there  LOL

he said are ya alright?  i said well yeah i just lay here like this every mornin as the sun comes up  (Rolls eyes)

my neighbor then went to the garage and got the mower and when he was riding back he stopped and asked if i was serious  :o

Hahahaha.  Says a lot about you that your friend came over, saw you, and thought, "Nothing unusual going on with this guy". 

lol.  Love you CC.  It's a privilege good sir. 

Sat down to write before I loose it.  It wants to flee pretty quick, I must say. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 12, 2013, 11:44 pm
Hi, Would anyone be willing to lend me 0.05 BTC please, I am placing an order, and don't have enough BTC to pay for the postage. I will give the BTC back on the weekend, probably earlier than that, but the weekend is the absolute latest. My SR username is meloniasty. And thank you very much to the person who would be willing to lend me some BTC. I will even give Karma in return (cheeky Karma bribe :D )

Thanks Once Again,
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: weed4me6969 on June 13, 2013, 12:16 am
Hello fellow Silk Roaders!  I have something to ask, and something to tell!

Duck Commander robbed me almost $1000 a day ago doing WU to btc...this piece of shit has gotten a couple others from what i can see on the forum.  I am just fucking lost man!  I pulled out rest of my money and finally was able to get btc, legitamitely... But another damn obstacle!!!  I am $30 short of my damn order... I am having the absolute worst past few days... if anyone can find it in there heart to help.  i promise that i will pay you back right away on friday!  please help a guy out, i need to get this so i can get back on my feet...

Any help is far beyond appreciated, and please make sure to pm me if you help, because i promise you...I WILL NOT FORGET, and am a man of my word.  (ask box of shapes)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 13, 2013, 12:22 am
Tis tru!  Guy kept his word last time on a decent size loan. 

Good luck weed.  I'd be more than willing if I had any shapes. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: FollowIcculus on June 13, 2013, 12:29 am
Hello fellow Silk Roaders!  I have something to ask, and something to tell!

Duck Commander robbed me almost $1000 a day ago doing WU to btc...this piece of shit has gotten a couple others from what i can see on the forum.  I am just fucking lost man!  I pulled out rest of my money and finally was able to get btc, legitamitely... But another damn obstacle!!!  I am $30 short of my damn order... I am having the absolute worst past few days... if anyone can find it in there heart to help.  i promise that i will pay you back right away on friday!  please help a guy out, i need to get this so i can get back on my feet...

Any help is far beyond appreciated, and please make sure to pm me if you help, because i promise you...I WILL NOT FORGET, and am a man of my word.  (ask box of shapes)
I've got an extra like $12 I can give you if it helps.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 13, 2013, 12:30 am
just pm'd ya BoS lol.

@weed4me6969 I hope you're a man of your word :).. what is your SR username, same as forum?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: weed4me6969 on June 13, 2013, 12:31 am
anything helps my friend.... $12  down...  18 to go! 

thanks sooo much FollowIcculus  if you do send please pm me for easier payback!

and thanks sooo much everyone for all ur help with everything
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: weed4me6969 on June 13, 2013, 12:33 am
yes, definitely a man of my word, and i also usually have left over coin, not only will i payback on friday, but will also offer future help, as i did for BoS...

Yes RS7.... my SR name is the same  weed4me6969
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 13, 2013, 12:36 am
Hello fellow Silk Roaders!  I have something to ask, and something to tell!

Duck Commander robbed me almost $1000 a day ago doing WU to btc...this piece of shit has gotten a couple others from what i can see on the forum.  I am just fucking lost man!  I pulled out rest of my money and finally was able to get btc, legitamitely... But another damn obstacle!!!  I am $30 short of my damn order... I am having the absolute worst past few days... if anyone can find it in there heart to help.  i promise that i will pay you back right away on friday!  please help a guy out, i need to get this so i can get back on my feet...

Any help is far beyond appreciated, and please make sure to pm me if you help, because i promise you...I WILL NOT FORGET, and am a man of my word.  (ask box of shapes)
I've got an extra like $12 I can give you if it helps.
:) if you'd like to send the $12 (0.11) I will send the other $18 (0.165)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 13, 2013, 12:37 am
anything helps my friend.... $12  down...  18 to go! 

thanks sooo much FollowIcculus  if you do send please pm me for easier payback!

and thanks sooo much everyone for all ur help with everything
:) kk let me login sr

edit: sent :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: weed4me6969 on June 13, 2013, 12:41 am
never got anything yet, hope no one sent yet!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 13, 2013, 12:46 am
never got anything yet, hope no one sent yet!!
got caught reading a message :P

you should have it now :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: weed4me6969 on June 13, 2013, 12:50 am
thanks bro, i owe you 18 on Fri.  i got you man!!!   I assure you, and if you ever need help let me know!

alright guys please help a brotha out, still short, i guess that other guy never sent

anyone who helps will be paid back on Fri. afternoon
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DigitalDong on June 13, 2013, 01:07 am
was referring to north american continent prefferably :D
digi dont like to order from NL best Lucy i ever did was IRL source of amber liquid .. it was so clean and i laughed for 8 hours mm man miss that stuff
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: FollowIcculus on June 13, 2013, 01:24 am
thanks bro, i owe you 18 on Fri.  i got you man!!!   I assure you, and if you ever need help let me know!

alright guys please help a brotha out, still short, i guess that other guy never sent

anyone who helps will be paid back on Fri. afternoon
Sorry had my head up my ass.  PM'd you.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DigitalDong on June 13, 2013, 01:28 am
also need to say i sent soudrugs .02 btc few hours earlier i sent him pm.. dunno if he checks it but it appears that his SR username is same as his forums name.. i did it jsut for ease of calculating the price before btc fluctuated too much
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 13, 2013, 01:30 am
Whats up fellow SR members, right sorry if this is considered spamming, but I feel like my post just got a bit lost so Im just reposting it here on the new page:

Hi, Would anyone be willing to lend me 0.05 BTC please, I am placing an order, and don't have enough BTC to pay for the postage. I will give the BTC back on the weekend, probably earlier than that, but the weekend is the absolute latest. My SR username is meloniasty. And thank you very much to the person who would be willing to lend me some BTC. I will even give Karma in return (cheeky Karma bribe :D )

Thanks Once Again,
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: 2cnme2 on June 13, 2013, 01:31 am
LOL I think that's kind of bs that when I post the EXACT same type of post as weed4me6969 saying that the same guy took me for $650 and that I could use any spare change that could be afforded everybody attacked me quoting the thread rules, and yet when he posts, it's a completely different situation...

Thanks... :/
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Candyman on June 13, 2013, 01:33 am
hate to ask, but could anyone spare .03 btc please?  never asked here before but figured itd be worth a shot.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 13, 2013, 01:34 am
@2cnme2 weed4me was asking for a loan. not a hand out ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: weed4me6969 on June 13, 2013, 01:34 am
LOL I think that's kind of bs that when I post the EXACT same type of post as weed4me6969 saying that the same guy took me for $650 and that I could use any spare change that could be afforded everybody attacked me quoting the thread rules, and yet when he posts, it's a completely different situation...

Thanks... :/

Hold on bro!!!  i did not ask for spare change, i asked for a loan, and have box of shapes to vouche for me!!1  i will never ask for free money, and no one should!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 13, 2013, 01:35 am
hate to ask, but could anyone spare .03 btc please?  never asked here before but figured itd be worth a shot.
you plan on paying it back :P?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Candyman on June 13, 2013, 01:36 am
hate to ask, but could anyone spare .03 btc please?  never asked here before but figured itd be worth a shot.
you plan on paying it back :P?

if you'd like me to, then yes, but you'll have to wait till early next month. :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 13, 2013, 01:39 am
                                                 :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) **When requesting, post your SR name** so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
dr gonzo
FollowIcculus ++++
Mike Hunt
White Out

The shit list:
Autobondon *
King Karma
oNLiN3fR3aK ++++

*^*do not lend to these people*^*

:P remember, everybody can post this list! just press quote, an delete the Start [ quote ] & End [ /quote ]  tags

lets try land it once every 5 pages :) :-* :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 13, 2013, 01:41 am
hate to ask, but could anyone spare .03 btc please?  never asked here before but figured itd be worth a shot.
you plan on paying it back :P?

if you'd like me to, then yes, but you'll have to wait till early next month. :)
that is fine :)

same SR name as forum?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 13, 2013, 01:41 am
Lol, its a fucking shitstorm going on in this thread hahahaa and its only 0.05BTC I would like to borrow of someone, which I would probably give back tomorrow, but definitely no later than the weekend
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 13, 2013, 01:45 am
also need to say i sent soudrugs .02 btc few hours earlier i sent him pm.. dunno if he checks it but it appears that his SR username is same as his forums name.. i did it jsut for ease of calculating the price before btc fluctuated too much
yes, soudrugs is his SR name also :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 13, 2013, 01:46 am
Lol, its a fucking shitstorm going on in this thread hahahaa and its only 0.05BTC I would like to borrow of someone, which I would probably give back tomorrow, but definitely no later than the weekend
why do you say its a shit storm ???
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 13, 2013, 01:47 am
Just cant get my head around whats going on hahah, pretty stoned man xD
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: weed4me6969 on June 13, 2013, 01:49 am
thanks bro, i owe you 18 on Fri.  i got you man!!!   I assure you, and if you ever need help let me know!

alright guys please help a brotha out, still short, i guess that other guy never sent

anyone who helps will be paid back on Fri. afternoon
Sorry had my head up my ass.  PM'd you.

Just wanted to put it out on record that i still havent recieved anything from FollowIccarus:
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 13, 2013, 01:50 am
Just cant get my head around whats going on hahah, pretty stoned man xD
droogs helping droogs :P? its simple :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 13, 2013, 01:52 am
thanks bro, i owe you 18 on Fri.  i got you man!!!   I assure you, and if you ever need help let me know!

alright guys please help a brotha out, still short, i guess that other guy never sent

anyone who helps will be paid back on Fri. afternoon
Sorry had my head up my ass.  PM'd you.

Just wanted to put it out on record that i still havent recieved anything from FollowIccarus:
send to    weed4me6969    ฿-0.17    ****    June 13, 2013, 12:45 am UTC
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Candyman on June 13, 2013, 01:52 am
RS7FI8ZRkm, yes theres actually a link to my vendor profile in my sig, you can send the .03 there, thank you very much, i'll get you back on the first order i sell next month.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: FollowIcculus on June 13, 2013, 01:53 am
thanks bro, i owe you 18 on Fri.  i got you man!!!   I assure you, and if you ever need help let me know!

alright guys please help a brotha out, still short, i guess that other guy never sent

anyone who helps will be paid back on Fri. afternoon
Sorry had my head up my ass.  PM'd you.

Just wanted to put it out on record that i still havent recieved anything from FollowIccarus:
Just sent .12BTC T'was all I got hope its enough!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 13, 2013, 01:56 am
hahah Fair enough RS7, I do get the general idea but atm lack the sufficient brain power to understand properly what im reading ha, like on the previous page i was like shiiiiiit, its kicking off boys :D cos of that candy guy or whatever his name is :D , anyways, im off to bed, will try my luck tomorrow with that 0.05btc, night everyone
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: 2cnme2 on June 13, 2013, 01:59 am
What?? I wasn't asking for a "hand out" either... I said the exact same thing and that I would return the favor to anyone willing to help when I could, except for I didn't have a specific amount that I was short as I hadn't been able to get any coins back onto SR, so there wasn't a specific amount to list... You guys are very welcoming though.. Thanks.

Please ignore my offer of free chemistry teachings and free HPLC/NMR verification from someone with an honors BS in organic chemistry and a doctorate in pharmacology, as that was only for the kind people I thought existed in this thread.  I will stay out of here, as I'm clearly not welcome.

Have a good night! ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 13, 2013, 01:59 am
RS7FI8ZRkm, yes theres actually a link to my vendor profile in my sig, you can send the .03 there, thank you very much, i'll get you back on the first order i sell next month.
:) sent
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Candyman on June 13, 2013, 02:00 am
thanks man, i really appreciate it.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: weed4me6969 on June 13, 2013, 02:04 am
thanks so much my FollowIccarus


will be promptly paid by Fri. afternoon, i will pm you guys right away!

alright, damnitt i got

messages 0
orders 0
account $847.02   
a few words from
the Dread Pirate Roberts
Hi, weed4me6969

trying to get this Humboldts Finests  Blue Dream befor its all gone.... I am Freeeekin $4 DAMN dollars short, but i messaged HF to see if he will just make a custom for me... dude this is shitty!!!

and guys i just want you to know i appreciate it soo much and will throw you guys an extra $5 for doing it for me... thanks again... and hopefully HF will understand...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: 1_Clear_Trichome on June 13, 2013, 02:09 am
someone has my trichome screen name  LOL

took me forever to get to 100 posts though  LOL

less than 2 hours?


Love ya'll  ;)

Peace & Hugs,


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 13, 2013, 02:14 am
What?? I wasn't asking for a "hand out" either... I said the exact same thing and that I would return the favor to anyone willing to help when I could, except for I didn't have a specific amount that I was short as I hadn't been able to get any coins back onto SR, so there wasn't a specific amount to list... You guys are very welcoming though.. Thanks.

Please ignore my offer of free chemistry teachings and free HPLC/NMR verification from someone with an honors BS in organic chemistry and a doctorate in pharmacology, as that was only for the kind people I thought existed in this thread.  I will stay out of here, as I'm clearly not welcome.

Have a good night! ;)
woah woah wooah there.. I never said anything in anyway to try an discourage you from using this thread, I only stated that, it wasn't the intended purpose. now it could be a miscommunication, but I interpreted it as "please send me money" not I am in need of X an will gladly pay back by Y :P

when I first came onto this thread asking for a loan, I was ignored completely, an I was asking for $5 an offering 2x payback :P.

did I run away saying somehting like "nobody welcomed me to that thread fuck it ::)" no I simply waited till I had enough coin to help few others out, after awhile people began to take my request seriously.. not telling you what todo just saying this is how I see it.

you came here an posted 2-3? times in the mater of minutes asking for an undisclosed amount with no set date on repayment? comon  :P

sorry but that just smells fishy to me.. (no offense) you are welcome in this thread any time :) and if you'd like to try making another request feel free to :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 13, 2013, 02:17 am
someone has my trichome screen name  LOL

took me forever to get to 100 posts though  LOL

less than 2 hours?


Love ya'll  ;)

Peace & Hugs,


??? chem :P is that you
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 13, 2013, 02:18 am
stick around, get to know us  :)

it doesnt take long to feel as though one is a part of our little tribe here  :)


Also a warm welcome to 1_Clear_Trichome  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 13, 2013, 02:20 am
RS  ;)

freakin BI told me that it could take 30 days to get this 5 bitcoins to me  LOL

whuttuh ride this will be  LOL

every 24 hours i am going to msg them with a 4kb msg...LOL

Peace & Hugs,

Chemmy  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 13, 2013, 02:21 am
thanks so much my FollowIccarus


will be promptly paid by Fri. afternoon, i will pm you guys right away!

alright, damnitt i got

messages 0
orders 0
account $847.02   
a few words from
the Dread Pirate Roberts
Hi, weed4me6969

trying to get this Humboldts Finests  Blue Dream befor its all gone.... I am Freeeekin $4 DAMN dollars short, but i messaged HF to see if he will just make a custom for me... dude this is shitty!!!

and guys i just want you to know i appreciate it soo much and will throw you guys an extra $5 for doing it for me... thanks again... and hopefully HF will understand...
damn, how much weed you buying :P ;D
if you need the $4 can send you it ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 13, 2013, 02:23 am
RS  ;)

freakin BI told me that it could take 30 days to get this 5 bitcoins to me  LOL

whuttuh ride this will be  LOL

every 24 hours i am going to msg them with a 4kb msg...LOL

Peace & Hugs,

Chemmy  O0
:o holy shit, why so long :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: PerPETualMOtion on June 13, 2013, 02:24 am
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 13, 2013, 02:26 am
prolly buyin a QP at least?  and that bluedream is very nice and puts me to sleep really well  :)

HF is good people  :)

Peace & Hugs,

ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper Jenson on June 13, 2013, 02:28 am
Hello all, this is my third time asking for a small loan, paid both back to Japan1980 so far.

I am in need of 0.05 for an impulse buy and will pay back 0.06 next week by Thursday. I don't really need the Item I'll buy, but I want it.

If anyone can lend I'd appreciate it, and I'll hold back 0.1 BTC next week's reup so I can do a little help on the thread too since it's been good to me. I'd like to help.

If everyone is tapped out I understand. Thanks for even considering it.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: weed4me6969 on June 13, 2013, 02:28 am

RS7FI8ZRkm- if you want, i can make them two seperate amounts and give you $10 extra on Fri. !!!

You guys are all the shit!!!  as soon as he sends this extra $4 i can finally place my order!!! 

You guys have a new loan member on this thread, will be back Fri.

I want to help people the way you guys helped me.  Thanks again!!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 13, 2013, 02:28 am
Quote from: RS7FI8ZRkm
Quote from: ChemCat
RS  ;)

freakin BI told me that it could take 30 days to get this 5 bitcoins to me  LOL

whuttuh ride this will be  LOL

every 24 hours i am going to msg them with a 4kb msg...LOL

Peace & Hugs,

Chemmy  O0
:o holy shit, why so long :-\

No Clue...although i speculate that their just giving themselves some padding  LOL 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 13, 2013, 02:29 am
1. Does anyone want to donate to the formation of In Bitcoin We Trust (501(c)(4))--all donations are confidential.  ;)

2. Otherwise, can I borrow 0.05 BTC until June 31?

1.(no offense) but what the fuck dose "formation of In Bitcoin We Trust' do for me or anyone else around here :P?

2. I'll think about it but 1 still have be kinda confused on your legitimacy :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 13, 2013, 02:33 am

RS7FI8ZRkm- if you want, i can make them two seperate amounts and give you $10 extra on Fri. !!!

You guys are all the shit!!!  as soon as he sends this extra $4 i can finally place my order!!! 

You guys have a new loan member on this thread, will be back Fri.

I want to help people the way you guys helped me.  Thanks again!!!
:) 0.04 sent, you're very welcome too.

Hello all, this is my third time asking for a small loan, paid both back to Japan1980 so far.

I am in need of 0.05 for an impulse buy and will pay back 0.06 next week by Thursday. I don't really need the Item I'll buy, but I want it.

If anyone can lend I'd appreciate it, and I'll hold back 0.1 BTC next week's reup so I can do a little help on the thread too since it's been good to me. I'd like to help.

If everyone is tapped out I understand. Thanks for even considering it.
:) I remember you from last week, I'll help you out. whats your SR name?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 13, 2013, 02:36 am
Quote from: RS7FI8ZRkm
Quote from: ChemCat
RS  ;)

freakin BI told me that it could take 30 days to get this 5 bitcoins to me  LOL

whuttuh ride this will be  LOL

every 24 hours i am going to msg them with a 4kb msg...LOL

Peace & Hugs,

Chemmy  O0
:o holy shit, why so long :-\

No Clue...although i speculate that their just giving themselves some padding  LOL
:P that would make sense lol, still sucks.
but at least they're processing you ^_^
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: soudrugs on June 13, 2013, 02:38 am
Thanks for getting me back quickly digitaldong :)

I feel this thread would confuse all the drugs are bad propaganda people. Lending anonymous people money for drugs and it almost always works out right  :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper Jenson on June 13, 2013, 02:38 am
Hey RS7, name is Jasper5Jenson. And +1 right now as an instalment. Thanks!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 13, 2013, 02:40 am
Thanks for getting me back quickly digitaldong :)

I feel this thread would confuse all the drugs are bad propaganda people. Lending anonymous people money for drugs and it almost always works out right  :D
::) almost always, :P I, an few others still have few pending returns.. hence the shit list :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper Jenson on June 13, 2013, 02:41 am
Sorry RS7 I guess I gave u +1 in the last 72 hours, but I'll make sure you get some positivity asap too!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 13, 2013, 02:42 am
i'll be adding some to the "Shit List" at the beginning of next month RS, if no attempt is made to msg me from a few people  :) if that's ok.

Night Ya'll  :)

**Sneaks over to mary666 and her mans house and lights their sleepin asses up with Silly String  :P

Love ya'll,

ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 13, 2013, 02:43 am
Hey RS7, name is Jasper5Jenson. And +1 right now as an instalment. Thanks!
you're welcome :)
also, sent the 0.05 ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: PerPETualMOtion on June 13, 2013, 02:43 am
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: zerocrush on June 13, 2013, 02:44 am
hello there i am just wondering if anyone could float me .15 bitcoin. im short on my purchase and need to pay bills.  ive been loaned before and payed back. i will try to make the payback in one week. thank you to anyone who can help!

zerocrush is my sr name.

Total transactions: 11
Total spent: ฿4.08
Refund rate: 29.04%
Auto-finalize rate: 0%
Member for: 3 months

only have one refund but it went smooth. thank you again to anyone who can help.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 13, 2013, 02:46 am
i'll be adding some to the "Shit List" at the beginning of next month RS, if no attempt is made to msg me from a few people  :) if that's ok.

Night Ya'll  :)

**Sneaks over to mary666 and her mans house and lights their sleepin asses up with Silly String  :P

Love ya'll,

ChemCat  O0
:) :-* :P ::)
nighty night chemmycat.. sweet dreams :).
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: soudrugs on June 13, 2013, 02:58 am
Thanks for getting me back quickly digitaldong :)

I feel this thread would confuse all the drugs are bad propaganda people. Lending anonymous people money for drugs and it almost always works out right  :D
::) almost always, :P I, an few others still have few pending returns.. hence the shit list :P

Thanks for getting me back quickly digitaldong :)

I feel this thread would confuse all the drugs are bad propaganda people. Lending anonymous people money for drugs and it almost always works out right  :D
::) almost always, :P I, an few others still have few pending returns.. hence the shit list :P

Well sure there are losses but in 323 pages of a thread for this purpose (admittedly a lot of it is just conversation) an 18 person shitlist is pretty damn impressive. Especially since there is not much incentive to pay it back.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 13, 2013, 03:01 am
Stick around long enough and you will see that shit list get smaller and get larger  LOL


Night & Hugs,

ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 13, 2013, 03:04 am this is just my opinion....what would be a better incentive than to truely know that if one pays back what they borrow, then they can comfortably come back here and borrow again  :)

Probably with less hassle the second time  LOL

Just my 0.02 btc.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: soudrugs on June 13, 2013, 03:05 am
True enough chemcat, and I intend to stick around long enough to see for myself  :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 13, 2013, 03:09 am

Glad to have ya  (Hugs)


Cookies are over there ~~~> X

X<~~~ Beer liquor and drugs right there  :)


i cant sleep and cant seem to keep my eyes open though....once my mind stops telling my body that pain is not that bad...then i'd better start diggin my grave  LOL

Peace & Hugs,

ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: PerPETualMOtion on June 13, 2013, 03:11 am
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: soudrugs on June 13, 2013, 03:12 am
I'll pass on the liquor please. I'll take your finest weed and psychedelics though.

I've never really figured out the appeal of alcohol. Drives my wife crazy.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper Jenson on June 13, 2013, 03:21 am
Hey RS7, name is Jasper5Jenson. And +1 right now as an instalment. Thanks!
you're welcome :)
also, sent the 0.05 ;)

Thx,   I'm good for it, and can't wait to start contributing to the thread too.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: zerocrush on June 13, 2013, 03:56 am
i dont mean to pester anyone but im still looking for .15 if anyone is able to offer.  im in need to order tonight. thank you for anyone who can help. im definitely good for it.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: canada420 on June 13, 2013, 05:04 am
cam anyone loan me .03 btc for a purchase please? i'll payback .04 within a week :D

EDIT: oh yeah, my SR username is canada420
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on June 13, 2013, 05:25 am
cam anyone loan me .03 btc for a purchase please? i'll payback .04 within a week :D

EDIT: oh yeah, my SR username is canada420
sent you .02 (all I have atm) best of luck! Pay it back when you can
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: canada420 on June 13, 2013, 05:27 am
cam anyone loan me .03 btc for a purchase please? i'll payback .04 within a week :D

EDIT: oh yeah, my SR username is canada420
sent you .02 (all I have atm) best of luck! Pay it back when you can
will do, thanks a lot.. I think I might have enough :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dirtybiscuitzz718 on June 13, 2013, 06:05 am
I got you canada, if your still short.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: zerocrush on June 13, 2013, 06:21 am
im not in need anymore. thank you though!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 13, 2013, 07:50 am
Could anyone lend me 0.05 BTC please? I will give it (I will give back 0.06 BTC) back on the weekend (at the latest).

My SR username is meloniasty

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 13, 2013, 08:05 am
i'll be adding some to the "Shit List" at the beginning of next month RS, if no attempt is made to msg me from a few people  :) if that's ok.

Night Ya'll  :)

**Sneaks over to mary666 and her mans house and lights their sleepin asses up with Silly String  :P

Love ya'll,

ChemCat  O0
Woke up with a  sticky bum  :o :o I love you Chem  :P :-*
Morning everyone, happy days  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 13, 2013, 12:22 pm
Ok, now I only need 0.01 BTC, anyone willing to lend me some? I will give back on friday

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 13, 2013, 12:23 pm
sorry pal i,m empty, due in loans  :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 13, 2013, 12:24 pm
Fair enough mary, thanks anyway (and your 700th post haha :D) anyone else?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on June 13, 2013, 12:27 pm
hey all :D

See that fkn negger hit me up for 6 more last night lol

Im off to my college coarse.not gonna tell you what im studying cos its more info at the end of the day...see you later on 8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 13, 2013, 12:41 pm
Me and my man coming to tattoo Chem, your gettin a star  ;D ;D

Hi Darktime  :-*

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 13, 2013, 12:49 pm
+1 to you mary for being nice to me, if anyone worries that I still am 0.01 BTC short, don't, I'm alright now :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 13, 2013, 02:49 pm
meloniesty i,ve got 0.002252 not that it woul help but i can send it if you want  ;) It pis**s me off that not  one person even paid back £1 i could have helped this person out  :o and Repus 6!! pay me the 0.15 your due cause you may not be posting (wise) but you,ve been online evryday and ignored my pm so am gonna pm you again if i don,t get a response an you,ve been online you,ll be off the loan list and on the shitlist!!  ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 13, 2013, 02:55 pm
Nah, thanks mary, thats very kind of you, but I did a magic trick and somehow cameup with 0.01BTC that I needed hahah :D (gambling, its addictive and bad, but somehow I was always lucky) hahah
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 13, 2013, 02:59 pm
Nah, thanks mary, thats very kind of you, but I did a magic trick and somehow cameup with 0.01BTC that I needed hahah :D (gambling, its addictive and bad, but somehow I was always lucky) hahah
Good i,m glad (noticed it after i posted) before i came to the forum i used to gamble with the change but unlucky me always lost it but i,d prefer to come here with any change now, its a great thread with the nicest people on it, no crap  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 13, 2013, 03:11 pm
Yeah, I see. I only started getting into this thread last night, and as you said people seem pretty nice, so might stick around and even maybe loan people money :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 13, 2013, 03:15 pm
It is a great thread and even tho its for loaning coin there,s some mad conversations, some good info and some of its just hilarious  ;)  So let me be the 1st to welcome you friend (hugs)  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 13, 2013, 03:22 pm
(hug) YES!! my first official SR friend hah :D and thanks for the warm welcome
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 13, 2013, 03:34 pm
Oh how sweet  ;) i,ll buddy you and +1 pal   :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 13, 2013, 03:36 pm
I,m away to walk my dogs (can,t be arsed, stoned) then get dinner on  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 13, 2013, 03:40 pm
Morning mary! 

Sorry to hear about repus.  I actually loaned her a larger amount a few months ago.  She took a bit more time to get back to me, but she did get me back.  I know she is a good person but something could have happened. 

I would be very surprised if you never saw that again.  Just sucks you don't have it yet.  :( Just be nice is my best advice! 


Sorry you couldn't find what you needed meloniasty.  Sometimes it happens to the people that need it the most.  The main lenders in here are pretty tapped out right now, cause people aren't paying back at the moment.  Hope you can understand why people can be guarded about this stuff as well. 

But anyway.  Keep checkin back with us.  You will find a reason to smile!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 13, 2013, 04:03 pm
Morning mary! 

Sorry to hear about repus.  I actually loaned her a larger amount a few months ago.  She took a bit more time to get back to me, but she did get me back.  I know she is a good person but something could have happened. 

I would be very surprised if you never saw that again.  Just sucks you don't have it yet.  :( Just be nice is my best advice! 

Hi hun  :-* I like Repus and she did pm me saying something had happened, but if i,d had a personal tradgedy i wouldn,t be coming online!!
I,d just thought since she,s been on she wouldn,t ignore the pm (i was nice) I hope she,s okay and i hope she pays back soon cause i really like her and being another female is good to  ;) I wish she,d just pm me to let me know she,s ok and she,ll pay as soon as she can, love to repus6  :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 13, 2013, 04:15 pm
Hey all , how ya been - still waiting on loan's them Marry  - that sucks - I hate waiting , I've been waiting 3 weeks for my bloody passport .

Hey boxy , I'm just gonna send the rest of the shapes  from last week , so you should be able to retire in the Hampton's soon =) .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 13, 2013, 04:24 pm
Hi Taz i,m good, just going to make some steaks for dinner  :D How you doing today pal. good i hope (hugs)  :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 13, 2013, 04:26 pm


Sorry you couldn't find what you needed meloniasty.  Sometimes it happens to the people that need it the most.  The main lenders in here are pretty tapped out right now, cause people aren't paying back at the moment.  Hope you can understand why people can be guarded about this stuff as well. 

But anyway.  Keep checkin back with us.  You will find a reason to smile!

Thanks BoxofShapes, somehowe things worked them selves out, lucky me :D I do understand, at least i think I do, as I was just thinking that if i were to loan some btc to someone, how would I know that I will get it back, but then again I guess I just have to have faith in people, not everyones bad. As I said to mary earlier, I will be checking in on the thread more often now
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 13, 2013, 04:36 pm
Can I have one?  Omnomnom... animal flesh.

sup taz!

Thank you for putting shapes back in the box!  (haven't checked yet)  Sorry I haven't wrote out the rest of that message yet.  I haven't forgotten.  I just got caught writing a trip report for RSseven, before it all escapes me.

It might have been stuff you already knew but I hope you got something out of what I sent.

Hope things are well man

Sorry you couldn't find what you needed meloniasty.  Sometimes it happens to the people that need it the most.  The main lenders in here are pretty tapped out right now, cause people aren't paying back at the moment.  Hope you can understand why people can be guarded about this stuff as well. 

But anyway.  Keep checkin back with us.  You will find a reason to smile!

Thanks BoxofShapes, somehowe things worked them selves out, lucky me :D I do understand, at least i think I do, as I was just thinking that if i were to loan some btc to someone, how would I know that I will get it back, but then again I guess I just have to have faith in people, not everyones bad. As I said to mary earlier, I will be checking in on the thread more often now

Yea there is no way of knowing.

It's strange to talk about this but I give with the mindset of the pessimist.  This way I'm surprised if someone gets me back and I'm not expecting it.  (of course I don't just let it go, but I don't get worked up about it) 

Also, everything I've lent here I've considered tithing for the "church of the SR community".  I feel very lucky to be here, and feel compelled to give something back.

Just my perspective...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 13, 2013, 04:40 pm
Also, if you do choose to throw some coin around, don't make it an amount you will miss.

I wrote rule 5 more for the lenders sake.  I think we can all agree if you suddenly lose .05, it's not going to change your life.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 13, 2013, 04:44 pm
                                                 :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) **When requesting, post your SR name** so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
dr gonzo
FollowIcculus ++++
Mike Hunt
White Out

The shit list:
Autobondon *
King Karma
oNLiN3fR3aK ++++

*^*do not lend to these people*^*

:P remember, everybody can post this list! just press quote, an delete the Start [ quote ] & End [ /quote ]  tags

lets try land it once every 5 pages :) :-* :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 13, 2013, 04:57 pm
 I love steak , with onins and mushrooms scrumy .

Hope you all have a better day then I  , looking for good domestic weed on here is like finding a  needle in a haystack , I paid $26 bucks for a gram of master kush and It's complete shit , not even worth $5 a gram - do your self a favor stay away from " la magniufiuqe "

Check muskabzz on silk road marry , he's in the states and his weed is suposed to be amazng .

I'll be selling weed very soon , from the source I shared with you the other day - and I'll do you custom listings for cost Marry .

Enjoy your dinner - I'm going to go give  a piece of my  mind to this  twat who sold me this homegrown shit as high grade - unless he made a mistake a shipped me some other shit he has .

Shapes sent Boxy thanks for that bud and for you p.m , I'll be dreaming soon because this weed is not strong enough to inhibit them - might pick your brains a bit more on that subject .

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 13, 2013, 05:12 pm
Where are my manners - 'll be happy to do you all custom listings for cost ( rs , box , M doll  , chemy , ect  ) and free samples for all of course ) .

0.02 sent to Chemy for the kitty , I would prefer it only to be lent to people we trust if poss  .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 13, 2013, 05:19 pm
Thanks a lot taz.  I must say I'm set on weed though.  What I really Really want is a good sativa.  If ya find this then I'll be in your debt!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 13, 2013, 05:24 pm
I love steak , with onins and mushrooms scrumy .

Hope you all have a better day then I  , looking for good domestic weed on here is like finding a  needle in a haystack , I paid $26 bucks for a gram of master kush and It's complete shit , not even worth $5 a gram - do your self a favor stay away from " la magniufiuqe "

Check muskabzz on silk road marry , he's in the states and his weed is suposed to be amazng .

I'll be selling weed very soon , from the source I shared with you the other day - and I'll do you custom listings for cost Marry .

Enjoy your dinner - I'm going to go give  a piece of my  mind to this  twat who sold me this homegrown shit as high grade - unless he made a mistake a shipped me some other shit he has .

Shapes sent Boxy thanks for that bud and for you p.m , I'll be dreaming soon because this weed is not strong enough to inhibit them - might pick your brains a bit more on that subject .
Uk vendors i recommend Taz are webeweedgirls, pharmaboy,hanuman, and doctornoname pm him tho and ask him about his killerskunk cause its not listed  ;) I,ve also just had a sample from simplythebest, great bit weed but they,re czech but pm and ask if they,re still doing samples, say you,ll review obv. and good price from them. I loved Whitesharks AAA Kush from Canada but not done muskabuzz yet might have to give him a try. Check my reviews in the UK thread, i smoke evryday and like indica lol  :-* I look forward to your page going up  :-* :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 13, 2013, 05:32 pm
Having Jack herer as our  main sativa , if it's not the best jack you ever  had - we will refund the full price of your free sample =)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 13, 2013, 05:36 pm
Yeah I was lookin at webeweedgirls  page , if they had some kush I would have em give a shot - i just found this http://silkroadvb5piz3r.onion/silkroad/item/a6b8cb9455    - imported from my fave weed producing   country  , and they do 3. 5 for $45 and a g for $16 - free shipping - I so wish I'd seen that before I ordered this shit I have now ,
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 13, 2013, 05:47 pm

I'm down!


Sent you part one!  More later when I have time!

This box is out for now.  Enjoy your day all!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 13, 2013, 05:55 pm
Have a good one Box  .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Descarte on June 13, 2013, 06:40 pm
Hi everyone.  Just reached my 50 posts and RS7FI8ZRkm invited me to this thread when I was stuck in Newbie land.
My access to money seems to be a little different to most of yours.  Even though I am only a buyer on this site i still turn
a good profit from my orders.  I'm happy to provide funds for anyone that needs them but am fully aware of the kind of
attention that will bring.  I will asses all requests equally but will have to rely on info available in the threads and from
senior members until people can establish a history.  Don't take my decisions personally.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 13, 2013, 06:48 pm
Looked at greenlights Taz, wonder who they were before? How much do you pay local. i pay £25 for 3g an i aint buying if its shit lol  ;) Are you UK?  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 13, 2013, 07:01 pm
High ALL  8)

What's been going on? Missed anything of note?

Hope you're all well  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 13, 2013, 07:07 pm
High Japan  ;) You,ve missed Chem in the hillbilly hot tub, spraying me n my man with silly string and the general fun lol  ;D how ya doin? I,m still waiting on my DMT  :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 13, 2013, 07:16 pm
High Japan  ;) You,ve missed Chem in the hillbilly hot tub, spraying me n my man with silly string and the general fun lol  ;D how ya doin? I,m still waiting on my DMT  :(

Haha sounds like an average day in this community then!!

Still waiting?? Fuck you should of gone with the Italian dude - gets to the UK in 2-3 days everytime..

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 13, 2013, 07:23 pm
Hi everyone.  Just reached my 50 posts and RS7FI8ZRkm invited me to this thread when I was stuck in Newbie land.
My access to money seems to be a little different to most of yours.  Even though I am only a buyer on this site i still turn
a good profit from my orders.  I'm happy to provide funds for anyone that needs them but am fully aware of the kind of
attention that will bring.  I will asses all requests equally but will have to rely on info available in the threads and from
senior members until people can establish a history.  Don't take my decisions personally.
Well if RS sent you Welcome friend  ;) Can i have a $1000 please lol i,m joking obv.  :P very nice of you and hope you like it here, its great  ;D ;D

Japan, I thought i had (the vatican name lol)  i,ll know next time  :-[ I,ll msg him now, oh i did already  :P i,m baked  8) 8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 13, 2013, 07:24 pm
:( thought he'd be faster cause he is UK based :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 13, 2013, 07:33 pm
Hi RS  :-* How ya doin  ;)  He pm,d me the day after i ordered to say he,d sent it, was only like $11 in your money lol but hope it comes if not i,ll order from italian guy when i have coin on monday  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 13, 2013, 07:35 pm
Looked at greenlights Taz, wonder who they were before? How much do you pay local. i pay £25 for 3g an i aint buying if its shit lol  ;) Are you UK?  ;D

I pay 10 fr a g , but the deals are allays about 0.8 , sometime it's wicked others it's shit - it's like a bloody lucky dip as I have my younger brother score for me , so I don't have to lose face ( I used to have the best weed from  " the source ) and people used  to be all over me for it , the local dealers usually have a wry grin when I score from them , coz I took most there trade for about a year  ;D

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 13, 2013, 07:36 pm
Hi everyone.  Just reached my 50 posts and RS7FI8ZRkm invited me to this thread when I was stuck in Newbie land.
My access to money seems to be a little different to most of yours.  Even though I am only a buyer on this site i still turn
a good profit from my orders.  I'm happy to provide funds for anyone that needs them but am fully aware of the kind of
attention that will bring.  I will asses all requests equally but will have to rely on info available in the threads and from
senior members until people can establish a history.  Don't take my decisions personally.
welcome brother! glad to see you made it :), if you'd like pull up a chair, make yourself  feel at home :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 13, 2013, 07:39 pm
Looked at greenlights Taz, wonder who they were before? How much do you pay local. i pay £25 for 3g an i aint buying if its shit lol  ;) Are you UK?  ;D

I pay 10 fr a g , but the deals are allays about 0.8 , sometime it's wicked others it's shit - it's like a bloody lucky dip as I have my younger brother score for me , so I don't have to lose face ( I used to have the best weed from  " the source ) and people used  to be all over me for it , the local dealers usually have a wry grin when I score from them , coz I took most there trade for about a year  ;D
I've been paying $210 /oz of some dank purple kush 8), been pretty blunted past few weeks :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 13, 2013, 07:43 pm
Hi RS  :-* How ya doin  ;)  He pm,d me the day after i ordered to say he,d sent it, was only like $11 in your money lol but hope it comes if not i,ll order from italian guy when i have coin on monday  ;)
good love :-*, bit sleepy.. how are you?

if he flakes I'll send you $12 :( would feel bad for recommending him :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: piratesam on June 13, 2013, 07:44 pm
Sure, I'm short. Trying to buy some hash, only need 77BC.

User: disc4you

I probably will never be able to pay back, but if you have a few to spare I would appreciate it. Thanks in advance.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 13, 2013, 07:46 pm
                                                 :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) **When requesting, post your SR name** so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
dr gonzo
FollowIcculus ++++
Mike Hunt
White Out

The shit list:
Autobondon *
King Karma
oNLiN3fR3aK ++++

*^*do not lend to these people*^*

:P remember, everybody can post this list! just press quote, an delete the Start [ quote ] & End [ /quote ]  tags

lets try land it once every 5 pages :) :-* :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dirtybiscuitzz718 on June 13, 2013, 07:46 pm
Hey BoxO'Shapes, you failed to mention the Ol'BiscuitMonger lol, ive sent some spare change in the beginning of this thread, before my financials took a turn for the

Hope all is well bro. Much love.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 13, 2013, 07:51 pm
Hi RS  :-* How ya do in  ;)  He pm,d me the day after i ordered to say he,d sent it, was only like $11 in your money lol but hope it comes if not i,ll order from italian guy when i have coin on monday  ;)
good love :-*, bit sleepy.. how are you?

if he flakes I'll send you $12 :( would feel bad for recommending him :-\
No you won,t i,d send it back lol but so kind to even say that   ;) I won,t FE n he won,t get his money anyway  ;)
I,m good hun, thanks. you,s are so lucky with your weed over there like Taz sayz its lucky dip street buying here (well i just say i,m not takin that shit lol) n UK vendors for oz,s lol have you seen their prices on SR  :o
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 13, 2013, 07:53 pm
Sure, I'm short. Trying to buy some hash, only need 77BC.

User: disc4you

I probably will never be able to pay back, but if you have a few to spare I would appreciate it. Thanks in advance.
$8,339 (฿77) isn't spare change by a long shot :-\. honestly, this seems more like bad joke. :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 13, 2013, 08:00 pm
Sure, I'm short. Trying to buy some hash, only need 77BC.

User: disc4you

I probably will never be able to pay back, but if you have a few to spare I would appreciate it. Thanks in advance.
SENT BUDDY Dont need it anyway i,m a millionaire  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bamoida2 on June 13, 2013, 08:07 pm
0.0781111  back to ChemCat

thank you again!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 13, 2013, 08:16 pm
Sent To  |   Amount  |  Date  |

amxhd    | ฿-0.02  |  May 16, 2013, 10:33 am UTC

maybejustonce  | ฿-0.03 | May 31, 2013, 9:16 pm UTC

howsthetricks    | ฿-0.01 |  June 1, 2013, 12:18 am UTC

It's The Principle, Not the Amount.
 Please contact me and let me Know know if there is a problem  :)

ChemCat  O0

Hi Ya'll  :)

Hugs all around  :P

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 13, 2013, 08:18 pm
Thank You!


Hugs to ya :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 13, 2013, 08:23 pm
RS, Japan, there,s free DMT samples going 0.25 just incase you,s want one i,m sure you guys will quilify  ;D

Hi "Dad" How ya doin today, what crazy shit you been up to  ::) how,s the back after your fall hun  :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 13, 2013, 08:27 pm
hugs chem :)

hope your backs feeling better after taking a 'hot tub' :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 13, 2013, 08:27 pm
RS, Japan, there,s free DMT samples going 0.25 just incase you,s want one i,m sure you guys will quilify  ;D

Hi "Dad" How ya doin today, what crazy shit you been up to  ::) how,s the back after your fall hun  :-*
from who :o?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 13, 2013, 08:28 pm
hiya and hugs to ya mary  :)  yeah am hopped up on something called naproxin?


no pain right at the moment  LOL

spent a better part of the day speaking with bitinstant through emails  LOL  i tjhink they are getting tired of my emails  heh heh  :P

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 13, 2013, 08:31 pm
Product oferrs, jeffbob RS  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 13, 2013, 08:33 pm
Hey BoxO'Shapes, you failed to mention the Ol'BiscuitMonger lol, ive sent some spare change in the beginning of this thread, before my financials took a turn for the

Hope all is well bro. Much love.

Thought I would pop in really quick before I head out again.  Dirty is one of the coolest fuckers I have met in my exchanges in these forums.  He deserves to be on the list next time it comes around.

Sry Dirty!  I'll write you soon.  I've had a crazy amount of corresponding I've had to do lately(sr and non sr), when I get around to my computer time.

Believe me, you haven't slipped my mind!

Thank You!


Hugs to ya :)

hugs CC!  proud to be your first +1 for trichome!  Hope you have a pain free night for once!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 13, 2013, 08:33 pm
I thought you,d have your BI thing sorted by now Chem  :(
I tried to type fast for you RS like my attemp at offers lol  :-[
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 13, 2013, 08:41 pm
i wish it would get settled by friday  LOL

they said they have no proof of the transaction after the one that went through....however....i have solid evidence of the last transaction going through from zipzap to them  LOL  as well as well as an email from zipzap
stating BOTH payments had been sent...LOL    pretty much just been repeating myself through emails today 'cuz they keep asking the same questions over and over..LOL

but i feel as though..with all of the successful transactions i've had with BI...then i should have just anticipated
a hurdle like this  LOL 

Still..all in all i have faith that they will get this straightened out :)

@ Box



i got my trichome accoint back  LOL   i just had to remember the damn password  LOL  i thawt someone had taken my name  LOL
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 13, 2013, 08:44 pm
hiya and hugs to ya mary  :)  yeah am hopped up on something called naproxin?


no pain right at the moment  LOL

spent a better part of the day speaking with bitinstant through emails  LOL  i tjhink they are getting tired of my emails  heh heh  :P

Hey Chemy , glad your our pain free , except bitinstant being a pain in the neck by the sound of it - how long have you been waiting ?

How well does the naproxin work 4 u , my mum suffers from major back pain most days and I'm trying to get her to stop using the tramadol shes prescribed daily because the withdrawals for some people can be nasty .

0.03 added to the kitty btw .

Hugs man =)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 13, 2013, 08:49 pm
0.3Taz, thats very generous  ;) Get on the free DMT offer lol  ;)

huggles to ya Chem, did you see me n my man are comin to tattoo you in yer sleep lol  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 13, 2013, 08:52 pm
Product oferrs, jeffbob RS  ;)
:) thank you for the heads up mary
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 13, 2013, 08:54 pm
No probs hun  :-* doesn,t say where he,s from tho i couldn,t find a vendor page??  ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 13, 2013, 08:56 pm
Damn A.D.H.D , I meant 0.03 , =)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 13, 2013, 08:58 pm
hiya taz  :)  that's why i stopped takin tramadol..LOL  i buy this OTC it's just like advil i suppose  LOL

but when i take 10 of them i am pain free all day long :)


prolly not good for mum to take  :)

LOL  yeah mary i'll keep the porchlight on but ya have to watch the goat poop in the yard  LOL

RS  i'm gonna hound BI until they get it right  LOL

all in all i gotta say, through all of the successful transactions with BI  i really should have known that my
card would be picked eventually   LOL  no need for me to cry over it i suppose  :P

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 13, 2013, 08:59 pm
No probs hun  :-* doesn,t say where he,s from tho i couldn,t find a vendor page??  ::)
vendor page -> http://silkroadvb5piz3r.onion/silkroad/user/b837eeb5d4
no active listing tho :P, however looks like 2 people have received some :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 13, 2013, 09:01 pm
hiya taz  :)  that's why i stopped takin tramadol..LOL  i buy this OTC it's just like advil i suppose  LOL

but when i take 10 of them i am pain free all day long :)


prolly not good for mum to take  :)

LOL  yeah mary i'll keep the porchlight on but ya have to watch the goat poop in the yard  LOL

RS  i'm gonna hound BI until they get it right  LOL

all in all i gotta say, through all of the successful transactions with BI  i really should have known that my
card would be picked eventually   LOL  no need for me to cry over it i suppose  :P
:P its funny cause this all started happening after you said you've never had problems with them ::)
we just had to go an jinxed it :P ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 13, 2013, 09:09 pm
Quote from: RS7FI8ZRkm
:P its funny cause this all started happening after you said you've never had problems with them ::)
we just had to go an jinxed it :P ::)

LOL  i know right??

There's no use in me crying over 500 gallons of spilt milk though  LOL  i know the potential consequnces of playing the game we play here  ;)

well i am off to send a few more 4kb msg's to bitinstant  LOL

Peace & Hugs Ya'll   :)

Chemmy   O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 13, 2013, 09:13 pm
Looking good then RS  ;)

Can i just come live with you Chem i,ll get a horse, clean up the goat poo and you,ll have free compost lol  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 13, 2013, 09:18 pm
Can anyone loan me 0.05 i,m not short, its for a sample order will pay back 0.06 on monday thanks sr name the same  :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 13, 2013, 09:22 pm
hiya taz  :)  that's why i stopped takin tramadol..LOL  i buy this OTC it's just like advil i suppose  LOL

but when i take 10 of them i am pain free all day long :)


prolly not good for mum to take  :)

LOL  yeah mary i'll keep the porchlight on but ya have to watch the goat poop in the yard  LOL

RS  i'm gonna hound BI until they get it right  LOL

all in all i gotta say, through all of the successful transactions with BI  i really should have known that my
card would be picked eventually   LOL  no need for me to cry over it i suppose  :P

She stopped taking diclofenic , another nsaid because it can increase the risk off heart problems and other nasty side effects .

Do you ever use essential oils , I swear by bathing with them after I shower ( soap breaks them down )- good for relaxing the muscles n mind .

lavender , frankincense  and jasmine  are my favorite - lavender relaxes , frankincense calms rejuvenates and helps mental focus and jasmin is just heaven , should be at like $ 60 per 15 ml .

Marry - I got that - I'lll send it now
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 13, 2013, 09:29 pm
Thanks Taz you wee diamond  :-* (hugs) I,ll get you back on Monday at latest  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 13, 2013, 09:35 pm
done n dusted , you know where you can stick your interest - into ya next order  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 13, 2013, 09:39 pm
You sent 0.08 hun i,ll send back tomorrow what i don,t need thanks again  :-* :-* I went into account to check and someone Anton on here sent 0.00 at 4pm WTF,s that about lol  :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 13, 2013, 09:40 pm
I'm going to have a  bath and I'm going to chuck some lav-in-der , geddit ? Lavender .

I love that play on syllables .

Marry - that means he sent less then 0.00
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 13, 2013, 09:41 pm
Quote from: RS7FI8ZRkm
:P its funny cause this all started happening after you said you've never had problems with them ::)
we just had to go an jinxed it :P ::)

LOL  i know right??

There's no use in me crying over 500 gallons of spilt milk though  LOL  i know the potential consequnces of playing the game we play here  ;)

well i am off to send a few more 4kb msg's to bitinstant  LOL

Peace & Hugs Ya'll   :)

Chemmy   O0
wish you luck, may the force be with you :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 13, 2013, 09:50 pm
Marry - that means he sent less then 0.00

So does it just show up as nothing or is he just being funny  :-\

I,m going to watch the documentry "Swansea Love Story" been reading good things about it, didn,t know wales had that bad a heroin problem, not that i,ve ever been there, went once and it was shut lol  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on June 13, 2013, 09:56 pm
hey gang

hope your all good

gonna get off early tonight im knackered after class today!

gonna creep over to chemcats before i go to sleep and pour  20 gallons of lsd and a gallon of bubble-bath into his hot-tub :o

Pleasant dreams folks ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 13, 2013, 10:00 pm
hey gang

hope your all good

gonna get off early tonight im knackered after class today!

gonna creep over to chemcats before i go to sleep and pour  20 gallons of lsd and a gallon of bubble-bath into his hot-tub :o

Pleasant dreams folks ;)
LMAO Darktime, Chem,s gettin it lol night hun hope you had a good day in class  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 13, 2013, 10:47 pm
Marry - that means he sent less then 0.00

So does it just show up as nothing or is he just being funny  :-\

I,m going to watch the documentry "Swansea Love Story" been reading good things about it, didn,t know wales had that bad a heroin problem, not that i,ve ever been there, went once and it was shut lol  ;D

well when Skrilly  sent me funds the other day they showed as 0.00 , same happened when I sent boxy just under a $ - they only go down 3 decimal places - if I sent you 0.001 - it shows as 0.00

BTW smoke a fat one for me if ya have it , my stash wouldn't  get a weed virgin high - I ordered a g off bubba kush from greenlighs to tide me over until I can get some b.m weed .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 13, 2013, 10:57 pm
Marry - that means he sent less then 0.00

So does it just show up as nothing or is he just being funny  :-\

I,m going to watch the documentry "Swansea Love Story" been reading good things about it, didn,t know wales had that bad a heroin problem, not that i,ve ever been there, went once and it was shut lol  ;D

well when Skrilly  sent me funds the other day they showed as 0.00 , same happened when I sent boxy just under a $ - they only go down 3 decimal places - if I sent you 0.001 - it shows as 0.00

BTW smoke a fat one for me if ya have it , my stash wouldn't  get a weed virgin high - I ordered a g off bubba kush from greenlighs to tide me over until I can get some b.m weed .
when I sent .165 to weed4me yesterday it said I sent .17 :o
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 13, 2013, 11:31 pm
That Swansea Love Story was good, shame for the young girl, mum puts her in a brothel at 14 and gives her heroin so fund their habbit, what chance did she have  :'( Recommend  ;)

Goodnight all sweet dreams  :-* :-*

I wish i could give you a bit of mine Taz (hugs)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 13, 2013, 11:59 pm
where do i see this movie mary?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 14, 2013, 12:26 am

Here ya go Chem , any luck with b.i ,what method did you deposit funds with ?

If there messing you around I would post the problem on bitcointalk , exchangers get there skates on when you do that , It worked for me with intersango .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 14, 2013, 12:43 am
yeah they asked me to stop msg them and told me that my missing order is getting closer then msg'd me back telling me it is in some dump files and should be on the  way shortly :)

i about fell out of bed  LOL

thanks for the link i'll check it out after i see my long lost coins  LOL

oh ima hug muh coins and kiss muuh coins and never ever let muh coheens go  :P

Peace & Hugs to ya taz  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 14, 2013, 12:53 am
Peace & huggz Chem , I'm going to read that book you mentioned in the family thread soon  .

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: chaosmix on June 14, 2013, 02:26 am
Hello fine people of The Road! Ive never had LSD before and am .04 BTc short of having some. I dont plan on purchasing anything from SR for at least another month after this purchase. Im not buying alot just 2 tabs. I really dont feel like going all the way into town to purchase a small amount of coins. username is same on SR. Thanks.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: touchthesky on June 14, 2013, 02:54 am
why my name not show up in the list of people who have given? that makes me a very saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad panda!

Sorasgaze has also returned what he owed!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 14, 2013, 03:18 am
why my name not show up in the list of people who have given? that makes me a very saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad panda!

Sorasgaze has also returned what he owed!
look through your account history perhaps you'll see :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tedrux on June 14, 2013, 04:55 am
I would like 1 gram of cyanide from emeralds shop please. it is for suicide .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Descarte on June 14, 2013, 05:49 am
All sorted for you chaosmix.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 14, 2013, 06:17 am
I would like 1 gram of cyanide from emeralds shop please. it is for suicide .

What and lose a perfectly good troll - I think not .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 14, 2013, 06:25 am
                                                 :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) **When requesting, post your SR name** so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
Descarte           ++++
dirtybiscuitzz718      ++++
dr gonzo
Mike Hunt
White Out

The shit list:
Autobondon *
King Karma
oNLiN3fR3aK ++++

*^*do not lend to these people*^*

:P remember, everybody can post this list! just press quote, an delete the Start [ quote ] & End [ /quote ]  tags

lets try land it once every 5 pages :) :-* :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 14, 2013, 06:31 am
I would like 1 gram of cyanide from emeralds shop please. it is for suicide .
This isn't the place for a joke like this man.  If it isn't a joke we need to hear a lot more.

Although it may be obvious troll, on some level I gotta take it seriously.  Just me tho


Just saw the other posts... ehh
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 14, 2013, 07:21 am
Morning ALL  8)

Just dropping by to say HIGH, and hope you are have a great day.

Also a couple of days ago I lent curiositymatrix 0.02 and within 10 minute he had paid back half, I just messaged him to say thanks and keep the 0.01 or pass it forward. Basically I think I've loaned curiositymatrix coins trwice now and he's good for payback.

So in my opinion if he needs help from time to time he's not really a gamble as he seems honest and paysback his debts.

J-Man  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 14, 2013, 07:28 am
I would like 1 gram of cyanide from emeralds shop please. it is for suicide .
This isn't the place for a joke like this man.  If it isn't a joke we need to hear a lot more.

Although it may be obvious troll, on some level I gotta take it seriously.  Just me tho


Just saw the other posts... ehh

Yeah your right Box , I guess I  should have  not made so lightly of that  I wouldn't forgive myself  if the  worst happened .
I'm a regular of emeralds , I'm going to give him the heads up about this post , so he can be on guard .

He won't be best pleased , having his / her name associated with shit like this .

Don't know the guys sr handle by any chance ?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tedrux on June 14, 2013, 07:35 am
what the hell is a matter with you guys!?!? It's MY FUCKING LIFE to do with AS I PLEASE. What the fuck do you think he sells it for? quite acting like you give a shit if i live or die. you wont even know the difference. its just a matter of if you'll help me or not. don't pretend like you understand anything about me. its not like i can explain it in words. its either something you understand or don't because you've lived through it. im NOT trolling, i'm NOT looking for help thinking life is great, I AM looking for some simple generousity in assisting some one without money to acquire a swift death where I wont feel pain as per I'll be knocked into a coma extremely quickly. tell emerald? I've messaged him myself already, sir . would you all just stick to the platnum rule here? be constructive or move on . don't rain on my parade just because you have a moral beef. its not YOUR life I'm threatening, its my own and AGAIN what makes it MINE is my RIGHT to do with it as I PLEASE.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 14, 2013, 07:46 am
In all honestly what the fuck is vendor selling cyanide on SR for - I know it has other uses, but it's predominately used for suicide or murder by poisoning others.

In my opinion - the listing's should be removed.

But if the poster above feels life is too much and as is about to take the easy way out, then so be it. I don't know him and he doesn't know me. But there is no fucking way any of my BTC's are going towards him topping himself.     
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 14, 2013, 08:02 am
High Japan  ;) your right in all you said above  ;)

Tedrux, it is your life to end if u choose but if your that serious about it you,d find the money to buy your own and you wouldn,t be advertising it, good luck with whatever you decide  :-X
Morning eveyone  :-* :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 14, 2013, 08:11 am
what the hell is a matter with you guys!?!? It's MY FUCKING LIFE to do with AS I PLEASE. What the fuck do you think he sells it for? quite acting like you give a shit if i live or die. you wont even know the difference. its just a matter of if you'll help me or not. don't pretend like you understand anything about me. its not like i can explain it in words. its either something you understand or don't because you've lived through it. im NOT trolling, i'm NOT looking for help thinking life is great, I AM looking for some simple generousity in assisting some one without money to acquire a swift death where I wont feel pain as per I'll be knocked into a coma extremely quickly. tell emerald? I've messaged him myself already, sir . would you all just stick to the platnum rule here? be constructive or move on . don't rain on my parade just because you have a moral beef. its not YOUR life I'm threatening, its my own and AGAIN what makes it MINE is my RIGHT to do with it as I PLEASE.

Listen up and listen good  suicide troll   you sound far too serious - if so we are here for you - things always get better - want to chat - I've been there - and I'M so glad I never did it .

Jap,   I know where your coming from man , but it has manY  uses , I know Em's not the type to sell it for that purpose , it's a shit suicide aid  in liquid form like he  sells - it would trigger you to spew in that form  A.F.I.K .

I'll ask him though ,

'll shout em later to see if n e 1 ordered any , fuck wasting time on this raz .

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tedrux on June 14, 2013, 08:11 am
is it too much to ask for a little kindness from the world that beat me into this shit? just shoot old yeller already. dont make assumptions about my financial capabilities.i have no way of earning money at all.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 14, 2013, 08:37 am
what the hell is a matter with you guys!?!? It's MY FUCKING LIFE to do with AS I PLEASE. What the fuck do you think he sells it for? quite acting like you give a shit if i live or die. you wont even know the difference. its just a matter of if you'll help me or not. don't pretend like you understand anything about me. its not like i can explain it in words. its either something you understand or don't because you've lived through it. im NOT trolling, i'm NOT looking for help thinking life is great, I AM looking for some simple generousity in assisting some one without money to acquire a swift death where I wont feel pain as per I'll be knocked into a coma extremely quickly. tell emerald? I've messaged him myself already, sir . would you all just stick to the platnum rule here? be constructive or move on . don't rain on my parade just because you have a moral beef. its not YOUR life I'm threatening, its my own and AGAIN what makes it MINE is my RIGHT to do with it as I PLEASE.

Look man.  One short sentence like that with no explanation looks like a sarcastic remark.  It's happened before in this thread, they looked just like what you said, and they were joking.  It's hard to tell in this place when you can't look someone in the eyes. 

Also, this thread is driven off of positivity and everyone in it.  How do you expect people like this to react to that?

I have no "moral beef" with this.  The road is founded on the very principle of do as you please.  Just don't mess with others.  You have to admit this topic will mess with others emotions.  You could have said, "need this for cigarettes" cause I'm going to prison for a crime I didn't commit, and no one would be anywhere near as attached. 

If I was dedicated to this idea, I would just do it without any kind of announcement.  Why give others a chance to debate?  This is why whenever I hear, "will you help me kill myself", I hear a person reaching out for any last words to change their mind. 

Anyway.  I got way more involved with this than I wanted to.  I've fought this battle way to many times with myself.

Be at peace.  One way or the other.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 14, 2013, 09:40 am
is it too much to ask for a little kindness from the world that beat me into this shit? just shoot old yeller already. dont make assumptions about my financial capabilities.i have no way of earning money at all.
You might be a troll and if so whatever! On the other hand if you really feel that bad, talk to someone even if its a stranger on here, which would probably be easier for you maybe? Your not alone feeling like this there,s prob more than a few of us who,ve felt like this and understand. You can pm me if u want to talk privately, it might help or there,s a few others like taz who could maybe help too  ;) I hope you speak to someone  :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 14, 2013, 09:47 am
OMG Tedrux just seen your other posts, do you think people on here will give you money to watch you do it on a webcam  :o You sound very desperate, please speak to someone, explain your situation at least and maybe someone can help  ;) Just speak to someone b 4 you do anything drastic, please  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 14, 2013, 11:04 am
I,ve sent your 0.08 back Taz  ;) I missed the offer  :( Thanks so much hun +1  :-* :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on June 14, 2013, 11:48 am
Hello everyone. Been very sick (flu) since Tuesday I am just now feeling good enough to log in and post a message.

During the time I was offline Ballzinator paid back the .6 just like he said! :)

So as everyone in here already knew...he is a stand up guy.(wait maybe he is a girl I forget!)

So thanks Ball!  Hope you enjoyed your package!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on June 14, 2013, 11:53 am
Also a person with the name of brianbertz on SR paid me back...Not sure if that is his name on here but he did pay back the .03. So THANK YOU! If you comment on this...I will give you a+1 on the karma...(as I am not sure of your name in the forum)

Thanks again for keeping your word..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: IamMulva on June 14, 2013, 11:59 am
Good morning!
just thought i'd check out the spare coins thread for some positivity general awesomeness and

i see the room has been darkened by the likes of TedRux


Suicide is a terrible way to solve any problem. there are CLEARNET help sites which will do more good than posting dribble to a generosity forum. for example
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 14, 2013, 12:03 pm
"Hello everyone. Been very sick (flu) since Tuesday I am just now feeling good enough to log in and post a message."

Hi Rx  ;D Wondered where you,d been, thought you just very busy  ::) I hope your much better and glad you,ve been paid back  :-* (hugs)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ghettohmbrglr on June 14, 2013, 12:16 pm
anyone here willing to lend me ~$8? i was only 3 cents short for my order last night and figured i'd hold out and hope they go up a bit but that did not happen.. 6 dollars short now. i can pay you back within 2 weeks more likely 1, and i will add a few extra dollars as a thank you. i've had to do this once before so if you want to search my name in this thread you will see someone (boxofshapes) lent me coins one time and i did indeed pay them back.

sr username- ghettohmbrglr
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 14, 2013, 12:27 pm
Sorry  :-[ meant to say Hi IamamMulva  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on June 14, 2013, 12:37 pm
anyone here willing to lend me ~$8? i was only 3 cents short for my order last night and figured i'd hold out and hope they go up a bit but that did not happen.. 6 dollars short now. i can pay you back within 2 weeks more likely 1, and i will add a few extra dollars as a thank you. i've had to do this once before so if you want to search my name in this thread you will see someone (boxofshapes) lent me coins one time and i did indeed pay them back.

sr username- ghettohmbrglr

I will send it to you...but can you do me a favor and give me the actual number you need in BTC? As that is what we all lend in here on...not dollars. As soon as you post it I will send it to you..once you receive it please make a post confirming and telling me the date you will be paying me back ;D just for the record...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: IamMulva on June 14, 2013, 12:45 pm
Good Morning Mary!

That TedRux bull led me to check out (clearnet) this morning, its been a while. such a good blog. check it out if you haven't!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Descarte on June 14, 2013, 02:57 pm
Don't push your luck Jasper800
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ghettohmbrglr on June 14, 2013, 04:42 pm
anyone here willing to lend me ~$8? i was only 3 cents short for my order last night and figured i'd hold out and hope they go up a bit but that did not happen.. 6 dollars short now. i can pay you back within 2 weeks more likely 1, and i will add a few extra dollars as a thank you. i've had to do this once before so if you want to search my name in this thread you will see someone (boxofshapes) lent me coins one time and i did indeed pay them back.

sr username- ghettohmbrglr

I will send it to you...but can you do me a favor and give me the actual number you need in BTC? As that is what we all lend in here on...not dollars. As soon as you post it I will send it to you..once you receive it please make a post confirming and telling me the date you will be paying me back ;D just for the record...

.12 btc i will pay you back by 6/21 latest. really appreciate it.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: acidicmonkey on June 14, 2013, 05:04 pm
I have .05 BTC if anybody needs it pm me with wallet address and I will address you here as well. I will keep postings in the forum so the forum is aware.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 14, 2013, 05:06 pm

I won't be lending until I get some loans paid back.

Obviously this doesn't apply to the spare coins family (you know who you are) - i will happily lend to these people.

I just calculated that I'm owed .34 by non-fam members. Although, their pay back dates haven't expired so I'm not suggesting I won't get it back, and in my experience (85+ loans) the chances are I will. So I'm not at all complaining about people that owe me - I'm just letting the thread know wa gwan.

J-MAN  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 14, 2013, 05:10 pm
I have .05 BTC if anybody needs it pm me with wallet address and I will address you here as well. I will keep postings in the forum so the forum is aware.

Just a word of advice, your best bet is by SR username - it's quicker and you don't pay fee's. Plus you can see in your account history exactly who you lent to or borrowed off.

I just think it make things a lot clearer and easier to manage that way   8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 14, 2013, 05:23 pm
Just checkin in after that crap last night.  Glad things are back on track.

Peace to all you guys!  Much love!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 14, 2013, 05:44 pm
Whats up everyone, Just wanted to let you know that i've got 0.1btc spare is anyone need some
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: zer021 on June 14, 2013, 05:52 pm
Fucking drop in bitcoin price!  I'm short 0.007 on my order my SR name is anifauqa.  If anyone could help i would be so grateful and will repay with some extra within a week.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 14, 2013, 05:53 pm
***BitInstant Update***

after 96 hours and hundreds of freaking emails i've recieved my missing BTC order!


i hope everyone is well (Hugs)

got to feed the goats and move some animals around then i'll be bak to chat  :P

Love ya'll  :)

ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 14, 2013, 06:00 pm
morning droogs :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 14, 2013, 06:01 pm
Hi everyone  :) I,ve still had no loans paid back yet so nothing to loan  :(

Hi Chem  :-* What other animals do you have hun  :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on June 14, 2013, 06:03 pm

.12 btc i will pay you back by 6/21 latest. really appreciate it.

Wow that took you a bit to get back to me! I had to go. I just got back and checked the thread and saw your message so I sent you the .12, your payback date is just fine.

Please make sure to also send me a message on silk road when you pay me back so I know

Thank you!   ;D

(please make a post that you indeed received the coin for the record)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 14, 2013, 06:04 pm
Glad you got your money sorted Chem  ;)

Hi RS, HIGH Japan  :-* :-* Hope ya,s are good  ;)

I,m knackered, been doing hair all day  :( get the bills paid now tho  ;D ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ForeverJung on June 14, 2013, 06:12 pm
Hey guys, if anyone out there has 0.05 - 0.06BTC they can spare to send to my SR user name I would be super appreciative. Trying to get something with my buyer account and I'm juuuuust a wee bit short. I can pay you back as soon as I have an order finalize later today, and/or hook you up if you ever order anything from me. :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 14, 2013, 06:15 pm
Hey guys, if anyone out there has 0.05 - 0.06BTC they can spare to send to my SR user name I would be super appreciative. Trying to get something with my buyer account and I'm juuuuust a wee bit short. I can pay you back as soon as I have an order finalize later today, and/or hook you up if you ever order anything from me. :D

0.06 going your way
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 14, 2013, 06:18 pm
@tedrux please step back from that ledge my friend. we aren't here to help hurt people. infact we inspire to do the exact opposite.
we are here trying to help others :). I wouldn't ever tell you, you can't kill yourself.. but I can plead, for you to make a different choice.. (go do something dangerous instead :P)
I assume whatever I am saying wont make much difference in how you feel, but if I said nothing, I'd feel like a dick to ignore a fellow brother with what appears to be a cry for help..
we all have challenges in life, its what we do with the challenges that define us as people. I hope you can find the power to rise above what ever is holding you down. an take the knowledge an experience form the situation to better yourself.   

I wish you all the luck in sorting out any troubles in you may have in life.
be strong friend.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 14, 2013, 06:23 pm
hugs @ mary :) hiya

@RxKing hey man, :). glad you're feeling better.
I sent that .14 last week, and depoisted more coins. however I ended up lending them all away :P, I haven't forgot about throwing couple extra coins your way though :)

thanks again :-*

hiya @ everyone else
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: zer021 on June 14, 2013, 06:36 pm
Hellpp I put in coins today and am now 0.007 short on my order.  My old account has 0.01 in it but I forgot the pin which is why I have a new one.  If anyone could help me out so I can get this order in before the weekend I'll give you the 0.01 in three days when my old account has the pin reset.  My SR name is anifauqa.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 14, 2013, 06:37 pm
@zer021 what account am I sending it to :P?

also, if you ever changed your pin but remember the old one I think the admins can reset it to the old one ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: zer021 on June 14, 2013, 06:45 pm
thank you soo much it's the new one and it's anifauqa

Hmm thanks that's something I'll have to look into I believe I have my old one written down somewhere.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 14, 2013, 06:49 pm
thank you soo much it's the new one and it's anifauqa

Hmm thanks that's something I'll have to look into I believe I have my old one written down somewhere.
:) sent ya 0.007 enjoy
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 14, 2013, 06:51 pm
lol, anybody got .05 they'll lend for for few days ::) just got offered the DMT sample but I have no coin in wallet :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ghettohmbrglr on June 14, 2013, 06:54 pm

.12 btc i will pay you back by 6/21 latest. really appreciate it.

Wow that took you a bit to get back to me! I had to go. I just got back and checked the thread and saw your message so I sent you the .12, your payback date is just fine.

Please make sure to also send me a message on silk road when you pay me back so I know

Thank you!   ;D

(please make a post that you indeed received the coin for the record)

received the coin thanks a lot

edit: placed my orders and still had $3 (~.0296) left over so i sent that right back. reading back on my post i realize i wrote the date to pay you back in 1 week latest when i meant to write the date for 2 weeks. i passed out right after thats why it took me so long to get back to you and my tiredness is also probably the reason i got confused. please know i was not trying to trick you! while i will do my best to pay you back next week there's a chance it could be as long as 2. really sorry about that
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: kingdisko23 on June 14, 2013, 06:58 pm
You still need that coin RS7FI8ZRkm?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 14, 2013, 07:07 pm
You still need that coin RS7FI8ZRkm?
I am still looking for a loan yes :)

wait, nevermind think chemcat is taking care of me :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 14, 2013, 07:15 pm
Sent  ;)


Huggles to ya :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: kingdisko23 on June 14, 2013, 07:17 pm
Ok cool.. Wanted to return the favour to you guys! :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 14, 2013, 07:23 pm
mary, i just have the goats and a cow ( i get one calf every couple years) and about 9 ducks and a few geese stragglers every now and then plus the cats and one dog   LOL  oh and let me not forget the flippin fish  LOL

in the tank which is only 80 gallons there are about 60 maybe more i lost count a year ago  LOL
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: funeightyone on June 14, 2013, 07:28 pm
I've got .o4476 to loan out if anyone's a little short. Not looking on any big interest or anything. Mostly just looking to do it to get involved in this "good will" thread because I like the idea. Just round up a tad when you pay back and I'll be happy. IE: .04476 becomes .05ish in a weekish. Very flexible.

It's been sitting in my account forever because I lost my fav cash to btc method (recommendations would also be welcome if anyone has used a low fee service for small potatoes - around a grand).
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 14, 2013, 07:40 pm
:) thank you chemmy (hugs)!

Ok cool.. Wanted to return the favour to you guys! :)
:D very noble of you! thank you.

@funeightyone :) same goes for you sir, very kind gesture.. always love seeing people come here offering help before asking for any! makes me happy :).
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 14, 2013, 07:42 pm
                                                 :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) **When requesting, post your SR name** so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
Descarte           ++++
dirtybiscuitzz718      ++++
dr gonzo
Mike Hunt
White Out

The shit list:
Autobondon *
King Karma
ZenAndTheArt ++++

*^*do not lend to these people*^*

:P remember, everybody can post this list! just press quote, an delete the Start [ quote ] & End [ /quote ]  tags

lets try land it once every 5 pages :) :-* :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 14, 2013, 07:45 pm
hey chemycat did I send you that link yesterday :P I remember telling myself to do it.. but don't remember if I ever did ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 14, 2013, 07:48 pm
Hi Chem, Hi RS  :-* Wanted to try meth (not really a used drug here) just watched "Montana Meth"  :o aye i,ll no bother fu**in with that  ;) Did you have a look at "Swansea Love Story" Chem?

You,ve got a mini farm Chem, love it  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dirtybiscuitzz718 on June 14, 2013, 08:15 pm
Hey guyes, 'ZenAndTheArt" needs to be added to the black list. He fucked me on $15 bucks like 4 months ago and hes yet to show face since.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bertierobert on June 14, 2013, 08:17 pm
Hi guys first time post in this thread. I could really use .05btc as im short 5.00$usd on an order i will pay back 7.00$. I will have it payed back by Tuesday(wednesday at the latest). Id really appreciate it. My S.Arghhh username is rogerbert. Thank you!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: kingdisko23 on June 14, 2013, 08:18 pm
Meths great, but very very easy to do too much! It's great fun, I'd hardly say it was 1 hit and you're hooked (I watched the same episode the other night) it's like really good strong speed (Phet paste) if your a fan you like it!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: skeezr95 on June 14, 2013, 08:20 pm
I just signed up for SR yesterday and I'm in the process of acquiring a few bitcoins, they should be in my account within the next 7-10 days. I am asking for a .05 btc loan from someone on the board to help with an order (25c-NBOMe) that I am trying to get immediately (I am leaving for Firefly next week) and would like to have this order before I leave. Help anyone? :/ I will repay you as soon as my btc are deposited! My SR username is the same as mine here.  I don't want anyone to feel the need to loan me the btc, only if you have a little to spare. Obviously, I can do without the NBOMe. But if you're feeling generous enough, just know that you're going to make my festival experience that much more wonderful AND I'm going to pay you back as soon as my funds are deposited! Thanks and a wonderful day to everyone :)

P.S. - I just found this thread and I'm going to immediately delete the other one I started on Silk Road Discussions board.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper800 on June 14, 2013, 08:21 pm
I just signed up for SR yesterday and I'm in the process of acquiring a few bitcoins, they should be in my account within the next 7-10 days. I am asking for a .05 btc loan from someone on the board to help with an order (25c-NBOMe) that I am trying to get immediately (I am leaving for Firefly next week) and would like to have this order before I leave. Help anyone? :/ I will repay you as soon as my btc are deposited! My SR username is the same as mine here.  I don't want anyone to feel the need to loan me the btc, only if you have a little to spare. Obviously, I can do without the NBOMe. But if you're feeling generous enough, just know that you're going to make my festival experience that much more wonderful AND I'm going to pay you back as soon as my funds are deposited! Thanks and a wonderful day to everyone :)

P.S. - I just found this thread and I'm going to immediately delete the other one I started on Silk Road Discussions board.

I don't have .05 but I do have .02. Now you just need .03, ha! It should be in your account very soon.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 14, 2013, 08:22 pm
Hi Chem, Hi RS  :-* Wanted to try meth (not really a used drug here) just watched "Montana Meth"  :o aye i,ll no bother fu**in with that  ;) Did you have a look at "Swansea Love Story" Chem?

You,ve got a mini farm Chem, love it  ;D
careful mary, meth is VERY addictive. I've seen it ruin peoples life's way too many times to even consider trying it :-\.. that stuff is pure evil!!

@dirtybiscuitzz added him :-\. sorry, that happened brother.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tedrux on June 14, 2013, 08:25 pm
please dont do meth. any one . it is bad. those who use it will never tell you how bad until they stop using it. or at least for a week at most before they are back on. I know several meth heads and doing it is not a recreational thing; its a decision to sign away your soul. if you love any one (yourself esp.) then stay far away from this drug and anyone who uses it. I can only state my POV  and I'm sure people will get mad at me for pointing out in them what I consider fault but as they have a right to do it I have a right to condemn it (as long as I do so respectfully) . requiem for a dream.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 14, 2013, 08:29 pm
glad to see you're still with us! :)

feeling better today, tedrux?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: skeezr95 on June 14, 2013, 08:31 pm
I just signed up for SR yesterday and I'm in the process of acquiring a few bitcoins, they should be in my account within the next 7-10 days. I am asking for a .05 btc loan from someone on the board to help with an order (25c-NBOMe) that I am trying to get immediately (I am leaving for Firefly next week) and would like to have this order before I leave. Help anyone? :/ I will repay you as soon as my btc are deposited! My SR username is the same as mine here.  I don't want anyone to feel the need to loan me the btc, only if you have a little to spare. Obviously, I can do without the NBOMe. But if you're feeling generous enough, just know that you're going to make my festival experience that much more wonderful AND I'm going to pay you back as soon as my funds are deposited! Thanks and a wonderful day to everyone :)

P.S. - I just found this thread and I'm going to immediately delete the other one I started on Silk Road Discussions board.

I don't have .05 but I do have .02. Now you just need .03, ha! It should be in your account very soon.

Nvm! The order was only .02! I appreciate it greatly, and I'm taking note of your username and I will repay you whenever my funds arrive! You've just enhanced my festival experience exponentially, bless you!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tedrux on June 14, 2013, 08:31 pm
it is better to be dead then to live in ruin. in death you rejoin the source. to honour life you do not stick it with pins and needles and begrudge it, you live it while its beautiful and quit it on a soft spring breeze just as the first few randrops of the deadly monsune wipe away all joy. it is tribute to god to live and be happy. it is insult to yourself to live in misery. ye- tis better to die.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: kingdisko23 on June 14, 2013, 08:31 pm
We're quite luck in the UK that we don't have access to it easily and regularly.. I've not considered what it would be like to be in easy reach of it.. (probably fucked!) - It's a bastard comedown.. Maybe that's where the addictive qualities lie, you take more to feel better and stave off the shit feelings!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper800 on June 14, 2013, 08:31 pm
I'm from one of the meth capitals of the US. It is terrible. I have seen many of my friends and their family members deteriorate until it is far beyond a recreational drug. They become super paranoid, crazy, violent, unkempt, and just overall scum when they are in the throws of a meth addiction/binge. The scared straight ads they throw around for most drugs are somewhat comical, but the meth ads are pretty legit. It's awful. I have tried it twice and both times were miserable. Coke is a bit better because you can sleep and its really too expensive to have a crazy habit unless you are fairly wealthy. Coke>Meth. Weed>All others, ha!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tedrux on June 14, 2013, 08:33 pm
funny enough, i live with meth heads and i couldnt hang myself last night because the fuckers wouldn't go to sleep. true story.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 14, 2013, 08:33 pm
51'st post  :P

don't do meth mary  :(

i mean you're an Adult, you'll do as you wish i suppose...just friendly advice  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 14, 2013, 08:35 pm
it is better to be dead then to live in ruin. in death you rejoin the source. to honour life you do not stick it with pins and needles and begrudge it, you live it while its beautiful and quit it on a soft spring breeze just as the first few randrops of the deadly monsune wipe away all joy. it is tribute to god to live and be happy. it is insult to yourself to live in misery. ye- tis better to die.
:-\ well, I am sorry you feel that way. did you get a chance to read the message I posted here an in your other thread?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 14, 2013, 08:35 pm
tedrux  :)

Huggles to ya  :)

i'm glad you are still here today to shoot the shit with us  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper800 on June 14, 2013, 08:36 pm
I just signed up for SR yesterday and I'm in the process of acquiring a few bitcoins, they should be in my account within the next 7-10 days. I am asking for a .05 btc loan from someone on the board to help with an order (25c-NBOMe) that I am trying to get immediately (I am leaving for Firefly next week) and would like to have this order before I leave. Help anyone? :/ I will repay you as soon as my btc are deposited! My SR username is the same as mine here.  I don't want anyone to feel the need to loan me the btc, only if you have a little to spare. Obviously, I can do without the NBOMe. But if you're feeling generous enough, just know that you're going to make my festival experience that much more wonderful AND I'm going to pay you back as soon as my funds are deposited! Thanks and a wonderful day to everyone :)

P.S. - I just found this thread and I'm going to immediately delete the other one I started on Silk Road Discussions board.

I don't have .05 but I do have .02. Now you just need .03, ha! It should be in your account very soon.

Nvm! The order was only .02! I appreciate it greatly, and I'm taking note of your username and I will repay you whenever my funds arrive! You've just enhanced my festival experience exponentially, bless you!

I know it's not much, but I'm glad I could help. Sure wish I could afford Bonnaroo; the line-up is crazy good. Enjoy the festival, I figure I should help a few people out, however minimal before I start whoring myself out for coins.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 14, 2013, 08:39 pm
tedrux  :)

Huggles to ya  :)

i'm glad you are still here today to shoot the shit with us  :)
:o I know you, I know i know you  :P lol (hugs) I wouldn,t touch it after watching these people, its all heroin where i live and it looks as bad as the junkies here, I,d be as well running down the road n buying a bag  :o (not that i,d ever do herion, i,ve seen 1st hand what it does)!  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: kingdisko23 on June 14, 2013, 08:39 pm
I'm an inquisitive person, I want to know what things are like.. MDPV was hell for me... Pure horrible hallucinations!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 14, 2013, 08:43 pm
Hi Chem, Hi RS  :-* Wanted to try meth (not really a used drug here) just watched "Montana Meth"  :o aye i,ll no bother fu**in with that  ;) Did you have a look at "Swansea Love Story" Chem?

You,ve got a mini farm Chem, love it  ;D
careful mary, meth is VERY addictive. I've seen it ruin peoples life's way too many times to even consider trying it :-\.. that stuff is pure evil!!

@dirtybiscuitzz added him :-\. sorry, that happened brother.
Thanks hun, it doesn,t look much fun anyway  :-[ Chem did you watch Swansea thing, even i had to read the subtitles, Welsh  ::) love em  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 14, 2013, 08:46 pm
personally i love the intensity of hallucinations so real   LOL

i once started out with 3 tabs between my upper lip and gum...of NBOMe then about 2 hours later maybe... i did another 3 the same way  LOL  i just kept doin that until i realized i had taken around 12 hits  :o

i was like ok, i'd better stop now  LOL

but the hallucinations were so intense and real to me that i thoroughly enjoyed it  :)

i guess RS, you could say i take these hallucenogenics to the edge and back..sort of like the spirit molecule  ... so to speak in high doses...if one can handle it...i've seen people mimic my ways....they were hospitalized  :(

huggles to ya mary  :)   gotta get this account posts up  LOL
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tedrux on June 14, 2013, 08:47 pm
what about heroin od as a method of suicide? or a darvocet coctail? idk. i just wish for it to be provided to me. im more then happy to let some one watch my mellen explode from a 12 gauge loaded with 00" buckshot since thats more or less instant. even were parts of my scattered brain to retain consciousness it would be so disoriented it wouldn't understand pain. n2o sounds appealing too. just what ever will not be painful and whatever i will not be able to back out of.

also let me say to your theory of wanting to connect to people: no. i don't wish to connect with any one. i wish for others to help me die. plain and simple.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 14, 2013, 08:50 pm
huggles to ya mary  :)   gotta get this account posts up  LOL

I karma,d ya hun  ;) I,ve got "Crackheads gone wild" to watch yet  :P not that i,m gonna start fu**in with that, i,ve smoked it twice when i was younger, i can see how people get addicted  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 14, 2013, 08:53 pm
i think that if you want to do the deed tedrux (your name reminds me of frozen yogurt)

you can find alot of answers on the clearnet. personally, i know what it's like to be beat down by life and have that shotgun in my mouth. i believe in you and i believe that you can find...if you look hard can find
a ray of sunshine to give you hope....all of this asking us about how to die... has been clearly asked of you politely

to stop that within this thread please.

You're welcomed here as  family (Hugs)


let's just keep things on a positive note within these walls please  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 14, 2013, 08:55 pm
what about heroin od as a method of suicide? or a darvocet coctail? idk. i just wish for it to be provided to me. im more then happy to let some one watch my mellen explode from a 12 gauge loaded with 00" buckshot since thats more or less instant. even were parts of my scattered brain to retain consciousness it would be so disoriented it wouldn't understand pain. n2o sounds appealing too. just what ever will not be painful and whatever i will not be able to back out of.

also let me say to your theory of wanting to connect to people: no. i don't wish to connect with any one. i wish for others to help me die. plain and simple.
Can you go back on your own threads please and i,ve noticed loads of people have already told you NO ONE WILL GIVE YOU MONEY!!! Not on any thread to kill yourself and TBH if your as desperate as you say you must have a sharp knife at least, won,t cost a penny!
If on the other hand this is a cry for help then speak to someone honestly and stop asking for money, you want other people to be responsible for your death  :o
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 14, 2013, 09:08 pm
@tedrux, heard you can OD if you smoke a bunch of weed.. like bong rip after bong rip.. ;D just keep smoking till you forget why you started in the first place..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 14, 2013, 09:12 pm
@tedrux, if you are as desperate for money as you say why dont you sell your laptop/pc/mobile or whatever you're using and then youll have some money. However at the same time I do understand how you feel, I know I felt like that at a certain point of my life, and people told me that I should talk to someone and that its not the end of the world, and even though I didnt want to listen to them, I knew they were right. At the end of the day there is thousands if not millions of people who are in much worse situation than you, but instead of killing them selves, they fight, they fight to survive and improve their lives because they believe that one day, at some point, they will be happier, even if they know that's not true, they still believe. There are people in this world who dont have shelter, food and are threatened and at risk of being murdered everyday, they live in sewage, starving, being ill and unable to even move or comprehend completely whats going on, therefore I think that if you comited a scuicide it would be incredibly selfish of you, and probably a waste of a life. As someone has said earlier in this thread (I think), why dont you do some charity work. That way you will be as good as dead, but you will actually help others, or maybe even you could turn to religion (I dont believe in religion, but I know it can help people get through the worst times in their lives.

I am not telling you not to do it, I am just trying to make you aware that you are being a little bitch, who in my opinion is just attention seeking and is quite selfish. Either do it and don't bother us with it, or realize how much of a faggot youre being even thinking about it and bothering other people with it.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tedrux on June 14, 2013, 09:19 pm
no body is responsible for buying me a gun. only im responsible for pulling the trigger. some body will help me, i just need to find who.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 14, 2013, 09:24 pm
no body is responsible for buying me a gun. only im responsible for pulling the trigger. some body will help me, i just need to find who.
what country are you in? Do they have fast trains? High bridges, buildings, cliffs, motorways/freeways?  ::)

Sorry but i,ve felt suicidal clearly so have many others here but never heard anyone serious about it ardvertise it?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 14, 2013, 09:25 pm
don't feed the negativity.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 14, 2013, 09:26 pm
i should be at 100 posts in a couple weeks  LOL
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 14, 2013, 09:27 pm
we're all so off-topic its lol ;D

+1 to meloniasty tho, well said.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 14, 2013, 09:28 pm
should be at 900 posts.. in about.. hmm, wait. shit :P. owell ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 14, 2013, 09:29 pm
i should be at 100 posts in a couple weeks  LOL
Lol a few days more like  ;D what you all doing today (RS Chem lol  ;D)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 14, 2013, 09:29 pm

almost to 1000 you are!!


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 14, 2013, 09:30 pm
i'll just be glad to get rid of capcha   LOL
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 14, 2013, 09:31 pm
I,ve sent your 0.08 back Taz  ;) I missed the offer  :( Thanks so much hun +1  :-* :-*

I saw , thanks M - I forwarded it on to Chemy - no use it gathering dust - 0.0.8 wont pay for a pre rolled  with the prices on the road .

Hope your all well people .

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 14, 2013, 09:33 pm
Hi Taz  :-* hope your good hun  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 14, 2013, 09:34 pm
i should be at 100 posts in a couple weeks  LOL
Lol a few days more like  ;D what you all doing today (RS Chem lol  ;D)
smoking bongies, listing to music, talking to my droogies, what else ::)?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 14, 2013, 09:34 pm
sent it all to RS, taz  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 14, 2013, 09:35 pm
:P I forgot about the captcha ::)

:) wazzup taz, how you today?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 14, 2013, 09:35 pm
same same  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tedrux on June 14, 2013, 09:40 pm
no body is responsible for buying me a gun. only im responsible for pulling the trigger. some body will help me, i just need to find who.
what country are you in? Do they have fast trains? High bridges, buildings, cliffs, motorways/freeways?  ::)

Sorry but i,ve felt suicidal clearly so have many others here but never heard anyone serious about it ardvertise it?

no trains anywhere that i know of. no high bridges, plus i cant climb. no high buildings. no cliffs. motorways, sure, but im not looking to end up in er or hurting others.  and i dont understand what the big deal about 'advertising' is when it isn't even like im crying for help or saying 'look at what i'm about to do' , its just asking for the required tools and proper administrative advice so I get it right. thats it.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 14, 2013, 09:41 pm
I,m listening to Jace Everett (the trueblood programme song?) what kind of music is this classed as, its quite good  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 14, 2013, 09:47 pm
the 4chan crowd might be more willing to help you, go ask over there ted.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: awesome1126 on June 14, 2013, 09:54 pm
Can anyone spare .03 BTC? sent to this username on sr:

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tedrux on June 14, 2013, 10:00 pm
im not a troll nor am i willing to talk to a bunch of trolls who are severely imature in most cases. especailly since i will be called many offensive names and not taken seriously. it pisses me off that no one takes me seriously and will help me. im not looking for help living, im looking for help dying. its not murder , is suicide. your just providing tools and im responsible for what i do with them.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 14, 2013, 10:00 pm
Quote from: awesome1126
Can anyone spare .03 BTC? sent to this username on sr:




Send the coins back as soon as ya can please  :)

Peace & Hugs,

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 14, 2013, 10:05 pm
Quote from: tedrux
im not a troll nor am i willing to talk to a bunch of trolls who are severely imature in most cases. especailly since i will be called many offensive names and not taken seriously. it pisses me off that no one takes me seriously and will help me. im not looking for help living, im looking for help dying. its not murder , is suicide. your just providing tools and im responsible for what i do with them.

look, my electronic friend  :)

i'm not downing you or calling you names. i do take you seriously, you want to die..period.

google "exit bag" 

make your own decisions without the help of anyone else. if you actually go through with i truely hope that your essence will be at peace.
other than that, if ya just want to shoot the shit with us in here, then by all means come back and do so :)

Peace & Hugs to You, tedrux  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: awesome1126 on June 14, 2013, 10:05 pm
Quote from: awesome1126
Can anyone spare .03 BTC? sent to this username on sr:




Send the coins back as soon as ya can please  :)

Peace & Hugs,


wow will do thanks man
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: weed4me6969 on June 14, 2013, 10:06 pm
hey guys!!!  Just wanted to say thanks again for the help and i will be getting my coin in a little bit here, and will pay back RS7FI8ZRkm-$22  and $12 to followIcculus.....oh and plus $5 extra to both of you for being the shit!!!   Just hang tight guys, ever since i got robbed by that piece of shit Duck Commander, i am going to be pretty FREEKIN cautious buying coins, so give me a bit.   ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 14, 2013, 10:13 pm
The  idea of us getting together in the family thread now n again is starting to sound more n more appealing =)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Intraterrestrial on June 14, 2013, 10:16 pm
Quote from: tedrux
im not a troll nor am i willing to talk to a bunch of trolls who are severely imature in most cases. especailly since i will be called many offensive names and not taken seriously. it pisses me off that no one takes me seriously and will help me. im not looking for help living, im looking for help dying. its not murder , is suicide. your just providing tools and im responsible for what i do with them.

look, my electronic friend  :)

i'm not downing you or calling you names. i do take you seriously, you want to die..period.

google "exit bag" 

make your own decisions without the help of anyone else. if you actually go through with i truely hope that your essence will be at peace.
other than that, if ya just want to shoot the shit with us in here, then by all means come back and do so :)

Peace & Hugs to You, tedrux  :)


My thoughts too after reading the last few pages, well put trichome, +1
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 14, 2013, 10:29 pm
:P I forgot about the captcha ::)

:) wazzup taz, how you today?

I'm surprisingly good for a man who's worked through the night and most of the day , despite having  to explain to a grower who thinks his produce is A++ high grade - that he infact has grown a crop that's fit for nothing but making rope and using as a biofuel !

The truth must be told though , I call em how I see em - It took all my tact   too soften the blow that the guy just wasted 3 + months growing hemp without hurting his ego to bad - fucker want's to get some acid and dissolve that ego if I'm being brutally honest - but hey I want recompense - good job he's not local or it would be my  less subtle side he'd have to deal with .

Hows you man ?

Good I hope , and that go's for all y'all , Suicidal  trolls included =)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 14, 2013, 10:33 pm
Oh by the way have some CLEARNET Gothic ass on me folks .

Big love
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: hetsigtok on June 14, 2013, 10:35 pm
Im 0.004BTC short on an order here so looking for a loan. Unfortunately haven't loaned to anyone else yet, mostly cus Ive been lazy and haven't checked out this thread.

Anway if anyone wanna help me out I'd appreciate it. I can pay back this weekend or next week. Depends when I have time to transfer money but no later then next week.

My Sr name: Hetsigtok
Deposit address: 12Xhk3qyGgS6JpCBo3yj3qRfoEBGHequFW
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 14, 2013, 10:44 pm
Im 0.004BTC short on an order here so looking for a loan. Unfortunately haven't loaned to anyone else yet, mostly cus Ive been lazy and haven't checked out this thread.

Anway if anyone wanna help me out I'd appreciate it. I can pay back this weekend or next week. Depends when I have time to transfer money but no later then next week.

My Sr name: Hetsigtok
Deposit address: 12Xhk3qyGgS6JpCBo3yj3qRfoEBGHequFW
sent :), enjoy. pay it forward.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 14, 2013, 10:50 pm
:P I forgot about the captcha ::)

:) wazzup taz, how you today?

I'm surprisingly good for a man who's worked through the night and most of the day , despite having  to explain to a grower who thinks his produce is A++ high grade - that he infact has grown a crop that's fit for nothing but making rope and using as a biofuel !

The truth must be told though , I call em how I see em - It took all my tact   too soften the blow that the guy just wasted 3 + months growing hemp without hurting his ego to bad - fucker want's to get some acid and dissolve that ego if I'm being brutally honest - but hey I want recompense - good job he's not local or it would be my  less subtle side he'd have to deal with .

Hows you man ?

Good I hope , and that go's for all y'all , Suicidal  trolls included =)
:P get some sleep? lol nah good to hear :) sucks about the crops though :( wait was it actually hemp :o?

sorry I'm pretty high xD co2 extract has me got :P

I'm good, chill day.. haven't any agenda :) so been chilling for while today lol..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: acidicmonkey on June 14, 2013, 10:51 pm
I am lending bertierobert .5 BTC as of right now. !!!! spare coins awayyy!!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 14, 2013, 10:52 pm
who is bertierobert? :o
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: hetsigtok on June 14, 2013, 10:54 pm
Im 0.004BTC short on an order here so looking for a loan. Unfortunately haven't loaned to anyone else yet, mostly cus Ive been lazy and haven't checked out this thread.

Anway if anyone wanna help me out I'd appreciate it. I can pay back this weekend or next week. Depends when I have time to transfer money but no later then next week.

My Sr name: Hetsigtok
Deposit address: 12Xhk3qyGgS6JpCBo3yj3qRfoEBGHequFW
sent :), enjoy. pay it forward.

Will do :) Thanks you very much sir!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 14, 2013, 10:54 pm
what is BTC :o
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 14, 2013, 10:55 pm
woot woot 69 posts  :P

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 14, 2013, 10:57 pm
lol, this isnt a spam thread you silly cat.. :P i was being serious I've never seen him post a request :o.. and .5 is kind of a lot.. dunno just seemed weird to me lol
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 14, 2013, 11:00 pm
i'll try to get to 100 posts as fairly as i can  :P

**Wet willy to RS**


heh heh  **Blushes**

**flicks a booger at mary and her man**  :P

**gives taz some garlic gum**  :P

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 14, 2013, 11:02 pm
today i am a nice golden trichome  :)

hey taz you grew?

me too at one point :)

still have the lights and aeroponic clone machine that i built  ;)

geez i must have 9 1000 watt HPS lights and one 1000 watt metal halide

gawsh i should clean this stuff up and sell it  LOL
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 14, 2013, 11:05 pm
"flicks a booger at mary and her man"
Gross, missed, hit the cat  ;D
watched crack heads gone wild, pretty shit  :(

How the hell do you guys (RS and "Dad")  know about these exit bags, i just googled it,  :o
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 14, 2013, 11:05 pm
i likied to flush once with distilled water then with a slightly sugar water then one more flush with the distilled water again so all in all a 3 week flush...does wonders for the taste and boquette


we did pretty good until my prtner got greedy  LOL

but those 1,200 dollar light bills every month were a pain  LOL
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 14, 2013, 11:07 pm
Quote from: mary666
"flicks a booger at mary and her man"
Gross, missed, hit the cat  ;D
watched crack heads gone wild, pretty shit  :(

How the hell do you guys (RS and "Dad")  know about these exit bags, i just googled it,  :o

honestly mary, my wife and i found the "exit bag" when we found out she was terminal.

recently really, however the good lord took her before we decided to go through with it.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 14, 2013, 11:13 pm
Quote from: mary666
"flicks a booger at mary and her man"
Gross, missed, hit the cat  ;D
watched crack heads gone wild, pretty shit  :(

How the hell do you guys (RS and "Dad")  know about these exit bags, i just googled it,  :o

honestly mary, my wife and i found the "exit bag" when we found out she was terminal.

recently really, however the good lord took her before we decided to go through with it.
I completely understand anyone wanting to do it in a terminal situation,euthanasia (spelling?) should be legal anyway, we don,t let our pets suffer  ::) I think this person just craves attention i,ve been through his posts he,s been posting all day  :o
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on June 14, 2013, 11:25 pm
Just a quickie to say hi to all :D and hope your well.
Been a normal day for me,nothing exciting but nothing bad.
Gonna get off to bed,I'm done.
look after yourselves
Goodnight   ....zzzZZZZ
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 14, 2013, 11:29 pm
Goodnight Darktime  :-* i,m right behind you, just finishing this spliff, i,m knack,d  ;)

Goodnight Taz, Chem and RS  :-* :-* :-* (group hug)

ps i,m not actually physically behind Darktime, going in his bed lol  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tedrux on June 14, 2013, 11:33 pm
i dont want attention in any way but for you to pay attention to the request I made, the simple request for cyanide. although if it is in liquid for another method would be advisable, no? pay attention to MEEEE!!!! least in so far as a solution to my problem. other then that I'm not giving a good god damn if you want to hear a sob story or not. i'm not looking for friends. not that any of you would be true friends, youd just shed sympathy then apathy then be gone . ive done that dance and it is pointless.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 14, 2013, 11:36 pm
The attention seeking C**T need to F- OFF "no ones paying attention to me and i,ve got 4 threads on the go  :'(" as we say "JOG ON"
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 14, 2013, 11:42 pm
i dont want attention in any way but for you to pay attention to the request I made, the simple request for cyanide. although if it is in liquid for another method would be advisable, no? pay attention to MEEEE!!!! least in so far as a solution to my problem. other then that I'm not giving a good god damn if you want to hear a sob story or not. i'm not looking for friends. not that any of you would be true friends, youd just shed sympathy then apathy then be gone . ive done that dance and it is pointless.
you don't know us, how is it fair to make  those assumptions? you obvisually are seeking attention or you wouldn't A: be responding B: wouldn't have made your the  be offering "tickets" for people to watch you commit the act, also I don't know why would you came on here saying 'I am buying cyinde to kill myself?' make more sense to say you're trying to buy drugs an then after tell people your gonna snuff yourself :-\

either way, what chemcat said, hit the nail on right on the head.
Quote from: tedrux
im not a troll nor am i willing to talk to a bunch of trolls who are severely imature in most cases. especailly since i will be called many offensive names and not taken seriously. it pisses me off that no one takes me seriously and will help me. im not looking for help living, im looking for help dying. its not murder , is suicide. your just providing tools and im responsible for what i do with them.

look, my electronic friend  :)

i'm not downing you or calling you names. i do take you seriously, you want to die..period.

google "exit bag" 

make your own decisions without the help of anyone else. if you actually go through with i truely hope that your essence will be at peace.
other than that, if ya just want to shoot the shit with us in here, then by all means come back and do so :)

Peace & Hugs to You, tedrux  :)

we are here as electronic friends, :) but only if you let us be.. ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tedrux on June 14, 2013, 11:45 pm
it is always that way with any one who approaches me for these reasons. the past 10 times or so. they promise not to go and then they abandon me.every time. because something is wrong with me
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 14, 2013, 11:51 pm
edited the previous post a bit.. :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 14, 2013, 11:56 pm
hey guys!!!  Just wanted to say thanks again for the help and i will be getting my coin in a little bit here, and will pay back RS7FI8ZRkm-$22  and $12 to followIcculus.....oh and plus $5 extra to both of you for being the shit!!!   Just hang tight guys, ever since i got robbed by that piece of shit Duck Commander, i am going to be pretty FREEKIN cautious buying coins, so give me a bit.   ;D
still haven't gotten it :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 15, 2013, 12:27 am
Seems a wee bit more tranquil then earlier , that calls for some joy and happiness , tell me what you think of this from  my favorite producer , the man can put a foot wrong in my ears .

I've been over at btcjam building my credit score , in case the passport office don't pull there finger out - beats taking upper class hostages for ransom - or does it ?

CLEARNET     I defy anyone with ears not to nod there head to this  tune  .

No tIme to say hello , good bye I'M L8 i'm L8 i'm L8 =)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 15, 2013, 12:31 am
peace taz :)

I'll brb myself :P

(hugs) everyone.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 15, 2013, 12:40 am
Quote from: tedrux
it is always that way with any one who approaches me for these reasons. the past 10 times or so. they promise not to go and then they abandon me.every time. because something is wrong with me

Electronic Friend, we didnt approach approached us.

Once your reseach 'cuz we cannot do it for you.
every one of us has the right to take matters into our own hands...i advise you as an electronic do so.

i've been where you are now.  if i could tell you i would, but that would be putting me out there way too much.

Again, if you are set on killing yourself, please do it right so ya dont end up a veggy and i have to pay to keep you alive...period....i wish upon your essence...Peace.


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 15, 2013, 12:43 am
they? promise?  not to go?  look my friend, i just lost my wife, i'm 78 years old i was born in 1935 and have been with my wife since we were children. my promise to you, is to be here for you to talk to, if you decide to tough it out and get right.

i hope you understand where i am coming from....

I Love You,

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 15, 2013, 12:43 am
My god , is that ........... not ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, yet,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, !

I would say it , but best not to temp fate , couldn't live it  , but you know what I want to say , even if I cant say it out loud .

Oh well , no rest for the wicked , if you like that tune , I have everything he's ever made .

Man I didn't talk to em the gem , waste of precious time - to many people in the world n e way if you ask me  .

If I don't catch you later , be well , especially   you my suicidal friend - give it time - life is precious and rewards those who it tries  the hardest - trust me - I speak form bitter experience .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 15, 2013, 12:50 am
Oh please tell me I didn't just be really taz like and put  off hand comments in to the middle of some samaritan style counseling shit - If your  in real anguish  pal , sorry but , no one can decide to though it out but you - however I can tell you it will be worth it .

Life is strange and if you survive the worst , the rest tastes so much sweeter then you could imagine !

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tedrux on June 15, 2013, 01:23 am
i'll be fine. i just miss her she wanted to be my friend but i behaved like a jerk and now she wont forgiv em but i've moved on.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Descarte on June 15, 2013, 01:31 am
Your a good man thrichome, if i could give karma you would have it all.  I'm not sure if a forum community can provide the sense of unmitigated acceptance and belonging
this young kid obviously needs.. It has great potential for harm so it would be nice if it could provide some of those human essentials.
(seperately- would you recomend nembutal)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 15, 2013, 01:39 am
Quote from: tedrux
i'll be fine. i just miss her she wanted to be my friend but i behaved like a jerk and now she wont forgiv em but i've moved on.

tedrux, i know wut ya mean  (Hugs)

ya mind if i tell you something?

hope not 'cuz here i go  LOL....

sometimes i act like a jerk due to me being nervous...or anxious...or just plain scared...we're humans  :)
if now she wont talk to ya, then that wasnt the one  ;)


you said you've moved on?  GOOD!!  :)

work on you first  :)  then socialize with like minded people :)
There is someone out there for you :)

Until you find her....stick with us right here within the walls of this room....our living room  :)

for what it's worth ted, within these walls...we have no expectations of one another......i invite you to join our family...if for nothing else but to vent on us from time to time....however.....i fully expect you will come in and spread smiles and hugs form time to time as well  :)

Love,'s not just saying it to a loved's showing it to people we don't know  :)

Love & Hugs,

trichome   O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 15, 2013, 01:44 am
Quote from: Descarte
Your a good man thrichome, if i could give karma you would have it all.  I'm not sure if a forum community can provide the sense of unmitigated acceptance and belonging
this young kid obviously needs.. It has great potential for harm so it would be nice if it could provide some of those human essentials.
(seperately- would you recomend nembutal)


i'm no doctor  LOL

i'm just an old man out of place here  LOL
i would recomend an ear and unexpectational Love.

ya know?  for what it's worth...we, as  Silk Road Family members...old and new...should realize that by living and making the Dread Pirate Roberts dream come true...our stance as Revolutionaries should not stop at
doing what we do opinion is that in doing what we do now...we should also give freely of ourselves...our experiences..our love and friendship un-expectational to our Sisters & Brothers of the Road which we walk.

just my two bitcoins  :P

I Love You All,

trichome  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 15, 2013, 01:52 am
if this were another situation i would haul yur ass to my farm and you could work for off the rent  LOL

however, unfortunately we're not at liberty do do as such at this time  :(

hang in there tedrux (Hugs)

you have friends here....



Uncle trichome  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tedrux on June 15, 2013, 01:55 am
itd really mean a lot to me if she'd work with me and my therapist in my therapy. could you ask her for me? ive asked and she keeps saying no. idk what to do. i want to DESERVE her forgiveness. it would mean so much to me. i love her.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 15, 2013, 02:04 am
Quote from: tedrux
itd really mean a lot to me if she'd work with me and my therapist in my therapy. could you ask her for me? ive asked and she keeps saying no. idk what to do. i want to DESERVE her forgiveness. it would mean so much to me. i love her.

No tedrux. Move on Son. Work on You, Right now  (Hugs)


Relationships and Sex will come in Due time  :)

We all deserve forgiveness :)

Wether or not another human is willing to forgive...well ....don't worry about others....worry about you and how you can positively help or influence others  :)

ya know?   

maybe you weren't meant to be in a relationship....maybe you were meant to help others...let me tell you something...and if my wife were here she would tell you this same thing...doing good and truely helping others without thought to yourself is a very difficult thing to do for most people. as i speak to you, i am led to believe that you..are that type of stop worrying about you...and help others.....within that realm i am sure that you will find youe happiness......

i'm old, i'm tired of talking right now  :)

I Love you tedrux,

we'll speak again tomorrow?


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 15, 2013, 02:16 am
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 15, 2013, 02:20 am
it is always that way with any one who approaches me for these reasons. the past 10 times or so. they promise not to go and then they abandon me.every time. because something is wrong with me

It took me forever to learn I can't live for others approval.  Stuff changed pretty dramatically when I change this perspective. 

However, it's extremely hard when this is mixed in with desire.  I can't blame you a bit.  That's a rough spot man. 

But anyway, I know you don't need advice, but felt it wouldn't hurt to share. 

Also I came to say I could have worded my post better last night, and I'm sorry.  A 10+ hour shift and withdrawals do not mix, but it's not an excuse still.

Glad you found someone to talk to, at least for now. 

Be at peace man.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 15, 2013, 02:23 am
Box, RS  (HUGE Hugs)


Thank Ya'll for allowing me to enter the True, Silk Road Family  :)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 15, 2013, 02:29 am
 Official Spare Coins Thread

Started by thecrackhead « 1 2 3 ... 340 »
   5094 Replies


that old crack head has built a legacy  :)

Hugs to you thecrackhead...wherever you are!!


Love & ear ringing hits to you,

trichome  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 15, 2013, 02:47 am
You're one of a kind CC.  You give me something to look forward to when I get on here!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 15, 2013, 02:52 am
.....also don't do meth.  I've done it in a idiotic time long ago.  No thanks.  If you ever need a really crazy horror story about this, (not about me thankfully) hit me up.  Then make up your mind. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 15, 2013, 02:55 am
Quote from: BoxofShapes
.....also don't do meth.  I've done it in a idiotic time long ago.  No thanks.  If you ever need a really crazy horror story about this, (not about me thankfully) hit me up.  Then make up your mind. 

i dont know if this is the same, but back in the 70's i "cleaned" pink crank to nice clear crystals...isnt that meth?


wow  we were fubar for a few weeks  LOL

did that for a few weeks and my wife and myself decided that wasnt for us  LOL
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 15, 2013, 03:05 am
hey ya'll :)

if on the off chance that i aint here when someone named toothpicks
comes in looking for me......please let me know and remind them to pm me as well....
i told them that once they reach 50 posts i would give them 0.03 coins  :)


makes me feel giddy sometimes  :)

Love ya'll,

trichome  :0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 15, 2013, 03:07 am
Quote from: BoxofShapes
.....also don't do meth.  I've done it in a idiotic time long ago.  No thanks.  If you ever need a really crazy horror story about this, (not about me thankfully) hit me up.  Then make up your mind. 

i dont know if this is the same, but back in the 70's i "cleaned" pink crank to nice clear crystals...isnt that meth?


wow  we were fubar for a few weeks  LOL

did that for a few weeks and my wife and myself decided that wasnt for us  LOL

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 15, 2013, 03:09 am
what's bajebus?

wait!?!?  that's what it's called when i cleaned the pink crank?

wow i just called it crystal  :o

what does it mean? bajebus  i dont understand
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: toothpicks on June 15, 2013, 03:22 am
Hi trichome! Thanks for the referral and gift in advance.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 15, 2013, 03:22 am
Boxy yur killin me   LOL

what is bejebus?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 15, 2013, 03:24 am

ok :)

sending you 0.03 bitcoins right now!

hang tight!

All that i ask is that you come here and pay forward to a Friend in need  some day!



Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 15, 2013, 03:25 am
Our lord and savior Jebus's lesser known black sheep cousin.  Ba Jebus. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 15, 2013, 03:26 am
gimme a minute or two..stand by 'cuz i have to transfer some funds 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: toothpicks on June 15, 2013, 03:28 am
Will do pal. I'll keep my eye on this thread. :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 15, 2013, 03:33 am
sent to    toothpicks    ฿-0.03   June 15, 2013, 3:33 am UTC


Be sure to come back and help a friend in need out when you're able  :)

Peace & Hugs,

trichome  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 15, 2013, 03:34 am
Boxy  LOL

i just googled that  LOL

young bart simpson you are!!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 15, 2013, 03:39 am
Don't have a cow man!

(You had to remind me of that stupid hair cut I had when I was smaller, didn't you?)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 15, 2013, 03:40 am

i still have that haircut!!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 15, 2013, 03:43 am
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 15, 2013, 03:51 am
i'm him when i was 11  LOL

wow boxy, my wife has made me realize something...oh man ..i'm gonna say thios then go wife, through our lives and i suppose her teching me to be a man through the years...has taught be a free spirit..loving but strict...

now that hse is gone and i am here alone i think alot about what she has taught me through the years...

i'm old boxy, i was told to give throiugh here and to do what i need to do in real life until i can no longer give.

sounds silly huh?

i need a minute.

i love ya'll,

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 15, 2013, 03:59 am
Man.  Your such an inspiration to me and so many others.  It sounds like the only way to live to me.  I can only strive to be this crazy. 

(At work but will be home in 1/2 hour.  Sorry to dart out right now.)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 15, 2013, 04:07 am
dart away!




if ya only knew the things my wife and i have done it would make yur toes curl.

i can say i miss her...when i would come up with ideas she would say..."let me think about it for a week" then...usually  she would give me the go ahead....let me tell ya, she was kinda pissed when i decided to sell the bulldozer in the late 70's and follow the dead...LOL  but ya know what?  we made a bundle off of the cheap sheets  ;)

but as time went by we setled down and lived in harmony with nature up to the time she passed and right now...

but recently as you can see, we found the road....she was the one that found you all and she was the one that talked to you all  in the beginning....LOL  she was a peach  :)

i suppose she is time is short i it 20 years or 40 years....i am here and will remain here until i tell you all that i have to such time i will say that...then i will go as far as i can walk into the woods and lay down :)

I Love You BoxofShapes


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 15, 2013, 04:34 am
 :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) **When requesting, post your SR name** so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
Descarte           ++++
dirtybiscuitzz718      ++++
dr gonzo
Mike Hunt
White Out

The shit list:
Autobondon *
King Karma
ZenAndTheArt ++++

*^*do not lend to these people*^*

:P remember, everybody can post this list! just press quote, an delete the Start [ quote ] & End [ /quote ]  tags

lets try land it once every 5 pages :) :-* :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 15, 2013, 04:39 am
LOL  we keep ourselves within the top 10 in the "Off topic" section don't we? 

heh heh  :)

Mods,  the Dread Pirate Roberts,  Family members,   On Behalf of thecrackhead (Founder of "The Spare Coin" thread,
I want to Thank You All  :)

Peace & Hugs,

trichome  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 15, 2013, 04:56 am

BoxofShapes, i had no right to speak like that :(

if, somehow i've offended you, i very much appologize.

Love ya Boxy,

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thisworld on June 15, 2013, 05:10 am
Could someone spare $7?  To be honest, I'm nervous promising a return on a specific day as I just had a 4 day wait on my coins from bitinstant, and I won't be getting paid for another week so I won't be able to even attempt to put coins in till then.  That being said, I've faithfully paid back coins on this thread before, I'm not some asshole just looking for free money.

The reason I'm short is the vendor's I was anticipating purchasing from have increased their prices during my wait.  Is there anyone willing to help me out?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper800 on June 15, 2013, 05:13 am
It makes it a little easier if you let them know what bitcoin amount you need..not dollars. Just a tip. I wish you well...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 15, 2013, 05:17 am
Quote from: thisworld
Could someone spare $7?  To be honest, I'm nervous promising a return on a specific day as I just had a 4 day wait on my coins from bitinstant, and I won't be getting paid for another week so I won't be able to even attempt to put coins in till then.  That being said, I've faithfully paid back coins on this thread before, I'm not some asshole just looking for free money.

The reason I'm short is the vendor's I was anticipating purchasing from have increased their prices during my wait.  Is there anyone willing to help me out?

what day was your BI order?
What? for another week? what is your case number? have you spoke URSAY? or Gareth?
man ima call BS on this as i know i was one of the last of the 900 people to get my coins pushed through....
as far as my data goes BI has been running smoothly for a good 9 hours solid.

ya still have problems msg me and i'll give ya the email to use when ya  want to start a case number / ticket

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thisworld on June 15, 2013, 05:26 am
Call what you will, it's the truth.  You don't wanna help, that's cool, but please don't be a dick.  I've been super patient dealing with bitinstant.  I only bugged them once a day for an update.  Little good it did as I just got a canned message each time.  I suppose that's not quite true.  Once the person addressed me directly, then repeated the same things they told everyone else and posted. 

If I was going to lie wouldn't I say I'd pay someone back right away?... OH! you think I didn't get my money yet!  No, I got the money from bitinstant.  It took long enough, but I got it.   It's just now that I have it, it's unsufficient for the transactions I'd like to complete because the vendor has since increased the cost.

@Jasper: I could have posted the btc amount, but I didn't want someone to send me that much, and then have it be not enough(leaving me still without enough), or too much(increasing my debt).
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 15, 2013, 05:27 am
LOL.  How on earth would your last posts be offensive?  I don't know what you could do to change my opinion about you. 

I swear your like something out of a fairytale for me.  Some where between a narrative and another narrative, a small legend was born.

Would of been here sooner, but kept getting caught having to finish up work.

Edit after seeing the negs:
It wasn't me CC.  :(  I got a few negs the past few days, including just now, but I was asking for them.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 15, 2013, 05:29 am
Could someone spare $7?  To be honest, I'm nervous promising a return on a specific day as I just had a 4 day wait on my coins from bitinstant, and I won't be getting paid for another week so I won't be able to even attempt to put coins in till then.  That being said, I've faithfully paid back coins on this thread before, I'm not some asshole just looking for free money.

The reason I'm short is the vendor's I was anticipating purchasing from have increased their prices during my wait.  Is there anyone willing to help me out?
got $2.80 I can pass your way :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 15, 2013, 05:30 am
I got .01 shapes and it's yours if you want it.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 15, 2013, 05:32 am
:P ฿0.028 in btc..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thisworld on June 15, 2013, 05:34 am
I'd appreciate that you two!  My account on the market is the same as it is here.  +1 to both of you! :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 15, 2013, 05:35 am
Quote from: thisworld
Call what you will, it's the truth.  You don't wanna help, that's cool, but please don't be a dick. OH! you think I didn't get my money yet!  No, I got the money from bitinstant.  It took long enough, but I got it.   It's just now that I have it, it's unsufficient for the transactions I'd like to complete because the vendor has since increased the cost.. the point!!  LOL

Just a suggestion  :)

be a little better in clarifying your desire  :)

Now, how much do you need? and what is you're SR Screen Name?

And by the way,  before i forget...  LOL  :P

just remember friend, sometimes we're a little tweaked here as well, so be sure to be explicit in your request  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 15, 2013, 05:36 am
I'd appreciate that you two!  My account on the market is the same as it is here.  +1 to both of you! :D
sent ya 0.028 :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 15, 2013, 05:38 am
.01 Shapes sent to that world!

just remember friend, sometimes we're a little tweaked here as well

hahaha.  I have to remind myself of this constantly. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 15, 2013, 05:39 am
wonder what happened to weed4me :P he said he had the .21 I loaned him earlier  :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 15, 2013, 05:39 am
wut's yur screen name on SR?
i'll send you 0.1408 BTC if you respond in here..among these Silk Road Entities
the date that you can replace the coins.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Descarte on June 15, 2013, 05:43 am
You should more than fully covered thisworld.  What you choose to do with the excess
will help determine the outcome of this little social experiment
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 15, 2013, 05:47 am
:) hiya descarte (hugs)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 15, 2013, 05:47 am
Great Googley Moogely!!

did they get what thwey needed?  LOL

i came back and seen some...boxy?  what do they need? more?  LOL

wow you wewre quick..LOL  my old fingers couldnt keep up anymlore  LOL 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 15, 2013, 05:49 am

i'm stuck :o

do i need to send or did box take care of you?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 15, 2013, 05:49 am
Great Googley Moogely!!

did they get what thwey needed?  LOL

i came back and seen some...boxy?  what do they need? more?  LOL

wow you wewre quick..LOL  my old fingers couldnt keep up anymlore  LOL
o_0 hrrh?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 15, 2013, 05:50 am
pretty sure you don't need to send anything chem :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Descarte on June 15, 2013, 05:51 am
hello all
they should be fully covered
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 15, 2013, 05:52 am
@trichome. (even I still wanna say CC)

He said it was the same as here.  Thisworld.

wonder what happened to weed4me :P he said he had the .21 I loaned him earlier  :(

Sorry to hear that man.  He was real cool with me when I loaned him $30.  I could only tell you my experience with the guy.  Didn't mean to rope you into something.   :(


I don't know yet.  We sent him .01+.028.  I don't know what the guy would need after that unless he says so.... but he made that kinda cryptic for idky.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 15, 2013, 05:53 am
howdy do :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 15, 2013, 05:54 am
hello all
they should be fully covered

Your picture looks a lot like my last trip.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 15, 2013, 05:55 am
Good Morning  8)

You guys are up late or I'm up early - probably the latter! <fuckingkidsequalearlyfuckingstarts>

All good in the hood?

J-Man  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 15, 2013, 05:55 am
@trichome. (even I still wanna say CC)

He said it was the same as here.  Thisworld.

wonder what happened to weed4me :P he said he had the .21 I loaned him earlier  :(

Sorry to hear that man.  He was real cool with me when I loaned him $30.  I could only tell you my experience with the guy.  Didn't mean to rope you into something.   :(


I don't know yet.  We sent him .01+.028.  I don't know what the guy would need after that unless he says so.... but he made that kinda cryptic for idky.
nah, hes fine.. probably fell asleep or something waiting for the coins to clear.. haha, I've accidentally done that ::) 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 15, 2013, 05:55 am
:P heya jpan
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thisworld on June 15, 2013, 05:58 am
WOW! Thank you RS7FI8ZRkm!  Someone else just sent me .1btc!  Was that you BoxofShapes?  The name on the market is different from yours if that's the case.

I now definitely have enough!  I'll return whatever I don't use for this immediately.  to RS7FI8ZRkm first because it's the smaller amount.


Just saw descarte's post. Thanks!  your name appears different on the market.  You mind if I return the funds to BoxofShapes and RS7FI8ZRkm?  I'll formally commit to paying you back if you'd like.  Though like I said before, I can't promise how immediate it will be.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 15, 2013, 05:59 am
                                                 :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) **When requesting, post your SR name** so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
Descarte           ++++
dirtybiscuitzz718      ++++
dr gonzo
Jasper800 ++++
Mike Hunt
White Out

The shit list:
Autobondon *
King Karma
ZenAndTheArt ++++

*^*do not lend to these people*^*

:P remember, everybody can post this list! just press quote, an delete the Start [ quote ] & End [ /quote ]  tags

lets try land it once every 5 pages :) :-* :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thisworld on June 15, 2013, 06:01 am
DANG! I pressed post like 5 different times and each time I come back to this tab it says 'X new replies'!  well, finally got it posted.  Descarte, you mind if I pay the other's back right now, and get you back when I get funds next?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 15, 2013, 06:04 am
sent to    thisworld    ฿-0.10   June 15, 2013, 6:01 am UTC


steer clear opf those other forums...stick to the were easily found.

just some friendly advise.


oh..... don't bother paying me back,  think of this as a friendly gesture  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 15, 2013, 06:06 am
J-Man :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 15, 2013, 06:07 am
:P confused..

you sent .1 or .01 trich

how much did you send descarte?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 15, 2013, 06:08 am
Can you remove theartandzen from the shit list?  It was really meant to be ZenandtheArt, but I just fucked up the name when I wrote it so long ago.

Edit: Oh man I'm going to go smoke one while you figure this out.  Can't wait to see the results!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Descarte on June 15, 2013, 06:09 am
It's an Escher, BoxofShapes, like yours.
Pay me whenever you can thisworld
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 15, 2013, 06:09 am
Can you remove theartandzen from the shit list?  It was really meant to be ZenandtheArt, but I just fucked up the name when I wrote it so long ago.
sure, but am I adding ZenandtheArt :P?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 15, 2013, 06:10 am

i sent to    thisworld    ฿-0.10   June 15, 2013, 6:01 am UTC

that's wut they  wanted ...right?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 15, 2013, 06:11 am

we're all caught up in this BoxofShapes.....LOL

Boxy i Love  Ya!!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 15, 2013, 06:13 am
(slaps forehead) :P

after what me an box sent he only needed 0.032 ;D
then you said something about sending .0148~
and descarte  said something sending lol, doesn't matter just got confused :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 15, 2013, 06:16 am
well i supposen they have what they need LOL


damn it i want you all to come live with me  LOL
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 15, 2013, 06:20 am
It's an Escher, BoxofShapes,

Oh hah that's prolly why.  I couldn't pick out the details on my screen.

He's my favorite MC!

(oh man, forgive me for such an old one)

This box is shaped like thisworld of confusion!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 15, 2013, 06:21 am
damn it i want you all to come live with me  LOL

Only if you have internet.   :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thisworld on June 15, 2013, 06:22 am
wait, so trichome, that was you that sent the 0.1btc?  Thanks! So I assume you don't have a problem with me paying back the other two right away?

Seriously though, this makes you the second most generous person I've met on here.  The first being RxKing. He offered me some of his products when I made a post last year exclaiming that it was this account's birthday.  I didn't take him up on it, but still the offer was super kind.  I VERY much appreciate that! :D  +1!  I'll definitely +1 you whenever I see you.


Damn! Once again, I go to post and this time there's been 7 replies.  Well 2 people gave me .1 each and box of shapes and RS7FI8ZRkm sent me .01 and .03 respectively. WOW!

Well do either descarte or trichome have a problem with me paying back the smaller two amounts first? then I'd like to send the remainder back.  Don't get me wrong, I REALLY appreciate all the good will here, but I DO NOT feel right about having all this.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 15, 2013, 06:23 am
oh i dont want to add people to the shit list......

come on though...check yur account history.....see who has sent you coins....

we do this out of Love for our Community!!

Just a Friendly Reminder.....If you Have Borrowed from One of Us.....
Then this msg will be in your "Show new replies to your posts"

Once Again, Please Notify Us if You're gonna be late or Just to Say Thanks  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Descarte on June 15, 2013, 06:24 am
I made sure he would have more than enough. Then trichome did the same.  We can now watch what he decides to do with it.
My cynical side suggest he's setting up a bunch of account to see how far he can push it.  But I keep my cynical sire in a cage
below the stairs and beat it regularly so it tends to attack everyone.
Ps. Do you guy's think it's going cause me hassles havins different names on SR and the forums 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thisworld on June 15, 2013, 06:25 am
WOW! Giant clusterfuck of generosity! I've never had so many people clamor to give me money.  I've sent the coins back to boxofshapes and RS7FI8ZRkm.

so, trichome, you mind if I give descarte back his funds and send the remainder to you? or...?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 15, 2013, 06:26 am
chem an boxy, I made a new tormail account, sending you both an email with my new key.. :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 15, 2013, 06:28 am
Quote from: thisworld
wait, so trichome, that was you that sent the 0.1btc?  Thanks! So I assume you don't have a problem with me paying back the other two right away?

Seriously though, this makes you the second most generous person I've met on here.  The first being RxKing. He offered me some of his products when I made a post last year exclaiming that it was this account's birthday.  I didn't take him up on it, but still the offer was super kind.  I VERY much appreciate that! :D  +1!  I'll definitely +1 you whenever I see you.


Damn! Once again, I go to post and this time there's been 7 replies.  Well 2 people gave me .1 each and box of shapes and RS7FI8ZRkm sent me .01 and .03 respectively. WOW!

Well do either descarte or trichome have a problem with me paying back the smaller two amounts first? then I'd like to send the remainder back.  Don't get me wrong, I REALLY appreciate all the good will here, but I DO NOT feel right about having all this.

Hail yes that was me  LOL


and Hail No dont worry bout payin me back!!

pay that shit forward!!  i we, as a family, expect to see you in here again   :)
lending to other brothers and sisters of the Road  :)

keep it real :)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thisworld on June 15, 2013, 06:31 am
You're awesome! :P

Descarte, could you please pm me with your username on the market?  I'd like to return your funds asap.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 15, 2013, 06:31 am
Quote from: Descarte
I made sure he would have more than enough. Then trichome did the same.  We can now watch what he decides to do with it.
My cynical side suggest he's setting up a bunch of account to see how far he can push it.  But I keep my cynical sire in a cage
below the stairs and beat it regularly so it tends to attack everyone.

oh i understand what yur sayin  :)

color me stupid, but i have a trusting bone or two   :)

if a few of us decide that we' a whole..are getting fucked more thane we like, well....then i guess...
me...for one will stop being this way. However, i don't see thst happenin  :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 15, 2013, 06:34 am
Quote from: thisworld
You're awesome! :P

Descarte, could you please pm me with your username on the market?  I'd like to return your funds asap.


I would say TopNotch!  but ya havent been within our home long enough

Stick  around though and lend a coin to a sister or brother of the Road when ya get the chance  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thisworld on June 15, 2013, 06:35 am
trichome, could you pm me with your username for the market?  That way I can pay back descarte so he doesn't think I'm tryin to run with the money.  I WILL pay it forward. :D Thanks man.

I'm afraid I don't get the reference to your home or topnotch... :( maybe I would if I read the last few pages?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 15, 2013, 06:35 am
i'd better shut up   ???
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 15, 2013, 06:37 am
Quote from: thisworld
trichome, could you pm me with your username for the market?  That way I can pay back descarte so he doesn't think I'm tryin to run with the money.  I WILL pay it forward. :D Thanks man.

I'm afraid I don't get the reference to your home or topnotch... :( maybe I would if I read the last few pages?



I told ya 


Pay them back  :)

Mine was a Gift!



Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 15, 2013, 06:42 am
chem an boxy, I made a new tormail account, sending you both an email with my new key.. :)


.....also not to harass you again, but can you ADD ZenAndTheArt and REMOVE theartandzen.   :P  yer awesome!

We can now watch what he decides to do with it.  My cynical side suggest he's setting up a bunch of account to see how far he can push it.  But I keep my cynical sire in a cage
below the stairs and beat it regularly so it tends to attack everyone.

Actually I remember seeing thisworld's posts when I first found this place.  (I hadn't seen his meme before)  I always got the impression he was a good dude.

Just tossing it out there are better people to give this scrutiny.  I am sure you will have ample chance.

Ps. Do you guy's think it's going cause me hassles havins different names on SR and the forums 

It will be an obstacle having to tell a person each time, but if your willing to deal with it it's not a big problem.  I personally don't care too much, as I have little to hide between here and there.  The shape of my name is the same.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 15, 2013, 06:45 am
@boxy removed theartandzen :P
adding ZenAndTheArt.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thisworld on June 15, 2013, 06:52 am
I understood before, but I DO appreciate you reiterating it. :)

Once again, I wasn't very clear.  Lemme try again. :P

Could you(Trichome), verify which account is yours on the market place so that I know which one is descartes.  I want to pay him back, but he isn't posting to verify which market account is his.  I'd like to pay him back now, before I go to bed.

I solemnly swear I won't send the coins back to you. haha :)  But I WILL pay them forward. You have my word.

BoxofShapes: Thanks for the kind words!  You're a pretty nice guy yourself. :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 15, 2013, 06:56 am
Quote from: thisworld

Could you(Trichome), verify which account is yours on the market place so that I know which one is descartes.  I want to pay him back, but he isn't posting to verify which market account is his.  I'd like to pay him back now, before I go to bed.

I solemnly swear I won't send the coins back to you. haha :)


send them coins back to me and get black screened!  LOL

just kiddin   :)

click at the top of your Silk Road screen...   "Account"

Then Look to the Lower / Middle right of your screen....

There you will see "Account History"  <~~~~~ Click It.

Once you've Entered your Silk Road Account History, You will then see the transactions that have occured on Your Account.

Hope This Has Helped Ya!


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 15, 2013, 06:58 am
Seriously, Please send back to RS and Box and D.

Ya dont have to pay trichome back :)


You've been Touched!

Gift back when You're Able!!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 15, 2013, 07:02 am
Thanks thisplace!  And thank you for putting the shapes back in the box!  Hope you meet some good people in here when ya come back. 

(Heh that makes like 3 people that have held my ass pennies.  Sorry to post another video in here but it's just what I think of when I'm here.      ( )

You've been Touched!..... by ass pennies!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 15, 2013, 07:07 am
Heh Heh.....


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 15, 2013, 07:10 am


i dont understand    :(

ass pennies?

i dont wanna takie this wrong...

was i cheap?


ok, the weed and pain meds have my mind clouded

where were we?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thisworld on June 15, 2013, 07:11 am
Fair enough, Thanks again! :D  goodnight everyone!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 15, 2013, 07:18 am

Hugs to ya, We expect We'll see you here Again?  :)

Sleep Well

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 15, 2013, 07:26 am
gnight this world :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 15, 2013, 07:32 am
you crazy people  LOL
ok, boxy, i watched the vid....LOL

so which one am i?


oh jeepers i need to get to bed  LOL
Love ya'll


Boxy, RS


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 15, 2013, 07:43 am
:) nighty night

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: energyimport on June 15, 2013, 08:27 am
Hey I Need like .12 bit coins to cover some shipping cost cant anyone help me out?
Same name on SR as on Here. Can pay ya back with in to weeks.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 15, 2013, 08:36 am
Hey I Need like .12 bit coins to cover some shipping cost cant anyone help me out?
Same name on SR as on Here. Can pay ya back with in to weeks.
have 0.03 I can pass your way :) if you want
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 15, 2013, 08:37 am
that's 11.82 for  shipping? what are you ordering? 5 pounds?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 15, 2013, 08:40 am
Sorry, I was out of Line.

None of my Business, I'll push along.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 15, 2013, 08:42 am
Sorry, I was out of Line.

None of my Business, I'll push along.

:) thought you had gone to bed :P (hugs) anyway
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 15, 2013, 08:45 am
can't sleep, big bed, empty.....ya know.....

gonna go walk around outside, might drop a few tabs when the sun comes up :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 15, 2013, 08:46 am
Hugs back atchuh!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 15, 2013, 08:53 am
:P I can't take the 25's anymore, I always feel werid on them.. battle to get comfortable the whole time :(

have you ever tried AL-LAD? kida curious about it ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 15, 2013, 09:02 am
i know right!?!?

try taking 2 tabs between yur right upper lip and gum and 2 tabs between yur left upper lip and gum 2 hours later  LOL

ya know, the crazy thing about that wife, she would me...not say a word unless i spoke to her...

we tripped on peyote in 1971 in tempe arizona, let me tell you, if you ever get the chance, do that...with someone you you will spend the rest of your life with.
oh after puking we both were fucked for a day....i'm talking FUCKED  for 18 hours  LOL

but ya know what?

i drug my wife through these things and she made everything comfortable, for the others, ya know?

she was every hope and dream i ever had, and she knew it :)
oh my god, i am rambling  LOL

RS  i could go on for weeks....we've traveled, my wife and I.....followed the dead..shit i could go on and on right  now but ya better bring a notebook   LOL

I'll be Lurkin  :P




Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 15, 2013, 09:04 am
                                                 :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) **When requesting, post your SR name** so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
Descarte           ++++
dirtybiscuitzz718      ++++
dr gonzo
Jasper800 ++++
Mike Hunt
White Out

The shit list:
Autobondon *
King Karma
ZenAndTheArt ++++

*^*do not lend to these people*^*

:P remember, everybody can post this list! just press quote, an delete the Start [ quote ] & End [ /quote ]  tags

lets try land it once every 5 pages :) :-* :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 15, 2013, 09:15 am
i know right!?!?

try taking 2 tabs between yur right upper lip and gum and 2 tabs between yur left upper lip and gum 2 hours later  LOL

ya know, the crazy thing about that wife, she would me...not say a word unless i spoke to her...

we tripped on peyote in 1971 in tempe arizona, let me tell you, if you ever get the chance, do that...with someone you you will spend the rest of your life with.
oh after puking we both were fucked for a day....i'm talking FUCKED  for 18 hours  LOL

but ya know what?

i drug my wife through these things and she made everything comfortable, for the others, ya know?

she was every hope and dream i ever had, and she knew it :)
oh my god, i am rambling  LOL

RS  i could go on for weeks....we've traveled, my wife and I.....followed the dead..shit i could go on and on right  now but ya better bring a notebook   LOL

I'll be Lurkin  :P




we talking about 25's or AL :o cause I've done the 25I under my upper lip everytime :)
:) I've never tried peyote or messceline but I'd like to one day ;)

lol, think I'm stick with DMT for a while though.. my last two acid trips were a little dauting. I mean I still had fun, jus was kinda intense ::)

:).. proabably going todo some AL-LAD when/if i purchase some ^__^..

yo have you heard of the c02 consentrate :o frekin amazing!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 15, 2013, 09:27 am
you "Trip" with people.

Next time, Trip Alone or with one other person..sober..while you trip  like you've never left this realm before.

I say this with Respect :)

I dont understand how others can take one hit and trip....I Can...but if i'm gonna really Trip....i'd like to go as far as i can...ya know?


Silly huh?

that trip in tempe with the peyote, crazy wife was sober the whole time, she said at one point i tried to bury myself in the sand, said that ni told her i was goin back to mother earth.....

something crazier...look at my past posts...within you will see the time that my wife was here   and the time that she may think this is nuts, she told me to stick with this room, i have to believe she meant this thread.

Do you all even realize that when we came wife was the one you all talked to ...for the most part...ya know?

oh man i could go on and on...i wont sleep tonight, i have some tabs, tonight, i'll trip alone :)

see ya'll when i see ya'll

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 15, 2013, 09:38 am
                                                 :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

:P remember, everybody can post this list! just press quote, an delete the Start [ quote ] & End [ /quote ]  tags

lets try land it once every 5 pages :) :-* :P

True that everyone can post it - but it could easily be manipulated by someone. It's a free world but I reckon the core users should control the list.

That's just my opinion, but like I say Its a free world and I'm certainly no dictator  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 15, 2013, 09:43 am
you "Trip" with people.

Next time, Trip Alone or with one other person..sober..while you trip  like you've never left this realm before.

I say this with Respect :)

I dont understand how others can take one hit and trip....I Can...but if i'm gonna really Trip....i'd like to go as far as i can...ya know?


Silly huh?

that trip in tempe with the peyote, crazy wife was sober the whole time, she said at one point i tried to bury myself in the sand, said that ni told her i was goin back to mother earth.....

something crazier...look at my past posts...within you will see the time that my wife was here   and the time that she may think this is nuts, she told me to stick with this room, i have to believe she meant this thread.

Do you all even realize that when we came wife was the one you all talked to ...for the most part...ya know?

oh man i could go on and on...i wont sleep tonight, i have some tabs, tonight, i'll trip alone :)

see ya'll when i see ya'll

:P first time I did 1.1 MG 2nd same 3rd 1.5 mg was weird trip tho.. 4th 2.2 MG an decided fuck these :P

LOL 'I am goin back to mother earth!!!!!' thats classic tripping balls moment :P

:o no I didn't know that, wait are you sure I met your wife on here? I am not sure :-[

besafe mister! have fun :)

(bear hugs)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 15, 2013, 09:44 am
                                                 :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

:P remember, everybody can post this list! just press quote, an delete the Start [ quote ] & End [ /quote ]  tags

lets try land it once every 5 pages :) :-* :P

True that everyone can post it - but it could easily be manipulated by someone. It's a free world but I reckon the core users should control the list.

That's just my opinion, but like I say Its a free world and I'm certainly no dictator  8)
think someone might notice :P anyway the list is sorta flaw in many ways.. but who am I to judge it :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 15, 2013, 09:45 am
also, peace to ya japan :), how you doing?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 15, 2013, 09:46 am
Sorry, I won't touch it again :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 15, 2013, 09:48 am
So Let it be Known Now.

Who can & Who can't amend and repost the list?

just askin :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 15, 2013, 09:50 am
seiously, i dont like to touch it  LOL


i will have some to add next month..  >:D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 15, 2013, 09:53 am
lol, japan wasn't talking about you ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 15, 2013, 09:55 am
:o check this
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 15, 2013, 09:58 am
;D anybody wanna loan me $45 ::) lol

just kidding :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 15, 2013, 10:01 am
Thats fine bitches flame me down  8)

Only kidding - Chem you of course can touch it, but like I say it's not down to me. I just think the core 6-10 users (lendors) should be in control of the list....

But fuck ya all if you disagree  ;)

Love ya all

I'm off out for a bike ride - catch you all later  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 15, 2013, 10:01 am
0.4529 BTC

yoou need it now?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 15, 2013, 10:07 am
0.4529 BTC

yoou need it now?

:o.. need?? no. desire? defiantly ;D I can pay you back monday-tuesday, possibly sooner. depending on work, also if weed4me pays me back within next day, I can pay you almost half back then.. :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 15, 2013, 10:08 am
J-Man  Hugs  :)

seriously i didnt know...well i knew that we were told anyone could  _copy and paste_ it ..

However, i was only thinking it would be You, Box, RS DanDan and a couple others that may manipulate the list.

eegads!!  LOL  i added  someone, but i guess they paid back :)


dagnabbit!!  we miss eachother by fractions of secondes throughout the days!!


Hugs to J  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 15, 2013, 10:11 am
also, I still have ฿0.03007849  left from before so technically only need .42 :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 15, 2013, 10:12 am
J-Man  Hugs  :)

seriously i didnt know...well i knew that we were told anyone could  _copy and paste_ it ..

However, i was only thinking it would be You, Box, RS DanDan and a couple others that may manipulate the list.

eegads!!  LOL  i added  someone, but i guess they paid back :)


dagnabbit!!  we miss eachother by fractions of secondes throughout the days!!


Hugs to J  :)

:P lol (slaps forhead) I love you..
instead of copy paste (an screwing up the greetings ;D lol) quote the message, an delete the quote tag's xD

who was it, they still on the list :o
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 15, 2013, 10:12 am
My Honor and the Level of Trust is at stake at the moment. I Know, sounds nuts huh? It's Not You.

I can Offer you ฿0.05999995   

If that will help.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 15, 2013, 10:14 am
ok, gimme some time to transfer some funds....SR Screen Name?

i'll send you .43

pay back as soon as you're able please.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 15, 2013, 10:15 am
My Honor and the Level of Trust is at stake at the moment. I Know, sounds nuts huh? It's Not You.

I can Offer you ฿0.05999995   

If that will help.

I am only after .42 ;) thank you! :P I'd take a bullet before letting you down chem :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Descarte on June 15, 2013, 10:17 am
RS7 you need something?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 15, 2013, 10:17 am
would ya prefer it to be sent from chem or tri?

doesnt matter to me  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 15, 2013, 10:18 am
well who do i send it to?/
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 15, 2013, 10:18 am
Morning all  ;) been at vets with my wee cat, couldn,t find her last night, found her in the neighbours garden, she couldn,t stand up  :'( Vet says some c**ts kicked her, broke her pelvis in 3 places, if her badders not ok he,ll have to put her to sleep  :'( I,m hesrtbroken, witing on him phoning me  :'(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 15, 2013, 10:19 am
Well Top-0-Da Moanin to ya Descarte!!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 15, 2013, 10:21 am
mary honey!!   LOL

Goat moanin to ya little sister  :P

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 15, 2013, 10:23 am
ok, gimme some time to transfer some funds....SR Screen Name?

i'll send you .43

pay back as soon as you're able please.

@descarte heya brother, :) how you doing?

thinks, for asking but think I am taken care of :) thanks to trichome :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 15, 2013, 10:24 am
Have you been up all night Chem, LOL are you trippin  ::) I wish you were here i need a hug  ;) or RS, Box, Taz or J-Man  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 15, 2013, 10:27 am
Morning all  ;) been at vets with my wee cat, couldn,t find her last night, found her in the neighbours garden, she couldn,t stand up  :'( Vet says some c**ts kicked her, broke her pelvis in 3 places, if her badders not ok he,ll have to put her to sleep  :'( I,m hesrtbroken, witing on him phoning me  :'(
:( poor kitty, fucking punk kids :-\ sorry to hear marry :( positive vibes your way
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 15, 2013, 10:31 am

sent to    RS7FI8ZRkm    ฿ 0.43    June 15, 2013, 10:28 am UTC

Send back as soon as  ya can please

Love Ya,



Mary!!  LOL

**Slaps yur mans head and askes you if yur gonna cook bacon and egg this morn**


love ya mary  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 15, 2013, 10:35 am
love you too :)! be safe you nutter :)
and thank you again :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 15, 2013, 10:36 am

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 15, 2013, 10:37 am
Thanks RS  :-* prob some drunk adult TBH if i find out who did it i,ll brake their pelvis  >:( I,m shaking trying not to think about it wish the vet would call  :-\
I love you truely Chem  :-* i can,t eat! My mans away ti work, hopefully someone will want inked today  ::) (huge hugs to you both)  :-* :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 15, 2013, 10:38 am
well it's light outside...fuck it....i'm gonna let the goats come inside  :o
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 15, 2013, 10:40 am
well hail!!  LOL

wait?!?!?  what?  mary wut ya  talkin bowt?  the vet for what?

wow i have missded something...if i fade out and dont resond, know i'll be back shortly
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 15, 2013, 10:42 am
Quote from: mary666
Have you been up all night Chem, LOL are you trippin  ::) I wish you were here i need a hug  ;) or RS, Box, Taz or J-Man  ;)

mary honey  :)

i'll hug you and yur man for eternity if i could at this moment :)

wuts wrong button?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 15, 2013, 10:46 am
well it's light outside...fuck it....i'm gonna let the goats come inside  :o
You cheer me up so much i wasn,t going to come on (typing crying) but i,m glad i did jsut reading your posts after i went to bed (no one said goodnight to me i got ignored so did Darktime  :( lol) I wish i,d been on here when your wife was on Chem i would love to have chatted to her  :( I take it you were 2 hippies back in the day, what were you up to in 1969? post in your family thread if you think its too much to put here, i,d love to here more of your stories  :-* Your one amazing guy and i,m lucky to be able to call you my friend (hugs)  :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 15, 2013, 10:46 am
mary is the sun up in scotland? 

ya know....i'm scottish and native american  :)

Love & Hugs to ya mary,

trichome  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 15, 2013, 10:49 am
Morning all  ;) been at vets with my wee cat, couldn,t find her last night, found her in the neighbours garden, she couldn,t stand up  :'( Vet says some c**ts kicked her, broke her pelvis in 3 places, if her badders not ok he,ll have to put her to sleep  :'( I,m hesrtbroken, witing on him phoning me  :'(
This, i ca type the now very good  :'( i,m glad you,s are on the now  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 15, 2013, 10:52 am
son of a... :P well, that was almost amesome :(

sending back .44 to ya trichome :P ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 15, 2013, 10:56 am
mary is the sun up in scotland? 

ya know....i'm scottish and native american  :)

Love & Hugs to ya mary,

trichome  O0
Its 11.50am here i got a lift to vets this morning, came in rolled a spliff, well an attempt lol and i knew when i left vet she had a shattered pelvis but waiting on him calling once they test her bladdes, she didn,t even know he was taking her tempature, so the braks will heal but he can,t fix the bladder if its too bad, he said he,d call in a couple of hours once they,ve done more tests so sitting on my own waiting  :'(
She,s my kids cat so i,ve not told hin , don,t see the point of saying to him till i,ve spoke to vet do you think thats best?  :-*
Sorry for going on, i,m just in bits if you knew me better, my animals are everything, their my kids too  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 15, 2013, 10:58 am
I take it you were 2 hippies back in the day, what were you up to in 1969?

LOL i was 34 years old in 1969  LOL

we had our children and we went to homestead in colorado....that didnt work out so well....

then my wife put her foot down and we set roots where i am now.


it's crazy, mary.....i could tell you all some stories  LOL

we had a ball  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 15, 2013, 11:00 am
oh shit mary...go get the kitten fixed....

ya'll need money? 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 15, 2013, 11:02 am
ahhhh...yung un will be strong and ok mary  :)

you jist do wut ya need to do ..ok? 

Hugs to ya lass!!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 15, 2013, 11:07 am
:) I am getting sleepy (yawwn)

time for a movie.. and bed time :)

gnight lovely lovey droogies :-* :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 15, 2013, 11:11 am
baaaahhhh...i'll be up for s good while  LOL

good night and sleep well (Hugs)

got the repayment...know this....if you need it and i have it you got it  :)

I  Love You RS


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 15, 2013, 11:14 am
oh shit mary...go get the kitten fixed....

ya'll need money?
She,s 3, my kid wanted 1 when he was 4 so when he was 8 he got her for chritmas she,s his wee baby  :'(

I never even thought of the bill, there no insured, i don,t know anything about how long she,ll be kept in vets $30 a day roughly so hopefully she,ll be ok 2 come home in 3 days cause he can,t cast it i,ve just to get a big cage to put her in so she can,t try to move around. I,ll get hit with the bill when i go back for her (i,m telling myself her bladder will be fine) but there a good vet and as long as i pay half then i can pay rest a week later. I can get a loan of family cause it,ll prob be £400-£500, (if it more i,m fucked but i won,t tell the vet lol) I,ll actually have to ask whe he calls just so i can tell him its a pay up and i need a rough price!
My mans 40th birthday on the 26th too he,s not bothered, I love my man soooo much but he,s 40 i have to do something!

Thanks a lot Chem i was too worried about her to even care what it cost at the time now i,m dreading asking lol more debt, i just seem to have no luck  :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 15, 2013, 11:17 am
Have you both been up all night lol night RS hope you can sleep, i didn,t get the offer for the DMT, glad you did tho (hugs)  :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 15, 2013, 11:17 am
I've no clue wut a £ is in USD honey, but if i can..i'll help you...

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 15, 2013, 11:20 am
yes...i been started trippin a bit ago...because RS told me to.....

now loook RS bailed  (Rolls Eyes)


Just kiddin  :)

RS didnt bail  :P




trippin  L(L  this shit comes in waves like....ok soon i wont be able to type for a bit i guess   LOL

I Love Ya mary  :)

Give yur Man a wet willy  LOL

Hugs to You & Your Man  :
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 15, 2013, 11:52 am
I've no clue wut a £ is in USD honey, but if i can..i'll help you...

Think $150 us is about a £100 right now (well £94) i only know from SR so not gonna be cheap buy i,ll beg and borrow if i have to and my vets know me their actally great all my animals go there, i,d pay anthing to save them but i won,t let her suffer so i never pray but i,ve been on my knees this morning  :o i,ll try anything that,ll help,
Don,t anwer if you don,t want to and HAPPY BIRTHDAY  :-* :-* but when did you lose your wife, i,d looked thro your 1st posts one day when you were away to get her meds n she says hi and all but didn,t have time or i,d gladly have kept reading  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 15, 2013, 11:55 am
wow, ya can handle that...right?

translate this...i know it's naught Scottish

ha ha m'iníon, a fhios agam LOL é seo hÉireann liathróidí fuck sé leis an mballa LOL is féidir leat aistriúchán seo?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 15, 2013, 11:57 am
if you and yur man can pay back in a reasonable time.......i can lend tht to you two,,,, bitcoins...let me know if ya need it, mary,,,
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Descarte on June 15, 2013, 12:19 pm
I've put something in your account.  It's not negitiable.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tedrux on June 15, 2013, 01:24 pm
heres hoping for mr.kitty
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 15, 2013, 03:04 pm
wow, ya can handle that...right?

translate this...i know it's naught Scottish

ha ha m'iníon, a fhios agam LOL é seo hÉireann liathróidí fuck sé leis an mballa LOL is féidir leat aistriúchán seo?

ha ha my daughter, I know this is Ireland LOL fuck it balls to the wall LOL you can translate this?

I love you Chem  :-* And thanks descarte and Tadrux, I hope you feel a bit better TED  ;)

I,ve been back along at vets they had to do an operation on her bladder, just a wee one, so at least she,s not going to be put to sleep cry,s eyes out with happyness, he says she,ll be in about 6 days then i can have her back home but in a cage for 6 weeks for her pelvis to heal. I had £200 and my mum gave me a £100 so paid £300 already (no drugs for me this week lol) so vet said prob be around £600 altogher so i,ve paid half already  ;D as long as she,s ok i,m not bothered and the vet will give me a couple of weeks to pay the other £300 and i,m sure my mum will help and i,ll get her paid back at some point.
I,d really like to thank you all esp Chem for you generous offer and Descarte  ;D you guys have made me cry but in a good way  ;)
Even if i,m not buying drugs for a couple of weeks i,ll still be on bleathering lol  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 15, 2013, 03:12 pm
I've put something in your account.  It's not negitiable.
Whats your name os sr is it "apprazolam"? You,ve sent me 1.0 and i need to send it back please i,m in tears  :'( i thought you meant a few bucks. You,ll never know how much i appreciate this very gererous gift to help but honestly we,ll get there and if were not managing i know i can ask you if i need help and i,ve got Chem too. I cant thannk you enough for doing it but i need to send back its no disrespect and if it does get that bad i will pm you  ;) and i,ll never forget you did this not many people shock me nowadays but you got me, respect thanks and huge hugs, your amazing  ;D ;D :-* :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper800 on June 15, 2013, 03:34 pm
This community is full of wonderful people. Descarte.... wow.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 15, 2013, 03:35 pm
Oh my god Mary there are some sick individuals out there I really feel for you right now.

Huge hugs to you.

I have a bitcoin to donate to you if you need it Mary, just let me know and it's yours  8)

I pray everything turns out ok for you Mary xx
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 15, 2013, 03:44 pm
Thanks Japan, the main thing is she,ll be ok and i also thank you soooooo much for your kindness to help, trust me i,d rather have no drugs for 2 weeks and feel a bit shit and know my vet bills paid, the other bills can bloody wait tho. My mum won,t want the money but we,ll get her paid at some point and if i do need more my aunt will loan me, i,m very luckt to have a great familt IRL as well as my SR family  ;D You,re all fu**in amazing, i can,t describe in words how i feel about allof you, my close ones and Descarte who i don,t really know, i hope to get to know you better cuase you defo belong in this thread!
What a community this is, it continues to amaze me  ;)  Love to you all  :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 15, 2013, 03:58 pm
Sorry (too much goin on in ma heed) forgor to say i sent the 1.0 back to Descarte, let me know you got it ok, i know you said not negotiable but i will contact you on the thread or pm if it turn out a need it, don,t keep it just incase tho, honest i,ll be ok, still can,t get over the fact you did that, it melts my heart, hope your good hun and thanks again  :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 15, 2013, 04:00 pm
Mary also don't forget to let me know if you need a coin, that's 2 in the bag for you if needed  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 15, 2013, 04:07 pm
Mary also don't forget to let me know if you need a coin, that's 2 in the bag for you if needed  8)
I know you will pal, you,s are making me cry, i,m overwhelmed with you guys god if you,s ever need anything i,ll help in any way i can, huge hugs and  :-*  to you man
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 15, 2013, 04:53 pm
I just think the core 6-10 users (lendors) should be in control of the list....

Yea this is true.  Anyone could manipulate the list.

But there are enough people paying attention that if someone else, out side of the norm, posted it, it would be kind of obvious something was up.

Really though, RS CC and this box have been the only ones posting it though.  It seems respected(or some other word?) enough no one wants mess with it. 

Also just saying I like the openness of it.  I want other people to feel they can jump in.  Anything we can do to not feel "exclusive" is something to shoot for. 

Just my .02.  People can totally disagree with that.

Hugs back at you all!  Box out for now!

Sick kitties are no fun.  :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 15, 2013, 05:13 pm
 link=topic=65125.msg1239819#msg1239819 date=1371287046]
                                                 :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) **When requesting, post your SR name** so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
Descarte           ++++
dirtybiscuitzz718      ++++
dr gonzo
Jasper800 ++++
Mike Hunt
White Out

The shit list:
Autobondon *
King Karma
ZenAndTheArt ++++

*^*do not lend to these people*^*

:P remember, everybody can post this list! just press quote, an delete the Start [ quote ] & End [ /quote ]  tags

lets try land it once every 5 pages :)
I hope this is done correctly and i hope i,m trusted to post it did my best i,m a computer idiot lol
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Descarte on June 15, 2013, 05:13 pm
i sent the 1.0 back to Descarte, let me know you got it ok,
I'll put it on ice, ready if you need it 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: energyimport on June 15, 2013, 05:15 pm
JUST want tog o on record and say Descarte is the man hooked me up! Thank!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 15, 2013, 05:17 pm
Hi Descarte  :-*How are you, good i hope  :-*, did you get coin back ok? I,m so greatful and i,ll never forget you did that  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 15, 2013, 05:22 pm
can i just say again if anyone who still owe,s me coin can pay anything asap i,d be greatful and repus6 you,ve been oline again, read my other nice pm and ignorned me again so thanks for that, just pay the 0.15 your due please you,ve had 4 days extra now!!  ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: phave on June 15, 2013, 05:45 pm
Would anyone be able to spare .07-.08 BTC? I didn't realize bitinstant charges horrendous amounts of fees (over $70 on $980 cash). I'll be able to pay you back on my next purchase.

Here are my purchasing stats;
Recent purchasing statistics

Total transactions: 20
Total spent: $10913.49
Refund rate: 0%
Auto-finalize rate: 0%
Member for: 1 month
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Descarte on June 15, 2013, 06:04 pm
Hi Descarte  :-*How are you, good i hope  :-*, did you get coin back ok? I,m so greatful and i,ll never forget you did that  ;)

Sounds like you need some sleep mary or maybe you could juts read the post 2 above your were i say I have stored on ice ir you ever require it
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 15, 2013, 06:07 pm
Hi Descarte  :-*How are you, good i hope  :-*, did you get coin back ok? I,m so greatful and i,ll never forget you did that  ;)

Sounds like you need some sleep mary or maybe you could juts read the post 2 above your were i say I have stored on ice ir you ever require it
yeah i can,t sleep its ealry, i got my dmt might have a wee bit in a spliff just to try that 1st  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 15, 2013, 06:12 pm
Check the new avatar bitches  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Descarte on June 15, 2013, 06:18 pm
Your moneys in your account Phave
My SR name is alprazolam
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 15, 2013, 06:32 pm
Hi Descarte  :-*How are you, good i hope  :-*, did you get coin back ok? I,m so greatful and i,ll never forget you did that  ;)

Sounds like you need some sleep mary or maybe you could juts read the post 2 above your were i say I have stored on ice ir you ever require it
yeah i can,t sleep its ealry, i got my dmt might have a wee bit in a spliff just to try that 1st  ;)

Don't smoke it in a spliff - 90% of it will be wasted Mary....
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 15, 2013, 07:05 pm
I know J-Man u weren,t on so were just going to vape it now if ur stll here should we just do half the 100mg each thanks  ;D ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: phave on June 15, 2013, 07:11 pm
Descarte, I sent you .04 back. I'll send you the rest within a few days most likely. Thanks again.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 15, 2013, 07:18 pm
 RS, Japan help should we just do half each now??  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 15, 2013, 07:39 pm
welly welly well.. top of the morning my faithful droogs :).
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 15, 2013, 07:46 pm
You,s didn,t answer (RS Japan)  :(
We vape,d the 40mg each  that was left, i,m just back, beautiful  ;D He got a wee bit visual cause he coughed it out on 2nd puff, i on the other hand have iron lungs ha ha. It was lovely i wish i had more  :( I have the free offer msg but no 0.08 or whatever to pay anyway but i,m glad you got it RS did Japan notice it  :-\
Gonna have a spliff now  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 15, 2013, 07:49 pm
You,s didn,t answer (RS Japan)  :(
We vape,d the 40mg each  that was left, i,m just back, beautiful  ;D He got a wee bit visual cause he coughed it out on 2nd puff, i on the other hand have iron lungs ha ha. It was lovely i wish i had more  :( I have the free offer msg but no 0.08 or whatever to pay anyway but i,m glad you got it RS did Japan notice it  :-\
Gonna have a spliff now  8)
:o sorry was making coffee ::), wait you tired it!?! ;D how was it ^_^?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 15, 2013, 07:54 pm
It was great RS everything went into beautiful pattern to start with then i wondered off into wonderland for 5 mins or so then back with the lovely visuals, colours, then gone  :( wish it lasted for hours  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 15, 2013, 07:57 pm
It was great RS everything went into beautiful pattern to start with then i wondered off into wonderland for 5 mins or so then back with the lovely visuals, colours, then gone  :( wish it lasted for hours  ;)
:D very nice! but part of why its so great, is how short it lasts ;).. do acid enough you'll probably know what I mean :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 15, 2013, 08:08 pm
acid lasts too long, something inbetween would be nice lol, got 2 DOM tabs my man going to take 1 tomorrow but it lasts for about 14 hrs and you feel spaced out for 2 days  :P might do one but don,t think so i,ll start to think about my cat so i,ll just wait till i,m in a better frame of mind  ;) How you doing today you still a bit spaced yourself  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 15, 2013, 08:17 pm
acid lasts too long, something inbetween would be nice lol, got 2 DOM tabs my man going to take 1 tomorrow but it lasts for about 14 hrs and you feel spaced out for 2 days  :P might do one but don,t think so i,ll start to think about my cat so i,ll just wait till i,m in a better frame of mind  ;) How you doing today you still a bit spaced yourself  8)
thought about trying DOM, except  12-14 hour trip sounds way too long.. :P acid is something you gotta be doing stuff, or it'll start to get at you :P..
I am doing fine :P its raining here so another chill morning I guess :)
I'm feeling tried still :P, but i guess thats sorta spaced ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 15, 2013, 08:22 pm
It can last up to 22hrs we halfed one and i was only spaced out, not trippin, but up all night , but i felt like that for 3 days! prefer LSD  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 15, 2013, 08:23 pm
Sorry Mary I was away having a spliff and watching the football!

Did you use the machine? Sounds like you had a lovely trip, but also sounds like the quality isn't as good as drshrooms - as that's quite a lot to start off on.

Saying that I did 100mg to myself in the space of about half hour on my first time (not drshrooms though)  :o

It's an amazing drug I'm tempted to treat myself to another half gram or so - but I should stick to my DMT vacation  8)

Hope you're feeling ok Mary , been thinking of you (hugz)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 15, 2013, 08:23 pm
how are you love? anyword on mr.kitty?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 15, 2013, 08:24 pm
Sorry Mary I was away having a spliff and watching the football!

Did you use the machine? Sounds like you had a lovely trip, but also sounds like the quality isn't as good as drshrooms - as that's quite a lot to start off on.

Saying that I did 100mg to myself in the space of about half hour on my first time  :o

It's an amazing drug I'm tempted to treat myself to another half gram or so - but I should stick to my DMT vacation  8)

Hope you're feeling ok Mary , been thinking of you (hugz)

lol, do you smoke it more then once?? after breaking through I wait entire day before smoking it again ;)

I am also curious about the quality.. haven't received my order so I have no idea :P 

PS: lol :-* good try on the lender list
link=topic=65125.msg1239819#msg1239819 date=1371287046]
                                                 :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)
::) :P ;) :) had a good laugh when I saw that this morning
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper800 on June 15, 2013, 08:56 pm
The only DMT I ever tried looked like amber pieces of glass. The high was intense for about 2-3 minutes then some after effects of euphoria. I hear the amber stuff means the DMT is not pure...maybe some day I will get something good.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 15, 2013, 09:01 pm
Sorry vet was on the phone , glad he didn,t call a bit earlier lol, I have to agree with you Japan i think your guys prob better , i would,ve had another one if i,d had more it was great  ;D ;D
Vet says kitty baby will get home in 5 or 6 days they,re keeping her in their centre so she can have injected pain meds (she,ll be like us then) and i,ll get her home with some medicam?? aparently i just squirt it in her mouth so she,s not in pain, she should be able to stand up on her back legs in a weel or 2 but to be caged for 6 weeks. I hate people who hurt animals its the same as hurting a young kid cause they can,t tell on you, fu**in cowards, better hope i don,t get told who did it cause am no caring if it a 15 yr old or a 50 yr old!! crazy Mazy will come out lol  :D
I love you guys , thanks  :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: saranottegan on June 15, 2013, 09:02 pm
Hey all :)

Trying to make a purchase, but I'm .07 btc short. Can anyone loan me this until I get paid again - will be in two weeks. I will repay .1!

SR name is saranottegan

Thank you!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Descarte on June 15, 2013, 09:19 pm
I can't help you at the moment
By all i'll be off the maps for a day or 2
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 15, 2013, 09:42 pm
will miss you Descarte  ;) tk  :-* (hugs)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 15, 2013, 09:43 pm
The only DMT I ever tried looked like amber pieces of glass. The high was intense for about 2-3 minutes then some after effects of euphoria. I hear the amber stuff means the DMT is not pure...maybe some day I will get something good.
yellowish amber means its been oxidized ( DMT N-oxide) happens when exposed to oxygen. its still active, but less intense... however it can be converted back to pure DMT :)

Hey all :)

Trying to make a purchase, but I'm .07 btc short. Can anyone loan me this until I get paid again - will be in two weeks. I will repay .1!

SR name is saranottegan

Thank you!
got 0.02 I can send if you want.

By all i'll be off the maps for a day or 2
:) besafe, have fun!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 15, 2013, 09:46 pm
                                                 :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) **When requesting, post your SR name** so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
dr gonzo
Jasper800 ++++
Mike Hunt
White Out

The shit list:
Autobondon *
King Karma
ZenAndTheArt ++++

*^*do not lend to these people*^*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: saranottegan on June 15, 2013, 09:47 pm

Hey all :)

Trying to make a purchase, but I'm .07 btc short. Can anyone loan me this until I get paid again - will be in two weeks. I will repay .1!

SR name is saranottegan

Thank you!
got 0.02 I can send if you want.


That would certainly help! Thank you :) I'll send you back .03 in 2 weeks :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 15, 2013, 09:52 pm
Quote from: RS7FI8ZRkm
Hey all :)

Trying to make a purchase, but I'm .07 btc short. Can anyone loan me this until I get paid again - will be in two weeks. I will repay .1!

SR name is saranottegan

Thank you!
got 0.02 I can send if you want.

That would certainly help! Thank you :) I'll send you back .03 in 2 weeks :)
ok, sent :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: kennard11 on June 15, 2013, 09:54 pm
I would like to loan from anywhere between 0.20 to 0.32 BTC, but preferably 0.32BTC. So I can buy a credit card cashout method and cashout the credit card and use the money to buy BTC and I will pay you back with 50% interest.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 15, 2013, 09:56 pm
wonder where chemmys at :-\ hope hes okay..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 15, 2013, 09:57 pm
I would like to loan from anywhere between 0.20 to 0.32 BTC, but preferably 0.32BTC. So I can buy a credit card cashout method and cashout the credit card and use the money to buy BTC and I will pay you back with 50% interest.
Why don,t you just use another method to buy coin??
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 15, 2013, 09:59 pm
I would like to loan from anywhere between 0.20 to 0.32 BTC, but preferably 0.32BTC. So I can buy a credit card cashout method and cashout the credit card and use the money to buy BTC and I will pay you back with 50% interest.
??? that doesn't make sense, why would you want get BTC to cash it out then turn it back to BTC..
you'd just lose with fee's :-\

also thats a large loan to ask, we ain't wonga ::)...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 15, 2013, 10:01 pm
oh, an :D +1 mary!!
finally no 72 hr 8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 15, 2013, 10:05 pm
I got you yesterday with karma and chem, japan, everyone, bloody seemed to take ages for the 72 hr to be up lol  ;) Chem was still on earlier, he,s prob just finally crashed out  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 15, 2013, 10:09 pm
RS "also thats a large loan to ask, we aint wonga  ::)..."
LMAO yeah some people aint shy eh  ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 15, 2013, 10:12 pm
also, he has another thread asking how to retrive funds from a stolen credit card.. :-\ I wouldn't reccomend helping this person :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 15, 2013, 10:19 pm
RS i wouldn,t help him if i had it! I come in here read a bit started speaking to people, loaned a small amount of coin, then continued to spend my time with the best people, got a small loan, paid back, simple  ;) And its went from there, i,ve met some great people. I wouldn,t have dreamt of getting just over 50 posts then coming and asking for some coin  ::) I think maybe 150 posts and in that time you,ve had time to find this thread, pop in and say hi, meet people before you ever ask for coin. But hey thats just me personally, everyone,s different  ;)
Sends you huge hugs and Chem, hope he,s sleeping and someone,s getting him with silly string lol  :-* :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: weed4me6969 on June 15, 2013, 10:33 pm
hey guys!  how is everyone on this wonderful day!?  I am waiting on SR to show my funds and will then be paying back my man RS7FI....  and FollowIcullus.  you guys will hear from me soon!

and hey can someone recommend some flame as mdma?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 15, 2013, 10:41 pm
Hi Weed4me (nice name ) I hpe your good  ;) sorry i don,t take mdma so i can,t help at all, i,m sure someone here will tho lol  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 15, 2013, 10:43 pm
and hey can someone recommend some flame as mdma?

PM me!  maybe we can figure something out? 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 15, 2013, 10:43 pm
Why are we having to use capcha,s now when msg,n vendors?  :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 15, 2013, 10:55 pm

Great to hear about the kitty!  Good to hear the vet cares enough to at least give you a little break on the bill.  (even though that's still quite a bit.  :( )


I freaking love the new picture!  I felt you deserved something better than a stock photo.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 15, 2013, 10:57 pm
Whats up Everyone! Whats up Legendary Mary :D Ive got 0.04 btc if that helps in anyway with the cat (can't be bothered to read what has happened in the end, too much haha)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: weed4me6969 on June 15, 2013, 10:59 pm
alright guys, funds are in!  sending now!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 15, 2013, 10:59 pm
Thanks box (thats the vets estimate lol hope its that or less) as long as she,s ok i don,t care  ;) How are you doing  :-* (hugs)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 15, 2013, 11:02 pm
Whats up Everyone! Whats up Legendary Mary :D Ive got 0.04 btc if that helps in anyway with the cat (can't be bothered to read what has happened in the end, too much haha)
Thanks hun, its cool but i appreciate you guys so much (hugs)

I,m off to bed so night night all  :-* :-* :-* ps if your on and Chem comes on tell him i said HIGH  :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 15, 2013, 11:04 pm
no problem, sleep tight
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: weed4me6969 on June 15, 2013, 11:05 pm
RS7FI8ZRkm-  payment sent!

action   notes   amount   balance   date
send to    RS7FI8ZRkm    ฿-0.23    ฿0.83    June 15, 2013, 11:05 pm UTC
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 15, 2013, 11:05 pm
Sweet dreams mary!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 15, 2013, 11:11 pm
heya meloniasty :)

yo boxy :P

gnight mary :-* sweet dreams..

CONFIRMED! :D thanks weed4me (hugs)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 15, 2013, 11:15 pm



Thanks for usin the thread like it's meant to be! 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: weed4me6969 on June 15, 2013, 11:18 pm

FollowIcculus- is paid back!  thanks again

action   notes   amount   balance   date
send to    FollowIcculus    ฿-0.12    ฿0.71    June 15, 2013, 11:09 pm UTC

alright guys i got $71 in acct...need some good ass mdma, would be nice to get a g for that, but if i want top quality, i understand that i might have to just go for 500mgs.  does anyone know anything about DReaMensioN?  his shit looks pretty good!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 15, 2013, 11:24 pm
I've ordered from DReaMensioN :) it was a pleasure doing business with him.. he was very quick with excellent stealth.. very good communication.. he is a little more pricey, but I defiantly still highly recommend his services.. also i responded to your PM with a few vendors you can check out..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 15, 2013, 11:26 pm
So how has everyone been then? Im well bored tonight, even though had a pretty good day. Lol at Triochome, saw him last night had just over 50 posts, now he has over a 100, good guy triochome :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 15, 2013, 11:29 pm
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 15, 2013, 11:29 pm
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 15, 2013, 11:30 pm
:P window shopping at the momment lol. :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 15, 2013, 11:31 pm
:P :P :P /item/7db2015f6f :P :P :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 15, 2013, 11:33 pm
hahaha so am I man, I have my eye on Wsharks bubba kush, i will get some coin on monday and get some, cos of what ive read and seen it is amazing :D  and the price isnt too bad :D. Is this thread always like that? What i mean is, as soon as I have some BTC to lend out, no one needs any and its just people talking  :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 15, 2013, 11:35 pm
shiiiit, that wax look delicious, shame they dont sell anything like that in UK
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: FollowIcculus on June 15, 2013, 11:52 pm

FollowIcculus- is paid back!  thanks again

action   notes   amount   balance   date
send to    FollowIcculus    ฿-0.12    ฿0.71    June 15, 2013, 11:09 pm UTC

Confirmed.  Thanks.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 15, 2013, 11:55 pm
shiiiit, that wax look delicious, shame they dont sell anything like that in UK
I remember finding one UK vendor an posting the listing for mary.. just spent the last 5 minutes searching for it.. :( couldn't find it he must have ran out ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper800 on June 16, 2013, 12:04 am
Covered by: RS7FI8ZRkm
SR: Jasper800

The numbers: RS7FI8ZRkm  .05
                       Descarte     .1
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 16, 2013, 12:05 am
Quote from: RS7FI8ZRkm
Hey all :)

Trying to make a purchase, but I'm .07 btc short. Can anyone loan me this until I get paid again - will be in two weeks. I will repay .1!

SR name is saranottegan

Thank you!
got 0.02 I can send if you want.

That would certainly help! Thank you :) I'll send you back .03 in 2 weeks :)
ok, sent :)
do you still need the other .05? :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 16, 2013, 12:11 am
Hey guys, might be too much to ask for, but I was hoping to get a little loan. I won't have any money until mid-August (lengthy loan at that,) but I assure you I would be active in forums, communicate with you directly, and pay back as soon as I got coin, before I even thought about looking for something to purchase. I am the type of person to ask because I am also the kind of person who takes care of others when they need it and someone who will pay back any debt that I have. Looking for something along the lines of .25... which I will be putting towards a small amount of green that I will be milking until August, when I get coins.

Thanks guys! Mary, I know the feeling... losing my dog was reason for me to be reluctant to get another pet. It's such an attachment and only for a short time... to add kids on top of that emotion, sorry you are having to deal with that stuff. People's generosity towards you on here shows the respect you have around here, it was quite touching to read.


SR: Jasper800
if it were any of the homies I'd do it.. but you're a little young in the family (no offense) :(
I'd be willing to loan .05.. I would be making an exception with your low post count :)
but I figure you're alright..

let me know
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 16, 2013, 12:14 am
OH well RS7, its really hard to find good weed stuff in UK, dont worry about the link, Im sure there will be another vendor (or at least im hopeful)  that has good stuff and will fill the gap in the market.

@ Jasper Ive got 0.04 BTC to loan if you  want it?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 16, 2013, 12:32 am
any clue to when you might be able to pay back :)?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 16, 2013, 01:06 am
Anyways Guys, Im off. good night everyone
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper800 on June 16, 2013, 01:08 am
I am getting my money August 15th...Thursday. I would be able to pay the money back no later than August 20th, guaranteed.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 16, 2013, 01:43 am
Anyways Guys, Im off. good night everyone
:) gnight sleep tight.. don't let chemcat sneek in an rape you with silly string :)

I am getting my money August 15th...Thursday. I would be able to pay the money back no later than August 20th, guaranteed.
:) 0.05 sent
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper800 on June 16, 2013, 02:36 am
Thanks a lot! I will work on paying that back ASAP.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 16, 2013, 02:56 am
brb :)

love y'all
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Descarte on June 16, 2013, 03:26 am
Hi Jasper,
I guess I feel a little responsible for your as I introduced you to the philanthropic world.  But you are doing well I see you even
lent on some of the original coin I gave you.  However 6 weeks is a long time for a loan and i wonder if you'll be able to ration such
a small amount of joy over that period before needing to come back.  What do you think is a more realistic figure to cover those 6 weeks.  If this is a bit much for the open board just PM me 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper800 on June 16, 2013, 03:58 am
Honestly, I was unaware of how important a presence on the forums really matters. It makes total sense, but as this is my first forum that I dedicate time to per day, I am still learning a bit. I think the .05 and the .1 I got and paid forward from you is enough to ask of for now. If/when I get desperate closer to when i will actually have money for recreation, I will start my begging again :).  Thanks for the offer. In the meantime, I have .05 and I'll just hope a vendor puts a sample offer on some weed/hash.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Descarte on June 16, 2013, 04:10 am
What /who do you usually buy through? You mentioned Thurgood Jenkins
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: blacksmith on June 16, 2013, 04:15 am
Can anyone loan me like 50 bitcoins plez
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Descarte on June 16, 2013, 04:19 am
Fuck off blacksmith
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on June 16, 2013, 04:23 am
Fuck off blacksmith
Lol'd well put.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper800 on June 16, 2013, 04:24 am
I accidentally hit the notify button...hopefully that does nothing...

I am new here so I haven't established a buyer/vendor relationship quite yet, but I do plan on working with Thurgood. I will only be interested in weed, concentrates, hash, sometimes mushrooms (once every few months) maybe DMT once because my only attempt wasn't that great and perhaps MDMA because I have never experienced. Everything else I've tried or have no interest in trying (RCs). I obviously went through local dealers who were usually out when I needed it or charged 20+ a gram. Some were trying $70 1/8s of maybe B+ grade. My first purchas was through Coagulator who had a lot of troubles with orders and closed up shop during the processing of my order. So I have nothing established yet. However, everyone has been really friendly and I have had no major setbacks as far as SR is concerned.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: blacksmith on June 16, 2013, 04:27 am
WHOA!!!!  Man god that wasn't even cool Bro. You hurt my feelings
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Descarte on June 16, 2013, 04:34 am
Maybe talk to some of the older heads on here regarding vendors, i don't smoke pot.
But I'll be happy to set up some ration of green to keep you sane until your BTC arrive.
Saves you from having beg for scraps all the time.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Descarte on June 16, 2013, 04:39 am
If it was meant in simple jest, my apologies.  I am tired and possibly missed the humor.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper800 on June 16, 2013, 04:41 am
I don't smoke bong loads or even bowls for that matter. Just a pinch hitter and I basically stay high all day. Usually smoke an 1/8 a week but can make it last a week and a half. I will return to beg when my rations begin to give me some anxiety. Ha. Thanks a lot. You're too kind to a newb :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 16, 2013, 04:42 am

                                                 :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) **When requesting, post your SR name** so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
dr gonzo
Jasper800 ++++
Mike Hunt
White Out

The shit list:
Autobondon *
King Karma
ZenAndTheArt ++++

*^*do not lend to these people*^*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 16, 2013, 04:52 am
Quote from: Jasper800
I don't smoke bong loads or even bowls for that matter. Just a pinch hitter and I basically stay high all day. Usually smoke an 1/8 a week but can make it last a week and a half. I will return to beg when my rations begin to give me some anxiety. Ha. Thanks a lot. You're too kind to a newb :)



if you're looking for bulk and awesome quality then,


But he is preparing to leave for a few weeks as far as i know at this time.

Hope this helps ya  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper800 on June 16, 2013, 05:05 am
Thanks trichome... Thurgood is getting rave reviews on reddit and what not, I'll look into the ones you listed. Lucy looks a little out of my price range and bulk to me would be a Half oz and MAYBE an OZ if I can talk my lady friend into it. Haha.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper800 on June 16, 2013, 05:15 am
Descarte, I'm curious... What is your drug of choice? ...if it's not too much to ask.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on June 16, 2013, 07:58 am
Adding a non responder to nudges to repay/message me. To no avail so adding him to the shit list.

                                                 :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) **When requesting, post your SR name** so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
dr gonzo
Mike Hunt
White Out

The shit list:
Autobondon *
devolve0 ++++
King Karma

*^*do not lend to these people*^*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 16, 2013, 08:42 am
I see the shitlist is growing, oh well their loss. Luckily I've only ever had to add one to the list myself.

ALSO - curiositymatrix has paid back his debt, so definitely someone I would lend to again  8)

Anyway - Morning ALL. Hope you're all well

Big shout out to all the fathers today  ;D

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Descarte on June 16, 2013, 08:52 am
Descarte, I'm curious... What is your drug of choice? ...if it's not too much to ask.

Sad to say amphetamines. They seem to make my brain function best.  Was prescribed them for ADHD and got hooked.
My advice to anyone is to be very wary of them.  They have a great potential to fuck your whole life up.
Used to love LSD when I was younger.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 16, 2013, 10:02 am
Good morning all  ;) hope your all good  :-*

People still owe me:Repus6 0.15 (you,ve been online and ignored 2 pm,s)
                                stonedstupor 0.03
                                The crackhead 0.05
                                montaineerWV 0.01
All these loans are overdue, c,mon people!!
And autobondon pm,d me about 3 days ago to say he forgot and was sending coin, still nothing, am shocked (not)!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 16, 2013, 10:12 am
Good morning all  ;) hope your all good  :-*

People still owe me:Repus6 0.15 (you,ve been online and ignored 2 pm,s)
                                stonedstupor 0.03
                                The crackhead 0.05
                                montaineerWV 0.01
                                Whowhatwhere 0.03
All these loans are overdue, c,mon people!!
And autobondon pm,d me about 3 days ago to say he forgot and was sending coin, still nothing, am shocked (not)!!

Come on people pay Mary back - she's a good person and it's the principle that counts. Some of the loans are small - but like I said it's the principle that counts.

Strange about Repus, I've lent a few times to her and she's always been good as gold at paying back. Saying that I think I only lent her the odd .02 or so....

But pay Mary back guys, the thread needs to keep it's honesty, otherwise people just won't lend anymore and the thread will fold. Or the thread will just run with the people who are 'part of' this sub community.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 16, 2013, 10:28 am
HIGH Japan  ;) Thanks for the back up lol it,s prob just me, been to see the cat this morning and she,s not eating, prob the pain, she looks fu**ed, i,m just really upset  :'( am gonna go hide in the bathroom from my kid, i look like shit lol  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 16, 2013, 10:32 am
HIGH Japan  ;) Thanks for the back up lol it,s prob just me, been to see the cat this morning and she,s not eating, prob the pain, she looks fu**ed, i,m just really upset  :'( am gonna go hide in the bathroom from my kid, i look like shit lol  ;)


I hope you don't get too upset xx

Don't hide in the bathroom - have a wash and stand tall, do as spare coiners would do. Strength and honour.

But I really hope you're not feeling too bad - maybe go chill for 10 minutes and have a spliff  8)


J-MAN  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 16, 2013, 10:53 am
(HUGS) J-MAN lol just read that n thats exactly what i was doing  ;) I need a vallium ha ha  ::) Your a great guy, i hope your kid loved the party btw  :-* :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 16, 2013, 12:06 pm
(HUGS) J-MAN lol just read that n thats exactly what i was doing  ;) I need a vallium ha ha  ::) Your a great guy, i hope your kid loved the party btw  :-* :-*

Shame I can't e-mail you a few vallies!

The kids party was great, Our garden is quite big so we got a huge bouncy castle in, and with the trampoline and water slide it was a fun day. The adults had a bit corned off and we had a nice BBQ with some drinks. Had to be good as there were parents there that I'd never met before!

The day was gorgeous sunshine, so it was perfect  8)

Edit: finally managed to +1 you again!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 16, 2013, 12:11 pm
(HUGS) J-MAN lol just read that n thats exactly what i was doing  ;) I need a vallium ha ha  ::) Your a great guy, i hope your kid loved the party btw  :-* :-*

Shame I can't e-mail you a few vallies!

The kids party was great, Our garden is quite big so we got a huge bouncy castle in, and with the trampoline and water slide it was a fun day. The adults had a bit corned off and we had a nice BBQ with some drinks. Had to be good as there were parents there that I'd never met before!

The day was gorgeous sunshine, so it was perfect  8)

Edit: finally managed to +1 you again!
;D I,m glad, it sounds like it was great and i remember the weather was gorgeous that day, wish it would come back  ::) So you weren,t on the bouncy castle or water slide  ;D I would,ve been ha ha (hugs)  :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 16, 2013, 12:17 pm
Descarte, I'm curious... What is your drug of choice? ...if it's not too much to ask.

Sad to say amphetamines. They seem to make my brain function best.  Was prescribed them for ADHD and got hooked.
My advice to anyone is to be very wary of them.  They have a great potential to fuck your whole life up.
Used to love LSD when I was younger.
I have to agree, my kids Dad was a speed freak, anytime he could get it he,d take it, i ended up with about 8 different dealers at my door for money (i didn,t get the speed so fuck off ) then he stole money out our kids bank, the lies he told  ::) he,s not seen his kid for 8 yr now and he,s not allowed near us cause of the violence too, honestly he acted like a heroin addict! Bad Shit Like  :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 16, 2013, 12:42 pm
(HUGS) J-MAN lol just read that n thats exactly what i was doing  ;) I need a vallium ha ha  ::) Your a great guy, i hope your kid loved the party btw  :-* :-*

Shame I can't e-mail you a few vallies!

The kids party was great, Our garden is quite big so we got a huge bouncy castle in, and with the trampoline and water slide it was a fun day. The adults had a bit corned off and we had a nice BBQ with some drinks. Had to be good as there were parents there that I'd never met before!

The day was gorgeous sunshine, so it was perfect  8)

Edit: finally managed to +1 you again!
;D I,m glad, it sounds like it was great and i remember the weather was gorgeous that day, wish it would come back  ::) So you weren,t on the bouncy castle or water slide  ;D I would,ve been ha ha (hugs)  :-*

Fuck yeah I was on the bouncy castle and water slide, but I had to stay reasonably straight due to strangers lurking in the garden  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 16, 2013, 01:08 pm
Descarte, I'm curious... What is your drug of choice? ...if it's not too much to ask.

Sad to say amphetamines. They seem to make my brain function best.  Was prescribed them for ADHD and got hooked.
My advice to anyone is to be very wary of them.  They have a great potential to fuck your whole life up.
Used to love LSD when I was younger.
I have to agree, my kids Dad was a speed freak, anytime he could get it he,d take it, i ended up with about 8 different dealers at my door for money (i didn,t get the speed so fuck off ) then he stole money out our kids bank, the lies he told  ::) he,s not seen his kid for 8 yr now and he,s not allowed near us cause of the violence too, honestly he acted like a heroin addict! Bad Shit Like  :-\

Man....  I took adderall for a short stint in high school.  I was so disenchanted with the place I needed something to push me through.

I loved it.  I'm certainly the type of person for it.  I just knew I would be dependent on it if i kept it up.  Was also loosing my ability to decipher right and wrong.  Weird to hear it unless you experience it yourself. 

Coffee is good enough now.   :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 16, 2013, 01:26 pm
Have a good Sunday all.

The dawn meets the day!  Then the dusk will meet the dark!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 16, 2013, 02:40 pm
Hi Boxy  :) How ya doin, good i hope  ;) its a quiet Sunday  ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 16, 2013, 02:46 pm
whats up everyone, whats up mary and box, how are you doing? OK, never mind, succeeded on 10th try haha :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 16, 2013, 02:53 pm
Hi Mel  ;) quiet Sunday  ::) how you doing  :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 16, 2013, 02:56 pm
Indeed it is quiet, but its good cos i can chill out  :) Couldnt sleep very well last night, ended up falling asleep in the morning and woke up not too long ago. I am pretty annoyed that the banks are closed on sundays, cos i need to deposit some cash to get btc and the I will order an oz of kush from Wshark, heard many great things about it, and if im not mistaken youve had some, didnt you mary?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 16, 2013, 03:01 pm
Yeah I,ve got about 0.5g left  :'( lol Its lovely wish i had coin to order more, its the nicest bid bud i,ve had off the road but she is the only international i,ve had  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 16, 2013, 03:06 pm
hahah 0.5g, still from half oz thats not too bad is it :D Its going to be my third international, that is if the sample from germany (which ive got no idea how long its gonna take to ship to my place) gets through customs, it would be a shame if my address got flagged and I couldnt order that oz because of 1g sample getting caught by customs, but I doubt it will, unless the stealth is shit. Would you say its worth getting the express shipping with Wshark? its 10quid difference between it and the DCN... do you have any idea what that means in terms of the shipping time difference?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 16, 2013, 03:18 pm
I paid for the express shipping cause she tracks it, there,s no refund with the others  ;) think its usually 4 days with that one she posts on tuesdays and fridays so if you order a day before it,ll be 4 days, i didn,t have to sign for it but postie did chap the door and hand it to me (prob cause its tracked). I,ve only got a we bit left cause had a half oz fron Doctornoname too lol and a couple of samples, i,ve still got about 4 g then i,ll be proper fu**ed ha ha  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 16, 2013, 03:21 pm
Good Mornin mary  :)

Happy Fathers day to All of the SR Dads!! 


hey will a couple of you look at this for me please (EDITED)

let me know what ya think..please be honest with me....
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 16, 2013, 03:23 pm
 :-* :-* :-* :-* HAPPY FATHERS DAY :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*

How you doing today hun  :D I,m away to look at your link  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 16, 2013, 03:25 pm
am doin good, mary   :)

how are you and yours doing today?

yeah? thank ya mary  :)  i just need some honest opinions  :)  about the chemcat page and that links page  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 16, 2013, 03:27 pm
Thats the one I think im gonna go with, express shipping :D Dont worry mary, Ive got your back, if i buy bit coins, and suddenly their value increases before I order from wshark and her price goes down, youre more than welcome to borrow some coins off me. Im pretty sure that with that oz I will be good for a while, especially that Ive used to be an everyday smoker, but cut down recently to every other day  :) As to the post man knocking on the door, I remember when I was anticipating my first ever order off SR, the postman knocked on the door and wanted me to sign for something, i proper shit my self haha, i tend to get a little paranoid, especially with all that controlled delivery business going on in the US (Then I wasnt sure if that was just in us or in uk too), but anyways, it turned out it was something SR unrelated so its all good hahah :D Whats up trichome, did you sort tedrux out? or has he offed himself? brb
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 16, 2013, 03:30 pm
Looks good Chem  ;) You don,t say if you do or will be doing international tho  :P I like it, it doesn,t go on and on like some vendors pages, its simple and friendly just 1 thing, get the weed going ha ha  :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 16, 2013, 03:31 pm
hiya mel  :)

well, lets hope the poor chap didnt hang ten :o

how're you doin this day?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 16, 2013, 03:36 pm
one of the reasons of invite only  :P

if i let ya know and send you some links (as they come in) just save them .....'cuz that way you'll be able to order  ;)

less trouble that way :)

i'll keep workin on it and keep ya posted  :)

the day that ChemCat puts up his official review thread the actual day he opens for business  :)

Love ya (Hugs)

trichome  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 16, 2013, 03:40 pm
i gave myself 6 months  :)

hopefully i wont have to take that long and will open sooner :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 16, 2013, 03:47 pm
Cool Chem lol will you send links to my sr msg when you start lol i,m a computer novice, the PGP scares me and makes me cry Ha Ha  :-*
Thanks Mel  :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper800 on June 16, 2013, 03:47 pm
I wouldn't be ashamed of your drug of choice Descarte, if you're able to manage it responsibly. I really enjoy coke, but in general, I'm a downer fan. Uppers make me talk too much and play music terribly. I can definitely see what you mean about small doses of an upper improving brain's like night and day for me. I'm in zombie mode must of the time but if I had a bump of coke or an adderall, I can really do some thinking/talking haha.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 16, 2013, 03:50 pm
hiya mel  :)

well, lets hope the poor chap didnt hang ten :o

how're you doin this day?

Im not too bad trichome, just relaxing hahaha :D Yeah, lets hope he didn't, and I've got a feeling he didn't because what he was after was some attention and care, which in my opinion You of all people provided the most, even though in my opinion he was getting a bit annoying :D I guess we wont know until he posts on here or doesn't. Im off now, will be back later on in the day
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 16, 2013, 03:50 pm
you know i will mary  :)

heck i might even list things publicly once or twice a month  LOL 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 16, 2013, 03:51 pm
and dont let pgp scare ya  (hugs)


if ya run in to any snags ya know we're here to help ya  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 16, 2013, 03:56 pm
Yer a diamond Chemmy (hugs) i,m off to search the fridge/freezer for dinner, i can,t be arsed  ::) might say "there,s nothing relly there babe, you fancy just ordering in cheap burgers" lol  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 16, 2013, 03:58 pm
microwave pretzels and cheese sauce for me today  LOL

ok then mary  (Hugs see ya and be safe  :)

Love ya,

Chem  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 16, 2013, 04:01 pm
how's the kitten, mary?

i seen where ya said it is still in the vets?

i know you'll take care of it when it gets back home  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 16, 2013, 04:11 pm
Burgers it is lol She,ll be in for about another 5 days then should get her home, she,s out her nut with the pain med when we went to see her  ;) wee star, bloody sin   :( There,s a circus setting up across from my house, i,m fu**in terrified at clowns and their in the park where i take my dogs  :-[ its the face and the big feet, they freak me out  :o
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 16, 2013, 04:20 pm
i'm glad ya told me that  LOL  cuz i had a clown pic i was gonna use the other day  LOL


Hugs to ya mary   :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 16, 2013, 04:22 pm
gonna go lay down mary  :)

am gonna think about taking my page live / public after a month or so of invite basis...

**Scratches head**

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 16, 2013, 04:29 pm
Ok Dad see you later (hugs) don,t fall asleep the silly string might get ya  ;) :P :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: weed4me6969 on June 16, 2013, 05:11 pm
Wasssssup!!!   Where the hell is everyone??   :'(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 16, 2013, 06:01 pm
Hi weed for me  :-* I,ve been stufing my face, just dropped a dom or dob tab, can,t remember which one  ::) how are you  ;)

Are you still lying down Chem?  :P I wonder what Taz and RS are up to  :-\ its quiet
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 16, 2013, 06:12 pm
nah, i got up and put a pizza in the oven  LOL

cleaned the icebox out  LOL

sittin here cant stop thinking about everything LOL
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper800 on June 16, 2013, 06:17 pm
It's very quiet today. Frozen pizza sounds gourmet to me at the moment. Got stomach cramps but am too high/lazy to get up and even put something in the oven, haha. Waiting to hopefully go out for something, Father's Day treat from the lady... one can only hope. Ha!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 16, 2013, 06:17 pm
Did you see your kids today Chem or do they live far from you  :-\ I hope you have a great day, have a wee smoke n relax  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 16, 2013, 06:20 pm
got a phone call from one and the other dropped off a card this morning  LOL

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 16, 2013, 06:22 pm
gonna go wash some dishes then go check out some label printers and copiers.  lol  have a few things to do today :)

Hiya and Welcome back jasper  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 16, 2013, 06:22 pm
Nice  :D So you a bit bored today, too much time to think hun, go play with the goats, you wouldn,t get me away from the animals  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper800 on June 16, 2013, 06:23 pm
Enjoy the shopping and pizza ChemCat... it's a pleasure to be here.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: White 0ut on June 16, 2013, 07:48 pm
Heya guys, I was recently on the bad list I believe, not sure if I actually was but in my mind I was. Not sure who (ytabletrash) is but they loaned me .02 and I have now repaid .04! Just saying!

Love you all!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 16, 2013, 07:55 pm
Quote from: The_Spare_Coin_Family

                                                 :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) **When requesting, post your SR name** so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
dr gonzo
Jasper800 ++++
Mike Hunt
White Out

The shit list:
Autobondon *
King Karma
ZenAndTheArt ++++

*^*do not lend to these people*^*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: White 0ut on June 16, 2013, 07:58 pm
ChemCat was I on the bad list before?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 16, 2013, 08:02 pm
Why has phoboss been taken off the shitlist  :o he,s been trolling but just vanished off the shitlist??
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 16, 2013, 08:03 pm
i could be wrong,  but i dont remember seein ya on the shit list :)

You're on List of Users who have lent coins ...i mean i could end up on that shit list someday...hopefully not though  LOL

Peace & Hugs to ya  White 0ut   :)

ChemCat O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 16, 2013, 08:06 pm
does phoboss have an outstanding loan whch they havent paid yet mary?

yeah i seen them trolling the thread  LOL

i just never pay any attention to them  :P

Hugs to ya hunny  :)

ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: White 0ut on June 16, 2013, 08:14 pm
i could be wrong,  but i dont remember seein ya on the shit list :)

You're on List of Users who have lent coins ...i mean i could end up on that shit list someday...hopefully not though  LOL

Peace & Hugs to ya  White 0ut   :)

ChemCat O0

Yeah, I didn't think I was.... A while back I came into quite a few coins and went crazy lending. People still owe me some money but I have no clue who lol... Nor do I care!

Goodvibes your way ChemCat!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 16, 2013, 08:21 pm
I seen him on it when he was trolling (phoboss) last week n thought "surprise" but now he,s not on it?? hugs Chemmy  :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 16, 2013, 09:14 pm
Hi weed for me  :-* I,ve been stufing my face, just dropped a dom or dob tab, can,t remember which one  ::) how are you  ;)

Are you still lying down Chem?  :P I wonder what Taz and RS are up to  :-\ its quiet
was out late lastnight :P.. so I slept in :) been replying to PM's an reading through the last 10 pages ::)

how is everybody :)?

love y'all (hugs)

happy fathers day, to all the dads whom still love their kids ;)!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 16, 2013, 09:18 pm
ChemCat was I on the bad list before?
I belive you were only there for a short time.. I remember (forgot exactly who :P) had you added then shortly after recived payment, so you were removed :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 16, 2013, 09:19 pm
Hiya RS  :)

Hugs right back atcha  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 16, 2013, 09:21 pm
:) morning ya

repiled to pm to trich ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 16, 2013, 09:21 pm
my mans great idea, lets take a tab after dinner, now we,re hot, cold, hot, cold, getting freaked out by the district9 alien film, he,s now in the process of trying tp plug in the hard drive to watch a comedy while we,re both going in and out the front door looking at the clouds i,m lmao trying to type this has took 5 mins  :-* :-* :-* :-* n he still no got movie on i don,t think he knows hoe to work it ha ha hiya everybody  ;) i love ya all  :-* :-* :-* trippin balls
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 16, 2013, 09:24 pm
hey... wait a minute... no one pm,s me  :'( i,d like to know more if anyone wants to share (nott right now obv.)  ;) ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 16, 2013, 09:27 pm
@ RS :)

@ mary :) 

you got the same thing  LOL

just askin some questions before i open shop :o


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 16, 2013, 09:30 pm
LOL  get back to the yard and enjoy the sensations mary  :)

Huggles to you and yur man LOL

i dont know what dom is but should i sell that?



Peace & Positive Energy comin Your way  :)

ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 16, 2013, 09:31 pm
lol, :) have fun mary :-* besafe!

also :P I'm sending you a PM, so you feel included :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 16, 2013, 09:37 pm
LOL  get back to the yard and enjoy the sensations mary  :)

Huggles to you and yur man LOL

i dont know what dom is but should i sell that?



Peace & Positive Energy comin Your way  :)

ChemCat  O0
DOM; known on the street as STP, standing for "Serenity, Tranquility, and Peace") is a psychedelic and a substituted amphetamine

not sure really what the effects are like, never tried it.. the duration of the trip always shied me away from it :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 16, 2013, 09:38 pm
ha ha RS PGP Scary  ::) I swear as soon as i hit post on that last one i got a pm from whowhatwhere, how freakys that, its took me this long to type a sentence back and then see RS and his key  ;D ;D

Chem its 10.30pm the yards pretty dark am no goin oot there, i,ll get chased by haggis lol  :-* :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 16, 2013, 09:41 pm
It lasts for hours feel spaced for days not as strong as some acid and quite a sicky feeling for 1st couple of hrs which its taken to come on, we only took cause we had 2 there i would personally prefer LSD  ;) :-* :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 16, 2013, 09:42 pm
me love acid long time ::) give you anything you want.. much?..

twenty dollar..

ohh.. no how bout five dollar

::) lol
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 16, 2013, 09:51 pm
me love acid long time ::) give you anything you want.. much?..

twenty dollar..

ohh.. no how bout five dollar

::) lol
LMAO  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 16, 2013, 10:57 pm
Hey all , hows tricks ?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 16, 2013, 10:59 pm
Welcome back taz  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 16, 2013, 11:02 pm
:) hiya taz, how you doing?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 16, 2013, 11:06 pm
Not to bad thanks ,

I finally tracked some good domestic weed down , and guess what - I don't have enough coins to buy any =(

Can anyone guess my next question ?

No prizes for guessing .

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 16, 2013, 11:13 pm
I allways say if your talking to people and you need something , ask first before you start the proper conversation

I will be able to pay back Wednesday , possibly Thursday . Im like $ 22 short - I'm not sure what that is in btc ,

Now that's out the way - hows everyone else ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 16, 2013, 11:14 pm
@taz coolz, coolz. :D
also, I have .15, i'll spot you :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 16, 2013, 11:18 pm
ATM, BTC: 0.2217 -> $22 :)

(#### CLEARNET! ####)
(thats bad right?)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 16, 2013, 11:18 pm
0.2307 is 23.00 which if i have i'll lend ya  :)
let me o check, be right back  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 16, 2013, 11:21 pm
I did think I would have my passport back by now , I hate to ask but I really want grab it while it's there , no sweat If not , I was going to tough it out but though , sod it it doesn't hurt to ask .

back shortly , just need to make a call .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 16, 2013, 11:22 pm
pretty much what i have  :)

wut's yur SR Screen Name and i'll send those 0.2307 btc right now  :)

just send it back to the one who sent it to you as soon as ya can  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 16, 2013, 11:29 pm
Are you sure Chemy , only if it's not going to leave you without  anything , maybe rs and yourself could do half each .

I'M digitali_orgasmica - btw
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 16, 2013, 11:34 pm
What happend with that guy who wanted to commit suicide , was he for real ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 16, 2013, 11:36 pm
User does not exist

is the msg i got when i tried to send it to digitali_orgasmica

is that spelled right?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 16, 2013, 11:41 pm
sorry , it's digitali_orgasmica - thanks so much your a star - I will think of you guys when I blaze my first bong =)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 16, 2013, 11:45 pm
ok i got the same msg again saying that digitali_orgasmica does not exist.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 16, 2013, 11:48 pm
ok tried again and i get the same msg... User does not exist
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 16, 2013, 11:49 pm
I'm soundproofing my studio , otherwise known as my bedroom this week - should be able to start making music again after that - I can't wait till it's done .

Oh maybe it's because s.r docent like the underscore , I'll send you a message through chem ..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 16, 2013, 11:51 pm
ok that should work then  :)

wait send the msg to trichome
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 16, 2013, 11:55 pm
If not I guess  I'll have to use my OCHEM101 account .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 17, 2013, 12:11 am
did my msg come through ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 17, 2013, 12:19 am
:) lol, see guys haven't made much progress ;D :P :(

anyway, droogies, I gotta run for a bit :) (hugs) & peace!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 17, 2013, 12:23 am
God i,m proper fu**ed,  ::) trippin but been really sick Hi Taz U don,t have an underscore in your name hun  ;) (lies back down)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 17, 2013, 12:31 am
its all gone quiet said rhubarb -- too quiet said custard .

Ah A new reply posted while typing - hey Marry - you been sick and trippin ? not a good combo -dmt ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 17, 2013, 12:32 am
God i,m proper fu**ed,  ::) trippin but been really sick Hi Taz U don,t have an underscore in your name hun  ;) (lies back down)

Aww.  Take care mary.  :(  Chill tunes if ya got em. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 17, 2013, 12:34 am
its all gone quiet said rhubarb -- too quiet said custard .

Ah A new reply posted while typing - hey Marry - you been sick and trippin ? not a good combo -dmt ?

Congratulations on your 4 little yellow box taz!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 17, 2013, 12:35 am
I wish Dom tab  ::) about 7hrs in
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 17, 2013, 12:36 am
Thanks Boxy , I hadn't noticed  that, hows you ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sooadada on June 17, 2013, 12:39 am
hi peeps

i normally post under a different account name, so had to spam this one up quick. im about .01 btc short for an order :-[. i'll pay back double, or gift it forward triple for some karma...its up to the lender, i purchase btc fairly infrequently and will pay back anywhere from 1 to 4 or weeks. if im any longer than that i'll payback & gift forward.

im Sooadada on SR.

cheers ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: IamMulva on June 17, 2013, 12:40 am
good evening all just wanted to say hi

just left you a +1
now a full member of forums and wanted to give back. you helped me out in the +Karma thread so thanks!

check your tip jar in a few....

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 17, 2013, 12:41 am
:) lol, see guys haven't made much progress ;D :P :(

anyway, droogies, I gotta run for a bit :) (hugs) & peace!

See ya man , take care - peace n huggs back atcha
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 17, 2013, 12:44 am
I'm fairing.  Over worked for sure.  Got off one job to come home and work more.   :(

I wanna go to my friends cook out and spin fire, but I got to get this stuff done.  Scews me if I'm in and out.

Got a special package recently I wanna take over there.   ;)

hi peeps

i normally post under a different account name, so had to spam this one up quick. im about .01 btc short for an order :-[. i'll pay back double, or gift it forward triple for some karma...its up to the lender, i purchase btc fairly infrequently and will pay back anywhere from 1 to 4 or weeks. if im any longer than that i'll payback & gift forward.

im Sooadada on SR.

cheers ;)

What happened with your other name?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 17, 2013, 12:49 am
I didn't know you could mix  box , I've been spinning since I was 14 , Im soundproofing this week so I will be back on the decks soon , yay =)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 17, 2013, 12:54 am
Haha.  No, I'm literally talking about spinning fire.  Or poi.  Kevlar wicks soaked in flammable liquid.

I have slowly been leaning piano though...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sooadada on June 17, 2013, 12:55 am

hi peeps

i normally post under a different account name, so had to spam this one up quick. im about .01 btc short for an order :-[. i'll pay back double, or gift it forward triple for some karma...its up to the lender, i purchase btc fairly infrequently and will pay back anywhere from 1 to 4 or weeks. if im any longer than that i'll payback & gift forward.

im Sooadada on SR.

cheers ;)

What happened with your other name?

this first post of this thread said to post as your SR username. did i just waste a hour? lol

oh and by karma i mean the real kind. not the forum rating.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 17, 2013, 12:58 am
good evening all just wanted to say hi

just left you a +1
now a full member of forums and wanted to give back. you helped me out in the +Karma thread so thanks!

check your tip jar in a few....

Hi hun +1 back at cha  ;) (lies down again) lol
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 17, 2013, 12:59 am
Haha.  No, I'm literally talking about spinning fire.  Or poi.  Kevlar wicks soaked in flammable liquid.

I have slowly been leaning piano though...

Piano - now that's something I allways wanted to learn .

Plate spinning , wicked - I juggle - I tried plates but didn't get past the learning curve
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 17, 2013, 01:01 am

hi peeps

i normally post under a different account name, so had to spam this one up quick. im about .01 btc short for an order :-[. i'll pay back double, or gift it forward triple for some karma...its up to the lender, i purchase btc fairly infrequently and will pay back anywhere from 1 to 4 or weeks. if im any longer than that i'll payback & gift forward.

im Sooadada on SR.

cheers ;)

What happened with your other name?

this first post of this thread said to post as your SR username. did i just waste a hour? lol

oh and by karma i mean the real kind. not the forum rating.

Haha.  Oh thats really funny. 

Hate saying it but yea.  You are suppose to post your SR name, so we know who to send it to, in case it is different than the forums.

Not post AS your sr user name. 

Sending .01 shapes your way man.  It's the last of whats in my box.

I love your last sentence!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: weed4me6969 on June 17, 2013, 01:05 am
Whats up everyone!!  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 17, 2013, 01:06 am
Iammulva donated 0.08 some karma please for him/her  :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* )sorry i cant type the now lol)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 17, 2013, 01:14 am
Celebrating post 420 with a big hit!

And this video if thats cool.... (

Here's to the selves we were, are now, and the ones we will become!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 17, 2013, 01:16 am
I 2nd that , and celebrate it with good karma for all =)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 17, 2013, 01:19 am
Damn 72 hours , I watch that vid when I kick back shorty B .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 17, 2013, 01:24 am
Everyone but Iammulva is on my 72 hour timer.  :(

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sooadada on June 17, 2013, 01:56 am

hi peeps

i normally post under a different account name, so had to spam this one up quick. im about .01 btc short for an order :-[. i'll pay back double, or gift it forward triple for some karma...its up to the lender, i purchase btc fairly infrequently and will pay back anywhere from 1 to 4 or weeks. if im any longer than that i'll payback & gift forward.

im Sooadada on SR.

cheers ;)

What happened with your other name?

this first post of this thread said to post as your SR username. did i just waste a hour? lol

oh and by karma i mean the real kind. not the forum rating.

Haha.  Oh thats really funny. 

Hate saying it but yea.  You are suppose to post your SR name, so we know who to send it to, in case it is different than the forums.
Not post AS your sr user name. 

Sending .01 shapes your way man.  It's the last of whats in my box.

I love your last sentence!

hahaha i feel a bit dumb now, but its pretty funny. should probably get some sleep.

thnks for the coin. much appreciated. order is now processing  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 17, 2013, 02:07 am
Glad to hear dood!  Enjoy it!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 17, 2013, 02:08 am
Quote from: The_Spare_Coin_Family

                                                 :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) **When requesting, post your SR name** so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
dr gonzo
Jasper800 ++++
Mike Hunt
White Out

The shit list:
Autobondon *
King Karma
ZenAndTheArt ++++

*^*do not lend to these people*^*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 17, 2013, 02:10 am
I'm back , I managed to scrape $4 out of my bitstamp account - I'm still about 18 short though - I guess chemy fell asleep or forgot to send , bless him .

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper800 on June 17, 2013, 02:15 am
Damn, I wish I could help you out.

What's everyone up to tonight?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 17, 2013, 02:20 am

Just gave the last of what I had away.  I miss having something to throw around in here  :(
Next flip I'll be back in action.

Did you ever perform with the plates or the juggling or just trained at it?

What's everyone up to tonight?

Being distracted  :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 17, 2013, 02:25 am

Heh.  Did you know you posted in this thread??

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper800 on June 17, 2013, 02:35 am
Same here.. got Looney Tunes on the TV and pretty fuckin' bored. This thread seems to usually have some back and forth... :o

3rd attempt at captcha later...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 17, 2013, 02:38 am
I'm back @taz whats your SR account name? I have 0.15 I'll spot you :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 17, 2013, 02:49 am

Heh.  A major contribution to why I wanted to learn piano were from the skit of bugs bunny playing piano.

I try to get as "animated" as possible
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 17, 2013, 02:57 am
wazzup jasper :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 17, 2013, 02:58 am
taz ??? you here :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper800 on June 17, 2013, 02:59 am
Bugs can kill a piano. I know stringed instruments pretty well, I can find chords on piano/keyboard and could probably write a little bit to fit into a song but I'm way too heavy handed to be a piano player. I slam on the keys and you have to stroke em to be fluent like Bugs  :o

Take some lessons... anyone can learn anything with time dedication.

What's up  RS7FI8ZRkm (Obama-style terrorist fist jab)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: forgettegrof on June 17, 2013, 03:00 am
I'm changing my post because I just read the complete rules and saw that PM is not the way to go. I need 1.15 btc to complete a purchase. I will be able to pay back with interest over the next week. My SR name is Erofeev. I am not sure what else I can say to prove my legitimacy, but I hope someone will be able to help. Thank you very much.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 17, 2013, 03:03 am

taz  LOL


i had to go get another modem cuz my old one finally quit on me  LOL

sorry about that  :)

did you get everything sorted out ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 17, 2013, 03:11 am
Been super broke, but things are turning around soon.  I think I will do that.  I need more contact than youtube can provide.   :P  I really want to get the Hungarian Rhapsody under my belt.  That's a long project though.

I'm changing my post because I just read the complete rules and saw that PM is not the way to go. I need 1.15 btc to complete a purchase. I will be able to pay back with interest over the next week. My SR name is Erofeev. I am not sure what else I can say to prove my legitimacy, but I hope someone will be able to help. Thank you very much.

It's fine to negotiate terms through pm.  Just don't go spamming people for cash around here.  Post out in the open for everyone to see and wait for others to respond.

I doubt anyone would do it but thank you for trying to follow the rules anyway!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 17, 2013, 03:12 am
RS are you here?

**Looks around the room and hears the wind blow**

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: forgettegrof on June 17, 2013, 03:13 am
Been super broke, but things are turning around soon.  I think I will do that.  I need more contact than youtube can provide.   :P  I really want to get the Hungarian Rhapsody under my belt.  That's a long project though.

I'm changing my post because I just read the complete rules and saw that PM is not the way to go. I need 1.15 btc to complete a purchase. I will be able to pay back with interest over the next week. My SR name is Erofeev. I am not sure what else I can say to prove my legitimacy, but I hope someone will be able to help. Thank you very much.

It's fine to negotiate terms through pm.  Just don't go spamming people for cash around here.  Post out in the open for everyone to see and wait for others to respond.

I doubt anyone would do it but thank you for trying to follow the rules anyway!

Yeah, it is too much, I'll just need to exercise some patience.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 17, 2013, 03:13 am
Fuck i,ve been ill still trippin tho, total fu**ad, hats off to you Chem, i,m to old for this shit lol  ;) (hugs) middle of the night here, gonna try n sleep  ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 17, 2013, 03:13 am
**Squinjts in the darkness**


Box is that you?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 17, 2013, 03:14 am

taz  LOL


i had to go get another modem cuz my old one finally quit on me  LOL

sorry about that  :)

did you get everything sorted out ?
whats his SR name I can send .15 ;) otherwise hes still waiting. and he hasn't replied yet :o

yes I'm still here :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 17, 2013, 03:15 am
everytime i tried to reply someone posted ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 17, 2013, 03:15 am
huggles to ya mary  :)

i've never done that DOM stuff  LOL

just nbome for me :)

good night and be safe 

Hugs  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 17, 2013, 03:17 am
everytime i tried to reply someone posted ;)
LMAO you guys are funny through the night (huge hugs)  :-* :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper800 on June 17, 2013, 03:19 am
ChemCat I hear you can put down the chems... haha. I have one hit of 1000 25i from Righteous in my room right now that I'm looking to get rid of because it scares me.  :o

Too much of a commitment!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 17, 2013, 03:20 am
Fuck i,ve been ill still trippin tho, total fu**ad, hats off to you Chem, i,m to old for this shit lol  ;) (hugs) middle of the night here, gonna try n sleep  ::)
:P an somepoint the drugs started to take hold.. hope your good :) bsafe
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 17, 2013, 03:22 am
we love ya mary  :)

i love his stuff  :)  i think i have 400 tabs of those 1000's left  LOL  ;)

i take alot....i start out with sometimes 2 sometimes 4 tabs at a time. i dont like to do more than 8 tabs in a 4 hour time frame...the trip is all visuals......sometimes i feel like there is electricity going through my body...

i see things that i swear exist...but dont exist...LOL  it's all another reality when i trip  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 17, 2013, 03:23 am
also, been baking a meal for my pop's.. :P so I'm sorta back&fourth ;)

hows everybody doing ^_^?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 17, 2013, 03:25 am
Whatsup everyone, another sleepless night for me. Do you know how long shipments from germany take to UK? I want my sample to arrive already, lets hope it isnt affected by the flooding. And lucky for me, havent found any silly string after waking up haha
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper800 on June 17, 2013, 03:26 am
I'd love to be able to cross the threshold like that....a friend hooked me up with the Righteous the other day. He insisted I take it. He seems to really dig it. Mushrooms are as far as I can push a psychedelic now. I have had my LSD trips (probably some were disguised as LSD) and one not so memorable DMT trip.

I really want to try DMT again. You ever watch that AdamvstheMan where he takes the DMT he ordered from the SR. Looks pretty intense...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 17, 2013, 03:26 am

taz  LOL


i had to go get another modem cuz my old one finally quit on me  LOL

sorry about that  :)

did you get everything sorted out ?
whats his SR name I can send .15 ;) otherwise hes still waiting. and he hasn't replied yet :o

yes I'm still here :)

also hi @ ya melon
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 17, 2013, 03:27 am
I'd love to be able to cross the threshold like that....a friend hooked me up with the Righteous the other day. He insisted I take it. He seems to really dig it. Mushrooms are as far as I can push a psychedelic now. I have had my LSD trips (probably some were disguised as LSD) and one not so memorable DMT trip.

I really want to try DMT again. You ever watch that AdamvstheMan where he takes the DMT he ordered from the SR. Looks pretty intense...
save up $17.50 an buy some from DrShrooms ;).. can't go wrong with the Dr
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 17, 2013, 03:28 am
hiya mel and wutcha cookin for yur pops, RS?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 17, 2013, 03:29 am
So what is causing the drop on the btc value, do you think it will come back up again?
also check out the last reply in this thread http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=173304.0 lool at taz7 haha  and +1 to everyone on this page, just cos im in a good mood
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 17, 2013, 03:32 am
Stay out of bat country!

God I could hardly handle one, let alone 4 25i.  Ahhh!  Makes me feel my blood, just thinking about it....

Hey wait?  Don't I know you from somewhere?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 17, 2013, 03:35 am
How do i set up a signature?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 17, 2013, 03:36 am
you might  LOL

it's nuts, i push the envelope with these tabs, extreme visuals, i go into it with some meditation and knowing that my reality for the next 10 to 14 hours will be different  LOL  i just have the right mindset i guess. i've seen people freak out on one hit...that's why i trip alone....just for this purpose.... to have my awakenings  :)

i dont do that monthly or anything  LOL  however...when i think it's time that god and myself talk...then i prepare for a journey  :)

Peace & Hugs,

ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper800 on June 17, 2013, 03:37 am
@Boxofshapes hahaha feel your blood. that's what I'm afraid of... I'm giving that away. If I was a vendor I would have a one tab only sample :)

The last mushrooms I took came from RedHempfield... the trip was a beautiful psych experience. My whole band was trippin' face and we played for about 5 straight hours.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 17, 2013, 03:38 am
Quote from: mel
How do i set up a signature?

click "Profile> Forum Profile There in you will find that which you seek  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper800 on June 17, 2013, 03:40 am
I've never tripped alone. I find myself escaping from people a lot... last time I walked back and forth from the garage to the beautiful comfort of the outdoors. The last hard LSD trip I had, I ended up on a rough listening to My Morning Jacket on a cell phone for about 2 hours to escape the hectic social environment. Maybe a solo trip is what I'm due.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 17, 2013, 03:40 am
Quote from: mel
How do i set up a signature?

click "Profile> Forum Profile There in you will find that which you seek  :)

cheers chemcat, much appreciated. Would give +1 but already gave you some not too long ago
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 17, 2013, 03:41 am
hiya mel and wutcha cookin for yur pops, RS?

#### Stoned people ####
#### You might not wanna read this :) ####
#### You have been warned ####

slow roasted chicken with caramelized onions, carrots, garlic along with baked potatoes, all glazed with butter an wine, topped with fresh rosemary, salt - pepper..
then I made rice on the side.. and making salad an such also in a bit.. :) its smelling so amazing I keep walking over to woft in the smell :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 17, 2013, 03:43 am
I've never tripped alone. I find myself escaping from people a lot... last time I walked back and forth from the garage to the beautiful comfort of the outdoors. The last hard LSD trip I had, I ended up on a rough listening to My Morning Jacket on a cell phone for about 2 hours to escape the hectic social environment. Maybe a solo trip is what I'm due.

So ive always wanted to try LSD is it really as bad as some people seem to make it out to be ("My mates done it and ever since he has been fucked up in the head")

@RS7 haha fuck you man, now im salivating, but got no food, even though im pretty much sober, that still sounds delicious
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 17, 2013, 03:45 am
Young man!!  Son!!

that is a well prepared meal  :)

toast the rosemary in an already hot skillet...just toast them shortly..they are delicate  :)

4 or 5 seconds at most you will notice and abundant increase in the flavor  :)

Kudos to you :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper800 on June 17, 2013, 03:46 am
I've never tripped alone. I find myself escaping from people a lot... last time I walked back and forth from the garage to the beautiful comfort of the outdoors. The last hard LSD trip I had, I ended up on a rough listening to My Morning Jacket on a cell phone for about 2 hours to escape the hectic social environment. Maybe a solo trip is what I'm due.

So ive always wanted to try LSD is it really as bad as some people seem to make it out to be ("My mates done it and ever since he has been fucked up in the head")

@RS7 haha fuck you man, now im salivating, but got no food, even though im pretty much sober, that still sounds delicious

Honestly, when you first try it you do leave a little something behind or, then again, you gain something I feel. It's a life-changing thing, because you see how reality can be altered so easily. There aren't typically objects that aren't there coming to get you or anything...if you're in a good place mentally and physically, around people you really trust and enjoy, its great and something I recommend trying once in your life. It's usually around a 9-14 hour commitment. Trust everything that is going on and just ride it out. Don't second guess your state too much. Your first time... it's never as bad as they say and it's never as good as they say.

Oh...and that meal looks great. I would personally skip the baked potatoes and make roasted root vegetables with potatoes, sweet potatoes, brussel sprouts, and carrots. Drizzled with a good amount of olive oil... seasoned with thyme, rosemary, and oregano (S&P of course). What you cooked is still spot-on though.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 17, 2013, 03:50 am
I've never tripped alone. I find myself escaping from people a lot... last time I walked back and forth from the garage to the beautiful comfort of the outdoors. The last hard LSD trip I had, I ended up on a rough listening to My Morning Jacket on a cell phone for about 2 hours to escape the hectic social environment. Maybe a solo trip is what I'm due.

So ive always wanted to try LSD is it really as bad as some people seem to make it out to be ("My mates done it and ever since he has been fucked up in the head")

@RS7 haha fuck you man, now im salivating, but got no food, even though im pretty much sober, that still sounds delicious

Honestly, when you first try it you do leave a little something behind or, then again, you gain something I feel. It's a life-changing thing, because you see how reality can be altered so easily. There aren't typically objects that aren't there coming to get you or anything...if you're in a good place mentally and physically, around people you really trust and enjoy, its great and something I recommend trying once in your life. It's usually around a 9-14 hour commitment. Trust everything that is going on and just ride it out. Don't second guess your state too much. Your first time... it's never as bad as they say and it's never as good as they say.

Yeah, when I try it, the only thing that I make sure of is that I am with people I trust and that my mind is straight, and believe me its far from it at the moment haha, maybe during the summer, august?, I will try some when ive got some time off and can fully relax, Im sure nice weather will help as well. Apparently einstein used LSD?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 17, 2013, 03:52 am
I've never tripped alone. I find myself escaping from people a lot... last time I walked back and forth from the garage to the beautiful comfort of the outdoors. The last hard LSD trip I had, I ended up on a rough listening to My Morning Jacket on a cell phone for about 2 hours to escape the hectic social environment. Maybe a solo trip is what I'm due.

So ive always wanted to try LSD is it really as bad as some people seem to make it out to be ("My mates done it and ever since he has been fucked up in the head")

@RS7 haha fuck you man, now im salivating, but got no food, even though im pretty much sober, that still sounds delicious
depends on the person really.. hallucinogens just aren't for some people.. generally if your interested in tripping.. you have a good understanding of the effects of LSD an a strong mind set you can even make a "bad" trip some what enjoyable ;).. one night I decided to pop 5 tabs.. holyshit was I frying hard ;D.. like to the point of almost too much.. but I made the best of the weirdness and continued trying to enjoy it ;) if you never tried any hallucinogens I'd recommend shrooms to start with :) they're a lot of fun in the right environment with good people..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 17, 2013, 03:53 am
Anyone you would recommend ordering shrooms from?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 17, 2013, 03:55 am
hiya mel and wutcha cookin for yur pops, RS?

#### Stoned people ####
#### You might not wanna read this :) ####
#### You have been warned ####

slow roasted chicken with caramelized onions, carrots, garlic along with baked potatoes, all glazed with butter an wine, topped with fresh rosemary, salt - pepper..
then I made rice on the side.. and making salad an such also in a bit.. :) its smelling so amazing I keep walking over to woft in the smell :D

Morning/evening/afternoon ALL  8)

I'm not stoned and it's 5am here, just fucking woke up and I could eat that  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 17, 2013, 03:56 am
Young man!!  Son!!

that is a well prepared meal  :)

toast the rosemary in an already hot skillet...just toast them shortly..they are delicate  :)

4 or 5 seconds at most you will notice and abundant increase in the flavor  :)

Kudos to you :)

the rosemary's been toasting with the chicken dose that count ::) :P

also, yes its gonna be a somewhat a surprise also.. hes expecting us to have dinner but not this ;)

hope he likes it!

I've never tripped alone. I find myself escaping from people a lot... last time I walked back and forth from the garage to the beautiful comfort of the outdoors. The last hard LSD trip I had, I ended up on a rough listening to My Morning Jacket on a cell phone for about 2 hours to escape the hectic social environment. Maybe a solo trip is what I'm due.

So ive always wanted to try LSD is it really as bad as some people seem to make it out to be ("My mates done it and ever since he has been fucked up in the head")

@RS7 haha fuck you man, now im salivating, but got no food, even though im pretty much sober, that still sounds delicious

Honestly, when you first try it you do leave a little something behind or, then again, you gain something I feel. It's a life-changing thing, because you see how reality can be altered so easily. There aren't typically objects that aren't there coming to get you or anything...if you're in a good place mentally and physically, around people you really trust and enjoy, its great and something I recommend trying once in your life. It's usually around a 9-14 hour commitment. Trust everything that is going on and just ride it out. Don't second guess your state too much. Your first time... it's never as bad as they say and it's never as good as they say.

Oh...and that meal looks great. I would personally skip the baked potatoes and make roasted root vegetables with potatoes, sweet potatoes, brussel sprouts, and carrots. Drizzled with a good amount of olive oil... seasoned with thyme, rosemary, and oregano (S&P of course). What you cooked is still spot-on though.
potatoes were for him :P.. rice was for me :o but yeah I like it simple.. words like "brussel sprouts" and "oregano" scare me ;D lol.. jk
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 17, 2013, 03:57 am
Sup Japchap :P +1 so you have a good start to your day
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 17, 2013, 03:57 am
hiya mel and wutcha cookin for yur pops, RS?

#### Stoned people ####
#### You might not wanna read this :) ####
#### You have been warned ####

slow roasted chicken with caramelized onions, carrots, garlic along with baked potatoes, all glazed with butter an wine, topped with fresh rosemary, salt - pepper..
then I made rice on the side.. and making salad an such also in a bit.. :) its smelling so amazing I keep walking over to woft in the smell :D

Morning/evening/afternoon ALL  8)

I'm not stoned and it's 5am here, just fucking woke up and I could eat that  8)

waky bakey :), wazzgood jpan?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 17, 2013, 03:59 am
night time is almost over with here  LOL

Hugs to ya J-Man :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 17, 2013, 04:02 am
hiya mel and wutcha cookin for yur pops, RS?

#### Stoned people ####
#### You might not wanna read this :) ####
#### You have been warned ####

slow roasted chicken with caramelized onions, carrots, garlic along with baked potatoes, all glazed with butter an wine, topped with fresh rosemary, salt - pepper..
then I made rice on the side.. and making salad an such also in a bit.. :) its smelling so amazing I keep walking over to woft in the smell :D

Morning/evening/afternoon ALL  8)

I'm not stoned and it's 5am here, just fucking woke up and I could eat that  8)

waky bakey :), wazzgood jpan?

Wakey Bakey - Indeed  8)

Just been reading about you guys and LSD, shrooms etc - I can't do any of that, I spent my teens tripping my tits off. That's why I love DMT, as is short, 10xmore powerful than normal tripping and no come down  8)

Thanks for the +1 (got 150 now!) - sent some your way too Melon  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 17, 2013, 04:02 am
Alright, another question, im ordering some bud off WhiteShark, Im not sure whether to go for half an oz and express shipping, or full oz and airmail, the price difference between the postage options is massive, but is there realkly that much difference?

@Japan Your Welcome and Thank You
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 17, 2013, 04:03 am
night time is almost over with here  LOL

Hugs to ya J-Man :)

Back at ya Chem  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 17, 2013, 04:15 am
is this correct?


i mean i know my math is right and i know how old i am   ::)

     - 1935

Have i became senile and forgot my own age?  LOL

Feck it  :P

night / morning to ya'll  :)

Peace & Hugs

Chem  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 17, 2013, 04:19 am
is this correct?


i mean i know my math is right and i know how old i am   ::)

     - 1935

Have i became senile and forgot my own age?  LOL

Feck it  :P

night / morning to ya'll  :)

Peace & Hugs

Chem  O0

Don't worry Chem that idiot on the other thread has just been put straight  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 17, 2013, 04:33 am
How old do you have to be to be old enough to be that old? 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 17, 2013, 04:36 am
old as mold :o


taz7 i got yur msg :)

Sent the 0.23000000 to DigitaliOrgasmica

Send back as soon as ya can Please  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 17, 2013, 04:37 am
thank you japan :)

a million hugs to you  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 17, 2013, 04:39 am
How old do you have to be to be old enough to be that old? 
old enough to be that old is how old you have to be.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 17, 2013, 04:40 am
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MollyBaba on June 17, 2013, 04:42 am
Hey guys, I'm $3 short on an order from 420connections. He's having a 20% off sale all week long and Sunday was the last day of the sale, prices go up monday. I'm trying to get an 8th of it while the prices are low. If someone could help me out i'd appreciate it and will pay you back this week when i get BTC.

Thank you very much

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on June 17, 2013, 04:45 am
7 pages in just the last 6 hours, this is insane.. does anyone actually need any coin?

Alright, another question, im ordering some bud off WhiteShark, Im not sure whether to go for half an oz and express shipping, or full oz and airmail, the price difference between the postage options is massive, but is there realkly that much difference?

got an order from white shark last week using normal airmail, took under a week but other people have been waiting longer. express is like 3-5 days to uk usually but extortionate imo and apparently gets more scrutiny at customs. down to personal preference really but surely a half with express brings it up to domestic pricing..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on June 17, 2013, 04:47 am
Hey guys, I'm $3 short on an order from 420connections. He's having a 20% off sale all week long and Sunday was the last day of the sale, prices go up monday. I'm trying to get an 8th of it while the prices are low. If someone could help me out i'd appreciate it and will pay you back this week when i get BTC.

Thank you very much


sr username? amount in btc? no one really sends to btc addresses here
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 17, 2013, 05:00 am
howdy ron :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 17, 2013, 05:02 am
7 pages in just the last 6 hours, this is insane.. does anyone actually need any coin?

Alright, another question, im ordering some bud off WhiteShark, Im not sure whether to go for half an oz and express shipping, or full oz and airmail, the price difference between the postage options is massive, but is there realkly that much difference?

got an order from white shark last week using normal airmail, took under a week but other people have been waiting longer. express is like 3-5 days to uk usually but extortionate imo and apparently gets more scrutiny at customs. down to personal preference really but surely a half with express brings it up to domestic pricing..

You are right Ron, thanks for helping me make my mind up +1to you my friend. Im gonna  go with full oz and airmail, dont mind waiting, especially with higher chances of getting through customs than express haha, was her kush as good as everyone says?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 17, 2013, 05:36 am
Just logged onto SR and saw this on the front page - thought Id click on it, and found it rather amusing!


 8) 8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper800 on June 17, 2013, 05:45 am
Hahahaha that is great. Seems odd to sell that and not feed it to the kid. Guess if the price is right...hahaha!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on June 17, 2013, 05:48 am
hi rs7stringofrandomness haha
errm it was bubba kush which isn't the strongest of strains in my experience but you can see/feel/taste the superiority through better growing/curing and all that. sure it was pretty chill and sent me to sleep a good few times before i completely murdered my tolerance getting through the entire oz in a week... dunno, watch out for the short term memory loss lol. i think she's still on 100% delivery success either way but no refunds for international no shows except on tracked options which is shitty but has become the norm with north american cannabis vendors recently. there's some well detailed reviews, much better than my lazy input in the uk cannabis thread: http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=11298.0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 17, 2013, 05:59 am
ok, cheers Ron, surely for that price its hard to go wrong, I guess we will see, does her package fit through the letterbox easily?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 17, 2013, 06:05 am
bahaha thats not a weird daily supplement
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on June 17, 2013, 06:21 am
yep, my thoughts exactly! fingers crossed it shows up fast for you mate. should fit your slot just fine if it's wrapped like mine ;)
expressing breast milk uses up a lot of calories. or so i've heard... yeah. so if you've popped one out recently anyway and the littleuns done with your milk jugs, probably want to shed more baby weight, won't have time for exercise... NATURE! well a human milking machine. there was an ice cream shop in london selling breast milk ice cream within the last couple years. not sure if they're still running with that. people are odd.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 17, 2013, 06:40 am
shitcazz ST restocked :o
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 17, 2013, 06:41 am
I need ta go get money ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 17, 2013, 06:51 am
I need ta go get money ::)

For the breast milk?  8)

Seems expensive to me - Plus I reckon the vendor's probably selling mixed up milk formula. It's like 2.2BTC for however much...

Just been browsing his store he sells some weird and wonderful things!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 17, 2013, 06:54 am
I need ta go get money ::)

For the breast milk?  8)

Seems expensive to me - Plus I reckon the vendor's probably selling mixed up milk formula. It's like 2.2BTC for however much...

Just been browsing his store he sells some weird and wonderful things!!
:P no, not for the milk
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ozzietrader on June 17, 2013, 11:07 am
Please my order got cancelled due to problem and now I am 0.05 bitcoins short to make the purchase.

Can anyone lend me 0.05 bitcoins? I can pay back 0.1 bitcoins in exactly a fortnight (I get money fortnightly)

Name is ozzietrader
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 17, 2013, 01:54 pm
am i correct in thinking that when you transfer the money from your wallet to sr account, they are automatically laundered?, shit i misread that, what they mean is that when sending money from my sr account to seller, they go through a number of different addresses, is that right?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ozzietrader on June 17, 2013, 03:28 pm
Hi I created a thread called "Looking for a special favour- a moderate sized bitcoin loan"- it has all the info in it, but basically I want to build a trust relationship with someone that can lend me moderate amounts of bitcoins from time to time (maybe every 6-8 weeks) or so and ALWAYS get payed back on time with interest. This is something that could benefit me and the person willing to put trust in me. Just an idea. I have a perfect transaction record.

You know lending bitcoins to the right person, is a potential way to make to make a profit, its all in choosing the right people to trust, and I suggest people with good transaction histories are a good place to start.

That's all I have to say

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 17, 2013, 04:05 pm
sorry ozzie, i'm tapped out right now :(

send a link to your thread and we'll look it over..then you can come back here and we'll discuss it.

Remember, right now some of us are tapped out on Bitcoins.

ChemCat O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 17, 2013, 04:08 pm
Quote from: meloniasty
am i correct in thinking that when you transfer the money from your wallet to sr account, they are automatically laundered?, shit i misread that, what they mean is that when sending money from my sr account to seller, they go through a number of different addresses, is that right?

"Tumbled"  SR tumbles the coins before they get to your account as well as everytime you deploy coins FROM your account.

As far as i know......

Peace & Hugs,

ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 17, 2013, 05:24 pm
:) morning droogies
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on June 17, 2013, 05:28 pm
morning all, hoping today is a good day for mail. got 3 orders supposed to be coming in this week. One of them is my largest yet on SR, got me worried!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 17, 2013, 05:29 pm
:) may the force be with you ytab
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 17, 2013, 05:38 pm
hey you two  :)

Hugs to ya Both :)

RS wow looks like ya made alot of posts  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 17, 2013, 05:40 pm
ytab, more than a QP?

oh r somethun else?

heh heh  :)

i'm nervous as well :(

got alot goin on in mmy head ???
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 17, 2013, 05:43 pm
(bear hugs)

;) been exploring more threads latly ::)

how you doing?

nervous because, the vacct? :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 17, 2013, 05:50 pm
hi everyone  ;) I,m back, just not proper back lol  :o need sleep, had none yet, get soon  ;) Whats up Chem hun, you ok  :-* :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 17, 2013, 05:56 pm
:P hope you had fun

:-* morning mary, get some sleepy time :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 17, 2013, 06:09 pm
:P hope you had fun

:-* morning mary, get some sleepy time :)

I wish the good was ruined by the sickness  :o :o my man was ok a bit sickly feeling for a wee while (most people say this 1st or 2nd hour but i,m still like that now and have been since taking  ::)  +24hrs he ho rode it out, body needs to catch up  ;)
How you today hun  :-* have a good one  ;)

Hugs Dad, where you at??, as you yanks say  :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 17, 2013, 06:25 pm
am here  :)

just frying some green tomato slices  :)

back and forth LOL

doin some clothes and cookin LOL

oh ya say no sleep?  geez!!  then i dont wanna try that stuff  LOL

Love ya'll,

Chem O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 17, 2013, 06:28 pm
;) try DMT chem
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 17, 2013, 06:32 pm
wait :o
now i'm confused  LOL

isnt that what mary and her man took? domt?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 17, 2013, 06:34 pm
"fried green tomatoes" lol yeah i,d 100% agree with RS would be nice if it lasted a bit longer, ha ha, moanin minny  ;) The DMT was lovely i don,t recommend DOM Tabs well they,re not for me anyway, too long to come on and too long lasting and whats up with the sickness?? Naw... DMT, just wouldn,t do it too often  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 17, 2013, 06:35 pm
>_< lol

DMT -> what I bought for boxy, an what me an japan talk about..

DOM -> what mary an her man took lastnight :P

also @ mary I am good thanks :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 17, 2013, 06:39 pm
wait :o
now i'm confused  LOL

isnt that what mary and her man took? domt?
It was Fri or Sat we tried the DMT, was great  ;) lol now am gettin confused we,re in dissagreement we can,t mind if it was fri or sat  ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on June 17, 2013, 06:39 pm
Got my 60 hits 25 i in the mail :). Got 100 grams MDMA coming in soon. So antsy.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 17, 2013, 06:41 pm
Got my 60 hits 25 i in the mail :). Got 100 grams MDMA coming in soon. So antsy.
:o very nice! besafe now :)

@chemmy http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=156928.0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 17, 2013, 06:42 pm
Got my 60 hits 25 i in the mail :). Got 100 grams MDMA coming in soon. So antsy.
whats this 25 i? I,m a nosey cow, moo  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on June 17, 2013, 06:44 pm
Got my 60 hits 25 i in the mail :). Got 100 grams MDMA coming in soon. So antsy.
whats this 25 i? I,m a nosey cow, moo  ;)
25 i nbome. psychedelic rc similar in ways to lsd but different in its own ways and incredibly cheaper
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 17, 2013, 06:48 pm
Oh Chems nbome,s lol cheers hun  :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 17, 2013, 06:50 pm

That's why i do high doses of the N-bombs   :)

same thing ..prolly a little more intense  :) 

i like it to last like that for at least 9 hours, i go into it knowing that i am just stepping from one reality into another  ....Quite Real....reality  LOL  ya know?  i'll have to try it then post in your thread  :)

Peace & Hugs ya'll  :)

Chem  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 17, 2013, 06:54 pm
I,m away to watch (stare through) the gadget show then bed need zzz hugs  :-* :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 17, 2013, 06:56 pm
sweet dreams :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 17, 2013, 07:01 pm
is there a link to this pre loaded machine?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 17, 2013, 07:10 pm
Here's a link to a preloaded machine from a vendor who sends internationally (worldwide free delivery too)  - This is where I got mine and it's fucking awesome.

except I dunno if the listing still exists :P

edit: yep, its there :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 17, 2013, 07:12 pm
really really easy to make one though ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 17, 2013, 07:47 pm
night mary  :)

hugs to ya  :)

ok, i thibnk i can make this machine  :)

now i'll see about the vendors, recomend anyone?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 17, 2013, 07:52 pm
if you dont mind waiting an want it domestically, I am getting a sample from  (Jeffbobb -> http://silkroadvb5piz3r.onion/silkroad/user/b837eeb5d4) ;) I'll let you know how he is first..

otherwise, you cant go wrong with (DRshrooms -> http://silkroadvb5piz3r.onion/silkroad/user/6548abc4cc)
except looks like hes out of white DMT :(

always wanted to try DReaMensioN's Organic 99.9% Amazon Extract  (http://silkroadvb5piz3r.onion/silkroad/item/522948f53d) bit pricy though :P
hes a great vendor though.. I bought some sass from him while back.. came in very stealth, he kept great communication :), an the product was amazing!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tedrux on June 17, 2013, 08:01 pm
would any one care to help me acquire ayahuasca or dmt in order to attempt an ego death/ just see some cool shit? This was highly recommended to me.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 17, 2013, 08:16 pm
would any one care to help me acquire ayahuasca or dmt in order to attempt an ego death/ just see some cool shit? This was highly recommended to me.
I'm down to put 0.05 as a giftcode for you towards DRshrooms ;)
should I expect to be repayed or no ::)?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 17, 2013, 08:18 pm
yeah i dont mind waiting, as i believe that i can make onbe of these "Machines"


Hiya and Welcome back tedrux  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 17, 2013, 08:22 pm
I used a screw driver :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper800 on June 17, 2013, 08:23 pm
This Freddie Prinze Junior avatar rocks. :-[
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 17, 2013, 08:25 pm
would any one care to help me acquire ayahuasca or dmt in order to attempt an ego death/ just see some cool shit? This was highly recommended to me.
I'm down to put 0.05 as a giftcode for you towards DRshrooms ;)
should I expect to be repayed or no ::)?
:o giftcodes have been disabled :/
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tedrux on June 17, 2013, 08:29 pm
whats a gift code? why disabled? yes I'll pay you back, I swear on my life. :D what is the list price going to be like?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 17, 2013, 08:35 pm
Quote from: tedrux
yes I'll pay you back, I swear on my life. :D

**grabs tedrux and flies around the room like a pterydactel**


Welcome to the Family tedrux  (Hugs)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 17, 2013, 08:36 pm
whats a gift code? why disabled? yes I'll pay you back, I swear on my life. :D what is the list price going to be like?
was $17.60 :o but looks like someone just snagged it :(.. you could PM Jeffbobb an ask him if he'll be a nice guy an create a custom order of 100 MG instead of 250 MG ;)

or you could buy some acid ^_^
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 17, 2013, 08:37 pm
didn't know 'pterydactel' existed :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 17, 2013, 08:42 pm
take two of these :) (http://silkroadvb5piz3r.onion/silkroad/item/aafd5fbf44)
or possibly one of these (http://silkroadvb5piz3r.onion/silkroad/item/226106a6f6) ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper800 on June 17, 2013, 08:45 pm
You could find an 8th of killer mushrooms or slam a gram of those $17 cyanescens on SR. That would do you in good :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 17, 2013, 08:46 pm
hiya jasper :)

welcome back :P

what size bottle @ RS?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper800 on June 17, 2013, 08:50 pm
I'm surprised that there are no listings for absinthe. Whats up ChemCat?

100th post! Full mother-effin member.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 17, 2013, 08:53 pm

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tedrux on June 17, 2013, 08:53 pm
Im a NOOB :( I don't know how to do any of this stuffs.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on June 17, 2013, 09:18 pm
yes I'll pay you back, I swear on my life.

hahaha brilliant
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 17, 2013, 09:31 pm
hiya jasper :)

welcome back :P

what size bottle @ RS?
:) sorry tails crashed :(

something you can hold in one hand.. you dont want it too big though.. I used a flask sized jameson whiskey bottle ;)

edit: also anything with a natural intent helps ;)

Im a NOOB :( I don't know how to do any of this stuffs.

have you read the wiki :o?

yes I'll pay you back, I swear on my life.

hahaha brilliant
morning ron :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 17, 2013, 09:56 pm
flask sized jameson tomorrow i will get  LOL

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 17, 2013, 09:59 pm
Greetings Ron  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 17, 2013, 10:16 pm
flask sized jameson tomorrow i will get  LOL


henessy bottles are supposed work great cause the indent on the bottom ;).. if you use a jameson bottle, be careful!! :) go slowly an tap at the bottom (use the driver like a chisel) an tap the back end with something blunt.. but again be careful..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 17, 2013, 10:18 pm
if you have any glass SoBE bottles laying around that would work nicely too

or perhaps a glass drill :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MC Haberdasher on June 17, 2013, 10:24 pm
Hey everyone..  I am short .23 btc for an order.  Can pay back this weekend when I get my coins from BST.

Thanks alot in advance!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 17, 2013, 10:29 pm
yeah i have a couple diamond bits layin around for glass.

sobe bottles?  ok i'll get one of those tomorrw as well and look at the difference  ....

i'll msg you tomorrow if i remember...i'm torn right now..i have alot on my plate IRL and dont want to over do it...ya know?


my brain just wont stop  :(

gonna go lay down for a few....
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 17, 2013, 10:30 pm
Sorry haberdasher, i'm tapped out right now , my friend  :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 17, 2013, 10:32 pm
Hey everyone..  I am short .23 btc for an order.  Can pay back this weekend when I get my coins from BST.

Thanks alot in advance!
got .15 I can spot you :) whats your SR name?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 17, 2013, 10:33 pm
don't over do it ;).. go lay down :) I'll be here later

:-* (hugs)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 17, 2013, 10:39 pm
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MC Haberdasher on June 17, 2013, 10:40 pm
The name is haberdasher..  And thanks alot!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 17, 2013, 10:44 pm
ok, i'll edit my last post and put "haberdasher" in place of "MC"

Sorry about dat  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MC Haberdasher on June 17, 2013, 10:47 pm
ok, i'll edit my last post and put "haberdasher" in place of "MC"

Sorry about dat  :)

Smartass..   ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 17, 2013, 10:49 pm
sent 0.15 out of 0.23 = 0.08 more to go :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 17, 2013, 10:54 pm


hugs to ya haberdasher  ;)

hows life been treatin ya?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MC Haberdasher on June 17, 2013, 10:59 pm


hugs to ya haberdasher  ;)

hows life been treatin ya?

Seen better days, but hopefully there are even better ones to come. 

And thank you, RS7FI8ZRkm.  I will notify you once coins start moving in my direction on Friday.  My week just got a bit better.

All taken care of.  Thanks guys.  Expect a response from me come friday.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 17, 2013, 11:55 pm
whats your sr username, nevermind, found it, sent You 0.09 Haberdasher
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tedrux on June 18, 2013, 12:06 am

please feed my wallet until enough for dmt or ayahuasca. pretty please :)))
or , set up a custom listing and only allow transactions with account /member tedrux.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MC Haberdasher on June 18, 2013, 12:07 am
whats your sr username, nevermind, found it, sent You 0.09 Haberdasher

Dog..  You are the man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tedrux on June 18, 2013, 12:09 am
I'm sorry I seem so slow. I feel like a fat kid who they let on the track team. please have patience , I am trying to work with you all . I am just unsure in my footing here and stumbling untill I hit a stride.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 18, 2013, 12:17 am
tedrux, if yur still around...if you've stuck around and you're serious about tryin some dmt or wutever ya about 2 weeks....i'll send you $25.00 worth of bitcoins at that particular time.


you ever think about study'n A.I. bots? the A.L.I.C.E. foundation has some outdated code, but a good place to start and learn  :)

Well, i'm gonna go poop now, been backed up for a couple days and that always makes me a little irritable.. 

Peace and Hugs :)

ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 18, 2013, 12:27 am
whats your sr username, nevermind, found it, sent You 0.09 Haberdasher

Dog..  You are the man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your Welcome haberdasher
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: FollowIcculus on June 18, 2013, 12:33 am
whats your sr username, nevermind, found it, sent You 0.09 Haberdasher

Dog..  You are the man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Still in need?  I have a few bucks I can spare.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tedrux on June 18, 2013, 12:38 am
blue sky.....
chirp birds....
SOBiNG sofTly
F   r   e   i   n   d   s   h   i   p

just a little free form poem to express my joy at the comrodery and good vibes here on the road. mixed with a little of my gem-in-eye tendancy to contrast.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 18, 2013, 01:02 am

look up  ^^^

see my last post?


tell me now nif ya need that or are willing to wait that long...cuz if ya dont...i'll have to respectfully recend my offer.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 18, 2013, 01:07 am

You're right  :)

Here without first....then some users here....if they come back...will have my opinion....that would put a sour taste in my mouth and i would be very reluctant to lend to them again....i have some now...that have been given  alot of rope....beginning of next month i will be adding to the shit list...if you've borrowed from me and havent repaid said loan...please be a sweetheart and msg me letting me know your alive and gonna make an effort to pay back the good karma  :) Even though we're just pixels online...honesty and paying back what Ya Borrowed Builds Trust And Integrity Within A Family Unit.

Peace & Hugs,

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tedrux on June 18, 2013, 01:14 am
yes to your offer chemcat
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper800 on June 18, 2013, 01:18 am
That's the problem with a lot of people online. It's as if they are treating others as if they are simply pixels on the screen. They figure... "I will take this dude's money and what are they gonna do to me?" It's the good people who realize that they are talking to other good people. The trolls, scammers, and overall fuckheads are the ones who are miserable in their real lives and come online to a world of good people at their disposal. How anyone could take someone's money on here and not feel a sense of urgency everyday until the debt is paid is beyond me. Lending money to someone you know in the real world is one thing, to be kind enough to do it for someone who is completely anonymous to you online is another. Get real people. Pay up.

........rant over.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 18, 2013, 01:22 am
okay, two weeks or less i will contact you here asking for your Silk Road screen name.
At that time, please msg me back within 24 hours with your Silk Road screen name.
24 Hours...No longer. if i dont hear from you in that 24 hour time frame...Deals off.

i dont meant to sound like a butthead....but there are others that would like that as well   :)

ya know?  :P

Peace & Hugs,

ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 18, 2013, 01:25 am
comes with the territory @ Jasper  ;)

i babble to much  LOL

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tedrux on June 18, 2013, 01:31 am
Thank you very kindly for your generosity mr. Cat. =^.^=
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 18, 2013, 01:36 am
you're very welcome, tedrux  :)

Be sure to remind me throughout the 14 day that i know your SR screen name.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tedrux on June 18, 2013, 01:38 am
yeah, I've been meaning to set up an avatar but i'm not sure how
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 18, 2013, 01:40 am
well, i guess if one would search avatar in the search bar up there ^^

one might find a good deal of information  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 18, 2013, 02:21 am

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 18, 2013, 02:25 am

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 18, 2013, 02:58 am
how you doing :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 18, 2013, 03:06 am


i'm doin ok :)

just givin some things alot of thought ...  slow...gonna be on slow mode for now  :)

Hugs & kisses to ya RS  :)

ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper Jenson on June 18, 2013, 03:18 am
@ RS7: I'm going to be getting some coins on Friday. Will be sending back the money I owe you.

@everyone lending in this thread: Keep up the awrsome work. Its have this thread when needed.


Edit: Oh, and like I said last week I'll have a lil lefy when all's said and done and will be helping since I have had some help from some of you! Japan1980.and RS7)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 18, 2013, 03:39 am
hey this is new  LOL


how about the self cleaning cat genie  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: whiteheat on June 18, 2013, 04:06 am
help a poor junkie buy some methadone to quit his habit 8)  just 0.012 btc needed.  send to sr name: wankydoodle.  PLEASE and Thank you
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 18, 2013, 07:18 am
:( sorry outta coins
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Descarte on June 18, 2013, 07:59 am
Your sorted whiteheat.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 18, 2013, 08:08 am
Morning all  ;) stonedstupor paid back 0.03  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 18, 2013, 02:00 pm
Whats up Mary, whats up Everyone!!
I need some help, mainly from people in UK, but everyone else, feel free to respond to this as well.

So, I got a letter with the sample (international within EU, more precisely from Germany) today, and I got really excited, that is until I realized that the letter was open not at the top, where it was closed, but on the side it was completely open, from top to bottom (kind of looks like its been cut open, but can't be sure). Now, on the envelope there are only the stamps and the recipients address as well as the return address. I can't see anything that could indicate that customs open it (do they always indicate that they have opened the package?). I am kind of getting nervous about it, what does it mean and what should I do. I have got a fairly large shipment coming to the same address. Is my address flagged, or in danger in any way, or should I not worry about it?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 18, 2013, 02:20 pm
mornin mel  :)

so was the sample in it?

sounds like yur mail went through some tough times  :o

was it your normal postman that delivered the letter / sample ?

anything else seem out of ordinary?

i ask this because i've had packages get to me but they looked as if they had been beat up  LOL

had one box that the whole corner was torn open...but nothing was missing  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on June 18, 2013, 02:32 pm
Just wanted to say THANK YOU to RS7FI8ZRkm for paying back the .03 right when he said he would. So +1 to you !

Hope everyone has a great day!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 18, 2013, 02:34 pm
hiya King  :)

gonna run out to town ....gottuh do some window shoppin  LOL
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 18, 2013, 02:47 pm
mornin mel  :)

so was the sample in it?

sounds like yur mail went through some tough times  :o

was it your normal postman that delivered the letter / sample ?

anything else seem out of ordinary?

i ask this because i've had packages get to me but they looked as if they had been beat up  LOL

had one box that the whole corner was torn open...but nothing was missing  :)
Whats up ChemCat

Well, the sample was in it, and still vacuumed, in fact the vacuum part doesn't look like it was eve touched. This is the main reason why I am baffled about it and not sure what to do and what it means. The post man, I'm suspecting it was the usual one, but I don't know cos I was sleeping, the reason why I think it was the usual one is that other mail was brought with the sample.

So the only thing that seems strange to me is that the letter was open on the side, and it looks like fairly clean cut (or as if someone had wet the edge of the envelope and it just split along the wet area, so you get the idea, not perfectly clean cut, but fairly clean. In fact all the edges of the envelope look kind of weak, as if it was an old envelope, or as if it was filed down to really low thickness (I can tear other edges fairly easily.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on June 18, 2013, 03:02 pm
What up ChemCat!...enjoy your window shopping...

Good morning (or afternoon) to you Mary666! and Melo,RS

And great post whiteheat....honest ans straight to the point!


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 18, 2013, 03:31 pm
had one box that the whole corner was torn open...but nothing was missing  :)

I apologize on behalf of boxes everywhere...

We get curious.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 18, 2013, 03:33 pm
my favorite box!!

Goot Moanin BoxofShapes  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 18, 2013, 03:36 pm
Hi Chem, RS RX, Mel, Boxy n everybody else  ;) hope everyone,s good  :-* :-*, managed to order a 3.5g weed  :P
Whitesharks package came to me quite battered, wasn,t open but it had certainly been flung around lol  ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 18, 2013, 03:39 pm
Hiya mary  :)

Huggles to ya  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 18, 2013, 03:44 pm
Sup RxKing and Box

So what youre saying guys is that it should be ok? Thanks, cos I got a bit anxious, as I haven't been on the road long. Its my 5th package/letter, and its the first time something like that has happened. Lets hope the order from WS gets through the customs and to mine without any problems, otherwise im screwed as I got it shipped with airmail hah, and therefore wont get a refund unless Ive got proof of seizure :D

And mary, I know why your package was flung around so much, you chose the express shipping, and they were like "Oh shit, we must hurry up to get this kush to marys quickly" so they didnt have time to do things more carefully, they wanted to please you, and despite delivering in just 4 days, you are still not satisfied haha :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 18, 2013, 04:02 pm
I won,t go into WS packaging Mel but i will say mine wasn,t in a bubble envelope and was a bit ripped but not right through as it was a thick envelope  ;)

Huggles Chem  :-* :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: 45mypet on June 18, 2013, 04:07 pm
I wouldn't mind some free bc  8). Just shoot me a pm if you'd be willing.

Peace, Love and happiness
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RFTS on June 18, 2013, 04:14 pm
So I had a no show on my mdma and ended up getting a partial refund am just wondering if anyone would be able to lend me $11usd(or part of it) so I can try from another vendor, it'd be of great help because I could get my order out this week instead of next Tuesday which is the day I will be able to pay it back. I can offer a small amount of interest on the payback too(won't be more then like $10 as I'm a struggler)
My sr name is RFTS too
Thanks either way lovely people.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper800 on June 18, 2013, 04:36 pm
I wouldn't mind some free bc  8). Just shoot me a pm if you'd be willing.

Peace, Love and happiness

Read the rules a bit closer, my friend.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 18, 2013, 05:37 pm
                                   :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

    ****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

    1) Anyone can ask for coins!
    2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
    3) **When requesting, post your SR name** so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.  :)
    4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
    5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
    6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
    7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
    8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

    [++++] Recently added.
    [*] Currently on both lists :(.

    Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

    List of Users who have lent coins -

    Atlantic Exchange
    Autobondon *
    dr gonzo
    Jasper800 ++++
    Mike Hunt
    White Out

    The shit list:
    Autobondon *
    danceandsing ++++
    King Karma
    lufc1992uk ++++
    p4tr1ckb4t3m4n ++++
    ZenAndTheArt ++++

    *^*do not lend to these people*^*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 18, 2013, 05:39 pm
Please msg me or pay back soon.

send to    p4tr1ckb4t3m4n    ฿-0.03     May 29, 2013

send to    lufc1992uk    ฿-0.04    May 13, 2013

send to    danceandsing    ฿-0.05    June 2, 2013

Thank you,

ChemCat O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 18, 2013, 05:53 pm

Didn't you tell thisworld not to pay you back?  It was a very weird night...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 18, 2013, 06:01 pm

past posts have been amended  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on June 18, 2013, 06:24 pm
Hi all! CC,Japan,Box,RS,Mary and all :D

Been Ill since Friday so haven't been online.Hope your all well ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 18, 2013, 06:44 pm
Hi Darktime  ;) hope your good now friend  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 18, 2013, 06:58 pm
Hey gang , cant stop to chat till later but just wanted to say : thanks , such a  nice surprise to log in to find funds in my account yesterday -  , thank you Chem, I will have the funds to pay you back tonight , I'm wailing on the transaction below- I used virwox ,  who let you use a card to buy linden $ and then exchange them for btc - new accounts have a 48 hour manual verification step , 36 of witch have passed for me .

N E 1 planing to use them remember to change the default password and remember your username  ( I forgot mine ) , or you will have to register again and be subject to the 48 hour new user wait again .

I'll be back soon guys , just waned to let you know I didn't do a runner to mote carlo !

Hugs all round - see you in bit =)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 18, 2013, 07:29 pm
had one box that the whole corner was torn open...but nothing was missing  :)

I apologize on behalf of boxes everywhere...

We get curious.
;D lmao

good morning darktime, melon, Rxking, mary, taz, jpan, chemmy, boxy, jasper'ers, descar, ted,
hmm who might I be forgetting :P..
not sure.. but :) good morning/evening to everyone anyways ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: zipstyle on June 18, 2013, 07:35 pm
Hello everyone!

Just wanted to stop by and ask if anyone would be able to spare me .01 btc, same username on marketplace.

Thanks in advance!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 18, 2013, 07:36 pm
mornin  :)

ya said flask sized?

i havent had the chance to get it today, but ya also said henessy bottle?

i'll look at them tomorrow, today has been kind of hectic around here  LOL  crazy goats got out and tore up the flower bed :o
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 18, 2013, 07:39 pm
oh i hope i posted the most recent version of the Rules / Shit List

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 18, 2013, 07:40 pm
Hello everyone!

Just wanted to stop by and ask if anyone would be able to spare me .01 btc, same username on marketplace.

Thanks in advance!
sent :), should I expect to be repaid or not :)?

@chemmy let me try find a picture..
:) also, anything can work, just for fun I made one with a random wine bottle that had a nice indent on the bottom.. tapped the bottm couple good ones an broke a perfect hole on the bottom :) but cause you have a diamond bit you could jus use that
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 18, 2013, 07:46 pm
looks like the most recent :) ::) quote!!!!! not c&p lol... it'll keep my mild OCD at bay :P

also, this is what I used for james bottle

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 18, 2013, 07:51 pm
ok  :)

hole in the bottom then?  what about hole in the lower side?


just curious  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 18, 2013, 07:56 pm
you want it parallel with the neck of the bottle because you point it down towards your feet when you smoke it. an kinda turn the bottle little bit in between lighting, so if you had it towards one edge of the bottle you'd have a hard time rotating the bottle :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dipset on June 18, 2013, 08:01 pm
Ugh, mortified that I have to ask for some spare change, but I came up a few dollars short on a order. Anyone that feels like helping a brother out will go on my OUI favor list for the same type of thing (some spare change) or anything that I can do anonymously for them. Please, please, please. The bitcoin address to help me out is as follows: 195w7fgqtR86cRSosMx4RXEWQ3J8fyBonr. Thank you guys.

UPDATE: SR username: prawjekt 

If anyone can loan me like four bucks, I will pay them back promptly next time I buy coins which will be a few days to a week at maximum. Karma giving will be abound as well. Thanks to anyone that helps. Take care y'all.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 18, 2013, 08:06 pm
no one sends to address here.. you'll need to give your SR account name ;)

also, greetings.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 18, 2013, 08:07 pm
Quote from: RS7FI8ZRkm
you want it parallel with the neck of the bottle because you point it down towards your feet when you smoke it. an kinda turn the bottle little bit in between lighting, so if you had it towards one edge of the bottle you'd have a hard time rotating the bottle :P

ok i think i got it...

a)  flame / melt
b) heat bottle neck (vaporize dont direct heat)
c) stop heating, then inhale whats gathered in the flask chamber

sounds like that about it right?  LOL

i know i know  :P

i need to go read more i know  :P


Chem O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 18, 2013, 08:08 pm
and, if you feel shameful asking for a handout, perhaps you could ask for a loan instead ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 18, 2013, 08:12 pm
you heat the neck of the bottle when your melting the DMT in to the steel wool, otherwise you hit the flame directly onto the steel.. but very briefly.. an inhaling very, very slowly.. it'll start to feel like you can't smoke anymore just keep trying till your lungs feel like they're ready to explode.. just keep holding it in, then sit back an buckle up :),  begin to enjoy the ride! :D

Quote from:
To use The Machine, simply point the neck downwards and heat the
steel wool plug from below with a lighter, while slowly inhaling through
the hole made in the bottom. (Take care not to overheat and ignite the
steel wool.) Rotating the bottle while heating will help it volatilize evenly.
The high surface area and heat distribution of the steel wool traps the
liquid alkaloid, both retaining it and driving it into vapor. This trapping
effect also permits the pipe to be simply set down, then picked up
and reheated, as needed.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 18, 2013, 08:18 pm
Are  you taking some now Chem  :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: zipstyle on June 18, 2013, 08:20 pm
Hello everyone!

Just wanted to stop by and ask if anyone would be able to spare me .01 btc, same username on marketplace.

Thanks in advance!
sent :), should I expect to be repaid or not :)?

@chemmy let me try find a picture..
:) also, anything can work, just for fun I made one with a random wine bottle that had a nice indent on the bottom.. tapped the bottm couple good ones an broke a perfect hole on the bottom :) but cause you have a diamond bit you could jus use that

Hey RS7FI8ZRkm, thank you!
I'm not sure when I can pay you back, but if/when I ever get more coins in my account I will send ya the .01 btc :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 18, 2013, 08:24 pm
Hello everyone!

Just wanted to stop by and ask if anyone would be able to spare me .01 btc, same username on marketplace.

Thanks in advance!
sent :), should I expect to be repaid or not :)?

@chemmy let me try find a picture..
:) also, anything can work, just for fun I made one with a random wine bottle that had a nice indent on the bottom.. tapped the bottm couple good ones an broke a perfect hole on the bottom :) but cause you have a diamond bit you could jus use that

Hey RS7FI8ZRkm, thank you!
I'm not sure when I can pay you back, but if/when I ever get more coins in my account I will send ya the .01 btc :)
:) you are welcome!
but, don't worry about it, just help somebody else someday :), pay it forward!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 18, 2013, 08:34 pm
ok when you say steel wool you mean steel wool or do you mean the steel scouring pad?

there is a difference..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 18, 2013, 08:35 pm
nah not yet mary  :)

gotta wait on some people then i might order some when i have some extra cash  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 18, 2013, 08:41 pm
nah not yet mary  :)

gotta wait on some people then i might order some when i have some extra cash  :)
How much are you gonna buy like  :o lol will chip in for a bit for you gladly  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 18, 2013, 08:46 pm
brilo pads/scouring pad :)

these things ->

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 18, 2013, 08:49 pm
brilo pads/scouring pad :)

these things ->

I gave the wool a little burn 1st to get any shit off it before i put the DMT on it, don,t know if you need to  :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 18, 2013, 08:53 pm
i dont know mary  LOL

RS how much should i get ?

half gram?

i'm gonna work on this....see if i can fabricate some sort of tube with a chamber and a toking nipple on the other far as i can tell..the only difference between a crack pipe and a DMT pipe would be the "chamber" that the bottle would give, also, you say the the copper chore boy that crack smokers use?  they do have a steel scour pad ???
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 18, 2013, 08:56 pm
Quote from: RS7FI8ZRkm
brilo pads/scouring pad :)

these things ->


ok those are steel scouring pads  as far as i know brillo has a cleaning agent in them...

however, steel wool will burn up to quick..just went to the garage and tried to warm some steel wool with a good!


ok i'm following you here RS little Brother  :)

i'll try the bottle first, however...i'll fabricate a "Stem" with a "Chamber" and see how that works  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 18, 2013, 08:59 pm
Just wash the soap stuff off the pad, i just cut a bit off the pad n gave it a good rinse, dry then a wee burn  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 18, 2013, 09:01 pm
mary noooooooooo.....

hunny dont use the stuff with the cleaning soap in it  LOL

oh lawd!!  our little girl is smokin soap!!

mary...ya didnt taste the soap?

Hugs you  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 18, 2013, 09:03 pm
mary noooooooooo.....

hunny dont use the stuff with the cleaning soap in it  LOL

oh lawd!!  our little girl is smokin soap!!

mary...ya didnt taste the soap?

Hugs you  :)
LMAO  :P :P Noooooooo..... i rinsed it all out  :P it was fine he he  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 18, 2013, 09:06 pm
;D lol, yeah, I used a new "scrubber buddy" pad.. cut it in half, then cut a half into 2 quarters trimmed one up nicely..

then grabbed a fork an used it to heat it up over the stove flame.. no smoke or anything.. but figure couldn't hurt ::)..

wouldn't use anything that has soap already in it :o.. when you say you lit some steel wool on fire was it the wirey type used for cleaning? or the other more hairy looking one (used for fuck should I know :P)

just, please be careful! :) I'd feel terrible if you hurt yourself :-[
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 18, 2013, 09:10 pm
You,s are freaking me out  :-[ It was a hard wool one  like the scrubbing one, it doesn,t really burn  ;) (hugs)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 18, 2013, 09:11 pm
think you had the right one mary ;) was asking chemmy about the wool
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 18, 2013, 09:12 pm
lol, we should create a off-topic - off-topic thread ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 18, 2013, 09:16 pm
Lol we always end up here  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 18, 2013, 09:17 pm
yeah the stuff i have in the garage "steel wool" i use for fine sanding..ya know?

as fine as hair...i'll pick up one of the steel scouring pads when i pick up the whiskey tomorrow  :)

hope to put some coins on my account tomorrow so i might be able to buy some DMT, but how much RS?
1/2 gram?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 18, 2013, 09:20 pm
I only ordered 100mg (mind i put grams lol) which was just enough to try it  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tedrux on June 18, 2013, 09:51 pm
hllrwqwqbxlfacj2 myself
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: saranottegan on June 18, 2013, 10:07 pm
Hey all,

I'm still .03 btc short. If someone can help me out, I'll repay .04 next Friday.


SR - saranottegan
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 18, 2013, 10:58 pm
Whats up Everyone, so I have calmed down a bit thanks to marys and ChemCats responses, Thanks guys (hugs).

On completely unrelated note, anyone has 0.04BTC they could loan me? I had some coins, but I have loaned it to other people and as soon as they repay me, I will repay the loaner.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 18, 2013, 11:24 pm
hugs all round , I need a hug big time - virtual hugs will have to do I guess - I was picturing myself in our mansion a few times this last few days -
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 18, 2013, 11:31 pm
hugs back at you taz7, this thread seems empty tonight, doesnt it?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 18, 2013, 11:42 pm
it sure does my friend , sometimes it's mad house - others a ghost town  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 18, 2013, 11:45 pm
haha exactly, so how are you, been up to much? Today was a crazy day for me :D woke up late, got my sample from germany of lovely lovely weed, but the letter it was sent in was open (the side edge of the envelope seemed to be cut open, but the sample was still inside) so I got a bit paranoid as I'm relatively new to SR, but thanks to mary, chemcat, and the weed sample, I'm good now :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: The Missus on June 18, 2013, 11:50 pm
It may be a long shot, but here I go.
I have special day coming up on the 22nd-this saturday, and I'd like to order Molly for the very first time. Though my only problem is that I'm short of .34 btc at the moment because I don't get payed until this thursday/friday. I'll be able to pay someone back .35 btc no later than this friday.
So, if anyone could help me out that would be spectacular :)

The Missus
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 18, 2013, 11:52 pm
So, Im short 0.04btc for shipping, iif anyone could loan it to me I would really appreciate it. I had some coins, but I have lend them to others, so I'm all out :D

My Username: Meloniasty

@ChemCat, whats up man
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 18, 2013, 11:55 pm
FAO chemy -

Thanks so much ,

I have $26 something in my account - would it be ok if I give you $ 10 now and the rest next time I get coins please Chem, so I can grab another g of bubba k , I won't have any cash until my passport comes back and I can't say for sure when that will be , I bloody hope it's soon - I hoped to have my vendor account up by now to keep me nice and busy .

No worries if you need the full amount tonight - I'm just glad I was able to keep to my word - it was playing heavily on my mind - I will send you the full amount if I don't' hear from you

I will post this in the coin thread as well incase you don't check you msg's tonight .

Thanks again - big love Chem
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 19, 2013, 12:51 am
hiya taz  :)

just got in  :)

Tell ya what, if you'll send 0.1887 btc that is $20.00...if ya can send that now ...the other $6.00 is a gift  :)

i wouldnt require this,  but i need it tonight like we had planned  :)

once again, just send back 0.1887 btc which is $20.00 at this time and the other $6.00 is yours as a gift  :)

Peace & Hugs,

ChemCat  O0

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 19, 2013, 01:06 am
No probs , I will send the full amount - I will do that right now - B.R.B

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 19, 2013, 01:12 am
Done , I have a nasty feeling I left you short , I'm sorry - I really should not have asked - I much rather have family to talk too a g of weed is a poor substitute .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 19, 2013, 01:13 am
just the $20.00 / 0.1887 btc

keep the rest  :)


Peace & Hugs,

ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 19, 2013, 01:20 am
Whats up Chem, so as you can see I didnt get raided yet hahah :D I think you were right, because customs would never send me drug if they found them, would they? Thanks for calming me down earlier, I'm much better now
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 19, 2013, 01:23 am
oh no no no no no.....taz  :o

    ฿0.08 is $8.560

i am sending this back to you....i'll need the whole amount....when do ya reckon on sending the Whole amount back?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 19, 2013, 01:24 am
I know I kept my word , but I still feel bad about having asked - I should have known my head would not let  me rest easy till I was even with you .

I hope everyone doesn't think ill of me , I will only be donating from now on , I can't stand the thought of losing my new friends n family .
It's not like I did my myself any good mentally by making myself feel like a taker - I was low yesterday and would rather have felt comfy hanging out here with no weed then be sad and guilty but with a smoke .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 19, 2013, 01:25 am
i've sent the ฿0.08 which  is $8.560  ....back to you....i cannot do anything with that.

when ya reckon on sending the full amount back?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 19, 2013, 01:28 am
Sorry , I sent the rest - plus $ 4 interest .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 19, 2013, 01:28 am
no worries taz  :)  earlier ya said ya had like 26 bux .. just pay back as soon as ya can  :)

and dont worry mate  :)

we all need a little help from time to time..


i had hoped to get back what i loaned you so that i can make an order.

Send back as soon as ya can taz  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 19, 2013, 01:31 am
So are we good now , I paid in full and the other $ 4 can be for the kitty - to witch I will only be donating too from hence forth - It feels so much better that way round  .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 19, 2013, 01:32 am

oh taz keep it for a bit if ya need it :)

oh, i seen ya sent back already...shoot taz, thanks.

you gonna be ok?

Paid in Full :)

Thank you taz (Hugs)

ChemCat O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 19, 2013, 01:36 am
i'll get ya again whne ya need it if i have it taz  ;)

Love ya taz  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 19, 2013, 01:51 am
Chem I did have $27.72 and I have sent it all your way , plz confirm you have received  it all - I can't stand the worry of anyone thinking I didn't keep my word .

I have terrible a feeling I have done something wrong  , I have to keep reminding myself that I have made  donations , but I will be happier when I have donated enough to prove I don't want anything but love from people .

Slap me with a piece of briskit and tell me to stop beating myself up , I feel like shit , but I can't logically think why .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 19, 2013, 01:58 am
Hugs Chem , I'm going to follow your example and just give from now on , it feels so much better .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 19, 2013, 02:16 am
Sorry taz  :)

i had to run out for a minute, some clients havin a late day ???

seriously taz dont feel bad  :(
i feel bad :(

you were true to your word though :)
that means alot to me, if ya need anything else, if i have it's yours :)

yur paid in full taz  (hugs)

Peace & Love,

ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 19, 2013, 02:36 am
Big love n thanks for setting my mind at rest , I really needed to hear that man .

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 19, 2013, 02:37 am
it's all good  :)

We Love ya taz  (Hugs)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper800 on June 19, 2013, 02:52 am
This place is great. If I didn't already give you both, taz and Chem, karma yesterday... I would today. 72 hour wait I guess  :o

EDITED: Because I somehow misspelled taz????
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on June 19, 2013, 02:53 am
Good evening everyone...

Most people only rant to complain. And we are all guilty of taking things for granted...until it is taken away from us...Like freedom(jail,prison), health and happiness. We also never believed our parents when they said it was better to give then receive...though there has never been a truer statement.

I have seen the worst of this forum..and I have been a participant in it. Not proud of it..but just telling the truth. I have talked a lot of shit to people. And even if I think i was right 100% of the time..the fact is I was  wrong. There is such a thing as common respect, sportsmanship in sports. And in these forums ....a lot of times I have not shown that. And truth be told...I have not been shown that. But I always take the heat in the forums with a grain of salt. No matter how "heated" the post were...I promise you I was laughing on this I am always very aware that this is just a forum and I am disagreeing or arguing with someone over something that is totally stupid IRL. And a lot of the time..I was the one being stupid...on purpose...but still saying things I know would just cause more heat for the sake of it. Bit IRL, I believe in energy. I believe in the power to change things with positive energy. I have always tried to surround myself with people that are smarter then me, positive thinkers and people with a sense of humor. Mostly being able to laugh at themselves.I LOVE confidence. Cockiness. Any word you could use. I only see it as a positive. The only thing I am totally against is acting IRL as though you are better then someone else based just on money. And even though I actually believe that is true...I do not believe you should treat people "below" you with disrespect. Meaning the person that waits on any way...from a hotel worker to a server to a driver to a maid to any and everyone you pay a service for. You should always show your class by tipping well and more importantly making them feel they are in fact doing you a favor that you are paying for.

And you should be happy as shit that you have the money to afford these things. I know that someone will find that I said you are a better person because you have more money then someone else. If that is how you interpret it..I am fine with you are someone that does not get me...and that is fine! In fact one of the big problems in this forum is that no one seems to be able to respect someone elses opinion..even if you totally disagree with them. Everyone is trying to win everyone over in there comments. And a lot of times people that go out on a limp and say things against the grain...will get bashed...or there is always that one person...that is just miserable and they hate when others are not.


In this forum.....everything I just  said does not count!!! This place ROCKS! I fucking love what all of you have created. And I appreciate it. I come in here sometimes just to read the positive energy. this is with out a doubt...the best thread ever created in here....and the best part is it came from something that is absolutely the worst threads ever written in here... people begging for money and just scamming. But in this magical place...people come in here...borrow...and pay it back. And though I am there is a list of dead beats...that not everyone pays everyone back...BUT the % is very small. And I would bet that most of the NON payers...were not in fact scammers...they were just addicts...and shit happens. But the vast majority...come in here...ask for a tiny bit of they can get awesome packages...and then they come back and with it back...and some pay back more then borrowed...and even better...some that borrow become lenders! This is truly a community. An awesome one.

And I have wrote messages in here like this before....but the fact is..I could write 100 more...this that to all of you that make it happen and to those that started this...I stand up and applaud you...You made me remember it is always better to give then receive. That I am blessed to be in a position that I can afford to give. And that you can be a total scumbag like my self...that sells drugs...loves porn...hates people that do not love animals...and is a good person.

 What I do is not who I am.

What I someone that is lucky have found this place...and more importantly...can all some of you my friends...

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 19, 2013, 02:58 am
Hey man I just noticed that I still have 8 bucks left in my wallet , are you sure were square ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper800 on June 19, 2013, 03:00 am
A +1 for you Rx. This is the best thread. These people: Descarte, RS7FI8ZRkm ChemCat, Japan, Mary, etc (sorry if I left you out) ... are some real genuine people.  I had a rough couple of months and they were able to assist in the turning around of that negativity. This is one of the only "Show new replies to your posts" that I get excited to read. Gonna go smoke a little and watch nonsense.

Have a good night/day/morning!

EDITED: Because I somehow misspelled RS7FI8ZRkm!  :o
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 19, 2013, 03:00 am
:) (hugs) RxKing!

much love back at ya brother <3!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 19, 2013, 03:02 am
Quote from: RxKing
Good evening everyone...

Most people only rant to complain. And we are all guilty of taking things for granted...until it is taken away from us...Like freedom(jail,prison), health and happiness. We also never believed our parents when they said it was better to give then receive...though there has never been a truer statement.

I have seen the worst of this forum..and I have been a participant in it. Not proud of it..but just telling the truth. I have talked a lot of shit to people. And even if I think i was right 100% of the time..the fact is I was  wrong. There is such a thing as common respect, sportsmanship in sports. And in these forums ....a lot of times I have not shown that. And truth be told...I have not been shown that. But I always take the heat in the forums with a grain of salt. No matter how "heated" the post were...I promise you I was laughing on this I am always very aware that this is just a forum and I am disagreeing or arguing with someone over something that is totally stupid IRL. And a lot of the time..I was the one being stupid...on purpose...but still saying things I know would just cause more heat for the sake of it. Bit IRL, I believe in energy. I believe in the power to change things with positive energy. I have always tried to surround myself with people that are smarter then me, positive thinkers and people with a sense of humor. Mostly being able to laugh at themselves.I LOVE confidence. Cockiness. Any word you could use. I only see it as a positive. The only thing I am totally against is acting IRL as though you are better then someone else based just on money. And even though I actually believe that is true...I do not believe you should treat people "below" you with disrespect. Meaning the person that waits on any way...from a hotel worker to a server to a driver to a maid to any and everyone you pay a service for. You should always show your class by tipping well and more importantly making them feel they are in fact doing you a favor that you are paying for.

And you should be happy as shit that you have the money to afford these things. I know that someone will find that I said you are a better person because you have more money then someone else. If that is how you interpret it..I am fine with you are someone that does not get me...and that is fine! In fact one of the big problems in this forum is that no one seems to be able to respect someone elses opinion..even if you totally disagree with them. Everyone is trying to win everyone over in there comments. And a lot of times people that go out on a limp and say things against the grain...will get bashed...or there is always that one person...that is just miserable and they hate when others are not.


In this forum.....everything I just  said does not count!!! This place ROCKS! I fucking love what all of you have created. And I appreciate it. I come in here sometimes just to read the positive energy. this is with out a doubt...the best thread ever created in here....and the best part is it came from something that is absolutely the worst threads ever written in here... people begging for money and just scamming. But in this magical place...people come in here...borrow...and pay it back. And though I am there is a list of dead beats...that not everyone pays everyone back...BUT the % is very small. And I would bet that most of the NON payers...were not in fact scammers...they were just addicts...and shit happens. But the vast majority...come in here...ask for a tiny bit of they can get awesome packages...and then they come back and with it back...and some pay back more then borrowed...and even better...some that borrow become lenders! This is truly a community. An awesome one.

And I have wrote messages in here like this before....but the fact is..I could write 100 more...this that to all of you that make it happen and to those that started this...I stand up and applaud you...You made me remember it is always better to give then receive. That I am blessed to be in a position that I can afford to give. And that you can be a total scumbag like my self...that sells drugs...loves porn...hates people that do not love animals...and is a good person.

 What I do is not who I am.

What I someone that is lucky have found this place...and more importantly...can all some of you my friends...




Our in house literary :)

Huggles to ya King :)

Thank you for what you do within the confines of this thread  :)

Love & Respect to ya :)

ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 19, 2013, 03:02 am
:) confirmed jasper payed me back, thank you! (also you can call me RS7 or spacecowboy ;))

@taz check your pm's ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 19, 2013, 03:03 am
yeppers taz  :)

we're square 

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 19, 2013, 03:05 am
Oi! :) :o *searches for stash of silly string*

*pulls a sneak attack from behind*

:) (hugs) chemmy
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 19, 2013, 03:07 am

ducks and falls outtuh walker  :o


hugs right back atcha  :)

ok, should i get a half gram of this stuff?  LOL

or is that to much?


i'm mentaly gearin up for this  heh heh  :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 19, 2013, 03:13 am
sorry, never got back to you earlier, sorry! :P

got distracted.. ::) anyway half gram would be enough for 10 good blast offs so yeah? thats great start ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 19, 2013, 03:13 am
EDITED: Because I somehow misspelled RS7FI8ZRkm!  :o

Are you my twin brother , much love =)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 19, 2013, 03:15 am
ok :P

sounds like a night to me  heh heh  :)

would ya have any recomendations as far as vendors?  my neck of the woods  LOL

you can pm me if ya want  ;)

i been lookin at a few wow .. this ought to be interesting  LOL

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 19, 2013, 03:24 am
half a g of what ?

D.m.Tizzle ?

I still have 8 bucks , that can't be right .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 19, 2013, 03:25 am
that is right :)

and fo shizzle @ the D M Tizzle  LOL

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 19, 2013, 03:32 am
Hehe , excellent that's one amazing substance - I can't wait to meet her .

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 19, 2013, 03:35 am
i cant figure out who to order from  LOL   

so a hlf of a gram for ฿0.56 ?

seems reasonable to me i suppose 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 19, 2013, 03:40 am
I'm to bed folks = big love n hugz all , enjoy your night =)  :) ;) ;) 8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 19, 2013, 03:43 am
night taz  :)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: colorblack on June 19, 2013, 03:44 am
Awesome post by RxKing!! RxKing is, for me, the embodiment of what SR is. Awesome, smart, efficient, generous, magical, and "cool".
A bit off topic, but about half a year ago I had no clue about what SR was about and how to get going on it, so I randomly hit RxKing up and like a typical newbie started bugging him with questions about EVERYTHING. He gave me all the right advice, was patient, funny, and gave me the confidence that this place is what it's cracked up to me. Over the months he has helped me out, been a friend, pointed some things that affect me (that I didn't even know), and has genuinely brought a positive spirit to this place.

I fucking love SR, and I love everything about it. I dig (most of) the people, and hope this place lasts forever. Folks, we are literally living our dreams (be it buyer, vendor, or even lurker).

Awesome energy in this thread. Anyone short on a little BTC for an order hit me up, I'll do some lending. 8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 19, 2013, 03:48 am
That's Right!


+1 to ya colorblack  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: colorblack on June 19, 2013, 03:54 am
Right back to ya brother. +1
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper800 on June 19, 2013, 05:00 am
Definitely +1 colorblack. I'm still newbie status, (only 5-6 orders on the trip) and its a few people from this thread that have shown me what's up. RxKing said all that needs to be said, really. Of course I came to the SR for drugs but the community is really what has impressed me most.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on June 19, 2013, 05:03 am
+1 at you color black!

 I cant believe you remember how you messaged me and we went back and forth..and I say that because yes it is only 6 months ago but there are so many names and so many messages I get..and to be honest...until I just read your message I didn't remember talking to you and since the new system was put in about 6 months ago the messages only stay for 2 months max...I used to have messages that were on going for 5 months was pretty cool. I wish I had the messages we first had..just to read them.......but now I remember that you did actually message me and ask me a bunch of questions..and I actually had time to answer you and go back and forth with you about everything with Silk Road...And I remember you being very interested in SR(who wasn't) and being nice a newbie way where I was not annoyed. ......kind of crazy how it all ended up...meaning now 6 months later...and in SR time that is like 4 have become a valued member in the forums and a buyer and someone on here that I would call "A friend" pretty cool!

Is there one member here that didn't have a huge smile the first time they logged in and saw the pictures of the bricks of cocaine??? or the great looking pictures of bud?? I do not even do coke...but I was memorized by the pictures....and I could not believe this place existed and you could buy drugs and really get them and it was not a scam!...and I still can't believe I am now a vendor on here.

And for the record...I too get sick of seeing my messages and the bromances and the back and forth +1 to each other...but the fact is...I love this thread and I love Silk Road! A lot of you have been very kind to me in here...and I REALLY appreciate it... and every single borrower has paid me back, on time for the most part...and whats is really cool...has shown me love as on being truly great-full for the 4 bucks + I have lent they would not be able to put in there order with out the loan...and one guy had a 1700 order...and another had a $7.50 order...YES $7.50 order.... and so when you help someone out..or in this case many people..and all those people are appreciative...and all those people are really nice...I can not help but make a post about how great I have been treated and the positive energy in here.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 19, 2013, 05:08 am
the Energy in here is Awesome :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thagoat on June 19, 2013, 05:20 am
Hello friends, I could use just a tiiiiny bit of help from somebody.

I'm short on an order by $0.17 at the moment lol.  Anybody out  there have 30cents they can part with?   13CgzzbM6cmrPFbQuTC1F4sg75Pifk4RPU

Thanks in advance.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: HEATFan on June 19, 2013, 05:35 am
Hi friends! I was hoping somebody could loan me .05btc until this weekend? I will make sure to pay back a little extra too! SR username is MiamiHeat1990

Thanks in advance to the kind soul who can help :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: EezyE on June 19, 2013, 05:40 am
Hey there everyone! I moved all my coins into my wallet, and i'm .06 BTC short D:

Can anyone lend me this until the end of the week? I would love you forever and so would many others  :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bertierobert on June 19, 2013, 05:40 am
Acidicmonkey borrowed me 5$ usd on June 14th, i will be paying him back atleast 7 by midnight tonight(6/19). Thanks again a.m. :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 19, 2013, 05:55 am
Hello friends, I could use just a tiiiiny bit of help from somebody.

I'm short on an order by $0.17 at the moment lol.  Anybody out  there have 30cents they can part with?   13CgzzbM6cmrPFbQuTC1F4sg75Pifk4RPU

Thanks in advance.

Hi friends! I was hoping somebody could loan me .05btc until this weekend? I will make sure to pay back a little extra too! SR username is MiamiHeat1990

Thanks in advance to the kind soul who can help :)
sent :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 19, 2013, 05:57 am
:) hi fellow droogies

did we all do molly today ::)? or just me... :)

(warm fuzzy hugs) @ y'all
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: HEATFan on June 19, 2013, 05:57 am
Hi friends! I was hoping somebody could loan me .05btc until this weekend? I will make sure to pay back a little extra too! SR username is MiamiHeat1990

Thanks in advance to the kind soul who can help :)
sent :)

Thank you sir! I'll have your loan repaid by Sunday! +1

:) hi fellow droogies

did we all do molly today ::)? or just me... :)

(warm fuzzy hugs) @ y'all

Haha, so this is why you're feeling so friendly! I didn't do any molly but I am on such a natural euphoric high right now after watching the NBA finals basketball game tonight. My team won a huge game :) soo happy!!

Have a great night my friend!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 19, 2013, 06:01 am
@chemmy, the only dom vendor whom I've bought from, and has supply currently is DReaMensioN -> /item/522948f53d
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 19, 2013, 06:02 am
Hi friends! I was hoping somebody could loan me .05btc until this weekend? I will make sure to pay back a little extra too! SR username is MiamiHeat1990

Thanks in advance to the kind soul who can help :)
sent :)

Thank you sir! I'll have your loan repaid by Sunday! +1

:) hi fellow droogies

did we all do molly today ::)? or just me... :)

(warm fuzzy hugs) @ y'all

Haha, so this is why you're feeling so friendly! I didn't do any molly but I am on such a natural euphoric high right now after watching the NBA finals basketball game tonight. My team won a huge game :) soo happy!!

Have a great night my friend!
::) look through my posts, I am always friendly :) :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RFTS on June 19, 2013, 06:09 am
So I had a no show on my mdma and ended up getting a partial refund am just wondering if anyone would be able to lend me $11usd(or part of it) so I can try from another vendor, it'd be of great help because I could get my order out this week instead of next Tuesday which is the day I will be able to pay it back. I can offer a small amount of interest on the payback too(won't be more then like $10 as I'm a struggler)
My sr name is RFTS too
Thanks either way lovely people.
just bumping my post, if bumping isn't allowed I will remove
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on June 19, 2013, 07:13 am
So I had a no show on my mdma and ended up getting a partial refund am just wondering if anyone would be able to lend me $11usd(or part of it) so I can try from another vendor, it'd be of great help because I could get my order out this week instead of next Tuesday which is the day I will be able to pay it back. I can offer a small amount of interest on the payback too(won't be more then like $10 as I'm a struggler)
My sr name is RFTS too
Thanks either way lovely people.
just bumping my post, if bumping isn't allowed I will remove

just sent you
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: colorblack on June 19, 2013, 09:28 am
Hello friends, I could use just a tiiiiny bit of help from somebody.

I'm short on an order by $0.17 at the moment lol.  Anybody out  there have 30cents they can part with?   13CgzzbM6cmrPFbQuTC1F4sg75Pifk4RPU

Thanks in advance.

Whats your SR Username? I'll send you $0.20.

And yes Chemcat.. I think we're all high on fucking molly today with all the bromances and hugs going around. LOL.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RFTS on June 19, 2013, 10:34 am

just sent you
Thank you very much staind, you've helped me out greatly. +1 and I'll have it back with extra on tuesday to you friend. <3 the community
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 19, 2013, 10:57 am
morning all  ;D sorry i passed out on the couch last night  :-[ feeling better today tho  :P ::) hope everyone,s good, i,m away to cut the grass (the garden kind  :()

 :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 19, 2013, 12:52 pm
Hello ALL 8)

Anychance someone could lend me 0.31 for about half an hour. Just seen an offer and it might go - I've got coins coming very shortly, but might miss out if I wait half hour grrrrr

If not no worries  8)

SR user name: Japan1980

J-Man  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Intraterrestrial on June 19, 2013, 12:56 pm
Hello ALL 8)

Anychance someone could lend me 0.31 for about half an hour. Just seen an offer and it might go - I've got coins coming very shortly, but might miss out if I wait half hour grrrrr

If not no worries  8)

SR user name: Japan1980

J-Man  8)

You're sorted Japan
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 19, 2013, 01:00 pm
Hello ALL 8)

Anychance someone could lend me 0.31 for about half an hour. Just seen an offer and it might go - I've got coins coming very shortly, but might miss out if I wait half hour grrrrr

If not no worries  8)

SR user name: Japan1980

J-Man  8)

You're sorted Japan

Top Man  8)

Won't be long until you'll have it back, with a little extra.

The order is placed - much appreciated
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 19, 2013, 01:22 pm
Fuck man you seriously helped me out then - as the offer I got has now been fully filled, so I would have missed out!

nuff respect to you sir  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Intraterrestrial on June 19, 2013, 01:45 pm
Fuck man you seriously helped me out then - as the offer I got has now been fully filled, so I would have missed out!

nuff respect to you sir  8)

My pleasure - you're clearly a top man who helps people out here a lot - exactly the kind of vibe most of us are after in an underground free market scenario
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 19, 2013, 02:16 pm
Fuck man you seriously helped me out then - as the offer I got has now been fully filled, so I would have missed out!

nuff respect to you sir  8)

My pleasure - you're clearly a top man who helps people out here a lot - exactly the kind of vibe most of us are after in an underground free market scenario

I've given 80+ loans out, and only had one person not pay me back - that's astonishing really  8)

I keep checking my account and it's not there yet - will be very soon though, so hold tight and I'll put it straight back over. I'll round it up to 0.35 for you bro  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 19, 2013, 02:21 pm
Hello ALL 8)

Anychance someone could lend me 0.31 for about half an hour. Just seen an offer and it might go - I've got coins coming very shortly, but might miss out if I wait half hour grrrrr

If not no worries  8)

SR user name: Japan1980

J-Man  8)

You're sorted Japan

0.35 sent back to you.

I really appreciate the loan, and if you ever need a helping hand, I'll be happy to help.

J-Man  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 19, 2013, 02:23 pm
Hey everyone.  Just wishing you guys a good day!

Not much more to add. 

Good stuff all round.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 19, 2013, 02:25 pm
me too  :)

Goot Moanin Everyone  :)

J-man :)

gonna be in and out again today :(

Peace & Hugs  :)

ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 19, 2013, 02:26 pm
Hey everyone.  Just wishing you guys a good day!

Not much more to add. 

Good stuff all round.

Yesss BOX, hope you're well bro  8)

Have a good day yourself my friend.....

EDIT: Same goes for you Chem  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 19, 2013, 02:34 pm
you too, Ladies & Gentlemen  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Intraterrestrial on June 19, 2013, 02:36 pm
Hello ALL 8)

Anychance someone could lend me 0.31 for about half an hour. Just seen an offer and it might go - I've got coins coming very shortly, but might miss out if I wait half hour grrrrr

If not no worries  8)

SR user name: Japan1980

J-Man  8)

You're sorted Japan

0.35 sent back to you.

I really appreciate the loan, and if you ever need a helping hand, I'll be happy to help.

J-Man  8)

Received - many thanks for the reciprocal generosity. Glad you got sorted!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 19, 2013, 02:57 pm
No problem - I've only needed a loan 3 or 4 times, but I always pay back.

This community we have in this thread is quite incredible. If you sit back and think that an anonymous person just lent me approx £25 and I paid them back within one and a half hours, it's quite something - considering this is a drug based tor site!

This thread is more than a spare coin thread - it has a very special vibe to it, and time and time again you see loans being paid back. This thread is a community that I am PROUD to be part of.

You've probably got a better chance of being paid back on this thread than you do in real life - especially if drugs are what the money is for. I reckon I could get a loan of 1BTC if I really needed it, and there are certain people that I would definitely lend a BTC too and know I would get it back. 

Incredible thread with incredible people that make it what it is  8)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 19, 2013, 02:58 pm
Hi Chemmy, Japan, Boxy, everyone  ;D nice day here today hope yer all good  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 19, 2013, 03:00 pm
Hi Mary...

Hope you're well sweetie, how's the cat (hugs)

J-Man  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 19, 2013, 03:02 pm
I,m good J-Man, hope you are  ;) getting the cat home tomorrow 6 weeks in a cage again, its used a few of its lives now  ::) all good tho, thanks for asking  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 19, 2013, 03:05 pm
That's really god to hear - how you coping with the vet bills? Remember if you need a hand just let me know  8)

Hope kitty is on the road to full recovery  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 19, 2013, 03:12 pm
Glad you're here to stay man!  Same reasons I fell in love with the thread and those that surround it.  It's such a good feeling just going back and reading past posts. 


Thanks for putting your trust out there and helping someone worthy.  I wouldn't say that was a small amount. 


Morning to you girl!  Hope your night of couch surfing was restful!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 19, 2013, 03:16 pm
Thanks Japan, i appreciate it so so much  ;) all ok just now ended up £450 better than origonal £600 ish so mum,s paid just now  ;D Thanks a lot to everyone  ;D Your what makes this thread amazing and the best place to hang out  :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 19, 2013, 03:27 pm
Mary - Glad you sorted the money out  :)

But most of all I'm glad kitty is well, can't believe how some sick C**t would do that to an animal. They fucking deserve a good meeting with J-MAN, they certainly wouldn't be mistreating animals anymore  8)

@ Box - this thread is incredible, the dynamics of it are second to none. A core of about 10 people that are truly amazing, then you get people like Intraterrestrial pop up and do an incredibly generous offering. Fucking blows my mind at times  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 19, 2013, 03:35 pm
I don,t like people that don,t like animals, there,s something wrong with them  ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thagoat on June 19, 2013, 03:42 pm
Hello friends, I could use just a tiiiiny bit of help from somebody.

I'm short on an order by $0.17 at the moment lol.  Anybody out  there have 30cents they can part with?   13CgzzbM6cmrPFbQuTC1F4sg75Pifk4RPU

Thanks in advance.

Whats your SR Username? I'll send you $0.20.

And yes Chemcat.. I think we're all high on fucking molly today with all the bromances and hugs going around. LOL.

My SR name is thagoat.  Thanks for you help.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 19, 2013, 03:48 pm
A real goat?

Or just good at doing 'the goat' - not sure what film that's off but 'the goat' is pretty impressive  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ozzietrader on June 19, 2013, 03:53 pm
Hi I was lucky enough for a Vendor to forward me a plentiful amount of pain supplies for my bad back- $250 worth (its an ongoing problem- seen doctors etc, physio). I won't mention his name now without his permission but once I pay him back on time (and I most certainly will- if not earlier), then I will ask his permission to verify the transaction on here. I am trying to establish a reliable reputation. My stats are flawless, but sometimes I need to borrow a bit of cash, but only when I am 100% certain of being able to pay it back on an exact date.

I do tend to like to borrow bigger amount like 1 bitcoin, but I am always happy to payback interest. Hopefully I will build a reputation here as someone who is serious and always pays back. Its not all the time, just sometimes I don't want to miss a good deal etc, or as in this case my back is in excruciating pain whenever I stand up.

All in all you guys are fucking great. I can't believe a drug dealing community is the kindest and best community I am part of! Imagine if drugs were legalized and safely regulated, that's my dream.

Actually my dream is that all drugs were legalized and pharmaceutical grade substances could be purchased but the legal market to buy them was the Silk Road. Imagine the HIGHEST purity products, the most competitive prices, and no fear of legal persecution. On a final note: FUCK THE LAW THAT REPRESSES DECENT PEOPLE THAT LIKE TO ENJOY THEMSELVES AND ALTER THEIR CONSCIOUSNESS FOR WHATEVER REASON.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 19, 2013, 04:11 pm

Hope you get what you need.  I would dig in my couch to get that if it were that easy.  Don't have $.20 in my wallet on here or else it would be yours.  GL dude.


Well first off, it's cool to hear the road has been helping out with your back pain.  Good to hear stories like this anytime, with all the stigma. 

I just don't know if there are people in here with that kind of coin laying around.  It's more for the above request.

I don't know man.  I appreciate you wanting to come here and establish something, but I don't want you setting yourself up for disappointment.

Good luck anyway and thank you for your kind words!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 19, 2013, 04:14 pm
I don,t like people that don,t like animals, there,s something wrong with them  ::)

ha.  What?  Who doesn't like animals?

I like em.  They just don't like me.  :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on June 19, 2013, 04:20 pm
I don,t like people that don,t like animals, there,s something wrong with them  ::)

i agree!! i like plants and animals MORE than i like people!!

oh.. and i have .05btc i can lend to someone willing to pay it back.. shoot me a pm!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 19, 2013, 04:29 pm
Hi I was lucky enough for a Vendor to forward me a plentiful amount of pain supplies for my bad back- $250 worth (its an ongoing problem- seen doctors etc, physio). I won't mention his name now without his permission but once I pay him back on time (and I most certainly will- if not earlier), then I will ask his permission to verify the transaction on here. I am trying to establish a reliable reputation. My stats are flawless, but sometimes I need to borrow a bit of cash, but only when I am 100% certain of being able to pay it back on an exact date.

I do tend to like to borrow bigger amount like 1 bitcoin, but I am always happy to payback interest. Hopefully I will build a reputation here as someone who is serious and always pays back. Its not all the time, just sometimes I don't want to miss a good deal etc, or as in this case my back is in excruciating pain whenever I stand up.

All in all you guys are fucking great. I can't believe a drug dealing community is the kindest and best community I am part of! Imagine if drugs were legalized and safely regulated, that's my dream.

Actually my dream is that all drugs were legalized and pharmaceutical grade substances could be purchased but the legal market to buy them was the Silk Road. Imagine the HIGHEST purity products, the most competitive prices, and no fear of legal persecution. On a final note: FUCK THE LAW THAT REPRESSES DECENT PEOPLE THAT LIKE TO ENJOY THEMSELVES AND ALTER THEIR CONSCIOUSNESS FOR WHATEVER REASON.

Glad to hear that a vendor has put his trust in you, and you'll be paying him back.

This thread is used 99% of the time for small loans if people are short on delivery etc etc. Coming on here asking for whole BTC's I think you'll find yourself being disappointed. Yeah I personally would lend some people on here whole BTC's but certainly not people that I haven't seen on here before, and there's only a handful of people I would lend that amount to anyway - sorry to say it but you certainly aren't one of those people.

Would you lend me a couple of BTC??

If you read the rules of the thread then you may understand what this thread is about, and although those rules may get broken from time to time, that is usually by established members of the thread that have earned the trust of each other.

So I don't personally see this thread being what you're after. I do hear from time to time that there is a BTC lending site, maybe that's more what you're after.

J-MAN  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 19, 2013, 04:51 pm
I also want to add, with the amount of change that flows around here, it's still not very much.

1 coin can help like 20-50 people around here, instead of one person.

But anyway....

Hello friends, I could use just a tiiiiny bit of help from somebody.

I'm short on an order by $0.17 at the moment lol.  Anybody out  there have 30cents they can part with?   13CgzzbM6cmrPFbQuTC1F4sg75Pifk4RPU

Thanks in advance.

Whats your SR Username? I'll send you $0.20.

And yes Chemcat.. I think we're all high on fucking molly today with all the bromances and hugs going around. LOL.

My SR name is thagoat.  Thanks for you help.

oh.. and i have .05btc i can lend to someone willing to pay it back.. shoot me a pm!!

You two should talk!  $.20 ~ 0.001869btc

I would have already but this box is completely out of shapes  :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 19, 2013, 06:52 pm
                                                 :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) **When requesting, post your SR name** so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
dr gonzo
Mike Hunt
White Out

The shit list:
Autobondon *
danceandsing ++++
King Karma
lufc1992uk ++++
p4tr1ckb4t3m4n ++++

*^*do not lend to these people*^*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 19, 2013, 07:01 pm
hello everybody
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 19, 2013, 07:18 pm
I know you!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 19, 2013, 07:39 pm
(hugs) hiya boxy
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 19, 2013, 07:44 pm
Hello RS, Boxy, Chem, everyone  ;D ;D been munching again, mmm fritters from the chippy  ;) :P How,s all??

 :-* :-* (hugs)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 19, 2013, 07:47 pm
:( not happy
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 19, 2013, 07:53 pm
@RS Whats up hun  :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 19, 2013, 07:59 pm
been dealing with murphy's law, mostly all day.. :-\..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 19, 2013, 08:01 pm
can we deo anything to help, RS?

Hiya mary and box (Hugs)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 19, 2013, 08:05 pm
Having one of those days hun  ::) anything we can do to help  :-\

Huggles Chem  :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 19, 2013, 08:09 pm
RS - get some chemicals or organics in you mate, you'll be fine  8)

P.S. Can I help you in anyway sir?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 19, 2013, 08:10 pm
huggles to ya mary  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 19, 2013, 08:15 pm
Shit nearly got a 1000 posts  :o

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 19, 2013, 08:25 pm
Woot Woot!!

Yur Almost there, Japan


Dont stop now  LOL


Hugs to ya for your 1000'th post  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 19, 2013, 08:27 pm
I wonder if Chem will get to 2000 posts before Japan gets to 1000  :P :-* :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 19, 2013, 08:31 pm
no :(, unfortunately these are things I gotta face IRL, an deal with on my own. however, I appreciate all of yours concern greatly.

along with every bodies willingness to help. it means a great deal, and even has cheered me up abit :)

as always, much love an respect to all of you, chemmy, japan, mary :)..

thanks for being here for me, my interwebs family :) (hugs)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 19, 2013, 08:34 pm
We Love ya RS!


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 19, 2013, 08:36 pm
Hugs RS we,re here if you need us  :-*

Did you get DMT Chem, got some change if you need it for order  :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 19, 2013, 08:38 pm
yeah i got some on the way  ;)

so how's the kitten doin?  do ya feel rested yet?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 19, 2013, 08:42 pm
She,s good hun, thanks  ;) Glad you got it ordered mind be careful  :P :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on June 19, 2013, 09:00 pm


The love here is awesome!!
You all are such an asset to this community.. let alone this thread!!
Thank you for existing!!

Much love!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 19, 2013, 09:04 pm
Your an assest to this place to murderface (scary name tho!) +1 to you, i seen you offering coin  ;) :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 19, 2013, 09:12 pm
+1 to ya murderface2012


You're just as much a part of this as we are   :)

Peace & Hugs :)

ChemCat O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 19, 2013, 09:25 pm
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 19, 2013, 09:29 pm
rxking wont be restocking sizz :'(.. now I wanna cry ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 19, 2013, 09:30 pm

WOW  :o You O,Right there  ;) :-* :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 19, 2013, 09:31 pm


The love here is awesome!!
You all are such an asset to this community.. let alone this thread!!
Thank you for existing!!

Much love!!

I thought we were friends murderface  :'(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 19, 2013, 09:37 pm
wut's sizz ? 


hiya J-Man :)
man if you live over there in japan i'd like to talk to ya about some recipes  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 19, 2013, 09:39 pm
You were the 1st person i spoke to on here Japan  ;D Your amazing  :-* :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 19, 2013, 09:43 pm
wut's sizz ? 


hiya J-Man :)
man if you live over there in japan i'd like to talk to ya about some recipes  :)
Take away menu  :P lol

How long did you live in the carribean for Japan  ;) that must,ve been great, i went to Dominican Republic a few year back, didn,t like it  ::) Got a flight home a week early  :-[ Where did you live?  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 19, 2013, 09:45 pm
sizz is sprite an jolly ranchers mixed with promethazine and codeine, rxking was selling some promethazine and codeine.. and I was really, really excited about it.. but I just read that we wont be listing more :-\

been searching for it, for over 2 years.. :( so this news, along with everything else happening today >__< just isn't making it very fun.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 19, 2013, 09:50 pm
Chem i'm not from Japan - never even been there! Born and bred Londoner  8)

I lived in the Caribbean for 3 years Mary, spent 1 year in Barbados (Christchurch for 6 months and Bridgetown for 6 months) and 2 years in Jamaica (6 months in Spanish Town and 18months in Portmore)

Was I the first person you spoke to, I feel privileged, you're amazing too  :-* :-* 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 19, 2013, 09:54 pm
Yo RS what's this then?


Not what you're after?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 19, 2013, 09:56 pm
Chem i'm not from Japan - never even been there! Born and bred Londoner  8)

I lived in the Caribbean for 3 years Mary, spent 1 year in Barbados (Christchurch for 6 months and Bridgetown for 6 months) and 2 years in Jamaica (6 months in Spanish Town and 18months in Portmore)

Was I the first person you spoke to, I feel privileged, you're amazing too  :-* :-*

That,s cool  8) and you come back to UK  :o I,ve had some good bud from Brixton years ago, getting off at the station was a shock lol end of the world guy, bag lady,s  :o I,d never seen anything like it  :P ::) :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 19, 2013, 09:58 pm
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 19, 2013, 10:00 pm
:o! shitcazZZ! where the hell did you just find that :o :-*

someone must have canceled ???

also there is only one left >_< so this is more of a tease then anything.. I still have to deposit -> transfer. :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 19, 2013, 10:02 pm
right much are you short? ya know how much i have..if we can get another..or a couple others together i'd sure be sendin you the coins  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 19, 2013, 10:03 pm
I can send 0.18 if it,ll help just now RS  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 19, 2013, 10:16 pm
RS - I've had a blowout and spent qll my coins tonight.

All I have is 0.04 till tomorrow  :'(

How much do you need?

First things first - PM RX and get him to save it for you bro  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 19, 2013, 10:19 pm
Where,s RS went  ::) will we send coin, what you guys think, i,m going to bed soon  :P :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 19, 2013, 10:20 pm
Chem i'm not from Japan - never even been there! Born and bred Londoner  8)

I lived in the Caribbean for 3 years Mary, spent 1 year in Barbados (Christchurch for 6 months and Bridgetown for 6 months) and 2 years in Jamaica (6 months in Spanish Town and 18months in Portmore)

Was I the first person you spoke to, I feel privileged, you're amazing too  :-* :-*

That,s cool  8) and you come back to UK  :o I,ve had some good bud from Brixton years ago, getting off at the station was a shock lol end of the world guy, bag lady,s  :o I,d never seen anything like it  :P ::) :-*

A few years back now I lived on Camberwell road, 2 minutes from Brixton train station - Mad place , chaos 247

Now I live in a nice part of London  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 19, 2013, 10:22 pm
Where,s RS went  ::) will we send coin, what you guys think, i,m going to bed soon  :P :-*

my bet is he's trying to get RXKING to save it for him, as it's the only one he has left. He'll come back here in a minute
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 19, 2013, 10:22 pm
Quote from: RS7FI8ZRkm
sizz is **sprite an jolly ranchers mixed with promethazine and codeine**, rxking was selling some promethazine and codeine.. and I was really, really excited about it.. but I just read that we wont be listing more :-\

been searching for it, for over 2 years.. :( so this news, along with everything else happening today >__< just isn't making it very fun.

i remember my grandmother mixing anise water with honey and laudenum?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 19, 2013, 10:24 pm
chem you beat me to 2000 before I got to 1000 - close though..

Let's celebrate  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 19, 2013, 10:25 pm
I,m going to bed good night guys  :-* :-*

Chem, will i send you the 0.18 incase RS needs it  :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 19, 2013, 10:27 pm
RS RS come out wherever you are.....

We might be able to help - I've got a little coin in a holding account, just takes me an hour or so to get it to my SR wallet
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 19, 2013, 10:28 pm
mary ..before ya send it to me...msg me first please  :)

sleep well, little one  (Hugs)


where we gonna go to have a couple drinks and smoke a doobie at, Japan?

'cuz ima hungry and need to get something to eat as well  LOL  let's hope they have good seafood  :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: weed4me6969 on June 19, 2013, 10:28 pm
Hey guys!!!  How is everyone today!!   8)

I need someone to recommend an awesome mdma US domestic vendor.  I want to have an amazingly awesome CLEAN roll!!!  any suggestions??

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 19, 2013, 10:29 pm
short all of it :-[ I currently have $0.23 on my account. so, dunno about that.. I'd need .93 :-\ which is asking a lot from all of you.

the other transaction is different in the sense I make money back from buying it.. this is 100% personal so, no return for me.. which isn't a problem.. but hope you can see why makes me little hesitant to ask..
and its a weird situation because I know this is a supper rare opportunity to buy.. so I am feeling a little desperate..  :(

I honestly would never want screw any of you. I'd rather take a bullet, then bring distrust into are family..

so in all honesty, I say I do not have an exact date I'd be able to pay anyone back. however it would be soon as physically possible.
I could assure you, it shouldn't be any later then next week tuesday, but again I can't promise that with how things have been lately. :-\. however I can guarantee partial repay towards everyone.. ( I am expecting money, just don't exactly how much, but should be more then enough to cover it.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 19, 2013, 10:30 pm
I,m going to bed good night guys  :-* :-*

Chem, will i send you the 0.18 incase RS needs it  :-\

My 1000th post - and it's to say night night to our darling Mary - I wouldn't want it to have been anything else  8)

Take care Mary - see ya tomorrow  :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 19, 2013, 10:33 pm
goodnight mary :) :-* sweet dreams.

Hey guys!!!  How is everyone today!!   8)

I need someone to recommend an awesome mdma US domestic vendor.  I want to have an amazingly awesome CLEAN roll!!!  any suggestions??
DReaMensioN -> /user/9548d23b8d
has some potent stuff :)

also, heard good things about MrAnonymousX -> /user/6917bcfa2b
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 19, 2013, 10:33 pm
I,m going to bed good night guys  :-* :-*

Chem, will i send you the 0.18 incase RS needs it  :-\

My 1000th post - and it's to say night night to our darling Mary - I wouldn't want it to have been anything else  8)

Take care Mary - see ya tomorrow  :-*
Aww  :-[ Goodnight hun  :-* :-*

I,ve sent you the 0.18 to ChemCat, feel free to send to RS  :-* :-* Sweetdreams when its time guys  :-* :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 19, 2013, 10:34 pm
Sent You 0.25000000 BTC

how much do ya need now brother?

do the math and lets see about getting you what ya need :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 19, 2013, 10:35 pm
short all of it :-[ I currently have $0.23 on my account. so, dunno about that.. I'd need .93 :-\ which is asking a lot from all of you.

the other transaction is different in the sense I make money back from buying it.. this is 100% personal so, no return for me.. which isn't a problem.. but hope you can see why makes me little hesitant to ask..
and its a weird situation because I know this is a supper rare opportunity to buy.. so I am feeling a little desperate..  :(

I honestly would never want screw any of you. I'd rather take a bullet, then bring distrust into are family..

so in all honesty, I say I do not have an exact date I'd be able to pay anyone back. however it would be soon as physically possible.
I could assure you, it shouldn't be any later then next week tuesday, but again I can't promise that with how things have been lately. :-\. however I can guarantee partial repay towards everyone.. ( I am expecting money, just don't exactly how much, but should be more then enough to cover it.

Have you managed to get him to save it for you? PM him...

How much can we all russle up?

I only have 0.04 but can get coin within an hour (ish)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 19, 2013, 10:37 pm
**Woot Woot*

1001 post J-Man has  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 19, 2013, 10:38 pm
So how much we got for RS in total?

Chem is that.25 with Mary's money or not?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 19, 2013, 10:40 pm
Sent Chem sorry  :-[ i,m away to zzzzz love you guys  :-* :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 19, 2013, 10:42 pm
Right let's not fuck about here time is running out - how much you got in total RS and how much do you need?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Nyaruko on June 19, 2013, 10:46 pm
So this is pretty much a lick eachothers asses for btc thread, lol.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 19, 2013, 10:49 pm
no worries mary  :)

no that is .25 btc from me.
             +.18 btc from mary
               .43 btc  total so far i think  ???
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 19, 2013, 10:50 pm
So this is pretty much a lick eachothers asses for btc thread, lol.

No it's not, why you enjoy licking ass?

Wrong website  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 19, 2013, 10:51 pm

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 19, 2013, 10:52 pm
I,m going to bed good night guys  :-* :-*

Chem, will i send you the 0.18 incase RS needs it  :-\

My 1000th post - and it's to say night night to our darling Mary - I wouldn't want it to have been anything else  8)

Take care Mary - see ya tomorrow  :-*
Aww  :-[ Goodnight hun  :-* :-*

I,ve sent you the 0.18 to ChemCat, feel free to send to RS  :-* :-* Sweetdreams when its time guys  :-* :-*
:) thank you love! :-*

Sent You 0.25000000 BTC

how much do ya need now brother?

do the math and lets see about getting you what ya need :)
:) I love you guys/girls.

0.93 - 0.25222478 = 0.67777522

short all of it :-[ I currently have $0.23 on my account. so, dunno about that.. I'd need .93 :-\ which is asking a lot from all of you.

the other transaction is different in the sense I make money back from buying it.. this is 100% personal so, no return for me.. which isn't a problem.. but hope you can see why makes me little hesitant to ask..
and its a weird situation because I know this is a supper rare opportunity to buy.. so I am feeling a little desperate..  :(

I honestly would never want screw any of you. I'd rather take a bullet, then bring distrust into are family..

so in all honesty, I say I do not have an exact date I'd be able to pay anyone back. however it would be soon as physically possible.
I could assure you, it shouldn't be any later then next week tuesday, but again I can't promise that with how things have been lately. :-\. however I can guarantee partial repay towards everyone.. ( I am expecting money, just don't exactly how much, but should be more then enough to cover it.

Have you managed to get him to save it for you? PM him...

How much can we all russle up?

I only have 0.04 but can get coin within an hour (ish)
I'll try messaging him

also, 0.67777522  - .04 = 0.63777522 :)

also, chem sent 0.18 more :-* so (edit: wait :) this was from mary huh :P)

0.63777522 - 0.18 = 0.49777522 :D

p.s sorry about slow response, had to reconnect to TOR
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 19, 2013, 10:57 pm
Is that including postage?

If so I'll need your long wallet number and I'll get you a transfer within about an hour...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 19, 2013, 11:06 pm
Quote from: Jpan
Is that including postage?
I am looking all over his vendor page :-\ haven't found any information about his shipping costs ??? just says "free if you paid for shipping on another item" :P

although you do bring up a good point :S

yes, it dose!

Quote from: listing

This price is only actually $ I am shipping over nite for free. I could have been like a used car salesman and put only $20 an ounce!!! FREE EXPRESS SHIPPING!!! but that is not my style. And this is not I do not make money off shipping or anything like cost me $19.95 just to ship it..not including the packaging or time or any of that shit that none of you think about. And trust me..shipping liquids is a TOTAL PAIN IN THE ASS!!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 19, 2013, 11:08 pm
Quote from: Jpan
Is that including postage?
I am looking all over his vendor page :-\ haven't found any information about his shipping costs ??? just says "free if you paid for shipping on another item" :P

although you do bring up a good point :S

All his other listings have postage costs.....strange.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 19, 2013, 11:10 pm
**As they turned the page, they began to read about the bond beginning to form by these anonymous electronic entities**

Stay tuned next week for More!

Brought to you by the Silk Road  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 19, 2013, 11:12 pm
So I need your long wallet number and I'll get it sent from a holding account to your account it takes about an hour to appear - I'll send .5 that should cover it...I think??
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 19, 2013, 11:12 pm
chances are if he dont have the shipping...well then the listing is dead, as far as i know....also check RX's past posts...i think he sold the last one  :(

dont hold me to that though cuz i really cant be sure  :o

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 19, 2013, 11:20 pm
Keep up Chem! We've established it's free shipping!!

RS - wallet number bro?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 19, 2013, 11:23 pm
So I need your long wallet number and I'll get it sent from a holding account to your account it takes about an hour to appear - I'll send .5 that should cover it...I think??
thank you greatly brother :) .5 should be perfect! and I shall never forget this :-*

1Ja5EiDo4S5cHdwcwsCPdnXpwY1KWkcoGv  <- wallet..

@chem the listing was dead this morning :o.. but then somehow japan magically put 1 listing back up ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 19, 2013, 11:25 pm
i remember reading that in  the forums :o


ok son, now ya get yur dream elixer  :P

Japan!!  you're amazing  :)  {{{{HUGS}}}}

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 19, 2013, 11:28 pm
So I need your long wallet number and I'll get it sent from a holding account to your account it takes about an hour to appear - I'll send .5 that should cover it...I think??
thank you greatly brother :) .5 should be perfect! and I shall never forget this :-*

1Ja5EiDo4S5cHdwcwsCPdnXpwY1KWkcoGv  <- wallet..

@chem the listing was dead this morning :o.. but then somehow japan magically put 1 listing back up ;)

It's sent - can take anything between 15mins and an hour and half - but usually it's pretty fast.

I have magic powers  8)

Off to bed, glad we got it sorted for ya in the end.

Take it easy
J-Man  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 19, 2013, 11:29 pm
**They sat the day talking and laughing with eachother on the silk road forums.
 Others came into their thread and tried to chastise for this bond being formed among great people.
        As each one of them strolls through the threads they cant help but to wonder what the others from the Official Spare Coins Thread is doing. Through the gibberish and daily chit chat a Family is Born**

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 19, 2013, 11:36 pm
**They sat the day talking and laughing with eachother on the silk road forums.
 Others came into their thread and tried to chastise for this bond being formed among great people.
        As each one of them strolls through the threads they cant help but to wonder what the others from the Official Spare Coins Thread is doing. Through the gibberish and daily chit chat a Family is Born**


Haha I like it  8)

The dude that come in with the ass licking bollocks - got sent packing!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 19, 2013, 11:38 pm
Bahaha!!   ;D

man i want to write an ebook  LOL  i'll wait until i am closer to kickin the bucket  LOL
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 19, 2013, 11:41 pm
truly an amazing feeling, having you guys help in such a way. :) I can't even put into words the gratitude I feel towards all of you! you are all very good heart'd people, in which makes me very happy an proud to be apart of all this!

we shall go down in history as the group whom defies normal beliefs of any anti-drug group! we prove here the caring for thy fellow man is possible, an here its done with a great amount of mutual respect and love! :)

so thank you brothers/sisters for confirming a known fact that people are more important then materials..
money, an materials in life are all secondary.. true friends cannot be bought, an that's what all of you are to me!

:) I love all of you in different ways, but you are all my brohter/sisters. meaning, I love all of you unconditionally :D

thank you! <3

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 19, 2013, 11:46 pm
well dagnabbit I Love ya too RS  :)

Just tell all of that to the people that still have past due loans out with me  :(


by the way..calico msg'd me..i told them to just send back as soon as they can  ....   now this Darknight character  :P

i might have to go spray his kitchen with silly string  LOL

Peace & Hugs,

ChemCat  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 19, 2013, 11:50 pm

:P you mean 'darktime'.. and wait how much dose he owe you? :o thought he was all caught up :(

also, glad to hear calico's kept up with communication.. he's good guy..  I assume, hes just having problems getting cash -> btc..

(grizzly bear hugs)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 19, 2013, 11:53 pm
well i dont know  :o

i thought darktime was keepin up with it  :o


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 19, 2013, 11:54 pm
:( I'll try asking him if hes on, an you aren't around..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bamoida2 on June 19, 2013, 11:55 pm
hey friends, good day to ya all

anyone could help me out with 0.02 real quick? will pay back tomorrow or the day after at worst
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 19, 2013, 11:55 pm
seriously, i'm not sweating anything  :)

It's Karma  :)

Really does exist  ;)

the ones i put on the shit list....well two were from april i think  LOL

oh well  :)  cant win them all  :P
just makes me more choosey who i lend to now  :(

unfortunately  ???


changed sit list to shit list
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: coglac on June 19, 2013, 11:57 pm
So I am short .05 BTC for my order, Bitinstant only has an option to send money to your paypal account for some reason. I would be extremely grateful if someone could lend me the BTC and I would pay them back as soon as Bitinstant is back up, or if it is not back in a day or two I will be using localbitcoins, so I can get you back by the end of the week for sure.
my user name on sr is coglac.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 19, 2013, 11:59 pm
No, no, please dont RS  LOL 

like i said, no worries, and i aint worried about darktime  LOL  i'll have to check ...i cant remember if he borrowed or not  ???

i was just bustin his balls cuz he wasnt feelin good the other day  LOL

ya know.....become family expect to be friendly razzed a bit   LOL

ok i cant wait to get this stuff LOL  am gonna go tomorrow and get the items for the machijne  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 19, 2013, 11:59 pm
:( I'll try asking him if hes on, an you aren't around..

I have 0.08 gathering dust , same screen name on sr ?
Hugs all round
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 20, 2013, 12:02 am
hey friends, good day to ya all

anyone could help me out with 0.02 real quick? will pay back tomorrow or the day after at worst
wish I could help ya out bam, but I squeezing out all my dollars on this sizz.. :(

anyone else willing, I vouch for bamoida2, given him few loans, hes always payed back quickly :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 20, 2013, 12:02 am
well hey taz  LOL

sleepy head hows yur day been?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 20, 2013, 12:03 am
:) hiya taz

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 20, 2013, 12:06 am
man RS i cant wait to try this stuff  :)

ok so if i put 1/4 gram is that enough or to much? should i do an eigth of a gram first?  and what is the secret to "Breaking Through"  ??   to vape it slowly and get that good first hit...hold it till i black out then sit back?


ok, sounds good to me  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bamoida2 on June 20, 2013, 12:07 am
hey friends, good day to ya all

anyone could help me out with 0.02 real quick? will pay back tomorrow or the day after at worst
wish I could help ya out bam, but I squeezing out all my dollars on this sizz.. :(

anyone else willing, I vouch for bamoida2, given him few loans, hes always payed back quickly :)

+1 for you and a (hug),

 still need 0.02 tho ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: xda on June 20, 2013, 12:08 am
nevermind, samples are gone
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 20, 2013, 12:09 am
can send you 0.01 bam  ???

i know it's not what ya need.....but will it help?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 20, 2013, 12:11 am
truly an amazing feeling, having you guys help in such a way. :) I can't even put into words the gratitude I feel towards all of you! you are all very good heart'd people, in which makes me very happy an proud to be apart of all this!

we shall go down in history as the group whom defies normal beliefs of any anti-drug group! we prove here the caring for thy fellow man is possible, an here its done with a great amount of mutual respect and love! :)

so thank you brothers/sisters for confirming a known fact that people are more important then materials..
money, an materials in life are all secondary.. true friends cannot be bought, an that's what all of you are to me!

:) I love all of you in different ways, but you are all my brohter/sisters. meaning, I love all of you unconditionally :D

thank you! <3


We've really got something special in this thread. Against all odds, on an illegal drugs website from people of different ages, from all across the globe - we've only fucking gone and done it.

We have created a family, people that would give their last penny (or cent!) to help another family member out when in need. We have simply done what 99.9% of people would say would be impossible to do, and of all the places to do it!!

I was planning on going to bed, but I might stay up to make sure you get the coin in time to order what you want, afterall I did use my magic to make a listing reappear  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 20, 2013, 12:11 am
sorry xda, if bam takes this 0.01 .... i'll be tapped out ???
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 20, 2013, 12:15 am
Yo Bam - what you need bro?  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 20, 2013, 12:16 am
Japan, RS, Mary, Box, tazy, do ya'll really realize what we're doing?

How, if a normal citizen would look at our world within this thread...would they think?


You people are amazing....every one of us will step outside of this thread in one way or another....let's just keep in touch and close.....all i see coming out of what thecrackhead built a foundation the showing of human compassion and love for one another without expectations......sight unseen...we Love eachother!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bamoida2 on June 20, 2013, 12:21 am
got my 0.02, I just placed my order, a friend outside this thread just came online and helped me out ;P
(hugs) to ChemCat, Japan and RS for their support

hopefully i'll have a few spare coins soon to help out people in need and give something back to that wonderful community here
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 20, 2013, 12:23 am
okily dokily :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: redfunguy on June 20, 2013, 12:24 am
RS, I got a MP for btc deal in the works with monkeybiscuit, just waiting on the coins and I will pay you back what you lent me.  Sorry for the wait.  What amount did you loan me again?  I think it was around $6 worth correct?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 20, 2013, 12:25 am
i just got back from a fridge raid ,same sr namr  rs ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 20, 2013, 12:27 am
Japan, RS, Mary, Box, tazy, do ya'll really realize what we're doing?

How, if a normal citizen would look at our world within this thread...would they think?

Yep ,that's right , they would think were nuts .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: xda on June 20, 2013, 12:27 am
nevermind samples are gone
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 20, 2013, 12:29 am

SR> Account> Account History....Therein you will see who has sent you coins...who you've sent coins to, purchase transactions, deposits and withdraws...

Hope this heps ya  :)

ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 20, 2013, 12:29 am
Sorry xda  :(

Maybe next time?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 20, 2013, 12:31 am
Sorry I'm not up to speed with the conversation  are you still short if your target rs - ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 20, 2013, 12:33 am
man RS i cant wait to try this stuff  :)

ok so if i put 1/4 gram is that enough or to much? should i do an eigth of a gram first?  and what is the secret to "Breaking Through"  ??   to vape it slowly and get that good first hit...hold it till i black out then sit back?


ok, sounds good to me  :)
:D think you've got the idea.. recommended 50 mg = 1/20 of a gram :P

truly an amazing feeling, having you guys help in such a way. :) I can't even put into words the gratitude I feel towards all of you! you are all very good heart'd people, in which makes me very happy an proud to be apart of all this!

we shall go down in history as the group whom defies normal beliefs of any anti-drug group! we prove here the caring for thy fellow man is possible, an here its done with a great amount of mutual respect and love! :)

so thank you brothers/sisters for confirming a known fact that people are more important then materials..
money, an materials in life are all secondary.. true friends cannot be bought, an that's what all of you are to me!

:) I love all of you in different ways, but you are all my brohter/sisters. meaning, I love all of you unconditionally :D

thank you! <3


We've really got something special in this thread. Against all odds, on an illegal drugs website from people of different ages, from all across the globe - we've only fucking gone and done it.

We have created a family, people that would give their last penny (or cent!) to help another family member out when in need. We have simply done what 99.9% of people would say would be impossible to do, and of all the places to do it!!

I was planning on going to bed, but I might stay up to make sure you get the coin in time to order what you want, afterall I did use my magic to make a listing reappear  8)
keep refreshing the checkout page ever 2 - 3 minutes :P (:o FUCK YEAH ORDERED!!!!<<>!!> :D:D:D :-*

@bam :) anytime bro.

@xda :( sorry brother, no coin to spare.

@taz ??? I got everything I needed bro :) but thanks for your concern :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 20, 2013, 12:34 am
Japan, RS, Mary, Box, tazy, do ya'll really realize what we're doing?

How, if a normal citizen would look at our world within this thread...would they think?


You people are amazing....every one of us will step outside of this thread in one way or another....let's just keep in touch and close.....all i see coming out of what thecrackhead built a foundation the showing of human compassion and love for one another without expectations......sight unseen...we Love eachother!


It's quite unbelievable really. How the fuck did all this happen?

Your wife will be looking down so proud of you Chem..

This might sound really corny but when I was a kid my Mum and Brother died (dad had already left without a trace) - I grew up as a very lost child, and sometimes still feel lost. Getting to know you guys has restored my faith in humanity, as I spent years and years getting put in different 'homes' etc.. Until I was old enough and legally allowed to make my own decisions - My decision was to fend for myself out in the streets. I have my own loving family now as this was years ago, but a part of me was/is missing. I feel like that part is being built up slowly but surely - and people like you guys in this thread really have helped that process.

Those that just read that and think what the fuck is he on about won't understand - but I know the people that will understand.

I have 0.04 in my wallet if Bam or anyone needs a quick loan? 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 20, 2013, 12:35 am
*jumps up outta seat, an dose the happy dance :D

ordered it! :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 20, 2013, 12:36 am
RS - you get the .5?

That was pretty quick  8)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 20, 2013, 12:43 am
 I have 0.08 - I can lend , to anyone vouched for by " the regulars " here , only short term though - it half of my weed order I need to place tomorrow night .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 20, 2013, 12:44 am
Quote from: Japan1980
Quote from: ChemCat
Japan, RS, Mary, Box, tazy, do ya'll really realize what we're doing?

How, if a normal citizen would look at our world within this thread...would they think?


You people are amazing....every one of us will step outside of this thread in one way or another....let's just keep in touch and close.....all i see coming out of what thecrackhead built a foundation the showing of human compassion and love for one another without expectations......sight unseen...we Love eachother!


It's quite unbelievable really. How the fuck did all this happen?

Your wife will be looking down so proud of you Chem..

This might sound really corny but when I was a kid my Mum and Brother died (dad had already left without a trace) - I grew up as a very lost child, and sometimes still feel lost. Getting to know you guys has restored my faith in humanity, as I spent years and years getting put in different 'homes' etc.. Until I was old enough and legally allowed to make my own decisions - My decision was to fend for myself out in the streets. I have my own loving family now as this was years ago, but a part of me was/is missing. I feel like that part is being built up slowly but surely - and people like you guys in this thread really have helped that process.

Those that just read that and think what the fuck is he on about won't understand - but I know the people that will understand.

I have 0.04 in my wallet if Bam or anyone needs a quick loan?

You will never forget where you came from Japan :)


My Wife ... well i'd say she is looking down at all of us on here right now  :)

she was the one that started this whole thing on here....told me what she wanted and spoke to you all quite often while i was in town or tending to the animals  :)
She is, I am Sure, Proud of you All  :)

You have a Family now  :)

Take care of them by hook or crook  ;)

Give them what you didnt have  :)

I believe that you're a Good Parent, a Good Friend :)

I Know ya Are Here!

When you need us and want to speak freely and vent, then pm one of us  :)

man...i know where you're comin from....when i grew up times were real tough  :(

Peace, Love & Hugs to ya Japan-Man!!


ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 20, 2013, 12:44 am
truly an amazing feeling, having you guys help in such a way. :) I can't even put into words the gratitude I feel towards all of you! you are all very good heart'd people, in which makes me very happy an proud to be apart of all this!

we shall go down in history as the group whom defies normal beliefs of any anti-drug group! we prove here the caring for thy fellow man is possible, an here its done with a great amount of mutual respect and love! :)

so thank you brothers/sisters for confirming a known fact that people are more important then materials..
money, an materials in life are all secondary.. true friends cannot be bought, an that's what all of you are to me!

:) I love all of you in different ways, but you are all my brohter/sisters. meaning, I love all of you unconditionally :D

thank you! <3


We've really got something special in this thread. Against all odds, on an illegal drugs website from people of different ages, from all across the globe - we've only fucking gone and done it.

We have created a family, people that would give their last penny (or cent!) to help another family member out when in need. We have simply done what 99.9% of people would say would be impossible to do, and of all the places to do it!!

I was planning on going to bed, but I might stay up to make sure you get the coin in time to order what you want, afterall I did use my magic to make a listing reappear  8)
sorry as I was preparing to write a response, however I was able to place the order, so the excitement ruined the train of thought. :D

what you wrote goes very well with what I said, and agree totally. an the the gesture is very sweet, I love the fact you not only help supply the coin, but stayed around to confirm I got what I needed.. this is true sportsman ship :)!

Japan, RS, Mary, Box, tazy, do ya'll really realize what we're doing?

How, if a normal citizen would look at our world within this thread...would they think?


You people are amazing....every one of us will step outside of this thread in one way or another....let's just keep in touch and close.....all i see coming out of what thecrackhead built a foundation the showing of human compassion and love for one another without expectations......sight unseen...we Love eachother!

also, where is thecrackhead :P he deserves a big group hug. :)

:P hey what if like 5 - 10 of us write thank you PM's ::) :P?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 20, 2013, 12:46 am
oh, i think thecrackhead is around watching us  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 20, 2013, 12:47 am
RS - you get the .5?

That was pretty quick  8)

yes! thank you greatly sir japan :).
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 20, 2013, 12:49 am
:P Argg! so much posting hard to keep up with an what I replying too!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 20, 2013, 12:51 am
Rollin on twenny`fo's

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 20, 2013, 12:53 am
:P Argg! so much posting hard to keep up with an what I replying too!


That gets to me too , things move pretty fast here some nights
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 20, 2013, 12:54 am
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 20, 2013, 12:55 am
RS - you get the .5?

That was pretty quick  8)

yes! thank you greatly sir japan :).

Mission complete then - So glad we were able to get you sorted tonight bro  8)

I'm off to bed as it's late here and I've got some business to attend to in the morning.

I'm going to bed a happy man - knowing I had a hand in helping one of the spare coin family out.

Night all, take care and be lucky.

Much Love,
J-MAN  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 20, 2013, 12:57 am
Night J-Man!

**Flies to yur house and sprinkles you and yours with sweet dream dust**

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 20, 2013, 01:07 am
sprinkle some of that pixie dust over this way , you can get high of that shit right ?

Oh wait that's angel dust - dagnamit
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 20, 2013, 01:12 am
Quote from: taz7
sprinkle some of that pixie over this way , you can get high of that shit right?

Oh wait that angel dust - dagnamit

well hail ya it gets ya feelin like ya high as  hell flyin through palmdale ...skatin on datin rims!!



Hugs to ya taz  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 20, 2013, 01:23 am
Hugs man , With a side order of love =)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 20, 2013, 01:26 am
Quote from: Japan1980
Quote from: ChemCat
Japan, RS, Mary, Box, tazy, do ya'll really realize what we're doing?

How, if a normal citizen would look at our world within this thread...would they think?


You people are amazing....every one of us will step outside of this thread in one way or another....let's just keep in touch and close.....all i see coming out of what thecrackhead built a foundation the showing of human compassion and love for one another without expectations......sight unseen...we Love eachother!


It's quite unbelievable really. How the fuck did all this happen?

Your wife will be looking down so proud of you Chem..

This might sound really corny but when I was a kid my Mum and Brother died (dad had already left without a trace) - I grew up as a very lost child, and sometimes still feel lost. Getting to know you guys has restored my faith in humanity, as I spent years and years getting put in different 'homes' etc.. Until I was old enough and legally allowed to make my own decisions - My decision was to fend for myself out in the streets. I have my own loving family now as this was years ago, but a part of me was/is missing. I feel like that part is being built up slowly but surely - and people like you guys in this thread really have helped that process.

Those that just read that and think what the fuck is he on about won't understand - but I know the people that will understand.

I have 0.04 in my wallet if Bam or anyone needs a quick loan?

You will never forget where you came from Japan :)


My Wife ... well i'd say she is looking down at all of us on here right now  :)

she was the one that started this whole thing on here....told me what she wanted and spoke to you all quite often while i was in town or tending to the animals  :)
She is, I am Sure, Proud of you All  :)

You have a Family now  :)

Take care of them by hook or crook  ;)

Give them what you didnt have  :)

I believe that you're a Good Parent, a Good Friend :)

I Know ya Are Here!

When you need us and want to speak freely and vent, then pm one of us  :)

man...i know where you're comin from....when i grew up times were real tough  :(

Peace, Love & Hugs to ya Japan-Man!!


ChemCat  O0
:(. shame to hear about your mother an brother, we'll always try be here for you japan! you are a true hero in this family! :) and we've missed you lately ;)

tell your wife hi for me chemmy ;), we all miss her.

sorry for the short replies. company showed up :).. lurking for a moment :) love y'all
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 20, 2013, 01:27 am

you doin ok?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 20, 2013, 01:31 am
you have a msg on SR taz  :)


ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 20, 2013, 01:35 am
She hears you all through me every day RS  :)

i walk around here talkin about you all to her  LOL silly huh?


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 20, 2013, 01:35 am
I'm coming down with a cold right now and feel a bit low , but I've seen worse days .

Thanks for asking chem , hows you and hows ya back ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 20, 2013, 01:39 am
back hurts  LOL   killin me really but it'll be ok after i put a drop of this morphine in this beer  LOL

check yur msg's on SR :)

you can msg that person back  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 20, 2013, 01:42 am
FFS!  What did I miss?

You people are crazy!  How many pages can we make this place!

This thread was radically different than when I first started.  Nice to have some like minded fools join in for sure!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 20, 2013, 01:46 am
Was that from you  C hem , I will pay it forward to anyone we know is trust worthy - I'm going to bed soon , so shall I send my 0.08  + that 0.02 your way to distribute - over the next few days ?
I'm good with lending it for 24 - 48 hours until I  re weed myself =)

sorry ya backs sore , do go easy on th oramorh / beer cocktail , I'm sure you know your limits , I have had 5 units + with oramorph before and been fine , but one time I went  white as a ghost and stared wretching like crazy .

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 20, 2013, 01:46 am
Where ya been?   >:(

we've had dinner waiting  for you  >:(

RS needs jolly ranchers ya have some in yur pockets?



Boxy  LOL   ;D

i've missd you my electronic friend :)

how are you and yours doing?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 20, 2013, 01:47 am

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 20, 2013, 01:49 am

This morphine makes me if i say anything out of place or out of the ordinary  :(

Please PM me   ;D

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on June 20, 2013, 01:51 am
I came for the free coins and ended up staying for the lulz
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 20, 2013, 01:53 am
Hugs to all you guys.  I love logging on and reading all this stuff.

Vitamin C to your face taz.  Can't keep a body down for such an awesome spirit that inhabits it!


I only have dum dum's.   :P  Is that what ya'll made for dinner? 

I'm doin well. :) Just working right now.  And all of "mine" are all right here so you can ask them!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 20, 2013, 01:57 am
Was that from you  C hem , I will pay it forward to anyone we know is trust worthy - I'm going to bed soon , so shall I send my 0.08  + that 0.02 your way to distribute - over the next few days ?
I'm good with lending it for 24 - 48 hours until I  re weed myself =)

sorry ya backs sore , do go easy on th oramorh / beer cocktail , I'm sure you know your limits , I have had 5 units + with oramorph before and been fine , but one time I went  white as a ghost and stared wretching like crazy .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 20, 2013, 01:59 am

This morphine makes me if i say anything out of place or out of the ordinary  :(

Please PM me   ;D


I should do a shot of ghb just to spite you...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 20, 2013, 02:01 am
Thanks boxy , for the reminder I need A VIT C top up - I've been drinking honey n lemon and white tea ( more anti oxys then green ) and eating loads of kiwi fruit coz i' fresh out of 1000mg super hits  .

How's you ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 20, 2013, 02:02 am
ypu should  LOL


and no taz that was a friend of ours  :)

they said dont bother paying back...just please pay forward in here when you're able  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 20, 2013, 02:08 am
:D (hugs) boxy

:D still sorta lurking ;)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 20, 2013, 02:08 am
Oh ok , that's cool - forward it shall go - that was  nice of him .

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 20, 2013, 02:09 am

You on the head with a nerf bat   


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 20, 2013, 02:10 am
Thanks boxy , for the reminder I need A VIT C top up - I've been drinking honey n lemon and white tea ( more anti oxys then green ) and eating loads of kiwi fruit coz i' fresh out of 1000mg super hits

Sounds delightful!  I always liked white tea better than green.  Kiwi's underrated.  If it's not in a sugary drink, people don't pay attention to it.

How's you ?
I should do a shot of ghb just to spite you...
I'll be better in a min!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 20, 2013, 02:14 am
:D (hugs) boxy

:D still sorta lurking ;)


What is this?  I'll have to do some reading. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on June 20, 2013, 02:15 am
Forget the k-hole...I have fallen into the SR forum hole...can't stop reading/refreshing! Ack.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 20, 2013, 02:17 am
Did  N E 1 c that weird d.e.a post in here the other day ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 20, 2013, 02:22 am
Forget the k-hole...I have fallen into the SR forum hole...can't stop reading/refreshing! Ack.
Command+R is not your friend.  It's filled with empty promises.

Did  N E 1 c that weird d.e.a post in here the other day ?

Yea.  I have no clue to what end that was about.  I don't know if there have been others since then.  I just remember most of the add's were from AU.  Has anyone else said anything about it?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on June 20, 2013, 02:23 am
Did  N E 1 c that weird d.e.a post in here the other day ?

Wha wha??  ???
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: redfunguy on June 20, 2013, 02:25 am
Thanks for the account history info Chem, gave you a plus one for that.  RS must not have seen my post, so I checked my history and RS gave me .06 so I will be sure to give back that plus more. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 20, 2013, 02:28 am
Did  N E 1 c that weird d.e.a post in here the other day ?

Wha wha??  ???

A user by the name of info wars started spamming the threads with addresses and said these are ones that the DEA has right now... more to come.

I don't know what he was trying to accomplish.  The account was banned not after too long. 

It was very weird. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 20, 2013, 02:30 am
Yeah man if you look back to a about 3 -4 days ago - there's a really weird post with what were supposedly orders from some vendors WITH  customers names and address and strange claims of it being something to do with the D.E.Avils

And what happened to cyanide man , was he just attention seeking , I felt it best to dispense some sage advice just on the 1  % chance he wasn't a troll .

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 20, 2013, 02:34 am
And what happened to cyanide man , was he just attention seeking , I felt it best to dispense some sage advice just on the 1  % chance he wasn't a troll .

He had a long talk with CC and snapped out of it some.  I've seen him post in here a few times since then, in good spirits.  Was asking for change to go on a dmt trip the last time I saw.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on June 20, 2013, 02:38 am
I hope that this is not a buzz kill...but does anyone have .02 btc to lend?

I will return .04 to you on Friday.


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 20, 2013, 02:39 am
That's good to hear , and shows you have 2 take things like  that seriously , good to know  the advice I gave him  may have done some good .

@ Iam , do you mean this friday ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 20, 2013, 02:42 am
If so , give me ya screen name and it's on it way .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 20, 2013, 02:43 am
@ ImAz

We send to SR names on here so we can keep track easier.

And this is what this thread is for!  I don't know how it would be a buzz kill
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 20, 2013, 02:49 am
@ ImAz


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  jgs  \__)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 20, 2013, 02:51 am
I am cornhoolio , I must have  TP 4 my bunghole ( to go with that pic )
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 20, 2013, 02:51 am
wut's a buzzkill?

LOL  ya aint askin fo` 12 bitcoins  :o
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 20, 2013, 02:54 am
LOL  looks like ;em dont it  LOL

how ya feelin taz?  :)

better i hope  (Hugs)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 20, 2013, 03:01 am
wut's a buzzkill?

LOL  ya aint askin fo` 12 bitcoins  :o

Put ya hands up the air  this here is a  stick up , I want yo dimes  ,nickles , shit I even want yo motherfuckin cents with bits of gum stuck 2 em  :o
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 20, 2013, 03:04 am
Took more than I intended.... Don't think someone could kill this buzz...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 20, 2013, 03:10 am
Quote from: Boxy
Took more than I intended.... Don't think someone could kill this buzz...



you ok?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 20, 2013, 03:12 am
Yea I'm great.  Just don't make me drive anywhere! 

And let me keep my gum taz.   :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 20, 2013, 03:12 am
LOL  looks like ;em dont it  LOL

how ya feelin taz?  :)

better i hope  (Hugs)


A bit icky but hopefully it's not a bad one , colds usually hit me had n fast - how that oramorph working 4 ya back ?
 @Iam you still here bro ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 20, 2013, 03:16 am
Im off to bed - soon Iam so , let me know soon - I'll refresh this in like 15 mins or so shout ify a still need that till this Friday
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 20, 2013, 03:18 am
3hhh....get well soon  :)

not to well, had to repair the fence so the old back is wrenched tonight :o

pretty fubar pinched nerve, herniated disc, fractured L 4 vert....for the most part if i just forget about it...i dont feel it until i move.  :o

a friend gave me some morphine ..liquid...the other day, so i been wacked out on morphine for a day or so  :o


it's great when i can move, just now when i am not on the morph, i feel it worse..  LOL

i'll take the last of it tonight and not get anymore...  makes me want it to much even when i am about to nod  :o

oh well  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on June 20, 2013, 03:19 am
Sorry, I was really nervous for asking.  :-*

My user name is azuthus

Thanks all!  \(*T▽T*)/
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 20, 2013, 03:21 am
Quote from: tazzy
Im off to bed - soon Iam so , let me know soon - I'll refresh this in like 15 mins or so shout ify a still need that till this Friday

if who needs wut? 


ima kunfewsed!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 20, 2013, 03:21 am
Sleep well Taz!  Rest your soul well!


Good to hear you know whats good for ya.  I think?


Thanks for the concern!  We appreciate the courtesy.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 20, 2013, 03:22 am
Quote from: ImAz
Sorry, I was really nervous for asking.  :-*

My user name is azuthus

Thanks all!  \(*T▽T*)/

I am completely lost  :o
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: redfunguy on June 20, 2013, 03:23 am
RS7FI8ZRkm I just sent you .07 so we are all settled up now.  Thanks again for the loan!   :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 20, 2013, 03:23 am


i have no clue  :c
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 20, 2013, 03:25 am
I hope that this is not a buzz kill...but does anyone have .02 btc to lend?

I will return .04 to you on Friday.



Taz was going to help out.  We will see if he will be back?

Otherwise ImAz needs .02


Thanks for putting the shapes back!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 20, 2013, 03:28 am
Sorry, I was really nervous for asking.  :-*

My user name is azuthus

Thanks all!  \(*T▽T*)/

ok , so dd you mean Friday tomorrow or next Friday ,  I can spare it  till tomorrow night no probs .

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 20, 2013, 03:30 am
RS7FI8ZRkm I just sent you .07 so we are all settled up now.  Thanks again for the loan!   :D
anytime, :) glad to have helped! an thanks for returning :)

so, now I have .07 spare if anybody needs :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 20, 2013, 03:31 am
@ImAz whatchu need?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on June 20, 2013, 03:31 am
Quote from: ImAz
Sorry, I was really nervous for asking.  :-*

My user name is azuthus

Thanks all!  \(*T▽T*)/

I am completely lost  :o

Opps sorry about all the mess up...I was asking for .02 and said that I was nervous for asking. Like a boy asking out his first gf on a date, nervous.

Christ...the posting is so fast, I am having problems posting! hahah
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 20, 2013, 03:32 am
Sending to him now .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on June 20, 2013, 03:38 am
Thanks a lot mate!

Please let know if there is anything I can do for you...

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 20, 2013, 03:38 am
i could use 6.00 bitcoins back 6.75 bitcoins in 120 days  ???
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 20, 2013, 03:40 am
Sent -  be well friend
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 20, 2013, 03:41 am
we dont have fast posting  LOL

Come back ImAz after ya send back the coins or pay forward whichever your lender has told shoot the shit with us and have a ball in here with friends  :P

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 20, 2013, 03:42 am
Quote from: tazzy
Sent -  be well friend

ya sent me 6 bitcoins?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on June 20, 2013, 03:44 am
we dont have fast posting  LOL

Come back ImAz after ya send back the coins or pay forward whichever your lender has told shoot the shit with us and have a ball in here with friends  :P


Weird, it keep saying that "x posts have been posted" bla it is all good.

thanks for the warm welcome!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 20, 2013, 03:49 am
i could use 6.00 bitcoins back 6.75 bitcoins in 120 days  ???
sent 0.07 back @ ya chem :) (still owe you 0.18+ ;))

mary 0.18
japan 0.50
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 20, 2013, 03:52 am
HEHE I would love to say yes I sent those 6 coins chem but alas , have 6 hugs to be going on with -rest easy man - peace all - nighty night .

Catch ya soon folks n folketes

Easy on he alcohol with that morph young man

hell if I cant sleep I might pop back  I'm not sure I'm that tired .

Big lovin fam  :) :) :) :) 8)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 20, 2013, 03:55 am
                                                 :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) **When requesting, post your SR name** so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
dr gonzo
Mike Hunt
White Out

The shit list:
Autobondon *
danceandsing ++++
King Karma
lufc1992uk ++++
p4tr1ckb4t3m4n ++++

*^*do not lend to these people*^*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 20, 2013, 03:58 am
rest easy!


Heh.  Was just about to do that.  Cool story man.  Really magical this thread made it happen.  Beautiful to see a dream come true for a such a good guy.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 20, 2013, 03:59 am
Quote from: RS7FI8ZRkm
Quote from: ChemCat
i could use 6.00 bitcoins back 6.75 bitcoins in 120 days  ???
sent 0.07 back @ ya chem :) (still owe you 0.18+ ;))



No. I thought we agreed you were gonna keep what i sent you. i'll check my msg's.

Just send back to mary. Sorry for the confusion, i  am fighting nodding on this morphine...

If i were younger and my wife were here i might like this morphine....i'll use the DMT to try to talk to her  :)

RS, no worries  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on June 20, 2013, 04:00 am
HEHE I would love to say yes I sent those 6 coins chem but alas , have 6 hugs to be going on with -rest easy man - peace all - nighty night .

Catch ya soon folks n folketes

Easy on he alcohol with that morph young man

hell if I cant sleep I might pop back  I'm not sure I'm that tired .

Big lovin fam  :) :) :) :) 8)

Nite bro bra and thanks again!

Anyone into sumo? No fat/dippers jokes!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 20, 2013, 04:06 am
Quote from: tazzy
HEHE I would love to say yes I sent those 6 coins chem but alas , have 6 hugs to be going on with -rest easy man - peace all - nighty night .

Catch ya soon folks n folketes

Easy on he alcohol with that morph young man

hell if I cant sleep I might pop back  I'm not sure I'm that tired .

Big lovin fam  :) :) :) :) 8)

yeah Yeah  LL  i dont think the beer is wut i gots tuh worry 'bout  LOL
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 20, 2013, 04:08 am


hmmm....seems interesting....i mean have ya seen the trsining those men go through?

Big Humans they are........Human Compassion they have  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 20, 2013, 04:10 am
Anyone into sumo? No fat/dippers jokes!

Do what?  That's kind of a different thing to be into?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 20, 2013, 04:13 am
I'm Confused 

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 20, 2013, 04:19 am
I don't understand!  What are you confused about cc?  You are confusing me, because of all of the confusion!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 20, 2013, 04:21 am
Quote from: RS7FI8ZRkm
Quote from: ChemCat
i could use 6.00 bitcoins back 6.75 bitcoins in 120 days  ???
sent 0.07 back @ ya chem :) (still owe you 0.18+ ;))



No. I thought we agreed you were gonna keep what i sent you. i'll check my msg's.

Just send back to mary. Sorry for the confusion, i  am fighting nodding on this morphine...

If i were younger and my wife were here i might like this morphine....i'll use the DMT to try to talk to her  :)

RS, no worries  :)
:o wait why? I want to to pay you back! and I shall. :) never remember ever asking for free money :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on June 20, 2013, 04:24 am
I asked if any one was into Sumo...

I love it and have been watching it for years. Just wondering if anyone else was in to it.

If anyone wants, I have a bunch on my maga account and can give you a link to watch it in english.

Sorry, again, to cause so much confusion!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 20, 2013, 04:24 am
ehhhh... bro?  RS  without checking, i dont know what i tld ya..keep it man  :)    pay forward please :)

just get mary and J-Man back  ;)

man i cant wait to tey tjhat dmt  :)  gonna stay broke through for aS LONG AS I CAN PUSH THE LINITS  :)

  oops s :o

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 20, 2013, 04:28 am
Every one of you, i am gonna tell ya'll something....when you find that person...stay with may not seem like much njow....but when ya get to my GE you'll miss it when ya lose it..them....  Box, RS....i'll use this to talk to my wife again.

damn it...there is now way that you all would know or feel how much ya'll mean to me  :)

sounds pathgetic i guess....but...

I Love Ya'll   :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 20, 2013, 04:31 am
rest easy!


Heh.  Was just about to do that.  Cool story man.  Really magical this thread made it happen.  Beautiful to see a dream come true for a such a good guy.
truly makes me warm inside :) all of you are awesome people! we all make this wonderful place possible through trust an friendship, even though none of us truly know one an other, it shows anonymity and trust is possible!

for those whom choice to abuse the people only trying to help you? I don't really have anything to say,
these people should be ashamed.

anyone with pending loans should immediately contact their lender or simply repay the debt. :) 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper800 on June 20, 2013, 04:33 am
Feelin for ya chemcat. Your post made me move a little closer to my sleeping wife. Have a good night man. Everything always gets better.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 20, 2013, 04:34 am
@chem we love ya too! :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on June 20, 2013, 04:37 am
chemcat - stay strong and keep on tripping...I will be right there with you...somewhere in the mist.

Women...can't live with them...pass the chips

Here you go...something to make you smile - I don't have a girlfriend. But I do know a woman who'd be mad at me for saying that. - Mitch Hedberg
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 20, 2013, 04:43 am
I can only wish to have someone to share this madness.  I haven't been around as long as you, but I've missed those that have come and gone already. 

You mean a lot to us cc!  We are happy you are here right now!

Impaired at typing right now.  The empathy is running deep right now for sure...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: skrillyskrill on June 20, 2013, 05:52 am
Sent -  be well friend

hey bud, dont mean to bug, but  just wondering when yer gonna shoot me that small loan back. would put me closer to what i need to make a small purchase and maybe you could loan me a lil to get to what i need to be at :) i scratch ur back now mine itches :) hit me up

dam bitinstant problems, im short .25btc
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 20, 2013, 06:32 am
Morning ALL  8)

Mary - when you see this go back over the thread from when you left last night, we got there in the end for RS  ;D

It was fantastic team work, but we done it!

Hope everyone's well.

Off to work see ya all later

J-MAN  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tedrux on June 20, 2013, 06:38 am
taking donations towards ayahuasca
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 20, 2013, 07:14 am
Morning ALL  8)

Mary - when you see this go back over the thread from when you left last night, we got there in the end for RS  ;D

It was fantastic team work, but we done it!

Hope everyone's well.

Off to work see ya all later

J-MAN  8)
:) much love japan <3
thank you again!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 20, 2013, 08:13 am
taking donations towards ayahuasca
Teddy its NOT a donations thread!!

Morning everyone  ;) I always read what i,ve missed in the morning Japan  ;) took a while this morning, you,s can bloody talk ha ha  :D I,m glad it all went to plan, i don,t really know what your buying RS  :P had a look but RxKing only US anyway  :(
Hi Taz, missed you again hun  ::) Hope you had good dreams Chem  :-*

You people are amazing, my pal asks how you,s are when she comes down, says she feels like she knows you,s too, thats me reading out loud to her, she always asking after you esp. Chem, i think she,s developed a soft spot for you  ;) Even if your online, you,s are all still real friends with real help and advise for people. I love you guys and i feel the love  :-* 

Have a great day everyone, i,ll be back later  :P :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mezzomixtor on June 20, 2013, 09:29 am
Hey everyone!

sry to ask, but im short of 0.04 bitcoins :( dammit never thought that i would be in this position, but i promise that i will pay them back in about one month (definetly in july!) AND when i have my coins in july, after i paid back the 0.04 bitcoins, im going to help a brother out as well.  :)

My SR-name is the same as here, "mezzomixtor", thanks in advance!!!!!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 20, 2013, 10:42 am
Sory Mezza  :( I,ve got nothing, maybe try back about an hour from now prob be more people on  ;)

Got my cat this morning  ;D Braw to have her home  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 20, 2013, 10:45 am
Mornin ya'll  :)

Sorry mezzo  ???
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 20, 2013, 10:46 am
mary mary  goot moanin!!  :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 20, 2013, 10:49 am
BitInstant is still down  :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 20, 2013, 11:05 am
Hi Dad  :-* How are you today, i see you,s were chatting away last night, did you have swet sweet dreams  ;)

Got my man Modafinil (from the clearnet, they,re not illegal to order i don,t think  ::)) I had one earlier, was a wee rush when it came on, feel nice and awake now  ;D :P I did write about it somewhere but i can,t find the thread, its not showing in recent posts  :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 20, 2013, 11:14 am
mary mary  :)

so how's yur day goin?
i was gonna go get the supplies for the machine....but the old back wont let me move too much this morning  :(

might be stuck in bed today :(


mary dont get old!!!   :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 20, 2013, 11:15 am


oops sorry bout the caps  :P

i told her i was cranky 'cuz i cant move :o


how's you and yours doin today mary?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 20, 2013, 11:28 am
Sorry Chem  :-[ I was in the UK cannabis thread, "commodore" seems to think i,m Joolz along with being about 4 or 5 other people  :o lol  ::) Having to defend myself, i,ve done nothing  :( You can,t please everyone hun eh?  :o

I,m good my mum,s just come in  :P :P going food shopping, YUK!! Its better when your hungry, i,m not in the mood  ;)

I hope your back gets better and you get your machine, have you not got a bottle in the house you could use  :-\ save you going out, have you got your order hun  :-* :-*

Hope the nurse isn,t sponge bathing you lol I,m already old hun  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 20, 2013, 11:34 am
link to that thread mary?

and tell yur mum i said Hi  :)

Hugs to ya Mum!!


get me a link ton that thread please  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 20, 2013, 11:47 am
I don,t know hoe to put a link up  :-[ :-[ :-[

Its the UK cannabis thread lol  ;) :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 20, 2013, 12:04 pm
No worries  LOL


i found ya through your posts  ;)

dont antagonize them mary...and if you turn out to be edar.....ima come to scotland and tie some haggis to yur titties!


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mezzomixtor on June 20, 2013, 12:33 pm
changed my order and had some luck with the exchange rate, so i was able to place my order now :) thanks anyways! :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 20, 2013, 12:35 pm
Quote from: mezzomixtor
changed my order and had some luck with the exchange rate, so i was able to place my order now :) thanks anyways! :)

i've had to do that before  ???

Glad ya got it worked out  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 20, 2013, 01:04 pm

i'm not feelin this jeffbobb guy too much  :(

i might have to cancel my order  :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 20, 2013, 01:16 pm
Just came to say good morning all.

Wishing you all a good day.  Hope you're ok CC?  ???

I don't know how people could make these accusations.  Hope it get's worked out.  Kinda funny in a way...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 20, 2013, 01:25 pm

to ya Box  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 20, 2013, 01:30 pm
Whats up mary, chem, trichome, box and everyone else, how are you doing today?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 20, 2013, 01:33 pm

to ya Box  :)

Well that's good to know!  you 2 guy.


I'm good!  Got a little crazy last night but I'm back to reality.

We see what today has in store?  Have a good one dood!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 20, 2013, 01:35 pm
Hiya mel  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: deepinblu on June 20, 2013, 01:43 pm
If anyone could help me with 0.05btc, I'd be really grateful :) I will pay back within 24h, I just need to place my order ASAP. Thanks :)

Anyone willing to help me, PM me :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 20, 2013, 01:45 pm
hahah its been a shitty day for me, only slept an hour, woke up still high and its been raining all day long, at least I can chill out for a bit now so its not all that bad. Have you done that DMT yet ChemCat?

@box, how do you handle all that pressure of representing all the boxes around the world, kudos to you my friend :D I am waiting for a box from White Shark, have got no idea how big its gonna be, and am just hoping that it fits through the letterbox :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 20, 2013, 01:52 pm
I can't handle it!  That's why I'm in this thread!

When there are too many shapes I tell them to think out of the box.  If things are getting to square, I tell them to shape up!

SHOUT OUT to all my 6 sided friends out there!  May you carry some fun stuff to my peeps in need!

People give vendors all the credit, but we know who the real hero in all this is...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 20, 2013, 01:57 pm
                                                 :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) **When requesting, post your SR name** so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
dr gonzo
Mike Hunt
White Out

The shit list:
Autobondon *
danceandsing ++++
King Karma
lufc1992uk ++++
p4tr1ckb4t3m4n ++++

*^*do not lend to these people*^*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 20, 2013, 02:01 pm
i Love you BoxofShapes!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 20, 2013, 02:05 pm
huh? what secret? 

boxofhapes have ya lost it?


pm me sometime  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 20, 2013, 02:07 pm
I can't handle it!  That's why I'm in this thread!

When there are too many shapes I tell them to think out of the box.  If things are getting to square, I tell them to shape up!

SHOUT OUT to all my 6 sided friends out there!  May you carry some fun stuff to my peeps in need!

People give vendors all the credit, but we know who the real hero in all this is...

hahah, thats certainly true, if it wasnt for the boxes, SR probably wouldnt exist or wouldnt be doing as well as it is doing now :)

Anyone need any coin, I got some spare. anyways im off, will be back later
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 20, 2013, 02:09 pm
e safe mel  :)

has anyone heard from our little girl mary?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 20, 2013, 02:10 pm

I have to work up the courage first.   :(


deepinblu was lookin on the last page?  Up to you though

Headed out for now as well.  Lot to do today.  Thanks for a fun start this morning!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: coglac on June 20, 2013, 02:29 pm
Hi I am .05 btc short for an order and bitinstant is down could anyone spare .05 and I will pay back as soon as Bit instant is back up. I have never gotten a loan on here before but I really am not trying to fuck anyone. I would realy appreciate someone giving me a chance.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 20, 2013, 02:33 pm
Quote from: coglac
Hi I am .05 btc short for an order and bitinstant is down could anyone spare .05 and I will pay back as soon as Bit instant is back up. I have never gotten a loan on here before but I really am not trying to fuck anyone. I would realy appreciate someone giving me a chance.

keep checkin back coglac  :)

Right now though....most of us are tapped out  :(

i know right!?!?!?    sux that bitinstant is down right  now  :(

like i said....keep checkin back...and re-post your   request....somone may be able to assit you later  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 20, 2013, 02:34 pm
e safe mel  :)

has anyone heard from our little girl mary?
Hi Chem, sorry  :-[ I,ll have went away cause i,m really you obv. lol  ;) My mum was saying "they can talk shit if they want, if its anonymous why do u care" n she,s right, she dragged me shopping so had to dash  :-[ And i,m SCOTTISH  :P I,ll occ. write "aboot"!  ;) I don,t like that someone or some people obv think i,ve been or am other people, Esp people who don,t seem to be very nice from what i,ve read  ::) (slightly upset and quite annoyed)  :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 20, 2013, 02:39 pm
Quote from: mary666
Quote from: ChemCat
e safe mel  :)

has anyone heard from our little girl mary?
Hi Chem, sorry  :-[ I,ll have went away cause i,m really you obv. lol  ;) My mum was saying "they can talk shit if they want, if its anonymous why do u care" n she,s right, she dragged me shopping so had to dash  :-[ And i,m SCOTTISH  :P I,ll occ. write "aboot"!  ;) I don,t like that someone or some people obv think i,ve been or am other people, Esp people who don,t seem to be very nice from what i,ve read  ::) (slightly upset and quite annoyed)  :(

mary Stop.

Tell yur mum i said Hi  :) and give her a hug from me  :)  and i am scottish as well as native american. what's the point aboot?    LOL   :P

step out of your annoyed body and step   back into marys body please  :

I Love you and Mum, mary  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 20, 2013, 02:47 pm
Thanks Chem you diamond  ;) if i wrote how i spoke no one would be able to understand lol  ;) Just rolling a smoke, hardly got any shopping, went to dog rescue to see a dog my mum was interested in, hers died in October, found a nice collie for her, they do a home check then she gets her  ;D ;D chuffed to bits, so is mum, she sends hugs to you Chem  :P :-* I,m back in my body with a spliff  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 20, 2013, 03:06 pm
a fhios agam nach bhfuil sé seo Albanach LOL insint mam yur a dúirt mé Dia duit ... agus Hugs a thabhairt duit mary :)

TBB is responding slowly, am gonna check on it...will be back as soon as possible.

Hugs to you & Mum.....mary  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 20, 2013, 03:16 pm
God i just searched the Edar name  ::) (i thought it said edgar earlier) Seems to be a scam vendor, whats weird is the Jools person seems to be arguing with Edar (I think)  :-\  Nice to know they think i,m that person  :-\ :-\ I only joined SR as a buyer in Feb it was April when i joined here and was reading about SR attack then i think i pm,d  Libertas when the coins were taking ages to come through, just read the threads for a while before posting  ;)

Maybe i shouldn,t come on so much  :(

Gets a big hug from Chem Dad  :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: makku on June 20, 2013, 03:20 pm
Hi Chem, sorry  :-[ I,ll have went away cause i,m really you obv. lol  ;) My mum was saying "they can talk shit if they want, if its anonymous why do u care" n she,s right, she dragged me shopping so had to dash  :-[ And i,m SCOTTISH  :P I,ll occ. write "aboot"!  ;) I don,t like that someone or some people obv think i,ve been or am other people, Esp people who don,t seem to be very nice from what i,ve read  ::) (slightly upset and quite annoyed)  :(

Excuse me? Since when have I not been a nice person? I never insulted you in any way, in fact I merely stated an opinion on what I believed to be true. You appear to now be trying to smear my reputation which to be honest is damn upsetting.

For your information edar was a pleasant chap and I had no issues with him, I merely acknowledged that you and him wrote the same and from your post history it appeared to be a recurring theme.

For your information I also am Scottish, and it's sad to see that this is now turning into an attack.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 20, 2013, 03:23 pm
Hi Chem, sorry  :-[ I,ll have went away cause i,m really you obv. lol  ;) My mum was saying "they can talk shit if they want, if its anonymous why do u care" n she,s right, she dragged me shopping so had to dash  :-[ And i,m SCOTTISH  :P I,ll occ. write "aboot"!  ;) I don,t like that someone or some people obv think i,ve been or am other people, Esp people who don,t seem to be very nice from what i,ve read  ::) (slightly upset and quite annoyed)  :(

Excuse me? Since when have I not been a nice person? I never insulted you in any way, in fact I merely stated an opinion on what I believed to be true. You appear to now be trying to smear my reputation which to be honest is damn upsetting.

For your information edar was a pleasant chap and I had no issues with him, I merely acknowledged that you and him wrote the same and from your post history it appeared to be a recurring theme.

For your information I also am Scottish, and it's sad to see that this is now turning into an attack.
It is most certainly not an attack  :o I meant the Edar person wasn,t very nice and that i wasn,t happy people thought that was me i never said anything about you Makku  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: makku on June 20, 2013, 03:25 pm
Hi Chem, sorry  :-[ I,ll have went away cause i,m really you obv. lol  ;) My mum was saying "they can talk shit if they want, if its anonymous why do u care" n she,s right, she dragged me shopping so had to dash  :-[ And i,m SCOTTISH  :P I,ll occ. write "aboot"!  ;) I don,t like that someone or some people obv think i,ve been or am other people, Esp people who don,t seem to be very nice from what i,ve read  ::) (slightly upset and quite annoyed)  :(

Excuse me? Since when have I not been a nice person? I never insulted you in any way, in fact I merely stated an opinion on what I believed to be true. You appear to now be trying to smear my reputation which to be honest is damn upsetting.

For your information edar was a pleasant chap and I had no issues with him, I merely acknowledged that you and him wrote the same and from your post history it appeared to be a recurring theme.

For your information I also am Scottish, and it's sad to see that this is now turning into an attack.
It is most certainly not an attack  :o I meant the Edar person wasn,t very nice and that i wasn,t happy people thought that was me i never said anything about you Makku  ;)

In that case I apologise, appeared that you were trying to say that I was an unfriendly person, and that my reviews weren't worth their salt in the Terpene thread. Was starting to irritate me due to the fact I've been here for almost a year and worked hard at writing my reviews, purchasing from new vendors and taking some risks that others would not.

Hopefully this can now be left in the past, and move forward in peace.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 20, 2013, 03:30 pm
Left in the Past!

mary...honor this...

makku...mary is niot edar or any other electronic entity...

And thank you for stopping by to clarify things  :)

Stop by again  :)

Love & Hugs,

ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 20, 2013, 03:32 pm
 ;) Makku, i,ve read your reviews along with many others and paid attention, so thanks because of you guys i always had my orders and they,ve always been good, i notice Brusselsprouts cause i think its a girl and she,s on the UK thread a lot  :D that,s prob why she stood out to me, i did mention Terp could send a bit to someone else as he pm,d me and sent me a free gram (very kind) and was hoping he may contact a couple of you from the thread and do the same  ;) I,m on here a lot cuase i,m on my own all day just now and get bored, i,m not a facebook or twitter person, this is the 1st time i,ve been on anything talking, i,m not want to upset or attack anyone, quite the opposite and it would be nice to have another Scottish friend  8) :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 20, 2013, 04:33 pm
HIGH all  8)

Hope you're all well, just checking in  :o

J-MAN  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 20, 2013, 04:41 pm
taking donations towards ayahuasca
Teddy its NOT a donations thread!!

Morning everyone  ;) I always read what i,ve missed in the morning Japan  ;) took a while this morning, you,s can bloody talk ha ha  :D I,m glad it all went to plan, i don,t really know what your buying RS  :P had a look but RxKing only US anyway  :(
Hi Taz, missed you again hun  ::) Hope you had good dreams Chem  :-*

You people are amazing, my pal asks how you,s are when she comes down, says she feels like she knows you,s too, thats me reading out loud to her, she always asking after you esp. Chem, i think she,s developed a soft spot for you  ;) Even if your online, you,s are all still real friends with real help and advise for people. I love you guys and i feel the love  :-* 

Have a great day everyone, i,ll be back later  :P :-*

She's asking about me? That's very nice of her. Next time you see her say a big HIGH, and give her a 'wee' kiss (that's Scottish for small, before you Americans think I'm being rude!) from me.

Last night was a prime example of how close some of us have come due to this thread, a real on-line family  8)

That sounds weird - but it's so fucking true. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on June 20, 2013, 04:46 pm
Placing ANOTHER order today :D. Going to have ~$2500 worth in the mail all at once. Hopefully the basket doesnt break from all the eggs Im putting in it. 8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: coglac on June 20, 2013, 04:47 pm
Thanks chemcat I will be on the lookout
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 20, 2013, 04:51 pm
ok i'm on and off right now....what?  japan you confused me   :)

wut ya sayin?


i'll wee kiss yur arse if ya put 3 bitcions up  :P

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 20, 2013, 04:55 pm
Chem gotta pop out for 10 mins - I'll be back my man  :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 20, 2013, 05:06 pm
Quote from: Japan
Chem gotta pop out for 10 mins - I'll be back my man  :-*

Ok, i have to lay down...J-Man.....

back is fubar......


crazy..morphine isnt working,,,,, 

Love ya J-Man   


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 20, 2013, 05:13 pm
Have a good lay down for a few hours Chem - please don't over do it.

Lay back have a spliff (if you got any weed) and just chill out brother, I don't like seeing you in pain - so take it easy  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 20, 2013, 05:26 pm
I am....oh Jmanny...i wouldnt wish this pain on's not that i8t hurts so bad....just whn i ntry to bend over it take3s my breTH AWAY  :(

SORRY...CAPS,,,    damn t,,,sorry for caps,,,  hurtin bro,,,,layin here in my bed and chattin dont cut it.....i gottuh farm to take care of  :(

enough whinning!!

i'll be ok  :)

you'll be ok  :P


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 20, 2013, 05:51 pm
What you got on your farm Chemmy?

I can just picture you now - talking to the animals, being at one with nature....

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 20, 2013, 05:56 pm
Hi Japan  ;D hope your good hun  8) How,s your day been  ;)

Oh Chemmy get some more painkillers down you  :( Hope your backs better soon  ;)

I,ve got to go get bread  ::) just having a quick smoke 1st  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 20, 2013, 06:17 pm
Goats.........they    eat the grass.....2  cows....and 6 pigs.....\\


hard to handle   sometimes


If i   can be of any more assistance......Please Let Me
Know   :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 20, 2013, 06:27 pm
Hi Japan  ;D hope your good hun  8) How,s your day been  ;)

Oh Chemmy get some more painkillers down you  :( Hope your backs better soon  ;)

I,ve got to go get bread  ::) just having a quick smoke 1st  ;)

HIGH Mary,

I've had a busy day, my business/work/plan/activity is taking off on a larger scale than I originally thought - so I need to spend a lot of my time getting it ticking over nicely.

So yeah a busy day, but a good day  8)

How about you my sweet? You good?

@Chem - your farm sounds pretty cool man - is it a hobby or do you live off your produce when you can? or earn money from breeding etc.? Don't answer if you don't want to - I'm just being nosey  :o
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: deepinblu on June 20, 2013, 06:38 pm
I'd like to ask somebody again, if you can lend me 0.05btc I would be very thankful :) I will repay within 24-48hrs max.
If you are willing to help, please send me a PM and I will give you my SR username.
Cheers :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 20, 2013, 06:39 pm
I,m good Japan, thanks  ;) went for bread, bought sudofed instead of ibuprofen at shop n caused a HUGE Q of people lol  :-[

How you doing Chem, any better  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 20, 2013, 06:49 pm
I'd like to ask somebody again, if you can lend me 0.05btc I would be very thankful :) I will repay within 24-48hrs max.
If you are willing to help, please send me a PM and I will give you my SR username.
Cheers :)

Sorry bro, but got no coins at present. Should have some filtering through in a few hours if you're still in need, I'll happily offer you a loan then if you still need it.

J-Man  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on June 20, 2013, 06:49 pm
I'd like to ask somebody again, if you can lend me 0.05btc I would be very thankful :) I will repay within 24-48hrs max.
If you are willing to help, please send me a PM and I will give you my SR username.
Cheers :)
Hey, I can lend you the coins.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 20, 2013, 07:01 pm
Hi ytable  ;) i hope you get all those drugs in your basket  ;D :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 20, 2013, 08:49 pm
That's a lot of eggs in one basket..... but I can't say I'm better then that.   :P

Good luck with that!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MC Haberdasher on June 20, 2013, 08:55 pm
Shit, someone got 2 or 3 bucks they could lend me until my coins come from BST tomorrow?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 20, 2013, 09:06 pm
Shit, someone got 2 or 3 bucks they could lend me until my coins come from BST tomorrow?

Yep , whats your sr name bro ?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MC Haberdasher on June 20, 2013, 09:10 pm
Shit, someone got 2 or 3 bucks they could lend me until my coins come from BST tomorrow?

Yep , whats your sr name bro ?


Thanks alot.  I got coins coming tomorrow afternoon at some point, and I'll get ya back.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 20, 2013, 09:12 pm
Wow another garage lover ,wicked - you don't meet many garage headz these days , at least I don't .

Sending now .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 20, 2013, 09:15 pm
OK , done , sent 0.02 - let me know if your still a bit short .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 20, 2013, 09:18 pm
"No chicks with flat booties"

LMFAO - nice one man - enjoy your order   ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MC Haberdasher on June 20, 2013, 09:24 pm
Wow another garage lover ,wicked - you don't meet many garage headz these days , at least I don't .

Sending now .

Indeed..  I am more into Uk Funky now a days.  Still love a good warper here and there though.

I am in the US, so I definitely don't run into alot of folks into garrige.  Thanks again for the loan, sending back the remainder.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 20, 2013, 09:26 pm
Good stuff , gotta love that funky shit - have a good weekend =)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 20, 2013, 10:02 pm
what is uppppp my friends, anyone need any coin, got some spare change left. I have pm deepinblue, he already got his coins
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: coglac on June 20, 2013, 10:13 pm
Yes!! I need .05 BTC, I can pay you back as soon as Bitinsant is back up if that's ok with you. I would really appreciate it.
Sr name is Coglac
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 20, 2013, 10:16 pm
Damn quiet round these parts Mel , how ya doin ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 20, 2013, 10:17 pm
Yes!! I need .05 BTC, I can pay you back as soon as Bitinsant is back up if that's ok with you. I would really appreciate it.
Sr name is Coglac

Sent it to you my friend
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: coglac on June 20, 2013, 10:19 pm
Thank you kind sir, you made my day, I will get it back to you as soon as Bitinstant goes back up.
Thanks again!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 20, 2013, 10:20 pm
I have 0.07 ,  half each mel ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 20, 2013, 10:20 pm
Damn quiet round these parts Mel , how ya doin ?
Indeed it is Taz, Im not too bad man, chillin, lending people money, and praying that the value of btc's rises so i can order some good weed if my order from whiteshark doesnt get here to uk within a week. How are you?

half each? :D if you mean loan coglac 0.025 each, ive already sent him full ammount xD
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 20, 2013, 10:21 pm
Thank you kind sir, you made my day, I will get it back to you as soon as Bitinstant goes back up.
Thanks again!!
You're welcome
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tedrux on June 20, 2013, 10:25 pm
whats a troll? and why did I get called that?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 20, 2013, 10:27 pm
whats a troll? and why did I get called that?
a person who makes stuff up to annoy people for their own enjoyment tedrux, dont worry what people say, obviously its difficult to judge someone over the internet... :D

"In Internet slang, a troll (/ˈtroʊl/, /ˈtrɒl/) is a person who sows discord on the Internet by trying to start arguments and upset people.[1]. They may do this by posting deliberately inflammatory,[2] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as a forum, chat room, or blog, with the intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[3] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.[4]" - Wikipedia
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 20, 2013, 10:34 pm
I can "give" you 0.06, and then you just give me 0.06 back whenever I need it, not loaning? haha

@Taz7. Not cool man, deleting your posts haha, now I look like a mad man, talking to my self :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tedrux on June 20, 2013, 10:37 pm
if your asking if Im making up being suicidal then I don't know how to say yes or no. what is being suicidal? thinking of death? praying , uncertain if your heard, for death? thinking the world would be better without you? feeling unwanted and unlovable? these things I qualify for. I even have a plan for how to do it. but if being suicidal is something else then I guess I am not suicidal and thus I am a troll. but I fulfill my definition of suicidal most of the time...but im not mentally or emotionally stable and lots of times its like im in a fog, without perspective , unable to see past or future.  as far as asking for contributive loans towards an ayahuasca trip , that wasn't my idea. It was reccomended to me by fellow SR'ers.  in truth i wish i was hanging from a rope now and its pointless to say it but i've never been one who made sense. i just speak my mind as if i were the only person in the universe. im fucked up beyond all repair because my parents didn't care , didn't have any friends any where and I couldn't seem to escape my private nightmare . it may be true I was born a little broken and you might know from the words i've spoken, I say goofy shit like 1-up and hadoken , when im being serious they say bitch stop jokin. looking down the alley way of my past , im not sure how much longer my future should last , i get disapproving stares from my lifes cast , the sails are tattered upon my mast. I always was rejected. i always was stupid... but if you think this 'attention grabbing' egotism is for smiles , your disproven.  :'(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 20, 2013, 10:39 pm
Thanks man , but I I'm good - I have committed myself to sticking to lending , I'm just lending to trusted people waiting for there coins to hit .

If 1 of them tips me when they pay back I should have my order covered tomorrow .

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 20, 2013, 10:40 pm
I really appreciate the thought though btw .

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tedrux on June 20, 2013, 10:40 pm
whats a troll? and why did I get called that?
a person who makes stuff up to annoy people for their own enjoyment tedrux, dont worry what people say, obviously its difficult to judge someone over the internet... :D

"In Internet slang, a troll (/ˈtroʊl/, /ˈtrɒl/) is a person who sows discord on the Internet by trying to start arguments and upset people.[1]. They may do this by posting deliberately inflammatory,[2] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as a forum, chat room, or blog, with the intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[3] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.[4]" - Wikipedia

but I honestly don't beleive any one cares. how was I trying to provoke any one? I know they have no interest in my well being or what trouobles me. I know they dont care and i dont want to bother them. its their feelings, they cancare or not and its up to them , nothing to do with me.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 20, 2013, 10:45 pm
I can "give" you 0.06, and then you just give me 0.06 back whenever I need it, not loaning? haha

@Taz7. Not cool man, deleting your posts haha, now I look like a mad man, talking to my self :P

haha , I did delete that hoping no one had seen it , for the record mel is NOT  a mad man , I however might be !

 :) :) ;) ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 20, 2013, 10:46 pm
@tedrux, you are not a troll. Don't listen to what people say, who are they to tell you that they are wright and youre wrong? If thats the idea you choose (asking for donations) then I would stick to it. You are in your early 20, am i right? It sounds to me like youre just depressed my friend. See a doctor or something, try to get anti-depressants (MDMA is sometimes used to treat depression in extreme cases) You are still young and a lot can change, so if I were you I would just believe in my self and dont doubt everything you say just because people say so. I know these are the feelings youve got, but you have to start to respect your self and focus more on your self rather than others. I am not saying that you are listening to what people say, it just seems to me like you are bothered by it and by the peoples response to your description of your feelings. 

@Taz7 safe man, listen I will be back in 30 mins. we can talk some more then, same goes to you tedrux. hahahah thanks taz7 for straightening that out
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 20, 2013, 10:48 pm
whats a troll? and why did I get called that?

Yeah man we love you - your at home right here , we did wonder if your were trolling , but I was glad to find out you are not a troll .

hugs ted  :) :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 20, 2013, 10:51 pm
BTW ted , how ya feeling , better  I hope , I know what it's like to have those thoughts of ending it ,but like I said the other day - thedarker things may feel , the brighter they will become .

People who have never felt that low , will never realize they are so high .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper800 on June 20, 2013, 10:51 pm

.06 Gram samples. First ten. Mary Jane. I jumped on it... go go go!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 20, 2013, 10:57 pm

.06 Gram samples. First ten. Mary Jane. I jumped on it... go go go!

Wicked , hanks for the tip , I have 1 in my cart but shipping is steep unless your getting a few .

Hmmm decisions .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 20, 2013, 10:59 pm
Just realize there US only , grab 6 g's for 6 bucks if your in the land of dreams folks .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper800 on June 20, 2013, 11:00 pm
Shipping is just .05 and .01 price. .06 for a gram of medical... that's $14 cheaper than street price where I'm at. Plus, if it's actually medical... I doubt that's the quality I get in my area.

Shit. Sorry taz, I didn't even look at that...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 20, 2013, 11:07 pm
Yeah your  right , it's a bargain - just more of a bargain if you order the full 6g limit , thanks for thinking of us man , hopefully some of the U.S bro's n sis's will grab themselves some .

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 20, 2013, 11:16 pm
Quote from: tedrux
if your asking if Im making up being suicidal then I don't know how to say yes or no. what is being suicidal? thinking of death? praying , uncertain if your heard, for death? thinking the world would be better without you? feeling unwanted and unlovable? these things I qualify for. I even have a plan for how to do it. but if being suicidal is something else then I guess I am not suicidal and thus I am a troll. but I fulfill my definition of suicidal most of the time...but im not mentally or emotionally stable and lots of times its like im in a fog, without perspective , unable to see past or future.  as far as asking for contributive loans towards an ayahuasca trip , that wasn't my idea. It was reccomended to me by fellow SR'ers.  in truth i wish i was hanging from a rope now and its pointless to say it but i've never been one who made sense. i just speak my mind as if i were the only person in the universe. im fucked up beyond all repair because my parents didn't care , didn't have any friends any where and I couldn't seem to escape my private nightmare . it may be true I was born a little broken and you might know from the words i've spoken, I say goofy shit like 1-up and hadoken , when im being serious they say bitch stop jokin. looking down the alley way of my past , im not sure how much longer my future should last , i get disapproving stares from my lifes cast , the sails are tattered upon my mast. I always was rejected. i always was stupid... but if you think this 'attention grabbing' egotism is for smiles , your disproven.  :'(

tedrux....i told ya once...i'll tell youa again....we dont need suicide talk in this thread...   if you in sist in talking about suicide...then please push on to another thread.....fuckin period....f you're gonna kill it now and quit slingin threats around our're family.....stop acting like you're not.....i'll say this one fucking time....recognize...and get to know your family.....otherwise....get out.

once're Family...Act like it.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 20, 2013, 11:17 pm
+ for mel and jasper - people like you guys r what makes this place so good , peace hugs and sweet smelling budz =)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 20, 2013, 11:19 pm
Other than that tedrux, how have ya been?

you feelin any better?

i hope so....i didnt mean to hurt yur feelings....just putting it out there like it should be.......anyhoo...tedrux....if ya need anything and if i have's yurs...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 20, 2013, 11:20 pm
Hey Chemy , check out those samples jasper linked to a few posts ago , good to see you man .

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 20, 2013, 11:28 pm
hiya taz  :)

geez ...whar links?  you good?  hit me up next week and i'll try to help ya out if i am able 

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 20, 2013, 11:29 pm
man taz i cant wait to try this DMT  :)

lookin forward to a proper blast off  :P

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 20, 2013, 11:34 pm
hiya taz  :)

geez ...whar links?  you good?  hit me up next week and i'll try to help ya out if i am able 


Quote from: Jasper800 on Today at 10:51 pmif


    .06 Gram samples. First ten. Mary Jane. I jumped on it... go go go!


Thanks but I'm sticking to plan of lending only , I have 2 loans out and if one leaves a tip I will have what I need - I'm just being care full to lend to people with a good track history .

Hows the back ?

hugs  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 20, 2013, 11:37 pm
When you planing to blast off man ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 20, 2013, 11:41 pm
plan to blast of when i get the DMT  lol

how ya been taz?  i'd send you some more coins....but i'm tapped out at  the moment
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 20, 2013, 11:42 pm
fuckin taz  LOL

we should roll together some time  :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 20, 2013, 11:48 pm
Whats up, I'm back, haha thanks for +1, I gave you one earlier, otherwise would give you one now as well. Yeah shame about those samples being usa domestic only :D You are right Taz7, ive been there, the lowest moments of my life, that I wish no one. The things indeed can only brighten up once you hit the rock bottom. Taz7, which uk vendor would you recommend for good weed and fairly cheap according to SR standards

Taz7, you into uk hip hop by any chance?
Hi Chem
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 20, 2013, 11:50 pm

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 20, 2013, 11:51 pm


Whats up Chem
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 20, 2013, 11:51 pm
plan to blast of when i get the DMT  lol /

Hehe , no messing about then that's the spirit .

how ya been taz?  i'd send you some more coins....but i'm tapped out at  the moment

Seriously , as much as I appreciate the thought ,  I'm committed  to lending only for  the foreseeable future , I value having you guys to chat to and would prefer to go without weed for a few days , then feel weird like I did before .

Thanks though , for being you  ;) :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 20, 2013, 11:54 pm
taz you have us  :)

mel...geez  LOL

am opening shop soon,,,,,just want to be careful   :)

ya know?

yeah i'll sell some weed....invite only though  :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 20, 2013, 11:55 pm
Love ya taz  :)

back ...lower back is putting me down.....i'll be here on and off  :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 20, 2013, 11:57 pm
if ya needme taz......just msg me...gonna lay down now....caint hardly move  :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 20, 2013, 11:58 pm
taz you have us  :)

mel...geez  LOL

am opening shop soon,,,,,just want to be careful   :)

ya know?

yeah i'll sell some weed....invite only though  :P

Haha I get it Chem, edited out my last post :D I was just curious cos i read some of your post in the uk weed buyers review thread  :D If the weed is good, then I would be more than willing to become a regular  :D, that is provided that someday I will fulfill the requirements for the invite from You :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 21, 2013, 12:01 am
Whats up, I'm back, haha thanks for +1, I gave you one earlier, otherwise would give you one now as well. Yeah shame about those samples being usa domestic only :D You are right Taz7, ive been there, the lowest moments of my life, that I wish no one. The things indeed can only brighten up once you hit the rock bottom. Taz7, which uk vendor would you recommend for good weed and fairly cheap according to SR standards

Taz7, you into uk hip hop by any chance?
Hi Chem
I finally found a good uk vendor , that has proper high grade for 16 bucks a g and 45 a q , better weed then some of the shit I have paid $ 27 for .

His name is yours if you promise not to clean him out he's the only vendor I can afford to buy from and has the best weed , I only shop here for tide me over grams and I'm praying he's still got stock in a few days , after that go crazy and buy all you can smoke , by all means .

deal ?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 21, 2013, 12:02 am
Quote from: meloniasty
Quote from: ChemCat
taz you have us  :)

mel...geez  LOL

am opening shop soon,,,,,just want to be careful   :)

ya know?

yeah i'll sell some weed....invite only though  :P

Haha I get it Chem, edited out my last post :D I was just curious cos i read some of your post in the uk weed buyers review thread  :D If the weed is good, then I would be more than willing to become a regular  :D, that is provided that someday I will fulfill the requirements for the invite from You :D

yeah , the weed will be good mel.


i'll let ya know when i start shipping   :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 21, 2013, 12:04 am
deal Taz7, PM me :D I promiss not to clean him out. I am waiting for an oz from canada atm, and it should be here within a week hopefully, and if it isnt here by next tuesday, then I will order off him, or maybe on sunday, but only a g max cos I am waiting for an oz afterall :D (just to get me through the waiting period) :P

@Chem Thank You, much appreciated chemcat :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 21, 2013, 12:05 am
if ya needme taz......just msg me...gonna lay down now....caint hardly move  :(

Damn , hope it stats to ease up a bit chem - rest easy man =)

Big love =)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 21, 2013, 12:12 am
deal Taz7, PM me :D I promiss not to clean him out. I am waiting for an oz from canada atm, and it should be here within a week hopefully, and if it isnt here by next tuesday, then I will order off him, or maybe on sunday, but only a g max cos I am waiting for an oz afterall :D (just to get me through the waiting period) :P

@Chem Thank You, much appreciated chemcat :)

I get all mine from Canada to ,have done for nearly 10 years    , the guy who I'm p.ming you with has Candian bubba kush in right now , cheap as you like and potent to boot .

I'm just going to raid the fridge and , i'll pm ya when I get back .

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 21, 2013, 12:12 am
ugh....hey hey taz  :)

love ya maN    :)

caint move....i'll be here ...just caint move...   :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 21, 2013, 12:18 am
taz? mel?   i gotta go...... 


my back is telolin me to push on ....see ya'll  later....taz...keep charge of the room ...okay?

gotta go...hurtin to bad to stick aroubd......taz...take control......

Love, ChemCat

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 21, 2013, 12:19 am
deal Taz7, PM me :D I promiss not to clean him out. I am waiting for an oz from canada atm, and it should be here within a week hopefully, and if it isnt here by next tuesday, then I will order off him, or maybe on sunday, but only a g max cos I am waiting for an oz afterall :D (just to get me through the waiting period) :P

@Chem Thank You, much appreciated chemcat :)

I get all mine from Canada to ,have done for nearly 10 years    , the guy who I'm p.ming you with has Candian bubba kush in right now , cheap as you like and potent to boot .

I'm just going to raid the fridge and , i'll pm ya when I get back .


Cool Cool Taz7, thanks.

Chem, I don't know the story full story with your back pains, but hope you get better, unless you've got a herniated/ruptured disc, then I hope the pain gets lower, hahah i remember once after I came back from the gym, my back muscle went into spasm, I immediately fell over, and spent the next 4 day on the floor of my living room, it sucked man :D

Bye Chem, hope it gets better my friend (hugs)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 21, 2013, 12:23 am
ugh....hey hey taz  :)

love ya maN    :)

caint move....i'll be here ...just caint move...   :(

I feel your pain  :(

I  also feel your love  :)

Wish I could make if feel better , back pain sucks  :(

@ Mel , I'll pm ya once I eat my munchies , I haven forgotten bro .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 21, 2013, 12:25 am
ugh....hey hey taz  :)

love ya maN    :)

caint move....i'll be here ...just caint move...   :(

I feel your pain  :(

I  also feel your love  :)

Wish I could make if feel better , back pain sucks  :(

@ Mel , I'll pm ya once I eat my munchies , I haven forgotten bro .

hahaha no problem Taz7, I am contemplating smoking the last bit of bud Ive got, might go for it in like half hour :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 21, 2013, 12:26 am
L4 vert fractured.. have3 some discs  hernoated....hurtin so bd right now can hardly type   :(

walkin with my wife was one to alk with niw  :(

terrible.....gonna go cry back l8er
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 21, 2013, 12:28 am
taz? mel?   i gotta go...... 


my back is telolin me to push on ....see ya'll  later....taz...keep charge of the room ...okay?

gotta go...hurtin to bad to stick aroubd......taz...take control......

Love, ChemCat

Aye aye captain !

I'll keep her steady as she goes , you rest up , big hugs man  :)

P.Ming Mel n munching at the same time , multitasking this shiz =)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 21, 2013, 12:29 am
L4 vert fractured.. have3 some discs  hernoated....hurtin so bd right now can hardly type   :(

walkin with my wife was one to alk with niw  :(

terrible.....gonna go cry back l8er
Sorry to hear that Chem, sounds really painful. If this wasnt anonymous, and I lived in USA, I would walk with ya Taz7 :) have a smoke, and chill out.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 21, 2013, 12:31 am
hahah LOL Taz7, and who says pot smokers are lazy :P multitasking like a boss :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 21, 2013, 12:32 am
ugh....hey hey taz  :)

love ya maN    :)

caint move....i'll be here ...just caint move...   :(

I feel your pain  :(

I  also feel your love  :)

Wish I could make if feel better , back pain sucks  :(

@ Mel , I'll pm ya once I eat my munchies , I haven forgotten bro .

 Same here I'm staring at my last bit of bubba K - trying to hold off smokin it as long as poss - right pming now

hahaha no problem Taz7, I am contemplating smoking the last bit of bud Ive got, might go for it in like half hour :)

 Same here I'm staring at my last bit of bubba K - trying to hold off smokin it as long as poss - I'll try n give it half hour too , haven't touched it all day -  right pming now
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 21, 2013, 12:33 am
Quote from: meloniasty
Quote from: ChemCat
L4 vert fractured.. have3 some discs  hernoated....hurtin so bd right now can hardly type   :(

walkin with my wife was one to alk with niw  :(

terrible.....gonna go cry back l8er
Sorry to hear that Chem, sounds really painful. If this wasnt anonymous, and I lived in USA, I would walk with ya Taz7 :) have a smoke, and chill out.

I'd smoke with  you all   

k, gonna lay down now...taz..take control...mel...i love ya....gotta lay down now....

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 21, 2013, 12:35 am
ugh....hey hey taz  :)

love ya maN    :)

caint move....i'll be here ...just caint move...   :(

I feel your pain  :(

I  also feel your love  :)

Wish I could make if feel better , back pain sucks  :(

@ Mel , I'll pm ya once I eat my munchies , I haven forgotten bro .

 Same here I'm staring at my last bit of bubba K - trying to hold off smokin it as long as poss - right pming now

hahaha no problem Taz7, I am contemplating smoking the last bit of bud Ive got, might go for it in like half hour :)

 Same here I'm staring at my last bit of bubba K - trying to hold off smokin it as long as poss - I'll try n give it half hour too , haven't touched it all day -  right pming now

Yeah, Ive got a tiny bit of serious seeds chronic left (sample) :D It was good when it lasted :) and now the long wait for the package from canada to arrive begins
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 21, 2013, 12:38 am
pm sent , he's got the best I've had domestic off the road , he imports from C land , damn I would love to live there , I plan to one day .

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 21, 2013, 12:41 am
cheers man, I pmd you back, but just ignore it cos it was being a spaz :D  Yeah I would love to move to Canada some day, more than USA, purely because there is so much wild terrain, uninhabited bu humans :DHave you seen trailer park boys ?  I laughed so much when I watched it hahaha
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 21, 2013, 12:41 am
**Cough Cough**

seeds?   ya kiddin?   you should not be getting me the vendor....if ya want to,k and i'll speak to them for you....Vendors shpuld be specific......are ya sure3  ya reD IT RIGHT?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 21, 2013, 12:42 am

Yeah, Ive got a tiny bit of serious seeds chronic left (sample) :D It was good when it lasted :) and now the long wait for the package from canada to arrive begins

 Ahh your wait won't be so long now , he ships next day , so your Likely to be smoking again at the same time as me , if yOu order now you may get yours on Monday , a whole day b 4 me - smoke a fat for me  !
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 21, 2013, 12:42 am

Yeah, Ive got a tiny bit of serious seeds chronic left (sample) :D It was good when it lasted :) and now the long wait for the package from canada to arrive begins

 Ahh your wait won't be so long now , he ships next day , so your Likely to be smoking again at the same time as me , if yOu order now you may get yours on Monday , a whole day b 4 me - smoke a fat 1 for me  !
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 21, 2013, 12:44 am
**Cough Cough**

seeds?   ya kiddin?   you should not be getting me the vendor....if ya want to,k and i'll speak to them for you....Vendors shpuld be specific......are ya sure3  ya reD IT RIGHT?

LMFAO classic chem  ;)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 21, 2013, 12:45 am
**Cough Cough**

seeds?   ya kiddin?   you should not be getting me the vendor....if ya want to,k and i'll speak to them for you....Vendors shpuld be specific......are ya sure3  ya reD IT RIGHT?

No no no Chem, serious seeds company, and the guy who i got the sample from grew this strain chronic, he bought the seeds from the company called serious seeds :D So i got the weed, not seeds its all good. Thanks for worrying though my friend :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 21, 2013, 12:47 am
Stay tuned man....when i open shop, i'll send you some good weed  :)

layin in bed and caint haqrdly move.....

taz...keep up wit dis shit nd 4  real..i'll   send you   some   good weed  :)

gotta lay down now   :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 21, 2013, 12:49 am
**Cough Cough**

seeds?   ya kiddin?   you should not be getting me the vendor....if ya want to,k and i'll speak to them for you....Vendors shpuld be specific......are ya sure3  ya reD IT RIGHT?

No no no Chem, serious seeds company, and the guy who i got the sample from grew this strain chronic, he bought the seeds from the company called serious seeds :D So i got the weed, not seeds its all good. Thanks for worrying though my friend :D

Glad to here it , how does it smoke ?

This bubba is tasty , I only smoke kush really , Ive had better but great by domestic sr standards .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 21, 2013, 12:53 am

Yeah, Ive got a tiny bit of serious seeds chronic left (sample) :D It was good when it lasted :) and now the long wait for the package from canada to arrive begins

 Ahh your wait won't be so long now , he ships next day , so your Likely to be smoking again at the same time as me , if yOu order now you may get yours on Monday , a whole day b 4 me - smoke a fat 1 for me  !

I will man, but I meant the package with an oz of bubba kush from WhiteShark :D that guy, im only going to order from him if the package from Whiteshark takes ages to arrive. Anyways, I will certainly smoke one for you bro :)

Thanks Chem, I will keep my eyes and ears open for the news of the Grand opening :)
@Taz7 it smoked good, vgood indeed. It smells amazing, typical indica smell, but so resinous its incredible, I didnt smell weed like that for a loong time now :Das to the high, its ok, not my preferred type, but its still excellent, first the body stone and the the head, sativa high kicks in. After all beggars cant be choosers :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 21, 2013, 12:54 am
Im not sure what music youre into but im currently listening to Leaf Dog Ft Smellington Piff - Pro Cultivation (Produced By Illinformed) (Exclusive) pretty good song :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 21, 2013, 12:56 am
I know serious seeds.........good people...nirvana was good for us.....


layi down now..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 21, 2013, 12:56 am
Stay tuned man....when i open shop, i'll send you some good weed  :)

layin in bed and caint haqrdly move.....

taz...keep up wit dis shit nd 4  real..i'll   send you   some   good weed  :)

gotta lay down now   :(

You might beat me to it - I'm sending samples for the chosen few when my chickens hatch , I made the mistake of counting them last week - jinxed that shiz , but they gotta hatch soon .!

That does make sense - honest .

Rest up young  man Mel and are on deck 4 now captin   :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 21, 2013, 12:57 am
Mel reporting for duty :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 21, 2013, 12:59 am
I know serious seeds.........good people...nirvana was good for us.....


layi down now..
Yeah nirvana was ok cos their seeds were cheap, but their genetics werent as stable, and I swear they were F2's
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 21, 2013, 12:59 am
ok mel    :)

like i said...layin   down now....

hurting........time to rest... 

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 21, 2013, 01:00 am
go go Chem, rest :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 21, 2013, 01:02 am
If my spidey senses serve me , Boxy and / or RS should be here at some point soon to take the wheel , my wrist needs a quick R.S.I break  , but I'm here .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 21, 2013, 01:03 am
If my spidey senses serve me , Boxy and / or RS should be here at some point soon to take the wheel , my wrist needs a quick R.S.I break  , but I'm here .

Yeah I was wandering where they were, its like afternoon in usa, isnt it? :D I think I might go for a smoke and to bed, last night only slept an hour
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 21, 2013, 01:06 am
OK Taz7,
I am going to leave you with this tune:
Verb T - Life In A Day (OFFICIAL VIDEO) (Prod. JJ Malone)
and go for a smoke and to bed, stay safe Taz7 and see you tomorrow. Goodnight man (hugs) and if you see box/RS7 say high to them from me
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 21, 2013, 01:09 am
OK . time to hit a tiny bong - R U a bong or a spliff lover Mel -  ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 21, 2013, 01:10 am
OK . time to hit a tiny bong - R U a bong or a spliff lover Mel -  ?
Spliff, just always sort of found it easier and less hussle, except the rolling process :D with the bong you have to light it all over again everytime you want a toke :P or at least im not great at it
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 21, 2013, 01:11 am
Quote from: tazzy
If my spidey senses serve me , Boxy and / or RS should be here at some point soon to take the wheel , my wrist needs a quick R.S.I break  , but I'm here .

Box is busy....RS will be here soon...taz...yur in charge..........we'll see ya l8er....


any questions just msg box or RS or me......
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 21, 2013, 01:12 am
see you later chem, and taz, im off as well, im literally falling asleep writing this haha. Ill speak to yous two tomorrow bye guys (hugs)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 21, 2013, 01:12 am
OK Taz7,
I am going to leave you with this tune:
Verb T - Life In A Day (OFFICIAL VIDEO) (Prod. JJ Malone)
and go for a smoke and to bed, stay safe Taz7 and see you tomorrow. Goodnight man (hugs) and if you see box/RS7 say high to them from me

Sure thing I'll check it out ,I'll give you  a tune back next time we meet . or  refresh this in a min for the link to one . sleep well man  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 21, 2013, 01:16 am
I'll link back a tune for next time then , shame to waste - I'm here and will refresh every now n again for an hour or so - for the record I have any  trust worthy bro's or sis's covered for anything up to 0.07  - just shout and I got ya .

Right lets listen to this tunage   n hit dis here bong .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 21, 2013, 01:58 am
I'm off 2 bed soon , one more refresh if I don't fall asleep first !
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 21, 2013, 02:11 am
Nope.  Still nothing here
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 21, 2013, 02:14 am
OK folks , normal service shall be resumed shortly most likely .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 21, 2013, 02:17 am
ah B man - how ya been ?

Just doing my lash refresh when u posted .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 21, 2013, 02:19 am
Nope.  Still nothing here

I don't follow ?

At least I hope  I  don't .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 21, 2013, 02:20 am
im ok.  still working my butt off.

Really hoping all my crazy schemes pull off.

Hows the sound room?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 21, 2013, 02:21 am
Oh i was just being sarcastic.

You were checkin to see if anything was going on, and I was like.....nope!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on June 21, 2013, 02:25 am
Hiya all! Hope peeps are good tonight...

taz7 I have the btc to pay you back the 0.02 loan from the other night.

Can you tell me how do I pay you back and make sure that I do not end up on someones shit list!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 21, 2013, 02:32 am
He might have crashed.   :(

Just go into account --> account history

There you can see how much and to who
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 21, 2013, 02:35 am
I'm here guys , Thanks arzeus , your a good man / woman r
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 21, 2013, 02:39 am
No need to be nervous asking next time , I will  atest to the fact your a man of your word .

No shit list would have such a good guy !
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 21, 2013, 02:41 am
No doubt.

Few are as concerned as you about borrowing money from strangers.  :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 21, 2013, 02:47 am
I'm still not tired , I'm 100 % nocturnal , I'm around for a bit if anyone needs a small loan , I don't need it back until Monday , I'm lurking for a bit longer .

wELL , it made me feel weird last time , I think it's because I haven't been here Long enough to feel at ease with it -

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on June 21, 2013, 02:47 am
Yes! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) it worked! Payment sent.

I sent you .04 .02 for your load and .02 for you being so fucking cool (plus that is what I said I would pay you back)

Thank you so much bro, really, it was very cool of you to help me out.

Mr Box, to you, a big thanks for the help with the account history help.

Everyone here fucking rules
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 21, 2013, 02:56 am
Your a star , I will pay it forward , I have refused loans because I had the feeling someone I loaned to would leave a tip , you just made my day !
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on June 21, 2013, 03:00 am
No, really, thank you.  :D

it is all good, so back to chillin'
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 21, 2013, 03:00 am
I hear ya on that one taz.  It was weird to me, when I went to post this forum.  I don't think I said anything for two months when I first created this. 

This thread is exceptional as well.  Anyone can jump in but it takes a certain type to do what you are up too.

I never saw myself having anything to contribute to the forum, but somehow I ended up here.   :o  So many cool people here it's still a little different to me to be able to hang around.


Thanks for putting the shapes back!  Hang out anytime ya want!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 21, 2013, 03:08 am
That actully means your a lender now  Iamz,  am I  right boxy ?

Anytime your in need , if I have it  just shout - big love Iamz - your contribution will help others , and it helps me as-well, so good stuff .

Big love guys , I will catch you soon , I think the sandmans at my door .

Night Box - Chem asked me to hold the fort - so I hand over to you - your marvelous creation , we had a cool night , with many more to follow I hope .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on June 21, 2013, 03:09 am
I hear ya on that one taz.  It was weird to me, when I went to post this forum.  I don't think I said anything for two months when I first created this. 

This thread is exceptional as well.  Anyone can jump in but it takes a certain type to do what you are up too.

I never saw myself having anything to contribute to the forum, but somehow I ended up here.   :o  So many cool people here it's still a little different to me to be able to hang around.


Thanks for putting the shapes back!  Hang out anytime ya want!

So nice to feel this welcome.

I did not like the forum part of SR or any forums really. But I really like this thread as a forum home! I would like a irc room more though...oh well...

If anyone wants to chill on some reading, over on Vice (the fucking shit right now on the web) has a post on the nice people here on the road #ClearNet link#

Thanks to all the bro bras making this dude feel so welcome
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 21, 2013, 03:11 am
same here man , I only really post in this thread , hope to see more of you friend - pull up a comfy chair - were glad  to have you as part of the family .

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on June 21, 2013, 03:12 am
Night taz7  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 21, 2013, 03:16 am
                                                 :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) **When requesting, post your SR name** so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
dr gonzo
ImAz         ++++
Mike Hunt
White Out

The shit list:
Autobondon *
danceandsing ++++
King Karma
lufc1992uk ++++
p4tr1ckb4t3m4n ++++

*^*do not lend to these people*^*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 21, 2013, 03:19 am
Your name is up in lights ,and  taz wishes you both good nights , peace n hugs - Taz out =)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on June 21, 2013, 03:21 am
Box, thank you for the add to the list...

Fucking rights ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ “ I am on the lending list!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 21, 2013, 03:22 am
Big love guys , I will catch you soon , I think the sandmans at my door .

Night Box - Chem asked me to hold the fort - so I hand over to you - your marvelous creation , we had a cool night , with many more to follow I hope .

It's our creation man!

Say hey to Morpheus for me!  Tell em i'll be right there
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 21, 2013, 03:28 am
No worries guy!  Anything counts.  Taz will certainly find a worthy place for it.

Took me a while to find it.   It was like 10 pages back.... I'ma have to dig to see if I missed anyone.


This thread freakin flies by.

....I so don't want to miss page 420
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on June 21, 2013, 03:33 am

....I so don't want to miss page 420

That is funny...I was stoked last night that I started the 400th page and wanted to ask for an award, a star or prize pack, but was to nervous to ask (•ิ_•ิ)?

but page 420! I want a party
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 21, 2013, 03:34 am

"Q:Does it weird you out that everyone is so friendly?
  A:Friendly? Wait until a package comes a day late and see how friendly customers are. SR is sort of a Mexican standoff."
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on June 21, 2013, 03:38 am
It is a great read!

I wish that the quoted prices had the basic shipping included in the price when you have Domestic only box ticked.

I get all stoked to buy something, only to find out that shipping is over my budget...satan hell fuck
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 21, 2013, 03:57 am
I never look until I have money.  :(

It'll drive me nutz.

And I never understood that about any online market.  It goes to the same place
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on June 21, 2013, 03:59 am
I never look until I have money.  :(

It'll drive me nutz.

And I never understood that about any online market.  It goes to the same place

Do you need some coins?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: btcenthusiast on June 21, 2013, 04:11 am
I have coins if you need too. Let me know. I'm looking to get rid of bout 50, possibly more. Good rate just hit me up directly. No gimmicks, peer to peer anonymous/pgp.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 21, 2013, 04:20 am
This is more of a place to give away coins, but thanks for the update. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on June 21, 2013, 04:24 am

I am still shopping for something good...hash oil and some edibles 【・_・?】

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 21, 2013, 04:30 am
Actually I've always wanted to try the whole hash oil ecig thing.

Really have wanted to go to a venue with one of these.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on June 21, 2013, 04:37 am
Actually I've always wanted to try the whole hash oil ecig thing.

Really have wanted to go to a venue with one of these.

Been using hash oil for years...I am so old school that I use knives to my oil! The Budder with 99.7% THC is what I want to try once I become this http://silkroadvb5piz3r.onion/silkroad/item/c3140517cf

Never used GBH...loved the band!

I liked 2cb and 2ci a lot...magic truffles and shrooms a nice...when I drank, I liked coke on those long party nights. MDMA is really nice too...but I am more or less a week bra
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper800 on June 21, 2013, 04:45 am
Actually I've always wanted to try the whole hash oil ecig thing.

Really have wanted to go to a venue with one of these.

Been using hash oil for years...I am so old school that I use knives to my oil! The Budder with 99.7% THC is what I want to try once I become this http://silkroadvb5piz3r.onion/silkroad/item/c3140517cf

Never used GBH...loved the band!

I liked 2cb and 2ci a lot...magic truffles and shrooms a nice...when I drank, I liked coke on those long party nights. MDMA is really nice too...but I am more or less a week bra

How are truffles? How much for a dose? Similar trip to regular mushrooms?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 21, 2013, 04:50 am

i see you all are gettijg along  ......


i love you all..... 

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 21, 2013, 04:56 am

Oh yea I remember reading about the truffle thing.  That would be cool.  I got a weird stomach so it would be good.

Just saying if you tried all those things, give g a chance!


Hope things are peaceful with you man!  Be well!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on June 21, 2013, 04:59 am

How are truffles? How much for a dose? Similar trip to regular mushrooms?

I like the truffles, I take 7g per dose and the trip is the same a shrooms...

Please don't hate this-----I sell Magic truffles - Pajaritos - 15 grams (two doses for me) for BTC .44 shipped http://silkroadvb5piz3r.onion/silkroad/item/faca6739f0

Hey there CemCat! Hope you are well.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 21, 2013, 05:01 am
Got up for munchies as usual   :)

I have coins if you need too. Let me know. I'm looking to get rid of bout 50, possibly more. Good rate just hit me up directly. No gimmicks, peer to peer anonymous/pgp.

HHMMM   ok  where do  you send you cash , oh wait , maybe I should ask for your credentials ?   ;)

 Just kidding , I'm sure you are probably genuine , but would need more then a probably  .


I am still shopping for something good...hash oil and some edibles 【・_・?】

Ii get budder made bty the budder king  and highly recommend it , Its like 99.98 % thc , you would love it  most budder is just whipped bho but he puts through a third stage of refinement before isomeziring it  , so it's more potent when ingested - I  hope to stock  it soon ,  google  -   budder king .

I once brought 5 grams of it at Christmas and still had plenty left the following Christmas - with a good  few hits a day .#

You and your ghb box , I never tried it ,  sounds like you enjoy it - I going to add some to my shopping list - I think it helps you sleep ?

If so I need all the help I can when it comes to getting to sleep .

I'm off to try and sleep again  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 21, 2013, 05:02 am
oh man my life is fubar......

back is paining me so bad i cant sleep  :(

how r yoi=u boxy?taz do nok?  i left him in charge....he do nok? hurting boxy......gonna laY BACK DOWN  :(
i'll be back tomorrow/today.....gotta lay down...boxy..get ahold of me if ya need to box...seriously gotta lay down now.....
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper800 on June 21, 2013, 05:02 am

How are truffles? How much for a dose? Similar trip to regular mushrooms?

I like the truffles, I take 7g per dose and the trip is the same a shrooms...

Please don't hate this-----I sell Magic truffles - Pajaritos - 15 grams (two doses for me) for BTC .44 shipped http://silkroadvb5piz3r.onion/silkroad/item/faca6739f0

Hey there CemCat! Hope you are well.

Very cool. I won't have spare money for some time, but as they are a luxury(rarity) where I am... I'd sure like to try 'em. Someone has them listed as 15g as a strong trip and 7.5 for light/mid...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on June 21, 2013, 05:05 am
What is the GBH trip like?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper800 on June 21, 2013, 05:06 am
I'm curious as well. I thought that was a date rape drug or something...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 21, 2013, 05:09 am
LOL @ you all

GHB os ok.....ya never tried it?

its good for yur GF   :P

i'm more for me tonight............

peace & hugs,
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper800 on June 21, 2013, 05:10 am
Have a good one ChemCat  :o
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 21, 2013, 05:11 am
Love ya cc!  Pleasant dreams!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on June 21, 2013, 05:14 am
Jasper800 - dosing is all up to the user...15 would be a fucking full on rager for me..

taz7! Welcome back...

I have something that will make you sleep and/or bring you down from a speedy trip Quetiapine aka Seroquel 25mg

I am selling in a combo pack here http://silkroadvb5piz3r.onion/silkroad/item/d3ac69e7f4 but because you were/are so fucking cool to me, I have no problem send you 30 or so for free...I'll pay for shipping too

I am 15 stone 8 pounds and take 4 a day. However, I have been on them for 2 years plus...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 21, 2013, 05:21 am
we walked trough the woods.....

the birds caught our attention.........we listened....

the sounds caught us off gaurd....and we walked out of the forrest,,,,,,,the souds directed   us towards the spare coin thread....who to lend a coin too......there were times that we needed to question who we lend to....
we ask   we   expectations......

we're here for you......................

if you seek a coin or a partial coin....come and see us...................

:)if ya   try to scam us we will know........if yur a scammer...............push the fuck on!!!!

We Love our clients.....if ya dont talk and dont speak to us.....please push on...........

if you've borrowed...............please pay back......our loans to you all are to help others....

Do You All Hear Me?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on June 21, 2013, 05:25 am
I don't think that I would like gbh

I hate being "drunk" hate that for me GBH will always be this
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper800 on June 21, 2013, 05:26 am
Yea it is called date rape, but only becomes that if you use it that way.  If you have it with alcohol I'm certain things will happen to make it called this.

It is great for being close with a lady, but I've had a great evening with a cup or two of this with a friend and just shooting the shit.

To me the best thing I can compare it to is a cross between being drunk and rolling.  Relaxing, euphoric, and chill. 

My favorite part of all this is there isn't a hang over, and it doesn't interfere with sleep.

It's a weird thing to talk people into for sure because of the date rape label, but everyone I've given a shot to has enjoyed themselves.  I was a total skeptic at first.  Now I wanna keep some around at all times.   :P
Not a big fan of being drunk either but...
Yeah the media doesn't tell you that it is used for recreation. So much stuff I haven't tried/won't have the balls to try. I bet I'd really dig it. I've never had x/MDMA...would really like to try dmt again. Never had any BHO or shatter. Opium... And many RCs. SR could take some virginities.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 21, 2013, 05:31 am


we help.............we sustain life..........

You breathe and live.....we work for You........

Talk to us.....dont yell at us.....we're to us as such inbox isnt for fucking idiots.....

i am saying this out of respect......this is the only time i will say this.....i wont respond to yur msg' i said......speak here or get the fuck out!


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 21, 2013, 05:33 am
That's all that i wanted to   say...speak here inbox isnt your playground...

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 21, 2013, 05:34 am

You get some fan mail tonight?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on June 21, 2013, 05:38 am
Jasper800 - I like x/mdma The last mdma I had were shards and I snorted it...fucking tripped balls baby...but fuck nose was wrecked for a week+ Have not done it that hard for 6 months or so...more of an x popper

DMT scared me when I looked up on the web...saw a lot of bad trips...but I love my 2cb/i trips and would recommend them to people that like to  (◎_◎)

I ended up buying hash oil...2.5g btw

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 21, 2013, 05:42 am
oh boxy i dont know  ???

havent checked my SR inbox was gettin goofy msg's from idiots

boxy i asked RS this as well...please encrypt msgs to me from now on......please.....

you know wuts goin is the utmost at this time.....

talk later?

Love ya boxy....

Chem  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper800 on June 21, 2013, 05:45 am
Jasper800 - I like x/mdma The last mdma I had were shards and I snorted it...fucking tripped balls baby...but fuck nose was wrecked for a week+ Have not done it that hard for 6 months or so...more of an x popper

DMT scared me when I looked up on the web...saw a lot of bad trips...but I love my 2cb/i trips and would recommend them to people that like to  (◎_◎)

I ended up buying hash oil...2.5g btw

How do you plan on smoking the hash oil? I took half an x and just had a stimulant buzz at a Flaming Lips concert. It was a pretty positive buzz. I'll keep an eye for a sample sometime. I have a hit of 2ci sitting in a book right now. Don't know if like to look like that Hahahahaha. Mushrooms are usually pretty euphoric for me. Acid is often too intense I guess...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 21, 2013, 05:47 am
Yup yup!   I need your key though.

....I kid..

I haven't checked out this 2cb/i stuff either.  I tried nbombs and that scared the crap out of me.  I know they are different but I needed a break after that.  (not the trip but my body's reaction to the chemical)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on June 21, 2013, 05:48 am
Fuck ya...another milestone, I can now give karma like a bitch! ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper800 on June 21, 2013, 05:51 am
+1 for your milestone!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 21, 2013, 05:56 am
Good morning to you ALL  8)

Everything cool?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on June 21, 2013, 05:57 am
Like I said in the past, I am so old school when it comes to hash oil that I use knives...I have used my bong and pipe, but like knives the best...although I find that all 3 waste some as the oil splatters. This time, I am going to chase the dragon. Someone suggest it to me and I will try it out. But fuck me I will feel like a proper smack head...

The 2cb/i I took and watched good movies...I tripped and went to Nemo in 3D! And another great time I watch The Darjeeling that movie and every actor in it was from one of my fav directors of all time Wes Anderson.

I have to fucking get outta here...I have been chatting like a little school girl. It is way past my bedtime, my back hurts and I still have shit to do...

In closing, thank you again to all my bro bras! Thanks for the great chat, as always, and good fucking night you bastards.

Sleep time  (-ェ-)。o0

PS - Taz7 my offer is always there if you want it.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on June 21, 2013, 06:00 am
+1 for your milestone!

right back at cha bra! Thanks
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 21, 2013, 06:01 am
Quote from: BoxofShapes
Yup yup!   I need your key though.

....I kid..

I haven't checked out this 2cb/i stuff either.  I tried nbombs and that scared the crap out of me.  I know they are different but I needed a break after that.  (not the trip but my body's reaction to the chemical)

you should already have my pub key it is again   ::) ::)

Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (For Boxy)


i expect that ya know what to do?!?!?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 21, 2013, 06:04 am
Nini Imaz!

Hey Jman!  It's been really funny.  The usual gang in here has been trading shifts through out the night.  Good thing you showed up.  I was about to head to bed. 

How's the dawn?

you were the only one not on my +1 timer.  Sorry I missed ya  :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 21, 2013, 06:06 am
LOL  box, yur day goin good?


i've missed you      :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on June 21, 2013, 06:07 am
Before I go does anyone use Last.FM? My user name is CMOA if anyone wants to add me as a yours, if you have one, so I can add you.

Rock on.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper800 on June 21, 2013, 06:09 am
No problem Box. I dig your avatar. Escheresque.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 21, 2013, 06:10 am
Nice one boxy - its 7am here, just got up  ;D

Working soonish though....

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 21, 2013, 06:11 am

I said I was kidding!  You even highlighted the word kid i typed!

Man, I'm a bad person....

...unless you were posting your key for others.  If that's the case you tricked me!

Yea I'm stayin in decent spirits.  Just workin a lot on my schemes .  I've been trapped in my box. 

I've been wishin you good thoughts CC! 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 21, 2013, 06:11 am
Box, will you come watch the sun come up with me......please
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 21, 2013, 06:16 am
I Love You, Box

tired.......morphine is kickin my ass....i love you boxy......if ya see mary..please give her a hug for me.....

without my wife, i dont feel the she wS my world....mky world is gone   :(

oh fuck, i'm gonna go cry for a bit

:('s all we have....utilize it to your advantage....

I Love Ya Box....

Chem   O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on June 21, 2013, 06:18 am
Required watching, waiting for the sun...

The Future of Weed: HIGH COUNTRY from Motherboard (vice)

Enjoy and I am outta here...really!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 21, 2013, 06:19 am
Box, will you come watch the sun come up with me......please

I will Chemmy..... I'll be over in about hmmmm 9 hours, I'll need picking up from the airport in your sports-z-buggy  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 21, 2013, 06:20 am
Hugs CC.   :'( 

Give me a dawn a different day!  You're darling will dance in the dew of your dreams!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 21, 2013, 06:34 am
every night....boxy...

every night.....

The ones you  Love, Hold them Close....Hold your Loved ones close, Boxy.....I try Every nigh to bring my wife back...

RS, Box, Mary, Japan.....Love the ones that you're with.........oh man, if i could tell you all about me and my wife....our adventures.....oh all would love my book   :P

J-Man yur always here at odd hours  LOL


Chemmy  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 21, 2013, 06:37 am
I don't know who i am saying this to....


I Love You!!!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 21, 2013, 06:41 am
The Dawn is Here, Boxy!!

Walk with me  :)

Tonight we'll walk the railroad tracks  :)

oh boxy , cryin tonight man....

crazy,,,,i miss her so much......hold..please hold the ones you love......never let them go boxy....oh i have to lay down...


I Love You.....Thank You  Boxy..........

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 21, 2013, 06:55 am
Oh I would love a walk by the railroad tracks!  I would get have so many pennies mashed!

It's not right cc.  I don't know how else to put it.

There aren't many like you who cherish the ones around you anywhere similar. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tedrux on June 21, 2013, 07:01 am
I'm sorry I upset you chemcat. I dont understand whats wrong with me. I should appreciate people more, when they say that I am accepted esp. when most people throw me away. and in time you all may too. not that I want to offend you but ive been pretty sure about some peoples commitments and she left me too. i wish some one would kidnkapp me , make me be a better person  or , failing, kill me . but i'm probably going to keep living untill I go to jail and jail and jail and prison.  i pray, god, that i can be her friend again someday when I'm ready to be a good , kind, compassionate, understanding loving one. i dont even know if I can thoough.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 21, 2013, 07:03 am
It's Time.............




Time, boxy,    the ones you Love.......Hold them...Look into their eyes.............Kiss them.........


Look at them and kiss them...........

Hold Your Loved ones Close to your Heart.............

I Love ya BoxofSapes!!

Love ,

ChemCat    O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 21, 2013, 07:18 am
Love you too man.

I know I'll be able to share this gift someday.

Time to make that timeless moment
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 21, 2013, 07:25 am


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 21, 2013, 07:31 am
Just wondering.................

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: titsmcgee123 on June 21, 2013, 07:54 am
need 0.02BTC for shipping on an order of xanax, any help would be greatly appreciated and will be repaid!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 21, 2013, 08:37 am
Morning all  ;) Hi Chemmy hun, are you ok  :-\ I hope you had lovely dreams with your Cheryl Ann  ;) Hope your backs better, you seem to have been up all night  :o Take care of yourself, get rest, i worry about you  ;) would love to go for a walk with you  ;) :-*

Hey Japan, hope your good, another busy day, i hope your off at the weekend  8)

Missed Taz again  :( lol hope everyone else on here is great  ;) :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tedrux on June 21, 2013, 08:42 am
good morning mary.
do you like rock n roll?
go youtube search 'mary had a breakdown' its a good local band.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 21, 2013, 08:45 am
Lol Ted  ;) Hope your ok today, think good thoughts  ;)
ps. there are plenty girls in the world hun, let go of the fixation and move on, life,s passing you by, get out and live it  ;) Have a great day Ted  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tedrux on June 21, 2013, 08:49 am
thank you for your kind words mary. I'm sorry Im such a sour puss. i know no one wants to hear it.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 21, 2013, 08:52 am
Not at all Ted (hugs)  :P :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tedrux on June 21, 2013, 09:24 am
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 21, 2013, 10:00 am
my kids....


hey you two  :)

I Love ya's
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 21, 2013, 10:07 am
Hi Dad  :-* :-* How the back today  :-\ I hope your better  :-*

I,m just gonna jump in the bath  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: saranottegan on June 21, 2013, 10:10 am
Quote from: RS7FI8ZRkm
Hey all :)

Trying to make a purchase, but I'm .07 btc short. Can anyone loan me this until I get paid again - will be in two weeks. I will repay .1!

SR name is saranottegan

Thank you!
got 0.02 I can send if you want.

That would certainly help! Thank you :) I'll send you back .03 in 2 weeks :)
ok, sent :)

Just sent you back .03. thanks for the loan! :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 21, 2013, 10:13 am
hey hey daughter   :)

heh heh  i'm glad to see you   on   this morn.....


wut you doin?   hows yur man?


:)  am tired   back hurts,,,,,,,the pain is un real   :(

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 21, 2013, 10:14 am
hey sara  :)


how have ya been?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 21, 2013, 10:43 am
@Chemmy/Dad  ;) Was in the bath, no pressure in the shower today  ::) I know your back hurts hun, i,ve been reading pages i missed this morning  ;) Is it still bad  :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tedrux on June 21, 2013, 10:47 am
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 21, 2013, 10:51 am
yeah....its bad  :(

cant do anything aboot it  :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 21, 2013, 10:57 am
yeah twice a day @ ted....

i'll take a shot in an hour......

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 21, 2013, 11:06 am
Countdown to the morphine Chem  ;) :P that should ease you up for a bit, you might get some sleep, i take it you,ve not had much  :-\

I,ll have to go shopping soon fu**ed it yesterday by going to kennels 1st lol should have known  ::) :-* :-*

was having a dance in my livingroom earlier  :P :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 21, 2013, 11:14 am
yeah i know  ....


I Wanna go shopping with ya  :(

oh boy.............i'm gonna take the lappy to bed with me....morphine makes me feel goofy....

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 21, 2013, 11:16 am
i wanna go...................

ok mary  :)

you be safe.....i'm   gonna lay down, honey.....

Love Ya!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 21, 2013, 11:19 am
Gimme a hug b4 you go, mary   :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 21, 2013, 11:19 am
Your with me in my head and heart Chem  :-* i hope your feeling better  :P 8) :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 21, 2013, 11:20 am
HUGE HUG CHEM  :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 21, 2013, 11:22 am
nah......havent slept much...








Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: camomug on June 21, 2013, 12:12 pm
Hey all,

I'm attempting to place an order with ST (once his listings go back up) and I'm about $15 short(~.13 btc at the current rate).  It would be greatly appreciated if somebody could spot me for this order.

And please shoot me a message with your username and/or a btc address and later this week I'll be sure to return the favor


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: danb15 on June 21, 2013, 01:12 pm
BoxofShapes sent you like $1 to help someone out it is all i had to spare hope it goes to good use, keep this thread going fellas
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: titsmcgee123 on June 21, 2013, 03:32 pm
need 0.02BTC for shipping on an order of xanax, any help would be greatly appreciated and will be repaid!
*****the SR name is mainmanralph
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tabun on June 21, 2013, 04:54 pm
Ugh, I hate asking for anything, but I am short $1.50!!!!

Can someone PLEASE help me out with approximately .015 BTC?

I do not make it a habit to ask for coins, and I've spent over $1400 here so far with my order yesterday, I just somehow calculated wrong and am short a bit.

Send to tabun if you can and message me if ya do so I can remove this post!

Or send here: 1A2SMjAzBPRwpzjv6KABapDkwCZGdqbxe5
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: michaelphelpslovesweed on June 21, 2013, 05:45 pm
I need 7$ for some somas and xanax please help me out guys! I'd greatly appreciate it, been around a while and I've never had to ask for help like this.

Thanks in advance! 1DahHyPJTGYzbQE3aKN3yTQcda4Vx3nG3f
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on June 21, 2013, 05:46 pm
Good morning bro bras!  (*^▽^)/

I am lost to who needs what...coin wise.

ChemCat - I feel for you bro...The offer that I made to Taz7 last night, I will offer to you as well...let me know and I will set something up.

I hate see a bro go with pain. My mommer had ms and had daily pain and will never forget seeing her suffer everyday. So it would be my pleasure to help in any way I can.

Rock on...back to work but lurking
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on June 21, 2013, 05:52 pm
This is a repost from the epic one Box. I hope it is okay to post

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) **When requesting, post your SR name** so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
dr gonzo
ImAz         ++++
Mike Hunt
White Out

The shit list:
Autobondon *
danceandsing ++++
King Karma
lufc1992uk ++++
p4tr1ckb4t3m4n ++++

*^*do not lend to these people*^*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 21, 2013, 06:46 pm
Hi everyone  ;) Chem, Taz RS, Japan where are you,s  ::) lol  :P :-*

Owe To Me:  Repusr 0.15
                      Thecrackhead 0.05

and anyone else still owe  ;) (not RS, I know your paying later  ;))
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 21, 2013, 07:19 pm
Good morning bro bras!  (*^▽^)/

I am lost to who needs what...coin wise.

ChemCat - I feel for you bro...The offer that I made to Taz7 last night, I will offer to you as well...let me know and I will set something up.

I hate see a bro go with pain. My mommer had ms and had daily pain and will never forget seeing her suffer everyday. So it would be my pleasure to help in any way I can.

Rock on...back to work but lurking

Hey man good to see you settling in nicely   , I fell asleep after my last post about budder last night - I'll go back a few pages  and catch up .

Hey Marry thought I'd check in early , your in bed when I turn up usually .

Hugs 4 all & all 4 hugs   :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 21, 2013, 07:22 pm
Hugs Taz  ;) How you been doing?  :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 21, 2013, 07:24 pm
420 coming  8) gonna roll a fat one  8) :P :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 21, 2013, 07:26 pm
I'm doing battle with a cold , but I'm winning -  apart from that not too bad thanks marry , hows you ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 21, 2013, 07:29 pm
Take a few puffs for me , I'm  rationing myself 2 bongs a day ATM , they taste soooo good , I wait till bedtime from them =)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 21, 2013, 07:32 pm
Ugh, I hate asking for anything, but I am short $1.50!!!!

Can someone PLEASE help me out with approximately .015 BTC?

I do not make it a habit to ask for coins, and I've spent over $1400 here so far with my order yesterday, I just somehow calculated wrong and am short a bit.

Send to tabun if you can and message me if ya do so I can remove this post!

Or send here: 1A2SMjAzBPRwpzjv6KABapDkwCZGdqbxe5

Did you get sorted , I can spare that until Sunday night .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 21, 2013, 07:37 pm
I need to stop Taz, i have bronchitis, my chest hurts  ::) I,ve cut down but still bad  ::)

Glad your winning over your cold  ;) I hate rashioning  ::) :P lol

Quiet Friday night  :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 21, 2013, 07:38 pm
Jasper800 - dosing is all up to the user...15 would be a fucking full on rager for me..

taz7! Welcome back...

I have something that will make you sleep and/or bring you down from a speedy trip Quetiapine aka Seroquel 25mg

I am selling in a combo pack here http://silkroadvb5piz3r.onion/silkroad/item/d3ac69e7f4 but because you were/are so fucking cool to me, I have no problem send you 30 or so for free...I'll pay for shipping too

I am 15 stone 8 pounds and take 4 a day. However, I have been on them for 2 years plus...

I've heard of that stuff , I might take you up on that sometime , I'll give something tasty in return when I open shop .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 21, 2013, 07:40 pm
Yeeeh Taz  ;) 420 lol  8) 8)

Will you be selling weed Taz  :-\ :P :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 21, 2013, 07:45 pm
I need to stop Taz, i have bronchitis, my chest hurts  ::) I,ve cut down but still bad  ::)

Glad your winning over your cold  ;) I hate rashioning  ::) :P lol

Quiet Friday night  :-\

Do you smoke ciggies , I quit about 18 months ago , switched to ecigs - best move I ever made - spliffs kill my lungs , I only hit bongs .

How long have you had the broncitus ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 21, 2013, 07:49 pm
Affirmative on the weed sales , but only small amounts at first , just for people I know - it's not going to be our main focus at first , but in due course I would like to make our main thing - big gap in the market for good high grade here .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 21, 2013, 07:52 pm
@Taz had it for years, used to have spats with hash constantly years ago, often without the plastic bottle  :o after the amount of oil i,ve scrapped off bottles imagine what my lungs are like. I only smoke spliffs with cigs tho, bong 1 to 2 times a day  ;) When we had nothing years ago we,d have oily,s (scrapped oil wrapped in foil), put on the knifes, YUK!!  ::) The things you,ll do when your young, ha ha  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 21, 2013, 07:57 pm
@Taz had it for years, used to have spats with hash constantly years ago, often without the plastic bottle  :o after the amount of oil i,ve scrapped off bottles imagine what my lungs are like. I only smoke spliffs with cigs tho, bong 1 to 2 times a day  ;) When we had nothing years ago we,d have oily,s (scrapped oil wrapped in foil), put on the knifes, YUK!!  ::) The things you,ll do when your young, ha ha  ;)

I've done my more then my fair share of oil scrapping , and smoked far too much dogy soap bar too  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 21, 2013, 07:58 pm
Yes!  I just made it!

I would like a moment to thank you all to making it to page 420.

It will be forever a historical moment, but only in this thread.

Scews me while I occupy myself for a moment
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on June 21, 2013, 07:59 pm
Taz7...just to make sure...The offer is free and there are no strings attached
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 21, 2013, 08:01 pm
Now I get it , I was about to tell Marry her clock was way off because it's just gone 9 .

Duh taz =)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 21, 2013, 08:02 pm
****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) **When requesting, post your SR name** so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
dr gonzo
ImAz         ++++
meloniasty   ++++
Mike Hunt
White Out

The shit list:
Autobondon *
danceandsing ++++
King Karma
lufc1992uk ++++
p4tr1ckb4t3m4n ++++

*^*do not lend to these people*^*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 21, 2013, 08:06 pm
Nice one Iamz , happy 420 all -)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 21, 2013, 08:10 pm
+1 box  ;) sorry Taz and Imaz 72 hr rule  ::) I,m gonna have a look at ImAz vendor page  ;) Happy 420 Taz (finally) lol  :-* :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 21, 2013, 08:12 pm
Fo Twenty!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 21, 2013, 08:12 pm
I know it was posted just last page, but I feel it deserved to make this one.  Thanks for helpin out imaz!

Happy 420 all!!


Hope you can spare a little lung for this moment at least?  Good health to you! 


I think you gave me that cold?  I'm not that bad off but I can tell it wants to do more.  Good health to you as well!


Damn dude thanks!  Really cool thing to do.  I'll do my best to find a place for it!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 21, 2013, 08:14 pm
Hey Chemmy  ;) :P :-* (hugs) how,s you doing?  ;) Gotcha with karma  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 21, 2013, 08:22 pm
hi mary  :)

wheeewww....i drank to much wine today  :o

Have ya'll had a good day?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 21, 2013, 08:23 pm
If it's like my cold B , it will  ebb n flow , I thought it was done yesterday but it's made a come back - I think it would be a bad one if I didn't look after myself .

Greetings Chem , happy 420 or maybe 421 by now .

Coffee time for me I think .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 21, 2013, 08:27 pm
I,ve had a good day Chem, thanks  ;) How,s the back doing, did the morphine KO you   :-\

@Box ... iron lungs lol  ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 21, 2013, 08:30 pm
hiya taz  :)

yeah that morphine is no joke  LOL

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 21, 2013, 08:39 pm
Mighty Morphine power rangers , I always wondered what were on , now it all makes sense .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 21, 2013, 08:47 pm
Mighty Morphine power rangers , I always wondered what were on , now it all makes sense .
LMAO  ;D ;D nice one Taz  ;D ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MC Haberdasher on June 21, 2013, 08:49 pm
taz7, melionasty, and RK7 have been paid back.  Thanks guys.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 21, 2013, 08:55 pm
+1 MC  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 21, 2013, 08:58 pm
Did you get your order your weed were waiting on M ?

If so , how is it ?

I meant ask if you've seen he  mukabuzz vendor page , they guarantee UK delivery , price is fair for such rare kush lineage as there fleetwood o.g  too .

I can't wait till I can get my next B.M order in .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 21, 2013, 09:00 pm
Nice one MC , your more then welcome .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 21, 2013, 09:04 pm
Not yet Taz and i ordered on Tues, whats worse is an hour after i order the vendor drops 0.10 off the price, taking the c**t considering he pm,d me to ask if i was ordering   :o nice, won,t order again just for that TBH  ;) I,ve looked at Muskabuzz  :-\ I just don,t have the money for a half oz just now  :( ha ha (cry,s inside) I,ve not ordered from BM yet, the coin part scares me lol  ::)

Where you went Chem??  :P :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: michaelphelpslovesweed on June 21, 2013, 09:06 pm
I need .08 btc  for the xanax and somas and in reality I probably won't be able to pay you back for two months at least since I'll be traveling far and won't be dealing with bitcoins or SR for a while. If anyone could find themselves in a happy mood and wanting to help a brother out I will be grateful for life! And I'll pay you back when I do get the opportunity.

.08 btc at this address 1DahHyPJTGYzbQE3aKN3yTQcda4Vx3nG3f

my SR name is azopl43
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 21, 2013, 09:07 pm
sittin here :P

watching blood diamond  :o

my mind is all cloiudy  LOL
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: michaelphelpslovesweed on June 21, 2013, 09:12 pm
blood diamond is amazing
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on June 21, 2013, 09:12 pm
Who needed the coin loans (•ิ_•ิ)?

I have a bit of 0.xx to loan or buy some pre-rolls so speak soon please (⌐■_■)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 21, 2013, 09:15 pm
I,ll have a pre roll lol  ;) Blood Diamond,s excellent Chem  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 21, 2013, 09:27 pm
Yeah it's a shame Muskabuzz only do halfs and onces , our other Canadian friends do 7 g's as there minimum plus $10 shipping and I never lost an order to them , that's where I'm getting my next proper lot in from 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 21, 2013, 09:33 pm
How do you pay Taz, bitcoin??  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on June 21, 2013, 09:35 pm
As the old saying goes..."Dope will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no dope."—Freewheelin' Franklin (⌒▽⌒)

I have no money and no weed...bumming...

michaelphelpslovesweed that is a long time for a loan...

I have the btc...since this will be my first loan, Taz7 or box...what should I do...Y or N It is in your hands now!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 21, 2013, 09:35 pm
Iamz is  Zoloft and Bupropion , the combo they call California sunshine - I get mirtazipine but don't take it much any more because I feel much better then when I was prescribed them , I've been taking them recently , but I don't like the way they make me stuff myself full of sugary snacks and there not that effective as an antidepressant for me .

Others love them though , so I'm going to list the stockpile of them I have , I've seen them being sold for a god price on here .

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 21, 2013, 09:38 pm
As the old saying goes..."Dope will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no dope."—Freewheelin' Franklin (⌒▽⌒)

I have no money and no weed...bumming...

michaelphelpslovesweed that is a long time for a loan...

I have the btc...since this will be my first loan, Taz7 or box...what should I do...Y or N It is in your hands now!

Keep hold of your coins is my call Iamz , 2 months is a long time and a lot can happen in that time .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on June 21, 2013, 09:43 pm
Sorry michaelphelpslovesweed...Taz7 has spoken. If it was shorter, no probs...

Really sorry bro bra

Iamz is  Zoloft and Bupropion , the combo they call California sunshine

Not sure about that...funny though.

The fucking Bupropion helps me but my fuck, I grind my teeth like a fucking speed freak. That is the fucking thing I hate...

Let me know if you want the seroquel. If you do, Ill pack it up and post it this coming Wednesday 26 June.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on June 21, 2013, 09:46 pm
How funny are these story overviews?!??!

Freak Brothers stories include:

Grass Roots: The Brothers find a "year's supply" of cocaine and move to the country with the proceeds. They manage to snort it all in two days.
Mexican Odyssey: The Brothers holiday in Mexico, are thrown in jail and escape with the help of shaman Don Longjuan, in a partial spoof of the Carlos Castaneda books.

The Idiots Abroad: The Brothers are split up attempting to travel to Colombia hoping to score on cheap dope down there, yet none of them manages to even just reach Bogotá; Fat Freddy accidentally joins a group of nuclear terrorists in Scotland before disrupting the International Workers' Day military parade in Moscow, USSR and being subsequently sold to slavery in Africa, Franklin is almost killed by a native apocalyptic South American cult before joining a group of pirates, while Phineas ends up in Mecca and becomes the world's richest man after founding a new religion.

。゚(TヮT)゚。 Epic
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 21, 2013, 09:54 pm
How funny are these story overviews?!??!

Freak Brothers stories include:

Grass Roots: The Brothers find a "year's supply" of cocaine and move to the country with the proceeds. They manage to snort it all in two days.
Mexican Odyssey: The Brothers holiday in Mexico, are thrown in jail and escape with the help of shaman Don Longjuan, in a partial spoof of the Carlos Castaneda books.

The Idiots Abroad: The Brothers are split up attempting to travel to Colombia hoping to score on cheap dope down there, yet none of them manages to even just reach Bogotá; Fat Freddy accidentally joins a group of nuclear terrorists in Scotland before disrupting the International Workers' Day military parade in Moscow, USSR and being subsequently sold to slavery in Africa, Franklin is almost killed by a native apocalyptic South American cult before joining a group of pirates, while Phineas ends up in Mecca and becomes the world's richest man after founding a new religion.

。゚(TヮT)゚。 Epic

That reminds me The fab furry freak animated movie must be out by now and I haven't seen it - I  love those guys - reminds me of cracking up with stoned laughter when I was 14 - especially when fat Freddy got burned with catnip when trying to procure that oz of coke - good times

Anyone see the movie - is it good ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on June 21, 2013, 10:00 pm
I was just looking for the torrent of this..."In 2006, the company Grass Roots Films began production on a feature-length clay-animation film based on the series, called Grass Roots, co-produced by German distribution company X Filme"

But found I am getting the comics to bring back memories!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 21, 2013, 10:03 pm
Ok I found out about - California Rocket Fuel - the best medication for depression

“California rocket fuel” is medical slang for the combined administration of mirtazapine (a NaSSA) and venlafaxine (an SNRI).[1] This combination is usually used in the treatment of severe and/or treatment-resistant depression and has the efficacy compared with tranylcypromine with less side effects and better tolerability.[2]

Apparently then If I add some venlafaxine ,, I would have whats regarded as the no 1 antidepressant - Interesting 

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 21, 2013, 10:06 pm
I was just looking for the torrent of this..."In 2006, the company Grass Roots Films began production on a feature-length clay-animation film based on the series, called Grass Roots, co-produced by German distribution company X Filme"

But found I am getting the comics to bring back memories!

Sounds like they never made it to release , thats a shame , I think I'll try and find a torrent the comics to , must be some I haven't even read .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on June 21, 2013, 10:11 pm
Venlafaxine made my heart flutter...really fucked me up. I thought that I had a messed up heart and even was hooked up to a heart monitor for 24 hours to see what was was Venlafaxine so I am off of it...the Mirtazapine sounded interesting until I got to the part about it being a appetite stimulant...don't need help in that dept!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 21, 2013, 10:16 pm
How do you pay Taz, bitcoin??  ;)

I always used to pay by Liberty reserve until they got shut down  , I'm going to use btc for my next order , they never used to accept btc , so I had planed to send them an atm card , I don't think it's worth it if you can get your coins @ a good rate
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 21, 2013, 10:18 pm
Venlafaxine made my heart flutter...really fucked me up. I thought that I had a messed up heart and even was hooked up to a heart monitor for 24 hours to see what was was Venlafaxine so I am off of it...the Mirtazapine sounded interesting until I got to the part about it being a appetite stimulant...don't need help in that dept!

Yeah Mirtaz makes me eat like a pig and combined with weed you clean the whole fridge out !
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 21, 2013, 10:47 pm
Sweet dreams to all  ;) :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 21, 2013, 10:52 pm
Night M , sleep tight , I'm going to have lie down .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on June 21, 2013, 11:04 pm
Sweet dreams to all  ;) :-*

Night Mary and have a good nap Taz
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: michaelphelpslovesweed on June 21, 2013, 11:13 pm
hey ImAz

yeah it's a long time for a loan but it's also my current situation and I didn't want to lie to improve my chances haha.

But well my need still stands:

.08 btc at this address 1DahHyPJTGYzbQE3aKN3yTQcda4Vx3nG3f

my SR name is azopl43

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: weed4me6969 on June 22, 2013, 12:10 am
whats up guys!  I still havent gotten any mdma...  :(   just could not decide on a vendor.  I think i might instead pick up some dmt. 

what would you do guys.... dmt or mdma??? 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on June 22, 2013, 12:38 am
michaelphelpslovesweed - I am still unsure...I am going to have a shower and think about it...will you pay extra back?

Yo weed4me6969 \(^▽^*) never tried DMT but have heard a lot of bad trip stories to scare me enough not to take it.

x/MDMA on the other hand. Clean x, not cut with tons of speed and clean MDMA, I really enjoy...My last mdma roll I snorted and rolled back to dropping it. Nice though.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper Jenson on June 22, 2013, 12:43 am
@ RS7FI8ZRkm :  paid you back today, thanks for the help.

Will be checking back over the weekend as I have a little spare change on my account now.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on June 22, 2013, 01:00 am
Good day everyone!

Hunter Guy is of course.....A man of his word!!!  Paid back right when he said he would! Even paid back more then he borrowed...even though I do not accept juice! Said it is not juice just his way of saying THANK YOU!

A class guy.


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 22, 2013, 01:07 am
will you pay extra back?

I really don't like this question.  If the borrower wants to tip you, leave it at that.

If you are trying to make a profit from this thread, instead of helping someone as a decent human being, you have missed the point of this thread entirely.

Either lend with no shit attached or don't.

Paid back right when he said he would! Even paid back more then he borrowed...even though I do not accept juice! Said it is not juice just his way of saying THANK YOU!

RxKing is the man!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Hunter Guy on June 22, 2013, 01:13 am
Good day everyone!

Hunter Guy is of course.....A man of his word!!!  Paid back right when he said he would! Even paid back more then he borrowed...even though I do not accept juice! Said it is not juice just his way of saying THANK YOU!

A class guy.



I just really appreciate your kindness, I hope the tip is okay with you.  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 22, 2013, 01:13 am
michaelphelpslovesweed - I am still unsure...I am going to have a shower and think about it...will you pay extra back?

Yo weed4me6969 \(^▽^*) never tried DMT but have heard a lot of bad trip stories to scare me enough not to take it.

x/MDMA on the other hand. Clean x, not cut with tons of speed and clean MDMA, I really enjoy...My last mdma roll I snorted and rolled back to dropping it. Nice though.

I could use  0.03 until Sunday , I'm good for it and will return the favor without a doubt - I was going to wait until sunday to place my order but the more I think about , the stupider I feel for not asking .

2 months guy fair play for your honesty , but it is a long time if you don't have a lot to spare , like most of us right now .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 22, 2013, 01:57 am
Box your right of course , I Don't think he meant to profit  , probably  just didn't  think that though before typing and I say that not because I asked for a loan - I'm sure  not fussed about waiting an extra day to order .

Loan or no loan , I think it would be a shame to lose him , I'm not contradicting your statement , but it would be a shame if we inadvertently scared Iamz off .

To make that all more a bit less messy - forget my request for that loan Iamz , but do continue to hang out with us , your not obliged to loan to anyone who asks , I personally find it easier to only respond to requests I have already resolved  to fulfill .

I tried really hard to word that in a way that didn't piss either of you off , I really hope it worked - or I just spent far to long typing and retying  this .

Big love to you all and I am most definitely   going to wait that extra day just so were clear where my motivation to write this came from .

I hope I succeed in not offending N E 1  there , or I won't be going to bed a happy little bunny this morning  ;)

< crosses fingers for not causing any  offense   :-\
Edited for more potent non-offensivitity - and got  the bonus of coining  the new phrase  non-offensivitity  .

Now to contact the oxford press and have them see if people  use it enough times for it be included in next years dictionary =)

I'm not going to bed anytime soon - so anyone who needs a  short term  loan - feel free to ask - I will refresh this and most likely will be cool with it - as long as it not that cheeky Chem cat fellow  :D ;) :)

Muchos grande  huglerinos amigos .

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on June 22, 2013, 02:36 am
Box you are 100% right...However, due to the length of the loan and being my first, I was looking for assurance...that is all...

Taz, of course, I will give you the loan and michaelphelpslovesweed because of all my fuffen, I will send .08 to azopl43 now.

Taz where should I send yours?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on June 22, 2013, 02:39 am
michaelphelpslovesweed 0.08 sent to user name azopl43
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 22, 2013, 02:49 am
Hey man , good to have you back , it's all good - we all know your intentions are good , I  just wanted you to know
that for sure .

Thanks for the offer of the loan but I'm inclined  to wait the extra day , just so what I wrote stands on it's own with no  confusion of where my motivation came from .

I'm just glad your back and remember - you can hang out here with no obligation to lend - and you will soon get the hang of how we roll here - box meant  no offense - that's one thing you can be certain of .

Good stuff - now I someone  to chat too =)

Spelling edit

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 22, 2013, 02:55 am
So any way tell me more about this seroquel - I gather dose has too be just right - is it relaxing or more - knock out - sometimes I just need a knock out and don't like taking benzos for more then a few weeks without a break - fuck benzo addiction .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on June 22, 2013, 02:56 am
Taz thanks for the words.

I have felt welcome from day one (2 days ago!!)

Please, I have 0.09 to lend. let me send you what you need. (˘ʃƪ˘)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 22, 2013, 03:18 am
I'm back , was just pming Marry a link - glad you feel at home - just wanted to be sure .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 22, 2013, 03:24 am
Cool just switched to an ethernet cable my wireless , is going  slow , I need was reconfiguring it so it limits bandwith for anyone but me !

AS or the loan . i'll see if the guy even ships on saturday , thanks for the offer - I suppose I would regret not accepting it on Monday with no smoke and It's been making me feel a bit stupid for not asking .

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 22, 2013, 03:30 am
ahhh so he ships on Saturday if orders are placed by 9 a.m - go on then - if your stiil awake I suppose I'd B a fool to refuse .

Lets see I have 0.113 and  my cart says I need 0.14 , so 0.03 should do it - if your still about .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tedrux on June 22, 2013, 03:39 am
buproprion aint nothin to be fucked with , i'll tell yeah that brother. story coming soon ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 22, 2013, 03:44 am
buproprion aint nothin to be fucked with , i'll tell yeah that brother. story coming soon ;)

Hey TED good to c ya , are you prescribed anything now ?

I get mirtazipine and know depression far too well , it feels amazing when you beat it , even though It may show up again - it makes you value what a lot of peeps take for granted .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 22, 2013, 03:48 am
And plus you stiil have sex to look forward to - your day will come and on that day you will realize why choosing life , with it's ups n downs was the best choice u ever made .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on June 22, 2013, 03:52 am
So any way tell me more about this seroquel - I gather dose has too be just right - is it relaxing or more - knock out - sometimes I just need a knock out and don't like taking benzos for more then a few weeks without a break - fuck benzo addiction .

seroquel will knock you out...send my your shipping address and Ill ship them on wednesday...don't like them, throw them out.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on June 22, 2013, 03:53 am
I am back...SR is flaky for me atm...Taz how much and where shall I send them?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 22, 2013, 03:57 am
If it knocks me out , I will be really glad to have it  , I've been looking for something non addictive to help me sleep , mirtaz doesn't do it for me and I'm scared to use benzo's for to long with no break- so it sounds like just what the DR ordered .

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tedrux on June 22, 2013, 03:58 am
pussy on a pedastal , aint afraid of hights
crackin down the P whip, taken away my rights
meth skank they wanna line
a got the perfect line for em'
no ammount of suckin dick will make this man adore em
cause what I wants a woman, I dont need no ho
if I cannot respect you then bitch you need to go
they know I got cajones , they know I gotta cock
can hear them scream 'oh god' muffled up inside a sock
and I'm not too worried , I know they pay me back
they look up to me while they suckin' my ball sack
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 22, 2013, 04:01 am
Well if you go to your account history , or copy n paste digitaliorgasmica - 0.03 would do it - -I will be glad  I accepted your kind offer on Monday - so thanks your a star - =)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 22, 2013, 04:06 am
pussy on a pedastal , aint afraid of hights
crackin down the P whip, taken away my rights
meth skank they wanna line
a got the perfect line for em'
no ammount of suckin dick will make this man adore em
cause what I wants a woman, I dont need no ho
if I cannot respect you then bitch you need to go
they know I got cajones , they know I gotta cock
can hear them scream 'oh god' muffled up inside a sock
and I'm not too worried , I know they pay me back
they look up to me while they suckin' my ball sack

 thats tight - hell I didn't know you could rhyme - 1 more reason to live this crazy life - check dis

Cor blimey , I'm grimey
There best not to evil eye me ,
Unless they want them all black n shiny
In fact they better just walk right by me
My flows all life supplied me ,

Thats one of my latest still twekin it a bit , I got tons of books full of em , been getting my studio set up recently - can't wait to let rip .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on June 22, 2013, 04:07 am
ghettihmbrglr is  a Man of His Word!  Paid back .16 he borrowed. And to show you how truthful and good guy he is..when he borrowed .16 he actually ended up only needing he send me back the .03 right away with a nice message and the date he would pay t the rest back.

Well that date is today...and so was the .13

Thank you very much and +1 to you.

I love this thread, nothing better then helping someone and nothing better then that person being appreciative and paying back the loan when they say. I blame it on the thread because before this thread....I was 0-30 on paybacks and so far I am 10 for 10 or something like that...I lost track. I just know everyone has been very cool and no one has been a scumb bag.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 22, 2013, 04:18 am
Morning  8)

Or afternoon/evening to some.

Hope everyone's well - good to see things ticking along nicely.

J-MAN  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on June 22, 2013, 04:20 am
Well if you go to your account history , or copy n paste digitaliorgasmica - 0.03 would do it - -I will be glad  I accepted your kind offer on Monday - so thanks your a star - =)

.04 sent to digitaliorgasmica...I gave an extra .01 (for free) in case you were short (^_−)☆

does someone, other then me, keep track of all the loans?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on June 22, 2013, 04:22 am


.04 sent to digitaliorgasmica...I gave an extra .01 (for free) in case you were short (^_−)☆

does someone, other then me, keep track of all the loans?

I resent it as it messed up the first time...should have it soon.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on June 22, 2013, 04:26 am
I have .05 to lend so if anyone need some...

I am going to lurker mode in about 10m to watch some vids!  ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ “
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 22, 2013, 04:28 am
Damn the guy I use  stopped doing grams -  I thought that was  me fucked weed wise for a while - but no

new reply's posted while I looked  - I can go wit the herbalist , I  now have  enough for his good stuff  because Iamz sent 0.04  I can get  his high grade .

 :) :) :) :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 22, 2013, 04:36 am
Thanks man , I thought I was going to be smoking crap , your a star .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 22, 2013, 04:39 am
Well if you go to your account history , or copy n paste digitaliorgasmica - 0.03 would do it - -I will be glad  I accepted your kind offer on Monday - so thanks your a star - =)

.04 sent to digitaliorgasmica...I gave an extra .01 (for free) in case you were short (^_−)☆

does someone, other then me, keep track of all the loans?

You need to keep track of your loans otherwise some will slip through the net. It's not about the amount - it's the principle. We have a shitlist for a reason, whether someone owes you .5 or .01 it's still a loan and if they don't pay back they need to be added to the shitlist.

I've lent 80+ loans on this thread, with 79 repayments. I currently have 8 loans to be paid back, but they are still within their time limit, so I'm not concerned. The easiest way to keep track of your loans is through your account history on SR - it has every single transaction you've made (either going out or coming in).

But yeah keep track of the loans otherwise potentially other lendors could get fucked over as we might assume they've paid you back.

Others may have other thoughts on this, but that's my stance  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 22, 2013, 04:47 am
Yeah , go to your account history - and you've got it all in black n white - don't feel obliged to loan - you've done your bit .

I agree with J man - we all need to know if someone defaults - you've done your bit 3 times over since u got here , so don't feel you have to grant each request made .

You made my Monday a better prospect for sure  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on June 22, 2013, 04:49 am
Thanks man , I thought I was going to be smoking crap , your a star .

No problem...anytime! Glad to help. Let me know if you need more as I said, I have .05 to lend.

And I guess that I should mark down my loans...but they will be listed on my account history, right?

Lurking in 5...have to go dream about Tomomi Itano ともちん!

And fuck me...did you see this? I hope so for US and weed's sake  Disclaimer - I am not American....

Congressmen Jared Polis (D-CO) and Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) have introduced a bill to end the federal prohibition on marijuana and allow it to be taxed. This legislation would remove marijuana from the Controlled Substances Act. That way growers, sellers and users could no longer fear violating federal law.

Thank you so much Japan1980! That was what I was looking for...

(☞゚∀゚)☞ the man!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 22, 2013, 04:52 am
Ok shit , 70 cents short - that's less then 0.01 , am I felling lucky - I'm a punk that's 4 sure .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on June 22, 2013, 04:53 am

You need to keep track of your loans otherwise some will slip through the net. It's not about the amount - it's the principle. We have a shitlist for a reason, whether someone owes you .5 or .01 it's still a loan and if they don't pay back they need to be added to the shitlist.

I've lent 80+ loans on this thread, with 79 repayments. I currently have 8 loans to be paid back, but they are still within their time limit, so I'm not concerned. The easiest way to keep track of your loans is through your account history on SR - it has every single transaction you've made (either going out or coming in).

But yeah keep track of the loans otherwise potentially other lendors could get fucked over as we might assume they've paid you back.

Others may have other thoughts on this, but that's my stance 

Great post!

And it helped me because I lost track and now I know how to keep track.
And I totally agree with everything you said. And well said I might add...I think exactly what you just wrote but I would not have been able to make it that thank you.  :D +1
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 22, 2013, 04:56 am
****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) **When requesting, post your SR name** so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
dr gonzo
Mike Hunt
White Out

The shit list:
Autobondon *
danceandsing ++++
King Karma
lufc1992uk ++++
p4tr1ckb4t3m4n ++++

*^*do not lend to these people*^*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on June 22, 2013, 04:57 am
Taz...same thing happened to me the other night so I had to cancel! So I know the feeling. .02 sent, just in case ๏[-ิ_•ิ]๏

Okay 1 more refresh, .03 to lend...

Then I am off to dream Kyary Pamyu Pamyu and Tomomi Itano dreams (。-ω-)zzz
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 22, 2013, 05:00 am

You need to keep track of your loans otherwise some will slip through the net. It's not about the amount - it's the principle. We have a shitlist for a reason, whether someone owes you .5 or .01 it's still a loan and if they don't pay back they need to be added to the shitlist.

I've lent 80+ loans on this thread, with 79 repayments. I currently have 8 loans to be paid back, but they are still within their time limit, so I'm not concerned. The easiest way to keep track of your loans is through your account history on SR - it has every single transaction you've made (either going out or coming in).

But yeah keep track of the loans otherwise potentially other lendors could get fucked over as we might assume they've paid you back.

Others may have other thoughts on this, but that's my stance 

Great post!

And it helped me because I lost track and now I know how to keep track.
And I totally agree with everything you said. And well said I might add...I think exactly what you just wrote but I would not have been able to make it that thank you.  :D +1

Hi RX,

Hope you're well bro. We were running about like blue ass flies trying to raise .93 for RS7 the other night to get some syrup off you - between 3 of us we managed to sort it out for him, he was as happy as a pig in shit, in the end  8)

+1 back at ya, making you at +200 now  ;D

@Imaz - just added you to the list as you can see  :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 22, 2013, 05:04 am
Wicked  I will send back the remainder , 0.007 was all I needed - so cool of you , I think your on the list twice now , box put you on last night !
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 22, 2013, 05:10 am
0.01 sent back Iamz - order placed - thanks again - my coins should hit in 24 hours , I'm going to bed happy =)

Night folks - hugs a  plenty an all that cheese =)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 22, 2013, 05:14 am
Yo RX...

just seen this I'll PM you too incase you miss it on this thread


Someone pretending to be you bro...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 22, 2013, 05:17 am
I saw that thread , that's some fucked up shit .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on June 22, 2013, 05:19 am
Okay with all this now, I am really going...

Remeber, Jennifer Poops At it.

Thanks for that Taz.

Night all
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on June 22, 2013, 05:23 am
Sorry all...

Japan1980, thank you for your help tonight!

+1 for make everything cool

I am outta here...night bro bras
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 22, 2013, 05:31 am
I saw that thread , that's some fucked up shit .

I've reported the bitch. RX  is a top vendor and this cunt is out to fuck him over, the quicker he gets banned the better
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on June 22, 2013, 06:52 am
Sorry... I deleted my post as I am not bring that junk into this thread! ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on June 22, 2013, 07:05 am

It's gonna be atleast 2 weeks before i can score some real coin..
Soooo, i have .06btc to lend if it could be returned before 2 weeks..
Just throwin that out there..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: saranottegan on June 22, 2013, 05:40 pm
Hey all,

I need .075btc for shipping... can anyone help me out? I can pay back this coming friday.

SR is saranottegan

Thank you!!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: saranottegan on June 22, 2013, 05:47 pm

It's gonna be atleast 2 weeks before i can score some real coin..
Soooo, i have .06btc to lend if it could be returned before 2 weeks..
Just throwin that out there..

i  could definitely have that back to you by this coming friday :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 22, 2013, 06:32 pm
Hey all,

I need .075btc for shipping... can anyone help me out? I can pay back this coming friday.

SR is saranottegan

Thank you!!!

I've got you for 0.04  8)

That's all I have until I re-up Monday, hope it helps.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: saranottegan on June 22, 2013, 06:36 pm
Hey all,

I need .075btc for shipping... can anyone help me out? I can pay back this coming friday.

SR is saranottegan

Thank you!!!

I've got you for 0.04  8)

That's all I have until I re-up Monday, hope it helps.

Thanks! That helps!

Okay, who can loan me the rest of it? I need .035btc!!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 22, 2013, 06:58 pm
Hi everyone  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: michaelphelpslovesweed on June 22, 2013, 07:07 pm
michaelphelpslovesweed 0.08 sent to user name azopl43

I can't begin to say how much I appreciate it. I won't forget it. If you can, leave me your SR name so I can save it, and send return the favor as soon as I can even if I can't get ahold of you.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: yokes101 on June 22, 2013, 07:16 pm
Hello Im short on an order of special K by about one dollar can anyone help me out?

It's 0.005 BTC and my user name is yokes101

Much Love!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on June 22, 2013, 07:43 pm
michaelphelpslovesweed 0.08 sent to user name azopl43

I can't begin to say how much I appreciate it. I won't forget it. If you can, leave me your SR name so I can save it, and send return the favor as soon as I can even if I can't get ahold of you.

I am sorry that it took me so long to get it to you...My SR name is Azuthus. Have a great trip, where ever you are going!.

saranottegan - how much do you need?

yokes101 - do you sill need .005?

And good morning to all the peeps live, lurking and sleeping on my new "home" thread! (/•ิ_•ิ)/

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 22, 2013, 08:10 pm
Hi ImAs  ;) Where,s the family??  :( Chem, RS, Taz, Box, Japan  :'( :'(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on June 22, 2013, 08:31 pm
Good Whatever it is in your part of the world...

Not sure! I thought I scared them away with all my flexing of muscles ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ “

I am going out for an hour so Ill be in AFK lurking mode. I will be back and hope everyone come back soon.

Time to put on my sun glasses ( ∙_∙)>⌐■-■   (⌐■_■)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: saranottegan on June 22, 2013, 08:46 pm
michaelphelpslovesweed 0.08 sent to user name azopl43

I can't begin to say how much I appreciate it. I won't forget it. If you can, leave me your SR name so I can save it, and send return the favor as soon as I can even if I can't get ahold of you.

I am sorry that it took me so long to get it to you...My SR name is Azuthus. Have a great trip, where ever you are going!.

saranottegan - how much do you need?

yokes101 - do you sill need .005?

And good morning to all the peeps live, lurking and sleeping on my new "home" thread! (/•ิ_•ิ)/

I got what I needed, but thank you for checking to see if I was still in need!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 22, 2013, 09:06 pm
Hey gang ,  happy Saturday ALL , Iamz - my coins hit so I'm sending yours over to you .

Guess what , after all that the herbalist , didn't ship my order - gutted that green lights sold out of g's - he would have shipped Saturday for sure -  .

I feel like shit , this punk ass cold has turned to sinus infection , I feel like I've hit by a sledge hammer .

Have you had the herbalists cheese M ?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 22, 2013, 09:14 pm
Hi Taz  ;) my laptops playing up so can,t stay  :( i,d look at my review and others in UK thread and Herbalists thread save me explaining lol hugs  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 22, 2013, 09:19 pm
OK , cheers , have a good one , hugs =)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 22, 2013, 09:48 pm
OK that's your coins sent back Iamz - many thanks - I'm going to take some painkillers and lie down - before my head explodes .

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: PerPETualMOtion on June 22, 2013, 11:11 pm
Hello Im short on an order of special K by about one dollar can anyone help me out?

It's 0.005 BTC and my user name is yokes101

Much Love!!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 22, 2013, 11:11 pm
                                         8)  Greetings!   8)
****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) **When requesting, post your SR name** so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
dr gonzo
Mike Hunt
White Out

The shit list:
Autobondon *
King Karma

*^*do not lend to these people*^*

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: PerPETualMOtion on June 22, 2013, 11:16 pm
                                         8)  Greetings!   8)
****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) **When requesting, post your SR name** so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
dr gonzo
Mike Hunt
White Out

The shit list:
Autobondon *
King Karma

*^*do not lend to these people*^*

Thanks ChemCat.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 22, 2013, 11:18 pm

Hiya PET  :)

Howzya been?

Peace & Hugs   :)

ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: PerPETualMOtion on June 22, 2013, 11:24 pm

I'm waiting on orders to arrive. Had some change left in my acct, so I thought I'd kick it out to help and get more involved in the community. A friend of mine is trying to get some medical cannabis for a friend with cancer--not terminal--so I'm trying to work out the details with that... They aren't on the Road, and I don't have the coins for the quantity they want/need. (Not asking for that much help here, just sharing.) That's been on my mind....

Anyway, take care.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 22, 2013, 11:37 pm
if i had it at Spare Coins right now,  i would send them your way  :)

Peace & Hugs,

ChemCat    :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on June 23, 2013, 12:00 am
And back! Hi-five all  (●ゝω)ノヽ(∀<●)

So not much happened whilst I was gone...

Taz7 is a total champ and paid me back .06... \(^ ^)/

Does anyone need .0x coins?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 23, 2013, 01:09 am
Hey people!


Sorry I didn't get to follow up on my last post.  And yes taz is right.  It wasn't meant to scare you off.  It was also a moment to state something about that in public.  Wasn't meant to come off as brash.  We know you're one of the good ones!

But yea.  Looks like I hadn't stopped ya from commin back!  Hope ya have fun with it!

I don't see PerPETualMOtion on the list?  Did I miss something?  And the last name pakchoi23 is outta place.  You mind editing that a bit?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: skrillyskrill on June 23, 2013, 01:21 am
anybody got .1 btc they can loan me? had my coins ready last night for a purchase and value dropped a lil over night. $10 short now. I'd get ya back monday-tuesday. Hoping karma for my loaning w/o asking for it back will come to me today :)

sr name h1msa
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 23, 2013, 01:23 am
heya boxy  (Hugs)

just edited / added PerPETualMOtion to Lenders List.


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: rats on June 23, 2013, 01:24 am
Oh no!  I'm 0.03 BTC short of getting two grams of hash!!!

Can someone please help me out?  I would be for ever grateful! 

SR name is mirrorimage469

Thank you!!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 23, 2013, 01:25 am
i dont have any coins at the moment  :(

but i can send you some electronic hugs, skrillyskrill  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 23, 2013, 01:27 am
                                         8)  Greetings!   8)
****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) **When requesting, post your SR name** so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
dr gonzo
Mike Hunt
White Out

The shit list:
Autobondon *
King Karma

*^*do not lend to these people*^*

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, Amendments Made  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: skrillyskrill on June 23, 2013, 01:29 am
i dont have any coins at the moment  :(

but i can send you some electronic hugs, skrillyskrill  :)

lol thatll hold me over till a loan comes my way
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 23, 2013, 01:32 am
Electronic Hugs comin yur way skrillyskrill  :)

{ { { { { {skrillyskrill} } } } } }
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on June 23, 2013, 01:39 am
Back again...watching stupid pawn stars and working on my seedbox...

Box, mate, the info was very helpful and I sure it will help others in the future

PerPETualMOtion do you sill need .005?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: skrillyskrill on June 23, 2013, 01:40 am
Electronic Hugs comin yur way skrillyskrill  :)

{ { { { { {skrillyskrill} } } } } }

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on June 23, 2013, 01:50 am
i dont have any coins at the moment  :(

but i can send you some electronic hugs, skrillyskrill  :)

lol thatll hold me over till a loan comes my way

I got .06btc i can lend if you still need..
Pm me and i can have it to you by tonight!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on June 23, 2013, 01:52 am
Oh no!  I'm 0.03 BTC short of getting two grams of hash!!!

Can someone please help me out?  I would be for ever grateful! 

SR name is mirrorimage469

Thank you!!!

Let me know if you are still short Rats.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 23, 2013, 02:00 am
imaz  :)

murder  :)

You all have a good Day /  Night  :)

I think i'm going to soak and read a book  :)

Love, Peace & Hugs,


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: PerPETualMOtion on June 23, 2013, 02:01 am
Back again...watching stupid pawn stars and working on my seedbox...

Box, mate, the info was very helpful and I sure it will help others in the future

PerPETualMOtion do you sill need .005?

The 0.005 was for yokes101. I sent it his way already. Thanks!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: PerPETualMOtion on June 23, 2013, 02:03 am
I have 0.09 remaining in my SR acct that won't be used for at least a week.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 23, 2013, 02:05 am
You all have a good Day /  Night  :)

I think i'm going to soak and read a book  :)

Love, Peace & Hugs,



Rest up friend!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on June 23, 2013, 02:06 am
imaz  :)

murder  :)

You all have a good Day /  Night  :)

I think i'm going to soak and read a book  :)

Love, Peace & Hugs,



You too! Have a solid read.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 23, 2013, 02:17 am

Good to know dude.  I am aware I go overboard when I'm passionate about something, but still need reminding. 

But fuck all that mess.  Welcome to the tread!  Cool you've fell in love with the magic of this one little corner like the rest of us!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: PerPETualMOtion on June 23, 2013, 02:20 am
Night all... I'm pooped.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on June 23, 2013, 02:30 am
Night all... I'm pooped.

Night bro bra!

Box, you have make the kids know that there are rules or I would be loansharking!

And thank you et. al, for making me feel so welcome. My new home!

Anyone here into music and on last FM? I am looking for new pals! Well, new pals except jennifer cause she poops at parties
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 23, 2013, 02:55 am
Oh man!  Hero member status!  I never thought I would make it this far!

I only have .01 shapes to give a way to celebrate, but it's yours if you need it.  I'll make up for it soon. 

rats & skrillyskrill?  You taken care of guys?  Post here or pm if you need it.  I'll be up for a little longer.

Stayed up till dawn last night, so I really should rest soon.  Haven't done that in a really long time!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 23, 2013, 03:00 am
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 23, 2013, 03:05 am
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on June 23, 2013, 03:08 am
Boxes of heroes! (⊙ヮ⊙)

+1 for you bro bra!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 23, 2013, 03:39 am
And more shapes to come!

Sent the .01 shapes over to you Imaz.  I have to give something away to celebrate but I'll be gone a few days.  I know you will find a home for it!  You're on my timer or I woulda +1 already.

Be well all.  This box is out for now!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on June 23, 2013, 03:51 am
Wow, so cool of you!

Have a great few days away...

I will keep the coins flowing.

Night bro bra
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: alahverdian on June 23, 2013, 06:38 am
Hello all,

So, I spread some coin around a couple weeks ago, and now I see that JoR is shutting down and I have no coin. AND, there is no way for me to get any coin until Monday. Because of this predicament, I thought I would come, here, to this thread, and see if I could get any help.
I was wandering if anyone was willing to loan me 0.35 - 0.75 BTC so I could snag something off JoR . If so, please PM me on here or on the main site (my username is the same). Or just send away and let me know who you are and where I can hit you back.
I'll be paying back with interest.
I already have a BitInstant order in that I will be paying on Monday, so return on your loan is guaranteed.

sr- alahverdian
btc- 19BHXSyEWPYrM2AgKVxp55ugcLnBFu7ECy

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on June 23, 2013, 07:02 am
alahverdian - Hiya and welcome...

I am sorry but all I have to lend is .1

Most loans are < 1BTC and we don't ask for interest.

Sorry that I could not help out more. However, most are active here during the day (day for north america). You can try then.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: preacherman444 on June 23, 2013, 07:30 am
I feel like my first participation in this thread should be giving, not receiving. Anybody need a little coin?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 23, 2013, 10:02 am
Hi everybody, hope your all ;) good today, i,m away out, just waiting on my lift  ;) :P :-*

+1 Preacherman  ;)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 23, 2013, 10:09 am
(ZzZzZ) :) really sleepy just stopping by to say hi, an I am alive ;)..

mary sending your .18 back.. to 'mary666' right :)

(hugs) how is everybody?

Thank you; Jasper5Jenson, haberdasher, saranottegan.. for returning coin :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 23, 2013, 10:28 am
well, I'll wait till the morning I guess ::)

missed you all, love y'all, :)

:) :-* ;) ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: PerPETualMOtion on June 23, 2013, 10:34 am
@ yokes101

Were you able to complete your TransX?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 23, 2013, 10:42 am
well, I'll wait till the morning I guess ::)

missed you all, love y'all, :)

:) :-* ;) ::)
Hi RS glad your good, you been on one? lol  :P
Yeah its mary666 on SR hun, thanks  ;)  :-*  :-*

love n hugs  :P :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: PerPETualMOtion on June 23, 2013, 11:04 am
(ZzZzZ) :) really sleepy just stopping by to say hi, an I am alive ;)..

mary sending your .18 back.. to 'mary666' right :)

(hugs) how is everybody?

Thank you; Jasper5Jenson, haberdasher, saranottegan.. for returning coin :)

What it is? I'm good. Gotta head out in a bit, though.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: alahverdian on June 23, 2013, 11:39 am
Hello all,

So, I spread some coin around a couple weeks ago, and now I see that JoR is shutting down and I have no coin. AND, there is no way for me to get any coin until Monday. Because of this predicament, I thought I would come, here, to this thread, and see if I could get any help.
I was wandering if anyone was willing to loan me 0.35 - 0.75 BTC so I could snag something off JoR . If so, please PM me on here or on the main site (my username is the same). Or just send away and let me know who you are and where I can hit you back.
I'll be paying back with interest.
I already have a BitInstant order in that I will be paying on Monday, so return on your loan is guaranteed.

sr- alahverdian
btc- 19BHXSyEWPYrM2AgKVxp55ugcLnBFu7ECy


ive still got to the end of the day!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bobhope333 on June 23, 2013, 11:52 am
Hi, I'm just 0.0015 bitcoins short for a order, would really appreciate if somebody could help me out, my SR name is the same- bobhope333, Not sure how this works, so here is my wallet address:
I shall be able to pay this back before the end of the month- shall pay 0.002 to cover any difference in rate.
Many thanks, bobhope333
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 23, 2013, 12:00 pm
sent 0.002 bobhope  ;) consider it a gift lol  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bobhope333 on June 23, 2013, 12:17 pm
Wow!! Never expected anything so fast- if at all! Thanks mary666.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: pablo84 on June 23, 2013, 12:47 pm
hey. tried on here twice before and never got a reply altho once was around some downtime so everything was fairly chaotic. So this time I'm hopeful someone can help me out. I'm short .02 for some charlie that I need to order by tuesday to have by friday. I can repay double in just under a weeks time as that's how long it take's for me to get my funds trough where I am here in europe. Would be greatly appreciated.

SR name is pablo84
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: John_one on June 23, 2013, 01:34 pm
0.01 bitcoin short. Can anybody help me out? :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: alahverdian on June 23, 2013, 02:49 pm
Hello all,

So, I spread some coin around a couple weeks ago, and now I see that JoR is shutting down and I have no coin. AND, there is no way for me to get any coin until Monday. Because of this predicament, I thought I would come, here, to this thread, and see if I could get any help.
I was wandering if anyone was willing to loan me 0.35 - 0.75 BTC so I could snag something off JoR . If so, please PM me on here or on the main site (my username is the same). Or just send away and let me know who you are and where I can hit you back.
I'll be paying back with interest.
I already have a BitInstant order in that I will be paying on Monday, so return on your loan is guaranteed.

sr- alahverdian
btc- 19BHXSyEWPYrM2AgKVxp55ugcLnBFu7ECy


if anybody can help me with that 0.35 or 0.75, I would be much obliged and I'd be getting you back tomorrow.
god bless
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on June 23, 2013, 03:10 pm
Hello all,

So, I spread some coin around a couple weeks ago, and now I see that JoR is shutting down and I have no coin. AND, there is no way for me to get any coin until Monday. Because of this predicament, I thought I would come, here, to this thread, and see if I could get any help.
I was wandering if anyone was willing to loan me 0.35 - 0.75 BTC so I could snag something off JoR . If so, please PM me on here or on the main site (my username is the same). Or just send away and let me know who you are and where I can hit you back.
I'll be paying back with interest.
I already have a BitInstant order in that I will be paying on Monday, so return on your loan is guaranteed.

sr- alahverdian
btc- 19BHXSyEWPYrM2AgKVxp55ugcLnBFu7ECy


if anybody can help me with that 0.35 or 0.75, I would be much obliged and I'd be getting you back tomorrow.
god bless

sent you 0.75. feeling generous today ;)

got the same name @ sr
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DxM on June 23, 2013, 03:22 pm
0.01 bitcoin short. Can anybody help me out? :)

I sent you 0.01 btc, not sure how long it will take to arrive :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 23, 2013, 04:48 pm
0.01 bitcoin short. Can anybody help me out? :)

I sent you 0.01 btc, not sure how long it will take to arrive :)

That's why it's so much easier to send it straight to the SR username as it's instant.

Anyway - Evening ALL...

Just dropping by to say HIGH to everyone, and all the new people getting involved in the thread - it's great to see.

Just please make sure everyone sticks to the rules of the thread, as I'm passionate about what we've built up here and would hate for it to fall flat on it's face and fold.

I have no coins to lend until tomorrow, but just thought I'd drop in and say HIGH  8)

J-MAN  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Itsworking on June 23, 2013, 05:03 pm
Not expecting anything but I'm short $13 on breaking my lsd cherry, if anyone is kind enough to be able to loan me it or part of it and I'll throw you back $20 on friday as getting my order this week instead of next would make for pretty sweet timing for my SO's birthday. Name on SR is the same as here. Would be extremely grateful, peace.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 23, 2013, 07:10 pm
Not expecting anything but I'm short $13 on breaking my lsd cherry, if anyone is kind enough to be able to loan me it or part of it and I'll throw you back $20 on friday as getting my order this week instead of next would make for pretty sweet timing for my SO's birthday. Name on SR is the same as here. Would be extremely grateful, peace.
got 0.06 can pass to you..

holyshit lots of posts >_<

mary sending your .18 back :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dapj on June 23, 2013, 07:12 pm
I am 0.66 short which is much i know but next week i go on a day trip. will give back 0.70 at least.
sending to : dapj

Yes i am also a seller dapj87(99) but i need to order quick or you can ask for discount on product.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 23, 2013, 07:13 pm
Yo RS how's it going bro?  8)

How was the syrup? Glad to see you didn't keel over on us  ;)

Much Love,
J-MAN  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on June 23, 2013, 07:19 pm
Good morning to all!

There were so many posts from the time I went to bed to now that I am lost to who needs what.

I have .1, so if someone need some, please post your needs. Thanks!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 23, 2013, 07:21 pm
;) still waiting on it to arrive my brother.. an trust me having a hard time waiting ;D

I have your money :), just need to deposit exchange an transfer ^_^

been up in the mountains for the past 2 nights working on a cabin.. fucking beat ass tired :(..
so getting some lean right now would be comforting lol, although it probably coming tomorrow ::)

thank you again bro :D couldn't have made this happen without your help.

how you doing :)?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 23, 2013, 07:22 pm
Hi everyone  8)

thanks RS  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 23, 2013, 07:24 pm
:) you're welcome! AN THANK YOU! :-*

also, gonna throw you couple extra dollars when I get more coins ;).. just wanted to pass a few dollars around in the mean time ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 23, 2013, 07:28 pm
****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) **When requesting, post your SR name** so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
dr gonzo
ImAz         ++++
meloniasty   ++++
Mike Hunt
White Out

The shit list:
Autobondon *
danceandsing ++++
King Karma
lufc1992uk ++++
p4tr1ckb4t3m4n ++++

*^*do not lend to these people*^*

Just quoting this, as it seems to me like I got lost in the latest reposts of this :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 23, 2013, 07:35 pm
                               :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) **When requesting, post your SR name** so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
dr gonzo
ImAz         ++++
meloniasty   ++++
Mike Hunt
White Out

The shit list:
Autobondon *
danceandsing ++++
King Karma
lufc1992uk ++++
p4tr1ckb4t3m4n ++++

*^*do not lend to these people*^*

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 23, 2013, 07:38 pm
;) still waiting on it to arrive my brother.. an trust me having a hard time waiting ;D

I have your money :), just need to deposit exchange an transfer ^_^

been up in the mountains for the past 2 nights working on a cabin.. fucking beat ass tired :(..
so getting some lean right now would be comforting lol, although it probably coming tomorrow ::)

thank you again bro :D couldn't have made this happen without your help.

how you doing :)?

I'm good thanks bro  8)

So you'll be waiting with baited breath for the postie tomorrow  ;D Hope it comes for you, as we knew how much you were looking forward to it.

Once again - don't thank me, it's my pleasure to help a true spare coiner out, family tings a gwan  8)

No rush with the money, when it's here it's here - you know I trust you 110%, so it's all cool bro.

Going up mountains working on cabins doesn't happen in London!! sounds like some hard ass work!


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: John_one on June 23, 2013, 07:43 pm
0.01 bitcoin short. Can anybody help me out? :)

I sent you 0.01 btc, not sure how long it will take to arrive :)
Thank you so much DxM
+1 for you my friend ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 23, 2013, 07:46 pm
Not expecting anything but I'm short $13 on breaking my lsd cherry, if anyone is kind enough to be able to loan me it or part of it and I'll throw you back $20 on friday as getting my order this week instead of next would make for pretty sweet timing for my SO's birthday. Name on SR is the same as here. Would be extremely grateful, peace.
got 0.06 can pass to you..
guess not ::)

;) still waiting on it to arrive my brother.. an trust me having a hard time waiting ;D

I have your money :), just need to deposit exchange an transfer ^_^

been up in the mountains for the past 2 nights working on a cabin.. fucking beat ass tired :(..
so getting some lean right now would be comforting lol, although it probably coming tomorrow ::)

thank you again bro :D couldn't have made this happen without your help.

how you doing :)?

I'm good thanks bro  8)

So you'll be waiting with baited breath for the postie tomorrow  ;D Hope it comes for you, as we knew how much you were looking forward to it.

Once again - don't thank me, it's my pleasure to help a true spare coiner out, family tings a gwan  8)

No rush with the money, when it's here it's here - you know I trust you 110%, so it's all cool bro.

Going up mountains working on cabins doesn't happen in London!! sounds like some hard ass work!

;) gonna track the postman down an be like where is my mofo package hmm? :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Steelo on June 23, 2013, 07:47 pm
0.09 BTC short on my first order, PM me if your kind enough to lend it me and I'll return the favor when I can
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 23, 2013, 07:50 pm
@ ImAz - I see you have a vendors account. Just being nosey and seen you've only managed 15 transactions in 2 years, what you planning to do with it?

I could boost that by 1000% if you wanna talk  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on June 23, 2013, 08:21 pm
@ ImAz - I see you have a vendors account. Just being nosey and seen you've only managed 15 transactions in 2 years, what you planning to do with it?

I could boost that by 1000% if you wanna talk  8)

Gee thanks for the kind words...

send me a dm, if you wish.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 23, 2013, 08:27 pm
Thanks RS, and whats up everyone! I am just stopping here to say hi as I don't have time today to talk much, will be back tomorrow :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 23, 2013, 08:36 pm
ImaZ - sent you a PM bro  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on June 23, 2013, 09:02 pm

My vendor account slogan is "We may not be big, but we're small"
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on June 23, 2013, 09:06 pm
Well I have to go study now.

Will be back later tonight/tomorrow.

Japan1980, thanks for the dm's.

Talk to all you peeps later.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 23, 2013, 09:17 pm

My vendor account slogan is "We may not be big, but we're small"

That slogan could change rapidly if I was on board - I'll get back to you when I have the finer details sorted.

J-MAN  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: pablo84 on June 23, 2013, 09:39 pm
Just short .02 if someone can help out. pablo84 is my username. Would really appreciate it. Maybe its my low forum presence that is putting people off. Would really help me out for making a good weekend when my friend comes back from travelling.

hey. tried on here twice before and never got a reply altho once was around some downtime so everything was fairly chaotic. So this time I'm hopeful someone can help me out. I'm short .02 for some charlie that I need to order by tuesday to have by friday. I can repay double in just under a weeks time as that's how long it take's for me to get my funds trough where I am here in europe. Would be greatly appreciated.

SR name is pablo84
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 23, 2013, 09:44 pm
Just short .02 if someone can help out. pablo84 is my username. Would really appreciate it. Maybe its my low forum presence that is putting people off. Would really help me out for making a good weekend when my friend comes back from travelling.

hey. tried on here twice before and never got a reply altho once was around some downtime so everything was fairly chaotic. So this time I'm hopeful someone can help me out. I'm short .02 for some charlie that I need to order by tuesday to have by friday. I can repay double in just under a weeks time as that's how long it take's for me to get my funds trough where I am here in europe. Would be greatly appreciated.

SR name is pablo84

Sent  8)

EDIT: as soon as it lets me log in!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 23, 2013, 09:53 pm
Everytime I try and log in I get the Camel in the top left with a message saying:

Sorry, an error was encountered.

We could not process your request. (ext)

so Pablo84 - until I can log in I obviously can't send you the coin, I'll keep trying though!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: pablo84 on June 23, 2013, 09:59 pm
much appreciated Japan1980. Friend of mine returning from Oz that I haven't seen in 2 years so this will make the weekend. Very bad timing with the downtime. I'll be sure to pay you back in good time. I also intend on returning the favor to someone else given the chance.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 23, 2013, 10:18 pm
I'm logged back in now - coin sent to you pablo84  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: pablo84 on June 23, 2013, 10:29 pm
Thanks so much
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: coglac on June 23, 2013, 10:38 pm
Some one was kind enough to give me my first loan when i was a little short on an order. I have some extra coins myself now and figured I would help someone as well. So if anyone is a little short I am happy to lend a little if you can pay me back in a reasonable amount of time.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 23, 2013, 10:43 pm
Thanks so much

No Problem my friend - just try and pay back when you said you could and you'll always be welcome to another loan from me when needed  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: PerPETualMOtion on June 23, 2013, 11:39 pm
Hey all,

What it is, this fine Sunday. Don't forget to look at the MOON tonight! Perigee full moon this weekend: closest distance to Earth all year.

Got 0.09 coin after sending yokes101 a half coin.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 23, 2013, 11:53 pm
Sup gang , thought  I might lurk n hang while  I do my thang ( configuring my new linux mint 15 just the way i like it - 2 factor usb sudo pam  , firestarter , vps privoxy  VPS  the list is long a my dick  , then I have to setup whonix inside it - the real fun part  ) .

 I have some spare coinage , so hopefully can be of service at some point .

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: forsakeng on June 24, 2013, 12:00 am
Sadly im sort 0.01 btc for some K from the mighty K Queen! If anyone could help me out it'd be appreciated and will be paid back sharply! :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 24, 2013, 12:08 am
i have that , after I ask  if  spamed to 50 , no offense but we have a few people do that  and not pay back - but I'm sure your cool - if you only need 0.01 - t wouldn't make sense
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: PerPETualMOtion on June 24, 2013, 12:11 am
Gotta run and grab some beer/wine.

Peace for now.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 24, 2013, 12:17 am
HMMMM  well you did spam to 50 , but you only need 0.01 - when will you have coins next  ? realistically . 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 24, 2013, 12:18 am
Gotta run and grab some beer/wine.

Peace for now.

Peace pep , enjoy your beverages  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: forsakeng on June 24, 2013, 12:20 am
i know that im new here but im a wo/man of integrity so im not gonna do a runner with $1 worth of btc :P if it wasnt such a small amount i wouldnt ask, my payday is this thursday so ill be getting more btc then or friday
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 24, 2013, 12:21 am
                                              :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) **When requesting, post your SR name** so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
dr gonzo
meloniasty   ++++
Mike Hunt
White Out
PerPETualMOtion ++++

The shit list:
Autobondon *
danceandsing ++++
King Karma
lufc1992uk ++++
p4tr1ckb4t3m4n ++++

*^*do not lend to these people*^*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 24, 2013, 12:22 am
i know that im new here but im a wo/man of integrity so im not gonna do a runner with $1 worth of btc :P if it wasnt such a small amount i wouldnt ask, my payday is this thursday so ill be getting more btc then or friday
username :)?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: forsakeng on June 24, 2013, 12:23 am
i know that im new here but im a wo/man of integrity so im not gonna do a runner with $1 worth of btc :P if it wasnt such a small amount i wouldnt ask, my payday is this thursday so ill be getting more btc then or friday
username :)?


sorry forgot to say
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 24, 2013, 12:26 am
i know that im new here but im a wo/man of integrity so im not gonna do a runner with $1 worth of btc :P if it wasnt such a small amount i wouldnt ask, my payday is this thursday so ill be getting more btc then or friday
username :)?


sorry forgot to say
0.01 sent :). enjoy
repay or pay forward either or.. ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 24, 2013, 12:27 am
i know that im new here but im a wo/man of integrity so im not gonna do a runner with $1 worth of btc :P if it wasnt such a small amount i wouldnt ask, my payday is this thursday so ill be getting more btc then or friday

Ok I hear you , no probs - whats your sr name and I will send it now .

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: forsakeng on June 24, 2013, 12:30 am
thank you, youll have it back in no time and will lent to others in the future :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 24, 2013, 12:31 am
;) hiya taz!

hes taken care of :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 24, 2013, 12:47 am
Hey R.S good to see ya , you beat me to that one - pretty sure that lady will be back to pay forward - I'm just a little warry of spam to 50'ers - but for a buck - I guess it's no big deal .

Hows it going ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 24, 2013, 12:53 am
Did you hear about those people who think Marry has 5 different persona's on here ?

What is it with some people , that's why I mainly hang here , if your nice person people treat you accordingly here - quite rare for most forums .

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on June 24, 2013, 12:59 am
Did you hear about those people who think Marry has 5 different persona's on here ?

What is it with some people , that's why I mainly hang here , if your nice person people treat you accordingly here - quite rare for most forums .

Yea homie.. i don't get it either!! Some people  >:( !!
I barely have time to be murderface!! Lol
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 24, 2013, 01:06 am
Damn straight , I can hardly keep up with being Taz , Plus  the rest of shit life chucks our way - I just pm.ed her , I would hate to see those s
assholes keep her from chilling with us here , she's a diamond is Marry .

Hows life treating you M face ?  Well I hope .

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 24, 2013, 01:10 am
exhausted :( but I am good..

an lol? really who would have time for shit like that.. :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 24, 2013, 01:17 am
Beats me , I a bit faded  too , haven't been getting my usual 10 ( yep 10 ) hours sleep , because my cold turned into a god damn sinus infection and cough .

I feel like my brains being sucked out by a hoover , no rest for the wicked though , just configured  my  new mint install and now I need to install A v.m to run whonix in .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Itsworking on June 24, 2013, 03:11 am
Not expecting anything but I'm short $13 on breaking my lsd cherry, if anyone is kind enough to be able to loan me it or part of it and I'll throw you back $20 on friday as getting my order this week instead of next would make for pretty sweet timing for my SO's birthday. Name on SR is the same as here. Would be extremely grateful, peace.
got 0.06 can pass to you..

holyshit lots of posts >_<

mary sending your .18 back :)
Hey sorry I went to sleep shortly after making the post, if you would still like to lend it I'd appreciate it and pay you back friday with a couple extra bucks.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 24, 2013, 03:17 am
                                              :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) **When requesting, post your SR name** so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
dr gonzo
DxM  +++
meloniasty   ++++
Mike Hunt
PerPETualMOtion ++++
White Out

The shit list:
Autobondon *
danceandsing ++++
King Karma
lufc1992uk ++++
p4tr1ckb4t3m4n ++++

*^*do not lend to these people*^*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 24, 2013, 03:31 am
Not expecting anything but I'm short $13 on breaking my lsd cherry, if anyone is kind enough to be able to loan me it or part of it and I'll throw you back $20 on friday as getting my order this week instead of next would make for pretty sweet timing for my SO's birthday. Name on SR is the same as here. Would be extremely grateful, peace.
got 0.06 can pass to you..

holyshit lots of posts >_<

mary sending your .18 back :)
Hey sorry I went to sleep shortly after making the post, if you would still like to lend it I'd appreciate it and pay you back friday with a couple extra bucks.
Not expecting anything but I'm short $13 on breaking my lsd cherry, if anyone is kind enough to be able to loan me it or part of it and I'll throw you back $20 on friday as getting my order this week instead of next would make for pretty sweet timing for my SO's birthday. Name on SR is the same as here. Would be extremely grateful, peace.
got 0.06 can pass to you..

holyshit lots of posts >_<

mary sending your .18 back :)
Hey sorry I went to sleep shortly after making the post, if you would still like to lend it I'd appreciate it and pay you back friday with a couple extra bucks.

Sending 0.053 - that's all I ave ATM - gets you a bit closer - hopefully someone else can sort you the rest - =)

Damn I can't wait to trip again , it's been many moon since I danced with Lucy
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 24, 2013, 03:41 am
Hey guys.  Much love.  I know it's been said before but this thread has completely altered then when I first got involved.  So many cool people just shooting the shit.  This place evolved into something different for sure!

I know the list was just posted, but it was starting to get out of order, and I spotted someone we missed.  Sorry for my ocd...

I a bit faded  too , haven't been getting my usual 10 ( yep 10 ) hours sleep.

Haha.  This is so me.  I've had to fight with people my whole life about this.  Wanting to sleep crazy amounts.  I don't know how to make em understand that.  It's a place I need to spend time more than others for sure.  :P

exhausted :( but I am good..

Hope it was because you had a fun night like I did the other night!  Otherwise, rest up friend!

What it is, this fine Sunday. Don't forget to look at the MOON tonight! Perigee full moon this weekend: closest distance to Earth all year.

Man!  Thank you for throwing a note in my head!  Cool stuff!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Itsworking on June 24, 2013, 03:45 am
Not expecting anything but I'm short $13 on breaking my lsd cherry, if anyone is kind enough to be able to loan me it or part of it and I'll throw you back $20 on friday as getting my order this week instead of next would make for pretty sweet timing for my SO's birthday. Name on SR is the same as here. Would be extremely grateful, peace.
got 0.06 can pass to you..

holyshit lots of posts >_<

mary sending your .18 back :)
Hey sorry I went to sleep shortly after making the post, if you would still like to lend it I'd appreciate it and pay you back friday with a couple extra bucks.
Not expecting anything but I'm short $13 on breaking my lsd cherry, if anyone is kind enough to be able to loan me it or part of it and I'll throw you back $20 on friday as getting my order this week instead of next would make for pretty sweet timing for my SO's birthday. Name on SR is the same as here. Would be extremely grateful, peace.
got 0.06 can pass to you..

holyshit lots of posts >_<

mary sending your .18 back :)
Hey sorry I went to sleep shortly after making the post, if you would still like to lend it I'd appreciate it and pay you back friday with a couple extra bucks.

Sending 0.053 - that's all I ave ATM - gets you a bit closer - hopefully someone else can sort you the rest - =)

Damn I can't wait to trip again , it's been many moon since I danced with Lucy
Thanks so much taz, muchas gracias friend. As said before, expect it back on Friday with some interest. Same applies to anyone else who/if can loan me the last bit.($7.30) +1 Taz, not just forum karma either man.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tedrux on June 24, 2013, 03:57 am
still sitting on nothing and looking for contrabutions towards my dance with ayhuasca tea. Be it loan or gift or whatever, it would be much appreciated. but understand I don't have steady income so I have your money when I have it and don't have much control over that. I am not the kind to forget a debt so easily though.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 24, 2013, 04:20 am
ted - have you done any hallucinogens before ?

I totally recommend them for making you realize what a wonderful thing life really is , but maybe try some mushrooms first , a little more forgiving and they don't last as long ,

You should also work on concentrating on exorcize and mediation in the mean time  - you need to be a strong as possible mentally before you take the plunge - while it can be a life changing experience - it's not for the feint heated - it can  like being dissolved  into liquid and then put back together - and if you can't handle the first part , witch can be really scarey - you may not get the desired effect .

Do some reading on the various hallucinogens and read trip reports - you need to know how others felt - ups and downs - that way you know that the scarey part is just the begging of something that can heal your soul .

I've not done it yet , but what ask , like our very own RS   about whether dmt + changa may help - it's more of a short intense trip  , but although it can enlighten - I don't think it has the ego dissolution factor that has been known to cure depression like lsd and other substances .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: metaphoe on June 24, 2013, 04:26 am
anybody can spare like .02 for a order im only about 2 dollars short

heres my addy
:   1EKLBf6vpndyrC8j5uRS4MAksuQMRTGQPA

send me a mesage after you do so i pay you back by friday
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 24, 2013, 04:34 am
Sorry fresh outta coins , but post your sr name so if someone else can help they no where to send , good luck man
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tedrux on June 24, 2013, 04:53 am
you probably saw my posts RE ego death. thats exactly what I'm after. I have mucho faith in myself as LONG as I'm alone and indoors. i handled my first trip well and I wasn't even strapped in. granted it went crazy but thats because I beleived the hallucination when he said no. damn hallucination- LIARS, ALL OF THEM! :p. wont make that mistake again.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: preacherman444 on June 24, 2013, 05:18 am
i think some sent like 80 cents, i think or did the value just go up ?

anyway if yall did thanks

im just like still' a lil' off. some spare like .01  pleaseeeeee

SR name : metaphoe

All taken care of brother!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 24, 2013, 05:23 am
Hey guys.  Much love.  I know it's been said before but this thread has completely altered then when I first got involved.  So many cool people just shooting the shit.  This place evolved into something different for sure!

I know the list was just posted, but it was starting to get out of order, and I spotted someone we missed.  Sorry for my ocd...

I a bit faded  too , haven't been getting my usual 10 ( yep 10 ) hours sleep.

Haha.  This is so me.  I've had to fight with people my whole life about this.  Wanting to sleep crazy amounts.  I don't know how to make em understand that.  It's a place I need to spend time more than others for sure.  :P

exhausted :( but I am good..

Hope it was because you had a fun night like I did the other night!  Otherwise, rest up friend!

What it is, this fine Sunday. Don't forget to look at the MOON tonight! Perigee full moon this weekend: closest distance to Earth all year.

Man!  Thank you for throwing a note in my head!  Cool stuff!
:( no just worked to the bone..

@itsworking sorry ;) already promised I'd help ted..

still sitting on nothing and looking for contrabutions towards my dance with ayhuasca tea. Be it loan or gift or whatever, it would be much appreciated. but understand I don't have steady income so I have your money when I have it and don't have much control over that. I am not the kind to forget a debt so easily though.
I've got 0.05 to give you, otherwise tomorrow or next day I'll have more..

figure out how much you need total.. including shipping.
we'll try get you sorted.. :)

@preacherman :) greetings
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tedrux on June 24, 2013, 05:29 am
looking at this sounding about right. a couple hours to bring my issues to surface and wonders to life . hell, Ive already been down the rabbit hole and i wouldn't say ive grown and changed but if its no more then a good time and I dont find the ego death I seek then so be.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: metaphoe on June 24, 2013, 05:55 am
i think some sent like 80 cents, i think or did the value just go up ?

anyway if yall did thanks

im just like still' a lil' off. some spare like .01  pleaseeeeee

SR name : metaphoe

All taken care of brother!

awesome !

i got that 8.00 dollar mark for the shipping :)

thanks  PREACHER MAN !

im'a send u some pics
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on June 24, 2013, 05:56 am
looking at this sounding about right. a couple hours to bring my issues to surface and wonders to life . hell, Ive already been down the rabbit hole and i wouldn't say ive grown and changed but if its no more then a good time and I dont find the ego death I seek then so be.

sent 0.2, just 0.3 to go guys..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tedrux on June 24, 2013, 06:30 am
huggles for muggles ^

Thank You Ron!!!So Excited!

lol and dude above me...I don't know what I did for you but I like pictures ? :) send them my way
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 24, 2013, 06:43 am
looking at this sounding about right. a couple hours to bring my issues to surface and wonders to life . hell, Ive already been down the rabbit hole and i wouldn't say ive grown and changed but if its no more then a good time and I dont find the ego death I seek then so be.

sent 0.2, just 0.3 to go guys..
0.05 sent :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: pablo84 on June 24, 2013, 06:58 am
.05 returned japan1980. Thanks so much. Unfortunately somehow in the downtime the price had appeared to have gone up by .01 so I just ended up settling for a vendor who's quality may not be as good. Would have been very embarrassed coming back looking for more after that.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: metaphoe on June 24, 2013, 07:01 am
huggles for muggles ^

Thank You Ron!!!So Excited!

lol and dude above me...I don't know what I did for you but I like pictures ? :) send them my way

lol.. my bad. i meant preacher man
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tedrux on June 24, 2013, 07:13 am
huggles for muggles ^

Thank You Ron!!!So Excited!

lol and dude above me...I don't know what I did for you but I like pictures ? :) send them my way

lol.. my bad. i meant preacher man

awww. no pictures :(?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on June 24, 2013, 07:31 am
Not expecting anything but I'm short $13 on breaking my lsd cherry, if anyone is kind enough to be able to loan me it or part of it and I'll throw you back $20 on friday as getting my order this week instead of next would make for pretty sweet timing for my SO's birthday. Name on SR is the same as here. Would be extremely grateful, peace.
got 0.06 can pass to you..

holyshit lots of posts >_<

mary sending your .18 back :)
Hey sorry I went to sleep shortly after making the post, if you would still like to lend it I'd appreciate it and pay you back friday with a couple extra bucks.
Not expecting anything but I'm short $13 on breaking my lsd cherry, if anyone is kind enough to be able to loan me it or part of it and I'll throw you back $20 on friday as getting my order this week instead of next would make for pretty sweet timing for my SO's birthday. Name on SR is the same as here. Would be extremely grateful, peace.
got 0.06 can pass to you..

holyshit lots of posts >_<

mary sending your .18 back :)
Hey sorry I went to sleep shortly after making the post, if you would still like to lend it I'd appreciate it and pay you back friday with a couple extra bucks.

Sending 0.053 - that's all I ave ATM - gets you a bit closer - hopefully someone else can sort you the rest - =)

Damn I can't wait to trip again , it's been many moon since I danced with Lucy
Thanks so much taz, muchas gracias friend. As said before, expect it back on Friday with some interest. Same applies to anyone else who/if can loan me the last bit.($7.30) +1 Taz, not just forum karma either man.

Sent ya .06xxxx hope it helps!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tedrux on June 24, 2013, 07:38 am
Not expecting anything but I'm short $13 on breaking my lsd cherry, if anyone is kind enough to be able to loan me it or part of it and I'll throw you back $20 on friday as getting my order this week instead of next would make for pretty sweet timing for my SO's birthday. Name on SR is the same as here. Would be extremely grateful, peace.
got 0.06 can pass to you..

holyshit lots of posts >_<

mary sending your .18 back :)
Hey sorry I went to sleep shortly after making the post, if you would still like to lend it I'd appreciate it and pay you back friday with a couple extra bucks.
Not expecting anything but I'm short $13 on breaking my lsd cherry, if anyone is kind enough to be able to loan me it or part of it and I'll throw you back $20 on friday as getting my order this week instead of next would make for pretty sweet timing for my SO's birthday. Name on SR is the same as here. Would be extremely grateful, peace.
got 0.06 can pass to you..

holyshit lots of posts >_<

mary sending your .18 back :)
Hey sorry I went to sleep shortly after making the post, if you would still like to lend it I'd appreciate it and pay you back friday with a couple extra bucks.

Sending 0.053 - that's all I ave ATM - gets you a bit closer - hopefully someone else can sort you the rest - =)

Damn I can't wait to trip again , it's been many moon since I danced with Lucy
Thanks so much taz, muchas gracias friend. As said before, expect it back on Friday with some interest. Same applies to anyone else who/if can loan me the last bit.($7.30) +1 Taz, not just forum karma either man.

Sent ya .06xxxx hope it helps!!
do us a favor though bro and have a pen and paper on you so you can write a first hand as-it-happens trip report and share it with us, okay ? :) I'll try to do the same for my ayahuasca journey. :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 24, 2013, 07:53 am
what you at ted? :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tedrux on June 24, 2013, 08:20 am
I just think its cool that you see things in a way you cant otherwise experience and dont think it should be lost. writing a report is a way to relive it. plus lets us be entertained and amazed so yeah, every one wins. Im trying to open up chat. I've never bought on SR before so of course I have some questions.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 24, 2013, 08:28 am
everyone all set then?  :)

Hello @ You All  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tedrux on June 24, 2013, 08:32 am
im still trying to load this damn wallet. how quickly are transfers completed man? as of what I was told I beleive I am still .15 short on my pharmauasca order. you of course can breifly skim the last page or so and see. ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 24, 2013, 08:34 am
i'll send ya  ฿0.07  tedrux  :)

what is your SR screen name?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 24, 2013, 08:35 am
i'm old, lazy and dont have my glasses on @ tedrux  .....


just ask RS  :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tedrux on June 24, 2013, 08:38 am
same:     '   tedrux    '  . just .18 short man.  I feel like Im on pbs giving a lame speach 'our operators are standing by - we'll be here all night if we have to. we only get to trip balls because of contributions of veiwers like you so please PLEASE make a donation- its so appreciated, and its what helps us keep our lights on' lol. my imagination takes me to some weird places.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 24, 2013, 08:40 am
0.07 sent to you @ tedrux  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tedrux on June 24, 2013, 08:57 am
a very hearty thank you to you chemcat. one love brotha
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 24, 2013, 09:05 am
i'm old, lazy and dont have my glasses on @ tedrux  .....


just ask RS  :P
ask me what :P

(hugs) chem
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 24, 2013, 09:07 am
also, how much are you still short ted? :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tedrux on June 24, 2013, 09:27 am
.19 with 'free shipping' . lol, heeeey, I know what that means, I used to vend on E-bay! :p but yeah, .19 for pharmahuasca which is as close to ayahuasca I'm seeing posted right now.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 24, 2013, 10:50 am
RS  :)


i was just sayin for tedrux to ask ya if i was lazy LOL

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: soliduslake on June 24, 2013, 12:25 pm
I am only $0.11 short of my first order, and trying to make it happen as soon as i can so i may be able to write a detailed report for a new vendor needing feedback to get rolling. He is going out on a limb and hooking me up because i have a good bit of experience with his particular kinda of product. He is doing this despite this being my first SR transaction. So in actuality you would be helping a new vendor and buyer get started. Plus its 11 cents. Remember you were a noob once too. If anyone would like to help my SR name is the same as here. A thousand thank yous and much love. Would also be happy to reimburse within two weeks.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Oddworld on June 24, 2013, 01:40 pm
Just wanted to say I lent to "BiblicalBlazer" about 1 month ago, he said he would pay back but didn't. I am not bothered it was a small amount but I think he should be added to the do not lend list.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sickgirl on June 24, 2013, 01:45 pm
Looking for a microloan, I will agree to a contract or whatever, but I am looking for a microloan of 0.60 btc, and will repay 1.00 btc in 7 days on the first of the month. My SR name is the same as my forum name xoxo sickgirl
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper800 on June 24, 2013, 01:47 pm
Hey guys!
Been a busy week, I hope you all are well... I am just checking in to let you guys know that skeezr95 paid back his debt to me. He was communicative and honest. A trustworthy guy on the forums. Talk to you all sooner than later!  :o
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Descarte on June 24, 2013, 02:59 pm
I have a proposition for you ChemCat, if you don't mind me being so bold.
You seem to spend a lot of time on this thread, but are not always endowed with btc.
I on the other hand am rarely on the thread but usually have coin.
If you were willing to take the responsibility ( I do realise this is a bit of a cop out that saves me much effort).
I would tranfer 1btc to your account no strings attached to use as you see fit, It would probably make me quite happy if you were
to go fuck you'se all I'm buying some acid.  You have definitely earned the right to give a little fuck you to the world and look after yourself.
I do however doubt that you'd be the type to do this and would obtain more gratisfaction from spreading the wealth...If the cash ran out, hopefully some paybacks would keep it going,
but if they didin'e it wouldn't stop me lending and I'd send more.
If it sounds like to much hassle feel no obligation to accept.  The same offer would be valid to  RS7FI8ZRkm or any other senior members interested.
Just thought I'd put it out there
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 24, 2013, 03:17 pm
Quote from: Descarte
I have a proposition for you ChemCat, if you don't mind me being so bold.
You seem to spend a lot of time on this thread, but are not always endowed with btc.
I on the other hand am rarely on the thread but usually have coin.
If you were willing to take the responsibility ( I do realise this is a bit of a cop out that saves me much effort).
I would tranfer 1btc to your account no strings attached to use as you see fit, It would probably make me quite happy if you were
to go fuck you'se all I'm buying some acid.  You have definitely earned the right to give a little fuck you to the world and look after yourself.
I do however doubt that you'd be the type to do this and would obtain more gratisfaction from spreading the wealth...If the cash ran out, hopefully some paybacks would keep it going,
but if they didin'e it wouldn't stop me lending and I'd send more.
If it sounds like to much hassle feel no obligation to accept.  The same offer would be valid to  RS7FI8ZRkm or any other senior members interested.
Just thought I'd put it out there

Descarte, Hey You  :)

Nope, i wouldnt buy anything for myself with the coin that you want to donate to the Spare Coin Cause, my needs far outweigh just one BTC, now if ya have 9 BTC's  LOL  just kidding, i'm taken care of   :)

I'd be honored to help one or a few of our brothers or sisters of the Road :)
You can let me know in what dividends that you would like the coins distributed 0.10...0.25...0.75.. etc...etc...i still have some people that "said" they would pay me back....but havent....not even a msg tellin me that they were gonna bail on their word...However, I'm Still  Here  ;)

So, Descarte...Yes, if you would likie to Donate, i'll make sure that your Coin gets into the right hands

Peace & Hugs to ya,


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 24, 2013, 03:21 pm
Just a word that Pablo84 paid me back today, with interest (which I don't expect at all).

So just letting the thread know that Pablo84 is a stand up guy  8)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 24, 2013, 03:22 pm
 :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) **When requesting, post your SR name** so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
dr gonzo
DxM  +++
meloniasty   ++++
Mike Hunt
PerPETualMOtion ++++
White Out

The shit list:
Autobondon *
danceandsing ++++
King Karma
lufc1992uk ++++
p4tr1ckb4t3m4n ++++

*^*do not lend to these people*^*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 24, 2013, 03:27 pm
J  :)

Good evening!

alot of good thought LOL  i need to write these down 'cuz i keep forgetting LOL

Hope your day is good, am gonna go feed the chickens  :)

have ya heard from mary?

man the idiots really upset her....
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Descarte on June 24, 2013, 03:30 pm
It is done ChemCat.  I'll leave all decision to you and by all  means you can borrow from it.
It would be nice if we could somehow increase the repay rate but ti won't stop me lending.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 24, 2013, 03:36 pm
I'll send it out to those in need as soon as i get done feeding the animals.


Yeah the pay back rate would be nice if more people would stick to their word.
     ok, have some chores to tend to  :)

Peace & Hugs to ya Descarte  :)



Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 24, 2013, 03:39 pm
Confirming, i've recieved 1 bitcoin from Descarte.
   To be given away to a SR Brother or Sister in Need.
       As soon as i get my chores done, i'll check back here to see if anyone is in need  :)

Peace & Hugs,

ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper800 on June 24, 2013, 03:40 pm
Descarte is a hell of a guy... if I ever won the lottery... I tell you what.  :o
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 24, 2013, 03:41 pm
J  :)

Good evening!

alot of good thought LOL  i need to write these down 'cuz i keep forgetting LOL

Hope your day is good, am gonna go feed the chickens  :)

have ya heard from mary?

man the idiots really upset her....

Hi Chemmy - nah not heard from Mary, I wasn't around when all the shit went down and I'm not even sure what happened?

My days been good - busy but good  8)

I've been thinking of a few things we discussed last night and we could get this underway, we'll have to discuss it in private at somepoint, I wont be around much tonight as I've got guests coming round for dinner....fucking Mrs inviting people without me knowing!!  :o

I'll be about a it later though  8)

+1 for Descarte for putting into the pot.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 24, 2013, 03:45 pm
ok  :)

i'll start to write stuff down as well  :)

take your time, i'm still figuring some things out....will be we open sooner  ;)

ok have a good enjoyable evening and we'll speak later. If i'm not here just leave me a msg and i'll get back to ya  :)


Peace & Hugs,

ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tedrux on June 24, 2013, 03:46 pm
heeeeeeeellllp. I'm trying to set my order but ive never done this before. what is a 'pin' and where do I find it?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper800 on June 24, 2013, 03:48 pm
Gotta love house guests  :-\ ...
        I get those surprises from my lady-friend as well; or the "we are going to so and sos tonight." I'm always stuck being the "entertaining" one. It's so fucking exhausting.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 24, 2013, 03:48 pm
It is done ChemCat.  I'll leave all decision to you and by all  means you can borrow from it.
It would be nice if we could somehow increase the repay rate but ti won't stop me lending.

I think it would be impossible to get a 100% return but I do know the way the thread is now, as opposed to when it started, people care a lot more of what happens in here.

RxKing just mentioned when he got involved with the thread in the start, his return was 0/30.  Now it's 10/10. 

IMO, the best we can do is just keep the good empathy in this place.  Seems to be the most useful tool we have, and the good people around here can give that away all day long.

I must add, that's pretty spectacular to me you want to contribute to what we have going on around here, in any fashion. 

Even if your time is limited, will you still stop by and say hey every now and then?

Peace all!  Box out for now!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 24, 2013, 03:49 pm

The moment that ya created your SR account you were asked to create a passphrase (password)
and a pin number.
the pin number is what you have to put in order to complete your purchase.
Also the pin number is needed when you send coins to someone.

Search your hold the pin.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 24, 2013, 03:52 pm
Box  (Hugs)


Peace & Love,


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 24, 2013, 03:53 pm
It is done ChemCat.  I'll leave all decision to you and by all  means you can borrow from it.
It would be nice if we could somehow increase the repay rate but ti won't stop me lending.

I think it would be impossible to get a 100% return but I do know the way the thread is now, as opposed to when it started, people care a lot more of what happens in here.

RxKing just mentioned when he got involved with the thread in the start, his return was 0/30.  Now it's 10/10. 

IMO, the best we can do is just keep the good empathy in this place.  Seems to be the most useful tool we have, and the good people around here can give that away all day long.

I must add, that's pretty spectacular to me you want to contribute to what we have going on around here, in any fashion. 

Even if your time is limited, will you still stop by and say hey every now and then?

Peace all!  Box out for now!

Mine at present is 86 paybacks out of 88 loans - with 6 outstanding, but within the time frame so no concerns as yet.

So taking everything into consideration - that's a pretty decent outcome  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tedrux on June 24, 2013, 03:53 pm
how many digits is the pin?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 24, 2013, 03:54 pm
how many digits is the pin?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 24, 2013, 03:56 pm
how many digits is the pin?


Mine is 8
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper800 on June 24, 2013, 04:00 pm
You may have to contact some support if you can't figure it out.  You won't be able to do much with your account without it. I thought I forgot mine when I first put BTC in my account a few weeks ago... luckily I had it written down somewhere.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tedrux on June 24, 2013, 04:07 pm
who would be support cause i got one try left and im scared to see if I get it wrong
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Steelo on June 24, 2013, 04:16 pm
Could anyone spare 0.09 Bitcoins? 13yG7UjrWg19EQBfM2gW7GL31XR5zxTqtE and my SR name is Steelo
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 24, 2013, 04:19 pm
Quote from: aef33ty
Hey Chemcat, i know this might not be cool but i thought i'd ask. i'm trying to make a purchase and am short .035 BTC! i was just seeing if you had that to loan and I will pay you back with interest when i reload my SR wallet on the 31st. Thanks for reading Chem! Have a nice day, peace!

If you wouldnt mind, i'd like to post this in The Spare Coins thread on your behalf.

0.035 is what you need? and you said that you can replace the coins on the 31'st? So that we can carry on this
Wonderful Service to our Family, Please Honor your Word  :)

sending the 0.035 BTC's as soon as i get your SR screen name. :)

Posting this in the Spare Coins thread, for your records as well as our records.

Just waiting on your SR screen name.

Hang tight steelo  :)

sending steelo 0.09 BTC.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 24, 2013, 04:21 pm
@ Steelo

0.09 BTC has been sent to you   :)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Descarte on June 24, 2013, 04:24 pm
**I think it would be impossible to get a 100% return but I do know the way the thread is now, as opposed to when it started, people care a lot more of what happens in here.

RxKing just mentioned when he got involved with the thread in the start, his return was 0/30.  Now it's 10/10.

IMO, the best we can do is just keep the good empathy in this place.  Seems to be the most useful tool we have, and the good people around here can give that away all day long.

I must add, that's pretty spectacular to me you want to contribute to what we have going on around here, in any fashion.

Even if your time is limited, will you still stop by and say hey every now and then?

Peace all!  Box out for now!**

I think Jaspers Idea of listing his debt is one of the greatests things done. It's a pity it couldn;t catch onto others.  Little do they realise that it has increased my wilingness to lend to him. Up over 0.8btc and still rising.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 24, 2013, 04:29 pm
Chemmy - you know I don't usually ask, but anychance of .26 until tomorrow or even later tonight?

Just seen something that tickles my fancy and not sure I'll have time to get the rest of the coin from my holding account until the offer goes?

Same name as here  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 24, 2013, 04:32 pm
Hi everyone  :P your not getting rid of me that easy  :-[ lol I,m just gonna hang in this thread and read other one,s  ;) apart from our family thread (which i,ve had to bring back to the front page twice! he he).

Hope everyone,s good, you,ve all been busy  :D I,ve missed all of you  :-[ :P (in a day, ha ha, i,m a sad-o) Glad your good if not a bit tired RS an Taz still got that bloody cold/infection  :( get well soon (hugs), Chem getting there with his account, take your time friend, get it sorted right  ;) Japan the man  8) Box n his shapes, your all great people and everyone i didn,t mention, there,s getting to be more and more of us  ;D :P :-*

 Went and picked up my mum,s rescue dog today, a gorgeous 8 yr old collie  ;D ;D they,re both over the moon!

Oh and +1 Descarte, amazing  ;) ;) (no offence when i sent it back that day, its better with Chem lol)

HUGS TO ALL  ;) :P :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 24, 2013, 04:38 pm
J  :)

.26 BTC sent to you  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tedrux on June 24, 2013, 04:38 pm
Descartes, I have .32 sitting in my account that this lovely thread and its peeples were generous enough to supply me with however now my account is locked >:( . can I send the coin your way when the pin gets sorted out and might you cover the order for now? I'll give you the address if you give me your pgp key. the order is this:http://silkroadvb5piz3r.onion/silkroad/item/99b619e6a9
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 24, 2013, 04:40 pm
HIGH Mary  8)

Hope you're well sweetie, good to see you as always  ;D

Much Love.

@ Chemmy - Thanks, be coming right back at ya as soon as possible bro  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 24, 2013, 04:40 pm
mary bo berry  :P

i was wonderin if you were gonna let bad people run you off   :)

ya stay here your skin will thicken  :P

there are alot of goofballs that dont even care about anyones feelings here mary.
however there are also people here that do care  :)

Love ya mary and Welcome Back!   :)

Peace, Love & Hugs,

Dad  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tedrux on June 24, 2013, 04:42 pm
hiya mary ! :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Descarte on June 24, 2013, 04:48 pm
tedrux I would be uncomfortable in any situation where I had your address. 
Besides I've just manged to empty myself of coin so I'm not much help anyway.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 24, 2013, 04:52 pm
Chem - I've just transferred .26 from my holding account, so you'll get it returned tonight without fail.

I've gotta go as my guests are arriving soon  :o

By the time they've gone the coin will be there to give straight back Chemmy.

See you all later

J-MAN  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tedrux on June 24, 2013, 04:54 pm
the feeling you get when what you want is right there and you could just barely reach out and grab it but everytime your hand gets closer it gets farther. :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 24, 2013, 04:59 pm
 :'( aww you guys lol This is why i love this thread  ;) the best people are here  ;D 8)

Hugs to yaz all  :-* Thanks for all your words Chem your a wise man and a calmer person than me ha ha  :-X

 Hi ted, hope your doing better, you have enough for your order now, get it in or have you done it??  ;)

Have a good night Japan, i bet you enjoy it  ;) your a great guy
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper800 on June 24, 2013, 05:04 pm
Hi Mary!

I think it would be nice to get others to perhaps list their debt in their signature. I do it to be up front with everyone and with the people who have been generous enough to loan me coin. (Which reminds me, I have some updating to do. Descarte, thanks a ton!) Perhaps, when you/we loan, we should request to the people we loan coins to post the debt in their signature. That may be a hassle and it may be flexing power because of debt...but still. Anyway, thanks for being great people.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tedrux on June 24, 2013, 05:05 pm
mary , im ready to pull my hair out - I forgot my pin now the accounts locked for two days and I'm on a clock cause i'll be going back to jail next week  and thtis guy has a KILLER deal on shrooms, 10 g for .22bc  and I HAVE the funds but I cant send them to him and he wont reserve anything for me and HAAAAHAAGAAAAAAA :/  so Idk what to do here.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 24, 2013, 05:10 pm
Right this is fun  :( thecrackhead

Both not repaid loans now well over time, both have been pm,d twice,  don,t think thecrackhead should get off cause he started the thread, quite the opposite so i,m afraid they both need to go on the "shitlist".  ::) Thats 0.20 out the kitty they,ve took  :o
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on June 24, 2013, 05:11 pm
Can anyone lend me the slightly ridiculous amount of 0.222 please ? I am short for an LSD order and would like it before weekend, I will pay back double on friday when I get my wages and I always pay my debts so don't even think you won't get it back ! I spend too much time in the forums to want a bad name for a small amount of money.

SR name kallindown wallet address 1KCBtqv6t17UcWBWT6yeVZkZVbMj47QGK3   Just in case anyone's smoking some good weed and feels generous :)

(also think the debt in your signature is a fair comment until you've honored your debt so don't mind doing that it will only be for a few days anyway)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 24, 2013, 05:12 pm
Hi Jasper, hope your good hun  ;)

What you up to today Chem, are the animals sorted now?  :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 24, 2013, 05:28 pm
yep mary just getting them sorted  :)

i think the ducks miss mamma  :(

they used to sit around her while she would feed them.

0.222 BTC has been sent to you @ kallindown

Please send back as soon as ya can so others can get a helping hand  :)

Peace & Hugs,

ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 24, 2013, 05:31 pm
Quote from: Japan1980
Chem - I've just transferred .26 from my holding account, so you'll get it returned tonight without fail.

I've gotta go as my guests are arriving soon  :o

By the time they've gone the coin will be there to give straight back Chemmy.

See you all later

J-MAN  8)

Ok  :)

have a good time J-man  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 24, 2013, 05:36 pm
Quote from: aef33ty

    My SR account name is aef33ty78
    .035 is what i need actually not .35, i guess .04 to be safe, again thanks a ton! I will repay! :)

    Thank u so much! You rock!!

aef33ty, you've been sent 0.036 coins  :)

Enjoy!  :)

I'll post this in The Spare Coins thread for you  :)

Please be sure to send the coins back when you said and get your post count up to at least 50 posts so that you can at least come back to the spare Coin thread and say Hi to us  ;)

Peace & Hugs to ya :)

ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on June 24, 2013, 05:37 pm
yep mary just getting them sorted  :)

i think the ducks miss mamma  :(

they used to sit around her while she would feed them.

0.222 BTC has been sent to you @ kallindown

Please send back as soon as ya can so others can get a helping hand  :)

Peace & Hugs,

ChemCat  O0

You've enabled me and the lads to get messy this weekend instead of having to wait. I applaud you for your trust and the community in general for their kindness after reading (some of) this thread. You will be paid back on time and now I will keep my own eye out and help out when I can :) thanks I really appreciate it !
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 24, 2013, 05:39 pm
You're very welcome  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 24, 2013, 05:49 pm
Where,s the ducks mum went Chem  ::) :-\ your like the coinmaster lol can i have a loan pleeease  8) ;) (i don,t really want a loan lol)  ;) I want to play with the animals though  ::) :-[ :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 24, 2013, 05:52 pm
my wife was the ducks mom   :)

Absolutely, you can have a loan mary  :)
let me know what ya need  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mrlavish on June 24, 2013, 05:55 pm
Alright I have been lending, now it's my turn to ask for a loan. :'(

I would really appreciate and WILL PAYBACK within a week .16 BTC.. If you can help. please do.

SR ID= lavishlife11

Thanks guy and girls!!!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Descarte on June 24, 2013, 05:58 pm
Looks like I I might have to up the loan kitty.  As soon as I shift some weed I'll set aside a substantial amount.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 24, 2013, 05:59 pm
@ lavishlife11

.16 BTC has been sent to your account  :)


Please send back when as soon as ya can so we can help another Brother or Sister in need :)

Peace & Hugs,

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 24, 2013, 06:01 pm
The coins going out from me today are from Descarte  :)

Peace & Hugs,

ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 24, 2013, 06:06 pm
howdy do, my lovely droogs :)

@ descarte, if nothing else, you're awesome. kudos to you. :-* :)
(about the signature thing, I prefer people to keep track of their own debts as well. it becomes a hassle for me to have to check who's paid me back an not.. an even try remind them.. however :P most the time I log in to random amounts in my account :P from the honest peoples who are returning)

jman either have your money to you tonight or tomorrow morning :D

ted ::) really man? lol.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mrlavish on June 24, 2013, 06:08 pm
Thanks ChemCat. I actually saw the coins in my account before I was able to update this thread. Will pay back within the week. A big +1 to you.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 24, 2013, 06:09 pm
boxy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!MARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!CHEMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!JAPAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!DESCARTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!TED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ALLOFYOUFUKAS :)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 24, 2013, 06:14 pm
heh heh  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 24, 2013, 06:15 pm
mrlavish  :)

sounds good :)

Thank You  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 24, 2013, 06:17 pm
my wife was the ducks mom   :)

Absolutely, you can have a loan mary  :)
let me know what ya need  :)
Awwww  :'( she,ll be watching you feeding them thinking of your Cherly Ann  ;) :-* I don,t need a loan hun i was joking i,ll maybe get coin tomorrow but doubtful this week  :P defo next week though  ;) I NEED WEED  :P ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 24, 2013, 06:29 pm

workin on some things that might help us help you mary  :)

Huggles to ya  ;)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 24, 2013, 06:32 pm
Hi RS  ;) how you doing, is your cabin finished  :P :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 24, 2013, 06:34 pm
feeling little more rested today :).. but still swore everywhere though :P

:-* (hugs) @ ya & chem
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 24, 2013, 06:36 pm
I am only $0.11 short of my first order, and trying to make it happen as soon as i can so i may be able to write a detailed report for a new vendor needing feedback to get rolling. He is going out on a limb and hooking me up because i have a good bit of experience with his particular kinda of product. He is doing this despite this being my first SR transaction. So in actuality you would be helping a new vendor and buyer get started. Plus its 11 cents. Remember you were a noob once too. If anyone would like to help my SR name is the same as here. A thousand thank yous and much love. Would also be happy to reimburse within two weeks.
you still in need brother?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 24, 2013, 06:37 pm
Huggles back at cha chemmy  :-* :-* your a diamond  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 24, 2013, 08:10 pm
Best wishes mary!  Cool to hear you can use this thread to chill out. 

People are well practiced at saying some inflammatory things around here.  Always helps me to remind myself we aren't the most chemically balanced people.

Hugs all!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 24, 2013, 08:13 pm
Hi Box, thanks hun, how,s your shapes  ;) ::) :-*

Gypsy,s fighting on tv lol love it  ::) ;) (well as long as they don,t take it too far  ;))
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 24, 2013, 08:19 pm
heya boxes :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 24, 2013, 08:40 pm
Chemmy - just about to pay you back the .26 you lent me earlier.

Many thanks.

Much Love,

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 24, 2013, 08:44 pm
The shapes in this box are doing well!  At work right now, but I conned my way into the position here that has the least responsibility.  Thus I can type this. 

Still in a good mood from friday.  Much needed fun with some girls I know.  I'm still kinda like, "did that just happen?"

Trying to get the people I fronted to pay up so I can jump on a deal.  I keep tellin em it's for their own good.  Hope I make by then but I feel like I will.

Positive vibes to you guys!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 24, 2013, 08:47 pm

blast off  :o

i just closed my eyes and held hands with my wife and walked and walked and walked and walked.....

25 minutes?  wow lated me for almost an hour  :)

Peace & Love to You All  :)

gonna get some coffee, shoot i am still hearing repeat sounds and the colors are amazing  :)

the geometric shapes are outstanding  :)

ok, gonna finally get some coffee  LOL
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 24, 2013, 08:51 pm
the geometric shapes are outstanding  :)

Yay for shapes!

Love ya CC!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 24, 2013, 08:52 pm
Check out the cheek of this fuckwit vendor, just messaged me this -

"I put you on the vendor blacklist for being a cunt

you will now be forced to FE with all the smart vendors.

5/5 within say next 24 hours wont post your name on the blacklist in vendors forum."

What a fucking retard - that's fucking blackmail in my eyes. The vendor was gotmilk.....
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 24, 2013, 08:52 pm
Love ya too @ BoS  :)

ok how long do i wait before doing this again?  LOL

an hour or two?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 24, 2013, 08:54 pm
Blackmail should not be tolerated.

i'd send that msg to support for sure  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 24, 2013, 08:57 pm
Blackmail should not be tolerated.

i'd send that msg to support for sure  ;)

I've reported him for blackmail - I gave him 2/5 as I didn't receive the product and had to wait over a month for 65% refund - I think 2/5 is a fair rating for that.

P.S. did you get the coin, sent it back to your chemcat account  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on June 24, 2013, 08:58 pm
Hey all...I slept like a champ last night  ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ “ but with fucked up dreams.

Can't have it all I guess.

Hello all peeps, Japan1980, ChemCat, BoxofShapes, mary666 and everyone else!

Tons of reading to catch up from last night...crazy.

Japan1980 - that sucks...what happened? Do I need to add you to my vendor's list? 【・_・?】
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 24, 2013, 09:03 pm
Hey all...I slept like a champ last night  ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ “ but with fucked up dreams.

Can't have it all I guess.

Hello all peeps, Japan1980, ChemCat, BoxofShapes, mary666 and everyone else!

Tons of reading to catch up from last night...crazy.

Japan1980 - that sucks...what happened? Do I need to add you to my vendor's list? 【・_・?】

See my last post to what happened...

I wanna know is there a special forum page for vendors only??
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 24, 2013, 09:04 pm
 :o Chem you got your order, how much you blasted lol   ;) Enjoy

That,s bad shit Japan and calling you a c**t, what a c**t he is  ;) get that shit reported  ;)

There,s a man with 10stone balls on TV  :o :o :o
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jack2324 on June 24, 2013, 09:08 pm
Looking for a microloan, I will agree to a contract or whatever, but I am looking for a microloan of 0.60 btc, and will repay 1.00 btc in 7 days on the first of the month. My SR name is the same as my forum name xoxo sickgirl

I loaned 3 or so coins to her several months ago (back when coins were around 20 or 25 USD a piece, so not much) but never got a repayment.  I messaged her a few times asking and each time she told me she would get it to me ASAP.  I would be very careful with lending to sickgirl.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tedrux on June 24, 2013, 09:09 pm
im still trying to persuade some one to place an order on my behalf do to the PIN reverification process delay of 3 days. I have the order cost plus it just needs unfrozen. http://silkroadvb5piz3r.onion/silkroad/item/99b619e6a9  please some one help me out. I'm sorry to be such an inconvenience, i feel bad to have caused this on myself through poor memory.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 24, 2013, 09:12 pm
japan..there is a vendors forum  which cannot be accessed until the bond is sent back to the vendor.. and even then i think it's to the discretion of far as i know  ...

got it yesterday mary  LOL  just didnt want to try it till i was relaxed  :)

had two blast off ;)

remarkable  :)

J-Man  ;)

Got it, my Brother!  :)

Thank You!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 24, 2013, 09:16 pm
Quote from: jack2324
Quote from: sickgirl
Looking for a microloan, I will agree to a contract or whatever, but I am looking for a microloan of 0.60 btc, and will repay 1.00 btc in 7 days on the first of the month. My SR name is the same as my forum name xoxo sickgirl

I loaned 3 or so coins to her several months ago (back when coins were around 20 or 25 USD a piece, so not much) but never got a repayment.  I messaged her a few times asking and each time she told me she would get it to me ASAP.  I would be very careful with lending to sickgirl.

Jack, Speak with RS or Box or Japan, if this is the case and anyone else has had this experience with her...
then maybe she should go on the shit list....for a while....
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 24, 2013, 09:17 pm
Looking for a microloan, I will agree to a contract or whatever, but I am looking for a microloan of 0.60 btc, and will repay 1.00 btc in 7 days on the first of the month. My SR name is the same as my forum name xoxo sickgirl

I loaned 3 or so coins to her several months ago (back when coins were around 20 or 25 USD a piece, so not much) but never got a repayment.  I messaged her a few times asking and each time she told me she would get it to me ASAP.  I would be very careful with lending to sickgirl.
+1 Jack i don,t think she,d have much luck getting that amount  ;) kinda just got passed by lol

Japan, i don,t know what you were ordering but have a look at unitedpharmacies on the clearnet, i got modafinil there £6 for 10 + £4 shipping, i don,t know what else they sell but mine had a sticker that it had been opened by cutoms but i still got it  :o don,t think they sold vallium i,m sure i looked lol  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 24, 2013, 09:18 pm
Hugs to ya mary  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 24, 2013, 09:20 pm
Hugs Dad  :P :-*

Take me on your DMT trip, i,m small with long dark hair  ;) lol
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 24, 2013, 09:29 pm
Well come on  :)

we'll all go  :P

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 24, 2013, 09:30 pm
If possible could some of you fine people add to this thread I have just made, THANKS  8)


@Mary - I'll check that out x
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on June 24, 2013, 09:30 pm

I don't know why but I find it funny that you call it "grass"

So you liked leaf's hash? I am looking forward to my hash as well as my grass order that I placed with him! I will tell you how it is...I got the Sooki pre rolls...can't wait.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 24, 2013, 09:31 pm
Ok Chem we,re ready, lets goooooooooo............................ ;D :P :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 24, 2013, 09:32 pm
on the average, the first blast off lasted the longest, over 40 minutes.
the second blast off  i kept hearing double LOL  like the people on tv were rep[eating themselves
and the colors were great the second time but the first ..the shapes and colors were amazing  :)

All in all, the experience was really good  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 24, 2013, 09:33 pm

I don't know why but I find it funny that you call it "grass"

So you liked leaf's hash? I am looking forward to my hash as well as my grass order that I placed with him! I will tell you how it is...I got the Sooki pre rolls...can't wait.
Are you in the UK? Leaf said wasn,t sending green to UK (they call methadone green here  :-\)

Going to look at your thread Japan  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 24, 2013, 09:38 pm
The more people that contribute to this thread the better - This idiot won't get away with this. So those I've helped please help me by making a comment in this thread. Or anyone that has a good bone in their body..


Much Love,
J-MAN  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 24, 2013, 09:43 pm
J-man  ;)

already commented  :)

seriously, no vendor should resort to blackmail tactics. Communication and good morals, politeness my opinion should be used by both, buyers and vendors.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 24, 2013, 09:46 pm
J-man  ;)

already commented  :)

seriously, no vendor should resort to blackmail tactics. Communication and good morals, politeness my opinion should be used by both, buyers and vendors.

Thanks Chem - I want this thread to be read by as many people as possible. He has no respect or dignity, calling me a C**t for what? being honest......hmmmmm
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on June 24, 2013, 09:46 pm
Are you in the UK? Leaf said wasn,t sending green to UK (they call methadone green here  :-\)

Going to look at your thread Japan  ;)

No I am in Canada!

Just made me giggle as I have not hear "grass" for years. And I am reading my way through The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers Collection and see it a lot in there so it was funny to see it here from you. Thank you for making me smile!

Japan1980 - comment made.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on June 24, 2013, 09:49 pm
I have to go and study soon...I will lurk for a bit.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 24, 2013, 09:53 pm
be safe and see ya soon  :)

Hugs  :)

ok third blst off wasnt so strong  :\


i'd better wait for a day or so before i do anymore  LOL

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 24, 2013, 09:53 pm
@Japan, commented hun, thats fu**in out of order, arsehole  (I actually swear like a trooper lol) ;)

@ImAs  :-\ what do u call it lol just weed, are you a seller or just a buyer like moi  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on June 24, 2013, 09:56 pm
@Japan, commented hun, thats fu**in out of order, arsehole  (I actually swear like a trooper lol) ;)

@ImAs  :-\ what do u call it lol just weed, are you a seller or just a buyer like moi  ;)

Buyer like you. Ya weed is the norm for me. Okay, I have to go study. Be back lates.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 24, 2013, 10:02 pm

blast off  :o

i just closed my eyes and held hands with my wife and walked and walked and walked and walked.....

25 minutes?  wow lated me for almost an hour  :)

Peace & Love to You All  :)

gonna get some coffee, shoot i am still hearing repeat sounds and the colors are amazing  :)

the geometric shapes are outstanding  :)

ok, gonna finally get some coffee  LOL
:D (hugs)! glad you enjoyed it
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 24, 2013, 10:05 pm
RS  take a look at my thread bro and comment if you can  8)

P.S. Mary been looking into that site you used, and although people get their products there seems to be an element of fraud happening sometime after - It might be me being paranoid but have a quick scan of this

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 24, 2013, 10:17 pm
                                              :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) **When requesting, post your SR name** so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
dr gonzo
meloniasty   ++++
Mike Hunt
White Out
PerPETualMOtion ++++

The shit list:
Autobondon *
danceandsing ++++
King Karma
lufc1992uk ++++
p4tr1ckb4t3m4n ++++

*^*do not lend to these people*^*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 24, 2013, 10:19 pm
@Japan.. yeah its the not the .com one  ;) avoid the .com one  ;)

I,m glad you enjoyed your DMT Chem  :D I,m not sure how long between doing again to get the full effect, Japan and RS will know  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 24, 2013, 10:20 pm
RS  take a look at my thread bro and comment if you can  8)

P.S. Mary been looking into that site you used, and although people get their products there seems to be an element of fraud happening sometime after - It might be me being paranoid but have a quick scan of this

:o dunno what to say.. sounds like hes just angry for some reason.. wish you luck finding a  new vendor ;)..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 24, 2013, 10:23 pm
mary  :)

yeah it was nice  :)

am gonna wait till tomorrow to take the 4th blast off  LOL

hugs to ya mary and tell yur man i said hi  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 24, 2013, 10:28 pm
Repus6 and thecrackhead aren,t on the shitlist  :o been pm,d twice no reply from either both past there time  ;)

My man says Hi Chem  ;) glad it was good, over a lot quicker than your normal trips, which do you prefer  :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 24, 2013, 10:29 pm
@Japan.. yeah its the not the .com one  ;) avoid the .com one  ;)

I,m glad you enjoyed your DMT Chem  :D I,m not sure how long between doing again to get the full effect, Japan and RS will know  ;)

I wouldn't over do it Chem - tolerance builds so fast. I didn't take note of this and did about 3 grams in about 2 weeks! But towards the end I was getting nearly nothing from it other than spirals etc on my skin - go slow and enjoy every last bit of it  8)

@Mary - true, there are 2 versions of the site. I might get some zopiclone off it - how long did it take to arrive to the UK?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 24, 2013, 10:32 pm
It took 2 weeks to get here but it did have a sticker on it which stated customs had opened and looked at the package  :o I don,t think Modafinil,s illegal here, its a study drug apparently lol
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 24, 2013, 10:33 pm
RS  take a look at my thread bro and comment if you can  8)

P.S. Mary been looking into that site you used, and although people get their products there seems to be an element of fraud happening sometime after - It might be me being paranoid but have a quick scan of this

:o dunno what to say.. sounds like hes just angry for some reason.. wish you luck finding a  new vendor ;)..

First and last time I used the vendor! I have plenty of vendors that I use regularly, I just thought Id give this guy a go....oh well, his loss  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 24, 2013, 10:36 pm
It took 2 weeks to get here but it did have a sticker on it which stated customs had opened and looked at the package  :o I don,t think Modafinil,s illegal here, its a study drug apparently lol

I wonder if Zopiclone would be the same? hmmmm

I have boxes and boxes of ritalin in my cupboard - they're meant to be good for studying!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 24, 2013, 10:47 pm
on a happier note.. got my cups, sprite, and skittles :) just waiting on my syrup :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: metaphoe on June 24, 2013, 10:51 pm
Is it going to be the Qualitiest syrup ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 24, 2013, 10:53 pm
on a happier note.. got my cups, sprite, and skittles :) just waiting on my syrup :D

I'm looking forward for you looking forward to it  :o
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on June 24, 2013, 10:56 pm
Any of you UK'ers going to Silverstone this weekend?

I would like a couple of things if you are...also is there anyone here in Japan? I need a bunch of stuff from there too...Most do not ship outside of Japan and the reshippers want an arm-leg...

Back to lurking/studying

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 24, 2013, 11:07 pm


See You 

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on June 24, 2013, 11:11 pm
Well...I am sitting here in the nude, "studying" lurking whilst eating pasta with sauce that tastes like Ketchup listening to きゃりーぱみゅぱみゅ (Kyarypamyupamyu) so enjoy the view!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 24, 2013, 11:33 pm
oh, okay  :o

well you have a good time doing that  :)

i'll just head over to wal-mart and browse the cheese aisle  :)

is there anything that i can bring you back?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sickgirl on June 24, 2013, 11:37 pm
Looking for a microloan, I will agree to a contract or whatever, but I am looking for a microloan of 0.60 btc, and will repay 1.00 btc in 7 days on the first of the month. My SR name is the same as my forum name xoxo sickgirl

I loaned 3 or so coins to her several months ago (back when coins were around 20 or 25 USD a piece, so not much) but never got a repayment.  I messaged her a few times asking and each time she told me she would get it to me ASAP.  I would be very careful with lending to sickgirl.

I have never recieved coins from someone that I have not paid back, and when I said I would. My reputation here in the forums is quite stellar, and to be added to the "shitlist" with zero evidence against me is just ridiculous and shows how down hill this place has become. I have been on SR since the beginning. Besides, I have already recieved said coins, and the kindly persno who lent them to me will be getting paid back a lot sooner than expected. Perhaps your "shitlist" should only include names that have been verified by more than 1 poster. good day! xoxo sickgirl
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 24, 2013, 11:41 pm
there is no reason to be brash.
as you can see you havent been added to that list....look again...closely..


i meant you no discontent by my post.
i'll not say another word on this  :)

have a good day & Hugs to You  :)

ChemCat  O0

My appologies to you sickgirl.


i didnt see you on the shit list......but you are there now that i look....

speak to RS and see whats up....
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sickgirl on June 24, 2013, 11:48 pm
there is no reason to be brash.
as you can see you havent been added to that list....look again...closely..


i meant you no discontent by my post.
i'll not say another word on this  :)

have a good day & Hugs to You  :)

ChemCat  O0

My appologies to you sickgirl.


i didnt see you on the shit list......but you are there now that i look....

speak to RS and see whats up....

all good love, was not intending to come off like that, but when a member, buyer, and poster in good standing sees their name on a shitlist, tends to get this girl a bit I will message rs directly. xoxo sickgirl
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 25, 2013, 12:02 am
Looking for a microloan, I will agree to a contract or whatever, but I am looking for a microloan of 0.60 btc, and will repay 1.00 btc in 7 days on the first of the month. My SR name is the same as my forum name xoxo sickgirl

I loaned 3 or so coins to her several months ago (back when coins were around 20 or 25 USD a piece, so not much) but never got a repayment.  I messaged her a few times asking and each time she told me she would get it to me ASAP.  I would be very careful with lending to sickgirl.

I have never recieved coins from someone that I have not paid back, and when I said I would. My reputation here in the forums is quite stellar, and to be added to the "shitlist" with zero evidence against me is just ridiculous and shows how down hill this place has become. I have been on SR since the beginning. Besides, I have already recieved said coins, and the kindly persno who lent them to me will be getting paid back a lot sooner than expected. Perhaps your "shitlist" should only include names that have been verified by more than 1 poster. good day! xoxo sickgirl
:o sorry wasn't trying to step on anybodies toes.. I am in no way in charge of the list ::) people say add & remove :S so I do.. I do believe there is two sides to every story, an wasn't trying to offend you.. if you an jack have an issue it would be best if you two work it out an come to an agreement.. ??? :-\ do you have any proof jack?

for now you've be removed though :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 25, 2013, 12:07 am
night all, sweet dreams  :-* :-* thecrackhead and repus6 still not on shitlist  :o
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sickgirl on June 25, 2013, 12:11 am
Looking for a microloan, I will agree to a contract or whatever, but I am looking for a microloan of 0.60 btc, and will repay 1.00 btc in 7 days on the first of the month. My SR name is the same as my forum name xoxo sickgirl

I loaned 3 or so coins to her several months ago (back when coins were around 20 or 25 USD a piece, so not much) but never got a repayment.  I messaged her a few times asking and each time she told me she would get it to me ASAP.  I would be very careful with lending to sickgirl.

I have never recieved coins from someone that I have not paid back, and when I said I would. My reputation here in the forums is quite stellar, and to be added to the "shitlist" with zero evidence against me is just ridiculous and shows how down hill this place has become. I have been on SR since the beginning. Besides, I have already recieved said coins, and the kindly persno who lent them to me will be getting paid back a lot sooner than expected. Perhaps your "shitlist" should only include names that have been verified by more than 1 poster. good day! xoxo sickgirl
:o sorry wasn't trying to step on anybodies toes.. I am in no way in charge of the list ::) people say add & remove :S so I do.. I do believe there is two sides to every story, an wasn't trying to offend you.. if you an jack have an issue it would be best if you two work it out an come to an agreement.. ??? :-\ do you have any proof jack?

for now you've be removed though :)
thank you. NOw, I was given some coins in exchange for a write up on a meth synth, that I still have yet to deliver. The delay on THAT is two fold, tweakertime/combined with real life issues, and trying to write it in a way so the poor guy doesn't blow himself up. beyond that, I have not had any personal dealings outside of the meth thread. Fred lint can back me up on my veracity, as well as vendor mom n pop, and drpvmd, with whom I have made several off sites deals with. xoxo sickgirl
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 25, 2013, 12:34 am
night all, sweet dreams  :-* :-* thecrackhead and repus6 still not on shitlist  :o
thecrackhead started this thread I'm not going there :P

and repus6 will be added next time around
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 25, 2013, 12:35 am
gnight mary :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on June 25, 2013, 12:42 am
Night Ms. Mary
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: skeezr95 on June 25, 2013, 02:09 am
I am 0.0336 btc short on an order, anyone willing to help out? I will repay you Sunday evening when I receive more btc. Jasper800 can vouch for me (and has done so earlier in this thread). I paid him back over double what he lent me within 6 days. My SR account name is the same as here. Thanks in advance!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: nottheunderscore on June 25, 2013, 02:16 am
Blast!  I am .03 btc short of placing an order that I really really really want.  Time is ticking on this particular vendor.  If someone could lend me .03 btc I solemnly swear to pay you back as soon as humanly possible. 

And for anyone who is looking for something new and exciting to do on their next "trip" check out this thread I started.  It's the "COMPLETE LIST OF AMAZING THINGS TO DO WHILE TRIPPING BALLS"   http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=120358.0

My name on SR is:

Cheers mates!! ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on June 25, 2013, 02:31 am
nottheunderscore and skeezr95, do you still need the loan?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on June 25, 2013, 02:42 am
Hoe is everyone doing tonight???

Anyone need any loans??

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: skeezr95 on June 25, 2013, 02:45 am
I do, please.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on June 25, 2013, 03:11 am
I am 0.0336 btc short on an order, anyone willing to help out? I will repay you Sunday evening when I receive more btc. Jasper800 can vouch for me (and has done so earlier in this thread). I paid him back over double what he lent me within 6 days. My SR account name is the same as here. Thanks in advance!
Sent .04 enjoy your order and repay when you can :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tedrux on June 25, 2013, 03:53 am
I still have to wait 60 hours, this is gonna kill me.  can some one help?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 25, 2013, 03:58 am
:) :D :-*

(ASAP Rocky - Get Lit) my theme song atm ^_^

how is everybody tonight ;D

heya rx ;)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper800 on June 25, 2013, 04:29 am
Whys up RS7. Mac Demarco - Freaking out the neighborhood. That's my jam tonight.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 25, 2013, 04:39 am
sippin on syrup :D

feelin goood

how you doing jasper
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper800 on June 25, 2013, 04:43 am
Not too bad. Down to my last few hitters of weed. Laying here with a sleeping lady and listening to Howard stern. Chillin. I usually just pop in this thread to see what's up before I crash. If I don't reply that means I passed out ha. How's that syrup? What's the buzz like?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 25, 2013, 04:52 am
is goood :), the taste alone is unbelievably good..

then the high is a real relaxed feel good high..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper800 on June 25, 2013, 05:03 am
That stuff is so pricey. People seem to really dig it. Have a good one my friend. Gonna crash out.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 25, 2013, 05:26 am
Is it good on pancakes?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: takeflight420 on June 25, 2013, 05:26 am
If someone can lend me 0.06 BTC as I am short on the shipping of an order, it would be very appreciated. I would be able to pay you back within 3 or 4 days.

My username is "lolwtf24".
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 25, 2013, 05:39 am
Is it good on pancakes?
:o dunno that might be dangerous ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tedrux on June 25, 2013, 05:59 am
can some one order this for me since my pin got lost and account locked for the next 3 days. I need it to get here sometime at the beginning of next week before I have to piss test because I'll be incarcerated for a few months and by then the promotion will be over and this is truely a great deal. I'm very sorry to be such a pain- I can get you the money back as sooon as my pin is replaced.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: HEATFan on June 25, 2013, 06:22 am
Doh. I made a mental math error. Can anyone spot me .03BTC for the next 24 hrs?

RS7FI8ZRkm, if you read this, you're probably laughing  :P

Thanks to whoever helps :)

Edit: Nvm I'm all set
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 25, 2013, 06:38 am
:o still need or you good heatfan :P?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 25, 2013, 06:43 am
also, Tedrux is having trouble remembering his pin, currently has a loan out for .30~ some odd

hes awaiting a pin reset an I've suggested to him to request another loan for.. anybody willing to help him, I'll insure you'll be paid back. :)

for anybody that doesn't know the current back story, ted came to us with thoughts of suicide.. brothers an sisters united to help him overcome some of these feelings (I think :P)..

anyway we're trying to get him to have a good trip, to help him realize the beauty in life :)..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 25, 2013, 06:45 am
Doh. I made a mental math error. Can anyone spot me .03BTC for the next 24 hrs?

RS7FI8ZRkm, if you read this, you're probably laughing  :P

Thanks to whoever helps :)

Edit: Nvm I'm all set
:) guess your good :P

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 25, 2013, 08:09 am
Yo RS7 - thanks for backing me up with that 'gotmilk' - Blackmaling fucker while I was away, I appreciate it.

If any other feel like chipping in and doing me a favor I would be very grateful.

simply read this thread and make a comment on it, that's all I ask!


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: danceandsing on June 25, 2013, 08:47 am
People have been amazing in here!! I m paid my bues but once again short until pay day on Friday...

I am looking for a .5 BTC loan or ANYTHING one or more then one people can care spare until I get paid.

Username Danceanding. BTC address: 12w2hzadbziP7iqpQZtA9iSYj5eBX9Z73v

I have 90+ trans actions hundreds of thousand spent on SR. I will make it worth your while. give me a shot...


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: NoAddedSugar on June 25, 2013, 09:46 am
Hello, not requested anything before, I'm a bit low on funds. Been waiting for an order that isn't going to arrive, I'm sure. If anyone can spare 0.09Btc, that would really help. I get paid on Saturday, I can afford to pay back 0.15Btc
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: nottheunderscore on June 25, 2013, 09:49 am
I'm .03 btc short of getting a sweet sweet order  :(    Can anyone loan me .03 btc for just a wee bit.  I'll be re-upping soon
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on June 25, 2013, 11:13 am
I'm .03 btc short of getting a sweet sweet order  :(    Can anyone loan me .03 btc for just a wee bit.  I'll be re-upping soon

sent to theunderscore
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: takeflight420 on June 25, 2013, 11:21 am
Nevermind about 0.06 btc, I just need 0.03. So if anyone could lend me that, it would be much appreciated. I would be able to pay you back in 3 days, maybe even 2 days.

username: lolwtf24
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 25, 2013, 11:47 am
Hi everybody  ;) Hope everyone,s good today. What,s the update on the vendor Japan, did you pm Mr King  ;) he seems like he could help, clearly a very decent person. Let us know how you get on  ;)

How,s Chemmy today?  ::) :P :-* Huggles to ya,s  :P

@RS... i don,t think thecrackhead should never have to pay anyone back cause he started the thread and i know i,m not the first which if i,d know at the time (if he,d been on the shitlist) i would never have loaned him and some other people i,m sure wouldn,t either  :o He started the thread so he should know better  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: NoAddedSugar on June 25, 2013, 12:46 pm
Is nobody available to lend this poor SR user anything? Of course, it's fine if not
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bobhope333 on June 25, 2013, 01:22 pm
Hi there, afraid I'm 0.01 short of including a bar of DoctorNoName's fudge, could anybody front me it, can actually pay back later today or tomorrow- it's just that I have already purchased and sent my bitcoins and if I have to place another order for 0.01 bitcoins, send them, it will delay my order and I have to get it placed in good time today so I shall get it tomorrow as I am off on my holidays and want my order in, in time. Hopefully, this will be faster than me going through the process of purchasing them!
Many thanks, bobhope333.
P.S This is my account no.:

Oops! Should have added, I've just purchased 0.0285 bitcoins, which I shall pay back, just waiting for it to land in my SR account, hopefully, it will clear in time, so I won't have to borrow, but I really would appreciate if somebody could lend it in the meantime- and more than double their money, even if it is just doubling 70 pence lol.
Cheers again, bobhope333.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dapj on June 25, 2013, 01:44 pm
Can someone please spear me 0.08??? Will pay back 0.10 asap

Or 0.19 then i pay back 0.24 or 0.25 asap

Same username to donate : dapj

Thx in advance

Ps bobbhope333 i fix you up even if i need some ;-)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dapj on June 25, 2013, 01:49 pm
bobbhope333 i send 0.01 to your account  :)

I need some to but it is more so well i don't have luck so i rather make you happy  :) 8)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: NoAddedSugar on June 25, 2013, 02:07 pm
Just in case anyone was planning on sending me some Btc, it doesn't matter.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on June 25, 2013, 02:13 pm
Is nobody available to lend this poor SR user anything? Of course, it's fine if not

same name on sr? how much?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: PerPETualMOtion on June 25, 2013, 02:15 pm
I got some spare coinage, but I gotta find my pin.... Be back in a bit...

Hope everyone is doing alright,

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: laityagami on June 25, 2013, 02:15 pm
Nice thread! I have some spare change. Ill pass once in a while to help out .

Couldn't help thinking of this.... EPIC
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 25, 2013, 02:40 pm
Jasper800  :)

0.4 has been sent to your account  :)

Good morning/ afternoon/ evening everyone  (Hugs)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on June 25, 2013, 02:46 pm
Good day ChemCat only just remembered to update my signature and thanks again for the loan.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 25, 2013, 02:53 pm
hey  :)  Good mornin kalli  :)

i wouldnt say sorry ass in yur sig  :) 

i dont think that of you, we've all had to borrow a coin, a time or two  :)

Peace & Hugs to ya kalli  :)

ChemCat  O0


goin to the store anyone want anything?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bobhope333 on June 25, 2013, 03:00 pm
bobbhope333 i send 0.01 to your account  :)

I need some to but it is more so well i don't have luck so i rather make you happy  :) 8)

Oh dear! Fucked this up well and truly! I'm actually in your position now, of still not having enough- I was a bit stoned when I did my calculations, instead of 0.01, it should have been 0.1, so anyway, not to worry, I've still bought the main item I wanted!
So thanks for that dapj, that now puts me in the position of being able to lend you 0.1 ha ha! Don't worry about interest, call it a Qardul hassan- a loan without usuary!
How do I pay it to you- when I search on SR I just end up with a window to send you a message?
Regards, bobhope333.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper800 on June 25, 2013, 03:02 pm
Jasper800  :)

0.4 has been sent to your account  :)

Good morning/ afternoon/ evening everyone  (Hugs)


Thanks a lot my friend! You will be reimbursed.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on June 25, 2013, 03:18 pm
hey  :)  Good mornin kalli  :)

i wouldnt say sorry ass in yur sig  :) 

i dont think that of you, we've all had to borrow a coin, a time or two  :)

Peace & Hugs to ya kalli  :)

ChemCat  O0


goin to the store anyone want anything?

Haha you haven't seen my (sorry) ass ! I can handle the guilt of owing and people knowing
(it was for LSD, I would do anything for LSD and yessss before you ask I mean anything lol)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 25, 2013, 03:23 pm
would you eat fermented frog legs?



Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dapj on June 25, 2013, 05:10 pm
bobbhope333 i send 0.01 to your account  :)

I need some to but it is more so well i don't have luck so i rather make you happy  :) 8)

Oh dear! Fucked this up well and truly! I'm actually in your position now, of still not having enough- I was a bit stoned when I did my calculations, instead of 0.01, it should have been 0.1, so anyway, not to worry, I've still bought the main item I wanted!
So thanks for that dapj, that now puts me in the position of being able to lend you 0.1 ha ha! Don't worry about interest, call it a Qardul hassan- a loan without usuary!
How do I pay it to you- when I search on SR I just end up with a window to send you a message?
Regards, bobhope333.

Go to your SR page
Go to account and then by username you fill in : dapj, then by amount : 0.10 and then your pin


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: phave on June 25, 2013, 05:10 pm
alprazolam ; I just sent the rest of your payment back + interest. Sorry it took so long bro.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dapj on June 25, 2013, 05:35 pm
bobbhope333 i send 0.01 to your account  :)

I need some to but it is more so well i don't have luck so i rather make you happy  :) 8)

Oh dear! Fucked this up well and truly! I'm actually in your position now, of still not having enough- I was a bit stoned when I did my calculations, instead of 0.01, it should have been 0.1, so anyway, not to worry, I've still bought the main item I wanted!
So thanks for that dapj, that now puts me in the position of being able to lend you 0.1 ha ha! Don't worry about interest, call it a Qardul hassan- a loan without usuary!
How do I pay it to you- when I search on SR I just end up with a window to send you a message?
Regards, bobhope333.

send to there.

Thx in advance
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: PerPETualMOtion on June 25, 2013, 05:56 pm
Nevermind about 0.06 btc, I just need 0.03. So if anyone could lend me that, it would be much appreciated. I would be able to pay you back in 3 days, maybe even 2 days.

username: lolwtf24

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: PerPETualMOtion on June 25, 2013, 05:58 pm
Hey ChemCat,

Could I just send you 0.05 coins for loaning out to folks... I gotta a busy week and won't be on the forum much...

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 25, 2013, 06:01 pm
:) morning
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 25, 2013, 06:08 pm
Hiya PET  (Hugs)

yeah that's fine :)

either me or Box or Japan or Mary or RS or  LOL

we'll make sure that your donation gets to those in need  :)

Peace & Hugs,

Chem  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 25, 2013, 06:09 pm
mornin brother  :)  how was that syrup?


Chem O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 25, 2013, 06:16 pm
too tasty ::)

already went through about 1/2 of it xD

but owell..

lol, I woke up with a little bit of a cough.. lol thought to my self hmm I got this cough syrup right here :P..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 25, 2013, 06:17 pm
mornin brother  :)  how was that syrup?


Chem O0
better question is, how was your DMT ride? :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 25, 2013, 06:22 pm
doesnt last long enough for me  :o

the 25 min to 45 min just wasnt enough  LOL

i let a friend try some  and it freaked them out LOL

got a thread askin about the roots/root bark of sassafras, wondering if there is a market for it here  (scratches head)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 25, 2013, 06:24 pm
it was all motion and shapes and colors and the tv kept repeating itself  LOL  at one point there was someone on tv pointing at me  LOL

then it all settled in and it was just colors and shapes then just a feeling  :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 25, 2013, 06:29 pm
there is a market for the sass oil ;)

:( the trip is short, yeah.. but intense visuals right? :D

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 25, 2013, 06:30 pm
oh, I'd recommend doing it outside :P or maybe with the TV off lol (plamface)

(hugs) :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 25, 2013, 06:35 pm
Hi RS  ;) Hi Chemmy  ;) how you,s doing today/tonight  :P :-* Hi everyone else  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 25, 2013, 06:37 pm
yeah intense visuals for the first 10 minutes then it settles  :)

pretty sweet really, if this would last for about an hour or two  LOL

now that would be something else  :P

yeah i seen the oil, which has to be broke down to the Safrole.

i can get the roots/roots bark. heard it isnt too hard to procure the oil > safrole> DMT  ya know?


Peace & Hugs to ya  :)

Chem O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 25, 2013, 06:39 pm
hiya mary  :)

yeah outside would have been better i think  LOL

pretty neat though LOL  the old people like me that tried it ..well it freaked them out  then later they were like wow  LOL
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 25, 2013, 06:46 pm
hiya mary  :)

yeah outside would have been better i think  LOL

pretty neat though LOL  the old people like me that tried it ..well it freaked them out  then later they were like wow  LOL
LMAO thinking of you all with the DMT machine puffing away  ;) brilliant!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 25, 2013, 06:50 pm
it was crazy  LOL i pre loaed the machine and handed it to someone and vaped it for them properly then BLAST OFF


they said it was too much :o they actually cried at first then after a few minutes they spoke  LOL  after another
20 minutes they were able to function normally   LOL

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 25, 2013, 06:57 pm
:) hiya mary! sending you a extra .02 as promised <3
yeah intense visuals for the first 10 minutes then it settles  :)

pretty sweet really, if this would last for about an hour or two  LOL

now that would be something else  :P

yeah i seen the oil, which has to be broke down to the Safrole.

i can get the roots/roots bark. heard it isnt too hard to procure the oil > safrole> DMT  ya know?


Peace & Hugs to ya  :)

Chem O0
if you ingest it (takes some extra steps) it lasts lot longer ;)

:o also think you might be confused, sass oil is used to make MDA/MDMA :P

for DMT you need Acacia Confusa Root Bark /silkroad/item/0aa6065376
or other DMT containing plants.. it also can be synthesized..

;) can also purchase the bark clearnet.. or harvested manually :o

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 25, 2013, 07:01 pm
No need RS hun  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 25, 2013, 07:02 pm
hiya mary  :)

yeah outside would have been better i think  LOL

pretty neat though LOL  the old people like me that tried it ..well it freaked them out  then later they were like wow  LOL
:) DMT is crazy I love it, but right now I am little hesitant to want to smoke any.. feel like I am not in the right state of mind... an very much so I think DMT should only be used in the right moments ;) environment, an timing affect the trip crucially :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 25, 2013, 07:04 pm
No need RS hun  ;)
::) too late

:-* jus keep it
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 25, 2013, 07:07 pm
You,ve sent it  :o thanks RS there was no need  ;)

Did you see Japan,s vendor piping up on his thread lol i wonder if he pm,d RxKing  :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 25, 2013, 07:08 pm
Quote from: RS7FI8ZRkm
:) hiya mary! sending you a extra .02 as promised <3
Quote from: ChemCat
yeah intense visuals for the first 10 minutes then it settles  :)

pretty sweet really, if this would last for about an hour or two  LOL

now that would be something else  :P

yeah i seen the oil, which has to be broke down to the Safrole.

i can get the roots/roots bark. heard it isnt too hard to procure the oil > safrole> DMT  ya know?


Peace & Hugs to ya  :)

Chem O0
if you ingest it (takes some extra steps) it lasts lot longer ;)

:o also think you might be confused, sass oil is used to make MDA/MDMA :P

for DMT you need Acacia Confusa Root Bark /silkroad/item/0aa6065376
or other DMT containing plants.. it also can be synthesized..

;) can also purchase the bark clearnet.. or harvested manually :o

hmmmm....ok  :)

i'll check into that  ;)

like i said though, i have quite a bit of sass roots saved from when my wife and myself made rootbeer with them oh well, just needed to know if there would be a possible market for them LOL

back to the drawing board  :)

Hugs to you and mary 

{{{{{{{RS mary}}}}}}}
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 25, 2013, 07:11 pm
You,ve sent it  :o thanks RS there was no need  ;)

Did you see Japan,s vendor piping up on his thread lol i wonder if he pm,d RxKing  :-\
did he respond to what I wrote :P?

let me go see..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 25, 2013, 07:13 pm
Hugs too you both

{{{{{{Chemcat  RS}}}}}}

 :-* :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 25, 2013, 07:16 pm
:) I think I know how Rx will fix it :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 25, 2013, 07:19 pm
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 25, 2013, 07:22 pm
How will he fix it lol  8) ::) :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 25, 2013, 07:24 pm
with a hammer and pliers  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 25, 2013, 07:25 pm
                                              :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) **When requesting, post your SR name** so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
dr gonzo
meloniasty   ++++
Mike Hunt
Repus6 *
White Out
PerPETualMOtion ++++

The shit list:
Autobondon *
danceandsing ++++
King Karma
lufc1992uk ++++
p4tr1ckb4t3m4n ++++
repus6 * ++++

*^*do not lend to these people*^*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 25, 2013, 07:27 pm
with a hammer and pliers  ;)
Ha Ha sounds fun  :o ::) :P :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Intraterrestrial on June 25, 2013, 07:34 pm
Unfortunately also have to call out Repus6 as a non-payer.

It was only 0.01, lent on June 4th. She said she would repay that weekend. If she had replied to my two pm's (she has been online since sent) and explained the situation thar would have been fine, but she has ignored me which is against the spirit of this thread.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 25, 2013, 07:44 pm
48 hours or 5 pages later.....and if repus hasnt contacted those that she borrowed from....then i'll put repus on the shit list.
As far as thecrackhead goes, he started this, he wont be going on the shit list....he even got me for coins  LOL   but that's a crackhead for ya  LOL

However, he is Our crackhead  ;)

it is what it is.....
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 25, 2013, 07:47 pm
mary? how much does thecrackhead owe you?

also how much does repus owe you?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 25, 2013, 07:49 pm
:P I sent him like .04 never even thought about trying to get it back ::)
dunno about mary tho

also already added repus
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 25, 2013, 07:51 pm
I think jasper800 should repay his debts before getting anymore loans :-\ hes out like 1.50+?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 25, 2013, 07:53 pm
It doesn,t matter Chem, it wasn,t mine it was the threads  :( it was 0.20 someone sent me so it belongs here, repus had 0.15 thecrackhead had the 0.05 just so people know where it went  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 25, 2013, 07:54 pm
sent to him a few times as well LOL

i'll give ya what they owe ya, mary  :)

just let me know how much it is in total  (Huggles to ya)

RS i seen ya modified the post  :P

i was gpnna say something else  but completely forgot what i was thinkin of  :o

early stages of alzheimers?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 25, 2013, 07:57 pm
sent to him a few times as well LOL

i'll give ya what they owe ya, mary  :)

just let me know how much it is in total  (Huggles to ya)

RS i seen ya modified the post  :P

i was gpnna say something else  but completely forgot what i was thinkin of  :o

early stages of alzheimers?

nah smoking weed causes short term memory lose :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 25, 2013, 07:57 pm
I don,t want it Chem, it was never mine, belonged to the thread  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 25, 2013, 07:59 pm
also :o edited what post?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 25, 2013, 08:00 pm
sent ya 0.07 coins  {{{{{mary}}}}}

repus is paid in full now?


as far as Our thecrackhead, well...LOL  i dont know what to say  :P

if you're reading this @ thecrackhead & repus, please send mary666 some coins
 to help with the coins that you borrowed :)

        This has been a Silk Road Forums, Official Spare Coins thread, Public Service Announcement.


Peace & hugs,

Chem  O0

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 25, 2013, 08:20 pm
It doesn,t matter Chem, it wasn,t mine it was the threads  :( it was 0.20 someone sent me so it belongs here, repus had 0.15 thecrackhead had the 0.05 just so people know where it went  ;)
I,ve sent back the 0.07 hun, Repus owe 0.15 not thecrackhead lol, its the threads coin  :) you keep it  ::) :P :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 25, 2013, 08:27 pm
ya didnt have to send it back mary  :P

but ok :)
Huggles to ya  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 25, 2013, 09:00 pm
have coin to repay ya soon jpan :D

chem you said not to repay you, but I'll re-offer would you like me to repay you :)?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 25, 2013, 09:06 pm
i tell you that alot  LOL  :P

i dont care  :)

up to you what ya wanna do :)

Peace, Hugs & Love  :)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: NoAddedSugar on June 25, 2013, 10:09 pm
I have 0.04Btc left over from an earlier purchase, if anyone is in need of this rather low amount
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Mcrad on June 25, 2013, 10:18 pm
so i totally spaced going to the store today and getting more coins to place an order.

i know its a big request but if someone wants to spare me 3.2 coins until tomorrow id repay you:)
Much love!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on June 25, 2013, 10:42 pm
so i totally spaced going to the store today and getting more coins to place an order.

i know its a big request but if someone wants to spare me 3.2 coins until tomorrow id repay you:)
Much love!

No offense but with such a large request I'd say just wait til tomorrow.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: takeflight420 on June 25, 2013, 10:43 pm
Nevermind about 0.06 btc, I just need 0.03. So if anyone could lend me that, it would be much appreciated. I would be able to pay you back in 3 days, maybe even 2 days.

username: lolwtf24


Thank you so much man, I really appreciate it.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Mcrad on June 25, 2013, 10:46 pm
so i totally spaced going to the store today and getting more coins to place an order.

i know its a big request but if someone wants to spare me 3.2 coins until tomorrow id repay you:)
Much love!

No offense but with such a large request I'd say just wait til tomorrow.

totally. i was thinking that myself.

i live way away from any towns so thats why i was asking.
no worries.

much love roaders:)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Descarte on June 25, 2013, 10:46 pm
I think jasper800 should repay his debts before getting anymore loans :-\ hes out like 1.50+?
The majority of Jaspers debts are with me, he's explained his position and I'm cool with it. 
I'll guarantee any other loans he has and as soon as I get some coin tranfered I'll buy them out.

Ps Phave has paid back the 0.06 I lent him Thank you.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on June 25, 2013, 10:47 pm
so i totally spaced going to the store today and getting more coins to place an order.

i know its a big request but if someone wants to spare me 3.2 coins until tomorrow id repay you:)
Much love!

Dorry bro bra, only have .10 here to lend. <(。_。)>
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 25, 2013, 10:49 pm
I think jasper800 should repay his debts before getting anymore loans :-\ hes out like 1.50+?
The majority of Jaspers debts are with me, he's explained his position and I'm cool with it. 
I'll guarantee any other loans he has and as soon as I get some coin tranfered I'll buy them out.
just dont wanna see ya get burned brother :), your a good soul.. an I'd like to see you around this thread.. if jasper decided to due you wrong. I would imagine you'd no longer want to continue helping :o
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Mcrad on June 25, 2013, 10:51 pm
so i totally spaced going to the store today and getting more coins to place an order.

i know its a big request but if someone wants to spare me 3.2 coins until tomorrow id repay you:)
Much love!

Dorry bro bra, only have .10 here to lend. <(。_。)>

no worries man. thanks anyways:)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Descarte on June 25, 2013, 11:03 pm
I have no concerns about Jasper.  He is just in a long term situation and it would have been dumb
for him to continually borrow crumbs and still not be able to pay them back until the much later date. 
This way he can can buy a 1/2oz  and be set.  Maybe this should have been a PM but I think were all
friends here.
Anyhow I'm old enough and have been burnt enough times that Jasper could burn me for $500 and it
wouldn't stop me lending I'd just have to find a way to make more money.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 25, 2013, 11:04 pm
hiya Descarte  :)

There is     ฿0.14199999  left of that 1 Bitcoin that
ya wanted me to dole out to needy Brothers and Sisters of the Road :)

Keepin ya up to date 

Peace & Hugs,

ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Descarte on June 25, 2013, 11:12 pm
Cool.  I don't know if it's just me or there are more requests coming through at the moment.
Either way it's lasted longer than I had expected.  I should be able to shift some weed this week,
load some coins, and then I'll slot in a big chunk if your still happy as paymaster.  (Maybe one day we might even get some paid back)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tedrux on June 25, 2013, 11:18 pm
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 25, 2013, 11:19 pm
i'll do it as long as ya need me to  :)

no problems. i talked to jasper as well and i think the long term goal of the big picture is a good idea  :)

RS bro i am scared to try this stuff again  LOL

Peace & Hugs to Ya'll  :)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 25, 2013, 11:26 pm
:o whys that?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 25, 2013, 11:27 pm
hey ted :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on June 25, 2013, 11:28 pm
After 2 years, yes 2 years, I was able to get our vendor name in the forums as we forgot the password.

Now our vendors forum account is at 2 will take forever to get to were this account is...any ideas on what I can do?

Hiya there ChemCat...what are you going to start to sell?

Hiya all other cats on our little family thread 。◕‿◕。
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 25, 2013, 11:30 pm
@ImAz you know the captcha trick ;)?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on June 25, 2013, 11:33 pm
@ImAz you know the captcha trick ;)?

RS7FI8ZRkm - do tell
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 25, 2013, 11:37 pm
Quote from: RS7FI8ZRkm
:o whys that?

LOL  i dont know cuz i went to sleep and loved the stuff, but when i woke up i went to get it and was terrified  :o

Hiya tedrux  :)

Quote from: ImAz
After 2 years, yes 2 years, I was able to get our vendor name in the forums as we forgot the password.

Now our vendors forum account is at 2 will take forever to get to were this account is...any ideas on what I can do?

Hiya there ChemCat...what are you going to start to sell?

Hiya all other cats on our little family thread 。◕‿◕。

profile> modify profile> look and layout   

" Don't warn on new replies made while posting. "

make sure the box next to that ^ is checked

then just go and spam alot in one of the spam to 50 threads  LOL  i think i have a couple of those  :P

Hope this has helped ya  :)

Peace & Hugs

ChemCat  O0

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: NoAddedSugar on June 25, 2013, 11:38 pm
capcha trick? sounds fun. Enlighten us
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 25, 2013, 11:43 pm
@ImAz you know the captcha trick ;)?

RS7FI8ZRkm - do tell
pm'd :) share with noaddedsugar if you will
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 25, 2013, 11:44 pm
Quote from: RS7FI8ZRkm
:o whys that?

LOL  i dont know cuz i went to sleep and loved the stuff, but when i woke up i went to get it and was terrified  :o
I understand that :).. you either gotta try little more an break that fear or just wait till your ready..

I feel little bit scared everytime i hit it but never had a bad trip.. I take little time to clear my thoughts an try go in clear minded ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on June 25, 2013, 11:48 pm
Thanks RS7FI8ZRkm and chemcat

I was thinking about the spam to 50 but I was thinking that would be lame (⊙︿⊙)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 25, 2013, 11:49 pm
Cool.  I don't know if it's just me or there are more requests coming through at the moment.
Either way it's lasted longer than I had expected.  I should be able to shift some weed this week,
load some coins, and then I'll slot in a big chunk if your still happy as paymaster.  (Maybe one day we might even get some paid back)
I am here also, both me an chem could hold bits, in case ones offline the other might not be. :)

also, I am mixing coins atm, so I'll have some love of my own to spread amongst the brothers an sisters. :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tedrux on June 25, 2013, 11:49 pm
suddenly wants french vanilla ice cream in a waffle cone. droool
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 25, 2013, 11:52 pm
I understand that :).. you either gotta try little more an break that fear or just wait till your ready..

I feel little bit scared everytime i hit it but never had a bad trip.. I take little time to clear my thoughts an try go in clear minded ;)

i was thinkin about givin it a day or just waiting till the weekend when i feed the ducks and sit there under the maple tree and see how that is outside  :)

ya gotta remember, i'm not nowhere close to being young anymore  LOL

imaz  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 25, 2013, 11:53 pm
I understand that :).. you either gotta try little more an break that fear or just wait till your ready..

I feel little bit scared everytime i hit it but never had a bad trip.. I take little time to clear my thoughts an try go in clear minded ;)

i was thinkin about givin it a day or just waiting till the weekend when i feed the ducks and sit there under the maple tree and see how that is outside  :)

ya gotta remember, i'm not nowhere close to being young anymore  LOL

imaz  :)
:) ya old hagger you <3

that sounds lovely though.. should be very nice :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 25, 2013, 11:54 pm


tedrux  :)

now i do want some ice cream  LOL

frozen custard  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: theman123451 on June 26, 2013, 12:04 am
wanna become an active member on the road have ฿0.03998156 btc left over from my purchases if anyone needs any extra more then happy to send some your way.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on June 26, 2013, 12:10 am
wanna become an active member on the road have ฿0.03998156 btc left over from my purchases if anyone needs any extra more then happy to send some your way.

Wow, very cool! L(・o・)」 for all the peeps coming to help out!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Descarte on June 26, 2013, 12:11 am
Cool.  I don't know if it's just me or there are more requests coming through at the moment.
Either way it's lasted longer than I had expected.  I should be able to shift some weed this week,
load some coins, and then I'll slot in a big chunk if your still happy as paymaster.  (Maybe one day we might even get some paid back)
I am here also, both me an chem could hold bits, in case ones offline the other might not be. :)

also, I am mixing coins atm, so I'll have some love of my own to spread amongst the brothers an sisters. :)

Yeah was thinking of spreading it around so if your willing I'll send some your way too.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 26, 2013, 12:22 am
Cool.  I don't know if it's just me or there are more requests coming through at the moment.
Either way it's lasted longer than I had expected.  I should be able to shift some weed this week,
load some coins, and then I'll slot in a big chunk if your still happy as paymaster.  (Maybe one day we might even get some paid back)
I am here also, both me an chem could hold bits, in case ones offline the other might not be. :)

also, I am mixing coins atm, so I'll have some love of my own to spread amongst the brothers an sisters. :)

Yeah was thinking of spreading it around so if your willing I'll send some your way too.
yea I'd be willing to help out :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on June 26, 2013, 12:38 am

Hello my lovely lovelies!!
I hope you're all having a beautiful week!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 26, 2013, 01:42 am
jpan :) sent you back 0.50 + 0.06 interest

trichome sent you back .18 :) even though you said not too :-*

got some spare if anybody needs a loan ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 26, 2013, 01:49 am
Thank You!

that will more than likely go out to some one else 

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on June 26, 2013, 01:50 am
back to lurking for me 

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Tyrion Lannister on June 26, 2013, 02:28 am
hello everybody.

i am in a need for 0.03 for an order.. bitcoin price went down and fucked me =(

the problem is: i don't know when i will be able to pay back. Bitinstant is down for my country, and i will probably not feeding my SR account anytime soon.

thanks anyone in advance =)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 26, 2013, 02:32 am
what's your SR screen name?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 26, 2013, 02:33 am
hello everybody.

i am in a need for 0.03 for an order.. bitcoin price went down and fucked me =(

the problem is: i don't know when i will be able to pay back. Bitinstant is down for my country, and i will probably not feeding my SR account anytime soon.

thanks anyone in advance =)
umm, well pm me your SR name, and jus repay whenever you can. :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 26, 2013, 02:34 am
:P hugs chemmy
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 26, 2013, 02:37 am
Hugs and tickles to ya RS    ;D

how's your day goin?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 26, 2013, 02:37 am
i keep looking at the machine  :o

i keep thinkin i hear it talking to me  :o

                     changed ^^^^ taking to talking
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 26, 2013, 02:40 am


I finally got  - 100 Karma!!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tangojuliet on June 26, 2013, 03:29 am
can anyone spare .07 BTC for shipping?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 26, 2013, 03:30 am
:D :) its calling
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 26, 2013, 03:32 am
an not bad, been leaning all day

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 26, 2013, 03:33 am
it is calling   ;D

Hiya tango

what is your SR screen name?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 26, 2013, 03:33 am
isnt anything wrong with the lean ;)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 26, 2013, 03:35 am
isnt anything wrong with the lean ;)

??? is that a trick question lol
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MrBing2012 on June 26, 2013, 03:54 am
Would anyone be able to spare 0.04 btc?, I'm a little short for some shrooms. I'll pay you back asap.

Thanks :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: theman123451 on June 26, 2013, 03:56 am
Would anyone be able to spare 0.04 btc?, I'm a little short for some shrooms. I'll pay you back asap.

Thanks :)

i have .039 if you want it you dont have to worry bout paying me back
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 26, 2013, 03:57 am
yep  :) since the last guy didnt answer me LOL

what's your SR screen name ?

be sure to send the coins back so we can help anopther brother or sister out  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 26, 2013, 03:58 am
well there ya  go  :)



Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: theman123451 on June 26, 2013, 03:59 am
yep  :) since the last guy didnt answer me LOL

what's your SR screen name ?

be sure to send the coins back so we can help anopther brother or sister out  :)

chem ill send you my .039.... to give back to the community..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 26, 2013, 04:00 am
RS  hehe

your tree was pulsating and i seen the lines just grow out of the laptop screen  LOL
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 26, 2013, 04:02 am
if ya would'nt mind, please send them to RS  :)

He will get them out there for you as well  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ianfleming on June 26, 2013, 04:15 am
I cant believe I'm actually doing this, but can someone spare me 0.002 bitcoins
I need a spare 50 or so cents for some DMT and I'm afraid that my vendor will be out by the time my coins appriciate

SR name is "ianfleming"
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 26, 2013, 04:22 am
ianfleming with the " "   ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: coglac on June 26, 2013, 04:23 am
Ya I an help you out. I will send em now.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 26, 2013, 04:25 am
sent you 0.005


Send back as soon as you can so we can help another brother or sister out :)

Peace & Hugs,

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ianfleming on June 26, 2013, 04:33 am
Thank you SO much guys, I WILL NOT FORGET THIS.
Plus karma for both of you
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 26, 2013, 05:33 am
jpan :) sent you back 0.50 + 0.06 interest

trichome sent you back .18 :) even though you said not too :-*

got some spare if anybody needs a loan ;)

Cheers bro  8)

Much appreciated.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lonerism on June 26, 2013, 07:53 am
Has anyone got 0.004786 btc

username runbabyrun
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: NoAddedSugar on June 26, 2013, 08:22 am
What's that in Btc?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lonerism on June 26, 2013, 09:22 am
What's that in Btc?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: NoAddedSugar on June 26, 2013, 09:39 am
I sent you 0.01 dude  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dabigboss on June 26, 2013, 12:51 pm
Could anyone lend me 0.03?  I just went through hell to get my coins from BitInstant just to find out I'm a couple bucks short for an ounce of dank.  If anyone can help me out, I'll return your money by Saturday when I get more coins. (NOT from BitInstant this time.  Fuck them.)

My SR username is the same as my forum username.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mrlavish on June 26, 2013, 01:14 pm
Hi Darktime  ;) did i loan you coin the eddyboy rings a bell and did you pay me back, sorry just so i can put on here that you paid, sorry i don,t know how to check  :-[
Hi everyone  8)

yes you did mary and I paid you back half on the day so just half to go ;)
people I also owe:

Mr Lavish

Just a note to your good selves and me that I haven't forgot and will pay back ASAP
Thankyou all for your generosity.It will be rewarded in many ways.

Japan-sent you pm 8)

Haven't heard from Darktime since I lent him .14 BTC back on May 30th. I don't know about Chemcat and Japan, but I haven't been paid back yet. Just updating in case he comes on asking for some more.

If he contacts me and pays back or heck even just let's me know what his intentions are, I'll be happy to give him credit for doing so.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 26, 2013, 01:27 pm
Descarte, please msg me when ya get a chance.
I'd like to send the balance back to you from the 1 bitcoin that you sent to me when you asked me to dole out coins to others for you :)

i'm getting aggrivated because i dont seem to be gettong paid back the loans....well some people have paid back,
most havent and i dont want to tie your cash up like this.

Descarte, please msg me and let me know where ya want me to send this and the balance as it comes in..

Peace & Hugs,

ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper800 on June 26, 2013, 01:34 pm
What's up guys... just popping in real quick before breakfast. Just wanted to say hey and make sure everyone is having a good day/night.  ChemCat, I won't be paying my debt back until the middle of August. Descarte is aware, but you will get what you donated the very same day as Descarte. Thanks again. Trip on!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 26, 2013, 01:36 pm
oh i know jasper :)  we've spoke  :)

am just pissed at the people with no morals....ya know?  typical users....

yur good jasper  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mrlavish on June 26, 2013, 02:01 pm
Just wanted to remind you Chemcat and restore some of your faith in fellow SR members, I will be paying you back the .16 BTC I borrowed within the week.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dabigboss on June 26, 2013, 02:05 pm
Could anyone lend me 0.03?  I just went through hell to get my coins from BitInstant just to find out I'm a couple bucks short for an ounce of dank.  If anyone can help me out, I'll return your money by Saturday when I get more coins. (NOT from BitInstant this time.  Fuck them.)

My SR username is the same as my forum username.

Just did the exact math, and I actually only need 0.026, so I thought I'd update. 

Anyways, how is everyone doing today?  I just enjoyed a few hits from my good ol' waterfall bong (made from a Jack Daniel's bottle) and a McGriddle, so I'm feelin' gooood.  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on June 26, 2013, 02:12 pm
Yessss to ChemCat I would lick the bones of them stinky ass amphibian leggys  :o

Dabigboss im sorry only 0.0008 in my acc. sent that anyway, hope someone sorts ya soon bud.

Helloooooo you lot :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: HashForYou on June 26, 2013, 02:14 pm
Anyone need some bit cents? I got some spare.

Also I am going to offer bitcoins for sale, you will have to transfer the money to a polish account, from the UK this usually takes 1 day,... low commission.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: soliduslake on June 26, 2013, 02:15 pm
Maybe this isn't the right thread to post this but I could really use some guidance in selecting a vendor for moneypack to BTC services. Please let me know of vendors you have worked with in the past, consistently, with no hiccups. Please and thank you a thousand times. Live fast.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Descarte on June 26, 2013, 02:18 pm
Any of you guy's got any goo techy connections.  I want to but a couple of clean, untraceable phones and sim cards but the discusions have so much info I'm overloaded.  I'm happy to pay for someone to dumb it down to my level.

Chemcat, just send them through to alprazolam.  I did realise I was off loading some of my workload to you so completely understand your frustration.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: soliduslake on June 26, 2013, 02:18 pm
Anyone need some bit cents? I got some spare.

Also I am going to offer bitcoins for sale, you will have to transfer the money to a polish account, from the UK this usually takes 1 day,... low commission.
Could have really used your help a couple days ago Hash. I was 11 cents shy of my order, but the listing is down now. You're a good pal though.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dabigboss on June 26, 2013, 02:22 pm
Thanks a lot Kalli! Good to know there are some good-hearted folks perusing these forums.  Now I just need 0.0252  ;)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on June 26, 2013, 02:40 pm
Thanks a lot Kalli! Good to know there are some good-hearted folks perusing these forums.  Now I just need 0.0252  ;)

No problem im just sorry I couldn't spot you the full amount. I'm pretty sure someone will soon bud there's plenty of decent people about im just finding that out myself :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 26, 2013, 02:44 pm
dabigboss, sent you 0.03
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tangojuliet on June 26, 2013, 02:50 pm
completely forgot to leave my bitcoin address: 1Rfyu7nDu6YD2jcaVGjDoohLmDPxdBuFG

can someone help me out with .05 BTC now for shipping? Thanks!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 26, 2013, 02:51 pm
tango, whats your sr username
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tangojuliet on June 26, 2013, 02:52 pm
completely forgot to leave my bitcoin address: 1Rfyu7nDu6YD2jcaVGjDoohLmDPxdBuFG

can someone help me out with .05 BTC now for shipping? Thanks!

lol i'm definitely new to asking for coin. my SR username is Y8f55ht5
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 26, 2013, 02:53 pm
no worries, sending 0.05 to you now
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dabigboss on June 26, 2013, 02:54 pm
dabigboss, sent you 0.03

Thank you so much meloniasty! I'll get it back to you ASAP.

Hope you all have a great day! It's time for me to order some marijuana.   :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 26, 2013, 02:56 pm
dabigboss, sent you 0.03

Thank you so much meloniasty! I'll get it back to you ASAP.

Hope you all have a great day! It's time for me to order some marijuana.   :)

no worries dabigboss, have a great day and stay safe
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tangojuliet on June 26, 2013, 03:33 pm
no worries, sending 0.05 to you now

Thanks!!! You're a life saver
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 26, 2013, 03:34 pm
no worries, sending 0.05 to you now

Thanks!!! You're a life saver
You're welcome
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 26, 2013, 03:45 pm
Any of you guy's got any goo techy connections.  I want to but a couple of clean, untraceable phones and sim cards but the discusions have so much info I'm overloaded.  I'm happy to pay for someone to dumb it down to my level.

Chemcat, just send them through to alprazolam.  I did realise I was off loading some of my workload to you so completely understand your frustration.

PM sent.  I don't know if it will help or if it's something you already know but I thought I would mention it.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 26, 2013, 03:49 pm
hiya and hugs Box  :)

Descarte, i sent the remaining ฿0.14 bitcoins from the 1 bitcoin that ya asked me to dole out, that leaves .86 coins send back to you.

like i said, i dont want to risk your money like that....the only people that have actually paid me back are
the orignals to the room.

i'll send the rest back to you as it comes in or i'll pay you out of my pocket next time i buy coins.


ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 26, 2013, 03:51 pm
i'm sort of disappointed in people right now...

see ya'll around

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 26, 2013, 03:58 pm
Hey CC!  Sorry I haven't had time to hang out.  Trying hard to secure security for myself.

Sorry to hear you've hit a slump on returns.   :-\   Frustrating when you just wanna do something good, and this happens. 

Miss you my friend
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bobhope333 on June 26, 2013, 04:06 pm
@dapj, paid 0.1 into your account, hope it was in time for you, cheers mate!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Flowski on June 26, 2013, 04:07 pm
Thank you Japan for hooking it up with .003 BTC's. My bad for not seeing this thread, I'll definitely help someone out when I get more.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 26, 2013, 04:13 pm
i'm sort of disappointed in people right now...

see ya'll around


Hey Chemmy - don't be too disappointed mate.

It was pretty obvious the originals would pay back as they have earnt their trust, time and time again. Like the .26 you lent me, I had it back to you within 6 hours.

I think this thread (maybe a bad thing, or maybe a good thing, I'm unsure) has become so popular - I don't log in for 10 hours and about 15 pages have passed!

I'm just going to be very cautious to who I lend to these days as people seem to be popping up left right and centre and some are asking for quite large loans.

The regulars I have no problem lending multiple coins too - but the others I'll sit back for a while and see how the thread pans out. I can see the shitlist getting massive, either that or people wont keep track of loans and lenders will lend to people that should've been on the shitlist.

I'll be around - but mainly paying attention to how things are being run, because it seems a bit crazy with so many new people about..... Like I said that could quite well be a positive thing - time will tell I guess.

But chin up bro  8)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on June 26, 2013, 04:54 pm
Can someone lend me .1 btc? I will pay back next time I re-up (which is quite often)
SR name = ytabletrash

Edit: also I have quite a few loans out so as they roll in Ill pay you back with them.  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 26, 2013, 04:59 pm
Can someone lend me .1 btc? I will pay back next time I re-up (which is quite often)
SR name = ytabletrash

Edit: also I have quite a few loans out so as they roll in Ill pay you back with them.  8)

He's good for it!  Would do it myself Ytable but I got no shapes right now. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on June 26, 2013, 05:10 pm
All good BoS, thanks for the support though :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on June 26, 2013, 05:21 pm
dabigboss, sent you 0.03

Thank you so much meloniasty! I'll get it back to you ASAP.

Hope you all have a great day! It's time for me to order some marijuana.   :)

Hope ya get some nice smoke bro but please take that debt from me off i don't want such a small amount back just check this thread if/when you've ever got a few spare cents to loan out, that's payment enough :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dabigboss on June 26, 2013, 05:25 pm
Will do.  Thanks again!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 26, 2013, 05:38 pm
Can someone lend me .1 btc? I will pay back next time I re-up (which is quite often)
SR name = ytabletrash

Edit: also I have quite a few loans out so as they roll in Ill pay you back with them.  8)

sent. enjoy!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: pakchoi23 on June 26, 2013, 05:40 pm
Evening folks,

I'm here to ask a favour. Anyone able to loan me 0.2 btc for a maximum of 48 hours?

I'm awaiting a payment that's late and a refund that is also taking too bloody long. Don't want to miss some rare goodies.

I have lent btc on this thread before.

Thanks for reading this.

pakchoi23 (same name on SR)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 26, 2013, 05:42 pm
Evening folks,

I'm here to ask a favour. Anyone able to loan me 0.2 btc for a maximum of 48 hours?

I'm awaiting a payment that's late and a refund that is also taking too bloody long. Don't want to miss some rare goodies.

I have lent btc on this thread before.

Thanks for reading this.

pakchoi23 (same name on SR)

whats up man, ive only got 0.02 if that helps at all?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 26, 2013, 05:42 pm
Quote from: Japan1980

Hey Chemmy - don't be too disappointed mate.

It was pretty obvious the originals would pay back as they have earnt their trust, time and time again. Like the .26 you lent me, I had it back to you within 6 hours.

I think this thread (maybe a bad thing, or maybe a good thing, I'm unsure) has become so popular - I don't log in for 10 hours and about 15 pages have passed!

I'm just going to be very cautious to who I lend to these days as people seem to be popping up left right and centre and some are asking for quite large loans.

The regulars I have no problem lending multiple coins too - but the others I'll sit back for a while and see how the thread pans out. I can see the shitlist getting massive, either that or people wont keep track of loans and lenders will lend to people that should've been on the shitlist.

I'll be around - but mainly paying attention to how things are being run, because it seems a bit crazy with so many new people about..... Like I said that could quite well be a positive thing - time will tell I guess.

But chin up bro  8)


Changing of the Guards i suppose?   ;D

gonna be working on listings and gathering product  ;)

Probably best....need to work on the other things that take precedence :)

Peace & Hugs  :)

Chem  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on June 26, 2013, 05:43 pm
Can someone lend me .1 btc? I will pay back next time I re-up (which is quite often)
SR name = ytabletrash

Edit: also I have quite a few loans out so as they roll in Ill pay you back with them.  8)

sent. enjoy!

Thanks a bunch :D Will re-pay when I can.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 26, 2013, 05:48 pm
i'm sort of disappointed in people right now...

see ya'll around

:( don't leave us! we love you!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 26, 2013, 05:53 pm
I Love ya too RS  :)

Little Brother  (Hugs)

Chem  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 26, 2013, 06:12 pm
anyway, good morning everyone.

after reading the past two pages, I sense a shit storm brewing.. and understandably.. I kinda foresaw this when the large loans started getting handed out to random people whom never posted in this thread prior to their requests :(

its gonna be sad, but I can already imagine how this is gonna end... :-\

instead can, we all just take a deep breath and remember why we are here?

compassion is the first word that comes to mind, the idea of helping thy brother with out expectations. and being rewarded with the warm feeling of trust when people actually pay you back.

I don't know the reasons people choose to come on here an help one an other.. maybe its just whole heart'd caring, maybe compassion for knowing how shit it is, being .03 short on an order? ;)

its differs person to person I'm sure.. but one thing we all share, is this community. and if we don't have trust how can any one comfortably precipitate in this thread?
we NEED trust for this to work properly. the individuals whom choice to break that trust ruin it for everybody.

I myself used to trust anyone coming here asking for $1-$7 and only about 1/2 payed me back.. now thinking about those numbers, gives me no reason to want to continue helping here.. but do I? :) yes, of course. but I am much more limited to who I select. :(.. but whose fault is that?

and really there probably no reason to write this cause anyone who actually read it, probably wont matter to them, cause they know better.. :-\

damn it chemmy, now you got me feelin depressed :P

(hugs) :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 26, 2013, 06:15 pm
dont be depressed  :P

it'll all work out, i should have chosen better, who to lend to.
i'm not out to make anything off of my loans...just need to be paid back  LOL

but i havent lent anything that i wasnt prepared to lose anyway so i'll still be here to loan  :)

just gonna pick and choose now  :P


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 26, 2013, 06:19 pm
and yeah, i've loaned to some very new newbies cuz i know what it's like to not have help  :(

but hey  LOL  we're on a black market place  :P  what do i know?


just figured i could put a little trust out there to people that may need it  :)

we've weeded out the good from the bad so to speak, so if any of you that are OG,OSCT 'ers then i got ya if ya need me :)

Peace & Hugs,

Chem  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on June 26, 2013, 06:23 pm
i'm sort of disappointed in people right now...

see ya'll around

:( don't leave us! we love you!

They say true !!! I'm new to this thread and the fact you helped me out counts a lot towards the fact I intend to do the same for someone else when I can, I didn't expect to get help (especially so fast !) so in my mind I owe the universe a favor to repay my debt (after iv paid my debt to you of course !) so if it costs me a little here and there in the future I don't care as if im honest it probably won't be the last time I ever ask for a loan and would hope someone out there will be as kind as you were if I do.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: pakchoi23 on June 26, 2013, 06:24 pm
Evening folks,

I'm here to ask a favour. Anyone able to loan me 0.2 btc for a maximum of 48 hours?

I'm awaiting a payment that's late and a refund that is also taking too bloody long. Don't want to miss some rare goodies.

I have lent btc on this thread before.

Thanks for reading this.

pakchoi23 (same name on SR)

whats up man, ive only got 0.02 if that helps at all?

That's generous of you, I appreciate it.

I'm going to hold out for someone (who knows me or can vouch for me!?) to see if I can get closer to the 0.2, so thank you but hang on to the 0.02 for now. Maybe you can help someone out with their postage.

I seem to have missed the "shit storm". Last few times time I was on here it was all personal chit chat and no one asking for coin so I have been unable to lend as much as I wanted to.


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 26, 2013, 06:27 pm
this place, it's ever changing....

You will probably still see the OG's around here....this is just my opinion...

but as time goes by and people come and go...i think the OG's will remain in the shadows to speak  :)

Times change and so do people....This thread will remain the same..just different people...
and RS, little Brother, You're Right, i do hope that the new Gen in this thread will remember the philosophy behind this thread  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 26, 2013, 06:32 pm
                                              :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) **When requesting, post your SR name** so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
dr gonzo
meloniasty   ++++
Mike Hunt
Repus6 *
White Out
PerPETualMOtion ++++

The shit list:
Autobondon *
danceandsing ++++
King Karma
lufc1992uk ++++
p4tr1ckb4t3m4n ++++
repus6 * ++++

*^*do not lend to these people*^*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 26, 2013, 06:33 pm
Hi everyone  ;) hope your all good, been catching up on here sorry my friend needed me last night had to dash  ;) lol

I,ll just say now i,m still due coin from:Stonedstupor, Eddyboy666(Darktime), MountaineerVW and anonypunk plus repus and the crackhead!!  :o
Clearly i,ve not picked well with lending and will now only lend coin to regulars i know on here if and when they need it, i,m actally very surprised that people can,t repay a few bucks  :o well i,m embarrased for you all  :-[ I have very little money myself but would NEVER take, take, take but i guess some people don,t care, i,m dissapointed is all  :(

Hi Chem, hope your good hun  :-* :-* and Japan and RS and ytabletrash and Box and Taz and Mel and Descarte  :-* :-* and everybody else  :P :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 26, 2013, 06:34 pm
hiya mary  :)

hey much were ya needing?

**Tickles mary**

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 26, 2013, 06:37 pm
(screams) lol  ;D :P :-*

How you doing today Dad  8) :P :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 26, 2013, 06:39 pm
:) hiya mary

check your pm's @ pakchoi23
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 26, 2013, 06:40 pm
pretty good actuaallly  :P

back dont hurt quite as much today so thats good  :)

just goin through msg's and rethinking some things  LOL

so howz you today mary?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 26, 2013, 06:42 pm
My loans that haven,t been paid are from June 4th-7th, they,re all overdue  :-\ :-\

I need weed  >:( :'( ::) lol gonna look for a gram listing  ;D ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 26, 2013, 06:42 pm
hiya mary  :)

hey much were ya needing?

**Tickles mary**

:P lol, is this the 3rd time now lol?

just pm'd him asking if he could help convince a half jaded loaner ;)

also, he was after .2.

I'd be happy to split the loan :P? I'll send .1 you send .1?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 26, 2013, 06:42 pm
My loans that haven,t been paid are from June 4th-7th, they,re all overdue  :-\ :-\

I need weed  >:( :'( ::) lol gonna look for a gram listing  ;D ;D
I got some extra coin in the account if you need :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 26, 2013, 06:44 pm
PS! :D YOU DID IT! I'm so proud of you! <3 you copied the list properly!! oh happy days. :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 26, 2013, 06:45 pm
Ah damn...

I wish I had something to add as well, but rs and cc laid out everything pretty well.

Ups and downs.  Strikes and gutters.  It will never be static because nature will not allow.

I know I haven't had any coin to contribute for a while, but I get disillusioned as well when I hear my SR friends in this position.  I'll still be back when I can give.  I'm thankful I'm here and must tithe because of it.  Just makes my face do this.  :(

Besides all that mess, I can say I've made some friends on this place, which goes beyond any value of the btc.  I hope we can all at least agree on that part and remember it well.....
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 26, 2013, 06:46 pm
yeah i'll split it with ya  :)

who do we send it to :o

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: pakchoi23 on June 26, 2013, 06:48 pm

Thanks, my SR name is the same: pakchoi23

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 26, 2013, 06:51 pm
Ah damn...

I wish I had something to add as well, but rs and cc laid out everything pretty well.

Ups and downs.  Strikes and gutters.  It will never be static because nature will not allow.

I know I haven't had any coin to contribute for a while, but I get disillusioned as well when I hear my SR friends in this position.  I'll still be back when I can give.  I'm thankful I'm here and must tithe because of it.  Just makes my face do this.  :(

Besides all that mess, I can say I've made some friends on this place, which goes beyond any value of the btc.  I hope we can all at least agree on that part and remember it well.....
YES Box, friends, i,d give any of you my last (as long as i was sorted lol) well said  :)

Thanks RS i gave up, no point lol i,ll just wait till i,ve got money on Tues 1g too expensive i,ll be able to get 3,5g then  ;) ;D

My mans birthday today  ;D ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 26, 2013, 06:51 pm
hiya pakchoi  :)

.1 has been sent to your account  ;)


Peace & Hugs,

ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 26, 2013, 06:51 pm
Ah damn...

I wish I had something to add as well, but rs and cc laid out everything pretty well.

Ups and downs.  Strikes and gutters.  It will never be static because nature will not allow.

I know I haven't had any coin to contribute for a while, but I get disillusioned as well when I hear my SR friends in this position.  I'll still be back when I can give.  I'm thankful I'm here and must tithe because of it.  Just makes my face do this.  :(

Besides all that mess, I can say I've made some friends on this place, which goes beyond any value of the btc.  I hope we can all at least agree on that part and remember it well.....

your here, when your needed :) even if its just stopping by to say hi, still means a great deal.

you know you where one of the lenders that inspired me to continue with this thread, right boxy? :)

anyway, peace, hugs and love to ya brother :)

@pakchoi23, me an chemmy are gonna split the loan. :) we're both sendig .1
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 26, 2013, 06:53 pm
Absolutely, Box!!


Huggles to You  {{{{{{{{{{{{{{BoxofShapes}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 26, 2013, 06:56 pm
Ah damn...

I wish I had something to add as well, but rs and cc laid out everything pretty well.

Ups and downs.  Strikes and gutters.  It will never be static because nature will not allow.

I know I haven't had any coin to contribute for a while, but I get disillusioned as well when I hear my SR friends in this position.  I'll still be back when I can give.  I'm thankful I'm here and must tithe because of it.  Just makes my face do this.  :(

Besides all that mess, I can say I've made some friends on this place, which goes beyond any value of the btc.  I hope we can all at least agree on that part and remember it well.....
YES Box, friends, i,d give any of you my last (as long as i was sorted lol) well said  :)

Thanks RS i gave up, no point lol i,ll just wait till i,ve got money on Tues 1g too expensive i,ll be able to get 3,5g then  ;) ;D

My mans birthday today  ;D ;D
okay, if you say so :P but offer still stands..
tell your man happy birthday! an hes exempt from birthday punches for the fact I have no clue who he is :)..

pakchoi23, sent the other .1 you should have what you need, enjoy :).
and, please, uphold your promise of repaying us ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: pakchoi23 on June 26, 2013, 06:58 pm

@pakchoi23, me an chemmy are gonna split the loan. :) we're both sendig .1

hiya pakchoi  :)

.1 has been sent to your account  ;)


Peace & Hugs,

ChemCat  O0

Many thanks to both of you, especially after the last few posts about lending to "strangers". Just goes to show you can't keep the good vibes down.

I'll PM you both when I have repaid.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 26, 2013, 07:00 pm
I'll vouch for Pakchoi - good lad is our pak  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 26, 2013, 07:03 pm
:) gevening, jpan!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 26, 2013, 07:03 pm
                      {}   {}
                    // @@@ \\
                  {{ {~ ~} }}
                       (o) (o)
                         ) . (
                       (  v  )
                    {}\ | /{}
                     ||{ | }||
             {}  {~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~}  {}
               ||  { ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ }  ||
       {} {        H a p p y       \} {}
         || {\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\} ||
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         {         B i r t h d a y ! ! !       }
           {                                     }
to marys man  LOL
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 26, 2013, 07:04 pm
:o damn! thats a sexy cake.. too bad I can't eat it :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 26, 2013, 07:05 pm
Thanks RS  :P it would help if some had listings  :o ::) if i see anything that jumps out at me i,ll take you up on your offer, i hate to borrow  :-[ i know i don,t have enough weed till Tues, its either street or here  :P :-\ 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 26, 2013, 07:07 pm
i have .08 left mary of my personal coins and you're more than welcomed to them :)

just let me know and i'll send them your way

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 26, 2013, 07:08 pm
Evening RS, Mary, Chemmy, Box - and ALL  8)

I'll be in and out, watching Brazil vs Uruguay....

Hope everyone's good.

J-MAN  8) 

PS - I have about .08 that I'll happily lend you too Mary if you need it.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 26, 2013, 07:09 pm
Lol Chem, my mans asking when it will be delivered and if the woman,s included  ;) ;)

HIGH Japan, how did you get on with the vendor, did you pm Rx? Hope you got sorted friend  :-* :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 26, 2013, 07:14 pm
Lol Chem, my mans asking when it will be delivered and if the woman,s included  ;) ;)

HIGH Japan, how did you get on with the vendor, did you pm Rx? Hope you got sorted friend  :-* :-*

The Vendor 'gotmilk' has put me on some shitty list, not that I could give a fuck! I usually use the same vendor's 90% of the time, and they know what I'm all about. A couple even give me product and let me pay them when I have the coin - so that list means nothing to me!

I would like to know what happens when you file a complaint on SR though - as blackmailing should be outed.

RX - said he had something up his sleeve, I trust him, so I've left it with him to do as he pleases. Good man is our RX.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 26, 2013, 07:16 pm
Hah thanks guys!  Hugs mary!  Hugs cc!  It means a lot to hear these things!

No I actually didn't know that RS!  I do remember when you first showed up asking, (as the space cowboy!) but I was out of shapes at the time.  Remembering feeling bad with hindsight I couldn't help you out cause of what you have become now.  Was hoping at the time my activity would get others involved so someone could toss you a flake.

Turned out to be more than ok in the end for sure.  A rare bird indeed.  Didn't get anything when you first requested, but didn't stop you from commin back.  Wish I knew others in life like this.  At lease you have set one example, outside the standard sample.

Box out for now.  I'ma leave with a box full of positive shapes in my mind while I can!  You can be sure I'll be around as long as I am physically capable. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 26, 2013, 07:17 pm
;) hugs to Rx, hes a defiantly a cool dude.

:) (blushes) hugs boxy!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 26, 2013, 07:17 pm
Hmm, Pharmaboy still has an offer on his Kush 3.5g for 0.46 (inc postage) I,d need a loan of the 0.26 as i only have 0.20, i know this isn,t pennies but if anyone has  0.26 till  Tues i,ll pay back with a little extra  ;) :P :-* My SR name is the same as here  ;) Thankyou  :-[ :-[
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 26, 2013, 07:23 pm
@Japan, what a cunty vendor ("mum" oi, language)i,ll stay away from him pity too was looking to get maybe 20 vallium next week, hard to find a vendor that does a few, any you,d recommend J  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 26, 2013, 07:26 pm
Hmm, Pharmaboy still has an offer on his Kush 3.5g for 0.46 (inc postage) I,d need a loan of the 0.26 as i only have 0.20, i know this isn,t pennies but if anyone has  0.26 till  Tues i,ll pay back with a little extra  ;) :P :-* My SR name is the same as here  ;) Thankyou  :-[ :-[
sent .26 :), enjoy your ganja, love.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 26, 2013, 07:29 pm
RS, baby, your amazeballs, thanks a lot hun your doing me a huge favour, will pay you back 0.30 on Tuesday Sir  ;) :P :-* :-* and HUGS
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: NoAddedSugar on June 26, 2013, 07:34 pm
Hey folks, I had some change left so came on here, lent the massive amount of 0.01BTC to a dude, didn't even get a thank you. That made me sad, he's also buggered off straight away and hasn't been back. It's not the coins, would have been nice if he'd have let me know it was appreciated  :'(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 26, 2013, 07:43 pm
Thanks RS  ;) got my order in, i appreciate it so much and i would,ve missed the offer by Tuesday so thanks again hun  :-* Also thanks Dad 0.08 sent back to Trichome but i really appreciate that you sent what you had hun but i,m no longer in need so returned the coin  ;)  :-* lend it carefully lol   :P ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 26, 2013, 07:44 pm
Hey folks, I had some change left so came on here, lent the massive amount of 0.01BTC to a dude, didn't even get a thank you. That made me sad, he's also buggered off straight away and hasn't been back. It's not the coins, would have been nice if he'd have let me know it was appreciated  :'(
don't feel so bad ::) oNLiN3fR3aK made off with .15 of mine without even thanking me.. an ignoring a checkin message I sent him :(

but I get where your coming from, it is a shitty feeling, after whole heartily trying to help someone. then be disrespected like this, is just asinine, an kinda hurtful. 

@mary :) you're very welcome! also, thanks again for the .18 you loaned me last week ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 26, 2013, 07:54 pm
OK one more post before I have to head.

I'd like to take a moment to thank trippylizard and riotous defect.  I know they won't see this but have to say anyway.  (PM's to them soon. Kinda reminding myself here.)

Without these guys I don't know if I would have been active in this thread as much as I have.

(RSeven bringing up origins reminded me of mine.)

Much care to all.  Box out for now....again!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: pakchoi23 on June 26, 2013, 08:03 pm
I'll vouch for Pakchoi - good lad is our pak  8)

Cheers Japan :)

Well, thanks to this thread, RS and ChemCat I got my order in and I am one grateful paki. Don't fret guys, 48 hours, you can count on it.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 26, 2013, 08:31 pm
Where,s everyone gone  ::) :P
Was checking the start of the thread, interesting lol ;) the people with a few posts asking for coin back then was there only posts i think  :o i take it you could post anywhere at one time without the 50 post newbie rule  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 26, 2013, 08:37 pm

anybody willing to comment.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 26, 2013, 08:45 pm

anybody willing to comment.
People prob sick of commenting on Ted,s death threads and i noticed in one of his other threads he says he has hurt women  :o the mind boggles  ::) :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 26, 2013, 08:48 pm
physically or emotionally :o?

congrats on 1000 ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Descarte on June 26, 2013, 08:52 pm
Wow sounds like some pretty negative vibe.  Sorry for any pain caused by my little social experiment.  I did realise throwing a lot of
coin around might upset the balance, that is why I enlisted ChemCat but that really just took the responsibility and put it onto him (which he obviously didn't need.
Maybe I'll just stick to special (larger-longer) loans like Jaspers.  The idea of a central fund sounds nice but the practicalities of running it are possibly to great especially
in the random times I spend on here.
Whatever you do ChemCat don't pay me anything out of your own money.  I'd prefer to call it all even now.  If any repayments do come in buy youself something that tickles your fancy.
I have the advantage of not giving a fuck about the actions of wankers.  People can screw me all day and while I may have to take measures to protect myself I only ever consider it their loss.

I may still consider leaving some coins with you RS7 when things pick up.  If thats ok with you.  It would only be for a very select group of borrowers and would contain a substantial amount.
You never know when emergencies might pop up and you can almost guarantee I won't in the right place.     
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 26, 2013, 08:53 pm
oh our son teddy  ::)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: NoAddedSugar on June 26, 2013, 08:53 pm
When one is anonymous, it brings out the nuttiness I believe
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tedrux on June 26, 2013, 08:54 pm
yeah. I thank you all for the very brief period of acceptance extended to me. but its time i just stop talking.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 26, 2013, 08:57 pm
oh Descarte, Friend, i would never use your coins for such, i'll be sending them back to you as they get sent back to me  :)

if that's ok with you..

and no, you didnt put more of a load on me  :)

pretty much made this decision because of people that cannot at least msg me LOL

ya know? 
 had nothing to do with you  (Hugs)  :)

Plus i suppose it's time to grab a back seat and watch you young people spread good karma and positive vibes  8)

Peace, Love & Hugs  :)



Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 26, 2013, 08:58 pm
@ ted :) your company is always welcome here,.. but no body like people who complain all the time. an don't just disappear! you still have debts to pay ;)

also, check your other thread..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 26, 2013, 09:00 pm
at chemmy :) relax, an watch the lawns grass grow ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 26, 2013, 09:03 pm
yeah. I thank you all for the very brief period of acceptance extended to me. but its time i just stop talking.
Get off yer high horse Teddy, no one,s having a go, you put it out there for all to read, what did you mean when you said you,ve hurt women? if your gonna say that then not explain people will wonder, thats all  ;) did you get anything ordered yet or are you still frozen  :P ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 26, 2013, 09:10 pm
i'd sit in the evenings on the fron porch of our house on Silk Road lane  ;)

i watch as each of you show brotherly and sisterly traits to eachother and i can't help but to smile  :)

i keep rocking in my chair and watch as mary and teddy wrestle in the front yard  :P

while their brother RS  hangs from the tree branch trying to calm them down  LOL

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: duce0800 on June 26, 2013, 09:11 pm
Hello nice people, I'm short 0.021BTC for some great hash from atlas2012
I will repay you as soon as I can, it looks like I will buy more BTC in about a week and a half when the next paycheck comes in
And I will of course double your investment! I just really really want my hash as soon as possible  ;)
I originally planed on getting some from emerald which is cheaper, but I noticed bad feedback so that's my story :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 26, 2013, 09:15 pm
@Japan, what a cunty vendor ("mum" oi, language)i,ll stay away from him pity too was looking to get maybe 20 vallium next week, hard to find a vendor that does a few, any you,d recommend J  ;)

Black Tuna Gang - next day, great quality.

Say Japan sent you in the add box, he'll look after you nice  8)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: NoAddedSugar on June 26, 2013, 09:17 pm
duce, sr name?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 26, 2013, 09:21 pm
@Japan, what a cunty vendor ("mum" oi, language)i,ll stay away from him pity too was looking to get maybe 20 vallium next week, hard to find a vendor that does a few, any you,d recommend J  ;)

Black Tuna Gang - next day, great quality.

Say Japan sent you in the add box, he'll look after you nice  8)

Thanks Japan,  ;) i,ll mention you when i order  ;) (hugs)

LMAO Chem whilst wresting and taking Teddt down  ;) (Teddy,s tappin out)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: NoAddedSugar on June 26, 2013, 09:22 pm
I'm ready with those coins, is your username on here the same as on the SR?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: duce0800 on June 26, 2013, 09:33 pm
I'm ready with those coins, is your username on here the same as on the SR?

Yes it is, thank you very much!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: NoAddedSugar on June 26, 2013, 09:36 pm
There you go dude, sent exactly 0.021 as that was the last of my change, couldn't round it up. Go in peace to get high.
edit: Going to bed now dudes. speak soon, be safe all.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 26, 2013, 09:38 pm
Good night all  :P :-* :-* Thanks again RS  ;) jsut gonna +1 who i can on here, see ya,s tomorrow  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: NoAddedSugar on June 26, 2013, 09:40 pm
+1 to you Mary  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: duce0800 on June 26, 2013, 09:47 pm
Just ordered, thanks again!
You will hear from me soon :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: NoAddedSugar on June 26, 2013, 10:07 pm
Peace mate, take care. My bed time now
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 26, 2013, 10:20 pm
anybody got .1 collecting dust they'll lend me briefly :P?
SR name: RS7FI8ZRkm
Time frame: 1-5 days.

thanks in advance :).
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: fuckoffehbuddy on June 26, 2013, 10:59 pm
could anyone spare .02 just had a order canceled and am now short .02 which is like a dollar and some change thanks
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: fuckoffehbuddy on June 26, 2013, 11:01 pm
could anyone spare .02 just had a order canceled and am now short .02 which is like a dollar and some change thanks
oh yeah my address what a dumbass
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Intraterrestrial on June 27, 2013, 12:38 am
anybody got .1 collecting dust they'll lend me briefly :P?
SR name: RS7FI8ZRkm
Time frame: 1-5 days.

thanks in advance :).

sorted you there mate
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: theman123451 on June 27, 2013, 01:00 am
got ฿0.03998156 here if anyone is short no worries bout the pay back just trying to spread the love around.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Spartan7 on June 27, 2013, 01:12 am
could anyone spare .02 just had a order canceled and am now short .02 which is like a dollar and some change thanks
oh yeah my address what a dumbass

Got it sent
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: fuckoffehbuddy on June 27, 2013, 02:31 am
could anyone spare .02 just had a order canceled and am now short .02 which is like a dollar and some change thanks
oh yeah my address what a dumbass

Got it sent
thanks bro like the pic former-marine? ex-army here
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 27, 2013, 02:42 am
anybody got .1 collecting dust they'll lend me briefly :P?
SR name: RS7FI8ZRkm
Time frame: 1-5 days.

thanks in advance :).

sorted you there mate
:) thanks brother!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 27, 2013, 03:07 am
no!  thank you!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 27, 2013, 03:13 am
no!  thank you!
no, no. thank you :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 27, 2013, 03:21 am
No, No, No ....Thank You Both!!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: titsmcgee123 on June 27, 2013, 04:17 am
need 0.0064BTC to mainmanralph if anyone could spare some change
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: theman123451 on June 27, 2013, 04:18 am
need 0.0064BTC to mainmanralph if anyone could spare some change

i got you if you help me how to do it never have transferred coins out of my sr account before

edit- never mind got it up sent
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 27, 2013, 04:20 am
need 0.0064BTC to mainmanralph if anyone could spare some change
:) sent, enjoy.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: theman123451 on June 27, 2013, 04:21 am
need 0.0064BTC to mainmanralph if anyone could spare some change
:) sent, enjoy.

lol guess you got a lil extra
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 27, 2013, 04:22 am
need 0.0064BTC to mainmanralph if anyone could spare some change

i got you if you help me how to do it never have transferred coins out of my sr account before

edit- never mind got it up sent
from, your account tab, press the Account $#.## link on the top near the search ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 27, 2013, 04:23 am
need 0.0064BTC to mainmanralph if anyone could spare some change
:) sent, enjoy.

lol guess you got a lil extra
:P owell.. send mine or theman's back. I don't care..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: theman123451 on June 27, 2013, 04:24 am
need 0.0064BTC to mainmanralph if anyone could spare some change

i got you if you help me how to do it never have transferred coins out of my sr account before

edit- never mind got it up sent
from, your account tab, press the Account $#.## link on the top near the search ;)

word thank you. also chem told me i could give my left over btc to you and you would give them back to the community??
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 27, 2013, 04:26 am
from, your account tab, press the Account $#.## link on the top near the search ;)

then you will see 3 boxes at the bottom of your page...Fill them in with the proper information.

then click "Send"

then wait......

for about this long   

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 27, 2013, 04:31 am
need 0.0064BTC to mainmanralph if anyone could spare some change

i got you if you help me how to do it never have transferred coins out of my sr account before

edit- never mind got it up sent
from, your account tab, press the Account $#.## link on the top near the search ;)

word thank you. also chem told me i could give my left over btc to you and you would give them back to the community??
if you wanted to, yes, few others also.. too stoned to list them though :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: theman123451 on June 27, 2013, 04:41 am
need 0.0064BTC to mainmanralph if anyone could spare some change

i got you if you help me how to do it never have transferred coins out of my sr account before

edit- never mind got it up sent
from, your account tab, press the Account $#.## link on the top near the search ;)

word thank you. also chem told me i could give my left over btc to you and you would give them back to the community??
if you wanted to, yes, few others also.. too stoned to list them though :P
[/q uote]

no worries im oiled out myself these god dam dabs they wont leave me alone!!!!   is you sr name the same as it is on here?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 27, 2013, 04:53 am
need 0.0064BTC to mainmanralph if anyone could spare some change

i got you if you help me how to do it never have transferred coins out of my sr account before

edit- never mind got it up sent
from, your account tab, press the Account $#.## link on the top near the search ;)

word thank you. also chem told me i could give my left over btc to you and you would give them back to the community??
if you wanted to, yes, few others also.. too stoned to list them though :P

no worries im oiled out myself these god dam dabs they wont leave me alone!!!!   is you sr name the same as it is on here?
;) you like that oil too ^_^ you gotta try the Co2 extract! thats the bomb diggidity danks :D
also yea my usernames the same as the forums :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: theman123451 on June 27, 2013, 05:01 am
need 0.0064BTC to mainmanralph if anyone could spare some change

i got you if you help me how to do it never have transferred coins out of my sr account before

edit- never mind got it up sent
from, your account tab, press the Account $#.## link on the top near the search ;)

word thank you. also chem told me i could give my left over btc to you and you would give them back to the community??
if you wanted to, yes, few others also.. too stoned to list them though :P

no worries im oiled out myself these god dam dabs they wont leave me alone!!!!   is you sr name the same as it is on here?
;) you like that oil too ^_^ you gotta try the Co2 extract! thats the bomb diggidity danks :D
also yea my usernames the same as the forums :)

yea its so cheep here 15 a gram!!!! 8) 8) 8) gota love the legal side of it all makes prices drop to unheard of prices. i have my own vape pen comes with a gram of co2 oil so tight i smoke it everywhere i can and no one knows a thing they just thing i have an e-cig now a days. and its sent hope that makes some guy happy some day!!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 27, 2013, 05:06 am
need 0.0064BTC to mainmanralph if anyone could spare some change

i got you if you help me how to do it never have transferred coins out of my sr account before

edit- never mind got it up sent
from, your account tab, press the Account $#.## link on the top near the search ;)

word thank you. also chem told me i could give my left over btc to you and you would give them back to the community??
if you wanted to, yes, few others also.. too stoned to list them though :P

no worries im oiled out myself these god dam dabs they wont leave me alone!!!!   is you sr name the same as it is on here?
;) you like that oil too ^_^ you gotta try the Co2 extract! thats the bomb diggidity danks :D
also yea my usernames the same as the forums :)

yea its so cheep here 15 a gram!!!! 8) 8) 8) gota love the legal side of it all makes prices drop to unheard of prices. i have my own vape pen comes with a gram of co2 oil so tight i smoke it everywhere i can and no one knows a thing they just thing i have an e-cig now a days. and its sent hope that makes some guy happy some day!!!
8) you know whats up :P 1+ also, 15 a g :o holy shit, you should consider reselling that gold! :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: theman123451 on June 27, 2013, 05:12 am
need 0.0064BTC to mainmanralph if anyone could spare some change

i got you if you help me how to do it never have transferred coins out of my sr account before

edit- never mind got it up sent
from, your account tab, press the Account $#.## link on the top near the search ;)

word thank you. also chem told me i could give my left over btc to you and you would give them back to the community??
if you wanted to, yes, few others also.. too stoned to list them though :P

no worries im oiled out myself these god dam dabs they wont leave me alone!!!!   is you sr name the same as it is on here?
;) you like that oil too ^_^ you gotta try the Co2 extract! thats the bomb diggidity danks :D
also yea my usernames the same as the forums :)

yea its so cheep here 15 a gram!!!! 8) 8) 8) gota love the legal side of it all makes prices drop to unheard of prices. i have my own vape pen comes with a gram of co2 oil so tight i smoke it everywhere i can and no one knows a thing they just thing i have an e-cig now a days. and its sent hope that makes some guy happy some day!!!
8) you know whats up :P 1+ also, 15 a g :o holy shit, you should consider reselling that gold! :)

hell yea thank you!!!! you ever here for dry ice hash? its crazy!!!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 27, 2013, 05:19 am
heard of it, never tired it :P.. had some really good bubble hash once.. I think it was the highest I ever been for that many hours... :D I mean I was completely an utterly obliterated.. :P good times..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 27, 2013, 05:27 am
:D  just noticed you sent me .03

I'll let the whom ever I lend it to, to repay you back instead. :)

and if you need it back just pm me.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: StraightThuggin on June 27, 2013, 05:35 am
yo people, could of any of you do me a massive favor and lend me 0.05? Thanks in advance fellas!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: theman123451 on June 27, 2013, 05:55 am
yea they have this new thing around here called black ice wax supposedly made without bho or co2 in the bubble bags but comparable to that

type of wax.  tryed it with a dom and nail and it didnt work  :'(. but it smells so amazing just all black though totally throws it off.

yea ive been looking it sounds like a crazy way to make hash thats for sure kind of interest me into wanting to see what it would look like.

word no worries just keep recycling it till someone doesn't pay you back    ;)  maybe one day ill be in a jam.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: nottheunderscore on June 27, 2013, 08:05 am
Big shout out to dw89!!!  He/She came through for me in a bind and loaned me .03btc.  I paid him back within 36 hours I believe.  Thank you SpareCoinsThread. 
-One Love
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: pakchoi23 on June 27, 2013, 08:32 am
yo people, could of any of you do me a massive favor and lend me 0.05? Thanks in advance fellas!


You still needing?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: FreedomFlyer on June 27, 2013, 10:15 am
Hi folks, I'm looking for a loan of $12.50 to get in on a special my vendor is having. Can pay back $15 in 2 days.
if not all good, just hoping the listing won't sell out. SR name is the same as here.
thanks guys
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: StraightThuggin on June 27, 2013, 10:57 am
yo people, could of any of you do me a massive favor and lend me 0.05? Thanks in advance fellas!


You still needing?

Sure am man! If your thinking of giving me a hand, my username is FisherBeWharter. Cheers buddy!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 27, 2013, 11:03 am
                                              :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) **When requesting, post your SR name** so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

anonypunk +++
Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
dr gonzo
Mike Hunt
Repus6 *
theman123451 ++++
White Out
PerPETualMOtion ++++

The shit list:
Autobondon *
danceandsing ++++
King Karma
lufc1992uk ++++
p4tr1ckb4t3m4n ++++
repus6 * ++++

*^*do not lend to these people*^*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: StraightThuggin on June 27, 2013, 12:03 pm
Not to sound desperate... BUT I AM! Please fellas, someone help me out, I'll do the same when i stock up on coins again! Thanks guys
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: anonypunk on June 27, 2013, 12:24 pm
For some reason I am not on the above list but no worries it was only a few bucks.

I think I got scammed out of a very large chunk of funds. I could seriously fucking cry. I mean it sucks enough that BTC is hard to get then you got people scamming folks for them. Some people happen to have issues that prevent them from working and the drug trade is the only way they can eat and also pay rent. SS dosen't cover much ya know? Sorry I'm ranting but fuck my life.  :'(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 27, 2013, 12:27 pm
sorry ::) thanks for mentioning it though.. its hard to keep track of everybody
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 27, 2013, 12:32 pm
For some reason I am not on the above list but no worries it was only a few bucks.

I think I got scammed out of a very large chunk of funds. I could seriously fucking cry. I mean it sucks enough that BTC is hard to get then you got people scamming folks for them. Some people happen to have issues that prevent them from working and the drug trade is the only way they can eat and also pay rent. SS dosen't cover much ya know? Sorry I'm ranting but fuck my life.  :'(
:o sorry pretty high missed kas part you said :(

what happend brother, I'm here you need to vent
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: anonypunk on June 27, 2013, 12:41 pm
Oh I edited. You're not that high! hahah =)

I bought BTC from an vendor on SR and like a dumbass I didn't remember that it was a bad idea. I'm totally screwed in so many ways. It appears he's not going to finish his end of the deal.

Here's a link to thread I started before I was freaking out

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 27, 2013, 12:47 pm
who was the vendor? name an shame them, as jack B Hoff put it?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 27, 2013, 12:50 pm
I think I'll be the judge of that.. you dunno wanna know how many wrong keys hitting, while I'm balttering at :D

stared off with sizzup ended with molly ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bodnostrokulum on June 27, 2013, 12:56 pm
hELLO world  :)
im 0,03 short , im catching the last train of an awsome offer ...

please help, i will give it back in 2 weeks.

user name is the same

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 27, 2013, 01:03 pm
hELLO world  :)
im 0,03 short , im catching the last train of an awsome offer ...

please help, i will give it back in 2 weeks.

user name is the same


Sent  8)

Please repay within the time you gave.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: pakchoi23 on June 27, 2013, 01:09 pm
Not to sound desperate... BUT I AM! Please fellas, someone help me out, I'll do the same when i stock up on coins again! Thanks guys

I had to go out, real life and shit. If you still need this try posting again. I'll be on and off SR all day.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 27, 2013, 01:41 pm
hELLO world  :)
im 0,03 short , im catching the last train of an awsome offer ...

please help, i will give it back in 2 weeks.

user name is the same

0.03 for two weeks :P hmm hope there's little interest ::)

against, initial feeling I'm give you a shot.  please repay, theman123451 as this is his coin I am lending to you.

;D tried posting this about an hour but got side trackked.. yeah I am that high ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 27, 2013, 01:42 pm
(hugs) japan! :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bodnostrokulum on June 27, 2013, 01:48 pm
hELLO world  :)
im 0,03 short , im catching the last train of an awsome offer ...

please help, i will give it back in 2 weeks.

user name is the same

0.03 for two weeks :P hmm hope there's little interest ::)

against, initial feeling I'm give you a shot.  please repay, theman123451 as this is his coin I am lending to you.

;D tried posting this about an hour but got side trackked.. yeah I am that high ;)

Im a bit confused ,someone sent me 0.03 indeed but who is he ?
theman123451   or   Japan1980

edit :
 i checked the system its Japan1980

Thank you brother , full respect !!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: anonypunk on June 27, 2013, 02:04 pm
I think I'll be the judge of that.. you dunno wanna know how many wrong keys hitting, while I'm balttering at :D

stared off with sizzup ended with molly ::)

Now I've got Three 6 Mafia playin in my head. You drank it you have to know the song! Sip. Sip. Sip Sip. Sip. Sip. Sipping on some syzurp. lol What you know about the dirty? I want to be up there up there right now.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dapj on June 27, 2013, 02:10 pm
Hello fellow SR friends (i hope we are :) ). Yes i will get responds like "i'm not your buddy or so".... :D :D.

I do not know why my karma is lowerd with -3 total in 24 hours...oh well maybe trolls (yes long time i read this word on the forum)  ;D.

To The point : Can i help someone out with spair coins (0.0x btc) or (0.xx) but then i can not help many people here  ;).

Just want to show i have a good hart too and helping others once and a while i can also ask for help if i am in need ;-).

Shoot a pm here or on SR page, send pm to dapj...same username :)

Greettzz and hope i can help today someone or maybe a couple members  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 27, 2013, 02:36 pm
For some reason I am not on the above list but no worries it was only a few bucks.

I think I got scammed out of a very large chunk of funds. I could seriously fucking cry. I mean it sucks enough that BTC is hard to get then you got people scamming folks for them. Some people happen to have issues that prevent them from working and the drug trade is the only way they can eat and also pay rent. SS dosen't cover much ya know? Sorry I'm ranting but fuck my life.  :'(
When you going to pay back the 0.02 i loaned you  :o or it,ll be the other list your on  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 27, 2013, 02:40 pm
Hello  ;) hope everyone,s good today  ;) :P :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DxM on June 27, 2013, 02:43 pm
Hey everyone,

I'm 0.08 BTC short at the moment and would like to borrow them

I will return you 0.1 BTC as soon I receive my own coins, which should be within 1-2 days

You can send to SR username: Alice

Thank you:)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 27, 2013, 02:48 pm
Hello  ;) hope everyone,s good today  ;) :P :-*

Mary I won a raffle/lottery - I don't want the prize as I have plenty and you said you were after some diazepam. If I have a word with the vendor who I'm cool with and done some business before, do you want the prize. For free, I'm not after any money for it - just a gesture of good will from me to you  :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 27, 2013, 02:51 pm
That would be great Japan  ;) :-* i,m tearing my hair out today  :( just one of them days! I,d appreciate it so much but would like to give you a bit coin for them when i have some lol Thanks so much, so generous of you  :-* :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 27, 2013, 02:57 pm
That would be great Japan  ;) :-* i,m tearing my hair out today  :( just one of them days! I,d appreciate it so much but would like to give you a bit coin for them when i have some lol Thanks so much, so generous of you  :-* :-*

I don't want any money - and if you send it to me I will just send it straight back!

You can choose any of the following

1 gram drone (4mmc)
0.6 gram MDMA
50 25iNBOMe
30 etizolam (UK/EU only)
1.2g cannabinoid of your choice

I was thinking the etizolam as it is very similar to diazepam - but if you'd rather have something else on the list then thats cool with me  8)

I'll PM the vendor - It's Dr Greenfingers (he's a decent guy so it won't be an issue)

Just a little gift from me to you  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 27, 2013, 03:02 pm
You are an AMAZING guy Japan  ;D I,ll be +1ing you when i can  ;) Thanks so much. If you think the Etizolam is just the same as vallium then i,ll go with that, i don,t know what they are though  :-[ do i just take them the same as vallium? (I,d only take 2 10mg vallium)  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 27, 2013, 03:07 pm
You are an AMAZING guy Japan  ;D I,ll be +1ing you when i can  ;) Thanks so much. If you think the Etizolam is just the same as vallium then i,ll go with that, i don,t know what they are though  :-[ do i just take them the same as vallium? (I,d only take 2 10mg vallium)  ;)

The etizolam come in 1mg pellets and 1mg is the equivalent to 10mg diazepam, so yeah just take 2 or 3 of the etizolam and you're good to go - a lot of people actually prefer eties to diazepam - but in my opinion there isn't much difference. I have about 800 various benzo's in my cupboard so I thought you'd like them  8)

i've just Pm'd him and once he replies I'll hook you up with him  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 27, 2013, 03:14 pm
Thanks so so much Japan  ;) :-* I felt quite let down by only getting 2 out of 8 loans back and 1 of them was obviously gonna pay (cause it was RS lol) but you,ve made my day and reminded me that there are some great people on here (I didn,t really forget that  ;)) but your truely selfless and i won,t forget it and neither should anyone else, top man alright  ;) :-*
I have to go just now but i,ll hopefully be on later (my pals mum,s had a heart attack, she,s in bits  :() and thanks again, bloody amazing!! :P :-* :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dapj on June 27, 2013, 03:16 pm
Hey everyone,

I'm 0.08 BTC short at the moment and would like to borrow them

I will return you 0.1 BTC as soon I receive my own coins, which should be within 1-2 days

You can send to SR username: Alice

Thank you:)

Pm me your SR username and i will hook ya up 8)

You do not have to pay back ;)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 27, 2013, 03:19 pm
Thanks so so much Japan  ;) :-* I felt quite let down by only getting 2 out of 8 loans back and 1 of them was obviously gonna pay (cause it was RS lol) but you,ve made my day and reminded me that there are some great people on here (I didn,t really forget that  ;)) but your truely selfless and i won,t forget it and neither should anyone else, top man alright  ;) :-*
I have to go just now but i,ll hopefully be on later (my pals mum,s had a heart attack, she,s in bits  :() and thanks again, bloody amazing!! :P :-* :-*

No problem Mary, hope your friends alright - Give her a big J-MAN hug.

I'll get this sorted and let you know later what the score is  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 27, 2013, 03:24 pm
Thanks Japan, my friend will melt  ;) love n hugs to you and yours  ;) :P :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DxM on June 27, 2013, 03:29 pm
Hey everyone,

I'm 0.08 BTC short at the moment and would like to borrow them

I will return you 0.1 BTC as soon I receive my own coins, which should be within 1-2 days

You can send to SR username: Alice

Thank you:)

Pm me your SR username and i will hook ya up 8)

You do not have to pay back ;)


Thank you :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dapj on June 27, 2013, 03:34 pm
Still can help for a couple members.

Have 0.11 to help out.

Would be nice if this amount can be used for minimum 2members more

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dapj on June 27, 2013, 03:36 pm
Gonna walk dog, make dinner and eat and be back then.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 27, 2013, 04:11 pm
J-Man  :)

Getting Closer to the day  :)

Mary :)

Huggles to ya young lady  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 27, 2013, 04:11 pm
have fun and be safe @ dapj  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 27, 2013, 04:34 pm
@  Descarte

i Sent you back 0.10 BTC just now.

that leave me with a 0.76 balance due to you  :)

i'll keep sending to you as it comes in  :)

Peace & Hugs to ya @ Descarte 

Chem  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jack2324 on June 27, 2013, 04:46 pm
Looking for a microloan, I will agree to a contract or whatever, but I am looking for a microloan of 0.60 btc, and will repay 1.00 btc in 7 days on the first of the month. My SR name is the same as my forum name xoxo sickgirl

I loaned 3 or so coins to her several months ago (back when coins were around 20 or 25 USD a piece, so not much) but never got a repayment.  I messaged her a few times asking and each time she told me she would get it to me ASAP.  I would be very careful with lending to sickgirl.

I have never recieved coins from someone that I have not paid back, and when I said I would. My reputation here in the forums is quite stellar, and to be added to the "shitlist" with zero evidence against me is just ridiculous and shows how down hill this place has become. I have been on SR since the beginning. Besides, I have already recieved said coins, and the kindly persno who lent them to me will be getting paid back a lot sooner than expected. Perhaps your "shitlist" should only include names that have been verified by more than 1 poster. good day! xoxo sickgirl

Not trying to be mean here or tarnish anyone's rep (mad respect for all who contribute to this thread) I really don't care that much about a couple coins, but thought others should know. 
In September I sent you coins and you said you'd get back to me in October, which was fine.  6 weeks went by and I realized I hadn't heard from you but things come up and I assumed you just forgot about it which is totally understandable so I messaged you.  On November 20th you said (this is the only message I still have because my outbox doesn't save)

Shit, I'm sorry. Things have gotten a lil crazy here, and i totally forgot. I will get you on payday with interest. SR user name is the same, yes? xoxo

I responded saying no worries whenever you get around to it, but never got anything.  I'm not asking for anything now and really a few coins isn't a big deal so it's fine.  I just wanted to point out that if you're going to get microloans, you should make sure to pay them back.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on June 27, 2013, 04:50 pm
Yo ! ChemCat and the rest you, I bid thee good day :)

I will honor my loan tomorrow as I stated when it was received and hopefully have enough left to do a small loan myself to balance my karma/yingyang/universal equilibrium stuff out.  Thanks again ChemCat the LSD got here today and we are in for a great night tomorrow (catch u soon as iv topped up in morning).

Hope every one is good, I wish peace & the buzz u get from correctly placed trust on you all  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 27, 2013, 04:51 pm
kalli  :)

Hugs to ya  :P

Thank You,

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: anonypunk on June 27, 2013, 04:55 pm
For some reason I am not on the above list but no worries it was only a few bucks.

I think I got scammed out of a very large chunk of funds. I could seriously fucking cry. I mean it sucks enough that BTC is hard to get then you got people scamming folks for them. Some people happen to have issues that prevent them from working and the drug trade is the only way they can eat and also pay rent. SS dosen't cover much ya know? Sorry I'm ranting but fuck my life.  :'(
When you going to pay back the 0.02 i loaned you  :o or it,ll be the other list your on  ;)

I had to double check my account history to make sure I am correct. You never loaned me any money. I did however send you money when you claimed I was being a "jerk" and I was slightly out of line about people posting direct clearnet links when  ou can remove the .com or the http:// so that the link isn't a direct one. Here is where I sent you coins. (copied and pasted from my account)

send to    mary666    ฿-0.02    ฿0.67    June 4, 2013, 10:19 pm UTC

I owe Box of Shapes 0.03 btc and I will get that back when people stop fucking me over. Here is that transaction. (copied and pasted from my account)

sent from    BoxofShapes    ฿0.03    ฿0.03    June 7, 2013, 6:27 pm UTC

Let me know if you have any questions of if you'd like to take a moment to go through your account.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 27, 2013, 04:59 pm
hiya anony  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 27, 2013, 05:03 pm
you were on that list when i seen it here dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=65125.6960

the lenders list.

Thank you for being civil :)

i'm sure there is a simple misunderstanding that can be rectified quite easily  :)




Took the http:// out  :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: anonypunk on June 27, 2013, 05:10 pm
Hey ChemCat. I hope you're doing well! =)

I am pretty sure I got scammed today b/ it's been 2 full days on a MP to BTC sale and I have nothing. The vendor is reading my messages and not responding. I have no clue what I was thinking as I am usually much more on my game than this. I'm slipping. LOL Myabe it's the old age hahah. Wait I'm not very old yet. Definitely not the drugs cause I have sober for a few weeks. lol
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 27, 2013, 05:16 pm


i hope you're doing well and get your coins  (Hugs)

i know what ya mean  LOL  i've been slippin lately  too  LOL  but i am old and i forget alot of things  LOL

i've had to start to write things down  lmao 
Keep us posted on the outcome of your missing BTC's

Peace & Hugs  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 27, 2013, 05:18 pm
havent gone to resolution have ya?

would it be possible to contact a vendor ya know that could speak to this other vendor for ya?

(Scratches Head)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: anonypunk on June 27, 2013, 05:29 pm
Cool will do. Another reason why I despise currency. In my utopian anarchist realm people would barter.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 27, 2013, 05:32 pm
like minds  ;)

i tell friends that all the time  LOL

for instance my neighbor like to borrow my mower  ::)

well his wife cans jellies and green beans LOL  i luvs me some fresh canned green beans  :P

needless to say i have a root cellar full of beans and jelly  LOL

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 27, 2013, 05:36 pm
Thanks Japan, my friend will melt  ;) love n hugs to you and yours  ;) :P :-*

Spoke to the vendor and he's fine with that, I'll PM you some details and get your order in girl  :-*

Much Love,

@ Chemmy hope you're well - Much Love to you too...and RS7 and the gang  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 27, 2013, 05:38 pm
am doing well brother!


just getting stuff together  ;)

tie'ng up some loose ends so to speak   LOL
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tedrux on June 27, 2013, 05:42 pm
who do I owe what? pins unlocked
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 27, 2013, 05:51 pm
send to    tedrux    ฿-0.07   June 24, 2013, 8:39 am UTC

Hiya tedrux  :)

looks like ya got it all straightened out huh?


did you get your order then?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on June 27, 2013, 05:52 pm

if anybody can help me with that 0.35 or 0.75, I would be much obliged and I'd be getting you back tomorrow.
god bless

alahverdian paid me back. very trustworthy user, thanks!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 27, 2013, 05:56 pm
Hey guys.  Hope the day is well.

who do I owe what? pins unlocked

If you click on account ---> account history you can see who sent you how much.

But I thought you were going to get something?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dapj on June 27, 2013, 05:57 pm
have fun and be safe @ dapj  :)

Thanks ChemCat  :)!
In this thread i see that there are a lot off good people on SR that help eachother out :). I wanna be a part off this, you give love and get the love back in here  8). I know how frustrating it is when you want to order and you are 0.08 coin a bummer but a good feeling when someone helps you out and someday when that person is a little short then maybe they help you out :).

Have a nice day all !!


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 27, 2013, 05:59 pm
heya Box  :)

Hope yur day is going well

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 27, 2013, 06:00 pm
ok dapj  :)

be safe today  :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 27, 2013, 06:02 pm
Greetings  earthlings , happy Thursday one and all  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on June 27, 2013, 06:03 pm
who do I owe what? pins unlocked

go to account then account history at the right hand side, it'll show everyone who sent coins. did you manage to order anything?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 27, 2013, 06:05 pm
Welcome back @ taz & Ron  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 27, 2013, 06:07 pm
Good to see you chem , how tricks ?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 27, 2013, 06:09 pm
well the girls said that tricks are slow this month  LOL

doin good just getting ready to take a nap  LOL

howzu doin taz?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 27, 2013, 06:17 pm
Not too bad thank you  , enjoy your snooze =)

Hugs  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tedrux on June 27, 2013, 06:26 pm
im still thinking. ron , you gave quiet a generous contribution of .2 . I'm guessing you want that back, yes?  cause idk what the  point of tripping is, impretty seton suicide. i dont think i wanna change mymind about it.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 27, 2013, 06:38 pm
have fun and be safe @ dapj  :)

Thanks ChemCat  :)!
In this thread i see that there are a lot off good people on SR that help eachother out :). I wanna be a part off this, you give love and get the love back in here  8). I know how frustrating it is when you want to order and you are 0.08 coin a bummer but a good feeling when someone helps you out and someday when that person is a little short then maybe they help you out :).

Have a nice day all !!


Good on you Dap - that's the spirit, that's how by principle the thread works and it's good to see new lenders adopting the philosophy that made this thread what it had become.

So +1 to you sir.

J-MAN  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 27, 2013, 06:41 pm
                                              :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) **When requesting, post your SR name** so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
bobhope333                     ++++
dapj                               ++++
dr gonzo
Kalli                       ++++
Mike Hunt
NoAddedSugar  ++++
Repus6 *
White Out


The shit list:
Autobondon *
danceandsing ++++
King Karma
lufc1992uk ++++
p4tr1ckb4t3m4n ++++
repus6 * ++++

*^*do not lend to these people*^*

(If you have given and I have missed you, I have no problem with you PMing me (BoxofShapes) for a reminder.) 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: NoAddedSugar on June 27, 2013, 06:48 pm
wohoo, I made the list! I got kicked out of my parents house today. I had to move back home whilst I looked for a job, I start my new job next week but my mother went psycho on me today, tried to beat me up with my laptop and punched my skull in a few times and kicked me out, for the most ridiculous reason. I thought I'd pop over here where there's always lots of love floating around. I think the 1st person I gave a loan to thinks that it's just charity, not a loan, but it was tiny, so I'm not bothered. Would have liked a "thank you" though! Ha :P :P :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 27, 2013, 06:49 pm

send me a msg please  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: whowhatwhere on June 27, 2013, 06:56 pm
Hello folks!  I'm just under .05BTC short on an order but I do have coins coming through on July 1st which is when I could pay it back with a bit of interest.  Can anyone help a brother out?  ;D
SR username: whowhatwhere

Thanks in advance for considering my request!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 27, 2013, 07:10 pm
wohoo, I made the list! I got kicked out of my parents house today. I had to move back home whilst I looked for a job, I start my new job next week but my mother went psycho on me today, tried to beat me up with my laptop and punched my skull in a few times and kicked me out, for the most ridiculous reason. I thought I'd pop over here where there's always lots of love floating around. I think the 1st person I gave a loan to thinks that it's just charity, not a loan, but it was tiny, so I'm not bothered. Would have liked a "thank you" though! Ha :P :P :P

Whythehell?  That's some crap man.  Hope you find some warmth here.   :-\  Good timing to give you a thank you.   :P

I owe Box of Shapes 0.03 btc and I will get that back when people stop fucking me over. Here is that transaction. (copied and pasted from my account)

sent from    BoxofShapes    ฿0.03    ฿0.03    June 7, 2013, 6:27 pm UTC

Let me know if you have any questions of if you'd like to take a moment to go through your account.

Thanks for stayin on top of it dude.  Don't stress about getting it back.  Figure out your stuff first!  This post means enough to me!

Thanks so so much Japan  ;) :-* I felt quite let down by only getting 2 out of 8 loans back and 1 of them was obviously gonna pay (cause it was RS lol) but you,ve made my day and reminded me that there are some great people on here (I didn,t really forget that  ;)) but your truely selfless and i won,t forget it and neither should anyone else, top man alright  ;) :-*
I have to go just now but i,ll hopefully be on later (my pals mum,s had a heart attack, she,s in bits  :() and thanks again, bloody amazing!! :P :-* :-*

This is so cool.  Glad there was something cool to happen out of shortfall in putting your trust out there.  Thanks for giving it a try anyway.  Hope it hasn't scared you off from hangin out. 

J-man!  You are the J-man!

heya Box  :)

Hope yur day is going well


I'm ok.  I have a lot to type today.   :P  My hands are starting to get tight.  Hope the spinal cord is being nice to you today.

im still thinking. ron , you gave quiet a generous contribution of .2 . I'm guessing you want that back, yes?  cause idk what the  point of tripping is, impretty seton suicide. i dont think i wanna change mymind about it.

I got a few things to say about this.  Give me a bit to type it out...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 27, 2013, 07:15 pm
For some reason I am not on the above list but no worries it was only a few bucks.

I think I got scammed out of a very large chunk of funds. I could seriously fucking cry. I mean it sucks enough that BTC is hard to get then you got people scamming folks for them. Some people happen to have issues that prevent them from working and the drug trade is the only way they can eat and also pay rent. SS dosen't cover much ya know? Sorry I'm ranting but fuck my life.  :'(
When you going to pay back the 0.02 i loaned you  :o or it,ll be the other list your on  ;)

I had to double check my account history to make sure I am correct. You never loaned me any money. I did however send you money when you claimed I was being a "jerk" and I was slightly out of line about people posting direct clearnet links when  ou can remove the .com or the http:// so that the link isn't a direct one. Here is where I sent you coins. (copied and pasted from my account)

send to    mary666    ฿-0.02    ฿0.67    June 4, 2013, 10:19 pm UTC

I owe Box of Shapes 0.03 btc and I will get that back when people stop fucking me over. Here is that transaction. (copied and pasted from my account)

sent from    BoxofShapes    ฿0.03    ฿0.03    June 7, 2013, 6:27 pm UTC

Let me know if you have any questions of if you'd like to take a moment to go through your account.
I apologise to you, sorry, it was the one above your name  :-[ i am really sorry about that anonypunk  ;) I didn,t call you a "jerk" though but i do remember the links lol again, i do apologise and as not trying to fuck with you at all  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 27, 2013, 07:26 pm
Hi everybody  ;) :-* :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 27, 2013, 07:26 pm
Evening ALL  8)

Just been reading back over some old posts on the thread....I ask myself how come thecrackhead isn't on the shitlist?? By the looks of things he's borrowed off a few people and never paid back.

Next time I post the list I'll add him, glad I come across this as I would have happily lent him coin as he started the thread - thank fuck I saw these posts!!

That's why it's so important the shitlist is used correctly.

Hope you're all well guys and gals  8)

Much Love,

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 27, 2013, 07:27 pm
Hi everybody  ;) :-* :-*

HIGH  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 27, 2013, 07:31 pm
HIGH Japan  ;) thanks again for the gift  :-*
thecrackhead hasn,t paid me back as i,ve said a couple of times on here  :o i have to agree he should be on the shitlist as i wouldn,t have loaned him coin if i,d known either  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 27, 2013, 07:33 pm
Hiya mary  :)

howzu and yur man doin today?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 27, 2013, 07:40 pm
HIGH Japan  ;) thanks again for the gift  :-*
thecrackhead hasn,t paid me back as i,ve said a couple of times on here  :o i have to agree he should be on the shitlist as i wouldn,t have loaned him coin if i,d known either  ;)

Have you Pm'd the Dr yet?

He's expecting you too - I spoke with him earlier, he's fine about it  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 27, 2013, 07:44 pm
@Japan.. yeah i pm,d him after i pm,d you on SR  ;) thanks hun

Hi Chemmy, we,re good , how are you today  ;) :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 27, 2013, 07:45 pm
doin good just tired of sitting  LOL
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: NoAddedSugar on June 27, 2013, 07:47 pm
+1 to the box, Hello Japan, how's tricks? I'm in a certain vendors bad books. I said I'd not repeat what was said on here though, so, you'll have to be creative and just decide on the scenario and what was said yourself! :) :) :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 27, 2013, 07:54 pm
Did you get 40 winks chem ?

Hey all =)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 27, 2013, 07:55 pm
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 27, 2013, 07:56 pm
good morning everyone
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dapj on June 27, 2013, 07:56 pm
@ bodnostrokulum : Got your pm and 0.10 btc is on the way. I hope it is something

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dapj on June 27, 2013, 07:58 pm
good morning everyone

Good evening everyone  ;)

Greettzz to all
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 27, 2013, 08:00 pm
pakchoi23 paid back .1 last night like he said :), thanks!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: yokes101 on June 27, 2013, 08:02 pm
im really sorry to do this again but im short 0.06 BTC on an order, I can repay this time next week.

Anyone feeling kind? ill think of you when im feeling high!!

username : yokes101 

Much love brothers!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 27, 2013, 08:03 pm
Hey RS , how ya doin ?

Chem - Marry - did you guys get  your d D.M.Tizzle yet ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 27, 2013, 08:06 pm
im really sorry to do this again but im short 0.06 BTC on an order, I can repay this time next week.

Anyone feeling kind? ill think of you when im feeling high!!

username : yokes101 

Much love brothers!
sent :), enjoy.
repay when you can please.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 27, 2013, 08:06 pm
never got to get a nap  LOL 

yuup got the d-m-tizzle and wow  LOL

Sweet  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 27, 2013, 08:07 pm
goot moanin RS   :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 27, 2013, 08:07 pm
Hey RS , how ya doin ?

Chem - Marry - did you guys get  your d D.M.Tizzle yet ?
little sleepy :P but good! thanks for asking :D

how you doing today brotha?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 27, 2013, 08:09 pm
guten morgen, chem katze :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: yokes101 on June 27, 2013, 08:10 pm
im really sorry to do this again but im short 0.06 BTC on an order, I can repay this time next week.

Anyone feeling kind? ill think of you when im feeling high!!

username : yokes101 

Much love brothers!
sent :), enjoy.
repay when you can please.

Thanks man it's greatly appreciated!
I'll repay you next week, Is your SR user name the same?

See you on the other side....

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 27, 2013, 08:14 pm
Nothing a cup of good morning America won't fix then =)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 27, 2013, 08:14 pm
@yokes :) you're welcome. also, thank, theman! .03 of that was his ;)
yes, my names the same from forums, you can also view the account history, to see the account name that sent you money ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bodnostrokulum on June 27, 2013, 08:14 pm
dapj !!! you leave me speechless !!
You are making a dream comme true, im trying to candyflip for so long and never got the two ingredients at the same time  ::)
now its my time brothaz  ;D

RESPECT for you and all the nice people on this platform !!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 27, 2013, 08:15 pm
Nothing a cup of good morning America won't fix then =)
waiting till I gotta shit ::) (yea TMI) sorry
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 27, 2013, 08:17 pm
poopin haagin  LOL

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 27, 2013, 08:18 pm
dapj !!! you leave me speechless !!
You are making a dream comme true, im trying to candyflip for so long and never got the two ingredients at the same time  ::)
now its my time brothaz  ;D

RESPECT for you and all the nice people on this platform !!!
:D that's great! remember drink lots if water!, take some magnesium + vitamin C (if you got),
be in a somewhat clean safe environment.. have fun! besafe ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 27, 2013, 08:26 pm
anybody got .1 collecting dust they'll lend me briefly :P?
SR name: RS7FI8ZRkm
Time frame: 1-5 days.

thanks in advance :).

sorted you there mate
:) thanks brother!
;D thanks again intraterrestrial! sending back .12 :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 27, 2013, 08:27 pm
what is candyflip

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 27, 2013, 08:28 pm
what is candyflip

LSD and MDMA ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 27, 2013, 08:29 pm
supposed to be supper nice :P but never tired it :-[.. one day though :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bodnostrokulum on June 27, 2013, 08:34 pm
dapj !!! you leave me speechless !!
You are making a dream comme true, im trying to candyflip for so long and never got the two ingredients at the same time  ::)
now its my time brothaz  ;D

RESPECT for you and all the nice people on this platform !!!
:D that's great! remember drink lots if water!, take some magnesium + vitamin C (if you got),
be in a somewhat clean safe environment.. have fun! besafe ;)

Thanks for the advice man ! Im taking various suplements every day, i know they work and i know how to stak them :) Im working out pretty seriously, im a professional nutritionist and a personal trainer . Anyone can ask me for a advice regarding his health and everything related to body composition.If you are familiar with Charles Poliquin method called Biosignature Modulation, im using it on my clients for 4 years, it works perfect  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 27, 2013, 08:35 pm
I'm doing all the better for this cup of java I just got myself ,  thanks,  feeling decidedly lackluster - a good long power walk is called for , haven't done much in the way of exercise recently .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 27, 2013, 08:37 pm
Trying to get coins today.  Don't have much time left... any suggestions?  Is bitinstant still giving people trouble?

Want to get this order in before it's sold out or the sale ends.  (pm if you want to know.  RSeven already knows)


I have enough to make the order, but it won't leave me much left for other stuff like the basics.  So I'm here now to ask for a loan for once.  I don't have a specific amount because I haven't made my deposit left, and I wanted to see how much someone would be comfortable loaning me. 

Ideally I am hoping for 1 coin but any amount will help.  I see myself being able to pay back in 2 weeks but possibly sooner.  If there isn't anything to lend I can deal with that too.  I really hope I've shown I can be trusted with this requests.  I'm not planning on running off when I've made some priceless connections in this place. 

I will be happy to keep the debt in my signature, as I thought this was a great idea.

Thanks all.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 27, 2013, 08:37 pm
I'm doing all the better for this cup of java I just got myself ,  thanks,  feeling decidedly lackluster - a good long power walk is called for , haven't done much in the way of exercise recently .
:o thanks for reminding me, my waters boiling ^_^
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 27, 2013, 08:39 pm
Trying to get coins today.  Don't have much time left... any suggestions?  Is bitinstant still giving people trouble?

Want to get this order in before it's sold out or the sale ends.  (pm if you want to know.  RSeven already knows)


I have enough to make the order, but it won't leave me much left for other stuff like the basics.  So I'm here now to ask for a loan for once.  I don't have a specific amount because I haven't made my deposit left, and I wanted to see how much someone would be comfortable loaning me. 

Ideally I am hoping for 1 coin but any amount will help.  I see myself being able to pay back in 2 weeks but possibly sooner.  If there isn't anything to lend I can deal with that too.  I really hope I've shown I can be trusted with this requests.  I'm not planning on running off when I've made some priceless connections in this place. 

I will be happy to keep the debt in my signature, as I thought this was a great idea.

Thanks all.
I'll loan you a coin but I gotta deposit -> transfer first :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: pakchoi23 on June 27, 2013, 08:40 pm
pakchoi23 paid back .1 last night like he said :), thanks!

Thank you!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 27, 2013, 08:43 pm
Yo Box - I might be able to help you out with a decent size loan, I have a holding account with some coin in.

How much you after bro?  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 27, 2013, 08:44 pm
To add.  I don't think it will sell out tonight, but the last day of the sale is tomorrow.

Trying to get coins today.  Don't have much time left... any suggestions?  Is bitinstant still giving people trouble?

Want to get this order in before it's sold out or the sale ends.  (pm if you want to know.  RSeven already knows)


I have enough to make the order, but it won't leave me much left for other stuff like the basics.  So I'm here now to ask for a loan for once.  I don't have a specific amount because I haven't made my deposit left, and I wanted to see how much someone would be comfortable loaning me. 

Ideally I am hoping for 1 coin but any amount will help.  I see myself being able to pay back in 2 weeks but possibly sooner.  If there isn't anything to lend I can deal with that too.  I really hope I've shown I can be trusted with this requests.  I'm not planning on running off when I've made some priceless connections in this place. 

I will be happy to keep the debt in my signature, as I thought this was a great idea.

Thanks all.
I'll loan you a coin but I gotta deposit -> transfer first :)

I think it will be cool if we make it by tomorrow.  There is time!   But Fuck!  Thank you if you are willing!  It really troubles me to make this request, but it would honestly really help and this is the place for it.  This is no small favor.  You already let me have a really special experience....
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 27, 2013, 08:45 pm
our paki has sent the coins back  to me as well :)

thank pak!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on June 27, 2013, 08:48 pm
Hello folks!  I'm just under .05BTC short on an order but I do have coins coming through on July 1st which is when I could pay it back with a bit of interest.  Can anyone help a brother out?  ;D
SR username: whowhatwhere

Thanks in advance for considering my request!

sent.. not sure if anyone else did as this thread is a massive clusterfuck

im still thinking. ron , you gave quiet a generous contribution of .2 . I'm guessing you want that back, yes?  cause idk what the  point of tripping is, impretty seton suicide. i dont think i wanna change mymind about it.

sure i'll have it back if you're not going to use it. hang onto it a bit longer in case you change your mind though. can't help you much on the suicide front, i feel the same way.. tripping is nice still
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 27, 2013, 08:49 pm
Damn I really wish I could help box , i only have 7 cents to send you - I really hope you get sorted .

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 27, 2013, 08:50 pm
To add.  I don't think it will sell out tonight, but the last day of the sale is tomorrow.

Trying to get coins today.  Don't have much time left... any suggestions?  Is bitinstant still giving people trouble?

Want to get this order in before it's sold out or the sale ends.  (pm if you want to know.  RSeven already knows)


I have enough to make the order, but it won't leave me much left for other stuff like the basics.  So I'm here now to ask for a loan for once.  I don't have a specific amount because I haven't made my deposit left, and I wanted to see how much someone would be comfortable loaning me. 

Ideally I am hoping for 1 coin but any amount will help.  I see myself being able to pay back in 2 weeks but possibly sooner.  If there isn't anything to lend I can deal with that too.  I really hope I've shown I can be trusted with this requests.  I'm not planning on running off when I've made some priceless connections in this place. 

I will be happy to keep the debt in my signature, as I thought this was a great idea.

Thanks all.
I'll loan you a coin but I gotta deposit -> transfer first :)

I think it will be cool if we make it by tomorrow.  There is time!   But Fuck!  Thank you if you are willing!  It really troubles me to make this request, but it would honestly really help and this is the place for it.  This is no small favor.  You already let me have a really special experience....

Box I can get 1BTC to you within an hour if you really need it bro  8)

Better to be safe, than miss out....

@ rs and chemmy - good man is our Pak - told you he's good for it  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 27, 2013, 08:51 pm
Yo Box - I might be able to help you out with a decent size loan, I have a holding account with some coin in.

How much you after bro?  8)

I don't know yet I'm trying to balance these variables for the best answer.  (Time it takes to payback)+(how much it would take to make me ok for a week or two)+(how little I can take so I am not robbing people of opportunities who are short like .01)=(how much this will help me)

Be right back, and I can be more specific.  Mom's calling me.  Have to talk to her a min. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 27, 2013, 08:52 pm
To add.  I don't think it will sell out tonight, but the last day of the sale is tomorrow.

Trying to get coins today.  Don't have much time left... any suggestions?  Is bitinstant still giving people trouble?

Want to get this order in before it's sold out or the sale ends.  (pm if you want to know.  RSeven already knows)


I have enough to make the order, but it won't leave me much left for other stuff like the basics.  So I'm here now to ask for a loan for once.  I don't have a specific amount because I haven't made my deposit left, and I wanted to see how much someone would be comfortable loaning me. 

Ideally I am hoping for 1 coin but any amount will help.  I see myself being able to pay back in 2 weeks but possibly sooner.  If there isn't anything to lend I can deal with that too.  I really hope I've shown I can be trusted with this requests.  I'm not planning on running off when I've made some priceless connections in this place. 

I will be happy to keep the debt in my signature, as I thought this was a great idea.

Thanks all.
I'll loan you a coin but I gotta deposit -> transfer first :)

I think it will be cool if we make it by tomorrow.  There is time!   But Fuck!  Thank you if you are willing!  It really troubles me to make this request, but it would honestly really help and this is the place for it.  This is no small favor.  You already let me have a really special experience....
transferring to SR ;) should be 1-2 hours away, how much are you short? :)

@ron, no think just you sent to him, :) +1
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 27, 2013, 08:55 pm
i think it's high time you think about Box for once  :)

if ya run into a snag i'll pay back J for ya allowing you more time  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 27, 2013, 08:56 pm
or RS  :o


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 27, 2013, 08:57 pm
Yo Box - I might be able to help you out with a decent size loan, I have a holding account with some coin in.

How much you after bro?  8)

I don't know yet I'm trying to balance these variables for the best answer.  (Time it takes to payback)+(how much it would take to make me ok for a week or two)+(how little I can take so I am not robbing people of opportunities who are short like .01)=(how much this will help me)

Be right back, and I can be more specific.  Mom's calling me.  Have to talk to her a min.

To be honest box I'd rather lend a large loan to someone I trust than give out loads of little loans to random people - although I still would give little loans, just being a bit cautious these days.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 27, 2013, 09:01 pm
what is candyflip

LSD and MDMA ;)

Yeah candyflping is wicked , there's something about that combination of happiness & tripping - simply bliss  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on June 27, 2013, 09:09 pm
For whats it worth , I sent my measly 7 cents box .

Come on peeps , box is always helping people here .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 27, 2013, 09:13 pm
Taz I'll happily give him anything upto a BTC if he needs it.

Like the other night with RS - we get things sorted, when a 'member' needs the help. No doubt....
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 27, 2013, 09:14 pm
Taz I'll happily give him anything upto a BTC if he needs it.

Like the other night with RS - we get things sorted, when a 'member' needs the help. No doubt....
:) <3
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: whowhatwhere on June 27, 2013, 09:16 pm
Hello folks!  I'm just under .05BTC short on an order but I do have coins coming through on July 1st which is when I could pay it back with a bit of interest.  Can anyone help a brother out?  ;D
SR username: whowhatwhere

Thanks in advance for considering my request!

sent.. not sure if anyone else did as this thread is a massive clusterfuck

im still thinking. ron , you gave quiet a generous contribution of .2 . I'm guessing you want that back, yes?  cause idk what the  point of tripping is, impretty seton suicide. i dont think i wanna change mymind about it.

sure i'll have it back if you're not going to use it. hang onto it a bit longer in case you change your mind though. can't help you much on the suicide front, i feel the same way.. tripping is nice still

Nope, just you... you're the man/woman!!  Thanks, I'll have it back to you ASAP!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on June 27, 2013, 09:16 pm
box - same name on sr??
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 27, 2013, 09:20 pm
box - same name on sr??
:) yeah, his is the same
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 27, 2013, 09:20 pm
(Sry guys.  She my mom!)

I'll send you a pm for what it is Japan.  I really believe it will still be there tomorrow.  Stuff is starting to close around me so I don't think I will be making my deposit tonight.  Is bit instant ok now?  I could still do this but wanted to make sure. 

I had my heart set on 1 coin but if I could get more it would help me massively.  I want it to be what you are comfortable with.  If you and RS are both willing to lend me 1 coin, I could so keep some gas in my car and some food besides eggs for a week or two and pay off the rest of a bill. 

I know more money is going to come my way soon, but it isn't here yet and I really want to grab this deal before then. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 27, 2013, 09:21 pm
box - same name on sr??
:) yeah, his is the same

Damn.  Broke the most basic rule!

The shape of this boxes name is the same on sr.  BoxofShapes
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on June 27, 2013, 09:22 pm
box - same name on sr??
:) yeah, his is the same

Damn.  Broke the most basic rule!

The shape of this boxes name is the same on sr.  BoxofShapes

haha check your balance mate ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper800 on June 27, 2013, 09:25 pm
Man I really wish I could help out Box. I don't have a dime.  :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 27, 2013, 09:30 pm
box - same name on sr??
:) yeah, his is the same

Damn.  Broke the most basic rule!

The shape of this boxes name is the same on sr.  BoxofShapes

haha check your balance mate ;)

Oh man.... You are a godsend.

I believe this will be plenty and I will just leave it at that. 

You will be paid back.  I swear on every shape of this box.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 27, 2013, 09:34 pm
box - same name on sr??
:) yeah, his is the same

Damn.  Broke the most basic rule!

The shape of this boxes name is the same on sr.  BoxofShapes

haha check your balance mate ;)

Oh man.... You are a godsend.

I believe this will be plenty and I will just leave it at that. 

You will be paid back.  I swear on every shape of this box.
:D you good then bro?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 27, 2013, 09:35 pm
Ron big respect +1  8)

I take it your sorted then box?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 27, 2013, 09:40 pm
Ron big respect +1  8)

I take it your sorted then box?
yes! that was pretty dope Ron, props 8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 27, 2013, 09:45 pm
Ron big respect +1  8)

I take it your sorted then box?

Yea man.  Ron has me down for 1 coin.  This will be plenty for me to stretch and life won't be so stressful while I wait for stuff.

But HOLY FUCK.  Thank you so much for your trust in me guys.  I never though this stuff be possible when I first started to wander around here.

This will so be the step I need to get my fun running again. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 27, 2013, 09:48 pm
Ron big respect +1  8)

I take it your sorted then box?

Yea man.  Ron has me down for 1 coin.  This will be plenty for me to stretch and life won't be so stressful while I wait for stuff.

But HOLY FUCK.  Thank you so much for your trust in me guys.  I never though this stuff be possible when I first started to wander around here.

This will so be the step I need to get my fun running again. 
:) we got your back brother boxy! <3
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 27, 2013, 09:50 pm
Ron big respect +1  8)

I take it your sorted then box?

Yea man.  Ron has me down for 1 coin.  This will be plenty for me to stretch and life won't be so stressful while I wait for stuff.

But HOLY FUCK.  Thank you so much for your trust in me guys.  I never though this stuff be possible when I first started to wander around here.

This will so be the step I need to get my fun running again. 
:) we got your back brother boxy! <3

I'll 2nd that RS  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 27, 2013, 09:52 pm
AND!  Such an honor to be your 100th karma Ron! 

Also y/n on BitInstant?  CC's last experience has me worried.  It's the only thing I can think of that I still have time to make a deposit though.  Alternatives?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 27, 2013, 09:58 pm
**pokes Box in the belly button**


it seems to be hit and miss. i tried it a while back...just had to use as guest with someone elses identity ::)

dont know how much yur lookin to get but i think RXking had a BTC deal ....


Peace & Purple Nurples  LOL


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 27, 2013, 10:05 pm
Yea I sent King a message earlier today, but his page says closed thurs-sunday, and I didn't get a reply back.  No blame there.

I also have been talking to White Out (aka DomesticDrops) on sr about doing a deposit, but the banks are closed now.  He was going to give me a deal cause no one has tried his service yet.  I've known White Out, long before I knew he had any intention of becoming a vendor, so I wouldn't try this out if I didn't have any pretense for him.

I will probably do the 2nd in the morning.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Tyrion Lannister on June 27, 2013, 10:12 pm
hello everybody.

i am in a need for 0.03 for an order.. bitcoin price went down and fucked me =(

the problem is: i don't know when i will be able to pay back. Bitinstant is down for my country, and i will probably not feeding my SR account anytime soon.

thanks anyone in advance =)
umm, well pm me your SR name, and jus repay whenever you can. :)

hey, i sent you my SR username, are you still up for this ? =)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 27, 2013, 10:16 pm
whats up everyone, how are you doing? Box, I've got 0.02 if you want it, its not much, but always something.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 27, 2013, 10:17 pm
hello everybody.

i am in a need for 0.03 for an order.. bitcoin price went down and fucked me =(

the problem is: i don't know when i will be able to pay back. Bitinstant is down for my country, and i will probably not feeding my SR account anytime soon.

thanks anyone in advance =)
umm, well pm me your SR name, and jus repay whenever you can. :)

hey, i sent you my SR username, are you still up for this ? =)
:o sorry, forgot about ya :-[ sending now :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 27, 2013, 10:32 pm
how have you been RS? Chem You out there? What about You Taz?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 27, 2013, 10:33 pm
:) hugs melon~man

how you doing brother :-*

busy back an fourth between thereds/PM's :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 27, 2013, 10:34 pm
how have you been RS? Chem You out there? What about You Taz?

Things have been settled.  Thank you very much for the gesture!  How are you?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 27, 2013, 10:36 pm
(just for record sake) sent boxy .5 more :)
best of luck with your purchase :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 27, 2013, 10:38 pm
(just for record sake) sent boxy .5 more :)
best of luck with your purchase :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 27, 2013, 10:42 pm
right here  :)  just doin some work and poppin back and forth  LOL

how ya been mel?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 27, 2013, 10:45 pm
Im doing well guys, been busy therefore didnt really show up in this thread for the past few days. I am getting a bit worried though, I am waiting for a package from canada, and although it takes up to 10 days or more for shipping, most people wait a week and a day at most (its been 9 days for me), the reason im worried is that my previous package (letter containing small sample of weed) came open (the whole side edge of the envelope was cut open) and the fact that the sample was still inside fucks with my mind cos I dont know whether to anticipate the package or the love letter :) hahah uncertainty is a bitch and it would be a shame if the package got caught cos, at least thats how i see it, I invested quite a bit in it

@Hows your back treating you chem?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Tyrion Lannister on June 27, 2013, 10:45 pm
hello everybody.

i am in a need for 0.03 for an order.. bitcoin price went down and fucked me =(

the problem is: i don't know when i will be able to pay back. Bitinstant is down for my country, and i will probably not feeding my SR account anytime soon.

thanks anyone in advance =)
umm, well pm me your SR name, and jus repay whenever you can. :)

hey, i sent you my SR username, are you still up for this ? =)
:o sorry, forgot about ya :-[ sending now :)

thanks a lot =)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 27, 2013, 10:57 pm
Hi sorry i,m sitting with my friend, didn,t want to be ignorant and sit and type lol  :-[ Hope everyone,s good tonight, you,s don,t half get through the pages  ::) Ha Ha

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 27, 2013, 10:58 pm
hello everybody.

i am in a need for 0.03 for an order.. bitcoin price went down and fucked me =(

the problem is: i don't know when i will be able to pay back. Bitinstant is down for my country, and i will probably not feeding my SR account anytime soon.

thanks anyone in advance =)
umm, well pm me your SR name, and jus repay whenever you can. :)

hey, i sent you my SR username, are you still up for this ? =)
:o sorry, forgot about ya :-[ sending now :)

thanks a lot =)
you're welcome :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 27, 2013, 10:59 pm
Hi sorry i,m sitting with my friend, didn,t want to be ignorant and sit and type lol  :-[ Hope everyone,s good tonight, you,s don,t half get through the pages  ::) Ha Ha

:) (hugs) back @ ya love.

hope everything's G 8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 27, 2013, 11:01 pm
oh well shoot fire, mel  :o

i dont think ya have anything to worry about :)

if customs got it you would have recieved the love letter.

personally...and this is just my opinion...i just think it's the slow post..ya know?

backs sore as all get out, was good today for a bit, gonna have to go back to the doc soon i suppose..



Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 27, 2013, 11:03 pm
hugs to you and your friend mary  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 27, 2013, 11:06 pm
                                              :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) **When requesting, post your SR name** so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
bobhope333                     ++++
dapj                               ++++
dr gonzo
Kalli                       ++++
Mike Hunt
NoAddedSugar  ++++
Repus6 *
White Out


The shit list:
Autobondon *
danceandsing ++++
King Karma
lufc1992uk ++++
p4tr1ckb4t3m4n ++++
repus6 * ++++

*^*do not lend to these people*^*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 27, 2013, 11:07 pm
my the list has grown :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 27, 2013, 11:10 pm
oh well shoot fire, mel  :o

i dont think ya have anything to worry about :)

if customs got it you would have recieved the love letter.

personally...and this is just my opinion...i just think it's the slow post..ya know?

backs sore as all get out, was good today for a bit, gonna have to go back to the doc soon i suppose..




Thanks Chem, yeah, normally I wouldn't be bothered, but its just that extra level of uncertainty :) I think you are right though Chem, the post seems to be quite slow lately and I won't worry for now. Shame about Your back Chem, I wouldn't wish that on anyone, especially You my friend, you don't deserve it.

@Whats up mary, how are You ? :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 27, 2013, 11:13 pm
Hi sorry i,m sitting with my friend, didn,t want to be ignorant and sit and type lol  :-[ Hope everyone,s good tonight, you,s don,t half get through the pages  ::) Ha Ha


No doubt!  Your in good company!

Im doing well guys, been busy therefore didnt really show up in this thread for the past few days. I am getting a bit worried though, I am waiting for a package from canada, and although it takes up to 10 days or more for shipping, most people wait a week and a day at most (its been 9 days for me), the reason im worried is that my previous package (letter containing small sample of weed) came open (the whole side edge of the envelope was cut open) and the fact that the sample was still inside fucks with my mind cos I dont know whether to anticipate the package or the love letter :) hahah uncertainty is a bitch and it would be a shame if the package got caught cos, at least thats how i see it, I invested quite a bit in it

Be safe man.  Not a good feeling
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 27, 2013, 11:20 pm
On completely unrelated note, I have watched a documentary on black holes today and it has completely fucked my mind up. Apparently our galaxy, as well as every other galaxy out there, are created and controlled by black holes which are the size of a coin or even smaller. These black holes suck in everything around them, "recycling" stars and clouds of gases that are sucked in, spitting out energy and new molecules which form new stars and eventually planets...Us, humans, and everything else, was essentially at some point just a star/cloud of gas and look at us now. Looking at the world from that perspective makes me realize how insignificant we really are and and makes me angry that society gives some people the right to control us (ie governments and police, acting like they are better and telling us what to do), in the same way (sorry for using that example) when tedrux wanted to kill him self, why was it so important that he didnt kill him self, afterall we were just crearted by accident, from some gas cloud/star, in the place that's over 14 billion years just blows my mind you know?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 27, 2013, 11:23 pm
its all theory ::)

how the fuck would anyone be able to really know :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 27, 2013, 11:25 pm
You could throw yourself into a black hole  Then you would know
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tedrux on June 27, 2013, 11:26 pm
it really wasn't important that I didn't to the universe. individual members of the universe though might object.  then again some are tired of objecting. me , myself, besides all the existential dread, when I catch a glimpse of my ideal 'good man' I dont fit it and from all I've been told due to my behavior I never will. but yeah, even that standard seems irrelevent to human experience as were all on our way back to dust.  i guess just accept that we are conscious and care without questioning why we care too much. the line of too much mainly up to either your own good judgement or losing sleep over it.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 27, 2013, 11:29 pm
its all theory ::)

how the fuck would anyone be able to really know :P
When they explained it, it made sense :D haha, there is supposed to be a black hole in the middle of our galaxy (this year its gonna suck up some gaseous could :D), they found it because they said that they looked where they have predicted that the black hole would be and realized that something has got a really strong gravity pull in this area, which theoretically/mathematically could only be a black hole. At the same time, I do know its just a theory, however its more plausible to me than religion (no offense to anyone who believes in religion)

@tedrux, but that is what makes me angry, what gives anyone a right to tell us what we are supposed to be and what a good member of the society is supposed to look like, for all we know, Individuals who don't live by the societies standards could be in the right that is if there even is a right you know?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: TheEntrepreneur on June 27, 2013, 11:32 pm
Hey guys, I just spammed my way to 50 posts so I could ask for your help. I am now $0.15 short on my order. I'm not sure exactly how many bitcoins that comes out to but I assume 0.02 bitcoins would be enough.

If anyone feels like helping out, my bitcoin address is: 15QDUofHWZvPtYY4GsevfwawHQLeUo6Sj8


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tedrux on June 27, 2013, 11:32 pm
I struggled with this too but I had some inclinations about right and wrong. nothing coherently put together but they were there. I dont think I have put faith in christ unfortunately but I put faith in 'her' . she decides now if I meet her approval and that may seem rediculous to you but it has meaning to me and thats exactly how it should be.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 27, 2013, 11:33 pm
it really wasn't important that I didn't to the universe. individual members of the universe though might object.  then again some are tired of objecting. me , myself, besides all the existential dread, when I catch a glimpse of my ideal 'good man' I dont fit it and from all I've been told due to my behavior I never will. but yeah, even that standard seems irrelevent to human experience as were all on our way back to dust.  i guess just accept that we are conscious and care without questioning why we care too much. the line of too much mainly up to either your own good judgement or losing sleep over it.
that wasn't cryptic.. :o

anyway whats going on? were you able to get your goods ???

(hugs) good morning/evening to ya :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 27, 2013, 11:34 pm
Hey guys, I just spammed my way to 50 posts so I could ask for your help. I am now $0.15 short on my order. I'm not sure exactly how many bitcoins that comes out to but I assume 0.02 bitcoins would be enough.

If anyone feels like helping out, my bitcoin address is: 15QDUofHWZvPtYY4GsevfwawHQLeUo6Sj8

I'll help you, except what's your SR username I'll transfer it direct..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: TheEntrepreneur on June 27, 2013, 11:36 pm
RS7FI8ZRkm, I like the Dre dogg sig. I'm on the east coast so I don't run into too many people who know of him.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: TheEntrepreneur on June 27, 2013, 11:37 pm
My username is TheEntrepreneur there, also. Appreciate it brotha
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 27, 2013, 11:41 pm
I struggled with this too but I had some inclinations about right and wrong. nothing coherently put together but they were there. I dont think I have put faith in christ unfortunately but I put faith in 'her' . she decides now if I meet her approval and that may seem rediculous to you but it has meaning to me and thats exactly how it should be.

tedrux, in no way it is ridiculous to me, I do respect other peoples opinions/believes because my believes/opinions are what makes sense to me, and life worth living the way I want to live it, therefore making me happy. I do accept that what I believe is just theory/speculation, but that is what life is to me, even if it was the most incorrect belief by everyone elses standards
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 27, 2013, 11:42 pm

0.002 sent to TheEntrepreneur! welcome an safe travels down the road :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: TheEntrepreneur on June 27, 2013, 11:44 pm

0.002 sent to TheEntrepreneur! welcome an safe travels down the road :)

Yep, there it is! Thanks again and same to you
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 27, 2013, 11:51 pm
:) alright lovely droogies, I'll be back little later.. take care y'all.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 27, 2013, 11:52 pm
tedrux, some of us honestly care about expectations..sight're and electronic entity with a personality.


I know, I for one, tried to talk you out of your suicidal thoughts, only because i couldnt reach out and touch you, to tell you that it'll be alright.
    In my Life, i've found this to be true for most people that speak of suicide. It's a farce, most of the time very lonely people....that is just my educated findings for the most part...but brought alot of us together  :)

tedrux, if ya kill yourself, well then Goodbye and i hope your essence finds a peaceful place :)

if ya dont kill yurself   :)  well  then you keep posting cuz i see some good things in you  :)

So, do whatever your gonna do .....either way you have my blessings  :)

Peace & Hugs to you  :)



                                                  # # EDIT # #
                                     I didnt mean to come off as an ass or uncaring...Just sayin..
                                      I Hope that whatever you Decide, You find Happiness!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 28, 2013, 12:01 am
Anyways, Im off to bed as well. Take care everyone and stay safe. Hugs to chem, tedrux, box, mary and RS.

@tedrux, once again tedrux, sorry for using that example, but I've been having a hard time recently as well, and trust me when I say that I completely understand how you feel because I have been going through a similar thing not so long ago and I feel like it coul be relapsing.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on June 28, 2013, 12:40 am
tedrux, some of us honestly care about expectations..sight're and electronic entity with a personality.


I know, I for one, tried to talk you out of your suicidal thoughts, only because i couldnt reach out and touch you, to tell you that it'll be alright.
    In my Life, i've found this to be true for most people that speak of suicide. It's a farce, most of the time very lonely people....that is just my educated findings for the most part...but brought alot of us together  :)

tedrux, if ya kill yourself, well then Goodbye and i hope your essence finds a peaceful place :)

if ya dont kill yurself   :)  well  then you keep posting cuz i see some good things in you  :)

So, do whatever your gonna do .....either way you have my blessings  :)

Peace & Hugs to you  :)



Wha wha?!? Suicide!!  ???
No no no no no
Permanent solution to a temporary problem!!
Avoid at all cost!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 28, 2013, 01:23 am
Had a major lazer blazer of some fine arse weed and fell asleep for a few hours  8)

Hope I didn't miss much, and boxy that loan is still there if you need it - although I've just read your PM.

So now I'm wide awake - doing the UK night shift I guess  :o

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: canada420 on June 28, 2013, 01:26 am
could anybody spare .02 btc so I can get a sample?

I can pay it back in about a week

EDIT: please send to my SR account canada420 if you can lend me .02 btc :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 28, 2013, 01:29 am
could anybody spare .02 btc so I can get a sample?

I can pay it back in about a week

No Problem.

Whats your SR username sir and I'll send it over...

Please return when you can though  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: canada420 on June 28, 2013, 01:40 am
could anybody spare .02 btc so I can get a sample?

I can pay it back in about a week

No Problem.

Whats your SR username sir and I'll send it over...

Please return when you can though  8)
thanks a lot :)

my SR account is canada420

I might be able to repay you tonight.. I just found a vendor who accepts interac-e transfer :) if it doesn't workout then I'll be 1 week max!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 28, 2013, 01:41 am
Sent  8)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: canada420 on June 28, 2013, 01:46 am
Sent  8)

wohoo thanks :D

I'll throw you some karma once my cooldown is done! :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 28, 2013, 01:51 am
No Problem  8)

Just gave you +1

The cooldown period is only for individuals, it's not for giving karma out as a whole to others.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 28, 2013, 01:52 am
Hey J man.  You're an awesome guy for sure.  Anymore than 1.5 and it will drive me crazy knowing I have that much out there.  It's enough as it is for my mind to burden.

Just got to wait until morning at this point.  Still plenty left so I feel good about grabbing one.

Been in contact with White Out as well and its on as planned.  Still stunned this all came together. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: canada420 on June 28, 2013, 01:54 am
No Problem  8)

Just gave you +1

The cooldown period is only for individuals, it's not for giving karma out as a whole to others.
wow I can't believe I didn't realize that

thanks haha!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: FredLint on June 28, 2013, 02:02 am
.....   .... . . . Fred lint can back me up on my veracity, as well as vendor mom n pop, and drpvmd, with whom I have made several off sites deals with. xoxo sickgirl

He can and does! sickgirl is a straight shooter! Don't fuck with her ..... I mean that!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 28, 2013, 02:02 am
Hey J man.  You're an awesome guy for sure.  Anymore than 1.5 and it will drive me crazy knowing I have that much out there.  It's enough as it is for my mind to burden.

Just got to wait until morning at this point.  Still plenty left so I feel good about grabbing one.

Been in contact with White Out as well and its on as planned.  Still stunned this all came together.

Yeah from what I gather and the link you sent me - them guys roll deep. They don't fuck about with small amounts, I'm sure they'll be stocked to the hills.

But as you can see I'm giving out a few small loans, so last chance saloon if you want it from me my man  8)

But I also get what you mean, I wouldn't want too much loanage hangin over me. But I'm still cool to throw it your way bro if you've changed your mind!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 28, 2013, 02:06 am
.....   .... . . . Fred lint can back me up on my veracity, as well as vendor mom n pop, and drpvmd, with whom I have made several off sites deals with. xoxo sickgirl

He can and does! sickgirl is a straight shooter! Don't fuck with her ..... I mean that!


WTF is this about? Do we have a keyboard warrior turn up fully loaded....?  :o
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: saranottegan on June 28, 2013, 02:09 am
good evening, everybody!

so i was all set to place an order, and the price went up .02btc. Can I borrow it from someone tonight and I will repay .03btc tomorrow when i repay japan1980?

thank you in advance... SR has an awesome community that I'm glad to be a part of :)

SR name is saranottegan
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 28, 2013, 02:18 am
When sickgirl asked for .6 recently Jack2324 said he let her borrow 3 coins a long time ago and never paid back.  SG said she never got the coin and there was nothing to pay back.  I think it was so long ago, you can't look up the record of it. 

Idk.  I don't really have any personal judgements one way or the other, but I do appreciate it being discussed out in the open.

SG did pay back the recent loan tho.   :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 28, 2013, 02:21 am
good evening, everybody!

so i was all set to place an order, and the price went up .02btc. Can I borrow it from someone tonight and I will repay .03btc tomorrow when i repay japan1980?

thank you in advance... SR has an awesome community that I'm glad to be a part of :)

SR name is saranottegan

sent 0.2  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: saranottegan on June 28, 2013, 02:27 am
good evening, everybody!

so i was all set to place an order, and the price went up .02btc. Can I borrow it from someone tonight and I will repay .03btc tomorrow when i repay japan1980?

thank you in advance... SR has an awesome community that I'm glad to be a part of :)

SR name is saranottegan

sent 0.2  8)

thank you! could you actually send .01 more? apparently SR hates me tonight! i'm sending you back .10 tomorrow for being so helpful :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 28, 2013, 02:28 am
Hey J man.  You're an awesome guy for sure.  Anymore than 1.5 and it will drive me crazy knowing I have that much out there.  It's enough as it is for my mind to burden.

Just got to wait until morning at this point.  Still plenty left so I feel good about grabbing one.

Been in contact with White Out as well and its on as planned.  Still stunned this all came together.

Yeah from what I gather and the link you sent me - them guys roll deep. They don't fuck about with small amounts, I'm sure they'll be stocked to the hills.

But as you can see I'm giving out a few small loans, so last chance saloon if you want it from me my man  8)

But I also get what you mean, I wouldn't want too much loanage hangin over me. But I'm still cool to throw it your way bro if you've changed your mind!!

Oh god I would have loved to go bigger.  I'm just playin it safe so if something happens, I'm not completely wiped, and I could at least pay the debts.

If it plays out right this time, it will be no problem next time.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 28, 2013, 02:30 am
good evening, everybody!

so i was all set to place an order, and the price went up .02btc. Can I borrow it from someone tonight and I will repay .03btc tomorrow when i repay japan1980?

thank you in advance... SR has an awesome community that I'm glad to be a part of :)

SR name is saranottegan

sent 0.2  8)

thank you! could you actually send .01 more? apparently SR hates me tonight! i'm sending you back .10 tomorrow for being so helpful :)

Ok buddy no problem - sent  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 28, 2013, 02:34 am
I'm thinking about it too much now. :P  I'ma head out before it twists me up like a rubik's cube.  I should get some work done.

Have a peaceful night guy.

Be well everyone.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: shocky on June 28, 2013, 03:34 am
Looking for .02 btc or so. I have $2 in my account, I want to buy a cigar or something with it, but shipping is also $2....
Not going to pay you back, but when I have my cigar, I'll look into the sunset, tip back my hat and nod, thinking of you with pride.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 28, 2013, 04:03 am
Looking for .02 btc or so. I have $2 in my account, I want to buy a cigar or something with it, but shipping is also $2....
Not going to pay you back, but when I have my cigar, I'll look into the sunset, tip back my hat and nod, thinking of you with pride.

:P least hes honest..

I am back, how has everybody's day been so far :)?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: anonypunk on June 28, 2013, 04:25 am
For some reason I am not on the above list but no worries it was only a few bucks.

I think I got scammed out of a very large chunk of funds. I could seriously fucking cry. I mean it sucks enough that BTC is hard to get then you got people scamming folks for them. Some people happen to have issues that prevent them from working and the drug trade is the only way they can eat and also pay rent. SS dosen't cover much ya know? Sorry I'm ranting but fuck my life.  :'(
When you going to pay back the 0.02 i loaned you  :o or it,ll be the other list your on  ;)

I had to double check my account history to make sure I am correct. You never loaned me any money. I did however send you money when you claimed I was being a "jerk" and I was slightly out of line about people posting direct clearnet links when  ou can remove the .com or the http:// so that the link isn't a direct one. Here is where I sent you coins. (copied and pasted from my account)

send to    mary666    ฿-0.02    ฿0.67    June 4, 2013, 10:19 pm UTC

I owe Box of Shapes 0.03 btc and I will get that back when people stop fucking me over. Here is that transaction. (copied and pasted from my account)

sent from    BoxofShapes    ฿0.03    ฿0.03    June 7, 2013, 6:27 pm UTC

Let me know if you have any questions of if you'd like to take a moment to go through your account.
I apologise to you, sorry, it was the one above your name  :-[ i am really sorry about that anonypunk  ;) I didn,t call you a "jerk" though but i do remember the links lol again, i do apologise and as not trying to fuck with you at all  ;)

Aint no thing but a chicken wing!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jack2324 on June 28, 2013, 04:29 am
When sickgirl asked for .6 recently Jack2324 said he let her borrow 3 coins a long time ago and never paid back.  SG said she never got the coin and there was nothing to pay back.  I think it was so long ago, you can't look up the record of it. 

Idk.  I don't really have any personal judgements one way or the other, but I do appreciate it being discussed out in the open.

SG did pay back the recent loan tho.   :)

Thanks for simplifying that BoxofShapes!  Again, I'm not demanding coins or trying to start something (I don't get on here often enough to do that lol) but I ended up clicking on this thread when sickgirl posted and thought I'd just point out what happened.  No harm or hard feelings on my end though.  Life goes on and it might be worthwhile to just forget this ever happened.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 28, 2013, 04:42 am
Looking for .02 btc or so. I have $2 in my account, I want to buy a cigar or something with it, but shipping is also $2....
Not going to pay you back, but when I have my cigar, I'll look into the sunset, tip back my hat and nod, thinking of you with pride.

:P least hes honest..

I am back, how has everybody's day been so far :)?

HIGH RS - Good Morning brother  8)

I've been up all night dosing in and out of a coma, smoking some heavy duty Ganja when I'm out the coma, allowing me to slip back in nicely.

It's 5:30am here - but as you can see I've been around all night  :o

How's you?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 28, 2013, 05:08 am
good evening bro :D, I'm not bad, just sitting back from long day in town.. drinking some beer 8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: beastpiss77 on June 28, 2013, 05:30 am
Dammit, I'm 0.03 btc short for shipping. Can anyone spare? Thanks!

SR user name beastpiss
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 28, 2013, 05:33 am
Dammit, I'm 0.03 btc short for shipping. Can anyone spare? Thanks!

SR user name beastpiss
you paying back or no?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: beastpiss77 on June 28, 2013, 05:56 am
I will, but honestly, not for a while. I'm only able to purchase BTC about once a month.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 28, 2013, 06:19 am
I will, but honestly, not for a while. I'm only able to purchase BTC about once a month.
sent :), enjoy.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 28, 2013, 07:13 am
the RC is a joke or what?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: saranottegan on June 28, 2013, 07:39 am
good evening, everybody!

so i was all set to place an order, and the price went up .02btc. Can I borrow it from someone tonight and I will repay .03btc tomorrow when i repay japan1980?

thank you in advance... SR has an awesome community that I'm glad to be a part of :)

SR name is saranottegan

sent 0.2  8)

thank you! could you actually send .01 more? apparently SR hates me tonight! i'm sending you back .10 tomorrow for being so helpful :)

Ok buddy no problem - sent  8)

Thank you, friend! I sent you +1 until I can send you .1 bitcoin a little later today (June 28th!)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 28, 2013, 10:18 am
Morning all  ;) hope everyone,s well, shitty weather today, you can tell schools broke off, it brings the rain lol  :o to finally +1 you again Japan  ;) how you doing today? The Dr pm,d me he,s sending that out, thanks again J-Man  :-*

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: crazyburnout on June 28, 2013, 11:06 am
okay so i made my deposit on my way to work yesterday and came on to place my order this morning. long story short bitcoins devalued about 4 bucks per coin leaving me just a bit short on what i need. does anybody have it in their heart to help me out with .1 coin? please and thank you. i can either pay you back when i get more cash on here or i can just promise to pay it forward. help is greatly appreciated. my name here is the same as my name on the road so it can be sent to crazyburnout on the road. thanks again guys
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Intraterrestrial on June 28, 2013, 11:16 am
RS7FI8ZRkm - many thanks for repayment
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on June 28, 2013, 12:37 pm
I bid all of thee good day :)

Just waiting on my cash that's getting turned to bitcoins and I get to pay back what I owe, I am pretty pleased my wages actually went in on time !

Hope everything is good for you all and will drop by in a bit to catch up with ChemCat my loan angel ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Minchia on June 28, 2013, 01:00 pm
since i collect lots of - Karma im closing my request.
a simple 'no we do not loan you anything' would have been sufficient

thx anyways
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 28, 2013, 02:02 pm
HIGH all  8)

Anychance any of the regulars or anyone for that matter can lend me .35 for a maximum of 2 hours?

Really need to get an order in quick...

J-Man  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Intraterrestrial on June 28, 2013, 02:09 pm
HIGH all  8)

Anychance any of the regulars or anyone for that matter can lend me .35 for a maximum of 2 hours?

Really need to get an order in quick...

J-Man  8)

Gotcha again there Japan mate :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: crazyburnout on June 28, 2013, 02:10 pm
soo any help with the .1 bitcoins? please anybody?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Minchia on June 28, 2013, 02:15 pm
HIGH all  8)

Anychance any of the regulars or anyone for that matter can lend me .35 for a maximum of 2 hours?

Really need to get an order in quick...

J-Man  8)

sent you 0,35

edit: well i see i was to late with my loan, so you may send it back 0.35 to 'minchia'
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Intraterrestrial on June 28, 2013, 02:17 pm
HIGH all  8)

Anychance any of the regulars or anyone for that matter can lend me .35 for a maximum of 2 hours?

Really need to get an order in quick...

J-Man  8)

sent you 0,35

already sent to him, see above
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Intraterrestrial on June 28, 2013, 02:19 pm
soo any help with the .1 bitcoins? please anybody?

Hey mate would've helped you but need btc for an order later on....only helped Japan out as he said he would repay today...good luck though
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: crazyburnout on June 28, 2013, 02:20 pm
HIGH all  8)

Anychance any of the regulars or anyone for that matter can lend me .35 for a maximum of 2 hours?

Really need to get an order in quick...

J-Man  8)

sent you 0,35

already sent to him, see above

lol thats cool thanks for the thought. i wasnt asking you specifically. just anybody with a spare .1
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 28, 2013, 02:23 pm
Hi can anyone loan me 0.03 till tomorrow  ;) SR name the same, will pay back Tues, thanks in advance  ;)
Sorry just edited to 0.03, thanks  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 28, 2013, 02:28 pm
Fuck I miscalculated - I needed another 0.023 if possible someone.

Got coin coming VERY soon just need to get this order in before cut off point.

Nice one Intraterrestrial  ;)

Just seen you both paid - I'll pay you both back within an hour. 100% guaranteed  8)

Thanks - I have 0.327 that one of you can have now, or wait an hour and I'll pay you both back the whole amount in one hit, with a little interest  8)

Thanks Minchia  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Intraterrestrial on June 28, 2013, 02:29 pm
Hi can anyone loan me 0.02 till tomorrow  ;) SR name the same, will pay back Tues, thanks in advance  ;)
Sorry just edited to 0.02, thanks  ;)

sorting ya now mary
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 28, 2013, 02:34 pm
Hi can anyone loan me 0.02 till tomorrow  ;) SR name the same, will pay back Tues, thanks in advance  ;)
Sorry just edited to 0.02, thanks  ;)

sorting ya now mary
Thanks Intra  ;) I actally need 0.03, it,s me i can,t count lol i,m just panicking got an order cancelled cause they,ve ran out and hoping if i order with someone else it may get posted today, thanks so much  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Minchia on June 28, 2013, 02:35 pm
Fuck I miscalculated - I needed another 0.023 if possible someone.

Got coin coming VERY soon just need to get this order in before cut off point.

Nice one Intraterrestrial  ;)

Just seen you both paid - I'll pay you both back within an hour. 100% guaranteed  8)

Thanks - I have 0.327 that one of you can have now, or wait an hour and I'll pay you both back the whole amount in one hit, with a little interest  8)

Thanks Minchia  ;D

thx i can wait
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 28, 2013, 02:38 pm
HIGH all  8)

Anychance any of the regulars or anyone for that matter can lend me .35 for a maximum of 2 hours?

Really need to get an order in quick...

J-Man  8)

sent you 0,35

edit: well i see i was to late with my loan, so you may send it back 0.35 to 'minchia'

If you wait an hour you can have it back with some interest - I have 0.327 if you want that now and the rest within an hour?

But thanks, much appreciated either way. Very kind of you
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 28, 2013, 02:39 pm
I,m still short 0.01 if anyone can help till Tuesday  :-[ Thanks  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: crazyburnout on June 28, 2013, 02:41 pm
im still trying to get .1 otherwise i would donate whatever i had left
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 28, 2013, 02:48 pm
I,m still short 0.01 if anyone can help till Tuesday  :-[ Thanks  ;)

Sent  8)

Don't worry about paying it back.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 28, 2013, 02:52 pm
Japan your the man  ;) Thanks hun and i,ll pay you back anyway and you will take it lol  ;) :-*  Thanks hun  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 28, 2013, 03:00 pm
Japan and Intraterrestrial, ive sent back your coin  ;)  when i went to order it had dropped 0.03 lol  not like me to have luck! Thanks guys  :-* :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 28, 2013, 03:11 pm
Japan and Intraterrestrial, ive sent back your coin  ;)  when i went to order it had dropped 0.03 lol  not like me to have luck! Thanks guys  :-* :-*

I didn't want it back GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR  8)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: crazyburnout on June 28, 2013, 03:25 pm
really? all this coin passed around and no one can loan me .1 for a day? thanks guys forget it i will just order a different listing
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 28, 2013, 03:30 pm
Fuck I miscalculated - I needed another 0.023 if possible someone.

Got coin coming VERY soon just need to get this order in before cut off point.

Nice one Intraterrestrial  ;)

Just seen you both paid - I'll pay you both back within an hour. 100% guaranteed  8)

Thanks - I have 0.327 that one of you can have now, or wait an hour and I'll pay you both back the whole amount in one hit, with a little interest  8)

Thanks Minchia  ;D

thx i can wait

0.4 paid back now.

Intraterrestrial - yours will be there in about 20 mins.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DxM on June 28, 2013, 04:08 pm
Returned 0.1 BTC to dapj even though you told me you don't need :P

Keep up the light :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 28, 2013, 04:11 pm
HIGH all  8)

Anychance any of the regulars or anyone for that matter can lend me .35 for a maximum of 2 hours?

Really need to get an order in quick...

J-Man  8)

Gotcha again there Japan mate :)

0.4 returned to you kind sir  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 28, 2013, 04:13 pm

I Love Ya'll  :)

just waitin to go to the bitcoin depot to get some coins for product  ;)

J-Man, hopefully sooner than later will the shop be open  ;)

Peace & Hugs to you All  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DxM on June 28, 2013, 04:16 pm
*hugs* ChemCat :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 28, 2013, 04:18 pm
Chemmy - hope you're well bro  8)

I'm negotiating some deals as we speak, so I'll be in touch when the pharmacy sort me what I want for what I want to pay  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 28, 2013, 04:18 pm
Hiya and Hugs to ya Dx  :)

where ya been?  LOL

havent seen you in a good minute  :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thelorax on June 28, 2013, 04:21 pm
whos got  45 dollars i can borrow? i will pay back 55 asap
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 28, 2013, 04:26 pm
sorry lorax, kinda broke at the moment  :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: PerPETualMOtion on June 28, 2013, 04:31 pm
 ;D Hi all  ;D

About to transgress into a tweekin' weekend at work. Take care!

Be easy.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: saranottegan on June 28, 2013, 04:41 pm
good evening, everybody!

so i was all set to place an order, and the price went up .02btc. Can I borrow it from someone tonight and I will repay .03btc tomorrow when i repay japan1980?

thank you in advance... SR has an awesome community that I'm glad to be a part of :)

SR name is saranottegan

sent 0.2  8)

thank you! could you actually send .01 more? apparently SR hates me tonight! i'm sending you back .10 tomorrow for being so helpful :)

Ok buddy no problem - sent  8)

Thank you, friend! I sent you +1 until I can send you .1 bitcoin a little later today (June 28th!)

@Japan1980 - over the past few days, you've sent me 0.07 btc -- I just sent you 0.10 btc to repay you, plus a little to say Thank you!!! :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 28, 2013, 04:45 pm
Thanks bro, I'll happily help you out if you're ever in need - you're on my trusted list  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: SammyTheBull on June 28, 2013, 06:13 pm
Wondering if anyone could help me out. I'm short $20 on a large order. I can pay back by Sunday (with interest if you like).

SR name: Sammythebull
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 28, 2013, 06:14 pm
whos got  45 dollars i can borrow? i will pay back 55 asap
anybody vouch for lorax :)?

morning all
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 28, 2013, 06:15 pm
is the resolution center a big fucking joke or what :(?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: betaraybob on June 28, 2013, 06:31 pm
whos got  45 dollars i can borrow? i will pay back 55 asap

i got almost $5 for you if still in need
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: theman123451 on June 28, 2013, 06:32 pm
HELLO EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!!! (dr. nick's voice from the Simpsons)

The sea's only gifts are harsh blows, and occasionally the chance to feel strong. Now I don't know much about the sea, but I do know that

that's the way it is here. And I also know how important it is in life not necessarily to be strong but to feel strong. To measure yourself at least

once. To find yourself at least once in the most ancient of human conditions. Facing the blind deaf stone alone, with nothing to help you but

your hands and your own head.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 28, 2013, 06:33 pm
well shit  :o

anyone have an extra 1 bitcoin? i'll pay ya back tomorrow, i over went my limit for today  ::)

SR name = ChemCat

Thanks  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dirtybiscuitzz718 on June 28, 2013, 06:35 pm
whos got  45 dollars i can borrow? i will pay back 55 asap
anybody vouch for lorax :)?

morning all

I can vouch for the lorax, being a solid member of the community. Ive never borrowed or lent coin from him though. Much love.

PS i have three or four bucks to lend if any one might need.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 28, 2013, 06:42 pm
well shit  :o

anyone have an extra 1 bitcoin? i'll pay ya back tomorrow, i over went my limit for today  ::)

SR name = ChemCat

Thanks  :)
:o sorry lorax, but my chemmycat takes priority :)
sending 1 btc at ya chem
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 28, 2013, 06:44 pm
well shit  :o

anyone have an extra 1 bitcoin? i'll pay ya back tomorrow, i over went my limit for today  ::)

SR name = ChemCat

Thanks  :)
:o sorry lorax, but my chemmycat takes priority :)
sending 1 btc at ya chem
:) sent
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 28, 2013, 06:46 pm
however, I still have .18 I can lend to you, if you like sir lorax :)?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: canada420 on June 28, 2013, 06:46 pm
returned .02 to 1LTQjVKB9V59Q64GD8wQedfMzDZWvZGsi6

thanks Japan :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: The Missus on June 28, 2013, 06:49 pm
I've got 12 cents that I want to give away since a sample order didn't go through. Any takers?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 28, 2013, 06:51 pm
whos got  45 dollars i can borrow? i will pay back 55 asap
anybody vouch for lorax :)?

morning all

I can vouch for the lorax, being a solid member of the community. Ive never borrowed or lent coin from him though. Much love.

PS i have three or four bucks to lend if any one might need.
..thanks, +1 for ya, also, how you doing brother :)?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 28, 2013, 06:51 pm
thank ya RS  :)\

Huggles to ya  :P

ok gonna place order then run to BTC depot and get yur 1 btc back to ya tonight ASAP  ;)

aquired a few real/fake names with personal info that ima gonna use for BI  LOL

by the way....BI worked for me great today as guest with diff info  ;)

BRB and thanks RS little brother  (Hugs)

Chem  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 28, 2013, 06:54 pm
thank ya RS  :)\

Huggles to ya  :P

ok gonna place order then run to BTC depot and get yur 1 btc back to ya tonight ASAP  ;)

aquired a few real/fake names with personal info that ima gonna use for BI  LOL

by the way....BI worked for me great today as guest with diff info  ;)

BRB and thanks RS little brother  (Hugs)

Chem  O0
:) (hugs) back goodday to you sir, hope all is going well ;)
no rush, you can do it tomorrow or whenever is fine :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dirtybiscuitzz718 on June 28, 2013, 06:56 pm
whos got  45 dollars i can borrow? i will pay back 55 asap
anybody vouch for lorax :)?

morning all

I can vouch for the lorax, being a solid member of the community. Ive never borrowed or lent coin from him though. Much love.

PS i have three or four bucks to lend if any one might need.
..thanks, +1 for ya, also, how you doing brother :)?

Thanks bruv. Ive been good, actually in a strangely good mood, for having not done any droogs yet, lol.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 28, 2013, 06:56 pm
HELLO EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!!! (dr. nick's voice from the Simpsons)

The sea's only gifts are harsh blows, and occasionally the chance to feel strong. Now I don't know much about the sea, but I do know that

that's the way it is here. And I also know how important it is in life not necessarily to be strong but to feel strong. To measure yourself at least

once. To find yourself at least once in the most ancient of human conditions. Facing the blind deaf stone alone, with nothing to help you but

your hands and your own head.
:) heya bro,
lent your .03 to sundec30, waiting return.

hows your day been :)?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 28, 2013, 06:58 pm
whos got  45 dollars i can borrow? i will pay back 55 asap
anybody vouch for lorax :)?

morning all

I can vouch for the lorax, being a solid member of the community. Ive never borrowed or lent coin from him though. Much love.

PS i have three or four bucks to lend if any one might need.
..thanks, +1 for ya, also, how you doing brother :)?

Thanks bruv. Ive been good, actually in a strangely good mood, for having not done any droogs yet, lol.
sounds like it might be a great day to do some :D ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 28, 2013, 07:02 pm
Good evening all  ;) just popped in for 10mins, how,s everybody doing?  :P :-*

All the regulars are getting loans this week  :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 28, 2013, 07:17 pm
Good evening all  ;) just popped in for 10mins, how,s everybody doing?  :P :-*

All the regulars are getting loans this week  :P
:-* heya mary, how you doing today :P?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 28, 2013, 07:18 pm
just waiting on confirmations RS then will send right back to ya  ;)

Thank You Young Sir!!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 28, 2013, 07:20 pm
hiya mary bo berry  :P

tickles to ya  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 28, 2013, 07:21 pm
I,m good RS  ;) nothing exciting lol    How you doing today?  ;)

HI chemmy  :-* :-* Hope the backs good  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 28, 2013, 07:23 pm
i dont think the back will ever get better  :(

i just try to ignore it lately, unless i win the lottery i wont be getting it fixed anytime soon LOL

i'm too old to worry aboot it mary  :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: talawtam on June 28, 2013, 07:23 pm
Hello. Would anybody be kind enough to lend a good member 0.03btc please?

Username: talawtam
BTC Adderss: 1JZDHNpjMMe7SDB4tydr983NZWTtNK85p2

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: SammyTheBull on June 28, 2013, 07:25 pm
I'll try once more. Could anyone please loan me $20? I'm trying to get an order in by the end of the day but am coming up short. I would greatly appreciate it and will pay back by Sunday the latest. Thank you!

SR name same as here.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 28, 2013, 07:30 pm
Sorry Sammy and Talawtam i,ve no coin till people pay back  ::)

Painkillers Chem, yuk! Hope you rest easy  ;) :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 28, 2013, 07:38 pm
just chillen :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 28, 2013, 07:56 pm
RS thank you  :)

1 BTC borrowed from RS and 1 BTC just paid back  :)

Thank ya little Brother!

Peace, Love & Hugs  :)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 28, 2013, 08:05 pm
RS thank you  :)

1 BTC borrowed from RS and 1 BTC just paid back  :)

Thank ya little Brother!

Peace, Love & Hugs  :)


:o that was fast!
also you're very welcome! anytime I can, I'm happy to help! :D

[retracted] (don't fuck with the OT family ;))
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 28, 2013, 08:12 pm
yeah that was fast  LOL

BI is up and running!!

three transactions today  ;)

also....  @ Descarte ..... as soon as the coins come from the loans that we have out start to come in i'll start to send you coins on the .76 that is left to send you from the 1 Bitcoin ya asked me to pass out for ya  ;)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 28, 2013, 08:14 pm
thecrackhead has pm,d me, got arrested  :o i appreciate the pm so we,re ok for now  ;) someone going to pay back for him  :-\ good luck crackhead  ;) :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 28, 2013, 08:17 pm
yeah that was fast  LOL

BI is up and running!!

three transactions today  ;)

also....  @ Descarte ..... as soon as the coins come from the loans that we have out start to come in i'll start to send you coins on the .76 that is left to send you from the 1 Bitcoin ya asked me to pass out for ya  ;)
lol! figures. it has to work the day after I went into town ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 28, 2013, 08:18 pm
thecrackhead is our Official Spare Coins Thread GodFather  :P

i hope he is doing ok  :o

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 28, 2013, 08:19 pm
:o forreal! hope it wasn't SR related
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 28, 2013, 08:20 pm
LOL  i know what ya mean  :P

had to do 3 500 dollar transactions today  :o


getting ready for grand re-opening  LOL

Love ya  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 28, 2013, 08:21 pm
thecrackhead said he,ll be away for a while  :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 28, 2013, 08:23 pm
that's a nice little pile of coins 8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 28, 2013, 08:24 pm
yeah i hope he isnt there cuz it's SR related :o

he'll be ok mary  :)

and he'll be back as soon as he can  :)

things happen ...all we can do is keep him in our prayers and send him some positive energy  :)

Loves ya'll  :)

Chem  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 28, 2013, 08:25 pm
stockin up for the store brother  ;)

prolly be another week b4 i open shop though  :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 28, 2013, 08:25 pm
love an hugs back!

also thanks forsakeng! for paying me back :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 28, 2013, 08:26 pm
so if thecrackhead is in the pokey...

then that means mary is the GodMother now :o

**Bows down to mary**



Love ya mary  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 28, 2013, 08:27 pm
;D excited for you.. may the force be with you ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 28, 2013, 08:28 pm
yeah it WAS a nice pile -o- coins  LOL

their all gone now though  :o

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 28, 2013, 08:28 pm
Has your Humboldt dealer gone Chem, would have been nice if he,d done international, looks like he,s shut up shop  :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 28, 2013, 08:31 pm
yeah it WAS a nice pile -o- coins  LOL

their all gone now though  :o
;D lol! nice!
that's what we call moving weight :P...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 28, 2013, 08:31 pm
yeah it WAS a nice pile -o- coins  LOL

their all gone now though  :o

Fuck Chem  :o hope yer well stocked love you too hun :-* :-* "the godmother" LMAO  ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 28, 2013, 08:33 pm
he'll be back mary  :)

tryin to work something out if all goes well..we'll be able to get you some weed  ;)

just be patient with me  :)

i know i dont go as fast as some..but i'm old mary  :(

time.....and we'll get ya sorted  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bamoida2 on June 28, 2013, 08:38 pm
hello everybody, long time no see!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 28, 2013, 08:40 pm
hiya bam  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 28, 2013, 08:43 pm
Hello Bo  ;) how,s things  :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on June 28, 2013, 08:46 pm
:D 1000 nbomes came to my drop today. Cant believe how good a deal that was.
Tab sizes are a bit too big though :S.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 28, 2013, 08:49 pm
hey bam :) hey ytablet
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 28, 2013, 08:50 pm
Did you get everything you had in the mail  ytabletrash ;)

sneaks over and tickles Chemmy  :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 28, 2013, 09:06 pm
**Giggles from thuh Tickles**


hey ytable  :)

the tabs r bigger than 1 cen X 1 cen ?

are they 4 ways?  :o
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on June 28, 2013, 09:07 pm
Did you get everything you had in the mail  ytabletrash ;)

sneaks over and tickles Chemmy  :P
Nope, still got 120 grams mdma and 200 grams of trim coming in. Was hoping to get the trim so I can run wax this weekend but I guess Ill have to wait.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 28, 2013, 09:13 pm
i dont wanna go check my account history right now  ::)

is there anyone that i owe here besides Descarte ?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 28, 2013, 09:25 pm
I,m not aware of anyone your due coin to Chem  ;) Do you know of any good weed vendors that ship to UK, want great weed lol  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 28, 2013, 09:33 pm
                                              :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) **When requesting, post your SR name** so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
bobhope333                     ++++
dapj                               ++++
dr gonzo
Kalli                       ++++
Mike Hunt
Repus6 *
White Out


The shit list:
Autobondon *
danceandsing ++++
King Karma
p4tr1ckb4t3m4n ++++
repus6 *

*^*do not lend to these people*^*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 28, 2013, 09:39 pm
Goodnight all  ;) :-* :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 28, 2013, 09:42 pm
Goodnight all  ;) :-* :-*
gnight love, sweet dreams
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thelorax on June 28, 2013, 09:52 pm
HEY!! put my name on that list ive lent SEVERAL people coins..  :)
How did u compile such a list anyways?

You have only been a member for a month or two..

oh and btw looks like u broke your own rule.. you just pm'd me offering to give me coins.. lol  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 28, 2013, 09:54 pm
g'night mary  :)

hugs to you and yur man  :)

oh..shhhhh...dont tell him...but i put some turtles in his car  :o



We Love ya mary!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 28, 2013, 09:56 pm
msg RS  @ thelorax  :P

sorry, we get lost sometimes among all this turmoil  LOL

we'll get ya sorted and your name where it needs to be @ thelorax  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on June 28, 2013, 10:16 pm
I still can't believe how helpful and beautiful the community is here, my SR name is same as forum name "itsworking". I will have it back to you this friday Murderface with some extra change for helping me out.
Peace <3

I hope all went well!!
We still on for today??
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 28, 2013, 10:23 pm
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 28, 2013, 10:23 pm

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 28, 2013, 10:25 pm
 ???  wut's wrong boxy?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 28, 2013, 10:26 pm
There is a long story but I am still .34 short.  This shit with White 0ut is killing me.

I can pay this back on monday, along with part of what is owed already.

Edit: sr name boxofshapes
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 28, 2013, 10:27 pm
gonna pm you.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 28, 2013, 10:31 pm
And I know I stretched my trust here as far as I wanted to already.  Not disappointed if it isn't there.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 28, 2013, 10:32 pm
answer yur PM old timer  :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 28, 2013, 10:33 pm
answer yur PM old timer  :P

Back at you you whippersnapper. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 28, 2013, 10:33 pm
HEY!! put my name on that list ive lent SEVERAL people coins..  :)
How did u compile such a list anyways?

You have only been a member for a month or two..

oh and btw looks like u broke your own rule.. you just pm'd me offering to give me coins.. lol  ;D
scroll back a few pages to when you posted earlier today.. I tried to help you you never responded, so I PM'd you, even if you still wanted coins it would have come back to this thread ;).. an the rule is saying NOT to pm ASKING for coins ;)

also, I've only help maintain the list, I am not the only person who posts/edits it ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 28, 2013, 10:34 pm
There is a long story but I am still .34 short.  This shit with White 0ut is killing me.

I can pay this back on monday, along with part of what is owed already.

Edit: sr name boxofshapes
.35 sent 8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 28, 2013, 10:37 pm
.35 should be there Boxy  ;)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 28, 2013, 10:37 pm

yur quick  :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 28, 2013, 10:37 pm
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 28, 2013, 10:39 pm
LOL  you must have a good connection...i know i do but i also have everything blocked  or forbidden  LOL  i guess that slows us down?   :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 28, 2013, 10:40 pm
lol, owell guess boxy's has friends ;D if you need it use it, if you want return chems an borrow mine, I'm not ordering anything for a minute ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 28, 2013, 10:40 pm
Oh thank fucking science.  Order is finally in.

Thank you guys.  My god this has hurt my brain.  You guys make it not hurt so much
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 28, 2013, 10:40 pm
:o I have a decent connection speed from where I am, but nothing fancy
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 28, 2013, 10:41 pm
what's boxy gettin anyway?

lol  if he dont mind me askin  :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 28, 2013, 10:43 pm
heh heh :)

we love ya boxy!


@ RS do ya ever trim your connections to get better speed from the TBB?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 28, 2013, 10:43 pm
lol, owell guess boxy's has friends ;D if you need it use it, if you want return chems an borrow mine, I'm not ordering anything for a minute ;)

Sent it back CC!  I'll send ya a pm for what.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 28, 2013, 10:46 pm

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 28, 2013, 10:48 pm
Oh thank fucking science.  Order is finally in.

Thank you guys.  My god this has hurt my brain.  You guys make it not hurt so much
:D glad you got what you wanted!

@chem nope :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 28, 2013, 10:53 pm
sometimes i look at the connections and  trim a few...ya know? 

keep me posted boxy  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 28, 2013, 10:55 pm
Man.  I can't begin to describe the feeling of relief I felt when I clicked that submit button.

AHHhhh hahaha.  So much tension build up and no where for it to go right now.  Who needs drugs right?

God I love you guys. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 28, 2013, 10:59 pm

Do any of ya'll ever look at what we have here?

With no expectations, we've really formed an awesome electronic Bond...some of us  :)

We Love You Boxy!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on June 28, 2013, 11:00 pm

Who's got coin for me?!?  ;)
My bachelor party starts saturday.. and ends monday.. :-X
I'm scared!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 28, 2013, 11:03 pm
Damn murda is going to tie the knot and settle down?  Didn't know you were the type guy
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 28, 2013, 11:06 pm
sometimes i look at the connections and  trim a few...ya know? 

keep me posted boxy  ;)
no ??? :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 28, 2013, 11:07 pm

Who's got coin for me?!?  ;)
My bachelor party starts saturday.. and ends monday.. :-X
I'm scared!!
need a loan :)?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 28, 2013, 11:11 pm
sent ya a pm @ RS

check yur pm's @ MURDA  :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on June 28, 2013, 11:28 pm
What a day ! My friend who I live with his girl turned up with her mates so not been able to log on grrr the P.C. is in the living room where everyone sits to get high n shit. ChemCat iv just transferred my coins to silk road so as soon as they are clear you're the first job on the list sorry im a little late but im here to sort it now.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 28, 2013, 11:32 pm


I just Love when someone posts or msg's us!!


Take yur time kali  :)

wait, well i mean ...dont wait till next year or anything 


just kiddin  ;)

Peace & Hugs to ya kalli  :)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on June 28, 2013, 11:52 pm
Hahaha yeah don't worry im going nowhere till it clears I need to order more supplies :)

Peace n hugs right back !
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 28, 2013, 11:57 pm
well hang on to it if ya need it  :)

just send back as soon as ya can  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on June 29, 2013, 12:01 am
well hang on to it if ya need it  :)

just send back as soon as ya can  :)

You're too kind but I politely decline as im alright now and it just wouldn't be right anyway, im looking to throw a small loan out to someone myself over the next day or two  :o
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 29, 2013, 12:04 am
Yur Good People!!



ok, well you just paved a good walkway  :)

if ya ever need anything again, and i have it  :)

you gots it!

Peace & Hugs  :)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on June 29, 2013, 12:12 am
Thanks :) you're pretty decent yourself ya know !

Same goes for you if I have it, it's yours (now I gotta go click the refresh button a million times zzzzzzz)

Might not get back on here before I log off but will pop it in your acc. before I order and probably catch ya tomorrow amigo :)

Take it easy, kalli.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 29, 2013, 12:17 am
ok  :)

Be safe :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mindmatter on June 29, 2013, 12:36 am
Hi guys,
I'm in real need of 0.01btc asap to complete my order at the moment.
I don't have constant internet access and the value dropped a little since yesterday.

I've loant out some spare coins myself before, but didn't get repaid.
I'd really appeciate a helping hand and I'll have it paid back or forwarded on in less than 2 weeks.

My SR username is the same: mindmatter
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 29, 2013, 12:38 am
Hi guys,
I'm in real need of 0.01btc asap to complete my order at the moment.
I don't have constant internet access and the value dropped a little since yesterday.

I've loant out some spare coins myself before, but didn't get repaid.
I'd really appeciate a helping hand and I'll have it paid back or forwarded on in less than 2 weeks.

My SR username is the same: mindmatter
sent :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 29, 2013, 12:41 am
I myself could use .95 btc for a few days if anybody can lend it, :)

SR name: RS7FI8ZRkm
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 29, 2013, 12:42 am
mindmatter, i've asked someone to send you the coins. please read your msgs on SR  ;)

send back to them please  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 29, 2013, 12:44 am
mindmatter, i've asked someone to send you the coins. please read your msgs on SR  ;)

send back to them please  :)
:o lol, again.. already sent it to him.. :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 29, 2013, 12:46 am
i did too  LOL

and sent you a msg  LOL


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Baggie on June 29, 2013, 12:52 am
I really need .43 BTC and have no way of getting them until next month sometime. I will pay forward. Thank you to anyone who helps.

SR Username: leftovercrackmaniac
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sorasgaze on June 29, 2013, 12:56 am
In need of a 0.15 loan. I know this is a bit much, but I don't have time to fund my account today and I'd like to make an order of molly so it can get shipped out by tomorrow. If anyone is generous enough, I'll repay sometime this upcoming week. My SR name is the same name as on the forums. Thank you.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 29, 2013, 12:57 am
I myself could use .95 btc for a few days if anybody can lend it, :)

SR name: RS7FI8ZRkm
.74 sent!  :)

Love ya man  :)
thank you 1000 times over :) (love you too)
.19 more needed if anybody can help :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 29, 2013, 01:00 am
I myself could use .95 btc for a few days if anybody can lend it, :)

SR name: RS7FI8ZRkm
.74 sent!  :)

Love ya man  :)
thank you 1000 times over :) (love you too)
.19 more needed if anybody can help :D

Sent ya .01 man.  It's all that's left!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mindmatter on June 29, 2013, 01:00 am
Thanks guys for the lightning quick response.
I sent the .02 back to trichome because your .01 was enough to complete the order,     RS7FI8ZRkm.
Cheers. Much appriciated, I'll get it back to you with my next order.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 29, 2013, 01:09 am
I myself could use .95 btc for a few days if anybody can lend it, :)

SR name: RS7FI8ZRkm
.74 sent!  :)

Love ya man  :)
thank you 1000 times over :) (love you too)
.19 more needed if anybody can help :D

Sent ya .01 man.  It's all that's left!
:D thank you

-.18 more needed :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: danb15 on June 29, 2013, 01:14 am
Sent you like $2.90 mate hope it helps :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 29, 2013, 01:31 am
I myself could use .95 btc for a few days if anybody can lend it, :)

SR name: RS7FI8ZRkm
.74 sent!  :)

Love ya man  :)
thank you 1000 times over :) (love you too)
.19 more needed if anybody can help :D

Sent ya .01 man.  It's all that's left!
:D thank you

-.18 more needed :)
Sent you like $2.90 mate hope it helps :)
yes it dose :) thank you ^__^
.16 more to go! thanks guys.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 29, 2013, 01:34 am


is that the Ghost of danb ?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: danb15 on June 29, 2013, 02:02 am


is that the Ghost of danb ?


Haha i do be to busy buying shit on here i will try show some more love on here when i get time :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 29, 2013, 02:06 am

well git yur ass back here then Dan!!


you been ok?

jeepers we missed ya son!!

damn cant ya call us from time to time?



Huggles to ya danb!


Peace & Love :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: danb15 on June 29, 2013, 02:09 am

well git yur ass back here then Dan!!


you been ok?

jeepers we missed ya son!!

damn cant ya call us from time to time?



Huggles to ya danb!


Peace & Love :)


All good here mate just stressed out with some poxy fines haha how are you doing mate?

I will call in more often if i get this shit with court sorted :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 29, 2013, 02:36 am
ehhhh....really want to ask?  LOL

i'm old and fallinapart, danb  :P

geez ..court?  well you'll be in my prayers dan  ???

you need anything man?

i dont have much left bro but if ya need it's yours  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: danb15 on June 29, 2013, 02:50 am
Haha never to old man, ye sick of being in court now fuck that finished with messing around now SR seems to be the way forward with making money ;)

Nah im all good man thanks though keep it for someone who really needs it
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 29, 2013, 02:56 am
That's Right M8!!


get yur legal shit together and stay pouttuh trouble and get back here!


you know where your bread is buttered my friend  ;)

get straight and get back here  ;)

Peace & Hugs :)

Chem  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 29, 2013, 02:58 am
                                              :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) **When requesting, post your SR name** so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
danob15 ++++
dr gonzo
Kalli                       ++++
Mike Hunt
Repus6 *
thelorax  ++++
White Out


The shit list:
Autobondon *
King Karma
repus6 *

*^*do not lend to these people*^*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 29, 2013, 02:59 am
I myself could use .95 btc for a few days if anybody can lend it, :)

SR name: RS7FI8ZRkm
.74 sent!  :)

Love ya man  :)
thank you 1000 times over :) (love you too)
.19 more needed if anybody can help :D

Sent ya .01 man.  It's all that's left!
:D thank you

-.18 more needed :)
Sent you like $2.90 mate hope it helps :)
yes it dose :) thank you ^__^
.16 more to go! thanks guys.
still after .16 if anyone can help :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 29, 2013, 03:00 am
 :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****


Just sayin!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 29, 2013, 03:02 am
:) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****


Just sayin!

? what :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 29, 2013, 03:03 am
my brother if i had it it would be yours  :(

i just dont have anymore.....J-Man will be here soon  ;)

i can msg someone for you if you'd like?

this makes me sad...i dont have anymore to give ya brother...  i mean..i do...but you'd be not too much closer to your goal  :(

how much more ya need? i'll go to BTC depot and get ya some tomorow?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 29, 2013, 03:05 am
Quote from: RS7FI8ZRkm
Quote from: ChemCat
:) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****


Just sayin!

? what :P

stop it...LOL  i'm all bent over with back pain laughin  LOL

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 29, 2013, 03:05 am
nono, your fine I just didn't get what you meant by what pasting that ;)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 29, 2013, 03:10 am
oh,  LOL

silly  :P

i posted that as a reminder to new people....

 :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****


i've fell short of this time and time again....i was just reminding a whole...a remember this  :)

shit....i'm babbling....damnit
RS   ...  i was doing good today...then my back started to act up....ya look at me people would never know..until i move...that my back was this bad....i forgot what we were talking about  ???
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 29, 2013, 03:11 am
::) love you too! take it easy on the pain killas ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 29, 2013, 03:11 am
Damn it!! 

 maybe i am too old to do this shit!

(Scratches Head)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 29, 2013, 03:12 am
:P what did you take?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 29, 2013, 03:14 am
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 29, 2013, 03:16 am
a hydrocodone and 2 drops of morphine in a glass of wine

ehh...fuck it....LOL  i dont feel the pain anymore...i just get bent over when i try to stand's pain right now....just limited movement
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 29, 2013, 03:17 am
makes me talk alot when i am njot nodding  ???
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 29, 2013, 03:20 am
good thing it's night time....i cant funtion like this during the day  ???

shiot....i cant even do what i need to do right now....gonna wait till tomorrow to get the store right i suppose  ???
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: TheXanMonster on June 29, 2013, 03:21 am
I've yet to make a purchase on the sr. Anyone want to help a brother get some btc for a free sample?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 29, 2013, 03:24 am
I've yet to make a purchase on the sr. Anyone want to help a brother get some btc for a free sample?
how much you after?

@chemmy :D lol. love you brother be safe ;)

nothing wrong with liking to talk ^__^
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 29, 2013, 03:32 am
ima talker ima talker ima talker  LOL


oh brother, if i could be like i was 5 years ago, i'd have you and boxy and mary and the icecream man and jacknhoff and japan and oh you know  LOL

right now i am in and out of it....i dont lioke this morphine shit....its good..just makes me funar for a fe wminutes then i'm good for an hour with njo pain then i cant type then it is snafu all over again  :o

ya know?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 29, 2013, 03:34 am
oh i'm gonna be like hte worst seller on SR cuz i talk to you all too much  ::)

i can see it now  ???

Oh Lawd!!!

                             Hep meh Now!!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 29, 2013, 03:36 am
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 29, 2013, 03:36 am
sell me your vendor account if it you ever get over it ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: canada420 on June 29, 2013, 04:16 am
if you can loan me .02 btc please send it to my SR account canada420 and leave a post here, thanks :)

I can pay you back next week when I get more btc
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 29, 2013, 04:21 am
wish i could help ya canada  :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: canada420 on June 29, 2013, 04:22 am
wish i could help ya canada  :(
its fine  :)

its the weekend anyways right, no rush!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 29, 2013, 04:35 am
if you can loan me .02 btc please send it to my SR account canada420 and leave a post here, thanks :)

I can pay you back next week when I get more btc
sent :)

still need .18 my self if anybody can help a brother out, I'll make it worth your while ;)

also, have a great weekend :D

SR name: RS7FI8ZRkm
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: canada420 on June 29, 2013, 04:37 am
if you can loan me .02 btc please send it to my SR account canada420 and leave a post here, thanks :)

I can pay you back next week when I get more btc
sent :)

still need .18 my self if anybody can help a brother out, I'll make it worth your while ;)

also, have a great weekend :D
thank you so much! you have a good weekend too
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 29, 2013, 04:39 am
if you can loan me .02 btc please send it to my SR account canada420 and leave a post here, thanks :)

I can pay you back next week when I get more btc
sent :)

still need .18 my self if anybody can help a brother out, I'll make it worth your while ;)

also, have a great weekend :D
thank you so much! you have a good weekend too
:D! you're very welcome!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 29, 2013, 04:43 am





Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper800 on June 29, 2013, 04:48 am
Goodbye for good  :-\

It has been super short-lived, but perhaps it is me who is at fault.

Descarte and ChemCat - don't worry a bit. I will get you back on the date you are expecting it and we can maintain a bit of dialogue. I really appreciate you two as people and as members of this community.

However, I must say goodbye now. I am not cut out for this type of hatred. Lesson learned. I love this thread. You people are the best.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cthatpatrnovathr on June 29, 2013, 04:51 am
0.001557 can some please help im so close to an order.... i will pay back wen i order again in 2days thanks
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper800 on June 29, 2013, 04:54 am
What's your SR name?  I do not want paid back.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cthatpatrnovathr on June 29, 2013, 04:57 am
Jasper800 thank you, if you truly dont care about repayment, then consider myself indebt(smalltime) but still, i owe you! Thanks again bro!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 29, 2013, 04:59 am
Jasper....Hang Tight Son.....

you're here right now....the police are gone?  or is this the police talking?

god bless the nations!!   this has me perplexed!!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 29, 2013, 05:25 am
??? was gone for 20 minutes an talk of the police, wtf I miss :P?

still looking for .18 loan ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper800 on June 29, 2013, 05:31 am
Police are long gone ChemCat. This all went down about 12 hours ago.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 29, 2013, 05:41 am you're ok?


i mean...none of our business or anything.......just when we hear this we get weirded out...ya know?

creeps me out.....

oh well  :)

as long as yur alright son  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 29, 2013, 05:44 am

twelve hours ago?

have i been nodding that long?

goodness gracious!!

ok maybe i do need to go to the're sayin i have been nodding out for days now?   

oh hell....i'd better check my animals then  :o
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 29, 2013, 05:46 am
Jasper....just send me half of what you owe me when ya can....i'll cut half my losses if that's ok with you and you can do that?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper800 on June 29, 2013, 05:48 am
No man, I am going to pay you back completely. I just sent .1. I owe you .3 ... you will get that much.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: zokas on June 29, 2013, 05:55 am
sent ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 29, 2013, 05:55 am

yur not in trouble are you?

shit it aint none of our bizz....but damn bro...ya gotta let us know....fuck...almost half i coin i am willing to wipe out....

if it will help fact.....dont send anymore coins to me...debt wiped!   point, blank, period....if ya send coins to me i'll send them back....dont waste yur money brother...use this gift to help yourself....get me outtuh your sig please.....

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 29, 2013, 06:18 am
Jasper, use the coins to help yurself.....please.

Decarte trusted you, so i do too....

you've been gifted.....I only ask that you come back and let us know how you're doing..

Peace & Positive Energy to you,


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on June 29, 2013, 07:05 am
Hey guys, trying to get an order out for saturday delivery, virwox is not working with me right now and I need 0.20btc
Will be doing a BofA cash deposit on the 5th (next friday)

Willing to pay back 0.25btc
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 29, 2013, 07:39 am
??? was gone for 20 minutes an talk of the police, wtf I miss :P?

still looking for .18 loan ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 29, 2013, 10:18 am
Whats up everyone, I am 0.03BTC short on an order, would appreciate if someone could loan it to me, I will pay back possibly within a week (I have got a few loans out and as soon as I get them back, I will repay)

My SR username is: meloniasty
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 29, 2013, 10:22 am
I've never seen such a big vagina  :o
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 29, 2013, 10:23 am
i cant even think right  :o

thats a huge vagina 

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 29, 2013, 10:24 am
I've never seen such a big vagina  :o

haha lol Chem, how are you doing my friend?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 29, 2013, 10:30 am
Mel  LOL  i'm doin good  :)

what are ya doin up so early?


i lurk alot ....everything good with you ..mel?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 29, 2013, 10:32 am
Mel....   LOL

that vagina is so huge!!


well shit ...that reminds me.....i need to wash my truck!!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 29, 2013, 10:34 am
haha Im good Chem, its not that early here, its 11:30am :D Received my package from canada, so happy! :D that means my address isnt flagged and can order without hesitation :D haha I actually am looking for a loan of 0.03 btc for a sample haha I had 0.2 BTC but have given out loans and only got 0.02 now, so 0.03 short :D oh well I guess I will have to wait.

Hahaha yeah that vagina is massive :P  I couldnt believe it at first... :Dhow did you find it and how the hell does a huge vagina remind you to wash your truck? :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 29, 2013, 10:48 am
geez mel  :o

the sun isnt up yet where i am  :o

come here mel.......sit....right here  ~~~~~~~~~~~~>  X

tell me a story ....mel ...tell me a story about when you were ten years old......tell me a story about whn you were ten and you went to the creek and ....and.....oh just nmake a story up  LOL

oh boy mel, my back today is fubar  and i cant seem to move out of bed  :(  LOL

but i like to shoot the shit and laugh  LOL

but dont make me laugh   cuz it kills muh back when i laugh or cough......ehhhhh...fuggit tell me a joke!!


Love ya Mel  (Hugs)  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 29, 2013, 10:52 am
Its a shame about your back Chem, wish there was something to make it stop hurting hugs back at you my friend. Do you want to hear a joke? Ok, here it comes: Q. What did the boy vampire say to the girl vampire?
               A. See you next period.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: motek on June 29, 2013, 10:54 am
Hey chemcat, what is actually 'causing'' your pain?  ???

 As a fellow 'bizarre chronic pain' for a few reasons, who's found (only) a few good drugs that can 'help' and other tricks which help heaps! 8)

 you may be interested? :)

m m m motek x   :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 29, 2013, 10:57 am
Hi Chemmy  :-* Hi Mel  :-*

Chem, my  friend just told me he,s shagging his girlfriend and her twin! I said "How do you tell them apart" to which he replied "her brother has a moustache"! LOL  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 29, 2013, 10:59 am
oh my goodness!!

motek where have you been?

do you realize how much we've missded you??

please..when your gonna disappear next time...tell us....fuckin worried about you motek!

Huggles to you  :)

what's wrong with me?

2 herniated discs and a fractured vertebrae  to look at me you wouldnt know....

let us know when yur gonna disappear next time will ya please....

Love & Hugs  :)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 29, 2013, 10:59 am
haha Im good Chem, its not that early here, its 11:30am :D Received my package from canada, so happy! :D that means my address isnt flagged and can order without hesitation :D haha I actually am looking for a loan of 0.03 btc for a sample haha I had 0.2 BTC but have given out loans and only got 0.02 now, so 0.03 short :D oh well I guess I will have to wait.

Hahaha yeah that vagina is massive :P  I couldnt believe it at first... :Dhow did you find it and how the hell does a huge vagina remind you to wash your truck? :D

Mel - I'll transfer 0.03 over to you now  8)

Hope your all well...Love to ALL  ;D


MEL - SR name? same as here?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 29, 2013, 11:01 am
hiya and hugs to you and your man ....mary  :)


damn does she have nice tits?  LOL


just kiddin  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 29, 2013, 11:02 am
anyone know if Mels usrename is the same on SR

Morning all - Hugs to my SR family

@chemmy - take it easy bro  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 29, 2013, 11:03 am
Theres my Son!!

                             J-Man ..... 


                          Things goin ok?   gettin closer brother!!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 29, 2013, 11:05 am
ok  :)

gonna take it easy now  8)

didnt mean to offend anyone  :)

shit i dont know, J  ...   ???

mel..wuts yur SR screen name?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 29, 2013, 11:07 am
Theres my Son!!

                             J-Man ..... 


                          Things goin ok?   gettin closer brother!!


Yeah things are going well - been in negotiating for a few days, but I MAY of had a breakthrough yesterday, I'll find out later.

Then we're gonna take SR by storm - global vendor's combined = big tings a gwan  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 29, 2013, 11:11 am
MEL quick - or if anyone else knows, it's it's the same SR user name.

Got a business meeting to attend to soon so can't hang around for much more till later...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 29, 2013, 11:13 am

   That's right my brother  :)

to get you up to waitoing for product....gonna list them as soon as i recieve :)

workin with a wonderful person that i am gonna post a link to them in our thread  :)

since the cat is out of the bag.....i'll go ahead and say it  :)

be on the look out ...everyone  :)

we're teamin up and goin Global  :)

mary you'll get yur weed  LOL

mel  ...  LOL  well we'll send you somethin  LOL

Big Tings Mahhn!!!

Peace, Love and hystericly  good Prosperity to you All  :)



Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 29, 2013, 11:16 am
Chem if I put the loan Mel wanted to you when she/he comes back pass it on - and tell them it's a gift from
me and no need to return it  8)

and I'll catch you all up later  8)

Peace out,

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 29, 2013, 11:16 am
alright brother...have a good day  :)

gonna be in bed most of the day cuz i dont see me movin anytime soon  ...

Be safe!

Love ya J  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 29, 2013, 11:17 am
haha Im good Chem, its not that early here, its 11:30am :D Received my package from canada, so happy! :D that means my address isnt flagged and can order without hesitation :D haha I actually am looking for a loan of 0.03 btc for a sample haha I had 0.2 BTC but have given out loans and only got 0.02 now, so 0.03 short :D oh well I guess I will have to wait.

Hahaha yeah that vagina is massive :P  I couldnt believe it at first... :Dhow did you find it and how the hell does a huge vagina remind you to wash your truck? :D

Mel - I'll transfer 0.03 over to you now  8)

Hope your all well...Love to ALL  ;D


MEL - SR name? same as here?

Whats up Jman and mary how is it going. Thank You very much Japan, yeah the username is same as here meloniasty. Oh and mary, lol at you joke hahahha :d Thank you very much for your generosity J man
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 29, 2013, 11:19 am
Chem I just put Mels 0.03 to yours and then see she's responded - can you pass it over to her and Mel don't worry about paying me back - just a Saturday morning gift  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 29, 2013, 11:21 am
Chem I just put Mels 0.03 to yours and then see she's responded - can you pass it over to her and Mel don't worry about paying me back - just a Saturday morning gift  8)

Thanks, and I will make sure to return the favor :D +1 To You J man, and just for the record, I'm a he :D :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 29, 2013, 11:21 am
Quote from: Japan1980
Chem if I put the loan Mel wanted to you when she/he comes back pass it on - and tell them it's a gift from
me and no need to return it  8)

and I'll catch you all up later  8)

Peace out,

sorry, was wobblin to the bathroom...ok yep i'll do that for ya  :)  i'll check my account then msg mel.

lemme know when you'll be here bro, today isnt gonna be a good day for me, i'll be layin up most of the day...

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 29, 2013, 11:23 am
well you goobers!!

theres mel  LOL

go ahead and send it to mel while he is here  :)


  took out "she"  LOL

sorry mel....i didnt know but i do now!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 29, 2013, 11:25 am
well you goobers!!

theres mel  LOL

go ahead and send it to mel while she/he is here  :)
I think hes already sent it to You, and just for the recored as mentioned earlier, I am a he :P not that I care much :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 29, 2013, 11:25 am
:) heya japan
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 29, 2013, 11:27 am
??? was gone for 20 minutes an talk of the police, wtf I miss :P?

still looking for .18 loan ::)
:P really?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 29, 2013, 11:27 am
Whats up RS how are you doing?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 29, 2013, 11:27 am
ok, gonna check and send niw @ mel
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 29, 2013, 11:29 am
Chem I just put Mels 0.03 to yours and then see she's responded - can you pass it over to her and Mel don't worry about paying me back - just a Saturday morning gift  8)

Thanks, and I will make sure to return the favor :D +1 To You J man, and just for the record, I'm a he :D :P

Sorry Mel, wasn't sure due to the Mel part in the name. Man or woman makes no difference to me - you could be an alien and I'd be cool with that  ;D

Anyway - Chemmy should pass the .03 to you when he gets chance..

Have a great day ALL - I'll be about later, to spread some love.


P.S. Quickly RS you need a loan? If you respond quick I'll sort it right now bro  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 29, 2013, 11:32 am

SR name?

ok J, have a good day bro...send me a pm when ya get a chance....



Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 29, 2013, 11:35 am
Chem I just put Mels 0.03 to yours and then see she's responded - can you pass it over to her and Mel don't worry about paying me back - just a Saturday morning gift  8)

Thanks, and I will make sure to return the favor :D +1 To You J man, and just for the record, I'm a he :D :P

Sorry Mel, wasn't sure due to the Mel part in the name. Man or woman makes no difference to me - you could be an alien and I'd be cool with that  ;D

Anyway - Chemmy should pass the .03 to you when he gets chance..

Have a great day ALL - I'll be about later, to spread some love.


P.S. Quickly RS you need a loan? If you respond quick I'll sort it right now bro  8)

Thanks, and a great day to you too Sir.

@Chem My SR username is meloniasty
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 29, 2013, 11:35 am
Sorry had to go get dressed  :-[

HIGH Japan, hope i,ve not missed you hun  ;) Hi RS, how you doing, i feel bad cause i owe you and your in need now  :-[ i should be able to get you back on Monday instead of Tues, hopefully  ;)

Tell me a joke Chemmy  ::) :P :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 29, 2013, 11:37 am
Anyone heard from ted, Im wandering how hes doing.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 29, 2013, 11:41 am
sent to    meloniasty    ฿-0.31   June 29, 2013, 11:38 am UTC

@ mary 

One night, Sam went out drinking only to find the next morning he had two rings around his penis. Immediately, he went to the doctor.
"I have some good news and some bad news," said the doctor. "The good news is the red ring is lipstick and the bad news is the brown ring is Skoal."



ok mel yur set  :)

please send it back to japan

well dont send it to the country japan...oh you know  LOL

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 29, 2013, 11:43 am
yeah mel, i've spoke to teddy...but he hasnt spoke back  ???

he's good people....a little twisted maybe....but aint we all....

teddy is in my prayers...ya'll please keep him in yours .....
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 29, 2013, 11:45 am
Mary, finally got my oz of bubba from WhiteShark today, it looks and smells amazing, I am yet to try it, but I dont doubt its quality...looks amazing, so happy :D

Thanks Chem, I only need 0.03 :P I will send back the rest to you (0.28), and return the favor to japan at some point or if at anytime he needs some btc. Thank You Chem and Japan

Yeah, I am a bit worried about him, I guess time will tell, maybe he is sorting his life out
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 29, 2013, 11:47 am
sent to    meloniasty    ฿-0.31   June 29, 2013, 11:38 am UTC

@ mary 

One night, Sam went out drinking only to find the next morning he had two rings around his penis. Immediately, he went to the doctor.
"I have some good news and some bad news," said the doctor. "The good news is the red ring is lipstick and the bad news is the brown ring is Skoal."



ok mel yur set  :)

please send it back to japan

well dont send it to the country japan...oh you know  LOL


Chemmy I sent 0.03 not .31 - I think (scrathes head)...

I also gave it as a gift, assuming it was 0.03 - if it was 0.31 then I may have to reconsider that  ;)

Anyway sort it between yourselves and what will be will be...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 29, 2013, 11:49 am
by the way....the other day, i didnt mean to distress you mel....

i was just givin teddy some tough love....i've been where he is at....a few times....

after my wife passed, the only thing that kept all....

so i know where teddy is coming from...and where he wants to be...

but hear me now and understand this well....that isnt the answer....

Look at my text Closely....i'll say it agin at the risk of seeming like an idiot.....

"understand this well....that isnt the answer...."

That is all i have to say.

Mel?  your coins are in your account.
    Send them back to J-Man.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 29, 2013, 11:50 am
Just had a call and my meeting has been delayed half hour due to traffic so I'll be about for a bit longer....

CALLING RS7 - did you say you needed a loan, I'm lost to whats going on here! Perhaps smoking a joint of shatter wax half hour ago wasn't the greatest idea  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 29, 2013, 11:53 am
by the way....the other day, i didnt mean to distress you mel....

i was just givin teddy some tough love....i've been where he is at....a few times....

after my wife passed, the only thing that kept all....

so i know where teddy is coming from...and where he wants to be...

but hear me now and understand this well....that isnt the answer....

Look at my text Closely....i'll say it agin at the risk of seeming like an idiot.....

"understand this well....that isnt the answer...."

That is all i have to say.

Mel?  your coins are in your account.
    Send them back to J-Man.

I completely get it Chem, I am in therapy my self...Have been going through tough times, the cause maybe not as drastic as yours or teddys, but the effect on my mental health the same. I have sent 0.28 back to You chem, I only needed 0.03 :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 29, 2013, 11:53 am
fire'n up some bluedream topped with some sweet bho  ;)

gonna lurk for a while  ???

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 29, 2013, 11:58 am
Quote from: meloniasty
Quote from: ChemCat
by the way....the other day, i didnt mean to distress you mel....

i was just givin teddy some tough love....i've been where he is at....a few times....

after my wife passed, the only thing that kept all....

so i know where teddy is coming from...and where he wants to be...

but hear me now and understand this well....that isnt the answer....

Look at my text Closely....i'll say it agin at the risk of seeming like an idiot.....

"understand this well....that isnt the answer...."

That is all i have to say.

Mel?  your coins are in your account.
    Send them back to J-Man.

I completely get it Chem, I am in therapy my self...Have been going through tough times, the cause maybe not as drastic as yours or teddys, but the effect on my mental health the same. I have sent 0.28 back to You chem, I only needed 0.03 :)

and i've sent .29 back to you 


Do Not send it back to me!


Send it back to J-Man  ;)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 29, 2013, 12:00 pm

i just hit -103 Karma!!


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 29, 2013, 12:01 pm
whats j-mans SR username? :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on June 29, 2013, 12:03 pm
Good day you lot ! hope all is well on this fine morning :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 29, 2013, 12:08 pm
Chem, I thought J-man sent you 0.03? and +1 to You chem, to compensate for the bad karma :D You deserve it. What is J-mans SR username?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 29, 2013, 12:09 pm

i sent too much @ mel & japan?


well shoot then just send the over draw back to me mel and send the 0.03 back to japan if you will, please   :)

Heya kalli  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 29, 2013, 12:12 pm

i sent too much @ mel & japan?


well shoot then just send the over draw back to me mel and send the 0.03 back to japan if you will, please   :)

Heya kalli  :)

No problem, sent the over draw back to you chem :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 29, 2013, 12:12 pm
sorry for the mishap @ mel & japan...fuckin out of it from time to time, on the morphine again   :(

maybe today isnt so good  ???

just send back the extra mel....and when you get the chance.... send the 0.03 back to japan when you can....if yur gonna be late...please let us know....and i'll cover it for you...

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 29, 2013, 12:15 pm
sorry for the mishap @ mel & japan...fuckin out of it from time to time, on the morphine again   :(

maybe today isnt so good  ???

just send back the extra mel....and when you get the chance.... send the 0.03 back to japan when you can....if yur gonna be late...please let us know....and i'll cover it for you...

Hahaha no worries chem, you crazy Cat :P as long as you dont bust people with silly string its all good :D J-man said its a gift from him, but dont worry, as soon as I get some more btc/people repay their loans, I will have J-mans back, as well as your chem :P did you sleep at all?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 29, 2013, 12:16 pm
sorry for the mishap @ mel & japan...fuckin out of it from time to time, on the morphine again   :(

maybe today isnt so good  ???

just send back the extra mel....and when you get the chance.... send the 0.03 back to japan when you can....if yur gonna be late...please let us know....and i'll cover it for you...


I don't want anything sent back to me - I was feeling generous and gave it as a gift. So don't send it back to me. If you do then I'll place you on the naughty step.....
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 29, 2013, 12:18 pm
sorry for the mishap @ mel & japan...fuckin out of it from time to time, on the morphine again   :(

maybe today isnt so good  ???

just send back the extra mel....and when you get the chance.... send the 0.03 back to japan when you can....if yur gonna be late...please let us know....and i'll cover it for you...


I don't want anything sent back to me - I was feeling generous and gave it as a gift. So don't send it back to me. If you do then I'll place you on the naughty step.....
hahah thanks J-man, anything, but the naughty step, just remember I got your back Japan :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on June 29, 2013, 12:20 pm
Anyways, I will be back in the evening, now I'm off to enjoy and seize the day. Have a great day everyone !!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 29, 2013, 12:23 pm
well fuck it  LOL

mel? before i nod again today...would you lime to borrow that amount?

let me know before i zone out again....
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 29, 2013, 12:32 pm
Am I right in thinking RS7 needed a .18 loan? If so did he get it sorted, as he's vanished and I have it if he needs it....

Oh well - if he pops up within the next 20 minute I'll sort him out, otherwise I'll be out for a while and he'll have to wait, or get it from someone else..

I PM'd him - so maybe he got it sorted and logged out for a while
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Descarte on June 29, 2013, 12:34 pm
Does anyone know what happened with Jasper800. Just logged on and seeing some weird shit
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 29, 2013, 12:35 pm





PAGE 744  :o


 :-* :-* :-* :-* 8) :-* :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 29, 2013, 12:37 pm
Does anyone know what happened with Jasper800. Just logged on and seeing some weird shit

HI DES  8)

Hope you're well bro.

Seeing some weird shit? what do you mean?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Descarte on June 29, 2013, 12:40 pm
He's closing his account, something about a scare from a vendor and cops and shit I don't know
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 29, 2013, 12:53 pm
He's closing his account, something about a scare from a vendor and cops and shit I don't know

Shit that doesn't sound good - probably that vendor that tried to blackmail me. Not sure if you saw the thread I made about it, but he (gotmilk) is a dodgy fucker....And most definitely shouldn't be allowed to be a vendor.

Hope Jasper is alright though - nice guy he is. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 29, 2013, 12:55 pm

jasper is having some problems...   unfortunately....

if ya read the past posts you will see what him and myself spoke the way...i still am waiting on 0.76 BTC's to come back to me from loans that you allowed others to get through me....just wanted to make that public...let me know if ya need it this time i can give you 0.3   .....  let me know what to do with it please  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 29, 2013, 12:56 pm
Here's the thread I'm on about Des -

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Descarte on June 29, 2013, 01:10 pm

jasper is having some problems...   unfortunately....

if ya read the past posts you will see what him and myself spoke the way...i still am waiting on 0.76 BTC's to come back to me from loans that you allowed others to get through me....just wanted to make that public...let me know if ya need it this time i can give you 0.3   .....  let me know what to do with it please  :)
Hi ChemCat, I've got him on PM at the moment.  Trying to get him to send me some details before he closes his account. If what he says is true something should be done about it.

As for the money, if you want to add the borrowers to the shit list that's fine, But I never considered it a loan to you so there is nothing outstanding between us.
I doubt you'll accept this but that's what makes you a good person.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 29, 2013, 01:14 pm
ok Descarte, tell him not to delete....we'll wipe the fact...i already done that...i'll take jaspers debt....tack it onto what i owe you if you will please...i know he owes you he's having with me please...

i'll get ya sorted for him...tell him i said hi and keep his chin up...ok?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 29, 2013, 01:17 pm
Descarte, let me know his total debt and i'll pay it for him...Jasper....if you're readng this...get yur shit together son...

we'll be here when you get back....
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on June 29, 2013, 01:17 pm

jasper is having some problems...   unfortunately....

if ya read the past posts you will see what him and myself spoke the way...i still am waiting on 0.76 BTC's to come back to me from loans that you allowed others to get through me....just wanted to make that public...let me know if ya need it this time i can give you 0.3   .....  let me know what to do with it please  :)

Hey ChemCat

You got the payment I sent last night though ? Just checking lol
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 29, 2013, 01:22 pm
sent from    kallindown    ฿0.22   June 29, 2013, 12:51 am UTC

Yep kalli  :)

got it  :)

ya need it again and i have it  :)

it's yours!

Now, lend a coin or two and get on that to BoxofShapes to be added please  :)

LOL  layin on the floor typin sux  LOL
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on June 29, 2013, 01:32 pm
Hehehe  ;D

Same applies to you Chem, just hit me up if you need n I will be grateful to return the favor.

I've been keeping my eye on your vendor page and I've wanted to try DMT for about 8 years (seriously its like the holy grail to me) and saw you mentioned it so I will wait till you have stock and hopefully you can talk me through hows best to vape it or whatever if you wouldn't mind please.

Right im off to read that thread catch you soon, kalli.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Descarte on June 29, 2013, 01:41 pm
He seems to have logged off again. 
I'm not worried about the money just Jasper and the fact we may have a renegade vendor who needs dealing with.
He seems a bit naive and a couple of cops probably would have spooked him.  I don't know exactly how US law is
but if cops tried to enter my place using an anonymous report as reasonable suspicion of a crime taking place I'd tell them to get fucked.

Ps If you try to send me any coins to cover Jaspers debt I'll send you double back.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 29, 2013, 01:48 pm
ok, i'm here for now....what?

Descarte?  i dont understand!?!?!

Damn...he logged off?

is it the debt he's worried about?

fuck that we'll wipe that...

the cops??   tell him not to say anything....sit it out in the damn sitting cell.....dont

keep me posted Descarte....if we can pin him down i can send him some cash till he gets out.....dont like to do this....

but my offer stands...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 29, 2013, 01:51 pm
oh for fucks sake!!

this is like when my son got locked up....

i'll do this one more....Descarte you hear me?

tell let you know what we can do....and i'll pull some shit together..................................

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 29, 2013, 01:55 pm
:o I'm still awake ::)

anyway :( still looking for .18 :P if anybody can help :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 29, 2013, 01:56 pm
@ Descarte

Also let him know......we'll be wating for him to get out....

damn i have to give you all jobs on the farm?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 29, 2013, 02:01 pm

how much do ya need?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 29, 2013, 02:08 pm

send to    RS7FI8ZRkm    ฿0.20  June 29, 2013, 2:06 pm UTC

when ya can bro  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Descarte on June 29, 2013, 02:14 pm
He's safe ChemCat, did you get my PM.

It's this motherfucking vendor I'm interested in now, I can swing
just as far in the opposite direction to my usual kindness and good nature.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 29, 2013, 02:20 pm
@ Descarte

Yep i got your msg...havin a hard time typing but i'll try to keep up...

BullShit...dont be a pussy...any one of you  in this thread...we dont roll like that!

let us know what vendor...we'll put him on Front street...

i'll say this one fucking time....i expect to be treated as i treat you all...

if i fuck up....i want to hear about it...point blank fucking period...

Now it's time we help Jasper...some of you know him...some of you dont.....we dont know some of you...

but we treat you with Respect....

Descarte, let me know how or if i can help....

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 29, 2013, 02:26 pm
oh i'm getting upset and i dont know why....


i aint gonna say another damn ting.....
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: zokas on June 29, 2013, 02:36 pm
Hello Guys,

sent ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on June 29, 2013, 02:52 pm
@ Descarte

Yep i got your msg...havin a hard time typing but i'll try to keep up...

BullShit...dont be a pussy...any one of you  in this thread...we dont roll like that!

let us know what vendor...we'll put him on Front street...

i'll say this one fucking time....i expect to be treated as i treat you all...

if i fuck up....i want to hear about it...point blank fucking period...

Now it's time we help Jasper...some of you know him...some of you dont.....we dont know some of you...

but we treat you with Respect....

Descarte, let me know how or if i can help....

Ok, what happened??
Where's murder needed?!?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 29, 2013, 02:58 pm
Just Stay tuned, MURDA......

we're workin on it....
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 29, 2013, 03:00 pm
be prepared...MURDA


ya know how we've been here long enough....
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 29, 2013, 03:02 pm
Gonna stop messin around...

Let me know what to do @ Descarte........
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on June 29, 2013, 03:05 pm

As is murder!!
We don't fuck around here!!
Just let me know where/when you need me!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Descarte on June 29, 2013, 03:28 pm
We'll try to be patient and hopefully I'll hear something more from Jasper.

It's tempting to start this shitstorm now but that would not be the reasonable thing to do.
Rational thinking must rein over emotion not just because it's the right thing to do but also
because you are much more effective at recking havoc when you are calm and concise.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 29, 2013, 03:33 pm
@ Descarte

Sorry for the late have my PM   please delete it after you've read it........
i'm in this 100%

Descarte....lets get this straightened out......

i'm gonna bite my lip for the time being......
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 29, 2013, 03:35 pm
@ Descarte

keep me posted please...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Descarte on June 29, 2013, 03:41 pm
Jaspers back online I'll let you know shortly.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 29, 2013, 03:48 pm
let me know shortly?

well shit fire  LOL

i'd hope to pray that you'd let me know sooner......


tell him his debt is wiped out.....i dont know if you care or not.....but i do......debt wiped....clean....he doesnt owe anything...

i'll buy and pay his note........let me know what the cost is....and i will pay it...this is
BS  i am nodding and dont appreciate ths....let me know his debt and i'll pay it......
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on June 29, 2013, 04:28 pm
We'll try to be patient and hopefully I'll hear something more from Jasper.

It's tempting to start this shitstorm now but that would not be the reasonable thing to do.
Rational thinking must rein over emotion not just because it's the right thing to do but also
because you are much more effective at recking havoc when you are calm and concise.

This !!!

Probably nothing much I can do to help but if there is be sure to give me a shout.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 29, 2013, 05:06 pm
Hi all, hope everyone,s good  ;) i,m waiting on my dinner  ;D sorry got unexpectably busy earlier  ::)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 29, 2013, 05:36 pm
:o I'm still awake ::)

anyway :( still looking for .18 :P if anybody can help :)

I was trying to track you down like a bitch earlier to sort you out, but you weren't responding and I had to go out.

I see Chemmy sorted you in the end, so all's good  8)

Nice one Chemmy.....

I see we have some drama kicking off with Jasper - anyone give me a brief summary of wa gwan? I'm all up for helping in some way if I can  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: SammyTheBull on June 29, 2013, 05:42 pm
Hello all. I'm still trying to get my order in but am $20 short. I can pay back Sunday with interest if you like.
My SR name is the same as it is here. Sammythebull. I hate to ask but I'd really appreciate it if anyone could help me out. Thanks.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 29, 2013, 06:16 pm
Like what the crap all.  I know it was asked before and I kinda got the idea, but what the crap happened to jasper?  He doesn't deserve crap like this. 

Also, unrelated, I'm in contact with White Out and I might have some coin to throw back to RS before monday.  Maybe.  Either way this makes me feel better communication is open.  It is a pretty fun story. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Descarte on June 29, 2013, 06:33 pm
I see we have some drama kicking off with Jasper - anyone give me a brief summary of wa gwan? I'm all up for helping in some way if I can  8)

Like what the crap all.  I know it was asked before and I kinda got the idea, but what the crap happened to jasper?  He doesn't deserve crap like this.

I'm looking into it but Jasper has asked me not to pursue the vendor so I have to respect that for now.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 29, 2013, 06:36 pm

I'm looking into it but Jasper has asked me not to pursue the vendor so I have to respect that for now.

That's fair enough - when you next speak send my regards and tell him I'm here if I can help in anyway.

Thanks Des  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 29, 2013, 06:39 pm
Well I didn't expect any details to be posted.  Just givin my best.    :(  Hope it all works out.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on June 29, 2013, 06:59 pm
Anyone willing to loan 0.20?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on June 29, 2013, 07:34 pm
Well I didn't expect any details to be posted.  Just givin my best.    :(  Hope it all works out.

You can always tell the true roadies from the get rich quick, me me me scum!!

Much love!!
Long live SR!!

In actuality i would TOTALLY be borrowing right now.. but i couldn't set my payback time in stone and it would be a significant amount!!
So, I'm NOT going there!!
I love you guys!!  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mrlavish on June 29, 2013, 07:37 pm
ChemCat, thanks for the loan. Just paid back the .16 you lent me Monday, should be in your account already.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 29, 2013, 07:55 pm
Be well murda.  I've tried for so long to try to avoid lending, but this time it legitimately helped me, and I know I will have some cash coming up.  Least you can go to bed and not have debts in the back of your mind to the fine people around here.

I'll be able to be back to lend again after this though.  Sorry it isn't now.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 29, 2013, 07:56 pm
mrlavish, thank you......right now i cant think straight....mary read your msgs...

you know?   pisses me off really....some of you fuckers really dont care about your friends do you?

fuck it i am going to bed....ya'll dont even understand do you??

fuck the drugs.....we have something here......get yur fucking heads out of ypour asses!

i  am cant type to good ....goin to bed...i love you peoople   your my family now......
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 29, 2013, 08:00 pm
mrlavish, thank you......right now i cant think straight....mary read your msgs...

you know?   pisses me off really....some of you fuckers really dont care about your friends do you?

fuck it i am going to bed....ya'll dont even understand do you??

fuck the drugs.....we have something here......get yur fucking heads out of ypour asses!

i  am cant type to good ....goin to bed...i love you peoople   your my family now......

 :o >:( :(  :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on June 29, 2013, 08:04 pm
mrlavish, thank you......right now i cant think straight....mary read your msgs...

you know?   pisses me off really....some of you fuckers really dont care about your friends do you?

fuck it i am going to bed....ya'll dont even understand do you??

fuck the drugs.....we have something here......get yur fucking heads out of ypour asses!

i  am cant type to good ....goin to bed...i love you peoople   your my family now......

Rest easy homie!!
You deserve it!!

And you're right on the nose about the drugs.. this is place is a sanctuary and should be treated as such!!

Not expecting anything but I'm short $13 on breaking my lsd cherry, if anyone is kind enough to be able to loan me it or part of it and I'll throw you back $20 on friday as getting my order this week instead of next would make for pretty sweet timing for my SO's birthday. Name on SR is the same as here. Would be extremely grateful, peace.
got 0.06 can pass to you..

holyshit lots of posts >_<

mary sending your .18 back :)
Hey sorry I went to sleep shortly after making the post, if you would still like to lend it I'd appreciate it and pay you back friday with a couple extra bucks.
Not expecting anything but I'm short $13 on breaking my lsd cherry, if anyone is kind enough to be able to loan me it or part of it and I'll throw you back $20 on friday as getting my order this week instead of next would make for pretty sweet timing for my SO's birthday. Name on SR is the same as here. Would be extremely grateful, peace.
got 0.06 can pass to you..

holyshit lots of posts >_<

mary sending your .18 back :)
Hey sorry I went to sleep shortly after making the post, if you would still like to lend it I'd appreciate it and pay you back friday with a couple extra bucks.

Sending 0.053 - that's all I ave ATM - gets you a bit closer - hopefully someone else can sort you the rest - =)

Damn I can't wait to trip again , it's been many moon since I danced with Lucy
Thanks so much taz, muchas gracias friend. As said before, expect it back on Friday with some interest. Same applies to anyone else who/if can loan me the last bit.($7.30) +1 Taz, not just forum karma either man.

Yo Taz.. i also lent imwaiting.. did you get your friday payback??
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 29, 2013, 08:09 pm
Our Sanctuary lies within our creator...

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 29, 2013, 08:10 pm
i'm very upset....see ya when i see you all  ..........
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 29, 2013, 08:12 pm
Evening ALL...

Not sure if any of you are into practical jokes - but if your that way inclined and want to wind up your mates in real life, I have the perfect program for it, willing to share it with you for free!! It's a fucking classic...

PM me for details, and I'll only give it to people that I'm familiar with - trust me it's fun fun fun funny as fuck  8)


@ Chemmy what's up brother? why you upset, can I help? Love ya man  :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Baggie on June 29, 2013, 08:17 pm
Is there anyone who can loan me .43btc?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 29, 2013, 08:23 pm
Our Sanctuary lies within our creator...


Wow.  This is kind of bad's the same philosophy I would hope to employ anywhere.

@ Japan

PM sent!  I gotta know
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 29, 2013, 08:24 pm
I Love ya too.....

Look around @ Japan

i know i am rambling...and i dont mean any animocity towards anyone.....

We've come a long way.....thecrackhead......has bestowed upon us an awesome thread....

some of us thought he fucked us....but he didnt.....

some of you laugh at me .....i dont care....when i say to you .....i'm 78     you laugh...

well i'll laugh last  :)

I am 78 and from what i see...i am the oldest here and one....of the most level headed people here...

today i am not level headed.....i'm old....i'm tired....and my body hurts....

Today you all do You..... I'm out   of here for now...

Love  Eachother!!!!!


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 29, 2013, 08:33 pm
Love  Eachother!!!!!



I can't help it friend.  Rest well guy. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on June 29, 2013, 08:37 pm
I Love ya too.....

Look around @ Japan

i know i am rambling...and i dont mean any animocity towards anyone.....

We've come a long way.....thecrackhead......has bestowed upon us an awesome thread....

some of us thought he fucked us....but he didnt.....

some of you laugh at me .....i dont care....when i say to you .....i'm 78     you laugh...

well i'll laugh last  :)

I am 78 and from what i see...i am the oldest here and one....of the most level headed people here...

today i am not level headed.....i'm old....i'm tired....and my body hurts....

Today you all do You..... I'm out   of here for now...

Love  Eachother!!!!!



Chem Chem Chem
i love YOU!!
If you are truly 78.. i have MAD respect for you!!
But I'm not far behind you homie!!  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 29, 2013, 08:38 pm
No Expectations.....

I Love You Boxy!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on June 29, 2013, 08:40 pm
I Love ya too.....

Look around @ Japan

i know i am rambling...and i dont mean any animocity towards anyone.....

We've come a long way.....thecrackhead......has bestowed upon us an awesome thread....

some of us thought he fucked us....but he didnt.....

some of you laugh at me .....i dont care....when i say to you .....i'm 78     you laugh...

well i'll laugh last  :)

I am 78 and from what i see...i am the oldest here and one....of the most level headed people here...

today i am not level headed.....i'm old....i'm tired....and my body hurts....

Today you all do You..... I'm out   of here for now...

Love  Eachother!!!!!



Chem Chem Chem
i love YOU!!
If you are truly 78.. i have MAD respect for you!! More than you know
But I'm not far behind you homie!!  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 29, 2013, 08:42 pm
Damn all know i cant sleep  LOL

one word.....five letters............


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 29, 2013, 08:43 pm
I Love You Boxy!!

Box of <3 to you cc
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 29, 2013, 08:47 pm
Chemmy - I'm getting worried brother, what's going on man? You seem very unlike your usual self.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 29, 2013, 08:49 pm
Love to you Chemmy  :-* :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 29, 2013, 09:01 pm
:o I'm still awake ::)

anyway :( still looking for .18 :P if anybody can help :)

I was trying to track you down like a bitch earlier to sort you out, but you weren't responding and I had to go out.

I see Chemmy sorted you in the end, so all's good  8)

Nice one Chemmy.....

I see we have some drama kicking off with Jasper - anyone give me a brief summary of wa gwan? I'm all up for helping in some way if I can  8)
:P was high as a kite / up all night, didn't have very much of a attention span ::)

anyway, thank you :)

hows everybody doing :D?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 29, 2013, 09:05 pm
ermm, what happened with jasper :-\?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 29, 2013, 09:20 pm

did i really say that to
DPR ???

damn i in trouble now?

dont knows  wuts goin on ATM  (Scratches Head)
??? in trouble now aint I??
got yur msgs...   @ boxy......dont know what
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 29, 2013, 09:24 pm
chemmy be takin his pain meds :P

much love brother
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 29, 2013, 09:28 pm
ermm, what happened with jasper :-\?
Eh we don't really have details, but I think we need to leave it at that for right now.

Also, I want to say, sorry you had to chase after more coin after throwing a considerable chunk my way.  This really helped me guy.  I can't thank you enough. (As I'm sure others if I could only convey what happened here.  Maybe I could say I found it under a tree and leave it at that?)

I'm sure next time I'll be there to help you out.

got yur msgs...   @ boxy......dont know what

I don't know either?  I sent a message?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 29, 2013, 09:36 pm
nah, :) no worries, its the weekend! was trying to get two last minute orders in ::) :P (stoners like to wait till the last minute, I guess) . I'm glad I was able to help you ^_^, besides, chemmy took care of me <3

:o did he at least settle up his debts :|?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on June 29, 2013, 09:48 pm
I love ChemCat for trusting me and just general awesomeness after reading a lot of the threads in this place over the last week (I also see a few other "good guys" popping up repeatedly).

Now I check this thread every day at least a couple of times for your banter, its great and I appreciate the quality and substance so many of you seem to have. Kalli.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 29, 2013, 09:50 pm
Settle up my debt?

well....hmmmm...i dont think i owe anyone.............

if i owe anyone.......loet me know now..............'cuz if ya dont......

11 minutes  and you will be forgotten
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Baggie on June 29, 2013, 09:57 pm
I will owe someone .43btc if I can manage to get a loan to my sr account leftovercrackmaniac ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 29, 2013, 09:59 pm
Settle up my debt?

well....hmmmm...i dont think i owe anyone.............

if i owe anyone.......loet me know now..............'cuz if ya dont......

11 minutes  and you will be forgotten
:P was talking about jasper bro, how you feelin today chemmy?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 29, 2013, 10:02 pm
heya descarte! how have you been :)?

why'd you delete your post :o
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 29, 2013, 10:05 pm
I love ChemCat for trusting me and just general awesomeness after reading a lot of the threads in this place over the last week (I also see a few other "good guys" popping up repeatedly).

Now I check this thread every day at least a couple of times for your banter, its great and I appreciate the quality and substance so many of you seem to have. Kalli.

Thanks for your words friend!  Nice to hear an outside opinion like this.  We try to make it a lighted area.   :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 29, 2013, 10:07 pm
:P (hugs)! boxy
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Descarte on June 29, 2013, 10:08 pm
It wasn't meant to be a post, rather a PM. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on June 29, 2013, 11:00 pm
I love ChemCat for trusting me and just general awesomeness after reading a lot of the threads in this place over the last week (I also see a few other "good guys" popping up repeatedly).

Now I check this thread every day at least a couple of times for your banter, its great and I appreciate the quality and substance so many of you seem to have. Kalli.

Thanks for your words friend!  Nice to hear an outside opinion like this.  We try to make it a lighted area.   :P

You're welcome it makes for such a richer experience then "just buying drugs" <3
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 29, 2013, 11:37 pm
fuck you bitinstant :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 29, 2013, 11:47 pm
sounds like it was the other way around
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 29, 2013, 11:49 pm
nah, just wont let me process anything, keeps saying "were unable to identify you based on the information provided... blah blah, we fucked are code up.. sorry. ::)"
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 30, 2013, 12:48 am

you cant do BI ?

hold for a day please....then msg me and i'll give you my info...with my info you shoukd be able to get coins

i do    ...

pm me.....
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 30, 2013, 12:51 am need coins brother?

pm me...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Baggie on June 30, 2013, 12:53 am

you cant do BI ?

hold for a day please....then msg me and i'll give you my info...with my info you shoukd be able to get coins

i do    ...

pm me.....

ChemCat, Is it a possibility that you could help me with this as well?  It's virtually impossible for me to get in touch with Bitinstant and I've just been pretty much panhandling the forums for .43 btc and I hate begging.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 30, 2013, 01:00 am

you cant do BI ?

hold for a day please....then msg me and i'll give you my info...with my info you shoukd be able to get coins

i do    ...

pm me.....

ChemCat, Is it a possibility that you could help me with this as well?  It's virtually impossible for me to get in touch with Bitinstant and I've just been pretty much panhandling the forums for .43 btc and I hate begging.

usw that....hurtin....cant talk  now......ue the'll get answers/.../////......

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Pusci on June 30, 2013, 01:03 am
I need roughly $2 to complete a order , if someone is kind enough to lend , pm before you do so and i will forever remember you and give you back $5 when i get around to getting more btc

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Baggie on June 30, 2013, 01:05 am

you cant do BI ?

hold for a day please....then msg me and i'll give you my info...with my info you shoukd be able to get coins

i do    ...

pm me.....

ChemCat, Is it a possibility that you could help me with this as well?  It's virtually impossible for me to get in touch with Bitinstant and I've just been pretty much panhandling the forums for .43 btc and I hate begging.

usw that....hurtin....cant talk  now......ue the'll get answers/.../////......

Thank you so much ChemCat!!! You always have been nice to me on the forums hahahaha +1
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 30, 2013, 01:07 am
I need roughly $2 to complete a order , if someone is kind enough to lend , pm before you do so and i will forever remember you and give you back $5 when i get around to getting more btc

whats your sr username?

pm sent chem ;)

hows everybody?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 30, 2013, 01:08 am
YOU';RE very welcomed @ baggie

sorry my type is bad tonight.....
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 30, 2013, 01:09 am
you got this  RS?

i'm toast....prolly gonna have to go to the doc tomorrow....back is fubar bro....ya need me just pm me...i'll be here if you need me @ RS
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Pusci on June 30, 2013, 01:13 am
Sorry SR username is Pusci , same as forum name . will honor my debt if you can help me out ! not that that holds much weight on a anonymous forum but still :) appreciate it .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 30, 2013, 01:18 am
Sorry SR username is Pusci , same as forum name . will honor my debt if you can help me out ! not that that holds much weight on a anonymous forum but still :) appreciate it .
0.0211 sent to Pusci :), enjoy.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Pusci on June 30, 2013, 01:25 am

I have $1.10 leftover from the order i can send you if you give me your SR name , and i will send the rest when i can , thanks a bunch!

And karma sent your way , through the SR karma system and in real life :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 30, 2013, 01:29 am
;) you're welcome.

you can send it whenever, name is the same. you can also see who sent you coins from the account history section. :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Pusci on June 30, 2013, 01:34 am
You can to , i never knew that .. thanks again :)

0.01142455 sent back to you ! will send you another $4 in time  , hold me to it :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 30, 2013, 01:39 am
@ RS

From now on....use PGP when msg done good bro....

i cant see straight...

here is your msg....

Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (MingW32)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 30, 2013, 01:42 am
i'm out bro...kinda...will be ya RS
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 30, 2013, 01:46 am
alright man :) love you too!

get some rest, hope you feel better later :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 30, 2013, 02:05 am

Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (MingW32)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 30, 2013, 02:06 am
dont abuse that....

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 30, 2013, 02:09 am
I cant believe i did that....

dont fuck this up brother....

oh my god i am nervous now
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ralph123 on June 30, 2013, 02:09 am
anybody got a .1 they can spare til the 5th?

ralph2341542 is my SR name

I have give to folks using the mike hunt username
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 30, 2013, 02:12 am
Sorry ralph....

Not Now.....
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 30, 2013, 02:14 am

Good Lord!!

Ralph you have alot of posts!!

Tell us a little about yourself.......

ya make me curious now  LOL
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 30, 2013, 02:16 am
Right now i dont have that which you desire @ Ralph

gonna look at your posts...


ralph, wht brought you here to us?

just curious....

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Flowski on June 30, 2013, 02:17 am
Japan, is your SR name the same?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 30, 2013, 02:19 am


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on June 30, 2013, 02:19 am
Yeahhhh ChemCat got my 1st ever karma point :) well deserved and hope your back sorts its goddam self out :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 30, 2013, 02:23 am
Japan, is your SR name the same?
yes, his SR name is same as forum, Japan1980.

:) .1 sent to ralph2341542, enjoy! repay soon, please!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 30, 2013, 02:30 am
@ RS

Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (Smile Mother Fucker)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Flowski on June 30, 2013, 02:32 am
Japan, is your SR name the same?
yes, his SR name is same as forum, Japan1980.

:) .1 sent to ralph2341542, enjoy! repay soon, please!

Cool thanks.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 30, 2013, 02:36 am
@ RS

Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (MingW32)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 30, 2013, 02:42 am
::) thanks man
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 30, 2013, 02:57 am
wow.... am zoning  :o

this morphine combined with this DMT   is nuts!!!


ok RS

if ya need t ti's tghere juswt dont abuse it  :)

I Love You Bro!!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 30, 2013, 03:11 am
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 30, 2013, 03:14 am
where's our mary anf J-man?


they gots the whoooooooooooooooooooole world in their handssss
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 30, 2013, 03:17 am
:D you liking the DMT? hope you're taking it slow with the morphine brother ;)

I'll try using this other thing first, an let you know if it works.

<3 be easy
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 30, 2013, 03:18 am
wonder if j-man has couple extra coins.. ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 30, 2013, 03:19 am
mary is sleeping in maybe :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 30, 2013, 03:23 am
prolly  :)

Hugs mary and her man  :)

not too sure if you will get asked for ID bro....

if ya dont though...that's good money right thwre  ;)

please dont fuck that up for us  ;)

just woke up from a nod.....i dont think i loike this morphne......i mean i still feel the pain....i'm just high  :o

kinda useless..

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 30, 2013, 03:26 am
J   shpuld be here shortly...


what the heck happened to thecrackhead?

i offered to p[ay his debt to mary....

fucker never msg me back..


oh well.....

Hope yur doin ok @ thecrackhead  send us yur info and i'll send you some money for noodles  LOL

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: roo1bos on June 30, 2013, 04:11 am
Could any of you generous folks spare 0.03 ?
Item availabilities changed as I got the coins and now I am just short of an order. I will pay it forward or pay you back, however you like.

SR username is the same
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 30, 2013, 04:20 am

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 30, 2013, 04:45 am
man i wish i could help ya  :(

Stick around and keep Bumpin.........

Someone that can help you will be along shortly.......

Keep Bumpin  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sorasgaze on June 30, 2013, 05:09 am
I need 4 dollars! (0.05BTC), I'm short on an order of MXE. I have a $40 Moneypak to fund my account but I'm currently waiting on a reply from a vendor seeing if he's able to process it since no one deals with that shit anymore. I'll repay the loan once I get this MP processed, I'm just impatient.
(P.S., MP for BTC anyone? lmao)
Greatly appreciated.
Wallet: 13EDiF4QkqBJZrcn5qRDfAtpyJhUBiyprL  / sorasgaze
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: FollowIcculus on June 30, 2013, 05:42 am
just bumping my request for 0.1 btc . I would love it or I will give back 0.15 in 48 hours if you want to make it a loan, whatever address sends the 0.1 without messaging me its not a loan... I'll assume it is and automaticly send back to that address 19iuP3dHPMSFSagTwhC35aELcSkt1XyZJY

thanks guys! any amount will help
I don't have have a whole .1 BTC but I can lend .09 if it helps.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: FollowIcculus on June 30, 2013, 05:45 am
I need 4 dollars! (0.05BTC), I'm short on an order of MXE. I have a $40 Moneypak to fund my account but I'm currently waiting on a reply from a vendor seeing if he's able to process it since no one deals with that shit anymore. I'll repay the loan once I get this MP processed, I'm just impatient.
(P.S., MP for BTC anyone? lmao)
Greatly appreciated.
Wallet: 13EDiF4QkqBJZrcn5qRDfAtpyJhUBiyprL  / sorasgaze
I've got you if GHB420 doesn't respond but I offered him first so we'll give him a chance to see if he still needs it.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: FollowIcculus on June 30, 2013, 05:47 am
And if you guys respond and do wanna borrow what little spare change I have be sure to post your SR Username for me.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 30, 2013, 06:15 am
Stick around.....stick...

we danced to this...

right now i amk losing it......

hold my hand.....

i'll never leave you....

i miss you   so much.....your touch....

your eyes..... 

always so beautiful....

how long can i go on without you?

i'll stay here for our children.....

I Miss You  ...


I Love You.....

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: FollowIcculus on June 30, 2013, 06:20 am
Stick around.....stick...

we danced to this...

right now i amk losing it......

hold my hand.....

i'll never leave you....

i miss you   so much.....your touch....

your eyes..... 

always so beautiful....

how long can i go on without you?

i'll stay here for our children.....

I Miss You  ...


I Love You.....
ChemCat I really only know you from the spare coin threads but I gotta ask:  Whats wrong buddy?  I know we're anonymous and shit but I will be up tonight if you need someone to talk to just PM me.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 30, 2013, 06:25 am
Hi Chemmy my good friend.

Hope you're well and feeling a little better today..

Just had a listen to the Harold Melvin & The Blue Notes link - lovely old song. Your wife must be looking down so proud of you, as you're one of most kind-hearted people around.

Love ya buddy  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 30, 2013, 06:32 am
oh, nothing is wrong....i just miss my you ever miss some one?

we used to walk....hold hands and sing together...

it we miss some one....

oh i love you and miss you...please be safe....i'll take care of our kids...and the people  that you asked me to support...stuck like  glue baby....

guess i'd better go to sleep..................................
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 30, 2013, 06:36 am
hey J-Man  :)

I Love you too  :)

today is prolly not good  :)

my day to think..


Love ya @ Japan
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: FollowIcculus on June 30, 2013, 06:40 am
oh, nothing is wrong....i just miss my you ever miss some one?

we used to walk....hold hands and sing together...

it we miss some one....

oh i love you and miss you...please be safe....i'll take care of our kids...and the people  that you asked me to support...stuck like  glue baby....

guess i'd better go to sleep..................................
Well I guess I just don't know the story of your wife whom you miss but I don't wanna pry.  So I'll just say sleep tight and thanks for helping to make this place as awesome as it is.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 30, 2013, 06:47 am

I Love You  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: FollowIcculus on June 30, 2013, 06:50 am

I Love You  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 30, 2013, 06:52 am
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on June 30, 2013, 06:54 am
###Closes eyes###
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 30, 2013, 07:20 am
:) bitinstant was success.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: FollowIcculus on June 30, 2013, 07:36 am
:) bitinstant was success.
I've had no problems with bitinstant.  What's all the uproar about? I'm too lazy to search through threads.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dabigboss on June 30, 2013, 07:42 am
@meloniasty If you see this, I just wanted to let you know that I will be getting coins later in the week and will return 0.03 and some change then. Hope you are doing well, and thanks again!  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on June 30, 2013, 08:42 am
Good morning you crazy lot !

Was thinking in bed last night isn't there a way to have just 1 account where we can all dump our change and make donations to, that 1 of the longer trusted member controls so we can pool the resources we have together that way we would know who lent what much easier.

Then I thought wtf's it got to do with me ? If its not broken don't try to fix it.... and its probably a shitty idea I can see a couple of flaws in my idea but its the fact im thinking of shit like that not the quality of that particular thought lol.

Why do I even care ? Because I have had my eyes opened ? Because I don't have to take a knife with me now on every drug deal ? Because people here seem to care too ?

Because I do care, im just having trouble working out why I do.....

Seems you've gotten under my skin lol
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 30, 2013, 09:15 am
Good morning you crazy lot !

Was thinking in bed last night isn't there a way to have just 1 account where we can all dump our change and make donations to, that 1 of the longer trusted member controls so we can pool the resources we have together that way we would know who lent what much easier.

Then I thought wtf's it got to do with me ? If its not broken don't try to fix it.... and its probably a shitty idea I can see a couple of flaws in my idea but its the fact im thinking of shit like that not the quality of that particular thought lol.

Why do I even care ? Because I have had my eyes opened ? Because I don't have to take a knife with me now on every drug deal ? Because people here seem to care too ?

Because I do care, im just having trouble working out why I do.....

Seems you've gotten under my skin lol

In principle it's a good idea - a similar thing happened recently but on a much lower scale, and didn't work. People tend to find out who has control of the pot and jump in and get greedy - and I'm sure that small pot that was given to dish out has had people try it on, and the loans weren't getting paid back.

If it was a pot for trusted members only it would work - but that would create a divide in the thread between the oldtimers and the new people that are and will be using the thread.

If everyone was as honest as a handful of people on this thread the idea would work with no problems - but unfortunately not everyone is and people would take and run.

Plus for example if I paid 3BTC's into the pot, and someone was n charge of the pot - I would have to trust that person's judgement in lending my coin out. Another reason I can't see it working on a grand scale. I like to be in charge of my own loans - and make my own judgement call on who I loan too. I think so far I've been quite good at making these calls as my return rate is over 90%. But I know some people have success rates of under 30%.

So yeah in principle it's a good idea - but in reality, it wouldn't work.

But +1 to you for thinking of an idea to try and improve the thread, as things will naturally evolve - and the more thought into how we keep this a trusted community the better.

So good on ya Kalli for thinking about keeping this thread alive and well - and the more ideas people come up with the better, because there is bound to be something that would improve the thread, it's just not known what yet  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: StraightThuggin on June 30, 2013, 09:58 am
Aye Sr brothers, can someone please lend me 0.06 bitcoin. Got taxed when i sent my bitcoin through the company i was using an lost 10%!

SR name is: FisherBeWharter

If your able to lend me some, please pm so I am able to repay you and give you a little extra when I restock!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 30, 2013, 10:11 am
oh, nothing is wrong....i just miss my you ever miss some one?

we used to walk....hold hands and sing together...

it we miss some one....

oh i love you and miss you...please be safe....i'll take care of our kids...and the people  that you asked me to support...stuck like  glue baby....

guess i'd better go to sleep..................................
Brilliant song Chemmy, one of my fav,s  ;) You ok today friend, i,ve pm,d you  ;) huggles

Hello all  :D hope you,ve got the day off Japan, you work a lot  ;) don,t go back to the other thread that misses you lol  ;) your our Japan, you stay here, this one,s way better  ;) hugs
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on June 30, 2013, 10:18 am
Thanks japan its just a natural instinct to preserve something good I see, feel lucky to have stumbled my way here :)

I agree its unworkable but like you say the more ideas that get thrown about the more likely we are to find one that helps.

Already feels like I know most of you from reading extensive amounts of posts lol

StraightThuggin cleaned my acc. out there's only 0.016 but its on the way to you hope it helps a little and don't worry about paying such a small amount back just do the same for someone else if you ever can.

Respect all and I wish you a mighty fine day :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Japan1980 on June 30, 2013, 10:42 am
oh, nothing is wrong....i just miss my you ever miss some one?

we used to walk....hold hands and sing together...

it we miss some one....

oh i love you and miss you...please be safe....i'll take care of our kids...and the people  that you asked me to support...stuck like  glue baby....

guess i'd better go to sleep..................................
Brilliant song Chemmy, one of my fav,s  ;) You ok today friend, i,ve pm,d you  ;) huggles

Hello all  :D hope you,ve got the day off Japan, you work a lot  ;) don,t go back to the other thread that misses you lol  ;) your our Japan, you stay here, this one,s way better  ;) hugs

Work hard, play hard Mary - that's how I roll.

Hope you're well sweetie  :-*

I'll be in and out today, got some work to do from home!

Coinless today though unfortunately so can't lend to anyone, got all my orders in Friday and Saturday so my postie will be a busy boy Monday and Tuesday  8)

Hope everyone is cool..

J-MAN  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 30, 2013, 10:49 am
HIGH Japan  ;D was wondering something....i,m due RS 0.27 the rate has dropped since i borrowed, how does this work when paying back if the amouts worth less than when borrowed??  :-\

Hi Kalli  ;) hope your good today  :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on June 30, 2013, 11:03 am
HIGH Japan  ;D was wondering something....i,m due RS 0.27 the rate has dropped since i borrowed, how does this work when paying back if the amouts worth less than when borrowed??  :-\

Hi Kalli  ;) hope your good today  :D

I am indeed thank you  :D the sun is shining in my corner of the globe and I have music on sat in the kitchen, smoking with a real good friend and chatting on here with interesting people. It's pretty close to perfect for a chilled out sunday !

How are you today mary ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: StraightThuggin on June 30, 2013, 11:35 am
Thanks japan its just a natural instinct to preserve something good I see, feel lucky to have stumbled my way here :)

I agree its unworkable but like you say the more ideas that get thrown about the more likely we are to find one that helps.

Already feels like I know most of you from reading extensive amounts of posts lol

StraightThuggin cleaned my acc. out there's only 0.016 but its on the way to you hope it helps a little and don't worry about paying such a small amount back just do the same for someone else if you ever can.

Respect all and I wish you a mighty fine day :)

legend mate, thank you. Everybit helps, if anyone has any spare coin please help me out need to get $15, will save me a lot of trouble! Will pay back extra when i stock up boys!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 30, 2013, 11:37 am
Hey Kalli sounds good am comin to your kitchen, bringing my bong n smoke, get a spliff rolled up lol  ::) i,m good hun on and off inbetween cleaning up, its all i seem to do  ::) :P

Hope my Chemmy,s ok, hope he,s sleeping, gettin some rest  ::) ;) :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 30, 2013, 11:38 am
some karma for Kalli  ;) everyone else is on the rule lol  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on June 30, 2013, 11:44 am
Hey Kalli sounds good am comin to your kitchen, bringing my bong n smoke, get a spliff rolled up lol  ::) i,m good hun on and off inbetween cleaning up, its all i seem to do  ::) :P

Hope my Chemmy,s ok, hope he,s sleeping, gettin some rest  ::) ;) :-*

It just happens I have one already twisted up ready for you to light, hurry though or I will end up smoking the lot ! ;)

Yeah cleaning.... Hmmm trying to ignore mine, its not too bad I can still see (parts) of the floor lol

Hope he's feeling better, he's such a decent character hate seeing good people go through bad stuff :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on June 30, 2013, 11:52 am
"Yeah cleaning.... Hmmm trying to ignore mine, its not too bad I can still see (parts) of the floor lol"
lmao  ;D i,m falling over stuff trying to get to the kitchen ha ha  ;) puff puff, pass  ::) :P :-*
I fell about 5 weeks ago, put my arm out to save myself and my wrists fucked, i thought it was ok but it,s still swollen and really sore it,s making me feel queezy  :o FUUUUUUUUUUUCK!! I need to go to shop for painkillers  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on June 30, 2013, 01:03 pm
Hehehe puff, puff, pass out  :o

Aww that's a nightmare you should self medicate..... heavily  ::)

and share with me cos im sure im going to get a headache soon ;)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 30, 2013, 05:14 pm
                                              :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) **When requesting, post your SR name** so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
danob15 ++++
dr gonzo
Kalli                       ++++
Mike Hunt
Repus6 *
thelorax  ++++
White Out


The shit list:
Autobondon *
King Karma
repus6 *

*^*do not lend to these people*^*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 30, 2013, 05:16 pm

If you have given and have been missed, feel free to PM this stoner that can't keep track!  Thanks!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 30, 2013, 05:22 pm
Good morning you crazy lot !

Was thinking in bed last night isn't there a way to have just 1 account where we can all dump our change and make donations to, that 1 of the longer trusted member controls so we can pool the resources we have together that way we would know who lent what much easier.

Then I thought wtf's it got to do with me ? If its not broken don't try to fix it.... and its probably a shitty idea I can see a couple of flaws in my idea but its the fact im thinking of shit like that not the quality of that particular thought lol.

Why do I even care ? Because I have had my eyes opened ? Because I don't have to take a knife with me now on every drug deal ? Because people here seem to care too ?

Because I do care, im just having trouble working out why I do.....

Seems you've gotten under my skin lol

In principle it's a good idea - a similar thing happened recently but on a much lower scale, and didn't work. People tend to find out who has control of the pot and jump in and get greedy - and I'm sure that small pot that was given to dish out has had people try it on, and the loans weren't getting paid back.

If it was a pot for trusted members only it would work - but that would create a divide in the thread between the oldtimers and the new people that are and will be using the thread.

If everyone was as honest as a handful of people on this thread the idea would work with no problems - but unfortunately not everyone is and people would take and run.

Plus for example if I paid 3BTC's into the pot, and someone was n charge of the pot - I would have to trust that person's judgement in lending my coin out. Another reason I can't see it working on a grand scale. I like to be in charge of my own loans - and make my own judgement call on who I loan too. I think so far I've been quite good at making these calls as my return rate is over 90%. But I know some people have success rates of under 30%.

So yeah in principle it's a good idea - but in reality, it wouldn't work.

But +1 to you for thinking of an idea to try and improve the thread, as things will naturally evolve - and the more thought into how we keep this a trusted community the better.

So good on ya Kalli for thinking about keeping this thread alive and well - and the more ideas people come up with the better, because there is bound to be something that would improve the thread, it's just not known what yet  8)

Well said!

Just keep it and use your own judgements!  And again, thanks for trying to make this place better.  Just contribute in your own individual way. 

We are lots of little islands instead of one big country.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 30, 2013, 05:25 pm
Be well mary!  I hurt my wrist a while ago and it sucked to type for a long time.  Hate this to be the reason we don't hear from ya!

Puffin and passin this one over to ya!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: FollowIcculus on June 30, 2013, 05:27 pm
Aye Sr brothers, can someone please lend me 0.06 bitcoin. Got taxed when i sent my bitcoin through the company i was using an lost 10%!

SR name is: FisherBeWharter

If your able to lend me some, please pm so I am able to repay you and give you a little extra when I restock!
Sending .06 your way.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: roo1bos on June 30, 2013, 06:03 pm
Could any of you generous folks spare 0.03 ?
Item availabilities changed as I got the coins and now I am just short of an order. I will pay it forward or pay you back, however you like.

SR username is the same

Bump! for visibility  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: FollowIcculus on June 30, 2013, 06:05 pm
Could any of you generous folks spare 0.03 ?
Item availabilities changed as I got the coins and now I am just short of an order. I will pay it forward or pay you back, however you like.

SR username is the same

Bump! for visibility  :)
Coming your way now.

Edit: Just pay me back whenever you've got the coin.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: FollowIcculus on June 30, 2013, 06:17 pm
This may just be my favorite thread on these forums!  Junkies helping junkies with only the honor system to hold people to their word yet I get paid back more promptly and consistently than by my IRL friends.  I wish people knew the truth about SR.  We're not all just criminals here.  I believe most of us are good people who just hold the belief that what I put into my body is my own business.  I don't harass the cops eating Big Macs on their lunch break yet they are doing far more harm to their body than I do when vaping a little grass.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on June 30, 2013, 07:34 pm
FollowIcculus, People do know the truth about SR, the people that use it.
I could care less that the non users just bash SR.

Nice post btw, well said.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: FollowIcculus on June 30, 2013, 07:55 pm
FollowIcculus, People do know the truth about SR, the people that use it.
I could care less that the non users just bash SR.

Nice post btw, well said.
I couldn't care less about the non-users who just bash SR either.  What I am worried about however, is the self-righteous LEO's and politicians who convince the government to waste our tax dollars trying to bust people for victimless "crimes."
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 30, 2013, 08:11 pm
This may just be my favorite thread on these forums!  Junkies helping junkies with only the honor system to hold people to their word yet I get paid back more promptly and consistently than by my IRL friends.  I wish people knew the truth about SR.  We're not all just criminals here.  I believe most of us are good people who just hold the belief that what I put into my body is my own business.  I don't harass the cops eating Big Macs on their lunch break yet they are doing far more harm to their body than I do when vaping a little grass.
I do not consider myself to be a junkie. also, would be wise to keep you're mouth shut about SR ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 30, 2013, 08:30 pm
quite today :o
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: FollowIcculus on June 30, 2013, 08:32 pm
This may just be my favorite thread on these forums!  Junkies helping junkies with only the honor system to hold people to their word yet I get paid back more promptly and consistently than by my IRL friends.  I wish people knew the truth about SR.  We're not all just criminals here.  I believe most of us are good people who just hold the belief that what I put into my body is my own business.  I don't harass the cops eating Big Macs on their lunch break yet they are doing far more harm to their body than I do when vaping a little grass.
I do not consider myself to be a junkie. also, would be wise to keep you're mouth shut about SR ;)
I wasn't using Junkie in the derogatory, passed out with a needle in your arm sense, just keeping with the overall theme of the post which was that was people on here are (generally) not worthless junkies like the general public believes anyone who likes to experiment with their consciousness to be.  I apologize if the term junkie offended anyone and I don't consider myself a junkie either, I was just trying to be funny.  As for keeping my mouth shut about SR my answer is "of course I do" but there is no denying that the general public, and especially Law Enforcement, is aware of our existence.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 30, 2013, 08:40 pm
This may just be my favorite thread on these forums!  Junkies helping junkies with only the honor system to hold people to their word yet I get paid back more promptly and consistently than by my IRL friends.  I wish people knew the truth about SR.  We're not all just criminals here.  I believe most of us are good people who just hold the belief that what I put into my body is my own business.  I don't harass the cops eating Big Macs on their lunch break yet they are doing far more harm to their body than I do when vaping a little grass.
I do not consider myself to be a junkie. also, would be wise to keep you're mouth shut about SR ;)
I wasn't using Junkie in the derogatory, passed out with a needle in your arm sense, just keeping with the overall theme of the post which was that was people on here are (generally) not worthless junkies like the general public believes anyone who likes to experiment with their consciousness to be.  I apologize if the term junkie offended anyone and I don't consider myself a junkie either, I was just trying to be funny.  As for keeping my mouth shut about SR my answer is "of course I do" but there is no denying that the general public, and especially Law Enforcement, is aware of our existence.
I see, no offense taken, just stating I am not a junkie ::) :P

I was referring to IRL, if people know you use SR, and they're rats, you'll be the one paying for it :-\.. sorry if I sound like a dick :-\, dealing with suicide tuesday.. feel like door mat atm..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: FollowIcculus on June 30, 2013, 08:50 pm
Oh I've got ya, but yeah nobody who I know IRL knows I use SR.  Plus I don't resell.  And you didn't come across as a dick, I was just worried that I had come across as one myself with my junkie post.  How do people interpret the word junkie anyways?  If I say junkie do most people immediately assume someone who uses heroin?  Where I am from we don't really have any "junk." Its more of a Methville, USA so around here a "junkie" is just anyone who does drugs of any kind.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 30, 2013, 09:20 pm
I interpret junkies as heroin/opiate abusers whom put drugs before health/family..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: FollowIcculus on June 30, 2013, 09:27 pm
I will keep that in mind and pick my terms more carefully in the future.  By your definition a "junkie" probably clucked his computer a long time ago so there probably aren't a lot of true junkies in our little community I suppose.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dirtybiscuitzz718 on June 30, 2013, 09:43 pm
Hey guys, would any one be so kind as to shoot me a 40 dollars loan?

I will be able to pay it back in no more than a week. I dont usually ask for loans, esp not anything more than a few bucks, but those who know me, know im more than good for it. If any voucher is needed, BoxOfShapes can more than vouch im good for it ;)

 Same nym on SR, if no ones able to fill this request, ill understand. Thanks guys, much love.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 30, 2013, 09:46 pm
Hey guys, would any one be so kind as to shoot me a 40 dollars loan?

I will be able to pay it back in no more than a week. I dont usually ask for loans, esp not anything more than a few bucks, but those who know me, know im more than good for it. If any voucher is needed, BoxOfShapes can more than vouch im good for it ;)

 Same nym on SR, if no ones able to fill this request, ill understand. Thanks guys, much love.
how much in BTC?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dirtybiscuitzz718 on June 30, 2013, 09:55 pm
Hey guys, would any one be so kind as to shoot me a 40 dollars loan?

I will be able to pay it back in no more than a week. I dont usually ask for loans, esp not anything more than a few bucks, but those who know me, know im more than good for it. If any voucher is needed, BoxOfShapes can more than vouch im good for it ;)

 Same nym on SR, if no ones able to fill this request, ill understand. Thanks guys, much love.
how much in BTC?

Im good for it, not in a day or two, but when i get my paycheck, its yours ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 30, 2013, 10:01 pm
.42 sent to dirtybiscuitzz718 :), enjoy!

repay when you can.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on June 30, 2013, 10:08 pm
Get yourself some 5htp RS!  It made a massive difference to me when I have to deal with that.  Just sayin.

Talk to you tomorrow guy.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 30, 2013, 10:21 pm
Get yourself some 5htp RS!  It made a massive difference to me when I have to deal with that.  Just sayin.

Talk to you tomorrow guy.
(hugs) boxy, how you doing?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dirtybiscuitzz718 on June 30, 2013, 10:23 pm
Like wise Boxster, hows goes life? Hope all is well, cant wait to hear about your fest fun with all the goodies ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ForeverJung on June 30, 2013, 10:34 pm
I could really use about $5-10 sent to my SR username to complete a transaction. Would be paid back ASAP (later today or tomorrow as I have more orders finalize). Thanks! :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on June 30, 2013, 10:36 pm
I swear I got some of the stupidest friends. My friend who has just got a good research job out of college was posting on facebook about silk road and molly. I would be surprised if she keeps the job past a month with stuff like that.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 30, 2013, 10:39 pm
I could really use about $5-10 sent to my SR username to complete a transaction. Would be paid back ASAP (later today or tomorrow as I have more orders finalize). Thanks! :)
well is it five or ten ::)?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on June 30, 2013, 11:14 pm
I could really use about $5-10 sent to my SR username to complete a transaction. Would be paid back ASAP (later today or tomorrow as I have more orders finalize). Thanks! :)
well is it five or ten ::)?

Ha tickled me :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 30, 2013, 11:38 pm
I could really use about $5-10 sent to my SR username to complete a transaction. Would be paid back ASAP (later today or tomorrow as I have more orders finalize). Thanks! :)
well is it five or ten ::)?

Ha tickled me :)
tickle, tickle, tickle.. :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 01, 2013, 12:30 am
Get yourself some 5htp RS!  It made a massive difference to me when I have to deal with that.  Just sayin.

Talk to you tomorrow guy.
(hugs) boxy, how you doing?

Good!  Just workin my fingers off.  Still trying to make this weird project or two to take off.  Got nothin but blind faith. 

Like wise Boxster, hows goes life? Hope all is well, cant wait to hear about your fest fun with all the goodies ;)

Oh you will get an update sir!  Actually the 4th is about to happen.  Hate admitting it but it's one of my favorite holidays.  Not so much the patriotism but an excuse to blow shit up and trip face to the pretty lights.  Nice to be equipped for once with some quality gear!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 01, 2013, 12:32 am
I swear I got some of the stupidest friends. My friend who has just got a good research job out of college was posting on facebook about silk road and molly. I would be surprised if she keeps the job past a month with stuff like that.

Maybe she is posting about all the research chemicals she is acquiring.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on July 01, 2013, 12:35 am
I interpret junkies as heroin/opiate abusers whom put drugs before health/family..

^^ Thank You
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dirtybiscuitzz718 on July 01, 2013, 12:50 am
Get yourself some 5htp RS!  It made a massive difference to me when I have to deal with that.  Just sayin.

Talk to you tomorrow guy.
(hugs) boxy, how you doing?

Good!  Just workin my fingers off.  Still trying to make this weird project or two to take off.  Got nothin but blind faith. 

Like wise Boxster, hows goes life? Hope all is well, cant wait to hear about your fest fun with all the goodies ;)

Oh you will get an update sir!  Actually the 4th is about to happen.  Hate admitting it but it's one of my favorite holidays.  Not so much the patriotism but an excuse to blow shit up and trip face to the pretty lights.  Nice to be equipped for once with some quality gear!

AWESOME brother, hope you have the time of your life ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: StraightThuggin on July 01, 2013, 12:53 am
Aye Sr brothers, can someone please lend me 0.06 bitcoin. Got taxed when i sent my bitcoin through the company i was using an lost 10%!

SR name is: FisherBeWharter

If your able to lend me some, please pm so I am able to repay you and give you a little extra when I restock!
Sending .06 your way.

Hey guys, bumping this. Still 0.07 short, can someone please help me out with this. Will pay back extra when I restock!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 01, 2013, 12:53 am
It will certainly be a time in my life!  Thanks for sure dirty!


good luck man
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: theman123451 on July 01, 2013, 12:55 am
I could really use about $5-10 sent to my SR username to complete a transaction. Would be paid back ASAP (later today or tomorrow as I have more orders finalize). Thanks! :)
well is it five or ten ::)?

Ha tickled me :)
tickle, tickle, tickle.. :P

rs you crack me up  ;D ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 01, 2013, 01:15 am
I could really use about $5-10 sent to my SR username to complete a transaction. Would be paid back ASAP (later today or tomorrow as I have more orders finalize). Thanks! :)
well is it five or ten ::)?

Ha tickled me :)
tickle, tickle, tickle.. :P

rs you crack me up  ;D ;D
crack is wack yo ::).. also .04 sent back to ya ;)

;D anywho, anybody got .59 they'll loan for a few days?
wanted to stock up on few tabs of cid for the 4th :P


thanks ahead :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: theman123451 on July 01, 2013, 01:18 am
I could really use about $5-10 sent to my SR username to complete a transaction. Would be paid back ASAP (later today or tomorrow as I have more orders finalize). Thanks! :)
well is it five or ten ::)?

Ha tickled me :)
tickle, tickle, tickle.. :P

rs you crack me up  ;D ;D
crack is wack yo ::).. also .04 sent back to ya ;)

;D anywho, anybody got .59 they'll loan for a few days?
wanted to stock up on few tabs of cid for the 4th :P


thanks ahead :)

hell yea thank you!!!! if you want ill let you have that .04 for yea to help out as much as i can
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cthatpatrnovathr on July 01, 2013, 01:31 am
please help!  need to get mt wife her medibles we ran out! and Im only $0.39usd of placing the order if you can help i can pay back BEFORE TE 4TH of July! i need to to know a lil info if you can help, you need to pm "lovemakingmoney" also that's the SR account i need to get the $0.39. thanks all ttys! i need it asap so please anybody i will not forget you and will always pay it forward so to speak.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 01, 2013, 01:48 am
I could really use about $5-10 sent to my SR username to complete a transaction. Would be paid back ASAP (later today or tomorrow as I have more orders finalize). Thanks! :)
well is it five or ten ::)?

Ha tickled me :)
tickle, tickle, tickle.. :P

rs you crack me up  ;D ;D
crack is wack yo ::).. also .04 sent back to ya ;)

;D anywho, anybody got .59 they'll loan for a few days?
wanted to stock up on few tabs of cid for the 4th :P


thanks ahead :)

hell yea thank you!!!! if you want ill let you have that .04 for yea to help out as much as i can
:P thanks man! I'll get you back with some extra :).. how you been?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: theman123451 on July 01, 2013, 02:07 am
np just remember you never come down till you quite smiling  ;D ;D ;D

doing alright car troubles pain in my ass. but slowly getting it fixed. how bout yourself?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Baggie on July 01, 2013, 02:44 am
oh, nothing is wrong....i just miss my you ever miss some one?

we used to walk....hold hands and sing together...

it we miss some one....

oh i love you and miss you...please be safe....i'll take care of our kids...and the people  that you asked me to support...stuck like  glue baby....

guess i'd better go to sleep..................................

I know that feeling as well Chem :/ I would like to wish you the best bro
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: coolkid321 on July 01, 2013, 02:56 am
Can anyone loan me 0.1232296 BTC?

I've borrowed before and paid back with interest. I'm gonna need it tonight and ill payback Tuesday.

Can send to my sr account if possible. Name is coolkid321 on sr. Thanks and god bless guys.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 01, 2013, 02:57 am
Sending you a pm!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sorasgaze on July 01, 2013, 02:58 am
Bumping. 5 dollars short of an order of MDMA. Will repay. Greatly appreciated if anyone could help me out. My SR name is the same as on here, sorasgaze.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: StraightThuggin on July 01, 2013, 03:10 am
It will certainly be a time in my life!  Thanks for sure dirty!


good luck man

Thanks man, hopefully someone will lend it soon
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: FollowIcculus on July 01, 2013, 03:30 am
It will certainly be a time in my life!  Thanks for sure dirty!


good luck man

Thanks man, hopefully someone will lend it soon
Don't worry I'd be willing to bet you'll get the rest you need tonight.  You don't need much more and its gettin' late people are gonna start gettin' high and generous hopefully.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: PerPETualMOtion on July 01, 2013, 03:30 am
Hi all!

Wow, I tried MDPV the other day. It gives a very mild amphetamine/adderall energy, and in 4 hours a headache.... I think I'll just buy some speed next time. Anyone have any input for using meth? These are primarily light doses, once a week. Previously had addy Rx, but have never tried meth and want to.

Hope all are well.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sorasgaze on July 01, 2013, 03:59 am
Hi all!

Wow, I tried MDPV the other day. It gives a very mild amphetamine/adderall energy, and in 4 hours a headache.... I think I'll just buy some speed next time. Anyone have any input for using meth? These are primarily light doses, once a week. Previously had addy Rx, but have never tried meth and want to.

Hope all are well.

MDPV is nasty, usually my binges ended with me in the hospital. I hated when I had it, I was too cheap to flush it, but no one would buy it. It was pretty much like...some guy that lives in your house and you want to tell him to leave but you know he'll break your fucking legs so you just don't say anything. I'd just do the PV and suffer. I finished the last bag I'll ever do like a week and a half ago. My nose has been clogged since then and at certain times, I'll smell blood. It's getting better but I still have to blow my nose a lot. I've never had such a problem insufflating anything else but that shit fucking wrecked my nose. I was so happy when the bag was empty, I was just thinking like "I'm free. Finally." lol, the only use for that stuff is a 7 hour porn marathon, IF you can deal with all the paranoia and other nasty side effects it brings.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 01, 2013, 05:44 am
I could really use about $5-10 sent to my SR username to complete a transaction. Would be paid back ASAP (later today or tomorrow as I have more orders finalize). Thanks! :)
well is it five or ten ::)?

Ha tickled me :)
tickle, tickle, tickle.. :P

rs you crack me up  ;D ;D
crack is wack yo ::).. also .04 sent back to ya ;)

;D anywho, anybody got .59 they'll loan for a few days?
wanted to stock up on few tabs of cid for the 4th :P


thanks ahead :)
guess not :-[
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ForeverJung on July 01, 2013, 05:50 am
Well, 5 would have helped, 10 would have been better. Never fucking mind. :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: HashForYou on July 01, 2013, 07:52 am
Can anyone help me out with a loan of 0.06 bitcoins, I can pay back within the next week.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on July 01, 2013, 07:55 am
Can anyone help me out with a loan of 0.06 bitcoins, I can pay back within the next week.

Dont got coins for you but I noticed that they seemed to have lifted the 50 post rule for vendors. Mighty nice of SR to come to their senses.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: HashForYou on July 01, 2013, 08:16 am
Yes but it takes more work to post 35 letters than posting 50 topics.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 01, 2013, 10:42 am
Hi everyone  ;)

@RS...0.30 sent cheers friend  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bamoida2 on July 01, 2013, 10:43 am
woo for the first time in ages I don't have BTC debt, got 0.025 to lend, not much but if anyone needs
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 01, 2013, 10:43 am
Can anyone help me out with a loan of 0.06 bitcoins, I can pay back within the next week.

Got ya.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 01, 2013, 10:44 am
Hi everyone  ;)

@RS...0.30 cheers friend  ;)

Hey there mary I bid you good day :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: StraightThuggin on July 01, 2013, 12:39 pm
It will certainly be a time in my life!  Thanks for sure dirty!


good luck man

Thanks man, hopefully someone will lend it soon
Don't worry I'd be willing to bet you'll get the rest you need tonight.  You don't need much more and its gettin' late people are gonna start gettin' high and generous hopefully.

Unfortuantly not so far brother! Hopefully my luck will come along soon!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 01, 2013, 03:38 pm
Wishing you all a good day!

....Also I have lent hashforyou coin before and he paid back, so he is good for it if you feel like it.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 01, 2013, 03:56 pm
hey boxy  :)

hey did RS get straightened out?

if not...then once i get him sorted i might have a little left over....

cant guarantee it though  ???

gonna be checkin back in later...

Love ya'll  :)

Chem  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jamin210 on July 01, 2013, 03:58 pm
Can anyone help me out with a loan of 0.06 bitcoins, I can pay back within the next week.

I've sent you a PM, but have you gotten the .06 BTC that you need?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 01, 2013, 04:05 pm
hey boxy  :)

hey did RS get straightened out?

IDK yet.  I was going to pay off part of my debt this morning to RS but other people around me prevented me from having the time to do a deposit. 

I will be sending him coins later today but my hands are tied for now, and not soon enough to make an early purchase to get something sent out for the 4th. 

I saw mary sent .3 not long ago.

I'll keep updating when I can.  Really busy right now.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 01, 2013, 04:09 pm
ok  :)

be safe today!

Huggles to ya  :)

Chem  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: slymike on July 01, 2013, 04:35 pm
Hello people i need 0.93 bit coins for my order
i am awaiting a 50% refund from SuperTrips but he hasnt replied to any of my messaged in the past 27 days
so i thought i would try here
im willing to pay back 150%
so 0.93 + 0.465
1 - 2 weeks after loan is taken out as when the order arrives its already sold
thank you for your time
my username is slymike
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 01, 2013, 04:50 pm
Oh Snap!

Got the rest of my deposit!  Wasn't planning on that.

Sent RS .42 shapes just now.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 01, 2013, 05:02 pm
Can anyone help me out with a loan of 0.06 bitcoins, I can pay back within the next week.

I've sent you a PM, but have you gotten the .06 BTC that you need?

Yeah i sent him it earlier
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: slymike on July 01, 2013, 05:07 pm
Hello people i need 0.93 bit coins for my order
i am awaiting a 50% refund from SuperTrips but he hasnt replied to any of my messaged in the past 27 days
so i thought i would try here
im willing to pay back 150%
so 0.93 + 0.465
1 - 2 weeks after loan is taken out as when the order arrives its already sold
thank you for your time
my username is slymike

if any1 can do it in little bits aswell i will pay you back 150% of what ever you give me within 2 weeks
but please send me a message with your username so i dont loose you in forum posts thanks heaps xD
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 01, 2013, 05:34 pm
Hi Chemmy  :-* Hi Boxy  :-* Hi Kalli  :-* Hope your all good today  ;) I sent RS 0.30 for the 0.26 loan i owed him, hell be waking up a happy boy, 2 loans paid (obv. knew he,d get back from me n Boxy  ;)) much appreciated RS +1 to you when i can hun  :-* :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 01, 2013, 05:40 pm
sneaks in and ties up mary and her man with **SILLY STING**
then tickles their feet and jumps out the window  :P

Hiya mary, Big Hugs to ya  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 01, 2013, 05:47 pm
SCREAMS doesn,t like feet getting touched lol  ::) :P

Big hugs back to ya Chemmy  :-* :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 01, 2013, 06:31 pm
Ha.  Thanks great.  Thanks for helping me combine forces to get RS what he was asking for mary!

Hope we hear from the guy soon.  I wanna know if it was enough.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: TrippinOnHunger on July 01, 2013, 06:32 pm
I know everyone hates these threads, but I just bought myself enough bitcoins to buy an ounce of weed and 25 tabs from tesselated. Well I logged on today and of course, the ounce of bud is no longer in stock.  I am just .22 bitcoins short.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 01, 2013, 06:36 pm
I know everyone hates these threads, but I just bought myself enough bitcoins to buy an ounce of weed and 25 tabs from tesselated. Well I logged on today and of course, the ounce of bud is no longer in stock.  I am just .22 bitcoins short.

Well you posted in the right thread to avoid the hate.  I just don't understand if something sold out, what are you short for?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 01, 2013, 06:43 pm
was kind of curious as to that, myself  :o

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 01, 2013, 06:45 pm
                                         :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) **When requesting, post your SR name** so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
danob15 ++++
dr gonzo
Kalli                       ++++
Mike Hunt
Repus6 *
thelorax  ++++
White Out


The shit list:
Autobondon *
King Karma
repus6 *

*^*do not lend to these people*^*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: slymike on July 01, 2013, 06:49 pm
Thank you for this thread chem kat ill be happy to help people out i have 0.26 btc was hoping to borrow 0.93 off sumone but its probly better if i loan mine out to someone to start the ball rolling xD we shall see if i dont get a loan by the time i wake up i shall share amongst the others xD
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: klm2233 on July 01, 2013, 06:52 pm
i am in need of 0.08 BTC

can somebody lend me them for maybe a week or so?

would be very apreciated if you ca send it directly to my SR user klm2233

one love
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 01, 2013, 06:54 pm
Quote from: slymike
Thank you for this thread chem kat ill be happy to help people out i have 0.26 btc was hoping to borrow 0.93 off sumone but its probly better if i loan mine out to someone to start the ball rolling xD we shall see if i dont get a loan by the time i wake up i shall share amongst the others xD

Hiya slymike  :)

I didnt start this Thread  :P

thecrackhead created this wonderful Tread  :)
My Coins are tied up at the moment, and to be quite honest with this time i am going through some transformations and wont be able to lend any coins for a while  :(

I Truely hope that you find someone to carry your loan for you.
Just Pay them back ;)

Peace & Hugs to ya  :)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: slymike on July 01, 2013, 06:58 pm
haha always i wanna get sum trips but me old supplier tyler is out of bizo atm he ticked me a few times and always got him back asap xD i really miss that guy
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DrugsBunny on July 01, 2013, 07:07 pm
Never thought i'd have to ask, but my doc won't give me anything for my pain, finished what i had left yesterday and also having to wait to cancel an order because merlin left his products up but doesn't have any, now that ive got the money, i'm 2 us dollars or 0.02 btc away from an order, i can return the money in 2 weeks, SR name is the same as here.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 01, 2013, 07:13 pm
Thank You @ aef33ty :)

aef33ty has msg'd me explaining the delay :)

Just pay it forward to some brother or sister in need when you can @ aef33ty  :)

Enjoy ;)

Chem  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: slymike on July 01, 2013, 07:23 pm
Never thought i'd have to ask, but my doc won't give me anything for my pain, finished what i had left yesterday and also having to wait to cancel an order because merlin left his products up but doesn't have any, now that ive got the money, i'm 2 us dollars or 0.02 btc away from an order, i can return the money in 2 weeks, SR name is the same as here.
will send you 0.02 now :)
pay it back when you can my name on the road is slymike
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: klm2233 on July 01, 2013, 07:25 pm
i am in need of 0.08 BTC

can somebody lend me them for maybe a week or so?

would be very apreciated if you ca send it directly to my SR user klm2233

one love

repost, really in need :-)

one love
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: slymike on July 01, 2013, 07:26 pm
i am in need of 0.08 BTC

can somebody lend me them for maybe a week or so?

would be very apreciated if you ca send it directly to my SR user klm2233

one love

repost, really in need :-)

one love
ill give u 0.08 if you repay 0.10 within 2 weeks
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: klm2233 on July 01, 2013, 07:30 pm
that would be great

thanks in advance mate :)

one love
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: slymike on July 01, 2013, 07:32 pm
Sent best of luck to you :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: klm2233 on July 01, 2013, 07:36 pm
thanks slymike. will pay you back as soon as possible

one love
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DrugsBunny on July 01, 2013, 07:56 pm
Never thought i'd have to ask, but my doc won't give me anything for my pain, finished what i had left yesterday and also having to wait to cancel an order because merlin left his products up but doesn't have any, now that ive got the money, i'm 2 us dollars or 0.02 btc away from an order, i can return the money in 2 weeks, SR name is the same as here.
will send you 0.02 now :)
pay it back when you can my name on the road is slymike
Cheers mate, i really appreciate it!

AHH typical pain in the arse btc, value went down now i'm short 0.06 us or 0.0006589 btc
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: slymike on July 01, 2013, 08:02 pm
can lend u another 0.01 if your willing to pay back 0.04 :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 01, 2013, 08:02 pm
Never thought i'd have to ask, but my doc won't give me anything for my pain, finished what i had left yesterday and also having to wait to cancel an order because merlin left his products up but doesn't have any, now that ive got the money, i'm 2 us dollars or 0.02 btc away from an order, i can return the money in 2 weeks, SR name is the same as here.
will send you 0.02 now :)
pay it back when you can my name on the road is slymike
Cheers mate, i really appreciate it!

AHH typical pain in the arse btc, value went down now i'm short 0.06 us or 0.0006589 btc

.001 shapes sent!  I didn't even know I could send that much.  I all I really had. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: klm2233 on July 01, 2013, 08:30 pm
@slymike i have sent you 0.02 BTC back,
and can you please remove me from your signature, I dont see there a point why you have to put my name there :-/

one love
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: slymike on July 01, 2013, 09:56 pm
oh sorry it was just so i could keep a track of this and didnt have to save it on my desktop as im rather paranoid and since im new to this i wanted to show that i was contributing in some way
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 01, 2013, 10:22 pm
Not necessary to advertise.  We see who the good ones are pretty quick.   ;)

The name in the sig thing was more for the borrowers to keep track, and state they weren't going to run out on the deal.  I guess we can't make everyone do this, but it's a nice gesture.  I have a reminder right now.   :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: coglac on July 01, 2013, 10:29 pm
Hey guys, not in need of a loan, but can anyone recommend a trusted vendor who would take moneypaks for BTC?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: coglac on July 01, 2013, 10:30 pm
Or vanilla or reload it
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 01, 2013, 10:41 pm
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: StraightThuggin on July 01, 2013, 10:51 pm
Can someone please lend 0.7 BTC, really in need here guys. Will pay back extra when I stock up on coins again.
SR name: FisherBeWharter
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 02, 2013, 01:07 am

Shapes placed back!

@Ron Swanson

Took a chunk out of that.  Please allow me more time and I will be sure to get the rest.

I do realize the value has decreased since then but I'll make up for that when I can.

Thanks guys.  This really helped me out like no other.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on July 02, 2013, 03:27 am
lol good luck with that. you've had your account 3 years? that's pretty impressive given this site didn't exist 3 years ago.

thanks for the repays boxy fella. don't worry about devaluation.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on July 02, 2013, 03:39 am
lol good luck with that. you've had your account 3 years? that's pretty impressive given this site didn't exist 3 years ago.

thanks for the repays boxy fella. don't worry about devaluation.
Said the same thing in his og thread. Great minds think alike I guess.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on July 02, 2013, 03:43 am


So far, 1 unanswered pm, and 4 days late on a .06btc loan payback isn't good!!


They pay you back yet homie?? I see you also lent him/her..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 02, 2013, 08:07 am
thanks mary & boxy for repaying :)!

sending you back 1 btc, thanks chemmy :)..

just saying hi, an gnight ;) hope everyones good.. only skimmed through last few pages so ::)...

peace, love an hugs!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: StraightThuggin on July 02, 2013, 08:25 am
Can someone please lend 0.7 BTC, really in need here guys. Will pay back extra when I stock up on coins again.
SR name: FisherBeWharter

Bumping this guys, really in need. Hope you dont mind.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: klm2233 on July 02, 2013, 10:15 am
oh sorry it was just so i could keep a track of this and didnt have to save it on my desktop as im rather paranoid and since im new to this i wanted to show that i was contributing in some way

I have sent you another 0.06 BTCs

so now i I ow you 0.02 BTC

one love
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: slymike on July 02, 2013, 10:23 am
thanx if u have anything extra for depresiation would be appreciated but not neccesary
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: klm2233 on July 02, 2013, 11:39 am
thanx if u have anything extra for depresiation would be appreciated but not neccesary

you will get the last 0.02 BTC as agreed, as soon as I have them :)

and again thank you very much for lending!

one love
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 02, 2013, 11:52 am
Good morning/afternoon all :) hope ya good !
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 02, 2013, 12:12 pm
can lend u another 0.01 if your willing to pay back 0.04 :)
SlyMike ... the point of this thread is to loan coin and get it paid back, its ok for someone to offer to pay back extra, then fine but its not really for "i,ll loan you 0.01 if you pay back 0.04" were not doing it to make interest we,re helping people in need, please don,t ask for interest from people it,s ok to accept if they offer but asking for it is frowned upon. Don,t get me wrong you coming here and lending coin is great and i welcome you so i,m just letting you know how it works, cheers friend  ;)

Morning everyone,  :D hope your all good today, hope your backs good today Chemmy  :-* :-*
WHERE,S TAZ  :-\ not seen him for a bit, hope he,s good  ;)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 02, 2013, 12:14 pm
so yea its just Looking to get a very short term loan 72 hours turn around 1-1.8 - 30% interest , i can do 2.3 back max. i could swing 2.4 but i can only promise 2.3 back.
Also GHB420 please read the rules, this threads for i am 0.XX short an order, not really for a need a $100+ loan  ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: StraightThuggin on July 02, 2013, 12:34 pm
Guys im really sorry for posting this much, but I am 7 dollars (0.07 BTC) short of my order. I will pay back 0.10 BTC when I restock. Please guys, really needing this right now.
SR Name: FisherBeWharter
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on July 02, 2013, 01:52 pm
Guys im really sorry for posting this much, but I am 7 dollars (0.07 BTC) short of my order. I will pay back 0.10 BTC when I restock. Please guys, really needing this right now.
SR Name: FisherBeWharter

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: StraightThuggin on July 02, 2013, 01:58 pm
Guys im really sorry for posting this much, but I am 7 dollars (0.07 BTC) short of my order. I will pay back 0.10 BTC when I restock. Please guys, really needing this right now.
SR Name: FisherBeWharter


Mate, deadset love you right now! 3 of you have lent me a few coin for my order, 15 bucks in total, your all fucking awesome.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: TrippinOnHunger on July 02, 2013, 02:01 pm
I know everyone hates these threads, but I just bought myself enough bitcoins to buy an ounce of weed and 25 tabs from tesselated. Well I logged on today and of course, the ounce of bud is no longer in stock.  I am just .22 bitcoins short.

Well you posted in the right thread to avoid the hate.  I just don't understand if something sold out, what are you short for?

Sorry for the delay.  I had $500 in my account, 315 for 25 tabs, and 150 for 1 oz of MsBliss bud.  With my luck MsBliss is no longer selling 1 oz but in major bulk so I couldnt afford her 2 oz.  I was looking for another o but then I realized instead of buying bud and having everyone else smoke it, I bought myself some wax to use on my vape pen. 

Now I gotta get a couple hundred for some molly =)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: slymike on July 02, 2013, 02:06 pm
Hey guys need a .35 loan will pay back .50 in the next 2 weeks if possible thanks :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: TrippinOnHunger on July 02, 2013, 02:38 pm
Ok so I just found Peyote on SR.  I did not know peyote was around SR.  So could someone please help me out with .05BTC?  That is all I need in order to buy me some of this exotic psychedelic.  I had enough money in my account a few minutes ago, it went from $42 to 36 once I loaded my cart.. Damn BTC rates going down =(

I promise to pay you back within a few days because I also need to make a bulk mdma order.  Please and thank you in advanced.  My wallet is...


I need to go work out now so Ill be back in about an hour, I really hope theres no more drops, and again I really appreciate this to whoever and I do promise to pay ya back!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jamin210 on July 02, 2013, 02:52 pm
Ok so I just found Peyote on SR.  I did not know peyote was around SR.  So could someone please help me out with .05BTC?  That is all I need in order to buy me some of this exotic psychedelic.  I had enough money in my account a few minutes ago, it went from $42 to 36 once I loaded my cart.. Damn BTC rates going down =(

I promise to pay you back within a few days because I also need to make a bulk mdma order.  Please and thank you in advanced.  My wallet is...


I need to go work out now so Ill be back in about an hour, I really hope theres no more drops, and again I really appreciate this to whoever and I do promise to pay ya back!

MSG me once you are back on . I would send it now but if the BTC drops again and leaves you .01 short you would be right back on here asking. once your back on, figure out how much you need and i will send it to ya! No need to pay me back, Just pay it forward
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: TrippinOnHunger on July 02, 2013, 02:59 pm

Ok so I just found Peyote on SR.  I did not know peyote was around SR.  So could someone please help me out with .05BTC?  That is all I need in order to buy me some of this exotic psychedelic.  I had enough money in my account a few minutes ago, it went from $42 to 36 once I loaded my cart.. Damn BTC rates going down =(

I promise to pay you back within a few days because I also need to make a bulk mdma order.  Please and thank you in advanced.  My wallet is...


I need to go work out now so Ill be back in about an hour, I really hope theres no more drops, and again I really appreciate this to whoever and I do promise to pay ya back!

MSG me once you are back on . I would send it now but if the BTC drops again and leaves you .01 short you would be right back on here asking. once your back on, figure out how much you need and i will send it to ya! No need to pay me back, Just pay it forward

Just got changed, so happy you replied so fast.  I just sent you a message, omg you are making me soo happy right now and getting my adrenaline up for my workout, cant wait!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: whowhatwhere on July 02, 2013, 03:52 pm
Ron Swanson, I just wanted to let you know that I sent back the 0.05 you lent me a few days ago!  I greatly appreciate it, thank you for lending it to me.  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sooadada on July 02, 2013, 03:55 pm

hi peeps

i normally post under a different account name, so had to spam this one up quick. im about .01 btc short for an order :-[. i'll pay back double, or gift it forward triple for some karma...its up to the lender, i purchase btc fairly infrequently and will pay back anywhere from 1 to 4 or weeks. if im any longer than that i'll payback & gift forward.

im Sooadada on SR.

cheers ;)

What happened with your other name?

this first post of this thread said to post as your SR username. did i just waste a hour? lol

oh and by karma i mean the real kind. not the forum rating.

Haha.  Oh thats really funny. 

Hate saying it but yea.  You are suppose to post your SR name, so we know who to send it to, in case it is different than the forums.

Not post AS your sr user name. 

Sending .01 shapes your way man.  It's the last of whats in my box.

I love your last sentence!

hey dude

got some coin today. want me to pay you back to the account you sent from?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: upthera on July 02, 2013, 04:18 pm
Hello all

It took me a while to even look at this thread, even when I came up a single quid short after a PITA btc purchase for a specific item. I guess the idea of asking people for money/loans put me off till I read some of this thread. Warmed my heart!  still have not got the item and would need more than a single quid at current btc value.

I don't know if this is a good place to start but the trust and generosity I've witnessed here leaves me shocked. Its great!  We hear about the bad vendors, the scamming buyers but the truth is that stone for stone, this place has some of the kinder more helpful people I've ever encountered in such a small place.  I've been down on humanity and people in general.

I My question revolves around me wanting to find a way to get some meaningful help and or advice about fund raising for "one of us" who is dealing with her second cancer diagnosis in 7 years and is not even 40 yet.  Has no way to get cannabis, and against my strong objections uses synth shit she finds in the Asian country she had to return to so she could receive treatment w/out ending up a million quid in debt or dead.  She had it(lymphoma) while here in the states but was branded a hypochondriac and ignored until while on a vacation to see family she visited a doctor who within days confirmed his guess that it was Lymphoma.  I use my bill and food money to purchase cannabis products(she won't let me place orders to be sent to her and I don't blame her) and then fill care packages to do the kind of stealth shipping she needs as in her current state of health a visit from the law would be a catastrophe. 

HOW DO I HELP MY PARTNER RAISE FUNDS  while making sure anyone who helped could be sure any help went to where it should.  This is not just about cannabis but also the fact that when treatment is done she will not be able to afford to return home(she does not like having to live where she currently is but that is where her fam is and where she can stay longer than 90 days). So even if she gets a clean bill of health she is trapped half a world away and I'm not even getting into the issue of follow up care here in the US.

ANYONE with any advice or similar experiences please contact me.  Thank you all for listening.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on July 02, 2013, 04:47 pm


So far, 1 unanswered pm, and 4 days late on a .06btc loan payback isn't good!!


They pay you back yet homie?? I see you also lent him/her..

Taz.. you alright homie?!?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: loniax on July 02, 2013, 05:01 pm
Is this the yo nigga front  ma a dubski thread?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: natureslovelygrass on July 02, 2013, 05:18 pm
What's up guys, I'm .04 btc short on the shipping on an order. I'd be able to pay back in a few days. Thank you very much as to see you all help the community.

username: naturesgrass420
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 02, 2013, 05:29 pm
Is this the yo nigga front  ma a dubski thread?
No but it,s the "Fuck off if your an arsehole"thread! ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 02, 2013, 05:59 pm
hey ya'll  :)

Huggles to you all  :P

if anyone sees Descarte please ask him to msg me on here  :)

i've already msg'd Descarte, however....i just need to be sure he knows and dont miss his msg's  ;)

Peace, Love & Hugs to you All  :)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: purplepanth on July 02, 2013, 06:00 pm
I am .18btc($16us) short an order ..   :(
I get paid around mid month and happy to pay back/forward any reasonable terms anyone wants to set.
Thanks for any help!!!
sr username pnkpanth
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: natureslovelygrass on July 02, 2013, 06:24 pm
Well, it turns out I actually need .05 btc seeing how changes in prices are going up :/
Like I said, very appreciated. I will be able to pay back within a couple days.

username: naturesgrass420
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 02, 2013, 06:46 pm
Hello all

It took me a while to even look at this thread, even when I came up a single quid short after a PITA btc purchase for a specific item. I guess the idea of asking people for money/loans put me off till I read some of this thread. Warmed my heart!  still have not got the item and would need more than a single quid at current btc value.

I don't know if this is a good place to start but the trust and generosity I've witnessed here leaves me shocked. Its great!  We hear about the bad vendors, the scamming buyers but the truth is that stone for stone, this place has some of the kinder more helpful people I've ever encountered in such a small place.  I've been down on humanity and people in general.

I My question revolves around me wanting to find a way to get some meaningful help and or advice about fund raising for "one of us" who is dealing with her second cancer diagnosis in 7 years and is not even 40 yet.  Has no way to get cannabis, and against my strong objections uses synth shit she finds in the Asian country she had to return to so she could receive treatment w/out ending up a million quid in debt or dead.  She had it(lymphoma) while here in the states but was branded a hypochondriac and ignored until while on a vacation to see family she visited a doctor who within days confirmed his guess that it was Lymphoma.  I use my bill and food money to purchase cannabis products(she won't let me place orders to be sent to her and I don't blame her) and then fill care packages to do the kind of stealth shipping she needs as in her current state of health a visit from the law would be a catastrophe. 

HOW DO I HELP MY PARTNER RAISE FUNDS  while making sure anyone who helped could be sure any help went to where it should.  This is not just about cannabis but also the fact that when treatment is done she will not be able to afford to return home(she does not like having to live where she currently is but that is where her fam is and where she can stay longer than 90 days). So even if she gets a clean bill of health she is trapped half a world away and I'm not even getting into the issue of follow up care here in the US.

ANYONE with any advice or similar experiences please contact me.  Thank you all for listening.

God dude.  I wouldn't know where to begin.  Hope you figure out something.  Glad you are at least finding some positivity around here.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 02, 2013, 06:53 pm
##Clearnet Warning##


you will need to network this once you get it set up...get it out to the public and you should see some results....
I Truely hope that you get the assistance that you need.

Love & Hugs to You & Yours,

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 02, 2013, 06:55 pm
I've been where you're at....recently.

I dont know you or your wife, but you and her will be in my prayers.

Love & Hugs,


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sorasgaze on July 02, 2013, 07:25 pm
Bump...anyone help me out with a $10 loan for MDMA? I've been short for 3 days and my coins are dropping because of it. I will repay in 2 weeks and the person can feel free to keep close contact with me so that I repay... Thanks.
sr name - sorasgaze
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: upthera on July 02, 2013, 07:43 pm
Hello all

It took me a while to even look at this thread, even when I came up a single quid short after a PITA btc purchase for a specific item. I guess the idea of asking people for money/loans put me off till I read some of this thread. Warmed my heart!  still have not got the item and would need more than a single quid at current btc value.

I don't know if this is a good place to start but the trust and generosity I've witnessed here leaves me shocked. Its great!  We hear about the bad vendors, the scamming buyers but the truth is that stone for stone, this place has some of the kinder more helpful people I've ever encountered in such a small place.  I've been down on humanity and people in general.

I My question revolves around me wanting to find a way to get some meaningful help and or advice about fund raising for "one of us" who is dealing with her second cancer diagnosis in 7 years and is not even 40 yet.  Has no way to get cannabis, and against my strong objections uses synth shit she finds in the Asian country she had to return to so she could receive treatment w/out ending up a million quid in debt or dead.  She had it(lymphoma) while here in the states but was branded a hypochondriac and ignored until while on a vacation to see family she visited a doctor who within days confirmed his guess that it was Lymphoma.  I use my bill and food money to purchase cannabis products(she won't let me place orders to be sent to her and I don't blame her) and then fill care packages to do the kind of stealth shipping she needs as in her current state of health a visit from the law would be a catastrophe. 

HOW DO I HELP MY PARTNER RAISE FUNDS  while making sure anyone who helped could be sure any help went to where it should.  This is not just about cannabis but also the fact that when treatment is done she will not be able to afford to return home(she does not like having to live where she currently is but that is where her fam is and where she can stay longer than 90 days). So even if she gets a clean bill of health she is trapped half a world away and I'm not even getting into the issue of follow up care here in the US.

ANYONE with any advice or similar experiences please contact me.  Thank you all for listening.

God dude.  I wouldn't know where to begin.  Hope you figure out something.  Glad you are at least finding some positivity around here.

Thank you and chemcat for your kind words and for even reading my post. and I have found some positivity here, more than IRL the pat 2 years anyway.  I'd begun to get really resentful that all the people I was so gernerous with when a grower have disapeared 100% from my life and I come here and find more honesty, kindness, understanding and open mindedness from un-known persons from all over the world than I have in several years. 
Thanks guys.
@chemcat  I hope things worked out. Thanks for sharing.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 02, 2013, 07:48 pm
Unfortunately ...No, my Wife passed very recently.

It was a battle for a few years, just Love your Wife and Do your Best  :)

Check that site out and be sure to read it ALL   .....then you will want to get the link to your site out there....

post it everywhere....

You and Yours will be in my Prayers,

            ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: upthera on July 02, 2013, 08:32 pm
very sorry to hear that CC and again thank you for sharing your story. I know it can be tough and not just the memories but at least for me it's also a fear others will look at it as a cry for attention or something along those lines but in the end none of that matters or is important but it's been a feeling I've had about bringing up the subject.  The fact that she has not been able to return home for close to 2 years puts her in the back of all but a very few close friends minds and I think that makes it hard to understand my feelings, or something like that.

Anyway, thanks again for the link and for caring.

My thoughts are with you and yours as well
be safe everyone and do your best to not take your loved ones, and life for that matter for granted. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: nacho on July 02, 2013, 11:09 pm
LOL.  I'm 0.0011 BTC short...   Anyone got a dime and a penny I could borrow?   Name is nacho on SR

I'll return my lender back a FULL DOLLAR!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 03, 2013, 12:27 am
LOL.  I'm 0.0011 BTC short...   Anyone got a dime and a penny I could borrow?   Name is nacho on SR

I'll return my lender back a FULL DOLLAR!

Shapes sent.  Let me know if it's still short.  I think I have a penny or two left. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: StraightThuggin on July 03, 2013, 12:34 am
LOL.  I'm 0.0011 BTC short...   Anyone got a dime and a penny I could borrow?   Name is nacho on SR

I'll return my lender back a FULL DOLLAR!

Just cleared my account 0.0007 for u lol.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: slymike on July 03, 2013, 02:59 am
I am .18btc($16us) short an order ..   :(
I get paid around mid month and happy to pay back/forward any reasonable terms anyone wants to set.
Thanks for any help!!!
sr username pnkpanth

has any1 sorted u owt yet?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: nacho on July 03, 2013, 03:04 am
Thanks to both of my lenders.  I'll get y'all bak Friday
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on July 03, 2013, 03:39 am


So far, 1 unanswered pm, and 4 days late on a .06btc loan payback isn't good!!


They pay you back yet homie?? I see you also lent him/her..

Now 2 unanswered pm's, and 5 days past due..

I ain't the bank of murder people!! Do NOT take advantage!!

This sucks!! I've got an order coming up.. and thanks to some really 'cool' people, I'm now out .12!! Bitchin..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: slymike on July 03, 2013, 04:08 am


So far, 1 unanswered pm, and 4 days late on a .06btc loan payback isn't good!!


They pay you back yet homie?? I see you also lent him/her..

Now 2 unanswered pm's, and 5 days past due..

I ain't the bank of murder people!! Do NOT take advantage!!

This sucks!! I've got an order coming up.. and thanks to some really 'cool' people, I'm now out .12!! Bitchin..

do u need 0.12? i am like 0.30 off an order and no1 wants to help out so i can lend u 0.12
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 03, 2013, 05:28 am
hello, my lovely droogies :)

how are you all doing?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bamoida2 on July 03, 2013, 05:33 am
hi RS

doing great =), what about you? ; )
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: neuromancer on July 03, 2013, 06:11 am
Anyone willing to send a few bitcents? I am literally $0.06 USD short of completing an order ::facepalm::

My username is the same as my forum name - neuromancer

If someone could lend me 0.001 btc that should do it. Thanks in advance!!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on July 03, 2013, 06:14 am


So far, 1 unanswered pm, and 4 days late on a .06btc loan payback isn't good!!


They pay you back yet homie?? I see you also lent him/her..

Now 2 unanswered pm's, and 5 days past due..

I ain't the bank of murder people!! Do NOT take advantage!!

This sucks!! I've got an order coming up.. and thanks to some really 'cool' people, I'm now out .12!! Bitchin..

do u need 0.12? i am like 0.30 off an order and no1 wants to help out so i can lend u 0.12

Thank you, but i'll pass.. just venting!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: slymike on July 03, 2013, 06:45 am
i didnt say pay me back .30 i said im .30 off so i can lend out the .24 i have available
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: purplepanth on July 03, 2013, 12:52 pm
I am .18btc($16us) short an order ..   :(
I get paid around mid month and happy to pay back/forward any reasonable terms anyone wants to set.
Thanks for any help!!!
sr username pnkpanth

has any1 sorted u owt yet?

No not yet! Anyone that can /will help so very much appreciated..really truly.. I am more then happy to pay back, forward on the weekend of the 13th..
I'm just trying to make sure I stay out of wds until I get paid..job layoff last month and all that can go wrong has put me in a spot I usually dont have to find myself in. Its one suboxone, sounds so simple..anyone that will help..please!! and Thanks!!!

looks like btc has dropped some, and will end up at .19 btc at the moment..damn dropping btc..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: upthera on July 03, 2013, 03:29 pm
I am .18btc($16us) short an order ..   :(
I get paid around mid month and happy to pay back/forward any reasonable terms anyone wants to set.
Thanks for any help!!!
sr username pnkpanth

has any1 sorted u owt yet?

No not yet! Anyone that can /will help so very much appreciated..really truly.. I am more then happy to pay back, forward on the weekend of the 13th..
I'm just trying to make sure I stay out of wds until I get paid..job layoff last month and all that can go wrong has put me in a spot I usually dont have to find myself in. Its one suboxone, sounds so simple..anyone that will help..please!! and Thanks!!!

looks like btc has dropped some, and will end up at .19 btc at the moment..damn dropping btc..

never done this before but I've been there and can't afford to get my order w/btc value dropping and having trouble buying more so here is a bit to hopefully get things going. 
I have to look but I will send pnkpanther something.  Let me know if you get close and still need something, I've got a few wallets with tiny amounts in them I'm willing to share.  Shit suboxone, I could send you 1 or 10 of those instead:)  on its way
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: upthera on July 03, 2013, 03:36 pm

send to    Pnkpanth    ฿-0.11    ฿1.72    July 3, 2013, 3:33 pm UTC

wish I could've got you all of it but I'll end up back here asking for change.  PM me in a little bit if you don't make your goal,  if I can I'll fill the gap.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 03, 2013, 03:46 pm
                                         :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) **When requesting, post your SR name** so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
danob15 ++++
dr gonzo
Kalli                       ++++
MC Haberdasher  ++++
Mike Hunt
Repus6 *
thelorax  ++++
White Out


The shit list:
Autobondon *
King Karma
repus6 *

*^*do not lend to these people*^*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: purplepanth on July 03, 2013, 04:14 pm

send to    Pnkpanth    ฿-0.11    ฿1.72    July 3, 2013, 3:33 pm UTC

wish I could've got you all of it but I'll end up back here asking for change.  PM me in a little bit if you don't make your goal,  if I can I'll fill the gap.

Thank you!!! So much!! I will get it back to you in about 10 days..
Now I am at exactly .0795 short..

If anyone will lend me the .0795(probably easier to say .08) I will do as you wish regarding return when I pay back on the weekend of July 13th..

Thank you again SOO much!!!

and thanks chemcat for posting the rules..
hope everyone has a good one!

username pnkpanth
short .0795

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MC Haberdasher on July 03, 2013, 04:33 pm

send to    Pnkpanth    ฿-0.11    ฿1.72    July 3, 2013, 3:33 pm UTC

wish I could've got you all of it but I'll end up back here asking for change.  PM me in a little bit if you don't make your goal,  if I can I'll fill the gap.

Thank you!!! So much!! I will get it back to you in about 10 days..
Now I am at exactly .0795 short..

If anyone will lend me the .0795(probably easier to say .08) I will do as you wish regarding return when I pay back on the weekend of July 13th..

Thank you again SOO much!!!

and thanks chemcat for posting the rules..
hope everyone has a good one!

username pnkpanth
short .0795

I sent you .06 as thats all I have left.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: purplepanth on July 03, 2013, 04:47 pm

send to    Pnkpanth    ฿-0.11    ฿1.72    July 3, 2013, 3:33 pm UTC

wish I could've got you all of it but I'll end up back here asking for change.  PM me in a little bit if you don't make your goal,  if I can I'll fill the gap.

Thank you!!! So much!! I will get it back to you in about 10 days..
Now I am at exactly .0795 short..

If anyone will lend me the .0795(probably easier to say .08) I will do as you wish regarding return when I pay back on the weekend of July 13th..

Thank you again SOO much!!!

and thanks chemcat for posting the rules..
hope everyone has a good one!

username pnkpanth
short .0795

I sent you .06 as thats all I have left.

Thank you all who helped, I will reimburse on the weekend of July 13th, I got the order in and done, before there was anymore btc change..sigh.

I cant even begin to explain how much you all helped..THANK YOU!!

Everyone have a GREAT day!!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 03, 2013, 04:50 pm
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: purplepanth on July 03, 2013, 04:52 pm
I have .0003 btc left if anyone needs help??

Again thanks to those who helped me today..

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 03, 2013, 05:16 pm
Hi can anyone spare me 0.045 please will pay back within a week sr name the same lol cheers  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 03, 2013, 05:18 pm
Hi Chemmy am beggin again  :-[ sick of it  :( lol
 I actually need 0.045  :-[
Hope your good today Dad  :-* :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 03, 2013, 05:25 pm
helloooooooooooo  Daughter  :)

I can see from your hair that you still havent used that bear grease :o


doin ok here, gonna go look at a new recliner chair  LOL  this old one i have is not helping my back  LOL

howzu and yur man doin today?

Big Huggles to ya mary 

Peace & Hugs  :)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 03, 2013, 05:26 pm
Sent  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 03, 2013, 05:29 pm
sent you a pm hun,  :P

Were same as always  :-\  i,m fed up took ages to get coin my bank made me phone up for security reasons and asked who i was paying the money to and why, i said none of your buisiness just do the security so i can pay the person!!  ::) the cheek of them  >:(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 03, 2013, 05:32 pm
LOL  Give 'em Hell mary  ;)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 03, 2013, 05:35 pm
Huge hugs to you Dad you saved my ass  :o I,ve sent 0.01 back to trichome just now cause i can,t count  ::) lol so i,m due you 0.03 which i shall pay with interest hun as you deserve some  :P Thats all i,m owe you eh? did you get the coin i sent back this morning hun the 0.08 i think lol  ::) Thanks so much Chem, i,m done borrowing change just struggling to get on my feet bloody cats bill, birthdays, bills, bills bills but am getting there  ;) Thanks again hun  :-*

Huggles Chem and squshes him  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 03, 2013, 05:45 pm
                                         :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) **When requesting, post your SR name** so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
danob15 ++++
dr gonzo
jamin210      ++++
MC Haberdasher 
Mike Hunt
Repus6 *
upthera       ++++
White Out


The shit list:
Autobondon *
King Karma
repus6 *

*^*do not lend to these people*^*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 03, 2013, 05:46 pm
Chem, why have all the vendors prices got  X.XXXX prices now rather than the X.XX like before  ::) :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 03, 2013, 05:46 pm
said none of your buisiness just do the security so i can pay the person!!

Haha thats really funny.  GL girl!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 03, 2013, 05:48 pm
Chem, why have all the vendors prices got  X.XXXX prices now rather than the X.XX like before  ::) :-\

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 03, 2013, 05:51 pm
Hi Boxy  ;D thanks for the link  ;)
Bloody bank woman needs to mind her buisness n not worry who i,m paying or for what, imagine her asking that  ::) like i told her i don,t see how thats a security question, muppet  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 03, 2013, 05:57 pm
Tell em it's so you can buy hormones to inject in to rats so you can sell them as pure breed poodles at a premium.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 03, 2013, 05:59 pm
Marry , heads up - G - L , just listed some import from muskabuzz in Cali - must have shit .

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 03, 2013, 06:01 pm
Hi can anyone spare me 0.045 please will pay back within a week sr name the same lol cheers  ;)

Sent .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 03, 2013, 06:01 pm
Tell em it's so you can buy hormones to inject in to rats so you can sell them as pure breed poodles at a premium.
LMAO Yeah i should have said something strange like a gimp mask and torture whips  :o

I,m away to make dinner see ya,s later  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 03, 2013, 06:04 pm
Marry , heads up - G - L , just listed some import from muskabuzz in Cali - must have shit .
Yeah i just ordered it lol  ;) got a bit of their Kush on Sat, very nice  ;) How you doing? I,ll be back later hun  :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 03, 2013, 06:04 pm
Hey taz!  I wondered where you went.  Hope you are well guy.

Murderface was lookin for ya.   :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 03, 2013, 06:06 pm
Hi can anyone spare me 0.045 please will pay back within a week sr name the same lol cheers  ;)

Sending now .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 03, 2013, 06:08 pm
Tell em it's so you can buy hormones to inject in to rats so you can sell them as pure breed poodles at a premium.
LMAO Yeah i should have said something strange like a gimp mask and torture whips  :o

I,m away to make dinner see ya,s later  ;)

Oh sorry.  Those were really ferrets.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 03, 2013, 06:11 pm
Sent , this place moves fast , that was the last post when I opened this tab - pay it forward if you don't need it .

Hey all - good to see ya , I haven't been online much for a while -

Hugs all round =)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 03, 2013, 06:15 pm
Did you raise enough to take advantage of that sale in the end box ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 03, 2013, 06:28 pm
Yea man!  I am so overjoyed this happened.  I thought it was sold out too, but the vendor put more packs up to finish out the sale for the day.  I checked it randomly just to drool over it and glad I did.

Paid off over half of what I borrowed so far too.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 03, 2013, 06:32 pm
Glad to see this thread help you for a change B , good stuff .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 03, 2013, 06:37 pm
Hi can anyone spare me 0.045 please will pay back within a week sr name the same lol cheers  ;)

Sending now .
I got it hun, Chem sent it to me but thanks so much i appreciate it a lot  :-* :-* I,ve sent it back to your SR name, whats up with that name lol  ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 03, 2013, 06:38 pm
taz7-mania  :)

hiya boxy hiya taz


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 03, 2013, 06:40 pm
**Sprays mary with Cheeze in a can**

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 03, 2013, 06:46 pm
Ahh the name - It was supposed to be Digitalis_Orgsamica  - witch was an old dj name , that  I only ever used when I was  playing a a particular style  of trance ( epic  ) .

 Digitalis is a poisonous plant btw .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 03, 2013, 06:52 pm
I need some good trance in my life!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 03, 2013, 06:53 pm
Hey Chem , nice to see ya .

Yeah , so we should both be in for  A treat M  , that berry # 9 is supposed to be quite special , although I would have preferred it if he got the fleetwood - I nearly missed it , I was just about order some questionable UK stuff when I saw the update on his page .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MC Haberdasher on July 03, 2013, 06:57 pm
Hey Chem , nice to see ya .

Yeah , so we should both be in for  A treat M  , that berry # 9 is supposed to be quite special , although I would have preferred it if he got the fleetwood - I nearly missed it , I was just about order some questionable UK stuff when I saw the update on his page .

Is weed from Muskabuzz really that good?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 03, 2013, 07:03 pm
i LL
I need some good trance in my life!

I'm going to upload some of good friends old trance sets , plus a few of my own to soundcloud  soon , I'll drop you the link when I do - he's played some of the best events around over here and I would be careless to mention his DJ name  .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sorasgaze on July 03, 2013, 07:05 pm
Pleaseeee someone help me out with a 0.1 loan for an order of MDMA. I needed $5 at first but my coins are dropping by the day. I will repay. Anything will help.
SR name = sorasgaze
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 03, 2013, 07:12 pm
Hey Chem , nice to see ya .

Yeah , so we should both be in for  A treat M  , that berry # 9 is supposed to be quite special , although I would have preferred it if he got the fleetwood - I nearly missed it , I was just about order some questionable UK stuff when I saw the update on his page .

Is weed from Muskabuzz really that good?

Well the fleewood cut of O.G is agreed to  be one the finest OG cuts available - and as far as SR is concerned - I would say you'd be hard pressed to beat M.B .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 03, 2013, 07:18 pm
Ahh the name - It was supposed to be Digitalis_Orgsamica  - witch was an old dj name , that  I only ever used when I was  playing a a particular style  of trance ( epic  ) .

 Digitalis is a poisonous plant btw .
What about the Orgasmica... he he  :-[
I,m glad i ordered 6g then but 3 is for my friend, well i,ve ordered blue cheese, too and she,s not a long time smoker so might just give her the Cheese but i,d prob end up feelin shit lol I,ll just ask her best to be honest  ;D

Glad to here Mel got his whiteshark order her stuffs nice if i had money i,d be ordering from her and she,s super nice  ;D ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 03, 2013, 07:34 pm
Ahh the name - It was supposed to be Digitalis_Orgsamica  - witch was an old dj name , that  I only ever used when I was  playing a a particular style  of trance ( epic  ) .

 Digitalis is a poisonous plant btw .
What about the Orgasmica... he he  :-[
I,m glad i ordered 6g then but 3 is for my friend, well i,ve ordered blue cheese, too and she,s not a long time smoker so might just give her the Cheese but i,d prob end up feelin shit lol I,ll just ask her best to be honest  ;D

Glad to here Mel got his whiteshark order her stuffs nice if i had money i,d be ordering from her and she,s super nice  ;D ;D

Remember the rave tune " running out of time " by digital orgasm   in the 90's - well that's where I got the idea from - then I changed it to Latin - like plant names are =)

i would give my friend a bit of each , I'm pretty sure the # 9 will be the best of the 2 - I was gutted when I saw he was sold out when I went to order last night , I'm glad I held off on ordering UK stuff - it's allays  either too expensive or not potent enough and usually both .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 03, 2013, 07:48 pm
I just seen it when i was looking to order checked him 1st after sat. bit cause that was nice (mind i am Greenfields tho lol) good price mind you time i got my fuckin nosey bank to pay the transfer with their shitty security check  :o the price had bloody dropped but Chemmy got me  ;)
What you been up to hun  :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 03, 2013, 07:56 pm
I just seen it when i was looking to order checked him 1st after sat. bit cause that was nice (mind i am Greenfields tho lol) good price mind you time i got my fuckin nosey bank to pay the transfer with their shitty security check  :o the price had bloody dropped but Chemmy got me  ;)
What you been up to hun  :-*

just getting my shit together  - turns out I legally changed my name and had completely forgotten , whoops .

Mind you that's coming from a guy who has misplaced a car before .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: purplepanth on July 03, 2013, 08:04 pm
Pleaseeee someone help me out with a 0.1 loan for an order of MDMA. I needed $5 at first but my coins are dropping by the day. I will repay. Anything will help.
SR name = sorasgaze

Man that drop is a killer..I had last bought at 140 went to order and omg...I dont order often obviously..geeesh..
Sending you all I had left this morning ..I know its not worries about paying back..sorry I couldnt help more..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 03, 2013, 08:04 pm
I just seen it when i was looking to order checked him 1st after sat. bit cause that was nice (mind i am Greenfields tho lol) good price mind you time i got my fuckin nosey bank to pay the transfer with their shitty security check  :o the price had bloody dropped but Chemmy got me  ;)
What you been up to hun  :-*

just getting my shit together  - turns out I legally changed my name and had completely forgotten , whoops .

Mind you that's coming from a guy who has misplaced a car before .
LMAO.... i say to my friend everytime we come out a shop "where did you park?" lol glad i don,t drive!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 03, 2013, 08:05 pm
Actually the car story is a classic , I had a crack squad of tramps searching the backstreets of London for it in the early hours of the morning - still ended up going home on the train though !

Bastards had towed my car , only found out months later when the company I was leasing it from informed me it was in an impound .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 03, 2013, 08:09 pm
I think changing my name and forgetting all about it might just take the biscuit though , only found out when the passport people contacted me asking questions - I wondered why they were taking so long with my bloody passport =)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: zarathustrax80 on July 03, 2013, 08:25 pm
Hey, my first time posting here, but I've been a heavy silk road user for around 2 months. I'm .177btc short on a big order I'm trying to place. If anyone could lend me that, I would repay .2btc within a week. .. probably by the weekend.  It would be greatly appreciated. I'm trying to get this order made today. 
My sr name is the same as my name here... zarathustrax80
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on July 03, 2013, 08:34 pm
So frustrating!!


I want my coin b!! You're a week late!!


Did itsworking pay you back yet homie??

Since my lendee hasn't paid me back yet.. I'm in need of .01btc until the 10th.. and you WILL be paid back!!
Same name on SR..
Thaaank yooou!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 03, 2013, 08:39 pm
So frustrating!!


I want my coin b!! You're a week late!!


Did itsworking pay you back yet homie??

Since my lendee hasn't paid me back yet.. I'm in need of .01btc until the 10th.. and you WILL be paid back!!
Same name on SR..
Thaaank yooou!!

I got you on that , I'll send it over in a sec - Nah he didn't pay me back yet  either - I was going to ask you the same - I'm gonna pm him .

Sending that now
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 03, 2013, 08:46 pm


SR screen name?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 03, 2013, 08:51 pm
Ok sent that M face .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on July 03, 2013, 08:55 pm


SR screen name?

Ok sent that M face .

You are beautiful people!!
Thank you!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 03, 2013, 09:01 pm
Good stuff , I'm just gonna pm  itsworking , has he checked in at all ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jamin210 on July 03, 2013, 09:10 pm
HashForYou, .06 has been sent.. Cheers!

Dont pay me back. Pay it forward!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 03, 2013, 09:12 pm
Good on you Jam , + 1

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: zarathustrax80 on July 03, 2013, 09:16 pm
Hey, my first time posting here, but I've been a heavy silk road user for around 2 months. I'm .177btc short on a big order I'm trying to place. If anyone could lend me that, I would repay .2btc within a week. .. probably by the weekend.  It would be greatly appreciated. I'm trying to get this order made today. 
My sr name is the same as my name here... zarathustrax80

Nevermind. .. don't need the coins anymore.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jamin210 on July 03, 2013, 09:18 pm
Good on you Jam , + 1
Thanks for the +1

Stupid question, but how do you +1 someone
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 03, 2013, 09:21 pm
Good on you Jam , + 1
Thanks for the +1

Stupid question, but how do you +1 someone

You need 100 posts and then you will get the option.

Thought you sent it already so I threw you on the list.  Hah oh well
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 03, 2013, 09:25 pm
You can give karma when you reach 100 posts , once every 72 per forum member .

Welcome to the family btw !

I'll make sure you get added to the lenders list , if your not on it already =)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 03, 2013, 09:26 pm
Ahh there you go .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 03, 2013, 09:28 pm
Good stuff , I'm just gonna pm  itsworking , has he checked in at all ?
Taz, Murda, itsworking hasn,t been online from 24th the day he borrowed and he also borrowed from RS  :( Hope you,s get your cash i,ve had 2 of 8 loans paid back, i,m only loaning to regulars now lol  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jamin210 on July 03, 2013, 09:28 pm
Hey, my first time posting here, but I've been a heavy silk road user for around 2 months. I'm .177btc short on a big order I'm trying to place. If anyone could lend me that, I would repay .2btc within a week. .. probably by the weekend.  It would be greatly appreciated. I'm trying to get this order made today. 
My sr name is the same as my name here... zarathustrax80

Nevermind. .. don't need the coins anymore.

Good thing you posted that you didnt need anymore, i was reading past pages looking for anyone that needed help and you were next on the list! after i make an order i always chip in for other peoplethat need it. .20 really wont do anything for me so why not help someone else out! and always pay it forward in my opinion... never back unless the person needs it. "Never loan somebody something that you expect to get back, and you can live without it either way" ; )

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 03, 2013, 09:31 pm
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 03, 2013, 09:36 pm
I 2nd that , nice one Jam .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 03, 2013, 09:37 pm
+1 to you Jammin  ;) welcome new friend  :-*

Where,s my Chemmy, i miss him  ::) come here right now Chemcat lol  :P :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jamin210 on July 03, 2013, 09:49 pm
Good on you Jam , + 1
Thanks for the +1

Stupid question, but how do you +1 someone

You need 100 posts and then you will get the option.

Thought you sent it already so I threw you on the list.  Hah oh well

I've already lent to a few people. but not publicly. I'm always down to help someone if i can.

"Always pay it forward"
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on July 03, 2013, 09:54 pm
Good stuff , I'm just gonna pm  itsworking , has he checked in at all ?

Not at all!!
2 unanswered PM's!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 03, 2013, 09:57 pm
Hey Marry  , it was quite funny the other day - I still had my  nose was  a bit blocked up and  my order of cheese came through form the herbalist came through and I messaged him asking why   I got homegrown instead of cheese .

Turns out once I unblocked my bong , and my nose cleared a bit - I realized it was actually quite good and so was the   bag of lemon haze my brother got me .

I was in a right huff for days not smoking and thinking they were both total shit not worth smoking !
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 03, 2013, 10:04 pm
Taz, Did you see my post about itsworking not being on line since you,s lent him, RS did too  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 03, 2013, 10:05 pm
Good stuff , I'm just gonna pm  itsworking , has he checked in at all ?

Not at all!!
2 unanswered PM's!!
Not good looks like he's headed for the shit list - that sucks .

i was hoping he would of payed back last week when box was in need and I had nothing to give  >:(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 03, 2013, 10:09 pm
Was just browsing SR and it just went down for maintenence lol

Get him on the shitlist!  >:( ^ people not paying me back is annoying, fuckin embarrased for them  :-[ its pathetic  ::)

Goodnight guys, tell Chemmy i love him lol  :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 03, 2013, 10:14 pm
Taz, Did you see my post about itsworking not being on line since you,s lent him, RS did too  ;)

 No , I missed that , Ive only be online a few times this last few weeks for various reasons .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 03, 2013, 10:16 pm
Night  M ,  see ya soon .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 03, 2013, 10:18 pm
                                         :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) **When requesting, post your SR name** so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
danob15 ++++
dr gonzo
jamin210      ++++
MC Haberdasher 
Mike Hunt
Repus6 *
upthera       ++++
White Out


The shit list:
Apple             ++++
Autobondon *
itsworking      ++++
King Karma
repus6 *

*^*do not lend to these people*^*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 03, 2013, 10:19 pm
PM me if you have others
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on July 03, 2013, 10:19 pm
Taz, Did you see my post about itsworking not being on line since you,s lent him, RS did too  ;)

Taz, RS, AND i payed this dude?!? Wtf!?!  ???
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 03, 2013, 10:27 pm
Good stuff , I'm just gonna pm  itsworking , has he checked in at all ?
Taz, Murda, itsworking hasn,t been online from 24th the day he borrowed and he also borrowed from RS  :( Hope you,s get your cash i,ve had 2 of 8 loans paid back, i,m only loaning to regulars now lol  ;)
reposted for you,s  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 03, 2013, 11:04 pm
2 out of 8 - that sucks , not surprised your only lending to regulars .

I'm usually quite careful , but I  after the event I kinda had the feeling those coins might not make it back , lets hope he / she comes through next time he comes online - you never know .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: 45mypet on July 03, 2013, 11:37 pm
I have $6.70 worth of BC if anyone needs a loan  :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: HashForYou on July 03, 2013, 11:50 pm
the price of coins went down so I am still short on my lend by 0.04, anyone, I can pay back in a couple of days.
Title: 1.00 to four people!
Post by: theanonprincessnikki on July 04, 2013, 12:24 am


I have that much left after a small order and I'm willing to give away 1.00 each to four people who truly need it. (Must have a least average reputation karma wise.) (THIS IS ONLY FOR PEEPS WHO NEED an EXTRA DOLLAR ABOUT TIME I GIVE A LITTLE SOMETHING TO THE COMMUNITY)

1+ me,and PM so I know its you and I will transfer it VIA SR  8)

-NOTE- I am indeed a smoker so I found it very comical how it ended up being 4.20 haha.

 MONTHLY LOTTERY THREAD - http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=172863.0 -
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 04, 2013, 01:08 am


I have that much left after a small order and I'm willing to give away 1.00 each to four people who truly need it. (Must have a least average reputation karma wise.) (THIS IS ONLY FOR PEEPS WHO NEED an EXTRA DOLLAR ABOUT TIME I GIVE A LITTLE SOMETHING TO THE COMMUNITY)

1+ me,and PM so I know its you and I will transfer it VIA SR  8)

-NOTE- I am indeed a smoker so I found it very comical how it ended up being 4.20 haha.

 MONTHLY LOTTERY THREAD - http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=172863.0 -

This is very nice of you, but I do want to say, I doubt you will find 4 individual people with awesome stats that need >.01.  Also the whole karma thing is a lil misleading.  There are a few in here with terrible karma stats that are honorable. 

Also this thread flies by and you post might get buried pretty quick.  It's best to just jump in when you see someone in need.

Hash4U and the hatted cat guy are askin.

I could be wrong, but just sayin.  GL guy. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sorasgaze on July 04, 2013, 03:41 am
Pleaseeee someone help me out with a 0.1 loan for an order of MDMA. I needed $5 at first but my coins are dropping by the day. I will repay. Anything will help.
SR name = sorasgaze

Man that drop is a killer..I had last bought at 140 went to order and omg...I dont order often obviously..geeesh..
Sending you all I had left this morning ..I know its not worries about paying back..sorry I couldnt help more..

I haven't noticed anything sent, unless it was some change and I just didn't notice, but thank you and I appreciate it.  I've lost $5 in like 2 days.
Still need $5-6 if anyone else can help out, once again, I will repay.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: kyotosong on July 04, 2013, 05:34 am
hey there ladies/gents, long time no see! i was wondering if someone could lend .045btc until the 25th. i've borrowed once before and paid back, and i've also loaned! if anyone can help, my SR name is also kyotosong. thanks!

EDIT: taken care of!  thanks!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thecatinthehat101 on July 04, 2013, 01:35 pm
Please Please still need your help:

You can be the hero!

I feel like a jerk for using (High ass fees) but I did with my very limited budget. I did the math and it turns out when the 48 hour hold is up I'm gonna be .023 BC short. I've been waiting and waiting to place and looking forward to it, you know the kind.

I feel like such a bum but could anyone help me out on that. God this makes me feel like a jerk. TheCatinthehat101 is my handle for S.R

I will be able to pay back prob in  (say 45 days when I get a check) and yes I'm eating Ice Cream for luck right now!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: upthera on July 04, 2013, 03:00 pm

send to    Pnkpanth    ฿-0.11    ฿1.72    July 3, 2013, 3:33 pm UTC

wish I could've got you all of it but I'll end up back here asking for change.  PM me in a little bit if you don't make your goal,  if I can I'll fill the gap.

Thank you!!! So much!! I will get it back to you in about 10 days..
Now I am at exactly .0795 short..

If anyone will lend me the .0795(probably easier to say .08) I will do as you wish regarding return when I pay back on the weekend of July 13th..

Thank you again SOO much!!!

and thanks chemcat for posting the rules..
hope everyone has a good one!

username pnkpanth
short .0795

no problem, my pleasure.  Have not been able to purchase an order as I relied on one method of getting my BTC and now they are not an option and the price drop has put any non-essential purchases on hold.  I'm sure I'll need a few miliQuid one of these days.  Glad you got your order in.  All the best. 

Thanks ChemCat for adding me to the goodboy list so fast.  I always figured the first list I'd end up on would be the No Fly List :-/  I wasn't last year;)

Take care and be safe all :-)    &

Happy Independence Day Everyone. 
Not many of us here in the US feel very Independent or Free at the moment and I have no desire to celebrate what my country has turned into but I will remember and celebrate those brave and selfless persons who risked and often lost all to free us from the tyranny of the Brit empire.  We owe it to them to start moving in the right direction even if that means risking all ourselves.   
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thecatinthehat101 on July 04, 2013, 03:06 pm
Time is running out please I still need .017 to hit my goal for my order. I promise I give you my word I will pay it back. Stupid fees got me on this one.

Will even pay u intrest on the 1.50 if that helps. Please you could be the hero!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: upthera on July 04, 2013, 03:31 pm
Time is running out please I still need .017 to hit my goal for my order. I promise I give you my word I will pay it back. Stupid fees got me on this one.

Will even pay u intrest on the 1.50 if that helps. Please you could be the hero!
you get sorted yet? 

I need your SR name bro/sis
Title: Re: 1.00 to four people!
Post by: MrBing2012 on July 04, 2013, 03:39 pm


I have that much left after a small order and I'm willing to give away 1.00 each to four people who truly need it. (Must have a least average reputation karma wise.) (THIS IS ONLY FOR PEEPS WHO NEED an EXTRA DOLLAR ABOUT TIME I GIVE A LITTLE SOMETHING TO THE COMMUNITY)

1+ me,and PM so I know its you and I will transfer it VIA SR  8)

-NOTE- I am indeed a smoker so I found it very comical how it ended up being 4.20 haha.

 MONTHLY LOTTERY THREAD - http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=172863.0 -

I just happen to be short almost exactly $1 for an order of bud.
If you could help me out It would be greatly appreciated and of course repaid in full.
Thanks you very much for your kindness and generosity :)
Title: Re: 1.00 to four people!
Post by: upthera on July 04, 2013, 03:42 pm


I have that much left after a small order and I'm willing to give away 1.00 each to four people who truly need it. (Must have a least average reputation karma wise.) (THIS IS ONLY FOR PEEPS WHO NEED an EXTRA DOLLAR ABOUT TIME I GIVE A LITTLE SOMETHING TO THE COMMUNITY)

1+ me,and PM so I know its you and I will transfer it VIA SR  8)

-NOTE- I am indeed a smoker so I found it very comical how it ended up being 4.20 haha.

 MONTHLY LOTTERY THREAD - http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=172863.0 -

I just happen to be short almost exactly $1 for an order of bud.
If you could help me out It would be greatly appreciated and of course repaid in full.
Thanks you very much for your kindness and generosity :)

You guys gotta remember to put your SR name up when you post asking for coin.  :-)  I think you'll have better luck ;-)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 04, 2013, 03:46 pm
Hi everyone  ;) sorry i,m skint can,t help with coins unless someone who owes me pays back!! The next time i say who hasn,t paid it,ll be to put their name on the shitlist!!

HAPPY 4th  OF JULY AMERICANS  :-* :-* I,m sure your all of celebrating that,s why its so quiet lol have a great day guys   ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thecatinthehat101 on July 04, 2013, 03:51 pm
Please Please still need your help:

S.R Name Thecatinthehat101

"You can be the hero!

I feel like a jerk for using (High ass fees) but I did with my very limited budget. I did the math and it turns out when the 48 hour hold is up I'm gonna be .023 BC short. I've been waiting and waiting to place and looking forward to it, you know the kind.

I feel like such a bum but could anyone help me out on that. God this makes me feel like a jerk. TheCatinthehat101 is my handle for S.R

I will be able to pay back prob in  (say 45 days when I get a check) and yes I'm eating Ice Cream for luck right now!"
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thecatinthehat101 on July 04, 2013, 03:52 pm
S.R Name thecatinthehat101

Time is running out please I still need .017 to hit my goal for my order. I promise I give you my word I will pay it back. Stupid fees got me on this one.

Will even pay u intrest on the 1.50 if that helps. Please you could be the hero!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: upthera on July 04, 2013, 04:02 pm
S.R Name thecatinthehat101

Time is running out please I still need .017 to hit my goal for my order. I promise I give you my word I will pay it back. Stupid fees got me on this one.

Will even pay u intrest on the 1.50 if that helps. Please you could be the hero!

on the way
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: upthera on July 04, 2013, 04:07 pm
all set

send to    thecatinthehat101    ฿-0.02    ฿xxx    July 4, 2013, 4:06 pm UTC
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thecatinthehat101 on July 04, 2013, 04:13 pm
Oh you the man thank you thank you thank you. I'm writing your name down and as soon as I get my check I will get that back to you.

Let the record show that Upthera is a hero!

YOU ARE AWESOME! You just made my 4th man!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thecatinthehat101 on July 04, 2013, 04:16 pm
I got it thank you so much!

I acknowledge I owe Upthera .02 BC and will pay it back!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: upthera on July 04, 2013, 04:24 pm
I got it thank you so much!

not a problem cat

I'm glad I could make your 4th a bit better.  you are very welcome.  take care bro

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: upthera on July 04, 2013, 04:27 pm
hey there ladies/gents, long time no see! i was wondering if someone could lend .045btc until the 25th. i've borrowed once before and paid back, and i've also loaned! if anyone can help, my SR name is also kyotosong. thanks!

EDIT: still in need, will update if i recieve help. thanks!

you're good my friend.  enjoy

send to    kyotosong    ฿-0.05    ฿xxx    July 4, 2013, 4:27 pm UTC
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 04, 2013, 04:28 pm
+1 upthera  ;) welcome  :-* How you doing today?

Where,s Chemcat  :'( lol Japan, RS, Taz, Boxy, Murda, Kalli and any other reg,s your all awol  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 04, 2013, 04:29 pm
upthera..if people dont give you their SR screen name..then dont lend to them...people should read the damn rules if they are fact i will post them again....also, for the new people that look to borrow.... dont 
PM people for a loan from this thread... lets keep everything within these walls :)
here comes the rules them....
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on July 04, 2013, 04:33 pm
+1 upthera  ;) welcome  :-* How you doing today?

Where,s Chemcat  :'( lol Japan, RS, Taz, Boxy, Kalli your all awol  ;)

Maaaarrrryyyy!! ;D ;D
YOU are awesome!!
What, no MF??  :'(
Hugs all around my lovely bunch of lovelies!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 04, 2013, 04:34 pm
Dads on, fuckin pay attention lol  ;)
Hey Chem, how you doing hun  :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 04, 2013, 04:36 pm
MURDA...... :-* I,ve edited it, your there now hun lol  ;) sorry  :-[, luv ya
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: upthera on July 04, 2013, 04:40 pm
upthera..if people dont give you their SR screen name..then dont lend to them...fuckin idiots can read the damn rules if they are fucking fact i will post them again....also dont fucking
PM people for a loan from this comes the rules them....

Thanks for the advice ChemCat and for the kind words Mary.  Hope all is well.

@ chem, you were just mentioning the PM thing in general right, not in response to anything I did, right?  I've never asked for a loan here in this thread or in a PM. just had some coin but not enough for a purchase and wanted to help a few people out while I could.

All the best :-) 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 04, 2013, 04:42 pm
                                               :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) ##When requesting, post your SR name## SO WE KNOW WHERE TO SEND IT TO.  DON'T ASSUME WE KNOW. ##  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7)## DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. ## >:(  ##Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due. ##
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
danob15 ++++
dr gonzo
jamin210      ++++
MC Haberdasher 
Mike Hunt
murderface2012 ++++
Repus6 *
upthera       ++++
White Out


The shit list:
Apple             ++++
Autobondon *
itsworking      ++++
King Karma
repus6 *

*^*do not lend to these people*^*

##Note to New Lenders##

You can add to this....names of lenders and fuckwads that cant keep their the shit list
The Rules part Stays the Same.

Lets keep this realistic for the most part...i see alot of stupid shit going on in here lately  ::)

but i also see some awesome people taking a back burner cuz of some people here not paying back when they say they will and i just see some people trying to use us....

I just wanted to vent....

That is all.

Peace & Hugs,

ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 04, 2013, 04:47 pm
yeah, just in general.....these rules say it all....

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thecatinthehat101 on July 04, 2013, 04:48 pm
Omg I got enough for my order after stupid comes through.

I"M SO EXCITED and I just can't hide it. I'm about to loose control and I think I like it!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 04, 2013, 04:48 pm
upthera..if people dont give you their SR screen name..then dont lend to them...fuckin idiots can read the damn rules if they are fucking fact i will post them again....also dont fucking
PM people for a loan from this comes the rules them....

Thanks for the advice ChemCat and for the kind words Mary.  Hope all is well.

@ chem, you were just mentioning the PM thing in general right, not in response to anything I did, right?  I've never asked for a loan here in this thread or in a PM. just had some coin but not enough for a purchase and wanted to help a few people out while I could.

All the best :-)
Yeah, people coming on should at least go to the 1st page and read the rules, there,s no pm,img for loans. Its just a lot of people have come on recently asking for silly amounts or no SR name, if people are gonna ask for a loan they can at least take a minute to go to the 1st page and see what the thread starts with IMO  ;)
The pm thing was meant for people doing that, not you  ;) you just came here to lend coin and asked for nothing, thats why i +1,d you  ;) :-* Well done  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 04, 2013, 04:51 pm
Hah.  Morning mary!  It's a holiday I feel weird about for sure.  Hope I can get into some kind of trouble.  I gots a question for you too.  Sending a pm soon.


Na guy.  You are good!  We really appreciate you wanting to throw a hand in.  I'm certain it will come back around to ya. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 04, 2013, 05:01 pm
Boxy i,m waiting patiently lol wondering what you wanna ask lol  ::) :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: upthera on July 04, 2013, 05:02 pm
Thanks Mary, Shapes, and Chem :-)

Just wanted to make sure.  As a "read the fucking man page first" *nix user, I try to inform myself as best as I can. 

Great place this thread is. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 04, 2013, 05:09 pm
Thought I sent it already?  Sent another one just to be sure. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 04, 2013, 05:56 pm
Boxy, i pm,d you, pm me back ha ha  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on July 04, 2013, 06:05 pm
Hey guys! The ice cream man is back!!!! ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 04, 2013, 06:07 pm
Hah yea I'm responding.  I type slow.   :P

Thanks mary!  Fun topic for sure.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 04, 2013, 06:07 pm
There's our Son DanDan  :)

Welcome back and Mega Hugs to ya Danny  :)

4th of july and i had to crack my damn windshield  LOL

gotta go look for this darn lost goat too  ???

Love ya Dan  :)

Peace & Hugs  :)

ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 04, 2013, 06:08 pm
Missed ya DD!  I wondered where ya went!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 04, 2013, 06:09 pm
**Flips over the picnic table...runs up to boxy and gives them a long complicated handshake**

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 04, 2013, 06:11 pm
There's our Son DanDan  :)

Welcome back and Mega Hugs to ya Danny  :)

4th of july and i had to crack my damn windshield  LOL

gotta go look for this darn lost goat too  ???

Love ya Dan  :)

Peace & Hugs  :)

ChemCat  O0
I wanna come and help find the goat  ::) :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on July 04, 2013, 06:15 pm
**Flips over the picnic table...runs up to boxy and gives them a long complicated handshake**


Hahahaha lmao!!

and Yaaay for DD and his magical sorbet!!  ;)   we missed you homie!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 04, 2013, 06:55 pm
**Flips over the picnic table...runs up to boxy and gives them a long complicated handshake**


**Flips the table back over and then surrounds it with couch cushions to make a fort. Invites CC inside and waits patiently for the goat to come back**
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thecatinthehat101 on July 04, 2013, 06:56 pm
I am so grateful to the person that help me and the thread is a great idea!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 04, 2013, 07:02 pm
I,m away to have dinner, i,m starving  ::) see ya,s later, hope you,ve found the goat by then Chem  ;) :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 04, 2013, 07:37 pm
ok mary be safe :)

i sent you and boxy a msg ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 04, 2013, 07:54 pm
:) hello, hello, hello my lovely droogies, back from being a mountain man ::)..
hope touts droogs are doing well!

:-* (hugs)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: AnonymousAddict on July 04, 2013, 07:58 pm

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 04, 2013, 08:02 pm

lol, I forgot it was the 4th ::), owell happy days! also 0.0002 = $0.01619 :P

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 04, 2013, 08:04 pm
Thanks a lot CC.  That's really funny. 

Hello and goodbye!  Gotta head out for now!

Hope it was a fun trip!  I need to take a hike up a mountain as well. 

Be well all.  Blow something up for me.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 04, 2013, 08:10 pm
Thanks a lot CC.  That's really funny. 

Hello and goodbye!  Gotta head out for now!

Hope it was a fun trip!  I need to take a hike up a mountain as well. 

Be well all.  Blow something up for me.
:)! will do.

besafe an return soon friend!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 04, 2013, 08:51 pm
:) hello, hello, hello my lovely droogies, back from being a mountain man ::)..
hope touts droogs are doing well!

:-* (hugs)

Hey mountain man , hey all in fact  , hugs all round  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 04, 2013, 08:53 pm
So how long have you been living wild RS ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 04, 2013, 09:07 pm
heya taz :)

I was doing more cabin work (up in mountains) wasn't relaxing... :P

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 04, 2013, 09:20 pm
Ahh ok  ,  sounds like hard work ,  especially at altitude .

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: kyotosong on July 04, 2013, 09:23 pm
hey there ladies/gents, long time no see! i was wondering if someone could lend .045btc until the 25th. i've borrowed once before and paid back, and i've also loaned! if anyone can help, my SR name is also kyotosong. thanks!

EDIT: still in need, will update if i recieve help. thanks!

you're good my friend.  enjoy

send to    kyotosong    ฿-0.05    ฿xxx    July 4, 2013, 4:27 pm UTC

thanks, upthera! will be paid back by the 25th at the latest.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: herpderp25 on July 04, 2013, 09:52 pm
Hey guys,

I am in need of .08 BTC to complete a transaction, I came up short when I converted with Bitinstant and the BTC rate fluctuated during the time it took for me to receive it, so as a result, I am .08 short. This is my 3rd request-- I paid back every single time within a week or so, and every time I paid with interest, (.08 I paid back .12, .04 I paid back .06, etc.) so if someone can spare .08, I would highly appreciate it.

My SR name is: buba1990

Thank you very much.

Again, my SR NAME IS buba1990 just so there is no confusion.

Much appreciated.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on July 04, 2013, 10:00 pm
Had a few matters that needed attending to, but now I'm back and everyone is awesome! I felt it only fitting to come back on our nations birthday aka the day a bunch of greedy people won a war against basically themselves only to win land that they had stolen in the first place. Cheers to that! 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 04, 2013, 10:07 pm
+1 upthera  ;) welcome  :-* How you doing today?

Where,s Chemcat  :'( lol Japan, RS, Taz, Boxy, Murda, Kalli and any other reg,s your all awol  ;)
:) hiya mary :-* (hugs) to ya
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 04, 2013, 10:08 pm
Had a few matters that needed attending to, but now I'm back and everyone is awesome! I felt it only fitting to come back on our nations birthday aka the day a bunch of greedy people won a war against basically themselves only to win land that they had stolen in the first place. Cheers to that!
:D good to have ya back dandan :), we've missed you brother!

hope all is well, happy 4th.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: herpderp25 on July 04, 2013, 10:11 pm
Hey guys,

I am in need of .08 BTC to complete a transaction, I came up short when I converted with Bitinstant and the BTC rate fluctuated during the time it took for me to receive it, so as a result, I am .08 short. This is my 3rd request-- I paid back every single time within a week or so, and every time I paid with interest, (.08 I paid back .12, .04 I paid back .06, etc.) so if someone can spare .08, I would highly appreciate it.

My SR name is: buba1990

Thank you very much.

Again, my SR NAME IS buba1990 just so there is no confusion.

Much appreciated.

One bump for my request.

And Happy 4th everyone!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 04, 2013, 10:24 pm
Hey guys,

I am in need of .08 BTC to complete a transaction, I came up short when I converted with Bitinstant and the BTC rate fluctuated during the time it took for me to receive it, so as a result, I am .08 short. This is my 3rd request-- I paid back every single time within a week or so, and every time I paid with interest, (.08 I paid back .12, .04 I paid back .06, etc.) so if someone can spare .08, I would highly appreciate it.

My SR name is: buba1990

Thank you very much.

Again, my SR NAME IS buba1990 just so there is no confusion.

Much appreciated.

One bump for my request.

And Happy 4th everyone!
.10 sent to buba1990 :), enjoy.

repay soon please.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: herpderp25 on July 04, 2013, 10:27 pm
Hey guys,

I am in need of .08 BTC to complete a transaction, I came up short when I converted with Bitinstant and the BTC rate fluctuated during the time it took for me to receive it, so as a result, I am .08 short. This is my 3rd request-- I paid back every single time within a week or so, and every time I paid with interest, (.08 I paid back .12, .04 I paid back .06, etc.) so if someone can spare .08, I would highly appreciate it.

My SR name is: buba1990

Thank you very much.

Again, my SR NAME IS buba1990 just so there is no confusion.

Much appreciated.

One bump for my request.

And Happy 4th everyone!
.10 sent to buba1990 :), enjoy.

repay soon please.

I don't see it shown up yet, but I assume that it just some system lag. Thanks much! I'll update here when I officially see it on my balance. Will pay back soon and PM you when it is sent back. Take care my friend.

Edit- Got it. Thanks!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 04, 2013, 11:27 pm
you're welcome :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: theman123451 on July 04, 2013, 11:34 pm
rs i have 0.0278 can i send it to you to give back to the community?

happy 4th by the way!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 04, 2013, 11:40 pm
:) heya theman, happy independence day! I have .06 to return to you ;) so whatever you wanna do. but hope all is well :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 04, 2013, 11:53 pm
RS  :)

Hugs to ya bro :)

uhh....ya sent me coins and i dont know why ???

found the goat by the way  LOL

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 05, 2013, 12:03 am
hugs back bro :)
remember for the syrup ::)? you lent me .73 + .20 :) returned with some extra ;)

:o what goat lol
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 05, 2013, 12:13 am
one of my little goats got out  LOL  guess it liked the neighbors grass better  LOL

how was that stuff? the syrup?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 05, 2013, 12:35 am
lol, silly goats.. :P and it was delicious :D! wish I had some more ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 05, 2013, 03:35 am
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 05, 2013, 03:37 am
infowars?   might i take a bit of your time and ask you...why do ya do that?

Just wonderin  ???
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: weed4me6969 on July 05, 2013, 10:29 am
Hey Everyone!!  Hope you all had a wonderful 4th of July!! 

Well, because of all of this currency switching around, and no longer going by mt gox, i seemed to have lost $35 in my acct...and unfortunately now I am $20 short of placing my order...

If anyone can please please please loan me this cheddar, I can FOR SURE pay it back before Sunday!  Please help a brother out.

SR name is same   weed4me6969     8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bodnostrokulum on July 05, 2013, 10:35 am
Hey folks
im 0.06 short for purchasing the new Purple Lamborghini  ;D
read somme reviews @ pillreports  people claimed these are very strong and from high quality  8)

thank you in advance  :)

SR name the same  : bodnostrokulum

i will return my loan within a week, no problem
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 05, 2013, 10:37 am
Had a few matters that needed attending to, but now I'm back and everyone is awesome! I felt it only fitting to come back on our nations birthday aka the day a bunch of greedy people won a war against basically themselves only to win land that they had stolen in the first place. Cheers to that!
LMAO...Hi Dan i don,t know you so just thought i,d say Hi to you  ;) How lond have you been gone  :-\ lol

Hi everyone, hope all you Americans are not too hungover from celebrating  ::) :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 05, 2013, 10:41 am
Hey folks
im 0.06 short for purchasing the new Purple Lamborghini  ;D
read somme reviews @ pillreports  people claimed these are very strong and from high quality  8)

thank you in advance  :)

SR name the same  : bodnostrokulum

i will return my loan within a week, no problem
Hi wish i could help but i have nothing atm, i,m due 6 loans in which i,m clearly not getting back lol but if you try in a couple of hours they,ll be more people on, you may get someone before this so keep checking but don,t give up, someone will help, if i had it i give you it  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: weed4me6969 on July 05, 2013, 10:52 am
Hey Everyone!!  Hope you all had a wonderful 4th of July!! 

Well, because of all of this currency switching around, and no longer going by mt gox, i seemed to have lost $35 in my acct...and unfortunately now I am $20 short of placing my order...

If anyone can please please please loan me this cheddar, I can FOR SURE pay it back before Sunday!  Please help a brother out.

SR name is same   weed4me6969     8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on July 05, 2013, 11:14 am
lol it's impossible to transfer dollars that's why i ignore everyone who comes here asking for dollars.. i'm not giving away money AND doing maths with other peoples currencies and btc rates. fuck that shit.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: saranottegan on July 05, 2013, 12:38 pm
can someone let me borrow .025btc for a week. I'll pay you back .03 next Friday

SR name is saranottegan

Thank you for being a kind of family to me :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: b0m on July 05, 2013, 12:56 pm
Hey there,

i need 0.033 and can give it back by the end of next week. Will give back 0.04. Please shoot me a pm if somebody can help me out :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 05, 2013, 01:31 pm
can someone let me borrow .025btc for a week. I'll pay you back .03 next Friday

SR name is saranottegan

Thank you for being a kind of family to me :)
Sent 0.25, please pay back i wasn,t going to loan as 6 not paid back  ;)

Bom whats your SR name  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: JackieChan on July 05, 2013, 01:49 pm
If anyone can loan me 0.10 BTC I will pay you back double by the end of the day.

I need a tid bit more to cash out before SR rate updates and I lose 500$ for no reason.


2 tabs of acid for $10 shipped
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 05, 2013, 01:54 pm
If anyone can loan me 0.10 BTC I will pay you back double by the end of the day.

I need a tid bit more to cash out before SR rate updates and I lose 500$ for no reason.
I have 0.07 if that helps  ;)  since Bom,s dissapeared lol
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: JackieChan on July 05, 2013, 01:58 pm
I would appreciate it there is a priority. Silkroad has the exchange listed at like 83$/coin and it's really like $76/coin but it has not updated. SO if I get my cashout purchased now then when it updates I will not lose over $500 when it is fixed.
So if you could send me that it would be extremely helpful. I can cover b0m later when I get some orders finalized.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 05, 2013, 02:07 pm
Whats your SR name hun  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: JackieChan on July 05, 2013, 02:09 pm
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 05, 2013, 02:11 pm
Sorry about the time, my friend came in lol I,ve sent you 0.075  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: JackieChan on July 05, 2013, 03:00 pm
Big thank you to Mary666 for helping me out in a pinch.

+1, I will send back asap :)

Thank you!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 05, 2013, 03:04 pm
Hi everyone, hope all you Americans are not too hungover from celebrating  ::) :P

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 05, 2013, 03:05 pm
No probs Jackie  ;) maybe someone else can help if your still short  :-\

Where,s my Chemcat  :( Its quiet today  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 05, 2013, 03:06 pm
Hi everyone, hope all you Americans are not too hungover from celebrating  ::) :P

Whats up Boxy  :-\ you hungover lol  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 05, 2013, 03:10 pm
Yea.  I wasn't going to go out cause we got rained out but it stopped kinda late.  Me and a friend were trying to play "catch up", with all the time we missed.  It was a terrible idea...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 05, 2013, 03:25 pm
Hey there,

i need 0.033 and can give it back by the end of next week. Will give back 0.04. Please shoot me a pm if somebody can help me out :)

can anyone help Bom, i missed him and loaned the last of my coin out, you will get it back, thanks  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sickgirl on July 05, 2013, 03:27 pm
FuckingACE loaned me .60 btc and I repaid 1 btc.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sickgirl on July 05, 2013, 03:29 pm
I am 0.12 short on my order. Will repay in 2 weeks. SR user name same as here... xoxo sickgirl
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 05, 2013, 03:31 pm
FuckingACE loaned me .60 btc and I repaid 1 btc.
Did he loan you it on here cause i haven,t seen fuckinace posting saying he,s been repaid? He,s supposed to post it so we know he,s been paid back hun  ::) well if it was done on this thread?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 05, 2013, 03:32 pm
FuckingACE loaned me .60 btc and I repaid 1 btc.
How the crap have I missed this vendor looking around?  I would have so tried this guy out based on name alone!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 05, 2013, 03:35 pm
Well Bom says Jackie,s a great guy sent him some free samples, give him a pm lol  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: weed4me6969 on July 05, 2013, 03:54 pm
Hey everyone, i kinda got screwed when SR did their maintenance, and lost $35 in acct...
Please have a heart and help a friend.

 i am now short $20 on my order!( I believe that is 0.27)  If there is anyone that can help a brother out, I can assure you i will pay back before monday! 

SR name is same on here:    weed4me6969
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 05, 2013, 04:24 pm
Hey there,

i need 0.033 and can give it back by the end of next week. Will give back 0.04. Please shoot me a pm if somebody can help me out :)

can anyone help Bom, i missed him and loaned the last of my coin out, you will get it back, thanks  ;)

Same SR name ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MC Haberdasher on July 05, 2013, 04:33 pm
I am 0.12 short on my order. Will repay in 2 weeks. SR user name same as here... xoxo sickgirl

Holy smokes!  Back from the dead!  Good to see you are still alive and kickin'!  All I have is 68 cents in my account, otherwise I'd give ya the loan.  Having a really hard time locating BTC this week.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: JackieChan on July 05, 2013, 04:51 pm
Mary666 has been paid back her loan of 0.08!

B0m has been loaned 0.04!

Thanks :)

edit: oops said I would pay back double. Sent Mary an additional 0.08
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 05, 2013, 05:06 pm
:) morning lovely droogs, how are everyone of you lovelies doing today?

weed4me I've got .1 I can send if you like :)

(hugs) mary, taz, boxy, haberdasher, b0m, chemmy, japan, and all the rest of you loveable fuckers ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 05, 2013, 05:09 pm
                                               :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) ##When requesting, post your SR name## SO WE KNOW WHERE TO SEND IT TO.  DON'T ASSUME WE KNOW. ##  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7)## DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. ## >:(  ##Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due. ##
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
danob15 ++++
dr gonzo
jamin210      ++++
MC Haberdasher 
Mike Hunt
murderface2012 ++++
Repus6 *
upthera       ++++
White Out


The shit list:
Apple             ++++
Autobondon *
itsworking      ++++
King Karma
repus6 *

*^*do not lend to these people*^*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 05, 2013, 05:15 pm
hiya bro  :)

Hey, has anyone heard from Japan  ???

gettin worried about him.....
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: klm2233 on July 05, 2013, 05:17 pm

thanks for the great work you are doing :)

one love
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thecatinthehat101 on July 05, 2013, 05:20 pm
S.R Handle thecatinthehat101
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 05, 2013, 05:21 pm
Upthera again I would like to sincerely thank you for that BC. Its Unfortunate but is the gift that keeps on giving with there 48 hour hold the value of BC went down. I still didn't have enough for my order despite your kind gesture which I sincerely appreciate.

Again I thank you but I need you to PM me your S.R name so that I may return the BC to you as I promised I would just a little earlier;)

They start giving you instant withdraw after you have made 3 or 4 orders and have been with them a few weeks - I know because I was pleasantly surprised with instant withdrawal  on my last order .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thecatinthehat101 on July 05, 2013, 05:23 pm
Weed4me my S.R handle is the catinthehat101 and I could really use .03 (ouch I hate when Bitcoin tumbles like that) of that if you would please. I used big mistake I was all set till Bitcoin took a dive last night now I'm short.

I can pay back in about about a month or so when I get my last check. Your help would be very much appreciated!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 05, 2013, 05:31 pm
hiya bro  :)

Hey, has anyone heard from Japan  ???

gettin worried about him.....
heya brother, (hugs)! :)

no, haven't heard from jman, in a past few nights :(.. but I think hes probably busy with the fam ;)


thanks for the great work you are doing :)

one love
wuts that? :P.

great to hear from you though brother! its been awhile :D hope you're doing good :), and everything is well.

much love :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sickgirl on July 05, 2013, 05:44 pm
FuckingACE loaned me .60 btc and I repaid 1 btc.
Did he loan you it on here cause i haven,t seen fuckinace posting saying he,s been repaid? He,s supposed to post it so we know he,s been paid back hun  ::) well if it was done on this thread?

You can message him and he will verify. I had contacted him via PM, and repaid to his vendor account. He can verify all the details. I agreed to pay him on the evening of the first, and I did, promptly, with interest. xoxo sickgirl
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: theman123451 on July 05, 2013, 06:04 pm
rs thank you for the extra coin you gave me  ;D ;D ;D

if anyone is short i got .0878 to give out
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thecatinthehat101 on July 05, 2013, 06:13 pm
Upthera again I would like to sincerely thank you for that BC. Its Unfortunate but is the gift that keeps on giving with there 48 hour hold the value of BC went down. I still didn't have enough for my order despite your kind gesture which I sincerely appreciate.

Again I thank you but I need you to PM me your S.R name so that I may return the BC to you as I promised I would just a little earlier;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 05, 2013, 06:19 pm
Upthera again I would like to sincerely thank you for that BC. Its Unfortunate but is the gift that keeps on giving with there 48 hour hold the value of BC went down. I still didn't have enough for my order despite your kind gesture which I sincerely appreciate.

Again I thank you but I need you to PM me your S.R name so that I may return the BC to you as I promised I would just a little earlier;)
how much you still short?

you can find his SR username by checking your account history ;)

also, ::) it's virwox, not virvox :P

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Hunter Guy on July 05, 2013, 06:23 pm
My BTC just dropped like 20 bones and now I'm short about 60 cents lol...I'll be able to pay back in a week since I'm going to be out of town for a few days, so my pay back date would be roughly around like 10/11 of July.  If anyone can help me out I'll add a tip as well
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 05, 2013, 06:25 pm
sr name? :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Hunter Guy on July 05, 2013, 06:27 pm
sr name? :)

Hunterguy77 if you're referring to me

Wow it just went down again, now I'm down about 60 cents
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 05, 2013, 06:28 pm
hey ya'll  :)

i'm gonna be busy for a bit  :)

my new thread  :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 05, 2013, 06:34 pm
sr name? :)

Hunterguy77 if you're referring to me

Wow it just went down again, now I'm down about 60 cents
:) .01 sent to Hunterguy77, enjoy.

repay when you're able please :).
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Hunter Guy on July 05, 2013, 06:36 pm
sr name? :)

Hunterguy77 if you're referring to me

Wow it just went down again, now I'm down about 60 cents
:) .01 sent to Hunterguy77, enjoy.

repay when you're able please :).

I appreciate it, thank you. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thecatinthehat101 on July 05, 2013, 06:43 pm
Oh that would be so great of you. MY S.R name is thecatinthehat101 and I'm short .03 coin.

That would really make my day! : ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 05, 2013, 06:46 pm
Oh that would be so great of you. MY S.R name is thecatinthehat101 and I'm short .03 coin.

That would really make my day! : ;)
:) sent .03 to thecatinthehat101, enjoy :P

please repay when you're able. :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thecatinthehat101 on July 05, 2013, 06:51 pm
Writing your name down now my hero thank you so much.

Will get that back to you when I can. ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: theman123451 on July 05, 2013, 06:52 pm
rs can i give you the spear i have to give out to the people??
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 05, 2013, 06:54 pm
Writing your name down now my hero thank you so much.

Will get that back to you when I can. ;)
Account -> Account History, shows a list of who has sent you coins, :) no need to write anything ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 05, 2013, 06:57 pm
rs can i give you the spear i have to give out to the people??
:) course, same drill as last time too, you'll get it back + any interest that may tag along ;)
I had a brain fart on who I lent it to, the last time tho :P. but I knew the amount :P.. so I just went with who returned more ::)

I'll PM you the name tho, for my own sake ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thecatinthehat101 on July 05, 2013, 06:57 pm
Okay gotacha thats smarter too shredding paper will pay you back!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: klm2233 on July 05, 2013, 07:53 pm
hiya bro  :)

Hey, has anyone heard from Japan  ???

gettin worried about him.....
heya brother, (hugs)! :)

no, haven't heard from jman, in a past few nights :(.. but I think hes probably busy with the fam ;)


thanks for the great work you are doing :)

one love
wuts that? :P.

great to hear from you though brother! its been awhile :D hope you're doing good :), and everything is well.

much love :)

                                               :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) ##When requesting, post your SR name## SO WE KNOW WHERE TO SEND IT TO.  DON'T ASSUME WE KNOW. ##  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7)## DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. ## >:(  ##Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due. ##
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
danob15 ++++
dr gonzo
jamin210      ++++
MC Haberdasher 
Mike Hunt
murderface2012 ++++
Repus6 *
upthera       ++++
White Out


The shit list:
Apple             ++++
Autobondon *
itsworking      ++++
King Karma
repus6 *

*^*do not lend to these people*^*

this, the list you keep, the money you lending :D

yeah i am fine. everything cool.
and whats about you?

one love
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 05, 2013, 07:55 pm
Hi Chemmy, RS, Taz and everyone else  :D how you all doing today  ;)

Sent 0.08 to trichome  ;) thanks hun  ;) and thanks JackieChan  ;) 0.16 sent back for 0.08 loan, sending back the 0.08 interest, no need friend +1 to you  ;)

Oh and Japan,s fine we were pm,ing yesterday, he,s just busy  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 05, 2013, 07:56 pm
hiya klm  :)

geez  :P

havent seen you in a good minute  :o
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 05, 2013, 07:58 pm
hiya mary  :)

How's yur day?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 05, 2013, 08:01 pm
Hey , Chem , Mary , RS , everyone intact , Hugs O' clock =)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 05, 2013, 08:05 pm
hiya mary  :)

How's yur day?
Hi hun, never got to hospital yet going tomorrow lol  ::) I sent back the 0.08 loan to trichome hun, thanks  :-*

Hugs all round  ;) :P :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 05, 2013, 08:05 pm
There's our tazmanian devil  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 05, 2013, 08:08 pm
Hey Chem , are you going to start doing half G's at some point ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 05, 2013, 08:10 pm
And how are you btw , where are my manners ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 05, 2013, 08:12 pm
i can :)

tomorrow when i wake up i'll put up a listing for half g's  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 05, 2013, 08:13 pm
i'm doin ok so far  :P

howza bout yourself?

how's everything in your world taz?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 05, 2013, 08:18 pm
Good stuff  my wolds lookin  good right now thanks C , got a few things sorted that were holding me back , progress is good =)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 05, 2013, 08:21 pm
i might list them half grams before i sleep  .....  anyway, i dont want to block up our home here with my dribble  LOL
Not tryin to be a butthead or anything but we should really keep stuff about my vendors page within my thread  :)

No offense meant to anyone, just have to keep our purposes straight  :)
Peace & Hugs,

ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: b0m on July 05, 2013, 08:25 pm
Hi there,

JackieChan sent me 0.04 and i will send that back to mary666

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 05, 2013, 08:27 pm
Yeah no probs that did cross my mind actually  , after all I just posted in that thread , makes sense to ask there  .

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 05, 2013, 08:28 pm
b0m ~ b0m

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 05, 2013, 08:29 pm
Hi there,

JackieChan sent me 0.04 and i will send that back to mary666

Please send back to JackieChan  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 05, 2013, 08:40 pm

Fuckin check out Tedrux,s thread  :o :o :o and has anyone had their coin back??  :o ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 05, 2013, 08:50 pm
i knew he was a bloody troll , but when some ones talikng about ending it , you don't want to call them an asshole just in case  ,
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 05, 2013, 08:55 pm
He,s due coin to a few people, at the time i was thinking "NO why are you,s giving him coin?"  ::) Its the fact he,s a child molester, fuckin creep  :o
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 05, 2013, 09:06 pm
A child molester ?

Sounds like more trolling , sick bastard , I noticed people ending him coin - that's beyond trolling .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Oddworld on July 06, 2013, 12:45 am
Ignore my message prices have changed again.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Countdown2013 on July 06, 2013, 01:40 am
Would be an interesting time to give out some loans..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 06, 2013, 01:52 am
funny cause it been really quite ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 06, 2013, 02:00 am
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 06, 2013, 02:26 am
thank you ralph2341542 for repaying :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on July 06, 2013, 02:29 am
Paid .14 btc back to meloniasty for the .1btc loan since btc dropped n all.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 06, 2013, 02:41 am
hey chemmy, how you doing on coins atm :o?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 06, 2013, 02:49 am
sent you a pm :P

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: weed4me6969 on July 06, 2013, 03:23 am
Guys, I am still hurting for that $20, If there is anyway anyone can help, so i can place my order before btc falls any further, and i lose more damn mpney!!  LOL  :'(

Will pay back by monday!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 06, 2013, 03:35 am
right now 20 bux is 0.2876 bitcoins.

if i had it to lend you @ weed4me  it would be yours  :)

Unfortunately i just dont have it, plus with these crazy price fluctuations it might be a little harder to get a loan at this time...  dont give up though  m8  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 06, 2013, 03:42 am
if anybody has some coins they'll lend for about 5 days. I will return asap with minimum 10% interest :)
trying to make a bulk order an with the damn flux I'm short for what I want.. looking for 1 possibly 2 coins.. I will return happily, an promptly.

thank you.

sr name:RS7FI8ZRkm
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: weed4me6969 on July 06, 2013, 03:45 am
damnitt i put over 1000 in thru localbtc and i only got fuckin 850ish...CRAZY  I just really want to spend this before i lose more...  Promise payback will be prompt!

I know what you mean RS7FI8ZRkm  im in same boat!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 06, 2013, 04:14 am
if anybody has some coins they'll lend for about 5 days. I will return asap with minimum 10% interest :)
trying to make a bulk order an with the damn flux I'm short for what I want.. looking for 1 possibly 2 coins.. I will return happily, an promptly.

thank you.

sr name:RS7FI8ZRkm

Damn... I would so make a deposit just for you but I have nothing man.  Getting really sick of boiled eggs. 

If my fronts get back to me I'll make it happen, but I kinda doubt it will be by when you need.

Least you aren't waiting on getting money back from me.

I'll let ya know if anything changes guy!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: abby25 on July 06, 2013, 04:16 am
Just love this tread, especially when i'm high on MDMA (now haha) because it reminds me just how cool some people are!

Great stuff! :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 06, 2013, 04:21 am
**Wraps abby in a wet blanket and hands her some guacamole with corn chips and a bottle of water**

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 06, 2013, 04:29 am
Did you know if you keep the seed from the avocado in the guacamole it will keep longer?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 06, 2013, 04:38 am
::) yep

(hugs) boxy
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 06, 2013, 04:40 am
also, no worries :) turns out the vendor thinks I'm 'SS' an I've "done enough damage to this community" ::)

but owell? :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 06, 2013, 04:44 am
that's goin around  ::)

i've been 3 other people according to someone else  ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 06, 2013, 04:47 am

Damage to the community??  I don't understand!

There are some strange things goin on....
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 06, 2013, 04:49 am
you've been observing as well, boxy?

odd things abound indeed my friend......
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 06, 2013, 04:52 am
I am curious who he thinks I am lol ::) not that I'll be ordering from anyway.. just baffled..

went from okay lets do this to "No." :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 06, 2013, 05:05 am
Not that close.  I just get weird feelings about stuff.

Call me crazy?  I seem to be in good company tho!

Still though.  RSeven is ss and has done damage to the community?  Like I don't even know how they could come close to this conclusion.

People are on drugz...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 06, 2013, 05:05 am
Guys, I am still hurting for that $20, If there is anyway anyone can help, so i can place my order before btc falls any further, and i lose more damn mpney!!  LOL  :'(

Will pay back by monday!
appears a have hella extra coins atm, lol :(

anyway you still want that .29 ($20) loan ::)? not gonna be fun paying back if price spikes back up tho :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 06, 2013, 05:06 am
drugz are on People ...


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 06, 2013, 05:08 am
People are on drugz...
lol, that was my final conclusion :P feel like messaging him back letting him know he should probably lay off that pcp / meth or w/e tweeker shit hes on, its affecting his business..  lol ::)

sad part is, it was such a good deal on mdma :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 06, 2013, 05:37 am
Man..... so glad I got the deal I did.

Thanks again guys. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 06, 2013, 09:38 am
that's goin around  ::)

i've been 3 other people according to someone else  ::)
I,m glad its not just me  ;) I,m accused of being scummy Joolz, edar, and vendors Greenlights and UK4420 and a few others, we,re all the same person apparently  :o if drugs make people that paranoid maybe its time for them to take a break, muppets  ;)

Anyway Hello  ;D how,s everyone today? Does anyone know if its predicted that coin will keep dropping or go back up??  :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 06, 2013, 01:48 pm
also, no worries :) turns out the vendor thinks I'm 'SS' an I've "done enough damage to this community" ::)

but owell? :P

SS ?

Our very own RS , a member of the Secret service , who would have thought it  ;)

Seriously though ,  I'm just about to get some coins  if your short RS ,
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 06, 2013, 02:12 pm
that's goin around  ::)

i've been 3 other people according to someone else  ::)
I,m glad its not just me  ;) I,m accused of being scummy Joolz, edar, and vendors Greenlights and UK4420 and a few others, we,re all the same person apparently  :o if drugs make people that paranoid maybe its time for them to take a break, muppets  ;)

Anyway Hello  ;D how,s everyone today? Does anyone know if its predicted that coin will keep dropping or go back up??  :-\

I;d be very surprised if does not go back up soon M .

edit -  neglected to add the all important NOT
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 06, 2013, 03:10 pm
Yea.  I don't have a good feeling about coins right now.  There are a few new problems that are happening with it.  I'd just use my best practice of patience and see what happens in a week.

Fortunately I don't have anything to invest so I can't do anything but sit back and watch. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on July 06, 2013, 04:44 pm
I think Ill be buying $150 in coin soon just to play with the unstable market. Last time it was at this price I doubled my money in a week so Ill have my fun.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 06, 2013, 04:51 pm
Yeah  I'm waiting to see if it drops a bit more so I  can grab 40 or 50 .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on July 06, 2013, 07:31 pm
I am 0.0336 btc short on an order, anyone willing to help out? I will repay you Sunday evening when I receive more btc. Jasper800 can vouch for me (and has done so earlier in this thread). I paid him back over double what he lent me within 6 days. My SR account name is the same as here. Thanks in advance!
Sent .04 enjoy your order and repay when you can :)

He has re payed his loan with interest.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 06, 2013, 08:41 pm
Hellooooooooooo  my Spare Coin Thread Family!!


how're ya'll doin this fine day/night?

i'm gonna cook a cassarole  :P

rice, spicey chicken, green beans and broccoli  <~~(Spelling?) with cream of mushroom soup and cream of chicken soup and some cheddar cheese on top  :P

Nom Nom Nom  :)

Now i want to send some to our Boxy, 'cuz i dont think our Boxy has been eating too well lately  ???
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 06, 2013, 09:09 pm
Yeah if possible , go easy on the boiled eggs B , real bad in excess , each egg has more then a days quota of bad cholesterol - I mainly rely on beans and pulses when times are real  tough ,
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 06, 2013, 09:44 pm
:) heya all

morning everyone, hope y'all sexy fuckers are doing well :)

(hugs) to everyone

except *stabs* DealerOfDrugs in the toes with glowing orange metal toothpicks ::)...

hmm, dw89 has sent me .9 ??? but I have no idea why :P?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 06, 2013, 09:48 pm
Is D.O.D the guy who thought you were " SS " ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 06, 2013, 09:55 pm
yeah dod was the dude, but honestly, hes probably a silly tweeker or something, from the beginning he hasn't responded to any of my messages reliably, and after it all went south, I was trying to ask him where this whole transaction went sour, he simply stopped replying. :P

some people just can't handle drugs :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 06, 2013, 09:57 pm
Drugs can't handle some peepuhl

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 06, 2013, 09:59 pm
lol, drugs will never get a hold of me, arggg!! damnit too late ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 06, 2013, 10:02 pm
Very unprofessional behavior on his part for sure ,
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 06, 2013, 10:05 pm
LOL, sooo... I accidentally,  blessed my room with the most unholy (bong water) possible :( very stinky...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 06, 2013, 10:07 pm
I say blessed because, how the water shot out was similar to a priest using holy water.. ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 06, 2013, 10:08 pm
Ahhh...the ever Holy ...unholy bongwater  LOL

man i remember that smell  LOL

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 06, 2013, 10:16 pm
                                               :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) ##When requesting, post your SR name## SO WE KNOW WHERE TO SEND IT TO.  DON'T ASSUME WE KNOW. ##  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7)## DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. ## >:(  ##Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due. ##
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
danob15 ++++
dr gonzo
dw89   ++++
jamin210      ++++
MC Haberdasher 
Mike Hunt
murderface2012 ++++
Repus6 *
White Out


The shit list:
Apple             ++++
Autobondon *
itsworking      ++++
King Karma
repus6 *

*^*do not lend to these people*^*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Baggie on July 07, 2013, 02:20 am
hey you guys, I asked for a .43btc loan not too long ago and I received some help with my bitinstant issues  from chemcat which proved to help out quite a good deal until I was finally able to log in... Apparently bitinstant is down again and shockingly enough, It's when the coin prices have dropped even more than before. So, I was am still am unable to obtain btc from my source until they are back up. If anyone is kind enough to help a punk out it would be really appreciated, I need .43BTC to complete a MDMA order with TomorrowMan. My username is Leftovercrackmaniac. Thank you very much to anyone who decides to help.

Important... If you do help me then please tell me your SR username so I can pay you back.

Again thank you fellow soldiers against the war on drugs.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 07, 2013, 02:27 am
I'd help you, except I don't know you an therefor have a hard time trusting you with that big of a loan. if it were chem, japan, mary, boxy an few others they'd have it asap.

I've only seen you here twice both times requesting, :-\ an now aren't able to repay the first loan? an requesting more ??? sorry, but you should repay your debts before placing another order IMO ;) or at least speak with chemcat..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: titsmcgee123 on July 07, 2013, 03:03 am
need 0.0448 for shipping for usashroomz, anyone that could loan it will receive 1 virtual blow job and will be repaid on friday or so
EDIT: dammit i always forget my username: mainmanralph
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: 808 Distance on July 07, 2013, 05:29 am
Hey all, I hate to have to ask for coins from someone but I am short $6 on an order. If someone could lend me that I will pay them back $10 without a doubt within 1-2 weeks, whenever I get coins next. My SR name is 808 Distance, thanks.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 07, 2013, 05:36 am
.33 repaid to trichome :D

thanks as always :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sorasgaze on July 07, 2013, 06:32 am
Hey everyone. I'm leaving on a bus to Boston in the next 6 days for vacation. I have an $80 MoneyPak which I wanted to have transferred to BTC, but my vendor is gone, and I want to be able to order a gram of MDMA to take with me, there's no chance I can get it sent after I leave, I'll be staying with different people. Any way someone could give me coin for this card? I don't know how it'd work, guess you could send it to your PayPal and withdraw it to your bank account or something. I just can't depend on sketchy vendors and my main guy is gone at the moment, my card is legit and if anyone is willing, that'd be great. I posted a thread asking but it seems no one will. I've checked and can't find any vendors that seem legit, with forum reviews, and don't have a minimum of $100. Been out of luck, figured I'd post here and give this a shot. Been scammed $180 before, so need someone with a decent rep. Thanks. :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 07, 2013, 10:07 am
Hi everyone  ;) happy Sunday  8) lol

I missed everyone except wee Taz   :-[ How is our RS and Chemmy, and where,s Japan  :-\  I went to emergency yesterday with my wrist that i hurt when i fell about 5 wk ago  ::) It was broken, Doc says more of a crack but just have to leave it now, be swollen for 6 month to a year  :o Sometimes i,m a muppet  ;D :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 07, 2013, 11:37 am
Hello all :)

Been away but im back and I see I've missed a fair bit  :o

(never got that 0.06 i lent out back on the friday it was promised but can't even remember who it was lol)

Hope you are all good, I better catch up on the thread so catch ya all soon hugs & pure lovin kalli.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tedrux on July 07, 2013, 12:26 pm
 still here for now. havent received my order yet. hoping to pay you all back asap. problem, is idont know when thatll be
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 07, 2013, 12:33 pm
@ Kali , see if you can track down there name so we can add them to shit list if they don't reply to you via p.m .

@ Mary , you didn't miss me ?

Is that coz we spoke via p.m , or have i been naughty ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 07, 2013, 12:41 pm
still here for now. havent received my order yet. hoping to pay you all back asap. problem, is idont know when thatll be

Good to hear , doesn't excuse the emotional bullshit though , trolling is one thing but when you start tugging on peoples heartstrings  threatening suicide , that's a whole new bag .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tedrux on July 07, 2013, 12:46 pm
if only I felt what I made others feel then maybe I wouldn't even be here on this forum. but theres a void between consciousnessess. and I should know better, life has taught me better , she has taught me better. I should just not talk about it. I guess I was sort of hoping some one would say something that'd open my eyes through some miracle. idk.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 07, 2013, 12:53 pm
Can anyone help me out with a loan of 0.06 bitcoins, I can pay back within the next week.

Got ya.

Found it ! also while we're on the subject im still on the debt list and I paid chemcat back when promised (well actually a couple of hours late but you know what I mean lol) can someone sort it or how do I change it please ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 07, 2013, 01:02 pm
Kali , that means you have lent coins , not that you owe any one - the shit list below is for people that never paid back
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 07, 2013, 01:05 pm
whats the name of the person that owes you btw .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 07, 2013, 01:19 pm
Kali , that means you have lent coins , not that you owe any one - the shit list below is for people that never paid back

Haha yeahhhh I see now, thank you bud  :-[
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on July 07, 2013, 01:21 pm
Hi all
just a quick note to say got rushed into hospital last time we spoke and nearly had my leg taken off as where I'd been banging in the groin for so long and hitting the artery now and again,the wall had weakened and blew out(aneurism) so was told they were gonna tie it off and remove the limb :o :o :o but fortunately they did a puncture repair job and its turned out good ;D.Last time I ever IV!!!!
Well I gotta go back for my meds now and maybe a quick washdown in the shower by the nurses ;)
See you all back here soon as they kick me out.

Big respect for not putting me on the shitlist while I was gone.Sorry to all who have been waiting but count yourselves lucky that it didnt burst and I didnt die lol.

Take care all.back soon as pos. :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on July 07, 2013, 01:22 pm
just saw my negs since last time.
Shame on you mr negger
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 07, 2013, 01:27 pm
Glad you kept your leg DT , they sure do come in handy  ;)

+1 to try and even that shit out btw
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jayemcee on July 07, 2013, 01:53 pm
Hey folks, can someone spare $5?

I want to buy this wax: http://silkroadvb5piz3r.onion/silkroad/item/65b4f1edda

It costs exactly this much: $146.25
And I have exactly this much in my account: account ฿2.0650  $142.05

My username is: jayemcee

I will be able to pay you back by Friday. I had enough funds to make the purchase [over $170] but the most recent drop took me $4 below the list price :-(

If you send me a message, I will be sure to reciprocate your generosity.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 07, 2013, 02:20 pm
Ahhh..... images of requiem for a dream won't leave my brain.....
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 07, 2013, 02:22 pm
mo0rnin ya'll  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 07, 2013, 02:35 pm
Ahhh..... images of requiem for a dream won't leave my brain.....

Damn I have them now , nasty images .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: NorthernStar on July 07, 2013, 02:41 pm
Ahhh..... images of requiem for a dream won't leave my brain.....

Damn I have them now , nasty images .
Why don't you go out side and get a life....Honestly you are a boring bastard, have you honestly nothing better to do than bum around here adding your incoherent ramblings to every thread?

You are probably a geek, and antisocial peadophile, I bet you fucking troll , if I ever seen you, I would hurt you really bad , stamp all over your nonce head do you hear me taz without the capital, you fucking mule? you fucking queer. I swear your getting it.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 07, 2013, 02:41 pm
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 07, 2013, 02:46 pm
Hegs NS , nice to see you - hugs -)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 07, 2013, 02:50 pm
Hegs - now I would generally edit that but seeing as your looking for incoherent - i shan't  bother
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 07, 2013, 02:50 pm
I went to emergency yesterday with my wrist that i hurt when i fell about 5 wk ago  ::) It was broken, Doc says more of a crack but just have to leave it now, be swollen for 6 month to a year  :o Sometimes i,m a muppet  ;D :P

OMG!  AhhHHhhH!  This thread is digging deep in my empathy today!  Take care of yourself girl.  Find a way to keep typing to us with that wrist!

I think I'm going to head out and hit the gym to clean this all out of me.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 07, 2013, 02:53 pm
Have a good workout B , sounds  like a good plan .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 07, 2013, 02:56 pm
heya taz  :)

ok, be safe Boxy  (Hugs)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tedrux on July 07, 2013, 02:57 pm
NorthStar the Spammer is telling some one to get a life?huh...well okay.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 07, 2013, 02:58 pm
Hey Chem , how ya doodalin man  ?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 07, 2013, 03:00 pm
NorthStar the Spammer is telling some one to get a life?huh...well okay.

And he sends just the sweetest pms's too .

Do you want trouble you fucking nonce?

Um ok NS , what types do you have ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 07, 2013, 03:01 pm
oh just tryin to figure out how to spend my time during this BTC reccession  and drive traffic to my page  LOL

howza bout you taz?  howzu doin?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 07, 2013, 03:07 pm
oh just tryin to figure out how to spend my time during this BTC reccession  and drive traffic to my page  LOL

howza bout you taz?  howzu doin?

I'm good thanks , yeah the btc thing sucks , sure doesn't hurt to study the trends so you can tell when to buy and when to sell - I'm going to be digging through some of the recent btc news this afternoon , to do just that .

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 07, 2013, 03:14 pm
it never hurts  :)

and even the slightest education that we can give ourselves  is a step in the right direction  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 07, 2013, 03:21 pm
Are you looking to step a gear  vending wise then ?

I guess you won't get as much traffic being invite only , your lstings don't show up when I select the " newest first  " option in the dmt category

Listing any other products you might have access too  ( like that NBOMe ) would be  another way to drive traffic your way .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 07, 2013, 03:22 pm
my listings dont show up?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 07, 2013, 03:24 pm
ahhh....oh're not U.S.  that's prolly why ya cant see my listings?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jayemcee on July 07, 2013, 03:24 pm

here is a live chart of mt gox prices that can be useful to look for trends:

also, i watch to see how quickly the lowest offers fall off of the bid as an indicator of market strength. these are both useful for short term trading, and the mt gox live chart can be somewhat helpful for longer trends. analyzing BTC data has been wicked tough imo, especially looking at the price volatility over even just the last few months.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 07, 2013, 03:25 pm
i could go international shipping but it would be through the regular priority or expidited  ???
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 07, 2013, 03:26 pm
Hiya Jay  (Hugs)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jayemcee on July 07, 2013, 03:31 pm
Hey ChemCat

I just discovered that BTC minesweeper game yesterday haha. Cool game indeed. Ive only played for free tho, have you won any BTC from it?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 07, 2013, 03:33 pm
i have actually   ;D

it wasnt much i think  total winnings were like 5 dollars  LOL
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 07, 2013, 03:36 pm
ahhh....oh're not U.S.  that's prolly why ya cant see my listings?

 I see the us listings that ship worldwide , I guess yours don't show because of the domestic only thing  , I hadn't thought if that .


here is a live chart of mt gox prices that can be useful to look for trends:

also, i watch to see how quickly the lowest offers fall off of the bid as an indicator of market strength. these are both useful for short term trading, and the mt gox live chart can be somewhat helpful for longer trends. analyzing BTC data has been wicked tough imo, especially looking at the price volatility over even just the last few months.

Thanks man - yeah , I'm a member on local bitcoins , there an indicator worth watching , I highly recomend the multi option carts at ( CLEARNET ) and I like to read through the conjecture in  posts on bitcointalk also .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dolphy7835 on July 07, 2013, 04:19 pm
I've only got .12 in my account, and i'm sober as shit right now. Yeah, it sucks, but asking for a handout for help with buying groceries or tampons for your old lady, etc is one thing. Not to judge, but this is a little one-sided in my opinion. It speaks loudly of a persons heart and compassion who gives btc to someone in need, but it also would speak badly of me if i was to ask for enough bitcoin just so i can get high. I'm just speaking for myself here, and not anyone who has posted asking for help. I try not to judge others.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on July 07, 2013, 04:35 pm
I've only got .12 in my account, and i'm sober as shit right now. Yeah, it sucks, but asking for a handout for help with buying groceries or tampons for your old lady, etc is one thing. Not to judge, but this is a little one-sided in my opinion. It speaks loudly of a persons heart and compassion who gives btc to someone in need, but it also would speak badly of me if i was to ask for enough bitcoin just so i can get high. I'm just speaking for myself here, and not anyone who has posted asking for help. I try not to judge others.

what's your point? are you asking for something? or just observing that others have asked? is there a point to this ramble? IS THERE?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dolphy7835 on July 07, 2013, 04:42 pm
Just an expression of my own point of view of MY own situation. Not a judgement on others. I want to ask, but it doesn't feel right if i was to do so. Just putting my pennies worth of thoughts out there.  I hope that has cleared it up for you as i am simple-minded when it comes to vocalizing ideas and thoughts of mine.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on July 07, 2013, 04:48 pm
no, not in the slightest tbh. it's probably an english as a second language thing.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dolphy7835 on July 07, 2013, 04:50 pm
Lol! I'm cool with ending on that if you are.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 07, 2013, 04:55 pm
Probably for the best , but I think I know where your coming from , all the best bro / sis .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 07, 2013, 06:02 pm
Hi hunny,s  :P :-* How,s everyone been? It,s been lovely weather here today  ;) I always miss you when your not here btw Taz  ;) :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 07, 2013, 06:04 pm
heya mary  (Hugs)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 07, 2013, 06:12 pm
Hi Chemmy  ;D hugs ya back for ages  :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 07, 2013, 06:14 pm
Hey M , how's your wrist ?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 07, 2013, 06:20 pm
Hi Taz, its been sore for 5 weeks just didn,t think it would be much longer but doc says a least 6 month, lucky i,m female  ;) lmao
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 07, 2013, 06:25 pm
Did you twist when you fell or something , just busing or a fracture ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 07, 2013, 06:34 pm
Did you twist when you fell or something , just busing or a fracture ?
Fracture 5 weeks ago but i didn,t go to A n E till yesterday lol so its knitted back together now  ;) ::) qiute funny, i have a good pain threshhold  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 07, 2013, 06:44 pm
That's a good thing to have , but don't wait to get checked out next time - wags finger =)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 07, 2013, 06:51 pm
Lol Taz, i,m going now its a nice night so gonna go for a walk with the dogs and my man  ;) 8)

love and hugs to you,s  :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 07, 2013, 07:44 pm
Have a good night M =)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Baggie on July 07, 2013, 07:48 pm
I'd help you, except I don't know you an therefor have a hard time trusting you with that big of a loan. if it were chem, japan, mary, boxy an few others they'd have it asap.

I've only seen you here twice both times requesting, :-\ an now aren't able to repay the first loan? an requesting more ??? sorry, but you should repay your debts before placing another order IMO ;) or at least speak with chemcat..

lol I have requested more than twice but haven't ever received a loan. ChemCat helped me out by giving me a customer support email address for bitinstant which allowed me to access my account.

The only other time I have asked for and received a loan is in this thread I made.          http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=169821.msg1234136#msg1234136          I requested .1 BTC and BajoZero was awesome enough to help me out and I did pay him pack when I was able to use bitinstant again. I am not asking you to help me and I really hate having to do this at all because it makes me feel like a bum.

I am not saying that this relates to you but I am really confused as to why I am getting all of this negative Karma.. I haven't done anything (to my knowledge) that is wrong. If using the "Spare BTC" thread is just going to cause me to get bad Karma and hurt the reputation I have been trying to rebuild since deleting my old account then I am out of this. I suppose I can wait. So sorry for pissing any of you off.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 07, 2013, 08:33 pm
Hi everyone  ;) happy Sunday  8) lol

I missed everyone except wee Taz   :-[ How is our RS and Chemmy, and where,s Japan  :-\  I went to emergency yesterday with my wrist that i hurt when i fell about 5 wk ago  ::) It was broken, Doc says more of a crack but just have to leave it now, be swollen for 6 month to a year  :o Sometimes i,m a muppet  ;D :P
(hugs) :( that sucks, try not to use it much as possible ;)

Hi all
just a quick note to say got rushed into hospital last time we spoke and nearly had my leg taken off as where I'd been banging in the groin for so long and hitting the artery now and again,the wall had weakened and blew out(aneurism) so was told they were gonna tie it off and remove the limb :o :o :o but fortunately they did a puncture repair job and its turned out good ;D.Last time I ever IV!!!!
Well I gotta go back for my meds now and maybe a quick washdown in the shower by the nurses ;)
See you all back here soon as they kick me out.

Big respect for not putting me on the shitlist while I was gone.Sorry to all who have been waiting but count yourselves lucky that it didnt burst and I didnt die lol.

Take care all.back soon as pos. :D
holy shit darktime :( you gotta be careful man!! glad you're alright though brother! hope you stay away from IV's now :-\

Ahhh..... images of requiem for a dream won't leave my brain.....

Damn I have them now , nasty images .
Why don't you go out side and get a life....Honestly you are a boring bastard, have you honestly nothing better to do than bum around here adding your incoherent ramblings to every thread?

You are probably a geek, and antisocial peadophile, I bet you fucking troll , if I ever seen you, I would hurt you really bad , stamp all over your nonce head do you hear me taz without the capital, you fucking mule? you fucking queer. I swear your getting it.
NorthernStar who are you? honestly this this first I've ever seen you post, an it wasn't even polite, so, if you don't mind, please take your bad attitude right back out the door ;) we don't need smelly folk in this thread :)

I'd help you, except I don't know you an therefor have a hard time trusting you with that big of a loan. if it were chem, japan, mary, boxy an few others they'd have it asap.

I've only seen you here twice both times requesting, :-\ an now aren't able to repay the first loan? an requesting more ??? sorry, but you should repay your debts before placing another order IMO ;) or at least speak with chemcat..

lol I have requested more than twice but haven't ever received a loan. ChemCat helped me out by giving me a customer support email address for bitinstant which allowed me to access my account.

The only other time I have asked for and received a loan is in this thread I made.          http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=169821.msg1234136#msg1234136          I requested .1 BTC and BajoZero was awesome enough to help me out and I did pay him pack when I was able to use bitinstant again. I am not asking you to help me and I really hate having to do this at all because it makes me feel like a bum.

I am not saying that this relates to you but I am really confused as to why I am getting all of this negative Karma.. I haven't done anything (to my knowledge) that is wrong. If using the "Spare BTC" thread is just going to cause me to get bad Karma and hurt the reputation I have been trying to rebuild since deleting my old account then I am out of this. I suppose I can wait. So sorry for pissing any of you off.
??? first you say you "haven't ever received a loan" then you turn around say you've gotten a loan previously from BajoZero, :P now I'm extra confused..

but just so we are clear, I wasn't implying you shouldn't be helped.. I was more or less stating you came here requesting for a larger loan, without ever helping someone prior,.. and to me, this seems unfair. I have no incentive to trust ya (no offense). just whats stopping you from creating a new account "again" an we'll never see that coin again ;)

I wish it were a world I could simply hand you that coin, and not think twice about it, but I've already been neglected several times, an I'm at threshold of being burned.

I am sorry if I came off dickish, but for having a moonshine hangover some may consider my attitude is pleasant ;)

also, about the karma. I have no idea what to tell you, there appears to be either a group of individuals, or a single individual (with way too much time)  whom appears to target certain  people/threads/fuck should I know :P anyway I've seen my karma go from 16 to 35 ::).. I just laughed about it :P

anyway, its just a number honestly.. people shouldn't be judged in such a manner by a number next to their name. but by the actions an things they do :)

much love an hugs to you brother :)

sorry for the misunderstandings...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Baggie on July 07, 2013, 08:42 pm
??? first you say you "haven't ever received a loan" then you turn around say you've gotten a loan previously from BajoZero, :P now I'm extra confused..

I should have went into that one a bit more lol What I mean is that I have asked for the same dollar amount in BTC in this particular thread more than twice and never received.  ::)

. just whats stopping you from creating a new account "again" an we'll never see that coin again ;)

The fact that I learned my lesson from CharlieSheen and won't be making that mistake EVER again lol

I understand that the number is large and I understand that I likely won't be getting it, Which is okay.
The only account I ever helped anyone on is now deleted as far as BTC loans. I have been screwed many times on here as well and it's ridiculous as to how people are in this fucked up world.

No misunderstandings should be in place anymore. I feel like this has been resolved.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 07, 2013, 08:42 pm
Quote from: RS
I wish it were a world I could simply hand you that coin, and not think twice about it, but I've already been neglected several times, an I'm at threshold of being burned.


                         +1   ;)

sometimes i feel the same way like it's the same people comin in here with different profiles  LOL

I Love ya RS, my little Brother  :)

baggie? how much did you need?

i personally dont have any coins but i believe i know someone who long as it's not  a large loan i think you might be able to work something out with them.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 07, 2013, 08:46 pm
whats the name of the person that owes you btw .

Didn't see this post sorry, it is HashForYou he has until tomorrow anyway as he stated up to a week (for some reason i thought friday, my bad)
just sucks when ya don't even get a thank you :(

Hello y'all hope ya doing fine n dandy im just chillin in the kitchen smoking weed and listening to tunes i love my sundays :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 07, 2013, 08:46 pm
Quote from: Bagster
I understand that the number is large and I understand that I likely won't be getting it, Which is okay.
The only account I ever helped anyone on is now deleted as far as BTC loans. I have been screwed many times on here as well and it's ridiculous as to how people are in this fucked up world.

No misunderstandings should be in place anymore. I feel like this has been resolved.

Then these changes start with an me..and RS  ....we can only change ourselves
and pray to positively influence others  :)

hugs to ya baggie  :)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 07, 2013, 08:49 pm
heya kalli  (Hugs)


i was gonna go to the cemetary today but got a freak thunderstorm  :o

Hope yur doin okay 2day  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 07, 2013, 08:52 pm
                                               :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) ##When requesting, post your SR name## SO WE KNOW WHERE TO SEND IT TO.  DON'T ASSUME WE KNOW. ##  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7)## DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. ## >:(  ##Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due. ##
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
BajoZero ++++
danob15 ++++
dr gonzo
dw89   ++++
jamin210      ++++
MC Haberdasher 
Mike Hunt
Repus6 *
White Out


The shit list:
Apple             ++++
Autobondon *
itsworking      ++++
King Karma
repus6 *

*^*do not lend to these people*^*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Baggie on July 07, 2013, 08:52 pm
Quote from: RS
I wish it were a world I could simply hand you that coin, and not think twice about it, but I've already been neglected several times, an I'm at threshold of being burned.


                         +1   ;)

sometimes i feel the same way like it's the same people comin in here with different profiles  LOL

I Love ya RS, my little Brother  :)

baggie? how much did you need?

i personally dont have any coins but i believe i know someone who long as it's not  a large loan i think you might be able to work something out with them.

Thanks ChemCat, You have always been nice to me when I was using my old account as well as this one. I can PM you the name it was so you will possibly remember me.

I have decided that I would rather not do this panhandling anymore, When I have spare coin I will help some people but it seems asking for help is a whole other story. I needed $45 but don't worry about it because as RS stated, It is a larger loan.

Thank you for the customer support email for bitinstant you provided me with btw the way Chem, It helped me access my account and that alone is priceless :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 07, 2013, 08:56 pm
??? first you say you "haven't ever received a loan" then you turn around say you've gotten a loan previously from BajoZero, :P now I'm extra confused..

I should have went into that one a bit more lol What I mean is that I have asked for the same dollar amount in BTC in this particular thread more than twice and never received.  ::)

. just whats stopping you from creating a new account "again" an we'll never see that coin again ;)

The fact that I learned my lesson from CharlieSheen and won't be making that mistake EVER again lol

I understand that the number is large and I understand that I likely won't be getting it, Which is okay.
The only account I ever helped anyone on is now deleted as far as BTC loans. I have been screwed many times on here as well and it's ridiculous as to how people are in this fucked up world.

No misunderstandings should be in place anymore. I feel like this has been resolved.

Quote from: RS
I wish it were a world I could simply hand you that coin, and not think twice about it, but I've already been neglected several times, an I'm at threshold of being burned.


                         +1   ;)

sometimes i feel the same way like it's the same people comin in here with different profiles  LOL

I Love ya RS, my little Brother  :)

baggie? how much did you need?

i personally dont have any coins but i believe i know someone who long as it's not  a large loan i think you might be able to work something out with them.
love you too brother :) (hugs)

p.s check tric ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on July 07, 2013, 08:58 pm
asking for loans here is fine, if anything loan related was causing negs then it'd be cluttering up the forum starting individual threads to ask...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 07, 2013, 08:59 pm
Quote from: RS
I wish it were a world I could simply hand you that coin, and not think twice about it, but I've already been neglected several times, an I'm at threshold of being burned.


                         +1   ;)

sometimes i feel the same way like it's the same people comin in here with different profiles  LOL

I Love ya RS, my little Brother  :)

baggie? how much did you need?

i personally dont have any coins but i believe i know someone who long as it's not  a large loan i think you might be able to work something out with them.

Thanks ChemCat, You have always been nice to me when I was using my old account as well as this one. I can PM you the name it was so you will possibly remember me.

I have decided that I would rather not do this panhandling anymore, When I have spare coin I will help some people but it seems asking for help is a whole other story. I needed $45 but don't worry about it because as RS stated, It is a larger loan.

Thank you for the customer support email for bitinstant you provided me with btw the way Chem, It helped me access my account and that alone is priceless :)
start small, build trust, help others.. :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 07, 2013, 08:59 pm
heya kalli  (Hugs)


i was gonna go to the cemetary today but got a freak thunderstorm  :o

Hope yur doin okay 2day  :)

Doing fine thanks buddy but shame for you about the lousy weather im sure you will be there soon as ya can im long overdue paying my own respects to loved ones and i have no valid excuse unfortunately.

But on a brighter note we've had sun here in england  8)

im still recovering from the shock !
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 07, 2013, 09:01 pm
okay  :)

0.6281 is 45 dollars at this time.

the person i was gonna send you to said they have only 0.04 coins at the moment  ???

No problem on the customer support  :)

Dont get discouraged m8 .....bitcoins are dripping and rising and it's a little harder to get a loan lately ....
Keep yur chin Up  ;)

Peace & Hugs to you,

Chem  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Baggie on July 07, 2013, 09:04 pm
Quote from: RS
I wish it were a world I could simply hand you that coin, and not think twice about it, but I've already been neglected several times, an I'm at threshold of being burned.


                         +1   ;)

sometimes i feel the same way like it's the same people comin in here with different profiles  LOL

I Love ya RS, my little Brother  :)

baggie? how much did you need?

i personally dont have any coins but i believe i know someone who long as it's not  a large loan i think you might be able to work something out with them.

Thanks ChemCat, You have always been nice to me when I was using my old account as well as this one. I can PM you the name it was so you will possibly remember me.

I have decided that I would rather not do this panhandling anymore, When I have spare coin I will help some people but it seems asking for help is a whole other story. I needed $45 but don't worry about it because as RS stated, It is a larger loan.

Thank you for the customer support email for bitinstant you provided me with btw the way Chem, It helped me access my account and that alone is priceless :)
start small, build trust, help others.. :)

I hear ya RS. I will just help people when I can though. I don't ever want to ask again lol it already makes me feel like a bum asking haha. Peace be with you guy and I hope to see you around on the forums :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 07, 2013, 09:25 pm

Didn't see this post sorry, it is HashForYou he has until tomorrow anyway as he stated up to a week (for some reason i thought friday, my bad)
just sucks when ya don't even get a thank you :(

I loaned this guy like $8 ages ago.  I didn't get a thank you then.  He was actually offering a free gram of hash for it for the help but I never got either.

Was like a month later and I finally bugged him about it, but he did repay.  (not the hash but meh)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Baggie on July 07, 2013, 09:34 pm
okay  :)

0.6281 is 45 dollars at this time.

the person i was gonna send you to said they have only 0.04 coins at the moment  ???

No problem on the customer support  :)

Dont get discouraged m8 .....bitcoins are dripping and rising and it's a little harder to get a loan lately ....
Keep yur chin Up  ;)

Peace & Hugs to you,

Chem  O0

And this is why I love you Chem hahaha such a great guy((:

It's no worries though lol I just hope that I can get some BTC through bitinstant before the prices go back up for sure. I just realized the number would be more than that any way because I was 45 short for a 167 dollor order and now that btc value has dropped I am even further down than before hahaha no point in asking anymore. I wish I would have realized that a while ago lmao Wouldn't have asked
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 07, 2013, 09:41 pm

Didn't see this post sorry, it is HashForYou he has until tomorrow anyway as he stated up to a week (for some reason i thought friday, my bad)
just sucks when ya don't even get a thank you :(

I loaned this guy like $8 ages ago.  I didn't get a thank you then.  He was actually offering a free gram of hash for it for the help but I never got either.

Was like a month later and I finally bugged him about it, but he did repay.  (not the hash but meh)

Yeah its no big deal its probably not even postage the way bitcoins crashing ! It was only sat spare in my account and if it helped him get hooked up then thats enough for me.

Wouldn't say no to a gram of hash though, just that invisible stuffs not really my type of smoke ;)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 07, 2013, 09:45 pm
whats the name of the person that owes you btw .

Didn't see this post sorry, it is HashForYou he has until tomorrow anyway as he stated up to a week (for some reason i thought friday, my bad)
just sucks when ya don't even get a thank you :(

Hello y'all hope ya doing fine n dandy im just chillin in the kitchen smoking weed and listening to tunes i love my sundays :)

Shoot H.F.Y a PM , if he doesn't come through we shall blacklist him , enjoy your Sunday man  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 07, 2013, 09:50 pm
Yeah will do that and you too bud take it easy  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 07, 2013, 10:01 pm
Well yea.  Free hash?  Why the hell not?  But he didn't bring it up so I didn't bring it up.  I didn't want to take a vendor's product he could make money with since he was already asking for a lend.

I really don't think he will run out on it though.  He is a vendor and got a rep to keep.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: titsmcgee123 on July 07, 2013, 10:07 pm
anybody have 0.05BTC to loan to mainmanralph?
Ill be able to repay with a little interest later this week
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 07, 2013, 10:31 pm
anybody have 0.05BTC to loan to mainmanralph?
Ill be able to repay with a little interest later this week

I have 0.04 , but have more hitting ay minute now hopefully .

I'll sort that for ya .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 07, 2013, 10:37 pm
user does not exist .

 mainmanralph ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 07, 2013, 10:49 pm
been sorted  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: nacho on July 08, 2013, 12:07 am
FisherBeWharter and BoxofShapes have been both sent a WHOLE DOLLAR for the change they let me borrow last week!  Thanks guys.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 08, 2013, 12:14 am
Nice one , Nacho =)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 08, 2013, 12:15 am
Wahoo!  +1!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 08, 2013, 12:19 am
YEAH  + 1 from me too , good to see peeps paying back .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 08, 2013, 01:18 am
Man ,  I placed orders with 2 separate vendors over 20 minutes ago , and neither order has arrived yet . =(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 08, 2013, 01:24 am

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Lotterykid on July 08, 2013, 01:24 am
would it be possible for someone to send me .0003 bitcoins?

i just need it to cover shipping for a product.. and i'm 2 cents short
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 08, 2013, 01:28 am
would it be possible for someone to send me .0003 bitcoins?

i just need it to cover shipping for a product.. and i'm 2 cents short

Shapes on the way kid.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: fractalglobal on July 08, 2013, 01:48 am
Anyone able to lend 0.1 btc? I seem to have miscalculated conversion rates. 

SR name: Delphin

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: titsmcgee123 on July 08, 2013, 01:52 am
just want to put it out there that I owe trichome at least 0.05BTC
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on July 08, 2013, 01:56 am
Just send back what was sent when you can

happy happy

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dolphy7835 on July 08, 2013, 02:03 am
Will do titsmagee and fractalglobal. Pay back when can please
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dolphy7835 on July 08, 2013, 02:11 am
Titsmcgee and delphin. I just sent you both .05. I only had .12 so that's all i could do. Hope that helps and please pay me back when you can. If you don't, i only ask that you give it back to someone else down the road when you can. Thanks
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: titsmcgee123 on July 08, 2013, 02:16 am
Titsmcgee and delphin. I just sent you both .05. I only had .12 so that's all i could do. Hope that helps and please pay me back when you can. If you don't, i only ask that you give it back to someone else down the road when you can. Thanks
two sets of good news.. I already received the coins from another member so I no longer need them, I appreciate it though  ;D
But I also didn't get any coins from you, so dont send them!!
Thanks again
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 08, 2013, 02:17 am
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 08, 2013, 02:17 am

mass confusion   :P

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 08, 2013, 02:22 am
                                               :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) ##When requesting, post your SR name## SO WE KNOW WHERE TO SEND IT TO.  DON'T ASSUME WE KNOW. ##  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7)## DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. ## >:(  ##Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due. ##
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
BajoZero ++++
danob15 ++++
dolphy7835  ++++
dr gonzo
dw89   ++++
jamin210      ++++
MC Haberdasher 
Mike Hunt
Repus6 *
White Out


The shit list:
Apple             ++++
Autobondon *
itsworking      ++++
King Karma
repus6 *

*^*do not lend to these people*^*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: fractalglobal on July 08, 2013, 02:31 am
dolphy7835: cheers man, appreciated! 

I'm only 0.03 short now.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 08, 2013, 02:34 am


we have a bad apple on the shit list  LOL

i just noticed that  LOL

so if we talk about said apple would that be construed as apple sauce?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 08, 2013, 03:09 am
I would think it would be more like apple vinegar.

I put him on there.  Messaged him like 2-3 times to get my coin back and finally got a response.  Sent me a message saying he had a moneypac for me cause he was having a hard time getting coin.  I was like ok i guess but never heard a thing after that. 

His sr name is MountaineerWV
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 08, 2013, 03:11 am
i seen that name here before  ???
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 08, 2013, 03:15 am
Actually yea... I'm going to edit the list to include his sr name.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dolphy7835 on July 08, 2013, 03:27 am
No probs bro. Titsmcgee: SR sure did accept taking the btc out of my account. That's weird that you didn't get it. Oh well, glad you at least got what you needed anyhow.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 08, 2013, 03:37 am
Right on Boxy


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 08, 2013, 03:45 am
Box?  uh...what would happen if i accidently spilled a half gram of dmt in my eye?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 08, 2013, 03:54 am
Eh.... I only think that works with acid? 

I think it would be way different if you accidentally spilled it in your bum
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 08, 2013, 04:04 am
oh i was just wonderin cuz i was just lookin at it through some glass in the light  LOL

1000 different places my mind is while i sit here motionless  :o
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 08, 2013, 04:08 am
Did it do anything?  That's nutter!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 08, 2013, 04:12 am
did wut do anything?


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 08, 2013, 04:13 am
i think there should be a frosted raisin bran  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 08, 2013, 04:17 am
Oh I thought you that.   :P

I have a long day tomorrow guy.  This box must be put to rest for the night.

Be well!  I'll see you soon!

i think there should be a frosted raisin bran  :)

One can dream!  Maybe tonight?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 08, 2013, 04:25 am
Sleep & dream well my boxy  :)

Huggles to ya,


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 08, 2013, 05:26 am
:) (hugs)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Hearts on July 08, 2013, 06:31 am
Hello guys! so i've been wanting to get some weed and i'm 0.03 btc off..
What annoys me is that I remember using 0.03 for a lottery a vendor had (lost of course) and I've lent a mate 0.03 btc because he needed that bit to buy his stuff...

Anyways, could someone please lend me 0.03btc? I promise to pay back of course, my localbtc dealer isn't around and either way my mate is going to pay me back 0.03 sometime this week hopefully..

My SR name is Hearts :)

Btw, what do you guys think should I get 1g of weed for a good price (only need 0.03btc more) or MDPV 250mg which i'll need 0.038 more... Considering the one thats more worth it.. I'm feeling I should stick to the weed?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Hearts on July 08, 2013, 07:05 am
Bump please, I dont want the offer to change in prices or something >< please anyone online?!!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Hearts on July 08, 2013, 07:36 am
bump  >:( hate how my time is exactly opposite americas. ffs
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: fractalglobal on July 08, 2013, 07:50 am
No probs bro. Titsmcgee: SR sure did accept taking the btc out of my account. That's weird that you didn't get it. Oh well, glad you at least got what you needed anyhow.

I just had a similar thing happen with JayGatsby, my account history says he sent me 0.00btc.  I think its an SR bug.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 08, 2013, 08:02 am
Hello guys! so i've been wanting to get some weed and i'm 0.03 btc off..
What annoys me is that I remember using 0.03 for a lottery a vendor had (lost of course) and I've lent a mate 0.03 btc because he needed that bit to buy his stuff...

Anyways, could someone please lend me 0.03btc? I promise to pay back of course, my localbtc dealer isn't around and either way my mate is going to pay me back 0.03 sometime this week hopefully..

My SR name is Hearts :)

Btw, what do you guys think should I get 1g of weed for a good price (only need 0.03btc more) or MDPV 250mg which i'll need 0.038 more... Considering the one thats more worth it.. I'm feeling I should stick to the weed?
:) sent 0.03 to Hearts, enjoy.
repay when able please.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Hearts on July 08, 2013, 08:07 am
Hello guys! so i've been wanting to get some weed and i'm 0.03 btc off..
What annoys me is that I remember using 0.03 for a lottery a vendor had (lost of course) and I've lent a mate 0.03 btc because he needed that bit to buy his stuff...

Anyways, could someone please lend me 0.03btc? I promise to pay back of course, my localbtc dealer isn't around and either way my mate is going to pay me back 0.03 sometime this week hopefully..

My SR name is Hearts :)

Btw, what do you guys think should I get 1g of weed for a good price (only need 0.03btc more) or MDPV 250mg which i'll need 0.038 more... Considering the one thats more worth it.. I'm feeling I should stick to the weed?
:) sent 0.03 to Hearts, enjoy.
repay when able please.

You're angel RS7 as with everyone else in this thread, I really appreciate it! hopefully by this week i'll get it to you as soon as possible! :) cheers!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 08, 2013, 08:19 am
Good day you crazy, lovely lot  ;D

Im accidentally awake too early grrr but on the plus side im still me !  ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 08, 2013, 09:46 am
Hello guys! so i've been wanting to get some weed and i'm 0.03 btc off..
What annoys me is that I remember using 0.03 for a lottery a vendor had (lost of course) and I've lent a mate 0.03 btc because he needed that bit to buy his stuff...

Anyways, could someone please lend me 0.03btc? I promise to pay back of course, my localbtc dealer isn't around and either way my mate is going to pay me back 0.03 sometime this week hopefully..

My SR name is Hearts :)

Btw, what do you guys think should I get 1g of weed for a good price (only need 0.03btc more) or MDPV 250mg which i'll need 0.038 more... Considering the one thats more worth it.. I'm feeling I should stick to the weed?
:) sent 0.03 to Hearts, enjoy.
repay when able please.

You're angel RS7 as with everyone else in this thread, I really appreciate it! hopefully by this week i'll get it to you as soon as possible! :) cheers!
;) glad I was able to help
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 08, 2013, 10:37 am
Hi everyone  ;) hope all of you are good today  ;)

Hi RS  :-* Hi Kalli  :-* whats happened to our heatwave Kalli  ::) lol

RS your up very late??  :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 08, 2013, 10:43 am
Morning M , it's hot down my way , but I'm on the south coast

Did you have a nice walk last night ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 08, 2013, 10:47 am
you little wild elves  :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 08, 2013, 10:49 am

i finally got to -116 Karma  Bahahahaha!!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 08, 2013, 10:56 am
Hey C - hows you  ?

Just realized I hit 500 posts , - I hardly think that justifys hero status  though - not like   I pulled a baby from burning building anything , ..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 08, 2013, 10:58 am
+1 to ya for the 500 posts, taz  :)

oh i'm just drinking some coffee sittin here cleanin my gun just waiting for that damn squirrel to show up this mornin  :)

How're you doin taz?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 08, 2013, 11:07 am
+1 to ya for the 500 posts, taz  :)

oh i'm just drinking some coffee sittin here cleanin my gun just waiting for that damn squirrel to show up this mornin  :)

How're you doin taz?

Hehe , I can just picture you , I don't rate Mr squirrels chances for seeing the day  out  ;)

Yeah I'm good thanks , just about to catch a few rays in he garden  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 08, 2013, 11:10 am
mr. squirrel is going to be breakfast  :)

ok, have a good day taz and watch out for creepy things crawling in the garden  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 08, 2013, 11:13 am
The squirrels run along my back garden fence lol  ;)

Chemmy, Taz  :-* :-* I,m doing orders, i,ve fucked up and need 0.02 till tomorrow  :-[ will pay back 0.05 to whoever gives me it  ;D sr name the same  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 08, 2013, 11:18 am
elloooooo  mary  :)

oh mary berry, i am tapped out of coins at the moment  :(

i have some deer sausage gravy that i am going to put over some squirrel  if you want breakfast  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 08, 2013, 11:22 am
Good job I came back in to change into my shorts - 0.02 on it's way Mary .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 08, 2013, 11:25 am
Sent , sure that's enough ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 08, 2013, 11:30 am
My man says yuk to your squirrel Chem lol  :P

Taz your a wee diamond  :-* :-* i,m just going to do that order and i,ll be back  ;)

How are you,s today, not so nice here today Taz, you,ll be better in England tho  ;D Had a nice walk out by the fields and the cows, was nice  ;) Need to order Chemms DMT so i can chat with the elves next time lol  ;D :P :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 08, 2013, 11:34 am
lmao - gotta love those elves , back soon gonna grab 15 minutes of sun , in case it does a disappearing act .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 08, 2013, 11:35 am
:) staggers in half sleep walking,.. an hugs mary then walks off mumbling good night.. :P

night chemmy, taz, mary :) hope all is well..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 08, 2013, 11:46 am
Night RS  ;) :-* Taz thanks so much hun you saved my ass  ;) I,ll get coin sent to you tomorrow, thanks again hun  :-* hugs to you and RS  :-* :-*

I,m going to have a sausage on a roll for breakfast i,m starving  ::) :P :-* See you later Chemmy  :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 08, 2013, 11:54 am
Hi everyone  ;) hope all of you are good today  ;)

Hi RS  :-* Hi Kalli  :-* whats happened to our heatwave Kalli  ::) lol

RS your up very late??  :-\

Hiya mary :) iv no idea but since my whole family left me for benidorm yesterday im not talking about sun and stuff cos im in a mood ;)

How are you today and you up to anything ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 08, 2013, 12:26 pm
Bom paid me back 0.05 thanks Bom  :-* i,m gonna sent it to Taz 0.05 as promised hun and thanks again  :-*

Why you not go to benidorm hun, is it cause its shit lol mind you better than here eh  ::) you,ll have peace to smoke yer wee heart out lol what age group u in Kalli if you don,t mind me asking  ;) :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 08, 2013, 12:31 pm
Damn it im 0.0721 short on a speed order and don't get paid until thursday, is there anyone who can shout me this till i get paid please ?
Will return friday at the latest with a bonus if desired (thanks in advance even if u only thought about it before thinking screw you !)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: b0m on July 08, 2013, 12:32 pm
Thanks again for this awesome service. +1 when 72 hours are over :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 08, 2013, 12:35 pm
Bom paid me back 0.05 thanks Bom  :-* i,m gonna sent it to Taz 0.05 as promised hun and thanks again  :-*

Why you not go to benidorm hun, is it cause its shit lol mind you better than here eh  ::) you,ll have peace to smoke yer wee heart out lol what age group u in Kalli if you don,t mind me asking  ;) :-*

Because my family is going there.... lol had to stay home and work but i don't actually mind cos like u say its smoke o'clock ;)
im 34 on the 27th (stand the fuck back 40 you're way too close for my liking lol) on that note seems i better start thinking of some party supplies soon :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 08, 2013, 12:42 pm
I only sent you 0.02 M , sending back the other 0.03 =)

@ kali -  I have 0.02 I can lend ya - I can do a quick virwox that would get here in about an hour but the associated fees would be about a few bucks  plus the 0.01 withdrew fee .

Maybe someone else has the other 0.05 ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 08, 2013, 12:42 pm
Lucky you Kalli i,m 39 in 12 days  :'( Ha Ha
Wish i could help i just sent 0.05 to Taz as promised give him a wee pm he,ll loan you i,ll vouch for you  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: zxydwx3 on July 08, 2013, 12:43 pm
Damn it im 0.0721 short on a speed order and don't get paid until thursday, is there anyone who can shout me this till i get paid please ?
Will return friday at the latest with a bonus if desired (thanks in advance even if u only thought about it before thinking screw you !)


Will do.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 08, 2013, 12:44 pm
I only sent you 0.02 M , sending back the other 0.03 =)

@ kali -  I have 0.02 I can lend ya - I can do a quick virwox that would get here in about an hour but the associated fees would be about a few bucks  plus the 0.01 withdrew fee .

Maybe someone else has the other 0.05 ?
No Taz i said if i get a loan for 0.02 i,d pay back 0.05  ;) please don,t send back hun  :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: zxydwx3 on July 08, 2013, 12:45 pm
Damn it im 0.0721 short on a speed order and don't get paid until thursday, is there anyone who can shout me this till i get paid please ?
Will return friday at the latest with a bonus if desired (thanks in advance even if u only thought about it before thinking screw you !)


SR username?

(Why don't ppl use the same?)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 08, 2013, 12:53 pm
Using a different one can come in handy for anonymity , google indexes all forum posts  , so you don't have to worry as much about what you said on the forums  if  L.E gets your address through a honey pot .

I know it's unlikely but , I think that's why some people do it .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 08, 2013, 12:53 pm
I only sent you 0.02 M , sending back the other 0.03 =)

@ kali -  I have 0.02 I can lend ya - I can do a quick virwox that would get here in about an hour but the associated fees would be about a few bucks  plus the 0.01 withdrew fee .

Maybe someone else has the other 0.05 ?

Anything is a help bud and appreciated but don't mess about with that bs on my account, I wouldn't feel right and anyway worst case scenario is..... i have to wait and its no big deal :)

Thanks you're a good egg !
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 08, 2013, 12:55 pm
SR name kallindown and yessss if i had my time over my name would be the same !
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 08, 2013, 01:07 pm
Damn it im 0.0721 short on a speed order and don't get paid until thursday, is there anyone who can shout me this till i get paid please ?
Will return friday at the latest with a bonus if desired (thanks in advance even if u only thought about it before thinking screw you !)


Will do.

R U sending the full  0.0721 , or do you  need  me to send some of it ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 08, 2013, 01:36 pm
did you get sorted kali ?

I have 0.0554 now thanks to Mary , so let me know if ZWX didn't send the full amount or something .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 08, 2013, 01:39 pm
Did Kalli get sorted  :-\ i sent my last to Taz(who tried to send some back grrr lol)  sorry i,ll get a little more tomorrow  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: zxydwx3 on July 08, 2013, 01:41 pm
Sent Kalli the whole amount, plus a lil extra.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: zxydwx3 on July 08, 2013, 01:41 pm
That took forever to post, you guys kept posting and I was getting the error message.... "sorry another reply has been posted".... grrrr
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: TheGhosst on July 08, 2013, 01:52 pm
I need $4.00 @ 1DtSKdDiqPmLAJXevFDg58ZrTTCPHKrxmK

If anyone can help me, I shall pay you back promptly; thank you.

Not sure why this vendor's shipping is $12 for 'priority' which typically costs half that... but it is, what is it.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ukdabbler on July 08, 2013, 01:56 pm
Hi there,

I'm short by 0.08BTC on my order. I would really appreciate a loan. I will be able to pay back within 24 hours.

Thanks very much.

My SR username is allthefanz

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 08, 2013, 02:01 pm
I need $4.00 @ 1DtSKdDiqPmLAJXevFDg58ZrTTCPHKrxmK

If anyone can help me, I shall pay you back promptly; thank you.

Not sure why this vendor's shipping is $12 for 'priority' which typically costs half that... but it is, what is it.

I can  do that for ya , whats your SR screen name , it's quicker to send it that way , plus we both then have a record of what gets sent .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 08, 2013, 02:05 pm
Sent Kalli the whole amount, plus a lil extra.

He did indeed and im very grateful as its for my best mates birthday present to make sure its here on time  :)

Thanks bud it will be back home by friday I promise.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: zxydwx3 on July 08, 2013, 02:08 pm
Hi there,

I'm short by 0.08BTC on my order. I would really appreciate a loan. I will be able to pay back within 24 hours.

Thanks very much.

My SR username is allthefanz

Sent, straighten up when you can. Send you a msg on the main site.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ukdabbler on July 08, 2013, 02:14 pm
Hi there,

I'm short by 0.08BTC on my order. I would really appreciate a loan. I will be able to pay back within 24 hours.

Thanks very much.

My SR username is allthefanz

Sent, straighten up when you can. Send you a msg on the main site.

Thank you so much. I will sort this out tomorrow morning. I really appreciate your kindness.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 08, 2013, 02:24 pm
I need $4.00 @ 1DtSKdDiqPmLAJXevFDg58ZrTTCPHKrxmK

If anyone can help me, I shall pay you back promptly; thank you.

Not sure why this vendor's shipping is $12 for 'priority' which typically costs half that... but it is, what is it.

I can  do that for ya , whats your SR screen name , it's quicker to send it that way , plus we both then have a record of what gets sent .

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 08, 2013, 02:47 pm
K - well I gotta nip to the bank , I'll check back in a while
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: TheGhosst on July 08, 2013, 03:12 pm
K - well I gotta nip to the bank , I'll check back in a while

Hey --I PM'd you my account name and such. And now I'm down yet another $1 on this coin (mad fluctuation). Bleh.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 08, 2013, 03:25 pm
K - well I gotta nip to the bank , I'll check back in a while

Hey --I PM'd you my account name and such. And now I'm down yet another $1 on this coin (mad fluctuation). Bleh.

got 0.026 you're welcome to if u post your SR name bud
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: zebrastripes437 on July 08, 2013, 03:43 pm
Hey guys im short 0.06 btc. If anyone could find it in their hearts to send me $5 aud id pay you back before the end of the week and be forever grateful. thanks guys
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 08, 2013, 04:06 pm

Thanks for helping!

If you can send him your 0.026 - I will send the rest - I just have enough to cover that .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 08, 2013, 04:13 pm
action   notes   amount   balance   date
send to    Ghosst    ฿-0.06    ฿0.00    July 8, 2013, 4:13 pm UTC
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 08, 2013, 04:20 pm
K - well I gotta nip to the bank , I'll check back in a while

Hey --I PM'd you my account name and such. And now I'm down yet another $1 on this coin (mad fluctuation). Bleh.
Yeah , just saw that , I don't check my pm's much , i sent 0.06 -  kali offered t send the rest  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 08, 2013, 04:27 pm



Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 08, 2013, 04:33 pm
How much dmt are you consuming young man ?

Just kiddin  , release  them forthwith !
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 08, 2013, 04:37 pm
no DMT for me :)

taz?  what gets through to places like mary?  regular post or  post like priority?

and you too?  what gets to you better?  to you and mary lets say....shipped from the US...

i ask this because i would like to open up for international shipping...but am worried..LOL  i want to package so it gets delivered to over seas
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 08, 2013, 05:01 pm
no DMT for me :)

taz?  what gets through to places like mary?  regular post or  post like priority?

and you too?  what gets to you better?  to you and mary lets say....shipped from the US...

i ask this because i would like to open up for international shipping...but am worried..LOL  i want to package so it gets delivered to over seas

You came to the right place for advice on that one C ,  regular mail is best , don't believe vendors that insist priority or expedited is better - utter bullshit .

I'll p.m you with more sensitive details , but regular for sure , far more attention is given to any kind of priority , next day air ect .

Regular , with a few simple guidelines to follow , will give you over 99 % success I.M.V.E .

PMing you shortly , once the sun leaves my garden  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: TheGhosst on July 08, 2013, 05:04 pm
K - well I gotta nip to the bank , I'll check back in a while

Hey --I PM'd you my account name and such. And now I'm down yet another $1 on this coin (mad fluctuation). Bleh.

got 0.026 you're welcome to if u post your SR name bud


account ฿1.4289     $108.89   

Total: ฿1.4293 -  approximately $108.92

I'm seriously 3 cents short still. lmao.   What a pain in the dick.  Anyone?

Thanks Kalli and Taz!   

~Taz, I PM my info to avoid making my SR username public, and being bombarded by messages on the main site. Though, this isn't my main account, so it's not that big of a deal. But, that is why I PM'd you, and didn't respond w/ that information publicly, here. Regardless, the kind gestures are greatly appreciated!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 08, 2013, 05:05 pm
ok taz  :)

thank you enjoy your day 'cuz i'll be on and off of here all day long brother  :)

pm me when you can

Peace, Love & Hugs to you,

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 08, 2013, 05:15 pm
I'm seriously 3 cents short still. lmao.   What a pain in the dick.  Anyone?

Tiny shapes on the way.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: TheGhosst on July 08, 2013, 05:17 pm
I'm seriously 3 cents short still. lmao.   What a pain in the dick.  Anyone?

Tiny shapes on the way.

Thank you!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on July 08, 2013, 05:19 pm
hello hello my lovelies!!

i LOVE all this global uh.. love!!

long live SR!!

sooo, to avoid murda searching through the annals of history.. which of you kind souls deposited .01 in my account?? so i can happily pay you back!! the SR name on my account history isn't one i recognize from the threads..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 08, 2013, 05:23 pm
K - well I gotta nip to the bank , I'll check back in a while

Hey --I PM'd you my account name and such. And now I'm down yet another $1 on this coin (mad fluctuation). Bleh.

got 0.026 you're welcome to if u post your SR name bud


account ฿1.4289     $108.89   

Total: ฿1.4293 -  approximately $108.92

I'm seriously 3 cents short still. lmao.   What a pain in the dick.  Anyone?

Thanks Kalli and Taz!   

~Taz, I PM my info to avoid making my SR username public, and being bombarded by messages on the main site. Though, this isn't my main account, so it's not that big of a deal. But, that is why I PM'd you, and didn't respond w/ that information publicly, here. Regardless, the kind gestures are greatly appreciated!

Ah , sorry i re-posted it on here -  I can delete that , I understand the logic of keeping you sr name off the forum for sure .

AS for the 3 cents , can someone sort  T.G out with 10 cents because of fluctuations , I'm all out of coins right now .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 08, 2013, 05:25 pm
hello hello my lovelies!!

i LOVE all this global uh.. love!!

long live SR!!

sooo, to avoid murda searching through the annals of history.. which of you kind souls deposited .01 in my account?? so i can happily pay you back!! the SR name on my account history isn't one i recognize from the threads..

That was me M Face - good to see ya  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on July 08, 2013, 05:30 pm
hello hello my lovelies!!

i LOVE all this global uh.. love!!

long live SR!!

sooo, to avoid murda searching through the annals of history.. which of you kind souls deposited .01 in my account?? so i can happily pay you back!! the SR name on my account history isn't one i recognize from the threads..

That was me M Face - good to see ya  :)

i knew it was you!! you Tazzy you!!  ;D
good to see you as well!!
as soon as coin hits SR.. you're gettin yours back with some extra (to cover fluctuation, and to say thanks)!!
you're too awesome!!
thank you again!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 08, 2013, 05:36 pm



Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on July 08, 2013, 05:39 pm





long live SR!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 08, 2013, 05:47 pm
Good stuff , I hope it's free range , I know your  dodgy u.s farming practices ( because we share them right here in  the uk  , lol ) .

I shall return , the shadows grow long .

Oh and BTW , Anytime Murda , we luv ya round these parts =)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 08, 2013, 06:24 pm
:D morning everyone
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 08, 2013, 06:32 pm
Hello my hunny,s  ;D still sunny eh Taz, i,m baked with the sun and with the weed  ::) been lying in the garden smokin reefers  ;D :P :-*

Chem am i due you any coin hun  :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 08, 2013, 06:40 pm
Hey M , Het RS  good evening and morning respectively .

Nah suns just about to take it's leave for the night , need a bigger garden , so I can catch another hour at this time of year .

How's you 2 ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on July 08, 2013, 06:55 pm

it's still a sun shiny day here in good ol XX USA  ;)

hiiiiiiii Mary!!
hiiiiiiii RS!!

yo Taaaaaz
sent ya back some coin homie!!
let me know if it wasn't enough!!
 ;D ;D
i thank you again!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 08, 2013, 06:55 pm
morning RS  :)

not that i know of, mary  ???


hey taz just send that pm to me when you can cuz i'll be in and out still. i'll respond as soon as i can :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on July 08, 2013, 07:00 pm
Hi all. Just looked back and almost half the posts in this thread were made in the past month. If any body needs any coin I got some to throw around.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 08, 2013, 07:04 pm
Hi all. Just looked back and almost half the posts in this thread were made in the past month. If any body needs any coin I got some to throw around.
Lol  :D we talk too much but we love it  ;) How you doing hun  :-*

Cheeeeeeeeeeeemcaaaaaaaaaaat  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 08, 2013, 07:07 pm
morning RS  :)

not that i know of, mary  ???


hey taz just send that pm to me when you can cuz i'll be in and out still. i'll respond as soon as i can :)

No probs , i'll send it tonight , I'll share the method I have used for over 10 years without a single loss , from the masters of stealth I deal with regularly  .

Speak soon  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ukdabbler on July 08, 2013, 07:10 pm
Hi there,

I'm short by 0.08BTC on my order. I would really appreciate a loan. I will be able to pay back within 24 hours.

Thanks very much.

My SR username is allthefanz

Sent, straighten up when you can. Send you a msg on the main site.

Hi mate, I've sent you the coins back. Thanks for your help :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 08, 2013, 07:11 pm
Ellooooooooooooo   miss mary   8)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 08, 2013, 07:14 pm
+1 UKDabbler  ;)

I,m going to watch dexter soon, just waiting on it downloading  ::) I love it  ;)

Hugs to ya Chemmy n Taz n Ytable n RS n Boxy n Murda n Kalli lol n everyone  :-*

 :( Missing our Japan tho  :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 08, 2013, 07:20 pm
huggles right back atcha mary  :)

yeah i been wonderin about our J-man as well  ???

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 08, 2013, 07:25 pm
Chem is Boxy on, do you know if his sr name is the same  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 08, 2013, 07:28 pm
+1 UKDabbler  ;)

I,m going to watch dexter soon, just waiting on it downloading  ::) I love it  ;)

Hugs to ya Chemmy n Taz n Ytable n RS n Boxy n Murda n Kalli lol n everyone  :-*

 :( Missing our Japan tho  :-\

Gotta love that lovable rouge Dexter  , I'm like 3 seasons behind on it  A.TM  , i  trust you've seen " breaking bad  " and of course " the wire " , luv dem shits  , so I do  ;)

N joy
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 08, 2013, 07:30 pm
boxofshapes  ON SR
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 08, 2013, 07:30 pm
boxy was here this morning ......

i think his SR name is the same  ???

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 08, 2013, 07:31 pm
Yeah Taz i,m on season 8 of Dexter, trueblood too, seen all the wire  ;) I like documenteries too
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 08, 2013, 07:34 pm
Thanks Chemmy  ;) I,m away to watch Dexter  ;) Love ya,s, read ya,s soon  :P :-* :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on July 08, 2013, 07:34 pm
Doing good CC, been helping people out in the PGP club n what not. Had a good weekend of tripping again :) Excited for camp bisco though, still got to decide on my drug rotation. :P Probably should have brewed more alcohol for it though. Oh well.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 08, 2013, 07:38 pm

1 user found: BoxofShapes
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 08, 2013, 07:41 pm
i made some crazy strong rasberry wine last year  LOL

i seen you in the pgp club helpin  :)

+1 to ya my friend  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 08, 2013, 07:42 pm
Yeah that's BOS for certain .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on July 08, 2013, 07:47 pm
Yeah, I always make my wines/ciders 10%+ And I got a secret ingredient that makes em taste almost non alcoholic. :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 08, 2013, 08:25 pm
Yeah, I always make my wines/ciders 10%+ And I got a secret ingredient that makes em taste almost non alcoholic. :D

 love good reds and proper old country cyder , I just enjoyed an ice cold bottle of Henry westons vintage reserve 8.2 abv , a tad weak for proper scumpy but fuck is it some good cyder .

I've got my beedy little eye on a nice 2007 Ybba valet Shiraz  but it's a toss up between that and  the  Rosemount Shiraz ( yeah I'm a shiraz head ,or syrah as ome know it )

Rosemount estate kicks as every time .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 08, 2013, 08:33 pm
S'up y'all ?

I'm here for a bit of advice from chemmy or anyone else for that matter !

I have dmt but only a normal pipe and iv been smokin it but all its doing is makin me a bit "fuzzy" like the onset of salvia divinorum, iv never done this shit before and iv gotta be doing something wrong :( helllllp (please !)

love, hugs n big sloppy kisses  :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 08, 2013, 08:38 pm
hello all on this super warm/humid day! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 08, 2013, 08:40 pm
Woah stop right there - it's soooo easy to waste dmt if you don't have the right technique , You need to have a good layer of something below and above your dmtizzle for a start  , any naked flame is gonna destroy the molecule for starters .

Also consider using an empty bong with a big chamber , fill the chamber and clear it in one - then hold r
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 08, 2013, 08:47 pm
Also whatever you choose to samwitch i between is important , something you can hold in your lungs without coughing , many favor ash - , some parsley , tobacco substitutes or weed .u

U se plenty and make sure it's fully burnt if using ash ( I think ash is best if you use enough with plenty of screens )
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 08, 2013, 08:49 pm
hello all on this super warm/humid day! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Hey Iamz , good to C U you man , how ya doodalin ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 08, 2013, 08:53 pm

Hey Iamz , good to C U you man , how ya doodalin ?

Okay thanks for asking. Had a complete shit week then more shit then today is too humid and hot.

So for 2 week - shit and then a super fucking shit day! It has to end soon!?!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 08, 2013, 08:54 pm
Also whatever you choose to samwitch i between is important , something you can hold in your lungs without coughing , many favor ash - , some parsley , tobacco substitutes or weed .u

U se plenty and make sure it's fully burnt if using ash ( I think ash is best if you use enough with plenty of screens )

Thats probably where im going wrong iv not been putting anything on top !!! Been using ash on the bottom.

Would weed or ash be best on top in your opinion ? And thanks for the info :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on July 08, 2013, 08:56 pm
That explains why when I tried dmt it didnt effect me much. I just put it on top of some tobacco, didnt hit me much but I passed it to my friend and he blasted off without adding more than when I hit it. Not really sure how that makes sense but thats my experience.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 08, 2013, 08:58 pm
RS , whose more experienced then me with dmt administration  (I  only know what I have studied ), recommended samwitching between , weed as the best option ( without a purpose built machine ) but make sure you wait a good while since your last unsuccessful attempt - get your dose right for breakthrough or whatever level your going for and hit it in one and hold that shizz .

It doesn't work cumulatively , so you have to get your dose is one go for it to work it's magic .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 08, 2013, 09:01 pm
Right amigo im on it like a tramp on chips !

Will report back soon thanks again :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 08, 2013, 09:06 pm

Hey Iamz , good to C U you man , how ya doodalin ?

Okay thanks for asking. Had a complete shit week then more shit then today is too humid and hot.

So for 2 week - shit and then a super fucking shit day! It has to end soon!?!

It sure does my friend , I hate it when it's too hot and things aren't going my way , makes in to a right grumpy S.O.B unless I have some good drugs to play with  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 08, 2013, 09:12 pm
Anything you might benefit from talking about bro ? Never usually hurts to get shit off your chest .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 08, 2013, 09:23 pm
That explains why when I tried dmt it didnt effect me much. I just put it on top of some tobacco, didnt hit me much but I passed it to my friend and he blasted off without adding more than when I hit it. Not really sure how that makes sense but thats my experience.

It will have soaked into the tobacco , he must have got all the goodness that it absorbed  , it melts like crazy and you have to have plenty off stuff for it to absorb into , or it just drips though  :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 08, 2013, 09:47 pm
Anything you might benefit from talking about bro ? Never usually hurts to get shit off your chest .

Not is family issues...

The biggest problem right now is the issue of no weed/oil/shrooms/et al. to play if anyone has extra coins! Azuthus will take it!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: SuperHans68 on July 08, 2013, 09:50 pm
Need 0.1 coins, If you do i will love you longtime, sucky, sucky :D

SRname is b7ac77, will be able to pay back in 48 hours
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 08, 2013, 09:53 pm
hiya imaz  :)


read this


the beginning as well  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on July 08, 2013, 09:53 pm
damn that must of been it, oh well. The guy after him we put more on top and gave to him. He blasted off more than the both of us first 2. He said he went somewhere else in his mind for ~10 minutes.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 08, 2013, 09:55 pm
That explains why when I tried dmt it didnt effect me much. I just put it on top of some tobacco, didnt hit me much but I passed it to my friend and he blasted off without adding more than when I hit it. Not really sure how that makes sense but thats my experience.

This was kinda my experience with the first time.  When I got mine, I loaded one up (we made a machine) and let my friend have the first go.  He casually passed it back to me and said, "hmm, pretty cool".

My mind was like "what the hell", so I loaded more in and was much more cautious about it the flame and whatnot. 

I went SoMeWhErE eLsE while he kept talking to me like I was still there. 

Fun stuff!


Hey mussel man!  Glad to have ya back!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 08, 2013, 09:59 pm
Anything you might benefit from talking about bro ? Never usually hurts to get shit off your chest .

Not is family issues...

The biggest problem right now is the issue of no weed/oil/shrooms/et al. to play if anyone has extra coins! Azuthus will take it!

I have 0.05 in my wallet you can have

but if necessary I'm  can get  coins within a hour from virwox via credit card , fees are it higher then Bitstamp like I normally use but you can owe me the associated fee's if you like .

What me to get a qoute ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 08, 2013, 10:00 pm
Need 0.1 coins, If you do i will love you longtime, sucky, sucky :D

SRname is b7ac77, will be able to pay back in 48 hours

Sorry brobra...None of my loans have come back and I am tapped out...I need coins myself!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 08, 2013, 10:05 pm
How's bizz goin @ ImAz

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 08, 2013, 10:09 pm
Anything you might benefit from talking about bro ? Never usually hurts to get shit off your chest .

Not is family issues...

The biggest problem right now is the issue of no weed/oil/shrooms/et al. to play if anyone has extra coins! Azuthus will take it!

I have 0.05 in my wallet you can have

but if necessary I'm  can get  coins within a hour from virwox via credit card , fees are it higher then Bitstamp like I normally use but you can owe me the associated fee's if you like .

What me to get a qoute ?

That is very cool...however, I don't want to use my CC to buy coins...thanks.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: SuperHans68 on July 08, 2013, 10:10 pm
Update to mine only need 0.05 now
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 08, 2013, 10:11 pm
Update to mine only need 0.5 now
.5 or .05 ::)?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 08, 2013, 10:11 pm
@ Iamz  - Dude read my post above , I can help .

I did try and discourage you from lending to freely , I'm fussy about who I lend too and others are having to be similarly as fussy of late =(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: SuperHans68 on July 08, 2013, 10:12 pm
0.05 :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 08, 2013, 10:17 pm


That is very cool...however, I don't want to use my CC to buy coins...thanks.

Not your cc , mine , just pay back the coin when you can , lol .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 08, 2013, 10:37 pm

That is very cool...however, I don't want to use my CC to buy coins...thanks.

Not your cc , mine , just pay back the coin when you can , lol .

Again, so cool...sent you a dm.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 08, 2013, 10:43 pm
Thanks for the link chemcat i missed your post the 1st time round lol

Nearly got there but my fucking pipe and lighter are letting me down im going to get better equipment before i waste anymore iv gone through nearly half a g and all iv got was a little bit trippy !

I know its me meh (and grrr !)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 08, 2013, 10:48 pm
Pm sent Iamz
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 08, 2013, 10:50 pm
oh shit  :o

half a g should have given you at least 9 really good blast offs


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 08, 2013, 10:58 pm
the key is to slowly vape it..if you see white smoke ya done messed it up....well not completely...

i hold my lighter about a half an inch to an inch away...and i barely toke until i can taste it....then i heat the glas up a little better towards the tip of my smoking device   and toke just a wee bit will really taste it....

to me if done wrong it tastes like straight mothballs  LOL

however when i do it right it tastes like some type of spicey chocolate  :) 

slow and easy peasy and the Spirit Molecule will Please Thee  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: SuperHans68 on July 08, 2013, 11:06 pm
still looking for 0.05 coins, getting desperate
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 08, 2013, 11:11 pm
Thanks for the link chemcat i missed your post the 1st time round lol

Nearly got there but my fucking pipe and lighter are letting me down im going to get better equipment before i waste anymore iv gone through nearly half a g and all iv got was a little bit trippy !

I know its me meh (and grrr !)
:) read this
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 08, 2013, 11:11 pm
                                               :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) ##When requesting, post your SR name## SO WE KNOW WHERE TO SEND IT TO.  DON'T ASSUME WE KNOW. ##  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7)## DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. ## >:(  ##Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due. ##
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
BajoZero ++++
danob15 ++++
dolphy7835  ++++
dr gonzo
dw89   ++++
jamin210      ++++
MC Haberdasher 
Mike Hunt
Repus6 *
White Out

{message DanDanTheIceCreamMan if you have lent but your name isn't on the list :)}

The shit list:
Apple             ++++
Autobondon *
itsworking      ++++
King Karma
repus6 *

*^*do not lend to these people*^*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 08, 2013, 11:14 pm
also...i couldnt use the machine corrdctly  i guess  ???

i tried the jammeson bottle ..hennesy bottle and a hot sauce bottle  LOL

i got some quarter inch tube from a hobby shop and  heated up the middle and blew a bubble in it....i use this with alot better results than the machine....each one of us is different though  :)

i just thought the glass was to thick that's why i created my own DMT smoking device  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 08, 2013, 11:15 pm
well hey bro i didnt see you  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 08, 2013, 11:18 pm
still looking for 0.05 coins, getting desperate
:) 0.05 sent to b7ac77, enjoy.

repay when you're able, please. :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: SuperHans68 on July 08, 2013, 11:24 pm
I thank you for it but BTC just went down and im short by 0.01 can you spare me a little bit more :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 08, 2013, 11:24 pm
RS did ya get my PM?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 08, 2013, 11:26 pm
heya chemmy, :)

hmm, no :o? when today?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 08, 2013, 11:28 pm
So ChemCat, you are saying that DMT tastes like moth balls, which smell like cat pee?! lol ( ´∀`)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 08, 2013, 11:29 pm
it might have been yesterday or last night  LOL 

i'll pm you again now  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 08, 2013, 11:31 pm
ImAz  ;D yeah  LOL

i've found with my personal experience that it smells like mothballs when burnt...but when vaped properly i find the taste/aroma to be like that of a spicey chocolate with a hint of ginger.. 


Pm you now RS  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 08, 2013, 11:33 pm
Iamz , I'm just going to order those coins man , should be hear in like 30 - 60  minutes bro =)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 08, 2013, 11:34 pm
I thank you for it but BTC just went down and im short by 0.01 can you spare me a little bit more :)

Shape on the way.  Please don't let me down and get it back to us guy!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 08, 2013, 11:39 pm
I thank you for it but BTC just went down and im short by 0.01 can you spare me a little bit more :)

Shape on the way.  Please don't let me down and get it back to us guy!
:) indeed mr.boxy.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 08, 2013, 11:40 pm
pm'd you first :o
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 08, 2013, 11:45 pm

This 666th post is reserved for you!!!!

You're awesome!!!!!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 08, 2013, 11:49 pm
OK , Virwox are  amazing , they are " the niags " infarct , coins will with us by the time we finish shootin the breeze - Iamz n all crew in da house  .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 08, 2013, 11:51 pm
Everything i need to know is there in them posts thanks guys and i can stop spamming now  :o
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 08, 2013, 11:53 pm
Iamz , I'm just going to order those coins man , should be hear in like 30 - 60  minutes bro =)

You are a true brobra...sent you a couple of dm's
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 08, 2013, 11:53 pm
I should explain , "  the niags " is a Australian slang for " the  dogs bollocks " - it goes bollocks = balls - rhymes with Niagara falls .

I luv Aussie slang , it's like cockney slang on acid =)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 08, 2013, 11:58 pm
No I don't have a.d,h.d at all , I only just spent 10 mins chattin and had forgotten the most important part ,to withdraw the coins I just brought , done now , so 30 - 60 odds mins again .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 08, 2013, 11:59 pm
Everything i need to know is there in them posts thanks guys and i can stop spamming now  :o
them posts indeed :)

you're welcome.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 09, 2013, 12:01 am
No I don't have a.d,h.d at all , I only just spent 10 mins chattin and had forgotten the most important part ,to withdraw the coins I just brought , done now , so 30 - 60 odds mins again .
;D love doing that!... its even more fun when you do it with bitfog :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 09, 2013, 12:04 am
bitfog , rings bells .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on July 09, 2013, 12:14 am
bitfog , rings bells .

i use it every now and then..
depends on how much of a hurry I'm in!! ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 09, 2013, 12:27 am
Virox cant beat for speed and simplicity if your in a hurry though , they give you discounts for  reflinks , that doesn't work anonymity wise though .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 09, 2013, 12:38 am
last couple times they threw the 42 hr hold on me :(.. not happy with virwox atm
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 09, 2013, 12:44 am
Mine are executed immediately and get to my wallet in under a hour , you have to have like 4 or 5 orders  without doing  a charge  back and be with them like 20 days  or something.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 09, 2013, 12:51 am
nah, when you change payment method they pull some 'jew-tactics' :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 09, 2013, 12:52 am
How many orders have you placed ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 09, 2013, 12:53 am
They don't like paypal , definite 24 hour wait there .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 09, 2013, 12:54 am
i mean 48
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 09, 2013, 01:06 am
Hold on...ppl still play SL?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tedrux on July 09, 2013, 01:08 am
Please, y'all, tell Mary666 to shut the fuck up already.
she's accusing me of being a thief for a couple loans that weren't even from her
that are only about a couple weeks old
that were given with the explicit understanding that I did not have a way to repay in any timely manner.
but that I would repay when able.
I'm getting frustrated about the harrasment because I've already spoken up a few times saying politely not to worry about it and that I'd probably have it repayed soon.
she thinks .34 is enough coins to buy something to kill yourself with
well, I challenge you to find me the listing then and share it here. cause I looked.
so please, mary, I don't want this hostility, but you need to stop hounding me on the daily for a debt I'm not going to forget or ignore.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 09, 2013, 01:09 am
:o 25+

paypal is fine after its been used couple times.. but first time deposits get you..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 09, 2013, 01:13 am
Please, y'all, tell Mary666 to shut the fuck up already.
she's accusing me of being a thief for a couple loans that weren't even from her
that are only about a couple weeks old
that were given with the explicit understanding that I did not have a way to repay in any timely manner.
but that I would repay when able.
I'm getting frustrated about the harrasment because I've already spoken up a few times saying politely not to worry about it and that I'd probably have it repayed soon.
she thinks .34 is enough coins to buy something to kill yourself with
well, I challenge you to find me the listing then and share it here. cause I looked.
so please, mary, I don't want this hostility, but you need to stop hounding me on the daily for a debt I'm not going to forget or ignore.
:o hello teddy :)!

didn't know mary was giving you a hard time still :-\ I will try talking to her next time..
just think you pissed her off (understandably). anyway glad to see your still alive.. hope your doing well.. :)

when I asked for coins back I wasn't aware you had made a purchase ;).. thought you were just holding coins hostage ::).

repay when you're able, don't stress over it.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 09, 2013, 01:15 am
(see teddy we're here even when you excepted less from us) ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 09, 2013, 01:19 am
Hold on...ppl still play SL?

You know how some of these games work.  People end up pumping so much time into these they can't let it go.

People still play EQ for god sakes.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 09, 2013, 01:20 am
wut is SL & EQ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 09, 2013, 01:21 am
I still enjoy diablo 1 & 2 occasionally ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 09, 2013, 01:22 am
wut is SL & EQ?
;D, old school online video games.. ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 09, 2013, 01:23 am
old school like pong?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 09, 2013, 01:26 am
does anyone else love Ed Sheeran? Ill even talk to the new fans from 2013! I have an amazing link I would like to share with all of you is on youtube so it is a clearnet link...will people be mad at me, again, if I do?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 09, 2013, 01:27 am
long live Zelda!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 09, 2013, 01:33 am
I love mame and love all PES football games...real football and not american throw ball...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 09, 2013, 01:34 am
The  coins are here Iamz -- they were there 10 minutes ago - faster then  a speeding bullet .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 09, 2013, 01:34 am
Dig you work what might brighten your week ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 09, 2013, 01:39 am
wait what, I missed imaz even needing coins :o..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 09, 2013, 01:44 am
He's had a shit few weeks and needs something fun to keep his mind off shit - I can relate .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 09, 2013, 01:45 am
Plus he has a ton of unpaid loans   >:(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 09, 2013, 01:50 am
I mean people haven't paid him I mean - Duh Taz
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 09, 2013, 01:54 am
taz7 has helped out! So all is good now!

And here is the video that I want you ALL to watch now. Turn it up LOUD and make sure you are not disturbed *CLEARNET* *CLEARNET*

If you do like me posting a clearnet link...wanna fight about it? ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ “
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 09, 2013, 01:56 am
I mean people haven't paid him I mean - Duh Taz
I don't wanna talk about unpaid loans atm ::) have like some .60+~ out right now, not sure if it'll find its way home :(

but I'm sitting nicely on coin for the moment, so not *complaining :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 09, 2013, 01:58 am
                                               :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) ##When requesting, post your SR name## SO WE KNOW WHERE TO SEND IT TO.  DON'T ASSUME WE KNOW. ##  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7)## DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. ## >:(  ##Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due. ##
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
BajoZero ++++
danob15 ++++
dolphy7835  ++++
dr gonzo
dw89   ++++
jamin210      ++++
MC Haberdasher 
Mike Hunt
Repus6 *
White Out


The shit list:
Apple             ++++
Autobondon *
itsworking      ++++
King Karma
repus6 *

*^*do not lend to these people*^*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 09, 2013, 02:02 am
I mean people haven't paid him I mean - Duh Taz
I don't wanna talk about unpaid loans atm ::) have like some .60+~ out right now, not sure if it'll find its way home :(

but I'm sitting nicely on coin for the moment, so not compiling :P

You are compiling , compiling a list of unpaid debts =(

Sorry I know it was typo , just kidin .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 09, 2013, 02:05 am
I mean people haven't paid him I mean - Duh Taz
I don't wanna talk about unpaid loans atm ::) have like some .60+~ out right now, not sure if it'll find its way home :(

but I'm sitting nicely on coin for the moment, so not compiling :P

You are compiling , compiling a list of unpaid debts =(

Sorry I know it was typo , just kidin .
;D lol.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 09, 2013, 02:08 am
I asked her how wet is that kitty?

she said; soaking wet.

I said oreally?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 09, 2013, 02:26 am
Damn it RS.  I wanna go play Diablo 3 now.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 09, 2013, 02:31 am
I asked her how wet is that kitty?

she said; soaking wet.

I said oreally?

Someones having fun  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 09, 2013, 02:34 am
Iamz sent this 4 u bro , n joy

action   notes   amount   balance   date
send to    azuthus    ฿-0.60    ฿0.83
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 09, 2013, 02:38 am
Thanks...but my fucking PIN is not working!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 09, 2013, 02:42 am
Oh great now I can not even relog!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: JayGatsby on July 09, 2013, 02:47 am
Tried sending delphin some coins last night but for whatever reason it came through on his end as 0.00btc. Oh well. Hope SR has fixed this bug. If anyone else is in need of spare coin I've got a bit left.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 09, 2013, 02:49 am
Oh great now I can not even relog!!

Fuck man , do you have another account ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 09, 2013, 02:51 am
Tried sending delphin some coins last night but for whatever reason it came through on his end as 0.00btc. Oh well. Hope SR has fixed this bug. If anyone else is in need of spare coin I've got a bit left.

N E thing like 0.009 shows up as 0.00
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 09, 2013, 02:55 am
Shit man I could have ordered that 4 u . damn.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 09, 2013, 02:59 am
thank you CandyMan for repaying :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 09, 2013, 03:03 am
I logged out to see that would fix the problem...but now I can not log in. I have my pass and pins in an encrypted text, so all I do is copy and paste it is not working for me.

I am going to restart tor and try that...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 09, 2013, 03:06 am
I have 0.83 , if you want I'll order something for you  , nothing to pricey though I could use half of it myself .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 09, 2013, 03:11 am
I have 0.83 , if you want I'll order something for you  , nothing to pricey though I could use half of it myself .

No no...I have to figure out wtf is going on...restarting tor did not work. Something is wrong...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 09, 2013, 03:16 am
@ ImAz
if you cannot solve this in two hours...Open a support ticket.
They will need some info..your SR addy....any last msg you may have sent...etc..

Hasn't this happened before? :o
 i hope you get it sorted quickly 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 09, 2013, 03:16 am
YAY! Fixed it...the error was on my end and I have ฿0.0003 to spare!!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 09, 2013, 03:18 am
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 09, 2013, 03:19 am
@ ImAz
if you cannot solve this in two hours...Open a support ticket.
They will need some info..your SR addy....any last msg you may have sent...etc..

Hasn't this happened before? :o
 i hope you get it sorted quickly

Thank you for your help. It was my mistake...

That was the first time it had happened and that is why it was bothering me.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 09, 2013, 03:21 am
you get it figured out imaz?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 09, 2013, 03:22 am
Good stuff , a  happy ending , that's what I like to see =)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 09, 2013, 03:32 am
Ah she is fit. I wanna finger blast her right now, but I won't because we are on camera - Keith Lemon
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 09, 2013, 03:35 am
You seem , in better spirits , excellent , - in my life the lows seem to make the highs better the worse they are .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 09, 2013, 03:39 am
plus there's nothing like some high grade cannabis to block or sort out   family problems I,M.E
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 09, 2013, 03:39 am
You seem , in better spirits , excellent , - in my life the lows seem to make the highs better the worse they are .

You helped put a smile on my face! Thank you...well you and keith lemon  ooooosh
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 09, 2013, 03:44 am
Well then I we be going to bed happier as well =)

Hugs man
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 09, 2013, 03:44 am
Man are Creepers Shoes back?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 09, 2013, 03:46 am
I couldn't answer that one .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 09, 2013, 03:49 am
Taz you should be in bed, no? Or are you a night owl?

Do you watch Lemon La Vida Loca?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 09, 2013, 03:54 am

Hugs to you ImAz  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 09, 2013, 04:01 am

Hugs to you ImAz  :)

That makes me feel really good. I have not had one in a long time. ლ(́◉◞౪◟◉‵ლ)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 09, 2013, 04:12 am
O h I'm fully nocturnal , I'M blasting some tunes through my new senhesiers , loving them , plus I just just looking for good deals to get value for money , not easy on here sometimes'

looking at btc trends too , busy as a beaver
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 09, 2013, 04:15 am
Lemon La Vida Loca?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 09, 2013, 04:16 am
O h I'm fully nocturnal , I'M blasting some tunes through my new senhesiers , loving them , plus I just just looking for good deals to get value for money , not easy on here sometimes'

looking at btc trends too , busy as a beaver

do you have a last fm page so I can see what you are into?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 09, 2013, 04:21 am

My post sounded pathetic ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 09, 2013, 04:26 am
taz i'll set up a  1/2 gram DMT sample for $30.00 for a halfway decent review  :P

ChemCat you love DMT!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 09, 2013, 04:27 am
Yes  :)

and DMT Love me  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 09, 2013, 04:32 am
taz i'll set up a  1/2 gram DMT sample for $30.00 for a halfway decent review  :P

Sounds like a deal - I'm getting sleepy , you will get a proper review no half decent for taz - if a jobs worth doing , it;s worth doing right
Hugs all
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 09, 2013, 04:34 am
O h I'm fully nocturnal , I'M blasting some tunes through my new senhesiers , loving them , plus I just just looking for good deals to get value for money , not easy on here sometimes'

looking at btc trends too , busy as a beaver

do you have a last fm page so I can see what you are into?

I have a souncloud , I link you to it tomorrow  ,
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 09, 2013, 04:36 am
Okay ChemCat, Taz thanks for everything and I will talk to you brobras tomorrow!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 09, 2013, 04:41 am
Take care imaz!  Nice to have ya back!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 09, 2013, 04:45 am
Don't be silly C  , nothing wrong with what you said , you just wanted an honest reviw of your product , that's commendable  , I'm up for reviewing .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 09, 2013, 04:48 am
Night Iamz , Hi Box ,
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 09, 2013, 04:51 am
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 09, 2013, 04:55 am
Whats shockin RS ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 09, 2013, 05:00 am
Are you mashed , I'm about to get mashed right now - hugs man

Hugs all
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 09, 2013, 05:04 am
ok taz thak you  :)

let me know when and i'll put up the 1/2 gram sample listing for $30.00 + SR fees  ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 09, 2013, 05:11 am
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Hearts on July 09, 2013, 05:23 am

I have just sent you the 0.03 I borrowed from you yesterday :)
Really appreciate it so much, this thread is awesome aha
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 09, 2013, 05:39 am

I have just sent you the 0.03 I borrowed from you yesterday :)
Really appreciate it so much, this thread is awesome aha
:) thank you
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: zxydwx3 on July 09, 2013, 05:50 am
I made a couple small loans today, already got paid back by allthefanz - not sure if he uses the same name on the forums. Too many pages too look thru for the earlier posts. Expecting I'll get sorted by the other by the end of the week. Very encouraging to see honest people, I'll certainly report if I don't get paid back!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 09, 2013, 09:56 am
ok taz thak you  :)

let me know when and i'll put up the 1/2 gram sample listing for $30.00 + SR fees  ::)

Just don't tell kalli he will sniff that listing out n hijack its ass  :P

Good day y'all and where I am it is a good day, its boiling :)

Hope you're all good, love n hugs kalli.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 09, 2013, 11:43 am

Lol , stoned boxy  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 09, 2013, 11:45 am
ok taz thak you  :)

let me know when and i'll put up the 1/2 gram sample listing for $30.00 + SR fees  ::)

Just don't tell kalli he will sniff that listing out n hijack its ass  :P

Good day y'all and where I am it is a good day, its boiling :)

Hope you're all good, love n hugs kalli.

Hugs back , it's a scorcher here too man  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 09, 2013, 11:57 am
Please, y'all, tell Mary666 to shut the fuck up already.
she's accusing me of being a thief for a couple loans that weren't even from her
that are only about a couple weeks old
that were given with the explicit understanding that I did not have a way to repay in any timely manner.
but that I would repay when able.
I'm getting frustrated about the harrasment because I've already spoken up a few times saying politely not to worry about it and that I'd probably have it repayed soon.
she thinks .34 is enough coins to buy something to kill yourself with
well, I challenge you to find me the listing then and share it here. cause I looked.
so please, mary, I don't want this hostility, but you need to stop hounding me on the daily for a debt I'm not going to forget or ignore.
POOR TEDRUX, FUCK OFF YOU LIAR!!! I have not hounded this lying troll in anyway, i did say on one of his many threads that he should pay back the loans as did RS! You have pm,d me twice teddy to which i have replied to neither. Your an attention seeking lying little cunt and anyone who knows me on here should know i wouldn,t hound anyone esp when your not even due me anything!!  ::) :o Don,t fuckin speak my name again cunt and stop pm,ing me, you clearly wanted an angry response, well you got one so stop talking shit, infact just stop talking!! >:( >:( LIAR!!!! I,ll post your pm if you say i,m lying!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 09, 2013, 12:10 pm
Hello to everyone else on here  ;) might be back later but for now this fuckin lying troll got me raging  >:(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 09, 2013, 12:14 pm
Just ignore the twat , If I let myself , I would  freak at that Northern Saar prick and a ton of others , But that's what they Sad fuckers wanT .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 09, 2013, 04:03 pm
Goot Moanin mary  :)

just put him on ignore @ mary  ;)

Love & Hugs  :)

Chem  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 09, 2013, 04:39 pm
Love ya mary!  I dedicated my 666th post to ya!  You made my day!

Trying hard to figure out a way to buy some coins.  Really want to pay off this debt.  Kinda frustrating.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 09, 2013, 04:43 pm
Boxy, if i sold all my product i'd sell you some coins  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 09, 2013, 04:49 pm
And I woulda bought some product already if I had the spare coin, but it's not going to happen for a while.   :-\

Meh.  Fun cycles...

Gone for a bit.  Going to check out something. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 09, 2013, 04:58 pm
                                               :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) ##When requesting, post your SR name## SO WE KNOW WHERE TO SEND IT TO.  DON'T ASSUME WE KNOW. ##  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7)## DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. ## >:(  ##Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due. ##
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
BajoZero ++++
dr gonzo
dw89   ++++
jamin210      ++++
MC Haberdasher 
Mike Hunt
Repus6 *
White Out
zxydwx3 ++++

{message DanDanTheIceCreamMan if you have lent but your name isn't on the list :)}

The shit list:
Apple             ++++
Autobondon *
King Karma
repus6 *

*^*do not lend to these people*^*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 09, 2013, 04:59 pm
how much you need boxy? :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 09, 2013, 05:07 pm
I'ma PM you.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 09, 2013, 05:09 pm
My Family  :)

I Love ya'll :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 09, 2013, 05:17 pm
My Family  :)

I Love ya'll :)
goat morning to ya chemmy :) (hugs) brother

how you doing?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 09, 2013, 05:31 pm
Hey crew =)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 09, 2013, 05:36 pm
Oi! taz :) how you doing as well brother?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: theman123451 on July 09, 2013, 05:44 pm
good morning all

the body is consciousness; never born; never dies; only changes. the mind - your ego, personal beliefs, history, and identity- is all that ends at death.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 09, 2013, 05:47 pm
/silkroad/item/c86b02702b :o I need to start collecting some coins ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 09, 2013, 05:48 pm
good morning all

the body is consciousness; never born; never dies; only changes. the mind - your ego, personal beliefs, history, and identity- is all that ends at death.
we are all born naked and we all die naked ;).
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: theman123451 on July 09, 2013, 05:52 pm
vary true have you ever read or watched a movie called the way of the peaceful warrior

it will change your life
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 09, 2013, 05:53 pm
Oi! taz :) how you doing as well brother?

Good thanks , that links not working btw .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 09, 2013, 05:55 pm
it glows  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 09, 2013, 06:02 pm
bummed because, I asked him if he'd 1/2 a vile for me.. he said he was unable to accommodate :(.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 09, 2013, 06:09 pm
That's one vial I would love to own
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 09, 2013, 06:22 pm
just listed two..1/2 gram samples

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: theman123451 on July 09, 2013, 06:26 pm
just listed two..1/2 gram samples


vary interested what color is the dmt?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 09, 2013, 06:28 pm
off white...sort of golden  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Intraterrestrial on July 09, 2013, 07:06 pm
would hugely appreciate a loan of 0.04 btc until 1 week at latest, maybe only until later tonight. am on lender's list

need it quickly though for an offer, many thanks,  same name
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 09, 2013, 07:15 pm
Hello all my brobras!

Hope everyone is well. I am okay...some shit is still fucking up but atm, it is good!

Hi-fives to all v( ⌒o⌒)人(⌒-⌒ )v

Back to lurking/working mode...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 09, 2013, 07:20 pm
ordered my Samople :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 09, 2013, 07:25 pm
already packaged and will send out tomorrow :)

thank you bro,huge Huggles to ya  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 09, 2013, 07:26 pm
hiya @ ImAz  and Huggles to you  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 09, 2013, 07:28 pm
already packaged and will send out tomorrow :)

thank you bro,huge Huggles to ya  :)


Hiya ChemCat and RS!

Chem, I would buy from you but I just not interested in DMT...have any weed/shrooms?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 09, 2013, 07:30 pm
Love ya mary!  I dedicated my 666th post to ya!  You made my day!

Trying hard to figure out a way to buy some coins.  Really want to pay off this debt.  Kinda frustrating.
Love ya too Boxy n thanks for the 666th post dedication lol  ;) :-*

Love ya all  ;)

Chemmy, hunny, i,ll need to try your DMT when i have coin  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 09, 2013, 07:33 pm
workin on it for ya mary berry  :)

might have some weed in the future @ ImAz  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 09, 2013, 07:38 pm
25 degrees today  :D been baking in the garden with Bob Marley playing and smokin up some bud, perfect day  :D ::) :P

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 09, 2013, 08:12 pm
already packaged and will send out tomorrow :)

thank you bro,huge Huggles to ya  :)

:D right on
you're very welcome, also, thank you, brother. always happy to help :)

hiya mary, ImAz an theman :)

@Intraterrestrial I got you.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 09, 2013, 08:16 pm
would hugely appreciate a loan of 0.04 btc until 1 week at latest, maybe only until later tonight. am on lender's list

need it quickly though for an offer, many thanks,  same name
whats your sr name :P?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MC Haberdasher on July 09, 2013, 08:21 pm
25 degrees today  :D been baking in the garden with Bob Marley playing and smokin up some bud, perfect day  :D ::) :P

Damn..  Its a few degrees warmer where you are compared to here.  But we have clouds and intermittent rain all day/week.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Intraterrestrial on July 09, 2013, 08:24 pm
already packaged and will send out tomorrow :)

thank you bro,huge Huggles to ya  :)

:D right on
you're very welcome, also, thank you, brother. always happy to help :)

hiya mary, ImAz an theman :)

@Intraterrestrial I got you.

hey thanks man, just waiting for that to show up and i can bag my sample
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 09, 2013, 08:24 pm
RS have you tried the chat yet?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 09, 2013, 08:30 pm
RS have you tried the chat yet?

We have a chat?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 09, 2013, 08:36 pm
@ ImAz

We do  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 09, 2013, 08:40 pm
I can't find the vial you're talkin about can u re post link so I can be nosy please :)

Hey all hope you've had a cracking day !

Going to try my last 2 pipes of dmt soon to see if I can "breakthrough" now iv a better pipe and more info stored in my dusty brain, wish me luck or thats the full half a g wasted grrr  :'(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 09, 2013, 08:43 pm
@ ImAz

We do  :)


Sweet  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 09, 2013, 08:48 pm
would hugely appreciate a loan of 0.04 btc until 1 week at latest, maybe only until later tonight. am on lender's list
:) 0.04 sent to *blank*, enjoy.
repay soon please.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 09, 2013, 08:50 pm
I can't find the vial you're talkin about can u re post link so I can be nosy please :)

Hey all hope you've had a cracking day !

Going to try my last 2 pipes of dmt soon to see if I can "breakthrough" now iv a better pipe and more info stored in my dusty brain, wish me luck or thats the full half a g wasted grrr  :'(

Good luck , remember to hit the whole pipe in one go , and not to let the flame touch the herb .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 09, 2013, 09:03 pm
RS have you tried the chat yet?
unable to connect to the IRC server.. :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 09, 2013, 09:41 pm
ya have to keep tor browser bundle open while you connect to the server...did you do as it said in that thread?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 09, 2013, 09:42 pm
yes :S
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 09, 2013, 09:45 pm
Hmmmmm.....the url in the thread to get pidgin pretty much takes ya there to the irc server

i cant see how it isnt working....if you msg astor tell him i sent you and he should be able to help ya bro.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 09, 2013, 09:48 pm
Im in...not too may others though...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 09, 2013, 09:51 pm
RS are you using tails?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 09, 2013, 09:56 pm
good job @ RS & ImAz  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 09, 2013, 09:57 pm
R U on torchat ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 09, 2013, 09:57 pm
Oh hey!  I just noticed Sooadada paid back the lil loan I gave him!  Thanks a lot guy!  Hope you got what ya needed!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 09, 2013, 10:00 pm
@ taz

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 09, 2013, 10:08 pm
FML wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww I just "brokethrough" it was awesome i mean like really unreal, time folded back on its self n snow fell upwards ohhhh I cant find the words for that shit im just gutted iv got none left and im skint lol

Quality shit about sums it up ! :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 09, 2013, 10:13 pm
see  :)

when ya do it again'll prolly be better still  :)

did you close your eyes?

see the shapes twist and change colors?

amazing how our minds can do that huh?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 09, 2013, 10:18 pm
see  :)

when ya do it again'll prolly be better still  :)

did you close your eyes?

see the shapes twist and change colors?

amazing how our minds can do that huh?

Hahaha I hope so cos that was unbelievable !

Yeah I closed my eyes it is so hard to explain the experience but im so glad I tried it and will definitely be getting some more next week when I get paid this weeks wages are all tied up grrr

ChemCat now I understand your enthusiasm  for the stuff  :o
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 09, 2013, 10:21 pm
Oh great...that really makes me wanna try it...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 09, 2013, 10:22 pm
i dont know h0w much ya got or what ya paid but hit me up when ya wanna re-order and i'll see about hookin ya up  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 09, 2013, 10:26 pm
The biggest observation for me when I did this was all the fractals and madalas I was immersed in were already there to begin with.  Maybe it's just crazy me tho.

Kinda like how you never really see the bacteria crawl across your eye unless you are paying attention. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 09, 2013, 10:26 pm
i dont know h0w much ya got or what ya paid but hit me up when ya wanna re-order and i'll see about hookin ya up  ;)

I got half a G can't remember what I paid but it was a bit more then what yours went up for the very next day (grrr and yes I am a fan lol)

Would be more then happy to give you my custom but I do live in England so that might be a problem for you/me but if that can be solved you will get a half G order next friday :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 09, 2013, 10:28 pm
i'll open up for International Shipping tomorrow  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 09, 2013, 10:31 pm
The biggest observation for me when I did this was all the fractals and madalas I was immersed in were already there to begin with.  Maybe it's just crazy me tho.

Kinda like how you never really see the bacteria crawl across your eye unless you are paying attention.


I agree that they are/were already there in my head it was somehow connected to me/my blood flow/heart beat awww man the more I try and explain the weirder I sound, I love the stuff though !

ImAz do it bud its an experience you won't regret if its anything like the 1 I just had.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 09, 2013, 10:32 pm
i'll open up for International Shipping tomorrow  ;)

Then you and I my friend have ourselves a date  :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 09, 2013, 10:35 pm
has anyone tried insufflating DMT? Is that easier then trying to smoke it?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 09, 2013, 10:38 pm
ya mean in yur bum?

there is a thread on that  ;)  RS has it i think
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 09, 2013, 10:41 pm
ya mean in yur bum?

there is a thread on that  ;)  RS has it i think

Ha I thought it meant sniffing it but as far as im aware other then smoking it you need an inhibitor with it don't even know why im puing up really they guys have forgotton more then i know about it.  ???
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 09, 2013, 10:42 pm
ya mean in yur bum?

there is a thread on that  ;)  RS has it i think

Um, no...snorting it not boofing it...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 09, 2013, 10:49 pm
@ ImAz i think they mention it in that thread me and RS posted earlier
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 09, 2013, 10:51 pm
see  :)

when ya do it again'll prolly be better still  :)

did you close your eyes?

see the shapes twist and change colors?

amazing how our minds can do that huh?

Hahaha I hope so cos that was unbelievable !

Yeah I closed my eyes it is so hard to explain the experience but im so glad I tried it and will definitely be getting some more next week when I get paid this weeks wages are all tied up grrr

ChemCat now I understand your enthusiasm  for the stuff  :o

Glad you blasted off in the end ,  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 09, 2013, 10:56 pm
has anyone tried insufflating DMT? Is that easier then trying to smoke it?

You need to smoke it to breakthrough , orally it needs an M.A.O with it to work , not sure about snorting .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 09, 2013, 10:57 pm
see  :)

when ya do it again'll prolly be better still  :)

did you close your eyes?

see the shapes twist and change colors?

amazing how our minds can do that huh?

Hahaha I hope so cos that was unbelievable !

Yeah I closed my eyes it is so hard to explain the experience but im so glad I tried it and will definitely be getting some more next week when I get paid this weeks wages are all tied up grrr

ChemCat now I understand your enthusiasm  for the stuff  :o

Glad you blasted off in the end ,  ;)

Thanks bud so am I ! It was worth the effort and persistence to get it right and its only thanks to you guys that I did <3 which believe me is greatly appreciated  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 09, 2013, 10:59 pm
has anyone tried insufflating DMT? Is that easier then trying to smoke it?

You need to smoke it to breakthrough , orally it needs an MAOI with it to work , not sure about snorting .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 09, 2013, 11:28 pm
::) I'll just leave this here

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Intraterrestrial on July 09, 2013, 11:35 pm
would hugely appreciate a loan of 0.04 btc until 1 week at latest, maybe only until later tonight. am on lender's list
:) 0.04 sent to *blank*, enjoy.
repay soon please.

repaid - many thanks 8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 10, 2013, 12:00 am
Quote from: RS7FI8ZRkm
::) I'll just leave this here


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Friend on July 10, 2013, 12:07 am
Can anyone lend 0.250 coin to me until Friday??
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 10, 2013, 12:11 am
Finally!  Ron Swanson!  Gave you a hefty chunk of blocks back!   Thank you so much for your patience!

This was a monument of help for me.  Thank you so much for your trust guys!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Friend on July 10, 2013, 12:16 am
Actually now i only need 30 cents in coin i thin thats like 0.05 of coin
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Andrewbud420 on July 10, 2013, 12:18 am
I hate to ask but:

Can one of you fine people spot me .16 bitcents until later in the day/week depending when my deposit clears.... :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: titsmcgee123 on July 10, 2013, 12:23 am
I hate to ask but:

Can one of you fine people spot me .16 bitcents until later in the day/week depending when my deposit clears.... :)
yes I can.. Is your SR name the same as your forum name?
Just be sure to pay back when you can :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Andrewbud420 on July 10, 2013, 12:28 am
I hate to ask but:

Can one of you fine people spot me .16 bitcents until later in the day/week depending when my deposit clears.... :)
yes I can.. Is your SR name the same as your forum name?
Just be sure to pay back when you can :)

Yes it is. Thank you :) Please send me a pm with your username...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: titsmcgee123 on July 10, 2013, 12:30 am
I hate to ask but:

Can one of you fine people spot me .16 bitcents until later in the day/week depending when my deposit clears.... :)
I remembered seeing your post saying that it is so I sent it.. you are 0.16BTC richer lol
just be sure to send the coins back to 'mainmanralph'
hope I helped!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 10, 2013, 12:43 am
would hugely appreciate a loan of 0.04 btc until 1 week at latest, maybe only until later tonight. am on lender's list
:) 0.04 sent to *blank*, enjoy.
repay soon please.

repaid - many thanks 8)
you're welcome :), thank you.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 10, 2013, 12:51 am
Actually now i only need 30 cents in coin i thin thats like 0.05 of coin

$.30 is 0.003892 in coin.  ( 

Whats your SR name?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 10, 2013, 01:17 am
I have ฿0.0003

RS7FI8ZRkm have you giving up on chat?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 10, 2013, 01:29 am
Thanks ImAz I got .0004 as well but I was waitin on a response as well for the SR name.  We will see.

Man it feels nice not to have a signature again.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 10, 2013, 01:52 am
BoxofShapes just sent you .0003...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 10, 2013, 01:59 am
ermmm?  y u do that?

It hurts this little boxes brain to have other peoples coin.  I just paid off a gigantic loan today.   :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 10, 2013, 02:15 am
I saw that! Well done bro.

The .0003 is free! lol
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 10, 2013, 02:21 am
And with that I am outta here! Good night all...I put on my glasses (⌐■_■) and leave
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 10, 2013, 02:26 am
night ImAz  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 10, 2013, 02:43 am
okay, who's got coin they'll loan me :)?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 10, 2013, 02:52 am
cant log onto SR at the moment   ???
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 10, 2013, 02:53 am
:o working for me atm..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 10, 2013, 02:59 am
hmmm....lemme prune the network  LOL

ok am on  :)  how much bro?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 10, 2013, 03:03 am
RS ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 10, 2013, 03:12 am
sent you 0.50000000 BTC's  @ RS  ;)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on July 10, 2013, 03:34 am
sent you 0.50000000 BTC's  @ RS  ;)

you beat me to it Chemy!!
well, I'm sure he'll enjoy your 0.50000000 over my 0.0626!!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 10, 2013, 03:36 am
sent you 0.50000000 BTC's  @ RS  ;)
:) thank you very much, still 1.7 short of what I desire to order. anyone willing to loan me will be repaid with at least 10% interest.

SR name: RS7FI8ZRkm

:) (hugs) thanks.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 10, 2013, 03:37 am
sent you 0.50000000 BTC's  @ RS  ;)

you beat me to it Chemy!!
well, I'm sure he'll enjoy your 0.50000000 over my 0.0626!!
lol! it's the thought that counts :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 10, 2013, 04:24 am
Sent whatever was in my wallet your way.  RS. 

It's a sad amount but it's yours.   :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 10, 2013, 04:28 am
Sent whatever was in my wallet your way.  RS. 

It's a sad amount but it's yours.   :P
:) appreciate it boxy
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Baggie on July 10, 2013, 04:38 am
Only had 98 cents left RS but sent it your way. Hope it helps at least a little bit.  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 10, 2013, 05:11 am
Only had 98 cents left RS but sent it your way. Hope it helps at least a little bit.  :)
thank you
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: flicky42 on July 10, 2013, 06:18 am
I have .1372 coins to spare since I can't buy anything with it. It would be nice if I got paid back in small interest  ::) but its not necessary.

If anyone needs a small hand for a while let me know.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Descarte on July 10, 2013, 06:32 am
Sent you 0.33 RS hope you get to your required amount.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 10, 2013, 06:53 am
Sent you 0.33 RS hope you get to your required amount.
heya descarte :). good to see you!

thank you for your loan! have you repaid soon :)

only .95 if anyone can help
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 10, 2013, 07:29 am
Descarte  :)

    Hugs to you my Friend  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 10, 2013, 07:35 am
be back in a few hours :) good night everyone
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 10, 2013, 11:31 am
send to    RS7FI8ZRkm    ฿-0.12    ฿0.00    July 10, 2013, 11:31 am UTC
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 10, 2013, 11:51 am
Hi Taz  ;) how are you today hun  :-\ not as nice today, want more sunshine  ::) :P (is their a dickhead over my shoulder stalking me Taz?  ;)lol)

Hi everyone else, hope your all good  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on July 10, 2013, 11:55 am
Hi Mary!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 10, 2013, 12:02 pm
Hi Ytable  ;) how ya doing? I,m waiting on cash going into bank to change into coin, bloody annoying  ::) ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 10, 2013, 12:14 pm
Hi Taz  ;) how are you today hun  :-\ not as nice today, want more sunshine  ::) :P (is their a dickhead over my shoulder stalking me Taz?  ;)lol)

Hi everyone else, hope your all good  ;)

Hey M , yeah bring on the sun already  , it's playin cat n mouse with me here   ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Pure Red Eye on July 10, 2013, 12:26 pm
I need 0.03, can anyone help?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 10, 2013, 12:38 pm
send to    RS7FI8ZRkm    ฿-0.20    ฿0.00    July 10, 2013, 12:38 pm UTC
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 10, 2013, 01:04 pm
Sorry pure red - check back later though .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: JonesinCasey on July 10, 2013, 01:42 pm
I need coins, but I would like to send my vyvanse and adderall xr to whomever helps me out. send me a message and let me know if you are interested an asshole I dated took my account from me, and so I am in a rough spot and have to pay bills and I do not have $500 on hand to start another vendor account (it was $150 when i did it)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: flicky42 on July 10, 2013, 02:17 pm
I need 0.03, can anyone help?
I can lend you that, same name on SR?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: slymike on July 10, 2013, 03:01 pm
Howsit going this evening people
i have 2.2422 BTC i need for my order ฿2.5879
so i need 0.3457 and im more than happy to pay back double what i borrow over a 2 week period if any 1 can help me out
would be much appreciated my name on the road is slymike
thank you for your time :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Pure Red Eye on July 10, 2013, 03:10 pm
I need 0.03, can anyone help?
I can lend you that, same name on SR?

Very kind of you flicky, if you send me the coin i will pay back within 24hours.


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Pure Red Eye on July 10, 2013, 03:49 pm
Thankyou for your offer flicky but i am sorted now. Please don't send bitcoin.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 10, 2013, 04:23 pm
I need coins, but I would like to send my vyvanse and adderall xr to whomever helps me out. send me a message and let me know if you are interested an asshole I dated took my account from me, and so I am in a rough spot and have to pay bills and I do not have $500 on hand to start another vendor account (it was $150 when i did it)

I'm just about to pm you , after my meal  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 10, 2013, 04:25 pm
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: slymike on July 10, 2013, 04:29 pm
Hey Chem how are you today xD
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 10, 2013, 04:36 pm
heya mike  :)

oh i'm pretty good howza 'bout yourself? 

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: slymike on July 10, 2013, 04:48 pm
not bad hoping bitcoins spike and the price goes up or sum1 gives me a loan xD
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 10, 2013, 05:18 pm
man if i had it i'd give it to ya  :) 

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: slymike on July 10, 2013, 05:25 pm
haha its allgood im like 0.35 off my order if i can find it ill repay any1 within 2 weeks and 2x wat i borrowed xD
just needa get this order in before the weekend xD
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 10, 2013, 05:27 pm
stay in here  :)  someone will be about shortly i suppose  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: slymike on July 10, 2013, 05:35 pm
haha i can only hope daddy needs a new order of drugs to make some money xD
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 10, 2013, 05:37 pm
man if i had it i'd give it to ya  :)

I'm pretty damn sure he would and I would too just proper broke at the moment sorry.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: slymike on July 10, 2013, 05:48 pm
haha no worrys ive helped a few people out maybe they will help me out maybe not either way im happy great forums great people great place to be xD
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 10, 2013, 05:51 pm
gonna msg someone for you @ slymike

and see how many coins they have...hold for a sec please  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: slymike on July 10, 2013, 05:54 pm
oh thanks alot XD i believe in high insterest and i pay back to the dollar not the btc so if price shifts they will get there dollar value XD
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 10, 2013, 05:56 pm
mike they have 0.0238  available....
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: flicky42 on July 10, 2013, 05:59 pm
Reposting that I have .1372 to spare if anyone needs a loan. Not much I can do with so I'd love to spread the love.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: slymike on July 10, 2013, 06:01 pm
ah ok thanks anyways im like 0.35 off
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 10, 2013, 06:03 pm
ok, so ya dont want it?

i'll let them know  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 10, 2013, 06:05 pm
Good 4 u!  Coin dipped a lot between me receiving and paying my loan.  It's only fair.  Ended up paying like 10%-20% more but it was just a number.

Still going to tip the guy but that will have to come later.   :(

Good luck wishes to you man.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 10, 2013, 06:09 pm
mike they have 0.0238  available....

I got 0.0263 left you're welcome to as well.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 10, 2013, 06:20 pm
morning all you bitches!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: 2marijuanaman on July 10, 2013, 06:23 pm
Could I please borrow 29 cents, my username is CannibalC. Id be very grateful because I want to place an order for some shrooms
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 10, 2013, 06:27 pm
^^^^ ~.0004 btc.

RS got mhy coin or I woulda, someone should have that tho.   :P

Evenin ImAz!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 10, 2013, 06:30 pm
boxes are you in the UK? If so, did you watch the Ashes today?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 10, 2013, 06:35 pm
send to    RS7FI8ZRkm    ฿-0.12    ฿0.00    July 10, 2013, 11:31 am UTC
send to    RS7FI8ZRkm    ฿-0.20    ฿0.00    July 10, 2013, 12:38 pm UTC
thank you taz :D! very helpful! only .53 more togo thank you brothers/sisters :)

hope everyone is good! ::) still need my cup of coffee to be fully alive :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 10, 2013, 06:35 pm
morning all you bitches!

S'up fool ?

Nah never saw any of it iv been trash talkin on the forums and getting stoned, pretty productive day really....

How we doing anyway ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 10, 2013, 06:39 pm
Na I'm a yank.  I really don't watch tv.  Not that I won't, but I just used to be a junkie about it (of all things) and had to give it a rest. 

Try to catch movies that spark my interest tho.  Going to see tonight "much ado about nothing" before it leaves the theater.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 10, 2013, 06:42 pm
How we doing anyway ?

Found my external hard drive with my music collection I've been missing for 1-2 years.  I'm fucking ecstatic.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 10, 2013, 06:47 pm
morning all you bitches!

S'up fool ?

Nah never saw any of it iv been trash talkin on the forums and getting stoned, pretty productive day really....

How we doing anyway ?

Peter Siddle took five wickets as England collapsed to 215 all out, before the England bowlers struck back magnificently...

A fucking crazy day!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 10, 2013, 06:54 pm
How we doing anyway ?

Found my external hard drive with my music collection I've been missing for 1-2 years.  I'm fucking ecstatic.

What a buzz ! Think I might put mine in storage just to replicate the situation ;)

Will check that link now ImAz cheers
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 10, 2013, 06:57 pm
Could I please borrow 29 cents, my username is CannibalC. Id be very grateful because I want to place an order for some shrooms
0.004 sent to CannibalC :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: 2marijuanaman on July 10, 2013, 07:09 pm
Thank you that helped me :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 10, 2013, 07:12 pm
Thank you that helped me :)

Glad you're sorted bud.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 10, 2013, 07:15 pm
btw (hugs) boxy, chemmy, taz, ImAz, mary an everyone else :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: slymike on July 10, 2013, 07:15 pm
any1 able to send me 0.30 Bitcoins
can repay in 1 - 2 weeks max
will pay back 2 x the dollar value of the loan :)
pretty please
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: slymike on July 10, 2013, 07:25 pm
Thanks kali for 0.03
any1 else happy to help?
need 0.27 more :) will pay back 1 - 2 weeks max and double what you send thanks alot :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 10, 2013, 07:28 pm
                                               :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) ##When requesting, post your SR name## SO WE KNOW WHERE TO SEND IT TO.  DON'T ASSUME WE KNOW. ##  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7)## DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. ## >:(  ##Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due. ##
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
Baggie   ++++
dr gonzo
DrWalterB   ++++
flicky42   ++++
MC Haberdasher 
Mike Hunt
Repus6 *
White Out
zxydwx3   ++++

{message DanDanTheIceCreamMan or BoxofShapes if you have lent but your name isn't on the list :)}

The shit list:
Apple             ++++
Autobondon *
King Karma
repus6 *

*^*do not lend to these people*^*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jokerman2000 on July 10, 2013, 07:29 pm
Just drove 48 miles to deposit bit coins and now im .078 short to order my product. I swore I did the calculations correctly. I would hate to drive back spending money just to deposit that into the account. If anyone can lend me it I will gladly repay it back in less than a week.

My SR name is the same, Jokerman2000
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DrWalterB on July 10, 2013, 07:34 pm
hey slymike I got 0.1936 btc, I will send em if u like :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: slymike on July 10, 2013, 07:42 pm
Dude that would be awsome i will pay back double its USD Value in the next 2 weeks
thank u ever so much you are saving my life
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DrWalterB on July 10, 2013, 07:46 pm
Dude that would be awsome i will pay back double its USD Value in the next 2 weeks
thank u ever so much you are saving my life

just sent em now to your SR user, hope its slymike to ;) had a little left over, glad to help...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 10, 2013, 07:50 pm
Edited the list DrWalterB for ya

Thanks for helpin out!

GL Joker
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 10, 2013, 07:53 pm
send to    RS7FI8ZRkm    ฿-0.12    ฿0.00    July 10, 2013, 11:31 am UTC
send to    RS7FI8ZRkm    ฿-0.20    ฿0.00    July 10, 2013, 12:38 pm UTC
thank you taz :D! very helpful! only .53 more togo thank you brothers/sisters :)

hope everyone is good! ::) still need my cup of coffee to be fully alive :P
:) still looking, if anybody is able.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: slymike on July 10, 2013, 07:55 pm
Thanks every1 who has lent me some coin
im now only 0.0900 off my order if any1 can help you will get back double within 2 weeks thanks alot :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jokerman2000 on July 10, 2013, 07:58 pm
Thanks every1 who has lent me some coin
im now only 0.0900 off my order if any1 can help you will get back double within 2 weeks thanks alot :)

Didnt you just post that you needed .027 and now you need .09??

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 10, 2013, 07:59 pm
morning all you bitches!

Sup biaaatch ,  hows it  ho'in ?

Good to see you man
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jokerman2000 on July 10, 2013, 08:02 pm
Anyone able to help a fellow roadie out, just spent an hour and a half driving to deposit money for BC and now I get home and im 0.078 short of my order. If anyone could help a lending hand I would gladly repay with some extra on top within less than a week.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: slymike on July 10, 2013, 08:03 pm
Yes i did 0.27 negative 0.19 still leaves 0.08 plus it has changed by a few cents hense the needing 0.0900
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: slymike on July 10, 2013, 08:05 pm
My bad im 0.0003 off my order xD
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DrWalterB on July 10, 2013, 08:07 pm
My bad im 0.0003 off my order xD

So close hope u get there 8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: slymike on July 10, 2013, 08:09 pm
haha cheers man just hoping i get it in today i have all the product sold like instantly just need it here XD
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jokerman2000 on July 10, 2013, 08:11 pm
even though im lacking a small amount of BC for order I will send you the .0003 BC you need for your order slymike in hope that my good favor is returned. Is your SR username Slymike ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: slymike on July 10, 2013, 08:17 pm
Yes it is and thanx alot jokerman i did the same thing a week or 2 ago and it looks like karma is paying off :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DrWalterB on July 10, 2013, 08:18 pm
Thats nice of you jokerman2000, especially when u need the coin yourself. Hope someone helps you out :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jokerman2000 on July 10, 2013, 08:22 pm
Coin sent slymike.

So yeah back to needing a few coins. Lacking .0783 if anyone could help out I will repay .15 BC by next week. Drove almost two hours to deposit $$ for coins and came back lacking a few my calculations were off :/ if anyone could help it would be greatly appreciated.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: slymike on July 10, 2013, 08:25 pm
Would like to thank every1 i have now made my order
i will get u allback with lots of interest love you all :) Best community ever xD
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on July 10, 2013, 08:32 pm
whats up everyone how are you doing? does anyone have 0.0002btc I could borrow please? Not sure when I will be able to pay back as currently waiting for one person to pay me back. My SR username is meloniasty
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 10, 2013, 08:36 pm
                                               :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) ##When requesting, post your SR name## SO WE KNOW WHERE TO SEND IT TO.  DON'T ASSUME WE KNOW. ##  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7)## DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. ## >:(  ##Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due. ##
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
Baggie   ++++
dr gonzo
DrWalterB   ++++
flicky42   ++++
jokerman2000 ++++
MC Haberdasher 
Mike Hunt
Repus6 *
slymike     ++++
White Out
zxydwx3   ++++

{message DanDanTheIceCreamMan or BoxofShapes if you have lent but your name isn't on the list :)}

The shit list:
Apple             ++++
Autobondon *
King Karma
repus6 *

         *^*do not lend to these people*^*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 10, 2013, 08:42 pm
send to    RS7FI8ZRkm    ฿-0.12    ฿0.00    July 10, 2013, 11:31 am UTC
send to    RS7FI8ZRkm    ฿-0.20    ฿0.00    July 10, 2013, 12:38 pm UTC
thank you taz :D! very helpful! only .53 more togo thank you brothers/sisters :)

hope everyone is good! ::) still need my cup of coffee to be fully alive :P
:) still looking, if anybody is able.

send to    RS7FI8ZRkm    ฿-0.12    ฿0.00    July 10, 2013, 11:31 am UTC
send to    RS7FI8ZRkm    ฿-0.20    ฿0.00    July 10, 2013, 12:38 pm UTC
thank you taz :D! very helpful! only .53 more togo thank you brothers/sisters :)

hope everyone is good! ::) still need my cup of coffee to be fully alive :P
:) still looking, if anybody is able.

I may have another request granted to cancel an order I placed for .23  apx ( that's how  i got the 2'nd  payment i sent from , although with that order , they cancelled due to no stock  )

Come on peeps dig deep for one of the most generous , altruistic and downright lovely members of this family , RS7FI8ZRkm is his sr name and you will not find a safer bet for a loan - you WILL get your coin back , from me if he gets himself smoked on one  of his frequent drive by's  ;)

If you don't get it RS , I'm gonna do a bitstamp  tomorrow , unless it's super urgent  and a quick virwox is called for ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Intraterrestrial on July 10, 2013, 08:54 pm
whats up everyone how are you doing? does anyone have 0.0002btc I could borrow please? Not sure when I will be able to pay back as currently waiting for one person to pay me back. My SR username is meloniasty

will sort you in a minute friend

would have helped earlier askers but only have minute btc
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Intraterrestrial on July 10, 2013, 08:56 pm
whats up everyone how are you doing? does anyone have 0.0002btc I could borrow please? Not sure when I will be able to pay back as currently waiting for one person to pay me back. My SR username is meloniasty

you're sorted - don't spend it all at once :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: weed4me6969 on July 10, 2013, 09:03 pm
hey guys!!  Does anyone have $5 i can borrow until Fri.?   

Will be greatly appreciated!!   8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: meloniasty on July 10, 2013, 09:04 pm
whats up everyone how are you doing? does anyone have 0.0002btc I could borrow please? Not sure when I will be able to pay back as currently waiting for one person to pay me back. My SR username is meloniasty

you're sorted - don't spend it all at once :D

Thank You very much, its much appreciated my friend. Who knows, maybe you will even earn some interest :P oh and yeah, I will try not to go crazy with that amount of money haha :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 10, 2013, 09:17 pm
hey guys!!  Does anyone have $5 i can borrow until Fri.?   

Will be greatly appreciated!!   8)

You've received a loan quite a few times in here guy but I've never seen you come back and help out others in need.  Don't you think it's time to play your part?

Granted you have paid back each time, but come on man.   :-\

Anyway, gl getting 5.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: weed4me6969 on July 10, 2013, 09:20 pm
Quite a few, or 2???

I did get two loans, and paid them back, so I guess if there is a limit on these things....I apologize!

But i have offered to help others who insisted on turning it down...Its all good though, I guess it isnt that important.    ???
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: weed4me6969 on July 10, 2013, 09:22 pm
thnx for the neg karma, whoever that was!!!   :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 10, 2013, 09:26 pm
send to    RS7FI8ZRkm    ฿-0.12    ฿0.00    July 10, 2013, 11:31 am UTC
send to    RS7FI8ZRkm    ฿-0.20    ฿0.00    July 10, 2013, 12:38 pm UTC
thank you taz :D! very helpful! only .53 more togo thank you brothers/sisters :)

hope everyone is good! ::) still need my cup of coffee to be fully alive :P
:) still looking, if anybody is able.

I may have another request granted to cancel an order I placed for .23  apx ( that's how  i got the 2'nd  payment i sent from , although with that order , they cancelled due to no stock  )

Come on peeps dig deep for one of the most generous , altruistic and downright lovely members of this family , RS7FI8ZRkm is his sr name and you will not find a safer bet for a loan - you WILL get your coin back , from me if he gets himself smoked on one  of his frequent drive by's  ;)

If you don't get it RS , I'm gonna do a bitstamp  tomorrow , unless it's super urgent  and a quick virwox is called for ?
thank you bro. but it's not that urgent, however I appreciate the concern. I have faith someone with spare will sort me.. :) if not.. I may ask for bitstamp tomorrow ::)

hope you're doing well! you should join us over at on the IRC ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 10, 2013, 09:26 pm
Wasn't me guy.   :P I'll +1 to balance it out.  I thought it was more than that but its hard to keep up in here.

Still tho throw some ass pennies in the jar once in a while!  You got helped so pay it forward!  And there better people to be told this than you.  Just sayin!

I know your a great guy, so show us!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 10, 2013, 09:29 pm
Quite a few, or 2???

I did get two loans, and paid them back, so I guess if there is a limit on these things....I apologize!

But i have offered to help others who insisted on turning it down...Its all good though, I guess it isnt that important.    ???
think boxy meant he would like to see you help others as well! :) no limit to how many loans you can get, so long your paying them back.. also you've been good for it every time I've loaned you. you're welcome here :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Intraterrestrial on July 10, 2013, 09:30 pm
send to    RS7FI8ZRkm    ฿-0.12    ฿0.00    July 10, 2013, 11:31 am UTC
send to    RS7FI8ZRkm    ฿-0.20    ฿0.00    July 10, 2013, 12:38 pm UTC
thank you taz :D! very helpful! only .53 more togo thank you brothers/sisters :)

hope everyone is good! ::) still need my cup of coffee to be fully alive :P
:) still looking, if anybody is able.

send to    RS7FI8ZRkm    ฿-0.12    ฿0.00    July 10, 2013, 11:31 am UTC
send to    RS7FI8ZRkm    ฿-0.20    ฿0.00    July 10, 2013, 12:38 pm UTC
thank you taz :D! very helpful! only .53 more togo thank you brothers/sisters :)

hope everyone is good! ::) still need my cup of coffee to be fully alive :P
:) still looking, if anybody is able.

I may have another request granted to cancel an order I placed for .23  apx ( that's how  i got the 2'nd  payment i sent from , although with that order , they cancelled due to no stock  )

Come on peeps dig deep for one of the most generous , altruistic and downright lovely members of this family , RS7FI8ZRkm is his sr name and you will not find a safer bet for a loan - you WILL get your coin back , from me if he gets himself smoked on one  of his frequent drive by's  ;)

If you don't get it RS , I'm gonna do a bitstamp  tomorrow , unless it's super urgent  and a quick virwox is called for ?
thank you bro. but it's not that urgent, however I appreciate the concern. I have faith someone with spare will sort me.. :) if not.. I may ask for bitstamp tomorrow ::)

hope you're doing well! you should join us over at on the IRC ;)

Hey RS, we've already loaned to/from each other.

Just had an order cancelled - how much do ya need and until when?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 10, 2013, 09:32 pm
Thanks for neging me tho.   >:(  Come on man grow up. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: weed4me6969 on July 10, 2013, 09:34 pm
Bro!!!  I swear on LIFE I did not neg you!!!  I would never neg anyone!!!  you have helped me, why would i do this!!!  I dont understand what the hell happened here!!!  I just was looking for a $5 loan, I cant believe all this!   UNREAL   

trust me my friend, i am far from childish, i thought we were having a grown conversation!  I DID NOT NEG U!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: weed4me6969 on July 10, 2013, 09:37 pm
Hey RS7FI8.... I got .0245 in my account right now, i was gonna order something cheap as hell, but i didnt get the $5 loan i was asking, and honestly dont even want it anymore... but i want to through you what i got!!!  what is ur username??  same??
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 10, 2013, 09:40 pm
Hah.  Oh god this went south quick.  I believe ya man.  It's just a number anyway.   :P

I know your one of the more trustworthy people out there.  ;)  I guess it's why I want you hangin around here spreadin your good vibes.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Intraterrestrial on July 10, 2013, 09:41 pm
Hey RS7FI8.... I got .0245 in my account right now, i was gonna order something cheap as hell, but i didnt get the $5 loan i was asking, and honestly dont even want it anymore... but i want to through you what i got!!!  what is ur username??  same??

hey man, don't sweat it  8)

nobody's down on you bro, just looks like a misunderstanding

you got nothing to prove here
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jokerman2000 on July 10, 2013, 09:45 pm
good guy weed4me6969 +1
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jokerman2000 on July 10, 2013, 09:54 pm
weed4me6969 good guy +1 for you.

Still lacking a few coins myself here. Friend lent me the last he had. I need .053 for my order. I travelled close to 2 hours to deposit the money for my coins and got home lacking some. If anyone can help me out ill repay with some on top. Username is jokerman2000
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: weed4me6969 on July 10, 2013, 09:54 pm
good guy weed4me6969 +1

Thanks man!!

Hey RS7FI8.... I got .0245 in my account right now, i was gonna order something cheap as hell, but i didnt get the $5 loan i was asking, and honestly dont even want it anymore... but i want to through you what i got!!!  what is ur username??  same??

hey man, don't sweat it  8)

nobody's down on you bro, just looks like a misunderstanding

you got nothing to prove here

Well I just want to help the guy out, he has helped me out in past (RS7FI...) and he probably needs his order more than me... but i just wanted to get the vpn account so i could be more secure until i get more coins.... ya know! 

And if anyone ever needs anything... i will go out of my damn way to help you!!!  just ask. 

I am a REAL MOTHA FUCKA!!!  LOL   love ya guys!

please RS7FI... let me know ur SR name, or where can i drop this 0.0245??  I gotta go
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: weed4me6969 on July 10, 2013, 09:56 pm
weed4me6969 good guy +1 for you.

Still lacking a few coins myself here. Friend lent me the last he had. I need .053 for my order. I travelled close to 2 hours to deposit the money for my coins and got home lacking some. If anyone can help me out ill repay with some on top. Username is jokerman2000

If RS7... doesnt reply, i got u
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 10, 2013, 09:57 pm
Quote from: RS7FI8ZRkm
send to    RS7FI8ZRkm    ฿-0.12    ฿0.00    July 10, 2013, 11:31 am UTC
send to    RS7FI8ZRkm    ฿-0.20    ฿0.00    July 10, 2013, 12:38 pm UTC
thank you taz :D! very helpful! only .53 more togo thank you brothers/sisters :)

hope everyone is good! ::) still need my cup of coffee to be fully alive :P
:) still looking, if anybody is able.

I may have another request granted to cancel an order I placed for .23  apx ( that's how  i got the 2'nd  payment i sent from , although with that order , they cancelled due to no stock  )

Come on peeps dig deep for one of the most generous , altruistic and downright lovely members of this family , RS7FI8ZRkm is his sr name and you will not find a safer bet for a loan - you WILL get your coin back , from me if he gets himself smoked on one  of his frequent drive by's  ;)

If you don't get it RS , I'm gonna do a bitstamp  tomorrow , unless it's super urgent  and a quick virwox is called for ?
thank you bro. but it's not that urgent, however I appreciate the concern. I have faith someone with spare will sort me.. :) if not.. I may ask for bitstamp tomorrow ::)

hope you're doing well! you should join us over at on the IRC ;)

Hey RS, we've already loaned to/from each other.

Just had an order cancelled - how much do ya need and until when?
still .53 short :) but feel free to help weed4me if you're able he has an easier amount then me :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 10, 2013, 09:58 pm
weed4me6969 good guy +1 for you.

Still lacking a few coins myself here. Friend lent me the last he had. I need .053 for my order. I travelled close to 2 hours to deposit the money for my coins and got home lacking some. If anyone can help me out ill repay with some on top. Username is jokerman2000

If RS7... doesnt reply, i got u
was trying to ::) everyone else was posting :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thecatinthehat101 on July 10, 2013, 10:05 pm
Hey RS7FI8ZRkm I just sent you .01 Bc that's what I had left over from my order and I still owe .02 and upthera .02 when I get some BC. Just didn't want you to think I forgot about ya.

Thanks again!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: weed4me6969 on July 10, 2013, 10:08 pm
weed4me6969 good guy +1 for you.

Still lacking a few coins myself here. Friend lent me the last he had. I need .053 for my order. I travelled close to 2 hours to deposit the money for my coins and got home lacking some. If anyone can help me out ill repay with some on top. Username is jokerman2000

If RS7... doesnt reply, i got u
was trying to ::) everyone else was posting :)

I know the feeling!!!  LOL   It is all good guys!!!  I appreciate the love, but i really dont even want the 5 anymore....I want to help either Jokerman2000 or RS7FI8ZRkm.   Please let me know, i know its only 2.??  but its better than nothing....

I will wait till fri to purchase the vpn account!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: saranottegan on July 10, 2013, 10:11 pm
mary666 - thank you for the .03btc loan on July 5th, you've got .05btc on the way to you right now!

thank you sooo much :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 10, 2013, 10:13 pm
wahoo, down for maintenance ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 10, 2013, 10:13 pm
Ah jesus.  I'm glad it's all smoothed out now.

Seriously.  Much love to everyone.  Thanks for being so cool weed.  Box out for now.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thecatinthehat101 on July 10, 2013, 10:14 pm
Good luck SR down for maintenance ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 10, 2013, 10:16 pm
72 hour rule , I even you out when able B , as if you deserve neg karma -

Issuers of bad karma   need  chill n just stay calmer , instead of producing bulk manure 4  sale  2 some penny pinching farmer , coz 1 day karma may add up all the negs  and cause a little harm-er  and dissolve  them in a drum of acid  , via someone copycatting  Dharma , you knew I'm only fucking joking , so let's not B having any drama !

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: weed4me6969 on July 10, 2013, 10:20 pm
wahoo, down for maintenance ::)

Are you serious????   WOW, that sucks.... i wish i wouldve got these damn coins to one of you!  Hey RS7FI... Do you want the 0.0245 btc??  Otherwise i will send to Jokerman2000.   I just want to ask you first because you have helped me before, so.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 10, 2013, 10:28 pm
wahoo, down for maintenance ::)

Are you serious????   WOW, that sucks.... i wish i wouldve got these damn coins to one of you!  Hey RS7FI... Do you want the 0.0245 btc??  Otherwise i will send to Jokerman2000.   I just want to ask you first because you have helped me before, so.
help jack :), or wait.. sure someone can help ya.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 10, 2013, 10:29 pm
Hey RS7FI8ZRkm I just sent you .01 Bc that's what I had left over from my order and I still owe .02 and upthera .02 when I get some BC. Just didn't want you to think I forgot about ya.

Thanks again!
:D thanks!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 10, 2013, 10:46 pm
Sites back up guys
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thecatinthehat101 on July 10, 2013, 10:58 pm
Thank you I don't want you to think we don't appreciate what you do for us (the many you help) cause we really do. I know I do! I'm just broke as a joke (in between jobs) till I get my check than I can re pay all that I owe to you in full.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 10, 2013, 11:08 pm


Threatened to post my address worldwide in a msg by privnote because i won,t FE and he won,t cancel order after saying he would  >:( CUNT
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jokerman2000 on July 10, 2013, 11:13 pm
Still lacking .053 bitcoins if anyone can help me out, i would gladly pay you back with extra for interest by next week. my username is jokerman2000
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 10, 2013, 11:16 pm
Still lacking .053 bitcoins if anyone can help me out, i would gladly pay you back with extra for interest by next week. my username is jokerman2000
Sent  ;) please pay back when you can  :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Intraterrestrial on July 10, 2013, 11:18 pm
Still lacking .053 bitcoins if anyone can help me out, i would gladly pay you back with extra for interest by next week. my username is jokerman2000

will sort you in a minute jokerman :)

EDIT - well in mary
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 10, 2013, 11:21 pm
Hey RS7FI8ZRkm I just sent you .01 Bc that's what I had left over from my order and I still owe .02 and upthera .02 when I get some BC. Just didn't want you to think I forgot about ya.

Thanks again!
:D thanks!
Fuck  :-[ sorry hun just read the bottom, too angry just now  >:(

love n hugs to ya  :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jokerman2000 on July 10, 2013, 11:21 pm
Still lacking .053 bitcoins if anyone can help me out, i would gladly pay you back with extra for interest by next week. my username is jokerman2000
Sent  ;) please pay back when you can  :D

Very much appreciated it mary666 is your username on the SR the same?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 10, 2013, 11:27 pm
Still lacking .053 bitcoins if anyone can help me out, i would gladly pay you back with extra for interest by next week. my username is jokerman2000
Sent  ;) please pay back when you can  :D

Very much appreciated it mary666 is your username on the SR the same?
yes hun thanks  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: part2soon on July 11, 2013, 12:49 am
Can someone please lend me .1 btc? This is my first time, and I think this thread is great. So is this community.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: drpepper on July 11, 2013, 01:16 am
Anyone willing to lend .1 btc and I will pay back .2?

My name is AcidExtraction on SR

Member for: 10 months
total transactions    59
total spent    $8,629.50

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: whowhatwhere on July 11, 2013, 01:39 am
Can someone please lend me .1 btc? This is my first time, and I think this thread is great. So is this community.

It'd probably be a good idea to state the terms of your repayment as well as your SR username if you want to be seriously considered.  Also, it doesn't hurt to offer a little bit of interest on the loan to encourage potential lenders to help you out.. especially if you don't have much of a forum presence. 

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: titsmcgee123 on July 11, 2013, 03:42 am
guys! I need 0.12BTC asap - Andrewbud420 owes me 0.16 from when I loaned to him so I will give you all of that. However, if he werent to pay I will have money friday and will pay back at least 0.16. The SR username is mainmanralph, anyone who helps out i appreciate it greatly
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: foxen624 on July 11, 2013, 04:22 am
guys! I need 0.12BTC asap - Andrewbud420 owes me 0.16 from when I loaned to him so I will give you all of that. However, if he werent to pay I will have money friday and will pay back at least 0.16. The SR username is mainmanralph, anyone who helps out i appreciate it greatly

Got you covered....   for some reason, I thought I was transferring 0.1 BTC... then realized it was 0.12... so, it's coming in 2 transactions.  Kinda lame, I know... but hope it helps.  If you happen to have already gotten it from someone else, then pass it on to another person who needs it.

Pay me back if you can .... if not, I'm not gonna worry about it...

With this being my 100th post, I had decided to do in somewhere I could help someone.  Besides, I'm sooooooooooo sick of typing those CAPTCHAS, which I think I'm about to type my last one (for forum posts at least) right now..  :D

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 11, 2013, 04:27 am
+1 Karma for your 100th post!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: titsmcgee123 on July 11, 2013, 04:36 am
guys! I need 0.12BTC asap - Andrewbud420 owes me 0.16 from when I loaned to him so I will give you all of that. However, if he werent to pay I will have money friday and will pay back at least 0.16. The SR username is mainmanralph, anyone who helps out i appreciate it greatly

Got you covered....   for some reason, I thought I was transferring 0.1 BTC... then realized it was 0.12... so, it's coming in 2 transactions.  Kinda lame, I know... but hope it helps.  If you happen to have already gotten it from someone else, then pass it on to another person who needs it.

Pay me back if you can .... if not, I'm not gonna worry about it...

With this being my 100th post, I had decided to do in somewhere I could help someone.  Because I'm sooooooooooo sick of typing those CAPTCHAS, which I think I'm about to type my last one (for forum posts at least) right now..  :D
Thanks again Foxen!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 11, 2013, 04:54 am
still after .53 if anybody else can help :), will gladly repay with 10% interest.

SR name: RS7FI8ZRkm

thank you :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: foxen624 on July 11, 2013, 05:32 am
+1 Karma for your 100th post!


Why thank you much!  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: i3lazd on July 11, 2013, 08:49 am
if someone please loans me 30-60$USD I will send them a green dot moneypak # 2maro in 12 hours for 50$USD and when I get my product will also give 50$USD more.

thanks let me know.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 11, 2013, 09:07 am
send to    RS7FI8ZRkm    ฿-0.12    ฿0.00    July 10, 2013, 11:31 am UTC
send to    RS7FI8ZRkm    ฿-0.20    ฿0.00    July 10, 2013, 12:38 pm UTC
thank you taz :D! very helpful! only .53 more togo thank you brothers/sisters :)

hope everyone is good! ::) still need my cup of coffee to be fully alive :P
:) still looking, if anybody is able.

send to    RS7FI8ZRkm    ฿-0.12    ฿0.00    July 10, 2013, 11:31 am UTC
send to    RS7FI8ZRkm    ฿-0.20    ฿0.00    July 10, 2013, 12:38 pm UTC
thank you taz :D! very helpful! only .53 more togo thank you brothers/sisters :)

hope everyone is good! ::) still need my cup of coffee to be fully alive :P
:) still looking, if anybody is able.

I may have another request granted to cancel an order I placed for .23  apx ( that's how  i got the 2'nd  payment i sent from , although with that order , they cancelled due to no stock  )

Come on peeps dig deep for one of the most generous , altruistic and downright lovely members of this family , RS7FI8ZRkm is his sr name and you will not find a safer bet for a loan - you WILL get your coin back , from me if he gets himself smoked on one  of his frequent drive by's  ;)

If you don't get it RS , I'm gonna do a bitstamp  tomorrow , unless it's super urgent  and a quick virwox is called for ?

I got 0.07 returned from a friend welcome to that no problem.

Oh annnnnd good morrrrrning ya crazy fools hope you're all good :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: em on July 11, 2013, 12:26 pm
0.22 BTC short. of an order anyone care to hook me up?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: b0m on July 11, 2013, 12:41 pm
Hello guys and girls.

Anyone good for a loan of 0.002? yes right, 12 fuckin cents... :D

ah bitcoin fell again, now that would be approximately 0.01...

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dolphy7835 on July 11, 2013, 01:16 pm
I lent out .10 to two different people the other night. One of'em even had the nerve to tell me in public on this thread that they didn't receive it. Which was just a bs tactic to rack up more btc than they were asking for. Don't care if i get paid back, just wanted to make my hundredth post and couldn't think of anything else to talk about that's not spam.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Intraterrestrial on July 11, 2013, 01:43 pm
if someone please loans me 30-60$USD I will send them a green dot moneypak # 2maro in 12 hours for 50$USD and when I get my product will also give 50$USD more.

thanks let me know.

highly doubt anyone is gonna do that tbh, you pay back as you receive -direct to sr username
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: b0m on July 11, 2013, 02:09 pm
got my loan. thanks :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 11, 2013, 04:05 pm
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 11, 2013, 04:07 pm
wut's wrong RS?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 11, 2013, 04:23 pm
morning chemmy :), how you doing?

nothing is wrong, just little bummed its taken this long to get a simple loan ::), but its all good.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 11, 2013, 04:27 pm
if ya still dont have it when you finalize ..let me know  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 11, 2013, 04:27 pm
HUGE Huggles right back Atcha  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Intraterrestrial on July 11, 2013, 04:31 pm
morning chemmy :), how you doing?

nothing is wrong, just little bummed its taken this long to get a simple loan ::), but its all good.


hey man, asked you last night, will ask you once more ;)

how much? when can you repay?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 11, 2013, 04:47 pm
morning chemmy :), how you doing?

nothing is wrong, just little bummed its taken this long to get a simple loan ::), but its all good.


hey man, asked you last night, will ask you once more ;)

how much? when can you repay?
hey :), after the jumble last night an sr maintenance wasn't sure what happened, thought you had helped weed4me :P..

anyway :D, I am after .53, you'd  have it back within 5 days, along with 10% interest :).

also, very much, thank you!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Intraterrestrial on July 11, 2013, 04:49 pm
morning chemmy :), how you doing?

nothing is wrong, just little bummed its taken this long to get a simple loan ::), but its all good.


hey man, asked you last night, will ask you once more ;)

how much? when can you repay?
hey :), after the jumble last night an sr maintenance wasn't sure what happened, thought you had helped weed4me :P..

anyway :D, I am after .53, you'd  have it back within 5 days, along with 10% interest :).

also, very much, thank you!

Ok boss, it's in your account  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 11, 2013, 04:51 pm
Sent 0.07 about half an hour ago, not much but every little helps I suppose  ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 11, 2013, 05:06 pm
kalli hugs  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 11, 2013, 05:16 pm
morning chemmy :), how you doing?

nothing is wrong, just little bummed its taken this long to get a simple loan ::), but its all good.


hey man, asked you last night, will ask you once more ;)

how much? when can you repay?
hey :), after the jumble last night an sr maintenance wasn't sure what happened, thought you had helped weed4me :P..

anyway :D, I am after .53, you'd  have it back within 5 days, along with 10% interest :).

also, very much, thank you!

Ok boss, it's in your account  8)
:D thank YOU!!! seriously thank all of you :)..

trichome                    ฿0.50
BoxofShapes            ฿0.03
leftovercrackmaniac    ฿0.01?
biggorilla                    ฿0.01
descarte                    ฿0.34
***taz                    ฿0.12
***taz                      ฿0.20
thecatinthehat101      ฿0.01
kallindown            ฿0.07
Intraterrestrial            ฿0.53

<3 :-* love all of you.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 11, 2013, 05:31 pm
kalli hugs  :)

Have one back Chemmy :) That's one thing I have an unlimited supply of thankfully !

No worries RS would have fronted more if I could, got a 0.1 debt to pay tomorrow as well but will be topping up any way yippeeee 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: anonypunk on July 11, 2013, 06:45 pm
Hey folks! Finally I have things worked out with btc and missed out on buying em low. hahah. Oh well. Owing 0.03 BTC to BoxOfShapes has been on my mind. Wanted to make it public (again) that I will be paying him back soon. Hopefully today.

So how's the real world karma flowing? My day has started horribly but ya can't live in the past...even the past of just a few hours ago right?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: i3lazd on July 11, 2013, 06:52 pm
need 0.3-0.5 bitcoins if anyone loans will pay back 2x in a week.

pm me on here or my SR name is i3lazd

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: anonypunk on July 11, 2013, 07:00 pm
I'd help but I was only able to get a minimal amount and they have yet to hit my account. 30-50 bucks is a whole order in itself. Good luck though. =)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 11, 2013, 07:16 pm
My day has started horribly but ya can't live in the past...even the past of just a few hours ago right?

Wise words guy.   :P  No rush on my end to get it back.  Thanks for the update tho.

Have a better day man
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: whiteheat on July 11, 2013, 08:28 pm
if someone could throw me $1.30 in coins, i'm that short for a dope purchase... please send to user: wankydoodle   
thanks in advance
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tabun on July 11, 2013, 10:49 pm

Just sent you .0145 BTC (what I had left after 2 purchases) which is about $1.27 depending on current BTC value it may be enough! I'm not too worried about payback bro.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: whiteheat on July 12, 2013, 12:43 am

Just sent you .0145 BTC (what I had left after 2 purchases) which is about $1.27 depending on current BTC value it may be enough! I'm not too worried about payback bro.

Thank you soo much, everything is good now  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 12, 2013, 01:47 am
heya guys and gals  :)

just poppin to say hey and i love and miss ya'll  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 12, 2013, 01:51 am
Glad 2 C U got sorted RS , good stuff  :)

Hey folks .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 12, 2013, 01:57 am
tazzy  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 12, 2013, 01:58 am
taz? do i owe you any bitcoins?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: anonypunk on July 12, 2013, 02:00 am
Hey BoxOfShapes - Finally got BTC!!! Copy/Paste Below

send to    BoxofShapes    ฿-0.03    ฿89,486.7321    July 12, 2013, 1:58 am

Look at all that BTC baby!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: anonypunk on July 12, 2013, 02:01 am
^^^ In My Dreams ^^^
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 12, 2013, 02:04 am
anony  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 12, 2013, 02:11 am
Nah , you don't owe me any , I made a couple of donations , but they were for you to pay forward - and you most certainty have done that many times over.

How ya doodalin Chem ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 12, 2013, 02:27 am
are you sure?

oh i am survivin....tryin to make my page good and make a dollar  :)

taz is everything ok?  seems like everything is slow and it makes me miss ya'll....

other than tryin to work on ways to get coins to this thread to help others i am doin ok i suppose  LOL  how're you doing?  you came in here like a gangster  :)  i love ya taz  :)  life treating you ok?  i told you one of my geese had babies right?  :)  little goslings runnin around the pond LOL  i wish i could scoop you and mary and RS and boxy and a few others up and fly you all here  :)

oh i am rambling and i have to run out for a bit to meet some people.

Love ya taz  :)

Chem  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 12, 2013, 05:46 am
hello everyone of you lovely droogies :D

***CALLING FOR JMAN JPAN **** we want to know you are alright! :) hope your good.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 12, 2013, 05:58 am
^^^ In My Dreams ^^^

Oh such boxy dreams I hope.  Thanks for putting the shapes back!

Hey RS!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 12, 2013, 06:22 am
Uber Hugs to My Son BoxofShapes!!

c'mere boxy and gimme a hug!!  :)

Love ya bruh!

  Chemmy  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Mcrad on July 12, 2013, 06:26 am
getting coins is nearly impossible for me now:( idk what to do:(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 12, 2013, 06:30 am
Uber Hugs to My Son BoxofShapes!!

c'mere boxy and gimme a hug!!  :)

Love ya bruh!

  Chemmy  O0

Hope you are well guy!  Hugs back for sure.

One so strong it will straighten out our backs! 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 12, 2013, 06:44 am
workin on it boxy  ;)  get with RS when you have time please  :)

Love & hugs to ya  :)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cannibal777 on July 12, 2013, 06:45 am
can anyone help out with a 0.02 btc loan?
can pay back in couple weeks or pay forward.
hard to find coins these days.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Mcrad on July 12, 2013, 06:46 am
Looking for someone willing to trade Moneypak for Coins.

Cant seem to get any coins right now:(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lssb2132 on July 12, 2013, 06:47 am
Short $9.50 usd on shipping, I have coins coming through in a few hours but want to get my order secured asap. I can pay back tonight/tomorrow(Having a night out so it depends when I get home). Lent a few times way earlier in this thread so I'm at least some sort of trust worthy. Name on SR is the same, thanks in advance if anyone can help me out.
edit: btc jumped and now I'm only short $2
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 12, 2013, 07:21 am
are you sure?

oh i am survivin....tryin to make my page good and make a dollar  :)

taz is everything ok?  seems like everything is slow and it makes me miss ya'll....

other than tryin to work on ways to get coins to this thread to help others i am doin ok i suppose  LOL  how're you doing?  you came in here like a gangster  :)  i love ya taz  :)  life treating you ok?  i told you one of my geese had babies right?  :)  little goslings runnin around the pond LOL  i wish i could scoop you and mary and RS and boxy and a few others up and fly you all here  :)

oh i am rambling and i have to run out for a bit to meet some people.

Love ya taz  :)

Chem  O0

I want to see baby geese !!! And collect my hugs ;) morning you good souls wishing you a happy and productive day  ;D

lssb2132 SENT 0.01 I cleaned my acc. (again !) its all iv got till tonight sorry.

Big hugzzzz kalli
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lssb2132 on July 12, 2013, 07:24 am
Thanks heaps Kalli, expect it back tonight/early tomorrow(AEST). <3
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 12, 2013, 07:29 am
Thanks heaps Kalli, expect it back tonight/early tomorrow(AEST). <3

Ahh no worries and don't pay me back, pay it forward to someone else who needs it im topping up later anyway.

(peoples generosity and good nature are easy to see in this thread its why im around still and why I love chemmy so bloody much lol)

Have a good day, kalli.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 12, 2013, 08:03 am
mornin and g'night kalli  :)

G'night my Spare Coin Thread Family!! 

I Love you All  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 12, 2013, 10:03 am
G'night my amigo take care till next time :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 12, 2013, 10:37 am
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 12, 2013, 11:27 am
 :'( >:( :'(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 12, 2013, 11:47 am
mary berry  :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 12, 2013, 11:48 am
mary   :)  lemme know when you want some of this DMT  :)

freakking amazing stuff...   :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 12, 2013, 11:49 am
mary..the i coiuldnt cut through was like boxes and shapes..the freakkng air  LOL
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 12, 2013, 11:53 am
mary..the i coiuldnt cut through was like boxes and shapes..the freakkng air  LOL

Haha yessss :)

I only blasted through once out of that last lot but thats enough to make me jealous chemmy !

Really can't wait till I can afford some more, im trying to juggle my finances/lend of my mate so I can order this week instead of waiting but its going to be tight, wish me luck !

Was going to ask how u was chemmy but im pretty sure iv already got a good idea lol
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 12, 2013, 11:56 am
oh i'm doin :)  lemme knwo when you and yours wanna get some DMT amd i'll make you a custom listing..

wow all i can say is wow...  all u can say is hold it all in for as long as you can :)  if you get the righ hit you will know it before you exhale
oh man being in heaven...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 12, 2013, 11:58 am
wht was it like for you kalli?   i mean was it kore than the shapes and colors???  wow it was crazy more thna that for me
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 12, 2013, 11:59 am
LOL  it was amazing for me....  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 12, 2013, 12:02 pm
 Hi Chemmy  ;) :-*

I thought i had a few friends in here (not Chem, he,s a vendor, i get it  ;)) just thought i would have had some back up with the Daruthless thing, the guy threatened to put my address on every forum worldwide, no one even came n got my back like they did when Japan was being put on blacklist, he,s put me on that too, maybe i should,ve made a thread!  :'(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 12, 2013, 12:08 pm
mary berry  :)

i did go to bat for ya hunny  :) 

is everything ok mary bug? 

ya need to talk?  i'm here  :)

Love ya daughter  :)


  Chem  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 12, 2013, 12:11 pm
you did the right thing mary honey... and i was there for your order canceled right? 


i know it's hard to let buttheads be and your man have Us..maryboo  :)

dont worry about others honey....i wish i could bring you and your man here  :)

i love ya mary  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: klm2233 on July 12, 2013, 12:13 pm

I have sent you back the last 0.02 BTc which you lent me a week before.
but I sent you accidentially 0.2 :D    too stoned for that stuff :D

Hope you are going to return what I paid you too much.

one love
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 12, 2013, 12:14 pm
baby girl you have more than just friends here...boxy...RS... taz.....Me....   listen ...hear me...we love you ...

our little wild girl  :P   

tell me a story about a princess and a midget and a unicorn  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: GayBruceCampbell on July 12, 2013, 12:16 pm
Hi Chemmy  ;) :-*

I thought i had a few friends in here (not Chem, he,s a vendor, i get it  ;)) just thought i would have had some back up with the Daruthless thing, the guy threatened to put my address on every forum worldwide, no one even came n got my back like they did when Japan was being put on blacklist, he,s put me on that too, maybe i should,ve made a thread!  :'(
Well your wrong you fat turd, the only friends you have are people trying to get into your size 16 stinking knickers, now stop bumming on the forum you tramp.
Your reported for being a bum.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 12, 2013, 12:18 pm
Chemmy, your a vendor and you went on his thread and he started on you that,s why i said for you NOT to say anything again hun but you had my back regardless and for that i am truely thankful, you are my besty on here  ;) :-* I guess i thought i would get backing like Japan did  :-[ it doesn,t matter, yeah i got it cancelled had to leave 5/5 feedback tho  :o i,m not really bothered about the address i,ll post it myself on his thread  :o :o Think i,ll be changing the feedback, clearly i,m still mad about this scumbag  >:(

Hope everyone,s good today,  ;) :-*

Hugs to ya Chemmy (I need a real one right now  ::)) I,m a pussy getting so upset about it  :-[
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: GayBruceCampbell on July 12, 2013, 12:19 pm
Hi Chemmy  ;) :-*

I thought i had a few friends in here (not Chem, he,s a vendor, i get it  ;)) just thought i would have had some back up with the Daruthless thing, the guy threatened to put my address on every forum worldwide, no one even came n got my back like they did when Japan was being put on blacklist, he,s put me on that too, maybe i should,ve made a thread!  :'(
I'm buying your address you fat slag, then I'm gunna come and kick your fat ass all over the place for trolling me.
Fat ugly piece of shit.earn your own BTC dont bum like a tramp.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 12, 2013, 12:23 pm
See the scums spamming as usual pathetic, clearly fancies me lmao twat  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 12, 2013, 12:23 pm
joolz get out of here and quit being a troll'll need us one day....  now stop being a child and go do somethikng usefull
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: GayBruceCampbell on July 12, 2013, 12:24 pm
See the scums spamming as usual pathetic, clearly fancies me lmao twat  ;)

In your deluded dreams you fat ugly twat, carry on because it will be all the sweeter when I get your addy you CUNT.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 12, 2013, 12:25 pm
dont worry about it's done and over...dont let people get to you like this person is trying....mark my words....
they'll need us someday...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 12, 2013, 12:26 pm
oh i'm doin :)  lemme knwo when you and yours wanna get some DMT amd i'll make you a custom listing..

wow all i can say is wow...  all u can say is hold it all in for as long as you can :)  if you get the righ hit you will know it before you exhale
oh man being in heaven...

Mary wasn't aware or I would have defended you, iv seen nothing but polite respectful behavior from you since iv been around :(

Chemmy stop being such a drug tease hehe don't worry as soon as iv got the coin together you will get a pm popping up, thats a fact !

My experience was crazy, i got all the stuff with my vision what i can only describe as "aztec"  kaleidoscope effects but i also (man this sounds weird lol)  i went to upstairs straight after my pipe as i needed a wee and didnt think it was going to work but as i was running upstairs i blew the smoke out and was near instantly wasted but thennnnn i "watched" myself running back up stairs blowing the smoke out.... dont ask me wtf went on i was just an observer lol
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: GayBruceCampbell on July 12, 2013, 12:26 pm
joolz get out of here and quit being a troll'll need us one day....  now stop being a child and go do somethikng usefull
It aint jools mate, this slag trolled me for no reason, now its payback. why are you sniffing round the sweaty fat tramp? u can do much better.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 12, 2013, 12:33 pm
LOL  kalli i know right?  it's amazing!  i seen myself..walking...but wheh i kinda came to..i was with my head in the trash can  LOL  i thawt io threw up but i didnt  LOL  then it all went kinda grey..and then the lights and colors and shaopes..LOL  i thawt i wasnt coming back  LOL

mary honey...oh babe i wish i coukd wrap you up in a blanket..  put that idiot on ignore....


Love you mary  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 12, 2013, 12:36 pm arent joolz then?  well why come in our home....and be like this?  no offense..but that is shitty..
mary downed you? tell the truth please....did you instigate this?  just wonderin...

well shoot you know me...if ya wanna talk i am here for a bit  :)


  ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 12, 2013, 12:37 pm
i wouldnt come into your house doing this...please..if you will....keep this out of my house..please  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 12, 2013, 12:42 pm
See the scums spamming as usual pathetic, clearly fancies me lmao twat  ;)

In your deluded dreams you fat ugly twat, carry on because it will be all the sweeter when I get your addy you CUNT.

I take comfort from his lack of artistic talent in his chosen occupation (spamming and general anti social shit) in fact we need him, he serves as a marker of how not to be (sort of like watching jeremy kyle ya know !)

He could be so much more use if he put some thought in to his insults once in a while at least we could smile and use them in other situations but meh lets see if I can take some of the flack and get him on my case instead....

GayBruceCampbell you look like a seedy bean been seen being seedy, if I scrap with him he'll snap a limb grappling, your dress sense is only slightly less obscene then a freshly made suit by Mr Gein :p
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: anonypunk on July 12, 2013, 12:44 pm
getting coins is nearly impossible for me now:( idk what to do:(

I was extremely happy with my localbitcoins purchase. You can do it all online or send cash I can't believe I didn't try that site sooner. Plus the added security of escrow on your funds is nice.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: klm2233 on July 12, 2013, 12:46 pm

I have sent you back the last 0.02 BTc which you lent me a week before.
but I sent you accidentially 0.2 :D    too stoned for that stuff :D

Hope you are going to return what I paid you too much.

one love

thank you :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 12, 2013, 12:49 pm
LOL  kalli i know right?  it's amazing!  i seen myself..walking...but wheh i kinda came to..i was with my head in the trash can  LOL  i thawt io threw up but i didnt  LOL  then it all went kinda grey..and then the lights and colors and shaopes..LOL  i thawt i wasnt coming back  LOL

mary honey...oh babe i wish i coukd wrap you up in a blanket..  put that idiot on ignore....


Love you mary  :)

Yeah amazing alright ! been a fan of psychedelics all my adult life but this shit is something else dude ohhhh yissss  :o
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 12, 2013, 12:56 pm
LOL  be easy with it...and it will open doors to your mind ya didnt know ya had  LOL
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 12, 2013, 01:00 pm
LOL  be easy with it...and it will open doors to your mind ya didnt know ya had  LOL

Open ???? I think you mean kick them down and storm through with a s.w.a.t. sqaud lol
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 12, 2013, 01:01 pm
i know right???  LOL 

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: anonypunk on July 12, 2013, 01:06 pm
Hello folks! How's the day going? Whoa it's so early!

I still can't believe that I have yet to give DMT a try. How difficult is it to get the right hit to get way the hell out my head? That's the main thing I've been worried about. That I'll waste the whole purchase just trying to get there.

Guess if I had spent BTC on things that were mind expanding and less energy draining I could've experienced this a few times over huh? Maybe my next purchase will include some.

Just realized ChemCat vends this product. Awesome! So many good vibes from this guy how can I NOT try his product right? I'd be willing to bet that everything he touches gets some sort of positive energy flowing through it. Hey ChemCat. When you walk through a garden or by flowers to they all magically spring to optimum health? Maybe dance a bit? Heheh. =)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 12, 2013, 01:09 pm
Yesss chemmy right as usual lol

I feel like I will be better with it next time as well now iv got the hang of not burning that shit !
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 12, 2013, 01:14 pm
Hello folks! How's the day going? Whoa it's so early!

I still can't believe that I have yet to give DMT a try. How difficult is it to get the right hit to get way the hell out my head? That's the main thing I've been worried about. That I'll waste the whole purchase just trying to get there.

Guess if I had spent BTC on things that were mind expanding and less energy draining I could've experienced this a few times over huh? Maybe my next purchase will include some.

Just realized ChemCat vends this product. Awesome! So many good vibes from this guy how can I NOT try his product right? I'd be willing to bet that everything he touches gets some sort of positive energy flowing through it. Hey ChemCat. When you walk through a garden or by flowers to they all magically spring to optimum health? Maybe dance a bit? Heheh. =)

All of this ^

It was hard for me I burnt a lot of it by not doing proper research first but these guys have the links that will sort that right out if u put a small amount of time in first :)

Yeah I imagine chemmy as a sort of male drug orientated male mary poppins haha spreading the joys and no "spoonful of sugar" needed to make the medicine go down lol
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: anonypunk on July 12, 2013, 01:15 pm
So a vape pipe is the best way to attempt this? Does anyone know the optimal temp at which it vaporizes and doesn't burn? It seems like I could go old school and use my cruddy "vaporizer". It's really just a wood burner mounted to look nice with a toggle switch, glass globe, and a pipe out the bottom of the stand. But if I put a thermometer on it I could get the temp exact.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 12, 2013, 01:27 pm
Don't know why i felt the need to say "male" twice in my last post must have a thing for mary poppins  :-*

Then you're in a much better position then i was, my pipe was made out of a plastic bottle n a pen tube lol sounds like you will have it much easier then i did but like i say i know verrrry little about it but i intend to sort that out :)

Its an experience definately worth a try and with chemmy as a vendor for that shit I know im going to have no worries ordering more yippeeeee
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thelorax on July 12, 2013, 03:46 pm
someone let me borrow 50 bucks right now ill send u 75 asap.

halp please !!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mindlessWarrior on July 12, 2013, 05:04 pm
Hey guys, Im short .005 btc for a tab of acid. If your willing, send it to makana24   
Please and thank you :]
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 12, 2013, 05:10 pm
Hey guys, Im short .005 btc for a tab of acid. If your willing, send it to makana24   
Please and thank you :]

Shapes on the way
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mindlessWarrior on July 12, 2013, 05:12 pm
thanks fwend!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 12, 2013, 08:00 pm
someone let me borrow 50 bucks right now ill send u 75 asap.

halp please !!

Youv'e got some nerve asshole , after you launched an outrageous torrent of abuse at Chemcat , Mary666 and myself , I know Chemy forgave you  that's in his nature , but Mary and I would happily put your bitch ass in A & E  faster then you could say - I didn't get a good look at em , but probably deserved it due the way I treat people .

PLEASE DO NOT LEND TO THIS SCUMBAG ,  ask Mary why , I don't want to waste N E more time on this asshole .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 12, 2013, 08:13 pm
BTW evening / morning all you other lovely people .

Also I meant to say , I've wasted my share of time , Mary won't waste long telling you what a low life he is =)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 12, 2013, 08:16 pm
Hey guys, Im short .005 btc for a tab of acid. If your willing, send it to makana24   
Please and thank you :]

Reminds me of how I stumbled here :)

Duly noted taz, hope you're good bud.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 12, 2013, 08:17 pm
Hi Chemmy  ;) :-*

I thought i had a few friends in here (not Chem, he,s a vendor, i get it  ;)) just thought i would have had some back up with the Daruthless thing, the guy threatened to put my address on every forum worldwide, no one even came n got my back like they did when Japan was being put on blacklist, he,s put me on that too, maybe i should,ve made a thread!  :'(

Apologies to all my friends on here  :-[ :-[ I was hurt and angry, when some trolls saying they,ve bought your address and coming to rape you it ain,t fun. My address along with another 24 (i think) have been posted by DaRuthLess1 on his thread that DPR is a scammer, redacted now but was up for at least 10 mins min  >:(

Love you guys on here  ;) :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 12, 2013, 08:21 pm
morning my lovely lovey droogies :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 12, 2013, 08:41 pm
Hi Chemmy  ;) :-*

I thought i had a few friends in here (not Chem, he,s a vendor, i get it  ;)) just thought i would have had some back up with the Daruthless thing, the guy threatened to put my address on every forum worldwide, no one even came n got my back like they did when Japan was being put on blacklist, he,s put me on that too, maybe i should,ve made a thread!  :'(

Apologies to all my friends on here  :-[ :-[ I was hurt and angry, when some trolls saying they,ve bought your address and coming to rape you it ain,t fun. My address along with another 24 (i think) have been posted by DaRuthLess1 on his thread that DPR is a scammer, redacted now but was up for at least 10 mins min  >:(

Love you guys on here  ;) :-*

Morning RS .

Mary I'm sorry I missed that , I would soooooo have backed you up , pm me next time , I miss / forget about a ton of shit , but will never refuse a request for backup from a pal .

Glad it's sorted , hows you ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 12, 2013, 08:51 pm
Hi Taz hun  cheers  ;) The addresses were put up not long ago really but yeah i,m fine hun thanks, my mans found all the info we need  ;) handy that he,s a real hacker, tors not infallible to someone who understand it, it has its security holes like anywhere else, i don,t have a clue but my man,s a different story  ;D :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 12, 2013, 09:13 pm
Thinking about it , I remember you mentioning it now , I made a mental note to give you advice on dealing with it , pity my mental notes are often not worth the mental paper there written on .

It swam through my mind once actually and as I  was fairly busy , I figured you were in good hands  advice wise , so  I left it , figuring I'd hear more about it if my assistance was required .

Soz -( -)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 12, 2013, 09:20 pm
Thinking about it , I remember you mentioning it now , I made a mental note to give you advice on dealing with it , pity my mental notes are often not worth the mental paper there written on .

It swam through my mind once actually and as I  was fairly busy , I figured you were in good hands  advice wise , so  I left it , figuring I'd hear more about it if my assistance was required .

Soz -( -)

No need for soz hun  ;) It was my shit to deal with and i know you,s wouldn,t stay quiet if you seen it  ;) you were quick to thelorax and so was i when i sen what he said to Chem and we all supported Japan, i know you,s are often on when i,m not and at the time i felt it was ignored and felt hurt  ::) stupid really  :P ::) :-[ lol

love n hugs Taz  :-* How you doing anyway hun, what you been up to lately  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 12, 2013, 09:47 pm
luv n hugs bakatcha , I'm good thanks , busy , but busy is good in my word

Just got a bit of  stinkage called " hippy killer " , smells 100 x better that dud cali import we had - bet that cheese you got put it to  shame 2 .

got a little jwh-018 to lace it with later , mmmmm spicy -)

How ya smokin 2 day ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 12, 2013, 09:50 pm
i like that jwh  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 12, 2013, 09:59 pm
Hey Taz  ;) Smokin me up some LSD, can,t beat a bit of Mazar for top THC, this is a cross from walterwhite, bloody lovely  ;)

Hi Chemmy hun how ya doin  :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 12, 2013, 10:01 pm
am doin good mary  :)

now you and your man stay outtuh trouble ..i dont wnna read about ya'll in the newspaper  LOL  :P

Love ya mary  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 12, 2013, 10:05 pm
am doin good mary  :)

now you and your man stay outtuh trouble ..i dont wnna read about ya'll in the newspaper  LOL  :P

Love ya mary  :)

LMAO, my man makes shit on computers look easy, i,m scared he steals my coins lol  ;) ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 12, 2013, 10:07 pm
tie him up with silly string  LOL

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: part2soon on July 12, 2013, 10:23 pm
Can someone please lend me .1 btc? This is my first time, and I think this thread is great. So is this community.

It'd probably be a good idea to state the terms of your repayment as well as your SR username if you want to be seriously considered.  Also, it doesn't hurt to offer a little bit of interest on the loan to encourage potential lenders to help you out.. especially if you don't have much of a forum presence.

Thanks for the tip whowhatwhere, my wallet address is 1JbkhYDNhExWyiwK8iQr1XwWHHYWRQM913

Can anyone lend me .11btc? I'll pay back in full by the end of the month. If anyone has .2btc to spare, that would be great, and I'll repay .22btc in return.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 12, 2013, 10:30 pm
i like that jwh  ;)

yeah it's my fave synthetic , I tried am2201 recently , woah - never thought I would feel too stoned - heavy shit indeed , more then 1 mg and your heart starts doin backflips on ya  ;)

Good to see all is good in Chem land and  the the ball is now rollin on your vendor account , witch I shall indeed be patronizing myself very soon  :)

Major Huggles man

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 12, 2013, 10:32 pm
Huge Hugs right back atcha taz  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 12, 2013, 11:01 pm
Hi Chemmy  ;) :-*

I thought i had a few friends in here (not Chem, he,s a vendor, i get it  ;)) just thought i would have had some back up with the Daruthless thing, the guy threatened to put my address on every forum worldwide, no one even came n got my back like they did when Japan was being put on blacklist, he,s put me on that too, maybe i should,ve made a thread!  :'(

Apologies to all my friends on here  :-[ :-[ I was hurt and angry, when some trolls saying they,ve bought your address and coming to rape you it ain,t fun. My address along with another 24 (i think) have been posted by DaRuthLess1 on his thread that DPR is a scammer, redacted now but was up for at least 10 mins min  >:(

Love you guys on here  ;) :-*

Morning RS .

Mary I'm sorry I missed that , I would soooooo have backed you up , pm me next time , I miss / forget about a ton of shit , but will never refuse a request for backup from a pal .

Glad it's sorted , hows you ?
:o tired, how are you :) brother
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 12, 2013, 11:12 pm
Not 2 bad bro , I'm beat 2 , trying for an early 1 tonight , freshly bathed with stinkage 2 blaze -)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: weed4me6969 on July 12, 2013, 11:54 pm
hey RS7FI... are you good brotha???  were you able to make ur order??  I would've sent you the coins the other night, but SR was down, but i still got a few bucks if ya need it.

Let me know buddy!   8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 13, 2013, 12:29 am
Hello all you bitches....

Taz send me a dm and tell me what I said in my last dm as I think I might have something for you...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 13, 2013, 12:59 am
Hello all you bitches....

Taz send me a dm and tell me what I said in my last dm as I think I might have something for you...

Sup biaaatch , good 2 C ya .

I dm'ed U earlier and will do again B 4 i go 2 Bedfordshire , I'll just quote your last msg , I'm nicely stoned and gettin tired , so it will B short n sweet

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 13, 2013, 01:07 am
dm sent I call em pms , U say potato ect .

have a good one bro
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: robotrippin on July 13, 2013, 01:47 am
I need a favor. I had a vendor cancel an order and now I'm short 0.1 BTC on an equal reorder b/c of SR fees. Can someone hook me up and I will get you back in a week or so when I get more BTC. I've helped others out before in this thread, you can look back to see I'm good. 


Amount received. Thanks to Box and an anonymous donor. I love you guys! Each and every one of ya! I will return the coins shortly.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 13, 2013, 02:20 am
I need a favor. I had a vendor cancel an order and now I'm short 0.1 BTC on an equal reorder b/c of SR fees. Can someone hook me up and I will get you back in a week or so when I get more BTC. I've helped others out before in this thread, you can look back to see I'm good. 

SR username = sprk1420

Thanks in advance and if someone helps me out I'll update, I don't need dupes. Thanks

Actually I just put it in my cart and am only 0.06 short. Even better! I'll still pay back 0.1

.03 shapes on the way. 

All I got.  Maybe someone has the other 1/2 of the bloc
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: StraightThuggin on July 13, 2013, 04:14 am
Whoever lent me coins last week, im still here! Will pay back fellas, just need the damn cash first, fuck being broke  >:(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: INvisibleLandscape722 on July 13, 2013, 07:21 am
hello I am short 0.2011 coins trying to get some brownies hehe. I will be depositing coins some time this coming week probably friday when I get paid. if you could do this I would so so appreciate it :)))
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: whitebread on July 13, 2013, 09:30 am
SR Account name: Whitebread
Amount required: 0.045 (Approx. $4 USD)

Will pay back ASAP (hopefully within 3 days).

Any help would be MUCH appreciated.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 13, 2013, 09:57 am
am doin good mary  :)

now you and your man stay outtuh trouble ..i dont wnna read about ya'll in the newspaper  LOL  :P

Love ya mary  :)

Yeah see mary iv not been around long but I already know 4-5 people who would stick up for you it was just a case of not seeing it/not being online. What he said about address etc. was wayyy out of line.

Anyway hope you're all good today looks like its going to be another hot one here :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bodnostrokulum on July 13, 2013, 10:46 am
Aloha my fellow forum buddies  :D

im short  0.1 for some sweet hashish order  ;D

will repay in a week as always, thank you in advance !

SR name the same :

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 13, 2013, 03:16 pm
Hey Boxy , hey Kalli , Hey all .

Guys , I need to rally the troops , so to speak - nothing we can't handle , Mary is close to being driven off the board by all the false accusations being leveled at her about being this "  joolz " person , in the uk cannabis thread .

She's been in tears over it and It only dawned on me last night how much shit she's been having to put  up with , it's not trolling , their making her forum life a nightmare and with all the other shit she's had to deal with of late - it needs to stop , or we may lose her =( .

She can laugh the troll off , but this other shit is something she's needs backup on , I've been talking to the culprits and just need a few more people to help me talk some sense in to them .

I 'm certain you all will be there for her , now we realize how much it;s upsetting her , we need to stick together as a family and stick for our sister .

Pass the word on , I'll reconvene with Y'all later , but for now read the last few pages of the uk weed thread and you'll see the sate of play .

BTW Mary said that us sticking up for  her means more then we will ever know - nuff said .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 13, 2013, 03:25 pm
Goot Moanin Fam!!  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 13, 2013, 03:45 pm
Mornring there young man , sleep well ?

I'm going to post my above request for assistance in the family thread so it doesn't get drowned out , it's important for us to do this - plus it's a a family thing , no sister of mine is getting bullied ,  not while I still draw breath .

I Know your all with me on this , that's why I love you all =)

Have a nice day , good Sir

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on July 13, 2013, 07:04 pm
Just wanted to say HELLO to everyone ...Been a while....hope everyone is good

Have a great weekend.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 13, 2013, 07:07 pm
howzit goin King  :)

Hugs to ya  :)

i see ya been busy like a beaver in the forums  LOL  :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 13, 2013, 07:26 pm
Just a quick Hi to everyone  ;) Public thanks to Taz, your an amazing guy and friend thanks for everything love n hugs to ya,s  ;)  :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: FalkanandSkim on July 13, 2013, 07:28 pm
Hi all
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 13, 2013, 07:30 pm
Well hey you two    :)

**tickles the both of you**

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: FalkanandSkim on July 13, 2013, 07:33 pm
Thank to everyone who backed mary up . love you beautiful
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 13, 2013, 07:34 pm
Screams and runs lmao he he
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 13, 2013, 07:35 pm
Awww   :)  We love mary and you too   :)

i didnt know ya thawt i was beautiful  **Blushes** 

LOL  :p
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 13, 2013, 07:37 pm
Hey guys.  I'm really confused on what to do for mary?  I'm a little behind and have been doing a lot.

I knew mary was being blackmailed, but people think she is joolz?  I don't even know who that is as well.

I can at least say the fact it's beyond my imagination that this mary would so some crazy scheme.  Maybe point me to the right thread and I can figure it out? 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 13, 2013, 07:38 pm
 :-[ :-[ :-[ lol love you to gorgeous  ;D ;)

Falkanandskim, my man  ;D ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 13, 2013, 07:44 pm
Awww   :)  We love mary and you too   :)

i didnt know ya thawt i was beautiful  **Blushes** 

LOL  :p
LMAO  ;D ;D ;D We both are, that was classic am still laughing  ;D ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: FalkanandSkim on July 13, 2013, 07:49 pm
Sorry can't help it its the long flowing gray hair just does it for me Chem lol :p
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 13, 2013, 07:52 pm
Just a quick Hi to everyone  ;) Public thanks to Taz, your an amazing guy and friend thanks for everything love n hugs to ya,s  ;)  :-*

Were just getting started  M , won't be long before these people have no choice but to show you the respect you deserve , or look very silly indeed .

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 13, 2013, 07:53 pm
Tosses my Flowing Shimmering grey hair  LOL
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bodnostrokulum on July 13, 2013, 07:54 pm
Aloha my fellow forum buddies  :D

im short  0.1 for some sweet hashish order  ;D

will repay in a week as always, thank you in advance !

SR name the same :


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 13, 2013, 07:56 pm
Aloha my fellow forum buddies  :D

im short  0.1 for some sweet hashish order  ;D

will repay in a week as always, thank you in advance !

SR name the same :


Sorry hun, us yapping i,m sending you now  ;) ;) i,m same on sr
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: FalkanandSkim on July 13, 2013, 07:57 pm
Woooo booking the flights now Chem lol
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: theman123451 on July 13, 2013, 07:59 pm
anyone help me out with .2 i am short on shipping will pay back next time i make a deposit with interest.

sr name same as here
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 13, 2013, 07:59 pm
0.1 Sent Bod  ;) sorry about missing your post  :-[ :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 13, 2013, 08:01 pm
Hey guys.  I'm really confused on what to do for mary?  I'm a little behind and have been doing a lot.

I knew mary was being blackmailed, but people think she is joolz?  I don't even know who that is as well.

I can at least say the fact it's beyond my imagination that this mary would so some crazy scheme.  Maybe point me to the right thread and I can figure it out?

I knew your support was a given B  :)

We just need as many hero / senior . full members as poss too vouch that  M is not a shill with 10 + persona's  , thread concerned is here http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=11298.2865

 Please read the last 4 pages or so and back up my request for them stop persecuting our Mary .

Please follow suit everyone else  , lets stick together and do M proud  , thanks in advance - means a lot . 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 13, 2013, 08:13 pm
anyone help me out with .2 i am short on shipping will pay back next time i make a deposit with interest.

sr name same as here
sent ya .22 :D

<3 (hugs) family an friends of the road :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on July 13, 2013, 08:24 pm
Just wanted to say HELLO to everyone ...Been a while....hope everyone is good

Have a great weekend.

HELLO RxKing!!!!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 13, 2013, 08:28 pm
Just wanted to say HELLO to everyone ...Been a while....hope everyone is good

Have a great weekend.

HELLO RxKing!!!!!
:D (hugs) to both of ya! it has been awhile hope you're both doing well.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 13, 2013, 08:37 pm
Just wanted to say HELLO to everyone ...Been a while....hope everyone is good

Have a great weekend.

HELLO RxKing!!!!!

Hey man , pleased to meet ya .

@ RS Hey  there bro , feeling more energetic today ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bodnostrokulum on July 13, 2013, 08:44 pm
0.1 Sent Bod  ;) sorry about missing your post  :-[ :-*

0.1 received !!!  :) Thank you very much Mary666 and all the nice people around !

Love and hugs to you  :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 13, 2013, 08:49 pm
Who wants to place bets on how many negs I get for speaking the truth in the uk canabis thread ?

- 4 since last night , as if that's going to stop me from embarrassing them for there logic free  accusations / persecutions - they sure don't know me  ;) , lmao
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: i3lazd on July 13, 2013, 09:03 pm
would anyone b able to load less than 20$USD of bitcoins? will pay back 30$USD on Monday July 15th

thanks pm me or send to my silkroad account i3lazd

or post on this thread

really need! PLZ! I will hook you up. I only got 17$USD in bitcoins if anyone needs a few 0.09

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: theman123451 on July 13, 2013, 09:15 pm
anyone help me out with .2 i am short on shipping will pay back next time i make a deposit with interest.

sr name same as here
sent ya .22 :D

<3 (hugs) family an friends of the road :-*

thank you so much!!!!! (bear hug) for you thank you!!!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: brusselsprout on July 13, 2013, 10:23 pm
Who wants to place bets on how many negs I get for speaking the truth in the uk canabis thread ?

- 4 since last night , as if that's going to stop me from embarrassing them for there logic free  accusations / persecutions - they sure don't know me  ;) , lmao
Yeah man, keep shitting up another really useful thread with drama. Brilliant.

Oh and I couldn't care less about the -karma I've had either. You're as bad as those who doubt her identity, all making a shitstorm out of nothing.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lufc1992uk on July 13, 2013, 10:40 pm
in need of 0.01 bitcoins! would really appreciate it
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: part2soon on July 13, 2013, 11:04 pm
I'm in need of .11btc. Please help me out. If anybody can lend me .11btc, I'll appreciate it and pay back .12btc when I deposit coins in about 2-3 weeks.

my sr name is the same, and wallet address is 1JbkhYDNhExWyiwK8iQr1XwWHHYWRQM913
anyone have .11btc
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 13, 2013, 11:41 pm
Who wants to place bets on how many negs I get for speaking the truth in the uk canabis thread ?

- 4 since last night , as if that's going to stop me from embarrassing them for there logic free  accusations / persecutions - they sure don't know me  ;) , lmao
Yeah man, keep shitting up another really useful thread with drama. Brilliant.

Oh and I couldn't care less about the -karma I've had either. You're as bad as those who doubt her identity, all making a shitstorm out of nothing.

Yeah whatever , cunt face  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: SupremeJ on July 14, 2013, 12:51 am
can any fortunate soul spare me 0.12 btc for shipping fees?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thelorax on July 14, 2013, 01:08 am
whos got 30 bucks i can borrow?

30 dollaaas..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 14, 2013, 01:29 am
lowering the amount , are we - did you get your 75 bucks ?

This guy is an asshole and will likely rip you off , be warned , don't lose your coins 2 him .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thelorax on July 14, 2013, 01:41 am
lowering the amount , are we - did you get your 75 bucks ?

This guy is an asshole and will likely rip you off , be warned , don't lose your coins 2 him .

lol are u talking about me?

haha.. umm do u know what the word fluctuation is?
really hope u aint talking about me.. i never robbed anyone..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tonymontana101 on July 14, 2013, 01:46 am
Shit I'm .1 bitcoin short on my order how did I not check shipping fees. If anyone can help me out it would be greatly appreciated my SR name is tonymontana101.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 14, 2013, 01:47 am
hello bitches
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 14, 2013, 02:10 am
did I scare everyone off with my ripplin' muscles????  ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ “
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Croskin on July 14, 2013, 02:23 am
did I scare everyone off with my ripplin' muscles????  ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ “
I immediately clicked away  :'( I have some extra Btc which I will consider lending to the needy if u msg me^.^
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 14, 2013, 02:29 am
Hiya Croskin...hope you are good.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: i3lazd on July 14, 2013, 02:30 am
anyone spare 0.2 bitcoins will pay back 2maro.

pm me on here or my sr username is i3lazd

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 14, 2013, 02:32 am
TAZ7...where are you?!?!?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 14, 2013, 07:04 am
Just wanted to say HELLO to everyone ...Been a while....hope everyone is good

Have a great weekend.

HELLO RxKing!!!!!

Hey man , pleased to meet ya .

@ RS Hey  there bro , feeling more energetic today ?
::) slept all day, so no not really, how you doing? :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 14, 2013, 07:21 am
anyone help me out with .2 i am short on shipping will pay back next time i make a deposit with interest.

sr name same as here
sent ya .22 :D

<3 (hugs) family an friends of the road :-*

thank you so much!!!!! (bear hug) for you thank you!!!!
;) you're welcome bro.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: yaggayagga on July 14, 2013, 08:06 am
Hey guys, got pointed out to this Thread since im short of ~0.035BTC for an order i wanted to place today.

Any Help would be greatly appreciated, will pay back as soon as i reload Bitcoins (in a few weeks probably). My SR name is "yaggayo"

cheers and thx in advance :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on July 14, 2013, 09:05 am
Hey guys, got pointed out to this Thread since im short of ~0.035BTC for an order i wanted to place today.

Any Help would be greatly appreciated, will pay back as soon as i reload Bitcoins (in a few weeks probably). My SR name is "yaggayo"

cheers and thx in advance :)

sent 0.04
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: yaggayagga on July 14, 2013, 09:21 am
Hey guys, got pointed out to this Thread since im short of ~0.035BTC for an order i wanted to place today.

Any Help would be greatly appreciated, will pay back as soon as i reload Bitcoins (in a few weeks probably). My SR name is "yaggayo"

cheers and thx in advance :)

sent 0.04

Wow thanks a lot mate u saved my day (Or more like the next weeks when my order arrived  ;) ). Hit me up with your SR name so i can pay you back when i reload :)

Edit: Nevermind i already found out i can check on my profile who send it to me. Seems BTC exchange rate gone up a little in the last few hours so i had 0.0162 BTC left on my account which i already send you back, rest will follow at my next reload. thanks again and have a good day sir.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: isthereanyneed on July 14, 2013, 01:02 pm
I have only ever used this thread once to borrow 0.10btc but it saved my ass and it was there for me straight away, I am going to repay the favour and when I get on top of my finances over the next month I am going to come on here and spread the love. Say 1/2 a btc spread out for everyone, its important to put a little back and not just get your btc then pay it back and never be seen again till the next time you want to borrow, do your bit and help strength this community even more.

Respect !
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tonymontana101 on July 14, 2013, 02:25 pm
Shit I'm .1 bitcoin short on my order how did I not check shipping fees. If anyone can help me out it would be greatly appreciated my SR name is tonymontana101.

My bad everyone this is my first time posting in this thread. I'll return the favor next week when I restock on coins if anyone can help is the part I didn't include in my original post. Thank you.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 14, 2013, 05:40 pm
trichome                    ฿0.50
BoxofShapes            ฿0.03√ repaid .04
leftovercrackmaniac    ฿0.01?√ repaid .01
biggorilla                    ฿0.01√ repaid .02
descarte                    ฿0.34√ repaid .37
***taz                    ฿0.12
***taz                      ฿0.20
thecatinthehat101      ฿0.01
kallindown            ฿0.07
Intraterrestrial            ฿0.53

working off some of my debts ;), if anyone else needs their coin back asap, message me.. do my best to get you sorted. :)

hope everyone is doing well :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 14, 2013, 06:37 pm
trichome                    ฿0.50
BoxofShapes            ฿0.03√ repaid .04
leftovercrackmaniac    ฿0.01?√ repaid .01
biggorilla                    ฿0.01√ repaid .02
descarte                    ฿0.34√ repaid .37
***taz                    ฿0.12
***taz                      ฿0.20
thecatinthehat101      ฿0.01
kallindown            ฿0.07
Intraterrestrial            ฿0.53

working off a some of my debts ;), if anyone else needs their coin back asap, message me.. do my best to get you sorted. :)

hope everyone is doing well :)

Morning RS,

Who is ***taz?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 14, 2013, 06:45 pm
                                               :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) ##When requesting, post your SR name## SO WE KNOW WHERE TO SEND IT TO.  DON'T ASSUME WE KNOW. ##  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7)## DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. ## >:(  ##Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due. ##
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
Baggie   ++++
dr gonzo
DrWalterB   ++++
flicky42   ++++
jokerman2000 ++++
MC Haberdasher 
Mike Hunt
Repus6 *
slymike     ++++
White Out
zxydwx3   ++++

{message DanDanTheIceCreamMan or BoxofShapes if you have lent but your name isn't on the list :)}

The shit list:
Apple             ++++
Autobondon *
King Karma
repus6 *

         *^*do not lend to these people*^*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 14, 2013, 06:49 pm
:) hey ImAz, morning ta ya. how you doing?

***taz is taz7's sr name, wasn't sure if he wanted it public ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 14, 2013, 06:54 pm
azopl43 owes me .08

Taz owes you coin? Hmmm weird.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 14, 2013, 06:57 pm
no lol, I owe him coin ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 14, 2013, 06:58 pm
Some others owe me coins as well...however, I have forgot who they are...Will try and track them down in my history and tell you here...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 14, 2013, 07:06 pm
no lol, I owe him coin ::)

Ah...okay. Thank you for clearing that up!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 14, 2013, 07:08 pm
Hurry up taz and get on here...

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 14, 2013, 07:21 pm
**throws a waterballon @ ImAz  then runs and hides**

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 14, 2013, 07:41 pm
At first I thought it was a watermelon and I was excited as I love watermelon! Then I see it was a WB...oh well.

Hope you are cool ChemCat....I am off for a mid day summer nap.

If Taz comes in...tell him that I will be back later today/night...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 14, 2013, 07:47 pm
it was filled with watermellon jello  :P

ok if i'm here when i see taz i'll tell him  :)

Huggles  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: hunter2 on July 14, 2013, 09:02 pm
Hello all. I am ฿.0022 away from having enough for my order. That equals about 20 cents according to the road. Could anyone help me out? Username is the same as on here, "hunter2".  Thanks so much to any generous individual.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DivineMomentsofTruth on July 14, 2013, 09:12 pm
I'm currently 2$usd short on making an order I really want to ship out tomorrow so I'd love to be able to make the order tonight.

If there is anyone who can help me out I could pay you back tomorrow for sure.  If not I understand but you'd really be helping me.  If you can please send me a pm and I'll send you my SR username.

Thanks in advance to any kind souls.


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 14, 2013, 09:19 pm
I'm currently 2$usd short on making an order I really want to ship out tomorrow so I'd love to be able to make the order tonight.

If there is anyone who can help me out I could pay you back tomorrow for sure.  If not I understand but you'd really be helping me.  If you can please send me a pm and I'll send you my SR username.

Thanks in advance to any kind souls.


:) whats the btc value if you don't mind, also PM your sr name.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RealJohnnyDepp on July 14, 2013, 09:36 pm
Hey guys,

I'm short $3.00 measly dollars to complete my order.

If anyone could spare $3.00, I'd appreciate it.

Here's my Addy: 1LYZwsLqW6PNaumaaPfGy23494rDLeLA9A

P.S. - Don't forget to thumbs down me for asking, thanks.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: pitbully2000 on July 14, 2013, 11:05 pm
Just a shout to Mary666
 Your kind words will not be forgotten :)
thanks a ton hun...needed it ;)
be cool and thanks for turning me onto a thread filled with "GOOD" people..needed THAT as well (lol..not coin...the commeradary...yeah misspelled I know, but you get the idea)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on July 14, 2013, 11:09 pm
To EVERYONE needing a loan-----

PLEASE just give us the amount in BTC...since that is what we deal with and that is what you are borrowing.

Also give us your SR user name...not a btc address.

Makes it a lot faster for you and easier for us  ;D

Now who the fuck needs coin???  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 14, 2013, 11:29 pm
To EVERYONE needing a loan-----

PLEASE just give us the amount in BTC...since that is what we deal with and that is what you are borrowing.

Also give us your SR user name...not a btc address.

Makes it a lot faster for you and easier for us  ;D

Now who the fuck needs coin???  ;)
:D hey RxKing (hugs), hope you're doing well brother.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on July 14, 2013, 11:37 pm

:D hey RxKing (hugs), hope you're doing well brother.

Hey RS..things are GREAT!

btw will have more syrup for you if you want it...will be Actavis though  :)

I guess everyone got there coin...I am off..have a good nite everyone!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RealJohnnyDepp on July 14, 2013, 11:38 pm
To EVERYONE needing a loan-----

PLEASE just give us the amount in BTC...since that is what we deal with and that is what you are borrowing.

Also give us your SR user name...not a btc address.

Makes it a lot faster for you and easier for us  ;D

Now who the fuck needs coin???  ;)


I saw you posted on the SpareCoin Thread.

It's me TonyTheTiger, do you think you could loan me $4.00?

I'm short that much for my order, if not it's cool...I'm only asking you since I read what you wrote on the forum..Don't mean to bother you, but Road name is TonyTheTiger

Thanks RX (Ps I pmed you on the forums, but don't know if the message went through so I just posted here.

Anyways, smoke break
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MC Haberdasher on July 14, 2013, 11:39 pm
I'm currently 2$usd short on making an order I really want to ship out tomorrow so I'd love to be able to make the order tonight.

If there is anyone who can help me out I could pay you back tomorrow for sure.  If not I understand but you'd really be helping me.  If you can please send me a pm and I'll send you my SR username.

Thanks in advance to any kind souls.


:) whats the btc value if you don't mind, also PM your sr name.

I took care of him in the H thread, and he paid me back already.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RealJohnnyDepp on July 14, 2013, 11:50 pm
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 15, 2013, 12:20 am
Now I am a bit worried...I have not heard from Taz for 24hours!

Hello ChemCat, RX, RS and all you other brobras!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: part2soon on July 15, 2013, 01:12 am
Can someone please lend me .11btc? btw are there any rules that I'm missing? I've asked twice and still no luck. Please help a member out. I'll repay .15 btc by July 30th

SR name is the same.

Thank you
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 15, 2013, 01:21 am
Can someone please lend me .11btc? btw are there any rules that I'm missing? I've asked twice and still no luck. Please help a member out. I'll repay .15 btc by July 30th

SR name is the same.

Thank you

Not missing anything...anyone can ask for coins. However, sometimes brobras are tapped out. I have loans out atm that have not come back so I do not have any to lend. Someone might.

No need to pay back more...just the loan.

Can anyone help out Part2Soon  (•ิ_•ิ)?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RealJohnnyDepp on July 15, 2013, 01:26 am
Can anyone help me out with $4.00 worth of BTC? I'm not exactly sure how many BTC $4.00 worth is, but I need $4.00 if at all possible.

I'm trying to place an order from my main vendor and he just now put his listings up and he sells out very quick and I've been trying to snag his product for over a month now, but he always sells out asap like I said. :(

I would be able to pay the $4.00 back by Friday.

I appreciate it whoever can do me that favor...Thank you.

My Wallet: 1LYZwsLqW6PNaumaaPfGy23494rDLeLA9A
SilkRoad Username: TonyTheTiger

P.S. - $4.00 worth of BTC is 0.045 ( I just did the math :P)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 15, 2013, 01:36 am
Where the fuck are all my peeps? ChemCat, Taz, RS boxes et al?

What is going on?!?!?!? ٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 15, 2013, 01:37 am
Hey gang , how ya doodalin ?

Always fear , Taz is near , wait that doesn't sound right at all now does it ?

Hey  Iamz , sorry I'm late for our chat - I had to reinstall mint , because it was unable to update and I only just finished installing tor  chat .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 15, 2013, 01:39 am
:) hey taz
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 15, 2013, 01:39 am
Hey gang , how ya doodalin ?

Always fear , Taz is near , wait that doesn't sound right at all now does it ?

Hey  Iamz , sorry I'm late for our chat - I had to reinstall mint , because it was unable to update and I only just finished installing tor  chat .

Oh sure...that is what all the leo's say!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 15, 2013, 01:39 am
you been on the IRC yet taz?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 15, 2013, 01:40 am
Oh IC Rs lurking!

Man I need a new PC...anyone have an old pc that they do not use anymore? My P4 3gig is not cutting it anymore
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on July 15, 2013, 01:41 am
Can anyone help me out with $4.00 worth of BTC? I'm not exactly sure how many BTC $4.00 worth is, but I need $4.00 if at all possible.

I'm trying to place an order from my main vendor and he just now put his listings up and he sells out very quick and I've been trying to snag his product for over a month now, but he always sells out asap like I said. :(

I would be able to pay the $4.00 back by Friday.

I appreciate it whoever can do me that favor...Thank you.

My Wallet: 1LYZwsLqW6PNaumaaPfGy23494rDLeLA9A
SilkRoad Username: TonyTheTiger

P.S. - $4.00 worth of BTC is 0.045 ( I just did the math :P)

Sorry I was gone...

SENT! .045

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RealJohnnyDepp on July 15, 2013, 01:46 am
Can anyone help me out with $4.00 worth of BTC? I'm not exactly sure how many BTC $4.00 worth is, but I need $4.00 if at all possible.

I'm trying to place an order from my main vendor and he just now put his listings up and he sells out very quick and I've been trying to snag his product for over a month now, but he always sells out asap like I said. :(

I would be able to pay the $4.00 back by Friday.

I appreciate it whoever can do me that favor...Thank you.

My Wallet: 1LYZwsLqW6PNaumaaPfGy23494rDLeLA9A
SilkRoad Username: TonyTheTiger

P.S. - $4.00 worth of BTC is 0.045 ( I just did the math :P)

Sorry I was gone...

SENT! .045



Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 15, 2013, 01:48 am
I have 6 msg's , I reckon 1 or 2 from M , maybe a couple from you Iamz and I bet the rest are abuse , from those bastards  who  have been giving Mary  such a hard time .

I trust that people have been sticking up for her , I really do , this aint no sham fam , not for me anyway , too much fake love in the world , no place for it here .

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 15, 2013, 01:51 am
Who has been picking on mary? Should I go back in the thread history?

Don't make me mad s(・`ヘ´・;)ゞ
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on July 15, 2013, 01:52 am
No problem Johnny....

Hello ImAz  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 15, 2013, 01:56 am
'ello king!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 15, 2013, 02:07 am
Who has been picking on mary? Should I go back in the thread history?

Don't make me mad s(・`ヘ´・;)ゞ

Sorry bro , they have been making  her forum life a misery , I knew we could count on you , I'll point you in the right direction , try and find  my post yesterday asking for everyone's help , It will be easy to find in the " we are family thread " I posted it there as well , in case it got downed out here .

I had a nasty feeling ther would not be as much support as there should be what with all the love n hugs that get chucked around here .

I just hope more people do the right thing , I cant stand fake love , unless it's a hot chick with a bad attitude  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RealJohnnyDepp on July 15, 2013, 02:14 am
No problem Johnny....

Hello ImAz  :)




Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 15, 2013, 02:25 am
you been on the IRC yet taz?

Hey man , I just installed torchat , but had to reinstall mint first because it was fucking up .

 I had a really busy day sourcing the finest local produce to start my vendor account with , the man from silk road , he say yes !

Did you get that Del monte add in the states ?

I don't remember seeing it and I watched a lot of t.v during my years in the states .

How are you bro , still working hard , or hardly working  ;)

I'm up for some tor chat once I get a bong in me and give myslef a 15 minute R.S.I break if your still around then , you too Iamz , sorry I'm late - it's been hectic round these parts .

Back soon , my fingers are tingling - that's a warning to have a typing break ,  or not to be Taz , but fuck that  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RealJohnnyDepp on July 15, 2013, 02:29 am
Going to sleep now, got work 2morrow...I will check this when I get home and see what you say RXKING.

Bye thanks again.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 15, 2013, 02:53 am
Night RJD!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on July 15, 2013, 04:31 am
Going to sleep now, got work 2morrow...I will check this when I get home and see what you say RXKING.

Bye thanks again.

I sent you a little over so you would not have to make 21 more threads in all the forums  ;)

And you can just pass it along in this thread...I will be ok :)

Have a good one!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Descarte on July 15, 2013, 07:50 am
Rx repaid me 0.37BTC. More than I lent him, unnecessary, but much appreciated.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: FalkanandSkim on July 15, 2013, 09:32 am
Oh IC Rs lurking!

Man I need a new PC...anyone have an old pc that they do not use anymore? My P4 3gig is not cutting it anymore

Try installing bodhi or crunchbang Linux be like having a new PC bud :-)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 15, 2013, 10:08 am
Good day my amigos hope all is well for everyone :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: laityagami on July 15, 2013, 11:30 am
Hey there fellas, can anyone let me 0.05 bits??

I'll give it back today! maybe in hours!



Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 15, 2013, 11:35 am
Man I'm realy sorry Iamz and RS , i hit the bong and fell fast asleep on you guys , sorry bout that , I had meant to come back and torchat with U both .

I slept like a big stoned baby =)

Confirms I choose my  produce well though , now I need to create some listings , no rest for the wicked .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: turdburglarSandwich on July 15, 2013, 12:32 pm
in need of 0.01 bitcoins! would really appreciate it

Sent him .035 this morning. It is an unmitigated pleasure to be able to help someone else, a stranger, when I have been assisted in most dire circumstances in my past. This to me is being an accountable, responsible, adult. I appreciate the opportunity afforded me to be a participant in the experiment that is the SR.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on July 15, 2013, 12:43 pm
Hey all ;D

Out of hospital and recovering well.Got a nice new scar and still got both my legs 8)

will be cashing some coin soon to pay back loans to the very patient peeps who have waited this long without putting me on the shitlist because you thought I had done a runner.

See you all soon :)

PS....Where is Japan??????????
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: zokas on July 15, 2013, 01:07 pm
Hello Comradz!

I am short of some BTC right now, want to take a loan, will pay back on Friday with 20% + :) So you can also earn with mea :P

NEED 0.08BTC, please send AT my account zokas or 19aWr69kS5LmrZsdiQAfMLD5TEZNWvH62h

thank you.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 15, 2013, 02:00 pm
He hasn't been on for a  while . Mary was pming with him , he's ok  she says , glad 2 hear your on the mend D.T and with 2 legs =)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: titicacanari on July 15, 2013, 04:47 pm
Well done, pretty elegant... Is there a moderator somewhere around ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thelorax on July 15, 2013, 04:55 pm
sup guies??

i have a lot of extra coins and will be letting people borrow them if i get a pm from them
of course not for some absurd amount..

i realized when i needed a petty 75 bucks no one would help me out witch is pathetic considering ive lent out coins to people who come to this thread..

BUT WHATEVER.. fuck anyone talking shit..

if you need some small amount i will help out.. pm me..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 15, 2013, 05:20 pm
sup guies??

i have a lot of extra coins and will be letting people borrow them if i get a pm from them
of course not for some absurd amount..

i realized when i needed a petty 75 bucks no one would help me out witch is pathetic considering ive lent out coins to people who come to this thread..

BUT WHATEVER.. fuck anyone talking shit..

if you need some small amount i will help out.. pm me..

passive aggressive much?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 15, 2013, 05:22 pm
Taz, mate...lets get this shit sorted today if possible.

Ill be lurking all day.

Rock on.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 15, 2013, 06:21 pm
Rx repaid me 0.37BTC. More than I lent him, unnecessary, but much appreciated.
RS not RX :P, anyway, thank you as always :). how you doing?

Man I'm realy sorry Iamz and RS , i hit the bong and fell fast asleep on you guys , sorry bout that , I had meant to come back and torchat with U both .

I slept like a big stoned baby =)

Confirms I choose my  produce well though , now I need to create some listings , no rest for the wicked .
:o no worries, I do the same thing all the time :P

Hey all ;D

Out of hospital and recovering well.Got a nice new scar and still got both my legs 8)

will be cashing some coin soon to pay back loans to the very patient peeps who have waited this long without putting me on the shitlist because you thought I had done a runner.

See you all soon :)

PS....Where is Japan??????????
DARKTIME :D glad to see you're okay! was thinking the other night its been awhile since we seen you last.. and that was when you were in the hospital..

hope you're doing well brother :).

also, no clue haven't seen jman jpan in awhile :( hope hes doing good where ever he is.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 15, 2013, 06:45 pm
Man BashfulBetty is the worst shipper ever...marks it shipped but waits days/week later to mail the package...beware of this seller...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 15, 2013, 07:22 pm
Thanks RS.  Sent it all back cause I didn't have enough last deposit to give you a tip for my loan.  Intended more, but that will be down the road.

Best wishes all.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 15, 2013, 07:28 pm
Boxes! Hiya brobra...hope you are well
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 15, 2013, 07:39 pm
I'm managing.  Got a lot goin on right now.  Got some fun stuff this weekend tho.  Something to look forward too!

Thanks for the wish.  Back at ya.  Take care for now.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: boomer1932 on July 15, 2013, 07:40 pm
@thelorax, sending you a PM
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: SammyTheBull on July 15, 2013, 07:41 pm
Hey all. Would it be possible for anyone to PLEASE help me out with 0.2050 BTC? I'm trying to place a rather large order but am coming up short. I am able to pay back on Thursday with interest if you like. Thank you all!

SR name: sammythebull
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 15, 2013, 10:16 pm
                                               :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) ##When requesting, post your SR name## SO WE KNOW WHERE TO SEND IT TO.  DON'T ASSUME WE KNOW. ##  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7)## DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. ## >:(  ##Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due. ##
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
Baggie   ++++
dr gonzo
DrWalterB   ++++
flicky42   ++++
jokerman2000 ++++
MC Haberdasher 
Mike Hunt
Repus6 *
White Out

{message DanDanTheIceCreamMan or BoxofShapes if you have lent but your name isn't on the list :)}

The shit list:
Autobondon *
King Karma
repus6 *

         *^*do not lend to these people*^*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 15, 2013, 10:22 pm
Heh.  Was literally working on that before you posted.

Sent ya a pm as well.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 15, 2013, 11:40 pm
trichome                    ฿0.50
BoxofShapes            ฿0.03√ repaid .04
leftovercrackmaniac    ฿0.01?√ repaid .01
biggorilla                    ฿0.01√ repaid .02
descarte                    ฿0.34√ repaid .37
***taz                    ฿0.12
***taz                      ฿0.20
thecatinthehat101      ฿0.01
kallindown            ฿0.07
Intraterrestrial            ฿0.53

working off some of my debts ;), if anyone else needs their coin back asap, message me.. do my best to get you sorted. :)

hope everyone is doing well :)
knocking off few more of my debts :)
Intraterrestrial            ฿0.53
trichome                    ฿0.50
***taz                    ฿0.12√
***taz                      ฿0.20√ repaid .35
kallindown            ฿0.07√ repaid .08

also, thank you b7ac77 for repaying me :D

hope everyone is doing great :). (hugs)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 15, 2013, 11:41 pm
Heh.  Was literally working on that before you posted.

Sent ya a pm as well.
:D nice, how you doing boxy?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 15, 2013, 11:50 pm
Good now.  Figured out how to do that order without having to renig the coins that I just gave back to ya.

Never done K before but looks like I'm going to find out.  Wasn't for me but I'll get a get a taste anyway.  Interested to find out why so many people talk about it for use against depression.

Take care for now guy.  Gonna go hit up the gym. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Britney Spears on July 16, 2013, 12:24 am
I missed you guys. Descarte and ChemCat, I'm glad to be back in your house.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 16, 2013, 12:28 am
trichome                    ฿0.50
BoxofShapes            ฿0.03√ repaid .04
leftovercrackmaniac    ฿0.01?√ repaid .01
biggorilla                    ฿0.01√ repaid .02
descarte                    ฿0.34√ repaid .37
***taz                    ฿0.12
***taz                      ฿0.20
thecatinthehat101      ฿0.01
kallindown            ฿0.07
Intraterrestrial            ฿0.53

working off some of my debts ;), if anyone else needs their coin back asap, message me.. do my best to get you sorted. :)

hope everyone is doing well :)
knocking off few more of my debts :)
Intraterrestrial            ฿0.53
trichome                    ฿0.50
***taz                    ฿0.12√
***taz                      ฿0.20√ repaid .35
kallindown            ฿0.07√ repaid .08

also, thank you b7ac77 for repaying me :D

hope everyone is doing great :). (hugs)

Hey there rs thanks for repaying the small loan the extra was unnecessary and in future don't be so naughty I don't lend to make its just to help out you naughty, naughty boy ;)

You good mate ? Everyone else cool ?

Hugz n shit, kalli !
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Mcrad on July 16, 2013, 12:31 am
Coins are on the decrease. COINS GO UP!!!! Pretty please:)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: darthvaderstar on July 16, 2013, 01:08 am
Is there anyone that can lend me 0.20 bitcoins? I came up short on a order, same name on sr.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 16, 2013, 01:20 am

Send me all your coins...Ill hold them up for you...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 16, 2013, 01:36 am
I have coins , I bet there from RS - think that was the safe loan I made when I payed into my golden isa .

Thanks man , sorry I fell asleep on U 2  last night btw .

Hugs bro
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 16, 2013, 01:39 am
Iamz , you up for torchat , bro ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 16, 2013, 01:48 am
Im in there now taz7
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 16, 2013, 02:04 am
man i got my first bad review  :( 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 16, 2013, 02:05 am
Taz7 if you need some help with torchat ask the mighty ChemCat...we are hanging in the same room.

Back to motogp (⌐■_■)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 16, 2013, 02:07 am
Ok firein her up , c u in a bit

i'm            epaxputtzztwqhxi

You are ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Trippinmonkey on July 16, 2013, 02:13 am
I wish to try some K.. is this the right place to get help for it...?I wish to try some K.. is this the right place to get help for it...?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 16, 2013, 02:19 am
Ok firein her up , c u in a bit

i'm            epaxputtzztwqhxi

You are ?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: hielonite on July 16, 2013, 02:21 am
Anyone able to lend a poor fellow like myself .026BTC..

Will do favors  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 16, 2013, 02:23 am
what irc Chanel
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: darthvaderstar on July 16, 2013, 02:24 am
Sorry don't mind my previous post, i miscalculated and only need 0.15 if anyone can lend.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 16, 2013, 02:26 am
man i got my first bad review  :(

Hello chemmy, wouldn't worry about that moron. Who even plays lotteries for stuff they don't want ???

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 16, 2013, 02:30 am
oh i'm not gonna let it bother me  :)

SR staff can look at all of this persons msg's they sent to me in my msg's  LOL

Huggles to ya kalli  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 16, 2013, 02:30 am
heya tazzy  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 16, 2013, 02:39 am
I'm about to order myself and I will say the previous guy was being unfair ,  I meant to say , to cover ya ass , swap the word require , for the word appreciate or expect 5 stars - peeps get funny .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 16, 2013, 02:42 am
ChemCat, can you please give Taz7 the torchat config link so we can get this bitch chattin?

I have missed placed the link.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 16, 2013, 02:42 am
Good Point!  i'll change that now  :)

thanks tazzy, and you've been to irc right?  i'm not familiar with torchat though
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 16, 2013, 02:47 am
go here taz and you'll need to do what it says  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 16, 2013, 02:50 am
Hey Chem , ehat torchat channel are you on ?

Fuck man , i think that may be someone that support can remove the feedback of , but you need to swap those words around  , swap require for ask that you contact us before leaving less then 5 stars , fraid  it's s.r policy that you don't insist on 5 *
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 16, 2013, 02:53 am
we are on #public taz7
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 16, 2013, 03:05 am
Taz...I have the is super hot and muggy and I waiting to take a shower then goto bed...hurry your ass up!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 16, 2013, 03:10 am
I will delete my above post if you have now read it Chem .

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 16, 2013, 03:13 am
Man I'm on there , i cant connect  for  + 10 secounds , im usng a vpn , i will kill the vpn
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 16, 2013, 03:14 am
yes sir  :)  got it and thank ya  :)   just changed it  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 16, 2013, 03:20 am
awake again ::), you figure the IRC out taz
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 16, 2013, 03:25 am
I can't take it anymore...I have to go shit, shower and shave..."Tuesdays and Saturdays, also known a shower days...I hate them"

Taz get it sorted
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: i3lazd on July 16, 2013, 03:40 am
Could anyone please loan me 0.5 bitcoins or 50$USD?

I got a 35$USD green dot moneypak card

Will pay back Thursday a 0.7 bitcoins

If anyone can do 0.35 bitcoins for 35$USD moneypak card pm me on the forums or hit me up on Silk Road my username is:



 :) :) :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 16, 2013, 03:48 am
What a holy trinity you got there imaz
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 16, 2013, 04:17 am
my system is locked down so tightly , I need to reconfigure my hardware firewall ,  my Bastille config , ect - not happening tonight guy's .

I have every protocol I don't used disabled  by fire starter and my router  , I'm sorry , especially you Iamz , PM me for tonight , I haven't had a smoke yet today and I'm stressed , last night this weed I have knocked me out , so I doubt I'll be back tonight guys .

I will try n check my if I up in an hour Iamz - soz bro , bad besswax practice on my part there .

I hope you all are well , we will catch up soon enough , hugs 4 all ( no returns accepted )

i will delete that post while I remember Chem

B well gang
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 16, 2013, 04:23 am
What a holy trinity you got there imaz

...and now feel like a million bucks! Watch me flex ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ “
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 16, 2013, 04:57 am
Well all the fun has gone...and now I am going to get caught up on my Sumo watching then bed.

My order from BashfulBetty better be here later on today and better be good. There is no where in Canada that it takes a week to get to and it has been a week! If it is not, Ill be fighting  (ง •̀_•́)ง someone...

Taz7, for making me wait...I want the new Spurs home kit in xl...the one with the HP logo on the chest!

And to all a good night...bitches.

Mary666 I hope you are well and just lurking. We miss you.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 16, 2013, 04:59 am
reply #8889 :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 16, 2013, 10:06 am
Man I think im in major trouble i put everything i own on SR this morning (2.5 bitcoin lol) to get some k and nbome to make some money, now it wont let me log in iv got all my details right and always go through the bookmark i made the 1st time here and iv told no one my details wtf's going on help im panicking  :o
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 16, 2013, 11:16 am
Crushed, been phished through the atlantis site thats me fucked big time  :'(

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 16, 2013, 12:15 pm
Crushed, been phished through the atlantis site thats me fucked big time  :'(

shit Kali that's harsh as fuck , was that the spam I received the other day about value for money ?

Did they get any coins ?

If your short I can help you with a loan , I don't have much left after buying all this weed , btw I have picked out some of the best nugs for you and a few others .

I hope they didn't fuck you up too much , support will get your account back , but the btc would have been sucked out I suppose .

Sorry 2 hear that bro , bastards  >:(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 16, 2013, 12:33 pm
man its my own daft fault i was only looking cos i was bored waiting for my coins to go on, its seriously fucked me and my plans up dont know wtf im going to do i dont get paid for another week and iv got about £3 to my name lol iv survived worse so im sure i will manage !

No not through that spam but im sure thats part of the same shizzle dude

yeah they got 2 and half bitcoin its the most iv deposited yet, just my luck lol
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: purplepanth on July 16, 2013, 01:14 pm
Hey all! I dont want anyone to think I have forgotten I have a few ppl to pay back from a few weeks back, I went to get some btc last night and take care of it and find bitinstant is down..As soon as they are working, or I find a way to get btc without getting ripped off I will repay..not forgetting or hiding or anything like that. It seems if something can go wrong, in the simple just most frustrating ways lately, then it will..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 16, 2013, 03:12 pm
Kalli , did you enter your pin on the phishing site ? If not you should get them back man ..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 16, 2013, 04:05 pm
Kalli , did you enter your pin on the phishing site ? If not you should get them back man ..

No not my pin just pw and user name....  you think I can get the account recovered then ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 16, 2013, 04:12 pm

Wait what happened?  I don't understand what you did to expose your account to someone else.  Just wondering so I don't do the same think.   :P

I've been there man.  Been scammed out of way more than 2.5.  I don't know how I figured it out but I did.  Hope there is a solution there somewhere.

Edit: If they don't have your pin you need to get in contact with support immediately.  They can't move the coins without it.  Make a new account and create a ticket within sr


Thanks for the update guy.  It means a lot to us around here. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 16, 2013, 04:21 pm

Wait what happened?  I don't understand what you did to expose your account to someone else.  Just wondering so I don't do the same think.   :P

I've been there man.  Been scammed out of way more than 2.5.  I don't know how I figured it out but I did.  Hope there is a solution there somewhere.

Edit: If they don't have your pin you need to get in contact with support immediately.  They can't move the coins without it.  Make a new account and create a ticket within sr


Thanks for the update guy.  It means a lot to us around here.

Man I clicked a link on a review to atlantis (duh !) no they don't have pin and I made a new account straight away and mailed support this morning but its not been read yet (zzzzzz)

Thanks bud so do I but sorry to hear you got scammed too and for a fair bit by the sound of it :(

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 16, 2013, 04:31 pm
Yea it's all good on this end now.  I've done well with my last drop.  If that didn't go through, I would be selling plasma right now.  Still would be great if I had what I lost, but I made life go on anyway.

And yea.  I'm sure they have plenty to deal with.  It takes a week to reset the pin I think, so there is plenty of time to take care of it.  Still sucks when you just intended to just log in and make an order.

Best wishes man
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 16, 2013, 04:45 pm
Yeah sucks alright needed my nbome for weekend but meh I will be right iv got some good friends who will pull me out the hole if it gets too deep !

Thanks man if I get it back it will be a real bonus as iv already kissed it goodbye !

Good to hear you've got the dust yourself down n start again attitude, shit like this just makes me realise I haven't got it that bad really :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 16, 2013, 05:55 pm
:( damn kalli, you gotta be careful!! but for now contact support, have them reset your password, hopefully you'll get sorted out soon..

otherwise, hope everyone is have a great morning/day/night.. :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 16, 2013, 06:25 pm
just talking to support now, fingers crossed.

either way thanks for your kind words everyone, worth the cost of a few coins to see theres some decent people around here (i already knew that but u know what i mean !)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 16, 2013, 06:29 pm
oh jeepers!   kalli...ok, be sure to give Support any and all pertinant info concernoing your SR Account...such as...

your pin number....your last msg recieved from who and a few details about that...your SR BTC addy..

Good Luck!

Peace, Love & Hugs to ya   :)

ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 16, 2013, 06:32 pm
Look ^^^^^ thats exactly what I mean :)


cheers chemmy im on it like white on rice ;)

Hugz n much love kalli.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 16, 2013, 06:53 pm
trichome                    ฿0.50
BoxofShapes            ฿0.03√ repaid .04
leftovercrackmaniac    ฿0.01?√ repaid .01
biggorilla                    ฿0.01√ repaid .02
descarte                    ฿0.34√ repaid .37
***taz                    ฿0.12
***taz                      ฿0.20
thecatinthehat101      ฿0.01
kallindown            ฿0.07
Intraterrestrial            ฿0.53

working off some of my debts ;), if anyone else needs their coin back asap, message me.. do my best to get you sorted. :)

hope everyone is doing well :)
knocking off few more of my debts :)
Intraterrestrial            ฿0.53
trichome                    ฿0.50
***taz                    ฿0.12√
***taz                      ฿0.20√ repaid .35
kallindown            ฿0.07√ repaid .08

also, thank you b7ac77 for repaying me :D

hope everyone is doing great :). (hugs)
Intraterrestrial            ฿0.53√ repaid .58
trichome                    ฿0.50√ repaid .55 :)

all my debts are cleared :D! an I have little left over if anybody needs.

now only if the people whom owe me/others did the same ::).
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Intraterrestrial on July 16, 2013, 06:59 pm
repaid on time by RS, much appreciated, +1 to ya
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 16, 2013, 07:00 pm
Yeah luckily i sent that what u paid me to the guy who loaned me 0.1 this morning before i got shut out so i only owe about 0.01 plus a bonus for him.

plus someone else paid 0.015 i lent so its been good for me that i lent out, karma no ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 16, 2013, 07:18 pm
Feels good to get that out of the way, doesn't it RS?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 16, 2013, 07:44 pm
Kalli , did you enter your pin on the phishing site ? If not you should get them back man ..

No not my pin just pw and user name....  you think I can get the account recovered then ?

For sure man ,  all you need to do is contact support and give them all the info you can to show the account is yours , DO IT FAST THEY HAVE 3 DAYS AND THEN THE PHISHERS CAN RESET YOUS PIN .

you will find the info support need in the support forum faq , I did it myself when I l got locked out of my account   .
( by me ) .

 Fear not , move fast and the coins are still yours bro , that's the god thing about the 3 day pin rest , glad it worked in your favor man .

Quick smart on the double , I bet support are snowed under with similar requests so mark it urgent and maybe make a post in the support forum .

Best of luck  man

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on July 16, 2013, 08:17 pm
Can someone chuck me a link to that torchat thread , all the ones I found via search are devoid of useful info .

I have reconfigured my firewall and changed my app armor config , I have pidgin and all it's security add ons , irc and torchat itself , so I should be ok , just want to check , so I can finally get on tonight .

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: GayBruceCampbell on July 16, 2013, 08:40 pm
Can someone chuck me a link to that torchat thread , all the ones I found via search are devoid of useful info .

I have reconfigured my firewall and changed my app armor config , I have pidgin and all it's security add ons , irc and torchat itself , so I should be ok , just want to check , so I can finally get on tonight .


mary666 you fat horror, you know what your a fucking bum fuck off hanging round like a crackhead bumming on an 18month old thread..tramp. just like your other account dickhead.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: i3lazd on July 16, 2013, 08:46 pm
if anyone can help me out I need 60$USD or ฿0.61 bitcoins

Anyone down to throw me 0.35 or 0.61 bitcoins 35$ or 60$

I will pay you back 100$USD or 1 full bitcoin in 2 days

pm me on forums or on Silk Road



Thanks! let me know need ASAP!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 16, 2013, 08:52 pm
Can someone chuck me a link to that torchat thread , all the ones I found via search are devoid of useful info .

I have reconfigured my firewall and changed my app armor config , I have pidgin and all it's security add ons , irc and torchat itself , so I should be ok , just want to check , so I can finally get on tonight .


mary666 you fat horror, you know what your a fucking bum fuck off hanging round like a crackhead bumming on an 18month old thread..tramp. just like your other account dickhead.

Haha can't believe how many people have a hard on for mary, or taz but don't ya think im purdy ? I'm marytaz too
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 16, 2013, 08:59 pm
taz check your PM's when ya get the chance  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 16, 2013, 09:24 pm
Can someone chuck me a link to that torchat thread , all the ones I found via search are devoid of useful info .

I have reconfigured my firewall and changed my app armor config , I have pidgin and all it's security add ons , irc and torchat itself , so I should be ok , just want to check , so I can finally get on tonight .


mary666 you fat horror, you know what your a fucking bum fuck off hanging round like a crackhead bumming on an 18month old thread..tramp. just like your other account dickhead.
HA HA HA LMA0 (obvously my fat one  ;)) You,ve clearly got a hard on for me u FUCK UGLY CUNT! I haven,t been on for days and here you are sitting about waiting on me like the pathetic lapdog you are  ;) can,t keep away from me so i,ll just say don,t waste your time hun i,m just not interested  ;)

Hi to everyone else  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 16, 2013, 09:49 pm
Sorry you got some stupid suck on your shoe mary.  So much time spent on you for no reason.  Guy has nothing better to do.  Completely without substance.

Best wishes your way girl. 

Maybe even throw him on your block list?  I didn't even know what he said until you quoted it.  Not tempted to find out cause I know it will be pointless.  Proved right this time as well.   :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 16, 2013, 10:07 pm
Hey guys just dropped by to say I got my account back :)

Thanks for the support and the awesome pm's !!! Made my day both of you  8)

Can't spend or move coins for 60 hours but meh at least they're still mine.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 16, 2013, 10:10 pm
Hey guys just dropped by to say I got my account back :)

Thanks for the support and the awesome pm's !!! Made my day both of you  8)

Can't spend or move coins for 60 hours but meh at least they're still mine.
Brilliant hun, so happy for you  ;) :-*

Thanks boxy, the things on ignore  ;) How you doing hun  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 16, 2013, 10:16 pm
:D great to hear kalli

:) hiya mary
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 16, 2013, 10:18 pm
                                               :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) ##When requesting, post your SR name## SO WE KNOW WHERE TO SEND IT TO.  DON'T ASSUME WE KNOW. ##  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7)## DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. ## >:(  ##Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due. ##
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
Baggie   ++++
dr gonzo
DrWalterB   ++++
flicky42   ++++
jokerman2000 ++++
MC Haberdasher 
Mike Hunt
Repus6 *
White Out

{message DanDanTheIceCreamMan or BoxofShapes if you have lent but your name isn't on the list :)}

The shit list:
Autobondon *
King Karma
repus6 *

         *^*do not lend to these people*^*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 16, 2013, 10:21 pm
Woot Woot!!

**Tickles mary**


Congrats @ kalli  :)

Heya boxy   Huggles  :)

RS bro  :P  lol

Imaz   :)  DOH!!  :P

where's tazzy?   **Bops taz on the noggin with sock puppet**   :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 16, 2013, 10:21 pm
:D great to hear kalli

:) hiya mary
Hi hun, how ya been  :-\ not heard from you  :( lol
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 16, 2013, 10:24 pm
ChemCat you busted my lurking status!

Hiya mary...welcome back, sorry it is the middle of a shit storm...

I was going out but it is too hot...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 16, 2013, 10:29 pm

Great!  Had an order get upgraded because of a delay today.  I wouldn't be here when it lands anyway if it flew out now, so it's like it got something for no reason.  Fun stuff for sure!

Glad to see ya back girl.  You can always find refuge from the tempest of retarded here!

@everyone else

Box of hugs
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 16, 2013, 10:31 pm
been, busy sleeping :P.. also been on the IRC lately.

chem check sr PM :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 16, 2013, 10:33 pm
did and responded  :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 16, 2013, 10:36 pm

Great!  Had an order get upgraded because of a delay today.  I wouldn't be here when it lands anyway if it flew out now, so it's like it got something for no reason.  Fun stuff for sure!

Glad to see ya back girl.  You can always find refuge from the tempest of retarded here!

@everyone else

Box of hugs
Cheers boxy ya wee diamond  ;) :-*

Runs and grabs Chems baby geese for hugs  ;) lol Hi hun  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 16, 2013, 10:39 pm
hehe  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 16, 2013, 11:28 pm
DO NOT order this silkroadvb5piz3r.onion/silkroad/item/3a4fa51a84 and beware of the seller.

Bought from her four times.

Twice the weed was good. Once the order never came, agreed on 50% off next order....seller then left for a year, my 50% off order died when she left and removed all her listings and then there is the butter...

I ate 20+grams today, in a span of 6 hours, weight it out and no buzz AT ALL. 190lbs, empty belly, weighed out and have not smoked weed in weeks...utter shit. -100 out of 5

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: definecocky on July 17, 2013, 12:35 am
hey guys, SR newbie here, was just about to make my first purchase. i don't suppose anyone has ฿0.01 spare? i made a deposit to my account and then prices fluctuated and now i don't have enough to cover my weed purchase without buying another ฿0.1 which seems pointless especially considering the tiny amount i'm short!

SR username: definecocky

not sure if address is needed so it's below just in case..


one love, thank you in advance
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lssb2132 on July 17, 2013, 01:54 am
hey guys, SR newbie here, was just about to make my first purchase. i don't suppose anyone has ฿0.01 spare? i made a deposit to my account and then prices fluctuated and now i don't have enough to cover my weed purchase without buying another ฿0.1 which seems pointless especially considering the tiny amount i'm short!

SR username: definecocky

not sure if address is needed so it's below just in case..


one love, thank you in advance
Sent to your SR account, enjoy your smoke.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 17, 2013, 02:07 am
hey guys, SR newbie here, was just about to make my first purchase. i don't suppose anyone has ฿0.01 spare? i made a deposit to my account and then prices fluctuated and now i don't have enough to cover my weed purchase without buying another ฿0.1 which seems pointless especially considering the tiny amount i'm short!

SR username: definecocky

not sure if address is needed so it's below just in case..


one love, thank you in advance

Just read in his other thread he created someone helped him there.  Didn't confirm he got it tho. 

Tried to post this in time but meh, its a small request.

Let us know you got your order through.   :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 17, 2013, 02:29 am
they said the btc raised and they didnt need it   :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: i3lazd on July 17, 2013, 03:31 am
if anyone can help me out I need 60$USD or ฿0.61 bitcoins

Anyone down to throw me 0.35 or 0.61 bitcoins 35$ or 60$

I will pay you back 100$USD or 1 full bitcoin in 2 days

pm me on forums or on Silk Road



Thanks! let me know need ASAP!

It is 3:30am for me right now (not really) but I still need 0.62 bitcoins or 62$USD

will pay back 1 bitcoin or 100$USD in 48 hours on Thursday before right now.

Thanks let me know.

send bitcoins to:

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mastab121 on July 17, 2013, 03:38 am
Hey dudes and dudettes.

I hate to do this, but I am need of .04. The only problem is I dont know when I will be able to repay you.. Definitely wiithin a month, and Ill make sure that the price at the time I pay is more than or equal to 0.04*98= $4.. so whenever I get you back it will be to the tune of a mighty $5 worth  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 17, 2013, 03:45 am
Hey dudes and dudettes.

I hate to do this, but I am need of .04. The only problem is I dont know when I will be able to repay you.. Definitely wiithin a month, and Ill make sure that the price at the time I pay is more than or equal to 0.04*98= $4.. so whenever I get you back it will be to the tune of a mighty $5 worth  8)

Sr name?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mastab121 on July 17, 2013, 03:56 am
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 17, 2013, 04:00 am
Shapes have been sent your way.  Please do the right thing and place the shapes back in the box when ya can.

Let me know you got your order in.  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mastab121 on July 17, 2013, 05:13 am
Grazie mille. I just put in my order thanks to you :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: i3lazd on July 17, 2013, 06:44 am
If anyone can help out it be really appreciated even 0.2 bitcoins.

will pay back 2x

Thank you.

if anyone can help me out I need 60$USD or ฿0.61 bitcoins

Anyone down to throw me 0.35 or 0.61 bitcoins 35$ or 60$

I will pay you back 100$USD or 1 full bitcoin in 2 days

pm me on forums or on Silk Road



Thanks! let me know need ASAP!

It is 3:30am for me right now (not really) but I still need 0.62 bitcoins or 62$USD

will pay back 1 bitcoin or 100$USD in 48 hours on Thursday before right now.

Thanks let me know.

send bitcoins to:

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 17, 2013, 08:20 am
If anyone can help out it be really appreciated even 0.2 bitcoins.

will pay back 2x

Thank you.

if anyone can help me out I need 60$USD or ฿0.61 bitcoins

Anyone down to throw me 0.35 or 0.61 bitcoins 35$ or 60$

I will pay you back 100$USD or 1 full bitcoin in 2 days

pm me on forums or on Silk Road



Thanks! let me know need ASAP!

It is 3:30am for me right now (not really) but I still need 0.62 bitcoins or 62$USD

will pay back 1 bitcoin or 100$USD in 48 hours on Thursday before right now.

Thanks let me know.

send bitcoins to:

0.62 sent to i3lazd
please repay soon :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 17, 2013, 10:31 am
Morning guys and girl(s ?) nice here again  8)

Thanks for the posts, I love just reading this thread anyway it's awesome !

You lot sling real karma around like bosses  :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on July 17, 2013, 10:58 am
Hello all my friends and those that are not yet...hope everyone is well  ;D

Who needs coin or + Karma?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 17, 2013, 11:09 am
Hello all my friends and those that are not yet...hope everyone is well  ;D

Who needs coin or + Karma?
Hi All  :D hope you,s all good today  ;) give me some karma Mr King, I could use some good vibes  ::) How you doing, you,ve been MIA lol  :-\ :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Smoke DZA on July 17, 2013, 11:25 am
I loaded up my account today with $400 and after getting phished my account has been pin-locked for 70hrs. If anyone could give me a loan I'd really appreciate it as I want to get my order before the weekend. The coin will be returned in 68hrs and you can add on interest.

Username: testqscda2123

edit: also I don't need the full $400, 1btc will be enough to get me by.

SR stats:
    1 month   3 months   1 year
total transactions    2    5    7
total spent    $108.98    $221.33    $372.76
refund rate    0%    0%    0%
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on July 17, 2013, 11:30 am
Sent  Marry!!

I have been on vacay....did I miss anything?

And I have been on a few times in the last week...I am just busy...

Hope you are well!!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 17, 2013, 11:48 am
@RxKing... LOL All you missed was a lot of shit  ;) ::) :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 17, 2013, 11:51 am
If anyone has a spare 0.54 to send to kallindown2 for 49 hours till my pin is unlocked I will pay back with any reasonable bonus you wish to negotiate, its not vital but it will earn me some cash for partying at weekend.

Anyway no stress either way and hope you are having a good day, love n hugz kalli.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 17, 2013, 11:56 am
If anyone has a spare 0.54 to send to kallindown2 for 49 hours till my pin is unlocked I will pay back with any reasonable bonus you wish to negotiate, its not vital but it will earn me some cash for partying at weekend.

Anyway no stress either way and hope you are having a good day, love n hugz kalli.
Hey i,ll vouch for Kalli (RxKing lol) if he/she doesn,t pay back i will but i know 110% they will pay back  :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 17, 2013, 11:59 am
If anyone has a spare 0.54 to send to kallindown2 for 49 hours till my pin is unlocked I will pay back with any reasonable bonus you wish to negotiate, its not vital but it will earn me some cash for partying at weekend.

Anyway no stress either way and hope you are having a good day, love n hugz kalli.
Hey i,ll vouch for Kalli (RxKing lol) if he/she doesn,t pay back i will but i know 110% they will pay back  :D

Haha thanks mary I appreciate you vouching for me :)

Just frustrating as hell knowing im missing out on extra money to turn in to extra coins to turn... well you know how it goes !
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 17, 2013, 12:02 pm
Lol Kalli i know  ;)  pm RxKing  ;)or Where are you Mr King  :-\ ::) :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lssb2132 on July 17, 2013, 02:17 pm
If anyone has a spare 0.54 to send to kallindown2 for 49 hours till my pin is unlocked I will pay back with any reasonable bonus you wish to negotiate, its not vital but it will earn me some cash for partying at weekend.

Anyway no stress either way and hope you are having a good day, love n hugz kalli.
Can't help with the full amount but I've got .34 I could lend to you Kalli, let me know if you'd like it.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 17, 2013, 02:57 pm
If anyone has a spare 0.54 to send to kallindown2 for 49 hours till my pin is unlocked I will pay back with any reasonable bonus you wish to negotiate, its not vital but it will earn me some cash for partying at weekend.

Anyway no stress either way and hope you are having a good day, love n hugz kalli.
Can't help with the full amount but I've got .34 I could lend to you Kalli, let me know if you'd like it.

That would be awesome of you, it's more then half what I need and will make it easier for me.

There's 43 hour left till my pins unlocked, I will send it straight back then.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lssb2132 on July 17, 2013, 03:15 pm
If anyone has a spare 0.54 to send to kallindown2 for 49 hours till my pin is unlocked I will pay back with any reasonable bonus you wish to negotiate, its not vital but it will earn me some cash for partying at weekend.

Anyway no stress either way and hope you are having a good day, love n hugz kalli.
Can't help with the full amount but I've got .34 I could lend to you Kalli, let me know if you'd like it.

That would be awesome of you, it's more then half what I need and will make it easier for me.

There's 43 hour left till my pins unlocked, I will send it straight back then.
Sent, no rush as I'll be camping from tomorrow till Sunday. Hope you can get your order in!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 17, 2013, 03:19 pm
If anyone has a spare 0.54 to send to kallindown2 for 49 hours till my pin is unlocked I will pay back with any reasonable bonus you wish to negotiate, its not vital but it will earn me some cash for partying at weekend.

Anyway no stress either way and hope you are having a good day, love n hugz kalli.
Can't help with the full amount but I've got .34 I could lend to you Kalli, let me know if you'd like it.

That would be awesome of you, it's more then half what I need and will make it easier for me.

There's 43 hour left till my pins unlocked, I will send it straight back then.
Sent, no rush as I'll be camping from tomorrow till Sunday. Hope you can get your order in!
+1 to you  ;) :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lssb2132 on July 17, 2013, 03:21 pm
If anyone has a spare 0.54 to send to kallindown2 for 49 hours till my pin is unlocked I will pay back with any reasonable bonus you wish to negotiate, its not vital but it will earn me some cash for partying at weekend.

Anyway no stress either way and hope you are having a good day, love n hugz kalli.
Can't help with the full amount but I've got .34 I could lend to you Kalli, let me know if you'd like it.

That would be awesome of you, it's more then half what I need and will make it easier for me.

There's 43 hour left till my pins unlocked, I will send it straight back then.
Sent, no rush as I'll be camping from tomorrow till Sunday. Hope you can get your order in!
+1 to you  ;) :D
And +1 back at you Mary!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 17, 2013, 03:34 pm
                                               :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) ##When requesting, post your SR name## SO WE KNOW WHERE TO SEND IT TO.  DON'T ASSUME WE KNOW. ##  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7)## DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. ## >:(  ##Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due. ##
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
dr gonzo
lssb2132      ++++
MC Haberdasher 
Mike Hunt
Repus6 *
White Out

{message the last person to post the list if you have lent but your name isn't on it :)}

The shit list:
Autobondon *
King Karma
repus6 *

         *^*do not lend to these people*^*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 17, 2013, 03:36 pm
"Sent, no rush as I'll be camping from tomorrow till Sunday. Hope you can get your order in!"

Hope you have a great time and the sun stays with us  ;) :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 17, 2013, 03:38 pm
If anyone has a spare 0.54 to send to kallindown2 for 49 hours till my pin is unlocked I will pay back with any reasonable bonus you wish to negotiate, its not vital but it will earn me some cash for partying at weekend.

Anyway no stress either way and hope you are having a good day, love n hugz kalli.
Can't help with the full amount but I've got .34 I could lend to you Kalli, let me know if you'd like it.

That would be awesome of you, it's more then half what I need and will make it easier for me.

There's 43 hour left till my pins unlocked, I will send it straight back then.
Sent, no rush as I'll be camping from tomorrow till Sunday. Hope you can get your order in!

That is very generous of you only 0.2 shot now, thank you ! Hope you have a great time, kalli.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 17, 2013, 03:41 pm
If anyone has a spare 0.54 to send to kallindown2 for 49 hours till my pin is unlocked I will pay back with any reasonable bonus you wish to negotiate, its not vital but it will earn me some cash for partying at weekend.

Anyway no stress either way and hope you are having a good day, love n hugz kalli.
Can't help with the full amount but I've got .34 I could lend to you Kalli, let me know if you'd like it.

That would be awesome of you, it's more then half what I need and will make it easier for me.

There's 43 hour left till my pins unlocked, I will send it straight back then.
Sent, no rush as I'll be camping from tomorrow till Sunday. Hope you can get your order in!

That is very generous of you only 0.2 short now, thank you ! Hope you have a great time, kalli.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Real_Drugs on July 17, 2013, 03:42 pm
Wow you guys are so nice, I never knew how generous some people could be! +1 to everyone I can. I wish I had it in me to ask for donations for a great lawyer as my best friend is being charged with intent to distribute over having a half ounce of MDMA which he genuinely had stock piled for him and his friends to share. It saddens me when people go to jail over a harmless crime. Anyway I am not asking for money, I do not like to work that way and you guys need your money which you have worked hard for, I am just rambling on as I am coming down very hard. Good bye everybody, you're all doing a great thing, good night, good morning and good afternoon where ever you are around the world  :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 17, 2013, 03:46 pm
Wow you guys are so nice, I never knew how generous some people could be! +1 to everyone I can. I wish I had it in me to ask for donations for a great lawyer as my best friend is being charged with intent to distribute over having a half ounce of MDMA which he genuinely had stock piled for him and his friends to share. It saddens me when people go to jail over a harmless crime. Anyway I am not asking for money, I do not like to work that way and you guys need your money which you have worked hard for, I am just rambling on as I am coming down very hard. Good bye everybody, you're all doing a great thing, good night, good morning and good afternoon where ever you are around the world  :D
Ahh, went to +1 you and 72hr rule so you must,ve said something nice before  ;) That,s shit for your friend, if i was rich i,d send you the coin  :-[ good luck friend  ;)

Hiya Boxy  ;D Hiya Chem  ;D How ya,s doing  ::) :P :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 17, 2013, 03:47 pm
Best wishes all.  Everyone is on my timer or I woulda +1 already.


Oh god!  Best wishes most of all to you man.  That's no good.  Thanks for takin the time to say hey.  Have a gentile comedown guy. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 17, 2013, 05:07 pm
(hugs) my lovely droogs, hope all is well.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: i3lazd on July 17, 2013, 05:29 pm
(hugs) my lovely droogs, hope all is well.

Thanks for loan bro. Will pay back ASAP
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dapj on July 17, 2013, 05:30 pm got the 0.09 but pc is working bad  >:(

Greettzz to you and a good day
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Mcrad on July 17, 2013, 09:00 pm
In need of $7 for shipping. if anyone can help me out that would be awesome.

will repay when i can:)

SR name: McRAD

much love_mcrad!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 17, 2013, 09:37 pm
Still could use 0.2 to kallindown2 for 36 hours if anyone can please.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MC Haberdasher on July 17, 2013, 10:09 pm

I could really use 0.26 btc for an order I would like to get here before the weekend if at all possible.  I will pay back this weekend, and will keep any lender(s) up-dated as to my re-upping status.

SR Name is: haberdasher

Thanks in advance!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 17, 2013, 10:49 pm

I could really use 0.26 btc for an order I would like to get here before the weekend if at all possible.  I will pay back this weekend, and will keep any lender(s) up-dated as to my re-upping status.

SR Name is: haberdasher

Thanks in advance!

:( sorry, outta coin atm brother.. for anyone that has, I vouch for haberdasher.. always paid back quickly :)..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 18, 2013, 12:39 am
:-\ so quite..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 18, 2013, 12:45 am
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 18, 2013, 12:48 am
:D boxy! (hugs)

join us on IRC!?!?!! :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 18, 2013, 12:49 am
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 18, 2013, 12:52 am
at work.  :( maybe later.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 18, 2013, 12:59 am
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 18, 2013, 12:59 am
Huggles to ya boxy  :)

be safe at work brother :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 18, 2013, 01:00 am
at work.  :( maybe later.
clocking the dollas ;).. hope its going smooth bro
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on July 18, 2013, 02:07 am
RS7FI8ZRkm, did you forget about me bro?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 18, 2013, 04:23 am
RS7FI8ZRkm, did you forget about me bro?
:o! well, seems so.. :P I just double checked my account history, didn't see anywhere you loaned me.. or anybody I haven't repaid..
whats is your sr name? :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on July 18, 2013, 04:54 am
Damn, was going to have $7 to lend but one of my orders got cancelled. Anybody got .05 btc to lend me so I can make a different one?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: darthvaderstar on July 18, 2013, 05:18 am
Me ytable, i will still be short on a order but it will be very helpful if you can.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on July 18, 2013, 05:44 am
Darth, re read my post. Was going to be plus 7 but an order was canceled so now I need 5 to make an order with another vendor.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: darthvaderstar on July 18, 2013, 06:07 am
Darth, re read my post. Was going to be plus 7 but an order was canceled so now I need 5 to make an order with another vendor.

Damn i read it too quick, disregard my post.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 18, 2013, 11:05 am
Thought I would bump one last time see if anyone can lend me 0.2 its only for 24 hours so I can get some stuff in for weekend and my pin on my main account will be unlocked at 11 tomorrow so it will be paid straight away.

Hope you all are good amigos and have a nice day :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: GayBruceCampbell on July 18, 2013, 11:20 am
Thought I would bump one last time see if anyone can lend me 0.2 its only for 24 hours so I can get some stuff in for weekend and my pin on my main account will be unlocked at 11 tomorrow so it will be paid straight away.

Hope you all are good amigos and have a nice day :)

No you fucking bum, fuck off. Have you nothing better to do, really you irrintant fuck off. I'm so sick of people who beg and wont get off their arse and work and earn, now go and get a job you little homosexual.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MrBenDover on July 18, 2013, 11:28 am
Thought I would bump one last time see if anyone can lend me 0.2 its only for 24 hours so I can get some stuff in for weekend and my pin on my main account will be unlocked at 11 tomorrow so it will be paid straight away.

Hope you all are good amigos and have a nice day :)

No you fucking bum, fuck off. Have you nothing better to do, really you irrintant fuck off. I'm so sick of people who beg and wont get off their arse and work and earn, now go and get a job you little homosexual.

"have you nothing better to do" ... Are you fucking serious. Do you not see the irony here? You came on online, with the intention of doing fuck all else than trolling the forum and spewing your usual spam, and you are asking people if they have nothing better to do. Your stupidity offends me.

Someone makes a reasonable request and you reply like that? You don't deserve to be here.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 18, 2013, 11:49 am
Meh he's just a dick squirt who leaves stains where ever he goes it's to be expected. Gaybrucecambell you sir are a cockoholic.

I do have a regular income and have coins, just can't use for another 23 hours it's no big deal just like anything that comes out of his mouth.

I lend out myself which is why I don't mind asking when in a pinch.

Also offended by the high level of his stupidity, maybe we could use him for valuable research on the missing link ???
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Real_Drugs on July 18, 2013, 11:55 am
The come down was terrible, but my thoughts are still the same, +1 to everyone I can again :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: anonypunk on July 18, 2013, 11:58 am
Hello fellow humans! Or subhumans. Humanoids. Whatever works for ya. Ha. Just wanted to pass along some positive energy and karma to a couple ...errr...people? =P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 18, 2013, 12:09 pm
Yeah that's more like the posts from the real community :)

Sorry to hear ya had a bad comedown but at least you must have gone up pretty high !!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Audio on July 18, 2013, 02:17 pm
I'm short 12$ for a  package, will pay back after it will arrive (USA>>EU) someone would be that nice please?
PM me for SR username!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 18, 2013, 02:54 pm
taz can you msg me please......
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 18, 2013, 03:19 pm
Hi Chemmy  :-* how ya doing hun  ;)

Hi kalli, if i had coin it be yours but i,m tapped out till Monday unless one of the people who owes me pays back  ;)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 18, 2013, 03:23 pm
doing good  :)  how are you mary  :)  Huggles.hey if you see taz..please tell him to msg me...there must be a mistake
and or this is a joke...

so what r you and your man doin today mary?  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on July 18, 2013, 03:27 pm
Hey guys, quick question. What's the EASIEST way to get BTC's now that MTgox is fucked. don't flood this thread with answers just give me a quick PM if you could :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 18, 2013, 03:37 pm
doing good  :)  how are you mary  :)  Huggles.hey if you see taz..please tell him to msg me...there must be a mistake
and or this is a joke...

so what r you and your man doin today mary?  :)
Glad your good hun  ;) Taz was on earlier, off now tho, he,ll be back soon, pm him if you haven,t already ;) My mans workin, i,m lying tanning in garden with dogs lol  ;) sent you a pm Dan  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 18, 2013, 03:41 pm
oh he needs to pm me....i dont find this amusing.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 18, 2013, 03:44 pm
pm me Chem, whats up maybe i can help?  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: purplepanth on July 18, 2013, 03:45 pm
Hi guys and gals,

I had a total of .19 lent to me about 2 weeks ago that I just repaid on the main site..I am not sure if I should post names or if there is a need to post the transactions? I dont want to give out info ppl may not want out..but to those who lent THANK YOU! Sorry it took me a few days longer then I had planned..had to find a new way to get coins in my account..

Have a great day all!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 18, 2013, 03:52 pm
Hi guys and gals,

I had a total of .19 lent to me about 2 weeks ago that I just repaid on the main site..I am not sure if I should post names or if there is a need to post the transactions? I dont want to give out info ppl may not want out..but to those who lent THANK YOU! Sorry it took me a few days longer then I had planned..had to find a new way to get coins in my account..

Have a great day all!

I think its fine to give a shout out to who threw you the coin, and simply state they have been paid back, unless for some reason they declared they don't want to be named.  No need to prove it by posting a transaction.  A simple PM to let them know, helps too.   :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 18, 2013, 04:15 pm
Hi Chemmy  :-* how ya doing hun  ;)

Hi kalli, if i had coin it be yours but i,m tapped out till Monday unless one of the people who owes me pays back  ;)

hello mary :) and chemmy ! and boxy and taz if he's about hope you all are doing well

Thanks mary i know ya would its no big deal iv only got 18 hours to wait now  ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 18, 2013, 04:19 pm
heya kalli  :)

Hugs :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: purplepanth on July 18, 2013, 04:43 pm
Hi guys and gals,

I had a total of .19 lent to me about 2 weeks ago that I just repaid on the main site..I am not sure if I should post names or if there is a need to post the transactions? I dont want to give out info ppl may not want out..but to those who lent THANK YOU! Sorry it took me a few days longer then I had planned..had to find a new way to get coins in my account..

Have a great day all!

I think its fine to give a shout out to who threw you the coin, and simply state they have been paid back, unless for some reason they declared they don't want to be named.  No need to prove it by posting a transaction.  A simple PM to let them know, helps too.   :)

Ok thanks for letting me know...
I paid back this morning   upthera  ,  MC Haberdasher  and one who I think prefers to remain nameless..But a great big thanks again ya'll!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on July 18, 2013, 04:43 pm
I would just like to say that I don't like Atlantis. They're kind of stupid :'(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: i3lazd on July 18, 2013, 04:58 pm

I could really use 0.26 btc for an order I would like to get here before the weekend if at all possible.  I will pay back this weekend, and will keep any lender(s) up-dated as to my re-upping status.

SR Name is: haberdasher

Thanks in advance!

:( sorry, outta coin atm brother.. for anyone that has, I vouch for haberdasher.. always paid back quickly :)..

thanks bro will pay you back ASAP
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 18, 2013, 06:18 pm
So like..... I'm hella confused about jasper800 now.  I still don't get it.  I really try to avoid drama around here but like..... CC paid off his debt out of the goodness of his heart?  It kinda makes it personal to me at that point.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 18, 2013, 06:27 pm
yeah boxy, instead of going through all that drama i just wiped what jasper owed me......wiped it out and washed my offense to anyone....but i just didnt want to be brought into the drama
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 18, 2013, 06:29 pm
So like..... I'm hella confused about jasper800 now.  I still don't get it.  I really try to avoid drama around here but like..... CC paid off his debt out of the goodness of his heart?  It kinda makes it personal to me at that point.

Yeah did Chem and Descarte get the same story, i saw something mentioned somewhere else on here yesterday  ::) anyway posted in it, disgusting  >:(

Cheers Boxy, hope your good  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 18, 2013, 06:38 pm
My bad CC.  I tried to stay out of it the first time, thus my lack of information.  Sorry to bring it up again guy.  Just gets personal when I know it involved you in some way.

But anyway. Love ya guys.  Really.  Can't stress enough how much I've learned from all of ya. 

Packing my bag for a weekend and will be taking all of your valuable lessons with me!  Major hugs all.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 18, 2013, 06:41 pm
I Love you Boxy  (Huggles)


You be Safe, Friend :)

Peace & Love  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 18, 2013, 06:42 pm
Silly String Huggles to you & yur man @ mary  :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 18, 2013, 06:44 pm
@Chem...wraps the 3 of us up in silly string  ;) :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 18, 2013, 06:47 pm

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trellis017 on July 18, 2013, 07:01 pm
Howdy, generous folks.

I'm looking for 0.2 BC to complete my order that I'm trying to get in soon - the vendor doesn't ship on the weekend.

I have 10 bitcoins that will clear coinbase late on Monday, and the bitcoin fog by Tuesday.  I will pay back 0.25 BC on Tuesday if someone can help me out. 

Thanks for taking the time to hear my plea,  :)

SR username: trellis017
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on July 18, 2013, 07:33 pm

just sent you
Thank you very much staind, you've helped me out greatly. +1 and I'll have it back with extra on tuesday to you friend. <3 the community

RFTS hasnt paid me back yet :(, it has been a month. Also sent him a pm. This will be my only post regarding this loan. No drama intended.

I also have  0.15 btc left to loan someone.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on July 18, 2013, 07:37 pm
I would just like to say I am now a huge fan of localbitcoins. Gosh darn it that was fast!!! but anywho, I'm 95 cents short on an order. I think that comes out to like 0.01 BTC's. If anyone would be so kind as to loan me that I'll pay you back within the next week. AAAAAND I'll even pay you back DOUBLE because I'm Scrooge McDuck rich and I make it rain at all the clubs. just kidding I don't go to clubs.... and I'm not rich :( But I'll still pay you back $2 :) SR name the same.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on July 18, 2013, 07:39 pm
I would just like to say I am now a huge fan of localbitcoins. Gosh darn it that was fast!!! but anywho, I'm 95 cents short on an order. I think that comes out to like 0.01 BTC's. If anyone would be so kind as to loan me that I'll pay you back within the next week. AAAAAND I'll even pay you back DOUBLE because I'm Scrooge McDuck rich and I make it rain at all the clubs. just kidding I don't go to clubs.... and I'm not rich :( But I'll still pay you back $2 :) SR name the same.

just sent you :)

edit: oh 95 cent hmm...sent you another 0.01..just to be sure..dont think one would be enough.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 18, 2013, 07:43 pm
I would just like to say I am now a huge fan of localbitcoins. Gosh darn it that was fast!!! but anywho, I'm 95 cents short on an order. I think that comes out to like 0.01 BTC's. If anyone would be so kind as to loan me that I'll pay you back within the next week. AAAAAND I'll even pay you back DOUBLE because I'm Scrooge McDuck rich and I make it rain at all the clubs. just kidding I don't go to clubs.... and I'm not rich :( But I'll still pay you back $2 :) SR name the same.

just sent you :)

edit: oh 95 cent hmm...sent you another 0.01..just to be sure..dont think one would be enough.

staind +1 to you for being so cool!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on July 18, 2013, 07:47 pm
got it thank you 8) haha it was actually EXACTLY how much I needed $85.01 and then I thought the BTC price had jumped because I saw I had another dollar. Then I went to account history and saw that I was wrong and it was indeed YOU who was cool enough to give me another 0.01. So I'll hook you up with 0.04 in a few days. Thanks again!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on July 18, 2013, 07:53 pm
btw am I allowed in your guys' hug CC and mary??? People have actually told me if there was an award show for best hugs I would win in every category. I'm not saying that... that's just what other people say...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on July 18, 2013, 08:06 pm

staind +1 to you for being so cool!

thanks dude  8)

you are very welcome dan. no need for 0.04 tho. id feel bad, thats not why i sent you another 0.01 ^^.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trellis017 on July 18, 2013, 08:10 pm

RFTS hasnt paid me back yet :(, it has been a month. Also sent him a pm. This will be my only post regarding this loan. No drama intended.

I also have  0.15 btc left to loan someone.


 Staind, I could take those - I have 0.3878 and need 0.51.  That would cover it.

If you lend me the 0.15, I'll give you 0.225 on Tuesday.

Thanks  :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on July 18, 2013, 08:28 pm

Staind, I could take those - I have 0.3878 and need 0.51.  That would cover it.

If you lend me the 0.15, I'll give you 0.225 on Tuesday.

Thanks  :-*

puhh  your account is 2 days old. Sent you anyway although it hurts in my brain :P.

okay im absolutely out now
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trellis017 on July 18, 2013, 08:37 pm

Staind, I could take those - I have 0.3878 and need 0.51.  That would cover it.

If you lend me the 0.15, I'll give you 0.225 on Tuesday.

Thanks  :-*

puhh  your account is 2 days old. Sent you anyway although it hurts in my brain :P.

okay im absolutely out now

Sure, but my SR account is 16 days old with ~$300 spent over 2 transactions, with a 3rd in transit (and now, thanks to you, a 4th).  I just didn't get on the forums til a couple days ago when I got tired of realizing I actually had to have an account to post!

And if I screw you over feel free to leave my name out to dry. ;)

I'm a man of my word. You'll get your BC with 25% interest on Tuesday.  Thank you staind!!  :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trellis017 on July 18, 2013, 08:41 pm
And I'd give you a +1 but I've too much nooberty left in me for me to be able to give karma yet.

It's like when you're older than a noob but not quite a member, you go through nooberty. Hormones all wacked as shit.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on July 18, 2013, 09:34 pm
I dont know what it is about Trellis...... but I trust em.......
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 18, 2013, 09:52 pm

just sent you
Thank you very much staind, you've helped me out greatly. +1 and I'll have it back with extra on tuesday to you friend. <3 the community
Have you pm,d him and if yes, when and how many and did you get a response? If you have he clearly has to go on the shitlist  ::) (RS lol) but if you haven,t give him a pm and see if he responds  ;) Its not a drama we don,t want others losing coin, so thankyou and +1 to you  ;)

RFTS hasnt paid me back yet :(, it has been a month. Also sent him a pm. This will be my only post regarding this loan. No drama intended.

I also have  0.15 btc left to loan someone.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trellis017 on July 18, 2013, 09:56 pm
I dont know what it is about Trellis...... but I trust em.......

 :-* It's all the kissy faces, isn't it?

In all seriousness, thanks for the vote of confidence.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 19, 2013, 12:52 am
hello my lovely lovey droogs :)

(hugs) ta all of ya!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 19, 2013, 03:14 am
Hey RS and the rest of ya !

Free hugz, you just gotta step on up  :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: titsmcgee123 on July 19, 2013, 03:25 am
put 'andrewBUD420' on the shit list.. its been over a week and, at first, monday he said he'd have the funds for me by the end of the day, then i messaged him again and he still hasn't answered my messages...
 By the way, don't worry foxxen and trichome - as soon as bitinstant is back up I will have your bitcoins returned to you + interest - sorry for the delay ( i thought a fellow member would actually pay me back - however, I probably should have known better, and I will repay you for your time.)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Stonedstupor on July 19, 2013, 04:59 am
put 'andrewBUD420' on the shit list.. its been over a week and, at first, monday he said he'd have the funds for me by the end of the day, then i messaged him again and he still hasn't answered my messages...
 By the way, don't worry foxxen and trichome - as soon as bitinstant is back up I will have your bitcoins returned to you + interest - sorry for the delay ( i thought a fellow member would actually pay me back - however, I probably should have known better, and I will repay you for your time.)

might wanna look elsewhere for coins my friend if your sincerely trying to pay anyone back.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kittykatgirl123 on July 19, 2013, 05:33 am
Hi, I am not sure how this works as I have never done this before. However, I am looking to borrow .1 btc as I need a little extra to make an order I want to get in quickly. I can pay you back then next time I get coins, hopefully this works, someone help me out please lol! Thanks.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Descarte on July 19, 2013, 07:16 am
Kittykatgirl123, can get you started with 0.03, what's your SR username?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kittykatgirl123 on July 19, 2013, 07:54 am
Thank you so much, that's a great help! My SR username is the same as on here, kittykatgirl123
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Audio on July 19, 2013, 08:01 am
I'm short 12$ for a  package, will pay back after it will arrive (USA>>EU) someone would be that nice please?
PM me for SR username!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 19, 2013, 08:04 am
HashForYou never paid me the 0.06 back while we are talking shit lists, did pm him but got no reply.

2 more hours and my account is unlocked can't bloody wait  ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BlackIris on July 19, 2013, 09:14 am
I'm short 12$ for a  package, will pay back after it will arrive (USA>>EU) someone would be that nice please?
PM me for SR username!


How much you need in BTC? I can send you up to 0.15 BTC (have nothing more in my account atm, I'm sorry). Send me a PM with your user name if you are interested (as in if it is enough).

EDIT: As for "paying back". I helped at last 10 people in the newbie section by sending money and none of them never sent anything back. I think I lost something like 0.5 btc. Oh, well, money comes and goes, but still I find this totally not polite and either extremely without dignity to do something like that.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 19, 2013, 10:45 am
Hi everyone  ;) hope your all good today  :)

Hey Kalli you be shopping soon then, might even get tomorrow if your seller sends out next day and has a later last post time  8) :-*

People need to start being put on the shitlist, i,ve bumped 1 from yesterday and now kalli has 1 and i put a couple of names up over a week ago and i don,t think they,re even on it, is someone wants to pm me (RS, Chem?) tell me what i do and i,ll update it if you,s don,t have time  ;) Hope you,s guys are good  ;) :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 19, 2013, 11:10 am
Good Morning Everyone  :)

Huggles to ya'll  :)

ok look  ...We've been where everyone of you are  :P

Anyone of you can take the list and rules and add to it... the shitlist and the lenders list...Just be civil...this thread isnt going anywhere  ;)

I'm Sorry that some of you have lost coins due to other peoples lack of honesty...

Love  &  Hugs  :)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 19, 2013, 11:23 am
Yeah good day mary, chemmy and the rest of the family :) hugz n love sent your way  ;D

Had a word with the vendor and he says he's just been out and posted my shit so fingers crossed my weekends not a write off !

You're always going to get people who don't pay back but for me the rewards still outweigh the risks.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 19, 2013, 11:33 am
dont let buttheads sway you from helping others  ;)

kalli mallow   :P

like a marshmallow  :P

Nom Nom Nom  chases you with a lit stick  LOL


when ya'll add to and repost the rules & list...just be sure to post it every 5 pages....  :)

Hugs & Tickles  :P

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 19, 2013, 12:06 pm
dont let buttheads sway you from helping others  ;)

kalli mallow   :P

like a marshmallow  :P

Nom Nom Nom  chases you with a lit stick  LOL


when ya'll add to and repost the rules & list...just be sure to post it every 5 pages....  :)

Hugs & Tickles  :P

Hugs back to you,s, Why Chem, you sound like your not going to be around on here  :-\ :'(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 19, 2013, 12:46 pm
<out of breath>

I don't want to be toasted... but I do sure taste yummy you've just made me eat 3 of my fingers !!!

Runs away faster this time :p
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on July 19, 2013, 12:59 pm
I guess this is going to be my new hangout, sick of all the BS in the other threads.

How is everyone doing today?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: baranliam on July 19, 2013, 01:12 pm
I guess this is going to be my new hangout, sick of all the BS in the other threads.

How is everyone doing today?

Pretty good actually! I just went panhandling for $12 in coins about 15 mins ago...but due to the tremendous jump in btc (well not really...maybe 40 cents or so)...i gained $10 lol :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ShamuTheOrca on July 19, 2013, 02:08 pm
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on July 19, 2013, 02:31 pm
hah good luck on an amount like that.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ShamuTheOrca on July 19, 2013, 02:35 pm
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MC Haberdasher on July 19, 2013, 03:12 pm
To the couple of folks who were generous enough to help me out a few days ago, I am just waiting for coins to hit my SR wallet and all will be cool!  Except for outside, which is definitely not cool.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 19, 2013, 03:51 pm
Hi all,

ChemCat, Boxy, mary666 et al.

Hmmm strange, I have not heard from Taz in a couple of days. Seems like he just vanished. Oh well...

Back to lurking mode.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 19, 2013, 04:37 pm
Hi all,

ChemCat, Boxy, mary666 et al.

Hmmm strange, I have not heard from Taz in a couple of days. Seems like he just vanished. Oh well...

Back to lurking mode.

Hey there bud (if you're still lurking !)
was wondering about taz myself earlier hope he's cool.
Got to get some money in back tomorrow got till sunday to repay my loan they are away till then anyway.

Hope you're all good I'm off to smoke some of this s. lemon haze it's proper tasty  :o

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MC Haberdasher on July 19, 2013, 05:03 pm
To the couple of folks who were generous enough to help me out a few days ago, I am just waiting for coins to hit my SR wallet and all will be cool!  Except for outside, which is definitely not cool.

Everyone has been paid back and notified via the Marketplace.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 19, 2013, 09:15 pm
morning :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 19, 2013, 09:24 pm
SorryBrumle, i,ve no coin to loan atm  :-[

Hi RS, Hi everyone  ;) it,s quiet again but i,ve just come on  :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: i3lazd on July 19, 2013, 09:34 pm
morning :)

morning how u doin?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 19, 2013, 09:36 pm
morning :)

morning how u doin?
doing alright, thanks :D.. how are you doing brother?

(hugs) mary ;) how you aswell?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 19, 2013, 09:39 pm
Hi all,

ChemCat, Boxy, mary666 et al.

Hmmm strange, I have not heard from Taz in a couple of days. Seems like he just vanished. Oh well...

Back to lurking mode.

Hey there bud (if you're still lurking !)
was wondering about taz myself earlier hope he's cool.
Got to get some money in back tomorrow got till sunday to repay my loan they are away till then anyway.

Hope you're all good I'm off to smoke some of this s. lemon haze it's proper tasty  :o

Still nothing from Taz nor Japan1980...what gives?

I have standing issues with Taz and hope that it get sorted.

I am getting so mad, I am going to flip this table over (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 19, 2013, 09:45 pm
Well hey all you young people  :)

no clue i havent heard from our Brother taz yet....i hope he's alright  ......kinda gave me a scare  :(

But i love our brother taz and hope he's doing well  :)

Peace, Love & Hugs from me to you All  :)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 19, 2013, 09:55 pm
Hey all  ;) hope Taz just busy with his goings on, not heard from him either, gettin worried about Japan  :( he,d usually have popped in for a quick HIGH as only he does  :-\ Did you and Japan have something going on imaz, drug wise lol  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: GayBruceCampbell on July 19, 2013, 10:07 pm
Hiya fat arse, hows the gastric band going. I heard you need some pins to shoot up your smack...Why are you always bumming and begging?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 19, 2013, 10:11 pm
Hey all  ;) hope Taz just busy with his goings on, not heard from him either, gettin worried about Japan  :( he,d usually have popped in for a quick HIGH as only he does  :-\ Did you and Japan have something going on imaz, drug wise lol  ;)

No it is taz that I am waiting for...Japan, I was thinking that I had not seen him in sometime.

Well back to lurk mode and back to watching sumo then the tour...

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 19, 2013, 10:22 pm
Well enjoy your sumo, hope Taz pops up soon hun  ;) :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 19, 2013, 10:30 pm
                                               :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) ##When requesting, post your SR name## SO WE KNOW WHERE TO SEND IT TO.  DON'T ASSUME WE KNOW. ##  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7)## DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. ## >:(  ##Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due. ##
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
BlackIris ++++
dr gonzo
lssb2132      ++++
MC Haberdasher 
Mike Hunt
Repus6 *
staind ++++
White Out

{message the last person to post the list if you have lent but your name isn't on it :)}

The shit list:
andrewBUD420 ++++
Autobondon *
King Karma
repus6 *

         *^*do not lend to these people*^*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Descarte on July 19, 2013, 11:55 pm
Sorry about the delay Kittykatgirl123 0.03 gone in now.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kittykatgirl123 on July 20, 2013, 12:02 am
No problem at all Descarte, thanks so much!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Descarte on July 20, 2013, 12:05 am
I think if I make one more post after this I win something ( or something like that).
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Descarte on July 20, 2013, 12:06 am
So here goes.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Descarte on July 20, 2013, 12:09 am
Cool I scored another yellow square and I can post without having identify those dumb letters. I used to always get them wrong.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Descarte on July 20, 2013, 12:13 am
I thought I got to Karamalize people but I can't see any new tabs?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 20, 2013, 12:30 am
So here goes.

Congrats! +1 for you...

Anyone hear anything from Taz? Grrr now I want to fight someone... (ง •̀_•́)ง

(*゚ノO゚) - taz
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Descarte on July 20, 2013, 12:35 am
I just noticed the [thank] [discourage] tabs under your post. Is that karma?  If so I just +1 for you.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: kyotosong on July 20, 2013, 12:45 am
hey, upthera! you have .05 returned to you. thanks for the loan!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 20, 2013, 12:46 am
**tickles ImAz**


gave ya a +1 earlier but couldnt tell ya ..was busy  :)

Much Love, From Me to You, Descarte   :)

Peace & Hugs  :)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Descarte on July 20, 2013, 12:55 am
Hi ChemCat. I think that [thank] [discourage] thing must be karma because I just thanked you and now you've got more +karma.
I had 1 gram of mushies for breakfast so am going to have to log off soon so you don't have to put up with my drivvle.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: energyimport on July 20, 2013, 01:01 am
Anyone willing to drop me like .20 coins just shy actually .18 to be exact.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 20, 2013, 01:04 am
You be safe my friend  :)

and look at all of my         - Karma 


Peace & Hugs  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 20, 2013, 01:11 am
G,night all FAF on newbie thread see how troll likes it saw it so joined in lmao  ;) :-*

Love n hugs to ya,ll  :-* :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 20, 2013, 01:57 am
G,night all FAF on newbie thread see how troll likes it saw it so joined in lmao  ;) :-*

Love n hugs to ya,ll  :-* :-*

Is that 1st sentence english and good night
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: motek on July 20, 2013, 04:18 am
You be safe my friend  :)

and look at all of my         - Karma 


Peace & Hugs  :)


Hiya chemy babe!  I +1'd you yesterday, after I got your hugs ;D

neg karma  ::) lol it just means you rubbed the fuckwitts up the wrong way  !!   keeep up the good work bro  8)

m m m motek  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on July 20, 2013, 04:49 am
Ok guys, I've only asked for coin on here one time, and it got ignored (which is no big) but now I have a slight situation

I put in a order and specifically told the vendor I was going to be leaving for a MONTH come monday. He still has me in processing.

So for the time being, I would like to put in a separate order with another vendor, I know will get my product to me before by monday.

Only problem is I'm short $7.20

If anyone can my SR name is fornak8

If anyone could help out, It would prevent sickness.
I would be able to get it back to you sometime withing the month, whenever I get access to SRF while i'm gone.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 20, 2013, 05:18 am
I think if I make one more post after this I win something ( or something like that).
:D you've won a (HUG)! congrats! an nice work brother 8)

You be safe my friend  :)

and look at all of my         - Karma 


Peace & Hugs  :)


Hiya chemy babe!  I +1'd you yesterday, after I got your hugs ;D

neg karma  ::) lol it just means you rubbed the fuckwitts up the wrong way  !!   keeep up the good work bro  8)

m m m motek  ;)
:D been gone for a while mmmT (hugs to ya)!

Ok guys, I've only asked for coin on here one time, and it got ignored (which is no big) but now I have a slight situation

I put in a order and specifically told the vendor I was going to be leaving for a MONTH come monday. He still has me in processing.

So for the time being, I would like to put in a separate order with another vendor, I know will get my product to me before by monday.

Only problem is I'm short $7.20

If anyone can my SR name is fornak8

If anyone could help out, It would prevent sickness.
I would be able to get it back to you sometime withing the month, whenever I get access to SRF while i'm gone.
0.08 sent to fornak8 :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on July 20, 2013, 05:20 am
oh wow, thank you so much bro! adding you to my signature now.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on July 20, 2013, 05:30 am
RS7FI8ZRkm, I actually have 1.04 left after putting the order in, do you want that now, or just all of it when I get it?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 20, 2013, 05:36 am
oh wow, thank you so much bro! adding you to my signature now.
:) you're welcome! please repay when you're able!

RS7FI8ZRkm, I actually have 1.04 left after putting the order in, do you want that now, or just all of it when I get it?
your call :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on July 20, 2013, 05:43 am
oh wow, thank you so much bro! adding you to my signature now.
:) you're welcome! please repay when you're able!

RS7FI8ZRkm, I actually have 1.04 left after putting the order in, do you want that now, or just all of it when I get it?
your call :)

0.0113 repayed (overage)
0.0687 remaining on the loan.

Thanks bro, I will have it back to you asap.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 20, 2013, 05:43 am
m m m motek!


Good to see ya back here for a visit  :P

Peace & Huge Huggles to ya  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ben78ynos on July 20, 2013, 12:33 pm
Sorry to ask guys but I need a little bit over 0.1 . Wanna get a strip of acid.
SR: ben78ynos

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on July 20, 2013, 12:50 pm
if the amount you specify is less than you need, you're doing it wrong. try again lol.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: upthera on July 20, 2013, 12:58 pm
I guess this is going to be my new hangout, sick of all the BS in the other threads.

How is everyone doing today?

Good move my friend, best thread with the best core group, as far as civility, helpfullness, and just a great way to get away from the shit elseshere.  Might not be the best informational thread but it is the place that has done more to improve my outluck on SR, the Forums, and humans in general.  That core group knows who they are.  Before I found this thread I was beginning to fall into the trap of letting all the negative shit elsewhere bring me down to their level and coming here changed all that.  You guys bring out the best in me and that is not a small thing and I don't think I am alone in that respect.

Pnkpanther(sp?) will correct has been the only person to pay me back and he did so at the perfect time. I've never asked for coin and had some expesive BTC I was holding on to hoping to get a bit of the value back before I finally said fuck it and placed two much needed orders yesterday and I ended up a few quid short on an order that would have cost me much more if I had had to get a smaller amount and somehow he repayed 5 min before was about to come here to ask for a 2-3 quid loan. I placed that order.  :-) 

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: upthera on July 20, 2013, 01:03 pm
hey, upthera! you have .05 returned to you. thanks for the loan!

Thank you my friend and no problem!  Glad I could help.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper Jenson on July 20, 2013, 02:21 pm
Hi my fellow SR travellers. I am just short of an order. I need .02 BTC and can pay back .03 BTC before Wednesday. I have paid back all loans so far.

SR name is Jasper5Jenson.
Thanks to anyone who can help...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MC Haberdasher on July 20, 2013, 02:32 pm
Hi my fellow SR travellers. I am just short of an order. I need .02 BTC and can pay back .03 BTC before Wednesday. I have paid back all loans so far.

SR name is Jasper5Jenson.
Thanks to anyone who can help...

Sent 0.11
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: motek on July 20, 2013, 02:33 pm
heya Jasper It's just been sent, enjoy,  ;D   and just put it back into the account it came from  8)

Welcome to the club a few of us put quite a bit of work into getting you guys caring and sharing, and we all thank you very much  ;D 8)

Much love for all of you who care enough to 'bother'

m m m motek  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper Jenson on July 20, 2013, 02:36 pm
Thanks Motek.

I'll get it back to you asap. +1 for now for your help!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper Jenson on July 20, 2013, 02:52 pm
Hi my fellow SR travellers. I am just short of an order. I need .02 BTC and can pay back .03 BTC before Wednesday. I have paid back all loans so far.

SR name is Jasper5Jenson.
Thanks to anyone who can help...

Sent 0.11
Thanks to you too MC and +1!
Now I've got more than I needed. I can send back to you if you want right away.

If you don't need it before Wed I'll pay it back when I get the rest of my coins.

Let me know.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 20, 2013, 03:10 pm
I guess this is going to be my new hangout, sick of all the BS in the other threads.

How is everyone doing today?

Good move my friend, best thread with the best core group, as far as civility, helpfullness, and just a great way to get away from the shit elseshere.  Might not be the best informational thread but it is the place that has done more to improve my outluck on SR, the Forums, and humans in general.  That core group knows who they are.  Before I found this thread I was beginning to fall into the trap of letting all the negative shit elsewhere bring me down to their level and coming here changed all that.  You guys bring out the best in me and that is not a small thing and I don't think I am alone in that respect.

Pnkpanther(sp?) will correct has been the only person to pay me back and he did so at the perfect time. I've never asked for coin and had some expesive BTC I was holding on to hoping to get a bit of the value back before I finally said fuck it and placed two much needed orders yesterday and I ended up a few quid short on an order that would have cost me much more if I had had to get a smaller amount and somehow he repayed 5 min before was about to come here to ask for a 2-3 quid loan. I placed that order.  :-)

Hello upthera  ;) :D :-* One of my best friends on here, you kept me here too along with a few other great people  ;) :-*

Hi all my other friends in here, the best thread on this forum  ;) :-* (and not for the coin loan lol)  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MC Haberdasher on July 20, 2013, 03:19 pm
Hi my fellow SR travellers. I am just short of an order. I need .02 BTC and can pay back .03 BTC before Wednesday. I have paid back all loans so far.

SR name is Jasper5Jenson.
Thanks to anyone who can help...

Sent 0.11
Thanks to you too MC and +1!
Now I've got more than I needed. I can send back to you if you want right away.

If you don't need it before Wed I'll pay it back when I get the rest of my coins.

Let me know.

Actually, I'll take it back.  just found an interesting offer I wanna jump on.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper Jenson on July 20, 2013, 03:35 pm
MC, I sent it back to you.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MC Haberdasher on July 20, 2013, 03:41 pm
MC, I sent it back to you.


Thanks!  I saw it and have already placed the order,  should be an interesting one.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper Jenson on July 20, 2013, 03:44 pm
MC, I sent it back to you.


Thanks!  I saw it and have already placed the order,  should be an interesting one.

I was going to ask what, but maybe I don't want to know...

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MC Haberdasher on July 20, 2013, 04:25 pm
MC, I sent it back to you.


Thanks!  I saw it and have already placed the order,  should be an interesting one.

I was going to ask what, but maybe I don't want to know...

Remember those listings for used women's panties??   ;)

Nah, for real though..  It's a bit of exotic weed, I'll post a review when the time is right.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 20, 2013, 04:53 pm
HIGH from JAPAN to you guys, he pm,d me on SR he,s busy and will say hi soon, told me to say hi as he does to all of you  :-* :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 20, 2013, 04:59 pm
Tell j-man i said hi  :)

and can you msg me please  :P

i have a couple quick questions for ya  :)

Huggles to ya mary  :)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: redfunguy on July 20, 2013, 05:52 pm
I have .0021 btc left worth 19 cents right now.  First person to speak up gets it.  No need to pay me back I don't know when I will be back on ordering again.    ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Boostedh on July 20, 2013, 05:57 pm
So this is definitely a first time for me doing this....I'm currently around .4btc short of an order I was hoping to make today, but because it's the weekend I'm unable to get btc til Monday.  If anyone would be kind enough to lend it to me until the beginning of the week, I'll gladly pay it back with whatever terms you feel is necessary. 

Much appreciated if someone's able to help, but thanks for even reading my post as well. 

Love and light and keep the peace.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: redfunguy on July 20, 2013, 05:59 pm
I just sent you .0021 Boostedh that will get you a tad closer.  Good luck.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Boostedh on July 20, 2013, 06:05 pm
I just sent you .0021 Boostedh that will get you a tad closer.  Good luck.

Very much appreciated friend!  And it's closer than where I was at!  :P  Thank you.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on July 20, 2013, 06:06 pm
Hey guys, how is everyones saturday so far?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: abdomen on July 20, 2013, 06:08 pm
Boostedh, I have ฿0.0534, what's your address? PM it to me
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 20, 2013, 06:12 pm
hello hello hello :) my lovely droogies! hope thouts droogs are doing well :D

(hugs) all of you 8)..

morning chem, mary, and the rest of you wonderful peoples :).
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: i3lazd on July 20, 2013, 06:13 pm
hello hello hello :) my lovely droogies! hope thouts droogs are doing well :D

(hugs) all of you 8)..

morning chem, mary, and the rest of you wonderful peoples :).

hey hows it goin? when you need that loan back? I am tight for cash but getting sheet today so I should make some $$$

Thanks let me know

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: abdomen on July 20, 2013, 06:31 pm
I just sent you .0021 Boostedh that will get you a tad closer.  Good luck.

Very much appreciated friend!  And it's closer than where I was at!  :P  Thank you.

Not even five dollars, but I did send it  :P

It should be gettin' there soon
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 20, 2013, 06:52 pm
hello hello hello :) my lovely droogies! hope thouts droogs are doing well :D

(hugs) all of you 8)..

morning chem, mary, and the rest of you wonderful peoples :).

hey hows it goin? when you need that loan back? I am tight for cash but getting sheet today so I should make some $$$

Thanks let me know

gonna be trying to place an order tonight/tomorrow,  if you can get it to me before then, would be great :D

also, if anyones got some coin laying around, I could use 1.45 for three to five days :).. payback with 10% interest.

thank you!

sr: RS7FI8ZRkm
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: theman123451 on July 20, 2013, 08:04 pm
ill give you what i got left after what i ordered its only .0401 but its something
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: darthvaderstar on July 20, 2013, 08:15 pm
Is there anyone willing to loan me 0.28 bitcoins? I didn't need as much but prices keep on changing.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Boostedh on July 20, 2013, 08:56 pm
Just send me a PM whoever donates so I can keep track of who did, I will be paying people back as soon as I'm able to get to a bank to make a deposit.  Thanks again everyone. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: hopeful7 on July 21, 2013, 12:37 am
This is kind of cool.

I need 0.0361 to complete an order. I can pay back within 7 to 10 days when I get more bitcoin.  SR name is hopesalive07. Never tried this  before, so I figure I will give it a try. 

Have a wonderful week end SR Friends!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 21, 2013, 12:53 am
hello all,

I hope it is all good in your part of the world.

I see that Mary was in touch with Japan1980...well that is one off the list. Now just to find out where taz is...

Back to the tour.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lssb2132 on July 21, 2013, 01:50 am
Hi Chemmy  :-* how ya doing hun  ;)

Hi kalli, if i had coin it be yours but i,m tapped out till Monday unless one of the people who owes me pays back  ;)

hello mary :) and chemmy ! and boxy and taz if he's about hope you all are doing well

Thanks mary i know ya would its no big deal iv only got 18 hours to wait now  ::)
I'm back now, had a blast. Kalli if you could let me know when you've sent the coin back, that would be excellent. Just gotta try make an order this week
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 21, 2013, 03:40 am
hello hello hello :) my lovely droogies! hope thouts droogs are doing well :D

(hugs) all of you 8)..

morning chem, mary, and the rest of you wonderful peoples :).

hey hows it goin? when you need that loan back? I am tight for cash but getting sheet today so I should make some $$$

Thanks let me know

gonna be trying to place an order tonight/tomorrow,  if you can get it to me before then, would be great :D

also, if anyones got some coin laying around, I could use 1.45 for three to five days :).. payback with 10% interest.

thank you!

sr: RS7FI8ZRkm
bumb :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on July 21, 2013, 06:47 am
hello hello hello :) my lovely droogies! hope thouts droogs are doing well :D

(hugs) all of you 8)..

morning chem, mary, and the rest of you wonderful peoples :).

hey hows it goin? when you need that loan back? I am tight for cash but getting sheet today so I should make some $$$

Thanks let me know

gonna be trying to place an order tonight/tomorrow,  if you can get it to me before then, would be great :D

also, if anyones got some coin laying around, I could use 1.45 for three to five days :).. payback with 10% interest.

thank you!

sr: RS7FI8ZRkm
bumb :)

damn bro, you sent me like 7 bux, and now you need coin. I feel bad. Someone able, help this guy out, he is all about helping others, now he needs help. If I could you would already have it bro. my balance after sending that 1.04 back to you is 0.0000 $0.01 lol I have a penny.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 21, 2013, 07:50 am
Hi Chemmy  :-* how ya doing hun  ;)

Hi kalli, if i had coin it be yours but i,m tapped out till Monday unless one of the people who owes me pays back  ;)

hello mary :) and chemmy ! and boxy and taz if he's about hope you all are doing well

Thanks mary i know ya would its no big deal iv only got 18 hours to wait now  ::)
I'm back now, had a blast. Kalli if you could let me know when you've sent the coin back, that would be excellent. Just gotta try make an order this week

Hey there all ! :)

Had a seriously mad weekend after my NBOMe and ketamine arrived before they were supposed to (boxy my man you were fast !)

You have my word it will be back in your account today, iv just got to drag my weird, fucked up, melty head to my mams to give her the money to put in bank first. Breakfast then debts I promise :) and thank you again you was an absolute life saver !
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lssb2132 on July 21, 2013, 08:10 am
Thanks heaps, sounds good. Happy I was able to help  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 21, 2013, 03:56 pm
Sorry had a real hassle getting money in to bank my own fault for leaving it till last min. Just waiting for coins to hit my SR wallet soon as they have its back home and thank you it was a great help, you saved my weekend :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 21, 2013, 04:26 pm
There you go, sent 0.37 back if you need a little more or anything else for that matter give me a shout anytime and I will be glad to help.

Thanks, kalli.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: NorthernStar on July 21, 2013, 04:39 pm
There you go, sent 0.37 back if you need a little more or anything else for that matter give me a shout anytime and I will be glad to help.

Thanks, kalli.
Are you freeloading again, tut tut
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 21, 2013, 04:50 pm
It called helping others out read the thread it's what we do round here but I'm fairly sure you wouldn't understand the concept so may as well save your time and skip it.

Doesn't surprise me you're asking dumb questions though, thought the thread title might have given you a clue as to what to expect but everyone has the right to be a bit simple I suppose.

Have a nice day, kalli xxx
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 21, 2013, 07:57 pm
Hi Kalli  ;) hope your good today  ;)

Hi everyone, finally lol  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: schuldig on July 21, 2013, 08:16 pm
I have a few spare coins left and am stocked up on personal drugs so I'll help out.
Hope you guys are having a great weekend!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 21, 2013, 08:19 pm
Hi Shuldig +1 to you  ;) I don,t need coin myself but kind offer i,m sure someone will lol  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: schuldig on July 21, 2013, 08:25 pm
Thank you Mary for welcoming me here, I have already looked who might be in need and as much as I would hove loved to help RS7FI8ZRkm, I don't have that many coins. However seeing as how decent the BTC prices are right now I decided to load up on a bit more so in future I should be a little bit more liquid.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 21, 2013, 08:32 pm
Thank you Mary for welcoming me here, I have already looked who might be in need and as much as I would hove loved to help RS7FI8ZRkm, I don't have that many coins. However seeing as how decent the BTC prices are right now I decided to load up on a bit more so in future I should be a little bit more liquid.
Your very welcome here, just send what coin you have to RS his SR name the same i will vouch for him 110%  ;) just post on here what you sent  ;) Thanks hun would +1 you but did on the karma thread lol  ;) :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: NorthernStar on July 21, 2013, 08:40 pm
Thank you Mary for welcoming me here, I have already looked who might be in need and as much as I would hove loved to help RS7FI8ZRkm, I don't have that many coins. However seeing as how decent the BTC prices are right now I decided to load up on a bit more so in future I should be a little bit more liquid.
Your very welcome here, just send what coin you have to RS his SR name the same i will vouch for him 110%  ;) just post on here what you sent  ;) Thanks hun would +1 you but did on the karma thread lol  ;) :-*
Shuldig, she will be PM'g you in half an hour asking for spare coins to score smack. don't indulge the fat tramp.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: schuldig on July 21, 2013, 08:42 pm
Your very welcome here, just send what coin you have to RS his SR name the same i will vouch for him 110%  ;) just post on here what you sent  ;) Thanks hun would +1 you but did on the karma thread lol  ;) :-*

Just sent my last 0.18BTC to RS7FI8ZRkm, hope this helps!

Peace :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: NorthernStar on July 21, 2013, 08:46 pm
Your very welcome here, just send what coin you have to RS his SR name the same i will vouch for him 110%  ;) just post on here what you sent  ;) Thanks hun would +1 you but did on the karma thread lol  ;) :-*

Just sent my last 0.18BTC to RS7FI8ZRkm, hope this helps!

Peace :)

See what I mean, mary666 fuck off you fucking begging tramp.Just tell the tramp to fuck off, it's quicker.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 21, 2013, 08:49 pm
Thanks schuldig  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 21, 2013, 08:55 pm
hello hello hello :) my lovely droogies! hope thouts droogs are doing well :D

(hugs) all of you 8)..

morning chem, mary, and the rest of you wonderful peoples :).

hey hows it goin? when you need that loan back? I am tight for cash but getting sheet today so I should make some $$$

Thanks let me know

gonna be trying to place an order tonight/tomorrow,  if you can get it to me before then, would be great :D

also, if anyones got some coin laying around, I could use 1.45 for three to five days :).. payback with 10% interest.

thank you!

sr: RS7FI8ZRkm
bumb :)

damn bro, you sent me like 7 bux, and now you need coin. I feel bad. Someone able, help this guy out, he is all about helping others, now he needs help. If I could you would already have it bro. my balance after sending that 1.04 back to you is 0.0000 $0.01 lol I have a penny.
:) no worries we all here helping eachother.. glad I was able to get you helped.

thank you theman123451, haberdasher, mary, and schuldig :)

(hugs) to all of you :D

still after 1.22 if anybody can lend, will be grateful, and happily repay with extra. within 5 days

sr: RS7FI8ZRkm

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 21, 2013, 08:57 pm

See what I mean, mary666 fuck off you fucking begging tramp.Just tell the tramp to fuck off, it's quicker
 dude does this affect you in anyway . not as far as i can see!
I haven't ever seen mary beg.. ??? so why don't you take that bad attitude, right back out the door brother :) thanks
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: abdomen on July 21, 2013, 08:58 pm

See what I mean, mary666 fuck off you fucking begging tramp.Just tell the tramp to fuck off, it's quicker
 dude does this affect you in anyway . not as far as i can see!
I haven't ever seen mary beg.. ??? so why don't you take that bad attitude, right back out the door brother :) thanks

He's already got +16/-109 karma. If that doesn't send someone into shameful retreat, I don't know what the hell possibly could...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 21, 2013, 08:59 pm
Hi RS  ;) I,ve got 40p or i,d help you out, Chems cleaned me out today lol  ;) never mind some sweet DMT on the way tomorrow  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: schuldig on July 21, 2013, 09:02 pm

thank you theman123451, haberdasher, mary, and schuldig :)

(hugs) to all of you :D

still after 1.22 if anybody can lend, will be grateful, and happily repay with extra :)

I should get my 0.5 BTC by tuesday if you'll still need it, I'll be happy to help you out.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lizard8sum on July 21, 2013, 09:03 pm
Your very welcome here, just send what coin you have to RS his SR name the same i will vouch for him 110%  ;) just post on here what you sent  ;) Thanks hun would +1 you but did on the karma thread lol  ;) :-*

Just sent my last 0.18BTC to RS7FI8ZRkm, hope this helps!

Peace :)

See what I mean, mary666 fuck off you fucking begging tramp.Just tell the tramp to fuck off, it's quicker.
i dont see how this affects you in any way  so why your panties in a twist?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: NorthernStar on July 21, 2013, 09:06 pm
Your missing the point. It's not just on here it's that the bum is doing this in real life, taking the states money, and generally being a layabout waste of space crack and smack head. You give her some coins once and she's like a gannet. Don't indulge the trog.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: NorthernStar on July 21, 2013, 09:10 pm
Hi RS  ;) I,ve got 40p or i,d help you out, Chems cleaned me out today lol  ;) never mind some sweet DMT on the way tomorrow  ;)
Aaahhhh You giving me the silent treatment, Oh well it only strengthens my resolve for you. Come on I'll give you a tenner for a bag and you swallow my dongle.
It's better than you'll get by your's
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 21, 2013, 09:14 pm
Your missing the point. It's not just on here it's that the bum is doing this in real life, taking the states money, and generally being a layabout waste of space crack and smack head. You give her some coins once and she's like a gannet. Don't indulge the trog.
Firstly son i,ve borrowed twice from Japan pennies both times, but have loaned coin over 10 times even though i,ve not been paid back by some  ;) secondly, I smoke weed, try a bit of DMT and the odd trip! Do you even buy drugs  ::) Na you just troll cause your a broke loser scumbag  ;)
I never asked for coin, but your retarded brain can,t comprehend the msg,s so FUCK OFF i have nothing more to say to you and neither does anyone else  ;)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: NorthernStar on July 21, 2013, 09:23 pm
Your missing the point. It's not just on here it's that the bum is doing this in real life, taking the states money, and generally being a layabout waste of space crack and smack head. You give her some coins once and she's like a gannet. Don't indulge the trog.
Firstly son i,ve borrowed twice from Japan pennies both times, but have loaned coin over 10 times even though i,ve not been paid back by some  ;) secondly, I smoke weed, try a bit of DMT and the odd trip! Do you even buy drugs  ::) Na you just troll cause your a broke loser scumbag  ;)
I never asked for coin, but your retarded brain can,t comprehend the msg,s so FUCK OFF i have nothing more to say to you and neither does anyone else  ;)


That's the 3rd time you have mentioned small penises, I can only assume you are frustrated as your dick of a fella falkansim is so smacked up his cock is on strike. You are a fucking bumming fat hairy tramp, and I will stop people giving you free stuff. Now fuck off fatty.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: abdomen on July 21, 2013, 09:28 pm
Your missing the point. It's not just on here it's that the bum is doing this in real life, taking the states money, and generally being a layabout waste of space crack and smack head. You give her some coins once and she's like a gannet. Don't indulge the trog.
Firstly son i,ve borrowed twice from Japan pennies both times, but have loaned coin over 10 times even though i,ve not been paid back by some  ;) secondly, I smoke weed, try a bit of DMT and the odd trip! Do you even buy drugs  ::) Na you just troll cause your a broke loser scumbag  ;)
I never asked for coin, but your retarded brain can,t comprehend the msg,s so FUCK OFF i have nothing more to say to you and neither does anyone else  ;)


That's the 3rd time you have mentioned small penises, I can only assume you are frustrated as your dick of a fella falkansim is so smacked up his cock is on strike. You are a fucking bumming fat hairy tramp, and I will stop people giving you free stuff. Now fuck off fatty.

n o b o d y

c a r e s
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 21, 2013, 09:29 pm
ya'll should just make a thread for reason to hash it out here.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 21, 2013, 09:32 pm
ya'll should just make a thread for reason to hash it out here.

I put in Caps at end of my last post, no more responses here please  ;) ignore it i,m lmao and its wasting its time  ::)

Anyway Hi Chem  ;) how ya doing hun  ;) :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: NorthernStar on July 21, 2013, 09:33 pm
Your missing the point. It's not just on here it's that the bum is doing this in real life, taking the states money, and generally being a layabout waste of space crack and smack head. You give her some coins once and she's like a gannet. Don't indulge the trog.
Firstly son i,ve borrowed twice from Japan pennies both times, but have loaned coin over 10 times even though i,ve not been paid back by some  ;) secondly, I smoke weed, try a bit of DMT and the odd trip! Do you even buy drugs  ::) Na you just troll cause your a broke loser scumbag  ;)
I never asked for coin, but your retarded brain can,t comprehend the msg,s so FUCK OFF i have nothing more to say to you and neither does anyone else  ;)


That's the 3rd time you have mentioned small penises, I can only assume you are frustrated as your dick of a fella falkansim is so smacked up his cock is on strike. You are a fucking bumming fat hairy tramp, and I will stop people giving you free stuff. Now fuck off fatty.

n o b o d y

c a r e s

Except  you who went to the trouble to say nobody cares. What rock did you crawl from under, go back their you cockaroach. this it between me and fat arse.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: NorthernStar on July 21, 2013, 09:37 pm
ya'll should just make a thread for reason to hash it out here.

I put in Caps at end of my last post, no more responses here please  ;) ignore it i,m lmao and its wasting its time  ::)

Anyway Hi Chem  ;) how ya doing hun  ;) :-*

I don't need a response from your smack addled brain. I know other people are seeing it so who gives a fuck what you say you fat mong. You trolled my thread and called me an attention seeking fuck witt, now you are going to rue them words right  now when I be a... you guessed it an attention seeking fuckwitt.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: NorthernStar on July 21, 2013, 09:40 pm
ya'll should just make a thread for reason to hash it out here.

I put in Caps at end of my last post, no more responses here please  ;) ignore it i,m lmao and its wasting its time  ::)

Anyway Hi Chem  ;) how ya doing hun  ;) :-*

Clearly you are doing anything but laugh your ass off. You are gutted you fat piece of scum. Now fuck off and stop begging your giving the road a bad name you scumball.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 21, 2013, 09:56 pm
hello hello hello :) my lovely droogies! hope thouts droogs are doing well :D

(hugs) all of you 8)..

morning chem, mary, and the rest of you wonderful peoples :).

hey hows it goin? when you need that loan back? I am tight for cash but getting sheet today so I should make some $$$

Thanks let me know

gonna be trying to place an order tonight/tomorrow,  if you can get it to me before then, would be great :D

also, if anyones got some coin laying around, I could use 1.45 for three to five days :).. payback with 10% interest.

thank you!

sr: RS7FI8ZRkm
bumb :)

damn bro, you sent me like 7 bux, and now you need coin. I feel bad. Someone able, help this guy out, he is all about helping others, now he needs help. If I could you would already have it bro. my balance after sending that 1.04 back to you is 0.0000 $0.01 lol I have a penny.
:) no worries we all here helping eachother.. glad I was able to get you helped.

thank you theman123451, haberdasher, mary, and schuldig :)

(hugs) to all of you :D

still after 1.22 if anybody can lend, will be grateful, and happily repay with extra. within 5 days

sr: RS7FI8ZRkm

bumb :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: hopeful7 on July 21, 2013, 10:53 pm
This is kind of cool.

I need 0.0361 to complete an order. I can pay back within 7 to 10 days when I get more bitcoin.  SR name is hopesalive07. Never tried this  before, so I figure I will give it a try. 

Have a wonderful week end SR Friends!

I have another silly/newbie question. How do we get the + and - karma things?  What keeps track of that?  Still learning and figuring things out here.  Thanks!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 21, 2013, 10:58 pm
when you get to 100 posts thank and discourage will appear under users names  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: hopeful7 on July 21, 2013, 11:00 pm
when you get to 100 posts thank and discourage will appear under users names  ;)

Thank you!  I am over half way there.  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: NorthernStar on July 21, 2013, 11:04 pm
when you get to 100 posts thank and discourage will appear under users names  ;)
I'd smash that fucking bitcoin tip jar over your fat ugly head.Now fuck off bumming will you.. are you trying out your new block on members? you had to be told numerous times by cirrus how to block me dickhead...but other people will still see your a troll. I see your not responding over in the I'll be watching you thread, not surprised, how can you defend a mod calling you a troll...even though he called me one also, I had to turn into 1 to expose you.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 21, 2013, 11:26 pm
Good to see that we are all having a good time!

No sign of Taz yet? Fuck me...I need some coins....
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: NorthernStar on July 21, 2013, 11:27 pm
Another shill, or alter ego?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 21, 2013, 11:28 pm
No sign of Taz since the other day  :-\ hope he,s ok, prob just busy, how ya doing  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 21, 2013, 11:29 pm
Another shill, or alter ego?

Was that at me?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 21, 2013, 11:31 pm
Another shill, or alter ego?

Was that at me?
Yes your me  ::) just ignore "IT"  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 21, 2013, 11:36 pm
:-[ anybody with coin, I am an honest contributer to this thread, check history if you wish,  I have loaned to many people an been lent coin several times also, I've always repaid with extra, an always paid back when I said I would..

I've lent .62 to 13lazed just 4 days ago.. hoping he would honor himself an repay within the promised 72 hrs.. looks like hes failed to do that.  :-\..

I have an agreement with a vendor to make a custom listing purchase,.

I'm trying everything in my power to hold my word. however, this makes me unable to do so..

I have cash, and money I can deposit, just not today, I am in need of 1.22 BTC, I will pay back with an extra 10% within 5 days.

please, thank you and hugs :-*

sr: RS7FI8ZRkm
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lssb2132 on July 22, 2013, 09:56 am
:-[ anybody with coin, I am an honest contributer to this thread, check history if you wish,  I have loaned to many people an been lent coin several times also, I've always repaid with extra, an always paid back when I said I would..

I've lent .62 to 13lazed just 4 days ago.. hoping he would honor himself an repay within the promised 72 hrs.. looks like hes failed to do that.  :-\..

I have an agreement with a vendor to make a custom listing purchase,.

I'm trying everything in my power to hold my word. however, this makes me unable to do so..

I have cash, and money I can deposit, just not today, I am in need of 1.22 BTC, I will pay back with an extra 10% within 5 days.

please, thank you and hugs :-*

sr: RS7FI8ZRkm
Hey I'd be able to lend you the .37 Kalli got back to me if you'd like. Let me know :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 22, 2013, 10:55 am
:-[ anybody with coin, I am an honest contributer to this thread, check history if you wish,  I have loaned to many people an been lent coin several times also, I've always repaid with extra, an always paid back when I said I would..

I've lent .62 to 13lazed just 4 days ago.. hoping he would honor himself an repay within the promised 72 hrs.. looks like hes failed to do that.  :-\..

I have an agreement with a vendor to make a custom listing purchase,.

I'm trying everything in my power to hold my word. however, this makes me unable to do so..

I have cash, and money I can deposit, just not today, I am in need of 1.22 BTC, I will pay back with an extra 10% within 5 days.

please, thank you and hugs :-*

sr: RS7FI8ZRkm
Hey I'd be able to lend you the .37 Kalli got back to me if you'd like. Let me know :)
:) hey! that would be very helpful, an I'd be greatful if you can.

I'll repay within 5 days, 10% intrest. thank you :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 22, 2013, 10:58 am
Good Morning :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 22, 2013, 11:00 am
Good Morning :)

goat morning to you! :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 22, 2013, 11:02 am
wut ya think about packaging inside of cleaned and dried out capri sun drink containers

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 22, 2013, 11:03 am
Manly Hugs right back atcha, my Brother  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 22, 2013, 11:09 am
wut ya think about packaging inside of cleaned and dried out capri sun drink containers

lol, random? but sure.. why not :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 22, 2013, 11:11 am
i know right  LOL  this morn i was drinkin one and thawt to myself..WOW  this might be good LOL

so i cut the top open and washed it out and dried it ...then sealed it....lemme tell ya this seems pretty good  ;)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 22, 2013, 11:39 am
i know right  LOL  this morn i was drinkin one and thawt to myself..WOW  this might be good LOL

so i cut the top open and washed it out and dried it ...then sealed it....lemme tell ya this seems pretty good  ;)
LMAO  ;D Chem, where do these ideas come from  :P brilliant!!

Hi all  ;) how you,s all doing today?  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lssb2132 on July 22, 2013, 11:40 am
:-[ anybody with coin, I am an honest contributer to this thread, check history if you wish,  I have loaned to many people an been lent coin several times also, I've always repaid with extra, an always paid back when I said I would..

I've lent .62 to 13lazed just 4 days ago.. hoping he would honor himself an repay within the promised 72 hrs.. looks like hes failed to do that.  :-\..

I have an agreement with a vendor to make a custom listing purchase,.

I'm trying everything in my power to hold my word. however, this makes me unable to do so..

I have cash, and money I can deposit, just not today, I am in need of 1.22 BTC, I will pay back with an extra 10% within 5 days.

please, thank you and hugs :-*

sr: RS7FI8ZRkm
Hey I'd be able to lend you the .37 Kalli got back to me if you'd like. Let me know :)
:) hey! that would be very helpful, an I'd be greatful if you can.

I'll repay within 5 days, 10% intrest. thank you :)
Sent, hope someone else can help you out with the rest of it :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 22, 2013, 11:42 am
:-[ anybody with coin, I am an honest contributer to this thread, check history if you wish,  I have loaned to many people an been lent coin several times also, I've always repaid with extra, an always paid back when I said I would..

I've lent .62 to 13lazed just 4 days ago.. hoping he would honor himself an repay within the promised 72 hrs.. looks like hes failed to do that.  :-\..

I have an agreement with a vendor to make a custom listing purchase,.

I'm trying everything in my power to hold my word. however, this makes me unable to do so..

I have cash, and money I can deposit, just not today, I am in need of 1.22 BTC, I will pay back with an extra 10% within 5 days.

please, thank you and hugs :-*

sr: RS7FI8ZRkm
Hey I'd be able to lend you the .37 Kalli got back to me if you'd like. Let me know :)
:) hey! that would be very helpful, an I'd be greatful if you can.

I'll repay within 5 days, 10% intrest. thank you :)

Sent all I have bud sorry its only 0.1555. iF anyone else is wondering I vouch for RS so don't worry about getting paid back just dig deep :)

Hope every one is good today still recovering from an epic weekend myself !
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 22, 2013, 11:51 am
well it looked good mary  LOL  but it's just laminated foil so that wont be getting used  LOL

Huggles to you and kalli  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 22, 2013, 12:25 pm
well it looked good mary  LOL  but it's just laminated foil so that wont be getting used  LOL

Huggles to you and kalli  :)

Huggles right back chemmy and a few for mary iv not had any for a while and was feeling neglected ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 22, 2013, 12:29 pm
Huggles back to you Chem and Huge Hug for Kalli :) my avatar and smileys have gone??
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: fuxmey on July 22, 2013, 12:45 pm
Hi guys & Gals, First time trying this, I hope that someone may be kind enough to lend me 0.4 coins in the next 3-4 hours and I will pay it back withing 48 hours (with 10% interest if so needed)- user name - fuxmey00162
These are my stats-
 Purchasing statistics

Member for: 1 year

                  1 month     3 months       1 year
total transactions    5    18    20
total spent    $582.70    $1,957.40    $2,154.80
refund rate    0%      0%          0%
auto-finalize rate    0%    0%    0%
* total spent is approximated based on current USD exchange rate

These statistics are made available to your vendors when you purchase an item so they can better judge whether they want to do business with you or not. The more transactions you make that go smoothly and you finalize in a timely manner, the more likely your next order will be accepted.

Thanks Kindly for the opportunity to have a place and chance to ask without feeling judged :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Audio on July 22, 2013, 02:37 pm
Still in need of 8$
Member for: 1 year

1 year
total transactions    32
total spent    ฿16.4270
refund rate    0%    0%    0%
auto-finalize rate    0%    0%    0%

Can provide SR link if needed, PM me please!!!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MC Haberdasher on July 22, 2013, 02:43 pm
:-[ anybody with coin, I am an honest contributer to this thread, check history if you wish,  I have loaned to many people an been lent coin several times also, I've always repaid with extra, an always paid back when I said I would..

I've lent .62 to 13lazed just 4 days ago.. hoping he would honor himself an repay within the promised 72 hrs.. looks like hes failed to do that.  :-\..

I have an agreement with a vendor to make a custom listing purchase,.

I'm trying everything in my power to hold my word. however, this makes me unable to do so..

I have cash, and money I can deposit, just not today, I am in need of 1.22 BTC, I will pay back with an extra 10% within 5 days.

please, thank you and hugs :-*

sr: RS7FI8ZRkm

Sent: 0.13    That's all i got right now.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Steelo on July 22, 2013, 04:37 pm
Hi, I'm 0.0355 BTC short on an order so if anyone could spare that, I'd really appreciate it. Here's my wallet address: 13yG7UjrWg19EQBfM2gW7GL31XR5zxTqtE
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 22, 2013, 04:53 pm

                                               :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) ##When requesting, post your SR name## SO WE KNOW WHERE TO SEND IT TO.  DON'T ASSUME WE KNOW. ##  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7)## DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. ## >:(  ##Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due. ##
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
BlackIris ++++
dr gonzo
lssb2132      ++++
MC Haberdasher 
Mike Hunt
Repus6 *
staind ++++
White Out

{message the last person to post the list if you have lent but your name isn't on it :)}

The shit list:
andrewBUD420 ++++
Autobondon *
King Karma
repus6 *

         *^*do not lend to these people*^*

Have a good Day @ Everyone  :)

Peace & Huggles to ya'll  :P


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tonymontana101 on July 22, 2013, 05:21 pm
Hello everyone. Going to try this again since I didn't get a response on my last attempt. I need .06 bitcoin to complete this order and I'll return your funds in 7 days max. My username is tonymontana101 on SR it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on July 22, 2013, 05:31 pm
Hey guys, just wanted to pop in and say hi. I still only have $0.01 So I am unable to help anyone at this moment, but as soon as my ship comes in, ill take care of a few of you ;)

You first RS7FI8ZRkm

have a good one peeps
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: i3lazd on July 22, 2013, 05:32 pm
anyone need 1$USD?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Mcrad on July 22, 2013, 06:14 pm
Would any kind soul be willing to help me out with $7

im $7 short of placing a DMT order:)

i would pay it back once im able to get more coins!
SR name: McRAD

Much love_mcrad!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on July 22, 2013, 06:26 pm
Hello everyone. Going to try this again since I didn't get a response on my last attempt. I need .06 bitcoin to complete this order and I'll return your funds in 7 days max. My username is tonymontana101 on SR it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.

0.06 sent to your SR account
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on July 22, 2013, 06:35 pm
Would any kind soul be willing to help me out with $7

im $7 short of placing a DMT order:)

i would pay it back once im able to get more coins!
SR name: McRAD

Much love_mcrad!

0.0765BTC sent over
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 22, 2013, 06:38 pm
I,ve pm,d 2 people about overdue loans total 0.15 if any respond and pay i will loan (one,s been online today, other last active 18th) just have to hope lol  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Mcrad on July 22, 2013, 06:39 pm
Would any kind soul be willing to help me out with $7

im $7 short of placing a DMT order:)

i would pay it back once im able to get more coins!
SR name: McRAD

Much love_mcrad!

0.0765BTC sent over


thanks so much ill repay once i can

much love_mcrad!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on July 22, 2013, 06:46 pm
in desperate need of 0.03 btc asap for an offer that's not going to be there long

will repay with interest within 2 weeks,have helpeda few out on here

same name on sr, thanks in advance

Sent you 0.03BTC
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Intraterrestrial on July 22, 2013, 06:53 pm
in desperate need of 0.03 btc asap for an offer that's not going to be there long

will repay with interest within 2 weeks,have helpeda few out on here

same name on sr, thanks in advance

Sent you 0.03BTC

you're a superstar, +1
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on July 22, 2013, 07:09 pm
in desperate need of 0.03 btc asap for an offer that's not going to be there long

will repay with interest within 2 weeks,have helpeda few out on here

same name on sr, thanks in advance

Sent you 0.03BTC

Too easy mate enjoy   I hope if im ever in need someone helps me out too

you're a superstar, +1
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: t3rdsamich on July 22, 2013, 07:38 pm
Hey everyone, my SR name is nextgen. I was recently ripped off by a vendor while ordering suboxone. I contacted him and while we were talking he brought up that he wanted me to FE. So I told him my story, that Im disabled and cant afford the shipping. Mainly because I didnt want to FE. He replied that he would waive the shipping because he believed that if he helped the disabled it would come back to him in some odd way.  So me not wanting to be rude I accepted his offer and pressed the finalize button for my last 3 bitcoins.  I am trying to detox from a significant amount of oxy. I have been taking them for about 5 years for degenerative disc disease and i just recently had a spinal fusion. Now I have placed another order since then which didnt show and now Im in desperate need of placing another order. I have ordered locally before and it showed up overnight. So if I place a local order again it should be here before I run out of painkillers and enter the seventh circle of hell.

I get paid on WED and then it takes 3 days for the cash to reach I will gladly send back any bitcoins to anyone that can help me out. There really isnt a set amount that I need. 1 suboxone costs at most .30 btc... I will take any help that I can get here. Even if by the end of the day I can only order 1 or 2 suboxone or subutex.

Here is my wallet address and if you pm me what your sending I will send it back to you as soon as I purchase on Monday or Tuesday. Depends on how long it takes to reach the site. Its usually 3 business days. Thanks in advance for any help anyone can give. I
really really appreciate it.

I apologize for not reading the rules, I didnt know there were any and did not see them. My forum settings are so I see the last message first. I will fix it now.... I feel like a knob.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 22, 2013, 07:46 pm
did ya miss reading the rules?  most of us dont do the bitcoin addy.....Read the Rules them post again  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 22, 2013, 07:49 pm
:-[ anybody with coin, I am an honest contributer to this thread, check history if you wish,  I have loaned to many people an been lent coin several times also, I've always repaid with extra, an always paid back when I said I would..

I've lent .62 to 13lazed just 4 days ago.. hoping he would honor himself an repay within the promised 72 hrs.. looks like hes failed to do that.  :-\..

I have an agreement with a vendor to make a custom listing purchase,.

I'm trying everything in my power to hold my word. however, this makes me unable to do so..

I have cash, and money I can deposit, just not today, I am in need of 1.22 BTC, I will pay back with an extra 10% within 5 days.

please, thank you and hugs :-*

sr: RS7FI8ZRkm
Hey I'd be able to lend you the .37 Kalli got back to me if you'd like. Let me know :)
:) hey! that would be very helpful, an I'd be greatful if you can.

I'll repay within 5 days, 10% intrest. thank you :)
Sent, hope someone else can help you out with the rest of it :D
:) thank you greatly brother! you shall not be forgotton.

Sent all I have bud sorry its only 0.1555. iF anyone else is wondering I vouch for RS so don't worry about getting paid back just dig deep :)

Hope every one is good today still recovering from an epic weekend myself !
everyting helps :), thank you kalli.

Sent: 0.13    That's all i got right now.
:) thank you haberdasher!

alright, still 0.57 more to go, anybody willing to help, it would be great :)

good morning an hugs to all of ya!

P.S @chem, mind adding schuldig to the lenders list
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 22, 2013, 07:55 pm

                                               :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) ##When requesting, post your SR name## SO WE KNOW WHERE TO SEND IT TO.  DON'T ASSUME WE KNOW. ##  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7)## DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. ## >:(  ##Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due. ##
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
BlackIris ++++
dr gonzo
lssb2132      ++++
MC Haberdasher 
Mike Hunt
Repus6 *
schuldig        ++++
staind ++++
White Out

{message the last person to post the list if you have lent but your name isn't on it :)}

The shit list:
andrewBUD420 ++++
Autobondon *
King Karma
repus6 *

         *^*do not lend to these people*^*

Have a good Day @ Everyone  :)

Peace & Huggles to ya'll  :P


        **Read The Rules**

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: t3rdsamich on July 22, 2013, 07:57 pm
I apologize for that. I didnt see the rules, I have my forum settings so that I get the last message first. My bad everyone.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on July 22, 2013, 07:58 pm
Hey everyone, I was recently ripped off by a vendor while ordering suboxone. I contacted him and while we were talking he brought up that he wanted me to FE. So I told him my story, that Im disabled and cant afford the shipping. Mainly because I didnt want to FE. He replied that he would waive the shipping because he believed that if he helped the disabled it would come back to him in some odd way.  So me not wanting to be rude I accepted his offer and pressed the finalize button for my last 3 bitcoins.  I am trying to detox from a significant amount of oxy. I have been taking them for about 5 years for degenerative disc disease and i just recently had a spinal fusion. Now I have placed another order since then which didnt show and now Im in desperate need of placing another order. I have ordered locally before and it showed up overnight. So if I place a local order again it should be here before I run out of painkillers and enter the seventh circle of hell.

I get paid on WED and then it takes 3 days for the cash to reach I will gladly send back any bitcoins to anyone that can help me out. There really isnt a set amount that I need. 1 suboxone costs at most .30 btc... I will take any help that I can get here. Even if by the end of the day I can only order 1 or 2 suboxone or subutex.

Here is my wallet address and if you pm me what your sending I will send it back to you as soon as I purchase on Monday or Tuesday. Depends on how long it takes to reach the site. Its usually 3 business days. Thanks in advance for any help anyone can give. I
really really appreciate it.

0.3BTC sent to SR
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 22, 2013, 08:00 pm
It's all good  ;)

The Rules/Regulations...are there for a reason  ;)



Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on July 22, 2013, 08:10 pm
:-[ anybody with coin, I am an honest contributer to this thread, check history if you wish,  I have loaned to many people an been lent coin several times also, I've always repaid with extra, an always paid back when I said I would..

I've lent .62 to 13lazed just 4 days ago.. hoping he would honor himself an repay within the promised 72 hrs.. looks like hes failed to do that.  :-\..

I have an agreement with a vendor to make a custom listing purchase,.

I'm trying everything in my power to hold my word. however, this makes me unable to do so..

I have cash, and money I can deposit, just not today, I am in need of 1.22 BTC, I will pay back with an extra 10% within 5 days.

please, thank you and hugs :-*

sr: RS7FI8ZRkm
Hey I'd be able to lend you the .37 Kalli got back to me if you'd like. Let me know :)
:) hey! that would be very helpful, an I'd be greatful if you can.

I'll repay within 5 days, 10% intrest. thank you :)
Sent, hope someone else can help you out with the rest of it :D
:) thank you greatly brother! you shall not be forgotton.

Sent all I have bud sorry its only 0.1555. iF anyone else is wondering I vouch for RS so don't worry about getting paid back just dig deep :)

Hope every one is good today still recovering from an epic weekend myself !
everyting helps :), thank you kalli.

Sent: 0.13    That's all i got right now.
:) thank you haberdasher!

alright, still 0.57 more to go, anybody willing to help, it would be great :)

good morning an hugs to all of ya!

P.S @chem, mind adding schuldig to the lenders list

You still in need of the 0.57 if so hit me up
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: t3rdsamich on July 22, 2013, 08:15 pm
Thank you for your help CRYNGIE... he helped me out with .30 btc. Sorry I broke the rules, I had my forum settings so I got the last message first. Ive fixed it now. Apologies everyone and thanks again cryngie. That helps huge.  I cant wait to be free from pain meds.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on July 22, 2013, 08:26 pm
:-[ anybody with coin, I am an honest contributer to this thread, check history if you wish,  I have loaned to many people an been lent coin several times also, I've always repaid with extra, an always paid back when I said I would..

I've lent .62 to 13lazed just 4 days ago.. hoping he would honor himself an repay within the promised 72 hrs.. looks like hes failed to do that.  :-\..

I have an agreement with a vendor to make a custom listing purchase,.

I'm trying everything in my power to hold my word. however, this makes me unable to do so..

I have cash, and money I can deposit, just not today, I am in need of 1.22 BTC, I will pay back with an extra 10% within 5 days.

please, thank you and hugs :-*

sr: RS7FI8ZRkm
Hey I'd be able to lend you the .37 Kalli got back to me if you'd like. Let me know :)
:) hey! that would be very helpful, an I'd be greatful if you can.

I'll repay within 5 days, 10% intrest. thank you :)
Sent, hope someone else can help you out with the rest of it :D
:) thank you greatly brother! you shall not be forgotton.

Sent all I have bud sorry its only 0.1555. iF anyone else is wondering I vouch for RS so don't worry about getting paid back just dig deep :)

Hope every one is good today still recovering from an epic weekend myself !
everyting helps :), thank you kalli.

Sent: 0.13    That's all i got right now.
:) thank you haberdasher!

alright, still 0.57 more to go, anybody willing to help, it would be great :)

good morning an hugs to all of ya!

P.S @chem, mind adding schuldig to the lenders list

You still in need of the 0.57 if so hit me up

Have sent the 0.57 on SR
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: t3rdsamich on July 22, 2013, 08:33 pm
Hey everyone, I was recently ripped off by a vendor while ordering suboxone. I contacted him and while we were talking he brought up that he wanted me to FE. So I told him my story, that Im disabled and cant afford the shipping. Mainly because I didnt want to FE. He replied that he would waive the shipping because he believed that if he helped the disabled it would come back to him in some odd way.  So me not wanting to be rude I accepted his offer and pressed the finalize button for my last 3 bitcoins.  I am trying to detox from a significant amount of oxy. I have been taking them for about 5 years for degenerative disc disease and i just recently had a spinal fusion. Now I have placed another order since then which didnt show and now Im in desperate need of placing another order. I have ordered locally before and it showed up overnight. So if I place a local order again it should be here before I run out of painkillers and enter the seventh circle of hell.

I get paid on WED and then it takes 3 days for the cash to reach I will gladly send back any bitcoins to anyone that can help me out. There really isnt a set amount that I need. 1 suboxone costs at most .30 btc... I will take any help that I can get here. Even if by the end of the day I can only order 1 or 2 suboxone or subutex.

Here is my wallet address and if you pm me what your sending I will send it back to you as soon as I purchase on Monday or Tuesday. Depends on how long it takes to reach the site. Its usually 3 business days. Thanks in advance for any help anyone can give. I
really really appreciate it.

0.3BTC sent to SR

Thank you cryngie I wont let you down.  With what I have I can almost order 5 of them. Much appreciated
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 22, 2013, 08:42 pm
:-[ anybody with coin, I am an honest contributer to this thread, check history if you wish,  I have loaned to many people an been lent coin several times also, I've always repaid with extra, an always paid back when I said I would..

I've lent .62 to 13lazed just 4 days ago.. hoping he would honor himself an repay within the promised 72 hrs.. looks like hes failed to do that.  :-\..

I have an agreement with a vendor to make a custom listing purchase,.

I'm trying everything in my power to hold my word. however, this makes me unable to do so..

I have cash, and money I can deposit, just not today, I am in need of 1.22 BTC, I will pay back with an extra 10% within 5 days.

please, thank you and hugs :-*

sr: RS7FI8ZRkm
Hey I'd be able to lend you the .37 Kalli got back to me if you'd like. Let me know :)
:) hey! that would be very helpful, an I'd be greatful if you can.

I'll repay within 5 days, 10% intrest. thank you :)
Sent, hope someone else can help you out with the rest of it :D
:) thank you greatly brother! you shall not be forgotton.

Sent all I have bud sorry its only 0.1555. iF anyone else is wondering I vouch for RS so don't worry about getting paid back just dig deep :)

Hope every one is good today still recovering from an epic weekend myself !
everyting helps :), thank you kalli.

Sent: 0.13    That's all i got right now.
:) thank you haberdasher!

alright, still 0.57 more to go, anybody willing to help, it would be great :)

good morning an hugs to all of ya!

P.S @chem, mind adding schuldig to the lenders list

You still in need of the 0.57 if so hit me up

Have sent the 0.57 on SR
:-*  :D :) thank you very much brother! very awesome now I can place my orders :P

may much love an positive vibes flow through your day :)!

have you repaid very soon.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 22, 2013, 08:47 pm
                                               :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) ##When requesting, post your SR name## SO WE KNOW WHERE TO SEND IT TO.  DON'T ASSUME WE KNOW. ##  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7)## DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. ## >:(  ##Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due. ##
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

abdomen ++++
Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
cryngie ++++
dr gonzo
lssb2132      ++++
MC Haberdasher 
Mike Hunt
njguido  ++++
Repus6 *
schuldig  ++++
staind ++++
White Out

{message the last person to post the list if you have lent but your name isn't on it :)}

The shit list:
Autobondon *
King Karma
repus6 *

         *^*do not lend to these people*^*

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 22, 2013, 08:56 pm
debts I owe:
cryngie            ฿0.57
haberdasher     ฿0.13
lssb2132          ฿0.37    
kallindown       ฿0.16
schuldig           ฿0.18    
haberdasher    ฿0.01
pusci                ฿0.04

big thank you, to all of you who helped :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on July 22, 2013, 09:06 pm
T3rdsamich: Your welcome and im sure you wont.  Good luck, its a very hard thing to do, wish you all the best

RS7FI8ZRkm: No worrys mate, enjoy and pay it back when you can dont stress it

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 22, 2013, 09:39 pm
:D hey, btw, you're awesome cryngie, thank you again.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 22, 2013, 09:43 pm
:D hey, btw, you're awesome cryngie, thank you again.

The guy hasn't lent me a penny and I'm still of the same opinion ! Love reading this thread and seeing someone pop in and own it like a boss :) we should really make sure this guy gets his money back it would disappoint me to see him(or her) short after helping out so much.

Respect and +1 karma dude, kalli.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: anom on July 22, 2013, 09:45 pm
hey guys. first time posting on this thread, though Ive always intended to be a loaner/giver if i had spare. I just bought coins, bought (what i thought was) too many, and went to make my purchase.  I thought this vendor, like comparable vendors, offered free shipping.  nope.  .45BTC shipping.

So now im in need of a .15BTC loan.  I could repay next monday.  SR user anom545657


Edit - yeah, $45 shipping.  crazy right?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Alighier on July 22, 2013, 11:03 pm
hey guys. first time posting on this thread, though Ive always intended to be a loaner/giver if i had spare. I just bought coins, bought (what i thought was) too many, and went to make my purchase.  I thought this vendor, like comparable vendors, offered free shipping.  nope.  .45BTC shipping.

So now im in need of a .15BTC loan.  I could repay next monday.  SR user anom545657


Edit - yeah, $45 shipping.  crazy right?

Sent roughly $11 your way.  Hope somebody can front the extra 4-5!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on July 22, 2013, 11:21 pm
0.0137 BTC is all I need, shipping costs rose unexpectedly! I can return soon!
Wallet address: 13yG7UjrWg19EQBfM2gW7GL31XR5zxTqtE

Read rules use SR account name not BTC addy
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: njguido on July 22, 2013, 11:23 pm
hey guys. first time posting on this thread, though Ive always intended to be a loaner/giver if i had spare. I just bought coins, bought (what i thought was) too many, and went to make my purchase.  I thought this vendor, like comparable vendors, offered free shipping.  nope.  .45BTC shipping.

So now im in need of a .15BTC loan.  I could repay next monday.  SR user anom545657


Edit - yeah, $45 shipping.  crazy right?

Just sent a little under 7 dollars to cover the rest
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on July 22, 2013, 11:26 pm
:D hey, btw, you're awesome cryngie, thank you again.

The guy hasn't lent me a penny and I'm still of the same opinion ! Love reading this thread and seeing someone pop in and own it like a boss :) we should really make sure this guy gets his money back it would disappoint me to see him(or her) short after helping out so much.

Respect and +1 karma dude, kalli.

Thank you to both of you seemed like the decent thing to do at 5am off my face on meth cause im high so there fore everyone should be
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Steelo on July 22, 2013, 11:35 pm
Sorry about that, didn't realize I couldn't use my SR BTC Wallet Address. Again, I'm 0.0137 short on an order I'm pretty desperate to make. If someone could donate, I'd really appreciate it. SR Username: Steelo
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MC Haberdasher on July 22, 2013, 11:37 pm
debts I owe:
cryngie            ฿0.57
haberdasher     ฿0.13
lssb2132          ฿0.37    
kallindown       ฿0.16
schuldig           ฿0.18    
haberdasher    ฿0.01
pusci                ฿0.04

big thank you, to all of you who helped :)

It's the least I could have done.  I am all worked out and you were able to place your order(s).  Take your time getting mine back.  I won't be ordering for another couple weeks.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: t3rdsamich on July 22, 2013, 11:42 pm
Maybe put " please read the rules on page 1" in the title of the thread? just an idea.... not trying to be smart.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on July 22, 2013, 11:43 pm
Sorry about that, didn't realize I couldn't use my SR BTC Wallet Address. Again, I'm 0.0137 short on an order I'm pretty desperate to make. If someone could donate, I'd really appreciate it. SR Username: Steelo

To easy mate its instant if use account name takes ages using addy
Have sent you the 0.0137BTC
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: hopeful7 on July 22, 2013, 11:45 pm
I am still in need of the following:

0.0332 bit coin for regular shipping
0.1095 for express shipping with tracking

I am happy to pay back or pay forward. I hope to get my account funded by the end of the  week, at which point I will pay back. The very latest would be the beginning of next week.
My used name is hopesalive07.  Answer here or better yet to message me, in case I miss any messages in this thread.

Thank you for your consideration.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 22, 2013, 11:47 pm
:D hey, btw, you're awesome cryngie, thank you again.

The guy hasn't lent me a penny and I'm still of the same opinion ! Love reading this thread and seeing someone pop in and own it like a boss :) we should really make sure this guy gets his money back it would disappoint me to see him(or her) short after helping out so much.

Respect and +1 karma dude, kalli.

Thank you to both of you seemed like the decent thing to do at 5am off my face on meth cause im high so there fore everyone should be

debts I owe:
cryngie            ฿0.57
haberdasher     ฿0.13
lssb2132          ฿0.37    
kallindown       ฿0.16
schuldig           ฿0.18    
haberdasher    ฿0.01
pusci                ฿0.04

big thank you, to all of you who helped :)

It's the least I could have done.  I am all worked out and you were able to place your order(s).  Take your time getting mine back.  I won't be ordering for another couple weeks.
alright, thank you :) but shouldn't be a problem.

much love my faithful droogies :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 22, 2013, 11:53 pm
Hi all  :) where,s our Chemmy tonight  :-\ hope everyone,s good  ;) oh Chems had his methylone he,ll be buzzing  ::) :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on July 23, 2013, 12:08 am
I am still in need of the following:

0.0332 bit coin for regular shipping
0.1095 for express shipping with tracking

I am happy to pay back or pay forward. I hope to get my account funded by the end of the  week, at which point I will pay back. The very latest would be the beginning of next week.
My used name is hopesalive07.  Answer here or better yet to message me, in case I miss any messages in this thread.

Thank you for your consideration.

0.0332 sent to SR account
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 23, 2013, 12:10 am
Hi all  :) where,s our Chemmy tonight  :-\ hope everyone,s good  ;) oh Chems had his methylone he,ll be buzzing  ::) :P
hes rollin around some where around ::) heya mary :-*

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: anom on July 23, 2013, 12:11 am
hey guys. first time posting on this thread, though Ive always intended to be a loaner/giver if i had spare. I just bought coins, bought (what i thought was) too many, and went to make my purchase.  I thought this vendor, like comparable vendors, offered free shipping.  nope.  .45BTC shipping.

So now im in need of a .15BTC loan.  I could repay next monday.  SR user anom545657


Edit - yeah, $45 shipping.  crazy right?

Sent roughly $11 your way.  Hope somebody can front the extra 4-5!

hey guys. first time posting on this thread, though Ive always intended to be a loaner/giver if i had spare. I just bought coins, bought (what i thought was) too many, and went to make my purchase.  I thought this vendor, like comparable vendors, offered free shipping.  nope.  .45BTC shipping.

So now im in need of a .15BTC loan.  I could repay next monday.  SR user anom545657


Edit - yeah, $45 shipping.  crazy right?

Just sent a little under 7 dollars to cover the rest

You guys are fucking great.  This community never ceases to amaze me.  LONG LIVE THE ROAD!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kittykatgirl123 on July 23, 2013, 12:17 am
Descarte - Paid you back in full +.01 for the trouble. Thanks so much again (:
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: hopeful7 on July 23, 2013, 12:45 am
I am still in need of the following:

0.0332 bit coin for regular shipping
0.1095 for express shipping with tracking

I am happy to pay back or pay forward. I hope to get my account funded by the end of the  week, at which point I will pay back. The very latest would be the beginning of next week.
My used name is hopesalive07.  Answer here or better yet to message me, in case I miss any messages in this thread.

Thank you for your consideration.

0.0332 sent to SR account

Oh, wow, thank you, my dear!  I truly appreciate the kindness.  If you want to be paid back, please let me know. If not, I will pay it forward, but i would like the opportunity to pay you back.  THANK YOU!!!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: twosevenboy on July 23, 2013, 06:34 am
Trying to place an order for a 10 strip of jackiechans lucy and ended up being 5 cents short lol. I believe its 0.0007 BTC. If anyone could help me out so I could sleep it would be much appreciated, I'll pay you back or pay it forward in a larger amount. My SR name is the same as my forums name. Thanks
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: orwell1234 on July 23, 2013, 07:03 am
Hi in need of .39 cents I'm still having trouble calculating my purchases with bit instant still down! If anyone is kind enough will GLADLY give you a dollar back when I put more coin in next week!!!!

SR name sgtpepper5987
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 23, 2013, 10:49 am
Trying to place an order for a 10 strip of jackiechans lucy and ended up being 5 cents short lol. I believe its 0.0007 BTC. If anyone could help me out so I could sleep it would be much appreciated, I'll pay you back or pay it forward in a larger amount. My SR name is the same as my forums name. Thanks
SENT  ;)

Hi everyone  ;) hope all,s good  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 23, 2013, 10:50 am
Hi in need of .39 cents I'm still having trouble calculating my purchases with bit instant still down! If anyone is kind enough will GLADLY give you a dollar back when I put more coin in next week!!!!

SR name sgtpepper5987
Sent you what i had 38p so should cover it  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 23, 2013, 11:10 am
Morning family I bid you all a good day :)

You good today mary ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Audio on July 23, 2013, 11:19 am
In need of 8$
Member for: 1 year

1 year
total transactions    32
total spent    ฿16.4270
refund rate    0%    0%    0%
auto-finalize rate    0%    0%    0%

Can provide SR link if needed, PM me please!!!


Really no1 can help me out?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 23, 2013, 11:37 am
@Audio i,m waiting on coins transferring within an hour should be able to help if your still in need then  ;)

Hi Kalli, hows you hun?  ;) , i,m dying my hair (door just went, had to hide my weed tray lol, fuckin Leci man  ::)) what happened to ma wee Taz  :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Audio on July 23, 2013, 11:39 am
@Audio i,m waiting on coins transferring within an hour should be able to help if your still in need then  ;)

Hi Kalli, hows you hun?  ;) , i,m dying my hair (door just went, had to hide my weed tray lol, fuckin Leci man  ::)) what happened to ma wee Taz  :-\

Thanks alot, will be waiting :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 23, 2013, 11:40 am
@Audio....Me too i,ll keep refreshing every 5 mins shouldn,t be long  ;)How much is that in btc  :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: NorthernStar on July 23, 2013, 11:43 am
@Audio....Me too i,ll keep refreshing every 5 mins shouldn,t be long  ;)
It's always I'm just waiting for my giro this and that, troll you have been made. check cirrus's post. You fat fucking trolling twat. Mate ignore her she's full of shit. She hasn't got a penny till giro day. fat retarded slug.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: NorthernStar on July 23, 2013, 11:46 am
@Audio i,m waiting on coins transferring within an hour should be able to help if your still in need then  ;)

Hi Kalli, hows you hun?  ;) , i,m dying my hair (door just went, had to hide my weed tray lol, fuckin Leci man  ::)) what happened to ma wee Taz  :-\
Why is your lecky on the fiddle, another scam your fucking tax payers for. You disgust me you troll bitch. I can't wait to see your face when you begging and pleading for your fat life. It's always an excuse with your fat ass, transfer them now, not in an hour when you've been cash converters. You are a slippery twat, you pretend to help around here but you haven't got a pott to piss in or a window to throw it out have you? Help him now you fucking fraud.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 23, 2013, 11:49 am
@Audio i,m waiting on coins transferring within an hour should be able to help if your still in need then  ;)

Hi Kalli, hows you hun?  ;) , i,m dying my hair (door just went, had to hide my weed tray lol, fuckin Leci man  ::)) what happened to ma wee Taz  :-\

No too bad thanks hun just thinking of having a snooze :)

Audio don't listen to trolls if she can help you she will, personally im out till weekend or would have sent myself.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 23, 2013, 11:51 am
Oh and yeah no taz... still ! Not seen/heard boxy for a bit either :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 23, 2013, 11:55 am
Yeah Boxy,s been about but no Taz from the other day  ;) :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 23, 2013, 11:57 am
Yeah Boxy,s been about but no Taz from the other day  ;) :-\

Ahh not spoken to boxy been meaning to thank him for a massive favor he did me I better send him a pm before I forget (again !) damn my drug riddled memory ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: NorthernStar on July 23, 2013, 11:57 am
@Audio i,m waiting on coins transferring within an hour should be able to help if your still in need then  ;)

Hi Kalli, hows you hun?  ;) , i,m dying my hair (door just went, had to hide my weed tray lol, fuckin Leci man  ::)) what happened to ma wee Taz  :-\

No too bad thanks hun just thinking of having a snooze :)

Audio don't listen to trolls if she can help you she will, personally im out till weekend or would have sent myself.

Ok we will wait an hour then and see if the fat beeched whale can help..tick tock...and I'll give you what you need when she lets you down...Ignore that Kali dickhead aswell he's a fucking wool who always says the same shit like I would but I'm going to wash my hair. lying little scumbag.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: NorthernStar on July 23, 2013, 12:02 pm
Aaaah no boxy, or taz today? what a shame...You fucking wankers sit around waiting for each other to fill your sad pathetic lives. You literally have nothing better to do, than bum around asking for coins.

I advise you to go out and get a life, but if you could you would of. That means your probably anti social, which means you spend all day waiting for your fellow social outcasts, makes you feel better doesn't it? sad pathetic cunts. I life lived hiding behind your screen, because the world has shunned you. Tragic, very sad indeed.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 23, 2013, 12:08 pm
Haha thanks for your valuable input love to see this "repeat" b.s. im accused of spouting please send us the link im waiting tick, tock....

Bet ya mary hooks him up before you hook me up gayboy.

So no more rapey threats today then talking of hiding behind screens ????

If I were a sad pathetic cunt the world had shunned I would probably be bitter and twisted and resort to trawling forums looking for places I could spout incoherent made up bollocks with the intention of bringing people down but im not so don't worry there's no competition round here you got it on lockdown fool.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: NorthernStar on July 23, 2013, 12:14 pm
Haha thanks for your valuable input love to see this "repeat" b.s. im accused of spouting please send us the link im waiting tick, tock....

Bet ya mary hooks him up before you hook me up gayboy.

So no more rapey threats today then talking of hiding behind screens ????

If I were a sad pathetic cunt the world had shunned I would probably be bitter and twisted and resort to trawling forums looking for places I could spout incoherent made up bollocks with the intention of bringing people down but im not so don't worry there's no competition round here you got it on lockdown fool.
Of course I trawl looking for victims...How many times do you need telling before it sinks in your smack induced thought processes. I never fucking done a thing this fat tramp trolled me OK, you fucking homosexual. Why can't you lend him it? Oh your going out...every other day your fuckin here you cunt, but today your going out, fuck off you pussy. What rapey threats, someone's taking you for a long ride dickhead.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 23, 2013, 12:22 pm
Aww come now northy don't get upset its not your fault your tight perm hasn't gone to plan I admit it would have gone very nicely with your shell suit but its not a valid excuse to have a public tantrum   :o

Going out ? I'm not going out silly I will be in all day waiting for ya mam to get back from "work" she still owes me for letting her fuck the dog again  ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Steelo on July 23, 2013, 12:30 pm
Sorry about that, didn't realize I couldn't use my SR BTC Wallet Address. Again, I'm 0.0137 short on an order I'm pretty desperate to make. If someone could donate, I'd really appreciate it. SR Username: Steelo

To easy mate its instant if use account name takes ages using addy
Have sent you the 0.0137BTC
Cheers mate, will get it back to you asap.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on July 23, 2013, 12:46 pm
Why can't everyone just share some icecream and get along ???
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 23, 2013, 12:50 pm
Hi Dan  ;) how,s you today? My coins are taking ages to go into my wallet lol hate waiting  :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on July 23, 2013, 01:01 pm
Hi mary  :) I'm good, just having some icecream for breakfast and then it's off to the cheese sandwich factory to make cheese sandwiches for all the little boys and girls. And what is the hold-up? have you tried localbitcoins I got my coins in about 15 minutes after creating my account. And it's tor friendly.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 23, 2013, 01:07 pm
There in now Dan, enjoy the icecream lol  ;)

EDIT: Audio....are you still in need and how much in btc and SRname please  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: NorthernStar on July 23, 2013, 01:35 pm
Hi Dan  ;) how,s you today? My coins are taking ages to go into my wallet lol hate waiting  :-\
Translation: I'm a fat tramp who hans't got a yarub, lend me some money Dan, because I'm a fat tramp with no teeth. And I need my smack fix.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 23, 2013, 01:36 pm
There in now Dan, enjoy the icecream lol  ;)

EDIT: Audio....are you still in need and how much in btc and SRname please  ;)

Oh lookie mary has kept her word and there's not a link to my "spouting the same b.s." anywhere in sight  ::)

I'm soooo shocked !

Hugz n love to the real community, kalli. (oh and get me some of that delicious ice cream will ya !)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: NorthernStar on July 23, 2013, 01:39 pm
There in now Dan, enjoy the icecream lol  ;)

EDIT: Audio....are you still in need and how much in btc and SRname please  ;)

Oh lookie mary has kept her word and there's not a link to my "spouting the same b.s." anywhere in sight  ::)

I'm soooo shocked !

Hugz n love to the real community, kalli. (oh and get me some of that delicious ice cream will ya !)
Link, I'm not a sad twat, spending time doing links from your ramblings....Have you lent anybody anything? no, so shut your ay ass up...Are you after shagging fatty or what.  How do we know you've lent anybody money fat arse?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 23, 2013, 01:41 pm
Cheers Kalli  ;) I,ve pm,d Audio on here and SR but no response, i,ll be back in about an hour, going for a coffee with a friend  ;)

Edit: Kalli on page 616 i,ve sent 2 peeps the change i had while i was waiting on MORE coin, helped get there order in and don,t want back pennies, lmao  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: NorthernStar on July 23, 2013, 01:46 pm
Cheers Kalli  ;) I,ve pm,d Audio on here and SR but no response, i,ll be back in about an hour, going for a coffee with a friend  ;)

Edit: Kalli on page 616 i,ve sent 2 peeps the change i had while i was waiting on MORE coin, helped get there order in and don,t want back pennies, lmao  ;)
Oh that's funny he has disappeared, well keep it for your smack slag features.....What the your lending people 50 pence 20 pence, just to get brownie points you fat turd.
Going for a coffee with your one legged smack fiend friend?  you have never bought a coffee in your life, how much is a Starbucks, or a costa coffee then? smackheads don't buy coffee, they get free coffee in there methadone support workers appointment.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Qthello on July 23, 2013, 01:49 pm
I have found often, that if you're short a little btc...the vendor will work with you. That being said...if anyone wants to toss me a full coin, that would be awesome. For I do not see myself being able to get a coin again for some time...hell it's been over 2 months now. Thank you U.S. gov't....QQ

I do not expect to get a coin from anyone, I'm just being a screwball.

I do remember however, when I first started on the road...people (including myself) would tip others for assistance in getting started on the road. Coins were only 26 bucks at that time, too. =(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 23, 2013, 01:50 pm
You seem to be in a foul mood today northy whats up you got your thong on wrong ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: NorthernStar on July 23, 2013, 01:55 pm
So let me see hairymary666 has dyed hair matted dog hair, god knows what colour , she probably stole a £2.99 dye from B&M and now has a ridiculous red/ginger coloured hair.
She's meant to be meeting a friend for coffee...translation, I'm going to get some sharps to inject my poison. Then I'm going to meet falkandslim the skinniest tramp in town, and get snarled at for being a repulsive crackhead.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: NorthernStar on July 23, 2013, 01:57 pm
You seem to be in a foul mood today northy whats up you got your thong on wrong ?
You know whats wrong, I want an apology from thunder thighs. She wouldn't troll me out on the street, so why should I let her get away with it online? even just to concede she was a little out of order storming and fucking me over.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on July 23, 2013, 02:11 pm
Oh goodness, this thread has gone way too far off-track :-[
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: NorthernStar on July 23, 2013, 02:30 pm
Oh goodness, this thread has gone way too far off-track :-[
I don't know what dealings you've had with this wrongun hairy mary666, but its all a deceptive facade, Try using a diff account and come and mention anything about beautiful women, or sexy underwear, and this tramp explodes with trolling vitriolic compositions. I mean watch the jealous loon go for it. Smack rat, Hep C infected bitter bitch.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: drago73 on July 23, 2013, 04:44 pm
Oh goodness, this thread has gone way too far off-track :-[
I don't know what dealings you've had with this wrongun hairy mary666, but its all a deceptive facade, Try using a diff account and come and mention anything about beautiful women, or sexy underwear, and this tramp explodes with trolling vitriolic compositions. I mean watch the jealous loon go for it. Smack rat, Hep C infected bitter bitch.
I've picked up on that as well northernstar. My old account got hacked, so i had to start over again. I lent a little bitcoin out a month ago and never got paid back. Have been dropping by this thread everyday pretty much trying to look for that person i lent to begging some other sucker. There's nothing wrong with being in need every once in a while, but i keep seeing this mary 666 and kalli on here everytime as well as a few suspected others doing that whole back and forth banter t obvious TROLLING to me. They need to go to Topix or something. What a coincidence all that poor me i'm just a little innocent old lady back and forth is being done on the spare coins thread. Their taking alot of willingness from people to use this thread for what it was meant for: helping someone out in need. Northernstar: when i get back to a hundred posts i'm gonna give you a +2 for calling these trolls out. I salute thee sir!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: NorthernStar on July 23, 2013, 05:49 pm
Oh goodness, this thread has gone way too far off-track :-[
I don't know what dealings you've had with this wrongun hairy mary666, but its all a deceptive facade, Try using a diff account and come and mention anything about beautiful women, or sexy underwear, and this tramp explodes with trolling vitriolic compositions. I mean watch the jealous loon go for it. Smack rat, Hep C infected bitter bitch.
I've picked up on that as well northernstar. My old account got hacked, so i had to start over again. I lent a little bitcoin out a month ago and never got paid back. Have been dropping by this thread everyday pretty much trying to look for that person i lent to begging some other sucker. There's nothing wrong with being in need every once in a while, but i keep seeing this mary 666 and kalli on here everytime as well as a few suspected others doing that whole back and forth banter t obvious TROLLING to me. They need to go to Topix or something. What a coincidence all that poor me i'm just a little innocent old lady back and forth is being done on the spare coins thread. Their taking alot of willingness from people to use this thread for what it was meant for: helping someone out in need. Northernstar: when i get back to a hundred posts i'm gonna give you a +2 for calling these trolls out. I salute thee sir!

Good shout my friend. I've been on these leaches for a while.+1 for your sharp observations.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on July 23, 2013, 06:14 pm
Oh goodness, this thread has gone way too far off-track :-[
I don't know what dealings you've had with this wrongun hairy mary666, but its all a deceptive facade, Try using a diff account and come and mention anything about beautiful women, or sexy underwear, and this tramp explodes with trolling vitriolic compositions. I mean watch the jealous loon go for it. Smack rat, Hep C infected bitter bitch.
I've picked up on that as well northernstar. My old account got hacked, so i had to start over again. I lent a little bitcoin out a month ago and never got paid back. Have been dropping by this thread everyday pretty much trying to look for that person i lent to begging some other sucker. There's nothing wrong with being in need every once in a while, but i keep seeing this mary 666 and kalli on here everytime as well as a few suspected others doing that whole back and forth banter t obvious TROLLING to me. They need to go to Topix or something. What a coincidence all that poor me i'm just a little innocent old lady back and forth is being done on the spare coins thread. Their taking alot of willingness from people to use this thread for what it was meant for: helping someone out in need. Northernstar: when i get back to a hundred posts i'm gonna give you a +2 for calling these trolls out. I salute thee sir!

+1 to you mate, they have ruined this thread spamming it with inane chatter when there are hundreds (thousands?) of other threads for that very purpose. i don't get why they had to turn this one into a fucking women's knitting circle, makes me not even bother to see if anyone needs help most the time because i hate sifting through so much irrelevant spam SHIT. glad i'm not the only one that feels this way.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: drago73 on July 23, 2013, 06:20 pm
Thanks Ron Swanson! "Women's knitting circle" is the best and funniest way of describing it. LMFAO!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: yokes101 on July 23, 2013, 06:21 pm
I'm trying to buy a bit of DMT and I'm short 0.01371, thats about a dollar and 30 cent. Anyone feeling generous?

User name is the same on SR. :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on July 23, 2013, 06:44 pm
I'm trying to buy a bit of DMT and I'm short 0.01371, thats about a dollar and 30 cent. Anyone feeling generous?

User name is the same on SR. :D

YES MOSS! sending now. ahah i miss the it crowd so much!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: fakeleslieknowles on July 23, 2013, 07:05 pm
ayo, trying to finish up what l have left in the account but am 0.07 short. A little help would be awesome. will pay it forward as soon as I can, til then.

(SR name: fourfornone)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: i3lazd on July 23, 2013, 07:54 pm
Yo anyone help me out? I am 0.38 bitcoins short for my order

wondering if anyone can send me 0.38 bitcoins or more and I will pay back plus more

Thanks let me know. Help a bro out.

Silk Road name: i3lazd

pm me on SR or here

Thank you

will pay back in 24 hours or less.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: yokes101 on July 23, 2013, 08:05 pm
I'm trying to buy a bit of DMT and I'm short 0.01371, thats about a dollar and 30 cent. Anyone feeling generous?

User name is the same on SR. :D

YES MOSS! sending now. ahah i miss the it crowd so much!

Thank you sir! :D
First time on the DMT, Should be mad!

Yeah I miss the IT crowd too... :/ but hey watch a bit black book... :L
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: adamiz on July 23, 2013, 08:22 pm
Hello people.
I have a minor problem and thats why I came here to ask your help.
I made an order some days ago and I knew my vendor could ship it until tomorrow.

The problem is that my vendor accidentally canceled my order and asked me to reorder.

Well I have nearly all the btc. I lack 0.03 (!)

If anyone can please send me and I will repay him double until Friday or Monday.

Please if you want to send me 0.03 contact me as well through the forums.

Mine SR btc address:  164B7qNm2RX5mQU9BZFKzS72FBGdPBNXSE
(I use my SR btc address right?)

Thanks again and sorry for begging.

Best regards
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: enpiping on July 23, 2013, 08:39 pm
Hello people.
I have a minor problem and thats why I came here to ask your help.
I made an order some days ago and I knew my vendor could ship it until tomorrow.

The problem is that my vendor accidentally canceled my order and asked me to reorder.

Well I have nearly all the btc. I lack 0.03 (!)

If anyone can please send me and I will repay him double until Friday or Monday.

Please if you want to send me 0.03 contact me as well through the forums.

Mine SR btc address:  164B7qNm2RX5mQU9BZFKzS72FBGdPBNXSE
(I use my SR btc address right?)

Thanks again and sorry for begging.

Best regards
I'd send to your username rather than your address, but I'd be happy to help you out!  Is your username the same on SR as the forums here?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: adamiz on July 23, 2013, 08:47 pm
I'd send to your username rather than your address, but I'd be happy to help you out!  Is your username the same on SR as the forums here?

No, its adamiz1

Didnt know you could do that. Cool
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on July 23, 2013, 08:51 pm
I'm trying to buy a bit of DMT and I'm short 0.01371, thats about a dollar and 30 cent. Anyone feeling generous?

User name is the same on SR. :D

YES MOSS! sending now. ahah i miss the it crowd so much!

Thank you sir! :D
First time on the DMT, Should be mad!

Yeah I miss the IT crowd too... :/ but hey watch a bit black book... :L

no worries, enjoy the dmt!
"oh what's wrong? is it those bullies again?" "they make fun of my glasses" ......... "I'VE GOT A GUN!!!!"
i'll check out black books, ta very much for the tip and what a great cast!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: enpiping on July 23, 2013, 08:54 pm
I'd send to your username rather than your address, but I'd be happy to help you out!  Is your username the same on SR as the forums here?

No, its adamiz1

Didnt know you could do that. Cool
And this way it shows in my history that I've transferred it to a user rather an address so I don't forget about it.
All sent!  Have fun with your order. :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: adamiz on July 23, 2013, 09:01 pm
I'd send to your username rather than your address, but I'd be happy to help you out!  Is your username the same on SR as the forums here?

No, its adamiz1

Didnt know you could do that. Cool
And this way it shows in my history that I've transferred it to a user rather an address so I don't forget about it.
All sent!  Have fun with your order. :)

Thanks mate!!

Really appreciate it!

All the best

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on July 23, 2013, 09:30 pm
I'd send to your username rather than your address, but I'd be happy to help you out!  Is your username the same on SR as the forums here?

No, its adamiz1

Didnt know you could do that. Cool
And this way it shows in my history that I've transferred it to a user rather an address so I don't forget about it.
All sent!  Have fun with your order. :)

Thanks mate!!

Really appreciate it!

All the best


Using SR user name transfer is instant instead of an hour or 2 ( plus rules of group is must use user name))
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 23, 2013, 09:54 pm
                                               :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) ##When requesting, post your SR name## SO WE KNOW WHERE TO SEND IT TO.  DON'T ASSUME WE KNOW. ##  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7)## DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. ## >:(  ##Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due. ##
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

abdomen ++++
Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
cryngie ++++
dr gonzo
lssb2132      ++++
MC Haberdasher 
Mike Hunt
njguido  ++++
Repus6 *
schuldig  ++++
staind ++++
White Out

{message the last person to post the list if you have lent but your name isn't on it :)}

The shit list:
Autobondon *
King Karma
repus6 *

         *^*do not lend to these people*^*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on July 23, 2013, 09:55 pm
literally short $2.20 on an order

have some coins coming through the pipeline, but was hoping to meet my vendors 3pm PT same day shipping cutoff

will pay back $5.50 in an hour or two when the coins go thru

sr name: bolorolo

how much in btc?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: NorthernStar on July 23, 2013, 09:58 pm
literally short $2.20 on an order

have some coins coming through the pipeline, but was hoping to meet my vendors 3pm PT same day shipping cutoff

will pay back $5.50 in an hour or two when the coins go thru

sr name: bolorolo

how much in btc?

Do I have to link him to my SR account to lend/give him them?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 23, 2013, 10:00 pm
:) morning my lovelys, hope everyone is well

:-* :P  ::) :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on July 23, 2013, 10:00 pm
literally short $2.20 on an order

have some coins coming through the pipeline, but was hoping to meet my vendors 3pm PT same day shipping cutoff

will pay back $5.50 in an hour or two when the coins go thru

sr name: bolorolo

how much in btc?

Do I have to link him to my SR account to lend/give him them?

yeah it shows the usernames in account history when you transfer
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bolorolo on July 23, 2013, 10:01 pm

how much in btc?

ron swanson! parks & rec #1 show

the coins actually just reached me. thanks so much for your reply though, ill delete my original post :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 23, 2013, 10:05 pm
literally short $2.20 on an order

have some coins coming through the pipeline, but was hoping to meet my vendors 3pm PT same day shipping cutoff

will pay back $5.50 in an hour or two when the coins go thru

sr name: bolorolo

how much in btc?

Do I have to link him to my SR account to lend/give him them?
if you send coins from your account to another, yes, the person can see your SR account name in the transaction history :).
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: NorthernStar on July 23, 2013, 10:06 pm
K nice one Ron. He is sorted now anyway. You should be able to send anon. Never mind.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 23, 2013, 10:07 pm
Oh goodness, this thread has gone way too far off-track :-[
I don't know what dealings you've had with this wrongun hairy mary666, but its all a deceptive facade, Try using a diff account and come and mention anything about beautiful women, or sexy underwear, and this tramp explodes with trolling vitriolic compositions. I mean watch the jealous loon go for it. Smack rat, Hep C infected bitter bitch.
I've picked up on that as well northernstar. My old account got hacked, so i had to start over again. I lent a little bitcoin out a month ago and never got paid back. Have been dropping by this thread everyday pretty much trying to look for that person i lent to begging some other sucker. There's nothing wrong with being in need every once in a while, but i keep seeing this mary 666 and kalli on here everytime as well as a few suspected others doing that whole back and forth banter t obvious TROLLING to me. They need to go to Topix or something. What a coincidence all that poor me i'm just a little innocent old lady back and forth is being done on the spare coins thread. Their taking alot of willingness from people to use this thread for what it was meant for: helping someone out in need. Northernstar: when i get back to a hundred posts i'm gonna give you a +2 for calling these trolls out. I salute thee sir!

+1 to you mate, they have ruined this thread spamming it with inane chatter when there are hundreds (thousands?) of other threads for that very purpose. i don't get why they had to turn this one into a fucking women's knitting circle, makes me not even bother to see if anyone needs help most the time because i hate sifting through so much irrelevant spam SHIT. glad i'm not the only one that feels this way.

Haha  shocking ! I've had 2 loans in the past, big deal it's what the thread is for and as for adding a bit of banter you look like you're doing a good job of getting your own little knitting circle together. I don't expect you to understand but this thread is where I realized there was "a community" here and as for trolling show me a link to ANYWHERE in this forum to a thread where I have been impolite, offensive or just plain rude with out being provoked and I will gladly go put a turban on with my best floral Y-fronts and take selfies to post on facebook.

I actually do think you have a point with the spamming of the thread though I'm all for keeping them on topic so now I've said my bit I will not bother posting here unless it's to help out (or god forbid ask for a loan !!!)

Peace out, kalli.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on July 23, 2013, 10:40 pm
Oh goodness, this thread has gone way too far off-track :-[
I don't know what dealings you've had with this wrongun hairy mary666, but its all a deceptive facade, Try using a diff account and come and mention anything about beautiful women, or sexy underwear, and this tramp explodes with trolling vitriolic compositions. I mean watch the jealous loon go for it. Smack rat, Hep C infected bitter bitch.
I've picked up on that as well northernstar. My old account got hacked, so i had to start over again. I lent a little bitcoin out a month ago and never got paid back. Have been dropping by this thread everyday pretty much trying to look for that person i lent to begging some other sucker. There's nothing wrong with being in need every once in a while, but i keep seeing this mary 666 and kalli on here everytime as well as a few suspected others doing that whole back and forth banter t obvious TROLLING to me. They need to go to Topix or something. What a coincidence all that poor me i'm just a little innocent old lady back and forth is being done on the spare coins thread. Their taking alot of willingness from people to use this thread for what it was meant for: helping someone out in need. Northernstar: when i get back to a hundred posts i'm gonna give you a +2 for calling these trolls out. I salute thee sir!

+1 to you mate, they have ruined this thread spamming it with inane chatter when there are hundreds (thousands?) of other threads for that very purpose. i don't get why they had to turn this one into a fucking women's knitting circle, makes me not even bother to see if anyone needs help most the time because i hate sifting through so much irrelevant spam SHIT. glad i'm not the only one that feels this way.

Haha  shocking ! I've had 2 loans in the past, big deal it's what the thread is for and as for adding a bit of banter you look like you're doing a good job of getting your own little knitting circle together. I don't expect you to understand but this thread is where I realized there was "a community" here and as for trolling show me a link to ANYWHERE in this forum to a thread where I have been impolite, offensive or just plain rude with out being provoked and I will gladly go put a turban on with my best floral Y-fronts and take selfies to post on facebook.

I actually do think you have a point with the spamming of the thread though I'm all for keeping them on topic so now I've said my bit I will not bother posting here unless it's to help out (or god forbid ask for a loan !!!)

Peace out, kalli.

nah i just gave someone some money for having a cool avatar since i'd never seen any reference to the it crowd on sr. i don't drop in every day for a natter completely detracting from the purpose of the thread. i think an exchange of 'may i have' 'by jove of course' 'thank you' 'you're welcome' still pertains as relevant even if i drop a sentence after that is not directly related to giving or requiring money. you follow my logic? no? well people are different. i'm all in favour of a 'community' it's just constantly making a very very specific and useful thread(to some) veer off course that is my issue.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on July 23, 2013, 11:01 pm
Just out of curiousity am I part of the it crowd? 8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on July 23, 2013, 11:08 pm
Just out of curiousity am I part of the it crowd? 8)

it's a british sitcom, watch it and see if you want to be part of it. i'm guessing you're the kinda guy who might not realise you have shit smeared on your face because you're too busy thinking about ice cream so yeah probably hahah
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on July 23, 2013, 11:12 pm
Just out of curiousity am I part of the it crowd? 8)

it's a british sitcom, watch it and see if you want to be part of it. i'm guessing you're the kinda guy who might not realise you have shit smeared on your face because you're too busy thinking about ice cream so yeah probably hahah

That's not very nice  :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 23, 2013, 11:26 pm
dandan :D we have been missing your icecream brother! (hugs) to ya!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on July 23, 2013, 11:28 pm
Just out of curiousity am I part of the it crowd? 8)

it's a british sitcom, watch it and see if you want to be part of it. i'm guessing you're the kinda guy who might not realise you have shit smeared on your face because you're too busy thinking about ice cream so yeah probably hahah

That's not very nice  :(

aw sorry if i hurt your feelings, it was not my intention. i'm guessing you don't appreciate or understand the british sense of humour. best stick to the bastardised american version that is the big bang theory. nice lot of canned laughter over lines devoid of humour to make you feel right at home. again, in case you can't tell, i am joking. yanking your chain. having a giggle. now take it to another thread, this is neither the place nor place nor place!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 23, 2013, 11:35 pm
(hugs) ron :) you're always welcome to have a laugh in here ::)

also did what you asked ;) sorry about that..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: i3lazd on July 23, 2013, 11:52 pm
Yo anyone help me out? I am 0.38 bitcoins short for my order

wondering if anyone can send me 0.38 bitcoins or more and I will pay back plus more

Thanks let me know. Help a bro out.

Silk Road name: i3lazd

pm me on SR or here

Thank you

will pay back in 48 hours or less.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: njguido on July 24, 2013, 12:19 am
Yo anyone help me out? I am 0.38 bitcoins short for my order

wondering if anyone can send me 0.38 bitcoins or more and I will pay back plus more

Thanks let me know. Help a bro out.

Silk Road name: i3lazd

pm me on SR or here

Thank you

will pay back in 48 hours or less.


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: rjbridges on July 24, 2013, 12:41 am
Good evening fellow Roaders. I was hoping to never end up here in this thread except for lending and I know I might be sending off some flags being relatively new but people can't really help when they need help and I could really use it now. If people are too sketched out though that's fine.

I'm asking for .3 - .7 bitcoins which I'll be able to repay partially ($25 MP as collateral) at first and then in full on Friday with 15% interest. If one person wants to send it all or multiple people send a little or if anyone wants to just send a little it would be very much appreciated and if you do so just message me with the amount and your repayment address and I'll get it back to you. I'll post your s/n in here for verification as well that you've loaned to me. Thank you all for looking and if anyone is kind enough to help me out I promise you won't be disappointed. I took my original post down because it had some personal-ish info but I can tell you why I need this if you want to know. My BTC is :


Or you can send it to my SR name: rjbridges. Thanks!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thebakertrio on July 24, 2013, 12:45 am
sub, i like this thread!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 24, 2013, 12:47 am
debts I owe:
cryngie            ฿0.57
haberdasher     ฿0.13
lssb2132          ฿0.37    
kallindown       ฿0.16
schuldig           ฿0.18
haberdasher    ฿0.01 ✓ repaid: 0.011
pusci                ฿0.04 ✓ repaid: 0.044
trichome           ฿0.07 ✓ repaid: 0.077

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on July 24, 2013, 12:48 am
(hugs) ron :) you're always welcome to have a laugh in here ::)

also did what you asked ;) sorry about that..

nice one! it gets far too joolzy in here for my liking i'm afraid. irc has better trolls and i'm pretty sure everyone loves it when i get bored and encourage them haha. but really nothing personal to you guys, it's 90% joolz that bugs me now my ignore has stopped working again but what can you do.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 24, 2013, 12:51 am
who is joolz? :o hear the name mentiond often but still no clue who that is :P mind filling me in?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on July 24, 2013, 01:21 am
@RonSwanson I HATE big bang theory... It reminds me too much of that redneck comedy with git er done guy and those other 3 retards. Good comedy is hard to come by these days. I would have to say my favorite comedian is Tracy Morgan. I just enjoy the outrageous shit he says sometimes.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: rjbridges on July 24, 2013, 01:23 am
@RonSwanson I HATE big bang theory... It reminds me too much of that redneck comedy with git er done guy and those other 3 retards. Good comedy is hard to come by these days. I would have to say my favorite comedian is Tracy Morgan. I just enjoy the outrageous shit he says sometimes.

BBT seriously reminds you of blue country tour? Lmao seems like the liberal polar opposite to me but interesting.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on July 24, 2013, 01:28 am
They remind me of each other because both anger me at the fact they turn peoples mind to jello. Nothing is learned from watching that. No thought is needed. When they want to you laugh at some stupid joke they let you know by having some prerecorded people laugh. Not a fan.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MC Haberdasher on July 24, 2013, 02:08 am
debts I owe:
cryngie            ฿0.57
haberdasher     ฿0.13
lssb2132          ฿0.37    
kallindown       ฿0.16
schuldig           ฿0.18
haberdasher    ฿0.01 ✓ repaid: 0.011
pusci                ฿0.04 ✓ repaid: 0.044
trichome           ฿0.07 ✓ repaid: 0.077


I was wondering where that buck came from!  Thanks, dog..  Anytime I can help, I will.  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: i3lazd on July 24, 2013, 03:31 am
Yo anyone help me out? I am 0.38 bitcoins short for my order

wondering if anyone can send me 0.38 bitcoins or more and I will pay back plus more

Thanks let me know. Help a bro out.

Silk Road name: i3lazd

pm me on SR or here

Thank you

will pay back in 48 hours or less.



Thanks how much you need back?

Also if anyone can throw me 0.46 bitcoins it would be great!

will pay back 0.5 bitcoins.


Silk road name:


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: njguido on July 24, 2013, 04:07 am
Yo anyone help me out? I am 0.38 bitcoins short for my order

wondering if anyone can send me 0.38 bitcoins or more and I will pay back plus more

Thanks let me know. Help a bro out.

Silk Road name: i3lazd

pm me on SR or here

Thank you

will pay back in 48 hours or less.



Thanks how much you need back?

I've messaged on SR, just return the loaned amount, no interest. Enjoy!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper Jenson on July 24, 2013, 04:52 am
heya Jasper It's just been sent, enjoy,  ;D   and just put it back into the account it came from  8)

Welcome to the club a few of us put quite a bit of work into getting you guys caring and sharing, and we all thank you very much  ;D 8)

Much love for all of you who care enough to 'bother'

m m m motek  ;)

Hey Motek, sent back what I owed you to your SR account. I have a little bit in my account, so hopefully I can help out someone this time around. Will keep my eye out, but off to bed for now.

Thanks again!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 24, 2013, 06:42 am

heya JJ, (hugs) :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: i3lazd on July 24, 2013, 08:34 am
Anyone with extra 0.48 bitcoins would be great if you loaned me it.

Will pay back 0.5 bitcoins.

It is Wednesday I will pay back before Friday 50$ or 0.5 bitcoins.

Thank you

Silk Road name:


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 24, 2013, 08:45 am
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bodnostrokulum on July 24, 2013, 08:48 am
Aloha friends

im 0.19 short for a piece of hashish which i want to order for my birthday party 

please help. will repay in the end of month when i have my paycheck!

SR name the same:

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: StraightThuggin on July 24, 2013, 11:17 am
To the people I owned coin to, have just repayed! Sorry about the 2 week wait  :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: odd on July 24, 2013, 01:03 pm
Hey everyone This is maybe my second or third time ever asking for some spare change due to changing btc prices and i've always remained good on my word.  Is there anyone who could loan me .02 btc until i recieve the rest of my btc in a few days? i would greatly appreciate it.  thank you.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper Jenson on July 24, 2013, 01:32 pm

heya JJ, (hugs) :P

Right back at you!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper Jenson on July 24, 2013, 01:35 pm
Aloha friends

im 0.19 short for a piece of hashish which i want to order for my birthday party 

please help. will repay in the end of month when i have my paycheck!

SR name the same:


Sending now! Hope you have a happy b-day, and just send back when you get your coins...

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: zebrastripes437 on July 24, 2013, 02:36 pm
0.001268btc short for an order :(
thats 13 australian cents lol.
Would be cool if someone helped me out, id repay ya :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: JakkTheKipper on July 24, 2013, 02:49 pm
0.001268btc short for an order :(
thats 13 australian cents lol.
Would be cool if someone helped me out, id repay ya :)

I can do that for ya mate. What's your SR username?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 24, 2013, 02:50 pm
Probably get flamed for this as I only repaid my last loan about 4-5 days ago... but here goes nothing !

No long sob story my maths were way out, it's my birthday on sat and wanted a domestic acid/hash order and I am still 0.37 short so if anyone can cover that until sat when I can top up again it would be greatly appreciated and returned with interest if desired.

Thanks for taking the time to read, kalli. (SR name kallindown)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: zebrastripes437 on July 24, 2013, 02:59 pm
0.001268btc short for an order :(
thats 13 australian cents lol.
Would be cool if someone helped me out, id repay ya :)

I can do that for ya mate. What's your SR username?

Thanks man, PM'd you.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: zebrastripes437 on July 24, 2013, 03:03 pm
Damn the btc just dropped and now i need .61c :( 0.005969btc
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: zebrastripes437 on July 24, 2013, 03:05 pm
Wait i only need 40c with jakks donation now
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: JakkTheKipper on July 24, 2013, 03:07 pm
Wait i only need 40c with jakks donation now

Sent 0.007 in two transfers. Enjoy your order and don't worry about paying it back, I can spare it :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: zebrastripes437 on July 24, 2013, 03:08 pm
Wait i only need 40c with jakks donation now

Sent 0.007 in two transfers. Enjoy your order and don't worry about paying it back, I can spare it :)

Thanks man :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: motek on July 24, 2013, 03:21 pm
Gosh this thread moves fast! :o  Only 5 days ago BUT 18pages in this thread 'ago'  I loaned a member named Jasper Jensen 0.04btcs and he returned them within 48hours which was evry cool of him.... his name should be added to the list, a trustworthy guy who knows the value of what we're trying to do here 8)


m m m motek  :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper Jenson on July 24, 2013, 03:35 pm
Gosh this thread moves fast! :o  Only 5 days ago BUT 18pages in this thread 'ago'  I loaned a member named Jasper Jensen 0.04btcs and he returned them within 48hours which was evry cool of him.... his name should be added to the list, a trustworthy guy who knows the value of what we're trying to do here 8)


m m m motek  :D
Hey Motek, thanks for the vote of confidence.
It's definately cool to be able to borrow a few bucks when you are just shy of an order, especially since BTC are becoming more difficult to get without waiting for them to clear SR. Usually I ask to borrow when I know what I want to order has a limited supply or high demand.

I've borrowed and paid back around a half dozen times, and today leant for the first time. It really make you appreciate this community and the honest members seeing a thread like this!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: i3lazd on July 24, 2013, 03:55 pm

can anyone please loan me 0.48 bitcoins for my order? Will pay back 0.5 bitcoins in less than 48 hours.

Thank you.

Silk Road name:


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on July 24, 2013, 04:06 pm

hello hello all my lovelies!!
i hope everyone is doing AWESOME!!

sooo, who's gonna be my savior and loan the murda .04btc??
pleeease!!  ;)
it will be repaid in 7-10 days along with a 'thank you'..
thaaank yooou!!

same name on SR
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: drago73 on July 24, 2013, 04:12 pm

hello hello all my lovelies!!
i hope everyone is doing AWESOME!!

sooo, who's gonna be my savior and loan the murda .04btc??
pleeease!!  ;)
it will be repaid in 7-10 days along with a 'thank you'..
thaaank yooou!!

same name on SR

Sent .01 to you murderface. Literally all i have left in account. Hope you get remainder, and don't consider it a loan. Good luck
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on July 24, 2013, 04:20 pm

hello hello all my lovelies!!
i hope everyone is doing AWESOME!!

sooo, who's gonna be my savior and loan the murda .04btc??
pleeease!!  ;)
it will be repaid in 7-10 days along with a 'thank you'..
thaaank yooou!!

same name on SR

Sent .01 to you murderface. Literally all i have left in account. Hope you get remainder, and don't consider it a loan. Good luck

you are a saint!! thank you!!

.03 still needed you awesome people you
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on July 24, 2013, 04:22 pm

hello hello all my lovelies!!
i hope everyone is doing AWESOME!!

sooo, who's gonna be my savior and loan the murda .04btc??
pleeease!!  ;)
it will be repaid in 7-10 days along with a 'thank you'..
thaaank yooou!!

same name on SR

Sent .01 to you murderface. Literally all i have left in account. Hope you get remainder, and don't consider it a loan. Good luck

you are a saint!! thank you!!

.03 still needed you awesome people you
.03 coming your way brother.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on July 24, 2013, 04:30 pm

hello hello all my lovelies!!
i hope everyone is doing AWESOME!!

sooo, who's gonna be my savior and loan the murda .04btc??
pleeease!!  ;)
it will be repaid in 7-10 days along with a 'thank you'..
thaaank yooou!!

same name on SR

Sent .01 to you murderface. Literally all i have left in account. Hope you get remainder, and don't consider it a loan. Good luck

you are a saint!! thank you!!

.03 still needed you awesome people you
.03 coming your way brother.

you are the MAN!!
you will be compensated in 7-10 days!!
thank you!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: rjbridges on July 24, 2013, 04:31 pm
I managed to get a private loan for .4 but I still need .2 to cover what I would like, if anyone is feeling generous enough to help me out it would be greatly appreciated and repaid by Friday night after I cash my check and get coins.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: i3lazd on July 24, 2013, 04:42 pm

can anyone please loan me 0.48 bitcoins for my order? Will pay back 0.5 bitcoins in less than 48 hours.

Thank you.

Silk Road name:



if anyone could help out it be appreciated
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bodnostrokulum on July 24, 2013, 07:02 pm

Sending now! Hope you have a happy b-day, and just send back when you get your coins...


Thank you man, full respect !!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: i3lazd on July 24, 2013, 07:50 pm

can anyone please loan me 0.48 bitcoins for my order? Will pay back 0.5 bitcoins in less than 48 hours.

Thank you.

Silk Road name:



if anyone could help out it be appreciated

please could anyone help?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 24, 2013, 08:50 pm
Hi all,

I am short .04

If anyone can help me out that would be great.

My SR name is Azuthus

Thank you.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 24, 2013, 09:15 pm
Hi all,

I am short .04

If anyone can help me out that would be great.

My SR name is Azuthus

Thank you.

Pretty sure I wont be getting my loan so will send you the 0.034 I have in my acc. hope it helps.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 24, 2013, 09:20 pm
Hi all,

I am short .04

If anyone can help me out that would be great.

My SR name is Azuthus

Thank you.

Pretty sure I wont be getting my loan so will send you the 0.034 I have in my acc. hope it helps.
how much you need?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 24, 2013, 09:20 pm
Hi all,

I am short .04

If anyone can help me out that would be great.

My SR name is Azuthus

Thank you.

Pretty sure I wont be getting my loan so will send you the 0.034 I have in my acc. hope it helps.

Perfect! Thank you so much.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 24, 2013, 09:27 pm
Hi all,

I am short .04

If anyone can help me out that would be great.

My SR name is Azuthus

Thank you.

Pretty sure I wont be getting my loan so will send you the 0.034 I have in my acc. hope it helps.
how much you need?

RS - I am pretty sure that was meant for Kalli. However, if it was for me, Kalli set me up!

Thanks again Kalli
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 24, 2013, 09:29 pm
Hi all,

I am short .04

If anyone can help me out that would be great.

My SR name is Azuthus

Thank you.

Pretty sure I wont be getting my loan so will send you the 0.034 I have in my acc. hope it helps.
how much you need?

Hey there RS hope you're good, if that was meant for me don't worry about it I was already about 0.37 short before I sent that it wont kill me to wait till weekend to order.

Still wondering where Taz has gone  :(

No problemo ImAz anytime (I got coin !) bud.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 24, 2013, 09:37 pm
Still wondering where Taz has gone  :(

Me too! He totally drop off...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: i3lazd on July 24, 2013, 10:19 pm
How is everyone doing today?

Short 0.44 bitcoins on my order today. If anyone can help out will pay back 0.5 bitcoins


Silk Road name:


Thank you
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on July 24, 2013, 10:22 pm
@i3lazed i think you may be asking for too much :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on July 24, 2013, 10:27 pm
   :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) ##When requesting, post your SR name## SO WE KNOW WHERE TO SEND IT TO.  DON'T ASSUME WE KNOW. ##  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7)## DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. ## >:(  ##Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due. ##
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
BlackIris ++++
dr gonzo
lssb2132      ++++
MC Haberdasher
Mike Hunt
Repus6 *
staind ++++
White Out

{message the last person to post the list if you have lent but your name isn't on it :)}

The shit list:
andrewBUD420 ++++
Autobondon *
King Karma
repus6 *

         *^*do not lend to these people*^*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on July 24, 2013, 10:28 pm
How is everyone doing today?

Short 0.44 bitcoins on my order today. If anyone can help out will pay back 0.5 bitcoins


Silk Road name:


Thank you

@i3lazed I figured I would bump your request since I just put a huge list in front of it ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: rjbridges on July 24, 2013, 10:52 pm
Last try at trying to borrow .2 if anyone is feeling generous, otherwise I guess I'll give up and go try to hock some games or something.

*hopes to be able to keep Bioshock*

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: brianbertz on July 24, 2013, 11:17 pm
im 5 bucks short on an order. can pay back the 5 plus a little extra by next monday. always pay back what is borrowed. same name on sr as in the forums. thanks!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 24, 2013, 11:34 pm
@i3lazed i think you may be asking for too much :(
@i3lazed also, when will you be able to pay me back from prior loan :P?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper Jenson on July 24, 2013, 11:55 pm
what's up wonderful people?

So I paid back a loan today, lent out some coin too, now I  0.02 short for one last order. If anyone can spare it, I'll pay back in approx one week.

Jasper5Jenson (on SR)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thecatinthehat101 on July 25, 2013, 12:13 am
Hey I didn't forget about you I just haven't been on. I have stuff up for auction now and am expecting bitcoin in my sr account late next week. At that time I will pay back what I owe. Thanks!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 25, 2013, 12:26 am
what's up wonderful people?

So I paid back a loan today, lent out some coin too, now I  0.02 short for one last order. If anyone can spare it, I'll pay back in approx one week.

Jasper5Jenson (on SR)
sent :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 25, 2013, 12:28 am
Hey I didn't forget about you I just haven't been on. I have stuff up for auction now and am expecting bitcoin in my sr account late next week. At that time I will pay back what I owe. Thanks!
:) not worried about you, (hugs) my lovelies hope all all is well
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper Jenson on July 25, 2013, 12:56 am
what's up wonderful people?

So I paid back a loan today, lent out some coin too, now I  0.02 short for one last order. If anyone can spare it, I'll pay back in approx one week.

Jasper5Jenson (on SR)
sent :)

Awesome, once again I am indebted to you. Thanks, and I'll get you back asap. +1!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: odd on July 25, 2013, 01:40 am
hey everyone i realized i forgot to add my sr username.  I need .02 btc so under 1 us dollar lol can anyone help me out?  My SR name is also odd
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: adamiz on July 25, 2013, 02:14 am
And this way it shows in my history that I've transferred it to a user rather an address so I don't forget about it.
All sent!  Have fun with your order. :)

I have just payed you back. Double as I promised.
Thanks again for the help!

Best regards
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: adamiz on July 25, 2013, 02:21 am
hey everyone i realized i forgot to add my sr username.  I need .02 btc so under 1 us dollar lol can anyone help me out?  My SR name is also odd

I send you. Enjoy your product

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: odd on July 25, 2013, 03:42 am
Thank you friend!! i truly appreciate it i should be able to pay you back either tomorrow or friday thank you!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Alighier on July 25, 2013, 04:41 am
Hey-ah!  Lent out my last 10 bucks recently right when I needed quick access to some rigs.  Pharmacare charges $10.5 for priority and I'm in desperate need.  Username: Alighier.

Much appreciated!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: milamonagle on July 25, 2013, 04:59 am
Anyone got .02 BTC for me please? Damn fluctuating prices took me by surprise! I will pay it back in a couple of weeks.

My username is milamonagle
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 25, 2013, 05:02 am
who has .78 they'll loan a brother for 3-5 days? I wanna grab this listing before it goes. will payback with 10% intrest
sr name: RS7FI8ZRkm
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: milamonagle on July 25, 2013, 05:04 am
Scrap that I need 0.03. :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: nplv123 on July 25, 2013, 05:16 am
i can do .0238 does that work lol
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on July 25, 2013, 05:24 am
This i3Lazd  is red hot borrows .38 yesterday then 16hrs later is asking for another .4
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: milamonagle on July 25, 2013, 05:26 am
Yeah, I'd appreciate it. But I'll still need another 0.0036 to make my purchase.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: i3lazd on July 25, 2013, 05:33 am
If anyone could spare 0.42 bitcoins I can pay back 0.5 bitcoins in less than 48 hours.

Thank you.

let me know.

Silk Road username:

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: zokas on July 25, 2013, 05:41 am
Hello People,

I need 0.01 btc :D
will pay back on evening, who will help?
sent to sr zokas or 18fkwsz4mDkeQ1BQVQRJjjRF5d9Tdc3eJr
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 25, 2013, 05:46 am
If anyone could spare 0.42 bitcoins I can pay back 0.5 bitcoins in less than 48 hours.

Thank you.

let me know.

Silk Road username:

.. when are you going to pay me back?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: zokas on July 25, 2013, 05:49 am
If anyone could spare 0.42 bitcoins I can pay back 0.5 bitcoins in less than 48 hours.

Thank you.

let me know.

Silk Road username:

.. when are you going to pay me back?

I think he will never pay you back :DD
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: milamonagle on July 25, 2013, 05:51 am
Thank you nplv123!

Anyone got .0036 bitcoins they can spare please?
I'm itching to buy these pink gems of methylone
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on July 25, 2013, 05:52 am
If anyone could spare 0.42 bitcoins I can pay back 0.5 bitcoins in less than 48 hours.

Thank you.

let me know.

Silk Road username:

.. when are you going to pay me back?

I think he will never pay you back :DD

he borrowed .38 off njguido 24 hrs ago
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: milamonagle on July 25, 2013, 06:16 am
Yes! Fluctuated back into my price range. Praise drugs!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 25, 2013, 06:51 am
who has .78 they'll loan a brother for 3-5 days? I wanna grab this listing before it goes. will payback with 10% intrest
sr name: RS7FI8ZRkm
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 25, 2013, 06:57 am
who has .78 they'll loan a brother for 3-5 days? I wanna grab this listing before it goes. will payback with 10% intrest
sr name: RS7FI8ZRkm

Hey all hope ya good today !

Wish I could help out bro skint till weekend sorry :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Minchia on July 25, 2013, 07:44 am
who has .78 they'll loan a brother for 3-5 days? I wanna grab this listing before it goes. will payback with 10% intrest
sr name: RS7FI8ZRkm

sent you 0.8 btc
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: zokas on July 25, 2013, 08:06 am

need 0.04 right now, will pay asap

sr name zokas
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 25, 2013, 09:31 am
who has .78 they'll loan a brother for 3-5 days? I wanna grab this listing before it goes. will payback with 10% intrest
sr name: RS7FI8ZRkm

sent you 0.8 btc
:D right on brother, thank you. very greatly appreciated! however someone already bought  it ::).. so am sending it back (hugs)!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: njguido on July 25, 2013, 09:31 am
If anyone could spare 0.42 bitcoins I can pay back 0.5 bitcoins in less than 48 hours.

Thank you.

let me know.

Silk Road username:

.. when are you going to pay me back?

I think he will never pay you back :DD

he borrowed .38 off njguido 24 hrs ago

Tis the truth.  If I get paid back, awesome, he'll be in position to borrow later.  If he doesn't pay it back, then I took one for the team and we'll all know better for the low price of about $36  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 25, 2013, 10:16 am
If anyone could spare 0.42 bitcoins I can pay back 0.5 bitcoins in less than 48 hours.

Thank you.

let me know.

Silk Road username:

.. when are you going to pay me back?

I think he will never pay you back :DD

he borrowed .38 off njguido 24 hrs ago

Tis the truth.  If I get paid back, awesome, he'll be in position to borrow later.  If he doesn't pay it back, then I took one for the team and we'll all know better for the low price of about $36  8)

My view on it also, kudos bud :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Minchia on July 25, 2013, 11:11 am
who has .78 they'll loan a brother for 3-5 days? I wanna grab this listing before it goes. will payback with 10% intrest
sr name: RS7FI8ZRkm

sent you 0.8 btc
:D right on brother, thank you. very greatly appreciated! however someone already bought  it ::).. so am sending it back (hugs)!

your welcome - got it back
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on July 25, 2013, 01:25 pm
Howdy, generous folks.

I'm looking for 0.2 BC to complete my order that I'm trying to get in soon - the vendor doesn't ship on the weekend.

I have 10 bitcoins that will clear coinbase late on Monday, and the bitcoin fog by Tuesday.  I will pay back 0.25 BC on Tuesday if someone can help me out. 

Thanks for taking the time to hear my plea,  :)

SR username: trellis017

trellis paid me back!

thanks again for the generous extra.

very trustworthy, everything went perfect.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ILikeYou on July 25, 2013, 01:29 pm
Looking to get .2 to try a Stamp bag before buying the minimum $400 in coins.

Not really looking for a handout but I can provide a $20 vanilla reload. I just hate I cant use and am being verified by coinbase right now.

any help?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: i3lazd on July 25, 2013, 02:00 pm
Please can someone loan me 0.44 bitcoins?

will repay 0.5 bitcoins in less than 48 hours

Thank you.

Silk Road name:

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: i3lazd on July 25, 2013, 02:05 pm
If anyone could spare 0.42 bitcoins I can pay back 0.5 bitcoins in less than 48 hours.

Thank you.

let me know.

Silk Road username:

.. when are you going to pay me back?

I think he will never pay you back :DD

he borrowed .38 off njguido 24 hrs ago

paid you half back how much more bitcoins you need?

also will get 0.4 back to njguido today.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on July 25, 2013, 02:15 pm
If anyone could spare 0.42 bitcoins I can pay back 0.5 bitcoins in less than 48 hours.

Thank you.

let me know.

Silk Road username:

.. when are you going to pay me back?

I think he will never pay you back :DD

he borrowed .38 off njguido 24 hrs ago

paid you half back how much more bitcoins you need?

also will get 0.4 back to njguido today.

Generally speaking and this is just my opinion and how i act, but if i borrowed money i would pay that back before i bought more drugs and definatley before i tried to borrow more but that is just me and how i was raised
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 25, 2013, 03:34 pm
Good morning RS, Kali! (•‿•)

Have you peeps seen chemcat, boxes or taz around? I have been missing them.

Well back to lurk mode, as I am at work atm.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: keagal on July 25, 2013, 03:43 pm
can i please borrow just 0.006 BTC? i will pay back in a week when i get my coins after pay period. thank you!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: i3lazd on July 25, 2013, 03:44 pm
If anyone could spare 0.42 bitcoins I can pay back 0.5 bitcoins in less than 48 hours.

Thank you.

let me know.

Silk Road username:

.. when are you going to pay me back?

I think he will never pay you back :DD

he borrowed .38 off njguido 24 hrs ago

paid you half back how much more bitcoins you need?

also will get 0.4 back to njguido today.

Generally speaking and this is just my opinion and how i act, but if i borrowed money i would pay that back before i bought more drugs and definatley before i tried to borrow more but that is just me and how i was raised

I got a sheet coming so I can make $$$ quick.

also I got 0.80$USD if anyone needs it.

I need 45$USD.

let me know.

will pay back ASAP
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on July 25, 2013, 03:52 pm
can i please borrow just 0.006 BTC? i will pay back in a week when i get my coins after pay period. thank you!
What is that like $0.06 USD?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: keagal on July 25, 2013, 03:53 pm
.60 cents yes. i know sounds retarded
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on July 25, 2013, 04:03 pm
@keagal I have that what is your SR username
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MC Haberdasher on July 25, 2013, 04:07 pm

I could use:  ฿0.0028 to cover the rest of a shipping cost.  It's wack being 20 cents short.  SR name is haberdasher.  Can pay back within a week.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on July 25, 2013, 04:09 pm

I could use:  ฿0.0028 to cover the rest of a shipping cost.  It's wack being 20 cents short.  SR name is haberdasher.  Can pay back within a week.
I got you buddy. No need to pay back. Just keep it.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 25, 2013, 04:09 pm
can i please borrow just 0.006 BTC? i will pay back in a week when i get my coins after pay period. thank you!

I have ฿0.0021 for you...just need your sr name.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MC Haberdasher on July 25, 2013, 04:12 pm

I could use:  ฿0.0028 to cover the rest of a shipping cost.  It's wack being 20 cents short.  SR name is haberdasher.  Can pay back within a week.
I got you buddy. No need to pay back. Just keep it.

Thanks alot, dog..  :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on July 25, 2013, 04:12 pm
can i please borrow just 0.006 BTC? i will pay back in a week when i get my coins after pay period. thank you!

I have ฿0.0021 for you...just need your sr name.

Don't worry I've got it.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 25, 2013, 04:13 pm

I could use:  ฿0.0028 to cover the rest of a shipping cost.  It's wack being 20 cents short.  SR name is haberdasher.  Can pay back within a week.

MC Haberdasher well I have .0028
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on July 25, 2013, 04:15 pm

I could use:  ฿0.0028 to cover the rest of a shipping cost.  It's wack being 20 cents short.  SR name is haberdasher.  Can pay back within a week.

MC Haberdasher well I have .0028

haha I've already sent him the coins aswell. You can get the next one ImAz  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 25, 2013, 04:29 pm

I could use:  ฿0.0028 to cover the rest of a shipping cost.  It's wack being 20 cents short.  SR name is haberdasher.  Can pay back within a week.

MC Haberdasher well I have .0028

haha I've already sent him the coins aswell. You can get the next one ImAz  ;D

Ha! Seems like I am lagging a bit.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: i3lazd on July 25, 2013, 04:46 pm
could anyone please loan me 35$USD?

will pay back 40$USD in less than 48 hours!

Thanks let me know.

Silk Road name:


Thank you.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on July 25, 2013, 04:53 pm
I would just like to say I am now a huge fan of localbitcoins. Gosh darn it that was fast!!! but anywho, I'm 95 cents short on an order. I think that comes out to like 0.01 BTC's. If anyone would be so kind as to loan me that I'll pay you back within the next week. AAAAAND I'll even pay you back DOUBLE because I'm Scrooge McDuck rich and I make it rain at all the clubs. just kidding I don't go to clubs.... and I'm not rich :( But I'll still pay you back $2 :) SR name the same.

just sent you :)

edit: oh 95 cent hmm...sent you another 0.01..just to be sure..dont think one would be enough.

Just gave 0.04 back to you staind. Thanks again, you're a life saver!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: drago73 on July 25, 2013, 05:36 pm
Hello everybody. Does anybody have .06 btc i can borrow. Wanna try a tab of lsd from a vendor. Can't pay back until a week from tomorrow, but will pay back .10 to whoever helps.

Also, i have never asked for a loan before, and i have twice loaned myself if that helps.

SR screenname: dolphy7835

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Audio on July 25, 2013, 05:47 pm
Still nobody provided that 8$ for me, need them for order SR username is SirChiko.
Would be really thankfull.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: LOUDPACK on July 25, 2013, 06:03 pm
can anybody loan me 0.008 ? im trying to buy the golden lotus coupons with my last 80 bucks but came up short :\ i will pay you back double in 5 days

sr username is v00087630

please and thank you in advance!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on July 25, 2013, 06:08 pm
can anybody loan me 0.008 ? im trying to buy the golden lotus coupons with my last 80 bucks but came up short :\ i will pay you back double in 5 days

sr username is v00087630

please and thank you in advance!!

I got you
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on July 25, 2013, 06:37 pm
Still nobody provided that 8$ for me, need them for order SR username is SirChiko.
Would be really thankfull.

Amount in BTC
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Audio on July 25, 2013, 06:55 pm
Make it 0.1 if it's possible so we will not mess with 0.000x.
Thanks bro!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Alighier on July 25, 2013, 08:20 pm
officially out of rigs, please help if you can!

In total I need between .11-.22btc.  I can pay back, with interest if you'd like, Wednesday or Thursday of next week.  Killer stats, semi-regular poster, just kind of fuckered at the moment.

Username: Alighier

Thank you seriously!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 25, 2013, 08:46 pm
Good morning RS, Kali! (•‿•)

Have you peeps seen chemcat, boxes or taz around? I have been missing them.

Well back to lurk mode, as I am at work atm.

Hey there lurkster hows it going ?

No not heard off any of them for at least a couple of days now :( hope they are all ok  :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 25, 2013, 08:49 pm
Hey ya'll  :)

i just wanted to pop in and tell you all hello and ima miss ya's alot  :p

been hella busy so am gonna get back to work  :)

Peace, Love & Hugs to you All  :)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 25, 2013, 08:57 pm
Yeyyy it's chemmy whoop, whoop !

I am indeed good, don't work too hard and catch you soon amigo  :)

Peace n hugz right back, kalli.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: drago73 on July 25, 2013, 09:10 pm
Hello everybody. Does anybody have .06 btc i can
borrow. Wanna try a tab of lsd from a vendor. Can't pay
back until a week from tomorrow, but will pay back .10
to whoever helps.

Also, i have never asked for a loan before, and i have
twice loaned myself if that helps.

SR screenname: dolphy7835
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 25, 2013, 09:14 pm
:) ello, ello, ello my lovely droogies!

g'morning chemmy, ImAz, Kalli, cryngie and everyone

love and (hugs) to all! :) :-* :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Alighier on July 25, 2013, 09:24 pm
Okay, this is the last bump I'll post for my cause (so I don't annoy the piss out of you guys, and because I'm trying to see if my old rig guy will cut me a deal).  Trying to get rigs immediately, if not sooner :P  If someone wants to help that bit, I need .11 for priority or .22 for express.  If you can't swing that, the vendor I'm trying to cut a deal with is offering rigs for ~.13-~.14btc.  I've got .1069btc.  I can pay back next week around Wednesday/Thursday, with interest if you'd like.

So!  .11 gets me priority. 
If yer feelin' froggy, I can have em by Saturday for .22
And if you can help me at least get them on the way, .3-.4

Thanks guys, and I'll lay off it now  :o

~Ali <3
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tonymontana101 on July 25, 2013, 09:37 pm
Hope everyone is doing well. Looks like I'm back here again and I need to borrow 0.04155 bitcoin which is ~$4 for a sample shipping cost as soon as possible before the listing is gone. I currently owe cryngie .06 bitcoin and I'll be able to repay my debts by mid next week when I get paid. It would be greatly appreciated. My SR name is tonymontana101
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: phoboss on July 25, 2013, 09:58 pm
Hi there everyone I really feel ashamed to even ask this but can some nice soul borrow me 50.00btc please and I'll pay you back double when I get my inheritance money in 2050 hope this time span is ok and remember I'll be giving you back 100btc in 2050 ok so you triple what you gave I really need the 50.00btc to make a few orders and don't worry I won't run nor flee with your money ok peace out to my kind giving bros n siss ok phoboss.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 25, 2013, 10:17 pm
Okay, this is the last bump I'll post for my cause (so I don't annoy the piss out of you guys, and because I'm trying to see if my old rig guy will cut me a deal).  Trying to get rigs immediately, if not sooner :P  If someone wants to help that bit, I need .11 for priority or .22 for express.  If you can't swing that, the vendor I'm trying to cut a deal with is offering rigs for ~.13-~.14btc.  I've got .1069btc.  I can pay back next week around Wednesday/Thursday, with interest if you'd like.

So!  .11 gets me priority. 
If yer feelin' froggy, I can have em by Saturday for .22
And if you can help me at least get them on the way, .3-.4

Thanks guys, and I'll lay off it now  :o

~Ali <3
hello an greetings sister :)!

I will loan you .22, what is your SR name :D?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: phalNOP on July 25, 2013, 10:51 pm
Greeting all :)

(Deleted by OP)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Alighier on July 25, 2013, 10:55 pm
Okay, this is the last bump I'll post for my cause (so I don't annoy the piss out of you guys, and because I'm trying to see if my old rig guy will cut me a deal).  Trying to get rigs immediately, if not sooner :P  If someone wants to help that bit, I need .11 for priority or .22 for express.  If you can't swing that, the vendor I'm trying to cut a deal with is offering rigs for ~.13-~.14btc.  I've got .1069btc.  I can pay back next week around Wednesday/Thursday, with interest if you'd like.

So!  .11 gets me priority. 
If yer feelin' froggy, I can have em by Saturday for .22
And if you can help me at least get them on the way, .3-.4

Thanks guys, and I'll lay off it now  :o

~Ali <3
hello an greetings sister :)!

I will loan you .22, what is your SR name :D?

Alighier, Tried and true ^.^

Thank you so much, RS.  I'm not in as desperate need as someone hooked on opis, but addiction is addiction and I do dumb things with dirty needles when I get bad.

Also, I just noticed the typo lol.  First class going for $30-$40??  My bad X3

Again, thanks man. 

Much Love and Coconuts!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tonymontana101 on July 25, 2013, 10:56 pm
Hope everyone is doing well. Looks like I'm back here again and I need to borrow 0.04155 bitcoin which is ~$4 for a sample shipping cost as soon as possible before the listing is gone. I currently owe cryngie .06 bitcoin and I'll be able to repay my debts by mid next week when I get paid. It would be greatly appreciated. My SR name is tonymontana101

Going to bump this up just this once because I'm really hoping someone can help before the listing is gone. Thanks.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bigbabbablue on July 25, 2013, 10:57 pm
could somebody borrow me 0.005btc??
Got a really nice custom order, but sadly i'm a bit too short.
SR name is also bigbabbablue.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on July 25, 2013, 10:58 pm
Hi there everyone I really feel ashamed to even ask this but can some nice soul borrow me 50.00btc please and I'll pay you back double when I get my inheritance money in 2050 hope this time span is ok and remember I'll be giving you back 100btc in 2050 ok so you triple what you gave I really need the 50.00btc to make a few orders and don't worry I won't run nor flee with your money ok peace out to my kind giving bros n siss ok phoboss.

what is it about this thread that gets you so excited? you forgot to tell us your username peace out ok phoboss.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on July 25, 2013, 11:04 pm
could somebody borrow me 0.005btc??
Got a really nice custom order, but sadly i'm a bit too short.
SR name is also bigbabbablue.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on July 25, 2013, 11:07 pm
Hope everyone is doing well. Looks like I'm back here again and I need to borrow 0.04155 bitcoin which is ~$4 for a sample shipping cost as soon as possible before the listing is gone. I currently owe cryngie .06 bitcoin and I'll be able to repay my debts by mid next week when I get paid. It would be greatly appreciated. My SR name is tonymontana101

Going to bump this up just this once because I'm really hoping someone can help before the listing is gone. Thanks.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MC Haberdasher on July 25, 2013, 11:09 pm
Hi there everyone I really feel ashamed to even ask this but can some nice soul borrow me 50.00btc please and I'll pay you back double when I get my inheritance money in 2050 hope this time span is ok and remember I'll be giving you back 100btc in 2050 ok so you triple what you gave I really need the 50.00btc to make a few orders and don't worry I won't run nor flee with your money ok peace out to my kind giving bros n siss ok phoboss.

what is it about this thread that gets you so excited? you forgot to tell us your username peace out ok phoboss.

phoboss i got your 50.00btc ok check your buyer account and ill be waiting until 2050 for my 100.00btc back ok if you dont pay me what you owe me ill cut your thoat for talking about my mom  coz u are a mug and dont know about H ok peace hope i helped the community today.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bigbabbablue on July 25, 2013, 11:10 pm
+1 to you here, and i really hope something good will happen to you IRL!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 25, 2013, 11:10 pm
Okay, this is the last bump I'll post for my cause (so I don't annoy the piss out of you guys, and because I'm trying to see if my old rig guy will cut me a deal).  Trying to get rigs immediately, if not sooner :P  If someone wants to help that bit, I need .11 for priority or .22 for express.  If you can't swing that, the vendor I'm trying to cut a deal with is offering rigs for ~.13-~.14btc.  I've got .1069btc.  I can pay back next week around Wednesday/Thursday, with interest if you'd like.

So!  .11 gets me priority. 
If yer feelin' froggy, I can have em by Saturday for .22
And if you can help me at least get them on the way, .3-.4

Thanks guys, and I'll lay off it now  :o

~Ali <3
hello an greetings sister :)!

I will loan you .22, what is your SR name :D?

Alighier, Tried and true ^.^

Thank you so much, RS.  I'm not in as desperate need as someone hooked on opis, but addiction is addiction and I do dumb things with dirty needles when I get bad.

Also, I just noticed the typo lol.  First class going for $30-$40??  My bad X3

Again, thanks man. 

Much Love and Coconuts!
:o sorry! but I only have .22 I can loan.. considering I have few debts I need to settle up on myself.. and few orders I'd love to make.. but keeping things in balance is also important :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 25, 2013, 11:12 pm
Hi there everyone I really feel ashamed to even ask this but can some nice soul borrow me 50.00btc please and I'll pay you back double when I get my inheritance money in 2050 hope this time span is ok and remember I'll be giving you back 100btc in 2050 ok so you triple what you gave I really need the 50.00btc to make a few orders and don't worry I won't run nor flee with your money ok peace out to my kind giving bros n siss ok phoboss.

+1 karma for convincing me you're going to pay it back, hang on while I go buy some coins for this once in a lifetime investment opportunity  :o
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 25, 2013, 11:15 pm
Okay, this is the last bump I'll post for my cause (so I don't annoy the piss out of you guys, and because I'm trying to see if my old rig guy will cut me a deal).  Trying to get rigs immediately, if not sooner :P  If someone wants to help that bit, I need .11 for priority or .22 for express.  If you can't swing that, the vendor I'm trying to cut a deal with is offering rigs for ~.13-~.14btc.  I've got .1069btc.  I can pay back next week around Wednesday/Thursday, with interest if you'd like.

So!  .11 gets me priority. 
If yer feelin' froggy, I can have em by Saturday for .22
And if you can help me at least get them on the way, .3-.4

Thanks guys, and I'll lay off it now  :o

~Ali <3
hello an greetings sister :)!

I will loan you .22, what is your SR name :D?

Alighier, Tried and true ^.^

Thank you so much, RS.  I'm not in as desperate need as someone hooked on opis, but addiction is addiction and I do dumb things with dirty needles when I get bad.

Also, I just noticed the typo lol.  First class going for $30-$40??  My bad X3

Again, thanks man. 

Much Love and Coconuts!
:o sorry! but I only have .22 I can loan.. considering I have few debts I need to settle up on myself.. and few orders I'd love to make.. but keeping things in balance is also important :)
0.22 sent to Alighier :), enjoy! please repay soon :-*.

Hi there everyone I really feel ashamed to even ask this but can some nice soul borrow me 50.00btc please and I'll pay you back double when I get my inheritance money in 2050 hope this time span is ok and remember I'll be giving you back 100btc in 2050 ok so you triple what you gave I really need the 50.00btc to make a few orders and don't worry I won't run nor flee with your money ok peace out to my kind giving bros n siss ok phoboss.

+1 karma for convincing me you're going to pay it back, hang on while I go buy some coins for this once in a lifetime investment opportunity  :o
;D while your at it don't for get to send me some ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: phalNOP on July 25, 2013, 11:16 pm
(Removed by OP)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Alighier on July 25, 2013, 11:28 pm
Okay, this is the last bump I'll post for my cause (so I don't annoy the piss out of you guys, and because I'm trying to see if my old rig guy will cut me a deal).  Trying to get rigs immediately, if not sooner :P  If someone wants to help that bit, I need .11 for priority or .22 for express.  If you can't swing that, the vendor I'm trying to cut a deal with is offering rigs for ~.13-~.14btc.  I've got .1069btc.  I can pay back next week around Wednesday/Thursday, with interest if you'd like.

So!  .11 gets me priority. 
If yer feelin' froggy, I can have em by Saturday for .22
And if you can help me at least get them on the way, .3-.4

Thanks guys, and I'll lay off it now  :o

~Ali <3
hello an greetings sister :)!

I will loan you .22, what is your SR name :D?

Alighier, Tried and true ^.^

Thank you so much, RS.  I'm not in as desperate need as someone hooked on opis, but addiction is addiction and I do dumb things with dirty needles when I get bad.

Also, I just noticed the typo lol.  First class going for $30-$40??  My bad X3

Again, thanks man. 

Much Love and Coconuts!
:o sorry! but I only have .22 I can loan.. considering I have few debts I need to settle up on myself.. and few orders I'd love to make.. but keeping things in balance is also important :)

Naw, androgynoid, I just meant I wrote ".3-.4" to get a 1st class order instead of .03-.04.  I just thought it was silly.

Seriously, I think the count is up to 5.6 billion thank you's and counting. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 25, 2013, 11:32 pm
                                                  :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) ##When requesting, post your SR name## SO WE KNOW WHERE TO SEND IT TO.  DON'T ASSUME WE KNOW. ##  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7)## DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. ## >:(  ##Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due. ##
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

abdomen ++++
Alighier ++++
Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
cryngie  ++++
dr gonzo
lssb2132      ++++
MC Haberdasher
Minchia  ++++
Mike Hunt
njguido  ++++
Repus6 *
schuldig  ++++
staind ++++
White Out

{message the last person to post the list if you have lent but your name isn't on it :)}

The shit list:
Autobondon *
King Karma
repus6 *

         *^*do not lend to these people*^*

                                                                                                                                   [LAST UPDATED - 7/23]

Sorry about that, :-[ was an honest mistake.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tonymontana101 on July 25, 2013, 11:33 pm
Hope everyone is doing well. Looks like I'm back here again and I need to borrow 0.04155 bitcoin which is ~$4 for a sample shipping cost as soon as possible before the listing is gone. I currently owe cryngie .06 bitcoin and I'll be able to repay my debts by mid next week when I get paid. It would be greatly appreciated. My SR name is tonymontana101

Going to bump this up just this once because I'm really hoping someone can help before the listing is gone. Thanks.


Hell yes! Just placed the order thanks to you, you're awesome! :) As said will return with extra by mid next week.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 25, 2013, 11:39 pm
Okay, this is the last bump I'll post for my cause (so I don't annoy the piss out of you guys, and because I'm trying to see if my old rig guy will cut me a deal).  Trying to get rigs immediately, if not sooner :P  If someone wants to help that bit, I need .11 for priority or .22 for express.  If you can't swing that, the vendor I'm trying to cut a deal with is offering rigs for ~.13-~.14btc.  I've got .1069btc.  I can pay back next week around Wednesday/Thursday, with interest if you'd like.

So!  .11 gets me priority. 
If yer feelin' froggy, I can have em by Saturday for .22
And if you can help me at least get them on the way, .3-.4

Thanks guys, and I'll lay off it now  :o

~Ali <3
hello an greetings sister :)!

I will loan you .22, what is your SR name :D?

Alighier, Tried and true ^.^

Thank you so much, RS.  I'm not in as desperate need as someone hooked on opis, but addiction is addiction and I do dumb things with dirty needles when I get bad.

Also, I just noticed the typo lol.  First class going for $30-$40??  My bad X3

Again, thanks man. 

Much Love and Coconuts!
:o sorry! but I only have .22 I can loan.. considering I have few debts I need to settle up on myself.. and few orders I'd love to make.. but keeping things in balance is also important :)

Naw, androgynoid, I just meant I wrote ".3-.4" to get a 1st class order instead of .03-.04.  I just thought it was silly.

Seriously, I think the count is up to 5.6 billion thank you's and counting. 
:P wait you only needed .03 - .04 lol?  if so mind sending the rest back, love ::)?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: odd on July 25, 2013, 11:51 pm
just want to thank adamiz again for his .02 loan....... repayment has been sent thank you!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 25, 2013, 11:55 pm
Okay, this is the last bump I'll post for my cause (so I don't annoy the piss out of you guys, and because I'm trying to see if my old rig guy will cut me a deal).  Trying to get rigs immediately, if not sooner :P  If someone wants to help that bit, I need .11 for priority or .22 for express.  If you can't swing that, the vendor I'm trying to cut a deal with is offering rigs for ~.13-~.14btc.  I've got .1069btc.  I can pay back next week around Wednesday/Thursday, with interest if you'd like.

So!  .11 gets me priority. 
If yer feelin' froggy, I can have em by Saturday for .22
And if you can help me at least get them on the way, .3-.4

Thanks guys, and I'll lay off it now  :o

~Ali <3
hello an greetings sister :)!

I will loan you .22, what is your SR name :D?

Alighier, Tried and true ^.^

Thank you so much, RS.  I'm not in as desperate need as someone hooked on opis, but addiction is addiction and I do dumb things with dirty needles when I get bad.

Also, I just noticed the typo lol.  First class going for $30-$40??  My bad X3

Again, thanks man. 

Much Love and Coconuts!
:o sorry! but I only have .22 I can loan.. considering I have few debts I need to settle up on myself.. and few orders I'd love to make.. but keeping things in balance is also important :)
0.22 sent to Alighier :), enjoy! please repay soon :-*.

Hi there everyone I really feel ashamed to even ask this but can some nice soul borrow me 50.00btc please and I'll pay you back double when I get my inheritance money in 2050 hope this time span is ok and remember I'll be giving you back 100btc in 2050 ok so you triple what you gave I really need the 50.00btc to make a few orders and don't worry I won't run nor flee with your money ok peace out to my kind giving bros n siss ok phoboss.

+1 karma for convincing me you're going to pay it back, hang on while I go buy some coins for this once in a lifetime investment opportunity  :o
;D while your at it don't for get to send me some ::)

If you're talking about coins you will have to wait till I've sold my house, car and wife I can't pass up on that ^ sort of shit man ! But if you're talking karma then meh I give you it every 72 hours already :o
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: drago73 on July 26, 2013, 12:00 am
Hello everybody. Does anybody have .06 btc i can
borrow. Wanna try a tab of lsd from a vendor. Can't pay
back until a week from tomorrow, but will pay back .10
to whoever helps.

Also, i have never asked for a loan before, and i have
twice loaned myself if that helps. You can check the list if that helps. Old screenname was dolphy7835. Dropped that account and started this one. Sr screen name is same as old forum name. Thanks

SR screenname: dolphy7835
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jlranier on July 26, 2013, 01:08 am
I have an order of molly that I'm really itching to place since it's something I've never tried but alas I'm a little under .05 btc short. If anyone could lend this to me on here or through to my wallet it would be most epically appreciated and I'll be able to for sure repay within a week but probably sooner. I'm expecting a .05 debt repayment soon actually and will be buying more bitcoins soon. I'll repay .07. If anyone's willing thanks and either way best wishes to all!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: weed4me6969 on July 26, 2013, 01:15 am
Damnitt!!  $701 in acct!!!  Need $765!!!  I am trying to find someone on Local bitcoins right now, but it isnt looking good, i want to do it with Vanilla Reloadit, ya know... Damn, i hope i find something, otherwise, if anyone here can do it quick for a vanilla reloadit???  just dont want dude to sell out, i have been looking for a good QP in my price range for a few days now... I will send whoever $75 in Vanilla for $65 in coins!

Please help me out guys,  if i have to do Local bitcoins, it will take FOREVER to f$%&*#$ transfer funds..AHHHHHHH, the obstacles of life.  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: brianbertz on July 26, 2013, 01:30 am
whats with people asking for large amounts of coin lately? im looking for 5 dollars will pay back double next tuesday when i get paid. i always pay back my loans. i really need to get this order in. thanks
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: brianbertz on July 26, 2013, 01:36 am
username brianbertz same as forums.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: boomer1932 on July 26, 2013, 01:39 am
I literally need one penny.  I have exactly $0.00 in my account at the moment and I've been offered a sample by a vendor that costs... one penny.

I'm loading my account on Monday (Tuesday at the latest) to order a few things I've been lacking.  I will pay back anyone that can help me out $1.  Lend a penny, get back a dollar in the next week.

Name on SR is the same as on here.  boomer1932
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: weed4me6969 on July 26, 2013, 01:41 am
whats with people asking for large amounts of coin lately? im looking for 5 dollars will pay back double next tuesday when i get paid. i always pay back my loans. i really need to get this order in. thanks

I aint asking for shit!   I am saying I will buy them!  RIGHT NOW!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 26, 2013, 01:49 am
whats with people asking for large amounts of coin lately? im looking for 5 dollars will pay back double next tuesday when i get paid. i always pay back my loans. i really need to get this order in. thanks
btc value?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: i3lazd on July 26, 2013, 01:56 am
Could someone please loan me 0.42 bitcoins? I will repay 0.5 bitcoins in less than 48 hours.

Thanks let me know.

Silk Road name:


Thank you!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on July 26, 2013, 02:16 am
Could someone please loan me 0.42 bitcoins? I will repay 0.5 bitcoins in less than 48 hours.

Thanks let me know.

Silk Road name:


Thank you!

Hey man, not trying to be a dick, but no one is going to loan you any large amount of coins especially since you still owe people some. Please stop spamming thread.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 26, 2013, 02:40 am
Could someone please loan me 0.42 bitcoins? I will repay 0.5 bitcoins in less than 48 hours.

Thanks let me know.

Silk Road name:


Thank you!

Hey man, not trying to be a dick, but no one is going to loan you any large amount of coins especially since you still owe people some. Please stop spamming thread.
no man. it had to be said :), so thank you dan
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: odd on July 26, 2013, 02:54 am
i've got you boomer if no one else has already pm sent
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Alighier on July 26, 2013, 02:58 am
                                                  :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) ##When requesting, post your SR name## SO WE KNOW WHERE TO SEND IT TO.  DON'T ASSUME WE KNOW. ##  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7)## DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. ## >:(  ##Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due. ##
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
BlackIris ++++
dr gonzo
lssb2132      ++++
MC Haberdasher
Minchia  ++++
Mike Hunt
Repus6 *
staind ++++
White Out

{message the last person to post the list if you have lent but your name isn't on it :)}

The shit list:
andrewBUD420 ++++
Autobondon *
King Karma
repus6 *

         *^*do not lend to these people*^*

                                                                                                                                   [LAST UPDATED - 7/23]

I can finally get on that first list :o  A couple of days ago, I lent some coin to a very nice feller.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: JayGatsby on July 26, 2013, 03:02 am
Can anyone (and I know this is a LOT) please lend me .14 bitcoin or anything close?

I've lent out some on here, and I will pay back on saturday. Just want to get an order in tonight, but don't have time to initiate the transfer tomorrow because of work. I am definitely good for the money though.

Silkroad username is Meghy999.

Any help would be super clutch! I will pay back with interest :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on July 26, 2013, 03:11 am
                                                  :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) ##When requesting, post your SR name## SO WE KNOW WHERE TO SEND IT TO.  DON'T ASSUME WE KNOW. ##  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7)## DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. ## >:(  ##Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due. ##
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
BlackIris ++++
dr gonzo
lssb2132      ++++
MC Haberdasher
Minchia  ++++
Mike Hunt
Repus6 *
staind ++++
White Out

{message the last person to post the list if you have lent but your name isn't on it :)}

The shit list:
andrewBUD420 ++++
Autobondon *
King Karma
repus6 *

         *^*do not lend to these people*^*

                                                                                                                                   [LAST UPDATED - 7/23]

I can finally get on that first list :o  A couple of days ago, I lent some coin to a very nice feller.

I was on the list then it appears someone copyed it from earlier in the thread and i am no longer on it
Easy come easy go
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 26, 2013, 03:18 am
whats with people asking for large amounts of coin lately? im looking for 5 dollars will pay back double next tuesday when i get paid. i always pay back my loans. i really need to get this order in. thanks
btc value?
0.07 sent to brianbertz :)

I can finally get on that first list :o  A couple of days ago, I lent some coin to a very nice feller.

I can finally get on that first list :o  A couple of days ago, I lent some coin to a very nice feller.

I was on the list then it appears someone copyed it from earlier in the thread and i am no longer on it
Easy come easy go
:o sorry! I thought something looked different :-\.. I guess dan copied an older verion and I copied his ::) honest mistake brother! but thanks for pointing that out :) readding you an making sure no one else was missed..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: titsmcgee123 on July 26, 2013, 03:32 am
Hello to all my droogs! Hows everyone doing tonight? I've missed you all!
Also, I'd like to get on the list of members that have loaned :p even though Andrewbud420 is a scumbag thief.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 26, 2013, 03:33 am
:-[ sorry about that guys/girls.. my brain has been running on low capacity, these past few nights, its funny cause I thought I noticed something different,.. but didn't spend much time investigating :S

anyway added back the people that got missed :P

(hugs) love y'all :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 26, 2013, 03:35 am
Hello to all my droogs! Hows everyone doing tonight? I've missed you all!
Also, I'd like to get on the list of members that have loaned :p even though Andrewbud420 is a scumbag thief.

never seen you give a loan here :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: titsmcgee123 on July 26, 2013, 03:37 am
it was to 'andrewbud420' but it was a while back (beginning of july)
anyway, how are you doing RS7
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: drago73 on July 26, 2013, 03:47 am
Hey everybody. I'm still short.06 btc for an order. My old account is dolphy7835, and i have donated on 3 different occasions.    -dolphy7835 is still my SR screenname. If anybody could help i would be much appreciated. I will pay back .10 next friday(payday). Thanks
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on July 26, 2013, 03:47 am
whats with people asking for large amounts of coin lately? im looking for 5 dollars will pay back double next tuesday when i get paid. i always pay back my loans. i really need to get this order in. thanks
btc value?
0.07 sent to brianbertz :)

I can finally get on that first list :o  A couple of days ago, I lent some coin to a very nice feller.

I can finally get on that first list :o  A couple of days ago, I lent some coin to a very nice feller.

I was on the list then it appears someone copyed it from earlier in the thread and i am no longer on it
Easy come easy go
:o sorry! I thought something looked different :-\.. I guess dan copied an older verion and I copied his ::) honest mistake brother! but thanks for pointing that out :) readding you an making sure no one else was missed..

not to worry mate i just like to complain
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jlranier on July 26, 2013, 03:48 am
I'm now .06 away from a gram of high quality molly :O
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: weed4me6969 on July 26, 2013, 03:51 am
Hey RS7......or whoever is in charge right now, I want to loan some money... got like $20
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on July 26, 2013, 03:58 am
Hey RS7......or whoever is in charge right now, I want to loan some money... got like $20

No on is in charge buddy, it's just run by the community ;D All you have to do is find someone who posted that they are in need and help them out, just make sure to read the rules and shit list first ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: drago73 on July 26, 2013, 04:05 am
Hey RS7......or whoever is in charge right now, I want to loan some money... got like $20

I don't need 20, but just .06. Short on n order. Will pay back next week. Please help bro. SR SCREENNAME IS DOLPHY7835.
You can check list of those who've given. And i'm on it if that helps. Need some of that good real-world karma to come my way. Thanks
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: adamiz on July 26, 2013, 04:10 am
I'm now .06 away from a gram of high quality molly :O

What is your sr name?

I can lend some money
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 26, 2013, 04:11 am
it was to 'andrewbud420' but it was a while back (beginning of july)
anyway, how are you doing RS7
okay :), adding you up. I'm doing well :D thanks for asking. how are you?

whats with people asking for large amounts of coin lately? im looking for 5 dollars will pay back double next tuesday when i get paid. i always pay back my loans. i really need to get this order in. thanks
btc value?
0.07 sent to brianbertz :)

I can finally get on that first list :o  A couple of days ago, I lent some coin to a very nice feller.

I can finally get on that first list :o  A couple of days ago, I lent some coin to a very nice feller.

I was on the list then it appears someone copyed it from earlier in the thread and i am no longer on it
Easy come easy go
:o sorry! I thought something looked different :-\.. I guess dan copied an older verion and I copied his ::) honest mistake brother! but thanks for pointing that out :) readding you an making sure no one else was missed..

not to worry mate i just like to complain
:) much love! and thanks again for the loan you gave me, helped a lot. have you repayed soon brother :)

Hey RS7......or whoever is in charge right now, I want to loan some money... got like $20
hey brother :) how you been? alright, I could use it if you'd like to loan it to me :)

how are touts droogies doings tonight?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jlranier on July 26, 2013, 04:12 am
I'm now .06 away from a gram of high quality molly :O

What is your sr name?

I can lend some money

Same as on here, jlranier . Thank you very much! I'll get it to you with an extra .02 or so as soon as I can if that's alright, definitely within the week but probably sooner.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: drago73 on July 26, 2013, 04:18 am
it was to 'andrewbud420' but it was a while back (beginning of july)
anyway, how are you doing RS7

I loaned to you on this date. july 8th .05 btc.Tried to copy the whole page. You said you'd never received, but it clearly says in my account history that it was sent to you. I need to get paid back if you would please

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: adamiz on July 26, 2013, 04:18 am
I'm now .06 away from a gram of high quality molly :O

What is your sr name?

I can lend some money

Same as on here, jlranier . Thank you very much! I'll get it to you with an extra .02 or so as soon as I can if that's alright, definitely within the week but probably sooner.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: weed4me6969 on July 26, 2013, 04:26 am
it was to 'andrewbud420' but it was a while back (beginning of july)
anyway, how are you doing RS7
okay :), adding you up. I'm doing well :D thanks for asking. how are you?

whats with people asking for large amounts of coin lately? im looking for 5 dollars will pay back double next tuesday when i get paid. i always pay back my loans. i really need to get this order in. thanks
btc value?
0.07 sent to brianbertz :)

I can finally get on that first list :o  A couple of days ago, I lent some coin to a very nice feller.

I can finally get on that first list :o  A couple of days ago, I lent some coin to a very nice feller.

I was on the list then it appears someone copyed it from earlier in the thread and i am no longer on it
Easy come easy go
:o sorry! I thought something looked different :-\.. I guess dan copied an older verion and I copied his ::) honest mistake brother! but thanks for pointing that out :) readding you an making sure no one else was missed..

not to worry mate i just like to complain
:) much love! and thanks again for the loan you gave me, helped a lot. have you repayed soon brother :)

Hey RS7......or whoever is in charge right now, I want to loan some money... got like $20
hey brother :) how you been? alright, I could use it if you'd like to loan it to me :)

how are touts droogies doings tonight?

Sending you the rest of my funds.....just made my large purchase
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jlranier on July 26, 2013, 04:26 am
Many thanks to adamiz, I'll repay ASAP and I'm already looking forward to rolling  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 26, 2013, 04:30 am
it was to 'andrewbud420' but it was a while back (beginning of july)
anyway, how are you doing RS7
okay :), adding you up. I'm doing well :D thanks for asking. how are you?

whats with people asking for large amounts of coin lately? im looking for 5 dollars will pay back double next tuesday when i get paid. i always pay back my loans. i really need to get this order in. thanks
btc value?
0.07 sent to brianbertz :)

I can finally get on that first list :o  A couple of days ago, I lent some coin to a very nice feller.

I can finally get on that first list :o  A couple of days ago, I lent some coin to a very nice feller.

I was on the list then it appears someone copyed it from earlier in the thread and i am no longer on it
Easy come easy go
:o sorry! I thought something looked different :-\.. I guess dan copied an older verion and I copied his ::) honest mistake brother! but thanks for pointing that out :) readding you an making sure no one else was missed..

not to worry mate i just like to complain
:) much love! and thanks again for the loan you gave me, helped a lot. have you repayed soon brother :)

Hey RS7......or whoever is in charge right now, I want to loan some money... got like $20
hey brother :) how you been? alright, I could use it if you'd like to loan it to me :)

how are touts droogies doings tonight?

Sending you the rest of my funds.....just made my large purchase
:) thank you greatly sir
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: weed4me6969 on July 26, 2013, 04:37 am
 send to    RS7FI8ZRkm    ฿-0.20    ฿0.06    July 26, 2013, 4:32 am UTC

sent to ya buddy!!!  Hope you can get whatever it is your heart desires!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 26, 2013, 04:45 am
Hey all hope you're good

Could really use a 0.23 loan it's only for about 12-14 hours so I can get an order in for tomorrow (my birthday whoop, whoop) and im at work so can't put any money in bank for coins till I finish and you know I need drugs to stop the pain of getting older ;)

I've lent out and borrowed before as I say it's for a matter of hours and don't mind paying a bit of interest. kallindown on SR.

Either way have an awesome day, peace n hugz kalli.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: brianbertz on July 26, 2013, 04:57 am
got some coin from RxKing and also RS7FI8ZRkm which is cool since the vendor i was ordering from raised the price 4 bucks. RS7FI8ZRkm im gonna send whats left over that i dont need but will still pay you double of what was used on my order. that way you can help out someone else in need. thanks bros
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: titsmcgee123 on July 26, 2013, 05:24 am
it was to 'andrewbud420' but it was a while back (beginning of july)
anyway, how are you doing RS7

I loaned to you on this date. july 8th .05 btc.Tried to copy the whole page. You said you'd never received, but it clearly says in my account history that it was sent to you. I need to get paid back if you would please

please go to your account on SR, show where it says where you sent the coin to me, copy and paste. I will copy and paste my whole account history if you can prove that you sent it. I am a man of my word, and I don't appreciate you trying to scam me out of BTC/trashing my name. If you loaned my BTC I would have paid you back. I never received anything from you and, as I said, I challenge you to discount me on that. The only people I owe are foxxen, and trichome; however, I have talked to them and reasoned with them about the circumstances that have gone on. They were more than understanding, and for that I am going to make it worth their while. As for you, I never received any coin from you, and that is why I have not and will not pay you when I am able to get coin.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 26, 2013, 05:30 am
send to    RS7FI8ZRkm    ฿-0.20    ฿0.06    July 26, 2013, 4:32 am UTC

sent to ya buddy!!!  Hope you can get whatever it is your heart desires!
:D you rock bro

Hey all hope you're good

Could really use a 0.23 loan it's only for about 12-14 hours so I can get an order in for tomorrow (my birthday whoop, whoop) and im at work so can't put any money in bank for coins till I finish and you know I need drugs to stop the pain of getting older ;)

I've lent out and borrowed before as I say it's for a matter of hours and don't mind paying a bit of interest. kallindown on SR.

Either way have an awesome day, peace n hugz kalli.
debts I owe:
debts I owe:
cryngie            ฿0.57
haberdasher     ฿0.13
lssb2132          ฿0.37   
kallindown       ฿0.16
schuldig           ฿0.18
haberdasher    ฿0.01 ✓ repaid: 0.011
pusci                ฿0.04 ✓ repaid: 0.044
trichome           ฿0.07 ✓ repaid: 0.077

weed4me6969  ฿0.20
cryngie            ฿0.57
haberdasher     ฿0.13
lssb2132          ฿0.37    
schuldig           ฿0.18
kallindown       ฿0.16 ✓ repaid: 0.176 + loaning 0.044 :)
haberdasher    ฿0.01 ✓ repaid: 0.011
pusci                ฿0.04 ✓ repaid: 0.044
trichome           ฿0.07 ✓ repaid: 0.077
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 26, 2013, 05:44 am
send to    RS7FI8ZRkm    ฿-0.20    ฿0.06    July 26, 2013, 4:32 am UTC

sent to ya buddy!!!  Hope you can get whatever it is your heart desires!
:D you rock bro

Hey all hope you're good

Could really use a 0.23 loan it's only for about 12-14 hours so I can get an order in for tomorrow (my birthday whoop, whoop) and im at work so can't put any money in bank for coins till I finish and you know I need drugs to stop the pain of getting older ;)

I've lent out and borrowed before as I say it's for a matter of hours and don't mind paying a bit of interest. kallindown on SR.

Either way have an awesome day, peace n hugz kalli.
debts I owe:
debts I owe:
cryngie            ฿0.57
haberdasher     ฿0.13
lssb2132          ฿0.37   
kallindown       ฿0.16
schuldig           ฿0.18
haberdasher    ฿0.01 ✓ repaid: 0.011
pusci                ฿0.04 ✓ repaid: 0.044
trichome           ฿0.07 ✓ repaid: 0.077

weed4me6969  ฿0.20
cryngie            ฿0.57
haberdasher     ฿0.13
lssb2132          ฿0.37    
schuldig           ฿0.18
kallindown       ฿0.16 ✓ repaid: 0.176 + loaning 0.044 :)
haberdasher    ฿0.01 ✓ repaid: 0.011
pusci                ฿0.04 ✓ repaid: 0.044
trichome           ฿0.07 ✓ repaid: 0.077

You absolutely awesome person, forgot I was even owed anything :)

I owe ya one bud, think you might just have saved my birthday <moonwalks round the room>

Will get what I owe you back to ya by tonight thanks again man, really appreciate it  ;D (just a note for the future never pay me more then you lent dude it's not how I like my homies to roll !!!)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on July 26, 2013, 05:52 am
Been a while...But I just wanted to say "hello" to all my friends in here...and hi to all the members I do not know yet but could use a little loan  ;)

I will be on here for the next hour if anyone needs some Koin.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: i3lazd on July 26, 2013, 06:21 am
Could anyone spare 0.42 bitcoins? I will pay back 0.5 bitcoins in less than 2 days!


Silk Road username:

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Descarte on July 26, 2013, 06:23 am
Kittykatgirl has paid back with interest.  Not necessary, but appreciated.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on July 26, 2013, 06:59 am
Could anyone spare 0.42 bitcoins? I will pay back 0.5 bitcoins in less than 2 days!


Silk Road username:


I have no problems loaning you the .42 BUT I think you will LOVE my offer better!

I will sell you Actavis syrup on Saturday :) Yes you read that right..message me on SR :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 26, 2013, 07:13 am
send to    RS7FI8ZRkm    ฿-0.20    ฿0.06    July 26, 2013, 4:32 am UTC

sent to ya buddy!!!  Hope you can get whatever it is your heart desires!
:D you rock bro

Hey all hope you're good

Could really use a 0.23 loan it's only for about 12-14 hours so I can get an order in for tomorrow (my birthday whoop, whoop) and im at work so can't put any money in bank for coins till I finish and you know I need drugs to stop the pain of getting older ;)

I've lent out and borrowed before as I say it's for a matter of hours and don't mind paying a bit of interest. kallindown on SR.

Either way have an awesome day, peace n hugz kalli.
debts I owe:
debts I owe:
cryngie            ฿0.57
haberdasher     ฿0.13
lssb2132          ฿0.37   
kallindown       ฿0.16
schuldig           ฿0.18
haberdasher    ฿0.01 ✓ repaid: 0.011
pusci                ฿0.04 ✓ repaid: 0.044
trichome           ฿0.07 ✓ repaid: 0.077

weed4me6969  ฿0.20
cryngie            ฿0.57
haberdasher     ฿0.13
lssb2132          ฿0.37    
schuldig           ฿0.18
kallindown       ฿0.16 ✓ repaid: 0.176 + loaning 0.044 :)
haberdasher    ฿0.01 ✓ repaid: 0.011
pusci                ฿0.04 ✓ repaid: 0.044
trichome           ฿0.07 ✓ repaid: 0.077

You absolutely awesome person, forgot I was even owed anything :)

I owe ya one bud, think you might just have saved my birthday <moonwalks round the room>

Will get what I owe you back to ya by tonight thanks again man, really appreciate it  ;D (just a note for the future never pay me more then you lent dude it's not how I like my homies to roll !!!)
:) much love brother! an have a happy birthday!

Been a while...But I just wanted to say "hello" to all my friends in here...and hi to all the members I do not know yet but could use a little loan  ;)

I will be on here for the next hour if anyone needs some Koin.

hey buddy :) how you been? welcome back! hope all is good
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on July 26, 2013, 07:54 am
Hey RS...yes everything is GREAT...and I KNOW you read what I said...and you so want to say"what about me" but you do not want to "bug me about it again" lol....As I told you...I would let you know and now I am telling you SATURDAY is your day too  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D Message me on SR my man...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: njguido on July 26, 2013, 07:59 am
If anyone could spare 0.42 bitcoins I can pay back 0.5 bitcoins in less than 48 hours.

Thank you.

let me know.

Silk Road username:

.. when are you going to pay me back?

I think he will never pay you back :DD

he borrowed .38 off njguido 24 hrs ago

also will get 0.4 back to njguido today.

Nothing received yet, i'll need it by sunday though, i'm slightly short on my own order now as it is...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 26, 2013, 08:02 am
::) no, I can be patient. but thanks lol ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on July 26, 2013, 11:29 am
Just gave 0.04 back to you staind. Thanks again, you're a life saver!

yep, got it

thanks again for the extra.  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: drago73 on July 26, 2013, 12:20 pm
it was to 'andrewbud420' but it was a while back (beginning of july)
anyway, how are you doing RS7

I loaned to you on this date. july 8th .05 btc.Tried to copy the whole page. You said you'd never received, but it clearly says in my account history that it was sent to you. I need to get paid back if you would please

please go to your account on SR, show where it says where you sent the coin to me, copy and paste. I will copy and paste my whole account history if you can prove that you sent it. I am a man of my word, and I don't appreciate you trying to scam me out of BTC/trashing my name. If you loaned my BTC I would have paid you back. I never received anything from you and, as I said, I challenge you to discount me on that. The only people I owe are foxxen, and trichome; however, I have talked to them and reasoned with them about the circumstances that have gone on. They were more than understanding, and for that I am going to make it worth their while. As for you, I never received any coin from you, and that is why I have not and will not pay you when I am able to get coin.
I copied and pasted that whole account page titsmcgee123. This is what it looks like above. I copied the link above and pasted it in my browser window and it led me straight to that account page with our transaction. Doesn't seem too specific just by looking at the link. it directs me straight to that account page, but maybe it's because i'm too computer illiterate. I'm gonna try to copy and paste that link on my pc, just wanna make sure that you or anyone else can see. Also going to take a picture of the screen just in case that link doesn't work and post it for you to see. I just hope my camera on my phone is able to focus on it clearly enough so that everything will be legible.


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Hell_On_Heels on July 26, 2013, 02:18 pm
I'm short $3.00 on an order. Anyone help me out?


I gotcha next weekend!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on July 26, 2013, 02:28 pm
Hey RS...yes everything is GREAT...and I KNOW you read what I said...and you so want to say"what about me" but you do not want to "bug me about it again" lol....As I told you...I would let you know and now I am telling you SATURDAY is your day too  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D Message me on SR my man...
Hey RxKing I don't want to bug you again... but what about me?!?! haha jk :D I'm not even really sure what Activus syrup is anyway :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: i3lazd on July 26, 2013, 02:38 pm
Could anyone spare me 0.42 bitcoins? I will pay back 0.5 bitcoins in less than 48 hours.

Silk Road Name:


Thank you.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 26, 2013, 02:39 pm
Hey RS...yes everything is GREAT...and I KNOW you read what I said...and you so want to say"what about me" but you do not want to "bug me about it again" lol....As I told you...I would let you know and now I am telling you SATURDAY is your day too  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D Message me on SR my man...
Hey RxKing I don't want to bug you again... but what about me?!?! haha jk :D I'm not even really sure what Activus syrup is anyway :P
:P hugs dandan, :P you screwed me up on the list by copying an older one ;D... (hugs) brother! you probably had a long night like me 8)..

also activis is a codine + promethazine.. also none as sizz, sizzurp, dirty sprite, and proabably like 10 other names..

much love to all my bothers/sisters :).. hope everyones doing well!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 26, 2013, 02:41 pm
I'm short $3.00 on an order. Anyone help me out?


I gotcha next weekend!

Sent 0.01 it's a start I suppose, hope ya get the rest soon bud.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: odd on July 26, 2013, 03:03 pm
I'm short $3.00 on an order. Anyone help me out?


I gotcha next weekend!

Sent 0.01 it's a start I suppose, hope ya get the rest soon bud.

i'll send the other .02 btc ;)  enjoy!!

edit: sent!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on July 26, 2013, 03:15 pm
I think Love Inc just sent Hell_On_Heels $5 too.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Hell_On_Heels on July 26, 2013, 03:23 pm
Thanks guys! Just placed my order and I'll get ya'll back plus next weekend.

Thanks again!

Got sent a little extra so sending Love's back.

EDIT:Sent LoveInc! Thanks again!  Everyone else I gotcha next weekend plus some.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 26, 2013, 03:35 pm
Thanks guys! Just placed my order and I'll get ya'll back plus next weekend.

Thanks again!

Got sent a little extra so sending Love's back.

EDIT:Sent LoveInc! Thanks again!  Everyone else I gotcha next weekend plus some.

Don't worry about my small amount just keep this thread in mind if you ever have spare change laying around, that's payment enough :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Alighier on July 26, 2013, 04:06 pm

I can finally get on that first list :o  A couple of days ago, I lent some coin to a very nice feller.

I can finally get on that first list :o  A couple of days ago, I lent some coin to a very nice feller.

I was on the list then it appears someone copyed it from earlier in the thread and i am no longer on it
Easy come easy go
:o sorry! I thought something looked different :-\.. I guess dan copied an older verion and I copied his ::) honest mistake brother! but thanks for pointing that out :) readding you an making sure no one else was missed..

Yay!  I'm noteworthy! ^.^
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Alighier on July 26, 2013, 04:09 pm
Hey RS...yes everything is GREAT...and I KNOW you read what I said...and you so want to say"what about me" but you do not want to "bug me about it again" lol....As I told you...I would let you know and now I am telling you SATURDAY is your day too  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D Message me on SR my man...
Hey RxKing I don't want to bug you again... but what about me?!?! haha jk :D I'm not even really sure what Activus syrup is anyway :P
:P hugs dandan, :P you screwed me up on the list by copying an older one ;D... (hugs) brother! you probably had a long night like me 8)..

also activis is a codine + promethazine.. also none as sizz, sizzurp, dirty sprite, and proabably like 10 other names..

much love to all my bothers/sisters :).. hope everyones doing well!

Oh, I thought it was that yogurt what helps with regularity and what not X3

That sounds cool, can it be shot? O.o
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on July 26, 2013, 04:17 pm
Sorry about the list mix up btw! I was scanning through the thread looking for most recent list and I guess I skipped over the latest and went with the one before that ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lizard8sum on July 26, 2013, 04:27 pm
got it widdled down alil bit thanx im short .06 any lil will help.I do have a sob story but not going to tell it
thanx for being so awsome .lizzard8sum2
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: titsmcgee123 on July 26, 2013, 04:31 pm
First and foremost, Take AndrewBUD420 off the shit list. He explained his situation (after I went overboard on him) but he is a man of his word and paid back.
Second, Drago, you are a fucking retard. first I meant copy and paste the transaction like this:
send to    foxen624    ฿-0.14    ฿0.00    July 26, 2013, 4:26 pm UTC
send to    trichome    ฿-0.02    ฿0.14    July 26, 2013, 4:25 pm UTC
and second, im not signing onto yahoo over TOR, or the clearweb for that matter, just to see your 'picture'
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 26, 2013, 04:32 pm
Hey RS...yes everything is GREAT...and I KNOW you read what I said...and you so want to say"what about me" but you do not want to "bug me about it again" lol....As I told you...I would let you know and now I am telling you SATURDAY is your day too  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D Message me on SR my man...
Hey RxKing I don't want to bug you again... but what about me?!?! haha jk :D I'm not even really sure what Activus syrup is anyway :P
:P hugs dandan, :P you screwed me up on the list by copying an older one ;D... (hugs) brother! you probably had a long night like me 8)..

also activis is a codine + promethazine.. also none as sizz, sizzurp, dirty sprite, and proabably like 10 other names..

much love to all my bothers/sisters :).. hope everyones doing well!

Oh, I thought it was that yogurt what helps with regularity and what not X3

That sounds cool, can it be shot? O.o
lol, its cough syrup.. ::) so dunno how well that'd work ;D

Sorry about the list mix up btw! I was scanning through the thread looking for most recent list and I guess I skipped over the latest and went with the one before that ;D
:) all good, lol, glad cryngie caught it..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: drago73 on July 26, 2013, 04:42 pm
Hey RS...yes everything is GREAT...and I KNOW you read what I said...and you so want to say"what about me" but you do not want to "bug me about it again" lol....As I told you...I would let you know and now I am telling you SATURDAY is your day too  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D Message me on SR my man...
Hey RxKing I don't want to bug you again... but what about me?!?! haha jk :D I'm not even really sure what Activus syrup is anyway :P
:P hugs dandan, :P you screwed me up on the list by copying an older one ;D... (hugs) brother! you probably had a long night like me 8)..

also activis is a codine + promethazine.. also none as sizz, sizzurp, dirty sprite, and proabably like 10 other names..

much love to all my bothers/sisters :).. hope everyones doing well!

Oh, I thought it was that yogurt what helps with regularity and what not X3

That sounds cool, can it be shot? O.o
lol, its cough syrup.. ::) so dunno how well that'd work ;D

Sorry about the list mix up btw! I was scanning through the thread looking for most recent list and I guess I skipped over the latest and went with the one before that ;D
:) all good, lol, glad cryngie caught it..

Hey, what's your SR screenname? Made my order and had .02 left over. Played lottery and won! Gonna send .12 back for the .07 in bitcoin you lent. Thanks again man!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MC Haberdasher on July 26, 2013, 05:02 pm
Hey RS...yes everything is GREAT...and I KNOW you read what I said...and you so want to say"what about me" but you do not want to "bug me about it again" lol....As I told you...I would let you know and now I am telling you SATURDAY is your day too  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D Message me on SR my man...
Hey RxKing I don't want to bug you again... but what about me?!?! haha jk :D I'm not even really sure what Activus syrup is anyway :P
:P hugs dandan, :P you screwed me up on the list by copying an older one ;D... (hugs) brother! you probably had a long night like me 8)..

also activis is a codine + promethazine.. also none as sizz, sizzurp, dirty sprite, and proabably like 10 other names..

much love to all my bothers/sisters :).. hope everyones doing well!

Oh, I thought it was that yogurt what helps with regularity and what not X3

That sounds cool, can it be shot? O.o

No.  You don't wanna be injecting Codeine anyways, as it can cause pulmonary edema.  I don't believe that there is even IV Codeine use in Hospitals.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on July 26, 2013, 05:24 pm
                                                  :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) ##When requesting, post your SR name## SO WE KNOW WHERE TO SEND IT TO.  DON'T ASSUME WE KNOW. ##  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7)## DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. ## >:(  ##Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due. ##
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

abdomen ++++
Alighier ++++
Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
cryngie  ++++
dr gonzo
lssb2132      ++++
MC Haberdasher
Minchia  ++++
Mike Hunt
njguido  ++++
Repus6 *
schuldig  ++++
staind ++++
White Out

{message the last person to post the list if you have lent but your name isn't on it :)}

The shit list:
Autobondon *
King Karma
repus6 *

         *^*do not lend to these people*^*

                                                                                                                                   [LAST UPDATED - 7/23]
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 26, 2013, 05:26 pm
pretty sure HashForYou should really be on the shitlist he lent off me a few weeks ago and never repaid and doesn't answer my mails....

Wasn't a big amount and if he had replied and said he was skint or what ever I would have written it off but he's not playing by the spirit of this thread in my humble opinion.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: i3lazd on July 26, 2013, 05:29 pm
Could anyone spare me 0.42 bitcoins? I will pay back 0.5 bitcoins in less than 48 hours.

Silk Road Name:


Thank you.

anyone? thanks let me know
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: drago73 on July 26, 2013, 05:32 pm
First and foremost, Take AndrewBUD420 off the shit list. He explained his situation (after I went overboard on him) but he is a man of his word and paid back.
Second, Drago, you are a fucking retard. first I meant copy and paste the transaction like this:
send to    foxen624    ฿-0.14    ฿0.00    July 26, 2013, 4:26 pm UTC
send to    trichome    ฿-0.02    ฿0.14    July 26, 2013, 4:25 pm UTC
and second, im not signing onto yahoo over TOR, or the clearweb for that matter, just to see your 'picture'
I did fucking copy and paste it titsmcgee! Will try again. Anybody can type the "example" you just used, so the picture is a backup. Got any suggestions on how to get you to be able to see the picture of the account screen? I want to show complete proof that on july 8th i sent you .05 btc. Oh, and btw, as far me being a scammer, someone sent me .07 bitcoins today, and as soon as i get their SR screenname i will send them .12 back. Will be documented. I hope we can come to an understanding quicklike.

send to titsmcgee123 ฿-0.05 ฿0.07 July 8, 2013, 2:05 am UTC. There's the copied and pasted transaction. As far as you calling me a retard: at least i'm not a fucking LIAR asshole!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on July 26, 2013, 05:34 pm
Could anyone spare me 0.42 bitcoins? I will pay back 0.5 bitcoins in less than 48 hours.

Silk Road Name:


Thank you.

anyone? thanks let me know

Didn't RxKing just loan you $50?

Could anyone spare 0.42 bitcoins? I will pay back 0.5 bitcoins in less than 2 days!


Silk Road username:


I have no problems loaning you the .42 BUT I think you will LOVE my offer better!

I will sell you Actavis syrup on Saturday :) Yes you read that right..message me on SR :)

And don't you still owe people coins? ???
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: rollinronnie on July 26, 2013, 05:43 pm
Hey guys.. Due to a vendor cancelling on me, I was left exactly .013 short.. I don't want to make a promise I can't keep, but I expect to have more bitcoins within a week and would be willing to pay back .015.. Please help a brother out! ~1luv

SR name - rollinronnie
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: drago73 on July 26, 2013, 05:43 pm
First and foremost, Take AndrewBUD420 off the shit list. He explained his situation (after I went overboard on him) but he is a man of his word and paid back.
Second, Drago, you are a fucking retard. first I meant copy and paste the transaction like this:
send to    foxen624    ฿-0.14    ฿0.00    July 26, 2013, 4:26 pm UTC
send to    trichome    ฿-0.02    ฿0.14    July 26, 2013, 4:25 pm UTC
and second, im not signing onto yahoo over TOR, or the clearweb for that matter, just to see your 'picture'
I did fucking copy and paste it titsmcgee! Will try again. Anybody can type the "example" you just used, so the picture is a backup. Got any suggestions on how to get you to be able to see the picture of the account screen? I want to show complete proof that on july 8th i sent you .05 btc. Oh, and btw, as far me being a scammer, someone sent me .07 bitcoins today, and as soon as i get their SR screenname i will send them .12 back. Will be documented. I hope we can come to an understanding quicklike.

send to titsmcgee123 ฿-0.05 ฿0.07 July 8, 2013, 2:05 am UTC. There's the copied and pasted transaction. As far as you calling me a retard: at least i'm not a fucking LIAR asshole!

I could care less about getting paid back the .05 bitcoin i loaned you and i mean that. It's the disrespect of taking someone's generosity and throwing it back in their face by not even acknowledging it, and then accusing that same person of SCAMMING YOU?! Oddly enough, and i will admit this could just be because i did it from my phone, but your "example" of the copying and pasteing appears not like mine. I copied and pasted, so i'm assuming you just re-typed? May just be the phone, but i'm interested in hearing your response.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: hopeful7 on July 26, 2013, 05:57 pm
I am still in need of the following:

0.0332 bit coin for regular shipping
0.1095 for express shipping with tracking

I am happy to pay back or pay forward. I hope to get my account funded by the end of the  week, at which point I will pay back. The very latest would be the beginning of next week.
My used name is hopesalive07.  Answer here or better yet to message me, in case I miss any messages in this thread.

Thank you for your consideration.

0.0332 sent to SR account

Hi!  I sent you a PM. I need to know if your user name here is the same as your SR name so I can send you your bitcoin./ Thanks again for helping me out.  I  am going out to run some errands, but I will get this taken care of as soon as I am sure of your user name, so I can send it to the right place.  :)  Thanks again for helping me out!  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lizard8sum on July 26, 2013, 05:57 pm
ronnie  its there bro have fun and just pay it forward
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Croskin on July 26, 2013, 06:03 pm
.1464 off for an order. My username is the same on SR and i'll pay back with .1500 lol^.^  I probably won't be ordering anything else for a week or so, but if I don't within a week, i'll just purchase some to pay back anyone who lends.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: rollinronnie on July 26, 2013, 06:32 pm
Lizard -Thank you so much brother! I hate to be a Richard but the price just went up .0008.. Should I just wait and hope it come back down or could you do me one more solid? And I most def. will pass it forward hoss!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on July 26, 2013, 06:33 pm
who do i have to blow to get taken off the list permanently
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on July 26, 2013, 06:36 pm
who do i have to blow to get taken off the list permanently

haha are you getting PMs from people asking for loans?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: rollinronnie on July 26, 2013, 06:43 pm
Oh no Lizard I'm sorry brother.. I know someone will come thru for you!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lizard8sum on July 26, 2013, 06:52 pm
it's there bro have fun
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: drago73 on July 26, 2013, 07:01 pm
First and foremost, Take AndrewBUD420 off the shit list. He explained his situation (after I went overboard on him) but he is a man of his word and paid back.
Second, Drago, you are a fucking retard. first I meant copy and paste the transaction like this:
send to    foxen624    ฿-0.14    ฿0.00    July 26, 2013, 4:26 pm UTC
send to    trichome    ฿-0.02    ฿0.14    July 26, 2013, 4:25 pm UTC
and second, im not signing onto yahoo over TOR, or the clearweb for that matter, just to see your 'picture'
I did fucking copy and paste it titsmcgee! Will try again. Anybody can type the "example" you just used, so the picture is a backup. Got any suggestions on how to get you to be able to see the picture of the account screen? I want to show complete proof that on july 8th i sent you .05 btc. Oh, and btw, as far me being a scammer, someone sent me .07 bitcoins today, and as soon as i get their SR screenname i will send them .12 back. Will be documented. I hope we can come to an understanding quicklike.

send to titsmcgee123 ฿-0.05 ฿0.07 July 8, 2013, 2:05 am UTC. There's the copied and pasted transaction. As far as you calling me a retard: at least i'm not a fucking LIAR asshole!

I could care less about getting paid back the .05 bitcoin i loaned you and i mean that. It's the disrespect of taking someone's generosity and throwing it back in their face by not even acknowledging it, and then accusing that same person of SCAMMING YOU?! Oddly enough, and i will admit this could just be because i did it from my phone, but your "example" of the copying and pasteing appears not like mine. I copied and pasted, so i'm assuming you just re-typed? May just be the phone, but i'm interested in hearing your response.

Still waiting titsmcgee. Have shown you copied and pasted proof of loaning you bitcoin and the option of viewing photographic evidence of the transaction. I wait patiently.

Didn't realize you had to sign into yahoo when i put pic on flickr. Oh well, takes 2 seconds to create a "burner" account on yahoo.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: rollinronnie on July 26, 2013, 07:04 pm
Wow Lizard, I can't believe that even in your time of need you managed to find it in your heart to help me out again! Doing things like this will definitely get you that good karma, and I'm sure that somebody on here will find it in THEIR heart to help you as you have so kindly helped me!

Thanks a million and I will certainly return the favor ASAP
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lizard8sum on July 26, 2013, 07:08 pm
dont sweat it man funny thing my brother is named ronnie and he loves to roll!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 26, 2013, 07:11 pm
@ drago

that flkr link also takes me to a yahoo login page....i checked it through good amigo..

upload your pic to one of these:


Peace & Hugs,

Chem  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on July 26, 2013, 07:18 pm
@drago73 Yeah unfortunately you do need to be signed into yahoo to view a flikr photo :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: drago73 on July 26, 2013, 07:31 pm
@ drago

that flkr link also takes me to a yahoo login page....i checked it through good amigo..

upload your pic to one of these:


Peace & Hugs,

Chem  O0

Thanks chemcat and dan the ice creamman. If you guys care to here's another link on the deepweb with the photo and proof. It is a picture i took of one of my account pages that clearly shows i lent titsmcgee bitcoin. Please look and reply. Thanks. It's off of the link you gave me chemcat.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: drago73 on July 26, 2013, 07:32 pm
@ drago

that flkr link also takes me to a yahoo login page....i checked it through good amigo..

upload your pic to one of these:


Peace & Hugs,

Chem  O0

Thanks chemcat and dan the ice creamman. If you guys care to here's another link on the deepweb with the photo and proof. It is a picture i took of one of my account pages that clearly shows i lent titsmcgee bitcoin. Please look and reply. Thanks. It's off of the link you gave me chemcat.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: drago73 on July 26, 2013, 07:35 pm
@ drago

that flkr link also takes me to a yahoo login page....i checked it through good amigo..

upload your pic to one of these:


Peace & Hugs,

Chem  O0

Thanks chemcat and dan the ice creamman. If you guys care to here's another link on the deepweb with the photo and proof. It is a picture i took of one of my account pages that clearly shows i lent titsmcgee bitcoin. Please look and reply. Thanks. It's off of the link you gave me chemcat.

Sorry about that. Forgot to post the link. Lol. Here it is:
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MC Haberdasher on July 26, 2013, 07:39 pm
@ drago

that flkr link also takes me to a yahoo login page....i checked it through good amigo..

upload your pic to one of these:


Peace & Hugs,

Chem  O0

Thanks chemcat and dan the ice creamman. If you guys care to here's another link on the deepweb with the photo and proof. It is a picture i took of one of my account pages that clearly shows i lent titsmcgee bitcoin. Please look and reply. Thanks. It's off of the link you gave me chemcat.

Sorry about that. Forgot to post the link. Lol. Here it is:

Hell no dot T O!!!

Hell no dot T O!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: drago73 on July 26, 2013, 07:43 pm
@ drago

that flkr link also takes me to a yahoo login page....i checked it through good amigo..

upload your pic to one of these:


Peace & Hugs,

Chem  O0

Thanks chemcat and dan the ice creamman. If you guys care to here's another link on the deepweb with the photo and proof. It is a picture i took of one of my account pages that clearly shows i lent titsmcgee bitcoin. Please look and reply. Thanks. It's off of the link you gave me chemcat.

Sorry about that. Forgot to post the link. Lol. Here it is:

Hell no dot T O!!!

Hell no dot T O!!

I'm sorry, but i don't understand what that means MC Haberdasher
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MC Haberdasher on July 26, 2013, 07:53 pm is a no go for this bro, ya know??
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 26, 2013, 07:59 pm
drago, please tell me that yur not using to access the SR  ....

here is your link WITHOUT the .to


Peace & Hugs,

Chem  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: drago73 on July 26, 2013, 08:00 pm is a no go for this bro, ya know??

Actually i didn't. I'm on tor, but i only have access to cell phone now, and need to get this pic available to show proof to titsmcgee that i did send him btc for loan. Tried flickr, yet apparently you got to sign into yahoo first, now this other link, but it's onion. Too computer illiterate i guess. Don't know what else to do. Copied and pasted the transaction, but anybody could just type in a "transaction" . The pic to me is 100% proof that it took place.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: i3lazd on July 26, 2013, 08:06 pm
can anyone please spare 0.32 bitcoins? Will pay back 0.4 bitcoins in less than 48 hours.


Silk Road name:

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 26, 2013, 08:08 pm
i just cleaned up your ".to" link and posted it for you.....

just remember those links i posted to you and just upload pics to there..and stop using .to  :P

Chem  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: drago73 on July 26, 2013, 08:11 pm
drago, please tell me that yur not using to access the SR  ....

here is your link WITHOUT the .to


Peace & Hugs,

Chem  O0

Sometimes when i just use my cellphone and cell reception isn't that strong i will come to the forums without tor and through onion, but that's rare and i never, ever conduct any business on SR, including just looking without tor.
That being said, did you get a chance to look at the picture i took. Can i post that link now to titsmcgee123 and rest my case with him and be assured that he will know that there's no more lies he can tell me? Of course i'll leave the .to out of the link. Thanks
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MC Haberdasher on July 26, 2013, 08:18 pm is a no go for this bro, ya know??

Actually i didn't. I'm on tor, but i only have access to cell phone now, and need to get this pic available to show proof to titsmcgee that i did send him btc for loan. Tried flickr, yet apparently you got to sign into yahoo first, now this other link, but it's onion. Too computer illiterate i guess. Don't know what else to do. Copied and pasted the transaction, but anybody could just type in a "transaction" . The pic to me is 100% proof that it took place.

I never doubted you, man.  I just felt the need to point out the re-direct.  My delivery may have thrown you off, but have no worries.  I am just a strange dude sometimes.  And yes, you sent him some coins.. 

Also, could use.01 btc.  I got an offer for some free herbs, and I am waiting on RS7FI8ZRkm to hit me back with some coins.  I am not worried about getting my loan back ASAP, I would just like to place this order before the vendor changes their mind.

Thanks in advance..  Name is haberdasher
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: drago73 on July 26, 2013, 08:20 pm
First and foremost, Take AndrewBUD420 off the shit list. He explained his situation (after I went overboard on him) but he is a man of his word and paid back.
Second, Drago, you are a fucking retard. first I meant copy and paste the transaction like this:
send to    foxen624    ฿-0.14    ฿0.00    July 26, 2013, 4:26 pm UTC
send to    trichome    ฿-0.02    ฿0.14    July 26, 2013, 4:25 pm UTC
and second, im not signing onto yahoo over TOR, or the clearweb for that matter, just to see your 'picture'

YOU WANT PROOF TITSMCGEE123 WELL HERE IT IS: http://kpmp444tubeirwan.onion/board/a/src/1374866805573.jpg

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: drago73 on July 26, 2013, 08:27 pm is a no go for this bro, ya know??

Actually i didn't. I'm on tor, but i only have access to cell phone now, and need to get this pic available to show proof to titsmcgee that i did send him btc for loan. Tried flickr, yet apparently you got to sign into yahoo first, now this other link, but it's onion. Too computer illiterate i guess. Don't know what else to do. Copied and pasted the transaction, but anybody could just type in a "transaction" . The pic to me is 100% proof that it took place.

I never doubted you, man.  I just felt the need to point out the re-direct.  My delivery may have thrown you off, but have no worries.  I am just a strange dude sometimes.  And yes, you sent him some coins.. 

Also, could use.01 btc.  I got an offer for some free herbs, and I am waiting on RS7FI8ZRkm to hit me back with some coins.  I am not worried about getting my loan back ASAP, I would just like to place this order before the vendor changes their mind.

Thanks in advance..  Name is haberdasher

I would loan that in a heartbeat just for the useful info you gave alone, but RS7FI8ZRkm loaned me .07 this morning, and i received .12 bitcoin after i made my order off the loan, which i have already told him/her that i would give them the .12. Wouldn't be right to go back on that even just minus .01 btc payback. Other than that i would. Sorry
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MC Haberdasher on July 26, 2013, 08:31 pm is a no go for this bro, ya know??

Actually i didn't. I'm on tor, but i only have access to cell phone now, and need to get this pic available to show proof to titsmcgee that i did send him btc for loan. Tried flickr, yet apparently you got to sign into yahoo first, now this other link, but it's onion. Too computer illiterate i guess. Don't know what else to do. Copied and pasted the transaction, but anybody could just type in a "transaction" . The pic to me is 100% proof that it took place.

I never doubted you, man.  I just felt the need to point out the re-direct.  My delivery may have thrown you off, but have no worries.  I am just a strange dude sometimes.  And yes, you sent him some coins.. 

Also, could use.01 btc.  I got an offer for some free herbs, and I am waiting on RS7FI8ZRkm to hit me back with some coins.  I am not worried about getting my loan back ASAP, I would just like to place this order before the vendor changes their mind.

Thanks in advance..  Name is haberdasher

I would loan that in a heartbeat just for the useful info you gave alone, but RS7FI8ZRkm loaned me .07 this morning, and i received .12 bitcoin after i made my order off the loan, which i have already told him/her that i would give them the .12. Wouldn't be right to go back on that even just minus .01 btc payback. Other than that i would. Sorry

It's all good.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: drago73 on July 26, 2013, 08:35 pm is a no go for this bro, ya know??

Actually i didn't. I'm on tor, but i only have access to cell phone now, and need to get this pic available to show proof to titsmcgee that i did send him btc for loan. Tried flickr, yet apparently you got to sign into yahoo first, now this other link, but it's onion. Too computer illiterate i guess. Don't know what else to do. Copied and pasted the transaction, but anybody could just type in a "transaction" . The pic to me is 100% proof that it took place.

I never doubted you, man.  I just felt the need to point out the re-direct.  My delivery may have thrown you off, but have no worries.  I am just a strange dude sometimes.  And yes, you sent him some coins.. 

Also, could use.01 btc.  I got an offer for some free herbs, and I am waiting on RS7FI8ZRkm to hit me back with some coins.  I am not worried about getting my loan back ASAP, I would just like to place this order before the vendor changes their mind.

Thanks in advance..  Name is haberdasher

I would loan that in a heartbeat just for the useful info you gave alone, but RS7FI8ZRkm loaned me .07 this morning, and i received .12 bitcoin after i made my order off the loan, which i have already told him/her that i would give them the .12. Wouldn't be right to go back on that even just minus .01 btc payback. Other than that i would. Sorry

It's all good.

I didn't think to ask him for his SR screen name, and he didn't tell me, so i sent him a pm, and i guess i gotta wait till he responds with it.

+1 for you and chemcat
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lizard8sum on July 26, 2013, 09:32 pm
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lizard8sum on July 26, 2013, 09:44 pm
Its been along extremely crappy day.My vendor cancelled on my another one has not responded to me i found abetter one but im alil short.Mon I have surgery.I was .06 short but I loaned alil bit.if anyone can help with.08 that would be sr lizzard8sum2  thanx for reading  will be have it back to you in about a week at most.I just need alil smoke!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on July 26, 2013, 09:58 pm
@i3lazed!!!!!! >:( For the last time stop spamming this thread. No one is going to loan you $30 or $40 or $50. This thread is for people that need a little extra to cover shipping, a dollar here, a few cents there. NOT for you to get someone to buy your drugs for you. Rule number 6!!!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tonymontana101 on July 26, 2013, 10:31 pm
Just informing cryngie and Ron Swanson that I will be repaying my debts soon, just waiting on the coins to hit the account. :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: weed4me6969 on July 26, 2013, 11:00 pm is a no go for this bro, ya know??

Actually i didn't. I'm on tor, but i only have access to cell phone now, and need to get this pic available to show proof to titsmcgee that i did send him btc for loan. Tried flickr, yet apparently you got to sign into yahoo first, now this other link, but it's onion. Too computer illiterate i guess. Don't know what else to do. Copied and pasted the transaction, but anybody could just type in a "transaction" . The pic to me is 100% proof that it took place.

I never doubted you, man.  I just felt the need to point out the re-direct.  My delivery may have thrown you off, but have no worries.  I am just a strange dude sometimes.  And yes, you sent him some coins.. 

Also, could use.01 btc.  I got an offer for some free herbs, and I am waiting on RS7FI8ZRkm to hit me back with some coins.  I am not worried about getting my loan back ASAP, I would just like to place this order before the vendor changes their mind.

Thanks in advance..  Name is haberdasher

I would loan that in a heartbeat just for the useful info you gave alone, but RS7FI8ZRkm loaned me .07 this morning, and i received .12 bitcoin after i made my order off the loan, which i have already told him/her that i would give them the .12. Wouldn't be right to go back on that even just minus .01 btc payback. Other than that i would. Sorry

It's all good.

I got you man!  what is your SR acct?  MC haberdasher?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on July 26, 2013, 11:02 pm
who do i have to blow to get taken off the list permanently

haha are you getting PMs from people asking for loans?

no but seriously. get rid of the lending list it's ridiculous. just have one on the first page or something.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MC Haberdasher on July 26, 2013, 11:04 pm is a no go for this bro, ya know??

Actually i didn't. I'm on tor, but i only have access to cell phone now, and need to get this pic available to show proof to titsmcgee that i did send him btc for loan. Tried flickr, yet apparently you got to sign into yahoo first, now this other link, but it's onion. Too computer illiterate i guess. Don't know what else to do. Copied and pasted the transaction, but anybody could just type in a "transaction" . The pic to me is 100% proof that it took place.

I never doubted you, man.  I just felt the need to point out the re-direct.  My delivery may have thrown you off, but have no worries.  I am just a strange dude sometimes.  And yes, you sent him some coins.. 

Also, could use.01 btc.  I got an offer for some free herbs, and I am waiting on RS7FI8ZRkm to hit me back with some coins.  I am not worried about getting my loan back ASAP, I would just like to place this order before the vendor changes their mind.

Thanks in advance..  Name is haberdasher

I would loan that in a heartbeat just for the useful info you gave alone, but RS7FI8ZRkm loaned me .07 this morning, and i received .12 bitcoin after i made my order off the loan, which i have already told him/her that i would give them the .12. Wouldn't be right to go back on that even just minus .01 btc payback. Other than that i would. Sorry

It's all good.

I got you man!  what is your SR acct?  MC haberdasher?

Just, haberdasher.

Thanks alot!  Good to see you made the lenders list!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: weed4me6969 on July 26, 2013, 11:16 pm
action   notes   amount   balance   date
send to    haberdasher    ฿-0.01    ฿0.05    July 26, 2013, 11:14 pm UTC

Hope you super RIPPED off that sample!!   8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MC Haberdasher on July 26, 2013, 11:18 pm
action   notes   amount   balance   date
send to    haberdasher    ฿-0.01    ฿0.05    July 26, 2013, 11:14 pm UTC

Hope you super RIPPED off that sample!!   8)

Thanks, I sure hope so too. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on July 26, 2013, 11:19 pm
who do i have to blow to get taken off the list permanently

haha are you getting PMs from people asking for loans?

no but seriously. get rid of the lending list it's ridiculous. just have one on the first page or something.
Yeah that is a good point... I guess it's not really necessary but it encourages people to lend. The only thing people really need to know are the rules and who not to lend coins to. Maybe next time around we'll get rid of the lenders list.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tonymontana101 on July 26, 2013, 11:42 pm
Just paid off my debts, thanks for being an awesome community!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: theman123451 on July 26, 2013, 11:58 pm
can anyone lone me $8 in coins comes to about .0833 i will repay in about a week and a hafe 2 at most with amazing interest if someone can help me out i would be vary thankful!!!! just got a free sample for an 8th of weed trying to get it. your help will not go unnoticed.

sr name same as this.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jokerman2000 on July 27, 2013, 12:30 am
Repaid the 0.06 loan to mary666 with alittle bit on top. Thanks again.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on July 27, 2013, 01:37 am
BTW I saw this and almost died laughing, thought I'd share ;D


I want to order it just so I can leave a review haha
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 27, 2013, 03:22 am
LOL  made me hungry  :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: titsmcgee123 on July 27, 2013, 04:31 am
First and foremost, Take AndrewBUD420 off the shit list. He explained his situation (after I went overboard on him) but he is a man of his word and paid back.
Second, Drago, you are a fucking retard. first I meant copy and paste the transaction like this:
send to    foxen624    ฿-0.14    ฿0.00    July 26, 2013, 4:26 pm UTC
send to    trichome    ฿-0.02    ฿0.14    July 26, 2013, 4:25 pm UTC
and second, im not signing onto yahoo over TOR, or the clearweb for that matter, just to see your 'picture'

YOU WANT PROOF TITSMCGEE123 WELL HERE IT IS: http://kpmp444tubeirwan.onion/board/a/src/1374866805573.jpg

Dude, my forum name is titsmcgee123 but my SR username is mainmanralph - therein lies the problem. I never got your coin because I am not titsmcgee on SR. I stated this in my posts and you can ask many of the lenders that have lent me coin. So, I have to say I am sorry for the name calling, I thought you were trying to scam me; however, it was just an error.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: weed4me6969 on July 27, 2013, 04:40 am
BTW I saw this and almost died laughing, thought I'd share ;D


I want to order it just so I can leave a review haha

mmmmm...grilled cheese    ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: i3lazd on July 27, 2013, 05:40 am
I got 0.75$USD in bitcoins to loan if anyone needs.

Please could someone loan me 0.42 bitcoins? Will pay back 0.5 bitcoins in less than 24 hours.

Thank you.

Have a great day!

silk road name:

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lizard8sum on July 27, 2013, 06:06 am
Im .08 shy of an order Ive been trying to place all day .Ill be able to get it back in about a week.I just need alilbit o smoke.if anyone could be so kind to help  I would very much appreciate it. My silk road name is lizzard8sum2
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: drago73 on July 27, 2013, 06:31 am
First and foremost, Take AndrewBUD420 off the shit list. He explained his situation (after I went overboard on him) but he is a man of his word and paid back.
Second, Drago, you are a fucking retard. first I meant copy and paste the transaction like this:
send to    foxen624    ฿-0.14    ฿0.00    July 26, 2013, 4:26 pm UTC
send to    trichome    ฿-0.02    ฿0.14    July 26, 2013, 4:25 pm UTC
and second, im not signing onto yahoo over TOR, or the clearweb for that matter, just to see your 'picture'

YOU WANT PROOF TITSMCGEE123 WELL HERE IT IS: http://kpmp444tubeirwan.onion/board/a/src/1374866805573.jpg

Dude, my forum name is titsmcgee123 but my SR username is mainmanralph - therein lies the problem. I never got your coin because I am not titsmcgee on SR. I stated this in my posts and you can ask many of the lenders that have lent me coin. So, I have to say I am sorry for the name calling, I thought you were trying to scam me; however, it was just an error.

I sent you a pm. It's all good bro. I believe you and won't pursue this any longer. Please forgive me for calling you out as harshly as i have.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: SoAlone on July 27, 2013, 07:22 am
฿00.0535 short on order ($5 USD) after a heck of a time trying to get the darn things in the 1st place! ::)

Can pay 1 week from today - low post count but I'm just forum shy :-[   Been here since Sept 2012. - Same SR name SoAlone thanx :P

Appreciate it. 1st time asking.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bluedev1 on July 27, 2013, 07:57 am
I'll help you out SoAlone.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: i3lazd on July 27, 2013, 08:10 am
got 0.83 bitcoins anyone need?

its only 0.78$USD right now.

please anyone help me out I need 0.42 bitcoins like 42$USD will pay back 50$USD or 0.5 bitcoins ASAP.

will repay in less than 24 hours.

thank you. goodnite

throw me the coins we keep in touch.

my silk road name is

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lizard8sum on July 27, 2013, 08:23 am
i3lazed i need it bad short on order been tryin all day
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lizard8sum on July 27, 2013, 08:24 am
i can have it back to you  in bout a week sr name lizzard8sum2
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: i3lazd on July 27, 2013, 08:28 am
i3lazed i need it bad short on order been tryin all day

ight so send you 0.0081 bitcoins?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: i3lazd on July 27, 2013, 08:31 am
i can have it back to you  in bout a week sr name lizzard8sum2

sent just get me back whenever it only less than 1$USD

u can keep it

no worries

I need a loan of 0.42 but I promise to pay back 0.5 bitcoins in less than 48 hours

Thank you for anyone that can spare.

silk road name:

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lizard8sum on July 27, 2013, 08:32 am
yes thank you
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: SoAlone on July 27, 2013, 08:35 am
I'll help you out SoAlone.

Thank You bluedev1 ! - Wow! So this actually works! ;D

I'm going to have to become more forum-sociable!

Mucho appreciado chico. (or is it chica?) ;)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: i3lazd on July 27, 2013, 08:36 am
yes thank you

u got it bro?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bluedev1 on July 27, 2013, 09:25 am
I'll help you out SoAlone.

Thank You bluedev1 ! - Wow! So this actually works! ;D

I'm going to have to become more forum-sociable!

Mucho appreciado chico. (or is it chica?) ;)


You're welcome.  I've never spared btc before and probably never will again to be honest, lol.  Just did it this one time so that hopefully someone will do it for me in the future if the need ever arises :) 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: oznation22 on July 27, 2013, 11:15 am
axeman needs a hand.i'm currently on ฿0.7834 and need ฿0.9143 i'll let you guys do the math any kind soles out there or is this too much
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: i3lazd on July 27, 2013, 12:49 pm
i can have it back to you  in bout a week sr name lizzard8sum2

sent just get me back whenever it only less than 1$USD

u can keep it

no worries

I need a loan of 0.42 but I promise to pay back 0.5 bitcoins in less than 48 hours

Thank you for anyone that can spare.

silk road name:


yo bro you do not need to pay me back.

but I need a loan still please. read above for more info.


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on July 27, 2013, 01:16 pm
i can have it back to you  in bout a week sr name lizzard8sum2

sent just get me back whenever it only less than 1$USD

u can keep it

no worries

I need a loan of 0.42 but I promise to pay back 0.5 bitcoins in less than 48 hours

Thank you for anyone that can spare.

silk road name:


yo bro you do not need to pay me back.

but I need a loan still please. read above for more info.



This is ridiculous, you have been asking for the past 3 weeks for someone to give you $40! For the N'th time this thread is for people who need spare change not someone to buy their order for them. If you've been asking for 3 weeks why don't you just get some BTC's yourself!!! Maybe that way you can pay back the people that you already owe ??? It is getting very frustrating to see your name everyday asking for handouts. I hate to be the Spare Coins Thread Nazi but if you post again i3lazed I'm just going to put you on the shit list so no one else gets scammed out of money. This is the fourth and last time I'm going to bring this up. Please stop i3lazed....
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: odd on July 27, 2013, 01:42 pm
i can have it back to you  in bout a week sr name lizzard8sum2

sent just get me back whenever it only less than 1$USD

u can keep it

no worries

I need a loan of 0.42 but I promise to pay back 0.5 bitcoins in less than 48 hours

Thank you for anyone that can spare.

silk road name:


yo bro you do not need to pay me back.

but I need a loan still please. read above for more info.



This is ridiculous, you have been asking for the past 3 weeks for someone to give you $40! For the N'th time this thread is for people who need spare change not someone to buy their order for them. If you've been asking for 3 weeks why don't you just get some BTC's yourself!!! Maybe that way you can pay back the people that you already owe ??? It is getting very frustrating to see your name everyday asking for handouts. I hate to be the Spare Coins Thread Nazi but if you post again i3lazed I'm just going to put you on the shit list so no one else gets scammed out of money. This is the fourth and last time I'm going to bring this up. Please stop i3lazed....

I was about to say something as well.  i3lazed has been promising to pay back his loan within 48 hours for the last 4 days at least now.....shouldn't you have your coins by now if that was the case?  This is a straight up scam, you're abusing the thread, and daily spitting on the rules that have been set to make this thread possible.   You're not being a Nazi dan, i3lazed needs to stop.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lizard8sum on July 27, 2013, 01:46 pm
I dont want to bad mouth a vendor but hes had my btc tied up for 2 days.I.m .08 short of an order from abetter vendor.will be able to pay back next week or if he cancels.Ive talked to the guy he knows my oder is ther but its still processing. thanx for reading. my sr name is lizzard8sum2  thanx again
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 27, 2013, 04:32 pm
                                                  :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) ##When requesting, post your SR name## SO WE KNOW WHERE TO SEND IT TO.  DON'T ASSUME WE KNOW. ##  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7)## DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. ## >:(  ##Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due. ##
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.
[*] Currently on both lists :(.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.

List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
bluedev1  ++++
cryngie  ++++
dr gonzo
lizard8sum  ++++
Love Inc   ++++
MC Haberdasher
Mike Hunt
njguido  ++++
Repus6 *
White Out

{message the last person to post the list if you have lent but your name isn't on it :)}

The shit list:
Autobondon *
King Karma
repus6 *

         *^*do not lend to these people*^*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 27, 2013, 04:35 pm
I dont want to bad mouth a vendor but hes had my btc tied up for 2 days.I.m .08 short of an order from abetter vendor.will be able to pay back next week or if he cancels.Ive talked to the guy he knows my oder is ther but its still processing. thanx for reading. my sr name is lizzard8sum2  thanx again

Sent you .07 shapes.  All the shapes I got guy.  I'm positive someone out there has .01.  Please place the shapes back in the box when you can!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: oznation22 on July 27, 2013, 04:38 pm
cancel my request was short ten bucks but went with a lesser order :) this is a great idea for member to help each other but to bad these scalping bums are repeating and ruining a good thing  --- silk road name------ axeman
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lizard8sum on July 27, 2013, 04:48 pm
Shapes I sure will do that.Thanx so much man you made my day!so awesome of you  ;D ;D ;D :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 27, 2013, 04:51 pm
who do i have to blow to get taken off the list permanently

haha are you getting PMs from people asking for loans?

no but seriously. get rid of the lending list it's ridiculous. just have one on the first page or something.

I kind of agree.  I didn't really think the list was a good idea when it started, but I've witnessed it have a positive impact since it's been here.  A lot of people like it, and appreciate the extra thanks. 

It would be great if we could just keep it on the first page, but the people active now have no control over it.  The only other option is start a new thread but old habits die hard. 

If enough people think the list is a bad idea it will see the end of it's life.

For now though, I took you off the list and will make sure it stays that way.  There is no reason you or anyone should be on there if you don't want to be.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: abercrombiekidjf on July 27, 2013, 04:53 pm
Shapes I sure will do that.Thanx so much man you made my day!so awesome of you  ;D ;D ;D :)

what are you .01 BTC short now...arent you the one getting surgery i was talking to in another thread?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 27, 2013, 04:55 pm
cancel my request was short ten bucks but went with a lesser order :) this is a great idea for member to help each other but to bad these scalping bums are repeating and ruining a good thing  --- silk road name------ axeman

Happy to hear you figured it out man!  Come back and say hey anytime!
Shapes I sure will do that.Thanx so much man you made my day!so awesome of you  ;D ;D ;D :)

No worries man.  Take care of yourself please.  Let us know when you complete the order!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Goodfella on July 27, 2013, 05:00 pm
I am short 0.029, if anyone can help out i will pay back double the value on the 2nd August(Friday)

My SR name is Goodfella1988.

0.029 currently worth under 2 pounds so will pay back whatever 4 pounds is on the 2nd.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: abercrombiekidjf on July 27, 2013, 05:04 pm
I am short 0.029, if anyone can help out i will pay back double the value on the 2nd August(Friday)

My SR name is Goodfella1988.

0.029 currently worth under 2 pounds so will pay back whatever 4 pounds is on the 2nd.

i can help you out man just give me a second
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lizard8sum on July 27, 2013, 05:06 pm
yes  thats me
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on July 27, 2013, 05:06 pm
who do i have to blow to get taken off the list permanently

haha are you getting PMs from people asking for loans?

no but seriously. get rid of the lending list it's ridiculous. just have one on the first page or something.

I kind of agree.  I didn't really think the list was a good idea when it started, but I've witnessed it have a positive impact since it's been here.  A lot of people like it, and appreciate the extra thanks. 

It would be great if we could just keep it on the first page, but the people active now have no control over it.  The only other option is start a new thread but old habits die hard. 

If enough people think the list is a bad idea it will see the end of it's life.

For now though, I took you off the list and will make sure it stays that way.  There is no reason you or anyone should be on there if you don't want to be.

The more I'm thinking about it the more I think Ron is right. Getting rid of the lender's list at least. There's not really any need for it and it clogs up the thread. All people really need to know are the rules so it runs smoothly and the list of people who abuse/scam others. Also if there is only the one list people will take a closer look at it I feel like, so less of a chance someone on the shit list gets another loan. If anyone thinks the lenders list is a good idea and should STAY please speak up so we can get all sides of issue before a decision is made.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on July 27, 2013, 05:08 pm
yes  thats me

I got you with the extra dollar ;)

Keep smoking that weed and stay off those opiates!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: abercrombiekidjf on July 27, 2013, 05:09 pm
yes  thats me
i will lend the other .01 , what is your SR username
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on July 27, 2013, 05:11 pm
yes  thats me
i will lend the other .01 , what is your SR username

Already sent, get the next one brother ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lizard8sum on July 27, 2013, 05:13 pm
lizzard8sum2 thanx so much guys.I'm a ball of nerves today and ya'll have made it so much better
 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Goodfella on July 27, 2013, 05:21 pm
I am short 0.029, if anyone can help out i will pay back double the value on the 2nd August(Friday)

My SR name is Goodfella1988.

0.029 currently worth under 2 pounds so will pay back whatever 4 pounds is on the 2nd.

i can help you out man just give me a second

Thakyou for your kindness, will payback Friday.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lizard8sum on July 27, 2013, 05:23 pm
I love this community ppl here are so awesome
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: theman123451 on July 27, 2013, 05:37 pm
can anyone lone me $8 in coins comes to about .0833 i will repay in about a week and a hafe 2 at most with amazing interest if someone can help me out i would be vary thankful!!!! just got a free sample for an 8th of weed trying to get it. your help will not go unnoticed.

sr name theman123451
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: i3lazd on July 27, 2013, 06:05 pm
Would anyone please lend me 0.34 bitcoins?

Will pay back 0.4 bitcoins in less than 24 hours.

Thank you.

Silk Road name:

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DrWalterB on July 27, 2013, 06:14 pm
waiting for slymike to get back to me :( otherwise I would help ya out ....
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: weed4me6969 on July 27, 2013, 07:11 pm
Would anyone please lend me 0.34 bitcoins?

Will pay back 0.4 bitcoins in less than 24 hours.

Thank you.

Silk Road name:


Hey bro, I have seen you on here for the last 3 days or so asking for this loan... but if you were able to pay back within 24hrs on the first day, why the hell dont you have your coins by now... seems a little phishy to me! 

I am just saying...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on July 27, 2013, 07:45 pm

Would anyone please lend me 0.34 bitcoins?

Will pay back 0.4 bitcoins in less than 24 hours.

Thank you.

Silk Road name:


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 27, 2013, 07:54 pm
                                                  :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) ##When requesting, post your SR name## SO WE KNOW WHERE TO SEND IT TO.  DON'T ASSUME WE KNOW. ##  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7)## DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. ## >:(  ##Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due. ##
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.
                                                           Reserved For Notes

The shit list:
Autobondon *
i3lazd      <~~~~~~~>++++  (this isnt the support i3lazd's habit Thread!)
King Karma
repus6 *

 *^*do not lend to these people*^*

                                        ^*^Revised Rules^*^

                                     Hey Boxy, RS, DanDan  :)
  I know this was spoke of so i thought i'd go ahead and see what it's like.
                           Hope ya'll don't mind and if it's not good....Please change it back :P

                              I Love Ya'll  :)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Pure Red Eye on July 27, 2013, 08:47 pm
In need of 0.01, SR name is XXXXXXXXXXXX.

If anyone helps will payback within 1 week.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 27, 2013, 09:20 pm
to those I currently owe,.. I am sorry. but I am unable to buy coins at the moment. because bitinstant is down, an all I have is cash.. I am going to try localbitcoins but the only trader in my area, doesn't trade on the weekends :-\.. so hopefully monday I will have everything squared up.

I apologize sincerely bothers/sisters.., this wasn't supposed to happen :-[

debts I owe:
cryngie            ฿0.57
haberdasher     ฿0.13
lssb2132          ฿0.37   
kallindown       ฿0.16
schuldig           ฿0.18
haberdasher    ฿0.01 ✓ repaid: 0.011
pusci                ฿0.04 ✓ repaid: 0.044
trichome           ฿0.07 ✓ repaid: 0.077

weed4me6969  ฿0.20
cryngie            ฿0.57
haberdasher     ฿0.13
lssb2132          ฿0.37    
schuldig           ฿0.18
kallindown       ฿0.16 ✓ repaid: 0.176 + loaning 0.044 :)
haberdasher    ฿0.01 ✓ repaid: 0.011
pusci                ฿0.04 ✓ repaid: 0.044
trichome           ฿0.07 ✓ repaid: 0.077
weed4me6969  ฿0.20
cryngie            ฿0.57
lssb2132          ฿0.37    
schuldig           ฿0.18
haberdasher     ฿0.13  ✓ repaid: 0.143   
kallindown       ฿0.16 ✓ repaid: 0.176 + loaning 0.044 :)
haberdasher    ฿0.01 ✓ repaid: 0.011
pusci                ฿0.04 ✓ repaid: 0.044
trichome           ฿0.07 ✓ repaid: 0.077
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 27, 2013, 09:25 pm
LBTC's  never used them but i hear they have  other ways to get coins...other than the meet in person deal  :)

Love Ya @ RS me Bruh!  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: nplv123 on July 27, 2013, 09:26 pm
well hopefully karma will help me out here.. borrowed my last .0238 to milamonagle the other day, since then i was refunded a shipping cost and now im .012 short for a new vendor sample. if anyone can help me out id appreciate it and will pay u back in the next week or two when i re up on btc. thanks :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: nplv123 on July 27, 2013, 09:27 pm
ny sr name is the same, nplv123. i just need .012 please and thank you :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Pure Red Eye on July 27, 2013, 09:36 pm
In need of 0.01, SR name is XXXXXXXXXXXX.

If anyone helps will payback within 1 week.

Please dont send me bitcoin got lucky with the bitcoin average going up. 8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: nplv123 on July 27, 2013, 11:06 pm
thanks RS7FI8ZRkm!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on July 28, 2013, 05:27 am
RS7FI8ZRkm, I should have the rest of my debt with you taken care of tuesday or wednesday. Just an update.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Croskin on July 28, 2013, 05:53 am
~.17 btc off for an order, ill pay back with .2 within a few days. Username is the same on SR  ;D
If anyone wants to send a fraction of that or wants to negotiate payback, thats fine too!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on July 28, 2013, 05:57 am

hello hello all my lovelies!!
i hope everyone is doing AWESOME!!

sooo, who's gonna be my savior and loan the murda .04btc??
pleeease!!  ;)
it will be repaid in 7-10 days along with a 'thank you'..
thaaank yooou!!

same name on SR

Sent .01 to you murderface. Literally all i have left in account. Hope you get remainder, and don't consider it a loan. Good luck

you are a saint!! thank you!!

.03 still needed you awesome people you
.03 coming your way brother.

payback sent homie!!
plus a little thank you for your generosity!!
thanks again my man!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: weed4me6969 on July 28, 2013, 12:50 pm
In need of 0.01, SR name is XXXXXXXXXXXX.

If anyone helps will payback within 1 week.

Please dont send me bitcoin got lucky with the bitcoin average going up. 8)

Dont ya just love when that happens!!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 28, 2013, 05:46 pm

                                                  :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) ##When requesting, post your SR name## SO WE KNOW WHERE TO SEND IT TO.  DON'T ASSUME WE KNOW. ##  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7)## DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. ## >:(  ##Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due. ##
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.
                                                           Reserved For Notes

The shit list:
Autobondon *
i3lazd      <~~~~~~~>++++  (this isnt the support i3lazd's habit Thread!)
King Karma
repus6 *

 *^*do not lend to these people*^*

                                        ^*^Revised Rules^*^

                                     Hey Boxy, RS, DanDan  :)
  I know this was spoke of so i thought i'd go ahead and see what it's like.
                           Hope ya'll don't mind and if it's not good....Please change it back :P

                              I Love Ya'll  :)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 28, 2013, 05:47 pm
Good morning ya'll  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 28, 2013, 05:59 pm
Hey CC.

I don't mind the change.  I was worried about that list getting cumbersome. 

I would still like to hear others speak up about it tho.

Back breaking hug to you man.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on July 28, 2013, 06:04 pm
How is everyone doing this fine sunday afternoon?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 28, 2013, 06:07 pm
hiya Boxy  :)  Huge Hugs right back atcha  :)

yeah i seen where it was spoke of and just thought i'd throw it out there....hope i didnt overstep any bounds by doing so  ;)

How's life treatin ya, boxy?

Everything seems to be rolling along slowly for me so far   LOL

Peace & Hugs,

Chem  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 28, 2013, 06:11 pm
Hiya, Jugg  :)

How's yur day goin?

Big Hugs to ya, Jugg  :)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sorasgaze on July 28, 2013, 06:15 pm
Short of an order for some hash by 0.06btc. If anyone could donate I will pay back either to that person or another one in need the following week. My SR name is sorasgaze. thank you! :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 28, 2013, 06:20 pm
I don't mind.  It's not like one person controls it.

I'm ok.  Business has been getting odd.  Hard to explain.   :P

Out for now!  Take care guy.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on July 28, 2013, 06:33 pm
Hey CC.

I don't mind the change.  I was worried about that list getting cumbersome. 

I would still like to hear others speak up about it tho.

Back breaking hug to you man.

murderface approved!!
big hugs to all my lovelies!!
you know who you be!!
much love!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 28, 2013, 06:39 pm
Hiya CC RS Box and all you other cats...

Just thought I would say hi...going back to doing some order packing...back to lurk mode.

Anyone seen taz?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 28, 2013, 06:47 pm
MURDA!!  :)  Huggles to you and ImAz  :)

ImAz, how've you been?  :)

nah i havent seen hide nor hair of taz  ???  i wish he'd come back and say hello, at least  :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on July 28, 2013, 06:57 pm
Hiya, Jugg  :)

How's yur day goin?

Big Hugs to ya, Jugg  :)



I'm doing great! A bit sore from work yesterday since I pushed my body to its physical limits, but still good! SO SORE THOUGH!
How are all the forum vets doing? Staying busy? Making money? :)
I'm in such a good mood I could dance, If I was physically able. lol

Much love
- Jugg
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 28, 2013, 07:03 pm
oh i know what ya mean about your back  ....mine is pretty much Fubar  LOL
nah...just making enough to pay off debts  :p

hope to make some good flow sooner or later though  :P

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on July 28, 2013, 07:09 pm
didn't say it was my back. ;)
My whole damn body hurts! even with some opiates in my system.

My lower back is fubared too though. I've had serious lower back problems since 2005 when my car decided to get into a fight with a semi-truck.
Lets just say, the semi won the fight.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 28, 2013, 07:12 pm
yep, those lower back injuries are no joke  :(

well i hope ya feel better soon today  (Hugs)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on July 28, 2013, 07:21 pm
yeah, ill just do another line, I'll be good eventually ;)

Got stuff to do, bye for now people! :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bodnostrokulum on July 28, 2013, 08:09 pm
0.005 short - thats a weird loan  ;D but i need it fast
Thank you !

sr name the same :

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: i3lazd on July 28, 2013, 08:13 pm

                                                  :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) ##When requesting, post your SR name## SO WE KNOW WHERE TO SEND IT TO.  DON'T ASSUME WE KNOW. ##  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7)## DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. ## >:(  ##Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due. ##
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.
                                                           Reserved For Notes

The shit list:
Autobondon *
i3lazd      <~~~~~~~>++++  (this isnt the support i3lazd's habit Thread!)
King Karma
repus6 *

 *^*do not lend to these people*^*

                                        ^*^Revised Rules^*^

                                     Hey Boxy, RS, DanDan  :)
  I know this was spoke of so i thought i'd go ahead and see what it's like.
                           Hope ya'll don't mind and if it's not good....Please change it back :P

                              I Love Ya'll  :)



paid back half my loans.

Ill have rest of $$$ 2maro on Monday.

sorry for lag. I needed to make money off 50$USD to make 500$USD...

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper Jenson on July 28, 2013, 08:15 pm
0.005 short - thats a weird loan  ;D but i need it fast
Thank you !

sr name the same :


That's all I have left on my account. If I send it can you pay it back at the end of the month along with the other coin I lent you?

I have to pay back 0.02 to RS7 and wouldn't normally loan if I owe someone but it is a small amount.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bodnostrokulum on July 28, 2013, 08:30 pm
Yes JJ !
thank you brother  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 28, 2013, 08:31 pm
0.005 short - thats a weird loan  ;D but i need it fast
Thank you !

sr name the same :


That's all I have left on my account. If I send it can you pay it back at the end of the month along with the other coin I lent you?

I have to pay back 0.02 to RS7 and wouldn't normally loan if I owe someone but it is a small amount.
Bodnostrkulum owes me 0.1 which is overdue also pm,d yerteday to say i needed  ::)

Hi all  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper Jenson on July 28, 2013, 08:33 pm
Sent. Sucks when you're that close to an order. Enjoy whatever it is!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 28, 2013, 08:46 pm
huggles to ya my little mary berry  :P

Heya jasper  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 28, 2013, 08:49 pm
@ i3lazd

Then you should have said so.....been honest.....let us know when yur straight and we'll remove your name from that shit list.

just next time be up front....  ;)

Peace & Hugs,

Chem  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper Jenson on July 28, 2013, 09:22 pm
How u doing today Chem?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 28, 2013, 09:23 pm
Huggles back to ya Chemmy  ;) :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 28, 2013, 09:29 pm
not to bad, mary  :)  how're you and yours doin?

getting hot outside today   LOL

Peace & Hugs to ya  :)

Chem  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 28, 2013, 09:31 pm
not to bad @ jasper  :)

How've you been?  :)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 28, 2013, 09:38 pm
We,re good hun  ;) glad you are  ;) rain here today  :( lol
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 28, 2013, 09:41 pm
well bring the kids and flowers in  :P


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper Jenson on July 28, 2013, 10:06 pm
Been doin well. Weird weekend, kinda cold here, and I did't get an order I was hoping for yet...

I got some things to get me by, but not what I was hoping.

You guys and this thread always cheer me up though. Lots of positive energy in here.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sorasgaze on July 28, 2013, 10:18 pm
Short of an order for some hash by 0.06btc. If anyone could donate I will pay back either to that person or another one in need the following week. My SR name is sorasgaze. thank you! :)

bump :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on July 28, 2013, 11:55 pm
well bring the kids and flowers in  :P


nah, kids are fine..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: njguido on July 29, 2013, 12:18 am
@ i3lazd

Then you should have said so.....been honest.....let us know when yur straight and we'll remove your name from that shit list.

just next time be up front....  ;)

Peace & Hugs,

Chem  O0

I'll also confirm if i3lazd decided to pay me the .38btc back and then you guys can decide on his status on the shit list. I'm sure he'll pay, it's a shitty list to be on, no pun intended.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 29, 2013, 12:21 am
I'll remove him now.....just know....if we're not told things...and we see the same person come in here day after day asking for more and throws up RED FLAGS with us....

Just sayin ;)

This is a one time deal.....if he gets back in bad graces....he will not be removed again...point blank and Period.

I don't say this to be mean or know  :)

Peace & Hugs,

ChemCat  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 29, 2013, 12:23 am
                                                  :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) ##When requesting, post your SR name## SO WE KNOW WHERE TO SEND IT TO.  DON'T ASSUME WE KNOW. ##  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7)## DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. ## >:(  ##Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due. ##
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.
                                                           Reserved For Notes

The shit list:
Autobondon *
i3lazd                       ++++  (Prove us to be Wrong)
King Karma
repus6 *

 *^*do not lend to these people*^*

                                        ^*^Revised Rules^*^


                              I Love Ya'll  :)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: njguido on July 29, 2013, 12:37 am
I'll remove him now.....just know....if we're not told things...and we see the same person come in here day after day asking for more and throws up RED FLAGS with us....

Just sayin ;)

This is a one time deal.....if he gets back in bad graces....he will not be removed again...point blank and Period.

I don't say this to be mean or know  :)

Peace & Hugs,

ChemCat  O0

lol i'm an idiot, I just realized that I forgot to add the word "if" in my prior post, it kind of came off like I was confirming that he paid me. He has not paid me.

Please kindly, modify the shit-list to include his name until he clears his debts, I don't want anyone else getting a headache from shit like this

 I will report back WHEN and IF he clears up that .38btc with me
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cyberscour on July 29, 2013, 12:45 am
Someone mind helping me out a little? I'm literally 50 cents short of an order ( 0.005 BTC ). I could pay back probably before the week ended.

I may not have a high post count but I've been here for 8 months as of thursday. Thanks!

SR Cyberius
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: l0verboy on July 29, 2013, 01:12 am
can someone please help me on ordering a sample. I'm 70 cents short. I probably won't pay you back but I would greatly appreciate the generocity and I'll send you some good karma for sure.



Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on July 29, 2013, 01:23 am
I'll remove him now.....just know....if we're not told things...and we see the same person come in here day after day asking for more and throws up RED FLAGS with us....

Just sayin ;)

This is a one time deal.....if he gets back in bad graces....he will not be removed again...point blank and Period.

I don't say this to be mean or know  :)

Peace & Hugs,

ChemCat  O0

lol i'm an idiot, I just realized that I forgot to add the word "if" in my prior post, it kind of came off like I was confirming that he paid me. He has not paid me.

Please kindly, modify the shit-list to include his name until he clears his debts, I don't want anyone else getting a headache from shit like this

 I will report back WHEN and IF he clears up that .38btc with me

Pretty sure he owes RS7 like .3 BTC, too.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: i3lazd on July 29, 2013, 01:48 am
                                                  :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) ##When requesting, post your SR name## SO WE KNOW WHERE TO SEND IT TO.  DON'T ASSUME WE KNOW. ##  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7)## DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. ## >:(  ##Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due. ##
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.
                                                           Reserved For Notes

The shit list:
Autobondon *
i3lazd                       ++++
King Karma
repus6 *

 *^*do not lend to these people*^*

                                        ^*^Revised Rules^*^


                              I Love Ya'll  :)



can I please get off shit list I been loaning spare coins out. all my loans be paid 2maro on Monday.

Thank you.


have a great day everyone!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: foxen624 on July 29, 2013, 02:31 am
Someone mind helping me out a little? I'm literally 50 cents short of an order ( 0.005 BTC ). I could pay back probably before the week ended.

I may not have a high post count but I've been here for 8 months as of thursday. Thanks!

SR Cyberius

Yeah...  I'll send you 0.006BTC (just in case because of the fluxuations).   If you already got it from someone else.... pass it on to someone else who needs it :)

[EDIT]  O.K. it's been sent - hope it all works out with getting your item :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 29, 2013, 02:47 am
i3lazd, i dont mind taking you off that list. 

Do ya understand why people think you were abusing what we have built here...we do this to help others on the road, with micro loans....not half bitcoins...not quarter bitcoins...some of us dont mind lending large amounts at times..
it looked awfully suspicious of you to keep coming back day after day asking for more....and you didnt even tell us why you needed so much....Honestly it looked as though you were trying to scam the kind people can understand that i'm sure..right?  I mean No Offense...however you've got to understand where we're coming from..

I'll remove you from the shit list.....Please, next time be clear in what you need it's not like we care....but if ya come in day after day asking for more and rubs us wrong and makes you seem like a scammer trying to get a free ride....we're about Helping people...Not Supporting people....

We still have no clue why ya need all those coins....

if I see you day after day asking for more and more coins i will put you back on that shit list....forever....

I dont mean to seem hateful or mean.....i'm sure you understand though, put yourself in our shoes.

Peace & Hugs,


**2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.**
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on July 29, 2013, 03:09 am
@ChemCat He's been asking people for the past 2-3 weeks for $50 a pop, gets like 2 people to do it, then loans someone $1 to look generous. I'm a pretty easy going person but there's something about you i3lazed... I think you're trying to take advantage of people. The shit list is there for a reason. Please put that guy back on it until he has repaid ALL of his debts. I've said things to that guy multiple times and he just ignores me like I'm not there. I don't trust him and I don't think anyone else should either, until he's proven himself at least and paid back all the people he's borrowed from.

So please just put him back on until he pays his debts back and let this be the end of it.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 29, 2013, 03:25 am
Done  ;)

Someone else can take them off at a later date  LOL

i feel like a yo-yo  LOL  :P

Love & Hugs to ya DanDan  :)


  Chem   O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bluedev1 on July 29, 2013, 07:02 am
Donated to SoAlone just a couple days ago with the hopes this karma would come back to me, but didn't think I would need it so soon :)

I am in need of just .02 btc to make an order, please.  Can repay on Wednesday.   I'd like to pm my buyer acct info if that's ok, I just prefer a degree of separation between the two.  Thanks.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: anontoker on July 29, 2013, 10:16 am
My buyer account is separate too. Actually don't worry about donating to my cause (weed/hash). I don't have that long to wait and I hate owing people money. Even anonies like all of you. :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 29, 2013, 01:40 pm
Just a quick update

Firstly forgot to mention I paid RS back on fri when I said I would (hope u got it ok RS)

Secondly slymike has deposited 0.03 in my account, thank you for repaying the loan :)

ArgentineCosmo I will send you the 0.03 it's all I have but it's a start for you.

Lastly hello all my crazy amigo's and just anyone who reads this shizzle while lurking ;)

Hope you all have a great week love n hugz kalli.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 29, 2013, 02:50 pm
Jakk is one of the coolest people on here.  No worries about getting your coin back from him.

Would do it myself but I'm out.  Good luck man. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 29, 2013, 02:58 pm
Sorry took so long to send it I had a mad dash around when the plumber came unexpectedly and I had errr "stuff" laying around !
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Steelo on July 29, 2013, 03:27 pm
Can anyone spare 0.01 BTC? Spent about 10 minutes doing some research on the product I was buying and it went up by 0.01 -_-
My SR name is the same as on here, would really appreciate it. Cheers.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: purplepanth on July 29, 2013, 04:19 pm
Can anyone spare 0.01 BTC? Spent about 10 minutes doing some research on the product I was buying and it went up by 0.01 -_-
My SR name is the same as on here, would really appreciate it. Cheers.

sent .015..hope it helps. pay back whenever. have a good day!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Steelo on July 29, 2013, 05:05 pm
thanks a lot!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: i3lazd on July 29, 2013, 06:30 pm
need loan of 0.42 bitcoins.

will pay back 0.5 bitcoins in less than 48 hours.


Silk Road Name:

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on July 29, 2013, 06:33 pm

need loan of 0.42 bitcoins.

will pay back 0.5 bitcoins in less than 48 hours.


Silk Road Name:


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: yokes101 on July 29, 2013, 07:33 pm
I need 0.06 BTC to get a friend some 2C-B! anybody have that handy?

SR name the same...

Much Love Brother!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on July 29, 2013, 08:33 pm
need loan of 0.42 bitcoins.

will pay back 0.5 bitcoins in less than 48 hours.


Silk Road Name:


give it a rest already. no ones giving it to you. have you even repaid your debts you were supposed to be sorting out today?

Donated to SoAlone just a couple days ago with the hopes this karma would come back to me, but didn't think I would need it so soon :)

I am in need of just .02 btc to make an order, please.  Can repay on Wednesday.   I'd like to pm my buyer acct info if that's ok, I just prefer a degree of separation between the two.  Thanks.

send me a pm with your market username if you're still in need.

aaand thanks to everyone who has repaid which is the majority miraculously, especially as i've never hassled anyone about paying back a loan. props to; tonymontana101, FisherBeWharter, yaggayo, whowhatwhere and theunderscore. goes without saying that RS7FI8ZRkm and BoxofShapes are both trustworthy with larger loans too. my account history only goes to june 20 so there's way more that have repaid and probably a few that haven't but nothing to get upset about. anyway huge respect for having some integrity on an anonymous drug forum, it means a lot.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 29, 2013, 08:39 pm

need loan of 0.42 bitcoins.

will pay back 0.5 bitcoins in less than 48 hours.


Silk Road Name:



Every time I log on  ::)

ZZZZZZZ boring !
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 29, 2013, 08:54 pm

                                                  :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) ##When requesting, post your SR name## SO WE KNOW WHERE TO SEND IT TO.  DON'T ASSUME WE KNOW. ##  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7)## DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. ## >:(  ##Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due. ##
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.
                                                           Reserved For Notes

The shit list:
Autobondon *
i3lazd                       ++++  (Do Not Remove!)
King Karma
repus6 *

 *^*do not lend to these people*^*

                                        ^*^Revised Rules^*^


                              I Love Ya'll  :)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: weed4me6969 on July 29, 2013, 09:08 pm
need loan of 0.42 bitcoins.

will pay back 0.5 bitcoins in less than 48 hours.


Silk Road Name:


You are a joke bro!!!

Stop wasting valuable space!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 29, 2013, 09:22 pm
Damn it I've deposited but again but still short 0.0007 on my order..... anyone help me out for a few days please ?

kallindown on SR if anyone's got deep pockets :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 29, 2013, 09:26 pm
Damn it I've deposited but again but still short 0.0007 on my order..... anyone help me out for a few days please ?

kallindown on SR if anyone's got deep pockets :)

Ha...hi all...sent .0021 to you...don't spend it all in one place.

Back to lurk....
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 29, 2013, 09:32 pm
Thank you Mr Lurkalot :)

Wipe the rest of that debt it's not worth the energy to click and type ! Thanks bud.

Just another point, the last 2 times I've needed help it's come from people I've helped. Is this not proof the thread works well ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 29, 2013, 09:34 pm
well hey you two  :)

Hugs and icecream sammiches to you all   :P

Chem  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on July 29, 2013, 09:39 pm
Can anyone spare 0.01 BTC? Spent about 10 minutes doing some research on the product I was buying and it went up by 0.01 -_-
My SR name is the same as on here, would really appreciate it. Cheers.

Any reason your borrowing money to buy shit instead of paying people back

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: njguido on July 29, 2013, 09:46 pm
need loan of 0.42 bitcoins.

will pay back 0.5 bitcoins in less than 48 hours.


Silk Road Name:


*samuel l jackson voice*

"The fuck you MEAN you ain't got the money mothafucka you best be comin up with my cash!"

No but seriously... no one's going to lend you shit until you pay back your debts.  If you haven't noticed, you'll get called out on it every.single.time. you ask for a loan on here, on the same damn page.

I'm starting to wonder if he knows how to acquire bitcoin on his own at all or if he's just been getting loans this whole time...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on July 29, 2013, 09:49 pm
well hey you two  :)

Hugs and icecream sammiches to you all   :P

Chem  O0

Kali, anytime brobra. ヾ(-_- )ゞ And if you are tell me to forget my loan from deal. Just waiting for the coins to come outta escrow.

ChemCat! Hope you are taz yet...I wonder 【・_・?】

Well back to lurk mode.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 29, 2013, 10:02 pm
well hey you two  :)

Hugs and icecream sammiches to you all   :P

Chem  O0

Kali, anytime brobra. ヾ(-_- )ゞ And if you are tell me to forget my loan from deal. Just waiting for the coins to come outta escrow.

ChemCat! Hope you are taz yet...I wonder 【・_・?】

Well back to lurk mode.

Hey chemmy ! And it was nice to see marys post when I was skimming through but seriously getting worried @ taz

Meh at coins bro, seriously just pay it forward to someone else, I've just got my orders in thanks to you and that's payment enough believe :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on July 29, 2013, 10:03 pm
need loan of 0.42 bitcoins.

will pay back 0.5 bitcoins in less than 48 hours.


Silk Road Name:


*samuel l jackson voice*

"The fuck you MEAN you ain't got the money mothafucka you best be comin up with my cash!"

No but seriously... no one's going to lend you shit until you pay back your debts.  If you haven't noticed, you'll get called out on it every.single.time. you ask for a loan on here, on the same damn page.

I'm starting to wonder if he knows how to acquire bitcoin on his own at all or if he's just been getting loans this whole time...

Look at his signature, $2,400 spent with 77 transactions... That comes out to about $30 a purchase.... How many BTC's did this clown say he wanted to borrow again?... 0.42..... just enough to cover shipping.... You're a piece of shit i3lazd...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Alighier on July 29, 2013, 10:07 pm
Just got my rigs today!  Couldn't have come sooner, but I dropped by to give a big shout out to RS, saving the day!

I owe- .22 and will repay Wednesday/Thursday.

Thanks again, brother, you saved my hide!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on July 29, 2013, 10:18 pm
its a sad sad day when the price of BTC go up and you can no longer afford your purchase if you owe me and can afford to pay back would be much apprecitad gringo
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 29, 2013, 10:44 pm
its a sad sad day when the price of BTC go up and you can no longer afford your purchase if you owe me and can afford to pay back would be much apprecitad gringo

Who is this meant for ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on July 29, 2013, 11:10 pm
its a sad sad day when the price of BTC go up and you can no longer afford your purchase if you owe me and can afford to pay back would be much apprecitad gringo

Who is this meant for ?

steelo i'm assuming. hopefully he's been pm'd about it too

Can anyone spare 0.01 BTC? Spent about 10 minutes doing some research on the product I was buying and it went up by 0.01 -_-
My SR name is the same as on here, would really appreciate it. Cheers.

Any reason your borrowing money to buy shit instead of paying people back
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on July 29, 2013, 11:35 pm
Its aimed at 4 people 1 you already know 1 was trying to get free H "samples" off a very reputable vendor there is 2 other not included in that 4 as 1 already pm me asking for SR addy and the other frequents this thread alot and seems very trustworthy to me
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: njguido on July 29, 2013, 11:44 pm
need loan of 0.42 bitcoins.

will pay back 0.5 bitcoins in less than 48 hours.


Silk Road Name:


*samuel l jackson voice*

"The fuck you MEAN you ain't got the money mothafucka you best be comin up with my cash!"

No but seriously... no one's going to lend you shit until you pay back your debts.  If you haven't noticed, you'll get called out on it every.single.time. you ask for a loan on here, on the same damn page.

I'm starting to wonder if he knows how to acquire bitcoin on his own at all or if he's just been getting loans this whole time...

Look at his signature, $2,400 spent with 77 transactions... That comes out to about $30 a purchase.... How many BTC's did this clown say he wanted to borrow again?... 0.42..... just enough to cover shipping.... You're a piece of shit i3lazd...

I realized those stats soon after I thought I was getting scammed.  $30 per purchase, it's like buying from fix to fix, most of his recent posts are in the +Karma thread to appear trustworthy and then posts in here asking for loans and outrageously requesting to be taken off the the shitlist  ;D

there are some characters in here sometimes  :o
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bluedev1 on July 29, 2013, 11:47 pm
can anyone spare .04 btc please?  I will pm you my SR acct.  I have donated to this thread once before (to SoAlone), hoping someone will help me out now. <3  will repay tomorrow night.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: yokes101 on July 30, 2013, 12:01 am
I need 0.06 BTC to get a friend some 2C-B! anybody have that handy?

SR name the same...

Much Love Brother!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 30, 2013, 12:09 am
Its aimed at 4 people 1 you already know 1 was trying to get free H "samples" off a very reputable vendor there is 2 other not included in that 4 as 1 already pm me asking for SR addy and the other frequents this thread alot and seems very trustworthy to me
still having trouble purchasing coins from localbitcoins :-\ I might end up going through VIRX..

dunno if you saw my post from the other night..

till then I'll message few people who owe me, see what I can pull together.. again sorry about this. wasn't expecting BI to go down :'(

far as i3lazd goes, he still owes me .22 of the .63 I loaned him last week(?) ::).. not sure what he intends todo, but he says hes going to repay me today. hopefully this is true, keep y'all posted..

again, I apologize to those I still owe. you haven't been forgotten, I am just unable exchange cash > coins.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: pzvTVzD6OL on July 30, 2013, 12:27 am

Just a quick post in this thread to let people know I just repaid RS7FI8ZRkm an old loan I made through this thread some time ago (I announced it would take some time from my first post, and he was OK with it).

I should also come back in the next few weeks if I still have some coins after making a few orders.

Edit: Just saw RS7FI8ZRkm'post right before mine. Funny thing is I am the one who contacted him today to ask him if I should repay him or pass it along, without knowing he was actually needing it right now.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on July 30, 2013, 12:56 am
Its aimed at 4 people 1 you already know 1 was trying to get free H "samples" off a very reputable vendor there is 2 other not included in that 4 as 1 already pm me asking for SR addy and the other frequents this thread alot and seems very trustworthy to me
still having trouble purchasing coins from localbitcoins :-\ I might end up going through VIRX..

dunno if you saw my post from the other night..

till then I'll message few people who owe me, see what I can pull together.. again sorry about this. wasn't expecting BI to go down :'(

far as i3lazd goes, he still owes me .22 of the .63 I loaned him last week(?) ::).. not sure what he intends todo, but he says hes going to repay me today. hopefully this is true, keep y'all posted..

again, I apologize to those I still owe. you haven't been forgotten, I am just unable exchange cash > coins.

Your the one one who frequents the thread and seems trustwothy dude wasnt aimed at you at all
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Alighier on July 30, 2013, 01:10 am
Its aimed at 4 people 1 you already know 1 was trying to get free H "samples" off a very reputable vendor there is 2 other not included in that 4 as 1 already pm me asking for SR addy and the other frequents this thread alot and seems very trustworthy to me
still having trouble purchasing coins from localbitcoins :-\ I might end up going through VIRX..

dunno if you saw my post from the other night..

till then I'll message few people who owe me, see what I can pull together.. again sorry about this. wasn't expecting BI to go down :'(

far as i3lazd goes, he still owes me .22 of the .63 I loaned him last week(?) ::).. not sure what he intends todo, but he says hes going to repay me today. hopefully this is true, keep y'all posted..

again, I apologize to those I still owe. you haven't been forgotten, I am just unable exchange cash > coins.

I've only used them for up to $300, but BlueSkyTraders are good for US deposits.  Very quick.  They guarantee within 24hrs, but if you get it early enough, it's likely only a few hours.  Their fee is 1-4% depending on how volatile the market is, and they're old crew members for our ship with an immaculate record.  Just a thought.  It's what I intend to use to repay you if they'll accept such small amounts.

Good luck!
~Ali <3
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 30, 2013, 01:14 am
Ali  :)

Everything good?   :)


Chem  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 30, 2013, 01:24 am

Just a quick post in this thread to let people know I just repaid RS7FI8ZRkm an old loan I made through this thread some time ago (I announced it would take some time from my first post, and he was OK with it).

I should also come back in the next few weeks if I still have some coins after making a few orders.

Edit: Just saw RS7FI8ZRkm'post right before mine. Funny thing is I am the one who contacted him today to ask him if I should repay him or pass it along, without knowing he was actually needing it right now.
:) had just replied to you message on SR, thanks again for returning the coin brother! :D, your timing couldn't have been more perfect!

Its aimed at 4 people 1 you already know 1 was trying to get free H "samples" off a very reputable vendor there is 2 other not included in that 4 as 1 already pm me asking for SR addy and the other frequents this thread alot and seems very trustworthy to me
still having trouble purchasing coins from localbitcoins :-\ I might end up going through VIRX..

dunno if you saw my post from the other night..

till then I'll message few people who owe me, see what I can pull together.. again sorry about this. wasn't expecting BI to go down :'(

far as i3lazd goes, he still owes me .22 of the .63 I loaned him last week(?) ::).. not sure what he intends todo, but he says hes going to repay me today. hopefully this is true, keep y'all posted..

again, I apologize to those I still owe. you haven't been forgotten, I am just unable exchange cash > coins.

Your the one one who frequents the thread and seems trustwothy dude wasnt aimed at you at all
:) (hugs) to ya, my new brother! only trying to keep you informed. also, just reassuring repayment ^_^

Ali  :)

Everything good?   :)


Chem  O0
:D (hugs) chem! hope you're doing well brother

guess its not a  bad time to see how touts droogs are doing this fine afternoon :D?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 30, 2013, 01:28 am
MY BRUDDUH!!    8)

things are goin slow and smooth my Brother  :)

How're things goin in your world?

How's Pops?

Huggles to ya  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Alighier on July 30, 2013, 01:37 am
Ali  :)

Everything good?   :)


Chem  O0

Everything fabulous!  Received in good time, very pretty stealth, my good cat.  I finalized but will update when I try it.  Thanks!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on July 30, 2013, 01:39 am
ok wouldnt normally do this but am pretty desperate to place order so can get before W/E if anyone one out there could spot me .7 would be greatly appreciated and would be paid back in a week or less cheers for taking the time to read
SR name same as on here cryngie if not totally understand as is a large amount
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 30, 2013, 01:39 am
MY BRUDDUH!!    8)

things are goin slow and smooth my Brother  :)

How're things goin in your world?

How's Pops?

Huggles to ya  :)
:P you been taking it easy after rockin' an rollin' ::)? I hope

been little wild for me, things probably gonna be getting interesting here in a bit (if you watch the news ::) you probably know what I'm referring to.)  but overall can't complain, things are good.

hes good, haven't been up see him for past couple nights.. but I am going to drive up with some homemade dinner in about an hour :) so, he'll be happy

how you been? sales starting to pick up at all :D?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on July 30, 2013, 01:48 am
Hello to all my friends in this thread...hope you are all good!!!!!

To RS--I have me on SR ;D

Who needs a loan? (that is not a scumbag asking 100 other people and trying to scam them)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 30, 2013, 02:08 am
Hello to all my friends in this thread...hope you are all good!!!!!

To RS--I have me on SR ;D

Who needs a loan? (that is not a scumbag asking 100 other people and trying to scam them)

hello king :D, hope your doing good.

fuck bro, figured you'd end up getting it when I don't have any coins :'(..  I'd say sell it to chemcat or someone deserving :-\..

cause I need to settle up my debts first.. bitinstant, defiantly screwed me this time around. ::)

@cryngie is it urgent? I will process through VIRX if you need..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 30, 2013, 02:13 am
Hey king!  Cheers to you guy.  Hello everyone else!  Best wishes to anyone and everyone.  Haven't had a chance to be on as much as i want to but I guess that means I've been doing what I should be doing.   :P

Really cool to see people jumping in on trying to keep the moochers at bay.

Also saying thank you for the kind words ron swanson.  It's a good feeling to see someone put that much trust out there.  Happy it all played out.

Sorry to hear RS.   :(  Just thought I'd mention I hit another wise blood kick if that cheers ya up.   :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 30, 2013, 02:24 am
Hey king!  Cheers to you guy.  Hello everyone else!  Best wishes to anyone and everyone.  Haven't had a chance to be on as much as i want to but I guess that means I've been doing what I should be doing.   :P

Really cool to see people jumping in on trying to keep the moochers at bay.

Also saying thank you for the kind words ron swanson.  It's a good feeling to see someone put that much trust out there.  Happy it all played out.

Sorry to hear RS.   :(  Just thought I'd mention I hit another wise blood kick if that cheers ya up.   :P
:D! (hugs) boxy!

good to hear from you bud. still no sight on ST stock, but keep checkin ;)

thanks for the good advice, may have to take you up on that ;)

however, so its not one way street. here's some tracks for you. that you may or may not like, no way of knowing till you try.. :D

Logic - We Get High - (youtube(dot))com/watch?v=g8Zlsqnhtwc

Alexis Davis - The Lift - (youtube(dot))com/watch?v=PRm6Vy2sXhw

peace bro
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on July 30, 2013, 02:28 am

Really cool to see people jumping in on trying to keep the moochers at bay.

I agree!! There was someone that I have dealt with for over 1 year...but it has probably been that long since I have dealt with him...and I do not keep up with everything that go's on in all the forums and I was not aware about this person asking multiple people for a lot of coin...And he was asking is multiple forums...of course I knew non of this! And he was asking for an amount that this thread is not set up for. he was asking for .6 coins..

I told him that this thread is not for that..but I would lend him that amount if he needs it(as I had past relationship with him)

Well thanks to the GREAT PEOPLE of this thread...I got to long messages explaining that they did not want to get in my business and that they did not "know" me but they felt I should know what this guy has been doing before I lent him money..they were both very sweet and nice and were just looking out for me! And they both happen to be people I have never spoke to in here!!! So because of them and their kindness and them keeping up in people...they saved me from getting scammed FOR SURE!! The guy went away and actually never asked me for the it was a win win. Neither of them knew each other and also they both said how they didn't want to bug me..WEll of course they didn't and it just shows you how great the members are in here!!!!! JUST AWESOME they reached out and offered there help to me for no selfish reason. I have said many times this thread is the best. I have also said that in this thread....the BEST of SR are represented...and once again this is proof.

So a BIG THANK YOU TO ----- ODD and DANTHEICECREAMMAN---- for the heads up and for just being great friends to the thread and me.

What they did is a great example of what this thread is all about.....helping other members any way you can. Just awesome!

So if anyone see's them...please give them + karma...they deserve it from all of us...As does amonst everyone in here. SO i just did it for all of you :D


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper Jenson on July 30, 2013, 02:30 am
Hi everyone. Just wanted to see what's going on and check in with the cool people in this thread.

I'm owed some coin and hoping it will get back to me soon. I also owr RS7 0.02 and plan on paying bsck Wednesday, or Friday at latest depeng on when I can get coins.

Hope everyone is having a great day!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 30, 2013, 02:47 am

So a BIG THANK YOU TO ----- ODD and DANTHEICECREAMMAN---- for the heads up and for just being great friends to the thread and me.

What they did is a great example of what this thread is all about.....helping other members any way you can. Just awesome!

So if anyone see's them...please give them + karma...they deserve it from all of us...As does amonst everyone in here. SO i just did it for all of you :D


I'm on it man.  I hit that "you can't repeat this action" screen all the damn time.

This thread is very special.  Like if it were one or two people trying to do some good around here, it would be ok, but it feels there are a lot of crazy people out there trying to set an example.  Out in the open on an anonymous forum!

however, so its not one way street. here's some tracks for you. that you may or may not like, no way of knowing till you try.. :D

Heh I'll give anything a try.  I'm not much for hip hop, but the funny thing is it's what some of the ladies I've been hangin around have been craving.  Not something I've put some time into searching so this really helps.  :P  Those are pretty good tho!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 30, 2013, 02:53 am
For what it's worth, You people & ya'll know who ya's are,  Really make me feel Love for ya'll  :)

i gotta lay down, my eyes hurt ....headache is killin me...

I Love ya'll  8)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on July 30, 2013, 03:02 am
Also RS...I will do good for you and send it to you and you can just pay me for it whenever you I know you love the stuff and have waited a long time for it..also as you is very hard to get...and I very rarely have it in small quantities like I would hate for you to miss out. At the same time..I do not want to in any way put you in a bad spot... so if it will not do that...then I have no problem giving it to you and you just pay for it when you can...I do not care if it take you 3 months to pay me ;)

So if you are cool with that contact me on SR

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on July 30, 2013, 03:05 am
Sorry to EVERYONE that I just sent that! I realized after I hit sent that I should have sent that in a PM..not in this thread as I totally know not to junk this thread up with stuff that has nothing to do with loaning someone coin.  Sorry!!

But I will use this message to say Hi to BOS, C-CAT, Jasper and Ali +1 to all of you :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: weed4me6969 on July 30, 2013, 03:06 am
Hey everyone!!!  ;D

Good to see this place so active!!  Hope all is well.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on July 30, 2013, 03:08 am
ok wouldnt normally do this but am pretty desperate to place order so can get before W/E if anyone one out there could spot me .7 would be greatly appreciated and would be paid back in a week or less cheers for taking the time to read
SR name same as on here cryngie if not totally understand as is a large amount

So I will be the one to tell you that this thread is not for loaning someone .7 in coin. If you had an 0 in front of the 7 you would be in the right place :D
Sorry to be the one to tell you this! Hope you understand and have a good nite..Cheers
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 30, 2013, 03:14 am
PM..not in this thread as I totally know not to junk this thread up with stuff that has nothing to do with loaning someone coin.  Sorry!!

Eh.  This thread started out with one purpose in mind and then became the neighborhood coffee house.  The good vibes are welcome any day of the week! 

Hey weed.  Fun stuff all a round!

Take care of yourself cc.  We need ya around. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on July 30, 2013, 03:15 am
hello hello all my spare coiners!!
i love you all!! well.. %95 of ya's ;)
i jest i jest

hey Chemmy, please tell me that headache went away!!  :-\
nooo buenooo!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on July 30, 2013, 03:18 am
ok wouldnt normally do this but am pretty desperate to place order so can get before W/E if anyone one out there could spot me .7 would be greatly appreciated and would be paid back in a week or less cheers for taking the time to read
SR name same as on here cryngie if not totally understand as is a large amount

So I will be the one to tell you that this thread is not for loaning someone .7 in coin. If you had an 0 in front of the 7 you would be in the right place :D
Sorry to be the one to tell you this! Hope you understand and have a good nite..Cheers

I understand that and wouldnt have asked but im owed about 1.1 so as i said would normally do but gave it a shot as i lent .57 to someone thought someone might do the same
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: weed4me6969 on July 30, 2013, 03:25 am
hey box!!!  I figured I would drop by and say hi to You, RS, etc...

Might have a small DMT session, and it is off to bed for me guys.... have a great night/day everyone!!!

 ;D   8)   ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on July 30, 2013, 03:40 am
I understand that and wouldnt have asked but im owed about 1.1 so as i said would normally do but gave it a shot as i lent .57 to someone thought someone might do the same

You lent .57 to someone in this thread?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Boostedh on July 30, 2013, 03:44 am
If anyone's needing a buck or two, I've got a few extra I can loan.  Just tryin to help someone.  I maybe in the position one day to have to ask for a donation myself.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 30, 2013, 04:05 am
For what it's worth, You people & ya'll know who ya's are,  Really make me feel Love for ya'll  :)

i gotta lay down, my eyes hurt ....headache is killin me...

I Love ya'll  8)


::) smoke some ganja, drink some liquids.. relax.. an hopefully your head will stops hurtin soon bro (hugs) much love to ya

Also RS...I will do good for you and send it to you and you can just pay me for it whenever you I know you love the stuff and have waited a long time for it..also as you is very hard to get...and I very rarely have it in small quantities like I would hate for you to miss out. At the same time..I do not want to in any way put you in a bad spot... so if it will not do that...then I have no problem giving it to you and you just pay for it when you can...I do not care if it take you 3 months to pay me ;)

So if you are cool with that contact me on SR
rx, I love you man ;D, sending you a PM over SR..

hey box!!!  I figured I would drop by and say hi to You, RS, etc...

Might have a small DMT session, and it is off to bed for me guys.... have a great night/day everyone!!!

 ;D   8)   ;D
:P hey brother! be well, and have safe journey ;).. if you get a chance say ello to the elf's for me.

I understand that and wouldnt have asked but im owed about 1.1 so as i said would normally do but gave it a shot as i lent .57 to someone thought someone might do the same

You lent .57 to someone in this thread?
yes ::), he recently lent .57 to me
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: helpmywife on July 30, 2013, 04:43 am
hi guys im in need of a small loan. its not a lot and karma will kiss you AND i will pay you back of course! by fri when i get more BTC.
$4.97 USD worth of BTC
Loan will be paid by friday afternoon, if tumbling takes long maybe early evening. thanks for whoever can help me help my wife.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on July 30, 2013, 04:57 am
So cynge since you lent RS the .57 ...I will lend you what you need...just message it again in here :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 30, 2013, 05:46 am

                                                  :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) ##When requesting, post your SR name## SO WE KNOW WHERE TO SEND IT TO.  DON'T ASSUME WE KNOW. ##  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7)## DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. ## >:(  ##Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due. ##
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.
                                                           Reserved For Notes

The shit list:
Autobondon *
i3lazd                       ++++  (Do Not Remove! Perma-Shit-Listed!) 
King Karma
repus6 *

 *^*do not lend to these people*^*

                                        ^*^Revised Rules^*^


                              I Love Ya'll  :)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ralph123 on July 30, 2013, 05:55 am
Hey ChemCat I removed my posting that ask if anyone was selling coin. Much respect
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 30, 2013, 06:10 am
Hiya Ralph  :)

Man, ya didnt have to  remove your request. This Thread was created to Help our Brothers and Sisters of the SilkRoad.

It doesnt hurt to ask  ;)

For someone (i3lazed) to come in here day after Day....asking for more and more and uncalled posting the rules wasn't Directed towards you, Ralph   :)

This Thread has come a long way since it was created. Understanding, Love, Friendship & Help to others is what we're about.....go ahead and post your Request  ;)

Peace & Hugs to ya  8)

Your Friend,


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bluedev1 on July 30, 2013, 06:49 am
karma to Ron Swanson for helping me out with .05 btc :) 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on July 30, 2013, 06:49 am
So cynge since you lent RS the .57 ...I will lend you what you need...just message it again in here :D

Thanks heaps mate
Am looking to borrow .7 and will repay in a week or less cheers SR same as on here cryngie
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on July 30, 2013, 06:53 am

if its any consolation..
Ralph123 is in my circle of trustees!! %100
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: helpmywife on July 30, 2013, 07:31 am

hi guys im in need of a small loan. its not a lot and karma will kiss you AND i will pay you back of course! by fri when i get more BTC.
$4.97 USD worth of BTC
Loan will be paid by friday afternoon, if tumbling takes long maybe early evening. thanks for whoever can help me help my wife.
Modify message
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Alighier on July 30, 2013, 07:57 am

hi guys im in need of a small loan. its not a lot and karma will kiss you AND i will pay you back of course! by fri when i get more BTC.
$4.97 USD worth of BTC
Loan will be paid by friday afternoon, if tumbling takes long maybe early evening. thanks for whoever can help me help my wife.
Modify message

Sent you what was left in my account- it was only like$0.35, no worries on paying it back X333

Hope someone can cover the rest for you!

~Ali <3
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: helpmywife on July 30, 2013, 08:55 am

hi guys im in need of a small loan. its not a lot and karma will kiss you AND i will pay you back of course! by fri when i get more BTC.
$4.97 USD worth of BTC
Loan will be paid by friday afternoon, if tumbling takes long maybe early evening. thanks for whoever can help me help my wife.
Modify message

Sent you what was left in my account- it was only like$0.35, no worries on paying it back X333

Hope someone can cover the rest for you!

~Ali <3

thank you very much for your help. if i can ever help by giving you some BTC please let me know sir!thanks again be safe! anybony else who can lend the other $4.62 I WILL PAY YOU BACK friday when i get my BTC! thanks again  everybody!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: foxen624 on July 30, 2013, 10:01 am

hi guys im in need of a small loan. its not a lot and karma will kiss you AND i will pay you back of course! by fri when i get more BTC.
$4.97 USD worth of BTC
Loan will be paid by friday afternoon, if tumbling takes long maybe early evening. thanks for whoever can help me help my wife.
Modify message

Sent you what was left in my account- it was only like$0.35, no worries on paying it back X333

Hope someone can cover the rest for you!

~Ali <3

thank you very much for your help. if i can ever help by giving you some BTC please let me know sir!thanks again be safe! anybony else who can lend the other $4.62 I WILL PAY YOU BACK friday when i get my BTC! thanks again  everybody!

I've got $4.22 in my account... will send it to you.  Hopefully it won't be too hard to get the remaining 40 cents :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: eleanorrobot on July 30, 2013, 10:27 am
the price of btc has fluctuated while my PIN was locked and now i have 0.8437 and i need 0.85, could anybody send me 0.007 btc? in my country i am unable to buy such a small amount because i only have marketplace exchanges and nobody sells lower than 0.01!

happy to pay back next week or pass forward to next person. feel silly asking for such a tiny amount! same username on main SR.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: 1698uprightleft1698 on July 30, 2013, 10:53 am
I need 0.06 BTC to get a friend some 2C-B! anybody have that handy?

SR name the same...

Much Love Brother!

Spammed to 50 to help out a fellow Gael. Fós ní mór boinn mo dheartháir?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: 1698uprightleft1698 on July 30, 2013, 10:54 am
the price of btc has fluctuated while my PIN was locked and now i have 0.8437 and i need 0.85, could anybody send me 0.007 btc? in my country i am unable to buy such a small amount because i only have marketplace exchanges and nobody sells lower than 0.01!

happy to pay back next week or pass forward to next person. feel silly asking for such a tiny amount! same username on main SR.


I'll send that to you an all sister, just pay it forward
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: 1698uprightleft1698 on July 30, 2013, 10:56 am
Sent there for ya eleanor
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on July 30, 2013, 11:43 am
Bodnostrokulum has not paid back the 0.1 he owes me which is overdue! I have pm,d saying i need it to no response, Shitlist please if he pays back i,ll let u know  ;)

Hi to everyone  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 30, 2013, 11:55 am
                                                  :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) ##When requesting, post your SR name## SO WE KNOW WHERE TO SEND IT TO.  DON'T ASSUME WE KNOW. ##  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7)## DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. ## >:(  ##Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due. ##
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.
                                                           Reserved For Notes

The shit list:
Autobondon *
Bodnostrokulum      ++++
i3lazd                       ++++  (Do Not Remove! Perma-Shit-Listed!) 
King Karma
repus6 *

 *^*do not lend to these people*^*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: eleanorrobot on July 30, 2013, 12:45 pm
the price of btc has fluctuated while my PIN was locked and now i have 0.8437 and i need 0.85, could anybody send me 0.007 btc? in my country i am unable to buy such a small amount because i only have marketplace exchanges and nobody sells lower than 0.01!

happy to pay back next week or pass forward to next person. feel silly asking for such a tiny amount! same username on main SR.


I'll send that to you an all sister, just pay it forward

thank you so much! will be back to send to someone else when i next buy coins. thank you xxx
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: yokes101 on July 30, 2013, 12:58 pm
I need 0.06 BTC to get a friend some 2C-B! anybody have that handy?

SR name the same...

Much Love Brother!

Spammed to 50 to help out a fellow Gael. Fós ní mór boinn mo dheartháir?

Thanks mo chara! +1

I don't even speak much Irish, I have been trying to learn more since school so you last sentence is lost on me. All I can make out is brother! :L :L
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on July 30, 2013, 01:36 pm
I totally forgot a big day coming up and would really like to get a shipment for the weekend.

I would need 0.36 btc. Now i think thats actually too much to ask for but id greatly appreciate it.

My bitcoins are paid and on the way. It will take 1-3 days until i can pay back.

Ill pay 10% extra for each day it takes me to pay back.

sr name is the same.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper Jenson on July 30, 2013, 02:00 pm
Hey all. Hope people are having a    nice day.

@RS7: got some coins and paid you back:-)  thanks again!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: i3lazd on July 30, 2013, 02:53 pm
                                                  :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) ##When requesting, post your SR name## SO WE KNOW WHERE TO SEND IT TO.  DON'T ASSUME WE KNOW. ##  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7)## DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. ## >:(  ##Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due. ##
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.
                                                           Reserved For Notes

The shit list:
Autobondon *
Bodnostrokulum      ++++
i3lazd                       ++++  (Do Not Remove! Perma-Shit-Listed!) 
King Karma
repus6 *

 *^*do not lend to these people*^*

 I owe less than 40$USD and will pay back coins today.

please take me off shit list when I pay back my loans.

sorry for lag.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: shifting sands on July 30, 2013, 06:16 pm
Don't like to ask but am in a fix, can anyone lend me 0.7566 till Monday 5th Aug. I will pay back extra no problem. My sr name is notmetoday.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on July 30, 2013, 06:51 pm
Don't like to ask but am in a fix, can anyone lend me 0.7566 till Monday 5th Aug. I will pay back extra no problem. My sr name is notmetoday.


Hey man sorry to be the barer of bad news but I think that's too much to be asking for in here :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 30, 2013, 07:05 pm
:) morning my loveable droogies!

got some good news. I should have coins to repay everyone by the end of today :D..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: helpmywife on July 30, 2013, 07:13 pm

hi guys im in need of a small loan. its not a lot and karma will kiss you AND i will pay you back of course! by fri when i get more BTC.
$4.97 USD worth of BTC
Loan will be paid by friday afternoon, if tumbling takes long maybe early evening. thanks for whoever can help me help my wife.
Modify message

Sent you what was left in my account- it was only like$0.35, no worries on paying it back X333

Hope someone can cover the rest for you!

~Ali <3

thank you very much for your help. if i can ever help by giving you some BTC please let me know sir!thanks again be safe! anybony else who can lend the other $4.62 I WILL PAY YOU BACK friday when i get my BTC! thanks again  everybody!

I've got $4.22 in my account... will send it to you.  Hopefully it won't be too hard to get the remaining 40 cents :)

foxen624 i got friday, saturday if for some fucked reason I cant get my BTC, or tumbling BS.Thanks it  was cool to wake up to that!hopefully BTC didnt change to much...unless of course now im rich ;-)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: therealzeticus on July 30, 2013, 07:19 pm
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 30, 2013, 07:49 pm

Are you still $.4 short?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Alighier on July 30, 2013, 08:32 pm
:) morning my loveable droogies!

got some good news. I should have coins to repay everyone by the end of today :D..

Got some good news right back atchya!  Just deposited cash and waiting on BST to deposit coin.  Should be able to pay you back a bit early, maybe with some interest!  Again, thank you so much, RS!

Much love, all!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: foxen624 on July 30, 2013, 08:41 pm

hi guys im in need of a small loan. its not a lot and karma will kiss you AND i will pay you back of course! by fri when i get more BTC.
$4.97 USD worth of BTC
Loan will be paid by friday afternoon, if tumbling takes long maybe early evening. thanks for whoever can help me help my wife.
Modify message

Sent you what was left in my account- it was only like$0.35, no worries on paying it back X333

Hope someone can cover the rest for you!

~Ali <3

thank you very much for your help. if i can ever help by giving you some BTC please let me know sir!thanks again be safe! anybony else who can lend the other $4.62 I WILL PAY YOU BACK friday when i get my BTC! thanks again  everybody!

I've got $4.22 in my account... will send it to you.  Hopefully it won't be too hard to get the remaining 40 cents :)

foxen624 i got friday, saturday if for some fucked reason I cant get my BTC, or tumbling BS.Thanks it  was cool to wake up to that!hopefully BTC didnt change to much...unless of course now im rich ;-)

Glad I could help!  And Saturday's cool...  no worries there.  And...  btc was at $102.30 when I made the transfer, it's currently at $102.56, so you probably can't count too much on getting rich off of btc fluctuations this time... lol.  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on July 30, 2013, 08:56 pm
Paid: RS7FI8ZRkm 0.06 still owe him a little less then .01
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 30, 2013, 09:05 pm
:) morning my loveable droogies!

got some good news. I should have coins to repay everyone by the end of today :D..

Got some good news right back atchya!  Just deposited cash and waiting on BST to deposit coin.  Should be able to pay you back a bit early, maybe with some interest!  Again, thank you so much, RS!

Much love, all!
:P nice! don't even remember how much I loaned you ::) think it was only couple dollars though ;D

Paid: RS7FI8ZRkm 0.06 still owe him a little less then .01
:D thanks bro! don't worry bout the rest :), just help another person sometime around
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on July 30, 2013, 09:10 pm
Paid: RS7FI8ZRkm 0.06 still owe him a little less then .01
:D thanks bro! don't worry bout the rest :), just help another person sometime around

Sounds good. Thanks a lot for helping me out! I ended up having a wonderful week thanks to you! ;)
Would have sent you all of it, but that was all I had left :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Alighier on July 30, 2013, 09:25 pm
:) morning my loveable droogies!

got some good news. I should have coins to repay everyone by the end of today :D..

Got some good news right back atchya!  Just deposited cash and waiting on BST to deposit coin.  Should be able to pay you back a bit early, maybe with some interest!  Again, thank you so much, RS!

Much love, all!
:P nice! don't even remember how much I loaned you ::) think it was only couple dollars though ;D

Paid: RS7FI8ZRkm 0.06 still owe him a little less then .01
:D thanks bro! don't worry bout the rest :), just help another person sometime around

HA!  You loaned me .22btc, which is pretty hefty.  Looks like I got shafted a little bit, so I'll have to deposit more tomorrow.  But .1688 sent your way for now, RS.  Cheers ^.^

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on July 30, 2013, 09:30 pm
dang RS7FI8ZRkm its payday for you my brotha. :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: 1698uprightleft1698 on July 30, 2013, 09:39 pm
I need 0.06 BTC to get a friend some 2C-B! anybody have that handy?

SR name the same...

Much Love Brother!

Spammed to 50 to help out a fellow Gael. Fós ní mór boinn mo dheartháir?

Thanks mo chara! +1

I don't even speak much Irish, I have been trying to learn more since school so you last sentence is lost on me. All I can make out is brother! :L :L

No bother, raised a Gael this end lol

Translates as "Still need coins my brother>"
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: i3lazd on July 30, 2013, 09:39 pm
:) morning my loveable droogies!

got some good news. I should have coins to repay everyone by the end of today :D..

sorry about lag on the loan. I paid you some of the loan back but will pay you back the rest of loan later today or 2maro... I lost my wallet to go get a green dot moneypak card =/
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: 1698uprightleft1698 on July 30, 2013, 09:59 pm
@yokes101 Sheoladh mo chara (sent my friend)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on July 30, 2013, 10:03 pm
:) morning my loveable droogies!

got some good news. I should have coins to repay everyone by the end of today :D..

sorry about lag on the loan. I paid you some of the loan back but will pay you back the rest of loan later today or 2maro... I lost my wallet to go get a green dot moneypak card =/

We will all be anxiously awaiting the safe return of your wallet i3lazd.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on July 30, 2013, 10:21 pm
:) morning my loveable droogies!

got some good news. I should have coins to repay everyone by the end of today :D..

Hooray as i got some other debts repayed over night im only .42 short of my order now
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Alighier on July 30, 2013, 10:36 pm
BC's dead.  Long live BC....
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 30, 2013, 10:46 pm
:) morning my loveable droogies!

got some good news. I should have coins to repay everyone by the end of today :D..

Got some good news right back atchya!  Just deposited cash and waiting on BST to deposit coin.  Should be able to pay you back a bit early, maybe with some interest!  Again, thank you so much, RS!

Much love, all!
:P nice! don't even remember how much I loaned you ::) think it was only couple dollars though ;D

Paid: RS7FI8ZRkm 0.06 still owe him a little less then .01
:D thanks bro! don't worry bout the rest :), just help another person sometime around

HA!  You loaned me .22btc, which is pretty hefty.  Looks like I got shafted a little bit, so I'll have to deposit more tomorrow.  But .1688 sent your way for now, RS.  Cheers ^.^

(:P *ding* marijuana effects short term memory)
lol, well then. thanks for keeping track, an being honest about it! ;D would have overlooked that.
(hugs) to ya brother :)!

dang RS7FI8ZRkm its payday for you my brotha. :)
::) must be

:) morning my loveable droogies!

got some good news. I should have coins to repay everyone by the end of today :D..

Hooray as i got some other debts repayed over night im only .42 short of my order now
sending you over another .25, from the .57 loan :). but. still waiting on this vendor :-\

also, big thanks to everyone who has been returning coin today :D!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 30, 2013, 10:50 pm
:) morning my loveable droogies!

got some good news. I should have coins to repay everyone by the end of today :D..

sorry about lag on the loan. I paid you some of the loan back but will pay you back the rest of loan later today or 2maro... I lost my wallet to go get a green dot moneypak card =/

We will all be anxiously awaiting the safe return of your wallet i3lazd.

Haha +1 me likeeee
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: TheCostelloGroup on July 30, 2013, 10:54 pm
Anyone needing coins give me a shout  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on July 30, 2013, 11:06 pm
well considering I just paid my loans back, I could always use a loan. :) This time I need 20 bux lol, but it only took me 10 days to pay back my last loan.. and I recently got a new job making 200.00 a day. So if anyone feels like helping out someone that DOES pay back loans hit me up
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: njguido on July 30, 2013, 11:41 pm
:) morning my loveable droogies!

got some good news. I should have coins to repay everyone by the end of today :D..

sorry about lag on the loan. I paid you some of the loan back but will pay you back the rest of loan later today or 2maro... I lost my wallet to go get a green dot moneypak card =/

We will all be anxiously awaiting the safe return of your wallet i3lazd.

You owe a bit more than $40 i3lazd, .38 for me and .32 (i think) for RS, correct? i3lazd has been setting and violating his own deadlines for the past week.  It's a shame to let your rep and privileges get fucked over such a trivial amount of money
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on July 30, 2013, 11:52 pm
Couuld anyone please loan me .17 as am getting so close to my order thanks to loverly people repaying there debts and would enoy recieving order before w/e SR name same as on here cryngie cheers
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on July 30, 2013, 11:56 pm

Quote from: cryngie on Today at 08:21 am

    Quote from: RS7FI8ZRkm on Today at 05:05 am

        :) morning my loveable droogies!

        got some good news. I should have coins to repay everyone by the end of today :D..

    Hooray as i got some other debts repayed over night im only .42 short of my order now

sending you over another .25, from the .57 loan :). but. still waiting on this vendor :-\

also, big thanks to everyone who has been returning coin today :D!

Thanks heaps mate im so close now i can taste it
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on July 30, 2013, 11:59 pm
:) morning my loveable droogies!

got some good news. I should have coins to repay everyone by the end of today :D..

sorry about lag on the loan. I paid you some of the loan back but will pay you back the rest of loan later today or 2maro... I lost my wallet to go get a green dot moneypak card =/

We will all be anxiously awaiting the safe return of your wallet i3lazd.

You owe a bit more than $40 i3lazd, .38 for me and .32 (i think) for RS, correct? i3lazd has been setting and violating his own deadlines for the past week.  It's a shame to let your rep and privileges get fucked over such a trivial amount of money


Juggs Rules:
1. Only accept ONE loan at a time!
2. If you set a payback date, stick to it, or don't bother setting a date.
3. PAY THEM BACK so you have a better reputation and build some sense of trust on the spare coins thread!

I've been able to complete all 3 rules! as with most of us.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 31, 2013, 12:50 am
Couuld anyone please loan me .17 as am getting so close to my order thanks to loverly people repaying there debts and would enoy recieving order before w/e SR name same as on here cryngie cheers

Well the last guy didn't need my .05 shapes so I guess they are yours!  On the way man.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 31, 2013, 12:55 am
:) morning my loveable droogies!

got some good news. I should have coins to repay everyone by the end of today :D..

sorry about lag on the loan. I paid you some of the loan back but will pay you back the rest of loan later today or 2maro... I lost my wallet to go get a green dot moneypak card =/

We will all be anxiously awaiting the safe return of your wallet i3lazd.

You owe a bit more than $40 i3lazd, .38 for me and .32 (i think) for RS, correct? i3lazd has been setting and violating his own deadlines for the past week.  It's a shame to let your rep and privileges get fucked over such a trivial amount of money
.22 left from me, an yes :-\ its a shame i3lazd, I thought you were a man of honor

:) morning my loveable droogies!

got some good news. I should have coins to repay everyone by the end of today :D..

sorry about lag on the loan. I paid you some of the loan back but will pay you back the rest of loan later today or 2maro... I lost my wallet to go get a green dot moneypak card =/

We will all be anxiously awaiting the safe return of your wallet i3lazd.

You owe a bit more than $40 i3lazd, .38 for me and .32 (i think) for RS, correct? i3lazd has been setting and violating his own deadlines for the past week.  It's a shame to let your rep and privileges get fucked over such a trivial amount of money


Juggs Rules:
1. Only accept ONE loan at a time!
2. If you set a payback date, stick to it, or don't bother setting a date.
3. PAY THEM BACK so you have a better reputation and build some sense of trust on the spare coins thread!

I've been able to complete all 3 rules! as with most of us.
well, I've taken multiple loans out, in fact I have multiple loans out right now.. but I know an stay within my limits, I have cash to repay my debts +.. just not able to convert that cash into coins right now. also I have few remaining loans out to others :), hoping they get repaid soon, you know who you are..

with 13lazed seems like its at the point where he is just borrowing to repay his other debts.. :-/.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on July 31, 2013, 12:57 am
anyone care to loan a loan repayer 0.20 for 2 weeks ? I paid back my loan today, just to ask for another lol.
sr name: fornak8
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on July 31, 2013, 01:21 am
Couuld anyone please loan me .17 as am getting so close to my order thanks to loverly people repaying there debts and would enoy recieving order before w/e SR name same as on here cryngie cheers

Well the last guy didn't need my .05 shapes so I guess they are yours!  On the way man.

Thank you so much BoxofShapes will repay in less then a week only need .1 now any kind person out there willing to loan .1 i will imaginarilly suck your dick same name as on here cryngie cheers
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thecatinthehat101 on July 31, 2013, 01:36 am
Hey to my two friends that gave me the loan I plan on paying them off before the end of this weekend just so you know I didn't forget you. Okay be good and stay safe.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper Jenson on July 31, 2013, 01:57 am
Bodnostrokulum has not paid back the 0.1 he owes me which is overdue! I have pm,d saying i need it to no response, Shitlist please if he pays back i,ll let u know  ;)

Hi to everyone  ;)

He owes me too, but not due yet...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: TheCostelloGroup on July 31, 2013, 02:14 am
Couuld anyone please loan me .17 as am getting so close to my order thanks to loverly people repaying there debts and would enoy recieving order before w/e SR name same as on here cryngie cheers

Well the last guy didn't need my .05 shapes so I guess they are yours!  On the way man.

Thank you so much BoxofShapes will repay in less then a week only need .1 now any kind person out there willing to loan .1 i will imaginarilly suck your dick same name as on here cryngie cheers

I'll do it dude! PM me on main site.  :)

Keep the dick sucking to yourself though, not in to that shit  :o
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: eleanorrobot on July 31, 2013, 02:18 am
the price of btc has fluctuated while my PIN was locked and now i have 0.8437 and i need 0.85, could anybody send me 0.007 btc? in my country i am unable to buy such a small amount because i only have marketplace exchanges and nobody sells lower than 0.01!

happy to pay back next week or pass forward to next person. feel silly asking for such a tiny amount! same username on main SR.


I'll send that to you an all sister, just pay it forward

thank you so much! will be back to send to someone else when i next buy coins. thank you xxx

Loan repaid. Thanks again!! xx
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: 1698uprightleft1698 on July 31, 2013, 02:26 am
ach jaysis there was no need to pay it back, wasn't exactly crippling but thankyou!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 31, 2013, 02:35 am
You guys are great.  Love this thread.

RSeven!!!!  Damn it!!  My trigger finger is getting itchy!  Where did our go to's go to?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on July 31, 2013, 03:15 am
Please anyone out there to lend .1 will repay in less than a week trying to place order before cut off to recieve by weekend SR same as on here   cryngie
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 31, 2013, 03:24 am
thank you brianbertz for repaying :)

Please anyone out there to lend .1 will repay in less than a week trying to place order before cut off to recieve by weekend SR same as on here   cryngie
sent another .08 your way :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 31, 2013, 03:30 am
You guys are great.  Love this thread.

RSeven!!!!  Damn it!!  My trigger finger is getting itchy!  Where did our go to's go to?
whats the most you pay per g?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 31, 2013, 03:40 am
For the most part I've been staying under $33 i would guess.  Last time was great.  I can't handle local price.   :(  But really, I don't feel it's the right time.  The whole shape hasn't returned and no one i see is a for sure currently. 

I have a couple I'm curious about tho.  ???
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on July 31, 2013, 03:45 am
anyone care to loan 0.20 to a loan re-payer for 2 weeks?
sr name: fornak8

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: juswannaschmoke on July 31, 2013, 04:44 am
Hi Folks,

I have lent on this thread before and need to borrow for the first time.  I'd really appreciate it if someone could lend me .06 for a week or so.

SR username: juswannaschmoke

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Alighier on July 31, 2013, 05:41 am
:) morning my loveable droogies!

got some good news. I should have coins to repay everyone by the end of today :D..

sorry about lag on the loan. I paid you some of the loan back but will pay you back the rest of loan later today or 2maro... I lost my wallet to go get a green dot moneypak card =/

We will all be anxiously awaiting the safe return of your wallet i3lazd.

You owe a bit more than $40 i3lazd, .38 for me and .32 (i think) for RS, correct? i3lazd has been setting and violating his own deadlines for the past week.  It's a shame to let your rep and privileges get fucked over such a trivial amount of money
.22 left from me, an yes :-\ its a shame i3lazd, I thought you were a man of honor

I didn't... *cough*

I've been meaning to ask errybody, while I'm waiting on a coin restock tomorrow, what's yer all's poison?

Also, how do you feel about what happened to Brucie?  I didn't know him too well but it left me feeling damn sorry for the community.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: drago73 on July 31, 2013, 05:46 am
thank you brianbertz for repaying :)

Please anyone out there to lend .1 will repay in less than a week trying to place order before cut off to recieve by weekend SR same as on here   cryngie
sent another .08 your way :D

You the man RS!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 31, 2013, 05:49 am
thank you brianbertz for repaying :)

Please anyone out there to lend .1 will repay in less than a week trying to place order before cut off to recieve by weekend SR same as on here   cryngie
sent another .08 your way :D

You the man RS!
:o no! you're da man! ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on July 31, 2013, 05:52 am
I didn't... *cough*

I've been meaning to ask errybody, while I'm waiting on a coin restock tomorrow, what's yer all's poison?

Also, how do you feel about what happened to Brucie?  I didn't know him too well but it left me feeling damn sorry for the community.


My poison is benzos and H, but you should know that about me from the tera threads and whatnot..

The Brucie situation is about as fucked up our government.
They could have at least given him a warning. I mean it was in his inbox, it's not like he copied and pasted the dudes address. He didn't even want the dudes address. If I were bruce, I would send the dude a bag of shit anyway, just for causing all this drama. I'm a bit uneasy for Silk Roads future if incidents like this continue to arise.

Look just 2 days ago there was an issue similar to this, FiveStarGirl. why not ban the vendors that actually scam people? NO NO, the admins are going to make sure the vendors that actually do a good job get removed.

enough rant..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: smores on July 31, 2013, 05:56 am
I have ฿0.2737 and I need ฿0.2739 for my order, can anyone help me out? Its literally a penny :P

SR user "smores"
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 31, 2013, 06:02 am
I have ฿0.2737 and I need ฿0.2739 for my order, can anyone help me out? Its literally a penny :P

SR user "smores"
0.0002 sent smores :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on July 31, 2013, 06:08 am
I have ฿0.2737 and I need ฿0.2739 for my order, can anyone help me out? Its literally a penny :P

SR user "smores"
0.0002 sent smores :)

damn beat me to it.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: smores on July 31, 2013, 06:10 am
I have ฿0.2737 and I need ฿0.2739 for my order, can anyone help me out? Its literally a penny :P

SR user "smores"
0.0002 sent smores :)

Thank you very much, but unfortunately the price of BTC fluctuated and I now have ฿0.2739 but need  ฿0.2776. I will make sure to get you the .0002 back next time I send coin.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on July 31, 2013, 06:10 am
thank you brianbertz for repaying :)

Please anyone out there to lend .1 will repay in less than a week trying to place order before cut off to recieve by weekend SR same as on here   cryngie
sent another .08 your way :D

Thanks heaps mate btc fluctuated so i have enough now "order placed" i trulley love you all
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Alighier on July 31, 2013, 06:16 am
I didn't... *cough*

I've been meaning to ask errybody, while I'm waiting on a coin restock tomorrow, what's yer all's poison?

Also, how do you feel about what happened to Brucie?  I didn't know him too well but it left me feeling damn sorry for the community.


My poison is benzos and H, but you should know that about me from the tera threads and whatnot..

The Brucie situation is about as fucked up our government.
They could have at least given him a warning. I mean it was in his inbox, it's not like he copied and pasted the dudes address. He didn't even want the dudes address. If I were bruce, I would send the dude a bag of shit anyway, just for causing all this drama. I'm a bit uneasy for Silk Roads future if incidents like this continue to arise.

Look just 2 days ago there was an issue similar to this, FiveStarGirl. why not ban the vendors that actually scam people? NO NO, the admins are going to make sure the vendors that actually do a good job get removed.

enough rant..

Mine's rolly stuff, Dissociatives, Lysergides, Tryptamines, and Phenethylamines.

Coke comes second.

Never been too big on meth/addies or H.  Actually, I loved meth, but I made a promise when I was a wee lad that I wouldn't talk to shadow people ;)

Good H is fun, but lower on my list.

Pills only if it's a dire emergency.

It's all my poison actually...  Except for meth.  That's an only-on-super-special-occasions thing.

And my feelings about the BruceCampbell affair were pretty clear in the thread.  But try arguing with a brick mod, eh?

I think they pick inane shit like this to demonstrate they DO have power over us, that this isn't a community of peers as we sometimes like to think.  In their defense, if they had more opportunities to catch big-time scammers, I'm sure they would.  But being fond of one of the victims speaks as potent a message.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 31, 2013, 06:17 am
I have ฿0.2737 and I need ฿0.2739 for my order, can anyone help me out? Its literally a penny :P

SR user "smores"
0.0002 sent smores :)

damn beat me to it.
I have a whooping 0.0006 left too if anybody needs it ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: theman123451 on July 31, 2013, 06:56 am
hey anyone got .0002 coins i can borrow till next week will pay a good interest. have donated to the community before and still plane on having

more to come just need a lil help right this sec.

EDIT: got it THANK YOU CHEM you are SUPER!!!(in big gay al's voice)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 31, 2013, 07:16 am
woke up to pee  LOL

If ya kiss me i'll cut yur tally wacker off  LMAO

Enjoy & No need to pay me back....just pay forward to someone else in need, please  ;)

Peace, Love & Hugs,

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 31, 2013, 07:27 am

                                                  :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) ##When requesting, post your SR name## SO WE KNOW WHERE TO SEND IT TO.  DON'T ASSUME WE KNOW. ##  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7)## DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. ## >:(  ##Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due. ##
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.
                                                           Reserved For Notes

The shit list:
Autobondon *
Bodnostrokulum      ++++
i3lazd                       ++++  (Do Not Remove! Perma-Shit-Listed!) 
King Karma
repus6 *

 *^*do not lend to these people*^*

                                                 LOVE, How many of you realize, How i feel about most of you?
                                      The ones that know...that have kept this Thread going with Respect and Love for our Brothers and Sisters, I Love You...No Exceptions....Ladies & Gentlemen.....Keep up the Good Work!!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 31, 2013, 07:45 am
thank you brianbertz for repaying :)

Please anyone out there to lend .1 will repay in less than a week trying to place order before cut off to recieve by weekend SR same as on here   cryngie
sent another .08 your way :D

Thanks heaps mate btc fluctuated so i have enough now "order placed" i trulley love you all
- nice! bro glad everything worked out for you. much love bro :P!

- :) night chemmy! sweet dreams to ya brother (hugs)!

- :P the actual man has entered the thread, ::) hey brother! good to see ya! glad chem was able to help ya :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: juswannaschmoke on July 31, 2013, 07:51 am
Hi Folks,

I have lent on this thread before and need to borrow for the first time.  I'd really appreciate it if someone could lend me .06 for a week or so.

SR username: juswannaschmoke

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: theman123451 on July 31, 2013, 07:56 am
hey rs how you doing?

im soon going to be getting some coins so ill be able to get you back for that lawn.

I LOVE SILK ROAD because of it i have made enfoe money to fix my car!!!!! how awesome is that and to be able to get the things i really need

like glasses that arnt all scratched to shit form 5 or 6 years of wear and tear lol. this is going to be a fun adventure on the road i can already

tell  ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 31, 2013, 07:57 am
cant sleep bro, so much on my mind.....i miss my wife, i dont even sleep in our bed anymore...alot going on in my world now....failure is not an option...tonight i was asked..."how can you love me?  you dont even know me" 

I take everyone at face value...until proven otherwise......RS, my hold a very special place in my heart.

sometimes i sit here and cry while smiling....i have some crazy debts to pay...shoot, i probably sound like a nut  LOL
now, "Lets get down to business, i aint gotta lot of time what is this"  :P

I Love You RS7  :)

Love & Hugs  8)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: juswannaschmoke on July 31, 2013, 08:05 am

My wife is the crutch of support that this psychopathic wretch needs to stand upright in the world. She is my everything, my moon, sun, stars, and oceans.

The gods are cruel to take a soulmate. I am under 30 and coming up on my 5th anniversary. I could never think of my life without my wife...I hope we pass together cuddling in our bed at a ripe 100+ years.

I hope your troubles pass soon
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bluedev1 on July 31, 2013, 08:09 am
karma to Ron Swanson for helping me out with .05 btc :)
repaid .06 btc, thanks again Ron :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 31, 2013, 08:22 am
There is no brutality, it's life.  :)

We cant do anything about it.....we all have a number, and when it comes time, we all go somewhere.

No worries, Friend  :)

Peace & Hugs,


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on July 31, 2013, 08:48 am
  I lost my mother when was young and that was horribly hard I can't even imagne. How hard loosing the love of your life the one you chose could possibly be
My thoughts and prayers are with you
Stay stromg
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 31, 2013, 08:59 am
I Love You  :)

We'll get through this, my Brother  ;)

Love ya.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BruceCampbell on July 31, 2013, 09:27 am
@ Chemcat:

I want to let you in on a bit of life advice. It may sound crude, but it is time-tested.

"fuck bitches, get money"

I've never had a wife, but I've been left bitter and resentful from a woman or two and it turned me into a man whore. Love is a chemical in your brain. You understand chemicals bro.. you sell them. It will wear off eventually. If it makes you feel any better my soulmate has to be a heroin addict artist who paints bad pictures or something living in Montana or some backwater town I'll never visit. I've come to that realization.

I can't really say I know how you feel, but I've had an evil woman put me in jail and burn my clothes in a dumpster before.


Go to bed fucker.  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 31, 2013, 09:34 am

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: shifting sands on July 31, 2013, 11:49 am
Don't like to ask but am in a fix, can anyone lend me 0.7566 till Monday 5th Aug. I will pay back extra no problem. My sr name is notmetoday.


Hey man sorry to be the barer of bad news but I think that's too much to be asking for in here :(

Yep your probably right, was in a bit of a fix. not even thinking straight. no problem i will grit my teath and sit it out. Thanks anyway.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on July 31, 2013, 12:41 pm
I'm still kind of shocked at how all that went down last night :( but atleast Bruce is making a new seller's account. Hello everyone and how are you doing!!!! :D and btw v00087630 repaid his debt to me this morning. Oh and also btw I have a gram of opium on the way and I've never smoked opium, so excited!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: juswannaschmoke on July 31, 2013, 02:29 pm
Hi Folks,

I have lent on this thread before and need to borrow for the first time.  I'd really appreciate it if someone could lend me .06 for a week or so.

SR username: juswannaschmoke

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on July 31, 2013, 02:33 pm
Hello everyone I know it's kind of off topic but if anyone has a lot of knowledge about mushrooms please pm me I have a few health/safety concerns about a recent order I placed. Thank you in advance!!!!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: yunalesca on July 31, 2013, 02:49 pm
Hi Folks,

I have lent on this thread before and need to borrow for the first time.  I'd really appreciate it if someone could lend me .06 for a week or so.

SR username: juswannaschmoke


I've got you.  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Alighier on July 31, 2013, 04:58 pm
@ Chemcat:

I want to let you in on a bit of life advice. It may sound crude, but it is time-tested.

"fuck bitches, get money"

I've never had a wife, but I've been left bitter and resentful from a woman or two and it turned me into a man whore. Love is a chemical in your brain. You understand chemicals bro.. you sell them. It will wear off eventually. If it makes you feel any better my soulmate has to be a heroin addict artist who paints bad pictures or something living in Montana or some backwater town I'll never visit. I've come to that realization.

I can't really say I know how you feel, but I've had an evil woman put me in jail and burn my clothes in a dumpster before.


Go to bed fucker.  :)

I'd agree with Brucie if it weren't for my bunny.  Seriously can't even sleep unless I'm we're in the same bed.

I'm going to be separated from the bun soon, and that's going to kill me.  We'll still be together, I'll just be on the streets and they're biding time at their parents' house.  Might join me out there, might not. 

Sleeping's going to be a bitch.

You've got my love and prayers, Chemmy.


I barely know you, man, but hit me up on SR (same kick-ass name) when you get a new vendor account.  I want to be one of the first motherfuckers to buy from you.

And that may be the very first time I have ever disagreed with DPR on any level.

Much love, all!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: PaulyWalnuts on July 31, 2013, 05:43 pm
Howdy guys & gals.. how r we all?

Little bit of a dilemma i've gotten myself into.. I'm a whole 0.0250 ($2.90) short for an order.

Is anyone able to help me out? Will repay double on Friday 2nd August
SR username is 'figaro'

Thanking you in advance :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: i3lazd on July 31, 2013, 06:46 pm
hey im 0.32 short for an order. if anyone can help out it be great will pay back 0.4 bitcoins

silk road name:

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on July 31, 2013, 06:50 pm
hey im 0.32 short for an order. if anyone can help out it be great will pay back 0.4 bitcoins

silk road name:


HAH good luck..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: purplepanth on July 31, 2013, 06:52 pm

                                                  :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) ##When requesting, post your SR name## SO WE KNOW WHERE TO SEND IT TO.  DON'T ASSUME WE KNOW. ##  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7)## DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. ## >:(  ##Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due. ##
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.
                                                           Reserved For Notes

The shit list:
Autobondon *
Bodnostrokulum      ++++
i3lazd                       ++++  (Do Not Remove! Perma-Shit-Listed!) 
King Karma
repus6 *

 *^*do not lend to these people*^*

                                                 LOVE, How many of you realize, How i feel about most of you?
                                      The ones that know...that have kept this Thread going with Respect and Love for our Brothers and Sisters, I Love You...No Exceptions....Ladies & Gentlemen.....Keep up the Good Work!!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on July 31, 2013, 06:54 pm
hey im 0.32 short for an order. if anyone can help out it be great will pay back 0.4 bitcoins

silk road name:


You were perma shit listed..
oh and btw, you caused a shit storm.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: purplepanth on July 31, 2013, 06:56 pm
Howdy guys & gals.. how r we all?

Little bit of a dilemma i've gotten myself into.. I'm a whole 0.0250 ($2.90) short for an order.

Is anyone able to help me out? Will repay double on Friday 2nd August

PM me for SR user details or wallet address

Thanking you in advance :D

Pming for your name on site..I have 2.20 you're still gonna need some change!

sent 2.20..sorry I didn't have the other 70 cents..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on July 31, 2013, 07:14 pm
Howdy guys & gals.. how r we all?

Little bit of a dilemma i've gotten myself into.. I'm a whole 0.0250 ($2.90) short for an order.

Is anyone able to help me out? Will repay double on Friday 2nd August

PM me for SR user details or wallet address

Thanking you in advance :D

Pming for your name on site..I have 2.20 you're still gonna need some change!

sent 2.20..sorry I didn't have the other 70 cents..

I got the 70 cents

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: slyguy498 on July 31, 2013, 07:17 pm
ok well i got some btcs from localbitcoins earlier and calculated everything down to a T pretty much. what i didnt factor in was the 6 dollars of value that the btcs lost. so from the time it took to transfer i lost about 10 dollars now im short.
The vendor put a custom listing up for me due to some prior complications we had and i told him i would be ordering today. its not worth the transfer fees and time to just get like 10 dollars on my account.

If someone can find the kindness in there heart to help me out i would gladly reimburst them with interest. if u give me 10 ill be sure to give u 20. within the next week u would have ur money. so if someone could please help me out and show me im not an idiot for thinkin someone in this community has a kind heart.

ps. I did this fr someone about 2 weeks ago and they have yet to pay me back........bad karma whoever u r

thanks, slyguy
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: PaulyWalnuts on July 31, 2013, 07:18 pm
@ purplepanth - thankyou very, very much :) it helped immensely & actually just had enough to get it processed :D

Coins will be returned by friday evening - thanks agin! If you ever need a hand, please don't hesitate to ask!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: slyguy498 on July 31, 2013, 07:21 pm
ok well i got some btcs from localbitcoins earlier and calculated everything down to a T pretty much. what i didnt factor in was the 6 dollars of value that the btcs lost. so from the time it took to transfer i lost about 10 dollars now im short.
The vendor put a custom listing up for me due to some prior complications we had and i told him i would be ordering today. its not worth the transfer fees and time to just get like 10 dollars on my account.

If someone can find the kindness in there heart to help me out i would gladly reimburst them with interest. if u give me 10 ill be sure to give u 20. within the next week u would have ur money. so if someone could please help me out and show me im not an idiot for thinkin someone in this community has a kind heart.

ps. I did this fr someone about 2 weeks ago and they have yet to pay me back........bad karma whoever u r

thanks, slyguy
my user name is slyguy498 so u can check my stats. total spent 3100 total transactions 9 no auto finalize no refunds.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BruceCampbell on July 31, 2013, 07:22 pm
hey im 0.32 short for an order. if anyone can help out it be great will pay back 0.4 bitcoins

silk road name:


You are literally the most pathetic and lowly motherfucker on the Silk Road and I hope you die in a fire.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on July 31, 2013, 07:26 pm
Bruce don't forget to include the monkey shit.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: slyguy498 on July 31, 2013, 07:29 pm
damn now no ones gunna see my pot because everyones about to slay the dude whos asking for a loan when hes obviously on the shit list
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: upthera on July 31, 2013, 07:32 pm
damn now no ones gunna see my pot because everyones about to slay the dude whos asking for a loan when hes obviously on the shit list

having issues with SR last time on but I'll lend you the coin.  :-)  I'll let you know if I have any luck getting on SR
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: slyguy498 on July 31, 2013, 07:35 pm
damn now no ones gunna see my pot because everyones about to slay the dude whos asking for a loan when hes obviously on the shit list

having issues with SR last time on but I'll lend you the coin.  :-)  I'll let you know if I have any luck getting on SR
dude ur awesome. i actually just got on SR so its up and running for me. PM me ur SR account so i know where to send the coin when i hook u back up
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: upthera on July 31, 2013, 07:44 pm
damn now no ones gunna see my pot because everyones about to slay the dude whos asking for a loan when hes obviously on the shit list

having issues with SR last time on but I'll lend you the coin.  :-)  I'll let you know if I have any luck getting on SR
dude ur awesome. i actually just got on SR so its up and running for me. PM me ur SR account so i know where to send the coin when i hook u back up

No Problem bro,  Glad I could help.  tried to send an extra quid or so but it kept giving me an error so I just sent the btc.10  but I think that's more than $10.

Let me know if you need a few more pennies to get your order in, having trouble with my only local LBC guy so probably won't be placing an order for a bit so enjoy my friend.

action   notes   amount   balance   date
send to    slyguy498    ฿-0.10    ฿XXXXXXX.XXX :-)    July 31, 2013, 7:38 pm UTC
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: slyguy498 on July 31, 2013, 07:48 pm
damn now no ones gunna see my pot because everyones about to slay the dude whos asking for a loan when hes obviously on the shit list

having issues with SR last time on but I'll lend you the coin.  :-)  I'll let you know if I have any luck getting on SR
dude ur awesome. i actually just got on SR so its up and running for me. PM me ur SR account so i know where to send the coin when i hook u back up

No Problem bro,  Glad I could help.  tried to send an extra quid or so but it kept giving me an error so I just sent the btc.10  but I think that's more than $10.

Let me know if you need a few more pennies to get your order in, having trouble with my only local LBC guy so probably won't be placing an order for a bit so enjoy my friend.

action   notes   amount   balance   date
send to    slyguy498    ฿-0.10    ฿XXXXXXX.XXX :-)    July 31, 2013, 7:38 pm UTC
everything worked out perfect dude orders in and ur a saint lol. so this place rlly is about caring and looking out for one another lol. but either way please message me ur Sr name so i can send it back
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: upthera on July 31, 2013, 08:23 pm
damn now no ones gunna see my pot because everyones about to slay the dude whos asking for a loan when hes obviously on the shit list

having issues with SR last time on but I'll lend you the coin.  :-)  I'll let you know if I have any luck getting on SR

No Problem bro,  Glad I could help.  tried to send an extra quid or so but it kept giving me an error so I just sent the btc.10  but I think that's more than $10.

Let me know if you need a few more pennies to get your order in, having trouble with my only local LBC guy so probably won't be placing an order for a bit so enjoy my friend.

action   notes   amount   balance   date
send to    slyguy498    ฿-0.10    ฿XXXXXXX.XXX :-)    July 31, 2013, 7:38 pm UTC
everything worked out perfect dude orders in and ur a saint lol. so this place rlly is about caring and looking out for one another lol. but either way please message me ur Sr name so i can send it back
dude ur awesome.

Absolutely not!  Being either awesome or a Saint that is.  ;-)  Maybe look at my little loan more like pennance:)  but,    You are very welcome.  and as far as your comment about this place caring and such, yes and no.  This thread fits that description very much so and has often saved me from getting sucked into negative threads/arguments that don't matter and I don't need in my life anyway but almost always you can find good people here.  Same one's you'll see over and over.  I lurk here more than post but it didn't take me long to figure out why this thread is different.  Don't put too much faith in SR Support or Forum Mods helping you from abusive posters/trolls, and protect yourself accordingly and all is well.

** OSCThread is a bit like the quiet room of SR and the forums. **  Plus you get the change to complete your order in time:)   Enjoy the order for us and be safe.

EDIT:  PM w/ name sent.  Fuck, I hope it was you I sent it to ;-/ 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 31, 2013, 08:34 pm
:) (hugs) upthera, you seem like a cool cat, you should come chill more often ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on July 31, 2013, 08:55 pm
No doubt!  Come back to the chill room anytime Upthera! 

You know well how this all works.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on July 31, 2013, 09:04 pm
:) (hugs) upthera, you seem like a cool cat, you should come chill more often ;)

No doubt!  Come back to the chill room anytime Upthera! 

You know well how this all works.

Been lurking but just popped in to say agreed !

And hello amigo's hope you're all well n good :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: upthera on July 31, 2013, 09:07 pm
:) (hugs) upthera, you seem like a cool cat, you should come chill more often ;)

Thank you,  you must be the "RS" that mary mentions when she lists the "good guys" from this thread:)  The RS was buried(in your forum name, I had assumed it was an abbreviation. Nice ta meetcha;)

When I'm on I try to visit here and read, catch-up but sometimes get distracted...   usually gets me in trouble  :-/   I use Tails so I end up with Tails in and  a bunch of unfinished stuff until I finally have to get back to my Debian desktop to work and answer IRL emails, pay bills, update my OS, and what not so I'm a bit sporadic.  OK, I'm lazy and leave tails in with 15 tabs open in the forums for days then dissapear into the "Clearnet" for a few more.  lol

Thanks for the invite and I will visit more and be more vocal when I do.  I really like this thread and the people here.  I've said it before but this thread always brings out the good in me.  And I like that:)

My little dog seems to be getting very jealous of the computer, like always but it is a beautiful evening and only the third or forth this whole summer that are not too hot to enjoy so I should fire up a bowl and take the little guy out. 

Take care all:)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: upthera on July 31, 2013, 09:11 pm
oops, jumped the gun and didn't notice ALL THE OTHER kind comments.  Many thanks and I will pop in more often!  I need a bit more of that attitude around me.  Thanks guys and gals, very much.    Enjoy your evening, morning, whatever...  Be safe and see ya all again soon.  The kind words of welcome mean quite a bit all, really, thank you.

+1 all around  ;-)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ralph123 on July 31, 2013, 09:59 pm

if its any consolation..
Ralph123 is in my circle of trustees!! %100

+1 thank you murderface

+1 to you also ChemCat thanks man
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: weed4me6969 on July 31, 2013, 10:03 pm
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on July 31, 2013, 10:53 pm
Whats going on OSCers? How has your day been?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: purplepanth on July 31, 2013, 11:18 pm
Whats going on OSCers? How has your day been?

I am going to rant for a day ..well it was a day..not anything major. But I had a purchase I made, a really important one that I will be ill without, failed to arrive. Probably tomorrow, but what pisses me off is I gave this seller a second chance with this order..they screwed up my last order too. Duh my stupidity for giving them another shot..when time is an issue some vendors are to be avoided. ugh. Rant over.

Other then that I have nothing to complain about..happy to be able to say hey to yous guys.

Hope everyone is having a good evening!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: NorthernStar on July 31, 2013, 11:19 pm
Cue Chemcat and hairy mary666....then your little circle is complete. I do note it was started by the crackhead..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: NorthernStar on July 31, 2013, 11:23 pm
damn now no ones gunna see my pot because everyones about to slay the dude whos asking for a loan when hes obviously on the shit list

having issues with SR last time on but I'll lend you the coin.  :-)  I'll let you know if I have any luck getting on SR
dude ur awesome. i actually just got on SR so its up and running for me. PM me ur SR account so i know where to send the coin when i hook u back up

No Problem bro,  Glad I could help.  tried to send an extra quid or so but it kept giving me an error so I just sent the btc.10  but I think that's more than $10.

Let me know if you need a few more pennies to get your order in, having trouble with my only local LBC guy so probably won't be placing an order for a bit so enjoy my friend.

action   notes   amount   balance   date
send to    slyguy498    ฿-0.10    ฿XXXXXXX.XXX :-)    July 31, 2013, 7:38 pm UTC
everything worked out perfect dude orders in and ur a saint lol. so this place rlly is about caring and looking out for one another lol. but either way please message me ur Sr name so i can send it back
Help my wife, it helps when you use an different avatar, with your different profile. Hi to Juggernog, the most decent amongst  you.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on July 31, 2013, 11:27 pm
Quote from: NorthernStar
Cue Chemcat and hairy mary666....then your little circle is complete. I do note it was started by the crackhead..

Yes?   You Rang?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Alighier on July 31, 2013, 11:35 pm
RS, my androgynite sibling, I just sent .08 your way, that's like .24 in total ^.^

Also, milestone, my first loan repaid!  Ooh yeah!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: NorthernStar on July 31, 2013, 11:41 pm
Quote from: NorthernStar
Cue Chemcat and hairy mary666....then your little circle is complete. I do note it was started by the crackhead..

Yes?   You Rang?

Oh, have you stopped hugging robbie lol I'm psychic, or you are. Hope you're Ok.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on July 31, 2013, 11:46 pm
Anyone have 0.0035 to spare?

Would love to help bro, but currently I only have 0.004 left in my account :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bruins419 on August 01, 2013, 12:05 am
Brumle I got you dog. What do I do? withdraw the coins from my account to that address you listed?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sorasgaze on August 01, 2013, 12:29 am
Hey generous people. This thread never works out for me but I kinda have to resort here right now. I just got a $62 MoneyPak processed, the fee was a few dollars and now I can't afford the methylone I was planning to get for $60. Can anyone lend me 0.03 btc? I can pay it back or pass it on to someone else when I get it.
Much appreciated. /:
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: NorthernStar on August 01, 2013, 12:41 am
I currently have a few spare coin, and have no qualms about spotting someone till payday. What I do have qualms about is linking them to my precious buyer account. They could be a disgruntled member who's been on the end of my trolling, or a vendor looking to blacklist me, can't take the chance, if there's a way round it, I'm all ears.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bruins419 on August 01, 2013, 12:53 am
sorasgaze  i sent you a message
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 01, 2013, 01:19 am
I currently have a few spare coin, and have no qualms about spotting someone till payday. What I do have qualms about is linking them to my precious buyer account. They could be a disgruntled member who's been on the end of my trolling, or a vendor looking to blacklist me, can't take the chance, if there's a way round it, I'm all ears.

You could always help me out, I've been trying to get a 20.00 loan for a day and a half now. I recently repayed my loan to RS7, but not I am in need of 20.00.. NorthernStar, we have history (brucecampbell) lol ANYONE help me out so I can get a order in tonight, so I can receive the order by saturday.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sorasgaze on August 01, 2013, 02:17 am
bruins419 was very generous and sent me 0.03btc, very much appreciated. :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on August 01, 2013, 02:31 am
Quote from: NorthernStar
Cue Chemcat and hairy mary666....then your little circle is complete. I do note it was started by the crackhead..

Yes?   You Rang?


Hey mate...have you seen taz today? I know he was on...was he lurking or did he say anything?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jlranier on August 01, 2013, 02:44 am
.08 btc sent to adamiz as repayment, thanks again!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 01, 2013, 02:57 am
I currently have a few spare coin, and have no qualms about spotting someone till payday. What I do have qualms about is linking them to my precious buyer account. They could be a disgruntled member who's been on the end of my trolling, or a vendor looking to blacklist me, can't take the chance, if there's a way round it, I'm all ears.

Just make another SR account, load up that wallet from your main account and send from the new name.  The wallet address can be changed with a simple click as well when you go to the account page.

Good luck on that man.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: fauxpok on August 01, 2013, 03:49 am
Hey guys, I'm a lil less than .5 bitcoins or so away from a purchase. I won't have time til tomorrow to pick up more coins, so if anyone wants to float me a lil bit so I can place the order tonight I'll make sure to keep that in mind for the future. Just send it to my account at 1DuuxbF2hEUvpe74R1TuotzbRtQwjsGs9G. Thanks.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on August 01, 2013, 03:51 am
RS, my androgynite sibling, I just sent .08 your way, that's like .24 in total ^.^

Also, milestone, my first loan repaid!  Ooh yeah!
:) thank you bro! (hugs)

to those I currently owe,.. I am sorry. but I am unable to buy coins at the moment. because bitinstant is down, an all I have is cash.. I am going to try localbitcoins but the only trader in my area, doesn't trade on the weekends :-\.. so hopefully monday I will have everything squared up.

I apologize sincerely bothers/sisters.., this wasn't supposed to happen :-[

debts I owe:
cryngie            ฿0.57
haberdasher     ฿0.13
lssb2132          ฿0.37   
kallindown       ฿0.16
schuldig           ฿0.18
haberdasher    ฿0.01 ✓ repaid: 0.011
pusci                ฿0.04 ✓ repaid: 0.044
trichome           ฿0.07 ✓ repaid: 0.077

weed4me6969  ฿0.20
cryngie            ฿0.57
haberdasher     ฿0.13
lssb2132          ฿0.37    
schuldig           ฿0.18
kallindown       ฿0.16 ✓ repaid: 0.176 + loaning 0.044 :)
haberdasher    ฿0.01 ✓ repaid: 0.011
pusci                ฿0.04 ✓ repaid: 0.044
trichome           ฿0.07 ✓ repaid: 0.077
weed4me6969  ฿0.20
cryngie            ฿0.57
lssb2132          ฿0.37    
schuldig           ฿0.18
haberdasher     ฿0.13  ✓ repaid: 0.143   
kallindown       ฿0.16 ✓ repaid: 0.176 + loaning 0.044 :)
haberdasher    ฿0.01 ✓ repaid: 0.011
pusci                ฿0.04 ✓ repaid: 0.044
trichome           ฿0.07 ✓ repaid: 0.077

weed4me6969  ฿0.20
lssb2132          ฿0.37    
schuldig           ฿0.18
cryngie            ฿0.57 ~ repaid: 0.45
haberdasher     ฿0.13  ✓ repaid: 0.143   
kallindown       ฿0.16 ✓ repaid: 0.176 + loaning 0.044 :) repaid ✓
haberdasher    ฿0.01 ✓ repaid: 0.011
pusci                ฿0.04 ✓ repaid: 0.044
trichome           ฿0.07 ✓ repaid: 0.077

still working on buying coins :-\ haven't had luck thus far. sorry guys

I currently have a few spare coin, and have no qualms about spotting someone till payday. What I do have qualms about is linking them to my precious buyer account. They could be a disgruntled member who's been on the end of my trolling, or a vendor looking to blacklist me, can't take the chance, if there's a way round it, I'm all ears.

You could always help me out, I've been trying to get a 20.00 loan for a day and a half now. I recently repayed my loan to RS7, but not I am in need of 20.00.. NorthernStar, we have history (brucecampbell) lol ANYONE help me out so I can get a order in tonight, so I can receive the order by saturday.
can vouch for this :)

hope everyone is well, just popping in to say love y'all 8) an sorry for the delay.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 01, 2013, 03:57 am
I currently have a few spare coin, and have no qualms about spotting someone till payday. What I do have qualms about is linking them to my precious buyer account. They could be a disgruntled member who's been on the end of my trolling, or a vendor looking to blacklist me, can't take the chance, if there's a way round it, I'm all ears.

You could always help me out, I've been trying to get a 20.00 loan for a day and a half now. I recently repayed my loan to RS7, but not I am in need of 20.00.. NorthernStar, we have history (brucecampbell) lol ANYONE help me out so I can get a order in tonight, so I can receive the order by saturday.
can vouch for this :)

hope everyone is well, just popping in to say love y'all 8) an sorry for the delay.

Thank you brother! hope all goes well for you monday!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: canada420 on August 01, 2013, 04:21 am
can anybody loan me .02 btc? i'll payback .03 btc in 1 week

if you can please send to SR username "canada420"
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: foxen624 on August 01, 2013, 04:52 am
can anybody loan me .02 btc? i'll payback .03 btc in 1 week

if you can please send to SR username "canada420"

on the way.....
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: canada420 on August 01, 2013, 04:57 am
can anybody loan me .02 btc? i'll payback .03 btc in 1 week

if you can please send to SR username "canada420"

on the way.....
got it!
thanks so much!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: heavyreader on August 01, 2013, 05:00 am
hey guys, i'm literally .0011 away from being able to make a huge purchase of some of felidae's medical bho  : (  if anyone could help me out it would be so much appreciated, i can even pay you back .02 later this weekend.  thanks so much

my username on SR is heavyreader as well

edit: NEVERMIND, price just adjusted perfectly..  whew, thank god   8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: frivolous on August 01, 2013, 05:18 am
Hey everyone; I got some coins today and went to go place an order, and the vendor seems to have adjusted his shipping options so my came up short on shipping. I'm 0.1473 bitcoin, or right now about $15.60, short. I know this is a little bit of a bigger loan but if anyone has some coin leftover from a purchase and can cover my shipping this time, I could happily repay you $20 of coin within the week. I don't wanna post my exact buyer stats, but I've been a member here since February, have about 30+ transactions, and a little over $1,100 USD spent.

If anyone could cover this for me I'd be exceptionally grateful. My username on SR is greenbeanjacket if anyone could help me out; if you do, send me a PM either on here or on SR so I know who to repay. I can send you $20 worth of coin in a couple of days to thank you for your troubles.

Thanks for the consideration, everyone! :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: foxen624 on August 01, 2013, 06:20 am
can anybody loan me .02 btc? i'll payback .03 btc in 1 week

if you can please send to SR username "canada420"

on the way.....
got it!
thanks so much!

No problem... glad to have been able to have been of help! ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on August 01, 2013, 07:06 am
RS, my androgynite sibling, I just sent .08 your way, that's like .24 in total ^.^

Also, milestone, my first loan repaid!  Ooh yeah!
:) thank you bro! (hugs)

to those I currently owe,.. I am sorry. but I am unable to buy coins at the moment. because bitinstant is down, an all I have is cash.. I am going to try localbitcoins but the only trader in my area, doesn't trade on the weekends :-\.. so hopefully monday I will have everything squared up.

I apologize sincerely bothers/sisters.., this wasn't supposed to happen :-[

debts I owe:
cryngie            ฿0.57
haberdasher     ฿0.13
lssb2132          ฿0.37   
kallindown       ฿0.16
schuldig           ฿0.18
haberdasher    ฿0.01 ✓ repaid: 0.011
pusci                ฿0.04 ✓ repaid: 0.044
trichome           ฿0.07 ✓ repaid: 0.077

weed4me6969  ฿0.20
cryngie            ฿0.57
haberdasher     ฿0.13
lssb2132          ฿0.37    
schuldig           ฿0.18
kallindown       ฿0.16 ✓ repaid: 0.176 + loaning 0.044 :)
haberdasher    ฿0.01 ✓ repaid: 0.011
pusci                ฿0.04 ✓ repaid: 0.044
trichome           ฿0.07 ✓ repaid: 0.077
weed4me6969  ฿0.20
cryngie            ฿0.57
lssb2132          ฿0.37    
schuldig           ฿0.18
haberdasher     ฿0.13  ✓ repaid: 0.143   
kallindown       ฿0.16 ✓ repaid: 0.176 + loaning 0.044 :)
haberdasher    ฿0.01 ✓ repaid: 0.011
pusci                ฿0.04 ✓ repaid: 0.044
trichome           ฿0.07 ✓ repaid: 0.077

weed4me6969  ฿0.20
lssb2132          ฿0.37    
schuldig           ฿0.18
cryngie            ฿0.57 ~ repaid: 0.45
haberdasher     ฿0.13  ✓ repaid: 0.143   
kallindown       ฿0.16 ✓ repaid: 0.176 + loaning 0.044 :)
haberdasher    ฿0.01 ✓ repaid: 0.011
pusci                ฿0.04 ✓ repaid: 0.044
trichome           ฿0.07 ✓ repaid: 0.077

still working on buying coins :-\ haven't had luck thus far. sorry guys

I currently have a few spare coin, and have no qualms about spotting someone till payday. What I do have qualms about is linking them to my precious buyer account. They could be a disgruntled member who's been on the end of my trolling, or a vendor looking to blacklist me, can't take the chance, if there's a way round it, I'm all ears.

You could always help me out, I've been trying to get a 20.00 loan for a day and a half now. I recently repayed my loan to RS7, but not I am in need of 20.00.. NorthernStar, we have history (brucecampbell) lol ANYONE help me out so I can get a order in tonight, so I can receive the order by saturday.
can vouch for this :)

hope everyone is well, just popping in to say love y'all 8) an sorry for the delay.

Hey RS I noticed im still on your list I paid 0.05 back last friday I think it was (whenever I was supposed to pay, it got paid that day)
Can you find the payment bud ? If not no big deal will just send it again when I top up.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on August 01, 2013, 07:11 am
:) hey sorry been busy, haven't even checked. but thank you for mentioning it, edited above post :D

(hugs) gnight everybody
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on August 01, 2013, 07:19 am
:) hey sorry been busy, haven't even checked. but thank you for mentioning it, edited above post :D

(hugs) gnight everybody

No worries bro, wouldn't let a birthday saver like your good self go unpaid, you really helped a brother out that time trust me :)

Night bud catch ya soon
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: upthera on August 01, 2013, 12:41 pm
Good Morning ALL:)

Am I seeing things or are some of you even considering borrowing or loaning coin to NorthernStar(GayBruceBambel)???  I thought it was bad practice to even reply to that troll and this thread is the only one where people do ignore him.  Letting him lend you coin or lending him coin is completely insane!   He ruins every thread in which he visits, almost all of them it seems.  He ran one of you off of here(OSCT) for the most part, and there are people willing to consider getting coin from or giving the troll coin.
Fuck, even taking a loan from him would make me feel dirty.
  I can't believe what I'm seeing unless there is a joke here, other than the Limey troll who wants to play nice now, that is.

First he comes in only to say something nasty about a member,
then he accuses me in a round about way of having two profiles because I changed my sig line to get rid of the begging comment,("tip jar for One of us with cancer"). LOL,  reading in fundamental.
He is what he is and not worth getting worked up over and ignoring him 100% works pretty well I've seen, but new guys and gals, you DO NOT WANT THIS DUDE TO LEND YOU COIN! it will not be worth it and I'm guessing that you could never pay him back in a way that won't cause him to bash you publicly on the forums.  Maybe not but that is what his track record would lead me to fear.  It ain't worth it.

  Of course he doesn't want to spoil his buyer account.  He is a hated troll who contributes nothing.  Nothing at all.  Sitting in mums house fucking with people everyday.

I hope that was all a joke.  We are all free to do what we want with our coin but letting him get a hold of someone's buyer name would be NO GOOD!  He is one of those that will/has spread peoples info.  Keep you coin, go back to mum's basement, and find another thread to troll.

There are enough decent people who have coin to lend and who need a loan that nobody should consider such insanity. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 01, 2013, 01:21 pm
Hi Upthera  ;D +1 to you friend  ;) 8)

Hi everyone  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: purplepanth on August 01, 2013, 02:34 pm
Good morning all..I need some happy. Hows it going with everyone?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on August 01, 2013, 03:48 pm
Hello everyone ;D

Good vibes to all....

I need to relax....

time to smoke....
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 01, 2013, 04:07 pm
Hey everyone good morning 8)

I have a question for you guys...

If I bought an ounce of shrooms and got a half ounce of good shrooms and half ounce of the roots with a few aborts on them, should I be upset about that?? Like do you guys think it's normal to send someone roots when they're buying shrooms? I don't know, maybe I'm just a know nothing ???

I wouldn't know?  I haven't had that happen before.  I assume you mean the actual roots and not the stems?  I would feel it would be more ideal to have more caps but I've never scoffed at whatever else was included. 

I've always made tea out of all of the contents of what I bought and never had a problem.  A few times it was just stems, and it still did the trick. 

I should mention shrooms never hit me until I made tea.  Ate an 1/8-1/4 at a party like everyone else did, and hardly anything happened.  Everyone else was blasted.  Tea is a whole different world to me.  When I grind it down it all looks the same in the end so I don't care too much.

I don't know.  I've never really applied a careful eye to this stuff.  I know you don't want them bruised but that's about it.

Edit:  oops I guess you took your question down.  Let me know if you would like me to get rid of this one.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: upthera on August 01, 2013, 04:28 pm
Hi Upthera  ;D +1 to you friend  ;) 8)

Hi everyone  ;)

:-)  Thanks M!   +1 back at ya 

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: purplepanth on August 01, 2013, 04:29 pm
Hi Upthera  ;D +1 to you friend  ;) 8)

Hi everyone  ;)

:-)  Thanks M!   +1 back at ya

Hey upthera +1 at you for helping me out a few weeks back..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: upthera on August 01, 2013, 04:34 pm
Hey everyone good morning 8)

I have a question for you guys...

If I bought an ounce of shrooms and got a half ounce of good shrooms and half ounce of the roots with a few aborts on them, should I be upset about that?? Like do you guys think it's normal to send someone roots when they're buying shrooms? I don't know, maybe I'm just a know nothing ???

I wouldn't know?  I haven't had that happen before.  I assume you mean the actual roots and not the stems?  I would feel it would be more ideal to have more caps but I've never scoffed at whatever else was included. 

I've always made tea out of all of the contents of what I bought and never had a problem.  A few times it was just stems, and it still did the trick. 

I should mention shrooms never hit me until I made tea.  Ate an 1/8-1/4 at a party like everyone else did, and hardly anything happened.  Everyone else was blasted.  Tea is a whole different world to me.  When I grind it down it all looks the same in the end so I don't care too much.

I don't know.  I've never really applied a careful eye to this stuff.  I know you don't want them bruised but that's about it.

Edit:  oops I guess you took your question down.  Let me know if you would like me to get rid of this one.

Roots are usually left over from a lazy grower or picker, I always cut them clean when I grow em as nobody wants to see roots on shrooms but don't think it is an issue unless there was enough to effect the weight. EDIT:  1/2 the ounce! I wouldn't be too thrilled.

One thing I can recommend, Box reminded me of by his comment about tea is that there is a digestive enzyme made from Papaya that really helps with absorption and with any nausea.  it is found in pharmacy's and health food stores.  It tastes really good too.  It's been a while but I found that helpful when eating shrooms. 
Happy trails

Hey upthera +1 at you for helping me out a few weeks back..

you're very welcome and thank you for paying me back with no issues.  Take care and all the best. +1 for you too:)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 01, 2013, 05:25 pm
Good Morning ALL:)

Am I seeing things or are some of you even considering borrowing or loaning coin to NorthernStar(GayBruceBambel)???  I thought it was bad practice to even reply to that troll and this thread is the only one where people do ignore him.  Letting him lend you coin or lending him coin is completely insane!   He ruins every thread in which he visits, almost all of them it seems.  He ran one of you off of here(OSCT) for the most part, and there are people willing to consider getting coin from or giving the troll coin.
Fuck, even taking a loan from him would make me feel dirty.
  I can't believe what I'm seeing unless there is a joke here, other than the Limey troll who wants to play nice now, that is.

First he comes in only to say something nasty about a member,
then he accuses me in a round about way of having two profiles because I changed my sig line to get rid of the begging comment,("tip jar for One of us with cancer"). LOL,  reading in fundamental.
He is what he is and not worth getting worked up over and ignoring him 100% works pretty well I've seen, but new guys and gals, you DO NOT WANT THIS DUDE TO LEND YOU COIN! it will not be worth it and I'm guessing that you could never pay him back in a way that won't cause him to bash you publicly on the forums.  Maybe not but that is what his track record would lead me to fear.  It ain't worth it.

  Of course he doesn't want to spoil his buyer account.  He is a hated troll who contributes nothing.  Nothing at all.  Sitting in mums house fucking with people everyday.

I hope that was all a joke.  We are all free to do what we want with our coin but letting him get a hold of someone's buyer name would be NO GOOD!  He is one of those that will/has spread peoples info.  Keep you coin, go back to mum's basement, and find another thread to troll.

There are enough decent people who have coin to lend and who need a loan that nobody should consider such insanity.

Hah it is insanity.  I guess that's why I found it so hilarious.  Someone with nothing but hateful things to say "has no problem loaning out a coin or two".

I'm not happy about the trolling.  It's like walking around in a nice park and then coming up upon a pile of disposed fast food bags/cheap beer.  I'm extra not happy about making someone I personally care a lot about in the forums so uncomfortable, they are driven away.

But if the guy wants to do anything outside of the atom bomb of negativity he has unleashed, I am not going to stand in the way.  It would be progress to me, even though I don't feel he is looking for redemption.  My response, in my mind, was for a legit question.  It wasn't a troll, unless I'm genuinely missing something.  If it was, I would have just kept on scrolling.  Honestly, I wouldn't have even known what was said or had any desire to find out if someone hadn't quoted it.

I try not to write off anyone.  I just change the distance of my trust with the current situation.  You don't have to close the door, but you don't have to open the metal gate in front of your door either.  I've had some really cool moments of being some random place and some dude comes up to me and says, "I was a total piece of shit to you back then.  Let me buy you a drink."  It wouldn't have happened if I held on to the hate instilled into me from back when.  Good stories happened as a result, and even resolution.

But yea.  I would say you are totally entitled to whatever you want to think about NS.  I wouldn't blame you in the least if you disagreed with every single character I have just typed.  I just thought it was worth sharing my experience.  If what I said doesn't apply here, I'm sure there is a place for it.

At least he wasn't asking for coins.  If someone does take him up on the offer, they could use the same method I just described to obfuscate their buyer name.  If you still have that opinion, just say I don't need the lend that bad.   :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 01, 2013, 05:33 pm
And hugs mary.  Best wishes to you girl. 

...there is a digestive enzyme made from Papaya that really helps with absorption and with any nausea.  it is found in pharmacy's and health food stores.  It tastes really good too.  It's been a while but I found that helpful when eating shrooms. 

I'll have to check it out.  I have this problem and have tried a few things with no luck.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: upthera on August 01, 2013, 05:41 pm
Good Morning ALL:)

Am I seeing things or are some of you even considering borrowing or loaning coin to NorthernStar(GayBruceBambel)???  I thought it was bad practice to even reply to that troll and this thread is the only one where people do ignore him.  Letting him lend you coin or lending him coin is completely insane!   He ruins every thread in which he visits, almost all of them it seems.  He ran one of you off of here(OSCT) for the most part, and there are people willing to consider getting coin from or giving the troll coin.
Fuck, even taking a loan from him would make me feel dirty.
  I can't believe what I'm seeing unless there is a joke here, other than the Limey troll who wants to play nice now, that is.

First he comes in only to say something nasty about a member,
then he accuses me in a round about way of having two profiles because I changed my sig line to get rid of the begging comment,("tip jar for One of us with cancer"). LOL,  reading in fundamental.
He is what he is and not worth getting worked up over and ignoring him 100% works pretty well I've seen, but new guys and gals, you DO NOT WANT THIS DUDE TO LEND YOU COIN! it will not be worth it and I'm guessing that you could never pay him back in a way that won't cause him to bash you publicly on the forums.  Maybe not but that is what his track record would lead me to fear.  It ain't worth it.

  Of course he doesn't want to spoil his buyer account.  He is a hated troll who contributes nothing.  Nothing at all.  Sitting in mums house fucking with people everyday.

I hope that was all a joke.  We are all free to do what we want with our coin but letting him get a hold of someone's buyer name would be NO GOOD!  He is one of those that will/has spread peoples info.  Keep you coin, go back to mum's basement, and find another thread to troll.

There are enough decent people who have coin to lend and who need a loan that nobody should consider such insanity.

Hah it is insanity.  I guess that's why I found it so hilarious.  Someone with nothing but hateful things to say "has no problem loaning out a coin or two".

I'm not happy about the trolling.  It's like walking around in a nice park and then coming up upon a pile of disposed fast food bags/cheap beer.  I'm extra not happy about making someone I personally care a lot about in the forums so uncomfortable, they are driven away.

But yea.  I would say you are totally entitled to whatever you want to think about NS.  I wouldn't blame you in the least if you disagreed with every single character I have just typed.  I just thought it was worth sharing my experience.  If what I said doesn't apply here, I'm sure there is a place for it.

Not at all, and thank you for sharing your experience.  I think your post was very intelligent and made much better points than I did, factual as opposed to my biased opinion of NS/GBC.  Thank you for the open-minded and different perspective, I do appreciate it and your civil tone.  This is why good forums are good,  other posters can point out mistakes in something you post and felt(at the time) confident in saying, and one can choose to learn from said post/poster, take the constructive criticism, learn something and adapt/integrate those ideas into their own perspective and opinions, or one can continue thinking they know it all or getting offended by advice to their own loss.

Great post!!   +1
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on August 01, 2013, 05:54 pm


Good Morning :P

**Tickles mary**

Peace, love & Hugs to you All  8)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on August 01, 2013, 06:04 pm
Hey everyone; I got some coins today and went to go place an order, and the vendor seems to have adjusted his shipping options so my came up short on shipping. I'm 0.1473 bitcoin, or right now about $15.60, short. I know this is a little bit of a bigger loan but if anyone has some coin leftover from a purchase and can cover my shipping this time, I could happily repay you $20 of coin within the week. I don't wanna post my exact buyer stats, but I've been a member here since February, have about 30+ transactions, and a little over $1,100 USD spent.

If anyone could cover this for me I'd be exceptionally grateful. My username on SR is greenbeanjacket if anyone could help me out; if you do, send me a PM either on here or on SR so I know who to repay. I can send you $20 worth of coin in a couple of days to thank you for your troubles.

Thanks for the consideration, everyone! :)

hey frivolous

good to see you in the grownups forum :P

You are lucky i didnt get my loan, so i still have a little left to share.
And since i already found out you are trustworthy, i just sent you the 0.15 btc.

cya around :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: shocky on August 01, 2013, 06:26 pm

I'm missing $2 on a purchase!! I'm gonna cry if it gets sold out before I can buy it!

Can anyone help me out?
 You could also just get the bitcoin value back up to $107.... =3


If you help, I'll write you a poem. =3
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 01, 2013, 06:33 pm
Hah.  Well I'm glad it was well received regardless of the outcome.  Takes a lot to adopt that demeanor, but spend enough time here and it will rub off.  :P


I know you from somewhere!

If you help, I'll write you a poem. =3

It will help you if you say your sr name, declare a time frame for paying back, and say what the amount is in btc.  Good luck!  It's a reasonable request.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on August 01, 2013, 06:39 pm
Quote from: BoxofShapes


I know you from somewhere!

We met at Dairy Queen one day when i accidently dropped my p-nut buster pafait on your table :P

Love & hugs to ya Boxy  8)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on August 01, 2013, 06:44 pm
G'mornin :)
course everybody types wall's-o-text when I only have few minutes to read an say hello ;D anyway gonna have to come back an read these later :)..

(hugs) to y'all :), hope everyone has a great day!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 01, 2013, 07:03 pm
G'd evening all  ;) esp. upthera, boxy, Chem, RS, Taz (MIA), Japan (busy but doing great  ;)), Kalli, DanDan, Murda lol all the reg,s  ;) :-* Hope y,all are well  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 01, 2013, 07:07 pm
afternoon everyone!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on August 01, 2013, 07:16 pm
It will help you if you say your sr name, declare a time frame for paying back, and say what the amount is in btc.  Good luck!  It's a reasonable request.

Sending btc with sr name is instant. Makes things so much easier. You can also overlook your loans so much easier when looking it up in account history.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: helpmywife on August 01, 2013, 08:02 pm
foxen624 please pm me i need the place to send the loan you gave me sir! thanks again get back soon!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on August 01, 2013, 08:10 pm
Thank you upthera and box for the input. I kind of got screwed on an order recently by BlueVeil. It's a learning experience though, if something looks too good to be true, chances are it is..... so I'll take the loss of this one and just only work with the vendors in my trusted circle from now on.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: PotatoConnoisseur on August 01, 2013, 08:14 pm
Well this is my first time in this situation, I'm about 20$ short for an order.

If anybody wants to help me out please pm me and I'll let you know my SR name, I will pay back in full plus some within a week. It takes me a while to get bitcoins in my desired manner. Most likely I'll have it by Saturday or Monday though, I just don't want to make a promise I can't be sure to guarantee.

My buyer stats if that help anybody feel more comfortable,

1 month   3 months   1 year
total transactions    1    5    31
total spent    $6,910.00    $8,349.50    $31,226.00
refund rate    0%    0%    0%
auto-finalize rate    0%    0%    0%
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: helpmywife on August 01, 2013, 08:17 pm
i stick behind Blue sky Traders and they seem WAY to good to be true!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: nacho on August 01, 2013, 08:29 pm
Hi boys and girls!  I'm short .05 on an order right now.  I'll be able to pay back tomorrow with interest!  Thanks to whoever helps me out!

sr name is nacho
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on August 01, 2013, 08:38 pm
Hi boys and girls!  I'm short .05 on an order right now.  I'll be able to pay back tomorrow with interest!  Thanks to whoever helps me out!

sr name is nacho

I've got this covered.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: nacho on August 01, 2013, 08:39 pm
Thanks staind.  I'll get you back tomorrow afternoon!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Alighier on August 01, 2013, 09:17 pm
Hello, my lovelies.  Just received a sample of PlanetExpress's 6-APB yesterday.  Still feeling the warm tinglies today.

Just wanted to stop by and spread the love ^.^

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 01, 2013, 09:20 pm
oh damnit, I could really use some coinage. deezletime has a sale going on right now and im .22 short of a bundle. thats like $23.00 a little much for spare coin i know, but I can definitely have it returned plus some next friday.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: helpmywife on August 01, 2013, 09:29 pm
juggernog i wish i could iv seen your name enough to know you are serious.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 01, 2013, 09:36 pm
it's all good, maybe he will still have his mid-summer sale by next friday.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on August 01, 2013, 09:40 pm
only got 0.09 left :(

someone else here who wants to chip in?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 01, 2013, 09:51 pm
my sr name is fornak8
I'm putting this order in my cart, just in case help does end up at my doorstep :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on August 01, 2013, 10:08 pm
okay, sent you everything i had. hopefully someone else can contribute.

goodnight fellows
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: NorthernStar on August 01, 2013, 10:16 pm
G'd evening all  ;) esp. upthera, boxy, Chem, RS, Taz (MIA), Japan (busy but doing great  ;)), Kalli, DanDan, Murda lol all the reg,s  ;) :-* Hope y,all are well  ;D
Are you back, scamming and bumming again, your like a recalcitrant piece of fecal matter that wont flush away. Horrible fat jock sweat. Give someone else a chance.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on August 01, 2013, 10:23 pm
This will help guide you through the process of adding a member and their posts to your Ignore List on the forums.

Part One

1.  Click on "Profile" at the top of the page here on the forums.

2.  In the left frame that shows up, there will be a list of links.  Under the highlighted heading "Modify Profile," click "Buddies/Ignore List."

3.  Moving to the main frame, there will be a link to "Edit Ignore List" -- click on that.

4.  In the empty field below, enter the username of the member you'd like to ignore.

5.  Click "Add" to start ignoring posts from that member.

Part Two:

1.  In the link list shown in the left frame again, click on "Look and Layout" under the "Modify Profile" heading.

2.  Scroll down a bit and make sure you have checked the box next to "Hide messages posted by members on my ignore list."

That should do it!  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 01, 2013, 10:38 pm
okay, sent you everything i had. hopefully someone else can contribute.

goodnight fellows

Thank you bro, now just 0.13 short.
Expect a return next friday the 9th.
Also added to you to my sig
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: frivolous on August 01, 2013, 11:15 pm
Hey everyone; I got some coins today and went to go place an order, and the vendor seems to have adjusted his shipping options so my came up short on shipping. I'm 0.1473 bitcoin, or right now about $15.60, short. I know this is a little bit of a bigger loan but if anyone has some coin leftover from a purchase and can cover my shipping this time, I could happily repay you $20 of coin within the week. I don't wanna post my exact buyer stats, but I've been a member here since February, have about 30+ transactions, and a little over $1,100 USD spent.

If anyone could cover this for me I'd be exceptionally grateful. My username on SR is greenbeanjacket if anyone could help me out; if you do, send me a PM either on here or on SR so I know who to repay. I can send you $20 worth of coin in a couple of days to thank you for your troubles.

Thanks for the consideration, everyone! :)

hey frivolous

good to see you in the grownups forum :P

You are lucky i didnt get my loan, so i still have a little left to share.
And since i already found out you are trustworthy, i just sent you the 0.15 btc.

cya around :)

hey staind! loan received, thank you very much! and yeah, it feels good not to be trapped in the newbie forums anymore. as soon as i get more coin i'll be sure to send you $20 worth your way. thanks again and i'll stay in touch :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: NorthernStar on August 01, 2013, 11:55 pm
This will help guide you through the process of adding a member and their posts to your Ignore List on the forums.

Part One

1.  Click on "Profile" at the top of the page here on the forums.

2.  In the left frame that shows up, there will be a list of links.  Under the highlighted heading "Modify Profile," click "Buddies/Ignore List."

3.  Moving to the main frame, there will be a link to "Edit Ignore List" -- click on that.

4.  In the empty field below, enter the username of the member you'd like to ignore.

5.  Click "Add" to start ignoring posts from that member.

Part Two:

1.  In the link list shown in the left frame again, click on "Look and Layout" under the "Modify Profile" heading.

2.  Scroll down a bit and make sure you have checked the box next to "Hide messages posted by members on my ignore list."

That should do it!  :)
That's not very nice Dan, rather like Ben and Jerrys cherry and dark chocolate  flavour. Me and this bitch have unfinished, and private business, and besides, she finally added me to the list anyway, so what's the problem, just ignore me like everyone else in your spare bumming change club
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 02, 2013, 12:11 am
That's not very nice Dan, rather like Ben and Jerrys cherry and dark chocolate  flavour. Me and this bitch have unfinished, and private business, and besides, she finally added me to the list anyway, so what's the problem, just ignore me like everyone else in your spare bumming change club

NorthernStar, It's not that people are ignoring you, you just started of on the forums on a bad note. People probably still have a bit of animosity toward you, hence why they don't respond to you.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on August 02, 2013, 12:46 am
That's not very nice Dan, rather like Ben and Jerrys cherry and dark chocolate  flavour. Me and this bitch have unfinished, and private business, and besides, she finally added me to the list anyway, so what's the problem, just ignore me like everyone else in your spare bumming change club
lol about the cherry and dark chocolate, I've never tried it but it sounds pretty disgusting actually :o I have absolutely no idea what business you and marry have but I dont think just randomly calling her names in every thread she posts is really going to accomplish anything. And I noticed before you said you had a few extra coins to loan people.... so welcome to our "spare bumming change club"!!! ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Alighier on August 02, 2013, 01:31 am
That's not very nice Dan, rather like Ben and Jerrys cherry and dark chocolate  flavour. Me and this bitch have unfinished, and private business, and besides, she finally added me to the list anyway, so what's the problem, just ignore me like everyone else in your spare bumming change club

NorthernStar, It's not that people are ignoring you, you just started of on the forums on a bad note. People probably still have a bit of animosity toward you, hence why they don't respond to you.

Ahhhh!  I've got your name and the .13 (it's all I have) ready to go.  But Planet Express is offering .1 samplers of his BTH and I've never done tar.  I'm .035 short on it anyway, but I hear it's phenomenal...

What should I do, Jug?  Haven't had good H since Tera went rogue >.<

~Ali <3
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Alighier on August 02, 2013, 01:49 am
okay, sent you everything i had. hopefully someone else can contribute.

goodnight fellows

Thank you bro, now just 0.13 short.
Expect a return next friday the 9th.
Also added to you to my sig

Sent the rest of the .13 your way because I REALLY don't need any more drugs for a second and this will help me stick to that ;)

Also, because a bun is way more worth it than .1g BTH lol.  Good luck!

SR name is the same kick-ass thang ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 02, 2013, 01:58 am
okay, sent you everything i had. hopefully someone else can contribute.

goodnight fellows

Thank you bro, now just 0.13 short.
Expect a return next friday the 9th.
Also added to you to my sig

Sent the rest of the .13 your way because I REALLY don't need any more drugs for a second and this will help me stick to that ;)

Also, because a bun is way more worth it than .1g BTH lol.  Good luck!

SR name is the same kick-ass thang ;)

ah sweet, I leave for a min and come back and was like what the hell? hah
Alighier Ill have you taken care of next friday as well. along with staind.

Thanks guys
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on August 02, 2013, 03:35 am
G'd evening all  ;) esp. upthera, boxy, Chem, RS, Taz (MIA), Japan (busy but doing great  ;)), Kalli, DanDan, Murda lol all the reg,s  ;) :-* Hope y,all are well  ;D
Are you back, scamming and bumming again, your like a recalcitrant piece of fecal matter that wont flush away. Horrible fat jock sweat. Give someone else a chance.

you be nice to my Mary bo berry!!

on a positive note..
i have .0036btc (not much i know).. but if anyone genuine is in need, shoot me a PM!!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: titsmcgee123 on August 02, 2013, 03:51 am
hows everyone doing tonight?!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 02, 2013, 03:59 am
hows everyone doing tonight?!

Doing great now that I got my order in! You guys freaking ROCK!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: weed4me6969 on August 02, 2013, 04:00 am
hows everyone doing tonight?!

Just fine and dandy!!!  bout to pass out though!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: titsmcgee123 on August 02, 2013, 04:01 am
glad to hear fellas. wish i had some coin to loan out.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on August 02, 2013, 04:10 am
I'll be doing alot better in 3hrs when i can have a shot then head up the pub
F-f-f-friday bitches
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 02, 2013, 04:13 am
I'll be doing alot better in 3hrs when i can have a shot then head up the pub
F-f-f-friday bitches

I still have 46 more minutes till it's friday ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: titsmcgee123 on August 02, 2013, 04:15 am
I'll be doing alot better in 3hrs when i can have a shot then head up the pub
F-f-f-friday bitches

I still have 46 more minutes till it's friday ;)
gotta love CST lol. fuck i wish i lived in NY
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jonnybones on August 02, 2013, 04:22 am
Gday, everyone, hope all is well.  Do you guys know if anyone genuine is in need of a loan to fill an order at the moment?. Never been here before and I wont be logged in for much longer so thought I'd ask.. I'm too high to go back through the pages and work out who's cool and is still short.  Had a 2 great packages land today so I'm happy to share the love and lend some coin....

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 02, 2013, 04:28 am
Haven't seen anyone asking for awhile. I'm sure there will be plenty come tomorrow.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on August 02, 2013, 04:39 am
Haven't seen anyone asking for awhile. I'm sure there will be plenty come tomorrow.

let the weekend drug shopping commence!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jonnybones on August 02, 2013, 04:47 am
Haven't seen anyone asking for awhile. I'm sure there will be plenty come tomorrow.

let the weekend drug shopping commence!!

ahuh, yep.. gotcha..  nearly 3pm friday afternoon here in Aus, which for me is time to fly , high.. real high.   I hope someone generous who needs a hand drops in soon. thanks for the info Juggernog and muderface...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on August 02, 2013, 05:28 am
I'll be doing alot better in 3hrs when i can have a shot then head up the pub
F-f-f-friday bitches

I still have 46 more minutes till it's friday ;)
gotta love CST lol. fuck i wish i lived in NY

I love AEST 3:30pm xanax in mouth now, postie just delivered order t minus sixty mins till H hits my vein then off to score some meth from a mate round the corner then to the pub should be a top friday night
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jonnybones on August 02, 2013, 05:35 am
I'll be doing alot better in 3hrs when i can have a shot then head up the pub
F-f-f-friday bitches

I still have 46 more minutes till it's friday ;)
gotta love CST lol. fuck i wish i lived in NY

I love AEST 3:30pm xanax in mouth now, postie just delivered order t minus sixty mins till H hits my vein then off to score some meth from a mate round the corner then to the pub should be a top friday night
Cryngie reading your post mate I thought I'd posted it without realising.... a few minor detail changes but we're walking the same walk tonight mate.. Meths just arrived my preferred benzo is a little different. Apart from that i'm with you dude, make it a good one brother.. I know I will.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 02, 2013, 05:59 am
That's not very nice Dan, rather like Ben and Jerrys cherry and dark chocolate  flavour. Me and this bitch have unfinished, and private business, and besides, she finally added me to the list anyway, so what's the problem, just ignore me like everyone else in your spare bumming change club

For whatever reason, despite me putting you on my ignore list, I can't help but find out what happened.  It's just that sore tooth I have.  I can't be the only one.  That really says something.  No idea what.  It's beyond explaining right now.

But fucking christ.  Can I make one request?  Whatever is going on with you an mary is whatever, but keep it at the back of the club where the private business goes on.  Like I understand WW II is going on out there, but make this thread Switzerland.  Just this one place in the entire forum.  Is that a terrible idea?  I mean I don't (can't) expect like a complete cease fire here, but give people a chance to get the body back over to their homeland. 

NorthernStar, It's not that people are ignoring you, you just started of on the forums on a bad note. People probably still have a bit of animosity toward you, hence why they don't respond to you.


Seriously though.  If you can't go through NS's post and not find one thing to laugh at, you take life way too literal. 

You've said some thought out funny shit when you weren't even trying.  It's possible for sure.

Ehhh...h.....!...... I'm done.  Take care until the next guy.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on August 02, 2013, 06:13 am
I'll be doing alot better in 3hrs when i can have a shot then head up the pub
F-f-f-friday bitches

I still have 46 more minutes till it's friday ;)
gotta love CST lol. fuck i wish i lived in NY

I love AEST 3:30pm xanax in mouth now, postie just delivered order t minus sixty mins till H hits my vein then off to score some meth from a mate round the corner then to the pub should be a top friday night
Cryngie reading your post mate I thought I'd posted it without realising.... a few minor detail changes but we're walking the same walk tonight mate.. Meths just arrived my preferred benzo is a little different. Apart from that i'm with you dude, make it a good one brother.. I know I will.

Cheers matey, enjoy your night as much as i will mine. Might even find a little 18yr old ganga to chop we shall see we shall see
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jonnybones on August 02, 2013, 07:20 am

Now your talking,... I might try that myself...although Mrs Bones might have something to say about it. Then again, I do have a lot of drugs right now...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: adamiz on August 02, 2013, 09:14 am
I just wanted to state that the user jlranier has paid his dept.
Thanks for the extra "gold".

It was enough to buy 50mg of dmt. You made my day :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on August 02, 2013, 09:53 am
Hello all not popped in for a while but hope ya good !

Don't worry still been doing an ImAz and lurking the shit outta the place.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jonnybones on August 02, 2013, 10:21 am
Hi Kalli, how are you? hey what time is it...? I mean where you are?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on August 02, 2013, 10:36 am
Hi Kalli, how are you? hey what time is it...? I mean where you are?

Hey bud !

It is 11:35 am amigo.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jonnybones on August 02, 2013, 10:46 am
cheers appreciated it.. 8.35pm here.   Off to the pub in an hour but been waiting for some genuine soul who might need some help with an order....   No-one seems to be short so I might have to come back later when its your side of the words peak ordering time.   ;-)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 02, 2013, 10:57 am
Hi everyone  ;) hope your all good today  ;) Hey Kalli, how you been  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: foxen624 on August 02, 2013, 11:04 am
foxen624 please pm me i need the place to send the loan you gave me sir! thanks again get back soon!

SR name the same as here - foxen624.  But thank you and I'll send PM too..  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on August 02, 2013, 11:08 am
cheers appreciated it.. 8.35pm here.   Off to the pub in an hour but been waiting for some genuine soul who might need some help with an order....   No-one seems to be short so I might have to come back later when its your side of the words peak ordering time.   ;-)

Haha happy drinking :) and plus 1 karma for your kind intentions !

Hi everyone  ;) hope your all good today  ;) Hey Kalli, how you been  ;)

Helloooooo there you !!! Not too bad thanks just got my charas order from ReD EyE its lovely but I might need to snooze shortly now !

How you been hun ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 02, 2013, 11:24 am
Been good hun, enjoying the weather for a change  ;) thanks for asking  ;) I,m smoking up some of Terpene,s Exo Cheese, gorgeous  :D Have you heard from Taz at all, i hope he,s ok  :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on August 02, 2013, 11:48 am
mmmm exo cheese ! yummy  :P

I know hun but there's little we can do apart from worry and hope.... so iv got my scared fingers crossed for him ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jonnybones on August 02, 2013, 01:21 pm
Can I ask what the BC tip jar is at the bottom of your sig Mary? or if anyone else knows..and where does it go? sorry just interested.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 02, 2013, 02:11 pm
Can I ask what the BC tip jar is at the bottom of your sig Mary? or if anyone else knows..and where does it go? sorry just interested.

Some members who frequent this thread, like mary, put their wallet address out there, so if you want to contribute to the thread and don't have the time to sit around and wait for someone to say so, they can just send their coins there. 

Mary will find a place for them. 

Morning mary!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on August 02, 2013, 02:22 pm
It's been a while since anyone has asked for a loan... this is abnormal :D I guess everyone is getting their drugs and happy.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jonnybones on August 02, 2013, 02:24 pm
Can I ask what the BC tip jar is at the bottom of your sig Mary? or if anyone else knows..and where does it go? sorry just interested.

Some members who frequent this thread, like mary, put their wallet address out there, so if you want to contribute to the thread and don't have the time to sit around and wait for someone to say so, they can just send their coins there. 

Mary will find a place for them. 

Morning mary!

Thanks thats a really cool name... Ok that makes sense.  Gonna make a donation now cause I've been around for a while and it appears everyone must be cashed up... cant give it away.  Whilst I do know how to transfer to a members SR name.. how do I do it to the BTC address from SR or must I do it from another wallet ? Sorry, I'll go after this I just want someone to be able to order something so it will make their day tomorrow.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 02, 2013, 02:34 pm
You will see the option to "withdraw bitcoins" to a wallet address when you click on account. 

Thanks guy!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jonnybones on August 02, 2013, 02:39 pm
Can I ask what the BC tip jar is at the bottom of your sig Mary? or if anyone else knows..and where does it go? sorry just interested.

Some members who frequent this thread, like mary, put their wallet address out there, so if you want to contribute to the thread and don't have the time to sit around and wait for someone to say so, they can just send their coins there. 

Mary will find a place for them. 

Morning mary!

Thanks thats a really cool name... Ok that makes sense.  Gonna make a donation now cause I've been around for a while and it appears everyone must be cashed up... cant give it away.  Whilst I do know how to transfer to a members SR name.. how do I do it to the BTC address from SR or must I do it from another wallet ? Sorry, I'll go after this I just want someone to be able to order something so it will make their day tomorrow.
You will see the option to "withdraw bitcoins" to a wallet address when you click on account. 

Thanks guy!

No problems I thought that must have been the way but the wording 'withdraw' had me doubting it. cheers.

It's been a while since anyone has asked for a loan... this is abnormal :D I guess everyone is getting their drugs and happy.

Yeah Dan it does look that way, hey you dont need a loan do you Mate?  ;)...been waiting for ages for a genuine member a little short for an order but none have come.. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 02, 2013, 02:45 pm
Yea I would be compelled to borrow more but I try not to take from this well unless I really need it.  I've been pretty lucky I haven't, but when I did have to ask, I was very happy it was there. 

None of my people I usually buy from are on though or have what I want.  Been playing the waiting game for a while.   :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jonnybones on August 02, 2013, 02:55 pm
Thanks Boxofshapes and worked, just sent $25 to the jar to help out. Its not much sorry, hey I'm not sure how its works  but I don't want any coins back so its a donation not a loan ok hope it makes a differnece to someone..even just a a little.  I believe in this community we're all part of, and sharing is what i'm all about...ok dont stay up too late you guys.. its 1am here.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 02, 2013, 03:02 pm
Thanks Boxof and worked, just sent $25 to the jar to help out. Its not much and I'm not sure how its works friends but I don't want any pay  back so hope it makes a differnece to someone..even just a a little.  I believe in this community were all part of and sharing is what i'm all about...ok dont stay up too late you guys.. its 1am.

Damn guy!  That's still quite a bit despite what you claim! 

I'm sure she will find a place for it.

Hope you get hit by the karma train man.  Take care and pleasant dream.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: purplepanth on August 02, 2013, 03:05 pm
Hi all  ;D
Hope everyone has a great Friday!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 02, 2013, 03:07 pm
Good morning viet.... um spare coiners!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ccmusicf on August 02, 2013, 03:10 pm
Anyone have a spare .03 BTC? (ccmusicf)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on August 02, 2013, 03:12 pm
It's been a while since anyone has asked for a loan... this is abnormal :D I guess everyone is getting their drugs and happy.

Yeah Dan it does look that way, hey you dont need a loan do you Mate?  ;)...been waiting for ages for a genuine member a little short for an order but none have come..

Ha no I don't need a loan but thanks for the offer ;) Like Box said, I don't like to drink from the pond in this desert unless I really have to.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 02, 2013, 03:20 pm
                                                  :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) ##When requesting, post your SR name## SO WE KNOW WHERE TO SEND IT TO.  DON'T ASSUME WE KNOW. ##  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7)## DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. ## >:(  ##Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due. ##
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.
                                                           Reserved For Notes

The shit list:
Autobondon *
Bodnostrokulum      ++++
i3lazd                       ++++  (Do Not Remove! Perma-Shit-Listed!) 
King Karma
repus6 *

 *^*do not lend to these people*^*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 02, 2013, 03:22 pm
It's been a while since anyone has asked for a loan... this is abnormal :D I guess everyone is getting their drugs and happy.

Yeah Dan it does look that way, hey you dont need a loan do you Mate?  ;)...been waiting for ages for a genuine member a little short for an order but none have come..

Ha no I don't need a loan but thanks for the offer ;) Like Box said, I don't like to drink from the pond in this desert unless I really have to.

This makes me feel bad, i've got a loan twice now.. I guess since I have been a memeber on SR for 11 months, that isn't to bad. I'll be sure to fill the pond back up :) on a side note, I have goods coming today! just checked tracking wooohooo out for delivery.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 02, 2013, 03:35 pm
Been a while for that list.

Your doing as well as me then.  11 months 2 loans.  funny stuff
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: yunalesca on August 02, 2013, 03:41 pm
Hi Folks,

I have lent on this thread before and need to borrow for the first time.  I'd really appreciate it if someone could lend me .06 for a week or so.

SR username: juswannaschmoke


I've got you.  ;)

User juswannaschmoke paid me back this morning.  Just for the record.  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Alighier on August 02, 2013, 06:25 pm
Hey guys, just lent .13 to Jug and literally like 6 hours later got a message from PE that they would waive the shipping cost on their BTH sample.  If anyone can loan .08-.10 until Jug gets me back, it would be wonderful. 

Much love, all!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Alighier on August 02, 2013, 06:28 pm
It's been a while since anyone has asked for a loan... this is abnormal :D I guess everyone is getting their drugs and happy.

Yeah Dan it does look that way, hey you dont need a loan do you Mate?  ;)...been waiting for ages for a genuine member a little short for an order but none have come..

Ha no I don't need a loan but thanks for the offer ;) Like Box said, I don't like to drink from the pond in this desert unless I really have to.

This makes me feel bad, i've got a loan twice now.. I guess since I have been a memeber on SR for 11 months, that isn't to bad. I'll be sure to fill the pond back up :) on a side note, I have goods coming today! just checked tracking wooohooo out for delivery.

Woot!  Glad you're getting that bun, Jug!

~~<3 Ali
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 02, 2013, 06:30 pm
Hey guys, just lent .13 to Jug and literally like 6 hours later got a message from PE that they would waive the shipping cost on their BTH sample.  If anyone can loan .08-.10 until Jug gets me back, it would be wonderful. 

Much love, all!


I can verify He did loan .13 to me. I'm sorry Alighier I can try to get my vendor to cancel my order so I can get it back to you if you want.?
I feel terrible now! I'll see what I can do for ya. I doubt it will be a quick process though.

Someone please help this guy out, he has truly been a great guy to our community!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on August 02, 2013, 06:38 pm
lol, alright. give me a minute. just got a couple bitcoins, will help him out.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Alighier on August 02, 2013, 06:39 pm
Hey guys, just lent .13 to Jug and literally like 6 hours later got a message from PE that they would waive the shipping cost on their BTH sample.  If anyone can loan .08-.10 until Jug gets me back, it would be wonderful. 

Much love, all!


I can verify He did loan .13 to me. I'm sorry Alighier I can try to get my vendor to cancel my order so I can get it back to you if you want.?
I feel terrible now! I'll see what I can do for ya. I doubt it will be a quick process though.

Someone please help this guy out, he has truly been a great guy to our community!

Awww, you're making me blush.

But no, I've got some Methylone on the way, so it's not like I'll be drugless ;)  And that was for you, I don't need that so badly that I can't help out the fam ^.^

~Ali <3
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on August 02, 2013, 06:41 pm
ali..maybe i missed it...please post your sr name again
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Alighier on August 02, 2013, 06:42 pm
lol, alright. give me a minute. just got a couple bitcoins, will help him out.

Oh snap, I just saw this!  You rock, staind! It's Alighier

~~~<33 ~Ali
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Alighier on August 02, 2013, 06:43 pm
Hey, we're on the Devil's Threadcount now ^.^
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Brain Washington on August 02, 2013, 06:44 pm
Cheers guys I never expected this thread to make this many pages the morphology over time has really done great things for the thread. I expected bums to over run it and it get abandoned.
Applauds the home team.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on August 02, 2013, 06:47 pm

Oh snap, I just saw this!  You rock, staind! It's Alighier

~~~<33 ~Ali

my pleasure!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: adamiz on August 02, 2013, 06:47 pm
Cheers guys I never expected this thread to make this many pages the morphology over time has really done great things for the thread. I expected bums to over run it and it get abandoned.
Applauds the home team.

And we are at page 666... Hehe
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Alighier on August 02, 2013, 06:48 pm
Cheers guys I never expected this thread to make this many pages the morphology over time has really done great things for the thread. I expected bums to over run it and it get abandoned.
Applauds the home team.

Nope, nothing but love and i3lazd (who's been very quiet lately anyway) X333
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Alighier on August 02, 2013, 06:54 pm

Oh snap, I just saw this!  You rock, staind! It's Alighier

~~~<33 ~Ali

my pleasure!

Received and there's a bit left over I'm sending your way ^.^

Thank you so much, this'll be my first time trying Tar :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 02, 2013, 06:54 pm
Hey guys, just lent .13 to Jug and literally like 6 hours later got a message from PE that they would waive the shipping cost on their BTH sample.  If anyone can loan .08-.10 until Jug gets me back, it would be wonderful. 

Much love, all!


I can verify He did loan .13 to me. I'm sorry Alighier I can try to get my vendor to cancel my order so I can get it back to you if you want.?
I feel terrible now! I'll see what I can do for ya. I doubt it will be a quick process though.

Someone please help this guy out, he has truly been a great guy to our community!

Awww, you're making me blush.

But no, I've got some Methylone on the way, so it's not like I'll be drugless ;)  And that was for you, I don't need that so badly that I can't help out the fam ^.^

~Ali <3

Ok, I would just hate to see someone help me out, then not be able to help themselves.
Here is an odd story though. As soon as I read you needed coin I went on the main site to send my vendor a message requesting he cancel my order, and I had a message from HIM before I even sent one saying he had an issue decrypting my address, that If I don't resend my address he would have to cancel my order..
Is this not crazy or what?

ali..maybe i missed it...please post your sr name again

staind, where you able to get him some coin? I might be able to get him the coin he lent me back.

I just can't say it enough, I love this place. Not just the spare coin thread, but the forums as a whole. I've made so many friends. I've learned so much in so many different categories. I feel like if I ever went back to college they should give me credits just from what I've learned here! lol.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Alighier on August 02, 2013, 07:03 pm
Hey guys, just lent .13 to Jug and literally like 6 hours later got a message from PE that they would waive the shipping cost on their BTH sample.  If anyone can loan .08-.10 until Jug gets me back, it would be wonderful. 

Much love, all!


I can verify He did loan .13 to me. I'm sorry Alighier I can try to get my vendor to cancel my order so I can get it back to you if you want.?
I feel terrible now! I'll see what I can do for ya. I doubt it will be a quick process though.

Someone please help this guy out, he has truly been a great guy to our community!

Awww, you're making me blush.

But no, I've got some Methylone on the way, so it's not like I'll be drugless ;)  And that was for you, I don't need that so badly that I can't help out the fam ^.^

~Ali <3

Ok, I would just hate to see someone help me out, then not be able to help themselves.
Here is an odd story though. As soon as I read you needed coin I went on the main site to send my vendor a message requesting he cancel my order, and I had a message from HIM before I even sent one saying he had an issue decrypting my address, that If I don't resend my address he would have to cancel my order..
Is this not crazy or what?

Lol, I told you you don't have to do that, Jug ;)  And anyway, staind just hooked me up, no worries!
ali..maybe i missed it...please post your sr name again
Quote from: Juggernog
staind, where you able to get him some coin? I might be able to get him the coin he lent me back.

I just can't say it enough, I love this place. Not just the spare coin thread, but the forums as a whole. I've made so many friends. I've learned so much in so many different categories. I feel like if I ever went back to college they should give me credits just from what I've learned here! lol.

Order placed!  There's seriously some non-quantified karmic return going on in this community.  I remember telling a very good friend once about how wonderful this place was and his reply was "seems like it would be easy to pull one over on somebody here.  Wanna try it?"

I don't know how somebody thinks like that, but I have gotten SO much out of this community (and definitely not just the drugs) that it goes double for me now.

And no doubt about the college credit blurb ;)  I've always jokingly said I should put "proficient in Silk Road navigation and operation" on a resume.  My track record doesn't hurt when people are looking to send out samples, though.

Oh, speaking of which I've gotta update my transaction history in my sig!

I love you guys!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on August 02, 2013, 07:05 pm
yep jug. go resend that adress mate ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 02, 2013, 07:11 pm
Order placed!  There's seriously some non-quantified karmic return going on in this community.  I remember telling a very good friend once about how wonderful this place was and his reply was "seems like it would be easy to pull one over on somebody here.  Wanna try it?"

I don't know how somebody thinks like that, but I have gotten SO much out of this community (and definitely not just the drugs) that it goes double for me now.

And no doubt about the college credit blurb ;)  I've always jokingly said I should put "proficient in Silk Road navigation and operation" on a resume.  My track record doesn't hurt when people are looking to send out samples, though.

Oh, speaking of which I've gotta update my transaction history in my sig!

I love you guys!

Ok bro. My vendor did cancel my order, so if you or staind need your coin back before next friday, just let me know.

Random rant: I think I'm more addicted to the forums than I am the drugs I order from the road. I spend hours on end each day on the forums.. Honestly I could use the time I spend on here to be a bit more productive in other activities, but I just can't help it. I wake up and the first thing I do is hit refresh on the forums to see what I missed out on while I was sleeping.. There are days when I don't have to work I don't even turn the television on..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Alighier on August 02, 2013, 07:19 pm
Order placed!  There's seriously some non-quantified karmic return going on in this community.  I remember telling a very good friend once about how wonderful this place was and his reply was "seems like it would be easy to pull one over on somebody here.  Wanna try it?"

I don't know how somebody thinks like that, but I have gotten SO much out of this community (and definitely not just the drugs) that it goes double for me now.

And no doubt about the college credit blurb ;)  I've always jokingly said I should put "proficient in Silk Road navigation and operation" on a resume.  My track record doesn't hurt when people are looking to send out samples, though.

Oh, speaking of which I've gotta update my transaction history in my sig!

I love you guys!

Ok bro. My vendor did cancel my order, so if you or staind need your coin back before next friday, just let me know.

Random rant: I think I'm more addicted to the forums than I am the drugs I order from the road. I spend hours on end each day on the forums.. Honestly I could use the time I spend on here to be a bit more productive in other activities, but I just can't help it. I wake up and the first thing I do is hit refresh on the forums to see what I missed out on while I was sleeping.. There are days when I don't have to work I don't even turn the television on..


My partner's always pretty pissed when I spend so much time here, but I can't help it.  You guys just rock my socks 8)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on August 02, 2013, 07:28 pm

Ok bro. My vendor did cancel my order, so if you or staind need your coin back before next friday, just let me know.

No thanks, I'm good.

Yep, this place has a certain attraction. I am not really a talkative guy and this is the only forum i am registered . yet i can still spend hours and hours lurking without ever getting bored.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Alighier on August 02, 2013, 07:32 pm

Ok bro. My vendor did cancel my order, so if you or staind need your coin back before next friday, just let me know.

No thanks, I'm good.

Yep, this place has a certain attraction. I am not really a talkative guy and this is the very only forum i am registered . yet i can still spend hours and hours lurking without ever getting bored.

"I always feel like somebody's watching me..." lol

I've gotta say, I used to write a lot.  Then I lost a bunch of notebooks with my work in it which was enough to make me not want to ever again.  Thanks to these forums, I get that outlet and community!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on August 02, 2013, 07:43 pm
ali..maybe i missed it...please post your sr name again

Hey...just wanted to say that I love your cat photo! Is s/he yours?

Hiya, Boxes, Rs, ChemCat, Kali, japan1980 and a lurking taz!

Back to lurk mode.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Alighier on August 02, 2013, 07:46 pm
Order placed!  There's seriously some non-quantified karmic return going on in this community.  I remember telling a very good friend once about how wonderful this place was and his reply was "seems like it would be easy to pull one over on somebody here.  Wanna try it?"

I don't know how somebody thinks like that, but I have gotten SO much out of this community (and definitely not just the drugs) that it goes double for me now.

And no doubt about the college credit blurb ;)  I've always jokingly said I should put "proficient in Silk Road navigation and operation" on a resume.  My track record doesn't hurt when people are looking to send out samples, though.

Oh, speaking of which I've gotta update my transaction history in my sig!

I love you guys!

Ok bro. My vendor did cancel my order, so if you or staind need your coin back before next friday, just let me know.

Random rant: I think I'm more addicted to the forums than I am the drugs I order from the road. I spend hours on end each day on the forums.. Honestly I could use the time I spend on here to be a bit more productive in other activities, but I just can't help it. I wake up and the first thing I do is hit refresh on the forums to see what I missed out on while I was sleeping.. There are days when I don't have to work I don't even turn the television on..

Make dat order, yo.  I would just end up wasting it on Butylone lol.  I don't need no more beta ketones, mang.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 02, 2013, 07:52 pm
Thanks Boxof and worked, just sent $25 to the jar to help out. Its not much and I'm not sure how its works friends but I don't want any pay  back so hope it makes a differnece to someone..even just a a little.  I believe in this community were all part of and sharing is what i'm all about...ok dont stay up too late you guys.. its 1am.
johnny bones +1 to you hun  ;) sooo generous  ;) :-*

Boxy.. would it be ok if i send you half of what johnny sent to loan out and is it same on SR hun  :-*

Good evening to all, hope you,s are having a good day/night  ;) Am puffin on some exo cheese  ::) :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 02, 2013, 07:55 pm
Make dat order, yo.  I would just end up wasting it on Butylone lol.  I don't need no more beta ketones, mang.

Well somehow I am short on the SAME EXACT order I made last night..
I did loan srname "figaro" $0.75 worth of coin after you guys loaned me the .10 and .13
I believe that's what got me. I'll just wait and see if the weighed average goes up about $0.75 if it does, ill have enough ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on August 02, 2013, 07:59 pm
Hey...just wanted to say that I love your cat photo! Is s/he yours?
hehe thanks :)      no its not mine, i just thought its hella cute.

i do have cats tho, just didnt feel comfortable enough to post my own.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 02, 2013, 08:04 pm
Make dat order, yo.  I would just end up wasting it on Butylone lol.  I don't need no more beta ketones, mang.

Well somehow I am short on the SAME EXACT order I made last night..
I did loan srname "figaro" $0.75 worth of coin after you guys loaned me the .10 and .13
I believe that's what got me. I'll just wait and see if the weighed average goes up about $0.75 if it does, ill have enough ;)
Sent 0.02 from jonnybones,s money lol please pay him back just post on here  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 02, 2013, 09:05 pm
johnny bones +1 to you hun  ;) sooo generous  ;) :-*

Boxy.. would it be ok if i send you half of what johnny sent to loan out and is it same on SR hun  :-*

Hey cool!  Would you mind?  I miss doing it so much.  Haven't had much left over to contribute in a bit.  The tiny shapes I've had are all dispersed at the moment.  You know my name!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: purplepanth on August 02, 2013, 09:09 pm
So is everyone good on coin for the orders then?
I got a few cents I can loan.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 02, 2013, 09:14 pm
So is everyone good on coin for the orders then?
I got a few cents I can loan.

Juggs needed $.75.  I have $.40.  You have enough to combine forces on this one? 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 02, 2013, 09:14 pm
Make dat order, yo.  I would just end up wasting it on Butylone lol.  I don't need no more beta ketones, mang.

Well somehow I am short on the SAME EXACT order I made last night..
I did loan srname "figaro" $0.75 worth of coin after you guys loaned me the .10 and .13
I believe that's what got me. I'll just wait and see if the weighed average goes up about $0.75 if it does, ill have enough ;)
Sent 0.02 from jonnybones,s money lol please pay him back just post on here  ;)

Mary, I do not understand why you quoted me and Alighier in this post?

Have you got nothing to contribute to the community? all you do is bum around here you fucking tramp. A fat waste of space aren't you, now like daddy used to say, get your fat ass up in the bedroom, its are secret time.

Common man, why cant you just be cool? It's quite depressing to see your negative posts after a good positive day..
NorthernStar you have the potential to be liked, I've seen some good out of you from time to time. Please stop being so hateful bro.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 02, 2013, 09:15 pm
johnny bones +1 to you hun  ;) sooo generous  ;) :-*

Boxy.. would it be ok if i send you half of what johnny sent to loan out and is it same on SR hun  :-*

Hey cool!  Would you mind?  I miss doing it so much.  Haven't had much left over to contribute in a bit.  The tiny shapes I've had are all dispersed at the moment.  You know my name!

Hi boxy sent you 0.11 which is half of what jonny sent me, i,ve loaned out 0.02 so far lol  ;) How you been anyway hun  :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 02, 2013, 09:18 pm
Make dat order, yo.  I would just end up wasting it on Butylone lol.  I don't need no more beta ketones, mang.

Well somehow I am short on the SAME EXACT order I made last night..
I did loan srname "figaro" $0.75 worth of coin after you guys loaned me the .10 and .13
I believe that's what got me. I'll just wait and see if the weighed average goes up about $0.75 if it does, ill have enough ;)
Sent 0.02 from jonnybones,s money lol please pay him back just post on here  ;)

Mary, I do not understand why you quoted me and Alighier in this post?

Hi Jug, i thought you needed $0.75 so sent you 0.02, did i get it wrong  :-[
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 02, 2013, 09:21 pm
Oh man.  I missed your post about juggs.  Thank you very much!  I really appreciate it. 

I'm in a good mood now that I can help out a lil if need.  Hope it was a good day for you.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: purplepanth on August 02, 2013, 09:23 pm
I can send the whole .75 if I know which sr name to send to..or is that taken care of?

I gotta run, but I will check back later to see if help is still needed...have a good one guys!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 02, 2013, 09:31 pm
Ok i sent juggernog 0.02 cause i thought he was short?  :-\ lol was a lovely quiet day Boxy  ;) Hi purplepanth, don,t beleive we,ve met  :-\ ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 02, 2013, 09:34 pm
Hiya, Boxes, Rs, ChemCat, Kali, japan1980 and a lurking taz!

Back to lurk mode.

Say hey to taz for me while your hiding in the shadows with him.... wherever he is.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 02, 2013, 09:42 pm
Hey Boxy you need any coin lol  ;) what time is it where you are, its 10.40pm here  ;) I miss Taz, who heard from him last, what was he up to, jump in here imaz if your lurking lol and where,s Chemmy  ;) Japan,s ok, he,s pm,d me on SR, he,s just really busy which like he said is great  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Apple on August 02, 2013, 09:45 pm
Hey BoxofShapes, I owe you some bitcoins don't I :)...I know I'm extremely late
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Apple on August 02, 2013, 09:46 pm
You too right mary??
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 02, 2013, 09:47 pm
Hey BoxofShapes, I owe you some bitcoins don't I :)...I know I'm extremely late
Tut Tut Apple your lucky your not on the shitlist lol  ;) at least you come back, ah honesty  :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Alighier on August 02, 2013, 09:51 pm
Hey, Jug, did you ever get that ordeR?

Hi, Mary!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 02, 2013, 09:51 pm
5:45!  5 hour diff. 

In truth I might need coin, but no one I want to go with is available.  If I don't know what I'm buying, I don't know what I'm paying. :P  How does that work?

I'm pretty sure I'll be ok in a week tho, by then I think something will pop up. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 02, 2013, 09:51 pm
You too right mary??
I don,t know hun, whats your SR name and how much do you owe and i,ll check but i know your not due me if your names apple on SR  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 02, 2013, 09:54 pm
Hey, Jug, did you ever get that ordeR?

Hi, Mary!!
Hi Alighter  ;) how you doing hun  ;) i pm,d jug to ask if he got the 0.02 a while ago but not heard back thought he,d come back on thread  :-\ fuck knows lol so he did need it then and i assume 0.02 covers $0.75?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Apple on August 02, 2013, 09:55 pm
Lol I might actually be on it but it's whatever. I don't remember how much I owe you and BoxofShapes; my SR name is Mountaineerwv
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 02, 2013, 09:58 pm
Hey BoxofShapes, I owe you some bitcoins don't I :)...I know I'm extremely late
Tut Tut Apple your lucky your not on the shitlist lol  ;) at least you come back, ah honesty  :D

Heh.  I thought he was.  I put him on there.  It was only because you vanished from existence.  If i heard back from ya with anything, I wouldn'ta cared so much.  Hope ya can understand.  I have no problem of taking care of that tho.   :P

Nice to at least hear back from ya!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 02, 2013, 09:59 pm
Lol I might actually be on it but it's whatever. I don't remember how much I owe you and BoxofShapes; my SR name is Mountaineerwv
I remember the name and i remember posting about you and a few others i can,t remember if it was 0.03  but i know it was small as it was a while ago it is long gone off my 3 pages of transactions on SR lol  ;) Maybe boxy will remember  :-\

Edit: lol i need karma NS has neg,d me off his 5+ accounts lmao  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Alighier on August 02, 2013, 10:00 pm
Hey, Jug, did you ever get that ordeR?

Hi, Mary!!
Hi Alighter  ;) how you doing hun  ;) i pm,d jug to ask if he got the 0.02 a while ago but not heard back thought he,d come back on thread  :-\ fuck knows lol so he did need it then and i assume 0.02 covers $0.75?
I'm doing well.  Some nommy orders on their way, I only owe less than I'm owed.  Might be on the streets here soon, but I can't complain *leshrug* and you?
I don't know.  But if he responds on the Tera review thread, and not here, I'll ask.  Just in case, I've got like a dollar leftover from what staind sent me. 

If not, Jugs, just send it back to staind, eh?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 02, 2013, 10:03 pm
Alighter was it you that dissapeared that day when i was going to give you $8 but was waiting on coins? Lol yeah i,d just send it back cause me and boxy got him covered if he comes back but should have enough with what i sent  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 02, 2013, 10:04 pm
Lol I might actually be on it but it's whatever. I don't remember how much I owe you and BoxofShapes; my SR name is Mountaineerwv

Yea it dropped from my account history.  And my memory sucks.  That's a bad trait to have when you lend coins.

I believe it was .08  ?  Does that sound familiar and not out of the air? 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Apple on August 02, 2013, 10:06 pm
Lol alright so I figured it out. I owe mary $1 and Box $8. Maybe you guys can translate it to bitcoins lol
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on August 02, 2013, 10:06 pm
@ Boxy

I believe that is still documented within this thread somewhere  ;)

Huggles to ya mary bo berry  :P

Peace and Hugs to the rest of ya mugs  :P


Chem  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 02, 2013, 10:07 pm
TBH Apple you should remember what you owe lol if this is the only loans you have anyway  ;) Maybe you can see them in your account history  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 02, 2013, 10:08 pm
Box!! Coins returned! Thanks dude!
Thanks for putting the shapes back in the box!

Is anyone willing to lend me $10 worth of bitcoins? I am currently short on funds and I will pay you back in 3 days, or 4 days max.I have perfect stats and I don't want to ruin my reputation on here, so trust me you will get your money back :)
I only have $8 left in shapes.  Maybe someone has the other $2?

Edit:  need your sr name dude.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: barmanon on August 02, 2013, 10:09 pm
I am .02 BTC short on an order -- can someone help a brother out?


or SR name: barmanon

Thanks in advance, and please reply to this post if you send the BTC so people know the request is fulfilled.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Alighier on August 02, 2013, 10:10 pm
Alighter was it you that dissapeared that day when i was going to give you $8 but was waiting on coins? Lol yeah i,d just send it back cause me and boxy got him covered if he comes back but should have enough with what i sent  ;)

I don't recall :o 

I did need between .08-.10 earlier, but staind got me.

Sent .0168 back to staind.  Thanks again!

.0832 left!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 02, 2013, 10:12 pm
@ Boxy

I believe that is still documented within this thread somewhere  ;)

Huggles to ya mary bo berry  :P

Peace and Hugs to the rest of ya mugs  :P


Chem  O0
{{{{{{{Huggles Dad tightly}}}}}} Hi hun, how are you today  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 02, 2013, 10:13 pm
I am .02 BTC short on an order -- can someone help a brother out?


or SR name: barmanon

Thanks in advance, and please reply to this post if you send the BTC so people know the request is fulfilled.

.02 shapes on the way.  Please place the shapes in the box when you can!

(ahhh thats fun)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Apple on August 02, 2013, 10:13 pm
I got it though lol. I just don't know how $1 and $8 converts into bitcoins
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 02, 2013, 10:15 pm
I got it though lol. I just don't know how $1 and $8 converts into bitcoins

go to
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Apple on August 02, 2013, 10:18 pm
Thanks! Now what's your guys' addresses
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 02, 2013, 10:19 pm
Oh right.

The shape of this boxes name on sr is the same.  BoxofShapes
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 02, 2013, 10:20 pm
also same name  ;)

Sent 0.02 to jug i,m not sure how much he needs if any but i fucked up and sent 0.02 to sr name "figaro" who is that lol  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 02, 2013, 10:23 pm
                                                  :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) ##When requesting, post your SR name## SO WE KNOW WHERE TO SEND IT TO.  DON'T ASSUME WE KNOW. ##  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7)## DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. ## >:(  ##Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due. ##
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.
                                                           Reserved For Notes

The shit list:
Autobondon *
i3lazd                      <---- (no u)
King Karma
repus6 *

 *^*do not lend to these people*^*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Apple on August 02, 2013, 10:24 pm
Sent Box...How about you Mary?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 02, 2013, 10:25 pm
same sr name hun cheers  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Apple on August 02, 2013, 10:26 pm
K Mary my debts have been paid lol :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 02, 2013, 10:28 pm
Heh.  Thanks a lot man.  Good times!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 02, 2013, 10:32 pm
Thanks Apple you never know when someone else will be in need lol  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 02, 2013, 10:37 pm
Hey guys and gals. Sorry I missed so much fun! had a few things to take care of. Thank you mary for the .02
now I can make that order that was canceled! woooohooo!

How is friday treating everyone?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 02, 2013, 10:41 pm
Hey guys and gals. Sorry I missed so much fun! had a few things to take care of. Thank you mary for the .02
now I can make that order that was canceled! woooohooo!

How is friday treating everyone?

I've been entertained.

Have fun with that order man.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Alighier on August 02, 2013, 10:43 pm
Hey guys and gals. Sorry I missed so much fun! had a few things to take care of. Thank you mary for the .02
now I can make that order that was canceled! woooohooo!

How is friday treating everyone?

Not so good now...  I really am going to be homeless soon and now my partner, the one I've bummed around with for 2 years now, is saying they might not want to be with me anymore.  It'd be one thing if I was just afraid.  But I'm also hopeful.  This is fucking with me royally :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 02, 2013, 10:49 pm
Hey guys and gals. Sorry I missed so much fun! had a few things to take care of. Thank you mary for the .02
now I can make that order that was canceled! woooohooo!

How is friday treating everyone?

Not so good now...  I really am going to be homeless soon and now my partner, the one I've bummed around with for 2 years now, is saying they might not want to be with me anymore.  It'd be one thing if I was just afraid.  But I'm also hopeful.  This is fucking with me royally :(
Can you not get another apartment rather than homeless, do you get help in the US (if thats where you are) if your in the UK your ok plenty places to contact  ;) I don,t know what to say about your parten, why now  :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 02, 2013, 10:54 pm
I,ve sent juggernog 0.06 so he can try get his order he may need another couple of buck boxy i,m not sure  ;) lol
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: weed4me6969 on August 02, 2013, 10:57 pm
Hey does everyone!!!  hope all is well!!!

Hey RS7... can you message me when you get this and let me know when you will be able to pay back the loan, its not that big a deal if you cant yet, just give me an idea of about when, but would love to snatch up some of the barneys farm lsd from ECC.  Most beautiful nuggets i have ever seen!   ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 02, 2013, 10:59 pm
Order placed!  There's seriously some non-quantified karmic return going on in this community.  I remember telling a very good friend once about how wonderful this place was and his reply was "seems like it would be easy to pull one over on somebody here.  Wanna try it?"

I don't know how somebody thinks like that, but I have gotten SO much out of this community (and definitely not just the drugs) that it goes double for me now.

And no doubt about the college credit blurb ;)  I've always jokingly said I should put "proficient in Silk Road navigation and operation" on a resume.  My track record doesn't hurt when people are looking to send out samples, though.

Oh, speaking of which I've gotta update my transaction history in my sig!

I love you guys!

Ok bro. My vendor did cancel my order, so if you or staind need your coin back before next friday, just let me know.

Random rant: I think I'm more addicted to the forums than I am the drugs I order from the road. I spend hours on end each day on the forums.. Honestly I could use the time I spend on here to be a bit more productive in other activities, but I just can't help it. I wake up and the first thing I do is hit refresh on the forums to see what I missed out on while I was sleeping.. There are days when I don't have to work I don't even turn the television on..


My partner's always pretty pissed when I spend so much time here, but I can't help it.  You guys just rock my socks 8)


I love reading stuff like this.

Cheers guys I never expected this thread to make this many pages the morphology over time has really done great things for the thread. I expected bums to over run it and it get abandoned.
Applauds the home team.

I know exactly what you mean.  I didn't keep up with it in the beginning, but the duration of my time witnessing, I've seen a dramatic change into something else beyond what the title suggests.

Have a good weekend all.  Box out for now. 

Edit...spoke too soon.

Not so good now...  I really am going to be homeless soon and now my partner, the one I've bummed around with for 2 years now, is saying they might not want to be with me anymore.  It'd be one thing if I was just afraid.  But I'm also hopeful.  This is fucking with me royally :(

Damn guy.  When it rains, it pours.  Hope there is a solution.  Best wishes go out to you man.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 02, 2013, 11:01 pm
Are you going boxy  :-\ i,m out of shapes now but i,m off to bed anyway soon i,m sure you,ll be back later to help out bye hun  ;) :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 02, 2013, 11:04 pm
Hey does everyone!!!  hope all is well!!!

Hey RS7... can you message me when you get this and let me know when you will be able to pay back the loan, its not that big a deal if you cant yet, just give me an idea of about when, but would love to snatch up some of the barneys farm lsd from ECC.  Most beautiful nuggets i have ever seen!   ;D

How much you short man?  I'll make him pay me back or give him an indian burn. 

Are you going boxy  :-\ i,m out of shapes now but i,m off to bed anyway soon i,m sure you,ll be back later to help out bye hun  ;) :-*

Not now, but I have to leave for a bit at some point.  I'll hang out for a bit later.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on August 02, 2013, 11:06 pm
I'm glad apple came back  :) 

Kudos & Hugs to ya @ apple  ;)



Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: weed4me6969 on August 02, 2013, 11:12 pm
Well i lent him $20, which was the rest of what i had after my last order.... But i am just trying to get it all together right now, i really dont need the buds, but i will not pass up the barneys farm lsd, that shit is sooo unbelievable!!! 

So if you need it, it is noo big deal my friend, I can find another way!!   :)
Otherwise it would be appreciated.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on August 02, 2013, 11:19 pm
i think RS went to an interview ???  noit too sure so dont hold me to that  :)



Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sorasgaze on August 02, 2013, 11:20 pm
I just came here a few days ago for some coins, so sorry if I'm coming off as annoying to anyone for that reason. Just funded my account and I was planning on buying an ounce of bk-MDMA. I'm short by exactly 0.07615, around 8 dollars. This is kind of a big loan, but I will stay in communication and pay back the next time I fund my account, I just can't guarantee it'll be soon, more like 2 weeks. I REALLY don't want to go get a $20 MoneyPak just for 8 dollars. Please someone help me out? Thank you. :(
(SR username - sorasgaze / wallet address: 13EDiF4QkqBJZrcn5qRDfAtpyJhUBiyprL)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 02, 2013, 11:22 pm
Well i lent him $20, which was the rest of what i had after my last order.... But i am just trying to get it all together right now, i really dont need the buds, but i will not pass up the barneys farm lsd, that shit is sooo unbelievable!!! 

So if you need it, it is noo big deal my friend, I can find another way!!   :)
Otherwise it would be appreciated.

Well part of it isn't even my coin.   :P  I'm sitting at ~$17.  I don't know if that's enough or not.  Still waiting to hear back from juggernog too cause he might be a touch short.  I don't know.  I have no immediate needs right now.


I just came here a few days ago for some coins, so sorry if I'm coming off as annoying to anyone for that reason. Just funded my account and I was planning on buying an ounce of bk-MDMA. I'm short by exactly 0.07615, around 8 dollars. This is kind of a big loan, but I will stay in communication and pay back the next time I fund my account, I just can't guarantee it'll be soon, more like 2 weeks. I REALLY don't want to go get a $20 MoneyPak just for 8 dollars. Please someone help me out? Thank you. :(
(SR username - sorasgaze / wallet address: 13EDiF4QkqBJZrcn5qRDfAtpyJhUBiyprL)

You care if I toss this to sorasgaze instead?  That's a big order.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 02, 2013, 11:25 pm
R.I.P.  Antonio Bowlderas.   :'(  You will be missed. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 02, 2013, 11:27 pm
R.I.P.  Antonio Bowlderas.   :'(  You will be missed.
Who,s that boxy  :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Alighier on August 02, 2013, 11:30 pm
Hey guys and gals. Sorry I missed so much fun! had a few things to take care of. Thank you mary for the .02
now I can make that order that was canceled! woooohooo!

How is friday treating everyone?

Not so good now...  I really am going to be homeless soon and now my partner, the one I've bummed around with for 2 years now, is saying they might not want to be with me anymore.  It'd be one thing if I was just afraid.  But I'm also hopeful.  This is fucking with me royally :(
Can you not get another apartment rather than homeless, do you get help in the US (if thats where you are) if your in the UK your ok plenty places to contact  ;) I don,t know what to say about your parten, why now  :-\

That other one.  Very few options in my area in particular.   It has to do mostly with me overdoing the needle and going to the hospital a few weeks back.

There's not even harm reduction programs
 in my area
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 02, 2013, 11:33 pm
@Alighter.. can you go to a dr and get methadone programme and get some further help from there, i know this may mean moving but if your gonna be homeless anyway may as well go where the help is  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Alighier on August 02, 2013, 11:39 pm
@Alighter.. can you go to a dr and get methadone programme and get some further help from there, i know this may mean moving but if your gonna be homeless anyway may as well go where the help is  ;)

It's not opiates, actually.  I get too messed up on Amphetamines and end up doing stupid things.  It's not dependence in the normal sense of the word, but it's hard, that's for damn sure.

Methylone is the easiest to lose my head on, and at the time I had oz+ lol
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 02, 2013, 11:40 pm
R.I.P.  Antonio Bowlderas.   :'(  You will be missed.
Who,s that boxy  :-\
Glass I've had for years.  Ah well.  They only live so long. 

Jean Luc Puffcard is around somewhere....


That's a pretty scary thought man. I kinda know what you mean.  I'm in a place where a backup plan for that stuff isn't an option.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: weed4me6969 on August 02, 2013, 11:41 pm
Well i lent him $20, which was the rest of what i had after my last order.... But i am just trying to get it all together right now, i really dont need the buds, but i will not pass up the barneys farm lsd, that shit is sooo unbelievable!!! 

So if you need it, it is noo big deal my friend, I can find another way!!   :)
Otherwise it would be appreciated.

Well part of it isn't even my coin.   :P  I'm sitting at ~$17.  I don't know if that's enough or not.  Still waiting to hear back from juggernog too cause he might be a touch short.  I don't know.  I have no immediate needs right now.


I just came here a few days ago for some coins, so sorry if I'm coming off as annoying to anyone for that reason. Just funded my account and I was planning on buying an ounce of bk-MDMA. I'm short by exactly 0.07615, around 8 dollars. This is kind of a big loan, but I will stay in communication and pay back the next time I fund my account, I just can't guarantee it'll be soon, more like 2 weeks. I REALLY don't want to go get a $20 MoneyPak just for 8 dollars. Please someone help me out? Thank you. :(
(SR username - sorasgaze / wallet address: 13EDiF4QkqBJZrcn5qRDfAtpyJhUBiyprL)

You care if I toss this to sorasgaze instead?  That's a big order.

Yeah its all good!  I am gonna figure something out, Later guys!  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 02, 2013, 11:46 pm
I just came here a few days ago for some coins, so sorry if I'm coming off as annoying to anyone for that reason. Just funded my account and I was planning on buying an ounce of bk-MDMA. I'm short by exactly 0.07615, around 8 dollars. This is kind of a big loan, but I will stay in communication and pay back the next time I fund my account, I just can't guarantee it'll be soon, more like 2 weeks. I REALLY don't want to go get a $20 MoneyPak just for 8 dollars. Please someone help me out? Thank you. :(
(SR username - sorasgaze / wallet address: 13EDiF4QkqBJZrcn5qRDfAtpyJhUBiyprL)

Just sent you .08 shapes man.  Get that order in.  Stay in contact!  It helps me not go crazy even if you are late.

Take care of yourself man.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 02, 2013, 11:47 pm
@Alighter.. can you go to a dr and get methadone programme and get some further help from there, i know this may mean moving but if your gonna be homeless anyway may as well go where the help is  ;)

It's not opiates, actually.  I get too messed up on Amphetamines and end up doing stupid things.  It's not dependence in the normal sense of the word, but it's hard, that's for damn sure.

Methylone is the easiest to lose my head on, and at the time I had oz+ lol
Ahh, well i,ve had experience with other people using way too much half oz to oz a day, one still runs round like the junkie he is, stealing from anyone he can, lying to everyone just unreal  :o the other ones ok but actually got diagnosed with adult ADD and get dexadrine prescribed which sorted him out so he,s ok the other one i wouldn,t see in my way  ::) Not that i,m saying your like any of these but from experience it was just the choices they made another guy just went to his bed for a week after using every day for 13+ yrs, he was a dealer and he managed to stop, hope this helps somehow and good luck I hope you find housing before it comes to the streets  ;) :-*

p.s. these were speed freaks lol  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Alighier on August 02, 2013, 11:51 pm
@Alighter.. can you go to a dr and get methadone programme and get some further help from there, i know this may mean moving but if your gonna be homeless anyway may as well go where the help is  ;)

It's not opiates, actually.  I get too messed up on Amphetamines and end up doing stupid things.  It's not dependence in the normal sense of the word, but it's hard, that's for damn sure.

Methylone is the easiest to lose my head on, and at the time I had oz+ lol
Ahh, well i,ve had experience with other people using way too much half oz to oz a day, one still runs round like the junkie he is, stealing from anyone he can, lying to everyone just unreal  :o the other ones ok but actually got diagnosed with adult ADD and get dexadrine prescribed which sorted him out so he,s ok the other one i wouldn,t see in my way  ::) Not that i,m saying your like any of these but from experience it was just the choices they made another guy just went to his bed for a week after using every day for 13+ yrs, he was a dealer and he managed to stop, hope this helps somehow and good luck I hope you find housing before it comes to the streets  ;) :-*

p.s. these were speed freaks lol  ;)

Thanks, mary.  I may be a junkie, but I was raised by loving junkies.  People who have morals and I don't think that'll leave me even if all my other senses do...

Thank you, that really does help.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 03, 2013, 12:00 am
@Alighter ...I didn,t mean you were a junkie lol just the 1st guy i don,t care about anyone,s DOC but this guy stole from his baby, me, his mum n dad, my mum, it has no morals and if you lie and steal to get your drugs then your a junkie in my book  ;) Not you hun, people like him, this guy does not know what morals are lol  ;) :-*

Goodnight all  ;) :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sorasgaze on August 03, 2013, 12:06 am
I just came here a few days ago for some coins, so sorry if I'm coming off as annoying to anyone for that reason. Just funded my account and I was planning on buying an ounce of bk-MDMA. I'm short by exactly 0.07615, around 8 dollars. This is kind of a big loan, but I will stay in communication and pay back the next time I fund my account, I just can't guarantee it'll be soon, more like 2 weeks. I REALLY don't want to go get a $20 MoneyPak just for 8 dollars. Please someone help me out? Thank you. :(
(SR username - sorasgaze / wallet address: 13EDiF4QkqBJZrcn5qRDfAtpyJhUBiyprL)

Just sent you .08 shapes man.  Get that order in.  Stay in contact!  It helps me not go crazy even if you are late.

Take care of yourself man.

Thanks a ton! Feel free to message me, I can't guarantee I'll get it back to you in a short period but I will pay it back.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: i3lazd on August 03, 2013, 12:10 am
short 0.21 on an order if anyone can send that to i3lazd on silk road

Will pay back 0.3 bitcoins in less than 24 hours.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 03, 2013, 12:12 am
short 0.21 on an order if anyone can send that to i3lazd on silk road

Will pay back 0.3 bitcoins in less than 24 hours.


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 03, 2013, 12:15 am
I just came here a few days ago for some coins, so sorry if I'm coming off as annoying to anyone for that reason. Just funded my account and I was planning on buying an ounce of bk-MDMA. I'm short by exactly 0.07615, around 8 dollars. This is kind of a big loan, but I will stay in communication and pay back the next time I fund my account, I just can't guarantee it'll be soon, more like 2 weeks. I REALLY don't want to go get a $20 MoneyPak just for 8 dollars. Please someone help me out? Thank you. :(
(SR username - sorasgaze / wallet address: 13EDiF4QkqBJZrcn5qRDfAtpyJhUBiyprL)

Just sent you .08 shapes man.  Get that order in.  Stay in contact!  It helps me not go crazy even if you are late.

Take care of yourself man.

Thanks a ton! Feel free to message me, I can't guarantee I'll get it back to you in a short period but I will pay it back.

Sounds good.  No worries on needing it immediately so don't sweat it.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Alighier on August 03, 2013, 12:22 am
@Alighter ...I didn,t mean you were a junkie lol just the 1st guy i don,t care about anyone,s DOC but this guy stole from his baby, me, his mum n dad, my mum, it has no morals and if you lie and steal to get your drugs then your a junkie in my book  ;) Not you hun, people like him, this guy does not know what morals are lol  ;) :-*

Goodnight all  ;) :-*

Even if I'm addicted for the rest of my life, I'll never be that kind of junkie.  You have my word.

I usually get down when I start calling myself a junkie.  Sometimes my definition's good enough and it doesn't hurt.  Sometimes I think I'm an awful human being for it.

Sometimes an alien/mutant.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on August 03, 2013, 12:23 am
I really hate to do this once every other day but I feel I should in case any newcomers to the thread see this


short 0.21 on an order if anyone can send that to i3lazd on silk road

Will pay back 0.3 bitcoins in less than 24 hours.


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Alighier on August 03, 2013, 12:28 am
I really hate to do this once every other day but I feel I should in case any newcomers to the thread see this


short 0.21 on an order if anyone can send that to i3lazd on silk road

Will pay back 0.3 bitcoins in less than 24 hours.



Don't feel bad.  Scammer AND had a hand in BruceCampbell's ban?

Flame away, DanDan
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on August 03, 2013, 12:56 am
                                                  :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) ##When requesting, post your SR name## SO WE KNOW WHERE TO SEND IT TO.  DON'T ASSUME WE KNOW. ##  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7)## DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. ## >:(  ##Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due. ##
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.
                                                           Reserved For Notes

The shit list:
Autobondon *
i3lazd                      <---- (no u)  (NEVER LEND-Perma-Banned-From This Thread) * ChemCat*
King Karma
repus6 *

 *^*do not lend to these people*^*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on August 03, 2013, 01:27 am
still reading through last 12 pages ::), just figured I'd stop for sec, to say; hello my lovely droogies :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on August 03, 2013, 01:39 am
Hey does everyone!!!  hope all is well!!!

Hey RS7... can you message me when you get this and let me know when you will be able to pay back the loan, its not that big a deal if you cant yet, just give me an idea of about when, but would love to snatch up some of the barneys farm lsd from ECC.  Most beautiful nuggets i have ever seen!   ;D
:( I've been trying to coins for the since I've taken the loan, still not having success, but rest assured you'll be repaid
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on August 03, 2013, 01:45 am
i think RS went to an interview ???  noit too sure so dont hold me to that  :)



;) something like that, still away but I have access to internet an TOR later in the evenings.. getting irc set up pretty soon soon I can tell you more there :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on August 03, 2013, 01:51 am
short 0.21 on an order if anyone can send that to i3lazd on silk road

Will pay back 0.3 bitcoins in less than 24 hours.

look, we were more then nice to you i3lazed, in fact I thought of you as someone I could trust to loan..

but this is the reality, your starting to annoy the people who actually come here for more then the sparecoin..

you still have loans out to several people including myself. so, if you could please stop trying to take advantage of are generous an caring family. be a man,  honor your promises an repay what you owe.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on August 03, 2013, 02:04 am
I would just like to say I'm following rule number 8 right now as we speak :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on August 03, 2013, 02:19 am
where the hell is the IRC info ???

anyone mind sending my the info :-[?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jonnybones on August 03, 2013, 02:20 am
I could be way off the mark here and forgive me if I'm wrong Dan...but did you have anything at all to do with the suggestion and eventual implementation of rule 8?  call it a hunch.
Could also be my lack of sleep and drug induced paranoia has hold of me.. man my local Pizza Joint makes home made coffee and salted caramel IceCream... \
They should sell that shit on the road, its addictive. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 03, 2013, 03:06 am
hey guys, just wanted to hop on here and say hi! My laptop battery died on me and I was away from home, forgot my damn charger!
Anyway mary666 sent me .08 in total today.

I have to say, you guys are way to generous! Staind, Alighier, RS7, mary666. GROUP HUG!
I now have 3 active loans out right now and plan to repay and then some asap. If it wasn't for you all I would not have been able to order anything today.
Seriously you guys have made my fucking day! I'm really starting to feel like a loved family member! 8)

I could keep going and going with expressing my gratitude and appreciation, but I am supposed to be watching shrek with my daughter so I'll cut it short.
I won't let you all down I promise!

hugs and karma to the team!
- Jugg
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on August 03, 2013, 03:23 am
I could be way off the mark here and forgive me if I'm wrong Dan...but did you have anything at all to do with the suggestion and eventual implementation of rule 8?  call it a hunch.
Could also be my lack of sleep and drug induced paranoia has hold of me.. man my local Pizza Joint makes home made coffee and salted caramel IceCream... \
They should sell that shit on the road, its addictive.

I think just like the 10 commandments God himself came down from the heavens and wrote the rules ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: nacho on August 03, 2013, 03:35 am
Waiting on confirmations staind then i'll have you paid back!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Alighier on August 03, 2013, 03:40 am
hey guys, just wanted to hop on here and say hi! My laptop battery died on me and I was away from home, forgot my damn charger!
Anyway mary666 sent me .08 in total today.

I have to say, you guys are way to generous! Staind, Alighier, RS7, mary666. GROUP HUG!
I now have 3 active loans out right now and plan to repay and then some asap. If it wasn't for you all I would not have been able to order anything today.
Seriously you guys have made my fucking day! I'm really starting to feel like a loved family member! 8)

I could keep going and going with expressing my gratitude and appreciation, but I am supposed to be watching shrek with my daughter so I'll cut it short.
I won't let you all down I promise!

hugs and karma to the team!
- Jugg

Hugs n karma right back atchya!  I remember when I opened the Tera review threads, you had about the same amount of posts as I did (under 100).  Now you've dwarfed me lol.  It's obvious you love this family and the Crew as a whole, and I wasn't surprised one bit when you took charge of the Tera thread in my disappointed absence.  I'm still largely skeptical of the cat, seeing as nobody seems to be getting anything good lately, but from talking to them, they always had a place in my heart and so do you.

Hell, I was kind of scared of the Spare Coins thread for a while.  A lot of people with love like that... Excuse me, but I had run into all the wrong sort around here before you guys and I thought there was a catch.

No such thing, you all bring the love to SR and a really excellent place for me to sit and talk to some really cool cats.

I'mma start writing a little bit of philosophy now, hoping to hear what you guys think.  Will post links if anyone's interested ^.^
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: nacho on August 03, 2013, 04:06 am
staind loaned me .05 yesterday.  Paid him back .07 today!  Thanks bud!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Alighier on August 03, 2013, 04:10 am

Anyone wanna check it out?  It's a little sloppy since I'm so sleepy, but it feels good to get SOMETHING written out ^.^
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: helpmywife on August 03, 2013, 04:51 am
foxen624 thanks again so much! very grateful for the help, just sent back the BTC!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: njguido on August 03, 2013, 05:09 am
short 0.21 on an order if anyone can send that to i3lazd on silk road

Will pay back 0.3 bitcoins in less than 24 hours.


You fucking junkie, you are PERMA-BANNED.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jonnybones on August 03, 2013, 05:18 am

Anyone wanna check it out?  It's a little sloppy since I'm so sleepy, but it feels good to get SOMETHING written out ^.^

I just finished reading Ali, well written and very interesting thanks.  You've inspired me to start reading again and continue with my self education which I miss. cheers.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: foxen624 on August 03, 2013, 05:32 am
foxen624 thanks again so much! very grateful for the help, just sent back the BTC!

Got it!  Thanks for being so fast!  Hope the order turned out good for you ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: helpmywife on August 03, 2013, 05:36 am
short 0.21 on an order if anyone can send that to i3lazd on silk road

Will pay back 0.3 bitcoins in less than 24 hours.


You fucking junkie, you are PERMA-BANNED.


how the fuck is this guy still on here! i see this dude every fucking day! its so fucked how ppl like that get away fucking ppl for so long! its because everyone here tries to show love, because were family, but then you have asshole like that jus taking advantage and stealing from their dads wallet sisters purse! damn bro if you really are on the scag, i think its time for rehab, or just lift up your skirt grab your balls and kick that shit!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: PillPirate on August 03, 2013, 06:19 am
.0198 BTC to anyone that wants it/needs it.. next person to PM me via my forum account.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: foxen624 on August 03, 2013, 06:23 am
@helpmywife lol, just sent you a somewhat long and rambling PM..  in the midst of it, made brief mention of one person in particular on this thread, not by name, but I see that you know excactly who it is..   
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jonnybones on August 03, 2013, 07:53 am
Nice of you PP, dont hold your breath though, I was in here for hours trying to throw some cash around, this time yesterday, I ended up puttin in the tip Jar , better than nothing I guess.. Wanted to help someone who could've really used it though.  Anyway, nice gesture, good luck.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: foxen624 on August 03, 2013, 08:50 am
Idk... I think Pill Pirate must have already given it away.  I've loaned here several times but never asked.  I sent PP a PM as requested in their post and never heard back...   which is cool... hope someone who needed it more got it..  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 03, 2013, 09:49 am
Nice of you PP, dont hold your breath though, I was in here for hours trying to throw some cash around, this time yesterday, I ended up puttin in the tip Jar , better than nothing I guess.. Wanted to help someone who could've really used it though.  Anyway, nice gesture, good luck.
Good morning all  ;) jonnybones, i have loaned out 0.11 of your money as you can see on thread so juggernot can thanks jonny for the loan lol and i sent half to Boxofshapes, the other 0.11, so boxy could stay and loan when i was off  ;) Jonny, your a very kind gererous member to come here and help people and ask for nothing, well now your stuck with all of us  :) ::) :-*
Hope everyone,s having a good Saturday  8) I want the sun to come out  :P 8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 03, 2013, 09:58 am
Hugs n karma right back atchya!  I remember when I opened the Tera review threads, you had about the same amount of posts as I did (under 100).  Now you've dwarfed me lol.  It's obvious you love this family and the Crew as a whole, and I wasn't surprised one bit when you took charge of the Tera thread in my disappointed absence.  I'm still largely skeptical of the cat, seeing as nobody seems to be getting anything good lately, but from talking to them, they always had a place in my heart and so do you.

Hell, I was kind of scared of the Spare Coins thread for a while.  A lot of people with love like that... Excuse me, but I had run into all the wrong sort around here before you guys and I thought there was a catch.

No such thing, you all bring the love to SR and a really excellent place for me to sit and talk to some really cool cats.

I'mma start writing a little bit of philosophy now, hoping to hear what you guys think.  Will post links if anyone's interested ^.^

lol @ my post count. this means nothing. meeting a person on the forums is like looking at a photograph: "a picture is worth a thousand words."
People know you with 240 posts just the same as they know me with 500+. It's just how they carry on, lingo, punctuation and anything else that builds that character description. The only thing I could say the post count could offer would be great credibility once you have 2k or more under your belt.
I consider the 2k and over "vets"
Could you imagine what kind of knowledge you could/would gain in the time it would take to get to 2k posts? I mean, I have learned SO much already in just 500+ posts. gets me all giggity just thinking about it!

I am not skeptical of Terabithia at all. I feel he is a genuine fella like the team here. He just happens to get crappy stamps from time to time, and has to pass it down to us till he gets something better. I believe he did go through some medical drama as well. Life happens to all of us. Even the vendors lol.
And I wont lie, I kind of think that since i've kept a presence on his thread is partly why he is hooking with extra every time I order from him, hehe 8)
At least I like to think it's good karma some how.

Wow you nailed it right on the head. About being a bit skeptical of the spare coin thread.
I would lurk from time to time, and just started meeting you all individually, building a somewhat anonymous relationship with authentic people.

I do enjoy to sit and talk here. I am a bit sporadic, but that's life for ya. I never really know when I'm gonna be on here.

It's time for bed, my brain is beat. I'll read your philosophy when I get up later ;)

Goodnight, goodmorning, and good afternoon. I'll talk to y'all next evening.

- Jug
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on August 03, 2013, 10:28 am
wow, so much love is being spread around here 8)   *joins group hug*

staind loaned me .05 yesterday.  Paid him back .07 today!  Thanks bud!

that was fast! thanks for the extra!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 03, 2013, 10:33 am
 8)*pulls staind into the huggle*

Hi hun, I love the cat, it looks slightly strange tho  :o lol how ya doing hun  :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper Jenson on August 03, 2013, 10:40 am
Bodnostrokulum has not paid back the 0.1 he owes me which is overdue! I have pm,d saying i need it to no response, Shitlist please if he pays back i,ll let u know  ;)
Hey everyone!

Bodnostrokulum is now overdue with me too. Sent pm and will update if paid back.

If anyone needs a small amount as a loan I have 0.029 BTC at the moment. Anyone needs it let me know. Be checking pretty often over the weekend.

P.S. Sorry for the edits, I took two hits of acid earlier today ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on August 03, 2013, 11:21 am
oh marry, thats nice of you.

It´s not strange, its just very relaxed!

I´m doing awesome, heading to a concert in a minute. hope you are doing good aswell :).
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 03, 2013, 11:29 am
Cute cat anyway  ;) enjoy your concert hun  :-*

Good luck getting a response JJ, responded to my 1st one saying he needed more time which i was fine about but then i see him on asking for another loan and got one when he hadn,t paid me back and no response to 2nd pm, he owes me 0.10, how much he put you out for hun?
Not nice Bodnosrokulum, c'mon come and get yourself off shitlist, your better than this  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: foxen624 on August 03, 2013, 11:41 am
Gotta just love this thread!  Sort of an odd title for a place that.. well..  it does do as the title suggests, but somehow, there is something more here - more genuine caring, generosity, compassion and just plain human honesty here than I've ever seen in ANY community on or off line.  (with the exception of a very few who seem to miss all the beauty I see here and apparently just see it as a place to abuse the kindness of the rest).  But those are definitely the minority.

Thanks everyone for making yourselves known...  in this insane world, people like you are so precious! ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper Jenson on August 03, 2013, 11:44 am
Cute cat anyway  ;) enjoy your concert hun  :-*

Good luck getting a response JJ...

 he owes me 0.10, how much he put you out for hun?

Not nice Bodnosrokulum, c'mon come and get yourself off shitlist, your better than this  ;)

I'm out a bit more than you. It is what it is. I'll still try to lend out what I can when I have bits to spare.

Since I've started on here I've had way more ups than downs!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 03, 2013, 12:14 pm
Thats shit JJ, he needs to get his ass in here and pay the loans, he,s on the forum enough  ::) :-\

+1 foxen, you must be one of them nice people then  ;) :-*

I,m away shopping now, cannot be arsed lol  :P :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Alighier on August 03, 2013, 02:05 pm
About Tera, I have a pretty good bullshit detector, but who knows if it's extends through Tor?  My bullshit detector might not have any effect, lest it unmask me or anyone else lol.  Chances are, Tera's just really caught up in their own addiction, and maybe some or all of these things have happened to them, but it's just so much rapid succession as they start losing orders and producing a stark contrast in quality to their customers.  It's true I'm going through a boatload of shit right now, so maybe I have less room to talk, but all my obligations which need immediate attention are taken care of.  I can be homeless a (relatively) carefree gal ^.^

Also, random aside, anom never paid me back more than .028 of the .11 I sent them but I'm pretty sure I told them to take their time.  Just wanted a record out here lol

~Ali <3
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Alighier on August 03, 2013, 03:46 pm
Listening to Johnny Cash's cover of "Hurt", crying a bit, and getting  solicited about too-good-to-be-true coke offers. 

Love you guys, wish me luck with the sadnesses :/

~~~<3 Ali
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on August 03, 2013, 03:54 pm
Listening to Johnny Cash's cover of "Hurt", crying a bit, and getting  solicited about too-good-to-be-true coke offers. 

Love you guys, wish me luck with the sadnesses :/

~~~<3 Ali

haha the guy from peru who has had the last 20 of his packages seized by customs? Yeah I think I got that same message.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on August 03, 2013, 03:55 pm
;D morning my lovely lovey droogs,

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thecatinthehat101 on August 03, 2013, 05:42 pm
Just wanted to give you an update I plan on re paying what I own by Friday. Believe me I'm doing everything in my power to get that money in my S.R account you bet on that. I don't know what this company I'm dealing with doesn't understand I need this money dispersed at once. Anyways I haven't foegotten about you. I'm workin on it!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 03, 2013, 05:46 pm
Hi everyone  ;) good evening/morning  ::) Its quiet tonight  :-\

How you doing getting coins RS, the US seem to be cracking down on bitcoin!!  :-\ :o
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: NorthernStar on August 03, 2013, 06:01 pm
Hi everyone  ;) good evening/morning  ::) Its quiet tonight  :-\

How you doing getting coins RS, the US seem to be cracking down on bitcoin!!  :-\ :o
Go out it's saturday Jimmy crankey you fat horror and stop messaging mods and members that you don't even know. You were asking me why I was alone last night, and you're bumming here again.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DrWalterB on August 03, 2013, 06:06 pm
just an update, slymike has just re-paid me to :) cheers m8...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trollsrscum on August 03, 2013, 07:32 pm
Great thread with great people here (mostly  ::)) Just saying Hi now i'm free  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thecatinthehat101 on August 03, 2013, 07:48 pm
I'm so frustrated right now I'm waiting for this company to pay me what they owe me and apparently they are not open on the weekend. so I can re pay my loan. Errrr...all I want to to do is re pay my loan and get some shit it feels like its taking forever.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: weed4me6969 on August 03, 2013, 08:05 pm
Hey everyone! hows y'all doing on this fine fine day... Do you guys know if it is ok to save a picture of a listing to your computer, or a folder on the desktop... i want to show a buddy of mine some HQ herbal meds, but dont want him to see the whole road, ya know. So i just wanted to make sure it would not take away from my anonymity in any way.

Any advice would be sooo helpful!   8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 03, 2013, 08:08 pm
Hey everyone! hows y'all doing on this fine fine day... Do you guys know if it is ok to save a picture of a listing to your computer, or a folder on the desktop... i want to show a buddy of mine some HQ herbal meds, but dont want him to see the whole road, ya know. So i just wanted to make sure it would not take away from my anonymity in any way.

Any advice would be sooo helpful!   8)

Do a screen shot then edit out the rest.  Better than downloading a file.  Might not be a good quality pic but you will get the point across.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 03, 2013, 08:26 pm
Hi all  ;) Hi Boxy, how ya doing today/tonight  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 03, 2013, 09:02 pm
Doin ok.  Finally got my favorite program to get some music with and have been going crazy.  Feels good to catch up on some albums I've missed.

Other than that super busy still.  I have responses to type out, but I think too much about it.

Hope you are well or otherwise occupied with something nice.   :D

The death of Antonio Bowlderas, produced a pretty thick resin ball so I'm set for a while I guess.   :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Alighier on August 03, 2013, 09:49 pm
I got a... Well it wasn't a letter but my drop had a notice in it that it was being "watched", very official looking, put there by the owners (presumably after opening an actual letter) saying that packages will be held there.  Any advice?

It  doesn't say anything specific as to why, just says my name and addy are being watched.

Much love,
~Ali <3
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 03, 2013, 10:06 pm
I'm still kind of confused what happened.  You got a letter written from the owner of your drop or it was in there in place of the package.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Alighier on August 03, 2013, 10:14 pm
I'm still kind of confused what happened.  You got a letter written from the owner of your drop or it was in there in place of the package.

That's the weird thing, there was a package there.  I suppose it was a notice given to the owners (P.O. Box, might tie back to me loosely) but they put it in the box with the package.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 03, 2013, 10:27 pm
Lol so you have the package then?  I don't understand.  Did the owners know what was being sent?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: foxen624 on August 03, 2013, 10:32 pm
Hi People!

Just got in the habit of coming here because it just always makes my day to see all the love that goes on here!

also, +1 to Chem, Mary and helpmywife ...  just because ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on August 03, 2013, 10:32 pm
Even if the owners just opened it and placed the "note" in the package....Get another Drop addy....I sent ya a msg on SR....Get another drop addy and we'll go from there..even if the owners are "cool" there still stands a chance they might take your stuff from time to time....i'd personally like to see you stay around Ali....You're good people in my book....We all have problems or hurdles to jump from time to time...You're Family please ...take our advice  :)

Love, Peace & Hugs to ya 8)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on August 03, 2013, 10:34 pm
+1 right back atcha Foxen  :)

By the way, i hope ya dont mind me sayin this  :P  but your pic is seXXXy  :P

Love, Peace & Hugs to ya 8)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: foxen624 on August 03, 2013, 10:39 pm
+1 right back atcha Foxen  :)

By the way, i hope ya dont mind me sayin this  :P  but your pic is seXXXy  :P

Love, Peace & Hugs to ya 8)



Awww... thanks Chem!  Idk about the sexiness of the avi... I think  it's kinda weird myself... but gottcha anyway.. lol  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Alighier on August 03, 2013, 10:46 pm
Lol so you have the package then?  I don't understand.  Did the owners know what was being sent?

Nope and I didn't think they showed those notices to their patrons.

Even if the owners just opened it and placed the "note" in the package....Get another Drop addy....I sent ya a msg on SR....Get another drop addy and we'll go from there..even if the owners are "cool" there still stands a chance they might take your stuff from time to time....i'd personally like to see you stay around Ali....You're good people in my book....We all have problems or hurdles to jump from time to time...You're Family please ...take our advice  :)

Love, Peace & Hugs to ya 8)



I promise, Chemmy.  It had me a little shaken up to begin with, but I know what I've got to do now and there's no chance in hell I'm giving up this family for three square behind bars.

I love you all, and don't mind me when I freak- it happens X3

~Ali <3333
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on August 03, 2013, 10:53 pm
we Love you too Ali  :)

be sure to PGP me the new drop addy and we'll go from there  ;)

Peace & Hugs to ya  8)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on August 03, 2013, 10:54 pm
Safety and Security is of the Utmost Importance....No Matter What....Our family here ..Comes First  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Alighier on August 03, 2013, 10:55 pm
we Love you too Ali  :)

be sure to PGP me the new drop addy and we'll go from there  ;)

Peace & Hugs to ya  8)



Will do, just got to make sure it's still good to go ^.^

And +1 again to you, though that's the least good I can say about you :P

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 03, 2013, 10:57 pm
There ya go.  CC knows what to say!  Everything and everything.

Be safe ali!  You just got here!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on August 03, 2013, 10:58 pm
the Dread Pirate Roberts said it best..

 Final note

"" Regardless of your motivations, you are a revolutionary. Your actions are bringing satisfaction to those that have been oppressed for far too long. Take pride in what you do and stand tall. ""

I Will Definately do My Best to Adhere to this Philosophy  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jonnybones on August 04, 2013, 12:03 am
Good morning...'yawnnn' how is everyone?.  Sunday morning here, the birds are chirping, the bees are trying to have sex with them (as is my understanding anyway)  So the bacon and eggs are on. Coffee machine working overtime., time to get my 'sunday' freak combo happening... ahh I love sundays.. It'd be nice to be able to remember one occasionally though.
I'm celebrating quietly today, 17th today for my little girl, (still a little girl to me anyway)  I wont be seeing her till January though..hmmm. :-\    Anway getting happy on chems is better and more productive than spending all day focusing on regrets and just generally making myself sick, in my case anyway.  So dag namit I'm gonna get messy.
I have no idea what time of the day it is for most of you. So whenever it is and whatever your doing, do it with a smile and know that today is a day made for you to be happy and enjoy being alive.  And if your missing someone you love,  loving yourself a little more seems to help.
take care and be safe...jb
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on August 04, 2013, 12:22 am
Tsup Jonnybones and a good morning to you.
I trust you had an enjoyable friday night, and most likely Saturday also.
I also feel a chemical infused sunday is the way to go i found out if I have a Xanax at the start of the night no mater how much ice i smoke no scat the next day its awesome
Wise words of encouragement mate always keep your chin up
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jonnybones on August 04, 2013, 12:56 am
Thanks Cryngie, I haven't given xan a go for years so I might just do that next time.  I did have a great night mate thanks, Tavern for a couple of hours then back to our mates who broke put the stash.. First time rollin for a while for me to. Some nice gear that.   Not that I'm a huge fan of it, more of one now though.  It was combining with more than a few once in my blood stream though..
How'd you go with your mission ? catchin up with that young friend you were hoping to see.. ;)   she's making you breakfast wearing nothing but your Metallica shirt right now isn't she? Dam it... I knew it.
And thanks mate, I appreciate the kind works.   
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on August 04, 2013, 02:06 am
Cheers mate, a long section of the begining of my  night can be found in ozexpress' review thead then hit the pub up and I failed on the 18yr old lowie but did manage a 20yr old which is close enough in my books, thought she'd never leave spent all day and most of the evening with me till she said my mates where too rude and dangerous fer her to hang with and left, so then i could thank my mates for carring in like that so she would leave (some can't take a hint) t'was really a night to remember hadn't had a bender like that in a while and prob wont for a while
Being they loverly day it is i think i'll smoke some pipes then hit a beer garden for some beers in the sun and lax out a bit before the drudge that is monday rears its ugly head
Enjoy mate and take it easy, sure ill see you around the streets
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jonnybones on August 04, 2013, 02:17 am
Cheers mate, a long section of the begining of my  night can be found in ozexpress' review thead then hit the pub up and I failed on the 18yr old lowie but did manage a 20yr old which is close enough in my books, thought she'd never leave spent all day and most of the evening with me till she said my mates where too rude and dangerous fer her to hang with and left, so then i could thank my mates for carring in like that so she would leave (some can't take a hint) t'was really a night to remember hadn't had a bender like that in a while and prob wont for a while
Being they loverly day it is i think i'll smoke some pipes then hit a beer garden for some beers in the sun and lax out a bit before the drudge that is monday rears its ugly head
Enjoy mate and take it easy, sure ill see you around the streets

Yeah when great nights like that come around they're worth the wait.   Enjoy your chill session mate. Will check out that post.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: nitpi950 on August 04, 2013, 02:20 am
Good morning...'yawnnn' how is everyone?.  Sunday morning here, the birds are chirping, the bees are trying to have sex with them (as is my understanding anyway)
eh, milhouse?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: PillPirate on August 04, 2013, 02:30 am
Idk... I think Pill Pirate must have already given it away.  I've loaned here several times but never asked.  I sent PP a PM as requested in their post and never heard back...   which is cool... hope someone who needed it more got it..  :)

Just got back to you on your message, sorry about the late reply.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: vap247 on August 04, 2013, 03:33 am
Hello everyone I'm .0206 short on my order an was wondering if anyone can help me out. I will gladly repay you double only thing is the way that I get payed I wont be able to pay you back for about 3 or 4 weeks. or if you would just like to help me out and not want a payback I would obviously appreciate that. my name is same on SR..thank you so much
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on August 04, 2013, 04:43 am
Hi everyone  ;) good evening/morning  ::) Its quiet tonight  :-\

How you doing getting coins RS, the US seem to be cracking down on bitcoin!!  :-\ :o
Go out it's saturday Jimmy crankey you fat horror and stop messaging mods and members that you don't even know. You were asking me why I was alone last night, and you're bumming here again.
do you really not have anything better to do then spread hatred and negativity to people here? maybe you should evaluate your actions and precise things in a more positive light.

:) hiya berry mary,! (hugs) to you! how you been? been awhile :P, where is japan taz, an the others? ::) guess I haven't been the only one who has been busy ;D

much love to you an your man, hope things are going good
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jonnybones on August 04, 2013, 04:54 am
Good morning...'yawnnn' how is everyone?.  Sunday morning here, the birds are chirping, the bees are trying to have sex with them (as is my understanding anyway)
eh, milhouse?

him or bart, can't remember.  dam tv and its constant quality programming.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 04, 2013, 06:58 am
hey guys, sorry i've missed out on the thread today. alot going on.
much love
hope all is well

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: LaMarisa on August 04, 2013, 07:11 am
Hello everyone I'm .0206 short on my order an was wondering if anyone can help me out. I will gladly repay you double only thing is the way that I get payed I wont be able to pay you back for about 3 or 4 weeks. or if you would just like to help me out and not want a payback I would obviously appreciate that. my name is same on SR..thank you so much

Hey vap I just sent .0206 to you.  I would like to be payed back but I understand it will be 3-4 weeks.  Hope this helps! 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: foxen624 on August 04, 2013, 08:47 am
Idk... I think Pill Pirate must have already given it away.  I've loaned here several times but never asked.  I sent PP a PM as requested in their post and never heard back...   which is cool... hope someone who needed it more got it..  :)

Just got back to you on your message, sorry about the late reply.

Thank you so much!  I read and replied your PM btw...  ;)

Hugs! ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: foxen624 on August 04, 2013, 08:51 am
Good morning...'yawnnn' how is everyone?.  Sunday morning here, the birds are chirping, the bees are trying to have sex with them (as is my understanding anyway)
eh, milhouse?

him or bart, can't remember.  dam tv and its constant quality programming.

lol...  just gotta love the tv with all that quality programming! ...  or not.. ::)       
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dapj on August 04, 2013, 09:11 am
Hey everybody!

Has been some days i was here, good feeling to help people out when they help you back.

Well...Now my coins have delay to my addy and then have to send to my SR Tuesday or so :(. I am 0.05 coin short for an order so if there is someone that i have helped and read this and could help me now that would be great.
Or if someone else can, then just send it to member : dapj

Have a nice day all.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on August 04, 2013, 10:01 am
Hey everybody!

Has been some days i was here, good feeling to help people out when they help you back.

Well...Now my coins have delay to my addy and then have to send to my SR Tuesday or so :(. I am 0.05 coin short for an order so if there is someone that i have helped and read this and could help me now that would be great.
Or if someone else can, then just send it to member : dapj

Have a nice day all.


I can help you with .023 its all i got but then yoir half way almost
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: SoAlone on August 04, 2013, 10:04 am
฿00.0535 short on order ($5 USD) after a heck of a time trying to get the darn things in the 1st place! ::)

Can pay 1 week from today - low post count but I'm just forum shy :-[   Been here since Sept 2012. - Same SR name SoAlone thanx :P

Appreciate it. 1st time asking.
I'll help you out SoAlone.

Thank You bluedev1 ! - Wow! So this actually works! ;D

I'm going to have to become more forum-sociable!

Mucho appreciado chico. (or is it chica?) ;)


You're welcome.  I've never spared btc before and probably never will again to be honest, lol.  Just did it this one time so that hopefully someone will do it for me in the future if the need ever arises :)

Thank you bluedev1 !  I was a day late, but not a dollar short! So I threw on an extra greenback! ::)  Thanks a million! :P

soalone paid back bluedev1 (diff SR name-I respect anonymity-not a good idea to let LE know too much!)

send to    [bluedev1]    ฿-0.06    ฿0.00    August 4, 2013, 9:32 am UTC
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on August 04, 2013, 10:04 am
.023 sent dapj
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on August 04, 2013, 10:05 am
Great thread with great people here (mostly  ::)) Just saying Hi now i'm free  ;)

for the love of god joolz can you make 100 accounts now and just give me the name of every one so i can preemptively block them. even the irony in your name isn't worth a laugh.

easily seen, recognized, or understood; open to view or knowledge; evident: an obvious advantage.
lacking in subtlety.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dapj on August 04, 2013, 10:22 am
.023 sent dapj

Thank you so much! I will resend asap if i got my coins this week  ;)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: zokas on August 04, 2013, 11:08 am
hello brothers,
 it's a LoL but i;'m askin here:D
currently short in only 0.006 Btc to make and order:D:D
please help
send someone 0.006btc to my account zokas or 14siEqfHNSkMivjUSygSTKsFD6H36NKkSB
I will pay you back 0.01 on Monday.
good weed to all.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: upthera on August 04, 2013, 11:15 am
+1 right back atcha Foxen  :)

By the way, i hope ya dont mind me sayin this  :P  but your pic is seXXXy  :P

Love, Peace & Hugs to ya 8)



Awww... thanks Chem!  Idk about the sexiness of the avi... I think  it's kinda weird myself... but gottcha anyway.. lol  ;)

shit...  lol  I thought it was a Cocker Spaniel this entire time...  oops  day late and a btc short.... 

Goodmorning all:)  I'm always a few pages behind you guys, move a bit too fast for this starting to feel old stoner.  Seems lots of new people have found out what a great place this thread is lately.  A few more to the club of sanity.
be safe all and CatintheHat,  stop beating yourself up,  the fact that you pm and stay in touch is good enough for me. I've no doubt you'll send coin out when you can. All is good bro
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: upthera on August 04, 2013, 11:21 am
hello brothers,
 it's a LoL but i;'m askin here:D
currently short in only 0.006 Btc to make and order:D:D
please help
send someone 0.006btc to my account zokas or 14siEqfHNSkMivjUSygSTKsFD6H36NKkSB
I will pay you back 0.01 on Monday.
good weed to all.

still in need?  I got ya if you are
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 04, 2013, 11:27 am
Morning all  ;) slow Sunday as i can,t be arsed  :D
Hi upthera, pm,d you hun lol  ;) Hi RS, I keep missing you hun, i,m good how, you been, working hard i,m guessing, and thanks hun  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: upthera on August 04, 2013, 11:33 am
hey there M,  never get to say hello on here.  GMorn or afternoon I guess.  Hope all is well in the world of Mary;)  Well, loans to give and PM's to read:) talk soon M.  Be good.

Zokas, you still here?  You're gonna break me with such a huge demand but .007 on its way

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: fatality614 on August 04, 2013, 11:35 am
Not one to usually do this :'(
However, recently purchased some BTC for some pills for an upcoming show with the last of my IRL currency, and the freaking vendor sells out and now im .16 short (ghaaaaaah!) Plus i don't get paid until freaking Thursday if anyone could lend me even anything i'll keep a list and pay them back on Thursday when i get paid + interest
Thanks in advance. Just PM me or something. I have decent stats over on the road and i can show those if needed
thank you!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ILikeYou on August 04, 2013, 11:53 am
I need $1 for shipping. And QuickBTC has no inventory today :(


Any help? Much obliged.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 04, 2013, 11:54 am
hey there M,  never get to say hello on here.  GMorn or afternoon I guess.  Hope all is well in the world of Mary;)  Well, loans to give and PM's to read:) talk soon M.  Be good.

Zokas, you still here?  You're gonna break me with such a huge demand but .007 on its way
I know, weird so hello again lol  ;) good luck getting through the pm,s Mr Popular (you prob are cause your so nice)  ;) :-*

I,m out of coin to loan, sorry  :-[
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: upthera on August 04, 2013, 12:03 pm
hey there M,  never get to say hello on here.  GMorn or afternoon I guess.  Hope all is well in the world of Mary;)  Well, loans to give and PM's to read:) talk soon M.  Be good.

Zokas, you still here?  You're gonna break me with such a huge demand but .007 on its way
I know, weird so hello again lol  ;) good luck getting through the pm,s Mr Popular (you prob are cause your so nice)  ;) :-*

I,m out of coin to loan, sorry  :-[

Well that depends on your defintion of Popular:)  If you mean all the hate mail, yah, it slows me down a bit;) 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: vap247 on August 04, 2013, 12:20 pm
Hello everyone I'm .0206 short on my order an was wondering if anyone can help me out. I will gladly repay you double only thing is the way that I get payed I wont be able to pay you back for about 3 or 4 weeks. or if you would just like to help me out and not want a payback I would obviously appreciate that. my name is same on SR..thank you so much

Hey vap I just sent .0206 to you.  I would like to be payed back but I understand it will be 3-4 weeks.  Hope this helps!

Thank you so very much LaMarisa you made my day..I will get you back .0412 feel free at anytime to pm and get an update like i said it will be 3-4 weeks but I definitely will pay you back. again thanks a million your the best. :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: PaulyWalnuts on August 04, 2013, 12:28 pm
OK, so I've repaid everybody except purlpanther, which I will do so when BTC hit my wallet tommorrow sometime

Thanks again to all of you who helped me - Especially Mary666, fornak8 & of course Purlpanther.

You guys rock ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: schuldig on August 04, 2013, 12:33 pm
So how about RS7FI8ZRkm pays back his debt? He asked for 3 days and I haven't received my coins back for almost 2 weeks.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ILikeYou on August 04, 2013, 01:28 pm
I need $1 for shipping. And QuickBTC has no inventory today :(


Any help? Ill send my wife's tits as a thank you ! :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: purplepanth on August 04, 2013, 01:50 pm
Morning  all!

Anyone have .003btc they can loan me? Will payback end of week, or if I get repaid by others sooner..

Anyhow its morning here... Getting the required amount of caffeine in myself..what's up with everyone else? Hopefully having  a good day !

Pnkpanth (sr username)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Hearts on August 04, 2013, 02:01 pm
Morning  all!

Anyone have .003btc they can loan me? Will payback end of week, or if I get repaid by others sooner..

Anyhow its morning here... Getting the required amount of caffeine in myself..what's up with everyone else? Hopefully having  a good day !

Pnkpanth (sr username)

I've got ya Pnkpanth , one moment :)

*Edit****** sent!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on August 04, 2013, 02:04 pm
@upthera What does your avatar picture mean?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: purplepanth on August 04, 2013, 02:09 pm
Morning  all!

Anyone have .003btc they can loan me? Will payback end of week, or if I get repaid by others sooner..

Anyhow its morning here... Getting the required amount of caffeine in myself..what's up with everyone else? Hopefully having  a good day !

Pnkpanth (sr username)

I've got ya Pnkpanth , one moment :)

*Edit****** sent!

Awesome thanks much! Will pay ya back .006 by the end of the week at the latest..going to order right now..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on August 04, 2013, 02:13 pm
Hello people :) not posted lately but been lurking (I blame ImAz for that !)

Looking for a 0.18 loan for about 12-16 hours have lent and loaned plenty of times before and will not let any kind soul down. kallindown on SR if it's possible please.

So how about RS7FI8ZRkm pays back his debt? He asked for 3 days and I haven't received my coins back for almost 2 weeks.

RS is usually rock solid but not spoke to him for a bit, I will cover his debt tomorrow when I get my coins if it's not a massive one, could you tell me how much he owes you and I will let you know if it's within my means to take it over.

Cheers and have a good day y'all  :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: purplepanth on August 04, 2013, 02:16 pm
Oh my math is bad it would seem..jeez..I'm just. 0003 btc short now..I thought I did the math right..ugh..must be a lack of caffeine..thanks guys!
Sr name pnkpanth
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Hearts on August 04, 2013, 02:20 pm
Gotcha purple haha
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: purplepanth on August 04, 2013, 02:30 pm
Gotcha purple haha

Thanks it done..good old suboxone. Nightmare to be short. Coin or sub..i would guess here I am safe from so much of the judgemental attitude about it at least...but I sure wish I had never been started on it. 

Anyhow I am drinking my coffee, watching the news..what's going on elsewhere? Everyone having a quiet day?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Hearts on August 04, 2013, 02:37 pm
Awesome! Night time here :) About to roll myself a nice joint with cellulose papers and chill out. Gotta set the mood with some good music! Gonna be a lazy sunday for you guys in the States? (if i'm not mistaken)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: purplepanth on August 04, 2013, 03:02 pm
Yep its morning here, in the US. Hot humid and gonna hide in the air conditioning.. Lived around high tourism areas most of my adult life. So weekends can be really bad trying to go anywhere. Not to.mention its so damned hot going outside and waiting for the car AC to catch up..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Hearts on August 04, 2013, 03:07 pm
Yeah i know what hot and humid is.. all day everyday in south easy asia, unless its monsoon seasons, and I used to live in high tourism areas, its awful with the traffic. Not to be racist but all the arabs flock here in the summer and they walk on the roads like they are kings, Its a pain driving haha... Thank god for AC huh
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: upthera on August 04, 2013, 04:01 pm
@upthera What does your avatar picture mean?

:)  which one, I've been a bit crazy the past two days messing with my avatar's.  Think I had 3 up today:)  If you are refering to the "Intel" one that  says "556 inside" it is a reference to the metric size of a particular ammunition which is .223 caliber.  it is the ammo used in all "Stoner Platform" rifles, ie M16, M4, AR15 type rifles.  Stoner was the last name of the designer.  I'm an enthusiast/hobbiest range shooter and I just thought that avatar was clever. Wish I could take credit for it but not my work.  If it was one of the others just ask:)  I was just messing with with a handful of images and playing with the Metadata Anonymisation Kit that comes with tails and ended up changing my avatar 1/2 a dozen times.  I'm guessing that you were asking about the Intel spoofed one.
take care
Enjooy your sunday everyone:)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ILikeYou on August 04, 2013, 04:02 pm
Anyone have $1.00? OR know where I can buy $1.00 of BTC? I am $1 short for Shipping.


Any Help? Anyone anyone? I have my coinbase coming in Wednesday I can easily pay back $2.00
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: upthera on August 04, 2013, 04:08 pm
Anyone have $1.00? OR know where I can buy $1.00 of BTC? I am $1 short for Shipping.


Any Help? Anyone anyone? I have my coinbase coming in Wednesday I can easily pay back $2.00

I got you. 

 Anyone know if Kali got sorted?  Sent ya a PM(Kali) if you still need the loan.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on August 04, 2013, 04:18 pm
Anyone have $1.00? OR know where I can buy $1.00 of BTC? I am $1 short for Shipping.


Any Help? Anyone anyone? I have my coinbase coming in Wednesday I can easily pay back $2.00

I got you. 

 Anyone know if Kali got sorted?  Sent ya a PM(Kali) if you still need the loan.

Only just got back in bud had to pop out and I've just replied to your (very kind) mail but not sorted yet :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: upthera on August 04, 2013, 04:26 pm
.19 sent to kallindown

enjoy the order my friend:)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on August 04, 2013, 04:30 pm
.19 sent to kallindown

enjoy the order my friend:)

I will indeed and thanks again, if you ever need anything holler my way and I'll do all I can to help :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: pipedude100 on August 04, 2013, 04:31 pm
Good morning everyone i was wondering if anyone could point me in the direction of where I can get just 1 dollar worth of BTC I miss judged the fees because when my BTC were loaded onto my SR account I was 95 cents short on my order any help would be appreciated.. My SR name is the same as my forum name and my wallet is

Thanks again
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: upthera on August 04, 2013, 04:33 pm
Will do Kalli and you are very welcome.

ILikeYou,  I didn't feel like doing any math so sent you .011 just to make sure you didn't end up 10 cents short or something.  enjoy
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: upthera on August 04, 2013, 04:34 pm
Good morning everyone i was wondering if anyone could point me in the direction of where I can get just 1 dollar worth of BTC I miss judged the fees because when my BTC were loaded onto my SR account I was 95 cents short on my order any help would be appreciated.. My SR name is the same as my forum name and my wallet is

Thanks again

might as well while I'm on a roll.  on the way bud

EDIT:  .01 just went your way. 

 OK, tapped for now but if any of the 3 people I just loaned to end up a few cents short PM me and I'll do my best to fill in the gaps with the change I got left.  Enjoy whats left of the weekend all:)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 04, 2013, 04:36 pm still here hun  ;) you giving out coin  :P he he i,m waiting on my dinner  :P ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: upthera on August 04, 2013, 04:48 pm
Yep its morning here, in the US. Hot humid and gonna hide in the air conditioning.. Lived around high tourism areas most of my adult life. So weekends can be really bad trying to go anywhere. Not to.mention its so damned hot going outside and waiting for the car AC to catch up..

we must live in the same beautiful hellhole.  Fuck I'm a yank and I hate American tourists...  lol  And this summers been bout a bitch eh?  Been decades since I remember it being this consistantly hot and humid. past weeks been great finally but I almost need a wheelchair I've been hiding inside by the AC for so long.  My car's AC died this summer too and I've not fixed it :-/   Can't even take the poor dog for a ride when it's like that.  Stay cool PP
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 04, 2013, 05:06 pm
Hey guys I'm here now, although I'll be in and out.  If you are still short after one of upthera's loans I can fix the diff.... although.....

So how about RS7FI8ZRkm pays back his debt? He asked for 3 days and I haven't received my coins back for almost 2 weeks.

Yea man.  If you need your coin back please let me know, and I will burden his debt instead.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: upthera on August 04, 2013, 05:08 pm still here hun  ;) you giving out coin  :P he he i,m waiting on my dinner  :P ::)

Hey there, ya gets kinda addictive sometimes:)  Plus this thread keeps me out of trouble.  Had some coin but need to make a real deposit for an order so I thought I'd loan out a few quid.  Got stuff to do but it's hot, sunday, and I'm stoned and lazy:) and popping in and out.  Not many on here I guess as I was surprised to see Kalli's request up for so long.  Wonder if there is a need for a good ole' fashion btcLoanShark.  Maybe I found a niche, tough to break knee's via TOR though...  My Sunday pot and coffee breakfast is catching up with me i think, or it was the Sunday Spiff and a Sandwich lunch I just had...
Anyway....  ;-)
How's it going? Waiting on your dinner?  Yer man cookin for ya?  :-)  Good for you, every serious relationship I've had I've been the only one who could cook anything.  Sorry, thats not fair,  the Japanese one can cook a mean Cup O' Noodle...  I haven't forgot about ya, got a reply coming soon.  Surprised you noticed me, I've been a bit schizophrenic w/my Avatar yesterday and today.  No reason just goofing off with my giant collection of weird and fucked up clip-art, icons, ?? little pictures.  Probably be back to something silly like my original.  So much crazy shit around you gotta laugh a bit to stay sane.  I am jealous of you guys(area), you've got way better Stand-up Comedy than we do here in the states and my all region DVD player that a friend mailed me just broke and all my DVD's are region 2.  It's great, nobody borrows them and doesn't return them because they don't work in our DVD players:)
Yup, I'm stoned proper, I'm all over the place. lol  Par for the course.  Till later M, enjoy your dinner and have a nice evening if I don't see ya on here again tonight.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: upthera on August 04, 2013, 05:10 pm
Hey guys I'm here now, although I'll be in and out.  If you are still short after one of upthera's loans I can fix the diff.... although.....

So how about RS7FI8ZRkm pays back his debt? He asked for 3 days and I haven't received my coins back for almost 2 weeks.

Yea man.  If you need your coin back please let me know, and I will burden his debt instead.

i got 5 or 6 quid left and will chip in if that is the case. I'll be around for a bit.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 04, 2013, 05:27 pm
If you are refering to the "Intel" one that  says "556 inside" it is a reference to the metric size of a particular ammunition which is .223 caliber.....

Dial .357.  Not 911?

(it's an old one but i had to.  :P)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 04, 2013, 05:42 pm
@Upthera... ;) burger delivery lol was shit but beats cooking just i hadn,t gone shopping today, just munchies  :P I like hearty comfort food, stews, steak pie mmm.... should have gone shopping  ::) I,m gonna try n get stoned, a few bongs needed now  ;) :-*

Hi Boxy how,s the shapes hun   ;) :-* (lol, I mean you not your wallet) I have £1.50 to loan as figaro sent back my 0.02 that i sent them by mistake lol  ::) :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: purplepanth on August 04, 2013, 06:07 pm
Yep its morning here, in the US. Hot humid and gonna hide in the air conditioning.. Lived around high tourism areas most of my adult life. So weekends can be really bad trying to go anywhere. Not to.mention its so damned hot going outside and waiting for the car AC to catch up..

we must live in the same beautiful hellhole.  Fuck I'm a yank and I hate American tourists...  lol  And this summers been bout a bitch eh?  Been decades since I remember it being this consistantly hot and humid. past weeks been great finally but I almost need a wheelchair I've been hiding inside by the AC for so long.  My car's AC died this summer too and I've not fixed it :-/   Can't even take the poor dog for a ride when it's like that.  Stay cool PP

Oh yea lord help those with out AC in the CAR!!!
I hate the way some tourists act like we are all here to serve them..wth is that? It is amazing..good reason to hide til they go away!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Alighier on August 04, 2013, 06:15 pm
Hey all!

Just popped in to read over what I missed since yesterday and send my love your way.  Even the scammers and the ignoble i3lazd. 

Thanks to everyone who sent me words of encouragement.  If I didn't have you guys, I think the fear would be harder to deal with.

Much love, fam!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: purplepanth on August 04, 2013, 06:24 pm
Yeah i know what hot and humid is.. all day everyday in south easy asia, unless its monsoon seasons, and I used to live in high tourism areas, its awful with the traffic. Not to be racist but all the arabs flock here in the summer and they walk on the roads like they are kings, Its a pain driving haha... Thank god for AC huh

Oh I went to Bahrain for a month..the way they walk around in traffic I can see what you are saying!!
Here's to hiding in our AC !!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: upthera on August 04, 2013, 06:25 pm
If you are refering to the "Intel" one that  says "556 inside" it is a reference to the metric size of a particular ammunition which is .223 caliber.....

Dial .357.  Not 911?

(it's an old one but i had to.  :P)

Old doesn't mean bad:)
 and it's still true all too often 

Quote from: Marry666
@Upthera... ;) burger delivery lol was shit but beats cooking just i hadn,t gone shopping today, just munchies  :P I like hearty comfort food, stews, steak pie mmm.... should have gone shopping  ::) I,m gonna try n get stoned, a few bongs needed now  ;) :-*

:-)  lol,  I was way off.  Beats cooking but you just made me hungry for lamb stew and cooking it is the only way I'll be eating anything like that, of course I'll probably just do something like you did and order some overpriced junk...  Could be worse and the junk tastes pretty good sometimes:)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 04, 2013, 06:27 pm it was ok, not into eating lamb tho, makes me think about the baby one,s in the field, just can,t do it  ::) ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: upthera on August 04, 2013, 06:30 pm
^^^  It's tough but I think I can live with the quilt ;-)

Yeah i know what hot and humid is.. all day everyday in south easy asia, unless its monsoon seasons, and I used to live in high tourism areas, its awful with the traffic. Not to be racist but all the arabs flock here in the summer and they walk on the roads like they are kings, Its a pain driving haha... Thank god for AC huh

Oh I went to Bahrain for a month..the way they walk around in traffic I can see what you are saying!!
Here's to hiding in our AC !!
I'll toast to that and I don't even drink:)
yah as bad as I think I have it I'll never forget the first time I went to Hong Kong and got a sunburn on my scalp and I have a thick head of hair!!  MY got it felt like breathing water when I got off the plane in July for the first time!  Unreal.  And the people in suits ran around like it was nothing! Great AC there though
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: frivolous on August 04, 2013, 07:28 pm
Staind; repaid your 0.15 loan from a few days ago and just sent you 0.19. Sent a PM also to let him know, but I just thought I'd say it here as well. Thanks!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 04, 2013, 07:36 pm
1st +1 to ya frivolous  ;) Its quiet tonight  :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: schuldig on August 04, 2013, 07:55 pm
Hello people :) not posted lately but been lurking (I blame ImAz for that !)

Looking for a 0.18 loan for about 12-16 hours have lent and loaned plenty of times before and will not let any kind soul down. kallindown on SR if it's possible please.

So how about RS7FI8ZRkm pays back his debt? He asked for 3 days and I haven't received my coins back for almost 2 weeks.

RS is usually rock solid but not spoke to him for a bit, I will cover his debt tomorrow when I get my coins if it's not a massive one, could you tell me how much he owes you and I will let you know if it's within my means to take it over.

Cheers and have a good day y'all  :P

Hey Kalli, yeah I thought so too about RS7FI8ZRkm but when I came back from my epic holiday and seen that he hasn't paid me back I was kind of disappointed. I understand that he might have trouble but this money was supposed to help other people as well, so I'll use it to loan to other people again.
Anyways my post is here, hope you have an awesome one mate!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on August 04, 2013, 08:00 pm
Staind; repaid your 0.15 loan from a few days ago and just sent you 0.19. Sent a PM also to let him know, but I just thought I'd say it here as well. Thanks!

Thanks mate! appreciate it.

So many generous people here. I think the extras compensated the written off loan already. Thanks guys 8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 04, 2013, 08:26 pm
Hi Boxy how,s the shapes hun   ;) :-* (lol, I mean you not your wallet) I have £1.50 to loan as figaro sent back my 0.02 that i sent them by mistake lol  ::) :P

The shapes are stayin self contained in the box unless the box becomes the shapes and the shapes box it out for which shape is the boxiest.

Thanks for askin!  Best wishes girl!

(sry it took so long to reply.  I'm doing....stuff)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on August 04, 2013, 08:39 pm still here hun  ;) you giving out coin  :P he he i,m waiting on my dinner  :P ::)

Hey there, ya gets kinda addictive sometimes:)  Plus this thread keeps me out of trouble.  Had some coin but need to make a real deposit for an order so I thought I'd loan out a few quid.  Got stuff to do but it's hot, sunday, and I'm stoned and lazy:) and popping in and out.  Not many on here I guess as I was surprised to see Kalli's request up for so long.  Wonder if there is a need for a good ole' fashion btcLoanShark.  Maybe I found a niche, tough to break knee's via TOR though...  My Sunday pot and coffee breakfast is catching up with me i think, or it was the Sunday Spiff and a Sandwich lunch I just had...
Anyway....  ;-)
How's it going? Waiting on your dinner?  Yer man cookin for ya?  :-)  Good for you, every serious relationship I've had I've been the only one who could cook anything.  Sorry, thats not fair,  the Japanese one can cook a mean Cup O' Noodle...  I haven't forgot about ya, got a reply coming soon.  Surprised you noticed me, I've been a bit schizophrenic w/my Avatar yesterday and today.  No reason just goofing off with my giant collection of weird and fucked up clip-art, icons, ?? little pictures.  Probably be back to something silly like my original.  So much crazy shit around you gotta laugh a bit to stay sane.  I am jealous of you guys(area), you've got way better Stand-up Comedy than we do here in the states and my all region DVD player that a friend mailed me just broke and all my DVD's are region 2.  It's great, nobody borrows them and doesn't return them because they don't work in our DVD players:)
Yup, I'm stoned proper, I'm all over the place. lol  Par for the course.  Till later M, enjoy your dinner and have a nice evening if I don't see ya on here again tonight.

HAHAHA that is all.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 04, 2013, 08:41 pm
"I am short ฿.10 for my order with HappySmoke420". I'm after that white gold. My SR name is  Benson and I will be able to pay you back by Thursday.

Man.  What did you do to deserve such scewed karma?  Your posts aren't anything but helpful or a point view.

What the crap guy?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Bensonn on August 04, 2013, 08:43 pm
"I am short ฿.10 for my order with HappySmoke420". I'm after that white gold. My SR name is  Benson and I will be able to pay you back by Thursday.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Bensonn on August 04, 2013, 08:46 pm
"I am short ฿.10 for my order with HappySmoke420". I'm after that white gold. My SR name is  Benson and I will be able to pay you back by Thursday.

Man.  What did you do to deserve such scewed karma?  Your posts aren't anything but helpful or a point view.

What the crap guy?

I didn't think karma mattered. It was probably from all the spamming I did on my rise to a Jr. Member. Is that why people aren't helping me out?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 04, 2013, 09:35 pm
It does but it really doesn't.  There are plenty of people on here that ask for coins and are on the negative side whom you can trust more to pay you back, more so than people with "better stats".  I've learned to research a persons posts before a lend like this no matter what their k+/- is. 

I was more so curious cause no one +1ed you when you were just writing honest experiences and reviews.

I got .09.  Sending your way dude.  I hope someone else has the .01.  Silly no one has been able to help you out after you gave RSeven a hand.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on August 04, 2013, 11:06 pm
Morning all, hope all is well. Happy its pay day sad BTC prices are high
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: musichighlife on August 04, 2013, 11:41 pm
Hello all,

This is my first time reaching out to the Spare Coins Thread family, but I love the concept and its another one of the unique things about our community on SR. So with that being said, I happen to be .02 short an order with the shipping so if there are any kind souls who can lend the coin, I will be placing an order for coins this week probably thursday or friday and can return in full the coins lended. Since its not much and its my first time I would even give an extra .01 or .02 when returning the coins. Thanks to all the travelers out there!  8)

musichighlife (same name on marketplace) ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 04, 2013, 11:55 pm
Hello all,

This is my first time reaching out to the Spare Coins Thread family, but I love the concept and its another one of the unique things about our community on SR. So with that being said, I happen to be .02 short an order with the shipping so if there are any kind souls who can lend the coin, I will be placing an order for coins this week probably thursday or friday and can return in full the coins lended. Since its not much and its my first time I would even give an extra .01 or .02 when returning the coins. Thanks to all the travelers out there!  8)

musichighlife (same name on marketplace) ;D
Hi  :)0.02 sent, my last lol enjoy friend  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: musichighlife on August 05, 2013, 12:00 am
Hello all,

This is my first time reaching out to the Spare Coins Thread family, but I love the concept and its another one of the unique things about our community on SR. So with that being said, I happen to be .02 short an order with the shipping so if there are any kind souls who can lend the coin, I will be placing an order for coins this week probably thursday or friday and can return in full the coins lended. Since its not much and its my first time I would even give an extra .01 or .02 when returning the coins. Thanks to all the travelers out there!  8)

musichighlife (same name on marketplace) ;D
Hi  :)0.02 sent, my last lol enjoy friend  ;)

Thank you my fellow traveler. Your gratitude is greatly appreciated. Ill post in here and/or PM ya whenever my coin order hits. Thanks a bunch again. and a +1 to you  ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 05, 2013, 12:03 am problem, same sr name  ;)

Goodnight all  :) 8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on August 05, 2013, 12:12 am
Hello people :) not posted lately but been lurking (I blame ImAz for that !)

Looking for a 0.18 loan for about 12-16 hours have lent and loaned plenty of times before and will not let any kind soul down. kallindown on SR if it's possible please.

So how about RS7FI8ZRkm pays back his debt? He asked for 3 days and I haven't received my coins back for almost 2 weeks.

RS is usually rock solid but not spoke to him for a bit, I will cover his debt tomorrow when I get my coins if it's not a massive one, could you tell me how much he owes you and I will let you know if it's within my means to take it over.

Cheers and have a good day y'all  :P

Hey Kalli, yeah I thought so too about RS7FI8ZRkm but when I came back from my epic holiday and seen that he hasn't paid me back I was kind of disappointed. I understand that he might have trouble but this money was supposed to help other people as well, so I'll use it to loan to other people again.
Anyways my post is here, hope you have an awesome one mate!


Missed this 1st time round somehow !

Cool bud well will see what I've got left in a few hours or so when my coins hit and if he still isn't around I will send you what I can , you have a good mail delivery ;) catch you all soon lovely people !
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on August 05, 2013, 12:12 am
Good Evening all!

I was looking at my account history to see who has not paid back my loans and noticed that it only goes back about a month...Is there a way to go further back then this? Yes I have not been paid back my loans for over a month...this is why I wanted to see who the peeps were...Any Ideas?

Taz, please come back...where did you go 【・ヘ・?】 I am missing you brobra

Boxes, RS, Kali, mary, staind, staind's cat photo! et. al. - hope you are all well on this long weekend.

Going back to lurk mode...(⌐■_■)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on August 05, 2013, 01:05 am
Hey ImAz nice to see you surface ;)

Sent the 0.19 back that I loaned off  upthera  on SR :)
 (sent back to same name that sent it, hope that's ok)

Thank you for your kindness it is much appreciated !!!

Stay safe everyone, kalli.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on August 05, 2013, 01:11 am
Hey ImAz nice to see you surface ;)

Sent the 0.19 back that I loaned on SR :)

Thank you for your kindness it is much appreciated !!!

Hey Kali! Hope you are well brobra...your loan to me will, hopefully, will be paid back in the next couple of days...either the peeps have not finalize their shipments or their orders have not arrived yet. Either way, it will be this week as they will finalize on there own.

Thank you for being so cool.

Any ideas on the account history? I have totally forgot who owes me what...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on August 05, 2013, 01:20 am
Hey ImAz nice to see you surface ;)

Sent the 0.19 back that I loaned on SR :)

Thank you for your kindness it is much appreciated !!!

Hey Kali! Hope you are well brobra...your loan to me will, hopefully, will be paid back in the next couple of days...either the peeps have not finalize their shipments or their orders have not arrived yet. Either way, it will be this week as they will finalize on there own.

Thank you for being so cool.

Any ideas on the account history? I have totally forgot who owes me what...

Hey bud no sorry mine only goes back a month too :(

Are you still banging on about that loan ? I've told you just consider it a gift or pass it forward bud, don't worry about it ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on August 05, 2013, 01:24 am
Hey ImAz nice to see you surface ;)

Sent the 0.19 back that I loaned on SR :)

Thank you for your kindness it is much appreciated !!!

Hey Kali! Hope you are well brobra...your loan to me will, hopefully, will be paid back in the next couple of days...either the peeps have not finalize their shipments or their orders have not arrived yet. Either way, it will be this week as they will finalize on there own.

Thank you for being so cool.

Any ideas on the account history? I have totally forgot who owes me what...

Hey bud no sorry mine only goes back a month too :(

Are you still banging on about that loan ? I've told you just consider it a gift or pass it forward bud, don't worry about it ;)

Kali, you are a true brobra!

Hmmm what to watch....Attack on Titan or The Newsroom?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: truestorytrust on August 05, 2013, 01:54 am
I just stumbled across this thread, thinks it's pretty cool and shows a lot of character for people to help others out.  I have seen other people asking in other threads and have helped them out.  With that said I have a lil bit of coin left over from last order if anybody is a lil short on there order and needs to borrow let me know have no problem helping with what I can I'm a big believer in karma.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lssb2132 on August 05, 2013, 02:38 am
I also lent RS 0.37 coin about 1.5-2 weeks ago, I understand his been having issues buying btc atm. I don't doubt RS but I might be coming back here to ask for a loan soon to cover till I get my loan back =/
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on August 05, 2013, 02:58 am
I just stumbled across this thread, thinks it's pretty cool and shows a lot of character for people to help others out.  I have seen other people asking in other threads and have helped them out.  With that said I have a lil bit of coin left over from last order if anybody is a lil short on there order and needs to borrow let me know have no problem helping with what I can I'm a big believer in karma.

Very cool of you brobra! +1 karma for being so cool (•‿•)

Keep on rockin'
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: truestorytrust on August 05, 2013, 03:02 am
I just stumbled across this thread, thinks it's pretty cool and shows a lot of character for people to help others out.  I have seen other people asking in other threads and have helped them out.  With that said I have a lil bit of coin left over from last order if anybody is a lil short on there order and needs to borrow let me know have no problem helping with what I can I'm a big believer in karma.

Very cool of you brobra! +1 karma for being so cool (•‿•)

Keep on rockin'

It's no problem at all, I'm thankful for being able to part of the SR family and have no problem helping others when I can.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lssb2132 on August 05, 2013, 03:11 am
Hey ImAz nice to see you surface ;)

Sent the 0.19 back that I loaned on SR :)

Thank you for your kindness it is much appreciated !!!

Hey Kali! Hope you are well brobra...your loan to me will, hopefully, will be paid back in the next couple of days...either the peeps have not finalize their shipments or their orders have not arrived yet. Either way, it will be this week as they will finalize on there own.

Thank you for being so cool.

Any ideas on the account history? I have totally forgot who owes me what...

Hey bud no sorry mine only goes back a month too :(

Are you still banging on about that loan ? I've told you just consider it a gift or pass it forward bud, don't worry about it ;)

Kali, you are a true brobra!

Hmmm what to watch....Attack on Titan or The Newsroom?
Attack on Titan, it's a shame the new OP is less fabulous then the last.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on August 05, 2013, 03:25 am
Hey ImAz nice to see you surface ;)

Sent the 0.19 back that I loaned on SR :)

Thank you for your kindness it is much appreciated !!!

Hey Kali! Hope you are well brobra...your loan to me will, hopefully, will be paid back in the next couple of days...either the peeps have not finalize their shipments or their orders have not arrived yet. Either way, it will be this week as they will finalize on there own.

Thank you for being so cool.

Any ideas on the account history? I have totally forgot who owes me what...

Hey bud no sorry mine only goes back a month too :(

Are you still banging on about that loan ? I've told you just consider it a gift or pass it forward bud, don't worry about it ;)

Kali, you are a true brobra!

Hmmm what to watch....Attack on Titan or The Newsroom?
Attack on Titan, it's a shame the new OP is less fabulous then the last.

Hey! Someone that finally knows what I am talking about!

Have you seen this photo? ###It is a cleannet link### I lol'ed at it!

They are going to make a AoT movie...hope it is good!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on August 05, 2013, 03:27 am

+1 for knowing what Aot is! Good on ya brobra.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: musichighlife on August 05, 2013, 04:08 am
I just stumbled across this thread, thinks it's pretty cool and shows a lot of character for people to help others out.  I have seen other people asking in other threads and have helped them out.  With that said I have a lil bit of coin left over from last order if anybody is a lil short on there order and needs to borrow let me know have no problem helping with what I can I'm a big believer in karma.

Hello friend, I just made my first loan from the Spare Coins family earlier for .02 on shipping and miss666 graciously came through, what a beautiful soul. Now I come to find I can get this one other order out but im short .075. As I said to miss666 I will be getting my coins in on thursday or friday and repay the loan then. Thanks for the consideration my friend or anyone else who can help a kindred spirit out. Happy travels to all!  8) 8) 8)

musichighlife (same name on the main site)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lssb2132 on August 05, 2013, 04:12 am

+1 for knowing what Aot is! Good on ya brobra.
+1 back at you :D
That is a sweet ass picture, awesome costume and even more awesome car THAT'S Cosplay! Catching up on ep 16/17 now then to pick a new show from my backlog, that's great to hear there is a movie coming out love the show so far.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on August 05, 2013, 04:31 am

+1 for knowing what Aot is! Good on ya brobra.
+1 back at you :D
That is a sweet ass picture, awesome costume and even more awesome car THAT'S Cosplay! Catching up on ep 16/17 now then to pick a new show from my backlog, that's great to hear there is a movie coming out love the show so far.

Cool man...You will enjoy those eps!

Goodnight to all! See you on the flipside
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: rollinronnie on August 05, 2013, 04:33 am
Whats up SR? Bitcoins jumping around.. If anybody could spare .0046 I could repay later this week.. Lizard8sum lent me .0015 a couple weeks ago and you can ask him if I helped him back!

ScreenName - rollinronnie

Thanks in advance to anybody who can help!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: truestorytrust on August 05, 2013, 04:54 am
Whats up SR? Bitcoins jumping around.. If anybody could spare .0046 I could repay later this week.. Lizard8sum lent me .0015 a couple weeks ago and you can ask him if I helped him back!

ScreenName - rollinronnie

Thanks in advance to anybody who can help!

No problem, Deposited enjoy bra
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: rollinronnie on August 05, 2013, 05:00 am
1,000 thanks brother! I shall return the favor ASAP! Also, thanks for shooting me a note. I appreciated that.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: truestorytrust on August 05, 2013, 05:05 am
I just stumbled across this thread, thinks it's pretty cool and shows a lot of character for people to help others out.  I have seen other people asking in other threads and have helped them out.  With that said I have a lil bit of coin left over from last order if anybody is a lil short on there order and needs to borrow let me know have no problem helping with what I can I'm a big believer in karma.

Hello friend, I just made my first loan from the Spare Coins family earlier for .02 on shipping and miss666 graciously came through, what a beautiful soul. Now I come to find I can get this one other order out but im short .075. As I said to miss666 I will be getting my coins in on thursday or friday and repay the loan then. Thanks for the consideration my friend or anyone else who can help a kindred spirit out. Happy travels to all!  8) 8) 8)

musichighlife (same name on the main site)

I don't have the full 8 you are asking for bra as I helped five other people today but have 5 left that I just deposited to your wallet for ya, sorry its not the full amount ya need but it will get you closer.  have a good one.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: truestorytrust on August 05, 2013, 05:08 am
1,000 thanks brother! I shall return the favor ASAP! Also, thanks for shooting me a note. I appreciated that.

No problem bra
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Alighier on August 05, 2013, 05:47 am
1,000 thanks brother! I shall return the favor ASAP! Also, thanks for shooting me a note. I appreciated that.

Got you on that last $3, brother ^.^
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: musichighlife on August 05, 2013, 06:14 am
I just stumbled across this thread, thinks it's pretty cool and shows a lot of character for people to help others out.  I have seen other people asking in other threads and have helped them out.  With that said I have a lil bit of coin left over from last order if anybody is a lil short on there order and needs to borrow let me know have no problem helping with what I can I'm a big believer in karma.

Hello friend, I just made my first loan from the Spare Coins family earlier for .02 on shipping and miss666 graciously came through, what a beautiful soul. Now I come to find I can get this one other order out but im short .075. As I said to miss666 I will be getting my coins in on thursday or friday and repay the loan then. Thanks for the consideration my friend or anyone else who can help a kindred spirit out. Happy travels to all!  8) 8) 8)

musichighlife (same name on the main site)

I don't have the full 8 you are asking for bra as I helped five other people today but have 5 left that I just deposited to your wallet for ya, sorry its not the full amount ya need but it will get you closer.  have a good one.

You are a lifesaver thanks so much, making this night so much better. +1 to you and i will be repaying the loan as soon as my coins clear later in the week. If any other kind souls could make the difference up I will repay them as well, also adding an extra .01 or .02 for spreading the love

musichighlife (same name on marketplace)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on August 05, 2013, 06:15 am
Hello people :) not posted lately but been lurking (I blame ImAz for that !)

Looking for a 0.18 loan for about 12-16 hours have lent and loaned plenty of times before and will not let any kind soul down. kallindown on SR if it's possible please.

So how about RS7FI8ZRkm pays back his debt? He asked for 3 days and I haven't received my coins back for almost 2 weeks.

RS is usually rock solid but not spoke to him for a bit, I will cover his debt tomorrow when I get my coins if it's not a massive one, could you tell me how much he owes you and I will let you know if it's within my means to take it over.

Cheers and have a good day y'all  :P

Hey Kalli, yeah I thought so too about RS7FI8ZRkm but when I came back from my epic holiday and seen that he hasn't paid me back I was kind of disappointed. I understand that he might have trouble but this money was supposed to help other people as well, so I'll use it to loan to other people again.
Anyways my post is here, hope you have an awesome one mate!

I do sincerely apologize, I've been been unable to purchase coins, I've messaged you back about it

surprised to see no one else spoke up for me :-\ but whatever. don't worry you'll be repaid
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on August 05, 2013, 06:15 am
gnight y'all
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: truestorytrust on August 05, 2013, 06:21 am
I just stumbled across this thread, thinks it's pretty cool and shows a lot of character for people to help others out.  I have seen other people asking in other threads and have helped them out.  With that said I have a lil bit of coin left over from last order if anybody is a lil short on there order and needs to borrow let me know have no problem helping with what I can I'm a big believer in karma.

Hello friend, I just made my first loan from the Spare Coins family earlier for .02 on shipping and miss666 graciously came through, what a beautiful soul. Now I come to find I can get this one other order out but im short .075. As I said to miss666 I will be getting my coins in on thursday or friday and repay the loan then. Thanks for the consideration my friend or anyone else who can help a kindred spirit out. Happy travels to all!  8) 8) 8)

musichighlife (same name on the main site)

I don't have the full 8 you are asking for bra as I helped five other people today but have 5 left that I just deposited to your wallet for ya, sorry its not the full amount ya need but it will get you closer.  have a good one.

You are a lifesaver thanks so much, making this night so much better. +1 to you and i will be repaying the loan as soon as my coins clear later in the week. If any other kind souls could make the difference up I will repay them as well, also adding an extra .01 or .02 for spreading the love

musichighlife (same name on marketplace)

No problem bra, glad to help ya out and make your night a lot smoother....
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Alighier on August 05, 2013, 08:07 am
I just stumbled across this thread, thinks it's pretty cool and shows a lot of character for people to help others out.  I have seen other people asking in other threads and have helped them out.  With that said I have a lil bit of coin left over from last order if anybody is a lil short on there order and needs to borrow let me know have no problem helping with what I can I'm a big believer in karma.

Hello friend, I just made my first loan from the Spare Coins family earlier for .02 on shipping and miss666 graciously came through, what a beautiful soul. Now I come to find I can get this one other order out but im short .075. As I said to miss666 I will be getting my coins in on thursday or friday and repay the loan then. Thanks for the consideration my friend or anyone else who can help a kindred spirit out. Happy travels to all!  8) 8) 8)

musichighlife (same name on the main site)

I don't have the full 8 you are asking for bra as I helped five other people today but have 5 left that I just deposited to your wallet for ya, sorry its not the full amount ya need but it will get you closer.  have a good one.

You are a lifesaver thanks so much, making this night so much better. +1 to you and i will be repaying the loan as soon as my coins clear later in the week. If any other kind souls could make the difference up I will repay them as well, also adding an extra .01 or .02 for spreading the love

musichighlife (same name on marketplace)

Sorry, quoted the wrong cat earlier.  I sent you .03btc earlier on.  Hope that covers it!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jonnybones on August 05, 2013, 10:09 am
Anyone needing help with an order who hasn't had any luck with some help yet..? I'll be here for little bit longer and could possibly help..  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: shifting sands on August 05, 2013, 11:29 am
Hi there, I am 0.1607 short on a promotion, I don't know if that is to much to ask for. I will repay later this week. If you can help thanks. SR name notmetoday
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jonnybones on August 05, 2013, 11:47 am
Hi there, I am 0.1607 short on a promotion, I don't know if that is to much to ask for. I will repay later this week. If you can help thanks. SR name notmetoday

Sending .17 now buddy, hope it helps.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: shifting sands on August 05, 2013, 11:55 am
Hi there, I am 0.1607 short on a promotion, I don't know if that is to much to ask for. I will repay later this week. If you can help thanks. SR name notmetoday

Sending .17 now buddy, hope it helps.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 05, 2013, 12:01 pm
Morning all  ;) hope everyone,s good today  :)

Anyone waiting on coin fron RS, I can honestly say this guy will be working his ass off to get your coin so don,t worry, you will be repaid, RS is a solid member and has posted updating his situation with the coin  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jonnybones on August 05, 2013, 12:09 pm
Morning all  ;) hope everyone,s good today  :)

Morning..10pm so its close..  ;D thanks Mary, i'm doing good, how are you? and the 6's?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 05, 2013, 12:14 pm
Morning all  ;) hope everyone,s good today  :)

Morning..10pm so its close..  ;D thanks Mary, i'm doing good, how are you? and the 6's?
Hi jonny  :) i,m good hun, how,s yourself? The aussies are asleep when the rest of us are up  :( lol bet your winters warmer than our summer today  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on August 05, 2013, 12:14 pm
Morning all  ;) hope everyone,s good today  :)

Anyone waiting on coin fron RS, I can honestly say this guy will be working his ass off to get your coin so don,t worry, you will be repaid, RS is a solid member and has posted updating his situation with the coin  :)

Good day mary hope you're great today :)

+1 to her post and I've got a small amount if anyone is in need but won't be around much today so you're better off mailing me on the main site (its kallindown) if you need them fast.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 05, 2013, 12:21 pm
Hi Kalli  :) +1 you back cuase your so cool  8) 72hr rule for jonny  :( lol hope your good Kalli, where did our sunshine go, did Jonny nick it  ::) :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jonnybones on August 05, 2013, 12:21 pm
Morning all  ;) hope everyone,s good today  :)

Morning..10pm so its close..  ;D thanks Mary, i'm doing good, how are you? and the 6's?
Hi jonny  :) i,m good hun, how,s yourself? The aussies are asleep when the rest of us are up  :( lol bet your winters warmer than our summer today  ;)
ha yeah I guess 20c and blue skies is not what you'd consider winter..... ;D   although it did get down to 19 the other day... ;)
Hi Kalli, your looking well..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jonnybones on August 05, 2013, 12:31 pm
Could you tell me what the 72hr rule is please? and why it applies to jonnybones?  and anyone got a lighter?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 05, 2013, 12:35 pm
You can only give another member karma every 72hrs jonny  :) ;) I hate it when i can,t find a working lighter, swappin parts  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jonnybones on August 05, 2013, 12:41 pm
oh thanks, I noticed Karma on my profile now......can you redeem them for cash or drugs?  :P gonna send some K back your way...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Hearts on August 05, 2013, 12:43 pm
Whats up all? :) been smoking a little more than I should, I got a question for you guys out there, do you mix with tobacco with your joints?

I do because i'm a scum bag and don't mind the nicotine, last time I used to bong 50/50 weed/tobacco, it makes it easier, but not in the good way... if I use pure weed it tickles too much and I cough like a dog, I would do it if I had more weed :S
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on August 05, 2013, 12:48 pm
Hi Kalli  :) +1 you back cuase your so cool  8) 72hr rule for jonny  :( lol hope your good Kalli, where did our sunshine go, did Jonny nick it  ::) :P

Hehehe :) right back at ya hun ! I'm indeed great I had a date with a hot chick at weekend and she just called for a follow up this week.... and she is a drugs councilor too haha !

Love n hugs kalster ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jonnybones on August 05, 2013, 12:52 pm
Hey Heart, all good, how are you mate? yeah I'm a tobacco mixer mate, straight weed is hard for me to.  I don't smoke cigi's but love tobacco in my weed.  Been looking into and thinking about getting a good vaporizer lately.. all the goodness with no smoke or tobacco.  It would be different but some things I've read are positive and people swear buy them.   I find I miss the tobacco when I'm not smoking weed..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lssb2132 on August 05, 2013, 12:55 pm
Whats up all? :) been smoking a little more than I should, I got a question for you guys out there, do you mix with tobacco with your joints?

I do because i'm a scum bag and don't mind the nicotine, last time I used to bong 50/50 weed/tobacco, it makes it easier, but not in the good way... if I use pure weed it tickles too much and I cough like a dog, I would do it if I had more weed :S
I do this though I only smoke bongs, more economical and you get a nice tobacco rush. I find tobacco on it's own disgusting but I spin my chop all the way.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Hearts on August 05, 2013, 01:01 pm
Hey Johnny! I'm all good here as well :) I find that the tobacco gives it a nicer kick to it, but I hear many Americans smoke pure mostly... Most of my mates are from Europe so I probably picked it up from them a while while back!

I'm interested in getting a vaporizer myself, one day I might get to buying one on SR, can you get ones that allow you to vape herb and use nicotine flavoured cartridges? (I don't exactly know how some of them work, different models different ways?), I've only tried smoking vaped weed out of the lightbulb method, unique taste to it and quite a different high! 

Eventually I'll need to cut down on smoking cigs, bad habit

I do this though I only smoke bongs, more economical and you get a nice tobacco rush. I find tobacco on it's own disgusting but I spin my chop all the way.

Yeah the tobacco rush with bongs wakes you the hell up! its become a habit to mix my weed actually, at least I rarely smoke cigarettes when I've had a joint or smoked a bowl
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on August 05, 2013, 01:02 pm
Hey Heart, all good, how are you mate? yeah I'm a tobacco mixer mate, straight weed is hard for me to.  I don't smoke cigi's but love tobacco in my weed.  Been looking into and thinking about getting a good vaporizer lately.. all the goodness with no smoke or tobacco.  It would be different but some things I've read are positive and people swear buy them.   I find I miss the tobacco when I'm not smoking weed..

Yeah I'm a mixed of tobacco too, it's too harsh for me if I don't and as for vaporizers they are awesome but they are also a little harsh for me in a different way although you soon get used to them and the clear buzz + health benefits make that worth  sticking to :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jonnybones on August 05, 2013, 01:11 pm
Whats up all? :) been smoking a little more than I should, I got a question for you guys out there, do you mix with tobacco with your joints?

I do because i'm a scum bag and don't mind the nicotine, last time I used to bong 50/50 weed/tobacco, it makes it easier, but not in the good way... if I use pure weed it tickles too much and I cough like a dog, I would do it if I had more weed :S
I do this though I only smoke bongs, more economical and you get a nice tobacco rush. I find tobacco on it's own disgusting but I spin my chop all the way.

yep, me to lssb2132...  that tobacco hit is hard to do without..
hearts, your no scumbag man.  I been smoking 25 years and I've come across maybe a dozen people who smoke it straight in Aus. Not sure about the US..
In Australia 99% of smokers smoke bongs, and mix with tobacco.   Its just hows you do it here.   But yeah,I'm  at the age where I'm starting to think of healthier options. 
I've been reading about temperatures and optimum THC release as opposed to CBD.  With a top of the range home vap machine you can regulate the way the 2 are released.  THC = high and happy, CBD = sleepy and sleepy. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: purplepanth on August 05, 2013, 01:12 pm
Good morning guys/gals!

Whats everyone up to on this Monday??

Same old same old here..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jonnybones on August 05, 2013, 01:16 pm
Hey Heart, all good, how are you mate? yeah I'm a tobacco mixer mate, straight weed is hard for me to.  I don't smoke cigi's but love tobacco in my weed.  Been looking into and thinking about getting a good vaporizer lately.. all the goodness with no smoke or tobacco.  It would be different but some things I've read are positive and people swear buy them.   I find I miss the tobacco when I'm not smoking weed..

Yeah I'm a mixed of tobacco too, it's too harsh for me if I don't and as for vaporizers they are awesome but they are also a little harsh for me in a different way although you soon get used to them and the clear buzz + health benefits make that worth  sticking to :)

Thanks Kalli, yeah  I think they'll most likely be the choice of the next generation of tokers..., its amazing once you start reading up on the difference between burning and vaping.  gonna have to get one I think.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Hearts on August 05, 2013, 01:22 pm
Whats up all? :) been smoking a little more than I should, I got a question for you guys out there, do you mix with tobacco with your joints?

I do because i'm a scum bag and don't mind the nicotine, last time I used to bong 50/50 weed/tobacco, it makes it easier, but not in the good way... if I use pure weed it tickles too much and I cough like a dog, I would do it if I had more weed :S
I do this though I only smoke bongs, more economical and you get a nice tobacco rush. I find tobacco on it's own disgusting but I spin my chop all the way.

yep, me to lssb2132...  that tobacco hit is hard to do without..
hearts, your no scumbag man.  I been smoking 25 years and I've come across maybe a dozen people who smoke it straight in Aus. Not sure about the US..
In Australia 99% of smokers smoke bongs, and mix with tobacco.   Its just hows you do it here.   But yeah,I'm  at the age where I'm starting to think of healthier options. 
I've been reading about temperatures and optimum THC release as opposed to CBD.  With a top of the range home vap machine you can regulate the way the 2 are released.  THC = high and happy, CBD = sleepy and sleepy. 

Interesting! As I hear on most other forums I notice *mostly Americans* smoke pure and find it strange that europeans/australians/others mix... And Yeah usually with my previous group who used to smoke a lot, we would try to take 1 bowl in 1 hit, after a year of being sober I realized how much we were destroying ourselves, at first it was harsh and hurts, overtime it got easier, since there is a tobacco mix in it, but then again it did make the hit easier!

For now still being young, i'll continue smoking it but will get to the point of buying a vape :)

And oh! I didn't know CBD had an effect on the high! It's mostly the medicinal side of weed right? helps with certain cancer cells and chronic pain right?
Does that mean indicas are mostly higher in CBD? or it still may differ from strains?

@purple dull monday here waiting on getting my pipe I've ordered! should come this week, hopefully tomorrow, fingers crossed!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: purplepanth on August 05, 2013, 01:28 pm
So does anyone have a vape pen? Read some about them the other day..they are pricey, but it sure sounds like it could be worth it..thinking about one for the S/O since they smoke..

In the US it is smoked straight more then not..on the rare occasions I do, I make my own cig, dump half the tobacco and put the herb in the can be a pain but once you have a system, it works well.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on August 05, 2013, 01:29 pm
Boxes, RS, Kali, mary, staind, staind's cat photo! et. al. - hope you are all well on this long weekend.

;D ;D ;D good to see that the cat is well established already. awesome!

@ schuldig and others. If you need your coins back, you can ask me as well. I can to take over the loan, do not need many coins at the moment. Will check in every now and then in the next few hours...

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jonnybones on August 05, 2013, 01:41 pm
So does anyone have a vape pen? Read some about them the other day..they are pricey, but it sure sounds like it could be worth it..thinking about one for the S/O since they smoke..

In the US it is smoked straight more then not..on the rare occasions I do, I make my own cig, dump half the tobacco and put the herb in the can be a pain but once you have a system, it works well.

http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=196472.0   lets find out what most people do..

ahuh, yeah I do the cigi thing to if needed.  Like Hearts I thought most tokers in the US were straight smokers.... As for the vape pen? no dont have one yet, was gonna go more a home style set up.  (i dont smoke when i'm out and about anyway)  They can cost a shitload though.  PP whats the S/O?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thr33dom on August 05, 2013, 01:48 pm
Hi all!  Hope everyone is doing well on this Monday.  I'm short .0790 on my order and I LOVE ice cream!  Any help would be awesome!  PEACE!

SR: thr33dom
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jonnybones on August 05, 2013, 01:53 pm
Hi all!  Hope everyone is doing well on this Monday.  I'm short .0790 on my order and I LOVE ice cream!  Any help would be awesome!  PEACE!

SR: thr33dom

just sent .0264 this might help, but I've given the rest away sorry.  Maybe someone can add to it for you.  ICE cream is very good I agree.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: purplepanth on August 05, 2013, 01:53 pm
So does anyone have a vape pen? Read some about them the other day..they are pricey, but it sure sounds like it could be worth it..thinking about one for the S/O since they smoke..

In the US it is smoked straight more then not..on the rare occasions I do, I make my own cig, dump half the tobacco and put the herb in the can be a pain but once you have a system, it works well.

http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=196472.0   lets find out what most people do..

ahuh, yeah I do the cigi thing to if needed.  Like Hearts I thought most tokers in the US were straight smokers.... As for the vape pen? no dont have one yet, was gonna go more a home style set up.  (i dont smoke when i'm out and about anyway)  They can cost a shitload though.  PP whats the S/O?

S/O is Significant Other..boyfriend/girlfriend, husband/wife
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thr33dom on August 05, 2013, 01:55 pm
Hi all!  Hope everyone is doing well on this Monday.  I'm short .0790 on my order and I LOVE ice cream!  Any help would be awesome!  PEACE!

SR: thr33dom

just sent .0264 this might help, but I've given the rest away sorry.  Maybe someone can add to it for you.  ICE cream is very good I agree.

That's amazing!  THANK YOU!  This community rocks!   Mint and chip is my runaway favorite, btw! 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Hearts on August 05, 2013, 01:58 pm
So does anyone have a vape pen? Read some about them the other day..they are pricey, but it sure sounds like it could be worth it..thinking about one for the S/O since they smoke..

In the US it is smoked straight more then not..on the rare occasions I do, I make my own cig, dump half the tobacco and put the herb in the can be a pain but once you have a system, it works well.

http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=196472.0   lets find out what most people do..

ahuh, yeah I do the cigi thing to if needed.  Like Hearts I thought most tokers in the US were straight smokers.... As for the vape pen? no dont have one yet, was gonna go more a home style set up.  (i dont smoke when i'm out and about anyway)  They can cost a shitload though.  PP whats the S/O?

good idea on making a poll! will cast my vote :D

S/O is Significant Other..boyfriend/girlfriend, husband/wife
I did not know that! Thank you lol
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lssb2132 on August 05, 2013, 02:08 pm
Whats up all? :) been smoking a little more than I should, I got a question for you guys out there, do you mix with tobacco with your joints?

I do because i'm a scum bag and don't mind the nicotine, last time I used to bong 50/50 weed/tobacco, it makes it easier, but not in the good way... if I use pure weed it tickles too much and I cough like a dog, I would do it if I had more weed :S
I do this though I only smoke bongs, more economical and you get a nice tobacco rush. I find tobacco on it's own disgusting but I spin my chop all the way.

yep, me to lssb2132...  that tobacco hit is hard to do without..
hearts, your no scumbag man.  I been smoking 25 years and I've come across maybe a dozen people who smoke it straight in Aus. Not sure about the US..
In Australia 99% of smokers smoke bongs, and mix with tobacco.   Its just hows you do it here.   But yeah,I'm  at the age where I'm starting to think of healthier options. 
I've been reading about temperatures and optimum THC release as opposed to CBD.  With a top of the range home vap machine you can regulate the way the 2 are released.  THC = high and happy, CBD = sleepy and sleepy. 
+1 to your Australia summary, very accurate imo! Also @ Hearts, most of the smokers I know clear the cone in one hit myself included...almost tradition haha.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Hearts on August 05, 2013, 02:16 pm

Thats the word ;) Too bad, I bet if I were to try now I'd cough like mad... Miss smoking on large glass bongs though..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jonnybones on August 05, 2013, 02:40 pm
Have a good day/ night everyone.... no doubt we'll catch up soon again.. been great having a chat with you, but 4 hours and i'm up for work... shit. 
.Anyway... here's a little something I read recently..
Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, 'what? you to? I thought I was the only one'
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thr33dom on August 05, 2013, 02:44 pm
Thanks to Jonnybones' unbridled generosity, I'm now only .0468 short for my purchase!  And yes, I still love ice cream!  Much love!!!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jundullahi on August 05, 2013, 02:51 pm
Hallo dear Silk Road walkers.

I was wonder if some one could lend me 0.5 BTC till the 13 or 14 august. The is the Durban Poison weeds from South Africa I really want to try but there is a limited supply and I am afraid that if I wait to long it will be gone.
Thank you all wish you the best.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Hearts on August 05, 2013, 02:57 pm
Have a good day/ night everyone.... no doubt we'll catch up soon again.. been great having a chat with you, but 4 hours and i'm up for work... shit. 
.Anyway... here's a little something I read recently..
Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, 'what? you to? I thought I was the only one'

Take Care Johnny :) Nice little saying there.

@jundullahi, you should try TheDaggaCouple, same location, cheaper price and different strains! ;) But I don't want to put a bad name for Revenant child I think that was his name, I would have ordered from him if I didn't stumble upon Dagga Couple, and sorry I'm out of BTC, plus thats quite a large amount to be asking ><

Oh and salam bro, almost eid, cant wait to eat regularly again!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on August 05, 2013, 03:02 pm
Hi all!  Hope everyone is doing well on this Monday.  I'm short .0790 on my order and I LOVE ice cream!  Any help would be awesome!  PEACE!

SR: thr33dom

just sent .0264 this might help, but I've given the rest away sorry.  Maybe someone can add to it for you.  ICE cream is very good I agree.

Has someone been following rule number 8?  ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on August 05, 2013, 03:13 pm
Thanks to Jonnybones' unbridled generosity, I'm now only .0468 short for my purchase!  And yes, I still love ice cream!  Much love!!!


0.05 heading your way.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thr33dom on August 05, 2013, 03:18 pm
You absolutely rock!  THANK YOU!   God bless the SR community!  And GB ice cream!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jundullahi on August 05, 2013, 03:23 pm
Have a good day/ night everyone.... no doubt we'll catch up soon again.. been great having a chat with you, but 4 hours and i'm up for work... shit. 
.Anyway... here's a little something I read recently..
Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, 'what? you to? I thought I was the only one'

Take Care Johnny :) Nice little saying there.

@jundullahi, you should try TheDaggaCouple, same location, cheaper price and different strains! ;) But I don't want to put a bad name for Revenant child I think that was his name, I would have ordered from him if I didn't stumble upon Dagga Couple, and sorry I'm out of BTC, plus thats quite a large amount to be asking ><

Oh and salam bro, almost eid, cant wait to eat regularly again!

Wa asalam alikum.
He you right eid is almost there. I cant wait to.

Yeah I know 0,5 is a lot to be asking but I thought why not try any way.

About Dagga Couple do you have a vendor page I might check him out.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: shad0wx on August 05, 2013, 03:35 pm
I love ice cream!!!!!!!!! does this count for anything?lol. i'm not asking or begging for any coins. I am a noob with only 3 purchases.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mindmatter on August 05, 2013, 03:54 pm
I've run in the same problem as last time and just short .01 for my order.

Could someone lend me .01 for 2 weeks so I can purchase?
I've asked a couple of times before and    trichome, and RS7FI8ZRkm can vouch that return the coin.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Hearts on August 05, 2013, 04:04 pm
Have a good day/ night everyone.... no doubt we'll catch up soon again.. been great having a chat with you, but 4 hours and i'm up for work... shit. 
.Anyway... here's a little something I read recently..
Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, 'what? you to? I thought I was the only one'

Take Care Johnny :) Nice little saying there.

@jundullahi, you should try TheDaggaCouple, same location, cheaper price and different strains! ;) But I don't want to put a bad name for Revenant child I think that was his name, I would have ordered from him if I didn't stumble upon Dagga Couple, and sorry I'm out of BTC, plus thats quite a large amount to be asking ><

Oh and salam bro, almost eid, cant wait to eat regularly again!

Wa asalam alikum.
He you right eid is almost there. I cant wait to.

Yeah I know 0,5 is a lot to be asking but I thought why not try any way.

About Dagga Couple do you have a vendor page I might check him out.

*Wa alaikum salam, and his vendor page, Its in my signature [silkroadvb5piz3r.onion/silkroad/user/89550535b5] :) Very very friendly vendor, rock bottom prices with quality smoke!

I cant wait to feast when its eid! oh and its only 0.27 for 5g of Mango x Swazi skunk, or 0.3 for 5g White widow x Swazi skunk, he's getting stock for blue cheese x Swazi skunk on wednesday, and a lot more other strains :P Definitely recommend!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on August 05, 2013, 04:14 pm
I love ice cream!!!!!!!!! does this count for anything?lol. i'm not asking or begging for any coins. I am a noob with only 3 purchases.

Yes that does count! +1 to you ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on August 05, 2013, 04:21 pm
I've run in the same problem as last time and just short .01 for my order.

Could someone lend me .01 for 2 weeks so I can purchase?
I've asked a couple of times before and    trichome, and RS7FI8ZRkm can vouch that return the coin.



sent you the 0.01, consider it a gift.

next time please write your sr name in post :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on August 05, 2013, 04:46 pm
Hey ya'll  :)

Sorry i havent been here much, just getting things in order, or tryin to at least ???

Also, RS will get those coins back to whomever he owes :)
On that you can rely  :)

Peace & Hugs to you All 8)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: shad0wx on August 05, 2013, 04:52 pm
thanks i am not gonna be one of those people who put up my wallet address asking for
yeah i am at zero balance but oh well. should have more by the end of the week.

btw my name is the same on sr if anyone gives a shit
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mindmatter on August 05, 2013, 05:08 pm
Thanks a bunch Staind :)
Makes things so much easier, much appriciated.

I'll pass the coin on to someone in need when I make my next order.
Thanks again.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on August 05, 2013, 05:11 pm
                                                  :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) ##When requesting, post your SR name## SO WE KNOW WHERE TO SEND IT TO.  DON'T ASSUME WE KNOW. ##  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7)## DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. ## >:(  ##Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due. ##
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.
                                                           Reserved For Notes

The shit list:
Autobondon *
i3lazd                      <----  (NEVER LEND-Perma-Banned-From This Thread) * ChemCat*
King Karma
repus6 *

 *^*do not lend to these people*^*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: shroomaurora on August 05, 2013, 06:40 pm
I need 0.006 btc to pay for the shipping on a item. My silkroad name is the same as my forum account.

I will help someone else out next time I have spare coins in my account. I can't buy less then 0.1btc at a time.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on August 05, 2013, 06:43 pm
I need 0.006 btc to pay for the shipping on a item. My silkroad name is the same as my forum account.

I will help someone else out next time I have spare coins in my account. I can't buy less then 0.1btc at a time.

sent .01
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: TheIllusiveDeus on August 05, 2013, 08:35 pm
like a fucking idiot i forgot about bitcoinfog fee's. now i'm $25 short, can anybody help me out? I got karma aplenty to give out. my silkroad name is the same as this forum account. Thanks a lot guys!!! Love you all <3
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on August 05, 2013, 09:06 pm
like a fucking idiot i forgot about bitcoinfog fee's. now i'm $25 short, can anybody help me out? I got karma aplenty to give out. my silkroad name is the same as this forum account. Thanks a lot guys!!! Love you all <3

maybe maybe, if you tell us in btc... we have a load of different currencies except for this one called bitcoin we all use. now there's a currency that's not scared of oceans. bonkers.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jontor1337 on August 05, 2013, 10:28 pm
I'm 0.0573 btc short of getting a group of ten items, though all the exchanges are closed. I'll repay three or four times the amount on Wednesday
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: FuegoTegu on August 05, 2013, 10:45 pm
I'm .4 BTC short on a huge order and I need to make the order tonight, or else I'd wait 3 days to buy more bitcoins.

My SR name is Viciouz

I will return .5 btc by Thursday.

Please and thank you.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on August 05, 2013, 11:07 pm
I'm 0.0573 btc short of getting a group of ten items, though all the exchanges are closed. I'll repay three or four times the amount on Wednesday

Spammed to 50 in 2hrs just to post in this thread aye
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jontor1337 on August 06, 2013, 12:00 am
I'm 0.0573 btc short of getting a group of ten items, though all the exchanges are closed. I'll repay three or four times the amount on Wednesday

Spammed to 50 in 2hrs just to post in this thread aye

Eh, I'll get on these forums every few months if a site goes down or for general news, but not enough to really warrant posting. I figured, if somebody could lend me five dollars before inventory ran out, great. If not, nothing really lost. At least I don't have to go through that process again
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: FuegoTegu on August 06, 2013, 12:02 am
I'm short 1 penny (0.0001 btc) for shipping.

Anyone, please. My SR name is Viciouz
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jontor1337 on August 06, 2013, 12:10 am
I'm short 1 penny (0.0001 btc) for shipping.

Anyone, please. My SR name is Viciouz

I got you. Happened to me once when I bought coins, but luckily I had money in another wallet
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: weed4me6969 on August 06, 2013, 12:25 am
what is up all! 

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: TheIllusiveDeus on August 06, 2013, 12:55 am
nvm i only need .03 BTC now. Can someone help a brotha out?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: TheIllusiveDeus on August 06, 2013, 01:32 am
i'm trying to make a purchase asap so the vendor doesn't run out, but i'm .03 BTC short. Can anybody help me out? My SR account name is the same as my forum one!! please i really don't want him to sell out!! Thanks a bunch ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: chezm2bme on August 06, 2013, 01:49 am
i am looking for a .03 btc loan on a bulk order from mrhumboldt,  if anyone can help i will repay when i refill  thanks

sr name is chezm2bme
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: TheIllusiveDeus on August 06, 2013, 02:07 am
bleh now I only need .01 BTC. I feel like someone just trolled me ;) so close but yet so far.

P.S. respond to this post so I can give you Karma!!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: chezm2bme on August 06, 2013, 02:10 am
i am in the same boat man, i just need .03 btc,  since bitinstant is down it sucks loading btc, i havent screwed up in a while, i am looking for .03 btc to complete my bulk order too
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: TheIllusiveDeus on August 06, 2013, 02:15 am
haha i guess we're going to have to spam this thread in till some foo give us a couple dollars :p
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: chezm2bme on August 06, 2013, 02:18 am
over the past 9 months ive asked i think twice,  and i got the loan, and i payed back,  its rare but sometimes you just gotta ask,  i am tired and ready for bed, but, i gotta stay up in hopes of getting the btc to place the order,...its a drag when your calculations are off
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: TheIllusiveDeus on August 06, 2013, 02:24 am
~4 months of buying almost 2,000 spent on SR and this is the first time I've had to do it. I usually have more then enough but i decided to tip someone 8 dollars last week and that fucked up this order. Oh well.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: chezm2bme on August 06, 2013, 02:27 am
ah well ive probably spent close to 75,000 all together the past year....and this is the 3rd time ive had to ask the whole time, its a good placve, narmally the people are good
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: TheIllusiveDeus on August 06, 2013, 02:35 am
I love this place!!! You see all different kinds of people with all different kinds of ideals its very nice. Although I still need .01 BTC to my SR account of the same name ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: chezm2bme on August 06, 2013, 02:41 am
your thinkin about sending me that .03 btc arent you......thats awefully nice of you.....hahaseems we shouldnt both sit here hoping....hahaha

just kidding man, but im hoping btc price changes slightly or i get the .03 btc in a quick like fashion, so i can place the order and go to bed!

wheres all the good people, i know there on here somewhere!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: TheIllusiveDeus on August 06, 2013, 02:53 am
hey man i wanna go to bed too ;) I'm just sitting here listing to OK computer on repeat, waiting for .01 BTC to rain down from the goddess of Bitcoins to satisfy my marijuana addiction ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: chezm2bme on August 06, 2013, 02:59 am
this is crazy,  please someone,  its 3 dollars, and it will be payed back, 3 dollars.....can anyone help, my buyer stats are below....i am good for it....   .03 btc

sr name  chezm2bme
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: chezm2bme on August 06, 2013, 03:03 am
well with btc price changing,  now i am .06btc short,   looking like a lost cause
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: TheIllusiveDeus on August 06, 2013, 03:04 am
no problemo pillfire. But now BTC fluctuated and i need .02 BTC. ugghh. Please anyone. I'm willing to get you back just help chezm and me out.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on August 06, 2013, 03:04 am
lmfao i'm starting to feel pretty bad for you guys. i don't know where everyone else is tonight.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: chezm2bme on August 06, 2013, 03:07 am
keep laughing ron.....keep laughing......what a perdicament.... it is funny tho if ya think about it
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on August 06, 2013, 03:09 am
what's even funnier is i just sent you both the amounts you asked for, came back here to let you know and you'd both posted needing more because of fluctuations. ooooh aren't we in a pickle today.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: chezm2bme on August 06, 2013, 03:11 am
ron your a funny a guy,  i was wondering if that was you!!.     its like a good deed slap in the face,  i appreciate it...even tho it
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: TheIllusiveDeus on August 06, 2013, 03:16 am
haha thanks Ron but now I'm .005 BTC short. I think God just doesn't want me to smoke anymore weed.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: chezm2bme on August 06, 2013, 03:16 am
ron.....your kindness will be rewarded!!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: chezm2bme on August 06, 2013, 03:17 am
i got you, i have a little extra from ron
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on August 06, 2013, 03:18 am
check again man, i sent you both 2 transfers eventually. sr loading issues. toke til you die!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on August 06, 2013, 03:19 am
i got you, i have a little extra from ron

or this. worked out ok in the end eh hahahaa
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: John Gotti on August 06, 2013, 03:19 am
Guys, big emergency! I need .12 btc if someone is looking to help me out. I'll pay you back $20 when i get it later this week. I let a pisan  do the math and now we're short. dont want to get into details but its to help someone out.
if anyone could help out, it will be appreciated. thanks
send to
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: TheIllusiveDeus on August 06, 2013, 03:21 am
Karma for you, and you, and you, and you too. In fact if you posted on this thread within the past hour then karma for you. Karma for eerrone!!!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: chezm2bme on August 06, 2013, 03:22 am
ron your second transfer left me with .0076btc....... i placed my order and sent .005btc to the other guy.  i will get you back, and send a private message when i do  thank you
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: John Gotti on August 06, 2013, 03:26 am
Guys, big emergency! I need .12 btc if someone is looking to help me out. I'll pay you back $20 when i get it later this week. I let a pisan  do the math and now we're short. dont want to get into details but its to help someone out.
if anyone could help out, it will be appreciated. thanks
send to
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on August 06, 2013, 03:34 am
Guys, big emergency! I need .12 btc if someone is looking to help me out. I'll pay you back $20 when i get it later this week. I let a pisan  do the math and now we're short. dont want to get into details but its to help someone out.
if anyone could help out, it will be appreciated. thanks
send to

Get da fuck outta here before i smack ya in da mouth!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: TheIllusiveDeus on August 06, 2013, 03:46 am
sweet I got the last 1/2 ounce of LSD from EastCoastCollective. Thank god for that impeccable timing.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Alighier on August 06, 2013, 03:56 am
sweet I got the last 1/2 ounce of LSD from EastCoastCollective. Thank god for that impeccable timing.

c-c-c-crystal LSD???!?!?!


Otherwise, how do you get a 1/2 oz of LSD?

Paper weighs that much?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on August 06, 2013, 04:01 am
sweet I got the last 1/2 ounce of LSD from EastCoastCollective. Thank god for that impeccable timing.

c-c-c-crystal LSD???!?!?!


Otherwise, how do you get a 1/2 oz of LSD?

Paper weighs that much?

haha that was my first thought for a second then. i was like whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?! it's a strain of weed. nice strong sativa i think. there's green crack and herijuana etc too.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Alighier on August 06, 2013, 04:05 am
sweet I got the last 1/2 ounce of LSD from EastCoastCollective. Thank god for that impeccable timing.

c-c-c-crystal LSD???!?!?!


Otherwise, how do you get a 1/2 oz of LSD?

Paper weighs that much?

haha that was my first thought for a second then. i was like whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?! it's a strain of weed. nice strong sativa i think. there's green crack and herijuana etc too.

Oh!  I knew about the others, but LSD?  lol.  I was about to say, 1/2oz of crystal LSD would be, what?  140,000 hits, yeah?  Made me sweat just thinking about it.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on August 06, 2013, 04:09 am
I was thinking liquid LSD
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: foxen624 on August 06, 2013, 04:11 am
sweet I got the last 1/2 ounce of LSD from EastCoastCollective. Thank god for that impeccable timing.

c-c-c-crystal LSD???!?!?!


Otherwise, how do you get a 1/2 oz of LSD?

Paper weighs that much?

haha that was my first thought for a second then. i was like whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?! it's a strain of weed. nice strong sativa i think. there's green crack and herijuana etc too.

Oh!  I knew about the others, but LSD?  lol.  I was about to say, 1/2oz of crystal LSD would be, what?  140,000 hits, yeah?  Made me sweat just thinking about it.

Lol...  I had to read that a couple of times too...  1/2 oz lsd???  still wonder about that measurement..  oh well  ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: foxen624 on August 06, 2013, 04:15 am
Hey People...  how goes it?

PillPirate was kind enough to loan out .0198 BTC  to whomever a couple days ago... and being the weekend and out of btc, I snagged it up.   Today, I got more BTC and probably will get more tomorrow as well.   So, I'm now passing on the .0198 btc to some soul who might happen to need it...   

Cheers!  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: TheIllusiveDeus on August 06, 2013, 04:30 am
LSD is a indica dominant hybrid strain. 24% THC, legit shit. If you like weed check out ECC. One of the best weed vendors on the road, or so I've heard.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on August 06, 2013, 04:31 am
how much is a fluid oz in ml though? i suppose if it's liquid it could be any level of dilution.. why am i still running with this lol. how many mcg's in a g? average dose probably 100mcg soo 14/0.001???? or 0.0001 that'd match your maths of 140,000. hmm wow. ok this is weird. strange night in the spare coins thread. ah well time for a power nap then work. fun. i'm not convinced power naps are a real thing.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: John Gotti on August 06, 2013, 04:36 am
Guys, big emergency! I need .12 btc if someone is looking to help me out. I'll pay you back $20 when i get it later this week. I let a pisan  do the math and now we're short. dont want to get into details but its to help someone out.
if anyone could help out, it will be appreciated. thanks
send to

Get da fuck outta here before i smack ya in da mouth!

lol someone sent .038. thank you. if any one else can help i wont smack ya in da mouth. :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on August 06, 2013, 04:38 am
LSD is a indica dominant hybrid strain. 24% THC, legit shit. If you like weed check out ECC. One of the best weed vendors on the road, or so I've heard.

right you are! can't believe that, i've been thinking it was sativa for ages. damn. at least i knew it's barneys. and yeah i've heard the same about ecc but unfortunately usa domestic only :( xenophobes
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: John Gotti on August 06, 2013, 04:44 am
Guys, big emergency! I need .12 btc if someone is looking to help me out. I'll pay you back $20 when i get it later this week. I let a pisan  do the math and now we're short. dont want to get into details but its to help someone out.
if anyone could help out, it will be appreciated. thanks
send to
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on August 06, 2013, 06:27 am
Guys, big emergency! I need .12 btc if someone is looking to help me out. I'll pay you back $20 when i get it later this week. I let a pisan  do the math and now we're short. dont want to get into details but its to help someone out.
if anyone could help out, it will be appreciated. thanks
send to

So your in need of .12 but only have .038 and have only ever had .038 ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Alighier on August 06, 2013, 09:03 am
how much is a fluid oz in ml though? i suppose if it's liquid it could be any level of dilution.. why am i still running with this lol. how many mcg's in a g? average dose probably 100mcg soo 14/0.001???? or 0.0001 that'd match your maths of 140,000. hmm wow. ok this is weird. strange night in the spare coins thread. ah well time for a power nap then work. fun. i'm not convinced power naps are a real thing.

How bad is it that I couldn't stop laughing by the end of this post?

Pretty bad...

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: shad0wx on August 06, 2013, 12:23 pm
well hell, was hoping i wouldn't need this but i do. I am like 0.01 short of shipping costs, if anyone has that to spare i will make sure to give back later this week when i can add more. thanks a lot ! oh my name on sr is the same as on this forum.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Believe on August 06, 2013, 12:54 pm
I need about .30 coins to buy my next bulk :\ Any contributions would be great! I'll pass it forward when opportunity comes!

My SR name is the same as my forum name: 'Believe'. Thanks in advance!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: HeatFireFlame on August 06, 2013, 12:58 pm
Hey all, Bloody fluctuation ehh?
I bought an item last night but because of my stats the vendor kindly told me he didnt want to accept my order, and refunded my money, I saw this and messaged him politely and we had a little chat and he decided more than graciously to accept my purchase. However when i went to make it, I am now short 0.0301 Btc. If anyone can help i shall be sure to pay you back as soon as i can, It will not be on the same day, However it will be fairly soon :)

I appreciate anyone who is kind enough to help me out.
Thanks all :)

SR handle is the same as my name on here.

Anyone who sends me coins please PM me so i know who you are and we can discuss when il pay you back :)
Thanks all ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: shopper1888 on August 06, 2013, 01:05 pm
pm sent
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: shad0wx on August 06, 2013, 01:23 pm
well hell, was hoping i wouldn't need this but i do. I am like 0.01 short of shipping costs, if anyone has that to spare i will make sure to give back later this week when i can add more. thanks a lot ! oh my name on sr is the same as on this forum.

anyone?.lol. i know i am a noob, but i will contribute back for sure.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: twistedperception on August 06, 2013, 01:28 pm
Ahhh here is the spare coin thread.

I can't math good so I am 0.0207 BTC of my order could anybody help me out. I shall reimburse you when I next get bit coins. It's for 100mg of DMT a substance I have been dying to try for years now.

I am a frequent Silk road user and budding psychonaut. Not a scrounger.

Username: MrsSCreswell

Thanks in advance.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 06, 2013, 01:55 pm
Morning team. I feel like I've missed out on alot. work sucks. have to go now. have a good one today folks.
shoutout: RS7, chem, alighier, mary, staind.

later ppl.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dapj on August 06, 2013, 01:55 pm
@ cryngie :

I paid the 0.023 coins back man  ;)

I always feel better when i pay back, that is why it is in 3 days max always  :D.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on August 06, 2013, 01:56 pm

                                                  :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) ##When requesting, post your SR name## SO WE KNOW WHERE TO SEND IT TO.  DON'T ASSUME WE KNOW. ##  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7)## DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. ## >:(  ##Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due. ##
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.
                                                           Reserved For Notes

The shit list:
Autobondon *
i3lazd                      <----  (NEVER LEND-Perma-Banned-From This Thread) * ChemCat*
King Karma
repus6 *

 *^*Do Not Lend to These People*^*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jonnybones on August 06, 2013, 02:04 pm
well hell, was hoping i wouldn't need this but i do. I am like 0.01 short of shipping costs, if anyone has that to spare i will make sure to give back later this week when i can add more. thanks a lot ! oh my name on sr is the same as on this forum.

Still need that .01 mate?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on August 06, 2013, 02:06 pm
well hell, was hoping i wouldn't need this but i do. I am like 0.01 short of shipping costs, if anyone has that to spare i will make sure to give back later this week when i can add more. thanks a lot ! oh my name on sr is the same as on this forum.

anyone?.lol. i know i am a noob, but i will contribute back for sure.

I got ya, sending it now bud.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: shad0wx on August 06, 2013, 02:10 pm
yeah man! thanks alot i will def pay back or pass it on soon.option is up to you. thanks guys for giving a newb a chance to earn some
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jonnybones on August 06, 2013, 02:16 pm
Hey all, Bloody fluctuation ehh?
I bought an item last night but because of my stats the vendor kindly told me he didnt want to accept my order, and refunded my money, I saw this and messaged him politely and we had a little chat and he decided more than graciously to accept my purchase. However when i went to make it, I am now short 0.0301 Btc. If anyone can help i shall be sure to pay you back as soon as i can, It will not be on the same day, However it will be fairly soon :)

I appreciate anyone who is kind enough to help me out.
Thanks all :)

SR handle is the same as my name on here.

Anyone who sends me coins please PM me so i know who you are and we can discuss when il pay you back :)
Thanks all ;)

Can do that HFF.. just sent off .035
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on August 06, 2013, 02:21 pm
yeah man! thanks alot i will def pay back or pass it on soon.option is up to you. thanks guys for giving a newb a chance to earn some

No problem bud and just pass it along to someone else when you're done with it, have a good day :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jonnybones on August 06, 2013, 02:22 pm
yeah man! thanks alot i will def pay back or pass it on soon.option is up to you. thanks guys for giving a newb a chance to earn some

All good, Kalli has fixed you up, I also sent .01  cause I'm about 5 minutes behind everyone else, use it if you need it or lend it out if not.. No need to payback my way.
hope your orders a good one.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jonnybones on August 06, 2013, 02:32 pm
Hey Kalli, hows your day been? or night/morning, whatever it is I should say...  Just been reading up on the Tormail thing.  Its good to be a small fish sometimes...
Pretty glad I dont use it though.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on August 06, 2013, 02:39 pm
Big Hugs to ya Kalli  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: shad0wx on August 06, 2013, 02:40 pm
thanks to both of you! and i will be sure to pass it around as soon as i can!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on August 06, 2013, 02:52 pm
we don't send to wallet addy's...or Most of us don't....The Rules Clearly State that  :P

I'd help ya but i don't have any coins either  ???

No one hates you, ya silly goose  :P

Peace & Hugs,


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on August 06, 2013, 02:53 pm

                                                  :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) ##When requesting, post your SR name## SO WE KNOW WHERE TO SEND IT TO.  DON'T ASSUME WE KNOW. ##  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7)## DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. ## >:(  ##Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due. ##
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.
                                                           Reserved For Notes

The shit list:
Autobondon *
i3lazd                      <----  (NEVER LEND-Perma-Banned-From This Thread) * ChemCat*
King Karma
Moksha    <~~~~    Done,( Perma- Banned)   **ChemCat**
repus6 *

 *^*Do Not Lend to These People*^*

#3)  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DrWalterB on August 06, 2013, 02:54 pm
I will help you out m8 0.166 on its way to you now 8) don't let SR down and remember to pay me back :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jonnybones on August 06, 2013, 02:56 pm
Hello I'm starting to feel hated on here.  Needing to borrow 0.166 btc for an order for this weekend before the vender is sold out!  I'll repay 0.32 btc next week (by Aug 16 th at the LATEST).  I'll certainly repay the good deed as well by loaning some btc change when I make my 10btc transfer next week. Please and thank you!

I wouldn't feel hated, its probably just a bit more than people have spare.  Whats your SR name? I can send you .0958 which is all I can do sorry.  You might get lucky with the other .06 or whatever it comes to.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DrWalterB on August 06, 2013, 02:58 pm
Hello I'm starting to feel hated on here.  Needing to borrow 0.166 btc for an order for this weekend before the vender is sold out!  I'll repay 0.32 btc next week (by Aug 16 th at the LATEST).  I'll certainly repay the good deed as well by loaning some btc change when I make my 10btc transfer next week. Please and thank you!

I wouldn't feel hated, its probably just a bit more than people have spare.  Whats your SR name? I can send you .0958 which is all I can do sorry.  You might get lucky with the other .06 or whatever it comes to.

I just sent Pillfire the 0.166 he needs :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: twistedperception on August 06, 2013, 03:00 pm
Ahhh here is the spare coin thread.

I can't math good so I am 0.0207 BTC of my order could anybody help me out. I shall reimburse you when I next get bit coins. It's for 100mg of DMT a substance I have been dying to try for years now.

I am a frequent Silk road user and budding psychonaut. Not a scrounger.

Username: MrsSCreswell

Thanks in advance.

Anybody ? I can pay you back 0.03 in two weeks.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jonnybones on August 06, 2013, 03:09 pm
Cheers DrW, nice work.

Ahhh here is the spare coin thread.

I can't math good so I am 0.0207 BTC of my order could anybody help me out. I shall reimburse you when I next get bit coins. It's for 100mg of DMT a substance I have been dying to try for years now.

I am a frequent Silk road user and budding psychonaut. Not a scrounger.

Username: MrsSCreswell

Thanks in advance.

Anybody ? I can pay you back 0.03 in two weeks.

ok MrsSCreswell I can help you out the  .0207.  Thats no worries.  I've just sent it to you Mrs Creswell...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: twistedperception on August 06, 2013, 03:12 pm
Cheers DrW, nice work.

Ahhh here is the spare coin thread.

I can't math good so I am 0.0207 BTC of my order could anybody help me out. I shall reimburse you when I next get bit coins. It's for 100mg of DMT a substance I have been dying to try for years now.

I am a frequent Silk road user and budding psychonaut. Not a scrounger.

Username: MrsSCreswell

Thanks in advance.

Anybody ? I can pay you back 0.03 in two weeks.

ok MrsSCreswell I can help you out the  .0207.  Thats no worries.  I've just sent it to you Mrs Creswell...

Thanks a lot ! I will get back to you between the 14th and 16th with your coins mate.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DrWalterB on August 06, 2013, 03:16 pm
Hello I'm starting to feel hated on here.  Needing to borrow 0.166 btc for an order for this weekend before the vender is sold out!  I'll repay 0.32 btc next week (by Aug 16 th at the LATEST).  I'll certainly repay the good deed as well by loaning some btc change when I make my 10btc transfer next week. Please and thank you!

I wouldn't feel hated, its probably just a bit more than people have spare.  Whats your SR name? I can send you .0958 which is all I can do sorry.  You might get lucky with the other .06 or whatever it comes to.

I just sent Pillfire the 0.166 he needs :)

Thanks a million DrWalterB!  You have made my whole week!  I'll get that back to you next week (will repay with 0.32 btc), and to spread the love will do the same for another trustworthy SR member as soon as the 10btc are in!

Your welcome 8) and sounds good that you will help someone else 8)

jonnybones, I was just about to send the last coin I had to MrsRCreswell, awesome you could help instead 8) +1
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on August 06, 2013, 03:18 pm
i think pillfire hates me  ???

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on August 06, 2013, 03:21 pm
Mornin Walt  :)

Hugs to ya  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: twistedperception on August 06, 2013, 03:27 pm
Cheers DrW, nice work.

Ahhh here is the spare coin thread.

I can't math good so I am 0.0207 BTC of my order could anybody help me out. I shall reimburse you when I next get bit coins. It's for 100mg of DMT a substance I have been dying to try for years now.

I am a frequent Silk road user and budding psychonaut. Not a scrounger.

Username: MrsSCreswell

Thanks in advance.

Anybody ? I can pay you back 0.03 in two weeks.

ok MrsSCreswell I can help you out the  .0207.  Thats no worries.  I've just sent it to you Mrs Creswell...

I am so sorry I am going to sound like such an asshole for this but I am now 0.0024 BTC short as I didn't take shipping into account. If you send us the 0.0024 I'll pay you back 0.04.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jonnybones on August 06, 2013, 03:34 pm
Cheers Dr, put a few smiles on faces which is always good.. 
Think I just had a shroom flashback while I was staring into your Avatar then ChemCat...coool.  Ah  1.30am that cant be right.. although 3 clocks do agree and I am very tired.   I'm out of here, I have work in 4 hrs ,and talking to myself means the stillnox is kicking in..
Have a good day all. 

Just got ya twistedp, sending the xtra now...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thecatinthehat101 on August 06, 2013, 03:36 pm
Please let the record show that i paid my debt in full thats theairupthere loaned .02 paid .03 and     RS7FI8ZRkm .02 left and paid .03

I again thank you guys for you help and wish I could could tip more but you don't want to know what I had to to do do to get the little money I have lol.

Please add me to the paid list thank you!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thecatinthehat101 on August 06, 2013, 03:38 pm
I just wanted to say I know some of you have gotten burnt and not paid back but some of us are so grateful for this thread just remember not of us do that.

I think what your doing here is a good thing!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 06, 2013, 03:41 pm
+1 catin the hat  ;) Hello all  ;) Hope everyone,s good  ;) still no Taz  :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thecatinthehat101 on August 06, 2013, 03:46 pm
Thank you my friend I appreciate it
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jonnybones on August 06, 2013, 03:59 pm
Cheers DrW, nice work.

Ahhh here is the spare coin thread.

I can't math good so I am 0.0207 BTC of my order could anybody help me out. I shall reimburse you when I next get bit coins. It's for 100mg of DMT a substance I have been dying to try for years now.

I am a frequent Silk road user and budding psychonaut. Not a scrounger.

Username: MrsSCreswell

Thanks in advance.

Anybody ? I can pay you back 0.03 in two weeks.

ok MrsSCreswell I can help you out the  .0207.  Thats no worries.  I've just sent it to you Mrs Creswell...

I am so sorry I am going to sound like such an asshole for this but I am now 0.0024 BTC short as I didn't take shipping into account. If you send us the 0.0024 I'll pay you back 0.04.

No mate, no need its fine, infact , no offence but you may have your 'Perceptions Twisted, there, Twistedperceptions, cause I'm sure knowone thinks your an asshole for need a couple a bits for some DMTango.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DrWalterB on August 06, 2013, 04:27 pm
Mornin Walt  :)

Hugs to ya  8)

Evening CC 8) hugs right back at ya  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: HeatFireFlame on August 06, 2013, 04:50 pm
Hi all would just like to put it on the record that shopper 1875 kindly lent me the 0.004 i needed for a purchase, I was also sent 0.35 very kindly by jonnybones after I had already been lent the Btc, I appreciate what these 2 kind users have done for me here, and will pay back jonny now as he didnt know I had already been sent them and i would also like to say to shopper i shall send you them back next time I get my btc :).
Thank you both and have a great day.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on August 06, 2013, 05:11 pm
Hey guys!

How are you all doing?

omg I'm going to smack my head on the wall!  Friggin transfer to my SR wallet cost me 0.05 btc.  So close and yet still not possible!  Can anyone please help me cover this I'll repay next week 0.10 btc and will repay the favor to someone new as well.  :-[

sent you the 0.05

please always post sr name...i don't send to wallet..
had to research myself :P

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 06, 2013, 05:38 pm
Hey guys.  Just popping in to say you guys are amazing.  So many more people now willing to lend and keep the attitude positive, then when I got involved.

Wish I had more time to spend hanging around, but it's nice to know this special place is in good hands. 

Keep at it all!

Box full of <3 to anyone and everyone.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thecatinthehat101 on August 06, 2013, 05:59 pm
Your amazing box of shapes I really like your name. Artsy but elegant cheers!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on August 06, 2013, 06:01 pm
Hey Kalli, hows your day been? or night/morning, whatever it is I should say...  Just been reading up on the Tormail thing.  Its good to be a small fish sometimes...
Pretty glad I dont use it though.

Hey there bud, not bad but not very constructive I've done nothing but smoke weed lol. Yeah iv only read a little and never really used it thankfully.

You been up to much bud ?

And hugs right back at ya chemmy (and anyone else who wants one !)

Hi to all the regs (boxy, mary, ImAz and all you other ya know who ya are !)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: purplepanth on August 06, 2013, 06:02 pm
Good afternoon everyone!!
Hope everyone is avoiding the heat..
and having a good day!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thecrackhead on August 06, 2013, 07:35 pm
Hello, I am short 4$ on a order, it is not drug related but please sort me out you must have 4$ laying somewhere thank you here is the address:
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on August 06, 2013, 07:50 pm
Hello, I am short 4$ on a order, it is not drug related but please sort me out you must have 4$ laying somewhere thank you here is the address:

I don't have any coins otherwise I would def help you out. Someone help this man! He is the creator of this amazing thread!!!! ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: talawtam on August 06, 2013, 08:04 pm
Hello. Would anybody be kind enough to lend me 0.0122 please? Just bought bitcoin and got stung with an overly large transaction fee that was out of my control. Swines!

SR Username: talawtam
Address: 16Ehfdq6QfAQxVFB9DzMtnGfzfXmeQZ2LL

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on August 06, 2013, 08:58 pm
Hello, I am short 4$ on a order, it is not drug related but please sort me out you must have 4$ laying somewhere thank you here is the address:

hi, sent you 0.05 via it may take an hour.

i gotta make a list or totally losing track. *confused*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on August 06, 2013, 09:21 pm
Hello. Would anybody be kind enough to lend me 0.0122 please? Just bought bitcoin and got stung with an overly large transaction fee that was out of my control. Swines!

SR Username: talawtam
Address: 16Ehfdq6QfAQxVFB9DzMtnGfzfXmeQZ2LL


0.02 sent.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: weed4me6969 on August 06, 2013, 09:27 pm

Where the hell is everybody at??!?!?   :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Banjo Lips on August 06, 2013, 09:34 pm
Please, if anyone can help out. i am short .09 on an order. i worked so hard to get the coins i have and then i am still short. everything in life has been crashing. i need a break. if anyone can spare a few coins to get me the .09 i need ill appreciate it. and when i have extra coin ill come back to this thread and help others.
thank you

 :( :-[
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mrlavish on August 06, 2013, 10:03 pm
Guys, I could use a little loan of .13 BTC, I will pay back within a week. I have lent(many times, and not been payed back) and borrowed(once) before and payed back within the time frame.

SR name is lavishlife11

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Banjo Lips on August 06, 2013, 10:13 pm
Please, if anyone can help out. i am short .09 on an order. i worked so hard to get the coins i have and then i am still short. everything in life has been crashing. i need a break. if anyone can spare a few coins to get me the .09 i need ill appreciate it. and when i have extra coin ill come back to this thread and help others.
thank you
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on August 06, 2013, 10:15 pm
Guys, I could use a little loan of .13 BTC, I will pay back within a week. I have lent(many times, and not been payed back) and borrowed(once) before and payed back within the time frame.

SR name is lavishlife11


got ya.

Sorry banjo, posting the sr name would help for sure.
Maybe someone else can hook you up.

I will lay low for a while.

greetings and love to all of you 8)

edit: Thanks banjo for my very first - , for not being able to help you out because you forgot to post your sr name.... Well, many more to come i'm sure, can't always share opinions with everyone.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mrlavish on August 06, 2013, 10:17 pm
Thanks Staind. Will payback as stated via SR PM and here.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Banjo Lips on August 06, 2013, 10:20 pm
Please, if anyone can help out. i am short .09 on an order. i worked so hard to get the coins i have and then i am still short. everything in life has been crashing. i need a break. if anyone can spare a few coins to get me the .09 i need ill appreciate it. and when i have extra coin ill come back to this thread and help others.
thank you
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on August 06, 2013, 10:32 pm
Please, if anyone can help out. i am short .09 on an order. i worked so hard to get the coins i have and then i am still short. everything in life has been crashing. i need a break. if anyone can spare a few coins to get me the .09 i need ill appreciate it. and when i have extra coin ill come back to this thread and help others.
thank you

you need to leave your SR user name buddy, that way the coins go in your account straight away.

I've only got 0.015 you're welcome t them though if ya leave your name.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Banjo Lips on August 06, 2013, 10:35 pm
pressed rat

thank you!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Banjo Lips on August 06, 2013, 10:51 pm
edit: Thanks banjo for my very first - , for not being able to help you out lol. Well, many more to come i'm sure, can't always share opinions with everyone.

I didn't leave you bad karma. if you dont believe me i can now then you will have 2. but dont blame someone of doing something when they didnt do it
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Banjo Lips on August 06, 2013, 11:01 pm
I only came here to ask for a favor.. and ill come back here to do the same when i can. but to be shunned by 'elitist"  and be falsely accused of leaving bad karma is childish.

anyway my sr name is pressed rat. if anyone can help ill repay the favor on this thread. thank you
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on August 06, 2013, 11:06 pm
Sorry..forums won't let me post an answer...trying for 10th time.

"okay, then i have to apologize. I don't really care about karma anyway but i just thought its weird and it it was about the at same time^^.

i had a speed binge and i'm just talking without thinking.

time to go to bed, sorry again."

I even deserved the - :P   

didn't mean to cause any trouble, it was actually a stupid remark i wouldn't have done hard feelings please

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Banjo Lips on August 06, 2013, 11:12 pm
no problem, im used to people thinking the worse of me. its all good.

again, i'm short .8. if anyone can bless me. user name: pressed rat
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on August 06, 2013, 11:14 pm
Sorry..forums won't let me post an answer...trying for 10th time.

"okay, then i have to apologize. I don't really care about karma anyway but i just thought its weird and it it was about the at same time^^.

i had a speed binge and i'm just talking without thinking.

time to go to bed, sorry again."

I even deserved the - :P   

didn't mean to cause any trouble, it was actually a stupid remark i wouldn't have done hard feelings please

good of you to post this, would +1 karma you but 72 hour rule !

no big deal any way from where im sat and at least its bumping the thread to get him some help  :o
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on August 06, 2013, 11:25 pm
I scraped everything together and sent you the 0.08.

Also thanks for the pm to help clearing things up.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Banjo Lips on August 06, 2013, 11:38 pm
I scraped everything together and sent you the 0.08.

Also thanks for the pm to help clearing things up.


thank you so much! +1 karma for you! (now its confirmed i didnt leave bad karma caused i just left positive!)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on August 06, 2013, 11:43 pm
I scraped everything together and sent you the 0.08.

Also thanks for the pm to help clearing things up.


thank you so much! +1 karma for you! (now its confirmed i didn't leave bad karma caused i just left positive!)

alls well that ends well, you will notice you've got 11 now too from a short while ago ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: fatality614 on August 06, 2013, 11:46 pm

I deposited bitcoins earlier to my wallet, and have only just gained acces to the road and im short by 0.01 on postage (i know right) if anyone could assist i can pay you back 0.03 on 08/09/13 /mm/dd/yy
my account is "fatality614"
Cheers anyone, drop a pm if you decide to assist
I know that seemed a little blunt but im trying to desperately get this out as im afraid the BTC may drop again. short by 0.01 on a 2btc order is pathetic :'(
low posting stats on here shouldn't deter anyone from helping me though! im a nice guy i promise! haha
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Banjo Lips on August 06, 2013, 11:49 pm
I scraped everything together and sent you the 0.08.

Also thanks for the pm to help clearing things up.


thank you so much! +1 karma for you! (now its confirmed i didn't leave bad karma caused i just left positive!)

alls well that ends well, you will notice you've got 11 now too from a short while ago ;)

thank you too kalli! +1 for ya!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jonnybones on August 07, 2013, 12:08 am
Hey all, Bloody fluctuation ehh?
I bought an item last night but because of my stats the vendor kindly told me he didnt want to accept my order, and refunded my money, I saw this and messaged him politely and we had a little chat and he decided more than graciously to accept my purchase. However when i went to make it, I am now short 0.0301 Btc. If anyone can help i shall be sure to pay you back as soon as i can, It will not be on the same day, However it will be fairly soon :)

I appreciate anyone who is kind enough to help me out.
Thanks all :)

SR handle is the same as my name on here.

Anyone who sends me coins please PM me so i know who you are and we can discuss when il pay you back :)
Thanks all ;)

The spare coins I leant have already been returned,  I've also received a message from HeatFireFlame thanking me and letting me know he no longer needed the loan.  A stand up and honest guy and returning the coin so quickly has made it possible for the cycle to continue.   People who lend coins are great,  but the guys who need a loan and stand by their word make this thread a gem..
The trust shown between anonymous people in this thread keep me coming back.  If we do have snooping visitors reading these forums I hope they read this one.  Maybe it will show LE the people here for who we really are.  your all gems in my book.   
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on August 07, 2013, 12:16 am
@ thecrackhead 

LMAO!!   **Grabs yu by the ear**

Where the heck have you been?  :P

You really should look at the rules which we've established in your Thread to keep it alive  :P

We  don't do the Wallet addy know that  :P

PM me and we'll discuss your need, ya goofball  LOL 

hey, by the way,  :)  I'm glad your back (Hugs)

Peace & Hugs to ya,


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on August 07, 2013, 12:20 am
Hiya jonnybones


Pleased to make your aquaintance    <~~(Spelling?)   


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: fatality614 on August 07, 2013, 12:21 am
i assume noone can help me, you all seem a little pre-occupied :(
EDIT: ^ holy hell Intraterrestrial i freaking love you!
i'll get to you on the forums on friday thank you sooooooooooooooooooooo much!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jonnybones on August 07, 2013, 12:25 am

I deposited bitcoins earlier to my wallet, and have only just gained acces to the road and im short by 0.01 on postage (i know right) if anyone could assist i can pay you back 0.03 on 08/09/13 /mm/dd/yy
my account is "fatality614"
Cheers anyone, drop a pm if you decide to assist
I know that seemed a little blunt but im trying to desperately get this out as im afraid the BTC may drop again. short by 0.01 on a 2btc order is pathetic :'(
low posting stats on here shouldn't deter anyone from helping me though! im a nice guy i promise! haha

Got you covered bro.. sent .02 to your SR self...
edit: Sorry  Intraterrestrial just realized you have already helped.  and now I see I also sent the wrong amount to.  I'm all over it today! ah well, pass it on to someone in need as I'm sure you will fatality.. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on August 07, 2013, 12:27 am
You people....this thread.....8 letters.....3 words.....1 meaning.....




Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Banjo Lips on August 07, 2013, 12:29 am
guys, soooo close! just need another .05! the vendor wont let me slide but if anyone else can help i swear ill be back here helping others when in need. we all have a few xtra coins time 2 time. i will be helping others here too once i can.

my sr username is pressed rat. + karma for those with a heart!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on August 07, 2013, 12:37 am
 Banjo Lips, 0.06 already in your account.

I msg'd someone and it is now in your account.

Enjoy!!  :)




thecrackhead....PM me please  ;)

Love ya!

Chem  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jonnybones on August 07, 2013, 12:52 am
You know your in a generous environment when you cant get your posts out quickly enough!  Always someone jumping in which is awesome.  ChemCat add this + 1 to your collection.   Your Karma shows I'm not the first to throw 1 your way.  Rich in Karma and no doubt in many other ways.

edit - yeah about that whole +1, will have to wait sorry 72 hrs.  I threw one your way last night..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on August 07, 2013, 01:05 am
No worries @ jonnybones  ;)

Karma comes and Karma goes  :)

No need to worry about it long as others can see your posts...and determine wether or  not your cool,
acceptable, or a complete asshole    LOL  :P  then your Good  ;)

Sorry i don't show up here to much anymore, i've just been busy....oh, and if ya see my Brother,  thecrackhead..

Let him know to PM me please  ;)

Peace & Hugs to ya  8)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lssb2132 on August 07, 2013, 01:13 am
Hmmm, to walk down to the bank in this heat or just wait a couple of hours for an EFT to clear...either way I'll be back later today with some change if anyone is short!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jonnybones on August 07, 2013, 01:27 am
Hmmm, to walk down to the bank in this heat or just wait a couple of hours for an EFT to clear...either way I'll be back later today with some change if anyone is short!

Yes that is a situation indeed.  I guess one needs to consider the options very carefully.  On one hand you have.............nah fuck, drink some water, get out in the sun!  makes me feel good.
edit : but please don't dehydrate yourself, I couldn't help but feel partly responsible if that happened.   how hot is it?  Winter here.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lssb2132 on August 07, 2013, 01:30 am
Hmmm, to walk down to the bank in this heat or just wait a couple of hours for an EFT to clear...either way I'll be back later today with some change if anyone is short!

Yes that is a situation indeed.  I guess one needs to consider the options very carefully.  On one hand you have.............nah fuck, drink some water, get out in the sun!  makes me feel good.
That's a very convincing point you have there Jonny, yeah I'll get my ass into gear I suppose.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on August 07, 2013, 01:46 am
I guess my posts are not being seen    ???

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 07, 2013, 01:58 am
I guess my posts are not being seen    ???

Maybe you should wear a bell around your neck?  Cats can be pretty stealthy.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Trip.Daniels on August 07, 2013, 02:03 am
problem sorted out thanks to a very generous bitcoiner! Thanks so much you guys!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jonnybones on August 07, 2013, 02:11 am
I guess my posts are not being seen    ???

Hey ChemCat I cant believe my posts aren't saving...I was about to ask if anyone was having probs with posting when replying cause i've had to do it 4 or 5 times before it saves. Hence I'm 5 mins behind most the time.   Now i see my last 2 haven't saved at all. 
My apologies ChemCat, thanks for your kind words and I'll be sure to send the crackhead your way.  I'm interested to meet the legend behind the thread.  He did start something very cool thats for sure. 
Yep definitely something going on here.. cant post this one either..   sheeez..
edit: ok so maybe it was a 'picnic' error afterall...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: foxen624 on August 07, 2013, 02:39 am
Hey People...  how goes it?

PillPirate was kind enough to loan out .0198 BTC  to whomever a couple days ago... and being the weekend and out of btc, I snagged it up.   Today, I got more BTC and probably will get more tomorrow as well.   So, I'm now passing on the .0198 btc to some soul who might happen to need it...   

Cheers!  ;D

Hey Guys 'n Gals....  I wrote this yesterday (I guess) and still have it.  Sorry but I've had some r/l shit going on and haven't been back here since and as of now don't really have time to go through the pages to see if anyone responded......  so, if anyone needs/wants it, just go ahead and PM me about it as I'll see that a lot sooner.  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 07, 2013, 02:52 am
Eh... some do?  I would think its a safe assumption that the majority are male here, but I honestly try not to question it until it becomes obvious.  Everyone's androgynous until because I have been wrong enough to know I can't guess.  (and prove me wrong once more as I thought you were a dude, but that was only cause of the name.  I never "tried" to guess though......unless that was sarcasm.  In which if that's the case then I proved my point once more.)

I tried to keep mine secret but I came to the same conclusion as you.  It was obvious.  However, I talked to one or two that kinda knew me and they said I had them guessing.  I guess could have kept it going but I just became my own worst enemy.

Aside from the solid black and white line of male and female, I keep in mind that the yin always has a little yang and vice versa.  Not with everyone, but me personally I know I'm not a solid color, so I know it's possible with others.

Does that answer.....ummm.... anything?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jonnybones on August 07, 2013, 03:16 am
Yep thanks mate, but I'm laughing hard, the 21 year old female thing,  yes sarcasm..sorry.    You were right, I'm a dude and I was a few years off with the age to. 40 ...  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jonnybones on August 07, 2013, 03:23 am
Hi all, some really tough times for a good friend of this thread and the first person who made me welcome when I joined the SR forums.  My thoughts will be with him this week.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 07, 2013, 03:24 am
Yep thanks mate, but I'm laughing hard, the 21 year old female thing,  yes sarcasm..sorry.    You were right, I'm a dude and I was a few years off with the age to. 40 ...  ;)

One of the most important lessons I've learned about this forum is sarcasm does not translate well.  As, I guess, what we were just talking about.

Don't let me stop you though.  The results can be better (or a lot worse!) than you ever intended. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on August 07, 2013, 03:39 am
just stopping to say hi everyone, still haven't gotten coins, but thank you nplv123 and thecatinthehat101 for repaying, sent another 0.04 to ya schuldig. sorry for the continued wait :-\.. gonna make sure to take care of you guys for the wait
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lssb2132 on August 07, 2013, 03:52 am
just stopping to say hi everyone, still haven't gotten coins, but thank you nplv123 and thecatinthehat101 for repaying, sent another 0.04 to ya schuldig. sorry for the continued wait :-\.. gonna make sure to take care of you guys for the wait
No problem RS, I was fortunate enough to receive some funds so I'm not waiting on the loan anymore. Take your time and take care buddy :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jonnybones on August 07, 2013, 03:54 am
Yep thanks mate, but I'm laughing hard, the 21 year old female thing,  yes sarcasm..sorry.    You were right, I'm a dude and I was a few years off with the age to. 40 ...  ;)

One of the most important lessons I've learned about this forum is sarcasm does not translate well.  As, I guess, what we were just talking about.

Don't let me stop you though.  The results can be better (or a lot worse!) than you ever intended.

Yeah well said and your dead right, I actually really appreciate this advice.  I am a sarcastic mofo and so much of what I say is exactly that.  I hadn't even considered the lack of body language, tone of voice, facial expression etc would make such a difference.  So I'm now pretty sure I've offended some people unintentionally through the lost in translation factor.  Thanks BoS for your honest advice. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Sekt0r on August 07, 2013, 04:06 am
Hey all, I'm in need of 0.006, had an order get cancelled due to  processing error now I'm cents short to replace the order..

I've used this helpful service in the past and have repaid, will repay within 1-2weeks.

SR name is the same as my forum.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jonnybones on August 07, 2013, 04:13 am
Hey all, I'm in need of 0.006, had an order get cancelled due to  processing error now I'm cents short to replace the order..

I've used this helpful service in the past and have repaid, will repay within 1-2weeks.

SR name is the same as my forum.

Done Sekt0r, enjoy your order mate.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 07, 2013, 04:23 am
Yep thanks mate, but I'm laughing hard, the 21 year old female thing,  yes sarcasm..sorry.    You were right, I'm a dude and I was a few years off with the age to. 40 ...  ;)

One of the most important lessons I've learned about this forum is sarcasm does not translate well.  As, I guess, what we were just talking about.

Don't let me stop you though.  The results can be better (or a lot worse!) than you ever intended.

Yeah well said and your dead right, I actually really appreciate this advice.  I am a sarcastic mofo and so much of what I say is exactly that.  I hadn't even considered the lack of body language, tone of voice, facial expression etc would make such a difference.  So I'm now pretty sure I've offended some people unintentionally through the lost in translation factor.  Thanks BoS for your honest advice.

The lack of face to face is one factor, but IMO a major contributor, specifically when dealing with this forum, is people are on drugs.  I'd say if you take anything away, keep that simple fact in mind. 

I wouldn't worry about the former.  You can't fart in the forest by yourself without offending someone it seems.  People get stuck with some really out there crazy beliefs.  Myself included.  If people can't get the gist of ya by this point, then.... meh.


Hope you are well man.  That would drive me up the wall of trying to get that coin, especially trying to pay back the fine people around here.  Best wishes.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Sekt0r on August 07, 2013, 04:28 am
Thanks Jonnybones, appreciate it.

However between the time it took me to post and go back and refresh SR, it seems the coin has moved just enough in my favor to place the order again, I've sent the coin back to yourself. Thanks again!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jonnybones on August 07, 2013, 04:46 am
Thanks Jonnybones, appreciate it.

However between the time it took me to post and go back and refresh SR, it seems the coin has moved just enough in my favor to place the order again, I've sent the coin back to yourself. Thanks again!

Your welcome Sekt0r, glad it worked out.

Yep thanks mate, but I'm laughing hard, the 21 year old female thing,  yes sarcasm..sorry.    You were right, I'm a dude and I was a few years off with the age to. 40 ...  ;)

One of the most important lessons I've learned about this forum is sarcasm does not translate well.  As, I guess, what we were just talking about.

Don't let me stop you though.  The results can be better (or a lot worse!) than you ever intended.

Yeah well said and your dead right, I actually really appreciate this advice.  I am a sarcastic mofo and so much of what I say is exactly that.  I hadn't even considered the lack of body language, tone of voice, facial expression etc would make such a difference.  So I'm now pretty sure I've offended some people unintentionally through the lost in translation factor.  Thanks BoS for your honest advice.

The lack of face to face is one factor, but IMO a major contributor, specifically when dealing with this forum, is people are on drugs.  I'd say if you take anything away, keep that simple fact in mind. 

I wouldn't worry about the former.  You can't fart in the forest by yourself without offending someone it seems.  People get stuck with some really out there crazy beliefs.  Myself included.  If people can't get the gist of ya by this point, then.... meh.

True and true, yeah I'm a bit past worrying about the little things generally but forums were an unknown thing to me until a few months ago.  I'm starting to understand the flow of things and the subtleties I was missing, and thanks for your help with that.   So true about the drug influence factor.  Its has to be major.  Considering I only log in when I've got a combo of chems in me, fair to assume I'm not the only one who does  <little bit of sarcasm...   
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on August 07, 2013, 04:48 am
Quote from: BoxofShapes
Quote from: ChemCat
I guess my posts are not being seen    ???

Maybe you should wear a bell around your neck?  Cats can be pretty stealthy.

I Love you  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 07, 2013, 04:59 am
^^^   Ah man you're fun.

<3 U 2
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jonnybones on August 07, 2013, 05:08 am
Hi ChemCat I am sorry, I had posting when replying issues earlier, logged out, back in and it was no problem.  I could see your  posts but replies were just not working.  For some reason I'm now getting the same thing... wtf?  anyway.  Also I have learned that sarcasm does not translate so well here so if I've offended in anyway thinking I was being super funny, i'm sorry.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on August 07, 2013, 08:58 am
eya jonnybones   :)

eh...domnt worry about it ....keep's just bitcoins  ;)

I dont care....however....iof you will...being as kind that you are...Please pay forward and hel another Brother or Sister of the know how it is...  :)  We all  need a hand every now and then :)

Just Pay Forward  Please    :)

Love & Hugs to ya,

ChemCat   :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on August 07, 2013, 09:05 am
There is No need to say you're sorry mate  :)   We're Equal...we talk the same...we speak the same.....we shit and   eat the same....We're Brothers  & Sisters of the Road....      :)

Be Safe..... Be    Secure....   & be Diligent in the proccess to secure yourself  :) 

Love, Peace & Hugs to ya,


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: juswannaschmoke on August 07, 2013, 09:06 am
Just paid back a loan of .06 to yunalesca

Thanks  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jonnybones on August 07, 2013, 09:16 am
eya jonnybones   :)

eh...domnt worry about it ....keep's just bitcoins  ;)

I dont care....however....iof you will...being as kind that you are...Please pay forward and hel another Brother or Sister of the know how it is...  :)  We all  need a hand every now and then :)

Just Pay Forward  Please    :)

Love & Hugs to ya,

ChemCat   :)

 dont think this was this meant for me ChemCat  cause i've only ever leant money, never borrowed....I dont owe anyone here anything.  Have you been taking drugs ChemC...?
i think you have..

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on August 07, 2013, 09:33 am
No, My friend, i don't do drugs.....i   was ver clear in what i said.....Pay Forward  :)

one day you'll understand...    :)

i mean No offense...You have been Gifted 

Give them Coins to someone else in need like you were....dont forget where ya came from're like us all....Pay Forward Please  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jonnybones on August 07, 2013, 10:01 am
No, My friend, i don't do drugs.....i   was ver clear in what i said.....Pay Forward  :)

one day you'll understand...    :)

i mean No offense...You have been Gifted 

Give them Coins to someone else in need like you were....dont forget where ya came from're like us all....Pay Forward Please  :)

'hmmm a lot to learn i have, this young apprentice'   :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: shad0wx on August 07, 2013, 10:14 am
i have 0.0084 if anyone needs it. Left over from what i was loaned yesterday. Thanks again guys.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jonnybones on August 07, 2013, 10:25 am
i have 0.0084 if anyone needs it. Left over from what i was loaned yesterday. Thanks again guys.

Your welcome shad0wx, not sure if it was me or not who ended up helping mate but the thanks is appreciated. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: raistlin on August 07, 2013, 12:59 pm
Hi guys,
i rather ashamedly find myself short 0.0005 for my order - slight miscalculation on my part.
feel bad to ask but if anyone could lend me it il happily pay back double on my next coin top up.( around 15th )
cheers in advance if u give us a break:-)

sr user - raistlins creation

p.m me if u help so i can pass the karma back to you :-)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jonnybones on August 07, 2013, 01:09 pm
Hi there, I am 0.1607 short on a promotion, I don't know if that is to much to ask for. I will repay later this week. If you can help thanks. SR name notmetoday

Sending .17 now buddy, hope it helps.
Shiftingsands has kindly and quickly paid this .17 back which is greatly appreciated.

@ raistlin, no problem will transfer sure thats the correct amount of zero's?  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: shad0wx on August 07, 2013, 01:10 pm
@raistlin does ur sr name have a space?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: shifting sands on August 07, 2013, 01:12 pm
Thanks for you help jonnybones
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: raistlin on August 07, 2013, 01:23 pm
it does shadow - and thank you but jonnybones has sorted me out, but thank u for asking

# jonnybones - thank u so much for that bud - +1karma for you and il be in touch at next coin top up :-)

thank u to shifting sands for the quick reply too!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jonnybones on August 07, 2013, 01:27 pm
@raistlin does ur sr name have a space?

Hi shad0wx just sent that off to raistlin just now sorry mate. Yep its got a space.  Pm'd to let him/her know on SR so I hope they get it and realize they can order...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: shad0wx on August 07, 2013, 01:30 pm
All good ! was just here to help if possible!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: raistlin on August 07, 2013, 01:33 pm
ok so now im feeling like a total idiot - i probly havent got my head round the decimal place thing- the actual amount im looking for a lend for is - 0.0018 - i fell bad asking again - maths was nver my strong point.
as i said i will happily pay back double in a weeks time to whomever can help.

cheers again guys!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: shad0wx on August 07, 2013, 01:38 pm
@raistlin sent
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: raistlin on August 07, 2013, 01:39 pm
thank u shadow - +1 to u as soon as it regenerates:-)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: shad0wx on August 07, 2013, 01:42 pm
no problem man, just paying back what i can
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: purplepanth on August 07, 2013, 01:46 pm
Good morning/afternoon all!

How is it going for everyone today?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: raistlin on August 07, 2013, 01:52 pm
very well purple! - 2 days off work - delighted - how are you today?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 07, 2013, 02:06 pm
Ah.  Let me have some coffee 1st and I'll know better.

Good morning and good day. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: purplepanth on August 07, 2013, 02:11 pm
very well purple! - 2 days off work - delighted - how are you today?

2 Days off work, that is something to be happy about!

I am getting the caffeine to blood ratio correct myself..some mornings it takes a while

Sounds like I might not be the only one with the coffee right now..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: raistlin on August 07, 2013, 02:50 pm
haha - downing another cup just now - and a little side of bacon and egg roll.:-)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thecatinthehat101 on August 07, 2013, 03:01 pm
Ya know what you guys inspired me does anyone need a loan I'm willing to give .03 to a needy member as long as you pay me back its cool??
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 07, 2013, 03:04 pm
Reading with my eyes shut is hard. 

Maybe I need more coffee?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: raistlin on August 07, 2013, 03:06 pm
people always need more coffee ( think fry in futurama ) you a late riser box?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thecatinthehat101 on August 07, 2013, 03:08 pm
Coffee and beer ah the nectar of the gods!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 07, 2013, 03:20 pm
Yea.  I'd put it on a short list of things that are the bane of my existence.  I've had an excessive amount of arguments about it. 

My day usually doesn't start until the day is over for everyone else in my time zone.

I value my dreams over anything the road can provide.  "oh the places I have been" when I am in that 1/2 dead state.

Maybe I need to go on a binge like fry, and stay up for days, so the dreams burst through.  That way I don't have to sleep?  One of my fav episodes for sure.  That and the space honey.  Is there a seller on here for that?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 07, 2013, 03:29 pm
On a related note, I should get some daylight since I'm up for some reason.  It doesn't happen much.   :P 

Thanks for a few laughs this morning.  This box is out for now.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 07, 2013, 03:35 pm
Hi Boxy , how,s you :) Hello to everyone else, Chemmy, Kalli, jonnybones, Taz?, murda, catinthehat, Staind and everyonr else who,s cool lol hope yer all good today you mental coffee drinkers lol :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: purplepanth on August 07, 2013, 04:49 pm
Reading with my eyes shut is hard. 

Maybe I need more coffee?

I always need more coffee! Surely it will help if you have some more..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: purplepanth on August 07, 2013, 05:12 pm
Enjoy the sun, box!

did someone say bacon? Mmm the best thing ever..bacon..

Ah well I should get back to work.
 have a good morning,afternoon, whatever .. make it good !!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tedrux on August 07, 2013, 06:56 pm
just checking in. just got out of jail. hope your all doing well. no clue how to repay yet. working on it, I guess. I either need to get approved for disability or take a trip to the plasma bank but I dont have a car so some one else would have to agree to take me or I'll have to sell food stamps whenever they come in if theres a buyer and maybe I can sell some of my old video game stuff but I don't think any one will buy but I can try. I really don't own anything of value.  anyways- I'll get you all payed back and then I'll disappear again. peace.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 07, 2013, 07:06 pm
just checking in. just got out of jail. hope your all doing well. no clue how to repay yet. working on it, I guess. I either need to get approved for disability or take a trip to the plasma bank but I dont have a car so some one else would have to agree to take me or I'll have to sell food stamps whenever they come in if theres a buyer and maybe I can sell some of my old video game stuff but I don't think any one will buy but I can try. I really don't own anything of value.  anyways- I'll get you all payed back and then I'll disappear again. peace.

Sounds like you are living a tough life. What got to you? Your mental state or drugs? I've seen a few people having to rough it as you seem to be, but sometimes all it takes is a slight bit of change in yourself to make a big impact.

Good luck to you tedrux, hope you get stuff sorted out.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on August 07, 2013, 07:18 pm
just checking in. just got out of jail. hope your all doing well. no clue how to repay yet. working on it, I guess. I either need to get approved for disability or take a trip to the plasma bank but I dont have a car so some one else would have to agree to take me or I'll have to sell food stamps whenever they come in if theres a buyer and maybe I can sell some of my old video game stuff but I don't think any one will buy but I can try. I really don't own anything of value.  anyways- I'll get you all payed back and then I'll disappear again. peace.

aw wasn't expecting to see you on here again.. your debt to me is written off ok. don't worry about it. looking out for yourself is more important.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: musichighlife on August 07, 2013, 07:24 pm
Hi Boxy , how,s you :) Hello to everyone else, Chemmy, Kalli, jonnybones, Taz?, murda, catinthehat, Staind and everyonr else who,s cool lol hope yer all good today you mental coffee drinkers lol :)

Hello mary666, I've sent back the .02 you had loaned me to help me out on that shipping. Very much appreciated you are a saint. and thanks again to the whole Spare Coins family thread. Next time I have some coins to spare I will be giving back and spreading the love. Peace and Love to ALLL

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jonnybones on August 07, 2013, 07:36 pm
gday, and good morning, Good time being had by all I hope?. Just saying hi 5.30am here so dag namit I'm out and off to work.   have a great day....
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 07, 2013, 07:37 pm
Hi Boxy , how,s you :) Hello to everyone else, Chemmy, Kalli, jonnybones, Taz?, murda, catinthehat, Staind and everyonr else who,s cool lol hope yer all good today you mental coffee drinkers lol :)

Hello mary666, I've sent back the .02 you had loaned me to help me out on that shipping. Very much appreciated you are a saint. and thanks again to the whole Spare Coins family thread. Next time I have some coins to spare I will be giving back and spreading the love. Peace and Love to ALLL

Your welcome hun, hoped you enjoyed your order :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 07, 2013, 07:39 pm
gday, and good morning, Good time being had by all I hope?. Just saying hi 5.30am here so dag namit I'm out and off to work.   have a great day....
Hey jonny, how ya doing? Early bird lol :) its 8.40pm here
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 07, 2013, 08:26 pm
God, its quiet tonight, is everyone hiding :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: purplepanth on August 07, 2013, 09:19 pm
God, its quiet tonight, is everyone hiding :)

I was just stopping in to say hey

How is everyone doing this evening?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: odd on August 07, 2013, 09:26 pm
hey everyone I'm trying to get some edibles before Monday so i can have them for after chemo but since i'm waiting to get repaid for a loan I'm .01 BTC short.  Can anyone help me out?  I can repay by next wednesday at the latest.  Sooner if I get paid back before then.  Thanks alot everyone  SR:  odd
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 07, 2013, 09:30 pm
hey everyone I'm trying to get some edibles before Monday so i can have them for after chemo but since i'm waiting to get repaid for a loan I'm .01 BTC short.  Can anyone help me out?  I can repay by next wednesday at the latest.  Sooner if I get paid back before then.  Thanks alot everyone  SR:  odd
Sent :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: odd on August 07, 2013, 10:19 pm
+1 to you mary!  you're a lifesaver!  I'll get that back to you ASAP thanks again!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: musichighlife on August 08, 2013, 02:21 am
First and foremost, for content alone and service aside, this is becoming my favorite place on the forums to visit. I must reiterate how much a thread like this represents what we are trying to create here traveling the Road and it warms my heart and restores my faith in humanity to see we have a community that can operate with so much love, trust, loyalty and respect (for the majority of us). Two days ago I made my first loan from the Spare Coins Family and was amazed with the generosity I received. Again, mary666, Alighier, and truestorytrust you are all kindred spirits and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping me sort those orders out. I've been able to get back the .02 I loaned from mary666 and still need my coins in before I can give the .05 to truestorytrust and the .03 to Alighier. To update, I'm hoping to restock by the end of the week or over the weekend. Whenever the check from my last gig comes from the promoter. So I reach back out to my family here to ask again for assistance, today I won and was chosen for a free sample of some fine ganja, I go to place the order and didn't realize that "free" consisted of needing to pay shipping. I stand .079 short of the shipping needed to place the order. Now this is a sample, I dont stress too much as it was out of the kindness of the vendor to offer me this, but I'm not sure that I'd still be able to place order by the time my coins clear. If any other generous travelers can assist a humble wanderer I'd be in your debt (literally) and will, as the other members, repay my loan when I finally get my coins restocked. I plan on grabbing some extra coins to lend some coins out myself to help spread the love we are creating here in this thread. Anyways thanks in advance and once again, Happy Travels.

musichighlife :) :) :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on August 08, 2013, 03:03 am
tl;dr version .079 please. i seem to have forgotten my username though.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tedrux on August 08, 2013, 03:38 am
I'm drawn to women who know the monster I am (you know who you are- there have been others) because its the most critical view of me that will lead me down the straightest path. I don't want the easy way our nor is it what I need. I just ask that you don't write me off as if I don't care or else.....I won't care, you're right, but wtf will that accomplish? hey- IF you're really so 100per cent sure that I am inherently bad and cannot be saved go on ahead and expedite my demise. otherwise....can you really just stand there and do nothing?
for all the energy put into hate and scorn, turn it rather into guidance -I am ready to receive as best I can. and that is why I'm a stalker.
suicide isn't just a bite for attention nor is it my way of ultimate cowerdice or laziness- it's a statement; a statement that says if I can't be helped  then why be here? why willingly continue to knowingly be a bad guy with no conscience? there is no call for it.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on August 08, 2013, 03:43 am

hello hello my lovely lovelies!!
much love to you all!!
how ya doin Mary bo berry??
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: foxen624 on August 08, 2013, 05:37 am
Hello there to all the beautiful souls who seem to be drawn to this thread of love and family ;D
How's everyone doing?  BTW, anybody else been having any trouble accessing the SR Site?  Wish they had a link from here to there like they do from there to here...  oh well..   I can't seem to get on there today/tonight & though admittedly, I've not looked terribly hard here, I didn't see anything that jumped out at me on the forums of anyone having trouble accessing the Road... hmmm.. just wondering.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: JakkTheKipper on August 08, 2013, 08:21 am
Hello there to all the beautiful souls who seem to be drawn to this thread of love and family ;D
How's everyone doing?  BTW, anybody else been having any trouble accessing the SR Site?  Wish they had a link from here to there like they do from there to here...  oh well..   I can't seem to get on there today/tonight & though admittedly, I've not looked terribly hard here, I didn't see anything that jumped out at me on the forums of anyone having trouble accessing the Road... hmmm.. just wondering.


No problems with the road at my end at all today or yesterday. I've said this before though and unceremoniously lost access hours later so hopefully it's just a blip at your end (as bad as that sounds).

On a different note, would anybody be able to do me a massive favour and lend me 0.27 in the next hour until my coins clear to the road? I know it's not really 'spare coins' but I got paid late, then I overslept and need to put my order in for Friday and the vendor's cut-off is in the next 60 mins :-)

I'm know I'm not the most organised to be fair but the money is definitely winging it's merry way to my road wallet as we speak so you've got nothing to worry about. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed though because I know it's a massive ask.

SR User - ArgentineCosmo
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on August 08, 2013, 08:47 am
Hello there to all the beautiful souls who seem to be drawn to this thread of love and family ;D
How's everyone doing?  BTW, anybody else been having any trouble accessing the SR Site?  Wish they had a link from here to there like they do from there to here...  oh well..   I can't seem to get on there today/tonight & though admittedly, I've not looked terribly hard here, I didn't see anything that jumped out at me on the forums of anyone having trouble accessing the Road... hmmm.. just wondering.


No problems with the road at my end at all today or yesterday. I've said this before though and unceremoniously lost access hours later so hopefully it's just a blip at your end (as bad as that sounds).

On a different note, would anybody be able to do me a massive favour and lend me 0.27 in the next hour until my coins clear to the road? I know it's not really 'spare coins' but I got paid late, then I overslept and need to put my order in for Friday and the vendor's cut-off is in the next 60 mins :-)

I'm know I'm not the most organised to be fair but the money is definitely winging it's merry way to my road wallet as we speak so you've got nothing to worry about. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed though because I know it's a massive ask.

SR User - ArgentineCosmo

Damn only got 0.05 you want that ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: JakkTheKipper on August 08, 2013, 09:05 am
As I was typing in "That would actually be helpful as the DOB is ridiculously cheap and I could at least get two", the money cleared!


Thanks for the offer again Kalli, you are seriously helpful around here.

I've got 0.02 going spare now though so if anyone needs it, it's here :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on August 08, 2013, 09:13 am
As I was typing in "That would actually be helpful as the DOB is ridiculously cheap and I could at least get two", the money cleared!


Thanks for the offer again Kalli, you are seriously helpful around here.

I've got 0.02 going spare now though so if anyone needs it, it's here :)

No worries amigo, the thread has saved my ass a few times before :)

Glad you got your order in too, enjoy !
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Hearts on August 08, 2013, 10:07 am
phew, after sitting on my bum in front of the computer all the time, was aid ul fitr, went to pray in the morning, then went out shopping for clothes, came back, washed the car while smoking a spliff, had to carry a huge bucket of water, and I'm wrecked... Going to be a nice evening here, hope everyone is doing well ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tedrux on August 08, 2013, 11:03 am
I need a bit coin to purchase 1 gram of cyanide. every few weeks I start back on this same plea. I am begging. please. help me.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on August 08, 2013, 11:18 am
Hi all :D

1) Tedrux...Fuck off please.

2)My account history has been deleted!!!How the fk am I supposed to know who I,ve lent to and borrowed from now? I know for sure I owe mary and    Ccat and japan but there is another.Do I really have to troll through 300 odd pages looking?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 08, 2013, 11:44 am
Hi all :D

1) Tedrux...Fuck off please.

2)My account history has been deleted!!!How the fk am I supposed to know who I,ve lent to and borrowed from now? I know for sure I owe mary and    Ccat and japan but there is another.Do I really have to troll through 300 odd pages looking?
Hi everyone :) hope all good ;)

Your owe me nothing Darktime, gifted to you hun, glad your ok ;)

Tedrux, no one,s going to give you coin, you still owe people money ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on August 08, 2013, 12:02 pm
I need a bit coin to purchase 1 gram of cyanide. every few weeks I start back on this same plea. I am begging. please. help me.

Need to purchase 1 gram of cocaine. every few lines I start back on this same craving. I am begging. please help me get high.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on August 08, 2013, 12:50 pm
I'm drawn to women who know the monster I am (you know who you are- there have been others) because its the most critical view of me that will lead me down the straightest path. I don't want the easy way our nor is it what I need. I just ask that you don't write me off as if I don't care or else.....I won't care, you're right, but wtf will that accomplish? hey- IF you're really so 100per cent sure that I am inherently bad and cannot be saved go on ahead and expedite my demise. otherwise....can you really just stand there and do nothing?
for all the energy put into hate and scorn, turn it rather into guidance -I am ready to receive as best I can. and that is why I'm a stalker.
suicide isn't just a bite for attention nor is it my way of ultimate cowerdice or laziness- it's a statement; a statement that says if I can't be helped  then why be here? why willingly continue to knowingly be a bad guy with no conscience? there is no call for it.

So you want to kill yourself because you think you're a bad guy with no conscience? You need to move Vegas man, you'll love it there.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: purplepanth on August 08, 2013, 01:34 pm
Morning/afternoon/evening All!!

Caffeine time here, well its always caffeine time for me..the headache and sick feeling I get when I dont keep myself caffeinated are rather bad..
Anyhow how's everyone's Thursday going??

Hearts, I paid back the first .003 you lent me last weekend, I was paid back some by figaro. I will reup some btc tomorrow (assuming I can get btc in the morning as planned) and send the rest..Thank you!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tedrux on August 08, 2013, 01:46 pm
i do beloeve all my debt has been forgiven . even still I think this is a bigger issue. some one please help
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Hearts on August 08, 2013, 01:50 pm
Aw cheers mate! :) Feel like having a cup of coffee but its almost 10pm here, nothing beats the morning coffee and cigarette (as unhealthy the cigarette can be), just took a blotter of 25i at 1200ug, 40 mins now i'm feeling hyper and jittery, i love this feeling :p
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on August 08, 2013, 02:00 pm
Aw cheers mate! :) Feel like having a cup of coffee but its almost 10pm here, nothing beats the morning coffee and cigarette (as unhealthy the cigarette can be), just took a blotter of 25i at 1200ug, 40 mins now i'm feeling hyper and jittery, i love this feeling :p

I'm gonna grab my cup of coffee now cuz it's barely 7am in my neck of the woods!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: purplepanth on August 08, 2013, 02:03 pm
Lucky I am one of those that can drink coffee and fall asleep 10 minutes the nicotine and caffeine habit are pretty 24/7..

I hate feeling hyper and but if you are happy then that is great!! Whatever the preferred feeling is that works for you..hopefully everyone is where they want to be with that.

I like chill and peaceful myself.

Happy almost weekend everyone!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Hearts on August 08, 2013, 02:23 pm
Damn you guys I feel like a coffee, the 25i is doing me well, just hit a joint and feeling great! But I could use some coffee...

I'm having an early weekend guys, hahah!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: purplepanth on August 08, 2013, 02:58 pm
Damn you guys I feel like a coffee, the 25i is doing me well, just hit a joint and feeling great! But I could use some coffee...

I'm having an early weekend guys, hahah!

Have some coffee then! I feel like the local coffee know you want it..hey psst..hey have some coffee..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 08, 2013, 03:19 pm
I need a bit coin to purchase 1 gram of cyanide. every few weeks I start back on this same plea. I am begging. please. help me.

Need to purchase 1 gram of cocaine. every few lines I start back on this same craving. I am begging. please help me get high.
LOL Kalli :) I need weed, fuckin help, any amount will do!!! :)

Hi all :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: zokas on August 08, 2013, 03:26 pm
Hello Dudes, Friends,  Doctors..

How're you doin here? Is it still spare coin thread or just global chat? :D

I ' m looking for some coins (0.04) because I need to finish my *last order. Pay back tommorow 0.07 or even more when my exchange will pay me.

Please sent them to my SR account - zokas or just into wallet and I deposit them 1DhqvfRrc1wqwnNmV8UA2q1mRPMxzQU5Qv
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bolorolo on August 08, 2013, 03:30 pm
Hello Dudes, Friends,  Doctors..

How're you doin here? Is it still spare coin thread or just global chat? :D

I ' m looking for some coins (0.04) because I need to finish my *last order. Pay back tommorow 0.07 or even more when my exchange will pay me.

Please sent them to my SR account - zokas or just into wallet and I deposit them 1DhqvfRrc1wqwnNmV8UA2q1mRPMxzQU5Qv

i gotcha :) my first lend
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Hearts on August 08, 2013, 03:32 pm
I have 0.01 left, I don't mind sparing a hand :) just don't put wallets bro, Oh god i'm loving this 25i empathetic feelings and euphoria after a hit from the joint, trying to roll another one in bliss right now, how are you guys?

***EDIT** Just breat me there bolorolo 8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 08, 2013, 03:34 pm
Hello Dudes, Friends,  Doctors..

How're you doin here? Is it still spare coin thread or just global chat? :D

I ' m looking for some coins (0.04) because I need to finish my *last order. Pay back tommorow 0.07 or even more when my exchange will pay me.

Please sent them to my SR account - zokas or just into wallet and I deposit them 1DhqvfRrc1wqwnNmV8UA2q1mRPMxzQU5Qv
Yeah we do like to chat here and be friendly, it aint just about the loans, still here to help tho :)

who the fuck keeps negging me, makes you wonder how many accounts NS has, fuckin sado!! :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: zokas on August 08, 2013, 03:36 pm
Thanks brother, I got it !;)

see ya soon;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Hearts on August 08, 2013, 03:54 pm
This is like an ecstasy moment, just throwing out i'm always lurkin, checking what everyones doing, and I have a lot of respect to everyone who helps contribute, Thank you, this is an amazing universe we live in :)8)
DJbl3nd this is pretty good right now

wow 'sent' that message a while back, i got too caught up and forgot that another person replied
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on August 08, 2013, 04:22 pm
Hey guys!

Checking this thread really became the very first thing i want to do when i get home. Kudos to marry, kalli, chemcat, boxy, jugg and many more!. You guys really make this place special. I only started posting recently but been following this thread quite some time now.

(I don't get sentimental very often, but this one was overdue! :P)

I also realized it's beneficial for my english skills. They have been rusty lately, so please excuse my fuck-ups. Thank god there are online dictionaries.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: purplepanth on August 08, 2013, 06:19 pm
I forgot to mention when it was being discussed how I do like that cat staind has as an avatar..

Anyhow back to the grind..maybe good mail will come!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Mangoes on August 08, 2013, 06:27 pm

guys I'm unemployed and I need some BTC for books, tutorials etc. I don't do drugs so I won't spend anything on it, just pure knowledge which can help with my live...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 08, 2013, 06:46 pm
Holy shit, just tooted a opana for the first time in over a year and I am FUCKED up.
No needless to say, I feel quite talkative.

How the fuck are you all doing?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on August 08, 2013, 06:54 pm

                                                  :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) ##When requesting, post your SR name## SO WE KNOW WHERE TO SEND IT TO.  DON'T ASSUME WE KNOW. ##  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7)## DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. ## >:(  ##Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due. ##
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.
                                                           Reserved For Notes

The shit list:
Autobondon *
i3lazd                      <----  (NEVER LEND-Perma-Banned-From This Thread) * ChemCat*
King Karma
Moksha    <~~~~    Done,( Perma- Banned)   **ChemCat**
repus6 *

 *^*Do Not Lend to These People*^*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Mangoes on August 08, 2013, 07:03 pm
I am short about 0.75 BTC for my order which is to be honest with you just books, tutorials etc.

my SR username is   Mangoes
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: odd on August 08, 2013, 07:09 pm

guys I'm unemployed and I need some BTC for books, tutorials etc. I don't do drugs so I won't spend anything on it, just pure knowledge which can help with my live...

I would lend it if i had it friend but i do say i'm rather curious

question #1) if you don't do drugs and don't plan on buying them why are you here?
question #2) did you know there are other boards/ .onions that cater to exactly what you are looking for and alot of times for free?

I'm just confused why someone who doesn't do drugs or has any plan on buying them is hanging around the silk road which is a open marketplace that caters especially to drugs, and this forum which is purely a online drug buying/selling related topic board?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on August 08, 2013, 07:15 pm

                                                  :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) ##When requesting, post your SR name## SO WE KNOW WHERE TO SEND IT TO.  DON'T ASSUME WE KNOW. ##  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7)## DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. ## >:(  ##Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due. ##
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.
                                                           Reserved For Notes

The shit list:
Autobondon *
i3lazd                      <----  (NEVER LEND-Perma-Banned-From This Thread) * ChemCat*
King Karma
repus6 *

 *^*Do Not Lend to These People*^*

Sorry, DadDan  :)  i didn't see that you had posted These Rule  :)

Peace & Hugs to ya, 


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Mangoes on August 08, 2013, 07:19 pm

guys I'm unemployed and I need some BTC for books, tutorials etc. I don't do drugs so I won't spend anything on it, just pure knowledge which can help with my live...

I would lend it if i had it friend but i do say i'm rather curious

question #1) if you don't do drugs and don't plan on buying them why are you here?
question #2) did you know there are other boards/ .onions that cater to exactly what you are looking for and alot of times for free?

I'm just confused why someone who doesn't do drugs or has any plan on buying them is hanging around the silk road which is a open marketplace that caters especially to drugs, and this forum which is purely a online drug buying/selling related topic board?

I didnt know about  other boards, can you shoot me with a url??
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: odd on August 08, 2013, 07:27 pm
I can't do all the work for ya ;)  but here is a decent starting point.   

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Mangoes on August 08, 2013, 07:34 pm
It can be good. thanks !! :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 08, 2013, 08:36 pm

guys I'm unemployed and I need some BTC for books, tutorials etc. I don't do drugs so I won't spend anything on it, just pure knowledge which can help with my live...

I would lend it if i had it friend but i do say i'm rather curious

question #1) if you don't do drugs and don't plan on buying them why are you here?
question #2) did you know there are other boards/ .onions that cater to exactly what you are looking for and alot of times for free?

I'm just confused why someone who doesn't do drugs or has any plan on buying them is hanging around the silk road which is a open marketplace that caters especially to drugs, and this forum which is purely a online drug buying/selling related topic board?

I didnt know about  other boards, can you shoot me with a url??
Also you seem to be asking for btc rather than a small loan, this thread is for loans not handouts!!

Hi everyone, Chemmy, Stain the cat lol, Kalli, juggernot (you mental case) but a luv ya, jonny, murda, boxy, oh bloody everyone, i,ve no good weed, i,m pissed off lol, been trying to get online loans lol not succesful lol :) oh well ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tedrux on August 08, 2013, 09:37 pm
current funds .0178
still need : .85 BTC
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jonnybones on August 08, 2013, 11:41 pm
Hi everyone and Gday, hows things at the OSCT today?  hi tedrux hmm still not quite there.  Anyway just saying hi and getting high and reading funny shit on the forums... don't judge me its 9.30am , pulled an all nighter, cant really feel much from the eyeballs down..  its only taken 43 minutes to type and post this... oh and i'm having Breakfast Jim Beam, Cones, my last coupla lines of coke and I fancy maybe dunken one of these mdma caps, don't want to over do it....nah I can still feel my eyeballs so I'm good.... just realized how much shit we went through last night....that was a mighty fine effort by myself and Mrs Bones.... I wonder where she got to though....
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on August 08, 2013, 11:52 pm
current funds .0178
still need : .85 BTC

Shiva be merciful Texrux!!
wtf is the problem?!?
if i WANTED to die.. i would be fucking DEAD!!

•razor blade- $3
•ice- $1


•open up your electrical panel, and grab anything metallic

•turn your stove top gas on, wait 8 hrs, then click the ignitor

seriously though, it's more than obvious that you either don't really want to go through with this, or you haven't thought very hard!!
dude, why don't you try to LIVE first?!? don't you know that's the easiest and cheapest way to die.. by simply living!! i will guarantee death!!
but cmon dude.. really?!? there are people who would KILL to be in the EXACT position you are in!! regardless of whatever life dampening ailments you may procure!!
having almost died on multiple occasions.. i can't listen to this garble any longer!!
life is a fucking blessing!! don't squander it!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jonnybones on August 08, 2013, 11:57 pm

guys I'm unemployed and I need some BTC for books, tutorials etc. I don't do drugs so I won't spend anything on it, just pure knowledge which can help with my live...
shyte... you pull one all nighter, come back and find we're now selling school books.... hmmm..yes I spend my BTC's on 'pure knowlege' also.....
karma'd the shyte out of everyone on this page and some of the 2nd page then i forgot what i was doing...

edit: murderface's below post... spot on.   Gettin old Tedrux, can you at least come up with something different for a while. maybe a new addiction or a friend stuck in Thailand needs to get home or something? please. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: keagal on August 09, 2013, 12:14 am
Just stopping in to make sure DanDanTheIceCreamMan knows to check his wallet. I paid you back as promised while adding a generous mark up :) Dind want to hit your shit list seeing this was my very first barrow and only needed 5 cents :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ktrustb on August 09, 2013, 12:22 am
Any of you generous folk willing to lend a stoner 0.04btc? I'm just short on a small order and would be most grateful for a hand.

Will pay back certainly within 7 days, probably long before then. My Silk Road username is the same as my forum name here.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 09, 2013, 12:32 am
Any of you generous folk willing to lend a stoner 0.04btc? I'm just short on a small order and would be most grateful for a hand.

Will pay back certainly within 7 days, probably long before then. My Silk Road username is the same as my forum name here.

.04 shapes on the way man.  Throw em back in the box when you can.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jonnybones on August 09, 2013, 12:46 am
Gday BoS , you really are a big box of generosity, tired to K you but must of already.... hows things anywho?   ;D   
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 09, 2013, 01:07 am
Hey man.  Don't really have a good answer on that one right now.  I can type this sentence so we can say I've made it that far.  :P

Take care of yourself for now guy.  Got some stuff to take care of.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: The Missus on August 09, 2013, 01:32 am
Hello everyone! I am short of 0.003458 (thirty six cents) for my first international order and would like to borrow it until my pay check next week. I have the same username on SR as I do here and I like to think of myself as a pretty stand up guy (girl).
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on August 09, 2013, 01:42 am
Just stopping in to make sure DanDanTheIceCreamMan knows to check his wallet. I paid you back as promised while adding a generous mark up :) Dind want to hit your shit list seeing this was my very first barrow and only needed 5 cents :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jonnybones on August 09, 2013, 01:51 am
Hello everyone! I am short of 0.003458 (thirty six cents) for my first international order and would like to borrow it until my pay check next week. I have the same username on SR as I do here and I like to think of myself as a pretty stand up guy (girl).

Hi Missus, that would be my pleasure to assist on this occasion, transferring now... but only cause you're a stand up guy girl.. .004 sent
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on August 09, 2013, 02:18 am
hey y'all, just saying hello.. still no coin for anyone :-[
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 09, 2013, 02:33 am
Also you seem to be asking for btc rather than a small loan, this thread is for loans not handouts!!

Hi everyone, Chemmy, Stain the cat lol, Kalli, juggernot (you mental case) but a luv ya, jonny, murda, boxy, oh bloody everyone, i,ve no good weed, i,m pissed off lol, been trying to get online loans lol not succesful lol :) oh well ;)

Woo, I feel loved! I was mentioned in the SCT by miss mary! 8)
I'm only a mental case some days! :D

I'm sorry you have no smoke! It really bums me out when I see someone has loaned me coin and then doesn't have coin for themselves when the time comes.
I should be good to go on my loans tomorrow evening. I'll keep y'all posted though. :) :) :) :D

On a separate note: I have a question about a certain "new" person that has been requesting in here lately. Someone from the team, please PM me.
and when I say from the team I know you veterans know who I'm talking about. mary pretty much mentioned them in the quote.
anyway, I am a bit worried about some things with this new person and I'm quite serious, so yeah. PM ME

Love "The Team"

- Jugg
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 09, 2013, 02:37 am
She was talking about a local loan.  Not on here.  I thought the same thing.  PM sent

Edit: @RS

Hugs man
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ukbenjy on August 09, 2013, 02:44 am
Hey everyone.

Rather embarrassingly, I've come up 0.0017 short on an order, could anyone here lend me the coins for 2 days until I get some more in?

Thanks guys,

P.S. SR username is the same as on here - ukbenjy
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 09, 2013, 02:50 am
Hey everyone.

Rather embarrassingly, I've come up 0.0017 short on an order, could anyone here lend me the coins for 2 days until I get some more in?

Thanks guys,

P.S. SR username is the same as on here - ukbenjy

Shapes on the way.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lssb2132 on August 09, 2013, 02:55 am
hey y'all, just saying hello.. still no coin for anyone :-[
Hey RS all good buddy, nice to see you around :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 09, 2013, 03:01 am
Hey everyone.

Rather embarrassingly, I've come up 0.0017 short on an order, could anyone here lend me the coins for 2 days until I get some more in?

Thanks guys,

P.S. SR username is the same as on here - ukbenjy

Shapes on the way.

I actually have 0.0096 left, You beat me to the loan shapes. 8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ukbenjy on August 09, 2013, 03:09 am
Shapes on the way.

Thanks Shapes, you saved the day! I'll make sure to pay you back soon. In the mean time, have +1 karma as interest.
Oh, and +1 karma to Juggernog too, cos it's the thought that counts!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 09, 2013, 03:13 am
No worries.  I should have added it's to little to worry about putting the shapes back in the box.  Just have fun wit it. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: drpepper on August 09, 2013, 03:18 am
sup guys my moneypak vendor ran out of coins and had his partner hook me up but he charges a 15% fee vs. 4%

So I am $1.50 short for my order. My name on SR is AcidExtraction:

total transactions    66
total spent   $9,773.80

I will pay you back double this weekend. Thank you!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 09, 2013, 03:21 am
sup guys my moneypak vendor ran out of coins and had his partner hook me up but he charges a 15% fee vs. 4%

So I am $1.50 short for my order. My name on SR is AcidExtraction:

total transactions    66
total spent   $9,773.80

I will pay you back double this weekend. Thank you!

Yup.  Might as well keep the box rollin.  Shapes on the way.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on August 09, 2013, 03:35 am
She was talking about a local loan.  Not on here.  I thought the same thing.  PM sent

Edit: @RS

Hugs man
:) hugs back bro, how you doing?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 09, 2013, 03:45 am
Paranoid and on edge.  I wish it was because I was on drugs.  :P

I think it will play out though.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 09, 2013, 03:52 am
who is on drugs? huh? Who is on drugs?


Of course I would not be today if it was not for the wonderful team here! You guys seem to make me more happy then the mailman at times :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: drpepper on August 09, 2013, 04:11 am
sup guys my moneypak vendor ran out of coins and had his partner hook me up but he charges a 15% fee vs. 4%

So I am $1.50 short for my order. My name on SR is AcidExtraction:

total transactions    66
total spent   $9,773.80

I will pay you back double this weekend. Thank you!

Yup.  Might as well keep the box rollin.  Shapes on the way.

Thank you!

Did bitcoin just drop? I refreshed my page and it dropped like $5 wtf

I was $1 short and now I am $6 short.  Am I going crazy?!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 09, 2013, 04:25 am
Really?  I didn't see it change for me.  Sending the rest now if that's the case I guess.  Let me know it's in tho?  I'm pretty sleepy.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: saranottegan on August 09, 2013, 08:22 am
Holy shit, just tooted a opana for the first time in over a year and I am FUCKED up.
No needless to say, I feel quite talkative.

How the fuck are you all doing?

Hey! How many mgs was it? I have a pretty high tolerance from snorting STM & Subs dope, so I'm wondering how much opana I'd need...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 09, 2013, 08:40 am
Holy shit, just tooted a opana for the first time in over a year and I am FUCKED up.
No needless to say, I feel quite talkative.

How the fuck are you all doing?

Hey! How many mgs was it? I have a pretty high tolerance from snorting STM & Subs dope, so I'm wondering how much opana I'd need...

you would prolly need about 30mg IR
I only had a 10mg IR and it fucked my world, then my package came in and I did a stamp and was feeling fantastic.
I don't think I have had a buzz like that in a LONG time.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: saranottegan on August 09, 2013, 08:52 am
Holy shit, just tooted a opana for the first time in over a year and I am FUCKED up.
No needless to say, I feel quite talkative.

How the fuck are you all doing?

Hey! How many mgs was it? I have a pretty high tolerance from snorting STM & Subs dope, so I'm wondering how much opana I'd need...

you would prolly need about 30mg IR
I only had a 10mg IR and it fucked my world, then my package came in and I did a stamp and was feeling fantastic.
I don't think I have had a buzz like that in a LONG time.
how did you prep it? just crush and snort?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: saranottegan on August 09, 2013, 09:22 am
hey all,

i'm .078 short on an order i'd like to place so i can have it for the weekend. could someone help me out? i will pay .10 next Friday.

Thank you ever so much!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jonnybones on August 09, 2013, 09:34 am
hey all,

i'm .078 short on an order i'd like to place so i can have it for the weekend. could someone help me out? i will pay .10 next Friday.

Thank you ever so much!!
checking my briefcase..yep gotcha covered saranottegan, hope it gets in before the weekend for you...Need SR name to transfer to, is it the same?

edit, sent .078 found you.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: saranottegan on August 09, 2013, 09:37 am
hey all,

i'm .078 short on an order i'd like to place so i can have it for the weekend. could someone help me out? i will pay .10 next Friday.

Thank you ever so much!!
checking my briefcase..yep gotcha covered saranottegan, hope it gets in before the weekend for you...Need SR name to transfer to, is it the same?

you rock!  same SR name - saranottegan   thank you SO much!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jonnybones on August 09, 2013, 09:49 am
hey all,

i'm .078 short on an order i'd like to place so i can have it for the weekend. could someone help me out? i will pay .10 next Friday.

Thank you ever so much!!
checking my briefcase..yep gotcha covered saranottegan, hope it gets in before the weekend for you...Need SR name to transfer to, is it the same?

you rock!  same SR name - saranottegan   thank you SO much!

thanks...I do like to rock. has been sent and should be there - you are also one who rocks.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on August 09, 2013, 10:53 am
Hi everyone and Gday, hows things at the OSCT today?  hi tedrux hmm still not quite there.  Anyway just saying hi and getting high and reading funny shit on the forums... don't judge me its 9.30am , pulled an all nighter, cant really feel much from the eyeballs down..  its only taken 43 minutes to type and post this... oh and i'm having Breakfast Jim Beam, Cones, my last coupla lines of coke and I fancy maybe dunken one of these mdma caps, don't want to over do it....nah I can still feel my eyeballs so I'm good.... just realized how much shit we went through last night....that was a mighty fine effort by myself and Mrs Bones.... I wonder where she got to though....

Haha 1st post iv read today, my kind of post :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on August 09, 2013, 12:07 pm
hey all :D

Could a kind soul borrow me .0601 btc please.I'm just that little bit short of an order.
I'm on the previously lent coin list and if the buggers paid me back I wouldnt need it but thats life 8)

My sr acc is eddyboy666

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kheper on August 09, 2013, 12:38 pm
Bought quite a few coins a couple days ago but was unable to access TOR and the prices have fallen meaning i'm 0.64 short from fulfilling an order

My usual coin guy is away for a week and I can't wait that long to do the order, could someone borrow me the 0.64

SR name is Xeper

 ;D bit of help please!

(will pay you back as soon as i grab another bunch of coins, i'm a (wo)man of my word!)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: purplepanth on August 09, 2013, 01:26 pm
Good morning/afternoon to everyone!!

How is everyone, hope its a great Friday for all!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Alighier on August 09, 2013, 01:29 pm
Quote from: Preface to Sputum of Consciousness I Am About To Inflict on Innocent Druggats
Hey guys, Please read that Ali has lost their mind.  Ali has not received proper authorization from the host to retrieve the mind, as it is encrypted and locked away in one of many repositories for wasted, forgotten minds.  It is only redeemable when/if Ali breaks the almost 4 day sleepless campaign against their own sanity to resolve some problems lying underneath it.  The mission is successful, they just needs to finalize with the proper amount of Sleep.  You will receive this warning on every public post until receipt of victory is finalized by the payment of Sleep.  If proper payment is not received in full, you will receive a notice of Ali's sanity being pleasantly, but brutally and slowly returned back to them, written in Ali's form, motivated by this automatic message.  Please ignore any instances of apparent sanity, as these are  just the muscle memory of typing patterns Ali has formed in more temporary and controlled practices of insanity.  He gave this one to the original trip, Acetylcholine, who is less forgiving when removed from their home without warning and kept long after the task is complete.  Ali should have neither your pity, nor sympathy because this is harder on me than it is on them.  You will likely suffer the worst from these crimes, though you are all more or less innocent [aside from JohnnyBones.  Seriously, help a brother neurochem out.  Get some sleep before it's this hard to stop the mindless ramblings of factual fiction nonsense.]

If anyone convinces this vessel to retrieve their own damn sanity very simply, very painlessly, and without retort, I'll implant the motivation to send 1/10 of your bitted coins as a show of my gratitude and theirs, no matter how asinine and callously they treat their brains right this second.


Quote from: Ali's muscle memory: Day Two
Hey fam, Spent many nights losing count of the hours.  It's pretty great, I'm on day two back here, found a temporal anomaly in the trippy shit reject closet of this trip.  I hope if I don't find my way back before too long, it will at least be more interesting than this shit.  Finger lights that fly off and die within minutes- swell idea, but we can do better.  Maybe some Van Gogh meets Alex Grey commentary in the forums or something.  ANYWAY, hoping this makes it out to day 4, if not 5.  If it does, you can pull my brain out of any commonly used program within Ali's functioning brain.  It still exists, even if it's a retroactive existence.  Seriously, this shit is cool.  Recognition will spark a data transfer from brain to vessel, and physically locating will be unnecessary.  This may be the only way to keep me from reaching Day Seven or Eight, as Day One took that as a Goal, at the least, which they earnestly wanted to beat (which is apparently more difficult to break than Day One though Two Thought.  Or any other incarnations that existed in the future, definitively.  This muscle memory quote was left with love, and it reminds you that I am, undeniably, without question or err in such primal directives, an absolute fucking moron who's trying to prove himself wrong+++++++++++++++++++++

Seriously, guys, I haven't had pancakes in days, it's fucked up but I did try that BTH in my first speedball last night, when I can remember the words I put down, I'll let you know, but I drowned out anything easily recalled with large, Intravenous doses of MDPV.  Fun stuff, kinda nuts in a pleasant-make-you-tea-and-teach-you-an-elf-wizard's-interpretatation-of-the-Qur'an-written-in-old-Scandonavian kind of way.

Much love,
Today's (Happy) Idiot, the one who forgot to finalize their victory over personal demons.  Still won, though, retroactively of course.  Dying counts as auto-finalize, I believe.

(Wow, what a title)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on August 09, 2013, 02:10 pm
hey all :D

Could a kind soul borrow me .0601 btc please.I'm just that little bit short of an order.
I'm on the previously lent coin list and if the buggers paid me back I wouldnt need it but thats life 8)

My sr acc is eddyboy666

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 09, 2013, 02:15 pm
hey all :D

Could a kind soul borrow me .0601 btc please.I'm just that little bit short of an order.
I'm on the previously lent coin list and if the buggers paid me back I wouldnt need it but thats life 8)

My sr acc is eddyboy666

Shapes on the way man.  Just promise me to be careful this time?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 09, 2013, 02:26 pm

My fucking god you write some fun stuff! 

Um....this sentence is a response to said paragraph?  I'm at a complete loss of what to say.  The mission was successful?  Are you sure?  HAhha
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: zipstyle on August 09, 2013, 02:31 pm
Hello everyone!

Just stopping in to ask if anyone has .2 BTC to spare?
I will pay you back .25 BTC :)

My sr username is zipstyle
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: purplepanth on August 09, 2013, 02:37 pm
So what are everyone's plans for this Friday??

Hearts..just returned to you the loan +some for your time and help..Thanks again..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 09, 2013, 02:38 pm
Hello everyone!

Just stopping in to ask if anyone has .2 BTC to spare?
I will pay you back :)

How quick can you get the shapes back to me?  I was about to make an order with the last of the shapes I have but the time frame isn't that important.  I can wait a little to get this in. 

Also SR name?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on August 09, 2013, 02:39 pm
Whats up B.O.S??? +1 for you being ....a boss. Hope you are doing well!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 09, 2013, 02:41 pm
Hello Boxy, jonny, kalli, juggernot (mental in a good way) Darktime and everybody else, hope your all good  ;) Sorry as boxy would say, "out os shapes"  :( lol got a good bit cheese from ma sreet grrrl, yeah cheap and great  ;)

RxKing... have i done something to offend you since your not answering me hun  :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: zipstyle on August 09, 2013, 02:41 pm
Hello everyone!

Just stopping in to ask if anyone has .2 BTC to spare?
I will pay you back :)

How quick can you get the shapes back to me?  I was about to make an order with the last of the shapes I have but the time frame isn't that important.  I can wait a little to get this in. 

Also SR name?

Well I just bought more coins and they are due August 15th, so I would say at some point after that.
I have always paid my debts and am good for my word. Thanks in advance!

sr username zipstyle
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 09, 2013, 02:51 pm
Hello everyone!

Just stopping in to ask if anyone has .2 BTC to spare?
I will pay you back :)

How quick can you get the shapes back to me?  I was about to make an order with the last of the shapes I have but the time frame isn't that important.  I can wait a little to get this in. 

Also SR name?

Well I just bought more coins and they are due August 15th, so I would say at some point after that.
I have always paid my debts and am good for my word. Thanks in advance!

sr username zipstyle

Na I know you're good for it.  I just couldn't do it if it was +2 weeks.  Just be sure to put the shapes in the box at the noted time as that would help me when I need it.

Shapes on the way man.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on August 09, 2013, 02:54 pm
RxKing... have i done something to offend you since your not answering me hun  :-\

Of course not!! As I can not be offended in any way :)

And what/when did I not answer you? 

FYI, when I just said hello to box of shapes..he had just made a post and was the only name on the page when I sent him the message.....and I actually had not read a single post in the thread and so I didn't see anyone else. And I was just giving a drive by hello....and now I just came in here to read the thread for a few minutes..and I saw your post...So "HELLO" to you...and +1 to you also for being very sweet to everyone as usual :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 09, 2013, 02:58 pm
Whats up B.O.S??? +1 for you being ....a boss. Hope you are doing well!

Hey king.  I just need to spend a little time here and I pick myself right up!  Hope anyone can agree to that.

Good health to you sir!


Hey girl!  Thank you so much again for taking care of me when I was loosin it for a bit.  Least I'm calmer....
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on August 09, 2013, 03:00 pm
Hello all...very sleepy this morning {zzz}°°°( -_-)>c[_]

Hope all is well on the thread today.

Back to work.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 09, 2013, 03:07 pm
{zzz}°°°( -_-)>c[_]

Hey.  I can't believe I didn't think of that.  Coffee sounds like a brilliant idea.

Box out for now.  Take care everyone.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: purplepanth on August 09, 2013, 03:13 pm
Ok someone tell me I am not an order for overnight and they want FE and last few orders are FE..and my stomach just goes flip flop..if its overnight I always finalize stats are good, no refunds,auto final..just say no right..hell I probably offended them too..shit ..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 09, 2013, 03:15 pm
RxKing... have i done something to offend you since your not answering me hun  :-\

Of course not!! As I can not be offended in any way :)

And what/when did I not answer you? 

FYI, when I just said hello to box of shapes..he had just made a post and was the only name on the page when I sent him the message.....and I actually had not read a single post in the thread and so I didn't see anyone else. And I was just giving a drive by hello....and now I just came in here to read the thread for a few minutes..and I saw your post...So "HELLO" to you...and +1 to you also for being very sweet to everyone as usual :)
I pm,d you over a week ago and last night about a loan hun, said i,d put it on the thread but not heard back from either  :-\ I,d also said you,d prob give kalli a loan on the thread a couple of weeks ago after you,d posted saying "who needs a loan" and you disapearred lol no probs hun as long as were cool love mary bo berry  :-*
and +1 to you cause your super nice  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Hearts on August 09, 2013, 03:20 pm
So what are everyone's plans for this Friday??

Hearts..just returned to you the loan +some for your time and help..Thanks again..

Cheers mate :) thanks again! and about your order, damn man why are they asking FE? have you ordered from this vendor before?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: purplepanth on August 09, 2013, 03:28 pm
No I haven't from this one, and I hadn't ordered yet..was asking if overnight would indeed go out today..and they said yea hurry up and place order and FE so they can fund their buyer account..its a vendor with 100% and 9 mos..but what the hell..

I just will wait to hear back from another vendor that should get it out today and is a tiny bit more expensive..

That just floored I am seriously not interested in giving 1btc away and being without suboxone for a few days ...thanks but no thanks..I messaged back that I am uncomfortable doing the FE when I will finalize when it arrives tomorrow..and no offense meant..but I mean really, that just seems nuts..and smells could be nothing..but I would rather not find out..

I dont do the post my stats I am wonderful crap and I know I am small time, maybe 1k in orders in last 4 months, but no negatives why would I need to FE?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 09, 2013, 03:32 pm
Don,t FE ask them to cancel, this happened to me with daruthless and he sent a privnote to SR (never open let SR open them) saying he,d post my address i got the cunt to cancel so was lucky, ask them to cancel the order, don,t FE if you can,t afford to lose it hun  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: purplepanth on August 09, 2013, 03:37 pm
Don,t FE ask them to cancel, this happened to me with daruthless and he sent a privnote to SR (never open let SR open them) saying he,d post my address i got the cunt to cancel so was lucky, ask them to cancel the order, don,t FE if you can,t afford to lose it hun  ;)

Yea I was posting same time as you..this guy seems like a dick.. He sent a message back that I dont read as nice..and thank god I didnt order..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Hearts on August 09, 2013, 03:44 pm
second "dont FE", that is one hell of a bummer... hope you can get it from another vendor if its not that expensive!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: purplepanth on August 09, 2013, 03:53 pm
second "dont FE", that is one hell of a bummer... hope you can get it from another vendor if its not that expensive!

You know it!! No FE. Jeez..I did that my first order, sat here for a week while the vendor strung me along answering the messages..and then a month later messages that " oh my account was hijacked and you weren't dealing with me.." He closed that account after he sold a bunch more taught me that lesson however..

There is another vendor, just waiting for confirmation, I think it will be ok. I wont freak out just
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 09, 2013, 03:56 pm
Never ever FE even for a vendor you trust, if there that good they,ll never ask you to  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Hearts on August 09, 2013, 04:01 pm
second "dont FE", that is one hell of a bummer... hope you can get it from another vendor if its not that expensive!

You know it!! No FE. Jeez..I did that my first order, sat here for a week while the vendor strung me along answering the messages..and then a month later messages that " oh my account was hijacked and you weren't dealing with me.." He closed that account after he sold a bunch more taught me that lesson however..

There is another vendor, just waiting for confirmation, I think it will be ok. I wont freak out just

Its funny because I had a different experience... i FE'd the first time I came here because I knew i was a noobie, then but ordered from 2 more vendors that doesn't ask for Fe...

 My first order that came in was the one I FE'd, then the other 2 the next. I was thankful and lucky... but after that I was convinced that I really shouldn't Fe no matter which vendor.

Unless you're ordering more than one item from the same vendor, I don't mind fe'ing half of it if it takes long so at least that get some cash... only if they're a good vendor of course
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 09, 2013, 05:07 pm
Holy shit, just tooted a opana for the first time in over a year and I am FUCKED up.
No needless to say, I feel quite talkative.

How the fuck are you all doing?

Hey! How many mgs was it? I have a pretty high tolerance from snorting STM & Subs dope, so I'm wondering how much opana I'd need...

you would prolly need about 30mg IR
I only had a 10mg IR and it fucked my world, then my package came in and I did a stamp and was feeling fantastic.
I don't think I have had a buzz like that in a LONG time.
how did you prep it? just crush and snort?

sorry took so long to reply, Yes just crush and snort. Wait about ~5 min and you will start getting that rush!
for people that IV it dissolves perfect.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 09, 2013, 05:09 pm
staind, alighier, and mary666. I just bought some coin, but I only had enough today for .22 I have more funds in the works for tomorrow.
Are you guys ok with possibly waiting one more day?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on August 09, 2013, 05:10 pm
I forgot to mention when it was being discussed how I do like that cat staind has as an avatar..

hehe thanks :P

@ FE Topic: As a new buyer you may have to take some risks. I fe'ed my first 2 buys because there was absolutely no domestic vendor who didn't ask new buyers to fe for that item. Just consider it lost when you FE and be happily surprised when it arrives :P. Don't think I will ever fe again tho.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on August 09, 2013, 05:10 pm
Elloooooo  @ muh  droog family   :P

How're ya'll doin?  RS,  I Hope your ok man, i havent heard a peep from ya in a good bit  ???

Love & Hugs to you All  8)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on August 09, 2013, 05:11 pm
hi jugg.

I volunteer for waiting :P. No problem at all.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: purplepanth on August 09, 2013, 05:28 pm
Aha there is the cat!

Oh staind's cat and the Chem Cat and the smiles :)

Yea not a noob here, I FE for free shipping with a trusted vendor, as much as is possible to trust..but this situation this morning just seemed off..gut feeling said I would be waiting on the mail tomorrow and be sick as hell and outta money..could be wrong..but I have lurked and seen some of the tell tale things to stay away from..a bunch of FE's make me somewhat matter how good the vendor standing(unless its a bulk supplier or their general operating procedure)

I could be wrong about it, but its not a chance I can afford to take.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 09, 2013, 05:28 pm
staind, alighier, and mary666. I just bought some coin, but I only had enough today for .22 I have more funds in the works for tomorrow.
Are you guys ok with possibly waiting one more day?
Hi Hun  ;) yeah i,m fine with that  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on August 09, 2013, 05:30 pm
Hey ChemCat! What is up brobra? I sent you a pm...

Back to working (⌐■_■)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on August 09, 2013, 05:42 pm
Has anyone here insufflated 2C-I? What was it like? Have you used tabs? Is it better? Any info would be great!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on August 09, 2013, 05:53 pm
Thankyou Box for the loan.

I miscalculated though and am short 0.0017btc  :-[

could someone top me up these few pennies please  ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on August 09, 2013, 05:55 pm
Hiya & Hugs at ya Imaz  :)

Got the PM and responded  ;)

hiya and huggles to ya mary  8)

Heya @ stained, purp & jugg  & big Hugs to ya's  :P

yeah imaz i am doing some research/work myself ???

Peace & Love to you All  8)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on August 09, 2013, 05:56 pm
Thankyou Box for the loan.

I miscalculated though and am short 0.0017btc  :-[

could someone top me up these few pennies please  ::)

SR user name?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on August 09, 2013, 05:57 pm
OMG!!   it's darktime  :P

where...and How have ay been?

Glad to see yur back here in the livingroom  :P

Love & Hugs to ya  :)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on August 09, 2013, 05:58 pm

yeah imaz i am doing some research/work myself ???

Peace & Love to you All  8)



So you we able to watch it? Thoughts?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: foxen624 on August 09, 2013, 06:00 pm
Hi there all you good and kind people!

Just had a bad couple of days... but as all things do pass....  did those last couple of days ;D 

and I'm back to myself.. whatever it is that you find that to be :P

Soooooo....   what can I do you for?  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on August 09, 2013, 06:02 pm
Sorry ImAz its eddyboy666

hey Chemmy ;D I'm good thx m8.just about walking good now,nearly got a jog on the other day.I thought you knew that I got taken to hospital with a femoral artery aneurysm :o nearly lost me leggyweg and my life but the surgeon was a fkn genius 8)

@BOS thx for concern m8,I have stopped going deep now and will be stopping altogether soon as it will kill me one day.Its the reason i needed the extra btc loan so i can get some valium in to sooth the demons inside who are not going to be happy at all in the next few days.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on August 09, 2013, 06:02 pm
@ ImAz

        Nah i havent gotten the chance to look i don't do anything related to pics  or vids on any of my machines anymore  ???   However this weekend i will go to a public PC  somewhere and check it out  :p

@ Foxen  :)

Hey You  (Hugs)  Everything ok in FoXXXyVille?  :P

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on August 09, 2013, 06:03 pm
Okay...which one of you bitches gave me negative karma? I had 5 now I am at 6!

I'm ready to (ง •̀_•́)ง someone....

Joking of course.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: foxen624 on August 09, 2013, 06:07 pm
@Chem - Hey.. Hi yourself!;D

and everything all good here in as you say... foxxxyville...  ;)    although fine for you to use that, Chem or whatever name you wish ... hehehe...    don't want others to go thinking that's what the name of foxen means...   ('cuz in truth, I dont' even know what if anything it means myself..  ha ha)

and hope all is well is Chemtown too..  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on August 09, 2013, 06:08 pm
Sorry ImAz its eddyboy666

hey Chemmy ;D I'm good thx m8.just about walking good now,nearly got a jog on the other day.I thought you knew that I got taken to hospital with a femoral artery aneurysm :o nearly lost me leggyweg and my life but the surgeon was a fkn genius 8)

@BOS thx for concern m8,I have stopped going deep now and will be stopping altogether soon as it will kill me one day.Its the reason i needed the extra btc loan so i can get some valium in to sooth the demons inside who are not going to be happy at all in the next few days.

Whoa brobra! Stay strong. .003 sent to you.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on August 09, 2013, 06:10 pm
Hey all, havnt been in here for a while. Whats everyone up to?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on August 09, 2013, 06:13 pm
I'll keep my fingers crossed purple :).

hey chem cat
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on August 09, 2013, 06:19 pm
I'll keep my fingers crossed purple :).

hey chem cat

Staind, brobra I love your profile photo of the  (=’①。①’=)

I look for it every time that I am here! Thank you for the smiles
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on August 09, 2013, 06:20 pm
Quote from: Darktime

hey Chemmy ;D I'm good thx m8.just about walking good now,nearly got a jog on the other day.I thought you knew that I got taken to hospital with a femoral artery aneurysm :o nearly lost me leggyweg and my life but the surgeon was a fkn genius 8)

WOW  ???  i  dont know how i missed that  :(

You'll be in my prayers, for what it's worth  :)

Hugs & Love being sent your way  8)



ok i am goin back to work. See ya'll later  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on August 09, 2013, 06:32 pm
well have a +1 to make up for your -1 ;D

I notice my multiple negger has stopped(for now) Over 70 negs for no reason in the space of a week or two!what a sad fkr he was!

perhaps I shouldnt have mentioned it lol
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 09, 2013, 06:46 pm
Hey all, havnt been in here for a while. Whats everyone up to?
Hey Ytable, wondered  where you,s been thought you maybe lucky enough to be on holiday  ;) How ya doing hun  :-*

Hi Chemmy hun, How,s yourself hun  ;) :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 09, 2013, 08:50 pm
hi jugg.

I volunteer for waiting :P. No problem at all.

TY sir. I'll throw ya a few cents extra for the wait.

staind, alighier, and mary666. I just bought some coin, but I only had enough today for .22 I have more funds in the works for tomorrow.
Are you guys ok with possibly waiting one more day?
Hi Hun  ;) yeah i,m fine with that  ;)

Sweet, thank you. I didn't pay any miner fees so I am still waiting anyway..

Anyone heard from alighier? I haven't seen him in a little while.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on August 09, 2013, 08:55 pm
Hey all, havnt been in here for a while. Whats everyone up to?
Hey Ytable, wondered  where you,s been thought you maybe lucky enough to be on holiday  ;) How ya doing hun  :-*

Hi Chemmy hun, How,s yourself hun  ;) :-*
Doing good, been in the IRC mostly n going to lots of festivals. Making money n what not :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 09, 2013, 08:59 pm
Hey all, havnt been in here for a while. Whats everyone up to?
Hey Ytable, wondered  where you,s been thought you maybe lucky enough to be on holiday  ;) How ya doing hun  :-*

Hi Chemmy hun, How,s yourself hun  ;) :-*
Doing good, been in the IRC mostly n going to lots of festivals. Making money n what not :)
Ahhh, festivals, I remember them days lol  ;)

Has antone else not been able to post for a while, i thought forum was down  :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: purplepanth on August 09, 2013, 09:24 pm
The forums were down..and I needed to step away from the computer..I was having just gut wrenching panic, it sucks.

Then the mail came and a sample from harry tuttle was there! I cant take any yet, but knowing the etziolam is here and the sub issue is clear for the next week at least has made me feel better..the sub issue being the biggest cause of my panic..

So hope Friday is good for everyone!! Make it good damn it!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Praetorian on August 09, 2013, 09:31 pm
0.0235 BTC to spare; first to ask for it, gets it.  No pay-back required.  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 09, 2013, 09:38 pm
0.0235 BTC to spare; first to ask for it, gets it.  No pay-back required.  8)

Ill take it to use toward paying back one of the names in my sig.. unless someone more needy is around?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on August 09, 2013, 09:46 pm
Staind, brobra I love your profile photo of the  (=’①。①’=)

I look for it every time that I am here! Thank you for the smiles

I am very pleased to hear that. Glad you like it. :) :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jonnybones on August 09, 2013, 10:43 pm
gday OSCT... just been reading through catchin up... I have to say ImAz your an Artist! , keep them cool little pics coming they're fantastic.  love it.   Saturday morning and all is well downunder apart from the obvious problem re drugs being ilegal and all that.   I hope wherever you are on the planet you find a way to make today a special one.  Take a sec to stop and pick a flower or pat a puppy dog, take you shoes off and get your feet dirty. Just be a kid for 10 minutes.... and smile for as long as you can... just put that big grin on your dial and it will make a difference to yourself and everyone around you.  Ok so go and do that now.  Ok so being on the opposite side of the world perhaps your sleeping so when you get up.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: zipstyle on August 10, 2013, 01:34 am
Hello everyone!

Just stopping in to ask if anyone has .2 BTC to spare?
I will pay you back :)

How quick can you get the shapes back to me?  I was about to make an order with the last of the shapes I have but the time frame isn't that important.  I can wait a little to get this in. 

Also SR name?

Well I just bought more coins and they are due August 15th, so I would say at some point after that.
I have always paid my debts and am good for my word. Thanks in advance!

sr username zipstyle

Na I know you're good for it.  I just couldn't do it if it was +2 weeks.  Just be sure to put the shapes in the box at the noted time as that would help me when I need it.

Shapes on the way man.

Many thanks! :)
Shapes will be sent right back atcha as soon as possible, as promised.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: foxen624 on August 10, 2013, 02:43 am
O.K. so like what' up around here?  ::)    Waiting on coin so currently don't have enough to place an order, but have enough to loan someone(s) a few ...  but looks like none is needed here at the moment.... hmmmm..   lol..  just gotta love this thread!  ;D

Hugs to all..   if ya happen to need any...  mention it here but if I don't respond, PM me 'cuz right now, I'm all over the board... literally..  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on August 10, 2013, 06:13 am
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: foxen624 on August 10, 2013, 06:19 am
Hi Chemmy :)

Good to see ya!  So much doom and gloom going on in much of the rest of the forums..  came here looking for a safe haven for a couple minutes before I got to go for the night... 

but maybe the rest of the usually happy people that are missing from here are caught up in the dark forebodings as well...  hmmmm.. hope not! ::)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on August 10, 2013, 06:23 am
Gives you the safety of a warm Hug  :)

You're Home, don't stray too far  :)

Peace, Love & Hugs to ya @ foxen  :)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: foxen624 on August 10, 2013, 06:33 am
awwwww..  thanks!  I needed that :)

and with that...  I think I'll go on to bed now.

Peace, love and many hugs to you too! :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on August 10, 2013, 06:36 am
i'm off to slumberland myself  :)

Love & Hugs from me to all you's tough guys and gals that run this thread  ;)


Chem  O0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DrWalterB on August 10, 2013, 08:59 am
Sleep well fellow roaders :D daytime here ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 10, 2013, 09:02 am
I,m up Dr Walter  ;) how ya doing, can we go to your lab and play with your drugs lol  ;) I loved Fringe  ;) :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: truestorytrust on August 10, 2013, 09:07 am
1,000 thanks brother! I shall return the favor ASAP! Also, thanks for shooting me a note. I appreciated that.

No problem bra

I was glad to help you ROLLINRONNIE and would have no problem helping you again but you did state you would return the favor ASAP. There are other people I could be helping out right now that was in the same situation as you were around this time last week so if you could kindly deposit what you gave me your word you would I'd greatly appreciate it so I can help out others also. "All I have in this world is my balls and my word and I don't break them for no one"
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DrWalterB on August 10, 2013, 09:22 am
I,m up Dr Walter  ;) how ya doing, can we go to your lab and play with your drugs lol  ;) I loved Fringe  ;) :D

Hi Mary :) am doin good today, hope you are to ;)
you are definitely more than welcome to come to my lab and play he he ... have plenty to go around  8)

and yeah fringe was awesome, Dr W was the best ;) crazy self medicating nutter....
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 10, 2013, 10:36 am
I miss Fringe  :(, get back in your Lab Walter, I,ll be Astrid your side kick lol  ;)

Where,s everyone else, in bed  :-\ hangovers lol  ;)

Japan and Taz get back here, we miss you  :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: truestorytrust on August 10, 2013, 10:44 am
First and foremost, for content alone and service aside, this is becoming my favorite place on the forums to visit. I must reiterate how much a thread like this represents what we are trying to create here traveling the Road and it warms my heart and restores my faith in humanity to see we have a community that can operate with so much love, trust, loyalty and respect (for the majority of us). Two days ago I made my first loan from the Spare Coins Family and was amazed with the generosity I received. Again, mary666, Alighier, and truestorytrust you are all kindred spirits and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping me sort those orders out. I've been able to get back the .02 I loaned from mary666 and still need my coins in before I can give the .05 to truestorytrust and the .03 to Alighier. To update, I'm hoping to restock by the end of the week or over the weekend. Whenever the check from my last gig comes from the promoter. So I reach back out to my family here to ask again for assistance, today I won and was chosen for a free sample of some fine ganja, I go to place the order and didn't realize that "free" consisted of needing to pay shipping. I stand .079 short of the shipping needed to place the order. Now this is a sample, I dont stress too much as it was out of the kindness of the vendor to offer me this, but I'm not sure that I'd still be able to place order by the time my coins clear. If any other generous travelers can assist a humble wanderer I'd be in your debt (literally) and will, as the other members, repay my loan when I finally get my coins restocked. I plan on grabbing some extra coins to lend some coins out myself to help spread the love we are creating here in this thread. Anyways thanks in advance and once again, Happy Travels.

musichighlife :) :) :)

Thank you musichighlife I appreciate you letting me know the loan will be a little delayed that goes far with me and again I am glad I helped you out.  But your kind sir I hope the delay doesn't last to much longer as there are other people out there that need help also and that's with just small amounts that they are short I took a chance on you as I usually don't let people borrow that much cause it seems as peddling and I am not here to support no ones drug habit especially if there out borrowing before they pay others back. Let us not forget this magical place we are all apart of and let's not take that or the folks who are a part advantage of.  So please repay soon so I may help others in need.  God Bless
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 10, 2013, 10:57 am
Hello, I am short 4$ on a order, it is not drug related but please sort me out you must have 4$ laying somewhere thank you here is the address:
You never paid back the 0.05 you owe me and you haven,t paid back loans to others, apparently you don,t pay back loans  ??? You made the thread but i don,t think it entitles you to borrow coin and not repay, if anything you should be an example of how this place should work  ::) Sorry but i just don,t think thats ok!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bobhope333 on August 10, 2013, 12:14 pm
Hi everybody, I am 0.065 short for an order, need to get it out in next half hour so would really appreciate it if somebody could help out, I have lent money myself and borrowed and paid back (am in list of good borrowers).
I will be able to pay it back on Thursday with some interest- just tell me how much.
My SR name is the same as on here, many thanks in anticipation!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bruins419 on August 10, 2013, 03:41 pm
I just sent you the .065 bob , on the house, enjoy my friend
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: OneBadDream on August 10, 2013, 04:07 pm
Is there anyone here that can afford to spare me .0973 BTC for a spore syringe? I'm a bit short and I'll be able to pay it back this next friday. I'd really be grateful. Thanks! My SR name is OneBadDream.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bobhope333 on August 10, 2013, 04:28 pm
I just sent you the .065 bob , on the house, enjoy my friend
Brilliant! In time to order, before they run out!
You have my undying gratitude, bruins419 , if by "on the house" you mean what I think- that you don't want the 0.065 back (and don't just mean that you don't want interest for it), I shall pass the deed on by giving it to someone else in need, on Thursday. (If you were just referring to the interest, get back to me and I shall let you have it back on Thursday. Maybe I'm being a bit dense because I've just had a pipe of Atlas2012's Manali 1st grade- lovely stuff! But I'd hate to read it wrongly and not pay my debt. ooh.... the paranoia's creeping in there, better not have another pipe for a while........ well, another 2 mins.
Checking out, bohope333.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: pipedude100 on August 10, 2013, 04:33 pm
Ordered two products from a vendor and thought that they combined shipping but they don't seem to be and need package to ship today so don't have time to wait on seller to respond to PM due to time it would take to get more BTC and still get it sent out today hopefully  :). I was wondering if someone could be so kind as to loan me 5 dollars worth of BTC until next Friday and I will pay it back with a reasonable amount of interest thanks in advance need these asap to complete the order. my SR accoumt is the same as my name here thanks
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bruins419 on August 10, 2013, 04:39 pm
Your assumption is correct, no need to send the coins back to me. Please pass the favor onto someone else that might be in need. I am glad you were able to get your order in.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on August 10, 2013, 05:19 pm
hey folks :D

whats happened to the smilies? there used to be a little selection above the box??

hope everyone's good today.

Enjoy the weekend girls n boys.Smash it up if you got ya orders in.

I didn't get my vals this morning :( so hoping Mondays post will be fat! 

Love you all
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 10, 2013, 06:25 pm
You been moving your scripts Darktime  :-\ I did it and mine disappeared too lol   :)

Hope everyone,s good tonight/today  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on August 10, 2013, 07:21 pm

what up my lovely lovelies??
i hope everyone is grand!!
much love!!
long live SR!!

oh, and i have .0036 if anyone needs it  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: nplv123 on August 10, 2013, 09:34 pm
hello all..

im .0006 short for an order, such a petty amount (its like 5 cents US) lol. can anyone help me out please? will pay back in couple weeks tops. thanks in advance. my sr name is the same as here.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: nplv123 on August 10, 2013, 09:40 pm

what up my lovely lovelies??
i hope everyone is grand!!
much love!!
long live SR!!

oh, and i have .0036 if anyone needs it  :)

i dont need that much, just the .0006 would be plenty if you could! :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on August 10, 2013, 10:02 pm

what up my lovely lovelies??
i hope everyone is grand!!
much love!!
long live SR!!

oh, and i have .0036 if anyone needs it  :)

i dont need that much, just the .0006 would be plenty if you could! :)

on it's way homie!!
i sent ya .001 just in case..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jonnybones on August 10, 2013, 11:07 pm
Gday, Hi, and good morning....I hope everyone is great today ;D and hope you all have someone close.   But if you feel like you walk this life alone sometimes its ok,    'Walk on with hope in your heart...and you'll never walk alone'   Big decisions and changes in store for jonny so its what I like to call V time.  Vinyl, Vino and Valium...sunday best.  take care
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: nplv123 on August 10, 2013, 11:08 pm

what up my lovely lovelies??
i hope everyone is grand!!
much love!!
long live SR!!

oh, and i have .0036 if anyone needs it  :)

i dont need that much, just the .0006 would be plenty if you could! :)

on it's way homie!!
i sent ya .001 just in case..

hey there was a btc price fluctuation in my favor right before u sent me that so i dont need it. just returned it back your way!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: purplepanth on August 11, 2013, 03:03 am
Hi all !  My  internet was hosed all afternoon, but  I just wanted to wish everyone a great evening.. Morning.. Whatever it may be where you are ! I got  mail today so all's well that ends well , at least on that end.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 11, 2013, 03:51 am
Mary666, and staind. I am having issues with obtaining coin this weekend. (virwox)
I sent Mary666 some of what I owe her. 0.03 with 0.05 remaining.

I'll try again tomorrow. Night guys
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 11, 2013, 09:55 am
Mary666, and staind. I am having issues with obtaining coin this weekend. (virwox)
I sent Mary666 some of what I owe her. 0.03 with 0.05 remaining.

I'll try again tomorrow. Night guys
No problem Jugg, if someone else needs paid before me i can wait  ;) Hope your good hun and a big Sunday Hello people  :) :D ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DrWalterB on August 11, 2013, 10:37 am
Hi Astrid ;) good to see u up and about :D good sunday to you to

neone know what happened to Pillfire ??? looks like his account is gone !
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on August 11, 2013, 11:29 am
hi all :D

Thanks mary.I wondered wtf happened to my smilies.Hope I can remember the keyboard way of doing them  :S

Does anyone know what TL;DR means? I see it everywhere and should probably just google it lol  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DrWalterB on August 11, 2013, 11:31 am
too long didn't read 8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 11, 2013, 12:27 pm
Hi Astrid ;) good to see u up and about :D good sunday to you to

neone know what happened to Pillfire ??? looks like his account is gone !
Hi Dr Walter  ;) good sunday to you too Sir  :)
What happened to pillfire, is he a vendor/buyer/does he owe money? So many questions lol  ;)

Hi Darktime, i just switched the thing back on in the script bit, i,m not worried at all about it, i only come to SR i don,t have any java scripts on so its fine  ;) How you doing today hun?

I thought i,d get some good street stuff today but girls none till through the week  :'( :'( I may do a small SR order to get me through when i get coin tomorrow, i,ll need a next day delivery lol  ::) :P :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on August 11, 2013, 12:43 pm
Mary666, and staind. I am having issues with obtaining coin this weekend. (virwox)
I sent Mary666 some of what I owe her. 0.03 with 0.05 remaining.

I'll try again tomorrow. Night guys

no worries

Hi Astrid ;) good to see u up and about :D good sunday to you to

neone know what happened to Pillfire ??? looks like his account is gone !

yep, looks like his forum account is gone for good :( :(

he does owe me a little, but let's not draw conclusions too fast.

Hello, I am short 4$ on a order, it is not drug related but please sort me out you must have 4$ laying somewhere thank you here is the address:
You never paid back the 0.05 you owe me and you haven,t paid back loans to others, apparently you don,t pay back loans  ??? You made the thread but i don,t think it entitles you to borrow coin and not repay, if anything you should be an example of how this place should work  ::) Sorry but i just don,t think thats ok!!

also wish i read that earlier :P. looks like i might run out of luck.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: omegaflarex on August 11, 2013, 01:01 pm
I need $2.00 to complete an order on SR. I would appreciated it as if it was like giving a candy to a baby.

Here's my BC address: 1B7aUJLFA7jDq649XMYvXtmsgP7nmivkrN

I am grateful, very grateful!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 11, 2013, 01:05 pm
Quote from: mary666 on August 10, 2013, 10:57 am

    Quote from: thecrackhead on August 06, 2013, 07:35 pm

        Hello, I am short 4$ on a order, it is not drug related but please sort me out you must have 4$ laying somewhere thank you here is the address:

    You never paid back the 0.05 you owe me and you haven,t paid back loans to others, apparently you don,t pay back loans  ??? You made the thread but i don,t think it entitles you to borrow coin and not repay, if anything you should be an example of how this place should work  ::) Sorry but i just don,t think thats ok!!

also wish i read that earlier :P. looks like i might run out of luck.

Hi Staid, yeah i wish i,d seen the ask post at the time. Not really fair to just come and get coin and not pay back cause you made the thread, very uncool man  ::) :o :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 11, 2013, 01:27 pm
A good sunday morning to you all!


Yea.  I've never seen the Crackhead pay back or contribute.  It's pretty frustrating.  Sorry man.  Thanks for being here anyway.  You're a good doobie.


Best wishes.  Shoulda took me up on that loan.  :P  You a spliff kind of girl?  It's been a bowlocaust around here, so I've been reduced to rolling my own.  Not a skill I have.  :(

It would help you if you said your sr name and declared a time frame for paying back.  Thanks
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: omegaflarex on August 11, 2013, 01:28 pm
I need $2.00 to complete an order on SR. I would appreciated it as if it was like giving a candy to a baby.

Here's my BC address: 1B7aUJLFA7jDq649XMYvXtmsgP7nmivkrN

I am grateful, very grateful!

Comon, don't be a scrooge.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 11, 2013, 01:30 pm
                                                  :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) ##When requesting, post your SR name## SO WE KNOW WHERE TO SEND IT TO.  DON'T ASSUME WE KNOW. ##  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7)## DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. ## >:(  ##Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due. ##
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.
                                                           Reserved For Notes

The shit list:
Autobondon *
i3lazd                      <----  (NEVER LEND-Perma-Banned-From This Thread) * ChemCat*
King Karma
repus6 *

 *^*Do Not Lend to These People*^*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: omegaflarex on August 11, 2013, 01:31 pm
A good sunday morning to you all!


Yea.  I've never seen the Crackhead pay back or contribute.  It's pretty frustrating.  Sorry man.  Thanks for being here anyway.  You're a good doobie.


Best wishes.  Shoulda took me up on that loan.  :P  You a spliff kind of girl?  It's been a bowlocaust around here, so I've been reduced to rolling my own.  Not a skill I have.  :(

It would help you if you said your sr name and declared a time frame for paying back.  Thanks

I can pay back now using paypal because most bitcoin minimum order is 0.5 BTC (including fees from WU which is 12.00). So.. egh. Thanks. And also, I have a new bitcoin address: 19j9jyos2XbAdUZ3sfUsrGcTCnLxcWFdto

THANKS! OH! My SR name is omegaflare. Sorry.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 11, 2013, 01:36 pm
THANKS! OH! My SR name is omegaflare. Sorry.

.02 shapes on the way.  Please place the shapes back in the box when you can.  Just do it when you buy coins again.  It doesn't have to be tomorrow.  Will it be a while?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: omegaflarex on August 11, 2013, 01:54 pm
THANKS! OH! My SR name is omegaflare. Sorry.

.02 shapes on the way.  Please place the shapes back in the box when you can.  Just do it when you buy coins again.  It doesn't have to be tomorrow.  Will it be a while?

I can pay you via PP if you wish. Shapes as in BTC you mean? Or when I get bitcoins I can pay you back which it will take a while. Let me know. PM ME. And also, PM me your bitcoin address because I wasn't able to find it via - thanks.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on August 11, 2013, 02:02 pm
Hello everyone ! Been a heavy, heavy weekend for me :)

Just wondered if anyone can front me 0.18 for 48 hours so I can get a weed order in early please ?
Topping up at midnight tomorrow so will pay straight back then with a bit of interest if desired SR name kallindown and thanks for reading my post ;)

Hello mary, chemmy, ImAz, taz ? boxy and the rest of you good folk, hows it hanging ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 11, 2013, 02:16 pm
THANKS! OH! My SR name is omegaflare. Sorry.

.02 shapes on the way.  Please place the shapes back in the box when you can.  Just do it when you buy coins again.  It doesn't have to be tomorrow.  Will it be a while?

I can pay you via PP if you wish. Shapes as in BTC you mean? Or when I get bitcoins I can pay you back which it will take a while. Let me know. PM ME. And also, PM me your bitcoin address because I wasn't able to find it via - thanks.

(lol yes Shapes=BTC.  Forgive my lingo.  I just try to liven things up)

I'd rather have the coins if that's ok.  I don't mind waiting a month or so until the next time you buy coins.  It's not much to worry about.  If you absolutely can't then I do the other way.

My SR name is the same.  BoxofShapes.

Just enjoy your order for now guy.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DrWalterB on August 11, 2013, 02:31 pm
Hi Astrid ;) good to see u up and about :D good sunday to you to

neone know what happened to Pillfire ??? looks like his account is gone !
Hi Dr Walter  ;) good sunday to you too Sir  :)
What happened to pillfire, is he a vendor/buyer/does he owe money? So many questions lol  ;)

I thought i,d get some good street stuff today but girls none till through the week  :'( :'( I may do a small SR order to get me through when i get coin tomorrow, i,ll need a next day delivery lol  ::) :P :-*

always make sure you have enough Astrid ;) others Dr W will have to cook something up ... 8)
I gave him a loan but I'm sure I will get it back 8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 11, 2013, 03:00 pm
Hello everyone ! Been a heavy, heavy weekend for me :)

Just wondered if anyone can front me 0.18 for 48 hours so I can get a weed order in early please ?
Topping up at midnight tomorrow so will pay straight back then with a bit of interest if desired SR name kallindown and thanks for reading my post ;)

Hello mary, chemmy, ImAz, taz ? boxy and the rest of you good folk, hows it hanging ?

Crap.  Sorry I missed this.  .18 is the last of what I have!  Replace it by the time you stated and I will have no troubles.

Shapes on the way.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on August 11, 2013, 03:05 pm
Hello everyone ! Been a heavy, heavy weekend for me :)

Just wondered if anyone can front me 0.18 for 48 hours so I can get a weed order in early please ?
Topping up at midnight tomorrow so will pay straight back then with a bit of interest if desired SR name kallindown and thanks for reading my post ;)

Hello mary, chemmy, ImAz, taz ? boxy and the rest of you good folk, hows it hanging ?

Then you shall have no troubles my good man, thanks bud appreciate it and hope you're doing well :)
Crap.  Sorry I missed this.  .18 is the last of what I have!  Replace it by the time you stated and I will have no troubles.

Shapes on the way.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on August 11, 2013, 03:13 pm
Sent 0.04 back bro, I just got a small payment back I lent out, rest will be within time frame I stated, cheers again.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: FirePharmacy on August 11, 2013, 04:10 pm
Hey happy Sunday everyone.  This is "Pillfire" here.  I have to apologize for getting out of touch.  I was hacked and my Pillfire user name and all the posts were deleted.  I left myself more vulnerable by then using the same password here on the forum on my SR user account, so whoever it was that hacked me used the password to change my PIN so I couldn't move the money.  I have since changed all my passwords.  So after all the effort put into doing that order I was never even able to place it.  In 36 hours I'll return the borrowed btc.  I'm just glad I found out before any money was stolen.  I looked back through the thread and see that I borrowed 0.166 from DrWalterB.  Since all my posts and pm messages were deleted I can't seem to find the other kind person who loaned me coins.  I'm still here and am paying you both back rest assured!  I even had to go so far as return my PC to factory settings and then re-load the TOR browser.  Really a bummer week.   Maybe a vender mad because I will be good fair competition?  I don't know.  I'm not here to burn anyone.  If I was a scammer I'd just slink away with the loaned btc and never poke my head back up here.  So like I said after the 36 hours I'll be able to reset my PIN and pay you both back.  And whoever loaned me the other amount please post on here so I get them paid back also :D

I'm not a scammer or a scumbag I have a conscience!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 11, 2013, 04:18 pm
That's been happening a lot it seems.  Any idea how it happened?

Good luck to you guy.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: FirePharmacy on August 11, 2013, 04:29 pm
Box of Shapes I'm not a computer geek but I think it had something to do with me leaving the browser window open (all night) so it was actively running, and I also hadn't opted to not show me when I'm online, so anyone could see my browser was open.  Once they got my forum password they just looked up my user name and used the same password, and then changed my PIN.  Kept my password the same, so I didn't notice until I tried to place the order.  My anti-virus program picked up something (it had something to do with the firewall) and every time I tried to delete it and "clean" the computer it would just pop right back up whenever I opened TOR.  After the factory restore, I reinstalled everything and changed EVERY SINGLE password.  What a pain in the butt but like I said at least I didn't have any coin stolen.  They were probably waiting on the 10 btc I said I was depositing.  I'll keep that business to myself from now on.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on August 11, 2013, 04:31 pm
wow pillfire, that really sucks. sorry that you couldn't put the loan to a good use.

+1 to you for being a stand up guy

omg I'm going to smack my head on the wall!  Friggin transfer to my SR wallet cost me 0.05 btc.  So close and yet still not possible!  Can anyone please help me cover this I'll repay next week 0.10 btc and will repay the favor to someone new as well.  :-[
sent you the 0.05

please always post sr name...i don't send to wallet..
had to research myself :P

thank you for the nice words boxy :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: FirePharmacy on August 11, 2013, 04:36 pm
Staind great thanks I'll get that right back to you after 34 hours.  I wish it had gone to good use as well! 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 11, 2013, 04:54 pm
Damn.  Thanks for letting us know so we can safeguard I guess.  Glad I at least had the forethought to alter all of my passwords. 

Welcome back in the mean time!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: FirePharmacy on August 11, 2013, 05:08 pm
It's good to be back!  Just being a lot more secure and private now.  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DigitalSS on August 11, 2013, 05:41 pm
Ok, guys
As much as I hate asking, I'm .03 short on an order. My last account was compromised along with my coins. So I have to restart. Any amount would be appreciated.
SR name is DigitalSS
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: xXDiamondXx on August 11, 2013, 08:45 pm
hello to everybody!

I only need a loan of 0.02Coins, give back on friday 0.1 or more if the person want it!

If somebody could do that for me i really appreciate it!

Thank you

Please pm me for username if you could loan it me for 5 days (friday i get my Coins)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on August 12, 2013, 01:25 am
hello to everybody!

I only need a loan of 0.02Coins, give back on friday 0.1 or more if the person want it!

If somebody could do that for me i really appreciate it!

Thank you

Please pm me for username if you could loan it me for 5 days (friday i get my Coins)

I got you. I'll pm you for the SR name if you don't want it public.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on August 12, 2013, 02:36 am
@FirePharmacy Do you have any idea how they were able to gain access to your password in the first place? A phishing attempt perhaps?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BruceCampbell on August 12, 2013, 03:07 am
i3lazd literally just messaged my new seller account asking for samples.

You guys seem like the giving type, so I have a favor to ask of you. Considering this motherfucker is the lowliest shitbag in human existence, how about some of you spare coin thread posters do me the favor of spamming his SR inbox with a slew of insults?

Honestly I wish I would have sent him the dog shit...

FUCK YOU i3lazd!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on August 12, 2013, 03:15 am
i3lazd literally just messaged my new seller account asking for samples.

You guys seem like the giving type, so I have a favor to ask of you. Considering this motherfucker is the lowliest shitbag in human existence, how about some of you spare coin thread posters do me the favor of spamming his SR inbox with a slew of insults?

Honestly I wish I would have sent him the dog shit...

FUCK YOU i3lazd!

are you fucking KIDDING me!?!
after all that BS!?!
 ???  ???

dude.. spam mailing.. i won't!!
but i know someone who will!!
 ;)  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BruceCampbell on August 12, 2013, 03:57 am
i3lazd literally just messaged my new seller account asking for samples.

You guys seem like the giving type, so I have a favor to ask of you. Considering this motherfucker is the lowliest shitbag in human existence, how about some of you spare coin thread posters do me the favor of spamming his SR inbox with a slew of insults?

Honestly I wish I would have sent him the dog shit...

FUCK YOU i3lazd!

are you fucking KIDDING me!?!
after all that BS!?!
 ???  ???

dude.. spam mailing.. i won't!!
but i know someone who will!!
 ;)  ;)

How in the hell did this dumbass not notice that I am clearly BruceCampbell? Does he literally spam every vendor on Silk Road? I reported him to staff but I'm pretty sure they won't do a god damn thing about it. This is fucking ridiculous.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Alutnarat on August 12, 2013, 04:15 am
i would deeply apreciate it if someone would lend me .1 btc, i'll pay back on thursday. my name is the same on SR.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tedrux on August 12, 2013, 04:36 am
1 btc for suicide fun. pls.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on August 12, 2013, 04:43 am
1 btc for suicide fun. pls.

ted ted ted..
tisk tisk..
in all honesty, due to your brief absence i had thought you succeeded!!
did you not read my previous reply??
i had some sure fire free methods that i so kindly bestowed!!
to answer your post..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DrWalterB on August 12, 2013, 04:52 am
Welcome back FirePharmacy :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DigitalSS on August 12, 2013, 05:38 am
i3lazd literally just messaged my new seller account asking for samples.

You guys seem like the giving type, so I have a favor to ask of you. Considering this motherfucker is the lowliest shitbag in human existence, how about some of you spare coin thread posters do me the favor of spamming his SR inbox with a slew of insults?

Honestly I wish I would have sent him the dog shit...

FUCK YOU i3lazd!

Ik we got off on the wrong foot and I do apologize for having the nerve of even asking you. I did read your story about this motherfucker getting your old account banned, which I didn't agree with, so I'll be more than happy to get at this cocksucker for you!   ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BruceCampbell on August 12, 2013, 06:15 am
i3lazd literally just messaged my new seller account asking for samples.

You guys seem like the giving type, so I have a favor to ask of you. Considering this motherfucker is the lowliest shitbag in human existence, how about some of you spare coin thread posters do me the favor of spamming his SR inbox with a slew of insults?

Honestly I wish I would have sent him the dog shit...

FUCK YOU i3lazd!

Ik we got off on the wrong foot and I do apologize for having the nerve of even asking you. I did read your story about this motherfucker getting your old account banned, which I didn't agree with, so I'll be more than happy to get at this cocksucker for you!   ;D

Apology accepted. I'll take you off my shit list. Just stop spamming the damn forums. I haven't had a new bitcoin in my wallet in two weeks. I think you can survive.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DigitalSS on August 12, 2013, 06:30 am
No more spam. Finally got the problem fixed, though I am now broke. But you're right, I will survive
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Hearts on August 12, 2013, 11:57 am
it isn't drug habit I can't afford I got scammed for $375 on a MP tom get BTC, You Fuck Face, LAME, you have no idea what you are running your blow-job giver about!!!!, LAME Lane

I'm doubling btc for one person, i've got (I shit you not) a virtual chicken that doubles your coins.

Its a software my mate (lets call him dave) spent 3 years on, it is our secret and I would kindly double your btc.

It works by "feeding" the chicken a certain amount (Maximum 10 btc at a time), and over a period of time (the more btc the longer it will take), it will lay "eggs", aka "more BTC" and because it's a virtual chicken, its algorithm is specifically modified so that the chicken lays Twice as many eggs of the amount of food you feed it (btc).

Pretty fancy huh? If you're up for it, you can send me .5 and i'll be glad to double it for you, it will take approximately 1 hour per 2.5 btc, my mate dave is perfecting his algorithm to maximize the output of eggs, i'll keep in touch when he does 8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DigitalSS on August 12, 2013, 12:02 pm
it isn't drug habit I can't afford I got scammed for $375 on a MP tom get BTC, You Fuck Face, LAME, you have no idea what you are running your blow-job giver about!!!!, LAME Lane

I'm doubling btc for one person, i've got (I shit you not) a virtual chicken that doubles your coins.

Its a software my mate (lets call him dave) spent 3 years on, it is our secret and I would kindly double your btc.

All I've got right now is .01 - trust me, I need some to finish an order. But thats to small, isn't it?

It works by "feeding" the chicken a certain amount (Maximum 10 btc at a time), and over a period of time (the more btc the longer it will take), it will lay "eggs", aka "more BTC" and because it's a virtual chicken, its algorithm is specifically modified so that the chicken lays Twice as many eggs of the amount of food you feed it (btc).

Pretty fancy huh? If you're up for it, you can send me .5 and i'll be glad to double it for you, it will take approximately 1 hour per 2.5 btc, my mate dave is perfecting his algorithm to maximize the output of eggs, i'll keep in touch when he does 8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: shifting sands on August 12, 2013, 12:26 pm
Guys anyone help me out please, I am 0.1 short of an order. will payback as soon as I get more coins. this week or early next week. SR name is notmetoday
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on August 12, 2013, 12:32 pm
I can personally vouch for shifting sands.You will get your coin back.If not for some mad reason I will personally pay you myself.

btw sorry mate im skinto atm or I would have done :(

Does that guy with the magic chicken think anyone s that retarded??
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: purplepanth on August 12, 2013, 12:50 pm
Good morning everyone..

Coffee..not quite human is everyone else?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DigitalSS on August 12, 2013, 12:58 pm
Good morning everyone..

Coffee..not quite human is everyone else?
Still trying to wake up, my self, but doing well. You?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: OneBadDream on August 12, 2013, 01:04 pm
My goodness. Thank you for reminding me.... coffee. :l I was wondering why I feel like shit.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on August 12, 2013, 01:16 pm
Guys anyone help me out please, I am 0.1 short of an order. will payback as soon as I get more coins. this week or early next week. SR name is notmetoday

I can personally vouch for shifting sands.You will get your coin back.If not for some mad reason I will personally pay you myself.

btw sorry mate im skinto atm or I would have done :(

Does that guy with the magic chicken think anyone s that retarded??
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DigitalSS on August 12, 2013, 01:18 pm
Starting the morning off with my second cup of coffee and the first bowl
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: purplepanth on August 12, 2013, 01:19 pm
 Yea in a part of the world still trying to wake up.

Its another Monday. I am sure we can make it a decent one at least! Got work to do, at least I plan to be productive..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DigitalSS on August 12, 2013, 01:22 pm
Yea in a part of the world still trying to wake up.

Its another Monday. I am sure we can make it a decent one at least! Got work to do, at least I plan to be productive..
+1 for the positive outlook of the day, PP
I need to think more like that
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: OneBadDream on August 12, 2013, 01:23 pm
I used to smoke bud all the time in the morning, but then I stopped because weed starting giving me panic attacks and shit. It was weird. I'd love to give it another chance, but after about 10 more sittings and having my chest feel like it was gonna explode I just said F it, but I've got my coffee now on a more positive note. ^_^ Hello.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on August 12, 2013, 01:24 pm
Guys anyone help me out please, I am 0.1 short of an order. will payback as soon as I get more coins. this week or early next week. SR name is notmetoday

I can personally vouch for shifting sands.You will get your coin back.If not for some mad reason I will personally pay you myself.

btw sorry mate im skinto atm or I would have done :(

Does that guy with the magic chicken think anyone s that retarded??

I don't know if I'd go as far as to say I'LL pay you back, but shifting sands is a trustworthy guy.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DigitalSS on August 12, 2013, 01:26 pm
I used to smoke bud all the time in the morning, but then I stopped because weed starting giving me panic attacks and shit. It was weird. I'd love to give it another chance, but after about 10 more sittings and having my chest feel like it was gonna explode I just said F it, but I've got my coffee now on a more positive note. ^_^ Hello.
+1 to you, too,OBD
Bud had the same effect just vice versa. When I was in my early teens I'd get panic attacks. Quit smoking until about 18, then it was like a totally new drug. Funny how the human brain can act
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: OneBadDream on August 12, 2013, 01:31 pm
Thanks :D and man.. I hope it's changed. I haven't smoked in about 2 years or so. LOL. I'd probably be so fried that I wouldn't even have the energy to panic in any fashion. I'm feeling really good this morning for some reason. Holds out arms and shoots energy beams at everyone* Fwaaahhhh. lmao -Ninja turtle mask n shit.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DigitalSS on August 12, 2013, 01:34 pm
Thanks :D and man.. I hope it's changed. I haven't smoked in about 2 years or so. LOL. I'd probably be so fried that I wouldn't even have the energy to panic in any fashion. I'm feeling really good this morning for some reason. Holds out arms and shoots energy beams at everyone* Fwaaahhhh. lmao -Ninja turtle mask n shit.
Well hell yeah! Glad to hear it, man! I need some of the positive energy
You should toke up a little soon sometime
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: purplepanth on August 12, 2013, 01:39 pm
Well thanks for the good vibes at least. I am trying to remain positive. I am feeling more like a half assed panic attack, but it will go away eventually.

I don't smoke up that much, but only really crappy weed will give me that anxiety..and I have enough of that to go around right now.

Anyhow yea lets have a good day..damn it!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: OneBadDream on August 12, 2013, 01:40 pm
Thanks :D and man.. I hope it's changed. I haven't smoked in about 2 years or so. LOL. I'd probably be so fried that I wouldn't even have the energy to panic in any fashion. I'm feeling really good this morning for some reason. Holds out arms and shoots energy beams at everyone* Fwaaahhhh. lmao -Ninja turtle mask n shit.
Well hell yeah! Glad to hear it, man! I need some of the positive energy
You should toke up a little soon sometime
The energy beams approach. Do not fret. :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DigitalSS on August 12, 2013, 01:41 pm
Well thanks for the good vibes at least. I am trying to remain positive. I am feeling more like a half assed panic attack, but it will go away eventually.

I don't smoke up that much, but only really crappy weed will give me that anxiety..and I have enough of that to go around right now.

Anyhow yea lets have a good day..damn it!
I agree! Have a nice day of hard work that will pay off
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: OneBadDream on August 12, 2013, 01:44 pm
I didn't even see that post. You too huh? Yeah dude, no doubt today is going to be a good day. It's time for a come up! You know what soul feels like when I'm in a good mood? The electric guitar solo in Daft Punk- Digital Love. ^_^
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DigitalSS on August 12, 2013, 01:46 pm
Rock out, bro
Spread the love
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: OneBadDream on August 12, 2013, 01:50 pm
Haha. Dude, I wish I could give you karma, but when I first got it I just looked around for shit that I liked just so I could press the button. Click* :)... Click* :)... Click* :).... -Wait 72 hours... D:< Fuck
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DigitalSS on August 12, 2013, 01:53 pm
Haha. Dude, I wish I could give you karma, but when I first got it I just looked around for shit that I liked just so I could press the button. Click* :)... Click* :)... Click* :).... -Wait 72 hours... D:< Fuck
Thanks, but it's cool, man. No worries. Much appreciated, though!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: asianboy on August 12, 2013, 01:56 pm
Anyone got a spare ฿0.0050 to send me? My name on SR is asianboy.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DigitalSS on August 12, 2013, 01:58 pm
Anyone got a spare ฿0.0050 to send me? My name on SR is asianboy.
You and me both, man. You know how long I've been looking? My coins were fuckin stolen, too
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: OneBadDream on August 12, 2013, 02:00 pm
Haha. Dude, I wish I could give you karma, but when I first got it I just looked around for shit that I liked just so I could press the button. Click* :)... Click* :)... Click* :).... -Wait 72 hours... D:< Fuck
Thanks, but it's cool, man. No worries. Much appreciated, though!

Psht. He knows he wants it. (Homo)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DigitalSS on August 12, 2013, 02:02 pm
Haha. Dude, I wish I could give you karma, but when I first got it I just looked around for shit that I liked just so I could press the button. Click* :)... Click* :)... Click* :).... -Wait 72 hours... D:< Fuck
Thanks, but it's cool, man. No worries. Much appreciated, though!

Psht. He knows he wants it. (Homo)
Oh, yeah - of course!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 12, 2013, 02:04 pm
Haha. Dude, I wish I could give you karma, but when I first got it I just looked around for shit that I liked just so I could press the button. Click* :)... Click* :)... Click* :).... -Wait 72 hours... D:< Fuck
Thanks, but it's cool, man. No worries. Much appreciated, though!

Psht. He knows he wants it. (Homo)

WTF???  ::)
Hi hows all the regs doing? Hope yer good  ;) did shifting sands get his loan?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DigitalSS on August 12, 2013, 02:07 pm
Haha. Dude, I wish I could give you karma, but when I first got it I just looked around for shit that I liked just so I could press the button. Click* :)... Click* :)... Click* :).... -Wait 72 hours... D:< Fuck
Thanks, but it's cool, man. No worries. Much appreciated, though!

Psht. He knows he wants it. (Homo)

WTF???  ::)
Hi hows all the regs doing? Hope yer good  ;) did shifting sands get his loan?
I'm doing well. Hope you are, too. I'm not sure if he did. I didn't see anyone respond
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 12, 2013, 03:02 pm
ok, this struggle to get coins has got to stop. and I don't like the idea of fees over 75.00 for a 300 deposit. that means I would only receive 225? that is rediculous.
I actually just need to do this BofA to BTC deposit. BofA is a good hour away ONE way though.

I'll get it figured out, just don't even want people to think I am hiding ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DigitalSS on August 12, 2013, 03:06 pm
ok, this struggle to get coins has got to stop. and I don't like the idea of fees over 75.00 for a 300 deposit. that means I would only receive 225? that is rediculous.
I actually just need to do this BofA to BTC deposit. BofA is a good hour away ONE way though.

I'll get it figured out, just don't even want people to think I am hiding ;)
It is getting rediculous. It burns me that my old account was phished with coins that I had saved up for almost 6 months
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 12, 2013, 03:15 pm
I went to get coins and a loan company has taken the £70 for applying, i didn,t even take a fuckin loan  >:( :o Well thats fucked me good n proper, i have to put it in writing and may get it back!! >:( I ,ll be sending it recorded anyway, scamming cunts  >:( :o ::) :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 12, 2013, 03:17 pm
Yeah that would definitely suck!

For people that live out in the country, it is even more difficult. I know Haberdasher is another one that lives out in the sticks, and dude has no transportation right now. I was a regular on bitinstant till they went awol. I think they want to be in business right now, but the government is giving them a hard time. IMO

I don't plan on going anywhere anytime soon, but it does bother me that I tell someone a date for repayment and I can't hold to my word.
I'm excellent with any local loans I obtain, because when I say i'll have the CASH I usually do. Wish I just got paid in bitcoin.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: OneBadDream on August 12, 2013, 03:19 pm
What the hell. I'm hearin' way too many stories about people getting phished. Why is this so common? How does it happen? I wasn't worried about it at first, but I guess it can happen fairly easy? -.- People suck sometimes.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DigitalSS on August 12, 2013, 03:21 pm
What the hell. I'm hearin' way too many stories about people getting phished. Why is this so common? How does it happen? I wasn't worried about it at first, but I guess it can happen fairly easy? -.- People suck sometimes.
Happened to my partner & I.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on August 12, 2013, 03:29 pm
Anyone got a spare ฿0.0050 to send me? My name on SR is asianboy.
You and me both, man. You know how long I've been looking? My coins were fuckin stolen, too

I know Hearts sent you 0.01 so I went ahead and sent you the other 0.02. Enjoy. Pay back whenever you can.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on August 12, 2013, 03:36 pm
hello to everybody!

I only need a loan of 0.02Coins, give back on friday 0.1 or more if the person want it!

If somebody could do that for me i really appreciate it!

Thank you

Please pm me for username if you could loan it me for 5 days (friday i get my Coins)

I got you. I'll pm you for the SR name if you don't want it public.

Just sent. Pay back whenever you can buddy. Enjoy.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on August 12, 2013, 03:38 pm
Anyone got a spare ฿0.0050 to send me? My name on SR is asianboy.

Sent. Don't worry about paying me back, just pay it forward in the future if you ever see someone else in need of a little change ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on August 12, 2013, 03:39 pm
I guess I'm just in a generous mood this morning ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: shifting sands on August 12, 2013, 03:41 pm
Haha. Dude, I wish I could give you karma, but when I first got it I just looked around for shit that I liked just so I could press the button. Click* :)... Click* :)... Click* :).... -Wait 72 hours... D:< Fuck
Thanks, but it's cool, man. No worries. Much appreciated, though!

Psht. He knows he wants it. (Homo)

WTF???  ::)
Hi hows all the regs doing? Hope yer good  ;) did shifting sands get his loan?

Hey, thanks for thinking of me, I actually found a vendor with a cheaper price so I did not need it in the end. I did post something to that effect but thanks anyway. I also got done for 69 quid applying for a loan that I did not get.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 12, 2013, 03:43 pm
I guess I'm just in a generous mood this morning ::)

I think many of us have our... "generous days" once in awhile.

Nice to see though!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on August 12, 2013, 03:43 pm
                                                  :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) ##When requesting, post your SR name## SO WE KNOW WHERE TO SEND IT TO.  DON'T ASSUME WE KNOW. ##  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7)## DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. ## >:(  ##Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due. ##
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.
                                                           Reserved For Notes

*Make sure when adding a name to the list that you add both their forum name AND their SR username. Thank you.


The shit list:
i3lazd                      <----  (NEVER LEND-Perma-Banned-From This Thread) * ChemCat*
King Karma

 *^*Do Not Lend to These People*^*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DigitalSS on August 12, 2013, 03:45 pm
                                                  :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) ##When requesting, post your SR name## SO WE KNOW WHERE TO SEND IT TO.  DON'T ASSUME WE KNOW. ##  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7)## DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. ## >:(  ##Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due. ##
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.
                                                           Reserved For Notes

*Make sure when adding a name to the list that you add both their forum name AND their SR username. Thank you.


The shit list:
Autobondon *
i3lazd                      <----  (NEVER LEND-Perma-Banned-From This Thread) * ChemCat*
King Karma

 *^*Do Not Lend to These People*^*
Thanks, again! Really do appreciate it, Dan. Will hopefully have it to you sometime this week
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Hearts on August 12, 2013, 03:46 pm
Dan is on a roll, very friendly and generous of you :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DigitalSS on August 12, 2013, 03:50 pm
Dan is on a roll, very friendly and generous of you :)
I wanna' thank you again, too Heats. Really appreciate it. Almost there!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: OneBadDream on August 12, 2013, 03:57 pm
What the hell. I'm hearin' way too many stories about people getting phished. Why is this so common? How does it happen? I wasn't worried about it at first, but I guess it can happen fairly easy? -.- People suck sometimes.
Happened to my partner & I.
How'd it happen? Is there somethin' I should be worried about that isn't necessarily obvious?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 12, 2013, 04:02 pm
Haha. Dude, I wish I could give you karma, but when I first got it I just looked around for shit that I liked just so I could press the button. Click* :)... Click* :)... Click* :).... -Wait 72 hours... D:< Fuck
Thanks, but it's cool, man. No worries. Much appreciated, though!

Psht. He knows he wants it. (Homo)

WTF???  ::)
Hi hows all the regs doing? Hope yer good  ;) did shifting sands get his loan?

Hey, thanks for thinking of me, I actually found a vendor with a cheaper price so I did not need it in the end. I did post something to that effect but thanks anyway. I also got done for 69 quid applying for a loan that I did not get.

Are you putting a written letter in to get the money back, I am??  ;) Fuck that, its not even showing on my bank, i had to call them  :o
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DigitalSS on August 12, 2013, 04:17 pm
Just need .03 more, than I'm there!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: OneBadDream on August 12, 2013, 04:22 pm
Who gave me negative karma!? Let the witch hunt begin! Shame on you!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DigitalSS on August 12, 2013, 04:25 pm
Who gave me negative karma!? Let the witch hunt begin! Shame on you!
Wasn't me, friend. I gave you good karma this morning
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: OneBadDream on August 12, 2013, 04:29 pm
Who gave me negative karma!? Let the witch hunt begin! Shame on you!
Wasn't me, friend. I gave you good karma this morning
Good. Lest I shant spare you the stake! xD
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Hearts on August 12, 2013, 04:32 pm
Dan is on a roll, very friendly and generous of you :)
I wanna' thank you again, too Heats. Really appreciate it. Almost there!

No problem mate :) I'm sure you'll find someone to lend you that last bit!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on August 12, 2013, 05:04 pm
i3lazd literally just messaged my new seller account asking for samples.

You guys seem like the giving type, so I have a favor to ask of you. Considering this motherfucker is the lowliest shitbag in human existence, how about some of you spare coin thread posters do me the favor of spamming his SR inbox with a slew of insults?

Honestly I wish I would have sent him the dog shit...

FUCK YOU i3lazd!

Would give me a purpose in life again !
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: OneBadDream on August 12, 2013, 05:07 pm
ROAR. Another negative. WHY? Lol. Stop hahaha
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: OneBadDream on August 12, 2013, 05:11 pm
I'll find you, negative karma bringer. -.-
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DigitalSS on August 12, 2013, 05:12 pm
That's the last I need then no more posting and asking
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: TheIllusiveDeus on August 12, 2013, 09:18 pm
i feel like an idiot but here I am again .05 BTCshort. anyone want to help me out? my SR name is the same as my forum name. Thanks!! :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper Jenson on August 12, 2013, 10:51 pm
Hi everyone, hope the day is great so far!

I am in need of 0.001 btc. It will be around three weeks until I have more coins after this. If anyone can spare it I will pay back as above. Jasper5Jenson on SR.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on August 12, 2013, 10:55 pm
Hi everyone, hope the day is great so far!

I am in need of 0.001 btc. It will be around three weeks until I have more coins after this. If anyone can spare it I will pay back as above. Jasper5Jenson on SR.


Sent .002 to you...pass it forward...

Hello all you bitches...gotta go get some food... (¬‿¬)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Jasper Jenson on August 12, 2013, 10:58 pm
Hi everyone, hope the day is great so far!

I am in need of 0.001 btc. It will be around three weeks until I have more coins after this. If anyone can spare it I will pay back as above. Jasper5Jenson on SR.


Sent .002 to you...pass it forward...

Hello all you bitches...gotta go get some food... (¬‿¬)

Will do! You made my day
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bruins419 on August 12, 2013, 11:13 pm
TheIllusiveDeus and digitalss just sent you both what you needed. Plz pass it forward
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: doodoo79 on August 13, 2013, 12:37 am
I can't believe I'm doing this but here goes... I am currently .0048 btc short on an order for (5) 25-I blotters. The total including shipping is .1126 btc and I have .1078 available. Comes out to about fifty cents I'm lacking. It's not the end of the world if I can't get it, I'll just have to wait two weeks. Willing to pay back or forward double, but it will be two weeks. SR screen name is the same as this one. Thanks!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 13, 2013, 01:05 am
I can't believe I'm doing this but here goes... I am currently .0048 btc short on an order for (5) 25-I blotters. The total including shipping is .1126 btc and I have .1078 available. Comes out to about fifty cents I'm lacking. It's not the end of the world if I can't get it, I'll just have to wait two weeks. Willing to pay back or forward double, but it will be two weeks. SR screen name is the same as this one. Thanks!

Shapes .005 on the way friend.  Have fun with that.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on August 13, 2013, 01:13 am
Hey all !

Just waiting for coins to hit my wallet and I'll honor my debt boxy, you get the small amount I sent straight back ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Alutnarat on August 13, 2013, 01:39 am
does anybody have .07 i can borrow till thursday? my Sr name is the same
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: doodoo79 on August 13, 2013, 01:39 am
Thanks Shapes! You da man. When I get up to 100 posts I'll remember you and hit you with that fire karma. Promise!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: FirePharmacy on August 13, 2013, 01:40 am
Just paid back the borrowed 0.05 to staind

and paid back DrWalterB 0.166

Got my new password and all is secure.  And got more good news!  I'm excited to share that my store will be up and running by this weekend!  Look forward to helping out some loyal SRoaders in the future!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 13, 2013, 02:01 am
Hey all !

Just waiting for coins to hit my wallet and I'll honor my debt boxy, you get the small amount I sent straight back ?

Yea man!  Sorry I didn't say so the first time.  I get distracted so easily.

Thanks a lot!

Hope you got what ya needed!

Thanks Shapes! You da man. When I get up to 100 posts I'll remember you and hit you with that fire karma. Promise!

No worries.  Just enjoy it!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: broken string on August 13, 2013, 03:33 am
Who's willing to send me $3 worth of BTC? =)

I would appreciate it.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on August 13, 2013, 03:57 am
RS, my androgynite sibling, I just sent .08 your way, that's like .24 in total ^.^

Also, milestone, my first loan repaid!  Ooh yeah!
:) thank you bro! (hugs)

to those I currently owe,.. I am sorry. but I am unable to buy coins at the moment. because bitinstant is down, an all I have is cash.. I am going to try localbitcoins but the only trader in my area, doesn't trade on the weekends :-\.. so hopefully monday I will have everything squared up.

I apologize sincerely bothers/sisters.., this wasn't supposed to happen :-[

debts I owe:
cryngie            ฿0.57
haberdasher     ฿0.13
lssb2132          ฿0.37   
kallindown       ฿0.16
schuldig           ฿0.18
haberdasher    ฿0.01 ✓ repaid: 0.011
pusci                ฿0.04 ✓ repaid: 0.044
trichome           ฿0.07 ✓ repaid: 0.077

weed4me6969  ฿0.20
cryngie            ฿0.57
haberdasher     ฿0.13
lssb2132          ฿0.37    
schuldig           ฿0.18
kallindown       ฿0.16 ✓ repaid: 0.176 + loaning 0.044 :)
haberdasher    ฿0.01 ✓ repaid: 0.011
pusci                ฿0.04 ✓ repaid: 0.044
trichome           ฿0.07 ✓ repaid: 0.077
weed4me6969  ฿0.20
cryngie            ฿0.57
lssb2132          ฿0.37    
schuldig           ฿0.18
haberdasher     ฿0.13  ✓ repaid: 0.143   
kallindown       ฿0.16 ✓ repaid: 0.176 + loaning 0.044 :)
haberdasher    ฿0.01 ✓ repaid: 0.011
pusci                ฿0.04 ✓ repaid: 0.044
trichome           ฿0.07 ✓ repaid: 0.077

weed4me6969  ฿0.20
lssb2132          ฿0.37    
schuldig           ฿0.18
cryngie            ฿0.57 ~ repaid: 0.45
haberdasher     ฿0.13  ✓ repaid: 0.143   
kallindown       ฿0.16 ✓ repaid: 0.176 + loaning 0.044 :) repaid ✓
haberdasher    ฿0.01 ✓ repaid: 0.011
pusci                ฿0.04 ✓ repaid: 0.044
trichome           ฿0.07 ✓ repaid: 0.077

still working on buying coins :-\ haven't had luck thus far. sorry guys

I currently have a few spare coin, and have no qualms about spotting someone till payday. What I do have qualms about is linking them to my precious buyer account. They could be a disgruntled member who's been on the end of my trolling, or a vendor looking to blacklist me, can't take the chance, if there's a way round it, I'm all ears.

You could always help me out, I've been trying to get a 20.00 loan for a day and a half now. I recently repayed my loan to RS7, but not I am in need of 20.00.. NorthernStar, we have history (brucecampbell) lol ANYONE help me out so I can get a order in tonight, so I can receive the order by saturday.
can vouch for this :)

hope everyone is well, just popping in to say love y'all 8) an sorry for the delay.
weed4me6969  ฿0.20 ✓ repaid: .27
lssb2132          ฿0.37 ✓ repaid: 0.44   
schuldig           ฿0.18 ✓ repaid: 0.25
cryngie            ฿0.57 ✓ repaid: 0.45,  repaid: .19
haberdasher     ฿0.13  ✓ repaid: 0.143   
kallindown       ฿0.16 ✓ repaid: 0.176 + loaning 0.044 :) repaid
haberdasher    ฿0.01 ✓ repaid: 0.011
pusci                ฿0.04 ✓ repaid: 0.044
trichome           ฿0.07 ✓ repaid: 0.077

finally can say its over. sorry for the long wait my droogies.. was having a bit of a hard time getting coins. hope didn't hold anybodies orders up :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on August 13, 2013, 04:00 am
hope everyones well :-*

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Hearts on August 13, 2013, 06:15 am
it isn't drug habit I can't afford I got scammed for $375 on a MP tom get BTC, You Fuck Face, LAME, you have no idea what you are running your blow-job giver about!!!!, LAME Lane

I'm doubling btc for one person, i've got (I shit you not) a virtual chicken that doubles your coins.

Its a software my mate (lets call him dave) spent 3 years on, it is our secret and I would kindly double your btc.

It works by "feeding" the chicken a certain amount (Maximum 10 btc at a time), and over a period of time (the more btc the longer it will take), it will lay "eggs", aka "more BTC" and because it's a virtual chicken, its algorithm is specifically modified so that the chicken lays Twice as many eggs of the amount of food you feed it (btc).

Pretty fancy huh? If you're up for it, you can send me .5 and i'll be glad to double it for you, it will take approximately 1 hour per 2.5 btc, my mate dave is perfecting his algorithm to maximize the output of eggs, i'll keep in touch when he does 8)


Guys anyone help me out please, I am 0.1 short of an order. will payback as soon as I get more coins. this week or early next week. SR name is notmetoday

I can personally vouch for shifting sands.You will get your coin back.If not for some mad reason I will personally pay you myself.

btw sorry mate im skinto atm or I would have done :(

Does that guy with the magic chicken think anyone s that retarded??

I don't know if I'd go as far as to say I'LL pay you back, but shifting sands is a trustworthy guy.

Guess what PM I got...

if what your saying about the virtual chicken is truth would you gift me 1 btc so I can buy suicide supplies? I know you don't know me but please help me.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on August 13, 2013, 09:09 am
Hey all !

Just waiting for coins to hit my wallet and I'll honor my debt boxy, you get the small amount I sent straight back ?

Yea man!  Sorry I didn't say so the first time.  I get distracted so easily.

Thanks a lot!

Hope you got what ya needed!

Thanks Shapes! You da man. When I get up to 100 posts I'll remember you and hit you with that fire karma. Promise!

No worries.  Just enjoy it!

Sorry bro fell asleep waiting for coins ! Sent them and they should be there already. Thanks again and hit me up if you ever need :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: schuldig on August 13, 2013, 10:00 am
hope everyones well :-*


Glad everything went well my friend! Hope everybody else is fine too in here :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on August 13, 2013, 11:27 am
@Hearts, how do we know that you arent lying and that your magic chicken actually produces 4x the bitcoins you feed it and you are actually reaping a huge profit off of us? Theres no real way to know, but that uncertainty is what is keeping me from sending you 10 bitcoins. Also I do not know if the chicken is being well taken care of or not. If you are force feeding this chicken bitcoins in order for it to produce more is he getting a well rounded diet with good excersize or is he just in his pen eating bitcoins continuously. Once again it is with this uncertainty that I decide not to partake in this business deal as I feel I would be taking part in harming this poor chicken.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Hearts on August 13, 2013, 12:28 pm
ytabletrash, I understand your concerns, but this chicken has been given the love and attention it requires! My mate Dave spends all day taking care of it, literally. He basically lives in my house and plays with the chicken day and night, thank god for Meth and SR huh? 'How does he play with the chicken?' you may ask,

well initially it was quite a risky investment,  but we had to make sure the chicken performs at optimum levels, Dave is a crazy cunt and with enough funds, he made a special incubator, replicated the chickens binary files, translated them to DNA and made a synthetic chicken (Have you seen those scientists who made lab grown meat?).

Now this chicken cannot die of old age, it's not all meat, but is always kept in its incubator (its a fairly big incubator, the size of 3 public bathroom stalls combined).

We ordered a kilo of cocaine from pepinamil for an amazing price (thank god for his scam free ads I keep getting...right?), and my mate Dave spends his days shooting meth and snorting coke while playing with the chicken (singing songs, dancing, playing hide and seek). He's even incorporated a tiny chicken house and lots of hay!

It may be a little confusing but when the chicken in the incubator moves, the chicken in our laptop moves as well (in its virtual playground), therefore they are "one". It doesn't need to be fed anything in real life, but only bitcoins. Dave is still strutting around with the chicken, but like I said, he's working on an algorithm to maximize the amount of btc output.

Oh and when Dave Crashes from the lack of sleep, I take over but sometimes have to leave the chicken alone, we might need to work on getting the chicken a partner though.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on August 13, 2013, 12:54 pm
Have you tried using bitbargain? I use it all the time.instant coin within about 5 mins.If you dont have or  dont want your bank account details known,you can deposit the cash at a bank to the sellers account.fkn easy and always coins for sale at only a buck or two over the mt gox can even get 0.1 btc if you like.

Oh,hey guys and girls btw :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 13, 2013, 01:19 pm
Hi everyone hope alls good  ;) got my Whiteshark order in finally  ;)

@hearts....I,ve got 0.2 can you make that into a coin  :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 13, 2013, 01:24 pm
Hey all.  Just logged in and saw Kalli put the rest of the shapes back in the box!

Thank you very much!  Hope it helped!  Well timed!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: purplepanth on August 13, 2013, 01:50 pm
good morning all!
just wanted to say hello..

I am very much confused and intrigued by @hearts and the chicken..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on August 13, 2013, 02:09 pm
good morning all!
just wanted to say hello..

I am very much confused and intrigued by @hearts and the chicken..

There was a guy I went to High School with that used to have sex with chickens.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Alutnarat on August 13, 2013, 02:15 pm
was it you?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: purplepanth on August 13, 2013, 02:26 pm
good morning all!
just wanted to say hello..

I am very much confused and intrigued by @hearts and the chicken..

There was a guy I went to High School with that used to have sex with chickens.

No that can't be. I find myself laughing or cringing a lot reading here..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on August 13, 2013, 02:49 pm
was it you?

^haha. No ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Hearts on August 13, 2013, 02:52 pm
@hearts....I,ve got 0.2 can you make that into a coin  :-\

good morning all!
just wanted to say hello..

I am very much confused and intrigued by @hearts and the chicken..

Morning by the way :) and sorry guys, my mate dave crashed and the chicken is not in a good mood. God I'm bored hahahha
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: purplepanth on August 13, 2013, 02:56 pm
@hearts....I,ve got 0.2 can you make that into a coin  :-\

good morning all!
just wanted to say hello..

I am very much confused and intrigued by @hearts and the chicken..

Morning by the way :) and sorry guys, my mate dave crashed and the chicken is not in a good mood. God I'm bored hahahha

So now you have a crabby chicken?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Hearts on August 13, 2013, 03:04 pm
Cranky ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Alutnarat on August 13, 2013, 03:08 pm
you'd be crankey too if all you had to look forward to all day was eating and shitting coins, sounds painfull
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: yunalesca on August 13, 2013, 03:12 pm
I've got some spare coinage if anyone needs.  Like .05 or so.  I'd rather not lend it all out to one person if possible.  Let me know here if you're still in need.  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on August 13, 2013, 03:40 pm
Hey all.  Just logged in and saw Kalli put the rest of the shapes back in the box!

Thank you very much!  Hope it helped!  Well timed!

Not as good as your timing my man ! It helped no end :)

Cheers boxy you're a star.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on August 13, 2013, 03:57 pm
Just paid back the borrowed 0.05 to staind

yep, thanks.

good luck with the store!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Believe on August 13, 2013, 04:42 pm
Hey guys, I'm in a bit of a need here. Due to the recent drop in bitcoin prices, I am currently lacking 0.23 BTC. I will pay back whoever helps me out within this week, I promise. Please help a brother out, I don't want to miss this sale. Thanks in advance...

P.S. my SR name is Believe
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bolorolo on August 13, 2013, 05:43 pm
Hello Dudes, Friends,  Doctors..

How're you doin here? Is it still spare coin thread or just global chat? :D

I ' m looking for some coins (0.04) because I need to finish my *last order. Pay back tommorow 0.07 or even more when my exchange will pay me.

Please sent them to my SR account - zokas or just into wallet and I deposit them 1DhqvfRrc1wqwnNmV8UA2q1mRPMxzQU5Qv

hey just wondering if you are able to pay back yet? looking to make an order of my own soon
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on August 13, 2013, 05:46 pm
:) morning my lovelies, finally back.. did I miss anything?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: FirePharmacy on August 13, 2013, 07:07 pm
Oh my goodness I'm trying to place an order before they're out to have for the weekend and I'm short 0.0416 btc.  If someone could loan me the coin for a few days I'll get it right back to you!  Please please and thank you.  send to: PillfirePharmacy
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: FirePharmacy on August 13, 2013, 07:15 pm
It's just five bucks I'll get right back at you this weekend please 0.0416? around $5 bucks
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on August 13, 2013, 07:27 pm
:) morning my lovelies, finally back.. did I miss anything?
jpan,marry,boxy,chem,imaz,jugger,dan,dark,taz,kalli,stained, ??? lol anybody ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DrWalterB on August 13, 2013, 07:35 pm
It's just five bucks I'll get right back at you this weekend please 0.0416? around $5 bucks

cheers for payin me back btw :) I dont mind lending you the coin again for this one will send it straight over.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DrWalterB on August 13, 2013, 07:37 pm
sent 0.0416 to PillfirePharmacy at the store :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on August 13, 2013, 07:41 pm
:) morning my lovelies, finally back.. did I miss anything?
jpan,marry,boxy,chem,imaz,jugger,dan,dark,taz,kalli,stained, ??? lol anybody ::)

Hey there RS, you missed a whole lot of nothing that I can remember much about ;) you good bro ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: monesty on August 13, 2013, 07:50 pm
Hey hey. Im making an order for 226 usd and am currently at 220 usd. Anyone willing to spot me the cash will be paid back Asap. Account is Dicksonchick6969. You can check buyer stats etc. Thank you so much to anyone willing and there will probably be a bonus. Messed up my math.


What amount of btc? You do the math
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DigitalSS on August 13, 2013, 08:00 pm
Back, everyone! Thanks to whoever sent me that!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on August 13, 2013, 08:01 pm
:) morning my lovelies, finally back.. did I miss anything?
jpan,marry,boxy,chem,imaz,jugger,dan,dark,taz,kalli,stained, ??? lol anybody ::)

Hey there RS, you missed a whole lot of nothing that I can remember much about ;) you good bro ?
yep :) how you doing bro
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on August 13, 2013, 08:02 pm
:) morning my lovelies, finally back.. did I miss anything?

RS!!!! Hey brobra, how are you? Kali, my mate...staind and staind's \(=^‥^)/’` cat photo!

And hello all you other bitches.

ChemCat - if you are lurking...did you watch the video yet?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on August 13, 2013, 08:08 pm
:) morning my lovelies, finally back.. did I miss anything?

RS!!!! Hey brobra, how are you? Kali, my mate...staind and staind's \(=^‥^)/’` cat photo!

And hello all you other bitches.

ChemCat - if you are lurking...did you watch the video yet?

not bad :), debts repaid.. back to chill mode.. an got some cid here :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on August 13, 2013, 08:10 pm
heeeeere's Murda!!
how are all you beautiful creations this fine evening?!?
'live the life you love'
unless it interferes with the life i love!!
much love!!
long live SR!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on August 13, 2013, 08:20 pm
sup murderface :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on August 13, 2013, 08:22 pm
:) morning my lovelies, finally back.. did I miss anything?

RS!!!! Hey brobra, how are you? Kali, my mate...staind and staind's \(=^‥^)/’` cat photo!

And hello all you other bitches.

ChemCat - if you are lurking...did you watch the video yet?

not bad :), debts repaid.. back to chill mode.. an got some cid here :D


Did anyone else see the Uk's Channel 4 **clearnet link** **clearnet link**
It is about 5-MAPB and the like...every good watch.

I have it uploaded to a mega account. If you would like to see it, shoot me a pm and Ill send you the clearnet link
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on August 13, 2013, 08:30 pm
hey guys :), good to see some known faces!

RS!!!! Hey brobra, how are you? Kali, my mate...staind and staind's \(=^‥^)/’` cat photo!

Stole it already. Hope I won't get a dmca notice.

take care
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on August 13, 2013, 08:48 pm
hey guys :), good to see some known faces!

RS!!!! Hey brobra, how are you? Kali, my mate...staind and staind's \(=^‥^)/’` cat photo!

Stole it already. Hope I wont't get a dmca notice.

take care


I know that it is not your cat...just saying hi to him/her. I love cats ヽ(^‥^=ゞ)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on August 13, 2013, 09:06 pm
I know that it is not your cat...just saying hi to him/her. I love cats ヽ(^‥^=ゞ)

That's true, but i meant that i stole your awesome cat smiley for my signature. I like it :)

yep, cats are awesome.

edit: gave him a hug from you, he approves :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on August 13, 2013, 09:39 pm
Could anyone help me out i need 5$ not sure how much it would be in bitcoins but i will pay you back double but it might take like 3 or 4 days to pay you back but i promise i am good for it!!! silkroad username


hey there,

sent you 0.06, that should cover it.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: FirePharmacy on August 13, 2013, 11:43 pm
Thanks DrWalterB!  Got the order in sweet! 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ThisSHITScrazyman on August 14, 2013, 12:00 am
Could anyone help me out i need 5$ not sure how much it would be in bitcoins but i will pay you back double but it might take like 3 or 4 days to pay you back but i promise i am good for it!!! silkroad username


hey there,

sent you 0.06, that should cover it.


Your the man! ill hit you back asap
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lstermadden on August 14, 2013, 12:27 am
Hey guys, I have been on the other side of this thread awhile back and now I come in need of .002 bitcoins. thats like 2 usd if anyone can so generously share or contribute to my cause!

I swear officers, this money is not going to the purchase of illegal substances...

My SR name is same spelling as my forum name.

Thanks in advance guys, and I will let the forum know when I have what I needed.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cyberscour on August 14, 2013, 01:19 am
Could somebody load me 3$ worth of BTC? I could pay back 6$ Next Friday when I get paid :)

My SR is cyberius.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: broken string on August 14, 2013, 01:19 am
If anyone could loan me B0.021 I would be bloody ecstatic. Can probably pay you back in a few days. If anyone would be nice enough to help me out I would owe them one and would remember it in the future as usually I do not have this problem.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on August 14, 2013, 02:05 am
amount in btc + market username + time frame for repayment. we can't give you anything if we don't have a name to send it to.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: wavelength on August 14, 2013, 02:25 am
god dammit... i hate coming here.

Well guys im basically short .0002 on an order (lol)

i would greatly appreciate if someone could send like .0003 to my account (just to make sure its enough)

this is obviously like a penny or 2 worth, but hey I dont have it in my account so what am i to do =/

(my name on sr is chittytits)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on August 14, 2013, 03:00 am
god dammit... i hate coming here.

Well guys im basically short .0002 on an order (lol)

i would greatly appreciate if someone could send like .0003 to my account (just to make sure its enough)

this is obviously like a penny or 2 worth, but hey I dont have it in my account so what am i to do =/

(my name on sr is chittytits)

i got ya chittytits!! ;)
it's on its way!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: TheIllusiveDeus on August 14, 2013, 03:10 am
this is my 3rd time coming here in a week. Never needed it before 0__o well im .07 BTC short of an order. Once again can somebody help a brotha out?

EDIT: my SR name is the same as my forum one. Just send it to there. Will disperse karma when received  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: broken string on August 14, 2013, 03:35 am
amount in btc + market username + time frame for repayment. we can't give you anything if we don't have a name to send it to.
B0.021, broken string, a few weeks max (will pay back with interest).
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on August 14, 2013, 03:54 am
amount in btc + market username + time frame for repayment. we can't give you anything if we don't have a name to send it to.
B0.021, broken string, a few weeks max (will pay back with interest).

tuppence sent squire
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: wavelength on August 14, 2013, 04:16 am

i got ya chittytits!! ;)
it's on its way!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Alutnarat on August 14, 2013, 04:52 am
would gladly pay you thursday for a .6btc today :D my name is Alutnarat on sr. much love and respect
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: broken string on August 14, 2013, 05:57 am
amount in btc + market username + time frame for repayment. we can't give you anything if we don't have a name to send it to.
B0.021, broken string, a few weeks max (will pay back with interest).

tuppence sent squire
Thank you very much sir.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lssb2132 on August 14, 2013, 06:22 am
@RS, thanks for getting me back man!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DrWalterB on August 14, 2013, 06:43 am
Thanks DrWalterB!  Got the order in sweet!

Your welcome again 8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on August 14, 2013, 07:12 am
@RS, thanks for getting me back man!
:) sorry took so long, an thanks again for loaning it to me
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lssb2132 on August 14, 2013, 08:10 am
@RS, thanks for getting me back man!
:) sorry took so long, an thanks again for loaning it to me
No problem and no problem, if you ever need a hand again I'd be happy to help if I can(applies to all the regulars around here who make the thread possible)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on August 14, 2013, 09:59 am
btc boosted up, dont think there will be any requests today :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 14, 2013, 10:44 am
Hi all, hope your all good  ;)

Does anyone have 0.01 to loan me for no more than 1 week or till someone repays me? Thanks, sr name the same  ;) :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on August 14, 2013, 10:46 am
Hi all, hope your all good  ;)

Does anyone have 0.01 to loan me for no more than 1 week or till someone repays me? Thanks, sr name the same  ;) :-*
guess I got proven wrong quickly, sending ya .01 :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 14, 2013, 10:56 am
Hi all, hope your all good  ;)

Does anyone have 0.01 to loan me for no more than 1 week or till someone repays me? Thanks, sr name the same  ;) :-*
guess I got proven wrong quickly, sending ya .01 :P
Thanks ytable  ;) sorry, i waited on it going up but just thought i,d ask since it was 45p lol  :) Thanks again hun, i,ll get you back asap, maybe today if i get paid back  ;) :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DrWalterB on August 14, 2013, 11:38 am
Hi Mary :) glad someone helped ya, otherwise I would have 8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: shifting sands on August 14, 2013, 11:40 am
Hi guys,

after a misunderstanding with a vendor who canceled my order I now find my self 0.0555 short of an order.
can anyone help. I can pay back with interest in a day or two, I just need to get this order out asap.
SR name notmetoday
Thanks guys
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DrWalterB on August 14, 2013, 11:43 am
Hi guys,

after a misunderstanding with a vendor who canceled my order I now find my self 0.0555 short of an order.
can anyone help. I can pay back with interest in a day or two, I just need to get this order out asap.
SR name notmetoday
Thanks guys

I will hook you up :) will send it straight away.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 14, 2013, 11:44 am
Hi Mary :) glad someone helped ya, otherwise I would have 8)
Thanks hun, your a diamond  ;) How you doing today?  I,ll need to check my account and see who owes me lol  ::) ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: shifting sands on August 14, 2013, 11:47 am
Hi guys,

after a misunderstanding with a vendor who canceled my order I now find my self 0.0555 short of an order.
can anyone help. I can pay back with interest in a day or two, I just need to get this order out asap.
SR name notmetoday
Thanks guys

I will hook you up :) will send it straight away.

Thanks buddy, really appreciate it, will pay back before the end of Friday.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: shifting sands on August 14, 2013, 12:03 pm
Hi guys,

after a misunderstanding with a vendor who canceled my order I now find my self 0.0555 short of an order.
can anyone help. I can pay back with interest in a day or two, I just need to get this order out asap.
SR name notmetoday
Thanks guys

I will hook you up :) will send it straight away.

Thanks buddy, really appreciate it, will pay back before the end of Friday.

Got it, thanks and a slight fluctuation or miscalculation on my part I have a little left over should anyone need?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 14, 2013, 12:06 pm
karma,d page 722  :-* :P ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on August 14, 2013, 12:16 pm
                                                  :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) ##When requesting, post your SR name## SO WE KNOW WHERE TO SEND IT TO.  DON'T ASSUME WE KNOW. ##  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7)## DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. ## >:(  ##Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due. ##
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.
                                                           Reserved For Notes

*Make sure when adding a name to the list that you add both their forum name AND their SR username. Thank you.


The shit list:
i3lazd                      <----  (NEVER LEND-Perma-Banned-From This Thread) * ChemCat*
King Karma

 *^*Do Not Lend to These People*^*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DrWalterB on August 14, 2013, 01:40 pm
Hi Mary :) glad someone helped ya, otherwise I would have 8)
Thanks hun, your a diamond  ;) How you doing today?  I,ll need to check my account and see who owes me lol  ::) ;)

Doing good Mary :) yourself ?

Hi guys,

after a misunderstanding with a vendor who canceled my order I now find my self 0.0555 short of an order.
can anyone help. I can pay back with interest in a day or two, I just need to get this order out asap.
SR name notmetoday
Thanks guys

I will hook you up :) will send it straight away.

Thanks buddy, really appreciate it, will pay back before the end of Friday.

Got it, thanks and a slight fluctuation or miscalculation on my part I have a little left over should anyone need?

Your welcome 8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DrWalterB on August 14, 2013, 01:42 pm
karma,d page 722  :-* :P ;)

thx :D would karma you right back but 72 hour rule  :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: shifting sands on August 14, 2013, 02:15 pm
Alls quiet on the OSCT  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 14, 2013, 02:19 pm
I,m good too thanks Walt  ;) It is quiet today, oh well i,m away for now, bye guys  ;) :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DrWalterB on August 14, 2013, 02:23 pm
:) cya Mary 8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on August 14, 2013, 02:38 pm
Good morning bitches! What is going on...

For peeps that lend, make sure that you write down your loans as your account history only goes back a month...I did not write down my loans that are outstanding and now I have no idea who owes me and how much they owe. (◣_◢)

Anyways, back to work...

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: purpleute on August 14, 2013, 03:06 pm
First time poster, was hoping to get a loan of 0.015 bitcoin, for a week.

Silkroad name is purute88 .

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on August 14, 2013, 03:10 pm
First time poster, was hoping to get a loan of 0.015 bitcoin, for a week.

Silkroad name is purute88 .


Sending 0.0112 its all iv got hopefully someone else can cover the rest for ya.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: purpleute on August 14, 2013, 03:19 pm
First time poster, was hoping to get a loan of 0.015 bitcoin, for a week.

Silkroad name is purute88 .


Sending 0.0112 its all iv got hopefully someone else can cover the rest for ya.

Thank you very much. Almost enough to put my order in before my bed time :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on August 14, 2013, 03:21 pm
First time poster, was hoping to get a loan of 0.015 bitcoin, for a week.

Silkroad name is purute88 .


Sending 0.0112 its all iv got hopefully someone else can cover the rest for ya.

Thank you very much. Almost enough to put my order in before my bed time :)

You're welcome im sure the good people who hang around here will hook you up soon and don't bother paying it back just do the same for someone else if you've ever got spare change :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on August 14, 2013, 03:24 pm
First time poster, was hoping to get a loan of 0.015 bitcoin, for a week.

Silkroad name is purute88 .


Sending 0.0112 its all iv got hopefully someone else can cover the rest for ya.

Thank you very much. Almost enough to put my order in before my bed time :)

Sent .0064 to you for the rest.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lssb2132 on August 14, 2013, 03:39 pm
Hey Az, see ep 18 of titan :D?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on August 14, 2013, 03:45 pm
Hey Az, see ep 18 of titan :D?

I have! I have all the eps in 1080p. I also have pre-ordered this - ####CHEALNET####
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: purpleute on August 14, 2013, 03:54 pm
Thank you very much, this thread is awesome, and very friendly,  I plan on sticking around and helping out as many silk roaders as I can when I have the spare coin.  But for now it is time for me to get some sleep.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on August 14, 2013, 09:13 pm
Thank you very much, this thread is awesome, and very friendly,  I plan on sticking around and helping out as many silk roaders as I can when I have the spare coin.  But for now it is time for me to get some sleep.

Hmm a lot of people say this but time will tell.Not saying your one of em but just saying,lots do!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lstermadden on August 14, 2013, 09:28 pm
I am 0.002 Bitcoins short for a purchase I am trying to make, if anyone can spare I would greatly appreciate it and ill hit you back when I make my next order! (Early next week)


Thanks guys
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: VHSplayer on August 14, 2013, 10:28 pm
I am 0.002 Bitcoins short for a purchase I am trying to make, if anyone can spare I would greatly appreciate it and ill hit you back when I make my next order! (Early next week)


Thanks guys

Sent 0.002BTC to LSTERMADDEN's SR account 8/14/2013.

Pay me back whenever you get the chance! No rush. You don't need to send me any extra either, the original amount is just fine. Will post again once the loan is repaid.

Enjoy your items! Glad to help.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on August 14, 2013, 10:52 pm
Hi,mary.chemcat,RS,ImAz ect

could anyone do me a loan of 0.167 please please please???????????  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: FirePharmacy on August 14, 2013, 11:27 pm
Just wanted to say hello to the spare coin thread family!  Hope you've all had a great day!  Looking forward to getting my store up and running SOON.  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on August 14, 2013, 11:37 pm
Hi all,

Darktime - hope you are well.

Sorry all, I am now tapped out...

TAZ COME BACK!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ukdabbler on August 14, 2013, 11:58 pm
Dear fellow SR users,

I am short on an order by 0.0250 BTC (hopefully price doesn't fluctuate again and this will be enough)

I would be very grateful if someone could lend me this,

I am visiting the bank tomorrow and will be purchasing more coins so can pay back within 48 hours.

AgentLee can vouch for me as I paid him back as promised within 48hours.

You'd really be helping me out a lot as the order is for subutex for my partner.

Thankyou kind sirs.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ukdabbler on August 15, 2013, 12:01 am
My SR username is allthefanz, sorry forgot to mention.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 15, 2013, 12:03 am
0.0250 BTC 
Thankyou kind sirs.

Name sirs?

My SR username is allthefanz, sorry forgot to mention.

Shapes on the way.  Please place the shapes back in the box at the time declared. :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ukdabbler on August 15, 2013, 12:49 am
Thanks very much! I'll have them back to you plus a little extra by tomorrow mate.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: skrillyskrill on August 15, 2013, 12:50 am
if anyone can spare .16 btc  or any two nice people spare .08btc to username h1msa i would greatly appreciate it. Ive loaned here and not asked for repayment but I will repay you however and bang you with some good karma. I bought some btc from a btc vendor and i got shorted because apparently the value dropped right before he sent it. hoping he works it out, if not i'll load some more coins friday and pay you back.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on August 15, 2013, 12:54 am
if anyone can spare .16 btc  or any two nice people spare .08btc to username h1msa i would greatly appreciate it. Ive loaned here and not asked for repayment but I will repay you however and bang you with some good karma. I bought some btc from a btc vendor and i got shorted because apparently the value dropped right before he sent it. hoping he works it out, if not i'll load some more coins friday and pay you back.
:) sent brother, please repay when you're able.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on August 15, 2013, 01:10 am
My Family  :)

I don't think ya'll know just how much i Love you all  :)

Sorry that i've been gone for a bit but i had to get a real job to make ends meet for now  ???

I see you all are doing good :)  I miss ya'll!!

RS my little brother!  :)  (Hugs)  Man i've missed ya, how've ya been?

Boxy Darktime mary foxen dandan i cant mention you all but i sure do Love you all  :)

I just wanted to pop in and say hello  :)

i had to fire 2 lazy fucks today for riding the clock ???  damn lazy people  LOL  :P

well, i am gonna get a shower and find something to eat, i'll try to be back to chat for a bit if i don't fall asleep first  LOL 

Love, Peace & Hugs to you All  8)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on August 15, 2013, 01:17 am
My Family  :)

I don't think ya'll know just how much i Love you all  :)

Sorry that i've been gone for a bit but i had to get a real job to make ends meet for now  ???

I see you all are doing good :)  I miss ya'll!!

RS my little brother!  :)  (Hugs)  Man i've missed ya, how've ya been?

Boxy Darktime mary foxen dandan i cant mention you all but i sure do Love you all  :)

I just wanted to pop in and say hello  :)

i had to fire 2 lazy fucks today for riding the clock ???  damn lazy people  LOL  :P

well, i am gonna get a shower and find something to eat, i'll try to be back to chat for a bit if i don't fall asleep first  LOL 

Love, Peace & Hugs to you All  8)

:D CHEMMY (hugs) to ya brother! good to be back ;D  I've been good though, hope things are well with ya! I'm on IRC again if you wanna catch up.. again (hugs) bro!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 15, 2013, 01:38 am
Hey CC!  We have missed ya!  You teach those no good kids smoking behind the dumpster a lesson.

Nice to see you around again RS!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: FirePharmacy on August 15, 2013, 03:08 am
I hope to have some coin to loan out soon  - PillfirePharmacy is OPEN for business. 8)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 15, 2013, 03:37 am
Message to "staind" and "mary666"

I have to be honest with you guys; I had the coin to pay you guys back monday and I was feeling so shitty I used it to make an order.
Now I feel like shit because I was not responsible like I should have been. Please forgive me.
I let my habit make my choice. however my conscience has gotten the best of me.
I'm sure I will be getting plenty of negative karma for this, but I had to be honest.

On a positive note, I do have to work tomorrow, friday, and monday. So I will have more coin by the beginning of next week.
I will be more then happy to give you both extra for my douchery.

I have actually been avoiding this thread for the past couple of days just because I feel so shitty!
I promise I will make it up to the both of you. I owe alighier as well, but I have not seen him in a few days. He will get his as well.

staind and mary please shoot me a PM when you read this so I know you guys got the message.

As always I love you guys! seriously!
I won't be back on till about 5-6pm CST tomorrow.

Goodnight Team! I hope you can forgive me!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tabun on August 15, 2013, 03:40 am
Somehow, what I paid for my BTC was quite a bit more than what SR values them at, so I am .06 BTC short on my order. I will be able to pay back next week. I have given away my spares a few times so hopefully someone finds it in their heart to loan me this. Send to tabun please.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ianfleming on August 15, 2013, 04:21 am
I'm 0.0053 btc short on an order, if someone would please loan me 0.0070 btc I would be forever grateful
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ScoobyDoo on August 15, 2013, 04:24 am
I'm 0.0053 btc short on an order, if someone would please loan me 0.0070 btc I would be forever grateful

.0070  sent your way!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 15, 2013, 08:11 am
Message to "staind" and "mary666"

I have to be honest with you guys; I had the coin to pay you guys back monday and I was feeling so shitty I used it to make an order.
Now I feel like shit because I was not responsible like I should have been. Please forgive me.
I let my habit make my choice. however my conscience has gotten the best of me.
I'm sure I will be getting plenty of negative karma for this, but I had to be honest.

On a positive note, I do have to work tomorrow, friday, and monday. So I will have more coin by the beginning of next week.
I will be more then happy to give you both extra for my douchery.

I have actually been avoiding this thread for the past couple of days just because I feel so shitty!
I promise I will make it up to the both of you. I owe alighier as well, but I have not seen him in a few days. He will get his as well.

staind and mary please shoot me a PM when you read this so I know you guys got the message.

As always I love you guys! seriously!
I won't be back on till about 5-6pm CST tomorrow.

Goodnight Team! I hope you can forgive me!
**Tut, Tut**  ::) I like to pay mt debt,s personally 1st!!  :o  I had to borrow 0.01 from ytabletrash yesterday cause you,ve not paid back hun  ::) Shoot a pm next time so we know  ;) honestly, bloody druggies  ;) LOL

Hope everyone,s good today, was busy last night  ;) I noticed your loan request Darktime wish i could help but i,m tapped out hun  :-[ :-*
Hi Chemmy, Boxy, RS7, Kalli, Imaz, dr walter, jonny, DT, Jugg, lol everyone, there,s too many now  :o ha ha love you guys  ;) :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 15, 2013, 10:48 am
**Tut, Tut**  ::) I like to pay mt debt,s personally 1st!!  :o  I had to borrow 0.01 from ytabletrash yesterday cause you,ve not paid back hun  ::) Shoot a pm next time so we know  ;) honestly, bloody druggies  ;) LOL

Hope everyone,s good today, was busy last night  ;) I noticed your loan request Darktime wish i could help but i,m tapped out hun  :-[ :-*
Hi Chemmy, Boxy, RS7, Kalli, Imaz, dr walter, jonny, DT, Jugg, lol everyone, there,s too many now  :o ha ha love you guys  ;) :-*

I had to get on before work and check up to see if you guys got my message.

mary666, I usually get my debts paid first, but my local guy was out, and I do have a dependency so I made the wrong choice. Like I said last night though, I do have some work lined up for the next few days, so I'll still be able to take care of you guys, just got a bit delayed.
Honesty is the best policy though, I'll always keep you guys in "the know".

Off to work for me! y'all have a great day!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: shifting sands on August 15, 2013, 10:49 am
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: titicacanari on August 15, 2013, 11:18 am
Hello ladies and gents with a good heart.

I'm short on 0.05btc to place my order because of fluctuation, and i cannot reload because Virwox has to receive the money for my former transaction.

Could somebody please send this to titicacanarie on SR or to BTC account n° 1NFCnXRwjerAZ1bu2mh7r6FWW4iUScGdDu ?

I will give the money back as soon as i will reload, which should not take more than 3 days (time for Virwox to be paid from my last transaction), let's say one week so i'm sure.

Thanks a lot  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: shifting sands on August 15, 2013, 11:25 am
Hello ladies and gents with a good heart.

I'm short on 0.05btc to place my order because of fluctuation, and i cannot reload because Virwox has to receive the money for my former transaction.

Could somebody please send this to titicacanarie on SR or to BTC account n° 1NFCnXRwjerAZ1bu2mh7r6FWW4iUScGdDu ?

I will give the money back as soon as i will reload, which should not take more than 3 days (time for Virwox to be paid from my last transaction), let's say one week so i'm sure.

Thanks a lot  :)

I have 0.0280 if that helps
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 15, 2013, 11:40 am
@juggernog... ;) no probs hun, hope ya have a good day  ;)

Hi kalli, i know your lurking  ::) lol how ya doin? I Miss Taz  :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on August 15, 2013, 11:48 am
                                                  :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) ##When requesting, post your SR name## SO WE KNOW WHERE TO SEND IT TO.  DON'T ASSUME WE KNOW. ##  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7)## DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. ## >:(  ##Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due. ##
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.
                                                           Reserved For Notes

*Make sure when adding a name to the list that you add both their forum name AND their SR username. Thank you.


The shit list:
i3lazd                      <----  (NEVER LEND-Perma-Banned-From This Thread)
King Karma

 *^*Do Not Lend to These People*^*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 15, 2013, 11:54 am
Hi Dan, why does it look like ChemCat,s on the shitlist  :-\ lol hope your good today, just been in for tea at your coffee shop lol  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on August 15, 2013, 12:23 pm
That was actually Chem who did that but I guess I can see where the confusion would come in. Just changed it ;D

And my day is pretty good so far! Just drinking my morning cup then it's off to the Cheese Sandwich Factory to make cheese sandwiches for all the good little boys and girls. I hope everyone else's day is going as good as mine ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on August 15, 2013, 12:41 pm
could anyone do me a loan of 0.167 please please please???????????  8)

Still need^

hi all. hope alls well in TSCT today :P

eddyboy666 btw
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: titicacanari on August 15, 2013, 12:45 pm
Hello ladies and gents with a good heart.

I'm short on 0.05btc to place my order because of fluctuation, and i cannot reload because Virwox has to receive the money for my former transaction.

Could somebody please send this to titicacanarie on SR or to BTC account n° 1NFCnXRwjerAZ1bu2mh7r6FWW4iUScGdDu ?

I will give the money back as soon as i will reload, which should not take more than 3 days (time for Virwox to be paid from my last transaction), let's say one week so i'm sure.

Thanks a lot  :)

I have 0.0280 if that helps
Yes it could, still in need. Thank you :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: shifting sands on August 15, 2013, 01:02 pm
could anyone do me a loan of 0.167 please please please???????????  8)

Still need^

hi all. hope alls well in TSCT today :P

eddyboy666 btw

sending you some of it, whats your sr name
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: shifting sands on August 15, 2013, 01:07 pm
Hello ladies and gents with a good heart.

I'm short on 0.05btc to place my order because of fluctuation, and i cannot reload because Virwox has to receive the money for my former transaction.

Could somebody please send this to titicacanarie on SR or to BTC account n° 1NFCnXRwjerAZ1bu2mh7r6FWW4iUScGdDu ?

I will give the money back as soon as i will reload, which should not take more than 3 days (time for Virwox to be paid from my last transaction), let's say one week so i'm sure.

Thanks a lot  :)

I have 0.0280 if that helps
Yes it could, still in need. Thank you :)

I missed you buddy, sorry. maybe next time
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: shifting sands on August 15, 2013, 01:10 pm
could anyone do me a loan of 0.167 please please please???????????  8)

Still need^

hi all. hope alls well in TSCT today :P

eddyboy666 btw

sending you some of it, whats your sr name

Hey DT, I sent you what I had left over. it's not much but your welcome to it. Don't worry about payback just put it to good use.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on August 15, 2013, 01:52 pm
Goodnight Team! I hope you can forgive me!

Don't worry jugg. Everyone here is just human. You really don't need to hide from us tho^^.

I don't bite and i'm pretty sure marry doesn't either. :P

Even +1 to you for your honesty.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 15, 2013, 02:25 pm
Goodnight Team! I hope you can forgive me!

Don't worry jugg. Everyone here is just human. You really don't need to hide from us tho^^.

I don't bite and i'm pretty sure marry doesn't either. :P

Even +1 to you for your honesty.
Of course i don,t bite  ;) lol Hope everyone,s good just checkin in  ;) :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MC Haberdasher on August 15, 2013, 02:25 pm
Hey guys..  Can anyone spot me a buck, so like 0.01.  SR name is Haberdasher, and can pay back this weekend, This coming Tuesday at absolute latest.

Thanks in advance!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on August 15, 2013, 02:45 pm
Hey guys..  Can anyone spot me a buck, so like 0.01.  SR name is Haberdasher, and can pay back this weekend, This coming Tuesday at absolute latest.

Thanks in advance!

0.02 heading your way, just to make sure.

Hope everyones doing good today?!, i don't have to work today so i know i am :).

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MC Haberdasher on August 15, 2013, 02:51 pm
Hey guys..  Can anyone spot me a buck, so like 0.01.  SR name is Haberdasher, and can pay back this weekend, This coming Tuesday at absolute latest.

Thanks in advance!

0.02 heading your way, just to make sure.

Hope everyones doing good today?!, i don't have to work today so i know i am :).

Thanks alot.  I will send it back this weekend when I re-up on coinage.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DrWalterB on August 15, 2013, 02:59 pm
Hello everyone 8) hope my fellow spare coin roaders are well today :) and congrats to FirePharmacy for opening his store 8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on August 15, 2013, 03:51 pm
staind! and staind's cat photo!!!<(*ΦωΦ*)>

RS, mary, DDTICM, chemcat and oh where have you gone my brobra Taz?!?!(;_・) <-that one tear is for you brobra...come back soon...

Sorry all, I am tapped out and no one has paid me back...remember kids, write down your loans as your account history only goes back a month. I don't know who owes me what now because I didn't write them down and that makes me mad...I am going to flip this table over! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Back to work/lurk mode...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 15, 2013, 03:58 pm
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Damn.  My coffee was on there.  :(  Have to get another cup now...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on August 15, 2013, 04:09 pm

Damn.  My coffee was on there.  :(  Have to get another cup now...

Putting the table back nicely  ┬──┬◡ノ(° -°ノ) and I got you a fresh coffee  且_(・_・ )

sorry about all that...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on August 15, 2013, 04:10 pm
BoxofShapes! Hi there alright?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 15, 2013, 04:15 pm
Better now that I wasn't stripped of my morning cup.  Bout to head out of town so here's to some fun times ahead.

Hope you are doing well.  Keep on the look out for taz and tell him I said hey.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on August 15, 2013, 04:21 pm

Hey imaz :) 

Yep, i have the problem with the account history as well.
You could always go through all of your posts right? I know it is a pain in the ass but...better than losing money i guess.

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ *throwing it over again*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on August 15, 2013, 04:31 pm

Hey imaz :) 

Yep, i have the problem with the account history as well.
You could always go through all of your posts right? I know it is a pain in the ass but...better than losing money i guess.

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ *throwing it over again*

(╯°Д°)╯︵/(.□ . \) me throwing you over!

And I am not worry about total it is < 1 btc so no biggie
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 15, 2013, 04:59 pm
Hi all  :) sent 0.02 back to ytabletrash for his 0.01 loan yesterday, thanks hun  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 15, 2013, 05:11 pm
Got off work early today! :D

How has everyones day been so far?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dapj on August 15, 2013, 05:15 pm
Hey everybody  ;) !

Can someone help me out with 0.15 coins?? Can be done by 2 or more peoples (or the ones i helped out  :P )

Anyway it is urgent but well we will see, no drama if it's not ;)

If you can send coin then send them to : dapj (same username)

Greettzz 8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on August 15, 2013, 05:29 pm
Hey everybody  ;) !

Can someone help me out with 0.15 coins?? Can be done by 2 or more peoples (or the ones i helped out  :P )

Anyway it is urgent but well we will see, no drama if it's not ;)

If you can send coin then send them to : dapj (same username)

Greettzz 8)

hey, sent you the 0.15.

do you roughly know when you ll be able to pay it back?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ianfleming on August 15, 2013, 06:24 pm
I'm 0.0053 btc short on an order, if someone would please loan me 0.0070 btc I would be forever grateful

.0070  sent your way!


Thank you kind sir, +karma
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 15, 2013, 06:54 pm
CHEMCAT  ;) :P :-* Hugs to ya, miss you  :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: crumbwriggle on August 15, 2013, 07:00 pm
I've never done this before but I'm in desperate need of a little more bitcoin, I'm just short of an order I really need to make right now.

Could anyone please lend me .135 BTC? I'm not sure if that's a lot to borrow on here, but I can definitely repay by Tuesday at the latest with interest.

It's the same name: crumbwriggle.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: titicacanari on August 15, 2013, 07:04 pm
Hello everybody,

I'm short on 0.07btc to place my order because of fluctuations and exchange fees. Could somebody please help ? I will pay them back with interests in less than one week.

My SR account is titicacanarie

Thank you.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bolorolo on August 15, 2013, 07:10 pm
what do you guys usually do when someone says they will repay and then doesnt reply?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: titicacanari on August 15, 2013, 07:18 pm
what do you guys usually do when someone says they will repay and then doesnt reply?
I think he gets blacklisted for this thread, there is a blacklist here around...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 15, 2013, 07:19 pm
what do you guys usually do when someone says they will repay and then doesnt reply?

Just keep trying, maybe something happened?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on August 15, 2013, 07:31 pm
Hey guys :D

Thanks SS

Still need to lend 0.1291 if anyone would be so kind....Thanks

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on August 15, 2013, 07:34 pm
oh and +1 to all my TSCT buddies :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Alighier on August 15, 2013, 08:54 pm
Got off work early today! :D

How has everyones day been so far?

Hey Jugs, I haven't been able to log on much lately but I was wondering if you ever got that. 13? I think I owe staind .06 so you could send that their way and the rest to my sr account (same name) much appreciated
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on August 15, 2013, 10:02 pm

Still need to lend 0.1291 if anyone would be so kind....Thanks

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on August 15, 2013, 11:06 pm
to keep things documented:

mrlavish paid me back in a very generous way. always kept me informed and a very friendly guy in general. +1

thanks again.

sry dark - i decided to save up for some coke, otherwise id shoot you those coins.

hope someone else can help out.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on August 15, 2013, 11:18 pm
No worries Staind.The thought counts :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: zipstyle on August 15, 2013, 11:30 pm
Hello everyone!

Just stopping in to ask if anyone has .2 BTC to spare?
I will pay you back :)

How quick can you get the shapes back to me?  I was about to make an order with the last of the shapes I have but the time frame isn't that important.  I can wait a little to get this in. 

Also SR name?

Well I just bought more coins and they are due August 15th, so I would say at some point after that.
I have always paid my debts and am good for my word. Thanks in advance!

sr username zipstyle

Na I know you're good for it.  I just couldn't do it if it was +2 weeks.  Just be sure to put the shapes in the box at the noted time as that would help me when I need it.

Shapes on the way man.

Many thanks! :)
Shapes will be sent right back atcha as soon as possible, as promised.

Hey BoxofShapes,
Just letting you know that I've sent back the .2 BTC that I owed ya :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on August 16, 2013, 12:03 am
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mrlavish on August 16, 2013, 12:27 am
to keep things documented:

mrlavish paid me back in a very generous way. always kept me informed and a very friendly guy in general. +1

thanks again.

sry dark - i decided to save up for some coke, otherwise id shoot you those coins.

hope someone else can help out.

Again thank you for the loan, and I'm sorry I couldn't pay you back quicker, I felt I needed to make it up to you, lol.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on August 16, 2013, 12:38 am
FFS,I just got some coin and while I'm waiting for it to clear into SR I find I need 0.0005 btc short!!!

Please can someone throw me this 1penny or whatever it is.I need to get this order in before I fall asleep.


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: crumbwriggle on August 16, 2013, 12:46 am
I've never done this before but I'm in desperate need of a little more bitcoin, I'm just short of an order I really need to make right now.

Could anyone please lend me .135 BTC? I'm not sure if that's a lot to borrow on here, but I can definitely repay by Tuesday at the latest with interest.

It's the same name: crumbwriggle.
Quoting because nobody seemed to notice.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on August 16, 2013, 12:54 am
 0.0005btc......surely someone can do that for me pleeeeeeeeease

before it goes up again :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on August 16, 2013, 01:37 am
Quote from: Darktime
0.0005btc......surely someone can do that for me pleeeeeeeeease

before it goes up again :(

Sent Son  ;)

Send back to the person that sent it to you as soon as ya can ;)

Love & Hugs 8)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: le botbahn on August 16, 2013, 01:53 am
Hi all, I'm in need of .0577 btc (about $ 6 usd) if anyone would be so kind. :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: adamiz on August 16, 2013, 01:57 am
0.0005btc......surely someone can do that for me pleeeeeeeeease

before it goes up again :(

I did send before the maintenance pause and just saw your previous messages...
I send it to SR user darktime. And feeling good I send 0.005 instead of 0.0005.

So if this account is also yours, enjoy your order. If it is not, well I guess that somebody will receive a minor unexpected gift somewhere. :)

After weeks that I reloaded some bc to buy some stuff I got just a few spare coins that I wanted to share here but my rush didn't allow me to share them properly... Next time again :P

Have a good day people

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 16, 2013, 02:11 am
Got off work early today! :D

How has everyones day been so far?

Hey Jugs, I haven't been able to log on much lately but I was wondering if you ever got that. 13? I think I owe staind .06 so you could send that their way and the rest to my sr account (same name) much appreciated

Hey bro, I was beginning to wonder where you were! I have some bad news for ya bro, and I believe staind and mary666 will help to verify, but I fucked up. I had enough to pay all three of you, however I was going through some WD, and instead of being responsible and paying you back when I had the chance I made a bad call and made another order.
I am dealing with a guilty conscience because of this bad choice.

I have been working for the past couple of days and have a couple more days of work still, so I will make sure I don't make the same mistake.
I will have you paid back by the beginning of the week.

PM me alighier
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: keagal on August 16, 2013, 03:29 am
Hi all, I'm in need of .0577 btc (about $ 6 usd) if anyone would be so kind. :)

Did you get the coins? I will loan them to you if need be
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 16, 2013, 03:35 am
Hello everyone!

Just stopping in to ask if anyone has .2 BTC to spare?
I will pay you back :)

How quick can you get the shapes back to me?  I was about to make an order with the last of the shapes I have but the time frame isn't that important.  I can wait a little to get this in. 

Also SR name?

Well I just bought more coins and they are due August 15th, so I would say at some point after that.
I have always paid my debts and am good for my word. Thanks in advance!

sr username zipstyle

Na I know you're good for it.  I just couldn't do it if it was +2 weeks.  Just be sure to put the shapes in the box at the noted time as that would help me when I need it.

Shapes on the way man.

Many thanks! :)
Shapes will be sent right back atcha as soon as possible, as promised.

Hey BoxofShapes,
Just letting you know that I've sent back the .2 BTC that I owed ya :)


Thanks for putting the shapes back in the box!  I knew that dick wouldn't let me down.  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: le botbahn on August 16, 2013, 03:41 am
Hi all, I'm in need of .0577 btc (about $ 6 usd) if anyone would be so kind. :)

Did you get the coins? I will loan them to you if need be
Not yet. Thank you kindly, pm sent! +1
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 16, 2013, 03:51 am
Hey all.  So I guess I'm a little over extended on my loans currently.

Right now I am .02 short on the order I need.  I can pay you back as soon as someone else pays me back or next week when I buy more coins. 

Thanks for reading!

The shape of this boxes name is the same on SR.  BoxofShapes.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: keagal on August 16, 2013, 03:57 am
Ok le botbahn i sent the coins to the address you requested. let me know when you planned on returning them :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: keagal on August 16, 2013, 04:02 am
hey BoxofShapes did you get the .02 coins you needed?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 16, 2013, 04:06 am
Not yet. I'm fairly certain you are the first person to read it.  If you could help it would be amazing!  You won't see me bail out on such a silly amount. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: keagal on August 16, 2013, 04:07 am
ok i will send you 0.02. this is the correct amount right?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: keagal on August 16, 2013, 04:08 am
Sent bro.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 16, 2013, 04:12 am
ok i will send you 0.02. this is the correct amount right?

Correct!  I'm over estimating a touch so I don't have to spam the thread again.  .02 is what I need.  Will send the rest back after purchase and will payback when I can.  No more than 2 weeks.


Sent bro.

Thanks a lot man!  You will be taken care of!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jokerman2000 on August 16, 2013, 04:21 am
Have lent and borrowed and returned quick with interest. can anyone plz lend me .03 BTC, im that away from an order.

I can repay .06 in less than a week.

username is same: jokerman2000
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: keagal on August 16, 2013, 04:26 am
you get it jokerman2000?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 16, 2013, 04:27 am
Eh.  I don't know what happened but I still don't see it.  It should have been in my account history already.  Thanks anyway man.  Super sleepy so maybe I'll try back later. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: keagal on August 16, 2013, 04:27 am
ok jokerman2000 i sent you .03 buddy. did you get it?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: keagal on August 16, 2013, 04:28 am
Eh.  I don't know what happened but I still don't see it.  It should have been in my account history already.  Thanks anyway man.  Super sleepy so maybe I'll try back later.

check it again. i sent it for sure i just looked
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 16, 2013, 04:33 am
Eh.  I don't know what happened but I still don't see it.  It should have been in my account history already.  Thanks anyway man.  Super sleepy so maybe I'll try back later.

check it again. i sent it for sure i just looked

Confirmed!  Thanks for sharing!  I'll get you back!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jokerman2000 on August 16, 2013, 04:35 am
ok jokerman2000 i sent you .03 buddy. did you get it?

thanks buddy got it! +1 for you
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: foxen624 on August 16, 2013, 07:28 am
Hi Everyone....  been real sick with kind of awful bug.  Haven't been online at all and thought maybe I'd be up for it tonight.  Guess I was wrong.  So, gotta lay back down.  Just trying to say hi to a few of the best.  Be back soon as I can....  take care everyone....  cya soon...:)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 16, 2013, 08:47 am
Hi Everyone....  been real sick with kind of awful bug.  Haven't been online at all and thought maybe I'd be up for it tonight.  Guess I was wrong.  So, gotta lay back down.  Just trying to say hi to a few of the best.  Be back soon as I can....  take care everyone....  cya soon...:)
:( Hope you feel better soon hun  ;) Morning to everyone  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: odd on August 16, 2013, 09:10 am
Good morning mary!! just sent you the repayment of my loan thank you again!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on August 16, 2013, 10:02 am
ok jokerman2000 i sent you .03 buddy. did you get it?

thanks buddy got it! +1 for you

you got all you need or you still short bud ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 16, 2013, 10:10 am
Good morning mary!! just sent you the repayment of my loan thank you again!
Thanks hun  :-*

Hey Kalli, hope your good, you lurking lol  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on August 16, 2013, 10:15 am
Good morning mary!! just sent you the repayment of my loan thank you again!
Thanks hun  :-*

Hey Kalli, hope your good, you lurking lol  ;)

Hi there mary im not bad thanks and yes im a little busy today so just keeping it short n sweet !

How you doing hun ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 16, 2013, 12:02 pm
Sorry Kalli  :-[ :-[ went off to supermarket  ::) just having a much while checking in lol, i,m good, going out with dogs once i,m stuffed  :P :-*

Its quiet  :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DrWalterB on August 16, 2013, 01:13 pm
Hi Astrid ;) and the rest of you 8) hope you lot have a great weekend :D
binge night for me today and tomorrow probably gonna be ill :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 16, 2013, 01:39 pm
hey BoxofShapes did you get the .02 coins you needed?

Thank you very much again friend.  Sent back .01 for now.  That really helped me!

Good morning all!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: shifting sands on August 16, 2013, 01:39 pm
Hey all, hope your all good. Dr i just pm you
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 16, 2013, 02:33 pm
Hi Astrid ;) and the rest of you 8) hope you lot have a great weekend :D
binge night for me today and tomorrow probably gonna be ill :P
Hi Walter, hope your well and the lab is good  ;) Hi to everyone else  :-[ sorry no coin at moment.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ILikeYou on August 16, 2013, 05:35 pm
I need $.8 for shipping. Anyone help a brother out? Ill repay next replenish of BTC.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on August 16, 2013, 05:44 pm
Sorry Kalli  :-[ :-[ went off to supermarket  ::) just having a much while checking in lol, i,m good, going out with dogs once i,m stuffed  :P :-*

Its quiet  :P

Yumm i need a munch :)

I need $.8 for shipping. Anyone help a brother out? Ill repay next replenish of BTC.

How much would a brother need in bitcoin ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ILikeYou on August 16, 2013, 05:54 pm
Sorry Kalli  :-[ :-[ went off to supermarket  ::) just having a much while checking in lol, i,m good, going out with dogs once i,m stuffed  :P :-*

Its quiet  :P

Yumm i need a munch :)

I need $.8 for shipping. Anyone help a brother out? Ill repay next replenish of BTC.

How much would a brother need in bitcoin ?

0.00817828 Bitcoin
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bolorolo on August 16, 2013, 06:02 pm
Hello Dudes, Friends,  Doctors..

How're you doin here? Is it still spare coin thread or just global chat? :D

I ' m looking for some coins (0.04) because I need to finish my *last order. Pay back tommorow 0.07 or even more when my exchange will pay me.

Please sent them to my SR account - zokas or just into wallet and I deposit them 1DhqvfRrc1wqwnNmV8UA2q1mRPMxzQU5Qv

hey can you please reply to my PM
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on August 16, 2013, 06:03 pm
:) morning lovelies, how is everybody doing?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ILikeYou on August 16, 2013, 06:04 pm
:) morning lovelies, how is everybody doing?

GREAT RS how are you?

Im just looking for some $.80 in BTCs. currently :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bolorolo on August 16, 2013, 06:05 pm
just checking in. figures on my first loan i would lend to someone who doesn't even have the courtesy to reply

am an understanding person, just dont like to be ignored, esp when the account is signing in everyday

zokas where you at?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ILikeYou on August 16, 2013, 06:07 pm
:) morning lovelies, how is everybody doing?

GREAT RS how are you?

Im just looking for some $.80 in BTCs. currently :)

DAMN btc just dropped, now I need $1.00 anyone anyone? Will repay $2.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 16, 2013, 06:08 pm
Hi RS how ya doing hun  :)

I,ll sent you 0.01 ILikeYou  ;) what,s SR name  :)

Who didn,t pay and when did you pm bolorolo
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 16, 2013, 06:11 pm
:) morning lovelies, how is everybody doing?

GREAT RS how are you?

Im just looking for some $.80 in BTCs. currently :)

DAMN btc just dropped, now I need $1.00 anyone anyone? Will repay $2.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ILikeYou on August 16, 2013, 06:12 pm
:) morning lovelies, how is everybody doing?

GREAT RS how are you?

Im just looking for some $.80 in BTCs. currently :)

DAMN btc just dropped, now I need $1.00 anyone anyone? Will repay $2.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 16, 2013, 06:14 pm
:) morning lovelies, how is everybody doing?

GREAT RS how are you?

Im just looking for some $.80 in BTCs. currently :)

DAMN btc just dropped, now I need $1.00 anyone anyone? Will repay $2.

Sent 0.015 if not enough let me know, you should ask in btc  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on August 16, 2013, 06:16 pm
:) morning lovelies, how is everybody doing?

GREAT RS how are you?

Im just looking for some $.80 in BTCs. currently :)

DAMN btc just dropped, now I need $1.00 anyone anyone? Will repay $2.


Sending now bud, sorry took so long had a little "trouble at my door" fucking morons that live down my street  ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on August 16, 2013, 06:17 pm
:) morning lovelies, how is everybody doing?

GREAT RS how are you?

Im just looking for some $.80 in BTCs. currently :)

DAMN btc just dropped, now I need $1.00 anyone anyone? Will repay $2.

Sent 0.015 if not enough let me know, you should ask in btc  ;)

Ahh wait mary has got you yeah ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 16, 2013, 06:19 pm
We wait with baited breath ...... LOL  :) :) Hi Kalli, you good, i,m gonna watch some tv soon  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ILikeYou on August 16, 2013, 06:24 pm
:) morning lovelies, how is everybody doing?

GREAT RS how are you?

Im just looking for some $.80 in BTCs. currently :)

DAMN btc just dropped, now I need $1.00 anyone anyone? Will repay $2.

Sent 0.015 if not enough let me know, you should ask in btc  ;)

Got it! Thanks so much. It was enough! Your the shit!!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 16, 2013, 06:27 pm
Eh...thanks, i think, Lol  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ILikeYou on August 16, 2013, 06:28 pm
:) morning lovelies, how is everybody doing?

GREAT RS how are you?

Im just looking for some $.80 in BTCs. currently :)

DAMN btc just dropped, now I need $1.00 anyone anyone? Will repay $2.

Sent 0.015 if not enough let me know, you should ask in btc  ;)

Ahh wait mary has got you yeah ?

ya Mary got me :) thanks though Kalli
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bolorolo on August 16, 2013, 06:29 pm
Hi RS how ya doing hun  :)

I,ll sent you 0.01 ILikeYou  ;) what,s SR name  :)

Who didn,t pay and when did you pm bolorolo

hi mary
the loan was on aug 8 saying will repay the next day
quoted the post on 8/13 just asking for an update and no reply
pmed wed or thurs very cordially just asking for a timeframe and that i was trying to place an order of my own

i already placed my order so the coins arent an issue for me right now, but obviously in the spirit of this thread i would want the coins to be paid forward to someone that needs them

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MC Haberdasher on August 16, 2013, 06:37 pm
absolute latest.

Thanks in advance!

0.02 heading your way, just to make sure.

Hope everyones doing good today?!, i don't have to work today so i know i am :).

Got you back, dog..  Or cat.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 16, 2013, 06:40 pm
@ bolorolo....Yeah or sent back to you!

RS.. can you put Zokas on the shitlist, can you confirm this is the right person bolorolo  ;) Thanks RS, how ya doing  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ppanth on August 16, 2013, 06:55 pm
Hi all! Hope everyone is good on this Friday!!!

Just wanted to say hey, and I locked myself out of my original forum account yesterday :( Just being secure and changing up passwords, and like a dumbass, I used a weird one.

Ah well, at least I didnt mess up the sr account..

Oh and sr username figaro never paid me back from like 2 weeks ago..I had a message last week saying one more day, and then nothing. I think he borrowed from someone else here too, if anyone remembers he may well be deserving of the shit list too..

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 16, 2013, 06:58 pm
Hi all! Hope everyone is good on this Friday!!!

Just wanted to say hey, and I locked myself out of my original forum account yesterday :( Just being secure and changing up passwords, and like a dumbass, I used a weird one.

Ah well, at least I didnt mess up the sr account..

Oh and sr username figaro never paid me back from like 2 weeks ago..I had a message last week saying one more day, and then nothing. I think he borrowed from someone else here too, if anyone remembers he may well be deserving of the shit list too..
Thats strange..mind I sent him the 0.02 by mistake, wll he sent it back so fuck knows on that one but if he owes you and not paid back he,ll go on shitlist so pm and tell them last chance!!  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bolorolo on August 16, 2013, 07:07 pm
@ bolorolo....Yeah or sent back to you!

RS.. can you put Zokas on the shitlist, can you confirm this is the right person bolorolo  ;) Thanks RS, how ya doing  ;)

@mary, yes the confirmed username is 'zokas'

thanks :) have an awesome weekend
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 16, 2013, 07:19 pm
You too hun  ;)

Can you  put Zokum on the shitlist please RS or Chem or Boxy lol  ;) Hugs to ya,s  :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on August 16, 2013, 07:21 pm
@ bolorolo....Yeah or sent back to you!

RS.. can you put Zokas on the shitlist, can you confirm this is the right person bolorolo  ;) Thanks RS, how ya doing  ;)
:) doing not bad, how you been hun, long time no (hugs) :P

also, I stopped having anything todo with the list since it went to just being a shit list :-\

anyway much love to y'all.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ppanth on August 16, 2013, 07:22 pm
I checked again and pm' will see..he paid back like a quarter of it, but then no more, so IDK, its not much ..unless you happen to be short
But I cant imagine anyone wants to loan out to someone when they dont even pay back .02..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mazzarmazzar on August 16, 2013, 07:41 pm

Sorry to have to ask

But any chance of 0.04 btc didnt figure postage when buying coin.

I can return within 7 days
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: colorblack on August 16, 2013, 08:38 pm
Anyone short like .50 cents? Got some spare change lying around in my account. No need for it today. Just shoot me a PM.. .53 cents to anyone who's short and needs (yes yes I know.. a whole WHOPPING 53 cents!)  :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: titoprince on August 16, 2013, 09:12 pm

I have .0019 for anyone who is seriously strapped for...idk how much that is, but I think it's next to nothing.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChronicDemon on August 16, 2013, 09:54 pm
If anyone could hook a fella up with about 20$ i'd be more than willing to payback 30 later next week when i buy more bitcoins.

Im 20$ shy of getting a half oz of some primo buds :3

Thanks in advance!

( Can also offer you some custom artwork aswell in exchange for a little bit of help! PM me if you're interested )

SR name is XtremeChronic
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MC Haberdasher on August 16, 2013, 10:06 pm

Sorry to have to ask

But any chance of 0.04 btc didnt figure postage when buying coin.

I can return within 7 days

What is your SR name, I have .03 left you can have.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 16, 2013, 10:13 pm
                                                  :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) ##When requesting, post your SR name## SO WE KNOW WHERE TO SEND IT TO.  DON'T ASSUME WE KNOW. ##  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7)## DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. ## >:(  ##Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due. ##
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.
                                                           Reserved For Notes

*Make sure when adding a name to the list that you add both their forum name AND their SR username. Thank you.


The shit list:
i3lazd                      <----  (NEVER LEND-Perma-Banned-From This Thread)
King Karma
Zokas  ++++

 *^*Do Not Lend to These People*^*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 16, 2013, 10:19 pm
also, I stopped having anything todo with the list since it went to just being a shit list :-\

Yea, I agree with both points of view of to have the list and not to have the list.  I didn't know it would demotivate you if it was removed though.  :(  Sorry man.

Hugs anyway.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mazzarmazzar on August 16, 2013, 10:24 pm

Sorry to have to ask

But any chance of 0.04 btc didnt figure postage when buying coin.

I can return within 7 days

What is your SR name, I have .03 left you can have.

Thanks man its same as forum name!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MC Haberdasher on August 16, 2013, 10:54 pm

Sorry to have to ask

But any chance of 0.04 btc didnt figure postage when buying coin.

I can return within 7 days

What is your SR name, I have .03 left you can have.

Thanks man its same as forum name!!

Sent over to you, dog.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: fuckoffehbuddy on August 17, 2013, 12:58 am
literally like $.06 short that's cent not bitcoins any have a dime to spare trying to get some 2cb for the first time
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: fuckoffehbuddy on August 17, 2013, 12:59 am
literally like $.06 short that's cent not bitcoins any have a dime to spare trying to get some 2cb for the first time
oh yeah this may help:

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChronicDemon on August 17, 2013, 02:18 am
D: Still in need of a 20$ BTC Loan.
Will payback with interest at the end of next week when i get my order of bitcoins in.

To be exact i need about 0.18 BTC more so i can purchase an half OZ of Border bud :c
Whoever loans me the coin will get 25$ in BTC on 8/23/13 ( next friday )

( buying weed on a budget sucks )
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on August 17, 2013, 03:21 am
also, I stopped having anything todo with the list since it went to just being a shit list :-\

Yea, I agree with both points of view of to have the list and not to have the list.  I didn't know it would demotivate you if it was removed though.  :(  Sorry man.

Hugs anyway.
:) its all good

literally like $.06 short that's cent not bitcoins any have a dime to spare trying to get some 2cb for the first time
whats your SR name :P?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bruins419 on August 17, 2013, 04:13 am
I have .0244 bitcoins left that i don't need. i know its a miniscule amount, but if it can help someone that will make me happy. if anyone is in need just post here or send me a pm and they are yours.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bruins419 on August 17, 2013, 04:23 am
Just want to follow up that i sent the coins to someone so they are gone. Have a good wknd everyone
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: infamousjj on August 17, 2013, 05:55 am
I got it taken care of, disregard this post.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: darkmagic65 on August 17, 2013, 05:58 am
needing 12.50 to try 1g of shrooms with my friend for the first time i only have 3.98 right now


thanks...if i get any more ill pay it back
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: titicacanari on August 17, 2013, 07:31 am
Hello Community,

3 days ago i was short and nobody could help so i had to wait to place my order. Now i'll be positive and try to forget about it while helping at first.

Quote from: ChronicDemon
D: Still in need of a 20$ BTC Loan.
Will payback with interest at the end of next week when i get my order of bitcoins in.

To be exact i need about 0.18 BTC more so i can purchase an half OZ of Border bud :c
Whoever loans me the coin will get 25$ in BTC on 8/23/13 ( next friday )

( buying weed on a budget sucks )
What's your SR username ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: titicacanari on August 17, 2013, 07:42 am
needing 12.50 to try 1g of shrooms with my friend for the first time i only have 3.98 right now


thanks...if i get any more ill pay it back
Hello. It's not much but i sent you the 0,009 btc i had left. Hope it helps.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on August 17, 2013, 07:55 am
Got you back, dog..  Or cat.

got it, thanks for the dollar you throw in.
  /}_{\           /.-'
 ( a a )-.___...-'/
 ==._.==         ;
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Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 17, 2013, 09:59 am
Just want to follow up that i sent the coins to someone so they are gone. Have a good wknd everyone
If this person does not pay you back there is no record of them on this thread so no shitlist for them eh  ::)

$20 loan (and you got it) Chronicdemon, seems a lot to ask unless your a reg loaner on this thread!!

People are asking for pennies and others offering them if they send a pm??!!! Read the fuckin rules, they,re on page 1 and plenty inbetween otherwise this thread will go to fuck!! THANKYOU.  :)

RS, Hun  :-* huge hugs to you and boxy, its shit that i keep missing you guys, i miss the days gone by on here  :( we had some banter and just reading all you guys through your 5-10 pages next morning, all the regs chatting but here for anyone in need, oh i miss it  ;) I miss Japan as i,m sure you guys do, although he,s great, he sounded happy in his pm  ;D I know Chems busy too  :( I,m getting all emotional lol  ;)

Hello to everyone else, hope your all great, Dr Walt, jonny, kalli, Murda, Darktime, Staind, oh I couldn,t name you all if i tried lol hope your all having a fun weekend, shitty rain here today but got smoke, would be ultra great if my canadian bud come today  ;) :-*

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChronicDemon on August 17, 2013, 10:22 am
Actually mary, I didnt receive any coins yet.

And to be clear, i use to be a SR member of this website until i forgot my password.

You can even look up my old profile.


I've been apart of this community going on 2 years now, so i would appreciate less attitude. Thank you :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 17, 2013, 12:39 pm
Actually mary, I didnt receive any coins yet.

And to be clear, i use to be a SR member of this website until i forgot my password.

You can even look up my old profile.


I've been apart of this community going on 2 years now, so i would appreciate less attitude. Thank you :D
I,m not giving attitude just trying to get people to read the rules, and if you,ve been a member that long you,ll know $20 is quite a lot to ask anyway. And if loans aren,t kept on the thread then there,s no record of it so just letting that member know  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: fuckoffehbuddy on August 17, 2013, 01:25 pm
literally like $.06 short that's cent not bitcoins any have a dime to spare trying to get some 2cb for the first time
oh yeah this may help:

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Alighier on August 17, 2013, 02:16 pm
Just popping in to say Jugs is fine by me. If they had asked before I would have put some coin into their account to help further but for now, you don't owe me anything, brother

Which means I should ask- what do I owe you, staind?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on August 17, 2013, 02:17 pm
                                                  :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) ##When requesting, post your SR name## SO WE KNOW WHERE TO SEND IT TO.  DON'T ASSUME WE KNOW. ##  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7)## DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. ## >:(  ##Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due. ##
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.
                                                           Reserved For Notes

*Make sure when adding a name to the list that you add both their forum name AND their SR username. Thank you.


The shit list:
i3lazd                      <----  (NEVER LEND-Perma-Banned-From This Thread)
King Karma
Zokas  ++++

 *^*Do Not Lend to These People*^*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on August 17, 2013, 02:18 pm
literally like $.06 short that's cent not bitcoins any have a dime to spare trying to get some 2cb for the first time
oh yeah this may help:


I got you brother, what is your SR username?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on August 17, 2013, 02:57 pm
Just popping in to say Jugs is fine by me. If they had asked before I would have put some coin into their account to help further but for now, you don't owe me anything, brother

Which means I should ask- what do I owe you, staind?

hey. Dunno.

Just checked Account history and it says 0.10 - 0.02.....but i f i remember correctly you sent me 0.02xxx and it doesn't show the next digits

whatever, I'm fine with 0.07
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ulker on August 17, 2013, 04:48 pm
Hello All,  ladies & boys,

Please let me join Your family :)
it is first time I am asking here, today I will ask. Tomorrow I will help someone.

Currently, I need 0.02Btc loan. Who able to help just send them to my account - ulker
Will pay back 0.04 tommorow (twice! for the first time)

need 0.02, nickname ulker
payback 0.04 tomorrow.


post here who helps.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: darkmagic65 on August 17, 2013, 05:39 pm
Im stilll needing 11.50 to try 1g of shrooms between me and my friend if anyone could help me out it would be very nice ive never tripped before i will pay it back whenever i get some spare coins after
 here is my wallet ..


thank you!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChronicDemon on August 17, 2013, 05:47 pm
Loan needed : 0.20 BTC
Payback Date:  8/23/13
Payback amount : 0.25 btc
SR Screen name : XtremeChronic
What is the loan for ? : To help pay for a little bit of cheap weed.
What else can i offer along with payment? : Custom Graphic Artwork.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mazzarmazzar on August 17, 2013, 05:52 pm

You still in need?

Also messaged MC to repay the 0.3 he lent me
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on August 17, 2013, 07:03 pm
Just want to follow up that i sent the coins to someone so they are gone. Have a good wknd everyone
If this person does not pay you back there is no record of them on this thread so no shitlist for them eh  ::)

$20 loan (and you got it) Chronicdemon, seems a lot to ask unless your a reg loaner on this thread!!

People are asking for pennies and others offering them if they send a pm??!!! Read the fuckin rules, they,re on page 1 and plenty inbetween otherwise this thread will go to fuck!! THANKYOU.  :)

RS, Hun  :-* huge hugs to you and boxy, its shit that i keep missing you guys, i miss the days gone by on here  :( we had some banter and just reading all you guys through your 5-10 pages next morning, all the regs chatting but here for anyone in need, oh i miss it  ;) I miss Japan as i,m sure you guys do, although he,s great, he sounded happy in his pm  ;D I know Chems busy too  :( I,m getting all emotional lol  ;)

Hello to everyone else, hope your all great, Dr Walt, jonny, kalli, Murda, Darktime, Staind, oh I couldn,t name you all if i tried lol hope your all having a fun weekend, shitty rain here today but got smoke, would be ultra great if my canadian bud come today  ;) :-*

:P (hugs) back! yeah, I know what you mean.. was good times :) but glad to hear jmans good, been wondering bout him sent him a PM but he never responded.. enjoy that canadian goodness hun.. 

ps. where all the family members at? ::) much love to y'all
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on August 17, 2013, 07:05 pm
literally like $.06 short that's cent not bitcoins any have a dime to spare trying to get some 2cb for the first time
oh yeah this may help:

also, I stopped having anything todo with the list since it went to just being a shit list :-\

Yea, I agree with both points of view of to have the list and not to have the list.  I didn't know it would demotivate you if it was removed though.  :(  Sorry man.

Hugs anyway.
:) its all good

literally like $.06 short that's cent not bitcoins any have a dime to spare trying to get some 2cb for the first time
whats your SR name :P?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ulker on August 17, 2013, 07:17 pm

You still in need?

Also messaged MC to repay the 0.3 he lent me

Yes, I am still in need. I messaged You:)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ulker on August 17, 2013, 07:21 pm
Hello All,  ladies & boys,

Please let me join Your family :)
it is first time I am asking here, today I will ask. Tomorrow I will help someone.

Currently, I need 0.02Btc loan. Who able to help just send them to my account - ulker
Will pay back 0.04 tommorow (twice! for the first time)

need 0.02, nickname ulker
payback 0.04 tomorrow.


post here who helps.

will up this topic))
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mazzarmazzar on August 17, 2013, 07:32 pm

Sent u the 0.02
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on August 17, 2013, 08:07 pm
Quote from: mazzarmazzar

Sent u the 0.02

+1 Karma to ya @ mazzarmazzar   


Peace to ya  :)

ChemCat  O0

RS brother, i sent ya a msg, please let me know when to bring that back  ;)

Love & Hugs from Me to you All  8)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: fuckoffehbuddy on August 17, 2013, 08:08 pm
literally like $.06 short that's cent not bitcoins any have a dime to spare trying to get some 2cb for the first time
oh yeah this may help:


I got you brother, what is your SR username?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: darkmagic65 on August 17, 2013, 09:25 pm
still needing help to get 0.1150 this is my only time im going to need a loan here i will pay it back over time..

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mazzarmazzar on August 17, 2013, 09:34 pm
still needing help to get 0.1150 this is my only time im going to need a loan here i will pay it back over time..


No offense to you but 0.11 is a larger loan that most ask for and at this point having checked your forum posts they are either in free sample threads or spamming to 50 thread.

I hope you get your loan but I cannot offer im afraid
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jonnybones on August 17, 2013, 09:55 pm
Hi everyone.......Mary66 ;D, Chem :), Kalli, ::) Murder :o, Dan 8) and everyone else, hope everyone is great.... few days in no mans land for mr bones.  I hate hospitals.. Back with battery charged and good to go.  My phrase for today.......'In Transit'.   Ahh sunday if the mail was delivered today it would make sunday just perfect.    ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 17, 2013, 09:59 pm
Hi guys, how is everyone doing today? Doing my routine stop and wave.

I have to say thank you one more time to those of you that have had some serious patience and understanding in me.

You guys are the best, and not just because you lent me coin, but because I feel like I am part of a family!
Staind, Mary, Alighier, RS7, Boxy, Haberdasher, Alagandar, Chemy, You all rock!

So here is a big shoutout to everyone mentioned and to some of you that I forgot to mention.

Hugs from Juggs! 8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on August 17, 2013, 09:59 pm
Welcome back and heal up jonnybones  :)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: fuckoffehbuddy on August 17, 2013, 10:15 pm
just wanted to thank the generous bunch we have here seriously 10 fuckin cent and no one whatever motherfuckers
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on August 17, 2013, 10:24 pm
literally like $.06 short that's cent not bitcoins any have a dime to spare trying to get some 2cb for the first time
oh yeah this may help:



I got you brother, what is your SR username?

motherfuckers huh?   Looks like ya were taken care of....and read the fucking Rules  :)

Silk Road Screen name...not your SR wallet addy....  (Rolls Eyes)



Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChronicDemon on August 17, 2013, 10:25 pm
i have 0.04 available to loan out ;3

lemmie know if anyone needs some help.

( i dont need my loan anymore, i bought more coins about an hour ago thanks to a refund i got. So i have 4$ left over from my order )
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jonnybones on August 17, 2013, 10:29 pm
just wanted to thank the generous bunch we have here seriously 10 fuckin cent and no one whatever motherfuckers

serious not necessary in this thread dude.. sunday morning here, just logged on , said my hello's and was going through seeing who needed some coin.  Have just helped one dude out and saw you'd already been helped.  Putting people down in this thread will get you nowhere.  So fuckoffehbuddy.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: fuckoffehbuddy on August 17, 2013, 10:30 pm
literally like $.06 short that's cent not bitcoins any have a dime to spare trying to get some 2cb for the first time
oh yeah this may help:



I got you brother, what is your SR username?

motherfuckers huh?   Looks like ya were taken care of....and read the fucking Rules  :)

Silk Road Screen name...not your SR wallet addy....  (Rolls Eyes)



if you would've looked at the times numbnuts you would've seen the message was several hours until my reply and he didn't send shit jackass so b4 you make smart ass comments get your shit together first jackass
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: fuckoffehbuddy on August 17, 2013, 10:32 pm
just wanted to thank the generous bunch we have here seriously 10 fuckin cent and no one whatever motherfuckers

serious not necessary in this thread dude.. sunday morning here, just logged on , said my hello's and was going through seeing who needed some coin.  Have just helped one dude out and saw you'd already been helped.  Putting people down in this thread will get you nowhere.  So fuckoffehbuddy.
dude never sent me coin asshole fuck you no 1 did hence the generous response so fuck yourself
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on August 17, 2013, 10:34 pm
Oh, now i'm a jackass according to you  (Rolls eyes)  There was no need for you to be Impatient then call us "motherfuckers"  seriously, i would have gave it to you...until i seen that...oh well...



Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mazzarmazzar on August 17, 2013, 10:36 pm
Hahaha I love the aggressive response!

Good way to get coins. Patience....
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on August 17, 2013, 10:37 pm
Well that's a nice attitude to have  ;D

Can't ya be somewhat polite and be patient and a little respectful? 

These things go farther than being an Asshole  (Rolls Eyes)

Peace  ;D


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChronicDemon on August 17, 2013, 10:37 pm
Yea, i was just about to send him some to until i read all this shit.

You need to relax dude. noone here is required to give you coins, And even then, its Saturday, so even if you put in an order today, you wouldnt get it for a few days anyway.

So you being impatient doesn't help.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jonnybones on August 17, 2013, 10:39 pm
just wanted to thank the generous bunch we have here seriously 10 fuckin cent and no one whatever motherfuckers

serious not necessary in this thread dude.. sunday morning here, just logged on , said my hello's and was going through seeing who needed some coin.  Have just helped one dude out and saw you'd already been helped.  Putting people down in this thread will get you nowhere.  So fuckoffehbuddy.
dude never sent me coin asshole fuck you no 1 did hence the generous response so fuck yourself
Ok my friend, and I hope you have a great day..... I'm sure your luck will improve soon.  I dont like to quote my own signature however in this case its just fitting....'Never underestimate the predictability of stupidity'
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on August 18, 2013, 01:01 am
anybody have a coin or two they'll lend for about a week? I'd like to restock some bulk molly :) will repay with extra
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: odd on August 18, 2013, 01:11 am
Hey everyone once again I've come up a coupe dollars short for my order is anyone willing to spare .06 BTC  until tuesday?  SR: odd
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 18, 2013, 01:26 am
I would love to help someone out, but I only have 0.0022 left. that's like ~$0.25
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ppanth on August 18, 2013, 02:20 am
Hey everyone once again I've come up a coupe dollars short for my order is anyone willing to spare .06 BTC  until tuesday?  SR: odd

still need help?
I am gonna be around for a few..I have .0541..happy to loan til tuesday..if ya need it still.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: odd on August 18, 2013, 03:29 am
Hey everyone once again I've come up a coupe dollars short for my order is anyone willing to spare .06 BTC  until tuesday?  SR: odd

still need help?
I am gonna be around for a few..I have .0541..happy to loan til tuesday..if ya need it still.

I do, if you can help out i'll be forever grateful
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ppanth on August 18, 2013, 04:35 am
Hey everyone once again I've come up a coupe dollars short for my order is anyone willing to spare .06 BTC  until tuesday?  SR: odd

still need help?
I am gonna be around for a few..I have .0541..happy to loan til tuesday..if ya need it still.

I do, if you can help out i'll be forever grateful

sending now!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: truestorytrust on August 18, 2013, 04:52 am
ya know it's sad and I still agree with lending out coin if I have it to spare but I've loaned out to three people and never received nothing back and one of them was quite high and that's sad because I could have loaned out to three other people who probably would've kept there word and payed back, I'm not here to pay for peoples drug habit.  I'm not gonna call anybody out cause it's not my style, maybe you will see this post and keep your word man up and pay back, but if I see any of you three that I loaned coin to on here peddling again and haven't payed me back I will put you on blast with our fellow SR's.  All a man has in this world is his word and his balls and I don't breakem for nobody. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 18, 2013, 05:59 am
ya know it's sad and I still agree with lending out coin if I have it to spare but I've loaned out to three people and never received nothing back and one of them was quite high and that's sad because I could have loaned out to three other people who probably would've kept there word and payed back, I'm not here to pay for peoples drug habit.  I'm not gonna call anybody out cause it's not my style, maybe you will see this post and keep your word man up and pay back, but if I see any of you three that I loaned coin to on here peddling again and haven't payed me back I will put you on blast with our fellow SR's.  All a man has in this world is his word and his balls and I don't breakem for nobody.

It sucks man.  I know.  I think I've lost around ~.25 this lending round that I will never see again.  It won't stop me from trying to find a way to help, but still damn it.

I just try to take the point of view that it is a tithe.  It may not come back to you in the form of BTC but it will find a way.  It's happened! 

Thanks for tryin anyway...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: VHSplayer on August 18, 2013, 06:03 am
ya know it's sad and I still agree with lending out coin if I have it to spare but I've loaned out to three people and never received nothing back and one of them was quite high and that's sad because I could have loaned out to three other people who probably would've kept there word and payed back, I'm not here to pay for peoples drug habit.  I'm not gonna call anybody out cause it's not my style, maybe you will see this post and keep your word man up and pay back, but if I see any of you three that I loaned coin to on here peddling again and haven't payed me back I will put you on blast with our fellow SR's.  All a man has in this world is his word and his balls and I don't breakem for nobody.

Sorry to hear this. Just have faith in karma. It might not come back around fast, but it eventually will and you will prosper from it in whatever form it is in.

Best wishes  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChronicDemon on August 18, 2013, 06:09 am
0.0064 AVAILABLE to anyone who's short about 65 cents lol.

I will have more to lend out on Tuesday when the PIN lock on my old account is lifted.

( ancientX0 ) is back
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 18, 2013, 10:05 am
Hi All  :) Looks like i missed everyone again  ::) hope everyone,s good today, nice quiet Sunday  :)

@RS..Japan msg me on SR a while ago now, he,s good, busy, not heard from him for a bit, will msg him soon  ;) hugs to ya hun  :-* and Chemmy (I,m gonna pm you hun). :-*

You having a restful Sunday johnny, i hope your good hun  ;) :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 18, 2013, 01:45 pm
Tell em I said hey and we miss him mary!  Have a peaceful 7th day!

Thanks for helpin cronic!  Hope you are well Jonny!

This is one more sentence in my post for the spare coin thread!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ppanth on August 18, 2013, 02:56 pm
Hey all! I am tapped out til odd pays back or the end of this week, and figaro never messaged does suck when you loan out and people dont pay back..but there are people who do, so IDK, I would guess it all works out somehow.

Anyhow hope we all have a good day!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on August 18, 2013, 04:38 pm
Quote from: truestorytrust
ya know it's sad and I still agree with lending out coin if I have it to spare but I've loaned out to three people and never received nothing back and one of them was quite high and that's sad because I could have loaned out to three other people who probably would've kept there word and payed back, I'm not here to pay for peoples drug habit.  I'm not gonna call anybody out cause it's not my style, maybe you will see this post and keep your word man up and pay back, but if I see any of you three that I loaned coin to on here peddling again and haven't payed me back I will put you on blast with our fellow SR's.  All a man has in this world is his word and his balls and I don't breakem for nobody.

I know what ya mean ???

I've lost about 2 bitcoins to deadbeats :(

Never Lend more than you're comfortable with Losing  ;) 
Sometimes we just have to take others at face Value and sometimes that pays off and we form some good friendships with Trustworthy people  ;)

I hope ya get back what you've lent out :)

Peace & Hugs,


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on August 18, 2013, 04:41 pm
Heya Boxy  :)

Hugs to ya, my Friend  8)

how've things been goin in your world?

Peace, Love & Hugs,


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 18, 2013, 04:48 pm
Hi Chemmy  ;D :-*  Hi Boxy  ;D :-* How you guys doing?

Huge hugs to ya,s  :) :-* Just enjoying after dinner spliff n read  ::) :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 18, 2013, 05:23 pm
 :'( No One,s here again  :'(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: truestorytrust on August 18, 2013, 05:34 pm
Quote from: truestorytrust
ya know it's sad and I still agree with lending out coin if I have it to spare but I've loaned out to three people and never received nothing back and one of them was quite high and that's sad because I could have loaned out to three other people who probably would've kept there word and payed back, I'm not here to pay for peoples drug habit.  I'm not gonna call anybody out cause it's not my style, maybe you will see this post and keep your word man up and pay back, but if I see any of you three that I loaned coin to on here peddling again and haven't payed me back I will put you on blast with our fellow SR's.  All a man has in this world is his word and his balls and I don't breakem for nobody.

I know what ya mean ???

I've lost about 2 bitcoins to deadbeats :(

Never Lend more than you're comfortable with Losing  ;) 
Sometimes we just have to take others at face Value and sometimes that pays off and we form some good friendships with Trustworthy people  ;)

I hope ya get back what you've lent out :)

Peace & Hugs,



ya I never give out or front out more than I could afford to lose, just sad to see when people beg but don't keep there word, that really get's to me.  But I don't let the small actions of a few change the person I am or dictate my actions I will still do as I always do and try to help people in some sort of way like I always have in life.  I'm a true believer in karma....
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: odd on August 18, 2013, 05:37 pm
Hey all! I am tapped out til odd pays back or the end of this week, and figaro never messaged does suck when you loan out and people dont pay back..but there are people who do, so IDK, I would guess it all works out somehow.

Anyhow hope we all have a good day!

Thanks Ppanth!  and don't worry brother I'll hit you back on Tuesday.  I always pay back my loans and on time.  If you just look through my posts you'll see that :)  Thanks again friend you're a lifesaver!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Skinnyman on August 18, 2013, 06:05 pm
Hey everyone, This is a great idea for a thread i thought to myself last week a thread like this would be a good idea, as i regularly have spare BTC (roughly 1p-£5)after making purchases and i dont mind helping genuine people out if the favor was returned in some way or another. (no sexual favors)

I may have some spare 2moro, ill see whats left and leave a comment..

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: foxen624 on August 18, 2013, 06:11 pm
Hello all..  (again).   Seems I tried sitting up some nights ago to say "hi", but apparently that didn't agree with me too well, so it was short and probably not so sweet.  But, I think  that awful whatever it was is finally really over.... after having noticed that I missed like 9 days out of my life to some hideous "bug" that came out of nowhere!  Wouldn't wish that on anyone in he world!

Anyway, just got on here a short while ago and just gravitated along toward this thread so even though I don't have much in the way of coin right now, got 0.0147 to be exact, if that would help anyone out...  I don't plan on any more sudden disappearances anytime soon ( I certainly hope not!).  So, hit me up if you need a small amount of coin and if not, well...  just had to say hello!  ;)

Hope everyone's doing alright or better :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mazzarmazzar on August 18, 2013, 06:17 pm
Just to note I repayed MC Haberdasher the 0.3 btc

Thanks man that helped alot.

Im glad to see some good guys on this thread as we have all been short and it sucks needing to ask but whats worse is getting shit for asking.

I like to have faith in people so its nice to help each other out and see others do the same here!!

Im also very high so may be rambling!!!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: foxen624 on August 18, 2013, 06:27 pm
Quote from: truestorytrust
ya know it's sad and I still agree with lending out coin if I have it to spare but I've loaned out to three people and never received nothing back and one of them was quite high and that's sad because I could have loaned out to three other people who probably would've kept there word and payed back, I'm not here to pay for peoples drug habit.  I'm not gonna call anybody out cause it's not my style, maybe you will see this post and keep your word man up and pay back, but if I see any of you three that I loaned coin to on here peddling again and haven't payed me back I will put you on blast with our fellow SR's.  All a man has in this world is his word and his balls and I don't breakem for nobody.

I know what ya mean ???

I've lost about 2 bitcoins to deadbeats :(

Never Lend more than you're comfortable with Losing  ;) 
Sometimes we just have to take others at face Value and sometimes that pays off and we form some good friendships with Trustworthy people  ;)

I hope ya get back what you've lent out :)

Peace & Hugs,



ya I never give out or front out more than I could afford to lose, just sad to see when people beg but don't keep there word, that really get's to me.  But I don't let the small actions of a few change the person I am or dictate my actions I will still do as I always do and try to help people in some sort of way like I always have in life.  I'm a true believer in karma....

truestorytrust, I feel the exact same way as you...  I also know that Karma doesn't really come from people in a forum... it comes from a much more important place, wherever that may be.   But for now, since I really loved your comment... I give you a +1 anyway ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on August 18, 2013, 06:41 pm
HI guys and girls :D

can someone spare me 0.0149 btc please

hate sundays :(


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 18, 2013, 06:45 pm
Hi Darktime  :) sent 0.02  ;) hope your good  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: VHSplayer on August 18, 2013, 06:46 pm
HI guys and girls :D

can someone spare me 0.0149 btc please

hate sundays :(


HI guys and girls :D

can someone spare me 0.0149 btc please

hate sundays :(



0.0149BTC sent to Darktime @ eddyboy666 - 8/18/2013

Please contact me back when you are able to pay me back.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 18, 2013, 06:59 pm
Hey Hey family! how is this wonderful sunday treating you all?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on August 18, 2013, 07:00 pm
:) morning y'all, (hugs)

thank you again chem! ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Rocknessie on August 18, 2013, 07:22 pm

I could do with a very small loan, 0.01 BTC

If anyone could help please PM me here or on SR (same username).

Will pay you back next time I put BTCs in to the account but it might be a week or two. (But it's not THAT much is it?).
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: foxen624 on August 18, 2013, 07:44 pm

I could do with a very small loan, 0.01 BTC

If anyone could help please PM me here or on SR (same username).

Will pay you back next time I put BTCs in to the account but it might be a week or two. (But it's not THAT much is it?).

Yeah....  I gotcha covered.  Pay back when you can. ;)  I'll send it to you in a minute...   
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: foxen624 on August 18, 2013, 07:50 pm
Sent 0.01 to ya Rocknessie :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on August 18, 2013, 07:51 pm
Thankyou both for the lend which left me over what I needed so I sent you both 0.01 btc back which leaves VHSplayer 0.0049 and mary 0.01

Im feeling good thx mary.dropped an E earlier and had some beers in the sun with some good company so Im just gonna have half a g of gear to relax on now :D

Hope your all good :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Rocknessie on August 18, 2013, 08:00 pm
Sent 0.01 to ya Rocknessie :)

Thanks. You just made the difference between me getting a 4th gram of weed instead of just 3. It's for a few friends coming over the weekend, so we'll be sure to toast your good health!!

Have a +1 for now.

Repayment should be quicker than I thought, friends are chipping-in for a DaggaCouple order so it should just be a day or two.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MC Haberdasher on August 18, 2013, 08:07 pm
Just to note I repayed MC Haberdasher the 0.3 btc

Thanks man that helped alot.

Im glad to see some good guys on this thread as we have all been short and it sucks needing to ask but whats worse is getting shit for asking.

I like to have faith in people so its nice to help each other out and see others do the same here!!

Im also very high so may be rambling!!!!

It's all good, dawg.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: VHSplayer on August 18, 2013, 08:11 pm
Thankyou both for the lend which left me over what I needed so I sent you both 0.01 btc back which leaves VHSplayer 0.0049 and mary 0.01

Im feeling good thx mary.dropped an E earlier and had some beers in the sun with some good company so Im just gonna have half a g of gear to relax on now :D

Hope your all good :D

Cheers Darktime! No rush on the last 0.0049, just drop me a message whenever you get it sent.

Enjoy the rest of your day  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on August 18, 2013, 08:17 pm
And dont forget folks.When I post 500,whoever spots it first and pms me where and when the saw get a free E!!!!!!! :D :D 8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: foxen624 on August 18, 2013, 08:21 pm
@Rocknessie not a problem.  Glad I could help!If you can repay sooner...  I got no problem with that.  If later..   that's fine too ;D

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: anonypunk on August 18, 2013, 08:30 pm
And dont forget folks.When I post 500,whoever spots it first and pms me where and when the saw get a free E!!!!!!! :D :D 8)

Whoa. Now I'm chicken hawking your posts. J/K I wonder if I can even roll any more?

On another Note: Hey Folks! Hope everyone is doing good, hanging in there, keeping those spirits high!. And staying high. =P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: heyrebel on August 18, 2013, 10:16 pm
Hey Folks,

I am in need of a few bucks (0.02 btc) to pay for an order, can anyone help me out? I'll be depositing again next week so i can get it back to you in a few days without issue.

Msg me here or find me under the same name (heyrebel).

Much Love and Respect
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: safeonion on August 18, 2013, 11:00 pm
I really need 0.1 btc, a goodhearted guy out there?  :'(

Username: safeonion

Gonna payback in the beginning of next mounth  ???
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on August 18, 2013, 11:31 pm
Hey Folks,

I am in need of a few bucks (0.02 btc) to pay for an order, can anyone help me out? I'll be depositing again next week so i can get it back to you in a few days without issue.

Msg me here or find me under the same name (heyrebel).

Much Love and Respect

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: heyrebel on August 19, 2013, 12:21 am
Hey Folks,

I am in need of a few bucks (0.02 btc) to pay for an order, can anyone help me out? I'll be depositing again next week so i can get it back to you in a few days without issue.

Msg me here or find me under the same name (heyrebel).

Much Love and Respect


Much Thanks bro!! You'll get it back a week from today.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: aussiepp on August 19, 2013, 01:02 am
Hey guys.

I'm roughly 0.02 BTC short of my order :(

Can anyone help me out? Will repay on next deposit, in like a week or 2.

PM me :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on August 19, 2013, 01:12 am
Hey guys.

I'm roughly 0.02 BTC short of my order :(

Can anyone help me out? Will repay on next deposit, in like a week or 2.

PM me :)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on August 19, 2013, 01:31 am
Tell em I said hey and we miss him mary!  Have a peaceful 7th day!

Thanks for helpin cronic!  Hope you are well Jonny!

This is one more sentence in my post for the spare coin thread!

Just payed back the .05 you lent me sorry took a few weeks im still waiting for the others to pay me back and had a nice week holiday payed for by corrective services on a side note RS7 payed back his /her loan with interest
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 19, 2013, 01:40 am
Just payed back the .05 you lent me sorry took a few weeks im still waiting for the others to pay me back and had a nice week holiday payed for by corrective services on a side note RS7 payed back his /her loan with interest

Corrective services?  That doesn't sound like a holiday? 

um... thanks for putting the shapes back in the box.  Hope it helped.  Take care
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dirtybiscuitzz718 on August 19, 2013, 02:31 am
Hey Shapester, just wanted to say hello :) Hope all is well.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 19, 2013, 04:09 am
Hey man!  Best wishes.  Will let you know when I have a special occasion.  It just hasn't been timed right!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: dirtybiscuitzz718 on August 19, 2013, 06:24 am

In due time im sure, my friend. Much love.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jonnybones on August 19, 2013, 07:25 am
Tell em I said hey and we miss him mary!  Have a peaceful 7th day!

Thanks for helpin cronic!  Hope you are well Jonny!

This is one more sentence in my post for the spare coin thread!

I am well thanks Box.. and improving by the minute right now.   I hope you've had a great day along with everyone I keep missing.. Marry, Chem... everyone.....
Shit Cryngie.. dude, I was hoping it wouldn't be too long before we heard from you again... good to see you mate.  I hope all is ok bro...   
I'm a pm away if you want a chat mate
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: illmotions on August 19, 2013, 07:53 am
Hi there any kind soul able to spot me 0.085 btc? would be much appreciated. I got scammed by that benzoking asshole so its put me back till beginning of next month. will be able to reimburse around the 3rd

Thanks in advance to whoever is able to help me out. ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: illmotions on August 19, 2013, 07:54 am
sr name: illmotions808
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 19, 2013, 08:06 am
 :'( :'( :'( Fuckin shity loan company took £69 out my bank for looking at a loan, 2nd week in a row, i,m fucked  :'( :'( :'(

I don,t want a loan of coins just letting people know don,t even apply, i didn,t take a loan but was still charged, bank can do nothing, be careful  ;)

Thanks for your pm jonny, your a diamond  ;) :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jonnybones on August 19, 2013, 09:34 am
:'( :'( :'( Fuckin shity loan company took £69 out my bank for looking at a loan, 2nd week in a row, i,m fucked  :'( :'( :'(

I don,t want a loan of coins just letting people know don,t even apply, i didn,t take a loan but was still charged, bank can do nothing, be careful  ;)

Thanks for your pm jonny, your a diamond  ;) :-*

The guy that lives next door is a Bank loans officer.  I just went and punched him in the face.  He took it ok, says he retired 3 months ago though which was little awkward and disappointing for his wife also I think. So I explained the situation and apparently its not uncommon for him to be punched in the face for no apparent reason and turns out it turns his wife on.  Sorry Marry I cant do much right today.  I will keep trying... not punching people but ya know..... I hope my humor ::) makes you giggle a little...

edit :  and I'm glad this was my 200 post, and it was to you Mary
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: R00Tiex on August 19, 2013, 09:38 am
I am short for an order, anyone maybe got a spare ฿0.0012?

My SR name is: R00Tiex

Thanks in advance !
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 19, 2013, 11:17 am
Jonny  ;) your a sweetheart, i,m ok though, got ma Canadian lol  ;D ;D I,ll go to mum  ;)

R00Tiex.. sent you 0.002  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on August 19, 2013, 01:12 pm
Tell em I said hey and we miss him mary!  Have a peaceful 7th day!

Thanks for helpin cronic!  Hope you are well Jonny!

This is one more sentence in my post for the spare coin thread!

I am well thanks Box.. and improving by the minute right now.   I hope you've had a great day along with everyone I keep missing.. Marry, Chem... everyone.....
Shit Cryngie.. dude, I was hoping it wouldn't be too long before we heard from you again... good to see you mate.  I hope all is ok bro...   
I'm a pm away if you want a chat mate

Thank you Mr bones ill be around for another 6 weeks or so then will get to see if i stay free or get a all expense paid vacation for 2-4yrs fingers crossed i dont win that one but thank you for the offer of a chat might take you up o it

Bit of advice I recently found out in NSW australia you can be charged for diving on prescription meds even if you have a prescription unless you go to the RMS (new name for RTA) and get an exemption on your license
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ppanth on August 19, 2013, 01:15 pm
Morning guys/gals!
Hope your Monday is good!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Saggi10 on August 19, 2013, 01:24 pm
Hey guys, anyone here willing to lend me .03 BTC? Will pay you back as soon as I can thanks guys. Saggi10 is the account thanks
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on August 19, 2013, 01:29 pm
Saggi10 .03 comming you way mate (hope you pay back unlike some other people)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Saggi10 on August 19, 2013, 01:32 pm
Thanks man. Its for the postage BTW. Whats your name on SR? It might take a little while to send you what I owe but I'll definitely pay you back
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on August 19, 2013, 01:44 pm
Thanks man. Its for the postage BTW. Whats your name on SR? It might take a little while to send you what I owe but I'll definitely pay you back

Thats cool man whenever you can and if your having trouble just sling me a msg so i dont just wonder whats doing then go msg you

On SR click on you account balance then on the right go to account history (under update your feedback) itll have my name there next to time date etc good to keep track of where BTC come and go
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: shifting sands on August 19, 2013, 02:24 pm
Happy Mondays.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on August 19, 2013, 03:00 pm
just lost my job :(, need to powder my sorrows with some serious coke.

please someone pay me back so i can afford a decent g.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 19, 2013, 03:27 pm
ok i will send you 0.02. this is the correct amount right?

Correct!  I'm over estimating a touch so I don't have to spam the thread again.  .02 is what I need.  Will send the rest back after purchase and will payback when I can.  No more than 2 weeks.


Sent bro.

Thanks a lot man!  You will be taken care of!

Forgot to repay this when cryngie got me back.

Thank you very much!  This was very helpful!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 19, 2013, 03:31 pm
just lost my job :(, need to powder my sorrows with some serious coke.

please someone pay me back so i can afford a decent g.

Damn man.  Hope it wasn't a major career or anything.  Take care of yourself
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: shifting sands on August 19, 2013, 03:41 pm
Hey Dr

I just paid you 0.06 + a bit extra.

Thanks for the loan
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChronicDemon on August 19, 2013, 05:28 pm
in a bit of a bind here.
So i regained access to my old purchasing account " AncientX0 " on the road, i have 0.61 on their but im pin locked till sometime wed. since i forgot my pin.

Anyone willing to help a brother out?

I'd like to get 0.55, and i'll pay back 0.61 on wed. when the pinlock is lifted and it lets me reset my pin.

( in my signature you can see my old Forum account profile, i've been here for a while )

SR name is " XtremeChronic "
My old SR name is " AncientX0 "
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 19, 2013, 05:29 pm
Well I just got great news today "sarcasm" So my wife just called me and said the landlord called and said if we don't pay our rent in 3 days we are getting evicted.
On top of that, toyota financing called last week and said they are about to reposes our car. I'm fucking tired of this struggle.
I have a 4 year old daughter and I'm gonna end up being homeless without a car. WHY?!

Sorry not trying to have self pitty, I just need someone to talk to. I have been struggling my whole life and I am tired of it!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChronicDemon on August 19, 2013, 05:49 pm
Well depending on where you live, and how long you havent paid your rent, they cant just be like " oh gtfo "

At least if your in america.

I've lived in places where ive been 4 months behind rent, and due to housing laws they cannot evict you.

Just tell your landlord " look here asshole, im trying and you threatening to put my family on the street isnt gonna get you your rent money any faster "

Look up your local housing law, and see if your area has Rent assistance.

Best advice i can provide for ya mate.

Hope everything works out for ya soon.

Noone should have to be homeless, especially if you've got kids.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: peengwinz on August 19, 2013, 05:55 pm
Juggernog, I may be able to help you if you need someone to talk to. Feel free to send me a PM when ever you want, I'm pretty active so I should be able to respond fairly quickly unless I'm asleep.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on August 19, 2013, 06:06 pm
wow jugg, i'm sorry to hear that. life is always a fight. stay strong man. I know how it is to hit bottom.

thx boxy, i'll
it was just so unexpected, thought id work there many more years.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 19, 2013, 06:17 pm
Hi everyone  ;) Not been a great Monday for a few of us then  ::) Hope the rest of ya,s are ok, Chemmy, Boxy, Murda,RS, Kalli, Darktime, jonny, dr walter, everyone lol  ;) At least i,m stoned  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: schuldig on August 19, 2013, 06:23 pm
Sorr to hear that Juggernog, I hope everything will turn out well for you my friend.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MC Haberdasher on August 19, 2013, 06:31 pm
just lost my job :(, need to powder my sorrows with some serious coke.

please someone pay me back so i can afford a decent g.

I did hit you back with the couple bucks you lent me earlier, but I sent over .02 as a gift.  Sucks to loose your job, but trust me..  Keep the coke to a minimum in times like these, as the aftermath can be devastating. 

But I hope things turn around for ya, when one door closes, another opens...  Eventually.  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ppanth on August 19, 2013, 06:46 pm
Hang in there jugg and staind.
Jeez guys, that is just shitty
My best ..hope good things come at ya fast..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on August 19, 2013, 06:50 pm
:( shit juggernog that's awful news, but be strong though brother. its always darkest before the dawn.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 19, 2013, 06:53 pm
I just want to give up, I hate life at times, and these are those times. oh and btw to those of you saying they cant kick us out, the sheriff already came out to the house and served us an eviction notice.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 19, 2013, 06:54 pm
@jugg...n don,t worry about the loan i,m not sitting in need waiting lol  ;) Take care of your family hun  ;)

Hope you get another job soon Staind, its shit when it happens but good luck to ya  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ppanth on August 19, 2013, 06:57 pm
Jesus Jugg that bites.
No way to work with the landlord I am guessing? I dont know how it all works, sure it says in the notice. Damn man that just is not cool. I wish I could offer more help then just saying that sucks.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 19, 2013, 07:01 pm
mary, no. I am not letting you let me off the hook that easy, I am not sharing my shit life story to get out of paying anyone. I just look at you all like my extended family and thought maybe I could get some emotional support from y'all. As for my debts, they will still get paid. Eventually.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on August 19, 2013, 07:01 pm
(hugs) to all my brothers an sisters :)

*boop* mary :P how you doing silly willy
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 19, 2013, 07:08 pm
mary, no. I am not letting you let me off the hook that easy, I am not sharing my shit life story to get out of paying anyone. I just look at you all like my extended family and thought maybe I could get some emotional support from y'all. As for my debts, they will still get paid. Eventually.
Hey i know you weren,t sharing for that, i rattled on this morning about loan company ripping me off then posted saying i wasn,t looking for cash lol no probs hun, i,ve pm,d you  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 19, 2013, 07:10 pm
RS  :) :P :-* How ya doin hun?? What time is it where you are, i,m gonna guess about 9-10am lol am i close  ;)

Huge hugs to ya hun  :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 19, 2013, 07:18 pm
:( shit juggernog that's awful news, but be strong though brother. its always darkest before the dawn.

Yea pretty much.  Hoping for the best for you man.  This doesn't need to happen to decent people like you.  Stand the test and things will come around.  Try to prove that everyday.  :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 19, 2013, 07:28 pm
Maybe anyone who can help Juggernot could send a few spare $$ to help out. The thought of someone,s kids being made homeless will keep me up tonight, anyone that can help, please do, even a $ will help, lets see how much of a community we have here  ;) Thanks  :)
Jugg,s name on SR is fornak8 for anyone who wants to help  ;)

EDIT: Just to say this btc sent will be converted back to cash to pay the rent for the family not to buy drugs, someone in a tight spot, if you can help and want to i know jugg will appreciate it, if you don,t just ignore this, cheers  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on August 19, 2013, 07:38 pm
HI all :D

Mary,I had the same thing happen to me.Phone the company to ask for the address that you need to write to for a refund.Its a bit of a fuck around but you will get your cash back.If the person on the line isn't helpful,ring back and someone else will probably answer,they might be more helpful.If that fails,demand to speak to the highest ranked person there at the time.They do this to everyone but if you didn't actually get a loan you are legally entitled to your money back.I got mine back,you will get yours.You got to know your rights.If you feel like your not getting answers,goto citizens advice and they will do it all for you.

Hope that helps :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 19, 2013, 07:43 pm
@Darktime... thanks hun, was told to put it in writing when i phoned the company who took it last week, just have to do the same with this one, ripping off cunts, its only my kids tax credits that go in that account, fuckers took my kids money  >:( I will persist and get it back tho, i can,t afford to lose it, that,s £140 in 2 weeks!! Thanks hun, how you doing anyway  ;) :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: peengwinz on August 19, 2013, 07:56 pm
It's not much, but I have 0.0034 left over if anyone needs it.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on August 19, 2013, 08:03 pm
Im good thx hun.My wound has closed back up now(dont know if I told you it opened up a little so went to emergency DRs and got anti-biotics)so its looking good again.
have had some good days E-ing off all the samples people have sent me,and ones Ive paid just the post for.They arnt as strong as what they used to be back in my raving days but stronger than what they were a few years ago.people were taking 20-30 to get a buzz!!I only had to take 1 with a g of wizz years ago and be fucked up for the whole night and most of the next day!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 19, 2013, 08:38 pm
Fuck i mind them days Darktime  :) sometimes i,d just take half an E and head would be minced, great tho lol  ;) Glad your legs healed, don,t do that again eh  ::) ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 19, 2013, 08:39 pm
It's not much, but I have 0.0034 left over if anyone needs it.

Considering my situation, I could use every bit of spare change I could get.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChronicDemon on August 19, 2013, 08:54 pm
Sending you my left over change jug.

it aint much, but its all ive got till wednesday.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: peengwinz on August 19, 2013, 08:58 pm
It's not much, but I have 0.0034 left over if anyone needs it.

Considering my situation, I could use every bit of spare change I could get.

Sure, what's the address?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 19, 2013, 08:59 pm
+1 chronic demon  ;) and peengwinz  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 19, 2013, 09:00 pm
Thanks so much for everyones help in this emergency situation.
I just want to let you all know, I have absolutely NO intention on purchasing anything on the road with this.
Matter of fact I already have drugs that I am currently trying to sell locally to add to the funds I have already.
I have got to pay this rent. I cannot allow my wife and daughter to be homeless!

I now have $22.00 a local friend of mine is going to let me do some odd and end work around his house tomorrow for an additional 40.00 bux. so I'm getting there.
If I could come up with about 45.00 more I think I will have enough to keep my landlord at bay for the time being. or at least another week.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: weed4me6969 on August 19, 2013, 09:02 pm
hey all... how is the crew on this fine day?

RS7 paid me back in full....please clear his debt with me!   ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 19, 2013, 09:03 pm
Hopefully i might be able to send some tomorrow jugg  ;) You,ll get there hun  ;) :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on August 19, 2013, 09:06 pm
hey all... how is the crew on this fine day?

RS7 paid me back in full....please clear his debt with me!   ;D
+.07 extra ::) but yeah I take care of my debts.. sorry took so long, how you bro?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 19, 2013, 09:11 pm
Mary, When money is no longer an issue for me you are going to force me to come visit where ever it is you live, just so I can give you a big hug and kiss!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 19, 2013, 09:20 pm
Jugg doesn,t owe me anything, i don,t know why he has a debt to me in his sig.  ::) He He I live in Scotland, i,m thinking your US, quite a hike maybe we can meet half way, somewhere sunny with all the spare coin family  :) I,m quite fancying the Maldives, our own little SR Island  ;D :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ppanth on August 19, 2013, 09:37 pm
Jugg I have like 5cents in my account, but let me talk to my fiancee when he gets home from work...I think he might have 10bucks or so in his account. And odd is on the hook to pay back like 5bucks tomorrow I can send.. I wish I had money I could afford to help out more..maybe there's something you can pawn to get enough to placate the landlord? Been there myself..hang in there
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 19, 2013, 09:37 pm
lol, yeah that good! and while mary has told me to take my debt off my signature, I feel that wouldn't be right. She has lent me over $14.00 worth of coin. I can't let a debt like that go unpaid!

Ok and btw, I need about 45.00 more to have at least 100.00 to give my landlord hopefully that will be enough for now to get him off our back.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChronicDemon on August 19, 2013, 09:51 pm
I can send you a little more on wednesday jugg, i know 65 cents isnt shit, but its all ive got till the pinlock on my main buying account is lifted ;3
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 19, 2013, 10:19 pm
I can send you a little more on wednesday jugg, i know 65 cents isnt shit, but its all ive got till the pinlock on my main buying account is lifted ;3

Hey bro, it's all good, I am thankful for ANYTHING at this point! Like I said before though. Now i only have to come up with 45.00 more
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: safeonion on August 19, 2013, 10:21 pm

I need 0.1 BTC for an order of 1oz of weed.

Please help me, will payback in around 2 weeks, when i get..
username: safeonion
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on August 19, 2013, 10:32 pm
I can send you a little more on wednesday jugg, i know 65 cents isnt shit, but its all ive got till the pinlock on my main buying account is lifted ;3

Hey bro, it's all good, I am thankful for ANYTHING at this point! Like I said before though. Now i only have to come up with 45.00 more

Sent you all i had in my account mate hope a few others will and get you over the hill
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: peengwinz on August 19, 2013, 10:37 pm
I can send you a little more on wednesday jugg, i know 65 cents isnt shit, but its all ive got till the pinlock on my main buying account is lifted ;3

Hey bro, it's all good, I am thankful for ANYTHING at this point! Like I said before though. Now i only have to come up with 45.00 more

I sent 0.0034 to you. It's all I had left over. I hope it helps :) take care
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 19, 2013, 10:41 pm
OMG, I am absolutely speechless! You guys... You guys are amazing!
I actually feel like tearing up. None of you had to do anything for me, yet you all come together and show some absolute love!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on August 19, 2013, 10:47 pm
OMG, I am absolutely speechless! You guys... You guys are amazing!
I actually feel like tearing up. None of you had to do anything for me, yet you all come together and show some absolute love!

Its an amazing community of peace and lo... chkkikghgghh  sorry choked on the vomit
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on August 19, 2013, 10:55 pm
OMG, I am absolutely speechless! You guys... You guys are amazing!
I actually feel like tearing up. None of you had to do anything for me, yet you all come together and show some absolute love!

Only just read the thread, will hook u up with a little something myself when I get paid thursday bud, won't be much but  can stretch to $15-20 as a (very) long term no pressure, fuck it if I don't get it back, mary type loan ;)

Keep the faith man, you'll get there !

And hello everyone else hope ya doing good family :) x
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 19, 2013, 11:09 pm
Ok, I have to give props where props are due:
Here is everyone that has contributed to the cause of saving the roof over my head:
mary666 (she has loaned to me MANY times)
staind (yet again)

this has all been in the last hour and I can't thank you all enough.
Surprisingly I am close now. about 20-25 more bucks and I will have close to 100.00
(after I do this odd and end house work job for my friend locally, before that I am 60 short.)
That should be enough to get my landlord off my ass for at least a week.

I will add each and every one of you my new payback list. As I have told some of you, I don't know when and I don't know how I will be paying you all back, but IT WILL happen. I just can't promise dates or anything lie that.

- Extremely grateful Juggernog!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: FirePharmacy on August 19, 2013, 11:12 pm
Jugs man I feel for you buddy.  Life really is a bitch sometimes.  Don't wanna sound lame but do you every pray?  That can help give you some comfort.  It can only get better from here.  Keep fighting we love you and you are your little girl's hero!  Keep the faith that it will get better it always does!  I'm praying for you. :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 19, 2013, 11:33 pm
Jugs man I feel for you buddy.  Life really is a bitch sometimes.  Don't wanna sound lame but do you every pray?  That can help give you some comfort.  It can only get better from here.  Keep fighting we love you and you are your little girl's hero!  Keep the faith that it will get better it always does!  I'm praying for you. :)

Actually FirePharmacy I do pray, every day! And I really am my daughters hero, she is a daddys girl 100%
God says he will supply the source for our needs, and apparently he has decided to use the amazing people in this thread as a resource.

If anyone else can contribute to the "keep a roof over Juggernogs family fund" It would greatly be appreciated and repayed (eventually)

Thanks guys!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on August 19, 2013, 11:34 pm
Just found out my dog has cancer again, fucking sucks so find out today if they can just remove it again or if it has spread to his lungs
so fucking depressed
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on August 19, 2013, 11:37 pm
:( that sucks cryngie (hugs) hope the best for the dog
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: FirePharmacy on August 19, 2013, 11:50 pm
Jugs I bet she is!  Knowing that her love for you is totally unconditional is an amazing gift isn't it?  Even in the worst of times our kids can give us great strength.  Daughters are pretty awesome.

Cryngie I'm so sorry about your dog that blows.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on August 20, 2013, 12:17 am
Thanks guys and thanks for the repay + interest RS7
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 20, 2013, 01:02 am
Hey my lovely OSCT team, You have all helped to bring my total up to $52.00 and I was able to borrow 20.00 from a friend locally, that brings my total up to 72.00
I am now only short 28.00 to please my landlord at least for this week..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ppanth on August 20, 2013, 02:43 am
Ok Jugg time to redo your math..just emptied our household accounts and sent to you..
almost there.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 20, 2013, 03:00 am
Hey my lovely OSCT team, You have all helped to bring my total up to $52.00 and I was able to borrow 20.00 from a friend locally, that brings my total up to 72.00
I am now only short 28.00 to please my landlord at least for this week..

Hey man.  Meant to say something earlier but my coins didn't hit my wallet yet.  Got my order in and sending the the rest of the shapes your way.  Not much but it brings ya closer.

Please take care of your self.  You're a good doobie.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ppanth on August 20, 2013, 03:06 am
Just found out my dog has cancer again, fucking sucks so find out today if they can just remove it again or if it has spread to his lungs
so fucking depressed

That really sucks :(
I hope they can remove it and he gets better. Went thru that with my cat years ago, fucking sucks. Animals should not get cancer. People shouldnt either, but really pets should not. damn it.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChronicDemon on August 20, 2013, 03:14 am
Sorry to drive the talk away from Jug's charity fund, but im still in need of a 0.55 loan.
I have 0.61 coins in my main account, but cant use it till the pinlock resets.

Anything anyone contributes will be paid back + interest on Wednesday in the afternoon.

You can send it to my 2nd account.

SR Name : XtremeChronic

( Also, for vendors, i do Graphic design work and can make some cool eye popping stuff for your listings in exchange for some coin  or a loan)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Rocknessie on August 20, 2013, 03:39 am
Sent 0.01 to ya Rocknessie :)

Repaid! Many many thanks!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on August 20, 2013, 03:50 am
Sorry to drive the talk away from Jug's charity fund, but im still in need of a 0.55 loan.
I have 0.61 coins in my main account, but cant use it till the pinlock resets.

Anything anyone contributes will be paid back + interest on Wednesday in the afternoon.

You can send it to my 2nd account.

SR Name : XtremeChronic

( Also, for vendors, i do Graphic design work and can make some cool eye popping stuff for your listings in exchange for some coin  or a loan)

.55 is a bit large mate
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChronicDemon on August 20, 2013, 04:04 am
Well i have the funds to repay already, its just im pinlocked on my main account.

I can screenshot as proof for anyone who's willing to make the loan for me.

And yea, 0.55 ( about 58$ ) is a lot for a loan, but i figured since i can guarantee they'll be repaid quickly, someone may be open to it.

I'm just trying to get some more weed ordered before Wednesday, so i can have it before i go back to work this weekend.

The orders i made a few nights ago werent priority shipping, so they wont be here till at least saturday/monday at the earliest. Hence why im trying to get some before then.
( i've got Chronic insomnia ( no pun intended ) . Aswell as some serious back pain from a car accident i got into about a month ago )
Normally i'd just suck it up and take the pain pills my doctor prescribed me, but they make me nauseous and make it even harder for me to sleep. So i've been unloading them to some friends in exchange for cash to get bitcoins. ) I don't know anyone in my area to get weed from, only hard drugs, and im not exactly looking to get back into them. )
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on August 20, 2013, 04:16 am
Just letting you know I did lend .59 to someone but they were a long time regular on this thread so i felt ok about it but the rules sort of lay out its for small loans if the people who owe me coin repaid it i would but cant as dont have any and am about to send these fuckers to the do not lend list as has been a month and no fucking word anymore not even a sorry man im having trouble getting coins etc
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChronicDemon on August 20, 2013, 04:24 am
It's cool man, im sorry to hear that little punks aren't paying what they owe. Hopefully they do.

If you need a little help knockin some doors down and beaten down some scrub muthafuckas you can reach me at 1-800-bust-a-cap-in-that-ass Long distance charges may apply.
 ( jk )
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: darkmagic65 on August 20, 2013, 04:42 am
im short 0.20 for some shrooms can anyone help me ill pay you back when i can

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: blowdrobro on August 20, 2013, 04:54 am
Hey guys, can anyone loan me .006 BTC, I will pay back asap and +1 ya :) THANKS!

BTC addy:  16KJACTAv373J82XuTEhwMjyKgqEBqnPL2
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 20, 2013, 04:57 am
Hey cryngie.  Hope you are doing well.  Kinda just caught up on reading.  That's a lot to deal with.  I'm kinda surprised you paid me back if I can say. 

I'm out a words to try and paint a better picture.  But just throwing out there on the other side of the planet some unknown person is thinking good thoughts for your welfare.  Let us know if ya need an ear.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 20, 2013, 05:00 am
Hey guys, can anyone loan me .006 BTC, I will pay back asap and +1 ya :) THANKS!

BTC addy:  16KJACTAv373J82XuTEhwMjyKgqEBqnPL2

Shapes on the way.  It's the last I got.  Please place the shapes back in the box when you can.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: blowdrobro on August 20, 2013, 05:07 am
Hey guys, can anyone loan me .006 BTC, I will pay back asap and +1 ya :) THANKS!

BTC addy:  16KJACTAv373J82XuTEhwMjyKgqEBqnPL2

Shapes on the way.  It's the last I got.  Please place the shapes back in the box when you can.

will do this week, thanks bud :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 20, 2013, 05:07 am
Ok quick shoutout to:


Between all of you and with what I had already I was able to come up with enough!
"Juggs Charity Fund" has been fulfilled :P
But seriously who can say they were able to pay a bill because of support from drug buddies on an anonymous black market!
You guys seriously fucking rock! your guys generosity and support will never cease to amaze me!

I will be cashing out tomorrow.
Thank you guys immensely!
I owe you all the world, I really do.
sorry guys as I mentioned earlier I don't know when I will be able to pay everybody back, but I will do what I can, When I can.
And if you guys ever need a hand and I am able, you can guarantee I will be there for you.

Like I've said before, I can go on and on in praise to all of you, but you would get bored of it eventually I'm sure :)

Many MANY thanks

Hugs from Juggs :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChronicDemon on August 20, 2013, 05:29 am
Like i mentioned to you, don't worry about paying me back ;3

It's all for a good cause.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: njguido on August 20, 2013, 05:47 am
still needing help to get 0.1150 this is my only time im going to need a loan here i will pay it back over time..


It's a i3lazd incarnate, dont trust his ass!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 20, 2013, 05:56 am
I went an hung out with a buddy of mine for about an hour. We smoked a bowl, talked about work and when he asked how things were going I told him exactly, and he ends up giving me 50.00! I have to work it off friday doing some insulation, but regardless how awesome is that!? I'll be able to pay the landlord extra! or if you guys don't mind, use about 30 of it to buy some ganja, and still be able to give him around 120.00. I will be working all week too, so I will be able to keep a roof over our heads. A little smoke for whats going to be a hectic next couple of weeks wont hurt will it?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on August 20, 2013, 06:06 am
I went an hung out with a buddy of mine for about an hour. We smoked a bowl, talked about work and when he asked how things were going I told him exactly, and he ends up giving me 50.00! I have to work it off friday doing some insulation, but regardless how awesome is that!? I'll be able to pay the landlord extra! or if you guys don't mind, use about 30 of it to buy some ganja, and still be able to give him around 120.00. I will be working all week too, so I will be able to keep a roof over our heads. A little smoke for whats going to be a hectic next couple of weeks wont hurt will it?

Amazing how things work out
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChronicDemon on August 20, 2013, 06:09 am
need 0.01 to order a sample from a new vendor. Will pay back 0.03 on wednesday.

SR Name : XtremeChronic
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 20, 2013, 06:14 am
need 0.01 to order a sample from a new vendor. Will pay back 0.03 on wednesday.

SR Name : XtremeChronic

Sent :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChronicDemon on August 20, 2013, 06:18 am
Thanks bud!

After i made the order, i still have 0.0099, i'll send it back over ;3

Update: sent
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: aussiepp on August 20, 2013, 06:27 am
Hey guys.

I'm roughly 0.02 BTC short of my order :(

Can anyone help me out? Will repay on next deposit, in like a week or 2.

PM me :)



You sir, are a gentleman and a scholar.

0.03 btc returned. Thanks again :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on August 20, 2013, 07:04 am

alright my lovelies..
it's my turn..
you know how i roll, i always payback with a nice 'thank you'!!
but I'm in need of .23btc.. i know, quite a large order!!
i guarantee payback by either this wednesday or next wednesday..
thank you thank you!!

same name on SR..

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 20, 2013, 08:22 am
Just found out my dog has cancer again, fucking sucks so find out today if they can just remove it again or if it has spread to his lungs
so fucking depressed
:'( :'( :'( I hope your dog,s ok and they can remove it, please let us know how it goes at the vets, i,m welling up here thinking about it, I love animals, got 2 dogs n a cat  :) Fingers crossed for your dog hun  ;)

Jugg...remove my debt please and so glad you got there and yeah, enjoy a wee smoke hun, you deserve it  ;)

Good morning to everyone else, you all show what this threads about  ;)

@ Murda, i,m out of coins hun, sorry  :( Hope someone else helps this great member  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: illmotions on August 20, 2013, 08:49 am

alright my lovelies..
it's my turn..
you know how i roll, i always payback with a nice 'thank you'!!
but I'm in need of .23btc.. i know, quite a large order!!
i guarantee payback by either this wednesday or next wednesday..
thank you thank you!!

same name on SR..

sending .03 your way. I know its not full amount but hopefully it helps. Wish u luck on the other .2
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lesfalco on August 20, 2013, 09:42 am
will someone spare .012 btc?
equates to around 1.30 USD, will be willing to give back .03btc

elgordo is SR name, help would be very much appreciated :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lesfalco on August 20, 2013, 10:12 am
i will give some of my bitches to whomever lends me .012btc

SR - elgordo
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: shifting sands on August 20, 2013, 11:05 am
i will give some of my bitches to whomever lends me .012btc

SR - elgordo

do you still need buddy
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ppanth on August 20, 2013, 12:47 pm
Morning peeps..glad to hear its worked out jugg..glad to help!

Head cold from hell is migrating to chest cold too, being sick sucks!

Well everyone have a good Tuesday anyway !
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 20, 2013, 12:56 pm
Hi PP  :) I,m good,just gonna have lunch n spliff with a cup o tea  :) Get something for your chest, sounds sore hun  ;) hope your feeling better soon  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: R00Tiex on August 20, 2013, 12:58 pm
R00Tiex.. sent you 0.002  ;)

Thanks a lot mary666, I will send it back next week when i can make my next deposit ! :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: schuldig on August 20, 2013, 01:15 pm

alright my lovelies..
it's my turn..
you know how i roll, i always payback with a nice 'thank you'!!
but I'm in need of .23btc.. i know, quite a large order!!
i guarantee payback by either this wednesday or next wednesday..
thank you thank you!!

same name on SR..


Sent you 0.22BTC my friend.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on August 20, 2013, 01:17 pm
the fucking bitbargain site isnt working for me GRRRRRR has anyone got 0.27 until i can get it sorted please???


cancel request.thanks anyway.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ppanth on August 20, 2013, 01:21 pm
afternoon to you then mary! enjoy your lunch!
I am pretty anti cold meds, lol I know irony of posting in a what forum..but I hate feeling anything less then normal..this crap will clear up soon ..I hope..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on August 20, 2013, 01:22 pm

alright my lovelies..
it's my turn..
you know how i roll, i always payback with a nice 'thank you'!!
but I'm in need of .23btc.. i know, quite a large order!!
i guarantee payback by either this wednesday or next wednesday..
thank you thank you!!

same name on SR..


Sent you 0.22BTC my friend.


alright my lovelies..
it's my turn..
you know how i roll, i always payback with a nice 'thank you'!!
but I'm in need of .23btc.. i know, quite a large order!!
i guarantee payback by either this wednesday or next wednesday..
thank you thank you!!

same name on SR..

sending .03 your way. I know its not full amount but hopefully it helps. Wish u luck on the other .2

you two are SOOO awesome!!
your coin will be returned as promised!!
thank you thank you!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: schuldig on August 20, 2013, 01:29 pm
you two are SOOO awesome!!
your coin will be returned as promised!!
thank you thank you!!

I have no doubt you will my friend, enjoy your order! Hopefully the delivery will be fast and the high good =)
I hope that everybody in here is well and things turn out for the best.
Happy to hear things are looking up for you again Jugg!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on August 20, 2013, 02:31 pm
Thanks to btc dropping in value since i made a purchace I need 0.01 to make my order.

could anyone please lend me this amount until my next purchase,thankyou.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 20, 2013, 03:59 pm
Thanks to btc dropping in value since i made a purchace I need 0.01 to make my order.

could anyone please lend me this amount until my next purchase,thankyou.

Sent you 0.01 hun, love your SR name, we,re related lol   ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on August 20, 2013, 04:11 pm
Cheers hunny!! :D

sent you it back as prices have risen again.

BTC is up and down more than a slags knickers!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 20, 2013, 04:16 pm
Ok hun thanks  ;) You and your saying,s  ::) I mind i 1st niticed you in some thread where you,d written a comment about how you just take your d**k out and the chicks are fighting over it! was lmao  ;D ;D Hope your good today  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on August 20, 2013, 04:38 pm
I am good thx hun xx you sound good too,hope you are!

On another note,I do owe a few people coin,not much but that aint the point.I am getting round to paying you back and I know it might look like a pisstake when I'm on here asking for more but I do pay back as you will find out.If you dont believe me ask chem or mary,staind and a few others.
If you do feel like I have missed you out or forgotten about you(my history was wiped off last month so I'm not sure who I owe)just pm me to let me know what I owe you.Btw I'm not a complete prick so dont think you can message me saying I lent 20btc from you months ago

Hope everyone else is good.lovely sunny afternoon here 8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on August 20, 2013, 04:59 pm
Cheers hunny!! :D

sent you it back as prices have risen again.

BTC is up and down more than a slags knickers!

This is why im now here... lol has anyone got 0.015 till I get paid on friday please ? I don't mind sending a little extra back too :)

Hope everyone including mary,imaz,boxy,chemmy... (oh damn my hurty memory !) and everyone iv missed is doing good and great to hear jugs sorted(ish) keep up the love guys <3 kalli
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 20, 2013, 05:02 pm
0.015 sent Kalli  ;) Thanks for letting me know about Redeye, he,s sending me a sample  :)

Edit: sent to kallindown, that,s right eh?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on August 20, 2013, 05:15 pm
0.015 sent Kalli  ;) Thanks for letting me know about Redeye, he,s sending me a sample  :)

Edit: sent to kallindown, that,s right eh?

Jeez that was fast girl thank you ! No worries on the sample been a bit busy this afternoon been meaning to have a bit of a catch up with people but im sure i'll find time soon ! Just so ya know ReD is a smelly girly like you  :P

Thanks for the coin will get it back to you friday hun :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 20, 2013, 05:20 pm
No probs Kalli, glad its a girl lol  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: foxen624 on August 20, 2013, 05:24 pm
Sent 0.01 to ya Rocknessie :)

Repaid! Many many thanks!

Thank's for the re-pay.  That was way sooner than you'd said too! :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: foxen624 on August 20, 2013, 05:38 pm
Hi Everyone!  Hi mary!  Hi Chem.....   haven't seen you around l8ly -  Hope all is well! :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: littleperm on August 20, 2013, 05:39 pm
First time request here and can I just say I truly love the SR community. This thread helps reassure me that there are some really good people in the world!

Read the OP, hope I didn't leave anything out.

I'm .04btc short on an order. My SR name is bigperm7878 I can refund money in about a week. Been an SR member for about 9months. Can anyone spare it?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Yellowijdk44 on August 20, 2013, 05:40 pm
I'm about $4 or .04BTC short for a half ounce order of cannabis. If anyone can provide this to me I'd be greatful! SR username is "Yellow" (yes I'm og as fuck)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 20, 2013, 06:05 pm
Just sayin hi back!

Can I catch everyone in one post?  I doubt it.

Sup ChemCat/RSeven/Mary/Juggz/PurpleP/fox3n/kali/Darktime/Murdermyface/cryngie/ImAz off the top
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: peengwinz on August 20, 2013, 06:18 pm
Does anyone have 0.8500 BTC they would want to trade for something? I've got $88.15 locked up on a walmart money card and I'm looking to buy something with the $88.15 to trade it for BTC. We can use escrow if you feel it's needed.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on August 20, 2013, 06:31 pm
Does anyone have 0.8500 BTC they would want to trade for something? I've got $88.15 locked up on a walmart money card and I'm looking to buy something with the $88.15 to trade it for BTC. We can use escrow if you feel it's needed.

Sorry to be the barer of bad news but I don't think this is allowed on the forums unless you have a vendor account  :'(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on August 20, 2013, 06:36 pm
Just sayin hi back!

Can I catch everyone in one post?  I doubt it.

Sup ChemCat/RSeven/Mary/Juggz/PurpleP/fox3n/kali/Darktime/Murdermyface/cryngie/ImAz off the top

........Hi Box :-[
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on August 20, 2013, 06:47 pm
heya @ boxy dandan RS mary darktime kalli foxen and everyone else  LOL

Just popped in for a sec and wanted to say hey  :P

Love, Peace & Hugs to you All  8)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 20, 2013, 06:49 pm
Can I catch everyone in one post?  I doubt it.
........Hi Box :-[
I don't know you!  Why is there a strange man offering me ice cream?  I'm too scared to take look in the freezer in the van, cause I don't want to see the severed heads of naughty children. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 20, 2013, 06:53 pm

Save me CC!  I said I was allergic to chocolate, but the ice cream man says that's all he has!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: darkmagic65 on August 20, 2013, 07:04 pm
n\people giving out bad karma here left and right..

still needing help to get 0.1150 for shipping so i can trip for my first time so if anyone has some spare coins they can give me ill make sure  to repay you each back over time

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 20, 2013, 07:15 pm
Good evening all  :) hope your all good today/tonight  ;)

Sorry i,ve no coin ATM  :-[
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: foxen624 on August 20, 2013, 07:32 pm
Just sayin hi back!

Can I catch everyone in one post?  I doubt it.

Sup ChemCat/RSeven/Mary/Juggz/PurpleP/fox3n/kali/Darktime/Murdermyface/cryngie/ImAz off the top

Hi Shapes! :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: anonypunk on August 20, 2013, 07:33 pm
Hey! Hey! Hey! It's Faaaaat anonypunk!

Hope you all are doing well
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on August 20, 2013, 08:00 pm
........Hi Box :-[
I don't know you!  Why is there a strange man offering me ice cream?  I'm too scared to take look in the freezer in the van, cause I don't want to see the severed heads of naughty children.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lesfalco on August 20, 2013, 08:02 pm
i will give some of my bitches to whomever lends me .012btc

SR - elgordo

do you still need buddy

i'm taken care of now but many thanks
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Hunter Guy on August 20, 2013, 08:03 pm
I'm about $10.01 short of my order..
I have
account ฿1.4793
comes out to Total: ฿1.5679

so would that be 0.0887 btc?

I can pay back by thursday with $5 tip so your $11 gets you $16 in two days~~!!

sr name: Hunterguy77
need: 0.0887 btc ($10.01)
payback date: thursday (two days)

(edit. I guess even with $10, I'll be 1 cent short if someone were to lend, could I get $11?)

Just need this asap since i cant transfer more btc until tomorrow and this is the last product vendor has for sale.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on August 20, 2013, 09:12 pm
:) gmorning my faithful droogies! an much love to all my lovely lovelies! (hugs) all around.

it is great to see everyone coming together an helping one an other :D always makes me happy

keep up the great work OSCT family :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: safeonion on August 20, 2013, 10:11 pm
I'm about $10.01 short of my order..
I have
account ฿1.4793
comes out to Total: ฿1.5679

so would that be 0.0887 btc?

I can pay back by thursday with $5 tip so your $11 gets you $16 in two days~~!!

sr name: Hunterguy77
need: 0.0887 btc ($10.01)
payback date: thursday (two days)

(edit. I guess even with $10, I'll be 1 cent short if someone were to lend, could I get $11?)

Just need this asap since i cant transfer more btc until tomorrow and this is the last product vendor has for sale.

Sent: 0.1000 BTC  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: peengwinz on August 20, 2013, 10:13 pm
Does anyone have 0.8500 BTC they would want to trade for something? I've got $88.15 locked up on a walmart money card and I'm looking to buy something with the $88.15 to trade it for BTC. We can use escrow if you feel it's needed.

bumping this one more time.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: illmotions on August 20, 2013, 10:43 pm
 to all new people trying to get a loan I tried getting a .08 loan the other day but honestly if it we me I wouldn't have loaned too myself with my low post amount unless it was something minuscule. I did register over a year ago when I made my first order but i recently spammed to 50. I just made second order a month and a half ago after sobering up a while. I did get scammed by benzoking (wish I knew how easy localbitcoins was) but that's no one else problem. So I decided to make a loan instead to murderface, sure it wasnt a whole lot but maybe if im short again someone might be more willing 2 help. I dunno if I am correct here but with all the scams here you cant be too trustworthy. I was and now i am out $190usd to some douchebag. It really set me back i am pretty poor right now.

I personally want to get more involved and gain respect and keep myself off shitlist. Just a little friendly advice too the noobs. its unfortunate lowlife but scammers ruin it for everyone.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thekinggg on August 20, 2013, 10:59 pm
Hellloooo SR individuals.

I messed up with the fees using localbitcoin, and i need 10$ for an order i am trying to place.

I will pay back within 5 days, because i plan on picking up more BTC then.

Much love if someone is willing to do so, even if someone sends 5 and someone else sends 5.

Thank you in advance. Good people here.  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Rocknessie on August 20, 2013, 11:12 pm
Could do with another 0.01.

Yes, again!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on August 20, 2013, 11:23 pm
Just found out my dog has cancer again, fucking sucks so find out today if they can just remove it again or if it has spread to his lungs
so fucking depressed
:'( :'( :'( I hope your dog,s ok and they can remove it, please let us know how it goes at the vets, i,m welling up here thinking about it, I love animals, got 2 dogs n a cat  :) Fingers crossed for your dog hun  ;)

Jugg...remove my debt please and so glad you got there and yeah, enjoy a wee smoke hun, you deserve it  ;)

Good morning to everyone else, you all show what this threads about  ;)

@ Murda, i,m out of coins hun, sorry  :( Hope someone else helps this great member  ;)

Hi mary thanks for the kind words dog seems like he might pull through again cancer not on the lungs yet so he had his speen or pancreas out cant remember which one guess ill find out when i go to pick him up and pay and also his balls poor bastard no more sexy times
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: turtle11 on August 20, 2013, 11:30 pm
i need a $45 loan till tomorrow. straight up, no bullshit.

long shot i know but the item i want will sell out i believe. pds,,,
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on August 20, 2013, 11:33 pm
to all new people trying to get a loan I tried getting a .08 loan the other day but honestly if it we me I wouldn't have loaned too myself with my low post amount unless it was something minuscule. I did register over a year ago when I made my first order but i recently spammed to 50. I just made second order a month and a half ago after sobering up a while. I did get scammed by benzoking (wish I knew how easy localbitcoins was) but that's no one else problem. So I decided to make a loan instead to murderface, sure it wasnt a whole lot but maybe if im short again someone might be more willing 2 help. I dunno if I am correct here but with all the scams here you cant be too trustworthy. I was and now i am out $190usd to some douchebag. It really set me back i am pretty poor right now.

I personally want to get more involved and gain respect and keep myself off shitlist. Just a little friendly advice too the noobs. its unfortunate lowlife but scammers ruin it for everyone.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on August 20, 2013, 11:50 pm
i need a $45 loan till tomorrow. straight up, no bullshit.

long shot i know but the item i want will sell out i believe. pds,,,

^^ wow 0)

Sorry to hear bout your dog cryngie :( hope he pulls through.
hey chemmy brooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
RS dude 8)
box my main man ;)
DanDanTheIceCreamMan......Ice cream and naps,on the side of his van :D
maryfairy quite contrary,how does your garden grow?....or do you just mow it right back ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: turtle11 on August 21, 2013, 12:11 am
haha, yeah shady...i know.

figured i give it a shot.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on August 21, 2013, 12:14 am
Dont ask,dont get!

Ive seen bigger loans but its late so wouldnt hold your breath
Good luck :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: turtle11 on August 21, 2013, 12:18 am
i could even send the funds first....just in a bind.....of course, not the end of the world though.

thanks man.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: LetMyPeopleGo on August 21, 2013, 01:30 am
Seeing if anybody could lend me 6$ worth of coin? A bit short for an order...

If you could do me this favor I will not forget you!  PM me for SR username if you are so inclined to help me :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on August 21, 2013, 01:38 am
Seeing if anybody could lend me 6$ worth of coin? A bit short for an order...

If you could do me this favor I will not forget you!  PM me for SR username if you are so inclined to help me :)

Post amount in BTC and SR name as this thread serves as proof of lend/borrow
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Hunter Guy on August 21, 2013, 01:42 am
I'm about $10.01 short of my order..
I have
account ฿1.4793
comes out to Total: ฿1.5679

so would that be 0.0887 btc?

I can pay back by thursday with $5 tip so your $11 gets you $16 in two days~~!!

sr name: Hunterguy77
need: 0.0887 btc ($10.01)
payback date: thursday (two days)

(edit. I guess even with $10, I'll be 1 cent short if someone were to lend, could I get $11?)

Just need this asap since i cant transfer more btc until tomorrow and this is the last product vendor has for sale.

Sent: 0.1000 BTC  ;)

thank you brother, i'll actually pay you back tomorrow (wed) instead of thurs :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: beardman000 on August 21, 2013, 01:51 am
hey all,

currently short .07btc for an order

im not gonna lie and say im gonna pay you back, because i honestly wont. reason is because im retiring from SR and im hoping to place one more order before im done. few reasons why i am deciding to do so if you are interested:
- ive spent so much on SR that i am wondering where my priorities stand, and i need to save more money
- drugs are becoming a more and more integral part of my life, and my friend made me realize the old days where i didnt know about any drugs and still had fun. id like to take a break from drugs for myself and prove to myself that i dont need drugs to have fun
- drugs are definitely taking a toll on my body, both physically and mentally.
- ive forced myself to live with roommates starting next month so i wouldnt be able to ship anything because they dont know about SR, nor do i plan to tell them

so with that said, id like to place one more order of my favorite drug before i give it up (i wouldn't say forever, but 2+ years is my goal). i am short .07btc

my SR username is the same as here: beardman000

thanks in advance! its been a great time on the road
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thekinggg on August 21, 2013, 01:54 am
Hellloooo SR individuals.

I messed up with the fees using localbitcoin, and i need 10$ for an order i am trying to place.

I will pay back within 5 days, because i plan on picking up more BTC then.

Much love if someone is willing to do so, even if someone sends 5 and someone else sends 5.

Thank you in advance. Good people here.  :)

I can even pay back tomorrow, id rather pick up my BTC tomorrow anyways.

Straight up 10$ and ill even throw a few dollars tip.

I really need this product asap. I know theres good people on here spread the vibe  :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: truestorytrust on August 21, 2013, 01:57 am
If anybody is a little short and needs to borrow and knows how to keep there word and pay back  post up a quote from this post with your SR name and let me know I have some spare coin in my wallet. If I can help ya out I will. I took a break from lending the past few weeks cause I was stiffed by three degenerates, but I am back now cause I refuse to let the actions of others change who I am as a person.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 21, 2013, 02:10 am
I am extremely embarrassed to type this, but as you all know and many of you helped fund my "juggs landlord charity"
well I needed to convert the btc into cash, the only FAST way I am able to do this was by converting it into a vanilla card reload or moneypak reload.
the only problem is CryptoKeeper has a minimum of $100.00.
and he is the only vendor I have done business with before so I trust I wont get screwed.
This is retarded of me, but I am short 15.00. My balance is account ฿0.7492 $85.94
I know you have all already been EXTREMELY generous thus far, but I cannot spend this coin. It has to be converted to my vanilla card.

I feel like a dumbass asking. Especially considering you have all been unbelievably generous, but I am at a loss.
BTW, I never did order any smoke. I decided that I should just give my landlord the extra $ instead of thinking about myself and ordering ganja.
The good news is I already gave him the 50.00 I had in cash and told him I would have another 100.00 in a day or two (waiting to transfer to the vanilla card)

I think you all already know my SR name but if not its: Fornak8

I am hesitating hitting the post button so much right now...

PS. after this I will not ask anyone for ANY coin period. Eventually I will be the one able to help and give you all coin. especially those of you that have already helped immensely. Oh and P.S.S. My wife was freaking out today about how we were going pay this, and I told her: "I got this" and after some explanations (just told her some good friends were able to help (did NOT tell her about SR though hehe)) he just started crying. almost made me want to cry.

I freaking love you guys.

I am going to have a lottery in about a week or two for 5 free 1mg xanax.
Only the people that were so kind to contribute to my charity.
This is the LEAST I can do to show my appreciation for all your help!
(let me know what you all think about this one)

- Hugs from Jugs 8)
so everyone that is in my signature will be able to enter to win.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BruceCampbell on August 21, 2013, 02:14 am
........Hi Box :-[
I don't know you!  Why is there a strange man offering me ice cream?  I'm too scared to take look in the freezer in the van, cause I don't want to see the severed heads of naughty children.

Just when I was about to say this thread is the butthole of the forums I giggled a bit. But seriously though this thread is the dirty butthole of the forums.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: truestorytrust on August 21, 2013, 02:15 am
Hellloooo SR individuals.

I messed up with the fees using localbitcoin, and i need 10$ for an order i am trying to place.

I will pay back within 5 days, because i plan on picking up more BTC then.

Much love if someone is willing to do so, even if someone sends 5 and someone else sends 5.

Thank you in advance. Good people here.  :)

I can even pay back tomorrow, id rather pick up my BTC tomorrow anyways.

Straight up 10$ and ill even throw a few dollars tip.

I really need this product asap. I know theres good people on here spread the vibe  :-*

Dude people don't mind helping people out but im looking through your posts and you just borrowed already earlier for a order that you were short on, now you are asking for another ten to borrow, my question is now are you actually short or are you  trying to get us kind SR folk to just pay for your habit?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on August 21, 2013, 02:18 am
If anybody is a little short and needs to borrow and knows how to keep there word and pay back  post up a quote from this post with your SR name and let me know I have some spare coin in my wallet. If I can help ya out I will. I took a break from lending the past few weeks cause I was stiffed by three degenerates, but I am back now cause I refuse to let the actions of others change who I am as a person.

Know the feeling mate i still got 4 fucksticks owing me for almost amonth now pretty keen to chuck em on the do not lend fucking piece of shit list
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: truestorytrust on August 21, 2013, 02:25 am
If anybody is a little short and needs to borrow and knows how to keep there word and pay back  post up a quote from this post with your SR name and let me know I have some spare coin in my wallet. If I can help ya out I will. I took a break from lending the past few weeks cause I was stiffed by three degenerates, but I am back now cause I refuse to let the actions of others change who I am as a person.

Know the feeling mate i still got 4 fucksticks owing me for almost amonth now pretty keen to chuck em on the do not lend fucking piece of shit list

yea right brother I fucking feel ya man, I left a post a while back and basically said I wont put you guys on blast im just hoping youll see this post and remember that word of yours of paying back if not and I see you on here asking to borrow again I will put you on fucking blast.  And whats the do not lend list?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: VHSplayer on August 21, 2013, 02:30 am

Shoot me a PM with your SR username.

I'll cover the debt of twistedperception, McRAD, and Audio for a total of 0.1676BTC.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Rocknessie on August 21, 2013, 02:40 am
I'll repeat my request. I once again require just 0.01 BTC. Same username on the Road as here.

I borrowed the same amount a couple of days ago, but that was repaid. But now (again) just that tiny bit short of clearing out my account so I can get a low-cost sample pill.

TRUTH TIME - I won't be able to pay back for a little while, probably a couple of weeks, as I have 9 orders in processing and - duuude - I need to eat all those drugs before moving onto the next. On the other hand I'm a fucking HARDCORE MONSTER and 100% will be back to buy more.

Just 0.01 - just that few pence short!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: VHSplayer on August 21, 2013, 02:42 am
I'll repeat my request. I once again require just 0.01 BTC. Same username on the Road as here.

I borrowed the same amount a couple of days ago, but that was repaid. But now (again) just that tiny bit short of clearing out my account so I can get a low-cost sample pill.

TRUTH TIME - I won't be able to pay back for a little while, probably a couple of weeks, as I have 9 orders in processing and - duuude - I need to eat all those drugs before moving onto the next. On the other hand I'm a fucking HARDCORE MONSTER and 100% will be back to buy more.

Just 0.01 - just that few pence short!

Got you covered.

Sent. Just pay me back when you get the chance.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jonnybones on August 21, 2013, 03:00 am
I freaking love you guys.
I am going to have a lottery in about a week or two for 5 free 1mg xanax.
Only the people that were so kind to contribute to my charity.
This is the LEAST I can do to show my appreciation for all your help!
(let me know what you all think about this one)

- Hugs from Jugs 8)
so everyone that is in my signature will be able to enter to win.

Can do for you Jugg,...Fornak8. sr name. thats right, wasn't gonna make that mistake again. Transferring now mate.  I'm only in it for the lottery...
sent .15 will be heaps with the price at the moment bro.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Rocknessie on August 21, 2013, 03:34 am
Got you covered. Sent. Just pay me back when you get the chance.

You beautiful person. Thanks so much.

This has gotten me a sample Blue Rockstar pill from UKdomestic (I can recommend their weed brownies).
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Boostedh on August 21, 2013, 03:34 am
So, as of tonight, I'm roughly $11 short from being able to make my purchase.  If someone could loan that to me until the end of the week or earlier, I'd be able to pay back $15 just for helping. 

Thanks guys.  Hope someone can help.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: truestorytrust on August 21, 2013, 03:44 am
So, as of tonight, I'm roughly $11 short from being able to make my purchase.  If someone could loan that to me until the end of the week or earlier, I'd be able to pay back $15 just for helping. 

Thanks guys.  Hope someone can help.

I got you bra just keep your word is all, is your forum name the same as your SR name?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: truestorytrust on August 21, 2013, 03:51 am
So, as of tonight, I'm roughly $11 short from being able to make my purchase.  If someone could loan that to me until the end of the week or earlier, I'd be able to pay back $15 just for helping. 

Thanks guys.  Hope someone can help.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Boostedh on August 21, 2013, 03:54 am
So, as of tonight, I'm roughly $11 short from being able to make my purchase.  If someone could loan that to me until the end of the week or earlier, I'd be able to pay back $15 just for helping. 

Thanks guys.  Hope someone can help.

I got you bra just keep your word is all, is your forum name the same as your SR name?
It is.  BoostedH.  Much appreciated and message me your SR name and it'll most likely be back sooner than you'd expect.  Hoping by tomorrow if my BTC vendor is available.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: truestorytrust on August 21, 2013, 04:00 am
So, as of tonight, I'm roughly $11 short from being able to make my purchase.  If someone could loan that to me until the end of the week or earlier, I'd be able to pay back $15 just for helping. 

Thanks guys.  Hope someone can help.

I got you bra just keep your word is all, is your forum name the same as your SR name?
It is.  BoostedH.  Much appreciated and message me your SR name and it'll most likely be back sooner than you'd expect.  Hoping by tomorrow if my BTC vendor is available.

No problem bra, im just glad to help somebody that needs it and has integrity to keep there word.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: VHSplayer on August 21, 2013, 04:02 am
Got you covered. Sent. Just pay me back when you get the chance.

You beautiful person. Thanks so much.

This has gotten me a sample Blue Rockstar pill from UKdomestic (I can recommend their weed brownies).

Anytime, enjoy that pill!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: darkmagic65 on August 21, 2013, 04:17 am
Im still needing 0.1150 (11.50$) im short for shipping on some shrooms can anyone please help ill pay back when ever I can

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 21, 2013, 04:19 am
jonnybones, Received! You have been added to my sig!

To everyone else that has helped me out, please let me know if you all like xanax and if you would like to be entered into the lottery.
I have not worked out the details, but I'm considering doing a 1st 2nd 3rd type of lottery to make it a bit more fair.
like 10, 5, 2 type of thing. Like I said, it will be a week or two before I get my refill so I have to work out the details.
This idea just came to me today when I was trying to think of a way to show my appreciation. IMO it is a great idea!
You all have to let me know what you think!

To anyone else that would be interested in this that has not already shown incredible compassion, just throw me some coin for the cause.
I wont be cashing out until tomorrow afternoon/evening (after this roof job)
so the more I can give the landlord the better, and the happier the wife will be!
I guess I will have to make that the deadline for entry.

please keep in mind, there is no purchase necessary for entry, this is a donation based lottery.
I just figured that if I throw in some kind of incentive more people would be interested. :)

Also, to those of you that are already in my signature, you will be in a separate lottery. So the odds are already in your favor.
anyone that enters after this post will be in another lottery pool (for the same prize)
In other words I will be giving out prizes to two winners. unless of course I decide to do the 1,2,3rd lottery, then there will be 6 winners. (If enough people enter I will be able to do this though)

I am off to bed guys, I hope you all find this appealing enough. It is the least I can do for the time being.
P.S. For those of you that are already in my sig, If you don't like xanax, there is a possibility that I can offer some other product if you win. (I have a few)

SR: Fornak8

Night guys. - Juggs
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: njguido on August 21, 2013, 05:28 am
Im still needing 0.1150 (11.50$) im short for shipping on some shrooms can anyone please help ill pay back when ever I can


"Get a job i3lazd!"

I will use this quote for anyone I suspect of being a reincarnation of i3lazd, true or not :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BruceCampbell on August 21, 2013, 07:29 am
Im still needing 0.1150 (11.50$) im short for shipping on some shrooms can anyone please help ill pay back when ever I can


"Get a job i3lazd!"

I will use this quote for anyone I suspect of being a reincarnation of i3lazd, true or not :D

God does not exist if someone doesn't get a hold of that i3lazd bastard and molests him with a collapsible baton.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: zipstyle on August 21, 2013, 07:46 am
So, I'm comin in here and straight up asking for a very short-term loan. :)
The coins are coming in tomorrow, if I'm not mistaken, so you'll be getting your coins back ASAP.


Would anyone be down to lend me .52 BTC?

Thanks in advance :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on August 21, 2013, 11:18 am
Quiet night
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: FirePharmacy on August 21, 2013, 11:24 am
So great to see you've turned it around Jugs and are giving back the love with the raffle.   

On another note, I wanted to let my mates in this thread know I opened my own independent store under the user name PillfirePharmacy. 

Same products and service, just different user name. Feel free to like if you like :)  Thanks
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ukdabbler on August 21, 2013, 01:43 pm
0.0250 BTC 
Thankyou kind sirs.

Name sirs?

My SR username is allthefanz, sorry forgot to mention.

Shapes on the way.  Please place the shapes back in the box at the time declared. :)

Hi Boxofshapes, I forgot to leave a post here mentioning that I returned your coins within 24 hours and would like to thank you very much for the favour.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 21, 2013, 02:16 pm
0.0250 BTC 
Thankyou kind sirs.

Name sirs?

My SR username is allthefanz, sorry forgot to mention.

Shapes on the way.  Please place the shapes back in the box at the time declared. :)

Hi Boxofshapes, I forgot to leave a post here mentioning that I returned your coins within 24 hours and would like to thank you very much for the favour.

Oh.  Thanks for mentioning!  I didn't see it until I checked the history.

Thank you for putting the shapes back in the box.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Alighier on August 21, 2013, 02:37 pm
Hey aha! Really only able to pop on and send my love to all my Fam here!

Mary, RS, Chemmy, Jugs (I feel you brother I'm sleeping outside and my partner's about to join me. You've got our prayers always) and all you other lovely druggarts!

I'm homeless right now (job opportunities are opening up!) But I did quit the needle and I feel brilliant for it.

Much love!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: shifting sands on August 21, 2013, 02:43 pm
Guys i just logged on and found i am short by 0.0232. Can any one help.
SR name is notmetoday
payback tomorrow.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 21, 2013, 02:49 pm
Hey aha! Really only able to pop on and send my love to all my Fam here!

Mary, RS, Chemmy, Jugs (I feel you brother I'm sleeping outside and my partner's about to join me. You've got our prayers always) and all you other lovely druggarts!

I'm homeless right now (job opportunities are opening up!) But I did quit the needle and I feel brilliant for it.

Much love!


Believe it or not, I was literally about to PM you to check to see where your well being lies.  I woke up to be coated in a very large spider web this morning.  Made me think of ya.

Sounds pretty rough but seems like you have the right attitude to keep you going.  Applause for keeping the vices at bay in such a hard time.   

Please keep taking care of yourself and let us know when you find a way out of that maze.  Best wishes!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: shifting sands on August 21, 2013, 02:52 pm
Guys i just logged on and found i am short by 0.0232. Can any one help.
SR name is notmetoday
payback tomorrow.

one last shout, can anyone spot me. I have about 5 mins before window of opportunity runs out.
sr name notmetoday
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 21, 2013, 02:55 pm
one last shout, can anyone spot me. I have about 5 mins before window of opportunity runs out.
sr name notmetoday

I would be more than happy to man, I have nothing right now.  Sorry.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: shifting sands on August 21, 2013, 02:58 pm
no worries, thanks anyway bro
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 21, 2013, 03:42 pm
Spiders NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Hey Boxy, hope your well

Hi everyone (you all know who ya are) hope all,s good  :),

 sorry SS i have 0.012 but that won,t help  >:(

Hope you get the job Alighier  :)
Has anyone heard from upthera, i,m sure he loaned a few people on here, not heard from him for a couple of weeks, hope he,s ok  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on August 21, 2013, 03:49 pm
I hate to ask but I'm looking for a small loan of .25 BTC. I can repay .35 BTC in 7-10 days. You know I'm good for it, I am an icecream man of my word ;D

EDIT* SR username the same. I forgot the rules!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ppanth on August 21, 2013, 04:41 pm
I would like to note that odd just repayed the .05 I loaned him the other day..
Thanks man!
I gotta order again to maintain my level of suboxonatedness..prefect timing!

Have a good one everyone
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: masongate on August 21, 2013, 04:59 pm
Greetings fellow Silkroadians! After being unfortunate enough to be involved a slew of unfortunate transactions I've returned to the road. Bitinstant was still down at my time of purchase though so I split my money orders among 3 different SR vendors, under the assumption that at least 2 transactions would almost certainly work out and that would leave me with enough coin for an oz with leftovers for next purchase. Unluckily for me that was not the case since 2 vendors failed to send, I could still flip an oz of gh but I'm .15 away, any help would be vastly appreciated and reciprocated with interest upon my next purchase. Thanks regardless for taking the time to consider my request. SR account with matching name acc: 13LZpQHbTbm72kPeXLhVas7Lb5yAt8hnX2

Srry for the thread lol, saw the spare change thread as soon as I posted
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 21, 2013, 05:00 pm
Hey aha! Really only able to pop on and send my love to all my Fam here!

Mary, RS, Chemmy, Jugs (I feel you brother I'm sleeping outside and my partner's about to join me. You've got our prayers always) and all you other lovely druggarts!

I'm homeless right now (job opportunities are opening up!) But I did quit the needle and I feel brilliant for it.

Much love!


Woo Hey everyone, just got off work. (pretty early actually)

Hi Alighier, It is good to see you have been able to get off the needle! I am proud of you!
I am so sorry about you being homeless! :( If it was not for all of you here, there is a good chance I would have been too! Seriously I highly doubt that I would have been able to do it without you.

Did everyone see my post last night about the xanax lottery? I noticed my post got buried so I don't think many people were able to read it.

Anyway Alighier you are in my signature so you will be added to the lottery.

Oh and hello to the team! I woke up today grateful and loving life! Just had to share that! 8)

p.s. Should I quote the xanax lottery message to bring it to the front?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: odd on August 21, 2013, 05:08 pm
I would like to note that odd just repayed the .05 I loaned him the other day..
Thanks man!
I gotta order again to maintain my level of suboxonatedness..prefect timing!

Have a good one everyone

Thank you kind sir!  I appreciate your help.  I apologize for the extra day of waiting my coins took their time getting here lol.  With that I've got about three bucks left over i can loan out to anyone who needs help finishing off an order. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on August 21, 2013, 05:21 pm
:) gmorning y'all (hugs) hope everyone is well

*boop's* mary,chemmy,boxy,dan,taz,japan,tmlk,stained,schug**?,jugger,alighier,crynige,kalli,jj,weedme,weedforme,mchaber,brainbert,thecatinthehat an probably forgetting many of ya :) sorry, my stoners memory isn't the best

Hey aha! Really only able to pop on and send my love to all my Fam here!

Mary, RS, Chemmy, Jugs (I feel you brother I'm sleeping outside and my partner's about to join me. You've got our prayers always) and all you other lovely druggarts!

I'm homeless right now (job opportunities are opening up!) But I did quit the needle and I feel brilliant for it.

Much love!

good to hear from you brother, keep your head held high! an best of luck finding a job :)
much love bro
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on August 21, 2013, 06:21 pm
RS7FI8ZRkm was nice enough to lend me some coin. I should have your coins back in about a week. Thank you again! ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on August 21, 2013, 06:29 pm
RS7FI8ZRkm was nice enough to lend me some coin. I should have your coins back in about a week. Thank you again! ;D
please repay it to sir Chemcat :).

deposited the $30 I had in my account to repay some of my debt to him. but figured he'd be alright with me loaning it to you, hope that was okay chemmy.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 21, 2013, 06:42 pm
A Message to: BoxofShapes, Pnkpanth, iBankU, cryngie, XtremeChronic, mary666, jonnybones

Do you all like xanax? I've been trying to get an answer.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on August 21, 2013, 06:44 pm
hey guys.

@ jugg

I think your lottery is a good idea but i am i afraid i can't participate. Since i'm not in the us i don't really want to risk it.

@ ali

congrats! best of luck to you for the job.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BrotherFox on August 21, 2013, 06:46 pm

My silk road username is BrotherFox. I have been a customer now for 2 Months. and have had a few Transactions. This time im going to buy a Half Kilo of Cannabis to sell in my Area and i am 0.31 BTC short. Can any one help me out. If so ill return the favor when my Business is running. I will never forget if you help me out and promise ill return the favor.

Thanks For Your Time: BrotherFox   
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 21, 2013, 06:58 pm
A Message to: BoxofShapes, Pnkpanth, iBankU, cryngie, XtremeChronic, mary666, jonnybones

Do you all like xanax? I've been trying to get an answer.

No I don't actually.  :(  I'm just not designed to take pills.  It doesn't ever end well.

Honestly tho, I just wanna see you get back on your feet.  Even if it was something I wanted I probably wouldn't take it cause I just wanted to help out.  If I did win, this would be my present.

Take care of yourself man. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: peengwinz on August 21, 2013, 07:29 pm
A Message to: BoxofShapes, Pnkpanth, iBankU, cryngie, XtremeChronic, mary666, jonnybones

Do you all like xanax? I've been trying to get an answer.

I like xanax

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Hunter Guy on August 21, 2013, 07:31 pm
Payment  sent back to safeonion with juice!!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: littleperm on August 21, 2013, 07:44 pm
Hey guys, posted a request to borrow a tiny bit of btc yesterday but it got buried amongst the replies. Was hoping to place a little order for 2 hits of LSD to try for the first time with my girl. About $4 short (now that the btc is slowly rising). Need .03 btc. I can pay back in about a week when more coins are in. SR name is bigperm7878

Thanks to all the good people in the SR community. Even if I don't get the loan, this thread is very cool.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: odd on August 21, 2013, 07:51 pm
Hey guys, posted a request to borrow a tiny bit of btc yesterday but it got buried amongst the replies. Was hoping to place a little order for 2 hits of LSD to try for the first time with my girl. About $4 short (now that the btc is slowly rising). Need .03 btc. I can pay back in about a week when more coins are in. SR name is bigperm7878

Thanks to all the good people in the SR community. Even if I don't get the loan, this thread is very cool.

i sent you what i had bro got you most of the way there you should only need like 80 cents or so now.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on August 21, 2013, 08:04 pm
A Message to: BoxofShapes, Pnkpanth, iBankU, cryngie, XtremeChronic, mary666, jonnybones

Do you all like xanax? I've been trying to get an answer.

No I don't actually.  :(  I'm just not designed to take pills.  It doesn't ever end well.

Honestly tho, I just wanna see you get back on your feet.  Even if it was something I wanted I probably wouldn't take it cause I just wanted to help out.  If I did win, this would be my present.

Take care of yourself man.

+1 man, respect !
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: littleperm on August 21, 2013, 08:11 pm
Hey guys, posted a request to borrow a tiny bit of btc yesterday but it got buried amongst the replies. Was hoping to place a little order for 2 hits of LSD to try for the first time with my girl. About $4 short (now that the btc is slowly rising). Need .03 btc. I can pay back in about a week when more coins are in. SR name is bigperm7878

Thanks to all the good people in the SR community. Even if I don't get the loan, this thread is very cool.

i sent you what i had bro got you most of the way there you should only need like 80 cents or so now.

I go
Hey guys, posted a request to borrow a tiny bit of btc yesterday but it got buried amongst the replies. Was hoping to place a little order for 2 hits of LSD to try for the first time with my girl. About $4 short (now that the btc is slowly rising). Need .03 btc. I can pay back in about a week when more coins are in. SR name is bigperm7878

Thanks to all the good people in the SR community. Even if I don't get the loan, this thread is very cool.

i sent you what i had bro got you most of the way there you should only need like 80 cents or so now.

Got what I needed from you ODD and also from RS7f18Zrkm (Phew that's a tough name to remember! Refunding RS7f18Zrkm right now and I'll repay you asap ODD! Thanks guys.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on August 21, 2013, 08:23 pm
Honestly tho, I just wanna see you get back on your feet.  Even if it was something I wanted I probably wouldn't take it cause I just wanted to help out.  If I did win, this would be my present.

Take care of yourself man.

very nicely put boxy :), i agree

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 21, 2013, 09:28 pm
hey guys.

@ jugg

I think your lottery is a good idea but i am i afraid i can't participate. Since i'm not in the us i don't really want to risk it.

@ ali

congrats! best of luck to you for the job.

Hey, I was reading over, and noticed I didn't include you in the names. You are of course included if you choose to be. I feel bad for leaving you out.
I don't think it would be a big risk for a few xannys. I know stealth.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: masongate on August 21, 2013, 09:29 pm
Greetings fellow Silkroadians! After being unfortunate enough to be involved a slew of unfortunate transactions I've returned to the road. Bitinstant was still down at my time of purchase though so I split my money orders among 3 different SR vendors, under the assumption that at least 2 transactions would almost certainly work out and that would leave me with enough coin for an oz with leftovers for next purchase. Unluckily for me that was not the case since 2 vendors failed to send, I could still flip an oz of gh but I'm .15 away, any help would be vastly appreciated and reciprocated with interest upon my next purchase. Thanks regardless for taking the time to consider my request. SR account with matching name acc: 13LZpQHbTbm72kPeXLhVas7Lb5yAt8hnX2

Srry for the thread lol, saw the spare change thread as soon as I posted

Bump, willing to share stats with any lender able to see them for security
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on August 21, 2013, 09:49 pm
Honestly tho, I just wanna see you get back on your feet.  Even if it was something I wanted I probably wouldn't take it cause I just wanted to help out.  If I did win, this would be my present.

Take care of yourself man.

very nicely put boxy :), i agree


Im with box and staind on this one just happy to see you happy with a roof over you and your familys heads

If you decide to go through with lottery anyway I do enjoy xanax and fairly sure you could defeat customs in aus
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jonnybones on August 21, 2013, 11:39 pm
A Message to: BoxofShapes, Pnkpanth, iBankU, cryngie, XtremeChronic, mary666, jonnybones

Do you all like xanax? I've been trying to get an answer.
Yeah love em Jugg, cant lie there. But hear me out, I know this will make you feel better having a competition but if I win,
I officially donate said winnings to the spare coin thread or back to yourself to do with what you will.  If feels great that I could help in a tiny way and that feeling is so much nicer than I could ever get from Xan's so you've already thanked me bro. You're sounding positive and thats great.  The small bits of help you've had here amounts to nothing mate. Really BTC' fluctuations would take it if we didn't all share the coinage...
Your a man of great character thank you and the competition is a great idea....I dont think anyone would doubt that mate.   

edit:  Reading through it sounds like we all are of the same opinion Jugg.., it just goes to show how your thought of here mate.     And dont worry, i'm sure
that whatever happens the meds will end up with someone who really appreciates them at that time.  Its just Paying it Forward mate.... Chem taught me that...although
I think he stole it from a movie...'
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 22, 2013, 12:00 am
A Message to: BoxofShapes, Pnkpanth, iBankU, cryngie, XtremeChronic, mary666, jonnybones

Do you all like xanax? I've been trying to get an answer.
Yeah love em Jugg, cant lie there. But hear me out, I know this will make you feel better having a competition but if I win,
I officially donate said winnings to the spare coin thread or back to yourself to do with what you will.  If feels great that I could help in a tiny way and that feeling is so much nicer than I could ever get from Xan's so you've already thanked me bro. You're sounding positive and thats great.  The small bits of help you've had here amounts to nothing mate. Really BTC' fluctuations would take it if we didn't all share the coinage...
Your a man of great character thank you and the competition is a great idea....I dont think anyone would doubt that mate.   

edit:  Reading through it sounds like we all are of the same opinion Jugg.., it just goes to show how your thought of here mate.     And dont worry, i'm sure
that whatever happens the meds will end up with someone who really appreciates them at that time.  Its just Paying it Forward mate.... Chem taught me that...although
I think he stole it from a movie...'

It's really hard to come up with a response to such a well written post.
It seems a few people have said something similar and in a sense have backed out of the lottery.
This kind of bums me out a bit, so for those of you that rather not receive anything in the mail, I will do like a SR gift code lottery after I sell a few.

- HfJ 8) (Hugs from Juggs)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: foxen624 on August 22, 2013, 12:13 am

My silk road username is BrotherFox. I have been a customer now for 2 Months. and have had a few Transactions. This time im going to buy a Half Kilo of Cannabis to sell in my Area and i am 0.31 BTC short. Can any one help me out. If so ill return the favor when my Business is running. I will never forget if you help me out and promise ill return the favor.

Thanks For Your Time: BrotherFox

I can help you out with approx half - 0.15 BTC.  I'll go ahead and send it and in case you already got it, then pay it forward to someone else who needs it.  Good luck in your endeavor :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: darkmagic65 on August 22, 2013, 01:36 am
im short 0.15 btc for shippping on shrooms.. can someone please help me ive asked a couple of times but ive gotten no help but I see some other people around me got help with even more than that if anyone could help I will pay it back when I can it may not be all at once though

my wallet is
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on August 22, 2013, 01:47 am
im short 0.15 btc for shippping on shrooms.. can someone please help me ive asked a couple of times but ive gotten no help but I see some other people around me got help with even more than that if anyone could help I will pay it back when I can it may not be all at once though

my wallet is

SR name?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: foxen624 on August 22, 2013, 01:49 am
im short 0.15 btc for shippping on shrooms.. can someone please help me ive asked a couple of times but ive gotten no help but I see some other people around me got help with even more than that if anyone could help I will pay it back when I can it may not be all at once though

my wallet is

I'm sorry, I had just gotten some coin and had a small amount left over after placing an order.  Came here looking for someone who may need some help and I responded to the only post I saw that did not appear to have been responded to.  Had I seen yours and knew you had asked first, I'd have helped you.  As it is, I only have 0.03 BTC left...   it's yours if you want it.  I will transfer it to you when you respond with your SR name.  (Wallet addy doesn't really help in this circumstance). 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ppanth on August 22, 2013, 01:50 am
Hey Juggs, don't be bummed, I think that those of us that wanted to help out were happy enough to know that we did help you some..while a lottery is appreciated, I would be just as happy for you to sell said xanax and keep the money for your little one. That would make me happier pay back is needed when doing good deeds..the deed itself is enough.
Glad to read your seeming to be feeling and doing better, at least things are looking up!!
Have a good night guys/gals!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: darkmagic65 on August 22, 2013, 02:00 am
SR name?

my sr name is darkmagic65
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on August 22, 2013, 02:18 am
SR name?

my sr name is darkmagic65

.15 sent
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: darkmagic65 on August 22, 2013, 02:24 am
thanks alot!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: energyimport on August 22, 2013, 02:30 am
Hey whats going on! Im in need of .15 ish Bit coin looking to try out some topical and just a lil bit short any one want to help me out?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Anime007 on August 22, 2013, 02:36 am
Could anyone give me .02 bitcoins? I'm trying to order a gram of Ketamine, for the first time. My SR user name is Anime007 :) I promise to come back here in the future and return the favor to someone else. Thank you!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: purpleute on August 22, 2013, 02:59 am
First time poster, was hoping to get a loan of 0.015 bitcoin, for a week.

Silkroad name is purute88 .


Sending 0.0112 its all iv got hopefully someone else can cover the rest for ya.

Thank you very much. Almost enough to put my order in before my bed time :)

Sent .0064 to you for the rest.

Thanks for the loan mate.  Just sent the money back now.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: purpleute on August 22, 2013, 03:03 am
Could anyone give me .02 bitcoins? I'm trying to order a gram of Ketamine, for the first time. My SR user name is Anime007 :) I promise to come back here in the future and return the favor to someone else. Thank you!

I can do that mate.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Anime007 on August 22, 2013, 03:07 am
Could anyone give me .02 bitcoins? I'm trying to order a gram of Ketamine, for the first time. My SR user name is Anime007 :) I promise to come back here in the future and return the favor to someone else. Thank you!

I can do that mate.

Thank you so much brother. I appreciate it greatly. I'll be back to spread the love in the future.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: darkmagic65 on August 22, 2013, 04:28 am
Im short 13.50 for a gram of weed i only have 5.37 left from buying some shrooms and i really want some weed to go with them so can someone help me out?

my sr acc is darkmagic65
my wallet is 13Nw8rV7HWBGN8uXBeHTNtAH13uRGyDKTF

im only needing 13.50 (0.1350) btc
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: feemsteam on August 22, 2013, 04:44 am
Im short 13.50 for a gram of weed i only have 5.37 left from buying some shrooms and i really want some weed to go with them so can someone help me out?

my sr acc is darkmagic65
my wallet is 13Nw8rV7HWBGN8uXBeHTNtAH13uRGyDKTF

im only needing 13.50 (0.1350) btc

Didnt someone just send you 0.15.... get real kid and quit being a fucking mooching jerk. if you cant support your own habit/s maybe keep from having any.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on August 22, 2013, 05:46 am
Im short 13.50 for a gram of weed i only have 5.37 left from buying some shrooms and i really want some weed to go with them so can someone help me out?

my sr acc is darkmagic65
my wallet is 13Nw8rV7HWBGN8uXBeHTNtAH13uRGyDKTF

im only needing 13.50 (0.1350) btc

Didnt someone just send you 0.15.... get real kid and quit being a fucking mooching jerk. if you cant support your own habit/s maybe keep from having any.

Yeah the shit cunt did now I fucking wish I haddent cause I highly doubt I'll be getting it back seeing as they just want to borrow more intead of buying
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: njguido on August 22, 2013, 06:02 am
Im short 13.50 for a gram of weed i only have 5.37 left from buying some shrooms and i really want some weed to go with them so can someone help me out?

my sr acc is darkmagic65
my wallet is 13Nw8rV7HWBGN8uXBeHTNtAH13uRGyDKTF

im only needing 13.50 (0.1350) btc

Didnt someone just send you 0.15.... get real kid and quit being a fucking mooching jerk. if you cant support your own habit/s maybe keep from having any.

Yeah the shit cunt did now I fucking wish I haddent cause I highly doubt I'll be getting it back seeing as they just want to borrow more intead of buying

lol I warned you guys, this is definitely i3lazd under a different, non-shitlisted moniker! Go get some bitcoin and stop trying to get people to buy you drugs you broke piece of shit!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: darkmagic65 on August 22, 2013, 06:22 am
no im not who that guy says i am but im sorry for asking for some again i just wanted to get some weed with my my first shroom experience hopefully i get some from someone since i wont e able to get it from the road i guess..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on August 22, 2013, 06:40 am
no im not who that guy says i am but im sorry for asking for some again i just wanted to get some weed with my my first shroom experience hopefully i get some from someone since i wont e able to get it from the road i guess..

Holy fucking shit you little fuck i just checked your fucking wallet and you have only put .1824 in it ever you borrowed almost that much off me and are trying to borrow another .15 how about you send what you have left over back to me intead of borrowing more
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: foxen624 on August 22, 2013, 07:57 am
no im not who that guy says i am but im sorry for asking for some again i just wanted to get some weed with my my first shroom experience hopefully i get some from someone since i wont e able to get it from the road i guess..

Holy fucking shit you little fuck i just checked your fucking wallet and you have only put .1824 in it ever you borrowed almost that much off me and are trying to borrow another .15 how about you send what you have left over back to me intead of borrowing more

:o  Several hours ago, I'd promised my last 0.03 btc to darkmagic65 as a small contribution to the 0.15 btc requested.  Only reason I didn't transfer it right then was that I didn't know the SR name.  Had asked for it but then got distracted with something else and totally forgot.  Just now remembered my earlier promise and came back to see if it was still needed...  only to find ...  this! (and other similar posts below).  Now I feel lame for having fell for that shit.  I'd been aware in the past of i3lazd's mooching on here, but figure there's always at least one in every bunch on or offline who will take advantage of others, so had just dismissed him and when he went away, forgot all about him.  So now he/she's back with a new name and putting a wallet addy instead of a SR name [like someone new to the thread and how it works - obviously a deliberate deception].  This makes me sad because I don't trust easily by nature, but somehow, the people who are here in this thread frequently seem to have a special bond and here I have found that trust has come to me more easily than anywhere else in a long time.  It matters not that I've lent more than I've been paid back because most of the time I ask that they pay it to someone else who needs it or not to worry about it.  But not being paid back by someone I've already said not to worry about it is not the same as a deceitful lying fuck who isn't here for the warmth, to help anyone else, or even for a simple hello - just here to take advantage of as many people for as much as he/she can take with no apparent conscious.  Hope this name gets added to the shitlist if it hasn't been already..  >:(

O.K...  rant over :)  Hi there (I'm gonna try this): Juggs, Box, chem, mary, Kalli, JohnnyBones.. and all the rest who are just as gr8 but I ran out of RAM in my brain ???  lol....  hope everyone's doing good and fwiw, I've got some more coin now in case anyone [almost] needs a small loan...

Take care and have a good night/day ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on August 22, 2013, 08:06 am
I feel retarded too I normally check there addy against blockchain and check how long they have been members and there previous posts but have so much on my mind right now sort of brain farted and just lent it out then when i saw them back checked blockchain to my fucking dismay .1824 thats it all they have bought and transfered assuming they bought it and havent spent the last year watching videos or visiting websites for satoshis
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 22, 2013, 08:14 am
Good morning everyone  ;) just quick hello, i,m waiting on a lift  :) Hope everyone,s good today  :) I also hope the person borrowing for shrooms and weed maybe just has a new wallet  ::) (though i,ve never changed mine. I,ll be back later foer a chat  ;)

@jonnybones.. lol, i,ll pm you later hun  :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on August 22, 2013, 08:26 am
Morning mary
 going to be a beautiful day?
JHope it is for you
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: foxen624 on August 22, 2013, 08:29 am
@ cryngie  - hey, at least you have a good heart.  I already quit feeling lame because I figure that loaning anyone money - especially people you really don't know even if sometimes it seem you do - is always a risk and I never loan any amount that would cause me any real harm if I never saw it again.  I'm actually still surprised everytime someone pays me back...    sorry you were the one who apparently loaned to the mooch, but hope you don't feel bad because you did what your heart told you and that's better karma than anyone if a forum can give you...  but I give you a +1 anyway because you seem like an honest genuine and caring person...    have a good one ;)

and...  *looks down* Hi mary! ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on August 22, 2013, 08:40 am
Thanks for the kind words foxen,
If i dont get it back i can afford it but it just shits me that people take advantage of such a beautiful community which is what i consider OSCT to be " a sub-group" of the SR forum family
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: foxen624 on August 22, 2013, 09:10 am

I feel the same way about this thread.  Family.. ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: njguido on August 22, 2013, 09:21 am
no im not who that guy says i am but im sorry for asking for some again i just wanted to get some weed with my my first shroom experience hopefully i get some from someone since i wont e able to get it from the road i guess..

You're having trouble scoring weed locally?  Either you're 9 years old, or you live in Antarctica... There's just no excuse...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: foxen624 on August 22, 2013, 09:39 am
no im not who that guy says i am but im sorry for asking for some again i just wanted to get some weed with my my first shroom experience hopefully i get some from someone since i wont e able to get it from the road i guess..

You're having trouble scoring weed locally?  Either you're 9 years old, or you live in Antarctica... There's just no excuse...

more likely all the locals are sick of fronting it and never getting paid....  just sayin'...

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: shifting sands on August 22, 2013, 12:11 pm
Morning guys, again I find myself short of 0.858 and the postage. Can anyone lend me 0.1 till after the weekend now. As always will payback extra.
Thanks guys
SR name is notmetoday
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ppanth on August 22, 2013, 04:35 pm
Morning all..still fighting this crappy cold. Getting better..

If anyone has .132 I can borrow til tomorrow, I can place my order..I should be able to pay back tomorrow, as long as I can get btc thru the route I use. If not it could be a day longer, but usually they have the btc in the morning. And I do payback, and all that. It sucks when ppl borrow and dont honor their word and payback. Not cool :(

sr username is pnkpanth

Have a good thrusday peeps!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 22, 2013, 06:39 pm
Evening everyone, been quiet today  :P, sorry had to go out earlier wasn,t ignoring anyone  :-[ Get the names up of the people who haven,t paid back so they can go on shitlist  ;) I remember cyringe giving out quite a few loans and PP and also upthera, who,s went awol but we,ll see, don,t want them getting other loans, maybe wise to check to people,s posts before lending  ;)
Sorry i,ve nothing to loan except 0.012 which won,t help either of you  ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ppanth on August 22, 2013, 06:42 pm
I never did hear back from figaro on the loan I gave him, and I sent that pm what a week ago? or more..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MC Haberdasher on August 22, 2013, 06:48 pm
Morning all..still fighting this crappy cold. Getting better..

If anyone has .132 I can borrow til tomorrow, I can place my order..I should be able to pay back tomorrow, as long as I can get btc thru the route I use. If not it could be a day longer, but usually they have the btc in the morning. And I do payback, and all that. It sucks when ppl borrow and dont honor their word and payback. Not cool :(

sr username is pnkpanth

Have a good thrusday peeps!

I have been waiting on a vendor to give me a custom listing, and I think they are waiting for when they can ship..  So I can hooks it up, yo.

Sent 0.16 to the username provided.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 22, 2013, 06:49 pm
I never did hear back from figaro on the loan I gave him, and I sent that pm what a week ago? or more..
fuckin ignorant  >:( obviously one for the shitlist @boxy  ::) thats shit you still got that bloody cold PP, hope its gone soon  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ppanth on August 22, 2013, 07:03 pm
Awesome MCHaberdasher! Thank you so very much! Made that order, and I will pay back as soon as I get my btc in account, should be tomorrow morning. My fear is that when I plan, well then the damn seller is out of btc..but never longer then a day, as far as I have seen. Getting that order done today means I dont have to sweat it out and will be here quick.

Mary  this cold is just a traveling around ,my head, my chest, ugh its like just go away already..and everyone in the house has it,so its like crabby central here.

Well thanks again MC, that makes my life so much easier, you just dont know!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MC Haberdasher on August 22, 2013, 07:19 pm
Awesome MCHaberdasher! Thank you so very much! Made that order, and I will pay back as soon as I get my btc in account, should be tomorrow morning. My fear is that when I plan, well then the damn seller is out of btc..but never longer then a day, as far as I have seen. Getting that order done today means I dont have to sweat it out and will be here quick.

Mary  this cold is just a traveling around ,my head, my chest, ugh its like just go away already..and everyone in the house has it,so its like crabby central here.

Well thanks again MC, that makes my life so much easier, you just dont know!

It's all good.  I am actually waiting on some medicine from the store because I as well, am sick.  A direct result of my hedonism, of course.  And yes, I do know how much easier life is when you can place an order and get shit done!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 22, 2013, 08:06 pm
hey guys, felt bad for chatting it up in the hero thread and not getting on here to say hi.

Way to many people that I like in here to give a proper shoutout though, so it goes out to all of you. You know who!

fuck im fucked. 8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on August 22, 2013, 08:23 pm


:) :P :-* ::)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: VHSplayer on August 22, 2013, 08:28 pm
Hope everyone is having a wonderful day :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: theman123451 on August 22, 2013, 08:59 pm
hi everybody!!!!!! (in the dr. nicks voice from the Simpsons)

just thought i pop in and wish everyone a great day!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on August 22, 2013, 09:34 pm
Morning all 'tis going to be a awesome day
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on August 22, 2013, 09:38 pm
wazzup theman :D! been a while, good to see yah have a good one bro

hey cryngie :) gmorning, how you been
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on August 22, 2013, 09:59 pm
HI RS7 been up and down this week but am at up again and its friday so cant be too bad aye
How you been
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on August 22, 2013, 10:57 pm

alright my lovelies..
it's my turn..
you know how i roll, i always payback with a nice 'thank you'!!
but I'm in need of .23btc.. i know, quite a large order!!
i guarantee payback by either this wednesday or next wednesday..
thank you thank you!!

same name on SR..


Sent you 0.22BTC my friend.


alright my lovelies..
it's my turn..
you know how i roll, i always payback with a nice 'thank you'!!
but I'm in need of .23btc.. i know, quite a large order!!
i guarantee payback by either this wednesday or next wednesday..
thank you thank you!!

same name on SR..

sending .03 your way. I know its not full amount but hopefully it helps. Wish u luck on the other .2

you two are SOOO awesome!!
your coin will be returned as promised!!
thank you thank you!!


payback sent plus a little thank you!!
wish the payback could've been more homies!!
but i was able to get high cuz of your generous asses!!
much thanks!!

long live SR!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: energyimport on August 22, 2013, 11:09 pm
Hey whats going on!

I hate to repost but I'm still looking for a lil coinage. Im trying to get some pretty cheap topical to help with my psoriasis. If you can help me out I would much appreciate it and if you send me a message letting me know you sent  me a loan I would gladly pay ya back with in a week.

Im in need of .15 ish Bit coin any one want to help?

It would be much appreciated!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: theman123451 on August 22, 2013, 11:13 pm
RS its been a wile hope everything is groovy with yea. i have not forgot bout your loan u gave me just waitting for the people to come back with molly so i can get some. i dont wanna pick up a bunch of coins and have the value go down :(. but should be hopefully sometime in the next week or 2.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on August 23, 2013, 12:12 am
Hello bitches!

RS, Mary et al.

I hope all are doing well this eve.

Just wanted to pop in and say that purute88 paid back their loan to me today! Thank you very much purute88. You are the 1st, in all my loans, to be paid back!

I hope that Taz comes back sometime soon.

Boxes and ChemCat, I miss you guys too...

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: purpleute on August 23, 2013, 02:35 am
Hello bitches!

RS, Mary et al.

I hope all are doing well this eve.

Just wanted to pop in and say that purute88 paid back their loan to me today! Thank you very much purute88. You are the 1st, in all my loans, to be paid back!

I hope that Taz comes back sometime soon.

Boxes and ChemCat, I miss you guys too...

No problem mate, thanks for helping me out.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: schuldig on August 23, 2013, 03:09 am

payback sent plus a little thank you!!
wish the payback could've been more homies!!
but i was able to get high cuz of your generous asses!!
much thanks!!

long live SR!!

Thank you mate, no need to apologize, I am not in this for the money but to help people. Hopefully everything went well =)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Stonedstupor on August 23, 2013, 08:04 am
anyone got 0.08 they could lend me? running short on an order. can pay back next time i get coins (1-3 days)

thanks in advance!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: CityWok on August 23, 2013, 11:52 am
This is embarrassing ...

I gotta remember to actually check what my Bitcoin status is rather than to trust my memory ...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: safeonion on August 23, 2013, 12:34 pm
anyone got 0.08 they could lend me? running short on an order. can pay back next time i get coins (1-3 days)

thanks in advance!

what is your username?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: skeezr95 on August 23, 2013, 01:08 pm
Anyone willing to spare a 0.05btc loan? I have previously borrowed twice on the forums and each time I paid back my loan double and communicated with the lender throughout the entire repayment process. I will be receiving a large amount of bitcoins in the next 7-12 days, and will gladly repay double the amount to anyone who lends me the small amount I need to complete my transaction today. Thank you very much to all of you generous souls who continually come here to help each other out, you guys make the world a much better place! Hope everyone has a blessed day :)

P.S. - My SR user name is the same as it is here.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on August 23, 2013, 01:23 pm
Anyone willing to spare a 0.05btc loan? I have previously borrowed twice on the forums and each time I paid back my loan double and communicated with the lender throughout the entire repayment process. I will be receiving a large amount of bitcoins in the next 7-12 days, and will gladly repay double the amount to anyone who lends me the small amount I need to complete my transaction today. Thank you very much to all of you generous souls who continually come here to help each other out, you guys make the world a much better place! Hope everyone has a blessed day :)

P.S. - My SR user name is the same as it is here.
.05 sent. I have lent to you before and know of your trust :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MC Haberdasher on August 23, 2013, 01:31 pm
Hey folks, I lent out 0.16 last night, and I need it back pronto!  Can anyone help me out until I can get paid back? 

SR name is haberdasher.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ppanth on August 23, 2013, 02:28 pm
Hey McHaberdasher..check your account..just sent back .17..thanks again !!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MC Haberdasher on August 23, 2013, 02:32 pm
Hey McHaberdasher..check your account..just sent back .17..thanks again !!


Just in time!  Thanks!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ppanth on August 23, 2013, 02:37 pm
No problem..thanks for letting me borrow it and get my shit on the way yesterday..I do love the vendors that ship same day...

Still working on this freaking cold, but today I am improved, at least. It hasnt taken me as long to feel somewhat human this morning as it did all week..bleah...

Well happy Friday all..I am going to shop some more, looking at the pretty
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 23, 2013, 03:03 pm
I hope that Taz comes back sometime soon.

Boxes and ChemCat, I miss you guys too...

I <3 U
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 23, 2013, 04:12 pm
hey guys, out of all of you in my sig, who needs 24.00 the most? =p or should I split it up?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 23, 2013, 04:21 pm
^^^^ I can wait.  All my orders are in.  Take care of the rest.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on August 23, 2013, 05:26 pm
Hey guys just popped in to say hi, so HIIIIIII !  :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 23, 2013, 05:48 pm
Hi Kalli n Boxy n Jugg n PPanth n RS n Chemmy n Darktime n Murda n DanDan n Aligher n upthera and everyone else lol  :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Praetorian on August 23, 2013, 06:17 pm
Stoppin' by to give money away!

Of course, I am going to make this a riddle...

I'm looking for a number in black, on the back of a Beetle, between two Beatles, crossing the Road.

                                                           ...first person to answer correctly get's it!  $6

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 23, 2013, 06:30 pm
couldn't figure it out, lol.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 23, 2013, 06:36 pm
Stoppin' by to give money away!

Of course, I am going to make this a riddle...

I'm looking for a number in black, on the back of a Beetle, between two Beatles, crossing the Road.

                                                           ...first person to answer correctly get's it!  $6
the no. 1  ::) :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Praetorian on August 23, 2013, 07:00 pm
It would appear that I made up a good riddle...

                                                                 Here's a hint:  I'm referring to a popular image.

Another Hint will come after the next few wrong-guesses, or clueless replies! ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 23, 2013, 07:08 pm

Or is it 281?  I don't know if that's an I or a 1. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ppanth on August 23, 2013, 07:12 pm
Oh I can not find a picture that shows the number
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ppanth on August 23, 2013, 07:14 pm
I say Box has it..finally got it to blow up..LMW 281 or I F
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on August 23, 2013, 07:26 pm
:) gmorning everyone
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Praetorian on August 23, 2013, 07:30 pm

Or is it 281?  I don't know if that's an I or a 1.

LMW28IF is correct!  SR Username or BTC Addy.  The $6 is yours!

To everyone-  The Answer was the license plate number on the back of a VW Beetle that is parked on the side of the Road right between George Harrison and Paul McCartney on the cover of Abbey Road.  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 23, 2013, 07:38 pm
Heh.  I've had that image drilled in my head when I was being raised.  I might as well put as much effort into interpreting a russian symbolism painting.  Knew exactly what he was talking about.  I just couldn't quote the plate.

That's one of the most accidentally famous cars out there.  Dude said he had no clue they were doing that when he parked there that day.


Sup guy!

The shape of this boxes name is the same on sr.  BoxofShapes.

Normally I wouldn't take it but it's time the "abuse" I received as a kid paid off.  I swear I was lead to believe I would understand the universe if I stared at this picture long enough.

Thanks a lot Praetorian!  That was fun!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 23, 2013, 07:51 pm
Any of you generous folk willing to lend a stoner 0.04btc? I'm just short on a small order and would be most grateful for a hand.

Will pay back certainly within 7 days, probably long before then. My Silk Road username is the same as my forum name here.

.04 shapes on the way man.  Throw em back in the box when you can.

I wanted to add ktrustb has paid back with a lil interest.  Thank you for putting the shapes back in the box!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 23, 2013, 07:57 pm
I must not be educated enough, I still have no idea what you are all talking about.. i mean about the picture.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 23, 2013, 08:08 pm
I must not be educated enough, I still have no idea what you are all talking about.. i mean about the picture.

The licence plate on the back of the VW bug to the left in the picture of abbey road.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Praetorian on August 23, 2013, 08:11 pm
Heh.  I've had that image drilled in my head when I was being raised.  I might as well put as much effort into interpreting a russian symbolism painting.  Knew exactly what he was talking about.  I just couldn't quote the plate.

That's one of the most accidentally famous cars out there.  Dude said he had no clue they were doing that when he parked there that day.


Sup guy!

The shape of this boxes name is the same on sr.  BoxofShapes.

Normally I wouldn't take it but it's time the "abuse" I received as a kid paid off.  I swear I was lead to believe I would understand the universe if I stared at this picture long enough.

Thanks a lot Praetorian!  That was fun!

Haha!  TORTURE!  ;)

+1 ; and that'll be... in.. your... account.... NOW
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ppanth on August 23, 2013, 08:29 pm
I must not be educated enough, I still have no idea what you are all talking about.. i mean about the picture.

Praetorian's riddle..I was guessing that was the Beatles album cover, looked it up and sure enough it was the cover for Abbey Road...but the first few pics I found the license plate of the beetle were unreadable..that was fun for

Congrats Box!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 23, 2013, 08:31 pm
I must not be educated enough, I still have no idea what you are all talking about.. i mean about the picture.

The licence plate on the back of the VW bug to the left in the picture of abbey road.

NO WAY! I literally had that picture pulled up RIGHT after he posted the riddle! it was the first thing that popped into my head when I read the riddle! hah but I had no idea he was ACTUALLY talking about a beetle.
damn could of had 6 bux! haha

sorry guys, i am fucked up right about now.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 23, 2013, 08:52 pm
Heh.  I've had that image drilled in my head when I was being raised.  I might as well put as much effort into interpreting a russian symbolism painting.  Knew exactly what he was talking about.  I just couldn't quote the plate.

That's one of the most accidentally famous cars out there.  Dude said he had no clue they were doing that when he parked there that day.


Sup guy!

The shape of this boxes name is the same on sr.  BoxofShapes.

Normally I wouldn't take it but it's time the "abuse" I received as a kid paid off.  I swear I was lead to believe I would understand the universe if I stared at this picture long enough.

Thanks a lot Praetorian!  That was fun!

Haha!  TORTURE!  ;)

+1 ; and that'll be... in.. your... account.... NOW

Oh man this made my SR day.  What interesting things have happened today and I'm happy to say this was a part of them!

+1 back your face
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: schuldig on August 23, 2013, 09:11 pm
I must not be educated enough, I still have no idea what you are all talking about.. i mean about the picture.

Praetorian's riddle..I was guessing that was the Beatles album cover, looked it up and sure enough it was the cover for Abbey Road...but the first few pics I found the license plate of the beetle were unreadable..that was fun for

Congrats Box!

Hey ppanth you can always configure google search to a specific size. If you search for bigger than 2000pixels the picture is quite readable.
Better luck next time =)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 23, 2013, 10:53 pm
Hey anyone seen Hearts? It just dawned on me, I have not seen a post from him in a while.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 23, 2013, 11:22 pm
Hey anyone seen Hearts? It just dawned on me, I have not seen a post from him in a while.
There are a few people I've wondered about.  You can add taz and j-man to that list.

Hope ChemCat is good whatever trouble he is getting into.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 24, 2013, 12:39 am
yeah, I didn't know taz and j-man as well as I know hearts.
I just know hearts was always worried and paranoid about getting stuff from SR sent to him in south east asia.
Hope he didn't get into any trouble, I'm just gonna assume he went on vacation or just got spooked and decided to take a hiatus from the road.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on August 24, 2013, 12:54 am
Hey anyone seen Hearts? It just dawned on me, I have not seen a post from him in a while.
There are a few people I've wondered about.  You can add taz and j-man to that list.

Hope ChemCat is good whatever trouble he is getting into.
been wondering where j-man is myself :-\ hope hes all good, mary's got a PM not too long ago from him saying he was good just really busy.

hope everyones well :) (hugs) y'all, also yo boxy I have to PM ya, found some US fire :D might be outta your PPG tho..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 24, 2013, 01:25 am
Pnkpanth, iBankU, cryngie, XtremeChronic, jonnybones

Do you guys need any coin back? I have like 23-24 bux.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 24, 2013, 01:44 am
Yea japan seemed like he can take care of himself pretty well. 

PM received, noted, and replied!  It's a bit more than I'm accustomed to but good shit is good shit on fire in a paper bag in front of your neighbors door step, no matter the price.  Nice to have help figure out this mess any time.

Listening to Abbey Road out of spite!  Because the earth is round god damn it!  Because it's round!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ppanth on August 24, 2013, 02:23 am
Juggs..I'm short like one sub..I think, but I wasn't worrying about it yet. Damned things are over priced..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: SoAlone on August 24, 2013, 03:44 am
Need $2.00 USD fast., and will pay back Sept 3rd 2013 (or sooner) anyone? - I'll keep checking back. I already have one positive repayment on.

That's  ฿ .01865. for you ฿ purists.

This is Urgent!

[Edit] SoAlone is also my SR address. Thank You.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 24, 2013, 03:53 am
Need $2.00 USD fast., and will pay back Sept 3rd 2013 (or sooner) anyone? - I'll keep checking back. I already have one positive repayment on.

That's  ฿ .01865. for you ฿ purists.

This is Urgent!

Did anyone send it to you yet? what is your SR name?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: SoAlone on August 24, 2013, 04:01 am
Need $2.00 USD fast., and will pay back Sept 3rd 2013 (or sooner) anyone? - I'll keep checking back. I already have one positive repayment on.

That's  ฿ .01865. for you ฿ purists.

This is Urgent!

Did anyone send it to you yet? what is your SR name?

No nobody yet. Yes Soalone is my SR name thanx if you can help!

PS- we know each other from Terabithia's thread!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: SoAlone on August 24, 2013, 04:22 am
Yo Juggernog, it's been a 1/2 hour Where the fuck are you? Can you help me or not?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 24, 2013, 04:26 am
Need $2.00 USD fast., and will pay back Sept 3rd 2013 (or sooner) anyone? - I'll keep checking back. I already have one positive repayment on.

That's  ฿ .01865. for you ฿ purists.

This is Urgent!

[Edit] SoAlone is also my SR address. Thank You.

Shapes on the way.  If it's been taken care of please send it back.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: SoAlone on August 24, 2013, 05:01 am
@Shapes, you have my word. By Sept 3rd or sooner. It was one of those ฿tc extra charges I didn't consider.
Thank you. - I always give an extra $1 if not more on my repayment.

You and everyone watching, have my word.

Thanks for being a stand-up guy.


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 24, 2013, 05:10 am
Good words!  No worries.  Have fun with your order. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on August 24, 2013, 05:49 am
Quote from: SoAlone
Yo Juggernog, it's been a 1/2 hour Where the fuck are you? Can you help me or not?

Don't worry about Jugg right now, he has some life things to take care of....

Other than that ..Hiya fam!!  boy oh boy i've missed ya'll  :)

been workin alot and tonight i decided to trip the light fantastic with ole DMT  and lemme tell ya this spirit molecule is muh best fawkin friend  :P

well i'll be up for a bit and just wanted to say Hi and i Love you All  8)

Love, Peace & Hugs,


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on August 24, 2013, 05:51 am
@ Boxy  :)

I Love you my Friend!!   



Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 24, 2013, 06:22 am
Yay!  Good to see you again CC!  Been thinking I need to take another run with dimitri as well. 

Wish I wasn't on my way to bed or I would keep ya company.  Save it for another night?

I've missed ya!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on August 24, 2013, 06:30 am
Tonight's my only night off...well not really i  don't go back to work until sunday :P

man, boxy i miss the days of me you RS and dan and a few others just bullshitti in here loanin coins...


We've come a Long way, my Friend  :)

you ever need some DMT just shoot me a PGP msg and i'll hook ya up  ;)

No  Sweat   :)

After i turned some friends on to DMT i took a quarter gram of m1 and Vaporized some DMT myself....oh man ...

waht an amazing combination  :)

ok, get ya some sleep, boxy  :)

I Love ya, Friend 8)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on August 24, 2013, 06:33 am
Heya buddy  :)

you can get those gelatin capsules at a GNC near you  ;)

And most health stores sell them as well.....



Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 24, 2013, 08:12 am
Yo Juggernog, it's been a 1/2 hour Where the fuck are you? Can you help me or not?

Sorry bro, had some shit come up, was AFK for quite a while. Just got back about 10-15 minutes ago.
Thanks shapes. I would have taken care of it if I did have to run out.

How is everyone doing this fine 3am? heh
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on August 24, 2013, 08:17 am
It's 8:17 here, Jugg  ???

How r ya?  you get everything straight?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: theman123451 on August 24, 2013, 09:32 am
chem hope all is well!!!!! that dmt sounds kind of crazy do you make it yourself? (if you dont mind me asking)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 24, 2013, 09:58 am
Hi Chemmy  :) missed ya hun  :-* :-* How,s the working going, you keepin them young un,s in line  ;D my SR Dad  ;)

Hello to everyone else, hope your all having a good weekend  ;D :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on August 24, 2013, 10:01 am
Quote from: theman
chem hope all is well!!!!! that dmt sounds kind of crazy do you make it yourself? (if you dont mind me asking)

Hey Hey You  :P

Nah the Chemist makes it..i have quite a bit to vend but i am just waiting...shoot me a msg on the Road if yur interested



Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on August 24, 2013, 10:03 am
mary   :)  what ya doin up  at this time of morn?  LOL

Love ya sis  8)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 24, 2013, 10:11 am
mary   :)  what ya doin up  at this time of morn?  LOL

Love ya sis  8)


What you doing up hun, what time is it with you, about 5am  ::) its 11 am here, no sun, boring   ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on August 24, 2013, 10:19 am
it's early here3 hun.....just waiting on  friend that has man problems, to get here...i care about my friends that i love...seems like the hurts me though....ya know?   
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 24, 2013, 10:24 am
You gonna cheer him up with DMT hun  :-\ you just took that or you take your normal n bome things lol "trippy Chemmy"  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on August 24, 2013, 12:07 pm
:) sneaks in for a group hugs!

heya everybody
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: darkmagic65 on August 24, 2013, 01:54 pm
im short 25 cents uhgg.. can someone help
my SR acc is darkmagic65 wallet is

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: anonypunk on August 24, 2013, 02:17 pm
I can help darkmagic65 if it's 0.25 cents. If it's 0.25 btc I cannot.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: darkmagic65 on August 24, 2013, 02:22 pm
yeahs its 25 cents 0.0025 thanks!

if anyone can help ill appreciate it
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on August 24, 2013, 02:58 pm
I can help darkmagic65 if it's 0.25 cents. If it's 0.25 btc I cannot.

You paid your last loan off yet ?

Let me guess you need postage for yet another free sample....
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: darkmagic65 on August 24, 2013, 03:04 pm
many people here owe others some people owe 3-4 people i only got a loan from 1 person and now im only asking for 0.0025 (25 cents) because im short its not really a big deal..

my sr acc is darkmagic65

wallet is

if anyone sends it please post here and i will give you karma and pay it back soon as I can thanks..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BrotherFox on August 24, 2013, 03:09 pm
Hey Guys.

I'm short 0.2 for 2 Oz of Methadrone. I have been a SR User for 4 Months and this will be my First Methadrone purchase. Would any one Donate 0.2 of Bit Coin and i will return the favor.

SR Username: BrotherFox

Thanks Guy's 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on August 24, 2013, 03:18 pm
many people here owe others some people owe 3-4 people i only got a loan from 1 person and now im only asking for 0.0025 (25 cents) because im short its not really a big deal..

my sr acc is darkmagic65

wallet is

if anyone sends it please post here and i will give you karma and pay it back soon as I can thanks..

All you do is fucking lend and get free samples, this thread is for people who are genuinely short of their order you're just a leech mate sort your shit out fool. How many coins you spent in total then lol don't worry I can check myself anyway scum sucker.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on August 24, 2013, 03:22 pm
Hey Guys.

I'm short 0.2 for 2 Oz of Methadrone. I have been a SR User for 4 Months and this will be my First Methadrone purchase. Would any one Donate 0.2 of Bit Coin and i will return the favor.

SR Username: BrotherFox

Thanks Guy's

the drug you desire does not exist. you want mephedrone or methadone? spelling errors cost lives. btw donations are not returned. are you asking for a donation or a loan? get your shit together.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mazzarmazzar on August 24, 2013, 03:30 pm

He has scammed "loans" from a couple of people and is straight back asking for more after.

Also "Ukler" was loaned 0.2 last monday which he agreed to pay back the following day which he did not and still has not.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: darkmagic65 on August 24, 2013, 03:34 pm
I haven't scammed anyone I barrowd 0.20 from cryngie and no one else... now im asking for 25 cents and theirs other who have barrowd 0.20 from 3-4 different people and have still yet to pay them back
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BrotherFox on August 24, 2013, 03:35 pm
Hey Guys.

I'm short 0.2 for 2 Oz of Methadrone. I have been a SR User for 4 Months and this will be my First Methadrone purchase. Would any one Donate 0.2 of Bit Coin and i will return the favor.

SR Username: BrotherFox

Thanks Guy's

A loan and it's MCat

the drug you desire does not exist. you want mephedrone or methadone? spelling errors cost lives. btw donations are not returned. are you asking for a donation or a loan? get your shit together.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: darkmagic65 on August 24, 2013, 03:38 pm
im short 25 cents(0.0025) for an order
my SR acc is darkmagic65 wallet is


people flaming me for no reason..
if you help me with 25 cents ill +1 karma and pay you pay when I can

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on August 24, 2013, 03:51 pm
im short 25 cents(0.0025) for an order
my SR acc is darkmagic65 wallet is


people flaming me for no reason..
if you help me with 25 cents ill +1 karma and pay you pay when I can


Awww poor you, you're an even bigger idiot then I thought if you think it's for no reason and this is coming from someone who lends in this thread as well.....

Funny how your repeat spam request remind me of someone's account who disappeared around the same time as you pop up hmmmm

And you can check allllll my posts iv never flamed anyone for no reason fool.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BrotherFox on August 24, 2013, 04:03 pm
Can any one lend me 0.2 BTC and i could repay Thursday. Ive been a SR Member for 4 Months and this will be my First Order for M-Cat.

SR Username: BrotherFox

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mazzarmazzar on August 24, 2013, 04:56 pm
Before lending to darkmagic read the last few pages and you will see why he is being "flamed"
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: darkmagic65 on August 24, 2013, 05:02 pm
im only needing 25 cents can someone please help..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on August 24, 2013, 05:11 pm
im only needing 25 cents can someone please help..

Quick before them free samples go !!!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: weed4me6969 on August 24, 2013, 05:22 pm
Whats up y'all!!!!!!  How is everyone doing?  I see we still have the scammer problems, lol.  Thank gosh for all the good people in the community!   8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: darkmagic65 on August 24, 2013, 05:26 pm
How am I a scammer I have only got loaned 1 time and now im asking for 25 cents but their are people who have barrowed 20$ from 3-4 people and have yet to pay them back

if anyone can helpme please let me know..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BrotherFox on August 24, 2013, 05:29 pm
Can any one lend me 0.2 BTC. Will repay next Thursday.

MY SR Username: BrotherFox
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mazzarmazzar on August 24, 2013, 05:57 pm
Can any one lend me 0.2 BTC. Will repay next Thursday.

MY SR Username: BrotherFox

Sorry man but 50 of your posts are in the "spam to 50" forum and 10 looking for spare coins so for now I will not lend to you sorry.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: darkmagic65 on August 24, 2013, 05:59 pm
mazzarmazzar do you think you could please lend me the 25 cents..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on August 24, 2013, 06:01 pm
Can any one lend me 0.2 BTC. Will repay next Thursday.

MY SR Username: BrotherFox

Sorry man but 50 of your posts are in the "spam to 50" forum and 10 looking for spare coins so for now I will not lend to you sorry.

Would give you +1 for being on the ball but 72 hour rule applys  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mazzarmazzar on August 24, 2013, 06:06 pm
Thanks man!

Gave u +1 for the thought, haha some people eh?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 24, 2013, 06:28 pm
mazzarmazzar do you think you could please lend me the 25 cents..

Dude really?? I mean if you had an ounce of respect for anyone here, or more importantly, yourself, you would payback what is outstanding without taking a cent more before so.

How am I a scammer I have only got loaned 1 time and now im asking for 25 cents but their are people who have barrowed 20$ from 3-4 people and have yet to pay them back

The people you are referring to got that loan because they were contributing already, before they hit that spot of desperation.  What you are contributing now is a bunch of spam and grief among everyone.  Instead of standing up against what people are saying by doing the right thing and paying back, you are just cawing out like a helpless careless baby bird.

Take a hint man.  As said if you have an ounce of respect for yourself and don't like hearing this shit about you in this thread, come back and pay off your debts without taking more even if it's a nothing amount. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: darkmagic65 on August 24, 2013, 06:34 pm
a vendor sent me a link for a sample and im not going to be getting more money on here until week or so I only have a few cents left and thats why im needing the 25 cents....
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 24, 2013, 06:36 pm
I really hope it was worth the time to write that.  I guess I always need more practice with this stuff anyway. 

And thank you to everyone that chooses to get involved with this thread.  Nice to know there are plenty of people that care enough to make sure help goes to decent places. 

It personally helps me to know there are some awesome people no matter where you go!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 24, 2013, 06:45 pm
a vendor sent me a link for a sample and im not going to be getting more money on here until week or so I only have a few cents left and thats why im needing the 25 cents....


You know.... I love Autumn.  Maybe its the feeling of this side of the world getting ready to go to sleep.  Maybe it's the colors in our surroundings getting primed to be explored with a lens and good drugs.  Whatever the reason it puts me in a good mood.

I'll send you .0025.  Please show us these claims are false and come back next week as stated.  Can you swear to the bottom of your soul you will do the right thing?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: newmonster on August 24, 2013, 06:47 pm
Would any kind hearted person be willing to send me 0.0293 bitcoins? Need it for my lady's birthday gift 
i can pay it back when i load money on here in about week or promise to pay it forward. Thanks in advance. It can be sent to Newmonster2030 or 19Nx5LqDbmzjghRCrcieFpVeCUDbPotFtr

And Thank you again:)

i will repost once i hit my goal so that I dont get extra coins
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 24, 2013, 07:05 pm
Would any kind hearted person be willing to send me 0.0293 bitcoins? Need it for my lady's birthday gift

Shapes on the way.  Please place the shapes back in the box at the time declared.

Show your lady a good time.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on August 24, 2013, 07:21 pm
Would any kind hearted person be willing to send me 0.0293 bitcoins? Need it for my lady's birthday gift

Shapes on the way.  Please place the shapes back in the box at the time declared.

Show your lady a good time.

Good 'ole boxy +1 dude hope ya good :)

a vendor sent me a link for a sample and im not going to be getting more money on here until week or so I only have a few cents left and thats why im needing the 25 cents....

Ohh so I was bang on then.... what an absolutely shocking, amazing result !

Thanks man!

Gave u +1 for the thought, haha some people eh?

No worries and thank you :) Some people indeed, well I just hope boxy showing him the right way to behave at at least some impact on his future actions, though I'm not holding my breath.....
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: newmonster on August 24, 2013, 07:32 pm
Thanks Kalli
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: darkmagic65 on August 24, 2013, 07:43 pm
i already got it from someone else but thanks anyways?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 24, 2013, 07:44 pm
Thanks Kalli

I don't get a thanks?  :-\

i already got it from someone else but thanks anyways?

haha.  eh I tried.  Hope you enjoy the sample anyway guy.  Be well.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: newmonster on August 24, 2013, 07:48 pm
BoxofShapes Thanks you and Goku for saving the world
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 24, 2013, 07:52 pm
BoxofShapes Thanks you and Goku for saving the world

A super saiyan and a box combine forces?  I guess I'll buy that.

Be well man.  Have a good bday fest.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 24, 2013, 08:06 pm
What is going on people? How is this wonderful (not to hot or humid) saturday treating everyone?

Shapes bro, you are too kind to people sometimes. :P

I Shall Return!
Hugs from Juggs 8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: stupot on August 24, 2013, 08:26 pm
I am 0.0869btc from making an order. It is my fault I didn't calculate enough in the way of fees. If somebody would be so kind as to lend me the 0.0869btc I will pay back with interest!

sr name is same as forum

I would be most grateful if somebody were to lend me the amount above. Thanks for reading. :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BrotherFox on August 24, 2013, 08:41 pm
Can any one please lend me 0.2 BTC and i will repay next Thursday 0.25 BTC. Please can some one help me out.

SR Username: BrotherFox
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: THUMBSuP. on August 24, 2013, 08:45 pm
if you borrow something
you should always pay it back..
i have been fronted 2k in herbs and paid it back in a week..
quicker than the time frame given. :)
i have been loaned coins several times..
paid back the same day if not the next. :)

don't borrow if you're going to fuck it up for everyone.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: anonypunk on August 24, 2013, 08:47 pm
Can any one please lend me 0.2 BTC and i will repay next Thursday 0.25 BTC. Please can some one help me out.

SR Username: BrotherFox

Damn man that's $20 and enough for a whole (small) order.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BrotherFox on August 24, 2013, 08:49 pm
That is why ill pay back extra 0.25. Please can some one help me out 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: anonypunk on August 24, 2013, 09:29 pm
Unfortunately I don't have that much in my account.
DarkMagic65's loan details

[send to    darkmagic65    ฿-0.00    ฿0.04    August 24, 2013, 6:36 pm UTC]

This is just for the record here. I know $0.25usd isn't much but the principal paying debts is very important so pay me back as soon as you can.

Also (as you may have noticed) it's probably not a good idea to go around asking everyone for change all the time AND still have outstanding loans.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 24, 2013, 09:35 pm
@anonypunk true, hence why I will probably never be able to ask on here again, but that doesn't mean you all are not family! ;)

I would have to loan out ~$100.00 before I would be able to get a loan again! hehe.
regardless, love you all!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BrotherFox on August 24, 2013, 09:38 pm
Can any one please help me out. 0.2 BTC will pay back next Thursday
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: monesty on August 24, 2013, 10:34 pm
Can any one please help me out. 0.2 BTC will pay back next Thursday

Stop spam begging. Your posts are all over the forum.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: THUMBSuP. on August 24, 2013, 10:41 pm
i do need some help as far as loanage goes..
if anyone is interested or could seriously help me..
message me because it's not a miniscule loan.
thanks in advance if anyone takes the chance
and if not i completely understand. :)

thanks for reading!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: titoprince on August 24, 2013, 11:33 pm
I am 0.0869btc from making an order. It is my fault I didn't calculate enough in the way of fees. If somebody would be so kind as to lend me the 0.0869btc I will pay back with interest!

sr name is same as forum

I would be most grateful if somebody were to lend me the amount above. Thanks for reading. :)

Sent your way, any idea when you'll be able to get it back?

I'll be away for a week, but username here is the same as the one here.


For the record:

send to    stupot    ฿-0.09    ฿0.04    August 24, 2013, 11:32 pm UTC
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mazzarmazzar on August 24, 2013, 11:49 pm
Brother fox....

Fuck off, stop spamming! You are not getting ur .2 loan as all your posts are either spam or begging
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bbd82584 on August 25, 2013, 12:28 am
Does anyone have .0202 they can spare until Monday night?  If you do, pls PM me here or on SR so I know who you are to pay u back.  Thanks! And of course it should go without saying, +1 to whoever helps out.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 25, 2013, 12:37 am
Does anyone have .0202 they can spare until Monday night?  If you do, pls PM me here or on SR so I know who you are to pay u back.  Thanks! And of course it should go without saying, +1 to whoever helps out.

Someone will more likely help you if you post your sr name
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: stupot on August 25, 2013, 07:26 am
I am 0.0869btc from making an order. It is my fault I didn't calculate enough in the way of fees. If somebody would be so kind as to lend me the 0.0869btc I will pay back with interest!

sr name is same as forum

I would be most grateful if somebody were to lend me the amount above. Thanks for reading. :)

Sent your way, any idea when you'll be able to get it back?

I'll be away for a week, but username here is the same as the one here.


For the record:

send to    stupot    ฿-0.09    ฿0.04    August 24, 2013, 11:32 pm UTC

You will get it, plus some, back this week. Thanks a bunch.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 25, 2013, 09:56 am
Good morning all who are risen  :) I see its been interesting  ::) Spamming mouchers=fuck off!! Lol, glad to see Kalli and boxy keeping things flowing, its good people stick together when this goes on. If you have a loan please pay it back before asking for another and its supposed to be "spare coin" not spare $20, thats the price of a small order  :o I think if your a good person and have shown it on this thread (a lot) then people will give a bigger loan but the just flew by 50 posts to get here can fuck off imo unless it is just change they need  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: foxen624 on August 25, 2013, 10:52 am
Can any one please lend me 0.2 BTC and i will repay next Thursday 0.25 BTC. Please can some one help me out.

SR Username: BrotherFox

Gentle reminder...  if  you happen to get the 0.2 BTC loan you're asking for here which you say you will pay back on Thursday..   just remember that I loaned you 0.15 BTC last week and hope you will keep in mind the loan that you already got should be repaid before a loan you may or may not yet have received... thanks
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: schuldig on August 25, 2013, 11:15 am
Thank you for the warning Foxen.
I generally think that it is bad manners to take a second loan before repaying the person. Maybe if all of you agree, we can create a rule to prevent people scamming several loans?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lssb2132 on August 25, 2013, 11:19 am
Just wondering if anyone would be able to lend me .1btc till tomorrow? Sr name is the same
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on August 25, 2013, 11:36 am
Just wondering if anyone would be able to lend me .1btc till tomorrow? Sr name is the same

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: lssb2132 on August 25, 2013, 11:52 am
Just wondering if anyone would be able to lend me .1btc till tomorrow? Sr name is the same

Thanks heaps Ron, really appreciate it. Was just able to place my order thanks to you, will get you back tomorrow after my coins clear. +1!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: foxen624 on August 25, 2013, 11:57 am
Can any one please lend me 0.2 BTC and i will repay next Thursday 0.25 BTC. Please can some one help me out.

SR Username: BrotherFox

Gentle reminder...  if  you happen to get the 0.2 BTC loan you're asking for here which you say you will pay back on Thursday..   just remember that I loaned you 0.15 BTC last week and hope you will keep in mind the loan that you already got should be repaid before a loan you may or may not yet have received... thanks

Actually, it's been a couple days since I've been here....  and when I wrote this ^ it was because I saw that you've been accumulating some negative attention recently and didn't want to get scammed.  But, as I was reading through the past couple of days, I ran into my post when I made you the above mentioned loan and see that I said:

I can help you out with approx half - 0.15 BTC.  I'll go ahead and send it and in case you already got it, then pay it forward to someone else who needs it.  Good luck in your endeavor :)

Soooo...  in hindsight, I'd probably not have said that, but since I did... and I always keep my word...  you could disregard the part of my recent comment about paying me back....   BUT, I do hope that you will pay it back to whomever you owe before borrowing more....   just sayin' ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: foxen624 on August 25, 2013, 12:15 pm
Thank you for the warning Foxen.
I generally think that it is bad manners to take a second loan before repaying the person. Maybe if all of you agree, we can create a rule to prevent people scamming several loans?

Thanks for the acknowledgement :)   While rule making and the like are not up to me one way or the other..  I'll put in my 2 cents anyway :P
While I totally see your point, and it does make sense, still... I'd be personally concerned that due to the friendly nature and bonds that seem to form in this thread, too many rules might put a damper on the atmosphere here.  And...  we do have the shitlist - although admittedly, it seems to get posted randomly and isn't always so easy to find most of the time....   just my little ole opinion.... ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: foxen624 on August 25, 2013, 12:25 pm
Actually...  I came here this morning to say hi to all the beautiful souls here ;D   Then in reading back over the past couple of days I wasn't here, seems as if much of it was taken up on two (or one with two accounts) people who's motives are less than beautiful...  worse, I got myself somewhat caught up in it and almost forgot my original reason for stopping by!

So, just saying hey and wishing all the best to all the best of the best here you know who you are...   oh and I was glad to see that Chemmy is back, btw ;)

Take care everyone!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Locker on August 25, 2013, 12:48 pm
Hi everyone,
I really don't like doing this but I have recently started using a new bitcoin service (VirWoX), who's fees have screwed me over more than I had anticipated. Even after the fees I was fine for the amount I needed however the rates had changed so I am a little short on a 1.35 btc order. :/

It seems to me that there is a large amount of, lets say 'scammers', and people constantly asking for fairly high amounts and I understand that many of them, are slow to be trusted, however; personally I feel that I have been a regular member and contributor to this forum for a decent amount of time, and have also given out several, although small, bitcoin loans in the past to people. (However I fail to remember who they were, as this was several months ago).

I hope you understand, that this is something that I don't enjoy asking, buy I have no options left as VirWoX isn't an option anymore. I understand this is a fair amount for a loan to an anonymous member of a forum, but I am short of 0.143 bitcoins, purely from VirWoX's fees. I, as I hope to believe, am a fairly well enough established member of the forum, I hope that someone would be able to do such a thing for me.

I am next getting bitcoins around 2btc's on Friday (depending on the rates) from localbitcoins, and would be happy to give back 0.25 bitcoins for someone who is willing to do such a thing. I hope you can understand that this is not some scam or attempt to get free bitcoins, but I had not intended for the virwox fees to screw me over so badly. :/

Thank you to anyone who can help, my silkroad name is 'lockerp', and as I said If things go to plan I am able to repay you .25btc on Friday.
I know that I have wrote a lot for just this but I thought if i was going to ask for such a thing I would make the effort to explain myself, and I hope you can trust and help me out with this one.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on August 25, 2013, 01:29 pm

sent .15
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Locker on August 25, 2013, 01:35 pm

sent .15

Wow, thank you so much, I will be able to pay you back Friday, if not earlier (friend owes me £100 and I get payed on friday, so whichever comes first).
The essay made me laugh haha, but If I am going to ask for a loan on an anonymous forum I need to ask properly ;D

Thank you,
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ShazMo on August 25, 2013, 02:15 pm
I really enjoy lurking on this thread. I just like watching the generosity shown in here. Unfortunatly some people do tend to take advantage of it all which is a shame...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ppanth on August 25, 2013, 02:29 pm
Morning all!!

Not much going on here, just wanted to pop by and share some morning cheer!
Ok well that's all my cheer ..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: i3lazdz on August 25, 2013, 02:31 pm
Can ye spare some cutter, me brothers?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ShazMo on August 25, 2013, 02:44 pm
Can ye spare some cutter, me brothers?

Mate, I just read a whole thread about you and how you ask vendors for freebies and to front you Xanax and shit... Sorry to say but you don't seem very liked because of the way you present yourself and ask for freebies!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ShazMo on August 25, 2013, 02:46 pm
Can ye spare some cutter, me brothers?

Mate, I just read a whole thread about you and how you ask vendors for freebies and to front you Xanax and shit... Sorry to say but you don't seem very liked because of the way you present yourself and ask for freebies!

I mean, I would, and could spare some coins...but I wont, just for the fact that the first thing you do after hitting 50 posts is come and ask for free coins! Also, that thread kinda put me off...

sM 8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 25, 2013, 02:51 pm
Can ye spare some cutter, me brothers?

Mate, I just read a whole thread about you and how you ask vendors for freebies and to front you Xanax and shit... Sorry to say but you don't seem very liked because of the way you present yourself and ask for freebies!

For the record, this is a blatant joke.  The real offender is i3lazd.  Not i3lazdz.  i3lazd wouldn't have the brain power to come up with the smegma turtle thread.

Brilliance sir, who ever the hell you are.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Trollin on August 25, 2013, 03:02 pm
Anyone wanna help a junkie out with his postage? Need 0.08 SR name is same as forum name. Cannot payback until after Friday 30th.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Locker on August 25, 2013, 03:22 pm
Anyone wanna help a junkie out with his postage? Need 0.08 SR name is same as forum name. Cannot payback until after Friday 30th.
What a great name to have when you're asking for spare bitcoins :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Trollin on August 25, 2013, 03:50 pm
The name was not created with the intention of begging.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Locker on August 25, 2013, 03:55 pm
The name was not created with the intention of begging.
Did you ever get the 0.08?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Trollin on August 25, 2013, 04:01 pm
Not yet, i only asked 50 minutes ago i need to place the order over the next 3/4 hours so i can be patient
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Trollin on August 25, 2013, 04:10 pm
And i only need 0.06 now, the exchange has gone up.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on August 25, 2013, 05:04 pm
How's it goin, Fam? 


Just got through with lunch and thought i'd pop in here to see you all and say hi  :)

mary, boxy, dandan, RS, foxen   the list goes on  :P

Love ya'll  8)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on August 25, 2013, 05:14 pm
:) :P :D 8) gooat mornin chemmy! good to see ya bro, you've been busy I guess :D hope all is well with ya!

much love yo!

(hugs) everyone!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on August 25, 2013, 05:30 pm
How's it goin, Fam? 


Just got through with lunch and thought i'd pop in here to see you all and say hi  :)

mary, boxy, dandan, RS, foxen   the list goes on  :P

Love ya'll  8)



Hi Chem :) I have a tiny bit of my opium/hash mix left and I think I'm going to throw it in my bong and let'er rip!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on August 25, 2013, 05:38 pm
pack that bong an rip it all night long, while you play those funky songs. that bong will never leave you feeling wrong, unless you end you in a thong, then you might regret taking that bong..

::) soo yeah, that was random rap for the year.. back to never doing that again :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 25, 2013, 06:11 pm
Hi all  :) half the family,s home i see, hugs to ya,all  ;) :-* :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on August 25, 2013, 06:20 pm
morin mary :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 25, 2013, 06:28 pm
Hi RS  :P {{{{{hugs you tightly}}}}} hope your good hun  :-*

Hey Chemmy  :P come n catch me, i,ve nicked yer geese lol  :P :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DefyCode on August 25, 2013, 06:29 pm
ooo just discovered this thread...I can help people too :))
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Reggie594 on August 25, 2013, 06:34 pm
I am short 0.0019 can anyone help???

My road name is Reggie594, i will pay back double on wednesday.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 25, 2013, 06:37 pm
ooo just discovered this thread...I can help people too :))
Hiya, fancy seeing you here lol  :P ;)

My bank got hijacked on Friday again!! Don,t look at loans online, i didn,t even take 1 and thats another £65 from one company and £27 from another, totally fucked me over, thats 4 letters i,ve had to write only had one £69 payment back and that got ripped out by the other company, fuckin scammers eh  :-[ ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 25, 2013, 06:40 pm
I am short 0.0019 can anyone help???

My road name is Reggie594, i will pay back double on wednesday.
0.002 sent, just come back n help sometime  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: schuldig on August 25, 2013, 06:42 pm
I am short 0.0019 can anyone help???

My road name is Reggie594, i will pay back double on wednesday.

Sent 0.002 just so you aren't short for a few coins.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DefyCode on August 25, 2013, 06:46 pm
I am short 0.0019 can anyone help???

My road name is Reggie594, i will pay back double on wednesday.

Aw, you beat me to it Mary :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BrotherFox on August 25, 2013, 06:52 pm
I'm short 0.2 BTC for 1 Oz of green. I have been a SR Customer for 4 Months. If anyone can help me out ill pay back 0.25 on Wednesday.

SR Name: BrotherFox

Please if any one could help. Much appreciated.   
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Reggie594 on August 25, 2013, 06:54 pm
0.002 sent, just come back n help sometime  ;)

Thanks Mary and schuldig, appreciate it very much will return the love for sure. :)

@schuldig what is your Road name so i can send your coins back.

Oh and +1 to you both.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DefyCode on August 25, 2013, 06:56 pm
I'm short 0.2 BTC for 1 Oz of green. I have been a SR Customer for 4 Months. If anyone can help me out ill pay back 0.25 on Wednesday.

SR Name: BrotherFox

Please if any one could help. Much appreciated.

I gotcha! Just gimme a few while the coins transfer into my sr wallet
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 25, 2013, 06:57 pm
I'm short 0.2 BTC for 1 Oz of green. I have been a SR Customer for 4 Months. If anyone can help me out ill pay back 0.25 on Wednesday.

SR Name: BrotherFox

Please if any one could help. Much appreciated.
Thats prob quite a lot to ask with 77 posts, sorry but i wouldn,t (don,t have it anyway) different if we knew you sorry too many people just borrow then go  :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BrotherFox on August 25, 2013, 06:58 pm
I'm short 0.2 BTC for 1 Oz of green. I have been a SR Customer for 4 Months. If anyone can help me out ill pay back 0.25 on Wednesday.

SR Name: BrotherFox

Please if any one could help. Much appreciated.

I gotcha! Just gimme a few while the coins transfer into my sr wallet

Hey man. Thanks just post when you have sent them. Thanks man :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: darkmagic65 on August 25, 2013, 06:59 pm
im short on some weed for shipping 4$ (0.04)

I wasted some money i had of shrooms powder that was bunk for me but but the vendor cancled my order and have me my money back was 18 then 14 now -,-

my sr acc is darkmagic65 and my wallet is


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on August 25, 2013, 07:07 pm
ooo just discovered this thread...I can help people too :))
Hiya, fancy seeing you here lol  :P ;)

My bank got hijacked on Friday again!! Don,t look at loans online, i didn,t even take 1 and thats another £65 from one company and £27 from another, totally fucked me over, thats 4 letters i,ve had to write only had one £69 payment back and that got ripped out by the other company, fuckin scammers eh  :-[ ::)
:o wait again? shit :( thats horrible you doing okay?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on August 25, 2013, 07:08 pm
0.002 sent, just come back n help sometime  ;)

Thanks Mary and schuldig, appreciate it very much will return the love for sure. :)

@schuldig what is your Road name so i can send your coins back.

Oh and +1 to you both.
check account history :), it'll show who has sent you coin
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on August 25, 2013, 07:15 pm
I'm short 0.2 BTC for 1 Oz of green. I have been a SR Customer for 4 Months. If anyone can help me out ill pay back 0.25 on Wednesday.

SR Name: BrotherFox

Please if any one could help. Much appreciated.

I gotcha! Just gimme a few while the coins transfer into my sr wallet

Hey man. Thanks just post when you have sent them. Thanks man :)

that's strange, you were short exactly 0.2 yesterday too but that was for meph wasn't it? did you manage to make that order ok? hmmm don't get too i3lazed.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BrotherFox on August 25, 2013, 07:19 pm
I'm short 0.2 BTC for 1 Oz of green. I have been a SR Customer for 4 Months. If anyone can help me out ill pay back 0.25 on Wednesday.

SR Name: BrotherFox

Please if any one could help. Much appreciated.

It was not meth and it was M-Kat. No i did not order it decided to get weed. But im short on the packaging. I have not loaned anything yet 

I gotcha! Just gimme a few while the coins transfer into my sr wallet

Hey man. Thanks just post when you have sent them. Thanks man :)

that's strange, you were short exactly 0.2 yesterday too but that was for meph wasn't it? did you manage to make that order ok? hmmm don't get too i3lazed.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BrotherFox on August 25, 2013, 07:20 pm
It was not meth and it was M-Kat. No i did not order it decided to get weed. But im short on the packaging. I have not loaned anything yet 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 25, 2013, 07:28 pm
@RS7... ah, its shit, my own fault i should have known better  :-[ i,ve had to get a new bank account, well still setting up, waiting on paperwork to sign as i don,t know when it will stop so need to stop any money going in that account and its the only one i had so totally fucked me  ::) thats 2 weeks now, i,ll get those 2 letters sent tomorrow and waiting on £69 going back, they said 3-5 days on the phone, i said it didn,t take you 3-5 fuckin days to take it!! I hope another one doesn,t whip it out when i get it refunded, its a race to my bank account for now and i keep losing  ::) i,ll get there hun, thanks for asking  ;) :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on August 25, 2013, 07:31 pm
It was not meth and it was M-Kat. No i did not order it decided to get weed. But im short on the packaging. I have not loaned anything yet

i said meph not meth. we've been through this already, learn to read. here i got a tip for you though, it's a good one! stop looking at listings that cost exactly 0.2btc more than you have. if you have none at all(which i suspect) then do not make an order until you purchase some. that's how most people spend their money. like buying themselves shit... just consider it for a few moments. self sufficiency. independence. adulthood. wouldn't that be nice?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DefyCode on August 25, 2013, 07:32 pm
im short on some weed for shipping 4$ (0.04)

I wasted some money i had of shrooms powder that was bunk for me but but the vendor cancled my order and have me my money back was 18 then 14 now -,-

my sr acc is darkmagic65 and my wallet is



Hey! I just sent you the .04 BTC. Don't spend it all in one place :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 25, 2013, 07:37 pm
G'night all, i,m away to watch a movie then bed, have fun, don,t loan scammers, be careful lol  ;) :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: pillhead911 on August 25, 2013, 07:54 pm
Hey, I'm 31 cents short of buying a listing for a oz of oil..would anyone be kind enough to send it to my address? I don't wanna want another 4-5 days to buy more coins and have them become available. If someone does I will send them $1 back in 4 days when my coins are available. Pm me for my address if you can help me out, much appreciated. I feel embarrassed asking but its a lot easier then me waiting 4 more days. Thanks again SR community!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BrotherFox on August 25, 2013, 08:27 pm
Can any one please lend me 0.2 BTC. I am short for a purchase and can repay 0.25 BTC on Wednesday.

My SR Username: BrotherFox
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on August 25, 2013, 08:51 pm
Hey, I'm 31 cents short of buying a listing for a oz of oil..would anyone be kind enough to send it to my address? I don't wanna want another 4-5 days to buy more coins and have them become available. If someone does I will send them $1 back in 4 days when my coins are available. Pm me for my address if you can help me out, much appreciated. I feel embarrassed asking but its a lot easier then me waiting 4 more days. Thanks again SR community!

we need market username to send directly, also amount in bitcoins as that is the only currency we are able to send.

Can any one please lend me 0.2 BTC. I am short for a purchase and can repay 0.25 BTC on Wednesday.

My SR Username: BrotherFox

stop fucking spamming you retard. get a job. you could have easily earned 20 quid in the amount of time you've wasted unsuccessfully begging on here.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: pillhead911 on August 25, 2013, 09:26 pm
Sent you a message Ron, thanks.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 25, 2013, 09:31 pm
Damn, is it just me, or has a whole new breed started on this thread overnight?

Seeing a shit ton of new people.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DefyCode on August 25, 2013, 09:58 pm
Sorry I can't do the .2 BTC for you, after taking advice from more senior, seasoned members it appears it would not be in my best interest to do so considering your relative "newness" and the amount/frequency of your request.


Gotta watch for them moochers!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: schuldig on August 25, 2013, 10:08 pm
0.002 sent, just come back n help sometime  ;)

Thanks Mary and schuldig, appreciate it very much will return the love for sure. :)

@schuldig what is your Road name so i can send your coins back.

Oh and +1 to you both.

It's schuldig as well but don't worry about paying back double my friend, I lend coins to kind people because I like helping. Hope you enjoy your order! =)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 25, 2013, 10:09 pm
@DefyCode hey there chick, you are absolutely right.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 25, 2013, 10:24 pm
Damn, is it just me, or has a whole new breed started on this thread overnight?

Seeing a shit ton of new people.

I feel like I have seen 3 or 4 "generations" since I've tried to pay attention to this place.  It happens. 

What doesn't change is the mannerisms of the moochers.  Brotherfox's name could be interchanged with a few others and I wouldn't know the difference.  :P

You are too kind!  Don't let people take advantage of that!  We don't like it when a giver gets jaded.

Thanks for the help!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 25, 2013, 10:29 pm
@BoxOfShapes lol "Generations" nice.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DefyCode on August 25, 2013, 10:32 pm
Damn, is it just me, or has a whole new breed started on this thread overnight?

Seeing a shit ton of new people.

I feel like I have seen 3 or 4 "generations" since I've tried to pay attention to this place.  It happens. 

What doesn't change is the mannerisms of the moochers.  Brotherfox's name could be interchanged with a few others and I wouldn't know the difference.  :P

You are too kind!  Don't let people take advantage of that!  We don't like it when a giver gets jaded.

Thanks for the help!

Heh, yeah I almost let my enjoyment of the SR community-ness get the best of me. I just know I've been in tough spots before and was super grateful when anyone offered a hand. But this shit here is cut-throat! :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 25, 2013, 11:14 pm
Heh, yeah I almost let my enjoyment of the SR community-ness get the best of me. I just know I've been in tough spots before and was super grateful when anyone offered a hand. But this shit here is cut-throat! :)


The best of us fall in love with the shiny of this place.  Myself included!  Sadly this is part of the reason there are plenty of people who have no remorse at taking.

I've always kind of thought about SR as a circle of solitaires instead of a community.  We all have our own tiny island.  It just happens that some of us agree on a few things.

Don't worry though.  There will be ample chance to help someone that legitimately needs it.  We've all been there!  Maybe you some day?  Let's hope not but this is why we are here. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DefyCode on August 25, 2013, 11:44 pm
Heh, yeah I almost let my enjoyment of the SR community-ness get the best of me. I just know I've been in tough spots before and was super grateful when anyone offered a hand. But this shit here is cut-throat! :)


The best of us fall in love with the shiny of this place.  Myself included!  Sadly this is part of the reason there are plenty of people who have no remorse at taking.

I've always kind of thought about SR as a circle of solitaires instead of a community.  We all have our own tiny island.  It just happens that some of us agree on a few things.

Don't worry though.  There will be ample chance to help someone that legitimately needs it.  We've all been there!  Maybe you some day?  Let's hope not but this is why we are here.

I just plus 1'd you for that, it made me smile and reading stuff on forums rarely makes me smile even when it's super funny. Thanks!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: i3lazdz on August 26, 2013, 12:25 am
I need about 24 bitcoins so that I can buy enough crank for my exwife to overdose. I can't pay anyone back but you will have the joy of knowing that you helped alleviate her terminal yeast infection.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: supersaiyan on August 26, 2013, 12:26 am
I unfortunately lost the money I needed to order my product of 100x, but it was lost in the transaction for god knows why. I've never asked before and am just $3 short of ordering the 50x version, if a few people donate just a $1 I'll be at my goal. If anyone can help, it's more appreciated than you think.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on August 26, 2013, 12:39 am
I need about 24 bitcoins so that I can buy enough crank for my exwife to overdose. I can't pay anyone back but you will have the joy of knowing that you helped alleviate her terminal yeast infection.

Sending through 50BTC just to make sure you dont fall short on the shipping
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 26, 2013, 12:48 am
I unfortunately lost the money I needed to order my product of 100x, but it was lost in the transaction for god knows why. I've never asked before and am just $3 short of ordering the 50x version, if a few people donate just a $1 I'll be at my goal. If anyone can help, it's more appreciated than you think.

Read the rules on the first page, and come back and post again.  You made the first right step to post in the right thread.  If you follow through with the rest you will have a better chance.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Rocknessie on August 26, 2013, 01:02 am
Just repaid VHSplayer his 0.01, was very much appriciated!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: theman123451 on August 26, 2013, 01:08 am
hey boxey i wanted to ask you if i give you some btc will you give them out to the community to the people who need them i just dont watch this that much but want to give back.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 26, 2013, 01:15 am
hey boxey i wanted to ask you if i give you some btc will you give them out to the community to the people who need them i just dont watch this that much but want to give back.

Damn really?  If that's your wish I won't say no.  I'm bound by the three dimensions of the box to do whats right.  I will find an appropriate place for the shapes.

That's pretty special man.  Thank you.

The shape of my name is the same on sr.  BoxofShapes. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 26, 2013, 01:42 am
Well I'll be away for a bit.  Let me know if there is a time you would like it back if you end up sending it.

Cool gesture either way.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 26, 2013, 01:50 am
hey boxey i wanted to ask you if i give you some btc will you give them out to the community to the people who need them i just dont watch this that much but want to give back.

Damn really?  If that's your wish I won't say no.  I'm bound by the three dimensions of the box to do whats right.  I will find an appropriate place for the shapes.

That's pretty special man.  Thank you.

The shape of my name is the same on sr.  BoxofShapes. 

You picked a great person to take care of it!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: TK1991 on August 26, 2013, 01:53 am
I've been in and around and about for some time, but due to the way I have to get coins now (Canada) I actually ran only about 7$ short on my next months worth of meds.

If anyone has anything to spare it would be much appreciated, just send to the same name on the mainsite
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: i3lazdz on August 26, 2013, 02:08 am
I need about 24 bitcoins so that I can buy enough crank for my exwife to overdose. I can't pay anyone back but you will have the joy of knowing that you helped alleviate her terminal yeast infection.

Sending through 50BTC just to make sure you dont fall short on the shipping

Got them, Thanks!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 26, 2013, 02:10 am
nice one cryngie..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on August 26, 2013, 02:11 am
hey boxey i wanted to ask you if i give you some btc will you give them out to the community to the people who need them i just dont watch this that much but want to give back.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: theman123451 on August 26, 2013, 02:17 am
Well I'll be away for a bit.  Let me know if there is a time you would like it back if you end up sending it.

Cool gesture either way.

no need to pay back they might be a time i might be of in need just want to give back for what this AMAZING community has given me this is the least i can do.

RS dam i totally forgot about you sorry this oil has got me stupid high after a long day of trimming... ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 26, 2013, 02:38 am
Damn man.  That wasn't a fiver or anything.  Makes me wanna get my shit together so I can be able to help someone out with something a lil more than chump change. 

Your name is self explanatory sir.  I hope I can be there if your ever in need.

I've been in and around and about for some time, but due to the way I have to get coins now (Canada) I actually ran only about 7$ short on my next months worth of meds.

If anyone has anything to spare it would be much appreciated, just send to the same name on the mainsite

I guess it starts here?  Sending $7 worth of shapes your way.  Please place them in the box if you can.


You want some to spread around as well?  It's not a crazy amount but it will certainly help.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: theman123451 on August 26, 2013, 02:43 am
thank you boxy yea it wasnt a hole lot but there is plenty more to come trust me i ant going anywhere  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 26, 2013, 02:54 am
Well I like hearing that!  Be sure to take care of yourself first, but come back to the littlest wishing well when you can.

I'm sure the karma figments of our imagination will take good care of you in the next few days. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DefyCode on August 26, 2013, 04:26 am
@Boxofshapes: You are sooooo fucking nice, I now put you among the people I admire and appreciate the most on SR.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on August 26, 2013, 04:58 am

first person to send me a PM with the person(s) responsible for the quotes in my sig gets the last .0117btc in my wallet!!
cmon my lovely lovelies!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: purpleute on August 26, 2013, 05:33 am

first person to send me a PM with the person(s) responsible for the quotes in my sig gets the last .0117btc in my wallet!!
cmon my lovely lovelies!!

Pretty sure it is Obama
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on August 26, 2013, 06:27 am

first person to send me a PM with the person(s) responsible for the quotes in my sig gets the last .0117btc in my wallet!!
cmon my lovely lovelies!!

Pretty sure it is Obama

hmmm.. never heard of him..

and Divo already took the prize!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: THUMBSuP. on August 26, 2013, 06:37 am
need a cereal(serious)loan.
i can trade.. or pay it back.
stats are retarded immaculate..
and i have always returned loans,
and/or paid off fronted items. :)

thanks for any help and all consideration.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: energyimport on August 26, 2013, 06:40 am
Hey I'm looking for a simple .07 btc loan its pretty small and simple but would really brighten my day!

Any takers name is energyimport on the road

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: purpleute on August 26, 2013, 06:43 am

first person to send me a PM with the person(s) responsible for the quotes in my sig gets the last .0117btc in my wallet!!
cmon my lovely lovelies!!

Pretty sure it is Obama

hmmm.. never heard of him..

and Divo already took the prize!!

He is sort of a big deal over in Australia, but a lot of people haven't heard of him in other countries.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: purpleute on August 26, 2013, 06:48 am
Hey I'm looking for a simple .07 btc loan its pretty small and simple but would really brighten my day!

Any takers name is energyimport on the road


I can help you out with 0.016 but that's all I've got.  Hope someone helps you out for the rest.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: energyimport on August 26, 2013, 06:50 am
Hey I'm looking for a simple .07 btc loan its pretty small and simple but would really brighten my day!

Any takers name is energyimport on the road


I can help you out with 0.016 but that's all I've got.  Hope someone helps you out for the rest.

What evers clever any lil bit helps... Thanks man!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 26, 2013, 07:32 am
need a cereal(serious)loan.
i can trade.. or pay it back.
stats are retarded immaculate..
and i have always returned loans,
and/or paid off fronted items. :)

thanks for any help and all consideration.


What ya need bro?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ShazMo on August 26, 2013, 10:43 am
Hello everyone,

In need of a favor in the form of a 0.16 loan. The situation is I left myself short for an order that is for a music show on the 5th of September. I already have another order on its way but calculated wrongly what would be left over. My next payment comes in on the 3rd(fortnightly  >:() so if I order then, it will not arrive in time. I will pay back 0.20 first thing on the 3rd. I know I am am not a regular in this thread but I promise on my son that this will get paid back. I will leave a note in my sig...

My SR name is ********... If anyone can help out I will be very grateful  :)

UPDATE - Edited my name out as someone helped me out  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: schuldig on August 26, 2013, 11:23 am
Hello everyone,

In need of a favor in the form of a 0.16 loan. The situation is I left myself short for an order that is for a music show on the 5th of September. I already have another order on its way but calculated wrongly what would be left over. My next payment comes in on the 3rd(fortnightly  >:() so if I order then, it will not arrive in time. I will pay back 0.20 first thing on the 3rd. I know I am am not a regular in this thread but I promise on my son that this will get paid back. I will leave a note in my sig...

My SR name is shazmo009... If anyone can help out I will be very grateful  :)

You have registered on this page August 24th, you have 50 posts on average per day, many of those in the spam thread.
However you seem like a nice guy.
Hm, I am going to take a leap of faith and send you the 0.16, I hope you don't let me down my friend.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ShazMo on August 26, 2013, 11:36 am
Hello everyone,

In need of a favor in the form of a 0.16 loan. The situation is I left myself short for an order that is for a music show on the 5th of September. I already have another order on its way but calculated wrongly what would be left over. My next payment comes in on the 3rd(fortnightly  >:() so if I order then, it will not arrive in time. I will pay back 0.20 first thing on the 3rd. I know I am am not a regular in this thread but I promise on my son that this will get paid back. I will leave a note in my sig...

My SR name is shazmo009... If anyone can help out I will be very grateful  :)

You have registered on this page August 24th, you have 50 posts on average per day, many of those in the spam thread.
However you seem like a nice guy.
Hm, I am going to take a leap of faith and send you the 0.16, I hope you don't let me down my friend.

I had to make a new account because my password stopped working..
Even though that account wasn't the newest either it is still a pain what happened.

Anyways, I do thank you and I promise I will not let you down. I will throw a reminder in my sig and first thing come September the 3rd. You will have the return in your account. I just dont want to give off the idea that I want some charity from the kind and generous here on the forums, and then disappear, never to be seen again.

You have my word...  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: schuldig on August 26, 2013, 01:21 pm

I had to make a new account because my password stopped working..
Even though that account wasn't the newest either it is still a pain what happened.

Anyways, I do thank you and I promise I will not let you down. I will throw a reminder in my sig and first thing come September the 3rd. You will have the return in your account. I just dont want to give off the idea that I want some charity from the kind and generous here on the forums, and then disappear, never to be seen again.

You have my word...  :)

I'm sorry to hear about your old account and you can pay me back 3rd or 4th, don't stress yourself. I hope the delivery arrives before your big festival and that you will have a blast!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: littleperm on August 26, 2013, 01:45 pm
Thanks for the loan(s) guys, all debts paid in timely manner! Hope to return the favor.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ShazMo on August 26, 2013, 02:22 pm

I had to make a new account because my password stopped working..
Even though that account wasn't the newest either it is still a pain what happened.

Anyways, I do thank you and I promise I will not let you down. I will throw a reminder in my sig and first thing come September the 3rd. You will have the return in your account. I just dont want to give off the idea that I want some charity from the kind and generous here on the forums, and then disappear, never to be seen again.

You have my word...  :)

I'm sorry to hear about your old account and you can pay me back 3rd or 4th, don't stress yourself. I hope the delivery arrives before your big festival and that you will have a blast!

The last order I got is a domestic so unless the heavens fall, I will have my order before the 5th... Thanks again mate  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 26, 2013, 02:28 pm
Hey I'm looking for a simple .07 btc loan its pretty small and simple but would really brighten my day!

Any takers name is energyimport on the road


I can help you out with 0.016 but that's all I've got.  Hope someone helps you out for the rest.

What evers clever any lil bit helps... Thanks man!
Did they get the rest?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: energyimport on August 26, 2013, 02:39 pm
Hey I'm looking for a simple .07 btc loan its pretty small and simple but would really brighten my day!

Any takers name is energyimport on the road


I can help you out with 0.016 but that's all I've got.  Hope someone helps you out for the rest.

What evers clever any lil bit helps... Thanks man!
Did they get the rest?

No not yet im like .035 short currently. any assistance would be great!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 26, 2013, 02:43 pm
Hey I'm looking for a simple .07 btc loan its pretty small and simple but would really brighten my day!

Any takers name is energyimport on the road


I can help you out with 0.016 but that's all I've got.  Hope someone helps you out for the rest.

What evers clever any lil bit helps... Thanks man!
Did they get the rest?

No not yet im like .035 short currently. any assistance would be great!

.035 shapes being sent.  Please place the shapes back in the box when you can.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: energyimport on August 26, 2013, 02:48 pm
Hey I'm looking for a simple .07 btc loan its pretty small and simple but would really brighten my day!

Any takers name is energyimport on the road


I can help you out with 0.016 but that's all I've got.  Hope someone helps you out for the rest.

What evers clever any lil bit helps... Thanks man!
Did they get the rest?

No not yet im like .035 short currently. any assistance would be great!

.035 shapes being sent.  Please place the shapes back in the box when you can.

Your geometry is amazing! Thanks! should be able to pa back some time this week
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: odd on August 26, 2013, 02:49 pm
I just wanted to make a post to let everyone know littleperm did repay his loan to me on time. Thanks!

Also i was wondering if anyone could loan me .4 BTC  I know this a relatively large loan but it is also a very short one.  I need some meds ASAP for this weeks chemotherapy sessions but will not be able to get any coins until Wednesday.  So i can repay this loan as soon as Wednesday and i think you guys know I'm good for it ;) .  If Anyone can help in anyway it'll be greatly appreciated.  Thanks for the consideration SR: odd
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 26, 2013, 02:53 pm
Your geometry is amazing!

Hahah!  Best thing I've read all morning.  Take care man.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ppanth on August 26, 2013, 03:05 pm
Good mornin peeps!

I have a loan request, but its .378, so if that is too much, I get it, don't beat me up for it. Just trying to stay ahead on the suboxone front, and not have to worry about using any express options..If anyone is inclined to help out, I can payback this weekend..just not planning on getting any more btc til then. Sr name is pnkpanth, and I have repaid all previous loans, in timeframes specified.

Anyhow I hope everyone is having a good monday.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BrotherFox on August 26, 2013, 03:09 pm
Hey Guys. I'm short 0.2 BTC for a order. I have tried getting a loan for the last couple of days. Can anyone loan me the BTC and i will pay back 0.25 BTC On Wednesday. Please if any one could help me out.

SR User Name: BrotherFox

If anyone does give me a loan. Please pm me and make a reply to this post. Thanks People :D   
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mazzarmazzar on August 26, 2013, 03:17 pm
Anyone new to this thread please do some reading before donating to the above spamming tosser

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BrotherFox on August 26, 2013, 03:21 pm
Anyone new to this thread please do some reading before donating to the above spamming tosser


What the hell is your problem you dick :P. I have never took a loan before. I have tried but not got one. Who you calling a tosser you 60's look a like slut 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 26, 2013, 03:22 pm
I just wanted to make a post to let everyone know littleperm did repay his loan to me on time. Thanks!

Also i was wondering if anyone could loan me .4 BTC  I know this a relatively large loan but it is also a very short one.  I need some meds ASAP for this weeks chemotherapy sessions but will not be able to get any coins until Wednesday.  So i can repay this loan as soon as Wednesday and i think you guys know I'm good for it ;) .  If Anyone can help in anyway it'll be greatly appreciated.  Thanks for the consideration SR: odd

Good mornin peeps!

I have a loan request, but its .378, so if that is too much, I get it, don't beat me up for it. Just trying to stay ahead on the suboxone front, and not have to worry about using any express options..If anyone is inclined to help out, I can payback this weekend..just not planning on getting any more btc til then.

Anyhow I hope everyone is having a good monday.

Oh jezuz.  Both you guys?  Chemo?  For real?  Would help you both if I could but I don't have enough to fulfill one.  Maybe someone else can help out and meet me part of the way?  I know both of you guys are fully trustworthy.

Hey Guys. I'm short 0.2 BTC for a order. I have tried getting a loan for the last couple of days. Can anyone loan me the BTC and i will pay back 0.25 BTC On Wednesday. Please if any one could help me out.

SR User Name: BrotherFox

If anyone does give me a loan. Please pm me and make a reply to this post. Thanks People :D

Seriously.  Fuck off.  You have zero respect for us.  Get a fucking job.  I'm putting you on the shit list.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 26, 2013, 03:25 pm
                                                  :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) ##When requesting, post your SR name## SO WE KNOW WHERE TO SEND IT TO.  DON'T ASSUME WE KNOW. ##  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7)## DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. ## >:(  ##Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due. ##
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.
                                                           Reserved For Notes

*Make sure when adding a name to the list that you add both their forum name AND their SR username. Thank you.


The shit list:
BrotherFox           ++++  <----  (Perma banned.  Might as well be i3lazd)
King Karma
ulker        ++++

 *^*Do Not Lend to These People*^*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ppanth on August 26, 2013, 03:29 pm
Oh Yikes, odd gets my vote for help first. I loaned to odd and he payed back on time before, and would help out if I wasn't needing what btc I have now..
Odd being able to deal with chemo is more urgent then my suboxone issues.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BrotherFox on August 26, 2013, 03:34 pm
This is just great. I have never took a loan before of this post and i have been put on the list. Maybe because Box Of Shapes has a judgement on me i dont know.

1st) I have a job
2nd)I am not a tosser
3rd) I have never took a loan

Put me on your list if you want. I though it said scammers go on this list. That's odd. Box of Shapes if i knew you. Instead of putting the shapes in the box. I would punch the shapes out of your box. Your an asshole. Trying to ruin my name on the community. Which is not fair. But do you know what this is all over computer and i dont really give 2 flying shits about you. I hope you get raided. YOU FAGGOT

Much Love: BrotherFox xo 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 26, 2013, 03:38 pm
Oh Yikes, odd gets my vote for help first. I loaned to odd and he payed back on time before, and would help out if I wasn't needing what btc I have now..
Odd being able to deal with chemo is more urgent then my suboxone issues.

Thanks pp.  That's mighty big of you.  I have .28 for odd's cause.  If someone else has .12, which i'm sure is doable by someone, we can make that happen.


Much Love: BrotherFox xo

Don't let the door hit you on the way out.  Thanks.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BrotherFox on August 26, 2013, 03:39 pm
Oh Yikes, odd gets my vote for help first. I loaned to odd and he payed back on time before, and would help out if I wasn't needing what btc I have now..
Odd being able to deal with chemo is more urgent then my suboxone issues.

Thanks pp.  That's mighty big of you.  I have .28 for odd's cause.  If someone else has .12, which i'm sure is doable by someone, we can make that happen.


Much Love: BrotherFox xo

Don't let the door hit you on the way out.  Thanks.

HaHa how long did it take for you to find that one on the internet :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on August 26, 2013, 04:04 pm
@BrotherFox No one ever said scammers go on the shit list, just people who the community feels shouldn't get a loan or people who are untrustworthy. Apparently the community felt like you shouldn't get one  because you were spamming the thread the other day. And by the childish way you are acting right now I would have to agree with everyone else. Sorry :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 26, 2013, 04:12 pm
I just wanted to make a post to let everyone know littleperm did repay his loan to me on time. Thanks!

Also i was wondering if anyone could loan me .4 BTC  I know this a relatively large loan but it is also a very short one.  I need some meds ASAP for this weeks chemotherapy sessions but will not be able to get any coins until Wednesday.  So i can repay this loan as soon as Wednesday and i think you guys know I'm good for it ;) .  If Anyone can help in anyway it'll be greatly appreciated.  Thanks for the consideration SR: odd

I'm sending .28 shapes your way odd.  It's all I got.  Special thanks to theman123451 for making this possible.  That leaves .12.  Keep us updated!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: boysen on August 26, 2013, 04:35 pm
I hate to ask for coin, but thanks to a rather long delay on a deposit (I assume because of maintenance) I am now 0.0162 btc short of ordering. Anyone that could help me out? I will make it right by my next order, but that could be a few weeks.

SR name: boysen

Edit: Now lacking 0.0162 btc, value is going down. If value keeps going down this maintenance screwed me out of $175. :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 26, 2013, 05:06 pm
Hi all  :)

0.01 sent to odd  :-[ sorry, thats me empty  ::) :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on August 26, 2013, 05:15 pm
:) morning y'all (hugs)

wont be around till later tonight, so figured I stop by an say hello family :-* much love
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on August 26, 2013, 05:18 pm
I just wanted to make a post to let everyone know littleperm did repay his loan to me on time. Thanks!

Also i was wondering if anyone could loan me .4 BTC  I know this a relatively large loan but it is also a very short one.  I need some meds ASAP for this weeks chemotherapy sessions but will not be able to get any coins until Wednesday.  So i can repay this loan as soon as Wednesday and i think you guys know I'm good for it ;) .  If Anyone can help in anyway it'll be greatly appreciated.  Thanks for the consideration SR: odd

I'm sending .28 shapes your way odd.  It's all I got.  Special thanks to theman123451 for making this possible.  That leaves .12.  Keep us updated!

covered the rest, should be good to go
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ILikeYou on August 26, 2013, 05:21 pm
Hi all  :)

0.01 sent to odd  :-[ sorry, thats me empty  ::) :P

Hey I sent you the rest of that .01 btc loan,. I thnk I sent you like $.016 BTC already and now the other .01, correct me if im wrong.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: odd on August 26, 2013, 05:34 pm
holy cow you guys are amazing!!!  thank you so much i will repay everyone on Wednesday I'm absolutely speechless
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on August 26, 2013, 05:48 pm
Sent ChemCat the 0.35 that I owed RS7  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on August 26, 2013, 05:52 pm
Just popped in to say while not posting iv been keeping my eye on the thread ImAz style just had to say love you guys you're fucking awesome <3
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ppanth on August 26, 2013, 05:57 pm
Glad you got it taken care of odd!! I hope it all goes smoothly with the chemo..

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 26, 2013, 07:07 pm
Hi all  :)

0.01 sent to odd  :-[ sorry, thats me empty  ::) :P

Hey I sent you the rest of that .01 btc loan,. I thnk I sent you like $.016 BTC already and now the other .01, correct me if im wrong.
You did pay me back as promised, thank you hun so i have 0.01 if anyone needs change lol  :)

Hi RS, I,ll prob miss you later so hugs now  ;) :-*

Missing ma dad, Chemmy where you at  ::) :P :-*

Hello everyone else, i,m not even gonna try, too many names now but thats great  ;D ;D Hope your all good tonight/today  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: boysen on August 26, 2013, 07:16 pm
I am still in need if you are feeling kind!

0.0125 short now. Hope it doesn't keep going the wrong way.

SR name: boysen

Appreciate any help! I will pay back but it may be a few weeks, this is my last spending money that came up too short for ordering.

Edit: Definitely nice to see you guys come together to help out odd btw, I hope he gets his medicine in time!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 26, 2013, 07:50 pm
@boysen...Shit  :-[ sorry, sent you the 0.01 i had  ;) i was browsing on SR forgot to check back, hope it helps  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: boysen on August 26, 2013, 07:58 pm
Thanks so much! One step closer, and you also put a smile on my face. You will have it back the next time I deposit coins. :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ppanth on August 26, 2013, 08:03 pm
If anyone can/will help me out til this Friday/Saturday(maybe as early as Thursday but I am unsure), the amount is slightly varying, this very second it would be .381.. and at this point I just need to do it before tomorrow afternoon. Sr name is pnkpanth

Its to keep the suboxone level , well level, here. Shutting up about it for now. Hope everyone is having a good day!

I'll be back..later..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 26, 2013, 08:12 pm
I am still in need if you are feeling kind!

0.0125 short now. Hope it doesn't keep going the wrong way.

SR name: boysen

Appreciate any help! I will pay back but it may be a few weeks, this is my last spending money that came up too short for ordering.

Edit: Definitely nice to see you guys come together to help out odd btw, I hope he gets his medicine in time!

.0025 sent since mary took care of the .01
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DrWalterB on August 26, 2013, 08:13 pm
Just quickly poppin past to say hello to the spare coin peeps :D I see everything is good and people are being helped.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 26, 2013, 08:13 pm
If anyone can/will help me out til this Friday/Saturday(maybe as early as Thursday but I am unsure), the amount is slightly varying, this very second it would be .381.. and at this point I just need to do it before tomorrow afternoon. Sr name is pnkpanth

Its to keep the suboxone level , well level, here. Shutting up about it for now. Hope everyone is having a good day!

I'll be back..later..

.0319 sent, hope it helps at least a little.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: isthereanyneed on August 26, 2013, 08:30 pm
Well, Ive just finished my shopping and Ive got a little bit spare coins left over, I always try and help you guys out when I can, anyone need anything just give me a pm because I'll forget about this thread after my joint.  :o
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Railgun on August 26, 2013, 08:32 pm
Don't have much..3 bucks left from an order or so on the account, but I'll send it so long as SR doesn't show my account name once sent.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: boysen on August 26, 2013, 08:33 pm
Thanks so much Juggernog! Sadly the bitcoin-gods are against me today and I already feel like I asked for too much in here.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: isthereanyneed on August 26, 2013, 08:52 pm
Boysen, just sent you the 0.0014, you need anymore give me a bell.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Hunter Guy on August 26, 2013, 08:57 pm
Hello all, first day of classes started again.  Syllabus week is that shit i do like!

However, I am literally 70 cents short on an order...that's that shit i don't like..

If anyone has a dollar to lend me I'll pay you back with a few for juice by fri/sat at the latest (weekends only time i can re-up now :( )

Name: Hunterguy77
Amnt needed: $1 (not sure how much in btc that is..)

I have right now : account ฿2.1915
I need: Total: ฿2.1976

get at me asap please if anyone can please and thank you!~ take care and stay safe everyone
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Hunter Guy on August 26, 2013, 09:02 pm
got it...thank you to who ever helped me out.  Just post or PM me as I gotta head out, take care ya'll
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on August 26, 2013, 09:06 pm
the btc value just went up on here, unlikely anyone sent anything that fast..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: boysen on August 26, 2013, 09:08 pm
Just thought I should let you know I got my order placed finally thanks to you guys! Thanks so much for the help, I will keep you in mind the next time I deposit coins. I will also remember this thread whenever I have some spare change.

Thanks again! You made a great ending to a bleak day!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 26, 2013, 10:40 pm
Seems BrotherFox deleted his forum account.  I must be a terrible person.

I'm certain he will be back with another name.  Just be aware.

Thanks to the too many to name for their efforts in this thread.  It's pretty damn special.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on August 26, 2013, 11:22 pm
hahah and he spammed all the way to 100 so he could neg us once. i wonder how many accounts on the shitlist have been deleted. perhaps i'll investigate when i got a better connection...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DefyCode on August 26, 2013, 11:54 pm
Seems BrotherFox deleted his forum account.  I must be a terrible person.

I'm certain he will be back with another name.  Just be aware.

Thanks to the too many to name for their efforts in this thread.  It's pretty damn special.

Shout out to Mary for saving me...I almost lent him the coin... how naive of me.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ppanth on August 27, 2013, 12:26 am
If anyone can/will help me out til this Friday/Saturday(maybe as early as Thursday but I am unsure), the amount is slightly varying, this very second it would be .381.. and at this point I just need to do it before tomorrow afternoon. Sr name is pnkpanth

Its to keep the suboxone level , well level, here. Shutting up about it for now. Hope everyone is having a good day!

I'll be back..later..

.0319 sent, hope it helps at least a little.

Thanks Jugg! Still .35 away. Gotta run and do a few things..hope Monday treated everyone well..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 27, 2013, 01:44 am
Seems BrotherFox deleted his forum account.  I must be a terrible person.

I'm certain he will be back with another name.  Just be aware.

Thanks to the too many to name for their efforts in this thread.  It's pretty damn special.

That's how I feel. I think we will be able to combine in the efforts to catch them.

Seems BrotherFox deleted his forum account.  I must be a terrible person.

I'm certain he will be back with another name.  Just be aware.

Thanks to the too many to name for their efforts in this thread.  It's pretty damn special.

Shout out to Mary for saving me...I almost lent him the coin... how naive of me.

Hey she beat me to it. When I scrolled up after a long while gone and read you were about to loan it, I was going to pm you. Too slow yet again.
Good thing people have some backs watched. :)

If anyone can/will help me out til this Friday/Saturday(maybe as early as Thursday but I am unsure), the amount is slightly varying, this very second it would be .381.. and at this point I just need to do it before tomorrow afternoon. Sr name is pnkpanth

Its to keep the suboxone level , well level, here. Shutting up about it for now. Hope everyone is having a good day!

I'll be back..later..

.0319 sent, hope it helps at least a little.

Thanks Jugg! Still .35 away. Gotta run and do a few things..hope Monday treated everyone well..

It is really nothing compared to what you have helped me with. ;) More to come in the future.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ShazMo on August 27, 2013, 07:33 am
Afternoon everybody  :D

Just thought I would drop in today and say g'day... I received my first ever loan yesterday and wanted to drop by just for some reassurance that I am still around lol So big thanks for that, it really helped my situation alot.. Really appreciate the trust and generosity that is getting shown in this thread...Its a shame some people take advantage of this generosity'

Take care all  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: THUMBSuP. on August 27, 2013, 10:06 am
can anyone loan .6btc - 2btc.
i will pay back this week with interest. :)

thanks everyone.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 27, 2013, 12:20 pm
can anyone loan .6btc - 2btc.
i will pay back this week with interest. :)

thanks everyone.

That,s a lotta coin  :-\could do with that amount myself  ;) Sorry but thats a lot to ask, but if someone knows you well you have a good chance i guess. Personally there,s only a few people on here i,d trust to loan that amount to, and it,s cause i know them well  ;) Hope you got a trusty friend on here that,ll help tho  ;)

Hi everyone, hope your all good today  :) I,m still waiting on getting bloody bank refunds  >:( Oh well, hopefully soon, need a whiteshark order  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ppanth on August 27, 2013, 12:54 pm
Mary I hope your refunds show up..that is some bullshit..banks are just never wrong tho, god forbid you owed them money..they would be happy to take it much faster then they ever return it!!

I am still a looking for some btc, I can pay back this weekend, with interest, whatever terms are agreeable..anyhow dont want to be all spammy about it..
Juggs I appreciate the help!

Happy Tuesday guys!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 27, 2013, 01:01 pm
Mary I hope your refunds show up..that is some bullshit..banks are just never wrong tho, god forbid you owed them money..they would be happy to take it much faster then they ever return it!!

I am still a looking for some btc, I can pay back this weekend, with interest, whatever terms are agreeable..anyhow dont want to be all spammy about it..
Juggs I appreciate the help!

Happy Tuesday guys!
Hi Jugg, its fuckin scamming loan companys taking money everytime it goes in  :'( lol cu*ts)! I had £40 in bank so changed into coin before one of them tits grabbed it so i can give you the loan you need was gonna pm you just then to see but thought i,d wait as its not gone through yet, 14 confirmations tho  :-\ how bloody many do they need  ::) :P Anyway let me know how much, i,m sure it,s about 0.49 or something that i,m waiting on, i was just hoping it sits there and grows lmao  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ppanth on August 27, 2013, 01:12 pm
LOL smart you are spend your money before the bank gives it away! Bastards! pm'd you a second ago
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: yunalesca on August 27, 2013, 01:25 pm
Mary are you needing a quick loan?  I've only got about .3 BTC available right now but I don't need it at all.  I'm in the process of buying more BTC so in a day or two I'll have more available.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DefyCode on August 27, 2013, 01:34 pm
Me too Mary, if you need help, I can send you some for sure!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 27, 2013, 01:41 pm
Oh thats very kind of you both  :) I,ll just wait, make sure i get them all back, waiting on 3 but just posted to get 2 refunds today with the bank holiday so prob be next week and i wouldn,t want anyone to wait that long so i,ll just loan my coin to jugg and keep hassling these shits  :) thanks so much for the offer, made me all fuzzy n warm  ;D
 :'( the coins taking ages i have 18 confirmations and 1 below me has 30!!?? This happened before and took 24 hours, its how i ended up on here tho so i,m thankful   :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: safeonion on August 27, 2013, 02:07 pm
This is kind of embarrassing to ask for small amounts of money, when i am a adult.

But i am in this situation that i am short 0.6 for my order, my birthday is the *th of September, and i will first get money the 2th of September, so i really wont make it, if i am gonna wait for my money, and then buy some bitcoins, and then buy my drugs...

So if anybody out there got some spare coins that they could lent me, i will be very happy.

I will pay back next week with juice ofc.

I have also lent other people money before here on SR.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ppanth on August 27, 2013, 02:14 pm
If anyone wants to help me out til the weekend, I was asking for a lot more then normal small change. But I have paid back every time I have been loaned. .43 gets it to me fast and I have no panic time and .33 gets it here with some panic involved. I will have more for payback btc as early as thursday but probably not til Friday.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DefyCode on August 27, 2013, 02:15 pm
ppanth! I gotcha homegirl!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DefyCode on August 27, 2013, 02:20 pm
Ppanth. just sent you .43 BTC, don't spend it all in one place!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ppanth on August 27, 2013, 02:23 pm
ppanth! I gotcha homegirl!

Ohhhh did you send to pnkpanth my computer is slow as dick and I was trying to type....oh god girl you scared me!! I got it !!
Thank YOU !!
I mean thank you OMG thank you!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ppanth on August 27, 2013, 02:25 pm
Order done, suboxone crisis averted!
Thanks again, and will payback Friday.
Going back to the lady chat thread
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 27, 2013, 02:27 pm
Sorry PP coin still transferring, i see my gir gotcha tho  ;) can,t karma for 72hrs lol cheers hun  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ppanth on August 27, 2013, 02:30 pm
Thank you mary, now you dont have to hang about for my benefit, and it is greatly appreciated! I +1 both of ya cause I finally can again..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DefyCode on August 27, 2013, 02:37 pm
Sorry PP coin still transferring, i see my gir gotcha tho  ;) can,t karma for 72hrs lol cheers hun  :)

Yeah the 72 hr rule is dumb! I already got that message a bunch.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: yunalesca on August 27, 2013, 02:44 pm
This is kind of embarrassing to ask for small amounts of money, when i am a adult.

But i am in this situation that i am short 0.6 for my order, my birthday is the 5th of September, and i will first get money the 2th of September, so i really wont make it, if i am gonna wait for my money, and then buy some bitcoins, and then buy my drugs...

So if anybody out there got some spare coins that they could lent me, i will be very happy.

I will pay back next week with juice ofc.

I have also lent other people money before here on SR.

I can send you .3 BTC that's all I have at the moment. :(

Need your SR username to send it to though.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: safeonion on August 27, 2013, 02:54 pm
This is kind of embarrassing to ask for small amounts of money, when i am a adult.

But i am in this situation that i am short 0.6 for my order, my birthday is the 5th of September, and i will first get money the 2th of September, so i really wont make it, if i am gonna wait for my money, and then buy some bitcoins, and then buy my drugs...

So if anybody out there got some spare coins that they could lent me, i will be very happy.

I will pay back next week with juice ofc.

I have also lent other people money before here on SR.

I can send you .3 BTC that's all I have at the moment. :(

Need your SR username to send it to though.

That will help very much, thanks man!!

my username is on sr is: safeonion
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: yunalesca on August 27, 2013, 03:15 pm
This is kind of embarrassing to ask for small amounts of money, when i am a adult.

But i am in this situation that i am short 0.6 for my order, my birthday is the 5th of September, and i will first get money the 2th of September, so i really wont make it, if i am gonna wait for my money, and then buy some bitcoins, and then buy my drugs...

So if anybody out there got some spare coins that they could lent me, i will be very happy.

I will pay back next week with juice ofc.

I have also lent other people money before here on SR.

I can send you .3 BTC that's all I have at the moment. :(

Need your SR username to send it to though.

That will help very much, thanks man!!

my username is on sr is: safeonion

Just sent you 0.3 BTC!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: safeonion on August 27, 2013, 03:24 pm
... my birthday is the 5th of September...

Happy birthday from one Virgo to another!

Thanks  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: safeonion on August 27, 2013, 03:26 pm
This is kind of embarrassing to ask for small amounts of money, when i am a adult.

But i am in this situation that i am short 0.6 for my order, my birthday is the 5th of September, and i will first get money the 2th of September, so i really wont make it, if i am gonna wait for my money, and then buy some bitcoins, and then buy my drugs...

So if anybody out there got some spare coins that they could lent me, i will be very happy.

I will pay back next week with juice ofc.

I have also lent other people money before here on SR.

I can send you .3 BTC that's all I have at the moment. :(

Need your SR username to send it to though.

That will help very much, thanks man!!

my username is on sr is: safeonion

Just sent you 0.3 BTC!

WOW!!! thanks man...  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: KKE on August 27, 2013, 03:37 pm
Hello on SR.

I am short .143 on my order.

Can anyone please help me? - this is my first time loaning here on SR forum.

I will payback with 25% extra..

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: blacktux on August 27, 2013, 03:43 pm
Hi SR people.

Just orded  50g Marlboro Hash and saw i was short of a little ammount of money.
I am looking for 0.21 btc. - i will payback in a couple of weeks, when i deposit new btc on my account.

Please pm for username, i will be very glad if there was a good heartet person out there.  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 27, 2013, 03:46 pm
Coins still tumbling  :( glad you got sorted PP  ;) +1 time (if i can)  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on August 27, 2013, 04:57 pm
Just wanted to let everyone that is interested know I'm trying to re-awaken the DPR book club. So if anyone is interested please post here http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=35766.0 so we can get this started ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: safeonion on August 27, 2013, 05:46 pm
This is kind of embarrassing to ask for small amounts of money, when i am a adult.

But i am in this situation that i am short 0.6 for my order, my birthday is the *th of September, and i will first get money the 2th of September, so i really wont make it, if i am gonna wait for my money, and then buy some bitcoins, and then buy my drugs...

So if anybody out there got some spare coins that they could lent me, i will be very happy.

I will pay back next week with juice ofc.

I have also lent other people money before here on SR.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 27, 2013, 05:53 pm
This is kind of embarrassing to ask for small amounts of money, when i am a adult.

But i am in this situation that i am short 0.6 for my order, my birthday is the 5th of September, and i will first get money the 2th of September, so i really wont make it, if i am gonna wait for my money, and then buy some bitcoins, and then buy my drugs...

So if anybody out there got some spare coins that they could lent me, i will be very happy.

I will pay back next week with juice ofc.

I have also lent other people money before here on SR.

I can send you .3 BTC that's all I have at the moment. :(

Need your SR username to send it to though.

That will help very much, thanks man!!

my username is on sr is: safeonion
So you need 0.3 now??? You edited the date but not the coin amount?? :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 27, 2013, 05:59 pm
This is kind of embarrassing to ask for small amounts of money, when i am a adult.

But i am in this situation that i am short 0.6 for my order, my birthday is the 5th of September, and i will first get money the 2th of September, so i really wont make it, if i am gonna wait for my money, and then buy some bitcoins, and then buy my drugs...

So if anybody out there got some spare coins that they could lent me, i will be very happy.

I will pay back next week with juice ofc.

I have also lent other people money before here on SR.

I can send you .3 BTC that's all I have at the moment. :(

Need your SR username to send it to though.

That will help very much, thanks man!!

my username is on sr is: safeonion
So you need 0.3 now??? You edited the date but not the coin amount?? :-\

ew :/
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ppanth on August 27, 2013, 06:04 pm
Hey mary! did your coins arrive yet?

Hey jugg!!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 27, 2013, 06:08 pm
hey ppanth!! :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: safeonion on August 27, 2013, 06:09 pm
This is kind of embarrassing to ask for small amounts of money, when i am a adult.

But i am in this situation that i am short 0.6 for my order, my birthday is the 5th of September, and i will first get money the 2th of September, so i really wont make it, if i am gonna wait for my money, and then buy some bitcoins, and then buy my drugs...

So if anybody out there got some spare coins that they could lent me, i will be very happy.

I will pay back next week with juice ofc.

I have also lent other people money before here on SR.

I can send you .3 BTC that's all I have at the moment. :(

Need your SR username to send it to though.

That will help very much, thanks man!!

my username is on sr is: safeonion
So you need 0.3 now??? You edited the date but not the coin amount?? :-\

lol.. yes, i need 0.3 now.

Sorry for the trouble.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: odd on August 27, 2013, 06:31 pm
Hey everybody I just wanted to make a quick update about the coin situation and SR at the moment.   I still have all plans and intentions on repaying my debt in full tomorrow but at the current moment it seems deposits being made to SR are being swiped mid transaction.  I promise i will keep your money safe until this is figured out i just wanted to give you all a heads up.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 27, 2013, 07:02 pm
Quote from: ppanth  125.msg1496180#msg1496180 date=1377626658
Hey mary! did your coins arrive yet?

Hey jugg!!
Yeah hun  :) I knew they would, the neewbies were in a state of panic  ::) but i,d been there, done that  :P lol thats how i ended up on the forum  ;D ;D Glad it all worked out  ;)

Evening to everyone, where,s all the reg,s today, only seen boxy  :-\ (hi Boxy, sorry  :-[ i forgot to say hi earlier) Chemmy, RS, Murda, Kalli, Darktime, DanDan  :-\ hugs to all you people  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 27, 2013, 07:04 pm
Quote from: ppanth  125.msg1496180#msg1496180 date=1377626658
Hey mary! did your coins arrive yet?

Hey jugg!!
Yeah hun  :) I knew they would, the neewbies were in a state of panic  ::) but i,d been there, done that  :P lol thats how i ended up on the forum  ;D ;D Glad it all worked out  ;)

Evening to everyone, where,s all the reg,s today, only seen boxy  :-\ (hi Boxy, sorry  :-[ i forgot to say hi earlier) Chemmy, RS, Murda, Kalli, Darktime, DanDan  :-\ hugs to all you people  :)

Hi mary! :) I am around, spending most of my time on IRC though.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: AgentLee on August 27, 2013, 08:04 pm
Hello all!

My username is glag on SR. I am here to ask for help with postage money for an order, as I am away from home and can't buy BTC ATM.

I need about 0.03or thereabouts. I will pay back ASAP and have loaned out BTC to others before.

Thank you in advance,

Glag/agent lee

Sr username : glag
Amount needed: postage (0.03)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: shopper1888 on August 27, 2013, 09:19 pm
you still in need agent lee? - sent, if not needed send it back and I might help someone else.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: darkmagic65 on August 27, 2013, 09:37 pm
Could anyone help me out Im wanting 0.25 to barrow so I recently bought some shroom powder and with the last I had for now and it did nothing but make mt stomach hurt for 2 days but the vendor had good reciews and comments I was pay you back if you want when I get more coins im going to be getting some whole shrooms this time and from a different person I really really hoping to have a good time my sr name is dame as this and my wallet is
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on August 27, 2013, 09:38 pm
Hey Hey my Family  8)

Sorry, so Very Much that i haven't been able to be here more :(

I've been workin my tail off IRL  to get some bills paid and get back to vending  ;)

I Love & Miss ya'll so Much it's crazy  :)

Peace, Love & Hugs to ya'll  8)



Oh, am Glad to see the "Shit List" back  LOL Should we put the Lenders on there again?  Just wonderin  :P

I Love ya'll, yur pretty much my Family all across the board :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 27, 2013, 09:42 pm
Hey Hey my Family  8)

Sorry, so Very Much that i haven't been able to be here more :(

I've been workin my tail off IRL  to get some bills paid and get back to vending  ;)

I Love & Miss ya'll so Much it's crazy  :)

Peace, Love & Hugs to ya'll  8)



Oh, am Glad to see the "Shit List" back  LOL Should we put the Lenders on there again?  Just wonderin  :P

I Love ya'll, yur pretty much my Family all across the board :)


Nice to see you chem!

Could anyone help me out Im wanting 0.25 to barrow so I recently bought some shroom powder and with the last I had for now and it did nothing but make mt stomach hurt for 2 days but the vendor had good reciews and comments I was pay you back if you want when I get more coins im going to be getting some whole shrooms this time and from a different person I really really hoping to have a good time my sr name is dame as this and my wallet is

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on August 27, 2013, 09:45 pm
heya Jugg howzya been?  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 27, 2013, 09:55 pm
(hi Boxy, sorry  :-[ i forgot to say hi earlier)

No worries lady!  I know how it goes!

Could anyone help me out Im wanting 0.25 to barrow so I recently bought some shroom powder and with the last I had for now and it did nothing but make mt stomach hurt for 2 days but the vendor had good reciews and comments I was pay you back if you want when I get more coins im going to be getting some whole shrooms this time and from a different person I really really hoping to have a good time my sr name is dame as this and my wallet is

I should put you on the shit list until you payback the stupid amount you have gotten away with borrowing already.

Good to hear you are well sir!  Best wishes!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on August 27, 2013, 09:56 pm
Watch for a new face called flex123 I have a feeling they will be here soon trying to scab coins as are asking for 5BTC in the Noobs section
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 27, 2013, 09:57 pm
heya Jugg howzya been?  :)

Not bad, been dealing with WD for a bit, but hey.

I finally got on the irc server today so I've been spending most of my time there. :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on August 27, 2013, 10:34 pm
Could anyone help me out Im wanting 0.25 to barrow so I recently bought some shroom powder and with the last I had for now and it did nothing but make mt stomach hurt for 2 days but the vendor had good reciews and comments I was pay you back if you want when I get more coins im going to be getting some whole shrooms this time and from a different person I really really hoping to have a good time my sr name is dame as this and my wallet is

How bout you pay me back first you scum sucking leech
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mkblends on August 27, 2013, 11:33 pm
Looking to borrow .15 btc till 8/31 when I'll gladly repay .2 not sure if it makes a difference but I'm trying to get an order placed to get to me by my B-day on Friday. Was hoping my clear net connect had me but they are Mia.
SR name is the same.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on August 27, 2013, 11:42 pm
CHEMCAT@@@@!!!!!@$$!%%! Hey brobra, nice to see you. I hope you are kickingass irl! Here us a hi-five for you  ヘ( ^o^)ノ\(^_^ )

Boxy, you are a virgo too?!? My b-day is on Sunday 1, September. So anyone that wants to send be birthday coins, my SR name is Azuthus!

Boxy, when is your birthday? I you want some sunglasses for your birthday, send me a pm and I will let you choose from 3 different pairs! They are nice and I got them for free for doing reviews for them.

Oh Taz wherefore art thou?

Protecting your ears from the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, I am back to lurking...(⌐■_■)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on August 27, 2013, 11:44 pm
This is kind of embarrassing to ask for small amounts of money, when i am a adult.

But i am in this situation that i am short 0.6 for my order, my birthday is the *th of September, and i will first get money the 2th of September, so i really wont make it, if i am gonna wait for my money, and then buy some bitcoins, and then buy my drugs...

So if anybody out there got some spare coins that they could lent me, i will be very happy.

I will pay back next week with juice ofc.

I have also lent other people money before here on SR.

Member for 2 weeks asking for a "small loan" id hate to see what you consider a big loan
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 28, 2013, 12:52 am
Boxy, you are a virgo too?!?

Ha you too man?  I would say that would explain some things, but that would be under the assumption that I fully knew what all that means.  Cool to know!

PM on the way!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 28, 2013, 12:55 am
And thank you to doodoo79 for putting the shapes back in the box.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DreadKn0t on August 28, 2013, 01:05 am
Could anyone help me out Im wanting 0.25 to barrow so I recently bought some shroom powder and with the last I had for now and it did nothing but make mt stomach hurt for 2 days but the vendor had good reciews and comments I was pay you back if you want when I get more coins im going to be getting some whole shrooms this time and from a different person I really really hoping to have a good time my sr name is dame as this and my wallet is

Dude... Do you realize how much of a damn fool you sound like?? Seriously!.. watching you pop in and out of the shadows on these forums is pissing me the fuck off. I don't even have a word to describe how sweet, respectively kind, and generous the people who LOANED you must be! you dont even realize that truth because all you are doing is prodding & trying to manipulate anyone else in plain sight vulnerable to your Bullshit!.. Its unfortunate you have no sympathy for your actions and just keep thinking everyone is going to pay for your shit with a few "sad" words. Please. Just gtfo, and if you have an ounce of selflessness in your soul (which i would find hard to believe) just pay these good people back! This aint no game kid....

& everyone else, I sincerely apologize if this is wrong to post in this thread. Ive just about had enough of dark, and im sure some feel the same way..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on August 28, 2013, 01:16 am
Boxy brobra, PM sent back to you...

Is it just me or is there a huge influx of new peeps in this thread over the last month or so 【・_・?】

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Naked Snake on August 28, 2013, 01:27 am
I'll be willing to pay back on bitcoins given to me in steam games. :)
or you can just donate.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on August 28, 2013, 01:31 am
Boxy brobra, PM sent back to you...

Is it just me or is there a huge influx of new peeps in this thread over the last month or so 【・_・?】

I recon and i have noticed heaps bigger requests too when i came here it was "im short  0.0xxbtc" but now its 0.xxbtc " like old mate .25 when he already owes coins
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on August 28, 2013, 01:56 am
Boxy brobra, PM sent back to you...

Is it just me or is there a huge influx of new peeps in this thread over the last month or so 【・_・?】

I recon and i have noticed heaps bigger requests too when i came here it was "im short  0.0xxbtc" but now its 0.xxbtc " like old mate .25 when he already owes coins

Agreed. Most I can not help with as they are asking for too much. Oh well. Someone might be able to help them.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: i3lazdz on August 28, 2013, 02:45 am
I'm trying to get some Bitcoins to buy some endangered bear gallbladder juice.

I have .25 BTC and I just need 34.75 more.

Please nothing is too little.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: incognito22 on August 28, 2013, 03:00 am
i have $28.01 USD....i need $28.00 to order shrooms

so i should have enough

but it wont go through??????

can someone give me .01 bitcoins....itd be much appreciated.  he only has 1 left and don't want it to sell out.  thanks.

same username as it is here
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on August 28, 2013, 03:28 am
what makes you think you need .01btc have you added shipping ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 28, 2013, 03:30 am
Could anyone help me out Im wanting 0.25 to barrow so I recently bought some shroom powder and with the last I had for now and it did nothing but make mt stomach hurt for 2 days but the vendor had good reciews and comments I was pay you back if you want when I get more coins im going to be getting some whole shrooms this time and from a different person I really really hoping to have a good time my sr name is dame as this and my wallet is

Dude... Do you realize how much of a damn fool you sound like?? Seriously!.. watching you pop in and out of the shadows on these forums is pissing me the fuck off. I don't even have a word to describe how sweet, respectively kind, and generous the people who LOANED you must be! you dont even realize that truth because all you are doing is prodding & trying to manipulate anyone else in plain sight vulnerable to your Bullshit!.. Its unfortunate you have no sympathy for your actions and just keep thinking everyone is going to pay for your shit with a few "sad" words. Please. Just gtfo, and if you have an ounce of selflessness in your soul (which i would find hard to believe) just pay these good people back! This aint no game kid....

& everyone else, I sincerely apologize if this is wrong to post in this thread. Ive just about had enough of dark, and im sure some feel the same way..

Your post was perfectly fine in my opinion. I've seen worse and it was still appropriate!

I truly believe dark is a young kid living at home with his parents, no job. young and experimenting with new drugs.
But of course he needs everyone else to pay for the experiments.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DreadKn0t on August 28, 2013, 03:44 am
yeah, that's what I would figure. well glad to know I didn't crossed any boundaries.
Im out. Night.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: theman123451 on August 28, 2013, 03:48 am
dam people seem to be really greedy on here  :'( really gets me down come on people if you cant found your own habit then you might as well QUITE!!!! or better yet GET A JOB!!!!! maybe one better JUST KILL YOURSELF!!! lol jk on the last part........but in all seriousness......

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 28, 2013, 03:59 am
Dude we need as many people like you as possible!  Say what's on your mind whenever you feel.  You can always delete it if you find it was the result of a drunken/drugged frenzy.  I speak from experience!  I spent a few single letter characters more than I ever wanted to on this guy.

I sent you .01 shapes.  It's all I got.  Sorry I couldn't help you out with more.  You are owed a great deal more than this.

God dude.  You have made me laugh with every post.  -1 for you good sir.

I've done my best to make sure the shapes you gave are being put to good use!  Read back if ya want and you can find out!  Thank you very much man.  You are a rare breed.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: incognito22 on August 28, 2013, 04:26 am
what makes you think you need .01btc have you added shipping ?
Shipping was included in the 28.00

i figured since im already 1 cent over, .01 bitcoin would be enough

but bitcoins have dropped and now im like 16 cents short

idk why it didnt go through in the first place
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on August 28, 2013, 04:34 am
Thank you very much Mr shapes will hit you back next week.  Think its time i gave up on some of the coin owed to me I cant keep msg them can you put someone of the shitlist
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 28, 2013, 04:38 am
I love this thread! I can clearly tell who the genuine people are!
love all.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on August 28, 2013, 04:56 am
what makes you think you need .01btc have you added shipping ?
Shipping was included in the 28.00

i figured since im already 1 cent over, .01 bitcoin would be enough

but bitcoins have dropped and now im like 16 cents short

idk why it didnt go through in the first place

If you had more money than whats required there must be another reson
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on August 28, 2013, 05:29 am
what makes you think you need .01btc have you added shipping ?
Shipping was included in the 28.00

i figured since im already 1 cent over, .01 bitcoin would be enough

but bitcoins have dropped and now im like 16 cents short

idk why it didnt go through in the first place

Because only one person has ever paid me back out of all my loans, I only have a whopping ฿0.0070   to give you...if this will help, it is yours. Let me know.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 28, 2013, 05:34 am
I never thought I'd have anything to offer this place when I joined.  I still kinda don't.  I just try to go at it with the perspective of "set an example".  It applies anywhere!  I swear!

Don't make people do math.  Say a specific amount and you will have a better chance.  I'm out of shapes or I would.

@ImAz & cryngie
let me get back to your pm's in the morning.  i've had a few and i've hit that wall.

Be well!  Box out for now.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on August 28, 2013, 05:46 am
Holy shit guys Brotherfox has started a "official newbies spare coin thread" now to make noob alias' and scam some coins muwahahaha
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 28, 2013, 06:22 am
Holy shit guys Brotherfox has started a "official newbies spare coin thread" now to make noob alias' and scam some coins muwahahaha

LMFAO, wanna go crash it with me :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on August 28, 2013, 06:34 am
Holy shit guys Brotherfox has started a "official newbies spare coin thread" now to make noob alias' and scam some coins muwahahaha

LMFAO, wanna go crash it with me :)

Ive already asked for a spare 2BTC waiting to see if any noob comes through
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DefyCode on August 28, 2013, 06:43 am I need a penny worth of btc... so .001 to be on the safe side? I feel dumb sorry for asking. SupplyShack on SR.

Thanks in advance.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ShazMo on August 28, 2013, 07:14 am
Holy shit guys Brotherfox has started a "official newbies spare coin thread" now to make noob alias' and scam some coins muwahahaha

LoL...You serious? I read all that shit a few pages back with BrotherFox...Made me lol!

Has he been in here before under a different alias?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: njguido on August 28, 2013, 07:37 am
Could anyone help me out Im wanting 0.25 to barrow so I recently bought some shroom powder and with the last I had for now and it did nothing but make mt stomach hurt for 2 days but the vendor had good reciews and comments I was pay you back if you want when I get more coins im going to be getting some whole shrooms this time and from a different person I really really hoping to have a good time my sr name is dame as this and my wallet is

Fuck you i3lazd! I'm convinced that this guy and BrotherFox live in the same shanty, pay your debts, buy some coin, buy your own drugs, you piece of pennyless shit
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 28, 2013, 08:07 am I need a penny worth of btc... so .001 to be on the safe side? I feel dumb sorry for asking. SupplyShack on SR.

Thanks in advance.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 28, 2013, 10:40 am
Morning guys  :) hope everyone,s good, glad the newbies have a thread to go to was getting annoying  ;)

 :'( :'( :'( I got my refund from 1 loan company and another one,s whipped £67.80?? out my bank as soon as it went in, i,m total fucked, i,m never gonna get this money back, its over £200 now!  :'( :'( Does anyone have any advice about these online loan company,s charging fee,s for nothing!?? Loans Direct don,t even give loans, how fucked up is that, they take nearly £70 from me though, i am in tears of frustration, disbelief and anger  :-[ :'(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mkblends on August 28, 2013, 10:43 am
Still in need of .15 will gladly repay .2 on 8/31 as stated trying to place b-day order, but looks like my lack of posts is a hinderance. If anyone can help its appreciated. SR name is the same.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: klm2233 on August 28, 2013, 10:57 am
can someone lend me 0.06? I am short of it for a small weed order

will repay as soon as possible (max 5 days) could be in a few hours too.

thanks in advance :)
one love
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: safeonion on August 28, 2013, 01:06 pm
This is kind of embarrassing to ask for small amounts of money, when i am a adult.

But i am in this situation that i am short 0.3 for my order, my birthday is the 5th of September, and i will first get money the 2th of September, so i really wont make it, if i am gonna wait for my money, and then buy some bitcoins, and then buy my drugs...

So if anybody out there got some spare coins that they could lent me, i will be very happy.

I will pay back next week with juice ofc.

I have also lent other people money before here on SR.

Username: safeonion
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 28, 2013, 01:09 pm
This is kind of embarrassing to ask for small amounts of money, when i am a adult.

But i am in this situation that i am short 0.3 for my order, my birthday is the 5th of September, and i will first get money the 2th of September, so i really wont make it, if i am gonna wait for my money, and then buy some bitcoins, and then buy my drugs...

So if anybody out there got some spare coins that they could lent me, i will be very happy.

I will pay back next week with juice ofc.

I have also lent other people money before here on SR.
You could maybe pop in your sig. that you have a loan for 0.3 and who your owe  :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: safeonion on August 28, 2013, 01:12 pm
This is kind of embarrassing to ask for small amounts of money, when i am a adult.

But i am in this situation that i am short 0.3 for my order, my birthday is the 5th of September, and i will first get money the 2th of September, so i really wont make it, if i am gonna wait for my money, and then buy some bitcoins, and then buy my drugs...

So if anybody out there got some spare coins that they could lent me, i will be very happy.

I will pay back next week with juice ofc.

I have also lent other people money before here on SR.
You could maybe pop in your sig. that you have a loan for 0.3 and who your owe  :-\

Dont want to be a idiot, but  you comment on every post there is in here.

Are you willing to help me? or how, becouse of the last post you wrote to my post. - about how much i still neeeded.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ppanth on August 28, 2013, 01:15 pm
Hey mary, Juggs, Box, Chem, is the day going?
I just wanted to say hi!!!
Seems like there are some ppl who are rather snippy and feel rather entitled running around..or is it just me?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: yunalesca on August 28, 2013, 01:33 pm
Hey mary, Juggs, Box, Chem, is the day going?
I just wanted to say hi!!!
Seems like there are some ppl who are rather snippy and feel rather entitled running around..or is it just me?

It's not just you for sure.  Some of them seem a bit ungrateful too!  :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ppanth on August 28, 2013, 01:39 pm
Yea..not exactly a combo that warms the heart..
Amazing, they want to borrow money, and be shitty about it?
Wowzers..I must need more coffee ..I am actually shocked.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 28, 2013, 01:39 pm
@safeonion... don,t be an arse about it  ;) I,ll comment where i feel its appropriate so others know but i really don,t know why you wouldn,t mention it yourself thats why i commented so in answer i won,t give you a loan as i personally feel its not spare coin ;) Read the rules maybe? But if someone else wants to loan you then thats up to them, i,m not saying don,t give it to you i just felt you should mention you have a loan for 0.30 but hey if i,m wrong here i,m sure i,ll be corrected by another member  ;)

Hey all  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: shifting sands on August 28, 2013, 02:16 pm
Hi there lovely people.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: saranottegan on August 28, 2013, 03:23 pm
Hey everyone :)

Can anybody spare .01btc... I did my math wrong, or lost some btc in the transfer. (Probably a combo)... Anyway, I'd be happy to pay back .02 next Friday.

SR name is saranottegan

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 28, 2013, 03:38 pm
Hey everyone :)

Can anybody spare .01btc... I did my math wrong, or lost some btc in the transfer. (Probably a combo)... Anyway, I'd be happy to pay back .02 next Friday.

SR name is saranottegan


You already have a loan out with me.

Edit:  send to    sorasgaze    ฿-0.08    ฿0.XX    August 2, 2013, 11:43 pm UTC
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: saranottegan on August 28, 2013, 03:42 pm
Hey everyone :)

Can anybody spare .01btc... I did my math wrong, or lost some btc in the transfer. (Probably a combo)... Anyway, I'd be happy to pay back .02 next Friday.

SR name is saranottegan


You already have a loan out with me.

I'm sorry - must have slipped my mind. Honestly.How much do I owe you and what name should I send it to?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 28, 2013, 03:44 pm
I'm sorry - must have slipped my mind. Honestly.How much do I owe you and what name should I send it to?

.08.  The shape of this boxes name is the same on SR.  BoxofShapes.

Thank you.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: shifting sands on August 28, 2013, 03:48 pm
Hey everyone :)

Can anybody spare .01btc... I did my math wrong, or lost some btc in the transfer. (Probably a combo)... Anyway, I'd be happy to pay back .02 next Friday.

SR name is saranottegan


do you still need
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: safeonion on August 28, 2013, 03:53 pm
Can i please have a loan of 0.3 BTC.

will payback next week, with juice ofcourse.

I will think i am pretty trusted, i have also loaned to other people here on SR before.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Snooze on August 28, 2013, 04:01 pm
i never asked for anything here and im really sick today so i cant get out. im short .06 on an order for medicine. if anyone can help i'll be sure to remember to bless you back.
thank you.

SR name snooze
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 28, 2013, 04:06 pm
I will think i am pretty trusted, i have also loaned to other people here on SR before.

But you were pretty rude to some of the most generous people in here.  I still don't understand why you feel $60 is no big deal.  That's a very big favor.  Not telling people not to lend to you, but you aren't showing much humility about it.

do you still need

Hey man.  Thanks for helping in here but do you mind if I get paid back before you throw out some more coins for this person?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 28, 2013, 04:38 pm
Hey everyone, seems like a jumping day for OSCT.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: yunalesca on August 28, 2013, 04:50 pm
Can i please have a loan of 0.3 BTC.

will payback next week, with juice ofcourse.

I will think i am pretty trusted, i have also loaned to other people here on SR before.


You'd be trusted more if you kept a list of your current loans out in your sig.  That's what mary666 was suggesting to you.

Also it might make more sense if you include the fact that you needed a total of .6 and that someone has loaned you .3 of that.  It gets confusing otherwise.

And also maybe just acknowledge the fact that .6 is not shrapnel, it's a decent chunk of spare coinage.

Just my .02 ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 28, 2013, 04:55 pm
God I think I need to take a break from this stuff.  It's gotten pretty aggravating and offensive.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 28, 2013, 04:57 pm
....that .6 is not shrapnel, it's a decent chunk of spare coinage.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 28, 2013, 05:13 pm
God I think I need to take a break from this stuff.  It's gotten pretty aggravating and offensive.
I don,t think it,s you Boxy  ::) how you doin anyway hun  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Minchia on August 28, 2013, 05:27 pm
hey im looking for a 0,08 loan till end of next week
will be paying 0,1 back. username is the same

cheers minchia

edit: found an agreement with my vendor :) do not need anymore
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DreadKn0t on August 28, 2013, 05:30 pm
Hey thanks for the kind words btw Box I +1 you last night before I logged out
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Snooze on August 28, 2013, 05:50 pm
i never asked for anything here and im really sick today so i cant get out. im short .05 on an order for medicine. if anyone can help i'll be sure to remember to bless you back.
thank you.

SR name snooze
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ppanth on August 28, 2013, 05:53 pm
Just stopping for a second to say hey again! And special thanks to defycode, happy happy mail came thanks to your help..will throw it back at you this weekend at the latest..

Smile everyone..3 day weekend coming up, in the US anyhow..

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: safeonion on August 28, 2013, 05:56 pm
I will think i am pretty trusted, i have also loaned to other people here on SR before.

But you were pretty rude to some of the most generous people in here.  I still don't understand why you feel $60 is no big deal.  That's a very big favor.  Not telling people not to lend to you, but you aren't showing much humility about it.

do you still need

Hey man.  Thanks for helping in here but do you mind if I get paid back before you throw out some more coins for this person?

I can only laugh in youre face.

you are an idiot imo.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ppanth on August 28, 2013, 06:02 pm
Being rude to Box is probably the worst idea yet. Jeez man why would you want to argue with the people you are trying to lend from?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 28, 2013, 06:08 pm
@ safeonion...don,t start on Boxy, your doing yourself no favours there  ;) No one,s here to be nasty, we,re just keeping things on track and upfront as they should be  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Snooze on August 28, 2013, 06:15 pm
coins must be going up because im now .0432 short. maybe i just have to hope coins go up enough i can place my order today. Any help wont go unappreciated.

user snooze
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: foxen624 on August 28, 2013, 06:38 pm
coins must be going up because im now .0432 short. maybe i just have to hope coins go up enough i can place my order today. Any help wont go unappreciated.

user snooze

sending it now.....
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Snooze on August 28, 2013, 06:42 pm
coins must be going up because im now .0432 short. maybe i just have to hope coins go up enough i can place my order today. Any help wont go unappreciated.

user snooze

sending it now.....

Thank you sooo much foxen! Karma your way! ever in need, hit me up!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: foxen624 on August 28, 2013, 06:49 pm
coins must be going up because im now .0432 short. maybe i just have to hope coins go up enough i can place my order today. Any help wont go unappreciated.

user snooze

sending it now.....

Thank you sooo much foxen! Karma your way! ever in need, hit me up!

No problem... glad to have been of help.   It's been sent now btw..  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 28, 2013, 07:04 pm
its says the purchase price is .3461. i now have .3461 but its saying i dont have enough for transaction. wth?
This happened to someone earlier??  :-\ I,ve seen it add an extra 0.01 on to my order before and after several attempts i,ve had to put it through with the extra, never thought to mention it before  :-[
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on August 28, 2013, 07:15 pm
hey guys.

sorry, i haven't been too active lately. I kinda let myself go and didn't do too much productive stuff.

Because only one person has ever paid me back out of all my loans, I only have a whopping ฿0.0070   to give you...if this will help, it is yours. Let me know.

I feel you. Haven't been paid back much lately. I currently have !!!!6!!!! people ready for the shitlist. Planning to write them all today once more and give them 1 last week. And in case anybody is wondering, of course i don't count decent guys like jugg and ali. I only count people who never ever wrote me back and are far over deadline.

Seems like I gave out loans way too randomly.

How does shitlisting even work? I just have to post the name with the forum entry and an ultra regular like dan or someone will post them in right?

Can someone help me out with 0.15 coins?? Can be done by 2 or more peoples (or the ones i helped out  :P )

dapj paid me the 0.15 back with extra! Thank you.

Yep, there are decent guys out there who make the loaning game worth it :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ppanth on August 28, 2013, 07:25 pm
snnoze I have .008 in my account I am sending to hopefully get your order in..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 28, 2013, 07:30 pm
@snooze...sent to you, sorry forgot to say  :-[
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: schuldig on August 28, 2013, 07:33 pm
Hey guys, just reporting in seeing how my lovely friends are. Hope you are all fine and enjoying the weather.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ppanth on August 28, 2013, 07:34 pm
Hey staind nice to see the kitty back!

Glad to help snooze. I am on the tail end of the nastiest cold..being sick sucks. Hope you feel better soon.

Have a good one all I am out for now!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 28, 2013, 07:38 pm
God I think I need to take a break from this stuff.  It's gotten pretty aggravating and offensive.
I don,t think it,s you Boxy  ::) how you doin anyway hun  ;)

(Late reply cause I was busy!)

Aggravated and frustrated.  I feel the same way you do about that crap with your RL lend.  Like at what point does common sense and decency happen?  Can things just work like they were designed to be?  Not referring to this thread either, but I could.

I really should take an overwhelming amount of hallucinogens and disappear into the woods for a few nights before winter.  I need to hit that reset button on my tolerance for people.  It didn't have much capacity in the first place.

Bah I don't mean to get this way.  It's too easy for me.  I hope you are doing well despite the stupid going on!  Thanks for keeping me sane when I most need it girl.  You are really good at it.

Hey thanks for the kind words btw Box I +1 you last night before I logged out

No worries dude.  As you can see I need reminders right now that people like you are out there. 

Special shout to njguido, DefyCode, DanDan, juggs, Cryngie, schuldig, yunalesca, PurpleP, foxen624, theman, for just being cool people.  Plenty of others but that's just the recent history. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 28, 2013, 07:39 pm
hey guys.

sorry, i haven't been too active lately. I kinda let myself go and didn't do too much productive stuff.

glad to see you around!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 28, 2013, 07:48 pm
Love ya Boxofshapes  ;) :-*

Hi to everyone else who,ve popped in  :) i hop you get paid back the loans  ;) pm who owes you, tell them they,ll be put on the shitlist for all to see, fuckin embarrasing for them, i don,t care if its anonomous, what a cringe anyway to not pay someone back, fuckin low  >:( Never loan more than you can afford to lose  ;) None of us can afford to lose anything so just pay back please  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 28, 2013, 08:00 pm
I will think i am pretty trusted, i have also loaned to other people here on SR before.

But you were pretty rude to some of the most generous people in here.  I still don't understand why you feel $60 is no big deal.  That's a very big favor.  Not telling people not to lend to you, but you aren't showing much humility about it.

I can only laugh in youre face.

you are an idiot imo.

God did you even read the sentence I wrote before you just let shit fly out of your mouth?  Way to confirm what I had just said.

I'll just take back my birthday wish for ya since you will never have any appreciation for it.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 28, 2013, 08:06 pm
How does shitlisting even work? I just have to post the name with the forum entry and an ultra regular like dan or someone will post them in right?

No one controls the list.  It just so happens that Dan and I post it the most.  Anyone can.  We can just call bullshit if someone outside the norm messes with it.  I would say at this point you are more than welcome to it.

I have a few to add as well, and others that have pm'ed me.

I need to go through it as well and get rid of some old ones that have long since abandoned their account.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 28, 2013, 08:10 pm
I wouldn,t worry about an idiots opinion Boxy  ;) proved mine and your point i guess  :-\

If it says Guest at a member, tey,ve deleted their account, yes? Was just looking at the newbie spare coin and Brotherfox is coming up as guest now so i suppose a new account is on the way??  ::) I,m only gonna talk to the people i know now, paranoia setting in, hmm, no just pissed off with fuckin scammers in every way  >:( Just pisses everyone off  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DefyCode on August 28, 2013, 08:16 pm
@BoxOfShapes: To change the mood around here a lil bit I send you a nice kissy for being such a nice guy!  :-* :-*

@Mary666: kisses to you to lovergirl!  :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 28, 2013, 08:22 pm
I wouldn,t worry about an idiots opinion Boxy  ;) proved mine and your point i guess  :-\

If it says Guest at a member, tey,ve deleted their account, yes? Was just looking at the newbie spare coin and Brotherfox is coming up as guest now so i suppose a new account is on the way??  ::) I,m only gonna talk to the people i know now, paranoia setting in, hmm, no just pissed off with fuckin scammers in every way  >:( Just pisses everyone off  ;)

You can put your profile in guest mode at anytime.  It doesn't mean they have deleted it.  Just means they were embarrassed about their reputation and wanted to hide it.

And yea.  I wish him luck on that thread.  People with no credibility loaning other people with no credibility.  Sounds like a great idea.  Maybe it will cut some of the crap out of here. 

He copied the rules I wrote and didn't even give me credit.  :P  (well i didn't write the originals, but no one complained about the revisions so I guess that works.)

I hear ya on the slimming down on lends.  It used to not be like this.  There was a time where I gave out like 30 lends and got all but 2 back and that was just to like anyone.  Time change I guess.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: foxen624 on August 28, 2013, 08:25 pm
@snooze  I was about to send you the rest to make sure you got your order... but see that you've already been covered.  Hope all goes well for you now.  I've read several posts similar to what happened to you happening to others.  Don't really know what all goes on in the innerworkings, but seems like they are rounding down now instead of up? ??? 

And to everyone a hello and a hug :)  Hope all of you who are good and kind and genuine on here ... are doing well.... the ones who make me feel like continuing to come to this thread - as it is YOU (you know who you all are and there are many) who's kind words and general feelings of good will is why I come here as I've never come here to borrow anything..  only to help and to see the love of family here.  Thanks to all of you who make my day every time a get a chance to get here ;D

It is unfortunate that even though they are by far in the minority, those who come here only to scam and take advantage of the kindness of others seem to be dominating the conversation here lately.  Although, it is annoying and insulting actually, that some people have the nerve and disregard for all the truly good people here to even come around again and again.. often with new names but same attitude and asking for more than "spare coin" when they already owe others... Last time I was here, shculdig made the following comment and suggestion, to which I replied what I did:

Thank you for the warning Foxen.
I generally think that it is bad manners to take a second loan before repaying the person. Maybe if all of you agree, we can create a rule to prevent people scamming several loans?

Thanks for the acknowledgement :)   While rule making and the like are not up to me one way or the other..  I'll put in my 2 cents anyway :P
While I totally see your point, and it does make sense, still... I'd be personally concerned that due to the friendly nature and bonds that seem to form in this thread, too many rules might put a damper on the atmosphere here.  And...  we do have the shitlist - although admittedly, it seems to get posted randomly and isn't always so easy to find most of the time....   just my little ole opinion.... ;)

Well, at the time, I'd been concerned that making more rules might put a damper on the atmosphere, etc...  But coming back 3 days later and seeing what I see, I've made a 180 and now totally agree with what shculdig proposed - a rule that no one is allowed to ask for a loan while they have outstanding loans. Of course, it's still no more up to me now that it was then, but I just mean that the atmosphere I was concerned about having a damper put on now seems as if it would be improved by such a rule.  Maybe that way it woud at least cut down on the people who are doing this over
and over and making everyone seem a bit more edgy. 

Thoughts anyone?  ::)

[EDIT] The "rule" of course excluding certain circumstances.. such as what happened to snooze and some others where they ask for a reasonable loan only to find that the system says they are still a few cents short.. and similar type circumstances....
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 28, 2013, 08:26 pm
@BoxOfShapes: To change the mood around here a lil bit I send you a nice kissy for being such a nice guy!  :-* :-*

@Mary666: kisses to you to lovergirl!  :-* :-* :-*

Thanks girl!  I needz it!  Look the shit out people!  The conversation has just been derailed!!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on August 28, 2013, 08:37 pm
thanks purple and jugg :)

always nice to read.

@boxy  alright, got it. Thanks to you as well.

ps: Don't let the trolls get to you :). You are not the one in need of a psychedelic forest mind reset^^, all the recent douchebags are. It's not your fault, i can also confirm a drastical increased douchebaggery level. :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 28, 2013, 08:51 pm
Well I will  be glad when all the school holidays and collage holidays are done, no offence to anyone young and decent but it has been through the holidays its got like this  :-\ back to normal soon maybe  :-\
Boxy, its you, RS, Japan, Chemmy that keep this place going  ;D you,s were here when i came months ago and you're still here helping, i think that says a lot about all of you, what great kind people you are and i think it goes unappreciated sometimes so i want to say a huge THANK YOU to Boxofshapes, Chemcat, RS7, Japan1980, and all the others  :D :D :D  The hearts of SilkRoad  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 28, 2013, 08:53 pm
Well, at the time, I'd been concerned that making more rules might put a damper on the atmosphere, etc...  But coming back 3 days later and seeing what I see, I've made a 180 and now totally agree with what shculdig proposed - a rule that no one is allowed to ask for a loan while they have outstanding loans. Of course, it's still no more up to me now that it was then, but I just mean that the atmosphere I was concerned about having a damper put on now seems as if it would be improved by such a rule.  Maybe that way it woud at least cut down on the people who are doing this over
and over and making everyone seem a bit more edgy. 

Thoughts anyone?  ::)

[EDIT] The "rule" of course excluding certain circumstances.. such as what happened to snooze and some others where they ask for a reasonable loan only to find that the system says they are still a few cents short.. and similar type circumstances....

Yea I'm pretty much on the same page as you.  I think any part of society has this problem.  How to balance rules while leaving things unstructured and free form.

I was actually going to write two more rules when I find the phrasing I like. 

One being what you just said.

The other is just to list needs in BTC instead of whatever currency you use.  I would say it's more of a courtesy more than anything else as we live everywhere around this planet.

Also, one more change I wanted to start doing is writing how much the person owes and to whom, instead of just their name. 

Just my thoughts for now.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: foxen624 on August 28, 2013, 09:01 pm
Well, at the time, I'd been concerned that making more rules might put a damper on the atmosphere, etc...  But coming back 3 days later and seeing what I see, I've made a 180 and now totally agree with what shculdig proposed - a rule that no one is allowed to ask for a loan while they have outstanding loans. Of course, it's still no more up to me now that it was then, but I just mean that the atmosphere I was concerned about having a damper put on now seems as if it would be improved by such a rule.  Maybe that way it woud at least cut down on the people who are doing this over
and over and making everyone seem a bit more edgy. 

Thoughts anyone?  ::)

[EDIT] The "rule" of course excluding certain circumstances.. such as what happened to snooze and some others where they ask for a reasonable loan only to find that the system says they are still a few cents short.. and similar type circumstances....

Yea I'm pretty much on the same page as you.  I think any part of society has this problem.  How to balance rules while leaving things unstructured and free form.

I was actually going to write two more rules when I find the phrasing I like. 

One being what you just said.

The other is just to list needs in BTC instead of whatever currency you use.  I would say it's more of a courtesy more than anything else as we live everywhere around this planet.

Also, one more change I wanted to start doing is writing how much the person owes and to whom, instead of just their name. 

Just my thoughts for now.

Thanks boxy... and some great ideas you have as well ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 28, 2013, 09:04 pm
Well I will  be glad when all the school holidays and collage holidays are done, no offence to anyone young and decent but it has been through the holidays its got like this  :-\ back to normal soon maybe  :-\
Boxy, its you, RS, Japan, Chemmy that keep this place going  ;D you,s were here when i came months ago and you're still here helping, i think that says a lot about all of you, what great kind people you are and i think it goes unappreciated sometimes so i want to say a huge THANK YOU to Boxofshapes, Chemcat, RS7, Japan1980, and all the others  :D :D :D  The hearts of SilkRoad  8)

Thanks girl. :P  It goes pretty far with me. 

I can certainly say the same about you too!  I've seen ya loose some shapes but you are still here digging your heels in the ground, doing what you believe!

Maybe you do have a point about school.  Will you stick around long enough to find out?  Do it 4 me?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 28, 2013, 09:11 pm
@boxofshapes...I will be here as long as the roads here, i promise you  ;) we will weed out the shite and carry on as always hun  ;) :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: prophexy on August 28, 2013, 09:14 pm
Hey guys!

I REALLY need some help please :(  Very very small favour.  I have NO bitcoins left to spare in my main wallet.  The order I am trying to purchase is 1.0542 BitCoins, and that is the EXACT amount I have in my SR wallet.  However, SR says I cannot buy it because of insuf. funds.  Can someone spare a few...literally like 10-20 cents worth of coins my way?  Like...0.001 or something?  My username is prophexy on SR.  I will pay you back ASAP triple the amount.  Thank you!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on August 28, 2013, 09:18 pm
Hey guys!

I REALLY need some help please :(  Very very small favour.  I have NO bitcoins left to spare in my main wallet.  The order I am trying to purchase is 1.0542 BitCoins, and that is the EXACT amount I have in my SR wallet.  However, SR says I cannot buy it because of insuf. funds.  Can someone spare a few...literally like 10-20 cents worth of coins my way?  Like...0.001 or something?  My username is prophexy on SR.  I will pay you back ASAP triple the amount.  Thank you!!

sent you, try again.

consider it a gift.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: prophexy on August 28, 2013, 09:20 pm
Thank you so much.  Have you already sent it?  Because it still says not enough funds... I still have the exact amount in my account.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: prophexy on August 28, 2013, 09:21 pm
Hey guys!

I REALLY need some help please :(  Very very small favour.  I have NO bitcoins left to spare in my main wallet.  The order I am trying to purchase is 1.0542 BitCoins, and that is the EXACT amount I have in my SR wallet.  However, SR says I cannot buy it because of insuf. funds.  Can someone spare a few...literally like 10-20 cents worth of coins my way?  Like...0.001 or something?  My username is prophexy on SR.  I will pay you back ASAP triple the amount.  Thank you!!

Maybe the minimum is like 0.0001 ?  Im not sure.  But thank you all the same! 

sent you, try again.

consider it a gift.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: prophexy on August 28, 2013, 09:23 pm
Thank you so much.  Have you already sent it?  Because it still says not enough funds... I still have the exact amount in my account.


 If that was you that sent that remainder to me.  THANK YOU SO MUCH!  I will repay you ASAP.  You're the best!!!! :)  The order was able to be placed.  Thanks again man!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on August 28, 2013, 09:24 pm
i sent 0.001, check your account history. do you see an entry? it will say 0.00 but should show an entry anyways. if you see the entry and its not enough ill send another one.

if it doesn't even show up yet, let's give it 2-3 minutes.


you are welcome! no need to repay those cents.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sdrawkcab on August 28, 2013, 10:59 pm
Hi, my SR name is Eighteye, if anyone could lend me some BTC, I'm only short a little bit, just 1.000BTC I would really REALLY appreciate it if someone could help me out. I will be able to pay back 1.500BTC within the month.... if you need to be paid back more than 1.500, just let me know and we can work something out..

Thank you in advance.

much appreciation.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: John Gotti on August 28, 2013, 11:13 pm
Hi, my SR name is Eighteye, if anyone could lend me some BTC, I'm only short a little bit, just 1.000BTC I would really REALLY appreciate it if someone could help me out. I will be able to pay back 1.500BTC within the month.... if you need to be paid back more than 1.500, just let me know and we can work something out..

Thank you in advance.

much appreciation.

haha you're looking for $125!?  :o
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sdrawkcab on August 28, 2013, 11:16 pm
actually the exact amount is 0.8794BTC.... guess i was kinda shootin for the moon there huh..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: foxen624 on August 28, 2013, 11:17 pm
Hi, my SR name is Eighteye, if anyone could lend me some BTC, I'm only short a little bit, just 1.000BTC I would really REALLY appreciate it if someone could help me out. I will be able to pay back 1.500BTC within the month.... if you need to be paid back more than 1.500, just let me know and we can work something out..

Thank you in advance.

much appreciation.

Not to sound rude, but you're asking for over $100.00 (USD).  That's a whole lot more than "spare change"... just sayin'
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sdrawkcab on August 28, 2013, 11:19 pm
yeah i understand.. sorry everybody. ignore my request.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on August 28, 2013, 11:20 pm
Hi, my SR name is Eighteye, if anyone could lend me some BTC, I'm only short a little bit, just 1.000BTC I would really REALLY appreciate it if someone could help me out. I will be able to pay back 1.500BTC within the month.... if you need to be paid back more than 1.500, just let me know and we can work something out..

Thank you in advance.

much appreciation.

Popped in to help someone out but I see people are just being silly !  ::)

Hello ALLLLLLL hope ya good :)
haha you're looking for $125!?  :o
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 28, 2013, 11:29 pm
Hi Kalli  :) just smoking a spiff of redeye,s charas sample, its much nicer than the grass i got tonight  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: peengwinz on August 28, 2013, 11:30 pm
Heyya people this is kind of a long shot but I'll try anyways. Today I bought 2.4064 bitcoins, but I did the math wrong and I needed 2.8217 which is roughly $48 short. I'm looking to buy http://silkroadvb5piz3r.onion/silkroad/item/807bf7998a but I'm short 0.4153. I'm buying this to resell so I'll be able to pay back with in 2 weeks. I'll pay everyone back with 10% interest. If you all could help out I would greatly appreciate it. Somewhere in the future when I'm able to re up to a QP or so I'll be glad to send a free gram to everyone that helped me out :) I'm looking to become a vendor some day so in return for the grams I could use some reviews too :D Anyway, thanks guys and hope someone can help out.

My silk road username is: iBankU
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on August 28, 2013, 11:30 pm
Boxy, I have not heard back from my last pm to you! Don't make me mad...(ง •̀_•́)ง kidding...

staind, Hey brobra and staind's cat (=^・ェ・^=) that I love (。♥‿♥。)!

I all is well with everyone.

I need a loan of 6.15 BTC as I want to buy shit with someones money and not pay them back. Can anyone help?


My SR name is IdontPayMyDebtsBack


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: foxen624 on August 28, 2013, 11:33 pm
Boxy, I have not heard back from my last pm to you! Don't make me mad...(ง •̀_•́)ง kidding...

staind, Hey brobra and staind's cat (=^・ェ・^=) that I love (。♥‿♥。)!

I all is well with everyone.

I need a loan of 6.15 BTC as I want to buy shit with someones money and not pay them back. Can anyone help?


My SR name is IdontPayMyDebtsBack


LOL...  good one!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Trollin on August 28, 2013, 11:49 pm
A little message for everyone who read my plea the other day for 0.08/0.06 and ignored it.


Thankyou bitcoin volatility.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on August 29, 2013, 12:15 am
A little message for everyone who read my plea the other day for 0.08/0.06 and ignored it.


Thankyou bitcoin volatility.

Well I'm sure someone will get you the next time you need a loan since you are such a pleasant member of the community! ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on August 29, 2013, 12:29 am
A little message for everyone who read my plea the other day for 0.08/0.06 and ignored it.


Thankyou bitcoin volatility.

Maybe you could sell your leet ascii skills on SR for extra coins!

Does your IRL dealer lend you money? Or is it mommy that pays your debts?

 凸(⊙▂⊙✖ )

Lastly, being a fucking asshole baby will get you no where in life. But I have a feeling that you already know that...

Go troll 4Chan.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: safeonion on August 29, 2013, 01:03 am
3rd time i request a small loan, since everybody is just ignoring me.

I need 0.3 btc loan for my weed order, my birthday is coming up around the corner here.

I will payback next week, with interest, thanky very much.

sr username: safeonion
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: darkmagic65 on August 29, 2013, 01:23 am
I need 0.20 for weed/shrooms if anyone feels like helping me out my sr name is same as here..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on August 29, 2013, 01:23 am
This is a thread for people looking for loans. No one is obligated to loan money. So please don't expect to come in here and get a loan of any amount.

There are many people reading this thread, active and lurking. If you do not get a reply for your request, no one is ignoring you...maybe people are tapped out or just don't want to lead out any coins.

So stop thinking that you are entitled to free coins. We are not your bank/mom/dad/sister/whatever.

If you keep posting a request for money, most likely no one will lend to you.

Get over the "I'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today" bullshit

Is post is to everyone and not someone in particular.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 29, 2013, 01:51 am
I <3 u ImAz.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on August 29, 2013, 02:13 am
Boxy, like you, I the thread was staring to get on my one bad nerve. So I just wanted to let everyone know what this thread is for and what it is not.

It seemed like it was starting to get outta hand ಠ_ಠ

I hope it helps!

I am going lurk mode with my drink ( -_-)旦~ and watch Hard Knocks and then Celebrity Big Brother UK and then bed.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: FirePharmacy on August 29, 2013, 02:38 am
Hey Mary, Jugs, Dr and everyone else - I've been SOOOOOOo busy I haven't had any time to browse the forums.  The new store is dong fantastically.  The first few days were slow, but now that people know I'm running a professional gig the orders are flying in.  It's the most fun job I've ever had I love it! 

And to the newbies coming here with no money and a whole lot of attitude - why the fuck do we OWE you anything?  Tons of people have some here begging for coin and then are never seen again.  So don't be a fucktard and get mad at people for not knowing you at all.  Spend some time, browse the forums, thoughtfully comment and, in other words let people get to know you first.   Most people just ask for a little bit to complete an order, usually less than $5, and they want a date they'll be repaid.  If they fuck up, they're on the black list and that's it.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: frivolous on August 29, 2013, 03:59 am
Hey all,

I'm looking for about a 0.21 coin loan for a couple of days, as I'm a bit short on completing an order. Basically, I went to work today expecting to pick up my first paycheck, and sure enough, they told me that they're gonna have to pay me after the (long) weekend as they lost all my paperwork and now I have to resubmit all of it. Seriously sucks :(

I know that 0.21 is a bit of a larger loan, but I'll pay you back within a couple of days plus a little extra. I have 8 months on the road, 0% auto finalize rate, 0% refund rate, and well over $1,000 USD spent. Also, for a reference, staind has loaned to me several times before, and I've payed him back each time within a few days with some extra coin :)

If someone would be willing to help me out, my SR name is 'greenbeanjacket'; PM me if you send anything over so I know who to pay back.

Anyway, thanks for reading through this; I'd be extremely grateful if someone could help me out tonight so that I could try to get my package quickly, as it's my birthday on Friday. Regardless, thanks to everyone in this thread for all the generosity I see on each page.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on August 29, 2013, 04:51 am
I need 0.20 for weed/shrooms if anyone feels like helping me out my sr name is same as here..

In the words of CASPER "where's my money"
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: seafrog92 on August 29, 2013, 05:13 am
hey guys. i have 560 dollars in my account and need 1 more dollar. if someone lent me that i would be very thankful, and most definatley pay it forward, my name is my name on the forums as well
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DefyCode on August 29, 2013, 05:18 am
Hi guys and gals I'm in need of .07 BTC. Errbody know me! Special kissies to whoever helps me out.

Btw already borrowed from and repaid juggs.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DreadKn0t on August 29, 2013, 05:23 am
I need 0.20 for weed/shrooms if anyone feels like helping me out my sr name is same as here..

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on August 29, 2013, 05:34 am
3rd time i request a small loan, since everybody is just ignoring me.

I need 0.3 btc loan for my weed order, my birthday is coming up around the corner here.

I will payback next week, with interest, thanky very much.

sr username: safeonion

You call box an idiot then have the audacity to come back and ask for another loan when already owing .3BTC please do us all a favor pay the loan back then go get a rope and neck yourself for crimes of stupidity against the OSCT family
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DefyCode on August 29, 2013, 05:44 am
3rd time i request a small loan, since everybody is just ignoring me.

I need 0.3 btc loan for my weed order, my birthday is coming up around the corner here.

I will payback next week, with interest, thanky very much.

sr username: safeonion

You call box an idiot then have the audacity to come back and ask for another loan when already owing .3BTC please do us all a favor pay the loan back then go get a rope and neck yourself for crimes of stupidity against the OSCT family

@cryngie: some peeps don't change he can keep asking all he wants and the result will always be the same.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on August 29, 2013, 06:15 am
I know that 0.21 is a bit of a larger loan, but I'll pay you back within a couple of days plus a little extra. I have 8 months on the road, 0% auto finalize rate, 0% refund rate, and well over $1,000 USD spent. Also, for a reference, staind has loaned to me several times before, and I've payed him back each time within a few days with some extra coin :)

If someone would be willing to help me out, my SR name is 'greenbeanjacket'; PM me if you send anything over so I know who to pay back.

happy birthday in advance :). Sent you the 0.21, hope they'll reach you in time. :/
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: sdrawkcab on August 29, 2013, 06:23 am
ok, so since my last post (of asking a ridiculous amount), I have found the money I need but am still short 0.018.... ummm would anyone be able to lend me that amount just for about a week (probably 5 days but I'm saying a week just to be safe..) i can pay you back .05

so could anyone possibly lend me the 0.018 for a payback of .05?

SR name: Eighteye

thank you.

again, sorry about my last post...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: rollbabyroll on August 29, 2013, 06:42 am
Hey guys, I'm short about ~0.034 BTC for an order of syringes to support my habit, unfortunately I won't have money until Tuesday, Wednesday at the very latest. Would anyone be about to make that loan to me? I will pay back 0.05 BTC. My SR name is the same as here, rollbabyroll.

SR name: rollbabyroll

Send me a pm on SR if you've loaned me this amount, so I know who to pay back, Thanks! I appreciate it very very much!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: peengwinz on August 29, 2013, 07:21 am
Heyya people this is kind of a long shot but I'll try anyways. Today I bought 2.4064 bitcoins, but I did the math wrong and I needed 2.8217 which is roughly $48 short. I'm looking to buy http://silkroadvb5piz3r.onion/silkroad/item/807bf7998a but I'm short 0.4153. I'm buying this to resell so I'll be able to pay back with in 2 weeks. I'll pay everyone back with 10% interest. If you all could help out I would greatly appreciate it. Somewhere in the future when I'm able to re up to a QP or so I'll be glad to send a free gram to everyone that helped me out :) I'm looking to become a vendor some day so in return for the grams I could use some reviews too :D Anyway, thanks guys and hope someone can help out.

My silk road username is: iBankU

Bumping this once.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 29, 2013, 08:12 am
Hi  :) hope all my buddies are great today  :)

I have a private loan with yunalesca for 0.90 (calm down people )  :) I am putting it on here for public record, so its out there, but this was a private loan not done on this thread as it is not spare coins just to keep things right!! I will pay this amazing girl back asap and with interest  :D A huge thanks to yunalesca  :D :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on August 29, 2013, 08:46 am
I need 0.20 for weed/shrooms if anyone feels like helping me out my sr name is same as here..


Is this fucking moron for real ?  :o
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on August 29, 2013, 08:51 am
Hey guys, I'm short about ~0.034 BTC for an order of syringes to support my habit, unfortunately I won't have money until Tuesday, Wednesday at the very latest. Would anyone be about to make that loan to me? I will pay back 0.05 BTC. My SR name is the same as here, rollbabyroll.

SR name: rollbabyroll

Send me a pm on SR if you've loaned me this amount, so I know who to pay back, Thanks! I appreciate it very very much!

Got ya, just pay me back when you can.

Hi  :) hope all my buddies are great today  :)

I have a private loan with yunalesca for 0.90 (calm down people )  :) I am putting it on here for public record, so its out there, but this was a private loan not done on this thread as it is not spare coins just to keep things right!! I will pay this amazing girl back asap and with interest  :D A huge thanks to yunalesca  :D :-*

Good morning mary my sweetie :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 29, 2013, 09:04 am
 :) Hey Kalli hun, hope your good today  :) I,m just ignoring any idiotic posts from now on, esp. one,s that have already been told  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on August 29, 2013, 09:18 am
Yeah its like someones told the morons to come play here  ::)

Funny though, well it would be as long as they don't get any decent folks coin.....
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: rollbabyroll on August 29, 2013, 09:43 am
Hey guys, I'm short about ~0.034 BTC for an order of syringes to support my habit, unfortunately I won't have money until Tuesday, Wednesday at the very latest. Would anyone be about to make that loan to me? I will pay back 0.05 BTC. My SR name is the same as here, rollbabyroll.

SR name: rollbabyroll

Send me a pm on SR if you've loaned me this amount, so I know who to pay back, Thanks! I appreciate it very very much!

Got ya, just pay me back when you can.

Thanks, I got your pm :) I will get the btc + extra back to you asap!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: frivolous on August 29, 2013, 10:08 am
I know that 0.21 is a bit of a larger loan, but I'll pay you back within a couple of days plus a little extra. I have 8 months on the road, 0% auto finalize rate, 0% refund rate, and well over $1,000 USD spent. Also, for a reference, staind has loaned to me several times before, and I've payed him back each time within a few days with some extra coin :)

If someone would be willing to help me out, my SR name is 'greenbeanjacket'; PM me if you send anything over so I know who to pay back.

happy birthday in advance :). Sent you the 0.21, hope they'll reach you in time. :/

Got them! Thanks again, staind; truly a life saver. I'll pay you back plus a little bit of interest within a few days :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on August 29, 2013, 10:18 am
Hey guys, I'm short about ~0.034 BTC for an order of syringes to support my habit, unfortunately I won't have money until Tuesday, Wednesday at the very latest. Would anyone be about to make that loan to me? I will pay back 0.05 BTC. My SR name is the same as here, rollbabyroll.

SR name: rollbabyroll

Send me a pm on SR if you've loaned me this amount, so I know who to pay back, Thanks! I appreciate it very very much!

Got ya, just pay me back when you can.

Thanks, I got your pm :) I will get the btc + extra back to you asap!

No problem, don't worry about the extra just help someone else out when you can that way we keep this shit rollin :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on August 29, 2013, 10:40 am
:) Hey Kalli hun, hope your good today  :) I,m just ignoring any idiotic posts from now on, esp. one,s that have already been told  ;)

I feel the need to say something dont ant some well meaning person being done for their coins by these bottom dwellers
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChronicDemon on August 29, 2013, 10:43 am
Looking for a 0.05 Loan till next week ;3 will repay 0.08

SR Name : AncientX0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on August 29, 2013, 10:46 am
Looking for a 0.05 Loan till next week ;3 will repay 0.08

SR Name : AncientX0

Sent my last 0.01 it's a start !

Good luck with the rest bud.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChronicDemon on August 29, 2013, 10:50 am
After re-doing my math, i actually need 0.08 more ontop of that 0.01 you sent.

Need: 0.09
Gained: 0.01
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: AgentLee on August 29, 2013, 11:41 am
you still in need agent lee? - sent, if not needed send it back and I might help someone else.
you still in need agent lee? - sent, if not needed send it back and I might help someone else.

THANK YOU so very much shopper. I am very grateful indeed.

I will get the coins to you next week when I get home. So grateful. You made the difference between something and nothing for me.

Can you pm me details of where to send repayment? Sorry if I have missed it here but I am on a phone and its hard to see stuff and even hitting the post button is difficult.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: prophexy on August 29, 2013, 12:47 pm
I just want to give a big shoutout to Staind.  Your 0.0001 or 0.001 (whichever) donation just basically saved my weekend.  Thank you again.  So very much!!!! :)  If you ever need anything from me like a donation, loan, whatever, never feel guilty to PM me.  Please, feel free to!


PS:  Thanks again!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: isallmememe on August 29, 2013, 01:05 pm
always said i would never ask for btc but i just deposited what i thought was enough for my order and it came up 9 pence short. so now i see how much of a pain in the ass this btc thing can be. would be really appreciated if anyone got 0.0014 btc going spare so i can sort this out. its not an amount you can really buy on localbitcoins lol.

actually 12p now, so 0.0016. i think its the btc price dropping thats caused this.

my sr wallet is 16qVR1riuh4ShycZr6Lvb73H2jcF5pKz8J

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 29, 2013, 01:14 pm
Hey hey fam.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: adamiz on August 29, 2013, 01:19 pm
always said i would never ask for btc but i just deposited what i thought was enough for my order and it came up 9 pence short. so now i see how much of a pain in the ass this btc thing can be. would be really appreciated if anyone got 0.0014 btc going spare so i can sort this out. its not an amount you can really buy on localbitcoins lol.

 What is your sr name? I can help you out
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: yunalesca on August 29, 2013, 01:22 pm
Hi guys and gals I'm in need of .07 BTC. Errbody know me! Special kissies to whoever helps me out.

Btw already borrowed from and repaid juggs.


Sending .07 your way!  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: isallmememe on August 29, 2013, 01:24 pm
always said i would never ask for btc but i just deposited what i thought was enough for my order and it came up 9 pence short. so now i see how much of a pain in the ass this btc thing can be. would be really appreciated if anyone got 0.0014 btc going spare so i can sort this out. its not an amount you can really buy on localbitcoins lol.

 What is your sr name? I can help you out

same as my forum name, just edited my sr wallet address in the last message. also it needs to be 0.0016 now, its about 12p

thx mate
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: adamiz on August 29, 2013, 01:49 pm
always said i would never ask for btc but i just deposited what i thought was enough for my order and it came up 9 pence short. so now i see how much of a pain in the ass this btc thing can be. would be really appreciated if anyone got 0.0014 btc going spare so i can sort this out. its not an amount you can really buy on localbitcoins lol.

 What is your sr name? I can help you out

There seems to be a problem loading SR page for everyone. I can't send it now.... :( :(

same as my forum name, just edited my sr wallet address in the last message. also it needs to be 0.0016 now, its about 12p

thx mate
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: isallmememe on August 29, 2013, 01:51 pm
i got sr loading, had some trouble with the forum loading when i first posted itt
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: seafrog92 on August 29, 2013, 02:02 pm
hey guys, i am 1 usd$ off from making an order. i have 560 i need 561? if someone helped me out i could make sure they were covered in a similar situation
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: isallmememe on August 29, 2013, 02:13 pm
its gone back to 9p now, its just 0.0012 i need.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: adamiz on August 29, 2013, 02:26 pm
its gone back to 9p now, its just 0.0012 i need.

I can't log in still... Sorry my friend..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: isallmememe on August 29, 2013, 02:30 pm
its gone back to 9p now, its just 0.0012 i need.

I can't log in still... Sorry my friend..

that's weird coz i've been watching my account like crazy to see if the btc price rises and allows me to order and its been fine, but its cool mate, thx anyway.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Vanquish on August 29, 2013, 02:30 pm
its gone back to 9p now, its just 0.0012 i need.

I can't log in still... Sorry my friend..

Same here, I would have sent you the coins in a heartbeat.
I'll be here all day, PM if you still need them and the Road is back up.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Trollin on August 29, 2013, 03:03 pm
Lastly, being a fucking asshole baby will get you no where in life. But I have a feeling that you already know that...
I do not need to get anywhere hence i can be an asshole.
Or is it mommy that pays your debts?
Yeah im an acne infested, prepubescent child who lives in his moms basement and sits on SR forums 18 hours a day like the rest of the fags in here.

Just to reiterate, i was polite and i never asked for an extreme amount of money. I'm sorry i am not as well versed a beggar as you would like. Don't worry it was a one off and you wont see me begging for coins again. However i will pop in here from time to time just to say FUCK YOU to you and all the other no lifes that live on the forums.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on August 29, 2013, 03:34 pm
I feel bad for you Trollin. You may not know it yet, but you are a sad little person :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on August 29, 2013, 04:00 pm
Ok so how everyone doing? I see the douchebaggery is still high

So got a weird call this morning from my ex's mum pretty much demanding to know where I was yesterday and last night I started telling her to fuck off but she wouldn't stop so i just told her work in the day home at night then hung up.

As im arriving home today i see i cop car in front of my house , as i approach 2 coppers get out, confirm who i am, tell me i need to come to the station to answer some questions.
I keep asking in the car what its about but they wont tell me, so get to the station straight into a interview room then pow 3 coppers all grilling me flat out about me killing my ex, hold on wait a fucking minute I aint seen that bitch in 2 months so blah blah blah she's gone and fucking OD'd and whoever was with her has just left her so naturally her parents thought i put he needle in her arm, and because the coppers are such nice guys if I just admit I was with her but it was a accident then they will only charge me with leaving the scene of a crime and some other shit i wasn't really listening
But thanks to the miracles we call android phones I was able (using the track my phone app) to show the coppers where i was all day yesterday and never not one point any where near where she dropped, so id like to take a quick minute to thank the wonderful people at google and whoever made that app you guys are awesome I owe you my freedom
So i fiqured might aswell smoke some meth tonight cant get ant worse then it almost did wow just wow
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: odd on August 29, 2013, 04:01 pm
It's sad to see such negativity on such a positive board :(  Please remember we're dealing with an anonymous system here and everyone is just trying to do the best they can to keep those kind enough to keep this service going from being abused by those who do come in here just scamming and looking to abuse the generosity bestowed upon them.  We have no means of figuring out if you are Trolling, I3lazd, DPR, Barrack Obama......There's just no way to know.  Please don't take this stuff so seriously and rise above the drama and negativity.  This is usually such an amazingly positive section of the forum lets not ruin that for everyone else not involved.  If you wish to be hateful with one another PM's work great for that so the rest of the world doesn't need to be brought down.  Negativity is very contagious.  But so is positive action.  With that said......I just transferred my coin to my SR account so i should be able to have everyone paid back in a matter of a few hours thanks again everyone! Chemotherapy went much smoother this week because of your generosity and I'll never forget it.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: isallmememe on August 29, 2013, 04:09 pm
its gone back to 9p now, its just 0.0012 i need.

I can't log in still... Sorry my friend..

Same here, I would have sent you the coins in a heartbeat.
I'll be here all day, PM if you still need them and the Road is back up.


i just went for a walk down the shop and when i came back the price had gone up slightly and left me 7p over. so the orders been sent, so thx everyone, much appreciated.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: odd on August 29, 2013, 04:13 pm
HaHa well right after posting the above post my coins showed up lol so everyone has been repayed

dw89 - .12
mary666 - .01
boxofshapes - .28
Total -  .41

Thanks again everyone!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DefyCode on August 29, 2013, 04:16 pm
It's sad to see such negativity on such a positive board :(  Please remember we're dealing with an anonymous system here and everyone is just trying to do the best they can to keep those kind enough to keep this service going from being abused by those who do come in here just scamming and looking to abuse the generosity bestowed upon them.  We have no means of figuring out if you are Trolling, I3lazd, DPR, Barrack Obama......There's just no way to know.  Please don't take this stuff so seriously and rise above the drama and negativity.  This is usually such an amazingly positive section of the forum lets not ruin that for everyone else not involved.  If you wish to be hateful with one another PM's work great for that so the rest of the world doesn't need to be brought down.  Negativity is very contagious.  But so is positive action.  With that said......I just transferred my coin to my SR account so i should be able to have everyone paid back in a matter of a few hours thanks again everyone! Chemotherapy went much smoother this week because of your generosity and I'll never forget it.

I agree! Well spoken! +1 to ya!

and on unrelated news, this gal is still in need of .07 btc, repay in less than a few days.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: yunalesca on August 29, 2013, 04:43 pm

and on unrelated news, this gal is still in need of .07 btc, repay in less than a few days.

You must have missed my post.. I sent you the .07!  I hope I sent it to the right place!  :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DefyCode on August 29, 2013, 04:47 pm

thanks love I think i did...assuming your SR name is different than your forum name...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: yunalesca on August 29, 2013, 05:07 pm

thanks love I think i did...assuming your SR name is different than your forum name...

It is.. very different.. lol!  ;)

Glad you got it.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on August 29, 2013, 06:49 pm
yuna  :)

hey ya'll  :)

just poppin in to see how you all are, freakin hot today and my back is killin me  :(  LOL

other than that everything is goin ok with me so far, just workin my ass off and getting tired way to early in the day  ???

I Love ya'll  8)

Peace, Love & Hugs,


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on August 29, 2013, 06:50 pm
anyone seen my lil bro, RS ???

hope he's doin alright 'cuz i havent seen him in a good bit  ???

Peace & Hugs to ya'll  8)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChronicDemon on August 29, 2013, 06:55 pm
Still in need of 0.08 ;3

Can repay next week with interest.

SR name : AncientX0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: yunalesca on August 29, 2013, 07:04 pm
yuna  :)

hey ya'll  :)

just poppin in to see how you all are, freakin hot today and my back is killin me  :(  LOL

other than that everything is goin ok with me so far, just workin my ass off and getting tired way to early in the day  ???

I Love ya'll  8)

Peace, Love & Hugs,



Hiya Chem.

Don't work so hard!  :)

I'm glad to see you and hear that you're doing well.  I miss chatting on the IRC.  :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChronicDemon on August 29, 2013, 07:06 pm
Is the IRC still going? or was it shut down a while ago?
I keep hearing about the IRC and havent seen any links or anything to it
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on August 29, 2013, 07:23 pm

Hiya Chem.

Don't work so hard!  :)

I'm glad to see you and hear that you're doing well.  I miss chatting on the IRC.  :-\

ya havent been on IRC?  i popped in there yesterday or the day before  LOL  sometimes i just hang on the server and dont go into a can get into #cheers right?

Peace, Love & Hugs to ya  8)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 29, 2013, 07:29 pm
Still in need of 0.08 ;3

Can repay next week with interest.

SR name : AncientX0

I got some shapes this time for ya.  Thanks for not letting your attitude sour the first time when no one could help.  That was a pretty big request.

Please place the shapes back in the box when declared!  Your chance to prove you are one of the good ones!


Is the IRC still going? or was it shut down a while ago?
I keep hearing about the IRC and havent seen any links or anything to it

I haven't figured it out yet, but maybe you can. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DefyCode on August 29, 2013, 07:35 pm
@boxofshapes: Oh c'mon I figured it out for chrissake! lol
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on August 29, 2013, 07:41 pm
boxy  :)  i was just lookin for that link  LOL  :P

ok where ya stuck on the IRC thing?  defycode ? can ya help boxy out?  i'm not to sure what yur usin, box..linux? windows?  tails?  etc.....

Love & Hugs to ya  8)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 29, 2013, 07:42 pm
@boxofshapes: Oh c'mon I figured it out for chrissake! lol

I prolly could on my other comp cause it's windows, but there is a different set of rules for a mac.  It's the only reason.  Someone was spost to pm me a tutorial about it for mac but I haven't heard back yet.

Soon damn it!  I'm under the same logic.  "Well if THAT person figured it out..."
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: safeonion on August 29, 2013, 07:43 pm
I am searching for a loan of 0.3.

Will payback end of next week with juice ofcourse.

Have lent before here on SR and payed back, and have also lent out to random people here before.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DefyCode on August 29, 2013, 08:05 pm
@boxofshapes: Oh c'mon I figured it out for chrissake! lol

I prolly could on my other comp cause it's windows, but there is a different set of rules for a mac.  It's the only reason.  Someone was spost to pm me a tutorial about it for mac but I haven't heard back yet.

Soon damn it!  I'm under the same logic.  "Well if THAT person figured it out..."

Hmm yeah I can't help you with mac issues, if there are linux instructions then you should be able to use those too no? I dunno.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on August 29, 2013, 08:27 pm
check yur msg's @ Boxy  ;)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 29, 2013, 08:43 pm
check yur msg's @ Boxy  ;)

Hey cool!  That brought me at least closer to a lead than I had before.

Forever hugs CC!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: yunalesca on August 29, 2013, 09:16 pm

Hiya Chem.

Don't work so hard!  :)

I'm glad to see you and hear that you're doing well.  I miss chatting on the IRC.  :-\

ya havent been on IRC?  i popped in there yesterday or the day before  LOL  sometimes i just hang on the server and dont go into a can get into #cheers right?

Peace, Love & Hugs to ya  8)



Oh yeah I can get on and into #cheers and all I just had some issues and needed to not be on there for a bit.  I'm sure I'll hop again eventually.  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on August 29, 2013, 09:23 pm
I am searching for a loan of 0.3.

Will payback end of next week with juice ofcourse.

Have lent before here on SR and payed back, and have also lent out to random people here before.

So you paid yunalesca back the .3btc yet?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on August 29, 2013, 09:25 pm
Ahhhhh...i understand..  :)  Hugs

i had some issues there as well ???  Just don't let anyone get ya a good friend of ours says ... damn the asshats  LOL 

Peace & Hugs to ya yuna  8)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: yunalesca on August 29, 2013, 09:34 pm
I am searching for a loan of 0.3.

Will payback end of next week with juice ofcourse.

Have lent before here on SR and payed back, and have also lent out to random people here before.

So you paid yunalesca back the .3btc yet?

Nope!  But to be fair he was originally asking for .6 BTC and I only had .3 to lend him so he still needs the other .3 to buy whatever it is he's buying.  I told him he should mention this in his posts but I don't think his reading comprehension is so good.  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: safeonion on August 29, 2013, 09:35 pm
I am searching for a loan of 0.3.

Will payback end of next week with juice ofcourse.

Have lent before here on SR and payed back, and have also lent out to random people here before.

So you paid yunalesca back the .3btc yet?

I was a need of .6 btc and he  lent me .3 so now i am .3 short okay?.

And who are you, a police man asking all these question?.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: yunalesca on August 29, 2013, 09:39 pm
Ahhhhh...i understand..  :)  Hugs

i had some issues there as well ???  Just don't let anyone get ya a good friend of ours says ... damn the asshats  LOL 

Peace & Hugs to ya yuna  8)



Damn the asshats indeed!  :D

Peace and hugs to you as well Chem!  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 29, 2013, 09:57 pm a good friend of ours says ... damn the asshats  LOL 


Damn the asshats indeed!  :D

Peace and hugs to you as well Chem!  ;)

Hugs to you back girl!  A peaceful evening to you.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on August 29, 2013, 10:00 pm
@ Boxy

i just spoke to the person i told ya about they said it's all gravy baby  ;)  just msg them and they will help  :)

Love & Hugs to ya  8)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 29, 2013, 10:00 pm
A big hello to all the non-asshats  ;) sooooo tired  ::) :P :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 29, 2013, 10:04 pm
Oh rad!  I'ma send a pm now before I bolt out the door and start the day.

Thanks a lot for the help.

I hear ya girl.  I'm not sure if I have enough coffee to sustain me after the night I had. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: yunalesca on August 29, 2013, 10:06 pm
I am searching for a loan of 0.3.

Will payback end of next week with juice ofcourse.

Have lent before here on SR and payed back, and have also lent out to random people here before.

So you paid yunalesca back the .3btc yet?

I was a need of .6 btc and he  lent me .3 so now i am .3 short okay?.

And who are you, a police man asking all these question?.


You are literally NEVER going to get the other .3BTC acting the way you do.  I wouldn't have lent to you if I knew you were like this!  :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on August 29, 2013, 10:11 pm
huhu :)

trying to join the irc party as well, as soon as I'm unlocked i should be good to go.

prepare for some incomprehensible gibberish as i can't edit stuff 10x times there! :P

Love & Hugs to ya  8)

 :P :P :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DefyCode on August 29, 2013, 10:15 pm

...I'm not sure if I have enough coffee to sustain me after the night I had.

...that's what she said....

lol ok I know, immature, whatever just trying to lighten the mood. :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 29, 2013, 10:20 pm

...I'm not sure if I have enough coffee to sustain me after the night I had.

...that's what she said....

lol ok I know, immature, whatever just trying to lighten the mood. :)

She didn't say that but she may as well have.  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: zarathustrax80 on August 29, 2013, 10:24 pm
Hey, how's everyone doing today? I just got $260 worth of btc to place an order I need before this holiday weekend, but I'm still .16 btc short because of the express mail charges. I need to get the order in by midnight tonight so that it comes on Saturday.  Would anyone out there be willing to lend me the .16btc? I will be able to pay it back within a week, and I'll pay back an extra 50% on top of it as interest. 
If anyone can please help me out, I will definitely pay you back with interest.  My silkroads name is the same as my name here... zarathustrax80.  Thanks.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: turdburglarSandwich on August 29, 2013, 10:45 pm
Heya hiya ho there to all you lovely peeoles. Just wanted to share a bit of nice. I loaned a guy on the shit list a bit of coin a while back, and today after a coupla pm's from me to it, I received a bit of it back. Herein lies the truth: Some peeps are shits, no good, only worth being ground up and fed to child molesters. Some people are good, but do bad things because of their situations. Then, there are the good people, they are a rare breed. My wife is one of them.

I myself, am a good person that on occasion does bad things. I hold myself to a standard of ethics that brooks no argument. When I engage in behavior that I consider unethical, I know it, I own it, no justifyin' or proselytizin'. That is where I differ from the vast majority of others who willingly harm others.

I think that taking coin under false pretenses is deliberately causing harm. I would rather you say to me, Dude, I need some money for drugs, titties n beer, and no, I am not gonna pay you back, can ya help a nigga out: Instead there are those that wouldn't know ethics and honor if they crawled up their piss holes and bit 'em on the urethra.

So my happy is (sent from    lufc1992uk    ฿0.02    ฿0.02    August 29, 2013, 9:57 pm UTC)
Now, fucknuts still owes me a little bit more, but what the hell, at least it tried.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ireallygotthemunchies on August 29, 2013, 10:47 pm
woa so wot ur sayin i can jus cum ere for free coin lol cool bro were do i sine up
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on August 29, 2013, 11:10 pm
Heya hiya ho there to all you lovely peeoles. Just wanted to share a bit of nice. I loaned a guy on the shit list a bit of coin a while back, and today after a coupla pm's from me to it, I received a bit of it back. Herein lies the truth: Some peeps are shits, no good, only worth being ground up and fed to child molesters. Some people are good, but do bad things because of their situations. Then, there are the good people, they are a rare breed. My wife is one of them.

I myself, am a good person that on occasion does bad things. I hold myself to a standard of ethics that brooks no argument. When I engage in behavior that I consider unethical, I know it, I own it, no justifyin' or proselytizin'. That is where I differ from the vast majority of others who willingly harm others.

I think that taking coin under false pretenses is deliberately causing harm. I would rather you say to me, Dude, I need some money for drugs, titties n beer, and no, I am not gonna pay you back, can ya help a nigga out: Instead there are those that wouldn't know ethics and honor if they crawled up their piss holes and bit 'em on the urethra.

So my happy is (sent from    lufc1992uk    ฿0.02    ฿0.02    August 29, 2013, 9:57 pm UTC)
Now, fucknuts still owes me a little bit more, but what the hell, at least it tried.

You didnt happen to have another profile called t3rdsamich did you?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: turdburglarSandwich on August 29, 2013, 11:23 pm
No, no other profile. This is it. This is the profile that got me kicked out of LI's Mensa forums. I own who I am, what I do, and accept the consequences thusly. Should I be so bold and inept as to be nicked by the powers that be, I will accept that as well. (just not gracefully, I will go kicking and screaming).

I have seen in your sig. someone who has a similar appellation owes you. If it were me, I would return what I had borrowed, or tell you to go pound a pile of sand up your ass in a north wind. However, as I have not, I am not telling you that. I hope that they whom ever the guilty party may be returns the trust that you extended to them, and pays you what they owe.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on August 29, 2013, 11:27 pm
Thank you for the speedy and truthful very truthful response if only the other one was as truthful
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Anxious on August 29, 2013, 11:35 pm
Hey everybody, I've got an extra 0.0001BTC (I know, it's literally next to nothing) in my account, if anyone wants/needs it let me know. Obviously no need for a payback.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 30, 2013, 01:07 am
I forgot to say, thank you odd for putting the shapes back in the box.  I hope you got what you needed.

That was a well said post.  Hope you will stay around to say more.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on August 30, 2013, 02:22 am
I don't post in here too often but I do a whole lot of lurking. And one thing I've noticed over the past few weeks is an increase of these classless children who feel like they are entitled to get coins. The only reason this whole thread works is because of people who go out of their way to be generous and help people out. If you are asking for a loan and it just so happens at that time no one has anything to loan to you, then too fucking bad. It's not their job to be on the forums all day looking for people to give THEIR money to. And if you are lucky enough that someone give you a loan out of the goodness of their heart than you should feel blessed. So in summation, stop being a bunch of entitled cry baby bitches. Jeez.
*rant over
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: theman123451 on August 30, 2013, 02:49 am
hope everyone's day is going AMAZING!!!!! ALWAYS REMEMBER PEOPLE

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: energyimport on August 30, 2013, 03:27 am
Hey BOXOFSHAPES, Just paid you back on the .04 thanks for the help!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 30, 2013, 05:09 am
Hey BOXOFSHAPES, Just paid you back on the .04 thanks for the help!

Confirmed!  Thank you for putting the shapes back in the box!  Come back any time man.  Hope ya got what you need.


Special thanks to you for granting this ability for me to dispense justice!  I hope I have served you well!  I can do no other!  Rest easy guy. 


Thanks for taking the time to write that.  It's more than I ever want to put effort into.  I feel like those that need to hear would fall on deaf ears, but it needs to be said none the less.  Be well man.  Stay safe in the cheese sandwich factory!

Edit:  @drpepper

Missed mentioning this dude as well.  Thank you for putting the shapes back in the box!  Anytime!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: energyimport on August 30, 2013, 05:22 am
Hey BOXOFSHAPES, Just paid you back on the .04 thanks for the help!

Confirmed!  Thank you for putting the shapes back in the box!  Come back any time man.  Hope ya got what you need.

I placed the order but then found out the vendor is a sketchy scammer or at least selective so I'm nervous lol Thank the lord for escrow! Now just playing the waiting game lol
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 30, 2013, 05:28 am
Hey BOXOFSHAPES, Just paid you back on the .04 thanks for the help!

Confirmed!  Thank you for putting the shapes back in the box!  Come back any time man.  Hope ya got what you need.

I placed the order but then found out the vendor is a sketchy scammer or at least selective so I'm nervous lol Thank the lord for escrow! Now just playing the waiting game lol

Hahah.  I know the feeling more than I want too.  :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on August 30, 2013, 06:33 am
Hello all :)

Looking for a loan of 0.19 to get my order in for tomorrow, for a maximum of 48 hours probably within 24 but just to be on the safe side....

Have loaned and lent before and my username is kallindown if anyone is kind enough.

Thanks, kalli.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: zarathustrax80 on August 30, 2013, 06:50 am
Hey everyone, I managed to get most of what I need for my order, but I'm still .0043 btc short. It's not much I need, and I need to get the order in asap so I can get it Saturday.  Can someone please lend me that, and I'll pay back .01 btc within a week at the latest... probably within a few days, though.  My sr name is the same as my name here, zarathustrax80.  I would greatly appreciate it if someone can help out. I'm so close, about 40cents short on a $240 order.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: zarathustrax80 on August 30, 2013, 06:59 am
Actually, I just realized I'd be able to pay back tomorrow if someone could lend me .0043 btc. I will pay back .01 btc still if someone can lend it to me. Thanks.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: turdburglarSandwich on August 30, 2013, 07:21 am
Since fucknuts repaid me partially, I am willing to extend a trusting paw in your direction, Zarathustra, sent you a pm, whats your address?

I looked you up on the site, sent cha .0050. Enjoy.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: zarathustrax80 on August 30, 2013, 07:34 am
Thank you so much. I got my order put in. I will repay you double tomorrow night after I get off work. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: foxen624 on August 30, 2013, 09:53 am
Hello all :)

Looking for a loan of 0.19 to get my order in for tomorrow, for a maximum of 48 hours probably within 24 but just to be on the safe side....

Have loaned and lent before and my username is kallindown if anyone is kind enough.

Thanks, kalli.

on the way Kalli...  because I know you're one of the good ones :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on August 30, 2013, 10:02 am
Hello all :)

Looking for a loan of 0.19 to get my order in for tomorrow, for a maximum of 48 hours probably within 24 but just to be on the safe side....

Have loaned and lent before and my username is kallindown if anyone is kind enough.

Thanks, kalli.

on the way Kalli...  because I know you're one of the good ones :)

Wow thank you foxen that's very kind of you and I assure you I won't let you down ! It's appreciated and if you ever need anything give me a shout and I will do all I can to help :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: foxen624 on August 30, 2013, 10:13 am
@Kalli...  happy to have been of help.  The way things have been going in this thread lately, had it been someone unknown or worse..  I'd never had done it.  But like I said, you're one of the good ones and I've absolutely no problem loaning to you long as I've got it :)

Hope you still have time to get your order in!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Vanquish on August 30, 2013, 10:48 am
If you are short of coins, in my payment and restitution to the Road I'm offering my assistance.
Please post in this thread, and then shoot me a PM.  I will be around for most of the day, since I'm laying in my hospital bed relaxing.
Don't hesitate to ask.

Please support my thread, and the vendor Shaggy Shaman.
If you need high quality mushrooms the best on the road please, place your order below.
I guarantee you will not be disappointed!

Thank you very much, and feel free to PM me anytime today if you are short on coins.
Have a great day, and take care!

Vanquish :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 30, 2013, 11:06 am
If you are short of coins, in my payment and restitution to the Road I'm offering my assistance.
Please post in this thread, and then shoot me a PM.  I will be around for most of the day, since I'm laying in my hospital bed relaxing.
Don't hesitate to ask.

Please support my thread, and the vendor Shaggy Shaman.
If you need high quality mushrooms the best on the road please, place your order below.
I guarantee you will not be disappointed!

Thank you very much, and feel free to PM me anytime today if you are short on coins.
Have a great day, and take care!

Vanquish :)
Hi Hun  :) I know i don,t know you but read your threads yesterday  :o I,m so bloody glad your ok and thankful for the people who told you to call 911 at the time  ;) I,m curious what the toxicolgoly repost will say  :-\ Hugs to ya  ;) :-*

Hi everyone, hi kalli, would have helped hun but i,m fucked atm. lol  ;) glad foxen was here  ;)

Hello to everyone else, hope its a better day today  ;) :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: yunalesca on August 30, 2013, 12:05 pm
Good morning everyone and happy Friday!  I hope you're all doing well as well as doing good ;)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ireallygotthemunchies on August 30, 2013, 12:35 pm
ok so i get it now i gota mak a deal firs b4 i can get a bitcon outa u so her goes i am nerly on 100 posts so any1 who giv me 1 bitcon or mor wil get +1 karma but no paybk cos paybak a bich and i don lik biches u get me ok bro thankz
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Vanquish on August 30, 2013, 12:38 pm
ok so i get it now i gota mak a deal firs b4 i can get a bitcon outa u so her goes i am nerly on 100 posts so any1 who giv me 1 bitcon or mor wil get +1 karma but no paybk cos paybak a bich and i don lik biches u get me ok bro thankz

Holy shit man,

What are you on right now?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ireallygotthemunchies on August 30, 2013, 12:42 pm
ok so i get it now i gota mak a deal firs b4 i can get a bitcon outa u so her goes i am nerly on 100 posts so any1 who giv me 1 bitcon or mor wil get +1 karma but no paybk cos paybak a bich and i don lik biches u get me ok bro thankz

Holy shit man,

What are you on right now?


jus th ushual lol u no bro
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Vanquish on August 30, 2013, 12:46 pm
Seriously, what ever you are on I want some - point me in the right direction?

Ketamine, MXE, PCP?

I have no idea, but you're lack of typing skills seems like you are tripping hard on a dissociative right now.
I could be wrong though.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: yunalesca on August 30, 2013, 12:57 pm
ok so i get it now i gota mak a deal firs b4 i can get a bitcon outa u so her goes i am nerly on 100 posts so any1 who giv me 1 bitcon or mor wil get +1 karma but no paybk cos paybak a bich and i don lik biches u get me ok bro thankz

Ummm nope.  I don't think anyone in their right mind is going to lend you 1 BTC.  Stop trolling and go back to the newbie board or something!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: foxen624 on August 30, 2013, 01:05 pm
wonder if trolls like munchie and similar would climb back under the rock they crawled out from if no one even acknowledged their inane posts...  it's tempting to respond I know...  but think it just encourages them...  then again, what do I know...  I wasn't born under a bridge ???
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 30, 2013, 02:25 pm
 :'(I wish the spare coin thread would just go back to normal! It,s really put me off my favourite thread in the forum  :( I,m sure it has a few others that are great regulars as well as amazing people. I t makes me sad that a great thread has gotten like this, no wondr RS7, and Chem are hardly here, prob pissed of with it lately as i,m sure a few of us are. Me and boxy tring to stick it out here but if Boxy feels like me lately, i really don,t know, Boxy i promised i,d stay and i will but if you go from here i,m following. I think even tho we are not mods we do a lot of looking out for this thread, try to stop people from being scammed by scumbags and trying to help where we can,

This thread has gone very unappreciated (which is the nicest way i,ll put it  ;)) So it,d be nice if people come on and ask nicely as we all have in our day, the rules are in the 1st page so please read them before you just jump to last page, there is no one in here that are nasty and trying to ignore anyone and people are free to bump there loan just not every hour and remeber there isn,t always anyone with spare coin on so take that into considiration but if someone has seen it and has coin they will respond and please remeber it is a spare coin thread not a spre $50 buck plus thread.

I hope this helps everyone who comes in here, this is the heart of the forum imo, there,s no cleekyness, yeah a few of us have know eachother for a while but we welcome always any members who are decent  ;)

So i,m hoping we can all get this thread back to the friendly banter way it was as i,m missing it as are others, and i,ll tell you now if it wasn,t for there generous poeple that help and persevere even tho we have had unrepaid loans we,re still here and trying to help when we can and that says a damn lot imo!!

I hope everyone,s good and ,cmon, community no need for any rudeness  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ppanth on August 30, 2013, 03:30 pm
Morning everyone!

Been busy and not online, and sitting here waiting for a btc purchase to go thru so I can repay defycode this morning..why do they always take longer when you are waiting? ugh..
Anyhow, hope everyone is having a good Friday!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 30, 2013, 03:37 pm

No worries lady.  I hear ya.  I have a lot more to say than this, but I'm crunched for time right now. 

I'll get back to ya.  I promise!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: theman123451 on August 30, 2013, 04:10 pm
Boxy thank you for the noble work you have done!!!!!!! it has brought a ray of sunshine to my heart. lol.  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: powersmoke on August 30, 2013, 04:13 pm
If you are short of coins, in my payment and restitution to the Road I'm offering my assistance.
Please post in this thread, and then shoot me a PM.  I will be around for most of the day, since I'm laying in my hospital bed relaxing.
Don't hesitate to ask.

Please support my thread, and the vendor Shaggy Shaman.
If you need high quality mushrooms the best on the road please, place your order below.
I guarantee you will not be disappointed!

Thank you very much, and feel free to PM me anytime today if you are short on coins.
Have a great day, and take care!

Vanquish :)

Not a single time in the almost 18 mths that ive been here, have i had to borrow coins...but i guess today is the day.

I bought some coins a coupole of days ago, and they just hit my account yesterday--from the time i bought them to when they showed up, i lost $50....
This made me about $35.00, or .257 btc short of what i need to complete a much needed order....
If anyone is feeling generous, I would GREATLY appreciate a loan of .257 BTC, or $35.00, so i can get this order shipped out today...

PLEASE?? ??? ? 
Not sure what the routine is as far as lending/repayment practices---but I'll be glad to pay back $50.00 as soon as i can get some more coins loaded.

In case there is any doubt of my word, here are my stats.
                               1 month   3 months   1 year   all time
total transactions    5    11    71    71
total spent    $685.00    $1,725.30    $14,212.00    $14,212.00
total vendors    5    9    28    28
refund rate    0%    0%    0%    0%
auto-finalize rate    0%    0%    1%

I thank you in advance for your kindness, generosity, pity, charity, etc...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: yunalesca on August 30, 2013, 04:24 pm
If you are short of coins, in my payment and restitution to the Road I'm offering my assistance.
Please post in this thread, and then shoot me a PM.  I will be around for most of the day, since I'm laying in my hospital bed relaxing.
Don't hesitate to ask.

Please support my thread, and the vendor Shaggy Shaman.
If you need high quality mushrooms the best on the road please, place your order below.
I guarantee you will not be disappointed!

Thank you very much, and feel free to PM me anytime today if you are short on coins.
Have a great day, and take care!

Vanquish :)

Not a single time in the almost 18 mths that ive been here, have i had to borrow coins...but i guess today is the day.

I bought some coins a coupole of days ago, and they just hit my account yesterday--from the time i bought them to when they showed up, i lost $50....
This made me about $35.00, or .257 btc short of what i need to complete a much needed order....
If anyone is feeling generous, I would GREATLY appreciate a loan of .257 BTC, or $35.00, so i can get this order shipped out today...

PLEASE?? ??? ? 
Not sure what the routine is as far as lending/repayment practices---but I'll be glad to pay back $50.00 as soon as i can get some more coins loaded.

In case there is any doubt of my word, here are my stats.
                               1 month   3 months   1 year   all time
total transactions    5    11    71    71
total spent    $685.00    $1,725.30    $14,212.00    $14,212.00
total vendors    5    9    28    28
refund rate    0%    0%    0%    0%
auto-finalize rate    0%    0%    1%

I thank you in advance for your kindness, generosity, pity, charity, etc...

I'm sending you .09 BTC that is all I have at the moment :(  I have some coins in the fogger but it'll be at least tomorrow before I've received them.  Hoping this helps a little anyway :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 30, 2013, 04:30 pm
Bout to say I'll help if someone else will help as well.  Thanks Yunalesca.  You are too kind. 

I'll send the rest soon.  Give me a min.

Edit:  Is the SR name the same?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: yunalesca on August 30, 2013, 04:38 pm
Bout to say I'll help if someone else will help as well.  Thanks Yunalesca.  You are too kind. 

I'll send the rest soon.  Give me a min.

Edit:  Is the SR name the same?

I assumed it was!  I hope I wasn't wrong :-\

And you are way more kind, you've been at this way longer than I!  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: powersmoke on August 30, 2013, 04:43 pm
Bout to say I'll help if someone else will help as well.  Thanks Yunalesca.  You are too kind. 

I'll send the rest soon.  Give me a min.

Edit:  Is the SR name the same?

s the SR name the same?

Yes, sir. Same name.

Yunalesca--already got it.
Thank you for that, truly.
This weekend, I will speak your name with reverence, as i literally enjoy your kindness.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: grizwalds on August 30, 2013, 04:44 pm
Well I'm an opiate addict and currently experience withdrawal and the symptoms at the moment are unbearable. I'm only about .06 BTC off a sensible order that would be able to hold me off until the coins I got from virwox FINALLY transfer :( I need to learn to just buy coins off SR members but that's beside the point. My SR name is exactly the same as on here. Anyone who can help I'd really appreciate it. For those of you who've been dope sick you understand. ;(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 30, 2013, 04:54 pm

Sending .17 shapes your way powersmoke.

Please place the shapes back in the box when you can. 

Do you have a time frame for when you are able to return the shapes? 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 30, 2013, 05:02 pm
Well I'm an opiate addict and currently experience withdrawal and the symptoms at the moment are unbearable. I'm only about .6 BTC off a sensible order that would be able to hold me off until the coins I got from virwox FINALLY transfer :( I need to learn to just buy coins off SR members but that's beside the point. My SR name is exactly the same as on here. Anyone who can help I'd really appreciate it. For those of you who've been dope sick you understand. ;(
A lot of people on SR are dopesick hun  ;) 0.6 is may too much for an unknown with hardly any posts, sorry but i,ve lost $20 to a supposed friend who was dopesick on here, never seen here since and she had a lot more forum prescence than you do  ;) Oh and read the rules on page 1, its spare change hun not i need $70  ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: yunalesca on August 30, 2013, 05:04 pm
Well I'm an opiate addict and currently experience withdrawal and the symptoms at the moment are unbearable. I'm only about .6 BTC off a sensible order that would be able to hold me off until the coins I got from virwox FINALLY transfer :( I need to learn to just buy coins off SR members but that's beside the point. My SR name is exactly the same as on here. Anyone who can help I'd really appreciate it. For those of you who've been dope sick you understand. ;(

I'm sorry but .6 BTC is a lot to ask for in a 'spare coin' thread.  Combined with your low post count I doubt you'll have much luck here.  You'll find many sympathetic people here but .6 is still a lot to ask :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ppanth on August 30, 2013, 05:07 pm
Well I'm an opiate addict and currently experience withdrawal and the symptoms at the moment are unbearable. I'm only about .6 BTC off a sensible order that would be able to hold me off until the coins I got from virwox FINALLY transfer :( I need to learn to just buy coins off SR members but that's beside the point. My SR name is exactly the same as on here. Anyone who can help I'd really appreciate it. For those of you who've been dope sick you understand. ;(

Btc wise I can not help out right now, but as a person who knows opiate dependence all too well..if I can offer advice,  a little bit..
There is a vendor who will overnight 3x8mg suboxone strips for the total price of .5281 (as of this second).. I have used this vendor a few times and highly highly recommend them..
As long as you have the order in by 4pm est. It is less then you are looking to borrow, so maybe that would help some? If not I hope you get better asap. Opiate w/ds are awful.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: grizwalds on August 30, 2013, 05:10 pm
No no no no sorry people that wasnt suposed to be .6 it was suposed to be .06  :P my mistake
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: grizwalds on August 30, 2013, 05:13 pm
Well I'm an opiate addict and currently experience withdrawal and the symptoms at the moment are unbearable. I'm only about .6 BTC off a sensible order that would be able to hold me off until the coins I got from virwox FINALLY transfer :( I need to learn to just buy coins off SR members but that's beside the point. My SR name is exactly the same as on here. Anyone who can help I'd really appreciate it. For those of you who've been dope sick you understand. ;(

I'm sorry but .6 BTC is a lot to ask for in a 'spare coin' thread.  Combined with your low post count I doubt you'll have much luck here.  You'll find many sympathetic people here but .6 is still a lot to ask :-\
Apologies for the typo I meant .06.

Well I'm an opiate addict and currently experience withdrawal and the symptoms at the moment are unbearable. I'm only about .6 BTC off a sensible order that would be able to hold me off until the coins I got from virwox FINALLY transfer :( I need to learn to just buy coins off SR members but that's beside the point. My SR name is exactly the same as on here. Anyone who can help I'd really appreciate it. For those of you who've been dope sick you understand. ;(

Btc wise I can not help out right now, but as a person who knows opiate dependence all too well..if I can offer advice,  a little bit..
There is a vendor who will overnight 3x8mg suboxone strips for the total price of .5281 (as of this second).. I have used this vendor a few times and highly highly recommend them..
As long as you have the order in by 4pm est. It is less then you are looking to borrow, so maybe that would help some? If not I hope you get better asap. Opiate w/ds are awful.

Yes I know. That would be my order. I only need .06 not .6. Sorry for that.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: grizwalds on August 30, 2013, 05:15 pm
Well I'm an opiate addict and currently experience withdrawal and the symptoms at the moment are unbearable. I'm only about .6 BTC off a sensible order that would be able to hold me off until the coins I got from virwox FINALLY transfer :( I need to learn to just buy coins off SR members but that's beside the point. My SR name is exactly the same as on here. Anyone who can help I'd really appreciate it. For those of you who've been dope sick you understand. ;(
A lot of people on SR are dopesick hun  ;) 0.6 is may too much for an unknown with hardly any posts, sorry but i,ve lost $20 to a supposed friend who was dopesick on here, never seen here since and she had a lot more forum prescence than you do  ;) Oh and read the rules on page 1, its spare change hun not i need $70  ::)
Oh I know. Sorry for that typo. I'm not one to pan handle. Even on the street that's not an option to me.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 30, 2013, 05:16 pm
Do you have a time frame to be able to pay back?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: grizwalds on August 30, 2013, 05:21 pm
Do you have a time frame to be able to pay back?
3-4 days. Once virwox has the coins to my SR account and all purchases are situated.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 30, 2013, 05:30 pm
Do you have a time frame to be able to pay back?
3-4 days. Once virwox has the coins to my SR account and all purchases are situated.

.06 shapes on the way guy.  Please place the shapes in the box when you can.

Take care of yourself please?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on August 30, 2013, 05:33 pm
just poppin in to say morning my lovelies, :) hope y'all are good, much love.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ppanth on August 30, 2013, 05:39 pm
Ok business done!
Juggs I paid back  .029, I know it was .03 so I still owe ya .001 now..which I am hoping is cool if I get that back to ya in a few weeks? I dont know when I will buy btc again, but when I do I will send that back..
Defycode, I sent back the .43 loan from earlier this week..I am sure you should be able to see that now..

Thanks again guys for your help!

Hi to everyone stopping by, and hope everyone is having a good Friday!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: grizwalds on August 30, 2013, 05:41 pm
Do you have a time frame to be able to pay back?
3-4 days. Once virwox has the coins to my SR account and all purchases are situated.

.06 shapes on the way guy.  Please place the shapes in the box when you can.

Take care of yourself please?
Thank you. Take care as well.
Possibly going to try detox soon  :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 30, 2013, 05:42 pm
 :) RS {{hugs you madly}} wtf you been lol, did you see the last couple of days on here and thought "Fuck That!!lol) missed you, get yapping, how ya been, are you working a lot hun, hope your good hun  ;) :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 30, 2013, 05:45 pm
just poppin in to say morning my lovelies, :) hope y'all are good, much love.

I <3 ya man.  Hope you are taking care of yourself!  Please don't be far away!


Do what ya can man! 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on August 30, 2013, 05:46 pm
Hello all you bitches.

Rs, nice to see you back! Boxy as always, ChemCat

Same ol' shit going on I see...

Well back to work I guess...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 30, 2013, 05:50 pm
Hello all you bitches.

Rs, nice to see you back! Boxy as always, ChemCat

Same ol' shit going on I see...

Well back to work I guess...
what about me  :'( lol
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on August 30, 2013, 06:02 pm
Good morning to the family! Wish me luck for my 2nd day at the new job! :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MC Haberdasher on August 30, 2013, 06:04 pm
Good morning to the family! Wish me luck for my 2nd day at the new job! :)

Good luck.. Starting new jobs are always nerve racking for me. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 30, 2013, 06:13 pm
Good luck jugg, hope it goes well  ;) :-* gonna karma who i can in here, well obv. not the scumbags  ;) lol
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: powersmoke on August 30, 2013, 06:26 pm
 ;D ;D

Asking for help here is like finding an old empty bottle, and then having a genie pop out to grant me 3 wishes...

Low and behold--
I raised my hands to the sky and asked the masses for help, and just like that, these two Angels of Mercy reached through the magical interweb and showered my lowly account with coins of bit.
And quick, too...

Many, many thanks to the thread.
My needs have been fulfilled--- no further love need be sent at the moment.   At least of the coin kind, anyway.
I'm more than willing to accept the other kind. Just sayin'.

I'm sending you .09 BTC that is all I have at the moment :(  I have some coins in the fogger but it'll be at least tomorrow before I've received them.  Hoping this helps a little anyway :)


Sending .17 shapes your way powersmoke.

Please place the shapes back in the box when you can. 

Do you have a time frame for when you are able to return the shapes?

If i can get to the "shape" store in the next day or so, i hope to have it done  this weekend.
With banks closed, it may be Tuesday, though.

Again--much appreciated.

As i sat and watched your kindness come pouring in, I realized that I usually keep +/- 1 BTC in my SR account all the time, leftovers from whatever i ordered and didnt need.
Anyway, sometimes its a week or two between orders and that coin is just sitting there-- it just dawned on me that someone else could be using it.
I dont know why i never considered it before.

After i get some more loaded, i believe i will pay it forward, as the kids say. ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DefyCode on August 30, 2013, 06:39 pm
For the record:

Paid back .08 to the .07 that yuna lent me.

Ppanth paid me back in full.

That is all!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: energyimport on August 30, 2013, 06:57 pm
SR user purute88  that lent me .02 bitcoins Please note you have been repaid! Thanks for the loan!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: yunalesca on August 30, 2013, 07:09 pm
For the record:

Paid back .08 to the .07 that yuna lent me.

Ppanth paid me back in full.

That is all!


Confirmed!  Although the extra .01 was not needed it is much appreciated!  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 30, 2013, 07:27 pm
Official update... i,ve found our wee taz and he,s fine pm,d me earlies, i,m sure he,ll be chatting soon  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: odd on August 30, 2013, 09:54 pm
Ok business done!
Juggs I paid back  .029, I know it was .03 so I still owe ya .001 now..which I am hoping is cool if I get that back to ya in a few weeks? I dont know when I will buy btc again, but when I do I will send that back..
Defycode, I sent back the .43 loan from earlier this week..I am sure you should be able to see that now..

Thanks again guys for your help!

Hi to everyone stopping by, and hope everyone is having a good Friday!!

Hey ppanth i can pay juggs back that .001 for you as a thank you for helping me get what i needed to help with chemo this week.  Juggs just let me know your SR name and i can send that to you asap.  *btw ppanth i think it goes without saying that no repayment is neccesary ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MC Haberdasher on August 30, 2013, 10:58 pm
Hey Guys Long time no see! Its been a while since iv been on. SO GREETINGS FELLOW SR TRAVELERS!

A friend of mine from AUS is having me order her something through my account cause she is New and i have a perfect buyer stats and over 70 buys with no issues, Anyway We just went to Make the order an its 3 bucks shy. If anyone can Lend 3 bucks, I will pay whoever back soon as bitinstant is up and letting moves happen.

Any of you who dont knw me you can ask Box, hes loaned me money and paid him back as well as others when anything was borrowed. I sure would be great-full. If not i understand though.. Glade to be back n the forums EVERYONE! I MISS SR!

sr Username..     anonymousman

I got ya.

Just let me sign back in.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on August 30, 2013, 11:03 pm
ops, looks like you were faster haberdasher :P

just sent him as well.

I got a question guys. How are we currently handling the thing with thecrackhead and the shitlist?

Is he still off-limits? If so, why? Seems like i got scammed as well because he wasn't on it.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MC Haberdasher on August 30, 2013, 11:05 pm
I sent over 0.03..  So i guess send one of us back the loot?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: AnonymousAddict on August 30, 2013, 11:10 pm
Hey Guys Long time no see! Its been a while since iv been on. SO GREETINGS FELLOW SR TRAVELERS!

A friend of mine from AUS is having me order her something through my account cause she is New and i have a perfect buyer stats and over 70 buys with no issues, Anyway We just went to Make the order an its 3 bucks shy. If anyone can Lend 3 bucks, I will pay whoever back soon as bitinstant is up and letting moves happen.

Any of you who dont knw me you can ask Box, hes loaned me money and paid him back as well as others when anything was borrowed. I sure would be great-full. If not i understand though.. Glade to be back n the forums EVERYONE! I MISS SR!

sr Username..     anonymousman

I got ya.

Just let me sign back in.

MC!!! WHATS UP BRO!!! gLADE TO SEE YOUR STILL HERE!! Im gonna PM u also. Wanna ask some questions about the H sceen
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: AnonymousAddict on August 30, 2013, 11:12 pm
Staind Give me a few Min, to finish this order and i will send u that back buddy.. Thanks for your kindness though bro..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on August 30, 2013, 11:13 pm
guess so. only sent 0.0292 ??. i think (it shows 0.03). don't want to rip you off :-P

sorry, my tor is extremely slow today. my fault.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: AnonymousAddict on August 30, 2013, 11:21 pm
guess so. only sent 0.0292 ??. i think (it shows 0.03). don't want to rip you off :-P

sorry, my tor is extremely slow today. my fault.

I get confused also when having to break up small amounts with the bitcoins. Im soo pissed rite now guys, It took me 6 months almost to finally get my Tax return which is a nice sum, now when i went to add coins my main place iv always added them is under construction or some shit..

wHAT has everyone been using to get Bitcoins? I always was using Bitinstant.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MC Haberdasher on August 30, 2013, 11:27 pm
guess so. only sent 0.0292 ??. i think (it shows 0.03). don't want to rip you off :-P

sorry, my tor is extremely slow today. my fault.

I get confused also when having to break up small amounts with the bitcoins. Im soo pissed rite now guys, It took me 6 months almost to finally get my Tax return which is a nice sum, now when i went to add coins my main place iv always added them is under construction or some shit..

wHAT has everyone been using to get Bitcoins? I always was using Bitinstant.

I use the bank deposit method, and use trusted sellers.  Very much like using BST, but with escrow.  You should check it out.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on August 30, 2013, 11:35 pm
yep, also just switched over to localbitcoins last week. looks promising so far.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on August 31, 2013, 12:24 am
staind! Hey brobra, and stain's awesome cat photo (=^・ェ・^=)!

All I need is Taz back and all will be right.

Out of all my loans, only one person paid me back, purute88 and that was for a whopping .01! Everyone else is late or fucked off...⊙▂⊙

Because the account histories only go back a month, I forget who owes what as I did not _〆(。。) it down. I know I can go back and look but it is not worth it.

I am only going to loan to those who I know from this list that have been active...Boxy, Taz, Japan, Kali, Staind, Staind's cat photo, Icecream, chemcat,RS...etc.

Oh and "Bitcoin Exchange Tradehill Pauses for Regulatory Reasons" so looks like another exchange is done...well for now at least.

Back to reading...(⌐■_■)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on August 31, 2013, 01:04 am
guess so. only sent 0.0292 ??. i think (it shows 0.03). don't want to rip you off :-P

sorry, my tor is extremely slow today. my fault.

I get confused also when having to break up small amounts with the bitcoins. Im soo pissed rite now guys, It took me 6 months almost to finally get my Tax return which is a nice sum, now when i went to add coins my main place iv always added them is under construction or some shit..

wHAT has everyone been using to get Bitcoins? I always was using Bitinstant. and sprendbitcoins coinjars better though
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on August 31, 2013, 06:21 am
:) RS {{hugs you madly}} wtf you been lol, did you see the last couple of days on here and thought "Fuck That!!lol) missed you, get yapping, how ya been, are you working a lot hun, hope your good hun  ;) :-*
:P hey hun was off to work :).. but will be around tomorrow ;D.. been crazy busy.. but still having little fun so its all good, but I still miss y'all hope everything good with ya :).. also :O no I missed the past week :-[.. what happened??

just poppin in to say morning my lovelies, :) hope y'all are good, much love.

I <3 ya man.  Hope you are taking care of yourself!  Please don't be far away!
:D (hugs) yeah, I'm good! new job an things are moving ;)... hope your good too bro! I :P hit me up tomorrow!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: foxen624 on August 31, 2013, 08:02 am
@RS - count yourself lucky to have missed the past week on here.  Hope you're not reading back trying to find out what mary was talking about..  no one big event.. just a bunch of shit that would only bum you out.   Good to see you back at any rate :)

@mary - seems I've been trying to +1 you for days!  But it still says it's not been 72 hours....   strange thing time is....  ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: foxen624 on August 31, 2013, 09:39 am
hmmm.....  kinda lonely around here tonight... or, actually, it's about morning now.  Anyway, just popped in real quick...   *looks around* everyone's tucked away safely I hope...   will just turn off the lights then on my way out....   

Have a good one everyone! ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on August 31, 2013, 09:53 am
:D hiya foxen! not sure we met :o (hugs) anyway

care to sum up what happened up for me, please :P?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 31, 2013, 10:13 am
 ;D ;D ;D RS where you been hun??? missed you, prob staying away when the morons are in here lol Heard from wee Taz yesterday, 1 MIA found lol. How you up at this time  ;) :-* :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on August 31, 2013, 10:23 am
:) RS {{hugs you madly}} wtf you been lol, did you see the last couple of days on here and thought "Fuck That!!lol) missed you, get yapping, how ya been, are you working a lot hun, hope your good hun  ;) :-*
:P hey hun was off to work :).. but will be around tomorrow ;D.. been crazy busy.. but still having little fun so its all good, but I still miss y'all hope everything good with ya :).. also :O no I missed the past week :-[.. what happened??
:P ^ otherwise just chillen probably gonna sleep soon tho
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: turdburglarSandwich on August 31, 2013, 10:26 am
Tis a most pleasant development, oh fellow SR travelers.

sent from    zarathustrax80    ฿0.01    ฿0.03    August 31, 2013, 7:39 am UTC

So Zarathrustrax80 is worthy, paid back as they said they would. Very pleasant to have this not turn into another shit sandwich.

Happy Caturday Biotches!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: safeonion on August 31, 2013, 02:47 pm
Searching for a loan of 0.2 btc

Will payback next week with juice.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ppanth on August 31, 2013, 04:03 pm
Ok business done!
Juggs I paid back  .029, I know it was .03 so I still owe ya .001 now..which I am hoping is cool if I get that back to ya in a few weeks? I dont know when I will buy btc again, but when I do I will send that back..
Defycode, I sent back the .43 loan from earlier this week..I am sure you should be able to see that now..

Thanks again guys for your help!

Hi to everyone stopping by, and hope everyone is having a good Friday!!

Hey ppanth i can pay juggs back that .001 for you as a thank you for helping me get what i needed to help with chemo this week.  Juggs just let me know your SR name and i can send that to you asap.  *btw ppanth i think it goes without saying that no repayment is neccesary ;)

Hey odd thanks a bunch!! I hope you are feeling as well as possible!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 31, 2013, 04:19 pm
Hi to all the great people on here  :) :)  :-* Yuna, get in that family thread lol  ;) :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ppanth on August 31, 2013, 04:25 pm
Good afternoon to ya Mary!
Hey everyone, just wanted to stop in and say hey..
Another busy day!

Have a great weekend everyone!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on August 31, 2013, 04:29 pm
Hi everyone! Having a nice big bowl of ice cream for breakfast ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on August 31, 2013, 04:43 pm
****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer.

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) **When requesting, post your SR name** so we know who to send it to.  Don't assume we know.  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7) DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. >:( Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due.
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

Hope this is ok but i decided they needed posted  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: talawtam on August 31, 2013, 05:26 pm
Hello. I was wondering if anyone would be kind enough to lend me 0.04 please? im just short of a small order. I will pay back next Saturday with interest if requested. Thank you.

SR Username: talawtam
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 31, 2013, 05:49 pm
Hello. I was wondering if anyone would be kind enough to lend me 0.04 please? im just short of a small order. I will pay back next Saturday with interest if requested. Thank you.

SR Username: talawtam

Shapes on the way.  Please place the shapes back in the box at the time declared.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 31, 2013, 05:55 pm
Thanks mary.  I've been lazy about that. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: darkmagic65 on August 31, 2013, 09:51 pm
i need 0.10 for a edible I will pay you back when I get coins
my sr name same as here

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on August 31, 2013, 10:03 pm
i need 0.10 for a edible I will pay you back when I get coins
my sr name same as here


Aren't you on the shit-list? or am I thinking of someone else?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: darkmagic65 on August 31, 2013, 10:11 pm
nope im not on it..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 31, 2013, 10:18 pm
i need 0.10 for a edible I will pay you back when I get coins
my sr name same as here


Aren't you on the shit-list? or am I thinking of someone else?

No.  I was giving him the courtesy of giving him a chance to show he was a decent person and wait to see if he would pay back what he borrowed.

I'll fix that. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: xThunder on August 31, 2013, 10:20 pm
Hey guys! bitcoin absolutely skyrocketed overnight, and i am soooo close to being able to get my long awaited 10 strip now!

i have 0.9629, and i need 1.0168, but bitcoin is fluctuating a lot right now so the difference could quickly change. If anyone could please loan me about 0.07 BTC, i will pay you back with interest as soon as i can go the bank. I will not be able to make the trip for a few days sadly, and really wanted to order my 10 strip! I would appreciate it so much, and I absolutely promise i will repay you.

My name on SR is the same as my forum name: xThunder and my address is: 1KS4UshzqqoSzKPpB6qrwjw4kyaTEkuqrB

Thank you so much anyone that can do me this kindness, i promise i wont let you down!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 31, 2013, 10:46 pm
                                                 :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) ##When requesting, post your SR name## SO WE KNOW WHERE TO SEND IT TO.  DON'T ASSUME WE KNOW. ##  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7)## DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. ## >:(  ##Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due. ##
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.
                                                           Reserved For Notes

*Make sure when adding a name to the list that you add both their forum name AND their SR username. Thank you.


The shit list:
BrotherFox           ++++ 
darkmagic65        ++++
King Karma
ulker        ++++

 *^*Do Not Lend to These People*^*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: chicagomix on August 31, 2013, 11:15 pm
Hey, guys.. I feel stupid.  ::) Finally got my coins in. I thought I had bought enough to keep me over in case of fluctuation, but the universe is messing with me today and I'm .0278 coins short. No shit.  :-[

If anyone could throw that amount my way, I would be forever grateful. That, and of course I'll pay it back. I have another coinbase order that will arrive in 4 days. I'll throw .05 your way. My SR name is also chicagomix and my address is 1AneBhbEGb5gJgizjF2MNDYPKZvSn2NbnT -- THANK YOU to anyone who could help out! I just discovered this thread in desperation, but it's great. Thanks again.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: foxen624 on August 31, 2013, 11:26 pm
Hey, guys.. I feel stupid.  ::) Finally got my coins in. I thought I had bought enough to keep me over in case of fluctuation, but the universe is messing with me today and I'm .0278 coins short. No shit.  :-[

If anyone could throw that amount my way, I would be forever grateful. That, and of course I'll pay it back. I have another coinbase order that will arrive in 4 days. I'll throw .05 your way. My SR name is also chicagomix and my address is 1AneBhbEGb5gJgizjF2MNDYPKZvSn2NbnT -- THANK YOU to anyone who could help out! I just discovered this thread in desperation, but it's great. Thanks again.

O.K. I'll send it to you.  Not that this necessarily pertains to you, but just want you to know that lately, there have been a lot of new people asking for coin then not paying back, which is making everyone reluctant to lend to someone new.  I'm gonna give you a chance though... just please make me happy I did is all I ask.  Should be there shortly :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on August 31, 2013, 11:29 pm
Thanks foxen.  Was about to cause I love Chicago, although that's a silly reason.


Stay away from Mercury31 :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: foxen624 on September 01, 2013, 12:46 am
Thanks foxen.  Was about to cause I love Chicago, although that's a silly reason.


Stay away from Mercury31 :-\

boxy, that speaks volumes coming from you.  Looks like I make a right choice for once lately? ;)

Take care! ;) x
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: darkmagic65 on September 01, 2013, 12:59 am
thats kind of messed up thinking you control a "shit list" and putting me on it for trying to get some btc while im waiting on virvox now, im just trying to get some high quality stuff for cheap while its here
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: AllDayLong on September 01, 2013, 01:14 am
Well, I've fucked up and am .0105 BTC short on my order. I feel bad begging in here but if someone can help out it would be very much appreciated.

I would happy to shoot it back your way, but it will be some time, like a month or more...

Cancel that BTC fluctuation gave me enough!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: chicagomix on September 01, 2013, 01:24 am
Hey, guys.. I feel stupid.  ::) Finally got my coins in. I thought I had bought enough to keep me over in case of fluctuation, but the universe is messing with me today and I'm .0278 coins short. No shit.  :-[

If anyone could throw that amount my way, I would be forever grateful. That, and of course I'll pay it back. I have another coinbase order that will arrive in 4 days. I'll throw .05 your way. My SR name is also chicagomix and my address is 1AneBhbEGb5gJgizjF2MNDYPKZvSn2NbnT -- THANK YOU to anyone who could help out! I just discovered this thread in desperation, but it's great. Thanks again.

O.K. I'll send it to you.  Not that this necessarily pertains to you, but just want you to know that lately, there have been a lot of new people asking for coin then not paying back, which is making everyone reluctant to lend to someone new.  I'm gonna give you a chance though... just please make me happy I did is all I ask.  Should be there shortly :)

Thank you so much. This is why I fucking love this place. I appreciate you giving me the benefit of the doubt - especially with the recent influx of shitty humans passing through SR. ;)

Also, is your SR name foxen624, as well? I just now discovered the miracle of Coinbase instant! The magic of further identity verification..  ::) I'm about to send .05BTC your way now.

Thanks again for the help. :)

@BoxofShapes - how I wish I would've seen your warning a couple months ago.. Mercury31 was unfortunately my very first purchase on SR. I was in resolution for over a month... had 22hrs to go (after 2 supposed reships and having my money tied up for a month and a half) before I finally got my refund and I accidentally grazed the "release funds" button on my phone. It was hilariously unfortunate. Haven't had a single problem with any other order since though, so at least there's that. ;) Mercury31 is a vendor I would recommend staying far, far away from, as well.

Anyway - thanks again, guys! :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on September 01, 2013, 01:41 am
thats kind of messed up thinking you control a "shit list" and putting me on it for trying to get some btc while im waiting on virvox now, im just trying to get some high quality stuff for cheap while its here

I don't "control" the list.  Everyone does.  I just happen to post it the most.

I think it's even more fucked up you have 2 loans for .25, which is not a small amount, and are still asking for more.  If you are that offended because you don't feel that you are the kind of mooch you have painted yourself out to be, payback what you owe and you will be removed.  It's not hard.

If you think it's "no big deal" to ask for tons of loans, why don't you come here and loan yourself?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on September 01, 2013, 02:00 am
**my cat photo hugs imaz**

thr33dom & ThisSHITScrazyman paid me back fully and even with extra. Thanks a lot guys!. :)

Hello. I was wondering if anyone would be kind enough to lend me 0.04 please? im just short of a small order. I will pay back next Saturday with interest if requested. Thank you.

SR Username: talawtam

You still owe me 0.02 from the 6th of august. Do you mind paying me back next Saturday as well please?

Didn't get an answer regarding thecrackhead being put on the list yet. If nobody has objections, I'll put him on it once i make an update.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on September 01, 2013, 02:26 am
Didn't get an answer regarding thecrackhead being put on the list yet. If nobody has objections, I'll put him on it once i make an update.

Sorry man.  Drugs tend to make me forget to reply to things.

Yes the crackhead started the thread.  But that's not really a good enough reason.

Another while back he made a post on what the best way to commit suicide was.  Cause he was done.  He didn't go through with it.  He just reminds me of my old grandpa just kicking around while the last of his life is in him.

I don't know man.  I'll replace the coin you lost if you really need.  I'll leave it up to you if you want to put him on there but I'm not doing it.  I'd rather just bring it up if he shows up again, but people are too fast to help him out before I have a chance to say anything.

He's almost never on.  He never asks for a crazy amount.  I don't know...

If it were me and he needed like $4 I would throw it his way and wouldn't care. 

It's all you man.  I won't tell you no.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on September 01, 2013, 02:29 am
Hello. I was wondering if anyone would be kind enough to lend me 0.04 please? im just short of a small order. I will pay back next Saturday with interest if requested. Thank you.

SR Username: talawtam

Crap.  That shit pisses me off.  If he doesn't pay us both back by the weekend he will go up.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on September 01, 2013, 02:36 am
**my cat photo hugs imaz**

YA! Now I can goto bed and sleep well...(-_-) zzz

Thank  you stain's cat photo(=TェT=)!

night all
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: foxen624 on September 01, 2013, 05:09 am
@chicagomix - thank you!  I just saw that you repaid + interest in like record time! Glad I was able to help and hope that your order went through O.K.  Also, even though the ones who have been problematic lately are by far in the minority, sadly, their behaviour has been dominating the conversation around here.  Thank you too for being a reminder that most people are good and that new doesn't necessarily = scammer.  You're one of the good ones in my book!  +1 for you  ;) x
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on September 01, 2013, 06:49 am
:P *boop* :D


hiyyo ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ireallygotthemunchies on September 01, 2013, 07:29 am
can i goon the shity list plz?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: carlosdonutlover on September 01, 2013, 08:10 am
Will somone send me .03 btc to get some dmt? Ill pay you back when I get more coin, it wont be immediately though...
sr user: carlosdonutlover
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: talawtam on September 01, 2013, 08:16 am
Shapes on the way.  Please place the shapes back in the box at the time declared.

Thank you so much! All ordered now. Coins will be with you in 7 days.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bbd82584 on September 01, 2013, 10:08 am
Would anyone be willing to loan me .0109 BTC if I pay back .0209 next weekend?  My SR sn is bbd82584. Thnx SO much  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: chicagomix on September 01, 2013, 10:47 am
Would anyone be willing to loan me .0109 BTC if I pay back .0209 next weekend?  My SR sn is bbd82584. Thnx SO much  ;)

All I have in spare coin right now is .0093, but I'll go ahead and send it your way and hopefully someone else can lend you the rest. :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: illmotions on September 01, 2013, 10:57 am
Hi great SR people I gave a loan to murderface like 2weeks ago and I thought I posted he payed me back but for whatever reason it didn't So im here to send that dude a shout out and to let everyone know I was paid back. Cool dude that murderface. Hopefully if im in a bind I can get a loan here I dunno why broke techno junkies need to put up there digital "im gimp and I walk with a limp gimmy your money or get stump smacked" pitty me sign and ruin it for all of the rest of us.

Im pretty careful making sure I have what I need to make purchases but I do indeed think this thread is awesome. I did try and get a .09 btc loan after I was scammed by BenzoKing on BTC for Moneypak purchase but honestly that was my own digital pitty sign so I am not hatin no one loaned me at all and Just saying as well to all be careful this is a place that people are buying and selling drugs, If you are an addict and cannot get your fix you will do anything to get it including fucking over other addicts. We really should be watching each others backs but when you cant see the person or know how badly your fucking them its alot easier to get sleep after doing it. Anyways enough of my rant lets just make sure we all keep this thread healthy and keep beggars and scammers at bay. We should maybe add some suggestions too the rule book to help newer people from getting took.

I think that we might need to remake this thread too. I'm not totally positive on the facts because I haven't taken the time to fully read everything but what I understand is that the creator of the thread is not active anymore and someone is considering putting them on the shitlist. Now me personally I look at the first page of every review thread for whats what and not having someone updating it and having to read a bunch of pages just to get the facts is inefficient and unproductive.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on September 01, 2013, 11:56 am
Didn't get an answer regarding thecrackhead being put on the list yet. If nobody has objections, I'll put him on it once i make an update.

Sorry man.  Drugs tend to make me forget to reply to things.

Yes the crackhead started the thread.  But that's not really a good enough reason.

Another while back he made a post on what the best way to commit suicide was.  Cause he was done.  He didn't go through with it.  He just reminds me of my old grandpa just kicking around while the last of his life is in him.

I don't know man.  I'll replace the coin you lost if you really need.  I'll leave it up to you if you want to put him on there but I'm not doing it.  I'd rather just bring it up if he shows up again, but people are too fast to help him out before I have a chance to say anything.

He's almost never on.  He never asks for a crazy amount.  I don't know...

If it were me and he needed like $4 I would throw it his way and wouldn't care. 

It's all you man.  I won't tell you no.
Sorry boxy but i have to agree that thecrackhead should be on the list, if i,d started this thread i,d be showing an example not expecting free loans  :o I brought this up weeks ago when i was not paid back and if i,d know he,d had 3 loans i know of that hadn,t been paid before that i would not have loaned him! He pm,d me saying he,d been arrested and that i would be paid, i have never been paid and he has been back on and had another loan he,s not paid back. He borrowed 0.05 (about $7 at the time) so with all the other "free" loans i,m sure he,s aquired a good few bucks. Like Japan said to me a while ago (and he agreed with me) anyone of us can start a new spare coin thread if he delete,s it! Thecrackhead should be on the list, if he wants off it he can pay the loans he owes, i know i,d like mine back, if the others aren,t bothered thats up to them tbh no one else gets away with it so why should he??

Now hello to everyone   :) hope you,s are having a lazy Sunday  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: isthereanyneed on September 01, 2013, 12:20 pm
Hey people, hope all is well and good  8)

Ive got a last min order going on right now, real last min like almost missed it type deal, but Im 0.06 short, can pay back with love of course on fri :)

Thanks guys :-*

Bought some more btc, thanks anyway people and Mary.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bbd82584 on September 01, 2013, 01:09 pm
Would anyone be willing to loan me .0109 BTC if I pay back .0209 next weekend?  My SR sn is bbd82584. Thnx SO much  ;)

All I have in spare coin right now is .0093, but I'll go ahead and send it your way and hopefully someone else can lend you the rest. :)

Thanks SO much, CM! +1 karma for you! And I'm putting a sticky note on my monitor to remind me of what I owe.

I'm  .0024 BTC short.  Can someone pls help and I'll pay back double next weekend as well as +1 karma? Thanks! :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on September 01, 2013, 01:11 pm
Hey people, hope all is well and good  8)

Ive got a last min order going on right now, real last min like almost missed it type deal, but Im 0.02 short, can pay back with love of course next week :)

Thanks guys :-*
SR name hun  ;)
Edit: sorry you,ve changed your request to 0.06 now, why?? I don,t have that much  :-[
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: isthereanyneed on September 01, 2013, 01:29 pm
Hey people, hope all is well and good  8)

Ive got a last min order going on right now, real last min like almost missed it type deal, but Im 0.02 short, can pay back with love of course next week :)

Thanks guys :-*
SR name hun  ;)
Edit: sorry you,ve changed your request to 0.06 now, why?? I don,t have that much  :-[

Hi, sorry about that Mary, btc went up and I slightly miscalculated things, Im just going to buy some more btc, saves time, but thanks a lot for your offer, its greatly appreciated and will be remembered.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on September 01, 2013, 01:31 pm
@isthereanyneed... do you want me to send the 0.02 hun  ;)

Edit: ok hun, no probs, lucky you, i,m panicking lol  ::) ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: isthereanyneed on September 01, 2013, 01:42 pm
@isthereanyneed... do you want me to send the 0.02 hun  ;)

Edit: ok hun, no probs, lucky you, i,m panicking lol  ::) ;)

Im ok now, but can I put it on ice on the off chance btc go up again, it should be ok thought, will know in next hour or so. Thanks
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on September 01, 2013, 01:49 pm
@ITAN... do you want me to just send the 0.02 then, someone else may have the 0.04 to help, if yes is name the same on SR hun??  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bbd82584 on September 01, 2013, 01:50 pm
gday champ

you still looking for the 0.0024 coins? copy this into the main thread if u want me to send  cheeerrss

Yes, SS, I am still in need of the .0024.  Any help is greatly appreciated!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on September 01, 2013, 01:54 pm
Would anyone be willing to loan me .0109 BTC if I pay back .0209 next weekend?  My SR sn is bbd82584. Thnx SO much  ;)
sent 0.0025  ;)

Edit: it was 0.0024 you still needed right?  ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on September 01, 2013, 02:04 pm
I,ve got to go do stuff just now, be back in a bit so if you need then and sr name is there i,ll send it  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bbd82584 on September 01, 2013, 02:08 pm
Would anyone be willing to loan me .0109 BTC if I pay back .0209 next weekend?  My SR sn is bbd82584. Thnx SO much  ;)
sent 0.0025  ;)

Edit: it was 0.0024 you still needed right?  ::)

Thank you SO much! +1 for you and I'll shoot a note when I get my next deposit! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on September 01, 2013, 03:34 pm
Sorry boxy but i have to agree that thecrackhead should be on the list

Oh you don't have to debate me on that.  I just don't wanna be the one to do it.  I know he took some from your good will too. 

I think that we might need to remake this thread too.

Id really like to.  The only thing stopping me is I know people are creatures of habit.  This thread is almost 800 pages?  Damn people.  I don't know.  I really wanna hear more about this topic from everyone before we go full force about it. 

If we had control over the 1st page it would make life easier.  I would totally bring back the thank you list.  It was just cumbersome before because it got to be really big and had to be posted every few pages. 

Great post by the way.  We need to hear stuff like this.  Thanks for not taking it out on us we didn't have anything to give at the time.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on September 01, 2013, 03:42 pm
Id really like to.  The only thing stopping me is I know people are creatures of habit.  This thread is almost 800 pages?  Damn people.  I don't know.  I really wanna hear more about this topic from everyone before we go full force about it. 

If we had control over the 1st page it would make life easier.  I would totally bring back the thank you list.  It was just cumbersome before because it got to be really big and had to be posted every few pages. 

Great post by the way.  We need to hear stuff like this.  Thanks for not taking it out on us we didn't have anything to give at the time.

I'm with you on this one. Start it up.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: titoprince on September 01, 2013, 04:29 pm
Still waiting on the .09+ I lent to stupot. Received a message, though, letting me know he'd be late paying back but didn't say specifically when. Still thought it was worth mentioning, as not everyone is as flexible on when they want coins paid back.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on September 01, 2013, 04:38 pm
Still waiting on the .09+ I lent to stupot. Received a message, though, letting me know he'd be late paying back but didn't say specifically when. Still thought it was worth mentioning, as not everyone is as flexible on when they want coins paid back.

I'm still waiting as well :o 3-5 days turns to a week, a week turns to two, and well, you get the idea. I never lend out more than I could stand losing so it's usually a small amount and if I don't get it back it's not a big deal. It's more the principle of the whole thing.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on September 01, 2013, 05:22 pm
Hello bitches!

Taz (Back on here soon I hope (•ิ_•ิ)?) staind and staind's cat photo (=;ェ;=) ChemCat, Boxy, RS, wherever Japan went, kali, IcedCream, MC Haberdasher, staind's cat photo (=’①。①’=), Juggernog and anyone I forgot...GOOD MORNING BROBRA's!!!!

I am lurking all day as it is my......30th birthday! So Ill be partying and opening my one present all day!! Yes, I only received one present and it was from my gf! Thanks family! hahah

Have a great day all and will pop back soon.

What was that? Oh sure, my SR name is Azuthus (ツ)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on September 01, 2013, 05:46 pm
Damn dude!  I didn't know you were that close behind me!

A box full of Happy Birthdays to you!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChronicDemon on September 01, 2013, 05:54 pm
:D Just waiting on the coins to  be deposited into my SR account Shapes, Then i will send ya back them shapes ;3
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on September 01, 2013, 06:01 pm
Thanks man!  Hope you have fun with your order!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on September 01, 2013, 06:09 pm
wow imaz. That's a big one! I wish you all the best mate! Give your gf a hug and enjoy your day! :)
      , , , , ,
    _| | | | |_
here is your second gift :P :P.

will reply regarding the other topics in a minute, just wanted to get my wishes out real quick first.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChronicDemon on September 01, 2013, 06:22 pm
>.< WHY IS SR NOT LOADING FOR MEEEEEE >.< UGHHHH i hate when tor wont load SR for me
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: xThunder on September 01, 2013, 06:46 pm
Hi, I dont mean to pushy or neeedy or anything but is there anyone who could help me out from my post before? I've been wanting to get LSD for months and i really dont want to wait anymore :(

I really only need 0.07, and I'll pay you back with at least 0.08 within the week. Please someone let me know if you can hep me out, I'd appreciate it so much! :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on September 01, 2013, 06:54 pm
Hi, I dont mean to pushy or neeedy or anything but is there anyone who could help me out from my post before? I've been wanting to get LSD for months and i really dont want to wait anymore :(

I really only need 0.07, and I'll pay you back with at least 0.08 within the week. Please someone let me know if you can hep me out, I'd appreciate it so much! :)

Yea.  Can't get on SR myself.  Might be a bad time to ask.  Sorry I missed you the first time.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on September 01, 2013, 07:18 pm
Yes the crackhead started the thread.  But that's not really a good enough reason.

Another while back he made a post on what the best way to commit suicide was.  Cause he was done.  He didn't go through with it.  He just reminds me of my old grandpa just kicking around while the last of his life is in him.

I don't know man.  I'll replace the coin you lost if you really need.  I'll leave it up to you if you want to put him on there but I'm not doing it.  I'd rather just bring it up if he shows up again, but people are too fast to help him out before I have a chance to say anything.

He's almost never on.  He never asks for a crazy amount.  I don't know...

Thanks for your post.

I understand that people feel affiliated with him. With starting this thread he did much more for this community than I will probably ever be able to. It is certainly not my intention as a quite new member to defile one of the greater members of the community. I wanted to bring it up for discussion because I felt there is an injustice. I do not intend to start a "solo-mission".

I was honestly pretty mad at first, I realized people knew about his recent habit and saw they were still supporting him. Him being on the list would have certainly "saved" me. But with some distance and more knowledge about ties people made over the time i can respect and live with either way.

Probably should start a second "not-shit, but not recommended lending to at the very moment" list lol :P :P.

You are right, probably making a too big thing out of it for those small sums. It's more a thing about principles for me but it may not be worth it in case a good old reg feels affronted because of it.
Just my pov..

*hugs marry*

Regarding a new thread:

I totally support this idea. I think it is great if we can get all regs on board, the others will follow any way. Really like the idea of having possession of the very first post. Instantly being able to see the whole and current lend and do-not-lend-to list would be awesome.

greetings :) :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: peengwinz on September 01, 2013, 07:22 pm
I have $1.10 left over if anyone needs it.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChronicDemon on September 01, 2013, 07:27 pm
;3 Feel free to send it to me !

AncientX0 is my SR name.

Box, Your shapes have been replenished!, thank you for that loan last week. :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: peengwinz on September 01, 2013, 07:30 pm
;3 Feel free to send it to me !

AncientX0 is my SR name.


Will ship when I'm able to get back on SR. Lemme know when you know when you'll be able to send it back.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChronicDemon on September 01, 2013, 07:34 pm
Well, i need 50$ for my next order, and after repaying BoxOfShapes, im currently 40$ away from my goal.

I will have more coins by next weekend, and i'll make sure to send back at least 2.50$ when i can buy more coins.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: peengwinz on September 01, 2013, 07:36 pm
Okay, I'll send you a PM on here when I send it. SR is still down :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on September 01, 2013, 08:19 pm
A guy named "thecrackhead" doesn't pay back his debts.... go figure lol
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChronicDemon on September 01, 2013, 08:31 pm
Okay, I'll send you a PM on here when I send it. SR is still down :(

Sounds good to me ;3
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on September 01, 2013, 08:46 pm
A guy named "thecrackhead" doesn't pay back his debts.... go figure lol

how are you the first person to mention that haha. but it's in the spirit of community so lets all just throw money at some blatant addicts! it's not like they value their drug habits over their families or anything.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Trippinmonkey on September 01, 2013, 08:51 pm
I did not keep up with all of it because it lost sense after a while.

But I think the vendor Virmo (SR) could really use some spare coins.
I hope their problems are solved soon. And it seems the way this can be done is by getting btc's asap/before 1 month.

I could use spare coins as well. But since virmo is my favorite domestic vendor with legit stuff I[d rather see them sort things out soon :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Trippinmonkey on September 01, 2013, 08:54 pm
I did not keep up with all of it because it lost sense after a while.

But I think the vendor Virmo (SR) could really use some spare coins.
I hope their problems are solved soon. And it seems the way this can be done is by getting btc's asap/before 1 month.

I could use spare coins as well. But since virmo is my favorite domestic vendor with legit stuff I[d rather see them sort things out soon :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on September 01, 2013, 10:20 pm

Just a quick popin from my birthday lurk to ask if anyone has a spare .1 to lend for a week? I am waiting for sales to come off of escrow, should be this week, I hope!

Azuthus is my SR name.

Thanks...back to my bday party.

Thanks for all the pm birthday wishes! You brobra rock.


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on September 01, 2013, 10:25 pm

Just a quick popin from my birthday lurk to ask if anyone has a spare .1 to lend for a week? I am waiting for sales to come off of escrow, should be this week, I hope!

Azuthus is my SR name.

Thanks...back to my bday party.

Thanks for all the pm birthday wishes! You brobra rock.


sent, have fun :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on September 01, 2013, 10:41 pm
:) gmornin
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: theman123451 on September 01, 2013, 10:47 pm
RS good morning hope all is well!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on September 01, 2013, 10:58 pm
:D thanks! (hugs) theman, good morning to ya!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on September 01, 2013, 11:00 pm
                                                 :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) ##When requesting, post your SR name## SO WE KNOW WHERE TO SEND IT TO.  DON'T ASSUME WE KNOW. ##  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7)## DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. ## >:(  ##Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due. ##
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.
                                                           Reserved For Notes

*Make sure when adding a name to the list that you add both their forum name AND their SR username. Thank you.


The shit list:
BrotherFox           ++++ 
darkmagic65        ++++
King Karma
thecrackhead    ++++ <~~~ Placed here by ChemCat
ulker        ++++

 *^*Do Not Lend to These People*^*

@ thecrackhead

My Friend, we've been through some times on here huh? I say this with no malice or discontent meant to you in any way...Please...if you come least TRY to pay back some of the Debts that ya have..I'm just saying this as your least msg the ones that you Owe....ya know?
Peace & Hugs to ya @ thecrackhead .

Hiya my little Family  8)

ok, so i've been awol off and on...i've been working in real life to pay the hospital bills from my late wife...She was a Great person   :)  That's what i've been up about you all?  what ya'll been up to?

Also..after reading the past posts...i've been throwing the thoughts around in my head..about makibg another thread called "The Spare Coins Thread for Trusted Silk Road Members"  As most of you know, i won't be able to
take care of it at this time...however..Dan...Boxy...RS....ImAz...kalli & foxen...  and you few others know what to do....let me know if ya want this to happen  :)

I Love Ya'll  8)

Peace, Love & Hugs to ya'll  :)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on September 01, 2013, 11:02 pm

sent, have fun :)

staind ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) and staind's cat photo (=´∇`=), I love you both!!! Hi-five (*・∀・)/\(・∀・*)

staind, it looks like, either later tonight or tomorrow, I should be able to get it back to you! Thank you again.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on September 01, 2013, 11:11 pm

I wish you nothing but the best.

As far as your idea, you have my full trust and really like your idea.

As I stated in an earlier post, I am only going to lend to peeps that I trust on this list, you trusted brobras know who you are...

My 2¢.


Luck mode on...(⌐■_■)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on September 01, 2013, 11:23 pm
    |         :B:i:r:t:h:d:a:y:           |
   |             ImAz                         |


Love, Peace & Hugs to ya  8)




OMG!!  LOL  i didn't notice that i was still holding the candles  LOL


Thanks for pointin that out to me before i burnt muh fingers @ staind  :)

just Responded to your msg, staind  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on September 02, 2013, 12:00 am
damn chemcat, your cake clearly beats mine! But your candles are way off dude :P.
sent you a pm, hope you don't mind.

you are most welcome imaz! no hurry.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on September 02, 2013, 12:06 am
see post above staind  :P

I edited the cake because the candles were burnin muh fingers  LOL
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: doodoo79 on September 02, 2013, 12:06 am
.025 btc (~3.50 USD) to lend. I was lent a couple dollars on here before (and paid back of course) and willing to help if someone's a few bucks short on shipping or something to that affect. P.M. me or reply on this thread. No shit-listers though, lol! Happy trails.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on September 02, 2013, 12:11 am
    |         :B:i:r:t:h:d:a:y:           |
   |             ImAz                         |


Love, Peace & Hugs to ya  8)



Thank you so much CC! Your cake was delicious!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: carlosdonutlover on September 02, 2013, 12:12 am
Can someone send me .005 so I can order some DMT? Its frustrating when Im that close, Itd be greatly appreciated.
sr name: carlosdonutlover
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on September 02, 2013, 12:18 am
@ carlosdonutlover

I'll msg a friend and ask if they can send you the .005 coins  .....when do you plan on sending them back?

Peace & Hugs to ya 8)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on September 02, 2013, 12:21 am
@ carlosdonutlover

My friend sent you .006 coins...Please replace the coins ASAP  to ensure that we can keep ya covered at a later date  ;)

Peace & Hugs 8)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: carlosdonutlover on September 02, 2013, 12:24 am
Im not planning on getting more coin for at least a week or so but who should I send to
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on September 02, 2013, 12:32 am
Send it back to trichome   they sent it to ya.... see who sent you coins..Click "Account"  then click "Account history"

Therein you will see who's sent you coins as well as where you've sent coins....  ;)

Next week is ok....Just remember....if you can't repay when ya say...please msg trichome....let them know what's goin on....Communication is a key factor...ya know?


Peace & Hugs to ya 8)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on September 02, 2013, 12:57 am
Send it back to trichome   they sent it to ya.... see who sent you coins..Click "Account"  then click "Account history"

Therein you will see who's sent you coins as well as where you've sent coins....  ;)

Chemcat the history only goes back a month. If the person(s) that owe you coins have not paid you back in a month then you either, have to go back through the thread to find out who owes you what or better yet, write the names down.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on September 02, 2013, 01:01 am
Absolutely, If you feel the need to write down a members screen name that you've lent to..then by all so....that will ensure that: (A)  you can keep in contact with them  & (B) that will ensure that they don't forget   ;) i said to carlos...Communication is a key factor in earning trust as well as enabling us to lend to said person again..ya know?

Love & Hugs to ya Imaz  8)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: doodoo79 on September 02, 2013, 01:03 am
A little off subject, but are the forum pages loading slower than two old people fucking tonight or is it just my cpu f'n with me?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on September 02, 2013, 01:11 am
Everything seems normal to me, at this time  ???

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on September 02, 2013, 01:18 am
:) (hugs) chem hope you're having a good day. still trying to get coins for you, might have them for you tonight or tomorrow though
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on September 02, 2013, 01:21 am
@ RS
It's all gravy baby  :P

yeah my day has been good so far  :) 

No Rush....i just wanted to touch bases with ya, since we haven't been able to speak in quite a while

Love ya Brother  8)

Peace & Hugs to ya,


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on September 02, 2013, 01:27 am
@Chem I think you should start it up, it'll be easier that way to organize things on one page instead of having to constantly post rules. Just make sure you let box or someone with similar standings post second and have in the title that post 1 and 2 updated regularly. That way if you are busy with personal matters people can just look to the second post. One of them is bound to be up to date ;D Lets get this ball rolling ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on September 02, 2013, 01:29 am
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on September 02, 2013, 01:39 am
Quote from: DanDanTheIceCreamMan
@Chem I think you should start it up, it'll be easier that way to organize things on one page instead of having to constantly post rules. Just make sure you let box or someone with similar standings post second and have in the title that post 1 and 2 updated regularly. That way if you are busy with personal matters people can just look to the second post. One of them is bound to be up to date ;D Lets get this ball rolling ;)

Heya dan  :)
Ok, when do ya think me you box and RS can get together and discuss this...we have some others that i would trust with this as well...I'm ready when you are...i won't be working tomorrow...well i was gonna work but my two employees needed the day off  :P

I'm finding it a tad bit difficult without you boxy or RS to take that second post tonight...are ya game?  I know our Brother RS is as busy..if not more so busy than myself IRL at this to boxy, if ya will...and set us up a date that we can all talk about this please..  :)

Love ya Dan 8)

Love & Hugs to ya,


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on September 02, 2013, 02:07 am
I'm off today an tomorrow, so I'll be around.. you could always create the thread an lock it till the first posts are made ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on September 02, 2013, 02:08 am
I think that our timing on this has to be (Dan) , Boxy, RS....this is a collective family that we have built. Let me know who you would recommend, This is just my opinion, a family, we should set someone else at that gate which you've spoke of..being the second one to post...I'd like to see, the ones in Our Family, that can be here and are able to Post and Update with Reliability, no malice or discontent  .....ya know? 

It's time that we pass on some responsibility to one or more of our brothers and Sisters  :)

Peace, Love & Hugs to you All  8)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on September 02, 2013, 02:10 am
@ RS

yep, ok...i'll make it then lock it now  ;)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on September 02, 2013, 02:13 am
what if there is two threads, one with requests, one with the lists.. the list one can be kept locked so its not cluttered.. (only an idea)

also here's an old version of this :P dunno if we should just start fresh.. or what but there's few names we all know an trust so I dunno
List of Users who have lent coins -

Atlantic Exchange
Autobondon *
dr gonzo
ImAz         ++++
meloniasty   ++++
Mike Hunt
White Out
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on September 02, 2013, 02:42 am
Ok, Dan..Boxy...RS...Please critique what i have posted here~~> http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=209401.0<~~~ then msg me with anything that needs to be changed..I am All Ears tonight  :P


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on September 02, 2013, 02:59 am
looks good to me :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on September 02, 2013, 03:00 am
let me know your input...concerning who should be the next two posters...Please  :)

As well as what i should change in my post....don't hold honest...I'll definitely  appreciate that  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on September 02, 2013, 03:02 am
I don't mind keeping an updated list :), boxy, an dan I think are also good
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on September 02, 2013, 03:09 am
lol, well that's awesome. we can't modify posts in locked topics :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: theman123451 on September 02, 2013, 03:13 am
i know i am not a big member of this community but want to be if there is any way i can help please let me know. i would love to pitch and pull my weight where i can.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on September 02, 2013, 03:14 am
one more person RS bro..maybe two...Boxy and someone it over with Dan and let me know when to unlock it  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on September 02, 2013, 03:17 am
@ theman123451

How much are ya here?  Are ya willing to do this?  If you're recommended we'll definitely consider you  ;)

Peace & Hugs,


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: theman123451 on September 02, 2013, 03:25 am
im here quite a lot never really have gottin into this hole computer age so its all relatively new to me trying to learn how to communicate on here. and yea i am more then ready to do this it will definitely be a BIG learning step for me but i am all ears when it comes to new and amazing information. a lil crazy though not going to lie lol. if you guys havent already figured it out
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on September 02, 2013, 03:26 am
wow :) :) :).

It is really happening! Looks awesome chemmy :).
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on September 02, 2013, 03:30 am
ok @theman  :)

this wasn't my idea, I take No credit for this...Dan, RS & BoxofShapes are the ones that deserve the credit  :)   i just read the posts that some Senior members made & after having spoke with them..we believe that it's time for some newer members to take the to speak..ya know?  I'm just waiting on RS boxy and dan to let me know what to do so i can unlock the thread :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on September 02, 2013, 03:43 am
i can't msg anyone back for another hour  ???

i got this msg when i tried to msg Boxy

An Error Has Occurred!
You have exceeded the limit of 10 personal messages per hour.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on September 02, 2013, 03:52 am
well it seems that i can Respond to msg's...i just can't send new msg's....Ok...we wait for Box now....Dan, i think ya might be right  :)  have ya spoke with RS yet?

can either of you msg Boxy and let them know what's goin on and that we're waiting on him at this time?  Please

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on September 02, 2013, 04:23 am
Thank You,  Hugs  :)

i'm getting sleepy  ??? i don't want to unlock before Box gets here. ???  if i fall asleep, please let Box know that i'll get up early and  watch for the BoxofShapes  so that we can finally unlock the thread  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on September 02, 2013, 04:23 am
ok @theman  :)

this wasn't my idea, I take No credit for this...Dan, RS & BoxofShapes are the ones that deserve the credit  :)   i just read the posts that some Senior members made & after having spoke with them..we believe that it's time for some newer members to take the to speak..ya know?  I'm just waiting on RS boxy and dan to let me know what to do so i can unlock the thread :)

:) you deserve credit for making it happen though. also messaged boxy waiting response

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Saberclaw91 on September 02, 2013, 04:26 am
Ugh I hate using this thread...

I just got my BTC for an ounce of cannabis and I am literally 0.0943 BTC off.

Can somebody lend me 0.0943 please? I'm reloading my SR account Sunday for some oxy, and I'd happily pay double what I was lended... Thanks...

SR - Saberclaw
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on September 02, 2013, 04:26 am
Thank You,  Hugs  :)

i'm getting sleepy  ??? i don't want to unlock before Box gets here. ???  if i fall asleep, please let Box know that i'll get up early and  watch for the BoxofShapes  so that we can finally unlock the thread  :)

;D lol sorry deleted an edited my post on ya.. (hugs) back bro I'll let him know.. or just quote an message him :P..

if your sleepy take a nap :) we'll be here later
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on September 02, 2013, 04:37 am
Thanks for putting some work in CC.  I'm glad people feel so strongly about this.

I have a few questions?

The name?  For trusted members?  Is this thread for a select few or are we trying to reinvent the thread as we were talking about?  That name seems a bit ambitious.

One more thing I wanna throw out there.  One problem I was having was if one person was to control the OP, I feel that would be a burden to make one person do it all.  Why not make a new forum account where those trusted would have access to it and be able to make changes as needed.

I mean it would be insane to make a promise that anyone of us will always be here.  It would be way easier to "pass the torch" if we had to.

Wacha think?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on September 02, 2013, 04:43 am
I think that's great  :)  I just posted the lenders list and the shit list, to go off of...ok Boxy, i am gonna unlock it're the next poster  :)  you're right my opinion...we should be able to pass the to this gonna just be like here?  I can change the name and withdraw the "Trusted members" part..ya'll just let me know how ya want what i've said initially to be amended.  :)  BoxofShapes....i am unlocking the thread now  here is the link:


Love & Hugs to ya  8)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on September 02, 2013, 04:44 am
Ugh I hate using this thread...

I just got my BTC for an ounce of cannabis and I am literally 0.0943 BTC off.

Can somebody lend me 0.0943 please? I'm reloading my SR account Sunday for some oxy, and I'd happily pay double what I was lended... Thanks...

SR - Saberclaw

.095 shapes on the way man.  Please place the shapes in the box at the time declared.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on September 02, 2013, 04:45 am
Unlocked  :)  it's all ya'lls now  :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on September 02, 2013, 04:50 am
we should be able to pass the to this gonna just be like here? 

Let me be a little more clear.

I think we should make a brand new forum account for the specific reason of controlling the OP.  That way multiple members would have access to it and it would have to be up to one person to edit it.

This would mean we would need a new thread other than the one you just made.

That way it we could do the thank you list/shitlist/ and edit the rules at will without having to spam it like we are now.

Does that make sense?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on September 02, 2013, 04:53 am
And yes it would be just like here imo
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on September 02, 2013, 05:00 am
However ya'll wanna work it  :)  let me know what to add..delete or amend on the first post  ;)

Peace, Love & Hugs to ya Box  8)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on September 02, 2013, 05:01 am
Sorry,  i'm tired..buzzed and sun burnt  LOL  i aint thinkin to clear at the moment  :P

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on September 02, 2013, 05:04 am
This will be my last post....on this thread.

I am moving to our new home.

See ya bitches 凸(⊙▂⊙✖ )
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on September 02, 2013, 05:05 am
Eh.  Don't have ta be now.  I wanna hear what others think too.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on September 02, 2013, 05:09 am
you're right, a collective decision is needed. Communication is a Key factor in this  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on September 02, 2013, 05:11 am
G'night ya'll  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on September 02, 2013, 05:14 am

well I am already settled into our new home..

Paid back  - .13 to staind (/•ิ_•ิ)/ and staind's cat photo <(*ΦωΦ*)> Thank you so much brobra for the loan.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: theman123451 on September 02, 2013, 06:02 am
boxy i think that would be a great idea so that way not just one person has control of everything split the power up between a council short of speak.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: takeflight420 on September 02, 2013, 06:11 am
Can anyone lend me some btc? I'm short .04
thanks, ill be able to pay back soon.

username: lolwtf24
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on September 02, 2013, 06:24 am
sent back - .03 to imaz (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻  surely won't accept extra for just a few hours on your birthday.

Don't know who should start the thread really.

pro and cons with an extra forum account:

+ better overview
+ faster finding the most current list

- someones got to spam to 50 lol
- increased possibility of a hacked account/thread hijack
- cumbersome changing accounts whenever the list needs an update

i can imagine it to become annoying in the long run. we have over 800 pages now...that would have been about 200 list updates? = 400 x changing account?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on September 02, 2013, 06:47 am
1)Don't know who should start the thread really.
2)+ better overview
3)+ faster finding the most current list
4)- someones got to spam to 50 lol
5)- increased possibility of a hacked account/thread hijack
6)- cumbersome changing accounts whenever the list needs an update
7) i can imagine it to become annoying in the long run. we have over 800 pages now...that would have been about 200 list updates? = 400 x changing account?

1) One account would mean it wouldn't have to be up to one chosen person would have to start it but the "trusted" people involved with this mess.
2) Yea!  We could keep it in one post instead of 3 like the new one.
4)It's not that bad.  I would do it if no one else wants to.  CC once made a thread to spam to 500 or 1000 out of spite (I forgot which, but it was a crazy amount) cause people were bitching about the whole spam to 50 thing.
5)eh..... I got nothin on that one.
6)That's not that hard.
7)When I was paying attention and keeping the list updated, it took me like 10-15 min every other day.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on September 02, 2013, 08:31 am
@Chem, Boxy,RS.... :'( WTF!! Is this cause thecrackhead doesn,t pay back or cause the schoolies have been assholes in here lately?? I don,t know what to think or whats going on  lol  :) At least we have our own thread for trusted now  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on September 02, 2013, 10:54 am
 :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) ##When requesting, post your SR name## SO WE KNOW WHERE TO SEND IT TO.  DON'T ASSUME WE KNOW. ##  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7)## DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. ## >:(  ##Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due. ##
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.
                                                           Reserved For Notes

*Make sure when adding a name to the list that you add both their forum name AND their SR username. Thank you.


The shit list:
BrotherFox           ++++
darkmagic65        ++++
King Karma
thecrackhead    ++++ <~~~ Placed here by ChemCat
ulker        ++++
Tedrux  ++++<~~~Placed here by mary666 for repeatedly asking for suicide funds

 *^*Do Not Lend to These People*^*

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: odd on September 02, 2013, 11:56 am
Hey everyone!  just wanted to stop by and say hi!  i've been having a bit of trouble connecting to SR and the forums lately.  Glad to finally get back on :)  I would love to help with the new thread if you all think i would qualify.  I'm stuck at home all day on disability right now so i have nothing but time on my hands and a volunteer job on the forums could do me some good ;)  Just wanted to throw my name in the hat :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChronicDemon on September 02, 2013, 10:16 pm
Good afternoon Box, Mary, and everyone else who dwells here!

I'm in need of 56$ for an order.
:c im hoping to reach my goal today or tomorrow so i can place my order before the weekend arrives.

After having paid back all my loans already, i've only been left with about 15$ in coins on my SR and am in desperate need of some weed this week.

I will be getting more coins later on next week, and have no problems paying someone back 65-70$ in return for this short term loan.

( yea, i know it seems like alot, but i can payback quickly, and always do payback on time )

Anyone who can contribute will be put on a repay list, and sent their coins + interest sometime next week :D

My SR name is : AncientX0

( Yea, i know this may seem alot to ask for a loan, but i've got a history of paying back all my loans, and always being straight up about what i need it for. )

If you're feeling generous or willing to help me out in my time of need, please let me know.

Thanks a bunch in advance.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on September 02, 2013, 10:33 pm
1) One account would mean it wouldn't have to be up to one chosen person would have to start it but the "trusted" people involved with this mess.
2) Yea!  We could keep it in one post instead of 3 like the new one.
4)It's not that bad.  I would do it if no one else wants to.  CC once made a thread to spam to 500 or 1000 out of spite (I forgot which, but it was a crazy amount) cause people were bitching about the whole spam to 50 thing.
5)eh..... I got nothin on that one.
6)That's not that hard.
7)When I was paying attention and keeping the list updated, it took me like 10-15 min every other day.

Actually, I just realized you are right. We should walk the extra mile to lay a proper fundament.

Shoot me a pm if you need help, even willing to spam to 50. Haven't found a new employment yet, so time is usually not that much of an issue.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: darkmagic65 on September 02, 2013, 11:10 pm
Im in need of 0.20 btc if anyone can help me thanks my sr name is same as here
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on September 02, 2013, 11:18 pm
Im in need of 0.20 btc if anyone can help me thanks my sr name is same as here

sent, when can you repay?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChronicDemon on September 02, 2013, 11:32 pm
Just an update for my loan request.

I was able to scrounge up 10$ in coins doing some stuff for a friend.

I still need 0.34 to complete my order.

Can repay later next week ;3

SR Name : AncientX0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: foxen624 on September 02, 2013, 11:35 pm
@Ron Swanson - seriously wishing you luck on getting payed back on your loan to darkmagic...   he's on the shitlist for good reason.  And if he does start to pay people back, there's plenty ahead of you....  too bad to even have to worry about people like that...  just sayin'..  gotta be careful around here these days... :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on September 02, 2013, 11:43 pm
@Ron Swanson - seriously wishing you luck on getting payed back on your loan to darkmagic...   he's on the shitlist for good reason.  And if he does start to pay people back, there's plenty ahead of you....  too bad to even have to worry about people like that...  just sayin'..  gotta be careful around here these days... :(

haha i didn't give him anything, i'm just dicking around. should've stopped anyone else sending this time though! anyone i lend to gets a scan through recent posts at the very least.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChronicDemon on September 02, 2013, 11:45 pm

Does anyone have 12 bucks in BTC I can borrow till the end of the week (0.11BTC)?  Trying to get a half gram of fiery goodness.

Thanks in advance!


Since it appears, my Loan request will take a while to fulfill, i'll go ahead and send ya some.

Sent ya 0.05
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MC Haberdasher on September 02, 2013, 11:47 pm

Does anyone have 12 bucks in BTC I can borrow till the end of the week (0.11BTC)?  Trying to get a half gram of fiery goodness.

Thanks in advance!


Sending 0.05, whats your SR name?


I will get you back at the end of this week (fri/sat).

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: foxen624 on September 02, 2013, 11:48 pm
@Chem, Boxy,RS.... :'( WTF!! Is this cause thecrackhead doesn,t pay back or cause the schoolies have been assholes in here lately?? I don,t know what to think or whats going on  lol  :) At least we have our own thread for trusted now  ;)

Yeah!  I've been wondering the exact same thing myself ???  Am I not trusted?   Why don't I know where the trusted thread is?  ::)   (I might.. if it's the one I've already posted in and open to everyone) ... but somehow, I get the feeling from reading these last few pages here that there is a different one..   if I'm not welcome there, then someone please just tell me and I'll respect that.  Otherwise... someone PM me or something and let me know what's up?   Thanks :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: foxen624 on September 02, 2013, 11:55 pm
@Ron Swanson - seriously wishing you luck on getting payed back on your loan to darkmagic...   he's on the shitlist for good reason.  And if he does start to pay people back, there's plenty ahead of you....  too bad to even have to worry about people like that...  just sayin'..  gotta be careful around here these days... :(

haha i didn't give him anything, i'm just dicking around. should've stopped anyone else sending this time though! anyone i lend to gets a scan through recent posts at the very least.

lol... good to hear.  You probably got him all set up for a letdown...  awww...  poor scammer...  :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: darkmagic65 on September 02, 2013, 11:59 pm
really thats kind of fucked up how am I scamming by ASKING for spare coins and it should be frownd upon to say you sent coin to someone and just lie as a joke thats not what this thread is for
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChronicDemon on September 03, 2013, 12:01 am
Lol, Well maybe you should pay back your loans, then you wouldn't be on the shit list lol.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: darkmagic65 on September 03, 2013, 12:02 am
im pretty sure you owe a couple of people mabye you paid them back or its just because they havent been on in a while
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChronicDemon on September 03, 2013, 12:04 am
I don't owe anyone anything.

I've paid off every loan ive ever been given on here, and paid them ON TIME aswell.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on September 03, 2013, 12:09 am
really thats kind of fucked up how am I scamming by ASKING for spare coins and it should be frownd upon to say you sent coin to someone and just lie as a joke thats not what this thread is for

spamming and not repaying debts isn't what this thread is for. i frown upon your actions, what you gonna do about it?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MC Haberdasher on September 03, 2013, 12:27 am

Does anyone have 12 bucks in BTC I can borrow till the end of the week (0.11BTC)?  Trying to get a half gram of fiery goodness.

Thanks in advance!


Since it appears, my Loan request will take a while to fulfill, i'll go ahead and send ya some.

Sent ya 0.05

Paid back 0.05.  I activated plan b.  Thanks for the loan anyways!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChronicDemon on September 03, 2013, 12:29 am

6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.

You're just asking for coins Dark, without any intention of paying them back. So gtfo


Does anyone have 12 bucks in BTC I can borrow till the end of the week (0.11BTC)?  Trying to get a half gram of fiery goodness.

Thanks in advance!


Since it appears, my Loan request will take a while to fulfill, i'll go ahead and send ya some.

Sent ya 0.05

Paid back 0.05.  I activated plan b.  Thanks for the loan anyways!

Thanks mate
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on September 03, 2013, 12:57 am
I really don't understand what you are saying foxen?  why would you not be welcomed?

The reason for the new thread is to have posession of it. We would be able to always have an updated shitlist and lendlist on the very first post. Right now we are totally dependent on someone who is on the shitlist. He could delete this thread whenever he wishes.

with the new thread everyone is able to instantly check the most current shit and lend list in the very first post. As far as i am informed an extra forum account will be made and given out to a limited amount of trusted people who can all update the list.

There won't be 2 divided threads...right now boxy is working on it. The new thread is not even there yet. (has been yesterday for a short time but was removed due some improvements being made)

hope that clears things up. that's my current state of knowledge
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on September 03, 2013, 01:02 am
There will be no 2 seperate threads...right now boxy is working on it. The new thread is not even there yet.

is this not it? http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=209603.0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on September 03, 2013, 01:08 am
wow boxy did some work already.

we will all move to the new thread once everything is fully set-up.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on September 03, 2013, 01:08 am
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChronicDemon on September 03, 2013, 01:19 am
Still short 0.32 for my order.

Will repay 0.40 next friday to anyone who can loan me some coin.

SR Name : AncientX0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on September 03, 2013, 01:19 am
I went ahead and deleted the thread that i'd made, because Boxy and Dan and RS have some Great ideas that i believe will work  :) 

Boxya gave me the username and password today to the New account so i spammed to 50 posts and am just waiting for Boxy to do their thing  :)

Be Patient folks  :)  All good things take time and work....Also, foxen, hun...i sent ya a msg  ;)  You all know who you are that are Trusted Established Memebers here.... & ya'll should know that we consider ya'll Family...Point..Blank...  & .... Period  :P

This is being done to simplify things for ya'll.

Please be Patient with us, as some of us work and our time is needed elsewhere ;)

We Love ya'll  8)

Peace, Hugs & Love to you All  8)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on September 03, 2013, 01:21 am
with the new thread everyone is able to instantly check the most current shit and lend list in the very first post. As far as i am informed an extra forum account will be made and given out to a limited amount of trusted people who can all update the list.

Pretty much.  Sorry guys.  I'm at work and connection sucks.  Replies have been timing out like mad.  Have had very little time aside from this.

CC did the grunt work of spamming to 50 already.   :)

I'll release it tonight or tomorrow.  (prolly tomorrow)  Just making sure everyone that kinda "holds the key" is on the same page.  I have a fear of rushing things.  I just wanna make it cool!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on September 03, 2013, 01:26 am
I'll do some more posts tomorrow after work dinner and a shower @ Box, gonna be a long day in direct sunlight so i don't know how long i'll last after work, before i have to sleep  ???

That damn capcha sucks LOL




Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on September 03, 2013, 01:27 am
Ahhh  you were the assiduous spammer. *backslapping* I know it can be a pain in the ass.

also sent foxen a pm as well before, hope all misunderstandings are gone.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on September 03, 2013, 01:32 am
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: foxen624 on September 03, 2013, 02:13 am
@staind, Chem, Boxy and the rest...   just want to say real quick that I just got done writing a reply/post that took a little while to write, then when I went to post, I got that "you just made a post from this IP less than 0 seconds ago" thingy... and lost the post.   Am trying to re-write it but in the meantime didn't want you guys to think I've been ignoring all your kind and reassuring words....
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on September 03, 2013, 02:15 am
Hello bitches,

So the old-new thread (New Home) that was made last night, is dead?

WTF? I already called the big I gotta do it again? Okay, I am laying the law down...the rooms will be chosen by seniority...I have 2year 2 months...who beats me? Cause I WANT the big bedroom!!!

Big ups to all my know who you are...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChronicDemon on September 03, 2013, 02:17 am
*rips off shirt* THE BIG ROOM IS MINE
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on September 03, 2013, 02:23 am
looks likie i get the basement all to myself  LOL  :P

heya ImAz  :)  how's the vending goin?  shit goin reaL SLOW FOR ME DUE TO MY OWN PARANOIA  lol

well i suppose i am gonna make a living room..bathroom kitchen bedroom and a laboratory in the basement if no one wants to share it with me  LOL


Peace & Love  to you All  8)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: foxen624 on September 03, 2013, 02:30 am
I really don't understand what you are saying foxen?  why would you not be welcomed?

The reason for the new thread is to have posession of it. We would be able to always have an updated shitlist and lendlist on the very first post. Right now we are totally dependent on someone who is on the shitlist. He could delete this thread whenever he wishes.

with the new thread everyone is able to instantly check the most current shit and lend list in the very first post. As far as i am informed an extra forum account will be made and given out to a limited amount of trusted people who can all update the list.

There won't be 2 divided threads...right now boxy is working on it. The new thread is not even there yet. (has been yesterday for a short time but was removed due some improvements being made)

hope that clears things up. that's my current state of knowledge

[second attempt to post this hope it goes through this time]
Thank you staind (I got your PM but didn't reply directly yet because it directed me to your post here)...  and to Chem - got your PM as well and replied as you probably already know by now.. thanks for your reassuring and kind words... in the PM as well  as here...  and Boxy and everyone else who responded to my [now as I look back on it]..  rather childish post.  I do truly appollogize for that post.. should have at least put a bit more thought into what I wrote before posting..  I never meant to make anyone feel badly or anything of the like.

I suppose that where I was coming from was that I was not here when all of you were talking about this new thread, which is my own fault as I tend to get on here pretty late at night much of the time and usually most of you are already gone...  so I was reading your convo as you were writing it in r/t and of course I wouldn't have been included as I was not even here.  Also, apparently I came here during the brief time when the thread was up which only added to my confusion.  I just have come to care about you guys/gals who I now truly regard as Family and didn't know what to think.. being somwhat insecure at times doesn't help either ???

But thanks to your kind responses to my silly post, I no longer have any misunderstandings and now I care about yous even more :P

Much love to my Family! :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on September 03, 2013, 02:33 am

heya ImAz  :)  how's the vending goin?  shit goin reaL SLOW FOR ME DUE TO MY OWN PARANOIA  lol

Hiya CC, my sales are always slow...I have a very niche market. It is all good as it pays for my 2i and weed habit.

staind, when I move into the big bedroom, I am stealing your cat photo!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on September 03, 2013, 02:40 am
@staind, Chem, Boxy and the rest...   just want to say real quick that I just got done writing a reply/post that took a little while to write, then when I went to post, I got that "you just made a post from this IP less than 0 seconds ago" thingy... and lost the post.   Am trying to re-write it but in the meantime didn't want you guys to think I've been ignoring all your kind and reassuring words....

All you have to do is hit the back button on the top left and it'll will bring you back to the previous screen where your essay would have been waiting for you. If you try to re submit it from that screen it won't work though. You just have to copy it and click on the thread name again on the top, which will bring you back to the thread, then click on the reply button and paste it again. That should work and will save you a whole lot of time. Just a little helpful hint for next time ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: foxen624 on September 03, 2013, 02:45 am
@staind, Chem, Boxy and the rest...   just want to say real quick that I just got done writing a reply/post that took a little while to write, then when I went to post, I got that "you just made a post from this IP less than 0 seconds ago" thingy... and lost the post.   Am trying to re-write it but in the meantime didn't want you guys to think I've been ignoring all your kind and reassuring words....

All you have to do is hit the back button on the top left and it'll will bring you back to the previous screen where your essay would have been waiting for you. If you try to re submit it from that screen it won't work though. You just have to copy it and click on the thread name again on the top, which will bring you back to the thread, then click on the reply button and paste it again. That should work and will save you a whole lot of time. Just a little helpful hint for next time ;)

Well thank you much for that very helpful hint...  it's so annoying when that happens and I have been (when I remember) copying my posts to the clipboard in case that does happen so I can just paste it right back into the thread....  but that doesn't help much at all when I don't 'remember to do that as I obviously didn't that time....  your way takes care of the whole thing..   :)  Thanks again!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on September 03, 2013, 02:53 am
FYI... & this is just my opinion shared by a few others...all these time outs and the craziness of Tor is due quite possibly to the fact that the Russian Govt. is trying to take Tor Down..or Stop Tor...ya'll haven't heard about this?

Anyhow.....that's my  two bitcents  LOL


Peace & Hugs to you All  8)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: foxen624 on September 03, 2013, 02:56 am
@Chem...  I'm almost positive that you sent me another PM...  really sure because I read it!  But I hit reply and it was gone!  *shakes head*  Anyway, I thank you for being so sweet and caring in all you do and say.  And.. I will no longer worry about such things...  Have a tendency to be insecure, but you who are my new Family are helping that to go away.. especially today... 

Anyway, either I hallucinated the whole pm thing w/ no help from any substance, or it's my computer.  It's been sending me this message for the past couple hours that my hard disk is failing and I should back up the whole computer before it does...  ???   it's been getting more persistent.  Don't need this shit but probably better take care of it so if I'm away for the next while... well... that would be why... 

Thanks again for everything.. and I will be patient and wait to hear about whatever it is that will be..   Oh.. and don't work yourself too hard!  Sounds like you've already got your hands full and then some....   take care of you.. ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on September 03, 2013, 02:59 am
@Chem...  I'm almost positive that you sent me another PM...  really sure because I read it!  But I hit reply and it was gone!  *shakes head*  Anyway, I thank you for being so sweet and caring in all you do and say.  And.. I will no longer worry about such things...  Have a tendency to be insecure, but you who are my new Family are helping that to go away.. especially today... 

Anyway, either I hallucinated the whole pm thing w/ no help from any substance, or it's my computer.  It's been sending me this message for the past couple hours that my hard disk is failing and I should back up the whole computer before it does...  ???   it's been getting more persistent.  Don't need this shit but probably better take care of it so if I'm away for the next while... well... that would be why... 

Thanks again for everything.. and I will be patient and wait to hear about whatever it is that will be..   Oh.. and don't work yourself too hard!  Sounds like you've already got your hands full and then some....   take care of you.. ;)

Its prob the russians?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: foxen624 on September 03, 2013, 03:02 am
FYI... & this is just my opinion shared by a few others...all these time outs and the craziness of Tor is due quite possibly to the fact that the Russian Govt. is trying to take Tor Down..or Stop Tor...ya'll haven't heard about this?

Anyhow.....that's my  two bitcents  LOL


Peace & Hugs to you All  8)



Just saw this... maybe it's the Russians who stole the PM... hmmm...    actually, if anyone's trying to fuck with TOR, personally... think I'd rather it be them than this govt..... 

just got another warning about hdd failure though...  dunno....   guess I'm gonna see what to do about it...  ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on September 03, 2013, 03:04 am
@ foxen, do ya ever shut down yur PC and scan ..with malwarebytes? or auslogics? i know windows sucks...that's why i have 3 computers..each assigned a different to speak.....Always be safe. when on windows...when here on a windows OS i never open any other browser when Tor is i could be far i've been safe...these things are i told ImAz  i take the safety of my customers as serious as i do my own....& you're ya might wanna do some regular cleaning and scannng of your PC  ....  Be diligent in your PC security ;) 

Love & Hugs to ya 8)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: foxen624 on September 03, 2013, 03:05 am
Its prob the russians?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on September 03, 2013, 03:09 am
sometimes those hdd failure warnings come from when your cooling fans are or have been for quite some time dirty or not functioning properly...thus causing the cpu to which case your system will slow down and eventually stop...back up all of your critical info on your pc and get it checked..or just get a new one   ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: foxen624 on September 03, 2013, 03:15 am
@Chem - I do.  I scan with malewarebytes antivirus and anti-maleware and anti-rootkit.  I also scan with lavasoft's adaware paid version.  All scans always come up clean.  Also, I'm not completely sure how well (if at all) this protects me, but I don't have TOR on my computer, I have it only on a USB stick encrypted with True Crypt and I NEVER open any other browser while connected to TOR.  Also, before even mounting the encrypted USB stick, I connect to a vpn...  then after I'm connected to TOR, I connect to another VPN "over TOR" so when I exit, only the IP of the second vpn is seen by the exit node.. 

Computer has been running slow lately and I've got a lot of unnecessary stuff..   lots of video - TV show episodes I don't need to keep, etc...   but if you have any other security suggestions (or suggestions of any kind) they are most welcome!  Thanks!  :)

BTW... yes, windows really sucks and I've got a new computer that I've not even used yet.  I got it because it's got really good specs...  small netbook size with quad core processor, 4GB ram, other goodies, etc... but it has windows 8 preinstalled and I want to either replace the OS completely or encrypt it or something to be sure it's real secure before I use it for anything at all..    any suggestions on that?   No hurry as I think I may get a blue screen if I don't shut this one down for the time being.....

Hugs ;) xx
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on September 03, 2013, 03:16 am

Can I say I like people freaking out about the state of the thread?  (well I don't like them loosing their shit)

It lets me know people are really passionate about this stuff.  Makes me feel like we are doing something awesome.

But anyway, glad you are caught up.  If I can add your post are fantastic!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on September 03, 2013, 03:23 am
@ foxen....yeah ya might wanna get rid of windows 8 and go with a linux distro....just my own opinion  :P

Heya Boxy  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on September 03, 2013, 03:27 am

You don't have to spam anymore with the Rep account.   :P

I only wanted it to have the ability to post in the OT.  I didn't plan on posting with the Rep.  We would still post as ourselves.  Would be cool if it had the ability to grant karma, but you did way more than I could expect.

Hugs guy!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on September 03, 2013, 03:34 am
Huge Hugs right back atcha :)

No worries, i'll work on getting closer to 100 posts tomorrow so no one has to worry about that capcha..if ya don't mind  :)

I've been to long in saying this to you publicly, Thank you for everything you do and all the work you put in for our family  :)

if i can get up and running..when i get there...for your work i will definitely send you some coins for the work, honesty, time & Love that ya give to our family  :)

You deserve it ;)

Love & Peace to ya Box!


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on September 03, 2013, 03:56 am
I've said it before.  I never thought I'd have anything to offer this place when I found it.  I still find it kinda weird to be in this spot, and can't take it 100% serious. 

It works both ways tho!  The faceless friends I've made and the crap I have learned from this place are invaluable.  I use these lessons everyday it seems now.

I must say, you are one of the most unique creatures I've come across! 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on September 03, 2013, 04:25 am
i have no idea why ya think that i'm unique  LOL  Thank ya Boxy  :)

I feel the same about you, ya know? There are some of here that just want/need to make a living...some to score
a bud or two....others to scam and yet others like ourselves that have grown and formed some awesome relationships on here seem genuine in what you do for others on here....granted...most people won't understand where i am comin from when i say these things...however...i believe that you fully understand.
Right now my body says sleep....and my mind won't let me  LOL  i could go on and on about the bond that we've constructed through the Silk Road and this Thread...hopefully, one day, through all of this that we do here for eachother, me personally, i would love to sit with some of you and reminisce about these times before our time is up and the higher powers that be decide to take us....when my wife was alive...i made some promises about our grandchildren...maybe i'm not such a good vendor  LOL  i've tried...and i'm not done yet..i fully inrend to keep those promises which i've made to my wife before she passed away...this is just all a little tougher than i thought....i won't give up and i expect you to persevere in what you do here as well....for what it's worth....vending aside....We Are Silk Road.....We Are Family....and we don't let anyone come between us in any shape ..form or fashion...that's just my take on what i've watched us grow a Family...even though we cant see eachother...I Love ya'll  :)

Box, Dan, RS & a couple others that i met first on here....These thoughts and feelings run deep within me...



Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on September 03, 2013, 05:08 am
OW has been a known scam for quite a while buddy
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on September 03, 2013, 05:12 am
So you are asking for 2.1 btc with no intention of ever paying back even though you claim to have spent 88btc no one will give you 2btc for nothing with no hope of return, even if you said youd pay it back i highly highly doubt anyone is dumb/generous enough for that amount as this is for spare coin who has a spare $250 no one here thats for sure
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChronicDemon on September 03, 2013, 05:28 am
....Noone is going to give you it wasn't even worth asking, sorry to come down on you like this but seriously? What in your mind made you think " Hm...someone on here must be able to just throw 250$ away, cause i got scammed ".

No offense dude, but its your own fault you got scammed, noone is gonna bail you out cause you weren't bright enough to research onion wallet enough.

I am sorry that you were scammed, but i mean come on man....use your head...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on September 03, 2013, 06:59 am
So wait you go ages without pot but you think crazy when you dont have pot?

Look ill do you a favor no one/people are going to give you 2.1btc so save yourself a hassel and give it up
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChronicDemon on September 03, 2013, 07:39 am
Yea, seriously dude. Not only will noone give you that much, even if their a rich ass vendor OG, but noone can prove your story is real. For all we know, you're just a junkie with a problem begging for coin.

I dont mean to come off as an asshole to ya bro, cause trust me, i've been scammed my fair share of times aswell ( not on SR ever ) But im just fuckin resonable with your request...

I mean, getting 30$ for a 1/4th of border bud is gonna be alot easier than someone giving you 250$ for an Oz of dank.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Knochenjäger on September 03, 2013, 07:47 am
Hello Members from SR.
I get a little Problem because the BTC value over the night...  :-\
Yesterday i maked 2 orders, i want make a third but i was too lazy, i think i maked it this morning.
But my BTC value was gone, and to order i need 5 Euro.
I asked my Freinds but they doint have btc over :(
Yet i hope someone here can help me.
I need 5 Euro. On the Weekend i pay 7,50 Euro back, anytime from fr-su.
I know im new here, but not at Sr. When somebody can help me it was wonderfull.
I sewar i pay it back on the Weekend, One man one Word.

My name on sr is :  Bonerhunter
<thank you  :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on September 03, 2013, 09:07 am
Hello Members from SR.
I get a little Problem because the BTC value over the night...  :-\
Yesterday i maked 2 orders, i want make a third but i was too lazy, i think i maked it this morning.
But my BTC value was gone, and to order i need 5 Euro.
I asked my Freinds but they doint have btc over :(
Yet i hope someone here can help me.
I need 5 Euro. On the Weekend i pay 7,50 Euro back, anytime from fr-su.
I know im new here, but not at Sr. When somebody can help me it was wonderfull.
I sewar i pay it back on the Weekend, One man one Word.

My name on sr is :  Bonerhunter
<thank you  :(

lmfao bonerhunter!! that username was so awesomely unexpected after the broken english :D what's €5 in ฿?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Knochenjäger on September 03, 2013, 10:22 am
you right mate, my english is very bad  ;D

it is around 0,05 BTc
At the weekend i pay back.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: incubusdriver on September 03, 2013, 10:38 am
I'll take a punt on you BonerHunter. But once the weekend is up, I'll send the minions of hell after you ;-)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: incubusdriver on September 03, 2013, 10:47 am
0.05 > Bonerhunter = Confirmed

My minions are watching ;-)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Knochenjäger on September 03, 2013, 10:49 am
One man one word mate.
Thank you realy much.
I will make what i say   :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on September 03, 2013, 11:37 am
God, Tor,s a nightmare  :o :o fuckin  Russians, lol  ;)

Hi all, hope everyone,s good today  :)

@ChemCat...sorry missed you on IRC when i finally got there  ::) can you send me a wee pm (I feel left out  :-[ lol) and let me know whats happening with this new thread and am i included  :-\  ;)

Paid yunalesca 0.25 back just now while i could grab it  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on September 03, 2013, 02:36 pm
i have no idea why ya think that i'm unique  LOL  Thank ya Boxy  :)

I feel the same about you, ya know? There are some of here that just want/need to make a living...some to score
a bud or two....others to scam and yet others like ourselves that have grown and formed some awesome relationships on here seem genuine in what you do for others on here....granted...most people won't understand where i am comin from when i say these things...however...i believe that you fully understand.
Right now my body says sleep....and my mind won't let me  LOL  i could go on and on about the bond that we've constructed through the Silk Road and this Thread...hopefully, one day, through all of this that we do here for eachother, me personally, i would love to sit with some of you and reminisce about these times before our time is up and the higher powers that be decide to take us....when my wife was alive...i made some promises about our grandchildren...maybe i'm not such a good vendor  LOL  i've tried...and i'm not done yet..i fully inrend to keep those promises which i've made to my wife before she passed away...this is just all a little tougher than i thought....i won't give up and i expect you to persevere in what you do here as well....for what it's worth....vending aside....We Are Silk Road.....We Are Family....and we don't let anyone come between us in any shape ..form or fashion...that's just my take on what i've watched us grow a Family...even though we cant see eachother...I Love ya'll  :)

Box, Dan, RS & a couple others that i met first on here....These thoughts and feelings run deep within me...




The feeling is mutual brother ;D You and box were the first two people on here that let me know this is more than just a place where people were looking to score drugs. Many laughs had, and many lessons learned. Learning about TOR was probably one of the most educational things I've ever done. Not actually learning about TOR but talking to all the awesome people afterwards ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: AgentLee on September 03, 2013, 03:11 pm
you still in need agent lee? - sent, if not needed send it back and I might help someone else.

Shopper I now can pay you back. Let me know where to send the coins.

Thank you very much once more.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on September 03, 2013, 04:30 pm
greetings earthlings
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on September 03, 2013, 04:33 pm
I have been trying to on this past few nights but   the site has been timing out constantly , I have resorted to tor2web , its working fine  through that but i cant get  on via tor
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on September 03, 2013, 04:36 pm
any one else having similar problems connecting to the forum ?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on September 03, 2013, 04:44 pm
there talking about tor and s.r  on radio 4 right now 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on September 03, 2013, 05:42 pm
Awful quiet round these parts tonight ( sniffs armpits )
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on September 03, 2013, 07:56 pm
Been trying off and on for the past 6 hours to get on the forum.

What am I rewarded with?

TAZ!!!  How the fuck are you!

Lots of people have missed you man!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on September 03, 2013, 08:13 pm
good thanks boxy , how the devil are you ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on September 03, 2013, 08:16 pm
Are people on irc much  these days ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on September 03, 2013, 08:31 pm
i guess they must be ,  they sure as shoot ain’t round these parts .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on September 03, 2013, 08:40 pm
good thanks boxy , how the devil are you ?

Decent.  Just busy.  At work now.  (thus my delayed responses)

Read the last few pages of the thread to catch up if you wanna.  I think some good stuff is about to happen.  Hope this connection stuff calms down though.

Still trying to figure out IRC.  It wouldn't be such a pain if i didn't have a mac.  Getting closer tho.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on September 03, 2013, 08:45 pm
i guess they must be ,  they sure as shoot ain’t round these parts .

I wouldn't blame them.  It's been almost impossible to connect to SR and the forums the past few days.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on September 03, 2013, 08:56 pm
Good idea  , l´ll  have a good nose through , I had a quick look yesterday , but the site kept timing out on me .

Have a good day B , catch you soon I hope .

BTW I just manage to connect via tor for the first time today ( and I have been reloading all day ) I was thinking it was just me
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on September 03, 2013, 09:04 pm
yep itś working nicely all of sudden
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on September 03, 2013, 09:34 pm
Hi all :D

fucking nightmare trying to get on both sites tonight! Sometimes I'm on,next thing wont load!?!?

Hope every ones ok. esp box,mary,CC,taz,table and all.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on September 03, 2013, 09:50 pm
Hey there DT  .

 itś been a almost impossible to get a stable connection for the past couple of days , at LEAST IT HAS FOR ME .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on September 03, 2013, 10:28 pm
Hiya @ taz7

Seems fairly stable to me  ???

How's the prime minister?  LOL  :P

Peace & Hugs to ya,


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on September 03, 2013, 10:32 pm
Hey there Chem , how are you young man , itś been a while . hugs man=)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on September 03, 2013, 10:35 pm
yeah the sites working like a charm for me now as well , not so the past few days though .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on September 03, 2013, 10:36 pm
It has been a while, i'm doing positively superb at the moment  :)

How've you been? 

Hugs back at ya  8)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on September 03, 2013, 10:40 pm
Glad your well , I'm just dandy thanks  .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on September 04, 2013, 01:11 am
Glad your well , I'm just dandy thanks  .

Fucking tazzzzzzzzz !!!! You legend come here n give me a big old huggle :)

Just popped in to say not paid foxen yet will get my sorry ass to bank tomorrow (I've genuinely had some major shit going on but not fair to moan about it, its my own fault I owe at the end of the day) and sort that girl out, she has been very understanding and from reading the threads lately what an absolutely awesome addition to our family :)

Its the 1st time iv ever been late with a loan and feel terrible about it I will make sure she gets extra and can only apologize for the delay. Just wanted this recording in public as iv not had much forum time and in case she was worried about getting paid back.

Much, much love to you all kalli.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on September 04, 2013, 01:28 am



I AM SO HAPPY I AM CRYING 。・゚゚・(>д<)・゚゚・。

Taz, mate, I am so super stoked that you are back!

Welcome dear friend. Please do not leave again, okay?




PS - staind's cat photo (.=^・ェ・^=), I still love you more!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Internal Freedom on September 04, 2013, 01:31 am
Hey guys, in a bit of a pickle right now. I'm trying to place an order but I'm 0.015btc short :-[

My SR name is skyblue126. I probably wouldn't have the small amount of coin for a week or so though, I have to put a whole new order in and wait for the funds to be withdrawn ._. Pain in the ass for such a small amount of btc too haha

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on September 04, 2013, 01:43 am
Hey guys, in a bit of a pickle right now. I'm trying to place an order but I'm 0.015btc short :-[

My SR name is skyblue126.

I sent you .02

I said that I would not lend anymore to anyone that is not my brobra...but because my MAIN BROBRA IS FUCKING BACK, I feel super fucking awesome! So you got it!!!!

Thank TAZ not me...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Kalli on September 04, 2013, 01:45 am
Hey guys, in a bit of a pickle right now. I'm trying to place an order but I'm 0.015btc short :-[

My SR name is skyblue126.

I sent you .02

I said that I would not lend anymore to anyone that is not my brobra...but because my MAIN BROBRA IS FUCKING BACK, I feel super fucking awesome! So you got it!!!!

Thank TAZ not me...

Haha +1 for making me excited again !!! :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on September 04, 2013, 01:56 am

Haha +1 for making me excited again !!! :)

I is like the family is back together again! Hells ya!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Internal Freedom on September 04, 2013, 02:25 am
Thanks man ;D Just placed my order now! Ill send you a message when the funds arrive

You saved my ass!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on September 04, 2013, 02:55 am
Thanks man ;D Just placed my order now! Ill send you a message when the funds arrive

You saved my ass!

Glad to help...but like I said...thank Taz, not me...I only did it 'cause my main brobra is back! FUCK YA.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: foxen624 on September 04, 2013, 04:07 am
greetings earthlings

Greetings Taz :)  You don't know me.... but lately the rumbling of our great Family here clamboring for you have grown louder and louder.  You must be a beloved member - nice to meet you!   ~Hugs~  ;)  :-*

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: foxen624 on September 04, 2013, 04:22 am
Glad your well , I'm just dandy thanks  .

Fucking tazzzzzzzzz !!!! You legend come here n give me a big old huggle :)

Just popped in to say not paid foxen yet will get my sorry ass to bank tomorrow (I've genuinely had some major shit going on but not fair to moan about it, its my own fault I owe at the end of the day) and sort that girl out, she has been very understanding and from reading the threads lately what an absolutely awesome addition to our family :)

Its the 1st time iv ever been late with a loan and feel terrible about it I will make sure she gets extra and can only apologize for the delay. Just wanted this recording in public as iv not had much forum time and in case she was worried about getting paid back.

Much, much love to you all kalli.
Awwwww..  Kalli :)  What a sweet thing to say!  (just saw this)...   but don't sweat it too much.  As I said from the beginning, I knew you are one of the good ones...  and how I just love to be right :P   at least when it comes to things like this....  ;)

Hugs to ya and take care!  :-* :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on September 04, 2013, 04:50 am
Been repaid by saggi10
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on September 04, 2013, 05:28 am

(HUUUUUGS) how you been man :D?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: shy on September 04, 2013, 08:20 am
edit: all sorted
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on September 04, 2013, 09:02 am
Hi all  :) nice to see you Taz, missed ya hun  :'( hope everyone,s good  :) At least Tor,s working, bloody Russians!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on September 04, 2013, 10:21 am
Hey Mary , itś good to be back  ,looks like the sites running normally again . looking forward  to catching up with all yáll =)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: shifting sands on September 04, 2013, 11:17 am
Hi all :D

fucking nightmare trying to get on both sites tonight! Sometimes I'm on,next thing wont load!?!?

Hope every ones ok. esp box,mary,CC,taz,table and all.

Hey Buddy,

How you doing, we haven't spoke for some time now. Hope your well and every one else.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on September 04, 2013, 02:58 pm
Paid back 0.65 to yunalesca  :D Thank fuck, never again!!  :)

@taz7, gonna pm you when i,ve time, my tor still not workin good  :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on September 04, 2013, 05:52 pm
cool M , catch ya soon =)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MC Haberdasher on September 04, 2013, 06:03 pm
Welcome back, Taz7!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on September 04, 2013, 06:18 pm
Hey guys.  I know everyone was excited we were doing a new thread and it's still going to happen.  I was just kinda waiting for a few pm's to make sure no toes are being stepped on.  There are a few concerns, but no one has given me a straight no, so I feel pretty good about the idea discussed.  I think once we see it in action it will make more sense for those still kind of confused.

Also this connectivity stuff has been a bit of a problem.  Not very good to have a spare coins thread if we can't access our wallets.  I can't even get on right now, and corresponding has been difficult.

Forgive me for taking my time with this.  I just want to do it right, and not leave anyone's opinion behind.  It's obvious you guys care a lot about this so I don't want any of that diminished when we choose to move on.

A gigantic box full of thanks for your support on this. 

It's still dumbfounding to me at the awesome people we have hanging around this place.  It wouldn't be worth doing this if there weren't so many wanting to do the right thing.  It's a bit unexpected for sure.  A pleasant surprise!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Locker on September 04, 2013, 06:41 pm
Really didn't want to do this again but I'm in a bit of trouble and I need to make an order tonight (0.339).  :-\
I have just bought some bitcoins from localbitcoins using transferwise, but unaware to me even with express tranfer the earliest they can send the bitcoins is 2pm tomorrow morning, which I simply cannot work around. I have a party on saturday with a close friend, who has given me £15 to get his some LSD (as I told him I definitely could) but it was only yesterday we decided to get some LSD. This means that if this is going to happen I desperately need to order tonight or early morning tomorrow, but I am unable to do this as transferwise will send the morney in the afternoon.

This means that I am going to have to ask here for an extremely quick loan;
As I have said as soon as the tranferwise money gets sent and the localbitcoin vendor has sent me the bitcoins I am able to pay you back. (So less than a day that I can repay you, but after that point the delivery will arrive on monday which won't work).

I have never tried LSD before and am really looking forward to this night, but saturday is the only night we can do it together  :-\
I can promise that this I can pay you back tomorrow, and If required I am able to take a picture of the transferwise tranfer, to this localbitcoin vendor (, but I really need them tonight as I said.

My SilkRoad name is Lockerp and the total of the purchase is 0.3339, Unfortunately I have only bought enough bitcoins for this purchase so I am unable to pay any extra, but I can pay the exact same amount and will only be without it for less than a day (I did buy a tiny bit extra in the case of fluctuation, so If that doesn't get used I would be able to provide that.

Thank you to anyone that can do this, I hope that I will finally learn and this will be the last time I have to do this but because I left it so late I am forced to do this. :/
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChronicDemon on September 04, 2013, 07:05 pm
I'm short 0.20 for my order.

Can repay 9/13/13 ( next friday )

Will repay 0.25

AncientX0 is my SR name.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on September 04, 2013, 07:27 pm
Welcome back, Taz7!

Thanks MCH and everyone I missed last night for the warm welcome back , home sweet home - now wheres my pipe n slippers  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Locker on September 04, 2013, 08:13 pm
I know it's alot but It's not how much I need it's just a short loan until tomorrow.
Wasn't planning on writing that much but needed to explain myself.

Thanks in advance for anyone that can help,
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: raistlin on September 04, 2013, 08:51 pm
hi guys,
can anyone please lend me £2.52p worth of bitcoin - screwed my order by this amount.
I will happily pay back 5 to whomever can help - next week.
my road name is raistlins creation

cheers guys - really appreciate it and will pay back asap.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on September 04, 2013, 09:14 pm
hi guys,
can anyone please lend me £2.52p worth of bitcoin - screwed my order by this amount.
I will happily pay back 5 to whomever can help - next week.
my road name is raistlins creation

cheers guys - really appreciate it and will pay back asap.

Would help you if you said it in ฿.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChronicDemon on September 04, 2013, 09:37 pm
£2.52 is like, 0.06 btc.

On a side note:

I'm strapped for coins till next week, and im trying to order this


Don't have enough to cover shipping.

I have 9.50$ ( 0.07 ) so i need like 0.05 to cover shipping.

Anyone willing to help me out since it looks like i wont be getting my loan for 0.2? ;-;

SR name is : AncientX0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on September 04, 2013, 09:42 pm
btc value is on the slide , get your orders in folks
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on September 04, 2013, 09:55 pm
Hi all  :) nice to see you Taz, missed ya hun  :'( hope everyone,s good  :) At least Tor,s working, bloody Russians!!

God damn them and their TOR blocking ways
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MC Haberdasher on September 04, 2013, 10:00 pm
btc value is on the slide , get your orders in folks

Yeah, I just heard some rumblings about this.  I got's all my orders in!

@ChronicDemon..  I have 0.02 you can have.  That's all I have left.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on September 04, 2013, 10:26 pm
btc value is on the slide , get your orders in folks

Yeah, I just heard some rumblings about this.  I got's all my orders in!

@ChronicDemon..  I have 0.02 you can have.  That's all I have left.

Its dropped $15 in half an hour on the exchange I use
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChronicDemon on September 04, 2013, 10:28 pm
Thank you MC. @.@ now if only fucking SR would let me in lol
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Locker on September 04, 2013, 10:29 pm
Please If anyone could help, I desperately need to order tonight :-/ (now .345)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Boostedh on September 04, 2013, 11:01 pm
I am 9$ usd short on my order and was wondering if anyone would be able to make a loan?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on September 04, 2013, 11:16 pm
i can just about  do that .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on September 04, 2013, 11:19 pm
how much in    btc exactly and your sr name plz
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChronicDemon on September 04, 2013, 11:21 pm
>.< Still a bit short.

I have 0.9 need .14 ( Thanks to the stupid fucking bitcoin price declining )

So, 0.05 more, anyone?

SR name : AncientX0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on September 04, 2013, 11:54 pm
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChronicDemon on September 05, 2013, 12:10 am
omg thanks so much guys!!!

>.<! gonna put my order in righhhhht now!!

Hopefully this guy knows what he's doing since he's a new vendor.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ExperienceAll on September 05, 2013, 12:11 am
So I need .1 more coins to purchase some Dolphins from Jannis since the coins value declined. :( can anyone help? 

SR name : HippieExp
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jonnyboy91 on September 05, 2013, 12:14 am
damnit, after dodgy connection to tor sites yesterday and bitcoin dropping in price overnight here im down 0.04 for my order. If anyone could spot me ill gladly pay back :)

SR name: jonnyboy91

ill check back here after uni thanks guys/girls
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on September 05, 2013, 12:17 am
Please If anyone could help, I desperately need to order tonight :-/ (now .345)

uhh you were going to pay me back last week. what happened there?
send to    lockerp    ฿-0.15  August 25, 2013, 1:27 pm UTC
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ExperienceAll on September 05, 2013, 12:23 am
i can pay back sunday
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChronicDemon on September 05, 2013, 12:27 am
ooohhhh burnnnnnnn
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on September 05, 2013, 12:35 am
omg thanks so much guys!!!

>.<! gonna put my order in righhhhht now!!

Hopefully this guy knows what he's doing since he's a new vendor.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  :)       cool     
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on September 05, 2013, 12:39 am
I'm not liking this taking forever to connect garbage >:(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChronicDemon on September 05, 2013, 12:42 am



raggggggeeeeeeeeee >.<

now i either have to get more coin...or try and get something else... ;-;
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on September 05, 2013, 12:44 am
odd huh?  Other than that, i have noticed some quite odd occurrences as well  ???

Peace & Hugs to you All  8)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on September 05, 2013, 01:08 am
yep, vendors seem to be scared because of the btc drop. a lot of listings are gone. i personally had the worst timing possible as well and lost quite a fortune :/.

Damn hard to get on the forums the past days for me.

Anyone tried tor 2.4.16 beta yet? I heard it's supposed to have smarter routing.

How are ya all doing?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on September 05, 2013, 01:21 am
I'm not liking this taking forever to connect garbage >:(

It's why I've held off on the new thread.  I hope you don't mind.

I guess we could still roll it out but I'd rather wait to see if this clears up.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on September 05, 2013, 01:32 am



raggggggeeeeeeeeee >.<

now i either have to get more coin...or try and get something else... ;-;
 Same here ,  sucks =(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on September 05, 2013, 01:38 am
btw @imaz

I have to tell you that the cat photo is already cuddling in the new big bedrooms bed. :P no chance mate. It's a very aggressive picture..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: energyimport on September 05, 2013, 01:52 am
Looking for a .07 Bit coin loan out I can pay back with in a week. I have always paid back quickly and sometimes with extra!

This value drop killed me.

SR name is Energyimport

Thank you!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: darkmagic65 on September 05, 2013, 03:01 am
im in need of 0.20 coin if any one could help it would be great my sr name is same as here

 thank you..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on September 05, 2013, 03:09 am
im in need of 0.20 coin if any one could help it would be great my sr name is same as here

 thank you..

You ever planning on paying me back?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChronicDemon on September 05, 2013, 03:13 am
I don't think he is cryngie. Might wanna just mark this one up as a loss ;-;

He's already on the shit list.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on September 05, 2013, 03:33 am
YehI know but every time they ask Ill say it so no one else lends until they repay
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: illmotions on September 05, 2013, 04:17 am
I'm not liking this taking forever to connect garbage >:(

It's why I've held off on the new thread.  I hope you don't mind.

I guess we could still roll it out but I'd rather wait to see if this clears up.

Cool im stoked I was able to get U all to want to do this ;) This is by far my fav thread in regards to the active members posting. U guys rock and I hope to become part of the fam once U all get 2 know me:). Its funny that a spare coins thread is filled with so many top notch individuals. What kind of substance are you guys using? I have made probably like 3 different threads and posted on the H and C Forum for some buying advice and not a single person has taken the time or given 2 shits to give me some feedback... I almost missed out on vendor trying to wait for this. This time around would have been really helpful too cause it my biggest purchase but alas searching for the info seemed to be sufficient I guess(was quite the bitch considering the DT problems). Anyways I look forward to chatting with all of you more. Ive been more of a forum reader and not so much a poster but I think I will change my habits here I hope anyways.

P.S. Anyone know how I go about getting an avatar picture next too my name?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on September 05, 2013, 04:44 am
I can answer some questions regarding H if you still need 

Avatar changed at PROFILE  at top of page
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: illmotions on September 05, 2013, 05:07 am
I Really wanted to get marlo/Carlo's stuff but I like a dipshit decided to wait because he said that he would bring listings up monday(smart of me to trust someones word) then it switches to Wed and It was like last second tues night that we were told this on the vendor page. Anyways I really want to try this stuff it seems pretty legendary concerning price/potency. I ended up spending alot more than I wanted too and went with GIA. So Do you think I will be pleased? I was really leaning on the dragoncove medsman side, but I didnt hear as many rave reviews and I cant afford to strike out on some bunk when were talkin 250 a g. I am gettin a good amount of C with this which is something Ive been saving for about 5 mo to be able to get both. Pretty happy about all this. Also if u tried GIA did u do express and did it arrive in 24hrs? Thanks for your feedback in advance :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Remediless on September 05, 2013, 05:55 am
Mate have a really good read through the Heroin thread and I'm sure your answers will be there. I haven't personally used any of these vendors. I think you'll be happy with GIA from what I've heard, but check the H thread. If you feel you're being ignored there, it's not because they're ignoring you, they're just on the nod/distracted by their own wonders arriving in a timely fashion. Try asking again as your Qs are very US specific ;-)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ExperienceAll on September 05, 2013, 06:05 am
I only need 0.09 now. can anyone help a brother? i have good forum presence but i just can't get that little extra coin til next monday and i need this good L for Dancefestopia!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jack2324 on September 05, 2013, 06:15 am
Anyone want to throw me .02?    I will love you forever and pay you back (with interest) in a week or two when I get coins again ::) 

jack2324 on SR
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on September 05, 2013, 07:27 am
The question is after 5 no pays in a row can I trust anyone I dont know ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on September 05, 2013, 07:48 am
I only need 0.09 now. can anyone help a brother? i have good forum presence but i just can't get that little extra coin til next monday and i need this good L for Dancefestopia!

sent you. please stick to that time frame.

have fun!

i know how that feels cryngie :( *brohug* 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: danjohnken554 on September 05, 2013, 07:50 am
Hello. First time using this thread, hope it works out :)

Well, the thing is, I always buy more btc than I need (approx 10-20$ more), but the recent btc drop and inability to access SR have pushed the coin down and so I'm in a situation, where I need ฿1.2746, but I have ฿1.2736 (yes!!!, the diff is 0.001 ฿). Or, in dollar language, I'm short 0.12$ (if SR followed MtGox average, all would be fine heheh).

If anyone would be willing to help out, please send the coins to user: danjohnken553 (maybe send a bit over, like 0.3$).

If you want I can repay you back (in maximum 2 weeks I believe).

Hopefully some kind person will drop by and help me.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on September 05, 2013, 07:57 am
Hello. First time using this thread, hope it works out :)

Well, the thing is, I always buy more btc than I need (approx 10-20$ more), but the recent btc drop and inability to access SR have pushed the coin down and so I'm in a situation, where I need ฿1.2746, but I have ฿1.2736 (yes!!!, the diff is 0.001 ฿). Or, in dollar language, I'm short 0.12$ (if SR followed MtGox average, all would be fine heheh).

If anyone would be willing to help out, please send the coins to user: danjohnken553 (maybe send a bit over, like 0.3$).

If you want I can repay you back (in maximum 2 weeks I believe).

Hopefully some kind person will drop by and help me.


Got ya!
0.003 sent, keep it.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChronicDemon on September 05, 2013, 08:06 am
+1 To Staind, and his robin hood like ways ;3
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on September 05, 2013, 08:50 am
nope sry :P  was just bored tbh.

if anything, i wanna be Inspector Gadget!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: danjohnken554 on September 05, 2013, 09:15 am
Hello. First time using this thread, hope it works out :)

Well, the thing is, I always buy more btc than I need (approx 10-20$ more), but the recent btc drop and inability to access SR have pushed the coin down and so I'm in a situation, where I need ฿1.2746, but I have ฿1.2736 (yes!!!, the diff is 0.001 ฿). Or, in dollar language, I'm short 0.12$ (if SR followed MtGox average, all would be fine heheh).

If anyone would be willing to help out, please send the coins to user: danjohnken553 (maybe send a bit over, like 0.3$).

If you want I can repay you back (in maximum 2 weeks I believe).

Hopefully some kind person will drop by and help me.


Got ya!
0.003 sent, keep it.

What a kindness, thank you Staind.

But unfortunately I (and SR a bit) messed up, I couldn't be near the computer, and the sr rate changed, so this is the new situation:

I have:  ฿1.2766  $162.52
I need: ฿1.2826   $163.28

If anyone would be willing to send me a dollar, GREAT, I will give you back 3 dollars the next time I'll be buying coins (I estimate that to be after next weekend).

But nonetheless, due to btc dropping significantly, I don't want to be constantly begging for coins, soit looks like I'll have to put in another 10eur investment and buy some btc. But if somebody wants to help me (and triple their investment hehe :) ), he has 5-6 hours time, before I place an order on localbitcoins (meaning I get them in about 27 hours, a lot of time for btc market to drop again).

Thanks for all the help guys,
will be giving it back in a few weeks ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on September 05, 2013, 09:22 am
What a kindness, thank you Staind.

But unfortunately I (and SR a bit) messed up, I couldn't be near the computer, and the sr rate changed, so this is the new situation:

I have:  ฿1.2766  $162.52
I need: ฿1.2826   $163.28

If anyone would be willing to send me a dollar, GREAT, I will give you back 3 dollars the next time I'll be buying coins (I estimate that to be after next weekend).

But nonetheless, due to btc dropping significantly, I don't want to be constantly begging for coins, soit looks like I'll have to put in another 10eur investment and buy some btc. But if somebody wants to help me (and triple their investment hehe :) ), he has 5-6 hours time, before I place an order on localbitcoins (meaning I get them in about 27 hours, a lot of time for btc market to drop again).

Thanks for all the help guys,
will be giving it back in a few weeks ;)

I'm not looking for an investment lol, sent you the dollar anyway :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChronicDemon on September 05, 2013, 09:25 am
Damn, staind beat me to it lol
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: SoAlone on September 05, 2013, 09:29 am
Need $2.00 USD fast., and will pay back Sept 3rd 2013 (or sooner) anyone? - I'll keep checking back. I already have one positive repayment on.

That's  ฿ .01865. for you ฿ purists.

This is Urgent!

[Edit] SoAlone is also my SR address. Thank You.
@Shapes, you have my word. By Sept 3rd or sooner. It was one of those ฿tc extra charges I didn't consider.
Thank you. - I always give an extra $1 if not more on my repayment.
You and everyone watching, have my word.
Thanks for being a stand-up guy.
Shapes on the way.  If it's been taken care of please send it back.
Paying back BoxofShapes which I shoud've done on September 3rd. I usually give $1 xtra back, in this case I made it $2 extra, as a self imposed late fee. Thanks for coming through when I needed it man.



send to    BoxofShapes    ฿-0.03     September 5, 2013, 9:23 am UTC
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: danjohnken554 on September 05, 2013, 09:33 am

I'm not looking for an investment lol, sent you the dollar anyway :P
Thanks a lot staind, you really saved me. This is first time I have been in situation like this I think, but I usually always have 10-20$ on my acc when I have no pending orders, so from now on, I'll visit this thread from time to time and help out with minor donations ;) And I'll ofcourse send you back that dollar etc., expect them sometime next weekend forward :)

Chronicdemon - thanks to be willing to help also :)

Thanks again,
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: johnwholesome on September 05, 2013, 09:37 am
Anyone want to throw me .02?    I will love you forever and pay you back (with interest) in a week or two when I get coins again ::) 

jack2324 on SR

0.03 sent...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bodnostrokulum on September 05, 2013, 03:27 pm
Hello people

im ฿0.07 short to make an order  :(
will repay after 15th of September !

sr name is the same:


Thank you in advance !
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: darkmagic65 on September 05, 2013, 03:59 pm
im still in need of 0.20 my name is same as on sr thanks!

let me know in pm or here if you are the one who helped me
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on September 05, 2013, 04:12 pm
im still in need of 0.20 my name is same as on sr thanks!

let me know in pm or here if you are the one who helped me

Please stop.. no one is going to give you anything..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on September 05, 2013, 04:15 pm
talawtam paid me back, thanks
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on September 05, 2013, 04:22 pm
The question is after 5 no pays in a row can I trust anyone I dont know ?

Man.  It wasn't like that at one point.  I hope you can at least recover if it doesn't come back.

Really aggravating when you want to help out but you can't cause of some deadbeats.  Doesn't take many to mess it up. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on September 05, 2013, 04:31 pm
Paying back BoxofShapes which I shoud've done on September 3rd. I usually give $1 xtra back, in this case I made it $2 extra, as a self imposed late fee. Thanks for coming through when I needed it man.



send to    BoxofShapes    ฿-0.03     September 5, 2013, 9:23 am UTC

Thanks for putting the shapes back in the box!

talawtam paid me back, thanks

Me too!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on September 05, 2013, 04:33 pm
0.005 short - thats a weird loan  ;D but i need it fast
Thank you !

sr name the same :


That's all I have left on my account. If I send it can you pay it back at the end of the month along with the other coin I lent you?

I have to pay back 0.02 to RS7 and wouldn't normally loan if I owe someone but it is a small amount.
Bodnostrkulum owes me 0.1 which is overdue also pm,d yerteday to say i needed  ::)

Hi all  ;)

Did you ever pay this back?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Darktime on September 05, 2013, 04:48 pm
hey all :D

Whos this darkmagic65? and why no loans? sorry,I havnt been around for a few days(technical issues)

Just letting the loaners know I'm still about and hav'nt run off with your bitcoins ;)
You know who you are.You've all been very patient and I appreciate it.
Talk soon.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on September 05, 2013, 04:55 pm
I know this may sound a little ridiculous but hear me out :)

Looking for a loan of .8 BTC's($100)

I can pay you back later today or tomorrow guaranteed.

Let me explain myself.. I was only looking to half of what I'm looking at now but I saw an amazing deal that I can make a quick g stack off of. Only problem is I didn't buy enough coins to get it since I was only looking at half that amount. I'm going right now to get more coins but the time it will take to get them and transfer them to my account might take too long and the listing might be gone. Everytime I refresh the shopping cart I see one less item available. If someone could help me out I'll give you back 1.2BTC($150) either later today when I get my coins or tomorrow morning. I realize this is a kind of outrageous request so if no one wants to loan me anything thats fine and I understand completely. I feel like I'm breaking the rules but I don't want to miss out on this :o

EDIT* SR name the same
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on September 05, 2013, 05:09 pm
I know this may sound a little ridiculous but hear me out :)

Looking for a loan of .8 BTC's($100)

I can pay you back later today or tomorrow guaranteed.

Let me explain myself.. I was only looking to half of what I'm looking at now but I saw an amazing deal that I can make a quick g stack off of. Only problem is I didn't buy enough coins to get it since I was only looking at half that amount. I'm going right now to get more coins but the time it will take to get them and transfer them to my account might take too long and the listing might be gone. Everytime I refresh the shopping cart I see one less item available. If someone could help me out I'll give you back 1.2BTC($150) either later today when I get my coins or tomorrow morning. I realize this is a kind of outrageous request so if no one wants to loan me anything thats fine and I understand completely. I feel like I'm breaking the rules but I don't want to miss out on this :o

EDIT* SR name the same

I have .165 left that will be sent your way as soon as I can log in.   :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on September 05, 2013, 05:26 pm
I know this may sound a little ridiculous but hear me out :)

Looking for a loan of .8 BTC's($100)

I can pay you back later today or tomorrow guaranteed.

Let me explain myself.. I was only looking to half of what I'm looking at now but I saw an amazing deal that I can make a quick g stack off of. Only problem is I didn't buy enough coins to get it since I was only looking at half that amount. I'm going right now to get more coins but the time it will take to get them and transfer them to my account might take too long and the listing might be gone. Everytime I refresh the shopping cart I see one less item available. If someone could help me out I'll give you back 1.2BTC($150) either later today when I get my coins or tomorrow morning. I realize this is a kind of outrageous request so if no one wants to loan me anything thats fine and I understand completely. I feel like I'm breaking the rules but I don't want to miss out on this :o

EDIT* SR name the same

I sent you the 0.8. please don't pay me 50 dollar extra lol. just give them back as soon as you can. Need them.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on September 05, 2013, 05:38 pm
I sent you the 0.8. please don't pay me 50 dollar extra lol. just give them back as soon as you can. Need them.

staind and staind's cat you both are god-sends thank you very much. I should have that back to you in a few hours

And thank you too box! I'll get you back in a few hours tops

This is why I love this community ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on September 05, 2013, 05:44 pm
oh, sorry boxy. i somehow missed your post. damn...way too long awake again.

btw...if anyone still has problems with the tor connection. try the new beta, it really is a LOT faster.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Locker on September 05, 2013, 06:27 pm
Thank you all for your help, I was about to get a large amount towards what I need but still 0.18 bitcoins to complete my order (special delivery will deliver saturday, this is the latest I can do it)

Thank you all, Getting bitcoins on Monday (probably receive tueday and will be able to pay .2 back. :)
Thanks, My Silkroad name is lockerp (WITH A P AT THE END ;D),
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on September 05, 2013, 06:35 pm
Thank you all for your help, I was about to get a large amount towards what I need but still 0.18 bitcoins to complete my order (special delivery will deliver saturday, this is the latest I can do it)

Thank you all, Getting bitcoins on Monday (probably receive tueday and will be able to pay .2 back. :)
Thanks, My Silkroad name is lockerp (WITH A P AT THE END ;D),

Did you ever get back ron?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Locker on September 05, 2013, 06:38 pm
Thank you all for your help, I was about to get a large amount towards what I need but still 0.18 bitcoins to complete my order (special delivery will deliver saturday, this is the latest I can do it)

Thank you all, Getting bitcoins on Monday (probably receive tueday and will be able to pay .2 back. :)
Thanks, My Silkroad name is lockerp (WITH A P AT THE END ;D),

Did you ever get back ron?

Yeah that's sorted, just need this order for tonight (So that I recieve it saturday)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on September 05, 2013, 06:43 pm
Cool.  Forgive my questioning but it's what we do here.

Good luck on that.  I'm out right now.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on September 05, 2013, 08:36 pm
I sent you the 0.8. please don't pay me 50 dollar extra lol. just give them back as soon as you can. Need them.
I have .165 left that will be sent your way as soon as I can log in.   :P

Both have been repayed. Thanks again guys!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: turdburglarSandwich on September 05, 2013, 08:45 pm
TOR has been a real meow meow to get to my favorite sites these last few days, at least for me n mine. Still, its better than a sharp stick in the eye, as my beloved gran would say.

How are ya, all ya lovely peeples? I find myself in a bit of bind, and am short .0112 for to complete my order. Life having been a major shit sandwich recently, I will not be able to repay until 4 weeks have elapsed.

(unless the god of gold Krugerrands decides to shit down my neck and drown me in gold...not bloody likely.)

Will repay .05 when the eagle lands, as that seems only fair and just, not too much juice, but enough to make it worth yer while.

I am a cat of my word, I have no morals, only honor and integrity. My ethos is determined from within, as I hold myself accountable for all that I do, and even more important, all that I fail to do. So what all that means is I am honor bound to pay my debts.

Thank you gentle folk, and a plur plur plur with a furry rub against your pant leg. Same appellation for the road, (turdburglarSandwich). 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Locker on September 05, 2013, 08:50 pm
Really need to order tonight at the latest, as I didn't get to order them last night :/
Anyone able to spare just 0.181 (now a little bit higher due to fluctuation) I would greatly appreciate as I have a party and need them to arrive on saturday (through special delivery).
.2 returned on monday or tuesday (Depending on localbitcoins vendor)

Thanks :) And please note that the account is lockerp (MAKE SURE YOU INCLUDE THE 'P'!!),
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jack2324 on September 05, 2013, 08:54 pm
Anyone want to throw me .02?    I will love you forever and pay you back (with interest) in a week or two when I get coins again ::) 

jack2324 on SR

0.03 sent...

.032 sent back to ya.  Thanks for the help!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: johnwholesome on September 05, 2013, 08:57 pm
Anyone want to throw me .02?    I will love you forever and pay you back (with interest) in a week or two when I get coins again ::) 

jack2324 on SR

0.03 sent...

.032 sent back to ya.  Thanks for the help!

Wow, that was fast :) Interest wannt necessary but appreciated. GL on the Road.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on September 05, 2013, 09:00 pm
I have .165 left that will be sent your way as soon as I can log in.   :P
Both have been repayed. Thanks again guys!

Confirmed!  Thanks for putting the shapes back in the box!

TOR has been a real meow meow to get to my favorite sites these last few days, at least for me n mine. Still, its better than a sharp stick in the eye, as my beloved gran would say.

How are ya, all ya lovely peeples? I find myself in a bit of bind, and am short .0112 for to complete my order. Life having been a major shit sandwich recently, I will not be able to repay until 4 weeks have elapsed.

(unless the god of gold Krugerrands decides to shit down my neck and drown me in gold...not bloody likely.)

Will repay .05 when the eagle lands, as that seems only fair and just, not too much juice, but enough to make it worth yer while.

I am a cat of my word, I have no morals, only honor and integrity. My ethos is determined from within, as I hold myself accountable for all that I do, and even more important, all that I fail to do. So what all that means is I am honor bound to pay my debts.

Thank you gentle folk, and a plur plur plur with a furry rub against your pant leg. Same appellation for the road, (turdburglarSandwich).

Shapes on the way.  Put the turd sandwich back in the box at the time declared.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: turdburglarSandwich on September 05, 2013, 09:13 pm
"Shapes on the way.  Put the turd sandwich back in the box at the time declared." 

(I suck at HTML tags, and my typing is really going cattiwhompus as my right arm is possessed. I have "CRAPS". lol. Its chronic blah blah pain syndrome something or other affecting my upper right extremity. Every now and then it decides it wants to go and do without me.)

Tis a kindness ya do me, my head I hear Meatwad talking to "Boxie Brown" when ever I see your name, and aye, will replace turds as honor dictates.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Locker on September 05, 2013, 09:20 pm
Pay back of .225? *hint hint*  ;D

Haha, sorry  :(
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on September 05, 2013, 09:46 pm
Pay back of .225? *hint hint*  ;D

Haha, sorry  :(

You make me nervous man.  Ron had to bring it up to get his loan back.  I just have a lot of respect for that guy.

I don't have .18 but I can put you closer I guess.  Can you pinky swear to put it back when stated?  I will be making an order by then and will be cutting it close if I don't have it by then.  It wouldn't be fun for me if I don't get it back.  It's not much but it makes a difference to me.

Tis a kindness ya do me, my head I hear Meatwad talking to "Boxie Brown" when ever I see your name, and aye, will replace turds as honor dictates.

Hahah.  That image will never leave now.  Can DanDan be the paper towel tube? 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Locker on September 05, 2013, 09:56 pm
Pay back of .225? *hint hint*  ;D

Haha, sorry  :(

You make me nervous man.  Ron had to bring it up to get his loan back.  I just have a lot of respect for that guy.

I don't have .18 but I can put you closer I guess.  Can you pinky swear to put it back when stated?  I will be making an order by then and will be cutting it close if I don't have it by then.  It wouldn't be fun for me if I don't get it back.  It's not much but it makes a difference to me.

Tis a kindness ya do me, my head I hear Meatwad talking to "Boxie Brown" when ever I see your name, and aye, will replace turds as honor dictates.

Hahah.  That image will never leave now.  Can DanDan be the paper towel tube?

I have been a member of these forums for 16 months now, and I feel that I have contributed a fair amount to alot of posts, I definitely wouldn't throw that away over such a small amount. I have had a lot of shit happen lately and alot on my mind, and I really apologize for the lateness of his loan, but I promise I can repay you on tuesday latest. (depending on localbitcoin vendor, monday). I will be buying .5btc and would happily give you .2 or whatever bitcoins then. If you can help that would be great, I have left this party extremely late  ::).

Thanks alot, I know it's hard to trust people on here but I try to do my best,

If you hadn't seen, my silkroad name is 'lockerp', with a p  ::).
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on September 05, 2013, 10:09 pm
Pay back of .225? *hint hint*  ;D

Haha, sorry  :(

You make me nervous man.  Ron had to bring it up to get his loan back.  I just have a lot of respect for that guy.

I don't have .18 but I can put you closer I guess.  Can you pinky swear to put it back when stated?  I will be making an order by then and will be cutting it close if I don't have it by then.  It wouldn't be fun for me if I don't get it back.  It's not much but it makes a difference to me.

I have been a member of these forums for 16 months now, and I feel that I have contributed a fair amount to alot of posts, I definitely wouldn't throw that away over such a small amount. I have had a lot of shit happen lately and alot on my mind, and I really apologize for the lateness of his loan, but I promise I can repay you on tuesday latest. (depending on localbitcoin vendor, monday). I will be buying .5btc and would happily give you .2 or whatever bitcoins then. If you can help that would be great, I have left this party extremely late  ::).

Thanks alot, I know it's hard to trust people on here but I try to do my best,

If you hadn't seen, my silkroad name is 'lockerp', with a p  ::).

Alright then.  Don't let this box down.  Thanks for not giving me attitude about my scrutiny.  You can't blame me.

Sending you .155.  It's all that's left in the box.  May the other .025 find the way.

Show your friend a good time then.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: darkmagic65 on September 05, 2013, 10:13 pm
Im in need of 0.20 coins if anyone can help thanks my sr name is same as here (darkmagic65)
virvox doesn't seem to be choice for me now and its just sucks in general im thinking about trying local bitcoins so when I get more coins ill be able to pay back

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on September 05, 2013, 10:16 pm
Im in need of 0.20 coins if anyone can help thanks my sr name is same as here (darkmagic65)
virvox doesn't seem to be choice for me now and its just sucks in general im thinking about trying local bitcoins so when I get more coins ill be able to pay back


Why are you still here?  Go away already. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bodnostrokulum on September 05, 2013, 10:16 pm
Hello people

im ฿0.07 short to make an order  :(
will repay after 15th of September !

sr name is the same:


Thank you in advance !
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on September 05, 2013, 10:17 pm
Hello people

im ฿0.07 short to make an order  :(
will repay after 15th of September !

sr name is the same:


Thank you in advance !

You dodged my question.

Did you pay back mary the .1 you borrowed.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on September 05, 2013, 10:21 pm
hey all :D

Whos this darkmagic65? and why no loans? sorry,I havnt been around for a few days(technical issues)

Just letting the loaners know I'm still about and hav'nt run off with your bitcoins ;)
You know who you are.You've all been very patient and I appreciate it.
Talk soon.

The reason no one is lending them is because they have outstanding loans, me included I cant believe they think anyone will give them coin when they are in debt
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Locker on September 05, 2013, 10:24 pm
Thank you so much! I have found the rest of the bitcoins from a friend on another site, and I am grateful for all of your help!
I understand that this is a completely anonymous site, where you know absolutely nothing about the person and you are unable to know if they are legit or not and I'm just grateful you could help me. You've just made one great party man ;D

Cheers again,
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on September 05, 2013, 10:25 pm
Im in need of 0.20 coins if anyone can help thanks my sr name is same as here (darkmagic65)
virvox doesn't seem to be choice for me now and its just sucks in general im thinking about trying local bitcoins so when I get more coins ill be able to pay back



enough already
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on September 05, 2013, 10:40 pm
Thank you so much! I have found the rest of the bitcoins from a friend on another site, and I am grateful for all of your help!
I understand that this is a completely anonymous site, where you know absolutely nothing about the person and you are unable to know if they are legit or not and I'm just grateful you could help me. You've just made one great party man ;D

Cheers again,

Sounds good man.  Let us know how it goes.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: darkmagic65 on September 05, 2013, 10:48 pm
what is the deal im asking for coins and thats it if anyone has spare 0.20 they can send me please do my sr name is same as here...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on September 05, 2013, 10:54 pm
Pay back the .25 you already borrowed and I'll lend you .2

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on September 05, 2013, 10:56 pm
I have put the shapes back in the box.   For some reason the other post i made about this dissapeard   

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: incubusdriver on September 05, 2013, 10:57 pm
what is the deal im asking for coins and thats it if anyone has spare 0.20 they can send me please do my sr name is same as here...

I think 'the deal' seems to be that you owe money and you're asking for more. It's not the best way to garner trust, especially on an anonymous website.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on September 05, 2013, 11:05 pm
I have put the shapes back in the box.   For some reason the other post i made about this dissapeard

Confirmed!  Tho you don't have to throw extra in there.  You have lost enough for me not to want it.  Thanks for putting the shapes back in the box.

what is the deal im asking for coins and thats it if anyone has spare 0.20 they can send me please do my sr name is same as here...

I think 'the deal' seems to be that you owe money and you're asking for more. It's not the best way to garner trust, especially on an anonymous website.

Thanks for trying to help mr bus driver, but logic is lost on this guy.  Just have some fun at his expense.  It's all he is good for.

I really doubt anyone can take him seriously at this point. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChronicDemon on September 05, 2013, 11:08 pm
what is the deal im asking for coins and thats it if anyone has spare 0.20 they can send me please do my sr name is same as here...

The deal is, you owe money, and have the balls to ask for more, when you have no intention of paying anyone back.

So, Im gonna make note of that in my signature aswell, for no one to lend you coins.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: darkmagic65 on September 05, 2013, 11:18 pm
still needing 0.20 btc if you have it to spare send it to me please
these people have way to much time to be hating on me for asking for some help
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on September 05, 2013, 11:21 pm
Logic completely lost.  Like talking to a wall.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on September 05, 2013, 11:28 pm
Darkmagic65 I would kick your teeth through the back of your cheap scull if i could find you, no one will just give you coins with the explicit knowledge of never being repaid so kindly fuck off
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on September 05, 2013, 11:32 pm
Boxofshapes   I have no problem paying you back the little extra its people like you who keep this thread alive

Mary666  Funny thing is It is the russians running a botnet through tor making it slow  *hangs head in shame
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChronicDemon on September 05, 2013, 11:35 pm
Lol cryngie.

All darkmagic does is lurk around the forums looking for free samples, in any thread ive been in where i was chosen to get free samples, he'd be in there running his cocksucker for free drugs.

So its plain to see, he's probably 15-17, has no job, and has to lie to his mommy about buying him Bitcoins.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on September 05, 2013, 11:44 pm
I highly doubt he has ever bought any btc at all prob just hits the faucets for hours upon hours everyday cheap little cunt

so bout them coins for $75 deal?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: incubusdriver on September 05, 2013, 11:45 pm
So its plain to see, he's probably 15-17, has no job, and has to lie to his mommy about buying him Bitcoins.


"What are these Bitcoin things you keep making me buy, Albert?!" (because that could be his real name) "Are they some new fandangled video game thingies?"
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on September 05, 2013, 11:49 pm
LOL     ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on September 06, 2013, 12:08 am
For you Boxy ☠|•﹏•|☠ :

I'm gonna knock it down
Anyway that I can
I'm gonna scream, I'm gonna yell
I don't want to have to use my hands

It's like screaming at a wall
It's like screaming at a wall
It's like screaming at a wall
It's like screaming at a wall
Someday, it's gonna fall

You built that wall up around you
And now you can't see out
And you can't hear my words
No matter how loud I shout

It's like screaming at a wall
It's like screaming at a wall
It's like screaming at a wall
It's like screaming at a wall
Someday, it's gonna fall

You're safe inside and you know it
'Cause I can't get to you
And you know I resent it
And my temper grows

You better reinforce those walls
Until you don't have no room to stand
'Cause someday the bricks are gonna fall
Someday, I'm gonna

The epic  Minor Threat - Screaming At A Wall Lyrics

The thread should be renamed - I need free coins for my drugs....

There has been a torrent of large coin > .0xx requests...even over the last week. Crazy. We need that new home now...I am getting tired of this thread ✌⎦✘-✘⎣✌...

Just saying...

Oh and a huge thanks to Internal Freedom for paying back his loan to me so fast...trusted brobra.

Taz, I love you brobra! So nice to see you here...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChronicDemon on September 06, 2013, 12:09 am

LEO bust in his door " WHERE IS THE METH ALBERT! "

Mom just sits there crying " YOU SAID IT WAS FOR VIDEO GAMES!!! "
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on September 06, 2013, 12:12 am
whilst talking rename how about:  How dare you not fund my habit, just give me your coins
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChronicDemon on September 06, 2013, 12:18 am
XD he messaged me " Take my name from your signature "

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on September 06, 2013, 12:30 am
XD he messaged me " Take my name from your signature "


I have added the warning to my signature...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChronicDemon on September 06, 2013, 12:42 am
;3 im just gonna leave this here, for everyones viewing pleasure.


( Yes, i made it. Everything is my 100% custom work )
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: virmo_vendor on September 06, 2013, 12:44 am

Our vendor account is falling apart due to bulk order scams done on us and now our customers lose coins and a whole butterfly effect is caused. People need to get what they deserve  ???

Any spare coins would help us and them all even if its micro  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on September 06, 2013, 12:51 am
In mine too
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on September 06, 2013, 01:03 am
There has been a torrent of large coin > .0xx requests...even over the last week. Crazy. We need that new home now...I am getting tired of this thread ✌⎦✘-✘⎣✌...

You are too cool dude.  Way too awesome.

Technically we could do it right now!  I was just waiting for the connection crap to tapper off.  It seems like it's the case or its better than it was.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on September 06, 2013, 01:09 am
Quote from: BoxofShapes
Quote from: ImAz
There has been a torrent of large coin > .0xx requests...even over the last week. Crazy. We need that new home now...I am getting tired of this thread ✌⎦✘-✘⎣✌...

You are too cool dude.  Way too awesome.

Technically we could do it right now!  I was just waiting for the connection crap to tapper off.  It seems like it's the case or its better than it was.

Well i suppose i'd better not ask for a loan  ???

Boxy?  ya still havin problems connecting?  ???

Love & Hugs to you All  8)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on September 06, 2013, 01:10 am

Our vendor account is falling apart due to bulk order scams done on us and now our customers lose coins and a whole butterfly effect is caused. People need to get what they deserve  ???

Any spare coins would help us and them all even if its micro  8)

All i can see is a lot of FEing with no product recieved dont know how you could be loosing money like tht?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on September 06, 2013, 01:18 am
Well i suppose i'd better not ask for a loan  ???

Boxy?  ya still havin problems connecting?  ???

Love & Hugs to you All  8)



Dude.  If you of all people need a loan, you should have no shame in asking.  You have done more for this place a lot!  I know you lost a decent chunk yourself putting your trust out there.  You are owed sir.  You are way over due if you need the help.

No my connection is just fine now.  A few time outs here and there.  Not like it was a few days ago.  I just didn't wanna roll it out while people couldn't get to it.  I know it would mean a lot to some to be one of the first few people to post in it. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: adamiz on September 06, 2013, 01:20 am
;3 im just gonna leave this here, for everyones viewing pleasure.


( Yes, i made it. Everything is my 100% custom work )

That is pretty cool my friend! Well done!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on September 06, 2013, 01:27 am

Our vendor account is falling apart due to bulk order scams done on us and now our customers lose coins and a whole butterfly effect is caused. People need to get what they deserve  ???

Any spare coins would help us and them all even if its micro  8)

I have read your vendor page. You bought the vendor account from virmo and lost €10k? How and why should I give you BTC? I don't really follow...please explain it as if you were (are) talking to a 10 year old.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on September 06, 2013, 01:29 am
Quote from: BoxofShapes
Quote from: ChemCat
Well i suppose i'd better not ask for a loan  ???

Boxy?  ya still havin problems connecting?  ???

Love & Hugs to you All  8)



Dude.  If you of all people need a loan, you should have no shame in asking.  You have done more for this place a lot!  I know you lost a decent chunk yourself putting your trust out there.  You are owed sir.  You are way over due if you need the help.

No my connection is just fine now.  A few time outs here and there.  Not like it was a few days ago.  I just didn't wanna roll it out while people couldn't get to it.  I know it would mean a lot to some to be one of the first few people to post in it.

Thanks for those words :)  I just don't like to ask .. ya know?  Because my Loan would be a couple bitcoins +

However, i Pay back with interest  ;)

I'll  wait a week or two, there are others that Need more than i do at the moment, i just landed another commercial job and was on a roof for 11 hours today so i am sun fried  LOL 

Take your time Box, No need to Rush a Good Thing, as far as the New Thread  ;)

We're not goin anywhere and I Believe the Family Knows this as well  :)

I'm gonna get some dinner and lay in the tub for a while  ;)

Love ya Box 8)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on September 06, 2013, 01:37 am

Well i suppose i'd better not ask for a loan  ???

Boxy?  ya still havin problems connecting?  ???

Love & Hugs to you All  8)


                  O0 you know that you are a trusted brobra and I will lend you whatever I can, whenever I always ask!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChronicDemon on September 06, 2013, 01:42 am
;3 thanks

Yea Chem, if you need some coin let us know mate!, we got ya ;3
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on September 06, 2013, 01:44 am
Hugs & Love to ya ImAz  8)

I can wait, as i have alot on my plate right now & others are in need  :)

When the time comes, and i still need it, i'll ask ;) 

For now, i'll just bide my time and keep on keepin on for the time being  :)

Taz bro.... are we ok?  In my book ..we are...However....i'm concerned that ya don't answer my msg's to you  :(

Love & Hugs to ya taz  8)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Alighier on September 06, 2013, 01:51 am
I just wanted to hop on and throw my love out there for all my druggarts and cryptonauts, my subversives and perversives, my sinners and yinners, yangers and wangers.

Hit me up on the main site (same name) if you wanna chat.  It's mostly what I'm able to do nowadays.


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on September 06, 2013, 01:57 am
Quote from: BoxofShapes
Quote from: ChemCat
Well i suppose i'd better not ask for a loan  ???

Boxy?  ya still havin problems connecting?  ???

Love & Hugs to you All  8)



Dude.  If you of all people need a loan, you should have no shame in asking.  You have done more for this place a lot!  I know you lost a decent chunk yourself putting your trust out there.  You are owed sir.  You are way over due if you need the help.

No my connection is just fine now.  A few time outs here and there.  Not like it was a few days ago.  I just didn't wanna roll it out while people couldn't get to it.  I know it would mean a lot to some to be one of the first few people to post in it.

Thanks for those words :)  I just don't like to ask .. ya know?  Because my Loan would be a couple bitcoins +

However, i Pay back with interest  ;)

I'll  wait a week or two, there are others that Need more than i do at the moment, i just landed another commercial job and was on a roof for 11 hours today so i am sun fried  LOL 

Take your time Box, No need to Rush a Good Thing, as far as the New Thread  ;)

We're not goin anywhere and I Believe the Family Knows this as well  :)

I'm gonna get some dinner and lay in the tub for a while  ;)

Love ya Box 8)



I know the same feeling you have right now.  I had a very hard time coming around and asking for a major loan when I needed it.  The fact was I needed it.  When I got it, it HELPED.  It helped more than any amount of morality I could have had against asking. 

You mean a lot to us CC.  Please don't compare yourself to the loons asking for crazy amounts with no intention of paying back.  There is no comparison. 

Don't let your compassion for us, get in the way of our compassion for you.

I'm sending you a PM.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on September 06, 2013, 01:59 am
I just wanted to hop on and throw my love out there for all my druggarts and cryptonauts, my subversives and perversives, my sinners and yinners, yangers and wangers.

Hit me up on the main site (same name) if you wanna chat.  It's mostly what I'm able to do nowadays.



I've missed you!  Have you been taking care since last we spoke?  Have things improved?

Have you been using the silky strands of spiderwebs to guide your way?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on September 06, 2013, 02:03 am
Hugs & Love to ya ImAz  8)

Chemcat and all my other trusted brobra, you know who you are, you are always good in my book for BTCs...I will always lend to you brobras with whatever I have! Always...ask here or pm me.

Rock on bitches...

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: njguido on September 06, 2013, 02:19 am
still needing 0.20 btc if you have it to spare send it to me please
these people have way to much time to be hating on me for asking for some help

.18 sent, it's all I have. Take care bro.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: somahaoma on September 06, 2013, 02:24 am
Hey fellow travellers,

I have been a member over a year, and have contributed on forums occasionally, I am in need of 0.47 btc at the moment, im open to a full half coin but to be honest, as of this moment 0.47 is needed, I can repay the loan on september 15th. my SR name is "somahaoma" as well.

Thanks in advance  :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: njguido on September 06, 2013, 02:27 am
Hey fellow travellers,

I have been a member over a year, and have contributed on forums occasionally, I am in need of 0.47 btc at the moment, im open to a full half coin but to be honest, as of this moment 0.47 is needed, I can repay the loan on september 15th. my SR name is "somahaoma" as well.

Thanks in advance  :D

Are you a Nigerian Prince? Will I receive millions in return if i comply?!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: njguido on September 06, 2013, 02:28 am
No, but seriously DARKMAGIC65, go fuck yourself, NO ONE is EVER going to give you any spare coin, I hope your gym teacher sodomizes the shit out of you after he catches you smoking your free sample weed behind the basketball courts. You stupid, stupid, piece of shit.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChronicDemon on September 06, 2013, 02:30 am
still needing 0.20 btc if you have it to spare send it to me please
these people have way to much time to be hating on me for asking for some help

You wont see that coin again NJGUIDO.






Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: njguido on September 06, 2013, 02:34 am
still needing 0.20 btc if you have it to spare send it to me please
these people have way to much time to be hating on me for asking for some help

You wont see that coin again NJGUIDO.

Dont worry about it, I never sent him any coin, I was fucking around with him. I was burned by that piece of shit i3lazd already, i'm uber cautious over who I will load to from now on.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChronicDemon on September 06, 2013, 02:37 am
Good!, glad to hear it.

After loaning out, and getting loaned coin around here for a little while now, ive got a good general grasp of who will actually pay me back, and how many of these little kids are just looking for free coins.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: johnwholesome on September 06, 2013, 03:10 am
Pay back of .225? *hint hint*  ;D

Haha, sorry  :(

You make me nervous man.  Ron had to bring it up to get his loan back.  I just have a lot of respect for that guy.

I don't have .18 but I can put you closer I guess.  Can you pinky swear to put it back when stated?  I will be making an order by then and will be cutting it close if I don't have it by then.  It wouldn't be fun for me if I don't get it back.  It's not much but it makes a difference to me.

I have been a member of these forums for 16 months now, and I feel that I have contributed a fair amount to alot of posts, I definitely wouldn't throw that away over such a small amount. I have had a lot of shit happen lately and alot on my mind, and I really apologize for the lateness of his loan, but I promise I can repay you on tuesday latest. (depending on localbitcoin vendor, monday). I will be buying .5btc and would happily give you .2 or whatever bitcoins then. If you can help that would be great, I have left this party extremely late  ::).

Thanks alot, I know it's hard to trust people on here but I try to do my best,

If you hadn't seen, my silkroad name is 'lockerp', with a p  ::).

Alright then.  Don't let this box down.  Thanks for not giving me attitude about my scrutiny.  You can't blame me.

Sending you .155.  It's all that's left in the box.  May the other .025 find the way.

Show your friend a good time then.

.03 sent
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on September 06, 2013, 03:17 am
still needing help to get 0.1150 this is my only time im going to need a loan here i will pay it back over time..


Look at that the only time he will need a loan
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on September 06, 2013, 03:22 am
wow all running smoothly tonight ::) chronic nice and calm now yeah hahah
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on September 06, 2013, 03:25 am

He said he already got the .03 a little after I send him the big chunk.  Just fyi


wouldn' have it any other way.     :P

Heh.  "Let em go daddyo" 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: johnwholesome on September 06, 2013, 03:31 am

He said he already got the .03 a little after I send him the big chunk.  Just fyi


wouldn' have it any other way.     :P

Heh.  "Let em go daddyo"

Herp-a-derp, Johnny W's eyeballs are jittery again! The nystagmus of love and such :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thelorax on September 06, 2013, 03:34 am
No, but seriously DARKMAGIC65, go fuck yourself, NO ONE is EVER going to give you any spare coin, I hope your gym teacher sodomizes the shit out of you after he catches you smoking your free sample weed behind the basketball courts. You stupid, stupid, piece of shit.

lol shit just got REAL!!

anyways i got an extra .04 if anyone needs some let me know on here..

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DefyCode on September 06, 2013, 03:36 am
Okay so I'm giving all of the good guys *hugs* you all need it! Being so nice and people try to screw you over.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChronicDemon on September 06, 2013, 04:02 am
After a thorough review of Darkmagic65's posts.

i was correct, the only posts he has are spam, signing up for free or dirt cheap samples, or begging for coins.

And so i am safe to assume, this is a kid.

Please help fight underage drug abuse by not lending him coins ;3
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on September 06, 2013, 04:46 am
Okay so I'm giving all of the good guys *hugs* you all need it! Being so nice and people try to screw you over.

How can ya tell we needed one?  :P

Herp-a-derp, Johnny W's eyeballs are jittery again! The nystagmus of love and such :P

Hehe.  Well +1 anyway man. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: somahaoma on September 06, 2013, 04:57 am
Hey fellow travellers,

I have been a member over a year, and have contributed on forums occasionally, I am in need of 0.47 btc at the moment, im open to a full half coin but to be honest, as of this moment 0.47 is needed, I can repay the loan on september 15th. my SR name is "somahaoma" as well.

Thanks in advance  :D

Are you a Nigerian Prince? Will I receive millions in return if i comply?!

+1 on the Nigerian Prince comment.

no you won't receive millions, I never asked anyone to " to conform, submit, or adapt" to anything. I asked for a micro loan in a thread made just for that.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Locker on September 06, 2013, 06:23 am
Pay back of .225? *hint hint*  ;D

Haha, sorry  :(

You make me nervous man.  Ron had to bring it up to get his loan back.  I just have a lot of respect for that guy.

I don't have .18 but I can put you closer I guess.  Can you pinky swear to put it back when stated?  I will be making an order by then and will be cutting it close if I don't have it by then.  It wouldn't be fun for me if I don't get it back.  It's not much but it makes a difference to me.

I have been a member of these forums for 16 months now, and I feel that I have contributed a fair amount to alot of posts, I definitely wouldn't throw that away over such a small amount. I have had a lot of shit happen lately and alot on my mind, and I really apologize for the lateness of his loan, but I promise I can repay you on tuesday latest. (depending on localbitcoin vendor, monday). I will be buying .5btc and would happily give you .2 or whatever bitcoins then. If you can help that would be great, I have left this party extremely late  ::).

Thanks alot, I know it's hard to trust people on here but I try to do my best,

If you hadn't seen, my silkroad name is 'lockerp', with a p  ::).

Alright then.  Don't let this box down.  Thanks for not giving me attitude about my scrutiny.  You can't blame me.

Sending you .155.  It's all that's left in the box.  May the other .025 find the way.

Show your friend a good time then.

.03 sent

Thanks man, that actually helped alot! Although I managed to get an extra .025 I still needed just that little bit extra, I will send what I have back and return all coins when I receive them.

Thanks everyone,
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on September 06, 2013, 07:02 am

hello an gnight  :P :-* ::) ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bodnostrokulum on September 06, 2013, 09:07 am
Hello people

im ฿0.07 short to make an order  :(
will repay after 15th of September !

sr name is the same:


Thank you in advance !
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on September 06, 2013, 09:59 am
Hello people

im ฿0.07 short to make an order  :(
will repay after 15th of September !

sr name is the same:


Thank you in advance !

You haven,t paid me back!!!

Hello peeps  ;D :-* :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on September 06, 2013, 10:10 am
0.1 Sent Bod  ;) sorry about missing your post  :-[ :-*

0.1 received !!!  :) Thank you very much Mary666 and all the nice people around !

Love and hugs to you  :D

Never paid this back!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on September 06, 2013, 10:17 am
I passed out on the computer chair and woke up on the couch. ::) Once the cat was not on the watch anymore all hell broke loose here :P :P

Dan paid me back with extra!
Thanks again

ExperienceAll paid me back most as well.

@ chronic. i really like your art.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: frivolous on September 06, 2013, 10:18 am
I know that 0.21 is a bit of a larger loan, but I'll pay you back within a couple of days plus a little extra. I have 8 months on the road, 0% auto finalize rate, 0% refund rate, and well over $1,000 USD spent. Also, for a reference, staind has loaned to me several times before, and I've payed him back each time within a few days with some extra coin :)

If someone would be willing to help me out, my SR name is 'greenbeanjacket'; PM me if you send anything over so I know who to pay back.

happy birthday in advance :). Sent you the 0.21, hope they'll reach you in time. :/

Just repaid you this morning; thanks again!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: titicacanari on September 06, 2013, 10:43 am

[EDIT] no need anymore, please help somebody else with your spare coins

Thanks  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MDMAwesome on September 06, 2013, 10:52 am
Hey I am short 0.16 btc, i know that this is a little bit more but i will pay back 0.25 as soon as new btc arrive(never longer than 2 days).
Would be really great if someone could help me because I am out of weed :(

Username is Ungeraffthausen  pm me so i know who to pay back.

Thanks in advance!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on September 06, 2013, 01:18 pm
0.1 Sent Bod  ;) sorry about missing your post  :-[ :-*

0.1 received !!!  :) Thank you very much Mary666 and all the nice people around !

Love and hugs to you  :D

Never paid this back!

I asked him twice if he paid you back, and he ran off like a child and didn't say anything.

I'll put him on the shitlist for you.  He obviously doesn't give a shit.

Give me a little time and I'll do it.

<3 Mary
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: illmotions on September 06, 2013, 01:19 pm
Hey I am short 0.16 btc, i know that this is a little bit more but i will pay back 0.25 as soon as new btc arrive(never longer than 2 days).
Would be really great if someone could help me because I am out of weed :(

Username is Ungeraffthausen  pm me so i know who to pay back.

Thanks in advance!

DUDE you spammed too 50 Today and then you decide to make post 51 to ask for a loan? ARE YOU COOKIN'? That aint gonna fly not to mention you made your account today. Sorry but u seem fishy and no way anyone is gonna loan you. Ive had my account for over a year and I still feel like I need to prove myself before asking for a loan so yeah dude go and play some tor casino for your btc cause this isn't the place to try and swindle free coins! sorry if Im wrong but yeah no thanks.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on September 06, 2013, 01:20 pm
Hi Boxy, long time no see or it feels like it lol  :-[ Thanks hun, i thought he was on shitlist for it tbh or i would have said  :-\

Get me paid back B, its not spare change thats over $10!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DrWalterB on September 06, 2013, 01:29 pm
Hi mary :) I think I have some spare coin if u need whatever that guy didnt pay u !
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ppanth on September 06, 2013, 01:31 pm
Morning Mary! And Defycode! And Box! And everyone!
Hope everyone has a good Friday!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on September 06, 2013, 01:34 pm
Hi mary :) I think I have some spare coin if u need whatever that guy didnt pay u !
Your a sweetie Dr Walt, its cool ,he should pay back his loan but i,m ok , appreciate it though  ;) :-* Where/ how have you been?  :-\

Hi PP, how ya doin hun  ;) :-*

Hugs all of you  ;) :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DrWalterB on September 06, 2013, 01:44 pm
ok, hope he gets his shit sorted :)
am good though, rl has just been busy the last couple of weeks ! am tryin to get some more SR time in again :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cascas on September 06, 2013, 01:45 pm
Hi guys!

I am short 0.01 BTC, so frustrating! Can anyone help? PM me please! I will pay back!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on September 06, 2013, 01:51 pm
Glad to hear it Walter  ;)

SR name cascas??  :-\
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cascas on September 06, 2013, 01:51 pm
Glad to hear it Walter  ;)

SR name cascas??  :-\

same as forum name :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on September 06, 2013, 01:53 pm
Glad to hear it Walter  ;)

SR name cascas??  :-\

same as forum name :)

0.01 sent  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on September 06, 2013, 01:57 pm
Just repaid you this morning; thanks again!

confirmed, thanks as well

good thing ppl look out for each other here. that bodno guy for instance. he looks good for it at first glance. kudos to you boxy for paying attention.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DrWalterB on September 06, 2013, 01:59 pm
FirePharmacy got his loan back to me :) cheers mate
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cascas on September 06, 2013, 02:00 pm
Glad to hear it Walter  ;)

SR name cascas??  :-\

same as forum name :)

0.01 sent  ;)

Thanks so much! Promise it will come back!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MDMAwesome on September 06, 2013, 02:06 pm
Hey I am short 0.16 btc, i know that this is a little bit more but i will pay back 0.25 as soon as new btc arrive(never longer than 2 days).
Would be really great if someone could help me because I am out of weed :(

Username is Ungeraffthausen  pm me so i know who to pay back.

Thanks in advance!

DUDE you spammed too 50 Today and then you decide to make post 51 to ask for a loan? ARE YOU COOKIN'? That aint gonna fly not to mention you made your account today. Sorry but u seem fishy and no way anyone is gonna loan you. Ive had my account for over a year and I still feel like I need to prove myself before asking for a loan so yeah dude go and play some tor casino for your btc cause this isn't the place to try and swindle free coins! sorry if Im wrong but yeah no thanks.

Yeah I knew someone was gonna point that out. I wouldn't trust also.
That 50 post thing is just bullshit. I normally only read the forums but now its the first time i need someone lend me coins.

I'll probably have to wait for the btc price to rise or wait another 2 days -.-

If anyone feels like helping out though 0.14 would do it. (payback still 0.25)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DrWalterB on September 06, 2013, 02:27 pm
I will go out on a limb and help you out, make sure it comes back in 2 days like you posted.

sent 0.14 to Ungeraffthausen :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChronicDemon on September 06, 2013, 02:29 pm
Who wants to bet that MDMAwesome is really DarkMagic65.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on September 06, 2013, 02:32 pm
Who wants to bet that MDMAwesome is really DarkMagic65.

Na.  He would be like, "what give you the right to question me?  I have no intention of paying back.  Why should you care?"
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on September 06, 2013, 03:01 pm
                                                    :) :P :D Greetings everyone! :D :P :)

****Please read the rules even if you're planning to help someone out because instead of helping a scumbag you could be helping an established buyer. ****

1) Anyone can ask for coins!
2) Don't take advantage of this (know your limits).
3) ##When requesting, post your SR name## SO WE KNOW WHERE TO SEND IT TO.  DON'T ASSUME WE KNOW. ##  :)
4) Declare a time frame for when you will be able to reimburse.
5) Keep the amounts requested and loaned sensible.  Nothing that would make or break someone.
6) This thread is for "I am short .XX for my order".  Not "I need a hand out in general".  No panhandling.
7)## DO NOT PM PEOPLE FOR COINS. ## >:( ##Keep all communication within the thread.  The thread also serves as a record so we can give credit where it is due. ##
8 ) It is not required but encouraged to eat ice cream.

[++++] Recently added.

Follow the rules and you will have a much better chance of being helped out.
                                                           Reserved For Notes

*Make sure when adding a name to the list that you add both their forum name AND their SR username. Thank you.


The shit list:
Bodnostrokulum    ++++
darkmagic65        ++++
King Karma
thecrackhead    ++++ <~~~ Placed here by ChemCat
Tedrux  ++++<~~~Placed here by mary666 for repeatedly asking for suicide funds

 *^*Do Not Lend to These People*^*

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on September 06, 2013, 03:16 pm
Hi Boxy, long time no see or it feels like it lol  :-[ Thanks hun, i thought he was on shitlist for it tbh or i would have said  :-\

Get me paid back B, its not spare change thats over $10!!

Hah yea.  He was already on it.  I should have just checked it first.

Finding that list was a pain.

I'm putting my foot down all.  I'm opening the new thread this Sunday.  Set aside some time if you want to post in the first few pages.  I know it would mean a lot to some.

Thanks for everyone's patience with this.  I was just wanting this connection stuff to blow over and wanted to correspond to some people before hand. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MDMAwesome on September 06, 2013, 03:17 pm
I will go out on a limb and help you out, make sure it comes back in 2 days like you posted.

sent 0.14 to Ungeraffthausen :)

You are my hero thank you so much! I will pay back 0.25 as soon as i get them.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: titoprince on September 06, 2013, 03:21 pm

So I ordered from a vendor who has been having quality issues and he's offered to refund people who got any of his 'bad batch.' My order isn't here yet, but I need to get a testing kit so I can be sure I'm not ingesting flesh eating chemicals when I sample his stuff.

The kit is cheap, I just need a bit extra to cover the postage. So if anyone could throw .013 btc my way, I'd be eternally grateful. I've given before in the thread (oddly enough, if I'd gotten that money back, I wouldn't be asking now) but this is the first time I've requested.

Oh and it will take me three weeks to get it back. Not because I'm impoverished but because I only buy btc once a month. I could send it back earlier if need be, though. I'd just hate to drop fifty euros (my guy's minimum when I buy btc) to give someone 1.30.

All right I that's .013 btc please and sent to SR name titoprince

Thanks in advance
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on September 06, 2013, 03:27 pm
Oh and it will take me three weeks to get it back. Not because I'm impoverished but because I only buy btc once a month. I could send it back earlier if need be, though. I'd just hate to drop fifty euros (my guy's minimum when I buy btc) to give someone 1.30.

It's the main reason this thread exists.  .013 shapes on the way.

Edit:  Well as soon as I can log in.   :P

Reedit: Sent!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: titoprince on September 06, 2013, 03:40 pm
Oh and it will take me three weeks to get it back. Not because I'm impoverished but because I only buy btc once a month. I could send it back earlier if need be, though. I'd just hate to drop fifty euros (my guy's minimum when I buy btc) to give someone 1.30.

It's the main reason this thread exists.  .013 shapes on the way.

Edit:  Well as soon as I can log in.   :P

Thanks, much appreciated. Is your forum username the one I'd be using to pay you back? Just going to set a reminder on my phone and I'll hit you back as soon as I reload. Might be sooner than three weeks, but definitely won't be later.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on September 06, 2013, 03:48 pm
Oh and it will take me three weeks to get it back. Not because I'm impoverished but because I only buy btc once a month. I could send it back earlier if need be, though. I'd just hate to drop fifty euros (my guy's minimum when I buy btc) to give someone 1.30.

It's the main reason this thread exists.  .013 shapes on the way.

Edit:  Well as soon as I can log in.   :P

Thanks, much appreciated. Is your forum username the one I'd be using to pay you back? Just going to set a reminder on my phone and I'll hit you back as soon as I reload. Might be sooner than three weeks, but definitely won't be later.


Yes.  The shape of this boxes name is the same on SR.  BoxofShapes.

You can also go into account ---> account history to see.

Take care!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DreadKn0t on September 06, 2013, 03:53 pm
Box, you're a good soul.+1 to you.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on September 06, 2013, 04:00 pm
Thanks man.  :P I need reminders sometimes.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DrWalterB on September 06, 2013, 04:05 pm
I will go out on a limb and help you out, make sure it comes back in 2 days like you posted.

sent 0.14 to Ungeraffthausen :)

You are my hero thank you so much! I will pay back 0.25 as soon as i get them.

Your welcome :)

@ BoX, I +1 from me to, it is friday 8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChronicDemon on September 06, 2013, 04:23 pm
;3 BOX FOR PRESIDENT! 2016, LOOKOUT OBAMA theirs a new shape on the prowl lol.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on September 06, 2013, 04:35 pm

Thank you!  Back at you.  You brought me closer to connecting to IRC than anyone else I have asked!  That was a massive amount of help!


Maybe in just the shaman in this tiny little tribe in the universe.  :P 

Thanks a lot for your help as well man!  Get some of that pent up aggression out on these bums. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Widd3rshins on September 06, 2013, 05:36 pm
Hey all. I'm trying to buy a QP of Power Bud from jayesh.  Currently I'm $1.00 short on my order :/  Can anyone help a brother out?  here are my stats, cheers.

 Member for: 2 years

                                all time
total transactions        18
total spent        $6,729.80
total vendors       16
refund rate       0%
auto-finalize rate        0%

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: incubusdriver on September 06, 2013, 05:41 pm
Box o' Shapes, you definitely play a large role in keeping this thread alive.

Just one day now until I find out whether I made a mistake lending somebody on here a fiver or not... the day of truth is nearly here.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on September 06, 2013, 06:38 pm
Hey all. I'm trying to buy a QP of Power Bud from jayesh.  Currently I'm $1.00 short on my order :/  Can anyone help a brother out?  here are my stats, cheers.

 Member for: 2 years

                                all time
total transactions        18
total spent        $6,729.80
total vendors       16
refund rate       0%
auto-finalize rate        0%

I got you, what is your SR username?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on September 06, 2013, 06:41 pm
Finding that list was a pain.

I'm putting my foot down all.  I'm opening the new thread this Sunday.  Set aside some time if you want to post in the first few pages.  I know it would mean a lot to some.

Thanks for everyone's patience with this.  I was just wanting this connection stuff to blow over and wanted to correspond to some people before hand.

Marking the date in my calendar! ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on September 06, 2013, 06:50 pm

Thanks man.  If they are late than just try to keep communication open.  It's my best advice.


Do it!  Mark that shit up!  Mark it with sticky ice cream hands!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on September 06, 2013, 06:55 pm

Do it!  Mark that shit up!  Mark it with sticky ice cream hands!

I already did, this sunday has a big X smeared on it with chocolate icecream and I think 1 or 2 of the rainbow sprinkles might have stuck to it as well ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on September 06, 2013, 07:07 pm
Is there room for frozen popsicle in an ice cream mans life?

No really.... I'm only posting cause I wanted reply 12345
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on September 06, 2013, 07:10 pm
Is there room for frozen popsicle in an ice cream mans life?

No really.... I'm only posting cause I wanted reply 12345

Yes I've been known to enjoy a frozen popsicle from time to time. I also really like those flintstone push pops! c:)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bukket on September 06, 2013, 07:13 pm
hey guys, I need .002 BTC to get my order going for 1G of "Artic Sand" MDMA from deadmaufive.

I purchased just enough coin to get it lastnight and literally minutes before I could buy it the listing dissappeared -_-

So I messaged deadmaufive and waited till morning for his reply and by then the price must have dropped cause now im short .002 :(

Thanks guys hope someone can help me out here :(

username is same as my forum name: bukket
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on September 06, 2013, 07:17 pm
those flintstone push pops! c:)

Oh those things are BALLIN.  Damn I'ma going to have to get one after work and relive some nostalgia.... cept be really stoned this time. 


SR name?  And do you have a time frame for payback?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bukket on September 06, 2013, 07:20 pm
SR user name is bukket

I can pay you back later today one my mate is home from work.

+1 Even for the thought ;)!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on September 06, 2013, 07:21 pm
username is same as my forum name: bukket

Shapes sent.  And just pay it forward.  I thought it was .02 not .002.

Have fun with it man
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: bukket on September 06, 2013, 07:23 pm
Thanks aton box.

You da man!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DaFrizzle on September 06, 2013, 08:00 pm
Hello everyone, I am in need of help and currently frustrated  :'(

After acquiring coins yesterday and the item selling out I was forced to wait to other a different item today and now miscalculated my needs and am short the shipping charge.

I am asking please anyone to help me out with .08 BTC and I promise to return payment within the week of at least .1 BTC.

I have borrowed before and paid back and have given another coin before without wanting return.

So if anyone can please help, I just need .08 BTC. My user name is DaFrizzle.

*EDIT* So now the shit just keeps pileing on. The of what I wanted just jumped up .07 BTC and now Im short .15 BTC. If anyone can help with that much it is appreciated but I feel I may just need to go buy more myself at this point.

*DOUBLE EDIT* Disregard this post, went and got more BTC myself
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on September 06, 2013, 08:15 pm
Hey bitches!

Autumn is in the air in my area of the world!

What gives?!?!? TAZ I need you on the site more...I went too long without see my best brobra on the thread! Please come back or pm me!!

Boxy, you are always the main brobra in my book...Iced Cream man, I could eat tubs all day...but then I would get super fat like all the Americans!

Shit, I just got back from a trip to the US of A...damn those bitches like to eat! It seems that 1 outta 5 are very over weight...oh well.

I wish that my 2I had come today ₢❂ ͜ʖ❂ I love that shit...

Well I have to go to "work" and will be outta the house...don't break in...and will be back in about 5 hours.

Talk to all my brobrasヽ(⚈‿⚈)ノ and the rest of you bitches... latter.

PS - Lets please more to a new thread as I have, more or less, had it with this one...

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Locker on September 06, 2013, 08:15 pm
Hey I am short 0.16 btc, i know that this is a little bit more but i will pay back 0.25 as soon as new btc arrive(never longer than 2 days).
Would be really great if someone could help me because I am out of weed :(

Username is Ungeraffthausen  pm me so i know who to pay back.

Thanks in advance!
Either an idiot or a troll;
I may not be the best one to say this, but I fail to see how being 'out of weed' is a good enough reason to get a loan. This thread was designed for people that were either short on an order, or require a small amount of coins that they need now, that they can pay back.

Now, if you truly are getting coins in 'no longer than 2 days' then I do not understand why you need a loan?
If you weren't to stupid to realize, it's a friday, the start of a weekend. Now as far as I am aware ANY post that is posted within this weekend period is to be postponed until the Monday afterwards, meaning that there is no difference from posting on a saturday to a monday morning.

Let's say you're not a troll and you really do get coins in under 2 days; Why do you require a loan? In 2 days (Sunday) you are able to place your order with your own coins and receive it on the exact same date, there is no reason why you need a loan. Why would we take a completely useless and unnecessary risk upon an anonymous member of a drug forum?

Also to add to this, you've spammed your way to 50 posts and created your account this day, with your first 50+ post being in this thread. This makes everyone think, or even establish that you're not legit.

Now where is Darkmagic? I wonder if he needs a loan  ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tonymontana101 on September 06, 2013, 10:13 pm
Back to this thread again I'm once again in need. :/ Have paid back the one time I did get a loan and was even early. I'll be able to pay back in 2 weeks when I reup on coins and only need $5 this time. 0.04255 bitcoin and my username is tonymontana101 Thank you very much if someone can help. Forgot to say will pay back extra!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on September 06, 2013, 11:31 pm
@ Imaz - luv ya straight back broba .

@ Chemy -sure were cool ,  were totally  8)  like we  always have been and always will be I hope .

I will be replying to your p.m later  btw . iḿ not ignoring you man  :) 

Hugz  @ ya both
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on September 06, 2013, 11:36 pm
Hey I am short 0.16 btc, i know that this is a little bit more but i will pay back 0.25 as soon as new btc arrive(never longer than 2 days).
Would be really great if someone could help me because I am out of weed :(

Username is Ungeraffthausen  pm me so i know who to pay back.

Thanks in advance!
Either an idiot or a troll;
I may not be the best one to say this, but I fail to see how being 'out of weed' is a good enough reason to get a loan. This thread was designed for people that were either short on an order, or require a small amount of coins that they need now, that they can pay back.

Now, if you truly are getting coins in 'no longer than 2 days' then I do not understand why you need a loan?
If you weren't to stupid to realize, it's a friday, the start of a weekend. Now as far as I am aware ANY post that is posted within this weekend period is to be postponed until the Monday afterwards, meaning that there is no difference from posting on a saturday to a monday morning.

Let's say you're not a troll and you really do get coins in under 2 days; Why do you require a loan? In 2 days (Sunday) you are able to place your order with your own coins and receive it on the exact same date, there is no reason why you need a loan. Why would we take a completely useless and unnecessary risk upon an anonymous member of a drug forum?

Also to add to this, you've spammed your way to 50 posts and created your account this day, with your first 50+ post being in this thread. This makes everyone think, or even establish that you're not legit.

Now where is Darktime? I wonder if he needs a loan  ;D

+1 for putting way too much forensic thought into this. 

* Darktime is trustworthy darkmagic65 is a scum ball
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on September 06, 2013, 11:37 pm
Quote from: taz7

@ Chemy -sure were cool ,  were totally  8)  like we  always have been and always will be I hope .

I will be replying to your p.m later  btw . iḿ not ignoring you man  :) 

Hugz  @ ya both

@taz   :)

Always, My Friend  8)

Big Hugs to you as well  :)

Peace, Love & Hugs to ya,


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Locker on September 06, 2013, 11:46 pm
Hey I am short 0.16 btc, i know that this is a little bit more but i will pay back 0.25 as soon as new btc arrive(never longer than 2 days).
Would be really great if someone could help me because I am out of weed :(

Username is Ungeraffthausen  pm me so i know who to pay back.

Thanks in advance!
Either an idiot or a troll;
I may not be the best one to say this, but I fail to see how being 'out of weed' is a good enough reason to get a loan. This thread was designed for people that were either short on an order, or require a small amount of coins that they need now, that they can pay back.

Now, if you truly are getting coins in 'no longer than 2 days' then I do not understand why you need a loan?
If you weren't to stupid to realize, it's a friday, the start of a weekend. Now as far as I am aware ANY post that is posted within this weekend period is to be postponed until the Monday afterwards, meaning that there is no difference from posting on a saturday to a monday morning.

Let's say you're not a troll and you really do get coins in under 2 days; Why do you require a loan? In 2 days (Sunday) you are able to place your order with your own coins and receive it on the exact same date, there is no reason why you need a loan. Why would we take a completely useless and unnecessary risk upon an anonymous member of a drug forum?

Also to add to this, you've spammed your way to 50 posts and created your account this day, with your first 50+ post being in this thread. This makes everyone think, or even establish that you're not legit.

Now where is Darktime? I wonder if he needs a loan  ;D

+1 for putting way too much forensic thought into this. 

* Darktime is trustworthy darkmagic65 is a scum ball

Oops, sorry Darktime.It was one of the two, but tor was being extremely slow as per usual lately, and I couldn't check without getting timed out  ;D

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on September 07, 2013, 12:01 am
Sunday!  Look you people.  Sunday!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on September 07, 2013, 12:12 am
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ppanth on September 07, 2013, 12:28 am
Hi guys! Hope everyone is having a fun Friday night!
Not so much here :(

anyway..I certainly do not disagree that anyone who posts to 50 and comes to ask for coin is suspicious..however on the mailing thing, and ordering today, or even tomorrow, with USPS and some of the vendors I have used, had I placed an order today it would be here Monday. Some cases even tomorrow if I went overnight..otherwise ordering Sunday the earliest arrival would be Tuesday, more likely that part of the loan request is something I have encountered in my previous orders.

But spam to 50 and pop up asking for more then a few pennies, well it looks and smells scammy..

Any resident legal experts about? Not, absolutely NOT SR related. Dui related, and mdpv related, but not from here. Never dealt with anything like it and I have not a clue what to do, if there is anything to be done. Anyhow. Lonely Friday night :(

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on September 07, 2013, 12:35 am
Hey bitches!

Autumn is in the air in my area of the world!

What gives?!?!? TAZ I need you on the site more...I went too long without see my best brobra on the thread! Please come back or pm me!!

Boxy, you are always the main brobra in my book...Iced Cream man, I could eat tubs all day...but then I would get super fat like all the Americans!

Shit, I just got back from a trip to the US of A...damn those bitches like to eat! It seems that 1 outta 5 are very over weight...oh well.

I wish that my 2I had come today ₢❂ ͜ʖ❂ I love that shit...

Well I have to go to "work" and will be outta the house...don't break in...and will be back in about 5 hours.

Talk to all my brobrasヽ(⚈‿⚈)ノ and the rest of you bitches... latter.

PS - Lets please more to a new thread as I have, more or less, had it with this one...


Iǘe been falling asleep early , in fact I drift5ed off just now ,  but Iǘe been trying to stay awake without success the last few nights
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on September 07, 2013, 12:39 am
If it wasn't for the fact I have tooth ache Iḿ pretty sure I would be asleep right now
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tonymontana101 on September 07, 2013, 12:51 am
Back to this thread again I'm once again in need. :/ Have paid back the one time I did get a loan and was even early. I'll be able to pay back in 2 weeks when I reup on coins and only need $5 this time. 0.04255 bitcoin and my username is tonymontana101 Thank you very much if someone can help. Forgot to say will pay back extra!

Bump in case someone can help.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on September 07, 2013, 01:09 am
Back to this thread again I'm once again in need. :/ Have paid back the one time I did get a loan and was even early. I'll be able to pay back in 2 weeks when I reup on coins and only need $5 this time. 0.04255 bitcoin and my username is tonymontana101 Thank you very much if someone can help. Forgot to say will pay back extra!

Bump in case someone can help.

seeing as you paid back last time ill flick you .015 but thats all i got right now  good luck getting the rest
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on September 07, 2013, 01:18 am
Back to this thread again I'm once again in need. :/ Have paid back the one time I did get a loan and was even early. I'll be able to pay back in 2 weeks when I reup on coins and only need $5 this time. 0.04255 bitcoin and my username is tonymontana101 Thank you very much if someone can help. Forgot to say will pay back extra!

Bump in case someone can help.

seeing as you paid back last time ill flick you .015 but thats all i got right now  good luck getting the rest

I only have .024.  Getting closer. 


Damn?  I really hope you are ok? 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on September 07, 2013, 01:24 am
@ PP 

Hugs, Peace & Prayers to ya  :)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on September 07, 2013, 01:28 am
*hugs purple*

tony is just 0.0035 away right? I can chip that in.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on September 07, 2013, 01:35 am
Heh.  go team spare coin!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on September 07, 2013, 01:37 am
Hi guys! Hope everyone is having a fun Friday night!
Not so much here :(

anyway..I certainly do not disagree that anyone who posts to 50 and comes to ask for coin is suspicious..however on the mailing thing, and ordering today, or even tomorrow, with USPS and some of the vendors I have used, had I placed an order today it would be here Monday. Some cases even tomorrow if I went overnight..otherwise ordering Sunday the earliest arrival would be Tuesday, more likely that part of the loan request is something I have encountered in my previous orders.

But spam to 50 and pop up asking for more then a few pennies, well it looks and smells scammy..

Any resident legal experts about? Not, absolutely NOT SR related. Dui related, and mdpv related, but not from here. Never dealt with anything like it and I have not a clue what to do, if there is anything to be done. Anyhow. Lonely Friday night :(


I can say about my dui experiance but its not from america
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Locker on September 07, 2013, 01:45 am
What's the status on the new thread then?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on September 07, 2013, 01:52 am
@ tonymontana

Sent.  Send back to the sender as soon as you can.....  :)

Peace & Hugs,


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on September 07, 2013, 01:56 am
@ Lock

Sunday, is the ETA of the new thread...stay tuned  ;)

Peace & Hugs,


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tonymontana101 on September 07, 2013, 01:58 am
Thanks so much everyone for the help. Will return to everyone as soon as I can probably sooner than the 2 weeks with extra. Added karma to everyone, greatly appreciated.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on September 07, 2013, 02:00 am
What's the status on the new thread then?

Sunday.  I'll unlock the one created and everything moves hopefully.

I hope early evening US so the EU time people don't have to be up mad late.  (sry AU :( )

DUI's vary a bit state to state, but in the end it's usually some classes and a lot of cash.  I don't know what the mdvp throws in there tho.

I really hope you can stay around pp.  I need my coffee company.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: foxen624 on September 07, 2013, 06:06 am
Back to this thread again I'm once again in need. :/ Have paid back the one time I did get a loan and was even early. I'll be able to pay back in 2 weeks when I reup on coins and only need $5 this time. 0.04255 bitcoin and my username is tonymontana101 Thank you very much if someone can help. Forgot to say will pay back extra!

Bump in case someone can help.

seeing as you paid back last time ill flick you .015 but thats all i got right now  good luck getting the rest

I only have .024.  Getting closer. 


Damn?  I really hope you are ok?

Hey Boxy...  you still short something like 0.01855?   Just got on here after not having been able to because my computer got a permanent BSOD...   for now at least .. but am on my new one and happy to see all of you.... so will send you 0.02 regardless if you already got it or not....  pay it forward if you did ;) :-*

Sent....  btw... hope you and everyone is doing good... will have to read what all I missed now I guess...  ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: foxen624 on September 07, 2013, 06:19 am
OooooKay...   I did miss you all... but didn't thing missing a day or two would have turned me all dingy... ???   I just sent you the 0.02 Boxy...  AFTER just realizing that I'd sent it the first time to tonymontana101 by accident... :o:o   hmmmm.. and I don't even know him/her...   ::)

Oh and wow... lol... think my head needs to be rejusted or something before I do anything else on here that is totally lame...   Boxy.. I really have no clue if you still need coin and if so.. how much you actually need.   If you need more...  let me know and I'll send it on over.....

Oh well, tonymontana..  you got a free 0.02 btc and it was my fault so just don't even worry about it...  nice to meet you btw then..  lol ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: tonymontana101 on September 07, 2013, 06:43 am
OooooKay...   I did miss you all... but didn't thing missing a day or two would have turned me all dingy... ???   I just sent you the 0.02 Boxy...  AFTER just realizing that I'd sent it the first time to tonymontana101 by accident... :o:o   hmmmm.. and I don't even know him/her...   ::)

Oh and wow... lol... think my head needs to be rejusted or something before I do anything else on here that is totally lame...   Boxy.. I really have no clue if you still need coin and if so.. how much you actually need.   If you need more...  let me know and I'll send it on over.....

Oh well, tonymontana..  you got a free 0.02 btc and it was my fault so just don't even worry about it...  nice to meet you btw then..  lol ;)

Lol nice to meet you as well. :D If really not needed let me know and I'll return it to the pool of coins of the people that helped me out.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: foxen624 on September 07, 2013, 06:51 am
OooooKay...   I did miss you all... but didn't thing missing a day or two would have turned me all dingy... ???   I just sent you the 0.02 Boxy...  AFTER just realizing that I'd sent it the first time to tonymontana101 by accident... :o:o   hmmmm.. and I don't even know him/her...   ::)

Oh and wow... lol... think my head needs to be rejusted or something before I do anything else on here that is totally lame...   Boxy.. I really have no clue if you still need coin and if so.. how much you actually need.   If you need more...  let me know and I'll send it on over.....

Oh well, tonymontana..  you got a free 0.02 btc and it was my fault so just don't even worry about it...  nice to meet you btw then..  lol ;)

Lol nice to meet you as well. :D If really not needed let me know and I'll return it to the pool of coins of the people that helped me out.

Lol... so much for first impressions... nah... I don't need it...   do whatever you see fit to do...   just don't send it back to me...  I mean, it's not like you asked or anything...   ::) ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on September 07, 2013, 07:45 am

whats good y'all
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: theman123451 on September 07, 2013, 07:49 am
RS i have a long over due surprise for you!!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on September 07, 2013, 07:53 am
:o? whats that

edit: o_O wait the hell is this for? :o you didn't owe me anything ???
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: theman123451 on September 07, 2013, 08:00 am
coins to give away to people that deserve them!!!!!!!!!! and a lil for yourself  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: foxen624 on September 07, 2013, 08:05 am
Hey my beloved family....   Chem, Mary, Boxy, Kalli, ImAz, cryngie, stained, newley met tonymontana101, DefyCode, and everyone else who's name is escaping me at the moment....   this is not what I came here to say.... lol.. but after the last few posts I just made I suppose I'd better just mention that most of the time I like to maintain a fairly even keel....  but somehow, tonight I seem to have gotten myself rather spun :o :o   So besides loaning the wrong amount to the wrong person and probably the wrong amount to the right person, and whatnot....  and the fact that I have a feeling that I'm probably fairly embarassed right about now but doubt it will really sink in until some hours from now...   and that I'm doing more correcting than typing...   thinking it best to be cutting my visit short before I make any more strange posts....   guess I'll just throw around some karma to you all...   and throw some coin at some people in a random sort of a way....   (why would I do this?  just because I guess).. :P  and then quietly sneak out of here so I can enjoy the next while before the embarassment sets in..   lol  ::)

On another note, I'm not so dizzy that I didn't see your post about your fucked up situation pPanther...  I feel terrible for you...  I had that happen once but it was a long, long time ago before the madd mothers had really gotten any momentum and the govt got so ocdc about it.   I hope that you will be able to manage through all the riduculous things they will probably make you do, classes - so they call the, movies about people all bloody in car accicents, and the always fun AA meetings...  :O >:(    Hope you can afford a decent lawyer....   really do hope you'll be O.K..  ::)   *Hugs* ;) :-*

One more thing for the record... Kalli has paid me back over half what he borrowed and will pay the rest when he can which is what I asked him to do rather than worrying about it.... and I'm not worried.....

Have a good one everyone...  ;) :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on September 07, 2013, 08:06 am
coins to give away to people that deserve them!!!!!!!!!! and a lil for yourself  8)
wow dude, you definitely are theman, lol ;D

shall use this for the responsible lenders list coming soon™ :P an pm you who its being lent to
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: foxen624 on September 07, 2013, 08:31 am
@ Lock

Sunday, is the ETA of the new thread...stay tuned  ;)

Peace & Hugs,



Alright!  Can't wait! ;) 8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: theman123451 on September 07, 2013, 08:44 am
coins to give away to people that deserve them!!!!!!!!!! and a lil for yourself  8)
wow dude, you definitely are theman, lol ;D

shall use this for the responsible lenders list coming soon™ :P an pm you who its being lent to

i figured i owed you for that .22 u gave me back a wile ago. and its always good to help out people regardless.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ppanth on September 07, 2013, 01:14 pm
Looks like I am the first one awake?
Down to business then!
Coffee for all!!

@chemcat, @foxen, @box thanks :)  I did not do it, my dad was killed when I was too young to remember him, in a dui, so I am pretty staunchly against such things. Stay home if you're trashed, pretty simple fix. It's my significant other. Left on a regular weekday and didnt show up where supposed to, ended up a few miles away a few hours later. No legal problems prior, but stuck locked up still because mdpv makes people fucking nuts. For days. I am trying to be careful and not publicly disclose too much, ya know. Generally live paycheck to paycheck, so this sort of shit isnt good, on any level.

@cryngie it is in the US thanks for answering tho!

Anyhow guys, its rough not knowing anything and worrying about everything. ugh.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on September 07, 2013, 01:21 pm
Hi everyone  :) Boxy, Chemcat, RS7, Foxen, the man, PPanth (no PM  :'( lol), Taz, Kalli, Japan, Darktime, Defy, Dr Walt, DanDan, ChronicDemon, Murda an everyone else i can,t think of right now  ;D ;D ;D Hope your having a good weekend  ;)
@PP sorry i know nothing of DUI  :-[ if i can help in any way give me a shout  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ppanth on September 07, 2013, 01:25 pm
morning mary!
Yea I know what you know about I guess I need to hit the lottery this weekend. More so then normal.
Hope you are having a good day!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on September 07, 2013, 01:32 pm
@PPanth..i,m good hun, quite boring now the nice weathers gone but going to take the dogs out again soon  :) I,m the same, living week to week so know where your coming from there  ;) lottery would be amazing, could help everyone, i,d be a bit terrifeied buying loads of bitcoin lol  ::) :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MDMAwesome on September 07, 2013, 01:47 pm
Hey I am short 0.16 btc, i know that this is a little bit more but i will pay back 0.25 as soon as new btc arrive(never longer than 2 days).
Would be really great if someone could help me because I am out of weed :(

Username is Ungeraffthausen  pm me so i know who to pay back.

Thanks in advance!
Either an idiot or a troll;
I may not be the best one to say this, but I fail to see how being 'out of weed' is a good enough reason to get a loan. This thread was designed for people that were either short on an order, or require a small amount of coins that they need now, that they can pay back.

Now, if you truly are getting coins in 'no longer than 2 days' then I do not understand why you need a loan?
If you weren't to stupid to realize, it's a friday, the start of a weekend. Now as far as I am aware ANY post that is posted within this weekend period is to be postponed until the Monday afterwards, meaning that there is no difference from posting on a saturday to a monday morning.

Let's say you're not a troll and you really do get coins in under 2 days; Why do you require a loan? In 2 days (Sunday) you are able to place your order with your own coins and receive it on the exact same date, there is no reason why you need a loan. Why would we take a completely useless and unnecessary risk upon an anonymous member of a drug forum?

Also to add to this, you've spammed your way to 50 posts and created your account this day, with your first 50+ post being in this thread. This makes everyone think, or even establish that you're not legit.

Now where is Darkmagic? I wonder if he needs a loan  ;D

Alright let me explain it to you:

Yes I spammed to 50 posts just to ask for coins. I am willing to pay back an extra if someone trust a guy who does that so I thought maybe someone would do it.
The sentence I am out of weed was misleading, I just figured out it sounds like I need those .16 to buy pot :D
I was .16 short to buy an larger amount and my seller need time to prepare his packages so placing the order on a Friday results
in sending the package on Monday.
So even with the weekend between i get my order faster.

But I got my loan and I will pay it back so it doesn't matter anyways.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: energyimport on September 07, 2013, 02:06 pm
Hi guys! Hope everyone is having a fun Friday night!
Not so much here :(

anyway..I certainly do not disagree that anyone who posts to 50 and comes to ask for coin is suspicious..however on the mailing thing, and ordering today, or even tomorrow, with USPS and some of the vendors I have used, had I placed an order today it would be here Monday. Some cases even tomorrow if I went overnight..otherwise ordering Sunday the earliest arrival would be Tuesday, more likely that part of the loan request is something I have encountered in my previous orders.

But spam to 50 and pop up asking for more then a few pennies, well it looks and smells scammy..

Any resident legal experts about? Not, absolutely NOT SR related. Dui related, and mdpv related, but not from here. Never dealt with anything like it and I have not a clue what to do, if there is anything to be done. Anyhow. Lonely Friday night :(

Not a legal expert but have gone through the DUI process once before got fucked studied the hell out off the laws and gotten out of 2 DUi's since.....then realizes I had a prob and stopped driving drunk (which should of been the answer in the first place lol)

Any ways PM details an I'll give you my two cents if you want it.

(Note its USA specifically for two different midwest states 1 was a very strict state)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ppanth on September 07, 2013, 02:21 pm
Oh mary how I wish we had good weather and not this heat..I need to move somewhere cooler.

@energyimport pm on the way in a second thanks!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Locker on September 07, 2013, 03:50 pm
Hey I am short 0.16 btc, i know that this is a little bit more but i will pay back 0.25 as soon as new btc arrive(never longer than 2 days).
Would be really great if someone could help me because I am out of weed :(

Username is Ungeraffthausen  pm me so i know who to pay back.

Thanks in advance!
Either an idiot or a troll;
I may not be the best one to say this, but I fail to see how being 'out of weed' is a good enough reason to get a loan. This thread was designed for people that were either short on an order, or require a small amount of coins that they need now, that they can pay back.

Now, if you truly are getting coins in 'no longer than 2 days' then I do not understand why you need a loan?
If you weren't to stupid to realize, it's a friday, the start of a weekend. Now as far as I am aware ANY post that is posted within this weekend period is to be postponed until the Monday afterwards, meaning that there is no difference from posting on a saturday to a monday morning.

Let's say you're not a troll and you really do get coins in under 2 days; Why do you require a loan? In 2 days (Sunday) you are able to place your order with your own coins and receive it on the exact same date, there is no reason why you need a loan. Why would we take a completely useless and unnecessary risk upon an anonymous member of a drug forum?

Also to add to this, you've spammed your way to 50 posts and created your account this day, with your first 50+ post being in this thread. This makes everyone think, or even establish that you're not legit.

Now where is Darkmagic? I wonder if he needs a loan  ;D

Alright let me explain it to you:

Yes I spammed to 50 posts just to ask for coins. I am willing to pay back an extra if someone trust a guy who does that so I thought maybe someone would do it.
The sentence I am out of weed was misleading, I just figured out it sounds like I need those .16 to buy pot :D
I was .16 short to buy an larger amount and my seller need time to prepare his packages so placing the order on a Friday results
in sending the package on Monday.
So even with the weekend between i get my order faster.

But I got my loan and I will pay it back so it doesn't matter anyways.
If you order from a vendor who cannot package and send his product from Sunday to Tuesday at the latest is extremely unprofessional or may just have a different reason, but the fact still remains that you're apparently buying bitcoins tomorrow, so why would we risk a loan of any amount?

I find it extremely hard to believe that someone would loan to you under your circumstances, who was it? They seem to be taking a risk that is not needed as you will (which you won't really) get bitcoins tomorrow.

At least try build up some rep before asking for free money,
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: MDMAwesome on September 07, 2013, 04:23 pm
Hey I am short 0.16 btc, i know that this is a little bit more but i will pay back 0.25 as soon as new btc arrive(never longer than 2 days).
Would be really great if someone could help me because I am out of weed :(

Username is Ungeraffthausen  pm me so i know who to pay back.

Thanks in advance!
Either an idiot or a troll;
I may not be the best one to say this, but I fail to see how being 'out of weed' is a good enough reason to get a loan. This thread was designed for people that were either short on an order, or require a small amount of coins that they need now, that they can pay back.

Now, if you truly are getting coins in 'no longer than 2 days' then I do not understand why you need a loan?
If you weren't to stupid to realize, it's a friday, the start of a weekend. Now as far as I am aware ANY post that is posted within this weekend period is to be postponed until the Monday afterwards, meaning that there is no difference from posting on a saturday to a monday morning.

Let's say you're not a troll and you really do get coins in under 2 days; Why do you require a loan? In 2 days (Sunday) you are able to place your order with your own coins and receive it on the exact same date, there is no reason why you need a loan. Why would we take a completely useless and unnecessary risk upon an anonymous member of a drug forum?

Also to add to this, you've spammed your way to 50 posts and created your account this day, with your first 50+ post being in this thread. This makes everyone think, or even establish that you're not legit.

Now where is Darkmagic? I wonder if he needs a loan  ;D

Alright let me explain it to you:

Yes I spammed to 50 posts just to ask for coins. I am willing to pay back an extra if someone trust a guy who does that so I thought maybe someone would do it.
The sentence I am out of weed was misleading, I just figured out it sounds like I need those .16 to buy pot :D
I was .16 short to buy an larger amount and my seller need time to prepare his packages so placing the order on a Friday results
in sending the package on Monday.
So even with the weekend between i get my order faster.

But I got my loan and I will pay it back so it doesn't matter anyways.
If you order from a vendor who cannot package and send his product from Sunday to Tuesday at the latest is extremely unprofessional or may just have a different reason, but the fact still remains that you're apparently buying bitcoins tomorrow, so why would we risk a loan of any amount?

I find it extremely hard to believe that someone would loan to you under your circumstances, who was it? They seem to be taking a risk that is not needed as you will (which you won't really) get bitcoins tomorrow.

At least try build up some rep before asking for free money,

First of all I asked for a loan not free money and as I said I offered an extra payback if someone trusts a guy without rep.
The bitcoins are already purchased and I am just waiting for them to be released from escrow when my seller receives the money.
That normally takes 2 days so I will get them tomorrow or in worst case at Monday.

I got the btc from DrWalterB and he helped me a lot with that.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on September 07, 2013, 05:30 pm

We appreciate you discussing this.  It lets us know you feel strongly about doing the right thing.  Your request just came at a time where there have been a lot of spam to 50er's just to come here.  You have to understand.

But I am happy you found the help you needed.  Just come back and stand up for your conviction and pay back the doc.  He is an awesome guy and deserves that respect.

Hope this isn't the last we hear from you in any given circumstance and take care until.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on September 07, 2013, 06:03 pm
....long time ago before the madd mothers had really gotten any momentum and the govt got so ocdc about it.   

Oh god I remember that.  Why do I have to remember that.

Thanks for the thought foxen even though I wasn't the one asking. :P I hope you had a fun night.  Sounds like you did!  Keep those posts as weird as you can spin em.  Fun stuff happens then.   


Well the good news is is it's a first offense.  They're much easier to deal with than if it was beyond that.  I just hope there wasn't property damage involved cause that just makes things a lot more messy. 

Again it varies what state you are in as well.  Best I can say for now.  Please be well.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ppanth on September 07, 2013, 06:06 pm
I do not believe there was damage..idk..the car was drivable, as in there was a call made to come pick it up.
There is insurance..soo...we shall see.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on September 07, 2013, 06:15 pm
Oh well if it was just to your car it's fine.  (well kinda :() It's more so other peoples stuff are involved.  Then they become really excited about justifying the situation.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ppanth on September 07, 2013, 06:21 pm
It is hard to deal with when you dont know what happened..and probably never will.
I did just have an hour of my life with the parents of the driver. Who hate me btw.
And it was said that driver is in jail because he didnt pay his bills..because the stupid twat thought an automated call from the jail telling you to agree to pay(for the call) was somehow meaning he is in jail for not paying a bill..and um yea its a DUI charge thanks. lol

Better yet, these people are not welcome, havent been for 2 years, and also made the comment that a child doesnt resemble any family members..

Buckle up for fun..also not my day
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on September 07, 2013, 06:37 pm
God.  That is beyond rude.  So frustrating how stupid some people are. 

If they aren't fitting their perfect definition for how to live life, they get lumped in this other gigantic category, and get thrown all sorts of assumptions.

I really hope you don't live in the bible belt.  If you do get out while you can!  Run girl!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ppanth on September 07, 2013, 06:45 pm
Rude, yea these people are the definition of.

So the good news I guess is they will pay to save their baby. 30+ yrs old, but whatever.

And they will still be unwelcome.  Treat others as you would like to be treated..or get the fuck out.

Oh and he does back me on that, they can not get away with being dicks to me, that is part of why they arent welcome to start with. If he had heard today it would have been really bad..for mom.  The history could be a damn soap opera..
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on September 07, 2013, 06:53 pm
Well that's the best of news.  Good to know he agrees.  Just because they raised you doesn't mean you have to agree with them.

Anyway.... Coffee!

Box out for now!  Take care until!  Must get stuff done!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on September 07, 2013, 07:25 pm
coins to give away to people that deserve them!!!!!!!!!! and a lil for yourself  8)
wow dude, you definitely are theman, lol ;D

shall use this for the responsible lenders list coming soon™ :P an pm you who its being lent to

i figured i owed you for that .22 u gave me back a wile ago. and its always good to help out people regardless.
simply thank you :), people like you make me smile :D! cause proving its not about the coin, but instead  about the random acts of kindness that prove we're really here to for the love of each other!

morning mary, boxy, chemmy, taz, theman and everyone else :) hope y'all are doing well!

much love ;D :-* ::) :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on September 07, 2013, 09:50 pm
Morning RS , much love to you  :)

Itś  nearly 11 at night here , and only caffeine is keeping my eyelids open while the weed is trying to shut them  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Locker on September 08, 2013, 12:28 am
Hi all, hope you're having a good night!

Repaying BoxOfShapes 0.155 and johnwholesome 0.03 (or the equivilent on current rates) on tuesday when I'm buying around 1 coin if they dont fluctuate or drop too much. Thank you, msot things have arrived fine and it's all ready for tomorrow. Cheers again.

One problem though, I ordered some 2cb (just one 20mg pill to test it out before I buy some more) from the vendor GeneralMsS, unaware to me that be has not been on sr in about 5 days. After waiting a day I checked and realized that the listing had been removed, and my order still not processed, so I had to get it cancelled.

Although he wasn't the best vendor, he seemed to have great prices for 2bc (Which I now assume was to just get rid of them), so I went with him. Now I've been refunded I can't afford the next cheapest single 2cb pill   :-\

I understand this is getting fairly tedious right now, but if anyone would like to help me speed things up and not have to wait till next week to receive the item, then I would be extremely grateful and repay you with the others on tuesday. If nobody could help I can wait till tuesday, but it will just delay the delivery to next week (The max quantity is also 4, not sure if that's just the most he posts or if he has 4 left  :o). I am short 0.049btc, silkroad name lockerp. (emphasis on the p at the end).

Much love to you all, not vital but would be nice,
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: foxen624 on September 08, 2013, 12:53 am
....long time ago before the madd mothers had really gotten any momentum and the govt got so ocdc about it.   

Oh god I remember that.  Why do I have to remember that.

Oh I know!  What an awful thing to remember... especially at a time when I couldn't remember most of the usernames of those I care about most on here, or where most of the keys on the keyboard were ???

Thanks for the thought foxen even though I wasn't the one asking. :P I hope you had a fun night.  Sounds like you did!  Keep those posts as weird as you can spin em.  Fun stuff happens then.   

Lol.... I realized when I got on here today that you never were the one asking for the coin :o  ???  Still can't figure out who was..  don't even know how I arrived at the amount I thought they needed either...   ???   ::)  At any rate, if the coin I tried to send you made it..  consider it a gift - no repay necessary or expected (hope that goes w/o saying) ;)

As for the fun night?   Hell yeah!  ;D

@pPanth - I see now that it wasn't you...  last night I'd thought it was.  But obviously it happened to someone you care very much about and I do know from experience that uncertainty can often be even worse than knowing for sure even if it turns out to be bad.  Although in your case, I hope that whatever the outcome... it won't be as bad as whatever must be running through your mind...   And, sorry to hear about your Dad (even though you were very young at the time and don't remember him)..  I can certainly see how you would be opinionated on the subject...  best of outcomes to you and yours...  *hugs*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: foxen624 on September 08, 2013, 01:00 am
Hi all, hope you're having a good night!

Repaying BoxOfShapes 0.155 and johnwholesome 0.03 (or the equivilent on current rates) on tuesday when I'm buying around 1 coin if they dont fluctuate or drop too much. Thank you, msot things have arrived fine and it's all ready for tomorrow. Cheers again.

One problem though, I ordered some 2cb (just one 20mg pill to test it out before I buy some more) from the vendor GeneralMsS, unaware to me that be has not been on sr in about 5 days. After waiting a day I checked and realized that the listing had been removed, and my order still not processed, so I had to get it cancelled.

Although he wasn't the best vendor, he seemed to have great prices for 2bc (Which I now assume was to just get rid of them), so I went with him. Now I've been refunded I can't afford the next cheapest single 2cb pill   :-\

I understand this is getting fairly tedious right now, but if anyone would like to help me speed things up and not have to wait till next week to receive the item, then I would be extremely grateful and repay you with the others on tuesday. If nobody could help I can wait till tuesday, but it will just delay the delivery to next week (The max quantity is also 4, not sure if that's just the most he posts or if he has 4 left  :o). I am short 0.049btc, silkroad name lockerp. (emphasis on the p at the end).

Much love to you all, not vital but would be nice,

Sending it now........

Sent 0.05 :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on September 08, 2013, 01:11 am
Ahh foxen you kept this thread interesting last night/this morning +1 for that

Morning all hope your having a good weekend
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: foxen624 on September 08, 2013, 01:12 am
@mary - Just so you don't think I forgot.... I owe you a PM..  bigtime!  But for now, gotta run...  some last minute IRL things to take care of... 

cya  (and everyone else) l8r! ;) :-* :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: foxen624 on September 08, 2013, 01:14 am
Ahh foxen you kept this thread interesting last night/this morning +1 for that

Morning all hope your having a good weekend

lol... thanks cryngie :)   +1 right back for letting me off easy.. hehehe ;) :-*

O.K.   outta here for now as r/l is calling louder........
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Locker on September 08, 2013, 01:45 am
Hi all, hope you're having a good night!

Repaying BoxOfShapes 0.155 and johnwholesome 0.03 (or the equivilent on current rates) on tuesday when I'm buying around 1 coin if they dont fluctuate or drop too much. Thank you, msot things have arrived fine and it's all ready for tomorrow. Cheers again.

One problem though, I ordered some 2cb (just one 20mg pill to test it out before I buy some more) from the vendor GeneralMsS, unaware to me that be has not been on sr in about 5 days. After waiting a day I checked and realized that the listing had been removed, and my order still not processed, so I had to get it cancelled.

Although he wasn't the best vendor, he seemed to have great prices for 2bc (Which I now assume was to just get rid of them), so I went with him. Now I've been refunded I can't afford the next cheapest single 2cb pill   :-\

I understand this is getting fairly tedious right now, but if anyone would like to help me speed things up and not have to wait till next week to receive the item, then I would be extremely grateful and repay you with the others on tuesday. If nobody could help I can wait till tuesday, but it will just delay the delivery to next week (The max quantity is also 4, not sure if that's just the most he posts or if he has 4 left  :o). I am short 0.049btc, silkroad name lockerp. (emphasis on the p at the end).

Much love to you all, not vital but would be nice,

Sending it now........

Sent 0.05 :)

Thanks man, helped alot :)
Now, back to repaying  ::)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on September 08, 2013, 02:36 am
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on September 08, 2013, 02:48 am
gnight my lovelies :catch ya'll later peace
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on September 08, 2013, 06:59 am
Everyone excited to move to the new home like i am
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DrWalterB on September 08, 2013, 09:36 am
gnight my lovelies :catch ya'll later peace

Gnite RS :D see you on the other side 8)

@ cryngie, will there be a reception ? can't wait ;) everyone can bring some of their stash ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on September 08, 2013, 11:06 am
 :) Hello, hope your all having a lazy Sunday  ;)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on September 08, 2013, 01:13 pm
Good Morning Hugs and Coffee to Everyone  8)

I think i am gonna fry up some deer heart and make some milk gravy for breakfast  :)

Nom Nom Nom  :P

Peace & Hugs 8)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on September 08, 2013, 01:19 pm
Moving day!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on September 08, 2013, 01:23 pm
**Slides dan a big bowl of coffee ice cream**

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on September 08, 2013, 01:25 pm
**pushes to the side the bowl of black cherry icecream that is already being eaten for breakfast to make room for the bowl of coffee icecream**

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on September 08, 2013, 01:27 pm cherry is awesome  :)

**Finishes his bowl of Coffee Ice Cream & runs to the store for Black Cherry Ice Cream**

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DrWalterB on September 08, 2013, 02:29 pm
:) Hello, hope your all having a lazy Sunday  ;)

Lazy sunday it is :) enjoying every minute of it to. Hope you are well mary and everyone else of course 8)

@ CC hope you enjoy those pork ribs, can't stop thinkin about them ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ppanth on September 08, 2013, 02:46 pm
Good Sunday Morning!!

I have coffee ice cream I covered 2 bases with one effort this morning..

Here is to the best day you guys can have!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on September 08, 2013, 03:41 pm
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on September 08, 2013, 03:48 pm
What's spost to happen today?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: trichome on September 08, 2013, 03:49 pm
the new thread  :P  that's why i am here  :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on September 08, 2013, 03:59 pm
the new thread  :P  that's why i am here  :P

New thread?  Are we making a scarf?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on September 08, 2013, 03:59 pm
Today's the Day that i go to Wal-Mart to get Brand new Underwears  LOL

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DanDanTheIceCreamMan on September 08, 2013, 04:00 pm
the new thread  :P  that's why i am here  :P

New thread?  Are we making a scarf?

Winter is on it's way!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on September 08, 2013, 04:01 pm
Have they got the carpet and windows in the new Home?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on September 08, 2013, 04:02 pm
Woot Woot!!

Gonna have to get Box some Wool Toe Socks  :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on September 08, 2013, 05:09 pm
heeeyyy :) 

hope everyone got their cooled champagne ready.
todays a big day!

do we get an eta or is it f5 party today? ^^.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on September 08, 2013, 05:22 pm
heeeyyy :) 

hope everyone got their cooled champagne ready.
todays a big day!

do we get an eta or is it f5 party today? ^^.

Everyone gets the same time on the forums right?

I was going to say 9pm SR time.

If I'm not around when it happens for some reason I'll make sure someone knows and does what's needed.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: incubusdriver on September 08, 2013, 05:30 pm
Forgive my naivete, but what's happening this evening?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on September 08, 2013, 05:35 pm
Well I'm glad you asked!

Moving day.  From here to there! ---->   http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=209603.0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on September 08, 2013, 05:38 pm
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: staind on September 08, 2013, 06:23 pm
damn tor strikes back

alright, sounds good.
hope i can make it.

my last post here, wooohooo :P.

**takes bag and shuts the door**
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: incubusdriver on September 08, 2013, 06:37 pm
Thanks :-) +1
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on September 08, 2013, 08:43 pm
Hey gang , sites still a bit touch n go I  see .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on September 08, 2013, 08:48 pm
Me and my cat are ready for the new thread and our new BIGGEST BEDROOM IN THE THREAD!

TAz- yep it is touch and go atm...

I am feeling 100000% super paranoid all the curtains are drawn and I keep peeking I am not on anything...just some dodgy dudes creaping in the hood over the last couple of days...

So I will not be here today...DO NOT TAKE MY ROOM! That means you...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on September 08, 2013, 08:53 pm
how come you get biggest room , oh wait I wasn't here to call it ,
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on September 08, 2013, 08:54 pm
how come you get biggest room , oh wait I wasn't here to call it ,

That is cat needs the most room...

ha, but really, you were MIA.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on September 08, 2013, 08:56 pm
why whats been happening round your way ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on September 08, 2013, 08:57 pm
who are these dodgy bastards
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on September 08, 2013, 09:01 pm
Saddle up, taz..we'll do around the clock armed protection for Imaz 


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on September 08, 2013, 09:03 pm
Hey sorry couldn't connect right away.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on September 08, 2013, 09:03 pm
Absolutely  8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ImAz on September 08, 2013, 09:06 pm
Saddle up, taz..we'll do around the clock armed protection for Imaz 


please do!!! really...I could do with some mates around the house about now! Anyone up for a sleepover...for the month of SEPT?

Taz I still have a package for you and really want to send it. Please help me with it...send me a pm with your correct drop info.

Well I  am gone...Ill be under my bed crying to myself.

Will talk tomorrow...if I am still here...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Official Spare Coin Rep on September 08, 2013, 09:08 pm
Officially representing the new Oƒƒicia£ $par€ ₵oin Thread for the Official Spare Coin Family.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on September 08, 2013, 09:34 pm
yeah Iǘe been trying to get both threads to load .
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jim765676 on September 08, 2013, 11:21 pm
I could use .06 btc to place an order. I can have the btc back to you on friday. hit me up if you can help.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: chicagomix on September 09, 2013, 04:13 am
Hey again, guys! I hope you're all doing well. I have come here to express my idiocy once again. ;) Just bought some coins for an order. They just came to my account. Here's the breakdown:

Coins Available: 0.9848 ($119.17)

Coins Needed: 0.9892 ($119.67)

... I am 0.060 short. WHY!? WHYYYY!? I would have had plenty an hour ago. -_- sigh...

If you guys can help me out with the 60 cents, I will obviously return the favor. I'll be placing another order later this week, so I'll make sure you get what you're owed plus some on Saturday at the very latest. :)

My SR name is chicagomix. Thanks for being awesome.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on September 09, 2013, 04:21 am
Hey again, guys! I hope you're all doing well. I have come here to express my idiocy once again. ;) Just bought some coins for an order. They just came to my account. Here's the breakdown:

Coins Available: 0.9848 ($119.17)

Coins Needed: 0.9892 ($119.67)

... I am 0.060 short. WHY!? WHYYYY!? I would have had plenty an hour ago. -_- sigh...

If you guys can help me out with the 60 cents, I will obviously return the favor. I'll be placing another order later this week, so I'll make sure you get what you're owed plus some on Saturday at the very latest. :)

My SR name is chicagomix. Thanks for being awesome.
sent :) repay soon please!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on September 09, 2013, 04:23 am



Send back to trichome as soon as possible please  :)



Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on September 09, 2013, 04:24 am
LOL  RS bro yur quick  :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on September 09, 2013, 04:24 am
lol ;D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on September 09, 2013, 04:27 am

read my past posts brother, I appreciate you :)



Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on September 09, 2013, 04:28 am
@ chicagomix

just keep what trichome sent you.

Pay Forward.  ;)



Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on September 09, 2013, 04:32 am
Hey again, guys! I hope you're all doing well. I have come here to express my idiocy once again. ;) Just bought some coins for an order. They just came to my account. Here's the breakdown:

Coins Available: 0.9848 ($119.17)

Coins Needed: 0.9892 ($119.67)

... I am 0.060 short. WHY!? WHYYYY!? I would have had plenty an hour ago. -_- sigh...

If you guys can help me out with the 60 cents, I will obviously return the favor. I'll be placing another order later this week, so I'll make sure you get what you're owed plus some on Saturday at the very latest. :)

My SR name is chicagomix. Thanks for being awesome.

0.01 sent   go for gold
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on September 09, 2013, 04:36 am
cryngie  LOL




Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: chicagomix on September 09, 2013, 05:26 am
@ chicagomix

just keep what trichome sent you.

Pay Forward.  ;)




You guys are awesome. I got the order in! :D My BTC fluctuated again and I somehow had 0.07 left? Woohoo! I sent 0.07 back to trichome for the 0.06, but I don't have enough to send 0.02 back to cryngie for the 0.01 just yet. :( I'll send it your way ASAP! Thanks again, you wonderful people!

Edit: Just saw RS sent me 0.01 as well. I will send you 0.02 asap too! Thanks again! :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on September 09, 2013, 05:37 am
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: anonypunk on September 09, 2013, 07:36 am
Hey folks! +1 Karma to ChemCat
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: anonypunk on September 09, 2013, 08:34 am
I hate asking but I have borrowed and payed back before. Anyway. I am 0.0458 btc short on an order. I was not able to get as many btc as I had hoped originally. Could anyone lend me that amount and I can get it back to you after I am able to grab more coins? Thanks!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: schuldig on September 09, 2013, 09:08 am
Hello everyone,

In need of a favor in the form of a 0.16 loan. The situation is I left myself short for an order that is for a music show on the 5th of September. I already have another order on its way but calculated wrongly what would be left over. My next payment comes in on the 3rd(fortnightly  >:() so if I order then, it will not arrive in time. I will pay back 0.20 first thing on the 3rd. I know I am am not a regular in this thread but I promise on my son that this will get paid back. I will leave a note in my sig...

My SR name is shazmo009... If anyone can help out I will be very grateful  :)

You have registered on this page August 24th, you have 50 posts on average per day, many of those in the spam thread.
However you seem like a nice guy.
Hm, I am going to take a leap of faith and send you the 0.16, I hope you don't let me down my friend.

I had to make a new account because my password stopped working..
Even though that account wasn't the newest either it is still a pain what happened.

Anyways, I do thank you and I promise I will not let you down. I will throw a reminder in my sig and first thing come September the 3rd. You will have the return in your account. I just dont want to give off the idea that I want some charity from the kind and generous here on the forums, and then disappear, never to be seen again.

You have my word...  :)

So much about words on SilkRoad. Neither he nor Reggie paid me back. Can't be bothered to lend money anymore, during the last month I've lost 0.6 BTC to people who ask for a favour but never bother to repay.

Hope you guys are fine and do the good work but I can't be losing more money.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: fuckmadagascar on September 09, 2013, 09:23 am
I don't need coins right now, nor any to give, but I'm dropping +Karma in here so everyone in need of help can have some slight bump in mood. :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Anxious on September 09, 2013, 09:33 am
Hey everybody, I posted on here a while ago asking if anyone needed a spare 0.0001 BTC, but the day after I went to the hospital and had quite a long stay there, but I'm back. I know it's not a lot by any means of the word, but if anyone wants it just ask and it's yours.

Obviously no need for a payback.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: illmotions on September 09, 2013, 11:05 am
Hey everybody, I posted on here a while ago asking if anyone needed a spare 0.0001 BTC, but the day after I went to the hospital and had quite a long stay there, but I'm back. I know it's not a lot by any means of the word, but if anyone wants it just ask and it's yours.

Obviously no need for a payback.

You can send it my way buddy :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Anxious on September 09, 2013, 11:19 am
will do, what's your sr name?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: boysen on September 09, 2013, 06:11 pm
Just stopping by to say that my unpaid dues will be paid by the weekend. :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on September 09, 2013, 06:17 pm
Hi All  :) Hope everyone,s good  :) :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BuysPaper on September 09, 2013, 06:25 pm
Badly need 0.0048 bitcoins, will pay back 0.01 bitcoins to whoever helps me out(If you help in time)

(SR name is same as forum name, please help quick, I can make some good money with this one purchase)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on September 09, 2013, 06:34 pm
Badly need 0.0048 bitcoins, will pay back 0.01 bitcoins to whoever helps me out(If you help in time)

(SR name is same as forum name, please help quick, I can make some good money with this one purchase)

Try out our new home  ;)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DrWalterB on September 09, 2013, 06:38 pm
Badly need 0.0048 bitcoins, will pay back 0.01 bitcoins to whoever helps me out(If you help in time)

(SR name is same as forum name, please help quick, I can make some good money with this one purchase)

I will hook you up, will send 0.005 :) and come over to the new spare coin thread :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jim765676 on September 09, 2013, 07:29 pm
If anybody can help, I could use .03 btc. The way i get bit coins takes an entire week and the fluctuation screwed me. I am only .03 short and can pay it back on friday. Hit me up if you can help. You wont be disappointed.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Alighier on September 09, 2013, 07:59 pm
I just wanted to hop on and throw my love out there for all my druggarts and cryptonauts, my subversives and perversives, my sinners and yinners, yangers and wangers.

Hit me up on the main site (same name) if you wanna chat.  It's mostly what I'm able to do nowadays.



I've missed you!  Have you been taking care since last we spoke?  Have things improved?

Have you been using the silky strands of spiderwebs to guide your way?

Things have been phenomenal!

I quit the rig, and haven't had an undue urge since!  (It's been about a month now)  I've been travelling and couch surfing and bumming around and finally found a job encrypting some big business's records (pretty nifty and I should have my own pad soon too 8)

And I miss you folk.  In the uphill, downstream mainline I've always kept my SR fam in my thoughts and heart.  Hit me up on the main site from time to time, I check it most often.

And Boxxy, I think you were the only reply, so an extra +1 to you, dearie ^.^

Peace, Love, and CocaineNuts,
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on September 09, 2013, 08:14 pm
Ah!  I love hearing that!  Glad you hadn't disappeared into the streets forever.

Well when things wind down you will have to give us some company.  Just say your pulse is still moving around for now. 

If I ever get lonesome I'll hit you up on sr for sure!

And btw.  I know its confusing, but we are trying to move the thread.  Come say hi for a min!  I made sure you were on the thank yous.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on September 09, 2013, 08:58 pm
Hello everyone,

In need of a favor in the form of a 0.16 loan. The situation is I left myself short for an order that is for a music show on the 5th of September. I already have another order on its way but calculated wrongly what would be left over. My next payment comes in on the 3rd(fortnightly  >:() so if I order then, it will not arrive in time. I will pay back 0.20 first thing on the 3rd. I know I am am not a regular in this thread but I promise on my son that this will get paid back. I will leave a note in my sig...

My SR name is shazmo009... If anyone can help out I will be very grateful  :)

You have registered on this page August 24th, you have 50 posts on average per day, many of those in the spam thread.
However you seem like a nice guy.
Hm, I am going to take a leap of faith and send you the 0.16, I hope you don't let me down my friend.

I had to make a new account because my password stopped working..
Even though that account wasn't the newest either it is still a pain what happened.

Anyways, I do thank you and I promise I will not let you down. I will throw a reminder in my sig and first thing come September the 3rd. You will have the return in your account. I just dont want to give off the idea that I want some charity from the kind and generous here on the forums, and then disappear, never to be seen again.

You have my word...  :)

So much about words on SilkRoad. Neither he nor Reggie paid me back. Can't be bothered to lend money anymore, during the last month I've lost 0.6 BTC to people who ask for a favour but never bother to repay.

Hope you guys are fine and do the good work but I can't be losing more money.

I feel your pain I have lost count of how many people haven't repaid but i do know that 5 have soooooo yeah  :P
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Alighier on September 09, 2013, 09:46 pm
anonypunk, what's your username? I'll gift some coin for ya bruddah ;)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: hwallclimber on September 09, 2013, 11:17 pm
Greetings! Does anyone have 0.03BTC to spare? I'll be more than happy to give you 0.04 in return, once I get some more coin on the road (which is what this transaction is for)...


Thanks in advance!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on September 09, 2013, 11:21 pm
Greetings! Does anyone have 0.03BTC to spare? I'll be more than happy to give you 0.04 in return, once I get some more coin on the road (which is what this transaction is for)...


Thanks in advance!

We are trying to move.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: hwallclimber on September 09, 2013, 11:27 pm

We are trying to move.


Thank you!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on September 10, 2013, 05:21 am
hihi :]
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: adamiz on September 10, 2013, 11:38 am
May I ask why you are moving this thread?  :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on September 10, 2013, 11:46 am
Answered in depth on previous pages. But to sumerise so the first post has the shitlist and lender lists and are able to be edited as was started by the official spare coin rep so the control of the thread is back in the hands of active members. Pretty much
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: anonypunk on September 10, 2013, 02:11 pm
anonypunk, what's your username? I'll gift some coin for ya bruddah ;)

Hey there. Thanks! I will pay ya back soon I promise. I messaged you and I think it went through.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: whowhatwhere on September 10, 2013, 08:24 pm
Can some throw me 3to4 bucks for a few days?? or whatever possible?

sr name anonymousman..


Hey did you get your loan yet?  I have $4.03 left from my last order that I'll loan you to help you out.  Let me know if you still need someone to send it on over.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on September 11, 2013, 04:17 am
Can some throw me 3to4 bucks for a few days?? or whatever possible?

sr name anonymousman..


0.04 sent to anonymousman :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on September 11, 2013, 04:20 am
hello everybody ;D

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: theman123451 on September 11, 2013, 04:23 am
hello everybody ;D


hello rs hope all is well!!!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on September 11, 2013, 04:29 am
hey theman! yes, all is G with me :P how are you bro?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: foxen624 on September 11, 2013, 06:08 am
Greetings, good morning, evening... whatever it may be  ;) ;D  Hugs all around everyone :)  Hope all is well ...  Been real busy these past few days but wanted to pop in and see what's up!  I just read the past couple of pages and it seems as if there was a lot of "It's moving day!" going around on Sept. 8...   being that the new thread is posted everywhere... think I'll go have have a looksee ;)   Are all the good rooms taken already?  Is there still an upstairs room with a bay window and a balcony?  Or do I have to sleep on the floor in the basement with the late-comers?  lol...  j/k :P

Hope all my cool and close family members are having just the happiest time...  ;)

checking out the other thread... see what is..   :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: energyimport on September 11, 2013, 05:22 pm
Hey guys how goes it.

 I'm look to grab a tenth of that high grade pure uncut BTC  lol aka .1 bitcoin

 I'm a lil short want to make a quick order and can pay back .15 no later than next week.

Look back on previous post the few and rare times I get a loan out I always pay back.

Thanks much appreciated!

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on September 11, 2013, 05:38 pm
@Energyimport http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=209603.105 new spare coin thread  ;) sorry i,m out for now myself but maybe someone else will help  :)

Hi to all anyways  :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DrWalterB on September 11, 2013, 07:27 pm
Hi Mary and good evening 8) how bout this thread gets locked ? and the new one stickyed ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on September 11, 2013, 07:37 pm
Hi Mary and good evening 8) how bout this thread gets locked ? and the new one stickyed ?

I've wondered if that was possible?  I think thecrackhead is the only one that has the final say in it but I could be wrong.  I don't know if it would be too much to ask of a mod.  The new thread is certainly catching on.  No one has had a problem with us trying to move things as far as I can tell. 

I think it would be a bit much to ask to have it stickyed or else this one would have had it already. 
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on September 11, 2013, 07:42 pm
Hi Dr Walter  ;D always good to see you hun, hope your good  :-*  This thread was one of the 10 most visited threads  :( It should have been sticked long ago. I think it would be nice if the new one got it  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DrWalterB on September 11, 2013, 07:50 pm
All is good at this end Mary :) and always a pleasure to see you to :) lets just see how it this pans out, I am sure the Spare Coin thread will always be near the top anyway ;)

@ BoS - maybe a mod will read this and let us know if its possible :) don't think its too much trouble.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChronicDemon on September 11, 2013, 11:40 pm
:c Hey everyone!

Hoping someone out there can help me get 0.20, im short on an order.
I'll have more coins coming in within the next few days and am hoping to get this order in before the weekend :c

I'll repay 0.25 ;3
Modify message

SR Name is : AncientX0
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ThisSHITScrazyman on September 12, 2013, 05:19 am
i need like 5 dollars to make an awesome order of some deems will be a good 2 or 3 weeks till i can pay you back but ill give you 10 to compensate and i always pay back :) thanks anyone

dicksonchick6969 username
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on September 12, 2013, 05:23 am
This thread is not inuse anymore try the new thread, and try a BTC amount also
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ThisSHITScrazyman on September 12, 2013, 05:27 am
what is the new thread
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: theman123451 on September 12, 2013, 05:32 am
hey theman! yes, all is G with me :P how are you bro?


im good got my head in my books studying for school.  :o
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on September 12, 2013, 05:46 am
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on September 12, 2013, 06:10 am
you as buyers need to have
 input here  ~~~~> http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=211392.15
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RxKing on September 12, 2013, 11:07 am
Just wanted to stop in and say hello to my boys in here(and girls)

I all of you are doing really good..


And the rest of you that are my boys in here..these are just the names I saw in the last couple pages...

So good morning to all :D
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on September 12, 2013, 02:03 pm
Buenos Dias, King  :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on September 12, 2013, 03:29 pm
Hey my beloved family....   Chem, Mary, Boxy, Kalli, ImAz, cryngie, stained, newley met tonymontana101, DefyCode, and everyone else who's name is escaping me at the moment....   this is not what I came here to say.... lol.. but after the last few posts I just made I suppose I'd better just mention that most of the time I like to maintain a fairly even keel....  but somehow, tonight I seem to have gotten myself rather spun :o :o   So besides loaning the wrong amount to the wrong person and probably the wrong amount to the right person, and whatnot....  and the fact that I have a feeling that I'm probably fairly embarassed right about now but doubt it will really sink in until some hours from now...   and that I'm doing more correcting than typing...   thinking it best to be cutting my visit short before I make any more strange posts....   guess I'll just throw around some karma to you all...   and throw some coin at some people in a random sort of a way....   (why would I do this?  just because I guess).. :P  and then quietly sneak out of here so I can enjoy the next while before the embarassment sets in..   lol  ::)

On another note, I'm not so dizzy that I didn't see your post about your fucked up situation pPanther...  I feel terrible for you...  I had that happen once but it was a long, long time ago before the madd mothers had really gotten any momentum and the govt got so ocdc about it.   I hope that you will be able to manage through all the riduculous things they will probably make you do, classes - so they call the, movies about people all bloody in car accicents, and the always fun AA meetings...  :O >:(    Hope you can afford a decent lawyer....   really do hope you'll be O.K..  ::)   *Hugs* ;) :-*

One more thing for the record... Kalli has paid me back over half what he borrowed and will pay the rest when he can which is what I asked him to do rather than worrying about it.... and I'm not worried.....

Have a good one everyone...  ;) :-*
Foxen  :) Did you throw coin my way  :o I don,t know how i didn,t notice, not like i,ve got much  :-[ I was starting to think i,d borrowed and couldn't remember  ::) been searching back! Thank you so much, very nice and kind of you so if you need a loan Foxen i still got em  ;) Thanks Hun  :-*

Hello all   :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: taz7 on September 12, 2013, 04:43 pm
Hey there RXK , how ya doin ? were all hanging out in the new coin thread since a few days ago  =)

How ya doin ?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on September 13, 2013, 02:54 am
:) hello everyone (hugs)

hey theman! yes, all is G with me :P how are you bro?


im good got my head in my books studying for school.  :o
:O nice!

Just wanted to stop in and say hello to my boys in here(and girls)

I all of you are doing really good..


And the rest of you that are my boys in here..these are just the names I saw in the last couple pages...

So good morning to all :D
:) hey rxking wazzup!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: titoprince on September 13, 2013, 06:02 pm
Oh and it will take me three weeks to get it back. Not because I'm impoverished but because I only buy btc once a month. I could send it back earlier if need be, though. I'd just hate to drop fifty euros (my guy's minimum when I buy btc) to give someone 1.30.

It's the main reason this thread exists.  .013 shapes on the way.

Edit:  Well as soon as I can log in.   :P

Thanks, much appreciated. Is your forum username the one I'd be using to pay you back? Just going to set a reminder on my phone and I'll hit you back as soon as I reload. Might be sooner than three weeks, but definitely won't be later.


Okay, .02 sent your way. I got a refund from an order so figured I'd send it now instead of later. Thanks again!

send to    BoxofShapes    ฿-0.02    ฿0.07    September 13, 2013, 5:59 pm UTC
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Zookie on September 13, 2013, 09:26 pm
What's up guys. I'm a about to place a half large order but I just noticed I am 0.05btc short... I never loaned btc or loaned out btc. But help would be awesome. Ill pay it back next time I fill up my acc which will be shortly! :)

Edit: whoops high as fuck forgot to put my  bitcoin adress :P 15kgdpfh8prNwuFue1KEXdzajEFps1qEyE
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on September 13, 2013, 09:31 pm
What's up guys. I'm a about to place a half large order but I just noticed I am 0.05btc short... I never loaned btc or loaned out btc. But help would be awesome. Ill pay it back next time I fill up my acc which will be shortly! :)

Edit: whoops high as fuck forgot to put my  bitcoin adress :P 15kgdpfh8prNwuFue1KEXdzajEFps1qEyE

This thread has moved.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DrWalterB on September 13, 2013, 09:35 pm
@ BoS - you beat me to it 8)

Warning - while you were reading a new reply has been posted. You may wish to review your post.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: SCIdmt on September 13, 2013, 11:13 pm
I'm looking for 11 USD worth of coins to place a 2600$ order I'm tring to place beofre the weekend.  I'll pay you double the amount when I have more coins early next weekend.  Thanks
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: FuegoTegu on September 14, 2013, 03:42 am
Yo I need like not even a dollar.

Gonna buy some lsd and trip. I might pay you back. It's a dollar tho.

SR name is Viciouz

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: DrWalterB on September 14, 2013, 03:44 am
Yo I need like not even a dollar.

Gonna buy some lsd and trip. I might pay you back. It's a dollar tho.

SR name is Viciouz

lol your funny, maybe we should set up a "beggers thread" to !
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: stupot on September 14, 2013, 04:03 am
I just paid titoprince back the $10 he lent me. This thread rocks, thanks.

send to    titoprince    ฿-0.15
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: foxen624 on September 14, 2013, 08:54 am
Hey my beloved family....   Chem, Mary, Boxy, Kalli, ImAz, cryngie, stained, newley met tonymontana101, DefyCode, and everyone else who's name is escaping me at the moment....   this is not what I came here to say.... lol.. but after the last few posts I just made I suppose I'd better just mention that most of the time I like to maintain a fairly even keel....  but somehow, tonight I seem to have gotten myself rather spun :o :o   So besides loaning the wrong amount to the wrong person and probably the wrong amount to the right person, and whatnot....  and the fact that I have a feeling that I'm probably fairly embarrassed right about now but doubt it will really sink in until some hours from now...   and that I'm doing more correcting than typing...   thinking it best to be cutting my visit short before I make any more strange posts....   guess I'll just throw around some karma to you all...   and throw some coin at some people in a random sort of a way....   (why would I do this?  just because I guess).. :P  and then quietly sneak out of here so I can enjoy the next while before the embarrassment sets in..   lol  ::)

Have a good one everyone...  ;) :-*

Foxen  :) Did you throw coin my way  :o I don,t know how i didn,t notice, not like i,ve got much  :-[ I was starting to think i,d borrowed and couldn't remember  ::) been searching back! Thank you so much, very nice and kind of you so if you need a loan Foxen i still got em  ;) Thanks Hun  :-*

Hey Mary... ya caught me :o ;)   Lol...  that night seems so long ago right now... though I see it was just a week ago.  Decided to have a bit of fun for no particular reason.. which I did btw, but made some strange posts here and got it all wrong on several attempts to send Boxy a strange amount of coin that I thought he needed.  First I sent it to someone I didn't know by accident ???  tried again to send it to Boxy (who never had been asking in the first place)..  noticed next day that he didn't get any coin from me anyway...   but I was getting so confused trying to send coin and being all fuckered up..   I figured I'd just send some to everyone on whatever page I was on...  well, most of 'em either didn't have the same name on SR as on the forum, or I couldn't get it in there spelled right or something...   so in all that mess I was making...  in fact, you were the only one I sent coin to deliberately (NOT a loan btw).. and sorry about having caused you confusion thinking that you had borrowed coin.. guess I didn't think that far ahead at the time..  ::)   Oh, and you would have gotten more had you not been the first and I think only one that I sent to that actually went...  think I'll go fix that.... then your PM... I see you are WAY  ahead of me on that... ;) :P

*Hugs!* :) :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on September 14, 2013, 10:03 am
@Foxen   :o I will loan the coin out for you hun since you've not had much time to be on here  :( Well tbh i,ll send it to Chronicdemon from you cause its too hard to trust anyone else right now  >:( That Locker thing has pissed me right off, I never loaned him (something i didn,t like about him, locker with a p was it?) I remember his posts! So I,m away to the new thread with your coin, Thank You hun, very kind of you and hopefully you'll get more time to spend on here. A lot of people have went AWOL  :( I hope they come back  :) Thanks again Foxen, all i can do is karma you and send a virtual HUG  :) :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChronicDemon on September 14, 2013, 10:55 am
<3 youre a gem mary. thank you guys for all your help and support.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on September 14, 2013, 11:16 am
Your welcome hun, it's really from Foxen, chose you cause i've seen you pay back  ;) A lot of us have been there too, I'm lucky I have mum (not that i,m young but we're always their baby's lol)  ;D :-*
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChronicDemon on September 14, 2013, 12:24 pm
Yea well, I do have family, but i burned alot of bridges growing up and use to be quite a P.o.S back then, But luckily i straightened up, and shifted away from my shady past.
Granted this was a few years ago, and thinking back on it now just kind blows my mind.
To see where i was, to where i am.. lol reminds me of that song " Started from the bottom, now we're here "
It took me a long time to get to where i am today, and im proud that i was able to do it a good majority on my own.
But alas, i still run into troubling times more often than i'd care to admit.

@.@ I mean specifically this current dilemma could have been avoided. But thats what i get for trusting old friends alone in my home.

( For a bit of a sum up it went down like this )

Woke up, ate, played some games, checked SR and SRF.
Get a call from an ex, she needs a place to crash for a few nights.
No big deal to me, cause im a kind person and always have room in my home for friends down on their luck.
Well, she shows up, we talk, smoke some weed and chill for a bit. 2 days go by like this, everything was going good till i went to go make my daily errand run ( Cigs, gas, look at guitars and such in the pawnshop downtown. )
Well, me being the trusting person i am didnt expect to come home to find my entire room had been rummaged through, and my Ex was nowhere to be found.

She managed to get off with my credit card, some old jewelry ( Gold chain, gold ring ) And not to mention my fucking weed ( honestly i was more bummed about losing my weed than anything...cause i was furious and had nothing to calm me down )

So I had been gone for maybe 4-5 hours. After doing a check around the house to see if she took anything else of value i checked my card balance and she had maxxed out the remaining 500$ from an ATM ( she knew my pin from when we use to date ) And she has perfect timing to...Cause my bill is due monday.. So, with the remaining money i had left, i went to the bank and paid off the debt and canceled the card.

See, i had thought i set aside 200$ from my check to tide me over for food but must've had my head in the clouds when counting cause i certainly did not. And it's not like i can go back to the bank and be like " Oh hey, yea....remember the debt i paid off and that card i closed? gonna need that back.. "

And now here i am, penniless and trying to come up with enough $ to tide me over till i get my next check @.@

All i can say is...Im thoroughly disappointed in the girl, but i can't be too mad, She's a junkie and i guess when you still kinda care for someone, you try to see the best in them, and they only shit on your expectations.

I'll be accepting donations for the " ChronicDemon Is Broke as shit and needs food " Charity

All proceeds will go to me, for the event of feeding me...cause im broke...

( Long story short, Someone maxxed out my Credit card so im stuck with top ramen and air for like 2 weeks so my entire paycheck aside from like 30$ went to paying the bill. And me, being quick to pay my debts, didnt realize how completely out of food i was till it was too late.)

;3 If you're feeling generous please send me some coin lol.

I only need maybe 40-50$, which will be enough to buy alot of hotdogs and microwave burritos to last me till payday.

Can repay in 2 weeks when my paycheck comes in.

No, none of this coin is going to SR or Drugs, It is going to my wallet in my pants, so i can go buy some fucking food and not live like a hobo.
I have a buyer already lined up whos gonna pay me Via Western Union once i have some coins.

( Anything donated will be refunded in 2 weeks!, I'm a man of my word as clearly shown in previous loans given to me by you lovely lovely people )

All donations can be sent to my SR account : AncientX0

Or my Public BTC Wallet : 18FBCn9pC6G3db5FUNZULbnwvpbARPwHny

I do apologize for coming to you guys with this. and it makes me feel pretty low that i have to ask for handouts to get food :c
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: peengwinz on September 14, 2013, 03:39 pm
I'm 0.0200 short of my order. I've loaned here before. If someone could loan me this I would appreciate it. I'll pay back when I get a chance. I will pay back in roughly 10 days when I get more coins to make my next purchase. Thanks guys, I appreciate it.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChronicDemon on September 14, 2013, 03:42 pm
Sent ;3 ( Figure since its such small amount, and i feel low for begging i could at least provide a coin or two )
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: peengwinz on September 14, 2013, 03:49 pm
Sent ;3 ( Figure since its such small amount, and i feel low for begging i could at least provide a coin or two )

Thanks man I appreciate it :) For my 100th post you'll be the first to give Karma too! Do you want some free hits of 25i? It's really good stuff. Sorry bout your ex btw /: that sucks
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChronicDemon on September 14, 2013, 03:50 pm
No thanks lol, never tried 25i and have no interest in most RC's lol.

And meh, shit happens. ( and apparently always to me lol )
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: peengwinz on September 14, 2013, 03:55 pm
No thanks lol, never tried 25i and have no interest in most RC's lol.

And meh, shit happens. ( and apparently always to me lol )

What does RC stand for? I'm newish to "drugs" haha
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChronicDemon on September 14, 2013, 04:00 pm

Shit like MDPV, 25i, 2ci 2cb, JWH-018, etc etc, those are RC's.

They arent brand name drugs like coke, meth, heroin, weed, lsd, crack, etc etc.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: peengwinz on September 14, 2013, 04:11 pm
Ohhh I see. And I'm like 80 cents short still. Could anyone send like 0.0100?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChronicDemon on September 14, 2013, 04:15 pm
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: peengwinz on September 14, 2013, 04:17 pm

Thanks a million, much appreciated it.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: peengwinz on September 14, 2013, 05:21 pm
Did you send it? I still haven't received it yet. I have 0.2359 and I need 0.2396
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on September 14, 2013, 05:23 pm
Did you send it? I still haven't received it yet. I have 0.2359 and I need 0.2396

Mind asking in our new thread?

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: peengwinz on September 14, 2013, 05:27 pm
Did you send it? I still haven't received it yet. I have 0.2359 and I need 0.2396

Mind asking in our new thread?


done :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on September 15, 2013, 02:55 am

murda's confused?? ???
now where do i ask my lovelies for help??
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on September 15, 2013, 04:04 am
other thread :P

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on September 15, 2013, 10:50 am
 :) Hey old thread!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on September 15, 2013, 03:37 pm
:) Hey old thread!!

hiiiiiiii mary bo berry!!
i just made my first 'i need help' post on the other thread..
and to be honest, i felt 'dirty', like i was cheating on my wife er something..
I'm sure it'll get easier with time!! ;)
much love my 'old thread' family!!

and thank you thank you RS for clarifying that!! i had no idea!! lol
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on September 15, 2013, 05:48 pm
Hi Murda, how you been  :-\  I have 0.04 if u need  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: blueberry34 on September 15, 2013, 09:21 pm
hey everyone, hope all's well with all of you!

was seeing if anyone had a spare .06ish btc? (i'm $6 usd short on shipping)

i've borrowed one time so far and paid the lender back extra because i took a little longer than i said.

i probably won't have coins for another week plus so if you really need them keep them but if anyone can help i'd be a happy camper :)


Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on September 15, 2013, 09:37 pm
hey everyone, hope all's well with all of you!

was seeing if anyone had a spare .06ish btc? (i'm $6 usd short on shipping)

i've borrowed one time so far and paid the lender back extra because i took a little longer than i said.

i probably won't have coins for another week plus so if you really need them keep them but if anyone can help i'd be a happy camper :)


Another post from me to redirect for those who haven't read what's going on.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: blueberry34 on September 15, 2013, 09:40 pm
woops sorry was just rushing and didn't read before posting my apologies
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: ChemCat on September 16, 2013, 12:55 am
for those who haven't read what's going on, please Re-Direct yourselves to the Link Below  8)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: murderface2012 on September 16, 2013, 01:48 am
Hi Murda, how you been  :-\  I have 0.04 if u need  ;)

you have a beautiful aura mary!!
you're truly a good person!!
thank you for existing!!
much love!!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on September 17, 2013, 12:41 am
haahahaha i had my suspicions about brother fox being a shill for halfway crooks/no sticks no seeds but i just came across this
"Tony Blair
orders    spent    vendors
10+    £100+    1+
25d 8h old
Halfway Crooks is by far the best Vendor on the road. There really polite. There weed is Amsterdam quality. Two day delivery to UK. They only have a few strains listed but will do custom orders :O. They have over Seventy strains. Every weed i can think of they have. I am a big fan of Halfway Crooks. This guy is not just a Vendor there like Family to me. I have smoked weed now for a good few years and have never come across weed that good :). I ordered Super Lemon Haze and i blacked out. I have also tried Super Blue Dream, Super Blue Princess, Black Widow, Blue Crack and others. Get your orders in now with Halfway Crooks. You will not be disappointed for sure.

Much Love: BrotherFox"

vendor trolls deserve their own special category of annoying
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on September 17, 2013, 01:17 am
Hehe.  The way he wrote it, it's like he blacked out from ordering and not the smoke.  How much do you have to smoke to blackout anyway?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on September 17, 2013, 08:08 am
Hehe.  The way he wrote it, it's like he blacked out from ordering and not the smoke.  How much do you have to smoke to blackout anyway?
LOL  :D It does read like that!! I hate halfwaycrooks, they pm'd me on SR  :o I did 1 order, got 1 single spliff, fuck that!! Their prices are fuckin hilarious and i think they just made a few accounts on their thread, 1 post members lol apart from james something, don't know wtf he,s thinking. They tried to blackmail a good review out of me, arseholes  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on September 17, 2013, 09:47 pm
haha they are scum. bunk hash and sprayed weed. maybe they screwed up and sent phenazepam kush rather than lemon haze. but yeah around 0.4 btc worth probably lol
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: PaulyWalnuts on September 17, 2013, 09:52 pm
PLEASE pm me if I owe you coins :) I'm pretty sure I still owe 0.02 to someone.. Pinkpanther maybe? i've deleted all my messages inbox & don't have anyrecord of who lent me what, but I'm pretty sure everyone got paid back last time with the exception of PP. Let me know & I'll sort you out ASAP with the BTC I have left over from yesterdays spend :)

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: PaulyWalnuts on September 18, 2013, 12:39 am
0.02 sent to Pinkpanth - Cheers mang ;)

If anyone else needs a little BTC, hit me up :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: shopper1888 on September 18, 2013, 01:36 am
hi,  i find myself in need of a small amount but i need it to clear the postage on something.  I need 0.0100 please.  My name is shopper1875 (slightly different) on SR.  Thanks.  I Can and will pay back soon as I am always buying.
I have gave twice- not repaid as it goes.  Anyway, hope someone can help me out.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Ron Swanson on September 18, 2013, 02:28 am
hi,  i find myself in need of a small amount but i need it to clear the postage on something.  I need 0.0100 please.  My name is shopper1875 (slightly different) on SR.  Thanks.  I Can and will pay back soon as I am always buying.
I have gave twice- not repaid as it goes.  Anyway, hope someone can help me out.

sent. try use the new thread next time.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: grizwalds on September 18, 2013, 09:34 pm
Hi anyone able to help? I need .06 to complete a rather large order :( I can pay back within six days! My SR username is the same as on here: grizwalds
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: BoxofShapes on September 18, 2013, 10:03 pm
Hi anyone able to help? I need .06 to complete a rather large order :( I can pay back within six days! My SR username is the same as on here: grizwalds

This thread has been moved.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: peengwinz on September 19, 2013, 04:04 pm
Sent ;3 ( Figure since its such small amount, and i feel low for begging i could at least provide a coin or two )

repaid :)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: FollowIcculus on September 20, 2013, 01:28 am
Hey all, I stupidly didn't buy quite enough coin and am about .1BTC short of being able to make my order and was wondering if anyone could find it in their heart to lend a fellow SRer .1BTC or whatever you have laying around and can afford anything helps.  I have never borrowed before but have lent and given coins to several other members in this thread.  I can pay back directly and/or pay it forward when a buy more coins which will be a week from today (Thursday Sept 26th) at the very latest most likely earlier.  My SR name is the same as my name on the forums:  FollowIcculus  Thank you very much!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: cryngie on September 20, 2013, 01:42 am
Hi anyone able to help? I need .06 to complete a rather large order :( I can pay back within six days! My SR username is the same as on here: grizwalds

This thread has been moved.

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mollyfan on September 21, 2013, 10:36 pm
dammit! i had made a bitcoin purchase for 1000$ and completely spaced that the company i made my purchase from (bitcoin-brokers) doesnt have the same BTC pricing as SR! i am short 12$ for my order -.-

is there anyone that is willing to loan me that and i will pay you back 15$? within a few weeks?

and the fact that the price dropped just recently didnt help -.-
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Juggernog on September 24, 2013, 08:40 pm
hey hey people, I know you all have not seen or heard from me in a few weeks. I have been working 7 days a week @ 12 hours a day AND lost my internet! fucking shit!

Anyway, just wanted to say I miss you all very much and should have internet back by friday! :D
I can't wait to just back on the road too, I have not ordered ANYTHING! :( just been staying local for now, but I'm already sick of the pharma prices around here!

MUCH love to the family here.

At least you all know I am still playing it safe and doing much better!

I doubt I will get to read any updates or responses so feel free to PM me. and thank you for the checkup mary! I do miss you too! :)

Hugs From Juggs! 8)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Steelo on September 24, 2013, 10:43 pm
Hi need to borrow 0.35BTC from anyone who can lend it please? I've borrowed off here a few times before and always paid it back quick. SR name is the same as on here. Much appreciated.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on September 25, 2013, 10:13 am
Hi jugg  :D Glad your back  8) We've moved spare coin to a new thread, here's the link:

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on September 26, 2013, 04:46 am
:)(hugs) juggernog! wb bro!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Mcrad on October 01, 2013, 08:46 pm
wondering if anyone can send me $1.50 in order to place my ketamine order

Sr username: McRad

Much love_mcrad!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Qthello on October 01, 2013, 10:15 pm
wondering if anyone can send me $1.50 in order to place my ketamine order

Sr username: McRad

Much love_mcrad!
Not sure if it was enough or more than, but there you go champ.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Trippinmonkey on October 02, 2013, 04:13 am
I was through virmo, but  they got in a mess, lost login credentials and have lost seller priviledges and are down to simple buyers :(

Sorry, what is virmo?

Until this week a 100% legit vendor, who, after losing login credentials and having an insignificant amount of fake feedback who had good intentions, purity on SR, knowledge and fair prices.
I got their credentials but here it also did not work. After a lot of energy I gained access to virmo's account since I know them.
Only now this account has no vendor options and I think I should get them back. The account was paid for "old skool"  like (2012 price).
There are 4 orders left which I love to take care off. Did one today, still need a reply from someone else and some cash for bulk. I wish I could just make a profile and explain and fix what I can on the new discussion area....

Anyways, I can be contacted on sr as samplar or now also virmo.
But I am not allowed to sell I guess.. so shipping orders might be against the rules but I don't want people waiting for nothing and being in escrow for nothing.

Hopefully I can use it as a vendor account for some benzo's, rc's and yes, mxe that does what it should....

w00ps 2 messages.. too dark here to type...
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jamon-one on October 02, 2013, 06:23 am
shit i am so fucking retarded. i am trying to hop on subs listings before they are gone. And just like last time i went to make an order -i cant' find my password-made an extra account in case i did this again-so have enough for the 1/2 but not the shipping. express is .2020-i have 78 dollars in other account-but it will be 3 days before i can access it. pay back extra for anyone who can help. and i will never forget it.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jamon-one on October 02, 2013, 06:26 am
sr name is jujume if anyone can help, i know i havent been around long-but i will pay it back with extra-and be forever grateful/
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jamon-one on October 02, 2013, 06:29 am
oh well i guess im just s-o-l. everyone else must actually sleep at nite lol. thanks anyway
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on October 02, 2013, 09:13 am
If you read the top of the page you'd know the threads been moved, no one's loaning here!!!!! use the official spare coin thread  ;)
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: jamon-one on October 02, 2013, 10:18 am
lol sorry bob hope-im just panicked-i did the same thing last time-lost password i mean-and i know my boyfriend is going  to lose it .  and mary i don't see anything at the top of the page. tried a search and this is where it took me.
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on October 02, 2013, 10:46 am
Hi jugg  :D Glad your back  8) We've moved spare coin to a new thread, here's the link:

Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Trippinmonkey on October 03, 2013, 03:47 pm
You've received spare coins and lost user+pass? wow...

I wish people helped me yesterday with just $5. Then I could have fixed virmo's cocaine FE problem..

Now I have more time, still need spare coin to fix... But how to get usernames/orders/vendors account details nack....



But actually I need coke /spee3d f high/loq a=quality decent prices in order to wash them and give people real drugs before cutting them so people dont kill thmseves,,,
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: Trippinmonkey on October 03, 2013, 03:50 pm
oh and
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: thelorax on October 05, 2013, 05:10 am
hey guise.. kinda need some help here
lost about 14k
can anyone loan me that?
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: mary666 on October 05, 2013, 09:58 am
@thelorax..I need to send you that 14k, where do I send it??  :-\ Lol!
Title: Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
Post by: NeoLex on October 05, 2013, 04:41 pm
short of 0.799 of BTC

Plz halp