Silk Road forums
Discussion => Newbie discussion => Topic started by: mrjohndank on June 26, 2013, 12:39 am
I remember how someone from LulSec was arrested based on his digital handwriting style. I try to alternate, but I want some official steps I could practice to keep me safe.
Lulsex guy was busted cause he left his fucking name in the source code. handwriting detection is a myth based on small sample studies.
You could run it through article spinning software. Spammers use that to take some article and alter the writing style to make it look unique to search engines. It will ready funny but it might through people off the scent. Oh and don't leave your name in any source code like 'Joe DeSanko is the best programmer eva'.
Just write with good grammar and use proper capitalization, punctuation, etc. and you'll just sound like every redditor
Type with your opposite hand ;)
Just write with good grammar and use proper capitalization, punctuation, etc. and you'll just sound like every redditor
LoL! ^ That essentially.
Just write with good grammar and use proper capitalization, punctuation, etc. and you'll just sound like every redditor
I write differently with each alias but that is exactly what I do with this alias. I also put two spaces between each sentence. :)
I also do not have any social media accounts. Good luck matching my fake writing to my nonexistent writing online.
It's actually easy for even amateurs to link writing styles if the target has some unique patterns or quirks in their style. A few people on this forum have been linked, such as mtljohn and Chaosforpeace.
The best thing you can do is spell correctly and use proper grammar. Make your writing style as normal as possible. There's a tool called Anonymouth that's supposed to help you write more anonymously by analyzing your writing and identifying words and phrases with low frequency, or that are unique to you, but it's hard to use and extremely buggy.
Just write with good grammar and use proper capitalization, punctuation, etc. and you'll just sound like every redditor
Just write, using grammar properly* ;)