Silk Road forums
Discussion => Silk Road discussion => Topic started by: isthereanyneed on April 01, 2013, 11:46 am
Time for a break I think.
Spend to long on the road between watching btc prices, checking for new vendors, watching what old vendors are doing, keeping an eye on scams, fuck me, all I wanted was some quality weed and hash.
I think I've become addicted to the road its self, dont get me wrong I love the road and all you little soldiers marching on every day but does any one else sometimes think 'man I spend to much time on here' its like I am scared in case I miss anything.
I will still come on forums here and there but I have said to myself to have a few weeks off from logging inn sr, just to normalize my brain again, I love it and always will, but need a T break lol.
Anyone else feel like this from time to time?
In my humble opinion, SR is more addictive than the drugs I come here to buy. Like you, I am always on the look out for new drugs to try, new vendors etc. It consumes quite a bit of my time. I occasionally take a break also - it is good to chill out for a bit without feeling the necessity to check the value of the bitcoin etc.
Enjoy your time out and we'll see you when you return :)
Your right it is more addictive, I find myself just reading the same page over and over incase I missed anything, I will just chill knowing its there when I need it, I ended up with to much weed and hash, Ill get through this little lot then come back.
This ship is too hectic for me now.
I cant stand watching the scammers daily.
I"ve got a few other markets in mind I want to see if are a better fit, I dont need all this drama.
very recognizable it is good to have a regularly break to take everything in a better truer perspective. ;)
Time for a break I think.
Spend to long on the road between watching btc prices, checking for new vendors, watching what old vendors are doing, fuck me, all I wanted was some quality weed and hash.
I think I've become addicted to the road its self, dont get me wrong I love the road and all you little soldiers marching on every day but does any one else sometimes think 'man I spend to much time on here' its like I am scared in case I miss anything.
I will still come on forums here and there but I have said to myself to have a few weeks off from logging inn sr, just to normalize my brain again, I love it and always will, but need a T break lol.
Anyone else feel like this from time to time?
I completely understand, in fact I've been feeling like a couple weeks break from The Road is needed for my own sanity myself. You know it becomes an issue when you are constantly refreshing the forums in the hopes that someone has posted something interesting... Even if it has nothing to do with your drugs of choice, haha.
Welcome to Silk Road Anonymous.
My name is astor, and I'm an addict.
Welcome to Silk Road Anonymous.
My name is astor, and I'm an addict.
+1 ;D
I can relate as well. Not even SR itself, but reading about drugs takes up way more of my time than actually doing them.
Welcome to Silk Road Anonymous.
My name is astor, and I'm an addict.
+1 ;D
Many times I felt like giving it a break but never could. :-\
When I dont come on forums or sr its the same feeling I get when I'm craving a cigarette, like I'm pissed off and cant settle.
At the same time though I know after a day or two I will look back and not be as bothered then sort of forget about sr for a while.
To much of a good thing and all that.
I get high just looking at the listings....
Im a addict !
Bitcoin changed everything in my life and future plans!!
wooohhh yea!!!!
I can relate as well. Not even SR itself, but reading about drugs takes up way more of my time than actually doing them.
I feel similarly, though I was like that before I found silkroad with other drug forums. On the positive end, I (and I'm sure most of the others here) tend to be more informed about using stuff. And I make sure it doesn't negatively affect my life (ie. reading about stuff when I should be working/studying) so it's not too bad. We all just are interested in something with a somewhat negative social stigma.
Exactly, Silkroad itself is addicting more so than the products I buy from here. I find myself coming here a lot. In my opinion Silkroad is the best Drug community on the internet! There's a wealth of information here in the forums. I also enjoy checking up on every thing but I too need a break from here. Yet at the same time I'm trying to score some LSD.
We need a chat room
We need a chat room
we have a chat room
Sometimes, I have to fight the urge to check the forums at inappropriate times, such as in a class, while driving, at work, at an important event, etc. Not even always log in to the forums, just read through anything that I do not remember reading.
Has anyone developed something that can help ease forum withdrawal symptoms?
copious amounts of weed so you really can't be bothered to sift through the amount of crap on here. or just go in the newbie section for a couple hours and do the thankless task of trying to help them, that'll probably make you happy to leave for a good while.
Did you log in today? Making it through the first day is step one. You have to take it day by day.
But yeah, you won't make it to a few weeks. YOU CANNOT WIN THIS WAR ;D
If I could smoke enough weed to the point where I would be too stoned to check the forums, I would have a hell of a lot more money than I do now...
I don't think I can make it past the first 12 hours.
Man i hget what you mean i have been here all of two weeks and i've read the rules the wiki the forums over and over and over hell i was up until 7:30 this morning on the forums it's crazy.. Ihaven't even ordered one thing yet.. As far as sr itself yes i'm always on it this is getting really crazy for me but i kinda like it lol
I will still come on forums here and there but I have said to myself to have a few weeks off from logging inn sr, just to normalize my brain again, I love it and always will, but need a T break lol.
Anyone else feel like this from time to time?
Yes. Me. We all need a break from The Road from time to time. Sometimes a day. Sometimes a week. But we all return.
Take a break and come back. You know you can't leave. No one leaves THIS place lol. I'm not sure you are even allowed to. :o
Have a good time off The Road. Relax, kick it, and then simply return. k?
I get high just looking at the listings....
I get high looking at the fucking BTC rate.
Good thread you got in the newbie section. I'll post on it later.
Piece, Love, and Fuck Haters.
Well, personally I feel "at home" here. On the forums, I find many people who see life the same exact way I do. Where I am from, people are very close minded and if you were to mention you smoked a J 3 weeks ago, that may end up getting you labeled a strung out tweeker. As it was stated before, the negativity of drugs portrayed by the media and these close minded people has an effect on us. It makes me feel very secluded within my own community. So.. when I get to come here and see how many people out there ARE like me and that I can actually converse with you all about our similar interests without being labeled or judged.... well it makes me happy. How many people STAY on Facebook 24/7? They get notified every 5 mins on a new post or pic.. In my eyes, THAT is an addiction. Don't feel bad because you found a place to fit in. Just try to keep your real life priorities in check. 8)
Took a break for about a month. Stopped my opiate use. Missed the road and miss my DOC. Pain is bad. I must say I am furious that pharmacies treat people so badly that was another reason I stopped. (rambling a bit) I am back now and checking prices. Thanks to LE and DEA I may just go straight to H.