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Discussion => Off topic => Topic started by: CrazyBart on January 21, 2013, 09:25 pm

Title: Bitcoin confirmations.......
Post by: CrazyBart on January 21, 2013, 09:25 pm
Whats the longest you have ever waited for a single confirmation?

im going on 2 hours without a confirmation

It is driving me CRAZYYYY
Title: Re: Bitcoin confirmations.......
Post by: astor on January 21, 2013, 09:28 pm
Did the transaction involve many to one or one to many addresses? Large transactions (in bytes, meaning the number of addresses involved, not the amount of coins transferred) will take longer unless you pay a higher fee. The standard fee is .0005 BTC, but if you're consolidating 20 addresses into 1, you should pay more like .0015 BTC or it will take longer. I've seen it take 12 hours to get 6 confirmations without a fee.
Title: Re: Bitcoin confirmations.......
Post by: CrazyBart on January 21, 2013, 09:36 pm
Just sent a few coins to one address

here is some more info;
size: 258 bytes
priority: 132,903,876

Can you deduce anything from that?
Im not very bitcoin savvy and have never had to wait this long. There isnt a chance of them getting "lost" is there?
Title: Re: Bitcoin confirmations.......
Post by: acider on January 21, 2013, 09:38 pm
It happened to me 2 months ago, zero confirmations for about 4 hours.About 30 new blocks and none had my transaction in it. I lost the listing for a few seconds lol.
At least you can see them here  they all get sorted out eventually.
Title: Re: Bitcoin confirmations.......
Post by: astor on January 21, 2013, 09:52 pm
There isnt a chance of them getting "lost" is there?

If you're looking at the transaction in the block chain, then the coins obviously aren't lost, it's just that nobody has been motivated to confirm the transaction yet.
Title: Re: Bitcoin confirmations.......
Post by: CrazyBart on January 21, 2013, 09:55 pm
Ya im not really worried about it. It is just annoying. One of the reasons that Bitcoin will never make it into the mainstream market

This situation has made me read up on how the whole blockchain works, pretty interesting.