Silk Road forums

Discussion => Off topic => Topic started by: Adasel on December 26, 2012, 07:05 pm

Title: Freedom For People now has a forum
Post by: Adasel on December 26, 2012, 07:05 pm
Not that we want to take people from the silk road, oh no, we love this site.
If you are however interested in the fight against capitalism, it is still here.

Here is the manifesto for FFP

Freedom for People is here for you, the public. We are the army in the global war that is capitalism. Our enemies may be big, but that makes them more exposed, easier to hit. For far too long companies like BP, who cause oil disasters and ruin lives have gone unanswered in their crimes against humanity. News groups like the BBC publish false stories and accuse people for being paedophiles or killers without really knowing the truth. Banks and big business use our money in order to fund terrorism on a grand scale. And, of course, let us not forget the global crisis that is Rupert Murdoch. After the phone hacking scandal, lives being destroyed, he is still in business, still at the top. What happens when things go wrong and a bank collapses along with our money? The boss gets an even bigger bonus than last year. It is time to make a stand. Time to say enough is enough. The FFP is here and recruiting. If you care about the rights of man and fair justice, then join us.
"Surely there never was so evil a thing as money, which maketh cities into ruinous heaps, and banisheth men from their houses, and turneth their thoughts from good unto evil."

Please feel free to discuss. and, if you want to join or take a look at the forum, please email here
Many thanks.
Title: Re: Freedom For People now has a forum
Post by: astor on December 26, 2012, 07:57 pm
I don't think you'll find many sympathetic people here. The SR community is very pro-capitalism and libertarian. After all, SR is a market place with the explicit goal of engaging in unfettered trade.

For far too long companies like BP, who cause oil disasters and ruin lives have gone unanswered in their crimes against humanity.

Bad example to use. BP was fined $4.5 billion for the oil spill, and 2 of its executives were charged with manslaughter.

They are still open to civil law suits that could add billions more dollars in restitution and fines.
Title: Re: Freedom For People now has a forum
Post by: Adasel on December 27, 2012, 08:27 pm
Code: [Select]
Bad example to use. BP was fined $4.5 billion for the oil spill, and 2 of its executives were charged with manslaughter.

Did those people loose their jobs?  Has the entire 4.5 billion payout been delivered to all those families involved?
I don't think so.  If you can find any more reasons as to why BP is a bad example, please post.
George David, who was in charge at the time, and still now, as Gulf Of Mexico big boss, is still listed on the BP website.
How is this anything other than a failure on behalf of BP?.
Title: Re: Freedom For People now has a forum
Post by: Adasel on December 27, 2012, 08:30 pm
Oh, and all of those who want to join in on the fight, on behalf of Echo, here is the forum address
Title: Re: Freedom For People now has a forum
Post by: BenCousins on December 27, 2012, 08:48 pm
Didnt the Bolsheviks try this once?
Title: Re: Freedom For People now has a forum
Post by: Adasel on December 27, 2012, 09:11 pm
Hi mate, i have no idea.
But if you are interested, register on the forum bro,  and have your say.
Title: Re: Freedom For People now has a forum
Post by: BenCousins on December 28, 2012, 04:20 am
Hi mate, i have no idea.
But if you are interested, register on the forum bro,  and have your say.

Yes they did try this once in October of 1917
Title: Re: Freedom For People now has a forum
Post by: Adasel on December 28, 2012, 06:04 pm
No problem, Echo liked it and so did i.
Although his views will be a bit different to your, very anti violent.
But, no one can stop you from what you want to do  8)