Just came across this: That's a message to the tor-talk mailing list by the guy who runs Torservers, so he's not some clueless newb with pie in the sky goals that are abandoned half way through development (like Bitwasp). Someone still needs to run a hidden service email server, but that's the easier part. Interfacing with clearnet anonymously was the hard part that Tormail solved before. Interestingly, a Tor-only email server already exists: http://365u4txyqfy72nul.onion/mail/ http://365u4txyqfy72nul.onion/wmail/notice.html So the pieces are in place, if this mail gateway could send messages to the TSZ mail server, we effectively have a Tormail replacement. What I really like is that they will scan and discard emails that are non PGP encrypted.