Yeah, darknet mode is why I said "almost all". Presumably, very few people use it besides people in oppressed countries, where connections to the other (easily identifiable) nodes are blocked. Darknet mode is the equivalent of an entry guard, except there is no mechanism to randomly pick from a set of guards, so you get linkability between the darknet guard and the person being guarded. I agree, it is more robust than Tor for users, with some big trade offs for publishers and service providers. Yeah, everything has to be moved to the client. I think it's more complicated than it looks to implement all of SR's features that way (managing bitcoins, for example), and potentially puts users at greater risk when they have to run a Java app made by an anonymous person. If the SR hidden service gets pwned and you anonymize your bitcoins and encrypt your address, there's not much LE can do to you. But if LE compromised DPR and modified his Freenet app, they could pwn everyone.