PGP keys don't change randomly. The part you're glossing over is you were so careless that you lost your private key twice in two weeks, which is a pattern with you. Is that even possible? Can anyone confirm this? So I expect that review to change within a week. Frankly, you were extremely negligent, and no one in their right mind should deal with you, even if SR allows you to continue to be a vendor. You entered your password and pin on this onion: vc3vveg64kbhtfrn That should have been your first clue. And the phisher was dumb enough to include a provably fake signature. gpg: CRC error; D384F4 - DADD7B gpg: packet(2) with unknown version 220 gpg: no signature found gpg: the signature could not be verified. Which you didn't check. And the language on the second page was obviously non-native English, which you now expect your buyers to use as as a clue not to FE, but wasn't enough of a clue for you not to enter your password and PIN. Hey, it's a free market. I'm sure DPR will let you keep vending, but you really need to find a new line of work. You're too dangerous and stupid for your clients.