Possessing the technical knowledge to run a secure hidden service with advanced features is the easy part. Getting people to use it is the hard part. Silk Road owes a large part of its success to the media. It's 10 times as popular as BMR because Adrien Chen chose to write about SR instead of BMR, and many articles followed. Now SR benefits from the network effect. There may be better social networks than Facebook, but everybody goes to Facebook because that's where everybody is. Similarly, sellers want to sell on SR because they are exposed to the most buyers, and buyers want to buy on SR because it gives them the widest selection of drugs. How are you going to attract sellers to your new market if there are no buyers and vice versa? If you want your competing market to take off, you should create a bunch of fake listings and reviews, make it look really big, and contact some journalists. Get some free advertising through their moral outrage and link baiting. You *might* be able to bootstrap it to success.