@lobo I'm going to answer your question publicly so others can benefit. You asked: Command line gpg has an interactive mode. Type gpg --import hit enter, and gpg will enter interactive mode. You'll see a cursor and you can paste a PGP key into the terminal, then press ctrl + d. Type gpg -d hit enter, and you can paste an encrypted message into the terminal, then ctrl + d. Type gpg -e hit enter, and you'll be prompted for a recipient (so you don't have to specify that in the command), then you can type a message into the the terminal, then ctrl + d. gpg has a lot of options and looks complicated, but it is very forgiving because it will prompt you for any necessary information that you exclude from a command. It even does partial pattern matching of names, email addresses and key IDs when it prompts for a recipient. So if a recipient has a long name but three characters are unique, that's all I have to type. Oh, and you can put "armor" (just the word, nothing else needed) in ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf and it will automatically ASCII armor all encrypted messages, so you don't have specify that in the command either. LouisCyphre has a nice guide on how to set your gpg.conf to make gpg easier to use. http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=34204.0 One nice trick is to add (or uncomment) this line: encrypt-to and every message will be automatically encrypted to yourself along with the other recipients you specify. Have fund traveling the Silk Road.