I would love for everyone to save important data locally and not rely on untrusted third parties like easily vandalized Wikipedia, but you have to consider that some people don't have full control of their computer. They share a computer with family or roommates, or they go to a library, university, or internet cafe, and they don't want evidence of accessing SR on disk. An encrypted thumb drive is their best option, and I plan on writing a tutorial for that in the coming days. As for recognizing a phishy site, they don't even have to remember the entire 8 characters after silkroad. Memorizing 5piz3 is enough, since the probability of finding a private key that hashes to silkroad*5piz3* is extremely small. It would take ages to search the key space for a private key that hashes to a domain name containing those two strings. Looking for 5piz3 after silkroad will block 99.99% of all phishing attempts.