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Messages - astor

Pages: 1 ... 206 207 [208]
Tor will keep active TCP connections even when you request a new identity. This is useful for example if you're downloading a large file. You wouldn't want that connection to die, but you want new connections to come from different IPs. The problem is that you're refreshing too soon, when the current TCP connection to is still active. If you open a new tab and go to it should be different.

Silk Road discussion / Re: Login Page only??
« on: November 24, 2012, 08:36 pm »
1. Pot is sold in coffee shops on the main streets of Amsterdam. If not by statute, in practice, it is legal. Far more legal than anywhere else in the western world.

True, but pot is fully legal (up to a certain amount) in Colorado and Washington. Colorado has the most liberal marijuana laws in the world, even more liberal than the Netherlands.

The Netherlands is a UN member state and in order to get that status, it had to ratify the 1971 Convention on Psychotropic Drugs, which explicitly bans marijuana. That's why it must keep pot illegal on the books while ignoring the law for small amounts in practice.

2. The internet was invented by a Brit - Tim Berners Lee

False. Tim Berners-Lee invented the world wide web. The internet is much more than that. People were using email, usenet and FTP on the internet in the 1970s and 80s. Various protocols were created in the United States, United Kingdom, and France, but the first connection that implemented the TCP/IP protocols was between SRI (at Stanford) and UCLA, in 1969. That was the first link of the modern day internet, and it started in the United States.

It looks delicious

Technical support / Re: Not letting me log onto my silk road account??
« on: November 23, 2012, 05:41 am »
It's been doing this for a good hour now. I wonder if admins even know what's going on.

FFS, read the forum.


I've heard a lot of horror stories about 25i-NBOMe. This is not a good drug. People need to stick with the tried and tested, LSD, psilocybin, mescaline, etc.

Silk Road discussion / Re: Login Page only??
« on: November 23, 2012, 04:55 am »
I think the issue is caused by the character part of the captcha being only 4 characters long, when it's usually 5. There was a similar issue last week when only the numbers were showing. Only difference is that for some reason the error message isn't displaying.

I ran it before I set up persistence and figured I could just import my wallet and the blockchain to /.bitcoin, but /.bitcoin lies outside the "persistent" directory. (This seems like it would be a trivially easy problem to solve by the way

bitcoin-qt has the -datadir option which lets you specify the location of the data directory. So, start it with

bitoin-qt -datadir=/path/to/bitcoinDataDir

See if that works.

Security / Re: You should read this if you use bitinstant
« on: November 21, 2012, 04:38 pm »
Do you think they would put 2 cops at every CVS and 7-11 to get info on small time bitcoin buyers? They don't have the resources.

A more likely scenario is that that store got robbed, or someone suspicious was loitering around, so the store called the cops, and when you came back looking around, that also looked suspicious like you wanted to rob the place.

Security / Re: SLOW Browsing? Speed up your TOR client TODAY!
« on: November 21, 2012, 04:33 pm »
I've seen one suggestion posted on several forums, which is to increase the number of entry nodes. Don't do that. It will decrease your safety.

Silk Road discussion / Re: Article in the daily mail.
« on: November 20, 2012, 09:45 pm »
The Royal Mail said they never knowingly allowed illegal substances to be delivered by post, but refused to disclose the steps taken to prevent postal dealing.

That's because they have no steps.

Security / Re: Is Tormail down again?
« on: November 20, 2012, 09:34 pm »
Its been spotty the last few days. Sometimes I can get on after 5-10 attempts.

If you limit it to 1new thread every 10 minutes, that would slow down the spammer. He would have to create new accounts for every thread, which takes time and effort.

Silk Road discussion / Re: Article in the daily mail.
« on: November 20, 2012, 04:01 pm »
If they knew what some of the stealth shipping methods look like, they could identify some packages, but there's no way they could know that they are identifying all the packages, or even most of them. There's no way for them to know how many other drug packages are in the mail system. Even if they identified 100% of drug packages, they could only be identifying 10% for all they know.

Another way to put it is that they could have a low false positive rate but a high false negative rate, and the only way to know their false negative rate is to inspect all packages, which they don't do.

Those claims sound like typical LE bluster. They find one package and say "we're one step ahead of the drug dealers", even though stats on this site show that 96.5% of packages get through.

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