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Messages - astor

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Do I need a public key as a buyer ?

No, you don't need a public key. You encrypt your messages (such as your shipping address) with the vendor's public key. You only need a public key if you want them to encrypt messages to you, which isn't usually necessary.

Off topic / Re: Tor exit node operator raided by Austrian LE
« on: November 30, 2012, 06:31 pm »
It's interesting that you can look up his donation address in the block chain

and see that he has received 199 BTC, which is almost 2500 USD at the current exchange rate. He has probably received even more via traditional payment methods, so he should have at least 5000 EUR already.

Silk Road discussion / Re: BEST THING TO DO WITH ONE BITCOIN???
« on: November 30, 2012, 05:29 am »
Save it for your next big order. You're 1BTC closer now.

Security / Re: Did I fuck up?
« on: November 30, 2012, 05:13 am »
Check the block chain. Search for your bitcoin address on (over Tor). If the coins are there, you should get them in your account eventually.

Hey LE, if you're reading the forum, why don't you shut that asshole down, since he's obviously scamming people and can be linked directly through his PayPal account. Make yourself fucking useful while you're here.

Silk Road discussion / Re: The spammer has a new strategy
« on: November 30, 2012, 05:00 am »
The spammers are sending private messages now, too. There doesn't seem to be any way to report them or to block the sender, though.

Go to your account settings and uncheck "Show others my online status". He's using the list of online people at the bottom of the main page to PM spam.

Silk Road discussion / Re: The spammer has a new strategy
« on: November 30, 2012, 04:58 am »
I'd just like to know why he is doing it. 

Is it possible that people are buying into his scam enough to make it worth his/her time or is s/he just messing with us?

Of course. That's the only reason spammers do what they do. As hard as it is to believe, in a large enough population, there will always be suckers who fall for the trap. Spam long enough and somebody will send you money. Just today somebody posted on the forum that they sent money to and didn't get coins in return. Does that address sound familiar?

When you look at the list of people who get mass PMed, it's obvious that he copy-pastes the list of online people at the bottom of the main page. Setting yourself as always offline completely fixes the problem.

Security / Re: Bitcoin wallet on Linux
« on: November 30, 2012, 02:47 am »
You would want to use an light wallet like Electrum. The bitcoin-qt client downloads the entire block chain which is approaching 3 GB. You would have to store that locally or re-download it every time you start Liberte, so it's not meant for a Live OS. I recommend the ewallet, which is the most secure.

Silk Road discussion / The spammer has a new strategy
« on: November 30, 2012, 02:44 am »
Obviously the catpchas are effective, since his strategy has changed. Now he's posting inside of threads.

Rather than just downvoting him, I suggest hitting that "Report to moderator" link and entering "spam". This will help the mods find his posts.

Off topic / Re: Tor exit node operator raided by Austrian LE
« on: November 30, 2012, 02:38 am »
I think William (the relay operator) realizes the potential importance of his case in setting a precedent in the EU for "common carriers". He posted a bitcoin address to collect money for his legal defense, and I encourage people to donate. As soon as I mix some coins, I will be donating.

The SR interface rounds to the nearest .01, so if you have 10.355 BTC, it will show 10.36, but you can't withdraw 10.36. If they insist on rounding to two decimal places, they should always round down because of this problem. You're not the first person to post about it.

Ah yeah, that was it.

Off topic / Tor exit node operator raided by Austrian LE
« on: November 30, 2012, 01:11 am »
This has been all over tech news sites today.

He also got busted with a little marijuana and hashish. Wonder if he got them off SR. :)

Doesn't GPG4USB generate weak keys by default? If you're using it for your own key generation, you need to pick larger bit keys (preferably 4096).

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