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Messages - astor

Pages: 1 ... 201 202 [203] 204 205 ... 208
Timothy Leary founded the League of Spiritual Discovery (or LSD, get it?) in the 1960s and tried to claim it was a religion, with LSD as its sacrament, but that didn't get very far. That argument only works for old, established religions like the Native American Church. Otherwise, anyone could justify anything on religious grounds.

Still, I wish him luck.

Security / Re: Using Tor at Home.. Yay or Nay?
« on: December 02, 2012, 09:53 pm »
and yes, it does matter if your ISP can see you're using Tor, just ask Jeremy Hammond the lulzsec hax0r that ended up in prison because the FBI agents parked down the block triangulated his wireless signal and timed when he signed on to tor and when his nym popped in on Sabu's snitch IRC channel

It's not like they were going around pen tapping every Tor user until they found Hammond. They knew who to pen tap in the first place. If used properly, Tor will prevent you from being identified. Hammond got busted because he ran his mouth and revealed too many personal details. So don't do that, on this forum or anywhere else.

Hammond also had a persistent presence on the IRC channel, which made a low tech correlation attack on him easy. That is considerably harder if you're posting on a forum or sending emails, or just browsing around.

Lastly, Hammond was involved in multiple hacks on high value targets, including stealing a million dollars through fraudulent credit card charges. LE won't be doing that kind of investigation on people buying a few pills over the internet. What happened to Hammond should not be in your threat model.

You can search for the bitcoin address that you sent the coins to on If the transaction appears in the block chain, then SR has your coins and you should contact SR support to have them show up in your account. The site doesn't have to be online in order for the transaction to be valid, since you're not actually "sending" anything when you do a transaction. You're merely signing the coins and saying that the private key to the new address can claim them.

Silk Road discussion / Re: new to silk road!
« on: December 02, 2012, 05:17 pm »
See, now someone like this I don't mind helping.

The two most important things you need to learn are how to get bitcoins safely and how to use PGP. Bitcoins will depend on where you live, there will be different exchanges and ways of going about it. However, Bitinstant has been the most popular method for a few months. A lot of people send their coins through several ewallets, but I recommend using a proper mixing service or two.

For PGP, if you're on Windows, here's a good starting guide:


(Although a few experts on the forum recommend using GPG4USB instead of PGP4Win, but you can switch later. That guide is good for a start.)

Once you have your keys, you can ask someone to send you encrypted messages in PGP Club, which is here


Your vendor should take care of discreet packaging, you just need to pick a shipping location and PGP encrypt that address when you send it to the vendor.

Read the reviews. Many of them will tell you about the quality of the product, packaging methods, etc. I'd say spend a good week just reading reviews and settling on some vendors you want to try.

If your wifi is encrypted, then it all looks the same.

To be honest, you should be fine if you simply delete the files. LE is not going to do a long, expensive forensic analysis of a small time drug user's hard drive. They don't have the resources, and you're not that important. You're not Bradley Manning or a terrorist or somebody involved in a multimillion dollar ponzi scheme. Those are the kinds of people where they would look in the free space of the hard drive for deleted files.

HasselHoff is correct. If you look in torrc, the Tor configuration file, you'll see the following option is set:

AvoidDiskWrites 1

So nothing is cached to disk by Tor. Firefox is also configured not to store cache or history (you can check for yourself in the settings). However, if you saved bookmarks, those would be stored in a file on disk.

Depends on where you live and other factors. In general a few grams of marijuana is too small to bother with a controlled delivery.

Security / Re: Dwolla and bitcoins
« on: December 01, 2012, 03:11 am »
The truth is that nobody knows. Only a few studies have analyzed the block chain to link addresses, and those were mostly big, important addresses like Mt Gox  (see the work of Adi Shamir). I have seen plenty of people on this forum say that they buy bitcoins and transfer to a few ewallets, then to their SR account, and they are still around. Apparently, LE isn't savvy enough to analyze those links yet.

That being said, those transactions are in the block chain forever, so somebody could link your transaction history 10 years from now. The more mixing you do, the better. My recommendation is to buy 20% more coins than you need and send them through multiple mixing services. One or two of them may be run by LE, but it is incredibly unlikely that all of them are, so the more the better. Simple transfers between ewallets do nothing to enhance your privacy.  The coins are tainted 100% by the previous transactions, which form a direct link back to wherever you bought them.

Security / Re: Using Tor at Home.. Yay or Nay?
« on: December 01, 2012, 03:02 am »
Unless your ISP is actively blocking connections to the Tor network (in which case you would need bridges), you have nothing to worry about.

I saw something about this a few days ago. Hopefully the zeitgeist changes. BTW, love your username. :)

Security / Re: I sell Bitcoins For Credit Card
« on: December 01, 2012, 12:44 am »
Guru, that's some good info you dug up, but it should be noted that a lot of Terms of Service are copy-pasted boilerplate. I've seen a lot of it in the cheap web hosting market where any teenager with $20 to spare can become a reseller. Nobody reads that stuff, least of all the service provider. :)

Silk Road discussion / Re: Hello! Im new!
« on: December 01, 2012, 12:28 am »
As the SR user base expands, we're getting increasingly less tech savvy users. That is obvious from the questions posed on this forum over the last year.

I guess it's just something we have to prepare for and work with. Every time I see a question like this, as reflexively annoyed as I might be, I check myself. Our goal is to bring cognitive liberty to everyone, regardless of intelligence or knowledge. We should expect that job will get harder over time.

Technical support / Re: Question about cancellation
« on: November 30, 2012, 09:23 pm »
No, it won't be counted as a refund or show up in your buyer stats.

Technical support / Re: Tormail Down
« on: November 30, 2012, 09:21 pm »
I just logged on.

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