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Messages - astor

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Did you leave the address field blank or type just one line of text? I think it has something to do with the lack of a carriage return, because the only time I"ve experienced it is when I was buying a digital item and wrote "no address" in the box. It gave me the error, I had to log out then back in, and then I wrote


on separate lines and it went through just fine.

Silk Road discussion / Re: Why would anyone buy legal items thru SR?
« on: December 11, 2012, 02:46 am »
Silk Road will become a marketplace not only for drugs, but for any kind of trade without any government intervention or theft. It's all in the spirit of counter-economics

Counter-economics is an interesting idea.

"Konkin's agorism, as exposited in his New Libertarian Manifesto, postulates that the correct method of achieving a voluntary society is through advocacy and growth of the underground economy or "black market" – the "counter-economy" as Konkin put it – until such a point that the State's perceived moral authority and outright power have been so thoroughly undermined that revolutionary market anarchist legal and security enterprises are able to arise from underground and ultimately suppress government as a criminal activity (with taxation being treated as theft, war being treated as mass murder, et cetera)."

Silk Road discussion / Re: Why would anyone buy legal items thru SR?
« on: December 11, 2012, 02:08 am »
Because they want to build stats.

This. To build buyer stats with zero risk.

Silk Road discussion / Re: New Price for Seller Account
« on: December 11, 2012, 02:06 am »
I think you're technically *allowed* to request FE after 35 transactions .... but I don't think you're allowed to require it.  Don't like FE myself, but it's up to each individual vendor.

You're not allowed to require it, but you can cancel orders for any reason, and thus always come up with "another" reason why someone who won't FE should be canceled.

There's no good solution to this. There could be a lower tier vendor status for $150 where the vendors must take orders and can't force FE. That way if you're not a scammer and you have a legitimate product to sell you can do it for a lower price. However, those vendors would be victims of reverse scammers. They could "buy protection" with the $500 tier, but then we're back to where we started, so might as well just have one tier.

Off topic / Re: + KARMA
« on: December 11, 2012, 12:46 am »
Spreading some love to everyone above me :)

Security / Re: No HTTPS?
« on: December 11, 2012, 12:36 am »
...and if you had used the search engine, you would have found, as one of the first results, that this question was answered months ago


Not to mention I've seen it come up 2 or 3 times in the Security forum already.

Silk Road discussion / Re: New Price for Seller Account
« on: December 11, 2012, 12:30 am »
A compromise might be two levels of vendor account.

Limited and Standard.

Limited would be just that, limited to X amount of listings each with a max price of Y and a weekly transaction limit of Z, never allowed to ask for FE. This would be the $150 account for the little grower who just wants to move a few grams of weed every so often.

Standard would be what vendors have now, at the higher price.

I like that idea, especially the no FE part.

Silk Road discussion / Re: New Price for Seller Account
« on: December 10, 2012, 09:02 pm »
I noticed that the number of drug listings on SR went from 5000+ to 6000+ in the last week. That's a 20% increase in one week, which must mean a huge influx of new vendors. These are people with little experience in how to vend in this market, and little knowledge of the technology and the "professional" shipping expectations of this community. Since the $150 fee wasn't a deterrent to any idiot creating an account and trying to vend without knowing what he is doing, I can understand why it was raised. I can also understand why they wouldn't announce it, because of the black market in vendor accounts that would create.

Silk Road discussion / Re: community pleaase help
« on: December 10, 2012, 12:25 am »
AnonymousAddict, my former roommate was bad off on oxys, so I've seen it first hand. He was doing 2-3 a day, and on days that he didn't do any, he would lay in bed all day, complaining that his back hurt and he felt like shit. That's no way to live. Drugs are supposed to be a temporary enhancement to your life, but when you're spending $150-200 a day just to feel normal, and you're completely nonfunctional without them, you've using them wrong. The best decision he made was to quit, and yes you CAN do it.

Silk Road discussion / Re: (Aus) 7:30 report into SR
« on: December 09, 2012, 09:13 pm »
LE says that there is no quality control , well there is better quality control buying from here than the street

That's what gets me. LE repeatedly make this claim, but there is no rating and review system for street dealers other than word of mouth, and in general I've found the stuff on SR to be higher quality than what I can get get locally (although more expensive), and not cut with bullshit.

Silk Road discussion / Re: community pleaase help
« on: December 09, 2012, 05:03 am »
You will get better after a few days of not using, and if it's really that bad, you should stop. I have some coins, but I'm not going to support someone's disease.

Technical support / Re: Are inactive accounts deleted?
« on: December 09, 2012, 04:57 am »
How long has it been since you last logged into your SR account?

Shipping / Re: Former Prosecutor...Ask Away
« on: December 09, 2012, 04:25 am »
Thanks for taking the time to answer questions. This has been a really enlightening thread.

Also, this is good to hear:

I just talked to a cop who was at a conference where the DEA was talking about SR.  According to him, they don't have a clue with how to bust this place and the DEA guy was one of their computer experts.

Shipping / Re: Frequently Asked Questions / F*cking Asinine Questions
« on: December 09, 2012, 02:39 am »
Nicely done. This should be the text that you have to read and agree to when you create a forum account. :)

Shipping / Re: Idea for receiving packages at home safely
« on: December 09, 2012, 02:09 am »
Just pay someone a small fee to accept a package in their name, and don't tell them what's in it - tell them, it's better if they don't know.

Oh yeah, let someone else *unwittingly* take the fall for you. That's an extremely shitty move.

I can assure you, that if someone set up up like that, they would not be protected from anything. They would go to prison. You know how? After the controlled delivery, when the cops are in my living room, I would tell them who the package is for and I'd call them up. "Hey man, your package arrived." And when they came over, they would be arrested. I'm not taking the fall for anyone, and neither would anyone else.

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