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Messages - astor

Pages: 1 ... 190 191 [192] 193 194 ... 208
One of the developers started a long thread about this on the forum.


Also, I can't find it now, maybe the thread was deleted, but somebody else started a fork of BitWasp.

The project has positives and negatives. A positive is that anybody can start their own market place without paying huge fees. A negative is that it's harder for buyers to confirm the authenticity of the vendors.

SR continues to innovate. :)

Off topic / Re: + KARMA
« on: December 21, 2012, 09:00 am »
+1 last 9 pages. So is anyone doing anything exciting for the end of the world? I'm gonna drop 180 mg MDMA tonight. :)

Monrovia, get back to me about Tails

Off topic / Re: Best US vendor 2012 - Vote now
« on: December 21, 2012, 05:26 am »
Isn't their placement in the listings already an aggregate vote by the community? :)

Security / Re: Unable to connect to vendors' forums
« on: December 21, 2012, 03:42 am »
By "vendor's sites" I assume you mean the main market place.  Were you using this link?


Did you try to access it by clicking on the link on Wikipedia? Because that was changed to a phishing site a few days ago.

Drug safety / Re: Children accidentally take LSD
« on: December 21, 2012, 02:29 am »
Yeah, it would be interesting to see how they turn out. The sample size is too small to draw robust conclusions, but that's usually what you get with "accidental" experiments that are unethical to perform otherwise, like the few gender reassignment surgeries that occurred in the 1970s and told us something about the biological determination of gender identity.

Security / Re: The "perfect" systems?
« on: December 21, 2012, 01:21 am »
Using someone else's wifi isn't as foolproof as it sounds, and depends a lot on how it is done. People have distributed cp through their neightbor's wifi. The neighbor got raided, but after LE found no cp at that house, the investigation widened and the culprit was eventually busted. There are only so many neighbors that can access someone's wifi.

Parking in front of a random person's house is pretty suspicious and people have been busted doing that.

Going to a random business with open wifi sounds like a good idea, but if you go to the same place often enough, you can get busted doing that too. They often have cameras, and it's a matter of seeing who was in the store every time the subject of interest was online. In a big city you may have enough options to rotate and never reuse locations, which would be the strongest protection.

Silk Road discussion / Re: Yes or No
« on: December 21, 2012, 12:28 am »
Yes.  In some cases I've had to diversify with numbers and one or two word answers.  In this case more.

You had ONE job. Try again.

Have you stopped beating your wife yet?

Drug safety / Re: FBI Gets Information About Tor Network
« on: December 20, 2012, 10:51 pm »
haha, I actually didn't use the search function. It blows anyway. I knew it was a recent thread so I went through each page of the Off Topic section and Ctrl+F'ed for "FBI". Found it about 5 pages back. :)

Drug safety / Re: FBI Gets Information About Tor Network
« on: December 20, 2012, 09:40 pm »
That article appears to be rehashing a Tor Project blog post

which we discussed here days ago


Off topic / Re: Random Discussion
« on: December 20, 2012, 07:23 am »
- Grocery shopping on shrooms is insanely difficult for me. Everyone seems to be in my face

I hate tripping in public because I feel like *everybody knows* I'm tripping and they're all staring at me. :)

Security / Re: Is this a Fucking Conspiracy Against Me?
« on: December 20, 2012, 04:41 am »
Failed to bind one of the listener ports.

You get this error message when one instance of Tor is already running. If there's a system version of Tor running and you try to launch TBB, which starts its own instance of Tor, you'll get that error.

Security / Re: Is this a Fucking Conspiracy Against Me?
« on: December 20, 2012, 04:30 am »
Warning: Directory /var/run/tor does not exist

Warning: Before Tor can create a control socket in "/var/run/tor/control," the directory "/var/run/tor" needs to exist, and to be accessible only by the user account that is running Tor. (on some unit systems, anybody who can list a socket can connect to it, so Tor is being careful)

Edit: the info that I had here won't be useful, based on what I've learned about Tails, see below.

FYI, there's an extension called Torbirdy that secures Thunderbird in the same way that Torbutton secures Firefox.

Silk Road discussion / Re: image hack on SR
« on: December 20, 2012, 02:57 am »
I hope this didnt occur in the future.

Are you a time traveler?

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